Why are ideas like Socialism and Communism great in theory, but not so much when actually implemented?
[{"answer": "Communism - Everyone contributes to the system equally, everyone takes out equally **Doesn't work because**: not all jobs are equal. Why should I spend 40 hours a week shovelling dog shit, and get the same amount of reward/food as you get to be a chocolate taster? Why should I spend 8 years training to be a doctor, while you only spend 18 months learning to be a chef? More importantly, why would anyone do the hard/rubbish jobs, if they could do an easier/more pleasant job and still get the same house etc as everyone else? Some people would be willing to, for the sake of society, but many would not At it's most simple, communism is too fair. It would work very well if we could truly split the work that needed to be done, and the rewards into equal chunks that everyone did the same. If we all spent a day as a doctor, a day as the shit shoveller, a day as the chocolate taster, and then had a day sat on the sofa with the iPad, we might all think it was fair and be happy. In reality, we can't make things this neat so some people (usually the ones with the most highly required skills that we can't do without) will dislike the system. Similarly it's open to abuse since lazy people can just slack off and let others do the work Socialism - Does work to a far greater extent. Most of Europe, for example, is far more socialistic than the US or many other parts of the world. When taken to the same extent as communism (ie traditional socialism), it fails for the same reason as communism: it can't be fair enough. Note that this is traditional socialism, however, where things like manufacturing are all under the control of the state, prices are controlled etc. There is an alternative which does seem to work better: Modern Socialism. Modern Socialism, is a kind of fairer-fairness. Instead of everyone putting in the same and taking out the same, it's kind of weighted. You still get rewarded more if you have greater skills or put in greater effort, but some things that are seen as belonging to everyone, are paid for by everyone. Think of it more as a \"We all contribute some of our income, we all gain from the shared result\" rather than \"we put everything in and all get the exact same out\". For example energy companies, transportation, health services: these are things that everyone needs and uses, so the idea is that everyone pays into them and everyone can use them fairly.... but Doctors still get paid more than chocolate tasters, so there's a reason to aspire to \"better\" or harder jobs, or to work at jobs which take more effort or are less pleasant but give more financial rewards. You can still gain personally *as well as* sharing services with others. This is generally more appealing and is *fairer* if not *more equal*. The NHS (British National Health Service) is a great example of socialism \"working\" - everyone pays in with their taxes, and everyone can use the NHS for free. You pay in a little more if you earn more, but you are still allowed to earn more (ie a Doctor isn't told he has to be paid the same as a street cleaner) Capitalism - Capitalism doesn't necessarily \"work\" any better than Socialism or Communism... it just happens to be that Capitalism works in favour of people who already have power/money, so the people with power/money work to keep it that way. The \"true\" answer is probably somewhere closer to Norway/Sweden/Denmark, where people are able to earn more money and free markets work for \"commodities\" (eg luxuries), but \"services\" are more tightly controlled and shared."}, {"answer": "A lot of these answers use the word \"greedy\". It's not so much about people being \"greedy\", but more about people being \"lazy\", or \"valuing their own labor\", depending on how you look at it. The fact is, people are unlikely to work hard unless they are rewarded for their work, and Communism is very bad at rewarding hard work. In other words - Supply and Demand Vs Command Economy Capitalism uses the supply and demand model, which means people are free to produce what they want, whenever they want, and to charge however much they want. Since people can charge whatever they want, if they are successful, they get rewarded with more money for working harder or smarter. Communism uses the command economy model, where the government tells people what and how much to produce. There is no real reward for doing anything apart from meeting the targets set by the government. Imagine that you live in a country with 50,000 farmers, all of whom need a shovel. Let's imagine that a shovel lasts 10 years, so we need 5,000 shovels per year. Now let's imagine that one year there is a bad frost, so a lot of farmers end up breaking newer shovels. Now we need 10,000 shovels or 10% of our farmers cannot grow crops. In a supply and demand economy, the shovel factory manager will realize that lots of extra farmers want shovels, and if he makes more shovels, he will make more money, so he will do everything he can to make the extra 5,000 shovels. Prices may rise, but most of the 10,000 farmers who need shovels will get one and continue producing food, even if it becomes more expensive. In a command economy, the chief-comrade of the shovel factory was told by the government to produce 5,000 shovels that year. If more farmers want shovels, that's not his problem - he already met his quota, he will get no more reward. The only thing that will get him making more shovels is if a Party Officer comes down and threatens him. There is no chance of the chief-comrade receiving material rewards as this is an egalitarian workers paradise, where doctors drive the same cars as street sweepers. In the mean-time, 5,000 farmers can't produce food because they don't have shovels. But let's say, shovels need handles and blades (also known as supply chain). In the supply and demand system, the factory manager can go to the handle factory and the blade factory, and ask them to double production to meet his demands, rewarding them with more money. He can then get another 5,000 handles & another 5,000 blades, and make 5,000 more shovels. Again, prices may rise, but everyone is working hard to make the necessary 10,000 shovels since they will all make more money. In a command economy, the handle factory chief-comrade and the blade factory chief-comrade have are in the same position as the shovel factory chief-comrade before central government threatened him - they have met their quotas already, they don't care if some farmers have broken shovels. As they have no reward for doing extra work, they are only going to make the extra 5,000 handles and the extra 5,000 blades that the shovel chief-comrade needs if the political officer comes down and \"persuades\" them. In the mean-time, the shovel factory isn't making shovels, and the farmers aren't farming. Now apply the supply chain needed for a shovel to a tractor, and you can see why communism doesn't work. TL;DR Capitalism relies on people individually deciding what other people need to be produced, and people rewarding each other with money for producing the things we need. Communism relies on central government telling people what to produce, and then someone going down and threatening people if they get it wrong. Local carrots work better than distant sticks."}, {"answer": "One could make a strong case that individual families are communist. Everyone contributes what they can, and everyone receives what they need. One this scale, communism and socialism work just fine, and are implemented in almost every house in every country. The problem is that nations are not just big families. Nationalism can create bonds between people, but it is not the same as familial bonds. As such, the inherent parasitism which is fundamental to family structure becomes a problem on the national level. Also, grown adults who require services do not like being treated like children and demand autonomy. Last, individual families do not have to do everything, there exist outside institutions (other families, businesses, etc.) to fulfill unmet needs. Nations tend to be self-sufficient and cannot just let entire domains of needs be left to outside parties. In short, socialism and communism work great when the group involved is tightly knit (family, small local sports team, small business, etc.) A reasonable real-world example of something a little bigger scale might be the Kibbutz system in Israel. However, as the size of the group increases and trust and dependency between individuals decreases these systems can start to break down. Once you reach the size of entire countries, these systems flaws become highly transparent. Just as a quick example: consider a parent refusing to pay the doctor for their child's visit and a parent forcing their child to go to the doctor vs. a rich person being forced to pay for a poorer individuals care and/or a rich person forcing a poorer person to go to the doctor when they don't want to."}, {"answer": "Same as democracy, they don't factor in to human greed. The only ideology that works is capitalism, but that literally is based on greed."}, {"answer": "The idea is basically that everyone works, and everyone recieves benefits. The problem is that when people are just handed what they need, they'll do the bare minimum to get by. Why work harder when you're still getting paid the same?"}, {"answer": "One of the major problems is what's known as [\"The Knowledge Problem\"]( URL_0 ). Basically, the idea is that the knowledge required for the correct distribution of goods and services is distributed among so many individuals that no central authority good ever efficiently choose how to distribute them. I really wouldn't say that Communism is \"great in theory\". It's just not economically sound. Also, obligatory plug for /r/Anarcho_Capitalism..."}, {"answer": "They aren't \"great in theory,\" which is why they do not work in practice. Collectivism denies the concept of individual rights and fails to understand human motivation and wealth creation. Short version: Marx was wrong about everything."}, {"answer": "Because government enforced ideologies are far too easily corrupted. If you are talking about a settlement of say around 50 people, Communism can work extremely effectively. The key to it working correctly is a familial environment."}, {"answer": "People are essentially tyrants when exposed to power and opportunity to control. Power corrupts and all that. Communism and socialism on its face is purely about control You cannot have any dissent in communism. To ensure that the collective works you are obligated to do your part for the whole. Socialism is control of the masses by an elite, for the good of the people. Again, you cannot have dissenters because if enough people don't go along with the system it falls apart. There will always be those who do not wish to conform."}, {"answer": "Because they were created by 19th Century middle-upper class intellectuals with little knowledge about real world."}, {"answer": "Your question is harder to answer than you would think. - There are many definitions of socialism and communism. - \"Great in theory\" depends on your political values. - Actual implementation is debatable and its success depends on what you would consider favorable. - People will give you their thoughts on both systems, but you should be wary that it is an extremely politically charged question. **Many definitions**: They come with more varieties than a Japanese Kit-Kat collection and they are often contradictory. They have been reformulated as many times as it was politically profitable. For example, many here cite Marx as the basis, but if you were to read him, you would find him opposed to other communists thinkers that followed him. So let's try very basic definitions. Communism: A governing system where workers are owners of the means of production and actual production. Socialism: A governing system where capitalistic actors are allowed to operate, but wages and capital are heavily taxed and wealth is redistributed to the poorest. **\"Great in theory\"** Let's clear socialism first. In theory and in practice, you would find it similar to what you know in your country (I'm assuming you're from an industrialized country cuz this is Reddit). The main difference would be on your paycheck: a very high wage tax (or a capital tax if you are more well off and trading equities). Government would be involved in a lot of daily life affairs through regulations or public enterprises and would be politically expected to do so. Democracy can be the form of government, but it is not necessary the case. Communism is more difficult to pin down due to the multiple takes on it as I described before. Historically, it was tried with a centrally organized economy and it was tried with letting some form of capitalism survive within. But the theoretical goal is to make the workers the owners of what they make. Old-stock communists see the factory owner as an opportunist who steal the workers \"added-value\" in the products they make. This comes from Marx's views that value comes from labor only and capital and risk are not factors of growth. This, by the way, is thoroughly wrong in the modern economic theory (irregardless of your political stance). More contemporary communists (a rare sight) make a more humanist appeal, saying income gap or capitalism's inefficient waste management are grotesques, for example. Democracy should, in theory, be the goal of communism since it is supposed the promote the worker's power, but... **Implementation** ... it failed to appear in all attempts so far. While communism achieved industrialization in most countries, it generated terribly despotic regimes. In Benjamin Moore's *The Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy*, Moore hypothesized that communist regimes form when the aristocrats ally themselves to the people to squash bourgeois ambitions. In other words, the movement might start as a popular revolution but will be hijacked by the elites to perpetuate their power. The workers are supposed to govern their workplace and enjoy the best conditions, but they are often treated like lemons to be squeezed. Socialism's successes and failures are more subtle. Scandinavian countries enjoyed both growth and fair redistribution of wealth for years, but they had (and still have) complications. Wage taxes reached highs of 70% at one point in Sweden. At this stage, people start to think what's the point of even showing up for work. Public businesses often operate as monopolies which give a rise in prices and lower the number of choices. It's harder to start a business or save money and all of the potential success depends on the efficiency of the government. Some African countries learned this the hard way when they got their independence and corruption just siphoned the money away. The upside can be great healthcare, education system, solid infrastructure and a wide social net. Modern liberal democracies do try to balance some of those goals and the individual's aspirations to a better life. **Politically charged question** This is Reddit. The average user is American, male, white and in his 30s. Americans usually don't like extremes in politics and give the individual a place of choice when thinking about society. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against that. But you won't find a lot of persons here advocating a violent overthrow of the government in favor a subjugation of the people to common ideals. See the other comments in this thread that don't dismiss communism outright: they are downvoted and objected to. I made this one in hopes that it is more explicative and neutral, but as I said, I'm not socialist either. Read what you see here with that in mind if you want a critical view of those theories."}, {"answer": "The conecpt of equality in chances and welfare for everyone is something that fascinates us about socialism. Imagine all the welfare equally distributed in industrial nations, everyone could life a wealthy live, or so is the assumption. Now the problem is about incentives. The amount of welfare generated today is due to the incentives people have to create it. In a free market you generally get more money if you contribute more. So, in order to live a wealthy life, you are incentivized strongly to contribute. In planned economy these incentives are missing, because if everybody is to be compensated equally, nobody is incentivized to work as hard as he would have to in a free market. The sum of these missing incentives empirically led to a significantly lower overall welfare in planned economies. Let me give you an example. Imagine you are a cab driver in a free market. To earn the money you need to survive and acquire wealth you have maximize the money you can get by taking as many passengers as possible and driving them on as long detours as possible, if they do not notice at least, so you earn the maximum amount of money. So the result is: You have an incentive of being a productive cab driver in a free market, but sometimes you may deceive people to earn more money, though they also have an incentive to notice detours and prevent them since it is also their money they spend. Now next is an actual example of what cab drivers did in Moscow, while communism was still active. Since they got paid their salary independent on how many passengers they took in, they were just hiding their cabs well, so they did not have to take passengers. This is an example of missing incentives. Now the government saw the problem and provided incentives by paying cab drivers per mile they drove. Guess what happened, on the highway around Moscow you suddenly saw a huge amount of cabs without passengers driving circles, to reach the miles so they got their full wage. So in result even if you are aware of the problem of incentives it can be very hard or even impossible to figure out incentives for behaviour which contributes to the biggest possible welfare. In capitalism some early theories recognized the \"hidden hand\", which even if people maximize and deceive for their own welfare, in sum leads to everyone profiting from a very huge overall welfare. This phenomena is also well described in the famous Fable of the Bees: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Communism and Socialism are NOT great in theory. In theory they are an abomination that defies nature and the spirit of man. Communism/socialism dictates that the individual has no value in of them self. It is this utter contempt for the individual in the name of 'the greater good' that ultimately leads to the mass genocide that has occurred in every country that has embraced this insane ideology. Communism/socialism leads to genocide. This is beyond any reasonable doubt at this point. Read the other replies in this thread very carefully. They will consist of 'that was not *real* communism/socialism', 'that was state capitalism!!' and mass redefinition of words. Hell, some people will even attempt to pass off 'democracy' as a successful implementation of socialism. These people are useful idiots. **Edit://** Oh dear. It would seem the asshurt socialists are out for a downvoting frenzy! **Bonus Double edit!://** Milton Friedman on capitalism and greed. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Think of it in terms of a classroom of students taking a test. In order for everyone to pass, the professor decides to take the class average and award it equally to each student. The students who didn't study and performed poorly still managed to pass the test with the class average of 70%, while the hard working students who did study for their well deserved A+ were also awarded a 70%. At least everyone passed so what's the harm right? Well, now on the next test the hard working students are going to study less because there's no use in working toward a 100% if the class average will weigh you down anyway, and the lazy students, now confident that they will pass with the class average, aren't going to study any harder than the first time. The result? A declining class average with each test until everyone fails."}, {"answer": "Neither Socialism or Communism are great in theory, because both preach the sacrifice of the individual over the collective. the problem is there is no such thing as a collective, every group being made up of individuals. both ignore economics as a science , while claiming to be scientific. they preach collectivism , but you gotta have a leader, a council, someone who rules. communism has anarchy as it's stated goal, but wants to reach that thru totalitarian rule by a government. Both are contradictions and both are immoral."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24601516", "title": "Pre-Marxist communism", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["While Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels defined communism as a political movement, there were already similar ideas in the past which one could call communist experiments. Marx himself saw primitive communism as the original hunter-gatherer state of humankind. For Marx, only after humanity was capable of producing surplus did private property develop.", "While Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels defined communism as a political movement, there were already similar ideas in the past which one could call communist experiments. Marx himself saw primitive communism as the original hunter-gatherer state of humankind. For Marx, only after humanity was capable of producing surplus did private property develop."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Broken windows theory\n\n\nConversely, a disordered environment, one that is not maintained (broken windows, graffiti, excessive litter), sends the signal that the area is not monitored and that criminal behavior has little risk of detection. The theory assumes that the landscape \"communicates\" to people. A broken window transmits to criminals the message that a community displays a lack of informal social control and so is unable or unwilling to defend itself against a criminal invasion. It is not so much the actual broken window that is important, but the message", "id": "18393087" }, { "contents": "Communication accommodation theory\n\n\n—and communication more generally—that focuses on either interpersonal or intergroup communication. Like speech accommodation theory, communication accommodation theory continues to draw from social psychology, particularly from four main socio-psychology theories: similarity-attraction, social exchange, causal attribution and intergroup distinctiveness. These theories help to explain why speakers seek to converge or diverge from the language, dialect, accent and behavior of their interlocutors. CAT also relies heavily in social identity theory. This latter theory argues that a person's self-concept comprises a personal", "id": "8636036" }, { "contents": "Two-step flow of communication\n\n\nmass communication. In the times of digital social media, the more than six decade old theory sparks much new interest. The fact that massive databases are being used to send tailor-made messages to individuals lead back to the idea of a \"one-step flow of communication\". The idea is a kind of Hypodermic needle / magic bullet model, with the capacity of big data analytics informed mass customization. Empirical studies by other scholars, in contrast, have found that modern social media platforms, like Twitter, exhibit", "id": "7574737" }, { "contents": "Cenobitic monasticism\n\n\nPachomius' cenobitic federation were not founded by him, meaning he actually was not the first to have such an idea since these three \"clearly had an independent origin.\" Though he was not the first to implement communal monasticism, Pachomius is still an important part of cenobitic monastic history, since he was the first to bring separate monasteries together into a more organized structure. This is the reason why (as well as the fact that much hagiography and literature has been written about him) he has continued to be recognized as", "id": "4782674" }, { "contents": "Nationalist Clubs\n\n\nutopians, he evolved a complete social scheme hinging mainly on one fixed idea. In his case it was the idea 'of an industrial army for \"maintaining\" the community, precisely as the duty of \"protecting\" it is entrusted to a military army'...\" \"The historical development of society and the theory of the class struggle, which play so great a part in the philosophy of modern socialism, have no place in Bellamy's system. With him it is all a question of expediency; he is not", "id": "4145134" }, { "contents": "Deviance (sociology)\n\n\ncomparison those who live in middle-class areas. This claim opens up more possible approaches to social disorganization, and proves that the already implemented theories are in need or a deeper connection to further explore ideas of crime and delinquency. These observations brought Reckless to ask questions such as, \"Why do some persons break through the tottering (social) controls and others do not? Why do rare cases in well-integrated society break through the lines of strong controls?\" Reckless asserted that the intercommunication between self-control and", "id": "15329559" }, { "contents": "Identity management theory\n\n\nThe idea of the identity management theory uses the ideas of Goffman to help establish what the idea behind the theory is trying to get at. Intercultural verse intracultural communication varies significantly. Intercultural communication is based on a much greater scheme of things. This type of communication refers to a group of people that differ in backgrounds, whether that is religion, ethnic, education, or social backgrounds. Intercultural communication looks at how the world is viewed, how messages are interpreted, and how differing cultures react to situations [Communication ].", "id": "1592154" }, { "contents": "The Folly of Fools\n\n\nmovements...) that indicate when another human is practicing deception. There are many situations such as playing \"chicken\" and seeing who will back down first, where it can actually benefit an organism to deceive itself, by so doing the organism can better deceive others. Richard Dawkins greeted the book with great praise, saying: This is a remarkable book, by a uniquely brilliant scientist. Robert Trivers has a track record of producing highly original ideas, which have gone on to stimulate much research. His Darwinian theory of self", "id": "12484200" }, { "contents": "Postcards from a Young Man\n\n\nrecord I've got tons of words done.\" Manics biographer Simon Price reacted to Nicky's announcement with amusement: 'Heavy metal Motown? I’ll believe it when I hear it. That Nicky Wire certainly can talk a good game. The thing is with those three lads is they'll sit around before writing any songs and come up with all these wildly juxtaposing ideas and styles, all of which sound great in theory, but when they actually start working towards them it always comes across sounding very much like a Manics", "id": "15061036" }, { "contents": "Corporate social responsibility\n\n\nindicates that there is a clear discrepancy between consumer beliefs and intentions, and actual consumer behaviour, so that when it comes down to their actual purchase behaviour, CSR has a much lesser impact than consumers initially say it does. One theory put forward for explaining the \"CSR-Consumer Paradox\" is that of \"bystander apathy\" or the bystander effect. This theory stems from the social psychology works of Darley and Latané and states that the likelihood of an individual acting in a given situation is greatly reduced if other bystanders do", "id": "14675992" }, { "contents": "Kenneth J. Gergen\n\n\nthe  \"Social Science Citation Index.\" Also contributing to what was called \"the crisis in social psychology\"[3] was Gergen's subsequent publication on generative theory. Here he proposed that, because theoretical suppositions were not so much recordings of social life as creators, theories should not be judged so much by their integration of “what is” as their potential to open new spaces of action. Combining these ideas with developments in literary and critical theory, along with the history of science, Gergen went on to develop a radical view", "id": "9094495" }, { "contents": "The Virgin Tour\n\n\nDeMann, and hence ultimately Beastie Boys were chosen. Adam \"Ad-Rock\" Horovitz from the band commented: \"It's not like any of us knew Madonna that much, but we all used to hang out at Dancetaria [club] so we knew about each other. I don't know why she thought it would be a good idea [to open for her tour], though. It was a terrible idea. But it was great for her in a way because we were so awful that by the", "id": "8187065" }, { "contents": "Social identity model of deindividuation effects\n\n\nsocial identity with in it. The model suggests that anonymity changes the relative salience of personal vs. social identity, and thereby can have a profound effect on group behavior. While other studies on this suggest that the identification of self through online groups lessens ones actual idea of personal identity outside of online spaces; concluding that even when personal identity is seemingly salient in online spaces it still further disassociates the person with themselves outside of online communities. SIDE developed as a critique of deindividuation theory. Deindividuation theory was developed to explain the phenomenon", "id": "5954177" }, { "contents": "Privacy regulation theory\n\n\ntoo much or too little privacy. When there is too much privacy (actual desired level), a person may engage in crowding. On the other hand, when there is too little privacy (desired actual level), a person may prefer social isolation. The goal of privacy regulation is to obtain the optimal level. Fourth, privacy is bi-directional, involving inputs from others (e.g., noise) and outputs to others (e.g., oral communication). Last, privacy can be analyzed at two different levels", "id": "20835467" }, { "contents": "Postdevelopment theory\n\n\n, problem-driven, and therefore effective only in terms of and in relation to a particular, pre-existing social theory. The actual development projects thus initiated, by both governments and NGOs, are directed in accordance with this development theory. Development theory itself, however, assumes a framework already set in place by government and political culture in order to implement it. The development process is therefore \"socially constructed\"; Western interests are guiding its direction and outcome, and so development itself fundamentally reflects the pattern of Western", "id": "13197387" }, { "contents": "Replication crisis\n\n\nactually make matters worse... We believe that an essential protection against flawed ideas is triangulation. This is the strategic use of multiple approaches to address one question. Each approach has its own unrelated assumptions, strengths and weaknesses. Results that agree across different methodologies are less likely to be artefacts... Maybe one reason replication has captured so much interest is the often-repeated idea that falsification is at the heart of the scientific enterprise. This idea was popularized by Karl Popper's 1950s maxim that theories can never be proved, only falsified", "id": "17646608" }, { "contents": "Diffusion of innovations\n\n\nDiffusion of innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread. Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, popularized the theory in his book \"Diffusion of Innovations\"; the book was first published in 1962, and is now in its fifth edition (2003). Rogers argues that diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over time among the participants in a social system. The origins of the diffusion of innovations theory are varied and span multiple", "id": "9124763" }, { "contents": "Kimberly Dos Ramos\n\n\nstudy business and explained: \"Everybody says hey, why dont you study Social Communication?, But the truth is that I like numbers so much that Id have always wanted to study A career related with number, so when I get to start my own business I will know how to administered \". According to Dos Ramos family is very important in her career because \"without their support i would not be here right now. My mom is always with me in all recordings, her companionship is fundamental\".", "id": "12105633" }, { "contents": "Modern flat Earth societies\n\n\nera, the availability of communications technology and social media like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have made it easy for individuals, famous or not, to spread disinformation and attract others to their erroneous ideas. One of the topics that has flourished in this environment is that of the flat Earth. Modern flat-Earthers generally embrace some form of conspiracy theory out of the necessity of explaining why major institutions such as governments, media outlets, schools, scientists, and airlines all assert that the world is a sphere. They tend to", "id": "14585136" }, { "contents": "Social control theory\n\n\nthe actions of another through the third party, murder represents another violent attempt at direct control. People resort to self-help when forms of social control are unavailable or fail. Gibbs is critical of Hirschi's Social Control Theory because it merely assumes that social relationships, personal investments and beliefs that discourage delinquency are social controls (which is one reason why Hirschi's theory is often referred to as a Social Bond Theory). Much of the early research on social control theory is based on self-reporting studies. Critics of", "id": "7555605" }, { "contents": "Interpersonal communication\n\n\nbroader conceptualization of how uncertainty operates in interpersonal communication as well as how uncertainty motivates individuals to seek information. Social exchange theory falls under the symbolic interaction perspective. The theory predicts, explains, and describes when and why people reveal certain information about themselves to others. The social exchange theory uses Thibaut and Kelley's (1959) theory of interdependence. This theory states that \"relationships grow, develop, deteriorate, and dissolve as a consequence of an unfolding social-exchange process, which may be conceived as a bartering of rewards", "id": "13236366" }, { "contents": "Phase-gate process\n\n\nthinking exercises. Once the idea generation team has selected a project that they would like to go forward with, it must be passed on to the first gate and therefore screened by the organization's decision makers. When searching for new product ideas it is beneficial for an organization to look to the outside world to suggest business opportunities. Using methods such as those found in empathic design can be quite helpful. Communicating with customers to understand how and why they use products can produce great strides in idea generation. Specifically, communicating with", "id": "22145125" }, { "contents": "Value-form\n\n\nshould've remained \"separate\" from the state. However, another speaker at the conference, Rossana Rossanda, went much further than that, arguing that the experience of actually existing socialism had put into question \"the very idea of socialism, not as generic aspiration, but as a \"theory of society\", a \"different\" mode of organisation of human existence.\" Moishe Postone added to this idea that \"The Marxian categories, as traditionally interpreted, are of little use in formulating a social critique of a society", "id": "535339" }, { "contents": "Knowledge and Politics\n\n\nthese limitations and find a method of social study that respects the integrity of social wholes. Unger offers a suggestion of how analytic and individualist ideas can be overthrown, and he explains why some efforts to do so (such as structuralism) have failed. As Unger explained earlier in \"Knowledge and Politics\", analysis and individualism reflect belief in the principle of aggregation, while synthesis and collectivism reflect a belief in totality. Modern social theory has repeatedly tried to formulate a plausible account of the idea of totality; examples of these", "id": "10484768" }, { "contents": "Platonic epistemology\n\n\nIn philosophy, Plato's epistemology is a theory of knowledge developed by the Greek philosopher Plato and his followers. Platonic epistemology holds that knowledge of Platonic Ideas is innate, so that learning is the development of ideas buried deep in the soul, often under the midwife-like guidance of an interrogator. In several dialogues by Plato, the character Socrates presents the view that each soul existed before birth with the Form of the Good and a perfect knowledge of Ideas. Thus, when an Idea is \"learned\" it is actually", "id": "17912699" }, { "contents": "Lee Smolin\n\n\nlocal peak in the landscape. This was the first use of the notion of a \"landscape of parameters\" in physics. Leonard Susskind, who later promoted a similar string theory landscape, stated: I'm not sure why Smolin's idea didn't attract much attention. I actually think it deserved far more than it got. However, Susskind also argued that, since Smolin's theory relies on information transfer from the parent universe to the baby universe through a black hole, it ultimately makes no sense as a theory of", "id": "7889867" }, { "contents": "Diffusion of responsibility\n\n\n, each group member feels less of a responsibility to express his or her own opinions or ideas, which leads to groupthink. Thus, when diffusion of responsibility occurs within groups, groupthink is also much more likely to occur. Social loafing is the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually. Social impact theory considers the extent to which individuals can be viewed as either sources or targets of social influence. When individuals work collectively, the demands of an outside source of social influence (e.g.,", "id": "1114818" }, { "contents": "Symbolic convergence theory\n\n\n’s latitude of acceptance, that position will seem closer than it actually is Social Exchange Theory (Thibaut and Kelley) The major force in interpersonal relationships is the satisfaction of both people's self-interest. Self-interest is not necessarily bad and can actually enhance relationships. Interpersonal exchanges are analogous to economic exchanges where people are satisfied when they receive a fair return on their expenditures. Social Construction of Communication Technology (Fulk) Communication technology use is influenced by workgroup attitudes and behaviors. Social influence is greater when individuals are more", "id": "5064489" }, { "contents": "Seeing Like a State\n\n\n—phronesis and praxis, or, in more ordinary terms, to produce theories more profoundly grounded in actual practice so that the state may see better in implementing policies.\" Michael Adas of Rutgers University reviewed the book for the Summer 2000 issue of the \"Journal of Social History\". Russell Hardin, a professor of politics at New York University, reviewed the book for The Good Society in 2001, disagreeing with Scott's diagnosis somewhat. Hardin concluded: \"The failure of collectivization was therefore a failure of incentives, not", "id": "7680042" }, { "contents": "Juvenile delinquency\n\n\nonce young people have been labeled as criminal they are more likely to offend. The idea is that once labelled as deviant a young person may accept that role, and be more likely to associate with others who have been similarly labelled. Labelling theorists say that male children from poor families are more likely to be labelled deviant, and that this may partially explain why there are more working class young male offenders. Social control theory proposes that exploiting the process of socialization and social learning builds self-control and can reduce the inclination", "id": "1193316" }, { "contents": "Taste (sociology)\n\n\nand cultural satisfaction. Arguably, the question of taste is in many ways related to the underlying social divisions of community. There is likely to be variation between groups of different socioeconomic status in preferences for cultural practices and goods, to the extent that it is often possible to identify particular types of class taste. Also, within many theories concerning taste, class dynamics is understood as one of the principal mechanisms structuring taste and the ideas of sophistication and vulgarity. Sociologists suggest that people disclose much about their positions in social hierarchies by", "id": "16730659" }, { "contents": "Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development\n\n\ncompatible with their understanding and problem-solving capabilities at different ages. Thus, knowing the students' level on a developmental sequence provides information on the kind and level of knowledge they can assimilate, which, in turn, can be used as a frame for organizing the subject matter to be taught at different school grades. This is the reason why Piaget's theory of cognitive development was so influential for education, especially mathematics and science education. In the 60s and the 70s, school curricula were designed to implement Piaget's ideas", "id": "6020230" }, { "contents": "Great Chinese Famine\n\n\nthe ideas of Soviet pseudoscientist Trofim Lysenko. One of these theoretic ideas which the Central government would test was close planting, whereby the density of seedlings was at first tripled and then doubled again. The theory was that plants of the same species would not compete with each other. In natural cycles they did fully compete, which actually stunted growth and resulted in lower yields. Another implemented policy (known as \"deep plowing\") was based on the ideas of Lysenko's colleague Terentiy Maltsev, who encouraged peasants across China to", "id": "13770453" }, { "contents": "Yabacon Valley\n\n\nare many who actually like the name. Weekly in conversations, this name pops up and there are those who are of the opinion that if the name is disliked so much, it should not be brought up regularly. Late 2015, a tech blog's community post declared Yabacon Valley is dead. Long live Yaba Right'. The conversation was about how the name Yabacon Valley was not a good branding of the tech cluster, and why other suggestions like 'Yaba Right' or 'Yaba District' or even 'Silicon", "id": "11362168" }, { "contents": "Weyes Blood\n\n\nsongwriting. \"Most of the great classical music and early music of our time is written for God in a sacred space,\" she said. \"So sacred music and sacred space music — that was my favorite thing about music. Not so much content-wise. Not so much the theory and concept of God, but just the idea that we've built this gigantic, stone cathedral palace for people to sing in...  When I record, I think about sacred space and I think about what would be the sound", "id": "2209300" }, { "contents": "Aristotelianism\n\n\nbeings, are actualized through participation in social practices. He juxtaposes Aristotelianism with the managerial institutions of capitalism and its state, and with rival traditions — including the philosophies of Hume and Nietzsche — that reject Aristotle's idea of essentially human goods and virtues and instead legitimate capitalism. Therefore, on MacIntyre's account, Aristotelianism is not identical with Western philosophy as a whole; rather, it is \"the best theory so far, [including] the best theory so far about what makes a particular theory the best one.\"", "id": "11563112" }, { "contents": "John Searle\n\n\n's views on society are more or less a reconstitution of the sociologist Émile Durkheim's theories of social facts, social institutions, collective representations, and the like. Searle's ideas are thus open to the same criticisms as Durkheim's. Searle responded that Durkheim's work was worse than he had originally believed and, admitting he had not read much of Durkheim's work, said that, \"Because Durkheim's account seemed so impoverished I did not read any further in his work.\" Steven Lukes, however, responded to", "id": "16228377" }, { "contents": "Émile Durkheim\n\n\nof Durkheim's theories of social facts, social institutions, collective representations and the like. Searle's ideas are thus open to the same criticisms as Durkheim's. Searle responded by saying that Durkheim's work was worse than he had originally believed, and, admitting that he had not read much of Durkheim's work, said that, \"Because Durkheim’s account seemed so impoverished I did not read any further in his work.\" Stephen Lukes, however, responded to Searle's response to Gross and refutes point by point", "id": "17423060" }, { "contents": "Sociological theory of diffusion\n\n\nand businesses, is a way for an idea to be fleshed out. The diffusion of innovations provides insights into the process of social change: one can observe the qualities that make an innovation successfully spread and the importance of communication and networks. According to Rogers, a new idea is diffused through a decision-making process with five steps: The key part of the five stages is the decision; this is the main reason why diffusion exists. The decision to either adopt or reject the idea is vitally important. Those responsible", "id": "11227417" }, { "contents": "Media system dependency theory\n\n\nis the creation and resolution of ambiguity. Ambiguity occurs when audiences receive inadequate or incomplete information about their social world. When there is high ambiguity, stress is created, and audiences are more likely to turn to mass media to resolve ambiguity. Ambiguity might be especially prevalent during times of social change or conflict. The second effect is agenda-setting. This is another reason why we might call dependency a \"comprehensive\" theory of media effects – it incorporates the entire theory of agenda-setting within its theoretical framework. Like", "id": "6460323" }, { "contents": "Corporate immune system\n\n\ndifferences, as opposed to the natural \"tendency\" to do so. Within any corporation, managers are presented with new projects and have to gain funding and staffing resources to implement them. These projects may be organizational in nature, implementing a new sales and inventory system for instance, or product related, like manufacturing and marketing a new toy. The process of introducing and implementing new ideas is a well studied area of business theory. At any point in time, any particular manager might be presented with several new ideas,", "id": "4144909" }, { "contents": "Development communication\n\n\n. Social mobilization aims to bring together individuals and groups in spreading awareness about a certain cause using social marketing strategies. Social marketing is implemented when an advocacy/cause/message needs to be crafted in a way that it will effectively reach certain groups of people or target markets. Kotler and Zaltman (in McKee, 1992) define social marketing as “the design, implementation, and control of program calculated to influence the acceptability of social ideas, involving considerations of product, pricing, communications, and market research.” On", "id": "14194517" }, { "contents": "Reverse learning\n\n\nfor reverse-learning theory is that dreams are often organized into clear narratives (stories). It is unclear why dreams would be organized in a systematic way if they consisted only of disposable parasitic thoughts. It is also unclear why babies sleep so much, because it seems they would have less to forget. Additionally, the brain of the echidna has far less folding than the brains of other mammals, so has less surface area (the location of the neo-cortex). It may actually have less capacity for higher", "id": "19092121" }, { "contents": "Social constructivism\n\n\n. Psychological tools are one of the key concepts in Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural perspective. Studies on increasing the use of student discussion in the classroom both support and are grounded in theories of social constructivism. There is a full range of advantages that results from the implementation of discussion in the classroom. Participating in group discussion allows students to generalize and transfer their knowledge of classroom learning and builds a strong foundation for communicating ideas orally. Many studies argue that discussion plays a vital role in increasing student ability to test their ideas, synthesize", "id": "21581704" }, { "contents": "Preference falsification\n\n\nPreference falsification is the act of communicating a preference that differs from one's true preference. Individuals frequently convey, especially to researchers or pollsters, preferences that differ from what they genuinely want, often because they believe the conveyed preference is more socially acceptable than their actual preference. The idea of preference falsification was put forth by the social scientist Timur Kuran in his book \"Private Truth, Public Lies\" as part of his theory of how people's stated preferences are responsive to social influences. It laid the foundation for his theory", "id": "4079264" }, { "contents": "Bedknobs and Broomsticks\n\n\nwhy the \"Poppins\" team thought kids would like it much.\" Gene Siskel of the \"Chicago Tribune\" gave it two stars out of four and called it \"a mishmash of story ideas and film styles,\" adding, \"The difference between scenes of sea horses and storm troopers is so great that probably no story could manage it. 'Bedknobs' tries and fails.\" Pauline Kael, reviewing for \"The New Yorker\", panned the film writing it has \"no logic in the style of the", "id": "3979515" }, { "contents": "Malcolm Gladwell\n\n\n\"tipping point\" comes from the moment in an epidemic when the virus reaches critical mass and begins to spread at a much higher rate. This claim that the idea came from epidemiology has been critically challenged. Gladwell's theories of crime were heavily influenced by the \"broken windows theory\" of policing, and Gladwell is credited for packaging and popularizing the theory in a way that was implementable in New York City. Gladwell's theoretical implementation bears a striking resemblance to the \"stop-and-frisk\" policies of the NYPD", "id": "9894577" }, { "contents": "Models of communication\n\n\nthe social world. Axiology is concerned with how values inform research and theory development. Most communication theory is guided by one of three axiological approaches. The first approach recognizes that values will influence theorists' interests but suggests that those values must be set aside once actual research begins. Outside replication of research findings is particularly important in this approach to prevent individual researchers' values from contaminating their findings and interpretations. The second approach rejects the idea that values can be eliminated from any stage of theory development. Within this approach, theorists", "id": "5978954" }, { "contents": "Innovation\n\n\ngreat deal of innovation is done by those actually implementing and using technologies and products as part of their normal activities. Sometimes user-innovators may become entrepreneurs, selling their product, they may choose to trade their innovation in exchange for other innovations, or they may be adopted by their suppliers. Nowadays, they may also choose to freely reveal their innovations, using methods like open source. In such networks of innovation the users or communities of users can further develop technologies and reinvent their social meaning. One technique for innovating a", "id": "880393" }, { "contents": "Parapalos\n\n\nwas another world, parallel to mine, which I couldn't comprehend. I started from this idea to make the film,\" she added, \"This is connected, in some way, to the differences in social classes that I discovered when I was little, and I guess that's why I'm so interested in this type of character. I can't find answers for these questions. I think that my social class doesn’t have that capacity, that light.\" Film critic Doug Cummings liked the film and", "id": "12582645" }, { "contents": "Motivation crowding theory\n\n\nthought to be intrinsically motivated, these theories argue, are actually motivated by the social praise they tend to engender. Dickinson argues that part of the reason why these behaviors are socially praised is precisely because they are not connected with any particular reinforcers. When a person helps someone else, he argues, he receives praise in part because there does not seem to be any specific private incentive for doing helping. Thus, the introduction of a specific reinforcer such as an extrinsic reward lowers the public praise, Dickinson argues. If the", "id": "15315617" }, { "contents": "Friedman doctrine\n\n\nto enrich themselves by implementing stock buybacks—often to the detriment of the companies they work for. Critics argue this diverts company funds away from potentially more profitable or socially valuable avenues, like research and design, reduces productivity, and increases inequality by delivering money to higher-paid employees who receive stock-based compensation and not to lower-paid employees who do not. Shareholder theory has been criticized by proponents of Stakeholder theory, who believe the Friedman doctrine is inconsistent with the idea of corporate social responsibility to stakeholders. They", "id": "13974935" }, { "contents": "Communalism\n\n\nlate 20th century to distinguish commune-based systems from other political movements and/or governments espousing (if not actually practicing) similar ideas. In particular, earlier communities and movements advocating such practices were often described as \"anarchist\", \"socialist\" and/or \"communist\". Many historical communities practicing utopian socialism or anarcho-communism did implement internal rules of communalist property ownership in the context of federated communalism. It is at least theoretically possible for a federation of communes to include communes which do not practice communalist rules of property, which", "id": "8321791" }, { "contents": "Goodnight Punpun\n\n\nto depict all the characters like Punpun's family, but his editor didn't like the idea. Asano utilized photography and computer graphics for the backgrounds of the manga. Outdoor backgrounds were created by taking photographs, converting them to black-and-white, and printing them so his assistants could draw outlines and objects on them. Interiors were created in 3D modeling software, which had the benefit of capturing angles impossible with cameras. When asked why he placed so much emphasis on the backgrounds, Asano said that it allows the", "id": "8709849" }, { "contents": "Models of communication\n\n\ndo not try to divorce their values from inquiry. Instead, they remain mindful of their values so that they understand how those values contextualize, influence or skew their findings. The third approach not only rejects the idea that values can be separated from research and theory, but rejects the idea that they should be separated. This approach is often adopted by critical theorists who believe that the role of communication theory is to identify oppression and produce social change. In this axiological approach, theorists embrace their values and work to reproduce those", "id": "5978955" }, { "contents": "Robert Emmet Lucey\n\n\nMarch 27, 1941. The first ten years of Archbishop Lucey in San Antonio proved busy yet fruitful because a variety of work was accomplished in so short a time. Indeed, so much work was done that he may be labeled as \"The Great Laborer\" not only for his belief in social justice but the work done on an average day. In San Antonio, Archbishop Lucey was able to implement many programs and initiatives again with the goal of better informing the community that the Catholic Church had a place for the betterment", "id": "15574622" }, { "contents": "Communication accommodation theory\n\n\nthey are indicators of social status and group belongings. When two people who speak different languages try to have a conversation, the language used is more likely to be the one used by the higher status person. That idea of \"salient social membership\" negotiation is illustrated well during an interview as the interviewee usually makes all efforts to identify with the interviewer by accommodating the way that is spoken and behaved to raise the chance of getting the job. The last assumption puts emphasis on social appropriateness and norms. Here, norms are", "id": "8636048" }, { "contents": "Pangaea\n\n\nthat rotated from west to east. Atmospheric and oceanic currents stopped the transfer of warm, tropical air and water to the higher latitudes. As a result of the warm air and currents moving northward, Antarctica cooled down so much that it became frigid. Although many of Alfred Wegener's theories and conclusions were valid, scientists are constantly coming up with new innovative ideas or reasoning behind why certain things happen. Wegener's theory of Continental Drift was later replaced by the theory of tectonic plates. There is evidence to suggest that the", "id": "15308407" }, { "contents": "Uncertainty reduction theory\n\n\nthe assumption that increased knowledge of other people and relationships will help social actors to function effectively in the social world. However, their findings provide supportive evidence that uncertainty (in long-term relationships) usually impacts negatively on the relationship. Uncertainty reduction theory has sparked much discussion in the discipline of communication. Critics have argued that reducing uncertainty is not the driving force of interaction. Michael Sunnafrank's predicted outcome value theory (1986) indicated that the actual motivation for interaction is a desire for positive relational experiences. In other words", "id": "12643917" }, { "contents": "Marx's theory of human nature\n\n\nIn one sense, it emphasises the essentially social character of humans, and their need to live in a community of the species. In others, it seems to emphasise that we attempt to make our lives expressions of our species-essence; further that we have goals concerning what becomes of the species in general. The idea covers much of the same territory as 'making one's life one's object': it concerns self-consciousness, purposive activity, and so forth. It is often said that Marx conceived of", "id": "8554543" }, { "contents": "The Messenger (David Wynne sculpture)\n\n\npeople to have with the work. It would be perceived as two-dimensional, depriving people of the full three-dimensions they would feel by walking around it. So the statue was installed at ground level in front of the entrance to the building, enabling people to get close up to it. Having agreed the overall idea that the work was to convey, Wynne had to consider what actual form the sculpture would take to best capture the idea of communication. When inspiration came to him, it did so \"like", "id": "15936098" }, { "contents": "Explicit substitution\n\n\ntrick’ used, for example, by AUTOMATH, and became a respectable syntactic theory in lambda calculus and rewriting theory. Though it actually originated with de Bruijn, the idea of a specific calculus where substitutions are part of the object language, and not of the informal meta-theory, is traditionally credited to Abadi, Cardelli, Curien, and Lévy. Their seminal paper on the λσ calculus explains that implementations of lambda calculus need to be very careful when dealing with substitutions. Without sophisticated mechanisms for structure-sharing, substitutions", "id": "19881137" }, { "contents": "Coordinated management of meaning\n\n\nwhich they and those around them live. They believe that the best way of making better social worlds is to improve the patterns of communication which generates them. It has been said that \"CMM theory is a kind of multi-tool (like a Swiss Army knife) that is useful in any situation\". It is not a single theory, but rather a collection of ideas to understand how humans interact during communication. According to CMM, individuals construct their own social realities while engaged in conversation. To put it simply", "id": "2585547" }, { "contents": "Lisa Lopes\n\n\nchallenge, though Lopes always maintained it was a great idea. Things were heated between the ladies for some time, with Thomas speaking out against Lopes, calling her antics \"selfish\", \"evil\", and \"heartless\". TLC then addressed these fights by saying that they are very much like sisters that have their disagreements every now and then as Lopes stated, \"It's deeper than a working relationship. We have feelings for each other, which is why we get so mad at each other. I usually", "id": "5422463" }, { "contents": "3D (TLC album)\n\n\nup Lopes' challenge, though Lopes always maintained it was a great idea. Things were heated between the women for some time, with Thomas speaking out against Lopes, calling her antics \"selfish\", \"evil\", and \"heartless\". TLC then addressed these fights by saying that they were very much like sisters that occasionally have their disagreements; as Lisa stated, \"It's deeper than a working relationship. We have feelings for each other, which is why we get so mad at each other. I", "id": "7145639" }, { "contents": "Panbanisha\n\n\nbetter than Kanzi’s. Kanzi now has been able to learn 348 lexigram symbols, while also having the knowledge of 3,000 English words. The researchers believe Panbanisha knows around 6,000 English words. However, Panbanisha did not like to show off the words that she had the knowledge of, whereas Kanzi did. This made the researchers unsure of how much English words Panbanisha actually knew. Why teach chimpanzees sign language? The answer is as simple as why we teach humans sign language, to be able to communicate when verbally speaking is", "id": "2325448" }, { "contents": "Critical pedagogy of place\n\n\ntheory, Ardoin et al. and McInerney et al. examined the scale of place and how place and identity interact in critical pedagogy of place. Writing to practitioners, Martusewicz wrote a book, \"EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities\" that gives practical examples of how to implement Greenwood's theories into practice. Chinn uses Greenwood's ideas to design a teacher training aimed at decolonizing pedagogy Greenwood's theories have also been applied to other education approaches (early childhood curriculum, art education, social studies,", "id": "19704512" }, { "contents": "Human male sexuality\n\n\nindeed a relationship between a lack of alternative reproductive options and rape behaviour, there are likely to be a number of co-morbid factors affecting this correlation, leading Thornhill and Palmer to conclude that the idea of a specific psychological adaptation that motivated men with a lack of sexual access to females is unlikely, and that further research need be conducted. One of Thornhill and Palmer's rejected hypotheses for why men rape implicates violent pornography. Subscribers to the social science theory of rape purport that one of the main reasons why the human", "id": "2258728" }, { "contents": "The Great Replacement\n\n\nfrom the country, in what \"Le Monde\" described as Rasmus \"preaching the 'great replacement theory'\". In June 2019, Pia Kjærsgaard invoked the conspiracy theory while serving as Speaker of the Danish Parliament. After the alleged encouragement of Muslim communities to \"vote red\", for the Social Democrats; Kjærsgaard asked \"What will happen? A replacement of the Danish people?\". Much of the European spread of the Great Replacement () conspiracy theory rhetoric is due to its prevelance in French national discourse and", "id": "19521333" }, { "contents": "Interpersonal communication\n\n\nand costs both between the partners and between members of the partnership and others\" (Huston & Burgess, 1979, p. 4). Social exchange theory argues the major force in interpersonal relationships is the satisfaction of both people's self-interest. Theorists say self-interest is not necessarily a bad thing and that it can actually enhance relationships. According to the theory, human interaction is like an economic transaction, in that you may seek to maximize rewards and minimize costs. You will reveal information about yourself when the cost", "id": "13236367" }, { "contents": "Social judgment theory\n\n\nnot care as much about the issue, they are more likely to easily accept more ideas or opinions about an issue. This individual will also have a large latitude of noncommitment because, again, if they do not care as much about the topic, they are not going to commit to certain ideas, whether they are on the latitude of rejection or acceptance. An individual who does not have much ego involvement in an issue will have a small latitude of rejection because they are very open to this new issue and do not", "id": "7365911" }, { "contents": "Social neuroscience\n\n\na task to test for a social theory and a part of the brain is activated, it is impossible to form causality because anything else in the room or the thoughts of the person could have triggered that response. It is very hard to isolate these variables during these experiments. That is why self-reports are very important. This will also help decrease the chances of VooDoo correlations (correlations that are too high and over 0.8 which look like a correlation exists between two factors but actually is just an error in design and", "id": "16750060" }, { "contents": "Vietnam Women's Union\n\n\nsocial influences of women in Vietnam. Women were considered such a latent force in the Communist movement with the social unrest of women, who are generally considered to be the most exploited in all class structures and therefore more likely to support a restructuring of national rule. The Party's driving propaganda in the war was the idea that women's liberation was completely inseparable from a total social revolution. While the Party did have inefficiencies in the actual implementation of the revolutionary ideals for women in society, and the party's plans for women", "id": "14231380" }, { "contents": "Temperament Isolation Theory\n\n\nsuccess. However, unlike the U.S. where this oppression is mostly unintentional, Rodriguez believes it is more deliberate in China as the culture has a spoken affliction towards extroverts. Rodriguez based much of his research in the concepts and ideas of other social scientific research and theory. In particular, Rodriguez used Muted Group Theory to see if temperaments can be muted/silenced much like other minority groups. While much less common and less extreme than with other minority groups based on sex and race, people of certain temperaments can indeed be muted", "id": "4630030" }, { "contents": "Communication accommodation theory\n\n\nsalient group distinctiveness, so as to reinforce a social identity\". Communication accommodation thus, becomes a tool to emphasize group distinctiveness in a positive way, and strengthen the individual's social identity. There are four main socio-psychological theories: The similarity-attraction theory posits that \"The more similar our attitudes and beliefs are to those of others, the more likely it is for them to be attracted to us.\" Convergence through verbal and non-verbal communication is one of the mechanisms that we can use to become", "id": "8636038" }, { "contents": "On the Art of the Cinema\n\n\nliterature as \"humanics\" and the \"seed theory\". Both are considered justifications for the party's control over artistic creation. Other ideas developed by the treatise are the so-called \"modeling theory\" and \"speed campaign\". Compliance with these principles earns an artwork the title of \"collective work\". Films should be realistic, which is possible only when the filmmakers have lived with the popular masses, much like the ideal of the revolutionaries of the Korean resistance. However, this \"realism\" entails unadulterated", "id": "13559960" }, { "contents": "Olivia Dunham\n\n\nthat wasn't the best way for us to introduce the main character, but there was a purpose. So Anna had to listen to all these people saying 'She's really doing nothing,' when really it was \"our\" issue. We didn't write anything for her because... well, now you know why. But at the time, people were like, 'Wow, this girl really is not much,' which is so not true. Anna was just so professional, and so great. She", "id": "16475752" }, { "contents": "Social cognitive theory\n\n\nby Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura. Bandura, along with his students and colleagues conducted a series of studies, known as the Bobo doll experiment, in 1961 and 1963 to find out why and when children display aggressive behaviors. These studies demonstrated the value of modeling for acquiring novel behaviors. These studies helped Bandura publish his seminal article and book in 1977 that expanded on the idea of how behavior is acquired, and thus built from Miller and Dollard's research. In Bandura's 1977 article, he claimed that Social Learning Theory shows", "id": "10730275" }, { "contents": "Intersectionality\n\n\nthe straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied Christian or Jewish or possibly atheist male. This is why a perceived slight against one victim group calls forth protest from all victim groups. This is why so many campus groups now align against Israel. Intersectionality is like NATO for social-justice activists. Barbara Tomlinson is employed at the Department of Women's Studies at UC Santa Barbara and has been critical of the applications of intersectional theory. She has identified several ways in which the conventional theory has been destructive to", "id": "13654893" }, { "contents": "International relations\n\n\nPost-positivist epistemology rejects the idea that the social world can be studied in an objective and value-free way. It rejects the central ideas of neo-realism/liberalism, such as rational choice theory, on the grounds that the scientific method cannot be applied to the social world and that a \"science\" of IR is impossible. A key difference between the two positions is that while positivist theories, such as neo-realism, offer causal explanations (such as why and how power is exercised),", "id": "3825280" }, { "contents": "Ideas of Ghulam Ahmed Perwez\n\n\nParwez cites verses like 11:87) indicate a wide-ranging socioeconomic system, of which ritual prayer, is only a small part. The Quranic requirement of \"Salaat,\" therefore, is a community based system for implementing the laws of the Quran, which is why it is usually accompanied by the command for implementing \"Zakaat\" (universal welfare) which is a state-based system. Parwez argued for a revolutionary understanding of the Quran, re-interpreting the roles of prophets. He argued that the correct view of", "id": "17853363" }, { "contents": "ACT-R\n\n\ndevelopers. In fact, much of the implementation does not reflect the theory. For instance, the actual implementation makes use of additional 'modules' that exist only for purely computational reasons, and are not supposed to reflect anything in the brain (e.g., one computational module contains the pseudo-random number generator used to produce noisy parameters, while another holds naming routines for generating data structures accessible through variable names). Also, the actual implementation is designed to enable researchers to modify the theory, e.g. by altering the standard", "id": "9220826" }, { "contents": "Alberta Social Credit Party\n\n\nrefusing to pass the provincial budget until Aberhart promised serious reform of the banking system. Following the 1937 revolt, the government made a serious attempt to implement social credit policies. It passed several pieces of radical populist legislation, such as the issuance of prosperity certificates to Alberta residents (dubbed \"funny money\" by detractors) in accordance with the theories of Silvio Gesell. Douglas, the main leader of the Social Credit movement, did not like the idea of prosperity certificates, which depreciated in value the longer they were held,", "id": "8506172" }, { "contents": "Lego Mindstorms\n\n\ndesigned to support deeper learning with extra resources and pieces to do so. This is why the LEGO Education Mindstorms contains more sensors and parts than the retail version. There is a strong community of professionals and hobbyists of all ages involved in the sharing of designs, programming techniques, creating third-party software and hardware, and contributing of other ideas associated with Lego Mindstorms. The Lego Mindstorms system/website is organized much like a wiki, harnessing the creative potential and collaborative efforts of participants. Lego also encourages sharing and peering", "id": "20237557" }, { "contents": "Le Corbusier in the USSR\n\n\nby the constructivists for the Green Town. The collectivist spirit that the constructivist had envisioned for their own instantly seduced Le Corbusier, and he in turn implemented these to his own ideas of planning. Much like the Green Town of the Constructivists, in this radiant city for Moscow Le Corbusier utilized services communes, or communal facilities. In it, he also proposed the radical destruction of much of the historic center of Moscow, and advocated the creation of separate cities with separate functions, an idea he had already presented in Moscow during", "id": "532761" }, { "contents": "Social Distance Corollary\n\n\nThe Social Distance Corollary is a theory in communication research that concerns the tendency of people to perceive others to be more susceptible to media influence than they actually are. This tendency is at the heart of the third-person effect, a phenomenon first defined and investigated by Davison (1983). Since then, much research has born out Davidson’s (1983) statement that “in the view of those trying to evaluate the effects of communication, its greatest impact will not be on “me” or “you,”", "id": "18094323" }, { "contents": "Isengard (band)\n\n\nbook \"The Silmarillion\". Fenriz created Isengard because he had many musical ideas that didn't fit in with the style and music of Darkthrone. Fenriz performed all instruments and vocals himself. \"Vinterskugge\" is a compilation of three demos recorded before the full-length album \"Høstmørke\" was recorded. When asked how he felt about Isengard in a November 2007 interview, Fenriz commented that he doesn't \"understand why people like it so much\". He stated that people like \"the elements\" which he doesn't", "id": "4610468" }, { "contents": "Anxiety/uncertainty management\n\n\nAnxiety/Uncertainty Management (AUM) theory was introduced by William B. Gudykunst to define how humans effectively communicate based on their balance of anxiety and uncertainty in social situations. Gudykunst believed that in order for successful intercultural communication a reduction in anxiety/uncertainty must occur. This is assuming that one person within the intercultural encounter is a stranger. AUM is a theory based on the Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) which was introduced by Berger and Calabrese in 1974. URT provides much of the initial framework for AUM, and much like", "id": "2403716" }, { "contents": "Happy 2b Hardcore\n\n\nin his list of \"The Top 136 or So Albums of the 90s\". He described it as a \"perfectly sequenced and mixed compilation\" and Frolic as \"[blending] everything together just right\": \"it's not merely a great mix disc, it's just so goddamn fun and nuts that I can't understand why anyone would actually hate it, while realizing at the same why loads of people couldn't stand it.\" He described the music as sounding \"like it's mutating and growing and", "id": "18688221" }, { "contents": "Q&A software\n\n\nquestions. These connections help users find the topic that they are looking for and build a social connection with people sharing the same interests. Also, as contributors gather according to a common theme, their votes help to screen out the domain expert and the high quality questions in that field. Also, the heterogeneity in the user and question graphs are significant contributors to the quality of the community's knowledge base. Why users contribute knowledge to online communities: The social capital theory, social exchange theory, and social cognitive theory explain", "id": "16536151" }, { "contents": "Triangular theory of love\n\n\nholds with great respect. Another theory was introduced by Maslow. Maslow's hierarchy of needs places self-actualization at the peak. He maintains that those who have reached self-actualization are capable of love. Yet another theory, one about being in love, was developed by Reik. Being in love was said to be attainable for those who could love for the sake of loving people, not just fixing one's own problem. When theories about love moved from being clinically based to being socially and personality based, they", "id": "702551" }, { "contents": "Roberto Vittori\n\n\nSpace Station. It is the ultimate continuation of the project \"Mona Lisa Travels\" developed by Pusenkoff and could only be realized under difficult conditions. The authorities found the idea good in theory, but constantly put forward new reasons why the project was unrealizable. Only when George Pusenkoff wrote to the then Italian ambassador in Russia, Gianfranco Facco Bonetti, the possibility of realizing the idea arose. The connection between science and art, which was also important in Leonardo da Vinci's life, found here an \"actualization\" in the", "id": "10593127" }, { "contents": "Social constructionism\n\n\npositioning also sustained the idea of a separation between PCP and SC, paving the way for only limited opportunities for dialogue between them. Reframing the relationship between PCP and SC may be of use in both the PCP and the SC communities. On one hand, it extends and enriches SC theory and points to benefits of applying the PCP “toolkit” in constructionist therapy and research. On the other hand, the reframing contributes to PCP theory and points to new ways of addressing social construction in therapeutic conversations. Like social constructionism,", "id": "21581682" }, { "contents": "Social judgment theory\n\n\n, a perceptual error whereby people judge messages that fall within their latitude of acceptance as less discrepant from their anchor than they really are. These latitudes dictate the likelihood of assimilation and contrast. When a discrepant viewpoint is expressed in a communication message within the person's latitude of acceptance, the message is more likely to be assimilated or viewed as being closer to person's anchor, or his or her own viewpoint, than it actually is. When the message is perceived as being very different from one's anchor and, thus", "id": "7365906" }, { "contents": "Social movement\n\n\n]] argues that social movements have their foundations among people who feel deprived of some good(s) or resource(s). According to this approach, individuals who are lacking some good, service, or comfort are more likely to organize a social movement to improve (or defend) their conditions. There are two significant problems with this theory. First, since most people feel deprived at one level or another almost all the time, the theory has a hard time explaining why the groups that form social movements do when other people are", "id": "8789905" }, { "contents": "Wolf Wolfensberger\n\n\nat least some valued social roles is so important.  A person who fills valued social roles is likely to be treated much better than if he or she did not have these, or than other people who have the same devalued characteristics but do not have equally valued social roles.  There are several important reasons why this is so.  One is that a person who has valued roles is more likely to also have valued and competent allies or defenders who can mitigate the impacts of devaluation or protect the person from these.  Also,", "id": "14263662" }, { "contents": "Mediation (Marxist theory and media studies)\n\n\nfull weight of \"constitutive,\" are internalized and become \"individual wills.\" Determination of this whole kind—a complex and interrelated process of limits and pressures—is in the whole social process itself and nowhere else: not in an abstracted \"mode of production\" nor in an abstracted \"psychology.\" (87) Under this guise, mediation becomes a process of lived reality whereas social actors are not so much duped by ruling ideas as incredibly involved with the understanding and circulation of those ideas through their own expressions", "id": "17157472" }, { "contents": "Criminology\n\n\ncommitment to achievement\", and \"involvement in conventional activities\". The more a person features those characteristics, the less likely he or she is to become deviant (or criminal). On the other hand, if these factors are not present, a person is more likely to become a criminal. Hirschi expanded on this theory with the idea that a person with low self-control is more likely to become criminal. As opposed to most criminology theories, these do not look at why people commit crime but rather why", "id": "14210705" }, { "contents": "Communication privacy management theory\n\n\ncan see the relation between expectancy violations theory and CPM as it pertains to privacy and how close we allow another to come to us. Both physical and intimate proximity requires boundaries to be crossed or permeated. Social penetration theory explains how two individuals grow in intimacy and move from one level to the next in their relationships. The popular idea behind social penetration is that individual are like onions; they have layers and as you go deeper, the more intimate you become. For this intimacy to occur, we can safely say that", "id": "12739956" }, { "contents": "History of United States prison systems\n\n\n, but the stocks were another common punishment—so much so that most colonies, like Virginia in 1662, hastened to build these before either the courthouse or the jail. The theocratic communities of Puritan Massachusetts imposed faith-based punishments like the admonition—a formal censure, apology, and pronouncement of criminal sentence (generally reduced or suspended), performed in front of the church-going community. Sentences to the colonial American workhouse—when they were actually imposed on defendants—rarely exceeded three months, and sometimes spanned just", "id": "19937101" } ]
why Accutane is dangerous, and why it's still being prescribed by doctors.
[{"answer": "A medication I know of has possible side effects of nausea, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal ulceration/bleeding, raised liver enzymes, diarrhea, constipation, epistaxis, headache, dizziness, priapism, rash, salt and fluid retention, hypertension, esophageal ulceration, **heart failure**, hyperkalemia, renal impairment, confusion, bronchospasm. What is this horrible, deadly drug, you ask? Ibuprofen. Also known as Advil. Point being, nearly all drugs have the *potential* for harmful side effects. It's important to also be aware of the frequency of those side effects. A capable doctor can assess the risk of the side effects occurring and monitor the patient over time to continue updating that risk assessment. To be sure, Accutane may have a higher risk than some other drugs, but as others have pointed out, it's sometimes the only thing that works. It's all about the cost-benefit analysis - the likelihood and severity of the side effects weighed against what happens if you don't take the medication."}, {"answer": "I can tell you from first hand experience using Accutane was a blessing, It was the ONLY thing that worked. after seeing the results of your Acne disappearing and NOT returning, the results out-weight any side effects I might have been feeling at the time. I know there were a lot of restrictions to use Accutane being a female instead of a male."}, {"answer": "Its still prescribed because there are some situations where no other medication will work for cases of cystic acne. So Accutane can still be used as long as you're very careful with it."}, {"answer": "I just finished a 5 month trial of Accutane, and I have been incredibly happy with the results. Background: I am a female in my late 20s, and have been struggling with cystic acne for my entire adult/adolescent life. I was lucky that my problem was not as severe as many others, but my acne was persistent, resistant to **any** other thing I tried, and incredibly emotionally painful. There is almost nothing that can sap your confidence faster than having eye-catching, unsightly problems... with your FACE. I was reluctant to go on Accutane, as I had heard about the potential for serious side effects and had someone close to me experience serious psychological effects that I believe were tied to the drug. The good thing is use of the medication is extremely closely monitored, particularly if you are a female of childbearing age. This drug can **only** be prescribed by doctors or nurse practitioners. You must have a blood test performed 1 month before taking it, and then every month thereafter while you are on it to ensure there are no adverse effects to your liver. As a female, I had to have a blood test to assess for pregnancy every month as well as a urine test in the dermatologist's office. You must use 2 forms of birth control simultaneously to make sure you do not get pregnant, as the drug causes some serious birth defects. You must terminate the pregnancy if you become pregnant. Every month before getting your medication, you must complete an online quiz to ensure you understand the importance of birth control, what methods are effective, etc. In short: they don't play with this shit. The most important thing to do: **REPORT ALL SIDE EFFECTS TO YOUR DOCTOR**. There are some that just about *everyone* will experience, namely dry skin, dry lips, and dryness in the nose. With the right skin care products, this can usually be kept at an annoying, but bearable, level. You also want to invest in a shitload of sunblock, because you will burn very easily while on the med. Accutane works similarly to taking a HUGE dose of Vitamin A (and you will have to make sure you don't take any additional Vitamin A while on it. e.g.: I was forbidden from taking multivitamins) and the side effects are similar. Side effects like depression, suicidal ideation, etc are not very common at all, but are very serious and should be monitored carefully, particularly for those with existing mental health concerns. Many dermatologists partner with PCPs and psychiatrists to ensure continuity of care. In short, talk to your doc. Ask all the questions that are making you concerned. Accutane might not be for you. Some people have had some very bad side effects that they feel are not worth it. For others, Accutane is like a miracle drug. At my last appointment, my doc said \"Your results are amazing. Now you could model skin care products\". I think she was laying it on a little thick, but there has been a **vast** improvement in my skin and my confidence. **TL;DR** *Talk to your doctor. Do what works for you. Best of luck!*"}, {"answer": "It made a friend suicidal, but it cleared his acne right up. (He's fine now)"}, {"answer": "I took it about 15 years ago and I'm fine... so far anyway"}, {"answer": "Most can offer testimonies of blessed luck from Accutane, but not everybody. I developed Crohn's disease as a result, and I could argue that I got off lightly. There is a large range of very unfortunate side effects from Accutane."}, {"answer": "I took it for I believe close to a year, about 6 years ago... It dried me out, had to use a ton of chapstick, other than that, no side effects. Oh, also, it worked really well for me. On the other hand, somebody else I knew took it and had to stop due to rectal bleeding."}, {"answer": "The main danger related to Accutane is related to birth defects. When an embryo is developing, there are a bunch of molecular signals throughout the body that tell the embryo where to form certain body parts. One such molecule is retinoic acid. Retinoic acid tells the spine how far down the body it is. This allows the bones closer to the head to form a neck and the bones closer to the butt to form a tailbone. Unfortunately, retinoic acid is really similar to the active ingredient in Accutane, so the embryo can't tell the difference. As a result, if a woman gets pregnant while using Accutane, the baby may be formed with some major, horrifying birth defects. If you're a male or are not capable of having a baby during the time when you're on the medication, there are still some powerful side effects. For example, I've read that it may be correlated with depression and suicidal thoughts. I've also heard from a couple of people who used Accutane that their skin dried out and had some swelling. Needless to say, this was painful. Overall, Accutane is safe for human use, but it does have side effects like any other drug. The main distinction is that when people get pregnant while they have this drug in their system, the resulting birth defects are horrific."}, {"answer": "I took it for about 2 years and it worked great. Did have to lower my prescription because my triglycerides were way too high, but those were able to get back into check. While on it, I had to use SPF 50 sunscreen, and stick after stick of chapstick (winters were brutal!). On the pill container they came in, there is warning after warning about birth defects, which is no biggie since I'm a dude. Had the facepalm of a lifetime after the doctor assistant ask if I was pregnant or nursing (she had to read from a script and was embarrassed after asking that). Since the last treatment, all is well on the acne front!"}, {"answer": "Accutane fucked me up pretty badly. About 4 months in, my knees/joints were shot and I couldn't run or skip a step without collapsing, had to sit out a year of high school tennis. I may have stunted my bone growth with it. I didn't regain normal movement for another 2 months."}, {"answer": "I was on accutane about 10 years ago. It worked but very well but at the same time it made EXTREMELY depressed. I got off of it due to the depression it caused me."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "229985", "title": "Isotretinoin", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 562, "bleu_score": 0.76907792061547}]}]
[ { "contents": "Doctor Zhivago (musical)\n\n\nBack in the attic, Yurii and his family are starving. They remember their old country estate, which is now abandoned, and decide to move there. Yurii realizes that it is close to Yuriiatin, where Lara lives, and dismisses the idea, saying it’s too dangerous for them to move there. Walking the streets of Moscow, Yurii wonders why his path keeps leading him to Lara and why he still thinks of her, despite the fact he’s tried to live with honor all his life. He decides that", "id": "17739426" }, { "contents": "IPLEDGE program\n\n\nfor the failed SMART program (System to Manage Accutane Related Teratogenicity). Instituted in April 2002, SMART aimed to eliminate isotretinoin-induced birth defects by preventing pregnant women from being prescribed or exposed to the drug. The program mandated two consecutive negative pregnancy tests, birth defect risk counseling and a pledge to use two forms of contraception when engaging in intercourse for all women of childbearing age seeking an isotretinoin prescription. A voluntary registration program called The Accutane Survey was also established. However, no effort was made to verify the compliance", "id": "3824905" }, { "contents": "IPLEDGE program\n\n\nLaw School wrote: \"Accutane also has the potential to destroy lives. Accutane is an extremely dangerous teratogen: It can cause severe birth defects when taken during pregnancy. About one quarter of babies born who have been exposed to Accutane during gestation have major congenital deformities. Those babies born without major malformations frequently develop severe learning disabilities. A whole segment of Accutane babies do not even survive pregnancy: 40% are spontaneously miscarried.\" The author goes on to compare Accutane to Thalidomide. The iPLEDGE Program was instituted as a replacement", "id": "3824904" }, { "contents": "Turn Left (Doctor Who)\n\n\n, and slight lisp as reasons why her acting was not her finest. He criticised her role in the episode as been \"far less well worked out\" than Donna's, being inquisitive about several concepts: why Rose was shocked when she heard the Doctor had died, but later being knowledgeable about Donna's history and destiny; whether Rose was travelling between universes or just time-travelling; why Rose herself didn't convince Donna to turn left instead of sending Donna on a suicide mission; why Rose didn't change her", "id": "16390647" }, { "contents": "Able Danger\n\n\na response to the 9/11 Commission clarifying the mission of Able Danger, expressing concern over the statements made by various members of the 9/11 Commission, and promising to push forward until it is understood why the DoD was unable to pass the information uncovered by Able Danger to the FBI, and why the 9/11 Commission failed to follow up on the information they were given on Able Danger. The 9/11 Commission has released multiple statements over the past week, each of which has significantly changed – from initially denying ever being briefed to acknowledging being", "id": "14937775" }, { "contents": "Doctor (cocktail)\n\n\n, and lemon juice. This is the same drink as the Doctor №2 from Emburry's 1948 cocktail guide. Early alcoholic concoctions were often thought of as \"medicinal\", and even in 1948 cocktail books were pondering such questions as \"Why are rye and bourbon whiskies frequently prescribed by doctors and Scotch practically never?\" Other \"Doctor\" cocktails include the Doctor Johnson, which was a tropical cocktail by design that called for 1/4 gin, 1/2 pineapple syrup, 1/8 passion fruit juice, and 1/8 lemon juice shaken with", "id": "1139721" }, { "contents": "Susan Foreman\n\n\nTravellers\" (2005). The latter gives an explanation for why the Doctor left Susan. During the events of that novel, the Doctor becomes involved in the British Army's time travel experiments, which risk him being noticed by the Time Lords. He then resolves to begin looking for a place where Susan can be safe and content so that if he is ever apprehended by their people, she will still be free. Susan reappears in the 1998 Eighth Doctor Adventures novel \"Legacy of the Daleks\" by John Peel,", "id": "16467568" }, { "contents": "You're My Home (Grey's Anatomy)\n\n\n—and it warms my heart to see Meredith finding strength in her relationships with friends and family right now. She might not be dark and twisty anymore, but she’s still Meredith. And that’s why, 10 years and plenty of frustration later, I (mostly) can’t wait for the 12th season to roll around.\" \"E Online\" also gave positive review, \"Tonight's finale felt like any other standard Grey's Anatomy midseason episode since no doctor was in any physical danger...up until the", "id": "2623234" }, { "contents": "NHS treatments blacklist\n\n\ndoes not change the regulations that govern GP prescribing it is still open to GPs to treat patients according to their individual circumstances and needs, including issuing prescriptions where there are reasons why self-care is inappropriate. In 2017 the NHS spent £475.3 million on over-the-counter drugs, and, despite the promises of up to £100 million in savings, £449.4 million in 2018, a reduction of only £25.9 million. In April 2019 the All Wales Prescribing Advisory Group rejected the proposals for limiting the prescription", "id": "4707198" }, { "contents": "The Double (Dostoevsky novel)\n\n\nthe toadying \"pushover\" protagonist. The motif of the novella is a doppelgänger (\"dvoynik\"). Golyadkin is a titular councillor. This is rank 9 in the Table of Ranks established by Peter the Great. As rank eight led to hereditary nobility, being a titular councillor is symbolic of a low-level bureaucrat still struggling to succeed. Golyadkin has a formative discussion with his Doctor Rutenspitz, who fears for his sanity and tells him that his behavior is dangerously antisocial. He prescribes \"cheerful company\" as the", "id": "1748629" }, { "contents": "Fablehaven (novel)\n\n\nthe milk, Seth claims to be able to see fairies in the garden. Kendra drinks the milk herself and sees them too. Grandpa confronts them, and explains that there are still magical beings in the world, mostly contained in preserves. His grounds are one of these preserves, designated \"Fablehaven\". He explains that the old woman whom Seth met is a witch named Muriel Taggert, and finally explains to them the real reason why they are not allowed in the woods: dangerous magical beings such as demons and specters", "id": "16597595" }, { "contents": "Anzac spirit\n\n\n. In 2008 an editorial in the \"Sydney Morning Herald\" stated: But why should Australians now, 90 years later, be still so eager for some stereotypical reaffirmation of their character? Why the self-doubt? The danger in the transformation - as remembrance replaces memory, and nationalism replaces remembrance - is that the solemnity and the serious purpose of Anzac Day will be lost in an irrelevant search for some kind of essence of Australianness. Similarly, historian Mark McKenna disputes the notion that the character traits that supposedly define the", "id": "4367581" }, { "contents": "Destiny of the Daleks\n\n\n' guidance to help them beat the Movellan race the Daleks are in a stalemate with. K9 has lost his voice, and the Fourth Doctor is confused as to why a robot would have laryngitis. Romana, for reasons unknown, regenerates, eventually choosing the form of Princess Astra of the planet Atrios, in spite of the Doctor's disapproval of it, as well as several \"test bodies\" she tries on beforehand. The TARDIS lands on a rocky planet with breathable air but dangerously high levels of radioactivity. The Doctor", "id": "9676779" }, { "contents": "Dennou Keisatsu Cybercop\n\n\nwere also traveling on with Luna, after learning Luna was an android. As Durwin warned Luna, Luna was nevertheless killed by baron Kageyama, who showed puzzlement over why his most beautiful creation would betray him. Luna said: \"You could never understand the feelings of a puppet! You became a doll without human feelings!\" After Luna exploded, the Baron confessed he loved her, as it's impossible to be a perfect doll by not having feelings and by thus being dangerous. Led by the hulking Doctor Arthur Ploid", "id": "447546" }, { "contents": "Darwin's Dangerous Idea\n\n\nobjects, and our introduction to them and to everything comes midway in the cultural evolution of the race.\" The first chapter \"Tell Me Why\" is named after a song. Before Charles Darwin, and still today, a majority of people see God as the ultimate cause of all design, or the ultimate answer to 'why?' questions. John Locke argued for the primacy of mind before matter, and David Hume, while exposing problems with Locke's view, could not see any alternative. Darwin provided just", "id": "8831440" }, { "contents": "Terminus (Doctor Who)\n\n\na slip for the remainder of the story. According to the script she was feeling ill and trying to loosen the pressure on her stomach, but this is not clear on screen. In an interview for the book \"Doctor Who: 25 Glorious Years,\" Sarah Sutton, who played Nyssa, suggests it was deliberate Fan Service: 'I still smile when I remember how the Production Office kept getting letters of complaint about Nyssa being too covered up. So that's why when I left the series in \"Terminus\"", "id": "21579026" }, { "contents": "The World Is Curved\n\n\n. Today, risk abusers can easily list new companies in the London Exchange as well as in New York City. It is even possible in Hong Kong. That is why they can make troubles in competitiveness if you increase regulatory barriers or treat rough in choosing rate of compensate compare to risk. And that's why entrepreneurs are perceived as being dangerous beings. In order to sharpen competitiveness in today's global economy, it must develop a competitive idea that will enhance the atmosphere of existing companies and change the atmosphere of new growth", "id": "20176277" }, { "contents": "Section 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms\n\n\ncertain crime could result in a minimum length of time that must be served in prison, this could be unconstitutional if the law prescribes that same minimum length of time for a type of crime that \"covers many substances of varying degrees of danger.\" Specifically, the law did not consider how much cocaine was involved and why the rights claimant was acquiring it. The Court again considered whether a minimum prison sentence perceived as lengthy would be cruel and unusual in the case \"R. v. Latimer.\" Latimer, who had murdered", "id": "3386025" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in the United States\n\n\n, as being female in the workplace is hard enough, but also being Native American puts them at an extremely unfavorable position. Historical wage disparities that derived from the unequal treatment of races from years prior still persist as clearly shown. This is argued as dangerous because it can also stem from the unequal placement of racial groups in specific neighborhoods, thus resulting in inferior education. In turn, this can be one of the causes, alongside blatant discrimination, for why Native American women experience a larger than normal wage disparity. As", "id": "2261777" }, { "contents": "Neuroethics\n\n\nbe based upon respect for the individual, as doctors pledge according to the Hippocratic Oath which includes vows to be humble, respect privacy and doing no harm; and pursuing a path based on population-based ethics is just as dangerous as having no medical ethics at all\". Why the danger of population-based bioethics? Faria asserts, \"it is centered on utilitarianism, monetary considerations, and the fiscal and political interests of the state, rather than committed to placing the interest of the individual patient or experimental subject above", "id": "14092716" }, { "contents": "Zauriel\n\n\nwarns Phantom Stranger that he is never allowed to enter Heaven again, having left to try and save his family. Zauriel tells Phantom Stranger that if he tries, he will be erased from time and history. During the \"Trinity War\" storyline, Zauriel appears and dismisses Batman, Katana and Deadman after obtaining a piece of Doctor Light (Arthur Light)'s soul. He returns Doctor Light to his \"womb\" so that Heaven will heal him. Zauriel asks Phantom Stranger why he risked his being by returning and why", "id": "10971125" }, { "contents": "Why We Can't Wait\n\n\nto work with President Lyndon Johnson, cautioning that political work is dangerous but necessary. He ends by saying that if the civil rights revolution succeeds it may spread nonviolence worldwide, ending the nuclear arms race and bringing world peace. The book was generally well received by the mainstream press. It also afforded the Letter from Birmingham Jail its widest circulation yet. King traveled to promote the book, while also still involved in the St. Augustine Movement. \"Why We Can't Wait\" was an important part of the effort to make", "id": "14581023" }, { "contents": "Temazepam\n\n\nthe level before Normison came to the market. In France, temazepam is prescribed by physicians, it is listed under Medical Psychotropics UN71 Schedule III, being prescribed only when other drugs will not do, prescription nonrenewable (a new doctor visit every time), and being available only in seven-pill, in theory one-week, packaging. In Hong Kong, temazepam is regulated under Schedule 1 of Hong Kong's Chapter 134 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance. Temazepam can only be used legally by health professionals and for university research purposes", "id": "9985620" }, { "contents": "Shaul Ladany\n\n\nthe village and they were speaking to somebody that was standing in the entrance to apartment number one. I have noticed his dark skin and the hat and I listened, still without being afraid or thinking that something is very dangerous for me, and the guards are asking the permission to let the Red Cross enter apartment one and provide some aid to a wounded person and the man, he refuse. They said, 'Why should you be inhumane ?', and the man replied something like either, the Jews or the", "id": "8848989" }, { "contents": "Inverse benefit law\n\n\nthus the benefit-harm ratio worsens as a drug is marketed more widely. The inverse benefit law highlights the need for comparative effectiveness research and other reforms to improve evidence-based prescribing. The law is manifested through 6 basic marketing strategies: This is the reason why organizations like \"Worst Pill, Best Pill\" recommend not to use/prescribe new medications before being in the market for at least ten years (except in the case of important new drugs that treat previously unsolved problems). Agencies of drugs, committee of", "id": "566599" }, { "contents": "Solar urticaria\n\n\nto treat Idiopathic Urticaria. Omalizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody against IgE. It acts by binding free IgE at the same site that IgE would bind to its high-affinity receptor (FcεRI) on mast cells, thereby reducing free IgE in the serum Doctors will sometimes prescribe immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisolone and ciclosporin if the patient is suffering from an intense form of solar urticaria. However, the side effects of these medicines can be severe which is why they are reserved for the most extreme of cases. In more extreme cases", "id": "15807691" }, { "contents": "Measure B\n\n\nheard. They'd had no performer input on this. About condoms and chafing and micro-tears, it didn't seem like she really knew all the details of that. She compared it to a dentist being forced to wear gloves, and maybe it's a little uncomfortable. She didn't realize why we have to have sex from 45 minutes to an hour, sometimes longer, and why that was necessary. She didn't know that the dangers of it, like if the condom breaks, and that we could", "id": "5842643" }, { "contents": "Turn Left (Doctor Who)\n\n\nof the episode\". He highlighted the cliffhanger of the scene — when the Doctor realises that Donna has met Rose, and subsequently deduces the universe is in danger — as the best moment in the episode; he wrote that it was \"a great moment, and sets up a premise suitably large for Davies' farewell episodes.\" He criticised two major points of the episode: he thought the beetle prosthetic did not look convincing, and undermined Donna's questions of why people were looking at her back; and he thought", "id": "16390656" }, { "contents": "Discretion\n\n\nwhy police are able to use discretion in the performance of their duties. Different environments and neighborhoods provide different levels of dangers and greater levels of crime taking place than others. Which is why an officer might choose to downgrade a crime in a wealthy neighborhood compared to an economically unstable one. The article also states that merely being in a different environment from the one the officer lives in or is accustomed to forces the officer to treat it differently. Thus, the officer would then treat the individuals differently. This can be an", "id": "3780807" }, { "contents": "The Most Dangerous Game\n\n\nmen are superior because they are able to reason. Zaroff uses his reasoning to explain why men are the most interesting game to hunt; men can reason, and thus provide a challenge that no animal can contend with. The story simultaneously highlights through the experience of Rainsford, as he is hunted, the fears that animals must experience while being hunted. Zaroff himself is a contradiction because his exquisite manners are juxtaposed with his heartless brutality in killing men. The idea of a man who is proper in all aspects, but still", "id": "242984" }, { "contents": "Protagoras (dialogue)\n\n\nby terrible guardians, and so, the Titan opted for the gift of fire straight from the workshop of Hephaestus, and practical wisdom from the goddess Athena. Having failed to enter the palace of Zeus however, man was never granted civic wisdom, and so his race was still in danger of extinction. Seeing this, Zeus sent Hermes to distribute shame and justice among human beings, and to do so equally. To Protagoras, this answers Socrates' question as to why people think that wisdom about architecture or medicine is limited", "id": "3861794" }, { "contents": "Before the Flood (Doctor Who)\n\n\nand the day the alien craft landed. Bennett asks why they are in Russia, and the Doctor explains they are still in Scotland, but in a mock Soviet town. They meet its pilot, the Tivolian Prentis, whom they recognize as one of the ghosts in the future. Prentis had stopped on Earth while carrying the corpse of the Fisher King, a powerful warlord, to its resting place. The Doctor observes Prentis' ship still has the stasis chamber, both power cells, and the absence of glyphs on the", "id": "19792682" }, { "contents": "The Zygon Invasion\n\n\nmarks on the collar points, a common element of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Doctors' outfits. Osgood asks the Doctor why he does not use the question mark motif anymore, to which he replies that he still does – on his underpants. A portrait of the First Doctor is displayed by the stairs in the UNIT safe house. The Doctor remarks that he once \"snogged a Zygon\". The Tenth Doctor kissed a Zygon impersonating Queen Elizabeth in \"The Day of the Doctor\". The Doctor resumes the position", "id": "19792710" }, { "contents": "Daniel Carlat\n\n\nhow he was paid to push the anti-depressant Effexor, to his colleagues. He indicated that he received cash compensation and stayed in luxurious hotels in exchange for persuading doctors to prescribe Effexor to their patients, using phrases like \"drug whore\" and \"hired gun\" to self describe his actions. He estimated he earned roughly $30,000 for his endorsements of the drug. Carlat has argued that psychiatry has been inconclusive about how and why it works: \"We don't have any direct evidence that depression or anxiety or", "id": "6319816" }, { "contents": "Battle Club\n\n\nheart. She continues to fight herself, questioning why she fights and why she likes it. She flashes back to her own mother, Tamami, as a wrestler. She sees her mother win a championship match and her decision to retire from the sport. Still in the flashback/hallucination, it is revealed Tamami has heart disease and must retire or die. She is also revealed to be pregnant and the doctors are not sure the fetus will survive. Tamami decides not to abort the unborn child, which will be Tamako", "id": "19050729" }, { "contents": "American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present)\n\n\nis necessary to protect our people. We support our allies when they're in danger. We lead coalitions of countries to uphold international norms. And we strive to stay true to the fundamental values -- the desire to live with basic freedom and dignity -- that is common to human beings wherever they are. That's why people all over the world look to the United States of America to lead. And that's why we do it. The U.S. also started considering an operation with American ground troops to rescue the Yazidis in", "id": "1005616" }, { "contents": "Arlie Russell Hochschild\n\n\nin danger of being perpetually in emotional debt to loved ones. Her latest book, \"Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right\", is based on five years of immersion research among Louisiana supporters of the Tea Party. It explores the role of emotion in politics by first posing a paradox. Why, she asks, do residents of the nation's second poorest state vote for candidates who resist federal help? Why in a highly polluted state, do they vote for politicians reluctant to regulate polluting", "id": "4063363" }, { "contents": "Previously Unaired Christmas\n\n\n. This is why we love her, and why we can't quit \"Glee\" no matter how infuriating the other parts are.\" Esther Gim of \"BuddyTV\" also gave the episode a mixed review, but was more negative in her analysis, saying \"Despite it being fitting for the holiday season, the story that this episode had been locked away for the past year is weak. Why couldn't they just film an episode for this Christmas? Oh yeah, because it's still the last school year.", "id": "12362592" }, { "contents": "Wolfgang (band)\n\n\nbut as my condition gets worse it appears that it is becoming inevitable, and I guess it’s time to address it”. Artadi was diagnosed in 2009 with a tumor in his head; the tumor is located on the nerves that control the right side of his face, which is causing the paralysis. Doctors had told him that his condition could cause him to not being able to talk or sing, due to the facial muscles that are not working. This is the reason why he keeps on singing while he still", "id": "2926379" }, { "contents": "Neo (Marvel Comics species)\n\n\nalthough this appears to be part of Prodigy's Danger Cave. Other groups of Neo, known as the Guardian Clan, War Clan, Spirit Clan, and Mind Clan have been revealed to still exist, the latter two based respectively in Southeast Asia and the Arctic. The Guardian Clan and War Clan jointly attacked Utopia in search for answers as to why many of the members of their species had lost their powers and no new births had occurred. Before Cyclops could explain these events, a group of supreme beings called the Evolutionaries", "id": "14753022" }, { "contents": "Phantom pain\n\n\nit fails to explain why relief from phantom sensations rarely eliminates phantom pains. It also does not address how sensations can spontaneously end and how some amputees do not experience phantom sensations at all. In addition, a major limitation of the neuromatrix theory is that it too broadly accounts for various aspects of phantom limb perception. It is also likely that it is too difficult to be tested empirically, especially when testing painless phantom sensations. Various methods have been used to treat phantom limb pain. Doctors may prescribe medications to reduce the pain", "id": "11233292" }, { "contents": "Louis Caldera\n\n\nthe flight had been reached, directed by Deputy White House Chief of Staff Jim Messina, Caldera announced his resignation on May 8, 2009, effective May 22, 2009. Notable in the investigation is Caldera's explanation of why he did not read an email from his Deputy Director, George Mulligan: \"During our interview, the Director (Caldera) also offered another explanation for his failure to read the email. When he returned from Mexico, he was suffering from severe muscle spasms in his back. Doctors prescribed pain medications", "id": "2447135" }, { "contents": "Catch-22\n\n\nfinds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatological mind of His when He robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did he ever create pain? … Oh, He was really being charitable to us when He gave us pain! [to warn us of danger] Why couldn’t He have used a doorbell instead to notify us, or one of His celestial", "id": "10825250" }, { "contents": "Road traffic safety\n\n\ncrossings which could save over 9000 fatal or serious injuries over 20 years. In Robert Beadles' book, He outlines why it is so important to have traffic control and why it is the most important aspect of keeping citizens safe on a motorway, \"Correct traffic control and road traffic safety is vital to keeping communities safe and people in our neighborhoods safe from danger.\" By 1947 the Pedestrians' Association was suggesting that many of the safety features being introduced (speed limits, traffic calming, road signs and road markings,", "id": "3118969" }, { "contents": "The Shadow in the Glass\n\n\n's life by a thousand years. Also missing is the ocular celluprime, a vital component of the navigational system, which allows the Vvormak to perceive the immediate future and navigate accordingly. But the Doctor is puzzled; why is there nothing else missing? If the ship has been here for 55 years, why hasn't it been stripped bare—why does it look instead as though it's been repaired? The Doctor and the Brigadier trigger a gas trap while investigating, but escape when a patrol arrives to arrest them;", "id": "8554716" }, { "contents": "Erica Kane and Dimitri Marick\n\n\nBetty Ford Center. Once she is out, Erica and Dimitri start finding their way back to each other. This does not sit well with Jonathan. The doctor drugs Erica and tricks Dimitri into thinking they are still sleeping together. After seeing his wife in bed with another man, Dimitri files for divorce and finds comfort with an equally as devastated Maria Santos Grey. Erica has no idea what Jonathan did or why Dimitri is angry with her. Dimitri shuts her out and refuses to explain why he divorced her. Erica does", "id": "16205448" }, { "contents": "Frontier in Space\n\n\nhas double-crossed them, and the room is depressurising. At the last moment, the Master arrives and restores the room's atmosphere. The Master obtains custody of the Doctor, and gets the Doctor to come along quietly by revealing that he has Jo. Reunited with Jo in a cell in the Master's ship, the Doctor wonders why he is still alive. The Master explains that his employers are very interested in the Doctor. The Master sets the automatic controls for the Ogron homeworld. Under the cover of telling", "id": "21812606" }, { "contents": "Time Stands Still (Degrassi: The Next Generation)\n\n\nfew pictures of Jimmy and Rick together. One picture is a collage of pictures of Jimmy and Rick with a one word statement \"Why?,\" which states the feelings of why any student would shoot another one, and subtly asks why would a student shoot one of his friends. The episode ends with Toby and Emma staring at the collages and crying. The following characters did not appear in either episodes, despite being regular characters that season. Part I was rated TV-PG-V in the United States,", "id": "8239925" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nthe patient in the future treatment. It may be further beneficial for the doctor–patient relationship to have a form of shared care with patient empowerment to take a major degree of responsibility for her or his care. Those who go to a doctor typically do not know exact medical reasons of why they are there, which is why they go to a doctor in the first place. For a patient to not be able to understand what is going on with their body, because they can’t understand lab results or their doctor", "id": "7007425" }, { "contents": "Eye of the Beholder (1960 Twilight Zone episode)\n\n\nof flesh\" by the nurses and doctor, whose own faces are always in shadows or off-camera. The outcome of the procedure cannot be known until the bandages are removed. Unable to bear the bandages any longer, Tyler pleads with the doctor and eventually convinces him to remove them early. As he prepares, the doctor develops great empathy for Tyler. The nurse verbally expresses concern for the doctor and that she still is uneasy about Tyler's appearance. The doctor becomes displeased and questions why Tyler or anyone must", "id": "19385093" }, { "contents": "Orosa-Nakpil, Malate\n\n\nbefore he bid goodbye. Dave then, slowly and surely but not completely, moved on and became successful in his studies. He graduated with flying colors and became a doctor. Then an unexpected encounter presented shocking revelations to Dave that made everything clear to him. Why he was raped, why Ross left, why a hundred crumpled fliers containing libelous information flew towards Dave at the Barn bar 6 years ago, why Ross did something Dave never thought he could. He knew why - he knew that it was because of revenge", "id": "14343764" }, { "contents": "Twelfth Doctor\n\n\nof Pompeii\" and John Frobisher in \"\", the 2009 serial of the \"Doctor Who\" spin-off \"Torchwood\". Moffat has stated that he plans on explaining over time why there are three characters in the \"Doctor Who\" universe with the same appearance; his predecessor Russell T Davies had once explained to him a theory for the first two, and upon Capaldi's casting assured Moffat that the explanation would still work. This situation was alluded to in \"Deep Breath\", when a confused Doctor is", "id": "22097544" }, { "contents": "Carlie Cooper\n\n\nfor what he had done. The grave collapses to discover that . Before continuing, Carlie is kidnapped by Menace and brought to the Goblin King's lair. She grabs Carlie's journal and gives it to the Goblin King where he learns about Superior Spider-Man's secret. With all the evidence of Doctor Octopus' mind being in Spider-Man's body, the Goblin King still tries to interrogate Carlie about why she left Spider-Man's true identity out of her journal. He tries to take it out of", "id": "14769444" }, { "contents": "LGBT culture in Liverpool\n\n\nthe overall context. Liverpool had successfully celebrated Homotopia and Outsiders for several years, but questions were still being raised as to how 'gay friendly' the area was and why the city was still the largest in Britain to not hold a Pride. The complexities associated with Liverpool were under scrutiny and reasons as to why the city had not moved forward were explored. Theories included that the city was 'old fashioned, shackled by nostalgia, rough, macho, and submerged by Roman Catholicism'. Later that year, Liverpool's", "id": "2533021" }, { "contents": "Dalek\n\n\nwhere the new, pure Daleks destroy their creators, impure Daleks, with the latters' consent. It is nearly impossible to negotiate or reason with a Dalek, a single-mindedness that makes them dangerous and not to be underestimated. The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) is later puzzled in the \"Asylum of the Daleks\" as to why the Daleks don't just kill the sequestered ones that have \"gone wrong\". Although the Asylum is subsequently obliterated, the Prime Minister of the Daleks explains that \"it is", "id": "9154597" }, { "contents": "September 11 attacks advance-knowledge conspiracy theories\n\n\nnone of the information provided had indicated the program had identified Atta or other 9/11 hijackers. Curt Weldon issued a response to this statement clarifying the mission of Able Danger, expressing concern over the statements made by various members of the 9/11 Commission, and promising to push forward until it is understood why the DoD was unable to pass the information uncovered by Able Danger to the FBI, and why the 9/11 Commission failed to follow up on the information they were given on Able Danger. Numerous whistleblowers and officials have surfaced, claiming that", "id": "8145860" }, { "contents": "Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think\n\n\nFactfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think is a 2018 book by Swedish statistician Hans Rosling with his son Ola Rosling and daughter-in-law Anna Rosling Rönnlund. In the book, Rosling suggests the vast majority of human beings are wrong about the state of the world. He shows that his test subjects think the world is poorer, less healthy, and more dangerous than it is. Rosling recommends thinking about the world as divided into four levels based on income", "id": "18532017" }, { "contents": "Civil rights movement (1896–1954)\n\n\n: If a state can prescribe, as a rule of civil conduct, that whites and blacks shall not travel as passengers in the same railroad coach, why may it not so regulate the use of the streets of its cities and towns as to compel white citizens to keep on one side of a street, and black citizens to keep on the other? Why may it not, upon like grounds, punish whites and blacks who ride together in street cars or in open vehicles on a public road or street? . .", "id": "10888095" }, { "contents": "Pullman Palace Car Co. v. Speck\n\n\nhave been made for removal in which no such motion was made. We see no reason why this case was not triable at any of those terms according to the due course of proceedings in such cases. The only reason why it was not so tried, was the time beyond that of the usual course prescribed by rule, which was obtained by order of the court or by agreement of the parties. The case was certainly triable at the January term, after the answers were all in, for it could have been then", "id": "2477681" }, { "contents": "Fortune Records\n\n\nDollars My Baby-O / That's The Way It Goes 1960 855 John Lee Hooker Crazy About That Walk / We're All God's Children 1961 856 Andre Williams Jailhouse Blues / I Still Love You 1961 857 Doctor Ross and the Orbits Cat Squirrel / The Sunnyland 1961 858 Tony Valla and the Alamos La Bamba /.Jane, Why Did You Do It 1962 859 Tony Valla and the Alamos Love, Boy / Maria Christina 1963 860 Big Blues Carson Night You Left / Why Did You Leave 1963 861 Dave Hamilton and his Peppers", "id": "13317873" }, { "contents": "Cable & Deadpool\n\n\nthrough Doctor Doom's time platform doesn't help matters, also with the 'temporal hiccups' still in effect the team gets quite confused about why there is a HYDRA agent at their breakfast table). Eventually they agree to help Deadpool return to the future, although complications mean he and Bob end up falling further and further into the time-stream until they are rescued at the last minute by both time periods versions of the Fantastic Four. After being dismissed from the Baxter Building for his mercenary lifestyle (although Sandi and", "id": "12224458" }, { "contents": "Death of Christopher Alder\n\n\nand PC Blakey arrived at the hospital at approximately 3.05 am. Alder again became uncooperative with staff at the hospital, and the police control room were informed by the officers at 3.19 am: \"Our complainant is being a wee bit troublesome. Probably the reason why he got smacked in the first place.\" The doctor who examined Alder listed his injuries as: Medical staff tried to take an x-ray of Alder's head injury but he would not remain still and they abandoned the effort. PC Dawson wrote in his", "id": "2542770" }, { "contents": "Warabandi system\n\n\n. The reason why some people still adopt is that if any situation occurred, disputes were registered with the canal authorities, which means the government will deal with the problem. This method commonly used by large landowners for ensuring the owner's benefit, if any situation occurs, the government can help them solve the problem. After the prescribed adjudication processes, the system will change to official schedules as a result and become easier to manage as a large landowner. Warabandi system helps people get rid of the old irrigation system. In", "id": "16473843" }, { "contents": "Linguistic prescription\n\n\nentrenched and it is difficult to change them when the language changes. Thus, there is a tendency for prescription to lag behind the vernacular language. In 1834, an anonymous writer advised against the split infinitive, reasoning that the construction was not a frequent feature of English as he knew it. Today the construction is in everyday use and generally considered standard usage, yet the old prohibition can still be heard. A further problem is the difficulty of specifying legitimate criteria. Although prescribing authorities may have clear ideas about why they make", "id": "7020091" }, { "contents": "Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Attack of the Legion of Doom\n\n\nThe real Cyborg is still in the Hall of Justice trying to find out why the Justice League saw the power station in danger while he didn't. He soon finds the microchip J'onn used to hack the computer, but Sinestro finds Cyborg and battles him. Just when it seems like Sinestro gained the upper hand, J'onn arrives and uses his telepathy to control him. J'onn explains how the Legion tricked him and how he tricked the Justice League into turning themselves against the public and that his telepathy was ineffective on inorganic beings,", "id": "1365019" }, { "contents": "Hell Bound (Angel)\n\n\nan 18th-century doctor nicknamed the Reaper for performing unnecessary surgery. Rather than praising him for being brutal, Wolfram & Hart killed him and used his blood to de-consecrate the ground of the L.A. branch; the site the seers had determined would work was originally a church, so Pavayne's blood was needed. Angel notes that Pavayne practiced the dark arts, which is probably why he's not in Hell and can get around the mystics. Angel wonders why there aren’t any ghosts in the building, since so", "id": "13207043" }, { "contents": "Last Man Running\n\n\nknow why she's on an interdicted world. Leela easily slips away from them and soon finds the Doctor, who is still trapped by the bird-louse predator. Leela also kills this predator and takes the Doctor back to Rinandor and Pertandor, who are forced to concede that they can't survive on this world without Leela's help. They assume that the Doctor is also a toody—probably a duelling agent who's brought Leela to this world to train illegally. Trying to find the rest of their group, they", "id": "2404782" }, { "contents": "The Power of the Daleks\n\n\n, 50 years to the serials' original broadcast dates. Ben and Polly enter the TARDIS as the Doctor collapses and changes into a younger, confused man who seems to ignore or deliberately misunderstand direct questions, and refers to his previous self as another person. Ben suspects he is an imposter, but Polly believes he is still the Doctor they know. They land on the planet Vulcan, where the Doctor witnesses the murder of an examiner from Earth, sent to inspect the planet's colony (why the examiner was summoned is", "id": "4961959" }, { "contents": "Living Dangerously (1999)\n\n\nfor including.\" He further wrote \"Not as bad as Wrestlepalooza, but still pretty bad. Thumbs way down.\" Mike Whaley of the \"SLAM! Sports\" section of Canadian Online Explorer gave it a score rating of 9 out of 10, writing \"ECW once again showed why it is the greatest wrestling around today, even if the March Madness fans don't realize it, at their Living Dangerously pay per view.\" He further wrote \"Solid from top to bottom. Even the matches that weren't", "id": "14811460" }, { "contents": "Gnarls Barkley\n\n\nfrom the Danger Doom album \"The Mouse and the Mask\" in 2005. In 2006, Sanjiv Bhattacharya interviewed the duo for \"The Guardian\" and asked about where their band name came from, to which Green replied: \"You ask me why we're called Gnarls Barkley and I'm asking you 'why not?'...The name Gnarls Barkley isn't anchored down. It's a drifter. A High Plains drifter, I might add\". Danger Mouse said: \"There's no story behind it...The name", "id": "18081134" }, { "contents": "The Atheism Tapes\n\n\nsomething comes from nothing. American philosopher Dennett explains why he called one of his books \"Darwin's Dangerous Idea\", and why many of Darwin's contemporaries, in particular, considered Darwin's theory of evolution to be dangerous. He goes on to deal with the question of consciousness (i.e., is the consciousness/soul distinct from the body), talking about Darwin's rejection of the soul and the possible origins and psychological purposes of a belief in an immaterial soul. Next, he talks about his Christian upbringing and", "id": "2695852" }, { "contents": "Obesity and walking\n\n\nare presented to the public, exercise in the form of walking is an easy, relatively safe activity that has the potential to move a person towards a negative energy balance and if done for a long enough time may reduce weight. Knee osteoarthritis and other joint pain are common complaints amongst obese individuals and are often a reason as to why exercise prescriptions such as walking are not continued after prescribed. To determine why an obese person might have more joint problems than a non-obese individual, the biomechanical parameters must be observed to", "id": "11249636" }, { "contents": "Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21\n\n\npoet Salomon Franck, as in most cantatas of the period, such as . The text shows little connection to the prescribed gospel, but is related to the epistle reading. The poet included biblical texts for four movements: for movement 2 , for movement 6 , translated in the King James Version (KJV) to \"Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.\", for", "id": "16694315" }, { "contents": "Pitchess motion\n\n\ngood cause\" to release the records. Explaining why good cause exists, and why the records are relevant often discloses a defense lawyer's strategy in a criminal case. Thus, courts will allow a defense attorney to file this portion of the motion under seal so that only the judge can review it. The defendant must also prove that the agency that has custody of the records has received notice of the motion. In California, there is a carefully prescribed procedure governing \"Pitchess\" motions. Evidence obtained from one \"Pitchess", "id": "17085702" }, { "contents": "Science\n\n\n, questioned Aristotle's teaching of physics and to note its flaws. John Philoponus' criticism of Aristotelian principles of physics served as an inspiration to medieval scholars as well as to Galileo Galilei who ten centuries later, during the Scientific Revolution, extensively cited Philoponus in his works while making the case as to why Aristotelian physics was flawed. During late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, the Aristotelian approach to inquiries on natural phenomena was used. Aristotle's four causes prescribed that four \"why\" questions should be answered in order to", "id": "6917621" }, { "contents": "Vasily Nebenzya\n\n\nhe, of course, represents no current threat to the Russian state. Vasily Nebenzya proceeded to question the conspicuous timing: \"Why did we wait eight years and decided on a \"case\" two weeks before the presidential election and a few weeks before the World Cup?\", \"Why was he even released from Russia?\", \"Why would we attempt to assassinate him in such a strange way which is so dangerous to bystanders?\" Speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council devoted to the 2019 Venezuelan", "id": "19080410" }, { "contents": "Why Paint Cats\n\n\nWhy Paint Cats is a humorous book written by New Zealand author Burton Silver and illustrator Heather Busch. It is one of three cat art books, including \"Why Cats Paint\" and \"Dancing with Cats\". The book purports to describe the practice of \"cat painting\", the decorating of cats with paint. Some readers were concerned at the dangers of applying paint to cats, but the book's depictions are digitally manipulated. Critical reception for the book has been mixed to positive, with the SF site calling it", "id": "6422407" }, { "contents": "Why (Canadian band)\n\n\nthe Winnipeg Free Press' Top 10 songs of 2007. WHY played many shows in Winnipeg supporting the album, and appeared on A Channel's \"The Big Breakfast,\" playing their hit song \"Red\". WHY was also showcased in \"Canadian Music Magazine\" that same year. In an interview with online magazine \"Interference\", singer Brian Cook explained that the album \"RED\" was based on everything which the color represents: anger, joy, passion, danger, heat, for example. After the album", "id": "8558060" }, { "contents": "United Nations Security Council Resolution 2331\n\n\nthe \"gateway to paradise\" (for IS fighters). She complained about that Islamic leaders’ silence and wondered why no military action was taken against the group. The goodwill ambassador for the dignity of survivors of human trafficking Nadia Murad Base Taha, has declared that more than 3,000 Yazidi were still being held in the custody of IS.She asked why there was no investigation and there was no court to prosecute perpetrators. In 2000, in the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, a definition of \"trafficking in human beings", "id": "20003626" }, { "contents": "Footfalls\n\n\nactual ghost but some form of energy that remains in a particular location. The ghost goes about their business oblivious to the world of the living – what Beckett meant by the expression \"being for herself,\" Night by night ghosts pace their prescribed path offering no explanation to the viewers as to why they re-enact the same scene over and over. The answers – or at least best guesses – have to come from research done by the living in the real world. The apparition is \"by no means invisible\"", "id": "1545450" }, { "contents": "Nisargadatta Maharaj\n\n\ntill the clouds obscuring the mind dissolve and the heart of being is seen in all its glory.”Nisargadatta did not prescribe a specific practice for self-knowledge but advised his disciples, \"\"Don't pretend to be what you are not, don't refuse to be what you are.\"\" By means of self-enquiry in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, he advised, \"\"Why don't you enquire how real are the world and the person?\"\" Nisargadatta frequently spoke about the importance of having", "id": "1678249" }, { "contents": "Living Brain\n\n\nBrain contains a copy of the consciousness of Doctor Octopus. After the Anna Maria Marconi AI reactivated and transformed Doctor Octopus' gauntlets into an Octobot as part of the \"\" storyline, he proceeded to take over Living Brain and bide his time. When it came to Peter Parker scanning Living Brain to find out why it was acting weird, he hears Doctor Octopus' voice asking why he was erased. Upon realizing the truth, Peter Parker was forced to shut Living Brain down to stop Doctor Octopus' conscious only for it", "id": "5051174" }, { "contents": "Daniel Wayne Smith\n\n\nOn February 8, 2007, Wecht said on Fox News that there was still no information available as to how Daniel obtained methadone. Although methadone is prescribed in place of other opioids for pain relief and is used in the treatment of heroin and morphine addiction, Wecht had said he had no information to make any conclusion about why Daniel was using it. On February 14, it was reported that his mother Anna Nicole Smith had been given a prescription for methadone under a false name while she was in her eighth month of pregnancy", "id": "8234633" }, { "contents": "Garage Kids\n\n\nsupercomputer. Odd just stands there, in awe of his surroundings. Jeremie quickly sends Ulrich to a virtual world known as Xanadu. Odd wonders what is happening, so Yumi gives a quick explanation about Xanadu. They don't know why it exists, but that they do know something is dangerously wrong with it. In Xanadu, Ulrich walks around aimlessly for a bit before giant black ghosts begin to chase him. As the chase takes place, Odd asks why they go if it's so dangerous. Yumi explains that their", "id": "7040848" }, { "contents": "Dee Why\n\n\ntwo medals, dating from 1925 and 1926, that were awarded to players for Dee Why, that suggest it could have an even longer history. Notably in 1983 at an exhibition match against Manly Warringah, Dee Why won 2-1 with the winning goal scored by guest player George Best, a former Manchester United and Northern Ireland national football team member. Dee Why is also home to the Dee Why Surfing Fraternity, Australia's oldest surfboard riders club, founded in 1961 and still competing each month. Dee Why was the", "id": "12047240" }, { "contents": "Danger Unlimited\n\n\nBrewster had previously inspected the drawer. Four promotional pages published as the series premiered showed a battle between the original team (presumably circa 1970, as Doc Danger was still recognizably human but his cranium had visibly expanded in both height and girth) and aliens (not Xlerii, which is why Calvin did not know of Xlerii) aboard one of their spaceships. Nazi supervillain Golgotha was a recurring adversary of the team, although he appeared only in one flashback. He appears to be a cyborg with a mechanical left arm and his", "id": "10803450" }, { "contents": "Le Spleen de Paris\n\n\nof representation for Liszt's music. In \"The Bad Windowpane Maker\" Baudelaire speaks of a \"kind of energy that springs from ennui and reverie\" that manifests itself in a particularly unexpected way in the most inactive dreamers. Doctors and moralists alike are at a loss to explain where such mad energy so suddenly comes from to these lazy people, why they suddenly feel the need to perform such absurd and dangerous deeds. The prefatory letter Baudelaire wrote to Arsene Houssaye, the editor of \"La Presse\", was not necessarily", "id": "4189609" }, { "contents": "Marilyn Chambers (Home and Away)\n\n\nAll of a sudden Marilyn doubles up in pain and realises that the baby is coming. It's all terribly dramatic it's down to Vinnie to try to get her to the hospital in time.\" At the hospital, complications develop and put the baby's life in danger, so the doctors decide to put Marilyn under anaesthetic and perform a caesarean. The baby, a boy, is delivered safely, but when he is handed to Marilyn she does not understand why she was not awake for his birth. Marilyn is", "id": "8780750" }, { "contents": "Exorcism in the Catholic Church\n\n\nthe ritual of the exorcism revised by the Vatican in 1999. Seasoned exorcists use the Rituale Romanum as a starting point, not always following the prescribed formula exactly. \"The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained\" describes that an exorcism was a confrontation and not simply a prayer and once it has begun it has to finish no matter how long it takes. If the exorcist stops the rite, then the demon will pursue him which is why the process being finished is so essential. After the exorcism has been finished the", "id": "13237244" }, { "contents": "Antimicrobial resistance\n\n\nthem as they do not have time to explain why they are not necessary. Another cause can be physicians not knowing when to prescribe antibiotics or being overly cautious for medical or legal reasons. For example, 70 to 80 percent of diarrhea is caused by viral pathogens, for which antibiotics are not effective. But nevertheless, around 40 percent of these cases are attempted to be treated with antibiotics. In some areas even over 80 percent of such cases are attempted to be treated with antibiotics. Lower antibiotic concentration contributes to the increase", "id": "1666018" }, { "contents": "Firestone and Ford tire controversy\n\n\nmillion to $16 million to settle cases of paralysis. Lawyers for the plaintiffs argued that both Ford and Firestone knew of the dangers but did nothing, and that Ford knew that the Explorer was highly prone to rollovers. Firestone argued that Ford's recommended inflation pressure of 26 psi was too low and should have been 30 psi and that the Explorer was an especially dangerous vehicle prone to rollovers. Congress began hearings in September 2000 to find out why it took so long for NHTSA to discover these tire defects and why Ford and", "id": "18643472" }, { "contents": "Tic Talk: Living with Tourette Syndrome\n\n\nhis parents took him to a neurologist who prescribed medicine which would help reduce the intensity of the tics. The tics still occurred with medication. As the tics progressed in strength and intensity, Peters began to wonder if his friends would notice and if they would think he was strange. His friends began to ask questions about why he would do certain things such as blink twice or jerk his head. In the third grade, he decided to tell his friends and classmates of his Tourette syndrome. As the date of getting in", "id": "6879497" }, { "contents": "Sloterdijk train collision\n\n\nwhy the accident caused over 100 injuries and one fatality considering the marginal speed at the crash site. Prevention of accidents starts with an accurate time schedule. The presence of Signals At Danger in regular circumstance has had little priority in the past. The driver as well as the signalman could have intervened but the DSB put in question why they did not do so or why the security system did not activate. Finally it continued to also focus on the visibility of the actual signal. In December 2012 DSB published its final report.", "id": "16705193" }, { "contents": "Fear of the Daleks\n\n\nFear of the Daleks is a Big Finish Productions audiobook based on the long-running British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\". The Companion Chronicles \"talking books\" are each narrated by one of the Doctor's companions and feature a second, guest-star voice along with music and sound effects. Long ago, Zoe Heriot shared an adventure with a man called the Doctor — but she remembers him leaving afterwards. Why, then, does she have detailed dreams of travelling with him in the TARDIS? Why does", "id": "1829527" }, { "contents": "Alice Dreger\n\n\n1995. Dreger has taught at both Michigan State University, where she received a Teacher-Scholar Award in 2000, and at Northwestern University (2005-2015). During her doctoral work, Dreger became interested in \"how and why it is that scientists and medical doctors work to mediate the relationships between our bodies and our selves\" and \"why it is we often look to scientists and medical doctors to read or even alter our bodies.\" In 1995 she published a paper in \"Victorian Studies\" examining 19th-", "id": "22057736" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the universe\n\n\ntravel faster than the speed of light, in this case it was the metric governing the size and geometry of spacetime itself that changed in scale. Changes to the metric are not limited by the speed of light. There is good evidence that this happened, and it is widely accepted that it did take place. But the exact reasons \"why\" it happened are still being explored. So a range of models exist that explain why and how it took place - it is not yet clear which explanation is correct. In", "id": "5612100" }, { "contents": "William Acton (doctor)\n\n\nin which human bodies possessed only a finite amount of energy (sexual and otherwise) which is why masturbation and the expenditure of semen was considered so dangerous. He, like many of his contemporaries, was of the opinion that women were by nature sexually uninterested. Acton claimed that: \"The majority of women (happily for them) are not very much troubled with sexual feeling of any kind.\" He further stated that \"As a general rule, a modest woman seldom desires any sexual gratification for herself. She submits", "id": "14579480" }, { "contents": "Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)\n\n\nher and the Flash to form a team against the coming danger. Since then, Hawkgirl alongside the Flash, Green Lantern and Doctor Fate formed the Wonders of the World. During the events of \"The Tower of Fate\" Hawkgirl is seen New Orleans trying to make Khalid join her in an attempt to fight against the war with Apokolips. Later, she is shown in Louisiana locating a parademon cell, Green Lantern appears and asks for her help with finding why his husband was murdered. Together with Kendra, Alan manages to", "id": "172610" }, { "contents": "Thomas (Burton novel)\n\n\nby his parents but becomes an assistant to a London doctor. Richenda and Thomas join the Quakers, which causes a breach between Thomas and his father, as well as the three friends; Burton does a good job of explaining why memories of the recent civil war meant sects like the Quakers were seen as dangerous. This was also historically accurate, since there were a number of attempted revolts by Puritan radicals, including that led by Thomas Venner in January 1661. Thomas and Richenda fall in love, marry and have a child", "id": "2656828" }, { "contents": "Papillary tumors of the pineal region\n\n\nthink nothing of it. This is why brain tumors are so dangerous. There are not a lot of symptoms that go along with them so people tend to wait a long time before seeking medical help. Most of the time people will go see a doctor when their headaches become consistent and start to never go away. This symptom however occurs secondary to hydrocephalus, which is a result from compression of the cerebral aqueduct. The cerebral aqueduct is a narrow channel in the midbrain, which connects the third and fourth ventricles. When", "id": "7815188" } ]
Why does the cost of a hard drive increase with capacity? Are there actual material costs or are we putting a price tag on a virtual concept? What is the history here?
[{"answer": "I'm assuming you're asking something like: Why does a 3TB drive cost more than a 2TB drive and the answer is yes, there are material costs involved. First take into consideration what a hard drive is made of: * Enclosure (the casing) * Controller (that green thingy on the bottom) * Drive Platters (basically shiny discs that actually store your data) * Drive Head & Etc (How the drive is read) The enclosure and drive head are pretty unimportant in this argument since they rarely change between drive types. What increases the cost is usually in the controller and the drive platters. Let's start with platters. Each platter has a certain physical capacity. Say for example you can fit 1GB of data onto a platter -- It would take 1000 of these to be able to store 1TB -- there's no physical way you could fit 1000 of these into a hard drive (which has certain height, length, width restrictions). So, you'll need to engineer some way to fit more space on a platter. You spend $$$ on research and development and finally (years later) you figure out how to get a whopping 250GB per platter. Now you can take 4 of these put them together to get 1TB. But ... you just spent a fortune figuring out how to store more data on these platters. So how do you recoup your costs? Make the price higher -- the high price reflects the huge investment made in figuring out how to make the drive in the first place. This is also why the price decreases as times goes by. The technology is mostly established for that drive, there's no more costs involved other than production (and occasional maintenance). Now, on to the controller. The controller, as the name might imply, controls how the data is read or written to the drive; it's the interface for your computer to talk to a hard drive. Imagine you spend very little on making a controller. All it does is blindly read and write data -- there's no error checking. So if by some weird mishap data becomes corrupt, it won't bother telling you or even noticing. Sounds like a pretty shitty drive, right? Well, that's why a lot of work goes into making more robust controllers that are catered to the drive. A specific hard drive model will probably have a completely custom controller that cannot be swapped with the controller for a different hard drive model. And this, again, goes back to the R & D in making said controller. After those factors, there's also supply and demand to take into consideration. Spinny drives on the smaller side have a smaller amount of demand, so supply is usually limited which drives the price up a bit. So the price per GB is usually higher than larger sized drives."}, {"answer": "Yes there are also actual material costs, but mostly it's because the data on a hard drive has to be organized by controller electronics, and the more data is there to manage, the more complex that controller has to be. EDIT: because the reply to this was buried, but it did make me bring up this point: Apart from the electronics, if you want to double the capacity of a hard drive, you need either double the medium to store the data on or store the data at double density, requiring more expensive read/write hardware."}, {"answer": "Additionally there are R & D costs and investment that went to the production of that hard drive. Actually same is true for all high tech stuff."}, {"answer": "One simple reason is hard drives often have a different number of [platers and heads]( URL_0 ) inside (you can see them better in [this image]( URL_1 ) stacked one on top of the other) If a single platter can hold 1TB, then you may find a 1TB drive has just 1 platter, a 2TB drive has 2 platters and a 3TB drive has 3 platters etc. Alternatively a 1TB drive may have 2 500GB platters because 500GB platters don't have to be as precise and can be made cheaply, or they have a lot of old 500GB platters they want to use up."}, {"answer": "Let's say we compare a 128gb and 256gb solid state drive. Besides R & D is there that much of a difference in manufacturing cost?"}, {"answer": "It's a combination of technology and market. Higher density devices cost more to manufacture. That's true for every device. Smaller parts, tighter tolerances, higher quality control, etc. But market costs come into play, too. The top of the line leading edge technology will be sold in smaller numbers and the price will be high. Limited competition, sales, etc. That would be the high-capacity drives. Once they've been out for awhile, the prices drop. Stores now have them in stock and want to move them out. Price is constantly dropping, so stores want to move their inventory before they lose profits. What's interesting is that the curve of cost (per MB) vs capacity has an \"elbow\" to it. The highest capacity (highest density) drives make up a sharp increase in price per MB. The LOWEST capacity drives, strangely, ALSO make up an increased price per MB. That's because those drives reached a minimum price and stores stopped discounting them. They may have even stopped stocking them. When buying a drive, you likely want to pick the saddle of that cost-per-MB curve. You want a drive that has a high enough density that the cost per MB is low, but not so high that you pay the premium for top-of-the-line new technology."}, {"answer": "For drives that are relatively close in size it doesn't have anything to do with material cost as they are all the same. Manufacturing things like hard drives in a consistent manner is rather difficult. To deal with this the factories build all one size drive, lets say 5TB. After they are built they run them through a set of tests. Some drives will reliably spin faster than others so they get a 7200 RPM rating. The slower ones get a 5400 RPM rating. Some will have 4TB of usable space and some will only have 1TB. What the drive ends up being sold as just depends on how it tests and what firmware is written to it. Drives that may meet requirements but not very well are sent to Walmart. The same thing happens with computer processors. They sell 3 core processors but that is just so they can do something with the 4 core ones they make that have a core that doesn't work so well."}, {"answer": "Why something costs X can be summed up in three words: Demand and Supply Since the supply side has been covered below, I'll talk about demand. Demand in economics shows how much people in economics are willing to pay for something. How much they are willing to pay for something depends upon the size of the benefit they can get from that something. Since people can get more benefit from a 1TB hard-drive, than say a 500GB one, they are willing to pay more for them, and therefore, the 1TB hard drive will cost more."}, {"answer": "I bring up the same scenario with motorcycles. A 250cc motorcycle can cost thousands more than a 125cc motorcycle, even though only a few minor things in the engine are different. The manufacturing process of these bikes are identical. You may even say that the 250cc should be less expensive since they outsell them 2:1."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2421479", "title": "Implicit cost", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In economics, an implicit cost, also called an imputed cost, implied cost, or notional cost, is the opportunity cost equal to what a firm must give up in order to use a factor of production for which it already owns and thus does not pay rent. It is the opposite of an explicit cost, which is borne directly. In other words, an implicit cost is any cost that results from using an asset instead of renting it out or selling it. The term also applies to foregone income from choosing not to work.", "In economics, an implicit cost, also called an imputed cost, implied cost, or notional cost, is the opportunity cost equal to what a firm must give up in order to use a factor of production for which it already owns and thus does not pay rent. It is the opposite of an explicit cost, which is borne directly. In other words, an implicit cost is any cost that results from using an asset instead of renting it out or selling it. The term also applies to foregone income from choosing not to work.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Areal density (computer storage)\n\n\n, the price of high-capacity drives has fallen rapidly, and this is indeed an effect of density. The highest capacity drives use more platters, essentially individual hard drives within the case. As the density increases, the number of platters can be reduced, leading to lower costs. Hard drives are often measured in terms of cost per bit. For example, the first commercial hard drive, IBM's RAMAC in 1957, supplied 3.75 MB for $34,500, or $9,200 per megabyte. In 1989, a 40", "id": "10502298" }, { "contents": "History of computing\n\n\nKB of RAM, one floppy drive, and no hard drive in order to lower the price. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, we see more advancements with computers becoming more useful for actual computational purposes. In 1989, Apple released the Macintosh Portable, it weighed and was extremely expensive, costing US$7,300. At launch it was one of the most powerful laptops available, but due to the price and weight, it was not met with great success, and was discontinued only two years later. That same year", "id": "11814614" }, { "contents": "Backup software\n\n\nto transport off-site and inexpensive compared to hard drives or servers. However, the recent increase in hard drive capacity and decrease in drive cost has made voluming a far less popular solution. The introduction of small, portable, durable USB drives, and the increase in broadband capacity has provided easier and more secure methods of transporting backup data off-site. Since hard drive space has cost, compressing the data will reduce the size allowing for less drive space to be used to save money. Many backup solutions offer a", "id": "5511848" }, { "contents": "Social credit\n\n\nAs society's capacity to deliver goods and services is increased by the use of plant and still more by scientific progress, and decreased by the production, maintenance, or depreciation of it, we can issue credit, in costs, at a greater rate than the rate at which we take it back through prices of ultimate products, if capacity to supply individuals exceeds desire.\" Based on his conclusion that the real cost of production is less than the financial cost of production, the Douglas price rebate (Compensated Price) is", "id": "487246" }, { "contents": "Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception\n\n\nknow what the manufacturing costs are, I don't know what the shipping costs are. I have no concept of that. I do know that for the amount of stuff we're putting in here, it is certainly not a bad deal. There are literally thousands of hours of content in this game. It doesn't seem like a crazy price to me. But again, I have no idea what the proper margins are. If someone is saying 'What am I going to buy this month?' in November", "id": "14165091" }, { "contents": "Hyperinflation in Yugoslavia\n\n\nfor an increase in operating costs (primarily wages and wages, but also other forms of operating costs) and it does not always have to be a consequence of excess money demand in relation to commodity funds. When there is an autonomous increase in operating costs, then this increase is attempted to automatically \"fit\" into a sales price, resulting in a general increase in prices. In the opinion of the supporters of the concept of cost inflation, the autonomous growth of some of the operating costs causes, even without the", "id": "12532560" }, { "contents": "Green computing\n\n\nbased devices. In a recent case study, Fusion-io, manufacturer of solid state storage devices, managed to reduce the energy use and operating costs of MySpace data centers by 80% while increasing performance speeds beyond that which had been attainable via multiple hard disk drives in Raid 0. In response, MySpace was able to retire several of their servers. As hard drive prices have fallen, storage farms have tended to increase in capacity to make more data available online. This includes archival and backup data that would formerly have", "id": "7813934" }, { "contents": "Carbon price\n\n\nIn this case the refinery passes on the cost of its carbon permits or carbon tax (just as it passes on all marginal costs), and the gas stations pay those costs. But then the gas stations pass on their cost to the drivers. So drivers actually bear the cost of carbon pricing, and that is as it should be, because driving is the real reason for the emissions. But economics does not view this as a moral matter. Rather, economics points out that when the cost goes up, if", "id": "16977343" }, { "contents": "Athearn\n\n\n-called \"blue-box kits\" because of increased manufacturing and labor costs. \"Effective immediately, we here at Athearn have made the difficult decision to discontinue the production of our Blue Box line of kits. There were several factors that contributed to this extremely challenging decision however, the primary issue revolved around affordability and ensuring that our Blue Box kit pricing remain aligned with what the market can bear. Unfortunately, due to increased manufacturing and labor costs it has been determined that we are no longer able to continue offering kits", "id": "4663879" }, { "contents": "Job costing\n\n\nin a systematic way, and then using this information to create a quote for the customer. Job costing or cost accounting can be used in virtually any industry (especially service industry) to ensure that the product pricing covers actual costs, overhead and provides a profit. The purpose of any business is to make money, and job costing is the most effective way to ensure that occurs. In a job costing system, costs may be accumulated either by job or by batch. For a typical job, direct material, labor", "id": "16427118" }, { "contents": "Extended producer responsibility\n\n\nrecycle, such as lithium-ion polymer batteries. Others worry that such laws could increase the cost of electronics because producers would add recycling costs into the initial price tag. When companies are required to transport their products to a recycling facility, it can be expensive if the product contains hazardous materials and does not have a scrap value, such as with CRT televisions, which can contain up to five pounds of lead. Organizations and researchers against EPR claim that the mandate would slow innovation and impede technological progress. Other critics are", "id": "4689725" }, { "contents": "Real prices and ideal prices\n\n\ndenoting various quite different financial categories (e.g. a purchase or sale cost, the amount of a liability, the amount of a compensation, an asset value, an asset yield, an interest rate etc.). For example, an interest rate can be defined as the \"price\" of borrowing money for a period of time. Here, the concept of price is used in the loose sense of \"a cost\" or \"a compensation.\" This loose sense means that the distinction between actual prices and ideal prices", "id": "18820920" }, { "contents": "Analytic hierarchy process – car example\n\n\nis only one pair of subcriteria. They are compared as to how important they are with respect to the Capacity criterion. Things change a bit when we get to the alternatives row. Here, the cars in each group of alternatives are compared pair-by-pair with respect to the \"covering criterion\" of the group, which is the node directly above them in the hierarchy. What we are doing here is evaluating the models under consideration with respect to Purchase Price, then with respect to fuel costs, then maintenance", "id": "6361778" }, { "contents": "USB flash drive\n\n\ncard, offering durability and portability approaching, if not quite equal to, that of a flash drive. Although the combined cost of a mini-reader and a memory card is usually slightly higher than a USB flash drive of comparable capacity, the reader + card solution offers additional flexibility of use, and virtually \"unlimited\" capacity. The ubiquity of SD cards is such that, circa 2011, due to economies of scale, their price is now less than an equivalent-capacity USB flash drive, even with the added", "id": "15220759" }, { "contents": "Hard disk drive\n\n\nMAMR, Bit patterned media and dual independent actuator arms increase the speed and capacity of HDDs and are expected to make HDDs more competitive with SSDs. The 2011 Thailand floods damaged the manufacturing plants and impacted hard disk drive cost adversely between 2011 and 2013. A modern HDD records data by magnetizing a thin film of ferromagnetic material on both sides of a disk. Sequential changes in the direction of magnetization represent binary data bits. The data is read from the disk by detecting the transitions in magnetization. User data is encoded using an", "id": "13702027" }, { "contents": "Customer cost\n\n\n, return them for money, donate them or receive leasing return. The purpose of this concept is to encourage the companies to reduce waste. This may be achieved by designing processes more efficiently, increasing recycling and establishing markets for secondary materials. Emerging new cost structures may lead to increasing or decreasing market prices, depending on the trade-off between material savings and compliance costs for disposal and recycling. Consumers tend to base their buying decisions on incomplete and biased information about total costs of products which is referred to as \"bounded", "id": "20839203" }, { "contents": "Interstate 422\n\n\nsuch as OCHS, claim that the Beltline will increase traffic congestion on I-59. The project is budgeted to cost $5.445 billion, making it the most expensive road project in Alabama history. At $104.7 million per mile ($65.1 million/km), this budget also makes the Northern Beltline one of the most expensive roads per mile ever built in the United States. Notably, this price tag does not take into account the cost of extending sewer services, power lines, and other infrastructure necessary to develop the isolated", "id": "10157586" }, { "contents": "Nintendo 64 Game Pak\n\n\nthan the competing CD-ROM format. Nintendo was concerned that a CD-ROM drive would increase the cost of the console in a price-sensitive market. Nintendo software engineering manager Jim Merrick said, \"We're very sensitive to the cost of the console. We could get an eight-speed CD-ROM mechanism in the unit, but in the under-$200 console market, it would be hard to pull that off.\" Specified at 5 to 50 MiB/s, Nintendo cited the ROM cartridges' very fast", "id": "15738727" }, { "contents": "Virtual tape library\n\n\ncritical data is always vital. Most current VTL solutions use SAS or SATA disk arrays as the primary storage component due to their relatively low cost. The use of array enclosures increases the scalability of the solution by allowing the addition of more disk drives and enclosures to increase the storage capacity. The shift to VTL also eliminates streaming problems that often impair efficiency in tape drives as disk technology does not rely on streaming and can write effectively regardless of data transfer speeds. By backing up data to disks instead of tapes, VTL often", "id": "3816027" }, { "contents": "Direct material price variance\n\n\nIn variance analysis (accounting) direct material price variance is the difference between the standard cost and the actual cost for the actual quantity of material purchased. It is one of the two components (the other is direct material usage variance) of direct material total variance. Let us assume that the standard direct material cost of widget is as follows: Let us assume further that during the given period, 100 widgets were manufactured, using 212 kg of unobtainium which cost € 13,144. Under those assumptions direct material price variance can be", "id": "7316706" }, { "contents": "Great Lakes Paper\n\n\nthe Company included increases in global newsprint capacity, particularly in China and Europe, which resulted in lower prices, volumes or both for the Canadian industry's exported products. The relationship between industry supply and demand for forest products, rather than changes in the cost of raw materials, determines the industry’s ability to increase prices. Consequently, the industry has been unable to pass along increases in operating costs to its customers. The major factors contributing to the ultimate merger and demise of the Company are: • Energy prices, particularly", "id": "22097484" }, { "contents": "Forward contract\n\n\nof the discrete storage cost at time formula_12, and formula_20 is the continuously compounded storage cost where it is proportional to the price of the commodity, and is hence a 'negative yield'. The intuition here is that because storage costs make the final price higher, we have to add them to the spot price. Consumption assets are typically raw material commodities which are used as a source of energy or in a production process, for example crude oil or iron ore. Users of these consumption commodities may feel that there is", "id": "11482115" }, { "contents": "History of hard disk drives\n\n\nIn 1953, IBM recognized the immediate application for what it termed a \"Random Access File\" having high capacity and rapid random access at a relatively low cost. After considering technologies such as wire matrices, rod arrays, drums, drum arrays, etc., the engineers at IBM's San Jose California laboratory invented the hard disk drive. The disk drive created a new level in the computer data hierarchy, then termed Random Access Storage but today known as secondary storage, less expensive and slower than main memory (then typically", "id": "12604876" }, { "contents": "London Clay\n\n\nnow increased the cost of premiums for buildings located in the most susceptible areas where damage occurred, where the clay is close to the surface. London clay is also used to line a quarry that has finished. This is because old quarry holes are generally refilled with waste material and by lining it with London clay (which is virtually impenetrable) it prevents waste and hazardous material and substances from entering the water table. London Clay is an ideal medium for driving tunnels, which is why the London Underground railway network expanded quickly north", "id": "15237409" }, { "contents": "Brian Moynihan\n\n\ncompany, give capital ratios where people understood that we had the capital we knew we had. And then they saw that and that's why you saw some response in the stock...The core issue now is to drive the core earnings, and we've got to get the costs down in the company, which we're working on. And then as the economy continues to move along, even at the 2 percent growth level, we'll start to materialize more and more earnings, and that's what we need to", "id": "15664551" }, { "contents": "Economies of scale\n\n\n, inventories, circulating capital, etc). A larger scale generally determines greater bargaining power over input prices and therefore benefits from pecuniary economies in terms of purchasing raw materials and intermediate goods compared to companies that make orders for smaller amounts. In this case we speak of pecuniary economies, to highlight the fact that nothing changes from the \"physical\" point of view of the returns to scale. Furthermore, supply contracts entail fixed costs which lead to decreasing average costs if the scale of production increases. Economies of productive capacity balancing", "id": "10375263" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\nlearned from looking at Black people's hair. It's the perfect metaphor for the African experiment here: the price of the ticket (for a journey no one elected to take), the toll of slavery, and the costs remaining. It's all in the hair. Like Jamaica Kincaid, who writes only about a character named Mother, I've decided to write only about hair: what we do to it, how we do it, and why. I figure this is enough\", said Lisa Jones in", "id": "2005673" }, { "contents": "Liquefied natural gas\n\n\nthe large costs to treat and transport LNG. Constructing an LNG plant costs at least $1.5 billion per 1 MTPA capacity, a receiving terminal costs $1 billion per 1 bcf/day throughput capacity and LNG vessels cost $200 million–$300 million. In the early 2000s, prices for constructing LNG plants, receiving terminals and vessels fell as new technologies emerged and more players invested in liquefaction and regasification. This tended to make LNG more competitive as a means of energy distribution, but increasing material costs and demand for construction contractors have", "id": "10000697" }, { "contents": "Economies of scale\n\n\nsix power rule). In estimating capital cost, it typically requires an insignificant amount of labor, and possibly not much more in materials, to install a larger capacity electrical wire or pipe having significantly greater capacity. The cost of a unit of capacity of many types of equipment, such as electric motors, centrifugal pumps, diesel and gasoline engines, decreases as size increases. Also, the efficiency increases with size. Operating crew size for ships, airplanes, trains, etc., does not increase in direct proportion to", "id": "10375269" }, { "contents": "Living in the Material World (song)\n\n\n: \"The whole point to being here, really, is to figure a way to get out.\" Author Gary Tillery draws parallels between Harrison's approach to \"[going] through the motions of living in the material world\" and the way someone in the 21st century might play a virtual reality game. Tillery writes that \"what we see and experience during the game is actually an illusion\" – or \"maya\" in the Hindu belief to which Harrison subscribed – and that \"[w]hat \"does\" matter", "id": "558063" }, { "contents": "Dumping (pricing policy)\n\n\ncost to drive competition's profits down and force them to exit the market. In another area where other independent businesses were already driven out, namely in Chicago, prices would be increased by a quarter. If a company exports a product at a price that is lower than the price it normally charges in its own home market, or sells at a price that does not meet its full cost of production, it is said to be \"dumping\" the product. It is a sub part of the various forms of price", "id": "13788592" }, { "contents": "Areal density (computer storage)\n\n\nMB hard drive cost $1200, or $30/MB. And in 2018, 4 Tb drives sold for $75, or 1.9¢/GB, an improvement of 1.5 million since 1989 and 520 million since the RAMAC. This is without adjusting for inflation, which increased prices nine-fold from 1956 to 2018. Solid-state storage has seen a similar drop in cost per bit. In this case the cost is determined by the \"yield\", the number of viable chips produced in a unit time. Chips are", "id": "10502299" }, { "contents": "Cost accounting\n\n\nactual cost and standard costs into various components (volume variation, material cost variation, labor cost variation, etc.) so managers can understand \"why costs were different from what was planned\" and take appropriate action to correct the situation. As business became more complex and began producing a greater variety of products, the use of cost accounting to make decisions to maximize profitability came into question. Management circles became increasingly aware of the Theory of Constraints in the 1980s and began to understand that \"every production process has a limiting", "id": "19977629" }, { "contents": "Computer hardware\n\n\nby a computer using a variety of media. Hard disk drives are found in virtually all older computers, due to their high capacity and low cost, but solid-state drives are faster and more power efficient, although currently more expensive than hard drives in terms of dollar per gigabyte, so are often found in personal computers built post-2007. Some systems may use a disk array controller for greater performance or reliability. To transfer data between computers, a USB flash drive or optical disc may be used. Their usefulness depends on", "id": "19640733" }, { "contents": "Material selection\n\n\nthe only important factor in material selection. An important concept is 'cost per unit of function'. For example, if the key design objective was the stiffness of a plate of the material, as described in the introductory paragraph above, then the designer would need a material with the optimal combination of density, Young's modulus, and price. Optimizing complex combinations of technical and price properties is a hard process to achieve manually, so rational material selection software is an important tool. Utilizing an \"Ashby chart\" is", "id": "6561691" }, { "contents": "Parliament of the United Kingdom relocation\n\n\nHouse of Cards did. We could do it for a fraction of the cost and this place would get more tourists than it does at the present moment.\" Salmond insisted that turning the palace into a museum would be far cheaper than making it fit for 21st-century office use because repairs and upgrades would be less extensive. He believed the £4bn cost was likely to prove a vast underestimate of the final price tag. \"The basic refurbishment that costs the money is to secure it for working conditions. The amount", "id": "14017087" }, { "contents": "Bertrand competition\n\n\non each unit sold. In summary, Bertrand competition is often characterized as harsh, cutthroat competition between firms, driving prices down to marginal cost through a series of price undercutting. Why is the competitive price a Nash equilibrium in the Bertrand model? First, if both firms set the competitive price with price equal to marginal cost (unit cost), neither firm will earn any profits. However, if one firm sets price equal to marginal cost, then if the other firm raises its price above unit cost, then it", "id": "6394611" }, { "contents": "Operation Greens\n\n\nforecasts and be an advisory to farmers on future prices in relation to TOP crops in order to monitor the supply scenario and implement timely market intervention where necessary. These measures have been put in place in the hopes that by subsidising the costs, farmers will be able to turn a higher profit. When the production of such crops increase, prices collapse and farmers do not have enough storage capacity and links to organised retailing is small. As such, farmers generally get paid only a quarter of what consumers pay. The aim is", "id": "18245816" }, { "contents": "Cost curve\n\n\nof producing the given quantity of output. Since short-run fixed cost does not vary with the level of output, its curve is horizontal as shown here. Variable costs increase with the level of output, since the more output is produced, the more of the variable input(s) needs to be used and paid for. Average variable cost (which is a short-run concept) is the variable cost (typically labor cost) per unit of output: SRAVC = wL / Q where w is the wage rate,", "id": "10962431" }, { "contents": "1996 California Proposition 218\n\n\nwater agency here did not try to calculate the cost of actually providing water at its various tier levels. It merely allocated all its costs among the price tier levels, based not on costs, but on predetermined usage budgets.\" The \"Capistrano\" decision further stated that \"[t]he way Proposition 218 operates, water rates that exceed the cost of service operate as a tax, similar to the way a 'carbon tax' might be imposed on use of energy. But, we should emphasize: Just because such above", "id": "21245358" }, { "contents": "SunPower\n\n\nwhich is due primarily to corrosion and electrical breaks. Only 14% of failures are due to cell or component failures. The downside to these design changes is cost; both the materials and construction methods are more expensive and thereby drive up the price of the panels. However, the price of the panel is not the only input to a solar power system's total cost, and in recent years it accounts for much less than half of the total. In this case, using a more expensive panel can actually produce a", "id": "9653828" }, { "contents": "Reynelda Muse\n\n\nwith the game show \"Hollywood Squares\", as influencing her decision. She added that she had become \"somewhat disenchanted\" with television news: If you look at recent shows, there's a lot more promotional material, promoting the network shows, promoting this and that. If you look at the actual story content for hard news, it's going down. It's just not as satisfying. This bottom-line economy and market we find ourselves in is perhaps driving these decisions. They're probably cost effective,", "id": "19687418" }, { "contents": "Bertrand competition\n\n\nThe Bertrand model can be extended to include product or location differentiation but then the main result – that price is driven down to marginal cost – no longer holds. With search costs, there may be other equilibria apart from the competitive price – the monopoly price or even price dispersion may be equilibria as in the classic \"Bargains and Rip-offs\" model. The model also ignores capacity constraints. If a single firm does not have the capacity to supply the whole market then the \"price equals marginal cost\" result may", "id": "6394620" }, { "contents": "Werner Erhard\n\n\nto increased performance for individuals, groups, and organizations.\" (Positive as used here is as it is used in the sciences – it does not mean integrity as something good or desirable, it means integrity as the way integrity actually works in the world.) He presented his work on \"\"Why We Do What We Do: A New Model Providing Actionable Access to the Source of Performance\"\" at the Kennedy Center For Public Leadership at Harvard University in December 2009. Author Bartley J. Madden wrote about Werner Erhard", "id": "15863453" }, { "contents": "Value addition based pricing\n\n\nPresently most of companies (especially in manufacturing) have total cost (TC) based pricing method. It is same age-old formula, which puts margin or markup on TC. For example, [1] TC can be divided into 2 components: - raw material (RM) and - value addition (VA), which also includes all overheads absolute Margin (M) = P - TC or in other words margin is premium over total costs which we are charging to our customer for adding value to raw material", "id": "8860460" }, { "contents": "Building material\n\n\nThey provide the make-up of and structures including homes. In history there are trends in building materials from being natural to becoming more man-made and composite; biodegradable to imperishable; indigenous (local) to being transported globally; repairable to disposable; chosen for increased levels of fire-safety, and improved seismic resistance.. These trends tend to increase the \"initial\" and \"long term\" economic, ecological, energy, and social costs of building materials. Initial economic cost of building materials is the purchase price", "id": "10753996" }, { "contents": "Cost price\n\n\nout a service. Cost price is used in establishing profitability in the following ways: In calculating actual or landed cost, all expenses incurred in acquiring an item are added to the cost of items in order to establish what the goods actually cost. Additions usually include freight, duty, etc. This is the actual value of the item when last purchased, normally expressed in units. When new stock is combined with old stock, the new price often overstates the value of stock holding. The better method is to combine the", "id": "21683620" }, { "contents": "Phillips curve\n\n\nfirm's degree of market power and the extent to which overhead costs have to be paid. Put another way, all else equal, M rises with the firm's power to set prices or with a rise of overhead costs relative to total costs. So pricing follows this equation: UMC is unit raw materials cost (total raw materials costs divided by total output). So the equation can be restated as: This equation can again be stated as: Now, assume that both the average price/cost mark-up", "id": "19864908" }, { "contents": "Zip drive\n\n\nany attempt being made to access the disk. The 750 MB disk has no reflective spot. Zip drives initially sold well after their introduction in 1994, owing to their low price and high (for the time) capacity. The drive was initially sold for just under US$200 with one cartridge included, and additional 100 MB cartridges for US$20. At this time hard disks typically had a capacity of 500 MB and cost around US$200, and so backing up with Zip disks was very economical for home users—some", "id": "2255352" }, { "contents": "Extended producer responsibility\n\n\nIn the field of waste management, extended producer responsibility (EPR) is a strategy to add all of the environmental costs associated with a product throughout the product life cycle to the market price of that product. Extended producer responsibility legislation is a driving force behind the adoption of remanufacturing initiatives because it \"focuses on the end-of-use treatment of consumer products and has the primary aim to increase the amount and degree of product recovery and to minimize the environmental impact of waste materials\". The concept was first formally introduced", "id": "4689708" }, { "contents": "Nationalization of oil supplies\n\n\nVenezuela. Even with increased oil prices, the companies still held a dominant position over Venezuela. The posted price of oil was originally the determinant factor of the taxes that oil companies had to pay. This concept was beneficial to the oil companies because they were the ones who controlled the posted prices. Companies could increase the actual price of oil without changing the posted price, thus avoiding an increase in taxes paid to the producing country. Oil-producing countries did not realize that the companies were adjusting oil prices until the cost", "id": "19378775" }, { "contents": "HP Kittyhawk microdrive\n\n\nbe a commercial failure. It was not in demand from notebook industry due to its inferior cost per megabyte and capacity. A few OEM suppliers adopted the drive, including an early pen based computer maker EO, which ran the GO operating system. The handheld market failed to take off in early 1990s as expected. Many potential markets, such as the video game console market, were missed due to hard drive's high production costs. Kittyhawk was discontinued by HP in September 1994. Approximately 160,000 units were actually sold compared to", "id": "16190054" }, { "contents": "Cellophane paradox\n\n\nfaces constraints on its ability to charge whatever price it wants; those constraints are set by consumers’ willingness to pay. If a monopolist already charges the profit-maximizing price, an increase above that price will cause consumers to stop buying the product; that’s why the lower price was already profit-maximizing. So we can’t just use the price a company already charges as the base level, or we will conclude that even monopolists lack market power. Antitrust can solve this problem by using some measure of average cost", "id": "14989934" }, { "contents": "Price of anarchy\n\n\nplayer chooses the machine that will make its job run fastest. Each machine has a speed formula_22 Each job has a weight formula_23 A player picks a machine to run his or her job on. So, the strategies of each player are formula_24 Define the \"load\" on machine formula_25 to be: The cost for player formula_27 is formula_28 i.e., the load of the machine they chose. We consider the egalitarian cost function formula_29, here called the \"makespan.\" We consider two concepts of equilibrium: pure Nash and mixed", "id": "5388581" }, { "contents": "Cost\n\n\nvalue unpolluted air or water. Because the manufacturer does not pay for this external cost (the cost of emitting undesirable waste into the commons), and does not include this cost in the price of the car (a Kaldor-Hicks compensation), they are said to be external to the market pricing mechanism. The air pollution from driving the car is also an externality produced by the car user in the process of using his good. The driver does not compensate for the environmental damage caused by using the car. When", "id": "5012587" }, { "contents": "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Canadian procurement\n\n\nunit recurring flyaway cost\", which is merely part of the procurement cost ... None of us can know for certain what the final cost to acquire the F-35 will be until we get a firm price quote. As production increases, the costs may drop. Nevertheless, all evidence to date indicates that we would pay over $120 million per aircraft, rather than $75 million, should we decide to acquire this aircraft.\" Echoing Williams' statements, Mike Sullivan, Director of Acquisition Management at the United States Government Accountability", "id": "19831577" }, { "contents": "Thunderbolt (interface)\n\n\nthe relatively expensive \"Pegasus R4\" (4-drive) and \"Pegasus R6\" (6-drive) RAID enclosures by Promise Technology aimed at the prosumer and professional market, initially offering up to 12 TB of storage, later increased to 18 TB. Sales of these units were hurt by the 2011 floods in Thailand (who manufacture much of the world's supply of hard-drives) resulting in a cut to worldwide hard-drive production and a subsequent driving-up of storage costs, hence the retail price of these Promise units", "id": "15297233" }, { "contents": "Philip Andrews\n\n\nBrunner. Andrews has been summarized as follows. He rejected the concept of individual firm equilibrium in favour of what he describes as the 'steady state' in the industry. That at the heart of Andrew's story is his argument that manufacturing industry tend to be both oligopolistic and rather competitive in the long run. Also that actual or potential entry sets a limit to the price in each industry. Price is arrived at by adding a 'costing margin' to estimated average direct cost with this margin being calculated on the basis", "id": "21238410" }, { "contents": "Plastics engineering\n\n\ndifferent ways, and the absolute cost of a plastic material is difficult to ascertain. Cost is often measured in price per pound of material, or price per unit volume of material. In many cases however, it is important for a product to meet certain specifications, and cost could then be measured in price per unit of a property. Price with respect to processibility is often important, as some materials need to be processed at very high temperatures, increasing the amount of cooling time a part needs. In a large production", "id": "14986469" }, { "contents": "Gender-based price discrimination in the United States\n\n\nhowever, these gender-based price differences can be rationally explained. Because men are believed in general to behave in more risky behaviors than women (driving at excessive speeds, driving recklessly, driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, etc.), the cost of insuring men is greater than the cost of insuring women, and this cost difference is reflected in insurance rates calculated in part on the gender of the insured. Despite vehicle insurance typically costing men more, there is some research to suggest that women actually pay", "id": "15686212" }, { "contents": "Cost-of-production theory of value\n\n\nof price(). A somewhat different theory of cost-determined prices is provided by the \"neo-Ricardian School\" of Piero Sraffa and his followers. Shiozawa presented a modern interpretation of Ricardo's cost-of-production theory of value. The Polish economist Michał Kalecki distinguished between sectors with \"cost-determined prices\" (such as manufacturing and services) and those with \"demand-determined prices\" (such as agriculture and raw material extraction). Market price is a familiar economic concept: it is the", "id": "7716437" }, { "contents": "Surplus value\n\n\nfor example substitutes the concept of \"economic surplus\" for Marx's surplus value. In a joint work, Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy define the economic surplus as \"the difference between what a society produces and the costs of producing it\" (\"Monopoly Capitalism\", New York 1966, p. 9). Much depends here on how the costs are valued, and which costs are taken into account. Piero Sraffa also refers to a \"physical surplus\" with a similar meaning, calculated according to the relationship between prices", "id": "9284565" }, { "contents": "Electrolysis of water\n\n\n2016 as shown in the graph (Hydrogen Production Tech Team Roadmap, November 2017) putting the cost of steam-methane-reformed (SMR) hydrogen at between $1.20 and $1.50, the cost price of hydrogen via electrolysis is still over double 2015 DOE hydrogen target prices. The US DOE target price for hydrogen in 2020 is $2.30/kg, requiring an electricity cost of $0.037/kW·h, which is achievable given 2018 PPA tenders for wind and solar in many regions. This puts the $4/", "id": "6622289" }, { "contents": "Hydrogen production\n\n\ncost is $3/kg. With the range of natural gas prices from 2016 as shown in the graph (Hydrogen Production Tech Team Roadmap, November 2017) putting the cost of SMR hydrogen at between $1.20 and $1.50, the cost price of hydrogen via electrolysis is still over double 2015 DOE hydrogen target prices. The US DOE target price for hydrogen in 2020 is $2.30/kg, requiring an electricity cost of $0.037/kWh, which is achievable given recent PPA tenders for wind and solar in many", "id": "10802405" }, { "contents": "Double Bedroom Housing scheme\n\n\nof the project. The cost of each house was estimated in the manifesto in 2014 was ₹3.5 lakhs per house, but escalated to ₹7.5 lakhs by 2017 due to building a better house and increase in material costs. And it costs ₹1.25 lakhs per house for amenities, roads etc. The government struck a deal with cement companies at a lower rate than prevailing market rates as a social responsibility without profit, and cleared the bills through online payment. But the steel prices increased three times after two years, putting a huge burden", "id": "4620129" }, { "contents": "Productive and unproductive labour\n\n\nmeasure of the \"net\" output, or gross income, after deduction of materials costs from the total sales volume). If the aim is to realise maximum shareholder value, two important valuation problems occur. Firstly, productive assets being used in production have no actual market price, being withdrawn from the market and not offered for sale. They have at best an historic cost, but this cost does not apply to inventories of new output produced. The current value of productive assets can therefore be estimated only according to a", "id": "3375431" }, { "contents": "Data cap\n\n\n\", tiered services at different price points based on speed and usage. In 2016, CEO Dane Jasper criticized the historical assertions that data caps are meant to conserve network capacity, arguing that the cost of actually delivering service had \"declined much faster than the increase in data traffic\". When Sonic was first established in 2008, its infrastructure costs were equivalent to 20% of its revenue, but these had fallen to only 1.5% by 2016 because of the declining costs of equipment. Suddenlink CEO Jerry Kent made a", "id": "67038" }, { "contents": "Hydrogen economy\n\n\ngraph (Hydrogen Production Tech Team Roadmap, November 2017) putting the cost of SMR hydrogen at between $1.20 and $1.50, the cost price of hydrogen via electrolysis is still over double 2015 DOE hydrogen target prices. The US DOE target price for hydrogen in 2020 is $2.30/kg, requiring an electricity cost $0.037/kWh, which is achievable given recent PPA tenders for wind and solar in many regions. This puts the $4/gge H2 dispensed objective well within reach, and close to a slightly", "id": "20255" }, { "contents": "Hard disk drive performance characteristics\n\n\nenvironments to describe an HDD that is purposely restricted in total capacity so that the actuator only has to move the heads across a smaller number of total tracks. This limits the maximum distance the heads can be from any point on the drive thereby reducing its average seek time, but also restricts the total capacity of the drive. This reduced seek time enables the HDD to increase the number of IOPS available from the drive. The cost and power per usable byte of storage rises as the maximum track range is reduced. Measured in", "id": "20935618" }, { "contents": "Hinkley Point C nuclear power station\n\n\nsolar generation is up to 50% cheaper than new nuclear, based on what they described as a conservative comparison of current feed-in tariffs in Germany with the agreed strike price for Hinkley Point C. The study does not actually compare UK strike prices for wind and solar energy sources with the proposed UK strike price for nuclear energy, and it ignores a number of external and integration costs, including all costs of grid upgrades expected for wind, solar, and gas sources, and for wind and solar specifically, both the expected", "id": "11826569" }, { "contents": "Economic equilibrium\n\n\nequilibrium. We will also see similar behaviour in price when there is a change in the supply schedule, occurring through technological changes, or through changes in business costs. An increase in technological usage or know-how or a decrease in costs would have the effect of increasing the quantity supplied at each price, thus reducing the equilibrium price. On the other hand, a decrease in technology or increase in business costs will decrease the quantity supplied at each price, thus increasing equilibrium price. The process of comparing two static equilibria", "id": "6694984" }, { "contents": "SolarBridge Technologies\n\n\nRho Ventures, and Osage University Partners. The solar industry is on a drive toward grid parity or, the point in time at which solar-generated electricity costs the same or less than utility-generated electricity. Many solar analysts predict that most major areas of the world will reach grid parity by 2015, although some are arguing that grid parity is already here in many areas. As solar module pricing continues to decrease, balance of system (BOS) costs will represent an increasing portion of solar costs. As a result", "id": "13185775" }, { "contents": "Service parts pricing\n\n\nfocus on service parts pricing domain for most companies in the past. Cost based pricing, however, suffers from some fundamental flaws. Firstly, costs are not fixed but fluctuate with raw material prices, purchased volumes, supplier contracts etc. Pure cost based pricing thus causes fluctuating prices which can result in customer confusion, dissatisfaction and demand fluctuations. Although, service parts are less price elastic than their manufacturing counterparts, continued reliance on cost based pricing can ultimately make customers sensitive to price fluctuations – if not to the actual prices then", "id": "15072909" }, { "contents": "Inventory turnover\n\n\nactually paid for the materials available for sale. Additionally, firms may reduce prices to generate sales in an effort to cycle inventory. In this article, the terms \"cost of sales\" and \"cost of goods sold\" are synonymous. An item whose inventory is sold (turns over) once a year has higher holding cost than one that turns over twice, or three times, or more in that time. Stock turnover also indicates the briskness of the business. The purpose of increasing inventory turns is to reduce inventory", "id": "3247803" }, { "contents": "Quantum Bigfoot\n\n\ncosts compared to a 3.5-inch drive with the same capacity. It also allowed manufacturers and owners to install the hard drive above or below the optical drive in the computer, as the typical computer had multiple 5.25-inch bays. The main rationale behind the use of the 5.25-inch form factor was that the typical PC user already owns cases that supports 5.25-inch drives, and by using lower data densities and fewer moving parts, Quantum was able to deliver the products at lower prices, thus more competitively. Initially, performance in the Bigfoot drives generally", "id": "3157578" }, { "contents": "Martin Shkreli\n\n\nthe price increase, patient co-pays would actually be lower, that many patients would get the drug at no cost, that Turing had expanded its free drug program, and that it sold half of its drugs for one dollar. He defended the price hike by saying, \"If there was a company that was selling an Aston Martin at the price of a bicycle, and we buy that company and we ask to charge Toyota prices, I don't think that that should be a crime.\" A few days", "id": "6244356" }, { "contents": "Bulk purchasing\n\n\ndoing with the retailer what the retailer does with the wholesaler: paying a lower price per unit in exchange for purchasing much larger quantities. This allows the consumer to satisfy more of his or her demands at a lower total cost by acquiring more use value per dollar spent. Consumer demand for savings by bulk purchase has led to the success of big-box stores. Although effected by marginal cost, the total cost does not increase. In the \"Saturday Night Live\" sketch \"The Coneheads\", the Coneheads engage in", "id": "5795682" }, { "contents": "New York State Route 890\n\n\nroad. Projections made in 1986 put the cost of the highway at $20 million. The delay in constructing the highway led to increases in the estimated final price tag, which climbed to $34 million by 1990 and $40 million by 1994. In 1995, the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) finally made plans to construct the highway, now projected to cost $52 million as originally designed. A total of $24.1 million had been set aside for the road by this point—$13.3 million from the federal", "id": "7118502" }, { "contents": "Scottish Gas Board\n\n\nof charges between customers fairly close to our estimate of their individual costs and we do not have the freedom of private companies to discriminate between customers whose conditions are similar.\" This was a reference to the notion that pricing of state-owned produce should reflect cost as accurately as possible. This was in very sharp contrast to the free market concept of charging 'what the market will bear' i.e. the highest price that still enables sufficient competitive advantage to retain that customer. Gas was losing share of the industrial market in Scotland", "id": "459929" }, { "contents": "Marginal cost\n\n\nquantity changes. Variable costs are often associated with labor or materials. Since (by definition) fixed cost does not vary with production quantity, the term becomes 0 when it is differentiated, and drops out of the marginal cost equation. The important conclusion is that marginal cost \"does not depend on\" fixed costs. This can be compared with average total cost (ATC), which is the total cost divided by the number of units produced and \"does\" include fixed costs, denoted here as C: For discrete", "id": "16311376" }, { "contents": "Logical disk\n\n\nA logical disk, logical volume or virtual disk (VD or vdisk for short) is a virtual device that provides an area of usable storage capacity on one or more physical disk drive(s) in a computer system. The disk is described as \"logical\" or \"virtual\" because it does not actually exist as a single physical entity in its own right. The goal of the logical disk is to provide computer software with what seems a contiguous storage area, sparing them the burden of dealing with the intricacies of storing files", "id": "3902513" }, { "contents": "Internet influences on communities\n\n\n, we can \"see a thickening of the preexisting relations with friends and family, in particular with those who were hard to reach earlier\". \"Also, we are beginning to see the emergence of a greater scope for limited-purpose, loose relationships. Although these may not fit the ideal model of virtual communities, they are effective and meaningful to their participants\". The heightened individual capacity that actually is a driving social force have raised concerns by many that the Internet is further fragmenting the community, making people spend", "id": "17066831" }, { "contents": "Eurasian Economic Union\n\n\nthe member states. The second stage includes the free movements of goods, people, services and capital. The Eurasian Economic Union is designed to reach a number of macroeconomic objectives such as reducing commodity prices by reducing the cost of transportation of raw materials, increasing return on new technologies and products due to the increased market volume, and promoting \"healthy\" competition in the common market. It is also designed to lower food prices, increase employment in industries and increase production capacity. EEU members like Belarus and Kazakhstan (by its", "id": "9498288" }, { "contents": "Carbon price\n\n\ndrivers do not find driving their SUV (for example) worth the extra cost, they will switch and drive their sports car, ride their bike or take public transportation. And that is the point of carbon pricing. If all alternatives are unappealing, that means the driver really is getting more benefit that the cost she is causing. So again we have the right outcome — provided the carbon price equals the social cost. As noted above, under cap-and-trade, the permits may be given away for free", "id": "16977344" }, { "contents": "Hard disk recorder\n\n\nBy the mid-1990s, with the steady decline of hard disk prices and the corresponding increases in capacity and portability, the cost of hard disk recording systems had dropped to the point where they became affordable for even smaller studios. Hard disk systems have since become the preferred method for studio recording. On January 14, 2004, Engineers from Fairlight, WaveFrame and AMS were awarded Academy Scientific and Technical Awards for the development of hard disk recording technology One major advantage of recording audio to a hard disk is that it allows for non-", "id": "8051330" }, { "contents": "Prices of production\n\n\nneoclassical concept of long-term competitive equilibrium prices under constant returns to scale. Nevertheless, the function of prices of production within Marx's theory differs from \"both\" classical political economy \"and\" neoclassical economics. A production price for outputs in Marx's sense always has two main components: the \"cost-price\" of producing the outputs (including the costs of materials, equipment, operating expenses, and wages) and a \"gross profit margin\" (the additional value realized in excess of the cost-price", "id": "18719291" }, { "contents": "Gas-s-s-s\n\n\nskeleton crew, with a cast of almost entirely amateur actors. Only the leads were professionals.\" Shooting took around four weeks. Corman sold the movie to American International Pictures for the negative cost. The film features a tribute to Edgar Allan Poe. Corman says \"It was actually a second thought when we put Poe in it. We just started putting things in. In the original concept, he wasn't in it. And we just decided to put him in on a motorcycle—it seemed appropriate.\" \"", "id": "11039220" }, { "contents": "Sunshine tax\n\n\nfor the additional cost of gasoline in the state. In Hawaii, the same concept is called a \"paradise tax\". It arises because incomes are lower and the cost of living is higher in Hawaii than on the mainland. It is not an actual tax, but a perceived persistent difference between costs among locations. It is also described as \"the price you pay for paradise\" or \"the cost of living in paradise.\" Randall W. Roth, in a book entitled \"The Price of Paradise\", listed", "id": "18320393" }, { "contents": "File virtualization\n\n\ncosts\". \"Network file management\" (\"NFM\") is a data storage management-related category that was identified and defined in 2004 by several prominent data storage analysts. The term is used interchangeably with NAS virtualization and file virtualization among data storage industry press, analysts and system administrators. The basic idea of NFM is that the rapid, ongoing growth of file data capacity on enterprise networks has led to massive management complexity and accelerating operating costs. NFM is the concept of creating a virtualization layer between the clients and", "id": "20603564" }, { "contents": "History of the socialist movement in the United States\n\n\nOwen's community at New Harmony, Indiana. He coined the phrase \"Cost the limit of price\", with \"cost\" here referring not to monetary price paid but the labor one exerted to produce an item. Therefore, \"[h]e proposed a system to pay people with certificates indicating how many hours of work they did. They could exchange the notes at local time stores for goods that took the same amount of time to produce\". He put his theories to the test by establishing an experimental \"labor for", "id": "13092604" }, { "contents": "Wax Poetics\n\n\nall of our loyal fans, customers, and subscribers who supported us since December 2001. And we are truly sorry that we are unable to fulfill our obligations to our current subscribers who put their trust in us. While our subscribers have always been very important, please understand that we never made a profit from selling subscriptions because of the high price of printing an independent, niche, high-quality magazine; as well as the increasing shipping prices and the cost of customer service. We always set the price at a breakeven", "id": "2944541" }, { "contents": "Gang injunction\n\n\ninjunctions in Oakland have cost the city over $1 million, while several elementary schools have shut down. Jeff Grogger addressed the issue of cost effectiveness in his research, highlighting how difficult it is to put an exact price tag on a gang injunction. Police and prosecutors do not track the number of hours put into the effort, the salaries and supplies needed to put the case together, and the cost associated with maintaining and prosecuting violations of the order. Gang injunctions are not unlike any other gang enforcement policy. The police", "id": "12740912" }, { "contents": "Cost of electricity by source\n\n\n,\" which is not the actual selling price, since this can be affected by a variety of factors such as subsidies and taxes: To evaluate the total cost of production of electricity, the streams of costs are converted to a net present value using the time value of money. These costs are all brought together using discounted cash flow. For power generation capacity capital costs are often expressed as overnight cost per watt. Estimated costs are: The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), also known as Levelized Energy Cost (", "id": "13070561" }, { "contents": "Affordable housing in Canada\n\n\nLio on \"The Impact of Higher Energy Efficiency Standards on Housing Affordability in Alberta\" funded by NAIMA Canada and the Consumers Council of Canada investigated the impact of total selling price of the house, cost of land, cost of labour, and the cost of materials on housing affordability for the cities of Calgary and Edmonton in 2010. The results showed that the rising cost of labour and materials are attributable to the total selling price of the house, but that the rate of increase in these two attributes is outweighed by the significant", "id": "12819186" }, { "contents": "Driving licence in Germany\n\n\npassing all required tests. Instead a permission slip that only allows for driving a car under the supervision of persons meeting certain criteria as stated on the permission slip. The actual driving license becomes available upon the person's eighteenth birthday. The cost of obtaining a licence for driving a car is on average €1,400 (US$1,800 in September 2014) but varies widely according to an individual's skill, city and region. Individual driving schools set their own prices. The total includes fees for: authorities and exams, learning materials", "id": "20023464" }, { "contents": "New Keynesian economics\n\n\nto explain price stickiness was developed. The concept of a lump-sum cost (menu cost) to changing the price was originally introduced by Sheshinski and Weiss (1977) in their paper looking at the effect of inflation on the frequency of price-changes. The idea of applying it as a general theory of Nominal Price Rigidity was simultaneously put forward by several economists in 1985–6. George Akerlof and Janet Yellen put forward the idea that due to bounded rationality firms will not want to change their price unless the benefit is more", "id": "2497112" }, { "contents": "Item-level tagging\n\n\nwhy is it so important for them to implement this is because they want to avoid losing a sale over an out-of-stock item, which they believe accounts for a big part of their losses. Also, if they know where an item is at all times then it easier to move it to where it is supposed to be. By doing this they reduce transportation costs, they gain added shelf visibility and it drives down wasteful overstock. Item-level tagging provides a quick, automated, cost efficient and accurate", "id": "18279325" }, { "contents": "Thinking, Fast and Slow\n\n\nthat we have substantial control of our lives. A natural experiment reveals the prevalence of one kind of unwarranted optimism. The planning fallacy is the tendency to overestimate benefits and underestimate costs, impelling people to take on risky projects. In 2002, American kitchen remodeling was expected on average to cost $18,658, but actually cost $38,769. To explain overconfidence, Kahneman introduces the concept he labels \"What You See Is All There Is\" (WYSIATI). This theory states that when the mind makes decisions, it deals primarily", "id": "17723124" }, { "contents": "Environmental enterprise\n\n\nexternal cost (the cost of emitting undesirable waste into the commons), and does not include this cost in the price of the car (a Kaldor-Hicks compensation), they are said to be external to the market pricing mechanism. The air pollution from driving the car is also an externality produced by the car user in the process of using his good. The driver does not compensate for the environmental damage caused by using the car. Generally speaking, regardless of the scale of an enterprise, every industrial enterprise have", "id": "18967762" }, { "contents": "Covermount\n\n\ncovermount CD, as they are often reprints and lack the copy prevention sectors. Software publishers, both then and now, are often against the overuse of putting software on the covers of magazines as they see it is deflating the value of software. Although tagged as \"free\", covermount discs sometimes increase the price of a magazine. Magazines that carry discs can cost as much as double the price of other magazines without them, even if these magazines have more pages. The \"free\" label serves as a dissuading factor", "id": "18876857" } ]
How Tide Detergent became a drug currency.
[{"answer": "Tide has the best name recognition and a large market share. It is one of the top three brands with solid brand loyalty (people only want to use that brand and not other brands). Because of this Tide costs more for stores to buy compared to other brands. At the same time they can charge more for it because customers are willing to pay more. Stores want to pay as little as they can for Tide so they can keep more of the money they get for selling it. Some of these stores are willing to buy Tide from shady sources because it costs less than buying it from the manufacturer. This way the store pays as little as possible for the Tide and can sell it for the normal price. As long as the store doesn't care where the Tide came from, criminals can sell Tide to the store. Tide is such a popular and widespread product that they can steal it from just about anywhere. TL:DR: people want Tide, stores want to pay as little as possible for Tide, thieves steal Tide and sell to stores for less than distributor source: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "It isn't just Tide. Not by a long shot. There's also Revlon, Lego, Carhartt, Nike, Duracell, steak, Similac, Folgers, Red Bull, Robitussin, Always, Dr.Scholls, Gillette, Marvel, Weber, Advantage, Downy, Fram... I mean, the list goes on. Pick a brand name, easily recognized, and likely had a long term presence in the homes of most Americans. So hard core drug addicts who have no source of income will steal these name brand items. The dealer will exchange the drugs for the merchandise. The dealer then either uses that merchandise (even heroin dealers want their babies wearing Pampers) or sells it to a fence. That fence is either a distributor (who collects certain things, like baby items or auto stuff) or a person who sells it themselves (swap meets, craigslist, a LOT of Amazon and EBay). Sometimes the dealer sells the merchandise themselves, as well (diversify!). Of course, this whole process happens without drugs being a necessity, but that wouldn't have answered the question, would it? Source: am shoplifter-catcher, and I like to talk to them"}, {"answer": "One should note that this story was somewhat questionable when it came out some years ago, and has never really been properly corroborated. It seems to originate from just a single source, with every other \"reporter\" writing about it just parroting back the original."}, {"answer": "We have a local grocery chain that gives discounts on groceries if you buy gas at their gas stations. I used to save up all my points until I had the max (20% off) and then buy the maximum dollar value of goods allowed ($300) in something that wouldn't spoil. One time I decided to buy $300 of Tide laundry detergent. The store manager needed to get some out of the stock room because I cleaned out the store shelf. He was giving me a really weird vibe the whole time. I related this to a co-worker who happily informed me about it being used in the drug trade."}, {"answer": "Would it be a stretch to say people use Tide to \"launder\" money?"}, {"answer": "I used to work in a grocery store in North Dakota... I was told that the bar code on the Tide bottles are all the same from one store to the next. Small stores (such as the one I worked at) were frequently targeted. We even busted a couple trying to take an entire cart (20+ bottles) out without paying for them. *smh* How it was explained to me is they will then take these Tide bottles to stores where they accept returns without a receipt/without question. Since the bar code is the same, they accept it and hand out gift cards to these people. They then turn around and either use the gift cards, or turn these into cash through other means. edit: clarified"}, {"answer": "TIL. Tide is a drug currency. You learn something everyday."}, {"answer": "My friend was pretty addicted to heroin and homeless for a stretch in LA and he would make money by stealing the large tide bottles from places like target and resell them for around half the price to small bodegas and such. Considering tide goes for 30-40 bucks a bottle it would add up pretty quick if my friend hit up multiple targets/walmarts."}, {"answer": "Everyone needs to wash their clothes. It's just a simple commodity they sell in stores that you can easily steal. Not everyone from the ghetto needs your stolen laptop."}, {"answer": "Planet Money did a story on this a couple years ago. \"Tide is recognizable, easy to steal, hard to track, and can be re-sold for $5 to $10 a bottle.\" URL_0 "}, {"answer": "[theres a great TED talk on this.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "A large thing of tide can go for around 20$ in some places. Its easy to snatch and grab. Drug dealers can return it without a record and get store credit. 20$ in store credit at some places (walmart or similar stores) is just as good as cash. Usually this is only in real economically depressed areas, and with hard drugs. Good luck buying weed with tide lol. I remember hearing a similar story about how people were using pepsi as currency in Appalachia, but I can't recall the source."}, {"answer": "It's been fairly widespread for about 8-10 years. On the street it's referred to as blue gold. I used to work in a pawn shop. People even tried to pawn Tide. Tide is relatively easy to steal, sneaking it in the bottom of the cart or rushing the door with a cart full of it. dealers will give about $5 in drug on a $20 bottle of Tide and then fence it through eBay, swap meets, or a family owned grocery store etc."}, {"answer": "TIL Tide is used as a drug currency."}, {"answer": "ELi5: what the hell is OP talking about."}, {"answer": "What did I miss. I avoid expensive detergents like the plague, there no value added. How could drug dealers except it as currency? And counterfeiting detergent would be so much easier than counterfeiting the weed."}, {"answer": "OP since when was Tide a drug currency? Please show me what you are talking about."}, {"answer": "I sell pallet loads of Tide every week in a very rural area. People go bat shit for Tide. Right now it's on a sale (like $2 off all 92 or 100 fl.oz. bottles) and has been all summer long. I lose a few nickels with every sale, but people go where Tide is cheap. My source of Tide is legit though, maybe I can find myself one of these Tide thieves."}, {"answer": "Hygiene products can generally be flipped fairly easily. Everyone needs them, they don't have any serial numbers, are fairly portable, easy to sell and companies will buy them at because there's not really much chance for stuff getting traced back to you. In many European countries packs of razor blades among others are kept locked up so people can't steal them and flip them to a market or whoever's willing."}, {"answer": "I live in a shitty city in upstate NY with some less than savory residents. My local CVS had to take tide off of the shelves and keep it behind the counter. Now when I ask for it at the counter, I feel like the clerks are running some shady bodega- \"I got what you need homes, you looking for that basic or that spring fresh swag?\""}, {"answer": "Sorry, I am on mobile or else I would link better, but here is an interesting TED talk (10 mins) on the subject and a few other emerging economies. Worth the watch. Another one that falls into the situation, for more reasons than one is infant formula. URL_0 EDIT: ok, so crypto-currency isn't exactly emerging but w/e"}, {"answer": "Laundry detergent is expensive and you use it a lot. Drug addicts don't have money so they try to barter with Tide. Addicts go into stores that sell it and fill up empty pop bottles, and then barter the bottle of detergent for drugs."}, {"answer": "You are not allowed to buy beer, cigarettes, or weed with the EBT card (like food stamps for the poor). CAN buy Tide with it, and then trade the Tide for cash or underground market contraband."}, {"answer": "here is a news article from 2013, I tried to cite an earlier source but for some reason I can not get it to load URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Is tide that much better, or is it just a name thing?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "420538", "title": "James Goldsmith", "section": "Section::::Business career.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 11, "end_paragraph_id": 11, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["During the 1950s and 60s, Goldsmith's involvement in finance and as an industrialist involved many risks, and brought him close to bankruptcy several times. His successes included winning the British franchise for Alka-Seltzer and introducing low-cost generic drugs to the UK. He has been described in the tabloid press or by those with a contrary political agenda as a greenmail corporate raider and asset stripper, a categorisation he denied vigorously. He claimed the re-organizations he undertook streamlined the operations, removed complacent inefficient management, and increased shareholder value.", "During the 1950s and 60s, Goldsmith's involvement in finance and as an industrialist involved many risks, and brought him close to bankruptcy several times. His successes included winning the British franchise for Alka-Seltzer and introducing low-cost generic drugs to the UK. He has been described in the tabloid press or by those with a contrary political agenda as a greenmail corporate raider and asset stripper, a categorisation he denied vigorously. He claimed the re-organizations he undertook streamlined the operations, removed complacent inefficient management, and increased shareholder value."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "733635", "title": "Surf (detergent)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Surf (known as Drive in Australia and New Zealand; and Sunil in the Netherlands) is a brand of laundry detergent manufactured and marketed around the world by Unilever, except in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, where it is owned by Sun Products (now Henkel Corporation) since 2008.", "Surf (known as Drive in Australia and New Zealand; and Sunil in the Netherlands) is a brand of laundry detergent manufactured and marketed around the world by Unilever, except in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, where it is owned by Sun Products (now Henkel Corporation) since 2008", "Surf (known as Drive in Australia and New Zealand; and Sunil in the Netherlands) is a brand of laundry detergent manufactured and marketed around the world by Unilever, except in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, where it is owned by Sun Products (now Henkel Corporation) since 2008."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Laundry detergent pod\n\n\nLaundry detergent pods (or packs) are water-soluble pouches containing highly concentrated laundry detergent, softener and other laundry products. Notable brands of these packs include Arm & Hammer, Purex, Persil and Tide. They first became popular in February 2012 when they were introduced by Procter & Gamble as Tide Pods. The chemistry of laundry detergent packs is the same as in liquid detergents (including alkylbenzenesulfonates). The dissolvable packets is typically made of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) or a derivative of PVA. Although the formulas are similar,", "id": "7746230" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\nhas become such a hot commodity item, that criminals steal it from stores to resell. Police call the detergent \"liquid gold\" on the black market and it has been known to be traded or sold for illegal drugs. In a 2009 survey, consumers ranked Tide among the three brands they would be least likely to give up during the Great Recession. The Tide trademark is an easily recognized, distinctive orange-and-yellow bulls-eye. This original logo was designed by Donald Deskey, an architect and famous industrial", "id": "19131114" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\nin 1984. Today, most formulations of liquid Tide, both concentrated and regular, are dark blue, with the exception of \"Tide Free\", which is clear. Each year, Tide researchers duplicate the mineral content of water from all parts of the United States and wash 50,000 loads of laundry to test Tide detergent's consistency and performance. In 2006, the development of Tide was designated an ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark in recognition of its significance as the first heavy-duty synthetic detergent. In some areas, Tide", "id": "19131113" }, { "contents": "Sustainability brand\n\n\na popular detergent brand in the US, expanded its brand to meet the demands of the ecological conscious consumer by launching Tide Cold Water Detergent in 2005. The product requires only cold water and thus saves energy. In 2010, it was given the Green GH seal, which is only awarded after a “cradle to grave” examination of the product.Eco Friendly Laundry Detergents - Tide Coldwater Laundry Detergents - Good Housekeeping/ref Sustainability brand names can also succeed if they achieve to create a product category for themselves where there is", "id": "20567817" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\nfurther revolutionized with the discovery of the alkylbenzene sulfonates, which, when combined with the use of chemical \"builders\", made machine washing with hard water possible. This presented Procter and Gamble with the opportunity to create a product such as Tide. The original Tide laundry detergent was a synthetic designed specifically for heavy-duty, machine cleaning (an advance over the milder cleaning capabilities of FeWA and Dreft). Tide was first introduced in U.S. test markets in 1946 as the world's first heavy-duty detergent, with nationwide", "id": "19131111" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\nTide Pods are a line of laundry detergent pods from Procter & Gamble's Tide brand, which can be deadly if ingested, and which have been labeled as a health risk by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There have been numerous media reports discussing how children and those with dementia could endanger their health or life by consuming the pods, mistaking them for sweets. Between 2012 and 2013, poison control centers reported over 7,000 cases of young children eating laundry pods, and ingestion of Procter & Gamble laundry pods had resulted", "id": "18084751" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\nand other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. \"The Daily Meal\" cited one 2014 study that suggested that ingesting the detergent pods may cause a swallowing dysfunction that could require surgery to repair. In early 2018, media publications noted that shortly after the product's introduction, the consumption of Tide Pods became a topic of discussion on the Internet. Ultimately, eating Tide Pods became a meme, with its origins being credited to a 2013 thread on the Straight Dope online message board and a 2015 article from \"The Onion\".", "id": "18084758" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\n\"Consumer Reports\" reported that between the Tide pods' introduction in 2012 through early 2017, eight deaths had been reported due to the ingestion of laundry detergent pods, with six of the eight deaths resulting from a pod manufactured by P&G. Due to initial reports of children consuming their laundry detergent pods, Procter & Gamble began distributing Tide Pods in opaque tubs and bags. In 2015, P&G announced it would implement a bitter taste to its Tide Pods as a means to deter people from biting into them. Tide would also include", "id": "18084755" }, { "contents": "Oxydol\n\n\npart to P&G's introduction of its popular detergent Tide. As a result, the soap formula was discontinued and Oxydol was transformed to a detergent product, with color safe bleach. In detergent form, Oxydol was one of P&G's best sellers for years until, ironically, in the late 1980s P&G introduced Tide with Bleach, which cut into the sales of Oxydol. P&G sold the brand in 2000 to Redox Brands, a marketing company founded by former Procter & Gamble employees. Redox Brands was merged into CR Brands in 2006", "id": "11101929" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent\n\n\nLaundry detergent, or washing powder, is a type of detergent (cleaning agent) that is added for cleaning laundry. While detergent is still sold in powdered form, liquid detergents have been taking major market shares in many countries since their introduction in the 1950s. Laundry detergent pods have also been sold in the United States since 2012 when they were introduced by Procter & Gamble as Tide Pods. Earlier instances of laundry detergent pods include Salvo tablets sold in the 1960s and 1970s. From ancient times, chemical additives were used to", "id": "13579297" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent pod\n\n\nUnilever and Henkel launched a similar laundry detergent pack product sold in Western Europe. These products sometimes didn't fully dissolve in United States washers. In 2005, Cot'n Wash, Inc. introduced liquid unit dose laundry pods under the Dropps brand. In 2012, Procter & Gamble relaunched a liquid tablet product as Tide Pods. In 2017, the \"Tide Pod Challenge\" emerged causing more concern about laundry detergent pod poisoning. Concern has been raised over children accidentally being exposed to laundry packs, as its appearance and the packaging design can", "id": "7746233" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\nchild was admitted to hospital every day as a result of eating Tide Pods. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tagged them as a health risk in 2012. \"Consumer Reports\" noted that \"swallowing conventional detergent might result in mild stomach upset, but with highly concentrated detergent pods the ingestion can cause excessive vomiting, lethargy, and gasping, and in some reported cases, victims stopped breathing and required ventilation support.\" Individuals suffering from dementia have been reported to face health risks related to Tide Pods.", "id": "18084754" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent pod\n\n\na detergent pack's liquids may contain 10% water compared to 50% in liquid detergents. MonoSol is one of the companies that develops the water-soluble film used for laundry and dishwasher detergent packs, used by brands including Tide, with roughly $250 million in annual sales and controlling around 90-percent of the market. The film is designed to be soluble in cold water. Laundry pods are estimated to make up about 15% of the $7 billion-a-year U.S. laundry detergent market sales according to market researcher", "id": "7746231" }, { "contents": "Cheer (brand)\n\n\nTempa-Cheer\", as it was formulated to clean clothes effectively in all water temperatures. As of July 2016 Cheer detergent is still being sold, albeit as a budget detergent. Tide Plus Colorguard replaced Cheer as the premium color care detergent. The brand is currently known as \"Cheer Colorguard\" and \"Cheer Brightclean.\" The brand was the Jerry Seinfeld character's favorite type of detergent on the show \"Seinfeld\", as seen in the episode \"The Sponge\". As \"Blue Cheer\", the brand", "id": "10175461" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\nTide is a laundry detergent owned and produced by American multinational Procter & Gamble. Introduced in 1946, it is the highest selling detergent brand in the world, with an estimated 14.3 percent of the global market. The household chore of doing the laundry began to change with the introduction of washing powders in the 1880s. These new laundry products were pulverized soap. New cleaning-product marketing successes, such as the 1890s introduction of the N. K. Fairbank Company's \"Gold Dust Washing Powder\" (which used a breakthrough hydrogenation process", "id": "19131109" }, { "contents": "X-ray crystallography\n\n\ndetermine how a pharmaceutical drug interacts with its protein target and what changes might improve it. However, intrinsic membrane proteins remain challenging to crystallize because they require detergents or other means to solubilize them in isolation, and such detergents often interfere with crystallization. Such membrane proteins are a large component of the genome, and include many proteins of great physiological importance, such as ion channels and receptors. Helium cryogenics are used to prevent radiation damage in protein crystals. On the other end of the size scale, even relatively small molecules may", "id": "15295821" }, { "contents": "Ghari Detergent\n\n\n's wheel detergent and grabbed top spot in terms of market share. It took almost 25 years for Ghari to be the market leader in detergent market. In November 2012, Ghari had a 17.4% share compared with Wheel's 16.9%. And followed by Tide and henkonamaste india,red chief,go down,expert dish wash,venus toilet soaps are also RSPL subsidiary. In 1987, a year before Wheel was launched by HUL, without much attention of media or public, Muralidhar and Bimal Kumar Gyanchandani launched Ghari detergent", "id": "2992222" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent pod\n\n\nNielsen NV. Laundry pods were advertised as a way to reduce wasted use of powdered and liquid detergent by having precise measurements for a load. For large loads, most brands recommend two pods, with Tide suggesting up to three. Detergent pods cost significantly more than liquid detergent for equivalent laundry loads. Laundry tabs were originally introduced in the 1960s in a compacted granular form (similar to an oral medical tablet), when Procter & Gamble launched Salvo tablets, later disappearing from the market in the 1970s. In the 1990s,", "id": "7746232" }, { "contents": "Star India v Leo Burnett\n\n\nThe Star India v Leo Burnett case was heard before the Bombay High Court in 2003. The case revolved around using the TV show \"Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi\" as a basis for a Tide detergent commercial and whether this violated copyright law. Star India was the owner of the copyright in the serial Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu thi's theme and artistic work with which the title appeared on TV according to Clause 6 of the agreement between Star India and Balaji Telefilms. Producers and Marketers of Tide detergent (the defendants", "id": "17463593" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\ndesigner. The logo was slightly modified for the product's fiftieth anniversary in 1996, and remains in use today. Tide was the first product to be nationally packaged using Day-Glo colors—strikingly eye-catching when first introduced in 1959. The Tide brand is on at least six powders and liquid detergents in the United States. Tide is marketed under various sub-brands, such as 2x Ultra Tide. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, it was branded as Tide XK (the XK standing for Xtra Kleaning", "id": "19131115" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\nlaundry detergent pod, making an estimated 15% of sales. In late 2017, an Internet meme was popularized around the concept of eating Tide Pods and, as a result, many people attempted the extremely dangerous \"Tide Pods Challenge\". Tide has sponsored several NASCAR stock cars, notably the Chevrolet \"Tide Ride\" driven by Darrell Waltrip as #17 for Hendrick Motorsports. The relationship lasted from 1987 to 1990 and won the 1989 Daytona 500. Waltrip left the team to form his own team. Tide then sponsored Ricky", "id": "19131118" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\na satirical obsession with consuming Tide Pods. In March 2017, CollegeHumor uploaded a sketch video titled \"Don't Eat The Laundry Pods\". The specific prominence of Tide Pods, rather than laundry detergent pods from other brands was noted by \"Mashable\" to trace back to a thread posted on Reddit's \"intrusivethoughts\" subreddit in July 2017. The thread, titled \"Bite into one of those Tide Pods. Do it.\" was referenced in another \"Onion\" article from the following day, discussing flavored Tide Pods", "id": "18084760" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent pod\n\n\nsafer packaging, a 2017 study published in \"JAMA Ophthalmology\" found that between 2012 and 2015, the number of chemical eye burns associated with laundry detergent pods among 3- to 4-year-old children skyrocketed from fewer than 20 to almost 500 per year; in 2015, these injuries were responsible for 26% of all chemical eye burns among this population. Beginning in late 2017 a viral Internet trend, called the \"Tide Pod Challenge\" emerged, in which participants intentionally ingest detergent pods. Several children and teens have been injured", "id": "7746236" }, { "contents": "Tide Pods\n\n\nTide Pods (stylized Tide PODS) are a line of laundry detergent pods from Procter & Gamble under the Tide brand. The pods gained notoriety starting in 2017 when social media sites began to show people intentionally eating them. Procter & Gamble originally created laundry pods when they launched Salvo tablets, later disappearing from the market in the 1970s. In 2012, Procter & Gamble relaunched a liquid tablet product under the name Tide Pods. Concern has been raised over children accidentally consuming Tide Pods, as its appearance and the packaging design can", "id": "18941213" }, { "contents": "1997 Asian financial crisis\n\n\ncentral banks were hemorrhaging foreign reserves, of which they had finite amounts. When it became clear that the tide of capital fleeing these countries was not to be stopped, the authorities ceased defending their fixed exchange rates and allowed their currencies to float. The resulting depreciated value of those currencies meant that foreign currency-denominated liabilities grew substantially in domestic currency terms, causing more bankruptcies and further deepening the crisis. Other economists, including Joseph Stiglitz and Jeffrey Sachs, have downplayed the role of the real economy in the crisis compared to", "id": "18109521" }, { "contents": "America's Choice\n\n\nleaving the earlier band's mixture of electric and acoustic material. The album rose to No. 75 on the \"Billboard\" charts. One of the tracks is named \"Hit Single #1\". Despite its title, it was not released as a single. The album cover art depicts a box of laundry detergent, complete with dripping suds, labeled \"America's Choice: Hot Tuna\". The lettering and color scheme are loosely based on the style of Tide. On one side of the detergent box, a", "id": "18956281" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\nin its formulation), and Hudson's heavily advertised product, Rinso, proved that there was a ready market for better cleaning agents. Henkel & Cie's \"self-activating\" (or self bleaching) cleaner, Persil; (introduced in 1907); the early synthetic detergent, BASF's Fewa (introduced in 1932); and Procter & Gamble's 1933 totally synthetic creation, Dreft (marketed for use on infant-wear) —all indicated significant advances in the laundry cleaning product market. The detergent business was", "id": "19131110" }, { "contents": "Procter & Gamble\n\n\ntotal net sales, the highest of all its divisions. The division includes Downy, Gain, Tide, Febreze, and Dawn. According to \"Advertising Age\", Procter & Gamble spent $4.3 billion advertising their various brands in the United States in 2015, making it the top advertiser in the country. Manufacturing operations are based in these countries: Procter & Gamble produced and sponsored the first radio serial dramas in the 1930s. As the company was known for detergents, the serials became known as \"soap operas\".", "id": "14898960" }, { "contents": "John Legend\n\n\nJarmon. Legend performed a benefit concert in Springfield, Ohio in 2005 in support of a tax levy for the Springfield City School District. In May 2007, Legend partnered with Tide laundry detergent to raise awareness about the need of families in St. Bernard Parish (Chalmette, Louisiana), one of the most devastated areas hit by Hurricane Katrina; he spent a day folding laundry at the Tide \"clean start\" mobile laundromat and visited homes that Tide was helping to rebuild in that community. On July 7, 2007, Legend", "id": "18305222" }, { "contents": "Tide (brand)\n\n\ndistribution accomplished in 1949. Tide claimed it was \"America's Washday Favorite\". Authority was quickly gained in the U.S. detergent market, dwarfing the sales of Ivory Snow; and accelerating the demise of two of its main competing products, Rinso and Gold Dust Washing Powder, both then Lever Brothers brands. These other brands came in the more familiar soap-powder and soap-flake forms. Tide, however, came shaped as a white powdered bead. The line was expanded to include an orange-tinted clear liquid form", "id": "19131112" }, { "contents": "Phosphates in detergent\n\n\nestablished that high phosphate levels in water were a consequence of pollution. Discussion began about how to respond to the effects of phosphates as a pollutant in both fresh and marine water. Detergent companies claimed it is not cost effective to make separate batches of detergent for the states with phosphate bans (although detergents are typically formulated for local markets), and so most have voluntarily removed phosphates from all dishwasher detergents. According to the \"Washington Post\", phosphorus keeps \"minerals from interfering with the cleaning process and prevent food particles from", "id": "19580245" }, { "contents": "Tide Pods\n\n\nmake them look less enticing. Ingestion of pods can lead to death in some cases. Beginning in late 2017 a viral Internet trend, called the \"Tide Pod Challenge\" emerged on Twitter and various other social media websites, in which participants intentionally ingest detergent pods. Several children and teens have been injured, some severely, from this intentional consumption. The challenge (and subsequent meme) were popularized on Twitter and several people have eaten Tide Pods on camera. One company began making edible replica \"pods\" and several internet", "id": "18941215" }, { "contents": "Colgate-Palmolive\n\n\n1937). A Missouri-based soap manufacturer known as Peet Brothers who were originally from Wisconsin merged with Palmolive to become Palmolive-Peet. In 1928, Palmolive-Peet bought the Colgate Company to create the Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. In 1953 \"Peet\" was dropped from the title, leaving only \"Colgate-Palmolive Company\", the current name. Colgate-Palmolive has long been in competition with Procter & Gamble, the world's largest soap and detergent maker. P&G introduced its Tide laundry detergent shortly", "id": "8904231" }, { "contents": "World Drug Report\n\n\n90% of its budget is reliant on voluntary contributions. The World Drug report is an extensive and comprehensive document. The first substantive piece of the report is the preface which is written by the UNODC Executive Director and gives readers insight into the purposes of publishing this research. Next is the explanatory notes which provides readers with definitions of the acronyms and abbreviations within the report. In addition, it notes how the UNODC distinguished borders in terms of international drug trafficking and that the UNODC measures drug values in United States Currency (USD", "id": "5295730" }, { "contents": "Morphing\n\n\nshape of the second face at the same time that it faded the two faces. To compute the transformation of image coordinates required for the distortion, the algorithm of Beier and Neely can be used. In or before 1986 computer graphics company Omnibus created a digital animation for a Tide commercial with a Tide detergent bottle smoothly morphing into the shape of the United States. The effect was programmed by Bob Hoffman. Omnibus re-used the technique in the movie \"Flight of the Navigator\" (1986). It featured scenes with", "id": "14229064" }, { "contents": "Terry Bradshaw\n\n\nthat \"it worked, even if Bradshaw didn't like it.\" Nonetheless, Bradshaw chose not to attend Noll's funeral despite being in Pittsburgh at the time. Bradshaw has appeared in numerous television commercials. The most recent was the series of \"live-ads\" for Tide detergent along with his Fox Sports co-host Curt Menefee, where Bradshaw shows up with a shirt stain on what appeared to be live TV from the Fox broadcast booth at Super Bowl LI and then washes it with Tide at the house of", "id": "14700137" }, { "contents": "Daz (detergent)\n\n\n-Pods are branded as Tide Pods in the USA and Vizir Pods in Europe; on the back of the pods they bear the marking \"Daz/Vizir/Tide\" and they have the same distinctive design for all the markets. From 2002, Daz began a series of soap opera style adverts called \"Cleaner Close\". Some of these featured where a new packet Daz or prize give-away as part of the plot, such as a character who either hid money in Daz packets or donated money to Daz in", "id": "6861818" }, { "contents": "Day-Glo Color Corp.\n\n\npilots did not have. Military equipment manufacturers, particularly those of aircraft parts, employed DayGlo's Zyglo and Magnaglo processes to identify defects in metal fabricated parts. After the war, daylight fluorescent paints were used by advertisers to make their products more visible to consumers. Tide detergent became known for its fluorescent packaging beginning in 1959, but other products such as clothing, posters and hula hoops also used daylight fluorescent colors. Daylight fluorescent pigments were also used across safety applications such as construction cones, street signs and safety vests, due", "id": "6806907" }, { "contents": "Karsanbhai Patel\n\n\nand Maharashtra. The high quality and low price of the detergent made for great value. Fuelled by housewife-friendly advertisement jingles, Nirma revolutionized the detergent market, creating an entirely new segment in the economy for detergent powder. At the time, detergent and soap manufacture was dominated by multinational corporations with products like Surf by Hindustan Lever, priced around Rs. 13 per kg. Within a decade, Nirma was the largest selling detergent in India. Since production was labour-intensive, Nirma also became a leading employer (employing", "id": "21637026" }, { "contents": "Dishwasher detergent\n\n\ncast iron, bronze, pewter, and goldleaf. They can also harm disposable plastic, anything wood, knives with hollow handles, and fine glassware. The best dishwasher detergents would be those that clean dishes the best, leave the least cleaner after rinsing, have versatility in cleaning various types of dish surfaces and food, are easiest to use, and the best value for price. There is variation in how effective different detergents are in removing dried food from glass and baked-on sticky food from pots. In the course", "id": "19029418" }, { "contents": "Neutron Star (short story)\n\n\nhad no knowledge of tides, something that would be elementary for a sentient species living on a world with a moon. The Puppeteers are extremely cautious when dealing with other races, and keep all details about their homeworld secret. When Schaeffer mentions that he can tell reporters the fact that the Puppeteer's world has no moon, the Puppeteer agrees to give Shaeffer a million stars (a fortune in galactic currency) in return for his silence. Shaeffer asks the alien how he likes being blackmailed for a change. \"Neutron Star", "id": "19346779" }, { "contents": "Valley of the Dolls (film)\n\n\n\"art films.\" Believing her body to be her only form of currency, insisting to Anne that \"all I know how to do is take off my clothes,\" Jennifer commits suicide by drug overdose. (One of the reporters covering the suicide was played by the novel's author, Jacqueline Susann). Anne abandons drugs and her unfaithful lover and takes a train returning to New England, where her aunt Amy (Judith Lowry in an uncredited role) lives, and she finds she is truly happier. She", "id": "6783614" }, { "contents": "Polyacrylic acid\n\n\npolymers (such as polyethylene oxide, poly-N-vinyl pyrrolidone, polyacrylamide, and some cellulose ethers) and form hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes. In aqueous solutions PAA can also form polycomplexes with oppositely charged polymers (for example, chitosan), surfactants, and drug molecules (for example, streptomycin). Polyacrylic acid and its derivatives are used in disposable diapers, ion exchange resins, adhesives and detergents. Detergents are often copolymers of acrylic acid that can be used in both zeolites and phosphates in washing powder formulations.", "id": "4679113" }, { "contents": "Scott Holmquist\n\n\nand Left Party assembly members. Holmquist's March 2019 exhibition \"DEALER POSES: Photographed and Remembered\" at the IG Bildende Kunst gallery,” Vienna, Austria, elaborated on the themes of how public drug dealing is represented in dozens of collages made from press photos including those used to illustrate articles on the artist's exhibitions and interventions, for instance proposing a monument to the park drug dealer. • Low Tide – object index draft 2 (2015) • BGzSReb und BuUmZoG Jahre 2090 (Laws Protecting and Promoting German Traditions of", "id": "1501673" }, { "contents": "Contaminated currency\n\n\nMost banknotes have traces of cocaine on them; this has been confirmed by studies done in several countries. In 1994, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals determined that in Los Angeles, out of every four banknotes, on average more than three are tainted by cocaine or another illicit drug. Additionally, paper money in other parts of the world show a similar drug contamination, and studies indicate that they might even serve as a vector of disease, though researchers disagree over how easily diseases are transmitted this way. Several theories", "id": "11501224" }, { "contents": "Wings (Indonesian company)\n\n\nthe two founders resolutely peddled their products from door to door, stall to stall, village to village. Their determination paid off; the laundry soap was well received by the community. The success spurred Katuari and Sutanto to expand their business, and more importantly, to develop more effective detergent formulations. The two entrepreneurs later started producing cream detergent, which quickly became a basic necessity for the East Java people. Cream detergent is an innovative product that is not found anywhere else. It has the cleaning power of detergent, but", "id": "3502874" }, { "contents": "Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken\n\n\nfalling prices, and warned that it would now feel free to negotiate much more aggressively on the prices it was willing to pay for chemicals. In 1968 AKU merged with Glanzstoff, which had been producing \"Cordenka\" rayon tire yarns in Obernburg since 1938, and formed Enka Glanzstoff. Ernst Hellmut Vits became chairman of the AKU supervisory board in 1969. In 1969 AKU merged with the Dutch company Koninklijke Zout Organon (KZO), a manufacturer of coatings, drugs and detergents, to form a new company named Akzo. The", "id": "19793250" }, { "contents": "Urushiol-induced contact dermatitis\n\n\nwith soap, cool water, and friction as soon as possible after exposure is discovered. Soap or detergent is necessary because urushiol is an oil; friction, with a washcloth or something similar, is necessary because urushiol adheres strongly to the skin. Commercial removal preparations, which are available in areas where poison ivy grows, usually contain surfactants, such as the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, to solubilize urushiol; some products also contain abrasives. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends applying a wet compress or soaking the affected area in", "id": "18224696" }, { "contents": "Drug Resistance Strategies Project\n\n\nThe Drug Resistance Strategies Project (DRS), a program funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), teaches adolescents and pre-adolescents how to make decisions and resist alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD). The DRS project was one of the first programs to examine how adolescents refused offers of substances. Adolescent narratives revealed for resistance strategies—Refuse, Explain, Avoid, and Leave that became known as the REAL strategies. These narratives became the basis for a multicultural school-based substance use", "id": "14334509" }, { "contents": "Bamako Initiative\n\n\n-Saharan Africa were making plans. A Health Policy and Planning article by Hardon (1990; 5: 186-189) describes the initiative as follows: The Bamako Initiative proposed decentralising health decision making to local levels and establishing realistic national drug policies to enhance the provision of essential drugs for Sub-Saharan Africans. There were several problems with the initiative such as discrimination against the poorest, a national health care dependent on the sale of drugs, and the requirement of foreign currency to import drugs versus an income in local currency", "id": "13854106" }, { "contents": "Boombastic (song)\n\n\nfeaturing Sting International, which features a sample of Marvin Gaye's \"Let's Get It On\", was released in January 1996. The latter is featured on some versions of the \"Boombastic\" album as a bonus track. \"Boombastic\" gained popularity after being featured in a popular Levi's television commercial, and was later also used in commercials for Chase Bank (2016) and Tide detergent in the Philippines (2015). The song is featured in the films \"Barnyard\", \"Mr. Bean's Holiday\"", "id": "20672951" }, { "contents": "Erling Dekke Næss\n\n\ncreated by the German war reparations, as their consequences could be seen clearly in the currency market with the German mark rapidly losing value against other main currencies. The young Næss was amazed at being in the center of the disastrous decline of the mark, severely undermining the Weimar Republic. By the middle of 1923 Næss decided to concentrate on his Ph.D. and thus ended his engagement with the bank. The aim of his research was to show how fluctuations in the currency market influenced each nation's prices, and he became a member", "id": "11505541" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent\n\n\ncomponents of modern detergents, provided that they are compatible with the other components and do not affect the colour of the cleaned item. The perfumes are typically a mixture of , common classes include terpene alcohols (citronellol, geraniol, linalool, nerol) and their esters (linalyl acetate), aromatic aldehydes (helional, hexyl cinnamaldehyde, lilial) and synthetic musks (galaxolide). Phosphates in detergent became an environmental concern in the 1950s and the subject of bans in later years. Phosphates make laundry cleaner but also cause eutrophication,", "id": "13579311" }, { "contents": "List of Eat Bulaga! segments\n\n\ntrying to impersonate. It is a contest for children who must send two pictures to the show: One with dirty clothes, and one that was cleaned using the detergent brand that sponsored the segment: \"Tide\". Dubbed as the \"Pambansang Laro ng Bayan,\" \"Pinoy Henyo\" is one of the most popular game segments of \"Eat Bulaga!\". The game has a similar concept as Twenty Questions, but instead of limiting the number of questions, the game is limited to two minutes. There are", "id": "9702109" }, { "contents": "Market cannibalism\n\n\ndid better than Kodak in the 1930s, in the sense that it developed brands like Tide and Cheer, both belonging to the laundry detergent market, in order to gain as much market share as possible and prevent competition from entering the market. There is no such thing as a standard measurement of cannibalisation, as the definition of it will differ according to different people. However a common, although not the only, way to measure it is to examine the sales lost by the first product once the second has been marketed.", "id": "16663813" }, { "contents": "Laundry ball\n\n\nA laundry ball or washing ball is a product promoted as a substitute for laundry detergent. Producers of laundry balls often make pseudoscientific claims about how these balls work and exaggerate the extent of their benefits. In the United States, laundry balls have been sold on home shopping channels or by participants in multilevel marketing, although this is not the case in all countries. Washing with laundry balls is as effective or less effective than washing without detergent. The effect can largely be attributed to the mechanical effect of the ball or to using", "id": "17927722" }, { "contents": "Cheer (brand)\n\n\nCheer is a laundry detergent sold in the United States and Canada. It is manufactured by Procter & Gamble. It was introduced in 1950, and after a slight reformulation in 1952, was a highly successful follow up to P&G's Tide product from 1948-49. Cheer is recognized for its distinctive blue granules, which formerly gave it the nickname \"Blue Cheer\". The 1952 formula (\"Blue-Magic Whitener\") was designed to clean as well as perform bluing, which makes white clothing look whiter (this", "id": "10175459" }, { "contents": "Hydrogen peroxide\n\n\nto cancer. These studies have frequently been quoted in fraudulent treatment claims. The amount of hydrogen peroxide in biological systems can be assayed using a fluorometric assay. About 60% of the world's production of hydrogen peroxide is used for pulp- and paper-bleaching. The second major industrial application is the manufacture of sodium percarbonate and sodium perborate, which are used as mild bleaches in laundry detergents. Sodium percarbonate, which is an adduct of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide, is the active ingredient in such products as OxiClean and Tide", "id": "14644996" }, { "contents": "Studio B (group)\n\n\n\". In 2010, a thirty-second clip of the song was used in a commercial for Tide detergent with Acti-Lift. The follow-up single \"C'mon Get It On\" was released in April 2006, featuring British singer Kelly Beckett who was later member of the girl group the Paradiso Girls. Since 2006, Studio B have also worked with British singer Lisa Maffia on an album which was to be released April 2009, including writing the track \"Bad Girl (At Night)\", which reached number", "id": "14680098" }, { "contents": "Rob Gronkowski\n\n\nwas the endorser of Tide Pods, and consequently partnered with the brand for a public service announcement discouraging children and teens from eating the laundry detergent pods after a viral internet challenge in 2017–18. Gronkowski has graced the covers of \"GQ,\" \"ESPN The Magazine,\" \"ESPN The Body Issue,\" \"Sports Illustrated,\" and \"Muscle & Fitness\" among others.He was the cover of video sports game \"Madden NFL 17\" published by EA Sports in 2016 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox", "id": "16660355" }, { "contents": "Rinso\n\n\nin London and broadcast on Radio Luxembourg and Radio Normandie, followed from 1937 to 1939 by the popular \"Rinso Radio Revue\". The product's claim to better rinsing was due to its incorporation of sodium silicate as a builder rather than, or in addition to, the more commonly used sodium carbonate. The hard water calcium precipitate formed with metasilicate tends to be finer and hence less likely to be trapped in cloth than the chalky calcium carbonate. In the 1950s, sales plummeted when a new detergent, Tide, manufactured by", "id": "19130701" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent pod\n\n\nhave the same appeal to a child as hard candy with patterned designs, and be confused as such. In 2012, in response to a child swallowing Tide Pods, Procter & Gamble said they would make this product more difficult to open by adding a double latch to the lid, and has also re-focused their advertising to make clear the product should be out of a child's reach at all times. The packaging was also changed to an opaque orange rather than the original clear plastic gumball machine-type presentation to", "id": "7746234" }, { "contents": "Hurricane How\n\n\nHurricane How was the only tropical cyclone to make landfall on the United States in 1951. It was the eighth storm of the season, forming on September 28 in the northwest Caribbean and, after entering the Gulf of Mexico, turned eastward and became a tropical storm. The storm brought heavy rainfall to Florida, causing flooding and $2 million in damage. Tropical Storm How later became a hurricane, passing near the Outer Banks of North Carolina where it produced strong winds and high tides. A ship called the \"Southern Isles", "id": "21856294" }, { "contents": "Sulfamic acid\n\n\n), antiepileptic drugs, and weight loss drugs. Sulfamic acid is used as an acidic cleaning agent, sometimes pure or as a component of proprietary mixtures, typically for metals and ceramics. It is frequently used for removing rust and limescale, replacing the more volatile and irritating hydrochloric acid, which is cheaper. It is often a component of household descaling agents, for example, Lime-A-Way Thick Gel contains up to 8% sulfamic acid and has pH 2.0–2.2, or detergents used for removal of limescale. When", "id": "13781171" }, { "contents": "Dextrallorphan\n\n\nthat σ receptor sites (which have not been cloned yet ) can be studied. It was hypothesized that both of these sigma (σ) receptors were opioid receptors, due to their affinity for psychoactive drugs. However, it is now understood that they are non-opioid receptors that bind to certain psychoactive drugs, like dextrallorphan. One example of dextrallorphan being used to mask σ receptor sites was seen in a study on the localization of the σ receptor in detergent-resistant lipid raft domains. It has also been used to", "id": "3014829" }, { "contents": "History of United States drug prohibition\n\n\n, creating the gateway drug theory. 1965, in Laos, the CIA's airline, Air America, is suspected of flying Hmong (Meo) opium out of the hills to Long Tieng and Vientiane to obtain hard currency for their otherwise unfunded Hmong war against the Viet Cong in 1971. During the Laotian Civil War, Long Tieng served as a town and airbase operated by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. The Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia) became a mass producer of high-grade no. 4 heroin for", "id": "7091365" }, { "contents": "SRI International\n\n\nthe Air Force wanted to determine the expansion potential of the U.S. aircraft industry; SRI found that it would take too long to escalate production in an emergency. In 1948, SRI began research and consultation with Chevron Corporation to develop an artificial substitute for tallow and coconut oil in soap production; SRI's investigation confirmed the potential of dodecylbenzene as a suitable replacement. Later, Procter & Gamble used the substance as the basis for Tide laundry detergent. The institute performed much of the early research on air pollution and the formation of ozone", "id": "14633158" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\nwere supposed to make household chores easier, not tempt our children to swallow harmful chemicals. I saw one on my staffer's desk and I wanted to eat it.\" \"Consumer Reports\" published a story discussing the contents of laundry detergent pods and the consequences of ingesting them, which can include death. The story detailed that pods contain ethanol, hydrogen peroxide, and long-chain polymers, that when ingested can result in caustic burns to the lining of one's mouth, as well as the esophagus, stomach,", "id": "18084757" }, { "contents": "Cloud Gate\n\n\n's contract states that the constructed piece should be expected to survive for 1,000 years. The lower of \"Cloud Gate\" is wiped down twice a day by hand, while the entire sculpture is cleaned twice a year with of liquid detergent. The daily cleanings use a Windex-like solution, while the semi-annual cleanings use Tide. A notable February 2009 rare incident saw two names etched in letters about tall on the northeast side of the curved sculpture. The graffiti was removed by the same firm that did the original", "id": "20758726" }, { "contents": "Dana Reeve\n\n\nmany singing and acting credits included appearances on television, where she had guest roles on Dick Wolf's \"Law & Order\", \"\", soap operas \"All My Children\" as Eva Stroupe and \"Loving\", among others. She performed at theatres on Broadway, off-Broadway, and at numerous regional theatres. Reeve also did a long-running commercial for Tide laundry detergent that aired during the 1990s. In 2000, she co-hosted a live daily talk show for women on the Lifetime Network with", "id": "4961924" }, { "contents": "Currency crisis\n\n\npaper of Obstfeld (1986). In these models, doubts about whether the government is willing to maintain its exchange rate peg lead to multiple equilibria, suggesting that self-fulfilling prophecies may be possible, in which the reason investors attack the currency is that they expect other investors to attack the currency. 'Third generation' models of currency crises have explored how problems in the banking and financial system interact with currency crises, and how crises can have real effects on the rest of the economy. McKinnon & Pill (1996", "id": "11676263" }, { "contents": "Dishwasher detergent\n\n\nof washing, a better detergent will both prevent washed-away food from redepositing on the dishes, and also prevent mineral accumulation or discoloration of the dishes. Different kinds of dishwashing detergent contain different combinations of ingredients. Common ingredients include: Dishwashing detergent may also contain: Dishwasher detergents are strongly alkaline (basic). Inexpensive powders may contain sand. Such detergents may harm the dishes and the dishwasher. Powdered detergents are more likely to cause fading on china patterns. Besides older style detergents for dishwashers, biodegradable detergents also exist for", "id": "19029419" }, { "contents": "Hand sanitizer\n\n\nfewer harmful microorganisms. However, alcohol may strip the skin of the outer layer of oil, which may have negative effects on barrier function of the skin. A study also shows that disinfecting hands with an antimicrobial detergent results in a greater barrier disruption of skin compared to alcohol solutions, suggesting an increased loss of skin lipids. In the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controls antimicrobial handsoaps and sanitizers as over-the-counter drugs (OTC) because they are intended for topical anti-microbial", "id": "1077601" }, { "contents": "Clark L. Anderson\n\n\ndue to an FcRn deficiency. He formally affirmed this explanation by measuring the serum IgG decay rate in this KO strain. Brambell’s prediction of the 1960s was thus confirmed, that a single Fc receptor served both to transport IgG across the placenta and to divert IgG from degradation. This high affinity characteristic of IgG for FcRn is exploited by the drug industry to prolong the lifespan of protein drugs. 3. Albumin homeostasis mediated by FcRn. Anderson observed in vitro in detergent solution that albumin co-purified with a soluble variant of", "id": "12475287" }, { "contents": "Phenol\n\n\n. Nonionic detergents are produced by alkylation of phenol to give the alkylphenols, e.g., nonylphenol, which are then subjected to ethoxylation. Phenol is also a versatile precursor to a large collection of drugs, most notably aspirin but also many herbicides and pharmaceutical drugs. Phenol is a component in liquid/liquid phenol–chloroform extraction technique used in molecular biology for obtaining nucleic acids from tissues or cell culture samples. Depending on the pH of the solution either DNA or RNA can be extracted. Phenol was once widely used as an antiseptic", "id": "4463806" }, { "contents": "Laundry enzyme\n\n\nhand slightly suffered from powder detergents and the noticeable granular components were found to be mainly with laundry enzyme formulation. Moreover, it is also said laundry enzymes have potential to increase the likelihood of getting occupational type 1 allergic responses. Due to this, an increasing number of consumers are confused about whether laundry enzyme detergents are still safe to use. To test the safety of commercial laundry enzyme, an unbiased experiment called skin prick tests (SPT) has been introduced to test how human skin respond with laundry enzyme and the key is", "id": "14381385" }, { "contents": "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (season 1)\n\n\nupside down. Lady Aberlin pantomimes the growth of a plant in the television house. She also presents a flower arrangement for Sara Saturday, who is revealed to be the special guest. King Friday prepares Sara Saturday's room in the castle. Mr. McFeely shows Rogers how to blow bubbles by using liquid detergent. He also gives out liquid detergent samples to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Meanwhile, Daniel thinks that King Friday and Sara Saturday will marry. After Rogers tries on different shoes, Handyman Negri sees that communication with", "id": "618141" }, { "contents": "Top Tier Detergent Gasoline\n\n\nto a car's emissions-control systems. According to its auto industry research and to automotive journalists, all vehicles will benefit from using Top Tier Detergent Gasoline over gasoline meeting the basic EPA standard. New vehicles will supposedly benefit by keeping their engine clean and running optimally, while older vehicles may benefit with increased engine performance and prolonged vehicle life. In the late 1980s, automakers became concerned with fuel additives as more advanced fuel injection technology became widely used in new cars. The injectors often became clogged, and the problem was", "id": "21804277" }, { "contents": "Consumption of Tide Pods\n\n\nNews\" emphasizing the purpose of their pods and the health risks associated with children: \"Nothing is more important to us than the safety of the people who use our products. Our laundry pacs are a highly concentrated detergent meant to clean clothes and they're used safely in millions of households every day. They should only be used to clean clothes and kept up, closed and away from children. We have been consistently proactive in providing consumers with the right usage guidance and tools to enable them to use the product safely.", "id": "18084764" }, { "contents": "Rosemary (radio series)\n\n\nRosemary is an American radio soap opera broadcast on NBC Radio from October 2, 1944 to March 23, 1945, and on CBS Radio from March 26, 1945 to July 1, 1955. Starring Betty Winkler as Rosemary Dawson Roberts, the program's only sponsor was Procter & Gamble, primarily for Ivory Snow dishwashing liquid, Camay soap, Dash and Tide laundry detergents and Prell shampoo. The series was created by Elaine Carrington, who had previously created \"Pepper Young's Family\" (1932-1959) and \"When", "id": "4798024" }, { "contents": "The Raleigh Cigarette Program\n\n\nlittle too high for Raleigh cigarettes. Sponsorship changed over from Brown & Williamson's Raleigh cigarettes to Procter & Gamble's Tide laundry detergent which had only been formed two years earlier, and the title of the program was changed to The Red Skelton Show. With the change of sponsor came a change in timeslot as the program moved to Friday nights at 9:30. By 1949, William S. Paley, the then president and founder of CBS, had acquired several major talents from NBC in what is now known as the infamous \"talent", "id": "5203302" }, { "contents": "Gram-negative bacteria\n\n\n, dyes, and detergents that would normally damage either the inner membrane or the cell wall (made of peptidoglycan). The outer membrane provides these bacteria with resistance to lysozyme and penicillin. The periplasmic space (space between the two cell membranes) also contains enzymes which break down or modify antibiotics. Drugs commonly used to treat gram negative infections include amino, carboxy and ureido penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin, pipercillin, ticarcillin) these drugs may be combined with beta-lactamase inhibitors to combat the presence of enzymes that can digest", "id": "12654201" }, { "contents": "Opium\n\n\nwas assisting the drug trade in opium which helped finance his military expenses. He earned from taxing those sales in 1923. General Ma had been using the bank, a branch of the Government of China's exchequer, to arrange for silver currency to be transported to Baotou to use it to sponsor the trade. The opium trade under the Chinese Communist Party was important to its finances in the 1940s. Peter Vladimirov's diary provided a first hand account. Chen Yung-Fa provided a detailed historical account of how the opium trade", "id": "2762401" }, { "contents": "Antony Burgmans\n\n\nat Lever, the Netherlands on the dishwater detergent Sun. Later, he held marketing and sales positions in the company's detergents businesses in Indonesia and the Netherlands. In 1982, he was appointed marketing and sales director of Lever in the Netherlands and in 1985, became marketing director of Lever Germany. Three years later, he was appointed chairman of PT Unilever Indonesia. In 1991, he became director of Unilever with responsibility for personal care products. Burgmans took over responsibility for Ice Cream and Frozen Foods - Europe in May 1994", "id": "7242676" }, { "contents": "United States v. $124,700 in U.S. Currency\n\n\nunexplained currency can be evidence of drug trafficking, and that in this case the money was bundled in an unusual manner. The court also concluded, however, that the claimants had given a \"plausible and consistent explanation for [the money's] origin and intended use,\" (Add. at 12), and that \"the bundling is consistent with an attempt to sort the currency by contributor and conceal the currency from would-be thieves,\" and not just to evade law enforcement. (\"Id\"", "id": "19065100" }, { "contents": "Ocean Wave (sidewheeler)\n\n\nIlwaco, Washington. The dock, which was in Baker's Bay, near Cape Disappointment, was in shallow water, and steamers could not get near the dock if the tide was too far out. Because the trains needed to arrive at the dock at same time as the steamers, the IR&N became known as the \"railroad that ran by the tide.\" Starting in 1891, \"Ocean Wave\" made tri-weekly trips from Portland to Astoria and Ilwaco. One historian described how it might have appeared when the", "id": "18241094" }, { "contents": "Simon House\n\n\nTide and the Third Ear Band, who contributed the soundtrack to Roman Polanski's \"Macbeth\". Guitarist Tony Hill recounted how House became a member of High Tide: \"[Pete Pavli and I were] hanging out with and crashing where we could at Mike's or Wayne's. Simon ended up crashing there as well. Simon was playing bass then. He said: 'I used to play violin, you know?' So I said 'Get it!' That was basically it.\" He joined Hawkwind", "id": "9087122" }, { "contents": "North American Union\n\n\nthe Amero\" in September 1999, the year that the euro became a virtual currency. Robert Pastor, vice-chairman of the Independent Task Force on North America, supported Grubel's conclusions in his 2001 book \"Toward a North American Community\", stating that: \"In the long term, the amero is in the best interests of all three countries.\" Another Canadian think-tank, the conservative C.D. Howe Institute, advocates the creation of a shared currency between Canada and the United States. Although then-Mexican", "id": "15166444" }, { "contents": "Genetic engineering\n\n\norganisms of human diseases. As well as producing hormones, vaccines and other drugs genetic engineering has the potential to cure genetic diseases through gene therapy. The same techniques that are used to produce drugs can also have industrial applications such as producing enzymes for laundry detergent, cheeses and other products. The rise of commercialised genetically modified crops has provided economic benefit to farmers in many different countries, but has also been the source of most of the controversy surrounding the technology. This has been present since its early use; the first field", "id": "12021913" }, { "contents": "Laundry detergent\n\n\nimprove wetting. Laundry detergents contain mostly anionic and non-ionic surfactants. Cationic surfactants are normally incompatible with anionic detergents and have poor cleaning efficiency; they are employed only for certain special effects, as fabric softeners, antistatic agents, and biocides. Zwitterionic surfactants are rarely employed in laundry detergents mainly for cost reasons. Most detergents use a combination of various surfactants to balance their performance. Until the 1950s, soap was the predominant surfactant in laundry detergents. By the end of the 1950s so-called \"synthetic detergents\" (", "id": "13579305" }, { "contents": "Dishwasher detergent\n\n\nDishwasher detergent is a detergent made for washing dishes in a dishwasher. Dishwasher detergent is different from dishwashing liquid made to wash dishes by hand. When using a dishwasher, the user must select a special detergent for its use. All detergents are designed for use after the user scrapes leftover food from the dishes before washing. To function, the user places dishes in the dishwasher in such fashion that the surface of all dishes is open to the flow of water. Most dishwasher detergents are incompatible for use with silver, brass,", "id": "19029417" }, { "contents": "Red Skelton\n\n\n's Tide laundry detergent. The next year he changed networks, going from NBC to CBS, where his radio show aired until May 1953. After his network radio contract was over, he signed a three-year contract with Ziv Radio for a syndicated radio program in 1954. His syndicated radio program was offered as a daily show; it included segments of his older network radio programs as well as new material done for the syndication. He was able to use portions of his older radio shows because he owned the rights for", "id": "13279123" }, { "contents": "Procter & Gamble\n\n\nHouse' in Newcastle upon Tyne, until quite recently. Numerous new products and brand names were introduced over time, and Procter & Gamble began branching out into new areas. The company introduced Tide laundry detergent in 1946 and Prell shampoo in 1947. In 1955, Procter & Gamble began selling the first toothpaste to contain fluoride, known as Crest. Branching out once again in 1957, the company purchased Charmin paper mills and began manufacturing toilet paper and other tissue paper products. Once again focusing on laundry, Procter & Gamble began", "id": "14898944" }, { "contents": "Super Bowl LII\n\n\nthat covered both Super Bowl LII and the 2018 Winter Olympics (which marked the first time since 1992 that a single broadcast network had aired both the Super Bowl and Winter Olympics in the same year); the network estimated that it would bring in at least $1 billion in advertising revenue from the two events. During the second quarter, an equipment failure caused NBC's broadcast to experience dead air for 30 seconds during a commercial break. No actual commercial time was lost. Advertisements for Tide detergent featuring David Harbour of Stranger", "id": "17786084" }, { "contents": "Social impact of YouTube\n\n\nfoul, racially charged language\", making parental monitoring impractical. Some YouTube content creators have used the website's algorithm to gain more views at the cost of endangering viewers' physical safety, such as the Tide Pod challenge Internet meme that dared teenagers to consume pods containing the laundry detergent. A Pew Research Center study found that a new kind of \"visual journalism\" had developed, in which citizen eyewitnesses and established news organizations share in content creation. The study found that while 51% of the most watched YouTube news videos", "id": "21816746" }, { "contents": "Rudd Performance Motorsports\n\n\nRudd Performance Motorsports was a stock car racing team that competed in the NASCAR Winston Cup Series between 1994 and 1999. Owned by Ricky Rudd, the team's only driver, it posted six wins during its existence. Rudd founded the team following the 1993 NASCAR Winston Cup Series season; Tide detergent, which would be the team's only sponsor, followed Rudd to his new team from his previous ride with Hendrick Motorsports. The team finished fifth in points in its first season, then ninth in 1995, and sixth in 1996", "id": "3901737" }, { "contents": "Clive Matson\n\n\nrecounts Matson's journey with the hard drug, highlighting positive aspects of what the drug teaches. Psychological ironies and challenges are a continual focus, and the volume includes a lengthy reckoning of how to glean value from the drug and how to dodge its pitfalls of both physical and psychological addiction. Ginsberg, on hearing the shorter poems, called them \"direct expression.\" These became material for sections of \"On the Inside\" (Cherry Valley Editions, NY: 1982). That volume is an overview of progressive efforts after", "id": "21879351" }, { "contents": "The Prince of Tides (novel)\n\n\nhis marriage. Tom ended up as emotionally detached as his father and mother were, and because of this he never learned how to love his family. Sallie cheats on Tom, and the two nearly divorce. Tom falls in love with Lowenstein through the course of the novel, but realizes that he still loves Sallie. Lowenstein and Tom part ways after saving Savannah, and Tom returns to his family to become the father that he never was. \"The Prince of Tides\" was acclaimed by critics and became a best seller", "id": "958686" }, { "contents": "CIA transnational anti-crime and anti-drug activities\n\n\nexchange. It participates in the Central Bank's regular foreign currency auctions, and was instrumental in the successful introduction of a new currency for Afghanistan in 2002-2003.\" There are claims and counterclaims that the US may have used groups involved in drug smuggling in an effort to destabilize Iran. Hard evidence is lacking. The group, \"Jundullah\", is made up of ethnic Baluchis, and is in the Baluchistan region of Pakistan, bordering Iran. It has taken responsibility for the deaths and kidnappings of more than a", "id": "1650567" }, { "contents": "Detergent\n\n\nA detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleaning properties in dilute solutions. These substances are usually alkylbenzenesulfonates, a family of compounds that are similar to soap but are more soluble in hard water, because the polar sulfonate (of detergents) is less likely than the polar carboxylate (of soap) to bind to calcium and other ions found in hard water. In most household contexts, the term \"detergent\" by itself refers specifically to \"laundry detergent\" or \"dish detergent\", as opposed to \"", "id": "9107686" } ]
What is physically happening when I sleep wrong and wake up with stiff neck?
[{"answer": "Your neck has a lot of muscles in it to help support your head. When you're sitting up straight all of these muscles work together how they are supposed to to keep your head balanced. When you sleep in a way for a long period of time with your head in a position it is not used to your muscles dont like that. You're over stretching and working some muscles while others are no longer stretching or working at all. The muscles that are over worked from stretching too much can get sore when you wake up. They've had to do all sorts of the extra work trying to compensate for your head being in an odd position and using only some of your muscles to support it. edited for spelling"}, {"answer": "put a towel in the dryer for ~15 minutes put over neck and grasp a corner of the towel in each hand rub back and forth, using the towel to massage your neck continue until it doesn't hurt that much anymore thank me when you are done here's a super shitty drawing and gif I made of it to illustrate: URL_1 URL_0 "}, {"answer": "For all you folks talking about the muscles being tightened on one side of your neck and over stretched on the other, stop. You're wrong. The muscles on one side of my leg or arm don't tighten up while I sleep. Physical therapist here (or a \"physio\" for you English blokes) and here's the deal: The neck or cervical spine, is comprised of 7 bones, called vertebrae, that are stacked one on top of another. Between the bones are small, spongy shock absorbers called intervertebral discs. The discs are made up of two parts: the outer part is like a stiff cartilage, like your ear, and the inner part is like a jelly-type stuff. Think of having a small jelly donut between the bones in your neck. There is a small forward curve in your neck called a lordosis. When you sit slouched or bend your head forward, the lordosis straightens. This puts stress on the front side of the discs in your neck, and some of the jelly can push out of place if you stay in this forward bent position too long. When you sleep on your back and your head is being supported by your pillow, your lordosis temporarily goes away, and pressure may be placed on the front of your jelly donut discs. The jelly pushes out of place, pinches a nerve, and you wake up with pain and difficulty moving your neck. As you move around a bit, the jelly squeezes back into place, and in a few hours or days, you're back to normal. If the jelly pushes out of place a whole bunch, then you've got a serious problem. To prevent a stiff neck in the morning, sleep with a neck roll tucked into your pillowcase to support the forward curve in your neck. Don't sleep on your tummy, and learn a few exercises to do prior to going to bed and when your first wake up. Also, learn to keep proper posture during the day. Read any simple book by the great physio Robin McKenzie (from New Zealand) for more info. \"Treat Your Own Neck\" is a good one. tl;dr The small discs in your neck push out of place when you sleep. Use a neck roll to keep them in place and learn a few stretches to do (perhaps from your physical therapist trained in the McKenzie Method)."}, {"answer": "Are you drinking enough water? I had a stiff neck for 3-years. One day, I decide to drink a lot of water before bed and next day I wake up with no stiff neck. Decided to test the theory that stiff neck has something to do with dehydration and here was the result: drink water.... fine. don't drink water... stiff neck drink water.... fine. don't drink water... stiff neck drink water.... fine. don't drink water... stiff neck Now I just drink water."}, {"answer": "Physiotherapist here. About to start work but if people are interested I can find some links for management of neck pain and post them. Can't say I've ever had to explain a wry neck to a five year old though."}, {"answer": "This is the simplest way that I can explain proper alignment:While sleeping, your back and neck need to be in the same position as when you are standing. Use any combination of pillows, rolled towels, etc that work for you. Source: I live with Degenerative Disc Disorder"}, {"answer": "you could be a night teeth grinder like me; the muscles involved in clenching/grinding your jaw could lead to neck pain - try clenching now"}, {"answer": "hello! Licensed Massage therapist here- I've dealt with this problem many times especially when I was working at a chiropractor's. skabossphil is absolutely right about the mussels. I too suffered from this problem and ONE PILLOW solved all that. The relax-right contour pillow. I been using that as per recommendation from the chiropractor I worked with. 2+ yrs later and I havnt had the problem since. URL_0 If the problem still persists after using the pillow (btw it takes at least a week or so to get used to it) you should see a chiropractor for an adjustment"}, {"answer": "My natural resting position is fetal position on my right side, with my right hand resting under my thigh. A few months back I was getting severe wrist pain every time I tried to do pushups, had to force myself to sleep on my back. I recently realized the reason my wrist hadn't gotten hurt before was because for years I'd had someone to cuddle with, which slightly changed a few things around to achieve a perfectly fine sleeping position. Attempted this position with pillows, but all I achieved was tear soaked pillows."}, {"answer": "not an answer to the question, but just my two cents....I don't really have neck pain, but i do have really bad lower back and like oblique/side much so that it hurts to breathe. I generally start on my back spread eagle and try and spread my body as flat as possible with no pillow under my head. I tuck my chin down to try and elongate the back of my neck. This is the only way i can fall asleep."}, {"answer": "I think a lot of you don't know what stiff neck is. If you've gotten stiff neck, you'd know. It's not general cramping and neck aches. It's when you wake up and you can't fucking move your neck and you think you might be fucking paralyzed and your neck it in a shit-ton of pain if you try to turn your head the slightest bit. You can't go to school or work. Then after a day it goes away."}, {"answer": "Most likely you're sleeping with your head turned to the side. If this is done for an extended period of time, the muscles on one side of the neck will shorten. Once you wake up and get moving around, it takes time for the muscle(s) to warm up and 'stretch' back out to their normal position. This is what ends up giving you that stiff feeling."}, {"answer": "I sleep diagonally on my bed and rarely have pain. Gotta find what feels natural for your body. My bed dips a little bit in the middle and so I go across that so my body dips a bit too. I also use a firm pillow so that my head isn't being folded up by the ends nor is it resting too high."}, {"answer": "If I sleep on my back I start to snore after a couple minutes and it wakes me up. If I sleep on my side my shoulder starts to hurt after a hour or so. So I spend the night rolling back and forth between sides with a body pillow being dragged along for the ride."}, {"answer": "Tempurpedic pillow, the best $100 I've ever spent. I've never had a neck ache since the purchase and you can pick them up at most malls."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11198392", "title": "Neck pain", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 230, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Finlay Roberts\n\n\nof and after they watched it they sort of became aware of what was going to happen to them and that it was affecting them in the wrong way.\" She concluded that topics that achieve what Finlay's storyline did are \"really worthwhile\". Finlay first appears as a runaway who unsuccessfully attempts to get a free meal from the Diner and sleeps at the boat shed. She spends the night on one of the boats but wakes up to find it has been taken out by Nick Parrish (Bruce Roberts) and Lucinda", "id": "10770135" }, { "contents": "Dream argument\n\n\n[...]And while you sleep you don’t know what happens either, what could have been changed while you have been sleeping. If things are different when you woke up just now, it could have been different before and you might not have remembered. Or if it is the same, the scenery, one way or the other you don’t see much of it. Or, it could be that you do not remember this, something else you remember, you sleep, you wake up so many times,", "id": "12392927" }, { "contents": "Akbash\n\n\nand taking in what is happening around them (and that they \"sleep with one eye open\"). They regularly patrol the perimeters of their territory, listening, sniffing and looking beyond the fence lines. Like their sighthound ancestors, the vision of Akbash Dogs is excellent. They reserve much of their physical energy for possible encounters with predators. When protecting their charges they have tremendous power, focus, endurance and perseverance. Their great speed, loose neck skin, flexible bodies and bounding athleticism give them the physical edge they", "id": "8730854" }, { "contents": "Everything Is Wrong (album)\n\n\nthe time, I was — and am still — a vegan and an animal rights activist, really militant in all my beliefs. So I would wake up really angry every day, and sleep angry every night because I thought the world was in terrible shape, and I thought, 'What small thing can I do to express my beliefs that the world is in such terrible shape?' And that’s where the title of the album came from.\" Inside the album's booklet, Moby provides two personal essays,", "id": "10624885" }, { "contents": "Rock Haven (film)\n\n\nhis feelings and eventually sleeps with Clifford. Brady's mom knows something is wrong, but can't figure out what it is. The night that Clifford and Brady sleep together, Brady had told her that he was being driven to a church sleepover by Peggy. When he gets back the next day, she tells him that Peggy was in a car accident and confronts him about what is happening. He tells her that he is gay and she reacts badly and pressures him into breaking up with Clifford. She also gets Brady", "id": "22026086" }, { "contents": "X2000\n\n\nLe Guevellou), in a sleeping bag, hugging each other. He looks out the window and recognizes a man (Flavien Coupeau) and woman (Lucia Sanchez) making love in the apartment across the street, while the woman who was sleeping beside him wakes up and takes a bath. While he looks at what is happening across the street, he falls off the table he was sitting on, and lands on the floor, breaking a glass. This noise wakes up the twins. He goes into the kitchen to", "id": "11462166" }, { "contents": "Sleepwalker (video game)\n\n\nleaps after him and the player then takes control of what happens next. Throughout the game Lee will relentlessly walk in the direction he is facing, the problem is there are objects and pitfalls in his path that can ultimately wake him up or even kill him. The player can monitor Lee's sleep level with a bar at the top of the screen. If the bar reaches zero, Lee wakes up and the player loses a life. If this happens three (or five depending on settings) times the game is lost", "id": "9561561" }, { "contents": "Strychnine poisoning\n\n\nopisthotonos, only a slight stiffness at the back of the neck. Half an hour later, as I could judge, I took the same quantity of bromide of potassium and chloral, and a little time after I lost consciousness and fell into a \" profound sleep,\" awaking in the morning with no unpleasant symptoms, no headache, &c., but a desire \" to be on the move \" and a slight feeling of stiffness in the jaw. These worked off during the day. There is no specific antidote for", "id": "17527116" }, { "contents": "Monitor (synchronization)\n\n\nwake up a thread of the wrong type whose condition has not yet been met, and that thread would go back to sleep without a thread of the correct type getting signalled. For example, a producer might make the queue full and wake up another producer instead of a consumer, and the woken producer would go back to sleep. In the complementary case, a consumer might make the queue empty and wake up another consumer instead of a producer, and the consumer would go back to sleep. Using \"notifyAll\" ensures", "id": "18031334" }, { "contents": "Vladimir (Waiting for Godot)\n\n\nWilliams as Estragon) and Patrick Stewart. In Tom Stoppard's \"Godot\" pastiche, \"Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead\", the character Guildenstern closely resembles Vladimir. \"Hand in hand from the top of the Eiffel Tower, among the first. We were respectable in those days. Now it's too late. They wouldn't even let us up.\" \"Was I sleeping, while the others suffered? Am I sleeping now? Tomorrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say", "id": "5108287" }, { "contents": "Labraid Loingsech\n\n\nimmediately answer \"Labraid\", so Cobthach exiles the three of them from his court. They take refuge with Scoriath, king of the Fir Morca in Munster. Scoriath has a daughter, Moriath, who falls in love with Labraid, but her mother always sleeps with one eye open to keep an eye on her. Craiftine plays a slumber-strain on his harp to put her completely to sleep, and Labraid spends the night with Moriath. When her mother wakes up she realises what has happened, Labraid confesses and the", "id": "12768118" }, { "contents": "Diane Abbott\n\n\nwas. I knew what could happen to my son if he was sent to the wrong school and got in with the wrong crowd. I realised they were subjected to peer pressure and when that happens it’s very hard for a mother to save her son. Once a black boy is lost to the world of gangs it’s very hard to get them back and I was genuinely very fearful of what could happen.\" Her son contacted a radio phone-in to say that his mother was following his own wishes:", "id": "2096650" }, { "contents": "Boulton Carbon Company\n\n\n. Destitute and now despondent from the death of his son, Boulton attempted to commit suicide on September 9, 1896 with a combination of a morphine overdose and chloroform. The attempt happened in Prospect Park in Buffalo. When found by the police, Boulton had a note in his pocket that read: \"\"I have swallowed 20 grains of morphine and have put myself to sleep with chloroform. If I ever wake up again, I will cut my throat with a razor that I have in my pocket, as I am", "id": "18682819" }, { "contents": "Somnology\n\n\ndeterminate of sleep parameters such as bed time, wake time, sleep latency, and wake after sleep onset. Actigraphy can assess sleep/wake patterns without confining one to the laboratory. The monitors are small, wrist-worn movement monitors that can record activity for up to several weeks. Sleep and wakefulness are determined by using an algorithm that analyzes the movement of the patient and the input of bed and wake times from a sleep diary. A physical examination can determine the presence of other medical conditions that can cause a sleep", "id": "20144832" }, { "contents": "Me Without You (film)\n\n\nto. However, when Marina gets up to leave, Holly kisses Nat and the two end up sleeping together. Marina sees them and becomes angry, telling Holly that Nat only had sex with her because he was stoned and probably did not even recognize her. The next morning, Nat wakes up Marina and asks her to give a note to Holly that says what happened last night was \"beautiful\" but a case of bad timing, and that he looks forward to their future. However, Marina angrily rips up the", "id": "6112533" }, { "contents": "Singing Echoes\n\n\nnomination for the arrangement of the song \"When I Wake Up To Sleep No More\". The group has written and recorded many popular southern gospel songs and have been instrumental in introducing many other chart topping songs such as \"Look For Me \"When I Wake Up To Sleep No More\", \"It's Enough\", \"Beautiful Heaven\", \"Think I'm Excited?\", \"Somebody's Here\" and \"I'm A Used To Be\", with their current hit bring a song penned by", "id": "20138095" }, { "contents": "Jul i Valhal\n\n\n, she sees a large stone snake decorating the wall, and in the middle of the cavern, she sees a man with long hair and beard chained (by both of his arms and by his neck), on his knees, and apparently sleeping (his eyes are closed and he is snoring). When Sofie tries to move the man's hair so she can see his face, he wakes up, and is surprised to see a person. He introduces himself as the Norse god Loki, and implores Sofie to", "id": "10338126" }, { "contents": "Joe Dawson (Highlander)\n\n\nBrother in Arms\"] In the scene where Joe wakes up to find his legs gone, I had to ask Jim what it was like. Jim said, 'Well, the fact is you don't wake up and scream in terror, you wake up and go \"Whoa\", and fall back to sleep, because you're so shot up with morphine, you have no idea what they're telling you.' So we adjusted the script accordingly. And certainly we were very concerned how Jim would feel,", "id": "19542574" }, { "contents": "Derek Sanderson\n\n\n, an innocent life was lost and I almost died, too,\" she told Tesher. \"It mustn't happen to other women. They must learn to speak up when they know something's wrong.\" During his career, Sanderson made many bad investments and lost millions of dollars; he was broke when he retired and had substance abuse problems. He wound up penniless, one time sleeping on a New York City park bench, and in poor health. Several years after Sanderson's retirement, Bobby Orr spent his", "id": "1684680" }, { "contents": "Shattered Sight\n\n\nfinally broken; the shards turn into snow and Storybrooke returns to normal, including Regina and Mary Margaret, who immediately stop fighting and start laughing. Mary Margaret and David run up to Emma to hug her, while Henry runs to Regina and hugs both her and Emma. As Neal begins to wake up, David tells Mary Margaret to forget what happened under the curse, then the couple kiss. Finally, Gold checks on Belle as she is sleeping, when Hook arrived to the pawnshop and tells him Henry got away.", "id": "12703171" }, { "contents": "The Ipcress File (film)\n\n\nhim to microfilm the file and Palmer now believes that he is being set up. When he informs Dalby what has happened and that he suspects Ross, Dalby tells him to leave town for a while. On the train to Paris, Palmer is kidnapped and wakes up imprisoned in a cell in Albania. After several days without sleep, food and warmth, Grantby reveals himself as his kidnapper. Having previously read the file, Palmer realises that they are preparing to brainwash him. He uses pain to distract himself, but after", "id": "16246050" }, { "contents": "Dorsal raphe nucleus\n\n\nplay a role in the sleep/wake cycle. Cataplexy is the symptom of narcolepsy when full awareness of the environment is maintained, but all muscle tone is lost. This has thought to be a dissociation of what normally happens during REM sleep, when all muscle tone is lost except for the eyes. The nucleus raphes dorsalis have been known to project to the lateral hypothalamus, along with the locus coeruleus and the tuberomammillary nucleus. The neurotransmitters of these three aforementioned nuclei, which project to the lateral hypothalamus, are serotonin,", "id": "14636161" }, { "contents": "Snow White\n\n\nthe sleeping Snow White. She wakes up and explains to them what happened, and the dwarfs take pity on her and let her stay with them in exchange for housekeeping. They warn her to be careful when alone at home and to let no one in while they are working in the mountains. Meanwhile, the queen, believing that Snow White is dead, asks her mirror once again: \"Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?\" The mirror tells her that Snow White is still", "id": "1120313" }, { "contents": "PTZD\n\n\nhe, Rosalee and Juliette were in the scene, they will be interrogated. They meet with them in the spice shop and agree on devising the same story and details, and decide not to tell Nick about the man killed. While sleeping with Nick, Juliette finds he is getting cold, his skin is turning gray and there's no heartbeat. She is about to call an ambulance when he wakes up, seemingly not realizing what happened. After questioning Renard, the detectives go to interrogate Rosalee in the spice shop.", "id": "8422953" }, { "contents": "Metaplasticity\n\n\nof reduction to our neuronal firing patterns. The prolonged LTD from sleep would allow for all the non-essential LTP that took place during our day to become forfeit. It helps reduce the amount of synaptic noise that is created when so much potentiation happens during the day. What does this all mean?: The idea is LTP is occurring all the time during wakefulness. All of this information flow and storage will eventually become too much, and that is why we sleep. The point of sleep is to downgrade and eliminate", "id": "21044128" }, { "contents": "Now That's What I Call Club Hits\n\n\nNow That's What I Call Club Hits is a compilation album released on September 22, 2009. This is the first album in the U.S. \"Now!\" series (and first \"Now!\" Dance compilation release outside Europe) to consist entirely of tracks and remixes made in the electronic dance music genre. Four tracks have reached number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot Dance Club Songs chart — \"When Love Takes Over\", \"LoveGame\", \"Waking Up in Vegas\" and \"Wrong\". \"", "id": "5499913" }, { "contents": "Clifford Stoll\n\n\n, Stoll left a self-deprecating comment: \"Of my many mistakes, flubs, and howlers, few have been as public as my 1995 howler ... Now, whenever I think I know what's happening, I temper my thoughts: Might be wrong, Cliff ...\" Stoll was an eighth-grade physics teacher at Tehiyah Day School, in El Cerrito, California, and later taught physics to home-schooled teenagers. Stoll was a regular contributor to MSNBC's \"The Site\". Stoll is an FCC licensed", "id": "15802858" }, { "contents": "Chris Cornell\n\n\nto not only imagine what it feels like to not be there, but try to remind myself that I could just wake up the next day and it could be gone because that happens, and not to worry about it. And at the same time, when I'm feeling great, I remember the depression and think about the differences in what I'm feeling and why I would feel that way, and not be reactionary one way or the other. You just have to realize that these are patterns of life and you", "id": "5177445" }, { "contents": "Boredom in Brno\n\n\nHonza and Pavel also head home to Pavel's house, and Pavel is perturbed when Honza kisses his cheek while he sleeps. After having sex, Olinka excitedly tells her friends what happened, but at the same time her mother wakes up and sees Standa dancing in his underwear through the keyhole. When Olinka returns to the flat, the two women argue, and Standa flees the flat in panic. Pavel and Honza leave Pavel's place very early to deliver rohlík to Líšeň, but on the way Pavel takes his eyes off", "id": "5226947" }, { "contents": "Fall Creek Falls State Park\n\n\nbooks, Fisher later testified: I had taken perhaps four or five steps when I felt that old mill building quiver. I turned and ran for the door and stepped out on solid ground, and then turned around to see what was going to happen, but folks, it had already happened. The mill wasn't there. I could just see pieces of planking and timbers going over the falls and rushing on down into the valley of Cane Creek below. Another resident recalled waking up to a cabin floor covered with several", "id": "15137039" }, { "contents": "Scott W. Rothstein\n\n\nRothstein described himself and told how he controlled all aspects of the firm's management: This is where the evil happens. Look, I sleep in the bed I make. I tend toward the flashy side, but it's a persona. It's just a fucking persona. ... People ask me, 'When do you sleep?' I say I'll sleep when I'm dead. I'm a true Gemini. I joke around that there are 43 people living in my head and you never know what you're", "id": "4592004" }, { "contents": "Robert Clary\n\n\na crumb to eat. We were hanging on to life by pure guts, sleeping on top of each other, every morning waking up to find a new corpse next to you. ... The whole experience was a complete nightmare — the way they treated us, what we had to do to survive. We were less than animals. Sometimes I dream about those days. I wake up in a sweat terrified for fear I'm about to be sent away to a concentration camp, but I don't hold a grudge because", "id": "4758893" }, { "contents": "Iceberg theory\n\n\nin such a way that I could not sleep at night? What if I were wounded and made crazy, what would happen if I were sent back to the front?\" By separating himself from the characters he created, Hemingway strengthens the drama. The means of achieving a strong drama is to minimize, or omit, the feelings that produced the fiction he wrote. Hemingway's iceberg theory highlights the symbolic implications of art. He makes use of physical action to provide an interpretation of the nature of man's existence.", "id": "5034496" }, { "contents": "Donna Blini\n\n\nincluded Nidhaal (Dick Poole Fillies' Stakes), Wake Up Maggie (winner of a valuable sales race in Ireland) and Modeeroch (Tyros Stakes). Donna Blini tracked the 100/1 outsider Dizzy Dreamer before taking the lead approaching the final furlong. She was driven out in the closing stages to win by a neck from Wake Up Maggie with Flashy Wings a neck away in third. After the race Kinane said \"Brian gave Donna Blini a break after I won on her in July and when I saw her today she looked", "id": "11445176" }, { "contents": "I Dismember Mama\n\n\nwoman\" and he truly loves her. When his sexual attraction to her manifests itself while she is sleeping, instead Albert goes out and picks up a woman in a bar and brings her back to the hotel room. His bizarre sadism comes out again and he murders the woman, but Annie wakes up and sees it happening. She screams and escapes out of a window, climbing down the fire escape with Albert chasing after her. They run into a mannequin factory, where Annie attempts to hide among the figures. Albert", "id": "3347842" }, { "contents": "The Eye 10\n\n\nhoping that the curse will be broken after doing so. They perform the last step, which is to sleep while dressed in traditional garments for the deceased. In the ghost world, Ted and May find Kofei. April appears and helps them escape. All three ask April how she came to the ghost world and she tells them what happened. Thinking Kofei was dead, she committed suicide. Kofei decides to stay with April in the ghost world while Ted and May attempt to escape. However, when they wake up,", "id": "4249720" }, { "contents": "Garfield: The Search for Pooky\n\n\nGarfield: The Search for Pooky is a video game developed by Danish company InterActive Vision and published by The Game Factory in 2005 for the Game Boy Advance. It was the first \"Garfield\" video game to be made for the Game Boy Advance. Based on the Garfield comic strip characters created by Jim Davis. One night when Garfield is sleeping, three mice come and steal Pooky. The next morning, Garfield wakes up and finds out that Pooky has been stolen. He sets out to find out what happened and get", "id": "9876210" }, { "contents": "Patty Loveless\n\n\nsometimes because I thought 'I left Nashville, I left all that for this? What happened to me? What is wrong with me?' But I think what was happening was that I was beginning to find... me. Find who I really was. And what kind of person I was inside and out. I still believe to this day it happened the way it was supposed to happen. In April 1985, Loveless felt her marriage to Terry Lovelace was ending (they eventually divorced amicably in 1986). She", "id": "17552609" }, { "contents": "Rêve: the Dream Ouroboros\n\n\nDragon\" sometimes experience a \"gris-rêve\" (greydreaming): they suddenly realise that they are somewhere with companions, but only have limited memories of what happened the days before. But what happened can be the key of the current situation... When a character dies, his dragon wakes up and then falls asleep again; at the same time, the character wakes up in a new dream, a new life. This means that the character is recreated with the same abilities, but a different past, a different", "id": "14540372" }, { "contents": "The Roommate Transmogrification\n\n\n, leaving it moot if her parents know). At the end of the episode, Sheldon discovers Leonard sleeping on the couch at their apartment, because he is still mad at Priya, just before Howard shows up and announces that he had a fight with Bernadette over the watch. Penny wakes up in Leonard's room and is horrified when she wakes up naked with Raj and realizes she hooked up with him. She tells him that \"last night never happened.\" Raj nods his head and Penny is peeved that he", "id": "11565081" }, { "contents": "Ginger Bloke\n\n\nhere, that I did about you guys and it says here that your career is fucking up. Don't get me wrong, I understand you're still very popular and a lot of morons buy your albums, but all I'm saying is that your music is going steadily and gradually more shitty. brFlea: That's how I feel. brGinger Bloke: Good, good Gollum! Good. brFlea: I feel that's what happening with us, I know that's what happening with us. brGinger Bloke: \"", "id": "2182553" }, { "contents": "500 Years of Solitude\n\n\ninto Damon's who apologizes to her about all these not being real. That is when Nadia appears and snaps Damon's neck to stop him from torturing her mother. Nadia asks Katherine to say the spell so she can get into her body and save her life but Katherine declines saying that she had a full life and it is time for her to go. Nadia leaves and Damon wakes up having heard though the conversation between mother and daughter. Stephan walks in asking what happened and Damon informs him that he was messing with", "id": "3361173" }, { "contents": "Art Bell\n\n\nmany, though I am profoundly sad at the current state of the show, both offers would have been direct competition with Coast and anger is the wrong reason to proceed. Also I really do not want to destroy what I built despite its current state. Asia will be in first grade in the Fall and getting up very early, I would be up late and sleeping late, I would not see much of her or Airyn. Life is short and I want to spend what I have left with my Family. I", "id": "11563232" }, { "contents": "Dream\n\n\narticle focuses on REM sleep dreaming, thereafter simply referred as dreaming. Since waking up usually happens during rapid eye movement sleep (REM), the vivid bizarre REM sleep dreams are the most common type of dreams that is remembered. (During REM sleep an electroencephalogram (EEG) shows brain activity that, among sleep states, is most like wakefulness.) During a typical lifespan, a person spends a total of about six years dreaming (which is about two hours each night). Most dreams only last 5 to 20", "id": "1277967" }, { "contents": "Dream argument\n\n\nso often, you don’t know when you are asleep and when you are awake, why be awake, now you may be asleep, what you remember you may remember in sleep, wake up in a dream, remember inside a dream, different memory other things you remember when you are in a dream, you have a different life in the dream, you remember who you are what you did, and even though you may not be the person you were when again you wake up you don’t doubt who you", "id": "12392928" }, { "contents": "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie\n\n\nout and ends up sleeping through it, while dreaming about what might have happened. He wakes up in the morning to find Chong (who was abducted by Aliens alongside Red) bursting in, dressed in what appears to be a cross between Genghis Khan and a Viking, holding a jar of \"space coke\", which Chong says, \"It'll blow your head off.\" The \"space coke\" causes Cheech to go berserk and starts trashing their next door neighbor's house with a surprised Chong following after.", "id": "8484979" }, { "contents": "Legal Eagles\n\n\nhis ex-wife, Jennifer (Jennifer Dundas), is there and does not take kindly to her which leads her to worsen Logan's ex-wife's view on what is actually happening when she comes to take their daughter to her home and finds Chelsea in Logan's apartment. After they are alone Logan makes Chelsea a bed for her to sleep on her own but during the night Chelsea goes into Logan's bed and he fails to resist, they sleep together. Next morning police bust into Logan's room waking", "id": "19167120" }, { "contents": "Beni Durdursan mı?\n\n\nused to describe the concept of time to children in an easy way\" with the lyrics: \"Yatcaz kalkcaz (We will sleep, wake up) / Yatcaz kalkcaz (Sleep, wake up) / Yatcaz kalkcaz (Sleep, wake up) / Hop ordayım (Whoop, I will be there) / Dağlar, bayırlar, o uzun yollar (The mountains, the slopes, long roads) / Hepsi hikâye, firardayım (All are nonsense, I'm on the run)\". The second song \"Kardan Adam", "id": "18684746" }, { "contents": "A Nightmare on Elm Street\n\n\ntells her about what happened to Tina, and this makes Nancy believe that Krueger is responsible for Tina's death. Nancy invites Glen to watch over her as she falls asleep. In her dream, she sees Krueger prepare to kill Rod in his cell, but then he turns his attention towards her. Nancy runs away and wakes up when her alarm clock goes off. Krueger kills Rod by wrapping bed sheets around his neck like a noose. Nancy and Glen find his body hanging in his cell. At Rod's funeral", "id": "17213899" }, { "contents": "The Gathering (Carmody novel)\n\n\n's conclusion and climax had one of the police officers that had attacked him visit Danny's school for a talk to improve citizen-authority relations, at the end of which the officer gave Danny a wink: \"When he winked, it all came clear to me. I realised everything that happened was a joke. I had been thinking that what happened with the police was wrong, waiting for something to happen to make it right. But when he winked, I realised nothing was going to make it right. That", "id": "1380039" }, { "contents": "The Dreamer (webcomic)\n\n\nactually happened. As she tries to figure out what is happening to her, she pushes away her closest friends and family in order to dive deeper into her dreams, exploring the world of 18th century America and the interesting people she meets there. Nineteen-year-old Ben Cato is a year older than the other seniors, since he repeated a grade in middle school. It was the wake up call he needed, and he decided to stop hanging out with the wrong crowd and take school more seriously. As the", "id": "6879861" }, { "contents": "2016 All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championship Final\n\n\nI think we might have awoken other giants that may have been sleeping though, in that every other county is going to take huge encouragement from what we’ve achieved this year, because we’re all in the pot; every one of us hurling counties are chasing Kilkenny and those are the facts. And for one of us to come through and break that mould for once… don’t get me wrong, that’s not a foregone conclusion that that will ever happen again, such is the quality of Kilkenny, but I", "id": "18690321" }, { "contents": "Last Night (Good Charlotte song)\n\n\nsings of meeting a tantalizing girl and then waking up with a foggy recollection of what happened next. Whether he had too much to drink or had something slipped into his drink is unclear, but the singer still says it might have been the time of his life. In the chorus, he sings: \"Last night, can't remember / What happened? Where'd we go? / I woke up this morning / Where's my car? Where's my keys? Where's my clothes? / I feel my", "id": "6684411" }, { "contents": "Haitian Vodou art\n\n\nsaid his work was inspired by the Vodou spirits, who sometimes demanded it. He said, \"When I sleep, while I'm dreaming, I see the Mysteries. When I sleep I see the spirits...they show me a design, some face, some kind of thing. Then when I wake up I create it.\" A visitor to Port-au-Prince in 1991 described an altar installation Barra made for the mother goddess Ezili Dantor. Her head came from a plaster doll, with rouge, lipstick", "id": "450377" }, { "contents": "List of artists influenced by Michael Jackson\n\n\nmother would wake me no matter what time it was, if I was sleeping, no matter what I was doing, to watch the television to see the master at work. And when I saw him move, I was mesmerized. I had never seen a performer perform like James Brown, and right then and there I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life because of James Brown.\" The young Michael Jackson owed his vocal technique in large part to Diana Ross. Not only", "id": "1247532" }, { "contents": "Polymyalgia rheumatica\n\n\nPolymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a syndrome with pain or stiffness, usually in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and hips, but which may occur all over the body. The pain can be very sudden, or can occur gradually over a period. Most people with PMR wake up in the morning with pain in their muscles and tissues surrounding the affected joints; however, cases have occurred in which the person has developed the pain during the evenings or has pain and stiffness all day long. People who have polymyalgia", "id": "7068600" }, { "contents": "Gone Girl (The Vampire Diaries)\n\n\nherself with the virus so that when Elena wakes up, she will be doubly infected. The episode ends with Elena waking up to resume her life while Katherine prepares to embark into the afterlife; However when Katherine touches Bonnie nothing happens. She asks Bonnie what is happening but Bonnie does not know. A wind whips up in the church, the doors open and a dark abyss appears. Bonnie says to Katherine that it is not her decision to let her pass to the other side or not and that she cannot help", "id": "10114721" }, { "contents": "Yoga nidra\n\n\nYoga nidra () or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the \"going-to-sleep\" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation. There is evidence that yoga nidra helps to relieve stress. It has been applied by the US Army to assist soldiers to recover from post-traumatic stress disorder. Yoga nidra has been described as the art of non-doing as opposed to doing more. Just as floating happens when one stops struggling, relaxation happens when one lets go of", "id": "12083153" }, { "contents": "Jerry Cantrell\n\n\n’m very grateful I am here, and it took a lot of people to help me get here. It's been an amazing day. It's overwhelming. I'm as imperfect as they come. I just don't get high today and wake up the next morning and try and do the same thing. A lot of people stand and get the fuck back up after falling. Some people don't get that chance. My band's been a harsh example of that – what happens when you don't deal with", "id": "18213610" }, { "contents": "Narcolepsy\n\n\nsleep. As a consequence night time sleep does not include as much deep sleep, so the brain tries to \"catch up\" during the day, hence EDS. People with narcolepsy may visibly fall asleep at unpredicted moments (such motions as head bobbing are common). People with narcolepsy fall quickly into what appears to be very deep sleep, and they wake up suddenly and can be disoriented when they do (dizziness is a common occurrence). They have very vivid dreams, which they often remember in great detail.", "id": "18905014" }, { "contents": "Harold Gimblett\n\n\nspread over a wide area.\" He appears to have found congeniality difficult and resentment easy, and there were periods of depressive illness. These culminated at the end of the 1953 cricket season in what appears to have been a full-scale breakdown. Gimblett's own words, quoted in the Foot biography, tell the story. \"I couldn't take much more. I was taking sleeping pills to make me sleep and others to wake me up. By the end of 1953 the world was closing in on me.", "id": "14694841" }, { "contents": "Ann Harada\n\n\niterations of that show. About her experience she said \"It was such a roller-coaster ride — everything that could go wrong went wrong. You'd just show up to work every day and go, 'I wonder what's going to happen today.'...There was way too much drama for one show to take, and it didn't deserve that kind of drama because it's really a great little show. . . . I loved it, and I still love it. . . I just keep", "id": "12477289" }, { "contents": "Withings\n\n\nAura is a smart alarm clock with sensors, a color-changing light, a speaker and an under-mattress sleep monitor. It has sleep programs to help induce sleep. The Aura also plays specially-engineered wake-up light and sound programs to gently wake the user. Throughout the night, it uses a sensor placed under the mattress to detect when the user is in the lightest sleep phase so it can wake them up at the most appropriate time before the alarm goes off. When the Aura was presented at", "id": "9273452" }, { "contents": "The Forgotten (Applegate novel)\n\n\nThree is still able to use an arm to break Jake's neck. However, Jake wakes up back at the grocery store, just as they are about to infiltrate it. He calls off the operation, and the Animorphs all go home. The next day, Jake asks Ax what had happened. Ax postulates that the travel through time created two separate versions of Jake. The reason Jake simply \"woke up\" back at the grocery store was that the Jake in the rainforest died at the hands of Visser Three;", "id": "14445216" }, { "contents": "One Night as I Lay on My Bed\n\n\na hard-drinking woman who is fond of moonshine, and avoids hard work. One version, as sung by The Kingston Trio, has the chorus \"Wake up, wake up, darlin' Corey. What makes you sleep so sound? The revenue officer's a comin', gonna tear your still house down.\" This might possibly be a relic of its origins in the song \"Who's that Knocking on My Window\". It could be considered as a female version of \"I'm A Rover", "id": "18610129" }, { "contents": "Waking up early\n\n\nearly to bed, makes a Shrike healthy, and wealthy, and dead\". Such recommendations may cast individuals with different natural sleep patterns as lazy or unmotivated when it is a much different matter for a person with a longer or delayed sleep cycle to get up earlier in the morning than for a person with an advanced sleep cycle. In effect, the person accustomed to a later wake time is being asked not to wake up an hour early but 3–4 hours early, while waking up \"normally\" may already be an", "id": "14859829" }, { "contents": "Leeland Dayton Mooring\n\n\n. The last week we traveled [as a family], my mom was put in the hospital and almost had a heart attack. She physically couldn’t take it, because we weren’t getting a lot of sleep. It was hard on us. I look at the pictures now, and it was by God’s grace that she got out and that nothing serious happened. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if my mom ever died, because she’s the pillar in our lives. I could", "id": "11587448" }, { "contents": "Circadian rhythm sleep disorder\n\n\ntiming of exercise are also recorded because they may impact an individual's sleep and wake patterns. To measure sleep variables candidly, patients wear actigraphy watches that record sleep onset, wake time, and many other physiological variables. Patients are similarly asked to self-report their sleep habits with a week-long sleep diary to document when they go to bed, when they wake up, etc. to supplement the actigraphy data. Collecting this data allows sleep professionals to carefully document and measure patient's sleep habits and confirm patterns described", "id": "9093985" }, { "contents": "Born on the Fourth of July (film)\n\n\n\" image. \"I saw this kid who has everything,\" he stated. \"And I wondered what would happen if tragedy strikes, if fortune denies him ... I thought it was an interesting proposition: What would happen to Tom Cruise if something goes wrong?\" Kovic was also wary of Cruise's casting, but relented when the actor visited him at his home in Massapequa, New York. Cruise spent one year preparing for the role. He visited several veterans' hospitals, read various books on the Vietnam War", "id": "13735975" }, { "contents": "Dallas (1978 TV series)\n\n\nhim what is going on and Ray says he's going to kill J.R. for what happened. J.R. throws a candle holder at Ray, which misses him and knocks over another candle holder with lit candles in it. As the two brawl, the candles ignite a fire and the smoke starts to creep into both John Ross and Sue Ellen's bedrooms as they sleep. Sue Ellen had been given a sedative by the doctor earlier in the day so she doesn't wake up. J.R. notices the fire and tries to break free", "id": "12374723" }, { "contents": "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep\n\n\nlay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. When in the morning light I wake, Show me the path of love to take. Amen /poem poem If I should live another day I pray the Lord to guide my way. Amen /poem poem Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. For if I die before I wake, that's one less test I have to take. /poem It is sometimes combined with the \"Black Paternoster\",", "id": "5772489" }, { "contents": "Hypnogram\n\n\nmonitor or computer as a hypnogram. Certain frequencies displayed by EEGs, EOGs and EMGs are characteristic and determine what stage of sleep or wake the subject is in. There is a protocol defined by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) for sleep scoring, whereby the sleep or wake state is recorded in 30-second epochs. Prior to this the Rechtschaffen and Kales (RK) rules were used to classify sleep stages. Cycles of REM and non-REM stages make up sleep. A normal healthy adult requires 7–9 hours of", "id": "10303497" }, { "contents": "Lauren Luke\n\n\nUK, the video was promoted by the National Organization for Women in the United States, and reported on internationally. Luke noted that, \"The bruising on my face for the video wasn't real, but my emotions in that video were. I had a bad experience in the past with a previous boyfriend. He never physically hurt me but I did sometimes fear what would happen next if I said the wrong thing. He could be overprotective and embarrass me in front of my work colleagues or friends because of his aggressive", "id": "8335215" }, { "contents": "Beyond the Wall of Sleep (short story)\n\n\nethics, he attached himself with Slater to the device as Slater lay near death. With the device switched on, he received a message from a being of light whose experiences had been what were transmitted through the medium of Joe Slater. This being explained that, when not shackled to their physical bodies, all humans are light beings. The thought-message went on to explain that, as light beings within the realm of sleep, humans can experience the vistas of many planes and universes which remain unknown to waking awareness.", "id": "14689332" }, { "contents": "Aliyah (NCIS)\n\n\ncopy of the script. People will see the finale and say, 'I know what's going to happen next in the first episode back.' Wrong. You don't know what's going to happen. People will go, 'Am I really seeing that? What just happened?' It really is exciting. I promised that with [the Season 5 finale] 'Judgment Day,' and I think we delivered. It is very much in that vein.\" Fans had previously discussed the possibility that Ziva", "id": "13737724" }, { "contents": "Matthew Broderick\n\n\n\"; the crash publicly revealing their relationship. He had a fractured leg and ribs, a concussion, and a collapsed lung. Grey received minor injuries, including whiplash. Broderick told police he had no recollection of the crash and did not know why he was in the wrong lane: \"I don't remember the day. I don't remember even getting up in the morning. I don't remember making my bed. What I first remember is waking up in the hospital, with a very strange feeling going on", "id": "20417135" }, { "contents": "Somewhere on a Beach\n\n\ndirected), played by Josh Schuber. It begins as the plane from \"Drunk\" lands, and Josh is seen getting off (still with his neck pillow on) and meeting a sexy girl at a bar after drinking, then waking up the next morning intoxicated and unaware of what happened the previous day. He and the girl are then seen swimming in a hotel pool together and he is seen giving her a massage on the beach and with her in a lounge chair at the same beach. They are then rescued", "id": "17246436" }, { "contents": "Miss Jackson\n\n\nit would drive me crazy. When I was younger, I would mess around; I'd sleep with one girl one night, sleep with her friend the next night, and not care about how they felt, or how I made them feel. And then it happened to me and I realized 'Wow, that's what that feels like?'\" Regarding the band's decision to release \"Miss Jackson\" as the lead single from their fourth studio album, \"Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die", "id": "21555373" }, { "contents": "Thark (play)\n\n\nit proves her case. To show she is wrong Benbow and Ronnie – the former with a false air of bravado, and the latter frankly terrified – agree to sleep in the haunted room. Death asks them, \"What time would you like your call?\" Ronny and his uncle are sleeping uncomfortably in a small double bed. Lionel and Cherry creep in. They have arrived by car, and do not know which bedrooms have been allotted to them. They withdraw, closing the door with a click that wakes Ronny", "id": "6595568" }, { "contents": "Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!\n\n\nalbum's lead single, \"Miss Jackson\", was written about Urie's first sexual experiences during his youth. \"When I was younger, I would mess around; I'd sleep with one girl one night, sleep with her friend the next night, and not care about how they felt, or how I made them feel. And then it happened to me, and I realized 'Wow, that's what that feels like? I feel really shitty.'\" A hidden preview of \"Vegas Lights\"", "id": "14066913" }, { "contents": "Lame Gig Contest\n\n\nwhen the sun is out I can see all the ugliness in the world, but the night is quiet and calm and peaceful, and the ugliness is shadowed.\" He further stated that when he wrote the song, he realized that his sleeping pattern had \"taken its toll on me, I felt so far removed from the rest of the human race that I could hardly imagine what happened during the daytime.\" However, he said that he \"still sleep[s] during the day, but I've learned that too", "id": "14378937" }, { "contents": "Jwala Gutta\n\n\nin sports. In an interview she said, \"I don't understand this image thing. What's wrong in liking clothes or dressing up? In India, there is this image that if you dress shabbily, you are a serious sportsperson. If you care about dressing up, you aren't one. People are under the impression I lead an exciting life but honestly, all I do is sleep, eat and practice\". Gutta is also a celebrity endorser and has been associated with several brands and services, also", "id": "15995980" }, { "contents": "Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg\n\n\nthe wrong way! We're supposed to take the Appel Quay!\" The driver put his foot on the brake, and began to back up. In doing so he moved slowly past the waiting Gavrilo Princip. The assassin stepped forward, drew his pistol, and at a distance of about five feet, fired twice into the car. Franz Ferdinand was hit in the neck and Sophie in the abdomen. Sophie said to her husband, \"For God's sake, what has happened to you?!\" then she", "id": "2501804" }, { "contents": "Dream Chronicles (series)\n\n\nof Dreams, casts a sleep spell upon the entire Wish town, making every mortal fall into a magic sleep. She also abducts a fairy named Fidget living there. However, before his abduction, Fidget, using his remaining power, removes the sleep spell from Faye - his wife and the heroine - and leaves a path for her to follow in his diary. Waking up from the dream, Faye can't believe that those things that have happened in her dreams really happen in reality. No one besides her, even", "id": "14726401" }, { "contents": "Benzodiazepine dependence\n\n\nelderly. Withdrawal led to statistical significant improvements in memory function and performance related skills in those having withdrawn successfully from benzodiazepines, whereas those having remained on benzodiazepines experienced worsening symptoms. People having withdrawn from benzodiazepines also felt their sleep was more refreshing, making statements such as \"\"I feel sharper when I wake up\"\" or \"\"I feel better, more awake\"\", or \"\"It used to take me an hour to fully wake up.\"\" This suggests that benzodiazepines may actually make insomnia worse in", "id": "17822057" }, { "contents": "I Am an African\n\n\npeople, engaged one another in a titanic battle, the one to redress a wrong that had been caused by one to another and the other, to defend the indefensible.\" \"I have seen what happens when one person has superiority of force over another, when the stronger appropriate to themselves the prerogative even to annul the injunction that God created all men and women in His image.\" \"I know what it signifies when race and colour are used to determine who is human and who, sub-human.\"", "id": "14505952" }, { "contents": "OPEN Alliance SIG\n\n\nup on demand. TC10 will focus on establishing support for sleep modes and a wake up mechanisms tailored for automotive use cases. Goals: TC10 specifies the functionality and needs of an Ethernet Sleep and Wake-up concept which includes: \"Ethernet switch requirements and qualification\" Goals: Create specification and qualification requirements for Ethernet switches: \"Test specifications for the compliance testing of future IEEE 1000BASE-T1 (IEEE802.3bp) Physical Interface (PHY) devices\" In March 2016 the SIG introduced its twelfth technical committee (TC12), aimed", "id": "9180545" }, { "contents": "Little School Mouse\n\n\nnext lesson, Jerry teaches him to get cheese without waking the cat guarding it, and manages to get a small piece of it while ensuring Tom stays asleep in his nap, but becomes dumbfounded when Tuffy asks a somewhat sleepy Tom to give him a whole block of cheese, which he brings back with him. Eventually, Jerry brings Tuffy on to his final lesson - to tie a bell around a cat's neck. However, Tom, fully aware of what Jerry is planning, fakes sleeping and plays along with letting", "id": "5848111" }, { "contents": "Liz Parker\n\n\nshe wants to leave Roswell temporarily, so that she can get better and understand what is happening to her, not only the alien aspect but the confusion about her life. Max respects her decision, waiting for her in Roswell. She goes to an all-girl boarding school to start fresh. It is not long before Liz's life in Roswell catches up with her. While sleeping she suddenly wakes up realizing that Max has died. She is heartbroken and decides to drown her sorrows with alcohol. While drunk she sees", "id": "8744004" }, { "contents": "Say Hello to My Little Friend (Awake)\n\n\nfamily's car crash was anything but\". Sepinwall noted that \"as it played not only with the structure of the show, but the emotions of our hero by showing us what happens if he stops going to sleep in one reality and waking up in the other\". According to Sepinwall, \"Say Hello to My Little Friend\" was \"effective\" as it \"forced [Michael] to finally confront a truth about his situation\", and that he finally needs to grieve, by recognizing that one of his", "id": "21241374" }, { "contents": "HaDugmaniyot (season 2)\n\n\nclass. They do not know that the skills taught by the Glam rebels, the gnarled guide, will be used in the future. They go to sleep exhausted after training. After a few hours they wake up to the sound of knocking at the door. For a moment they find it difficult to understand what is happening, while it is still dark outside. The girls are on their next mission: photographing fairies in a dark forest. The mission is supposed to prepare them for demand from them as models who should", "id": "8804789" }, { "contents": "Sleeping barber problem\n\n\nhe dismisses the customer and goes to the waiting room to see if there are others waiting. If there are, he brings one of them back to the chair and cuts their hair. If there are none, he returns to the chair and sleeps in it. Each customer, when they arrive, looks to see what the barber is doing. If the barber is sleeping, the customer wakes him up and sits in the cutting room chair. If the barber is cutting hair, the customer stays in the waiting room", "id": "5416147" }, { "contents": "Orthopedic pillow\n\n\nBehind the neck, in the middle of the back and lower back. For this, an orthopedic pillow with neck contour and a wedge under knees can allow the back sleeper to lie with safety and comfort. More common in infants and small children than in adults, this sleep position is considered harmful for the neck (neck strain, neck pain and stiffness) and responsible of the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in babies as small children, according to a study by the U.S. National Institute of Child Health", "id": "1391352" }, { "contents": "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening\n\n\nsymbolism of the threatening creatures. It has also been suggested that the painting is \"a surrealist interpretation of the Theory of Evolution.\" In 1962, Dalí said this painting was intended \"to express for the first time in images Freud's discovery of the typical dream with a lengthy narrative, the consequence of the instantaneousness of a chance event which causes the sleeper to wake up. Thus, as a bar might fall on the neck of a sleeping person, causing them to wake up and for a long dream to end", "id": "6136318" }, { "contents": "Unconditional positive regard\n\n\nwould go to sleep at night and not wake up, because I, I really felt there was nothing to live for. (Therapist: Uh huh [very softly]). Now I, I truly believe that this drug they are giving me helps me a lot, I think, I think it is one drug that really does me good. (Therapist: Uh hm). Therapist: But you say that, that during that time you, you felt as though no one cared, as to what (", "id": "10559611" }, { "contents": "I Married Who?\n\n\nloosen up, Claire steers the girls to the hottest nightclub for a few drinks and some fun, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? But when Jordan wakes up the next morning unable to recall the night before, she panics when she finds she is in movie star Matt Swift's hotel suite with a gigantic diamond on her finger and a marriage certificate lying nearby. Before Jordan can have the marriage annulled and put this nightmare behind her, the impromptu wedding explodes into a publicity stunt fueled by Matt’s", "id": "6658882" }, { "contents": "A Midsummer Night's Dream\n\n\nHermia again, and claiming all will be well in the morning. The fairies then disappear, and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt. They find the lovers still sleeping in the glade. They wake up the lovers and, since Demetrius no longer loves Hermia, Theseus over-rules Egeus's demands and arranges a group wedding. The lovers at first believe they are still in a dream and can't recall what has happened. The lovers decide that the night's events must have been", "id": "20683126" }, { "contents": "Genius of Love\n\n\nwe were doing, so I didn't even know that could happen. I ended up waking the assistant engineer - he was asleep under the console - and I showed him the part, and he played it. Chris \"(Frantz)\" was mad, but I really couldn't play; my hand wouldn't even close. So we did what we had to do. These things happen.\" The melody is playful and almost child-like, using catchy syncopation. The singer tells her friends about her boyfriend", "id": "31136" }, { "contents": "Elephant (stories)\n\n\n. When the mother finally heads back to California in her packed car, both she and her son realize that they are not likely to see each other again. A 3:00 am phone call wakes the narrator and his wife, Iris, from a deep sleep. When the narrator answers the phone, a woman's voice asks to speak to \"Bud.\" The narrator tells the woman she has a wrong number and hangs up. But she persistently calls back, forcing him to take the phone off the hook. Once", "id": "21401846" }, { "contents": "Dream\n\n\nidentified for REM and non-REM sleep stages. The vivid bizarre dreams that are commonly remembered upon waking up are primarily associated with REM sleep. Deep (stage 3 and 4) slow-wave sleep (NREM sleep) is commonly associated with more static, thought-like dreams. These dreams are primarily driven by the hippocampus in the process of long-term memory consolidation and predominantly include memories of events “as they happened” without the random novel combination of objects seen in REM sleep dreams. The rest of the", "id": "1277966" } ]
What's the reason behind the "Corned" in "Corned Beef?"
[{"answer": "Most weird terms are explained similar to this: > The word corn derives from Old English, and is used to describe any small, hard particles or grains The meaning of the word changed over time. Your gran used to have lots of gay moments when she was a child, and she would have proudly told anyone and nobody would have found that strange. Nowadays, \"gay\" can still be \"happy\", but it usually is a different kind of happy. This is similar to the old English word \"apple\", which used to refer to any fruit: > Old English \u00e6ppel \"apple; any kind of fruit; fruit in general,\" URL_0 "}, {"answer": "All my life I have never heard the term \"Corn of Salt\" only \"Pepper Corn\" and today it's like a commonplace term that everyone's throwing around. Wikipedia, you ruin everything."}, {"answer": "I like ELI5 as much as the next guy, but the answer to this one is literally the second fucking sentence in the [wikipedia article on corned beef]( URL_0 )."}, {"answer": "It's derived from \"cornered beef\". Its the way they kill the Cow by cornering her in the barn. This creates an extra tender cut of beef due to all the fear being locked in the meat."}, {"answer": "The the word \"corn\" used to be a general term for things that look like granules - whether it be grain, salt or what we called corn today. Later on, this general umbrella term was used for the corn plant in North America (Maize). Corned beef is coated in rock salt (called corn back-then). So there is no actually \"corn\" on corned beef. Note: This is my first time trying to explain - sorry if I'm bad"}, {"answer": "Real corned beef doesn't come in cans, only the crazy processed shit. Corned beef is a cured piece of beef brisket Edit: I don't know the actual answer to the corned part of the question but the canned part irked me a little"}, {"answer": "From salt corns, which are used in making it. A faster way to find this would have been to google \"how is corned beef made\", which shockingly says exactly why the corn reference is used, at the top of the screen, even BEFORE any search results. ELI5 is not a replacement for looking at least a tiny bit first. edit - in case anyone is wondering, I only put remarks like that if the answer is a Giant, **Obvious** first hit google search, that is not even a bit tricky or hard to understand, as in, not needing ELI5 at all. In THIS case, it is the Google TIP, and answers it clearly. If you are trying to share your stuff with others, ELI5 is not the place to do it, there are many subreddits to share your newly gleaned info with others. It says right in the rules... > ELI5 is for explanations of complex concepts - No questions that are just looking for straightforward explanations"}, {"answer": "As an aside, I used to wonder if maybe CorningWare was meant to originally have been used to make corned beef, but it turns out it's named for the company that makes it that's named for the city it was founded in, which is named after a guy with the last name Corning. TIL"}, {"answer": "To add to what another commenter said, corn for the longest time meant any kind of grain, or anything with that shape/texture, hence peppercorn, barleycorn etc. Corned beef used salt corns, which is where it got its name. The use of corn for maize caught on in the US, and now it's more often thought of in that regard by many. Something else to note, the Irish don't really eat a lot of corned beef, even though in the US it's generally associated with Irishness and St Paddy's (notice the Ds) Day. Corned beef was cheap and plentiful in the States, and its thought that Irish immigrants starting substituting it for other meats (such as the traditional bacon and cabbage becoming corned beef and cabbage)."}, {"answer": "It's called corned beef because during the early part of the 20th century Italian potato famine the Irish immigrants used to make fake beef with corn (kind of like soy bacon) and add enough salt to mask the corn flavor before sending it as part of the rescue package to the starving Italians. The Italians wised up to the deception and assassinated the Irish PM, starting World War I."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "71831", "title": "Corned beef", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 28, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 228, "bleu_score": 0.7683813660503467}]}]
[ { "contents": "Corned beef sandwich\n\n\nA corned beef sandwich is a sandwich filled with corned beef, traditionally served with mustard and a pickle. In the UK, pickle is a common addition to a corned beef sandwich. (\"Corned beef\" in the UK refers to what is called bully beef elsewhere.) Another variant more common in the United States has sauerkraut, known as a Reuben sandwich. A contraband corned beef sandwich on rye bread brought aboard the Gemini 3 spacecraft by John Young resulted in a minor controversy, for the risk posed to the craft", "id": "9240420" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\ncorned beef dishes are associated with traditional Irish cuisine. However, considerable debate remains about the association of corned beef with Ireland. Mark Kurlansky, in his book \"Salt\", states that the Irish produced a salted beef around the Middle Ages that was the \"forerunner of what today is known as Irish corned beef\" and in the 17th century, the English named the Irish salted beef \"corned beef\". Some say until the wave of 18th-century Irish immigration to the United States, many of the ethnic Irish", "id": "21145635" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\n: a cut of beef (usually brisket, but sometimes round or silverside) cured or pickled in a seasoned brine; or cooked and canned. Corned beef is often purchased ready to eat in delicatessens. It is the key ingredient in the grilled Reuben sandwich, consisting of corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Thousand Island or Russian dressing on rye bread. Smoking corned beef, typically with a generally similar spice mix, produces smoked meat (or \"smoked beef\") such as pastrami. Corned beef hash with", "id": "21145638" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\n19th century. Corned beef and cabbage is the Irish-American variant of the Irish dish of bacon and cabbage. A similar dish is the New England boiled dinner, consisting of corned beef, cabbage, and root vegetables such as carrots, turnips, and potatoes, which is popular in New England and another similar dish, Jiggs dinner, is popular in parts of Atlantic Canada. The U.S. version of corned beef is known in the UK as salt beef. This is also known as corned beef in the United Kingdom,", "id": "21145641" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\ndeveloped by the IDF in the 1940s, as a form of British \"bully beef\", it actually antedated the State of Israel as a component of Jewish organizations' relief packages sent to Palestine by groups such as Hadassah. In New Zealand, both the canned and fresh varieties are referred to as corned beef; fresh corned beef is almost always made with silverside; 'silverside' and 'corned beef' are often used interchangably. Canned corned beef is especially popular among New Zealand's polynesian community, as in pacific island", "id": "21145644" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nhad not begun to consume corned beef dishes as seen today. The popularity of corned beef compared to bacon among the immigrant Irish may have been due to corned beef being considered a luxury product in their native land, while it was cheaply and readily available in America. The Jewish population produced similar salt-cured meat from beef brisket. Irish immigrants often purchased it as corned beef from Jewish butchers. This exchange was an example of the close interactions in everyday life of people from these two cultures in the United States' main", "id": "21145636" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\n, and that most of the corned beef was exported. The lack of beef or corned beef in the Irish diet is especially true in the north of Ireland and areas away from the major centres for corned beef production. However, individuals living in these production centres such as Cork did consume the product to a certain extent. The majority of Irish who resided in Ireland at the time mainly consumed dairy products and meats such as pork or salt pork, bacon and cabbage being a notable example of a traditional Irish snack. Corned", "id": "21145633" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nbeef became a less important commodity in 19th-century Atlantic trade, due in part to the abolition of slavery, but corned beef production and its canned form remained an important food source during the Second World War. Much of the canned corned beef came from Fray Bentos in Uruguay, with over 16 million cans exported in 1943. Even now, significant amounts of the global canned corned beef supply comes from South America. Today, around 80% of the global canned corned beef supply originates from Brazil. In North America,", "id": "21145634" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nCorned beef is a salt-cured beef product. The term comes from the treatment of the meat with large-grained rock salt, also called \"corns\" of salt. Sometimes, sugar and spices are also added to corned beef recipes. Corned beef is featured as an ingredient in many cuisines. Most recipes include nitrates or nitrites, which convert the natural myoglobin in steak to nitrosomyoglobin, giving it a pink color. Nitrates and nitrites reduce the risk of dangerous botulism during curing by inhibiting the growth of \"Clostridium botulinum", "id": "21145626" }, { "contents": "Roast beef sandwich\n\n\nside of French fries. Other ingredients might be added into the sandwich such as red beets, peas, grilled or pan-fried red peppers, and slices of cucumber. The corned beef sandwich is a sandwich prepared with corned beef. The salt beef style corned beef sandwiches are traditionally served with mustard and a pickle. In the United Kingdom, pickle is a common addition to a corned beef sandwich. The French dip sandwich is a hot sandwich consisting of thinly sliced roast beef (or, sometimes, other meats) on", "id": "13312246" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nlegacy is apparent in numerous cultures, including ancient Europe and the Middle East. The word \"corn\" derives from Old English and is used to describe any small, hard particles or grains. In the case of \"corned beef\", the word may refer to the coarse, granular salts used to cure the beef. The word \"corned\" may also refer to the corns of potassium nitrate, also known as saltpeter, which were formerly used to preserve the meat. Although the practice of curing beef was found locally", "id": "21145628" }, { "contents": "Agricultural subsidy\n\n\nto an increase in corn fed cattle rather than grass fed. Corn fed cattle require more antibiotics and their beef has a higher fat content. Tariffs on sugar have also caused large candy makers in the US to relocate to Canada and Mexico, where sugar is often half to a third the price. The Dominican Republic Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), though, does not seen to be very impact in this area but known to not amounting to much. The sugar issue causing alarm had reasoning due to what plausible", "id": "7793449" }, { "contents": "Beef\n\n\nbeing \"similar to bresaola, but not as tasty.\" Beef jerky is dried, salted, smoked beef popular in the United States. Biltong is a cured, salted, air dried beef popular in South Africa. Pastrami is often made from beef; raw beef is salted, then partly dried and seasoned with various herbs and spices, and smoked. Corned beef is a cut of beef cured or pickled in a seasoned brine. The corn in \"corned beef\" refers to the grains of coarse salts (known as", "id": "16381488" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\n\" bacteria spores, but have been shown to be linked to increased cancer risk. Beef cured without nitrates or nitrites has a gray color, and is sometimes called \"New England corned beef\". Corned beef was popular during World War I and World War II when fresh meat was rationed. It also remains especially popular in Canada as an ingredient in a variety of dishes. Although the exact beginnings of corned beef are unknown, it most likely came about when people began preserving meat through salt-curing. Evidence of its", "id": "21145627" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nin many cultures, the industrial production of corned beef started in the British Industrial Revolution. Irish corned beef was used and traded extensively from the 17th century to the mid-19th century for British civilian consumption and as provisions for the British naval fleets and North American armies due to its nonperishable nature. The product was also traded to the French for use in Caribbean sugar plantations as sustenance for the colonists and the slave laborers. The 17th-century British industrial processes for corned beef did not distinguish between different cuts of beef beyond the tough", "id": "21145629" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nnations such as Western Samoa and Tonga. Corned beef has also become a common dish in Hong Kong cuisine, though it has been heavily adapted in style and preparation to fit local tastes. It is often served with other 'Western' fusion cuisine at cha chaan teng and other cheap restaurants catering to locals. Like most localized 'Western' food in East Asia, trade, imperialism, and war played roles in bringing and popularizing corned beef in Hong Kong. Corned beef comes in a different form in the Philippines. Beef", "id": "21145645" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nwith the local Jiggs dinner meal. It has as of recent years been used in different meals locally, such as a Jiggs Dinner poutine dish. In the United States, consumption of corned beef is often associated with Saint Patrick's Day. Corned beef is not considered an Irish national dish, and the connection with Saint Patrick's Day specifically originates as part of Irish-American culture, and is often part of their celebrations in North America. Corned beef was used as a substitute for bacon by Irish immigrants in the late", "id": "21145640" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\n19th- and 20th-century immigrant port of entry, New York City. Canned corned beef has long been one of the standard meals included in military field ration packs around the world, due to its simplicity and instant preparation in such rations. One example is the American Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) pack. Astronaut John Young snuck a contraband corned beef sandwich on board Gemini 3, hiding it in a pocket of his spacesuit. In the United States and Canada, corned beef typically comes in two forms", "id": "21145637" }, { "contents": "Beef\n\n\ncorns) used to cure it. The term \"corned beef\" can denote different styles of brine-cured beef, depending on the region. Some, like American-style corned beef, are highly seasoned and often considered delicatessen fare. Spiced beef is a cured and salted joint of round, topside, or silverside, traditionally served at Christmas in Ireland. It is a form of salt beef, cured with spices and saltpetre, intended to be boiled or broiled in Guinness or a similar stout, and then optionally roasted", "id": "16381489" }, { "contents": "Bully beef\n\n\nBully beef (also known as corned beef in the United Kingdom and Ireland) refers to a variety of meat made from finely minced corned beef in a small amount of gelatin. The name \"bully beef\" comes from the French \"bouilli\", meaning \"boiled\". It is sold in distinctive, oblong cans. Bully beef and hardtack biscuits were the main field rations of the British Army from the Boer War to World War II. It is commonly served sliced in a corned beef sandwich. Potato-based dishes", "id": "15084890" }, { "contents": "Bully beef\n\n\n, such as \"Hash and hotch-potch,\" in which the potatoes and beef are stewed together, and \"Corned Beef Hash\", where pre-boiled potatoes and corned beef are mixed with Worcestershire sauce then fried, are also made. Tinned corned beef is also used in mainland Europe. Some places where British troops had a heavy presence in the 20th century (especially during World War II), such as Malta, have adopted bully beef as part of their national cuisine. In February 2009, the British", "id": "15084891" }, { "contents": "Private Walker\n\n\n\". He is supposedly allergic to corned beef, and this is given as the reason why he has not been called up for the regular army, although it is generally assumed that he has found a way to dodge the rules. This allergy was exposed in the episode \"The Loneliness of the Long Distance Walker\", which has since been lost from the BBC's archives. He was conscripted, only to be discharged when it was found that corned beef fritters were the only rations left for the soldiers to eat.", "id": "2202640" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\npotatoes is commonly served with eggs for breakfast. In both the United States and Canada, corned beef is sold in cans in minced form. It is also sold this way in Puerto Rico and Uruguay. Corned beef is known specifically as \"salt beef\" in Newfoundland and Labrador, and is sold in buckets with brine to preserve the beef. It is a staple product culturally in Newfoundland and Labrador, providing a source of meat throughout their long winters. It is still commonly eaten in Newfoundland and Labrador, most often associated", "id": "21145639" }, { "contents": "Californio\n\n\n. Cow hides were kept later for trading purposes with Yankee or British traders who started showing up once or twice a year after 1825. Beef, wheat bread products, corn (maize), several types of beans, peas and several types of squash were common meal items with wine and olive oil used when they could be found. The mestizo population probably subsisted mostly on what they were used to: corn or maize, beans, and squash with some beef donated by the rancho owners. What the average Native Americans ate", "id": "14897879" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nthe Iberian Peninsula and southwestern France. Coastal cities, such as Dublin, Belfast, and Cork, created vast beef curing and packing industries, with Cork producing half of Ireland's annual beef exports in 1668. Although the production and trade of corned beef as a commodity was a source of great wealth for the colonial nations of Britain and France (which were participating in the Atlantic slave trade), in the colonies themselves, the product was looked upon with disdain due to its association with poverty and slavery. Increasing corned beef", "id": "21145631" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nnot salted beef. The appearance of corned beef in Irish cuisine dates to the 12th century in the poem \"Aislinge Meic Con Glinne\" or \"The Vision of MacConglinne\". Within the text, it is described as a delicacy a king uses to purge himself of the \"demon of gluttony\". Cattle, valued as a bartering tool, were only eaten when no longer able to provide milk or to work. The corned beef as described in this text was a rare and valued dish, given the value and position", "id": "21145642" }, { "contents": "Breakfast\n\n\ntraditional breakfast side is \"bollo\" made out of either corn, white corn, or coconut that is wrapped in corn leaves and \"preña'o\" (meaning with child) that means it's filled with some type of meat. As protein, a large serving of beef liver with onion, scrambled or fried eggs, beef stew or \"tasajo\" (a type of beef jerky), pork rinds and different kinds of sausages like chorizo or \"morcilla\" are the most popular. These are also accompanied by: slices", "id": "19317250" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nof cattle within the culture, as well as the expense of salt, and was unrelated to the corned beef eaten today. In Israel, corned beef, or \"loof\", has been the traditional field ration of the Israeli army (Israel Defense Forces). As a result of universal conscription, it was said that Israel has been force-feeding \"Loof – a colloquially corrupt short form of 'meatloaf' – to its citizens since the nation's founding.\" While some sources state that \"loof\" was", "id": "21145643" }, { "contents": "Cattle feeding\n\n\noutside the corn belt because the climate is generally too cool and too dry to grow corn for grain. The adjacent western provinces and northern US states are similar, so the use of corn as cattle feed has been limited at these northern latitudes. As a result, few cattle are raised on corn as a feed. The majority are raised on grass and finished on cold tolerant grains such as barley. This has become a marketing feature of the beef. Alberta is the centre of the western Canadian beef industry and has 70", "id": "804603" }, { "contents": "Corn stover\n\n\n, it is usual for the entire plant (grain and stover together) to be chopped into pieces which are then crushed between rollers while harvesting. Maize silage is one of the most valuable forages for ruminants. In dairy farming, corn silage is primarily used as fodder for dairy cows during the winter season. Corn stover can be beneficial to beef cattle producers because the \"corn stover can provide a low cost feed source for mid-gestation beef cows\". In addition to the stalks, leaves, husks, and cobs", "id": "3256431" }, { "contents": "Corned beef knot\n\n\nThe corned beef knot is a binding knot usually made in small line or string. It gains its name by often being used for binding the meat of the same name while it is being cooked. Since corned beef shrinks during cooking, the knot needs to be tightened several times during the process. A buntline hitch is tied to the standing part and moderately tightened. The binding itself is tightened as the meat cooks by sliding the buntline hitch on the standing part. The knot is finished by a half hitch around the \"", "id": "10146936" }, { "contents": "Nero Wolfe\n\n\nother way. Whales have.\" Shad roe is frequently the first course, followed by roasted or braised duck, another Wolfe favorite. Archie also complains that there is never corned beef or rye bread on Wolfe's table, and he sometimes ducks out to eat a corned beef sandwich at a nearby diner. Yet a young woman gives Wolfe a lesson in preparing corned beef hash in \"Cordially Invited to Meet Death\". Another contradiction is found in \"Plot It Yourself\" when Archie goes to a diner to eat \"", "id": "14267441" }, { "contents": "Lake Rotoma\n\n\n. The changing station at the west end of Rotoma became a popular rest stop. John Baker ran a post office and tearooms here, and built up a reputation for his corned beef. Mr. Baker offered the traveller a choice of corned beef with potatoes and cabbage or corned beef sandwiches. The Pilbrow family arrived in Rotoma in 1948 after purchasing the Rotoma Tearooms and Post Office. They expanded the business to include a general store, and renamed it The Kettle Store and Tearooms. They then built a garage for motor repairs,", "id": "14436115" }, { "contents": "New England boiled dinner\n\n\n19th century substituted corned beef in the Irish dish bacon and cabbage. Corned beef, which most Irish could not afford in Ireland, was relatively cheap in American cities at the time, and Irish immigrants quickly adopted this one-time luxury. Boiled with cabbage, it made a filling meal. Corned beef is placed whole in a pot on stove or in a crock pot with water to cover the meat. The meat is cooked several hours until tender, then cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and other vegetables are added and", "id": "16150189" }, { "contents": "Fray Bentos (food brand)\n\n\nwas located. \"Fray Bentos\" was trademarked by Liebig in 1881 for the purpose of marketing glue and \"extract of meat\", although, in practice, it was used principally for marketing corned beef. In fact, Fray Bentos became synonymous with corned beef. Fray Bentos corned beef was targeted at a working-class market. The tins were also ideally suited as army rations as they weighed just one pound and were easily transportable. With the outbreak of the Boer War, the company's profits were significantly boosted from", "id": "5253476" }, { "contents": "Lombard Street (Baltimore)\n\n\n's older streets. Its name comes from the Italian town Guardia Lombardi, as Lombard Street was originally an Italian settlement. It has undergone many changes over the past hundred years but became famous for its Corned Beef row. \"Corned Beef Row\" is a stretch of East Lombard Street that was once the center of Jewish life in Baltimore. Today, only a few landmarks remain. Notable is Attman's Delicatessen, founded in 1915, which is famous throughout the city for its hot corned beef sandwiches. Attman's Delicatessen was", "id": "12232572" }, { "contents": "Bacon and cabbage\n\n\nIrish immigrants to the United States began substituting corned beef for bacon when making the dish, thereby creating corned beef and cabbage. Like the original, the dish sometimes includes additional vegetables (especially carrots and potatoes); this also gives it a certain similarity to the New England boiled dinner, which almost invariably contains a mixture of root vegetables along with boiled meat and cabbage. Corned beef and cabbage remains a popular food in some areas of the United States, and is often the dish of choice on St. Patrick's Day.", "id": "12849030" }, { "contents": "Bully Beef and Chips\n\n\nBully Beef and Chips was a British comic strip, created by Jimmy Hughes. It first appeared in 1967 in the British comics magazine \"The Dandy\". The strip told the story of two warring boys - a tall, ugly thug called Bully Beef and a softer, more cunning lad called Chips. The name \"Bully Beef and Chips\" comes from a quickly-prepared meal — corned beef and chips — with \"Bully beef\" being a phrase used for \"corned beef\". Stories of these two were identically", "id": "8878904" }, { "contents": "Corned beef\n\n\nand undesirable parts such as the beef necks and shanks. Rather, the grading was done by the weight of the cattle into \"small beef\", \"cargo beef\", and \"best mess beef\", the former being the worst and the latter the best. Much of the undesirable portions and lower grades were traded to the French, while better parts were saved for British consumption or shipped to British colonies. Ireland produced a significant amount of the corned beef in the Atlantic trade from local cattle and salt imported from", "id": "21145630" }, { "contents": "Ethanol fuel by country\n\n\nAmong these are algae, miscanthus, switchgrass, and sugarcane. Other options are what are known as cellulosic biomass which includes plant parts currently wasted in contemporary industrial, chemical agriculture like wheat stalks, corn stalks, and other biomass left after harvesting. Many of these crops yield much higher ethanol amounts per acre. The production of fuel ethanol from corn in the United States is controversial for a few reasons. Production of ethanol from corn is 5 to 6 times less efficient than producing it from sugarcane. The reason that corn has", "id": "13099452" }, { "contents": "Hostess CupCake\n\n\nRiboflavin Vitamin B2 }, Folic Acid Vitamin B9 ]), Water, Vegetables, and/or, Animal Shortening, Contains One Or More Of The Following( Soybeans Partially Hydrogenated, Cottonseed, Or, Canola Oil, Beef Fat ), Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup High Fructose, Corn Syrup, , Contains 22% or less, Whey, Corn Starch Modified, Leavening ( Baking Soda, Sodium Acid, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, Monocalcium Phosphate, Sodium Phosphate ), Salt, Corn Syrup Solids, Calcium Carbonate, Corn Starch, Calcium", "id": "3947275" }, { "contents": "Salvadoran cuisine\n\n\npopular among Salvadorans of every social level. \"Sopa de pata\" is a soup made from the tripe of a cow, plantain, corn, tomatoes, cabbage and spices, locally a delicacy. \"Sopa de res\" is a soup made from beef shank, beef bone with meat, carrots, plantain, corn, potatoes, zucchini, and many other ingredients. \"Gallo en chicha\" is a soup made with rooster, corn, \"dulce de tapa\", and sometimes other things. \"Sopa de pescado", "id": "9624187" }, { "contents": "Silverside (beef)\n\n\nIt is usually prepared as a 2nd class roasting joint. It may also be thinly sliced for minute steak or beef olives, or split in two to produce a salmon-cut. In South Africa, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand, silverside is the cut of choice for making corned beef, so much so that the name \"silverside\" is often used to refer to \"corned beef\" rather than any other form of the cut. In South Africa this cut is often used to make biltong (a form of", "id": "16930347" }, { "contents": "United States military ration\n\n\none pound of meat (usually a combination of dried beef and canned corned beef). This was supplemented by hard chocolate, 14 ounces of hard bread or hardtack biscuits, coffee, and sugar. In 1925, the \"Meat Ration\" was changed, deleting the dried beef in favor of canned pork and beans, and reducing the bread component. The corned beef allowance was also reduced in size (older rations continued to be issued, however). In 1936, menu planners attempted to introduce more variety by developing an", "id": "4331157" }, { "contents": "Ethanol fuel by country\n\n\nbeen notoriously used for ethanol production is because farmers are either paid to destroy crops or to not grow corn crops. Another reason is that the cost of processing and transporting raw corn can be more expensive than transporting and processing it in to ethanol fuel. Corn production is highly dependent upon government subsidies, so naturally ethanol derived from corn is also highly dependent on government subsidies. Contrary to what most would claim, ethanol is not a food-versus-fuel issue. Corn, along with other crops that have been distilled are", "id": "13099453" }, { "contents": "Recife\n\n\n(Sun-dried beef), which consists of beef dried in the sun and usually served with green beans. For dessert, Recife offers \"bolo de rolo\" (cake roll), cake Souza Leão, and cartola (top hat cake) which consists of fried long bananas with cheese topped with cinnamon and sugar. The diversity continues for the breakfast as one can find cuscuz of sweet corn or manioc, yams and cassava with charque (corned beef or beef jerky), sweet potato, goiabada, fried long banana", "id": "17704583" }, { "contents": "C-ration\n\n\nimprove the ration based on input from the field. In 1922, the ration was reorganized to consist of of meat (usually beef jerky), of canned corned beef or chocolate, of hard bread or hardtack biscuits, coffee and sugar. In 1925, the meat ration was replaced with canned pork and beans. In 1936, there was an attempt at variety by having an \"A\"-menu of corned beef and a \"B\"-menu of pork and beans. This was cancelled upon introduction of the new Field Ration, Type C,", "id": "21678045" }, { "contents": "Charquicán\n\n\nCharquicán is a stew dish that is popular in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia and other countries in the Andean region. Charquicán is made with \"ch'arki\" or beef, potatoes, pumpkin, white corn, onion and sometimes peas and corn. It was originally made from dried and salted llama meat or beef. The modern Chilean version of Charquicán is made with minced beef and topped with a fried egg. The word “charquicán”, from \"charquikanka\", is thought to be a Quechua word meaning \"stew", "id": "9385540" }, { "contents": "Huaraz\n\n\nCuy (a roasted guinea pig in a sauce of red spices, served with bold potatoes), Llunca de gallina (a chicken soup prepared with bold wheat and yellow spices), Charqui de Chancho and res (roasted pork and beef salted and dried), Pachamanca (a dish prepared on the ground with hot stones, made of different kind of meats as beef, chicken, pork with baked corn and potatoes), Pataska (a hot soup, made with boiled corn and pork or beef skin), Ceviche and", "id": "15690724" }, { "contents": "Northfield, Minnesota\n\n\nnorth. Northfield was founded by immigrants from New England known as \"Yankees\" as part of a New England colonization of what was then the far west. Northfield was an early agricultural center with many wheat and corn farms. The town also supported lumber and flour mills powered by the Cannon River. As the \"wheat frontier\" moved west, dairy operations and diversified farms replaced the wheat-based agriculture. The region has since moved away from dairy and beef operations. Today it produces substantial crops of corn, and soybeans", "id": "17876014" }, { "contents": "Food vs. fuel\n\n\ngasoline trade off. Corn is used to feed chickens, cows, and pigs, so higher corn prices lead to higher prices for chicken, beef, pork, milk, cheese, etc. U.S. Senators introduced the \"BioFuels Security Act\" in 2006. \"It's time for Congress to realize what farmers in America's heartland have known all along - that we have the capacity and ingenuity to decrease our dependence on foreign oil by growing our own fuel,\" said U.S. Senator for Illinois Barack Obama. Two-thirds", "id": "4886727" }, { "contents": "Samoan culture\n\n\nthe event. This is followed by the highest ranking chiefs by order of rank. A standard set of presentation is called the \"sua\". This is usually made up of \"vailolo\" (drink with money in it; originally it was a coconut and a coconut frond called \"tuaniu\"), \"amoamosa\" (tray of biscuits and material or a combination of other small foodstuffs like a can of corned beef), and a \"suatalisua\" (a box of corned beef and chicken or similar).", "id": "18135924" }, { "contents": "Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002\n\n\nbook, \"The Omnivore's Dilemma\" suggests that corn subsidies in particular have led to the success of the feedlots or CAFOs that he and journalist Eric Schlosser have blamed for the emergence of e. coli as a major health concern. Subsidized corn is so inexpensive that beef companies find it profitable to build large facilities to feed corn to their cattle. Cows do not normally live in enclosed areas or consume corn, so these CAFOs generate large amounts of waste and require antibiotics and other drugs to keep the animals healthy. Others have", "id": "14240399" }, { "contents": "Culture of Guatemala\n\n\nare what is in the \"masa\" or dough (corn, potatoes, rice), what's in the filling (meat, fruits, nuts), and what it is wrapped with (leaves, husks). The masa is made out of corn that is not sweet, such as what is known as feed corn in the U.S.A. In Guatemala, this non-sweet corn is called maize and the corn that Americans from the USA are used to eating on the cob, sweet corn, they call \"elote", "id": "5382576" }, { "contents": "Brisket\n\n\n. For reasons of economics and kashrut, it was historically one of the more popular cuts of beef among Ashkenazi Jews. Brisket is also the most popular cut for corned beef, which can be further spiced and smoked to make pastrami. The Jewish community in Montreal also makes Montreal-style smoked meat, a close relative of pastrami, from brisket. In Hong Kong, it is cooked with spices over low heat until tender, and is commonly served with noodles in soup or curry. In Korean cuisine, traditionally it is", "id": "4102781" }, { "contents": "Guatemalans\n\n\nin the \"masa\" or dough (corn, potatoes, rice), what's in the filling (meat, fruits, nuts), and what is it wrapped with (leaves, husks). The masa is made out of corn that is not sweet, such as what is known as feed corn in the U.S.A. In Guatemala, this non-sweet corn is called maize and the corn that Americans from the USA are used to eating on the cob, sweet corn, they call \"elote\". Tamales", "id": "6550300" }, { "contents": "History of Springfield, Massachusetts\n\n\nConnecticut River Valley settlements of Windsor and Hartford (then called \"Newtown\") gave power to William Pynchon to buy corn for all three English settlements. If the natives would not sell their corn at market prices, then Pynchon was authorized to offer more money. The natives refused to sell their corn at market prices, and then later refused to sell it at what Pynchon deemed \"reasonable\" prices. Pynchon refused to buy it, believing it best not to broadcast the English colonists' weaknesses, and also wanting to keep", "id": "16586985" }, { "contents": "John Mason (c. 1600–1672)\n\n\nNewtown\") gave power to William Pynchon, the founder of Springfield, to buy corn for all three English settlements. If the Indians would not sell their corn at market prices, then Pynchon was authorized to offer more money. The Indians refused to sell their corn at market prices, and then later refused to sell it at \"reasonable\" prices. Pynchon refused to buy it, believing it best not to broadcast the English colonists' weaknesses, and also wanting to keep market values steady. Leading citizens of what became", "id": "20884875" }, { "contents": "Reuben sandwich\n\n\ndressing is commonly used as a substitute for Russian dressing. The walleye Reuben features the freshwater fish (\"Sander vitreus\") in place of the corned beef. It is eaten in Minnesota and Ohio. The grouper Reuben is a variation on the standard Reuben sandwich, substituting grouper for the corned beef, and sometimes coleslaw for the sauerkraut as well. This variation is often a menu item in restaurants in Florida. Reuben egg rolls, sometimes called \"Irish egg rolls\" or \"Reuben balls\", use the standard Reuben", "id": "14007132" }, { "contents": "Eddie Lawrence\n\n\n, he begins \"Hey there, friend\" — or \"cousin\" or \"bunkie\" or \"Hi ya Folks\", or \"pal\" — \"They say that your wife went out for a corn beef sandwich, and the corn beef sandwich came back and she didn't\"? \"You say you lost your job today ...\", followed by a litany of improbable disasters like \"Your daughter's goin' out with a convict?\" and \"Your wife just confessed she spent your last 60 bucks for", "id": "16452649" }, { "contents": "Reuben sandwich\n\n\nsandwich filling of corned beef, sauerkraut, and cheese inside a deep-fried egg roll wrapper. Typically served with Thousand Island dressing (instead of Russian dressing) as an appetizer or snack, they originated at Mader's, a German restaurant in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where chef Dennis Wegner created them for a summer festival circa 1990. The Rachel sandwich is a variation on the standard Reuben sandwich, substituting pastrami for the corned beef, and coleslaw for the sauerkraut. Other recipes for the Rachel call for turkey instead of pastrami", "id": "14007133" }, { "contents": "Fray Bentos\n\n\nOctober 10, 1997. In 2015, the city's Barrio Anglo, the location of the industrial plant, was declared a World Heritage Site as the \"Fray Bentos Cultural-Industrial Landscape\". In 2011 Fray Bentos had a population of 24,406. Source: \"Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay\" In 1899 a company called \"Frigorífico Anglo del Uruguay\" (often referred to as \"Anglo\") which originated from Lemco, began making corned beef there, which was sold as \"Fray Bentos Corned Beef\" in", "id": "14793185" }, { "contents": "Jiggs dinner\n\n\nsauce, butter, and a thin gravy made from the drippings of the roasted meat. The leftover vegetables from a Jiggs dinner are often mixed into a pan and fried to make a dish known as \"cabbage hash\" or \"corned beef and cabbage hash\", much like bubble and squeak. It is also a traditional Saint Patrick's Day meal in North America. Many restaurants serve Jiggs dinner on and near March 17. It differs from other forms of the meal in that it includes corned beef, carrots, cabbage", "id": "18634316" }, { "contents": "Maker's Diet\n\n\ninhibits luncheon meats such as ham, roast beef, and corned beef. Imitation eggs are restricted. Fats and oils such as lard, shortening, sunflower oil, cotton seed oil, margarine, soy oil, corn oil, and any partially hydrogenated oil may not be consumed. Nuts and seeds such as honey-roasted nuts, or seeds dry or roasted in oil are prohibited. Condiments and seasonings such as all spices that contain added sugar, commercial ketchup with sugar and barbecue sauce with sugar may not be consumed. All", "id": "7021733" }, { "contents": "L'Opération Corned-Beef\n\n\nL'Opération Corned Beef is a French film directed by Jean-Marie Poiré. It was filmed during the summer of 1990 and was released on February 6th, 1991. It was the fifth collaboration between screenwriters Jean-Marie Poiré and Christian Clavier. The film also brought actors Christian Clavier and Jean Reno together, before their appearance in \"Les Visiteurs\". The movie begins in Bogotá, Colombia. Capitain Philippe Boulier, called 'Le Squale' (The Shark) (Jean Reno), is responsible for monitoring the actions of", "id": "7929666" }, { "contents": "L'Opération Corned-Beef\n\n\n. Music for the film was composed by Eric Lévi, former member - and founder - of the group Shakin' Street, whose song \"Solid As Rock\", written by Fabienne Shine, appears in the film. The main song of the film, \"Passion For War / Love\", was written by R. Stone and Éric Lévi and sung by Joan Paladin (Joan Peltz). The album containing the music from the film, titled simply Bande Originale du Film L'Opération Corned-Beef, was released the same year", "id": "7929680" }, { "contents": "Panackelty\n\n\nmeat and vegetable content. This dish is also referred to as \"tatey (potato) pot\" or \"corned beef and tatey pot\". Around the Humber estuary a version is known as pan aggie and consists of layers of bacon, corned beef and onions topped with either sliced or mashed potatoes. The Northumberland version, pan haggerty, comprises potatoes, onions and cheese baked in a baking dish, while \"panackelty\", in the Sunderland region, comprises leftover meat cooked slowly with leftover root vegetables made in a slow", "id": "8316293" }, { "contents": "Pastel de choclo\n\n\nPastel de choclo ('corn pie') is a South American dish based on sweetcorn or choclo. It is also similar to pastel de elote, found in Mexican cuisine, and to the English corn pudding. The filling usually contains ground beef, chicken, raisins, black olives, onions or slices of hard boiled egg. The dish is prepared with sweetcorn ground into a paste. It is then seasoned with ground basil that is blended into the corn. The mixture is pre-cooked with milk and a little lard", "id": "2940270" }, { "contents": "Creaming (food)\n\n\nor cream, such as creamed chipped beef on toast. Some preparations of \"creamed\" food substitute water and a starch (often corn starch) for all or some of the milk or cream. This produces a \"creamy\" texture with no actual cream or milk used. Creamed corn uses only the liquid \"milk\" from mashed corn kernels. Creaming in milk production is the process by which cream rises to the top of un-homogenized milk. In this sense, the word is similar to the term \"creaming", "id": "4926716" }, { "contents": "Leo Steiner\n\n\nVirginia. Portions of Woody Allen's 1984 film \"Broadway Danny Rose\" were filmed at the restaurant. The deli's corned beef and pastrami, celebrated by smoked meat connoisseurs nationwide, were cured in the store's cellar using Steiner's own recipe in a two-week-long curing process. The Carnegie Deli used a half-ton of brisket to prepare a week's supply of corned beef by the time of his death. Steiner admitted that \"you could eat it after seven days, but if you wait until", "id": "10396128" }, { "contents": "Maricel Soriano\n\n\nappeal to consumers help catapult a number of products (and infomercial) to gain a sizable share of the market, most notably: Ever Gotesco Malls, Modess, Green Cross Alcohol & Soap, Whisper, Alaska, Globe, Swift Spaghetti & Corned Beef, Loviscol, McDonald's, Jollibee, Mr. Clean, Breeze, Minola, Fiesta Spaghetti, Golden Fiesta Cooking Oil, Aji Ginisa, Vaseline shampoo, Argentina Corned Beef, DOH's Newborn Screening, Quick Chow Noodles and Saucy Me. Her TVC with Jollibee in the mid-90s", "id": "11792383" }, { "contents": "Carnegie Deli\n\n\nservers in period attire. Food was offered at 1958 prices and all purchases were made as suggested donations to charity. The deli's corned beef and pastrami, celebrated by smoked meat connoisseurs nationwide, were cured in the store's cellar using Steiner's own recipe in a two-week-long curing process. The Carnegie Deli used a half-ton of brisket to prepare a week's supply of corned beef by the time of his death. Steiner admitted, \"You could eat it after seven days, but if you", "id": "15088093" }, { "contents": "New England boiled dinner\n\n\nNew England boiled dinner is the basis of a traditional New England meal, consisting of corned beef with cabbage and other vegetables often including potatoes, rutabagas, parsnips, carrots, turnips, and beets. The leftovers are traditionally diced and fried into red flannel hash for breakfast the next day A similar Newfoundland dish is called a Jiggs dinner. Corned beef and cabbage, a boiled meal prepared by Irish-Americans on St. Patrick's Day, is similar, but does not contain beets. Irish immigrants who arrived in America in the", "id": "16150188" }, { "contents": "Liebig's Extract of Meat Company\n\n\nLiebig Benelux. In 1873, Liebig's began producing tinned corned beef, which it sold under the label \"Fray Bentos\". \"Fray Bentos\" was trademarked by Liebig in 1881 to market \"Fray Bentos Compressed Cooked Corned Beef\". With the introduction of freezer units, the company was eventually able to produce and export frozen and chilled raw meat as well. The amount of food processed and shipped around the world caused the town of Fray Bentos to be called \"The Kitchen of the World\". Fray Bentos canned", "id": "16423555" }, { "contents": "Magnolia Hotshots\n\n\nFiesta Conference. In the 2004–05 Philippine Cup, Purefoods was eliminated by Shell in the quarterfinals. Same can be said in the 2005 Fiesta Conference, when the Turbo Chargers eliminated them in the same predicament. Prior to the start of the 2005-06 Fiesta Conference, Purefoods replaced their TJ Hotdogs moniker with the Chunkee Giants. The Chunkee Giants was a reference to the company's new chunky corned beef product Purefoods Chunkee Corned Beef. Purefoods selected PBL MVP Jondan Salvador with the fourth pick in the first round of the draft.", "id": "18373324" }, { "contents": "Fray Bentos (food brand)\n\n\nsupplying corned beef to the British Army in South Africa. Fray Bentos corned beef was also supplied to the troops in World War I. Its popularity was such that the term \"Fray Bentos\" was used as slang by soldiers to mean \"good\". One of the early British tanks that fought at the Battle of Passchendaele was given the nickname \"Fray Bentos\", because the men inside felt like tinned meat. In 1924, Liebig Extract of Meat Company, together with the Fray Bentos brand, was acquired by the Vestey", "id": "5253477" }, { "contents": "Fray Bentos (food brand)\n\n\nwas significantly damaged when an outbreak of typhoid in Aberdeen, in which three people died, was traced to a tin of Fray Bentos corned beef imported from South America. The corned beef had been contaminated as a result of the cooling process during manufacture, in which the untreated water used had come, according to the BBC, \"from a river into which an estimated 66 tonnes of human excrement and 250,000 gallons of urine entered every day\". At the end of the 1960s, Vestey disposed of the Anglo factory to the", "id": "5253480" }, { "contents": "Cleveland\n\n\nin neighborhoods such as Little Italy, Slavic Village, and Tremont. Local mainstays of Cleveland's cuisine include an abundance of Polish and Central European contributions, such as kielbasa, stuffed cabbage and pierogies. Cleveland also has plenty of corned beef, with nationally renowned Slyman's, on the near East Side, a perennial winner of various accolades from \"Esquire Magazine\", including being named the best corned beef sandwich in America in 2008. Other famed sandwiches include the Cleveland original, Polish Boy, a local favorite found at many", "id": "6231684" }, { "contents": "Pastrami on rye\n\n\n, consists simply of sliced pastrami, placed on rye bread, and topped with spicy brown mustard. It is usually accompanied by a Kosher dill pickle on the side. Corned beef and pastrami on rye may be prepared using rye bread, pastrami, corned beef, cole slaw, and Russian dressing. Preparation involves placing both meats on a slice of rye bread and topping it with coleslaw. Russian dressing may be added to the top slice of bread. Pastrami, lettuce, and tomato (PLT) may be prepared using two", "id": "7754380" }, { "contents": "L'Opération Corned-Beef\n\n\nas the film. The trailer shows images from the film accompanied by a voice-over from Jean Reno (playing the role of Le Squale), sending an audio message to *My Dear Georges\": Valérie Lemercier's performance was nominated for the César Award for Best Supporting Actress in the 17th César Awards. She did not win the César but two years later received it for her dual role in \"Les Visiteurs\", Jean-Marie Poiré's next film. \"L’Opération Corned Beef\" was placed 15th in the", "id": "7929681" }, { "contents": "Christmas dinner\n\n\nbacalao, and stuffed turkey. Tamale preparation varies from region to region. It is usual for tamale fillings to include beef or pork with red sauce, chicken with a green chile sauce or cheese with jalapeño \"rajas\" or strips inside a corn or rice masa and steamed inside corn husks or banana leaves. Sweet tamales filled with pineapple, raisins, strawberries, or corn are also common. Sweets such as flan, a brulee-like custard with carmelized sugar, buñuelos, fruit and milk or liquer-flavored gelatin or", "id": "16997903" }, { "contents": "Costa Rican cuisine\n\n\n), potatoes, corn, green plantains, squash or chayote, and other vegetables. Small snack stands or stores, called \"sodas\", often sell corn turnovers called empanadas filled with ground beef, chicken, cheese, or a fruit mixture. Another popular snack or side dish is yuca frita, or fried \"yuca\" (cassava), comparable to fried potatoes but with a sweeter flavor. Chorreadas are not as common as many other traditional dishes. They are corn pancakes and are served for breakfast with sour cream", "id": "21191139" }, { "contents": "1997 Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys season\n\n\nPurefoods in the Governors Cup. The Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys won the All-Filipino Cup title at the expense of Gordon's Gin Boars. Coach Eric Altamirano, who replaces Chot Reyes at the start of the season, became the youngest coach to steer his team to a PBA crown. In the Governors Cup, Purefoods advances into the championship series for the second time in the season by winning their best-of-five semifinal series against San Miguel Beermen, three games to two. Going up against the defending champion Alaska", "id": "15823688" }, { "contents": "Michel Tuffery\n\n\nentitled \"Pisupo lua afe (Corned beef 2000)\", which was constructed from flattened and riveted re-cycled corned beef tins. His work is shaped by his research into, and encounters with his Polynesian heritage while making use of Māori design. His mother is Samoan and his father was Cook Island Tahitian. He attended Newlands College in Wellington, and has a Diploma in Fine Arts (Hons) from the School of Fine Arts at Otago Polytechnic (1989). Many of his works explore colonialism and people's treatment", "id": "16292846" }, { "contents": "Cordially Invited to Meet Death\n\n\ndiscussing another attempt at cooking corned beef. This has long been a problem in the brownstone's kitchen, one never satisfactorily resolved. Miss Timms hears about the dilemma and barges into the kitchen to help. Wolfe is so impressed by Miss Timms' expertise that he later allows her to link arms with him, and writes to a professor at Harvard concerning chitlins and corned beef. Apart from the culinary, though, Wolfe obtains no useful information from Nichols and Timms, and sends Archie to Miss Huddleston's house and place of", "id": "1800782" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nThe farm bill contributes to the low prices that fast food provides because farmers feed the commodity crops to the cows and livestock that people eventually eat. Essential nutrients are taken away when cows are fed corn and/or soybeans instead of their natural grass diet. \"Grass-fed beef has been shown to be higher in health-promoting nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and cancer-fighting conjugated linoleic acid (cla) than beef that is fed grain.\" Because the government provides a subsidy for the corn and soybeans that feed the cows", "id": "20729428" }, { "contents": "1997 PBA All-Filipino Cup Finals\n\n\nThe 1997 PBA All-Filipino Cup Finals was the best-of-7 basketball championship series of the 1997 PBA All-Filipino Cup, and the conclusion of the conference's playoffs. The Gordon's Gin Boars and Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys played for the 66th championship contested by the league. The Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys won their 5th PBA championship with a 4-2 series win over the Gordon's Gin Boars. The Cowboys took a whooping 47-28 lead at halftime with Bong Ravena scorching hot. The Boars trimmed down the", "id": "7485103" }, { "contents": "Whale meat\n\n\nsmell whilst cooking was deemed 'unpleasant', and the taste was considered 'bland' even when spiced. During the post-World War II period, corned whale meat was available as an unrationed alternative to other meats. Sold under the name \"whacon\", the meat was described as \"corned whale meat with its fishy flavour removed\", and was almost identical to corned beef, except \"brownish instead of red\". The Food Ministry emphasised its high nutritional value. Tests have revealed that in whale meat sold", "id": "4458068" }, { "contents": "1997 Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys season\n\n\nThe 1997 Purefoods Corned Beef Cowboys season was the 10th season of the franchise in the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). The team was known as Purefoods Carne Norte Beefies in the Governor's Cup. 11-year veteran Sonny Cabatu was signed to temporarily replaced Reuben De la Rosa's spot in the lineup during the All-Filipino Cup. On July 21, pre-season acquisition Cris Bolado was traded to Gordon's Gin in exchange for Edward Joseph Feihl, who hold out of his contract with the Boars, Feihl began playing for", "id": "15823687" }, { "contents": "Space food\n\n\nheavier than the foods they contained) were abandoned. Gelatin coatings helped to prevent bite-sized cubes from crumbling. Simpler rehydration methods were developed. The menus also expanded to include items such as shrimp cocktail, chicken and vegetables, toast squares, butterscotch pudding, and apple juice. The crew of Gemini III sneaked a corned beef sandwich on their spaceflight. Mission Commander Gus Grissom loved corned beef sandwiches, so Pilot John Young brought one along, having been encouraged by fellow astronaut Walter Schirra. However, Young was supposed to", "id": "22078627" }, { "contents": "Corn Pops\n\n\nthe word \"sugar\" from their titles for marketing reasons. In January 2006, the name of the cereal was changed to Pops, but after a few months of poor reception, was changed back to Corn Pops. In mid-2007, Corn Pops launched its first line extension in many years called \"Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops\". In 2012, \"Cinnamon Corn Pops\" were introduced. Corn Pops are made from milled corn. Though the name of the cereal is 'Corn' Pops, since January 2004, its ingredients", "id": "810628" }, { "contents": "Fransaskois\n\n\nan expedition along the northern coast of Lake Superior, through Fort Paskoya (Le Pas, Manitoba) and into what is today the province of Saskatchewan establishing Fort Saint-Louis, or what became known as Fort-à-la-Corne, near the forks of the Saskatchewan River. It is there that the first attempts at wheat cultivation in the west took place. La Corne left in order to return to New France; the lands he left behind were the furthest western laying lands in the French Empire. French \"", "id": "9918639" }, { "contents": "Joey Chestnut\n\n\n) Chestnut set a new world record by eating 20 half pound Corned Beef sandwiches in 10 minutes at the annual Toojay's Corned Beef eating competition in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Pat \"Deep Dish\" Bertoletti finished in second place. On July 4, 2012, Chestnut successfully defended his title at Nathan's 97th Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest at Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. He tied his own world record by swallowing 68 HDB in 10 minutes, which earned him his 6th \"mustard belt\" for this competition", "id": "14241839" }, { "contents": "Popcorn\n\n\ncultivated specifically as popping corns. The \"Zea mays\" variety \"everta\", a special kind of flint corn, is the most common of these. The six major types of corn are dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn. Corn was first domesticated about 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico. Archaeologists discovered that people have known about popcorn for thousands of years. In Mexico, for example, remnants of popcorn have been found that date to around 3600 BC", "id": "8096438" }, { "contents": "Cornelis Snellinck\n\n\nNuremberg. His father and mother travelled a lot and for this reason it is not clear where Cornelis was born. The date of his birth is also not known with certainty. Cornelis' father was the son of the prominent Flemish painter and art dealer Jan Snellinck the Elder, who was originally from Mechelen and worked most of his career in Antwerp. Cornelis Snellinck's uncles Daniel and Gerard were also painters. Cornelis likely trained with his father. Cornelis married Maertje Jans in Rotterdam on 13 June 1638. The couple's son", "id": "10450377" }, { "contents": "Chad Cornes\n\n\nhis first All-Australian award, and finishing third in the Brownlow medal. The move to centre-half back was a key reason for Port Adelaide's dominance, which culminated in their first Premiership in 2004, defeating the Brisbane Lions by 40 points. He had a key defensive role on Brisbane Lions' forward Jonathan Brown during the Grand Final, restricting him to just one behind for the match. After Port Adelaide's dominance in 2004, Cornes was again used as a key defender to great effect. However, Port", "id": "17539739" }, { "contents": "Public relations of high fructose corn syrup\n\n\nsugar' succinctly and accurately describes what this natural ingredient is and where it comes from – corn.\" The association, however, did not provide clarification as to a change in what the FDA already considers corn sugar, i.e., dextrose or any of the other corn-derived sugars such as corn syrup and maltodextrin. \"TIME\" stated that the CRA's decision to change the name of HFCS was because HFCS had such a bad reputation. In response to the proposed name change, \"The New York Times\" ran", "id": "17125112" }, { "contents": "Pushing the Bear\n\n\ncontinues by stating that \"in the Cherokee context, the positive role of women, and especially the mother, is captured in this story. [. . .] It emphasizes not only the deep Cherokee connection to Selu as symbolic mother figure but also to corn as their basic source of nourishment for many centuries\" (Parker 76). Thus, the importance of corn is woven throughout \"Pushing the Bear\" to symbolize what the Cherokee have left behind, both their matriarchal society and the crops they depended on for their", "id": "1634038" }, { "contents": "Beef\n\n\nBeef is the culinary name for meat from cattle, particularly skeletal muscle. Humans have been eating beef since prehistoric times. Beef is a source of high-quality protein and nutrients. Most beef skeletal muscle meat can be used as is by merely cutting into certain parts, such as roasts, short ribs or steak (filet mignon, sirloin steak, rump steak, rib steak, rib eye steak, hanger steak, etc.), while other cuts are processed (corned beef or beef jerky). Trimmings, on", "id": "16381462" }, { "contents": "Pioneer Valley\n\n\nfamed Native American-conqueror Captain John Mason to travel to Springfield with \"money in one hand and a sword in the other.\" On reaching (what would become) Springfield, Mason intimidated the local Natives with war if they did not sell their corn at a \"reasonable price.\" The Natives capitulated and ultimately sold the colonists corn. Pynchon, an avowed \"man of peace,\" believed in negotiation with the Natives (and thus, quickly made a fortune), whereas Mason – a hero of the Pequot", "id": "12585561" } ]
Why do movies and tv shows always have a fake google when they use the internet?
[{"answer": "It's not about Google suing them, it's about Google not paying them. Movies get paid for product placement, so they aren't going to advertise a company who didn't pay."}, {"answer": "The movie don't want to give free advertisement to anyone. And as googles haven't paid to be a part of the movie, they rather make some fake search engine. And paid product placement is often terrible in movies and tv shows. [There are some hilarious examples of microsoft trying to promote bing, and make \"bing it\" a term mean search like \"google\"]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "This is increasingly not the case. Many film makers accept the risk of the appearance of product placement in order to be realistic. In other words, once something is so typical/common that it's likely not product placement to include them, it can be more distracting to have the fake \"generic\" product. Most web search scenes nowadays will be Google, and most cell phone will be iPhones. Also, there is usually a clear difference in how the product is shown when it's a paid product placement. Perfectly new and detailed cars with perfect lighting and panned shots are a dead giveaway (think Ford and BMW in White Collar for example). If it doesn't \"feel\" like product placement, it either isn't or they're doing a damn good job of hiding it. Edit: speeling"}, {"answer": "I remember the show Arrow being very obviously paid by Microsoft. Everytime the \"hacker\" girl touches a computer or tablet, you see the Windows 8 splash screen for like 15 seconds."}, {"answer": "[Bing]( URL_0 ) actually is a real search engine that you can even use on your own computer. From [Wikipedia]( URL_1 ): > Bing (known previously as Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search) is a web search engine (advertised as a \"decision engine\"[3]) from Microsoft. > > Bing was unveiled by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009, at the All Things Digital conference in San Diego, California, for release on June 1, 2009.[4] Notable changes include the listing of search suggestions while queries are entered and a list of related searches (called \"Explore pane\") based on[5] semantic technology from Powerset, which Microsoft purchased in 2008.[6]"}, {"answer": "To put any real brand in a movie, you need contract negotiations. Everytime you see one, that company contributed to the budget of the movie. It's advertising pure and simple. Some movies have so much it makes your head spin, and I am convinced that the film \"The Terminal\" was *nothing but* a money making product placement commercial. Nearly every shot has a real life brand name in it. If a production doesn't pursue a company for a contract or the contract sucks, the movie ends up with fake companies that appear similar enough so the audience gets it."}, {"answer": "Could it have something to do with controlling the results?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6575642", "title": "Google hacking", "section": "Section::::Basics.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Google Hacking, also named Google Dorking, is a computer hacking technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use.", "Google Hacking, also named Google Dorking, is a computer hacking technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use. \"Google Hacking\" involves using advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text within search results. Some of the more popular examples are finding specific versions of vulnerable Web applications. A search query with codice_1 would locate all web pages that have that particular text contained within them. It is normal for default installations of applications to include their running version in every page they serve, for example, \"Powered by XOOPS 2.2.3 Final\"."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Browser security\n\n\npassword. For example, for Google's single sign-on system (used on e.g., the user should always check that the address bar says \"\" before inputting their password. An un-compromised browser guarantees that the address bar is correct. This guarantee is one reason why browsers will generally display a warning when entering fullscreen mode, on top of where the address bar would normally be, so that a fullscreen website cannot make a fake browser user interface with a fake address bar. There have", "id": "7170419" }, { "contents": "Fake news\n\n\naccording to an online archive of all of Trump's tweets. Governmental bodies in the U.S. and Europe started looking at contingencies and regulations to combat fake news specially when as part of a coordinated intelligence campaign by hostile foreign governments. Online tech giants Facebook and Google started putting in place means to combat fake news in 2016 as a result of the phenomenon becoming globally known. Google Trends shows that the term \"fake news\" gained traction in online searches in October 2016. Professor Philip N. Howard of the Oxford Internet Institute at the", "id": "9412288" }, { "contents": "Scareware\n\n\nwhen they are actually a webpage. A 2010 study by Google found 11,000 domains hosting fake anti-virus software, accounting for 50% of all malware delivered via internet advertising. Starting on March 29, 2011, more than 1.5 million web sites around the world have been infected by the LizaMoon SQL injection attack spread by scareware. Research by Google discovered that scareware was using some of its servers to check for internet connectivity. The data suggested that up to a million machines were infected with scareware. The company has placed a", "id": "3035518" }, { "contents": "Google Play Movies & TV\n\n\napp and on Chromebook devices. A variety of options exist for watching content on a television. Google Play Movies & TV offers movies and television shows for purchase or rental, depending on availability. Google states that \"Most movies and TV shows on Google Play are available in high definition\", with a resolution of 1,280×720 pixels (720p) or 1,920×1,080 pixels (1080p). Google added a 4K Ultra HD video option for select titles in December 2016, and began offering content in 4K HDR quality in the United", "id": "4023438" }, { "contents": "The River (American TV series)\n\n\n. He added, \"We were developing it as a low budget movie, but ... I had a meeting with Steven Spielberg\". Spielberg suggested doing a television show with Peli. Perry added his thoughts, saying, \"Why waste [the idea for \"The River\"] on a movie, when you can do a TV show where every season they go to a different place\". Then, they pitched the whole pilot to Spielberg. In September 2010, ABC won a bidding war against NBC for the rights", "id": "11687597" }, { "contents": "YouTube Premium\n\n\ncountries where the service is not yet available, individual episodes can also be purchased through YouTube or Google Play Movies & TV. On February 28, 2017, YouTube launched YouTube TV, a paid live internet TV service currently only available in the United States. YouTube TV subscribers have access to YouTube Premium content, though the programmes will have ads unless a YouTube Premium subscription is purchased. In November 2018, it was reported that Google was planning to adjust its original content strategy for YouTube Premium with a \"single slate\" approach", "id": "7838553" }, { "contents": "General Lee (car)\n\n\nthe beginning of the movie, does not have opening doors. In the TV series, it is explained that racing cars have their doors welded shut, and this was often used for comedic effect when Uncle Jesse or Boss Hogg required help to squeeze through the window (in one episode, Sheriff Rosco hires a bounty hunter (Jason Steele in the show) to create a fake \"General Lee\" and trick the Dukes into driving it, at which point he promptly orders their arrest for auto theft. The fake car was", "id": "9535881" }, { "contents": "When Harry Met Sally...\n\n\nWell, why don't I just fake one, just do one?'\" Ryan suggested that the scene take place in a restaurant, and it was Crystal who came up with the scene's classic punchline – \"I'll have what she's having.\" In 2005, the quote was listed 33rd on the AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes list of memorable movie lines. Reiner recalls that at a test screening, all of the women in the audience were laughing while all of the men were silent.", "id": "14667796" }, { "contents": "Google Play Movies & TV\n\n\nStates and Canada in July 2017. Users can pre-order select content to have it delivered automatically at the time of release. Rented content has an expiration time, listed on the content's detail page. On computers, content can be watched on a dedicated Movies & TV section of the Google Play website, or through the Google Play Movies & TV Google Chrome web browser extension. On smartphones and tablets running the Android or iOS mobile operating systems, content can be watched on the Google Play Movies & TV mobile app", "id": "4023439" }, { "contents": "Fictitious Internet resource\n\n\nFictitious Internet resources are websites, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, or other facilities that are purported to be associated with the Internet and are used in works of fiction or popular culture, such as movies and television shows. This is also known as 'logging on to the fourth wall'. When IP addresses are called for in a script, some TV shows, like \"24\", will use addresses containing components in the quad-dotted notation that are larger than 255, which is not possible since the components", "id": "9290835" }, { "contents": "Google Play Movies & TV\n\n\nGoogle Play Movies & TV is an online video on demand service operated by Google. The service offers movies and television shows for purchase or rental, depending on availability. Google claims that most content is available in high definition, and a 4K Ultra HD video option was offered for select titles starting in December 2016. Content can be watched on the Google Play website, through an extension for the Google Chrome web browser, or through the mobile app available for Android and iOS devices. Offline download is supported through the mobile", "id": "4023437" }, { "contents": "Google Play Movies & TV\n\n\nUnited Kingdom, and United States. Google Movies was launched in May 2011 and rebranded under the \"Google Play\" banner in March 2012. Availability of movies was introduced in Korea in September 2012, movies in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Spain in October 2012, movies in Brazil and Russia in December 2012, movies in India and Mexico in March 2013, TV shows in the United Kingdom in July 2013, movies in Italy in November 2013, a major expansion of movies in 13 new countries", "id": "4023444" }, { "contents": "Google Me (film)\n\n\ncontradictions. At the end of the film Killeen asks all of them questions such as \"What is the purpose of life?\" to things they do and do not believe in. At the end of the movie all of the Jim Killeen's meet in Killeen, TX for the 100th year celebration. They all join in on the town's celebration and share their life stories with each other. This movie exposes the common denominator of different people with different lives and shows the audience how the internet can shape our own identity", "id": "19822058" }, { "contents": "Is Google Making Us Stupid?\n\n\nIs Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (alternatively Is Google Making Us Stoopid?) is a magazine article by technology writer Nicholas G. Carr, and is highly critical of the Internet's effect on cognition. It was published in the July/August 2008 edition of \"The Atlantic\" magazine as a six-page cover story. Carr's main argument is that the Internet might have detrimental effects on cognition that diminish the capacity for concentration and contemplation. Despite the title, the article is", "id": "14955337" }, { "contents": "Television in the United States\n\n\nor streaming (usually for a one-time download fee) from the iTunes Store, Google Play and Prime Video. Internet-connected video game consoles and dedicated Smart TV boxes are available that connect televisions to internet television and/or online video services. These devices are marketed as more convenient for consumers who would otherwise have trouble connecting a computer to a full-size television and using a web browser to view content. Some televisions have built-in capabilities; dedicated boxes include Google TV, Apple TV, Roku, Netgear Digital", "id": "1735001" }, { "contents": "Don Payne (writer)\n\n\ninterview with the website Cinematical that \"I've always wanted to write features. That's why I moved to Los Angeles in the first place. I started writing with John Frink when I was in college at UCLA. He wanted to do TV, and that's where we got our first break. But my goal was always to write movies. And I've been a comic book geek from way back. So this romantic comedy with a superhero twist was a fitting first feature for me.\" Payne had two sons", "id": "8886209" }, { "contents": "List of Conan sketches\n\n\nConan mentions there's too many TV shows on the air to keep up with and how he uses the info button for more details, and then sees fake electronic program guides, which insult the characters or the audience, including guide info for his own show which will insult him. Conan points out reasons for why \"China is kicking our ass\" such as better educated students and lower rates of unemployment. He then shows videos of people doing stupid things to injure themselves on purpose, or celebrities embarrassing themselves on television.", "id": "4338211" }, { "contents": "Internet in Brazil\n\n\nof all the other countries combined. The potential of the market of digital cameras was noticed as a result of this mania. Recently, such phenomenon happened with extreme rapidity in Google's social networking site Orkut. However, since it is common to find a person with multiple social network profiles, blogs and flogs or even fake registrations in these, statistics about which country has the most users may not always be reliable. On the other hand, a rumor (denied by Google) spread in Brazil claimed that Orkut users", "id": "21788879" }, { "contents": "Google Current\n\n\nGoogle Current was a brief, once every half hour, television program on the channel Current TV. Selected episodes were also available on the Internet. The series tracked not necessarily what the news was, but what people were searching for on Google. The show was the first ever show aired on Current when the network went on the air at 12:00am on August 1, 2005. Each episode had a one or two word title, based on one of the websites or search terms highlighted. The top-of-the-", "id": "16330858" }, { "contents": "Digital Citizens Alliance\n\n\nA Society Must Do About It,\" showed how Americans are losing faith in the credibility of the Internet. According to the report, \"Half of Americans weren't sure something was fake news when they came across it. In fact, 1 in 4 said they shared something or sent it to others only to later find out it was fake or false information. Sixty-one percent said that fake news and information made them less likely to rely on the Internet as a source of information.\" In June 2017,", "id": "20988060" }, { "contents": "Bianconi–Barabási model\n\n\nlinks. Bianconi's work showed that when fitness parameter is present, the \"early bird\" is not always the winner. Bianconi and Barabási's research showed that fitness is what creates or breaks the hub. Google's superior PageRank algorithm helped them to beat other top players. Later on Facebook came and dethroned Google as Internet's most linked website. In all these cases fitness mattered which was first showed in Bianconi and Barabási's research. In 2001, Ginestra Bianconi and Albert-László Barabási published the model in the Europhysics", "id": "1417657" }, { "contents": "The Tracey Ullman Show\n\n\nyou'd show home movies.\" \"I was just startled by the size of the talent. I got chills.\" Ullman explained to Brooks her situation at CBS and the fact that she was now pregnant. Her convinced her to get out of it and after she had her baby they would do a show together. Brooks felt that a sketch show would best suit her assets (acting, singing, and dancing). \"Why would you do something with Tracey playing a single character on TV when her talent requires", "id": "2240309" }, { "contents": "Search engine privacy\n\n\nhow Google Scholar takes into account the publication history of a user in order to produce results it deems relevant. Personalization also occurs when Amazon recommends books or when IMDb suggests movies by using previously collected information about a user to predict their tastes. For personalization to occur, a user need not even be logged into their account. The internet advertising company DoubleClick, which helps advertisers target users for specific ads, was bought by Google in 2008 and was a subsidiary until June 2018, when Google rebranded and merged DoubleClick into its Google", "id": "13213365" }, { "contents": "Perry Como\n\n\ndo me a lot more personal good than the movies ever have ... The reason should be obvious. On television, I'm allowed to be myself; in pictures, I was always some other guy. I come over like just another bum in a tuxedo.\" Como was offered some movie roles that interested him after he began appearing on the weekly TV shows, but there was just never enough time to pursue any film work. Perry Como made the move to television when NBC initially televised the \"Chesterfield Supper Club\"", "id": "2112185" }, { "contents": "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (season 7)\n\n\ngame they invented (ripped off from other games) called \"Chardee MacDennis\". The gang tries to track down an annoying shusher on Facebook and end up bickering about the use of the Internet for Paddy's business. While robbing a house, the gang gets caught in a precarious situation when the homeowners return. Mac confesses to a priest how he gained his weight, and why the blame falls on his friends. The gang rush to the movie theater to see the world's greatest action movie, but must avoid traffic", "id": "10749722" }, { "contents": "Dubbing (filmmaking)\n\n\nshows and movies in Portuguese made by Brazilians. \"The Lion King\" was the first feature film to be dubbed in European Portuguese rather than strictly Brazilian Portuguese. Currently, all movies for children are dubbed in European Portuguese. Subtitles are preferred in Portugal, used in every foreign-language documentary, TV series and film. The exception to this preference is when children are the target audience. While on TV, children's shows and movies are always dubbed, in cinemas, films with a clear juvenile target can be found", "id": "8935247" }, { "contents": "Harvey Breit\n\n\n'm the oldest motion picture writer in the business. I am endlessly grateful to the movies, and I'll tell you why. Because a writer can always make a living writing for the movies when he hasn't anything to say. If it hadn't been for the movies, I would have had to turn out novels when I had nothing to say... You can do a good job on other people's material... The movies help writers over their bad periods. In 1952, he interviewed Whittaker Chambers at the publication", "id": "21030724" }, { "contents": "Google Fiber\n\n\nmovie in less than two minutes. In order to use gigabit speeds, devices would require support for Gigabit Ethernet and category 5e or greater cabling, or a 802.11ac compatible WiFi router and wireless adapter. When first launched, Google Fiber's terms of service stated that its subscribers were not allowed to create any type of server: \"Your Google Fiber account is for your use and the reasonable use of your guests. Unless you have a written agreement with Google Fiber permitting you do so, you should not host any type of", "id": "19477479" }, { "contents": "Google Play Movies & TV\n\n\n. Offline download and viewing is supported on Chromebooks through the Chrome extension, and on Android and iOS through the mobile app. Computers running Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS operating systems cannot download content. In order to view content on a television, users can either connect their computer to a TV with an HDMI cable, use the Google Play Movies & TV app available for select smart TVs from LG and Samsung as well as Roku devices, stream content through the Chromecast dongle, or through Android TV. Movies on Google Play", "id": "4023440" }, { "contents": "Kodi (software)\n\n\nThese \"scrapers\" are used as importers to obtain detailed information from various Internet resources about movies and television shows. It can get synopses, reviews, movie posters, titles, genre classification, and other similar data. XBMCGUI then provides a rich display for audio and video files that the scrapers have identified. Scrapers use sites like The Movie Database (TMDb) or to obtain thumbnails and information on movies, for TV show posters and episode plots, CDDB for audio CD track listings, and Allmusic (AMG)", "id": "10377523" }, { "contents": "Honey West (TV series)\n\n\n, Sam Bolt (John Ericson), who communicates with Honey via a radio hidden in her lipstick case. In the television series, she keeps an exotic pet ocelot named Bruce. (In “The Fun-Fun Killer”, which originally aired on March 4, 1966, the African series \"Daktari\" is showing on Honey’s TV, and Honey asks, “Oh Bruce, why do we always have to watch \"your\" show?”) Honey’s alluring feline qualities were reflected in her animal-", "id": "18671651" }, { "contents": "IPod Classic\n\n\n, baseline profile only) formats. Video such as TV shows, podcasts, music videos, and movies may be purchased from online stores such as the iTunes Store, or downloaded from Google Video and other sources, then imported to the iPod via iTunes software. Videos or photo slideshows may be played from the fifth-generation iPod on a television set, projector or monitor with the use of the Apple iPod AV cable or via a dock using an S-Video cable. It is also possible to do this using some", "id": "5342329" }, { "contents": "Google Cast\n\n\nplayer by detecting ultrasonic audio emitted by the television or speaker system to which the player is connected; alternatively, the sender device can be paired with the receiver device using a four-digit PIN code. Guest mode is only available for Chromecasts; the Nexus Player and Android TV devices do not support the feature. At the time of Chromecast's launch, four Google Cast-compatible apps were available: YouTube and Netflix were supported as Android, iOS, and Chrome web apps; Google Play Music and Google Play Movies &", "id": "17264111" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Movies & TV\n\n\nreleased in 2006, and was replaced by Xbox Video on October 14, 2012. Renamed Movies & TV in 2015, the service is Microsoft's answer to and competes more directly with similar online video stores including PlayStation Video, iTunes Store, Google Play Movies & TV, and Amazon Video. Xbox Live Marketplace's original video store was replaced by Zune Marketplace on September 15, 2009. At E3 2009, Microsoft announced their 1080p streaming video service, which allows users to stream video over an internet connection. This technology is", "id": "5881745" }, { "contents": "Google Play\n\n\nebooks available for purchase, and users can also upload up to 1,000 of their own ebooks in the form of PDF or EPUB file formats. , Google Play Books is available in 75 countries. Google Play Books can often be found on (or are a mirror of) the website, freely available for readers and for download. Google Play Movies & TV is a video on demand service offering movies and television shows available for purchase or rental, depending on availability. , movies are available in over 110 countries, while", "id": "7435622" }, { "contents": "Tracey Ullman\n\n\ntelevision. \"I started showing [her work] to people like you'd show home movies,\" revealed Brooks. \"I was just startled by the size of the talent. I got chills.\" Brooks felt that a sketch show would best suit her assets (acting, singing, and dancing). \"Why would you do something with Tracey playing a single character on TV when her talent requires variety? You can't categorize Tracey, so it's silly to come up with a show that attempted to.", "id": "8741347" }, { "contents": "Blimey Cow\n\n\nin an effort to demonstrate that movie violence, which had frightened the brothers, was fake. The brothers initially filmed using a simple home video camera, and posted their videos on Google Video, which eventually merged with YouTube when Google acquired the latter. According to Josh, Jordan's favorite word at the time was \"cow\", and the brothers had a friend who frequently said \"blimey\", so the words were merged to create \"Blimey Cow\". Influenced by \"The Office\", \"Napoleon Dynamite\"", "id": "89291" }, { "contents": "Murder by Natural Causes\n\n\nthe gun with blanks. Arthur next points his pistol at Allison, now loaded with real bullets, and she asks him what is he going to do. Arthur replies: \"Why don't you read my mind?\" This made-for-TV movie, which first aired on the CBS network on February 17, 1979, was well received by the critics and the viewers alike upon its original release. It holds the rating of 8.0 on the Internet Movie Database. Its script was later turned into a successful stage", "id": "2566859" }, { "contents": "Lumen (website)\n\n\nsending cease-and-desist letters seemed to be increasing and was having an unstudied, but potentially significant, \"chilling effect\" on free speech. The archive got a boost when Google began submitting its notices to the site in 2002. Google began to do so in response to the publicity generated when the Church of Scientology convinced Google to remove references and links to an anti-Scientology web site, Operation Clambake, in April 2002. The incident inspired vocal Internet users and groups to complain to Google, and links to", "id": "84473" }, { "contents": "Fake news\n\n\nIn an interview with Lesley Stahl, before the cameras were turned on, Trump explained why he attacks the press: \"You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.\" Author and literary critic Michiko Kakutani has described developments in the right-wing media and websites: In September 2018, National Public Radio noted that Trump has expanded his use of the terms \"fake\" and \"phony\" to", "id": "9412207" }, { "contents": "Droid MAXX\n\n\nadded. The KitKat 4.4.4 update brought further improvements to camera functionality, improved Bluetooth connectivity, and added Isis Mobile Wallet (now called Softcard). The smartphone can share its internet connection over WiFi (hotspot), and can access the Google Play Store, an online distribution platform for the Android OS managed by Google. Users may purchase and download applications developed using the Android SDK, music, movies, television shows, books, and magazine subscriptions. The Droid Maxx, like its Moto X sibling, showcases the Google Now", "id": "15738654" }, { "contents": "Gogo Inflight Internet\n\n\nFederal Communications Commission letter that Gogo partnered with government officials to voluntarily develop capabilities to share user data with law enforcement beyond what is required under the federal Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act. In 2014, Adrienne Porter Felt, a Google security engineer, discovered during flight on a Gogo internet-equipped plane, that GoGo uses fake SSL authentication, carrying out \"a man-in-the-middle attack on their users\", to capture user activity. This deliberately fake authentication may be to enable law enforcement monitoring and also", "id": "1188508" }, { "contents": "Fake news website\n\n\nits Communist Party newspaper \"The Global Times\" called: \"Western Media's Crusade Against Facebook\", and criticized \"unpredictable\" political problems posed by freedoms enjoyed by users of Twitter, Google, and Facebook. China government leaders meeting in Wuzhen at the third World Internet Conference in November 2016 said fake news in the U.S. election justified adding more curbs to free and open use of the Internet. China Deputy Minister Ren Xianliang, official at the Cyberspace Administration of China, said increasing online participation led to \"harmful information\"", "id": "803833" }, { "contents": "Millennials\n\n\nto serve the needs of the first generation of kids to grow up with the Internet. Some millennials enjoy having hundreds of channels from cable TV. However, some other millennials do not even have a TV, so they watch media over the Internet using smartphones and tablets. One of the most popular forms of media use by millennials is social networking. In 2010, research was published in the Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research which claimed that students who used social media and decided to quit showed the same withdrawal symptoms of a drug", "id": "17115830" }, { "contents": "Online advertising\n\n\nThe collection of user information by publishers and advertisers has raised consumer concerns about their privacy. Sixty percent of Internet users would use Do Not Track technology to block all collection of information if given an opportunity. Over half of all Google and Facebook users are concerned about their privacy when using Google and Facebook, according to \"Gallup\". Many consumers have reservations about online behavioral targeting. By tracking users' online activities, advertisers are able to understand consumers quite well. Advertisers often use technology, such as web bugs and respawning", "id": "15919021" }, { "contents": "National Lampoon's TV: The Movie\n\n\ncartoons, reality shows, fake movie trailers, fake TV show trailers, and computer animation. The film stars Lee Majors, Jason Mewes, Sam Maccarone, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Preston Lacy, Judd Nelson, Jason Acuña, Dian Bachar and Jacob Vargas. This film was written by Sam Maccarone, Preston Lacy and Cyrus Ahanchian. The film was shot in 35mm, HD and miniDV. The \"MTV Cribs\" parody with Steve-O and director Sam Maccarone was shot at 5am by Maccarone,", "id": "7568201" }, { "contents": "Home cinema\n\n\nthe 2000s, technological innovations in sound systems, video player equipment and TV screens and video projectors have changed the equipment used in home theatre set-ups and enabled home users to experience a higher-resolution screen image, improved sound quality and components that offer users more options (e.g., many of the more expensive Blu-ray players in 2016 can also \"stream\" movies and TV shows over the Internet using subscription services such as Netflix). The development of Internet-based subscription services means that 2016-era home theatre users", "id": "13978290" }, { "contents": "MiFi\n\n\nwere provided with cellular internet access via Novatel U998 USB sticks, which were provided as temporary replacements by Bell. At two major trade shows in 2010—Google's first public demo of Google TV and the iPhone 4 demonstrations at the 2010 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference—keynote presentations using available Wi-Fi connectivity were disrupted by network unreliability. The problem was traced to massive radio interference, caused by the popularity of MiFi and similar devices for \"liveblogging\" from the trade show floor. In the case of the Apple conference, Apple CEO", "id": "3118132" }, { "contents": "Systematic inventive thinking\n\n\ndifferently. For example, why do TV controls always have to be on the lower part of the TV set? Would it not be easier if they were on the upper part? When television sets were first introduced, the controls were potentiometers made out of wax. The heat that was emitted from the Cathode Ray Tubes, dispersing upwards would melt the controls had they been located on the upper part. Therefore, they were placed on the lower part. But since then, new generations of TV sets are available, and", "id": "12631307" }, { "contents": "Kerala\n\n\nTV, Jaihind, Jeevan TV, Mathrubhumi News, Kaumudy TV, Shalom TV, and Janam TV. Television serials, reality shows and the Internet have become major sources of entertainment and information for the people of Kerala. A Malayalam version of Google News was launched in September 2008. A sizeable People's science movement has taken root in the state, and such activities as writer's cooperatives are becoming increasingly common. BSNL, Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, Jio, Tata Docomo are the major cell phone service providers.Broadband", "id": "6896145" }, { "contents": "Catfishing\n\n\nposing as minors online to catch pedophiles. Catfishing is used for multiple reasons. The person with the fake identity can catfish another user on the Internet to believe they are the person they portray themselves as. This often is used for relationships, such as the scenario in the movie \"Catfish.\" The person catfishing usually uses another real person's photos and life facts to make them appear as a real person. Often, the real person who is being used for the fake identity does not even know that they are having", "id": "886716" }, { "contents": "Glim Spanky\n\n\ndone in completely soundproof rooms with expensive cables. For \"TV Show\" they purposely left the white noise in to give it a raw feel. Matsuo referred to the song as a wake up call against people believing fake news on the internet; \"Now that's scary. I wanted to say [in this song] that people should think for themselves about what is true, without just being fed information.\" She further stated \"I've always included hope into even my most judgmental songs, because I believe rock", "id": "13872948" }, { "contents": "Dubbing (filmmaking)\n\n\nas movies like \"Finding Nemo\", \"Shrek the Third\" and \"WALL-E\". In Greece, most cartoon films have dubs. Usually when a movie has a Greek dub the dub is shown in cinemas but subtitled versions are shown as well. Foreign TV shows for adults are shown in their original versions with subtitles, most cartoons, for example, \"The Flintstones\" and \"The Jetsons\" were always dubbed, while \"Family Guy\" and \"American Dad!\" are always subtitled and contain", "id": "8935251" }, { "contents": "Fake news\n\n\n\". Fake news during the 2016 U.S. election spread to China. Articles popularized within the United States were translated into Chinese and spread within China. The government of China used the growing problem of fake news as a rationale for increasing Internet censorship in China in November 2016. China then published an editorial in its Communist Party newspaper \"The Global Times\" called: \"Western Media's Crusade Against Facebook\", and criticized \"unpredictable\" political problems posed by freedoms enjoyed by users of Twitter, Google, and Facebook. China", "id": "9412218" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\nGoogle Street View, however, Google has made attempts to report a problem difficult by disabling the \"Why are you reporting the street view\" icon. Search engines have the ability to track a user's searches. Personal information can be revealed through searches by the user's computer, account, or IP address being linked to the search terms used. Search engines have claimed a necessity to retain such information in order to provide better services, protect against security pressure, and protect against fraud. A search engine takes all of", "id": "1742799" }, { "contents": "Filter bubble\n\n\npersonalize individual Internet experiences if they chose to do so. For instance, the technology exists for Google to keep track of users' past histories even if they don't have a personal Google account or are not logged into one. One report stated that Google had collected \"10 years' worth\" of information amassed from varying sources, such as Gmail, Google Maps, and other services besides its search engine, although a contrary report was that trying to personalize the Internet for each user was technically challenging for an Internet firm", "id": "7541389" }, { "contents": "Eve Plumb\n\n\nthat she no longer wanted to be associated with the Bradys. Plumb has stated in interviews that she was willing to do the variety show's original special episode, but could not commit to a five-year option for additional shows. Her role would be filled by Geri Reischl, who went on to be known among \"Brady Bunch\" fans as \"fake Jan\". The show lasted for only nine episodes. Plumb returned to the \"Jan\" role for the NBC TV movie \"The Brady Girls Get Married\"", "id": "12136567" }, { "contents": "Google Free Zone\n\n\nGoogle Free Zone was a global initiative undertaken by the Internet company Google in collaboration with mobile phone-based Internet providers, whereby the providers waive data (bandwidth) charges (also known as \"zero-rate\") for accessing select Google products such as Google Search, Gmail, and Google+. In order to use this service, users are required to have a Google account and a phone that has access to an internet connection. A number of Internet commentators viewed Google Free Zone as both inspired by and a potential competitor", "id": "942205" }, { "contents": "Referrer spam\n\n\n, the technique does not harm the affected sites. At least since 2014, a new variation of this form of spam occurs on Google Analytics. Spammers send fake visits to Google Analytics, often without ever accessing the affected site. The technique is used to have the spammers' URLs appear in the site statistics, inducing the site owner to visit the spam URLs. When the spammer never visited the affected site, the fake visits are also called Ghost Spam. As with e-mail spam, referrer spam may be filtered", "id": "19346331" }, { "contents": "Popcorn (novel)\n\n\nto kill for fun. Bruce, on the other hand, defends himself by telling everyone that he doesn’t think he encourages anyone to do anything. He says that there has always been violence but humans are not like robots; seeing something on the screen does not necessarily make us want to do it ourselves (p. 13 \"people get up from the movie theatre or the TV and do what they just saw\"). He also claims that he is just showing existing violence. Unfortunately for Bruce, Wayne and Scout", "id": "14220757" }, { "contents": "Michael C. Moynihan\n\n\nmovies and TV shows \"rather than just let art be art,\" and said that the foreign news networks RT, PressTV, and Fars are \"like professional wrestling: absurd, occasionally funny, and always fake.\" In a November 2012 article, Moynihan mocked the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union, writing that \"there are a number of overlapping and interwoven reasons for the relative calm of modern Europe, and none of them are related to the moral authority or peace-making capabilities of the", "id": "14476850" }, { "contents": "Little House on the Prairie (TV series)\n\n\n9 contain the three post-series movie specials as extras, with \"Look Back to Yesterday\" and \"The Last Farewell\" appearing on Season 8, and \"Bless All The Dear Children\" appearing on Season 9. Some fans of the show have been perplexed as to why Lionsgate did this, both because all of the movies take place after the Season 9 timeline, and also because they included \"The Last Farewell\" on Season 8 when that is considered by fans to be the end to the show given its", "id": "2231722" }, { "contents": "HTTP referer\n\n\nare linking to them, and hence broaden the conversation. This has led, in turn, to the rise of referrer spam: the sending of fake referrer information in order to popularize the spammer's website. It is possible to access the referrer information on the client side using document.referrer in JavaScript. This can be used, for example, to individualize a web page based on a user's search engine query. However, the referrer field does not always include queries, such as when using Google Search with https. Most", "id": "5889619" }, { "contents": "Internet celebrity\n\n\nwere not watching regular television and movies, started contacting Internet celebrities. YouTube now has 1.5 billion monthly active users, and many YouTubers have millions of subscribers. YouTube stars appear to have a greater influence on millennials than traditional celebrities of the past. One of the main reasons behind this is that the majority of millennials do not watch TV. They prefer to use platforms they can access from their mobile devices. 70% of subscribers say that YouTube personalities change and shape the pop culture and 60% of them say they would", "id": "17046061" }, { "contents": "OneWeb satellite constellation\n\n\n. It was unclear why the WorldVu team left Google, as well as what Google's role might be in WorldVu going forward. At the time, WorldVu was working closely with SpaceX and SpaceX' founder Elon Musk to explore satellite internet services, although no formal relationship had been established and no launch commitments have been made. In May 2014, the early concept had been to have at least 20 satellites operating in each of 20 different orbital planes to provide consistent internet coverage over the surface of the Earth. By November 2014", "id": "5421321" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\nraised many concerns regarding Google's new privacy policy. The main concern/issue involves the sharing of data from multiple sources. Because this policy gathers all information and data searched from multiple engines when logged into Google, and uses it to help assist users, privacy becomes an important element. Public officials and Google account users are worried about online safety because of all this information being gathered from multiple sources. Some users do not like the overlapping privacy policy, wishing to keep the service of Google separate. The update to Google", "id": "1742809" }, { "contents": "Ref Sanchez\n\n\nhe got the opportunity to do small parts on TV shows such as \"Bonanza\", \"Maverick\", \"Alias Smith and Jones\", \"Get Smart\", \"Baretta\", and a few other shows. He appeared in the movie \"Let's Kill Uncle before Uncle Kills Us\" (1966) and in the Woody Allen picture \"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)\" (1972). Sanchez died in 1986 of brain cancer, and left", "id": "11055019" }, { "contents": "The Shallows (book)\n\n\nThe Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, published in the United Kingdom as The Shallows: How the Internet Is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember, is a 2010 book by the American journalist Nicholas G. Carr. The book expands on the themes first raised in \"Is Google Making Us Stupid?\", Carr's 2008 essay in \"The Atlantic\", and explores the effects of the Internet on the brain. The book claims research shows \"online reading\" yields lower comprehension than reading", "id": "3052266" }, { "contents": "Taskmaster (TV series)\n\n\n. Some tasks are vetoed by producers for pragmatic reasons, such as \"paint the biggest thing red\". Others do not turn out as expected, such as \"burst all these bubbles [on a massive roll of bubble wrap] – fastest wins\", which had been attempted in three different series but not shown in any of them, as \"it always ends with people jumping on it for hours\". When asked why he did not present the show, Horne has said that \"that was never the plan", "id": "13392640" }, { "contents": "RahXephon: Pluralitas Concentio\n\n\n. Christian Nutt was not excited about the TV series but found the movie to be better: Despite \"too much cutting and chopping\", he wrote that \"the creators have done the best they can with the material.\" He added: \"the last scene is very touching. It's a big improvement over the TV show.\" Efrain Diaz Jr. of IGN called the movie a \"valiant effort\", but preferred the TV series and asked, \"Why even bother with the movie?\" Carlo Santos,", "id": "11269392" }, { "contents": "The Insider (film)\n\n\n\" gave the film three and a half out of four stars and praised \"its power to absorb, entertain, and anger\". \"Newsweek\" magazine's David Ansen wrote, \"Mann could probably make a movie about needlepoint riveting. Employing a big canvas, a huge cast of superb character actors and his always exquisite eye for composition, he's made the kind of current-events epic that Hollywood has largely abandoned to TV—and shows us how movies can do it better\". In her review for \"", "id": "13281325" }, { "contents": "Fake news\n\n\nor unwilling to reveal. Declines in confidence in much traditional media and expert knowledge have created fertile grounds for alternative, and often obscure sources of information to appear as authoritative and credible. This ultimately leaves users confused about basic facts. Internet companies with threatened credibility tend to develop new responses to limit fake news and reduce financial incentives for its proliferation. When the Internet was first made accessible for public use in the 1990s, its main purpose was for the seeking and accessing of information. As fake news was introduced to the Internet", "id": "9412180" }, { "contents": "IMX (TV series)\n\n\nIMX (Interactive Music Exchange) was an American music television program which aired daily on MMUSA (renamed Fuse TV in May 2003) in the early 2000s (decade). Described as a \"fully converged music industry simulation game\" and \"part TV show, part Internet game,\" the program allowed viewers to register at the network's website and buy \"stock\" in popular artists, songs, and albums. In dealing the \"shares\", traders could use the fake cash to enter network-sponsored contests.", "id": "6491311" }, { "contents": "Schalkse Ruiters\n\n\nRuiters\" worked from the principle that viewers shouldn't always believe everything they see on television to be real. That's why each episode showed three reports about which their special guest, the studio audience and the viewers at home had to guess whether they were real or fake? The studio audience (named \"Klein Vlaanderen\" (\"Small Flanders\") by them always received a few seconds time to vote. When the time was up the hosts instantly checked how many of them had voted \"true\" or \"not", "id": "16240392" }, { "contents": "Fake news website\n\n\n, Google and Facebook, faced scrutiny regarding the impact of fake news. The top result on Google for election results was to a fake site. \"70 News\" had fraudulently written an incorrect headline and article that Trump won the popular vote against Clinton. Google later stated that prominence of the fake site in search results was a mistake. By 14 November, the \"70 News\" result was the second link shown when searching for results of the election. When asked shortly after the election whether fake news influenced election results", "id": "803871" }, { "contents": "Fake news\n\n\nLab, which combats the spread of fake news during crucial times such as elections or breaking news. The company is also working to adjust its systems to display more trustworthy content during times of breaking news. To make it easier for users to subscribe to media publishers, Google created Subscribe with Google. Additionally, they have created a dashboard, News Consumer Insights that allows news organizations to better understand their audiences using data and analytics. Google will spend $300 million through 2021 on these efforts, among others, to combat fake", "id": "9412201" }, { "contents": "Fake news\n\n\n\"an increasingly wide variety of things he doesn't like\": \"The range of things Trump is declaring fake is growing too. Last month he tweeted about \"fake books,\" \"the fake dossier,\" \"fake CNN,\" and he added a new claim – that Google search results are \"RIGGED\" to mostly show only negative stories about him.\" They graphed his expanding use in columns labeled: \"Fake news\", \"Fake (other), and \"Phony\". Because of the", "id": "9412208" }, { "contents": "Regular Show: The Movie\n\n\n2015. The film premiered in Asia (including Philippines) on November 30, 2015 and in Central and Latin America on December 7, 2015. The film was released on digital platforms such as iTunes and Google Play Movies & TV on September 1, 2015. The movie was later released to DVD by Warner Home Video on October 13, 2015. The movie is estimated to have grossed $146,573 in domestic DVD sales. The film was watched by 2.17 million viewers and received a 4.5 rating in adults 18-49.", "id": "7342805" }, { "contents": "Googlization\n\n\na discussion about how we can best fight for openness on the Internet. We believe that this is the best thing that we can do for preserving the principles of the openness and freedom of information on the Internet.\" When Google went public in 2004, founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin promised Google would commit to philanthropy by dedicating 1% of its profit, 1% of its equity, and its employees' time to charitable effort, including Page wrote investors that Google's philanthropy could someday \"eclipse Google itself", "id": "12847788" }, { "contents": "Victoria Wood as Seen on TV\n\n\nbut she came in and could do it, just like that. I'd love to cast her in a song-and-dance number – I feel so sorry for her always having to wear those terrible blouses\". When \"As Seen On TV\" ended Blake said \"I'm very sad that this is the last time we will all work together but I understand why Vic wanted to stop. Anyway there were only two series of Fawlty Towers and, as far as I'm concerned, this rates with it", "id": "11945482" }, { "contents": "Nejib Belkadhi\n\n\nfrom 1999 to 2001. In 2002, he founded Propaganda Productions, with his friend Imed Marzouk, and in 2003 he directed and produced a socio-critical fake reality show called \"Dima Lebess\" (ديما لا باس /\"Always fine\"), which was broadcast on the \"Canal21\" TV channel. He directed his first movie in 2005, a short film called \"Tsawer\" (تصاور/\"Pic\"), with a screenplay of Souad Ben Slimane. \"VHS Kahloucha\" (2006), his first feature documentary film,", "id": "6980362" }, { "contents": "Las Vegas (TV series)\n\n\nand indicates no interest in doing so. Another reference (to Caan's first major film role) is the name on a fake passport he uses (Alan Bodillion Treherne) when Ed travels to Morocco to relocate a former CIA asset. That is the name of the \"sidekick\" character Caan played in the movie \"El Dorado\" with John Wayne. Mike Cannon (James Lesure) is an engineer, with both undergraduate and graduate degrees from MIT in mechanical engineering. He works as head valet for the first season,", "id": "15180373" }, { "contents": "Internet privacy\n\n\nto be more accommodating. Google's new privacy policy will combine all data used on Google's search engines (i.e., YouTube and Gmail) in order to work along the lines of a person's interests. A person, in effect, will be able to find what he/she wants at a more efficient rate because all searched information during times of login will help to narrow down new search results. Google's privacy policy explains what information they collect and why they collect it, how they use the information, and", "id": "1742806" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Google\n\n\n1, 2012 privacy change enables the company to share data across a wide variety of services. This includes embedded services in millions of third-party websites using Adsense and Analytics. The policy was widely criticized as creating an environment that discourages Internet innovation by making Internet users more fearful online. In December 2009, after privacy concerns were raised, Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, declared: \"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.", "id": "8532049" }, { "contents": "RahXephon\n\n\nand chopping\", he wrote that \"the creators have done the best they can with the material.\" He added: \"the last scene is very touching. It's a big improvement over the TV show.\" Efrain Diaz Jr. of IGN called the movie a \"valiant effort\", but preferred the TV series and asked \"why even bother with the movie?\" Carlo Santos, writing for Anime News Network, recommended the movie both as an \"endcap to a remarkable series\" and as a sample for", "id": "18975510" }, { "contents": "Warez\n\n\nuse of broadband service by home users who may not fully understand the security implications of having their home computer always turned on and connected to the Internet There is generally a distinction made between different sub-types of warez. The unusual spellings shown here were commonly used as directory names within a compromised server, to organize the files rather than having them all thrown together in a single random collection. Movie copyright infringement was looked upon as impossible by the major studios. When dial-up was common in early and mid-1990s, movies", "id": "14465206" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Facebook\n\n\n\"There's a profound lack of empathy in asserting that the only reason why someone could have voted the way that they did is because they saw some fake news\". Zuckerberg affirms the idea that people do not stray from their own ideals and political leanings. He stated, \"I don't know what to do about that\" and, \"When we started, the north star for us was: We're building a safe community\". Zuckerberg has also been quoted in his own Facebook post, \"Of all", "id": "21923940" }, { "contents": "Social capital\n\n\nwider networks than those who uses internet irregularly or not at all. When not considering family and work contacts, Internet users actually tend to have contact with a higher number of friends and relatives. This is supported by another study that shows that internet users and non-internet users do feel equally close to the same number of people; also the internet users maintain relationships with 20% more people that they \"feel somewhat close\" to. Other research shows that younger people use the Internet as a supplemental medium for communication,", "id": "1833567" }, { "contents": "Google Toolbar\n\n\npaid for the service.\" The desktop version of Google Toolbar shows the cached copy of any given search result, which was useful for slower Internet connections and benefitted by Google Web Accelerator until its discontinuation in 2008. This feature does not exist for the mobile version. New features: System Requirements: Windows 95, 98, 2000 or NT, and version 5.0 or higher of Microsoft Internet Explorer. New features: System Requirements: Windows and Microsoft Internet Explorer. New features: System Requirements: Windows and Microsoft Internet Explorer.", "id": "2767722" }, { "contents": "Cisneros Media\n\n\nthe first exclusive film distribution company in Spanish language in the United States launching movies in cinemas and distributing in pay-per-view, pay television, home video, the hospitality industry (hotels and tourism) and Internet. It is part of the companies that have renewed interest in the Latin American cinema in the US market. As part of the Cisneros Group of Companies, the company has been always interested in launching TV channels (Global Television: How to Create Effective Television for the 1990s . Tony Verna. 1993.", "id": "10986218" }, { "contents": "Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?\n\n\nstill be stuck, because we have never \"cultivated our minds.\" The key to throwing off these chains of mental immaturity is reason. There is hope that the entire public could become a force of free thinking individuals if they are free to do so. Why? There will always be a few people, even among the institutional \"guardians,\" who think for themselves. They will help the rest of us to \"cultivate our minds.\" Kant shows himself a man of his times when he observes that \"", "id": "7737340" }, { "contents": "Pyaar Ka Punchnama\n\n\nPyaar Ka Punchnama\" is half-way funny but soon descends into a running commentary on why relationships with women are impossible and eventually wends its way to a very implausible end. It could have definitely done with some editing. If it were crisper, with more thought put into its script, situations and dialogue, \"Pyaar Ka Punchnama\" would have made the cut.\" Mayank Shekhar of Hindustan Times gave 2 stars out of 5, saying that \"The movie acquires rhythms of a TV show, like so many do", "id": "11398982" }, { "contents": "School shooting\n\n\nhe were the authority figure, while parents act as if they were the children.\" \"No Limits or Monitoring of TV and Internet\" \"Parents do not supervise, limit or monitor the student's television watching or his use of the Internet. The student may have a TV in his own room or is otherwise free without any limits to spend as much time as he likes watching violent or otherwise inappropriate shows. The student spends a great deal of time watching television rather than in activities with family or friends. Similarly", "id": "14507498" }, { "contents": "Hallmark Movies Now\n\n\nthat provides movies, documentaries, and short films that are suitable for all audiences, specifically families. Hallmark Movies Now also edits films that do not have content suitable for all ages to have a PG rating, similar to how films are edited to be shown on cable TV. Hallmark Movies Now provides original short films, documentaries, and Hallmark movies. Hallmark first released the app for Android and iOS under the name feeln but has been renamed to Hallmark Movies Now. It is also on the Internet and through applications on Roku", "id": "5195288" }, { "contents": "Dinnerladies (TV series)\n\n\ndo the show justice, and that she knew where to take the show after seeing it air and understanding \"what people [have] taken from it\". She mentioned the short run of \"Fawlty Towers\" when explaining why she planned not to continue the series further. However, in a televised BBC TV documentary about the history of situation comedy at the corporation, Wood complained that the series had been axed by the BBC, despite it being what she described as \"a show they couldn't kill\". Involving", "id": "11133450" }, { "contents": "Firefly (TV series)\n\n\non DVD they're making a feature [film]\". The follow-up film, \"Serenity\", was voted the best science fiction movie of all time in an \"SFX\" magazine poll of 3,000 fans. \"Firefly\" was later ranked #25 on \"TV Guide\"s Top Cult Shows Ever. The name for the Google beta app Google Wave was inspired by this TV series. In an interview on February 17, 2011, with \"Entertainment Weekly\", Nathan Fillion joked that: \"If I got", "id": "332339" }, { "contents": "Kahani Raima Aur Manahil Ki\n\n\nby Sajal Ali and Mehreen Raheel themselves. The show didn't hocked up that much fans from the start of it there were many reasons why it couldn't do so, but after episode 7 there series got so much response that it was among the most watched TV Series. In the mont of Ramadan(2014) the show was stopped because of airing of other shows, it was decided that it will air its episode 19th after the month of Ramadan, in Ramadan many people watched the show on internet, it gained so many", "id": "14488444" }, { "contents": "Google TV\n\n\nof June 2014, the Google TV SDK is no longer available, ending any future software development for existing devices and effectively deprecating the platform. Google TV leveraged many of Google's existing products. Google TV's operating system, a customized version of Android, provided the underlying foundation, allowing developers to create applications that extended the system's functionality. Google's Chrome browser provided a gateway to the Internet, allowing consumers to browse web sites and watch television in tandem. Consumers could access HBO, CNBC, and content from other", "id": "18027589" }, { "contents": "Flavio Briatore\n\n\nbe lost. Look at the comments on the internet, in blogs, on Twitter – they did not like the Australian Grand Prix. It was an indecipherable and depressing show. This is unacceptable and now we have chaos\" said Briatore. On 12 June 2014 he said: \"I do not like this new Formula One. It's not our Formula 1.\" \"He pointed a finger at cars that \"do not make a noise\", drivers having to \"save fuel\" and \"fake overtaking\".", "id": "21517192" }, { "contents": "Mobicip\n\n\nMobicip on the Google Chrome Web Store Mobicip (pronounced mo-be-sip) is named after mobile CIPA. CIPA stands for Children’s Internet Protection Act, a regulation by the US government that mandates secure internet access when provided by public schools or libraries. In the dark days before smartphones and tablets, the founders had a vision that education is going to be transformed by ubiquitous always-on mobile technology in the hands of K-12 students. And so Mobicip was born, with a mission to create and foster the safe", "id": "14707794" } ]
Why is dental work separate from other medical treatment even in 'free' health systems?
[{"answer": "Back in the day, dentistry wasn't a medical profession. Dentists weren't doctors with degrees who went to school for 6 years and then apprenticed for another 6. Dentists were your local barber or blacksmith. Basically anyone who had the tools to pull a tooth from your head. Because of that 'tradition', dentistry is a completely separate medical profession from everything else. A dentist is a D.D.S -- a medical doctor (cardiologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist, GP) is an M.D. All of that carries over to insurance. On a side note there are free health care system that include dentistry, like for example the health care system of Poland, where a visit to the dentist is covered under the free national health care. In simplest terms it's insurance companies, capitalising on the traditional split of medicine and dentistry to find an excuse not to cover dental needs under a general health care plan so they can bill you for it separately."}, {"answer": "Presumably because it's not life threatening. Here in the UK like you said all healthcare is free (apart from a nominal prescription charge for some) but that doesn't include dentistry, which you have to pay for, but is subsidised. Having said that children, pregnant women and unemployed people do get it for free."}, {"answer": "I'm in the UK. The NHS does help out some with dental charges but it's not free, unless you get various means-tested benefits. Although it's undoubtedly still a good deal: > There are three NHS charge bands: > Band 1: \u00a320.60 covers an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment. > Band 2: \u00a356.30 covers all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions). > Band 3: \u00a3244.30 covers all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges. Any further treatment in the same band or below is then free for the next two months."}, {"answer": "it's routine, which means you're going to do it anyway. there's nothing that needs to 'spur' a visit to the dentist. you need your teeth deeply cleaned at regular intervals, or your teeth will rot and fall out. yes, you need a checkup at regular intervals... but your typical checkup will result in a doctor spending a small amount of time with you and maybe he finds something that needs to be taken care of. probably not, though. it's much more common that a dentist will find a cavity. with that... it's predictable, which means people tend to have the same issues at similar intervals. pretty much everyone, with few exceptions, will need a cavity filled, a tooth pulled, and/or a root canal, every so often. compare that to emergency medical ailments, like appendicitis or tonsilitis. those are rare compared to, say, a wisdom tooth pulled... and those are some of the most common emergency ailments that need to be taken care of by medical professionals. it's expensive to deliver. not only do dentists have to sink in thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars into training, but they have a lot of regular expenses (cleaning solution, replacement heads and picks, office staff, computer systems, licensing... list goes on). not to mention a fair amount of overhead (all that stuff in your dentist's office is really expensive, i'm talking 5-7 figure machines). now, medical care is also expensive to deliver... but medical care can range from an hour of a doctor's time, to millions of dollars to perform multiple surgeries, maintain treatment, and keep you housed in a top-notch facility for months and months. not only that, but this kind of ailment does NOT happen to everybody. in fact, it's not even close. combine all these factors and it simply makes no sense to insure. now, let's say you're not aware of how insurance works. insurance is a business by which people pay a regular fee in order to not have to worry about a big fee caused by some sort of emergency. cars, homes, and human bodies have insurance. so why doesn't your mouth have insurance that's fully covered? well, the reason is mainly because of the profit motive. insurance companies want to make money, so they're essentially betting on a healthy person living to 80 without any real complications. your typical healthy person will have a few health problems, then one serious health problem at the end of their life (which, in turn, kills them). this doesn't work very well with dental because of the reasons listed above. dental insurance is not that good of a bet because insurance, in itself, is expensive. insurance companies are very expensive to run, and that causes an added cost overall on your health care plan. on top of that, insurance companies want to make a profit. so, if all of dental care were insured, it would be prohibitively expensive to the average person. might as well just pay for the cleanings with some sort of subscription and deal with the cost of a root canal (which is not a $25,000 procedure and doesn't require a lengthy hospital stay... but is still expensive to deliver and routine enough to expect most people to deal with this in their lives.) compare that to medical insurance where the company makes a bet that any given person will NOT have to have a $1 million surgery. so they charge each of them, say, $1000/yr. if 1 in 1000 have this $1 million surgery, then they break even. however, the insurance company determines that the ratio is far less than 1 in 1000. this, in a nutshell, is why dental care insurance doesn't cover everything. however, your question was about socialized health care schemes, where we all dump some money into the health care scheme via our taxes and pay nothing up front for our care or insurance. this goes back to the 'prohibitively expensive' thing. for a government to offer free dental entirely, they would generally want to integrate it into their health insurance scheme. this, though, would result in a tax increase roughly the cost of dental insurance. tax increases are almost never popular. and the marginal benefit of a tax increase for dental care is quite low. might as well have people elect for the kind of dental care they want and not have to invest the resources to have the government take care of it. hope this helps."}, {"answer": "Dentistry is its own profession, distinct from medicine, mainly for historical reasons. A Frenchman, Pierre Fauchard, is thought to have really got modern dentistry started back in 1728. That's over a century before doctors generally accepted that germs cause disease, for example. As for why it's not funded, it's down to what the government decided. In the UK specifically, changes made in 2006 led to the government not adequately paying dentists for NHS work. In particular those changes mean that a dentist would receive no more money for a 'course of treatment' involving several fillings than they would for a single filling. This has resulted in many former NHS dentists switching to only treat patients on a private basis."}, {"answer": "Something to note is that along with all the other reasons, dentists lobby to make ensure that dentistry isn't covered. Dentists make a lot of money because dentistry isn't covered under universal health care. When negotiating a price between seller(dentist) and buyer(person with tooth problems) the dentist has a lot of power and can charge a price favourable to them. If we were to replace the buyer with the government instead of the person with tooth problems, the buyer gets a lot more negotiating power than if it were an individual person."}, {"answer": "Certainly for the UK everyone here is wrong so far. Originally when the NHS was formed Dentistry was included. But due to the massive costs it incurred it was removed (mostly) a few years later. From Wikipedia 'Initially NHS dentistry was free at the time of use but charges to patients were introduced in 1951 and have been increased from time to time. Charges vary in different countries of the UK.'"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1043143", "title": "Single-payer healthcare", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Single-payer healthcare is a type of universal healthcare financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer').", "Single-payer healthcare is a type of universal healthcare financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer')."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Medical card\n\n\nA medical card is a personal document in the form of a plastic card issued to residents of Ireland who are entitled to free or reduced-rate medical treatment. Those eligible fall below a certain income tax threshold or have costly ongoing medical requirements. The medical card system is administered by the Health Service Executive (HSE). The card entitles the holder to free visits to general practitioners (GPs), free or drastically reduced-price hospital and dental treatment, and prescribed medication for a nominal charge of €2.50 per item", "id": "4593136" }, { "contents": "Health in Gibraltar\n\n\nAll Gibraltarians are entitled to health care in public wards and clinics at St Bernard's Hospital and primary health care centre. All other British citizens are also entitled to free-of-charge treatment on the Rock on presentation of a valid British passport during stays of up to 30 days. Other EU nationals are equally entitled to treatment on presentation of a valid European Health Insurance Card. Dental treatment and prescribed medicines are free of charge for Gibraltarian students and pensioners. The Gibraltar Health Authority, established under the Medical (Gibraltar Health", "id": "13088197" }, { "contents": "Partners Harvard Medical International\n\n\nOther long-standing relationships include PHMI's work with Asan Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea, and Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Japan. During the last decade, PHI has worked on an increasing number of projects focused on developing health care delivery systems and organizations. In 2003, PHMI began working with Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), the large health care and education free zone development supported by the Government of Dubai. PHI helped design the rules and regulations for the health care city and the processes DHCC used to", "id": "15953195" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in the Republic of Ireland\n\n\naccording to the OECD, despite being a major exporter. The levy is to be reduced to €1.50 from April 2019 for medical card holders over the age of 70. All immunisation vaccines for children are provided free of charge, in schools, health clinics and hospitals. Recovering heroin addicts can receive methadone treatment free of charge under the \"Methadone Treatment Scheme\". See also Prescription_charges#Ireland The HSE provide dental, optical (vision) and aural (hearing) health care. Medical Card holders and their dependents, \"Health Amendment", "id": "2539047" }, { "contents": "Attlee ministry\n\n\nto India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Burma and moved to strengthen the British Commonwealth. Attlee's Health Minister, Aneurin Bevan, fought hard against the general disapproval of the medical establishment, including the British Medical Association, by creating the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948. This was a publicly funded healthcare system, which offered treatment free of charge for all, regardless of income at the point-of-use. Reflecting pent-up demand that had long existed for medical services, the NHS treated some 8,500,000 dental", "id": "339590" }, { "contents": "2015 Palarong Pambansa\n\n\nto respond to weather-related health concerns such as heat exhaustion and stroke. Hornido said they have already attended to dozens of athletes, with most of them showing signs of heat exhaustion. Some even fainted during intense training. He revealed the medical team is bolstered up by the 21-bed Palaro Medical Operations Center (MOC), which offers free consultation, medicines, minor treatment, ECG, physio-therapy, dental and other services. In addition, the Diocese of Tagum through the Caritas Manila Foundation, the Armed Forces of", "id": "14455497" }, { "contents": "Medical tourism\n\n\nmost often is for surgeries (cosmetic or otherwise) or similar treatments, though people also travel for dental tourism or fertility tourism. People with rare conditions may travel to countries where the treatment is better understood. However, almost all types of health care are available, including psychiatry, alternative medicine, convalescent care, and even burial services. Health tourism is a wider term for travel that focuses on medical treatments and the use of healthcare services. It covers a wide field of health-oriented, tourism ranging from preventive and", "id": "10592313" }, { "contents": "Health care finance in the United States\n\n\n. Due to \"a dishonest and inefficient system\" that sometimes inflates bills to ten times the actual cost, even insured patients can be billed more than the real cost of their care. Insurance for dental and vision care (except for visits to ophthalmologists, which are covered by regular health insurance) is usually sold separately. Prescription drugs are often handled differently from medical services, including by the government programs. Major federal laws regulating the insurance industry include COBRA and HIPAA. Individuals with private or government insurance are limited to medical", "id": "12867681" }, { "contents": "Health professional\n\n\ncondition explains a person's symptoms and signs. It is most often referred to as diagnosis with the medical context being implicit. This usually involves a team of healthcare providers in various diagnostic units. These include radiographers, radiologists, medical laboratory scientists, pathologists, and related professionals. A dental care practitioner is a health worker who provides care and treatment to promote and restore oral health. These include dentists and dental surgeons, dental assistants, dental auxiliaries, dental hygienists, dental nurses, dental technicians, dental therapists or oral health", "id": "1168273" }, { "contents": "Insurance\n\n\nconsumers as well. Health insurance policies cover the cost of medical treatments. Dental insurance, like medical insurance, protects policyholders for dental costs. In most developed countries, all citizens receive some health coverage from their governments, paid for by taxation. In most countries, health insurance is often part of an employer's benefits. Casualty insurance insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific property. It is a broad spectrum of insurance that a number of other types of insurance could be classified, such as auto, workers", "id": "15321455" }, { "contents": "Calculus (dental)\n\n\nbecomes mechanical, with the introduction of free-floating calcium phosphate salts. The \"hardened\" calculus formations are at the heart of periodontal disease and treatment. The College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA) defines a dental hygienist as \"a health care professional whose work focuses on the oral health of an individual or community.\" These dental professionals aim to improve oral health by educating patients on the prevention and management of oral disease. Dental hygienists can be found performing oral health services in various settings, including private", "id": "14842608" }, { "contents": "Fallout of the 2009 Irish government budget\n\n\n4.7 billion and a capital deficit of €8.7 billion expected. Prior to the announcement of the government budget on 14 October 2008, each person over the age of seventy living in the Republic of Ireland was entitled to a medical card providing free medical, dental and optical treatment and medicines. The budget proposed to change this and introduced a means-tested system of benefits. The proposed income eligibility limits to be introduced for over seventies were published on the Health Service Executive's website on 15 October 2008. The site stated that", "id": "22211826" }, { "contents": "Public health system in India\n\n\nImproper sanitation and waste disposal, even within clinics, can lead to an increased incidence of infectious diseases. Public health services have low cost or mostly in India, work at free of cost. Since the government provides these services, they don't charge any extra money to serve the patients. That is the reason why most people who come to public hospitals to do their treatment are those who can't afford enough money to treat themselves or their family. 5% of visits to health practitioners are in private clinics or hospitals", "id": "784964" }, { "contents": "NHS ambulance services\n\n\nNational Health Service Ambulance Services provide free at the point of use emergency medical care to any person requiring treatment, regardless of immigration or visitor status, within the United Kingdom. These services are provided by National Health Services of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The current system comprises 14 NHS organisations: 11 NHS Trusts cover the separate regions of England and; individual nationwide services cover Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland respectively. As with other emergency services, the public normally access emergency medical services through one of the valid", "id": "1497162" }, { "contents": "Plovdiv Medical University\n\n\nThe Medical University () in Plovdiv, Bulgaria was established in 1945. It includes the Faculties of Medicine, Dental medicine, Pharmacy, Public Health, a Department of Languages and Specialized training, a medical college and a hospital with 2000 beds. Facilities include laboratories, clinics and units for diagnostics and treatment, research activities and training of medical and dental students. The Central University Library offers the students 170,000 volumes in many languages as well as an internet hall and a local net system (with Medline and Micromedex available).", "id": "258742" }, { "contents": "Primary Care Behavioral health\n\n\n, behavioral health providers and PCPs may consult one another for enhanced treatment outcomes. Funding has been a barrier to the implementation of the Primary Care Behavioral Health Consultant model. The cost of treatment and lack of affordable health care has been a barrier for many people with mental illness to receive treatment. In the private sector insurance market mental health treatment is often segregated from other medical care, isolated in separate systems of care and payment. Typically this makes it more difficult for patients to access services readily, if at all. For", "id": "16663646" }, { "contents": "Unemployment benefits\n\n\nis added. There are more benefits available to unemployed people, usually on a special or specific basis. Benefits include the \"Rent Supplement\", the \"Mortgage Interest Supplement\" and the \"Fuel Allowance\", among others. People on a low income (which includes those on JA/JB) are entitled to a Medical Card (although this must be applied for separately from the Health Service Executive) which provides free health care, optical care, limited dental care, aural care and subsidised prescription drugs carrying a €", "id": "9586265" }, { "contents": "AIDS Services of Austin\n\n\nrich space to discuss challenges and successes in reducing their risk. ASA’s Jack Sansing Dental Clinic provides routine and emergency dental care for people living with HIV and AIDS. This includes oral examination, treatment planning, oral surgery, root canal treatment, periodontal therapy, restorative dentistry, removable prosthodontics, treatment of infection and preventative oral health care. For those with suppressed immune systems due to HIV or AIDS, proper dental care is of the utmost importance. A volunteer-based organization, CAALP provides free legal assistance to individuals affected", "id": "21076383" }, { "contents": "United States Army Special Operations Command\n\n\nprovides Level II medical support as USASOC asset managed by the brigade surgeon and constitutes the nucleus of the capability of receiving a conventional Army Forward Surgical Team. The medical section is robust enough to provide combat health support on an area basis for approximately 450 personnel. The support includes unit-level medical support and health services, logistics, emergency medical and resuscitative treatment for all classes of patients; emergency dental treatment, physical therapy and preventive medicine support, while maintaining Standard Army Management Information Systems and providing veterinary support. Members of the", "id": "3167194" }, { "contents": "Youth in Denmark\n\n\nof their fees. Private health insurance is also available. For youth eighteen and younger, dental care access is free. Oral health care is provided by a municipal dental health service or at a private practice dentist on a fee-for-service basis paid by the municipalities. The 1986 Act on Dental Care provides health promotion, systematic prevention, and curative care free of charge for those eighteen and younger. Youth dental care service includes recurrent check-ups and treatment. Dental health care for those over eighteen is by provided", "id": "22043738" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Slovakia\n\n\ncompanies, one owned by the government which insures 65% of the population. Entitlement to treatment is not affected by the level of contributions. The system does not cover plastic surgery or all dental treatment. What is covered by health insurance is specified in legislation. The full cost of medication is not always covered. Medical procedures are assigned an artificial value in ‘points’ which is converted to real monetary value by the health insurance company. General practitioners get a capitation payment for each registered patient. There are reimbursement limits,", "id": "457705" }, { "contents": "Carestream Health\n\n\nnot included in the agreement and remain with Carestream Health. Products include: laser printers with dry film technology, DryView laser imaging film, computed radiography systems, digital radiography systems, picture archiving and communications systems, systems for mammography and other imaging solutions for the medical and dental imaging fields. Carestream Health owns more than 800 patents for medical and dental imaging and information technology. Digital imaging technologies include the DRX1 series which allows a wireless connection between detector and computer system (whether part of their static system or a mobile/portable", "id": "15984519" }, { "contents": "Free clinic\n\n\nto take referred patients for free. For example, a clinic might have ten local dentists who will each accept two patients per month, so this allows the clinic to treat a total of twenty dental patients each month. Some clinics use a referral system to handle other forms of specialized medical care. Student-run clinics (SRC) are an increasingly prevalent part of U.S. medical school curricula, and they are designed to improve health-care delivery to underserved populations. The vast majority of these clinics are free-of-", "id": "12271905" }, { "contents": "EPSDT\n\n\nelect to use a nationally recognized pediatric periodicity schedule such as Bright Futures . A separate children’s dental periodicity schedule is also required. One has been developed by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Improving periodicity schedules can improve access to and utilization of child health services. EPSDT also provides coverage for treatment. All types of child health conditions — medical, dental, mental, developmental, acute, and chronic — must be treated, including pre-existing conditions or those detected outside of an EPSDT comprehensive well-child “screening", "id": "15391028" }, { "contents": "Health facility\n\n\nby the founding religious orders or by volunteers. Healthcare centres, including clinics, doctor's offices, urgent care centers and ambulatory surgery centers, serve as first point of contact with a health professional and provide outpatient medical, nursing, dental, and other types of care services. Medical nursing homes, including residential treatment centers and geriatric care facilities, are health care institutions which have accommodation facilities and which engage in providing short-term or long-term medical treatment of a general or specialized nature not performed by hospitals to inpatients", "id": "11575611" }, { "contents": "University of the Punjab\n\n\nis charged from different categories of students and employees. Over Six thousand employees of the University and their families including widows, mothers and children are entitled to free medical treatment. Medical facilities are also available to retired employees and their families. The University has its own Radiology, Biochemistry, Pathology Departments and Dental Clinic with a full-time Dental Surgeon. Day and Night medical services are available to the residents on the Quaid-e-Azam Campus of the University. The clinics are working both at the Allama Iqbal and Quaid", "id": "309705" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Algeria\n\n\nnew medical staff, and medical schools began graduating large numbers of doctors. At the start of Algeria's independence in 1962, The Algerian health care system was very minor consisting of 1 physician per 33,000 people, estimated 300 doctors in all and one trained paramedic per 40,000 people. The country has made major changes and progresses in its policies and systems in health care. From 1975 onward, the Algerian government introduced a free national health care system. Hospital treatment, medications, and outpatient care became free to all citizens of Algeria", "id": "4156461" }, { "contents": "Swindon\n\n\nalmost opposite. From 1871, GWR workers had a small amount deducted from their weekly pay and put into a healthcare fund; GWR doctors could prescribe them or their family members free medicines or send them for medical treatment. In 1878 the fund began providing artificial limbs made by craftsmen from the carriage and wagon works, and nine years later opened its first dental surgery. In his first few months in post the dentist extracted more than 2,000 teeth. From the opening in 1892 of the health centre, a doctor could also prescribe", "id": "14638847" }, { "contents": "Ambulatory care\n\n\nAmbulatory care or outpatient care is medical care provided on an outpatient basis, including diagnosis, observation, consultation, treatment, intervention, and rehabilitation services. This care can include advanced medical technology and procedures even when provided outside of hospitals. Many medical investigations and treatments for acute and chronic illnesses and preventive health care can be performed on an ambulatory basis, including minor surgical and medical procedures, most types of dental services, dermatology services, and many types of diagnostic procedures (e.g. blood tests, X-rays, endoscopy and", "id": "16364399" }, { "contents": "Clement Attlee\n\n\nby creating the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948. This was a publicly funded healthcare system, which offered treatment free of charge for all at the point of use. Reflecting pent-up demand that had long existed for medical services, the NHS treated some 8 and a half million dental patients and dispensed more than 5 million pairs of spectacles during its first year of operation. The government set about implementing the wartime plans of Liberal William Beveridge for the creation of a \"cradle to grave\" welfare state. It", "id": "5878670" }, { "contents": "Medical treatment during spaceflight\n\n\nignored. Other medical emergencies that have been observed in space include rare but real cases of urological and dental emergencies. Additional consideration substantiates the risk of the inability to treat crew members on long-duration missions. Radiation exposure may affect the general health of crew members and cause radiation specific pathological processes. Emergencies due to radiation exposure would most likely be catastrophic and mission ending. Other considerations for designing space medical care systems include exposure to toxic substances, chemical burns, electrical burns and trauma (on board and during EVA's)", "id": "21364430" }, { "contents": "Health in Algeria\n\n\nto all citizens of Algeria. At the change of Algeria’s independence in 1962, The Algerian health care system was very minor consisting of 1 physician per 33,000 people, estimated 300 doctors in all and one trained paramedic per 40,000 people. The country has made major changes and progresses in its policies and systems in health care. From 1975 onward, the Algerian government introduced a free national health care system. Hospital treatment, medications, and outpatient care became free to all citizens of Algeria. The national medical insurance scheme covers 90", "id": "16114705" }, { "contents": "Prison\n\n\nable to receive medical treatment (which they couldn't afford outside). Prison medical facilities include primary care, mental health services, dental care, substance abuse treatment, and other forms of specialized care, depending on the needs of the inmate population. Health care services in many prisons have long been criticized as inadequate, underfunded, and understaffed, and many prisoners have experienced abuse and mistreatment at the hands of prison medical staff who are entrusted with their care. In the United States, a million people who are incarcerated suffer", "id": "1353590" }, { "contents": "University of Indonesia\n\n\nits students. For the rent, students need to show their UI student card to the rental officer. The bike must be used on bike lanes and it must be returned to where it was rented or another bike station. Campus bikes can be rented until 5:00 PM. The polyclinic provides free health services for all UI students. Students should obtain a free card and medical record before getting treatments. The available health services are general health service and dental service (including orthodonty). The Wisma Makara (\"Makara Lodge\"", "id": "2763636" }, { "contents": "Marikina\n\n\nprograms provided by the city government. It operates health centers and lying-in clinics of each barangays to provide basic medical services in the community. Local government provides free medical and dental missions, health seminars and check-ups, proper disposal and hygiene training, special services for senior citizens, pregnant women and children, and other free medical operations. It also has a privilege card that offers discount fees and free services such as emergency, medical, safety and security services. Amang Rodriguez Medical Center is a public major and", "id": "4360254" }, { "contents": "Expeditionary Medical Support System\n\n\nThe Expeditionary Medical Support System (EMEDS) is a modular field hospital system developed by the U.S. military for mobile deployment of medical treatment facilities in any location. EMEDS consists of a variety of modular, medical response packages and equipment that can be used in multiple geographical operations and situations such as wartime contingencies, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief. The EMEDS team is equipped and staffed to provide forward stabilization, primary care, dental services, and force health protection. In late September 2014, the U.S. military sent 4,000 troops to", "id": "4024164" }, { "contents": "Moss Free Clinic\n\n\nClinic provides non-emergency medical care as well as basic diagnostic testing such as radiology and lab services. Referrals are given to other medical specialists when patients require medical services that the clinic can not provide. The clinic provides primary medical care, chronic care, dental care and some specialty medical care clinics. Dental care is also provided but is limited to dental hygiene, fillings, and extractions. There is an on-site, licensed pharmacy which provides prescriptions to both patients and some qualifying members of the community. Health education", "id": "1654653" }, { "contents": "Operation Blessing International\n\n\n. Internationally, Operation Blessing medical teams offer free medical care (general medical, optical, dental and surgical services) and medicine to impoverished families, many of whom cannot afford such treatment or live in rural areas without regular access to health clinics. They are also developing teams of community health workers to help prevent and detect illnesses and diseases in rural villages as well as conduct insecticide-treated bed net distributions for children and pregnant women to reduce the risk of being bitten by malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Operation Blessing teams drill", "id": "19521970" }, { "contents": "Health care systems by country\n\n\nrate. Short-term prescriptions for medication are market price, but long-term prescriptions, defined as more than three months a year, are eligible for a large discount. In addition, a yearly cap applies for people with high medical expenses. Some health care is private. For example, most adults use private dental care, whereas the public system only treats people, for a normal fee, when they have free capacity. Health-related plastic surgery (like burn damage) is covered by the public system,", "id": "20284876" }, { "contents": "Special needs dentistry\n\n\nsuccessfully treat the patient in a general dental setting. If cooperation is not gained, or the patients special needs exceed what may be provided within a general dental practice, if extensive dental treatment is required, or the patients physical or systemic health are a hazard during treatment, dental treatment under general anaesthetic or within a hospitalised setting may be appropriate instead. To prevent any undesired results from invasive dental treatment, it may be suggested to contact the patients General Practitioner or Specialists. This is particularly important if the patient has cardiac conditions", "id": "20703122" }, { "contents": "Health care systems by country\n\n\non pharmaceuticals and vital drugs; everyone must pay a share of dental bills. As of 1999, total health care expenditure was estimated at 8.4% of GDP. Responsibility for the public hospital service rests with county authorities. Counties form public hospital regions, each of which is allotted one or two larger hospitals with specialists and two to four smaller hospitals where medical treatment is practically totally paid for by the government. State-appointed medical health officers, responsible to the National Board of Health, are employed to advise local governments on", "id": "20284856" }, { "contents": "Special needs dentistry\n\n\non the individuals needs. Oral health therapists (OHT) are dual qualified as a dental therapist and dental hygienist. They provide oral health assessment, diagnosis, treatment, management and preventive services for children and adolescents and, if educated and trained in a program of study approved by the National Board, for adults of all ages. Their scope may include restorative treatment, tooth removal, oral health promotion, periodontal treatment, and other oral care to promote healthy oral behaviours. Oral health therapists may only work within a structured professional", "id": "20703104" }, { "contents": "Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution\n\n\ninfirmary. Medical care is provided to all inmates as required. The medical services include sick call, ambulatory care, dental services, health education, and emergency care. There are also programs for control of communicable diseases, sex offender treatment, and treatment for alcoholism and drug abuse. The state prison's Health Services Unit also conducts quality assurance and peer review of all medical services provided to inmates. The prison provides behavioral health services including HIV education and counseling, mental health case management services, mental health day treatment, and", "id": "11109717" }, { "contents": "The Brethren (Jim Roberts group)\n\n\nAlthough some members refuse medical treatment, other members have accepted medical treatment or dental work. During the 1970s, members wore monk-like habits. Men wear long beards, and women dress modestly in long dresses and long hair. Women and men eat separately and new members are restricted in all contact with the opposite sex. Women and men have clearly defined roles. Immediately on joining the group women begin sewing their own clothing (May 2011). The Brethren essentially disallow marriage by single group members, maintaining that \"the", "id": "782828" }, { "contents": "Mental Health Parity Act\n\n\nand reasons in the event that reimbursement or payment for treatment is denied. One main challenge to the implementation of MHPAEA is what is known as \"carve-out\" health benefits. This refers to mental health benefits that are purchased by employers separately from medical benefits. The \"carve-out\" vendor may be separate from any number of other vendors providing medical benefits. The law would require the \"carve-out\" vendor to ensure parity with medical benefits provided by a separate vendor or vendors. In addition, the", "id": "10210523" }, { "contents": "Syrian American Medical Society\n\n\n4 medical missions to Lebanon including a specific dental mission. SAMS operates 2 multi-specialty clinics which offer free treatment for a variety of illnesses. The Bekaa Valley clinic Bekaa Valley, where offers internal medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, general surgery, physiotherapy, dental care, orthopedics, x-rays, ultrasounds, psychiatry, ophthalmology, urology, and basic lab work. This clinic treats an average of 4,000 patients a month. The Tripoli Clinic offers primary care, pediatrics, dental care, OB/GYN,", "id": "8309323" }, { "contents": "Medical University of Varna\n\n\nAnna”, the Specialized Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology for Active Treatment “Prof. Dr. D. Stamatov” - Varna, the Specialized Eye Hospital for Active Treatment - Varna, the Faculty of Dental Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy, RHI (Regional Health Inspection) and the Medical College of Varna. The University Hospital “St. Marina” - Varna has several lecture halls for practical and theoretical activities. The students use the digital library - part of the digitized and centralized library system of the university. The hospital is in possession of", "id": "9457729" }, { "contents": "Health in Nauru\n\n\nbasic medical and surgical care, along with radiological, laboratory, pharmacy and dental services. The Nauru Public Health Centre offers treatments for diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. This is the only form of specialized medical care. Patients who require additional treatment travel to Australia. In 2012, an estimated 7.5% of its GDP was spent on healthcare. In 2004, 149 physicians and 557 nurses per 100,000 people were present. In 2012, it was estimated that 26.2% and 22.1% of the population under 15 years of", "id": "10026858" }, { "contents": "Walter Reed Army Medical Center\n\n\nin this U.S. Army Medical Treatment Facility (MTF), within the very walls of what became his final military duty assignment. Regarding the structure itself, since the 1890s the health clinic was used as an Army General Hospital where physicians, corpsmen and nurses were trained in military health care. In 1899, the morgue was constructed which now houses the Dental Clinic, and in 1901 the hospital became an entirely separate command. This new organizational command relocated eight years later with the aide of horse-drawn wagons and an experimental steam", "id": "6073841" }, { "contents": "Medical logistics\n\n\nMedical logistics is the logistics of pharmaceuticals, medical and surgical supplies, medical devices and equipment, and other products needed to support doctors, nurses, and other health and dental care providers. Because its final customers are responsible for the lives and health of their patients, medical logistics is unique in that it seeks to optimize effectiveness rather than efficiency. Medical logistics functions comprise an important part of the health care system: after staff costs, medical supplies are the single most expensive component of health care. To drive costs out of", "id": "1334563" }, { "contents": "Welfare in Sweden\n\n\nlast decade several county councils have started using a Fee-for-service system for primary health care under the name \"VårdVal\". Dental care is not quite as subsidized as other health care, and the dentists decide on their own treatment prices. Elderly care in Sweden is the responsibility of the local municipalities. There are both retirement homes as well as home care, with home care on the rise. The Swedish social security is mainly handled by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and encompasses many separate benefits. The major ones", "id": "8263491" }, { "contents": "Dental assistant\n\n\nmay have the potential to reach other countries in the future as the need for dental and oral health treatments increase. Dental assistant roles can vary depending on different country qualifications and regulations. Below are examples of dental assisting roles which the dental assistant is able to perform, respective to that country. According to the Australian Government, Department of Health, in 2006 there were 15,381 registered dental assistants supporting dental operators. Of those, 171 were Indigenous. In Australia Dental Assistants should have the following skills: Dental Assistants work as part", "id": "15374976" }, { "contents": "United States Army Dental Command\n\n\nThe U.S. Army Dental Command, known as DENCOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Medical Command that provides command and control of the Army's fixed-facility dental treatment facilities, preventive care, dental research, development and training institutions, dental treatment to ensure the oral health and readiness of the force, a trained dental force for worldwide deployment, and structures for evolving missions of the Army. DENCOM headquarters is located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas—also the location of MEDCOM's headquarters. DENCOM is divided into", "id": "2732868" }, { "contents": "Indian termination policy\n\n\ndental care, which was no longer provided as a free service since they did not have tribal status. The Western Oregon tribes who were terminated, much like the Menominee tribe, also felt the effects of termination on their health care services. In a 1976 survey, 75% of the Indians in Western Oregon reported needing dental care and 30% were in need of eyeglasses. In addition to affecting adults, schools also reported that the primary problem for Indian children was the need of medical treatment that their parents could not afford", "id": "699233" }, { "contents": "Gotse Delchev Municipality\n\n\nthe community centers are organized arts and language schools for extra-circular education. The municipality has a developed health care system. There is a regional hospital \"Dr Ivan Skenderov\" with medical center, providing emergent and scheduled treatment. Many different specialists work there. There are also general practitioners in Gotse Delchev and in most of the villages. Over twenty specialist in dental medicine work in the town and in the surrounding villages. Gotse Delchev region is famous with two folk ensembles and the singer Nikolina Chakardakova, who perform nationwide and", "id": "3323463" }, { "contents": "Disease\n\n\n, vaccinations and other self-care and public health measures. Medical therapies or treatments are efforts to cure or improve a disease or other health problem. In the medical field, therapy is synonymous with the word \"treatment\". Among psychologists, the term may refer specifically to psychotherapy or \"talk therapy\". Common treatments include medications, surgery, medical devices, and self-care. Treatments may be provided by an organized health care system, or informally, by the patient or family members. Preventive healthcare is a", "id": "8160631" }, { "contents": "Swedish Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency\n\n\ngeneric exchange. The exchange results in price competition on pharmaceuticals, which frees up several billions of kronor every year. TLV also determines the level of compensation that pharmacies receive for handling prescription products; the pharmacies' trade margin. In the matter of whether a medicine or medical device is to be covered by the high-cost threshold, TLV bases its decision on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Act. For dental treatment, TLV works from the National Dental Care Subsidy Act. TLV's own regulations TLVFS are a supplement to the acts and", "id": "13005162" }, { "contents": "Suitcase Clinic\n\n\ncreams and sprays, and clean socks. Dental services consist of teeth cleanings, and chiropractic services provide adjustments given by professionals. Haircutting is performed by students, who also dispense general health education and referrals for housing and insurance. Legal counsel, generally pertaining to overdue warrants, landlord–tenant disputes, and applying for financial assistance, is provided by volunteers from the East Bay Community Law Center. Medical services offer basic care and education, on-site treatment, health consultations, referrals, and free influenza vaccinations during the flu", "id": "7677463" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in China\n\n\ntreatment facilities located throughout the country. Dental care, cosmetic surgery, and other health-related services at Western standards are widely available in urban areas, though costs vary. Historically, in rural areas, most healthcare was available in clinics providing rudimentary care, with poorly trained medical personnel and little medical equipment or medications, though certain rural areas had far higher-quality medical care than others. However, the quality of rural health services has improved dramatically since 2009. In an increasing trend, healthcare for residents of rural areas", "id": "20904490" }, { "contents": "Temple University\n\n\nThe school's Foot and Ankle Institute is the largest podiatric medical treatment facility anywhere, logging more than 40,000 patient visits annually. Students also train through programs through Temple University Health System. With nearly 700 students, the Kornberg School of Dentistry has been educating dental students since 1863—making it the second oldest dental school in continuous existence in the United States. The school's clinic offers services including routine dental care and prevention to children's dentistry, orthodontics, emergency care, and implants. The School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management", "id": "10085634" }, { "contents": "List of countries with universal health care\n\n\nInsurance Law. The state is responsible for providing health services to all residents of the country, who can register with one of the four national health service funds. To be eligible, a citizen must pay a health insurance tax. Coverage includes medical diagnosis and treatment, preventive medicine, hospitalization (general, maternity, psychiatric and chronic), surgery and transplants, preventive dental care for children, first aid and transportation to a hospital or clinic, medical services at the workplace, treatment for drug abuse and alcoholism, medical equipment", "id": "14556463" }, { "contents": "Christian Medical and Dental Associations\n\n\nand family conferences, offers continuing education for missionary doctors, and develops overseas academic exchange programs\". In addition, \"Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) works on 270 medical/dental school campuses with over five thousand students.\" Members of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations are from various political and religious movements, such as evangelicalism, in addition to several Christian denominations including Baptists, Anglicans, Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians and Orthodox. These CMDA affiliated health professionals can be found by health consumers using a", "id": "15451706" }, { "contents": "Paul Bussman\n\n\nwith national consumer media outlets. Bussman was an organizer and past board member of the Good Samaritan Health Clinic- a free medical, optical and dental clinic for uninsured, employed individuals in Cullman County, and continues to provide free dental care to clients. He was the first president and organizer for the \"Volunteers in Public Schools\" program, a mentoring program for at-risk elementary children throughout the county. He was a past board member and volunteer of Habitat for Humanity and the Alabama Judicial Systems' Juvenile Conference Committee, a", "id": "18584042" }, { "contents": "Ministry of Health (Malaysia)\n\n\nThe Ministry of Health (), abbreviated MOH, is a ministry of the Government of Malaysia that is responsible for health system: health behavior, cancer, public health, health management, medical research, health systems research, respiratory medicine, health promotion, healthcare tourism, medical device, blood collection, leprosy control, clinical research, health care, dental care, health institution, laboratory, pharmaceutical, patient safety. The Minister of Health administers his functions through the Ministry of Health and a range of other government agencies.", "id": "18125942" }, { "contents": "NHS dentistry\n\n\nin 1951, for dentures and in 1952 for other treatments. The Royal Commission on the National Health Service in 1979 reported that local authorities had a statutory duty to make comprehensive dental treatment available to pupils since 1953, but understaffing had prevented the school dental service from delivering it. In 1968 37% of the population of England and Wales over the age of 16 had no natural teeth. In Scotland 44% of the population over 15 in 1972 had none. There were about 14,000 general dental practitioners doing NHS work in the", "id": "19423990" }, { "contents": "List of countries with universal health care\n\n\ncan be activated by calling 112. According to Article 34 of the Constitution of Romania, the state is obliged \"to guarantee the protection of healthcare\". Romania has a fully universal healthcare system, which covers medical check-ups, any surgical interventions, and any postoperative medical care, as well as free or subsidized medicine for a range of diseases. The state is also obliged to fund public hospitals and clinics. Dental care is not funded by the state, although there are public dental clinics in some hospitals, which", "id": "14556515" }, { "contents": "Jaw abnormality\n\n\nbe relevant, especially when features of a syndrome are present. A medical and dental history is obtained for completeness. The medical history includes questions on the general health of the patient, to assess contraindications to treatment of jaw abnormality. Special emphasis is placed on diseases and medication which cause altered metabolism, that may affect growth and tissue reactions. Allergies are checked (specifically nickel allergies), so that treatment appliances with nickel-containing materials like stainless steel can be replaced with other materials to avoid the risk of allergic reactions.", "id": "2073941" }, { "contents": "Dental hygienist\n\n\nA dental hygienist or oral hygienist is a licensed dental professional, registered with a dental association or regulatory body within their country of practice. Prior to completing clinical and written board examinations, registered dental hygienists must have either an Associate's or Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene from an accredited college or university. Once registered, hygienists are primary healthcare professionals who work independently of or alongside dentists and other dental professionals to provide full oral health care. They have the training and education that focus on and specialize in the prevention and treatment", "id": "16662258" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Uganda\n\n\nAIDS counseling and treatment. The for-profit providers include clinics and informal drug stores. Formal providers include medical and dental practitioners, nurses and midwives, pharmacies, and allied health professionals. Traditional providers include herbalists, spiritual healers, traditional birth attendants, hydro therapists, etc. Uganda's health system is divided into national and district-based levels. At the national level are the national referral hospitals, regional referral hospitals, and semi-autonomous institutions including the Uganda Blood Transfusion Services, the Uganda National Medical Stores, the", "id": "2469153" }, { "contents": "Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application\n\n\nAHLTA is a global Electronic Health Record (EHR) system used by U.S. Department of Defense(DoD). It was implemented at Army, Navy and Air Force Military Treatment Facilities (MTF)around the world between January 2003 and January 2006. It is a services-wide medical and dental information management system. What made AHLTA unique was its implementation date (early EHR adoption), its Central Data Repository, its use in operational medicine and its global implementation. There is nothing like it in the private sector. AHLTA is an Electronic Health", "id": "11267212" }, { "contents": "Red Wing Medical Center\n\n\nMedical Center was purchased by Mayo Clinic in 2012 and was renamed Mayo Clinic Health System in Red Wing. Mayo Clinic Health System in Red Wing is part of Mayo Clinic Health System. Their merger and partnership with Mayo Clinic Health System and Mayo Clinic puts the former Red Wing Medical Center at the forefront of world-class research and innovative patient treatments. The University of Minnesota is world-renowned for leading in transplants, heart surgery and treatments for other diseases. The partnership we entered in 1997 stands as a national model for", "id": "11052836" }, { "contents": "National Health Service\n\n\ncare can get emergency treatment without charge. The NHS is free at the point of use, for general practitioner (GP) and emergency treatment not including admission to hospital, to non-residents. People with the right to medical care in European Economic Area (EEA) nations are also entitled to free treatment by using the European Health Insurance Card. Those from other countries with which the UK has reciprocal arrangements also qualify for free treatment. Since 6 April 2015, non-EEA nationals who are subject to immigration control must", "id": "12652649" }, { "contents": "Military Health System\n\n\nthe budget. MHS employs more than 137,000 in 65 hospitals, 412 clinics, and 414 dental clinics at facilities across the nation and around the world, as well as in contingency and combat-theater operations worldwide. Before the Civil War, medical care in the military was provided largely by the regimental surgeon and surgeons' mates. While attempts were made to establish a centralized medical system, care provision was largely local and limited. Treatment for disease and injury was, by modern standards, primitive. The Civil War saw improvements", "id": "1091682" }, { "contents": "Meth mouth\n\n\nhealth in general. Those who are willing to seek dental treatment should seek professional advice as soon as possible if they are experiencing any painful symptoms relatable to meth mouth from abusing methamphetamine. Providing dental treatment to individuals who use methamphetamine can be dangerous, because the potential combination of local anesthetic and methamphetamine can cause serious heart problems. There is also an increased risk of serious side effects if opioid medications are used in the patient's treatment. Treatment of meth mouth usually attempts to increase the flow of saliva, halt tooth decay,", "id": "536614" }, { "contents": "San Luis, Aurora\n\n\nservices to its adjacent barangays. Both the RHU and Barangay Health Stations dispense basic health care services like reproductive health program, dental and eye care program, child health and maternal care, lying-in and maternity clinic, Philhealth para sa Masa, treatment of simple medical condition, nutrition, sanitary health care, emergency treatment, and health education. There are 21 health personnel employed scattered in all Barangay Health Station and Nutrition Post in the municipality. The RHU has physician, dentist, nurse, medical technologist, and midwives.", "id": "9216907" }, { "contents": "The Treatment Trap\n\n\nThe Treatment Trap - How the Overuse of Medical Care is Wrecking your Health and what you can do to Prevent it is a 2010 book by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh about unnecessary health care. AARP described the book as an exploration of \"the reasons why many physicians are overly cautious, incompetent, or under great pressure to produce revenues in a health care system that seems to encourage these practices\". A magazine review said that the message of the book was that \"When it comes to health care, more is", "id": "20630191" }, { "contents": "Dental laboratory\n\n\nDental laboratories manufacture or customize a variety of products to assist in the provision of oral health care by a licensed dentist. These products include crowns, bridges, dentures and other dental products. Dental lab technicians follow a prescription from a licensed dentist when manufacturing these items, which include prosthetic devices (such as denture teeth and implants) and therapeutic devices (such as orthodontic devices). The FDA regulates these products as medical devices and they are therefore subject to FDA’s good manufacturing practice (\"GMP\") and quality system", "id": "1315010" }, { "contents": "Tilottama, Rupandehi\n\n\nDental and Physiotherapy. It provides 24 hours services for Emergency, Laboratory, ECG, X-RAY (CR System), Pharmacy. There are many private clinics and government health-posts. Beside these, there are auxiliary centers and private medical halls in every part of the Municipality. But the citizens of municipality are not far from the regional hospital of Butwal and Bhairawaha, which is just 10 km away from the area. The Crimson Hospital, Lumbini Eye care center and other Dental and medical centers of the Manigram are", "id": "13983204" }, { "contents": "EPSDT\n\n\nage of 21 are not to be limited emergency services. Medical care providers should provide direct referral to a dentist as part of a comprehensive EPSDT screening visit. If a condition requiring treatment is discovered for a child, EPSDT provides financing for nearly all medically necessary dental services. Vision services, at a minimum, include diagnosis and treatment for defects in vision and eyeglasses when appropriate. Vision services must be provided according to a distinct, separate periodicity schedule developed by the state and at other intervals as medically necessary. At a minimum", "id": "15391032" }, { "contents": "List of countries with universal health care\n\n\npercentage of their medical expenses, while those at the lowest income levels are exempt from paying premiums and can still utilize the services of their local health fund. In 2012, this system insured all but 4% of the population. The Government of Seychelles operates a system of medical facilities that provide treatment to citizens free of charge. South Africa has a public healthcare system that provides services to the vast majority of the population, though it is chronically underfunded and understaffed, and there is a private system that is far better equipped", "id": "14556427" }, { "contents": "Health insurance in the United States\n\n\nfees for dental work. Vision care insurance provides coverage for routine eye care and is typically written to complement other medical benefits. Vision benefits are designed to encourage routine eye examinations and ensure that appropriate treatment is provided. Specified disease provides benefits for one or more specifically identified conditions. Benefits can be used to fill gaps in a primary medical plan, such as co-payments and deductibles, or to assist with additional expenses such as transportation and child care costs. AD&D insurance is offered by group insurers and provides benefits in the", "id": "12206353" }, { "contents": "Surgeon General (Canada)\n\n\nThe Surgeon General is the professional head of the Canadian military health jurisdiction, the adviser to the Minister of National Defence and the Chief of Defence Staff on all matters related to health, and head of the Royal Canadian Medical Service. The Surgeon General is also the Commander of the Canadian Forces Health Services Group, which fulfils all military health system functions from education and clinical services to research and public health. It consists of the Royal Canadian Medical Service, the Royal Canadian Dental Corps, personnel from other branches of the armed forces", "id": "2288316" }, { "contents": "Healthy Way LA\n\n\nnurse support telephone line, interpreter services and acute care services. A large emphasis has been placed on providing access to mental health services, which are also available to enrollees. Summary of HWLA benefits: Health services not covered by HWLA include dental services, cosmetic and plastic surgery, infertility treatments, immunizations for work or travel, non-medical devices, physicals for work or sports, and investigational treatments. HWLA clinics can be found in the following regions within LA County: Antelope Valley, East L.A, Metro/Downtown LA", "id": "6488881" }, { "contents": "Barnet M. Levy\n\n\nOral Pathology\". In 1964, Levy co-founded the Dental Science Institute (DSI) at the UT Dental Branch and he served as its first director. The DSI was established to study treatments for periodontal disease and dental caries. A major focus of the institute was on oral health in the aging population. While in Houston, Levy also served with other institutions, particularly within the Texas Medical Center. He was the faculty president of the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston in 1982–83. He chaired", "id": "12723622" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in the British Virgin Islands\n\n\nto date there has been no commitment to doing so. For emergency medical evacuations from other islands a boat is maintained. Under the Public Hospital Ordinance (Cap 195) free medical treatment is available at all public facilities to the elderly (being persons who are 65 or older), children (being persons aged 16 or under), police officers, firemen, prison officers, public health workers, the mentally ill, indigent persons and prisoners. All other persons must pay for medical treatment received from public health care facilities,", "id": "7912350" }, { "contents": "List of countries with universal health care\n\n\nthe government hospitals and go to private hospitals. With the advent of privatized healthcare, this situation has changed. India now has medical tourism for people from other countries while its own poor find high-quality healthcare either inaccessible or unaffordable. The current Indian government is planning to unveil a national universal healthcare system called the National Health Assurance Mission, which will provide all Indian citizens with insurance coverage for serious illnesses, and free drugs and diagnostic treatments. Israel has a system of universal healthcare as set out by the 1995 National Health", "id": "14556462" }, { "contents": "Government Dental Hospital and College, Chennai\n\n\nTamil Nadu Government Dental College, also known as Government Dental Hospital and College, is the dental wing of the Madras Medical College. Although the college is a separate entity administratively, it is functionally integrated with the Madras Medical College and Government General Hospital. The hospital is claimed to be the first in the country to provide treatment to 1,000 to 1,500 patients a day in various branches. In 2012, new annexe building constructed at a cost of 206.3 million was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. The new building consists of", "id": "7059773" }, { "contents": "Dispensary\n\n\nA dispensary is an office in a school, hospital, industrial plant, or other organization that dispenses medications, medical supplies, and in some cases even medical and dental treatment. In a traditional dispensary set-up, a pharmacist dispenses medication as per prescription or order form. The English term originated from the medieval Latin noun \"dispensaria\" and is cognate with the Latin verb \"dispensare\", \"to distribute\". The term also has Victorian antiquity, in 1862 the term dispensary was used in the folk song the", "id": "21247258" }, { "contents": "Leprosy in India\n\n\nseek medical treatment. In 1991, India contained 75% of the world's leprosy cases. Leprosy treatment was handled by the National Leprosy Elimination Programme, which was completely separated from other healthcare services. In 2005, this was incorporated into the broader healthcare system, and shortly afterwards, India announced that it had eliminated leprosy as a public health problem. However, this only means that there is less than 1 person in 10,000 infected with the disease. There is a lower percentage of affected individuals, but this number is still", "id": "17576514" }, { "contents": "Routine health outcomes measurement\n\n\n, mortality remains important, but for an individuals, it may not be the key goal. Why is routine health outcomes measurement so rare? One can find reports of routine health outcomes measurement in many medical specialties and in many countries. However, the vast majority of these reports are by or about enthusiasts who have set up essentially local systems, with little connection with other similar systems elsewhere, even down the street. In order to realise the full benefits of an outcomes measurement system we need large-scale implementation using standardised", "id": "7819783" }, { "contents": "Swedish festivities\n\n\nSwedish children are allowed to eat sweets only on Saturdays - \"lördagsgodis\" (\"Saturday sweets\"). This tradition is intended to prevent dental caries, but its history contains questionable medical ethics - it is the result of the \"Vipeholm experiments\", in which mentally challenged patients were unwittingly used as test subjects of experiments in dental health. Swedish alcohol habits vary greatly during the week - Swedes expect each other to be completely sober during work hours (even one beer for lunch is taboo), but many people drink", "id": "13131122" }, { "contents": "Kwun Tong District\n\n\nbe sent there for emergency medical treatment. In addition, various health services are provided by the Department of Health in the District, including an elderly health centre, a woman health centre, a chest clinic, a child assessment centre, a dermatological clinic, a dental out-patient clinic, a school dental clinic, a social hygiene clinic, two maternal and child health care centres, two methadone clinics and three student health service centres/special assessment centres. There are nine community centres under the District Office, and they", "id": "10513144" }, { "contents": "Dentistry for babies\n\n\n- Oral health within the context of systemic health; - The importance of the deciduous teeth; - Non-nutritive sucking habits (thumb and pacifier); - Dental trauma: what to do if it happens; - Dental caries as a disease, and the possibility of its prevention; - Early childhood caries; - Caries prevention; - Professional treatment x home care; - How does the Baby Clinic work? Meetings occur on a regular basis. At the end of them, parents are demonstrated how to clean the baby", "id": "16532608" }, { "contents": "Dental public health\n\n\nthe education of developing clinicians all over the world. The first dental school was developed in 1828 and was followed by an ever-growing field of practice. The dental practice began with its main focus on the treatment of oral disease and branched into a wide scope of practice with many dental occupations involved. The most common form of dental clinicians are either general dentists, oral health therapists, dental therapists and dental hygienist. When desired, some of these clinicians may seek further experience in projects that may assist the dental public system", "id": "13541916" }, { "contents": "Dentistry\n\n\nthe temporomandibular joint and other supporting, muscular, lymphatic, nervous, vascular, and anatomical structures. Dentistry is often also understood to subsume the now largely defunct medical specialty of stomatology (the study of the mouth and its disorders and diseases) for which reason the two terms are used interchangeably in certain regions. Dental treatments are carried out by a dental team, which often consists of a dentist and dental auxiliaries (dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, as well as dental therapists). Most dentists either work in", "id": "8107081" }, { "contents": "Maternal health\n\n\nhealth permeates into other aspects of life, posing threats to overall well-being, if not handled timely and effectively The significance of oral health is apparent, however, many women do not receive dental services before, during, and after pregnancy, even with obvious signs of oral disease. There are several factors at play regarding pregnant women not seeking dental care, including the role of the health care system and disposition of the woman herself. There is a common misconception that it is not safe to obtain dental services while pregnant", "id": "21077786" }, { "contents": "Medical assistant\n\n\nand Dental Council as an assistant medical practitioner. In Canada, medical assistants typically complete an educational program that prepares them to perform special assisting and secretarial duties for physicians, dentists, nurses, health care facilities, and other health service providers. Instructional programs include courses in business and medical communications, medical terminology, principles of health care operations, public relations and interpersonal communications, software applications, record-keeping and filing systems, scheduling and meeting planning, policies and regulations, and professional standards and ethics. Medical assistant job responsibilities", "id": "21027670" }, { "contents": "Dental Professionals Association\n\n\n. Benefits include contracts and the industry-standard Private Fees and Wages Guide which is compiled from a survey of private fees charged by members. The DPA maintains contacts with government and others that enable it to provide a briefing service to help members reduce their business risk in the UK dental market. It also actively considers alternative dental treatment provision systems with the objective of promoting oral health in the UK. It gives evidence annually to the Review Body on Doctors and Dentists Remuneration on dentists' terms and conditions. Members receive a bimonthly", "id": "17062472" }, { "contents": "Omesh Kumar Bharti\n\n\nHealth by International People’s Health University. Bharti is the Programme Officer and Epidemiologist working at State Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Kasumpti Shimla Simultaneous to his medical practice, Bharti joined NGOs in Shimla and came across the harsh reality of rabies. Even with access to hospitals and other treatment options, the cost of rabid dog bite treatment was a hindrance. In 1995, he began a self-funded research for an alternate and affordable treatment for rabid dog bite. He innovated a technique of injecting the serum into the wound", "id": "2237415" }, { "contents": "Private health services plan\n\n\nPHSP are expenses which would otherwise qualify as medical expenses within section 118.2(2) of the Income Tax Act. Some of the basic healthcare expenditures covered by an HSA include... Drugs prescribed by a Licensed Practitioner and dispensed by a Registered Pharmacist are eligible. Vitamins and supplements (even if prescribed by a Licensed Medical Practitioner) are not an eligible medical expense. Eyeglasses, if prescribed, are eligible medical expenses. An amount paid to a dentist, dental hygienist, dental surgeon or dental mechanic for dental services provided to the patient (", "id": "15391795" } ]
Why are emotions so amplified right before bed?
[{"answer": "Maybe because you rarely reflect and you also happen to reflect at night as the day has ended and you can start thinking about life and what not."}, {"answer": "Because you're laying down and don't get distracted by things , but your thoughts. Probably also because you're tired and it's harder to 'tone down' emotions with your rational side."}, {"answer": "Total guess. Could be wrong: Nighttime is when you have a chance to reflect on your day, your decisions, etc. The typical distractions are all gone and so you have a chance to think more thoroughly about what you have experienced. There is also an evolutionary fear of the dark that exists in people and when people are afraid, their other emotions are naturally amplified as well."}, {"answer": "Im no genius on the matter but as i have been experiencing this for as long as i can remember i mostly think it has to do with two things, first of all when you go to sleep you are tired so your mind might be easier to manipulate in a way, therefore when tired and lying in bed thinking everything is a bit more extreme compared to usual with no rational thinking involved and the second reason is when you arent even tired and you still experience these extreme thoughts while lying in bed has to probably(at least i think) as others have said to do with that you are lying in bed and \"stuck\" there, you're to lazy to stand up get water to clear your mind so you just lie there in this loop of bad thoughts which just keep on getting worse over time."}, {"answer": "There are a couple of things at work here: 1) you aren't distracted by the workaday stresses of life. You have time to reflect and ponder the day, week, month, life, and so forth. 2) Your body is actually more receptive to dopamine, estrogen/androgen, and other chemicals it naturally produces during this time. It's an old evolutionary trait that allowed for us to be more alert during dangerous times, like night-time. So, in summation: no distractions and hypervigilance leads us to \"feel\" things more strongly at night."}, {"answer": "I could be wrong but maybe it has to do with the fact that not being fully awake could alter your sense of rationality and priority. Being tired makes you think differently since you aren't as alert, certain \"filters\" could be removed because you won't need them as you sleep (ie making decisions and thoughts that you may have while on autopilot shut off and you are left with the thought of everything)"}, {"answer": "I think its also to do with how tired you are mixed with the fact that once you're in bed you have no more of that day left to think about so the only thing to think about is on a larger scale e.g. *your life*."}, {"answer": "People are talking about how nighttime is a quiet time where you have nothing to do and think about your daily decisions. I want to guess that it also has to do with sleeping and dreams. Dreams have been reported to contain mostly negative emotions, specifically stress. Even in good dreams, there's still usually an element that stresses you out. \"My house was a mansion this whole time?! Aw man, why didn't I know this before? What am I going to do with all this space now? If it wasn't a mansion, would my house have been less expensive?\" During sleep, it is believed that memories formed during the day are being stored away into long term memory. Dreams are believed to be the signals that the brain picks up on and erroneously interprets as perception during this process. It seems as though stressful memories are more likely remembered, so you know how to deal with stress later, and dreams are accidentally a way for you to practice dealing with stress without the risk of failure. Also, scientists performed experiments with people falling asleep hooked up to brain scanners. During early stages of sleep, they were woken up, but they reported that they didn't feel like they even began to fall asleep at all. This suggests that awake/asleep is more like a sliding scale, and we don't always know how conscious we are. Therefore, when you try to fall asleep, your brain is probably already preparing to store away stressful memories and have a dream."}, {"answer": "Since childhood this has plagued me. My only way around it is to DDOS my bad thoughts by consciously focusing on things that occupy my brain. One of my go-tos (being a golfer) I will play every shot of every hold on a local course that I know from memory. It usually helps to keep the bad thoughts at bay."}, {"answer": "Actually, there is some evidence that emotions are not more intense when you're asleep. [Check this study out] ( URL_0 ) In your case it may be that you are thinking about other things during the day-- work, school, daytime activities, etc. At night, your mind is free and you can think of these underlying worries you have."}, {"answer": "When I'm tired my emotions, sometimes, will get the better of me. For example, something that's mildly irritating during the day will just piss me off when I'm really tired. My mom called it \"overtired\" when I was a kid."}, {"answer": "No one is giving you the scientific explanation. I don't know it myself but I know there's one (hormone I think) explanation that works too with the fact that some ideas are good at night but not the next day."}, {"answer": "It seems to me that my rational mind begins to wind down, allowing my emotional mind to take over. The worries and doubts I crowded out during the work day now become center stage. Source: Clinical Depression"}, {"answer": "Because you are tired. When you are tired you get an elevated heartrate, which mimics the effects on anxiety. Combined with doing nothing, which allows intrusive thoughts into your head."}, {"answer": "All the emotions you took in are there but you are too busy with your things during the day to let them out... until you lay down and face them."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "37940820", "title": "Emotion perception", "section": "Section::::Modes of perception.:Somatic.:Two-factor theory.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 26, "end_paragraph_id": 26, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Stanley Schachter and his doctoral student Jerome Singer formulated their theory of emotion based on evidence that without an actual emotion-producing stimulus, people are unable to attribute specific emotions to their bodily states. They believed that there must be a cognitive component to emotion perception beyond that of just physical changes and subjective feelings. Schachter and Singer suggested that when someone encounters such an emotion-producing stimulus, they would immediately recognize their bodily symptoms (sweating and elevated heart rate in the case of the grizzly bear) as the emotion fear. Their theory was devised as a result of a study in which participants were injected with either a stimulant (adrenaline) that causes elevated heart rate, sweaty palms and shaking, or a placebo. Participants were then either told what the effects of the drug were or were told nothing, and were then placed in a room with a person they did not know who, according to the research plan, would either play with a hula hoop and make paper airplanes (euphoric condition) or ask the participant intimate, personal questions (angry condition). What they found was that participants who knew what the effects of the drug were attributed their physical state to the effects of the drug; however, those who had no knowledge of the drug they received attributed their physical state to the situation with the other person in the room. These results led to the conclusion that physiological reactions contributed to emotional experience by facilitating a focused cognitive appraisal of a given physiologically arousing event and that this appraisal was what defined the subjective emotional experience. Emotions were thus a result of a two-stage process: first, physiological arousal in a response to an evoking stimulus, and second, cognitive elaboration of the context in which the stimulus occurred.", "Stanley Schachter and his doctoral student Jerome Singer formulated their theory of emotion based on evidence that without an actual emotion-producing stimulus, people are unable to attribute specific emotions to their bodily states. They believed that there must be a cognitive component to emotion perception beyond that of just physical changes and subjective feelings. Schachter and Singer suggested that when someone encounters such an emotion-producing stimulus, they would immediately recognize their bodily symptoms (sweating and elevated heart rate in the case of the grizzly bear) as the emotion fear. Their theory was devised as a result of a study in which participants were injected with either a stimulant (adrenaline) that causes elevated heart rate, sweaty palms and shaking, or a placebo. Participants were then either told what the effects of the drug were or were told nothing, and were then placed in a room with a person they did not know who, according to the research plan, would either play with a hula hoop and make paper airplanes (euphoric condition) or ask the participant intimate, personal questions (angry condition). What they found was that participants who knew what the effects of the drug were attributed their physical state to the effects of the drug; however, those who had no knowledge of the drug they received attributed their physical state to the situation with the other person in the room. These results led to the conclusion that physiological reactions contributed to emotional experience by facilitating a focused cognitive appraisal of a given physiologically arousing event and that this appraisal was what defined the subjective emotional experience. Emotions were thus a result of a two-stage process: first, physiological arousal in a response to an evoking stimulus, and second, cognitive elaboration of the context in which the stimulus occurred."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Parasitic capacitance\n\n\nThe diagram, right, illustrates how Miller capacitance comes about. Suppose the amplifier shown is an ideal inverting amplifier with voltage gain of A, and Z = C is a capacitance between its input and output. The output voltage of the amplifier is Assuming the amplifier itself has high input impedance so its input current is negligible, the current into the input terminal is So the capacitance at the input of the amplifier is The input capacitance is multiplied by the gain of the amplifier. This is the Miller capacitance. If the input", "id": "3582876" }, { "contents": "On Passions\n\n\nawareness of a disagreement between Posidonius and Chrysippus. Among the difficulties Posidonius wanted to explain were: how impulses become excessive; why different people vary in their emotional reactions; why emotions fade through time, yet judgements can remain intact; and why the manifestations of distress can be so unpredictable. In many cases the disagreement which Galen reports between Posidonius and Chrysippus may in fact have been attempts by Posidonius to refine and corroborate the Stoic position of Chrysippus. For example, Posidonius wanted to explain variations in emotional reactions: why do some", "id": "1138971" }, { "contents": "Human givens\n\n\nRochester. The exact categorisation of these needs, however, is not considered important. Needs can be interlinked and have fuzzy boundaries, as Maslow noted. What matters is a broad understanding of the scope and nature of human emotional needs and why they are so important to our physical and mental health. Humans are a physically vulnerable species that have enjoyed amazing evolutionary success due in large part to their ability to form relationships and communities. Getting the right social and emotional input from others was, in our evolutionary past, literally a", "id": "2708899" }, { "contents": "Noise temperature\n\n\nsignal is of less significance. This explains why the quality of a preamplifier or RF amplifier is of particular importance in an amplifier chain. In most cases only the noise figure of the first stage need be considered. However one must check that the noise figure of the second stage is not so high (or that the gain of the first stage is so low) that there is SNR degradation due to the second stage anyway. That will be a concern if the noise figure of the first stage plus that stage's gain", "id": "19170628" }, { "contents": "Karen Hollins\n\n\n\", describing their first scenes together, Walker said: \"First day on set, in fact first scene it was, 'Hi I'm Chris', 'Hi I'm Jan', right get into bed. So that broke the ice.\" When asked why they work so well together on the serial, he explained: \"I think that we're not precious with our own stuff and we always want to give and help each other and that's nice, and we do row very well.\"", "id": "1216284" }, { "contents": "Conatus (album)\n\n\n, so much trial and error and so much quitting music at the end of the day\", she admitted. Danilova said that the title of the album (meaning \"moving forward\" in Latin) appeared before the work on it began. \"I had it in mind beforehand because I knew that's what I was going through even before I sat down to work on the record, I was already going through that emotional process of trying to push myself\", she said. Answering the question about how and why", "id": "17686534" }, { "contents": "Psychology of collecting\n\n\na Freudian perspective when describing why people collect. They highlight the controlling and impulsive dark side to collecting, the need for people to have \"an object of desire.\" This desire, and hence the innate propensity to collect, begins at birth. The infant first desires the emotional and physical comfort of the nourishing breast, then the familiar baby blanket the child clings to for comfort and security. Stuffed animals, favorite toys are taken to bed and provide the emotional security needed to fall asleep. A sense of ownership and", "id": "16280688" }, { "contents": "Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff\n\n\nusually come back at a quarter before eight. — Is the young Frenchman, who lives at your house, still at home? — Yes, he is still at home, but in bed. — Why is he in bed so late? — He came back from the theatre at about midnight or a quarter past twelve yesterday, and now he has the head-ache. — When does he usually go out in the morning? — He usually goes out at a quarter or twenty minutes past nine. — Do", "id": "992112" }, { "contents": "In a Lonely Place\n\n\nwhy. Occasionally, very rarely, a movie feels so heartfelt, so emotional, so revealing that it seems as though both the actor and the director are standing naked before the audience. When that kind of marriage happens between actor and director, it's breathtaking.\" In 2009, film critic Roger Ebert added \"In a Lonely Place\" to his \"great movies\" list. The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 97% of critics gave the film positive reviews, with an average rating of 8.7/10, based on", "id": "8729519" }, { "contents": "Nigel Tufnel\n\n\nbefore Spinal Tap. Lenny and Squiggy were fictional characters on the TV series \"Laverne & Shirley\", and Lenny, like Spinal Tap's David St. Hubbins, was played by Michael McKean. Tufnel is especially noted for his amplifier which has numbering going \"up to eleven\", which he believes makes it louder than amplifiers that only go up to ten (\"It's one louder\"). When he is asked why the ten setting is not simply set to be louder, Nigel pauses, clearly confused, before", "id": "788295" }, { "contents": "Why So Lonely\n\n\nwhile \"touching listeners' emotions.\" Additionally, \"Dazed\" named the track the fourth best K-Pop song of 2016. \"Why So Lonely\" was a commercial success in South Korea, topping the Gaon Digital Chart and selling 271,333 digital units in its first week of release. \"To the Beautiful You\" and \"Sweet & Easy\" also charted, at numbers 30 and 41, respectively. The CD single charted at number three on the Gaon Album Chart. In the United States, \"Why So", "id": "2380139" }, { "contents": "Mouse Soup\n\n\nto get some sleep. Each time the lady mouse demands not to have any more music, the cricket thinks she said she wants more music and so calls over a lot of friends. Soon, the crickets are making so much noise with their singing that the lady mouse simply shouts at them to go away, to which the cricket wonders why she didn't say so before. After the crickets go away, the mouse goes back to bed. In the fourth story, a male police mouse comes to the home of", "id": "18580616" }, { "contents": "Nod (gesture)\n\n\nor to the right). An early survey of nodding and other gestures was \"The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals\", written by Charles Darwin in 1872. Darwin wrote to missionaries in many parts of the world asking for information on local gestures, and concluded that nodding for \"yes\" was common to many different groups. There are varying theories as to why nodding is so frequently used to indicate acceptance. One simple theory is that it is a form of bowing, indicating that one is prepared to", "id": "2924186" }, { "contents": "Soulidium\n\n\nband and their music. Commenting on influences, McKnight wrote, \"I believe that music, film, & video are siblings. Visual and audio work together to entertain, inspire, and move the spirit. Our vision for Soulidium was that we would follow no rules. We wanted to penetrate all realms where emotion is born, and that is why we choose to do this on our own before going to the right label for support. We wanted to prove that we had what people wanted before our dreams got stamped out", "id": "7634363" }, { "contents": "Amigdalae\n\n\nso that the consequent sound environment will simultaneously mirror and distort the viewer's emotional state. In the field of experimental psychology, neuropsychology and psychobiology, the process of tracking and recording cerebrum-cortical electrical activity, and its combination with other values of psychomotor activity, enables the diagnosis of the emotional responses of an individual. Psycho-physiological states are assigned to different electrical values. These variations in electrical potential can be recorded with the use of contact electrodes; in most academic situations they are connected to a signal amplifier and an", "id": "3098510" }, { "contents": "I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight\n\n\nto make my living in clubs, so I had ample opportunity to watch a lot of 'tomcats' hit on the ladies. The woman in this song says, \"Well, I don't like bars and I don't usually do this.\" It's not saying go and get into bed; it's saying skip the B.S. and all the other chapters and the heck with why we're here; let's have an understanding - this is about right this minute. We're lonely; let's talk.", "id": "16156602" }, { "contents": "Mash Off\n\n\nA+\" grade: \"Given the emotional stakes raised by Santana's outing, which happened in the scene right before this performance, and the fact that it marked the series's 300th musical performance, this marriage\" of the two Adele songs, \"Rumour Has It\" and \"Someone Like You\", was \"all the more powerful\". Moyler asserted that the number was \"perfection\" and said, \"This is why I watch \"Glee\". It is just brilliant from Mercedes first belting to the snaps", "id": "20456703" }, { "contents": "Santana Lopez\n\n\n\"Given the emotional stakes raised by Santana's outing, which happened in the scene right before this performance, and the fact that it marked the series's 300th musical performance, this marriage\" of the two Adele songs, \"Rumour Has It\" and \"Someone Like You\", was \"all the more powerful\". Brian Moyler of \"Gawker\" asserted that the number was \"perfection\" and said, \"This is why I watch \"Glee\". It is just brilliant from Mercedes first belting to the", "id": "8241424" }, { "contents": "Masterpiece (Madonna song)\n\n\nsound in the 1990s\". The lyrics were described as emotional, and was comparable to the film's love story, with the chorus as follows: \"And I'm right by your side, Like a thief in the night, I stand in front of a masterpiece. And I can't tell you why it hurts so much to be in love with a masterpiece. 'Cause after all, nothing's indestructible\". \"Masterpiece\" received generally positive reviews from music critics. Bradley Stern from MTV wrote that \"with", "id": "19269338" }, { "contents": "Arlie Russell Hochschild\n\n\nin danger of being perpetually in emotional debt to loved ones. Her latest book, \"Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right\", is based on five years of immersion research among Louisiana supporters of the Tea Party. It explores the role of emotion in politics by first posing a paradox. Why, she asks, do residents of the nation's second poorest state vote for candidates who resist federal help? Why in a highly polluted state, do they vote for politicians reluctant to regulate polluting", "id": "4063363" }, { "contents": "Anna Magnani\n\n\nit's as if you've never seen anyone laugh or cry before: has laughter ever been so burstingly joyful or tears so shatteringly sad? Tennessee Williams wrote the screenplay and based the character of Serafina on Magnani, as Williams was a great admirer of her acting abilities, and he even stipulated that the movie \"must star what \"Time\" described as 'the most explosive emotional actress of her generation, Anna Magnani.\" In his \"Memoirs\", Williams described why he insisted on Magnani playing this role:\"Anna Magnani was", "id": "17366434" }, { "contents": "Love, Lies (2016 film)\n\n\na good period to show the conflict between two female gisaeng who wanted to become top singers.\" Park concentrated on how So-yul loses herself through jealousy, the \"universal emotion\", and later finds herself and regrets her past. He said the film can be summed up by the phrase, \"Why didn't I know that before, if it was so good\". Another theme in the film is the duality that was expected of gisaeng, who were well-educated in the arts but treated as socially", "id": "9925656" }, { "contents": "Tour of Somerville\n\n\ninterview before his death in 1990, Pop recalled that “Furman wanted to sleep in his own bed for a change the night before a race, so I figured ‘why not, let’s give people something to look at.’” The elder Kugler got the necessary licenses and sanctions from cycling officials in 1939 but the one thing he didn’t count on was a snag from the state capital. “I wanted to call it a race,” he said some years later, but New Jersey law specified that no", "id": "1917574" }, { "contents": "Saint Liam\n\n\nRacing four wide, Saint Liam moved alongside Flower Alley at the top of the stretch and gradually pulled away, winning by a length. Perfect Drift closed late to finish third. Dutrow was highly emotional after the race. \"I can't explain the feeling. He gives me a feeling I've never had before. I owe him everything. He is my boy. I see him every night before I go to bed. And I'm going to miss him so much. Words just can't describe this horse.", "id": "21751252" }, { "contents": "Hello, Little Girl\n\n\nfood, that Carlos had asked her to get, one day and tells Gabrielle to be more kind to Carlos since he has changed. She even warns Gaby that if she does not treat Carlos right, other women will be willing to do so. In the end Gabrielle allows the dog to sleep with Carlos and her in their bed. Susan is becoming very emotional when Bree and Orson are moving back to their house and Mike returns home from the rehabilitation center. Julie tells Mike about Orson's admitting that he ran over", "id": "7405624" }, { "contents": "Songmaster\n\n\nSongmaster (1980) is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. The story of the \"Songmaster\" occurs in a future human empire, and follows Ansset, a beautiful young boy whose perfect singing voice has the power of amplifying people's emotions, making him both a potential healer and destroyer. He is trained in the art of singing so beautifully that his songs can express ideas and emotions more truthfully than words. This novel was based on Card's short story \"Mikal's Songbird\". The novel originated from", "id": "16588792" }, { "contents": "Guitar amplifier\n\n\nspeakers, because most genres relied on the tonal coloration of a regular guitar amplifier setup—from the preamplifier, equalization filters, power amp, guitar speakers, and cabinet design. The FRFR approach assumes the tone is shaped by sound processors in the signal chain before the amplifier and speaker stage, so it strives to not add further coloration or dedicated combo-style amplifiers with a broad frequency range. Such processors can be traditional guitar effects, a modeling amplifier (without power amplifier), or a computer running tone-shaping", "id": "14655685" }, { "contents": "Emotion (Samantha Sang song)\n\n\nvideo featured a triple split-screen effect. Rowland on the left, Knowles in the center, and Williams on the right. Rowland is seen saying goodbye to her boyfriend before he leaves in a taxi. Knowles catches her boyfriend with another woman and runs around the house in tears. Williams is with her grandmother, who has died in her bed. At the end of the video Williams calls the other group members to her home. The three girls meet there and comfort each other. The screen returns to normal.", "id": "9292805" }, { "contents": "Anna Maria Taigi\n\n\nher eyes on the cardinal. Natali asked her why she did this and she frankly responded: \"That is the future pope\". On 20 May 1836 she went to San Paolo fuori le Mura and decided it would be the final time she underwent the visit to that church to which she confided to Natali who there celebrated Mass for the two before reflecting before the Crucifix there. On 24 October 1836 she fell so ill that she was confined to her bed and she was never to rise again. On 2 June 1837", "id": "14768250" }, { "contents": "Puyi\n\n\nand the Republicans in southern China. At the crucial meeting in the Forbidden City, Puyi watched the meeting between Longyu and Yuan, which he remembered as: The Dowager Empress was sitting on a \"kang\" [platform bed] in a side room of the Mind Nature Palace, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief while a fat old man [Yuan] knelt on a red cushion before her, tears rolling down his face. I was sitting to the right of the Dowager and wondering why the two adults were crying.", "id": "10465153" }, { "contents": "Air embolism\n\n\nbe less than atmospheric and an injury may let air in. This is one reason why surgeons must be particularly careful when operating on the brain, and why the head of the bed is tilted down when inserting or removing a central venous catheter from the jugular or subclavian veins. When air enters the veins, it travels to the right side of the heart, and then to the lungs. This can cause the vessels of the lung to constrict, raising the pressure in the right side of the heart. If the pressure", "id": "6625805" }, { "contents": "Little Children (film)\n\n\nloves him before putting him to bed, writes Kathy a note explaining why he is leaving her, then sneaks out while she and her mother finish the dishes. Before he can get to the park, he is distracted by skateboarding teenagers, who convince him to try a jump himself. Brad does so, but falls and knocks himself out. When he regains consciousness, he asks the paramedics to call his wife and to meet him at the hospital. It turns out that he never left the note for her and tells", "id": "3493763" }, { "contents": "Steven Severin\n\n\nan unusual way, hitting strings \"upside down\". He stated: \"It just came naturally. Moving slowly up and down seems so passive to me considering the music was so aggressive. It's also about the precision of every single note\". Commenting his work as film composer, he said: \" I dislike [...] signposts emotions. [...] You just have to create a bed for the emotion that’s already there, to heighten it\". In the late 1990s, Severin wrote several articles", "id": "7645836" }, { "contents": "Vietnam's Next Top Model (season 7)\n\n\nthat may lead to Chau's emotional breakdown. That's why Chau felt so special to Tung, just like what happened to Lan on the 5th episode before she got fainted due to Minh's departure with Ut Trang & Nam. The next day, when Hoang Thuy arrived in the model house to talk about their improved catwalk practices for them to be equipped in the challenge before they went to Phan Thiet City sand dunes. When they practice their catwalking movement, Thuy Trang struggled, whereas Thanh & Tram, Huong, Duong", "id": "4399132" }, { "contents": "Until the Quiet Comes\n\n\nso a certain 808 can sit right in the pocket for him, and while he's finishing his edits its my job to boost just the right things by a decibel or two, and keep things sonically correct.\" He used both professional and club-oriented amplifiers and monitors to minimize harmonic distortion and maintain Flying Lotus' minimalist aesthetic, which, along with his need to find a quiet mental space, inspired the album's title: \"I wanted to set people up to this idea, before they even heard it", "id": "1519002" }, { "contents": "Up to eleven\n\n\n, played by Rob Reiner, a tour of his stage equipment. While Nigel is showing Marty his Marshall guitar amplifiers, he points out a selection whose control knobs all have a highest setting of eleven, unlike standard amplifiers whose volume settings are typically numbered from 0 to 10. Believing that this numbering increases the highest volume of the amp, he explains \"It's one louder, isn't it?\" When Marty asks why the ten setting is not simply set to be louder, Nigel hesitates before responding blankly again \"", "id": "20758275" }, { "contents": "Witzelsucht\n\n\nnon sequiturs. Two other components related to the frontal lobes contribute to the social behavior of a witzelsucht patient. Previous studies have established a connection with the right hemisphere and emotional responsiveness. The specific anatomical location is still unclear, but it was shown that the right frontal operculum was most relevant in emotional gesturing. This, combined with the dissociation between cognitive and affective stimuli can explain why patients show no reaction to humor. Personality and drawing on past experiences have been shown to influence humor processing and appreciation. A person may remember", "id": "20757992" }, { "contents": "Ti-sapphire laser\n\n\nand take the pulse out of the cavity exactly at the right moment when it has been amplified to a high intensity. The term 'chirped-pulse' refers to a special construction that is necessary to prevent the pulse from damaging the components in the laser. The pulse is stretched in time so that the energy is not all located at the same point in time and space. This prevents damage to the optics in the amplifier. Then the pulse is optically amplified and recompressed in time to form a short, localized pulse", "id": "18011991" }, { "contents": "Saw III\n\n\nman that killed his son. Meanwhile, a bed-ridden John Kramer has his apprentice Amanda Young kidnap Dr. Lynn Denlon, who is tasked with keeping John alive for one final test before he dies. Development began right after the successful opening weekend of \"Saw II\". Filming took place in Toronto from May to June 2006. Whannell aimed to make the story more emotional than previous installments, particularly with the Amanda and Jigsaw storyline. The film is dedicated to producer Gregg Hoffman who died on December 4, 2005.", "id": "12421017" }, { "contents": "Lean construction\n\n\nfor the construction of a 40 bed hotel. Benefits to the client are enormous. Figure 1: intense discussion during a programme compression workshop Before work starts, team leaders make tasks ready so that when work should be done, it can be. Why put work into production if a pre-requisite is missing? This \"MakeReady\" process continues throughout the project. Figure 2: part of a MakeReady form for documenting the process of making tasks ready (this one for use in design) There is a weekly work planning", "id": "14583641" }, { "contents": "Tsotsi\n\n\neyes show no emotion, who kills unthinkingly, and who is transformed by the helplessness of a baby. He didn't mean to kidnap the baby, but now that he has it, it looks at him with trust and need, and he is powerless before eyes more demanding than his own. [...] How the story develops is for you to discover. I was surprised to find that it leads toward hope instead of despair; why does fiction so often assume defeat is our destiny?\" \"Tsotsi\" won", "id": "11784998" }, { "contents": "InAlienable\n\n\nmaybe I could've brought something to it.\" He chose the role of antagonist Dr. Schilling instead: \"I've played heavies before — I had a recurring role on \"Babylon Five\" as one — so I'm not unfamiliar with emotional mechanisms and mechanics that go along with it.\" Hatch talked about why he accepted the role: \"It was very character-driven. It was about people and relationships. It wasn't [just] about some monster or strange creature; it was about human beings having", "id": "13268326" }, { "contents": "Pippa Black\n\n\nand her former \"Neighbours\" co-star Sweeney Young portrayed a young couple in the music video for Jacob Butler's single \"Coma\". Of appearing in the video, Black stated \"I really love the track, that's why I got on board. I've never appeared in a video clip before so it's nice to be involved in something with really relatable lyrics. I think the scenes that we shot are really dramatic and quite emotive with the music.\" On 6 July 2010, it was announced", "id": "15605798" }, { "contents": "Star Trek: Discovery (season 1)\n\n\n, with 146 different iterations of the graphics tried before the final design was chosen. Composer Jeff Russo wrote several themes for the series, in addition to the main title theme, but not necessarily for the different characters in the show as would often be done. Instead, Russo wanted to focus on the emotions of the characters over the story beats, for instance \"even when you are shooting, you’re still feeling, so why not play that as opposed to 'Oh my god, he’s got a gun,", "id": "2509177" }, { "contents": "Tower Mounted Amplifier\n\n\nin stages, with some stages producing other changes (like changing the signal's frequency). The principle can be demonstrated mathematically; the receiver's noise figure is calculated by modularly assessing each amplifier stage. Each stage consists of a noise figure (F) and an amount of amplification, or gain (G). So amplifier number 1 will be right after the antenna and described by formula_1 and formula_2. The relationship of the stages is known as the Friis formula. formula_3 Note that: Start with a typical receiver:", "id": "16730378" }, { "contents": "Why (Jason Aldean song)\n\n\nlover emotional pain. He then asks himself why he lets himself treat her wrongly, and why he takes so long to show his feelings for her. Kevin John Coyne of \"Country Universe\" gave the song a positive review, saying that it is \"interesting\" and sounds \"very real and sincere\". The music video was directed by Wes Edwards. It premiered in the week of November 14, 2005. \"Why\" debuted at number 49 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs for the week of", "id": "7493706" }, { "contents": "2015 GEICO 500\n\n\nbecause we build fast cars and they are tough. Just real emotional man. Everything is just so good for me now. My personal life. My racing. The team I am with. I don't know why. I don't feel like I deserve it. I just feel overcome with a lot of emotion. It has been a long time since I won here. I've run so good here, and not to win here in so many races has bothered me.” Following the race, Carl Edwards", "id": "18533793" }, { "contents": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)\n\n\nand Jones as \"superb,\" concluding \"Rarely does a motion picture touch the heart so deeply, with no hint of artifice or manipulation.\" Stephen Holden of \"The New York Times\" also wrote favorably of the film, commenting \"In a moment as transcendent as it is risky, the screen erupts with a volcanic emotion that cuts through the prevailing high-minded contemplation. Why risky? Because movies have become so invested in the unleashing of violent emotion and the escalation of hostility, that expressions of restraint,", "id": "22105614" }, { "contents": "Identity control theory\n\n\nthat the individual is attempting to convey the self-esteem of the individual is increased. Their disposition also becomes filled with positive emotions. Another thing that will increase positive emotions is if the people closest to the individual reassure the individual of their identity. This reassurance allows the individual to feel secure in their actions and be able to further predict the responses of others. These feelings of security allow the individual to express themselves in the manner they wish. This is why the positive emotions become so prominent for the individuals who experience", "id": "21041604" }, { "contents": "Here in Times Square\n\n\non Sunday evening. She commented on the performance for \"Time Out\" saying \"I’ve never done this before. I guess that’s where I’m at right now. I’ve never done any of it before. You’re going to get a taste of how art and activism cross over in a way that’s so emotional, so triumphant\". Keys intentionally scheduled the concert for October 9, which is the birthday of John Lennon. Stage was set up on Duffy Square part of Times Square. The day", "id": "6508848" }, { "contents": "Phaedra (Alexandre Cabanel)\n\n\nfrom the exhaustion of some heavy emotion. The luxurious fabrics on the bed are scattered and slipping off, as if the bed hadn't been made for a while. On the floor sits an expensive fur rug, its golden tones reminiscent of the shield, helmet, and sword tied to a column before Phaedra's bed. The furniture and architecture are adorned with oriental designs, creating a foreign look of drama and wealth. The light source for the painting comes from outside of the picture plane on the left, contrasting with", "id": "12111344" }, { "contents": "THD Electronics\n\n\nthey do make a soft-sided case for their amplifier heads. All THD amplifiers utilize vacuum tubes for their preamp and power amp sections. Until the release of the Flexi-50 amplifier, they were all class A (the Flexi-50 is class AB). This is why early THD UniValve prototypes were sometimes referred to as the “Pure Class A Head.” Unlike the vast majority of high-end, “boutique”-style guitar amplifiers, THD amplifiers are hand-built, but not hand-wired “point-to-point", "id": "11674496" }, { "contents": "Laure Moghaizel\n\n\nopinions were respected. One of her daughters, Nada, explained the importance for Laure that her children were introduced to literature and the arts, so she often read them poetry before bed. Her youngest son, Naji Moghaizel, was born with Down syndrome, and is one of the reasons why Laure and Joseph became involved in movements to support the disabled. One of her daughters, Jana Moghaizel, was educated as a linguist at the Sorbonne and was a published author. She came to visit her parents in Beirut for Christmas", "id": "17080582" }, { "contents": "Stuart Ross\n\n\nran until 2012. As an editor, Ross was responsible for the 2004 anthology \"Surreal Estate: 13 Canadian Poets Under the Influence\". In 2003, he issued the chapbook anthology \"My Lump in the Bed: Love Poems for George W. Bush\". In 2007, Ross was the editor for the Insomniac Press book \"Why Are You So Sad? Selected Poems of David W. McFadden\", and in 2010 for the Insomniac Press book \"Why Are You So Long and Sweet? Collected Long Poems of David McFadden", "id": "411958" }, { "contents": "Lloyd Cole (album)\n\n\nthe other half about emotional nakedness and, vulnerability. That's why it opens with the line, 'You look so good when you're depressed', because women do. It's really unfair!\" Before the album was released, Cole began publicising the album in Paris, staying on the city after enjoying a honeymoon. Large cardboard cut outs of the singer were displayed in record shops across Europe during the early days of the record release. Three singles were released for the album; 'No Blue Skies' debuted", "id": "14537448" }, { "contents": "Indradyumna\n\n\nof joy ran down AĀkūpāra’s eyes and he trembled with deep emotion. He prostrated before the King and said, “O Mighty King Indradyumna, I am blessed to have obtained sight of you after so many years. You did thousands of Yajnyas, built thousands of Yūpa-stambhas and gave away millions of cow in charity as \"dānam\". This very Sarovar was formed by the activity of the cow hooves (he gave away some many!) and that is why it bears your name.” Immediately, a", "id": "9334349" }, { "contents": "Why Does It Hurt So Bad\n\n\nBad\" was originally written by Babyface for Houston, two years prior to the release of \"Waiting to Exhale\", but Houston refused to record it at that time. \"I wasn't really in the mood for singing about why it hurts so bad,\" said Houston. Two years later, according to Chris Willman of \"Entertainment Weekly\", the emotions of the movie merged with the real-life circumstances of Houston's troubled marriage to Bobby Brown. \"Now, I'm ready to sing not only the", "id": "685671" }, { "contents": "Jane Eyre (2006 miniseries)\n\n\n. Unlike her aunt, Jane is able to forgive Mrs. Reed on her aunt’s death bed. Away from Thornfield Hall, Jane realizes with more clarity that Thornfield has indeed become a home for her, something she never had before. However, the rumours of an upcoming marriage between Blanche Ingram and Mr. Rochester disturb her immensely. Is she to leave her beloved Thornfield? In an attempt to discover Jane’s real emotions, Rochester constantly teases Jane so that she finally reveals that she loves not only Thornfield Hall but Rochester as", "id": "6201243" }, { "contents": "Diane O'Connor\n\n\n. In October, Diane becomes very angry at Ste for affair with her stepson Harry Thompson and finally knew the reasons why her daughter Sinead left the village. Right after this Diane forgives Tony, after she understands his affair with Sinead is the day of the death anniversary of his daughter Grace, and they decided to get married again. Just before the wedding, Tegan makes an emotional speech to Diane asking her how can she build her family when she's ripping apart Tegan's. Tegan then moves to leave knowing she's", "id": "20129466" }, { "contents": "Karla Homolka\n\n\n\"you have secretly undertaken an emotional relationship with another inmate, and evidence gathered seems to indicate that this relationship rapidly became sexual,\" the panel stated. On December 6, 2001, only seven days before Homolka dumped Véronneau, Meuneer said she asked Homolka why she continued her lesbian relationship while being in love with a man. Meuneer recalls Homolka saying, \"I don't let go right now because I want my clothes and I want my computer.\" According to the \"Sun\", Meuneer later began living with", "id": "52323" }, { "contents": "Healing Tide\n\n\n[...] I never talked about it. She was very confused -- Why is this guy running and ducking under the bed when he hears fireworks on the Fourth of July? Why do I find him hiding in a dark corner when the rest of the day he was so bubbly and happy? She was like, 'You've got to let me in Mike. You've got to tell me what's going on so I can make a decision if I want to roll with this.' And when she finally", "id": "3326432" }, { "contents": "Hard problem of consciousness\n\n\nprocessing, we have visual or auditory experience: the quality of deep blue, the sensation of middle C? How can we explain why there is something it is like to entertain a mental image, or to experience an emotion? It is widely agreed that experience arises from a physical basis, but we have no good explanation of why and how it so arises. Why should physical processing give rise to a rich inner life at all? It seems objectively unreasonable that it should, and yet it does. In the same", "id": "3092530" }, { "contents": "BELBIC\n\n\nwhere the ability to condition emotional reactions comes into play. Biological organisms associate innate emotional stimuli with other stimuli they encounter in the world and thus give them an emotional significance when needed. These evaluations can be monitored to operate at very specific times, specific places or when accompanied by other specific stimuli. There is another reason why these observations are so significant and that is the creation of artificial systems. These systems do not evolve over time but are designed with certain abilities from the start. Thus, their adaptability must be built", "id": "15804912" }, { "contents": "You're Welcome (Angel)\n\n\ndestroyed Cordy's character and viewer trust\", author Jennifer Crusie applauds this episode. \"The writers play fair,\" she says, \"foreshadowing the Gotcha to come\" - Cordelia is in a private room, yet hastily draws the curtains around a bed-ridden roommate, and remarks to Angel that she understands why Doyle used his \"last breath to make sure [Angel] kept fighting.\" Rather than undercutting the emotional impact of the story, the twist of Cordelia's tragic ending reinforces and honors her character.", "id": "13934481" }, { "contents": "Aldo Ray\n\n\nthis silent scene very well lying there on the bed in the same room with Judy (Holliday). Then later he did comedy scenes with her - very difficult ones - and there were also emotional sequences where he broke down and cried. They were brilliant. \"Cukor is hypersensitive to reality\", recalled Ray. \"He told me exactly what to do and why. He explains everything and he knows exactly what he wants.\" Ray's performance was much praised. \"Sight & Sound\" later commented: To", "id": "16672295" }, { "contents": "Interpersonal emotion regulation\n\n\n's own emotions through social interaction, such as seeking social support or reassurance from others. Examples include calling a friend for advice, venting to a partner about a stressful situation, or engaging in conversation as a distraction from distress. In addition to regulating negative emotions, people also seek to amplify positive emotions by sharing good news with others. As with intrapersonal emotion regulation, people typically attempt to use interpersonal emotion regulation to improve their affective state by decreasing negative emotions or increase positive emotions. Extrinsic interpersonal emotion regulation refers to the", "id": "8146340" }, { "contents": "Shake, Rattle and Roll IX\n\n\nthe overpass. Florence discovered that she too was dreaming. Marionne, having witnessed of the events before, rushed into the hospital, where she reveals the shocking truth: she and Jerome entered a near-death state already after the spell was performed; this explains why Tonton, Florence and Tatin could not feel Marionne's presence. Florence told them everything, and so as Tatin: in a flashback, Marionne's astral projection saw herself performing the spell, afterwards, she collapsed in her bed, apparently dying. Tatin shook", "id": "687318" }, { "contents": "Fender Prosonic\n\n\nso-called boutique amplifier market who were seeking more distortion than any previous Fender had ever offered. It is believed that high list prices, and deviations from established Fender amplifier designs, swayed many buyers away from the Prosonic. It developed a cult following among serious guitarists, aided by the rise of musician-centric Internet communities. The Prosonic introduced several features that had previously been seldom, or never before, seen in Fender amplifiers. Its most unusual feature is the switchable rectifier and power amplifier bias scheme, allowing on-", "id": "17560624" }, { "contents": "Analog television\n\n\n1960s-now) use the before-the-video amplifier way. In some of the early television sets (1939-45) used its own separate tuner, so there was no need for a detection stage next to the amplifier. After the video detector, the video is amplified and sent to the sync separator and then to the picture tube. At this point, we will now look at the audio section. The means of detection of the audio signal is by a 4.5MHz trap coil/transformer. After that", "id": "2088766" }, { "contents": "Multi-amp guitar rigs\n\n\ntubes: The EL84 powered class A circuits which comes from the Vox AC30 and AC15 amplifiers, The 6L6 and 6V6 powered class AB circuits which come from Fender amplifiers, and the EL34 powered class AB circuits which come from Marshall amplifiers. The sonic characteristics of these different amplifier configurations are extremely different and for a lot of guitar players it is important to have the tonal palette of all three. This is especially true for studio guitarists and is why a lot of high-end recording studios have multiple different types of guitar amplifiers", "id": "18592391" }, { "contents": "Robert Berdella\n\n\n. He then injected Howell with a heavy tranquilizer before binding the youth to his bed. Howell was restrained to Berdella's bed for a period of approximately 28 hours. Throughout this period of captivity, Berdella repeatedly drugged, tortured, raped and violated him with foreign objects, repeatedly ignoring Howell's intermittent questioning as to why he was being treated in this manner, and pleas to be freed before, according to Berdella, Jerry \"either asphyxiated on [his own] vomit, or the combination of the gag and the medicines", "id": "9177925" }, { "contents": "Patricia McKinsey Crittenden\n\n\nconscious thought. Crittenden theorised that infants using an Avoidant strategy split off emotional information about distress. Splitting off emotional information allows an infant facing insensitive caregiving to simplify the complexity of the situation with the neurological means at their disposal: they \"avoid\" expressing negative emotions when they are anxious, and in doing so avoid antagonising or alienating their attachment figure. By contrast, infants using an Ambivalent/Resistant strategy split off temporally-sequenced knowledge about how and why the attachment figure is available. If such information is ignored, then", "id": "13977307" }, { "contents": "Clotaire Rapaille\n\n\nmeaning people give to a particular product, service or relationship. Rapaille posits that sublimated emotional memories occupy a place between each individual's unconscious (Freud) and the collective unconscious of the entire human race (Jung). Rapaille Associates worked on Philip Morris's Archetype Project, an effort to study the emotional reasons why people smoke, presumably so the company could better leverage these emotions in advertising and promotions. Rapaille noted that typically peoples' first experience with smoking involved seeing an admired adult do it, and having a feeling that", "id": "273082" }, { "contents": "Two-gospel hypothesis\n\n\nLuke than vice versa. This would explain why there are more details found in Mark and Matthew but not Luke than there are details found in Mark and Luke but not Matthew. It also explains why Mark is so much shorter than Matthew and Luke, is more anecdotal and emotional, is less polished, and why only it begins immediately with Jesus’ public ministry. Peter was giving public speeches as to what he saw, and never intended his speeches to become a full gospel. This was directly asserted by the early church", "id": "1968148" }, { "contents": "Florida (30 Rock)\n\n\nhe reluctantly does. In Florida, Martha makes up a double bed for Liz and Jack, having mistaken them for a married couple. Liz sees an opportunity and challenges Jack to share the bed with her, since he is so determined that it had been perfectly ordinary between his mother and Martha. As the pair lie together, Liz wonders aloud why nothing has ever happened between her and Jack, since they have spent so much time together, and there had been occasions in the past when they'd both gotten drunk together", "id": "17195202" }, { "contents": "Brick Lane (2007 film)\n\n\nback for more money. Nazneen attends a Muslim “Unite” program during which they decide to call themselves the Bengal Tigers. Later, more sparks fly between her and Karim and he takes her to his uncle’s factory and they kiss. She begins to have an affair with Karim Finally Nazneen makes the connection that her sister is prostituting herself to get money; that is why she describes all these illicit affairs. Nazneen has an emotional breakdown during this time and she is put in bed to sleep. Chanu begins to pack", "id": "14580964" }, { "contents": "Fender Deluxe Amp\n\n\nvolumes. The Tweed Deluxe is not known for producing a clean tone at high volumes, and as such, was regarded as being an intermediate amplifier. The saturated tone this amplifier produces at higher volumes is the reason why it is one of the more famous amplifiers Fender ever produced. It is part of the signature tone for many musicians, a few notable examples being Larry Carlton, Don Felder, Billy Gibbons and Neil Young. Unusual for a Fender amplifier, the Deluxe (models 5D3 and 5E3) has a cathode biased", "id": "3662318" }, { "contents": "Musa al-Kadhim\n\n\n, \"at an hour in which I never before received his visits; he pulled me from the place where I was and would not even allow me to change my clothes. This put me in great fear. When I arrived at the palace, I found the Caliph sitting up in his bed. I saluted him, but he kept silent for some time; so my mind was much troubled and my fears greatly augmented. At length he said, 'Do you know why I sent for you at such an hour", "id": "10875339" }, { "contents": "Abraham (Hrotsvitha play)\n\n\nthat she wishes she had died before she fell into this disgraceful way of life. Abraham consoles the girl, and the three sit down for supper. When they have finished their meal, Mary tells Abraham to go to bed, where she will visit him. When Mary and Abraham enter a bedroom at the inn, Abraham tells Mary to lock the door so that no one can come in. When Abraham takes off his disguise, Mary reveals her angelic life is lost. He asks her why she deserted him without telling", "id": "11110932" }, { "contents": "Red Balloon (2010 film)\n\n\nbed and tells her she has nothing to be scared of, it is just a doll. Once in the landing, she phones a woman, supposedly Dorothy's mother, to ask whether the girl has had any trouble sleeping before and to question her on why she is so anxious of her toy rabbit. The mother has no idea what she is talking about because Dorothy has never had a large toy rabbit of which Julie has just described. A horrified Julie gasps and struggles to speak, her eyes flickering upstairs as the", "id": "3873187" }, { "contents": "Precision rectifier\n\n\nzero. It equals the actual threshold of the diode, divided by the gain of the operational amplifier. This basic configuration has a problem, so it is not commonly used. When the input becomes (even slightly) negative, the operational amplifier runs open-loop, as there is no feedback signal through the diode. For a typical operational amplifier with high open-loop gain, the output saturates. If the input then becomes positive again, the op-amp has to get out of the saturated state before positive", "id": "13925143" }, { "contents": "Every Everything: The Music, Life & Times of Grant Hart\n\n\nhe describes his close emotional friendship with William S. Burroughs is worth the price of admission on its own. Sure, there are numerous bits about Mr. Mould and Mr. Norton too, and they're mostly told with fondness for the fruit before it became poisoned. Hart's slow and deliberate retellings of his past convey an inner strength that hints at why Bechard wanted to spend so much time with him. Capping the tale with the beginnings of Hart's epic interpretation of John Milton's \"Paradise Lost\", The Argument -- Chris", "id": "14462305" }, { "contents": "Savoring\n\n\nand his colleagues), capitalizing on a positive experience by celebrating and discussing it with others. A final savoring strategy proposed by Quoidbach is positive mental time travel. This involves either reminiscing on a past positive experience or anticipating a future positive event. As mentioned earlier, trait based savoring may be expressed negatively in the form of dampening. Dampening has been classified as a savoring response in opposition to amplifying, a process that increases positive emotions by focusing on how their experiences went right. In this way, savoring may be connected", "id": "17509750" }, { "contents": "Fear processing in the brain\n\n\nsuspense induced by a different channel of information, such as language. This principle has been applied in a way in which the percept of fear was present and amplified in the presence of a neutral visual stimuli. The main idea is that the visual stimuli intensify the fearful content of the stimuli (i.e. language) by subtly implying and concretizing what is described in the context (i.e. sentence). Activation levels in the right anterior temporal pole were selectively increased and is believed to serve as a binding function of emotional information across domains", "id": "4328760" }, { "contents": "Patrick Desbois\n\n\ntrees and pick up pieces of corpses and hide them with branches in the grave so that the next Jews will not see them. And, after, arrived trucks and trucks and trucks of Jews from Rawa-Ruska.\" Following these revelations, the villagers told Desbois they had never before publicly spoken of what had happened. Many asked the priest before he left, \"Why are you coming so late? We have been waiting for you.\" In order to right the egregious wrong, Father Desbois helped found Yahad-", "id": "21052452" }, { "contents": "Blood of My Blood\n\n\nJohn Bradley (Samwell Tarly) spoke about the introduction of his family to the series, stating, \"When you see Sam with his father and mother and brother especially, he starts to make sense. The character is contextualized. Why is his psyche the way it is? Why does he behave the way he does? Ever since you first saw him, he comes from this very sincere and heartfelt maternal love, and then there's this monster. You can see why he's so damaged. His emotional life has", "id": "17890424" }, { "contents": "Audio power\n\n\n) as a '90 dB' source being driven by a 100-watt amplifier, or a '100 dB' source being driven by a 10 watt amplifier. A good measure of the 'power' of a system is therefore a plot of maximum loudness before clipping of the amplifier and loudspeaker combined, in dB SPL, at the listening position intended, over the audible frequency spectrum. The human ear is less sensitive to low frequencies, as indicated by Equal-loudness contours, so a well-designed system should be capable", "id": "12780788" }, { "contents": "Tower Mounted Amplifier\n\n\nbetween the antenna and the receiver is so lossy (too thin or too long) that the signal weakens from the antenna before reaching the receiver; therefore it may be decided to install TMAs from the start to make the system viable. In other words, the TMA can only partially correct, or palliate, the link imbalance. In a receiver, the receiving path starts with the signal originating at the antenna. Then the signal is amplified in further stages within the receiver. It is actually not amplified all at once but", "id": "16730377" }, { "contents": "Nocturnal enuresis\n\n\nwet their beds post-adolescence. Enuresis is an \"unconscious, involuntary, and nonviolent act and therefore linking it to violent crime is more problematic than doing so with animal cruelty or firesetting\". Bedwetting can be connected to emotional or physical trauma. Trauma can trigger a return to bedwetting (secondary enuresis) in both children and adults. In addition, caregivers cause some level of emotional trauma when they punish or shame a bedwetting child. This leads to a difficult distinction: it is not the bedwetting that increases the chance", "id": "17942531" }, { "contents": "Friends with Kids\n\n\npresent: a photo scrapbook of the couple, and then the three of them (that he'd made for her birthday prior, but she never received due to their abrupt parting), consistent with Julie's prior statement that Jason and Joe were her family. They reminisce over several of the photos and then put Joe to bed, after Jason says a few things about 'staying the night' (as Joe wants him to). Jason's emotional shift and words make Julie emotional and uncomfortable, so she sends Jason", "id": "21201237" }, { "contents": "Libertarian Christianity\n\n\n. So why not prohibit alcohol ... I submit that there is only one why not, and this should be no news to libertarians who presumably believe in inalienable individual rights: namely, that no one has the right to coerce anyone not himself directly engaged in an overt act of aggression against rights. Any loosening of this criterion, to include coercion against remote \"risks,\" is to sanction impermissible aggression against the rights of others. Libertarian Christians believe that this prototypical secular libertarian argument applies with equal logic to all so-", "id": "6111584" }, { "contents": "Far-right politics\n\n\n\" mind set: \"us\" being the nation's citizenry, \"them\" being the politicians and bureaucrats who were then in office. Beginning in the 1980s, the electoral successes of far-right political candidates made it possible for far-right political parties to revitalize anti-immigration as a mainstream issue. Jens Rydgren describes a number of theories as to why individuals support far-right political parties and the academic literature on this topic distinguishes between demand-side theories that have changed the \"interests, emotions, attitudes", "id": "4909366" }, { "contents": "Guitar speaker\n\n\n/mechanical impedance. Cabinets are best used when they are matched to the driver(s) being used; casual substitution of another driver which can be mounted in a cabinet will only accidentally make changes in a beneficial direction. The sound of the speaker and cabinet is crucial to the sound of the electric guitar, so much so that it needs to be considered part of the instrument's tone. If the clean signal from a guitar amplifier or pre-amplifier is captured directly (i.e., before it is sent to a speaker cabinet", "id": "10926077" }, { "contents": "Empathy\n\n\nemotions for the other, at the risk of draining away their own resourcefulness. Furthermore, an awareness of the limitations of empathic accuracy is prudent in a caregiving situation. In his 2008 book, \"How to Make Good Decisions and Be Right All the Time:Solving the Riddle of Right and Wrong\", writer Iain King presents two reasons why empathy is the \"essence\" or \"DNA\" of right and wrong. First, he argues that empathy uniquely has all the characteristics we can know about an ethical viewpoint –", "id": "8455663" }, { "contents": "Missamma (2003 film)\n\n\nforces him to tie knot to her. Before Nanda Gopal realizes it, he is in a big mess. She tortures him to such an extent that he would not even think about anything with a plain mind. Why is Meghana is behaving like a psychopath? Why did she chose Nanda Gopal as her prey? The reason behind this game is that Meghana is suffering from Cardiomyopathy and she is going to leave the world and JP corporation would be an orphan. So she is in search of a right person to hand over", "id": "21848816" }, { "contents": "Dharmendra\n\n\ncontinued to appear in many Hindi films in both leading and supporting roles. In 1997, he received the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award. While accepting the award from Dilip Kumar and his wife Saira Banu, Dharmendra became emotional and remarked that he had never won any Filmfare award in the Best Actor category despite having worked in so many successful films and nearly a hundred popular movies. Speaking on this occasion Dilip Kumar commented, \"Whenever I get to meet with God Almighty, I will set before Him my only complaint – why did", "id": "6033724" }, { "contents": "Brant Pinvidic\n\n\n,\" was selected as an editor's pick. He also wrote the articles \"Don't Make Your Employees Your Emotional Partners: You'll Regret It\" and \"3 Keys to Choosing the Right Side Hustle\". In 2015, Pinvidic's film \"Why I'm Not on Facebook\" won a Manhattan Film Festival Award. In 2016, his film \"Why I'm Not on Pokémon Go\" won multiple awards, including Best Documentary Short at the Hollywood Boulevard Film Festival, Best Documentary Short Film at the Move Me", "id": "4001468" }, { "contents": "LEAK\n\n\nthat made extensive use of negative feedback to achieve very high performance. This approach had been patented by Harold Black of Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1934, and already used before that by Alan Blumlein of EMI, but it was slow to emerge as popular method for controlling amplifier performance. In September 1945 the company released the first of the \"Point One\" series of amplifiers, so named because the total harmonic distortion was 0.1% at rated output. This represented a major leap forward in accepted standards for high-performance amplifiers (", "id": "6761731" }, { "contents": "The Theory of Moral Sentiments\n\n\nin the presence of those with \"contrary\" emotions. Smith argues that this pleasure is not the result of self-interest: that others are more likely to assist oneself if they are in a similar emotional state. Smith also makes the case that pleasure from mutual sympathy is not derived merely from a heightening of the original felt emotion amplified by the other person. Smith further notes that people get more pleasure from the mutual sympathy of negative emotions than positive emotions; we feel \"more anxious to communicate to our friends\"", "id": "1015068" }, { "contents": "Hulk (Ultimate Marvel character)\n\n\n; however references made in the first issue of the Ultimates could be taken to reconcile some of this. Whereas the Marvel Universe Hulks are characters in their own right, Millar's Ultimate Universe Hulk is intended purely as a mirror of Banner – a creature of pure rage and id, which simply incorporates the base emotions that Ultimate Banner represses, and amplifies them to absurd degrees. Unlike previous versions of the Hulk, he is primarily a villainous menace than an superhero and is also cannibalistic. Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was one", "id": "21055673" } ]
Why do wounds itch when healing, prompting us to scratch and potentially re-damage the area?
[{"answer": "Part of the healing process is removing any potential pathogens that may have gotten into the wound, so there is an inflammatory response at the site of injury. More blood flows to the area and more white blood cells are recruited to kill stuff, and in the process release different chemicals that cause you to be itchy, like histamine."}, {"answer": "I'm a physician. I work part-time in a wound center. We treat chronic non-healing wounds. Part of the treatment algorithm is debridement, or removing non-viable tissue from the wound so it can heal faster. So if there's a big dead nasty scab on it, or a slimy film on it, it should all come off. My theory is that itching is the body's way of causing us to debride our wounds ourselves, and thereby speed healing."}, {"answer": "An evolutionary biology theory: Bigger wounds actually need to be scraped out and cleaned every now and then, itchiness is a reminder to do that."}, {"answer": "Shoutout to OP with the summary edit. He's not the OP we deserve, but the OP we need."}, {"answer": "The itching of a wound is nothing that should worry us. It is a good sign and shows that the injury is in the healing process.Our body is like a coordinated organization in which each cell has its function and task. In order to coordinate processes that cells communicate to each other via little messengers (Semiochemicals). These biochemical substances tell the cells what is going on and what to do. Now in case of an injury, let's say a scrape on your arm, this organization of cells goes out of balance for a short moment. Many repair cells are suddenly activated, that need to restore the skin. The cells have to be really quick in doing so, to ensure the fastest possible healing process. To avoid blood loss and an increased risk of infection, the cells must be reinforced and, most of all, quickly communicate with each other. The messangers (Histamine) have a little side effect, which is causing itchiness. Since the wound is very sensitive, it is irritated by these messengers. Thus we feel the itch. ;)"}, {"answer": "Just as a general point about evolution, not every individual trait is positive; A negative trait could be an unintended result of a different, positive trait. Take this itching thing. As others have pointed out it's caused by part of the immune system response to an injury. This immune response is very positive for preventing infection, so it has to stay. Now not itching at all is negative, if you didn't itch at all that would prevent you from knowing that insects were biting you etc. so itching in general has to stay too. Evolving a combination of not itching specifically on wounds without losing either of those 2 other traits (which would be worse than scratching a wound) is probably too much of a leap for natural selection so it hasn't happened yet."}, {"answer": "The itchiness in healing wounds is caused by the same substance that causes itchiness in mosquitoes and other insect bites: histamine. Histamine is a protein involved in the body's inflammatory response to pain and it allows white blood cells to pass through the blood vessels to the attack infection in a wound. However, it also causes irritation to the nerve endings in the affected area, causing us to scratch. The itching can be reduced by applying a cold compress which numbs the nerve endings in the wounded area, or by taking anti-histamines (found in many anti-allergy medications) which block the brain's sensitivity to those irritated nerve endings."}, {"answer": "I always liked to think that the itching was our brain test firing the nerves in the area kind of like a live healing update. This most likely has no basis in fact. But it's interesting to wonder if even the most innocuous things fit into some evolutionary design."}, {"answer": "In animals the instinct is not so much to scratch as to lick. This would clean the wound with antibacterial saliva rather than ripping it open. We're just too dumb to use our tongues and use dirty nails instead."}, {"answer": "I think a more interesting question is why does scratching an itch feel so good, even when scratching so hard as to cause an abrasion."}, {"answer": "Either I'm in the minority who understood what you're asking, or I'm way off base. The answer to why our bodies do anything is: Either natural selection bred it in it because it helps us survive, or it has no meaningful negative impact on our survival so natural selection didn't bother to breed it out. In this case, I'm guessing the latter -- the itching is a side-effect of a needed process and most of us likely have always had enough sense to not pick at a wound enough to cause death/sterility, so it stuck around. Edit: By \"bred it in/out\" I mean that the genes causing the trait occurred (arguably by random) in an individual or family line, and if they made a difference in whether the individual(s) survived to breed, and whether that offspring carrying the genes had the same breeding advantage/disadvantage, the genes would spread or die out. Trust me. I went to college."}, {"answer": "People are missing the point. OP is asking an evolutionary reason, not a chemical reason. Is like answering \"why do we get a boners\" with \"because an increase of blood flow to your penis\". I remember reading an answer to this a long time ago on /r/askscience. I'm not sure if it's correct, since the question had very little answers, and it didn't have any source. > During the time at which mammals developed this response, it was commonplace for parasitic insects to remain attached to the body for some time, the itch would be an indicator to the host that something is biting it. Insects evolve faster than we do, however, and most insects will now have long departed by the time you notice the itch. Essentially however, it is to make sure that whatever caused it has gone. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I remember watching a video in my high school science class where it said something along the lines about that in small wounds, like cuts and scrapes, the skin is growing underneath the scab while the scab is protecting the new skin from getting reopened. However, the body then wants the scab off since the new skin underneath is ready, so there is some kind of response or signal where the injured site becomes itchy you scratch the scab off. I figured this was true since if you pick at a scab before it is ready, it bleeds again. If you just wait until it's ready and starts itching, the outer edges itch the most and come off the fastest. Over the next several days the itchiness continues and the scab becomes smaller and smaller until one day it completely comes off."}, {"answer": "I propose a far simpler answer even beyond simply due to dry skin and the fact that scabs are not flexible like live skin. It could also play a role in healing since scabs tend to get itchy, if at all, when the wound and scab is old. In order to remove the scab which served its purpose and allow the area to dry out and heal properly it has to be removed, what better way for the scab to be removed than an animal scratching at it...yes, that includes you too."}, {"answer": "a common mistake is to assume that there is a reason for anything. Evolution works the other way round. Organisms behave in certain ways which vary, sometimes by mutations, and those traits hang around unless they are detrimental. mutations are almost always detrimental, but sometimes they are beneficial. there is no reason. it may just be neutral from a fitness point of view."}, {"answer": "I know I'm late to the party, but here is a great article that explains the connection between itching and physical pain, and it may help your understanding: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Here's a little bitcoin tip for bothering to edit in a very nice summary. If only everyone did that! 500 bits /u/changetip verify"}, {"answer": "Good on ya for editing your post to include possible answers as they were presented. Good guy op."}, {"answer": "Itching early in the wound healing process is created from histamine. Histamine has been scientifically proven to increase the rate of healing. But it does not itself cause the itching - it causes inflammation and this makes your nerves go nuts. Your skin is covered in nerves and cells that cause the itching sensation from either mechanical motion (bugs, wind, etc), chemical interaction (irritants), and very low-voltage electrical signals. A scientist discovered that the voltage at the base of a wound is different from the regular voltage of the skin elsewhere. Why this is the case is up for debate but the mechanism at work here is that new nerve cells can follow this ever-decreasing electrical signal so they know where to go. Once there and bonded with other nearby cells the wound slowly pulls itself closed. Or if this is early in the process the bonds are stretched and pulled at by the histamine-aided inflammation and produces the same result. Both the inflammation and the repair cause a small variation in the electrical signal and simulate motion. The inflammation or removal of inflammation is the movement and the nerve cells getting the local voltage back to normal is the electrical. Combined, these make your wounds itch like a motherfucker. There may be other things at play here but this is what we can prove."}, {"answer": "Itching is a product of / related to biologically nerve endings that deal with pain. When those nerve endings heal they cause an itching sensation as they are coming back to life so to speak. The associated itching that comes with consumption of opiates is identical to the itch and pleasant sensations of scratching that itch when it is from a healing wound. Touching yourself to scratch the itch in both cases causes more itching along with the pleasurable sensation of dealing with the itch until in the case of healing wounds they become overstimulated and begin to register pain. Could be totally wrong"}, {"answer": "Besides for the scientific reason of the release of histamine in your brain. One possible explanation that I always liked was when something is scabbing over from an open wound, the bodies natural defense is to itch it because if there were something inside of it such as dirt it is telling you to get it out. A good example is if you get a tattoo, during the healing process the tattoo gets extremely itchy. This may be because your body is telling you to itch the unknown substance (the ink) out of your skin to further protect yourself."}, {"answer": "I love posts like this. They're like \"sometimes things don't work out in the most perfect way possible and a minor trouble occurs. Why?\" Well, nothing is perfect and sometimes things suck. Evolution doesn't owe you one. Yes, sometimes you can't sleep though you were tired a minute before. You won't die because of this, it will just suck for like fifteen minutes. That's all. Same with this topic. Evolution isn't perfect. It's trial and error. And most things just kinda work so they don't change, even if they have flaws"}, {"answer": "when the skin is healing around a wound scabs and hard skin come into play to basically stint the cut: hold the skin still as its slowly drawn together. healthy skin around this stationary area continues to move normally, which pulls gently around the wound setting off mild touch/pain sensations (feels like an itch) its actually the skin around the wound thats itching so scratch the skin on both sides instead of right on the cut and you'll feel much better"}, {"answer": "I wish I could *find* the damn article, but I remember a few years back reading something about how pulling off scabs at least slightly before they fall off on their own can lead to less scarring - suggesting that the itch is potentially a means of reducing scarring."}, {"answer": "**Itching is a form of pain.** If 0 is no pain at all and 10 is most painful thing imaginable, then itching is somewhere between 0 and 1. Itching is a form of pain. But it's so small in intensity we normally don't qualify it as outright painful."}, {"answer": "slightly related to this, I have a bunch of insect bites (because they all hate me) and they are all super duper itchy, but why is it that the itching is in the area 2-3cm from the bite itself rather than where the actual bite is?"}, {"answer": "The wound closes in a clot. Extending from the clot are strands of clot. This brings white blood cells into the tissue. They cause the tissue around the wound to swell and itch. As these white blood cells leave, the symptoms resolve."}, {"answer": "\"...Evolution isn't perfect....\" It's perfect for the poison oak that wants to kill off its human predators by causing them to scratch all their skin off, though. ;-)"}, {"answer": "Unless you believe in intelligent design, there won't necessarily be a reason. Evolution does not warrant a valid explanation for all our inner workings."}, {"answer": "My bf's mom used to be a nurse. She's always said that itching is the lowest form of pain."}, {"answer": "Thank you for putting helpful answer in the box afterwards op, makes it easier to find an answer."}, {"answer": "Nobody knows. Itching itself is a scientific mystery, and all hypotheses regarding it are considered weak conjecture."}, {"answer": "I like this OP, he encouraged my laziness by putting the answers in his original post."}, {"answer": "Similarly: why do many of us have an urge to pick at wounds? Seems very counter-productive."}, {"answer": "It reminds you that it's time to patch it up. You're outdated."}, {"answer": "Maybe its nature telling you to lick it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "37845865", "title": "Insult (medical)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In medical terms, an insult is the cause of some kind of physical or mental injury. For example, a burn on the skin (the injury) may be the result of a thermal, chemical, radioactive, or electrical event (the insult). Likewise sepsis and trauma are examples of foreign insults, and encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors are examples of insults to the brain. Insults may also be categorized as either genetic or environmental.", "In medical terms, an insult is the cause of some kind of physical or mental injury. For example, a burn on the skin (the injury) may be the result of a thermal, chemical, radioactive, or electrical event (the insult). Likewise sepsis and trauma are examples of foreign insults, and encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors are examples of insults to the brain. Insults may also be categorized as either genetic or environmental."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Athlete's foot\n\n\na condition called onychomycosis. Because athlete's foot may itch, it may also elicit the scratch reflex, causing the host to scratch the infected area before they realize it. Scratching can further damage the skin and worsen the condition by allowing the fungus to more easily spread and thrive. The itching sensation associated with athlete's foot can be so severe that it may cause hosts to scratch vigorously enough to inflict excoriations (open wounds), which are susceptible to bacterial infection. Further scratching may remove scabs, inhibiting the healing process", "id": "99141" }, { "contents": "Imago therapy\n\n\nThe brain's unconscious drive is to repair damage done in childhood, and the needs that were not met by finding a partner who can give us what our caretakers failed to provide. This is why people often form relationships with partners who reflect traits of their own parents. Peoples unconscious drives them towards this to seek healing and to resolve unresolved childhood wounds, in order to grow. In this way, wounds received from their parents, tend to be re-stimulated by new adult partners and potential future partners. The re", "id": "102747" }, { "contents": "Wound healing assay\n\n\nA wound healing assay is a laboratory technique used to study cell migration and cell–cell interaction. This is also called a scratch assay because it is done by making a scratch on a cell monolayer and capturing images at regular intervals by time lapse microscope. It is specifically a 2D cell migration approach to semi-quantitatively measure cell migration of a sheet of cells. This scratch can be made through various approaches, such as mechanical, thermal, or chemical damage. The purpose of this scratch is to produce a cell-", "id": "11936339" }, { "contents": "Prurigo nodularis\n\n\n, picking, or rubbing of the nodules may result in permanent changes to the skin, including nodular lichenification, hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, and skin thickening. Unhealed, excoriated lesions are often scaly, crusted or scabbed. Many patients report a lack of wound healing even when medications relieve the itching and subsequent scratching. Patients often: Diagnosis is based on visual examination and the presence of itching. A skin biopsy is often performed to exclude other diseases. Lesion biopsies usually show light inflammation, sometimes with increased numbers of eosinophils, in", "id": "11842910" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nused is UVB. Sometimes scratching relieves isolated itches, hence the existence of devices such as the back scratcher. Often, however, scratching can intensify itching and even cause further damage to the skin, dubbed the \"itch-scratch-itch cycle.\" The mainstay of therapy for dry skin is maintaining adequate skin moisture and topical emollients. In 1660, German physician Samuel Hafenreffer defined itch. Approximately 280 million people globally, 4% of the population, have difficulty with itchiness. This is comparable to the 2–3% of", "id": "1020009" }, { "contents": "Psychogenic alopecia\n\n\nplastic anti-lick collar, it may use the edge of the collar to grind against existing wounds, making them worse. A soft anti-lick collar will become less effective as it is kicked out of the shape by the cat's hind leg, and will need prompt replacement. The cat can sanitize the wound if the collar is removed for daily short periods of time, also giving the cat an opportunity for an overall grooming. Scratches and wounds can heal completely using this method. When the cat stops wearing the", "id": "14146955" }, { "contents": "Argument\n\n\nthe generalities that a) fleas often cause itching, and b) that one often scratches to relieve itching. The difference is in the intent: an argument attempts to settle whether or not some claim is true, and an explanation attempts to provide understanding of the event. Note, that by subsuming the specific event (of Fred's cat scratching) as an instance of the general rule that \"animals scratch themselves when they have fleas\", Joe will no longer wonder \"why\" Fred's cat is scratching itself.", "id": "2467274" }, { "contents": "Wound healing assay\n\n\n, it's susceptible to 'ragged' edge boundaries, which make analyzing data more difficult. Also, the damage could physically damage the cells adjacent to the wound and create inaccurate wound size areas. This limitation is slowly becoming less of an issue with automated technologies.  The Electric Cell Impendance Sensing assays utilize to prevent damage to the cells in the underlying extracellular matrix that can likely happen with the manual scratching approaches. Additionally, the Woundmaker makes fast and uniform wounds across various numbered well-plates options (96 or 384)", "id": "11936342" }, { "contents": "Mucuna pruriens\n\n\n\"M. pruriens\" are sometimes smoked. The hairs lining the seed pods contain serotonin and the protein mucunain which cause severe itching when the pods are touched. The calyx below the flowers is also a source of itchy spicules and the stinging hairs on the outside of the seed pods are used in some brands of itching powder. Scratching the exposed area can spread the itching to other areas touched. Once this happens, the subject tends to scratch vigorously and uncontrollably and for this reason the local populace in northern Mozambique refer to the", "id": "9282899" }, { "contents": "Pityriasis rosea\n\n\nitching. Steroids do provide relief from itching, and improve the appearance of the rash, but they also cause the new skin that forms (after the rash subsides) to take longer to match the surrounding skin color. While no scarring has been found to be associated with the rash, scratching should be avoided. It's possible that scratching can make itching worse and an itch-scratch cycle may develop with regular scratching (that is, you itch more because you scratch, so you scratch more because you itch, and", "id": "10047282" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\ntraditionally been regarded as a way to relieve oneself by reducing the annoying itch sensation. However, there are hedonic aspects to scratching, as one would find noxious scratching highly pleasurable. This can be problematic with chronic itch patients, such as ones with atopic dermatitis, who may scratch affected spots until they no longer produce a pleasant or painful sensation, instead of when the itch sensation disappears. It has been hypothesized that motivational aspects of scratching include the frontal brain areas of reward and decision making. These aspects might therefore contribute to", "id": "1019996" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\nbody to mediate alcohol-induced gastric and intestinal damage as well as alcohol flushing, it is possible that elevated levels of histamine might have a correlation with referred itch (or even itch in general). An itch, also known as pruritus, is classified as a sensory stimulation to scratch a certain area of the skin. An itch can be a fleeting sensation, as with a random tickle or prick, or persistent, as with a rash such as eczema or other skin irritant such as an allergen. Itch has been", "id": "20943667" }, { "contents": "Xerotic eczema\n\n\n. The first method that should be taken when treating xerotic eczema is attempting to re-hydrate the dry skin using a humidifier and bathing/showering less frequently in warm water. Mild and moisturizing soaps should be used to prevent further irritation. Avoiding scratching the affected area and applying anti-itch or moisturizing lotion frequently would also help in reducing dryness. If the re-hydration process does not alleviate the symptoms, moisturizers such as Lac-Hydrin 5% or 12% moisturizer containing urea can be used; furthermore, if", "id": "102980" }, { "contents": "Rhinoplasty\n\n\nquality of the color and of the texture of the replacement skin (epithelium). Healing by secondary intention (re-epithelialisation) occurs even when the wound extends to the nasal bone. Although the rate of healing depends upon the patient's wound-healing capacity, nasal wounds measuring up to 10 mm in diameter usually heal in at 4-weeks post-operative. Nonetheless, one potential, but rare, complication of this nasal correction approach is the formation of a medial canthal web, which can be corrected with two (2", "id": "2689665" }, { "contents": "Wound healing assay\n\n\nmaking quantifying data simple. To measure the cell migration rate, one can use a standard microscope or there are other more sophisticated live-imaging software such as MetaMorph or IncuCyte. This software isn’t necessary but it does ensure more accurate results as it captures the same location in each well for each timepoint and is much more convenient than having to do it manually with a standard microscope. One limitation of this assay is that there could be inconsistencies with the depth and size of the scratch.  When the scratch is done manually", "id": "11936341" }, { "contents": "Hypertrophic scar\n\n\nformation. When a normal wound heals, the body produces new collagen fibres at a rate which balances the breakdown of old collagen. Hypertrophic scars are red and thick and may be itchy or painful. They do not extend beyond the boundary of the original wound, but may continue to thicken for up to six months. They usually improve over one or two years, but may cause distress due to their appearance or the intensity of the itching; they can also restrict movement if they are located close to a joint. Some", "id": "17079557" }, { "contents": "Dental trauma\n\n\nA radiograph can be taken to identify any potential foreign objects. Gingivae lacerations that are small normally heals spontaneously and do not require any intervention. However, this can be one of the clinical presentation of an alveolar fracture. Gingivae bleeding especially around the margins may suggest injury to the periodontal ligament of the tooth. The facial nerve and parotid duct should be examined for any potential damage when the buccal mucosa is involved. Deep tissue wounds should be repaired in layers with sutures that are resorbable. Trauma to primary teeth occurs most commonly", "id": "11306417" }, { "contents": "Maelstrom (role-playing game)\n\n\npermanent loss of digits, or limbs. Using the advanced rules a character may well collapse from particular types of mortal wounds, or in combat from sheer exhaustion, especially if wearing heavy armour. They could suffer cuts, bruises or a variety of serious injuries from their opponents' (or their own) weapons. In \"Maelstrom\", wounds are recorded separately and heal in parallel. Damage is rated on a numerical scale, a knife doing 1–6 damage for instance. When the sum of a character's wounds exceed his", "id": "17269036" }, { "contents": "Trichophyton\n\n\nthe host to itch, which may elicit the scratch reflex, which directs the host to scratch. Scratching directly transfers fungi and dead skin particles that are infested with the fungi to the fingers and under the finger nails. From there they can be transmitted to other parts of the host's body when the host touches or scratches those. Scratching also damages skin layers, making it easier for the fungi to spread at the site of the infection. If the fungi and infested debris are not washed from the fingers and fingernails soon", "id": "21930962" }, { "contents": "The Camp (1967 play)\n\n\n. Frank and Emma then tell Martin that they indeed were playing a prank on him and that Emma chooses to shave her head, does not have an itch, and enjoyed the joke very much. The act ends on Frank pressuring Martin into saying he also had fun and Emma falling to the floor in a fit of uncontrollable scratching. Emma and Martin are performing duties and, although it is not revealed exactly why they are doing these tasks, Emma does say that \"they left us here to work.\" Martin is", "id": "13599374" }, { "contents": "Seroma\n\n\n) and wound healing have a chance for a permanent bond between the layers. Liposuction contributes to seroma formation. When liposuction is done in conjunction with creating a \"flap\", and potential space is confluent with the liposuctoined area, there is a greater risk of seroma. Effective use of preventive measures will minimize the risk. 2. Non-surgical: Prevention of movement between the layers allows the tentative initial bond of Fibrin to be reinforced by wound healing with a thin, strong, layer of scar. Avoiding certain positions", "id": "12045759" }, { "contents": "Lichen simplex chronicus\n\n\nhas a psychosomatic origin. Those predisposed to itch as a response to emotional tensions may be more susceptible to the itch-scratch cycle. It may also be associated with nervousness, anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. Many people with LSC are aware of the scratching they do during the day, but they might not be aware of the scratching they do in their sleep. LSC is also associated with atopy, or atopic dermatitis (eczema) and an increase of histamine levels. LSC is typically diagnosed by careful observation", "id": "19595005" }, { "contents": "Epidemic typhus\n\n\nhygiene which leads to a greater density of lice, this reactivation is why typhus forms epidemics in times of social chaos and upheaval. Feeding on a human who carries the bacterium infects the louse. \"R. prowazekii\" grows in the louse's gut and is excreted in its feces. The disease is then transmitted to an uninfected human who scratches the louse bite (which itches) and rubs the feces into the wound. The incubation period is one to two weeks. \"R. prowazekii\" can remain viable and virulent in the", "id": "2302388" }, { "contents": "Cutaneous larva migrans\n\n\ndisease is also somewhat ambiguously known as \"ground itch\" or (in some parts of the Southern USA) \"sandworms\", as the larvae like to live in sandy soil. Another vernacular name is plumber's itch. The medical term CLM literally means \"wandering larvae in the skin\". The infection causes a red, intensely pruritic (itchy) eruption. The itching can become very painful and if scratched may allow a secondary bacterial infection to develop. Cutaneous larva migrans usually heals spontaneously over weeks to months and has", "id": "7129609" }, { "contents": "Mastocytosis\n\n\nimmune defense system to areas of the body where they are needed. Mast cells seem to have other roles as well. Because they gather together around wounds, mast cells may play a part in wound healing. For example, the typical itching felt around a healing scab may be caused by histamine released by mast cells. Researchers also think mast cells may have a role in the growth of blood vessels (angiogenesis). No one with \"too few\" or no mast cells has been found, which indicates to some scientists", "id": "15836169" }, { "contents": "Scar\n\n\nstiff. This fibroblast proliferation also contracts the tissue. In unwounded tissue, these fibers are not overexpressed with thick collagen and do not contract. Mammalian wounds that involve the dermis of the skin heal by repair not regeneration (except in 1st trimester inter-uterine wounds and in the regeneration of deer antlers). Full thickness wounds heal by a combination of wound contracture and edge re-epitheliasation. Partial thickness wounds heal by edge re-epithelialisation and epidermal migration from adnexal structures (hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands.", "id": "1281920" }, { "contents": "Toothed whale\n\n\nare usually successful in winter, but rarely inflict any damage in summer. For most of the smaller species of dolphins, only a few of the larger sharks, such as the bull shark, dusky shark, tiger shark, and great white shark, are a potential risk, especially for calves. Dolphins can tolerate and recover from extreme injuries (including shark bites) although the exact methods used to achieve this are not known. The healing process is rapid and even very deep wounds do not cause dolphins to hemorrhage to death", "id": "16851343" }, { "contents": "Pruritus ani\n\n\ntags (abnormal local growth of anal skin). Aside from diseases relative to the condition, a common view suggests that the initial cause of the itch may have passed, and that the illness is in fact prolonged by what is known as an itch-scratch-itch cycle. It states that scratching the itch encourages the release of inflammatory chemicals, which worsen redness, intensifies itchiness and increases the area covered by dry skin, thereby causing a snowball effect. Some authorities describe “psychogenic pruritus” or \"functional itch disorder", "id": "4677165" }, { "contents": "Chronic wound\n\n\n, for which they use an enzyme called myeloperoxidase. The enzymes and ROS produced by neutrophils and other leukocytes damage cells and prevent cell proliferation and wound closure by damaging DNA, lipids, proteins, the extracellular matrix (ECM), and cytokines that speed healing. Neutrophils remain in chronic wounds for longer than they do in acute wounds, and contribute to the fact that chronic wounds have higher levels of inflammatory cytokines and ROS. Since wound fluid from chronic wounds has an excess of proteases and ROS, the fluid itself can inhibit", "id": "1205491" }, { "contents": "Wrong Kind of Stone Age\n\n\nrecorded with Pelican Daughters, and Itch-e & Scratch-e (formed by Andy Rantzen and Paul Mac), in the early 1990s; she is creating new material as Princess Universe. Itch-e & Scratch-e, with Miriam, won an Aria award for their track \"Sweetness and Light\" (Itch-E & Scratch-E, \"Itch-E Kitch-E Koo\", Second Nature/Volition, 1993). Wrong Kind of Stone Age samples are also used on Pelican Daughters recordings", "id": "12596229" }, { "contents": "An Itch in Time\n\n\nElmer threatens to give the dog a bath if he witnesses him scratching again, which the dog - thinking about how much he hates baths - promises not to do. A. Flea continues searching for and measuring out various selections of the dog's person; he makes use of pickaxes, jackhammers and even explosives while the dog tries to withstand the itching and the overall pain. At one point, he deliberately angers the cat in order to enjoy the claws scratching his back. An angry-looking Elmer catches them and they both", "id": "14870680" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nthe compulsive nature of itch and scratching. Events of \"contagious itch\" are very common occurrences. Even a discussion on the topic of itch can give one the desire to scratch. Itch is likely to be more than a localized phenomenon in the place we scratch. Results from a study showed that itching and scratching were induced purely by visual stimuli in a public lecture on itching. The sensation of pain can also be induced in a similar fashion, often by listening to a description of an injury, or viewing an injury", "id": "1019997" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nItch (also known as pruritus) is a that causes the desire or reflex to scratch. Itch has resisted many attempts to be classified as any one type of sensory experience. Itch has many similarities to pain, and while both are unpleasant sensory experiences, their behavioral response patterns are different. Pain creates a withdrawal reflex, whereas itch leads to a scratch reflex. Unmyelinated nerve fibers for itch and pain both originate in the skin; however, information for them is conveyed centrally in two distinct systems that both use the same", "id": "1019994" }, { "contents": "7.62×39mm\n\n\nexit wound will result, which takes longer to heal. Additionally, when the stretch cavity intersects a stiff organ like the liver, it will cause damage to that organ. However, the wounding potential of M67 is mostly limited to the small permanent wound channel the bullet itself makes, especially when the bullet yaws (tumbles). Commercial Russian-made 7.62×39mm ammunition, such as those sold under the Wolf Ammunition brand name, are also available in full metal jacket (FMJ), soft-point (SP) and", "id": "2738310" }, { "contents": "Dermatitis herpetiformis\n\n\nnext stage, the skin lesions transform into obvious vesicles and papules that are likely to occur in groups. Healing of the lesions is the last stage of the development of the symptoms, usually characterized by a change in the skin color. This may result in areas of the skin turning darker or lighter than the color of the skin on the rest of the body. Because of the intense itching, patients usually scratch, which may lead to the formation of crusts. In terms of pathology, the first signs of the condition", "id": "16047225" }, { "contents": "Itching ears\n\n\near\" to show that pupils, not the teachers are the ones seeking doctrine aside from Apostolic teaching. Matthew Poole describes the cause and effect of an \"itching ear\": In chapter 4 verse 4, Paul writes: Paul uses the word \"fables\" (μύθους) to describe the remedy that people seek in order to scratch their itching ears. However, Paul continues to fulfill the analogy in chapter 4 verse 5 by contrasting Timothy's ministry from these fables. Paul calls Timothy to \"do the work of an", "id": "15787977" }, { "contents": "Applications of 3D printing\n\n\nscratch any itches, wash and ventilate the damaged area. They can also be recycled. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) has been used to create microstructures with a three-dimensional internal geometry. Sacrificial structures or additional support materials are not needed. Structure using polylactic acid (PLA) can have fully controllable porosity in the range 20%–60%. Such scaffolds could serve as biomedical templates for cell culturing, or biodegradable implants for tissue engineering. 3D printing has been used to print patient-specific implant and device for medical use.", "id": "15416723" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\nReferred itch is the phenomenon in which a stimulus applied in one region of the body is felt as an itch or irritation in a different part of the body. The syndrome is relatively harmless, though it can be irritating, and healthy individuals can express symptoms. Stimuli range from a firm pressure applied to the skin – a scratch – to irritation or pulling on a hair follicle on the skin. The referred sensation itself should not be painful; it is more of an irritating prickle leading to the compulsion to scratch the area", "id": "20943655" }, { "contents": "Haptotaxis\n\n\npeptides may help in healing several diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hemophilia A and B deficienceies, and Parkinson’s disease. The haptoctatic molecules would play a role in healing by restricting other bioengineered cells that have the ability to produce the needed cell products to the desired area of the body where therapy is needed. This application can also be used in wound healing, where increased numbers of fibroblasts and keratinocytes aid in wound re-granularization, thus decreasing overall healing time. In regard to prosthetics, making the prosthetic device incorporate successfully", "id": "3808445" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\n. The stimulus and referred itch are ipsilateral (the stimulus and the referred itch occur on the same side of the body). Also, because scratching or putting pressure on the referred itch does not cause the stimulus area to itch, the relationship between the stimulus and the referred itch is unidirectional. The itching sensation is spontaneous and can cease with continued stimulation. There are two types of referred itch: normal and acquired (pathological). Normal mitempfindung is usually detected in early childhood and persists for the majority, if not", "id": "20943656" }, { "contents": "Wound\n\n\nby gauze for healing wounds infected after surgical operations. There is a lack of quality evidence relating to the use of honey on other types of wounds, such as minor acute wounds, mixed acute and chronic wounds, pressure ulcers, Fournier's gangrene, venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and Leishmaniasis. There is no good evidence that therapeutic touch is useful in healing. More than 400 species of plants are identified as potentially useful for wound healing. Only three randomized controlled trials, however, have been done for the treatment", "id": "20158796" }, { "contents": "Referred itch\n\n\nin context to Kowalewsky’s research. The phenomenon of referred itch was documented as early as 1733. Around that time, the English scientist Stephen Hales observed that when an area of the body was scratched by the nails, an itching sensation could be triggered on a distant part of the body. He had called the phenomenon the many \"Instances of the Sympathy of the Nerves.\" More extensive observations on the referral of sensation were documented by Kowalewsky, who observed referred sensations on himself. Kowalewsky published his findings in 1884.", "id": "20943678" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\nhealing, steps in the proliferative phase do not occur in a series but rather partially overlap in time. Also called neovascularization, the process of angiogenesis occurs concurrently with fibroblast proliferation when endothelial cells migrate to the area of the wound. Because the activity of fibroblasts and epithelial cells requires oxygen and nutrients, angiogenesis is imperative for other stages in wound healing, like epidermal and fibroblast migration. The tissue in which angiogenesis has occurred typically looks red (is erythematous) due to the presence of capillaries. Angiogenesis occurs in overlapping phases in", "id": "694813" }, { "contents": "Zentia\n\n\ntheir damage potential is wasted against a single foe. If you like doing long ranged attacks and huge area attacks, this is your class. Master Summoner:Master Summoners are even more versatile than Blade Wardens, though they also have a lack of focus. Their summoned allies can damage enemies while they themselves join in melee combat, stay back and use ranged attacks, or even heal their allies. If you like summoning pets to control the battlefield, this is your class. Raksha Warrior:Raksha Warriors trade some of the", "id": "2728111" }, { "contents": "Vampire Hunter D (video game)\n\n\nthem. There are also seldom, simple platforming segments. \"Vampire Hunter D\" features three separate endings which can be earned respectively by visiting certain areas, collecting certain items, and making certain decisions throughout the game when prompted to do so. There are also three difficulty modes to choose from, that all vary in the number of healing items D starts with, as well as enemy damage output and enemy health. The story of the game is similar to that of the second movie, \"\" (which, in", "id": "21702317" }, { "contents": "Blade Symphony\n\n\nflashy animations\". Players can choose from different characters, styles and blades and compete in different modes, such as deathmatch or 2 vs 2. The game uses an Elo rating system for matchmaking. Development on \"Blade Symphony\" began in 2006 when lead designer Michael Chang and a friend needed \"to scratch the sword fighting itch\" they had. Chang had been a fan of \"\", but by 2006, its player community had dispersed. So to scratch that itch, they had to build a new game themselves", "id": "19562535" }, { "contents": "Damages (Jewish law)\n\n\na physician. He may not offer his own services, no matter what his skill may be; nor can he avoid the outlay of money by finding a physician that will do the healing work free of charge. Should ulcers arise in consequence of a wound, the cost of healing such ulcers also falls on the assailant; but if ulcers arise from other causes—for instance, because the wounded man disregards the orders of his physician—the cost of healing these is not to be assessed. The wound may disappear and", "id": "1038801" }, { "contents": "Labiaplasty\n\n\nthe woman can resume physically unstrenuous work three to four days after surgery. To allow the wounds to heal, she is instructed not to use tampons, not to wear tight clothes (e.g. thong underwear), and to abstain from sexual intercourse for four weeks after surgery. Medical complications to a labiaplasty procedure are uncommon, yet occasional complications — bleeding, infection, labial asymmetry, poor wound-healing, undercorrection, overcorrection — do occur, and might require a revision surgery. An over-aggressive resection might damage the nerves", "id": "7453452" }, { "contents": "Facial trauma\n\n\ntracheostomy can secure an airway when other methods fail, they are used only as a last resort because of potential complications and the difficulty of the procedures. A dressing can be placed over wounds to keep them clean and to facilitate healing, and antibiotics may be used in cases where infection is likely. People with contaminated wounds who have not been immunized against tetanus within five years may be given a tetanus vaccination. Lacerations may require stitches to stop bleeding and facilitate wound healing with as little scarring as possible. Although it is not", "id": "7951537" }, { "contents": "The Oracle (Godsmack album)\n\n\na few times, and we either drop it or re-work it to sound more true to our roots. Satisfying ourselves creatively is pretty easy, as we aren't trying to re-invent the wheel musically – we are a blue-collar hard rock band. That said, we do side projects in which we can experiment with different textures and styles and scratch any itches to experiment in different genres.\" The working title for the album was \"Saints & Sinners\", named after one of the tracks on", "id": "1759599" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nsolo career. In 2010 the duo reunited as Itch-E and Scratch-E to release new material. In 1991 Itch-E and Scratch-E were formed in Sydney by Paul Mac (as Itch-E) on keyboards and samples (ex-Smash Mac Mac, The Lab) and Andy Rantzen (as Scratch-E) also on keyboards and samples (ex-Pelican Daughters). Their name refers to United States carton show, \"The Simpsons\" characters, Itchy and Scratchy, as well as", "id": "6182456" }, { "contents": "Necrotizing fasciitis\n\n\nsometimes spared from debridement for later skin coverage of the wound. More than one operation may be used to remove additional necrotic tissue. In some cases when an extremity is affected by a NSTI, amputation may be the surgical treatment of choice. After the wound debridement, adequate dressings should be applied to prevent exposure of bones, tendons, and cartilage so that such structures do not dry out and to promote wound healing. For necrotizing infection of the perineal area (Fournier's gangrene), wound debridement and wound care in this", "id": "3833370" }, { "contents": "Scanning Kelvin Probe\n\n\nmaterial, as such SKP has found widespread use in the study of the fields of corrosion and coatings. In the field of coatings for example, a scratched region of a self-healing shape memory polymer coating containing a heat generating agent on aluminum alloys was measured by SKP. Initially after the scratch was made the Volta potential was noticeably higher and wider over the scratch than over the rest of the sample, implying this region is more likely to corrode. The Volta potential decreased over subsequent measurements, and eventually the peak over", "id": "14226010" }, { "contents": "Mythology of Teen Wolf\n\n\nwerejaguars can metamorphose humans into more of their kind, due in part to the mystery as to whether they have a hierarchy within their species like werewolves do, with Alphas being the only ones who can metamorphose humans into werewolves or other shapeshifters through a bite or scratch. Known Werejaguars:Kate Argent and Hayden Romero-Chimera. Accelerated Healing: Like their fellow werecreatures, Werewolves and Werecoyotes, werejaguars have immensely accelerated cellular regeneration, allowing them to heal from mild to moderate wounds within moments. Werejaguars' healing seems to be even", "id": "6354445" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nitself. There is little detailed data on central activation for contagious itching, but it is hypothesized that a human mirror neuron system exists in which we imitate certain motor actions when we view others performing the same action. A similar phenomenon in which mirror neurons are used to explain the cause is contagious yawning. The sensation of itch can be reduced by many painful sensations. Studies done in the last decade have shown that itch can be inhibited by many other forms of painful stimuli, such as noxious heat, physical rubbing/scratching", "id": "1019998" }, { "contents": "Shape-memory polymer\n\n\nwithout the necessity for a second surgery to remove the implant. Examples of this development are vascular stents and surgical sutures. When used in surgical sutures, the shape-memory property of SMPs enables wound closure with self-adjusting optimal tension, which avoids tissue damage due to overtightened sutures and does support healing and regeneration. Further potential applications include self-repairing structural components, such as e.g. automobile fenders in which dents are repaired by application of temperature. After an undesired deformation, such as a dent in the fender, these", "id": "9219762" }, { "contents": "Haptotaxis\n\n\n(ECM) of the body during processes such as angiogenesis or artificially present in biomaterials where gradients are established by altering the concentration of adhesion sites on a polymer substrate. Haptotaxis plays a major role in the efficient healing of wounds. For example, when corneal integrity is compromised, epithelial cells quickly cover the damaged area by proliferation and migration (haptotaxis). In the corneal stroma, keratocytes within the wounded area undergo apoptosis, leaving the stroma devoid of cells that must be replaced. Keratocytes surrounding the wounded area proliferate and become", "id": "3808433" }, { "contents": "Collagen\n\n\namputation, can thus be avoided. Collagen is a natural product and is thus used as a natural wound dressing and has properties that artificial wound dressings do not have. It is resistant against bacteria, which is of vital importance in a wound dressing. It helps to keep the wound sterile, because of its natural ability to fight infection. When collagen is used as a burn dressing, healthy granulation tissue is able to form very quickly over the burn, helping it to heal rapidly. Throughout the 4 phases of wound healing", "id": "6293390" }, { "contents": "Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)\n\n\ndamage, or heal internal injuries and birth defects. Using special water she obtained from the Northern Water Tribe's Spirit Shrine, she was able to heal a fatal wound Azula inflicted upon Aang, thus reviving him from death. She speculated that she would be able to use that same water to heal the scar on Zuko's face, but was interrupted before she could do so. By the time of \"The Legend of Korra\", Lin Beifong (Toph's metalbender daughter) claims that she is the strongest healer in", "id": "20035405" }, { "contents": "Aventura (manga)\n\n\n, Professor Milieu Rouge, cleans his scars, Lewin asks why she doesn't use magic to heal his wounds. He believes it is because he is the only student unable to use magic so that the healer would treat him differently. Milieu explains that although she has the power to heal with magic, she restrains herself because by doing so, she would upset the natural balance. As Lewin exits the infirmary he comes across a wall that separates the wizardry division with the swordsmanship classes. There, he is overwhelmed by painful", "id": "12828149" }, { "contents": "Photorejuvenation\n\n\nPhotorejuvenation is a skin treatment that uses lasers, intense pulsed light, or photodynamic therapy to treat skin conditions and remove effects of photoaging such as wrinkles, spots, and textures. The process induces controlled wounds on the skin, prompting it to heal itself by creating new cells. This process reverses the signs of photoaging to a certain extent by removing appearances of damage. The technique was invented by Thomas L Roberts, III using CO lasers in the 1990s. Skin rejuvenation can be achieved through various modalities including: thermal, chemical", "id": "4121137" }, { "contents": "Scarification\n\n\nScarifying (also scarification modification) involves scratching, etching, burning / branding, or superficially cutting designs, pictures, or words into the skin as a permanent body modification. In the process of body scarification, scars are formed by cutting or branding the skin by varying methods (sometimes using further sequential aggravating wound healing methods at timed intervals, like irritation), to purposely influence wound healing to scar \"more\" and not scar \"less\". Scarification is sometimes called \"cicatrization\" (from the French equivalent).", "id": "16757819" }, { "contents": "Quijos-Quichua\n\n\nused for stomach pain. Yuquillas: Its root is used to relieve the (itching) sting of spiders, vipers and other insects. It is also used for cancer, diabetes, cataracts and is used in painting. Ajopanda: It is used to bathe the children and prevent them from the flu. Chonta: It is eaten and also used as a butter to avoid hair loss. Aloe: Used for healing and to reduce swelling. It is also applied to wounds. Verbena and Python: Used to cure yellow fever", "id": "3453190" }, { "contents": "Extremis\n\n\nnew versions of Extremis have been released onto the black market, prompting him to track them down and eliminate them. The Extremis virus is then remade by Tony's long-lost foster brother, Arno Stark. When Bruce Banner is shot in the head by the Ancient Order of the Shield, with his usual healing factor making an erratic job of reconstructing Banner's mind even if it can repair the physical damage, Stark is able to use Extremis to heal the damage to Banner's brain and restore him to full mental health", "id": "19956243" }, { "contents": "September Storm\n\n\nwork is still ahead of us. Both the left eye and right eye film elements will need to be digitally scanned, frame by frame. We will need to assess the level of damage to these existing elements, and determine how to best fix the images. This will require a stereoscopic re-alignment pass, left and right color restoration and matching, and clean-up of scratches and other damages to the film surface. This is very challenging post-production work, and can potentially be very expensive. Fortunately,", "id": "13234029" }, { "contents": "Tactile discrimination\n\n\nsense the indents made on the skin. Rapidly adapting receptors are also present in this system. An example of a slowly adapting receptor in use is when a person breaks his/her arm, the arm is immobilized until it is healed. He/she does not want to forget that it is broken and do something that could potentially worsen the damage in the arm. An example of a rapid adapting receptor in use is putting on clothes. Initially you will feel the clothes being worn, but after a while you forget", "id": "16903590" }, { "contents": "Wound bed preparation\n\n\n. Despite the plethora of work focussing on the value of water/saline in wound cleansing there is no current consensus as to whether water has an active role to play in the promotion of healing. With this unclear position in mind, alternative cleansing agents such as antiseptics that possess the potential to improve clinical outcomes should be considered. The use of antiseptics on open wounds is justified in terms of prevention / treatment of infection and improved healing outcomes. Criteria by which a wound cleansing agent could be deemed suitable for use on wounds", "id": "11985594" }, { "contents": "Lichen simplex chronicus\n\n\nand history taking. It is easily recognized (see \"signs and symptoms\", and \"gallery\"). Biopsies are sometimes necessary to confirm the diagnosis and differentiate it from other similar appearing lesions. Treatment is aimed at reducing itching and minimizing existing lesions because rubbing and scratching exacerbate LSC. The itching and inflammation may be treated with a lotions or steroid cream (such as triamcinolone or Betamethasone) applied to the affected area of the skin. Night-time scratching can be reduced with sedatives and antihistamines. Doxepin is often", "id": "19595006" }, { "contents": "Mikania micrantha\n\n\ncattle. The antibacterial effect of Mikania and its efficacy in wound healing has been reported. In Assam (NE India), Kabi tribes use the leaf juice of Mikania as an antidote for insect bite and scorpion sting. The leaves are also used for treating stomachache. Use of juice of Mikania as a curative agent for itches is reported from Malaysia. However, in all such cases, therapeutic evidence are scarce or lacking. In Africa, Mikania leaves are used as a vegetable for making soups. The weed is used as", "id": "14115399" }, { "contents": "Alternity\n\n\n. Only armor rolls and damage rolls did not use the d20. Life points, called 'Durability', are categorized into Stun, Wound, Mortal. Stun damage can immobilize a character, but not life-threatening; wound damage can immobilize a character and inflicts 1 stun damage point for every 2 wound damage points received; mortal damage can kill a character, and inflicts 1 wound damage point for every 2 mortal damage points received. Durabilities can be repaired by healing, or: Designed to be a generic rule set", "id": "17617704" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\nare engulfed and degraded by macrophages. Other leukocytes to enter the area include helper T cells, which secrete cytokines to cause more T cells to divide and to increase inflammation and enhance vasodilation and vessel permeability. T cells also increase the activity of macrophages. One of the macrophage's roles is to phagocytize other expended phagocytes, bacteria and damaged tissue, and they also debride damaged tissue by releasing proteases. Macrophages function in regeneration and are essential for wound healing. They are stimulated by the low oxygen content of their surroundings to produce", "id": "694807" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nreverted to Itch-E and Scratch-E and released another studio album, \"It Is What It Isn't\" (1 May 2001), but they disbanded in that year with Mac pursuing his solo career. In January 2010 the duo announced on their MySpace page that they had reformed as Itch-E and Scratch-E. During that year they released another studio album, \"Hooray for Everything!!!\" (6 August 2010), and four singles, \"Other Planets\" (March), \"", "id": "6182464" }, { "contents": "Rhinoplasty\n\n\n70-volume \"Synagogue Medicae\" (Medical Compilations, 4th century AD), which described facial-defect reconstructions that featured loose sutures that permitted a surgical wound to heal without distorting the facial flesh; how to clean the bone exposed in a wound; debridement, how to remove damaged tissue to forestall infection and so accelerate healing of the wound; and how to use autologous skin flaps to repair damaged cheeks, eyebrows, lips, and nose, to restore the patient's normal visage. Nonetheless, during the centuries of the European", "id": "2689577" }, { "contents": "History of rhinoplasty\n\n\nwhich described facial-defect reconstructions that featured loose sutures that permitted a surgical wound to heal without distorting the facial flesh; how to clean the bone exposed in a wound; debridement, how to remove damaged tissue to forestall infection and so accelerate healing of the wound; and how to use autologous skin flaps to repair damaged cheeks, eyebrows, lips, and nose, to restore the patient's normal visage. It has been assumed that the so-called \"Carmagnola\" sculpture in Venice is representing emperor Justinian II \"the", "id": "2695361" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\n/damaged tissue with an ‘exact’ copy, such that both morphology and functionality are completely restored. Though after injury mammals can completely regenerate spontaneously, they usually do not completely regenerate. An example of a tissue regenerating completely after an interruption of morphology is the endometrium; the endometrium after the process of breakdown via the menstruation cycle heals with complete regeneration. In some instances, after a tissue breakdown, such as in skin, a regeneration closer to complete regeneration may be induced by the use of biodegradable (collagen-glycoaminoglycan", "id": "694848" }, { "contents": "Chronic wound\n\n\nand by keratinocytes to epithelialize the wound. Fibroblast gene expression is different in chronic wounds than in acute wounds. Though all wounds require a certain level of elastase and proteases for proper healing, too high a concentration is damaging. Leukocytes in the wound area release elastase, which increases inflammation, destroys tissue, proteoglycans, and collagen, and damages growth factors, fibronectin, and factors that inhibit proteases. The activity of elastase is increased by human serum albumin, which is the most abundant protein found in chronic wounds. However,", "id": "1205496" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\nnerve bundle and spinothalamic tract. Pain and itch have very different behavioral response patterns. Pain evokes a withdrawal reflex, which leads to retraction and therefore a reaction trying to protect an endangered part of the body. Itch in contrast creates a scratch reflex, which draws one to the affected skin site. Itch generates stimulus of a foreign object underneath or upon the skin and also the urge to remove it. For example, responding to a local itch sensation is an effective way to remove insects from one's skin. Scratching has", "id": "1019995" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\nWound healing is a complex process in which the skin, and the tissues under it, repair themselves after injury. In this article, wound healing is depicted in a discrete timeline of physical attributes (phases) constituting the post-trauma repairing process. In undamaged skin, the epidermis (surface layer) and dermis (deeper layer) form a protective barrier against the external environment. When the barrier is broken, a regulated sequence of biochemical events is set into motion to repair the damage. This process is divided into predictable", "id": "694795" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\n, without whom this award would not be possible.\" Although this was bleeped out of the TV broadcast, a sponsor of the awards, the National Drug Offensive, withdrew their funding. In 1996 Itch-E and Scratch-E released the album \"Itch-E and Scratch-E... and Friends\", which Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, described as a \"sprawling double album... which covered the gamut of electronic dance.\" According to McFarlane the friends appearing on the album included Crackerjack, a \"high", "id": "6182461" }, { "contents": "Itch\n\n\ncentrally but with no neural damage, is mostly associated with increased accumulation of exogenous opioids and possibly synthetic opioids. Itch is also associated with some symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as tactile hallucinations, delusions of parasitosis, or obsessive-compulsive disorders (as in OCD-related neurotic scratching). Inflammatory mediators—such as bradykinin, serotonin (5-HT) and prostaglandins—released during a painful or pruritic inflammatory condition not only activate pruriceptors but also cause acute sensitization of the nociceptors. In addition, expression of neuro growth factors (NGF", "id": "1020004" }, { "contents": "Itch-E and Scratch-E\n\n\nItch-E and Scratch-E are an Australian electronic music group formed by Paul Mac (a.k.a. Itch-E, Mace) and Andy Rantzen (a.k.a. Scratch-E, Boo Boo), both on keyboards and samples, in 1991. During the late 1990s the duo recorded as Boo Boo & Mace!. At times, they have included a third member, Sheriff Lindo (a.k.a. Nutcase) which were recorded as Boo Boo Mace 'n' Nutcase. In 2001 they disbanded as Mac pursued his", "id": "6182455" }, { "contents": "The Pie\n\n\nand shuts down the restaurant, giving Jerry the opportunity to gloat. He never finds out why Audrey refused to eat the pie. Kramer suffers from a bad itch that is only relieved at the hands of Olive (Sunday Theodore), a waitress from Monk's who has long fingernails. Kramer's itch heals and he plans to break up with Olive. He tells her that the mannequin (which is outside in Jerry's car) is his new girlfriend and goes out to the car to zestfully make out with it while", "id": "2066431" }, { "contents": "Self-healing material\n\n\ndimensionally, two dimensionally, or three dimensionally. After one of these capillaries is damaged, the network can be refilled by an outside source or another channel that was not damaged. Intrinsic self-healing materials do not have a sequestered healing agent but instead have a latent self-healing functionality that is triggered by damage or by an outside stimulus. Extrinsic self-healing materials can achieve healing efficiencies over 100% even when the damage is large. Capsule-based systems have in common that healing agents are encapsulated into suitable microstructures", "id": "8833571" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\na barrier between the wound and the environment. Basal keratinocytes from the wound edges and dermal appendages such as hair follicles, sweat glands and sebacious (oil) glands are the main cells responsible for the epithelialization phase of wound healing. They advance in a sheet across the wound site and proliferate at its edges, ceasing movement when they meet in the middle. In healing that results in a scar, sweat glands, hair follicles and nerves do not form. With the lack of hair follicles, nerves and sweat glands, the", "id": "694825" }, { "contents": "Thirteen Bullets\n\n\n. They exhibit increased speed and vastly enhanced physical strength (enough to twist open a steel padlock using bare hands). As long as they have a supply of blood, they can heal grievous wounds, including massive brain injuries, in seconds. The only way to kill one is by destroying the heart, which is protected by an area of steel-hard skin. The vampire is weakest when it regurgitates blood - usually to feed another vampire - and can potentially be killed with a single shot at this moment. Arkeley", "id": "20873975" }, { "contents": "Chronic wound\n\n\nA chronic wound is a wound that does not heal in an orderly set of stages and in a predictable amount of time the way most wounds do; wounds that do not heal within three months are often considered chronic. Chronic wounds seem to be detained in one or more of the phases of wound healing. For example, chronic wounds often remain in the inflammatory stage for too long. To overcome that stage and jump-start the healing process a number of factors need to be addressed such as bacterial burden, necrotic tissue", "id": "1205480" }, { "contents": "Wound healing assay\n\n\nfree area in hopes of inducing cells to migrate and close the gap.  The scratch test is only ideal for cell types that migrate as a collective epithelial sheets and not useful for non-adherent cells. Specifically, this assay isn't ideal for chemotaxis studies. This laboratory technique has various advantages.  First, these tests are relatively cheap, relatively straightforward and allow for real-time measurements. Additionally, the testing conditions can be easily adjusted to fit different experimental objectives. This approach also allows for a strong directional migratory response", "id": "11936340" }, { "contents": "The Girl from Tomorrow\n\n\nthe Science Dome in the year 3000. The Transducer functions by enhancing and magnifying the telepathic function of the pituitary gland, by doing this the user is able to levitate objects and heal wounds. If used in the wrong way the Transducer can be used as a weapon to destroy things; this is why the people of the year 3000 are taught from an early age to control their emotions. The series was a finalist in the Youth Series category in the 1990 New York Film & TV Festival. The movie version received the", "id": "7974070" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\nwound area. Scarless wound healing only occurs in mammalian foetal tissues and complete regeneration is limited to lower vertebrates, such as salamanders, and invertebrates. In adult humans, injured tissue are repaired by collagen deposition, collagen remodelling and eventual scar formation, where fetal wound healing is believed to be more of a regenerative process with minimal or no scar formation. Therefore, foetal wound healing can be used to provide an accessible mammalian model of an optimal healing response in adult human tissues. Clues as to how this might be achieved come", "id": "694855" }, { "contents": "Captain Mainwaring\n\n\nIn the episode \"Boots, Boots, Boots\", Mainwaring tells Wilson that he considers him a friend and that he actually admires how Wilson handles the men \"quietly and subtly\". In the episode \"Something Nasty in the Vault\", Mainwaring and Wilson bond during their time trapped in the bank's vault while holding an unexploded (and potentially unstable) German bomb that was dropped during an air raid, with Mainwaring even going so far as to scratch Wilson's nose for him when it began to itch and Wilson", "id": "9197581" }, { "contents": "Ostrich leather\n\n\nform the basis for grading with further penalties for poorly developed follicles and skins deemed too small. Definitions of acceptable follicle size and style are vague and often simply a subjective opinion of the tanner or buyer. A defect can be such things as a hole, scratch, loose scab, a healed wound or bacterial damage. The World Ostrich Association has a document with full definitions of defects for each grade. The World Ostrich Association also have a document entitled \"Factors Influencing Skin Quality\" that can be accessed from the Association's", "id": "1561087" }, { "contents": "Scar free healing\n\n\nScar free healing is the process by which significant injuries can heal without permanent damage to the tissue the injury has affected. In most healing, scars form due to the fibrosis and wound contraction, however in scar free healing tissue is completely regenerated. Scar improvement, and scar-free healing are an important and relevant area of medicine. During the 1990s, published research on the subject increased; it's a relatively recent term in the literature. Scar free healing is something which takes place in foetal life but the capacity is", "id": "15571589" }, { "contents": "Col. Manyakis\n\n\nTomas, telling him to \"scratch my itch\". She then locks the door to her office and begins to advanced upon the horrified Tomas, who at first, aims his service pistol at the Colonel, and later climbs unto the window sill and threatens to jump out. Colonel Kainam reminds him they were three floors up. Tomas replies that it doesn't matter, as he had attended Airborne training. He soon jumps out and lands on a plot planted with pineapple, acquiring numerous wounds and scratches all over his body", "id": "19550007" }, { "contents": "Panthenol\n\n\nlenses. In ointments it is used for the treatment of sunburns, mild burns, minor skin injuries and disorders (in concentrations of up to 2–5%). It improves hydration, reduces itching and inflammation of the skin, improves skin elasticity, and accelerates epidermal wounds' rate of healing. For this purpose, it is sometimes combined with allantoin. It binds to the hair shaft readily; so, it is a common component of commercial shampoos and hair conditioners (in concentrations of 0.1–1%). It coats the hair", "id": "10804229" }, { "contents": "Skin pen\n\n\n-injuries that stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process, while minimizing cell damage. More specifically, SkinPen starts the three-phase wound-repair process: Phase 1: Inflammation. Piercing the skin triggers your immune system to disinfect the wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow, and create new tissue. Phase 2: Proliferation. The wound is re-built with new granulation cells. Plus a new network of blood vessels develops. Phase 3: Remodeling. New dermal tissues and blood vessels replace the wound.", "id": "18957268" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\nis dependent on various cell types, molecular mediators and structural elements. Primary intention is the healing of a clean wound without tissue loss. In this process, wound edges are brought together, so that they are adjacent to each other (re-approximated). Wound closure is performed with sutures (stitches), staples, or adhesive tape or glue. Primary intention can only be implemented when the wound is precise and there is minimal disruption to the local tissue and the epithelial basement membrane, e.g. surgical incisions. This process", "id": "694860" }, { "contents": "Pangolin trade\n\n\nmedicine. The cultural traditional medicines described below have not been scientifically tested for their efficacy. Within Nigeria, the Yorubic medical practitioners in Ogun State, Nigeria and the Awori Tribe of Southwestern Nigeria use pangolin body parts for traditional medicine. The Yorubic medical practitioners use scales, bones, and the head of the pangolin to treat different medical ailments. The scales are used to treat stomach disorders, gonorrhea, regulate menstrual periods, cure genital itching or swelling, heal wounds and cuts, treat mental illness, treat stroke, and serve", "id": "15512248" }, { "contents": "Wound healing\n\n\n—depending on wound size). Just before the inflammatory phase is initiated, the clotting cascade occurs in order to achieve hemostasis, or stop blood loss by way of a fibrin clot. Thereafter, various soluble factors (including chemokines and cytokines) are released to attract cells that phagocytise debris, bacteria, and damaged tissue, in addition to releasing signaling molecules that initiate the proliferative phase of wound healing. When tissue is first wounded, blood comes in contact with collagen, triggering blood platelets to begin secreting inflammatory factors. Platelets", "id": "694801" }, { "contents": "Faith healing\n\n\ncarried our diseases\". Even those Christian writers who believe in faith healing do not all believe that one's faith presently brings about the desired healing. \"[Y]our faith does not effect your healing now. When you are healed rests entirely on what the sovereign purposes of the Healer are.\" Larry Keefauver cautions against allowing enthusiasm for faith healing to stir up false hopes. \"Just believing hard enough, long enough or strong enough will not strengthen you or prompt your healing. Doing mental gymnastics to 'hold on to", "id": "11421768" }, { "contents": "Sweetness and Light (Itch-E and Scratch-E song)\n\n\n\"Sweetness and Light\" is a song recorded by Australian electronic music group Itch-E and Scratch-E. The song was released in May 1994 and peaked at number 65 on the Australian singles chart. The group have later said they weren't sure if the song was good with Andy Rantzen saying \"When we'd finished mixing 'Sweetness and Light' I said 'Hmm, this is a bit disappointing' and Paul replied 'I know, where did we go wrong?' At the ARIA Music Awards of 1995", "id": "7910854" } ]
How did the USA get the "I have the right to be offended and you shouldn't offend me" culture when they have protected free speech?
[{"answer": "Social media/media has made it appear there are assholes everywhere, when it's just that assholes are the most vocal. The majority of us, I would imagine, would seem pretty normal to you."}, {"answer": "Freedom of speech only means that the government cannot take away your right to express your beliefs. Other people may pressure you into not expressing your beliefs. When you have people who say offensive things and use freedom of speech to defend themselves, they're wrong because the government can still censor anything without social value or anything inflammatory, ~~or anything hateful,~~ etc. Now, when people in America only want their opinions heard and not the other side's, we take it as a normal day. It's primarily because the US has been a country of combative ideals since the beginning, so people get really emotional over a lot of things. Edit: My bad, hate speech is not restricted unless inflammatory. Inflammatory speech is subject to the Brandenburg test, and so may or may not be restricted. \"without social value\" applies only to ~~offensive~~ expression, and is especially relevant when discussing the Court's opinions on pornographic content. Edit 2: \"without social value\" is for *obscene* expression, generally pornographic in nature."}, {"answer": "In the US, free speech is enshrined in the Constitution. The government cannot privilege any religion or school of thought over another, it cannot restrict the press, and it cannot put people in jail for saying whatever they want (with limits -- you can get in trouble for speech that incites violence, for slander, for fraud/perjury, or for causing danger by, for example, yelling \"FIRE!\" in a theater just to incite panic, not because there's really a fire). So basically, legally, you can say or write whatever the heck you want as long as you're not lying under oath, lying for financial gain, or lying to incite a chaotic or dangerous situation. As for people taking offense, well, America has a very long, complicated, and often ugly history of prejudice against all sorts of people. People are understandably touchy about a lot of things as a result of that history, though I'd agree that sometimes it does get taken a little too far. The time when people would brutally lynch black men for looking sideways at a white woman wasn't too long ago. There are still Japanese-Americans alive today who remember spending World War II in camps in the Mojave Desert (George Takei, for one). We're still trying to deal with a lot of very hateful attitudes and mindsets, and so when people get offended by things and want them eliminated, it's a part of that larger societal shift. It can be a bit heavy-handed sometimes, but I think that it's not necessarily an evil thing. The other thing is that allowing everyone to have nearly unrestricted freedom of expression means that you get every shade of opinion imaginable, and extreme opinions tend to be the loudest, or, alternatively, the squeakiest wheels get the grease, so when an extreme or just very offensive thing is said, the offended people, unable to use the law to stop hateful things from being said, must use public pressure instead. Without taking sides in the issue, it's basically self-policing by society, since the law says that you can say and believe whatever you want. And if you want my actual opinion, I abhor hateful speech and I can get offended by things people say, but I also recognize that they have every right to say them, but on the flip side, I have every right to tell them why I think they're wrong. So it evens out in the end."}, {"answer": "As an American, that right to free speech protects my right to tell you something you said was offensive as much as it protects your right to say it. It basically boils down to the old \"sticks and stones\" argument, with a few exceptions such as extreme and inciteful hate speech and [fighting words]( URL_0 ). The big thing that most American students learned about (in terms of free speech and the first amendment) is [the KKK marching in Skokie Illinois]( URL_1 ). Obviously, the nature of their expression is noxious and anti-social - but distasteful is not *illegal*. So they marched, requiring police protection to keep the substantially more numerous anti-KKK crowds from expressing their distaste illegally (physically). The important concept behind all of this is that you can say whatever you want, but I can think whatever I want about it and tell you as much; basically, intelligent, thoughtful people have nothing to fear from a person spreading falsehoods or socially unacceptable theories... ...And given the dearth of intelligent, thoughtful people in the US at this point, maybe the concept is also a little anachronistic."}, {"answer": "There's obvious hypocrisy in anyone who espouses free speech while simultaneously wanting others' speeches censored, but I think your disconnect is- > Yet, from an outsiders perspective when looking in at the USA, it seems like different groups of people only agree with free speech when it is their opinions being voiced and to silence people who disagree with them - but doesn't this go against free speech, the same free speech they are using? I imagine an outsider's perspective is going to be very limited to what the media is telling them - on reddit, I frequently see things about 'PC' and everything *but*, in real life, in my daily routine, with the people I ever speak to, I've never once met someone who'd advocate any legal restrictions on speech which is what I imagine you're implying (because if you just mean \"some people are touchy and wish everyone would talk how they want\", well, that's just a childish behavior that's inherent in many humans, no matter what country you consider)"}, {"answer": "People who behave like that are actually a small subset of the population. It gets blown out of proportion on social media. Social media gives those people a voice so they get noticed more often. Then when they do get noticed, places like Reddit go off on them because everyone agrees they're annoying. There are more people complaining about the problem than there are people contributing to the problem."}, {"answer": "Think of it like this: *\"I dislike what you are saying, I really don't want you saying it because it offends me. I will defend your right to say it though.\"* Just because we would rather someone not spout... say, racist rhetoric and hope for a day people no longer do, doesn't mean we want it outlawed. We want the speech gone, but we do not trust the government to do so and we would prefer it to die naturally. The US is a society built on distrust of government: We made our government inefficient so each branch fights the other to make it harder for the government to fight us, Our constitution limits what government can do, etc."}, {"answer": "Several people have explained how our first amendment only applies to the government, but so far I didn't see anyone explain how we got to the \"right to not be offended\" status. So... Let's travel back in time to legal slavery, and before women's suffrage, and maybe even as far back as handing out smallpox blankets to Indians. There was a lot of bad laws establishing landowners (exclusively white males) as the only people with any legal rights. Period. Well times changed as people slowly realized that treating any human as less than human was reprehensible. (Very slowly... Some people haven't got the memo yet) ~~So laws against hate speech were established. Anything offensive aimed at a particular protected group of people qualified as hate speech.~~ ~~This was good. It allowed people to be backed by the full power of the government when often entire communities targeted them.~~ ~~The mistake was allowing people to take it as far as, \"What he said was offensive to me, it qualifies as hate speech.\" there's a fine line of what should qualify.... And they missed the mark by a long shot.~~ ~~So now offending people in many cases is established as against the law... and~~ businesses don't want to ~~spend money defending themselves against unwarranted hate speech charges~~ *drive off customers*, so they fire any employee that offends a customer. The customer feels this is how the world **should** be, so constantly ~~threatens to use legal action~~ *acts like it's their god given right to get their way* every time they get offended in any situation. There's a lot of people like this now. ~~It's an epidemic, and I think the laws need a drastic overhaul... But our government is only focused on what their owners tell them to focus on... Which is to exploit the people for the profit of big businesses.~~ --- Apparently I was grossly mistaken about \"hate speech\" laws being in america. Puts a large hole in my logic, but it still makes sense to blame it on businesses. Especially with the \"The Customer Is Always Right\" bullshit."}, {"answer": "What country are you form where people don't want to be offended? Is it Redditistan?"}, {"answer": "I have thought about this one for a long time and it boils down to this... imho... 1. Internet culture. To explain, I don't think anyone knew what the internet would be capable of. We all used it, but for the time (early 2000s) there wasn't lot of communities. 2. Enter the age of the internet war sometime after 2005. Websites began having social conflicts between users stealing memes. I think the main of this conflict was Reddit, Tumblr, and 4Chan. Reddit was also just going through the Digg migration. 3. The meme wars escalate with the parallel rising of third generation feminism, social justice warriors, and flooding Facebook with political garbage during the first Obama presidential run. 4. Once politics got involved in the content wars, everything turned into a culture war fuel by proto versions of SJWs, Black Lives Matter, Alt-Right, etc. The biggest issues that still plague the culture was is hyperbole (over exaggerations). 5. Media saw this as marketable during the years of Obama's presidency and over time it just got worse. That's why we have seen large media shaken a ton after Trump. \"Fake News\" has made a huge wrinkle in media for every one because we really don't know who to trust anymore. 6. Finally, Poe's law, going back to hyperbole. This law essentially defines how people cannot tell parody from extremism which is dangerous. 4Chan parodied social movements a ton but only their worst qualities. Over time, these jokes that are usually going around the net as memes, lose their source. They may get picked up by actual extreme or fringe members of movements, and bam, you get a group of people who accidentally believe bullshit because they think its their \"team's\" bullshit. 7. HOW DOES THIS ALL LEAD UP TO LIMITING SPEECH -- The thing about the social movements going on today is they have a good message. End racism, bring about equal rights for all sexes and beliefs, etc. Here is where it gets funny. 8. The rise of people against free speech -- the social movements mentioned above have the belief that the way we talk about things perpetuates the kinds of changes they want to see in the world. Things have gotten pretty bad where now in New York you can be fined for not referring to someone by their pronouns. People are choosing self censorship to avoid getting in trouble, but it's sometimes like bending over too much for these crybaby extremists. Thing is, again, no one wants to get in trouble. Especially with a group of people who have been known to seek you out just to make you lose your job or something. The American government cannot easily destroy free speech but I do feel there are powers that recognize a way to limit it by influencing our culture and it appears to be working. 9. The ultimate blame is identity politics. People who believe they are owed something or have a right to something just by merit of their identity. Thing is, we all have an identity that we use to define who we are to be shared with other people. The issue became using this identity to get special treatment. Universities and public schools facilitated identity politics to create rules because they don't want trouble from parents or losing students. Now, identity politics is a real power to be feared by people who live under the policies. 10. Tribalism by identity politics -- the real great thing about identity politics and I suppose you could say, identity psychology, is right now it's divided people. You pick teams that match your beliefs. Political leanings, race, sex, or sexual direction groups. Pages on facebook, content creators, etc. They have grievances with other groups that they occasionally complain about and these complaints, existing in the group, make **echo chambers**. An environment where an idea get repeated too much and grows in its communal pathos, ethos, and logos. The thing is, they also tend to go unchallenged because of what can be arguably seen as \"Over Moderation\". Have an opposing view? BANNED. DELETED. HIDDEN. Then you post \"Some people these days. Crazy [descriptor here].\" And its championed. Frightening stuff. It's a crazy multifaceted issue that is still developing today."}, {"answer": "People think that the freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want with no consequences. On the flip side, people get in their heads that they can say whatever they want and have it be right and truth. This is a much bigger issue than just being offended."}, {"answer": "Freedom of Speech is only with regard to the federal government. From the Constitution: > Amendment I > **Congress shall make no law** respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or **abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press**; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."}, {"answer": "Because many Americans often confuse 'freedom of speech' with 'freedom of speech without consequence'. They prefer the latter. In my experience, I have found that many Americans act on the basis that freedom of speech means that they can say whatever they want and others have to respect it simply because they have a right to say it. Which isn't true! People are perfectly entitled to respond to something however they like. For example: If somebody walks into a room and starts saying horrible nasty things, and the other people in the room don't like what is being said, they all turn their backs on that person. They don't want or have to listen to what they disagree with. So the person who made those initial comments is shunned, and feels *societal pressure* to be silent, because people aren't responsive to their opinions. That is the difference. Feeling shamed into silence or having opinions disagreed with by your fellow humans is different from being stripped entirely of free speech. If they had no free speech, the government wouldn't have allowed them to say those things in the first place."}, {"answer": "Internet, industries built on advertising, and boycotts. The internet has allowed for the easy organization of boycotts against advertisers. Most industries are reliant on advertising for revenue. Advertisers don't want to be boycotted and thus won't show ads on any program whose advertisers get boycotted. Programs don't want to lose revenue so they curtail content so as to not instigate boycotts against their advertisers. We now live in culture where most of the media never says anything that offends people, thus creating the impression that offending people is bad. Learning from the media, people now treat offending people as a serious \"offense\"."}, {"answer": "Politicians in America play in this all the time. They select a segment of society from which they would like to get some votes, then \"champion the cause\" of whatever offends said segment's sensibilities. For instance, Trump used the latent racism and xenophobia of Americans to become President. See: #BuildThatWall & #MuslimBan"}, {"answer": "Short answer: people within the culture of \"don't you dare offend me\" have every right to protest and demand that they not be offended, that is part of free speech. You may use your freedom to demand that others have less freedoms, if that's really what you choose to do."}, {"answer": "This 'culture' is not nearly as common as the internet or media makes it seem. There is also some tasty irony going on when people get offended by others being offended. Free speech is purely about preventing government censorship and doesn't have much bearing on this."}, {"answer": "Those two things are completely compatible with each other. As an example, I have the right to be offended by Bill O'Reilly, and I'm perfectly happy to tell Fox news (the network that airs him) that they should not offend me because they're a commercial entity and I will refuse to support them (by way of not watching, and also refusing to do business with companies that advertise on his show). That is my power as an individual. If lots of people do the same, then that does not constrain O'Reilly's ability to speak, just his ability to make money doing it. He's allowed to speak, but nobody is required to listen. What I can't do, and what almost everyone agrees is wrong, would be to pass a law that the government would enforce to make it illegal for him to speak."}, {"answer": "Sadly, it's rooted in trying to stop people from using language meant to marginalize and oppress certain groups, but it was taken too far by some on a high horse, and who ultimately go on to hurt the original cause. \"Niggers are destroying the country\" and \"you're overweight, you should really go on a diet\" are two VERY different points, but the 'snowflake' group sees the 2 as similar, in that they're both simply \"offensive\". So suddenly everything can get lumped into being \"offensive\" so they become equally 'wrong', when they're not the same things at all. It sucks."}, {"answer": "The right to free speech in the US means that the government cannot restrict your speech except in very limited circumstances. Additionally, while we are free to speak our minds, we are not free from the consequences of doing so. So while you are certainly free to go into a crowded shopping mall and scream racial slurs at people, you are not free from whatever consequences that might bring, to include other people shouting you down or the mall (a privately owned operation) ejecting you from the premisis."}, {"answer": "Frankly, life is too good here. There aren't enough actual bad things going on. People love having things to complain about, it makes them feel important and we have maybe the most narcisistic and individualistic culture in the world. Hence they actively search out for things to be offended by."}, {"answer": "Human nature. Look at the alt-right movement - one of their biggest gripes is they were talked badly about by those \"liberal elites\". And they're the ones crying about a \"PC culture\" and having to watch what they say. It's hypocritical, but also human nature."}, {"answer": "There is no right to not be offended. It's not wrong to ask people to not be jerks, but you have to understand that they may or may not comply. You don't have the right to have your request abided. The only exception is if the offensive speech somehow falls under anti-harassment or discrimination laws. Hate speech and inflammatory speech (which is very subjective) are not protected. Harassment and discrimination acts are illegal. Basically, the First Amendment is a general outline for free speech, but Court precedence and subsequent laws determine how it is interpreted and applied. From The Declaration of Independence: \"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness\" Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything self-evident and our legal history has shown many different sections of society being withheld those rights at various times. My view on society right now: We are becoming more selfish and narcissistic so we think everything revolves around us. We are more offensive because we put our wants/needs as top priority and think we can do whatever we want if we deem it right and just. We rarely think of the greater good since we are operating from a personal, individualistic model. We think we know everything, ignoring the experts. However, society cannot operate this way without falling apart. There have to be some ground rules and a general respect and consideration of others. Truth is truth and fact is fact, regardless of whether an individual agrees or not. Until we can move out of this selfish, individualistic mind set, it will continue to get worse."}, {"answer": "My pulled out of my ass theory (like most \"informative\" comments on Reddit) is that it's just the result of rapid cultural change. The US went from an attitude of lgbt people being mostly not tolerated to lgbt people being very widely tolerated over just a couple of decades. I think this large swing in attitude simply got carried a bit too far and now there is a relatively small group of people that are a combination of stupidity and being high on fighting the good fight, resulting in the fact that they are completely unaware that doing things like making \"he/she\" pronouns illegal is insane and undermines every basic understanding of free speech that most of us still have. It's also important to know that the crazies trying to alter freedom of speech are a vast, vast minority. Yes, if you go to the most liberal places around the country, it will be very easy to find plenty of people who are like this, but for every one of them, there are 1000+ liberals who completely understand freedom of speech and know not to undermine it. TL;DR When any large change in society happens, there will be people who take it too far. This is a relatively small group of people taking the rapid social change of the past few decades and carrying it way too far, trying to undermine freedom of speech in a horribly misguided attempt to help others."}, {"answer": "I would like to add something to this discussion. There are a lot of individuals who believe that our right to free speech only falls under the jurisdiction of protections from government intervention. But the principles that were used to found our country were those principles hailed by political thinkers such as bastiat or locke. Following their logic the government has three purposes that lead to the protection of its peoples: Protection from coercion by force, settlement of disputes between individuals(Land disputes back in the day), and protection from foreign enemies. The speech argument would fall under the disputes category because of the changing face of our country and our problems. To say that the constitution only protects us from government and not from each other is to disregard the principles that it was founded upon. We have free speech laws because it is an inalienable right that we should be able to speak our minds without fear of harm. That being said, my personal opinion is that our culture is a dependent one. We depend on the government to protect us, and as such we sling all our problems their way and expect to be done right. This is a silly notion because someone is always unhappy with the results. But hey, as long as we continue to try to create a majority that will be happy with the results eventually there will be no opposition right?"}, {"answer": "I think people are neglecting the historical component of this. A lot of this change in public outcry is resulting from the history of treatment of women, minorities, members of the LGBT community in the US. In decades past certain ways of speaking/treating members of these groups was\u200b generally socially acceptable but we've progressed to the point where everyone, rightfully so, wants equal treatment not just under the law but socially. That's where things get tricky. People who were previously able to do/say things without worry now can face social backlash for the things they got away with not long ago. For example, when I was a kid (around 11-12 I'm 30 now) it was normal for our football coaches to tell us to \"stop acting like a sissy/girl/pussy\" if someone was being soft or complaining about being sore/tired. Now a coach would get in trouble if they said something like that to a preteen boy. Language like that makes it seem like being effeminate or a woman is outright a negative thing so women or members of the LGBT community would often take offense. We're also now living in an age where members of these groups can quickly and easily find thousands of peers AND be informed of injustices (real and imagined) that occur to members of these groups. So people can quickly pile on through social media."}, {"answer": "Americans generally only believe in free speech for themselves, not for people they disagree with. Americans are afraid that others will believe the people they disagree with, so they preemptively try to stifle their speech. Since Americans are hypocrites, they will claim to believe in free speech because the government isn't doing the stifling. However, this is incorrect because the concept of free speech is much deeper than the First Amendment."}, {"answer": "When you have certain groups saying, \"Halloween offends me\" and the school districts take that away so they don't upset the one mom who doesn't celebrate Halloween. Instead of celebrating the masses wishes they are afraid of liability and kiss the ass of the few so they don't upset that one person, but they have no problem alienating the rest."}, {"answer": "The Internet has allowed for \"offensive\" statements to propagate further and attract the attention of a much wider audience, who are often also taking the statements out of context and making the offense that much deeper, or turning a statement that was designed for non-offense (like sarcasm or parody) into an \"offensive\" belief statement. Having a wider audience means any statement encounters more people who believe in a \"duty\" to seek out the speaker and \"expose\" them to the full brunt of public opinion and ideally coerce society into shunning that individual, an Internet version of the old \"Scarlet Letter\", if you will. And to add to this, the very same Internet also allows for people with similar ideas to gather -- whether they have belief in the \"offensive\" ideas or if they are just into \"edgy\" humor or the use of sarcasm or even (what they consider) borderline \"offensive\" statements in order to get a real point across. For any idea you can think of, there's likely some website (even if just an isolated forum on Reddit) that has a following large enough to make a reader of that site think their mindset is shared by more people than society has revealed. With that comes validation and boldness, such that the idea that society could still come down hard on individuals expressing those ideas is discounted. This also includes those who believe in the \"offensive\" idea that society should be empowered to seek out speakers of offensive ideas and shut them down. So more people \"agree\" with the small group demanding the original speaker facing severe social and (by way of losing their job in many cases) financial pressure. These are not wholly new concepts -- expressing an unpopular opinion in the past would still carry the risk of being shunned -- but the size of the Internet... for lack of a better word, \"mob\" means even a small demand for an \"offensive\" person to face severe sanction is being responded to. I would even suggest it's not as horrible as it sounds, except for the fact that it can affect the innocent (ie, the so-called \"offensive\" speech is actually being misinterpreted and the speaker is having incorrect beliefs attributed to them) and the fact that it's often a disproportionate response. Oh, and let me add: people with social agendas thrive on this sort of material. It keeps their agenda on the front burner, so calling out the \"offense\" keeps the underlying issues on the forefront of the news. To ignore the offense or acknowledge a misunderstanding means one less time they can use someone's words as a weapon with which to beat their adversaries down with."}, {"answer": "As someone who is Non-American, it is clear you don't understand that the 'PC culture is ruining America' mindset is massively overblown. In real life it simply isn't a large factor. Reddit especially has been guilty of this. Essentially a relatively small sample of situations and people have been drawn out to represent the larger trends in society. This is largely untrue, and PC culture has a pretty low affect on everyone's day to day life. Now, to explain in depth: Free speech *does not* give you leeway to say whatever you want wherever you want. Period. It only says that the government can't be the one to decide what you can or cannot say. Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are not restricted in how they treat your speech. They are not required to ignore it. I don't have to interact with you, or do business with you, or vote for you, or anything else because of free speech. Which also means that we can influence each other's behavior. If Target has a 'God hates gays' t-shirt for sale, I don't ever have to shop there again. Target has a broad incentive to not sell those shirts now. Moreover, your free speech doesn't stop my free speech, with which I can tell you I am offended and I don't like what you are doing. This is pretty adversive for most people and also incentive to change your behavior. These are the reasons why PC culture exists. However, like I said, the concern reddit seems to have over PC culture is far more absurd than the actual culture itself. What *exact* behavior do they think is problematic due to this phenomenon? Why is that problematic? What exact things do you want to say or do that you feel are being punished due to pc culture? Why do you want to do those? Why does your right to be a dick supercede my right to be offended? Why can't I tell you I don't like what you are doing or saying? Why do you get a free pass to do whatever you want regardless of what it does to myself or others? Why do you get the right to say what you want about other people and I can't get offended, but you seem to easily get offended about me not liking your opinions? To put it simply, most of what PC culture is is 'don't be a dick'. Exaggeration about it is as absurd as this image that some people have that Europe has turned into an ultraviolent shit hole. It just isn't true."}, {"answer": "The most important thing to understand is that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. So many people say stupid and offensive stuff, then try to claim you can't get angry because they're just exercising free speech. Wrong. You are free to say whatever you like, but the rest of society is free to impose consequences on you for that speech. Your speech can get you shunned or ridiculed. You could lose your job. So when you say offensive stuff, don't be surprised if people take offense. The reason people say \"I have the right to be offended\" is because many people (and in particular the offensive ones) don't understand this. Now for the \"don't offend me\". The core belief that justifies free speech is that stupid and offensive speech is not dangerous because most people will identify it as such. So if neo-nazis decide to hold a parade, we don't worry that much because most people will look on in disgust. But this applies to a lot more than hate speech. The people you are asking about, the so-called \"Social Justice Warriors\" are just as free to express their beliefs. They have a belief that people have a right to not be offended. The also are free to vociferously demand it. And the rest of us are just as free to ignore them. But all free speech analysis aside, you have to understand that this culture of which you speak is a tiny, tiny portion of the overall population. They just happen to be very vocal. Also, you are learning about our culture through broadcasts, which tend to isolate the most \"interesting\" parts of society for discussion. Just like every cop show on TV deals with a murder (despite this being a relatively rare crime), news tends to focus on the extreme parts of society, giving you an imbalanced impression of how significant that part of society is. After all, it makes for boring TV when you have a streetside preacher, and everybody just keeps walking. So to sum it all up, we have the freedom to be stupid (which the SJWs are), and a broadcast industry that likes to give stupid people a platform so the rest of us can laugh at them. But this can give you a false impression of the importance of this part of society."}, {"answer": "I got my first degree in the last 80s early 90s. That's when the idea of speech codes was being discussed seriously. Why this was taken seriously is studies had come out showing that verbal harassment in the form of racial slurs, threats, and so on harmed the ability of the students on the receiving end to study, work, and graduate. Back then a lot of people were crying \"Free Speech\" for whatever right they felt they had to yell obscene things at others. Eventually the removal of such language on campuses was successful to a point. With the election of Trump, those who think saying those things has had a resurgence. Now to other types of speech. Everyone can agree that stereotypes are harmful. A black person can't get a good job if people stereotype that person as a criminal. A person of Asian decent wouldn't get hired for a sales position, because they are stereotyped as math nerds. Actions that feed into these stereotypes I think are what are referred to as microagressions. Not illegal, but anyone who has found their life affected by these things would be understandably upset. Next, we have \"triggers\" which can force a person to relive a traumatic event. This is commonly seen in vets with PTSD, but it is also common with rape victims or in children of abusive parents. It's seen as cruel to force people to have to continuously relive abuse. What this comes down to eventually is that it's nearly impossible to discuss any of these issues, or to study anything that may have any of these things in them. This is all free speech, so the government isn't supposed to be getting involved, and some could construe a state university a government entity, but a school where one is constantly harassed is not a good learning environment. I don't think anyone really knows what to do. It's excessive to kick someone out of school because they wrote something that suggests an Asian is a nerd and called a woman a bitch. It's not excessive to kick someone out for making a lynching effigy (that's a threat, so no, not free speech). Hopefully this helps some."}, {"answer": "I would guess its less people being upset easier and more people having a much better understanding of whats offensive. 70 years ago it pronably wasnt considered blanketly offensive to suggest women cant be as smart as men. That right there covers a shit load of circumstances. Now implying a woman cant be CEOs, in congress, or in specialized positions are all considered offensive while being a subset of that first argument. Same with minorities. Same with the LGBTQ. For the the next argument i am going to assume something, that you are under 20. People under 20 and especially people under 17. Are hyper active shit posters with too much time who feel like they dont fit in anywhere so will jump on any group without regard to whether or not they should. This is all over the political/social spectrum. 4chan, /r/the_donald, tumblr, and a lot of other groups are held together by these hyperactive shit posters with nothing else to do. The problem is that these people and groups do not accurately reflect the real world. It just so happens theyre comparatively loud so it seems like its representative. But once you get older you realize that getting drawn into an argument with hyper active shit posters never pays off. So we avoid them. Finally what everyone else here seems to be saying. 1st amendment is government action and never has been about private communication. Its not an ideal we strive for within our community. Its a legal necessity."}, {"answer": "Born & raised in America. Our political system blended with both mainstream & social media have led to this. The political system has polarized people instead of working to find common ground. Each party provokes the other, then finds ways to paint a false picture that their conflicting point of view is somehow evil & manipulative - leading to a heightened sensitivity that has trickled into everything. Mainstream media presents little bits of facts layered with strong opinions designed to provoke an emotional response - leading to viewers being \"hooked\"' on a story. Instead of embracing a diversity of ideas & opinions, we have a nation with a lot of entitled people who think that a different point of view is a declaration of war. That voice has been given a megaphone by the addiction to social media. Many parts of the world I've visited have zero issue accepting that a person's opinion is their own, & who cares if we disagree, let's talk about something else or have a discussion about it - while respecting where you are coming from. Please don't think the \"pussification of America\" you are witnessing represents all Americans. Unfortunately it is just some of the loudest voices. Optimistically, I think more people are coming around & rolling their eyes at the strong, rash reactions out there. It seems to be viewed more as a sign of immaturity (as it is)......kind of like not agreeing with everyone on a Reddit thread lol!"}, {"answer": "Well whomever told you that about the US Constitution was wrong. Sort of. As an American we are protected for freedom of speech as long as it is not slanderous toward another. If I want to come out and say that I hate radical Islamic terrorists as an example and a radical Islamic terrorist who is also a citizen is offended by it well that's tough shit because my freedom of speech is protected. These fucking cry baby snowflakes who are offended by everyone and everything nowadays is a direct result of the \"everyone gets a trophy\" mentality. Also these same people seem to think they are entitled to things without having earned them. As Clint Eastwood said, this is the pussification of America. The majority of foreigners who are coming to America to make a better life for themselves and their families understand (for the most part) that hard work and respect of others leads to success and prosperity. Those ideals seem to have been lost on this newer generation."}, {"answer": "People want to conflate the meaning of 'freedom of speech' with the far different phrase 'freedom from speech'. In the same way, there is a desire to conflate 'freedom of religion' with 'freedom from religion'. Aside from the above misuse of language, there is sometimes a basic misunderstanding about rights under the U.S. constitution. The 'freedom of speech' in the U.S. constitution simply means that the government cannot prevent your free speech. It is not a ticket to spew anything you want. Your employer can certainly censure your speech and terminate you if your violate the employer's standards. You can stand on the street corner and insult passing people. The government won't stop you, but someone will eventually take offense and put a stop to your activity. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion all protect the citizen from oppression by the government. These freedoms do not compel the government to protect you from the consequences of bad behavior."}, {"answer": "\"Protected free speech\" is a right defined in the Constitution, but this is meant to apply to the government and laws enacted by said government. Conversely, when a person argues that you shouldn't use offensive language, that is a request levied at a private individual or establishment. The target of the request has no legal imperative to be \"more polite\", and the requester has no legal restriction on making the request. The confusion comes from attempting to applying the Constitution outside its intended scope. As an inverted example, the Constitution allows for the collection of taxes by the federal government, but if I as an individual came to your house and demanded you give me a share of your earnings for the year, you would be within your rights to refuse me, because the Constitution does not grant ME the individual that power."}, {"answer": "To add to the other comments, free speech pertains both to the person doing the speaking, and those responding to it. Lets say you come to reddit and say \"Dude, cat videos are just dumb.\" The government would violate my freedom of speech to prevent me from from saying \"you are wrong.\" This seems trivial, but during women's fight for suffrage, the civil rights movement, the fight for rights for disabilities, the a lot of the arguments against why we shouldn't have these was \"Dude, women are just dumb (too dumb to vote).\" And people stood up and said that they were wrong."}, {"answer": "Poor parenting. The last generation was raised being constantly told how great they are, how right they are, that everyone should like them, and that the world should be customized to their desires. They were never taught how to deal with conflict, how to handle stress, or how to control their emotions."}, {"answer": "After hundreds of years of oppressing certain people, the efforts to undo that damage included making the language related to past oppression unacceptable. Then others with less to complain about saw how that worked, and used the concept for their own purposes."}, {"answer": "Here's the real answer. It has everything to do with people giving validity to their feelings. They wear their feelings with pride and if you hurt their feelings then they are offended. It's a bunch of bullshit."}, {"answer": "Because my generation is full of entitled, virtue signaling, thin-skinned brats who yell so loudly about every little thing that everyone else realizes its easier to appease them then to try to reason with them."}, {"answer": "Spoiled babies who got whatever they wanted growing up. Then grow up, get to the real world, and still feel they have the privilege to always get their way."}, {"answer": "Can I ask where you you from? Despite have a rise in sjws lately America is by far the country with the freest speech in the world."}, {"answer": "People use offense and outrage as a means of asserting power. It frees them from actually developing and supporting coherent arguments to support their views."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "634892", "title": "Freedom of speech in the United States", "section": "Section::::Types of speech restrictions.:Time, place, and manner restrictions.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 50, "end_paragraph_id": 50, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is not absolute, and therefore subject to restrictions. Time, place, and manner restrictions are relatively self-explanatory. Time restrictions regulate when expression can take place; place restrictions regulate where expression can take place; and manner restrictions regulate how expression can take place. A restriction may occur if someone is protesting loudly in front of someone's house in a neighborhood in the middle of the night, or if someone was sitting in the middle of a busy intersection during rush hour, for example. These actions would cause problems for other people, so restricting speech in terms of time, place, and manner addresses a legitimate societal concern. Restricting this speech would be constitutional because the restrictions are content neutral, meaning they would restrict anyone from saying anything in these situations, no matter what their message is; they are narrowly drawn, meaning the restriction was examined specifically for the case in question to determine how to serve the governmental interest at stake; the restrictions serve a significant governmental interest, meaning other fundamental rights are important to citizens, such as sleeping peacefully at night or people getting to work or home from work; and there are plenty of alternative methods of communicating their message, such as writing an editorial in the paper or moving to the sidewalk at a different time in the day. One of the earliest mentions of the principle of time, place, and manner restrictions comes in the \"Cox v. Louisiana\" (1965) case. Justice Goldberg delivered the opinion and stated,\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "While freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is not absolute, and therefore subject to restrictions. Time, place, and manner restrictions are relatively self-explanatory. Time restrictions regulate when expression can take place; place restrictions regulate where expression can take place; and manner restrictions regulate how expression can take place. A restriction may occur if someone is protesting loudly in front of someone's house in a neighborhood in the middle of the night, or if someone was sitting in the middle of a busy intersection during rush hour, for example. These actions would cause problems for other people, so restricting speech in terms of time, place, and manner addresses a legitimate societal concern."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Speech of Polly Baker\n\n\nTransgressions. If mine, then, is a religious Offence, leave it, Gentlemen, to religious Punishments. You have already excluded me from all the Comforts of your Church Communion: Is not that sufficient? You believe I have offended Heaven, and must suffer eternal Fire: Will not that be sufficient? What need is there, then, of your additional Fines and Whippings? I own, I do not think as you do; for, if I thought, what you call a Sin, was really such,", "id": "20485696" }, { "contents": "Robert Poley\n\n\nhave been received by Poley was 5 September 1601, when he was paid £10, by Sir Robert Cecil, for carrying post from and to Paris. This is the last heard of him except for a letter he wrote to Cecil on 18 July the following year. He sends information concerning Jesuits and their means of entering the country, but also indicates that his relationship with Cecil is now rather strained, saying, \"How, half offended, you said to me I never made you good intelligence, nor did you", "id": "3624407" }, { "contents": "The Queers\n\n\nI’m liberal as hell, and I was taken aback by how quickly people attacked me. To this day, I’ll get snide comments. I was jumped by Nazis as a gay person, even though I’m not gay. I fought Nazis, so to be called a Nazi is lame by this alt-left.\" In the same interview he states that humor is a way to social change, we shouldn't take ourselves so seriously and that many people are looking for a reason to be offended, \"", "id": "13425595" }, { "contents": "Rudolf Matutinović\n\n\nwith the opportunity to work with you. Please forgive me if I have inadvertently done anything to offend you. I would like to thank you once again for everything you have done for me. With all my respect, R. Matutinović. \" On December 16 that same year, he receives a scholarship from the Federal commission for cultural relations with foreign countries. He continues his studies in Paris from January 10 until March 27, 1954, Not long after, he begins his collaboration with professor Fran Kršinić (from May 1,", "id": "6369095" }, { "contents": "Tyler, the Creator\n\n\ntake it offensive, so I don't know. If it offends you, it offends you. If you call me a nigger, I really don't care, but that's just me, personally. Some people might take it the other way; I personally don't give a shit.\" Despite making several remarks that have been taken as homophobic, Tyler, the Creator was among the first to openly support fellow Odd Future member Frank Ocean after publicly revealing a past relationship with another young man. Lyrics on the", "id": "3064031" }, { "contents": "I Must Have Lost it on the Wind\n\n\nI am not finished.\" What was challenging for me was, I was finishing. I spent the past year finishing to get the character to this moment. But for me, it was the specific interpretation I had of Cristina saying, \"I am not finished.\" That speech fills me now. That speech is about how she is not finished. Anyway, I wish I said that more eloquently because I cannot tell you how much that line means to me.\" \"I Must Have Lost it on", "id": "18793749" }, { "contents": "Fight Club (novel)\n\n\nterm \"snowflake\". \"I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it\", Palahniuk said in 2017. \"Every generation gets offended by different things but my friends who teach in high school tell me that their students are very easily offended ... The modern Left is always reacting to things. Once they get their show on the road culturally they will stop being so offended.\" The novel won the following awards: Palahniuk was convinced to continue \"Fight Club\" in comics form by fellow novelist Chelsea Cain and", "id": "22148704" }, { "contents": "In Solitary Witness\n\n\nhis family.” Jägerstätter's Family Jägerstätter's letters provide evidence that he loved his family: “Dearest wife and mother! I thank you once more from the bottom of my heart for everything that you have done for me in my lifetime, for all the love and sacrifice that you have borne for me: and I beg you again forgive me if I have hurt or offended you, just as I have forgiven everything.” He reassures his wife that she need not worry herself about his imprisonment and trial: “", "id": "5041435" }, { "contents": "Victims' Rights Amendment\n\n\nclemency or relief, and similar news. They may require that any pay received by an offender while incarcerated go at least in part to compensate the victims, and that royalties to any creative works such as books, screenplays or similar works created by the offender judged to be derived from the events of the offense be assigned to the victims (though these latter requirements have been challenged as a violation of the constitutional guarantee of free speech). The federal victims' rights amendments which have been proposed are similar to the above.", "id": "3211880" }, { "contents": "Todd Manning\n\n\n-Times\" commented, \"I suppose ABC didn't have much of a choice but to pull the product--but I have to wonder about the people who voiced those protests.\" He added, \"It was a stupid SOCK DOLL based on a SOAP OPERA CHARACTER. If you're offended by that, how do you get through the day without succumbing to fits of hysterical outrage every five minutes?\" When Todd was recast with St. John after Howarth's departure, many fans felt that like the roles of Luke", "id": "16007343" }, { "contents": "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day\n\n\nwake of the departures of Norris and Wellington. Mimi stated to \"AOL News\" that the protest movement should be regarded as, \"pro-free speech, not anti-Muslim.\" She commented, \"If [Muslims] are offended, they have the right to be offended – just like Christians.\" With regard to keeping with the tenets of Freedom of Speech, Mimi is permitting a wide array of depictions of Muhammad \"except for those inciting violence or pornographic in nature.\" \"Mainstream society does whatever", "id": "6286060" }, { "contents": "Therapy (Tech N9ne EP)\n\n\njust thought it up right there. We did one called \"When Demons Come\". Everything came from getting recognition from \"Something Else\". That's how my life is. I like my life. \"So Much Love\" on \"Something Else\" had me ready for \"When Demons Come\". There's so much love you can get lost in this shit. You don't know when something's going to hit. You have to be ready with angels when demons come. Songs like that just came", "id": "15255587" }, { "contents": "Donald Kerr\n\n\nsafety, you get less privacy. I don’t agree with that. I work from the assumption that you need to have both. When we try to make it an either/or proposition, we’re bound to fail.\" Later in the speech, he said, \"Too often, privacy has been equated with anonymity; and it's an idea that is deeply rooted in American culture. The Lone Ranger wore a mask but Tonto didn’t seem to need one even though he did the dirty work for free", "id": "22077451" }, { "contents": "American Idol (season 13)\n\n\nhim. After his fans expressed outrage on Twitter, Caleb issued an apology on his Facebook page. \"For the record that juvenile comment I made in the interview was not directed towards my fans but to the wackos that send hundreds of hate messages a day to me! You guys are amazing and I cannot thank you enough for your support. Sorry if it offended anybody it was the wrong choice of words. Also I greatly appreciate it when you guys give me song suggestions but it gets really overwhelming at the volume", "id": "1350286" }, { "contents": "Drunk driving law by country\n\n\nwhich are such that the offender shouldn't be disqualified from driving despite having committed the offense. Special reasons are notoriously difficult to establish and the burden of proof is always upon the accused to establish them. Such reasons may include: In England and Wales, when DWI offenders appear before a magistrates' court, the magistrates have guidelines they refer to before they decide on a suitable sentence to give the offender. These guidelines are issued by the Sentencing Guidelines Council and cover offenses for which sentence is frequently imposed in a magistrates'", "id": "879309" }, { "contents": "Dmitry Salita\n\n\nmeans that groups of people would break into homes and bash the house. I remember that my father bought a gun just in case something was to happen. It was very difficult to get top jobs or to go to top schools and still remain proud of your Judaism. I am very grateful to America for letting me pursue my goals, and have freedom of religion and speech. You don't normally appreciate it, but when you don't have it, you understand just how great it is to have it. Now", "id": "21171847" }, { "contents": "Damita Jo (album)\n\n\ntold us that \"Damita Jo is one of the characters that lives inside of me\". And now Beyonce wants us to know that this album ... reflects how: \"I have someone else that takes over when it's time for me to work and when I'm on stage, this alter ego that I've created kind of protects me and who I really am.\" \"The Courant\" commented \"her musical forebear Janet Jackson is occasionally known as Damita Jo, so why shouldn't Beyonce have an alter-", "id": "4471842" }, { "contents": "Juan Williams\n\n\nand published an apology by him. On November 2, 1991, Williams wrote: \"It pained me to learn during the investigation that I had offended some of you. I have said so repeatedly in the last few weeks, and repeat here: some of my verbal conduct was wrong, I now know that, and I extend my sincerest apology to those whom I offended.\" Williams joined NPR in 2000 as host of the daily afternoon talk show \"Talk of the Nation\". He then served as senior national", "id": "4821317" }, { "contents": "Stephanie de Zorzi\n\n\nnew and difficult experience because all my colleagues called me giraffe and bullied me. I have a lot friends and I was not affected because I used to study a good grades. When I had important responsibilities in my house, I work as the eldest of all my brothers.\" She learned that, \"I learned to respect and a tolerate others. This was taught to me by my parents, and I had to put into practice in my school never to offend when they did bullying.\" Just like many other", "id": "5080605" }, { "contents": "Miracle Village (community)\n\n\n40-minute drive to get to a supermarket. The site was chosen because of its isolation; given that, the sex offender residence restrictions do not apply. The complex of 54 duplexes and six family homes is operated by Matthew 25 Ministries, an organization with the stated goal of providing prison aftercare. (The reference is to Matthew 25:36–40: \"I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me...\" \"Truly, I say to you,", "id": "12770790" }, { "contents": "Chukat\n\n\nsimilarly, reports, “And the Lord changed the fortune of Job, when he prayed for his friends” (after they had slandered him). The Midrash taught that when one person wrongs another but then says, “I have sinned,” the victim is called a sinner if the victim does not forgive the offender. For in Samuel told the Israelites, “As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you,” and Samuel told them this", "id": "16590655" }, { "contents": "List of The Catherine Tate Show characters\n\n\n\" dare you!\", along with the overuse of the word \"dear\". This can be seen in another catchphrase; when asked about his sexuality he replies \"Who, dear? Me, dear? Gay, dear? No, dear!\", or when asked for advice replying \"Me, dear? Advice, dear? Yes, dear.\" When offended, Derek states how he and his mother have been doing something relative to the person Derek is insulted by for 25 years. For example,", "id": "20627897" }, { "contents": "Legality of child pornography\n\n\nin sexually explicit conduct or posing in sexually explicit manners shall be punished with up to 12 years' imprisonment, with hard labor, as well as a fine up to MXN $500,000. A second conviction for child pornography requires the offenders to be placed on the Sex Offender Registry permanently. Although child pornography may also be obscene, a legal term that refers to offensive or violent forms of pornography that have been declared by decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court to be outside the protection of the First Amendment regarding free speech, it", "id": "7820805" }, { "contents": "Castration\n\n\nBohnice in Prague, none of the nearly 100 sex offenders who had been physically castrated had committed further offences. One serial offender stated that being castrated was the \"best decision\" he ever made: \"On the one hand you have to protect the potential victims and on the other hand I wanted to be protected from myself, I wanted to live like a normal person.\" Don Grubin, a professor at Newcastle University's Institute of Neuroscience who also runs a chemical castration program backed by the U.K.'s Ministry of Justice", "id": "19845631" }, { "contents": "Pasqua v. Council\n\n\nthe scope of community notification of such information as a sex offender's name, and home and work address, by assigning the offender to one of three tiers. Id. at 23-25, 662 A.2d 367. Although sex offenders are subject only to expanded stigmatization of their reputations in their communities depending on their tier classification, they have a due process \"liberty interest\" protected under Article I, Paragraph 1, triggering the right to counsel. Id. at 30-31, 104-06, 662 A.2d 367. In", "id": "1930049" }, { "contents": "Anne Atkins\n\n\nand Nick Griffin to speak: \"When you say that the majority view is always right I think that is a deeply dangerous and disturbing thing to say. I am not for a moment saying that I agree with David Irving or Nick Griffin but I am saying that once you start having truth by democracy you risk silencing some of the most important prophets we have ever had.\" In September 2008, Atkins prompted complaints after offending the people of Norfolk on BBC Radio 4. In a \"Thought for the Day\" broadcast", "id": "2218775" }, { "contents": "Islam and humanity\n\n\nentering into others' house, speaking the truth, and avoiding rude and false speech have been emphasized. The typical Islamic teaching is that imposing a penalty on an offender in proportion to their offense is permissible and just; but forgiving the offender is better. To go one step further by offering a favor to the offender is regarded the highest excellence. Muhammad said, \"\"The best among you are those who have the best manners and character\"\". To the Muslims, the examples of moral virtues set by Muhammad", "id": "20363671" }, { "contents": "William Dixon manuscript\n\n\nNiel Gow, who lived in the same village. In 1909, he offered it to the music collector, Dorothea Ruggles-Brise, reportedly saying \"I have an old torn book upstairs; it is of no use to anyone; you may have it if you like\". She replied \"This is a curiosity, I would rather not rob you. Will you let me buy it?\". Offended, he answered \"In that case, I will put it in the fire.\" She pulled it out", "id": "18268139" }, { "contents": "Marital life of Fatimah\n\n\nit would upset Fatima. The three most popular versions of this tradition are related by al-Miswar b. Makhrama, a Companion who was about nine years old when Muhammad died. On one occasion, a member of the house of Hisham ibn al-Mughirah proposed that Ali marry a woman from their clan. Ali did not immediately reject the proposal and when word reached Muhammad he is reported to have said, \"Fatima is a part of me and whoever offends her offends me.\" However Ali did not marry another woman", "id": "16603226" }, { "contents": "Miracle Village (community)\n\n\nas you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me\" (English Standard Version).) According to their Web site, there is no religious discrimination; non-Christians are just as welcome. The Executive Director in 2017 is Ted Rodarm, an ex-offender. Also according to the organization's web site, they do not accept violent offenders or serial offenders, nor minister to pedophiles, which they define as \"someone who can only become sexually aroused by", "id": "12770791" }, { "contents": "John Gates (courtier)\n\n\nof the Tower's garden gate: \"Sir John,\" sayeth the duke, \"God have mercy upon us, for this day shall end both our lives. And I pray you forgive me whatsoever I have offended; and I forgive you with all my heart, although you and your counsel was a great occasion hereof.\" \"Well, my lord,\" sayeth Sir John Gates, \"I forgive you as I would be forgiven; and yet you and your authority was the only original cause of all together", "id": "7361524" }, { "contents": "Josephine Baker\n\n\nCivil Rights issues going on in America. In her powerful speech, one of the things Baker notably said was: I have walked into the palaces of kings and queens and into the houses of presidents. And much more. But I could not walk into a hotel in America and get a cup of coffee, and that made me mad. And when I get mad, you know that I open my big mouth. And then look out, 'cause when Josephine opens her mouth, they hear it all over the world", "id": "15662837" }, { "contents": "Johnny Handsome\n\n\nare really offended by it. That's fine with me. I like movies that stir things up a little. \"I wanted a very neutral palette,\" said Hill. \"If I had my druthers, I'd rather have made it a black-and-white film. I don't think you can make a real film noir without shooting it in black-and-white. But that wasn't one of the options. You either have to have a star or a director that has sufficient clout.", "id": "21728327" }, { "contents": "Höffern\n\n\nKing Frederick I of Sweden: \"She predicted to the late King Fridric, that he would make the greatest and highest luck in the world through a woman\". In Hamburg, she happened to see the hand of an officer and cried out: \"Oh my, what is this hand of a poor wretch!\" When the officer apologized, she replied: \"You have in no way offended me, but you will soon have a great misfortune.\" Some weeks later, his corpse was found outside the city", "id": "19778810" }, { "contents": "Sonnet 42\n\n\nSonnet 42 is one of 154 sonnets written by the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare. It is a part of the Fair Youth section of the sonnets addressed to an unnamed young man. It is not my main ground of complaint that you have her, even though I loved her dearly; that she has you is my chief regret, a loss that touches me more closely. Loving offenders, I excuse you both thus: you love her, because you know I love her; similarly, she abuses me for my", "id": "5509294" }, { "contents": "Jerry Lewis\n\n\nshowman\". He also added that he admired Ronald Reagan's presidency. In 1998, at the Aspen U.S. Comedy Arts Festival, when asked which women comics he admired, Lewis answered, \"I don't like any female comedians.\" \"A woman doing comedy doesn't offend me but sets me back a bit.\" He later clarified his statements saying, \"Seeing a woman project the kind of aggression that you have to project as a comic just rubs me wrong.\" \"I cannot sit and watch", "id": "16001773" }, { "contents": "Stuart Semple\n\n\npop influenced his approach to art \"When I was growing up in the 80s these things (cultural icons) were – I don't know if it's quite right to say they were aspirational, but they certainly gave me my first feelings of something larger. But as you get older you get more jaded so now when you look back at these 'nostalgic' things, you have lost something. Here I've tried to look at them again in such as way as to rediscover that sense of feeling\" In 2013", "id": "14940390" }, { "contents": "Metro Trains Melbourne\n\n\nThe Code of Conduct states that an Authorised Officer may use discretion when reporting an alleged offender, and must supply their name and work address when asked. If an Authorised Officer believes that a passenger has committed an offence, they have the right to request the offender's name and address after having explained the nature of the alleged offence to the offender. The Authorised Officer also have the right to request proof of the given information. If the offender refuses to provide identification or provides false information, Authorised Officers will then contact Victoria", "id": "10812251" }, { "contents": "Pennywise (band)\n\n\nna sit around twiddling my thumbs. I'm ready and willing to get into the studio and that's what everyone says, but they don't seem to be doing it, so I just said, \"Okay, well, you let me know when you're ready.\" I hate to sound pathetic, but if anybody's been in a band as long as I have been, then they'd understand that the politics of getting into the studio shouldn't be that difficult, but sometimes they are.\" In", "id": "2413957" }, { "contents": "Benveniste\n\n\nexplain, threatening him with dire punishment. The minister said: \"Your Majesty, I am ready to accept your judgment. But first, I beg you, hear me out carefully. Your Majesty, when we were out in the field, you asked me to tell you the name of that plant. There you were, standing before me, Royal Highness, and I thought: By no means am I going to offend Your Majesty by telling you the plant's true name, ‘malva’ – ‘ill-", "id": "7262847" }, { "contents": "Inodoro Pereyra\n\n\nhe fought with Inodoro Pereyra because he offended Eulogia, Inodoro´s wife. Inodoro: Being alone is nothing, the bad thing is realizing that. Mendieta: Who gave birth to it! [Similar meaning to \"What the fuck!\"]. Inodoro: God, give me patience… but right now! Inodoro: I´m engaged to my land, married to its problems and divorced from its richness. Mendieta: How are you winning your living? Inodoro: Winning? In my case I think it is a draw.", "id": "9916519" }, { "contents": "Does It Offend You, Yeah?\n\n\nDoes It Offend You, Yeah? were a British dance-punk band from Reading, Berkshire. They played their final show on 12 December 2015 at the Electric Ballroom, Camden, London. Does It Offend You, Yeah?, named after a quote from the BBC television series \"The Office\", were formed in 2006 in Reading, UK by James Rushent and Dan Coop and soon joined by Rob Bloomfield and Morgan Quaintance. They released their first album, \"You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into", "id": "20812448" }, { "contents": "Cornish Floral Dance (Dad's Army sketch)\n\n\nwould have offended many television viewers in the 1970s, let alone the ladies in the 1940s choir. Pike begins his solo, reading word for word from his song sheet \"I felt so lonely standing there, and I could only stand and stare. For I have no boy/girl with me. Lonely...\" Mainwaring stops him and asks \"Why are you singing 'I have no boy/girl with me'?\", to which Pike replies \"That’s what it says here.\" He shows the", "id": "944248" }, { "contents": "Offending the Audience\n\n\nto free themselves by heckling; they might feel naked and get involved.\" He further goes on to explain his intentions: The idea was to have the spectators in the orchestra thrown back upon themselves. What mattered to me was making them feel like going to the theatre more, making them see all plays more consciously and with a different consciousness. My theatrical plan is to have the audience always look upon my play as a means of testing other plays. I first intended to write an essay, a pamphlet, against", "id": "18697591" }, { "contents": "Anne, Queen of Great Britain\n\n\n, they had an argument that culminated in Sarah offending the Queen by telling her to be quiet. Anne was dismayed. When Sarah forwarded an unrelated letter from her husband to Anne, with a covering note continuing the argument, Anne wrote back pointedly, \"After the commands you gave me on the thanksgiving day of not answering you, I should not have troubled you with these lines, but to return the Duke of Marlborough's letter safe into your hands, and for the same reason do not say anything to that,", "id": "2632951" }, { "contents": "Élisabeth of France\n\n\n\"They murmur; they cry out against you; they ask what Mme Elizabeth did to offend you; what were her crimes; why you sent this innocent and virtuous person to the scaffold.\" Robespierre replied: \"Well, you understand, it is always me. I assure you, my dear Maret, that, far from being the cause of the death of Mme Elizabeth, I wished to save her. It was that wretch Collot d'Herbois who snatched her from me.\" Her body was buried in a common", "id": "12124560" }, { "contents": "Derek Raymond\n\n\nsolved them that fast, they’d start stripping you down for the microchips to find out how you did it.’br ‘How are you getting on with it, anyhow?’ ‘I can’t get my proof,’ I said. ‘You know me — slow, quick, quick, slow, Mr. Foxtrot they call me. That’s why I’m still a sergeant while you’re shaping up for superintendent on the Vice Squad. All I can say is, when it happens, don’t get done", "id": "22203976" }, { "contents": "Hate speech laws in Poland\n\n\nConstitution prohibits political parties and other organizations which have programmes based upon totalitarian methods and the modes of activity of nazism, fascism, and communism. Article 13 further prohibits any programmes or activities which promote racial or national hatred. Article 35 gives national and ethnic minorities the right to establish educational and cultural institutions and institutions designed to protect religious identity. Article 196 makes anyone found guilty of intentionally offending religious feelings through public calumny of an object or place of worship liable to a fine, a restriction of liberty, or to imprisonment for", "id": "11695012" }, { "contents": "Dorothea Justina Haxthausen\n\n\nof the queen, who referred to her as \"liebstes Dörtgen\" and \"Madame la Comtesse\". The intimacy of their relationship is illustrated in a letter from the queen in reply to Hauxthausen, who had expressed concern that she would be unable to perform in her office because of her illnesses: \"Do not fear that I shall be offended. No matter how ill you are, you shall always be as dear to me, and if God should wish to deprive me of a part of the help, which I", "id": "21057202" }, { "contents": "Scapino\n\n\ntell me about yourself all the same. ___ \"Scapin pretends to be mortally wounded and begs forgiveness for his wrongdoings.\" SCAPIN. (to GÉRONTE.) It is you, Sir, I have offended the most, because of the beating with the cudgel which I... GÉRONTE. Leave that alone. SCAPIN. I feel in dying an inconceivable grief for the beating which I... GÉRONTE. Ah me! be silent. SCAPIN. That unfortunate beating that I gave... GÉRONTE. Be silent, I tell", "id": "13564836" }, { "contents": "Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy\n\n\n\"cancer\" and said he is \"gone, g-o-n-e\" from the Boston police force. Barrett, in a television interview, said that he used \"a poor choice of words\" in the email. He added, \"I did not mean to offend anyone.\" Barrett also stated, \"I have so many friends of every type of culture and race you can name. I am not a racist.\" In August 2009, Barrett filed an unsuccessful suit against the Boston Police", "id": "20118436" }, { "contents": "High Voltage (1976 album)\n\n\nlow. Lead singer Bon Scott spits out his vocals with a truly annoying aggression which, I suppose, is the only way to do it when all you seem to care about is being a star so that you can get laid every night. Stupidity bothers me. Calculated stupidity offends me.\" Time has been far kinder to the LP; Allmusic's review, by Stephen Thomas Erlewine, praised Angus Young's \"monster riffs\" which appear to be easy but give the music its strength and this allows Scott to be", "id": "8585240" }, { "contents": "Community sentence\n\n\nefficient at this, while at the same time removing the threat criminals pose to the public (protection). Alternative sentences add to these goals, trying to reform the offender (rehabilitation), and put right what he did (reparation). Traditionally, victims of a crime only played a small part in the criminal justice process, as this breaching the rules of the society. The restorative approach to justice approach often makes it a part of a sentence for the offender to apologize, compensate the damage they have caused or", "id": "11530674" }, { "contents": "PROTECT Act of 2003\n\n\nthe Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 had been ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2002 decision, \"Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition\". The act was signed into law by President George W. Bush on April 30, 2003. The PROTECT Act allows sex offenders to be sentenced to a lifetime term of federal supervised release. Although targeted most directly at sex offenders, it the PROTECT Act affects all federal supervised releasees. The PROTECT Act removed the \"aggregation requirement\" of and , which had limited the net amount", "id": "6260555" }, { "contents": "Robbie Savage\n\n\nDerby County, replacing Paul Connolly, who manager Nigel Clough wanted to \"concentrate on his own game\". In response, Savage said that: \"I did not deserve the captaincy when I first came to the club. I was handed it from the first day and I shouldn't have been. It was too much pressure for me and I had a nightmare. I let it get to me. I think I'm ready for it now. I feel more comfortable with it now.\" Derby struggled once again", "id": "5571896" }, { "contents": "Maria Connor\n\n\n\" Smith noted that she was worried about offending people with the storyline: \"A few years ago my first kind of hard-hitting storyline was when Maria had the stillborn baby and it sort of makes you really hyper-aware that other people have been through it, so you kind of want to do it justice. It's the same with this one really. Sexual assault is a very serious issue, so I want to do it justice and hopefully not offend people who have been sexually assaulted. In August 2016", "id": "8754798" }, { "contents": "Constitutionality of sex offender registries in the United States\n\n\nruling stated the \"geographic exclusion zones\" in the Sex Offender Registry Act, such as student safety areas that stretch for 1,000 feet around schools, are unconstitutional. Judge Cleland also stated law enforcement does not have strong enough guidelines to know how to measure the 1,000-foot exclusion zone around schools. Neither sex offenders or law enforcement have the tools or data to determine the zones. Many successful challenges to sex offender registration laws in the United States have been in Missouri because of a unique provision in the Missouri Constitution (Article I,", "id": "14979433" }, { "contents": "Tatiana de la tierra\n\n\nillnesses included a quiz titled \"100% Latina Lesbian Checklist\" that poked fun at the symbol of 100% Latina Lesbian Vision which graced each issue. The quiz was funny and entertaining, giving the readers points for having a \"penis-free zone\" (hinting at owning any dildos or similar objects). A lot of conservatives were offended by her writing because she spoke and wrote so unapologetically. De la tierra did not hold back when it came to eroticism, and she was so free in her speech that her", "id": "18760946" }, { "contents": "Canadian Human Rights Commission free speech controversy\n\n\nconcept\" but added that a person stating that they were protected by \"freedom of speech,\" would be equivalent \"to somebody raising a 'freedom of expression' concept,\" which Mr. Steacy stated was protected under Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms \"to a point.\" He later added that \"you don't have the right to say absolutely anything you desire, especially when it's in written format.\" Jonathan Kay of the National Post criticized Steacy's remarks, stating that: \"for an organization", "id": "7610226" }, { "contents": "Jessica's Law\n\n\noffenders home addresses continues to be upheld by the court in the name of public safety, although April 2006 vigilante type murders in Maine have brought new concerns of misuse of the registry and for the safety of nonoffending family members by private parties. Missouri civil rights attorney Arthur Benson currently waits decision from the Missouri Supreme Court regarding the Sex Offenders Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) Litigation, Jane Doe I, et al. v. Thomas Phillips et al. which \"contends the act violates substantive due process rights and equal protection rights", "id": "12319813" }, { "contents": "Sex offender registry\n\n\nprofessionals, and evidence exists suggesting that such registries are counterproductive. Some aspects of the current sex offender registries in the United States have been widely criticized by civil rights organizations Human Rights Watch and the ACLU, professional organizations Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers and Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, reformist groups Reform Sex Offender Laws, Inc., Women Against Registry and USA FAIR, and by child safety advocate Patty Wetterling, the Chair of National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Virtually no studies exist finding U.S. registries effective, prompting", "id": "8586224" }, { "contents": "American Idol controversies\n\n\nnot thank you enough for your support. Sorry if it offended anybody it was the wrong choice of words. Also I greatly appreciate it when you guys give me song suggestions but it gets really overwhelming at the volume it comes in so please understand ! Rock on !:)\" National media outlets reported on an exchange between judge Harry Connick Jr. and contestant Quentin Alexander noting the incident of Connick scolding a contestant was awkward. On the live airing of the Top 6 show, there were three contestants who had not been saved when", "id": "4635153" }, { "contents": "Moses in rabbinic literature\n\n\n. The event is described somewhat differently, but equally simply, in Sifre. For the statement that Moses did not die at all, compare Sotah 13b. \"When the angel of death, being sent by God to Moses, appeared before him and said, 'Give me your soul,' Moses scolded him, saying, 'You have not even the right to appear where I am sitting; how dare you say to me that I shall give you my soul?' The angel of death took this answer back", "id": "19576882" }, { "contents": "Relationships for incarcerated individuals\n\n\n-offend. Relationships among families, peers, communities, and romantic partners all contribute in a unique way to predict how successfully an individual reintegrates into society. Though some relationships have protective factors that buffer against re-entry into the criminal justice system, others contribute to the propensity to re-offend. Relationships among families, peers, communities, and romantic partners all contribute in a unique way to predict how successfully an individual reintegrates into society Upon release, the communities that offenders find themselves in can impact the success of reentry", "id": "1657273" }, { "contents": "Kuei Chih-Hung\n\n\nand the film started burning. It almost caused a fire and my father gave me a good scolding.\" \"I am not interested in making fanciful romantic movies at all. I have always wanted to take the realism approach. But in Hong Kong, that is so hard to do. If you make a movie about the mob, you may offend the real mob. If you object to the lenient sentences for juvenile delinquents, you may be condemned as 'agitator'. And if you include provocative dialogues, you", "id": "7022808" }, { "contents": "Kali (demon)\n\n\nIn another version of the tale, Kali enters into the Emperor's crown when Parikshit gives him permission to reside wherever there is gold. Upon returning home after offending the sage, Parikshit says to himself, \"Kali-yug's abode is in gold; this was on my head; hence I had so evil a thought that, having taken a dead snake cast it on the sage’s neck. Therefore, I now understand that Kali-yug has taken his revenge on me. How shall I escape this grievous sin", "id": "19164839" }, { "contents": "John the Baptist\n\n\none who is not offended by me.\" As they went away, Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John: \"What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? What then did you go out to see? A man dressed in soft clothing? Behold, those who wear soft clothing are in kings' houses. What then did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is he of", "id": "16242372" }, { "contents": "José María Reina Barrios\n\n\nassured that I will know how to respect and protect you.\"\" And then both shook hands with effusion. By the election period, the first two days of voting favored Lainfiesta. But by the third day, a huge column of Quetzaltenango and Totonicapán Indigenous people came down from the mountains to vote for general Reyna Barrios. The official agents did their job: Reyna was elected president and, not to offend the losing candidates, Barillas gave them checks to cover the costs of their presidential campaigns. Reyna Barrios, of", "id": "484184" }, { "contents": "Hipparchia of Maroneia\n\n\nhitting Theodoros.\" He did not reply to what she said, but pulled up her garment. We are told she was neither offended nor ashamed by this \"as most women would have been.\" We are also told that when Theodorus (quoting a line from \"The Bacchae\" of Euripides) said to her: \"Who is the woman who has left behind the shuttles of the loom?\" she replied I, Theodorus, am that person, but do I appear to you to have come to a wrong", "id": "492873" }, { "contents": "Islam: The Untold Story\n\n\neven been broadcast. The default response was complain, complain, complain.\" She advised offended Muslims to \"respond, don't react\". Inayat Bunglawala, chair of Muslims4UK, said \"I have no time for those who say Channel 4 shouldn't broadcast such a programme. Every broadcaster and historian has the right to examine the historical origins of any faith. But our objections were more about the quality of the documentary itself and the arguments Tom made.\" The UK-based Islamic Education & Research Academy (iERA", "id": "21451861" }, { "contents": "Arya Aramnejad\n\n\nmade clear. It gives me the right to criticise. It gives me the right to take part in gatherings without carrying weapons, it gives me the right to free speech and free thought. And because of this constitution that our fathers voted for, I am free not to be indifferent to the destiny of my country. Interestingly instead of being commended, I have to stand trial today for this. Sadly in the report made by the intelligence ministry, it is stated that I have written an insulting song against Mu‘āwiya and", "id": "20579590" }, { "contents": "Sex offender registry\n\n\noffenders lived did not have higher molestation rates than blocks where sex offenders did not live. In at least two instances, convicted sex offenders were murdered after their information was made available over the Internet. The spouse, children and other family members of a sex offender often have negative consequences as a result of having a family member on the registry. For example, residency restrictions will make it harder for a sex offender's spouse and children, not just a sex offender themselves, to find housing. Residency restrictions may even cause", "id": "8586266" }, { "contents": "Smith and Dale\n\n\nit hurts when I do \"this\".br DALE: Don't \"do\" that. SMITH: My neck hurts me, doctor; it's DALE: Oh, well, sit down and open your neck. \"(Smith tries to object)\" Mister, please, I got no patience!br SMITH: I shouldn't have been here either! The patient explains that he has already seen a doctor: SMITH: He told me I had snew in my DALE: What did he told you?br SMITH: He told", "id": "17362167" }, { "contents": "Victoria Woodhull\n\n\nsame speech, which became known as the \"Steinway speech,\" delivered on Monday, November 20, 1871, in Steinway Hall, New York City, Woodhull said of free love: Yes, I am a Free Lover. I have an inalienable, constitutional and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or as short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please, and with that right neither you nor any law you can frame have any right to interfere.", "id": "14363667" }, { "contents": "The Rise of Victimhood Culture\n\n\n. Honour cultures, often called honour-shame cultures are cultures like that of the old time American West or Europe in the era when dueling was common. In such cultures, honour is paramount, and when it is offended, the offended party retaliated directly, by, for example, engaging in a blood feud. In honor cultures, victims have an extremely low moral status. Mason and Campbell describe honour-shame culture as having been replaced in the modern Western world in the 19th and 20th century by a dignity culture", "id": "16014400" }, { "contents": "County Court of Victoria\n\n\n(Morwell), Melbourne, Mildura and Shepparton. The County Koori Court can only be attended by Koori offenders who plead guilty to particular offences. Aboriginal Elders or Respected Persons advise the judge on cultural issues relating to the accused and his or her offending behaviour. Elders and Respected Persons provide information on the background of the accused and possible reasons for offending behaviour. They may also explain relevant kinship connections, how particular crimes have affected the Indigenous community and provide advice on cultural practices, protocols and perspectives relevant to sentencing. The", "id": "15327891" }, { "contents": "Publius Vatinius\n\n\nby Licinius Calvus. Calvus had previously accused Vatinius, but this was his most eloquent speech. Vatinius even interrupted him to exclaim, \"I ask you, judges, if I am to be condemned because the accuser is eloquent.\" Cicero, despite his previous attacks against Vatinius, defended him because he was afraid of offending the triumvirs and wanted their protection from Publius Clodius. Despite Cicero's speech, Vatinius' acquittal was more likely due to bribery by his patrons. Vatinius returned to Gaul in 51 BC where he was", "id": "4543604" }, { "contents": "Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles\n\n\nover the past 15 years through the use of the parole guidelines system and the availability of rehabilitation and treatment programs for offenders prior to release. When an offender is released on parole or mandatory supervision they are required to abide by both general and special conditions that have been imposed. If it is alleged that an offender has violated the terms and conditions of release, due process allows the offender to request a hearing prior to the revocation of parole. Mentally competent offenders also have the opportunity to waive their right to this revocation hearing", "id": "2578896" }, { "contents": "Juvenile Liaison Officer\n\n\ninvolved in filing the form calls to your residence where he will then talk to the parents/guardians and then yourself. If you are only a first time offender, they generally give you a warning and do not come back again (this depends on how serious the offence). But if you are a repeated offender, they are regular visitors, generally coming every 2 weeks or so and calling your residence to check up on what you have been up to. Your passport is then 'censored' which means that you", "id": "17342834" }, { "contents": "Darkover\n\n\nRenunciates. In The Shattered Chain, Chapter 5, Lady Jerana Hastur says: \"...I have always heard that the Free Amazons are eager to find pretty young girls whom they can convert to their unnatural way of life, turning them against marriage and motherhood, making them haters of men and lovers of women.\" This may be an example of Bradley's ironic social commentary. Everyone except Jerana Hastur is offended by this speech. The \"chieri\" change from male to female, or vice versa, when it is", "id": "17018000" }, { "contents": "John Lewis (civil rights leader)\n\n\n, speaking to the same enormous crowd that heard Martin Luther King's \"I Have a Dream\" speech, was prepared to ask the right question: 'Which side is the federal government on?' That sentence was eliminated from his speech by organizers of the March to avoid offending the Kennedy Administration. But Lewis and his fellow SNCC workers had experienced, again and again, the strange passivity of the national government in the face of Southern violence.\" At 23 he was the youngest speaker that day and is the last", "id": "19271480" }, { "contents": "Deterrence (penology)\n\n\nlittle certainty of punishment - and any deterrent effect is substantially reduced. Durrant (2014) argues that it is the perception of risk which has the potential to deter offending rather than punishment itself. He cites a study of offenders in which 76% either did not think about getting caught or thought the chances of getting caught were slim. Offenders who have successfully got away with certain crimes are especially likely to discount the probability of getting caught. This is particularly true of drink-driving. Durrant concludes: \"for any given", "id": "20694285" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Mali\n\n\nof six persons charged with \"offending\" the head of state was conducted behind closed doors (see Freedom of speech, below). Village chiefs, in consultation with the elders, decided the majority of disputes in rural areas. If these decisions were challenged in court, only those found to have legal merit were upheld. Journalists and a high school teacher were imprisoned in June for \"offending\" the head of state (see Freedom of speech, below). There is an independent and impartial judiciary in civil matters.", "id": "16858667" }, { "contents": "Harvey Milk\n\n\nasking you to do it.\" The race was close, and Milk lost by fewer than 4,000 votes. Agnos, however, taught Milk a valuable lesson when he criticized Milk's campaign speeches as \"a downer ... You talk about how you're gonna throw the bums out, but how are you gonna fix things—other than beat me? You shouldn't leave your audience on a down.\" In the wake of his loss, Milk, realizing that the Toklas Club would never support him politically,", "id": "18976146" }, { "contents": "Nauvoo Expositor\n\n\noutrage upon the laws and the liberties of the people. It may have been full of libels, but this did not authorize you to destroy it. There are many newspapers in this state which have been wrongfully abusing me for more than a year, and yet such is my regard for the liberty of the press and the rights of a free people in a republican government that I would shed the last drop of my blood to protect those presses from any illegal violence. The owners of the press obtained ... a warrant against", "id": "14043035" }, { "contents": "Rashid Behbudov\n\n\nRashid's manager saw me and motioned for me to follow him backstage. There I found Rashid pacing the floor. The manager cautioned me, \"He's getting ready to go on stagebetter not disturb him right now.\" I stood silently as if frozen. Suddenly, Rashid looked up, recognized me and came and hugged me. \"Where have you been for so long?\" he asked. \"If you only knew how much I miss Baku and my daughter. Thank God, I'll be flying back tomorrow", "id": "16092626" }, { "contents": "How Do I Breathe\n\n\nof way\". Aaron Fields of stated: \"First single off the album, yet didn't have the success like \"Let me love you\" did. I remember thinking he was definitely back when I heard this song. I'm not sure why this song didn't get more attention as it is one of the better songs done by him, nevertheless I probably would have picked this for the first single as well. I still bump this one in the car.\" The video was directed by Melina and", "id": "823691" }, { "contents": "Families Advocating an Intelligent Registry\n\n\n; its members today include former offenders and allies from legal, social justice, and treatment communities. On several occasions, through press releases and letters to editors, USA FAIR has requested corrections to inaccurate stories on sex offender issues. USA FAIR has publicly expressed its concern that highly publicized, violent sex crimes provoke knee-jerk responses in the form of even harsher sex offender laws, while in fact most registrants have little in common with the dangerous predatory offenders. The Executive director of USA FAIR, Shana Rowan was interviewed by", "id": "8562009" }, { "contents": "Normal People Scare Me\n\n\n, I scream, I wish to God I wasn't different and I didn't have to struggle with everything ...\", and a boy tells him of the negative aspects of the condition: \"The bad thing about autism is that it gets hard to understand other people and to understand what people say and what--what other people try to tell me to do and how to explain me better.\" When Cross asks his subjects \"Tell me how you feel about having autism\", he elicits responses including: \"", "id": "18204457" }, { "contents": "Ben Carson 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nspeaker. Carson withdrew as speaker and apologized for his remarks, saying that he was not equating those groups. He said:You know, as a Christian... I have a duty to love all people and that includes people who have other sexual orientations, and I certainly do, and never had any intention of offending anyone. What I was basically saying, and if anybody was offended, I apologize to you. But what I was basically saying is that there is no group. I wasn’t equating those things.", "id": "6958457" }, { "contents": "Non-apology apology\n\n\nthe full knowledge that a future repetition is inevitable. Such tactical apologies may have beneficial effects simply through the validation of the emotions of the offended party: they answer the basic human need for disagreeable emotions to be recognised and acknowledged as important, while protecting the apparently offending party from an expression of remorse. Negotiators often use this tactic to calm tense situations: \"an apology can defuse emotions effectively, even when you do not acknowledge personal responsibility for the action or admit an intention to harm. An apology may be one of", "id": "21681858" }, { "contents": "Golden Speech\n\n\nme I have greater cause to give you thanks, than you me, and I charge you to thank them of the Lower House from me. For had I not received a knowledge from you, I might have fallen into the lapse of an error, only for lack of true information. \"Since I was Queen, yet did I never put my pen to any grant, but that upon pretext and semblance made unto me, it was both good and beneficial to the subject in general though a private profit to some", "id": "16901238" }, { "contents": "1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners\n\n\ntook the Special Commission \"to task for violating Islam by executing repenters and minor offenders who in a proper court of law would have received a mere reprimand.\" Montazeri warned Khomeini: \"The execution of several thousand prisoners in a few days will not have positive repercussions and will not be mistake-free.\" Montazeri was asked to resign, with Khomeini maintaining he had always been doubtful of Montazeri's competence and that 'I expressed reservations when the Assembly of Experts first appointed you.'\" But the Assembly of Experts", "id": "13040927" }, { "contents": "Bump Elliott\n\n\nthat Elliott had retired. In 1999, Gable wrote: \"Right after I came to coach at the University of Iowa, I had a meeting with Bump Elliott, who was the Athletic Director. I'll never forget what Bump said to me: 'Don't ask for the moon. Strive to get there, sure, but do it wisely through continuing to build upon what you already have. As you build, come see me, and we'll see how I can help you out.' I now call", "id": "21998440" }, { "contents": "I. Y. Yunioshi\n\n\nit—not one complaint. Every place I've gone in the world people say, 'God, you were so funny.' Asians and Chinese come up to me and say, 'Mickey, you were out of this world.'\" Rooney also said that if he had known people would be so offended, \"I wouldn't have done it. Those that didn't like it, I forgive them and God bless America, God bless the universe, God bless Japanese, Chinese, Indians, all of", "id": "2101617" }, { "contents": "Max Velthuijs\n\n\nfor Young People is the highest recognition available to a writer or illustrator of children's books. Velthuijs received the writing award in 2004. In his acceptance speech Velthuijs observed (translated from Dutch), \"Drawing a Frog is not so difficult. But how do you draw a Frog in love? Or a frightened frog? ... And when I hear from parents and children how much they love Frog and his friends, I am overcome with joy and a feeling of accomplishment. And when you ask me how I did it", "id": "628384" }, { "contents": "Sam Moore (Georgia politician)\n\n\nan extraordinary speech delivered on the House floor.\" Moore stated \"In hindsight, this rookie mistake was silly. I am mature enough to admit that. At the time though, I believed that I was fulfilling a campaign promise to hit the ground running.\" According to current Georgia Law, O.C.G.A. 16-11-36, Title 20, Section 20-2-1180: Child Protection Act, 42-1-15, State Sexual Offender Registry, 42-1-14 Sexual Offender Registry. According to", "id": "13728858" }, { "contents": "Mothers Against Drunk Driving\n\n\nvehicles with underage drivers you have pushed the preset limit down to about .02%. It will be a \"de facto\" zero tolerance policy.\" A review of devices concluded, \"The results of the study show that interlock works for some offenders in some contexts, but not for all offenders in all situations. More specifically, ignition interlock devices work best when they are installed, although there is also some evidence that judicial orders to install an interlock are effective for repeat DUI offenders, even when not all offenders comply", "id": "3993298" }, { "contents": "Human trafficking in China\n\n\nprotect the victims, and to ensure that offenders are punished. According to Helen Stacy, director of the CDDRL Program on Human Rights and a FSI senior fellow, human rights issues are becoming integrated into regional discussions on trade and economic development. ASEAN, being a free trade organization, has taken interest in human trafficking because countries have begun to recognize that if they want to claim national governance credibility, they have to at least acknowledge the problem, sign human rights agreements, and start cooperating with their neighbours in combating human trafficking", "id": "4489413" }, { "contents": "Rob Minter\n\n\n! I didn't have any idea how bonkers it was going to get. [...] Rob and May were going through real problems with IVF then made some bad choices which got them spiralling into this very dark place. It's good drama and a difficult thing to pull off when it's going out at 8pm. Although we received a lot of complaints last week nobody was trying to offend people.\" Dawn falls in love with Rob, and he uses this to get a child for May and himself.", "id": "18614246" } ]
Why it hurts so badly when you get in the balls
[{"answer": "Your testicles are connected to your stomach region via nerves and blood vessels. The pain that you feel on initial impact travels up to that area (and later to your spine) via the spermatic plexus (big bunch of connected nerves), which is the primary nerve in each of your testicles. Because your testicles are encased in a saggy sack with no muscular or bone structure to defend them, being hit in the balls hurts a lot more than being hit on other parts of your body because it's hitting the nerves. If you snap the elastic onto your arm, there is muscle and bone in the way to protect your nerves. There is nothing to defend the nerves and so it hurts a lot more when you get hit in the nuts."}, {"answer": "Imagine your liver was strapped to the outside of your body with absolutely no protection. That's pretty much the situation your balls are in. They're internal organs that just happen to be outside."}, {"answer": "\"why it hurts so badly when you get in the balls\" \u014d\u00f3 I think you accidentally a word"}, {"answer": "It's evolution's way of telling you to leave them the fuck alone and take good care of them. People/animals with sensitive balls prospered because they did their best to avoid harming their reproductive organs."}, {"answer": "Because people whose balls hurt more when they got hit took better care of them and so were able to have more children than those who didn't feel as much pain."}, {"answer": " > when you get in the balls Like at Chuck E. Cheese?"}, {"answer": "There may be no bone or muscle protection but the layer of tissue that encases the testes (the hardest outer part of them) is made of stuff called dense irregular connective tissue. That stuff doesn't stretch like skin or muscles do. When you hurt any part of your body, you increase the blood flow to the region, like when you get slapped and the skin swells. When the soft tissue inside the teste swells after being hit, there is nowhere for that pressure to go, the connective tissue doesn't stretch. Pressure builds and crushes the nerves in the area, causing even more pain. This explains the short delay between a light hit and pain sometimes. If you press on your eye a similar thing happens, pressure builds and sets off pain receptors as the connective tissue around the eye doesn't allow much swelling. Edit: It's actually pretty difficult to cause permanent damage unless you damage the vas deferens. The guys on Jackass aren't sterile, if that says anything."}, {"answer": "Your balls are all soft tissue, blood vessels, and nerve endings. There's no bone there to absorb the impact as in other parts of your body."}, {"answer": "[this is why it hurts when you get in the balls]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "For the same reason you have no nerve endings in your colon. Some places it makes sense to let you feel pain of injury, other places it doesn't. (or by the time you get injured there, it doesn't matter)"}, {"answer": "This man doesn't think it hurts: URL_0 (This also gives a good bit of explanation for why it hurts to be hit in the balls.) I recommend watching to the very end."}, {"answer": "There is maybe an evolutionary reason as well. Like... we should protect those things, so it hurts when they get smacked."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4218003", "title": "Groin attack", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 161, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 298, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4218003", "title": "Groin attack", "section": "Section::::Effects.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 12, "start_character": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 12, "end_character": 276, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "915 line\n\n\nsquare for a very short time. Stiffer shafts don't flex as much and keep the face squarer through contact. The other side is less stiff shafts will produce a higher ball speed off the face. So the goal is to get the most flexible shaft that fits your swing, but stiff enough so it doesn't hurt your control. This is why it is important that you make sure you are swinging the right shafts for you. Possible options are junior, women, senior, regular, stiff, and x-", "id": "8028539" }, { "contents": "Redsan\n\n\nget there; Now I feel a mile away,but I know I will get there; So much reasons and ways, why she still makes my day; when you show me the meanings, girl you show me the meanings; When you hurt me mama mammy, show me who will be my baby?, Show me who will take care of me, show me who to call darling.\"\" He is a member of the Musician’s Community, an organization that helps to eradicate poverty and create HIV/", "id": "19577130" }, { "contents": "Joe Hall (baseball)\n\n\njourneyman made his major league debut in 1994, 6 years after being drafted. He had a batting average of .393 going into mid-May, when he badly injured his right hamstring. This landed him on the disabled list, and ended his promising start to the season. After the injury, the Sun-Times interviewed him. \"The only thing I can think of is not playing every day,\" Hall said. \"It's frustrating any time you get hurt, but especially when you wait so long (", "id": "10323033" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married? (play)\n\n\nof the fact that he hurt her so badly. Terry is disgusted by this and threatens to end their friendship. Mike reveals in response that he does not have the time he had anymore, not even able to see his kids, as since the divorce his business has nearly collapsed and Mike is so busy trying to make more to replace what Trina rapidly spends he has no time for anything else. Terry points out how this is wrong and Mike gets annoyed and leaves the room. Terry tries to get him to see", "id": "19424840" }, { "contents": "Johan Cruyff\n\n\nwith your head, and your legs are there to help you. If you don't use your head, using your feet won't be sufficient. Why does a player have to chase the ball? Because he started running too late. You have to pay attention, use your brain and find the right position. If you get to the ball late, it means you chose the wrong position. Bergkamp was never late.\" For Cruyff, football (the so-called beautiful game) is much an artistic-", "id": "12011793" }, { "contents": "Laughing Gas (novel)\n\n\n) is difficult to get hold of. When he finally succeeds in doing so and is just about to propose to her, Reggie's tooth—in the nick of time, as it turns out later—starts hurting so badly that he has to postpone all his plans, hurry home, and make an appointment with a dentist. On the following afternoon, he is in I.J. Zizzbaum's waiting-room when he gets to know Joey Cooley, the 12-year-old movie star and darling of all American mothers. Joey", "id": "8675842" }, { "contents": "2010 Emory Healthcare 500\n\n\nhelp him out. It causes accidents once in a while. It hurt him but in the grand scheme of things he tried to hurt me and it didn’t hurt us as bad. So, we’ll just go on.\" Stewart also stated, \"When you have a car that’s that good, it’s not good to lose those spots like that. ... We got caught back there one time and we struggled getting that track position back. But when you have a car that’s that fast, it", "id": "16645154" }, { "contents": "Cheeseburger in Paradise\n\n\nlist changed nightly, mainly with an acoustic set between \"Margaritaville\" and \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\"—however, \"You Had to Be There\" chronicles some unusual inclusions, such as: \"Miss You So Badly\" replaces \"Mañana\"; a new song \"Perrier Blues\" emerges later in the tour; a rare performance of \"The Captain and the Kid\" appeared during the acoustic set; and \"Cheeseburger in Paradise\" was missing. The shows opened with \"Son of a Son of a Sailor\"", "id": "21123688" }, { "contents": "Floyd Mayweather Jr.\n\n\nmy rotator cuff in my left shoulder, so I couldn't use my jab the way I want to. My left wasn't as strong as I wanted it to be, but I didn't want to have no excuses, you know, like other champions, you know, when they get hurt they won't even show up to the fight. I get hurt I keep fighting, you know, I want to bring the fans a victory\". Due to the closeness of their first bout, Mayweather accepted an", "id": "20291457" }, { "contents": "Minute Maid Park\n\n\nto be some of the toughest to make and a number of players fell over on it or ran into the pole. Lance Berkman once said about it: \"If the ball rolls onto the hill, it's not steep enough to roll back, so you have to go get it, then there's the chance of running into the flagpole that’s on it and getting hurt.” In 2015, the Houston Astros announced that Tal's Hill would be removed as part of an organizational evaluation requested by owner Jim Crane", "id": "2689969" }, { "contents": "Masquerade (The Vampire Diaries)\n\n\nLockwood house so Damon and Stefan can kill her. Bonnie hesitates at first but agrees to help under the condition that no one will get hurt. In the meantime, Katherine gets ready for the Ball when a Lucy (Natashia Williams) appears, a witch that Katherine called to help her get the moonstone back. She knows that Damon and Stefan will not give it without putting up a fight and she wants to be covered and she will take Lucy as her \"plus one\" at the Ball. After she will get", "id": "14165207" }, { "contents": "Odyssey\n\n\nThis intelligence is most often manifested by his use of disguise and deceptive speech. His disguises take forms both physical (altering his appearance) and verbal, such as telling the Cyclops Polyphemus that his name is , \"Nobody\", then escaping after blinding Polyphemus. When asked by other Cyclopes why he is screaming, Polyphemus replies that \"Nobody\" is hurting him, so the others assume that \"If alone as you are [Polyphemus] none uses violence on you, why, there is no avoiding the sickness sent by", "id": "2474366" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Clementine\n\n\nbadly injuring his elbow, then later cut a toe whilst walking on stones. In March 2015, whilst performing in the middle of a concert in Paris, he cut a finger open and started to bleed, but kept on playing until an audience member threw tissues on the stage. He later cynically remarked: that's what happens when you fall in love; you get hurt. Clementine's first EP, \"Cornerstone\", was released in June 2013 with three studio tracks. It was re-issued in October 2013", "id": "19358125" }, { "contents": "John Stones\n\n\nmoments when he does something special and you’ll just go ‘ah, that’s why he’s regarded as the best.’ He doesn’t seem to get fazed by anything and always seems calm and he never hides\". Manchester City and England teammate Kyle Walker added \"You don't quite appreciate him until you are playing alongside him. He rarely gets beat, he is great on the ball and he is very calm and level-headed.\" He developed his ball-playing style early in his career with", "id": "9790825" }, { "contents": "Rickey Henderson\n\n\nI was on a plane and asleep and the plane bounced and when we landed we bounced and it woke me up. Then the next flight I had the same pilot and the plane went down so smooth. So I asked the pilot why, and he said when you land a plane smooth, you get the plane elevated to the lowest position you can and then you smooth it in. Same with sliding ... If you dive when you're running straight up then you have a long distance to get to the ground.", "id": "17651815" }, { "contents": "Minute Maid Park\n\n\ncenter fielders. This hill has caused some of the most replayed catches in recent baseball history, and plenty of controversy as well. Lance Berkman said, \"If the ball rolls onto the hill, it's not steep enough to roll back, so you have to go get it. Then there's the chance of running into the flagpole that's on it and getting hurt.\" Fans started an online petition to remove the hill and flagpole, though the petition has since been discontinued. On June 4, 2015,", "id": "2689964" }, { "contents": "Hurt Anymore\n\n\n\"Hurt Anymore\" is a song by Australian recording artists Samantha Jade and Cyrus, released as a single on 4 November 2016 through Sony Music Australia. \"Hurt Anymore\" was written and recorded in London, with Jade describing the song as \"a sad song — it's about when you know you're not in love anymore and the relationship is ruining you so it's time to get out\". The single's release was first announced on Jade's Facebook page on 28 October 2016 and was released on 4 November", "id": "20313195" }, { "contents": "Communities Organized for Public Service\n\n\nthey just went based off one strong organizer and that is why they were able to stay afloat. They would help greatly with the neighborhood problems also which you would not have known they were very broad in a sense. They helped pave streets to keep the people from getting hurt. They helped in many neighborhoods where it was very Mexican American based and so that is how they were able to advocate and come together for the desperate need of a better neighborhood and the basic rights of getting someone to pave their streets. As", "id": "15784167" }, { "contents": "My Bunny Lies over the Sea\n\n\nand-a-half.\"), although MacRory still gets a hole in one anyway (having ended up in the hole himself), to Bugs' protests (\"A hole in one? Why, you little cheater!\" You little four flusher! Why, you can't...\"). At hole 8, MacRory laughs at Bugs whose ball has fallen shorter of the hole than MacRory's. Bugs however turns his club into a pool cue and pots the ball into the hole, causing MacRory to", "id": "9834599" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on sin\n\n\nThe crucial concept is the effort. The story is told of Zusha, the great Chassidic master, who lay crying on his deathbed. His students asked him, \"Rebbe, why are you so sad? After all the mitzvahs and good deeds you have done, you will surely get a great reward in heaven!\". \"I'm afraid!\" said Zusha. \"Because when I get to heaven, I know God's not going to ask me 'Why weren't you more like Moses?' or", "id": "20254587" }, { "contents": "Death of Latasha Harlins\n\n\njuice is no excuse, the truth hurts/And even when you take the shit/Move counties get a lawyer, you can shake the shit/Ask Rodney, Latasha, and many more\"), \"\" (\"Rest in Peace to Latasha, Little Yummy, and Kato) and \"Hellrazor\" (\"Dear Lord if ya hear me, tell me why/Little girl like Latasha, had to die\"). Rapper Ice Cube composed a song about the incident for his album \"Death Certificate\"", "id": "10005581" }, { "contents": "Buster Douglas\n\n\nto get up so you aren’t going to worry about anything but just getting up first. So when I had seen him looking around for that mouth piece I knew he was really hurt.” By contrast, during Douglas's knockdown two rounds earlier, Douglas showed he was ready to beat the count and continue (he bangs his fist against the canvas in frustration at having let Tyson land the crucial counterpunch, showing no signs of being seriously hurt). Douglas was clearly showing he was waiting for the referee to count", "id": "12934371" }, { "contents": "Hakeem Lyon\n\n\nHakeem is a lot like Lucious which is why he treats people so badly. \"Hakeem doesn't really know how to respect females\" because Lucious was his only example. \"He really is a product of his habitat.\" However, \"Hakeem doesn't have the ambition\" that Lucious had. Because he's been handed everything, he doesn't feel like he has to work hard. \"It's obvious he has mommy issues\" the actor declared. When Hakeem is hurting, he acts out and usually does", "id": "10244455" }, { "contents": "Sherry Johnson\n\n\nher experience as a child bride, \"Forgiving the Unforgivable.\" She is opposed to child marriage on the basis that children cannot enter into other legal contracts. Johnson stated, \"You can't get a job, you can't get a car, you can't get a license, you can't sign a lease, so why allow someone to marry when they're still so young?\" Johnson also believes that permitting child marriage allows rapists to escape the legal consequences of their crimes by marrying their victims.", "id": "13266306" }, { "contents": "Louboutins (song)\n\n\n's been a while and I want to do a dance video, and it's going to be really empowering. It's going to be about that woman, you know when you have that moment when you realize you have to really get out of here that's the moment we're trying to cauterize in the video. Even when you know that it's gonna hurt later, you feel good about making the decision, so you're like \"I decided! I'm walking up out the house right now\"", "id": "8310372" }, { "contents": "Miracle Mineral Supplement\n\n\nwith a purported call recording of Robert Baldwin where he said: \"When you draw attention to MMS you run the risk of getting in trouble with the government or drug companies. You have to do it low key. That’s why I set it up through the church ... America and Europe have much stricter laws so you are not as free to treat people because it is so controlled by the [American] FDA. That’s why I work in developing countries ... Those people in poor countries they don’t have the", "id": "18555711" }, { "contents": "...All the Marbles\n\n\nsaid Aldrich. \"So when you do business, why not keep it in your own family?\" Frederick later recalled filming the finale in Rena with 2,500 extras. \"They didn't quite know what we would be doing, and when the match started, they began screaming, and it was incredible. I forgot we were filming; it became real to me. I didn't hurt anybody, or hit them incorrectly, but I started really wanting to win. It was just like being back onstage. You hear", "id": "16307612" }, { "contents": "Kill It Live\n\n\nthat’s going on and questioning a band’s integrity. Are you doing this because you really love it or are you doing it because you’re checking in and checking out when your bank account gets low? Are you willing to play in front of five people when the going gets rough, or is that not why you’re here? It’s about questioning bands’ intentions, I guess. And there are so many bands I think you can question that you can’t even narrow it down to one.\" The", "id": "16504794" }, { "contents": "Unakkaagave Vaazhgiren\n\n\nwas also badly hurt and requests help. Siva Kumar at that moment tries to save only his wife and he leaves Suresh without helping. Suresh dies there. Siva Kumar's wife also passes away. Now Siva Kumar says to Nadiya that though it was an accident, he feels guilty of killing a human and that's why he refuses marriage with Nadiya. Though Nadiya gets angry first, later she understands Siva Kumar's position and the two get married. The soundtrack was composed by Ilaiyaraaja and the lyrics were written by Muthulingam", "id": "18951301" }, { "contents": "Rickey Henderson\n\n\nBut the closer you get to the ground the less time it will take ... I was hitting the dirt so smooth, so fast, when I hit the dirt, there wasn't no hesitation. It was like a skid mark, like you throw a rock on the water and skid off it. So when I hit the ground, if you didn't have the tag down, I was by you. No matter if the ball beat me, I was by you. That was what made the close plays go", "id": "17651816" }, { "contents": "Moshing\n\n\nband that people were getting hurt. At another concert, singer Billy Corgan said to the audience: Another fan died at a Smashing Pumpkins concert in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on September 24, 2007. The 20-year-old male was dragged out of the mosh pit, unconscious, to be pronounced dead at a hospital after first-aid specialists attempted to save him. Reel Big Fish's 1998 album \"Why Do They Rock So Hard?\" included their mosh-criticizing song \"Thank You for not Moshing\"", "id": "20045053" }, { "contents": "The Preppie Connection\n\n\nAlex. Toby meets up with Ellis, Alex, Ben, and Laura, who make cocaine lines on a book. Everyone does one line except for Toby. Alex guesses he hasn’t done it before. “Come on Toby, it’s not gonna hurt,” Alex says. At her insistence, he does a line, and the group devolves into a drug stupor. Later, Toby asks why cocaine is so hard to get. Alex replies because everyone wants it. Ellis notes you need connections. Toby", "id": "5978735" }, { "contents": "1970–71 Ashes series\n\n\nbruised his fingers in the same game and had retired hurt, but was declared fit to play. Australian umpire Max O'Connell was officiating in his first Test. \"Snow aroused the ire of the crowd by firing down two bumpers to welcome back the retired hurt Bill Lawry back on the deck...A barracker yelled, 'Why don't you try to bump one onto the sightscreen, Snow? Bowl at the wicket.' Snow\" did just that \"next ball and took Redpath's leg stump – around behind his legs", "id": "22050949" }, { "contents": "Seeley Booth\n\n\nawkward questions and so that he could avoid hurting Addy's feelings. In Season 2 Addy receives a letter from the White House requesting his services in Iraq and Addy asks Booth if \"it hurt to get shot\", as Booth was the only one of the group who had any first-hand combat experience in a war zone. When Booth asks him why, he shows Booth the letter, explaining that he chose to ask Booth as the latter \"[knows] more about duty and honor than anyone else I know", "id": "9039686" }, { "contents": "Dance Naked\n\n\nand half the songs don't even have bass parts. Others have just one guitar, bass, and drums, which I haven't done since \"American Fool\". 'Hurts So Good' had one guitar, bass, and drums, and I think one tambourine.\" Mellencamp says he and his bandmates \"looked back at \"Human Wheels\" and said, 'How can we make it more empty?' What you get when you do that is the haunting type of feeling that you won't get with", "id": "9139868" }, { "contents": "Why Does It Hurt So Bad\n\n\na chair, wearing a white outfit, and singing the song. Houston performed the song on her My Love Is Your Love World Tour, in 1999. The song was performed as a part of the \"Movie Medley\", along with \"I Believe in You and Me\", \"It Hurts Like Hell\", originally performed by Aretha Franklin, and \"I Will Always Love You\". This performance was taped in Sopot, Poland, on August 22, 1999 and broadcast on Polish television channel, TVP1.", "id": "685679" }, { "contents": "Frank Drea\n\n\n. His tenure there was short as Miller's successor, Liberal Premier David Peterson, appointed Drea as chairman of the Ontario Racing Commission four month later. Drea remained chairman until 1994 when Bob Rae's NDP government decided not to reappoint him. He would not speculate on the reason for dropping him from the position. \"I don't know why they're doing it,\" he shrugged. \"It's like ball players. You get hired. You get fired.\" During his tenure as chairman he introduced teletheatres for", "id": "6703371" }, { "contents": "Gaspare Mutolo\n\n\nSicilian Mafia, remained a fugitive, until his capture in Palermo, Sicily on October 2, 2010.) When asked why Mutolo withheld information that Francesco Marino Mannoia had been involved in Mafia murders until he learned that Mannoia had owned up to them, Mutolo explained: \"\"Well, you see, a co-operator does not hurt justice anymore, because that person is on the side of the Justice Department. So I never mention Mannoia, or some other co-operators. The reason why I did that was", "id": "6948350" }, { "contents": "Lasse Granqvist\n\n\nrow and the coach threw balls so they could practise headers. Granqvist struck the ball once and it hurt badly. Then he went home. And in ice hockey he could only stop on ice skate in one direction and as a result he always ended up in the snow bank. Instead, he acted as a referee and was commenting the games at the same time. He did though make 38 points in 50 games whilst playing floorball in Division 1 for IBK Solna. As a child in Solna, Granqvist used to sit", "id": "19589031" }, { "contents": "White Horse (Taylor Swift song)\n\n\nThat's always the hardest thing, when someone has you fooled so much that you think they're never gonna hurt you. And then they do. That's when you get the worst heartbreak\", Swift said. The video was shot in one day in January 2009 in Nashville, Tennessee. Frolicking scenes between Swift and Colletti were filmed first; the lunch, outdoor, and indoor scenes followed. Coincidentally, on the day of filming, it rained heavily, something which Swift was enlightened by, since it corresponded", "id": "14506370" }, { "contents": "Ame Deal\n\n\nthe only one abused. Police claimed that the other children instigated situations to get Ame in trouble. The children were also persuaded to lie about why and how Ame ended up in the trunk to the police. When asked why Ame was treated so badly, it was said, \"She was mentally a little slow, but that's it.\" Witnesses also said the children were often seen wandering the streets until very late at night, with hardly any clothes on. On occasions, they were without diapers or shoes.", "id": "4647845" }, { "contents": "Pilot (Ugly Betty)\n\n\nisn't so keen about having Betty working with him because she is homely, so he plots to have her quit by giving her difficult and outrageous tasks. When Betty gets wind of this from the company seamstress, Christina, she is badly hurt and says that perhaps that is the way she was supposed to land a job. After Daniel makes her stand in for an embarrassing modeling shoot, he has a change of heart after realising what he is putting her through and halts the shoot as Betty walks out in anger and", "id": "9813296" }, { "contents": "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer\n\n\ncall \"Dog Assassin\"\"); \"Cubic Yard of Earthworms\" (\"What you do with it is your business\"); \"Wilson Ear Drill\" (\"We don't recommend that you use an ear drill, but if you insist, why not get the best!\") and the popular [[Happy Fun Ball]] (\"still legal in 16 states — it's happy, it's fun, it's Happy Fun Ball!\"). The sketch was a parody of the", "id": "20180160" }, { "contents": "Problem of induction\n\n\nyourself with such a subset then the chances are that this subset is one of the ones that are similar to the population, and so you are justified in concluding that it is likely that this subset \"matches\" the population reasonably closely. The situation would be analogous to drawing a ball out of a barrel of balls, 99% of which are red. In such a case you have a 99% chance of drawing a red ball. Similarly, when getting a sample of ravens the probability is very high that the", "id": "10666110" }, { "contents": "Fuck the Police (J Dilla song)\n\n\ngone to the gas station which was three doors away. I told him not to get upset because he was hurt to tears. He was so angry and just tired of being harassed, so I told him, \"Look, this is what you do: you go downstairs and make a song about it, and you laugh in their face.\" And that's when he came up with the 'F the Police' thing. And people are still singing it today! Every time I go somewhere, that's", "id": "21116242" }, { "contents": "Blooddrunk (song)\n\n\nperiod (between 2005–2007), and arrived at the conclusion that he was addicted to hurting himself \"so bad\". When discussing the track in interviews, Laiho has made reference to the fact that he self-harmed in the past. However, Laiho has noted that the song isn't \"necessarily just about cutting yourself but about other things you do to yourself and you don't know why\". One interviewer commented that the phrase \"blood drunk\" appears in the 2007 movie \"300\", although Laiho stated", "id": "1196905" }, { "contents": "Frank McErlane\n\n\nother side. The guy loads up his gun and gives it to Keane again. Then he turns to me and says, 'I guess you might as well get yours too.' With that he shoots me in the side. It hurt like hell so when I seen him loading up again, I twist around so it won't hurt me in the same place. This time he got me in the leg. Then he gimme the other barrel right on the puss. I slide off the seat. But I", "id": "19252842" }, { "contents": "Henry L. Benning\n\n\nI can do some fighting.\" Longstreet responded impassively, \"Nonsense, General, you are not so badly hurt. Look about you. I know you will find at least one man, and with him on his feet report your brigade to me, and you two shall have a place in the fighting line.\" Longstreet's reply humiliated Benning, but instilled enough determination in him to return to find his brigade and prevail in the battle. The Benning's Brigade fought at the Battle of Wauhatchie outside Chattanooga, Tennessee", "id": "6820781" }, { "contents": "English public school football games\n\n\nthe ball so that we may begin the game/Kick off, so that we can begin the match. Come, kick it here/Pass it here. You keep the goal/You keep goal. Snatch the ball from that fellow if you can/Get hold of the ball before he does, if you can manage it. Come, throw yourself against him/Go on, intercept him. Run at him/Charge him. Kick the ball back/Pass the ball back. Well done. You are", "id": "21173371" }, { "contents": "The Book of Five Rings\n\n\nfighting, so it should be trained for, regularly. With this method, you are to start off by assuming a posture in which you are not to use your hands. You are to think of getting your body close to your opponent before striking him. However, if you think of reaching out both of your hands, your body will remain distant. This is why you must always think of quickly getting your body close to the enemy. When you are distant, you will exchange blows of the sword, and", "id": "7276696" }, { "contents": "Sunflat Games\n\n\n/iPod touch for $0.99 USD. Tap the batter for swing. You should hit a ball timely to get more score. When a ball comes over the batter, tap the area above the batter for JUMP SWING. If you miss a ball, you get an OUT. When you record three outs, the game is over. You control Mr. Papi (red ball guy) to go up higher. Click/tap anywhere to jump. Platforms are moving left or right automatically, and you should jump timely to", "id": "16403689" }, { "contents": "Greg Giraldo\n\n\ncan't even tell you why I thought to go to law school.\" He also said: \"Because I went to Harvard Law School it seemed like I had my shit together, but I did only because it’s not hard. Everyone is so self-motivated that they leave you alone. You get study outlines and just cram, but then when you get out into the real world, it gets tricky. Most comedians are people who couldn’t really work in the real world, they’re too disorganized,", "id": "14054809" }, { "contents": "Japanese war crimes\n\n\nthen as soon as they get behind the lines they drop grenades and you lose a few more people. You get a little bit leery of taking prisoners when they are fighting to the death and so are you.\" The other reported, \"Very few of them came out on their own; when they did, why, usually one in the front he'd come out with his hands up and one behind him, he'd come out with a grenade.\" Soon after the war, the Allied powers indicted 25", "id": "8545994" }, { "contents": "Super Bowl XXXVIII\n\n\nthe moment of what it feels like to be on the other side, to be on this side, the losing side. To let it sink in, to hurt, so when we start practice in the fall, the two-a-days and there are days during the season when I'm tired and I want to go home, but I need to watch that extra film. I want to get back there, but I want to get on the other side of that field. They rope you off,", "id": "1945994" }, { "contents": "Kajika\n\n\nquest. As the three go to Ronron island we are told why Gibachi wants the egg so badly. There is an old saying that says if you drink the blood of a young Dragon, then you will gain incredible powers. No one is sure if this is true, but the baby dragon does have Dragomin in its blood which allows it to mature extremely fast. As the three set off, though, Haya makes up an excuse as to why she can not continue, but it is really because she fears Gibachi", "id": "1692032" }, { "contents": "I Miss You (Beyoncé song)\n\n\na heightened key is played over it. In the second verse, she sings, \"The words don’t ever seem to come out right / But I still mean [th]em\", pining for her ex-love interest and feeling self-conscious for doing so, \"It hurts my pride to tell you how I feel, but I still need to\" before asking again, \"Why is that?\". The bridge features Beyoncé chanting, \"No matter who you are / It is so simple / A", "id": "9052199" }, { "contents": "Obsessed (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\n: It must be the weed, it must be the E / 'Cause you be poppin', heard you get it poppin'.\" During the chorus, Carey confronts her stalker, asking: Why are you so obsessed with me / Boy I wanna know / Lying that you're sexing me / When everybody knows/ It's clear that you're upset with me / Oh, Oh, Oh, finally found a girl that you couldn't impress / last man on the earth still couldn't get this.\" During", "id": "5565455" }, { "contents": "The Wipers Times\n\n\nchanged hands when it was known that he didn't get married on leave. Whether a certain officer is shortly publishing a little song entitled \"Why was I so careless with the boots.\" To Troubled.-;Certainly think you have just complaint against people in the next dugout, and if you care to take the matter further there is no doubt you will get damages. It certainly was scandal if, as you affirm, the picture was one of Kirschner's. We regret a further rise in property today. There appear to be", "id": "7324130" }, { "contents": "Evanescence (Evanescence album)\n\n\nn't forever, and how you have to live it, embrace even the pain, before it's all over. As much as it hurts, it just means you're alive. So don't be so afraid to get hurt that you miss out on living.\" \"Oceans\" begins with a big, low synth and a vocal before the band joins in. According to Lee, \"It's big and lush. We've been having a lot of fun playing that one especially.\" \"Never Go Back", "id": "18892033" }, { "contents": "Why Does It Hurt So Bad\n\n\n] the two guaranteed [Whitney Houston] hits – 'Exhale (Shoop Shoop)' and 'Why Does It Hurt So Bad' – don't really offer anything new.\" Similarly, Cary Darling of \"Rome News-Tribune\" gave a negative review. She noted that \"[the] ballad 'Why Does It Hurt So Bad' is [more] standard Whitney-fare\". Released as the seventh and final single from the \"Waiting to Exhale: Original Soundtrack Album\", the song debuted at", "id": "685676" }, { "contents": "List of cheerleading stunts\n\n\nor get hurt doing the skills. Another safety rule for the athletes, is the athletes must learn the skills that are appropriate for their ages and maturity level as well because it’s important for everyone to do the right skill level for their correct age, so no one can get hurt. The main reason why safety rules where created is to make sure every athlete is safe and okay during their routine, game days, and practices at the end of the day. All of the body positions can be done at prep", "id": "3312282" }, { "contents": "Donna Diana\n\n\nfinds their compliments ridiculous and their wit shallow. Cesar without a word retires to the background, and when asked by the Princess why he does not compete with his rivals, answers \"Because I will not love, nor ever wish to be loved; I only woo you, to show you my regard.\" Greatly mortified, Diana resolves to punish his pride. A ball is going on in the Prince's gardens. Each of the ladies has a bunch of different coloured ribbons, and decides to get the man she", "id": "21482201" }, { "contents": "The Flintstones (pinball)\n\n\nof the phrase are completed, you will receive a bowling power-up. This bowling power-up will let you get strikes on all shots after achieving it. If you get three strikes in a row (this is easy when you have a bowling power-up), then you will go into a mode called \"Bowl-a-Rama\" this is a 3-ball multi-ball in which you get lots of points for scoring \"Super Strikes\" and \"Super Spares\". The mode will end when", "id": "13992391" }, { "contents": "Tennis strategy\n\n\ndefense with that first shot. For example, following a wide serve, it is ideal to hit the opponent's return to the open court. There are three different types of serves and each one of them can be used in different situations. One type of serve is the serve with slice. The slice serve works better when the player tosses the ball to the right and immediately hits the outer-right part of the ball. This serve is best used when you hit it wide so you get your opponent off the", "id": "6187528" }, { "contents": "Baseball Rule\n\n\nwas stabbed through the heart when a friend who was lending him a knife was struck by a foul ball as he did; after telling his friends he was not badly hurt, he began bleeding uncontrollably and died a few minutes later. The \"Washington Star\" reported in 1888 that a man claiming to have been hit by a ball (whether batted or thrown was not clear) at a Washington Statesmen game the year before had filed suit; if he had, it did not result in a published opinion. Media reports", "id": "6600880" }, { "contents": "Boxing career of Muhammad Ali\n\n\n. The effect of Ali's punches was cumulative. Charlie Powell, who fought Ali early in Ali's career and was knocked out in the third round, said: \"When he first hit me I said to myself, 'I can take two of these to get one in myself.' But in a little while I found myself getting dizzier and dizzier every time he hit me. He throws punches so easily that you don't realize how much they hurt you until it's too late.\" Commenting on fighting", "id": "10680006" }, { "contents": "Milton H. Erickson\n\n\nthe cause or the etiology; the only searching question I asked was \"When you get in the shower to scrub yourself for hours, tell me, do you start at the top of your head, or the soles of your feet, or in the middle? Do you wash from the neck down, or do you start with your feet and wash up? Or do you start with your head and wash down?\"br INTERVIEWER: Why did you ask that?br ERICKSON: So that she knew I was really INTERVIEWER: So", "id": "20202065" }, { "contents": "Warwick Armstrong\n\n\nArmstrong brusquely inquired why this was so. Informed that the ball had struck the batsman's pads, Armstrong then appealed for a leg before wicket dismissal, which the umpire then upheld. Armstrong was not a \"walker\"; he believed in waiting for the umpire to make a decision, once telling the English cricketer Arthur Gilligan, \"The more you play this game, the more you will find out that will be given out many times when you are not out and vice versa\". English professional cricketers took a dim", "id": "10702217" }, { "contents": "Imponderables (book series)\n\n\nImponderables is a series of eleven books written by David Feldman and published by Harper Collins. The books examine, investigate, and explain common, yet puzzling phenomena. Examples include \"Why do your eyes hurt when you are tired?\", \"Why do judges wear black robes?\", and \"Why do you rarely see purple Christmas lights?\", among many others. The word \"imponderable\" is used to describe such mysteries of everyday life. The books are effectively a frequently asked questions list for people who", "id": "2755757" }, { "contents": "Why Does It Hurt So Bad\n\n\nas a medley, in her My Love Is Your Love World Tour (1999), along with a few other songs. Houston starred in the 1995 romance film \"Waiting to Exhale\", directed by Forest Whitaker. Although Houston did not intend to contribute to the , when Whitaker hired Babyface to score the soundtrack, she opted in. Babyface, Houston and some other African-American female singers recorded songs for the album. The song was one of the final additions to the soundtrack. \"Why Does It Hurt So", "id": "685670" }, { "contents": "Mark SaFranko\n\n\ncompare to writing or composing as an art. So much more goes into a purely creative art.” “Someone once said ‘Art is an addiction. That's why there are so many bad artists.’ I think that's true. I can't imagine not liking to write. Why the fuck would you do it, then? For the inevitable rejection? Sure you get stuck here and there, but why put yourself through the torture? Isn't there enough in life to make you miserable? “I", "id": "9869083" }, { "contents": "War at the Warfield\n\n\nthe mosh stuff. They get crazy, they tear the place up. And then you get the one kid that's tempted to jump off the balcony. Whether he does it or not is another story. When they do, of course they get hurt, but they always insist on staying so they can watch the rest of the show, then they go to the emergency room.\" On July 25, 2003, four days before its release, MTV announced the DVD's contents. Bostaph gave the band prior knowledge", "id": "6507637" }, { "contents": "Rachel Berry\n\n\nBlair Waldorf. \"Rachel will never be popular because her looks aren't considered beautiful,\" said Michele, \"and when I was in high school it was the same for me. I didn't get a nose job, and every single girl around me did. Therefore, I was out. What's so great about Glee is that it shows you how that kind of stuff hurts, but it doesn't matter: You can still be who you want to be.\" Rachel is a \"strong, driven", "id": "8241109" }, { "contents": "Jangama dhyana\n\n\nvisions occur. But they occur only for a moment, and then they disappear. That is why we need to be so careful in this regard, because if you are watching, then the mind can very easily get involved in the thought, and if it gets involved it can further acquire new imprints. This re-acquiring is so subtle. This is why it is so important not to analyze thoughts during meditation, and this is also why the total cleansing of the mind takes time. Visions and experiences are not", "id": "12847633" }, { "contents": "The Good Dinosaur\n\n\nas much space as \"Monsters University\" (2013). Arlo was designed so that the audience could identify with him and be able to see the \"boy\" inside the dinosaur. Sohn explained \"When Arlo gets lost in the wilderness, you need to worry that he's out of his element and in danger of getting killed, rather than just thinking 'You're an animal. Why don’t you just turn around and eat some leaves?'\" He additionally stated \"If you put like a realistic dinosaur", "id": "19960840" }, { "contents": "Robin Friday\n\n\nleft wing, took it past four Exeter defenders and then fired the ball low and hard into the opposite corner from the edge of the penalty area. Friday was conspicuous in the professional ranks for never wearing shin pads, and for his resistance to physical harm; no matter how badly he was hurt he would always get up and continue. After sustaining a calf injury against Exeter, he returned for the team's next game, away at Lincoln City on 17 February. Friday was repeatedly and cynically fouled by the opposing players", "id": "20093720" }, { "contents": "The Hurt & the Healer (song)\n\n\nhurt probably as much as most people, but being so close to him, I helped play a role in getting the family that he left behind through the hard times. It gave me a chance to kind of be part of the healing process. And you'd think it's something you do all the time, but that close to home, to hurt like I lost a brother and to still kind of pick up the pieces is something that I don't think anybody really gets used to\". He described the", "id": "19961652" }, { "contents": "Mind Game (film)\n\n\nRyo steps in and tries to punch Atsu, but instead gets knocked out. Atsu then prepares to rape Myon, who calls out Nishi's name. Atsu turns on Nishi, who is rolled in a ball, terrified, placing his pistol against Nishi's anus. Atsu fires when Nishi finally musters the courage to yell, \"I will hurt you!\", thus killing him instantly. The senior Yakuza, offended by Atsu's lack of control, shoots him dead, and then nonchalantly orders dinner. Meanwhile, Nishi", "id": "2162115" }, { "contents": "Mike Crossey\n\n\n's fifth album \"Get Hurt\" and the track \"The Judge\" off of Twenty One Pilots' fourth studio album, \"Blurryface\". Crossey also produced the Wolf Alice album \"My Love Is Cool\" in 2015 which received a 9/10 score from NME. Relocating to LA in 2015, he produced The 1975's second album, entitled \"I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It\"- the album received significant critical praise upon its release in 2016. In 2017 he scored", "id": "14196220" }, { "contents": "Untamed Heart\n\n\ntold to him by a nun at the orphanage where he grew up), refuses to listen, stating that he is afraid he will no longer be the same person if he gets a transplant. Caroline tries to assure Adam that love comes from a person's mind and soul, but she is deeply touched when Adam asks why it hurts so much \"here\" (pointing to his own heart) when one's heart is broken. On his birthday, Caroline visits Adam at his small apartment and surprises him by taking", "id": "14001750" }, { "contents": "Cleopatra Jones\n\n\n“Theme from Cleopatra Jones” emphasizes the fantasy of erotic pleasure for men: “You’re so sweet and strong…/Touch me like the desert wind.” In the theme song, the lyrics depict the threat and thrill of her exotic beauty: “You take my pride and you throw it up against the wall/You take me in your arms, baby, and bounce me like a rubber ball…/ Dontcha know that it hurts so good.” The soundtrack was a popular success, selling well over 500,000", "id": "19088618" }, { "contents": "List of Shadow Skill characters\n\n\nhe was actually her granduncle and that he would use his power to protect her until the day came that she would find a man who would love and protect her. During G's attack, Kyuo did not want Gau to get hurt, and so placed herself on the frontline in order to stop G before Gau would have to fight. However, given that her opponent was a Sevaar, as expected Kyuo lost badly and was very nearly killed. When Gau found her, still alive but bloody and near death, he", "id": "11722623" }, { "contents": "Super Taboo\n\n\nrevealed that the woman next door is actually his aunt. When Yuu gets home, Eri accosts him with an even larger batch of more potent love chocolates. Yuu then has another encounter with his Mom, Misako, in which it should be noted she forces his darker side to stay active so she can have sex with him. Yuu has sex with Eri again, in which he violates her against her will and hurts her pretty badly. Misako talks with Yuu and it is revealed that Yuu's dad had the same problem", "id": "7674649" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Streb\n\n\n. Streb has expressed her philosophy thus: “Go to the edge and peer over it. Be willing to get hurt, but not so hurt that you can’t come back again.” She has also said that, “Movement is causal; it’s a physical happening. You can stick a high C next to a low F-flat, whereas you couldn’t connect a move where you’re 30 feet in the air and falling, then skip a spot in space, land on the ground, and walk", "id": "3226455" }, { "contents": "Motivation\n\n\ntraveler's perceptions and expectation, such as novelty, benefit expectation, and marketing image.\" Pull motivation can be seen as the desire to achieve a goal so badly that it seems that the goal is pulling us toward it. That is why pull motivation is stronger than push motivation. It is easier to be drawn to something rather than to push yourself for something you desire. It can also be an alternative force when compared to negative force. From the same study as previously mentioned, \"Regret and dissatisfaction with an", "id": "8198532" }, { "contents": "You Bet!\n\n\nto 3 hours to 1 hour. The original theme tune was composed by Alan Lisk, better known for penning the theme tune to \"Men Behaving Badly\". The show's airing slot was originally on Saturday nights. The show closed with Forsyth doing the rap, along with the audience shouting back every \"You Bet!\" line: \"\"Do you wanna bet on it? You bet! Well you'd betta get on it? You bet! So don't fret, get set are you ready? You", "id": "6044863" }, { "contents": "2014 Chicago Bears season\n\n\nin the third quarter, while Marshall (right ankle) was hurt after being tackled. Conte received scrutiny after the game for failing to tackle Jackson, but defended himself by saying, \"It was a play where it's the end of the game – I've got to get the ball out or something. If I hit him, it's a field goal no matter what, so I've got to try and get the ball out. It's a desperation play where I've got to try and punch the", "id": "17210801" }, { "contents": "Buster Posey\n\n\nsaid he collided with Posey intentionally in order to score. \"If you hit them, you punish them and you punish yourself, but you have a chance of that ball coming out.\" He expressed regret over injuring Posey, saying \"I certainly didn’t want him to get hurt.\" Cousins received threats from fans, but Posey denounced them: \"I appreciate the continued support of Giants fans and others as I begin the process of working my way back ... But in no way do I condone threats of any", "id": "18470642" }, { "contents": "Funny Vibe (song)\n\n\n\"Funny Vibe\" is a single released by Living Colour from their 1988 debut album \"Vivid\". It features Chuck D and Flavor Flav from Public Enemy. \"Rolling Stone\" magazine wrote about the song in a 1990 Living Colour interview, saying \"The words – \"No I'm not gonna hurt you/No I'm not gonna harm you/And I try not to hate you/So why you want to give me that/Funny Vibe!\" – spelled out with machine-gun eloquence", "id": "7923228" }, { "contents": "Outlaw Tennis\n\n\nup with the time bomb. Whenever you see smoke you need to get the ball back on the other side of the court before you get blown away. -Team Match Timer when turned on, is much like a chess clock whereas once you hit the ball the time stops but when your opponent returns the shot, it begins again. -You can also turn on the Match Timer. Whoever is in the lead when time runs up wins. Challenges are set by the empire, Heavy G. When turned on at the beginning of", "id": "1597748" }, { "contents": "Testament (band)\n\n\nEric exactly when we were done recording. I said, 'You know what? It's a great record now, but I don't wanna go through what I had to go through to do this again. So why don't we start writing now?' So we decided that when we're not on the road, let's get together and just jam and maybe come up and at least get to that point where we were with this record — a bunch of ideas and riffs and lyrics.\" In a", "id": "3893555" }, { "contents": "Li Cong\n\n\nYu the Prince of Zhong, crown prince, bypassing Li Cong again in the process. Later when Chancellor Li Linfu tried to depose the new Crown Prince Li Yu, he tried to persuade Emperor Xuanzong to create Li Cong as Li Cong was the eldest, but Emperor Xuanzong silently replied, \"Cong, my eldest son, in early years when hunted in the imperial garden, his face was hurt and badly injured.\" Implying that an injured face was unfit for an emperor, and this might be the reason why Li", "id": "13125430" }, { "contents": "Daredevil: Chinatown\n\n\nand Steve looked on in a job well done' with Steve asking him why he called him in the first place when he didn't need help. Daredevil wanted to tell him his true identity again, but decided not to and simply stated that \"Just... reassurance, maybe. That when you look back, on all the choices you made... the things you gave up, the things you lost... even the people you may have hurt along the way... that it was worth it\". Steve responds \"I", "id": "16140060" }, { "contents": "Skam (TV series)\n\n\ndedication – it is something we never expected. That is why it hurts to tell you guys that due to a necessary clarification with the music right holders, \"SKAM\" will until further notice not be available outside Norway. We are working hard to figure out how to solve this issue so that the fans can continue to enjoy \"SKAM\" from where they are\". When the fourth season premiered in April, the geoblock was removed for Nordic countries. The series has received significant attention from international media publications for its", "id": "20913038" }, { "contents": "Steven Beale\n\n\nboy to admit that he's gay. He basically wants to help him. Steven doesn't want to be gay and Christian knows how he feels. Coming out is hard for any young man [...] Christian's worried that Stacey is going to get hurt. He knows that when you're gay, you're gay. That's it. There's nothing you can do about it and if you try to hide it, people get hurt.\" After the truth was revealed to Stacey, Steven falsely claimed to", "id": "13121322" }, { "contents": "Mary 25\n\n\nwhen the children ask Mary \"why does daddy hurt mommy?\" It is then revealed that Teryl and Melburn (Michael Shanks) had a relationship once and Melburn still has feelings for Teryl by trying to protect her from Charlie. When he performs Mary's scheduled maintenance, he re-programs Mary so that she now considers that by hurting the mother, Charlie is hurting the children. One night when Charlie is beating Teryl, Mary comes in, strangles Charlie, and breaks his neck. In the aftermath, the human", "id": "8353663" }, { "contents": "Adelaide leak\n\n\n, we most sincerely hope you are not too badly hurt,\" to which Woodfull replied, \"The bruise is coming out.\" Embarrassed and humiliated, Warner and Palairet turned and left. Fingleton noted that Woodfull spoke quietly and calmly, which increased the effectiveness of his words. He also pointed out that Warner prided himself on sportsmanship, so an accusation of \"not playing cricket\" would have stung the Englishman. Warner was so shaken that he was found in tears later that day in his hotel room. According to", "id": "19645237" }, { "contents": "David Hodges (CSI)\n\n\n(\"...because you're three months shy of your eighteenth birthday, so when you phone your Mom to come and get you, it doesn't go on my permanent record.\") (Ending Happy) In Pool Shark, Wendy leaves, not telling him until last minute, leaving him hurt and upset to the point where he hits and starts to drown Henry when he tells him what he did wrong and later mopes around CSI. However, Greg Sanders arranges \"man dates\" in which he meets up with", "id": "17720714" }, { "contents": "Why Do I Always Get It Wrong\n\n\n/his presence for good is the only way to stop the pain. Crying out against his illogical love for the person who has treated him so badly, Caruana asks, \"Why do I always get it wrong?\" Live Report won the right to perform at Lausanne by winning the UK national final, \"A Song for Europe\", where they were the sixth act to perform. For the second of four consecutive years, Live Report was picked via a nationwide telephone vote, receiving more than twice as many votes", "id": "10560157" }, { "contents": "The Girl on the Bus\n\n\n, part of it. So again—degree of comedic difficulty noted. But this is \"The Simpsons\". And say what you want about the good old days, but when there’s a legacy of writing great Lisa stories and you botch one this badly, the failure is that much more glaring.\" Tony Sokol from \"Den of Geek\" gave the episode 3.5 out of 5 points ranking, stating \"'The Girl on the Bus' gets caught in crosstown traffic by the ending. While we always know", "id": "10634298" } ]
Why dont mass produced foods have as much vitamins/minerals/heathly stuff injected into them as possible for a healthier population.
[{"answer": "Vitamins are required for health, but that doesn't imply that 'more vitamins equals a better outcome'. If you packed as much as possible into all processed foods, what you'd end up with is people suffering from toxic doses. In the case of some of these (like vitamin A), that is extremely serious, or even fatal."}, {"answer": "Because you can't inject healthy stuff into food. It's all about balance and things like that and also very much about *not* eating particularly unhealthy stuff."}, {"answer": "If you think eating processed foods but taking vitamin supplements will make you healthy you're gonna have a bad time. A balanced diet and exercise is what makes you healthy."}, {"answer": "I'm not sure this is exactly what you mean, but table salt is often fortified with small amounts of iodine for this reason. [More info on Wikipedia]( URL_0 ). You can also buy various fiber powders, like psyllium seed husks, to do this yourself (lots of people don't get enough fiber), though it can have a funny texture, which would put people off of processed foods that contained too much of the stuff."}, {"answer": "1. Some vitamins you can overdose on 2. Vitamins alone do not make you healthy. I could eat a pack of twinkies that has all my vitamin needs and more, but i'm still eating 500 calories of sugar. 3. Vitamins, outside their natural food sources, are harder to digest and less absorbable. Just like in college, primary sources are better"}, {"answer": "B-but they do. Look at your cereal. Even Lucky Charms are fortified. At the end of the day though, even if you get a day's worth of calcium, you'll still eating a week's worth of sugar in one sitting. So vitamins are only good for selling stuff to moms who will feed it to their impressionable rugrats. In reality, a diverse diet (diverse =/= pringles on sunday, cheetos on monday) is what people should focus on, with varying levels of vegetables, means, fruits, grains, whatever (disclaimer: what levels of each, I don't care to pretend to know or debate)."}, {"answer": "They do. Enriched flour , enriched rice. Its everywhere . enriched = added vitamins. Important to know that it is not good to over supplement , and enriched foods are outright banned in Switzerland ? I believe it is."}, {"answer": "'A healthier population' is not the goal of any corporation that mass produces food. Their goal is 'more money for us.'"}, {"answer": "Because it's as much the composition of healthy foods they make them healthy, as it is the vitamins and minerals."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "30500", "title": "Thiamine", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Thiamine, also known as thiamin or vitamin B, is a vitamin found in food, and manufactured as a dietary supplement and medication. Food sources of thiamine include whole grains, legumes, and some meats and fish. Grain processing removes much of the thiamine content, so in many countries cereals and flours are enriched with thiamine. Supplements and medications are available to treat and prevent thiamine deficiency and disorders that result from it, including beriberi and Wernicke encephalopathy. Other uses include the treatment of maple syrup urine disease and Leigh syndrome. They are typically taken by mouth, but may also be given by intravenous or intramuscular injection.", "Thiamine, also known as thiamin or vitamin B, is a vitamin found in food, and manufactured as a dietary supplement and medication. Food sources of thiamine include whole grains, legumes, and some meats and fish. Grain processing removes much of the thiamine content, so in many countries cereals and flours are enriched with thiamine. Supplements and medications are available to treat and prevent thiamine deficiency and disorders that result from it, including beriberi and Wernicke encephalopathy", "Thiamine, also known as thiamin or vitamin B, is a vitamin found in food, and manufactured as a dietary supplement and medication. Food sources of thiamine include whole grains, legumes, and some meats and fish. Grain processing removes much of the thiamine content, so in many countries cereals and flours are enriched with thiamine. Supplements and medications are available to treat and prevent thiamine deficiency and disorders that result from it, including beriberi and Wernicke encephalopathy. Other uses include the treatment of maple syrup urine disease and Leigh syndrome. They are typically taken by mouth, but may also be given by intravenous or intramuscular injection."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Gillian McKeith\n\n\nto stick to their new regime for eight weeks. If they failed to stick to it, McKeith moved in with them to make sure they followed her advice. The participants were shown at the end of the eight weeks to have lost body mass, and said they felt healthier. She often attributes some of the featured clients' health problems to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. There are certain foods she considers to be particularly nutritious, and these are often mentioned in her programmes. These can be unusual foods, some of", "id": "4306156" }, { "contents": "Multivitamin\n\n\n] do not have a lower chance of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. Based on current research, it's not possible to recommend for or against the use of MVMs to stay healthier longer.\" The first person to formulate vitamins in the US was Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee. Shaklee introduced a product he dubbed “Shaklee’s Vitalized Minerals” in 1915 which he sold until adopting the now ubiquitous term “vitamin\" in 1929. Because of their categorization as a dietary supplement by the Food and", "id": "242972" }, { "contents": "Kwashiorkor\n\n\nwith mineral salts and vitamins. The diet may include lactases—so that children who have developed lactose intolerance can ingest dairy products—and antibiotics—to compensate for immunodeficiency. After two to three weeks, the milk is replaced by boiled cereals fortified with minerals and vitamins until the person's mass is at least 80% of normal weight. Traditional food can then be reintroduced. The child is considered healed when their mass reaches 85% of normal. Disorders usually resolve after early treatment. If the treatment is delayed, the", "id": "17352141" }, { "contents": "Egg as food\n\n\nworry about the high cholesterol and fat content in eggs. These products usually have added vitamins and minerals, as well as vegetable-based emulsifiers and thickeners, such as xanthan gum or guar gum. These allow the product to maintain the nutrition and several culinary properties of real eggs, making possible foods such as Hollandaise sauce, custard, mayonnaise, and most baked goods with these substitutes. A medium/large chicken egg provides approximately of food energy and 6 g of protein. Eggs (boiled) supply several vitamins and minerals", "id": "6148883" }, { "contents": "Vitamin and mineral supplementation for dialysis patients\n\n\nfailure results in the body’s inability to make some vitamins and minerals (example: vitamin D), as well as difficulty excreting excessive amounts of certain vitamins and minerals (example: phosphorus). Normally, we are able to get adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals by eating a wide variety of foods. However, many patients on dialysis must follow dietary restrictions, making it difficult for them to get the necessary amounts of certain vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. In addition to this, many vitamins and minerals are lost", "id": "10938899" }, { "contents": "Vitamin B12\n\n\nof the vitamin, vegans must use a supplement or fortified foods for B intake or risk serious health consequences. Otherwise, most omnivorous people in developed countries obtain enough vitamin B from consuming animal products including meat, milk, eggs, and fish. Staple foods, especially those that form part of a vegan diet, are often fortified by having the vitamin added to them. Vitamin B supplements are available in single agent or multivitamin tablets; and pharmaceutical preparations may be given by intramuscular injection. The most common cause of vitamin B", "id": "15391433" }, { "contents": "Skunks as pets\n\n\nof 50 percent vegetables, 40 percent Skunkie Delight, and 10 percent other whole foods. Skunkie Delight is a homemade blend of a cooked grain (millet, oats, barley, or brown rice), raw ground turkey, eggs, vegetable oil, and a variety of vitamin and mineral powders. Jane Bone's Skunk Stuff describes a diet of vegetables, fruits, dairy, yogurt, vitamins and minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, and eggs. Skunk Haven disagrees with this diet, and recommends their own sample diet. Skunk", "id": "850277" }, { "contents": "Phytomenadione\n\n\nPhytomenadione, also known as vitamin K or phylloquinone, is a vitamin found in food and used as a dietary supplement. As a supplement it is used to treat certain bleeding disorders. This includes in warfarin overdose, vitamin K deficiency, and obstructive jaundice. It is also recommended to prevent and treat hemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Use is typically recommended by mouth or injection under the skin. Use by injection into a vein or muscle is recommended only when other routes are not possible. When given by injection benefits are seen", "id": "643448" }, { "contents": "Shake 'n Bake\n\n\nprovides a baked alternative preparation to that of fried chicken and other fried foods that use cooking oil. Shake 'n Bake has been marketed as a healthier and less-greasy alternative to frying, with slogans such as, \"Shake 'n Bake: It's better than frying\", and \"Why fry? Shake 'n Bake\". Shake 'n Bake Original Pork flavor contains the following ingredients: enriched wheat flour (wheat flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate Vitamin B1, riboflavin (vitamin B),", "id": "11784489" }, { "contents": "Vitamin and mineral supplementation for dialysis patients\n\n\n. There are some nutrients that are restricted in renal failure patients because of the body’s inability to excrete excessive amounts of them due to the kidneys not functioning properly. In general, these nutrients include: Many foods that contain phosphorus and potassium (restricted in dialysis patients) also contain folate, niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6 (water-soluble vitamins). Therefore, restricting foods that contain phosphorus and potassium can lead to deficiencies in other important vitamins. In general, the following vitamins and minerals are supplemented in dialysis", "id": "10938902" }, { "contents": "Home front during World War II\n\n\nthe black market, so there was much less for the open market. Counterfeit food coupons were also in circulation. Direct buying from farmers in the countryside and barter against cigarettes became common. These activities were strictly forbidden, and carried the risk of confiscation and fines. Food shortages were most acute in the large cities. Vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition were prevalent. Advice about eating a healthier diet and home growing produce was distributed. Slogans like \"Digging for Victory\" and \"Make Do and Mend\" appeared on national posters and", "id": "16829753" }, { "contents": "Food chemistry\n\n\nrequired in small amounts for essential metabolic reactions in the body. These are broken down in nutrition as either water-soluble (Vitamin C) or fat-soluble (Vitamin E). An adequate supply of vitamins can prevent diseases such as beriberi, anemia, and scurvy while an overdose of vitamins can produce nausea and vomiting or even death. Dietary minerals in foods are large and diverse with many required to function while other trace elements can be hazardous if consumed in excessive amounts. Bulk minerals with a Reference Daily Intake (", "id": "16247151" }, { "contents": "Gargoyle gecko\n\n\nGecko food can be purchased from companies that specialize in it, such as Repashy or Pangea; these foods have the correct nutritional balance of vitamins and minerals, which is not found in basic fruit purees. As treats, these geckos Sometimes(Depends on the individual lizard) accept live foods such as crickets, feeder roaches, and waxworms., which should be gut loaded, or dusted with vitamins and calcium as extra precautions. \"Rhacodactylus\" species are relatively new to being kept in homes and there is much still to be learned", "id": "8071549" }, { "contents": "Multivitamin\n\n\nA multivitamin is a preparation intended to serve as a dietary supplement - with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, or injectable formulations. Other than injectable formulations, which are only available and administered under medical supervision, multivitamins are recognized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the United Nations' authority on food standards) as a category of food. In healthy people, most scientific evidence indicates that multivitamin supplements do not prevent cancer", "id": "242947" }, { "contents": "Kallmann syndrome\n\n\nCHH will have their levels checked and may be prescribed extra vitamin D tablets or injections to try to prevent the condition getting worse. The role of vitamin D for general overall health is under close scrutiny at the moment with some researchers claiming vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in many populations and can be linked to other diseases. Some people with severe osteoporosis might be prescribed bisphosphonates to preserve bone mass, in addition to hormone replacement therapy. To date at least 25 different genes have been implicated in causing Kallmann syndrome or other forms of", "id": "7486303" }, { "contents": "Korean cuisine\n\n\nyears. These were stored in traditional Korean mud pots known as jangdokdae, although with the advent of refrigerators, special kimchi freezers and commercially produced kimchi, this practice has become less common. Kimchi is a vegetable-based food which includes low calorie, low fat, and no cholesterol. Also, it is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin K and minerals which are calcium, iron, phosphorus, and selenium. South Koreans", "id": "16958601" }, { "contents": "Dose (biochemistry)\n\n\nCommon elemental and vitamin dosages are milligrams per day (mg/d) or micrograms per day (μg/d). Common macronutrient dosages are in grams per day (g/d). Dosages for all three are established by both gender and age. Individuals take vitamin and mineral supplements to promote healthier lifestyles and prevent development of chronic diseases. There is no conclusive evidence linking continued vitamin and mineral supplement intake with longevity of life. The infectious dose of a pathogen is the number of cells required to infect the host", "id": "21959336" }, { "contents": "Inuit cuisine\n\n\nhas reduced the incidence of mortality in the Inuit population. Furthermore, fish oil supplement studies have failed to support claims of preventing heart attacks or strokes. Vitamins and minerals which are typically derived from plant sources are nonetheless present in most Inuit diets. Vitamins A and D are present in the oils and livers of cold-water fishes and mammals. Vitamin C is obtained through sources such as caribou liver, kelp, whale skin, and seal brain; because these foods are typically eaten raw or frozen, the vitamin C they", "id": "18905567" }, { "contents": "Milk substitute\n\n\nlife and may be able to withstand higher temperatures than dairy milk without spoiling. Some milk substitutes are marketed as being healthier than cow's milk due to being lower in saturated fat and (if entirely free of animal products) cholesterol-free. When milk analogues are lacking in vitamins or dietary minerals present in dairy milk (such as vitamin B or calcium), they may be fortified. Humans may consume dairy milk for a variety of reasons, including tradition, availability and nutritional value (especially minerals like calcium, vitamins", "id": "18455215" }, { "contents": "Dietary fiber\n\n\nprobably related materials that are resistant to enzymatic degradation, diminish the nutritional value of foods. Color coding of table entries: Fiber does not bind to minerals and vitamins and therefore does not restrict their absorption, but rather evidence exists that fermentable fiber sources improve absorption of minerals, especially calcium. Some plant foods can reduce the absorption of minerals and vitamins like calcium, zinc, vitamin C, and magnesium, but this is caused by the presence of phytate (which is also thought to have important health benefits), not by", "id": "18339951" }, { "contents": "Vitamin\n\n\nwas followed in the 1950s by the mass production and marketing of vitamin supplements, including multivitamins, to prevent vitamin deficiencies in the general population. Governments mandated addition of vitamins to staple foods such as flour or milk, referred to as food fortification, to prevent deficiencies. Recommendations for folic acid supplementation during pregnancy reduced risk of infant neural tube defects. Although reducing incidence of vitamin deficiencies clearly has benefits, supplementation is thought to be of little value for healthy people who are consuming a vitamin-adequate diet. The term \"vitamin", "id": "14163430" }, { "contents": "Plumpy'nut\n\n\nintended for routine nutrition, or for malnutrition in non-famine situations. Peanut allergies have not been found to be a problem in usage due to a lack of allergic reactions in the target populations. The ingredients in Plumpy'Nut include \"peanut-based paste, with sugar, vegetable oil and skimmed milk powder, enriched with vitamins and minerals\". Plumpy'Nut is said to be \"surprisingly tasty\". While the majority of Plumpy'Nut was made in France as of 2010, this therapeutic food is easily produced and can be made locally", "id": "1562523" }, { "contents": "Wild type\n\n\n. Research into wild-type mutations has allowed the creation of genetically modified crops that are more efficient food producers, which is one of the reasons behind world hunger being at all-time lows . Genetic alteration of plants leads to not only larger crop production, but also more nutritious products, allowing isolated populations to receive vital vitamins and mineral that would otherwise be unavailable to them. Utilization of these wild-type mutations has also led to plants capable of growing in extremely arid environments, making more of the planet habitable than", "id": "14933553" }, { "contents": "Vitamin A deficiency\n\n\nNight blindness caused by VAD has been associated with the loss of goblet cells in the conjunctiva, a membrane covering the outer surface of the eye. Goblet cells are responsible for secretion of mucus, and their absence results in xerophthalmia, a condition where the eyes fail to produce tears. Dead epithelial and microbial cells accumulate on the conjunctiva and form debris that can lead to infection and possibly blindness. Decreasing night blindness requires the improvement of vitamin A status in at-risk populations. Supplements and fortification of food have been shown to", "id": "51810" }, { "contents": "Therapeutic food\n\n\nTherapeutic foods are foods designed for specific, usually nutritional, therapeutic purposes as a form of dietary supplement. The primary examples of therapeutic foods are used for emergency feeding of malnourished children or to supplement the diets of persons with special nutrition requirements, such as the elderly. For liquid nutrition products fed via tube feeding see Medical foods. Therapeutic foods are usually made of a mixture of protein, carbohydrate, lipid and vitamins and minerals. Therapeutic foods are usually produced by grinding all ingredients together and mixing them. “The mixing process", "id": "8270940" }, { "contents": "Food extrusion\n\n\n, to indicate a premium product. The effects of \"extrusion cooking on nutritional quality are ambiguous\", as extrusion may change carbohydrates, dietary fibre, the protein and amino acid profile, vitamins, and mineral content of the extrudate in a manner that is beneficial or harmful. High-temperature extrusion for a short duration \"minimizes losses in vitamins and amino acids\". Extrusion enables mass production of some food, and will \"denature antinutritional factors\", such as destroying toxins or killing microorganisms. It may also improve \"", "id": "11663834" }, { "contents": "Nutrition\n\n\ncomponents of food, yielding flour, oils, juices, and so on, and even separate fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Inevitably, such large-scale concentration changes the nutritional content of food, saving certain nutrients while removing others. Heating techniques may also reduce food's content of many heat-labile nutrients such as certain vitamins and phytochemicals, and possibly other yet-to-be-discovered substances. Because of reduced nutritional value, processed foods are often 'enriched' or 'fortified'", "id": "1764603" }, { "contents": "Animal source foods\n\n\nA good way to find these foods would be to search for them on one of the online, nutrient analyzing databases. An example would be Most humans eat an omnivorous diet (comprising animal source foods and plant source foods) though some civilisations have eaten only animal foods. Although a healthy diet containing all essential macro and micronutrients may be possible by only consuming a plant based diet (with vitamin B obtained from supplements if no animal sourced foods are consumed), some populations are unable to consume an adequate quantity or", "id": "6580926" }, { "contents": "Health freedom movement\n\n\nit states that the \"sources of vitamins and minerals may be either natural or synthetic\" and that \"their selection should be based on considerations such as safety and bioavailability.\" The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that the guidelines are a consumer protection measure \"to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements.\" The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call \"for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin", "id": "11678146" }, { "contents": "Soil regeneration\n\n\nto promote a higher efficiency of food production, a lower need for human involvement, and a healthier ecosystem. Permaculture focuses on using the land and a strong knowledge of plants, animals and natural cycles to create ecosystems that yield plentiful produce and help keep themselves healthy and productive. This can be done through intentional landscaping that would utilize as much rainfall as possible or placing nitrogen fixing plants near another crop that might need them. Agroecology also includes the ideas of holistic management. This approach stems from the work of Allan Savory who", "id": "7471707" }, { "contents": "Space farming\n\n\nhydrological cycle and nutrient recycling. In addition to maintaining a shelf-life and reducing total mass, the ability to grow food in space would help reduce the vitamin gap in astronaut's diets and provide fresh food with improved taste and texture. Currently, much of the food supplied to astronauts is heat treated or freeze dried. Both of these methods, for the most part, retain the properties of the food pre-treatment. However, vitamin degradation during storage can occur. A 2009 study noted significant decreases in vitamins A", "id": "3684287" }, { "contents": "Chicken meal\n\n\nmeal ingredients. While not always present, the possible inclusion of these ingredients makes chicken meal always considered unfit for human consumption. Chicken meal is mainly used in pet foods. Its protein content is much higher than regular chicken because most of the water has been removed. Typically when it comes to pet food, all of the ingredients (meats, grains, vitamins, minerals) are mixed together and put through a machine called an extruder. The extruder cooks the mixture by adding steam and water. The result is the familiar", "id": "11686632" }, { "contents": "Cooking\n\n\nand selenium. The micronutrients, minerals, and vitamins in fruit and vegetables may be destroyed or eluted by cooking. Vitamin C is especially prone to oxidation during cooking and may be completely destroyed by protracted cooking. The bioavailability of some vitamins such as thiamin, vitamin B6, niacin, folate, and carotenoids are increased with cooking by being freed from the food microstructure. Blanching or steaming vegetables is a way of minimizing vitamin and mineral loss in cooking. There are very many methods of cooking, most of which have been known", "id": "5115660" }, { "contents": "Vitamin\n\n\n. The likelihood of consuming too much of any vitamin from food is remote, but excessive intake (vitamin poisoning) from dietary supplements does occur. In 2016, overdose exposure to all formulations of vitamins and multi-vitamin/mineral formulations was reported by 63,931 individuals to the American Association of Poison Control Centers with 72% of these exposures in children under the age of five. In the US, analysis of a national diet and supplement survey reported that about 7% of adult supplement users exceeded the UL for folate and 5", "id": "14163441" }, { "contents": "Food\n\n\n. The science of nutrition attempts to understand how and why specific dietary aspects influence health. Nutrients in food are grouped into several categories. Macronutrients are fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Micronutrients are the minerals and vitamins. Additionally, food contains water and dietary fiber. As previously discussed, the body is designed by natural selection to enjoy sweet and fattening foods for evolutionary diets, ideal for hunters and gatherers. Thus, sweet and fattening foods in nature are typically rare and are very pleasurable to eat. In modern times,", "id": "10376602" }, { "contents": "Food choice\n\n\nchoose and consume foods based on health concerns or food contents. One possible explanation for this observed difference is women may be more concerned with body weight issues when choosing certain types of foods. There may be an inverse relationship, as adolescent girls are noted to have lower intakes of vitamins and minerals and ingest fewer fruits/vegetables and dairy foods than adolescent boys. Across the lifespan, different eating habits can be observed based on socio-economic status, workforce conditions, financial security, and taste preference amongst other factors. A", "id": "3857908" }, { "contents": "Vitamin D deficiency in Australia\n\n\nsun exposure, geographical longitude as well as season change. Greater latitudes receive sunlight that is of lesser ultra radiation strength in contrast to regions close to the equator, who receive lower variation to hours of daylight during the summer periods. In light of the increase of vitamin D deficiency throughout Australia the federal government introduced mandatory fortification of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D in certain foods like edible oil spreads as indicated in the: Australian Standard 2.4.2. It is mandatory for all food manufacturing companies producing table spreads like butter and margarine", "id": "16572366" }, { "contents": "Nesquik\n\n\nthe good stuff. So start theirs with a tasty glass of Nesquik at breakfast. It has essential vitamins and minerals to help them grow and develop because all this laughing and playing can be hard work.\" An animation showed the ingredients \"Vitamins D, B & C\", \"Iron\", and \"Magnesium\" adjacent to a glass of the product, mixed with milk. On-screen text during the ad read, \"Enjoy Nesquik as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle\". Some angry consumers", "id": "15717027" }, { "contents": "Multivitamin\n\n\n, and injectable formulations also exist. In the U.S., the FDA requires any product marketed as a \"multivitamin\" to contain at least three vitamins and minerals; furthermore, the dosages must be below a \"tolerable upper limit\", and a multivitamin may not include herbs, hormones, or drugs. For certain people, particularly the elderly, supplementing the diet with additional vitamins and minerals can have health impacts; however, the majority will not benefit. People with dietary imbalances may include those on restrictive diets and those who", "id": "242951" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nsame way. The technical term for such a microwave-absorbing patch is a susceptor. Any form of cooking will destroy some nutrients in food, but the key variables are how much water is used in the cooking, how long the food is cooked, and at what temperature. Nutrients are primarily lost by leaching into cooking water, which tends to make microwave cooking healthier, given the shorter cooking times it requires. Like other heating methods, microwaving converts vitamin B from an active to inactive form; the amount of conversion", "id": "12896706" }, { "contents": "Codex Alimentarius\n\n\n. The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) will implement these criteria with \"labelling to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements.\" The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the Guidelines call \"for labelling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements.\" The WHO has also said that the Guidelines \"ensure that consumers receive beneficial health effects from vitamins and minerals.\" In 2004, similarities were noted between the EU", "id": "13145495" }, { "contents": "Chard\n\n\nserving, raw Swiss chard provides of food energy and has rich content ( 19% of the Daily Value, DV) of vitamins A, K, and C, with 122%, 1038%, and 50%, respectively, of the DV. Also having significant content in raw chard are vitamin E and the dietary minerals, magnesium, manganese, iron and potassium. Carbohydrates, protein, fat and dietary fiber have low content. When chard is cooked by boiling, vitamin and mineral contents are reduced compared to raw", "id": "7182598" }, { "contents": "Tlingit cuisine\n\n\nactivities in the belief that it would weaken them spiritually and perhaps physically as well. Thus for both spiritual reasons as well as to add some variety to the diet, the Tlingit harvest many other resources for food besides what they easily find outside their front doors. No other food resource receives as much emphasis as salmon; however, seal and game are both close seconds. A particular problem with the Tlingit diet is ensuring enough vitamins and minerals are available. Protein is ubiquitous. Iodine from saltwater life is easily obtained, but", "id": "11446497" }, { "contents": "Food desert\n\n\nrole in food deserts, generating fresh produce by having local residents share in the maintenance of food production. The Food Trust, a nonprofit organization based in Pennsylvania, has 22 farmers markets in operation throughout Philadelphia. In an effort to increase accessibility for healthier food and fresh produce, Food Trust farmers markets accept SNAP benefits. Customers have reported improved diets with increase in vegetable intake as well as healthier snacking habits. Community gardens also address fresh food scarcity. The nonprofit group DC Urban Greens operates a community garden in Southeast Washington,", "id": "3497871" }, { "contents": "Sardines as food\n\n\nminerals. A small serving of sardines once a day can provide up to 13% of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) value of vitamin B, roughly one-quarter of the RDA of niacin, and about 150% of the RDA of vitamin B. All B vitamins help to support proper nervous system function and are used for energy metabolism, or converting food into energy. Also, sardines are high in the major minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and some trace minerals such as iron and selenium. Sardines", "id": "15020204" }, { "contents": "Quorn\n\n\n, otherwise sterile fermentation tanks. Glucose and fixed nitrogen are added as a food for the fungus, as are vitamins and minerals to improve the food value of the product. The resulting mycoprotein is then extracted and heat-treated to remove excess levels of RNA. Previous attempts to produce such fermented protein foodstuffs were thwarted by excessive levels of DNA or RNA; without the heat treatment, purines, found in nucleic acids, are metabolised by humans to produce uric acid, which can lead to gout. However two recent studies have", "id": "3429030" }, { "contents": "Culture of Ireland\n\n\nbe the main food field crop of the tenant and labouring classes. As a food source, the potato is extremely efficient in terms of energy yielded per unit area of land. The potato is also a good source of many vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C (especially when fresh). As a result, the typical 18th- and 19th-century Irish diet of potatoes and buttermilk was a contributing factor in the population explosion that occurred in Ireland at that time. However, due to the political rule of the time,", "id": "12510964" }, { "contents": "Cyanocobalamin\n\n\nmillion prescriptions. Cyanocobalamin is usually prescribed after surgical removal of part or all of the stomach or intestine to ensure adequate serum levels of vitamin . It is also used to treat pernicious anemia, vitamin deficiency (due to low intake from food), thyrotoxicosis, hemorrhage, malignancy, liver disease and kidney disease. Cyanocobalamin injections are often prescribed to gastric bypass patients who have had part of their small intestine bypassed, making it difficult for to be acquired via food or vitamins. Cyanocobamide is also used to perform the Schilling test to", "id": "15391486" }, { "contents": "Skylark Group\n\n\nin terms of products. It mainly produce poultry products, some of them are -Equipments - Food products - Day-old broiler and layer chicks - Poultry feed - Vitamins and mineral premixes Hatcheries are the biggest mainstay of Skylark. The company has separate hatcheries for Grand Parent, Parent Stock and commercials at 5 different locations in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. Hygiene and sanitary conditions are maintained inside hatcheries. Skylark have awell established distribution network for the sale of DOC’s / hatching eggs in Haryana Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar", "id": "21674095" }, { "contents": "Pressure cooking\n\n\nin the recipe. Pressure cookers can use much less liquid than the amount required for boiling or steaming in an ordinary saucepan. It is not necessary to immerse food in water. The minimum quantity of water or liquid used in the recipe to keep the pressure cooker filled with steam is sufficient. Because of this, vitamins and minerals are not leached (dissolved) away by water, as they would be if food were boiled in large amounts of water. Due to the shorter cooking time, vitamins are preserved relatively well during", "id": "8183322" }, { "contents": "Toddler nutrition\n\n\nToddler nutrition is the description of the dietary needs of toddlers aged one to two years old. Food provides the energy and nutrients that toddlers need to be healthy. An adequate intake in nutrient rich food is good nutrition. A diet lacking essential calories, minerals, fluid and vitamins could be considered 'bad' nutrition. Nutrition needs are different for toddlers. For a baby, breast milk is \"best\" and it has all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Toddlers typically have been weaned from breast milk and formula. Though", "id": "15628354" }, { "contents": "Vegetarian nutrition\n\n\npills, B-injections, or B-fortified foods, if they don't get adequate vitamin B from animal products like eggs or dairy. Generally, humans need 2.4 to 3 micrograms of vitamin B each day. Although some argue that developing a disease from B deficiency by following a sensible diet is extremely rare (less than one chance in a million), there are cases to suggest that vegetarians and vegans who are not taking vitamin B supplements or food fortified with B do not consume sufficient servings of B and have", "id": "2341160" }, { "contents": "Sport dog nutrition\n\n\nlevel, etc.19 Not meeting an animal's mineral and vitamin requirements can impact the level of performance tremendously.19 However, too high of a concentration of vitamins and minerals will increase the concentration of ash in the feed. Currently, it is stated that dog foods containing above 7% ash content may have long-term negative consequences on canines.1 Antioxidants such as vitamin E, beta carotene, rosemary oil, sage oil and lutein have been demonstrated in numerous studies to decrease immune response DNA damage linked to cancer, cataracts and arthritis by attaching", "id": "5891026" }, { "contents": "Health food store\n\n\nworked with John Harvey Kellogg, began selling powdered mineral drinks door to door and lecturing around the United States on the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplements, before opening Sawall Health Food Products, Inc., in 1936, the United States' oldest family-owned natural foods store still in existence today. It began with powdered minerals and vitamins and also sold natural and organic foods. Frank A. Sawall, a bio-chemist, was described as \"America's Outstanding Health Teacher and Nationally known Nutritionist\" in newspapers across the United", "id": "4916702" }, { "contents": "The Body Book\n\n\n\"Sleep\", \"Diabetes Care\", \"Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice\", and the \"Journal of Applied Physiology\". It is divided into three sections: nutrition, fitness, and mind/body awareness. It looks at vitamins and minerals, muscle mass and bone strength. It suggests eating unprocessed, whole foods making gradual changes, and working out to sweat every day. The book does not offer a diet or workout plan, but gives the basic information about having a healthy body. However, it", "id": "2708726" }, { "contents": "Vitamin Cottage Natural Grocers\n\n\nto Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, to emphasize that groceries, rather than nutritional supplements, formed a majority of its sales. The company made its initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange in July 2012, raising $107 million. Products include vitamins, dietary supplements, natural and organic food, organic produce and natural body care products. The company has a manifesto entitled \"What We Won't Sell and Why\" which includes artificial colors and flavors, artificial preservatives, irradiated food and meat raised using artificial hormones and", "id": "1250899" }, { "contents": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia\n\n\nnew vitamin in liver juice was eventually completely purified and characterized in the 1950s, and other methods of producing it from bacteria were developed. It could be injected into muscle with even less irritation, making it possible to treat PA with even more ease. Pernicious anemia was eventually treated with either injections or large oral doses of B, typically between 1 and 4 mg daily. One writer has hypothesized that Mary Todd Lincoln, the wife of American President Abraham Lincoln, had pernicious anemia for decades and died from it. Although oral", "id": "5698886" }, { "contents": "Dry matter\n\n\nThe dry matter or dry weight is a measurement of the mass of something when completely dried. The dry matter of plant and animal material consists of all its constituents excluding water. The dry matter of food includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (e.g., thiocyanate, anthocyanin, and quercetin). Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which provide the energy in foods (measured in kilocalories or kilojoules), make up ninety percent of the dry weight of a diet. Water content in foods", "id": "16831784" }, { "contents": "Health freedom movement\n\n\nserious incidents including adulteration with synthetic drugs. The health-freedom movement vehemently opposes the Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements, adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as a voluntary standard at its meeting in Rome in July 2005, which includes requirements for the packaging and labelling of vitamin and mineral supplements. The text specifies that \"supplements should contain vitamins/provitamins and minerals whose nutritional value for human beings has been proven by scientific data and whose status as vitamins and minerals is recognised by FAO and WHO.\" In addition,", "id": "11678145" }, { "contents": "Chlorella\n\n\ntechnological advances in agriculture at the time and the widespread acclaim it got from experts and scientists who studied it. Algae researchers had even hoped to add a neutralized \"Chlorella\" powder to conventional food products, as a way to fortify them with vitamins and minerals. When the preliminary laboratory results were published, the scientific community at first backed the possibilities of \"Chlorella\". \"Science News Letter\" praised the optimistic results in an article entitled \"Algae to Feed the Starving\". John Burlew, the editor of the Carnegie", "id": "1662749" }, { "contents": "American cuisine\n\n\nin 1924, commercially distributed food began to be fortified with vitamins and minerals. In 1932, milk began to be fortified with viosterol, a purified vitamin D2 product. Synthetic thiamin (vitamin B1) first became available after 1936 and bakers began voluntarily enriching bread with high-vitamin yeast or synthetic vitamins in the late 1930s. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science established the first set of \"Recommended Dietary Allowances\" in 1941. In 1943, the US War Foods Administration issued the War Food Order No", "id": "1913010" }, { "contents": "Snack Barz\n\n\n70 cents, while each 2.1 ounce Snack Bar sells for about US$1.05 a bar. Hershey's Snack Bars are advertised as being a healthier candy bar (as compared with traditional candy) as well as having zero grams of trans fat and being a good source of calcium, iron, and \"seven essential vitamins\" (one bar has about fifteen percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of them). For these reasons, when the product was first released The Hershey Company aimed much of their marketing at parents concerned about the", "id": "13949485" }, { "contents": "Azolla\n\n\nfeed. \"Azolla\" is rich in proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Studies describe feeding azolla to dairy cattle, pigs, ducks, and chickens, with reported increases in milk production, weight of broiler chickens and egg production of layers, as compared to conventional feed. One FAO study describes how azolla integrates into a tropical biomass agricultural system, reducing the need for inputs. \"Azolla\" has also been suggested as a food stuff for human consumption. However, no long term studies of the healthiness", "id": "20875724" }, { "contents": "Food security\n\n\n. Higher rates occur in developing countries, where 852 million people (about 15% of the population) are chronically undernourished. The report noted that Asia and Latin America have achieved reductions in rates of undernourishment that put these regions on track for achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halving the prevalence of undernourishment by 2015. The UN noted that about 2 billion people do not consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. In India, the second-most populous country in the world, 30 million people have been added to the", "id": "3026456" }, { "contents": "Food fortification\n\n\n, they also need to consider the costs associated with this new product and whether or not there will be a market to support the change. The Food Fortification Initiative lists all countries in the world that conduct fortification programs, and within each country, what nutrients are added to which foods, and whether those programs are voluntary or mandatory. Vitamin fortification programs exist in one or more countries for folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B, vitamin D and vitamin E. Mineral fortification programs include", "id": "21336335" }, { "contents": "Food energy\n\n\nand water represent virtually all the weight of food, with vitamins and minerals making up only a small percentage of the weight. (Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins comprise ninety percent of the dry weight of foods.) Organisms derive food energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins as well as from organic acids, polyols, and ethanol present in the diet. Some diet components that provide little or no food energy, such as water, minerals, vitamins, cholesterol and insoluble fiber, may still be necessary to health and survival", "id": "13705092" }, { "contents": "African Pygmies\n\n\nAfrican pygmyism may have evolved as an adaptation to the significantly lower average levels of ultraviolet light available beneath the canopy of rainforest environments. In similar hypothetical scenarios, because of reduced access to sunlight, a comparatively smaller amount of anatomically formulated vitamin D is produced, resulting in restricted dietary calcium uptake, and subsequently restricted bone growth and maintenance, resulting in an overall population average skeletal mass near the lowest periphery of the spectrum among anatomically modern humans. Other proposed explanations include the potentially lesser availability of protein-rich food sources in rainforest", "id": "8747172" }, { "contents": "Intensive animal farming\n\n\nlarge numbers of animals, typically cows, pigs, turkeys, or chickens, often indoors, typically at high densities. The aim of the operation is to produce large quantities of meat, eggs, or milk at the lowest possible cost. Food is supplied in place. Methods employed to maintain health and improve production may include some combination of disinfectants, antimicrobial agents, anthelmintics, hormones and vaccines; protein, mineral and vitamin supplements; frequent health inspections; biosecurity; climate-controlled facilities and other measures. Physical restraints,", "id": "2332072" }, { "contents": "Baker's yeast\n\n\n, including baking yeasts. Much effort has been put into developing and marketing yeasts that will perform reliably in mass production. Since the end of the nineteenth century, baker's yeast has been produced by companies that specialize in its production. The main ingredients for industrial production are yeast cultures, cane and beet; but a number of minerals, nitrogen and vitamins are also needed. Fermentation happens in several phases, which vary depending on the manufacturer: The yeast grows from hundreds kg in the intermediate and stock fermentor to tens of", "id": "18808550" }, { "contents": "Sardine\n\n\n. Sardines are rich in vitamins and minerals. A small serving of sardines once a day can provide 13% of vitamin B; roughly one-quarter of niacin; and about 150% of the recommended daily value of vitamin B. All B vitamins help to support proper nervous system function and are used for energy metabolism, or converting food into energy. Also, sardines are high in the major minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and potassium, and some trace minerals including iron and selenium. Sardines are also a natural source", "id": "8844590" }, { "contents": "Bottled water\n\n\nindividual plastic bottles. Consumption of water often is considered a healthier substitute for sodas. According to the Container Recycling Institute, sales of flavoured, non-carbonated drinks are expected to surpass soda sales by 2010. In response, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola have introduced new carbonated drinks that are fortified with vitamins and minerals, Diet Coke Plus and Tava, marketed as \"sparkling beverages.\" Bottled water may have reduced amounts of copper, lead, and other metal contaminants since it does not run through the plumbing pipes", "id": "15922873" }, { "contents": "Organic food\n\n\nnot been equally convinced that this is the case as the research conducted in the field has not shown consistent results. A 2009 systematic review found that organically produced foodstuffs are not richer in vitamins and minerals than conventionally produced foodstuffs. The results of the systematic review only showed a lower nitrogen and higher phosphorus content in organic produced compared to conventionally grown foodstuffs. Content of vitamin C, calcium, potassium, total soluble solids, copper, iron, nitrates, manganese, and sodium did not differ between the two categories. A 2012", "id": "9082663" }, { "contents": "Vitamin B12\n\n\nbars, and nutritional yeast. Vitamin B is included in multivitamin pills; and in some countries grain-based foods such as bread and pasta are fortified with B. In the U.S. non-prescription products can be purchased providing up to 5,000µg per serving, and it is a common ingredient in energy drinks and energy shots, usually at many times the recommended dietary allowance of B. The vitamin can also be a prescription product via injection or other means. Tablets have sufficiently large quantities of the vitamin such that 1% to 5", "id": "15391452" }, { "contents": "Nutrition\n\n\nsame safety questions and set its own ULs. When too much of one or more nutrients is present in the diet to the exclusion of the proper amount of other nutrients, the diet is said to be unbalanced. High calorie food ingredients such as vegetable oils, sugar and alcohol are referred to as \"empty calories\" because they displace from the diet foods that also contain protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Health and nutrition appear to have close links with overall educational success. Nutritional supplement treatment may be appropriate for major", "id": "1764600" }, { "contents": "Health effects of sunlight exposure\n\n\npressure. However, it has been found that vitamin D supplementation does not improve cardiovascular health or metabolism, so the link with vitamin D must be in part indirect. People who get more sun are generally healthier, and also have higher vitamin D levels. It has been found that ultraviolet radiation (even UVA) produces nitric oxide (NO) in the skin, and nitric oxide can lower blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Although long-term exposure to ultraviolet contributes to non", "id": "20478102" }, { "contents": "Insects as food\n\n\nfound in foods such as cheese). They have dietary fiber and include mostly unsaturated fat and contain some vitamins, such as vitamin B12, riboflavin and vitamin A, and essential minerals. Locusts contain between 8 and 20 milligrams of iron for every 100 grams of raw locust. Beef on the other hand contains roughly 6 milligrams of iron in the same amount of meat. Crickets as well are very efficient in terms of nutrients. For every 100 grams of substance crickets contain 12.9 grams of protein, 121 calories, and 5.5", "id": "11494431" }, { "contents": "Cat food\n\n\ncommonly occurring deficiencies of taurine, arachidonic acid, sodium, vitamin A, vitamin B12 as well as trace minerals. The reason for these dietary essential nutrients can be found in the physiology section of the Cat page. Protein and fat content in a vegan cat diet can be balanced by the inclusion of tofu and yeast. Over the counter supplementation of vitamins and minerals in some cases may not meet nutrient requirements, as they come in varying amounts. As vegan diets are mainly derived from plant sources, some vitamins and minerals may", "id": "10716843" }, { "contents": "Mercury regulation in the United States\n\n\nare observed with a persisting mercury intake are vitamin E, vitamin B12 and vitamin C. Long term deficiency in vitamin E might cause muscle weakness as well as loss of muscle mass, abnormal eye movements and even vision problems. As for Vitamin B12 deficiency, it might cause anemia and confusion for the elderly population. Finally, for long term Vitamin C deficiencies, high blood pressure as well as Gallbladder disease and stroke are all possible outcomes of those deficiencies. In order to avoid such deficiencies, a higher intake of those nutrients and", "id": "14697165" }, { "contents": "Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition\n\n\nsustainable consumption of staple foods and condiments fortified with essential vitamins and minerals among populations at large in target countries. Key goals include increasing coverage of key micronutrients (vitamin A, iodine, iron, zinc, folic acid) to more than 500 million women and children and reduction of key deficiencies by 20–30 percent. Projects fortify staple foods and condiments including vegetable oil, maize meal, rice, wheat flour, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, soy sauce and fish sauce – relying on business to fortify products and governments to establish", "id": "3952704" }, { "contents": "Riverine rabbit\n\n\nrest in forms. It produces two types of droppings. While active during the night the rabbit will produce hard droppings, and during the day droppings are soft, taken directly from the anus, and swallowed. In this way the riverine rabbit obtains vitamin B, produced by bacteria in the hind gut, and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are recycled. They are polygamous, but they live and browse for food alone. They have intra-sexually exclusive home ranges; the males’ home ranges overlap slightly with those of", "id": "4882534" }, { "contents": "Vegetarian and vegan dog diet\n\n\nprepared must have adequate levels of nutrients; protein, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids (methionine, lysine, arginine, etc.), vitamins (Vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin A, etc), and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, etc). Many commercially-available plant-based pet food diets aim to meet the fundamental nutrient requirements of various dogs. Studies have demonstrated that a plant-based diet can be just as edible and palatable as animal-based diets for dogs. Odiferous ingredients", "id": "13663050" }, { "contents": "Jamie's School Dinners\n\n\nof health problems among school children in the country. Oliver visited a primary school in Peterlee, and realised that part of the problem with getting children to eat healthier food was the food they were eating at home. He visited a young boy's family and convinced them to try a healthier home-cooked menu for a week. Returning to Greenwich, Oliver faced a student boycott of his new menu. He produced an education kit, and recruited children to work in the kitchen, demonstrating to them exactly what went into chicken", "id": "6064116" }, { "contents": "Retinol\n\n\nRetinol, also known as Vitamin A, is a vitamin found in food and used as a dietary supplement. As a supplement it is used to treat and prevent vitamin A deficiency, especially that which results in xerophthalmia. In areas where deficiency is common, a single large dose is recommended to those at high risk a couple of times a year. It is also used to reduce the risk of complications in those who have measles. It is used by mouth or injection into a muscle. Retinol at normal doses is well", "id": "9288847" }, { "contents": "Fetal pig\n\n\nHowever, there is a correlation between a mother pig having a nutritious diet containing proteins, vitamins and minerals during gestation period and the survival rate of piglets. The correlation, however, is not statistically different. Weight is also not a factor of survival rate because a healthier diet does not lead to a heavier offspring or a greater chance of live birth. The placenta is used as a means of transferring nutrients from the mother to the fetus. The efficiency at which nutrients are transferred dictates the health and growth of the fetus", "id": "6155901" }, { "contents": "Gastric bypass surgery\n\n\nfood intake, adequate nutrition demands that the patient follow the surgeon's instructions for food consumption, including the number of meals to be taken daily, adequate protein intake, and the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. Calcium supplements, iron supplements, protein supplements, multi-vitamins (sometimes pre-natal vitamins are best), and vitamin B (cyanocobalamin) supplements are all very important to the post-operative bypass patient. Total food intake and absorbance rate of food will rapidly decline after gastric bypass surgery, and the", "id": "4945429" }, { "contents": "Elmer McCollum\n\n\nD, E, K) that are fat-soluble, nine water-soluble vitamins (C, and various B vitamins), one fatty acid, dextrose, at least thirteen minerals, water, and oxygen. In his article, he pictures five food groups. First among them is dairy, with the label, \"Our best all around food...\" Two years before he died, he and his wife attended the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the National Dairy Council. He then traveled to Atlantic City,", "id": "17482356" }, { "contents": "List of antioxidants in food\n\n\nto food to preserve them, see butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene. In the following discussion, the term \"antioxidant\" refers mainly to non-nutrient compounds in foods, such as polyphenols, which have \"antioxidant capacity\" in vitro and so provide an artificial index of antioxidant strength – the ORAC measurement. Other than for dietary antioxidant vitamins – vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E – no food compounds have been proved with antioxidant efficacy in vivo. Accordingly, regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration of the United", "id": "4595318" }, { "contents": "Psoralea esculenta\n\n\nfood in times of shortage or famine. A number of examples have been recorded of Indians and whites subsisting on the root for extended periods when other food could not be obtained. The prairie turnip is more nutritious than most root crops, containing about 7 percent protein, more than 50 percent carbohydrates, and is rich in vitamins and trace minerals. Particularly important was the vitamin C content of 17.1 milligrams per 100 grams as the winter meat-rich diet of the Plains Indians was often deficient in vitamin C. The prairie turnip takes", "id": "13898811" }, { "contents": "Vitamin C\n\n\nCanadian Food Inspection Agency evaluated the effect of fortification of foods with ascorbate in the guidance document, \"Foods to Which Vitamins, Mineral Nutrients and Amino Acids May or Must be Added\". Voluntary and mandatory fortification was described for various classes of foods. Among foods classified for mandatory fortification with vitamin C were fruit-flavored drinks, mixes, and concentrates, foods for a low-energy diet, meal replacement products, and evaporated milk. Ascorbic acid and some of its salts and esters are common additives added to various foods", "id": "14117339" }, { "contents": "Conditions comorbid to autism spectrum disorders\n\n\n, these metabolic abnormalities define a distinct endophenotype of TSA closely associated with genetic, epigenetic and mitochondrial abnormalities, as well as environmental factors related to ASD. Glutathione is involved in neuroprotection against oxidative stress and neuroinflammation by improving the antioxidant stress system. In autistic children, studies have shown that glutathione metabolism can be improved. - Subcutaneously by injection of methylcobalamin. - Oral folinic acid. - A vitamin and mineral supplement that includes antioxidants, coenzyme Q10 and vitamins B. - Tetrahydrobiopterin. Interestingly, recent DBPC studies have shown that N-", "id": "8931207" }, { "contents": "Nutritional rating systems\n\n\nin 1981 at the University of Toronto. The glycemic load (GL) of food is a number that estimates how much the food will raise a person's blood glucose level after eating it. Guiding Stars is patented food rating system that rates food based on nutrient density using a scientific algorithm. Foods are credited for vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, whole grains, and Omega-3 fatty acids, and debited for saturated fats, trans fats, added sodium (salt) and added sugar. Rated foods are marked with tags indicating", "id": "5397406" }, { "contents": "Vitamin E\n\n\nfrom food, whereas RCTS often used amounts of alpha-tocopherol 20X to 30X higher than what can be achieved from food. Diets higher in vitamin E may contain other compounds that convey health benefits, so the observed effect may not be due to the vitamin E content. There is also a concern that supplementing with alpha-tocopherol in multiples much higher than is possible via diet will suppress absorption and retention of other tocopherols, with unknown effects on health. Supplementing alpha-tocopherol is known to reduced serum gamma- and delta-", "id": "9288584" }, { "contents": "Food\n\n\nFood is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Historically, humans secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of the world is supplied by", "id": "10376495" }, { "contents": "Vitamin A deficiency\n\n\nbe effective interventions. Supplement treatment for night blindness includes massive doses of vitamin A (200,000 IU) in the form of retinyl palmitate to be taken by mouth, which is administered two to four times a year. Intramuscular injections are poorly absorbed and are ineffective in delivering sufficient bioavailable vitamin A. Fortification of food with vitamin A is costly, but can be done in wheat, sugar, and milk. Households may circumvent expensive fortified food by altering dietary habits. Consumption of yellow-orange fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids, specifically", "id": "51811" }, { "contents": "Ravens of the Tower of London\n\n\nroad, and it’s not been too badly mangled, I normally put it in a black bag and bring it back here. I give them biscuits as well, soaked in blood from the meat that I buy. And in winter I get them capsules of cod liver oil. I know they’re getting as much vitamins and oil as they possibly can. That’s why they look so healthy.\" Their diet consists of raw meat daily, usually liver, lambs' hearts and beef or pork trimming, and every", "id": "13173958" }, { "contents": "Vitamin B12\n\n\n/day. Because 10 to 30 percent of older people may be unable to effectively absorb vitamin B naturally occurring in foods, it is advisable for those older than 50 years to meet their RDA mainly by consuming foods fortified with vitamin B or a supplement containing vitamin B. As for safety, Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (known as ULs) are set for vitamins and minerals when evidence is sufficient. In the case of vitamin B there is no UL, as there is no human data for adverse effects from high doses. Collectively", "id": "15391443" }, { "contents": "Parenteral nutrition\n\n\nelectrolytes; glucose, amino acids, and lipids; essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements are added or given separately. Previously lipid emulsions were given separately but it is becoming more common for a \"three-in-one\" solution of glucose, proteins, and lipids to be administered. Individual nutrient components may be added to more precisely adjust the body contents of it. That individual nutrient may, if possible, be infused individually, or it may be injected into a bag of nutrient solution or intravenous fluids (volume", "id": "17989246" }, { "contents": "Stellar population\n\n\n-instability supernovae, which are typically associated with very massive stars, were responsible for their metallic composition. This also explains why there have been no low-mass stars with zero metallicity observed, although models have been constructed for smaller Pop III stars. Clusters containing zero-metallicity red dwarfs or brown dwarfs (possibly created by pair-instability supernovae) have been proposed as dark matter candidates, but searches for these types of MACHOs through gravitational microlensing have produced negative results. Detection of Population III stars is a goal of NASA", "id": "5521418" }, { "contents": "Health in Iran\n\n\n3 billion litres of different types of soft drinks to address consumption of 46 litres per capita, and exports more than 12% of its production. Increased awareness with regards to the damages of carbonated drinks and sugar, and high levels of diabetes has created a move towards healthier products. \"The Codex Commission of Food Stuff\", established in 2002 is in charge of setting and developing standards and quality and health regulations, related to the production of and trade in raw agricultural products and food stuffs, in accordance with the different", "id": "4286650" }, { "contents": "Lizzie Vann\n\n\nLizzie Vann MBE is the founder of Organix, an organic children’s food company, based in Christchurch, Dorset. Vann studied biology at the University of Lancaster, and then worked as an investment analyst in the City of London. Ongoing health problems, and the belief that more and more parents shared her concern regarding the safety of children's food, led her to set up Organix in 1992, offering parents a healthier alternative to mass-produced children’s food. Vann has campaigned for improvements to children's food, including", "id": "9107332" } ]
Why does going to bed later than usual but sleeping the same amount of hours as you normally would, feel worse when you wake up?
[{"answer": "The major contributing factor is your circadian rhythm. This rhythm is basically your natural biological clock. However it does not run exactly on a 24 hr cycle, there are slight deviations naturally and other factors can contribute to altering your biological clock. The next factor to take into account is which stage of the sleep cycle you are waking up from. There are typically 5 stages of sleep, stage 1/2 are \"active\" sleep cycles, your brain activity is still highly active and almost indistinguishable from a wake person. In stage 1/2, you are also more likely to respond to stimuli, such as someone calling your name. Stage 3 is regarded as \"inactive\" sleep cycle, this is the stage where your brain activity drastically drops, preparing your brain and body to enter stage 4. In stage 3, a person is much harder to wake up and waking from this stage leaves a person exhausted and generally disorientated. Stage 4 sleep is where actual rest and rejuvenation occurs. In this stage, your brain activity is picking up slightly but still in a mild manner, not too much to be called wakefullness, but enough to signal repairs in the body. Lastly is REM stage, this is where your brain is now increasing activity and causing dreams. After REM, the cycle repeats back from stage 1. Basically as you sleep, you go through this 1-4+rem cycle over and over, with each cycle lasting about 90 mins. Depending on what your body needs, stage1/2 will shorten as you go through the sleep cycles and lengthen stage 4 for rest and recovery or REM sleep. If you wake from REM, you will feel refreshed and ready, that is why most people dont remember dreams or recall a dream suddenly disrupted by waking up. If you wake up during stage 3/4, you will feel tired and exhausted, your brain was trying to turn down the power after all, and signal the body to recover from things like exhaustion or injuries. So thats it, a bit long for ELI5, but its a complicated question that takes many things into account, as is common when talking about neurological issues Edit: forgot to talk about sleep deficit and how that also contributes alot, but im on mobile and cant continue forever."}, {"answer": "Feels worse? Am i broken ? If i sleep 8 hours but get up at 6 i feel like shit but if sleep 5 hours but wake up at 11, i feel awsome and ready to do a 16h shift ! Edit: it all make sense now, according to the top post, i have to wake up in the middle of my stage 3 sleep before the actual rest occur, also, a train could hit my house i woudnt wake up if its early morning."}, {"answer": "That may be specific to you, not a general phenomenon that applies to everyone, having to do with your circadian rhythms. If your body clock works well with a certain sleep time, and you shift that, you may get poorer quality sleep in the morning when you're used to being awake, or just generally have disturbed your body's rhythm."}, {"answer": "The reason is because: about an hour before we wake up, our bodies prepare us for the day by releasing certain brain chemicals, namely cortisol. One reason why it is important to get up around the same time everyday is because of this chemical timing. Our bodies become habituated to this cycle, this circadian rhythm, and if we all of a sudden shift away from that, we feel off. Kind of explains jetlag and the off week a lot of us have after changing our clocks for daylight savings."}, {"answer": "How does having naps during the day affect sleep quality/sleep debt? I'm interested if naps are beneficial or actually disrupt evening sleep quality."}, {"answer": "I have a night shift and college class , I sleep when I can, usually early morning to mid-day or any time. The only difference is how you adjust your sleep cycle and it makes you more keen on getting up and awake instantly, because you're probably already late for class."}, {"answer": "Well it may because you're not used to it. Sleeping consistently is important for you to get optimal rest out of sleep, so by going to bed later you end up getting less rest despite the same amount of hours. It's an efficiency thing."}, {"answer": "When you go to bed later you go to sleep with less energy than you normally would. This means it would take more time to get all your energy back and the same amount of hours you normally get wouldn't be sufficient."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "46966", "title": "Sleep disorder", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal. Some sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental, social and emotional functioning. Polysomnography and actigraphy are tests commonly ordered for some sleep disorders.", "A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal. Some sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental, social and emotional functioning. Polysomnography and actigraphy are tests commonly ordered for some sleep disorders."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "231014", "title": "Delayed sleep phase disorder", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), more often known as delayed sleep phase syndrome and also as delayed sleepwake phase disorder, is a chronic dysregulation of a person's circadian rhythm (biological clock), compared to those of the general population and societal norms. The disorder affects the timing of sleep, peak period of alertness, the core body temperature rhythm, and hormonal and other daily cycles. People with DSPD generally fall asleep some hours after midnight and have difficulty waking up in the morning. People with DSPD probably have a circadian period significantly longer than 24 hours.", "Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), more often known as delayed sleep phase syndrome and also as delayed sleepwake phase disorder, is a chronic dysregulation of a person's circadian rhythm (biological clock), compared to those of the general population and societal norms. The disorder affects the timing of sleep, peak period of alertness, the core body temperature rhythm, and hormonal and other daily cycles. People with DSPD generally fall asleep some hours after midnight and have difficulty waking up in the morning. People with DSPD probably have a circadian period significantly longer than 24 hours. Depending on the severity, the symptoms can be managed to a greater or lesser degree, but no cure is known, and research suggests a genetic origin for the disorder."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Waking up early\n\n\nearly to bed, makes a Shrike healthy, and wealthy, and dead\". Such recommendations may cast individuals with different natural sleep patterns as lazy or unmotivated when it is a much different matter for a person with a longer or delayed sleep cycle to get up earlier in the morning than for a person with an advanced sleep cycle. In effect, the person accustomed to a later wake time is being asked not to wake up an hour early but 3–4 hours early, while waking up \"normally\" may already be an", "id": "14859829" }, { "contents": "Joe Dawson (Highlander)\n\n\nBrother in Arms\"] In the scene where Joe wakes up to find his legs gone, I had to ask Jim what it was like. Jim said, 'Well, the fact is you don't wake up and scream in terror, you wake up and go \"Whoa\", and fall back to sleep, because you're so shot up with morphine, you have no idea what they're telling you.' So we adjusted the script accordingly. And certainly we were very concerned how Jim would feel,", "id": "19542574" }, { "contents": "The Killing (season 2)\n\n\neverything in a way. And practically speaking, it was actually a little slice of heaven because I came to work and got to lie in bed for eight hours! There were plenty of days when it came to be lunchtime and I would say, 'OK guys, see you later, wake me up when it's time for the scene after lunch!' I was hooked up to a lot of wires and it was a five minute process to get unhooked, so I did a lot of sleeping.\" Eric", "id": "10401599" }, { "contents": "Trial of Michael Jackson\n\n\nrather than appear as a witness. He had been legally emancipated from his parents. Chandler's mother, June Chandler, testified that Jackson had become angry and upset when she would not allow Jordan to share his bedroom. She said Jackson told her: \"We're a family. Why don't you allow Jordie to be with me..? Jordie is having fun. Why can't he sleep in my bed? There's nothing going on. Why don't you trust me?\" She relented, and in return", "id": "6258211" }, { "contents": "Insomnia\n\n\nof sleep hygiene. Examples of such environmental modifications include using the bed for sleep or sex only, not for activities such as reading or watching television; waking up at the same time every morning, including on weekends; going to bed only when sleepy and when there is a high likelihood that sleep will occur; leaving the bed and beginning an activity in another location if sleep does not result in a reasonably brief period of time after getting into bed (commonly ~20 min); reducing the subjective effort and energy expended trying", "id": "5682119" }, { "contents": "Chris Cornell\n\n\nto not only imagine what it feels like to not be there, but try to remind myself that I could just wake up the next day and it could be gone because that happens, and not to worry about it. And at the same time, when I'm feeling great, I remember the depression and think about the differences in what I'm feeling and why I would feel that way, and not be reactionary one way or the other. You just have to realize that these are patterns of life and you", "id": "5177445" }, { "contents": "Dan Budnik\n\n\n. \"As long as you didn’t sleep in the same bed two nights running you were relatively safe. Batista was killing about seven people a night in interrogation. You'd wake up in the morning and there would be a body hanging in a tree as a warning not to get involved.\" He eventually photographed material for \"Life\", \"Sports Illustrated\", and \"Vogue\" magazines. He was one of the photographers to capture the March on Washington in 1963. Later, Budnik convinced \"Life\"", "id": "4846190" }, { "contents": "Dream argument\n\n\nso often, you don’t know when you are asleep and when you are awake, why be awake, now you may be asleep, what you remember you may remember in sleep, wake up in a dream, remember inside a dream, different memory other things you remember when you are in a dream, you have a different life in the dream, you remember who you are what you did, and even though you may not be the person you were when again you wake up you don’t doubt who you", "id": "12392928" }, { "contents": "Tachypsychia\n\n\nthe altered state of consciousness associated with sleep where the person is kept unaware of their surroundings, which would make it difficult to remain informed of the passing of time. When the person awakes in the morning, they have the memory of going to bed the night before, but new memories are rarely made during sleep. Therefore, upon waking up the following morning it feels as if no time has passed, but the human mind reasons that many hours have elapsed simply because it is now light outside. The passing of time", "id": "18554237" }, { "contents": "Jennifer's Body\n\n\nother girls were almost romantic, they were so intense. I wanted to sleep at my friend's house every night, I wanted to wear her clothes, we would talk on the phone until our ears ached. I wanted to capture that heightened feeling you get as an adolescent that you don't really feel as a grownup. (laughs) You like [your] friends when you're a grownup, but you don't need to sleep in the same bed with them and talk to them on the phone until 5", "id": "20360077" }, { "contents": "Korn (album)\n\n\nin the morning and do a line to get out of bed. Speed in the morning, I'd have it all lined up for breakfast so when I'd lay down and go to sleep, I'd wake up and just snort and it's like 'Yeah, okay, I'm up. ' It was bad. It's like, you do one line and stay up all night, but then you have shit to do the next day so you have to do another line to be able keep staying up", "id": "6425238" }, { "contents": "Benetton B194\n\n\ndrive; Verstappen said in 1996 that \"I must have a little the same driving style as Johnny because he said basically the same things about that car that I did and seems to have had the same feelings. It was a very difficult car. You could not feel the limit and so you were pushing and pushing and then suddenly it would have oversteer. Normally when you get oversteer you can control it but the Benetton would go very suddenly and so you ended up having a spin. I had big problems with that", "id": "9500539" }, { "contents": "Pure Morning\n\n\n, starting from the situation of \"coming down when the rest of the world is waking up\", such as when clubgoers get home as the sun rises and everyone else is going to work. The feeling of dislocation, \"that point you feel like your life is the least sorted ever\", would be solved by someone to \"slip their arm around you and make slumber easier.\" Molko summed up as \"All you really crave is for a friend to put their arms around you and make you feel better", "id": "15769257" }, { "contents": "I Wish I Could Forget You\n\n\nroom and puts her to bed. As Bree sleeps, George watches her and takes off his tie. Bree wakes up hours later to find George watching her. She apologizes for her drunkenness and that George could have slept beside her. George then tells her that he would like to stay but is afraid her rash will return. Bree tells him that she will have to get over it since she loves him and wants to be with him. The two kiss and have sex. As George sleeps, Bree sits in an", "id": "22125125" }, { "contents": "Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder\n\n\n. It remains a great mystery as to why Loath Nolder disappeared so suddenly, resurfacing five years later and resuming his investigations just as abruptly as he had left them. Why does this venerated P.I. now sit on the other side of the law? This seemingly routine investigation takes a dramatic twist as strange and terrifying happenings begin to plague your psyche. You experience lucid horrifying dreams and are tormented by paranormal happenings. Why do days pass instead of hours when you sleep? What’s real and what’s not? As you pursue", "id": "6085023" }, { "contents": "Priceless (2006 film)\n\n\nit—why Jean might start sleeping with an older rich woman, just so he can stay in the hotels where Irene stays. Would you want to be the person who orders the drinks or fetches the drinks? How easy would it be to go back to normal life after confirming what you never really wanted to know, that the rich really do have it better, as in a lot better, as in money really does buy happiness? So \"Priceless\" is silly, but it's not so silly. It", "id": "19307829" }, { "contents": "Insomnia\n\n\nto fall asleep; avoiding exposure to bright light during nighttime hours, and eliminating daytime naps. A component of stimulus control therapy is sleep restriction, a technique that aims to match the time spent in bed with actual time spent asleep. This technique involves maintaining a strict sleep-wake schedule, sleeping only at certain times of the day and for specific amounts of time to induce mild sleep deprivation. Complete treatment usually lasts up to 3 weeks and involves making oneself sleep for only a minimum amount of time that they are actually", "id": "5682120" }, { "contents": "Will Hackett\n\n\nan hour later than arranged but she tries to tell him that she didn't send the text message. Zak later puts her to bed to sleep but Will is watching this on his webcam, and creeps into her room. He scatters the pills around the room and on the bed and places the packet in her hand. He then looks at her, and says \"Why did you have to betray me?\" and leaves. In the morning, Zak finds Zoe with the pills in her hand and instantly thinks she", "id": "14311391" }, { "contents": "Sleeping Bride\n\n\nthe hospital (it would appear he considered it an act of infidelity) despite the rain and late hour, and passionately kisses Yumi. He does not use the \"Wake up, I'm the prince\" line, but instead begs her (apparently in his thoughts), stating, \"I'm no prince, I'm Yuichi Nasagawa, but please wake up, I want to talk to you.\" Though it would appear to have no effect at first, as Yuichi is leaving he notices some movement, and", "id": "3907827" }, { "contents": "Biphasic and polyphasic sleep\n\n\nto a room for fourteen hours of darkness daily for a month. At first the participants slept for about eleven hours, presumably making up for their sleep debt. After this the subjects began to sleep much as people in pre-industrial times were claimed to have done. They would sleep for about four hours, wake up for two to three hours, then go back to bed for another four hours. They also took about two hours to fall asleep. In order to gain more time awake in the day, Buckminster", "id": "22094268" }, { "contents": "Dream argument\n\n\n[...]And while you sleep you don’t know what happens either, what could have been changed while you have been sleeping. If things are different when you woke up just now, it could have been different before and you might not have remembered. Or if it is the same, the scenery, one way or the other you don’t see much of it. Or, it could be that you do not remember this, something else you remember, you sleep, you wake up so many times,", "id": "12392927" }, { "contents": "Sleep\n\n\nneed for sleep as a function of the amount of time elapsed since the last adequate sleep episode) must be balanced against the circadian element for satisfactory sleep. Along with corresponding messages from the circadian clock, this tells the body it needs to sleep. A person who regularly awakens at an early hour will generally not be able to sleep much later than his or her normal waking time, even if moderately sleep-deprived. The timing is correct when the following two circadian markers occur after the middle of the sleep episode and", "id": "8174518" }, { "contents": "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!\n\n\nbeing blown. Just then, a whimpering Perry wakes up in the true real world in Phineas's bed. Revealing that everything was all just a bad dream and that the events of the entire episode never happened at all, Phineas then says \"Oh hey Perry...looks like you just had a nightmare. Well, it's over, you can go to sleep now.\" Phineas goes back to sleep. Perry then smiles and also goes back to sleep. \"Phineas and Ferb Get Busted\" was written by Bobby", "id": "22134311" }, { "contents": "Unconditional positive regard\n\n\nwould go to sleep at night and not wake up, because I, I really felt there was nothing to live for. (Therapist: Uh huh [very softly]). Now I, I truly believe that this drug they are giving me helps me a lot, I think, I think it is one drug that really does me good. (Therapist: Uh hm). Therapist: But you say that, that during that time you, you felt as though no one cared, as to what (", "id": "10559611" }, { "contents": "Effects of sleep deprivation in space\n\n\ndaily rhythms of the body temperature and neurobehavioral performance and alertness in humans. The study protocol forced circadian desynchronization for 12 consecutive 28-hour days; participants were allowed 9.3 hours of scheduled time in bed and 18.7 hours of scheduled wakefulness. Performance on validated measures was evaluated ever 2 hours, beginning 2 hours after the scheduled wake time. The protocol, therefore, assessed performance when the body is normally driven to sleep (which is related to the point at which body temperature is at its lowest) relative to performance during normal waking hours", "id": "17047671" }, { "contents": "À l'heure où je me couche\n\n\nappartient à ceux qui se lèvent à l'heure où je me couche»\" (\"the future belongs to those who wake up when I go to sleep\"), which is a reference to the French proverb \"«L'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt»\" (roughly translated as \"\"). The line suggests that he and Gringe have no futures, because they go to bed so late (at a time when one would usually be waking up). The music video for the song was released worldwide on", "id": "4634115" }, { "contents": "Suo Gân\n\n\non my bosom, Harm will never come to you; Mother's arms enfold you safely, Mother's heart is ever true. As you sleep there's naught to scare you, Naught to wake you from your rest; Close those eyelids, little angel, Sleep upon your mother's breast. Sleep, my darling, night is falling Rest in slumber sound and deep; I would know why you are smiling, Smiling sweetly as you sleep! Do you see the angels smiling As they see your rosy rest, So", "id": "19834833" }, { "contents": "Laurence McKeown\n\n\nand very, very tired and you're sort of nodding off to sleep but something's telling you to keep waking up. This was the thing that kept everybody going through the hunger strike in trying to live or last out as long as possible. I knew death was close but I wasn't afraid to die – and it wasn't any sort of courageous or glorious thing. I think death would have been a release. You can never feel that way again. It's not like tiredness. It's an absolute", "id": "15335427" }, { "contents": "Another Day of Sun\n\n\nPaul, and choreography by Mandy Moore. Hurwitz noted the tension in the song between the aspirations of the singers and the uncertain outcome of their efforts, noting \"It’s an optimistic song, but it’s also about unfulfilled dreams.\" Paul said, \"You pursue that dream, and you go to bed and get up the next day, and it’s a gorgeous day. It encourages you in one breath, and in another breath doesn’t acknowledge that you just failed miserably. You wake up and it does", "id": "5891483" }, { "contents": "Sleep deprivation\n\n\nfound that 27 metabolites are increased after 24 waking hours and suggested serotonin, tryptophan, and taurine may contribute to the antidepressive effect. The incidence of relapse can be decreased by combining sleep deprivation with medication or a combination of light therapy and phase advance (going to bed substantially earlier than ones normal time). Many tricyclic antidepressants suppress REM sleep, providing additional evidence for a link between mood and sleep. Similarly, tranylcypromine has been shown to completely suppress REM sleep at adequate doses. Some common sleep disorders have been shown to", "id": "12987944" }, { "contents": "Wage curve\n\n\nare not already earning $A an hour, and because of that you must match the money offer elsewhere in order to get someone to work for you. The wage level in this scenario would be higher than the earlier scenario. In short, the lower unemployment is and the fewer laborers there are available, the higher the wages. The contrary is true when unemployment is high. This is the essence of the wage curve. It is utilised to explain why within a country, some regions suffer worse unemployment than others.", "id": "20144515" }, { "contents": "Benzodiazepine dependence\n\n\nelderly. Withdrawal led to statistical significant improvements in memory function and performance related skills in those having withdrawn successfully from benzodiazepines, whereas those having remained on benzodiazepines experienced worsening symptoms. People having withdrawn from benzodiazepines also felt their sleep was more refreshing, making statements such as \"\"I feel sharper when I wake up\"\" or \"\"I feel better, more awake\"\", or \"\"It used to take me an hour to fully wake up.\"\" This suggests that benzodiazepines may actually make insomnia worse in", "id": "17822057" }, { "contents": "Bernie Sanders\n\n\n, Kimmel asked Sanders, \"You say you are culturally Jewish and you don't feel religious; do you believe in God and do you think that's important to the people of the United States?\" Sanders replied: In 2016 he said he had \"very strong religious and spiritual feelings\", adding, \"My spirituality is that we are all in this together and that when children go hungry, when veterans sleep out on the street, it impacts me.\" Sanders does not regularly attend synagogue, and he", "id": "4893408" }, { "contents": "Keith Vaz\n\n\n\". On the same day, Vaz told reporters that they would \"regret\" their behaviour once the facts of the case were revealed. \"Some of you are going to look very foolish when this report comes out. Some of the stuff you said about Peter, and about others and me, you'll regret very much when the facts come out\", he said. When asked why the passport application of one of the Hinduja brothers had been processed more quickly than normal, being processed and sanctioned in six months", "id": "2830504" }, { "contents": "Lark (person)\n\n\nfor both of these individuals. People with early chronotypes, will usually not be able to \"sleep in\", even if they have stayed up later than usual. Despite feeling refreshed in the morning and being accommodated by much of the societal framework around them, many \"larks\" feel hampered socially, as much of social life takes place in the evening. People with late chronotypes go to bed late and rise late. Forced to arise earlier than their circadian rhythm dictates, they have a low body temperature and may require", "id": "18957596" }, { "contents": "Bring Me to Life\n\n\nthe same thing, going through the motions, and nothing fazes us for the most part. Then one day something happens that wakes [you] up and makes [you] realize that there's more to life than just feeling nothing, feeling numb. It's as if [you've] never felt before and just realized there's this whole world of emotion or meaning that [you've] never seen before. It's just like, 'Wow, I've been asleep all this time.'\" AllMusic", "id": "14109454" }, { "contents": "Teletransportation paradox\n\n\nand relaying it to Mars at the speed of light. On Mars, another machine re-creates you (from local stores of carbon, hydrogen, and so on), each atom in exactly the same relative position. Parfit poses the question of whether or not the teletransporter is a method of travel—is the person on Mars the \"same person\" as the person who entered the teletransporter on Earth? Certainly, when waking up on Mars, \"you\" would feel like being \"you\", \"you", "id": "2335472" }, { "contents": "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth\n\n\n. Food is often ruined, and since Susan usually does the chores around the house, Greg is left with little clean clothes to wear. Greg is also given the responsibility of waking himself up. He tries a better alarm clock than his older one, which didn't work, a wind-up clock. He put it under his bed so he would have to get out of bed to find it. But with the clock ticking loudly under his bed, he feels like he is on top of a bomb and", "id": "6146533" }, { "contents": "Women in CNT in Francoist Spain\n\n\nher partner CNT militant and guerrilla fighter José Ramiá Ciprés, Carmen Ciprés would say things like \"Yourself if you want to go to bed right now, I do not care about anything. If you want to go to bed right now, I'll sleep with you.\" in response to inquiries as to who was sleeping in a still warm bed. In the Region of Murcia, the first union led strike was led by picadoras del esparto  women.  Coordinating between former CNT and UGT members, they managed to get work", "id": "7526170" }, { "contents": "Middle-of-the-night insomnia\n\n\nwith nocturnal awakenings than by people who sleep through the night. Sleep research conducted in the 1990s showed that such waking up during the night may be a natural sleep pattern, rather than a form of insomnia. If interrupted sleep (called \"biphasic sleeping\" or \"bimodal sleep\") is perceived as normal and not referred to as \"insomnia\", less distress is caused and a return to sleep usually occurs after about one hour. Nocturnal awakenings are more common in older patients and have been associated with depressive disorders,", "id": "7783746" }, { "contents": "The Holographic Principle\n\n\nalgorithms in nature, so literally the whole universe as we know it is built on mathematical calculations. When you start seeing the algorithms beneath everything, you start to question: why are we here? What does it all mean? And these questions come up in the lyrics. People have always searched for the meaning of life, but the answers are always the same: love, family, friends and helping each other.” The lyrics of \"Ascension – Dream State Armageddon\" deal with waking up and realising that everything", "id": "15797812" }, { "contents": "Get Out\n\n\n. \"I always had this concept of the place that you’re falling toward when you’re going to sleep, and you get that falling sensation and catch yourself. And if you didn’t catch yourself, where would you end up? I had this hellish image, and I thought of this idea of, 'What if you were in a place, and you could look through your own eyes as if they were literal windows or a screen, and see what your body was seeing, but feel like a prisoner", "id": "6442179" }, { "contents": "Me Without You (Loick Essien song)\n\n\n, Loick admitted: \"There's nothing worse than ending a relationship with someone you don't want to break up with. This song is about trying to rebuild your life when it feels like you can't go on without them. Everyone has felt like that at some point and it's something we can all relate to.\" A music video to accompany the release of \"Me Without You\" was first released onto YouTube on 11 October 2011 at a total length of Four minutes. Having been released on November 4", "id": "5799815" }, { "contents": "George Sauer Jr.\n\n\nsaid, \"When you get to the college and professional levels, the coaches still treat you as an adolescent. They know damn well that you were never given a chance to become responsible or self-disciplined. Even in the pros, you were told when to go to bed, when to turn your lights off, when to wake up, when to eat and what to eat. You even have to live and eat together like you were in a boys’ camp.\" Sauer's father, on the subject", "id": "11414333" }, { "contents": "The Hitcher (1986 film)\n\n\na copy of the screenplay for \"The Hitcher\". His letter concluded: \"It (the story) grabs you by the guts and does not let up and it does not let go. When you read it, you will not sleep for a week. When the movie is made, the country will not sleep for a week\". Script development executive David Bombyk received a copy of Red's letter and was intrigued by the description of the film. Red sent him a script that was approximately 190 pages in", "id": "21487001" }, { "contents": "Jael\n\n\nthe ground from the bed on which he sleeps; and if he does not feel it, I know that he has been handed over.\" And Jael took Sisera and pushed him onto the ground from the bed. But he did not feel it, because he was very groggy. And Jael said, \"Strengthen in me today, Lord, my arm on account of you and your people and those who hope in you.\" And Jael took the stake and put it on his temple and struck it with a", "id": "10395815" }, { "contents": "Feodor Kuzmich\n\n\nTomsk, he was unusually not restrained by shackles. According to his life's history, Kuzmich lived a life of rigor, sleeping on a bare board and wearing only simple clothes. Due to Kuzmich's strange appearance and mannerism, residents assumed that his previous life was quite different from his present. Before and after his death many miracles were attributed to Kuzmich. When asked about his previous life, Kuzmich responded: \"Why do you usually think that my situation is worse now than it was once before? At the present", "id": "7932281" }, { "contents": "Wakeboarding\n\n\ntheir best front forward or the foot that is most comfortable. The final step is to have the rider get a feel of the lake by moving side to side and going outside of the wake if the rider is comfortable with it. This will help the rider experience cutting back and forth out of the wake. Once the rider is comfortable with riding, they can move on to tricks. “A progressive edge is when you edge on your wakeboard and build up the amount of edge slowly, so that your maximum edge", "id": "14830814" }, { "contents": "Sleep and memory\n\n\nis the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning, repacking into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day. …When you wake in the morning, the naughtinesses and evil passions with which you went to bed have been folded up small and placed at the bottom of your mind; and on the top, beautifully aired, are spread out your prettier thoughts, ready for you to put on.’\" The stories", "id": "19992227" }, { "contents": "Truck driver\n\n\n, poor diet, and general stress. Research has shown that while some truck drivers may get a sufficient amount of sleep, many suffer from undiagnosed sleep disorders that impact the quality of their sleep. One study found that within a sample of surveyed truck drivers, 68.1% reported waking up during the night, 64.2% reported waking up feeling unrefreshed, and 51.6% reported waking up too early and not being able to go back to sleep. These sleep experiences have been linked to cognitive deficits, fatigue, and excessive daytime", "id": "18724873" }, { "contents": "If I Were a Boy\n\n\nher earrings, she puts them on to go dancing with her partner at a party. Her husband is upset when he sees them, and when he confronts her about this, she acts like he is making a big deal out of nothing. \"When you act like that, I don't think you realize how it makes me look or feel\", he tells her. Beyoncé then asks him in a condescending tone, \"Why are you so jealous? It's not like I'm sleeping with the guy.", "id": "6846990" }, { "contents": "Harold Shipman\n\n\nA Prison Service statement indicated that Shipman had hanged himself from the window bars of his cell using bed sheets. Some of the victims' families said they felt cheated, as his suicide meant they would never have the satisfaction of Shipman's confession, nor answers as to why he committed his crimes. The Home Secretary David Blunkett noted that celebration was tempting, saying: \"You wake up and you receive a call telling you Shipman has topped himself and you think, is it too early to open a bottle? And then", "id": "269921" }, { "contents": "Violently Happy\n\n\na brave thing. It's like putting your diary out for everyone to read. Of course, I didn't put everything in, I very carefully edited it. I'm very good with scissors\". The lyrics are autobiographical as Björk stated: \"It's just the same as if you go out with a mate and get drunk and get to the 'truth' stage and you wake up next day and think 'fuck, what did I say?'. Sometimes you feel fine, sometimes you feel embarrassed", "id": "20144455" }, { "contents": "First Death in Nova Scotia\n\n\nmore about how they feel, how it would feel to be them-by hearing them cough or make one of those inner noises, than by watching them for hours? Sometimes if another person hiccups, particularly if you haven't been paying much attention to him, why do you get a sudden sensation as if you were inside him-you know how he feels in the little aspects he never mentions, aspects which are, really, indescribable to another person and must be realized by that kind of intuition. Do you", "id": "21372920" }, { "contents": "Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown?\n\n\nthinks Charlie Brown is probably feeling bad for himself, and decides to call him to make him feel better. When she calls him, Charlie Brown is so tired that he does not seem to be listening to what Peppermint Patty is saying. Patty invites him on a date to the movies, but makes it seem as if Charlie Brown is asking her instead. She says she would go with him to a movie, then hangs up, and goes to sleep feeling good about herself. Charlie Brown then suddenly wakes up and", "id": "6804360" }, { "contents": "Second wind (sleep)\n\n\nwhen they would normally wake up. While most \"winds\" coincide with the 24-hour cycle, those experiencing extended sleep deprivation over multiple days have been known to experience a \"Fifth day turning point\". The \"second wind\" phenomenon may have evolved as a survival mechanism as part of the fight or flight response, allowing sleep-deprived individuals briefly to function at a higher level than they would without sleep deprivation. One study presented a series of tasks of increasing difficulty to 16 young adults who had not slept in 35", "id": "19584164" }, { "contents": "Stepped-up basis\n\n\namount you receive when you dispose of an asset, minus your basis in the asset. Thus, if you sold the house above for $100,000, your gain (what you might be taxed on) would be $65,000 (sales price of $100,000 minus your basis of $35,000), if we ignore complicating factors for purposes of this general example. Normally, when someone receives an asset from you before you die, the person who receives the asset keeps the same basis in the asset that you, the donor", "id": "12713119" }, { "contents": "The Art of Happiness\n\n\nis worse and if so you tell yourself that you could have it as bad as them or worse. By realizing your suffering you will develop greater resolve to put an end to the causes of suffering and the unwholesome deeds that lead to suffering. It will increase your enthusiasm for engaging in the wholesome actions and deeds that lead to happiness and joy. When you are aware of your pain and suffering it helps you to develop your amount of empathy. Allow you to relate to other people's feelings and suffering. Our attitude", "id": "6990677" }, { "contents": "Ying-Hui Fu\n\n\ntypically go to bed around 7:00 p.m. and wake up at 3:00 a.m. The lab studied the genomes of people with this trait and found a point mutation in the PER2 gene that likely causes the behavioral phenotype. In 2009, Fu’s group published a paper that explained the mechanisms of a short sleep phenotype in humans. In one family, carriers of the autosomal dominant phenotype sleep 6.25 hours compared to non-carrying family members, who sleep more than 8 hours per night. Fu traced the phenotype back to a point mutation in", "id": "14417906" }, { "contents": "Clemente Marchisio\n\n\n. He was named as an assistant priest in 1858. His schedule consisted of waking up at 5:00am and spending two hours in reflection prior to the celebration of Mass. He would then recite two rosaries: one in the morning and one in the evening before he went to sleep. Marchisio said of the Eucharist - to which he had an ardent devotion to - that \"I also find sometimes associated under the weight of tribulations, but I assure you that, after five minutes with a living faith before Jesus Sacrament, I feel", "id": "3839254" }, { "contents": "Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel\n\n\nThe album's title is derived from a dream Cox had in which he saw a group of protesters, one of whom was holding up a sign reading \"Let the blind lead those who can see but cannot feel\". Upon waking, Cox wrote down the phrase on a notebook beside his bed. He described the concept to \"Out\" magazine as being \"like you are able to see, but you might not know the right direction to go in. But somebody who can’t see might—just by", "id": "18113455" }, { "contents": "Washington Harrison Donaldson\n\n\nfor the ascension of the following day. One of the hippodrome managers, looking at the balloon, inquired of Donaldson: “What's the use of this? Why didn't you go somewhere?” “Wait till to-morrow,” he replied, “and I'll go far enough for you.” On the following day the wind was blowing up the lake at the rate of ten to an hour. An additional amount of gas was supplied to make up for what had been lost; but, in", "id": "1579429" }, { "contents": "Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder\n\n\nappeared to be subsensitive to bright light\". In other words, the brain (or the retina) does not react normally to light (people with the disorder may or may not, however, be unusually \"subjectively\" sensitive to light; one study found that they were more sensitive than the control group). In 2002 Uchiyama et al. examined five sighted non-24 patients who showed, during the study, a sleep–wake cycle averaging 25.12 hours. That is appreciably longer than the 24.02-hour average shown by the control", "id": "12831065" }, { "contents": "Rent-a-Cop\n\n\n. \"When you dole out too much credit to public opinion, when your sense of self gets blurry, when you feel that what people think is more important than how you feel . . . that's when it's dangerous and that's an easy thing to happen - to me, to a housewife. That's when you worry about getting enough sleep, so you take a sleeping pill; when other people think you're overweight, so you take a diet pill. And then you find yourself in rehab.", "id": "6916490" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\nyoung men slept for the normal 8 hours. The next 6 nights, they slept for 4 hours. The next 7 nights, they spent 12 hours in bed. They all had the same diet. They found that there were changes in glucose metabolism that resemble that of type 2 diabetes patients. When the participants were tested after sleep deprivation, they took 40% longer than normal to regulate blood sugar levels after a high-carbohydrate meals. The secretion of insulin and the body's response to insulin decrease by 30%", "id": "9128111" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\nmen slept for the normal 8 hours. The next 6 nights, they slept for 4 hours. The next 7 nights, they spent 12 hours in bed. They all had the same diet. They found that there were changes in glucose metabolism that resemble that of type 2 diabetes patients. When the participants were tested after sleep deprivation, they took 40% longer than normal to regulate blood sugar levels after a high-carbohydrate meals. The secretion of insulin and the body's response to insulin decrease by 30%.", "id": "9128120" }, { "contents": "Thumbling\n\n\nthe robbers steal. Thumbling wakes people up by yelling things like \"What do you want? Do you want everything...?\" making the robbery very obvious. A maid wakes up and scares off the robbers but does not see Thumbling. Thumbling gets a good night sleep in the hay. However, in the morning the maid feeds the hay that he was sleeping in to the cow. Thumbling begins to yell from the cow's stomach but the pastor thinks that an \"evil spirit\" had entered the cow, and", "id": "9532186" }, { "contents": "Trapt (album)\n\n\ninterview with VH1, Chris Taylor Brown stated the picture of a man mowing a lawn was selected to show the choices and results an individual can make in life. He elaborated, \"Everyone has this path they think they should take – it's the safe route. You go to college; you wake up and mow the lawn; and go to work for eight or nine hours a day. We didn't want to do that. We wanted to say that you don't have to do what everyone else does.", "id": "4046565" }, { "contents": "Rod Steiger\n\n\n, partly a side effect of his surgery, during the 1980s negatively affected his career. He became increasingly reclusive during this period, often confining himself to his apartment, watching American football for several hours. He said of the experience: \"You begin to lose self-esteem. You don't walk, you don't shave and if no one was watching you'd go to the bathroom right where you were sitting\". He would lie in bed at night thinking \"You'll never act again. Why bother?", "id": "15490497" }, { "contents": "Jack Deveraux and Jennifer Horton\n\n\n. Jack rushed back to Salem when he found out Steve had been hurt and he spent hours at the hospital with Kayla and his mother and sister. As he grew closer to his family and began to build a better relationship to Kayla, Steve took a turn for the worse, and died. Jack then realized that you could not push the ones you loved away, as you might not ever get a chance to tell them how you really feel. During this time, Lawrence forced Jennifer to go through the wedding by", "id": "629864" }, { "contents": "List of Regular Show characters\n\n\nthe bed was shipped out to stores, and now the company is reclaiming the KILLÜRGEN beds back. Rigby then says that he feels sorry for \"the loser who brought that bed\", but after finding out his new bed was made by the same company, he claims he's also \"one of those losers\". Eventually, the news reporter receives the code for the bed that contains the murderer. He then reads the code out saying: \"If you have this bed code number you are sleeping on a murderer", "id": "18266134" }, { "contents": "Fallen Idol (M*A*S*H)\n\n\n, saying that he sent Radar out into the middle of the fighting \"on a date.\" After insisting on performing the surgery to save Radar, Hawkeye heads out to drink his guilt away but cannot as all he can talk about is how guilty he feels. The next morning Hawkeye wakes up suffering from a hangover worse than he usually suffers from when drinking and is in no condition to operate. However, wounded arrive in the compound and Major Winchester insists that Hawkeye rise from his bed and perform his duties as", "id": "6134102" }, { "contents": "Estevan riot\n\n\nas: One bedroom, two beds in there, dining room, no beds in there, kitchen, one bed, and eleven in the family...I think we need a bigger place than that. When it is raining the rain comes in the kitchen. There is only one ply of paper, cardboard paper nailed to about two-inch wood board...It is all coming down and cracked...When the weather is frosty, when you wake up in the morning you cannot walk on the floor because it is", "id": "12064740" }, { "contents": "Musa al-Kadhim\n\n\n, \"at an hour in which I never before received his visits; he pulled me from the place where I was and would not even allow me to change my clothes. This put me in great fear. When I arrived at the palace, I found the Caliph sitting up in his bed. I saluted him, but he kept silent for some time; so my mind was much troubled and my fears greatly augmented. At length he said, 'Do you know why I sent for you at such an hour", "id": "10875339" }, { "contents": "Lady D'Arbanville\n\n\nthe word \"fille\" (French for \"girl\" which Cat Stevens pronounces like \"fill\"). The original song is written thus: \"My Lady D'Arbanville, why do you sleep so still? I'll wake you tomorrow, and you will be my fille, Yes, you will be my fille Elton John's version has him singing \"You will be my \"pill\"\", instead of the original lyrics. John's career took off around the same time as that of Stevens, and the cover", "id": "11833491" }, { "contents": "James White (film)\n\n\nthan the hospital. He cannot understand why he does not know any of this. Alice knows what year it is and who the president is so she can go home. James, Nick and Jayne go to a party, drinking and dancing, James is overcome with his responsibilities. Relax. His mom may die. What do you do with the body? He gets a blackeye in a barroom fight. They all wake up in a motel room the next morning, Fuck, his favorite word, he is late", "id": "16625985" }, { "contents": "Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder\n\n\nis taken in the melatonin PRC advance zone (i.e., the last few hours before bedtime), it resets the clock earlier; when taken in the melatonin PRC delay zone (i.e., few hours before and after wake-up time), it shifts the clock later. In other words, melatonin has most effect when it is taken at times when natural melatonin is not normally present, thus during the day: when taken in the morning, melatonin causes phase delays (shifts to a later time), and when", "id": "12831087" }, { "contents": "Metaplasticity\n\n\nof reduction to our neuronal firing patterns. The prolonged LTD from sleep would allow for all the non-essential LTP that took place during our day to become forfeit. It helps reduce the amount of synaptic noise that is created when so much potentiation happens during the day. What does this all mean?: The idea is LTP is occurring all the time during wakefulness. All of this information flow and storage will eventually become too much, and that is why we sleep. The point of sleep is to downgrade and eliminate", "id": "21044128" }, { "contents": "Phase response curve\n\n\nthe core body temperature during sleep) the PRC peaks and the effect changes abruptly from phase delay to phase advance. Immediately after this peak, light exposure has its greatest phase-advancing effect, causing earlier wake-up and sleep onset. Again, illuminance greatly affects results; indoor light may be less than 500 lux while light therapy uses up to 10,000 lux. The effect diminishes until about two hours after spontaneous wake-up time, when it reaches approximately zero. During the period between two hours after usual wake-", "id": "16066823" }, { "contents": "The Blackest Beautiful\n\n\nyou don’t know what the fuck it means to be in love. Imagine turning around in your bedroom, and looking at your bed that lies in the corner of your room and that person is still sleeping, and you want to wake that person up and you wanna tell that person your sorry for saying all the things that you said to make them believe that you were in love with them. That’s kinda where I’m at right now it’s um… It’s a very difficult thing for me to tell", "id": "12698469" }, { "contents": "Sleep hollow\n\n\nof the disease often feel hallucinations like a \"snail walking over their face\". In a statement, a professor from Tomsk Polytechnic University, Leonid Rikhvanov, of the department of Geo-ecology and Geo-chemistry said that radon gas from the mine could be the cause of the symptoms. The affected persons fall asleep during day-to-day activities and always feel sleepy. One of the doctors said, \"You wake them up, they can speak to you, reply to you, but as soon as you", "id": "7922978" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous recovery\n\n\nthat you do not have because your family can't afford it when you were young, you could believe that \"things in life are hard to come by\". When you're an adult another situation could arise that is similar, and the recovery of that association and inner response can show up spontaneously as jealousy again. It is why a lot of people say to themselves, \"where does this feeling come from\" or, \"Why did I do that?\" A lot of human reactions are from spontaneous recovery", "id": "9114540" }, { "contents": "The Plague (Father Ted)\n\n\nlettuce, all of which prompt the Bishop to go to bed. Ted then realises that Dougal left the rabbit army in the spare bedroom (where Brennan is sleeping), and he and Dougal have to tiptoe in to get the rabbits out and into Jack's room. The Bishop wakes up to find himself surrounded by rabbits and Jack sleeping in his bed. Ted tells Bishop Brennan that he is only having a \"bad dream\", and the Bishop lays back down to sleep – only to wake up again seconds later", "id": "1369219" }, { "contents": "Bedtime\n\n\nBedtime (also called putting to bed or tucking in) is a ritual part of parenting to help children feel more secure and become accustomed to a more rigid schedule of sleep than they might prefer. The ritual of bedtime is aimed at facilitating the transition from wakefulness to sleep. It may involve bedtime stories, children's songs, nursery rhymes, bed-making and getting children to change into nightwear. In some religious households, prayers are said shortly before going to bed. In adult use, the term means simply \"", "id": "5657550" }, { "contents": "Hugh McElvaney\n\n\nrepresentative of the imaginary company, who secretly filmed him. McElvaney asked the imaginary company representative: \"Are you going to pay me by the hour or the job?\" As the imaginary representative arranged a meeting with other imaginary representatives, McElvaney was recorded saying: \"And you will have plenty of sterling with you? You need to sweeten the man up. You know what I mean.\" When asked for a specific amount of money, McElvaney responded: \"Ten grand would be a start.\" McElvaney went on", "id": "15235805" }, { "contents": "Paige Matthews\n\n\nNobody ever knew she even existed.\" Film actress Rose McGowan was later revealed to be cast in the role of Paige Matthews, her first role as a series regular on a television series. Kern stated, \"From Paige's point of view, you go to bed one night, and you think you're a single child, and no one understands you. Then you wake up the next morning, and you find out you've got sisters who are witches, who've got supernatural powers, who have a destiny", "id": "486418" }, { "contents": "Clock (software)\n\n\ntimer reaches zero, an alarm will be sounded. In iOS 10 and later versions, there is a Bedtime feature which allows the user to get better sleep. This is done by determining when the user would like to wake up, how many days the alarm should go off, how many hours of sleep the user would like, and whether the user would want a bedtime notification. This feature also integrates with the Health application to track sleep data. Since iOS 7, the app icon shows the user the current time", "id": "9625796" }, { "contents": "Binary betting\n\n\nthe lifetime of the bet. This allows you to take an early profit or cut your losses if the bet is going against you. If you bought you can sell the same amount to close, or if you sold you can buy the same amount to close. Further, you can perform a partial close where you buy or sell less than you originally sold or bought, therefore leaving part of the bet running. \"For example, we may offer a price of 32-35 for \"the FTSE to finish up", "id": "19156952" }, { "contents": "The Politics of Reality\n\n\nlength of it, and be unable to see why a bird would not just fly around the wire any time it wanted to go somewhere ... It is only when you step back, stop looking at the wires one by one, microscopically, and take a macroscopic view of the whole cage, that you can see why the bird does not go anywhere; and then you will see it in a moment. The second essay, \"Sexism\", clearly illustrates sexism as a specific form of oppression. As a philosopher,", "id": "7419343" }, { "contents": "Nocturia\n\n\nof rising.” Thus, NUV excludes the last void before going to bed, but includes the first morning void if the urge to urinate woke the patient. Although not every patient needs treatment, most people seek treatment for severe nocturia, waking up to void more than 2-3 times per night. The amount of sleep a patient gets, and the amount they intend to get, are also considered in a diagnosis. The term is derived from Latin \"nox, night\", and Greek \"[τα]", "id": "2588560" }, { "contents": "Circadian rhythm sleep disorder\n\n\ntiming of exercise are also recorded because they may impact an individual's sleep and wake patterns. To measure sleep variables candidly, patients wear actigraphy watches that record sleep onset, wake time, and many other physiological variables. Patients are similarly asked to self-report their sleep habits with a week-long sleep diary to document when they go to bed, when they wake up, etc. to supplement the actigraphy data. Collecting this data allows sleep professionals to carefully document and measure patient's sleep habits and confirm patterns described", "id": "9093985" }, { "contents": "I Can't Live with You\n\n\neveryone can relate to.\" In the August 1991 Guitar World interview, May spoke about the mixing of song. \"For some reason, 'I Can't Live with You' was almost impossible to mix. It was one of those things where you put all the faders up and it sounds pretty good, and you think, 'We'll work on this for a couple of hours.' Then it gets worse and worse and worse. We kept going back to the rough mix. It's got an atmosphere", "id": "8678735" }, { "contents": "Adam Watts (musician)\n\n\nand just might be Adam Watts' magnum opus. \"When a Heart Wakes Up\" illustrates a profound image of redemption and grace through its passionate and descriptive lyrics (\"You hear the sound of a knocking at the door / in the middle of the night, in that room below the floor / you feel the shaking of the bedrock underneath / every fake smile, every lie, where that beat up monster sleeps\"), sweet melody, and skillful instrumentation. Every aspect of this song is flawless and its message", "id": "13715425" }, { "contents": "2008 Cleveland Browns season\n\n\nentire game? How do you NOT use Jerome Harrison more? Why the hell would you throw the ball with 6 minutes left? This is officially a regime that is worse than Butch Davis's. By the way, just like last week – this email was written while the Browns still had the lead.\" After the game, Savage promptly responded to the fan with the following: \"Go root for Buffalo-f#@* you\" Coming off their MNF road win over the Bills, the Browns went home for a", "id": "3970663" }, { "contents": "Red Skelton\n\n\nat first, \"I don't know why it's always clowns.\" He continued after thinking a moment by saying \"No, that's not true—I do know why. I just don't feel like thinking about it ...\" At the time of Skelton's death, his originals were priced at $80,000 and upward. Skelton was a prolific writer of both short stories and music. After sleeping only four or five hours a night, he would wake up at 5 a.m. and begin writing stories, composing", "id": "13279163" }, { "contents": "XTC\n\n\nstage, and afterward, took a flight back to Swindon for treatment, which amounted to hypnotherapy. He described feeling nausea and stomach pains while on stage: \"My body and brain said, You're hating this experience I'm going to make it bad for you. When you go on stage I'm going to give you panic attacks and stomach cramps. You're not enjoying this and you haven't got the heart to tell anyone you can't carry on so I'm gonna mess you up.\" The", "id": "15295594" }, { "contents": "Ndzalama Reserve\n\n\nthe main building (own smart card has to be provided) - guide in camp to do dishes, make fire etc. - you can either use your own vehicle to drive sround (not necessarily 4x4, but a normal car won't be able to drive around) - or go on a game drive in an open game drive vehicle, ± 3 hours, not informative LEOPARD ROCK BUSH CAMP: - sleeping maximum 12 people (children included) - no electricity, no linen provided (only beds and mattresses) -", "id": "6011871" }, { "contents": "Sleep paralysis\n\n\nthe threat-activated vigilance system. A hyper-vigilant state created in the midbrain may further contribute to hallucinations. More specifically, the emergency response is activated in the brain when individuals wake up paralyzed and feel vulnerable to attack. This helplessness can intensify the effects of the threat response well above the level typical of normal dreams, which could explain why such visions during sleep paralysis are so vivid. The threat-activated vigilance system is a protective mechanism that differentiates between dangerous situations and determines whether the fear response is appropriate.", "id": "9111309" }, { "contents": "List of Wild Cards characters\n\n\nage, though in the later eras depicted in the novels, he would be approaching his sixties. Croyd constantly fears that he will one day wake up as a permanent Joker, immune to the virus, or that it will simply kill him, as the virus does to the majority of those it infects (known as \"drawing the Black Queen\"). As he starts to feel tired, he usually turns to amphetamines to stay awake, becoming increasingly violent and paranoid. Depending on where he is in his sleep/", "id": "430921" }, { "contents": "Growing pains\n\n\nfront of the thighs. Less commonly, the arms are affected. They are normally felt on both sides. Typically, the pains are felt in the muscles, rather than in the joints. The amount of pain varies from mild to very severe. The pains may start in the evening or at night. Because the pains normally appear while the child is sleeping, they often wake the child up at night. The pains often last for 30 minutes to two hours, and are often but not always gone by the morning", "id": "6872870" } ]
Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed, and seemingly a life altering illness. Why is it that doctors in the US are so uneducated about it, or taught to dismiss it?
[{"answer": "Chronic Lyme disease is kind of the flavor of the month for a certain type of personality disorder. There's no evidence it exists, and since it doesn't exist it's impossible to prove someone doesn't have it. And since it's impossible to prove someone doesn;t have it people who wish to believe they have it can never be dissuaded."}, {"answer": "Like morgellons and gang-stalking, chronic Lyme disease is a crowd-sourced delusional belief. The internet allows the development of shared delusional schemas which are reinforced and developed by their online community. Myron May's [pre-shooting video]( URL_0 ) is a great showcase of this stuff."}, {"answer": "There is not much scientific evidence that chronic Lyme disease exists. It's considered a health myth just like \"vaccines cause autism.\" URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I've heard Lyme disease used as a catch all for various indistinct ailments. I would tell your friends to be skeptical of their diagnoses. Make sure they are not being pandered too by naturopaths or something."}, {"answer": "According to an article in Backpacker magazine a few years ago Lyme disease often goes misdiagnosed in places where it is uncommon. Apparently it's pretty rare on the US west coast and more common in the east. I assume it's because the west is dryer."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "41822425", "title": "Chronic Lyme disease", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A number of alternative health products are promoted for chronic Lyme disease, of which possibly the most controversial and harmful is long-term antibiotic therapy, particularly intravenous antibiotics. Recognised authorities advise against long-term antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, even where some symptoms persist post-treatment. Following disciplinary proceedings by state medical licensing boards in the United States, a subculture of \"Lyme literate\" physicians has successfully lobbied for specific legal protections, exempting them from the standard of care and Infectious Diseases Society of America treatment guidelines.", "or effective treatment for post-infectious fibromyalgia. A number of alternative health products are promoted for chronic Lyme disease, of which possibly the most controversial and harmful is long-term antibiotic therapy, particularly intravenous antibiotics. Recognised authorities advise against long-term antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, even where some symptoms persist post-treatment. Following disciplinary proceedings by state medical licensing boards in the United States, a subculture of \"Lyme literate\" physicians has successfully lobbied for specific legal protections, exempting them from the standard of care and Infectious Diseases Society of America treatment guidelines. This political interference in medical care has been criticised as an example of \"legislative alchemy\", the process whereby pseudomedicine is legislated into practice."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n-like symptoms, and current headache, other symptoms of lymphocytic meningitis, or facial palsy would lead to suspicion of Lyme disease and recommendation of serological and lumbar puncture tests for confirmation. Lyme radiculopathy affecting the trunk can be misdiagnosed as myriad other conditions, such as diverticulitis and acute coronary syndrome. Diagnosis of late-stage Lyme disease is often complicated by a multifaceted appearance and nonspecific symptoms, prompting one reviewer to call Lyme the new \"great imitator\". Lyme disease may be misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia", "id": "11757937" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n, such as the armpit, groin, abdomen, or back of knee. Like Lyme, shingles often begins with headache, fever, and fatigue, which are followed by pain or numbness. However, unlike Lyme, in shingles these symptoms are usually followed by appearance of rashes composed of multiple small blisters along a nerve's dermatome, and shingles can also be confirmed by quick laboratory tests. Facial palsy caused by Lyme disease (LDFP) is often misdiagnosed as Bell's palsy. Although Bell's palsy is the most common", "id": "11757933" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nEM) rashes and 83% of other objective manifestations of early Lyme disease. EM rashes are often misdiagnosed as spider bites, cellulitis, or shingles. Many misdiagnoses are credited to the widespread misconception that EM rashes should look like a bull's eye. Actually, the key distinguishing features of the EM rash are the speed and extent to which it expands, respectively up to 2–3 cm/day and a diameter of at least 5 cm, and in 50% of cases more than 16 cm. The rash expands away from", "id": "11757931" }, { "contents": "Amy Tan\n\n\n1998, Tan contracted Lyme disease, which went misdiagnosed for a few years. As a result, she suffers complications like epileptic seizures. Tan co-founded LymeAid 4 Kids, which helps uninsured children pay for treatment. She wrote about her life with Lyme disease in \"The New York Times\". Tan also suffers from depression, for which she takes antidepressants. Part of the reason that Tan chose not to have children was a fear that she would pass on a genetic legacy of mental instability - her maternal grandmother committed", "id": "5220678" }, { "contents": "John Lurie\n\n\n2000, with initially baffling neurological symptoms. At one point he was told he had a year to live. The doctors he consulted in the first few years did not agree on a diagnosis, but by 2006 eight separate doctors agreed that it was chronic Lyme disease. Lurie has stated, \"I have Advanced Lyme.\" He initially became ill in 1994. The illness prevents him from acting or performing music, so he spends his time painting. In August 2010, Tad Friend wrote a piece in \"The New Yorker", "id": "671550" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\nhigh emotions as contributing to a \"poisonous atmosphere\" around Lyme disease, which he believes has led to doctors trying to avoid having Lyme patients in their practices. In 2006, Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut Attorney General, opened an antitrust investigation against the IDSA, accusing the IDSA Lyme disease panel of undisclosed conflicts of interest and of unduly dismissing alternative therapies and chronic Lyme disease. The investigation was closed on May 1, 2008, without charges when the IDSA agreed to submit to a review of its guidelines by a panel of", "id": "4483304" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\nChronic Lyme disease (CLD) is the name used by some people with \"a broad array of illnesses or symptom complexes for which there is no reproducible or convincing scientific evidence of any relationship to \"Borrelia burgdorferi\" infection\" to describe their condition and their beliefs about its cause. Both the label and the belief that these people's symptoms are caused by this particular infection are generally rejected by medical professionals. Chronic Lyme disease in this context should not be confused with Lyme disease, a known medical disorder caused by infection with", "id": "4483291" }, { "contents": "Brad Carter\n\n\nsurgery on Carter twice, in January and March 2013. The first surgery was to implant electrodes in his brain, and the second was to put wires down his neck. Carter had first noticed tremors in his hands in 2006, which were misdiagnosed as symptoms of Lyme disease by three specialists. During the operation, Carter needed to be awake for the best results, so his doctors suggested that he play guitar during his operation to see when his tremors weakened. A video recording was made of Carter's operation, which was", "id": "8700145" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\npolymorphonuclear leukocytes in CSF. Lyme radiculopathy affecting the limbs is often misdiagnosed as a radiculopathy caused by nerve root compression, such as sciatica. Although most cases of radiculopathy are compressive and resolve with conservative treatment (e.g., rest) within 4–6 weeks, guidelines for managing radiculopathy recommend first evaluating risks of other possible causes that, although less frequent, require immediate diagnosis and treatment, including infections such as Lyme and shingles. A history of outdoor activities in likely tick habitats in the last 3 months possibly followed by a rash or viral", "id": "11757936" }, { "contents": "Ixodes holocyclus\n\n\n. More serious are meningitis, Bell's palsy (weakness of the face muscles), swelling of joints, and heart problems with palpitations and breathlessness. Lyme disease is difficult to distinguish from many other illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) because the symptoms may be similar. If you have symptoms that could be Lyme disease, even if you do not remember a tickbite, see your doctor. Diagnosis is helped by a blood test called a Western Blot test, but your doctor will consider whether any other illness could be", "id": "11549125" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\nwho had Lyme disease and were treated. In many cases there is no objective evidence that people who believe they have chronic Lyme have ever been infected with Lyme disease: standard diagnostic tests for infection are often negative. While it is undisputed people can have severe symptoms of an illness, the cause and appropriate treatment promoted by \"chronic Lyme\" advocates are controversial. The symptoms represent \"for all intents and purposes\" fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia can be triggered by an infection, and then persist when the infection is", "id": "4483295" }, { "contents": "Johnny Cash\n\n\nDrager syndrome, a form of multiple system atrophy. According to biographer Robert Hilburn, the disease was originally misdiagnosed as Parkinson's disease, and Cash even announced to his audience that he had Parkinson's after nearly collapsing on stage in Flint, Michigan, on October 25, 1997. Soon afterwards, his diagnosis was changed to Shy–Drager, and Cash was told he had about 18 months to live. The diagnosis was later again altered to autonomic neuropathy associated with diabetes. The illness forced Cash to curtail his touring.", "id": "15549428" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease microbiology\n\n\nbeing reported as Lyme disease. Cases of neuroborreliosis have been documented in Australia, but are often ascribed to travel to other continents. The existence of Lyme disease in Australia is controversial. The lifecycle of \"B. burgdorferi\" is complex, requiring ticks, and species that are competent reservoirs, often small rodents. Mice are the primary reservoir for the bacteria. Hard ticks have a variety of life histories with respect to optimizing their chance of contact with an appropriate host to ensure survival. The life stages of soft ticks are not", "id": "13615684" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nas in the general population. Lyme can cause a chronic encephalomyelitis that resembles multiple sclerosis. It may be progressive and can involve cognitive impairment, brain fog, migraines, balance issues, weakness in the legs, awkward gait, facial palsy, bladder problems, vertigo, and back pain. In rare cases, untreated Lyme disease may cause frank psychosis, which has been misdiagnosed as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Panic attacks and anxiety can occur; also, delusional behavior may be seen, including somatoform delusions, sometimes accompanied by a", "id": "11757896" }, { "contents": "Allen Steere\n\n\nissue of terminology, some mainstream medical opinion goes as far as to say that some Lyme disease cases can become \"difficult to treat\" if not quickly diagnosed. Although the term \"chronic Lyme\" was once used by Steere and others to define persistent complications following acute Lyme disease, various Lyme advocacy organizations and a dissident group of doctors called the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) have redefined the term to describe a wide range of symptoms, mostly in patients who have no evidence of Lyme disease. Steere and", "id": "2332024" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\ndue to Lyme, it most typically causes facial palsy impairing blinking, smiling, and chewing in one or both sides of the face. It may also cause intermittent double vision. Lyme radiculopathy is an inflammation of spinal nerve roots that often causes pain and less often weakness, numbness, or altered sensation in the areas of the body served by nerves connected to the affected roots, e.g. limb(s) or part(s) of trunk. The pain is often described as unlike any other previously felt, excruciating, migrating, worse at night", "id": "11757888" }, { "contents": "Psychosomatic medicine\n\n\n, it questions the broad acceptance of self-proclaimed diseases such as gluten-intolerance, Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia as a gain of illness for patients to avoid the underlying intra-psychic conflicts eliciting the disease, while at the same time, challenging the reasons for this neglect in the doctors’ own avoidance of their emotional intra-psychic conflict. While in the US, psychosomatic medicine is considered a subspecialty of the fields of psychiatry and neurology, in Germany and other European countries it is considered a subspecialty of internal medicine.", "id": "7800158" }, { "contents": "Cellulitis\n\n\nup to 30% of people with suspected lower-extremity cellulitis, leading to 50,000 to 130,000 unnecessary hospitalization and $195 to $515 million in avoidable healthcare spending annually in the United States. Associated musculoskeletal findings are sometimes reported. When it occurs with acne conglobata, hidradenitis suppurativa, and pilonidal cysts, the syndrome is referred to as the follicular occlusion triad or tetrad. Lyme disease can be misdiagnosed as cellulitis. The characteristic bullseye rash does not always appear in Lyme disease (the rash may not have a central or ring", "id": "19014336" }, { "contents": "Ixodes holocyclus\n\n\ncausing your symptoms and may do some other tests. Treatment of Lyme-like Disease. Early treatment with antibiotics is important to prevent more serious problems. Pregnant women bitten by a tick should see their doctor. Some data suggests that Lyme Disease can affect the foetus, but two large studies in the US and Europe showed no increased risk of adverse effects on the foetus. So far, no viruses have been isolated from \"Ixodes holocyclus\". This does not however exclude the possibility that such diseases may be found in the", "id": "11549126" }, { "contents": "Neuroborreliosis\n\n\nNeuroborreliosis, is a disorder of the central nervous system. A neurological manifestation of Lyme disease, neuroborreliosis is caused by a systemic infection of spirochetes of the genus \"Borrelia.\" Symptoms of the disease include erythema migrans and flu-like symptoms. Neuroborreliosis is often preceded by the typical symptoms of Lyme disease, which include erythema migrans and flu-like symptoms such as fever and muscle aches. Neurologic symptoms of neuroborreliosis include the meningoradiculitis (which is more common in European patients), cranial nerve abnormalities, and altered mental status", "id": "2626880" }, { "contents": "Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS\n\n\nsymptoms, they are often not recognized as signs of HIV infection. Even if patients go to their doctors or a hospital, they will often be misdiagnosed as having one of the more common infectious diseases with the same symptoms. As a consequence, these primary symptoms are not used to diagnose HIV infection, as they do not develop in all cases and because many are caused by other more common diseases. However, recognizing the syndrome can be important because the patient is much more infectious during this period. A strong immune defense", "id": "4029324" }, { "contents": "Diane Varsi\n\n\nwhom she made her manager while working as an actress. She was married to Michael Hausman on May 21, 1961; they had a daughter, Willo. In 1968, while working on the set of \"Wild in the Streets\", Varsi suffered extreme trauma to her cervical spine, which led to years of misdiagnosed pain. In 1977, she contracted Lyme disease and lived for five years with undiagnosed and unremitting meningitis which brought her close to death several times. The Lyme disease, combined with her neck injury, which", "id": "18975190" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease microbiology\n\n\nstar tick) in the U.S. \"B. lonestari\" is suspected of causing southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI), also known as Masters disease in honor of its discoverer, Edwin Masters. The illness follows a lone star tick bite, and clinically resembles Lyme disease, but sufferers usually test negative for Lyme. Currently, no diagnostic test is available for STARI/Masters, and no official treatment protocol exists, though antibiotics are generally prescribed. Lyme disease is most endemic in Northern Hemisphere temperate regions, but sporadic cases", "id": "13615678" }, { "contents": "Henryk Górecki\n\n\nresulting suppurative inflammation was misdiagnosed by a local doctor, and delay in proper treatment led to tubercular complications in the bone. The illness went largely untreated for two years, by which time permanent damage had been sustained. He spent the following twenty months in a hospital in Germany, where he underwent four operations. Górecki continued to suffer ill health throughout his life and, as a result, said he had \"talked with death often\". In early 1950s he studied in the Szafrankowie Brothers State School of Music in Rybnik.", "id": "13084971" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming on human health\n\n\nan important distinguishing factor helping to make the diagnosis early. If Lyme disease is unrecognized, misdiagnosed, or improperly treated it can lead to much more severe and serious consequences with the spread of the spirochete to joints, heart, and nervous system causing arthritis, carditis, cranial nerve palsies or encephalopathy and cognitive dysfunction. Regardless of the specific diagnosis (Lyme, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Colorado Tick Fever, Babesiosis etc.) the key to management and prevention of sequelae is early identification of disease and initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy", "id": "1310852" }, { "contents": "Alice Dreger\n\n\n1995. Dreger has taught at both Michigan State University, where she received a Teacher-Scholar Award in 2000, and at Northwestern University (2005-2015). During her doctoral work, Dreger became interested in \"how and why it is that scientists and medical doctors work to mediate the relationships between our bodies and our selves\" and \"why it is we often look to scientists and medical doctors to read or even alter our bodies.\" In 1995 she published a paper in \"Victorian Studies\" examining 19th-", "id": "22057736" }, { "contents": "Allen Steere\n\n\nto be called \"Lyme Arthritis\" and later \"Lyme Disease\". In 1980, Steere and colleagues began to test antibiotic regimens in adult patients with Lyme disease. Steere first published about neurological and cardiac symptoms involved in his early studies of Lyme disease in 1977. Steere first published work about chronic manifestations of the disease in 1979. Steere later worked with Frank Dressler; the CDC later adopted their work for its Lyme Disease surveillance case definition. Using primarily sera from early, acute Lyme patients, Steere formulated serodiagnostic criteria for", "id": "2332021" }, { "contents": "Rickettsia rickettsii\n\n\nis never constant in a population and this correlates to the evolution of \"R. rickettsii\". The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that the diagnosis of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever must be made based on the clinical signs and symptoms of the patient and then later confirmed using specialized laboratory tests. However, the diagnosis of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is often misdiagnosed due to its non-specific onset. If not treated properly the illness may become serious, leading to hospitalization and possible fatality. During the initial stages of the disease", "id": "12856948" }, { "contents": "Race and genetics\n\n\n. Scientists Michael Yudell, Dorothy Roberts, Rob DeSalle, and Sarah Tishkoff argue that using these associations in the practice of medicine has led doctors to overlook or misidentify disease: \"For example, hemoglobinopathies can be misdiagnosed because of the identification of sickle-cell as a 'Black' disease and thalassemia as a 'Mediterranean' disease. Cystic fibrosis is underdiagnosed in populations of African ancestry, because it is thought of as a 'White” disease.'\" Information about a person's population of origin may aid in diagnosis", "id": "8880153" }, { "contents": "Laura Hillenbrand\n\n\ncould hardly sit up in bed and she could not make the walk to classes. \"Terrified, confused, she dropped out of school\" and her sister drove her home. She shuttled from doctor to doctor for a year before being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome at Johns Hopkins. She said it was the most hellish year of her life. Because the name of her illness does not represent the extent of the disease, in 2011 Hillenbrand said of her diagnosis:This is why I talk about it. You can’t", "id": "12659120" }, { "contents": "Why Freud Was Wrong\n\n\n. In his view, the book failed to live up to the \"grandiose claims\" made by its publishers. He criticized Webster for maintaining that mental illness is misdiagnosed organic disease, for criticizing physicians and psychiatrists despite his lack of medical qualifications, for offering conjectural explanations of cases of hysteria and schizophrenia, for unreasonably insisting \"that Freud should have acquainted us ... with every stage in his work with patients\", and for misunderstanding psychoanalysis. He found Webster's criticisms of concepts such as \"unconscious rage\" unconvincing, accused", "id": "18577474" }, { "contents": "The Holocaust\n\n\n, and exhibitions. Jewish doctors were dismissed or urged to resign. The \"Deutsches Ärzteblatt\" (a medical journal) reported on 6 April 1933: \"Germans are to be treated by Germans only.\" The Nazis used the phrase \"Lebensunwertes Leben\" (life unworthy of life) in reference to the disabled and mentally ill. On 14 July 1933, the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring (\"Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses\"), the Sterilization Law, was passed, allowing for compulsory sterilization.", "id": "21095930" }, { "contents": "Babesiosis\n\n\nthe human strain of babesiosis, so it often presents with other tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease. After trypanosomes, \"Babesia\" is thought to be the second-most common blood parasite of mammals, and they can have a major impact on health of domestic animals in areas without severe winters. In cattle the disease is known as Texas cattle fever, redwater, or piroplasmosis. Half of all children and a quarter of previously healthy adults are asymptomatic with \"Babesia\" infection. When people do develop symptoms,", "id": "19421532" }, { "contents": "Transmission (medicine)\n\n\n, Chagas disease, Lyme disease and African sleeping sickness. Biological vectors are usually, though not exclusively, arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and lice. Vectors are often required in the life cycle of a pathogen. A common strategy used to control vector borne infectious diseases is to interrupt the life cycle of a pathogen by killing the vector. Tracking the transmission of infectious diseases is called disease surveillance. Surveillance of infectious diseases in the public realm traditionally has been the responsibility of public health agencies, either on the", "id": "18560137" }, { "contents": "Southern tick-associated rash illness\n\n\n. However, the symptoms of STARI are mild, and resemble influenza, with fatigue, muscle pains, and headache. Fever is sometimes seen, but is not characteristic. This illness is a tick-borne disease carried by the lone star tick \"Amblyomma americanum\". This tick was first proposed as a possible vector of disease in 1984, and the illnesses associated with the tick called \"Lyme-like disease\", but it was not recognized to be distinct from Lyme disease until the late 1990s. Several studies have", "id": "8864120" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nbecause the lesions have been found to be reversible following antibiotic treatment. Images produced using SPECT show numerous areas where an insufficient amount of blood is being delivered to the cortex and subcortical white matter. However, SPECT images are known to be nonspecific because they show a heterogeneous pattern in the imaging. The abnormalities seen in the SPECT images are very similar to those seen in people with cerebral vacuities and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, which makes them questionable. Community clinics have been reported to misdiagnose 23-28% of Erythema migrans (", "id": "11757930" }, { "contents": "House (TV series)\n\n\nthe team (most often House) provides logical reasons for ruling them out. Typically, the patient is misdiagnosed at least once and accordingly receives some treatments that are at best useless; this usually causes further complications, but—as the nature of the complications often provides valuable new evidence—eventually these help them diagnose the patient correctly. House often tends to arrive at the correct diagnosis seemingly out of the blue, often inspired by a passing remark made by another character. Diagnoses range from relatively common to very rare diseases.", "id": "8169322" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nUnited States as far west as Texas, is unlikely to transmit the Lyme disease spirochetes, though it may be implicated in a related syndrome called southern tick-associated rash illness, which resembles a mild form of Lyme disease. On the West Coast of the United States, the main vector is the western black-legged tick (\"Ixodes pacificus\"). The tendency of this tick species to feed predominantly on host species such as lizards that are resistant to \"Borrelia\" infection appears to diminish transmission of Lyme disease in", "id": "11757904" }, { "contents": "Southern tick-associated rash illness\n\n\nSouthern tick-associated rash illness (STARI) is an emerging infectious disease related to Lyme disease that occurs in southeastern and south-central United States. It is spread by tick bites and it was hypothesized that the illness was caused by the bacteria \"Borrelia lonestari\". However, there is insufficient evidence to declare this Borrelia strain as a causative agent. Diagnosis is based on a circular \"bull's-eye\" rash at the site of infection called erythema chronicum migrans, which is very similar to that seen in Lyme disease", "id": "8864119" }, { "contents": "Dementia\n\n\nneed complete assistance doing so. Commonly, the person no longer recognizes familiar people. They may have significant changes in sleeping habits or have trouble sleeping at all. Causes of easily reversible dementia include hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, Lyme disease, and neurosyphilis. All people with memory difficulty should be checked for hypothyroidism and B12 deficiency. For Lyme disease and neurosyphilis, testing should be done if there are risk factors for those diseases in the person. Because risk f actors are often difficult to determine, testing for neurosyphilis and Lyme", "id": "17531266" }, { "contents": "Stephen Malawista\n\n\nStephen Evan Malawista (April 4, 1934 – September 18, 2013) was an American medical researcher and Professor of medicine within the rheumatology department of Yale University. Malawista is credited as the co-discover of Lyme disease and led the research team which identified the disease. In 1975, Malawista and his Yale colleague, researcher Dr. Allen Steere, began work which would reveal Lyme disease as a new, distinct illness. Malawista and Steere had been contacted by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, which had been concerned about a", "id": "5837282" }, { "contents": "Plasma osmolality\n\n\ngland, or from ectopic sources such as small-cell carcinoma of the lung. Increased osmolarity frequently occurs following illness due to chronic neurotoxic diseases such as Lyme disease. Elevation may be associated with stroke mortality. In medical lab reports, this quantity often appears as \"Osmo, Calc\" or \"Osmo (Calc).\" According to the international SI unit use the following equation : Calculated osmolarity = 2 Na + Glucose + Urea ( all in mmol/L). or Calculated osmolarity = 2 Na + 2 K", "id": "10034390" }, { "contents": "Angelo Sala\n\n\nthe uneducated son of a spinner, and the fact that none of his practices are taught about, both his life and work, though unconventional medical practices, were proven to work so well, even exceed the usefulness of the then commonly used medical traditions, that his services were recommended and used by the highest levels of nobility. He was constantly transferring to new cities to serve as personal physician to dozens of upper class leaders. His non-association to any specific medical practice was seems to have surpassed in its applications and", "id": "9239228" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nthat CFS is a biologically-based illness, but that the biologic abnormalities are not sensitive enough to be useful as a diagnosis. It may begin as a flu-like illness with a sudden onset, or it may occur gradually. Because of this, various infectious causes have been proposed; however, there is insufficient evidence to support such causation. Infections proposed include mononucleosis, chlamydia pneumonia, HHV-6, and lyme disease. Inflammation may be involved. About 60 percent of cases occur after a viral illness, such as mononucleosis", "id": "10795979" }, { "contents": "Stephen Malawista\n\n\nmysterious cluster of similar illnesses and symptoms which had begun afflicting patients within the southeastern region of Connecticut. Malawista and Steere identified the illness, as a new bacterial infection spread by the bite of a tick. In 1977, Malwista and Steere identified the illness as a new infection spread by tick bites. Malawista initially named the new disease \"Lyme arthritis.\" The name was later changed to Lyme disease after the illness was later shown to encompass a wide range of symptoms which were not limited to joint pain. Malawista and his", "id": "5837283" }, { "contents": "Sini Anderson\n\n\nAnderson said that since the documentary was now owned by IFC Films, she was unable to provide sneak previews or private screenings. Only six weeks after friend Kathleen Hanna’s diagnosis of late stage Lyme disease, Anderson ended up in the hospital with signs of a possible heart attack or stroke, receiving an official diagnosis of late stage Lyme a month later. At first, doctors told Anderson that there was nothing wrong with her, despite her getting more ill with every passing day. Not wanting to complicate the story of \"The", "id": "6635504" }, { "contents": "Infectious Diseases Society of America\n\n\ncritical of the IDSA guidelines on Lyme disease. Both sides of the argument were outlined in the 2008 American documentary film \"Under Our Skin\". In 2006, Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal announced an antitrust investigation against the IDSA, accusing the IDSA Lyme disease panel of undisclosed conflicts of interest and of unduly dismissing alternative therapies and \"chronic\" Lyme disease. Blumenthal's investigation was closed on May 1, 2008 without charges when the IDSA agreed to submit its guidelines for review by a panel of independent scientists and physicians. Views", "id": "21374115" }, { "contents": "ROHHAD\n\n\ncaused by hypothalamic dysfunction in order to promote healthy development and prevent further problems. As the symptoms of ROHHAD are so diverse and the condition is so rare, the disease is often misdiagnosed as Cushing's disease or Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome when it first presents in patients. As the cause of ROHHAD is unknown, there is no way to prevent onset of the disease. There is no known cure for ROHHAD, therefore treatment for the disease involves managing symptoms as they manifest in the patient. As not all ROHHAD patients develop the", "id": "16517400" }, { "contents": "Mr. Eko\n\n\nunder the name Father Tunde. A monsignor asks him to investigate a reported miracle of a young lady who has come back to life after drowning. The girl's father, Richard Malkin, dismisses the miracle as an act of incompetence by the undertaker, claiming the girl was suffering from severe hypothermia and the doctor misdiagnosed her as a result. Eko soon prepares to board Oceanic Airlines Flight 815; shortly after buying a ticket, he encounters the girl whom the investigation is about. She tells Eko she saw Yemi as she was", "id": "13461847" }, { "contents": "Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta\n\n\nwith Parvovirus B19. It is commonly misdiagnosed as chickenpox or rosacea. Pleva is also often misidentified as a form of staph. The most accurate way to diagnose it is by biopsy. This disease has not been known to be life-threatening. However, there may be mutations of the disease that can cause ulcers on the exterior. It is not contagious and currently there is no cure for the disease, although the lesions can be treated with phototherapy as well as antibiotics, including erythromycin, azithromycin and tetracycline. Treatment often", "id": "17913103" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n'weaponised' ticks, infected with Lyme disease into the environment between 1950 and 1975. Prevention of Lyme disease is an important step in keeping dogs safe in endemic areas. Prevention education and a number of preventative measures are available. First, for dog owners who live near or who often frequent tick-infested areas, routine vaccinations of their dogs is an important step. Another crucial preventive measure is the use of persistent acaricides, such as topical repellents or pesticides that contain triazapentadienes (Amitraz), phenylpyrazoles (Fipronil),", "id": "11758015" }, { "contents": "Babesia\n\n\n\"Borrelia burgdorferi\", causative agent of Lyme disease. For reasons that remain unclear, in areas endemic to both Lyme disease and babesiosis, Lyme disease transmission prevails and is more predominant in the region. Prevalence of babesiosis in malaria-endemic regions remains unknown due to the likelihood of misdiagnosis as malaria. As the disease results in a high number of asympomatic individuals, many populations can possess high seroprevalence without much documentation of illness. For example, in Rhode Island and Nantucket, seroprevalence has been measured to be 20–25%.", "id": "3636712" }, { "contents": "Dorothy McKibbin\n\n\npotentially life-threatening disease. There was no treatment for it but bed rest, so he spent the entire 1937–38 school year in bed. Her father died from bronchial pneumonia on February 16, 1938. In 1938, she took Kevin to the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, along with her mother and her aunt Nana. The doctors there told them that Kevin had been misdiagnosed, and actually had tonsillitis. The tonsils were removed, and he left cured. When he started school again, McKibbin returned to her old job", "id": "8853933" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nsales. Research is ongoing to develop new vaccines. Lyme disease can affect multiple body systems and produce a broad range of symptoms. Not all patients with Lyme disease have all symptoms, and many of the symptoms are not specific to Lyme disease, but can occur with other diseases, as well. The incubation period from infection to the onset of symptoms is usually one to two weeks, but can be much shorter (days), or much longer (months to years). Lyme symptoms most often occur from May to", "id": "11757881" }, { "contents": "1924 Los Angeles pneumonic plague outbreak\n\n\n-old daughter, Francisca (Concha), also fell ill. She complained of fever and respiratory distress. A physician called to the house misdiagnosed the daughter with 'lobar pneumonia' which found out to be secondary plague pneumonia. The physician also misdiagnosed Lujan's bubonic plague as a venereal disease due to his enlarged lymph node. Even the City health officers' confirmation of the disease as pneumonia plague, the disease was referred as \"strange malady,\" \"pneumonia,\" \"virulent pneumonia,\" or \"malignant pneumonia", "id": "17205453" }, { "contents": "Ilkka Vartiovaara\n\n\ncollections of his magazine columns and essays discussing medicine from a more humanistic perspective. Several of these titles were about stress and burnout, a concept he is credited for originally bringing to Finland in 1984. In 1987 Vartiovaara got infected with Lyme disease on a conference trip to Vancouver. The illness wasn't known in Finland at the time and it took some time for him to acquire a diagnosis. Despite attempts at antibiotic treatment the late-stage Lyme disease eventually incapacitated him and he had to go on disability, though he continued", "id": "6658527" }, { "contents": "Occupational exposure to Lyme disease\n\n\ntheir questions answered by employers about Lyme disease on the job. Workers at risk of Lyme disease include, but are not limited to, those working in the following: NIOSH and the CDC recommend that employers protect their workers from Lyme disease. This can be accomplished by providing training that includes information about the following: Employers are also able to help prevent contracting Lyme disease in their workers by: If work in these higher-risk sites must occur, the following can reduce tick populations: Workers can protect themselves if they:", "id": "11012883" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n, a form of pathogen-induced autoimmune disease. The production of this reaction might be due to a form of molecular mimicry, where \"Borrelia\" avoids being killed by the immune system by resembling normal parts of the body's tissues. Chronic symptoms from an autoimmune reaction could explain why some symptoms persist even after the spirochetes have been eliminated from the body. This hypothesis may explain why chronic arthritis persists after antibiotic therapy, similar to rheumatic fever, but its wider application is controversial. Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms", "id": "11757913" }, { "contents": "Erythema migrans\n\n\nErythema migrans (New Latin, literally, \"migrating redness\") is an expanding rash often seen in the early stage of Lyme disease, and can also (but less commonly) be caused by southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI). It can appear anywhere from one day to one month after a tick bite. This rash does not represent an allergic reaction to the bite, but rather an actual skin infection of one of the Lyme bacteria species from the genus \"Borrelia\". \"Erythema migrans is the", "id": "9044204" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nred or bluish, and may have an elevated or darker center. In about 79% of cases in Europe but only 19% of cases in endemic areas of the U.S., the rash gradually clears from the center toward the edges, possibly forming a \"bull's eye\" pattern. The rash may feel warm but usually is not itchy, is rarely tender or painful, and takes up to four weeks to resolve if untreated. The EM rash is often accompanied by symptoms of a viral-like illness, including fatigue", "id": "11757884" }, { "contents": "Functional symptom\n\n\ncure. (To caricature this reasoning: \"I can't cure you: you must be mad\".) It is well established that psychosomatic symptoms are a real phenomenon, so this potential explanation is often plausible, not always easily refutable, and can be reassuring (at least for the doctor). Sometimes it is correct. For example, symptoms associated with migraine, epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease and many other conditions have all tended historically at first to be", "id": "147209" }, { "contents": "Acariasis\n\n\n(2) production of allergin, and (3) as a vector for parasitic diseases. The language used to describe mite infestation often does not distinguish among these. Most of the mites which cause this affliction to humans are from the order Acari, hence the name Acariasis. The entire taxonomic classification to order would be: Specific species involved include: Some of these reflect reports existing of human infestation by mites previously believed not to prey on humans. Medical doctors and dermatologists can still misdiagnose this rash as many are unfamiliar with", "id": "7536335" }, { "contents": "Borrelia burgdorferi\n\n\nof the diseases act synergistically, often proving to cause worse symptoms than a single infection alone Coinfected humans tend to display a more severe manifestation of Lyme disease. In addition, they tend to acquire a wider range of secondary symptoms, such as influenza-like symptoms. More studies and research must be done to determine the synergistic effect of co-infection and its effect on the human body. So far, there are three factors that may contribute to the severity of the clinical manifestation of Lyme Disease. The presence of ribosomal", "id": "10968161" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n6 weeks. About 94% of people have full recovery, but 5% need a permanent pacemaker and 1% end up with persistent heart block (the actual percentage may be higher because of unrecognized cases). Lyme myocardial complications usually are mild and self-limiting. However, in some cases Lyme carditis can be fatal. Recommended antibiotic treatments are effective in about 90% of Lyme arthritis cases, although it can take several months for inflammation to resolve and a second round of antibiotics is often necessary. Antibiotic-refractory", "id": "11757978" }, { "contents": "Ixodes holocyclus\n\n\nhas also been implicated in Q-Fever. Lyme Disease was first described in Europe in 1883, the 1970s in North America. It is an illness caused by a spiral bacterium called a spirochaete. The most common name for this spirochaete is Borrelia burgdorferi, but many different Borrelia species cause Lyme Disease worldwide. An Australian spirochaete has not been found in humans yet, and may be quite different from \"Borrelia burgdorferi\". Despite clinical case reports, it is still controversial as to whether Lyme disease can be contracted in Australia", "id": "11549119" }, { "contents": "Amblyomma americanum\n\n\n(\"Francisella tularensis\"), and southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI, possibly caused by the spirochete \"Borrelia lonestari\"). STARI exhibits a rash similar to that caused by Lyme disease, but is generally considered to be less severe. Though the primary bacterium responsible for Lyme disease, \"Borrelia burgdorferi\", has occasionally been isolated from lone star ticks, numerous vector competency tests have demonstrated that this tick is extremely unlikely to be capable of transmitting Lyme disease. Some evidence indicates \"A. americanum\" saliva", "id": "12693838" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nthis incredible, incredible gift that she was given, this gift that reached out and taught us all – taught us things about music we knew very well, but showed us new things, things we never thought about, new possibilities. I think that's why singers admire her so; I think that's why conductors admire her so; I know that's why I admire her so. And she paid a tremendously difficult and expensive price for this career. I don't think she always understood what she did or why", "id": "17351169" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n. The most common lingering nondisabling symptoms were headache, fatigue, altered sensation, joint pains, memory disturbances, malaise, radicular pain, sleep disturbances, muscle pains, and concentration disturbances. Lingering disabling symptoms included facial palsy and other impaired movement. Recovery from late neuroborreliosis tends to take longer and be less complete than from early neuroborreliosis, probably because of irreversible neurologic damage. About half the people with Lyme carditis progress to complete heart block, but it usually resolves in a week. Other Lyme heart conduction abnormalities resolve typically within", "id": "11757977" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nfor years. After antibiotic treatment, antibody tests become less useful. People treated when they have an EM rash often subsequently test negative for Lyme antibodies, whether treatment was successful or instead Lyme goes on to cause further complications. People treated later usually test positive before and after treatment, regardless of treatment success or failure. Better diagnostic tests are needed. The reliability of the CDC two-tiered protocol is controversial. Studies show the Western blot IgM has a specificity of 94–96% for people with clinical symptoms of early Lyme disease", "id": "11757920" }, { "contents": "Thalía\n\n\nattacks she has received from her older sister. In a press interview, Thalía stated that her familial problems with her sister are \"just a dark cloud in a shiny sky\". In 2008, Thalía was affected by Lyme disease, a disease commonly transmitted by ticks. The illness prevented her from promoting her album Lunada, while it functioned as a motivation for her to have a totally different perspective towards life. In reference to her illness, Thalía stated in her autobiography : \"I would sweat profusely, soaking my pajamas", "id": "5415824" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nsyndrome, Afzelius's disease, Montauk Knee or sheep tick fever. Since 1976 the disease is most often referred to as Lyme disease, Lyme borreliosis or simply borreliosis. In 1980, Steere, \"et al.\", began to test antibiotic regimens in adult patients with Lyme disease. In the same year, New York State Health Dept. epidemiologist Jorge Benach provided Willy Burgdorfer, a researcher at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, with collections of \"I. dammini\" [\"scapularis\"] from Shelter Island, New York", "id": "11758009" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nstates where Lyme disease is most common, the average was 31.6 cases for every 100,000 persons for the year 2005. Although Lyme disease has been reported in all states about 99% of all reported cases are confined to just five geographic areas (New England, Mid-Atlantic, East-North Central, South Atlantic, and West North-Central). New 2011 CDC Lyme case definition guidelines are used to determine confirmed CDC surveillance cases. Effective January 2008, the CDC gives equal weight to laboratory evidence from 1) a", "id": "11757991" }, { "contents": "Thomas C. Platt\n\n\n28, 1909, a case so severe that his doctor publicly predicted his patient's imminent demise. Platt recovered, however, convalescing until late in January 1910, when he was deemed well enough to return home to his Manhattan apartment. Seemingly restored to heath, Platt was suddenly stricken by a second attack of kidney disease at about 1 pm in the afternoon of March 6, 1910. His personal physician was called, but it was immediately deemed apparent that there would be no recovery in this second life-threatening incident.", "id": "12699126" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nthem is not recommended. Facial palsy may resolve without treatment, however, antibiotic treatment is recommended to stop other Lyme complications. Corticosteroids are not recommended when facial palsy is caused by Lyme disease. In those with facial palsy, frequent use of artificial tears while awake is recommended, along with ointment and a patch or taping the eye closed when sleeping. About a third of people with Lyme carditis need a temporary pacemaker until their heart conduction abnormality resolves, and 21% need to be hospitalized. Lyme carditis should not be treated", "id": "11757968" }, { "contents": "Farah strike\n\n\ncompany don't get paid for the time you are in the clinic. He [the company doctor] gives you some pills and you are back to work again, so the company doesn't lose any production.\" Many illnesses went misdiagnosed by the company doctor. As far as the retirement plan provided by Farah, several of the employees witnessed workers being terminated or forced to quit as they reached retirement age. In its 53 years of operation, pre-strike, no Farah workers were granted retirement.", "id": "5139050" }, { "contents": "Congenital myopathy\n\n\ninfancy or early childhood as non-progressive mild proximal weakness that persists throughout life. Central core disease is believed to be more prevalent than currently reported, as it is hard to recognize and often misdiagnosed in early childhood. Central core disease has been found to be allelic with malignant hyperthermia, which is a life-threatening anesthetic reaction that causes a rise in body temperature, muscular rigidity and muscular breakdown, grossly elevated creatine kinase, and acidosis. Central core disease is caused by a mutation in the RYR1 gene. Congenital fiber", "id": "8065056" }, { "contents": "Allen Steere\n\n\n\"were being done more harm than good\". Writing in the \"Journal of the American Medical Association\" (JAMA) in 1993, Steere and colleagues stated that Lyme disease had become \"overdiagnosed\" and overtreated. This statement became a rallying point for what advocacy groups call the Lyme disease controversy. In the face of some elements of mainstream medical opinion, some doctors and patient advocacy groups claim that Lyme disease can develop into a chronic disease requiring high doses of antibiotics over long periods of time. However aside from the", "id": "2332023" }, { "contents": "Disability-adjusted life year\n\n\non the economic productivity of persons at that age, but health-related quality of life measures are used to determine the disability weights, which range from 0 to 1 (no disability to 100% disabled) for all disease. These weights are based not on a person's ability to work, but rather on the effects of the disability on the person's life in general. This is why mental illness is one of the leading diseases as measured by global burden of disease studies, with depression accounting for 51.84 million DALYs", "id": "16550042" }, { "contents": "Inequality in disease\n\n\n. In contrast, men are less likely to have strong support networks, they have fewer doctor visits, and often cope with their illnesses on their own. Also, men and women express pain in different ways. Researchers have observed that women openly express feelings of pain, while men are more reserved in this regard and prefer to appear tough even when they experience severe mental or physical suffering. This finding suggests that this is due to socialization processes. Women are taught to be submissive and emotional, while men are taught to", "id": "624194" }, { "contents": "Violence against women in India\n\n\nare often fed less and are given less hearty diets that contain little to no butter, milk, or other more hearty foods. Even when girls are taught about the inequity they will face in life, boys are uneducated on this and are therefore unprepared to treat women and girls as equals. Later in life, the social climate continues to reinforce inequality, and consequently, violence against women. Married women in India tend to see violence as a routine part of being married. Women who are put in a situation where they", "id": "11346375" }, { "contents": "Brucellosis\n\n\ncertainly nearly identical and perhaps totally so, Evans then wondered why Malta fever was not widely diagnosed or reported in the United States. She began to wonder whether many cases of vaguely defined febrile illnesses were in fact caused by the drinking of raw (unpasteurized) milk. During the 1920s, this hypothesis was vindicated. Such illnesses ranged from undiagnosed and untreated gastrointestinal upset to misdiagnosed febrile and painful versions, some even fatal. This advance in bacteriological science sparked extensive changes in the American dairy industry to improve food safety. The changes", "id": "1345977" }, { "contents": "Sheena Cruickshank\n\n\nDisease. BBC Radio 4 broadcast in 2018 in the series \"The Life Scientific\" Sheena Cruickshank's reflections on her life and career. Her brother was passionate about science and particularly marine biology which inspired her to have an interest in science from an early age. His subsequent illness with cancer and death at a young age was a series of events that helped shape her curiosity about the immune system and why diseases happen. In 2009, Cruickshank co-created the \"Worm Wagon\", \"an interactive program that merges art", "id": "2153979" }, { "contents": "Ixodes ricinus\n\n\n(\"Rickettsia conorii\"), and the bacterium \"Anaplasma marginale\". Horses may be infected with Lyme disease, \"Anaplasma phagocytophila\", and the viral infection louping ill. Humans can become infected with Lyme disease, louping ill, Q fever, and tick-borne encephalitis. The parasitic wasp \"Ixodiphagus hookeri\" lays its eggs inside castor bean tick, though the castor bean tick is not \"I. hookeri\"'s sole host. The scientific name of the castor bean tick dates back to the starting point of", "id": "19445421" }, { "contents": "Kate Howard\n\n\n\"split personality\" storyline: Sullivan stated she'd love for Victoria Lord (Erika Slezak) and Jessica Buchanan (Bree Williamson) to crossover from \"One Life to Live\" to \"General Hospital\" to help Kate out with controlling her alter, \"Connie\". She described the disease as \"a scary thing. It's a mental illness and it's terrible, and how you work through it to get healthy is such a journey. That is why I am really happy that Ron is here at GH.", "id": "12310016" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\nthis sense, the goal of the label is not to identify particular objective facts that differentiate one medical condition from another; instead, the main goal is to validate the real suffering experienced by people living with an invisible illness and to provide social support for them as they cope with it. While there is general agreement on the optimal treatment for Lyme disease, the existence of chronic Lyme is generally rejected because there is no evidence of its existence. Even among those who believe in it, there is no consensus over its prevalence", "id": "4483300" }, { "contents": "Michael D. Lockshin\n\n\ndisease patients, gender and rheumatic disease, and neurological SLE. He has written three books for the general reading public. \"Guarded Prognosis: A Doctor and his Patients Talk about Chronic Disease and How to Cope With It\" (Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus and Giroux) was published in 1998. \"Dancing at the River’s Edge: A Patient and Her Doctor Negotiate a Life With Chronic Illness\" (Schaffner Press, Inc. 2009) is a personal dual memoir, written in collaboration with long", "id": "16687559" }, { "contents": "Ixodes holocyclus\n\n\n. Some doctors and health authorities believe it does, while others are adamant that it does not. Until the controversy is resolved patients with suspected Lyme-like Disease should be treated with an appropriate course of antibiotics because early treatment of Lyme Disease invariably results in a complete cure. Some vector competence studies have been undertaken on \"Ixodes holocyclus\" with respect to the Lyme disease pathogen \"Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto\" (with a United States strain). These suggested that the tick can not transmit this strain of spirochaete (.", "id": "11549120" }, { "contents": "Sociology of health and illness\n\n\nwill affect their work and Finnish people will quickly get treatment so they can return to work. This research out of Finland also describes that this relationship between patient and doctor is based on: The conflict between medical and lay worlds is prominent. On one hand many patients believe they are the expert of their own body and view the Doctor-patient relationship as authoritarian. These people will often use knowledge outside the medical field to deal with health and illness. Others see the doctor as the expert and are shy about describing their", "id": "2986094" }, { "contents": "Mastocytosis\n\n\nnormal life expectancy. The prognosis for patients with advanced systemic mastocytosis differs depending on type of disease with MCL being the most serious form with short survival. The true incidence and prevalence of mastocytosis is unknown, but mastocytosis generally has been considered to be an \"orphan disease\"; orphan diseases affect 200,000 or fewer people in the United States. Mastocytosis, however, often may be misdiagnosed, as it typically occurs secondary to another condition, and thus may occur more frequently than assumed. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases scientists", "id": "15836175" }, { "contents": "Medical tourism\n\n\nto mosquito-transmitted diseases, influenza, and tuberculosis. However, because in poor tropical nations diseases run the gamut, doctors seem to be more open to the possibility of considering any infectious disease, including HIV, TB, and typhoid, while there are cases in the West where patients were consistently misdiagnosed for years because such diseases are perceived to be \"rare\" in the West. The quality of post-operative care can also vary dramatically, depending on the hospital and country, and may be different from US or", "id": "10592328" }, { "contents": "HIV/AIDS\n\n\nto their nonspecific character, these symptoms are not often recognized as signs of HIV infection. Even cases that do get seen by a family doctor or a hospital are often misdiagnosed as one of the many common infectious diseases with overlapping symptoms. Thus, it is recommended that HIV be considered in people presenting with an unexplained fever who may have risk factors for the infection. The initial symptoms are followed by a stage called clinical latency, asymptomatic HIV, or chronic HIV. Without treatment, this second stage of the natural history of", "id": "21220042" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\n, headache, body aches, fever, and chills, but usually not nausea or upper-respiratory problems. These symptoms may also appear without a rash, or linger after the rash disappears. Lyme can progress to later stages without these symptoms or a rash. People with high fever for more than two days or whose other symptoms of viral-like illness do not improve despite antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease, or who have abnormally low levels of white or red cells or platelets in the blood, should be investigated for possible", "id": "11757885" }, { "contents": "The World Children's Winners Games\n\n\nfrom other children, so they can lead the same active life they had led before, since sport is the very opposite of the disease. For many gravely ill children the dream to take part in the Winners Games gave an impetus for recovery. \"When they are diseased, they think that it affects only them. But during such events children learn that everything can be overcome,\"\" says Chulpan Khamatova, actress and founder of the Gift of Life foundation.\" For doctors and staff of the Gift of Life Foundation", "id": "21588327" }, { "contents": "Mental health in Russia\n\n\n. The police are reluctant to investigate offences committed by the mentally ill. After receiving the information about their disease, the bodies of inquiry very often stop the investigation and do not bring it to the level of investigative actions. Thereby psychiatry becomes a cloak for the course of justice and, by doing so, serves as a source for the rightlessness and stigmatization of both psychiatrists and persons with mental disorders. The negative attitude to psychiatrists is thereby supported by the state machine and is accompanied by the aggression against the doctors, which", "id": "11384006" }, { "contents": "Intellect\n\n\nThe purpose of intellectualization is to isolate Id and make conscious aspects of life the only object of reflection and consideration. Therefore, this defense mechanism aims to protect ego from unconscious processes, which are often impossible to handle and control. One of the ways to launch intellectualization is to use jargon and complex scientific terms instead of regularly used words. A common example is saying “carcinoma” instead of “cancer” if a doctor wants to mitigate the effect of announcing the disease by driving patient’s attention away from the illness", "id": "8448875" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\nprimary vector for STARI. In some parts of the geographical distribution of STARI, Lyme disease is quite rare (e.g., Arkansas), so patients in these regions experiencing Lyme-like symptoms—especially if they follow a bite from a lone-star tick—should consider STARI as a possibility. It is generally a milder condition than Lyme and typically responds well to antibiotic treatment. In recent years there have been 5 to 10 cases a year of a disease similar to Lyme occurring in Montana. It occurs primarily in pockets", "id": "11757996" }, { "contents": "Babesiosis\n\n\n\"B. disticha\" is a member of the daffodil family Amaryllidaceae and has also been used in preparations employed as arrow poisons, hallucinogens, and in embalming. The plant is rich in alkaloids, some of which display an action similar to that of scopolamine. Babesiosis is a vector-borne illness usually transmitted by \"Ixodes scapularis\" ticks. \"B. microti\" uses the same tick vector as Lyme disease, and may occur in conjunction with Lyme. The organism can also be transmitted by blood transfusion. Ticks of domestic animals", "id": "19421546" }, { "contents": "Retirement community\n\n\n, so LGBT persons may have a lack of support in their retirement years. Since LGBT couples are often not legally recognized, spouses are often excluded in late-life decisions, inheritance claims, and spousal pension and social security plans. Several healthcare concerns exist for older LGBT adults, including increased incidence of illness and disease, lack of disclosure about sexual orientation to health providers, and lack of support for individual needs. And LGBT persons have increasing concern about discrimination as they age and fear that most retirement communities do not recognize", "id": "17997428" }, { "contents": "Borrelia\n\n\n\"B. burgdorferi\" \"sensu lato\", while \"B. burgdorferi\" itself is specified as \"B. burgdorferi\" \"sensu stricto\". \"B. burgdorferi\" was previously believed to be the only species to cause Lyme disease in the US, with the other two existing only in Europe and Asia, but a new species called \"B. mayonii\" has caused Lyme disease in the US, as well. Relapsing fever (RF) borreliosis often occurs with severe bacteremia. Twenty-five species of \"Borrelia \" are known", "id": "13758785" }, { "contents": "Lyme disease\n\n\ndizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Other symptoms of Lyme disease may also be present, such as EM rash, joint aches, facial palsy, headaches, or radicular pain. In some people, however, carditis may be the first manifestation of Lyme disease. Lyme carditis in 19-87% of people adversely impacts the heart's electrical conduction system, causing atrioventricular block that often manifests as heart rhythms that alternate within minutes between abnormally slow and abnormally fast. In 10-15% of people", "id": "11757892" } ]
What causes the pain from a headache?
[{"answer": "It really depends. There are several types of headaches: tension, cluster, migraine, and some others that are much more rare. ELI5, round one for the major causes: Little pipes full of blood pump that blood to your brain. Sometimes the pipes get too big, which causes little pain wires to get excited. This hurts. (ELI20: vasodilation causes stimulation of the nociceptors, which your brain interprets as pain.) ELI5, round two: sometimes we tense our muscles too much, which causes the same pain wires to fire. This hurts. (ELI20: tension headaches can be caused by muscle tension, often secondary to stress. Eliminate the tension or stress, or both, and the pain should subside. One way to do this is to flex the muscle that is causing the pain- often the trapezoids- shrug your shoulders to your ears until the muscles are very tense, then allow them to fall limp.) ELI5, round three: Sometimes our bodies suck. Your head can get ouchy because of this. (ELI20: genetics can predispose us to migraines. This is unfortunate, and we should try to avoid any \"triggers.\" Triggers are usually things like caffeine, coffee, chocolate, etc.) NB: If you want to know more, I suggest reading [this section]( URL_0 ) of the wikipedia entry for headaches. It has a lot of information, but what you should try to key in on is the type, location, and duration of the pain. This can help you when you talk to your primary care provider about fixing the problem. Hope you feel better! :)"}, {"answer": "The most common type of headache is caused from the muscles in your scalp and neck being too tense. We don't know what causes Migraines though."}, {"answer": "Pinch the bridge of your nose. Headache relief from doctor oz"}, {"answer": "Most of the time when I had a headache, drinking a glass of water or two would make it go away in 30 minutes or so. Dehydration, because I was fairly active :)"}, {"answer": "High blood pressure caused my daily headaches for many years. Get yours checked. 1 little pill every day and no more headaches for me..."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21438200", "title": "Synesthesia", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. People who report a lifelong history of such experiences are known as synesthetes. Awareness of synesthetic perceptions varies from person to person.", "Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Headache\n\n\npain arising from the neck muscles). Medication overuse headache may occur in those using excessive painkillers for headaches, paradoxically causing worsening headaches. More serious causes of secondary headaches include: Gastrointestinal disorders may cause headaches, including Helicobacter pylori infection, celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroparesis, and hepatobiliary disorders. The treatment of the gastrointestinal disorders may lead to a remission or improvement of headaches. The brain itself is not sensitive to pain, because it lacks pain receptors. However", "id": "20109116" }, { "contents": "Orthostatic headache\n\n\ncauses loss of CSF volume around the brain. This causes the brain to lose its buoyancy, which results in pressure on pain-sensitive areas like the dura and blood vessels. The pain is what results in a headache, and because the brain is more reliant on its buoyancy in an upright position the headache can be relieved by switching to a horizontal position. Cerebrospinal fluid leaks are diagnosed by performing different tests. A diagnostic dural puncture is commonly used because its results show the presence of a leak easily. Other types of", "id": "2490149" }, { "contents": "Cold-stimulus headache\n\n\nA cold-stimulus headache, colloquially known as an ice-cream headache or brain freeze, is a form of brief pain or headache commonly associated with consumption (particularly quick consumption) of cold beverages or foods such as ice cream and ice pops. It is caused by having something cold touch the roof of the mouth, and is believed to result from a nerve response causing rapid constriction and swelling of blood vessels or a \"referring\" of pain from the roof of the mouth to the head. The rate of intake", "id": "991987" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nHeadache is the symptom of pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It occurs in migraines (sharp, or throbbing pains), tension-type headaches, and cluster headaches. Frequent headaches can affect relationships and employment. There is also an increased risk of depression in those with severe headaches. Headaches can occur as a result of many conditions whether serious or not. There are a number of different classification systems for headaches. The most well-recognized is that of the International Headache Society. Causes of headaches", "id": "20109111" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nis a type of primary headache. While primary headaches may cause significant daily pain and disability, they are not dangerous. Secondary headaches are caused by an underlying disease, like an infection, head injury, vascular disorders, brain bleed or tumors. Secondary headaches can be harmless or dangerous. Certain \"red flags\" or warning signs indicate a secondary headache may be dangerous. 90% of all headaches are primary headaches. Primary headaches usually first start when people are between 20 and 40 years old. The most common types of", "id": "20109114" }, { "contents": "Vascular headache\n\n\nA vascular headache is an outdated term to describe certain types of headache which were thought to be related to blood vessel swelling and hyperemia as cause of pain. There is no doubt that \"some\" headaches are caused by vascular effects. However, it is no longer a recognized term and not mentioned in the Headache classification of the International Headache society (IHS), although it is still used by some physicians and still mentioned in some medical classification systems. There are many types of vascular headaches. Other types of vascular headaches", "id": "19654839" }, { "contents": "Medication overuse headache\n\n\nMedication overuse headache (MOH), also known as rebound headache usually occurs when analgesics are taken frequently to relieve headaches. Rebound headaches frequently occur daily, can be very painful and are a common cause of chronic daily headache. They typically occur in patients with an underlying headache disorder such as migraine or tension-type headache that \"transforms\" over time from an episodic condition to chronic daily headache due to excessive intake of acute headache relief medications. MOH is a serious, disabling and well-characterized disorder, which represents a", "id": "15240886" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nhead trauma or tumors and cause headaches. Blood vessel spasms, dilated blood vessels, inflammation or infection of meninges and muscular tension can also stimulate nociceptors and cause pain. Once stimulated, a nociceptor sends a message up the length of the nerve fiber to the nerve cells in the brain, signaling that a part of the body hurts. Primary headaches are more difficult to understand than secondary headaches. The exact mechanisms which cause migraines, tension headaches and cluster headaches are not known. There have been different hypotheses over time which attempt", "id": "20109118" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nthey may have a mass or a bleed that is gradually growing, pressing on surrounding structures and causing worsening pain. People with neurological findings on exam, such as weakness, also need further workup. The American Headache Society recommends using \"SSNOOP\", a mnemonic to remember the red flags for identifying a secondary headache: Other red flag symptoms include: Old headaches are usually primary headaches and are not dangerous. They are most often caused by migraines or tension headaches. Migraines are often unilateral, pulsing headaches accompanied by nausea or", "id": "20109125" }, { "contents": "Opioid\n\n\n. Opioids can also cause heightened sensitivity to headache pain. When other treatments fail or are unavailable, opioids may be appropriate for treating headache if the patient can be monitored to prevent the development of chronic headache. Opioids are being used more frequently in the management of non-malignant chronic pain. This practice has now led to a new and growing problem with addiction and misuse of opioids. Because of various negative effects the use of opioids for long-term management of chronic pain is not indicated unless other less risky pain relievers", "id": "21329164" }, { "contents": "Tension headache\n\n\nwere being squeezed in a vice. The pain is frequently present on both sides of the head at the same time. Tension-type headache pain is typically mild to moderate but may be severe. According to the third edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders, the attacks must meet the following criteria: Tension-type headaches may be accompanied by tenderness of the scalp on manual pressure during an attack. Various precipitating factors may cause tension-type headaches in susceptible individuals: Although the musculature of the head and neck and", "id": "15240792" }, { "contents": "Pituitary adenoma\n\n\nduring pregnancy, when the hormone progesterone increases the tumor's growth rate. Various types of headaches are common in patients with pituitary adenomas. The adenoma may be the prime causative factor behind the headache or may serve to exacerbate a headache caused by other factors. Amongst the types of headaches experienced are both chronic and episodic migraine, and more uncommonly various unilateral headaches; primary stabbing headache, short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) - another type of stabbing headache characterized by short stabs of pain", "id": "12747838" }, { "contents": "Tension headache\n\n\npsychological factors such as stress may play a role in the overall pathophysiology of TTH, neither is currently believed to be the sole cause of the development of TTH. The pathologic basis of TTH is most likely derived from a combination of personal factors, environmental factors, and alteration of both peripheral and central pain pathways. Peripheral pain pathways receive pain signals from pericranial (around the head) myofascial tissue (protective tissue of muscles) and alteration of this pathway likely underlies episodic tension-type headache (ETTH). In addition to", "id": "15240793" }, { "contents": "Pain management in children\n\n\nsignificant amount of missed school days. Chronic pain is present for long periods of time and is characterized as mild to severe. Chronic pain has also been described as the pain experienced when the child reports a headache, abdominal pain, back pain, generalized pain or combination of these. Chronic pain can develop from disease or injury and can occur simultaneously with acute pain. Children who experience chronic pain can have psychological effects. Caring for a child in pain may cause distress to the caregiver, may cause costs due to healthcare or", "id": "18370367" }, { "contents": "Sexual headache\n\n\nSexual headaches are a type of headache that occur in the skull and neck during sexual activity, including masturbation or orgasm. These headaches are usually benign, but occasionally are caused by intracranial hemorrhage and cerebral infarction, especially if the pain is sudden and severe. They may be caused by general exertion, sexual excitement, or contraction of the neck and facial muscles. Most cases can be successfully treated with medication. According to the third edition of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD), which terms this condition \"primary", "id": "15213662" }, { "contents": "Poor posture\n\n\neven jaw pain.\" Some headaches are the result of poor head posture. The decrease and even loss of shoulder movement along with chronic pain, neck-related headaches and the decline in the ability to exercise as well as many other problems stem from poor posture. Injuries and pain caused by poor posture span a wide variety of people. All areas of the spine are equally important when it comes to posture. Poor posture is a physical as well as an emotional problem. It affects mood, confidence and how one is", "id": "10254256" }, { "contents": "Breast hypertrophy\n\n\n. Also, larger bras are more costly, challenging to find, and unflattering to the wearer. Ill-fitting bras with narrow straps can cause chronic irritation, redness, and indentations in the shoulders. Skin rashes under the breasts are common, particularly during warm weather. Heavy breasts may cause headaches, neck pain, upper and lower back pain, and numbness or tingling in the fingers. Insurance companies in the United States typically require the physician to provide evidence that a woman's large breasts cause headaches or back and neck", "id": "8883347" }, { "contents": "Cold-stimulus headache\n\n\nand nerve implicated in \"brain freeze\" cause the aura (sensory disturbance) and pulsatile (throbbing pain) phases of migraines. It is possible to suffer from a cold-stimulus headache in both hot and cold weather, because the effect relies upon the temperature of the food being consumed rather than that of the environment. Other causes that may mimic the sensation of cold-stimulus headache include that produced when high speed drilling is performed through the inner table of the skull in people undergoing such a procedure in an awake or", "id": "991991" }, { "contents": "Opioid\n\n\ntreating chronic pain, opioids are an option to be tried after other less risky pain relievers have been considered, including paracetamol/acetaminophen or NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen. Some types of chronic pain, including the pain caused by fibromyalgia or migraine, are preferentially treated with drugs other than opioids. The efficacy of using opioids to lessen chronic neuropathic pain is uncertain. Opioids are contraindicated as a first-line treatment for headache because they impair alertness, bring risk of dependence, and increase the risk that episodic headaches will become chronic", "id": "21329163" }, { "contents": "Thunderclap headache\n\n\nthe pressure rise further, such as coughing. In 2–10% of cases, the headache is of thunderclap character. In most cases there are other neurological abnormalities, such as seizures and weakness of part of the body, but in 15–30% the headache is the only abnormality. Carotid artery dissection and vertebral artery dissection (together cervical artery dissection), in which a tear forms inside the wall of the blood vessels that supply the brain, often causes pain on the affected side of the head or neck. The pain usually", "id": "3325470" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nhematoma), brain abscesses, meningitis and ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction. Only 4–6.9% of kids with a headache have a serious cause. Just as in adults, most headaches are benign, but when head pain is accompanied with other symptoms such as speech problems, muscle weakness, and loss of vision, a more serious underlying cause may exist: hydrocephalus, meningitis, encephalitis, abscess, hemorrhage, tumor, blood clots, or head trauma. In these cases, the headache evaluation may include CT scan or MRI in order to", "id": "20109153" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nprimary headaches are migraines and tension-type headaches. They have different characteristics. Migraines typically present with pulsing head pain, nausea, photophobia (sensitivity to light) and phonophobia (sensitivity to sound). Tension-type headaches usually present with non-pulsing \"bandlike\" pressure on both sides of the head, not accompanied by other symptoms. Other very rare types of primary headaches include: Headaches may be caused by problems elsewhere in the head or neck. Some of these are not harmful, such as cervicogenic headache (", "id": "20109115" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\ncervicogenic headache (headache caused by pain in muscles of the neck) are also possible diagnoses. For chronic, unexplained headaches, keeping a headache diary can be useful for tracking symptoms and identifying triggers, such as association with menstrual cycle, exercise and food. While mobile electronic diaries for smartphones are becoming increasingly common, a recent review found most are developed with a lack of evidence base and scientific expertise. New headaches are more likely to be dangerous secondary headaches. They can, however, simply be the first presentation of a", "id": "20109129" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\n). Dilation of these extracranial blood vessels activates the pain receptors in the surrounding nerves, causing a headache. The vascular theory is no longer accepted. Studies have shown migraine head pain is not accompanied by extracranial vasodilation, but rather only has some mild intracranial vasodilation. Currently, most specialists think migraines are due to a primary problem with the nerves in the brain. Auras are thought to be caused by a wave of increased activity of neurons in the cerebral cortex (a part of the brain) known as cortical spreading depression", "id": "20109120" }, { "contents": "Cold-stimulus headache\n\n\nsedated state. Another theory into the cause of cold-stimulus headaches is explained by increased blood flow to the brain through the anterior cerebral artery, which supplies oxygenated blood to most medial portions of the frontal lobes and superior medial parietal lobes. This increase in blood volume and resulting increase in size in this artery is thought to bring on the pain associated with a cold-stimulus headache. When the anterior cerebral artery constricts, reining in the response to this increased blood volume, the pain disappears. The dilation, then quick", "id": "991992" }, { "contents": "Post-concussion syndrome\n\n\ncauses of headaches, as well. Furthermore, the headaches may be better accounted for by mechanical causes, such as whiplash, which is often mistaken for PCS. An additional possibility is that Post-traumatic Stress Disorder can account for some cases diagnosed as PCS, but for emotional regulation as well. Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and chronic pain share symptoms resembling those of PCS. One study found that while people with chronic pain without TBI do report many symptoms similar to those of post-concussion syndrome, they", "id": "11725920" }, { "contents": "Cysteamine\n\n\n, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension that can cause headache, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, double or blurry vision, loss of vision, and pain behind the eye or pain with eye movement. The main side effects are Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, severe skin rashes, ulcers or bleeding in the stomach and intestines, central nervous symptoms, low white blood cell levels, elevated alkaline phosphatase, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). IIH can cause headache, ringing in the ears, dizziness, nausea, blurry", "id": "13382430" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nAccording to this system, there are 19 types of neuralgias and headaches due to different central causes of facial pain. Moreover, the ICHD-2 includes a category that contains all the headaches that cannot be classified. Although the ICHD-2 is the most complete headache classification there is and it includes frequency in the diagnostic criteria of some types of headaches (primarily primary headaches), it does not specifically code frequency or severity which are left at the discretion of the examiner. The NIH classification consists of brief definitions of a limited number of", "id": "20109141" }, { "contents": "IHunch\n\n\niHunch (also called iPosture, forward head posture, poking chin posture, computer neck, text neck, and dowager's hump.) is the common spinal problem of an excessively kyphotic (hunched) thoracic spine driving neck pain and cervicogenic headache. Much bending forward has always caused the problems of a hunched upper back and neck pain, for example in dentists, surgeons, and hairdressers.  What has changed in the last decade is the amount, especially in a younger generation who have grown up bending over laptops, tablets and", "id": "10294434" }, { "contents": "Causes of cancer pain\n\n\nviscera, acute inflammation of the peritoneum appears, inducing severe abdominal pain. Pleural carcinomatosis is normally painless. Invasion of soft tissue by a tumor can cause pain by inflammatory or mechanical stimulation of nociceptors, or destruction of mobile structures such as ligaments, tendons and skeletal muscles. Some diagnostic procedures, such as venipuncture, paracentesis, and thoracentesis can be painful. Lumbar puncture Post-dural-puncture headache Potentially painful cancer treatments include immunotherapy which may produce joint or muscle pain; radiotherapy, which can cause skin reactions, enteritis,", "id": "6240986" }, { "contents": "Cancer pain\n\n\ngenitalia or perineum. Some diagnostic procedures, such as lumbar puncture (see post-dural-puncture headache), venipuncture, paracentesis, and thoracentesis can be painful. Potentially painful cancer treatments include: The chemical changes associated with infection of a tumor or its surrounding tissue can cause rapidly escalating pain, but infection is sometimes overlooked as a possible cause. One study found that infection was the cause of pain in four percent of nearly 300 people with cancer who were referred for pain relief. Another report described seven people with cancer", "id": "9051782" }, { "contents": "Psychogenic pain\n\n\nPsychogenic pain is physical pain that is caused, increased, or prolonged by mental, emotional, or behavioral factors. Headache, back pain, or stomach pain are some of the most common types of psychogenic pain. It may occur, rarely, in persons with a mental disorder, but more commonly it accompanies or is induced by social rejection, broken heart, grief, lovesickness, or other such emotional events. Sufferers are often stigmatized, because both medical professionals and the general public tend to think that pain from psychological source", "id": "10408629" }, { "contents": "Coenurosis in humans\n\n\nand muscle movements. Many of these symptoms are due to the buildup of inter-cranial pressure from the growing cyst or from the cyst pressing on other parts of brain. When the cyst occurs in the spinal cord, it can cause severe pain and inflammation, and loss of feeling in some nerves. When the cyst occurs in the eyes, it causes decreased vision and headaches. In the muscular and subcutaneous tissues, the cyst causes disfiguring nodules that can protrude out of the body. These nodules can be painful, uncomfortable", "id": "14631421" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nmay include dehydration, fatigue, sleep deprivation, stress, the effects of medications, the effects of recreational drugs, viral infections, loud noises, common colds, head injury, rapid ingestion of a very cold food or beverage, and dental or sinus issues. Treatment of a headache depends on the underlying cause, but commonly involves pain medication. A headache is one of the most commonly experienced of all physical discomforts. About half of adults have a headache in a given year. Tension headaches are the most common, affecting", "id": "20109112" }, { "contents": "Aspirin\n\n\ncombinations of aspirin and caffeine provide slightly greater pain relief than aspirin alone. Effervescent formulations of aspirin relieve pain faster than aspirin in tablets, which makes them useful for the treatment of migraines. Topical aspirin may be effective for treating some types of neuropathic pain. Aspirin, either by itself or in a combined formulation, effectively treats certain types of a headache, but its efficacy may be questionable for others. Secondary headaches, meaning those caused by another disorder or trauma, should be promptly treated by a medical provider. Among primary", "id": "1420454" }, { "contents": "Barré–Liéou syndrome\n\n\nregarded by many current medical researchers as synonymous with cervicogenic headache. Thus, the original works of Barré and Liéou were foundational in identifying a crucial feature which distinguishes cervicogenic headache from other headache syndromes—the concept that the pain originates from a structural abnormality in the cervical spine. One test to check for Barré–Liéou syndrome is through the use of thermography. An MRI study may also be conducted to rule out any structural problems in the neck which may be the cause of this syndrome. Some of the treatments for this disorder", "id": "22102976" }, { "contents": "Cluster headache\n\n\n, particularly above the eye, in the temple. The pain is typically greater than in other headache conditions, including migraines. The pain is typically described as burning, stabbing, drilling or squeezing, and may be located near or behind the eye. As a result of the pain, those with cluster headaches may experience suicidal thoughts during an attack (giving the alternative name \"suicide headache\" or \"suicidal headache\"). It is reported as one of the most painful conditions. The typical symptoms of cluster headache include", "id": "11621372" }, { "contents": "Temporomandibular joint dysfunction\n\n\na result of abnormal muscular function or hyperactivity. The muscular pain is frequently, but not always, associated with daytime clenching or nocturnal bruxism. Sometimes TMD pain can radiate or be referred from its cause (i.e. the TMJ or the muscles of mastication) and be felt as headaches, earache or toothache. Due to the proximity of the ear to the temporomandibular joint, TMJ pain can often be confused with ear pain. The pain may be referred in around half of all patients and experienced as otalgia (earache). Conversely", "id": "12052806" }, { "contents": "Tension headache\n\n\nTension headache, also known as tension-type headache (TTH), is the most common type of primary headache. The pain can radiate from the lower back of the head, the neck, eyes or other muscle groups in the body typically affecting both sides of the head. Tension-type headaches account for nearly 90% of all headaches. Pain medication, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are effective for the treatment of tension headache. Tricyclic antidepressants appear to be useful for prevention. Evidence is poor for SSRIs,", "id": "15240788" }, { "contents": "Temporomandibular joint dysfunction\n\n\na \"central sensitivity syndrome\", in reference to evidence that TMD might be caused by a centrally mediated sensitivity to pain. It is hypothesized that there is a great deal of similarity between TMD and other pain syndromes like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, interstitial cystitis, headache, chronic lower back pain and chronic neck pain. These disorders have also been theorized to be caused by centrally mediated sensitivity to pain, and furthermore they often occur together. Frequently, TMD has been treated as a single syndrome, but the prevailing modern", "id": "12052764" }, { "contents": "Pain and pleasure\n\n\nnecessary for fitness, such as childbirth. Like the opponent-process theory, if the body can induce pleasure or pain relief to decrease the effect of pain, it would allow human beings to be able to make the best evolutionary decisions for survival. The following neurological and/or mental diseases have been linked to forms of pain or anhedonia: schizophrenia, depression, addiction, cluster headache, chronic pain. A great deal of what is known about pain and pleasure today primarily comes from studies conducted with rats and primates. Deep brain", "id": "19492457" }, { "contents": "Thunderclap headache\n\n\nvenous sinus thrombosis, and dissection of an artery in the neck. In subarachnoid hemorrhage, there may be syncope (transient loss of consciousness), seizures, meningism (neck pain and stiffness), visual symptoms, and vomiting. 50–70% of people with subarachnoid hemorrhage have an isolated headache without decreased level of consciousness. The headache typically persists for several days. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, thrombosis of the veins of the brain, usually causes a headache that reflects raised intracranial pressure and is therefore made worse by anything that makes", "id": "3325469" }, { "contents": "Cluster headache\n\n\nlasting weeks, months, or years. Approximately 10–15% of cluster headaches are chronic, with multiple headaches occurring every day for years, sometimes without any remission. In accordance with the International Headache Society (IHS) diagnostic criteria, cluster headaches occurring in two or more cluster periods, lasting from 7 to 365 days with a pain-free remission of one month or longer between the headache attacks, may be classified as episodic. If headache attacks occur for more than a year without pain-free remission of at least one", "id": "11621377" }, { "contents": "Migraine\n\n\nfollowing 72 hours. Spinal manipulation for treating an ongoing migraine headache is not supported by evidence. It is recommended that opioids and barbiturates not be used due to questionable efficacy, addictive potential, and the risk of rebound headache. Ibuprofen helps decrease pain in children with migraines. Paracetamol does not appear to be effective in providing pain relief. Triptans are effective, though there is a risk of causing minor side effects like taste disturbance, nasal symptoms, dizziness, fatigue, low energy, nausea, or vomiting. Topiramate and botulinum", "id": "946230" }, { "contents": "Cephalalgiaphobia\n\n\nCephalalgiaphobia is fear of headaches or getting a headache. Cephalalgia is a Latin-based term for a headache, cephalic meaning head, and algia meaning pain. Harvey Featherstone introduced this phobia in the mid-1980s as a fear of having headache or migraine pain during a pain-free period Patients with this phobia overuse analgesic medication to avoid headaches. Patients who experience these fears have a history of frequent migraines. To avoid a future headache or migraine a patient will intake analgesic medication to improve their headache. However, doctors do not prescribe", "id": "22144028" }, { "contents": "Cluster headache\n\n\nwere historically described as vascular headaches, with the belief that intense pain was caused by dilation of blood vessels which in turn, was thought to create pressure on the trigeminal nerve. The vascular theory has been called into question and other mechanisms are being considered. The Third Edition of the Internal Classification of Headache disorders classifies CH as belonging to the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias. Cluster headache may, but rarely, run in some families in an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. People with a first degree relative with the condition are about 14–48 times", "id": "11621379" }, { "contents": "Cluster headache\n\n\nprimary or secondary headache syndrome. Cluster-like head pain may be diagnosed as secondary headache rather than cluster headache. A detailed oral history aids practitioners in correct differential diagnosis, as there are no confirmatory tests for CH. A headache diary can be useful in tracking when and where pain occurs, how severe it is, and how long the pain lasts. A record of coping strategies used may help distinguish between headache type; data on frequency, severity and duration of headache attacks are a necessary tool for initial and correct differential", "id": "11621383" }, { "contents": "Multiple sclerosis signs and symptoms\n\n\nhealth of the sufferer. Certain types of pain are thought to sometimes appear after a lesion to the ascending or descending tracts that control the transmission of painful stimulus, such as the anterolateral system, but many other causes are also possible. The most prevalent types of pain are thought to be headaches (43%), dysesthetic limb pain (26%), back pain (20%), painful spasms (15%), painful Lhermitte's phenomenon (16%) and Trigeminal Neuralgia (3%). These", "id": "13412909" }, { "contents": "NIH classification of headaches\n\n\nof facial and neck muscles; they may radiate to the forehead. Tension headache is the most common form of myogenic headache. Cervicogenic headache originates from disorders of the neck, including the anatomical structures innervated by the cervical roots C1–C3. Cervical headache is often precipitated by neck movement and/or sustained awkward head positioning. It is often accompanied by restricted cervical range of motion, ipsilateral neck, shoulder, or arm pain of a rather vague non-radicular nature or, occasionally, arm pain of a radicular nature. Traction and inflammatory headaches", "id": "9635241" }, { "contents": "Cadmium poisoning\n\n\nof the nose and throat, headache, dizziness, weakness, fever, chills, and chest pain. Inhaling cadmium-laden dust quickly leads to respiratory tract and kidney problems which can be fatal (often from renal failure). Ingestion of any significant amount of cadmium causes immediate poisoning and damage to the liver and the kidneys. Compounds containing cadmium are also carcinogenic. The bones become soft (\"osteomalacia\"), lose bone mineral density (\"osteoporosis\") and become weaker. This causes pain in the joints and", "id": "675617" }, { "contents": "Toothache\n\n\nzoster (maxillary or mandibular division), trigeminal neuralgia, cluster headache, and trigeminal neuropathies. Very rarely, a brain tumor might cause toothache. Another chronic facial pain syndrome which can mimic toothache is temporomandibular disorder (temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome), which is very common. Toothache which has no identifiable dental or medical cause is often termed atypical odontalgia, which, in turn, is usually considered a type of atypical facial pain (or persistent idiopathic facial pain). Atypical odontalgia may give very unusual symptoms, such", "id": "5102185" }, { "contents": "Gertrude Prosperi\n\n\n. On the pain of the Passion of Christ that she felt Prosperi said: \"Oh God, what pain!\" Her health took on a rapid downfall in 1847 and grew worse during Holy Week. The evening before Palm Sunday saw her suffocate after a period of illness though she recovered from that but was confined to bed by Holy Thursday, unable to move and with strong pains. Easter saw her health improve but it declined not long after with a high fever and a series of painful headaches. In August 1847 she", "id": "5074272" }, { "contents": "Phantom eye syndrome\n\n\nand postoperative phantom pain. There is a significant association between painful and non-painful phantom experiences, preoperative pain in the symptomatic eye and headache. Based on the present data, it is difficult to determine if headaches or preoperative eye pain play a causal role in the development of phantom phenomena or if headache, preoperative eye pain, and postoperative phantom eye experiences are only epiphenomena of an underlying factor. However, a study in humans demonstrated that experimental pain leads to a rapid reorganization of the somatosensory cortex. This study suggests that", "id": "15009630" }, { "contents": "Rift Valley fever\n\n\nRift Valley fever (RVF) is a viral disease that can cause mild to severe symptoms. The mild symptoms may include: fever, muscle pains, and headaches which often last for up to a week. The severe symptoms may include: loss of sight beginning three weeks after the infection, infections of the brain causing severe headaches and confusion, and bleeding together with liver problems which may occur within the first few days. Those who have bleeding have a chance of death as high as 50%. The disease is caused", "id": "6722932" }, { "contents": "Lymphocytic meningoradiculitis\n\n\nLymphocytic meningoradiculitis, also known as Bannwarth syndrome, is a neurological disease characterized as intense nerve pain radiating from the spine. The disease is caused by an infection of \"Borrelia burgdorferi\", a tick-borne spirochete bacterium also responsible for causing Lyme disease. Lymphocytic meningoradiculitis is characterized by an intense spinal pain in the lumbar and cervical regions, radiating to the extremities. Symptoms may include facial paralysis, abducens palsy, anorexia, tiredness, headache, double vision, paraesthesia, and erythema migrans. The disease was first reported in", "id": "2766971" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nto explain what happens in the brain to cause these headaches. Migraines are currently thought to be caused by dysfunction of the nerves in the brain. Previously, migraines were thought to be caused by a primary problem with the blood vessels in the brain. This vascular theory, which was developed in the 20th century by Wolff, suggested that the aura in migraines is caused by constriction of intracranial vessels (vessels inside the brain), and the headache itself is caused by rebound dilation of extracranial vessels (vessels just outside the brain", "id": "20109119" }, { "contents": "Pain\n\n\n, or the sensation of fire running down the legs or of a knife twisting in the flesh. Onset may be immediate or may not occur until years after the disabling injury. Surgical treatment rarely provides lasting relief. Psychogenic pain, also called \"psychalgia\" or \"somatoform pain\", is pain caused, increased, or prolonged by mental, emotional, or behavioral factors. Headache, back pain, and stomach pain are sometimes diagnosed as psychogenic. Sufferers are often stigmatized, because both medical professionals and the general public tend", "id": "4739020" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nthe following factors independently each increase the chance of migraine over tension type headache: nausea, photophobia, phonophobia, exacerbation by physical activity, unilateral, throbbing quality, chocolate as headache trigger, cheese as headache trigger. Cluster headaches are relatively rare (1 in 1000 people) and are more common in men than women. They present with sudden onset explosive pain around one eye and are accompanied by autonomic symptoms (tearing, runny nose and red eye). Temporomandibular jaw pain (chronic pain in the jaw joint), and", "id": "20109128" }, { "contents": "Emotional conflict\n\n\nmoment later she develops a blinding headache and shows other signs of distress. Without consciously noticing it, she has heard the foghorn of a distant ship, and this has unconsciously reminded her of an unhappy parting'. While it is not easy, by relaxing, calming down, and trying to become aware of what recent experience or event could have been the cause of the inner conflict, and then rationally looking at and dealing with the conflicting desires and needs, a gradual dissipation and relief of the pain may be possible.", "id": "15187502" }, { "contents": "Docosanol\n\n\nthat it cut recovery times in half was found to have been misleading in a California court, but the case was eventually settled and the \"cuts healing time in half\" claim had not been used in product advertising for some years. One of the most common side effects that has been reported from docosanol is headache. Headaches caused by the drug tend to be mild and can occur in any region of the head. The intensity of the pain can, in some cases, interfere with the ability of remaining focused when working", "id": "20346248" }, { "contents": "Leptospirosis\n\n\nLeptospirosis is an infection caused by corkscrew-shaped bacteria called \"Leptospira\". Signs and symptoms can range from none to mild such as headaches, muscle pains, and fevers to severe with bleeding from the lungs or meningitis. If the infection causes the person to turn yellow, have kidney failure and bleeding, it is then known as Weil's disease. If it also causes bleeding into the lungs then it is known as severe pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome. Up to 10 different genetic types of \"Leptospira\" may cause disease in", "id": "6028614" }, { "contents": "Amatoxin\n\n\namatoxins may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, headache, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, coughing, insomnia, diarrhea, gastrointestinal disturbances, back pain, urinary frequency, liver and kidney damage, or death if ingested or inhaled. For example, if β-amanitin comes in contact with skin, it may cause irritation, burns, redness, severe pain, and could be absorbed through the skin, causing similar effects to exposure via inhalation and ingestion. Contact with the eyes may result in irritation, corneal burns", "id": "2238266" }, { "contents": "Stuart Sutcliffe\n\n\npraise for his paintings, which mostly explored a style related to abstract expressionism. While studying in Germany, Sutcliffe began experiencing severe headaches and acute sensitivity to light. In April 1962, he collapsed in the middle of an art class after complaining of head pains. German doctors performed various tests, but were unable to determine the exact cause of his headaches. After collapsing again on 10 April 1962, he was taken to the hospital, but died in the ambulance on the way. The cause of death was later revealed to", "id": "4081733" }, { "contents": "Paresthesia\n\n\nmouth (not a canker sore inside the mouth) can be preceded by tingling because a cold sore is caused by herpes simplex virus. The varicella zoster virus (shingles) also notably may cause recurring pain and tingling in skin or tissue along the distribution path of that nerve (most commonly in the skin, along a dermatome pattern, but sometimes feeling like a headache, chest or abdominal pain, or pelvic pain). Other common examples occur when sustained pressure has been applied over a nerve, inhibiting or stimulating its function", "id": "14808733" }, { "contents": "Migraine treatment\n\n\nper month) and patients with what is known as \"refractory headache\" - headache that has not benefited from any other form of treatment. Elliot Shevel, a South African surgeon, showed that patients with chronic migraine experienced a significant reduction in pain levels and significant improvement in their quality of life following the surgery. Trigger site release was first described by a plastic surgeon, Dr Bahaman Guyuron. The theory is that trigger sites (TSs) exist where sensory nerves are being compressed by a surrounding muscle. The nerve becomes inflamed", "id": "85154" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nabout 1.6 billion people (21.8% of the population) followed by migraine headaches which affect about 848 million (11.7%). There are more than 200 types of headaches. Some are harmless and some are life-threatening. The description of the headache and findings on neurological examination, determine whether additional tests are needed and what treatment is best. Headaches are broadly classified as \"primary\" or \"secondary\". Primary headaches are benign, recurrent headaches not caused by underlying disease or structural problems. For example, migraine", "id": "20109113" }, { "contents": "Acamprosate\n\n\ncarries warnings about increased of suicidal behavior, major depressive disorder, and kidney failure. Adverse effects that caused people to stop taking the drug in clinical trials included diarrhea, nausea, depression, and anxiety. Other frequent adverse effects include headache, stomach pain, back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, chest pain, infections, flu-like symptoms, chills, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, fainting, vomiting, upset stomach, constipation, increased appetite, weight gain, edema, sleepiness, decreased sex drive,", "id": "7448173" }, { "contents": "Hypothermia cap\n\n\nroughly 80% of all strokes. The slowing of cell death is theorized to give the brain time to find an alternate blood supply through unblocked arteries, meaning patients may potentially avoid physical and speech impairments caused by ischemic strokes. Numerous studies have also suggested that therapeutic hypothermia can provide safe and effective adjunctive treatment for migraine headaches. For instance, a 1989 study in \"Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain\" showed 64.5% of 45 patients with migraine or migraine plus chronic daily headache evaluated use of a cold wrap", "id": "1999675" }, { "contents": "Migraine\n\n\neither a personal or family history of typical migraines. Other syndromes that are believed to be precursors include cyclical vomiting syndrome and benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood. Other conditions that can cause similar symptoms to a migraine headache include temporal arteritis, cluster headaches, acute glaucoma, meningitis and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Temporal arteritis typically occurs in people over 50 years old and presents with tenderness over the temple, cluster headaches presents with one-sided nose stuffiness, tears and severe pain around the orbits, acute glaucoma is associated with vision problems, meningitis", "id": "946216" }, { "contents": "Crinum asiaticum\n\n\nEaten by mistake can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, severe diarrhea after constipation, irregular breathing, rapid pulse, rising body temperature, etc.; a great deal of misuse can cause nervous system paralysis and death. Leaves: anthracia and swelling toxicity, adenolymphitis, laryngopharyngitis, headache, arthralgia spasm and numbness, falls and bruises, fractures, venomous snake bites. Squamous bulb: superficial infections, swelling sores, sarcoptidosis, mammary abscess, laryngalgia, toothache, pain of rheumatic joints, injuries caused by falls, fractures, venomous", "id": "18795577" }, { "contents": "Garth L. Nicolson\n\n\nfunctions. Although its basic assumptions are still true, the dynamic nature has been underestimated, and more information have been incorporated with new discoveries. After the Gulf War of 1990–1991, a number of war veterans suffered from similar illness, popularly dubbed Gulf War syndrome. They indicated symptoms like chronic fatigue, headaches, memory loss, muscle pain, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, lymph node pain, increased chemical sensitivities and other signs and symptoms. Nicolson became one of the leading experts in the investigation of the cause and", "id": "14160437" }, { "contents": "Veratrum nigrum\n\n\ningested, the irritation of the mucosal membranes of the stomach and intestines will cause nausea and vomiting. If the herb is introduced to the nose, this mucosal irritation will cause sneezing and coughing. Ingestion can also cause bradycardia (slow heart rate), hyperactivity, and hypotension (low blood pressure). In high concentrations, topical contact can cause skin irritation, excessive tears from the eyes, and redness. Classic symptoms of \"Veratrum nigrum\" toxicity include blurred vision, confusion, headache, lightheadedness, nausea, stomach pain", "id": "22016798" }, { "contents": "Traditional African medicine\n\n\nit is used to cure bronchitis, headaches, labour pains and hypertension. \"Carduus tenuiflorus\" (uMhlakavuthwa). The plant is used to extricate poison or diseases from a sick person. It is believed the plant sucks out the cause of the illness in itself. \"Datura stramonium\" (uQhwangu-qhwangu). Fresh leaves fare used as a bandage that soothes pain and swelling. It's also used as an antiseptic after circumcision. With the latter, the plant is only used once, it should not be used", "id": "15074801" }, { "contents": "Cattle feeding\n\n\nand poultry such as chickens. In addition, it is legal for ruminants to be fed byproducts from some of these animals. Campylobacter, a bacterium that can cause another foodborne illness resulting in nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, headache and muscle pain was found by Australian researchers to be carried by 58% of cattle raised in feed lots versus only 2% of pasture raised and finished cattle. Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is insect-borne and found in 20% of US cattle, and 60% of", "id": "804636" }, { "contents": "Rhinorrhea\n\n\nnose. Air caught in nasal cavities, namely the sinus cavities, cannot be released and the resulting pressure may cause a headache or facial pain. If the sinus passage remains blocked, there is a chance that sinusitis may result. If the mucus backs up through the Eustachian tube, it may result in ear pain or an ear infection. Excess mucus accumulating in the throat or back of the nose may cause a post-nasal drip, resulting in a sore throat or coughing. Additional symptoms include sneezing, nosebleeds,", "id": "11156023" }, { "contents": "Yellow fever\n\n\nYellow fever is a viral disease of typically short duration. In most cases, symptoms include fever, chills, loss of appetite, nausea, muscle pains particularly in the back, and headaches. Symptoms typically improve within five days. In about 15% of people, within a day of improving the fever comes back, abdominal pain occurs, and liver damage begins causing yellow skin. If this occurs, the risk of bleeding and kidney problems is increased. The disease is caused by yellow fever virus and is spread by the", "id": "15394366" }, { "contents": "Bornholm disease\n\n\nBornholm disease or epidemic pleurodynia or epidemic myalgia is a disease caused by the Coxsackie B virus or other viruses. It is named after the Danish island of Bornholm where an outbreak was one of the first to be described. Symptoms may include fever and headache, but the distinguishing characteristic of this disease is attacks of severe pain in the lower chest, often on one side. The slightest movement of the rib cage causes a sharp increase of pain, which makes it very difficult to breathe, and an attack is therefore quite a", "id": "957917" }, { "contents": "Cholinergic urticaria\n\n\ninfiltrates in sweat glands or ducts. Severe heat intolerance (e.g., nausea, dizziness, and headache), and tingling, pricking, pinchy or burning pain over the entire body on exposure to hot environments or prolonged exercise which improve after cooling the body. Occurs in the absence of any causative skin, metabolic, or neurological disorders. The wheals, hypohidrosis, and pain seems to result from the low expression levels of acetylcholinesterase (AchE) and cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 3 (CHRM3) in the eccrine gland epithelial cells.", "id": "11784305" }, { "contents": "Leptospirosis\n\n\nfrom meningitis, kidney failure, lung symptoms with or without bleeding, eye pain, and muscle pain The hallmark of the second phase is meningitis (inflammation of the membranes covering the brain). Signs and symptoms of meningitis include severe headache and neck stiffness. In 5% to 10% of those infected with jaundice, the disease can be rapidly progressive to multiorgan failure. Severe leptospirosis can cause liver, kidney, lungs, and brain damage. For those with signs of meningoencephalitis, altered level of consciousness can occur. A", "id": "6028623" }, { "contents": "Tension headache\n\n\ndehydration helps in preventing tension headache. Using stress management and relaxing often makes headaches less likely. Drinking alcohol can make headaches more likely or severe. Good posture might prevent headaches if there is neck pain. People who have jaw clenching might develop headaches, and getting treatment from a dentist might prevent those headaches. Biofeedback techniques may also help. People who have 15 or more headaches in a month may be treated with certain types of daily antidepressants which act to prevent continued tension headaches from occurring. In those who are predisposed to", "id": "15240801" }, { "contents": "Tarlov cyst\n\n\ninto 4 categories, according to their experienced symptoms: Below are a list of commonly reported symptoms associated with sacral Tarlov cysts: Back pain, perineal pain, secondary Sciatica, secondary piriformis muscle dysfunction with tertiary sciatica, Cauda equina syndrome, neurogenic claudication (pain caused by walking), neurogenic bladder, dysuria, urinary incontinence, coccygodynia, sacral radiculopathy, radicular pain, headaches, retrograde ejaculation, paresthesia, hypesthesia, secondary pelvic floor dysfunction, vaginismus, motor disorders in lower limbs and the genital, perineal, or lumbosacral areas", "id": "10850935" }, { "contents": "Pesticide regulation in the United States\n\n\ninclude weakness, headache, nausea, confusion, dizziness, seizures, cardiac arrest, and unconsciousness. Chest pain caused by pesticide induced bronchitis, chest pain due to asthma, and chest pain due to heart disease are all chest pain, so physicians may be unable to link pesticide exposure to environmental illness unless that information is readily available. California requires all application by licensed pest control personnel to be disclosed, in addition to Restricted Use Pesticide. This information can be used by physicians. This is the most extensive environmental public health", "id": "9793056" }, { "contents": "Biofeedback\n\n\nnoise (electrical signal not coming from the muscle of interest) and the voltage fluctuates, therefore they are processed normally in three ways: rectification, filtering, and integration. This processing allows for a unified signal that is then able to be compared to other signals using the same processing techniques. Biofeedback therapists use EMG biofeedback when treating anxiety and worry, chronic pain, computer-related disorder, essential hypertension, headache (migraine, mixed headache, and tension-type headache), low back pain, physical rehabilitation (cerebral", "id": "5494119" }, { "contents": "Ablative brain surgery\n\n\n. In order to identify the part of the brain that is to be destroyed, new techniques such as micro electrode mapping have been developed. Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns or clusters — which gives the condition of its name. Cluster headache is one of the most painful types of headache. Cluster headache is sometimes called the \"alarm clock headache\" because it commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around the eye on one side of your head. The bouts of frequent attacks may last", "id": "5663226" }, { "contents": "Parkes Weber syndrome\n\n\nof the body is diminished. The cardiac output is decreased and the amount of blood pumped is not adequate enough to keep the circulation from the body and lungs going. Glaucoma: Glaucoma is a combination of diseases that cause damage to the optic nerve and may result in vision loss and blindness. Headache: pain in the head. The causes for PWS are either genetic or unknown. Some cases are a direct result of the RASA1 gene mutations. And individuals with RASA1 can be identified because this genetic mutation always causes multiple capillary", "id": "13848588" }, { "contents": "Schnitzler syndrome\n\n\n. Schnitzler syndrome is a late-onset autoinflammatory disorder. The typical onset is at around 55 years old, and the symptoms are recurrent hives, mostly on the torso and limbs, often with recurring fever, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, and loss of weight. As of 2017 the cause of the disease was not understood. Blood tests show a high concentration of specific gamma-globulins (monoclonal gammopathy) of the IgM type. It almost always has light chains of the κ-", "id": "16181731" }, { "contents": "Burning mouth syndrome\n\n\nto be implicated, and this is not considered to be burning mouth syndrome, which is a syndrome of medically unexplained symptoms. The International Association for the Study of Pain defines burning mouth syndrome as \"a distinctive nosological entity characterized by unremitting oral burning or similar pain in the absence of detectable mucosal changes\", and \"burning pain in the tongue or other oral mucous membranes\", and the International Headache Society defines it as \"an intra-oral burning sensation for which no medical or dental cause can be found\".", "id": "2011722" }, { "contents": "Headache\n\n\nChristian Baur generally divided headaches into idiopathic (primary headaches) and symptomatic (secondary ones), and defined 84 categories. In general, children suffer from the same types of headaches as adults do, but their symptoms may be slightly different. The diagnostic approach to headache in children is similar to that of adults. However, young children may not be able to verbalize pain well. If a young child is fussy, they may have a headache. Approximately 1% of emergency department visits for children are for headache. Most", "id": "20109151" }, { "contents": "Hymenolepiasis\n\n\nsymptoms. Some authorities report that heavily infected cases are more likely to be symptomatic. Symptoms in humans are due to allergic responses or systematic toxaemia caused by waste products of the tapeworm. Light infections are usually symptomless, whereas infection with more than 2000 worms can cause enteritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, restlessness, irritability, restless sleep, and anal and nasal pruritus. Rare symptoms include increased appetite, vomiting, nausea, bloody diarrhea, hives, extremity pain, headache, dizziness, and behavioral disturbances.", "id": "20486444" }, { "contents": "Santa Ana winds\n\n\nCoccidioides posadasii\" spores into nonendemic areas, a pathogenic fungus that causes Coccidioidomycosis (\"Valley Fever\"). Symptomatic infection (40 percent of cases) usually presents as an influenza-like illness with fever, cough, headaches, rash, and myalgia (muscle pain). Serious complications include severe pneumonia, lung nodules, and disseminated disease, where the fungus spreads throughout the body. The disseminated form of Coccidioidomycosis can devastate the body, causing skin ulcers, abscesses, bone lesions, severe joint pain, heart inflammation,", "id": "3265190" }, { "contents": "Nephropathia epidemica\n\n\nNephropathia epidemica (NE) is a type of viral haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) caused by the Puumala virus. The incubation period is three weeks. Nephropathia epidemica has a sudden onset with fever, abdominal pain, headache, back pain and gastrointestinal symptoms. More severe symptoms include internal hemorrhaging. Although fatal in a small percentage of cases, nephropathia epidemica is generally milder than the HFRS that is caused by hantaviruses in other parts of the world. The bank vole is the reservoir for the virus, which humans contract", "id": "7389313" }, { "contents": "New daily persistent headache\n\n\nNew daily persistent headache (NDPH) is a primary headache syndrome which can mimic chronic migraine and chronic tension-type headache. The headache is daily and unremitting from very soon after onset (within 3 days at most), usually in a person who does not have a history of a primary headache disorder. The pain can be intermittent, but lasts more than 3 months. Headache onset is abrupt and people often remember the date, circumstance and, occasionally, the time of headache onset. One retrospective study stated that over", "id": "5215678" }, { "contents": "Bruxism\n\n\nclenching. The pain in the muscles of mastication caused by bruxism can be likened to muscle pain after exercise. The pain may be felt over the angle of the jaw (masseter) or in the temple (temporalis), and may be described as a headache or an aching jaw. Most (but not all) bruxism includes clenching force provided by masseter and temporalis muscle groups; but some bruxers clench and grind front teeth only, which involves minimal action of the masseter and temporalis muscles. The temporomandibular joints themselves may also", "id": "20589836" }, { "contents": "Megalopyge opercularis\n\n\ninsect because of its venomous spines. Exposure to the caterpillar's fur-like spines leads to an immediate skin irritation characterized by a \"grid-like hemorrhagic papular eruption with severe radiating pain.\" Victims describe the pain as similar to a broken bone or blunt-force trauma. The reactions are sometimes localized to the affected area, but are often very severe, radiating up a limb and causing burning, swelling, nausea, headache, abdominal distress, rashes, blisters, and sometimes chest pain, numbness, or difficulty", "id": "4768512" }, { "contents": "Hypoalgesia\n\n\nHypoalgesia or hypalgesia denotes a decreased sensitivity to painful stimuli. Hypoalgesia occurs when nociceptive (painful) stimuli are interrupted or decreased somewhere along the path between the input (nociceptors), and the places where they are processed and recognized as pain in the conscious mind. Hypoalgesic effects can be mild, such as massaging a stubbed toe to make it hurt less or taking aspirin to decrease a headache, or they can be severe, like being under strong anesthesia. Hypoalgesia can be caused by exogenous chemicals such as opioids, as well", "id": "8785031" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Australia\n\n\n.\" The reports caused Dr. Rosanna Capolingua, President of the Australian Medical Association, to issue a statement admonishing people and media outlets for \"trivialising\" the issue. A Western Australian study (Bell et al. 2011) showed that overweight and obese primary school children have greater medical complications due to their weight status. Overweight and obese children were more likely to complain and suffer from depression, anxiety, bullying, headaches, enuresis and musculoskeletal pain. The most common site of the musculoskeletal pain was in the knees with overweight", "id": "14186420" }, { "contents": "Couvade syndrome\n\n\nof debate. Some believe it to be a psychosomatic condition, while others believe it may have biological causes au pia hormone changes. Symptoms experienced by the partner can include stomach pain, back pain, indigestion, changes in appetite, weight gain, acne, diarrhea, constipation, headache, toothache, cravings, nausea, breast augmentation, breast growth, dry navel, hardening of the nipple, excessive earwax, and insomnia. A qualitative study listed 35 symptoms from Couvade literature, including gastrointestinal, genitourinary, respiratory, oral or", "id": "2482296" }, { "contents": "Alatina alata\n\n\nA. alata\" causes severe pain immediately following the sting. Symptoms start anywhere from within 5 to 120 minutes. Symptoms include headache, backache, muscle, chest, and abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, hypertension, tachycardia, and pulmonary edema. Known for many years as \"Carybdea alata\", it was given its current binomial name by Lisa-Ann Gershwin in 2005. The diversity of each species may require more new species such as: Atlantic specimens (2 for with or without nematocyst warts)", "id": "2700569" }, { "contents": "Cat-scratch disease\n\n\nCat-scratch disease (CSD) is an infectious disease that results from a scratch or bite of a cat. Symptoms typically include a non-painful bump or blister at the site of injury and painful and swollen lymph nodes. People may feel tired, have a headache, or a fever. Symptoms typically begin within 3-14 days following infection. Cat-scratch disease is caused by the bacterium \"Bartonella henselae\" which is believed to be spread by the cat’s saliva. Young cats pose a greater risk than", "id": "4499819" }, { "contents": "Cluster headache\n\n\ngrouped occurrence and recurrence (cluster) of headache attack, severe unilateral orbital, supraorbital and/or temporal pain. If left untreated, attack frequency may range from one attack every two days to eight attacks per day. Cluster headache attack is accompanied by at least one of the following autonomic symptoms: drooping eyelid, pupil constriction, redness of the conjunctiva, tearing, runny nose and less commonly, facial blushing, swelling, or sweating, typically appearing on the same side of the head as the pain. Restlessness (for example,", "id": "11621373" } ]
Why are there such drastic differences in salaries between different countries?
[{"answer": "I'm going to avoid discussing service industries, because they are drastically different and less subject to the global market (You can't work construction in Detroit and Munich on the same day) I'm mostly talking tech. The biggest driver of disparity in tech jobs is cost of living. If it costs 2000 a month to live in Boston, and 200 a month to live in India, then salaries will reflect that. Companies aren't in the business of lowering profits to give employees extra spending money."}, {"answer": "The companies working in this environments have different budget and different workforce demand when employing. If you seek to hire new people you have to offer a salary that will attract them. In Germany this means offering much more than in Poland. As for why the Polish companies don't offer more? Same as anyone else, they won't unless forced to and then you have to consider how much revenue they have and how much they can afford."}, {"answer": "Labor productivity mostly, highly productive countries tend to have high wages. Take a look at [chart 14]( URL_0 ). 3-2% of long run real GDP and productivity countries that many developed nations experienced for the past 200 years compounds and adds up in the Long Run."}, {"answer": "No. 1 reason is difference in productivity. If a person in Japan can make 10 goods per hour vs 5 goods per hour in Poland, his wage, everything else held constant, will be double in Japan. Productivity is influenced by almost all key country characteristics, say: Political stability Level of technology as used by companies/govt Social capital (eg can you trust in your fellow human beings around you) Weather Industry development in country Culture Quality of institutions So even if there is perfect human capital mobility and perfect movement of goods (large assumptions), these will not make a person more productive on their own, so the same person could get a different wage in different countries for same type of job."}, {"answer": "CMIIW but it boils down to how big and developed a country is. It goes back to their GDP which in terms reflect their spending patterns which is affected by tha maturity of market, technology, tax, FP, etc etc For example: a mcdonald staff in lower gdp country will have lower salary than those in well developed country. This is because the people can only buy McDonald's food at a certain price, any higher would make it too expensive hence no people buy them. That's why there is an index for that(big mac index) You just have to think all the way through. An example with $ If you have a 1 staff McDonald's If you sell 1000$ worth of big macs monthly you can only pay salaries so much to have a margin. You wouldn't be able to give your employee 1500$ a month because then your cost will be higher. And at the same time you couldn't just put the price up because no people would buy them if they're too expensive."}, {"answer": "Every company pays every employee (maybe excluding CEO's and other top figures) as little as they can get away while keeping that employee. In some countries that is more, in some countries that is less. it's generally connected to the cost of living."}, {"answer": "I think the real question here is \"Why are some countries developed more than others?\" The other answers do a good job of explaining why high development gives higher wages (High development means a lot of labor is far more productive, and therefore more expensive. This then trickles into jobs that aren't dependent on development, because (a) more money in the local economy and (b) you have to pay workers comparably or they change fields) but none really explain why some countries are more developed than others. This is a major question in macroeconomics, but there are a few theories / causes. One of the accepted theories explaining this difference is called \"premature de-industrialization\" [1]. Normally, a developing country moves from a largely farm-based economy to one built on manufacturing. Manufacturing is a good way to develop a strong middle class, as it's both high paying and relatively low skilled. As manufacturing gets more efficient with better technology, though, the number of manufacturing jobs required to make a certain number of goods goes down. This allows people to move into service jobs without decreasing the total quantity of manufactured goods. Finally, the higher standard of living achieved during the shift to a manufacturing economy allows people to invest in education, which further boosts innovation and growth. This process has gone wrong in the third world. Because developed countries have already developed a strong manufacturing sector, especially highly automated or high skill manufacturing, a newly developing country cannot compete. This forces the country to either compete in very low skilled manufacturing (via sweatshops) that pays workers very poorly to compete with the higher technology of the 1st world, or shift into a service-based economy without the strong manufacturing middle class to support it. Another compelling theory is one of institutions [2]. This theory suggests that countries with good institutions see high economic growth, which in turn supports the very institutions that created it. For example, developed countries usually have democratic governments that strongly defend civil liberties and personal property. They also have a strong financial sector that allows for investment, which is crucial to growth. If a company cannot sell shares to raise money or even take out a loan, it's very difficult for that company to expand. At an individual level, the ability to take out loans allows people to buy houses and cars or invest in education. Finally, a well-developed country has a strong education system, with secondary and post-secondary schools creating a much more skilled workforce. These institutions often depend on a strong economy, but are also necessary to maintain one. Finally, no comparison would be complete without at least a passing glance at colonialism [3]. Colonialism, especially in Africa, allowed for the direct exportation of low-skilled labor from underdeveloped countries to more developed countries. (Remember premature de-industrialization? Imagine that, enforced with guns.) This obviously hindered the growth of African nations and increased the growth of nations that owned the slaves. Furthermore, colonial governments were not usually set up as democracies with the native's best interests at heart. A government designed to export wealth to the colonial power is not one that will foster the strong institutions needed for growth. As evidence for this, consider Singapore and Hong Kong. Both were colonies of the British Empire, but the lack of natural resources meant that they were more useful to the British as trade hubs. Thus, no real exportation of slaves, and they founded strong financial institutions and a framework for democracy. 200 years later, they're still very prosperous, while many former colonies in Africa are not. There are of course more reasons (Malthusian traps, initial factor endowments, regional cohesion, capital accumulation, etc), but this wall of text is a little beyond ELI5 already. Sources: 0: I'm avoiding macroeconomics homework by doing macroeconomics on reddit. 1: Rodrik, Dani. \u201cPremature Deindustrialization.\u201d Journal of Economic Growth, 2015 2: Glaeser, Edward, et al. \u201cDo Institutions Cause Growth?\u201d Journal of Economic Growth, 2004 3: Nunn, Nathan. \u201cThe Long-Term Effects of Africas Slave Trades.\u201d The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2007"}, {"answer": "Productivity, not CoL determines wages. Wages are higher in America than in Mexico because workers in America are more productive than workers in Mexico. Productivity is a result of labor, capital, and efficiency. If you can make labor more abundant or more efficient, you can increase productivity. Same goes for capital. As productivity rises, wages rise, and this sets off a chain reaction in other sectors as well, such as housing."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7989588", "title": "Economic discrimination", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Economic discrimination is discrimination based on economic factors. These factors can include job availability, wages, the prices and/or availability of goods and services, and the amount of capital investment funding available to minorities for business. This can include discrimination against workers, consumers, and minority-owned businesses.", "Economic discrimination is discrimination based on economic factors. These factors can include job availability, wages, the prices and/or availability of goods and services, and the amount of capital investment funding available to minorities for business. This can include discrimination against workers, consumers, and minority-owned businesses.", "Economic discrimination is discrimination based on economic factors. These factors can include job availability, wages, the prices and/or availability of goods and services, and the amount of capital investment funding available to minorities for business. This can include discrimination against workers, consumers, and minority-owned businesses."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Natasha Anwar\n\n\ndeclares several reasons to why such a drastic difference is seen between the Pakistani population and Western or even neighbouring countries. One reason was that the mean age of the population is generally lower. However, she further goes on to describe that poverty, lack of healthcare, and the reliance on traditional healers could be significant reasons as to why many of the patients were in the late stages of the disease. Since SKMCH & RC is a tertiary institute, most patients would have most likely seen other physicians. Anwar states that the", "id": "18568894" }, { "contents": "Grouse\n\n\nwere smaller than those of exploded lekking species, and males of typical lekking species were the largest overall. The male birds that exhibit lekking behavior, and have to compete with other males for females to choose them, have higher sexual size dimorphism. This supports the hypothesis of sexual selection affecting male body size and also gives an explanation for why some species of grouse have a more drastic difference between male and female body size than others. Sexual size dimorphism can manifest itself differently between grouse and other birds. In some cases,", "id": "16735944" }, { "contents": "Means of production\n\n\n, or working class, comprises the majority of the population that lacks access to the means of production and are therefore induced to sell their labor power for a wage or salary to gain access to necessities, goods and services. To the question of why classes exist in human societies in the first place, Karl Marx offered a historical and scientific explanation that it was the cultural practice of ownership of the means of production that gives rise to them. This explanation differs dramatically from other explanations based on \"differences in ability\" between", "id": "3192123" }, { "contents": "Geography of Kazakhstan\n\n\nand in winter average . The climatic charts seen below are some noteworthy examples of the country's differing climates, taken from two contrasting cities (with their respective tables) representing two different parts of the country; Aktau and the Caspian Sea shore on the country's west having a distinct hot desert climate, while Petropavl features a climate typical to the rest of the country; an extreme variation of the humid continental climate known for its uneven rainfall distribution and drastic temperature ranges between seasons. Despite the nation's relatively low precipitation rates", "id": "16823865" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nof good and evil? How are these extremes of human experience represented in religion? How do we imagine things and how does our imagination differ from our dreams? Do all people think in the same way and, if not, are there greater differences between people from different societies, countries, cultures or races than between members of the same community? Where does belief and faith come from? What is the origin of racial conflict? Why is it so easy for politicians to persuade us to go to war? Why does", "id": "5083011" }, { "contents": "List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita\n\n\n), which do not reflect differences in the cost of living in different countries (\"see\" List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita); hence, using a PPP basis is arguably more useful when comparing differences in living standards between nations because PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries, rather than using only exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in income. This is why GDP (PPP) per capita is often considered one of the indicators of", "id": "12970872" }, { "contents": "Brazilian Portuguese\n\n\nin the South of Brazil. This is also one of the main reasons why Brazilian Portuguese sounds so different from other Portuguese varieties. The written Brazilian standard differs from the European one to about the same extent that written American English differs from written British English. The differences extend to spelling, lexicon, and grammar. However, with the entry into force of the Orthographic Agreement of 1990 in Portugal and in Brazil since 2009, these differences were drastically reduced. Several Brazilian writers have been awarded with the highest prize of the Portuguese", "id": "4052909" }, { "contents": "Civil service reform in developing countries\n\n\nthe control group before the salary reform (2006-2010) and after the salary reform (2010-2012). If we assume group differences would have stayed constant in the absence of the reform (parallel trend assumption), the difference-in-difference coefficient estimate measures the causal impact of the salary increase on Ghanaian police officers' propensity to ask for bribes. The results suggest that the salary reform counterintuively increased police officers' efforts to extort bribes, the value of the bribes and the total amount truck drivers had", "id": "7955280" }, { "contents": "Civil service reform in developing countries\n\n\nsalary reform, the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) to mitigate pay disparities in the public service. Police officers were the first beneficiaries of this new salary structure as the police service has historically been the least well-paid of public services in Ghana. Their wages unilaterally doubled in an attempt to increase their living standards to reduce bribery (fair-wage hypothesis). Foltz and Opoku-Agyemang assess the impact of this salary reform using a difference-in-difference analysis taking advantage of the exogenous change induced by the", "id": "7955278" }, { "contents": "Heteroplasmy\n\n\nconcept refers to the classic evolutionary term, which is used to explain an event that reduces and specifies a population. It was developed to describe why mitochondrial DNA in an embryo might be drastically different from that of its mother. When a large population of DNA is subsampled, each sample population will receive a slightly different proportion of mitochondrial genotypes. Consequently, when paired with a high degree of replication, a rare or mutated allele can begin to proportionally dominate. In theory, this makes possible a single-generation shift of overall", "id": "21229165" }, { "contents": "International factor movements\n\n\nDevelopment's World Investment Report from 2007, as of 2005 there were over 77,000 parent company MNEs and 770,000 foreign affiliates. From an international economics viewpoint, there are two central questions about why MNEs exist. The first question is why goods and services are produced in multiple countries, instead of a single country. The second central question regarding MNEs is why certain firms decide to produce multiple products—why they internalize other areas of production. The first question can be answered rather simply. Different countries have different resources that companies may", "id": "11335643" }, { "contents": "Women and smoking\n\n\nWestern world. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes the stark difference between women in various geographic locations as it states that “[a]bout 22 percent of women in developed countries and 9 percent of women in developing countries smoke tobacco.” However, numerically the number of women could be more in developing countries. In his article, Fred C. Pampel looks into why these differences may exist and suggests reasons pertaining to gender equality, cigarette diffusion, economic factors and smoking policies. For women in countries where traditional gender roles had", "id": "15562642" }, { "contents": "Compensating differential\n\n\nliving in areas which are less attractive and with a higher wage. Henceforth, a sustained equilibrium with different wage rates across different areas can happen. The theory of compensating wage differentials provides a theoretical framework to explain why the ‘underlying’ structure of pay differs between geographical areas. Competition in labour markets ensures that the net advantages of different jobs will tend to equality. Thus, higher pay in some areas of the country is expected where the cost-of-living is higher while higher pay is also necessary to compensate for", "id": "17537160" }, { "contents": "National psychology\n\n\nused to explain why economic development occurred in a different way in different countries, or why a particular turn of political events happened as it did. Reference is sometimes made to the \"national psyche\" or the \"soul\" of a nation, to explain why some public events can trigger a commotion or uproar in a country, or why a particular nation gets particularly enthusiastic or obsessed with a sport or cultural practice. The idea is that a nation shares a specific cultural mentality, morality or mindset, embedded in its language", "id": "18580212" }, { "contents": "Substance abuse\n\n\ncountries, ranging from 0.00033% in Slovakia, up to 0.053% of GDP in Ireland in the case of Health, and from 0.003% in Portugal, to 0.02% in the UK, in the case of POS; almost a 161-fold difference between the highest and the lowest countries for Health, and a 6-fold difference for POS. Why do Ireland and the UK spend so much in Health and POS, or Slovakia and Portugal so little, in GDP terms? To respond to this question and to make a comprehensive assessment", "id": "14170060" }, { "contents": "Structural change\n\n\npermanent changes in spending and production resulting in structural unemployment. Historically, structural change has not always been strictly for the better. The division of Korea and the separate paths of development taken by each state exemplifies this. Korea under Japanese rule was relatively uniform in economic structure, but after World War II, the two countries underwent drastically different structural changes due to drastically different political structures. South Korea's economy before the 1950s mostly consisted of agriculture. During the 1960s and 1970s, Korea began to change their structure to IT,", "id": "19989141" }, { "contents": "Occupational inequality\n\n\nplague the country today are making it difficult for people of minorities to attain jobs, especially because of the significance of networking and the extent to which is generates success. The gender wage gap is the difference between average earnings for men and women. There are multiple theories for the reasons as to why this exists, but a large amount of the gender wage gap can be attributed to the fact that women work different jobs than men, as opposed to that women are paid differently within the same jobs or establishments. In a", "id": "15496824" }, { "contents": "O-ring theory of economic development\n\n\n, microeconomically identical nations or groups within nations could settle into equilibria with different levels of human capital\". Garett Jones (2013) builds upon Kremer's O-ring theory to explain why differences in worker skills are associated with \"massive\" differences in international productivity levels despite causing only modest differences in wages within a country. For this purpose, he distinguishes between O-ring jobs - jobs featuring high strategic complementarities in terms of skill - and foolproof jobs - jobs characterized by diminishing returns to labor - and assumes both production", "id": "8732110" }, { "contents": "Shareholders' agreement\n\n\nsupplement the constitutional document. There are a number of reasons why the shareholders may wish to supplement (or supersede) the constitutional documents of the company in this way: There are also certain risks which can be associated with putting a shareholders' agreement in place in some countries. Shareholders' agreements vary enormously between different countries and different commercial fields. However, in a characteristic joint venture or business startup, a shareholders' agreement would normally be expected to regulate the following matters: In addition, shareholders agreements will often make provision", "id": "19861733" }, { "contents": "Purdue Boilermakers football\n\n\nhim dressed up in different clothes for the different majors. He got the Purdue part of his name from Purdue University. The owners of the bookstores gave him the name \"Pete\", yet no one officially knows why this was chosen to be his name. He was given a physical identity in 1956 as he came out and helped the students cheer at a pep rally. Over the years, the appearance of Purdue Pete has gone under several drastic changes as well as several minor changes. His original head was made of", "id": "1980266" }, { "contents": "Stomach cancer\n\n\nincidence and mortality rates are seen to differ among countries, possibly due to the lack of universal access to a registry system for all countries. Variation as drastic as estimated rates from 0.3/100000 in Botswana to 20.3/100000 in Mali have been observed. In Uganda, the incidence of gastric cancer has increased from the 1960s measurement of 0.8/100000 to 5.6/100000. Gastric cancer, though present, is relatively low when compared to countries with high incidence like Japan and China. One suspected cause of the variation within Africa and between other countries is due to", "id": "17913257" }, { "contents": "Elise Brezis\n\n\nof Marx and Malthus regarding the family and the labor market. In short, children of developing countries are a necessity so they can not be seen as a consumption good. Brezis has examined the transition process that took place in Eastern Europe. She analyzes why the transition process is different in Eastern Europe and in Asia, and shows that the main difference between Eastern Europe who has turned to democracy to China which is still non-democratic is the relationship between economic and political structures. Moreover, looking at the history of the", "id": "15202992" }, { "contents": "Flag of convenience\n\n\nunlicensed mariners or ratings. Differences in wages can be seen in both groups, between \"high cost\" crewing sources such as the United States, and \"low cost\" sources such as China and The Philippines. However, salaries on flag of convenience ships are still far higher than median salaries of non-seafarers in these countries, in addition to income tax exemption of some seamen, particularly those from the Philippines. For unlicensed mariners, 2009 statistics from the American Bureau of Labor Statistics give median earnings for able and ordinary", "id": "15705690" }, { "contents": "Robert L. Shook\n\n\n, unusually upright and uniformly dedicated to the notion that the customer pays their salaries.\". The IBM Way was an international best seller. In Honda: An American Success Story, Shook quickly recounts Honda’s history, and then probes at the reasons for its success. Shook provides the key to understanding why Honda differs from competitors. The key is not what it does but how it does it. \"The Honda Way comprises many different beliefs, none of which is unique,\" he writes. \"Rather it is", "id": "13195499" }, { "contents": "Henry Lucy\n\n\nservice. In spite of the sneers from disappointed or flippant persons, a seat in the House of Commons remains one of the highest prizes of citizen life. There is no reason why any constituency desiring to do so may not return a member on the terms of paying him a salary. It is done in several cases, in two at least with the happiest results. It would be a different thing to throw the whole place open with standing advertisement for eligible Members at a salary. The horde of impecunious babblers and busybodies", "id": "15828317" }, { "contents": "And you are lynching Negroes\n\n\nwhy they lynch Negroes.\" Subsequently, when the Soviet Union faced harsh words from the Western world over its civil liberties problems, it employed the phrase as a common retort. In a 1930s argument with black student Pierre Kalmek, Bolshevik politician Dmitry Manuilsky emphasized that in the United States \"whites have the privilege to lynch Negroes, but Negroes do not have the privilege to lynch whites.\" He called this a form of white chauvinism, and further stressed this asking: \"Do we have a difference here between the salaries", "id": "8027148" }, { "contents": "Humanitarian use licenses\n\n\nrealization that IP is originally a Western notion currently being introduced into other parts of the world. This is necessary to understand why IP law has severe difficulty in taking hold in non-western societies in general and in developing countries in particular. More understanding is required of the differences between economic sectors and the respective roles and functions of public versus private institutions in society. (Egelyng) There are several functions related to IPR that make them work as a catalyst for the market. But there are also fundamental differences between the economic", "id": "15883303" }, { "contents": "Filipinos in South Korea\n\n\ncommunity, helps to perpetuate the patriarchal ideology. This persistence of traditional gender norms in an era, in which gender roles are drastically transforming, leads to domestic violence within multi-cultural families. The tension between different genders is more drastic and paternalistic in multi-cultural immigrant families, because of cultural differences and pursuant conflict. As competing notions of gender roles increase rates of domestic violence, marriage migrants’ satisfaction with life in South Korea is greatly impacted. This survey was conducted in order to compare how multi-cultural families", "id": "19362907" }, { "contents": "Turnover (employment)\n\n\na company such that causes for turnover in one department might be very different from the causes of turnover in another department. Companies can use exit interviews to find out why employees are leaving and the problems they encountered in the workplace. Low turnover indicates that none of the above is true: employees are satisfied, healthy and safe, and their performance is satisfactory to the employer. However, the predictors of low turnover may sometimes differ than those of high turnover. Aside from the fore-mentioned career opportunities, salary, corporate", "id": "19505221" }, { "contents": "Civil service reform in developing countries\n\n\nbeen shown to reduce tax revenue collection and public expenditures. Poor public finance performance and strong budgetary pressures due to corruption may in turn sustain low civil service salaries. This endogeneity problem complicates the understanding of the relationship between pay reforms and corruption. Klaus Abbink also tests the fair salary hypothesis in a laboratory experimental setting. The controlled environment in this experiment allows to isolate and identify the impact of 'fair income' considerations on corrupt behaviour. He finds that public officials in two treatments with different perceptions of 'fairness' behave similarly", "id": "7955251" }, { "contents": "Generation gap\n\n\nearlier generations is growing due to the Boomers population post-war. There is a large demographic difference between the Baby Boomer generation and earlier generations, where earlier generations are less racially and ethnically diverse than the Baby Boomers’ population. Where this drastic racial demographic difference occurs also holds to a continually growing cultural gap as well; baby boomers have had generally higher education, with a higher percentage of women in the labor force and more often occupying professional and managerial positions. These drastic culture and generation gaps create issues of community preferences", "id": "17116278" }, { "contents": "Salary cap\n\n\nthe salary floor was 200 million rubles ($US5.9 million). The KHL's cap operates despite the KHL's multinational nature, with teams in Belarus, China, Finland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Slovakia, in addition to its primary base of Russia. The six non-Russian countries use four different currencies (three countries use the euro), with most floating against the ruble. From 2011–12, each team can sign up to two \"designated players\" whose salaries are not counted against the cap. Up until", "id": "6227548" }, { "contents": "Adoption in the United States\n\n\nadoptions can drastically increase adoption costs due to complex legal challenges and travels costs. Costs vary between states due to differing regulations and fees that can cause additional expenses. Medical costs were also frequently cited as an unexpected expense for both the birth mothers and the children. \"False starts,\" when a mother decides not to give up their baby after it is born, can cost up to $2,500 each time. International adoptions can vary in cost, depending on the country, and average between $30,000 and $50,000 dollar", "id": "2247397" }, { "contents": "Chrono Crusade\n\n\ncreating different courses of events and endings. The characterization of some of the characters, including Rosette and Aion, and their roles in the story were changed drastically in the adaptation of the manga. Much of the story is driven by the individual pasts of the main characters and the complex relationships between them. The Order of Magdalene is an organization that banishes devils and demons. The Order has many branches around the country (some that are mentioned/visited include the Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle branches);", "id": "18708416" }, { "contents": "Full contact karate\n\n\nFull contact karate is any format of karate where competitors spar (also called Kumite) full-contact and allow a knockout as winning criterion Full contact karate competition comes in several different formats developed for the art of karate at different times in different places. Some developed independently, others developed out of other full contact rule systems or from light contact rule systems. There are no major unifying organizations in any of the different formats, and the rule details may change drastically between the many rival sport/style organizations and different promoters.", "id": "16196754" }, { "contents": "Professor\n\n\npurchasing power and taxes. Because of differences between institutions in the US and UK these countries have two listings of which one denotes the salary in top-tier institutions (based on the Shanghai-ranking). The table below shows the final reference wages (per month or year?) expressed in net amounts of Dutch Euros in 2014. (i.e., converted into Dutch purchasing power). In a number of countries, the title \"research professor\" refers to a professor who is exclusively or mainly engaged in research,", "id": "15620309" }, { "contents": "Trade unions in Tanzania\n\n\ncountry's president and parliament. The main difference between the OTTU and the JUWATA was that the former consisted of sectoral unions and allowed the creation of eleven industrial unions. Moreover, the union's internal structure was more democratic than that of its predecessor. After the President broke a promise to raise salaries in the country in 1993, the OTTU conducted a successful strike from March 1 to 3 showing that the union was no longer controlled by the government. In January 1994, a strike by high school teachers led to massive government", "id": "20190134" }, { "contents": "Red-crowned parakeet\n\n\nafter leaving the nest. Note that differences timing and clutch size might be observed between different subspecies of red-crowned parakeets considering they live in regions with different environmental conditions. The red-crowned parakeet was once widespread across the islands and mainland of New Zealand. It was extremely abundant during the 1880s and irruptions occurred in a number of locations. Nevertheless, their numbers dropped drastically on the mainland due to their vulnerability to introduced species, particularly stoats, rats, and possums. Various reintroduction attempts have been studied. Between 1976", "id": "17711506" }, { "contents": "Muju County\n\n\nnear four provinces, including Chungbuk, Chungnam, Gyeongbuk and Gyeongnam. Historically and geographically, the area has served as a transitional ground between the east and west part of the southern peninsula and is a site for cultural exchange. The geographical coordinates of Muju-gun is 127° 55′ ~ 127° 31′ of east longitude and 36° 4′ ~ 36° 47′ of north latitude. It is located in the central part of the country. It has a mountainous climate in which temperature is drastically different in the day and at", "id": "13702641" }, { "contents": "Sexism in the technology industry\n\n\n(IT), the Dice Salary Survey estimated that between 2008 and 2009, women earned an average of 12.43% less in salary than males. However, it is unclear if the Dice survey specifically addresses sexist discrimination as a possible cause for women to earn lower average salaries in technology, or if the pay gap between men and women can be accounted for by differences in training, seniority, competence, overtime, or other variables that can effect salary. In addition to unequal pay, one study suggests that women are often", "id": "2078205" }, { "contents": "Pythagorean comma\n\n\ncan be also defined as the difference between a Pythagorean apotome and a Pythagorean limma (i.e., between a chromatic and a diatonic semitone, as determined in Pythagorean tuning), or the difference between twelve just perfect fifths and seven octaves, or the difference between three Pythagorean ditones and one octave (this is the reason why the Pythagorean comma is also called a \"ditonic comma\"). The diminished second, in Pythagorean tuning, is defined as the difference between limma and apotome. It coincides therefore with the opposite of a", "id": "10920863" }, { "contents": "Writer\n\n\non overtones as the story progresses.\" Translators have also become a part of events where political figures who speak different languages meet to look into the relations between countries or solve political conflicts. It is highly critical for the translator to deliver the right information as a drastic impact could be caused if any error occurred. Writers of blogs, which have appeared on the World Wide Web since the 1990s, need no authorisation to be published. The contents of these short opinion pieces or \"posts\" form a commentary on issues of", "id": "1652358" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in Japan\n\n\ncommon in Japan. In these, the husband's salary and benefits are expected to provide for the whole family while the wife stays home and cares for the elderly and children. There is also a large gap in wages between men and women. In 2005, Japan had a gender wage gap of 32.8 percent, which decreased to 25.7 percent in 2017. Japan has the third highest wage gap in the OECD. The country's long work hours create an environment that reinforces the wage gap because there is a disproportional difference between", "id": "20184777" }, { "contents": "Health care systems by country\n\n\nthe employer is to contribute to the cost. If employed a person's contributions is automatically deducted from salary. The employer will also pay a contribution. Health insurance funds will reimburse medical costs. The choice of mutual insurer is up to the individual. Most of them are affiliated to a religious or political institution but there is no real difference between them because reimbursement rates are fixed by the Belgian government. Insurance funds do not always cover the full costs of treatment and typical reimbursement is between half to three-quarters of a", "id": "20284846" }, { "contents": "Vertical datum\n\n\n, in Great Britain, the national vertical datum, Ordnance Datum Newlyn, is based on what was mean sea level at Newlyn in Cornwall between 1915 and 1921). However, zero elevation as defined by one country is not the same as zero elevation defined by another (because MSL is not the same everywhere), which is why locally defined vertical datums differ from one another. A different principle is used when choosing a datum for nautical charts. For safety reasons, a mariner must be able to know the minimum depth", "id": "1397595" }, { "contents": "Insider trading\n\n\nassessment program, so laws against insider trading based on non-public information are now expected by the international community. Enforcement of insider trading laws varies widely from country to country, but the vast majority of jurisdictions now outlaw the practice, at least in principle. Larry Harris claims that differences in the effectiveness with which countries restrict insider trading help to explain the differences in executive compensation among those countries. The US, for example, has much higher CEO salaries than do Japan or Germany, where insider trading is less effectively restrained", "id": "15464621" }, { "contents": "Doug Stone\n\n\non the independent Lofton Creek Records. Stone has charted twenty-six singles on Hot Country Songs, with his greatest chart success coming between 1990 and 1995. In this timespan, he had eight No. 1 singles on the Hot Country Songs charts including: \"In a Different Light\", \"A Jukebox with a Country Song\", \"Too Busy Being in Love\", and \"Why Didn't I Think of That\". He is known for his neotraditionalist country sound and his frequent recording of ballads. Stone", "id": "247319" }, { "contents": "Women in Lebanon\n\n\ncompletely in the work force and paternity leave is not offered at all. Common jobs for women who do work are generally in the service area or do specialists work ( see figure 6 below by Institute of Women's Policy research to see other jobs women take part in) . Women's salaries compared to their male counterpart is drastically different. Men tend to make more than women causing a vast gender wage gap. Three times as many men as women make more than 1101 dollars per month while three times as many women as", "id": "6679734" }, { "contents": "Unveiling a Parallel\n\n\nconstant debate between Severnius and the traveler. Whenever the traveler encounters something new on Mars, he gets confused and will ask lots of questions and explain why he thinks things work differently on Earth. Severnius then can explain why Martians do it differently so that anyone reading the story can see the argument that Jones and Merchant are trying to make about why equality between men and women would be possible in America. For example, Severnius tells the traveler that women are allowed to vote on Mars because they are a part of society.", "id": "12787831" }, { "contents": "Chess (musical)\n\n\nFlorence by insisting Nelson recreate the character as an American. The story changed drastically, with different settings, characters, and many different plot elements, although the basic plot remained the same. Benny Andersson told \"Variety\": \"The main difference between London and here is that in London there is only about two or three minutes of spoken dialog. Here, in order to clarify some points, it is almost one-third dialog\". The score was reordered, and comparisons of the Broadway cast recording and the original", "id": "1425034" }, { "contents": "Crystal\n\n\nsapphire is the type of impurities present in a corundum crystal. In semiconductors, a special type of impurity, called a dopant, drastically changes the crystal's electrical properties. Semiconductor devices, such as transistors, are made possible largely by putting different semiconductor dopants into different places, in specific patterns. Twinning is a phenomenon somewhere between a crystallographic defect and a grain boundary. Like a grain boundary, a twin boundary has different crystal orientations on its two sides. But unlike a grain boundary, the orientations are not random,", "id": "6232873" }, { "contents": "International comparisons\n\n\nexplain why “poorer” countries report greater happiness on occasion. Further analysis can indicate other factors boosting the quality of life of a lower income country. The science of happiness evaluation is improving, but also may use very different combinations and weights of evaluative statistics. These differences result from different indicators being used and different weighting among the indicators, based on the values and interests of an organization. The following alphabetical list of online examples demonstrate how international comparisons work and should work, using many applications of evaluative analysis. While quite", "id": "3713803" }, { "contents": "Construction\n\n\nconstruction-related apprenticeships were commenced in 2007. Technical and specialized occupations require more training as a greater technical knowledge is required. These professions also hold more legal responsibility. A short list of the main careers with an outline of the educational requirements are given below: In 2010 a salary survey revealed the differences in remuneration between different roles, sectors and locations in the construction and built environment industry. The results showed that areas of particularly strong growth in the construction industry, such as the Middle East, yield higher average salaries than", "id": "9865594" }, { "contents": "Gold standard\n\n\nfact it was then barely integrated into the global economy). The connection between leaving the gold standard and the severity and duration of the depression was consistent for dozens of countries, including developing countries. This may explain why the experience and length of the depression differed between national economies. A \"full or 100%-reserve\" gold standard exists when the monetary authority holds sufficient gold to convert all the circulating representative money into gold at the promised exchange rate. It is sometimes referred to as the gold specie standard to more easily distinguish it", "id": "16742402" }, { "contents": "Salary cap\n\n\nbe $74 million for 2016–17. The difference between the salary cap and a team's actual payroll is referred to as the team's \"payroll room\" or \"cap room\". Each year of an NHL player contract, the salary earned contributes to the team's \"cap hit\". The basic cap hit of a contract for each year it is effective is the total money a player will earn in regular salary over the life of the contract divided by the number of years it is effective. This, in", "id": "6227496" }, { "contents": "Working poor\n\n\nthan others. Sectoral and demographic factors help explain why certain people within a given country are more likely than others to be working poor. Political and economic factors can explain why different countries have different working poverty rates. Sectoral tendencies Working poverty is not distributed equally among employment sectors. The service sector has the highest rate of working poverty. In fact, 13.3% of US service sector workers found themselves below the poverty line in 2009. Examples of low-wage service sector workers include fast-food workers, home health aids", "id": "5467980" }, { "contents": "Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\n\n\n3 size between gay and straight men, but the difference was not quite statistically significant by the criteria Byne used. LeVay concludes that homosexuality is, \"part of a package of gender-atypical traits.\" For the second edition, LeVay added a new chapter dealing with aspects of sexuality and gender such as bisexuality, asexuality, attraction to different age groups, \"butch\" and \"femme\" behavior, preferences for different sexual roles or positions, and transsexualism. \"Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why\" was", "id": "5329665" }, { "contents": "Salary\n\n\nsalary, but lower rate of satisfaction upon completion. Those who approached the negotiation as an integrative problem (i.e. viewing the negotiation process an opportunity to expand the realm of possibilities and help both parties achieve a “win” outcome) were able to both secure an increased salary and an outcome they were truly satisfied with. Salary disparities between men and women may partially be explained by differences in negotiation tactics used by men and women. Although men and women are equally likely to initiate in a salary negotiation with employers, men will", "id": "20851542" }, { "contents": "Education in the Middle East and North Africa\n\n\nteaching performance. Rather, they are identified by virtue of their educational attainment. However, salary scales do not differ between teachers at different levels of experience. This very fact has discouraged proactive improvement of teaching and subsequently has reduced the quality of teaching in general. An effective solution to such a challenge would be to introduce continuing evaluations and examinations in order to assess teachers' performance in the classroom. Instructors who succeed in these evaluative examinations may move to a higher salary scale. This process would not only motivate teachers to perform", "id": "6315138" }, { "contents": "Interstate Circuit, Inc. v. United States\n\n\nthat inference. Givens emphasizes that it is reasonable to infer conspiracy when parallel business action is \"drastic or predatory as in \"Interstate Circuit\"' \" but not \"where the conduct is in itself normal and logical.\" The statement of facts from this case have been challenged as inaccurate. In a 2019 article, antitrust scholar Barak Orbach discussed why the facts of the case are fundamentally different from their descriptions in judicial opinions and the literature to argue that the circumstantial evidence of the case should not have been read as sufficient", "id": "21859392" }, { "contents": "Vogtlandian\n\n\nrelation between Vogtländisch and Erzgebirgisch, including sharing some linguistic features, which originates in similarities and interdependencies in their respective settlement history. The dialects of the Vogtland are anything but uniform. The sub-dialects that can be spotted in the various sub-regions sometimes differ drastically. In Plauen, for instance, a Vogtländisch is to be heard differing completely from that spoken in Klingenthal (vogtl. Klengedohl ) — a common remark between speakers from neighboring regions is \"die singe doch ihre Wördder\" (en.: they are singing", "id": "12428725" }, { "contents": "Andreas (poem)\n\n\nwhich are those that are directly marked with runic symbols of his name. Other scholars argue that \"Andreas\" may have been written by a disciple of Cynewulf, which would explain the parallels between the two works. However, still other researchers argue that they are different authors because of the drastic differences in the writing style. Some scholars even deduce that \"Andreas\" was influenced by \"Beowulf\", as there are many likenesses between the two works in style, language, and theme. The poem itself is a 1,722", "id": "15840009" }, { "contents": "Secularization\n\n\n, relying on a separation of religion and state. In expressly secular states like India, it has been argued that the need was to legislate for toleration and respect between quite different religions, and likewise, the secularization of the West was a response to drastically violent intra-Christian feuds between Catholicism and Protestantism. Some have therefore argued that Western and Indian secularization is radically different in that it deals with autonomy from religious regulation and control. Considerations of both tolerance and autonomy are relevant to any secular state. C. John Sommerville (", "id": "18528528" }, { "contents": "Out of Gas\n\n\nMinear credits David Solomon's expertise as a director with the success of the episode's daring three-timeline structure. In order to distinguish between the three timeframes and clarify events for the audience, the three timeframes were shot using drastically different lighting: Furthermore, the differences between the second two timeframes (not including the flashbacks) become more subtle as the storyline goes on, as the story catches up with itself, the 'present' becomes the past and the 'future' becomes the present. Show creator and executive producer", "id": "18552188" }, { "contents": "Promiscuity\n\n\n-maker Durex measured promiscuity by a total number of sexual partners. The survey found Austrian men had the highest number of sex partners of males globally with 29.3 sexual partners on average. New Zealand women had the highest number of sex partners for females in the world with an average of 20.4 sexual partners. In all of the countries surveyed, except New Zealand, men reported more sexual partners than women. The data can differ quite drastically between studies due to the small number of people that participate. A study funded by Durex", "id": "14700185" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nand developing countries. It is most commonly diagnosed in individuals over 65 years old, with estimations ranging from 19% to 57%. The prevalence has drastically increased the past decades mainly explained by the obesity epidemic currently observed. Men are more affected by OSA than women but, the phenomenology differs between both genders. Snoring and witnessed apnea are more frequent among men but insomnia for example is more frequent among women. The OSA frequency increase with age for the women. The mortality is higher for women. Some studies report that", "id": "16836548" }, { "contents": "Alien abduction entities\n\n\nproponents have argued that there is a core narrative consistent across abduction claims, there is little doubt that variation occurs in the details of reports across cultures and geographic boundaries. The biology and attitudes of the abductors are points of drastic divergence between the home countries of different abduction claimants. Robert Sheaffer observes: \"In North America large-headed gray aliens predominate, while in Britain abduction aliens are usually tall, blond, and Nordic, and South America tends toward more bizarre creatures, including hairy monsters.\" As noted above,", "id": "1944717" }, { "contents": "Miniature model (gaming)\n\n\n-eye\" scale, this method of measurement allows wargamers to judge the comparative height of a miniature without having to estimate the actual height of the head which is often covered in some sort of military headgear. It is important to know which system of measurements a given company is using since it can drastically affect the compatibility between the miniatures of different companies as well as compatibility between miniature wargaming models and kits produced for scale Model Building hobbies. As shown below, using \"to-the-eye\" measurements drastically modifies the", "id": "3151703" }, { "contents": "Double burden\n\n\nspecifically for mothers. There is still the inherent gender bias that women are the ones to care for children. Some parts of Western Europe, especially Scandinavian countries have been creating family friendly policies that have aided them in equalizing the gender difference in participation in the work force. Nordic countries have the highest female participation rates in the work force in the world and salary differences are among the lowest. Government aid in providing care to the elderly and the young have enabled women in Scandinavia to be a part of the working population at", "id": "9223593" }, { "contents": "The Abbott and Costello Show\n\n\nlater \"fired\" from the show after biting Costello. Brooke, Besser and Kirk also left the cast after the first season. Lou Costello owned the show with Bud Abbott working on salary. The show was not a network program when first introduced in the fall of 1952 but was sold into syndication by MCA Inc. to about 40 local stations across the country. As a result, it was broadcast on different days and at different times in different cities. It was running in other cities before it appeared in New York on", "id": "7128262" }, { "contents": "Giorgio Pacifici\n\n\nrepresented by the phenomena of change and transformation of the society which are always the unifying factors of his sociological work. His methodology is interdisciplinary, and this is the reason why he normally calls on and cooperates with him academics coming from different countries who are specialists in subjects different from sociology. Giorgio Pacifici has moreover directed researches and taught in different countries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. Recently Giorgio Pacifici has developed a specific interest for the Indian subcontinent, and the problems related to changes in values and anti-values in", "id": "1364436" }, { "contents": "Say It's Not You\n\n\n\" as a duet with Rolling Stones Keith Richards in 1994, with the legendary guitarist writing in his memoir \"Life\" that country-rock pioneer and Jones fan Gram Parsons first made him aware of the song: \"Gram taught me country music - how it worked, the difference between the Bakersfield style and the Nashville style...Some of the seeds he planted in the country music area are still with me, which is why I can record a duet with George Jones with no compunction at all.\" Richards also recalls", "id": "10026279" }, { "contents": "International trade theory\n\n\nof intermediate products. Countries have different access to technology. The bundle of inputs is assumed as the same across commodities within a country. This means that all industries of a country consume the same bundle of inputs and there is no distinction between petrol-consuming and iron-consuming industries. This is the major reason why Eaton and Kortum (2002) cannot be used as frawemork for analyzing global value chains. The paper has gotten a big success as giving theoretical foundation for gravity model. Third phase: Shiozawa succeeded to", "id": "11188390" }, { "contents": "Aid effectiveness\n\n\nhad very little success), many developing countries' economies are still dependent on developed countries, and are deep in debt. There is now a growing debate about why developing countries remain impoverished and underdeveloped after all this time. Many argue that current methods of aid are not working and are calling for reducing foreign aid (and therefore dependency) and utilizing different economic theories than the traditional mainstream theories from the West. Historically, development and aid have not accomplished the goals they were meant to, and currently the global gap between", "id": "7357905" }, { "contents": "Against the Galileans\n\n\nidea that a literal interpretation of the story of the Tower of Babel can adequately explain why men differ so greatly, saying that it does not explain why men have different morals or laws or why they have such marked physical differences (138A). Instead, he believes, different gods responsible for different races and nations are responsible for mankind’s differences (143A). The God of Moses does exist, but only as an inferior to the God of All (148B). Julian expounds on this idea, asking why,", "id": "8851357" }, { "contents": "Linguistic capital\n\n\n: high linguistic variation and multilingualism is generally valued as a part of a healthy language ecology, which is why some countries strive to promote multilingualism. Both market and non-market values can affect whether an individual decides to learn a language. According to Bourdieu, people's utterances can be seen as their linguistic products, and they can anticipate the value of their products in the marketplace through different contexts. Different speakers have different quantities of linguistic capital, that is, different speakers have different capacities to produce expressions that are valuable", "id": "12089790" }, { "contents": "Bangui Agreements\n\n\ncountry. In 1995, several opposition movements (FPP, MDD PSD, FC and ADP) joined together and formed the Conseil Démocratique des Partis de l'Opposition CODEPO. CODEPO staged a rally against the government demanding that unpaid salaries for public servants and army personnel be paid in arrears. Three successive mutinies occurred in 1996 against the Ange-Félix Patassé's Government by some of the members of the country's armed forces, due to non payment of salaries, labour issues and ethnic differences resulting in a crisis. One of the mutinies", "id": "16079045" }, { "contents": "Dissolution of Czechoslovakia\n\n\nare more or less at the same level in both countries, and the consumption per capita is slightly higher in Slovakia. However, salaries are 10 percent lower on average in Slovakia than in the Czech Republic. But Martin Filko, head of the Institute of Financial Policy of the Slovak Finance Ministry, pointed out that Slovakia is among the EU countries where salaries form the lowest portion of GDP. In other words, a part of people's incomes comes from sources other than their main employment, and this reduces the real difference", "id": "16466228" }, { "contents": "Gametocyte\n\n\nhas been further shown that the gametocytes from one schizont are all male or all female. This suggests that the trophozoites of the preceding asexual generation were already committed to either sexual development or continuing asexual cycling. In order to adjust to life in such drastically different environments, many changes occur in its cell biology, metabolism, gene expression and protein synthesis. Gametocytes of P. falciparum have been shown to exhibit a different pattern of gene expression than asexual stages, which is unsurprising if one were to consider the difference between these two stages", "id": "12389380" }, { "contents": "Van Eck phreaking\n\n\nthe least significant bits of pixel values may render the emanations from flat-panel displays unintelligible to eavesdroppers but is not a secure method. Since DVI uses a certain bit code scheme that tries to transport a balanced signal of 0 bits and 1 bits, there may not be much difference between two pixel colors that differ very much in their color or intensity. The emanations can differ drastically even if only the last bit of a pixel's color is changed. The signal received by the eavesdropper also depends on the frequency where the", "id": "2616788" }, { "contents": "Tornado intensity\n\n\nprobability. Two tornadoes that look almost exactly the same can produce drastically different effects. Also, two tornadoes which look very different can produce similar damage. This is due to the fact that tornadoes form by several different mechanisms, and also that they follow a life cycle which causes the same tornado to change in appearance over time. People in the path of a tornado should never attempt to determine its strength as it approaches. Between 1950 and 2014 in the United States, 222 people have been killed by EF1 tornadoes, and", "id": "6708777" }, { "contents": "NHL salary cap\n\n\nbe US$16 million below the cap; therefore the 2011–12 minimum is US$48.3 million. The difference between the salary cap and a team's actual payroll is referred to as the team's \"payroll room\" or \"cap room\". Each year of an NHL player contract, the salary earned contributes to the team's \"cap hit\". The basic cap hit of a contract for each year it is effective is the total money a player will earn in regular salary over the life of the contract divided by the", "id": "15146299" }, { "contents": "Urban forest\n\n\ndrastically improved. Trees help to lower air temperatures and the urban heat island effect in urban areas. This reduction of temperature not only lowers energy use, it also improves air quality, as the formation of ozone is dependent on temperature. Trees reduce temperature not only by directly shading: when there is a large number of trees it create a difference in temperatures between the area when they are located and the neighbor area. This creates a difference in atmospheric pressure between the two areas, which creates wind. This phenomenon is called", "id": "15087798" }, { "contents": "Paenibacillus dendritiformis\n\n\n\"P. dendritiformis\", poses an intriguing collective faculty – the ability to switch between different morphotypes to better adapt in complex environments. Mostly studied is the transition between the Branching (or tip-splitting) morphotype (Figure 1) and the Chiral morphotype (Figure 2) that is marked by curly branches with well defined handedness. The morphotype transition (Figure 3), can be viewed as an identity switching – the calls can cooperatively make drastic alterations of their internal genomic state, effectively transforming themselves into differently looking and behaving", "id": "15182810" }, { "contents": "Sexual dimorphism\n\n\nfemales in this species may have resulted due to their aggressive territorial behavior and subsequent differential mating success. Another example is \"Lasioglossum hemichalceum\", which is a species of sweat bee that shows drastic physical dimorphisms between male offpsring. Not all dimorphism has to have a drastic difference between the sexes. \"Andrena agilissima\" is a mining bee where the females only have a slightly larger head than the males. Weaponry leads to increased fitness by increasing success in male-male competition in many insect species. The beetle horns in \"", "id": "19521595" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human intelligence\n\n\nfor females to successfully judge male intelligence, they must be intelligent themselves. This could explain why despite the absence of clear differences in intelligence between males and females on average, there are clear differences between male and female propensities to display their intelligence in ostentatious forms. This absence of difference is now known to exist at the middle of distributions. Average intelligence doesn't differ much between genders, but because female selection is restricted more towards males at the top end of male-male hierarchies or those increasingly above average in physical attractiveness", "id": "17322784" }, { "contents": "Behavioral operations research\n\n\ntheir behavior and emotions. Cognitive psychology is considered to be one of the dominant theoretical force in behavioral science. People often react and behave differently when they are put into different social situations. The aim of social psychology is to understand the nature and causes of individual behaviors. It questions or provides an insight of how human behavior relies on the physical environment. Social psychology theories explain why there are competition between individuals, why it is often the case that individuals or organisations seek to protect and maintain their status, and why it", "id": "9986124" }, { "contents": "WWF Raw (1994 video game)\n\n\nof moves, lack of slowdown, the sound effects, and the many skill settings. He did, however, criticize the fact that all the wrestlers are rendered at the same height, even ones who have drastic height differences in real life. \"Next Generation\" reviewed the SNES version of the game, rating it three stars out of five, and stated that \"There are still many aspects of pro wrestling that none of the \"WWF\" games have yet to cover, so why not go after those?\"", "id": "2841955" }, { "contents": "Mini-DIN connector\n\n\nof why each of these 7 mini-DIN connectors are \"official standards\" is that they are each drastically different from the other, with no simultaneously and directly overlapping similarities in (1) pin arrangement, (2) square key size and position, (3) circular shielding metal skirt notches and metallic additions - unlike the nonstandard mini-DIN connectors which may have directly overlapping characteristics to each other or to the standard mini-DIN connectors. \"(The plug or male connectors shown, as visible when unplugged looking", "id": "5881217" }, { "contents": "Civil service reform in developing countries\n\n\npolicy. While police officers' wages doubled, the salaries of other civil servants in Ghana and police officers in Burkina Faso stayed the same. The researchers identified two groups, the Ghanaian policemen who received the treatment (higher wages) and the control group consisting of other civil servants (Ghanaian custom officers and Burkinabé policemen) whose wages did not increase. Using data on bribes paid from 2,100 truck trips between Ghana and Burkina Faso, Foltz and Opoku-Agyemang can observe the differences in interactions with truck drivers between the treated and", "id": "7955279" }, { "contents": "History of trade unions in Poland\n\n\n2001 there still were about 1.1 million members, in December 2005 there were only 721.8561. At the same time there are drastic differences between state enterprises and civil service, where about 28 per cent of employees belong to trade unions, and the private sector, where only 3 per cent are organised in trade unions2. From 1982 until 2005 the overall degree of unionization fell from 80 per cent to below 14 per cent. This dramatic decline lead to Poland being one of the EU-countries with the lowest degree of unionization.", "id": "15604532" }, { "contents": "Sea level rise\n\n\n; regional and local differences in projected relative sea level and climate changes; and differences in the resilience and adaptive capacity of ecosystems, sectors, and countries, the impacts will be highly variable in time and space. River deltas in Africa and Asia and small island states are particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise. Globally tens of millions of people will be displaced in the latter decades of the century if greenhouse gases are not reduced drastically. Many coastal areas have large population growth, which results in more people at risk from", "id": "4583929" }, { "contents": "Pensions in Ukraine\n\n\n700 (20 EUR). As Ukraine's pension calculation depends on salary, qualifying period and average salary significant gap between pensions of employers of the same branch and same qualifying period could arise due to the difference in retirement year. The need for modernization lies in that the average salary rise from year to year and therefore pensions of Ukrainians should be adjusted. Last time such modernization has been made in 2012 where the average salary rate of 2007 has been used. In recent years the average salary rate has grown threefold but pensions", "id": "10165916" }, { "contents": "Insanity defense\n\n\n) In the Nordic countries, insanity is not a defense; instead, it is the responsibility of the court system as such to consider whether the accused may have been psychotic or suffering from other severe mental defects when perpetrating the criminal act. This explains why, in Norway, the court considered the sanity of Anders Behring Breivik, even if he himself declared to be sane. Rules differ between Nordic countries. In Sweden, psychotic perpetrators are seen as accountable, but the sanction is, if they are psychotic at the time", "id": "15464476" }, { "contents": "Bar Refaeli\n\n\noff big time. That's just the way it is: celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.\" She also said: \"Israel or Uganda, what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn't it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It's dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel.\" In 2009", "id": "2075448" }, { "contents": "Eyewitness memory (child testimony)\n\n\nwith age, there is a growing consensus that the presence of an interplay between individual characteristics and situational factors may affect suggestibility, in this case, of children. This explains why children of the same age may significantly vary in levels of suggestibility. There are several factors that contribute to a child's suggestibility. Age-related differences are often synonymous with developmental differences, though the latter, when not comparing two different age groups, has no effect on a child's suggestibility. Basically, individual differences between children of the same", "id": "7557525" }, { "contents": "Erik S. Reinert\n\n\nconsultant, Reinert's emphasis is on industrial and economic policy, the preconditions and management of innovations, and the relations between financial and production capital. He can lecture in five languages, and according to his profile on the UCL web pages his work has taken him to more than 65 different countries. His best known book, \"How Rich Countries Got Rich ... and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor\" (2007), has been widely reviewed and discussed. While some reviews, like those in Prospect Magazine, The Economist,", "id": "14437377" }, { "contents": "2019 North Korea–United States Hanoi Summit\n\n\ncountries. Though no concrete agreement regarding denuclearization was reached, DPRK President Kim was quoted last Tuesday (5 March) that he was committed to the complete denuclearization of his country. However, the description of denuclearization seems to be different between the U.S. and North Korea, which was why Stephen Biegun, Special Representative for North Korea, advised that the U.S. will not accept a “phased denuclearization”. Even though no agreement was signed in Hanoi, both countries are open to future talks, which shows that some agreement was made", "id": "8110056" }, { "contents": "Great Depression\n\n\nof countries, including developing countries. This partly explains why the experience and length of the depression differed between national economies. Many economists have argued that the sharp decline in international trade after 1930 helped to worsen the depression, especially for countries significantly dependent on foreign trade. In a 1995 survey of American economic historians, two-thirds agreed that the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act at least worsened the Great Depression. Most historians and economists partly blame the American Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act (enacted June 17, 1930) for worsening", "id": "8299321" }, { "contents": "Big Mac Index\n\n\nin countries such as India as in the United States. Social status of eating at fast food restaurants such as McDonald's in a local market, what proportion of sales might be to expatriates, local taxes, levels of competition, and import duties on selected items may not be representative of the country's economy as a whole. In addition, there is no theoretical reason why non-tradable goods and services such as property costs should be equal in different countries: this is the theoretical reason for PPPs being different from market", "id": "4857086" } ]
Because alcohol dehydrates, water hydrates you, and beer is primarily water, is there an alcohol-by-volume threshold in which beers below this threshold hydrate the body and those above it dehydrate the body?
[{"answer": "There was a study that made headlines indicating some low ABV beers might be better than water, but it was never published and doesn't appear to have been repeatable. However, this summary of later studies [seems to indicate]( URL_0 ) that beer with less than 2% alcohol (essentially 1 Bud/Coors or similar and 2 cans of water or the ultra light styles) hydrates about as well as water."}, {"answer": "One of the issues with alcohol is that it inhibits anti diuretic hormone. So I'm sure that factors into threshold of how hydrated you are."}, {"answer": "In England years ago everyone drank beer, even children. It was low strength but the alcohol killed many of the bugs which would otherwise kill you. It was known as small beer. This went on until safe drinking water was available in the late 19th and early 20th century."}, {"answer": "I saw a documentary which had two identical twins drink juice mixed with vodka or water. One of the twins had 21 shots of vodka with the juice, the other had 21 shots of water. They measured hydration levels in the blood of the brothers and found that through the night, and the next morning, they were equally hydrated, except one of the brothers felt like his skin was about to fall off. The feeling of dehydration is caused by oversensitivity, not by actual hydration apparantly, not sure if I can find the documentary again."}, {"answer": "Alcohol reduces the production of a hormone called vasopressin, which tells your kidneys to reabsorb water rather than flush it out through the bladder."}, {"answer": "Alright, I see a lot of things floating around in this thread, and just want to toss my hat in the ring for clarification. I can't speak for hydration of yesteryear's beers. I don't think anyone has actually been able to prove this. What i can do is clear up some things here. Before WWII beers tended to be lesser ABV. These table beers were thirst quenching quaff-able beers that refreshed workers and helped restore morale. Much like you'd go and get a pesi or a redbull or some other beverage of choice. You dont grab these things for hydration. The point was they were full of nutrients that you would lose throughout the day, and you'd feel a lot better after a hard days work than a measly glass of water. These beers were in affect somewhat safer than poor water resources because of the boiling process. however, during the fermentation process you're inviting all kinds of nasties bugs to come settle in. Brewers are looking for saccaromyces for Wort fermentation. Some styles look for brettanomyces, and lacto. However, before Louie Pasteur we didn't know about them. There weren't yeast banks, or packs of viable strains you could get on the market. Most fermentation was a wild fermentation, and that can be tricky. As for hops. They're not anti-microbial, and they're not antibiotic. They're a preservative. While they do share some antimicrobial assets its mostly the prevention of becoming rancid, browning, and mold growth. As for the special beers (higher ABV) we see them really come forward during industrialization. Small brewer's needed that something \"Special\" to compete against large manufacturers in their towns, village, whatever."}, {"answer": "Mathematically, yes. This is because of the intermediate value theorem. If you go from positive hydration to negative hydration, you must get to a point of no hydration in-between (assuming continuity or you can have nearly infinitely small increases in alcohol)"}, {"answer": "This might get buried, but if you are interested about some pretty cool facts about alcohol theres a book called \"Alcohol, a history\" Beer used to be drunk for its dietary benefits, it has many nutrients and in many places was much safer to drink than the water. Ales were given to people of all social statuses as part of a wage (writing these stats from straight out of my book) from the years 1341-1424, on average, ale provided up to 41% of the daily \"value of meals\" served to harvest workers in Norfolk. The daily volume of ale given to harvesters as part of their wages was 6.36 pints in 1424. Mixing work and alcohol wasn't seen as a bad thing because they would drink it throughout the day to stay hydrated. I don't believe there is an alcohol-by-volume threshold because lets say you have 6 pints of beer, its not really normal for you to drink 6 pints of water within a short period of time (drinking fast enough to give you a hangover for example) and your body will get rid of the excess water but the alcohol will stay in your system, dehydrating you more and more as the night carries on."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "66254", "title": "Drinking", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Drinking is the act of ingesting water or other liquids into the body through the mouth. Water is required for many physiological processes. Both excessive and inadequate water intake are associated with health problems.", "Drinking is the act of ingesting water or other liquids into the body through the mouth. Water is required for many physiological processes. Both excessive and inadequate water intake are associated with health problems."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Drink\n\n\nsuch as beer and wine, but are made with less than .5 percent alcohol by volume. The category includes drinks that have undergone an alcohol removal process such as non-alcoholic beers and de-alcoholized wines. When the human body becomes dehydrated, it experiences thirst. This craving of fluids results in an instinctive need to drink. Thirst is regulated by the hypothalamus in response to subtle changes in the body's electrolyte levels, and also as a result of changes in the volume of blood circulating. The complete elimination of", "id": "8106797" }, { "contents": "Chloral\n\n\nEthanol can also be used as a feedstock. This reaction is catalyzed by antimony trichloride: The chloral hydrate is distilled from the reaction mixture. The distillate is then dehydrated with concentrated sulfuric acid, after which the heavier acid layer (containing the water) is drawn off: The resulting product is purified by fractional distillation. Small amounts of chloral hydrate occur in some chlorinated water. Chloral tends to form adducts with water (to give chloral hydrate) and alcohols. Aside from its tendency to hydrate, chloral is notable as a", "id": "9655992" }, { "contents": "Dehydration reaction\n\n\nIn chemistry, a dehydration reaction is a conversion that involves the loss of water from the reacting molecule or ion. Dehydration reactions are common processes, the reverse of a hydration reaction. Common dehydrating agents used in organic synthesis include sulfuric acid and alumina. Often dehydration reactions are effected with heating. The classic example of a dehydration reaction is the Fischer esterification, which involves treating a carboxylic acid with an alcohol in the presence of a dehydrating agent: Two monosaccharides, such as glucose and fructose, can be joined together (to", "id": "17465068" }, { "contents": "Nickel compounds\n\n\nwater below 31.5 above this blue hexhydrate forms, and above 53.3 the green form. Heating nickel sulfate dehydrates it, and then 700° it loses sulfur trioxide, sulfur dioxide and oxygen. Other important nickel compounds in this class are nickel carbonate, nickel nitrate, and nickel phosphate Nickel tetrafluoroborate, Ni(BF) is very soluble in water, alcohol and acetonitrile. It is prepared by dissolving nickel carbonate in tetrafluoroboric acid. Nickel tetrafluoroberyllate NiBeF•\"x\"HO, can be hydrated with six or seven water molecules. Both nickel hexafluorostannate formula_1 and nickel fluorosilicate", "id": "14673462" }, { "contents": "Hydrated silica\n\n\nHydrated silica is a form of silicon dioxide, which has a variable amount of water in the formula. When dissolved in water it is usually known as silicic acid. It is found in nature, as opal (which has been mined as a gemstone for centuries), and in the cell walls of diatoms. It is also manufactured for use in toothpaste. Once dehydrated the gel is used as a desiccant known as silica gel. It is also used in various paints and varnishes and in the production of beer. In", "id": "13661190" }, { "contents": "Tissue hydration\n\n\n. This is a sticky substance that holds water within the plant, reducing the rate of dehydration. Some seeds and spores remain dormant until adequate moisture is present, at which time the seed or spore begins to germinate. Animals maintain adequate tissue hydration by means of (1) an outer skin, shell, or cuticle; (2) a fluid-filled coelom cavity; and (3) a circulatory system. Hydration of fat free tissues, ratio of total body water to fat free body mass, is stable at", "id": "17080388" }, { "contents": "Low-alcohol beer\n\n\nThis is the preferred method because raising the temperature this late in the brewing process can greatly affect the flavor of the brew. If brewers decide to convert their brew to a non-alcoholic brew they must consider the volume of liquid they have lost during the removal of the alcohol. Typically the volume is reduced by roughly 4%, and to compensate water is added. Another tip would be avoiding using sugar from maize; this simply increases the alcohol content without adding to the flavor or body of the beer. Once the", "id": "1871153" }, { "contents": "Glycol dehydration\n\n\nfrom a reservoir, natural gas usually contains a large amount of water and is typically completely saturated or at the water dew point. This water can cause several problems for downstream processes and equipment. At low temperatures the water can either freeze in piping or, as is more commonly the case, form hydrates with CO and hydrocarbons (mainly methane hydrates). Depending on composition, these hydrates can form at relatively high temperatures plugging equipment and piping. Glycol dehydration units depress the hydrate formation point of the gas through water removal.", "id": "560985" }, { "contents": "Beer in Sweden\n\n\n\"Lättöl\", i.e. beer below the lower threshold (2.25% by volume) is considered a \"lättdryck\" (light beverage) and may be sold anywhere with no age restriction. \"Starköl\", beer above the upper threshold (3.5% by volume) may only be sold in Systembolaget stores to people aged 20 or above and in pubs to people aged 18 or above. \"Folköl\", beer between the two thresholds may be sold in grocery stores but only to people aged 18 or above. Since the", "id": "8890414" }, { "contents": "Isopropyl alcohol\n\n\n, Europe, and Japan. It is primarily produced by combining water and propene in a hydration reaction or by hydrogenating acetone. There are two routes for the hydration process and both processes require that the isopropyl alcohol be separated from water and other by-products by distillation. Isopropyl alcohol and water form an azeotrope and simple distillation gives a material that is 87.9% by weight isopropyl alcohol and 12.1% by weight water. Pure (anhydrous) isopropyl alcohol is made by azeotropic distillation of the wet isopropyl alcohol using either diisopropyl ether", "id": "21362271" }, { "contents": "Beer in Canada\n\n\nbeer to just below freezing, you separate out a large portion of water from the alcohol, which has a lower freezing point. You then skim off the ice crystals from the brew leaving behind a beer that is twice as potent as the original.\" That produces a beer with 12 to 15 per cent alcohol. In North America, water would be added to lower the alcohol level. Although cream ale (referring to a creamy head) was an offshoot of North American light lager, this type is brewed as an", "id": "4660880" }, { "contents": "Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)\n\n\nin water above , it undergoes a reversible lower critical solution temperature (LCST) phase transition from a swollen hydrated state to a shrunken dehydrated state, losing about 90% of its volume. Since PNIPA expels its liquid contents at a temperature near that of the human body, PNIPA has been investigated by many researchers for possible applications in tissue engineering and controlled drug delivery. The synthesis of poly(\"N\"-isopropylacrylamide) began with the synthesis of the acrylamide monomer by Sprecht in 1956. In 1957, Shearer patented the first application for what would be", "id": "11659022" }, { "contents": "Ice beer\n\n\nalcohol concentration of the beer increases. The process is known as fractional freezing or freeze distillation. Developed by brewing a strong, dark lager, then freezing the beer and removing some of the ice. This would concentrate the aroma and taste of the beer, and also raise the alcoholic strength of the finished beer. More specifically, the method is as follows. \"By cooling beer to just below freezing, you separate out a large portion of water from the alcohol, which has a lower freezing point. You then skim", "id": "15052210" }, { "contents": "Thirst\n\n\nThirst is the craving for potable fluids, resulting in the basic instinct of animals to drink. It is an essential mechanism involved in fluid balance. It arises from a lack of fluids or an increase in the concentration of certain osmolites, such as salt. If the water volume of the body falls below a certain threshold or the osmolite concentration becomes too high, the brain signals thirst. Continuous dehydration can cause many problems, but is most often associated with renal problems and neurological problems such as seizures. Excessive thirst, known", "id": "21194357" }, { "contents": "Properties of water\n\n\norganelles, water is in contact with membrane and protein surfaces that are hydrophilic; that is, surfaces that have a strong attraction to water. Irving Langmuir observed a strong repulsive force between hydrophilic surfaces. To dehydrate hydrophilic surfaces—to remove the strongly held layers of water of hydration—requires doing substantial work against these forces, called hydration forces. These forces are very large but decrease rapidly over a nanometer or less. They are important in biology, particularly when cells are dehydrated by exposure to dry atmospheres or to extracellular freezing", "id": "4263349" }, { "contents": "Provisioning of the USS Constitution\n\n\nsalt pork were consumed. The fare for officers and rations for the crew were distinct, as were dining accommodations, with each reflecting their relative stations in society and the navy. Due to the inability to maintain water fresh for extended periods of time prior to the advent of modern hygiene, shipboard plumbing, and disinfectants, it was common to ship large quantities of beer to provide both hydration and nourishment in times when water aboard fouled. The beer's alcoholic content served as a preservative. In contrast, grog, a mix", "id": "20593132" }, { "contents": "Alkene\n\n\nthe C=C) tend to predominate (see Zaitsev's rule). Two common methods of elimination reactions are dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides and dehydration of alcohols. A typical example is shown below; note that if possible, the H is \"anti\" to the leaving group, even though this leads to the less stable \"Z\"-isomer. Alkenes can be synthesized from alcohols via dehydration, in which case water is lost via the E1 mechanism. For example, the dehydration of ethanol produces ethene: An alcohol may also be", "id": "2543563" }, { "contents": "Instant noodle\n\n\nimportant raw material for making noodles after flour. The hydration of dough determines the development of gluten structure, which affects the viscoelastic properties of dough. The water absorption level for making noodles is about 30% - 38% of flour weight; if the water absorption level is too high, hydration of flour can not be completed, and if the water absorption level is too low, the dough will be too sticky to handle during processing. For instant noodles, dehydration is an important step after noodles are made because water can", "id": "10814580" }, { "contents": "Alcohol oxidation\n\n\n)) by reaction with water. The oxidation of a primary alcohol at the aldehyde level is possible by performing the reaction in absence of water, so that no aldehyde hydrate can be formed. Oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes is partial oxidation; aldehydes are further oxidized to carboxylic acids. Conditions required for making aldehydes are heat and distillation. In aldehyde formation, the temperature of the reaction should be kept above the boiling point of the aldehyde and below the boiling point of the alcohol. Reagents useful for the transformation of primary alcohols", "id": "16199171" }, { "contents": "Beer in Sweden\n\n\n3.5% threshold is reasonably close to the alcohol content of an international lager beer, many international brands such as Heineken, Carlsberg and Pilsner Urquell are sold in two versions in Sweden - the internationally renowned product as a \"starköl\" at Systembolaget and a slightly watered-down version as a \"folköl\" in the grocery stores. The modern trend is toward consumers increasingly choosing stronger beer than the 3.5% abv brands, generally referred to as folköl (people's beer) sold at grocery stores. Any stronger beer is sold", "id": "8890415" }, { "contents": "Cobalt(II) fluoride\n\n\nin boiling water. Yet the hydrate is water-soluble, especially the di-hydrate CoF·2H O and tri-hydrate CoF·3HO forms of the compound. The hydrate will also decompose with heat. Cobalt(II) fluoride can be prepared from anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride or cobalt(II) oxide in a stream of hydrogen fluoride: It is produced in the reaction of cobalt (III) fluoride with water. The tetrahydrate cobalt(II) fluoride is formed by dissolving cobalt(II) in hydrofluoric acid. The anhydrous fluoride can be extracted from this by dehydration.", "id": "644184" }, { "contents": "Neodymium(III) chloride\n\n\nthus produced NdCl quickly absorbs water and converts to NdCl·6HO hydrate, which is stable for storage, and can be converted back into NdCl when necessary. Simple rapid heating of the hydrate is not practical for that purpose because it causes hydrolysis with consequent production of NdO. Therefore, anhydrous NdCl is prepared by dehydration of the hydrate either by slowly heating to 400 °C with 4-6 equivalents of ammonium chloride under high vacuum, or by heating with an excess of thionyl chloride for several hours. The NdCl can alternatively be prepared by", "id": "949856" }, { "contents": "Dehydration\n\n\nappetite, decreased urine volume (unless polyuria is the cause of dehydration), confusion, unexplained tiredness, purple fingernails and seizures. The symptoms of dehydration become increasingly severe with greater total body water loss. A body water loss of 1-2%, considered mild dehydration, is shown to impair cognitive performance. In people over age 50, the body's thirst sensation diminishes and continues diminishing with age. Many senior citizens suffer symptoms of dehydration. Dehydration contributes to morbidity in the elderly especially during conditions that promote insensible free", "id": "20589530" }, { "contents": "Baltic Sea\n\n\nThe highest surface salinities, generally 0.7–0.9%, is in the southwestern-most part of the Baltic, in the Arkona and Bornholm Basins (the former located roughly between southeast Zealand and Bornholm, and the latter directly east of Bornholm). It gradually falls further east and north, reaching the lowest in the Bothnian Bay at around 0.3%. Drinking the surface water of the Baltic as a means of survival would actually hydrate the body instead of dehydrating, as is the case with ocean water. As salt water is denser", "id": "2950795" }, { "contents": "Nutrition\n\n\npanel proposes that pregnant women should consume the same volume of water as non-pregnant women, plus an increase in proportion to the higher energy requirement, equal to 300 mL/day. To compensate for additional fluid output, breastfeeding women require an additional 700 mL/day above the recommended intake values for non-lactating women. Dehydration and over-hydration - too little and too much water, respectively - can have harmful consequences. Drinking too much water is one of the possible causes of hyponatremia, i.e., low serum", "id": "1764568" }, { "contents": "Camel\n\n\nwithstand only about 12–14% dehydration before cardiac failure results from circulatory disturbance. When the camel exhales, water vapor becomes trapped in their nostrils and is reabsorbed into the body as a means to conserve water. Camels eating green herbage can ingest sufficient moisture in milder conditions to maintain their bodies' hydrated state without the need for drinking. The camels' thick coats insulate them from the intense heat radiated from desert sand; a shorn camel must sweat 50% more to avoid overheating. During the summer the coat becomes lighter in color", "id": "6659244" }, { "contents": "Drinking culture\n\n\nperception may also account to some extent for historically noted cultural differences: Northern Europeans drink beer, which in the past was often of a low alcohol content (2.5% compared to today's 5%). In pre-industrial society, beer was safer to drink than water, because it had been boiled and contained alcohol. Southern Europeans drink wine and fortified wines (10–20% alcohol by volume). Traditionally, wine was watered and honeyed; drinking full strength wine was considered barbaric in Republican Rome. Nor does binge", "id": "16711703" }, { "contents": "Beer in Canada\n\n\nC; -173.2 °F) than water and doesn't form crystals, when the ice is filtered off. This creates a concoction with a higher volume ratio of alcohol to water and therefore creating a beer with a higher alcohol content by volume. The process is known as \"fractional freezing\" or \"freeze distillation\". Labatt patented a specific method for making ice beer in 1997, 1998 and 2000 which is described as follows: \"A process for chill-treating, which is exemplified by a process for preparing a", "id": "4660877" }, { "contents": "Ketoacidosis\n\n\nlack of insulin in the bloodstream prevents glucose absorption, thereby inhibiting the production of oxaloacetate through reduced levels of pyruvate, and can cause unchecked ketone body production (through fatty acid metabolism) potentially leading to dangerous glucose and ketone levels in the blood. Hyperglycemia results in glucose overloading the kidneys and spilling into the urine (transport maximum for glucose is exceeded). Dehydration results following the osmotic movement of water into urine (osmotic diuresis), exacerbating the acidosis. In alcoholic ketoacidosis, alcohol causes dehydration and blocks the first step of", "id": "5492620" }, { "contents": "Lipid bilayer\n\n\nthick. In phospholipid bilayers the phosphate group is located within this hydrated region, approximately 0.5 nm outside the hydrophobic core. In some cases, the hydrated region can extend much further, for instance in lipids with a large protein or long sugar chain grafted to the head. One common example of such a modification in nature is the lipopolysaccharide coat on a bacterial outer membrane, which helps retain a water layer around the bacterium to prevent dehydration. Next to the hydrated region is an intermediate region that is only partially hydrated. This", "id": "331711" }, { "contents": "Small beer\n\n\nSmall beer (also known as small ale or table beer) is a lager or ale that contains a lower amount of alcohol by volume (ABV) than other beers, typically between 0.5% to 2.8%. Sometimes unfiltered and porridge-like, it was a favored drink in Medieval Europe and colonial North America against more expensive beer with higher alcohol. Small beer was also produced in households for consumption by children and servants. Before the 19th century, drinking water had the potential to make one sick because of poor sanitation", "id": "9258495" }, { "contents": "Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell\n\n\nand can sometimes physically degrade due to hydrations effects, thereby causing losses of efficiency. As mentioned, Nafion is also limited by a dehydration temperature of 100 °C, which can lead to slower reaction kinetics, poor cost efficiency, and CO poisoning of Pt electrode catalysts. Conversely, MOFs have shown encouraging proton conductivities in both low and high temperature regimes as well as over a wide range of humidity conditions. Below 100 °C and under hydration, the presence of hydrogen bonding and solvent water molecules aid in proton transport,", "id": "21352840" }, { "contents": "Low-alcohol beer\n\n\ntraditional brews consists of eight basic steps, nine for brewing non-alcoholic brews. Low-alcohol beer starts out as regular alcoholic beer, which is then cooked in order to evaporate the alcohol. This is possible because alcohol is more volatile than water, so it is easier to boil off. The alcohol is allowed to escape and the remaining liquid is used, essentially the opposite of distillation. Most modern breweries also utilize vacuum evaporation to preserve flavor. In essence, the beer is placed under a light vacuum to facilitate", "id": "1871150" }, { "contents": "Hangover\n\n\nan electrolyte imbalance. Studies suggest that electrolyte changes play only a minor role in the genesis of the alcohol hangover and are caused by dehydration effects. Drinking water may help relieve symptoms as a result of dehydration but it is unlikely that rehydration significantly reduces the presence and severity of alcohol hangover. Alcohol's effect on the stomach lining can account for nausea because alcohol stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Studies show that alcohol hangover is associated with a decrease in blood glucose concentration (less than 70 ml/dl)", "id": "3355790" }, { "contents": "Great Divide Brewing Company\n\n\nalcohol content greater than 7%. Six of the thirteen beers made by Great Divide in 2006 exceeded this threshold, and one, \"Old Ruffian\", has over 10.2% alcohol content, which is twice that of America's top selling beer Budweiser. “I also think that brewers like to sell the beer that they like to drink.\" Dunn said, \"And as people who can and do drink beer all day long, it’s obviously more interesting for us to drink big beers that are long on flavor", "id": "1211669" }, { "contents": "Urine\n\n\nas bacteria in the urine are unusual otherwise. A microscopic examination of the urine may be helpful to identify organic or inorganic substrates and help in the diagnosis. The color and volume of urine can be reliable indicators of hydration level. Clear and copious urine is generally a sign of adequate hydration. Dark urine is a sign of dehydration. The exception occurs when diuretics are consumed, in which case urine can be clear and copious and the person still be dehydrated. Urine contains proteins and other substances that are useful for medical therapy", "id": "6937069" }, { "contents": "Urine\n\n\nranging from colorless to amber but is usually a pale yellow. In the urine of a healthy individual the color comes primarily from the presence of urobilin. Urobilin is a final waste product resulting from the breakdown of heme from hemoglobin during the destruction of aging blood cells. Colorless urine indicates over-hydration, generally preferable to dehydration (though it can remove essential salts from the body). Colorless urine in drug tests can suggest an attempt to avoid detection of illicit drugs in the bloodstream through over-hydration. Some time after", "id": "6937062" }, { "contents": "Electrolyte\n\n\nand potassium salts replenish the body's water and electrolyte concentrations after dehydration caused by exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, diaphoresis (heavy sweating), diarrhea, vomiting, intoxication or starvation. Athletes exercising in extreme conditions (for three or more hours continuously, e.g. a marathon or triathlon) who do not consume electrolytes risk dehydration (or hyponatremia). A home-made electrolyte drink can be made by using water, sugar and salt in precise proportions. Commercial preparations are also available for both human and veterinary use. Electrolytes are", "id": "3869684" }, { "contents": "Hydration reaction\n\n\nThis two step route is called the \"indirect process\". In the \"direct process,\" the acid protonates the alkene, and water reacts with this incipient carbocation to give the alcohol. The direct process is more popular because it is simpler. The acid catalysts include phosphoric acid and several solid acids. Here an example reaction mechanism of the hydration of 1-methylcyclohexene to 1-methylcyclohexanol: Many alternative routes are available for producing alcohols, including the hydroboration–oxidation reaction, the oxymercuration–reduction reaction, the Mukaiyama hydration, the reduction", "id": "10648539" }, { "contents": "Light beer\n\n\ncan also mean a less expensive beer, especially where excise is determined by alcohol content. This is the primary definition of the term in countries such as Australia and Scotland. In Australia, regular beers have approximately 5% alcohol by volume; light beers may have alcohol. In Scotland, the term derives from shilling categories, where 'light' customarily means a beer with less than 3.5% alcohol by volume. Reducing the caloric content of beer is accomplished primarily by reducing the carbohydrate content, and secondarily by reducing the alcohol", "id": "15215136" }, { "contents": "Drinking\n\n\nthe hypothalamus in response to subtle changes in the body's electrolyte levels and blood volume. A decline in total body water is called dehydration and will eventually lead to death by hypernatremia. Methods used in the management of dehydration include assisted drinking or oral rehydration therapy. An overconsumption of water can lead to water intoxication, which can dangerously dilute the concentration of salts in the body. Overhydration sometimes occurs among athletes and outdoor laborers, but it can also be a sign of disease or damage to the hypothalamus. A persistent desire to", "id": "18173495" }, { "contents": "Bush (beer)\n\n\nbrewery has its own well, the water used is drawn between 37 and 45 metres deep, very pure water, essential for a good beer. The raw materials must be purchased. The hops and barley come from the Czech Republic. Pêche Mel' Bush with its 8.5% alcohol volume is actually made up of half Timmermans lambic beer(4% alcohol) and half Amber Bush. Production of the Bush 7 (7.5% alcohol) was recently discontinued. Cuvée des Trolls has an alcohol content of 7% and it is the", "id": "3530437" }, { "contents": "Dehydration\n\n\npercent of total body water can cause physical and mental deterioration, accompanied by severe thirst. Death occurs at a loss of between fifteen and twenty-five percent of the body water. Mild dehydration is characterized by thirst and general discomfort and is usually resolved with oral rehydration. Dehydration can cause hypernatremia (high levels of sodium ions in the blood) and is distinct from hypovolemia (loss of blood volume, particularly blood plasma). The hallmarks of dehydration include thirst and neurological changes such as headaches, general discomfort, loss of", "id": "20589529" }, { "contents": "Common ostrich\n\n\nGFR rate. Thus in response to the dehydration, ostrich kidneys secrete small amounts of very viscous glomerular filtrates that have not been broken down, and return them to the circulatory system through blood vessels. The reduction of GFR during dehydration is extremely high and so the fractional excretion of water (urine flow rate as a percentage of GFR) drops down from 15% at normal hydration to 1% during dehydration. Common ostriches employ adaptive features to manage the dry heat and solar radiation in their habitat. Ostriches will drink available water", "id": "2581928" }, { "contents": "Beer\n\n\nfermentable sugars. Alcohol is a by-product of yeast metabolism and is toxic to the yeast in higher concentrations; typical brewing yeast cannot survive at alcohol concentrations above 12% by volume. Low temperatures and too little fermentation time decreases the effectiveness of yeasts and consequently decreases the alcohol content. The weakest beers are dealcoholized beers, which typically have less than 0.05% alcohol (also called \"near beer\") and light beers, which usually have 4% alcohol. The strength of beers has climbed during the later years", "id": "3018270" }, { "contents": "Porosome\n\n\n. These vesicles contain dehydrated proteins (non-active) which are activated once they are hydrated. GTP is required for the transport of water through the water channels or Aquaporins, and ions through ion channels to hydrate the vesicle. Once the vesicle fuses at the porosome base, the contents of the vesicle at high pressure are ejected from the cell. Generally the porosomes are opened and closed by actin, however, neurons require a fast response therefore they have central plugs that open to release contents and close to stop the release", "id": "4010382" }, { "contents": "Alcohol by volume\n\n\nto alcohol by weight (ABW), expressed as a percentage of total mass. Some brewers print the ABW (rather than the ABV) on beer containers, particularly on low-point versions of popular domestic beer brands. One can use the following equation to convert between ABV and ABW: At relatively low ABV, the alcohol percentage by weight is about 4/5 of the ABV (e.g., 3.2% ABW is about 4% ABV). However, because of the miscibility of alcohol and water, the conversion factor is", "id": "18187506" }, { "contents": "Dehydration\n\n\nhas sometimes been used incorrectly as a proxy for the separate, related condition hypovolemia, which specifically refers to a decrease in volume of blood plasma. The two are regulated through independent mechanisms in humans; the distinction is important in guiding treatment. For routine activities, thirst is normally an adequate guide to maintain proper hydration. Minimum water intake will vary individually depending on weight, environment, diet and genetics. With exercise, exposure to hot environments, or a decreased thirst response, additional water may be required. In athletes in", "id": "20589534" }, { "contents": "Gravity (alcoholic beverage)\n\n\n, carbon dioxide or ethanol can be estimated by removing the alcohol from beer which has been degassed and clarified by filtration or other means. This is often done as part of a distillation in which the alcohol is collected for quantitative analysis but can also be done by evaporation in a water bath. If the residue is made back up to the original volume of beer which was subject to the evaporation process, the specific gravity of that reconstituted beer measured and converted to Plato using the tables and formulas in the Plato article then the", "id": "19412342" }, { "contents": "Josiah Harlan\n\n\nalcohol that cholera could be survived. The alcohol was not of course distilled from the local water full of feces that spread cholera. Harlan was raised a teetotaler, but he broke with his Quaker values by drinking as much wine and whisky that had been smuggled into Afghanistan from India as possible to survive cholera. An attack of cholera typically lasts 48 hours, during which the body excretes fluids, causing intense dehydration that leads to death, which can be countered if one consumes enough non-cholera infected fluids such as alcohol.", "id": "11312306" }, { "contents": "KcsA potassium channel\n\n\na cage formed by eight oxygen atoms that sit on the vertices of a cube. The oxygen atoms that surround K ions in the filter are arranged like the water molecules that encircle hydrated K ions in the cavity of the channel; this suggests that oxygen coordination and binding sites in the selectivity filter are paying for the energetic cost of K dehydration. Because the Na+ ion is too small for these K-sized binding sites, dehydration energy is not compensated and thus, the filter selects against other extraneous ions. Additionally, the", "id": "4250631" }, { "contents": "Malt liquor\n\n\n-alcoholic or non-intoxicating malt liquor. In some states, products labeled \"beer\" must fall below a certain alcohol content, and beers that exceed the mark must be labeled as \"malt liquor\". While ordinary beers in the United States average around 5% alcohol by volume, malt liquors typically range from 6% up to 9% alcohol by volume. A typical legal definition is Colorado's Rev. Stat. ss. 12-47-103(19), which provides that: \"Malt Liquors\" includes beer", "id": "7714087" }, { "contents": "Delirium tremens\n\n\nthat controls the heart rate, blood pressure, and seizure threshold among myriad other important autonomic nervous subsystems. Delirium tremens is most common in people who have a history of alcohol withdrawal, especially in those who drink the equivalent of of beer or of distilled beverage daily. Delirium tremens also commonly affects those with a history of habitual alcohol use or alcoholism that has existed for more than 10 years. Delirium tremens is a component of alcohol withdrawal hypothesized to be the result of compensatory changes in response to chronic alcohol abuse. Alcohol positively", "id": "21608738" }, { "contents": "Factors of polymer weathering\n\n\nhydrated inner layers resist this contraction, leading to surface stress cracking. This oscillation between hydrated and dehydrated states may result in stress fractures. Because of diffusion rates in organic materials, it may takes weeks or months to reach a moisture equilibrium. The chemical effects of moisture can be seen in the chalking of titanium dioxide (TiO) pigmented coatings and polymers; the anatase form is particularly sensitive to wavelengths below about 405 nm while the rutile forms absorb energy above that wavelength. Chalking results from the degradation of the binding material resulting", "id": "2298767" }, { "contents": "Dehydration\n\n\nby a wide range of diseases and states that impair water homeostasis in the body. These occur primarily through either impaired thirst/water access or sodium excess. Dehydration occurs when water intake is not enough to replace free water lost due to normal physiologic processes, including breathing, urination, and perspiration, or other causes, including diarrhea and vomiting. Dehydration can be life-threatening when severe and lead to seizures or respiratory arrest, and also carries the risk of osmotic cerebral edema if rehydration is overly rapid. The term dehydration", "id": "20589533" }, { "contents": "Health effects of wine\n\n\nhangovers), indicating a need to maintain hydration when drinking wine and to consume in moderation. A 2017 review found that 22% of people experiencing migraine or tension headaches identified alcohol as a precipitating factor, and red wine as three times more likely to trigger a headache than beer. A serving of red or white wine provides about 120 to 130 calories, while dessert wines supply a higher caloric value. As wine has an alcohol by volume (ABV) percentage of about 11%, the higher the ABV, the higher", "id": "5664576" }, { "contents": "Resilin\n\n\ndifference on the material’s property: while the hydrated resilin behaves like a rubber, the dehydrated resilin has the properties of a glassy polymer. However, dehydrated resilin is able to return to its rubbery state if water is available. Water serves as a plasticizer in resilin network by increasing the amount of hydrogen bonds. The high concentration of proline and glycine, polyproline helices, and hydrophilic portions all serves to increase water content in resilin protein network. The increase in hydrogen bonds lead to an increase in chain mobility, thus decreases", "id": "6761680" }, { "contents": "Sodium bisulfate\n\n\nan excess of sulfuric acid: The acids HX produced have a lower boiling point than the reactants and are separated from the reaction mixture by distillation. Hydrated sodium bisulfate dehydrates at at which point it separates from the water molecule attached to it. Once cooled again, it is freshly hygroscopic. Heating sodium bisulfate to produces sodium pyrosulfate, another colorless salt: Sodium bisulfate is used primarily to lower pH. For technical-grade applications, it is used in metal finishing, cleaning products, and to lower the pH of water for effective", "id": "3308389" }, { "contents": "Lautering\n\n\nThe second draining can be used in making a lighter-bodied low-alcohol beer known as small beer, or can be added to the first draining. Some homebrewers use English sparging, except that the second batch of water is only held long enough for the grain bed to settle, after which recirculation and draining occurs. Fly sparging (or German sparging), which is used by commercial breweries and many homebrewers, uses continuous process sparging. When the wort reaches a desired level (typically about ) above the grainbed,", "id": "7976884" }, { "contents": "Cryostasis (clathrate hydrates)\n\n\nThe term cryostasis was introduced to name the reversible preservation technology for live biological objects which is based on using clathrate-forming gaseous substances under increased hydrostatic pressure and hypothermic temperatures. Living tissues cooled below the freezing point of water are damaged by the dehydration of the cells as ice is formed between the cells. The mechanism of freezing damage in living biological tissues has been elucidated by Renfret. The vapor pressure of the ice is lower than the vapor pressure of the solute water in the surrounding cells and as heat is removed at the", "id": "20516996" }, { "contents": "Ale\n\n\nIt was one of three main sources of grains in the medieval diet, along with pottage and breads. Scholars believe grains accounted for around 80% of the calorie intake of agricultural workers and 75% for soldiers. Even nobles received around 65% of their calories from grains. Small beer, also known as table beer or mild beer, which was highly nutritious, contained just enough alcohol to act as a preservative, and provided hydration without intoxicating effects. Small beer would have been consumed daily by almost everyone, including children", "id": "20352826" }, { "contents": "Isopropyl alcohol\n\n\nor cyclohexane as azeotroping agents. Indirect hydration reacts propene with sulfuric acid to form a mixture of sulfate esters. This process can use low-quality propene, and is predominant in the USA. These processes give primarily isopropyl alcohol rather than 1-propanol, because adding water or sulfuric acid to propene follows Markovnikov's rule. Subsequent hydrolysis of these esters by steam produces isopropyl alcohol, by distillation. Diisopropyl ether is a significant by-product of this process; it is recycled back to the process and hydrolyzed to give the desired product", "id": "21362272" }, { "contents": "Low-alcohol beer\n\n\nadding the water and remaining acids back into the syrupy mixture of sugars and flavor compounds left on the other side of the filter, the process is then complete. Sometimes beer is simply diluted with water to give the desired alcohol level. The conversion from a traditional alcoholic beer to a non-alcoholic beer takes place after the seventh step and preceding the finishing step. The uncarbonated beer is heated up to its boiling point. Another method of removing the alcohol is to decrease the pressure so the alcohol boils at room temperature.", "id": "1871152" }, { "contents": "Malt liquor\n\n\nMalt liquor, in North America, is beer with high alcohol content. Legally, it often includes any alcoholic beverage with 5% or more alcohol by volume made with malted barley. In common usage, it refers to beers containing a high alcohol content, generally above 6%, which are made with ingredients and processes resembling those for American-style lagers. Malt liquor is a strong lager or ale in which sugar, corn or other adjuncts are added to the malted barley to boost the total amount of fermentable sugars in", "id": "7714084" }, { "contents": "Beer\n\n\nbars and pubs, that consists of a cylinder attached to a beer cooling device at the bottom. Beer is dispensed from the beer tower into a drinking vessel. Beer contains ethanol, an alcohol, which has short and long-term effects on the user when consumed. Different concentrations of alcohol in the human body have different effects on a person. The effects of alcohol depend on the amount an individual has drunk, the percentage of alcohol in the beer and the timespan over which the consumption has taken place, the amount", "id": "3018288" }, { "contents": "Emily Fortey\n\n\nwhere she demonstrated that the cyclohexane fractions of crude oil from three geographical areas (American, Galician, and Caucasian) were not only the same, but also matched synthetic cyclohexane. Fortey was the sole author of the paper on this work, published in 1898. There is also evidence that Fortey collaborated with William A. Tilden in 1902 on alcohol-water mixtures. The data generated by Fortey and Tilden contributed to the conclusion that no alcohol hydrates can be formed above 0 °C. Below is a partial list of Fortey's", "id": "5010096" }, { "contents": "Volume contraction\n\n\nVolume contraction is a decrease in the volume of body fluid, including the dissolved substances that maintain osmotic balance (osmolytes). The loss of the water component of body fluid is specifically termed dehydration. Volume contraction is more or less a loss of extracellular fluid (ECF) and/or intracellular fluid (ICF). Volume contraction of extracellular fluid is directly coupled to and almost proportional to volume contraction of blood plasma, which is termed hypovolemia. Thus, it primarily affects the circulatory system, potentially causing hypovolemic shock. ECF volume contraction", "id": "3001208" }, { "contents": "Tricalcium aluminate\n\n\n, then sulfur is lost as SO, and reactive aluminates start to form. This is readily monitored by tracking the clinker sulfate level on an hour-to-hour basis. Water reacts instantly with tricalcium aluminate. Hydration likely begins already during grinding of cement clinker due to residual humidity and dehydration of gypsum additives. Initial contact with water causes protonation of single bonded oxygen atoms on aluminate rings and leads to the formation of calcium hydroxide. The next steps in the sequence of the hydration reaction involve the generated hydroxide ions as strong", "id": "13409038" }, { "contents": "Snorkeling\n\n\nand especially \"waterproof\" sunblock will mitigate this risk. Dehydration is another concern. Hydrating well before entering the water is highly recommended, especially if one intends to snorkel for several hours. Proper hydration also prevents cramps. Snorkelers who hyperventilate to extend sub-surface time can experience hypocapnia if they hyperventilate prior to submerging. This can in turn lead to \"shallow water blackout\". Snorkeling with a buddy and remaining aware of the buddy's condition at all times can help avoid these difficulties. When snorkeling on or near coral", "id": "18392482" }, { "contents": "Nickel(II) iodide\n\n\nNickel(II) iodide is an inorganic compound with the formula NiI. This paramagnetic black solid dissolves readily in water to give blue-green solutions of the aquo complexes. This blue-green colour is typical of hydrated nickel(II) compounds. Nickel iodides find some applications in homogeneous catalysis. The anhydrous material crystallizes in the CdCl motif, featuring octahedral coordination geometry at each Ni(II) center. NiI2 is prepared by dehydration of the pentahydrate. NiI readily hydrates, and the hydrated form can be prepared by dissolution of nickel oxide, hydroxide, or", "id": "21555451" }, { "contents": "Dehydration reaction\n\n\nform sucrose) using dehydration synthesis. The new molecule, consisting of two monosaccharides, is called a disaccharide. The process of hydrolysis is the reverse reaction, meaning that the water is recombined with the two hydroxyl groups and the disaccharide reverts to being monosaccharides. In the related condensation reaction water is released from two different reactants. In organic synthesis, there are many examples of dehydration reaction, for example dehydration of alcohols or sugars. Other examples of dehydration synthesis reactions are the formation of triglycerides from fatty acids and the formation of", "id": "17465069" }, { "contents": "Diethyl oxomalonate\n\n\nto diethyl oxomalonate-hydrate. A more recent patent describes the synthesis of diethyl oxomalonate from the simple precursor diethyl malonate by oxidation with aqueous sodium chlorite (NaClO) solution at pH 4.4 in 97% yield. The ester is first produced as a hydrate, which is dehydrated by azeotropic distillation with toluene to the final product. Diethyl oxomalonate is a greenish-yellow, low-viscosity, low-odor oil that rapidly forms the dihydrate and crystallizes with water in shape of white prisms. The refractive index is 1.425 (20", "id": "17917337" }, { "contents": "Sauna\n\n\nthe loss of electrolytes from the body, as after vigorous exercise. The risk of dehydration leading to heat stroke may be reduced by regular sipping of water or isotonic drinks, but not alcohol, during the sauna. Sauna bathing with heavy drinking of alcoholic beverages or during alcohol withdrawal phase can have serious adverse health effects. With sauna associated deaths in Finland, individuals usually had an underlying chronic illness. More than 50% were men over the age of 50, and 30% were over 70. Most were also intoxicated.", "id": "393600" }, { "contents": "Vitamalz\n\n\n43 kcal per 100 ml, it is about on par with both alcoholic lager and most soft drinks with added sugar. The company recommends it for young people and pregnant women because of its nutritional value. Unfortunately, no information on said value can be found, other than the fact that it contains several B-Vitamins which support the metabolism and that it gives lots of energy to the body. Due to its containing brewing water, barley malt and hop, the taste of malt beer is related to that of alcohol-", "id": "2245908" }, { "contents": "Alcohol by volume\n\n\nnot constant but rather depends upon the concentration of alcohol. 100% ABW is equivalent to 100% ABV. During the production of wine and beer, yeast is added to a sugary solution. During fermentation, the yeasts consume the sugars and produce alcohol. The density of sugar in water is greater than the density of alcohol in water. A hydrometer is used to measure the change in specific gravity (SG) of the solution before and after fermentation. The volume of alcohol in the solution can then be estimated. There", "id": "18187507" }, { "contents": "Body water\n\n\nits relative bone mass and the lower its body water content. In diseased states, where body water is affected, the fluid compartment or compartments that have changed can give clues to the nature of the problem, or problems. Body water is regulated by hormones, including anti-diuretic hormone, aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide. Volume contraction is a decrease in body fluid volume, with or without a concomitant loss of osmolytes. The loss of the body water component of body fluid is specifically termed dehydration. Sodium loss approximately correlates", "id": "10002219" }, { "contents": "Malt liquor\n\n\nand shall be construed to mean any beverage obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of any infusion or decoction of barley, malt, hops or any other similar products, or any combination thereof, in water containing more than three and two-tenths percent of alcohol by weight. Alcohol percentages measured by weight translate into larger figures when re-expressed as alcohol percentages by volume, because ethanol is less dense than water. The term \"malt liquor\" is documented in England in 1690 as a general term encompassing both beer and ale.", "id": "7714088" }, { "contents": "Hofmeister Lager\n\n\nHofmeister is a Helles (pale lager beer) with 5% alcohol by volume. Hofmeister is brewed in Bavaria according to the Reinheitsgebot, which is also known as the \"purity law\". This is a traditional brewing method which dates back to 1516. Beers brewed with this method only contain barley, hops, and water. From the 1980s to 2003, Hofmeister was a 3.2% alcohol by volume pale lager produced by Scottish Courage (later Scottish & Newcastle). On 17 October 2007, Heineken International and Carlsberg jointly", "id": "840237" }, { "contents": "Torbernite\n\n\nTorbernite, whose name derives from the Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman (1735–1784), is a radioactive, hydrated green copper uranyl phosphate mineral, found in granites and other uranium-bearing deposits as a secondary mineral. Torbernite is isostructural with the related uranium mineral, autunite. The chemical formula of torbernite is similar to that of autunite in which a Cu cation replaces a Ca. The number of water hydration molecules can vary between 12 and 8, giving rise to the variety of metatorbernite when torbernite spontaneously dehydrates. Their respective chemical compositions", "id": "3988868" }, { "contents": "Silica gel\n\n\nwater. An aqueous solution of sodium silicate is acidified to produce a gelatinous precipitate that is washed, then dehydrated to produce colorless silica gel. When a visible indication of the moisture content of the silica gel is required, ammonium tetrachlorocobaltate(II) (NH)CoCl or cobalt chloride CoCl is added. This will cause the gel to be blue when dry and pink when hydrated. An alternative indicator is methyl violet which is orange when dry and green when hydrated. Due to the connection between cancer and cobalt chloride, it has been forbidden in", "id": "8423848" }, { "contents": "Ice beer\n\n\noff the ice crystals from the brew leaving behind a beer that is twice as potent as the original.\" That produces a beer with 12 to 15 per cent alcohol. In North America, water would be added to lower the alcohol level. Eisbock was introduced to Canada in 1989 by the microbrewery Niagara Falls Brewing Company. The brewers started with a strong dark lager (15.3 degrees Plato/1.061 original gravity, 6% alcohol by volume), then used the traditional method of freezing and removing ice to concentrate aroma and flavours while", "id": "15052211" }, { "contents": "Micro technique\n\n\nfloating medium, 12, drying the section. Processing paraffin sections include 1. Deparaffination, 2. Removing the deparaffing solution, 3. Hydration, 4. Staining, 5. Dehydration, 6. Dealcoholisation and clearing, 7. Mounting the cover slide. Celloidin technique is the procedure of embedding a specimen in celloidin. This method can be used for embedding large, hard objects. Celloidin is a digestive fiber, which is flammable, and it is soluble in acetone, clove oil, and the mixture of anhydrous alcohol and", "id": "14380898" }, { "contents": "Fluid balance\n\n\nsevere. For example, water intoxication (which results in hyponatremia), the process of consuming too much water too quickly, can be fatal. Deficits to body water result in volume contraction and dehydration. Diarrhea is a threat to both body water volume and electrolyte levels, which is why diseases that cause diarrhea are great threats to fluid balance. The amount of water varies with the individual, as it depends on the condition of the subject, the amount of physical exercise, and on the environmental temperature and humidity. In", "id": "15494899" }, { "contents": "Terpin\n\n\n, constipation, and urinary retention. Long-term administration of the combination product of terpin hydrate with codeine may lead to codeine dependence. Terpin hydrate with codeine is often mixed with alcohol as codeine is not as readily as soluble in water. The high alcohol content (42 percent) may increase depression of the central nervous system, codeine metabolism, as well as abuse potential. A humectant and expectorant, terpin hydrate works directly on the bronchial secretory cells in the lower respiratory tract to liquify and facilitate the elimination of bronchial secretions", "id": "9191034" }, { "contents": "Lanthanide trifluoromethanesulfonates\n\n\nLn(HO)(OTf). In simplified form the reaction is LnO + 6HOTf → 2Ln(OTf) + 3HO Since the reaction takes place in aqueous solution, more accurately, LnO + 6HOTf + 18HO → 2[Ln(HO)](OTf) + 3HO Anhydrous lanthanide triflates can be produced by dehydrating their hydrated counterparts by heating between 180 and 200 °C under reduced pressure for 48 hrs. This is a major advantage of lanthanide triflates compared to lanthanide halides, whose anhydrous forms require more tedious synthetic procedures because they cannot be obtained by dehydrating their hydrates (because of oxyhalide", "id": "3957388" }, { "contents": "Management of dehydration\n\n\nORS when they are able to drink without difficulty, which is usually three to four hours for infants and one to two hours for older persons. ORS provides additional base and potassium which may not be adequately supplied by IV fluid. Ideally, patients should be reassessed every fifteen to thirty minutes until a strong radial pulse is present, and thereafter, assessed at least hourly to confirm that hydration is improving. Hopefully, patients will graduate to the medium dehydration or \"some\" dehydration category and receive continued treatment as above. Inadequate", "id": "20820053" }, { "contents": "Ethanol fuel in Brazil\n\n\ncan contain up to 4.9% of water by volume. This hydrous ethanol is the fuel used by ethanol-only and flex vehicles in the country. Further dehydration is normally done by addition of chemicals, up to the specified 99.7°GL in order to produce anhydrous ethanol, which is used for blending with pure gasoline to obtain the country's E25 mandatory blend. The additional processing required to convert hydrated into anhydrous ethanol increases the cost of the fuel, as in 2007 the average producer price difference between the two was around", "id": "19500560" }, { "contents": "Magnesium chloride\n\n\n(116.7 °C), 4 (181 °C), 2 (about 300 °C). In the hexahydrate, the Mg is also octahedral, but is coordinated to six water ligands. The thermal dehydration of the hydrates MgCl(HO) (\"x\" = 6, 12) does not occur straightforwardly. Anhydrous MgCl is produced industrially by heating the chloride salt of hexammine complex [Mg(NH)]. As suggested by the existence of some hydrates, anhydrous MgCl is a Lewis acid, although a weak one.", "id": "10546783" }, { "contents": "Beer measurement\n\n\nmethod of determining the strength of a beer would be to take a quantity of beer and distill off a spirit that contains all of the alcohol that was in the beer. The alcohol content of the spirit can then be measured using a hydrometer and tables of density of alcohol and water mixtures. A simple calculation would then yield the strength of the beer. This method is accurate, but is time, energy and beer consuming. A second method is the ebulliometer method, which uses the difference between the boiling temperature of pure", "id": "1939096" }, { "contents": "Low-alcohol beer\n\n\nLow-alcohol beer is beer with little or no alcohol content and aims to reproduce the taste of beer without the inebriating effects of standard alcoholic brews. Most low-alcohol beers are lagers, but there are some low-alcohol ales. Low-alcohol beer is also known as light beer, non-alcoholic beer, small beer, small ale, or near-beer. In the United States, beverages containing less than 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) were legally called non-alcoholic, according to the", "id": "1871122" }, { "contents": "Voll-Damm\n\n\nVoll-Damm Doble Malta is a lager and Märzen or Märzenbier-style beer manufactured by S.A. Damm, a brewery in Barcelona, Spain. This robust, full-bodied beer emulates a German-style \"Vollbier\" and contains 7.2% alcohol by volume. Its dark-green colored labels display writing in the Gothic script. The name of this Pale Lager comes from the word “voll”, which means full or complete in German, referring to the intense body and flavour of a beer with an original wort extract", "id": "5301670" }, { "contents": "Magnesium carbonate\n\n\nis given as 350 °C (662 °F). However, calcination to the oxide is generally not considered complete below 900 °C due to interfering readsorption of liberated carbon dioxide. The hydrates of the salts lose water at different temperatures during decomposition. For example in the trihydrate, which molecular formula may be written as Mg(HCO)(OH)•2(HO), the dehydration steps occur at 157 °C and 179 °C as follows: The primary use of magnesium carbonate is the production of magnesium oxide by calcining. Magnesite and dolomite minerals are", "id": "11048511" }, { "contents": "Plaster\n\n\nthe material that was (and sometimes still is) used to make classic plaster orthopedic casts to protect limbs with broken bones, the artistic use having been partly inspired by the medical use (see orthopedic cast). Set Modroc is an early example of a composite material. The hydration of plaster of Paris relies on the reaction of water with the dehydrated or partially hydrated calcium sulfate present in the plaster. Lime plaster is a mixture of calcium hydroxide and sand (or other inert fillers). Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes", "id": "18194477" }, { "contents": "Management of dehydration\n\n\nto reduce the severity and duration of diarrhea. In addition, supplemental vitamin A is often recommended, particular for children who have diarrhea during or shortly after measles, or in children who are already malnourished, although ideally for all patients. Drinks especially high in simple sugars, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, are not recommended as the main source of hydration, or for children under 5 years of age as they may \"increase\" diarrhea. Plain water may be used if more specific and effective ORT preparations of hydrational", "id": "20820055" }, { "contents": "Cobalt(II) chloride\n\n\nsolution -- at 51.25 °C, 206 °C, and 335 °C, respectively. On slow heating in an open container, water evaporates out of each of the solid 6-, 2-, and 1- hydrates, leaving the next lower hydrate -- at about 40 °C, 89 °C, and 126 °C, respectively. Dehydration can also be effected with trimethylsilyl chloride: The anhydrous compound can be purified by sublimation in vacuum. In the laboratory, cobalt(II) chloride serves as a common precursor to other cobalt", "id": "21178118" }, { "contents": "Dehydration\n\n\nIn physiology, dehydration is a deficit of total body water, with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processes. It occurs when free water loss exceeds free water intake, usually due to exercise, disease, or high environmental temperature. Mild dehydration can also be caused by immersion diuresis, which may increase risk of decompression sickness in divers. Most people can tolerate a three to four percent decrease in total body water without difficulty or adverse health effects. A five to eight percent decrease can cause fatigue and dizziness. Loss of over ten", "id": "20589528" }, { "contents": "Terminal dehydration\n\n\nat which, should it be desired to abort the terminal dehydration, rehydration cannot be accomplished through simple oral rehydration therapy; rather, it will require medical assistance such as intravenous therapy. Those who die by terminal dehydration typically lapse into unconsciousness before death, and may also experience delirium and altered serum sodium. Discontinuation of hydration does not produce true thirst, although a sensation of dryness of the mouth often is reported as \"thirst\". The evidence this is not true thirst is extensive and shows the ill feeling is not", "id": "259201" }, { "contents": "Jellyfish as food\n\n\n2001, it was reported that Japan had annually imported between 5,400 and 10,000 tons of edible jellyfish from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Dehydrated and pickled jellyfish is considered a delicacy in several Asian countries, including China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Japan. A preparation method using dehydrated jellyfish involves re-hydrating the product by soaking it in water for several hours and then parboiling, rinsing and slicing it. Consuming echizen kurage is potentially dangerous if the toxic part is", "id": "7852855" }, { "contents": "Low-alcohol beer\n\n\nthe alcohol molecules going into the gaseous phase. If a sufficient vacuum is applied, it may not even be necessary to \"cook\" the beer, but heat must nevertheless be supplied to counter the heat lost to Enthalpy of vaporization. An alternative process called reverse osmosis does not require heating. The beer is passed through a filter with pores small enough that only alcohol and water (and a few volatile acids) can pass through. The alcohol is distilled out of the alcohol-water mix using conventional distillation methods. After", "id": "1871151" }, { "contents": "Beer in Canada\n\n\nbeer sold in Canada show the alcohol by volume on the label. A standard bottle of beer (12 imperial fl oz or 341 mL and five percent alcohol by volume) which makes 21.6 mL of alcohol (17.05 g). The percentage of alcohol is expressed in mass per volume (g/100 ml) so it means grams of alcohol per 100 ml of solution (fluid in the bottle). It means that a 78.9% alcohol liquid would be pure, meaning only pure ethanol. In most nations, the labelled alcohol", "id": "4660862" } ]
How is it that Google cars have accurate enough position tracking to drive autonomously, but my Google phone constantly loses track of my GPS location and can hardly get me to my destination?
[{"answer": "You're comparing a tiny antenna in a tiny phone running off a tiny battery to something with all the space and power it could ever want. The reception is just plain better to start with. Don't forget, the autonomous system is far more than just GPS. Speed sensors keep tracking even if signal is lost (like many modern cars now have). Even if a GPS fix is lost, if you have the last position and an accurate log of distance and direction traveled, it's not hard to figure out where you are now. Cameras and radar (and LIDAR-thanks /u/PangoriaFallstar) are constantly checking around you to react to the real-life traffic and pedestrians that GPS can't help with. GPS isn't what keeps it in a lane or on a road, it's the various sensors. GPS is mostly used for location/routing. EDIT: For those looking for more, check out this [article/video]( URL_0 ), which goes very deep into how the system works on a technical level, and even shows a great visualization of what the car \"sees\". They also mention how these systems compensate for GPS drop outs."}, {"answer": "Google Cars use a lot more than GPS to track where they are. They have expensive cameras that operate in the visual, infrared, and radar spectrums, as well as highly detailed maps of the areas they're driving around in. They use all of this data to figure out how to drive, not just GPS."}, {"answer": "In addition to what the other posters said, the GPS in most phones is not as bad as you described. I had that experience with my first iPhone six years ago but for the last 2 - 3 years the GPS in my phone has been great, it never loses track of my position. Maybe your phone had a bad GPS antenna?"}, {"answer": "The size and density requirements of smart phones mean that you can't build a proper GPS antenna. As a result, the signal reception in a phone is terrible; it is weak. Equally importantly, it is also highly distorted because the phone antenna is not directional (meaning that it picks up satellite signals reflecting off the ground or from buildings), whereas a proper GPS antenna is semi-directional, it picks up signals only from the sky, or sideways (they can still be somewhat vulnerable to building reflections - but there is less reflection chaos which makes the signal processing more reliable). A good quality GPS antenna can give much better performance - these are typically installed on cars with integrated navigation. They either use helical antennas under a shark fin aerodynamic cover, or they use a patch antenna about the size of an oreo. They are both roughly similar in performance."}, {"answer": "Google cars rely on an extensive and expensive survey of the area it will drive using lasers and radar and cameras. Without that pre-survey, costing much $$ and much time, the google car cannot go there."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "37658000", "title": "MyTracks", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["MyTracks was a GPS tracking application that runs on Android. The application uses a device's GPS to collect data, allowing real-time review of path, speed, distance, and elevation. Later, this data can be saved to Google Maps, Google Fusion Tables, or Google Docs and shared with Google+, Facebook, or Twitter. The application also allows a user to record annotations along the path, hear periodic voice announcements of progress, and sync with select third-party bio-metric sensors. Google has announced", "MyTracks was a GPS tracking application that runs on Android. The application uses a device's GPS to collect data, allowing real-time review of path, speed, distance, and elevation. Later, this data can be saved to Google Maps, Google Fusion Tables, or Google Docs and shared with Google+, Facebook, or Twitter."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "58708106", "title": "Google One", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Google One is a subscription service developed by Google that offers expanded cloud storage, and is intended for the consumer market. Every Google Account starts with 15\u00a0gigabytes of free storage that is shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. Google One paid plans offer cloud storage starting at 100\u00a0gigabytes, up to a maximum of 30\u00a0terabytes. Google One replaced the paid services of Google Drive to emphasize the fact that the program is used by multiple of Google's services. The program's raw storage is not accessible by users, but files, pictures and emails can be added and removed through Google Drive, Google Photos and Gmail.", "Google One is a subscription service developed by Google that offers expanded cloud storage, and is intended for the consumer market. Every Google Account starts with 15\u00a0gigabytes of free storage that is shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. Google One paid plans offer cloud storage starting at 100\u00a0gigabytes, up to a maximum of 30\u00a0terabytes. Google One replaced the paid services of Google Drive to emphasize the fact that the program is used by multiple of Google's services. The program's raw storage is not accessible by users, but files, pictures and emails can be added and removed through Google Drive, Google Photos and Gmail."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Mobile phone tracking\n\n\nby the telephone to make the location more accurate (i.e., A-GPS). Alternatively tracking with both systems can also occur by having the phone attain its GPS-location directly from the satellites, and then having the information sent via the network to the person that is trying to locate the telephone. Such systems include Google Maps, as well as, LTE's OTDOA and E-CellID. There are also hybrid positioning systems which combine several different location approaches to position mobile devices by Wi-Fi, WiMAX,", "id": "4190981" }, { "contents": "Google Maps\n\n\nobtain the GPS-determined locations of a large number of cellphone users, from which live traffic maps are produced. Google has stated that the speed and location information it collects to calculate traffic conditions is anonymous. Options available in each phone's settings allow users not to share information about their location with Google Maps. Google stated, \"Once you disable or opt out of My Location, Maps will not continue to send radio information back to Google servers to determine your handset's approximate location\". On May 25, 2007", "id": "10112984" }, { "contents": "Samsung Galaxy (original)\n\n\nGoogle Calendar, and Google Talk. The phone's GPS enables Google Maps features such as My Location, and Google Latitude. It also supports MP3, AAC (including iTunes Plus downloads) (only the codec, not the .aac format), and H.264 video. A beta version of the Spotify music streaming service is also now available for this phone via the Android Marketplace. Due to a lack of firmware updates, Samsung received criticism from original Galaxy users. For some countries, Samsung updated the Galaxy's firmware to Donut", "id": "15563722" }, { "contents": "Find My Phone\n\n\nFind my Phone or similar is the name given by various manufacturers to software and a service for smartphones, whereby a registered user can find the approximate location of the phone if switched on, over the Internet, or by the phone sending e-mail or SMS text messages. This helps to locate lost or stolen phones. Apple offers a free service called Find My iPhone for iPhones running iOS. Microsoft's My Windows Phone offers a similar service for phones running Windows Phone. Similarly, Google offers Find My Device for phones", "id": "2469126" }, { "contents": "Find My Friends\n\n\nFind My Friends (called \"Find Friends\" on the SpringBoard) is a mobile phone tracking app and service for iOS devices developed by Apple Inc. The app allows a person approved by the user, who must also have a Apple device, to access the GPS location of the user's Apple mobile device. The app can be used to track children, family, and friends, besides others such as employees, without them being notified that they are being tracked. The app could also track the location of a person as", "id": "19927003" }, { "contents": "Google My Business\n\n\nallows business owners to supply information that can show up in a Google search, such as open hours, address, phone number, and photos. Google may combine the information provided by businesses with information from other sources, including a business's own website, Google user contributions, and third party websites. The service is free. Google My Business allows businesses to create a website at no cost. Customers can review businesses and business owners can respond to reviews. Google My Business allows business owners to post updates about announcements or", "id": "1867912" }, { "contents": "Wear OS\n\n\nfind directions by voice from the phone, choose transport mode, including bike, and start a journey. While traveling, the watch shows directions, and vibrates to indicate turns by feel. Via Google Fit and similar applications, Wear OS supports ride and run tracking (\"OK Google, start a run\"). On devices sporting the needed sensor, heart activity can be sampled automatically through the day or on demand (\"OK Google, what's my heart rate\"). Step-counting, calorie expenditure etc", "id": "11912540" }, { "contents": "Samsung Galaxy Spica\n\n\nsmartphone, offering quad-band GSM and announced with two-band HSDPA (900/2100) at 3.6Mbit/s. The phone features a 3.2-inch LCD capacitive touch screen, a 3.2 megapixel autofocus camera, and a digital compass. The i5700 has a standard 3.5mm headphone jack and is equipped with DNSe 2.0. Software-wise, the Galaxy Spica offers a suite of Mobile Google services, including Google Search, Gmail, YouTube, Google Calendar, and Google Talk. The phone’s GPS enables Google Maps features such as My", "id": "9917325" }, { "contents": "Google Maps\n\n\nGoogle Maps was first announced on the Google Blog on February 8, 2005. In September 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Google Maps quickly updated its satellite imagery of New Orleans to allow users to view the extent of the flooding in various parts of that city. On November 28, 2007, Google Maps for Mobile 2.0 was released. It featured a beta version of a \"My Location\" feature, which uses the GPS / Assisted GPS location of the mobile device, if available, supplemented by determining the", "id": "10112974" }, { "contents": "Point of interest\n\n\nfor POI are also expanding. Newer digital cameras for example can automatically tag a photograph using Exif with the GPS location where a picture was taken; these pictures can then be overlaid as POI on a digital map or satellite image such as Google Earth. Geocaching applications are built around POI collections. In vehicle tracking systems, POIs are used to mark destination points and/or offices to that users of GPS tracking software would easily monitor position of vehicles according to POIs. Many different file formats, including proprietary formats, are used to store", "id": "20331100" }, { "contents": "Google Account\n\n\nthe user is redirected back to the referring site along with a token identifying them as having logged in via Google. The tool called 'My Activity' launched in 2016 - which supersedes Google Search history and Google Web History — enables users to see and delete data tracked by Google through the Google account. The tool shows which websites were visited using Chrome while logged in, devices used, apps used, Google products interacted with, etc. All information is laid out in a timeline-like layout. Users can choose to", "id": "13337732" }, { "contents": "Google Maps Navigation\n\n\nGoogle Maps Navigation is a mobile application developed by Google for the Android and iOS operating systems that was later integrated into the Google Maps mobile app. The application uses an Internet connection to a GPS navigation system to provide turn-by-turn voice-guided instructions on how to arrive at a given destination. The application requires connection to Internet data (e.g. 3G, 4G, WiFi, etc.) and normally uses a GPS satellite connection to determine its location. A user can enter a destination into the application", "id": "3995737" }, { "contents": "Hundred More Years\n\n\nwith like 20 different frustrating things, and we just picked our favorites. The idea of me losing my keys and my phone is very true to my life. I'm constantly having my husband call my phone because I can't find it, and then it happens to be in my purse or in my pocket - it's a very true line.\" \"Motion of Mercy\" was released as the second single from the album on July 18, 2011. \"Angel By Your Side\" was released as the third", "id": "4674058" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\nDan Grabham of \"TechRadar\" wrote that the integration of Google Docs into Google Drive was \"a bit confusing\", mainly due to the differences in the user interfaces between the two, where Drive offers a \"My Drive\" section with a specific \"Shared with me\" view for shared documents. He stated that \"We think the user interface needs a lot more work. It's like a retread of Google Docs at the moment and Google surely needs to do work here\". He considered uploading files \"fairly", "id": "19235304" }, { "contents": "Venus Doom\n\n\nmysticism, crunchy guitars, thrashy drums and a breathy vocal delivery tinged with effects.\" Talking about the themes explored on \"Venus Doom\", Valo stated: \"Lyrically, it's about me losing a relationship and then actually regaining it, and losing my sanity and regaining it [...] It's like me getting rid of my demons and putting the pain in the music.\" The title-track talks about \"how much love has to suffer for our humankind's insanity and our stupidity to get through to", "id": "831929" }, { "contents": "1 the Road\n\n\ninside the car, and the Global Positioning System (GPS) tracked the car's location. Input from these sources, and the time provided by the computer's internal clock, was fed into the AI program, which in turn generated sentences on rolls of receipt paper. The car was a Cadillac; Goodwin explained later he wanted an \"authoritative\" car (and was unable to get a Crown Vic), and worried that people might think him a terrorist if they saw the car with its electronics and wires. Google", "id": "4433061" }, { "contents": "Privates (video game)\n\n\nin the hopes that they will either \"shape up\" or die. The game was funded by Channel 4, in order to promote safe sex for teenage boys. Developer Dan Marshall compared the game to \"Gunstar Heroes\" in its design. He called his Google Search history when making the game \"eclectic, horrific and embarrassing\", saying that \"if my ISP are snooping on me, they're presumably pretty concerned about my well-being\", and saying that the game's artist was \"constantly getting sent", "id": "17462279" }, { "contents": "Google Maps\n\n\naddress, phone number, or geocode, but sometimes information for separate businesses will be inadvertently merged with each other, resulting in listings inaccurately incorporating elements from multiple businesses. Google allows business owners to verify their own business data through Google My Business, and has also recruited volunteers to check and correct ground truth data. Google Maps can easily be manipulated by businesses which aren't physically located in the area they record a listing. There are cases of people abusing Google Maps to overtake their competition where they place a number of unverified", "id": "10112988" }, { "contents": "Secure communication\n\n\nspecialist cited in the same source, \"Security-conscious corporate executives routinely remove the batteries from their cell phones\" since many phones' software can be used \"as-is\", or modified, to enable transmission without user awareness and the user can be located within a small distance using signal triangulation and now using built in GPS features for newer models. Transceivers may also be defeated by jamming or Faraday cage. Some cellphones (Apple's iPhone, Google's Android) track and store users' position information, so", "id": "6766658" }, { "contents": "Phaethon\n\n\ndrive the chariot of the sun for a day. Phoebus tried to talk him out of it by telling him that not even Jupiter (the king of the gods) would dare to drive it, as the chariot was fiery hot and the horses breathed out flames. He said:\"\"The first part of the track is steep, and one that my fresh horses at dawn can hardly climb. In mid-heaven it is highest, where to look down on earth and sea often alarms even me, and makes my heart tremble with", "id": "14093220" }, { "contents": "Local search (Internet)\n\n\nwas simple way to discover and share local information featuring Zagat scores and recommendations from the people you trust on Google+. On June 11, 2014 Google launched Google My Business which replaced Google+ Local. Google My Business has more features and connects with AdWords to make an all-in-one small business online management center. Reviews on Google My Business can be written by anyone regardless of whether they have actually had experience with the business. It's not uncommon for less honorable \"reputation management\" companies to post fraudulent negative reviews", "id": "10229449" }, { "contents": "Always on My Mind\n\n\nactor Joss Ackland. At the end of the song, he gets out of the car, which drives away. Standing alone, he mutters: \"You went away. It should make me feel better. But I don't know how I'm going to get through\", which is part of the lyrics for another Pet Shop Boys track, \"What Have I Done to Deserve This?\", which was released earlier in the year. In 1988, the duo remixed the song for their third studio LP,", "id": "6645683" }, { "contents": "Google\n\n\nnavigation and satellite imagery, Google Drive for cloud storage of files, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides for productivity, Google Photos for photo storage and sharing, Google Keep for note-taking, Google Translate for language translation, YouTube for video viewing and sharing, Google My Business for managing public business information, and Duo for social interaction. In March 2019, Google unveiled a cloud gaming service named Stadia. Google develops the Android mobile operating system, as well as its smartwatch, television, car, and Internet of things", "id": "5102106" }, { "contents": "ZOEgirl (album)\n\n\npopular than, \"Give Me One Reason\". \"Upside Down\" discusses \"the shallowness of pop culture\" or, more accurately, mainstream media. It also talks about materialism and overconsumption. \"Live Life\" is a song. \"Constantly\", the final track, is written by Kristin Schweain with the help of Michael Quinlan. Schweain says: \"[Constantly] most deeply ministers to me [as…] the cry of my heart many times. […] most people can relate to pleading with", "id": "8030888" }, { "contents": "Richard Gavin Reid\n\n\non Aberhart's proposals: Mr. Brownlee, we have listened to you with a great deal of attention and the answers you have given seem pretty hard to meet. But I have one more question ... I'm selling my wheat at 25 cents a bushel. If I tried to sell a steer tomorrow I'd probably hardly get enough to pay the freight. I get three cents a dozen for eggs. I'm lucky to get a dollar for a can of cream. Will you tell me what I've got to lose", "id": "8489397" }, { "contents": "Kenneth More\n\n\nask me how I feel. How can you define \"bloody awful?\" My nerves are stretched like a wire; the simplest outing becomes a huge challenge – I have to have Angela's arm to support me most days... my balance or lack of it is probably my biggest problem. My blessings are my memories and we have a few very loyal friends who help us through the bad days... Financially all's well. Thank goodness my wife, who holds nothing of the past over my head, is constantly at", "id": "15220814" }, { "contents": "Google Keep\n\n\n2016 review, JR Raphael of \"Computerworld\" wrote that \"Keep is incredibly close to being an ideal tool for me to collect and manage all of my personal and work-related notes. And, as evidenced by the fact that I continue to use it, its positives outweigh its negatives for me and make it the best all-around option for my needs\", praising what he calls Keep's \"killer features\", namely simplicity, \"easy universal access\", and native integration with other Google services.", "id": "13198298" }, { "contents": "Google Sidewiki\n\n\naway from my blog and puts them on Google. That sets up Google in channel conflict vs me. It robs my site of much of its value\", and PaidContent noted that \"Google is walking a fine line in its efforts to innovate in some areas that have long been the domain of traditional publishers, while not alienating them.\" PC Magazine commented that Sidewiki could \"push site owners to make their forums more appealing on their own, and to enhance sites with no comment area with a space for reader participation", "id": "14421183" }, { "contents": "Lewis Hamilton\n\n\nHamilton hardly put a foot wrong, winning not only the races he should have, but also some where the opposition was stronger, and that is the true mark of a champion\". Ayrton Senna was a major influence on Hamilton's driving style. \"I think it's partly because I watched [him] when I was young and I thought 'this is how I want to drive when I get the opportunity' and I went out there and tried it on the kart track. My whole approach to racing has", "id": "10448823" }, { "contents": "Prospective memory\n\n\nas phones using the Android operating system, can track the user's location using the phone's Global Positioning System (GPS) and send reminders based on the current location. For example, when a parent is near their children's school, the phone can send a reminder for them to pick up their children after school. Prospective memory has been implicated in the steering cognition model of how children coordinate their attention and response to learning tasks in school. Walker and Walker showed that pupils able to adjust their prospective memory most accurately", "id": "6886393" }, { "contents": "Google My Business\n\n\nresults at that time. There is one exception: event posts expire when the event date the post referenced has passed. In October 2017, the Google My Business API was expanded to allow third-party tools to schedule posts in advanced, similar to scheduling tools for social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Only a few services currently support Google My Business post scheduling, including OneUp,, and Sendible. Business owners are able to upload pictures and videos to a company's Google My Business. Business owners can choose to", "id": "1867914" }, { "contents": "Google Latitude\n\n\nin February 2009 by Google Latitude. With Google Latitude, the service expanded to PC browsers (it used the Geolocation API as well as user-driven input) and automated location detection on mobile phones using cellular positioning, Wi-Fi positioning, and GPS. In November 2009, Google announced a Latitude feature called \"Location History\" which stores and analyzes a user's location over time, for example attempting to identify a user's home and workplace. Web-based Location History is now provided by Google Maps. At", "id": "9923926" }, { "contents": "Chris Creveling\n\n\n] finished with inline skating and had accomplished enough there,\" he recalled. \"I set my sights on an Olympic medal. Seeing how many of my friends had crossed over opened my eyes and made me realize there's something bigger out there.\" He moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he trained for both long track and short track speed skating. After a year, he concluded he was better suited for short track events. In 2009, he moved to Marquette, Michigan, home of the US", "id": "3241041" }, { "contents": "Pete Pistone\n\n\nwinner in the 1950's). I spent one summer with Tiger when he was running the old late model sportsman division and I remember riding in the race car with my cousins on a hauler going to track after track after track on a nightly basis. When I got old enough to get my license the Chicago and Midwest short track world was my oyster and places like Grundy County Speedway, Illiana Speedway, Slinger Speedway were regular trips as well as following the old ARTGO Series and ASA. I landed the track announcer job", "id": "14104415" }, { "contents": "GPS Tuner\n\n\nsupport GPS eXchange Format (GPX), LOC, Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files. Track, route supports GPX, TRK, KML files, and tracking recording by configurable auto, time, or distance interval. Waypoints and tracks can be viewed in Google Earth directly, with KML export/import. Flexible waypoint management, convert track to route and reverse route direction. It can do NMEA recording, playback (with selectable speed), and can jump to any position in NMEA files, skipping unneeded data. Position", "id": "2498448" }, { "contents": "Rusty Tracks\n\n\nhis life, later reflected, \"How many people have listened to my songs and thought, 'He must have a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a pistol in the opther.' Well, I don't. I write my sadness.\" \"Makes Me Wonder If I Ever Said Goodbye\" and \"Hand Me Another One of Those\" both address the classic country theme of getting plastered and drowning sorrows (\"Pour some whiskey on my flame and burn another memory\") while \"People Are Talking\"", "id": "7580595" }, { "contents": "Automatic (Miranda Lambert song)\n\n\nmy dad teaching me how to drive my '55 Chevy that I still have but don't drive nearly enough. The song brings back good memories and it reminds me to take a deep breath and to remember that getting there is half the fun.\" Canadian country artist Carolyn Dawn Johnson provides harmony vocals on the song. The music video was directed by Trey Fanjoy and premiered on March 24, 2014. In it, Lambert is shown going through a trunk in her attic full of keepsakes, pulling out things such as", "id": "8410965" }, { "contents": "Gilles Villeneuve\n\n\nhim the physique of Nuvolari and said to myself, let's give him a try.\" Ferrari was satisfied with Villeneuve's promise after a session at Ferrari's Fiorano test track, despite the Canadian making many mistakes and setting relatively slow times, and Villeneuve signed to drive for Ferrari in the last two races of the 1977 season and the 1978 season. Villeneuve later remarked that: \"If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be", "id": "5326310" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\nsearch for an image by describing its visuals, and use natural language to find specific files, such as \"find my budget spreadsheet from last December\". The website and Android app offer a Backups section to see what Android devices have data backed up to the service, and a completely overhauled computer app released in July 2017 allows for backing up specific folders on the user's computer. A Quick Access feature can intelligently predict the files users need. Google Drive is a key component of G Suite, Google's monthly subscription", "id": "19235266" }, { "contents": "Google My Business\n\n\nGoogle My Business is an Internet-based service for business owners and operated by Google. The network launched in June 2014 as a way of giving business owners more control of what shows in the search results when someone searches a given business name. Google allows business owners to verify their own business data via creating a new profile or claiming an existing auto-generated profile. The Google My Business listing appears in the Google Maps section of Google as well as the \"Local Pack\" for qualifying search queries. Google My Business", "id": "1867911" }, { "contents": "Underdog Alma Mater\n\n\nTurman stated, \"I was hanging out with some other girls, but I told my girlfriend that I was going out by myself. So, the girls and I decided to get some coffee, and as we're walking to the car, my girlfriend pulled up and her headlights were right there in my face. I was totally busted.\" \"Believe Me, I'm Lying\" and the track \"My Worst Nightmare\" were both written by Bello and Turman and both tracks had originally descended from the duo's", "id": "11722125" }, { "contents": "The Inner Light (song)\n\n\npost on the same site, Gendel confirmed this similarity, saying that the Beatles track \"captured the theme of the show: that Picard experienced a lifetime of memories all in his head\". When discussing the episode on the official \"Star Trek\" website in 2013, Gendel concluded: \"If you Google 'Inner Light + song' you’ll get the Beatles tune and an acknowledgment of my \"TNG\" homage to it back-to-back … that might be the best gift my authorship of this episode has", "id": "70978" }, { "contents": "Google Drive\n\n\ncan be narrowed by file type, ownership, visibility, and the open-with app. Users can search for images by describing or naming what is in them. For example, a search for \"mountain\" returns all the photos of mountains, as well as any text documents about mountains. Text in images and PDFs can be extracted using optical character recognition. In September 2016, Google added \"natural language processing\" for searching on the Google Drive website, enabling specific user search queries like \"find my budget spreadsheet", "id": "19235288" }, { "contents": "Locked Out of Heaven\n\n\ngood that he repeats to his love \"Your sex takes me to paradise\", a verse inspired by Halle Berry \"You make me feel like I've been locked out of heaven for too long/ Can I just stay here, spend the rest of my days here?\" he sings. During his Google Hangout on the day of the song's release, Mars was asked by a fan to name his favorite lyrics from the track. Mars picked the phrase \"But swimming in your water is something spiritual,\" and", "id": "2421606" }, { "contents": "Chris Vincent (motorcycle sidecar racer)\n\n\nan advantage over many of his rivals, stating \"\"Where I have an advantage over many of my rivals is on corners. The power comes in much sooner and my grass track experience has taught me how to avoid and get out of trouble\"\". Chris later used the only reliable, competitive engine for Grands Prix and UK 500cc events, the flat-twin BMW RS54 Rennsport During the middle 1960s, sidecar riders sought to achieve greater engine capacities and basic raw power. This included use of car engines and three", "id": "18953433" }, { "contents": "Splinternet\n\n\n\" whereby the Internet could eventually be carved up into numerous geopolitical entities and borders, much as the physical world is today. \"The Atlantic\" magazine speculates that many of the new \"gadgets have a 'hidden agenda' to hold you in their ecosystem\". Writer Derek Thomson explains that \"in the Splinternet age, ads are more tightly controlled by platform. My old BlackBerry defaulted to Bing search because (network operator) Verizon has a deal with Microsoft. But my new phone that runs Google Android software serves Google", "id": "9603573" }, { "contents": "G Herbo\n\n\non Instagram on Thursday, April 18 stating “He kicked my door down to get in my house because I wouldn’t let him in, beat the f**k out of me in front of my son. Then he took my son outside to his friends and had them drive off with my son, hid all my knifes in my house, broke my phone and locked me inside and beat the f**out of me again…” She started there were physical signs of abuse as well, such as a black eye, and scrapes", "id": "17567964" }, { "contents": "Gran Turismo 6\n\n\n\" was released on Apple's App Store and Android's Google Play. Players can design tracks on the app and then upload them to download and play on the PlayStation 3. Death Valley is introduced as a new location to the game. The app supports kml and gpx files, photo/bitmap image importing, and GPS tracing of real-life driving routes. Imported tracks can be used in arcade mode races, time trials, and shared online. The app was an immediate hit with journalists. In the first 24", "id": "19985447" }, { "contents": "How's my driving? sign\n\n\nA \"how's my driving\" sign (or \"\"how is my driving\"\" or similar) is a decal posted or painted on a back of a fleet vehicle or other vehicle operated by an employee driver. The decal usually has a phone number or website address and other identifying information so that the public can call and report on the behavior of the vehicle's driver. Depending on the company, the phone number or website is monitored by the vehicle's owner or by a third-party company. Similar", "id": "10296959" }, { "contents": "B'Day (Beyoncé album)\n\n\n] I knew that even before I started working on my album, I wanted to add live instruments to all of my songs...\" Lyrically, the song details a woman being constantly reminded of a past lover, shown in the lines: \"Is it because I'm missing you that I'm having déjà vu?\" \"Get Me Bodied\", the second track on \"B'Day\", is a moderate R&B, and bounce song, which displays influences of dance-pop, dancehall, and funk music, which", "id": "8830037" }, { "contents": "Hand in My Pocket\n\n\n\", AllMusic dubbed the track an album highlight. Additionally, said \"This is not exactly my favorite track, but if you listen to it enough times, you’ll get the meaning and the lyrics can sometimes be fun to play with.\" \"Hand in My Pocket\" peaked at number one in her native Canada, becoming Morissette's first number one single there. The song also peaked at number one on the US Modern Rock Tracks (Alternative) chart, at number four on the US Mainstream", "id": "4377916" }, { "contents": "Edgardo Vega Yunqué\n\n\nworked on several books at once and had no problem keeping track of them: Since my work is about people and my affection for them, I don't lose track of who they are just like I don't lose track of my children or other relatives and acquaintances. I have friends – and characters – whom I don't see for a long time, but as soon as we get together we pick up where we left off. Vega's literary influences were subtle and complex. In addition to William Faulkner, John", "id": "327799" }, { "contents": "MyTracks\n\n\nMyTracks was a GPS tracking application that runs on Android. The application uses a device's GPS to collect data, allowing real-time review of path, speed, distance, and elevation. Later, this data can be saved to Google Maps, Google Fusion Tables, or Google Docs and shared with Google+, Facebook, or Twitter. The application also allows a user to record annotations along the path, hear periodic voice announcements of progress, and sync with select third-party bio-metric sensors. Google has announced", "id": "10530196" }, { "contents": "MyTracks\n\n\nGoogle announced the release of the source code and open-sourcing of the application, stating \"The collective intelligence of the development community will create a more powerful, more intuitive, more useful, and more robust My Tracks.\" The first major re-haul of the application came on July 13, 2012 when Google released version 2.0 of the application. Version 2.0 introduced a new interface, support for playing back data in Google Earth for Android (although this feature is broken since Google Earth v8), improved charts,", "id": "10530198" }, { "contents": "Kids Can Say No!\n\n\nthat his role of talking with children about sexual abuse in the film was a natural one because \"my track record has made me a believable person. I have never betrayed the kids' trust\". \"Kids Can Say No!\" was the first British children's film about sexual abuse. The film is intended to teach children between ages five and eight how to avoid situations where they might be abused, how to get out of such situations, and how to get help if they are abused. Skippon later said", "id": "3489490" }, { "contents": "Solar tracker\n\n\na combination of both to detect the position of the sun. In order to control and manage the movement of these massive structures special slewing drives are designed and rigorously tested. The technologies used to direct the tracker are constantly evolving and recent developments at Google and Eternegy have included the use of wire-ropes and winches to replace some of the more costly and more fragile components. Counter rotating slewing drives sandwiching a fixed angle support can be applied to create a \"multi-axis\" tracking method which eliminates rotation relative to longitudinal", "id": "377263" }, { "contents": "Street Rats\n\n\nas the title track for my album\". The album has different mixes for the U.S. version. The U.K. version also has the track \"Funky to the Bone\" in place of \"There 'Tis\", Marriott stated in an interview that the song had nothing to do with Humble Pie. \"It was just musicians up in my studio!\" Five of the albums' eleven songs are covers; \"Rain\", \"We Can Work it Out\" and \"Drive My Car\" from The Beatles; \"", "id": "18827372" }, { "contents": "Tracey Birdsall\n\n\nTracey Birdsall (born July 6, 1963) is an American actress. Tracey Birdsall was born in Van Nuys, California. and grew up in Burbank, California. She started performing as a young girl, on stage and in front of the camera. She recalls \"My mother drove me to the Gary Dance Studio for lessons constantly as far back as I can remember. She would sew my costumes, drive me to rehearsals, and support me in my shows. It was in my blood, and my fondest childhood", "id": "3148437" }, { "contents": "Find My\n\n\nThe tracked device can also be located through iCloud on Windows, but cannot be used the other way around to locate the PC and on Macbook. Find My iPhone allows users to locate their iOS devices using either the iOS app or iCloud on a computer (such as a desktop). In addition to locating a device, the service provides three additional options: The update with iOS 6 added the ability to check the device's battery level. Since the release of iOS 7 users have complained about the link between GPS", "id": "183273" }, { "contents": "Find My\n\n\n, WiFi, and the app itself. Some handset owners have noted the app enables and disables itself when passing between cellular protocol bandwidths. For the Find My iPhone app to work, the user must have set up an iCloud account to create the user’s Apple ID. Each device to be tracked must be linked to the same Apple ID, and the Location Services feature must also be turned on on each device to be tracked. Location is determined using GPS in the iOS device when Location Services are turned on, but", "id": "183274" }, { "contents": "2012 Tums Fast Relief 500\n\n\nhit it [Friday], from the car standpoint, from my standpoint of driving the race track. We got it right [Friday]. The tough position there is, once we get single-file and we're about 10 laps into the show, the leaders are [caught up] to the 43rd-place car. You've got to go, and everybody around you has that same mentality, too, so it can be pretty cutthroat back there.\" In the second practice session, Vickers remained fastest", "id": "7222014" }, { "contents": "2015 400\n\n\njust slammed into the side of my door,” Harvick explained. \"That was pretty much it.” “He didn’t leave me any space,” Johnson explained after the race. “He was pinning me down, and I had to get back up on the track. I wouldn’t say that what he did was any different than other situations I’ve been in like that. When you are in his position, you want to get the inside car in a bad angle so they have to lift.", "id": "19602229" }, { "contents": "GPS navigation device\n\n\nUser geo-location is currently the basis for navigational apps such as Google Maps, location-based advertising, which can promote nearby shops and may allow an advertising agency to track user movements and habits for future use. Regulatory bodies differ between countries regarding the treatment of geo-location data as privileged or not. Privileged data cannot be stored, or otherwise used, without the user's consent. GPS vehicle tracking systems allow employers to track their employees' location raising questions regarding violation of employee privacy. There are cases", "id": "18639544" }, { "contents": "Pimp My Search\n\n\nPimp My Search was a novelty website to create a Google lookalike webpage, replacing the word \"Google\" with a word or phrase of the user's choice. It is a non-commercial website and is not connected to Google, Inc. Pimp My Search was started in 2006, but became popular only in 2008 after featured in many media websites and YouTube videos. The site was closed down later in 2009, citing a dispute over 'trademark issues'. In February 2009, Pimp my Search ended Google search facilities and", "id": "7419295" }, { "contents": "In Tongues (EP)\n\n\nDon't Wanna Waste My Time\", which was released in 2017, were released exclusively on the deluxe version making them the fifth and sixth single of the album by default. \"In Tongues\" was released on 3 November 2017 on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and Google Play. It was also re-released as a deluxe version on February 14, 2018, with the addition of the tracks \"Plastic Taste\" and \"I Don't Wanna Waste My Time\", along with 8 remixes of tracks from the", "id": "7232293" }, { "contents": "Margo Timmins\n\n\nnobody forced me and I slowly turned around and I slowly opened my eyes and I slowly began to say hello. And now they can't shut me up! I see Mike looking at me as I tell a story that has no relevance whatsoever and I lose track. Now, the guys have to start playing songs because my on-stage monologues go on so long.\" While Timmins has stated that it took her ten years to get comfortable singing in front of an audience, to this day she suffers from stage", "id": "16589170" }, { "contents": "Freddie Mercury\n\n\nYou\" at the Playhouse Theatre. For Mercury's 65th birthday in 2011, Google dedicated their Google Doodle to him. It included an animation set to the Mercury penned song, \"Don't Stop Me Now\". Referring to \"the late, great Freddie Mercury\" in their 2012 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction speech, Guns N' Roses quoted Mercury's lyrics from his song \"We Are the Champions\"; \"I've taken my bows, my curtain calls, you've brought me fame and fortune", "id": "19450266" }, { "contents": "Fundamental rights in India\n\n\nsphere of the individual from interference from both state, and non-state actors and allows individuals to make autonomous life choices. On 24 August 2017 the Supreme Court of India ruled that: While delivering M C Setalvad memorial lecture on the topic of ‘Dynamic Ascendance of Constitutional Rights — A Progressive Approach’, Former Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra said “My house is my castle, how can you disturb me at my home? Even as a lawyer, you have to have some kind of appointment with me. My", "id": "13026586" }, { "contents": "Starboy Nathan\n\n\nand that was the point 'just Nathan' and I just wanted to have a bit more fun with it. It came from when I was young and I used to perform in front of my family and my parents and my Mum just to say \"Starboy time\", it's just a bit of fun and it's more distinctive. I mean, you can type in Nathan, just Nathan into Google and I might come up or you get 50 million other things whereas 'Starboy Nathan' is very defiant and", "id": "20057220" }, { "contents": "Magnolia (soundtrack)\n\n\nthe songs were written expressly for the film, those being \"You Do\" and \"Save Me\". \"Save Me\" would garner Mann an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song, losing to Phil Collins's song \"You'll Be in My Heart\" from \"Tarzan\". The tracks \"Deathly\", \"Driving Sideways\", and \"You Do\" show up on Aimee Mann's following album, \"Bachelor No. 2\", though the track \"Save Me\" replaces \"Driving Sideways\"", "id": "11320063" }, { "contents": "Pash (Kate Ceberano album)\n\n\nmade: \"It had taken me fifteen years to get to the point where I was confident enough to make decisions and to see them through. Before \"Pash\" I had been too willing to let others make the decisions for me, even when it was my band and my face on the album cover. I didn't trust my own instincts as an artist. \"Pash\" was the artistic breakthrough I needed. I wrote or co-wrote all the tracks\". Ceberano explains that she wrote the song \"", "id": "17151863" }, { "contents": "Google Calendar\n\n\na huge peeve, but for anyone who has a busy calendar, it could result in a lot of scrolling\". She also criticized the Smart Suggestions, writing that \"in my short time using Google Calendar, the natural language support leaves a lot to be desired. I had trouble typing times or days and getting Google to understand it\". She did, however, like the view options available, writing that \"The three day view is one of my favorites\", but also noted that there was a lack", "id": "4405230" }, { "contents": "Locative media\n\n\nIt is projected that in the near future locative media will develop to a significant factor in everyday life. Locative media projects use technology such as Global Positioning System (GPS), laptop computers, the mobile phone, Geographic Information System (GIS), and web map services such as Mapbox, OpenStreetMaps, and Google Maps among others. Whereas GPS allows for the accurate detection of a specific location, mobile computers allow interactive media to be linked to this place. The GIS supplies arbitrary information about the geological, strategic or economic", "id": "3123500" }, { "contents": "GpsGate\n\n\n, connect a GPS direct to Google Earth and send GPS positions to a GpsGate Server. GpsGate Client also includes a GPS simulator and NMEA logger. Advanced users can use GpsGate Client to share a GPS over networks, HTTP, Bluetooth and ActiveSync and multiplex and split NMEA streams. In January 2007 Franson Technology AB released GpsGate Server. GpsGate Server is a server platform for GPS tracking built around AJAX, XML/JSON, .NET and MySQL. GpsGate Server includes web applications for tracking of vehicles, people, animals and assets.", "id": "21205119" }, { "contents": "My Dreams Dictate My Reality\n\n\nvideo for the track, \"I Just Want to Make It New With You\", from her previous album. Soko wrote the track to fill the video narrative after shooting too much footage she liked. The music video for the track Lovetrap was realised on 23 March 2015. The video futures Soko playing both herself and Ariel Pink. Pink also makes a cameo appearance. \"Los Angeles Times\" critic Randall Roberts gave a positive review to the album, writing: \"Hardly an innovation in sound, \"My Dreams\"", "id": "13155819" }, { "contents": "Google Analytics\n\n\nas: then the tag values are passed to the database too. In addition, Google Analytics for Mobile Package allows Google Analytics to be applied to mobile websites. The Mobile Package contains server-side tracking codes that use PHP, JavaServer Pages, ASP.NET, or Perl for its server-side language. However, many ad filtering programs and extensions (such as Firefox's Adblock, and NoScript) and the mobile phone app Disconnect Mobile can block the Google Analytics Tracking Code. This prevents some traffic and users from being tracked", "id": "3914598" }, { "contents": "Google Earth\n\n\npaid subscription upgrade to Google Earth that provided customers with the following features, most of which have become available in the free Google Earth. One such feature was GPS integration, which allowed users to read tracks and waypoints from a GPS device. A variety of third-party applications have been created which provide this functionality using the basic version of Google Earth by generating KML or KMZ files based on user-specified or user-recorded waypoints. Google Earth Enterprise is designed for use by organizations whose businesses could take advantage of the", "id": "9934974" }, { "contents": "GPS tracking unit\n\n\nThey do not require a cellular connection. There are three types of GPS trackers, though most GPS-equipped phones can work in any of these modes depending on the mobile applications installed: GPS loggers log the position of the device at regular intervals in its internal memory. GPS loggers may have either a memory card slot, or internal flash memory card and a USB port. Some act as a USB flash drive, which allows downloading of the track log data for further computer analysis. The track list or point of interest", "id": "14851197" }, { "contents": "GpsOne\n\n\ngpsOne is the brand name for a cellphone chipset manufactured by Qualcomm for mobile phone tracking. It uses A-GPS or Assisted-GPS to locate the phone more quickly, accurately and reliably than by GPS alone, especially in places with poor GPS reception. Some vendors are also looking at GPS phone technology as a method of implementing location-based solutions, such as: gpsOne can operate in four modes: Since introduction in 2000, the gpsOne chipset has been adopted by 40+ vendors, and is used in more than", "id": "13202199" }, { "contents": "Hear My Train A Comin'\n\n\nincludes the verses After an energetic guitar solo, Hendrix announces \"Can you dig that, you see me gettin' it together, I'm tryin' to get my heart together that's all\" and concludes by singing He nearly always introduced the song as \"Getting My Heart Back Together Again\" or \"Get My Heart Back Together\", the latter of which was used for the first release of the song in 1971. In his August 1970 handwritten notes for the track listing of his proposed fourth studio album, Hendrix", "id": "20677963" }, { "contents": "Google Daydream\n\n\na 3.5mm headphone jack, a 2560 x 1440 LCD screen and a 4,000 mAh battery. Its highlight feature is support for Google \"WorldSense\", an improved position tracking technology. The headset is designed to be coupled with the Mirage Camera, which is a point-and shoot 180-degree 3D VR camera with two lenses that can capture in 4K. Lenovo released the device in May 2018, with a price of $399. Daydream will only work on certain newer phones with specific components. Google announced at the Google I/", "id": "18214805" }, { "contents": "Dexter Industries\n\n\nto aid navigation. The sensor can be used to build things like autonomous vehicles and mapping vehicles. The dGPS output data is compatible with Google Maps. A miniature version of the Google Street View Car, which roams the streets to photograph them for Google Maps, was built by Mark Crosbie. He created his Street View car using Dexter Industries’ dGPS sensor to record coordinates and a small camera to take pictures as the vehicle drives down a street. The pictures from the camera can then be uploaded into Google Earth along with", "id": "21343927" }, { "contents": "1917 U.S. National Championships (tennis)\n\n\ntry as I would, I could not get into the full swing of my game those first two sets. This was because my opponent was driving beautifully, particularly low, fast ones to my backhand. In addition he was lobbing so accurately and deeply that, try as I would, I could not bring off my kills. Nat led me one set to love and 6–5 in the second set. which was mighty close to being two sets down. But about that time my game began to get going. Up until", "id": "12518501" }, { "contents": "Smartphone\n\n\n. An online petition has urged smartphone makers to install kill switches in their devices. In 2014, Apple's \"Find my iPhone\" and Google's \"Android Device Manager\" can locate, disable, and wipe the data from phones that have been lost or stolen. With BlackBerry Protect in OS version 10.3.2, devices can be rendered unrecoverable to even BlackBerry's own Operating System recovery tools if incorrectly authenticated or dissociated from their account. Leaked documents published by WikiLeaks, codenamed Vault 7 and dated from 2013–2016, detail the capabilities", "id": "5305006" }, { "contents": "Google Sheets\n\n\nusers in real-time. Edits are tracked by user with a revision history presenting changes. An editor's position is highlighted with an editor-specific color and cursor and a permissions system regulates what users can do. Updates have introduced features using machine learning, including \"Explore\", offering answers based on natural language questions in a spreadsheet. The Drive suite emerged from Google's acquisition of other products, and ‘’’Google Sheets’’’ had its beginnings as the application XL2Web. XL2Web was a web-", "id": "3478500" }, { "contents": "Electronic tagging\n\n\nbackpacks. School children in distress would be able to hit a button, immediately summoning a security agent to their location. Other similar applications in the U.S. have included mobile phones enabled with GPS tracking, to allow parents to track their school children. Public transit vehicles are outfitted with electronic monitoring devices that talk to GPS systems tracking their locations. App developers have integrated this technology with mobile-phone apps. Now, passengers are able to receive accurate public transit timetables. The use of ankle bracelets, or other electronic monitoring devices", "id": "5484580" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nLook at me sweetly; \"Kiss me on the neck \"Get on your knees, \"and then rise up.\" Here I am on my knees, all full of love for you. Come back among us come back again. \"My beloved, see \"how sweet are my kisses.\" Oh, how beautiful your eyes are, and how rounded your breast! If it's the dark one you have chosen. My darling, if you love me kiss me again. My daughter, you have to", "id": "18355083" }, { "contents": "Bad Intentions (EP)\n\n\nmyself from age 5, that’s always made me very isolated but also very independent.\" \"Each song is a piece of my life,\" she continues detailing the themes behind the EP's track list: \"'Sober' is about my father. Both of my parents were raging alcoholics, and my father still is and my sister's dying wish was, 'Dad, can you please get sober?' (...) The fact that he couldn't do it, and that it was his own inner", "id": "19602200" }, { "contents": "Android Oreo\n\n\nmodified layout and being limited to four apps (in order to reduce RAM consumption), and an API for allowing mobile carriers to implement data tracking and top-ups within the Android settings menu. Google Play Services was also modularized to reduce its memory footprint. Android Go was made available to OEMs for Android 8.1. Android Oreo re-brands automatic scanning of Google Play Store and sideloaded apps as \"Google Play Protect\", and gives the feature, as well as Find My Device (formerly Android Device Manager) higher", "id": "19867275" }, { "contents": "Floating car data\n\n\nanonymous source of information. The location of the mobile phone is determined using (1) triangulation or (2) the hand-over data stored by the network operator. As GSM localisation is less accurate than GPS based systems, many phones must be tracked and complex algorithms used to extract high-quality data. For example, care must be taken not to misinterpret cellular phones on a high speed railway track near the road as incredibly fast journeys along the road. However, the more congestion, the more cars, the", "id": "7595215" }, { "contents": "Crowdsource (app)\n\n\nquestion of \"Will I get paid for my answers?\", answering, \"No. Crowdsource is a community effort – we rely on the goodwill of community members to help improve the quality of services such as Google Maps, Google Translate, and others, so that everybody in the world can benefit\". In an August 2016 review, CNET noted that Google's statement in Crowdsource's description, \"Every time you use it, you know that you've made the internet a better place for your community.\"", "id": "5505649" }, { "contents": "Local search engine optimisation\n\n\nrelated to the search query with local relevance. These often include directories such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, Facebook etc. The Local Pack displays businesses that have signed up with Google and taken ownership of their 'Google My Business' (GMB) listing. Information displayed in the GMB listing and hence in the Local Pack can come from different sources: Depending on the searches, Google can show relevant local results in Google Maps or Search. This is true on both mobile and desktop devices. Google has added a new Q&A", "id": "16510194" }, { "contents": "Did I Shave My Legs for This?\n\n\nDanced Anyway\", \"Count Me In\", \"How Do I Get There\", and the title track were also released as a singles. Of these, \"We Danced Anyway\" and \"How Do I Get There\" were also Number One hits. \"Did I Shave My Legs for This?\" is Carter's highest-charting album to date and her only album to chart in the top ten on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200. Strings performed by the Nashville String Machine, conducted by Carl Gorodetzky", "id": "13480770" }, { "contents": "Ruth B. Love\n\n\npretty good knowledge of how I was chosen and of the individual school board members who had enough faith in me and my reputation to push for my appointment. I do not feel obligated to any public figure.\" After losing the vote to not serve as superintendent in July 1984, Love reached out to Byrne via. phone call in August 1984; asking her to sway board members who she had appointed to vote in her favor. Byrne stated to Love that her appointees were split in the contract votes and that she would", "id": "16450804" }, { "contents": "Lilian Garcia\n\n\n. On August 17, 2012, Garcia released an EP titled \"My Time\". The EP features six English tracks: \"U Drive Me Loca\", \"Ur Girl (til the end of the world)\", \"Fix You\", \"Over & Over\", \"Tell Me\", and \"My Time.\" To promote the release of \"My Time\", Garcia made her music video debut in December 2011 with \"U Drive Me Loca.\" The second song off the album,", "id": "13658964" }, { "contents": "Livingston Taylor\n\n\nJoni. But it turned out well. After my set they gave me an encore and I was received fairly well. That’s when I really knew my music worked. It was enough validation for me to pursue my dreams.\" He compared the show with Mitchell to building a car then driving it for the first time. “I built something to carry me, and it did carry me. But I had to refine it along the way.\" Around this time Landau suggested to Taylor that he approach the Macon", "id": "9479625" }, { "contents": "My Sassy Girl\n\n\n-woo, completely flustered, leaves her on a subway platform bench, but his conscience compels him to take her to the nearest hotel for safety. While the girl is passed out on the bed, her phone rings and Gyeon-woo picks up. He gives vague answers in regards to the girl's whereabouts and perhaps through GPS tracking, police raid the room and Gyeon-woo gets maced and sent to jail. He is sent home from jail the next morning, and to his surprise he gets a phone-", "id": "16758923" }, { "contents": "Telematics\n\n\n, both to trigger alarms and record an audit trail for business purposes. An increasingly sophisticated array of sensors, many incorporating RFID technology, is being used to ensure the cold chain. Freight containers can be tracked by GPS using a similar approach to that used for trailer tracking i.e. a battery-powered GPS device communicating its position via mobile phone or satellite communications. Benefits of this approach include increased security and the possibility to reschedule the container transport movements based on accurate information about its location. According to Berg Insight the installed base", "id": "14978082" }, { "contents": "Google Earth\n\n\nGoogle began offering users the ability to monitor traffic data provided by Google Traffic in real time, based on information crowdsourced from the GPS-identified locations of cell phone users. In Google Earth 4.2, a flight simulator was added to the application. It was originally a hidden feature when introduced in 2007, but starting with 4.3, it was given a labeled option in the menu. In addition to keyboard control, the simulator can be controlled with a mouse or joystick. The simulator also runs with animation, allowing objects such", "id": "9934969" }, { "contents": "Drive My Car\n\n\n\"Drive My Car\" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, written primarily by Paul McCartney, with lyrical contributions from John Lennon. It was first released on the British version of the band's 1965 album \"Rubber Soul\"; it also appeared in North America on the \"Yesterday and Today\" collection. The upbeat, lighthearted \"Drive My Car\" was used as the opening track for both albums. Over the years the song has been covered by many artists such as former Spice Girls member Melanie", "id": "21225047" } ]
My neighborhood has a sign that says "conserve water, irrigate lawns between 7pm and 7am" How does watering at night, but using the same amount of water, help conserve water?
[{"answer": "The thinking behind this is in the evening or at night its generally cooler. And without bright sunlight, with cooler temperatures, less of the water you spray onto your lawn will evaporate."}, {"answer": "If you water at night the water will evaporate much slower. This allows more of it to soak into the soil and be absorbed by the plants. So you actually have to water less often to keep the plants healthy."}, {"answer": "This is bad advice. Watering at night can promote fungus and other disease. Watering in the early morning (4 - 10am) is best. It still allows water to penetrate into the ground and not evaporate as fast as in the midday."}, {"answer": "There is a two pronged process behind this kind of social engineering. Yes, watering overnight can use less water but its more about spreading the load on the water infrastructure out. They don't want everyone getting home from work, slamming a load into the wash, turning on the dishwasher and having their sprinklers on...need more and larger reservoirs, more capacity at the treatment plant, etc. So they tell you its a conservation measure but the underlying reason is so they don't have to upgrade expensive infrastructure."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1018367", "title": "Reclaimed water", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Reclaimed or recycled water (also called wastewater reuse or water reclamation) is the process of converting wastewater into water that can be reused for other purposes. Reuse may include irrigation of gardens and agricultural fields or replenishing surface water and groundwater (i.e., groundwater recharge). Reused water may also be directed toward fulfilling certain needs in residences (e.g. toilet flushing), businesses, and industry, and could even be treated to reach drinking water standards. This last option is called either \"direct potable reuse\" or \"indirect potable\" reuse, depending on the approach used. Colloquially, the term \"toilet to tap\" also refers to potable reuse.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Reclaimed", "residences (e.g. toilet flushing), businesses, and industry, and could even be treated to reach drinking water standards. This last option is called either \"direct potable reuse\" or \"indirect potable\" reuse, depending on the approach used. Colloquially, the term \"toilet to tap\" also refers to potable reuse."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nwater conservation(save water) are as follows: One strategy in water conservation is rain water harvesting. Digging ponds, lakes, canals, expanding the water reservoir, and installing rain water catching ducts and filtration systems on homes are different methods of harvesting rain water. Many people in many countries keep clean containers so they can boil it and drink it, which is useful to supply water to the needy. Harvested and filtered rain water can be used for toilets, home gardening, lawn irrigation, and small scale agriculture. Another strategy", "id": "9657193" }, { "contents": "Ogallala Aquifer\n\n\nof the irrigated farmland along a of the aquifer has already gone dry.\" The center-pivot irrigation system is considered to be a highly efficient system which helps conserve water. However, by 2013, as the water consumption efficiency of the center-pivot irrigator improved over the years, farmers chose to plant more intensively, irrigate more land, and grow thirstier crops rather than reduce water consumption. One approach to reducing the amount of groundwater used is to employ treated recycled water for irrigation; another approach is to change to", "id": "8965165" }, { "contents": "Water efficiency\n\n\npartnership, priorities and targets, and monitoring and evaluation. And such improvements invoked benefits such as: Conserved Water Statutes are state policies that were enacted by California, Montana, Washington, and Oregon to conserve water and allocated water resources to meet the needs of increasing demand for water in the dry lands where irrigation is or was occurring. Conserved Water Statutes helps the states to dismiss the disincentives to conserve water and can do so without damaging pre-existing water rights. Because any extra amount of water after applying water to a", "id": "5005661" }, { "contents": "Lawn\n\n\n, 50 to 70% of residential water is used for landscaping, most of it to water lawns. A 2005 NASA study \"conservatively\" estimated there was of irrigated lawn in the US, three times the area of irrigated corn. It is possible that lawn maintenance could come at the expense of precious resources, especially when faced with extreme weather conditions. This situation is described in \"Water in Australia\" by David Ingle Smith, who observed in 1995 data that under extreme conditions during summer drought periods, up to 90", "id": "13771392" }, { "contents": "Science and technology in Israel\n\n\nfarmers and agriculture-related industries and has resulted in the development of advanced agricultural technology, water-conserving irrigation methods, anaerobic digestion, greenhouse technology, desert agriculture and salinity research. Israeli companies also supply irrigation, water conservation and greenhouse technologies and know-how to other countries. The modern technology of drip irrigation was invented in Israel by Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu. Instead of releasing water through tiny holes, blocked easily by tiny particles, water was released through larger and longer passageways by using velocity to slow water", "id": "14619818" }, { "contents": "Rainwater harvesting in California\n\n\nRainwater harvesting help mitigate the amount of water, residents and business use for agriculture, irrigation, and livestock. Rainwater has full potential to harvest agriculture the same way groundwater is commonly used. Rainwater harvesting is a strategy towards reducing municipal water use and instead save by utilizing water-saving practices. Once rainwater is collected and stored is can be used for non-potable uses. These include watering lawns and gardens, flushing toilets, washing clothes, among many more. Recent policies, restrict rainwater to be used for potable purposes", "id": "12470420" }, { "contents": "Sustainable planting\n\n\nthe surface of the soil, this results in a lower surface soil temperature and reduction of wind effects. No tilling reduces the need for irrigation, using this method helps with the efficient use of water. Using the Xeriscaping approach is another possible way to conserve water. Drought resistant crops have been researched extensively as a means to overcome the issue of water shortage. They are modified genetically so they can adapt in an environment with little water. This is beneficial as it reduces the need for irrigation and helps conserve water. Although", "id": "17929466" }, { "contents": "Green building\n\n\nusing water for washing of the cars. Waste-water may be minimized by utilizing water conserving fixtures such as ultra-low flush toilets and low-flow shower heads. Bidets help eliminate the use of toilet paper, reducing sewer traffic and increasing possibilities of re-using water on-site. Point of use water treatment and heating improves both water quality and energy efficiency while reducing the amount of water in circulation. The use of non-sewage and greywater for on-site use such as site-irrigation will minimize", "id": "15235262" }, { "contents": "Sustainable living\n\n\nunnecessary. Additionally, to conserve the maximum amount of water, watering should be carried out during early mornings on non-windy days to reduce water loss to evaporation. Drip-irrigation systems and soaker hoses are a more sustainable alternative to the traditional sprinkler system. Drip-irrigation systems employ small gaps at standard distances in a hose, leading to the slow trickle of water droplets which percolate the soil over a protracted period. These systems use 30 – 50% less water than conventional methods. Soaker hoses help to reduce water", "id": "9370279" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nWater conservation includes all the policies, strategies and activities to sustainably manage the natural resource of fresh water, to protect the hydrosphere, and to meet the current and future human demand. Population, household size, and growth and affluence all affect how much water is used. Factors such as climate change have increased pressures on natural water resources especially in manufacturing and agricultural irrigation. Many US cities have already implemented policies aimed at water conservation, with much success. The goals of water conservation efforts include: The key activities that benefit", "id": "9657192" }, { "contents": "Water efficiency\n\n\nbeneficiaries of the pre-existing water policies does not belong to the appropriators, such a condition creates an incentive to use as much water as possible rather than saving. This obviously causes costs of irrigation to be greater than the optimal amount which makes the policy very inefficient. However, by enacting Conserved Water Statutes, state legislatures are able to address the disincentives to save water. The policy allows the appropriators to have rights over the surplus water and enforces them to verify their water savings by the water resources department. Out of", "id": "5005662" }, { "contents": "Cape Town water crisis\n\n\nusing rainwater or grey water after defecating, and to reduce the length and frequency of showers. In order to conserve water, hand sanitizer was provided in offices and public buildings for use instead of conventional hand-washing. Some cafes began using plastic and paper cups and plates to reduce dishwashing.Using municipal water to top up pools, irrigate lawns or hose down surfaces is forbidden. It is estimated that around 50 per cent of households adhered to water restrictions. The City has explored various measures to ensure compliance: The City", "id": "8089612" }, { "contents": "Peak water\n\n\n(or after being applied to) the fields. Swales and cisterns can be used to catch and store excess rainwater. Water should be used more efficiently in industry, which should use a closed water cycle if possible. Also, industry should prevent polluting water so that it can be returned into the water cycle. Whenever possible, gray wastewater should be used to irrigate trees or lawns. Water drawn from aquifers should be recharged by treating the wastewater and returned to the aquifer. Water can be conserved by not allowing freshwater to", "id": "2410299" }, { "contents": "Quantification Settlement Agreement\n\n\nAmerican Canal lining project finished in 2010, conserving 93,700 acre-feet of water per year. While those conservation numbers are important to the agreement, the total amount of water transferred to the water authorities is set to increase significantly in 2018. The Imperial Irrigation District faced significant criticism in 2012 when it was reported that it was not conserving as much water as stipulated under the Quantification Settlement Agreement. The Imperial Irrigation District is required to deliver its water quota through conservation, rather than delivery from existing sources. Some have noted that", "id": "6875188" }, { "contents": "Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District\n\n\nReclamation\" was dismissed in 2010. However, the Department of Reclamation is working on various improvements to management of the river to assist in improving the water supply and habitats of both species. Irrigated agriculture does not contribute noticeable amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus to the river. The Albuquerque waste-water treatment plant contributes more, but not a great deal. However, in the 1990s high concentrations of un-ionized ammonia were found, caused by impaired water use in the section of the Rio Grande between the Jemez River and the", "id": "3022869" }, { "contents": "Senninger Irrigation\n\n\n, LEPA sprinklers maximize the amount of water delivered to roots and minimizes water pressure and therefore energy use, through a combination of sprinkler heads that avoid wetting the crop canopy and conservation tillage practices that preserve soil moisture and reduce runoff. True LEPA systems use low-pressure bubble heads to deposit water directly into furrows just 8 to 18 inches above the ground. With the heads closer to the crop, the water avoids the hitting leaves. Water does not come in contact with plants and fruit susceptible to waterborne diseases and nearly all", "id": "3330080" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nworld's population live in a region where the demand for water exceeds its supply. The imbalance between supply and demand, along with persisting issues such as climate change and population growth, has made water reuse a necessary method for conserving water. There are a variety of methods used in the treatment of waste water to ensure that it is safe to use for irrigation of food crops and/or drinking water. Seawater desalination requires more energy than the desalination of fresh water. Despite this, many seawater desalination plants have been built in response", "id": "9657207" }, { "contents": "Water conservation order\n\n\nby an appointed statutory body (NWASCA) serviced by the Ministry of Works. The engineers of the Ministry of Works argued that there was no need to legislate further as the Act contained provision for setting Minimum Flows. There are currently 14 separate Water Conservation Orders: A water conservation order has been proposed for the Hurunui River in the South Island. Irrigation New Zealand, the national body representing agricultural irrigators and the irrigation industry, opposes water conservation orders. Irrigation NZ considers they no longer have relevance, they lock up the water", "id": "16664250" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\n: Many water-saving devices (such as low-flush toilets) that are useful in homes can also be useful for business water saving. Other water-saving technology for businesses includes: For crop irrigation, optimal water efficiency means minimizing losses due to evaporation, runoff or subsurface drainage while maximizing production. An evaporation pan in combination with specific crop correction factors can be used to determine how much water is needed to satisfy plant requirements. Flood irrigation, the oldest and most common type, is often very uneven in distribution", "id": "9657203" }, { "contents": "Sustainable Water and Innovative Irrigation Management\n\n\n's Water Conservation Board to help support the system's implementation and in 2012 received a grant from the USDA to continue development. In order to transfer surface (i.e. river) water rights in most western United States, historic subsurface return flows must be maintained and verified. This is known as Prior-appropriation water rights or the Colorado doctrine, and is different from Riparian water rights found in the eastern United States. Only the amount of water consumed by crops plus that which evaporates from the soil (known as the Consumptive water", "id": "4575446" }, { "contents": "Natural Resources Conservation Service\n\n\ndecline rapidly, life is no longer supported in this habitat. Excessive sedimentation is also another concern along with pathogens threats that can find their way into water systems and cause detrimental effects. NRCS works in a way to help both the land owner and the water systems that need prevention or restoration. Water management strives to manage and control the flow of water in a way that is efficient while causing the least amount of damage to life and property. This helps provide protection in high risk areas from flooding. Irrigation water management is", "id": "20545474" }, { "contents": "Sustainable living\n\n\nuse by up to 90%. They connect to a garden hose and lay along the row of plants under a layer of mulch. A layer of organic material added to the soil helps to increase its absorption and water retention; previously planted areas can be covered with compost. In caring for a lawn, there are a number of measures that can increase the sustainability of lawn maintenance techniques. A primary aspect of lawn care is watering. To conserve water, it is important to only water when necessary, and to deep", "id": "9370280" }, { "contents": "Mokelumne River\n\n\n\"Lepomis macrochirus\") are also plentiful. The Cosumnes River, the Mokelumne's major tributary, is one of only a few Sierra rivers without large dams; however, irrigation diversions have also caused problems with fish migration on this river. For water conservation reasons, local agriculture has switched from flood irrigation to drip and sprinkler systems, and thereby become more reliant on groundwater. This is an issue since the State of California currently does not consider groundwater recharge a beneficial use. North San Joaquin Water Conservation District has the authority", "id": "6069590" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nmanufacturing services. Some researchers have suggested that water conservation efforts should be primarily directed at farmers, in light of the fact that crop irrigation accounts for 70% of the world's fresh water use. The agricultural sector of most countries is important both economically and politically, and water subsidies are common. Conservation advocates have urged removal of all subsidies to force farmers to grow more water-efficient crops and adopt less wasteful irrigation techniques. New technology poses a few new options for consumers, features such as full flush and half flush", "id": "9657200" }, { "contents": "Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District\n\n\ntreats and delivers water to Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake & Sandy on a contractual basis for delivery to Salt Lake City and Sandy City, even though neither city is within Jordan Valley Water's service boundaries. Jordan Valley Water also delivers untreated water to irrigators in Salt Lake and Utah Counties to meet commitments under irrigation exchanges. Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District is responsible to plan for long-term facilities and monitor water use to ensure that a sustainable supply of water will be available for the 600,000+ residents within its service area", "id": "1197025" }, { "contents": "Peak water\n\n\nplay a part in future resource wars over scarce resources. Freshwater usage has great potential for better conservation and management as it is used inefficiently nearly everywhere, but until actual scarcity hits, people tend to take access to freshwater for granted. There are several ways to reduce the use of water. For example, most irrigation systems waste water; typically, only between 35% and 50% of water withdrawn for irrigated agriculture ever reaches the crops. Most soaks into unlined canals, leaks out of pipes, or evaporates before reaching", "id": "2410298" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nthe right management plan to be put into action. Water conservation programs involved in social solutions are typically initiated at the local level, by either municipal water utilities or regional governments. Common strategies include public outreach campaigns, tiered water rates (charging progressively higher prices as water use increases), or restrictions on outdoor water use such as lawn watering and car washing. Cities in dry climates often require or encourage the installation of xeriscaping or natural landscaping in new homes to reduce outdoor water usage. Most urban outdoor water use in California", "id": "9657197" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\n, as parts of a field may receive excess water in order to deliver sufficient quantities to other parts. Overhead irrigation, using center-pivot or lateral-moving sprinklers, has the potential for a much more equal and controlled distribution pattern. Drip irrigation is the most expensive and least-used type, but offers the ability to deliver water to plant roots with minimal losses. However, drip irrigation is increasingly affordable, especially for the home gardener and in light of rising water rates. Using drip irrigation methods can save up", "id": "9657204" }, { "contents": "Columbia Water Center\n\n\nrice farmers to use tensiometers. In Gujarat, the Columbia Water Center is working with the state government to reform electricity subsidies to provide a greater incentive for farmers to conserve water. In conjunction with subsidy reform, the CWC is also piloting water saving technologies among farmers. The work in Mali coincides with the Millennium Villages Project. CWC is focusing on designing irrigation and cropping systems that can be operated and maintained locally in order to provide farmers with higher-value cash crops. The center has installed large pumps that improved the amount", "id": "5499980" }, { "contents": "Copeton Dam\n\n\nRiver, and is located approximately southwest of Inverell, between Bingara and Bundarra. The dam was built by the New South Wales Water Conservation & Irrigation Commission and the Department of Water Resources to supply water for irrigation. Water from the dam is now released directly into the Gwydir River which is used by irrigators downstream of the dam including for pecan nut farming, and for producing cotton, wheat, lucerne, vegetables, fruit trees, oil seeds and fodder as well as pastures for sheep and cattle. The dam wall comprises of", "id": "21540081" }, { "contents": "Ground and Surface Water Conservation Program\n\n\nIn United States agricultural policy, the Ground and Surface Water Conservation Program (GSWCP) is a new component of Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) enacted in the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107-171, Sec. 2301) to improve irrigation and water use efficiency, and reduce water use by agriculture. Mandatory funding from the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) starts at $25 million in FY2002, and increases to $60 million annually between FY2004 and FY2007. In addition, $50 million is to go to the", "id": "21936346" }, { "contents": "Irrigation in Mexico\n\n\nand conservation of water quality in every sector of water use. Officers from both Government agencies have close contact and relationships with the people managing the Irrigation Districts. Concerning irrigation, there are three main groups of institutions: the irrigation districts, the irrigation units, and small private irrigation schemes. The irrigation districts, covering 3.4 million ha (or 53% of the irrigated area), are large-scale irrigation schemes supplied mainly with surface water and some with groundwater. The responsibility for their operation and maintenance (O&M) has", "id": "12653615" }, { "contents": "Harriet Williams Russell Strong\n\n\n, and her two daughters, respectively, treasurer and secretary, and issued bonds amounting to $110,000 to carry on the enterprise, selling the property four years later at a handsome profit. Harriet Strong made a study of water problems, including the control of flood waters and water storage. She advocated source conservation as a flood remedy, proposing a succession of dams in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river to conserve the water for irrigation purposes and the generation of electricity. On Dec. 6, 1887, she was granted a", "id": "18554815" }, { "contents": "East Demerara Water Conservancy\n\n\nclay and pagasse(an organic soil also known as tropical peat and of similar composition to the commonly known peat). Guyana's drainage and irrigation system has its origins in the late 1600s under the Dutch colonial rule. One of the major innovations of the time was the building of water conservancies (artificial water catchment empoldered reaby earthen dams) to retain fresh water from upland streams during the dry seasons and release via irrigation canals and head regulators. The EDWC is one of the most important of these conservancies and it was designed over 125", "id": "5941076" }, { "contents": "Ogallala Aquifer\n\n\n, the deepening of wells was required to reach the steadily falling water table. In the 21st century, recognition of the significance of the aquifer has led to increased coverage from regional and international journalists. The USGS estimated that total water storage was about in 2005. This is a decline of about , or 9%, since substantial groundwater irrigation development began in the 1950s. Water conservation practices (terracing and crop rotation), more efficient irrigation methods (center pivot and drip), and reduced area under irrigation have helped to", "id": "8965162" }, { "contents": "Imperial Irrigation District\n\n\nsolar energy entering the IID grid during the day. Home to 400 species of birds and a major stopping point along the Pacific Flyway, California's largest lake—the Salton Sea—is in peril. Under the nation's largest ag-to-urban water conservation transfer agreement (called the Quantification Settlement Agreement, a series of pacts between California water districts to help California live within its 4.4 million acre-foot entitlement right of Colorado River water), since 2003 water has been, and continues to be, released to", "id": "13129377" }, { "contents": "Deep ocean water\n\n\nthe cold water itself to cool air saves the energy that would be used by the compressors for traditional refrigeration. Another use could be to replace expensive desalination plants. When cold water passes through a pipe surrounded by humid air, condensation results. The condensate is pure water, suitable for humans to drink or for crop irrigation. Via a technology called Ocean thermal energy conversion, the temperature difference can be turned into electricity. During condensation or Ocean thermal energy conservation operations, the water does not reach ambient temperature, because a certain", "id": "2973185" }, { "contents": "Breeding for drought stress tolerance\n\n\nincreased transpiration. A warmer atmosphere will also speed up melting of mountain snow pack, resulting in less water available for irrigation. More extreme weather patterns will increase the frequency of drought in some regions. Increased demand from municipal and industrial users will further reduce the amount of water available for irrigated crops. Although changes in tillage and irrigation practices can improve production by conserving water, enhancing the genetic tolerance of crops to drought stress is considered an essential strategy for addressing moisture deficits. A plant responds to a lack of water by halting", "id": "14423960" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\n, over pumping groundwater can increase saltwater intrusion which results in the contamination of groundwater water supply. Sustainable use of groundwater is essential in water conservation. A fundamental component to water conservation strategy is communication and education outreach of different water programs. Developing communication that educates science to land managers, policy makers, farmers, and the general public is another important strategy utilized in water conservation. Communication of the science of how water systems work is an important aspect when creating a management plan to conserve that system and is often used for ensuring", "id": "9657196" }, { "contents": "Leaching model (soil)\n\n\nA leaching model is a hydrological model by which the leaching with irrigation water of dissolved substances, notably salt, in the soil is described depending on the hydrological regime and the soil's properties. br The model may describe the process (1) in time and (2) as a function of amount of water applied. br Leaching is often done to \"reclaim\" saline soil or to \"conserve\" a favorable salt content of the soil of irrigated land as all irrigation water contains salts. The leaching process in a", "id": "21783977" }, { "contents": "Tucson, Arizona\n\n\nlocal rivers to seep into their aquifer. Additional study is scheduled to determine how much water is lost through evaporation from the open areas, especially during the summer. The City of Tucson provides reclaimed water to its inhabitants, but it is only used for \"applications such as irrigation, dust control, and industrial uses.\" These resources have been in place for more than 27 years, and deliver to over 900 locations. To prevent further loss of groundwater, Tucson has been involved in water conservation and groundwater preservation efforts,", "id": "12162485" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Saudi Arabia\n\n\ncubic meter per year is pumped over and 60m elevation to irrigate 15,000 hectares of wheat, fodder, orchards and palm trees. Water conservation measures, such as awareness campaigns through the media and educational pamphlets, have been carried out. In addition, in Riyadh a leakage control program has been carried out and a special, higher water tariff has been introduced. Furthermore, free water appliances (taps, shower heads, toilet boxes) were distributed, reportedly resulting in a decrease of residential water use of between 25-35", "id": "1442476" }, { "contents": "Sly Park Dam\n\n\nbiking, hunting, and horseback riding among other activities. Water from Jenkinson Lake is used for municipal water supply, irrigation, and recreation. Historically, irrigation water for agriculture was the greatest water user. As the area develops and the population grows, municipal and commercial water users become more important. Municipal users are now the primary water users of water from Jenkinson Lake, though agriculture is still a significant user. Future population growth, climate change, and water reuse technology and conservation will influence water use in the future.", "id": "1895622" }, { "contents": "Water efficiency\n\n\nthe four states that adapted the Conserved Water Statutes, Oregon is often renowned to be the most successful. According to \"How Expanding The Productivity of Water Rights Could Lessen Our Water Woes,\" Oregon’s Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) has been a success because a high percentage of submitted applications submitted, and the OWRD serves as a good intermediaries that help appropriators to conserve water. OWRD’s programs are not only a success because its effectiveness but also because of their efforts to improve the workers’ working conditions. According", "id": "5005663" }, { "contents": "Culture of Israel\n\n\nlargest defense company is Elbit Systems, which makes electro-optical systems for air, sea and ground forces; drones; control and monitoring systems; communications systems and more. The growth in agricultural production is based on close cooperation of scientists, farmers and agriculture-related industries and has resulted in the development of advanced agricultural technology, water-conserving irrigation methods, anaerobic digestion, greenhouse technology, desert agriculture and salinity research. Israeli companies also supply irrigation, water conservation and greenhouse technologies and know-how to other countries.", "id": "1475846" }, { "contents": "G factor (psychometrics)\n\n\nPiagetian conservation tasks a child is asked if the amount of water in two identical glasses is the same. After the child agrees that the amount is the same, the investigator pours the water from one of the glasses into a glass of different shape so that the amount appears different although it remains the same. The child is then asked if the amount of water in the two glasses is the same or different. Notwithstanding the different research traditions in which psychometric tests and Piagetian tasks were developed, the correlations between the two types", "id": "8387566" }, { "contents": "St. Johns County Soil and Water Conservation District\n\n\nThe St. Johns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), located in St. Johns County, Florida is a government entity dedicated to encouraging productive use of land, water and air resources in the county. According to a summary taken from Florida Statutes Ch. 582, the Board's powers include conducting surveys, investigations, research and demonstrational projects relating to soil and water conservation (in areas like irrigation, water quality, and soil erosion). SWCD supervisors do not receive monetary compensation, and, for the most part", "id": "10485890" }, { "contents": "Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District\n\n\nThe Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), located in Nassau County, Florida is a government entity dedicated to encouraging productive use of land, water and air resources in the county. According to a summary taken from Florida Statutes Ch. 582, the Board's powers include conducting surveys, investigations, research and demonstrational projects relating to soil and water conservation (in areas like irrigation, water quality, and soil erosion). SWCD supervisors do not receive monetary compensation, and, for the most part, conduct", "id": "16604440" }, { "contents": "Conservation Garden Park\n\n\nstates with the exception of Nevada. There are a limited number of potential new sources of water which can be tapped but doing so will be expensive both financially and environmentally. 65 percent of potable water in Utah is used for watering landscapes; therefore, reducing the amount of water required for landscapes will yield the greatest potential water savings. This reduction in landscape water use is consistent with the goal of the State of Utah and Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District to reduce per capita water consumption 25 percent. Conservation Garden Park teaches homeowners", "id": "18289367" }, { "contents": "Alkali soil\n\n\nconserve water / soil moisture. Poly-houses filter the intense summer solar radiation in tropical countries to save the plants from water stress and leaf burns. Where the ground water quality is not alkaline / saline and ground water table is high, salts build up in the soil can be averted by using the land throughout the year for growing plantation trees / permanent crops with the help of lift irrigation. When the ground water is used at required leaching factor, the salts in the soil would not build up. Plowing the field", "id": "10831774" }, { "contents": "Water Resources Development Act of 1986\n\n\nto: (1) review existing State laws concerning water management and recommend appropriate changes; (2) establish State priorities for water resources research and demonstration projects; and (3) provide information and technical assistance concerning the need for water conservation and management. Directs the Secretary to allocate annually funds to States of the High Plains Region for research in water-use efficiency, cultural methods, irrigation technologies, water-efficient crops, and water and soil conservation. Directs that such funds shall be distributed to State institutions of higher", "id": "16449689" }, { "contents": "No-till farming\n\n\n. The first inch of no-till soil is two to seven times less vulnerable than that of plowed soil. The practice of no-till farming is especially beneficial to Great Plains farmers because of its avoidance of erosion. Crop residues left intact help both natural precipitation and irrigation water to infiltrate the soil. Residue also limits evaporation, conserving water for plant growth. Evaporation from tilling reduces the amount of water by around 1/3 to 3/4 inches (0.85 to 1.9 cm) per pass. By reducing soil compaction and no tillage", "id": "10331745" }, { "contents": "Stanislaus River\n\n\nImprovement Act. In addition, the Melones Project is obligated to provide water to the Stockton East Water District, which irrigates an additional north of the Stanislaus River, and the Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District which irrigates . In the 21st century, which has been subject to extended drought, federal and local water agencies continue to seek a balanced solution. New Melones was a significant milestone in the history of American dam building. The battle over the Stanislaus River greatly increased the political influence of the river conservation movement, and public", "id": "7234047" }, { "contents": "Conservation in the United States\n\n\nthan half a century ago but have been drained in several situations. One of these resources, water, is key to survival of almost all life but is being used quicker than it is replenished in many states within the United States. This has created the need for greater conservation which has been met by new techniques and technologies for both reducing the amount of water being used and increasing how efficiently it is being used. Some of these methods are as simple as replacing the fixtures in government buildings and offering rebates to citizens,", "id": "16555575" }, { "contents": "George Gordon (engineer)\n\n\nWater Conservancy Board with Alexander Black, Surveyor-General of Victoria, producing twelve reports in 1880-81 with two more on irrigation in 1882 and 1884. He advocated use of natural channels and diversion and storage works under a system of local trusts. Despite strong opposition from supporters of large-scale centrally-administered irrigation schemes, the reports led to the creation of the 1881 Victorian Water Conservation Act and further legislation in 1883-84 setting up local trusts and approving many schemes. However, the Water Conservancy Board was subsequently", "id": "14519490" }, { "contents": "Water management in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo\n\n\npricing policy that is not conducive to conservation and a lack of monitoring and control of groundwater use. In municipalities where water and sanitation is supplied not by Sabesp but by local government, the government's lack of ability in expanding water supply exacerbates the exploitation of groundwater resources. There is a high threat of groundwater contamination, especially in the Eastern part of the Alto Tietê. Water demand. Water demand in the Alto Tietê in 2004 was as follows: In the Alto Tietê there is growing conflict between drinking water supply and irrigation", "id": "6666342" }, { "contents": "Drip irrigation\n\n\n, such as chlorine or sulfuric acid) use chemical injectors such as diaphragm pumps, piston pumps, or aspirators. The chemicals may be added constantly whenever the system is irrigating or at intervals. Fertilizer savings of up to 95% are being reported from recent university field tests using drip fertigation and slow water delivery as compared to timed-release and irrigation by micro spray heads. Properly designed, installed, and managed, drip irrigation may help achieve water conservation by reducing evaporation and deep drainage when compared to other types of irrigation", "id": "717328" }, { "contents": "Water efficiency\n\n\nWater efficiency is reducing water wastage by measuring the amount of water required for a particular purpose and the amount of water used or delivered. Water efficiency differs from water conservation in that it focuses on reducing waste, not restricting use. Solutions for water efficiency focus not only on reducing the amount of potable water used, but also on reducing the use of non-potable water where appropriate (i.e. flushing toilet, watering landscape, etc.). It also emphasises the influence consumers can have in water efficiency by making small behavioural", "id": "5005649" }, { "contents": "Klamath River\n\n\nthe watershed each year. Despite its plentiful flow in California, the Klamath does not supply significant amounts of water to irrigators and municipal users in central and southern portions of the state. The Klamath Reclamation Project in the Klamath Falls area supplies water to local irrigators, and the Central Valley Project diverts water from the Trinity River to supply irrigation water to the Sacramento Valley. Other tributaries of the Klamath, including the Lost and Shasta rivers, are also diverted for irrigation. Water use of the lower Klamath—one of the last", "id": "12429993" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in the State of Palestine\n\n\nfinancial resources were spent in water conservation (80m), institutional and capacity building (30m), storm water, water resources and irrigation systems. At the same time, the total investment costs of water projects in the Gaza Strip were about US$230 million, out of which most was spent on ongoing projects (US$170 million), while the remaining 60 million were implemented costs. About 90% of these investments were financed by grants and 10% by loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and", "id": "9563746" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nefficiency are possible through measurement and more effective management of the existing irrigation system. The 2011 UNEP Green Economy Report notes that \"[i]mproved soil organic matter from the use of green manures, mulching, and recycling of crop residues and animal manure increases the water holding capacity of soils and their ability to absorb water during torrential rains\", which is a way to optimize the use of rainfall and irrigation during dry periods in the season. Water shortage has become an increasingly difficult problem to manage. More than 40% of the", "id": "9657206" }, { "contents": "Keswick Dam\n\n\nfor irrigation purposes, but it became a multipurpose project for flood control, improvement in navigation of the Sacramento River, the supply of water to domestic and industrial users, the generation of electric power, the conservation of fish and wildlife, the creation of opportunities for recreation, and the enhancement of water quality. The California legislature enacted laws to deal with the state's water scarcity, and adopted a law establishing riparian water rights. This law had limitations: the owners of land bordering water had a right to a reasonable amount", "id": "2415488" }, { "contents": "Drinking water supply and sanitation in the United States\n\n\nand rebates for water-saving appliances. Other cities such as Atlanta and Las Vegas have also launched water conservation programs that are somewhat less comprehensive than the one in Seattle concerning indoor water use. However, Las Vegas has intentionally focused on curbing outdoor water demand, which accounts for 70% of residential water use in the city, through reductions in turf area and incentives for the use of rains sensors, irrigation controllers and pool covers. At the federal level, the Energy Policy Act of 1992 set standards for water-efficient", "id": "19096737" }, { "contents": "Coachella Valley Water District\n\n\nis clean enough for human contact but not human consumption. These five plants collectively receive average daily flows of slightly more than 17 million gallons and have a maximum capacity of 33.5 million gallons. More than of below ground sewer pipes bring sewage to the individual plants. Recycled/Non-potable Water Distribution. Tertiary and other non-potable water (Colorado River water) is sent from the treatment plants and is used for golf course and other green belt irrigation, conserving groundwater pumping. Conservation. CVWD has a wide variety of", "id": "18298347" }, { "contents": "Winters v. United States\n\n\nestablishments, including five American Indian reservations, had water rights as defined by \"Winters v. United States\". This United States Supreme Court case helped to solve a problem found in the case \"Winters v. United States\". While the United States Supreme Court case of \"Winters v. United States\" held that American Indian Reservations do have reserved water rights equal to the amount of water needed on the reservation to sufficiently irrigate all of the irrigable reservation acreage, there was always the question of how to decide what amount of water", "id": "12417696" }, { "contents": "Australian bass\n\n\noverhanging the water and thick weedbeds are all used as cover. Such cover does not need to be in deep water to be used; Australian bass are happy to use cover in water as shallow as 1 metre in depth. Australian bass are strong swimmers at all sizes and can easily traverse rapids and fast-flowing water. However, they generally avoid sitting directly in currents to conserve energy. At night Australian bass display pelagic (“near-surface”) behaviour and actively hunt prey in shallow water and at the water", "id": "12147896" }, { "contents": "Irrigation in viticulture\n\n\nacid triggers the stomata on the underside of the plant leaf to stay close in order to reduce the amount of water that is evaporated. While conserving water this also has the consequences of limiting the intake of carbon dioxide needed to sustain photosynthesis. If the vine is continually stressed it will keeps it stomata closed for longer and longer periods of time which can eventually cause photosynthesis to stop all together. When a vine has been so deprived of water it can exceed what is known as its permanent wilting point. At this point,", "id": "283606" }, { "contents": "Drip irrigation\n\n\nsuch as flood or overhead sprinklers since water can be more precisely applied to the plant roots. In addition, drip can eliminate many diseases that are spread through water contact with the foliage. Finally, in regions where water supplies are severely limited, there may be no actual water savings, but rather simply an increase in production while using the same amount of water as before. In very arid regions or on sandy soils, the preferred method is to apply the irrigation water as slowly as possible. Pulsed irrigation is sometimes used", "id": "717329" }, { "contents": "Green museum\n\n\nsinks do not rely on electricity or battery power; rather, they recharge as water runs through them. The used water runs into a Grey Water garden that is unharmed by the bio-compatible soap available for use by patrons. The restroom doubles as exhibition space, informing visitors of water conservation. Along the pathway to the entrance of the restroom there are water-droplet-shaped signs that give visitors tips for conserving and repurposing water at home. Signs continue over the sinks, providing visitors with facts about water use meant", "id": "539111" }, { "contents": "Irrigation in viticulture\n\n\nblock placed throughout the vineyard contain an electrode that can be used to detect the electrical resistance that occurs as the soil dries and water is released by evaporation. Since the 1990s there has been greater research into tools utilizing time-domain reflectometry and capacitance probes. In addition to monitoring for excessive moisture, viticulturists also keep an eye for signs of water stress (discussed below) due to severe lack of water. There are several methods of irrigation that can be used in viticulture depending on the amount of control and water management desired", "id": "283596" }, { "contents": "Coachella Valley Water District\n\n\nThe Coachella Valley Water District is an independent special district formed in 1918, specifically to protect and conserve local water sources in the Coachella Valley. Since then, the district has grown into a multi-faceted agency that delivers irrigation and domestic (drinking) water, collects and recycles wastewater, provides regional storm water protection, replenishes the groundwater basin and promotes water conservation. CVWD's service area covers approximately 1,000 square miles in Southern California from the San Gorgonio Pass to the Salton Sea, mostly within the Coachella Valley in Riverside County", "id": "18298341" }, { "contents": "Kings River (California)\n\n\nwater from outside the Kings River basin. Only the Fresno Irrigation District is contracted for CVP water, but other Kings River users can also purchase CVP water in times of need, such as droughts. Summer water demand for irrigation is typically in the range of . Groundwater is the other major source of water supply for the basin, providing a large part of the agricultural supply and all of the water used by area cities. The Kings River Conservation District (KRCD), among its other functions, is the primary agency managing", "id": "10876276" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Australia\n\n\nor regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation.\" (Section 100) However, this legal position has become less clear as a result of decisions by the Australian High Court. The Commonwealth Government has taken a much greater role in the Australian water sector in the early 21st century. The Ministry for Climate Change and Water is in charge of water policies at the federal level. (Section 109) Of", "id": "22117648" }, { "contents": "WateReuse\n\n\n's water resources by maximizing the safe, practical and beneficial use of recycled water and by supporting the efforts of the WateReuse Association.\"\" WateReuse California worked with Water Education Foundation to create a 16-page booklet that teaches elementary students about what recycled water really is. With the help of the Los Angeles County Chapter, WateReuse California created an irrigation user's manual on how to use recycled water on their irrigations. WateReuse has been very effective in California by successfully getting more than 35 legislations enacted over a span of twenty years.", "id": "2047897" }, { "contents": "Burrendong Dam\n\n\n, approximately southeast of Wellington. The dam was built by the New South Wales Water Conservation & Irrigation Commission for the purposes of providing flood mitigation, irrigation, and water supply. The dam wall height is and is long. The water depth is and at 100% capacity the water level is AHD. The surface area of the dam is and the catchment area of the dam is . At 100%, Burrendong Dam has a capacity of . Additionally, the dam has a further flood mitigation capacity of . The spillway on", "id": "6128561" }, { "contents": "Water conservation\n\n\nto 30,000 gallons of water per year when replacing irrigation systems that spray in all directions. There are also cheap effective methods similar to drip irrigation such as the use of soaking hoses that can even be submerged in the growing medium to eliminate evaporation. As changing irrigation systems can be a costly undertaking, conservation efforts often concentrate on maximizing the efficiency of the existing system. This may include chiselling compacted soils, creating furrow dikes to prevent runoff, and using soil moisture and rainfall sensors to optimize irrigation schedules. Usually large gains in", "id": "9657205" }, { "contents": "Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District\n\n\nfurther south are able to route all water out of the river during low-flow conditions. During the irrigation period, the river downstream from the Isleta Diversion Dam may largely dry up unless irrigation water is returned to the river or a summer storm provides a brief influx of water. The river may not start running steadily until the end of October, when irrigation stops. This has caused problems for fish such as the Rio Grande silvery minnow. This fish used to be one of the most common fish in the river.", "id": "3022867" }, { "contents": "Mattupetty Dam\n\n\nMattupetty Dam (Madupetty Dam), near Munnar in Idukki District, is a storage Concrete Gravity dam built in the mountains of Kerala, India to conserve water for hydroelectricity. It has been a vital source of power yielding along with other such dams, huge revenue to the states. The large amount of perennially available water allows wild animals and birds to flourish. However salinity caused by irrigation and water-logging are of concern to environmentalists. Munnar is located near the confluence of the mountain streams of Muthirappuzha River, Chanduvarai River", "id": "19523527" }, { "contents": "Lift irrigation\n\n\nartificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from a given area. Various types of irrigation techniques differ in how the water obtained from the source, and is distributed within the field. In general, the aim is to supply water homogeneously to the entire field, so that each land patch has enough amount of water it needs, neither too much nor too little. Irrigation Schemes primarily comprises canal irrigation and lift irrigation schemes. In such schemes, the most important and yet the most neglected part is the local ownership and", "id": "5116911" }, { "contents": "Wine/water mixing problem\n\n\nmatter how many cups of any sizes and compositions are exchanged, or how little or much stirring at any point in time is done to any barrel, as long as at the end each barrel has the same amount of liquid. The problem can be solved with logic and without resorting to computation. It is not necessary to state the volumes of wine and water, as long as they are equal. The volume of the cup is irrelevant, as is any stirring of the mixtures. Conservation of substance implies that the volume", "id": "8047266" }, { "contents": "East Demerara Water Conservancy\n\n\nThe East Demerara Water Conservancy, often called the EDWC, is one of Guyana's major water storage and flood control facilities. It is located in Region No. 4 - Demerara-Mahaica. Over 500,000 citizens of Guyana inhabit the basin that lies below and between the sea defences and the EDWC Dam in a 48 km band from Georgetown to Mahaica. The EDWC serves to irrigate thousands of hectares of rice and other crops within this area by storing rain water for dry periods and it also provides one of the primary source(about 60", "id": "5941073" }, { "contents": "Conserve Georgia\n\n\nmillion annually. Land: Through the Georgia Land Conservation Program, more than in Georgia have been permanently conserved for current and future generations to use and enjoy. Water: The Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, in partnership with individuals representing the diverse water users of the state, created the Water Conservation Implementation Plan (WCIP) to help create a culture of conservation and guide Georgians toward more efficient use of our state’s finite water resources. Conserve Georgia Awards The annual Conserve Georgia Awards are open to any individual", "id": "2155063" }, { "contents": "Imperial Irrigation District\n\n\nwithin its entitlement of 4.4 million acre-feet of Colorado River water a year. Water conserved through conservation projects under the QSA is made available for the Southern California Coastal communities (San Diego County Water Authority, Coachella Valley Water District and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California). Imperial Irrigation District also supplies electricity to residents of the Imperial Valley and Coachella valleys including the Imperial Valley cities of El Centro, Calexico, Holtville, Brawley and Coachella Valley cities including Mecca, Thermal, La Quinta, Coachella and Indio, Bermuda Dunes", "id": "13129374" }, { "contents": "Network science\n\n\nbetween nodes, respectively. As the water passes from one funnel into another, the water disappears instantly from the funnel that was previously exposed to the water. In non-conserved spread, the amount of content changes as it enters and passes through a complex network. The model of non-conserved spread can best be represented by a continuously running faucet running through a series of funnels connected by tubes. Here, the amount of water from the original source is infinite. Also, any funnels that have been exposed to the", "id": "764270" }, { "contents": "Agriculture in ancient Tamil country\n\n\nreservoirs was delivered to the fields through channels. There is a considerable amount of spring channel irrigation in the Palar, Kaveri and Vaigai beds. To raise a second crop, well water was very useful. People of this era knew how to divine the spots where there was flow of underground water and dug wells there. Men and oxen were used to irrigate the lands from well water. When water supply was limited and demand was more, it became the duty of the village authorities to distribute the available water in a proper", "id": "19299634" }, { "contents": "Mancos, Colorado\n\n\nBureau of Reclamation, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and local irrigation and water companies and districts. The project, nearly complete in 2010, includes replacing many open irrigation ditches with piping to conserve water and prevent salt contamination from infiltration and evaporation of irrigation water. Many of the original irrigation ditches have been determined to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, together with various archeological sites. Incorporated in 1894, Mancos town government quickly asserted itself, banning fast riding and driving (of wagons) in town the next", "id": "17747464" }, { "contents": "Sustainable Water and Innovative Irrigation Management\n\n\nSustainable Water and Innovative Irrigation Management (SWIIM) is a farm-optimization and water-conservation system owned by SWIIM System, Ltd. that was developed by Regenesis Management Group, LLC., a Denver, Colorado-based incubator that focuses on natural resource conservation and optimization technology. SWIIM® is a toolset for crop planning, optimization, water management, monitoring and reporting. A part of the offering includes software: SWIIM Planner and SWIIM Manager. These components work together, communicating with SWIIM® Server, as a complete software", "id": "4575442" }, { "contents": "Machang (town)\n\n\ncool waters, flora and fauna, and intense forest greeneries. The site has a free entry for guests between 7am to 7pm. Campers, on the other hand, will need to get a permission from the Recreational Forest authorities, on behalf of the Kelantan State Forestry Director. Jeram Linang Waterfall was one of the first to be developed by the state. Located in the Ulu Sat Forest Reserve, its cool waters always crystal clear despite the location's popularity. The state government has provided facilities including public restrooms,", "id": "12558761" }, { "contents": "Santa Monica, California\n\n\nWater Master Plan, whereby Santa Monica has set a goal of attaining 100% water independence by 2020. The city has numerous programs designed to promote water conservation among residents, including a rebate of $1.50 per square foot for those who convert water intensive lawns to more local drought-tolerant gardens that require less water. Santa Monica has also instituted a green building-code whereby merely constructing to code automatically renders a building equivalent to the US Green Building Council's LEED Silver standards. The city's Main Library, for example", "id": "8490627" }, { "contents": "Peachtree Road Race\n\n\nin 2008, water conservation measures were enacted prohibiting outdoor watering of plants and lawns. As a result of the watering ban, the City of Atlanta decided to prohibit large festivals (over 50,000 people) from using Piedmont Park in 2008 in order to protect the grass lawns which could not be watered. Displaced events included the Atlanta Pride, Jazz, and Dogwood Festivals as well as the Peachtree Road Race which traditionally used Piedmont Park for the finish line of the race and distribution of T-shirts. The AJC Peachtree Road Race", "id": "13257291" }, { "contents": "Sustainable Water and Innovative Irrigation Management\n\n\nwater right owners the opportunity to lease a portion of their consumptive-use water rights to municipalities, private industry, and conservation groups without compromising the underlying water rights. SWIIM The intention behind the technology is to provide an alternative to the dominant method for moving agricultural water to other uses known as \"buy and dry,\" whereby an entity purchases agricultural land and \"dries\" the land in perpetuity, severing the water right from the property. Though many farmers participated in the practice in the 1990s using water rights as their", "id": "4575444" }, { "contents": "Organic lawn management\n\n\neffective mowing and raking. Other 'environmentally friendly' techniques for caring for a lawn include irrigation only when the lawn shows signs of drought stress and then watering deeply - minimizing needless water consumption. Using low volume sprinklers provides more penetration without runoff. Lawnmowers with a mulching function can useful in reducing fertilizer use by allowing clippings that are cut so minutely that they can settle into the grass inconspicuously to decompose into the soil. A primary element of organic lawn management is the use of compost and compost tea to reduce the need for", "id": "407228" }, { "contents": "Addax\n\n\ntheir food and dew that condenses on plants. Scientists believe the addax has a special lining in its stomach that stores water in pouches to use in times of dehydration. They also produce highly concentrated urine to conserve water. Pale colour of the coat reflects radiant heat, and the length and density of the coat helps in thermoregulation. In the day the addax huddle together in shaded areas, and in cool nights rest in sand hollows. These practices help in dissipation of body heat and saving water by cooling the body through evaporation", "id": "21407676" }, { "contents": "Water management in Greater Mexico City\n\n\nDistrict initiated a US$2.8 billion Water Sustainability Program in 2007. In parallel, the government of the Federal District launched a Green Plan which includes water conservation as an important element. Investments envisaged under both plans include an increase in wastewater treatment, the import of groundwater from irrigated areas North of the city where the groundwater table increased due to irrigation with wastewater, the construction of a major new storm water drainage tunnel, increased water imports from an expansion of the energy-intensive Cutzamala system that pumps water up over more than 1000", "id": "13660116" }, { "contents": "Water resources management in Belize\n\n\nidustry's main water source. The amount of water used for irrigation is estimated to be less than one percent of total water withdrawal. Irrigation in Belize has been marginal because of its climatic and social conditions. Irrigation and drainage information is not thorough or numerous. Likewise, public irrigation and drainage systems are also few and only a small number of private irrigation systems were developed in the 1990s. Surface and sprinkler irrigation is being used for citrus and banana production, and surface irrigation is also used for rice and micro-irrigation", "id": "18415090" }, { "contents": "Water in California\n\n\n, around 700,000 tons, went to China, Japan took about the same amount and Saudi Arabia bought 5,000 tons. Alfalfa farmers pay about $70 an acre-foot, in Los Angeles that same amount of water is worth $1000 per acre-foot. In 2012, California exported 575,000 tons of alfalfa to China, for $586 million. Other common crop water use, if using all irrigated water: fruits and nuts with 34% of water use and 45% of revenue, field crops with 14% of", "id": "17179653" }, { "contents": "Climate-friendly gardening\n\n\nClimate-friendly gardeners also avoid using tapwater not only because of the greenhouse gases emitted when fossil fuels are burnt to treat and pump water, but because if water is taken from wetlands then carbon stores are more likely to be oxidised to carbon dioxide. A climate-friendly garden therefore does not contain large irrigated lawns, but instead includes water-butts to collect rainwater; water-thrifty plants which survive on rainwater and do not need watering after they are established; trees, shrubs and hedges to shelter gardens from the drying", "id": "9948773" }, { "contents": "Natural Resources Conservation Service\n\n\nwetlands, agriculture, agronomy, animal waste management, pest control, salinity, irrigation, and nutrients in water. Under watershed programs the NRCS works with states, local governments, and tribes by providing funding and resources in order to help restore and also benefit from the programs. They provide: watershed protection, flood mitigation, water quality improvement, soil erosion reduction, irrigation, sediment control, fish and wildlife enhancement, wetland and wetland function creation and restoration, groundwater recharge, easements, wetland and floodplain conservation easements, hydropower", "id": "20545476" }, { "contents": "Xeriscaping\n\n\nXeriscaping is the process of landscaping or gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water from irrigation. It is promoted in regions that do not have accessible, plentiful, or reliable supplies of fresh water, and is gaining acceptance in other regions as access to irrigation water is becoming limited. Xeriscaping may be an alternative to various types of traditional gardening. In some areas, terms as \"water-conserving landscapes\", \"drought-tolerant landscaping\", and \"smart scaping\" are used instead. Plants whose natural", "id": "21850241" }, { "contents": "Mullaperiyar Dam\n\n\nby the Kerala Government under the disputed Kerala Irrigation and Water Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2006. For Tamil Nadu, the Mullaperiyar dam and the diverted Periyaru waters act as a lifeline for Theni, Madurai, Sivaganga and Ramnad districts, providing water for irrigation and drinking, and also for generation of power in Lower Periyaru Power Station. Tamil Nadu has insisted on exercising its unfettered rights to control the dam and its waters, based on the 1886 lease agreement. Kerala has pointed out the unfairness in the 1886 lease agreement and", "id": "14842087" } ]
Why do so many European countries show hatred towards the European Union (like the UK), even though it has lead to the most peaceful and stable period in European history?
[{"answer": "One thing people haven't mentioned is immigration. Despite claims otherwise, immigration was one of the main reasons for the UK voting to leave the EU. Countries in the EU have to let people from other EU countries live and work there with no restrictions. This has resulted in a large number of people coming from less wealthy countries such as Poland coming to live in the wealthier ones including the UK. Some people don't like this because they think these immigrants will take advantage of the benefit system and not contribute to society. Although this is statistically not true in the average case. Other people don't like this because they feel they are taking jobs that British people could have done instead, leading to greater unemployment. However now many British businesses and organisations are likely to face a shortage of workers. And finally some people don't like how society has changed due to immigration. There are many more non-English speakers than there used to be, and there are lots of shops around catering to various immigrant groups. This makes some people feel like it's \"not their country any more\"."}, {"answer": "I would argue that the absolute total devastation of WW2, the Iron curtain and looming threat of the Soviet Union (and unity of hate for it for countries that were under it) and greater integration and cooperation (e.g. NATO) did more to unite Europe than the EU ever did. The EU didn't really start expanding into more than a trade union until the 80s, when the threat of conflict between European countries (e.g. France and Germany) was long since non existant. The early iteration of the EU even helped to continue to divide Europe - France got very pissy at the idea of letting the UK join."}, {"answer": "Various factors contributed to the actual problematic state of the EU, these are, in my mind, the main factors: -Forming a monetary union before forming a real political union. Big mistakes, the monetary policy comes from the political guidelines of a state, non the opposite! -People ignoring the EU politics before it was too late - a few country gave a seat in the EU structure to failed politicians as a consolation prize, you can find some very embarassing example from various countries, literally not knowing what they are talking about and not even showing up at meetings. Countries that sent more intelligent people there obviously are having more influnce on the chioces being made, this annoys the others (i know, LOL) -Massive mishandling of the immigration problem. Denying and suppressing discussion about real, hard, mathematical facts about immigrations (such as crime rates, already high unemplyment in those age groups, etc etc) branding them as \"racist\" and \"ignorant\" is, as every extremism-laden point of wiew, not a smart solution to a problem. This is why we are getting (and needing, since they are the only voices outside of the choir) the so called populist-parties. -Excessive interest in the baking system and an academical-only approach to problems, while ignoring peoples` problems. We are bored to hell of having banks \"robbed\" by executives and having the EU stepping in to save them and in the meantime proposing idiotic solutions to stagnating economies such as raise sale taxes (yes, you did read that correctly) -No long term vision. You are considered a \"good\" economy if you do not raise you debt of more than 3% a year. Can you see where taht will lead in a zero-inflation zone? -Last but not leas, scapegoating: the media (that honestly in a few countries is in a pathetic condition, like here in italy we are quite low in the freedom of expression ranking, check out wiki..) blames all the state`s problem on the EU. Everything bad is the EU`s fault. This said, the more literate of us are aware that a continental union is FUNDAMENTAL to keep Europe peaceful and rich, still THIS particular union is badly in need of a reform."}, {"answer": "It's important to understand that there is a difference between EU the ideal and EU the organisation. Most people support EU the ideal. The broad fellowship and brotherhood of peaceful European nations? Being part of the bigger community and all working together for a strong and successful Europe? Who could be opposed to that? But in practise, the EU is perceived by many as a bloated, useless, gravy train beauracracy that bogs everything down in useless red tape. The sort of beauracracy that is more interested in writing 100 page reports about how you are allowed to grow your turnips than in actually addressing major issues like war and immigration. The sort of beauracracy where people work 4 hours a day and 20 weeks a year, and spend the rest of their time eating smoked salmon in their corporate box at the races or the opera. (I'm not saying any of this is necessarily true...but the \"rich pompous lazy fat EU beauracrat\" is an ingrained stereotype) So it's not so much \"I hate Europe\". Its more of a \"I'm sick of those useless fat Frogs in Brussels giving me all these stupid rules, let's handle our own destiny\" kind of attitude."}, {"answer": "The EU has introduce many, many rules describing what the people, businesses, and governments in the various member states may do. Rules are usually there for good reason, but still, there are always some people who don't like any rule. Also, the EU has allowed extensive international migration. Some people don't like having lots of immigrants around. Also, some of the hate is actually for the Euro rather than for the EU."}, {"answer": "I think 'hatred' is the wrong word. Saying I hate the EU is a bit like saying I hate Globalisation while still walking around with an IPhone chewing on some exotic fruit. The EU is simply too massive, complex and fundamental for people to 'hate'. People, I think, don't really 'understand' the EU, and that is where this 'hatred' comes from. Brexit is a prime example of people voting against their own self-interests. Those that stood most to loose - in areas such as Wales, the North-east and Cornwall - were the biggest recipients of EU development money, yet they voted overwhelmingly in favour of leaving. Those that stood most to gain are the money men and politicians, and these guys both understand and hate the EU, for good reason. The Proprietors of the most widely read newspapers in the UK might be a good place to first identify any 'hatred'. European Union rules have often stood in their and their friends in The City of London's way. Take for example EU wide reform proposals since the financial crash, and more recently the Panama Papers (in which many Brexit backers were implicated). These people have long found the UK government an easy place to lobby for their own interests. Rupert Murdoch, when asked why he was so opposed to the European Union, replied: \"When I go into Downing Street they do what I say; when I go to Brussels they take no notice.\" Murdoch's press, along with even more unsavoury Fleet Street newspapers, have had a long history of whipping up hatred against whomever they felt stood in the way of their interests. The Fleet Street press, IMO, had more to do with any hatred that existed as opposed to anything else. I don't think this is at all conspiratorial. I am answering the question of 'hatred'. And any hatred that does exist must emanate from the gutter press that blights the UK so badly."}, {"answer": "As a Brit, it's primarily because they misunderstood what it is. The tabloids print a lot of propaganda such as them preventing us using our own laws, costing the country a lot of money and forcing immigrants upon us. The truth is that during the referendum not much made it into the tabloids about how much good it does. 48% of Brits didn't want to leave it and the vote was over 18s only. If 16+ had been allowed to vote it is massively unlikely the U.K. Would be leaving."}, {"answer": "One of the reasons is that EU tries to make EU as an united nation. EU has already huge authority over it's member countries. Some unknown force at Brussels is telling you that you can't grow more than X amounts of crop/year as an example. EU should not have an authority over the laws of any nation. Then many people does not like Euro at all, since it actually has hurt the economy of smaller countries than actually helped them."}, {"answer": "In the EU-27 you need to find a comprise between all the members or the industry leading standard gets introduced. Anyway you can't make everyone happy especially because you have a wide gap in the understanding of what freedom, liberalism, democracy and so on means. There is also something called \"the winner takes it all\" in economy. So the industry leaders like german car manufacturers push other car manufacturers aside. Thus unemployment"}, {"answer": "The countries that hate the EU already live in peace and stability since WW2. They don't want to foot the bill to improve other countries."}, {"answer": "While the EU has some advantages many people suffer especially from richer countries, as poor peopl can now easily take their wealth"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9582", "title": "European Council", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The European Council is a collective body that defines the European Union's overall political direction and priorities. It comprises the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy also takes part in its meetings. Established as an informal summit in 1975, the European Council was formalised as an institution in 2009 upon the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. Its current president is Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister of Poland.", "The European Council is a collective body that defines the European Union's overall political direction and priorities. It comprises the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy also takes part in its meetings. Established as an informal summit in 1975, the European Council was formalised as an institution in 2009 upon the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. Its current president is Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister of Poland."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Voter turnout\n\n\nUnited States, and in some European countries turnouts have remained stable and even slightly increased. Globally, voter turnout has decreased by about five percentage points over the last four decades. Many causes have been proposed for this decline; a combination of factors is most likely. When asked why they do not vote, many people report that they have too little free time. However, over the last several decades, studies have consistently shown that the amount of leisure time has not decreased. According to a study by the Heritage Foundation", "id": "8072024" }, { "contents": "Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum\n\n\nmember, except Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Slovenia, with Lithuania being most in favour, at 78% voting for the UK to remain in the EU. Additionally, Ashcroft asked the same group of people whether they would be happy for Britain to remain in the European Union to renegotiated terms or whether they thought the UK should leave if they do not like their current terms of membership. Newer countries to the European Union, countries which have joined the Union since 2004, were the biggest supporters: 52% supported the", "id": "6252675" }, { "contents": "Anna Soubry\n\n\nTreaty on European Union, triggering the process of withdrawal from the EU, saying: \"I said I will honour the result of the referendum, so I voted to trigger article 50. So, I accept we are leaving the European Union, even though the result was close. My argument now is how do we get the best deal, and I want parliament, finally, to be involved in getting the best deal for our country.\" In parliamentary debate over the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill,", "id": "8784849" }, { "contents": "Enlargement of the European Union\n\n\nto the ratification of the final accession treaty. These steps are primarily presided over by the European Commission (Enlargement Commissioner and DG Enlargement), but the actual negotiations are technically conducted between the Union's Member States and the candidate country. Before a country applies for membership it typically signs an association agreement to help prepare the country for candidacy and eventual membership. Most countries do not meet the criteria to even begin negotiations before they apply, so they need many years to prepare for the process. An association agreement helps prepare for", "id": "16036540" }, { "contents": "Passports issued by the European Union candidate states\n\n\nover by the European Commission (Enlargement Commissioner and DG Enlargement), but the actual negotiations are technically conducted between the Union's Member States and the candidate country. Before a country applies for membership it typically signs an association agreement to help prepare the country for candidacy and eventual membership. Most countries do not meet the criteria to even begin negotiations before they apply, so they need many years to prepare for the process. An association agreement helps prepare for this first step. In the case of the Western Balkans, a special", "id": "16725186" }, { "contents": "Tourism in Malta\n\n\nThe nationalities requiring a visa are standardised as per European Union rules. Visitors already holding a valid Schengen Area visa most likely will not need to complete any more formalities to enter Malta (so long as they are already inside the Schengen Area). Visitors holding citizenship of the European Union do not require a visa to enter Malta as they hold the right to free movement within the European Union. In recent years, the country's tourism industry has been faced with a number of issues relating to the nation's small size,", "id": "4675046" }, { "contents": "History of Switzerland\n\n\n. The history of Switzerland since 1848 has been largely one of success and prosperity. Industrialisation transformed the traditionally agricultural economy, and Swiss neutrality during the World Wars and the success of the banking industry furthered the ascent of Switzerland to its status as one of the world's most stable economies. Switzerland signed a free-trade agreement with the European Economic Community in 1972, and has participated in the process of European integration by way of bilateral treaties, but it has notably resisted full accession to the European Union (EU) even", "id": "7766995" }, { "contents": "Constitutional patriotism\n\n\npatriotism. Other skeptics note institutional features, such as a lack of focus on meaningful electoral politics, as reasons for why it has not fully been embraced at the supranational level in the European Union. Many see their own national governments as their only hope of electoral accountability. The European Union also faces a question different from a lot of individual countries. While most countries are working \"within the framework\" of a constitution, the European Union must decide how strongly it will commit to a future of \"constitutionalization\". As", "id": "21154662" }, { "contents": "History of mass surveillance in the United Kingdom\n\n\nhave been required to keep records of phone calls and text messages for twelve months under the European Union's Data Retention Directive. Though all telecoms firms already keep data for a period, the regulations are designed to ensure a uniform approach across the industry. This has enabled the Government and other selected authorities within the UK such as Police and Councils amongst others to monitor all phone calls made from a UK landline or Mobile upon request. In April 2014, the European Court of Justice ruled that the European Union's Data Retention Directive", "id": "6253359" }, { "contents": "History of Europe\n\n\nof Germany. It accelerated the process of a European integration to include Eastern Europe. The European Union continues today, but with German economic dominance. Since the worldwide Great Recession of 2008, European growth has been slow, and financial crises have hit Greece and other countries. Social divisiveness has been caused by large-scale immigration and radical Islamic rejection of European norms. While Russia is a weak version of the old Soviet Union, it has been confronting Europe in Ukraine and other areas. After the relative peace of most of", "id": "12884343" }, { "contents": "Member state of the European Union\n\n\nbeen suspended from the EU, though some dependent territories or semi-autonomous areas have left. In June 2016, the United Kingdom held a referendum on membership of the EU, resulting in 51.89% of votes cast, being in favour of leaving. The UK government invoked Article 50 on 29 March 2017 to formally initiate the withdrawal process. According to the Copenhagen criteria, membership of the European Union is open to any European country that is a stable, free-market liberal democracy that respects the rule of law and human", "id": "9752984" }, { "contents": "History of Portugal\n\n\nbailout and in 1986 the country entered the European Economic Community (and left the EFTA). Strong economic growth resumed. The growth of many of Portugal's main exporting companies and the European Union's structural and cohesion funds were leading forces in a new period of robust economic growth and socio-economic development which would last (though with a short crisis around 1992–94) to the early 2000s. In 1991, GDP per capita surpassed the 1973 level (relative to EEC) and by 2000 it had achieved 70% of the", "id": "1002469" }, { "contents": "Economy of Europe\n\n\naddition, former technologic heavyweights like Nokia, Ericsson and Alcatel have also declined against evolving American companies in the Silicon Valley. European countries with a long history of trade, a free market system, and a high level of development in the previous century are generally in the north and west of the continent. They tend to be wealthier and more stable than countries congregated in the European East and South, even though the gap is converging, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, due to higher growth rates. The poorest states are", "id": "1874893" }, { "contents": "Model minority\n\n\nEuropeans, including the Indo-Europeans, were expelled from the newly established country. From 1945 to 1949 the Indonesian National Revolution turned the former Dutch East Indies into an increasingly hostile environment for Indo-Europeans. Violence aimed towards Indo-Europeans during its early Bersiap period (1945–1946) accumulated in almost 20,000 deaths. The Indo diaspora continued up to 1964 and resulted in the emigration of practically all Indo-Europeans from a turbulent young Indonesian nation. Even though most Indos had never set foot in the Netherlands before, this emigration", "id": "19382387" }, { "contents": "Social history of the United Kingdom (1945–present)\n\n\nOther Asian; 506,000 were from other groups or were of mixed-race origin. Some immigrants came to the UK as asylum seekers, seeking protection as refugees under the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention, or from member states of the European Union, exercising one of the European Union's Four Freedoms. Since the 1980s, however, the UK has become a leading proponent of European restrictionalism and has developed policies that tend to exclude asylum seekers from mainstream society. Dispersal policy was set up through the National Asylum Support Service programme so", "id": "4380264" }, { "contents": "History of the Jews in 18th-century Poland\n\n\nthe \"standards\" that dominated most of the contemporary European countries, and many Jews felt betrayed by the country they once viewed as their haven. In the larger cities, like Poznań and Kraków, quarrels between the Christian and Jewish inhabitants were common and they assumed a very violent aspect. Based originally on economic grounds, they were carried over into the religious arena; and it was evident that the seeds which the Jesuits had planted had finally borne fruit. Ecclesiastical councils displayed great hatred toward the Jews. Attacks on the latter", "id": "9883177" }, { "contents": "Euroscepticism in the United Kingdom\n\n\nEuroscepticism, i.e. the opposition to policies of supranational European Union institutions and/or opposition to Britain's membership of the European Union, has been a significant element in the politics of the United Kingdom (UK). A Eurobarometer survey of EU citizens in 2009 showed that support for membership of the EU was lowest in the United Kingdom, alongside Latvia and Hungary. Levels of support for the EU have historically been lower in the UK than most other member states. UK citizens are the least likely to feel a sense of European identity,", "id": "12959676" }, { "contents": "2012 Nobel Peace Prize\n\n\nNicolai Wammen, said the prize is \"fully deserved, because the EU has been a peace project from the beginning. The European cooperation has been successful in creating lasting peace between countries that for centuries have been at war with each other.\" – The Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, offered the European Union his \"warmest congratulations,\" stating that \"the European Union has played a vital role in healing the wounds of history and promoting peace, reconciliation and cooperation across Europe. It has contributed to the", "id": "18994053" }, { "contents": "Fiscal localism\n\n\nthe United Kingdom leaving the European Union have gone on for many years, but was not made official until the public of the United Kingdom voted to leave. Many of those who were proponents of leaving the European Union wanted to do so for economic reasons. Nigel Farage, one of the most prominent endorsers of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, wrote, \"We know that the European Union is hell bent on further, deeper centralisation.\" The disdain that Nigel Farage has for centralization is rooted in both economic and", "id": "6554283" }, { "contents": "List of countries by leading trade partners\n\n\nFor most economies in the world, their leading export and import trading partner in terms of value is either the European Union or China, and to a certain degree, the United States and Japan Other countries like Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa are emerging as significant markets or source countries in different parts of the world. Individually for each European Union member trade with all other European Union members collectively is greater than any other trading partner. Both the European Union and the United States have China as their largest origin of", "id": "8165969" }, { "contents": "Kuikuro\n\n\nEuropeans was with the German Karl von den Steinen’s 1884 expedition. Steinen is known in Kuikuro narratives as Kalusi, \"the first white man to come in peace.\" The Kuikuro’s oral history extends back to even before Steinen, to the first European man to visit the Xingu, though these people were not like Steinen and captured and killed Indians and were known as \"bandeirantes.\" During contact with the Europeans, many deadly diseases were distributed to the Indians and their numbers dropped dramatically. It is estimated that the", "id": "16102591" }, { "contents": "Economy of Finland\n\n\nmanaged than in most Western European countries, though many use private insurance or cash to enjoy private clinics. Some reforms toward more equal marketplace have been made in 2007-2008. In education, child nurseries, and elderly nurseries private competition is bottom-ranking compared to Sweden and most other Western countries. Some public monopolies such Alko remain, and are sometimes challenged by the European Union. The state has a programme where the number of jobs decreases by attrition: for two retirees, only one new employee is hired. Finland", "id": "10431297" }, { "contents": "Member state of the European Union\n\n\nTurkish coup d'état attempt, the Turkish referendum, and the resulting 2016–17 purges in Turkey. This has led to the European Parliament calling for a suspension of membership talks. Each state has representation in the institutions of the European Union. Full membership gives the government of a member state a seat in the Council of the European Union and European Council. When decisions are not being taken by consensus, votes are weighted so that a country with a greater population has more votes within the Council than a smaller country (though the number", "id": "9752991" }, { "contents": "European History Network\n\n\nequally correct in terms of historical analysis and methodology: some are functional to particular political points of view and based on revisionist or nationalist perspectives. The history of the European Union is more than the sum of the histories of many different countries plus the history of the European Union itself. The EU, just like European citizenship and European identity, can be considered multi-layered or stratified. It is a complex system and requires a multi-faceted approach. Members: \" Ewald Hiebl (University of Salzburg, AT),", "id": "19371644" }, { "contents": "History of Germany\n\n\n2009 elections, Merkel has headed a centre-right government of the CDU/CSU and FDP. Together with France and other EU states, Germany has played the leading role in the European Union. Germany (especially under Chancellor Helmut Kohl) was one of the main supporters of admitting many East European countries to the EU. Germany is at the forefront of European states seeking to exploit the momentum of monetary union to advance the creation of a more unified and capable European political, defence and security apparatus. German Chancellor Schröder expressed", "id": "12884808" }, { "contents": "List of campaign organisations supporting Remain in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum\n\n\n, aims to \"show the value of EU membership to our universities and why this matters to British people\". They believe \"The UK's membership of the European Union makes our outstanding universities even stronger\". Chaired by the father of Boris Johnson and former MEP Stanley Johnson, Environmentalists for Europe is \"standing up for Britain's place in Europe – we are stronger, cleaner and greener in the EU\". They argue that it's \"because of European protections that our beaches are cleaner, our countryside protected,", "id": "3114902" }, { "contents": "Cultural racism\n\n\nknowledge is superior to that of other racial and ethnic groups\", hence why it was taught in Standard English, the literature studied was largely Eurocentric, and history lessons focused on the doings of Europeans and people of European descent. The term has also been used in politics. In 2016, Germany's European Commissioner Guenther Oettinger stated that it was unlikely that Turkey would be permitted to join the European Union while Recep Tayyip Erdoğan remained the Turkish President. In response, Turkey's European Union Affairs Minister Omer Celik accused Germany of", "id": "19855695" }, { "contents": "Third-country economic relationships with the European Union\n\n\nNorwegian law. Norway has signed the Schengen treaty, which means border checks are no longer made. Like Norway, Iceland joined the EEA, and is considered part of the EU single market. Iceland has also signed the Schengen treaty. On 16 July 2009, Iceland applied to join the European Union. Liechtenstein joined the EEA in 1995 and participates in the EU single market. Switzerland referendum to join the EEA in 1992 failed, so Swiss products do not participate in the European single market. However the country recently negotiated two", "id": "12627476" }, { "contents": "Pornography in the United Kingdom\n\n\nWestern countries, which legalised hardcore pornography during the 1960s and 1970s. By contrast the UK was almost the only liberal democracy not to do so. Britain's obscenity laws, such as the Obscene Publications Act 1959, are strict by European standards and made the sale of hardcore pornography completely illegal until the end of the century, although ownership was not a criminal offence. The UK is still the only Member State of the European Union that prohibits private imports of adult pornography by consumers coming from other Member States of the European Union", "id": "3347444" }, { "contents": "Christianity in Zambia\n\n\ntraders who were already destroying communities; one of his multiple motives for being in the region was anti-slavery and towards the end of his life a primary drive in his work. Though, as with many interventions of this nature, the possible motives were not as philanthropic as they first appeared to those under threat. Livingstone saw the oppressed communities as a basis for his \"potential village preaching centres\", to spread the gospel and in so doing provide a stable base for European culture. Like much of what Livingstone undertook", "id": "6292266" }, { "contents": "History of the world\n\n\ndiseases. Most Western European and Central European countries gradually formed a political and economic community, the European Union, which expanded eastward to include former Soviet-satellite countries. The European Union's effectiveness was handicapped by the immaturity of its common economic and political institutions, somewhat comparable to the inadequacy of United States institutions under the Articles of Confederation prior to the adoption of the U.S. Constitution that came into force in 1789. Asian, African, and South American countries followed suit and began taking tentative steps toward forming their own respective continental", "id": "3959915" }, { "contents": "History of Portugal\n\n\nhave been notably stable for the rest of the country's history. The border with Spain has remained almost unchanged since the 13th century. The Treaty of Windsor (1386) created an alliance between Portugal and England that remains in effect to this day. Since early times, fishing and overseas commerce have been the main economic activities. During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal became a leading European power that ranked with England, France and Spain in terms of economic, political and cultural influence. Though not dominant in European affairs", "id": "1002381" }, { "contents": "R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union\n\n\nR (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 is a UK constitutional law case decided by the United Kingdom Supreme Court on 24 January 2017, which ruled that the UK Government (the executive) may not initiate withdrawal from the European Union by formal notification to the Council of the European Union as prescribed by Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union without an Act of the UK Parliament permitting the government to do so. Two days later, the government responded by bringing to Parliament", "id": "20562722" }, { "contents": "European Coal and Steel Community\n\n\nfirst social and regional policy, it is argued that the ECSC introduced European peace. It involved the continent's first European tax. This was a flat tax, a levy on production with a maximum rate of one percent. Given that the European Community countries are now experiencing the longest period of peace in more than seventy years, this has been described as the cheapest tax for peace in history. Another world war, or \"world suicide\" as Schuman called this threat in 1949, was avoided. In October 1953 Schuman", "id": "9555324" }, { "contents": "English language in Europe\n\n\netc. have designated English to be the language of communication for their senior management, and many universities are offering education in English. The language is also a required subject in most European countries. Thus, the percentage of English speakers is expected to rise. English is the most commonly spoken foreign language in 19 out of 25 European Union countries (excluding the UK and Ireland) In the EU25, working knowledge of English as a foreign language is clearly leading at 38%, followed by German and French (at 14%", "id": "8489009" }, { "contents": "Impact of Brexit on the European Union\n\n\nsoft power and a far reaching diplomatic network. Without the UK, EU foreign policy could be less influential. The US saw the UK as a bridge between the US and Europe, and the UK helped align the EU positions to the US and provide tougher responses to Russia. However, Brexit also produced new opportunities for the European defence cooperation, as the UK has consistently vetoed moves in this direction, arguing it would undermine NATO. It attempted to do so again even after its withdrawal referendum, in relation to the establishment", "id": "17712092" }, { "contents": "Catholic Church in Europe\n\n\nit cannot become a member of the European Union. However, traditionally there are very strong ties of the Holy See with the neighbor country of the Vatican City, Italy and also with the European Union. Since 1970 the European Union accredits an official representative from the Holy See (an Apostolic Nuncio) to the EU. Even though the Vatican City is not an official member of the European Union, it has adopted the Euro as its currency and has open borders with the Schengen Area. In 2016 Pope Francis was awarded", "id": "16859570" }, { "contents": "Symbols of the European Union\n\n\nits currency symbol) has become one of the most tangible symbols of European unity for citizens of the European Union (though this of course is not intended to apply to wider Europe as the others do). There have been other pan-European organisations which have not adopted the same symbols as the Council of Europe or the European Union, or have symbols derived from these. The Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community (the first of the three European Communities) was developed around the same time as the Flag of", "id": "2098211" }, { "contents": "Economic history of Portugal\n\n\nEuropean Economic Community (and left the EFTA). The European Union's structural and cohesion funds and the growth of many of Portugal's main exporting companies were leading forces in a new period of robust economic growth and socio-economic development which would last (though with a short crisis around 1992–94) to the early 2000s. In 1991, GDP per capita surpassed the 1973 level and by 2000 it had achieved 70% of the EU-12 average, which nonetheless constituted an approach to the Western European standards of living without precedents in", "id": "11189285" }, { "contents": "Alun Cairns\n\n\nas “probably the UK’s most regressive tax”, and stressed this meant transparency was vital. Despite this, Cairns considers himself a \"critical friend\" of the BBC. Cairns supported remaining in the European Union in the 2016 UK European Union membership referendum. In the campaign period leading up to the referendum, in a government pamphlet sent to all homes across Wales, he stated: \"One thing I think we can all agree on is that Europe needs reform. The Prime Minister has fought hard to get a deal", "id": "13548828" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom constitutional law\n\n\npreserve peace in post-war Europe. At the same time, following long-held visions for European integration with the UK \"at the centre\", democratic European countries sought to integrate their economies both to make war impossible, and to advance social progress. In 1972, the UK joined the European Community (renamed the European Union in 1992) and committed to implement EU law in which it participated, in the European Communities Act 1972. In 1995, the UK also became a founding member of the World Trade Organization", "id": "16631478" }, { "contents": "Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina\n\n\nin turn succeeded by an even smaller, European Union-led European Union Force, EUFOR Althea. , EUFOR Althea numbered around 7,000 troops. The program to train and equip the Bosnian Federation Army after the signing of the Dayton peace agreement in 1995 was a key element of the U.S. strategy to bring a stable peace to Bosnia. The Train and Equip Program also calmed the concerns of some Congressmen about committing U.S. troops to peacekeeping duty in Bosnia. Creating a stable and functioning Federation Army that could deter Serb aggression had the prospect", "id": "3229776" }, { "contents": "Melting pot\n\n\nancestry, which leads many who are culturally European, to identify as white, even though they are genetically mestizo. Most of the 6 million European immigrants arriving between 1850 and 1950, regardless of origin, settled in several regions of the country. Due to this large-scale European immigration, Argentina's population more than doubled, although half ended up returning to Europe or settling in the United States. The majority of these European immigrants came from Spain and Italy mostly, but to a lesser extent, Germany, France,", "id": "12165524" }, { "contents": "Battery Directive\n\n\nlike many other European compliance directives, is not directly applicable, but requires legislative action from European Member States. Though European directives are legislation, European Union Member States must comply with them to avoid legal action that the European Commission can bring to bear if they don't. However Member States retain some freedom by what means they implement a directive's requirements. The battery directive has the objective of improving the environmental performance of batteries by regulating the use of certain substances in the manufacture of batteries (lead, mercury, cadmium,", "id": "6180834" }, { "contents": "Law of the United Kingdom\n\n\nOverseas Territories do not have representation in the UK parliament, and are thus on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. Residents of Gibraltar, as the only BOT which is part of the European Union, vote for a representative in the European Parliament in the South West England district. All citizens of British Overseas Territories are EU citizens, even though European Union law only applies in Gibraltar and the United Kingdom proper. The inhabited territories each have their own legal system (based largely on English common law)", "id": "1393217" }, { "contents": "Flemming Rose\n\n\ncartoonists and I received death threats; newspapers were closed in Russia and in Malaysia, and newspaper editors were jailed in Jordan and Yemen. At that point, it became an issue exclusively about free speech.\" Europeans, Rose suggested in the interview, do not know how to deal with Islam because of its \"strangeness\" to them and because of their own \"self-hatred stemming from our colonial past and things like that.\" Even though Europeans \"have been criticizing, challenging, and ridiculing Christianity for decades if", "id": "6717644" }, { "contents": "Union Nationale Inter-universitaire\n\n\n. Some of its members also belong to the Movement for France, a more traditionalist conservative political party. \"UNI\" activists often participate to UMP rallies even though the two organizations do remain independent. During the 2005 French European Constitution referendum, the union was strongly divided between eurosceptic and pro-European activists. The \"UNI\" leaders finally decided to support the European Constitution, while a big part of the union's activists campaigned against it. This event pushed some members out of the union, leading to the creation of", "id": "14458582" }, { "contents": "Pacifism\n\n\nperiod included the War Resisters' International the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the No More War Movement and the Peace Pledge Union (PPU). The League of Nations also convened several disarmament conferences in the inter-war period such as the Geneva Conference, though the support pacifistic policy and idealism received varied across European nations. These organizations and movements attracted tens of thousands of Europeans, spanning most professions including \"scientists, artists, musicians, politicians, clerks, students, activists and thinkers.\" Pacifism and", "id": "5130104" }, { "contents": "Customs Union between the EU and the UK\n\n\nAn EU-UK Customs Union is a proposal to have a Customs Union between a post-Brexit United Kingdom and the European Union. As the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union, then it will not be able to participate in the EU's Common Commercial Policy and so continued membership of the EU Customs Union is not seen by most commentators as being viable. Some commentators have suggested that there should be a bilateral Customs Union between the European Union and the UK on the same model of the European Union–Turkey Customs", "id": "13021598" }, { "contents": "European Union statistics\n\n\nStatistics in the European Union are collected by Eurostat (European statistics body). As of 1 January 2006, the population of the EU was about 493 million people. Many countries are expected to experience a decline in population over the coming decades, though this could be offset with new countries planning to join the EU within the next 20 years. The most populous member state is Germany, with an estimated 80.4 million people. France and Ireland have the highest birth-rates. The most densely populated country is the island of", "id": "955812" }, { "contents": "European History Network\n\n\ncontinents. CLIOH-WORLD has five working groups: Why is there a need for the History of EU and European Integration? History is an important tool not only for increasing knowledge of the human past, but also for enhancing the awareness and the identity of human social and political communities, of which the European Union is one. In order to achieve a better understanding of what the European Union is and what it means to be a European citizen it is essential to improve the knowledge and understanding of both the history of the", "id": "19371613" }, { "contents": "European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education\n\n\nThe European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education is an independent organisation that acts as a platform for collaboration for its 31 member countries, working towards ensuring more inclusive education systems. The Agency's mission is to help member countries improve the quality and effectiveness of their inclusive provision for all learners. All European countries are committed to working towards ensuring more inclusive education systems. They do so in different ways, depending on their past and current contexts and histories. Inclusive education systems are seen as a vital component within the wider aspiration", "id": "610201" }, { "contents": "Ripping\n\n\nSome countries also have fair use-type laws which allow unauthorized copies to be made under certain conditions. As mentioned above, circumventing copy protection mechanisms, such as the encryption used on most commercial DVDs, may also be illegal in many countries. A directive of the European Union allows its member nations to instate in their legal framework a \"private copy\" exception to the authors and editors rights. If a member State chooses to do so, it must also introduce a compensation for the copyright holders. Most European countries,", "id": "21097885" }, { "contents": "European History Network\n\n\nand learned in European universities. These projects have linked national historical narratives, and prepared tools and materials to structure history programs. These help make learners aware of how national historical viewpoints have been created, and how and why they may contrast with the beliefs and understandings about history in neighboring countries. CLIOH-WORLD is using its consolidated experience and methodology to develop the learning and teaching of European Union history, including European integration and expansion, and to encourage awareness and understanding of the links between European history and the histories of other", "id": "19371612" }, { "contents": "Hispanophone\n\n\nBritish, etc. In countries like Mexico, there was a process of miscegenation, which resulted in many people having both indigenous and European origins. Many white Mexicans, though labeled \"Hispanic\" by the U.S. definition because of their assimilated culture and country of birth, trace their ancestries to European countries other than Spain, and some to non-European countries (see next paragraph). Nevertheless, in most cases, they have some Spanish ancestry, as the waves of European immigrants to these countries tended to quickly assimilate,", "id": "4783332" }, { "contents": "Association football culture\n\n\nis changing at the start of the 21st century due to society change as well as campaigning on the part of the football authorities in different countries. UEFA and the European Union support the Football Against Racism in Europe (\"FARE\") project, which aims to stop racism. Many black players were not accepted initially into European football, even though the earliest black player was in 1881. However, in the 1970s onwards, players were increasingly accepted leading to a situation where many club and national teams have players of varying ethnicities", "id": "21024399" }, { "contents": "Richard J. Evans\n\n\nas an aid to serious historical understanding. In \"Cosmopolitan Islanders: British Historians and the European Continent\" (2009, an expanded version of his Inaugural Lecture as Regius Professor), he explored the reasons why so many British historians have made such major contributions to the historical understanding of other European countries. \"The Third Reich in History and Memory\" (2015) is a collection of 28 articles and review essays on modern German history published since the turn of the century. Evans's most recent major book is \"The", "id": "13911724" }, { "contents": "Special member state territories and the European Union\n\n\nThe special territories of the European Union are 31 territories of EU member states which, for historical, geographical, or political reasons, enjoy special status within or outside the European Union. The special territories divide themselves in three categories: 9 Outermost Regions (OMR) that form part of the European Union, though they benefit from derogations from some EU laws due to their geographical remoteness from mainland Europe. 22 Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) that do not form part of the European Union, though they cooperate with the EU", "id": "7058875" }, { "contents": "European History Network\n\n\nwho face the need to (re)design history programmes. The Role of History of EU and European Integration on European Universities: the Mapping Results The Working Group undertook an extensive survey of the current state of European Union and European Integration History learning and teaching, through detailed mapping of selected countries (Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK), and supplemented this with further sample-based mapping of other countries in Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Malta, Romania) and beyond Europe (", "id": "19371617" }, { "contents": "Eurovision Song Contest 1974\n\n\npreview\"-type programme to be broadcast in many European countries simultaneously (traditionally each national broadcaster puts together their own preview programme). The UK did not broadcast the programmes, instead airing their own preview shows introduced by David Vine on BBC1 on 24 and 31 March. The French entry was broadcast by all the nations showing the previews, even though the song was withdrawn from the Eurovision final itself. The programme was also notable in being the European television debut for the winners, ABBA, who were peculiarly credited in previews as \"The", "id": "18066994" }, { "contents": "History of sexual minorities in Sri Lanka\n\n\n, most likely a priest from the European church of ethnic European descent, claimed that “the sin of sodomy is so prevalent… that it makes us very afraid to live there. And if one of the principle men of the kingdom is questioned about if they are not ashamed to do such a thing as ugly and dirty, to this they respond that they do everything that they see the king doing, because that is the custom among them.” Englishman John Knox, who by this time had lived in the country", "id": "8419773" }, { "contents": "Racism in Poland\n\n\nfor example, high unemployment), ineffectual government and possibly an increase in immigration from outside. These attitudes began to change after 2000, possibly due to Poland's entry into the European Union, increased travel abroad and more frequent encounters with people of other races. By 2008, the EVS showed Poland as one of the least xenophobic countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The negative attitudes towards Jews have likewise returned to their lower 1990s level, although they do remain somewhat above the European average. During the same time period,", "id": "2349722" }, { "contents": "Right-wing populism\n\n\nThe party is Eurosceptic and plays a leading role in the changing stance of the Dutch government towards European integration as they came second in the 2009 European Parliament election, winning 4 out of 25 seats. The party's main programme revolves around strong criticism of Islam, restrictions on migration from new European Union countries and Islamic countries, pushing for cultural assimilation of migrants into Dutch society, opposing the accession of Turkey to the European Union, advocating for the Netherlands to withdraw from the European Union and advocating for a return to the guilder", "id": "8300973" }, { "contents": "List of campaign organisations supporting Remain in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum\n\n\nwill have to fight to join pro-EU voices to stay in. London First is committed to remaining within the European Union (EU), in large part because of the economic benefits of the Single Market, and sees great opportunities for Britain to lead a deepening of that market to drive jobs and growth across the country. North East for Europe is committed to the UK remaining in the European Union and believes that the people of the North East of England will be hit hardest by the UK leaving the European Union.", "id": "3114907" }, { "contents": "Vargem Grande do Sul\n\n\nenemy languages in the country, such as Italian and German spoken so widely at the time, so it was renamed \"Sociedade Beneficente Brasileira\". The change was imposed on many institutions and associations throughout Brazil; state capital football team Società Esportiva Palestra Italia became Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras. The municipality's population has historically middle class, showed little social segregation and has a peaceful profile. Specially in the 19th century, Brazilian Portuguese was highly influenced by the many European immigrants who settled in Brazil's many regions and states, specially in", "id": "15960681" }, { "contents": "Reactions to the November 2015 Paris attacks\n\n\nFrance, Greece, and the European Union were at half-mast to mourn for the victims. The Christmas decorations of Athens have been left unlit. Many European countries held a minute's silence on 16 November at 12 p.m. Central European Time to show a sign of respect and solidarity to those who lost their lives in the attacks. In the UK, all public places and many government offices and officials were to have both UK and French flags flown at half mast as a sign of respect. On 17 November, England", "id": "6993441" }, { "contents": "Enlargement of the European Union\n\n\na number of possible factors of the rationalization and understanding of the practices on what the enlargement has been and should be like. Attitudes of even skeptical citizens, do not discard the possibility on future sustainable enlargements. The years subsequent to the EU accession will lead to extensive dialogues between policy-makers, governments, and European citizens about the path for a constructive development. The 2003 European Council summit in Thessaloniki set integration of the Western Balkans as a priority of EU expansion. The EU's relations with the Western Balkans states were", "id": "16036567" }, { "contents": "Comparing Media Systems\n\n\ntheir argument is their observation of several transformation processes that take place especially in Europe. The most important processes are the European integration, politically as well as with regards to the media (e.g. European media laws), the decline of traditional political mass parties, the American influence on the professionalization of journalism, and finally the commercialization of the media markets in Europe. These are the main reasons why Hallin and Mancini conclude, that the European countries might be pushed toward the \"Liberal model\". They even go one step further", "id": "10770646" }, { "contents": "Albania\n\n\nthe organisation and was among the first Southeast European countries to join the partnership for peace programme. Albania applied to join the European Union, becoming an official candidate for accession to the European Union in June 2014. Although Albania received candidate status for the European Union membership in 2014 (based on its 2009 application), the European Union has twice rejected full membership. The European Parliament warned the Government leaders in early 2017 that the 2017 parliamentary elections in June must be free and fair before negotiations could begin to admit the country into", "id": "216973" }, { "contents": "Tourism in Romania\n\n\nsolution to the restructuring and disappearance of former large industrial sites (mining, metallurgy, heavy industry), takes on interest in the country still slowly, despite the country's join to the European Union in 2007. Even if presently the country is confronted with a long and difficult economic transition, it has a rich industrial and scientific history with many of the world's priorities and still has surviving authentic traditional crafts and rural communities. Limited to some geographic areas and not yet on a large scale, by the means of European", "id": "5902520" }, { "contents": "Decline of Christianity\n\n\nCenter, where 71% of Western Europeans identified themselves as Christian. According to the same study, 83% of those who were raised as Christians still identify as such. The European Values Study found that in most European countries in 2008, the majority of young respondents identified themselves as Christians. Unlike Western Europe, in Central and Eastern European countries the proportion of Christians has been stable or even increased in the post-communist era. In 2017, a report released by St. Mary's University, London concluded that Christianity \"", "id": "621720" }, { "contents": "British National Party\n\n\n1980s and 1990s he maintained the party's opposition to the European Economic Community. Antagonism toward what became the European Union was retained under Griffin's leadership, which called for the UK to leave the Union. One of Vote Leave's biggest donors during the Brexit referendum was former BNP member Gladys Bramall and the party has claimed that its anti-Establishment rhetoric \"created the road\" to Britain's vote to leave the European Union. Tyndall suggested replacing the EEC with a trading association among the \"White Commonwealth\", namely countries", "id": "3926618" }, { "contents": "Common Travel Area\n\n\n, and to work toward a \"fully-common short stay visit visa\". The UK voted to leave the European Union in a referendum on 23 June 2016. Their withdrawal would make the Republic of Ireland–United Kingdom border on the island of Ireland an external border of the European Union. However, the Irish and UK governments and the President of the European Council have stated that they do not wish for a hard border in Ireland, taking into account the historical and social \"sensitivities\" that permeate the island.", "id": "3945531" }, { "contents": "Federalisation of the European Union\n\n\nintegration has seen the development of a supranational system of governance, as its institutions move further from the concept of simple intergovernmentalism and more towards a federalised system. However, with the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, new intergovernmental elements have been introduced alongside the more federal systems, making it more difficult to define the European Union (the EU). The European Union, which operates through a hybrid system of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism, is not officially a federation or even a confederation – though various academic observers regard it as having the characteristics", "id": "21308747" }, { "contents": "Croatian kuna\n\n\nthe fluctuations of the kuna's exchange rate against the euro (or, previously, the mark) within a relatively stable range. Since the introduction of the euro in 1999, the exchange rate between the two currencies rarely fluctuated to a substantial degree, remaining at a near constant 7.4:1 (HRK to EUR) rate. The country joined the European Union on 1 July 2013 and it plans to join the European Monetary System. The kuna is expected to be replaced by the euro, even though the initial time estimate of two", "id": "3451824" }, { "contents": "History of the European Union\n\n\nof some consolidation of European territories used to be provided by dynastic unions; less common were country-level unions, such as the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle of 1818, Tsar Alexander, as the most advanced internationalist of the day, suggested a kind of permanent European union and even proposed the maintenance of international military forces to provide recognised states with support against changes by violence. An example of an organisation formed to promote the association of states between the", "id": "18427797" }, { "contents": "The Domination\n\n\nconquered peoples and the Draka themselves, of the Western Allies refusal to join forces with Nazi Germany, even though Adolf Hitler was dead by late 1942 (officially by heart attack, but in reality assassinated by German Military Intelligence), to fight the Draka once the full horror of the Drakan onslaught's threat to European civilisation is apparent. Widespread disgust and revulsion at Germany's genocidal policies towards political, ideological and racial enemies, and utter hatred by former occupied countries are cited as the cause of this reluctance even though the Draka", "id": "21886970" }, { "contents": "Lenovo\n\n\npreviously had difficulty breaking into the United Kingdom due to the high proportion of customers who sign contracts and receive phones from carriers. A Lenovo executive said, \"There are lots of reasons why we bought Motorola but primarily because it has a history of distribution in the UK. Motorola has long and established relationships with routes to market in North America and the UK, where people are tied to their network operator.\" Lenovo received approval from the European Union for its acquisition of Motorola in June 2014. In a statement the European", "id": "13716366" }, { "contents": "Democratic Party (Cyprus)\n\n\nand declared its intention of moving towards social democracy. The party has developed a strict and hardline stance on the Cyprus problem and strongly opposed the Annan plan in 2004. DIKO also supports European integration and a non-aligned foreign policy, even though it showed support for Cyprus joining NATO's Partnership for Peace. The Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK), together with DIKO, constitute the so-called \"space in-between\" (ενδιάμεσος χώρος) in Cypriot politics, in that they strongly differentiate themselves from both the", "id": "19820449" }, { "contents": "History of Scandinavia\n\n\nthem most of southern Scandinavia entered the Neolithic. Even though Scandinavians joined the European Bronze Age cultures fairly late through trade, Scandinavian sites present rich and well-preserved objects made of wool, wood and imported Central European bronze and gold. During this period Scandinavia gave rise to the first known advanced civilization in this area following the Nordic Stone Age. The Scandinavians adopted many central European and Mediterranean symbols at the same time that they created new styles and objects. Mycenaean Greece, the Villanovan Culture, Phoenicia and Ancient Egypt have all", "id": "9366974" }, { "contents": "First World\n\n\nglobalization, the EU, and First World countries arises. Especially during the 1990s when the EU focused on economic policies such as the creation and circulation of the Euro, the creation of the European Monetary Institute, and the opening of the European Central Bank. In 1993, at the Copenhagen European Council, the European Union took a decisive step towards expanding the EU, what they called the Fifth Enlargement, agreeing that \"the associated countries in Central and Eastern Europe that so desire shall become members of the European Union\".", "id": "1290194" }, { "contents": "Stuart Hall (cultural theorist)\n\n\n. But, Hall points out, there is no going back to the Africa that existed before slavery, because Africa too has changed. Secondly, Hall describes the European presence in Caribbean cultural identity as the legacy of colonialism, racism, power and exclusion. Unlike the \"Présence Africaine\", the European presence is not unspoken even though many would like to be separated from the history of the oppressor. But Hall argues that Caribbeans and diasporic peoples must acknowledge how the European presence has also become an inextricable part of their own", "id": "14536031" }, { "contents": "World peace\n\n\nMany countries such as China, Italy, the United States, Australia, Germany, India and Britain have unified into single nation-states with others like the European Union following suit, suggesting that further globalization will bring about a world state. World peace has been depicted as a consequence of local, self-determined behaviors that inhibit the institutionalization of power and ensuing violence. The solution is not so much based on an agreed agenda, or an investment in higher authority whether divine or political, but rather a self-organized", "id": "1714010" }, { "contents": "Regulation and licensure in engineering\n\n\na Magistrate with imprisonment period not exceeding one year and/or a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees. The European Engineer (Eur Ing, EUR ING) is an international professional qualification for engineers used in many European countries. The title is granted after successful application to a national member of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI), which includes representation from many European countries, including much of the European Union. It allows a person who has an engineering degree and usually an engineering professional qualification in one of the member", "id": "4649573" }, { "contents": "Worker policing\n\n\nVespula rufa\", a wasp that has low paternity. Under the testing conditions, worker policing was not as efficient, and some of the drones appeared to be from worker-laid eggs. The European Hornet, \"Vespa crabro\", was previously thought to be under reproductive pheromone control by the queen, thus explaining why the other females didn't reproduce, even though they were capable of doing so. Experiments by Foster showed that the workers were instead regulating sterility in each other, thus instead exhibiting worker policing. While", "id": "4806910" }, { "contents": "European Boxing Union\n\n\nera's first decades, the EBU recognized many world title fights. The European Boxing Union competed against the American based National Boxing Association (NBA), which staged the more widely recognized world title fights. The European Boxing Union went through a period of economical difficulties during World War II. Because one of the organization's most important rules is that every fighter that fights for an EBU title must be a national and a resident of a European country, and all fights must be held in Europe, it became very hard for", "id": "12536434" }, { "contents": "North Korea–European Union relations\n\n\nNorth Korea–European Union relations are the foreign relations between the country of North Korea and the European Union. In this article, DPRK is a shorthand name for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, commonly known as North Korea. The EU wishes to help the DPRK \"promote peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, in particular through support for international efforts to promote denuclearisation and an improvement in the human rights situation\". The European Union first started diplomatic relations with DPRK in May 2001 and most EU countries have since", "id": "16056739" }, { "contents": "European Association of History Educators\n\n\nfuture. History education is frequently used as a vehicle for political propaganda, hatred and aggression, but now the decision was made to renew contacts between East and West and reinforce a history education that could act as a tool to foster integration, peace and stability in Europe. From 1993 on, EUROCLIO grew rapidly and today it represents 64 member organizations from 46 (mostly) European countries, connecting 40,000 historians and history educators in primary, secondary and higher educational institutes. EUROCLIO received the following international recognition: The organization supports the", "id": "4028003" }, { "contents": "Passports of the European Union\n\n\nEuropean Union\" accompanied by the name of the issuing member state printed on the cover. However, the newest EU member state Croatia refused to fully comply with the EU common recommended layout even though the Croatian passport has been changed in design due to the recent accession into the EU. From 3 August 2015, the new Croatian passport retained its dark blue passport cover and is the odd one out among the 28 European Union member states' passports. On the other hand, the UK Government announced plans in December 2017 to return", "id": "21121882" }, { "contents": "European Union\n\n\ntreaties that their member states have ratified, and thus the laws enacted under them, even if doing so requires them to ignore conflicting national law, and (within limits) even constitutional provisions. The direct effect and supremacy doctrines were not explicitly set out the European Treaties but were developed by the Court of Justice itself over the 1960s, apparently under the influence of its then most influential judge, Frenchman Robert Lecourt The judicial branch of the EU—formally called the Court of Justice of the European Union—consists of two courts", "id": "9379131" }, { "contents": "Pawnee people\n\n\nunfamiliar with Europeans and were treated like country bumpkins by their southern relatives. The mutual hatred between Pawnees and Apaches was so great that both sides were cooking and eating many of their captives. Bourgmont's \"peace\" had little effect. In 1739 the Mallet brothers visited the Skidi Pawnee. In 1750 the Skidis were reported to be ruled by a grand chief who had 900 warriors. From about 1760, smallpox epidemics broke out on the Great Plains, reducing the Skidi from eight large villages in 1725 to one by 1800.", "id": "16100158" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom\n\n\nrecognised nuclear weapons state and is sixth in military expenditure in the world. It has been a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council since its first session in 1946. It has been a leading member state of the European Union (EU) and its predecessor, the European Economic Community (EEC), since 1973; however, a referendum in 2016 resulted in 51.9 per cent of UK voters favouring leaving the European Union, and the country's exit is being negotiated. The United Kingdom is also a member of the", "id": "13052324" }, { "contents": "Domesticated hedgehog\n\n\n. No such restrictions exist in most European countries (although Italy is an exception). The European hedgehog is a protected species in all countries that have signed the Berne Convention; this includes all member states of the Council of Europe, as well as the European Union and a small number of other states. In these countries, the European hedgehog may not be captured or kept as a pet. In the wild, a hedgehog will cover many miles each night. A hedgehog with insufficient range may show signs of depression,", "id": "14889372" }, { "contents": "General Court (European Union)\n\n\nChambers of five Judges from among their number for a renewable period of three years. There are no permanent Advocates General attached to the General Court (unlike the European Court of Justice, which has eleven Advocates General). However, the task of an Advocate General may be performed in a limited number of cases by a Judge nominated to do so. In practice this has been done occasionally. The General Court, like the Court of Justice, has the task of ensuring that the law is observed in the interpretation and application", "id": "5484017" }, { "contents": "Issues in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum\n\n\nPolice Professional\", he said that \"if the UK was to vote to leave, it would no longer have direct use of pan-European databases or the ability to automatically join intelligence projects such as the European Migrant Smuggling Centre, the European Counter Terror Centre and the European Cybercrime Centre\". Some EU counter-terrorism experts, British police and intelligence agencies have suggested that inter-agency co-operation across the EU could be improved in the light of the Schengen Agreement (even though the UK is not in Schengen", "id": "10787655" }, { "contents": "European History Network\n\n\nprogrammes of European Studies is in fact not very pronounced, although history is often mentioned in the programme descriptions. Even where European Union history is reasonably well covered, it is usually as one optional module, a fact which raises issues about coherence, or the importance of thinking about what that History is. Although dealing with “Europe” is quite popular in European academic institutions and many universities and departments offer courses on “European history” or the history of European regions, an explicit focus on European History or the history of", "id": "19371621" }, { "contents": "Institutions of the European Union\n\n\nThe institutions of the European Union are the seven principal decision-making bodies of the European Union (EU). They are, as listed in Article 13 of the Treaty on European Union: Institutions are distinct from advisory bodies to the European Union, and agencies of the European Union. Most EU institutions were created with the establishment of the European Community in 1958. Much change since then has been in the context of shifting the balance of power away from the Council and towards the Parliament. The role of the Commission has", "id": "9124938" }, { "contents": "Issues in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum\n\n\nthe EU should have nothing to do with UK's national security, which Boris Johnson echoed. He claimed that during the Cold War, it was NATO which prevented the Soviet Union's attack. Thompson claims that the EU played no role in reaching peace in the Troubles in Northern Ireland during 1968–1998. By contrast, Enda Kenny, Taoiseach of Ireland, claimed that EU membership played a significant role in ending the Troubles and achieving peace in Northern Ireland, and that a withdrawal from the European Union would put the Northern Ireland peace", "id": "10787661" }, { "contents": "Manfred Weber\n\n\nrelief for Greece, it should no longer participate in the bailout, thereby breaking ranks with his political party's official line that the program would end if the IMF pulled out. Commenting on the UK's vote to leave the European Union, Weber said, “The British people decided to leave this union, so they will not be so comfortable, so safe, not so economically strong. That’s why we will say that it really is a very negative day.” As chairman of the European People's Party,", "id": "20544273" }, { "contents": "History of European Union–United Kingdom relations\n\n\nSince the foundation of the European Communities, the United Kingdom has been an important neighbour and is currently a major member, until its withdrawal. The UK was not a signatory of the three original treaties that were incorporated into what was then the European Communities, including the most well known of these, the 1957 Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). Britain first began talks to join the EEC in July 1961. The UK's applications to join in 1963 and 1967 were vetoed by the President of", "id": "12850828" } ]
Why, at least I know in the U.S., are public funds sometimes used to help build Private Stadiums/Arenas?
[{"answer": "Because of the \"expected\" economic revenue said Stadium will bring to a city and surrounding areas. In most cases, it pays off, although the question is always going to be: \"Why is a person worth hundreds of millions or billions of dollars not paying for their own stadium?\" of which the answer would be \"Because they don't have to when there are cities around the country that will fight to have the team in their city and be willing to pay for a large amount of the funding.\""}, {"answer": "[This is a picture]( URL_0 ) of Downtown San Diego before they built the Padres stadium in the early 2000s [This is a picture]( URL_1 ) of downtown San Diego several years after they built Petco Park A stadium and the regular traffic it brings in can be a huge windfall to an area. It encourages development and improves the tax base *if done correctly* Petco Park has helped dramatically improve the city economically. It has 100% been worth the public money spent on it."}, {"answer": "Because the public often supports them. If you are Oklahoma City and you don't have a major professional sports franchise, your citizens might support public money to a new stadium to lure one to move. Or if you are Minneapolis, and have team you have supported for decades, when an owner started dropping hints about moving, you support a new public stadium to keep the team in town. Of course, it doesn't always work that way, cities have grown a little weary of billionaires hold their sports teams for ransom. San Diego and Oakland basically told their teams to take a hike."}, {"answer": "Most major sports leagues in the US are monopolies. As such, if you are convinced there is a Civic or financial upside to having a team in your city, you may have to compete against other cities to convince one to locate in your area. Public stadium financing is a popular bribe or inducement depending on how you look at it for a team to move to your city. The teams want to maximize ticket sales and minimize costs, and seem to think newer, larger, and nicer stadiums help with that. Actual economic impact is not clear, but sports fans talk about it a lot anyway."}, {"answer": "It's the \"we\" mentality of professional sports. How many times have you heard someone refer to their team as \"we\"? Dumb people take personal and emotional ownership of sports franchises in their geography and act like they matter. The owners know this and will continue to exploit it for their own financial gain."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4614755", "title": "Extradition law in the United States", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Extradition law in the United States is the formal process by which a fugitive found in the United States is surrendered to another country or state for trial, punishment, or rehabilitation. For foreign countries, the process is regulated by treaty and conducted between the federal government of the United States and the government of a foreign country. The process is considerably different from interstate or intrastate extradition. Florida, Alaska, and Hawaii do not extradite for a misdemeanor conviction that was convicted in the US, as of 2010. Some felonies are an exception in American law such as a crime that is violent in nature, or a sexual offense, or felony driving while intoxicated; they will entail extradition from all states in the United States. Theft charges and small drug crimes are the exception; for instance, if a minor crime is committed in Florida, a person apprehended in Idaho will not be extradited back to the original crime's jurisdiction. Federal charges are governed by US federal law and most states, with the exceptions of South Carolina and Missouri, have adopted the Uniform Criminal Extradition Act. In practice, Florida, Alaska, and Hawaii typically do not extradite if the crime in question is not a felony because of the associated costs of transporting the suspect and the housing fees that must be paid to the jurisdiction in which the accused is held until transported.", "Extradition law in the United States is the formal process by which a fugitive found in the United States is surrendered to another country or state for trial, punishment, or rehabilitation. For foreign countries, the process is regulated by treaty and conducted between the federal government of the United States and the government of a foreign country"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Palace of Auburn Hills\n\n\na group led by Davidson decided to build a new arena in Auburn Hills. Groundbreaking for the arena took place in June 1986. Using entirely private funding, The Palace cost a relatively low price of $90 million. The Davidson family held a controlling interest in the arena until Tom Gores bought it as part of his purchase of the Pistons in 2011. Then-Pistons owner Bill Davidson and two developers privately financed the $90 million construction of The Palace, and did not require public funds. The Palace was built with", "id": "412624" }, { "contents": "Scotiabank Saddledome\n\n\ntheir opposition using taxpayer money to help fund a new arena. King stated that the Flames have concepts and designs for a new building, but are not ready to release them. Some of the plans being considered for Stampede Park would include lowering the city's C-train light rail transit line below ground and run straight into a new facility. In 2015, Calgary Sports and Entertainment proposed CalgaryNEXT—a sports complex in the western downtown area that would feature a new arena and football stadium to replace the Saddledome and McMahon Stadium", "id": "13973734" }, { "contents": "Climate Science Legal Defense Fund\n\n\nscientists. In early 2017, CSLDF began building a national legal network to help scientists at public and private universities in the United States. In November 2016, after the U.S. presidential election, CSLDF published \"Handling Political Harassment and Legal Intimidation: A Pocket Guide for Scientists\", which contains basic legal advice for scientists. In 2017, CSLDF partnered with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on a pamphlet, \"March for Science: Know Your Rights,\" for those participating in the April 22, 2017 March for", "id": "21161843" }, { "contents": "Stadium subsidy\n\n\nstadium subsidies were essentially unheard of, with funding for professional sports stadiums coming from private sources. In 1951, MLB commissioner Ford Frick decided that league teams were bringing large amounts of revenue to their host cities from which owners weren't able to profit. He announced that cities would need to start supporting their teams by building and maintaining venues through public subsidy. Today, most new or renovated professional sports stadiums are financed at least partly through stadium subsidies. While Frick may have been a catalyst, this change has been primarily caused", "id": "20295120" }, { "contents": "Journey planner\n\n\nmeaning that the system may know about public transport services as well as transport networks for private transportation. Trip planning or Journey planning is sometimes distinguished from route planning, where route planning is typically thought of as using private modes of transportation such as driving, walking, or cycling, normally using a single mode at a time. Trip or Journey planning by contrast would make use of at least one public transport mode which operates according to published schedules; given that public transport services only depart at specific times (unlike private transport which", "id": "17858688" }, { "contents": "Concert\n\n\nA concert is a live music performance in front of an audience. The performance may be by a single musician, sometimes then called a recital, or by a musical ensemble, such as an orchestra, choir, or band. Concerts are held in a wide variety and size of settings, from private houses and small nightclubs, dedicated concert halls, arenas and parks to large multipurpose buildings, and even sports stadiums. Indoor concerts held in the largest venues are sometimes called \"arena concerts\" or \"amphitheatre concerts\".", "id": "9303014" }, { "contents": "Beverly Eckert\n\n\npayoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with terrifying ease. I want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue options were so limited. . . . The victims fund was not created in a spirit of compassion. Rather, it was a tacit acknowledgement", "id": "12983699" }, { "contents": "Sports in Minneapolis–Saint Paul\n\n\n. U.S. Bank Stadium was completed in August 2016, six spectator sport stadiums will be in a 1.2-mile (2 km) radius centered downtown, counting the existing facilities at Target Center and the university's Williams Arena and Mariucci Arena. Target Field is funded by the Twins and 75% by Hennepin County sales tax, about $25 per year by each taxpayer. The Gopher football program's TCF Bank Stadium was built by the university and the state's general fund. And the $1.061 billion U.S. Bank Stadium for the Vikings", "id": "10778557" }, { "contents": "Verbal language in dreams\n\n\nreflecting their priorities to attract a speaker who might help them with their fund-raising efforts.\"\" \"\"That's why you have such beautiful buildings,\" I note, \"and why there is nothing in them.\"\" Hobson presents this specimen as an example of how dreams can sometimes reflect personal concerns—in this case relating to his academic squabbles with his colleagues due to his anti-psychoanalytic stance within the psychiatric profession. As Heynick points out, the personal significance in this dream is in fact derived", "id": "3548937" }, { "contents": "I Don't Know Why\n\n\n\"I Don't Know Why\" (sometimes listed as \"Don't Know Why I Love You\") is a 1968 song by American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder, from the album \"For Once in My Life\" (1968). It also serves as the B-side for the 1969 hit \"My Cherie Amour\". The single peaked at No. 39 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was recorded when Wonder was 18 years old, and became a moderate hit single, together", "id": "8708186" }, { "contents": "Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena\n\n\nfor the Commission the previous day. For most of the former Coliseum Commission employees, the fixed term of their employment would be short-lived, ending 10 months later on May 30, 2014. The Sports Arena was demolished in order to replace it with a more in-demand facility — a soccer-specific stadium that would house an MLS team. On May 18, 2015, Los Angeles Football Club announced its intentions to build a privately funded 22,000-seat soccer-specific stadium at the site for $250 million. The", "id": "2837674" }, { "contents": "Conception Bay Sports Arena\n\n\n, was the main driving force behind the campaign to build an arena in Conception Bay North. In the fall of 1954 Bennett contacted a number of people with the hope of raising funds for the construction of a new arena. Four businessmen from St. John's formed the Conception Bay Sports Company Limited. Between 3000 and 4000 preferred shares in the new company were for sale to the public at $10 each to help raise the required funds to build the new arena. Bennett became the first managing director of the company. The", "id": "15573712" }, { "contents": "Development of stadiums in English football\n\n\nMeadows sometime in the 2015–16 Season Since the club's formation in 2005, F.C. United have not had their own home ground. Instead, they share a ground with Bury F.C., using their Gigg Lane ground. In March 2010, the club announced plans to build their own 5,000-capacity football ground in Newton Heath, the original home of Manchester United. Manchester City Council initially approved, but within a year had backed out from funding the stadium. The council pledged to help FC United build a stadium in a new location with reduced", "id": "16589705" }, { "contents": "Donnybrook Stadium\n\n\nDonnybrook Stadium, known for sponsorship reasons as Energia Park, is a rugby union stadium in Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland. The stadium, also sometimes known as Donnybrook Rugby Ground, is located on the former fair green used for the Donnybrook Fair until the mid-1850s. Used for games by Bective Rangers and Old Wesley since at least the early 20th century, the ground was also the home stadium of Leinster Rugby - until they moved competitive games to the nearby RDS Arena in 2005. In March 2018 Energia began a sponsorship deal", "id": "1140230" }, { "contents": "Rainbow Junction\n\n\nof the area known as the \"Zone of Choice\" within Pretoria. For the latest information go to the Rainbow Junction Website Brief project History - pre 2007 Originally planned as a mixed used development supporting a planned sports complex comprising a 41,000 seat stadium and an attached indoor sports arena it was to be used as a match venue for the 2010 FIFA World Cup finals. In 2005, it was reported that no public funding had been set aside for the project and that the Tshwane municipality was seeking private financing to complete the", "id": "17737524" }, { "contents": "(I Don't Know Why) But I Do\n\n\n\"(I Don't Know Why) But I Do\" is an R&B song written by Paul Gayten and Bobby Charles (as Robert Guidry), and performed by Clarence \"Frogman\" Henry. It was Henry's biggest U.S. hit, reaching #4 in early 1961. The B-side on the single release was \"Just My Baby and Me\". The U.S. release on the Argo record label was titled \"I Don't Know Why\". The U.K. release on the Pye Records label and the Australian release", "id": "629130" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married Too?\n\n\nShe tells Patricia that she knows someone who wants to meet her, a philanthropist, but Patricia refuses. The professor goes on to tell her that she can at least say hi because the university needs funds. The man (Dwayne Johnson) tells her that her books have helped in his grieving process (divorce) and invites her to have coffee. The movie ends with Patricia smiling at him. A June 5, 2009, report stated that Janet Jackson would reprise her role as Patricia, making her the third confirmed cast", "id": "21439941" }, { "contents": "Visit Baltimore\n\n\nand the current owner of the Sheraton Inner Harbor hotel in early 2011 that would build a brand-new 18,500-seat arena to replace the 1st Mariner Arena, a brand-new 500-room hotel to replace the Sheraton and demolish and rebuild the east half of the Baltimore Convention Center as an expansion of the more newer, 1996 half. The hotel and arena would be funded by private-sector money while the convention center expansion would be funded by public money; it's unknown what the breakdown of costs will be as that will be", "id": "651081" }, { "contents": "George N. Parks Minuteman Marching Band Building\n\n\nuse of the Marching Band. Grinnell Arena was renovated by Eastern General Contractors, Inc. of Springfield, MA, the same contractor that would 12 years later build the new George N. Parks Minuteman Marching Band Building. In the late 2000s, the University announced plans to demolish the University Apartments and the band offices were then moved to Arnold House. Sometime during this period plans were announced for a permanent marching band home. The 5.7 million dollar building has been financed with 1.2 million in private donations and 4.5 million of university funds.", "id": "19959692" }, { "contents": "Henry Johnson (World War I soldier)\n\n\nthe New York National Guard. Obama said, \"The least we can do is to say, 'We know who you are, we know what you did for us. We are forever grateful.'\" On June 2, 2015, U.S. President Barack Obama presented the Medal of Honor to Command Sgt. Maj. Louis Wilson of the New York National Guard on behalf of Private Johnson. The award was presented to Command Sgt. Maj. Louis Wilson instead of next-of-kin due to Private Johnson having", "id": "16283819" }, { "contents": "Sports in the Las Vegas metropolitan area\n\n\nto Las Vegas, as were the Seattle SuperSonics before their relocation to Oklahoma City. Former UNLV and NBA player Jackie Robinson has been working to build the All Net Resort and Arena, a $1.4 billion privately funded complex encompassing an arena, hotel and shopping project near the SLS Las Vegas and Turnberry Towers that could attract an NBA franchise to Las Vegas. The arena itself would cost $670 million, being operated by Comcast-Spectacor (owners of another NBA stadium, Philadelphia's Wells Fargo Center). Designed by the", "id": "15720319" }, { "contents": "Baltimore Colts relocation to Indianapolis\n\n\nthe facts together so everybody is happy when they build the stadium. I'm a patient man. I think the people of Baltimore are going to see those new stadiums in New Orleans and Seattle opening in a year or two around the country, and they are going to realize they need a stadium ... for conventions and other things besides football.\" Hyman Pressman, Baltimore's comptroller, was against using any public funds to build a new stadium. During the 1974 elections, Pressman had an amendment to the city's charter", "id": "20287275" }, { "contents": "List of indoor arenas in the United States\n\n\nThis is a list of indoor arenas in the United States. This is a list of seating capacities for sports and entertainment arenas in the United States with at least 3,000 seats. The list is composed mostly of arenas that house sports teams (basketball, ice hockey and arena football) and serve as indoor venues for concerts and expositions. The arenas in this table are ranked by maximum capacity. Domed stadiums (such as the Superdome in New Orleans and the U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis) are excluded from this list. Note", "id": "20348525" }, { "contents": "Grave of Robert F. Kennedy\n\n\nfamily, the U.S. Army, the United States Commission of Fine Arts, and the National Capital Planning Commission. Using public funds for the grave and memorial proved contentious. Some members of the public expressed anger that the federal government was spending several hundred thousand dollars on a memorial to a private citizen. Others asked why a mere U.S. Senator was receiving special treatment when other senators buried at Arlington were not so honored. Some of these arguments appeared in letters to the editor of the \"Washington Post\". An angry Charles H.", "id": "13216840" }, { "contents": "Stockhorn Arena\n\n\nan exemption to play at the Lachen for a few more years, but was asked either to renovate extensively or to build a new stadium. In 2006, the citizens of Thun refused to finance a new stadium with public funds, leaving FC Thun in a bind: without a new stadium the club would be ineligible to play professionally. General contractor HRS offered to finance a new stadium, with a shopping center on the same area (the Panorama Center), located 1.8 km northwest of Stadion Lachen. In 2007 the contracts", "id": "505842" }, { "contents": "Innovista\n\n\nrecognized scientists through the associated public/private multimillion-dollar Centers of Economic Excellence Program. The Research University Infrastructure Act provided $58 million originally and another $14 million in additional funding to help finance the construction of the Horizon I and Discovery I buildings, and the Partners Act of 2006 assists high-tech firms and university startups find grant and seed funding. The University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health is a leader in biomedical research, health disparities, bioterrorism preparedness, and disease prevention. In 2006,", "id": "19266963" }, { "contents": "Mobile Civic Center\n\n\nthat the Civic Center will close in April 2016 for redevelopment. City officials were then in search of a public-private partnership to help fund the efforts. 11 months later, Stimpson delayed the closing by two years, needing more time to find a private partner interested in redevelopment. The 1,940 seat theater is used for concerts, Broadway shows, and other theatrical events. The Theater is connected to the Arena by a glass promenade. The theater is known for its acoustics, unobstructed views, and backstage facilities. It contains", "id": "6059646" }, { "contents": "Pegula Ice Arena\n\n\nwas 100% privately funded as part of the $100 million gift, the largest in the university's history, to advance the men's and women's ice hockey programs to the NCAA Division I level and provide a suitable facility for that move. On November 5, 2010 the Penn State Board of Trustees appointed Crawford Architects and Bohlin Cywinski Jackson as the architects for the new arena. Crawford Architects has worked on projects in the US and internationally and Bohlin Cywinski Jackson designed the Biobehavioral Health Building, currently under construction on the", "id": "19129522" }, { "contents": "Arena Corinthians\n\n\narea was owned at the time by COHAB, an agency for public housing controlled by the São Paulo City government. The original plan was to build the stadium in three to five years. The concession was renewed in 1988 for 90 years, with the condition that any construction made in the area would revert to the city at no cost. However, funding was not obtained and other alternatives were considered, such as a concession for the Pacaembu Stadium and demolishing the Alfredo Schürig Stadium making room for another. On 31 August 2010", "id": "13850258" }, { "contents": "Forsyth Barr Stadium\n\n\npartly funded by the University of Otago, and several university facilities are part of the complex, including a gymnasium complex, academic work and lecture spaces, and support facilities. The stadium is connected to the university, of which the main campus is 1000 metres to the northwest, by a series of landscaped areas, and a dedicated university building, University Plaza Building One, lies adjacent to the stadium. The stadium's facilities are available to hire for public and private events. The stadium hosts a regular craft and produce market", "id": "17058507" }, { "contents": "The Arena (Ahmedabad)\n\n\nEKA Arena by TransStadia or simply EKA Arena, is a multi-purpose stadium in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, located in Kankaria Lake. The stadium was completed in 2016 and officially opened on 7 October 2016. It has a capacity of over 20,000 people in the outdoor stadium and over 4,000 in the indoor arena and a FIFA standard football pitch. It was constructed under a public-private partnership (PPP) with the Government of Gujarat and SE TransStadia for developing a sports culture in India. EKA Arena is considered to be Asia", "id": "17894931" }, { "contents": "Campus of Michigan State University\n\n\nCollege (forerunner to MSU) students to study mineral contents. MSU has several botanical gardens, including the W. J. Beal Botanical Garden just across the river from the stadium, the Old Horticulture Gardens next to the building of the same name, the MSU Horticulture Gardens, and the adjoining 4-H Children's Garden. The university has several buildings for public gatherings and events. Spartan Stadium serves as the university's football stadium. The Breslin Center is a multi-purpose basketball arena. The Munn Ice Arena is used for ice hockey", "id": "8795568" }, { "contents": "Preference falsification\n\n\n. Kuran has applied these observations to a range of contexts. He has used the theory developed in \"Private Truths, Public Lies\" to explain why major political revolutions catch us by surprise, how ethnic tensions can feed on themselves, why India's caste system has been a powerful social force for millennia, and why minor risks sometimes generate mass hysteria. Kuran has published a number of papers on the themes of preference falsification (his book \"Private Truth, Public Lies\" is based on these papers). The idea", "id": "4079268" }, { "contents": "Universal health care\n\n\n. Sometimes, there may be a choice of multiple public and private funds providing a standard service (as in Germany) or sometimes just a single public fund (as in Canada). Healthcare in Switzerland is based on compulsory insurance. In some European countries, in which private insurance and universal health care coexist, such as Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, the problem of adverse selection is overcome by using a risk compensation pool to equalize, as far as possible, the risks between funds. Thus, a fund", "id": "12298158" }, { "contents": "India–United States relations\n\n\nearthquake when I was posted as (the US) ambassador to India. ... It was mistake by the current Obama administration to delay engagement with Mr Modi. I do not know why they did so but definitely, this did not help in building relationship. ... The old formula and stereotypes will not work if the US administration wants to engage with Mr Modi. The Indian prime minister is candid, direct and smart. He speaks his mind. The US administration also has to engage in candid conversation when Mr Modi meets President", "id": "16625457" }, { "contents": "Death of Cristina and Violetta Djeordsevic\n\n\nfour girls decided to enter the sea, despite rough waves and not knowing how to swim. The sea at the beach has dangerous currents and there had been at least 10 drownings in the previous 15 years. There was no lifeguard or warning notices; the area is poor and public funds were scarce. One eyewitness said nobody else was in the water at the time. Cristina and Violetta were further out and were swept underwater against rocks. Manuela and Diana called for help, and lifeguards from nearby private beaches arrived. The", "id": "6531616" }, { "contents": "Winnipeg Blue Bombers\n\n\nCanad Inns Stadium. Over the years, various plans were proposed to relocate the stadium. In 2008, a plan was proposed to build a new stadium at the University of Manitoba, with both private and public funding. On April 2, 2009, David Asper (a media mogul located out of Winnipeg associated with Canwest and Creswin Properties) struck a deal with all levels of governments to build a new 33,422-seat (expandable to 45,000) stadium at the University of Manitoba in southwest Winnipeg. This would serve as the home for", "id": "15503073" }, { "contents": "James Dean\n\n\na study of poor Jimmy Dean. I've made a study of myself, and I know why girls, at least the young 'uns, go for us. We're sullen, we're broodin', we're something of a menace. I don't understand it exactly, but that's what the girls like in men. I don't know anything about Hollywood, but I know you can't be sexy if you smile. You can't be a rebel if you grin.\" Dean and Presley have", "id": "13725007" }, { "contents": "Olamide\n\n\n2018, in 2017 he sold out the Teslim Balogun Stadium holding over 12000 persons. He has also sold out the Eventim Apollo of 5000 capacity , He also sold out his Culture Tour alongside Phyno at the building six The O2 Arena in 2017 Olamide was born in Bariga, Lagos State on the 15th of March, 1989. In 2000, he decided to pursue a career in music. When asked why music, he said: \"I found out I was gifted in it so I had to explore it. It's", "id": "14066366" }, { "contents": "Telefilm Canada\n\n\nCanada Television and Cable Production Fund is created. The Fund is a private-public partnership between the federal government of Canada and the cable and satellite television industry, with Telefilm administering the Equity Investment component of the Fund. By the end of the 1990s, in 1998, Telefilm Canada creates a five-year, $30-million multimedia fund, aptly-named The Multimedia Fund, with which to support Canadian work in the digital age. The Fund helps Canadians in multimedia to compete effectively in the new technologies arena. With the", "id": "5749129" }, { "contents": "Orlando City SC\n\n\nOctober 2013 vote on using an existing tourism tax to fund the final quarter of the $80 million stadium project. On October 22, 2013, the Orange County Board of Commissioners voted 5–2 to approve the use of $20 million in tourist development tax funds to build an $84 million multi-purpose soccer stadium in downtown Orlando. On May 29, 2015, after two years trying to get funding from the state of Florida, Augusto da Silva announced that the stadium would be built with 100% private funds and would", "id": "12802996" }, { "contents": "Party Tour\n\n\nthat had an average audience size of 3,000 attendees. During this time, Pink's peers Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were touring the U.S. as well in sports arenas and amphitheaters. Pink (who previously condemned the comparisons) stated: \"Big productions, to me, are great—like, I love going to Vegas and seeing shows—but I think that sometimes it's distracting, especially when you are there to listen to the music. I remember being on tour with 'NSYNC, and I don't know if", "id": "7389035" }, { "contents": "GSU Sports Arena\n\n\nscrolling ad board has been replaced with a video board for the beginning of the 2015-16 basketball season. In February 2018, \"The Signal\" reported plans of a convocation center included in the Georgia state government's 2019 fiscal year budget. If approved, the new arena would be located north of Georgia State Stadium on the corner of Fulton Street and Capitol Avenue. The new arena is planned to cost $80 million, with $60 million coming from state funding and the remainder from private funding. The new arena", "id": "2516309" }, { "contents": "Wayne Huizenga\n\n\nthis stadium that enabled him to keep just about all the stadium revenue.\" Huizenga operated the Florida Panthers as a public holding company, buying numerous real estate properties in the name of his Panthers Holding Group. Capitalizing on the team's 1996 drive to the Stanley Cup finals, he sold shares to the public, whose enthusiasm for the club drove civic leaders in Broward County to use public money to build a new arena for the team. Huizenga used the hockey team's stock as currency to begin building yet another diversified enterprise", "id": "10218206" }, { "contents": "Concept map\n\n\nsame idea to helping young children learn to think about what they know. The concept of the \"knowledge arena\" is suggestive of a virtual space where learners may explore what they know and what they do not know. Concept maps are used to stimulate the generation of ideas, and are believed to aid creativity. Concept mapping is also sometimes used for brain-storming. Although they are often personalized and idiosyncratic, concept maps can be used to communicate complex ideas. Formalized concept maps are used in software design, where a", "id": "13432017" }, { "contents": "Simple Key-Management for Internet Protocol\n\n\nparties. The first node is called Node I. Node I has a public component Ki and a private component i. The second node is called Node J. Node J has a public component Kj and a private component j. Every node's public component is distributed in the form of a certificate. They are connected by an unsecure network. Because Node I knows its own private component and Node J's public component, it can use the two components to compute a unique key that only the two of them can know. Note - This", "id": "20074301" }, { "contents": "Air America – Gloria Wise loan controversy\n\n\nassets and specific liabilities from Progress Media to Piquant including the funds owed by Progress Media to Gloria Wise. No details surrounding the terms of the loan, or the repayment thereof, were included in the settlement agreement. Al Franken, commenting on the case during his radio show, characterized Cohen as \"a crook\" and said \"I don't know why they did it, and I don't know where the money went. I don't know if it was used for operations, which I imagine it was. I", "id": "15670748" }, { "contents": "Wet 'n Wild (Las Vegas)\n\n\nSilver State Arena. Milam's company International Development Management would get the 27-acre land from Sue Lowden and her husband Paul, and atop build a 20,000-seat stadium at the cost of $750 million, using about $9 million a year in redevelopment district taxes. The project stalled after Clark County rejected a proposal to fund 15% of the venue with public money and nearby residents opposed construction. In 2013, businessman Jackie Robinson, a former UNLV student and NBA player, announced that he was planning on using the same site of", "id": "18567036" }, { "contents": "San Antonio Public Library\n\n\nseveral outdoor plazas with landscaping and fountains intended to be used as outdoor reading rooms. In Legorreta's own words: \"I wanted to break the concept that libraries are imposing.\" The library was financed through a $28 million bond to build a new Central Library. The bonds were approved by San Antonio voters in 1989. In addition, another $10 million in funding from private sources and the city's general budget helped finance the murals and artwork inside the library, as well as new furniture, equipment, and", "id": "9583347" }, { "contents": "Chicago Stadium\n\n\nborrowed more funds from friends, including James E. Norris in order to build the stadium. Opened on March 28, 1929 at a cost of $9.5 million, Chicago Stadium was the largest indoor arena in the world at the time. Detroit's Olympia stadium, built two years earlier, was a model for the Chicago Stadium and had a capacity of over 15,000 people. It was also the first arena with an air conditioning system (though the system was fairly rudimentary by modern standards, and was memorably given to filling the", "id": "1322718" }, { "contents": "Stadionul Dinamo\n\n\nDinamo Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Bucharest, Romania. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home ground of Dinamo București. The stadium was built in 1952. In 2001, floodlights were added, and in 2006 a major renovation of the stadium began, enlarging the VIP section, and raising the capacity of the Tribune 2 stand. However, due to lack of funding the renovation has still not been completed. There are now plans to build a new arena, but administrative problems make progress", "id": "5355279" }, { "contents": "Innovista\n\n\nInnovista's initial plans called for construction of four buildings. Horizon I and Discovery I: designed for academic research; and companion buildings Horizon II and Discovery II: designed for private development and commercial firms. The public buildings were partially constructed and first occupied in 2009, however funding to complete these buildings was not available until late 2011. Horizon I and Discovery I are currently home to several internationally renowned researchers. The construction of the private buildings experienced obstacles including the failure of two private developers to obtain sufficient financing and the 2009", "id": "19266961" }, { "contents": "History of Rochester, New York\n\n\nJr. administration, the \"Fast Ferry\" was short lived and after troubles with the start-up and operations, newly elected Mayor of Rochester Robert Duffy announced that the city government would be cutting off funds for the ferry. The City sold the \"Spirit of Ontario I\" at a financial loss in 2007 to the German company Förde Reederei Seetouristik Gmbh & Co (FRS) for $29.8 million (US). In 2006, a new stadium funded by private and public sources, PAETEC Park, was opened, not", "id": "1472171" }, { "contents": "Spectrum Stadium\n\n\n. The stadium was originally built without water fountains. The university argued that the building code used when the stadium was approved did not require water fountains. However, this claim turned out to be incorrect because the 2004 Florida building code (in effect in 2005, when the UCF Board of Trustees approved the stadium design) mandated that stadiums and other public arenas must have one water fountain for every 1,000 seats, or half that number of fountains if water was also available for sale. On May 9, 2006, it was", "id": "1824512" }, { "contents": "Boone Pickens Stadium\n\n\n-Iba Arena. The stadium turf was replaced in 2005. Boone Pickens Stadium was the second NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision program to install the Desso Sport System's Football Pro Artificial Grass Surface. The first installation was at University of Wyoming's War Memorial Stadium, also in 2005. The funds used for the expansion of the stadium have been a topic of controversy and discussion among students and the public, including the city of Stillwater. The athletic village came under intense scrutiny within the community and garnered statewide attention. In 2005 and", "id": "1613978" }, { "contents": "Sør Arena\n\n\nthe lot to a private developer, which would use it to build a 17-story building. On 23 December, Rasmussengruppen signed a contract where they bought shares worth NOK 45 million in Start Toppfotball. In addition, they paid NOK 15 million for the right to build of commercial property in conjunction with the stadium, and an option to purchase the high-rise lot for NOK 25 million. The high-rise lot was again bought from the municipality for NOK 15 million. Combined with the free lot for the stadium, Start", "id": "5362960" }, { "contents": "Mandy Salter\n\n\nproblem in \"EastEnders\" more people will be willing to help [...] It is important that people realise that anyone can end up homeless. If you lose your flat or your job, you can end up in a downward spiral that will dump you on the streets. We can't shut our minds to this situation, because it could happen to any of us. I know how fortunate I am, and therefore I know that I am in a position to help, which is why I have got involved with", "id": "376929" }, { "contents": "Morgridge Institute for Research\n\n\nstate of Wisconsin. The interdisciplinary science at the Morgridge Institute is funded by the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other public and private sources. Relationships with industry and private investors leverage this funding to speed the commercial development of research results. The Morgridge Institute for Research is one of three entities occupying the $150 million Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery building; the other entities include a public research enterprise known as the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and the Town Center, which functions to encourage", "id": "1706674" }, { "contents": "AI aftermath scenarios\n\n\nstated \"I am a skeptic. I don't believe this kind of thing is likely to happen, at least for a long time. And I don't know why I feel that way.\" Evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker stated, \"The fact that you can visualize a future in your imagination is not evidence that it is likely or even possible.\" Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems, in his April 2000 essay \"Why the Future Doesn't Need Us\", has advocated for global \"voluntary relinquishment\" of artificial", "id": "13603309" }, { "contents": "Veterans Memorial Stadium (Cedar Rapids)\n\n\nCedar Rapids voters approved a referendum that helped provide some of the money needed to build a new ballpark adjacent to the old one. (Other funds came from the state of Iowa, the Kernels ballclub, and private donations.) The last game at the old Veterans Memorial Stadium was played on August 28, 2001, with the Kernels defeating the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers, 4–1. The stadium was demolished shortly afterwards and the site now serves as a parking lot for the new stadium. The new Veterans Memorial Stadium was dedicated on", "id": "1185449" }, { "contents": "Katz Group of Companies\n\n\nnegotiations with the City of Edmonton, Katz Group and the city agreed to a public-private partnership to build Rogers Place arena, under which the city would retain ownership of the new arena, and Katz Group operate it (under OEG). The city’s portion of arena funding will be paid through a Community Revitalization Levy and will not result in any new cost to taxpayers. Construction on the project began in March 2014 and was completed in fall 2016. It features a 24,000-square-foot grand entrance-way called the", "id": "21279506" }, { "contents": "All Net Resort and Arena\n\n\nand atop build a 20,000-seat stadium at the cost of $750 million, using about $9 million a year in redevelopment district taxes. The project stalled after Clark County rejected a proposal to fund 15% of the venue with public money and nearby residents opposed construction. By the following year, the site was changed to nearby the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where Milam would create a whole sports complex that included new ballpark for the Las Vegas 51s. The plans came to nothing and Milam \"walked away\" from the", "id": "17131029" }, { "contents": "William Speirs Bruce\n\n\nnot without hopes of being able to raise sufficient capital whereby I could take out a second British ship\". He followed this up a few days later, and reported that the funding for a second ship was now assured, making his first explicit references to a \"Scottish Expedition\". This alarmed Markham, who replied with some anger: \"Such a course will be most prejudicial to the Expedition [...] A second ship is not in the least required [...] I do not know why this mischievous rivalry should", "id": "8939401" }, { "contents": "Meadowlands Sports Complex\n\n\n. Meadowlands Arena closed in April 2015 to the public after suffering the loss of its major tenants and economic losses from other events. Since then, the arena has been used for concert rehearsals and private video productions. The former arena box offices are used as a station for the NJSEA EMS and the former Winner's Club lounge restaurant is the quarters for the New Jersey State Police. In addition to the three venues, the complex also hosts events in the MetLife Stadium parking lot. State Fair Meadowlands (formerly called the Meadowlands", "id": "811016" }, { "contents": "Wild Things Park\n\n\nto rename the complex CONSOL Energy Park. Consol Energy has let the naming rights deal expire as of January 2017. In 2001, a 16-member \"baseball exploratory committee\" led by Leo Trich, member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, helped form a nonprofit group named Ballpark Scholarships Inc. to build a $5.8 million ($ million today) stadium in Washington County. $2 million of the cost of the stadium came in form of taxpayer assistance, while the rest was funded privately. A large amount of the private financing", "id": "5452627" }, { "contents": "Baku bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nStadium, to be located on the city's outskirts. Baku's most notable current venue is the Heydar Aliev Sports Complex. Baku revealed plans to build 15 new and 8 temporary structures in four clusters, including a US$254 million Olympic Stadium. The plan is fairly compact, with most venues less than 10 km from the Olympic Village. The Olympic Village will be a low-density apartment project on the waterfront replacing many of the numerous warehouses and docks. Financed jointly with private and public funds, it will later be", "id": "8708680" }, { "contents": "First Direct Arena\n\n\nthe arena, with the name officially becoming the First Direct Arena. The naming rights were set to expire in 2018. However, it was announced in March 2017 that First Direct had extended its naming sponsorship for a further 5 years, continuing to be called the First Direct Arena until at least 2023. Yorkshire Forward's support and intended £18 million funding has gained much publicity and has been subject to fierce political fighting. Some critics outlined that public funding is common on most recent Arena developments as seen in the Manchester,", "id": "4133477" }, { "contents": "Association for Environment Conscious Building\n\n\nof UK energy markets. The authors note that water is supplied by vertically-integrated and regulated local monopolies, which have access to capital at near-public sector interest rates, especially if they are debt-funded. They pose the question of why such arrangements cannot be used again in the energy sector, paralleling as it happens the situation with some private US utilities and with utilities in Denmark. The report does not offer the prospect of an easy path to energy independence and decarbonisation. It makes it very clear that", "id": "17927307" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\n, Tebaldi spoke warmly of her late colleague and summarized this rivalry: This rivality \"[sic]\" was really building from the people of the newspapers and the fans. But I think it was very good for both of us, because the publicity was so big and it created a very big interest about me and Maria and was very good in the end. But I don't know why they put this kind of rivality \"[sic]\", because the voice was very different. She was really something unusual", "id": "17351124" }, { "contents": "Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund\n\n\nmillion was raised for the fund. Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund board members realized they would need help administering funds and structuring their organization. The fund enlisted the assistance of Community Service Society to provide services the fund itself could not. According to a Binghamton University analysis of 9/11 non-profits, the fund's use of the Community Service Society is one reason why Windows of Hope has been a successful example of a 9/11 charity. \"Their willingness to acknowledge what they did not know and to use Community Service Society allowed", "id": "15796523" }, { "contents": "San Siro\n\n\nWinter Olympics of Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo. Construction of the stadium commenced in 1925 in the district of Milan named San Siro, with the new stadium originally named Nuovo Stadio Calcistico San Siro (San Siro New Football Stadium). The idea to build a stadium in the same district as the horse racing track belonged to the president of A.C. Milan at the time, Piero Pirelli. The architects designed a private stadium only for football, without athletics tracks which characterized Italian stadiums built with public funds. The inauguration was on 19 September", "id": "5521245" }, { "contents": "Franca Arena\n\n\nthen New South Wales Police Service. As the commission continued, its scope expanded to include paedophilia and the failure of the NSW Police to adequately investigate accusations of sexual abuse. Arena, along with fellow MP Deirdre Grusovin, urged the Commission to look into abuse perpetrated by judges and lawyers. Frustrated with what she saw as the Commission's unwillingness to investigate prominent people, Arena promised to name at least two Sydney men in a speech to the Legislative Council. The next day, she followed through, demanding to know why the", "id": "14332613" }, { "contents": "Three Rivers Stadium\n\n\n, Three Rivers Stadium still had $27.93 million in debt ($ million today), some of it from the original construction but the rest from renovations in the mid-1980s, bringing more criticism to the public funding of sports stadiums. The debt was finally retired by 2010. Like most stadiums demolished during this time whose replacements were located nearby (including the Civic Arena over a decade later), the site of Three Rivers Stadium mostly became a parking lot. Much like the Pittsburgh Penguins would do with the site of Civic Arena", "id": "19591839" }, { "contents": "Bam Bam (song)\n\n\n, \"Billboard\" called the song \"a strong contender for the title of most sampled reggae song of all time.\" When asked her opinion of the many songs that have used her voice over the years, she responded: \"I don’t know if I hear all of them. They sample it so much times but none of them is my favorite. The reason why I say that is they know how to contact me. They know I live in the U.S. and nobody try to contact me to do it", "id": "623346" }, { "contents": "Comparison of American and British English\n\n\nindependent school. Independent schools are also known as \"private schools\", and the latter is the term used in Scotland and Northern Ireland for all such fee-funded schools. Strictly, the term \"public school\" is not used in Scotland and Northern Ireland in the same sense as in England, but nevertheless Gordonstoun, the Scottish private school, is sometimes referred to as a \"public school\", as are some other Scottish private schools. Government-funded schools in Scotland and Northern Ireland are properly referred to as", "id": "1783135" }, { "contents": "Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy hearings\n\n\ntestimony that when he ordered the firing of the US attorneys he did not know the reason for firing two of them. The attorney general stated that he \"didn't have an independent basis or recollection\" about the job performance of Nevada U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden. With regards to Chiara, Gonzales stated, \"Quite candidly . . . I don't recall the reason why I accepted\" staff advice on why to dismiss Chiarra and only after the fact did Gonzales learn \"it was a question of . . . poor", "id": "1511233" }, { "contents": "Sam Bailey Building\n\n\nThe Sam Bailey Building, formerly the Sam Bailey Male Institute, is a historic school building in Griffin, Georgia. It was constructed in 1870 and is the oldest public school building in Griffin. Originally a private school, it became a public in August 1873 before becoming private again in 1877. Eight years later it became public again. It was built for the Griffin Male Institute and was named for Sam Wesley Bailey, a banker and landowner who came to Griffin after the American Civil War and helped fund the school. A", "id": "15498721" }, { "contents": "Stereolithic\n\n\nbut I don’t know, it’s nice to kind of admit that in the world we live in, it’s pretty difficult for some people. It’s an endless source of both inspiration and frustration, so why not make music out of it? I’ve always felt that, at least in demo form, our music is darker than the philosophy behind the lyrics that can end up in the final product. I think my job in the room when we’re writing is to help shape that.\" With some", "id": "3241805" }, { "contents": "Gillette Stadium\n\n\nDecember 1996. The residents of South Boston objected to a stadium being built in that location, causing Menino and Weld to become angry at Kraft. Kraft abandoned all plans for a Boston Stadium after the affair. In January 1997, Kraft began talks with Providence mayor Vincent Cianci to relocate the team to Providence and build a new stadium there. The proposed 68,000-seat domed stadium would have cost $250 million, and would have been paid through income taxes, public bonds, surcharges on tickets, and private funds. Residents of the", "id": "5953095" }, { "contents": "The Arena (Ahmedabad)\n\n\nit out against South Korea in their first encounter on 7 October 2016. EKA Arena is a multi-purpose stadium built under public-private partnership (PPP) with the Government of Gujarat. The $82.15 million contract for construction of this stadium was given to Holmes Miller Architects and DSP Design Associates, who have contributed in many such large sports infrastructure development projects both in and outside India. The stadium addresses a serious problem faced by many stadiums in India, they are generally underutilised and are financially overbearing to the state.", "id": "17894941" }, { "contents": "City Ground\n\n\nextension by suggesting that the current 'new' stands (Trent End, Brian Clough Stand, Bridgford Stand) are in a state which, 10 years down the line, would be money intensive on club funds, along with other complex FIFA host ground restrictions. Much of the funding for the brand new stadium however would be from the private sector or Nottingham City Council. Possible stadium names have even been suggested by some supporters, including the Brian Clough Arena, the New City Ground, City of Nottingham Stadium, and the", "id": "13654840" }, { "contents": "Miami Freedom Park\n\n\n2014 announcement of a second location, on a reclaimed land at Museum Park, with a reduced capacity of 20,000, but that site was also rejected by the city of Miami. The team has announced its intent to build the stadium with mostly private funds. In December 2015, a private site was located, along with a commitment to purchase adjacent land owned by Miami-Dade Sewer, that would not seek public funds or tax breaks. However, that plan was also abandoned after the ownership group announced a desire for a", "id": "2048365" }, { "contents": "Arena\n\n\nsand that covered the floor of ancient arenas such as the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, to absorb blood. The term \"arena\" is sometimes used as a synonym for a very large venue such as Pasadena's Rose Bowl, but such a facility is typically called a \"stadium\", especially if it does not have a roof. The use of one term over the other has mostly to do with the type of event. Football (be it association, rugby, or gridiron) is typically played in a stadium", "id": "12539592" }, { "contents": "Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation\n\n\nstadium. Soon after the stadium was completed, the corporation was given approval to build the new 9,500 seat Winnipeg Arena next to the Stadium. Winnipeg Enterprises Corporation remained the landlord for both facilities until 2004, when its assets were transferred to the City of Winnipeg's direct control and the corporation's operations were wound down. The opening of the privately-owned MTS Centre in November 2004 rendered Winnipeg Arena obsolete; it was demolished in 2006. The Winnipeg Football Club operated the stadium until relocating to Investors Group Field in 2013.", "id": "21947440" }, { "contents": "John Wimber\n\n\nopenly admitted: \"Not only have I suffered physically with health problems, but I also spent a great deal of time struggling with depression during my battle with cancer.\" \"Sometimes our experiences don't fit with our understanding of what the Bible teaches. On the one hand, we know that God is sovereign and that he sent Jesus to commission us to pray for and heal the sick. On the other hand, we know from experience that healing does not always occur. Why would God command us to heal the", "id": "12298322" }, { "contents": "Kansas City, Missouri\n\n\nand entertainment district; and the Sprint Center, an 18,500-seat arena that opened in the district in 2007, which was funded by a 2004 ballot initiative involving a tax on car rentals and hotels, and was designed to meet the stadium specifications for a possible future NBA or NHL franchise. Kemper Arena, which was replaced by Sprint Center, fell into disrepair and was sold to private developers. By 2018, the arena was being converted to a sports complex under the name Hy-Vee Arena. The Kauffman Performing Arts Center opened", "id": "17641900" }, { "contents": "Stadium of Domitian\n\n\n\"cavea\" (enclosures). The formation of a continuous arena trackway by a raised \"spina\" or strip has been conjectured. The Stadium of Domitian was the northernmost of an impressive series of public buildings on the Campus Martius. To its south stood the smaller and more intimate Odeon of Domitian, used for recitals, song and orations. The southernmost end of the Campus was dominated by the Theater of Pompey, restored by Domitian during the same rebuilding program. The Stadium was used almost entirely for athletic contests. For", "id": "10820912" }, { "contents": "Caesars Entertainment Corporation\n\n\n. The Anschutz Entertainment Group first tried to build an arena in Las Vegas in association with Harrah's Entertainment. In 2007, the joint venture announced they would build a 20,000 seat stadium behind the Bally's and Paris casino-hotels. Caesars Entertainment, Inc. had previously envisioned using the location to build a baseball park, but the company's buyout by Harrah's cancelled the plans. Through the following year, Harrah's got uncertain on continuing with the project, not knowing if AEG would split the costs and whether building a", "id": "12450438" }, { "contents": "Stadionul Venus\n\n\nVenus Stadium was a multi-use stadium in Bucharest. It was the home ground of Venus Bucharest. It held 15,000 people. Venus arena was inaugurated in 1931 as a field dedicated only to football. One of the oldest and most truthful leaders of the club, Alexandru Eladescu, sold a forest, private property, to obtain the necessary money to build the stadium. It held five Romanian Cup finals and one Romania match on May 18, 1939, against Latvia finished 4-0. After the communist authorities came to", "id": "3745742" }, { "contents": "Memorial Stadium (St. John's)\n\n\nMemorial Stadium was a 4,000-seat multi-purpose arena, in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. St. John's previous indoor arena, Prince's Rink, burned down in November 1941, but the demands of the Second World War prevented the city from replacing it until well after the war ended. In 1948, a Citizens' Committee was established to raise funds to build a new arena to be named in honour of Newfoundlanders who lost their lives in that war. Fundraising went slowly until in 1954, St. John", "id": "20535794" }, { "contents": "Professional sports in the Western United States\n\n\nwas the population boom of metropolitan areas in the West. Population centers grew at a much faster rate in the West than in other parts of the country. Leaders of growing metropolitan areas also felt that attracting professional sport teams was an important way to legitimize their communities as modern cities. In order to attract teams, cities used public funding to build new stadiums. Sports boosters argued that new stadiums not only provided cultural centers for the community, but helped to attract tourists and bring in new investment dollars to the city. Cities", "id": "19115596" }, { "contents": "Canvas Stadium\n\n\n\"thoughtful and thorough examination of this issue\" that is reflected in the board's records. \"As my parents used to tell me, just because I ask a question and didn't get the answer I wanted, it isn't that the question wasn't answered,\" Horrell said. \"And I would just remind us all of that.\" The new stadium, initially estimated to cost $246 million, was originally only to be built if $125 million in private funds had been raised by October 2014.", "id": "14492790" }, { "contents": "Public-private partnerships in specific countries\n\n\nprofit 'public utility' to overcome environmental and zoning bylaws which a rail trail might otherwise be subject to. The legality of steering greenfield transmission projects into environmentally sensitive conservation and wetlands, and using electric ratepayer funds for non-reliability purposes is being tested. In a related case, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that electricity customers can no longer be asked to help cover the costs of building gas pipelines. In New York, during the Robert Moses era, public-private partnership was frequent PPPs during this period were best", "id": "18565403" }, { "contents": "Lafort Arena (Dobromyl)\n\n\nLafort Arena, formerly Knyazha Arena is football stadium in the city of Dobromyl, Lviv Oblast in Ukraine. It is the home ground of FC Lviv of the Ukrainian First League. The stadium was originally funded and owned by the insurance and brokerage firm \"Knyazha\" which used to own the football club. On July 21, 2010 the stadium was renamed to its new sponsors \"Lafort\". The stadium was declared fit to hold Premier League matches in March 2009, but after atrocious conditions in their home game with Metalist Kharkiv", "id": "15718558" }, { "contents": "RDS Arena\n\n\n. In July 2014, it was announced by the RDS and Leinster Rugby that a design competition was being held to develop the arena into a 25,000 capacity world class stadium, with work expected to commence on the redevelopment in April 2016. The selling of naming rights to the arena will be a key component in funding the project, with a budget of at least €20,000,000 being proposed. A consortium of architect firms, Dublin-based Newenham Mulligan Architects and London-based Grimshaw Architects, won the international design competition for the", "id": "19530055" }, { "contents": "2014 Salvadoran presidential election\n\n\n-private partnerships in building ports, airports, irrigation systems, railways, and highways to encourage intranational and international. He has proposed reforming the Ministry of Agriculture to provide more funding to farmers, help establish new farming technologies, facilitating the marketing of their products on the global market, and create a \"true agro-export industry.\" On October 14, UNITY presidential candidate Antonio Saca selected former ARENA politician Francisco “Pancho” Laínez, who defected from ARENA in March. He served as Minister of Foreign Relations under President", "id": "12698343" }, { "contents": "Schapelle Corby\n\n\nCorby wrote to the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, saying \"as a father and as a leader, I plead for your help. I did not do this. I beg for justice. I don't know how much longer I can do this. Please bring me home.\" Of Corby, Howard said: \"I feel for her. I understand why there's a lot of public sympathy for her; I would simply say that I hope justice is done and it's a fair and true verdict ...", "id": "7171640" }, { "contents": "Sūduva Stadium\n\n\nSūduva Stadium, known as ARVI Football Arena for sponsorship reasons, is a multi-purpose stadium in Marijampolė, Lithuania. The stadium was built using funds from the European Union and opened on July 6, 2008. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home stadium of FK Sūduva. Its original capacity increased from 4,200 to 6,500 spectators after additional seats were installed in May–June 2009 before a match between Lithuania national team and Romania. Beginning from the 2011 season the stadium was named ARVI Football Arena after", "id": "10765440" }, { "contents": "RB Leipzig\n\n\nclose to the Leipzig/Halle Airport, which could be used to build a completely new stadium. It could also be used to put pressure on the current owner of the Red Bull Arena to agree to an expansion. In March 2015, German media reported the club considered building a new stadium on the area north of Leipzig. It could be modeled after the Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen or the Esprit Arena in Düsseldorf, with a significantly larger capacity than Red Bull arena, possibly up to 80,000 seats. Current owner of", "id": "9134266" }, { "contents": "Jon Corzine\n\n\nin leading the transition of the firm from a private partnership to a public company. Corzine also chaired a presidential commission on capital budgeting for Bill Clinton and served as Chairman of the United States Department of the Treasury's borrowing committee. As the Goldman Sachs senior partner, he helped develop a private sector plan to rescue the hedge fund Long Term Capital Management when the leveraged fund's collapse in the fall of 1998 threatened contagion across the U.S. financial system. According to \"U.S. News & World Report\", Corzine did not get", "id": "19190841" } ]
Why isn't there any passion from both Democrats and Republicans about making voting day a national holiday?
[{"answer": "The Republican party would certainly not benefit from the move. Their target demographics tend to be wealthier, older, or both. In other words, people who do not especially need a national holiday to get off work, or who can afford to take a day off. Furthermore, it would allow the middle to lower class demographics more opportunities to vote, which on average would favor democrats, not republicans. The Democrats could also potentially be harmed by such a move by admittedly more nebulous reasons. The largest one would be that the poor generally do want to work so that they can make more money for their day to day needs. Mandating a day off would negatively impact a large voting block for the democratic party, possibly driving their supporters away. EDIT: Rather than responding to everyone, I'll just address some common complaints here: 1. I know it's illegal to prevent your employee from voting. That doesn't mean you have to pay them for the time they missed, which provides an economic incentive to stay at work. 2. I also know that not every rich person votes Republican and every poor person Democrat. These are general demographic trends among major voting blocks in each party. Enough people do fit in these categories that it becomes useful to examine how changing policies would impact these demographics. 3. In the US, you do not have to pay your employees on voting day or national holidays. Some people do, but it is by no means required. 4. The weekend has been suggested multiple times. I do not know what impact this would have. That's all I really have to say on the matter."}, {"answer": "Elected officials are rarely excited about radically altering the composition of the electorate for the simple reason that it was *this composition* which elected them. This problem is so basic that the US Constitution includes a clause for assembling a whole new Constitutional Convention, if Congress and State Legislatures become to resistant to reform."}, {"answer": "This is a solved problem in Australia. Elections always happen on Saturdays. (Postal voting and early voting booths are available if circumstances prevent you from showing up on a Saturday.)"}, {"answer": "Early and absentee voting. Most states have it, and it gives people weeks to vote, so there's no need for a holiday.."}, {"answer": "Because the idea of a 'one day' to vote is absurd and out dated. A better solution is to create a variety of voting channels (mail in, walk in, etc) and allow people to vote over a longer period of time. That way, people of all situations can find the time to participate."}, {"answer": "Honestly I hate the idea of a national voting holiday for a couple reasons. 1) It's more likely to turn into a long vacation weekend. \"I can get a four day weekend just by taking a Monday off? Sign me up!\" 2) Which day? We have more than one election every year. And arguably local elections have far more impact on people's lives than who's president. It's far more important to extend the voting period to include multiple Saturdays and Sundays. And it would be far cheaper for local govt to pay overtime for a couple people working weekends than giving all employees a paid day."}, {"answer": "Another factor is the fact that it won't likely lead to an increase in turnout. People don't typically go out on their days off and if they do it's certainly not going to be to go vote. The majority of people who don't vote don't do so because they don't have time but rather don't feel their votes matter. So making voting day a national holiday wouldn't likely make any large impacts on voter turnout. Edit: Here's some supporting evidence- URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Uk here. Our polls are open from 7:00 to 22:00, gives everybody the opportunity to vote. What time are they open in the US which would mean people couldn't because of work?"}, {"answer": "What would it actually do? Just because something is a national holiday does not mean that any employer would be required to give anyone the day off. It would be largely symbolic and not really do anything to actually increase voting."}, {"answer": "Because we don't need it. Mail-In ballots are the way to go."}, {"answer": "Just an opinion, and I know you're inbox is full of them, but what would it fucking matter? MLK Day is a national holiday. President's day is a national holiday. Hell, thanksgiving is a national holiday. Now how many people do you know that still had to work in some form on any of those days. National holiday means more shoppers, drivers, and diners, so more \"low skill\" employees still have to bust their asses to meet demand."}, {"answer": "Are you aware of the amount of people who not only would still have to work, it would become MANDATORY for them to be at work because national holiday = increased business capacity. Do you think it will increase voters? No, people will just take the holiday and just like all the other \"National Holidays\" make others work."}, {"answer": "I want to slap about nine out of every ten commenters in this thread. Cynical asses, all of you. Whatever's going on or not, it *must* be due to someone's conniving, right? Election Day *used* to be a holiday, if you go back far enough. It was part of a larger, multi-day event known as a 'muster'. The muster had to do with the 'militia' referenced in the first clause of the Second Amendment: Before the modern republic took shape, the nation had no standing army (\"regulars\") and instead relied on volunteer militias. Or *mostly* volunteer, that is, in the sense that these people were more similar to reservists, if reservists only showed up once a year. Mustering was in some ways similar to the draft, in that it was required by law for 'able' men of appropriate age, though enforcement was mostly in the form of local peer pressure and the social appeal of being one of the manly men who participated. Mustering was a scheduled annual event, and that was a convenient time also to have elections, since at the time it was mostly the same people (landed gentry) who had the franchise. (The womenfolk and others who stayed home didn't vote anyway, so it didn't matter that they weren't there). This was, in that historical context, a very obvious confluence of priorities. Since the muster meant that most men weren't available for regular work, it was an ideal time to hold elections, and so in that respect Election Day was a kind of holiday. It was on Tuesday (in most places) on the logic that most people would attend church on Sunday, then leave for the muster, and it might take time time to get there on the roads of 300 years ago, if you lived in the country -- which most people did at the time. In many places, Election Day was the single biggest event of the whole year. We inherited most of that, but the muster is long gone. If you ever wondered why federal elections are on a Tuesday, though, now you know. It's got nothing to with our parties, which didn't even exist at the time this tradition started. And it started under British rule, not even our own national government, so you can't blame Washington (which also didn't exist at the time). It's just an old habit, one that continues to serve its original purpose well enough that so far, there hasn't seemed much need to change it, or at least no one's come up with a better one and convinced enough others of it. That's all. It's not conservatives or liberals, Republican or Democratic schemers (or even Whigs and Tories), unions, corporations, or any of that other modern-day cynical bile. It's just an artefact of history, okay, folks? Calm the fuck down. If you want your world to be better, a good start would be to not whip out your dicks and piss on every discussion about how to do it."}, {"answer": "Voter suppression is an important tactic for the Republican party. The Republican base is generally smaller but more dedicated, making voting as hard as possible means that more democrats stay home rather than take time off work and go down to the polls with 9 forms of photo ID . This allows them to win elections even with a smaller base of support."}, {"answer": "Politicians don't want *everyone* to vote. They want only their supporters to vote."}, {"answer": "Hi, sorry if this gets buried but I work in politics managing campaigns and here's my 2 cents on why this isnt a big deal. No dramatic increases in voter participation is tied to ease of voting. Literally most everyone who wants to vote is going to vote anyway. 37 states of no excuse early voting. They do not see an increase in voter turnout. Oregon switched to mail in voting, literally not even having to wait in line, and turnout didn't increase (here's the Sec State report) URL_0 Now onto the main reasons. Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost. Disregard what I said above, lets approach it not from the reality, but from the possibility: I am running a campaign for Sam the Baker against Bob the Builder. We're running for a seat to represent the United Professions, Seat B, which has 50 voters in it. Only 2/3 of those people will likely vote more than once in their lifetime, but lets be generous and say 80% so now I have 40 voters to talk to. My party, Bakers Dozen, has 13 members. Bobs Union has 12 members so I'm already at an advantage. But Sam's wife and adult child will vote for him but Bob has a wife and adult child too and Sam's ex-wife is voting for Bob because Sam sucks in bed. So now we're both at 15 with only our base voting. Where does this put us, its July, we're now both polling at 30% in the polls and the race is wide open with 40% undecided. Now here is where the cost comes in because Peter the President was a real prick and thought instituting a national holiday and no excuse mail in voting was going to win his party more votes. Guess what I know have to worry about? I have to worry about not only convincing voters and getting them to the polls, but doing that not for 3 weeks but now for 9 months because at ANY time they can choose to vote with mail in voting. /end sidebar So now we're tired but since everyone's going to vote so now not only do I have to spend money on educating every voter (not bad) but now I have to worry about more election day costs. How many buses can I rent for driving my voters to the polls, how many cars and gas cards do I need to pay for the same thing. How many volunteers do I need, how much am I paying for a database to track who early voted or not. Everything about that is great, I get paid more too because now I'm not sleeping for 2 months instead of 1 week but don't complain about money in politics if you want that, because Dave the Drunk will never mount a viable third party campaign to unseat the Bakers or Builders."}, {"answer": "Probably because then the people coming out would be more likely to be moderates, and therefore unpredictable. As it stands, people holding more extreme party views are more likely to come out to vote, as they tend to care more. If incentive to not vote is taken away (such as not having to work) then the moderates have more incentive to vote. (I'm no expert, just taking a Government and Politics class)"}, {"answer": "Why not have it on a Saturday like we do in Australia. The tough part is finding the place with the best sausage sizzle."}, {"answer": "A national holiday doesn't mean a whole lot. Fast food places are still open. Factories still run. The grocery store still needs to be stocked. All it means is a couple select groups like federal workers, teachers, and bank employees don't have to work. The other 98% of the worker class still have to clock in."}, {"answer": "congress is a body made up of officials elected under the current electoral system so any change to the current electoral system is more likely to benefit challengers almost by definition"}, {"answer": "Just do what Australia and Brazil do, and make it mandatory to vote otherwise you get a fine."}, {"answer": "I feel like the main underlying reason is just that the guys who are in office are the ones who know how to win under the current system. For most of them any change is not in their self interest. Like even if it would benefit democrats more than republicans it still might not benefit the specific democrats that are currently in office. They're the ones that have the support of those democrats that have the time to vote. They wouldn't necessarily have the support of those that don't have the time."}, {"answer": "**Better question:** If my phone can read my finger print, why can't I just vote on my phone? Surely it wouldn't be more open to fraud than the mailed ballots."}, {"answer": "Have any studies shown that it would actually help turnout? I suspect it might even hurt as people decide to take a long weekend and go out of town. I guess it depends on your state, but I feel like the ballots open early enough and stay open late enough that it really isn't that hard to get out and vote IF YOU WANT TO. And if you don't want to, I don't think a day off is going to change that. Maybe if it was a day off only if you provided proof you voted, but I'm pretty sure that would violate the constitution in some way."}, {"answer": "Nobody's going to agree with me at this point but the problem continues to be that everybody reduces the infinite complexity of life and the universe down to 2 categories. Every fucking time. Everything is DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN. LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE. US VS. THEM. ALWAYS ONE OF TWO CATEGORIES 100% OF THE TIME. We can't have *any* rational conversations in this world because it's all been reduced to 2 columns and whatever column you assign yourself to, the other column and everything in it is your mortal enemy."}, {"answer": "Realistically it doesn't matter and could only hurt people. I work in a plant. A plant that will not shut down for voting. McDonald's is not going to close for voting. Super Markets are not going to close for voting. Etc. The places that do close for voting will be few and there is no guarantee that the employees will be paid for that day. Overall, it is a great idea in principle, it wouldn't really make a difference."}, {"answer": "ITT: People who don't understand how few rights you actually have regarding labor. 1. If you made voting a national holiday, there would be nobody to manage the polls - state and federal employees are off on national holidays. 2. It wouldn't help get people to vote because people companies aren't required to pay extra for people to work national holidays. People would still work the same hours."}, {"answer": "It likely wouldn't change much. While every job is required to allow people time away from work to vote, only state and federal non-essential personnel would benefit from getting the entire day off as a national holiday. Private companies are not required to give people off on national holidays."}, {"answer": "PS ALL YOU DUMB FUCKS OUT THERE WHO BITCH AND COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT BEING REPRESENTED.... ALL IT TAKES IS A LITTLE FUCKING EFFORT TO VOTE BY MAIL. IF YOU CANT DO THAT THEN FUCK YOU DON'T DESERVE TO VOTE YOU LAZY PIECE OF AMERICAN SHIT! That is all."}, {"answer": "Its more trouble than its worth. Think about every holiday, some businesses or government agencies are always open. So are needed. Best to do what we do now, and just mandate ever employer give their employees an excused couple hours to go vote."}, {"answer": "It would turn into a giant sales day. \"Check out the Voting Day sales at your local Dodge dealer\". Not everyone would get the day off. If you want change, make voting day April 15th, with your taxes."}, {"answer": "because the only people that would have that day off are government workers. everyone else would still have to go to work. it would be pointless."}, {"answer": "TLDR: Republicans wouldn't gain votes, they're either retired, unemployed, or have the freedom to leave work. Democrats are usually too busy hustling away at work."}, {"answer": "The companies that paid to put them in office do not want to pay their workers to have a whole day off to vote."}, {"answer": "Because why would you need a whole day off to do something which takes most people less than a half hour?"}, {"answer": "An election day would simply become another holiday that all poor people must work, so I'm sure democrats wouldn't want it."}, {"answer": "Because both think it would give the other an advantage. This is why all things that should happen don't in government."}, {"answer": "Voting day in our country is always on a weekend... I'm pretty sure it's always a Saturday - New Zealand"}, {"answer": "Democrats don't need it. There core voting base doesn't work and we have to many national holidays as is."}, {"answer": "It's easier to control the outcome through advertising with a smaller number of voters."}, {"answer": "Australian here, we always vote on a Saturday, what's the issue?"}, {"answer": "BECAUSE THEY DON'T ACTUALLY WANT YOU TO VOTE, DUH."}, {"answer": "It wouldn't change anything. There are plenty of \"national holidays\" that are just completely skipped or looked over by most jobs and most people would *still* be at work on the new national holiday simply because they can't afford to take an unpaid holiday or don't want to use a paid vacation day to vote when they can easily do early voting or just go before or after work (if they even care enough to vote). Retail stores will not close. They only close now for Easter, Christmas and half of Thanksgiving (shrinking every year). All of those workers will still be at work, and they might even have more than the usual number of workers to cover the \"holiday\" rush caused by everyone else having a day off. Hourly workers of all types will still be working on voting day even if it's a national holiday. Policemen, Firemen, Military, Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, Pilots, Airport personnel, Bus drivers and other such essential jobs won't have a day off because they *never* have a day off. Emergencies don't wait for national holidays to be over, and people still have to travel. The only people who get national holidays as a true day off are teachers, schoolkids, and people with salaried white collar jobs, and those are the people who don't need any help on voting day anyway because (a) schools are used as polling places so school is often cancelled that day anyway and (b) salaried workers usually don't have any problem taking a long lunch or an extra hour off to go vote in the middle of the day. Unless you *force* employers to close on voting day and mandate that they pay their workers for the day anyway, it won't change anything."}, {"answer": "I don't know about Democrats, but for Republicans opposing a national holiday is a no-brainer. \"National Election Day\" would immediately join the ranks of other \"second tier\" national holidays : MLK day, President's day, Veteran's day, Columbus Day. Every government office and school would be closed, but 90% of the rest of us would still be at work, as we are on MLK day, President's day, etc. Since government employees and teachers vote Democrat, it would amount to a massive turnout operation for Democrats. Oh, and for an added bonus : the two segments of US government employees that do vote Republican are law enforcement and the military ... which are way more likely to be working on a national holiday. I don't know why the Democrats don't like it. Popular yet Quixotic efforts seem to be their wheelhouse lately."}, {"answer": "Because it doesn't need to be. 1. Voting in person should be easy, if it isn't we should do mail-in vote. 2. National holiday is wasteful drag on productivity for something that should not take more than a hour. 3. How often should we have have this holiday? Once every four year? Well has the House of Representatives has elections every two, how about some love for them. OK, Every two years. Sure, but my town has elections for boards and such OK, every year, you satisfied? No because with federal elections, state elections, local elections, plus primaries(state and local) , special elections, run-offs and over-rides, some years I vote on TEN different days. A holiday for each is not practical or worth it. Just Vote"}, {"answer": "It would involve taking First Past The Post seriously. No one can take a system as manipulable and undemocratic as First Past The Post seriously. There are so many ways in which it can be manipulated, which makes companies and lobbies very happy, so why even bother? Also, if the US didn't have FPTP, they would have ceased having a bipartisan system a long time ago. Perhaps it would also be less sensitive to tricks like gerrymandering and other forms of manipulation, and political discussion might just be a little more sensible than \"I'm Republican, so I'm right and you're retarded\" and \"No, you're a backwards Bible hugger, as a Democrat I'm the one who's right\"."}, {"answer": "if voting day was a national holiday, i feel like a lot of people ... wouldn't take that day off to vote. It doesn't make sense...but it makes sense. The excuse to be late because you were at the polls ... works well enough. The fact that you're already out and about for the day, with shit to do so you take some time to go vote. I can't speak for everyone obviously, but, a \"holiday\" means ... day off. Making plans (or not making plans), that don't involve standing in line to vote. It's like, it would almost become even MORE inconvenient."}, {"answer": "Ultimately, it's just not worth it in their eyes. There are very few people that fail to vote because they had to work. The polls are open for a long enough time to accommodate all work shifts. Of course it *does* impact some people, but it's not a large enough percentage for them to care. On top of that, there are no laws that say you can't make your employees work on a national holiday. In fact, most companies are still open on national holidays. So it's not like everyone will be off for voting day. It would have almost no effect."}, {"answer": "ITT: People who think Bankers and government workers need another holiday in the U.S. Either that or they don't have real jobs in the real world, because most people work most Government Holidays since businesses aren't forced to give people the day off or even pay time and a half. And as far as I know the only people that get all Federal Holidays off are bank employees and government workers. Most people work without time and a half, holidays like Presidents Day, Columbus Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day."}, {"answer": "Here in backwards-ass Pasco County, Florida you can sign up to vote by mail using the county election supervisor's website. And one of the options when you sign up is \"do you want to vote by mail in all future elections?\" The answer should be Yes. And about a month before election day a ballot shows up in the mail. For any election - county, city, primary, general, all of them. You fill in the bubbles, put a stamp on it, and mail it. It could not be any easier."}, {"answer": "Can someone ELI5 when does USA actually have election days? From the comments I undersand that it's only a single Tuesday? That doesn't sound reasonable. What time? We (Czech Republic) have election days on Fridays, 2 PM - 10 PM + Saturdays 8 AM - 2 PM, so that everyone can go vote and it doesn't need to be a holiday, since people working 9-5 can go vote straight after work (as opposed to if it was a holiday, they might just be lazy and stay at home)."}, {"answer": "In Australia, it's compulsory to vote. We vote on weekends which means that the majority of people can vote easily. Polling booths are reasonably efficient and thus usually you can line up and vote in under 1-2 hours at worst. Usually there's a fundraiser BBQ going for the school / volunteer fire brigade etc so your lunch is covered too. We call election day \"National Sausage Sizzle Day\". For people that have to work on that day, postal / absentee votes are possible and easy to do."}, {"answer": "Paul Weyrich conservative Republican and founder of the far right wing Heritage foundation. \"So many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome: good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.\" Typical Republican prick."}, {"answer": "So, maybe it's just cause I'm young, but why do we need a voting day? Why do people complain about having to stand in line for hours? When I voted, I just dropped off my ballet in a box. No lines. No nothing. Just walked up, dropped it off. Took 2 minutes. Didn't even have to leave my house either if I didn't want to, I could have mailed it in. So what's up with people complaining about the \"hassle\" of voting?"}, {"answer": "A reason I haven't seen on here in a quick skim through the thread is that employers aren't going to shut themselves down for an entire day. That's a large amount of lost profits. If they don't even close for Thanksgiving (or Christmas!!!), are they really going to support a bill? No, they're going to lobby against it as hard as possible...and businesses like that hold a lot of sway over the Congresspeople whose campaigns they finance."}, {"answer": "Why would they? The cynic in me says that as it's not a public holiday, people are happy to go and vote as it's time out of work. If it were a public holiday, people would think \"I don't want to waste some of my day off by going to vote!\" ELI5 : adults generally don't enjoy being in work, or voting, so wuldn't waste a day off by going to vote."}, {"answer": "Also, if everyone voted 100% every election cycle, conservatives would never win because most people left of middle on the political spectrum. We did a test I my APGOV class and all but one person landed square in the middle or I the liberal left. That one other person scored way more conservative than anybody else. He also had the bright idea of wearing KKK shirts on MLK day as a joke."}, {"answer": "As a Democrat I would love a national holiday for voting. My assumption is that most Democrats would as they tend to benefit from higher turnout, historically speaking. Actually, I would even take it a step further and do what Australia does -- make voting mandatory. Cue replies of how this would be tyranny and oppressive and the end of the world. Did I mention Australia already does this?"}, {"answer": "Really, why would anyone want people voting who are so lazy that they couldn't make it on election day during the week? Yes, I've failed to vote a few times, but solely from lack of energy to get myself to the polls. If so many people died to preserve our free elections, citizens can somehow grind their way to the voting booth once every two years."}, {"answer": "Because a whole day off to vote would possibly involve some rapscallions getting their voices heard while simultaneously decrease productivity. And with a whole day off, some people might research candidates and position and what have you and not vote straight party. A third or fourth voice might get elected, and one of them might not be a doctor or a lawyer. RON PAUL 2012"}, {"answer": "It's not necessary. State's can, and often do offer early voting. You have three weeks and even weekends to vote in Georgia leading up to election day. There is also absentee voting. Plus...which election day are you talking about? There are elections every year. Some are local in nature. Then there are runnoffs...should they be holidays too?"}, {"answer": "Making something a holiday doesn't get a lot of people off work. In fact, it would probably cause a lot more people to have to work. \"Come on in for Election Day sales! Everything is 20% off!\" Anyway, where I live, the polling station is open for 12 hours and we also have absentee voting."}, {"answer": "Seattle does something pretty cool here that I think helps turnout a bit. We actually have our ballots mailed to us, we fill it out and send it off by the cutoff date, a few days later we have results. This is how Washington legalized gay marriage and decriminalized recreational marijuana a couple years back."}, {"answer": "Neither party would benefit from such a thing. However if this was combined with serious campaign finance reform, it might have a real impact. Also I think every ballot should contain a vote for \"none of the above\". Lets all remember that our elected officials are public servants, not American royalty."}, {"answer": "Voting on time must be a problem for the rich, because as someone whos never been rich and had bullshit barely over minimum wage jobs before, Ivs never had a problem going to the polls before or after work. Even took my 3 year old with me last time."}, {"answer": "OMG why doesn't anyone realize that the people who can't vote because of work are largely the group of people who would use a holiday to travel. Holidays are rare, special days and people who get them off use them wisely. NOT for voting."}, {"answer": "Is voting so complicated it requires an entire day off? Im Canadian so our elections have at most 2-3 decisions. Ive never been at my polling place longer than 10 minutes, including lineups. Arent advanced polls enough rather than an entire day off."}, {"answer": "I'm unable to answer your question, but I completely agree with your sentiment. I'm tired of being unable to vote because of an unwillingness to set aside the time to do so after an 8-10 hour work day."}, {"answer": "In my state it would be pointless. Starting a couple years ago WA state decided to close all polling places and mail out everybody ballot. Voting by mail anywhere in WA state is your only option."}, {"answer": "UK guy here. Why would this be needed? In the UK polling stations are open from early morning until well into the evening. Do US polling stations only open during office hours or something?"}, {"answer": "Does it matter? Who is working on voting day for a 16 hour shift and can't do absentee ballot? That has to be like 0.001% of people with a problem, here."}, {"answer": "You can vote by mail in pretty much every state. No need for a holiday -- especially when it won't help low-income workers who would likely have to work that day."}, {"answer": "The long and short of it is that Democrats don't want people who work voting and the Republicans want to make sure that those who are going to vote will."}, {"answer": "If that was the case everyone would be at a park having a picnic in election day. Being able to legally skip work or be late on election day? Priceless."}, {"answer": "Because the window to vote is more than enough. if you can't find an hour to vote during those WEEKS or mail it in... you don't get a vote."}, {"answer": "We have compulsory voting and it would be nice to have a public holiday but they usually just put it on a Saturday. Still doesn't suit everyone"}, {"answer": "Holiday means \"holy day\", and I don't think God wants us to vote. Also: don't we have enough holidays already? Get back to work, slacker."}, {"answer": "why would it need to be made a holiday when employers are already required by law to allow someone paid time to go and vote?"}, {"answer": "We have early voting. The poles are open at least a week. I'm always really confused when this comes up."}, {"answer": "If you had an holiday what would you normally do? Go out, get a short vacation. Would you go vote?"}, {"answer": "heres an idea. Move President's day to be on the same day as Election Day. It only makes sense."}, {"answer": "I'm soooooo glad this isn't. When voting isn't important to someone I don't want their opinion in government."}, {"answer": "Because Wed just use it as a day to get drunk and have barbecues in parks"}, {"answer": "Why not just put voting day on Veteran's Day or some other nationally recognized holiday?"}, {"answer": "I believe this is one reason why write in ballots are raising in popularity."}, {"answer": "People would turn it into a four day weekend and still wouldn't vote."}, {"answer": "Just replace Columbus Day with Election Day and be done with it."}, {"answer": "According to reddit the dinosaurs going extinct is because the republicans."}, {"answer": "also oh my god, why did I even open this thread"}, {"answer": "National Voter Registration Day is gaining some momentum. Check it out."}, {"answer": "Does the US not have pre voting or postal voting?"}, {"answer": "Republicans actively want less people to Vite and suppress voters."}, {"answer": "Because the super bowl should probably be a holiday first."}, {"answer": "Lol also....electoral college system....why does that shit still exist"}, {"answer": "Cause they know that the voting secretly doesn't matter."}, {"answer": "Swede here. Why would it be a holiday?"}, {"answer": "Voting and superbowl Monday should both be holidays."}, {"answer": "Because voting takes 20 minutes, not all day."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1050340", "title": "Election Day (United States)", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 7, "end_paragraph_id": 7, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Development of the Morse electric telegraph, funded by Congress in 1843 and successfully tested in 1844, was a technological change that clearly augured an imminent future of instant communication nationwide. To prevent information from one state from influencing Presidential electoral outcomes in another, Congress responded in 1845 by mandating a uniform national date for choosing Presidential electors. Congress chose the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November to harmonize current electoral practice with the existing 34-day window in Federal law, as the span between Election Day and the first Wednesday in December is always 29 days", "Development of the Morse electric telegraph, funded by Congress in 1843 and successfully tested in 1844, was a technological change that clearly augured an imminent future of instant communication nationwide. To prevent information from one state from influencing Presidential electoral outcomes in another, Congress responded in 1845 by mandating a uniform national date for choosing Presidential electors. Congress chose the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November to harmonize current electoral practice with the existing 34-day window in Federal law, as the span between Election Day and the first Wednesday in December is always 29 days. The effect is to constrain Election Day to the week between November 2 and November 8 inclusive. Beginning with Presidential elections, gradually all states brought nearly all elections into conformity with this date. Most voters have work on Tuesdays. This has led activists to promote"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Martin Luther King Jr. Day\n\n\nwas promoted by labor unions in contract negotiations. After King's death, U.S. Representative John Conyers (a Democrat from Michigan) and U.S. Senator Edward Brooke (a Republican from Massachusetts) introduced a bill in Congress to make King's birthday a national holiday. The bill first came to a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1979. However, it fell five votes short of the number needed for passage. Two of the main arguments mentioned by opponents were that a paid holiday for federal employees would be too expensive,", "id": "7890107" }, { "contents": "2016 United States presidential election in Maine\n\n\nthe caucuses, voters expressed their preferences for the Republican, Democratic, and Green parties' respective nominees for president. Registered members of each party only voted in their party's caucus, while voters who were unaffiliated chose any one primary in which to vote. On election day, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton carried Maine's two at-large electoral votes with a plurality and won Maine's 1st congressional district while Republican nominee (and national election winner) Donald Trump won Maine's 2nd congressional district, making him the first Republican to", "id": "2890853" }, { "contents": "Veterans Day\n\n\nof the Armed Forces customarily observes both occasions as a 96-hour liberty period. Election Day is a regular working day, while Veterans Day, which typically falls the following week, is a federal holiday. The National Commission on Federal Election Reform called for the holidays to be merged, so citizens can have a day off to vote. They state this as a way to honor voting by exercising democratic rights. While the holiday is commonly printed as \"Veteran's Day\" or \"Veterans' Day\" in calendars and advertisements (", "id": "5987420" }, { "contents": "Ralph Nader\n\n\nbe \"delighted\" to be replaced by any of them even after he accepted the nomination himself. Nader received one vote for the vice-presidential nomination at the 1972 Democratic National Convention. Nader stood in as a write-in for \"none of the above\" in both the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic and Republican Primaries and received 3,054 of the 170,333 Democratic votes and 3,258 of the 177,970 Republican votes cast. He was also a candidate in the 1992 Massachusetts Democratic Primary, where he appeared at the top of the ballot (", "id": "6151097" }, { "contents": "Wonkette\n\n\nliberalism frozen in amber, motionless and immortal, forced to passively observe a changing world until the end of time. Why does it still exist? Hard to say. But as long as it is here, we must celebrate its inanity.\" He wrote, \"The site isn't an indictment of centrists, the Democratic Party, or neoliberalism. It doesn't prove a point about anything, and it isn't an example of any trend or political tendency, which makes it all the more baffling ... Wonkette simply exists", "id": "12179775" }, { "contents": "2016 United States presidential election in Illinois\n\n\nstate contest being held on the day in both the Democratic and Republican presidential primaries. In the Democratic primaries, 156 pledged delegates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention were elected and awarded to candidates proportionally, according to countywide and statewide vote. In the Republican primaries, 69 delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention were elected and awarded to the first place candidate, according to statewide vote. March 14, 2016 – Columbus, Ohio, and Springfield, Illinois: The tenth forum was held at 6:00 pm EDT on March 14,", "id": "19793896" }, { "contents": "Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action\n\n\nand 25 Democrats voted no, while 162 Democrats and no Republicans voted yes. On the same day House Republicans held two additional votes, one on a resolution claiming that the Obama administration had failed to meet the requirements of a congressional review period on the deal and another resolution which would prevent the United States from lifting any sanctions. The former resolution passed on a party-line vote, with all Republicans in favor and all Democrats opposed; the latter resolution passed on nearly a party-line vote, with all Republicans and", "id": "8224381" }, { "contents": "List of third party performances in United States presidential elections\n\n\nwon 12 electoral votes from two states. In 1864 Abraham Lincoln ran his re-election campaign as a third party, known as National Union party, consisting of both Democrats, and Republicans. In the 1872 election, newspaper publisher and former Congressman Horace Greeley was nominated by the Liberal Republicans to oppose incumbent Republican President Ulysses S. Grant. The Liberal Republicans were a breakaway faction of the Republican Party that was dissatisfied with Grant's presidency. Determined to defeat Grant, the Democratic Party also nominated Greeley, making Greeley both a third", "id": "19822227" }, { "contents": "British National Day\n\n\nLiberal Democrats and the Conservatives, voted unanimously for it to be declared so. The UK government rejected the proposal on the grounds that it was not practical to introduce an additional public holiday. On 3 June 2008, the Deputy Leader of Plaid Cymru in the National Assembly for Wales, Alun Ffred Jones AM, said about the proposed British Day: This contrasts with other parts of the United Kingdom. St Patrick's Day has been a bank holiday in Northern Ireland since the enactment of the Bank Holiday (Ireland) Act 1903", "id": "15545740" }, { "contents": "2004 Republican National Convention\n\n\nstarted the day before, when Pennsylvania's delegation cast the deciding votes. John Kerry believes that government can spend our money better than we can. But most Americans don't share this view. That's why John Kerry has to preach the politics of division, of envy and resentment. That's why they talk so much about two Americas. But class warfare is not an economic policy. And the politics of division will not make America stronger, and it will not lead to prosperity.'\" Paul Ryan Vice President", "id": "4232549" }, { "contents": "Chuck Hagel\n\n\nvote. Inhofe told the National Review \"Each day that goes by will make it more difficult for Democrats who say they are pro-Israel to hold out.\" On February 14 Republicans refused to close debate on Hagel's nomination, which would require 60 votes, even though the nomination was assured the simple majority of votes needed to pass. Reasons given included a demand for more White House information about the 2012 Benghazi attack, remaining questions about Hagel's views on Iran and Israel, and assertions two weeks after the hearings", "id": "5479431" }, { "contents": "Winner-Take-All Politics\n\n\napproaching a de facto 'rule of sixty'\", whereby 60 votes rather than a majority, were needed to pass laws. While only about 8% of major bills in the 1960s were filibustered, 70% were from 2000-2010. The minority Republican party could and did use the filibuster to make the reformist majority \"look ineffectual\" and fuel \"popular disdain for politics.\" Democratic \"moderates\", and Democrats the authors call \"Republicans-for-a-day\", aided the Republicans in establishing", "id": "132335" }, { "contents": "Lisa Murkowski\n\n\nsenators to vote for legislation that extended a 2 percentage-point cut in the payroll tax for the remainder of the year and provided an extension of federal unemployment benefits along with preventing doctors' payments under Medicare from being cut. In January 2019, Senator Murkowski supported both Republican and Democratic bills to end a government shutdown. She was one of six Republicans who broke with their party to vote in favor of the Democratic proposal. In response to United States Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross stating that he did not \"understand why\"", "id": "6738737" }, { "contents": "Willie Brown (politician)\n\n\nCalifornia's first African American Speaker of the Assembly, and served in the office from 1981 to 1995. In 1990, Brown helped negotiate an end to a 64-day budget standoff. In 1994, Brown gained the vote of a few Republicans to maintain the Speakership when the Democrats lost control of the Assembly to the Republicans led by Jim Brulte. Brown regained control in 1995 by making a deal with Republican defectors Doris Allen and Brian Setencich, both of whom were elected Speaker by the Democratic minority. During their tenures, Brown was", "id": "1923607" }, { "contents": "2002 Maryland gubernatorial election\n\n\nThe 2002 Maryland gubernatorial election was held on November 5, 2002. Democratic Governor Parris Glendening was term-limited and could not seek a third term. Republican Bob Ehrlich defeated Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, making him the first Republican governor of Maryland since Spiro Agnew in 1966. This was the last time Charles County voted Republican for any office. Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend won the Democratic nomination, and Congressman Bob Ehrlich won the Republican nomination, both over token opposition. Ehrlich chose Maryland Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele as his running", "id": "20826642" }, { "contents": "Carlos Curbelo\n\n\nCommittee spent more money (nearly $7.2 million) in the district than in any other race in 2018. House Majority PAC, a Democratic super PAC, spent about $2.5 million in the race. In the November 2018 general election, Mucarsel-Powell defeated Curbelo with 50.9% of the vote to Curbelo's 49.1%. Reflecting on his election loss, Curbelo said the Republican Party \"has to understand that if we're going to have a small government, free enterprise party in America, that Trumpism isn't the", "id": "6255689" }, { "contents": "1860 Democratic National Conventions\n\n\nin many states, especially Pennsylvania, and almost certainly reduced the aggregate Democratic popular vote. Pennsylvania’s 27 electoral votes were especially decisive in ensuring a Republican victory – had Lincoln failed to carry that state combined with any other free state, he could not have obtained a majority of electoral votes. James M. McPherson suggested in \"Battle Cry of Freedom\" that the “Fire-eater” program of breaking up the convention and running a rival ticket was deliberately intended to bring about the election of a Republican as President, and", "id": "5710158" }, { "contents": "Spaceman of Bohemia\n\n\nwhy it is making the sky purple at night, and why it is beginning to consume itself. The mission is deemed to dangerous by most countries to even attempt, so the Czech Republic decides to take the opportunity to be the first to attempt something like this. It's decided that Jakub will be sent on the mission, making him a celebrity in the public eye. He isn't very passionate about becoming an astronaut, however, instead wanting redemption for his family name. His father was a member of the Communist", "id": "3627834" }, { "contents": "2008 New Hampshire Republican primary\n\n\nThe 2008 New Hampshire Republican primary took place on January 8, 2008, with 12 national delegates being allocated proportionally to the popular vote. Arizona Senator John McCain won 7 of the delegates. Independent voters made up 44 percent of the New Hampshire electorate and could choose to vote in either this primary or the Democratic Party's contest held on the same day, but voters could not vote in both. In the days leading up to the primary, John McCain appeared to gain a slight lead over Mitt Romney. Average support from", "id": "6471347" }, { "contents": "Charles Cotesworth Pinckney\n\n\nand political service had won him national stature, and Federalists hoped that Pinckney could win some Southern votes against Democratic-Republican nominee Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton had even greater hopes, as he wished to displace Adams as president and viewed Pinckney as more amenable to his policies. In-fighting between supporters of Adams and Hamilton plagued the Federalists, and the Democratic-Republicans won the election. Pinckney himself refused to become involved in Hamilton's plans to make him president, and promised not to accept the votes of any elector who was", "id": "6953934" }, { "contents": "2008 New Hampshire Democratic primary\n\n\nso that they could participate in only one primary every year, not both the Democratic and Republican primaries. The voters will elect delegates to the district-level events; a candidate will only receive delegates to the national convention if he or she receives at least 15% of the district voters' votes. 30 delegates will be proportionally sent to the national convention. Any votes cast for a candidate that did not meet the 15% threshold for votes will be discarded. 14 district delegates will be proportionally allocated to each viable presidential", "id": "6655870" }, { "contents": "1880 Democratic National Convention\n\n\nagainst Republicans James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur that autumn. In 1876, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio defeated Democrat Samuel J. Tilden of New York in the most hotly contested election to that time in the nation's history. The results initially indicated a Democratic victory, but the electoral votes of several states were ardently disputed until mere days before the new president was to be inaugurated. Members of both parties in Congress agreed to convene a bi-partisan Electoral Commission, which ultimately decided the race for Hayes. Most Democrats", "id": "17430131" }, { "contents": "National Popular Vote Inc.\n\n\n, by states possessing a majority (270) of the 538 electoral votes.\" Within the first several months of its 2006 launch and media campaign, National Popular Vote's proposal began to make progress in various state legislatures. Early action occurred both in large Democratic strongholds California, New York, and Illinois, as well as in medium-sized swing and red states such as Colorado, Missouri, and Louisiana. The organization has failed to garner Republican support for the proposal given the Republican National Committee's formal declaration of opposition", "id": "10597917" }, { "contents": "2012 United States presidential election in Michigan\n\n\nElectoral College from the state. The Democratic Party used a caucus system to determine the proportion of delegates awarded to Democratic candidates. The caucuses took place May 5; as the only Democratic candidate, President Obama won all 183 pledged delegates in the caucus. They, along with the other 20 unpledged delegates, voted for Obama at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Republican primary took place on February 28, 2012, the same day as the Arizona Republican primary. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney won both", "id": "17934963" }, { "contents": "1860 Democratic National Conventions\n\n\nPresident. After the break-up of the Charleston convention, many of those present stated that the Republicans were now certain to win the 1860 Presidential election. In the general election, the actual division in Democratic popular votes did not directly affect any state outcomes except California, Oregon, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia. Of these states, only California and Oregon were free states, and although both were carried by Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln they combined for only seven of Lincoln’s 180 electoral votes. The latter three states were", "id": "5710156" }, { "contents": "1885 United States Senate election in Illinois\n\n\ncheers for Logan, who finally had 103 votes. With a Republican victory close at hand, Democrats no longer passed the opportunity to vote and started to cast votes for Tree. In a last-ditch effort, some Democrats threw their support behind Republican Charles B. Farwell, hoping to splinter the Republican vote. For the next hour, Democrats petitioned Speaker Haines to change their vote from Tree to Farwell. After Democratic senators cast their votes, Farwell only had the support of 96 Democrats and had not elicited support from any Republicans", "id": "21582963" }, { "contents": "International Day of Older Persons\n\n\nThe International Day of Older Persons is observed on October 1 each year. On December 14, 1990 the United Nations General Assembly voted to establish October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons as recorded in Resolution 45/106. The holiday was observed for the first time on October 1, 1991. The holiday is celebrated by raising awareness about issues affecting the elderly, such as senescence and elder abuse. It is also a day to appreciate the contributions that older people make to society. This holiday is similar to National Grandparents Day", "id": "9407315" }, { "contents": "Rodrigo Constantino\n\n\nholiday can be considered racist. Constantino explains that \"Brazil is a country with a recordist number of holidays, as our country isn't rich enough to have that luxury.\" He believes that, in Brazil, politicians always focus on minority groups, seeking to guarantee privileges in exchange for votes. About the people of the country, he explains that \"people do not care about the amount of holidays because it is one more lazy day for a people who idolizes sloth.\" Constantino cites Martin Luther King as an example", "id": "7088853" }, { "contents": "Karen Tallian\n\n\nin the Indiana Senate and the Democrats in the House and voted against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Indiana SB 101), but the legislation passed on primarily Republican support and on Governor Mike Pence's signature into law. At the time, Governor Pence said, \"This bill is not about discrimination.\" After a barrage of national criticism, threats of boycotts from around the US, and visible opposition from business leaders across Indiana, the Republicans in both chambers voted on a \"fix\" that would not allow LGBTQ discrimination", "id": "14387826" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Susan Collins\n\n\nmoney to make the individual tax cuts permanent as some of the parts needing fixing. On December 6, 2018, Senator Collins cast the deciding vote to make Kathy Kraninger the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which cleared the United States Senate by a margin of 50-49, with all 50 present Republicans voting in support and all 49 Democrats voting in opposition. In January 2019, Collins voted for both Republican and Democratic bills to end a government shutdown. She was one of six Republicans to break with their party", "id": "20699897" }, { "contents": "1960 United States presidential election in New Hampshire\n\n\nCounty, home to Manchester and Nashua, which went to Kennedy by a decisive 58–42 margin. Carroll County had long been the most Republican county in New Hampshire, voting over eighty percent Republican in 1952 and 1956, and in 1960 it would remains Nixon’s strongest county in the region, with Nixon taking over seventy percent of the vote. As Kennedy narrowly edged out Nixon to win the 1960 election nationally, New Hampshire's results would make the state seven percent more Republican than the national average. Both the Republican and Democratic", "id": "6077864" }, { "contents": "Democratic Party (United States)\n\n\nas well as election accuracy and accessibility. They support ending voter ID laws and increasing voting time, including making election day a holiday. They support reforming the electoral system to eliminate gerrymandering as well as passing comprehensive campaign finance reform. They supported the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and as a party have often been pioneers for democracy in the United States. The Democratic Party believe that all women should have access to birth control and support public funding of contraception for poor women. In its national platforms from 1992 to 2004, the", "id": "20046072" }, { "contents": "Iowa caucuses\n\n\nthe votes cast for each candidate at the caucus sites. Since 1972, the Iowa caucuses have had a 43% success rate at predicting which Democrat, and a 50% success rate at predicting which Republican will go on to win the nomination of their political party for president at that party's national convention. Since Republican President George W. Bush did not face any opposition in 2004, only Democratic caucuses were held. The meetings ran from 6:30 p.m. until approximately 7:00 p.m. on January 19, 2004, with a turnout of about", "id": "3900142" }, { "contents": "1968 United States presidential election in Vermont\n\n\nthe nation. Vermont historically was a bastion of liberal Northeastern Republicanism, and by 1968 the Green Mountain State had gone Republican in every presidential election since the founding of the Republican Party, except in the Democratic landslide of 1964, when the GOP had nominated staunch conservative Barry Goldwater. Goldwater had lost the 1964 election in a nationwide landslide, but the loss in Vermont was especially severe from a historical perspective. From 1856 to 1960, Vermont had the longest streak of voting Republican of any state, having never voted Democratic before,", "id": "17731294" }, { "contents": "Cesar Chavez Day\n\n\nCesar Chavez accomplished so many years ago. And we should honor him for what he's taught us about making America a stronger, more just, and more prosperous nation. That's why I support the call to make Cesar Chavez's birthday a national holiday. It's time to recognize the contributions of this American icon to the ongoing efforts to perfect our union.\" (Senator Barack Obama March 31, 2008) Grassroots organizations continue to advocate to create a national holiday. On March 30, 2011, President Obama reiterated", "id": "10165656" }, { "contents": "Frank Pallone\n\n\nover 10 years. As of 2014, the national conventions got about 23% of their funding from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. Pallone said the bill was \"a disingenuous and empty attempt by the Republicans to divert attention from the fact that they have voted to cut research time and time again.\" Democratic opponents blamed Republicans for $1.5 billion cuts to the National Institutes of Health and said this money would not make it up. Supporters of the bill argued back that the use of this money for pediatric cancer research was", "id": "14846978" }, { "contents": "Oklahoma Democratic Party\n\n\nthe 2000s, losing control of both the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Oklahoma Senate. In 2008, Oklahoma gave the lowest percentage of any state's vote to national Democrat Barack Obama in the presidential election. As of January 15, 2013, there are 962,072 registered Democratic voters in Oklahoma. In the 2012 general election, the party was successful in defending all incumbents in the Oklahoma Legislature and defeating two Republican House members. The Oklahoma Democratic Party once dominated state politics for much of Oklahoma history from 1907 to 1994, with", "id": "10140586" }, { "contents": "Temporary Debt Limit Extension Act\n\n\nday in Senate Vote 34 with a vote of 55-43. The bill had the support of both the House and the Senate Democratic leadership and President Barack Obama. Only 28 Republicans voted in favor of the bill in the House with 199 Republicans voting against the bill. The bill passed in the House primarily due to support from the Democrats. Conservative organization Heritage Action announced its opposition of the bill and called on Senators to vote against it. According to Heritage Action, while the limit is suspended, \"President Obama and", "id": "6835292" }, { "contents": "Roy J. McDonald\n\n\nhe was receiving from other Republicans to vote against the measure, he is quoted as saying: You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job", "id": "12138857" }, { "contents": "1858 and 1859 United States Senate elections\n\n\nthe Republicans won 35. In the state senate, Republicans held 11 seats, and Democrats held 14. Stephen A. Douglas was reelected by the legislature, 54–46, even though Lincoln's Republicans won the popular vote with a percentage of 50.6%, or by 3,402 votes. However, the widespread media coverage of the debates greatly raised Lincoln's national profile, making him a viable candidate for nomination as the Republican candidate in the upcoming 1860 presidential election. He would go on to secure both the nomination and the presidency, beating", "id": "21619360" }, { "contents": "California\n\n\nits Republican Governors, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, tend to be considered moderate Republicans and more centrist than the national party. The Democrats also now hold a supermajority in both houses of the state legislature. There are 60 Democrats and 20 Republicans in the Assembly; and 29 Democrats and 11 Republicans in the Senate. The trend towards the Democratic Party is most obvious in presidential elections. From 1960 to 1988, California was a Republican leaning state, with the party carrying the state's electoral votes in every election except for 1964.", "id": "5264572" }, { "contents": "James Howell (politician)\n\n\n. He was a Democrat in a highly Democratic-leaning town; Democrats had a majority of about 8 to 10 thousand voters by population. Howell won his first election over Republican John F. Henry by 3,000 votes. He won re-election to his second term over Franklin Woodruff by 12,000 votes. Brooklyn politics at this time were dominated by Democratic party boss Hugh McLaughlin. Graft and corruption were widespread practices of the day; although Howell was not personally involved in any scandal, he was widely considered a \"mediocre\" mayor", "id": "21858352" }, { "contents": "Essex County, Vermont\n\n\nCounty. It is represented in the Vermont Senate by John S. Rodgers and Robert A. Starr, both (Democrats). The elected officials of the county as of the 2018 elections are as follows: In 1828, Essex County voted for National Republican Party candidate John Quincy Adams. Andrew Jackson would win the county in 1832 while Martin Van Buren would win it in 1836, making them the first Democrats to carry the county. From William Henry Harrison in 1840 to Winfield Scott in 1852, the county would vote the Whig Party", "id": "8275144" }, { "contents": "Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania\n\n\nprimary after Specter, who had been a Republican since his election to the Senate in 1980, switched his partisan affiliation to Democratic. Specter's partisan defection had briefly given Democrats control of both of Pennsylvania's Senate seats for the first time since before the Civil War. In the gubernatorial election, Tom Corbett garnered about 2.1 million votes (54.5%), defeating Democrat Dan Onorato, who garnered about 1.8 million votes (45.5%). Republicans also retook the majority in the State House, which was captured by Democrats in", "id": "5944808" }, { "contents": "Chris Cole (politician)\n\n\nin 2003, this time for one of four at-large seats; the other candidates were three Democrats and four Republicans, including one incumbent from each of the two major parties. Two Republicans and two Democrats, including both incumbents, won the four seats; Cole received 5,533 votes, less than any other candidate. The four winners received from 36,743 to 41,661 votes; after Cole, the worst-performing candidate received 24,468. Cole was the Libertarian candidate for lieutenant governor in the 2004 election. Incumbent Democrat Beverly Perdue won", "id": "7104883" }, { "contents": "2004 United States presidential election in Vermont\n\n\nthird most Democratic state in the nation in the 2004 election, its results making the state about 23% more Democratic than the nation. It also had the strongest Democratic swing of any state in the nation against Bush compared to the 2000 result. Even as Bush increased his nationwide popular vote support from a 0.52% loss to Al Gore in 2000 to a 2.46% nationwide victory in 2004, Vermont swung 10.20% against Bush, making the state trend 13.18% Democratic relative to the nation. This portended the future trend of", "id": "14279379" }, { "contents": "Generoso Pope\n\n\n. A conservative Democrat who ran the Columbus Day parade and admired Mussolini, Pope was the most powerful enemy of anti-Fascism among Italian Americans. He was closely associated with Tammany Hall politics in New York, and his newspapers played a vital role in securing the Italian vote for Franklin D. Roosevelt's Democratic tickets. With his presidential friendships, Generoso was able to make Columbus Day into a national holiday in 1934. He also founded the Columbus Day Parade in New York City, which is still the world's largest Columbus Day", "id": "1108028" }, { "contents": "First Spanish Republic\n\n\nbe-assembled Constituent Cortes to decide over the issue, and announced his acceptance of any other democratic decision. Then another republican, Emilio Castelar, took the floor and said: After Castelar's powerful speech, amidst passionate applause, the Republic was declared with a resignation of the monarchists, with 258 votes in favour and only 32 against: \"The National Assembly assumes all powers and declares the Republic as the form of government of Spain, leaving its organization to the Constituent Cortes. An Executive Power shall be elected directly by", "id": "14321477" }, { "contents": "Joe T. May\n\n\nspecial election to succeed Democratic Attorney General-elect Mark Herring, in the Virginia State Senate. After the Republican Party decided to choose its candidate through a \"mass meeting\" instead of a primary, May declared he would run as an independent. May was endorsed by both the conservative-leaning National Federation of Independent Business and the centralist Independent Greens Party. On election day, May garnered 10% of the vote, while the Democratic and Republican candidates received 53% and 38%, respectively. May was the Republican candidate", "id": "5666261" }, { "contents": "1964 Republican Party presidential primaries\n\n\npublicly chastised the supporters of Lodge. Since moderate Republicans were dividing their primary votes among Rockefeller, Lodge, and Scranton, they were allowing Goldwater to win many delegates he otherwise would not win. Campaigning in West Virginia, Rockefeller said that Lodge was \"a person who isn't there, who says nothing on any issues\". Goldwater spent the early part of the month in the South. He won 75% of the vote in the first Republican presidential primary in Texas. That same day, his supporters pushed the small", "id": "8104982" }, { "contents": "Glen Campbell\n\n\nsaid he \"voted Republican a few times,\" and he performed in support of both Republican and Democratic politicians. Campbell performed the National Anthem at the 1980 Republican National Convention and continued to make a number of campaign appearances for Republican candidates during the 1980s and 1990s. In June 2011, Campbell announced he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease six months earlier. He became a patient at an Alzheimer's long-term care and treatment facility in 2014. That same year Campbell was the subject of the documentary \"\",", "id": "7216222" }, { "contents": "1912 United States presidential election in Massachusetts\n\n\nbehind a single Republican candidate, they would have taken a combined majority of over 61 percent of the vote, but the split would instead prove fatal to the Republicans both nationally and in Massachusetts. 1912 marked the first time in history that Massachusetts had ever given its electoral votes to a Democratic presidential candidate. Theodore Roosevelt finished strong for a third-party candidate with 29.14 percent of the vote, about two percent more than he received nationally, although Massachusetts was not amongst his strongest states. Nonetheless, Roosevelt’s performance remains as", "id": "17445080" }, { "contents": "Washington's Birthday\n\n\nDay in their respective jurisdictions. An early draft of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act would have renamed the holiday \"Presidents' Day\" to honor the birthdays of both Washington and Lincoln, which would explain why the chosen date falls between the two, but this proposal failed in committee, and the bill was voted on and signed into law on June 28, 1968, keeping the name \"Washington's Birthday\". By the mid-1980s, with a push from advertisers, the term \"Presidents' Day\" began its public appearance", "id": "2283639" }, { "contents": "2006 United States Senate elections\n\n\nas one of the Republican members of the Gang of 14 who compromised with Democrats in a dispute about judicial appointments. DeWine won the primary 71.82% of the votes. Because this race was targeted by Democrats, it made it all the more important to the GOP, who desired to retain Senate control. John McClelland, a spokesman for the Ohio Republican Party said, \"It's vitally important to the Republican Party as a whole, so I think that's why you see the president coming to Ohio to support Mike DeWine", "id": "10501364" }, { "contents": "1988 United States presidential election in Georgia\n\n\nDemocrats picked The Omni, in Atlanta as the site of the 1988 National Convention of the U.S. Democratic Party, Georgia weighed in for this election as about 12% more Republican than the national average. This was also the first time that Georgia voted Republican in two consecutive elections. The presidential election of 1988 was a very partisan election for Georgia, with more than 99 percent of the electorate voting for either the Democratic or Republican parties, and only four parties represented on the ballot, statewide. In typical form for the time", "id": "16011346" }, { "contents": "List of United States major party presidential tickets\n\n\nfor president and one vote for vice president. Under the pre-12th Amendment Constitution, the candidate with the most votes became president and the candidate with the second most votes became vice president; hence, all candidates were technically running against each other. The listed ages are as of election day; for races prior to 1845, December 1st is considered election day for the purposes of the list. Included below are all of the major party (Democratic-Republican, Federalist, Democratic, National Republican, Whig, and Republican) tickets", "id": "1422313" }, { "contents": "Alabama Republican Party\n\n\na full term with over 59% of the vote. Will Ainsworth received over 60% in the Lieutenant Governor's race and Tom Parker defeated Democrat Bob Vance, Jr. by more than 15 points in the race for Chief Justice. Democrats also lost another five seats in the Alabama House of Representatives making the new lineup to be 77 Republicans and 28 Democrats. Republicans held all their seats in both chambers and also added one additional seat in the State Senate making the upper chambers partisan alignment to be 27 Republicans and 8 Democrats.", "id": "21588057" }, { "contents": "Agricultural Protectionism in Japan\n\n\nThe Liberal Democratic Party has been a pro-rural party since its establishment, therefore it isn't surprising to see them support agricultural protectionism. The Democratic Party of Japan has also sought to get rural votes by advocating for income compensation for farmers. The fact that consumers are diffused and unorganized, which leads to difficulty to collectively act and lobby, adds to why politicians in Japan favored farmers. Unlike consumers, farmers used to be a powerful lobbying group, but not any more after the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives' decentralization reform in", "id": "20375388" }, { "contents": "Chester County, Pennsylvania\n\n\na much larger margin of 9%, making him the first Democrat to carry it in a Presidential election since 1964. But, in 2009, with a smaller turnout, Republican candidates swept all county-row offices, winning with an average margin of 20%. In 2012 the county voted for Republican candidate Mitt Romney, by a very small margin of about 500 votes. In 2016, despite Pennsylvania voting for a Republican presidential candidate for the first time since 1988, Chester County voted more Democratic than in 2012, with", "id": "8845809" }, { "contents": "Republican State Committee of Delaware\n\n\nsince then will all governor elections being won by Democrats since 1993. To this day, the Republican party remains gridlocked with the Democratic Party with neither side able to completely convert voters over to their side. The Republican State Committee's official statement on their party's goal provides an all encompassing focus on both national and local issues. It states \"The party's goal is to defend the principles of less government, more personal freedom and a strong national defense. Republicans believe that Delawareans do best when empowered to make decisions for", "id": "588120" }, { "contents": "Ben Nelson\n\n\n2007 National Journal congressional vote rating went even further, placing him to the right of eight Senate Republicans (the above five as well as Richard Lugar, Norm Coleman, and Mike DeWine), with Landrieu once again placing to the right of Chafee and being the only other Democrat to place to the right of any Republicans. For 2012, the American Conservative Union rated his overall performance at 48 percent, the highest given to any Democratic senator. Nelson was one of only two Democratic senators to vote against the Bipartisan Campaign Reform", "id": "5479374" }, { "contents": "Henry Cabot Lodge\n\n\ntreaty. One block of Democrats strongly supported the Versailles Treaty. A second group of Democrats supported the Treaty but followed Wilson in opposing any amendments or reservations. The largest bloc, led by Lodge, comprised a majority of the Republicans. They wanted a Treaty with reservations, especially on Article X, which involved the power of the League of Nations to make war without a vote by the United States Congress. Finally, a bi-partisan group of 13 \"irreconcilables\" opposed a treaty in any form. The closest the", "id": "19444158" }, { "contents": "2008 United States presidential election in New Hampshire\n\n\nso. Any registered voter may participate in New Hampshire's primary. Voters must declare a party affiliation so that they could participate in only one primary every year, not both the Democratic and Republican primaries. The voters will elect delegates to the district-level events; a candidate will only receive delegates to the national convention if he or she receives at least 15% of the district voters' votes. 30 delegates will be proportionally sent to the national convention. Any votes cast for a candidate that did not meet the 15", "id": "14806503" }, { "contents": "2008 Nevada Republican caucuses\n\n\nDemocratic caucus turnout. The Nevada Republican Party caucus is a closed caucus open to those who were registered 30 days before the caucus date, and 17-year-olds who are eligible to vote in the general election in November. As in most Republican caucuses, there are two components. First, delegates are elected from the attendees. These delegates represent the caucusgoers at the county conventions in March, and generally announce who they support for President, and why they should go to the county convention. Election of delegates is by show of", "id": "10323317" }, { "contents": "Utah\n\n\nDemocratic candidate Bill Clinton finished behind both Republican candidate George HW Bush and Independent candidate Ross Perot. In 2004, Republican George W. Bush won every county in the state and Utah gave him his largest margin of victory of any state. He won the state's five electoral votes by a margin of 46 percentage points with 71.5% of the vote. In the 1996 Presidential elections the Republican candidate received a smaller 54% of the vote while the Democrat earned 34%. Utah's population is concentrated in two areas, the Wasatch", "id": "13052305" }, { "contents": "Douglas Bruce\n\n\nterms beyond the partial term under Colorado's term limits rules, an action which was criticized by both Republican and Democratic lawmakers. His delay led to the enactment of legislation requiring legislators to be sworn in within 14 days of their selection. Bruce cast the only dissenting vote on the measure. Bruce also demanded to be sworn in in front of the full house, a request denied by both Republican and Democratic leadership. He acquiesced to an individual swearing-in ceremony on January 14 after House Republicans voted 22-1 to call", "id": "233072" }, { "contents": "John E. Sununu\n\n\n, Shaheen defeated Sununu 52% to 45%. She won every county but Carroll, Belknap, and Rockingham counties. Sununu slightly outperformed Republican presidential candidate John McCain in the 2008 national election, as McCain got about 45% of the vote but didn't win any counties. According to a \"Washington Post\" study, Sununu voted with the Republican Party's position 84% of the time. However, he broke with his party on prominent issues, joining Democrats in filibusters of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Bush Administration", "id": "7565206" }, { "contents": "2006 United States Senate election in Virginia\n\n\nFor instance it was the only Southern state not to vote for Jimmy Carter in 1976. Prior to the 2006 election, its congressional delegation was mostly conservative, with eight of eleven Representatives and both Senators belonging to the Republican Party, making its Congressional delegation the most Republican of any Southern state. Despite this, Democrats had won the gubernatorial races in 2001 and 2005. The state's political majority has been changing from conservative white to a mixture of races, especially Hispanic. The state is increasingly diverse; it has the highest", "id": "17539646" }, { "contents": "2008 Oregon state elections\n\n\nan 18-member majority in the 30-seat Senate. These three-fifths majorities give Democrats exactly the number of votes in each house needed to pass any bills that raise revenue, due to the supermajority requirement in of Oregon's constitution. Of the 60 races for the House, 39 had both Democratic and Republican candidates; 24 of those were in districts previously represented by Republicans, 15 in districts previously represented by Democrats. Sixteen Democrats had no Republican opponent, and five Republicans had no Democratic opponent. Sixteen of the Senate's 30 seats", "id": "2970249" }, { "contents": "Emma Smith DeVoe\n\n\nDeVoe became a founder of the nonpartisan National Council of Women Voters (NCWV), which was created in order to assist states with no suffrage movements and to help educate women who had earned the right to vote about politics to help further their vote. Forging connections with both Republicans and Democrats, DeVoe eventually was able to convince the Washington legislature to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920. DeVoe chose to become a very politically active Republican after the demanding years of working for the suffrage movement passed. At the Republican State convention in", "id": "17901278" }, { "contents": "1898 United States Senate elections in Ohio\n\n\n10, a day before the houses would vote. Democrats had tentatively agreed to vote for a Republican for senator, but were unwilling to consider a supporter of the gold standard. They considered giving a \"complimentary\" vote (that is, to honor the recipient) to Cincinnati publisher John R. McLean, a Democrat, before switching to a Republican. There being no requirement that the same person be elected for both the short and long Senate terms, Democrats also tried to negotiate for one of their party to be elected at", "id": "7195488" }, { "contents": "1984 United States presidential election in Rhode Island\n\n\nand the final time a Republican presidential candidate won Kent County or any county in the state until Donald Trump won it in 2016. The presidential election of 1984 was a very, very partisan election for Rhode Island, with just under 100% of the electorate voting either Democratic or Republican. Rhode Island weighed in for this election as 14% more Democratic than the national average. , this is the last election in which Washington County, Newport County, and Bristol County voted for the Republican candidate. Walter Mondale accepted the Democratic", "id": "14568084" }, { "contents": "Ross Perot 1992 presidential campaign\n\n\nout\", and asked \"Why would I spend that when I could go on the \"Today\" show for free?\" Riney produced several ads during the campaign that never aired. Although he did not campaign or advertise, Perot won a large share of the vote in both the Democratic and Republican primaries in Oregon and Washington in mid-May. In the Oregon primary, he was written-in by 13% of Democrats and 15% of Republicans. Exit polling showed Perot's favorability at or above that of", "id": "7292354" }, { "contents": "1898 United States Senate elections in Ohio\n\n\nabsent due to illness on both days of the voting. In the Senate, there were identical votes for short and long term. McKisson received the votes of 18 Democrats and one Republican, while Hanna won the vote of 16 Republicans and the one Independent Republican. The split between the two houses meant that there would be a roll-call vote of the two houses in joint convention the following day. Nevertheless, if Hanna held all 73 votes cast for him, he would be elected. According to Alfred Henry Lewis of", "id": "7195493" }, { "contents": "Petersburg, Virginia\n\n\nofficers are also Democrats. In 2008, Petersburg gave the second-largest percentage of votes for the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama of any municipality in the nation. Since the late 20th century, white conservatives in the South shifted from the Democratic to the Republican Party. In 2009 for the first time in decades, the local Republican party nominated candidates for the state 63rd district seat and a local constitutional office. Susan McCammon, chairman of the Petersburg Republican party, and Jerry Dyson III, acting vice-chairman of the Dinwiddie", "id": "8217397" }, { "contents": "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013\n\n\n. On June 11, 2013, the Senate voted 84-15 (all 52 Democrats, both Independents, and 30 Republicans voting in the affirmative) to proceed with debate. The Senate considered the bill on the floor on June 12–13, June 17–21, June 24–26, 2013. During this time, it was recommitted to the Senate Judiciary committee twice to make amendments. On June 27, 2013, the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 68-32 (all 52 Democrats, both Independents, and 14 Republicans", "id": "18872580" }, { "contents": "2002 United States Senate elections\n\n\nboth contributions. Talent's win returned Republican control of the Senate which had been under slight Democratic dominance resulting from Vermont junior senator Jim Jeffords's decision to renounce the Republican Party, turning independent and making the choice to caucus with the Democrats. Talent's victory was certified November 21, 2002, one day before Congress adjourned, which prevented Republicans from claiming a senate majority. He automatically became a Senator the following day because, under federal law, he formally took office the day after both chambers of Congress adjourned. Because Republicans", "id": "3648823" }, { "contents": "Katherine Archuleta\n\n\nof OPM on May 23, 2013. Announcing the appointment, the White House stated that she would be the first Latina director of OPM. Obama said this helps \"create more effective policymaking and better decision-making [for me], because it brings different perspectives to the table.\" She was confirmed by the Senate on October 30, 2013, on a 62-35 vote, with eight Republicans joining the Democrats in a vote to approve. Archuleta faced criticism from both Democrats and Republicans at a June 16,", "id": "3542809" }, { "contents": "San Francisco Bay Area\n\n\nabove the mean for California and the nation overall. In U.S. Presidential elections since 1960, the nine-county Bay Area voted for Republican candidates only two times, in both cases voting for a Californian: in 1972 for Richard Nixon and again in 1980 for Ronald Reagan. The last county to vote for a Republican Presidential candidate was Napa county in 1988 for George H. W. Bush. Since then, all nine Bay Area counties have voted consistently for the Democratic candidate. Currently, both of California's U.S. Senators are Democrats,", "id": "8299978" }, { "contents": "2012 Republican Party presidential primaries\n\n\nwon the nomination with 2,061 delegate votes. Other candidates, including Bachmann, Santorum, and mainly Ron Paul, garnered 202 votes, with 23 delegates abstaining. The Romney-Ryan ticket was formalized. The final official votes for the Republican nominees for president and vice president took place at the Republican National Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida—the three-day convention from Tuesday, August 28, to Thursday, August 30. The 2012 Democratic National Convention followed in the first week of September in Charlotte, North Carolina. The", "id": "7022446" }, { "contents": "Michelle Nunn\n\n\nis every bit her father's daughter, down to her owlish glasses and centrist message about curing dysfunction in Washington.\" She raised more funds during the balance of 2013 and into 2014 than any Republican in the race. The contest garnered national interest since Democratic control of the Senate might depend upon it. On May 20, 2014, Nunn won the Democratic primary for the Senate seat with 75 percent of the vote. The Republican primary resulted in a July 22 runoff contest won by businessman David Perdue, a cousin of former", "id": "3261205" }, { "contents": "1872 New York state election\n\n\nthe day, haggling with the Democratic delegates about the state ticket continued, then the convention adjourned. On September 5, the conference committees of both conventions agreed upon a division of the slate, and the Democrats proceeded to nominate Francis Kernan for governor in the middle of taking a second ballot (on the first ballot, Sanford E. Church had received 15 to 20 votes), and John F. Hubbard, Jr. for Canal Commissioner. The Liberal Republicans then nominated Chauncey M. Depew for lieutenant governor by acclamation. The whole Republican ticket", "id": "17171148" }, { "contents": "1984 United States presidential election in Massachusetts\n\n\ntime a Republican had won an absolute majority of the popular vote in Massachusetts since 1956, although it was still Reagan's narrowest win in the nation, thus making it the second most Democratic state after Minnesota. Massachusetts was about 16% more Democratic than the national average in the 1984 election. In fact Mondale's 48.43% of the vote marked his best result of a state he did not carry. Reagan carried 9 counties in Massachusetts to Mondale's 5. Reagan's strongest county was suburban Plymouth County, where he took", "id": "16505499" }, { "contents": "Craig Huey\n\n\ncandidates from any party. If no candidate receives 50 percent or more of the votes, a run-off election is held 60 days later between the two top vote-getters. With so many contenders, it was expected that the election would go to a run off as no single candidate would likely receive a majority of the votes. Because the district has been strongly Democratic in previous elections, with Democratic voter registrations exceeding Republican registrations by 45% to 27.5%, conventional wisdom held that the two Democrats, Hahn and", "id": "11688008" }, { "contents": "2008 United States Senate election in Minnesota\n\n\nfor the sole purpose of delaying the seating of a 60th member of the Democratic caucus in the U.S. Senate (after Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter changed his party affiliation from Republican to Democratic on April 28). (Sixty Senators would bring the Democrats to a level where they would not need any Republican votes to overcome a Republican filibuster in the Senate for the balance of the Senate term). Coleman disputed that allegation. About 60% of Minnesotans (64–28, 59–34, 63–37 in three polls) said they wanted Coleman to withdraw", "id": "17039621" }, { "contents": "Mia Love\n\n\n4th district as the number one most likely district to change hands in November. In early 2014 Love was made a member of the Republican National Committee's National Advisory Council on African-American outreach. On April 26, 2014 Love won the Republican nomination for the 4th congressional district at the Utah Republican Convention, with 78% of the vote at the convention. The Democratic Party nominee was Doug Owens, son of former 4th District four term-Democratic Representative Wayne Owens. On election day, Owens led Love in the vote", "id": "21824529" }, { "contents": "Voting in Switzerland\n\n\nVoting in Switzerland (called votation) is the process by which Swiss citizens make decisions about governance and elect officials. The polling stations are opened on Saturdays and Sunday mornings but most people vote by post in advance. At noon on Sunday (\"Abstimmungssonntag\" in German, \"Dimanche de votation\" in French), voting ends and the results are usually known during the afternoon. Switzerland's voting system is unique among modern democratic nations in that Switzerland practices direct democracy in parallel with representative democracy, which is why the Swiss", "id": "1639708" }, { "contents": "Reformation Day\n\n\nChurch in America hosted an event to commemorate the Reformation in the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, 29 October. In Germany, representatives from Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Bremen have concluded a decision has to be made by state parliaments on whether to make Reformation Day a permanent official holiday in these respective states. Proclamations about this were passed in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, while Lower Saxony and Bremen still await their own votes on the matter. It is a civic holiday in the German", "id": "3059210" }, { "contents": "2010 Linda McMahon U.S. Senate campaign\n\n\noutsider in the Republican Party (GOP). She faced competition from Sam Caligiuri and Rob Simmons, both established politicians among Connecticut Republicans. She lost some credibility among Republicans because of revelations about her voting record and past donations to Democrats, prompting speculation that she would run as an Independent candidate should she lose the Republican Primary. As CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, McMahon donated to Republicans and Democratic Leadership Council-affiliated Democrats, including Sen. Joe Lieberman in 2006 and Rahm Emanuel from the period of 2002 to 2008. McMahon donated", "id": "15440010" }, { "contents": "2008 United States presidential election in West Virginia\n\n\n. John McCain raised a total of $291,184 in the state. Barack Obama raised $713,231. Obama and his interest groups spent $1,437,178. McCain and his interest groups spent $1,920,720. Each ticket visited the state once. More than any other state, West Virginia highlighted Obama's trouble in Appalachian America. It swung heavily to the Democrats during the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt and remained reliably Democratic for most of the next 68 years. During that time, it only voted Republican three times, all in national Republican", "id": "16517332" }, { "contents": "187th New York State Legislature\n\n\nGovernor, both Democrats. The elections to the other three statewide elective offices resulted in the re-election of the three incumbent officeholders: a Republican Comptroller, a Democratic Attorney General and a Republican U.S. Senator. The approximate party strength at this election, as expressed by the vote for Governor, was: Democrats 2,655,000; Republicans 1,212,000; Conservatives 152,000; Right to Life 131,000; Liberals 120,000; New Alliance 24,000. The Socialist Workers' candidate for U.S. Senator polled about 7,300 votes. 21 of the 24 women members of the", "id": "13338647" }, { "contents": "Joe Lieberman\n\n\nany other Democrat on the statewide ticket, including Governor William O'Neill. As Attorney General, Lieberman emphasized consumer protection and environmental enforcement. Lieberman was first elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat in the 1988 election, defeating liberal Republican Lowell Weicker by a margin of 10,000 votes. He scored the nation's biggest political upset that year, after being backed by a coalition of Democrats and unaffiliated voters with support from conservative Republicans (most notably including \"National Review\" founder and \"Firing Line\" host William F. Buckley,", "id": "21870746" }, { "contents": "National Flag of Canada Day\n\n\nin 2005. On Flag Day in 2007, New Democratic Party Member of Parliament Peggy Nash introduced a private member's bill to make Flag Day a federal statutory holiday, leaving it to the provinces to decide if the holiday would be marked in their respective jurisdictions. Although National Flag of Canada Day is not a holiday, it is celebrated with many events around the country. In Argyle, Manitoba, the local museum Settlers, Rails & Trails displays historic flags of Canada. This is a permanent display from the museum's famous", "id": "3277830" }, { "contents": "John Popper\n\n\n've voted for a Democrat, ever.\" John Popper was a supporter of Ron Paul during the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, even participating in phone-banking at Ron Paul's New Hampshire campaign headquarters. He also played a short set during Ron Paul's \"We are the Future Rally,\" an alternative convention for Paul supporters which was held in Tampa the day before the 2012 Republican National Convention. Popper (with and without Blues Traveler) has played at conventions, fundraisers, and ceremonies for both Republican and Democratic politicians", "id": "20459696" }, { "contents": "Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965\n\n\n. Among Senate Republicans, 24 voted yes, 3 voted no, and 1 abstained. In the House, 202 Democrats voted yes, 60 voted no and 12 abstained, 118 Republicans voted yes, 10 voted no and 11 abstained. In total, 74% of Democrats and 85% of Republicans voted for passage of this bill. Most of the no votes were from the American South, which was then still strongly Democratic. During debate on the Senate floor, Senator Kennedy, speaking of the effects of the act,", "id": "17943117" }, { "contents": "2000 United States Senate election in New York\n\n\nto hijack the Democratic Party.\" For her part, Clinton said that she was \"surprised, in a way [to see her name in the voting booth]. I stood there for a minute, staring at my name.\" In any case, the general election was already well underway. The contest drew considerable national attention and both candidates were well-funded. By the end of the race, Democrat Clinton and Republicans Lazio and Giuliani had spent a combined $90 million, the most of any U.S. Senate", "id": "13400081" }, { "contents": "Kent Courtney\n\n\nU.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits, both liberal Republicans. In the 1964 pre-convention campaign, Goldwater's last intraparty rival, Governor William Warren Scranton, Sr., of Pennsylvania, questioned the senator's connections with Kent Courtney. Scranton asked why Courtney, identified nationally as a \"radical,\" was supporting any Republican candidate for president. Despite their reservations, the Courtneys still voted for Goldwater in the 1964 presidential election over the victorious Lyndon Johnson. On April 15, 1961, Courtney formed the \"Conservative Society of America", "id": "13758377" }, { "contents": "2006 United States Senate elections\n\n\n. Osborn's best performance was in Switzerland County where he received just over 22% of the vote. Incumbent Republican Olympia Snowe won re-election to a third term over Democratic activist Jean Hay Bright. Snowe, who had been elected to both of her previous terms by approximately 2-to-1 margins, had never lost an election. The reason why Snowe won by a landslide even when Democrats were winning across the country is because she is a centrist Republican and thus has a very high approval rating in Maine. Meanwhile, her Democratic", "id": "10501308" }, { "contents": "1992 United States presidential election in Alabama\n\n\nSouthern Democrat, Alabama remained a reliably Republican state. The last Democrat to carry Alabama was Jimmy Carter in 1976, who was also a Southern Democrat. Billionaire businessman Ross Perot (I-TX) finished in third, with a disappointing 10.85%. Black Belt Macon County saw Perot receive his smallest vote share in the nation, and that same county also gave Bush his smallest vote shore of any county. By contrast, white suburban Shelby County saw Bush receive 67.97 percent of the vote, a Republican share exceeded in this", "id": "216802" }, { "contents": "Curt Petrovich\n\n\n-centre vote with the New Democratic Party in three constituencies. He made the following comment about CBC management in 2005, following the Corporation's lockout of its workers: \"Why isn't someone trying to take back the controls from a bunch of box cutter-wielding ideologues who are ready to smash this organization into the pillars of public trust that took decades to build?\" In 2008, Petrovich's stories on the sale of MacDonald Dettwiler were named the best in radio reporting in British Columbia at the Jack Webster Awards.", "id": "10685971" } ]
Why does it seem like there are no 'official' song lyrics available on the internet? A vast majority of lyric sites seem to be based on what people hear, not actual lyrics.
[{"answer": "Mike from SongMeanings here. Our lyrics are licensed, but the majority of them are lyrics derived from a few content editors. From my probing the industry, the copyright makes getting the actual lyrics difficult -- often there are several writers to a song, all represented by different publishers and all with different lyrics too. Getting them all on the same page is challenging."}, {"answer": "If the artist publishes the lyrics in the album booklet usually those are the ones copied on to the site. If the artist hasn't published the lyrics then they go on what people hear Btw do you use genius for lyrics. It is by far the best lyrics site because all the others seem so sleazy"}, {"answer": "Hi, Michael from Genius here. ( URL_0 ) Genius works with artists (writers included) to verify the lyrics our crowd sourced community transcribes. We have dedicated super fans who transcribe albums the second they release, getting the most popular albums transcribed (The Life of Pablo, ANTi, LEMONADE, Views) within an hour of release. This is as official as you can get! Check out the verified lyrics to Rihanna's [\"Work,\"]( URL_1 ) for example. Which FYI /u/smmmike, are incorrect on SongMeanings ;)"}, {"answer": "Wikipedia doesn't publish them for copyright reasons, which would extend to pretty much every other reputable website. Which is why the only place you find them are a bunch of user-generated ones that disagree with each other."}, {"answer": "To add on to what others have said, Genius is the best site for lyrics and will have verified explanations of the lyrics by the artists if possible."}, {"answer": "Because the lyrics are protected by copyright and unless you have permission to reprint the whole of the lyrics you could be in breach of copyright law. So the more respectable sites only publish part of the lyrics, as for the others..."}, {"answer": "Songs' lyrics are copyrighted works like poems, novels or books... and you need the author's authorization to publish them on your website."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "12454627", "title": "Fan translation", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Fan translation (or user-generated translation) refers to the unofficial translation of various forms of written or multimedia products made by fans (Fan labor), often into a language in which an official translated version is not yet available. Generally, fans do not have formal training as translators but they volunteer to participate in translation projects based on interest in a specific audiovisual genre, TV series, movie, etc.", "Fan translation (or user-generated translation) refers to the unofficial translation of various forms of written or multimedia products made by fans (Fan labor), often into a language in which an official translated version is not yet available. Generally, fans do not have formal training as translators but they volunteer to participate in translation projects based on interest in a specific audiovisual genre, TV series, movie, etc."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Charlie Albright\n\n\nwas perfectly executed in the best rendition of this work that you are likely to hear. At times he seemed to be channeling Art Tatum, the difficult rhythms seeming effortless and natural, the variations the essence of jazz.\" In the improvised encore of themes-and-variations based on notes from the audience \"Each new variation disclosed a distinctive quality, ranging from urgent to lyrical, solemn to adventurous, shifting from waltz to march to ballade and more—all while maintaining the overall coherence of the idiom. A vast", "id": "6603969" }, { "contents": "Respectable (The Rolling Stones song)\n\n\n, and the songs's not about her... It's very rock & roll. It's not like (Bob Dylan's) 'Sara'. 'Respectable' is very lighthearted when you hear it. That's why I don't like divorcing the lyrics from the music. 'Cause when you actually hear it sung, it's not what it is, it's the way we do it...\" \"Respectable\" was released as a single in the United Kingdom on 15 September 1978, where it peaked at no", "id": "9014177" }, { "contents": "Sticks and Stones (Nicola Roberts song)\n\n\nout there who hurt like that to know that they’re not the only ones in that position. Sometimes there’s so many people in the world suffering from the same thing or hurting from the same thing, but they feel like they’re on their own. I wanted a song that could highlight the subject so it was like, actually I’m so not on my own here.\" Lyricism on the track, of which some was based around rap, hears Roberts performing about personal events. She said: The lyrics", "id": "18689678" }, { "contents": "Boyz (song)\n\n\nlyrical ambiguity, and stating that he had little idea of what message the singer wished to give with her \"Nananaananaananaa\" lyric, McAlpine concluded that M.I.A. still \"seems very keen that we should all hear what she's saying, cos that rhythm is hammered across everything, from the battered brass and pixie yells to the drunk samba drums.\" Rosie Swash of \"The Guardian\" commented in a positive review that \"Boyz\" was \"missing no action\" and that the song \"stutters into life with an inane cry", "id": "9458658" }, { "contents": "Ouch (song)\n\n\ncompilation album \"Clubland 14\". The lyric \"My name is Shanikwa and what?\" became so much of a popular catchphrase among the group's fans that it was imprinted and made available on specialised T-shirts for fans to wear. Fraser McAlpine of the BBC Chart Blog reviewed the song, \"The focal point of the song, and the reason why it does not suck (if that is what you believe to be true), is the story and the way they deliver each line as if they actually", "id": "5241837" }, { "contents": "One Life Stand\n\n\nspecial things about the album\" for him was that Charles Hayward, drummer of This Heat, plays and sings in it. Unlike the previous albums where the band felt their lyrics were obtuse they wanted to be direct with the song meaning and based the song's lyrics on love and their relationships. Taylor described \"Alley Cats\" as one of Goddard's more private songs and speculated that the song seemed \"to partly be about his mother and wishing that she was alive to hear this song that he's singing\".", "id": "4927907" }, { "contents": "Children's song\n\n\nverses and songs, like those of Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll, have been a major feature of publications for children, and some of these have been absorbed by children, although many such verses seem to have been invented by children themselves. Playground songs can be parodies of popular songs such as \"On Top of Old Smoky\" or \"The Battle Hymn of the Republic\" in the USA with suitably altered lyrics. The new lyrics are frequently highly derisive towards figures of authority such as teachers or involve ribald lyrical variations.", "id": "9551976" }, { "contents": "Dionysus (song)\n\n\nending chorus that has double-time drums and features Jin's 'rocking adlibs' throughout the song. Lyrically, the song talks about their stardom, legacy, and artistic integrity. Some of the nuances may be difficult to catch onto as on the surface it seems to be a party song with the group shouting “Drink, drink, drink!” at different intervals, but looking deeper into the lyrics, it shows self reflection such as when Suga raps, “What does it matter if I’m an idol or", "id": "9902974" }, { "contents": "Misogyny and mass media\n\n\n. Most violent lyrics are not heard due to the fact a large number of listeners are not actually listening to the lyrics. This is very different from video-based media, in which the audience can see the violent message very clearly. It has also been found that some rock lyrics are so distorted that people just assume what they are actually saying. A majority of people often listen to just the music and not the lyrics while some listen to it while focusing on other tasks. Research of rap music also suggests that", "id": "19431086" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Every Time\n\n\nare 'beautiful every time.'\" Kyle Ward of \"Roughstock\" gave the song two and a half stars out of five, writing that \"the song does an adequate job of using the imagery to convey its point, but the lyrics and production seem to fall short of some of Brice’s previous tracks.\" Bobby Peacock was more favorable on the same site's review of the album, saying that it was an example of how the album's \"songs are strengthened by putting sharp lyrics and arrangements to familiar", "id": "956862" }, { "contents": "Do You Hear What I Hear?\n\n\nsong, while Shayne composed the music in October 1962. This was an unusual arrangement for the two writers. Usually it was Shayne who wrote the lyrics for their songs while Regney composed the music, as they did when they wrote a song based on the classic children's song \"Rain Rain Go Away\". Regney was inspired to write the lyrics \"Said the night wind to the little lamb, 'Do you see what I see?'\" and \"Pray for peace, people everywhere\" after watching babies being", "id": "11285334" }, { "contents": "Where Have You Been\n\n\nLike Rihanna herself, it's hectic, confident and unashamedly sexual.\" Meghan Brownfield for the \"Columbia Missourian\" praised the song as a track which people will want to dance to as well as writing that the lyrics ensure that the listener pays attention to the lyrics, saying \"It is a song you would hear in a club that everyone would want to dance to. This song makes you want to move, and it also has some strong lyrics that make you focus on what she is saying.\" Matthew Cole", "id": "4196151" }, { "contents": "Inferno (Robert Forster album)\n\n\nFive, go tight or loose as the material requires, a marriage adapting to the times\". \"The Guardian\" said, \"He's very much an acquired taste, but lyric-driven songs that seem tuneless on the surface are the ones you find yourself humming later. And the ones that seem most banal, like \"The Morning\", have a wisdom that hits you later. He knows what he does is good without needing the validation of others.\" Tony Clayton-Lea, in The Irish Times", "id": "4165243" }, { "contents": "Are You Ready for the Country (song)\n\n\nInglis, the \"country\" in the title is never made explicit, and while certainly not a country like Belgium and it seems like it could be in the United States south like contemporary Young songs \"Southern Man\" and \"Alabama,\" the lyrics are not explicitly political like those songs. Rather than addressing issues like racism, the lyrics of \"Are You Ready for the Country\" are more about generalized dread. Lyrics like \"I was talkin' to the preacher, said, 'God was on my side'/Then", "id": "2884033" }, { "contents": "Show Me Love (t.A.T.u. song)\n\n\n/ So what? / Why are you always saying the same thing? / I am an answering machine\"\". The song then begins, featuring a prominent synthesizer beat throughout the duration of the song, with lyrics regarding to events played down to seem like nuances. The chorus features repetition of the phrase \"show me love\". The line, “Played by fuckin’ lunatics” at the end of the second verse has the word “fuck” censored on the original album, but not during live performances or", "id": "2498036" }, { "contents": "LDN (song)\n\n\nwhore.\" Several episodes from \"city life\" are described, suggesting that things may not be what they seem: \"When you look with your eyes everything seems nice, But if you look twice you can see it's all lies.\" However, Allen finds these sights \"priceless\", and asks (possibly sarcastically), \"Oh why, oh why, would I wanna be anywhere else?\" The lyrics might take part of their inspiration from William Blake's poem \"London\", which paints the", "id": "19642104" }, { "contents": "Giro Apo T' Oneiro\n\n\nleft a disappointing first impression and that none of the songs stand out as a hit single; however, she then stated that after hearing the material a couple of times the majority of the songs seemed pleasant, noting that they were of a higher class and quality compared to the singer's previous material. Paparizou had previously been criticized for trivial lyrics that never stray away from love clichés; however, Hamilothori also found that the lyrics are more well-worked and more attention was paid to them, while selecting \"Tou Erota", "id": "12838144" }, { "contents": "Darby Pop Publishing\n\n\nwill be hers to make. Dozens of people from all across the United States suddenly find themselves recalling random things: song lyrics, places, and events that seem to have been erased from both collective memory and recorded history. Fearing the spread of a virus-like plague, a mysterious group known as “The Handlers” is tasked with hunting and destroying those who recollect. But, does the end justify the means? And what if you were the one whose mind was unwittingly filled with things you shouldn’t remember?", "id": "5968845" }, { "contents": "I Want It That Way\n\n\nmeaning of 'that' is at issue.\" While analyzing the lyrics, Westhoff perceived that, \"None of the sentiments in the chorus seem to go with any of the other ones. Even worse, no further explanation is given for what 'that' is.\" The critic assumed that in the song \"someone simply doesn't like it when his lover expresses preferences, never wanting to hear when his girlfriend says she wants things in particular ways\". Andrew Unterberger of \"PopDust\" also questioned the song's", "id": "11351697" }, { "contents": "Oliver's Army\n\n\ncracking the singles charts in America\". Janet Maslin of \"Rolling Stone\" summed up the song's multiple dimensions, saying, \"You can hear it one way, or the other way, or both. Elvis Costello doesn't seem to give a damn what you do, and that’s no small part of his charm\". Costello later commented on this, saying, \"I don't think [the song's] success was because of the lyrics. I always liked the idea of a bright pop tune", "id": "19145444" }, { "contents": "God Is Saying This to You...\n\n\n. I would switch lines out to see where they worked. I loved that stuff in The Fall; Mark E. Smith had all these recurring characters, like the Hip Priest, in his lyrics. He would come up different narrative concepts and recurring themes. You definitely hear bootlegs of Bob Dylan or Springsteen where, you know, you hear a variation of a lyric that ended up in another song. [...] \"Beach On the Moon\" intentionally uses lyrics from a bunch of my songs, which is why it", "id": "14221643" }, { "contents": "Body Language (Kylie Minogue album)\n\n\nago\", and she responded by saying \"Some of that could be just chance! I wrote lyrics that were intensely personal to me on an album a few years ago. Maybe people know me better now, and therefore, if a songwriter pitches me a song, they might tailor it [to fit me]. I get the lyrics of a tune and interpret them my way\". Although the lyrics of \"Slow\" seem like an invitation to the dance floor, Minogue revealed that \"it's about how", "id": "20475964" }, { "contents": "I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One\n\n\n-Pura\" marked a new creative direction for the band. According to singer and guitarist Ira Kaplan, \"I think after \"Electr-O-Pura\" we've had a direction of trying not to worry too hard about what the next album is going to sound like [...] we just write a bunch of songs, and then go one baby step at the time and just do what seems right.\" At the time, Kaplan also explained that the lyrics used to come last: \"What will really", "id": "13876411" }, { "contents": "Revolting Children\n\n\nHollywood Reporter wrote the students \"reclaim Trunchbull’s scorn as an anthem of rebellion\". Entertainment Weekly argued there was slowing down in momentum in the second act \"between that growing-up song and the anarchic, Spring Awakening-like final number, \"Revolting Children\"\". Echoing what many reviewers said about Minchin's witty lyrics being lost due to lack of diction, it said of Revolting Children: \"that song is one of several whose tongue-twisting lyrics seem like a mouthful for very young performers less trained", "id": "19189843" }, { "contents": "The Way Love Goes (Lemar song)\n\n\ninto what I want to do in the future, I didn't want the first single to be too serious. So, while lyrically the topic of the song is love and there is a serious thread going through it, sonically I wanted the actual track to be light-hearted, upbeat and different to what some people have become accustomed to from me. You know, after songs like 'If There's Any Justice' and 'It's Not That Easy', I think people just got used to hearing me", "id": "14866904" }, { "contents": "Soulja Boy\n\n\nasking me why do I make lyrical songs like 'Only God Knows,' 'Born'... 'The World So Cold,' and why do I make non-lyrical songs like 'Crank That' and 'Pretty Boy Swag'? And he was like, why don't I just be lyrical all the time? And I was telling him on [a] specific song, like 'Pretty Boy Swag,' I ain't wanna be all lyrical. I just wanted to be straight-up, and", "id": "10278361" }, { "contents": "I Love You (The Neighbourhood album)\n\n\nis not always the easiest thing to do. I think for Jesse Rutherford lyrically, what I really like about him and about us as a band is that a lot of his lyrics aren't necessarily pre-ordained, because he's not trying to force it. A lot of his lyrics are off the top of his head when he first hears the song, because that makes it more natural, it's legitimately what he is thinking about and how he is feeling when he hears that song.\" Reception to \"", "id": "375125" }, { "contents": "I Know There's an Answer\n\n\nthe song as \"a Bob Dylan-kind of lyric\". Author Jim Fusilli observed that \"the lyrics seem an oddity when compared with the elegance and empathy of the rest of the recording\". The narrator expresses pity for \"uptight people\" who \"trip through the day\", but leaves them alone to live as they wish. The refrain of the song states: \"I know there's an answer / I know now but I have to find it by myself\". When asked what the \"answer", "id": "21292367" }, { "contents": "Sampooran\n\n\nup and the music gets more and more passionate. A classically inspired flute arrangement mixed with soft bass drums and Javed Bashir does total justice with the lyrics. The song has probably lingered on a bit and some pieces seem a bit lengthy, but overall it is the vocals that stand out on “Waris Shah” more than anything else. “Rabba” is one of the best songs on the album. A Pink Floyd like opening and again, lyrics taken from a Shah Hussain kafi are enough on their own to guarantee", "id": "9569418" }, { "contents": "Place Your Hands\n\n\nchanged the lyrics to \"It's your letters\" to introduce that segment of the show. The video for \"Place Your Hands\", directed by David Mould, features the band members on pulleys and wires to create an energetic aerial display. \"Billboard\" wrote: “What really draws you into this song is the initial guitar and bass intro, which is quite catchy. The lyrics, however, seem a bit rough and choppy. An interesting facet of the song is the gospel-like repetitive chorus, which", "id": "5036334" }, { "contents": "I'm Moving On (Scott Cain song)\n\n\nlike his New Radicals hit \"You Get What You Give\". Cain once commented, \"I heard [Gregg] on the demo and I thought, 'this is a great song and he's got a great voice'...but I wasn't sure about some of the lyrics at first. They seemed a little corny. But now I think it's a fantastic pop song that's fun and got a great feel to it. It's a song that people are going to like to listen to and at this", "id": "5534968" }, { "contents": "Where Everybody Knows Your Name\n\n\n, the song missed the mark and was passed over. The fourth song began with a catchy intro followed by simple alternating chords on a piano. The opening verse lines, both musically and lyrically, were something of a lament. The verse then transitioned into a soaring refrain that seemed to capture the essence of why people might want to go to a place like \"Cheers\" — a place \"Where Everybody Knows Your Name\". The two songwriters recorded a simple piano/voice demo of the new song for the Cheers", "id": "7149067" }, { "contents": "This Day We Fight!\n\n\n\"So Far, So Good... So What!\". The song was based on the mythos of Tolkien's \"The Lord of the Rings\", and was featured as a playable song on \"\", along with both \"Holy Wars... The Punishment Due\" and \"Sudden Death\". The song, like a vast majority of Megadeth's songs, was written by Dave Mustaine, and was lyrically inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien's \"The Lord of the Rings\" trilogy, particularly Aragorn's speech at", "id": "11758692" }, { "contents": "Wednesday Campanella\n\n\nGenghis Khan, Aladdin, Kamehameha, and more. In addition, each song refers to historical events, great people, or moments in popular culture. Furthermore, Kenmochi's lyrics seem to sound meaningless, but the soundtrack maker intentionally writes the lyrics in that way. Many songs feature puns or play on words confusing to non-Japanese speakers. KOM_I said that she wants her listeners to enjoy her comical lyrics without thinking of \"meaning\" of the lyrics. Previously KOM_I only acted as the group's vocalist, but she", "id": "5957461" }, { "contents": "Abaddon (album)\n\n\nabout how Abaddon differs from the rest of his work lyrically, Boondox replied that \"I get a lot more personal lyrically on some songs. There's more hidden meanings and riddles in the lyrics. They are more reality based. I think it's a little more clever on the word play than my previous records.\" In the official album review of \"Abaddon\" by, the reviewer concluded that \"After four years the Juggalos finally get to hear what Boondox has been hiding. To say he stepped up his", "id": "21354931" }, { "contents": "Audition Online\n\n\nelement that's similar to modern rhythm game like Osu!). There are three difficulty to choose from, with higher difficulty adds more notes to the screen and double-lanes that requires players to press both Space Bar and notes at the same time. Lyrics are available in a vast number of servers, such as Korean Audition, Chinese Audition, Ayodance and New Audition. Not all songs contain lyrics, and a lyrics item must be bought using in game currency (DEN/BEATS) in order to utilize the lyrics", "id": "12205252" }, { "contents": "Hear Me Lord\n\n\nas examples of how Spector successfully transformed Harrison's compositions on an \"operatic scale\". Rosen added: \"The symphonic squall of these songs seems less about rock star hubris than Mr. Harrison's straining to express outsized emotions – sorrow, regret, longing, writ very large.\" Simon Leng says that the lyrics alone might make \"Hear Me Lord\" seem \"falsely pious\" yet, like Bruce Spizer, he recognises Harrison's sincerity reflected in his performance on the recording. Leng adds: \"Even more than '", "id": "500759" }, { "contents": "No Man's Woman (song)\n\n\nher silence. The single is very commercial and everybody seems to think it's her best album since her first record. The marketing campaign is about reminding people who she is. But actually, despite the long gap, nobody seems to need reminding. There's a real excitement around the record, which has surprised a lot of people\". According to Nigel Williamson of \"Music & Media\", O'Connor set out \"her stall as strong and forceful young woman\" on the song. The singer commented on the lyrics", "id": "5747337" }, { "contents": "Do I Hear a Waltz?\n\n\n'Why?' The truth was, he'd shown the lyrics to his wife and she did not like it. He probably showed it to her out of enthusiasm. But you know, it's got stuff about sexuality in it.\" Ultimately Sondheim understood the failure of \"Do I Hear a Waltz?\" in the context of Mary Rodgers's formulation of what she called a \"Why? musical\". Such a musical is usually based on good source material but raises the question as to what the addition of", "id": "3327763" }, { "contents": "Music of Panama\n\n\nminor to no differences with the original track, is now often criticized as plagiarism, mainly due to Internet, which has allowed people to have more awareness about a song's origins. One of such artists to often face said criticism is Japanese, who tends to release songs based on viral hits like Gangnam Style or \"Moving like Bernie\" (a song involving the \"Bernie dance\" dance moves), or popular songs like Wiggle. This criticism, however, is mostly related to what some people consider \"uninspired lyrics", "id": "4031726" }, { "contents": "When the Lights Go On Again\n\n\n“When the Lights Go On Again” speaks of what the world will be like after the war, something that would seem far away at the time to people who were undergoing the stresses of being under attack. Most people have interpreted these lyrics as being a reference to both the quote by Sir Edward Grey, as well as a reference to the blackout restrictions in England. The lyrics repeated the most are “When the lights go on again all over the world,” which united people from every corner of the earth", "id": "13784036" }, { "contents": "Occidentali's Karma\n\n\nand appearance. The lyrics refer to the internet as the opiate of the poor (in reference to Marx), 'selfie addiction', internet know-it-alls, and a society based on conformity and uniformity. As a result, our evolution seems to 'stumble' instead of moving forward. According to Gabbani, the chorus of the song is a mockery of westerners who believe they can take Eastern cultures and \"westernise\" them. The song cites such aspects of Indian religions as the Buddha and Nirvana as", "id": "13681446" }, { "contents": "Pony (album)\n\n\nCardiacs album \"Guns\", including many lyrics sourced from the famously mis-translated 19th century Portuguese-English phrasebook \"English as She Is Spoke\". For example, the lyric of the song \"Oh\" is based entirely around text from the \"Familiar Dialogues\" chapter of the book, incorporating phrases such as \"It seems me that the corn does push already\", and \"The field has by me a thousand charms\". \"Pony\" was the first release through Smith's own label All My Eye", "id": "10012778" }, { "contents": "Improvised Electronic Device\n\n\nread the internet or watch the news or whether you just talk to people. It just seems like it ended up being a theme of predominance, world issues.\" Leeb cited travelling with the band as important inspiration, mentioning trips to Russia as example: \"Front Line has always liked iconic symbolism and going to countries like that really inspired me lyrically.\" \"It seemed like wherever we looked there was something for us to get into. We didn’t have to make up any stories or create anything that wasn’t", "id": "3544512" }, { "contents": "The Smeezingtons\n\n\nsong should be like a \"three-minute movie\" and that every song needs to have a conflict to make it interesting. Mars criticised \"hit songwriters\" by saying: \"I liked hearing that from these hit songwriters, because it seems like many times songwriters are more interested in just finishing a song than really taking the time to make a good song a hit song\". The team utilizes the talents of each of its members. Lawrence is usually the primary worker on the lyrics and melodies, Levine benefits the", "id": "9229982" }, { "contents": "We Are (Hollywood Undead song)\n\n\nby fans as it has similar vibes and meanings to the song. The lyrics of the song were inspired by \"America's Youth\" quoted by Johnny 3 Tears, as he continues \"...I feel a full-on empathy for what kids are going to have to go through cause it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. In fact, it seems quite the opposite. It’s pretty sickening sometimes, man.\" The official music video was released on 10 December, which was directed by Shawn ‘Clown", "id": "20328461" }, { "contents": "LyricWiki\n\n\nLyricWiki (also known as Lyrically or LyricWikia) was an online wiki-based lyrics database and encyclopedia. In March 2013, it was the seventh largest MediaWiki installation with over 2,000,000 pages including 1.5 million songs. Prior to being locked in 2019, users on the site could view, edit, and discuss the lyrics of songs, which are also available for purchase from links on the site. The site is searchable by song, artist, album, genre, hometown, label, and language. Users are told to be", "id": "21834426" }, { "contents": "Father (Ms. Dynamite song)\n\n\n\"...if you think the lyrics are strong on that (\"Judgement Day\") wait till you here \"Father\" the second cut on the single. Lyrics like \"I spent 23 years trying to be what you wanted to me be though it seemed that you never see me until I picked up the mic and I was on the TV now your ringing of my phone like every week\" and \"How can you call yourself a man when you can't love your own unless you can control them\".", "id": "7379751" }, { "contents": "Why Did You Do That?\n\n\nwith ridiculous lyrics about texting and praying, and also about butts\". Salazar wondered whether the song was purposely \"engineered to be not-so-good\", to portray rock music as a more authentic genre in the film. Writing for \"The Daily Dot\", Brenden Gallagher noted that \"Why Did You Do That?\" was not submitted by Warner Bros. for the Academy Award for Best Original Song, although it was popular among fans for its lyrics. Gallagher listed a number of Internet memes based on the", "id": "6979873" }, { "contents": "El Dorado (Iron Maiden song)\n\n\nresponsible with the people who sold the myth of El Dorado: [El Dorado] has a cynical lyric about the economic crap that's been happening. It seemed a bit like a perfect storm; people were borrowing money like crazy. I thought, \"This is really going to screw people up\" and sure enough, we're all in deep doo-doo! And that's what El Dorado is about, it's about selling somebody the myth that \"The streets are paved with gold\" and them asking,", "id": "16644897" }, { "contents": "Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know\n\n\ndoos\". Lyrically, \"Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know\" alludes to how Spears wants to hear her boyfriend say he needs her all the way and that he loves her. Spears considered it a \"pure and delicate\" song. \"It's just one of those songs that pull you in. That's why I like it, and I like singing it as well\", she continued. \"I think they wrote it 'specially for me, because the lyrics of the song, if", "id": "13360215" }, { "contents": "Rag Mama Rag\n\n\n\"lusty tomcat lyrics,\" noting that both the lyrics and the instrumentation, particularly the ragtime piano, make song seem like \"Storyville 'brothel music.'\" \"Something Else!\" critic Nick DeRiso described the lyrics as \"randy\" stating that the song \"becomes a moment of boozy, brothel-shaking joy.\" Steve Millward interprets \"Rag Mama Rag\" as a \"gently satirical\" song about \"a hapless country bumpkin\" who can't control his girlfriend.\" AllMusic critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine describes", "id": "10490014" }, { "contents": "Lyric Records (US)\n\n\nNever Scratches\". Lyric Records actually seem to be exactly as prone to scratching as any other shellac 78rpm record of the era. The first Lyric records were vertical-cut with an unusually narrow groove that required using steel needles, related to that used by British \"Marathon\" discs, which according to company publicity yielded a playing time of four-and-a-half minutes per 10-inch side and seven minutes per 12-inch side. Over 1000 titles were available by September 1917, including popular vocal, dance, operatic,", "id": "9111674" }, { "contents": "In the Dark (Dev song)\n\n\nDark\" four stars out of five and praised Dev's vocals, as well as the song's sexy lyrics and the saxophone hook. Lamb observed that the song is \"nearly pure libido\", but said that it works well without explicit lyrics. On the other hand, he criticized the song for being \"locked in the current time\", writing: \"'In the Dark' seems very much a song of the dance pop moment. Like the hit 'Like a G6,' it is quite possible in", "id": "13802513" }, { "contents": "Endgame (Rise Against album)\n\n\nwere often about topics listeners needed to hear as opposed to what they wanted to hear. Boy described the lyrics as passionate and motivated, regardless of the listener's political beliefs. Writing for \"Entertainment Weekly\", Greg Kot found some of the lyrics to be overly melodramatic, while Hauck felt the lyrics would not have a lasting impact on the listener. Scott Heisel of \"Alternative Press\" praised the lyrics, and wrote: \"that's really why Rise Against are so important to rock on a large spectrum these days", "id": "17554159" }, { "contents": "Kadongo Kamu\n\n\nto be good guitarists. The song structure is not well defined and can, in fact, seem like a long ode of some sort. The choruses are long and complex and are not meant to be repetitive and melodic like other genres. It is not music meant for dancing but rather for listening. That's why most singers are usually very witty and can deliver funny and thought provoking lyrics all in the same song. Just like the traditional music from which it came, storytelling is common place. Themes are usually centered", "id": "6582539" }, { "contents": "Planet Waves\n\n\n. As a whole, they deal with domestic themes with a few tracks seeming like straightforward love songs, particularly the opener \"On A Night Like This\" and \"You Angel You\" (which Dylan dismissed in 1985 as having \"dummy lyrics\"). However, as music critic Tim Riley notes, many of the songs take on darker overtones, with lyrics suggesting \"death ('Dirge'), suicide ('Going, Going, Gone,' a song that doesn't toy around with the idea)", "id": "20229978" }, { "contents": "Bag of Bones (album)\n\n\n, so Kevin went outside for a fifteen-minute walk. By the time he came back, Tempest and Norum wrote a chorus for a song and Shirley came up with a lyric that went \"I heard you sing something like rise up\" and suggested them to use that one, but Joey didn't have time to finish it. He wrote lyrics later in rehearsal space in Shepherds Bush and lyrics are inspired by walking on the London streets and thinking about why are some people are fortunate and why are some people sad", "id": "6325123" }, { "contents": "Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner\n\n\nways the Coyote's plans fail. Dee Snider, lead singer of the glam metal band Twisted Sister stated in his Congressional testimony before the PRMC hearings on adding Parental Advisory labels for what they deemed were increasingly offensive lyrics, imagery, violence and misogyny in music and music videos, that the music video for the band's signature song \"We're Not Gonna Take It\" was based heavily on the cartoon, specifically how the band's foil in the video, assuming the role of Wile E. Coyote, seems more or", "id": "12572778" }, { "contents": "When I Was Your Man\n\n\nYoung Girls'— though maybe the lyrics are a little too clichéd to result in a classic soul ballad the way Bruno seems to be going for.\" However, he praised Mars, which according to him, \"nobody puts a song like this over quite like him, and when he hits the big high note on the song’s bridge, it’s about as striking a moment as you’re likely to hear on a pop record this year. It might be a little too perfect to be as devastating as a", "id": "14549133" }, { "contents": "Love and Mercy\n\n\nalbum and subsequent remakes and live performances of the song, the credit was amended to only include Wilson as the song's sole writer. Wilson has said of the song: The song features Wilson on lead vocals, as well as a lot of the backing vocals, and is characterized by its pattern of descending chords. The lyrics included an extra verse unused in the final edit: \"I was praying to a god who just doesn't seem to hear / Oh, the blessings we need the most are what we all", "id": "13876762" }, { "contents": "Cinderella's Eyes\n\n\nmany people in the world suffering from the same thing or hurting from the same thing, but they feel like they’re on their own. I wanted a song that could highlight the subject so it was like, actually I’m so not on my own here.\" Lyricism on the album, was based around rap, and rhyme with Roberts stating they were based on personal events, she said: The lyrics are quite personal. I like rap music, and rappers use real-life language and don’t hold back", "id": "14285665" }, { "contents": "Long Black Train (song)\n\n\nasking myself, 'What does this vision mean and what is this train?' It dawned on me that this train was a physical metaphor for temptation. These people are caught up in the decision of whether or not to go on this train\" . The song is composed in the key of B-flat major. Steve Leggett of Allmusic said of the song, \"sung in Turner's deep voice, it rolls across country radio like nothing else on the scene, the ominous breath of hellfire in the lyrics conjuring", "id": "21843309" }, { "contents": "Lyric Hearing\n\n\ndesign and placement of the Lyric Hearing device reduces background noise and feedback for natural sound quality. Wearers of the device can use it while talking on the phone, exercising, or sleeping and do not need to fear the device falling out. Lyric Hearing is also water resistant, so wearers can shower with the device or do other water surface based activities, although the company does not recommend swimming or diving. The Lyric Hearing device is not a Cochlear Implant. The device is removed every few months and is replaced with a", "id": "1519918" }, { "contents": "Black Water (song)\n\n\nwas shining while it was pouring rain the way it does down there sometimes. And the lyrics just came to me there [on the streetcar].\" \"Black Water\" is distinguished by its melodious a cappella section, whose lyrics are likely the song's prevalent hook lines: \"\"I'd like to hear some funky Dixieland/ Pretty mama, come and take me by the hand.\"\" These lines are also featured in the Train song, \"I Got You\" (from \"Save Me San Francisco\"", "id": "19981660" }, { "contents": "Long-Haired Hare\n\n\nand the melody to \"It's Magic.\" This last piece is also used in the cartoon \"Transylvania 6-5000\". \"\"My Gal is a High-Born Lady\"\" is given alternate lyrics, as Barney Fagan's original 1896 song had a racially stereotyped subject and lyrics. The author of the re-written lyrics used in the cartoon is most likely Carl Stalling or Michael Maltese. The Donizetti piece, originally a sextet that comprises part of the opera's Act II finale, seems to have", "id": "3228386" }, { "contents": "What's Going On (Marvin Gaye album)\n\n\nresponded to that suggestion by asking Benson for songwriting credit of the song. Benson and Cleveland allowed it and Gaye edited the song, adding a new melody, revising the song to his own liking, and changing some of the lyrics, reflective of Gaye's own disgust. Gaye finished the song by adding its title, \"What's Going On\". Benson said later that Gaye tweaked and enriched the song, \"added some things that were more ghetto, more natural, which made it seem like a story and not", "id": "18808060" }, { "contents": "Major Tom\n\n\n\" (1980). The song, which peaked at Number 1 in the UK music charts and had a respectable showing in other international music charts, was featured on his LP \"Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps).\" The song actually says little about Major Tom, except to call him a \"junkie,\" slang for a person with a heroin addiction or other compulsive habit. The context of the lyrics seems to indicate that the song is mainly about Bowie's own soul searching, rather than a literal continuation", "id": "3845309" }, { "contents": "La Llorona (song)\n\n\nwith a woman in a way parallels the suffering that the woman in the legend goes through from having her lover leave her. Other interpretation following the lyrics is that the \"llorona\" is the singers, a possible dessertor in the version here, deceased or married to another lover which would explain all the morbid references through the song and why he never seems to actually try to get to her \"duelo\" mourning, \"campo santo\" cemetery, \"ayer lloraba por verte llorona y ahora porque te ví\" yesterday I", "id": "4180386" }, { "contents": "Cold Case Love\n\n\n(\"FutureSex/LoveSounds\", 2006). Sean Fennessey wrote that on the song Rihanna seems to discover the \"flip\" side of her 2007 single \"Umbrella\". Lyrically, the song is a \"melancholic and mature farewell\" to a failed relationship. Jody Rosen of \"Rolling Stone\" wrote Rihanna \"slow-boiling\" interprets the line \"What you did to me was a crime\". According to Jude Rogers of BBC Music the lyrics of the song hint towards her failed relationship with Brown. A", "id": "7821378" }, { "contents": "Lubumbashi\n\n\non the other. Most artists are influenced by successful Dj Spilulu's productions, Kinshasa singers Fally Ipupa, Ferre Gola and World Music. Lubumbashi music is characterized by the use of many languages (Swahili, Lingala, Tshiluba, French and some English) in the lyrics. It is rare to hear songs composed in only one language. This code switching and mixing expresses the cosmopolitan character of the city, but some critics think it weakens the lyrics, which seem to be particularly made for teenagers anyway. Serge Manseba and Karibyona", "id": "1504763" }, { "contents": "Fly Trouble\n\n\n, \"Fly Trouble\" is an anomaly in his canon, as country music historian Colin Escott observes: \"It seemed to signal Rose's intention of easing Hank uptown. From the hokey lyrics to Sammy Pruett's jazzy guitar breaks, the entire production was precisely what Hank's music was not about, and it was precisely what white sandyland farmers who had just moved to town did not what to hear.\" The song was recorded at Castle Studio in Nashville on August 4, 1947 with Rose producing. Williams was backed", "id": "5977825" }, { "contents": "The Climb (song)\n\n\n(2010). McElderry said that the lyrics to \"The Climb\" meant a lot to him: \"It's an emotional song because it's what's been happening in the last few months. It all feels very, very surreal.\" According to Peter Robinson of \"The Guardian\", the cover has a \"plinky\" piano in its introduction. In regards to lyrics, Robinson interpreted, \"lines about 'uphill battles' and 'having to lose' do seem to talk of Joe's probable future", "id": "16087799" }, { "contents": "Until the Whole World Hears\n\n\n\", but also commented that \"many of these tracks still suffer from the 'Crowns Cliché Syndrome,' using lyrical Christian-ese to produce trite rhymes that seem hard-pressed to energize a ready-to-worship crowd\". Robert Ham of \"Christianity Today\" criticized the album for using what he deemed as a repetitive musical formula, but also praised the song \"Joyful, Joyful\", which he compared to Coldplay's song \"Viva la Vida\", as well as Megan's Garrett's vocals on", "id": "10806621" }, { "contents": "Genghis Khan (Miike Snow song)\n\n\nof the song as \"broad truths of the human experience\". He stated, \"I just think people like to hear lyrics they can connect to ... I think that level of songwriting has become more common; that people really wanna hear the real shit about what's going on in your personal life ... It's kind of everywhere in pop. And a lot of what we experience in life is not positive all the time, so it's just a reality and it's one of the things that, across the", "id": "6354290" }, { "contents": "Teenager (Jung Joon Young album)\n\n\nthose people who wouldn’t like some of the tracks, I hope there would be those who would have better thoughts about rock music when they hear my songs,” through the showcase. Every individual single composed by himself is naturally connected and organically united as a cohesive whole with lyrical melodies and sensibility of alternative rock in this album. The concept of Jung Joon Young's new album is \"dreaming adult\" which seems to be a perfect fit for him. He is storytelling his own story and experiences throughout this album sincerely", "id": "16551853" }, { "contents": "Untitled (How Does It Feel)\n\n\n\", while also noting the similarity the lyrics have to those of other classic soul ballads, stating \"Each line seems to be directly lifted from Marvin Gaye, Prince, or Curtis Mayfield.\" Levine elaborated on the lyrical theme of the song: As the fourth single issued in promotion of D'Angelo's second studio album \"Voodoo\", \"Untitled (How Does It Feel)\" featured release in the United Kingdom in 1999 through the EMI record label and in the United States on January 1, 2000 through Virgin Records", "id": "17536442" }, { "contents": "Tarzan (musical)\n\n\nthat theater lyrics, perhaps even more than pop-song lyrics, need to be concise to get dramatic points across quickly and clearly. What he doesn't seem to realize is that that doesn't mean they should be little more than a string of platitudes, clichés, and contemporary slang. ... It's a shame; his words are as bad as his music is good\". The review notes that much of the cast perform the songs as Adult Contemporary numbers as opposed to Broadway songs, and concludes by saying that", "id": "10856810" }, { "contents": "W·O·L·D (song)\n\n\nhas to say to her. The lyrics go on to reveal that perhaps we can never change who we really are, and that what he had really wanted was the love and companionship that had eluded him in a previous failed relationship. The song is said to have helped to inspire Hugh Wilson to conceive of the premise of the TV series \"WKRP in Cincinnati,\" including the lyrics of the theme song in which a DJ seems to speak to a former lover about his travels in his occupation—now he's \"", "id": "9038333" }, { "contents": "Turpentine (song)\n\n\n\" \"Turpentine\" was reputedly the first song written for Hole, with the music composed Eric Erlandson and the lyrics written by Courtney Love. The song is known to have been written as early as November 1989 as Hole performed the song during their third live show in Huntington Beach, California on November 11, 1989. However, some of the lyrics of the song seem to have been written by Love earlier with the line \"my water breaks like turpentine\" appearing in a poem written by Love in the mid-late", "id": "21684397" }, { "contents": "Binaural (album)\n\n\na ukulele, is heavily influenced by The Who song \"Blue, Red and Grey\" (from the 1975 album, \"The Who by Numbers\"), with Vedder describing it as \"30 seconds of plagiarising\" and thanking Pete Townshend on the lyric sheet. The song \"Nothing as It Seems\" has been compared to the style of Pink Floyd. Bassist Jeff Ament wrote the lyrics for two songs on the album (\"Gods' Dice\" and \"Nothing as It Seems\"), and Gossard for three", "id": "18214110" }, { "contents": "Retard Girl\n\n\nlater, \"If I Were a Rich Man\" from \"Fiddler on the Roof\". Additionally, the track is accompanied by unidentified lounge music fading in and out of the mix, as well as what seems to be a recorded conversation between Love and a phone sex operator. \"Phonebill Song\" is a punk-style track composed of three chords, and seems to be a tongue-in-cheek reference to Love spending too much time talking on the telephone, with lyrics like \"Before I go to sleep", "id": "18294036" }, { "contents": "Li'l Red Riding Hood\n\n\n, and released as \"Little Red Riding Hood\" (N.B.: with \"little\" spelled out) late in 1958 as the B-side of his second hit. The searchable sites with its complete lyrics as text seem to constitute no more than a handful, but a recording, purported to be of his voice and thus presumably as being authoritative as to lyrics, exists online. Though related in concept to the later Blackwell song, these differ in: However, at least one site, which ignores the Bopper-", "id": "11825651" }, { "contents": "Anti-police sentiment\n\n\nfor many people, especially the marginalized communities. They wanted justice, too, but only in fictional songs like ‘Fuck tha police’ could they seem to find it\".Its provocative lyrics have influenced other artists such as Mayhem Mal who utilised the same title and received backlash for its anti-police undertones. Uncle Marda & Maida make an assertive statement that encapsulates a pervasive sense of hostility towards the police in their song “Hands Up” in 2014, becoming “a parable about what happens when a marginalised community simply ca", "id": "12790880" }, { "contents": "Bohemian Like You\n\n\nSlabtown bar, closed in 2014) while many different people mime to the lyrics of the song. This is intercut with a video accompanying the lyrics on the television screen at the bar. In this video, the scenes correspond with the lyrics. In the first verse, a man approaches a young woman who is fixing a car (a hearse, actually) with her friends. They both flirtatiously sing the lyrics to each other as a sign of attraction. The man is so attracted to the woman that he stares at", "id": "13669410" }, { "contents": "Rusted from the Rain\n\n\n\"Rusted from the Rain\" is the first official single by Billy Talent off their album, \"Billy Talent III\". It was released on May 19, 2009. Lead singer Ben Kowalewicz has said that the song is very \"tin man-esque\" and evolved from an \"epic Soundgarden-like riff\". The lyrics are about marital breakdown, Kowalewicz told Kerrang!: \"Nowadays, I'm seeing a lot of people who got married young are now getting divorced. It seems to be a new fad", "id": "18996882" }, { "contents": "Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair\n\n\nwas told on the fourth track from La Dispute's second EP, \"Here, Hear.\" However, when vocalist Jordan Dreyer has been asked in interviews about the lyrical concept of the album, he has stated that although it does contain thematic constants it does not actually tell a story and is more autobiographical and the folk tale was used as more of a \"jumping-off point\" for similar personal struggles. The real-life connotations of the record's lyrics are that of two divorces of people related to Dryer", "id": "5897006" }, { "contents": "Songs for Singles\n\n\nalbum. However, Rick Smith later denied this claim. The lyrics for \"Songs for Singles\" take on a stream of consciousness narrative perspective, and have been described as dream-like and nonsensical by Brooks. He also commented, \"That's why I don't print the lyrics, actually. I don't want anyone overanalyzing every little stupid thing I say.\" \"Songs for Singles\" is the first album, and second release overall after the song \"King Beef\" released on \"Chapter Ahead Being Fake", "id": "275054" }, { "contents": "Real World (album)\n\n\n. was the first of these, released in August. \"Kimi o Sagashite\" asked the question \"What is life, and why does it disappear/why does the end come?\" in its lyrics. The second single was , released in December. \"Single Mother\" was an autobiographical story about the unreplaceable bonds Kokia has to her mother. The final, , was released in March two weeks before the album's Japanese release. The song has a message that people have the power to change sadness and loneliness", "id": "18831938" }, { "contents": "Charlotte Sometimes (novel)\n\n\nwas released by the English band The Cure. Its lyrics are about Charlotte, the central character of the novel. The lyrics refer to the opening paragraphs of the book, \"By bedtime all the faces, the voices had blurred for Charlotte to one face, one voice... The light seemed too bright for them, glaring on white walls.\", and to several events near the end of the book: people dancing in the streets at Armistice; and a school walk when Charlotte cries upon hearing of Clare's fate", "id": "10300352" }, { "contents": "Fastlife\n\n\nit. The original album censors the explicit lyrics but when the song went on the soundtrack album of the Jonas Brothers in May 2019 for their June 2019 documentary Chasing Happiness, the explicit lyrics were not censored. This is why it received an explicit tag. When the actual album of this song released, it was explicit until 2016, Jonas changed the song on iTunes and replaced it with the clean version and put a clean sticker instead of no sticker so people would know the original version is explicit. Luckily there are no", "id": "12917238" }, { "contents": "Umbrella (song)\n\n\nLil Mama actually seems to understand the song's metaphorical themes of protection and loyalty\". American punk band Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker remixed the song, adding to the track \"quicksilver snare flourishes and... real-life guitars\". Singer Chris Brown created an answer song titled \"Cinderella\", replacing some of the verses and part of the chorus of \"Umbrella\" with his own lyrics. This version is the official remix. This version has been performed as a duet between Brown and Rihanna when he joined Rihanna on a", "id": "15010655" }, { "contents": "Pete Seeger\n\n\nPresident Lyndon Johnson with his 1966 recording, on the album \"Dangerous Songs!?\", of Len Chandler's children's song, \"\"Beans in My Ears\"\". Beyond Chandler's lyrics, Seeger said that \"Mrs. Jay's little son Alby\" had \"beans in his ears,\" which, as the lyrics imply, ensures that a person does not hear what is said to them. To those opposed to continuing the Vietnam War, the phrase implied that \"Alby Jay\", a loose pronunciation", "id": "13085097" }, { "contents": "Box of Rain\n\n\nthat. I hear the intention. It's a talent like the Rubik's Cube, or something like that, and it comes easily to me. Which might be why I like language poetry. I can tell from the rhythms, or lack of rhythms, from the disjunctures and the end stoppages, what they're avoiding saying – the meaning that they would like to not be stating there, comes rushing through to me. I understand dogs. I can talk to babies.\" Many of the lyrics to this song", "id": "6368676" }, { "contents": "Sukiyaki (song)\n\n\nJapanese lyricist Rokusuke Ei who provided her with a literal translation of what he'd written: as this translation did not yield complete sentences in English, Johnson endeavored to write a new set of lyrics she felt would capture the spirit of the song. To Johnson, it seemed the song's original lyrics had 3 possible interpretations: as the mindset of a man facing execution; as someone trying to be optimistic despite life's trials; or as the story of an ended love affair: \"me being the hopeless romantic that I", "id": "5902924" }, { "contents": "Easy (Cro song)\n\n\nis no longer there. In the lyrics, the word \"easy\" appears at the end of each verse, with a word that is based on it. For example, the words AC/DC and the phrase \"erschieß sie\" become \"AC/D-Easy\" and \"ersch-Easy.\" The song does not have an actual chorus. Cro produced the beat for \"Easy\" himself and used a sample of Bobby Hebb's song \"Sunny\" and also modeled the lyrics after this song.", "id": "5742008" }, { "contents": "If That Were Me\n\n\nKandu Arts charity. The lyrics of the song came in for particular criticism from professional music reviewers. Kurt B. Reighley wrote in \"CMJ New Music Monthly\": \"When she's singing lyrics like 'I couldn't live without my phone/ And you don't even have a home', it's tough to recall Chisholm's charms.\" The \"NME\"'s Andrew Wagstaff recommended people donate to Shelter and ridiculed the song's lyrics: \"If, after doing so, you still want to hear our Mel trilling", "id": "7918502" }, { "contents": "The Doomed\n\n\nhearing his work, Keenan put down demo vocals just a day and a half later, with the song being completed shortly after. The song's lyrics were written entirely by Keenan. The song's lyrics deals with topics such as wealth inequality and class inequality. Specifically, journalists interpreted the lyrics to be attacking the conservative ideal that society isn't responsible for the well being of the less fortunate. The song's lyrics, written by band frontman Maynard James Keenan, conveyed the message through lines such as \"What of the", "id": "6120854" }, { "contents": "Barely Real\n\n\nthe lyrical subject and content and the presentation of the music\". Immerwhar described his lyrics as expressing feelings of alienation and banality. When he was asked regarding the lyrics on \"Barely Real\" and \"The White Birch\", Immerwhar said he preferred the lyrics on latter album where he desired to \"have more writerly songs\", where he found \"out that there were different sources of the same feelings that seemed to inspire earlier Codeine songs.\" The \"Toronto Star\" described the Codeine's music as slowcore,", "id": "19767408" }, { "contents": "Outside (Foo Fighters song)\n\n\nand \"sirens\" seem hollow, lack insight, and reek of lyrics that were hammered out on instinct, not careful consideration\". Alternative Nation stated that \"Outside sounds like it could have fit in on \"One by One\". The song is about Los Angeles, where it was recorded. Grohl sings, \"There you are dancing at your altar/beautiful earthling/dressed in kashmir/all of your sound echoes in the canyons/down below they’re dreaming/hear the sirens screaming/another time/", "id": "13319104" } ]
99% of western Europe don't fluoride water, yet the US still does, why?
[{"answer": "Much of Europe has natural levels of fluoride high enough to net the benefits of fluoridation. Many regions of the US do not."}, {"answer": "Water fluoridation never caught on in much of Europe. It was held back by the same ethical question as in the United States, whether it is permissible to use the public water supply for what is effectively distributing medication. But it's certainly not true that \"99% of Western Europe don't fluoridate water\"--Ireland has national water fluoridation, and some people in other countries live in communities with artificially fluoridated water as well. Natural fluoridation must also be mentioned. That said, it's not really universal in the United States either. Only two-thirds of the population receives fluoridated water (natural or artificial). About half of Canadians have fluoridated water, with it being very common in some provinces though nearly absent in others."}, {"answer": "From URL_0 : startquote In fact, more than 13 million people receive fluoridated water in England, Spain and Ireland. A few European countries have fluoridated milk programs. And fluoridated table salt is sold in nine European countries, reaching more than 80 million people in Germany, Switzerland, France and elsewhere. Most European countries fund programs that provide fluoride varnish and/or fluoride rinses to school-age children. One reason that Italy lacks a national water fluoridation policy is the fact that a number of areas in Italy have water supplies with natural fluoride that reaches the optimal level. Salt fluoridation reflects the position of the World Health Organization, which has recommended that \"salt fluoridation should be considered where water fluoridation is not feasible for technical, financial or sociocultural reasons.\" Fluoridated salt reaches the largest percentage of residents in Germany and Switzerland. Interestingly, these two countries have among the lowest rates of tooth decay in all of Europe. Of course, people on salt-restricted diets won't receive the full benefits of fluoride, which is one reason why fluoridating water is a better approach. endquote"}, {"answer": "I'm not in Western Europe but in Europe nonetheless (Estonia). The town where I live, Tartu, uses ground water for the local water supply. The level of fluoride in tap water is between 0.2 and 1.06 mg/l which means you don't really need to add any more. The recommended level in the US is 0.7 mg/l. The level of fluoride in tap water can even vary within a single city. In Tallinn there are areas which get their tap water from a lake. In these places the level of fluoride is between 0.04 and 0.2 mg/l. Other areas, which use ground water have a level of fluroide between 0.4 and 0.8 mg/l."}, {"answer": "Most people seem to think it was proposed because it strengthens teeth, but that was just what could sell the bill. It was proposed and isn't discussed today because it saves money on preventing corrosion in pipes while still being considered safe to drink, by at least politicians. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Just curious, is it possible to intake too much flouride through drinking a few gallons of unfiltered tap water daily? When I was living in Charleston, SC for college I drank so much unfiltered tap water and am worried if I have done any long term damage to my brain/body? I know my question may sound uniformed or ignorant, but I feel that I have never really received any straight answers on the subject. Google doesn't seem to be a reliable source for flouride information, there is a lot of conspiratorial talk about how it can lead to cancer etc. TL:DR- Can you overdose on flouride by drinking shit tons of unfiltered city tap water, specifically in the lowcountry of South Carolina? Truly curious, thanks."}, {"answer": "I never really understood water fluoridation because it only helps prevent cavities when used topically, not systematically (through ingestion). When consumed systematically over time at higher levels, it has been known to cause fluorosis of the bones and other tissues. Also, a lot of it is going unutilized in showers or when we flush toilets. I know here in Des Moines, IA, they spend over $120,000 annually to put fluoride in the water while they're needing more money to upgrade their filtration system. The topic came up on whether they wanted to stop water fluoridation three years ago but because so many dentists came to speak out against the idea saying children would be negatively impacted, they only lowered the levels. You'd think some of the money saved could be used to help get toothpaste (the topical, effective method) to those in need."}, {"answer": "This is a somewhat misleading statistic. For instance, (some regions in) Spain doesn't do potable tap water so floridating it would be a waste of money. It's not that they don't think people should be getting fluoride (in fact my school made us use fluoride mouthwash every morning) but that it doesn't make sense for the water system they have."}, {"answer": "We do it here in my province in Canada and I'm very thankful for it. It's been scientifically proven to be a great benefit for all of our citizens."}, {"answer": "Have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of fluoridated water, Mandrake?"}, {"answer": "I live in an area of high natural fluoridation and yet an application was made by some unknown company to add more, for free. The local council was all for it. The local paper ran articles from the dentistry people saying how good it was. Then our corrupt local MP (Conservative) went on record to say that it was getting his full support and think of the children. So the local newspaper got all suspicious and dug deeper, and found that the fluoride is a waste product from some industrial process, and its disposal is heavily regulated and expensive. Shoving it into the drinking water was making this company a handsome profit, and guess what? The local MP was a non-executive director of this company. That pretty much sank the whole project."}, {"answer": "Quote from the late Col. Jack D. Ripper - \"Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love...Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I-I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.\""}, {"answer": "A related question: why is fluoridated water, milk, and salt deemed safe to swallow while flouridated toothpaste is not?"}, {"answer": "for good dental health. And also because fluoride is the by product of industry and some schmo was able to rope the us government into buying it."}, {"answer": "Because fresh water, unlike salt water, doesn't immediately precipitate out heavy metals, like gallium, strontium, or cobalt. This presents a danger in that fresh water inherently allows such ions to travel the full distance from the reservoir to your sink. However, fresh water with even the tiniest amount of fluorine atoms dissolved in it, acts very rapidly to bind heavy metals. Seeing as how we've done a drastic amount of above ground testing in our own backyard, we really shouldn't question it. WWIII, or not, such isotopes exist scattered across the land and get carried into streams and ponds every time it rains. **TL;DR** it's a cold war safeguard which protects our drinking water from nuclear fallout"}, {"answer": "Do you know the reason Americans make fun of British peoples teeth is because the American Government doesn't provide free Universal health care to its tax payers and the British Government does so the Americans put out a bit of spin about how bad our teeth are to detract from the fact that we get dental care that is nowhere near as costly as theirs."}, {"answer": "Anyone know if the fluoride that binds to teeth can come off again, and if so, how hard is it to break off? And does it bind within that tiny time it typically stays in the mouth? And if it's only for teeth, but most water/drinks don't actually get swished around our teeth, isn't it missing the point?"}, {"answer": "Because we don't believe in the mind control capabilities that fluoride has... Your government is poisoning your water supply and turning you all into robots *dons tinfoil hat*. ( URL_0 ) In all seriousness, I think it's just because we don't need it..."}, {"answer": "If the only reason flouride is good for you is the teeth then I don't know why we consume it. They should just hand out free flouride mouthwash packets instead."}, {"answer": "Once a gravy train gets rolling in the US it is virtually impossible for it to stop because all the lawmakers work for the gravy train."}, {"answer": "is fluoride actually that bad for us? i heard a lot about it, but never looked into it really"}, {"answer": "Have you seen the teeth of Europeans? URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Not all people have to do the same things. 99% of people can do one thing and the remaining 1% can do something else, regardless if they are from Europe or the US. Even other splits are possible, any number of people can do one thing and that doesn't mean that any other people must also do that thing."}, {"answer": "In my city (Calgary,Alberta) we ha flouride in the water a few years back and people got mad. They took out the flouride (cost a ton) and noticed people teeth got worse as flouride is used for cleaning, now the people want it back :))))"}, {"answer": "Keeps everyone in me crazy ....??? same as the \"chemicals\" in your food......... mind reporgramming in your tv...sound crazy to you.....?? Look it't already keeping tabs on population.. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Europe is strongly influenced by a sense that certain things are unnatural and therefore undesirable. Compare European and New World attitudes to genetically modified organisms."}, {"answer": "Because the companies that provide the fluoride to water facilities want to hang on to that revenue stream? No pun intended."}, {"answer": "The US is all about mind control. Haven't you been paying attention to our presidential election?"}, {"answer": "How do they get the fluoride percentage correct in the first place?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "17481271", "title": "Fluorine", "section": "Section::::Medicinal applications.:Dental care.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 86, "end_paragraph_id": 86, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["ffects other than mostly benign dental fluorosis, opposition still exists on ethical and safety grounds. The benefits of fluoridation have lessened, possibly due to other fluoride sources, but are still measurable in low-income groups. Sodium monofluorophosphate and sometimes sodium or tin(II) fluoride are often found in fluoride toothpastes, first introduced in the U.S. in 1955 and now ubiquitous in developed countries, alongside fluori", "Population studies from the mid-20th century onwards show topical fluoride reduces dental caries. This was first attributed to the conversion of tooth enamel hydroxyapatite into the more durable fluorapatite, but studies on pre-fluoridated teeth refuted this hypothesis, and current theories involve fluoride aiding enamel growth in small caries. After studies of children in areas where fluoride was naturally present in drinking water, controlled public water supply fluoridation to fight tooth decay began in the 1940s and is now applied to water supplying 6 percent of the global population, including two-thirds of Americans. Reviews of the scholarly literature in 2000 and 2007 associated water fluoridation with a significant reduction of tooth decay in children. Despite such endorsements and evidence of no adverse effects other than mostly benign dental fluorosis, opposition still exists on ethical and safety grounds. The benefits of fluoridation have lessened, possibly due to other fluoride sources, but are still measurable in low-income groups. Sodium monofluorophosphate and sometimes sodium or tin(II) fluoride are often found in fluoride toothpastes, first introduced in the U.S. in 1955 and now ubiquitous in developed countries, alongside fluoridated mouthwashes, gels, foams, and varnishes."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "763637", "title": "Water fluoridation", "section": "Section::::Worldwide prevalence.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 53, "end_paragraph_id": 53, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Much of the early work on establishing the connection between fluoride and dental health was performed by scientists in the U.S. during the early 20th century, and the U.S. was the first country to implement public water fluoridation on a wide scale. It has been introduced to varying degrees in many countries and territories outside the U.S., including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, the UK, and Vietnam. In 2004, an estimated 13.7\u00a0million people in western Europe and 194\u00a0million in the U.S. received artificially fluoridated water. In 2010, about 66% of the U.S. population was receiving fluoridated water.", "Much of the early work on establishing the connection between fluoride and dental health was performed by scientists in the U.S. during the early 20th century, and the U.S. was the first country to implement public water fluoridation on a wide scale. It has been introduced to varying degrees in many countries and territories outside the U.S., including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, the UK, and Vietnam. In 2004, an estimated 13.7\u00a0million people in western Europe and 194\u00a0million in the U.S. received artificially fluoridated water. In 2010, about 66% of the U.S. population was receiving fluoridated water. Naturally fluoridated water is used by approximately 4% of the world's population, in countries including Argentina, France, Gabon, Libya,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\ndelivery method of fluoride (29% average). A 2011 European Commission review found that the benefits of water fluoridation for adult in terms of reductions in decay are limited. 2015 Cochrane review found no conclusive research in adults. Most countries in Europe have experienced substantial declines in cavities without the use of water fluoridation. For example, in Finland and Germany, tooth decay rates remained stable or continued to decline after water fluoridation stopped. Fluoridation may be useful in the U.S. because unlike most European countries, the U.S. does not have", "id": "18456486" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nwas typically followed by an increase in cavities. Most countries in Europe have experienced substantial declines in cavities without the use of water fluoridation due to the introduction of fluoridated toothpaste and the large use of other fluoride-containing products, including mouthrinse, dietary supplements, and professionally applied or prescribed gel, foam, or varnish. For example, in Finland and Germany, tooth decay rates remained stable or continued to decline after water fluoridation stopped in communities with widespread fluoride exposure from other sources. Fluoridation is however still clearly necessary in the", "id": "1723330" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nBrazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, the UK, and Vietnam. In 2004, an estimated 13.7 million people in western Europe and 194 million in the U.S. received artificially fluoridated water. In 2010, about 66% of the U.S. population was receiving fluoridated water. Naturally fluoridated water is used by approximately 4% of the world's population, in countries including Argentina, France, Gabon, Libya,", "id": "1723357" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nbeen instituted. In 2011, the Health and Welfare Committee of the Knesset criticized the Health Ministry for continuation of water fluoridation. On 26 August 2014, Israel officially stopped adding fluoride to its water supplies. According to a Ministry of Health press release statement, the reasons it ended water fluoridation were: \"Only some 1% of the water is used for drinking, while 99% of the water is intended for other uses (industry, agriculture, flushing toilets etc.). There is also scientific evidence that fluoride in", "id": "19366069" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nof dental bacteria, its effect on bacterial growth does not seem to be relevant to cavity prevention. Fluoride's effects depend on the total daily intake of fluoride from all sources. About 70–90% of ingested fluoride is absorbed into the blood, where it distributes throughout the body. In infants 80–90% of absorbed fluoride is retained, with the rest excreted, mostly via urine; in adults about 60% is retained. About 99% of retained fluoride is stored in bone, teeth, and other calcium-rich areas,", "id": "1723344" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nMexico, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, the U.S., and Zimbabwe. In some locations, notably parts of Africa, China, and India, natural fluoridation exceeds recommended levels. Communities have discontinued water fluoridation in some countries, including Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. On 26 August 2014, Israel stopped mandating fluoridation, stating \"Only some 1% of the water is used for drinking, while 99% of the water is intended for other uses (industry, agriculture, flushing toilets etc", "id": "1723358" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\non. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant.\" Fluoride can be present naturally in water at concentrations well above recommended levels, which can have several long-term adverse effects, including severe dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, and weakened bones. In 1984 the World Health Organization recommended a guideline maximum fluoride value of 1.5 mg/L as a level at which fluorosis should be minimal, reaffirming it in 2006. Fluoridation has", "id": "18456479" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\n, and actions in case of overfeed, along with technical requirements for each major compound used. Although fluoride was once considered an essential nutrient, the U.S. National Research Council has since removed this designation due to the lack of studies showing it is essential for human growth, though still considering fluoride a \"beneficial element\" due to its positive impact on oral health. The European Food Safety Authority's Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) considers fluoride not to be an essential nutrient, yet, due to the", "id": "1723318" }, { "contents": "Sodium fluoride\n\n\nthe strength of teeth by the formation of fluorapatite, a naturally occurring component of tooth enamel. Although sodium fluoride is used to fluoridate water and, indeed, is the standard by which other water-fluoridation compounds are gauged, hexafluorosilicic acid (HSiF) and its salt sodium hexafluorosilicate (NaSiF) are more commonly used additives in the U.S. Fluoride supplementation has been extensively studied for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. This supplementation does not appear to be effective; even though sodium fluoride increases bone density, it does not decrease the risk", "id": "1328397" }, { "contents": "Fluoride\n\n\nlarge, centralized water systems are uncommon, fluoride is delivered to the populace by fluoridating table salt. For the method of action for cavity prevention, see Fluoride therapy. Fluoridation of water has its critics (see Water fluoridation controversy). Fluoridated toothpaste is in common use, but is only effective at concentrations above 1,000 ppm, as is common in North America and Europe. Fluoride salts are commonly used in biological assay processing to inhibit the activity of phosphatases, such as serine/threonine phosphatases. Fluoride mimics the nucleophilic hydroxide ion", "id": "20815488" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\npublic referendum; in Europe, most decisions against fluoridation have been made administratively. Neither side of the dispute appears to be weakening or willing to concede. Water fluoridation is used in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Israel and a handful of other countries. The following nations previously fluoridated their water, but stopped the practice, with the years when water fluoridation started and stopped in parentheses: In the United Kingdom a strategic health authority can direct a water company to fluoridate the water supply in an", "id": "18456496" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nand Italy. A 2003 survey of over 500 Europeans from 16 countries concluded that \"the vast majority of people opposed water fluoridation\". Austria has never implemented fluoridation. Belgium does not fluoridate its water supply, although legislation permits it. Czech Republic (previously Czechoslovakia) started water fluoridation in 1958 in Tábor. In Prague fluoridation started in 1975. It was stopped in Prague in 1988 and subsequently in the whole country. Since 2008 no water has been fluoridated. Fluoridated salt is available. Croatia does not fluoridate its water.", "id": "19366075" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nwith topical use. Currently about 372 million people (around 5.7% of the world population) receive artificially-fluoridated water in about 24 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Republic of Ireland, Malaysia, the U.S., and Vietnam. With 57.4 million people who receive naturally occurring fluoridated water at or above optimal levels in countries such as Sweden, China, Sri Lanka, Finland, Zimbabwe and Gabon. Community water fluoridation is rare in Continental Europe with 97–98% choosing not to fluoridate drinking water. Fluoridated", "id": "19366057" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\n-aged children and adolescents. The ingestion of fluoride as primary teeth are being developed has shown that the teeth have formed stronger and more resistant for caries. Water and milk fluoridation are two forms of systemic fluoride therapy that have been demonstrated to be effective at preventing dental caries. Fluoride supplementation has been extensively studied for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. This supplementation does not appear to be effective; even though sodium fluoride increases bone density, it does not decrease the risk of fractures. The use of fluoride toothpaste (with concentrations", "id": "2611288" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nto occur in pits and fissures of teeth. Other reviews have found not enough evidence to determine if water fluoridation reduces oral-health social disparities. Health and dental organizations worldwide have endorsed its safety and effectiveness. Its use began in 1945, following studies of children in a region where higher levels of fluoride occur naturally in the water. Further research showed that moderate fluoridation prevents tooth decay. Fluoridation does not affect the appearance, taste, or smell of drinking water. It is normally accomplished by adding one of three compounds to", "id": "1723316" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nNew Zealand now has fluoridated water supplied to about half of the total population. Of the six main centers, only Christchurch and Tauranga do not have a fluoridated water supply. Wellington's water supply is mostly fluoridated, but the suburbs of Petone and Korokoro receive a non-fluoridated supply. In Auckland, the suburbs Onehunga and Huia Village don't fluoridate water. In 2013, a Hamilton City Council committee voted to remove fluoride from late June 2013. A referendum was held during the council elections in October 2013 with approximately 70", "id": "19366104" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nmethods provide low concentrations of fluoride ions in saliva, thus exerting a topical effect on the plaque fluid. Fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather controls the rate at which they develop, and so repeated exposure throughout the day is essential for its effective function. The more constant the supply the more beneficial fluoride will be in cavity prevention. Water fluoridation is the controlled addition of fluoride to a public water supply in order to reduce tooth decay. Its use in the U.S. began in the 1940s, following studies of children in a", "id": "2611297" }, { "contents": "Biological aspects of fluorine\n\n\nto water fluoridation exists despite its support by public health organizations. The benefits of water fluoridation have lessened recently, presumably because of the availability of fluoride in other forms, but are still measurable, particularly for low income groups. Systematic reviews in 2000 and 2007 showed significant reduction of cavities in children associated with water fluoridation. Sodium fluoride, tin difluoride, and, most commonly, sodium monofluorophosphate, are used in toothpaste. In 1955, the first fluoride toothpaste was introduced in the United States. Now, almost all toothpaste in", "id": "272022" }, { "contents": "Watsonville, California\n\n\n2017). Watsonville became a sanctuary city on April 11th, 2017. Watsonville does not practice water fluoridation. A proposal to fluoridate public water supplies narrowly failed a voter referendum in 2002, and the Martinelli beverage company has threatened to move a planned expansion elsewhere rather than use fluoridated water in its products. Local health-care professionals argue that the city is experiencing a tooth decay epidemic. After several years of legal wrangling, Watsonville was cited in August 2010 for violating a California state law that requires fluoridating the water in a", "id": "17474483" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\n, Asia, and Europe. The WHO supports fluoridation of water in some areas. In some other countries, sodium fluoride is added to table salt. As of 2012, 25 countries have artificial water fluoridation to varying degrees, 11 of them have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water. A further 28 countries have water that is naturally fluoridated, though in many of them the fluoride is above the optimum level. As of 2012 about 435 million people worldwide received water fluoridated at the recommended level, about 211", "id": "18456498" }, { "contents": "Bottled water\n\n\nprevent tooth decay and cavities. Some bottled water manufacturers in the United States add fluoride to their product, or provide a fluoridated bottled water product. The Food and Drug Administration of the United States does not require bottled water manufacturers to list the fluoride content on the label. However, unlike tap water where the amount of fluoride added by municipalities to drinking water is not federally regulated, the FDA has set specific limits for how much fluoride may be found in bottled water. Water fluoridation remains controversial in countries that require it (", "id": "15922866" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nliving in areas where water was fluoridated than in areas where water was not fluoridated. The government of the Republic of Ireland has yet to carry out a public health survey on the effects of fluoridation, even though this is required to under the 1960 \"Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act\". A private member's bill to end fluoridation was defeated in the Dáil on 12 November 2013. It was supported by Sinn Féin and some of the technical group and opposed by the Fine Gael-Labour government and Fianna Fáil", "id": "19366085" }, { "contents": "Cobalt(II) fluoride\n\n\nin boiling water. Yet the hydrate is water-soluble, especially the di-hydrate CoF·2H O and tri-hydrate CoF·3HO forms of the compound. The hydrate will also decompose with heat. Cobalt(II) fluoride can be prepared from anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride or cobalt(II) oxide in a stream of hydrogen fluoride: It is produced in the reaction of cobalt (III) fluoride with water. The tetrahydrate cobalt(II) fluoride is formed by dissolving cobalt(II) in hydrofluoric acid. The anhydrous fluoride can be extracted from this by dehydration.", "id": "644184" }, { "contents": "Dental care in adolescent Australians\n\n\ndo in order to stay proactive in healthy dental hygiene. Young Australians today have less tooth decay because of fluoride. Natural fluoride found in water has significantly increased the dental health of the adolescents, and decreased the tooth-aches. For those that do not have access to water with fluoride due to the area in which they live in, they can use alternatives such as toothpaste that does contain fluoride. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare conducts periodical surveys of the dental health of Australian children and teenagers. The Institute's", "id": "17484403" }, { "contents": "Drinking water quality in the United States\n\n\n, fluoride concentrations in water are much higher than normal, mostly from natural sources. In 1986, EPA established a maximum allowable concentration for fluoride in drinking water of 4 milligrams per liter (mg/L). After reviewing research on various health effects from exposure to fluoride, the Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water of the National Research Council concluded in 2006 that EPA's drinking water standard for fluoride does not protect against adverse health effects. Just over 200,000 Americans live in communities where fluoride levels in drinking water are 4 mg", "id": "14406060" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nIn 1956, Singapore was the first Asian country to institute a water fluoridation program that covered 100% of the population. Water is fluoridated to a typical value of 0.4-0.6 mg per litre. Only about 4% of the population of Vietnam has water fluoridation, whereas only 70% get their water from public supplies. Out of a population of about three-quarters of a billion, under 14 million people (approximately 2%) in Europe receive artificially-fluoridated water. Those people are in the UK (5,797,000", "id": "19366073" }, { "contents": "Fluoride\n\n\n, the fluoride ion resembles the hydroxide ion. Fluoride ions occur on earth in several minerals, particularly fluorite, but are present only in trace quantities in bodies of water in nature. Fluorides include compounds that contain both ionic fluoride and those where fluoride does not dissociate. The nomenclature does not distinguish these situations. For example, sulfur hexafluoride and carbon tetrafluoride are not sources of fluoride ions under ordinary conditions. The systematic name \"fluoride\", the valid IUPAC name, is determined according to the additive nomenclature. However, the", "id": "20815473" }, { "contents": "Western school whiting\n\n\nmouth dimensions suggest \"S. vittata\" is able to extend its jaws further downward compared to co-occurring species, which may answer why it consumes more polychaetes than these species. The western school whiting does not reach sexual maturity until the end of the first year of its life in deeper waters, while populations that inhabit nearshore waters don't fully reach maturity until the end of the second year. All male fish are mature by the time they reach 130 mm in length and 160 mm in female fish. The species spawns", "id": "20173914" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in Australia\n\n\n(Amendment) Act (No. 2) 1989 and the Public Health (Drinking Water) Code of Practice 2007 (No 1). There was a brief period in 1989 where fluoridation was suspended following a formal review of the effectiveness of fluoridation on oral health. As only one water supplier provides all of the water for these areas, the percentage of the population with access to fluoridated water has always been 100% during the times in which it was added. Water fluoridation was introduced in Western Australia in Perth in 1968", "id": "7436415" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nfluoridated salt and toothpaste, as well as fluoride tablets and washes is strongly encouraged by the German Ministry of Health. Kassel-Wahlershausen in West Germany became the second location in Europe where water fluoridation was practiced in 1952. By 1962, no other part of the FRG was fluoridating, and Kassel-Wahlershausen discontinued the practice in 1971. In the GDR (East Germany) in the late 1980s, about 3.4 million people (20%) were receiving water with added fluoride. Fluoride tablets were also provided. The fluoridated areas", "id": "19366078" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\n), Republic of Ireland (4,780,000), Spain (4,250,000), and Serbia (300,000). The first water fluoridation in Europe was in West Germany and Sweden in 1952, bringing fluoridated water to about 42,000 people. By mid-1962, about 1 million Europeans in 18 communities in 11 countries were receiving fluoridated water. Many European countries have rejected water fluoridation, including: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Scotland, Iceland,", "id": "19366074" }, { "contents": "Ancylus fluviatilis\n\n\n) and Yemen (Al-Safadi 1990 and from Caucasus, Armenia, but it is not known from the Afrotropical region. This freshwater limpet is rheophile, which lives in oxygen-rich fast-running waters and also in karst springs.It does not occur in waters which freeze in winter. They need a hard substrate with suitable (not too low and not too rich) algae growth, which is why they are frequent in Central Europe especially in rivers and streams.In North America and Western Europe they occur in", "id": "2470033" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nmet by alternative strategies. The use of fluoride in its various forms is the foundation of tooth decay prevention throughout Europe; several countries have introduced fluoridated salt, with varying success: in Switzerland and Germany, fluoridated salt represents 65% to 70% of the domestic market, while in France the market share reached 60% in 1993 but dwindled to 14% in 2009; Spain, in 1986 the second West European country to introduce fluoridation of table salt, reported a market share in 2006 of only 10%. In three", "id": "1723360" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\n. Systematic reviews have cited the lack of high-quality research for the benefits and risks of water fluoridation and questions that are still unsettled. A 2007 Nuffield Council on Bioethics report concluded that good evidence for or against water fluoridation is lacking. Researchers who oppose the practice state this as well. According to a 2013 Congressional Research Service report on fluoride in drinking water, these gaps in the fluoridation scientific literature fuel the controversy. John Doull, chairman of the 2006 National Research Council committee report on fluoride in drinking water, has", "id": "18456477" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nU.S. because unlike most European countries, the U.S. does not have school-based dental care, many children do not visit a dentist regularly, and for many U.S. children water fluoridation is the prime source of exposure to fluoride. The effectiveness of water fluoridation can vary according to circumstances such as whether preventive dental care is free to all children. Fluoride's adverse effects depend on total fluoride dosage from all sources. At the commonly recommended dosage, the only clear adverse effect is dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of children", "id": "1723331" }, { "contents": "Fluoride varnish\n\n\nmore than 30 fluoride-containing varnish products on the market today, and they have varying compositions and delivery systems. These compositional differences lead to widely variable pharmacokinetics, the effects of which remain largely untested clinically. Fluoride varnishes are relatively new in the United States, but they have been widely used in western Europe, Canada, South Africa and the Scandinavian countries since the 1980s as a dental caries prevention therapy. They are recognised by the Food and Drug Administration for use as desensitising agents, but, currently, not as an", "id": "447147" }, { "contents": "Fluoride Free WA\n\n\nFluoride Free WA Party is a political party registered for elections in Western Australia. Its main policy is to end mandatory water fluoridation in Western Australia. The party is a distinct legal entity from an advocacy organisation named Fluoride Free WA Inc, however the party was formed by the advocacy group to increase media interest. Fluoride Free WA Party fielded two candidates in each of the six regions for the Legislative Council in the 2017 Western Australian election. It subsequently also ran John Watt (a vice-president and the treasurer of Fluoride Free", "id": "14028064" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in Australia\n\n\nthe population has access to fluoridated water (September 2011). Fluoridation commenced in New South Wales with Yass in 1956, with Sydney fluoridating in 1968. The use of fluoride is regulated by the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Act 1957, and the Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies Regulation 2007. In November 2013, Byron Shire Council decided to not add fluoride to its water supply. Fluoride has been added to water supplies in Canberra and the City of Queanbeyan since 1964. The addition of fluoride is regulated by the Electricity and Water", "id": "7436414" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\nreceived naturally fluoridated water and 377 million (87%) received artificially fluoridated water. In 2014, three-quarters of the US population on the public water supply received fluoridated water, which represented two-thirds of the total US population. National and international health agencies and dental associations throughout the world have endorsed water fluoridation as safe and effective. The views on the most effective method for community prevention of tooth decay are mixed. The Australian government states that water fluoridation is the most effective means of achieving fluoride exposure that is", "id": "18456471" }, { "contents": "Osteosarcoma\n\n\nbut many communities chose to add more fluoride to the point that it can reduce tooth decay. Fluoride is also known for its ability to cause new bone formation. Yet, further research shows no osteosarcoma risks from fluoridated water in humans. Most of the research involved counting number of osteosarcoma patients cases in particular areas which has difference concentrations of fluoride in drinking water. The statistic analysis of the data shows no significant difference in occurrences of osteosarcoma cases in different fluoridated regions. Another important research involved collecting bone samples from osteosarcoma patients to", "id": "11465591" }, { "contents": "Black silicon\n\n\nincrease the probability of recombination, keeping it from use in solar cells. When a mix of copper nitrate, phosphorous acid, hydrogen fluoride and water are applied to a silicon wafer, the phosphorous acid reduction reduces the copper ions to copper nanoparticles. The nanoparticles attract electrons from the wafer’s surface, oxidizing it and allowing the hydrogen fluoride to burn inverted pyramid-shaped nanopores into the silicon. The process produced pores as small as 590 nm that let through more than 99% of light. Black silicon can also be produced", "id": "16475367" }, { "contents": "Fluorine\n\n\npublic water supply fluoridation to fight tooth decay began in the 1940s and is now applied to water supplying 6 percent of the global population, including two-thirds of Americans. Reviews of the scholarly literature in 2000 and 2007 associated water fluoridation with a significant reduction of tooth decay in children. Despite such endorsements and evidence of no adverse effects other than mostly benign dental fluorosis, opposition still exists on ethical and safety grounds. The benefits of fluoridation have lessened, possibly due to other fluoride sources, but are still measurable in low", "id": "12014468" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\n's water was approved in 1988. In 2002, the Union of Local Authorities (ULA) and others petitioned Israel's High Court to stop the Health Ministry from forcing cities to implement water fluoridation. The court soon issued a restraining order, but after half a year ULA withdrew its petition upon the request of the court. By 2011, about 65% of the municipalities and local authorities in Israel had agreed to allow fluoridation, and there was active opposition to the spread of fluoridation to the towns where it has not yet", "id": "19366068" }, { "contents": "Tooth enamel\n\n\nalthough the incidence of dental decay in those teeth is very small. Where fluoride is found naturally in high concentrations, filters are often used to decrease the amount of fluoride in water. For this reason, codes have been developed by dental professionals to limit the amount of fluoride a person should take. These codes are supported by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; Furthermore, whereas topical fluoride, found in toothpaste and mouthwashes, does not cause fluorosis, its effects are now considered more important than those", "id": "12696255" }, { "contents": "Osteosarcoma\n\n\nToxicology program in 1990, which showed uncertain evidence of association of fluoride and osteosarcoma in male rats. But there is still no solid evidence of cancer-causing tendency of fluoride in mice. Fluoridation of water has been practiced around the world to improve citizens' dental health. It is also deemed as major health success. Fluoride concentration levels in water supplies are regulated, such as United States Environmental Protection Agency regulates fluoride levels to not be greater than 4 milligrams per liter. Actually, water supplies already have natural occurring fluoride,", "id": "11465590" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nregions with rapakivi bedrock (small, but densely populated regions), 22% of well waters and 55% of drilled well waters exceed the legal limit of 1.5 mg/l; generally, surface and well waters have 0.5-2.0 mg/l fluoride in affected regions. Fluoridated salt is available in France, and 3% of the population uses naturally fluoridated water, but the water is not artificially fluoridated. Public drinking water supplies are not currently fluoridated in any part of Germany, however for children and adolescents use of", "id": "19366077" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nions in saliva and plaque fluid, thus exerting a topical or surface effect. A person living in an area with fluoridated water may experience rises of fluoride concentration in saliva to about 0.04 mg/L several times during a day. Technically, this fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather controls the rate at which they develop. When fluoride ions are present in plaque fluid along with dissolved hydroxyapatite, and the pH is higher than 4.5, a fluorapatite-like remineralized veneer is formed over the remaining surface of the enamel; this", "id": "1723342" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\nAntifluoridationist literature links fluoride exposure to a wide variety of effects, including AIDS, allergy, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, cancer, and low IQ, along with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, pineal gland, and thyroid. Many people do not know that fluoridation is meant to prevent tooth decay, or that natural or bottled water can contain fluoride. As fluoridation does not appear to be an important issue for the general public in the U.S., the debate may reflect an argument between two relatively small lobbies for and", "id": "18456493" }, { "contents": "Fluorine\n\n\nNew Zealand, the largest consumer of 1080, uses it to protect kiwis from the invasive Australian common brushtail possum. Europe and the U.S. have banned 1080. Population studies from the mid-20th century onwards show topical fluoride reduces dental caries. This was first attributed to the conversion of tooth enamel hydroxyapatite into the more durable fluorapatite, but studies on pre-fluoridated teeth refuted this hypothesis, and current theories involve fluoride aiding enamel growth in small caries. After studies of children in areas where fluoride was naturally present in drinking water, controlled", "id": "12014467" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\ncities in Europe to fluoridate its water supply. It was declared illegal by the Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden in 1961, re-legalized in 1962 and finally prohibited by the parliament in 1971, after considerable debate. The parliament majority said that there were other and better ways of reducing tooth decay than water fluoridation. Four cities received permission to fluoridate tap water when it was legal. An official commission was formed, which published its final report in 1981. They recommended other ways of reducing tooth decay (improving food and oral", "id": "19366089" }, { "contents": "Don't Go Near the Water (novel)\n\n\nto work as an investment broker in the bank on Tulura.) At dawn the next morning, with the party still in full session, Siegel finally succeeds in teaching Nash how to use a sextant. \"'So that's how it's done,' Nash said. Abruptly the exec gave a superior little laugh. 'Really it's very simple, isn't it, Siegel—unlike Public Relations. Why, any meathead could be a seagoing officer.'\" \"Don't Go Near the Water\" was", "id": "15187555" }, { "contents": "Dental public health\n\n\ncountries have fluoridated water schemes implemented. Fluoride is still yet to be completely implemented across the full population however, progress is slowly improving and access is becoming more common. Prevention methods such as oral health promotion began with the education of clinicians and the population in the health promotion strategies. Since the mid 19th century oral health practice has revolved more around prevention and education rather than treatment of disease. This education can be focused towards dental practitioners and to the wider population who may interested. There has been a change in focus in", "id": "13541915" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in the United States\n\n\nfluoridation as one of ten great public health achievements of the 20th century. The CDC recommends water fluoridation at a level of 0.7–1.2 mg/L, depending on climate. The CDC also advises parents to monitor use of fluoride toothpaste, and use of water with fluoride concentrations above 2 mg/L, in children up to age 8. There is a CDC database for researching the water fluoridation status of neighborhood water. In 1998, 70% of people polled in a survey conducted by the American Dental Association (ADA) believed", "id": "21987282" }, { "contents": "Fluoride\n\n\nand systemic fluoride therapy for preventing tooth decay. They are used for water fluoridation and in many products associated with oral hygiene. Originally, sodium fluoride was used to fluoridate water; hexafluorosilicic acid (HSiF) and its salt sodium hexafluorosilicate (NaSiF) are more commonly used additives, especially in the United States. The fluoridation of water is known to prevent tooth decay and is considered by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as \"one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century\". In some countries where", "id": "20815487" }, { "contents": "Fluoride\n\n\nthe case where water fluoridation is in effect. Fluoride ion in low doses in the mouth reduces tooth decay. For this reason, it is used in toothpaste and water fluoridation. At much higher doses and frequent exposure, fluoride causes health complications and can be toxic. Fluoride salts and hydrofluoric acid are the main fluorides of industrial value. Compounds with C-F bonds fall into the realm of organofluorine chemistry. The main uses of fluoride, in terms of volume, are in the production of cryolite, NaAlF. It is used", "id": "20815485" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\nwater that they drink, unless they drink more expensive bottled water, and some argue unequivocally that it does not stand up to scrutiny relative to the Nuremberg Code and other codes of medical ethics. Those who emphasize the public good emphasize the medical consensus that appropriate levels of water fluoridation are safe and effective to prevent cavities and see it as a public health intervention, replicating the benefits of naturally fluoridated water, which can free people from the misery and expense of tooth decay and toothache, with the greatest benefit accruing to those least", "id": "18456488" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nIn the early 1960s the city of Szolnok briefly fluoridated its water. The program was discontinued due to technical problems and a public view that fluoridation did not seem reasonable. Hungary has not used artificially fluoridated water since then. The Republic of Ireland is the only European country with a policy of mandatory water fluoridation. Worldwide, the Irish Republic and Singapore are the only countries which implement mandatory water fluoridation. The majority of drinking water in the Republic, (but not Northern Ireland), is fluoridated. In 2012, roughly 3.25", "id": "19366080" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\non the most efficient method for community prevention of tooth decay are mixed. The Australian government states that water fluoridation is the most effective way to achieve fluoride exposure that is community-wide. The World Health Organization reports that water fluoridation, when feasible and culturally acceptable, has substantial advantages, especially for subgroups at high risk, while the European Commission finds no benefit to water fluoridation compared with topical use. Public water fluoridation was first practiced in the U.S. As of 2012, 25 countries have artificial water fluoridation to varying degrees,", "id": "1723310" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\nscientific literature fuel the controversy. Public water fluoridation was first practiced in 1945, in the US. As of 2012, 25 countries have supplemental water fluoridation to varying degrees, and 11 of them have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water. A further 28 countries have water that is naturally fluoridated, though in many of them there are areas where fluoride is above the optimum level. As of 2012 about 435 million people worldwide received water fluoridated at the recommended level, of whom 57 million (13%)", "id": "18456470" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in the United States\n\n\n, by the City\" and that \"the legislation is a public health measure, bearing a real, substantial, and reasonable relation to the health of the city.\" The Supreme Court of Ohio, in 1955's \"Kraus v. City of Cleveland\", said, \"Plaintiff's argument that fluoridation constitutes mass medication, the unlawful practice of medicine and adulteration may be answered as a whole. Clearly, the addition of fluorides to the water supply does not violate such principles any more than the chlorination of water, which", "id": "21987292" }, { "contents": "Hexafluorosilicic acid\n\n\nwith HF. The net process can be described as: Hexafluorosilicic acid can also be produced by treating silicon tetrafluoride with hydrofluoric acid. In water, hexafluorosilicic acid readily hydrolyzes to hydrofluoric acid and various forms of amorphous and hydrated silica (SiO\"). At the concentration usually used for water fluoridation, 99% hydrolysis occurs and the pH drops. The rate of hydrolysis increases with pH. At the pH of drinking water, the degree of hydrolysis is essentially 100%. Neutralization of solutions of hexafluorosilicic acid with alkali metal bases produces", "id": "12791699" }, { "contents": "Activated alumina\n\n\nalso widely used to remove fluoride from drinking water. In the US, there are widespread programs to fluoridate drinking water. However, in certain regions, such as the Rajasthan region of India, there is enough fluoride in the water to cause fluorosis. A study from the Harvard school of Public Health found exposure to fluoride as a child correlated with lower IQ. Activated alumina filters can easily reduce fluoride levels from 10 ppm to less than 1 ppm. The amount of fluoride leached from the water being filtered depends on how long", "id": "16097872" }, { "contents": "Accommodation (religion)\n\n\nYet accommodation allows for the belief that despite this natural linguistic barrier, God still has the power to use such translations in order to reveal his nature to people. This means, of course, that Christians don't have to learn Ancient Hebrew and Greek in order to hear what God has to say. This all may seem to be a contradiction: Yet it could also be argued that, given that this is correct, we as human beings, by our very nature, are incapable of understanding why it is true.", "id": "13203401" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\n. Water fluoridation reduces cavities in children, while efficacy in adults is less clear. A Cochrane review estimates a reduction in cavities when water fluoridation was used by children who had no access to other sources of fluoride to be 35% in baby teeth and 26% in permanent teeth. Most European countries have experienced substantial declines in tooth decay without its use. Recent studies suggest that water fluoridation, particularly in industrialized countries, may be unnecessary because topical fluorides (such as in toothpaste) are widely used and caries rates have become", "id": "19366054" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nFluoride therapy is the use of fluoride for medical purposes. Fluoride supplements are recommended to prevent tooth decay in children older than 6 month in areas where the drinking water is low in fluoride. It is typically used as a liquid, pill, or paste by mouth. Where public water supplies are fluoridated further fluoride by mouth is typically not needed. Fluoride has also been used to treat a number of bone diseases. Normal doses may occasionally result in white marks on the teeth. Excessive doses can result in brown or yellow coloring", "id": "2611285" }, { "contents": "Dental fluorosis\n\n\n), excessive ingestion of fluoride toothpaste, bottled waters which are not tested for their fluoride content, inappropriate use of fluoride supplements, ingestion of foods especially imported from other countries, and public water fluoridation. The last of these sources is directly or indirectly responsible for 40% of all fluorosis, but the resulting effect due to water fluoridation is largely and typically aesthetic. Severe cases can be caused by exposure to water that is naturally fluoridated to levels above the recommended levels, or by exposure to other fluoride sources such as brick", "id": "3680425" }, { "contents": "Jacques Roumain\n\n\n's your question, I'm going to answer you. We're this \"country\", and it wouldn't be a thing without us, nothing at all. Who does the planting? Who does the watering? Who does the harvesting? Coffee, cotton, rice, sugar cane, caco, corn, bananas, vegetables, and all the fruits, who's going to grow them if we don't? Yet with all that, we're poor, that's true. We're out of luck, that", "id": "6767551" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\ncome from libertarians, the John Birch Society, and from groups like the Green parties in the UK and New Zealand. Proponents and opponents have been both criticized for overstating the benefits or overstating the risks, and understating the other, respectively. Systematic reviews have cited the lack of high quality research for the benefits and risks of water fluoridation and questions that are still unsettled. Researchers who oppose the practice state this as well. According to a 2013 Congressional Research Service report on fluoride in drinking water, these gaps in the fluoridation", "id": "18456469" }, { "contents": "James B. Sumner\n\n\nwith pepsin in 1929. It had become clear that Sumner had devised a general crystallization method for enzymes, and also that all enzymes are proteins. Dr. Sumner sounded early warnings about the water fluoridation schemes, \"We ought to go slowly. Everybody knows fluorine and fluorides are very poisonous substances and we use them in enzyme chemistry to poison enzymes, those vital agents in the body. That is the reason things are poisoned, because the enzymes are poisoned and that is why animals and plants die.” In 1937, he", "id": "7182736" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nareas within Australia have natural fluoride levels in the groundwater, which was estimated in 1991 to provide drinking water to approximately 0.9% of the population. The first town to fluoridate the water supply in Australia was Beaconsfield, Tasmania in 1953. Queensland became the last state to formally require the addition of fluoride to public drinking water supplies in December 2008. The use of water fluoridation first began in New Zealand in Hastings in 1954. A Commission of Inquiry was held in 1957 and then its use rapidly expanded in the mid 1960s.", "id": "19366103" }, { "contents": "2013 Hamilton local elections and referendums\n\n\nand western Waikato District are also served by the Hamilton city water supply. In 2006, a binding referendum was held in which 69.46% of voters supported continuation of public water fluoridation, while 30.54% opposed it. The referendum had a voter turnout of 38%. During the draft of the city council's 2011/12 annual plan in February 2011, the termination of water fluoridation was discussed by councillors, but no decision was made. 120 submissions related to water fluoridation were filed for the annual plan in March and April 2011.", "id": "16507521" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nchildren, while efficacy in adults is less clear. A Cochrane review estimates a reduction in cavities when water fluoridation was used by children who had no access to other sources of fluoride to be 35% in baby teeth and 26% in permanent teeth. The evidence quality was poor. Most European countries have experienced substantial declines in tooth decay without its use, however milk and salt fluoridation is widespread. Recent studies suggest that water fluoridation, particularly in industrialized nations, may be unnecessary because topical fluorides (such as in toothpaste)", "id": "1723308" }, { "contents": "Dental fluorosis\n\n\nthan optimal amounts of fluoride in early childhood; that it is safe to use fluoridated water to mix infant formula; and that the probability of babies developing fluorosis can be reduced by using ready-to-feed infant formula or using water that is either free of fluoride or low in fluoride to prepare powdered or liquid concentrate formula. They go on to say that the way to get the benefits of fluoride but minimize the risk of fluorosis for a child is to get the right amount of fluoride, not too much and not", "id": "3680434" }, { "contents": "Restoration of the Everglades\n\n\nas Naples and Ft. Myers began to expand into the western Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp. Agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were responsible for maintaining the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, yet still approved 99% of all permits to build in wetlands and panther territory. A limited genetic pool is also a danger. Biologists introduced eight female Texas cougars (\"Puma concolor\") in 1995 to diversify genes, and there are between 80 and 120 panthers in the", "id": "14336254" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nserved by a piped water supply. Fluoridation was introduced into Brazil in 1953, was regulated by federal law starting in 1974, and by 2004 was used by 71% of the population. In the Republic of Ireland, fluoridation was legislated in 1960, and after a constitutional challenge the two major cities of Dublin and Cork began it in 1964; fluoridation became required for all sizeable public water systems and by 1996 reached 66% of the population. In other locations, fluoridation was used and then discontinued: in Kuopio, Finland", "id": "1723369" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in the United States\n\n\nAs with some other countries, water fluoridation in the United States is a contentious issue. As of May 2000, 42 of the 50 largest U.S. cities had water fluoridation. On January 25, 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first community in the United States to fluoridate its drinking water to prevent tooth decay. Fluoridation became an official policy of the U.S. Public Health Service by 1951, and by 1960 water fluoridation had become widely used in the U.S., reaching about 50 million people. By 2006, 69.2%", "id": "21987269" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in the United States\n\n\nbetween health problems and widespread water fluoridation. To date, no federal appellate court or state court of last resort (i.e., state supreme court) has found water fluoridation to be unlawful. A flurry of cases were heard in numerous state courts across the U.S. in the 1950s during the early years of water fluoridation. State courts consistently held in favor of allowing fluoridation to continue, analogizing fluoridation to mandatory vaccination and the use of other chemicals to clean the public water supply, both of which had a long-standing history of", "id": "21987288" }, { "contents": "Compounds of fluorine\n\n\nphase and lower than expected pressure in the gas phase. Hydrogen fluoride does not boil until 20 °C in contrast to the heavier hydrogen halides which boil between −85 °C and −35 °C (−120 °F and –30 °F). HF is fully miscible with water (will dissolve in any proportion), while the other hydrogen halides have large solubility gaps with water. Hydrogen fluoride and water also form several compounds in the solid state, most notably a 1:1 compound that does not melt until −40 °C", "id": "21755152" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nthe water: sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, or sodium fluorosilicate. These compounds were chosen for their solubility, safety, availability, and low cost. A 1992 census found that, for U.S. public water supply systems reporting the type of compound used, 63% of the population received water fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid, 28% with sodium fluorosilicate, and 9% with sodium fluoride. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed recommendations for water fluoridation that specify requirements for personnel, reporting, training, inspection, monitoring, surveillance", "id": "1723317" }, { "contents": "Tipu Aziz\n\n\nresearch have \"distanced themselves\" from Aziz's remarks. Clive Page, a researcher at the University of London, said: \"I don't think we can justify using animals for cosmetics research. [Prof Aziz], like myself and a few others who talk out about this have worked very hard to try and explain to the public why we do medical research on animals and why it's still necessary. To muddy the waters by bringing back an issue of using animals for something that’s not actually approved in the", "id": "2689220" }, { "contents": "Molybdenum\n\n\n-resistant coating for other metals. Although its melting point is , molybdenum rapidly oxidizes at temperatures above making it better-suited for use in vacuum environments. TZM (Mo (~99%), Ti (~0.5%), Zr (~0.08%) and some C) is a corrosion-resisting molybdenum superalloy that resists molten fluoride salts at temperatures above . It has about twice the strength of pure Mo, and is more ductile and more weldable, yet in tests it resisted corrosion of a standard eutectic salt (FLiBe", "id": "19379605" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\n25% of cavities in young permanent teeth, and its effectiveness is improved if higher concentrations of fluoride are used, or if the toothbrushing is supervised. Fluoride mouthwash and gel are about as effective as fluoride toothpaste; fluoride varnish prevents about 45% of cavities. By comparison, brushing with a nonfluoride toothpaste has little effect on cavities. The effectiveness of salt fluoridation is about the same as that of water fluoridation, if most salt for human consumption is fluoridated. Fluoridated salt reaches the consumer in salt at home, in meals", "id": "1723350" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nare widely used, and caries rates have become low. Although fluoridation can cause dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of developing teeth or enamel fluorosis, the differences are mild and usually not considered to be of aesthetic or public health concern. There is no clear evidence of other adverse effects from water fluoridation. Fluoride's effects depend on the total daily intake of fluoride from all sources. Drinking water is typically the largest source; other methods of fluoride therapy include fluoridation of toothpaste, salt, and milk. The views", "id": "1723309" }, { "contents": "Remineralisation of teeth\n\n\nfluorapatite, rather than the natural hydroxyapatite. Both materials are made of calcium. In fluorapatite, fluoride takes the place of a hydroxide. The presence of fluoride in saliva and plaque fluid interacts with remineralisation process in many ways and thus exerts a topical or surface effect. A person living in an area with fluoridated water may experience rises of fluoride concentration in saliva to about 0.04 mg/L several times during a day. Technically, this fluoride does not prevent cavities but rather controls the rate at which they develop making them take", "id": "5241275" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\nof dental fluorosis. In areas without fluoridated drinking water, these rinses are recommended for children. Many brands of topical fluoride exist. They are not recommended if a person is drinking water that already contains sufficient fluoride. There are several types of professionally-applied fluoride gels and foams on the market. The types of professionally-applied fluoride gels include 2.0% neutral sodium fluoride and 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride. 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride gel or foam is used for patients without tooth-colored restorations, while 2.0% neutral", "id": "2611305" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\ncommunity-wide. The World Health Organization states water fluoridation, when feasible and culturally acceptable, has substantial advantages, especially for subgroups at high risk, while the European Commission finds no advantage to water fluoridation compared with topical use. FDI World Dental Federation supports water fluoridation as safe and effective. the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, and the national dental associations of Australia, Canada, and the U.S. The American Dental Association calls water fluoridation \"one of the safest and most beneficial, cost-effective public health measures for preventing", "id": "18456472" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nresult of the vote was 50.3% voting against fluoridation. The regional council honored the vote, and over forty years of fluoridation in the city of Waterloo ended in November. In 2011, Calgary city council voted 10–3 to stop adding fluoride to the city's drinking water, having started water fluoridation in 1991. A research project has been planned to study the effects of Calgary's cessation, using Edmonton as a control. Lakeshore and Amherstberg have voted to end water fluoridation. Hamilton, London, and Toronto have recently chosen to", "id": "19366098" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nin the U.S., reaching about 50 million people. By 2006, 69.2% of the U.S. population on public water systems were receiving fluoridated water, amounting to 61.5% of the total U.S. population; 3.0% of the population on public water systems were receiving naturally occurring fluoride. In some other countries the pattern was similar. New Zealand, which led the world in per-capita sugar consumption and had the world's worst teeth, began fluoridation in 1953, and by 1968 fluoridation was used by 65% of the population", "id": "1723368" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation controversy\n\n\nand plants; consumption of plants grown in fluoridated water; air emissions; and equipment noise. Reviews have shown that water fluoridation reduces cavities in children. A conclusion for the efficacy in adults is less clear with some reviews finding benefit and others not. Studies in the U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s showed that water fluoridation reduced childhood cavities by fifty to sixty percent, while studies in 1989 and 1990 showed lower reductions (40% and 18% respectively), likely due to increasing use of fluoride from other sources, notably", "id": "18456483" }, { "contents": "Banksia oblongifolia\n\n\nsame study area showed that \"B. oblongifolia\" can grow longer roots seeking water than other wet heath species and that seedlings can establish in dry heath, but it is as yet unclear why the species does not grow in dry heath as well as wet heath. Unlike similar situations with \"Banksia\" species in Western Australia, the two species did not appear to impact negatively on each other. Conrad Loddiges and his sons wrote of \"Banksia oblongifolia\" in volume 3 of their work \"The Botanical Cabinet\" in 1818,", "id": "1891786" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nthe City of Basel, and salt fluoridation in the rest of Switzerland (around 83% of domestic salt sold had fluoride added). However it became increasingly difficult to keep the two programs separate. As a result, some of the population of Basel were assumed to use both fluoridated salt and fluoridated water. In order to correct the situation, in April 2003 the Grand Council of Basel-Stadt resolved to cease water fluoridation and expand salt fluoridation to Basel. Around 10% of the population of the United Kingdom receives fluoridated", "id": "19366091" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nera before fluoridated toothpaste was commonly used. This led to the \"Health (Fluoridation of Water Supplies) Act\" 1960, which mandated compulsory fluoridation by local authorities. The statutory instruments made in 1962–65 under the 1960 Act were separate for each local authority, setting the level of fluoride in drinking water to 0.8–1.0 ppm. The current regulations date from 2007, and set the level to 0.6–0.8 ppm, with a target value of 0.7 ppm. Implementation of fluoridation was held up by preliminary dental surveying and water testing, and a", "id": "19366082" }, { "contents": "Tooth decay\n\n\nspat out. Many dental professionals include application of topical fluoride solutions as part of routine visits and recommend the use of xylitol and amorphous calcium phosphate products. Silver diamine fluoride may work better than fluoride varnish to prevent cavities. Systemic fluoride is found as lozenges, tablets, drops and water fluoridation. These are ingested orally to provide fluoride systemically. Water fluoridation has been shown to be beneficial to prevent tooth decay, especially in low social economical areas, where other forms of fluoride is not available. However, a Cochrane systematic review", "id": "20265700" }, { "contents": "Fluoridation by country\n\n\nfree filtered water. Rotary International Club, Saratoga USA, helped to install 3 RO Plants in rural Alleppey. , there are 14,132 habitations in 19 States still containing fluoride above the permissible levels in drinking water. Rajasthan has the highest number of habitations (7,670) with high amount of fluoride in drinking water. Telangana has 1174, Karnataka has 1122 and Madhya Pradesh has 1055 habitation. Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh also has such habitations. The government of India", "id": "19366065" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\neffective means of achieving fluoride exposure that is community-wide. The European Commission review states \"No obvious advantage appears in favour of water fluoridation compared with topical prevention\". Other fluoride therapies are also effective in preventing tooth decay; they include fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash, gel, and varnish, and fluoridation of salt and milk. Dental sealants are effective as well, with estimates of prevented cavities ranging from 33% to 86%, depending on age of sealant and type of study. Fluoride toothpaste is the most widely used", "id": "1723348" }, { "contents": "Dental fluorosis\n\n\nother fluoride sources, such as swallowing fluoridated toothpaste, consuming food with a high fluoride content, or consuming fluoride supplements. The use of fluoride supplements as a prevention for tooth decay is rare in areas with water fluoridation, but was recommended by many dentists in the UK until the early 1990s. In November 2006 the American Dental Association published information stating that water fluoridation is safe, effective and healthy; that enamel fluorosis, usually mild and difficult for anyone except a dental health care professional to see, can result from ingesting more", "id": "3680433" }, { "contents": "Fluoride therapy\n\n\ntypes of fluoride therapy. Fluoridated lozenges may contain about 1 mg fluoride each, and are meant to be held in the mouth and sucked. The dissolved lozenge is swallowed slowly, so the use of lozenges is both a topical and a systemic therapy. A 1955 study comparing the effects of fluoride lozenges and fluoride pills provided clear evidence early that fluoride acts topically. Medical fluoride supplements in the form of tablets, lozenges, or liquids (including fluoride-vitamin preparations) are used primarily for children in areas without fluoridated drinking water", "id": "2611313" }, { "contents": "Niobium\n\n\nsolubilities of the complex niobium and tantalum fluorides, dipotassium oxypentafluoroniobate monohydrate (K[NbOF]·HO) and dipotassium heptafluorotantalate (K[TaF]) in water. Newer processes use the liquid extraction of the fluorides from aqueous solution by organic solvents like cyclohexanone. The complex niobium and tantalum fluorides are extracted separately from the organic solvent with water and either precipitated by the addition of potassium fluoride to produce a potassium fluoride complex, or precipitated with ammonia as the pentoxide: Followed by: Several methods are used for the reduction to metallic niobium. The electrolysis of a", "id": "1589592" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation in the United States\n\n\nto correlate with the concentration of 1 mg/L. In 1937, dentists Henry Klein and Carroll E. Palmer had considered the possibility of fluoridation to prevent cavities after their evaluation of data gathered by a Public Health Service team at dental examinations of Native American children. In a series of papers published afterwards (1937–1941), yet disregarded by his colleagues within the U.S.P.H.S., Klein summarized his findings on tooth development in children and related problems in epidemiological investigations on caries prevalence. In 1939, Dr. Gerald J. Cox conducted laboratory tests using rats", "id": "21987278" }, { "contents": "Water fluoridation\n\n\nmaximum daily air temperature; the optimal level is lower in warmer climates, where people drink more water, and is higher in cooler climates. These standards are not appropriate for all parts of the world, where fluoride levels might be excessive and fluoride should be removed from water, and is based on assumptions that have become obsolete with the rise of air conditioning and increased use of soft drinks, processed food, fluoridated toothpaste, and other sources of fluorides. In 2011 the World Health Organization stated that 1.5 mg/L should", "id": "1723321" } ]
How astrology works.
[{"answer": "Astrology as a 'science' is complete bunk. It has no basis whatosever in solid science fields like statistics. There's actually **no** science behind it, not even junk science. But astrology AS A BUSINESS, where it's all about making money works, largely by offering some \"wish fulfilment\", and that part has a basis in science fields like behavioural psychology. Most people wish to know more about their future. Many of them want to believe there's something out there that can help them know that future, and some of them are gullible and have money to spend. Astrology fits nicely in here. There's also a little entertainment value in it for some. Astrology can provide some minor amusement and distraction for folks as well. So there's customers out there for astrology despite it being complete bunk. And that's why there's still astrology columns in a lot of lower-quality newspapers out there."}, {"answer": "No. Astrology is 100% bullshit. And that's ALL astrology, there are dozens of different kinds, each with its own contradicting sets of rules. Most astrologies are based on real observations of the motions of the heavens, but typically, these observations were made centuries, even millennia ago, and are not very accurate. For example the 12-sign astrology used most often in the west is based on the Sun being in a certain constellation at the moment of your birth. But because of various factors, those points have drifted over time, and today, your astrological sign is no longer the *actual* constellation the Sun was in when you were born. As far as horoscopes go, they use vague, generalized statements that apply to just about everybody. So no matter what your sign is, most of the the stuff you read will seem to be written specifically for you (and you'll just forget the parts that don't apply to you). Do this: have somebody cut the zodiac signs off a bunch of horoscope stuff, then read through them and see if you can identify which one is \"your sign.\" Spoiler alert: you can't. All of them will contain stuff that sounds familiar, all of them will contain stuff that's not quite right. \"Real\" horoscopes, ones written by an astrologer for a specific person, are already bullshit, but newspaper horoscopes aren't even up to THAT level, some bored intern just cranks out a truckload of standard feel-good aphorisms at random. James Randi, the famous paranormal debunker, used to do a cool demonstration with school classes. The students were told that a famous astrologer was going to come and do their horoscopes for them, so they were asked to write down all the specific details about their birth they could: date, time, place, etc. It was emphasized that they needed to be as precise as possible (which is what we call \"selling the con\"). So a few days later, Randi \"the astrologer\" shows up, and hands out the \"personalized horoscopes.\" The students read them, and then are asked to rate them for accuracy. Overwhelmingly, the horoscopes are rated as exceptionally accurate, dead-bang on. Then Randi tells everybody to swap horoscopes with the person next to them. Yup: every single horoscope was identical."}, {"answer": "Astrology is made up. The only 'science' behind it is that of astronomy. Some astrologers will take notice of where the planets actually are, but their position does not affect us as humans in the way they like to make out."}, {"answer": "Astrology as we know it is bunk. Due to the way the Earth's orbit shifts slightly over the centuries even if it were 100% true, the stars are no longer in the same precise alignments. Though there are some theories on how it may have worked for a pre-refrigeration, pre-global transit Greece. For example, consider a woman giving birth to a Virgo, it's in September so the fetus likely developed during the summer months with the mother receiving plenty of sun shine, with good nutrition due to the availability of fruits, etc. The developing baby would then experience some nutritional deficiency due to the coming of winter. This isn't enough to determine someone's personality, but it is enough to shift probabilities. So the actual stars are irrelevant, what it was tracking was just the seasons and dates. Of course we now live in a society where you can get South American Oranges in December or just put those Strawberries on ice until you want em, so none of it is relevant anymore, particularly if you live in a tropical/southern hemisphere location."}, {"answer": "Astrology works because the human brain has a tendency to recognize patterns where none exist - pareidolia. Such tendencies vary from person to person. In its most extreme form it's called schizophrenia. Astrology is based on the traditional belief that the stars influence terrestrial events and that understanding celestial movements can help us predict the future. Although this may seem like complete bunkum to us in the 21st century, its interesting that astrology was almost universally believed in ancient times and arose in many different cultures. The stars in the night sky must have seemed to hold the explanation for everything to more primitive peoples. Astrologers were revered and even kings took their advice seriously. For example, Elizabeth I's closest consultant was the royal astrologer John Dee. And many early mathematicians, such as Leonhard Euler and Carl Friedrich Gauss, were famous not for the fact they created whole new mathematical fields but because they were able to predict the movements of the stars by numeric calculations."}, {"answer": "It is made up, it relates to the Barnum effect or the Forer effect, the self-serving bias and lack of a sceptical outlook enables this to work - URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "60757453", "title": "Islam and astrology", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Astrology refers to the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. Islamic jurisprudence, the Quran, the Hadith, Ijma (scholarly consensus) and Qiyas (analogy) layout the guidelines for the stance that Islam takes on the concept of Astrology. The determination on the concept is further subdivided into that which is either halal (permissible) or haram (forbidden). Astrology has been an ever-present force in Islamic history and culture since the 8th Century. Within Islamic belief systems there exist opinions which both agree and disagree with the concept of celestial beings (including stars, moons and galaxies) having an impact/influence on life forms. Whilst a vast majority of Islamic sects and scholars embody the belief that Astrology is fundamentally forbidden as per the authorities encapsulated in the Quran and Hadith, there remain some scholars which take the view that abstract forms of astrology have permeated in the worldly realm and that there thus exists a means by which the celestial beings have had some role in influencing historical events.", "Astrology refers to the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world", "Astrology refers to the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jewish views on astrology\n\n\ntreatise on astronomy which rejected astrology. Rabbi Abraham ben David of Posquières asserted the influence of the stars upon destiny, while also contending that by faith in God man may overcome this influence. Gersonides believed that astrology was real, and developed a naturalistic, non-supernatural explanation of how it works. For Gersonides, astrology was: founded on the metaphysical doctrine of the dependence of all earthly occurrences upon the heavenly world. The general connection imparted to the prophet by the active intellect is the general order of the astrological constellation.", "id": "16927866" }, { "contents": "Uttara Kalamrita\n\n\nto Madhava Vidyaranya, but the next clearly states that the author was condensing the work of Vyasachala (17th century) and that he was called Abhinava Kalidasa. Possibly the author of Uttara Kalamrita is the same one. The Uttara Kalamrita contains a wealth of astrological principles which are derived from earlier works on astrology namely Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Brihat Jataka & Phaladeepika. 1. Detailed information regarding the how to perform nakshatra rectification, how to calculate the position of Mandi and Gullika, the situation of the place of birth of the", "id": "3421244" }, { "contents": "Paulus Alexandrinus\n\n\nintact. Contemporaneous with Paulus, an anonymous writer had produced a \"Treatise on the Fixed Stars\" in 379 AD, which is our best record of how practical astrologers of the Roman period after Ptolemy dealt with stars in the context of the astrological chart; a few decades later came three books (\"Apotelesmatika\") by the Egyptian Hephaistio of Thebes (415 AD) integrating Ptolemy with earlier traditions. In the several hundred years following Paulus and Hephaistio, there continued to be an active astrological tradition, some works of which", "id": "11003827" }, { "contents": "Islam and astrology\n\n\n. Where both Masha Allah and Al Hashimi draw upon similarities however is their inherent stance in pointing to the planets, stars and other celestial beings as being the primary means by which divine rule is exercised i.e. how God emanates control over all life forms. The vast criticism received by individuals such as Al Hashimi led such figures to suggest that determination of astrological claims could be computed without any interference with religion. The work of Al Hashimi nevertheless points to the inherent presence of astrology in early Islam. Many interpretations of the Quran (", "id": "13633849" }, { "contents": "Confessions (Augustine)\n\n\n. Nonetheless, it does provide an unbroken record of his development of thought and is the most complete record of any single person from the 4th and 5th centuries. It is a significant theological work, featuring spiritual meditations and insights. In the work, Augustine writes about how much he regrets having led a sinful and immoral life. He discusses his regrets for following the Manichaean religion and believing in astrology. He writes about Nebridius's role in helping to persuade him that astrology was not only incorrect but evil, and Saint Ambrose", "id": "83152" }, { "contents": "Joni Patry\n\n\nAstrology, an online certification program teaching Vedic Astrology consisting of six semesters each year. Patry has written several books and articles on the topics of spirituality and astrology. Her book \"Eastern Astrology for Western Minds: A Compilation of Neo-Vedic Astrology\" () is a complete manual to learn Vedic astrology. In 2013, it was translated into Turkish, where she spends one month each year teaching and doing readings. She has also written \"How To Make Money Using Astrology\" (2011), \"Awaken to The", "id": "21758603" }, { "contents": "Astrology\n\n\none area, judicial astrology, with an account of how to find the ascendant or rising sign. In the fifteenth century, references to astrology, such as with similes, became \"a matter of course\" in English literature. In the sixteenth century, John Lyly's 1597 play, \"The Woman in the Moon\", is wholly motivated by astrology, while Christopher Marlowe makes astrological references in his plays \"Doctor Faustus\" and \"Tamburlaine\" (both c. 1590), and Sir Philip Sidney refers to astrology at", "id": "1847956" }, { "contents": "Clock\n\n\nclocks were intended for two main purposes: for signalling and notification (e.g. the timing of services and public events), and for modeling the solar system. The former purpose is administrative, the latter arises naturally given the scholarly interests in astronomy, science, astrology, and how these subjects integrated with the religious philosophy of the time. The astrolabe was used both by astronomers and astrologers, and it was natural to apply a clockwork drive to the rotating plate to produce a working model of the solar system. Simple clocks intended", "id": "6482698" }, { "contents": "Psychological astrology\n\n\na process of lifelong conditioning, where individuals are predisposed to present individualized needs to the environment. ... This process identifies how we act, who we are, and how we fit into the world. Fulfilling destiny, in modern terms, is fulfilling needs.\" While psychological astrology brings a transpersonal dimension and spiritual notions to psychology by linking the psyche to the Cosmos, psychological astrology is \"decidedly not deterministic\". Nor is an individual's everyday life ruled by malefic or benefic planets as the horoscope is considered a mere tool", "id": "12994163" }, { "contents": "Astrology and science\n\n\nhave been characterised as doing so \"in spite of the fact that there is no verified scientific basis for their beliefs, and indeed that there is strong evidence to the contrary\". Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson commented on astrological belief, saying that \"part of knowing how to think is knowing how the laws of nature shape the world around us. Without that knowledge, without that capacity to think, you can easily become a victim of people who seek to take advantage of you\". The continued belief in astrology despite its", "id": "13023693" }, { "contents": "William Delbert Gann\n\n\nhe used planetary cycles to make predictions in the coffee market. Even though it is often debated that whether Gann used astrology to time the market, it is found that many “natural dates” described in Gann's \"How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities\" coincided with recurring astrological themes. Below are some more examples in the Wheat market in \"How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities.\" All the important tops and bottoms are associated with astrological patterns. Please note that, although the book was published in 1941,", "id": "14192338" }, { "contents": "Astrology software\n\n\nmicrocomputers available to the general public in the late 1970s. In 1978, Erlewine founded Matrix Software, and in 1980 he published a book with all the algorithms and data required for owners of microcomputers to make their own complete astrological programs. At first, astrology software was opposed by American astrologers who did not approve of computers in their field. However, acceptance grew as it became clear how more efficient and profitable such software could be. A few hundred fixed-purpose astrology computers were made, one of which was used by", "id": "16352331" }, { "contents": "Astrological age\n\n\nrelationship to precession of the equinoxes and the retrograde order of the astrological ages, there are alternative, esoteric, innovative, fringe and newly expressed ideas about the astrological ages which have not established credibility in the wider astrological community or amongst archeoastronomers. Terry MacKinnell has developed an alternative approach to calibrating precession of the equinoxes to determine the Astrological Age. His major point of departure from the traditional modern approach is how he applies the vernal equinox to the zodiacal constellations. Instead of referring to the position of the Sun at the vernal equinox", "id": "19188460" }, { "contents": "Gersonides\n\n\nreflected light of the Sun. Gersonides was also the earliest known mathematician to have used the technique of mathematical induction in a systematic and self-conscious fashion and anticipated Galileo's error theory. The lunar crater Rabbi Levi is named after him. Gersonides believed that astrology was real, and developed a naturalistic, non-supernatural explanation of how it works. Julius Guttman explained that for Gersonides, astrology was: Gersonides is the only astronomer before modern times to have estimated correctly stellar distances. Whereas all other astronomers put the stars on", "id": "15652198" }, { "contents": "Johannes Kepler\n\n\n\"harmony,\" the numerological relationships among music, mathematics and the physical world, and their astrological consequences. By assuming the Earth to possess a soul (a property he would later invoke to explain how the sun causes the motion of planets), he established a speculative system connecting astrological aspects and astronomical distances to weather and other earthly phenomena. By 1599, however, he again felt his work limited by the inaccuracy of available data—just as growing religious tension was also threatening his continued employment in Graz. In December", "id": "15696820" }, { "contents": "Sade Sati\n\n\n-placed in bad houses, he may face challenges that reflect this bad placement. However, there's another school of astrology that believes that though the sadesati period is challenging, it is not as damaging as many astrologers claim and that many people achieve a lot of success during the period of Sadesati. For example Jawaharlal Nehru became prime minister of India in his Sade Sati. Saturn, the karaka for hard work, discipline, old age and authority, will show results based on how the individual has lived his/her", "id": "2040614" }, { "contents": "Psychic reading\n\n\nof expertise. Some of the more common readings include Tarot reading, email psychic reading, palm reading, psychometry, aura readings, or astrological readings. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. The position of the stars, planets, sun and moon when one is born are believed to have affect one's personality, shape how relationships work in one's life and predict future events such as one's economic success. Aura readings", "id": "22001394" }, { "contents": "Marcelo Ramos Motta\n\n\nAstral Journey, Example. How to Do It, How to Verify your Experiences; ● Letter 18 - The Importance of Our Conventional Greetings, Etc.; ● Letter 19 - The Act of Truth; ● Letter 20 - The Talismans: The Lamen; The Pantacle; ● Letter 21 - My Theory of Astrology; ● Letter 22 - How to Learn the Practice of Astrology; ● Letter 23 - Improvising a Temple; ● Letter 24 - Necromancy and Spiritism; ● Letter 25 - Fascinations, Invisibility, Levitation, Transmutations", "id": "18875844" }, { "contents": "Planets in astrology\n\n\nhave tended to retain the ancient seven-planet system. Meanings have had to be assigned to them by modern astrologers, usually according to the major events that occurred in the world at the time of their discovery. As these astrologers are usually Western, the social and historical events they describe have an inevitable Western emphasis. Astrologers consider the \"extra-Saturnian\" planets to be \"impersonal\" or generational planets, meaning their effects are felt more across whole generations of society. Their effects in individuals depend upon how strongly they", "id": "10239342" }, { "contents": "Astrology and science\n\n\nto predict the existence of Neptune based on mistakes in horoscopes. Instead Neptune was predicted using Newton's law of universal gravitation. The grafting on of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto into the astrology discourse was done on an \"ad hoc\" basis. On the demotion of Pluto to the status of dwarf planet, Philip Zarka of the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France wondered how astrologers should respond: Astrology has been criticised for failing to provide a physical mechanism that links the movements of celestial bodies to their purported effects on human behaviour", "id": "13023724" }, { "contents": "History of astrology\n\n\ndescribes how the gods revealed to him in a dream the constellations that would be most favourable for the planned construction of a temple. However, controversy attends the question of whether they were genuinely recorded at the time or merely ascribed to ancient rulers by posterity. The oldest undisputed evidence of the use of astrology as an integrated system of knowledge is therefore attributed to the records that emerge from the first dynasty of Mesopotamia (1950-1651 BC). Babylonian astrology was the first organized system of astrology, arising in the 2nd millennium", "id": "7119634" }, { "contents": "Matthew 2:2\n\n\nmany at the time would have thought it unthinkable that a messiah would have been born without such stellar portents. The reference to the star makes it likely the magi were astrologers. Some Christians have had difficulty with this as elsewhere in the Bible astrology is condemned, a view shared by most Christian churches. France argues that the passage is not an endorsement of astrology but rather an illustration of how God takes care in \"meeting individuals where they are\". Keener notes that astrology was ubiquitous in the Roman world of this period", "id": "8393146" }, { "contents": "Traditional ecological knowledge\n\n\nnotion of how the world works for many cultures. This cam vary greatly from one culture to the next. In the U.S for example, there are over 577 federally recognized tribes with their own culture, languages and belief system. Many of these are interconnected with the land and astrology.(add cite) The combination relates to the assumptions and beliefs about how things work, and explains the way in which things are connected, and gives principles that regulate human-animal relations and the role of humans in the world. From an anthropological", "id": "11572126" }, { "contents": "Planetary Stock Trading\n\n\nPlanetary Stock Trading is a book written by a financial astrologer and fund manager Bill Meridian. It is a manual on how to spot stock market winners by their first trade horoscopes and their astrological transits. Meridian makes use of several concepts in the book which are not common in traditional astrology, including the use of declinations, the inclusion of asteroids and hypothetical planets, and the study of first trade charts instead of incorporation charts. Traditionally, when predicting a company’s share price, most astrologers use the incorporation dates of the company", "id": "22070050" }, { "contents": "Eclipses: Astronomically and Astrologically Considered and Explained\n\n\nEclipses: Astronomically and Astrologically Considered and Explained (1915) is an astrological text by famous English astrologer Dr Walter Gorn Old, otherwise known as Sepharial. The purpose of the book is to teach the readers how to predict world events with solar and lunar eclipses. There are two core ideas provided in this book: Here are two example from the book. The first one is the Balkan War started in 1912, which was just three years before the book was published. Sepharial thought that it was related to a solar eclipse", "id": "22129436" }, { "contents": "Strauss–Howe generational theory\n\n\nevidence for their claims, and the authors' view that generational groupings are far more powerful than other social groupings such as economic class, race, sex, religion and political parties. According to \"The New York Times\", many academic historians dismiss the work of Strauss & Howe as \"about as scientific as astrology or a Nostradamus text.\" Strauss-Howe generational theory has been described by some historians and journalists as a \"pseudoscience\" and \"an elaborate historical horoscope that will never withstand scholarly scrutiny.\" William", "id": "20953421" }, { "contents": "List of Calderón's plays in English translation\n\n\nin the table below). Though the ultimate source of John Dryden's \"An Evening's Love; or, The Mock Astrologer\" (1668) is Calderón's \"El Astrologo Fingido\", scholars have not determined how much of his writing (if any) is based directly on Calderón, how much on Thomas Corneille's \"Le Feint Astrologue\" (a French translation of Calderón's work, which Dryden also acknowledges as a source), and how much on any of several other related French and English sources;", "id": "7088358" }, { "contents": "History of astrology\n\n\nexample, Dante's \"Divine Comedy\" builds varied references to planetary associations within his described architecture of Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, (such as the seven layers of Purgatory's mountain purging the seven cardinal sins that correspond to astrology's seven classical planets). Similar astrological allegories and planetary themes are pursued through the works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer's astrological passages are particularly frequent and knowledge of astrological basics is often assumed through his work. He knew enough of his period's astrology and astronomy to write a \"Treatise on", "id": "7119665" }, { "contents": "Magi Astrology\n\n\nMagi Astrology is a system of astrology introduced to the public by the Magi Society, its originator, through its three books published from 1995-1999. The Magi Society is an international association of astrologers. Magi Astrology is one of the various recognized techniques used by astrologers for interpreting charts. The basic principles of Magi Astrology were initially published in 1995 in the book \"Astrology Really Works!\" and further elaborated in the subsequent titles \"The Magi Society Ephemeris (1950–1999) Including Secrets of Magi Astrology\" (1996) and", "id": "11717097" }, { "contents": "John Addey (astrologer)\n\n\nas \"which is the best system (Eastern or Western) in astrology, what is the correct house system, where is the cusp of a house, the delineations in 'good' and 'bad' aspects or 'good\" and 'bad' signs.\" The review suggests that harmonics could throw a new light on such questions, but concludes that \"what John Addey wrote is only the seed. The theory of harmonics in astrology needs more research and development in order to see how can be better applied in", "id": "14580057" }, { "contents": "Orb (astrology)\n\n\nIn astrology, the orb is how much an angle made by two points differs from the exactness of an aspect. A trine, for instance, is 120 degrees. If two points were 123 degrees apart, they would be said to be in a trine with an orb of 3 degrees. It is generally held in astrological delineation that the larger the orb, the less powerful the aspect's effect is. For example, if the sun is located in the sign Aquarius at 15 degrees and the moon is also going through", "id": "19031549" }, { "contents": "John Frawley (astrologer)\n\n\nor Classical branches of Astrology. He asserts that his practice is modern, but with deeper roots than those of modern astrology. The term \"The Real Astrology\" was coined by Frawley as a distinct term for the modern-day practice and application of traditional astrological methods. \"The Real Astrology\" was described in the Astrological Association Journal as \"a must for all serious astrologers\". It was followed by several further published works. All titles have been translated into several languages. In the late 1990s, Frawley regularly appeared", "id": "20004899" }, { "contents": "Tetrabiblos\n\n\ncircles of latitude known as the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn). Whereas other ancient astrological writers gave their emphasis to the astrological interpretation of such definitions (for example, in describing how tropical signs are indicative of quickly changing situations), Ptolemy's focus is notably different; given to the astronomical and philosophical factors that underlie the definitions rather than their astrological meaning in practice. Ptolemy explains that the definitions of the zodiac are not his own, but present \"the natural characters of the zodiacal signs, as they", "id": "4605948" }, { "contents": "Ascendant\n\n\nplace, to astrologers it signifies the individual environment and conditioning that a person receives during their upbringing, and also the circumstances of their childhood. For this reason astrologers believe that the ascendant is also concerned with how a person has learned to present themself to the world, especially in public and in impersonal situations. To astrologers, in some circumstances, it can function as a shield or mask to guard a person's real nature - in other words the 'defense mechanism' every person has to cope with unfamiliar or uncomfortable situations", "id": "6275256" }, { "contents": "Hephaestion of Thebes\n\n\nHephaestion, Hephaistion, or Hephaistio of Thebes (, \"Hēphaistíōn ho Thēbaĩos\") was a Hellenized Egyptian astrologer of late Antiquity who wrote a Greek treatise known as the \"Apotelesmatics\" or \"Apotelesmatika\" around  415. Much of the work appears to be an attempt to synthesize the earlier works of the 1st century astrologer Dorotheus of Sidon and the 2nd century astrologer Claudius Ptolemy. Hephaestion is seen mainly as one of the later compilers of the Hellenistic tradition of astrology since he mainly draws from earlier astrologers, including Antiochus of Athens", "id": "11129789" }, { "contents": "Christian Astrology\n\n\nChristian Astrology, written in 1647 by the English astrologer William Lilly, is considered to be one of the most important seminal works of Western astrology. William Lilly successively treats the rules of western astrology, horary astrology and 'nativities', about erecting and analysing a birth chart in natal astrology. He wrote the book when he was ill and had to stay at home. Running away from the plague in London, he spent a year in the countryside to study, reflect, and write \"Christian Astrology\". Lilly himself", "id": "15160988" }, { "contents": "List of asteroids in astrology\n\n\nto Vesta that was protected and not allowed to go out. Astrologers use Vesta to determine what it is that you are devoted to and how your sexuality will develop. Vesta, having been a protective virgin goddess is said by some to be an influencer of the sign Virgo, this is accepted by many in the astrological community, but many prefer to instead of calling the influence an outright rulership an \"affinity\" or simply do not support this claim. It also seems to bear influence over Scorpio. After the first four", "id": "16600261" }, { "contents": "Astrology in medieval Islam\n\n\n\") spoke of how '\"only by observing the great diversity of planetary motions can we comprehend the unnumbered varieties of change in this world\". The \"Introductorium\" was one of the first books to find its way in translation through Spain and into Europe in the Middle Ages, and was highly influential in the revival of astrology and astronomy there. Persians also combined the disciplines of medicine and astrology by linking the curative properties of herbs with specific zodiac signs and planets. Mars, for instance, was considered hot and", "id": "9833770" }, { "contents": "Alan Leo\n\n\nAlan Leo, born William Frederick Allan, (Westminster, 7 August 1860 – Bude, 30 August 1917), was a prominent British astrologer, author, publisher, astrological data collector and theosophist. He is often referred to as \"the father of modern astrology\". His work stimulated a revival of astrology in the Western world after its decline at the end of the 17th century. Leo was a devout theosophist and he worked many of its religious concepts such as karma and reincarnation into his astrology. He used the Theosophical", "id": "2584564" }, { "contents": "William Lilly\n\n\nand has never gone totally out-of-print. It is considered one of the classic texts for the study of traditional astrology from the Middle Ages, in particular horary astrology, which is mainly concerned with predicting future events or investigating unknown elements of current affairs, based on an astrological chart cast for the time a particular question is asked of the astrologer. Worked examples of horary charts are found in Volume 2 of \"Christian Astrology\". He then began to issue his prophetical almanacs and other works, which met with", "id": "3008565" }, { "contents": "Olivia Barclay\n\n\nAstrology\" helped to spur a revival of interest in traditional astrology in the late 20th century. Her work stimulated the unearthing of techniques that had been lost in various cultural transitions since the Enlightenment and encouraged wider researches into the astrological traditions of the Babylonians, Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Arabs, Western medieval and Renaissance practitioners. As part of her work as a professional astrologer, Barclay taught horary astrology, and she founded the Qualified Horary Practitioner (\"QHP\") correspondence course. This consisted of twelve lessons, the last", "id": "4604854" }, { "contents": "Astrological Association of Great Britain\n\n\nsomething over a thousand\". In 2013 the organisation was awarded charity status and the name was legally changed to 'The Astrological Association'. The aims of the Astrological Association are: the advancement of education of the public by the critical study of astrology in all its branches; to encourage and draw together all students of astrology; to enlarge and integrate the knowledge of astrology; to co-ordinate and publish results as desirable and generally work for the more widespread understanding of astrology. It holds events and seminars throughout the year", "id": "3870243" }, { "contents": "Tetrabiblos\n\n\nhave been handed down by tradition\". His approach finds elegant expression where he is demonstrating the logic of schematic arrangements (such as the philosophical principles behind the planetary rulership of signs), but is noted to convey detachment in regard to the elements of astrology that are not so obviously plausible. This can be seen in the way that Ptolemy avoids going into detail on the facets of astrology that rely on mythological, or symbolic associations, and how he is willing to outline the reasoning behind conflicting astrological proposals without revealing any personal", "id": "4605949" }, { "contents": "Cosmos and Psyche\n\n\n, reflecting the dominant trend in contemporary astrological theory, the planets do not \"cause\" specific events any more than the hands on a clock \"cause\" a specific time. Rather, the planetary positions are indicative of the cosmic state or archetypal dynamics at that time. In \"Inside Bay Area\", Esther Fields opined that \"...[n]ot only does it challenge modern assumptions about how the world works, but it also points the way toward a new way of understanding your place in the cosmos...and shows how", "id": "10207888" }, { "contents": "Derivative house\n\n\nIn astrology, a derivative house describes the affairs of a house when you turn the chart and is used in horary astrology. The houses in horary astrology charts mean the same as in the natal chart. For example, horary questions about boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives have the 7th house as the partner's significator, just like in your birth chart the 7th house relates to how you interact with your partner and long-term marriage/love-related stuff. Again, the meaning of each house is the same", "id": "1081695" }, { "contents": "Lois Rodden\n\n\nof Chart Comparison\"; \"Modern Transits\", and \"Money, How to Find it With Astrology\". Of her publication, she said (Data News, August 2001) Rodden was best known for avidly collecting exact data of births and times of public figures and celebrities. Lois Rodden applied her rating system to all the older US data she had collected. This came from astrological organizations – like The Church of Light – data collections – like Sabian Symbols– and the astrological magazines that were very popular during the 1930s", "id": "15882685" }, { "contents": "Lois Rodden\n\n\nand 1940s. It was a huge task. She collected thousands of data over many years that revealed just how undisciplined the astrological community was in the first half of the 20th-century. She emphasised the importance of calculating charts using time zones, time signatures, longitudes and latitude, deploring the tendency of many astrologers to use inaccurate or non-sourced information as an easy alternative to proper research. Rodden had high standards - she believed in a kind of public responsibility for the astrologer to choose \"clean \" (accurate)", "id": "15882686" }, { "contents": "The Astrologer who Fell into a Well\n\n\nLatin poet Gabriele Faerno also included the story of the stumbling astrologer in his collection \"Centum Fabulae\" (1554), but concluded with the more philosophical point, 'How can you understand the world without knowing yourself first?' As with several others, it was from this source that Jean de la Fontaine included the plot among his \"Fables\" (II.13). His poem is remarkable in confining the story to a mere four-line allusion before launching into a 45-line denunciation of astrology (with a side-swipe", "id": "3310460" }, { "contents": "Ophiuchus (astrology)\n\n\nwhich is dated to around 10 AD. The poem describes how: Based on the 1930 IAU constellation boundaries, suggestions that \"there are really 13 astrological signs\" because \"the Sun is in the sign of Ophiuchus\" between November 30 and December 18 have been published since at least the 1970s. In 1970, Stephen Schmidt in his \"Astrology 14\" advocated a 14-sign zodiac, introducing Ophiuchus (December 6 to December 31) and Cetus (May 12 to June 6) as new signs. Within 20th-century sidereal", "id": "3646725" }, { "contents": "Stephanus of Alexandria\n\n\n. Alchemical works. Scholars are divided as to whether or not these are authentic works of the same Stephen of Alexandria due to the style of writing. The translator, F. Sherwood Taylor accepts them as his. A compendium of alchemical texts including the poem \"De Chrysopoeia\" (On how to make gold) is extant in two manuscripts, Venice Cod. Marcianus 299 and Paris BNF 2327. Editions: 5. Astrological works. These also are apocryphal. 6. Other apocrypha include a 'Weissagungsbuch', a prophecy of", "id": "7384713" }, { "contents": "Robert Couteau\n\n\nbook \"The Astrology of Film: The Interface of Movies, Myth, and Archetype\", by Bill Streett and Jeffrey Kishner. In October 2006 The Mountain Astrologer featured a review of the complete text of \"The Role of the Least-Aspected Planet in Astrocartography. Planetary Symbolism in Astrocartography and Transcendental Astrology\". Other print magazines that have featured Couteau's work on the subject include \"Astrolore: The Astrology Magazine\", published in Poole, England, and the \"Celtic Astrologer: The Journal of the Dublin Astrological Centre", "id": "5948620" }, { "contents": "Brihat Jataka\n\n\nmakes one grasp the fundamentals of astrology. \"Brihat Jataka\" is considered a standard textbook on Vedic astrology, and sometimes described as \"India's foremost astrological text\". The work covers the wide and complex range of predictive astrology. The brevity employed in its composition is noteworthy. In an article titled \"On the Authenticity of the (Modern) Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra\" published in the July and August 2009 issues of \"The Astrological Magazine\", Bengaluru, the Vedic astrologer Shyamasundaradasa writes thatone was not considered a scholar", "id": "4104462" }, { "contents": "Ernest Norman\n\n\na science to me. Question: How about astrology? Reply: In some basic evaluation, astrology today is one of the derivatives which has been intermixed with a lot of other different elements in its metamorphosis or its evolution down through time. The basic astrology, or astrophysics, relating this world and universe to other universes was first taught by the Lemurians one hundred fifty thousand years ago. The opening chapter of Genesis states that the Lord made the earth in six days. The pagan in India and other places knows more about", "id": "16806079" }, { "contents": "Babylonian astrology\n\n\n672 BC shows how the ritualistic use of substitute kings, or substitute events, combined an unquestioning belief in magic and omens with a purely mechanical view that the astrological event must have some kind of correlate within the natural world: Ulla Koch-Westenholz, in her 1995 book \"Mesopotamian Astrology\", argues that this ambivalence between a theistic and mechanic worldview defines the Babylonian concept of celestial divination as one which, despite its heavy reliance on magic, remains free of implications of targeted punishment with the purpose of revenge, and so", "id": "17060323" }, { "contents": "Triplicity\n\n\nexamined for the middle of life; and the last third of life is evaluated by looking at the condition of the participating triplicity ruler. \"Participating\" rulers were not used after the Hellenistic period. In medieval systems of astrology, each essential dignity was given a different weight. Domicile rulers were given 5 points of weight; exaltation rulers were given 4 points; and triplicity rulers were assigned 3 points of weight. This gives some idea of how much power medieval astrologers accorded to each essential dignity. Traditional astrology also organizes triplicities", "id": "3888981" }, { "contents": "Tetrabiblos\n\n\nof the \"Tetrabiblos\" upon world culture continues to engage the attention of scholars of classical philosophy and the history of sciences in antiquity. It also maintains its position as an influential textbook for practitioners of modern western astrology, and English translations of the text were published by astrologers in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The early 20th-century Humanist astrologer Dane Rudhyar reported that the astrology of his era \"originated almost entirely in the work of the Alexandrian astrologer, Claudius Ptolemy\". Even 21st-century astrological textbooks have", "id": "4605914" }, { "contents": "Astrology and science\n\n\nThe effect is heightened when the individuals were aware that the personality description was being used to discuss astrology. Individuals who were not familiar with astrology had no such tendency. In 1953, sociologist Theodor W. Adorno conducted a study of the astrology column of a Los Angeles newspaper as part of a project that examined mass culture in capitalist society. Adorno believed that popular astrology, as a device, invariably led to statements that encouraged conformity—and that astrologers who went against conformity with statements that discouraged performance at work etc. risked losing", "id": "13023735" }, { "contents": "Locational astrology\n\n\nthese systems assume that the Greenwich Meridian in metropolitan London has a 0° Aries fixed local MC, leaving the various regions of the globe to correspond with the 12 signs of the zodiac. There are subtle differences between the system of Sepharial and Grimm which are not noticeable in many classical astrology methods, but may be noticeable in precision methods such as those of Uranian astrology or cosmobiology. The Sepharial system was later popularized by Canadian astrologer Chris McRae, and American astrologer Joyce Wehrman. The Canadian astrologer L. Edward Johndro also worked with", "id": "18298666" }, { "contents": "Charles E. O. Carter\n\n\nCharles Ernest Owen Carter (1887-1968) was an English astrologer and astrological writer. Generally regarded as one of the masters of astrology during his lifetime, Carter's work, especially his insistence on first principles, remains a powerful influence on astrology and astrologers to this day. He is chiefly known as the co-founder and first principal of the London Faculty of Astrological Studies (indeed it was his idea). He was born on 31 January 1887, at 11:01 p.m. GMT, in Parkstone, Poole, England.", "id": "7554533" }, { "contents": "Psychological astrology\n\n\n, Bruno Huber & Louise Huber also developed their own method of astrological psychology, referred to as the Huber Method which was influenced by Roberto Assagioli's work with psychosynthesis. In 1962, the Hubers founded the Huber School of Astrology and their work is now taught at the Astrological Psychology Association. Possibly the most widespread application of Jung's theories is through the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment developed during the Second World War. CPP Inc., the publisher of the MBTI instrument, calls it \"the world’s most", "id": "12994160" }, { "contents": "Astrology and science\n\n\nIslam, and most were torn down during or just after construction. The clear rejection of astrology in works of astronomy started in 1679, with the yearly publication La Connoissance des temps. Unlike the west, in Iran, the rejection of heliocentrism continued up towards the start of the 20th century, in part motivated by a fear that this would undermine the widespread belief in astrology and Islamic cosmology in Iran. The first work, Falak al-sa'ada by Ictizad al-Saltana, aimed at undermining this belief in astrology and \"", "id": "13023697" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on astrology\n\n\nearly classical rabbinic works written in the land of Israel (Jerusalem Talmud and Palestinian midrash compilations) astrologers are known as \"astrologos\" and \"astrologiyya\". In early classical rabbinic works written in Babylon, astrologers were called \"kaldiyyim\", \"kalda'ei\", and \"iztagninin\". The most popular form of astrological belief in this period was to regard certain periods of time as lucky or unlucky. For example, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi listed the character traits associated with one's having been born on specific days of the", "id": "16927855" }, { "contents": "Cosmobiology\n\n\nHistorically, the term 'Kosmobiologie' was used by the German medical astrologer Friedrich Feerhow and Swiss statistician Karl Krafft in a more general sense \"to designate that branch of astrology working on scientific foundations and keyed to the natural sciences\". The term cosmobiology was popularized in English after the translation of the writings of Reinhold Ebertin, who based a large part of his techniques on the midpoint-astrology work of Alfred Witte The term most frequently refers to the school of astrology founded by Ebertin. The main difference between Witte's Hamburg", "id": "297816" }, { "contents": "Astrology and astronomy\n\n\nthis included the study of astronomy and astrology jointly and without a real distinction; this was one of the original Seven Liberal Arts. Kings and other rulers generally employed court astrologers to aid them in the decision making in their kingdoms, thereby funding astronomical research. University medical students were taught astrology as it was generally used in medical practice. Astronomy and astrology diverged over the course of the 17th through 19th centuries. Copernicus didn't practice astrology (nor empirical astronomy; his work was theoretical), but the most important astronomers before", "id": "16320451" }, { "contents": "Astrological allegory\n\n\nAn astrological allegory is an allegory (a story conveying a symbolic meaning instead of a literal one), based on astrology, that is the movement of stars and planet as seen from the Earth. The most common symbols are the movements of the Sun and the Moon. Many ancient religions are based on an astrological allegories, that is, allegories of the movement of the Sun and the Moon as seen from the Earth. Examples include the cult of Horus/Isis. Some of Giordano Bruno's most important works are astrological", "id": "20462592" }, { "contents": "De architectura\n\n\narchitects working with bricks to familiarise themselves with pre-Socratic theories of matter so as to understand how their materials will behave. Book relates the abstract geometry of Plato to the everyday work of the surveyor. Astrology is cited for its insights into the organisation of human life, while astronomy is required for the understanding of sundials. Likewise, Vitruvius cites Ctesibius of Alexandria and Archimedes for their inventions, Aristoxenus (Aristotle's apprentice) for music, Agatharchus for theatre, and Varro for architecture. Vitruvius sought to address the ethos of", "id": "16283998" }, { "contents": "History of astrology\n\n\nPtolemy's work the \"Tetrabiblos\" laid the basis of the Western astrological tradition, and as a source of later reference is said to have \"enjoyed almost the authority of a Bible among the astrological writers of a thousand years or more\". It was one of the first astrological texts to be circulated in Medieval Europe after being translated from Arabic into Latin by Plato of Tivoli (Tiburtinus) in Spain, 1138. According to Firmicus Maternus (4th century), the system of horoscopic astrology was given early on to an", "id": "7119646" }, { "contents": "John Addey (astrologer)\n\n\nAddey's explorations in both philosophy and astrology. In philosophy this meant an acknowledgement of the worth of all the great world religions and philosophies, but an especial interest in the Platonic tradition; in astrology Carter (who was for some time the President of the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society) encouraged Addey's mystical leanings. Central to Addey's later work on the Harmonic theory of astrology was the conviction that the mystical and the scientific were not mutually exclusive and that neither was complete without the other. After leaving the Amubulance", "id": "14580051" }, { "contents": "Hellenistic astrology\n\n\nthe Greeks. With this, what Campion calls, 'the innovative energy' in astrology moved west to the Hellenistic world of Greece and Egypt. According to Campion, the astrology that arrived from the East was marked by its complexity, with different forms of astrology emerging. By the 1st century BCE two varieties of astrology were in existence, one that required the reading of horoscopes in order to establish precise details about the past, present and future, the other being theurgic, meaning literally 'god-work', and", "id": "18842632" }, { "contents": "Steven Forrest (astrologer)\n\n\nMichael Erlewine, Forrest stated that \"When astrologers hear that Evolutionary Astrology is about reincarnation, they often react as if it must all be woo-woo. Actually it is a very hard-hitting form of psychological astrology: intense, but compassionate. And imminently verifiable in the present-tense of people’s lives.\" Actor Robert Downey, Jr. has praised Forrest's work with Evolutionary Astrology, saying “I marvel at the accuracy of Steven’s readings. He insists that nothing is so grave as to be beyond repair", "id": "10110944" }, { "contents": "Robert Cross Smith\n\n\nLondon. From 1827 until his death in 1832, he edited an astrological almanac, entitled \"The Prophetic Messenger\". Also published by Smith was \"The Familiar Astrologer\" and \"A Manual of Astrology\", both in 1828. Smith died on 26 February 1832 in London. His almanac continued to be edited as \"Raphael’s Ephemeris\" and would become a standard work in British and US American astrology. \"Raphael's Ephemeris\" popularized the system of Placidian system of astrological houses in the English-speaking world and", "id": "12775640" }, { "contents": "Astrology\n\n\nTheodor W. Adorno conducted a study of the astrology column of a Los Angeles newspaper as part of a project examining mass culture in capitalist society. Adorno believed that popular astrology, as a device, invariably leads to statements that encouraged conformity—and that astrologers who go against conformity, by discouraging performance at work etc., risk losing their jobs. Adorno concluded that astrology is a large-scale manifestation of systematic irrationalism, where individuals are subtly led—through flattery and vague generalisations—to believe that the author of the column", "id": "1847951" }, { "contents": "Dennis Elwell (astrologer)\n\n\narticle on reincarnation published in the magazine \"Prediction\". In 1953, he began writing regularly for \"American Astrology\", a popular magazine that acted as a platform for contemporary astrologers. His association with the magazine continued for twenty years. Elwell was a professional journalist for most of his life. At the same time, he explored astrological theory, following diversified interests in science and the works of occultists such as Rudolf Steiner and George Gurdjieff. He began lecturing to astrologers in 1963 and gained a reputation for being an original", "id": "5885881" }, { "contents": "Luca Gaurico\n\n\nLuca Gaurico (in Latin, Lucas Gauricus) (Giffoni March 12, 1475 – March 6, 1558 in Rome) was an Italian astrologer, astronomer, astrological data collector and mathematician. He was born to a poor family in the Kingdom of Naples, and studied judicial astrology, a subject he defended in his \"Oratio de Inventoribus et Astrologiae Laudibus\" (1508). Judicial astrology concerned the fate of man (\"astrologia judiciaria\"; mundane astrology) as influenced by the stars. His most famous work is the", "id": "7453625" }, { "contents": "John Frawley (astrologer)\n\n\nJohn Frawley (born 16 May 1955 in London, England) is a traditional astrologer, writer and educator, who has been noted for practicality and directness of approach, a depth of scholarship, and a provocative, challenging and witty style. Frawley became interested in astrology at a very early age, but was repeatedly frustrated at limitations he found in the schools of modern astrology that had emerged from the thinking of 19th-century Theosophist Alan Leo. In 1993 he encountered the work of 17th-century English astrologer William Lilly.", "id": "20004896" }, { "contents": "Evangeline Adams\n\n\n\" (1926). While Aleister Crowley ghostwrote her books on astrology, Adams is an acknowledged contributor to Crowley's own astrological text \"The General Practice of Astrology\". She has been described as \"America's first astrological superstar\". Adams was born on 8 February 1868 in Jersey City, New Jersey, to a conservative family. Her father died when she was 15 months old. Before Adams began working as an astrologer full-time, she became engaged to a Mr. Lord, who was believed to be her", "id": "20093484" }, { "contents": "John Chamber (academic)\n\n\nAstrologie\" (1601), an anti-astrological work with which was bound his \"Astronomiae encomium\", an Oxford oration on the \"Almagest\" delivered in 1574. His \"Treatise Against Judiciall Astrologie\" was an attack on the judicial form of astrology on several fronts, while he said nothing about natural astrology. He claimed that the astrologers of his day now confined themselves to producing almanacs, because they were embarrassed by the science of their subject, which had many technical faults. Astrology was less reliable than other kinds", "id": "4515756" }, { "contents": "Johannes Kepler\n\n\nalso attempted (unsuccessfully) to begin a collaboration with Italian astronomer Giovanni Antonio Magini. Some of his other work dealt with chronology, especially the dating of events in the life of Jesus, and with astrology, especially criticism of dramatic predictions of catastrophe such as those of Helisaeus Roeslin. Kepler and Roeslin engaged in a series of published attacks and counter-attacks, while physician Philip Feselius published a work dismissing astrology altogether (and Roeslin's work in particular). In response to what Kepler saw as the excesses of astrology on", "id": "15696842" }, { "contents": "Roger Bacon\n\n\nsent the Pope his \", which presented his views on how to incorporate Aristotelian logic and science into a new theology, supporting Grosseteste's text-based approach against the \"sentence method\" then fashionable. Bacon also sent his ', ', \", an optical lens, and possibly other works on alchemy and astrology. The entire process has been called \"one of the most remarkable single efforts of literary productivity\", with Bacon composing referenced works of around a million words in about a year. Pope Clement died in", "id": "6329128" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on astrology\n\n\nEzra was a follower of astrology, which he calls \"a sublime science.\" Besides translating another Jewish philosopher Mashallah's astrological work \"Questions\" and another work of this author on the eclipse of the moon from the Arabic into Hebrew, he wrote \"Nativity\", \"Sentences of the Constellations\", \"Reshit Hokhmah\" (\"Beginning of Wisdom\"), \"Book of the World\", a treatise on the \"Planets\", a treatise on the \"Luminaries\", and a horoscope. He often", "id": "16927863" }, { "contents": "Dasha (astrology)\n\n\n) or aspects (Drishti). The Dasha Paddhati (system) of Directional Astrology is unique to the Hindus; it is found nowhere else. There are many kinds of Dasha systems, Parashara mentions forty-two of them, but of these only two are in vogue, namely, \"Vimshottari\" and \"Ashtottari\". \"Dashas\" provide a system to judge the effects of the planets throughout a person's life, by indicating how the planets distribute their effects. Each \"dasha\" is controlled by one of", "id": "5063860" }, { "contents": "Cornelius Gemma\n\n\nwas survived by two sons: Raphael, who entered the priesthood, and Philip, who followed family tradition as a medical doctor. Gemma edited his father's posthumous work \"De astrolabo catholica\" (1556). In 1560, he began publishing his own work in the annual series \"Ephemerides meteorologicae\", printed by Joannes Withagen. The \"Ephemerides\" is the earliest known astrological work from the Low Countries to carry an official notice of approval from the Roman Catholic Church. Gemma moved away from judicial astrology and renounced astrological", "id": "22169215" }, { "contents": "Ptolemy\n\n\ntestimony to the persistent popularity of this influential work in the history of cartography. Ptolemy has been referred to as \"a pro-astrological authority of the highest magnitude\". His astrological treatise, a work in four parts, is known by the Greek term \"Tetrabiblos\", or the Latin equivalent \"Quadripartitum\": \"Four Books\". Ptolemy's own title is unknown, but may have been the term found in some Greek manuscripts: \"Apotelesmatika\", roughly meaning \"Astrological Outcomes\", \"Effects\" or", "id": "4408576" }, { "contents": "Tetrabiblos\n\n\ndescribed the \"Tetrabiblos\" as being \"without a doubt, indispensable for any serious student of astrology\". The work's enduring significance is attributed to several factors: Ptolemy's reputation as one of the greatest philosophers and scientists of the ancient world, the text's astrological importance as one of the oldest complete manuals on that subject, and the unprecedented order and quality of Ptolemy's astrological explanations. The \"outstanding mark of Ptolemy’s astrology\" is described as \"informed by the philosophical and scientific spirit of his age\"", "id": "4605915" }, { "contents": "Astrology and astronomy\n\n\n. (The Myers-Briggs personality typology, based on the works of Carl Jung, has four major categories that correspond to the astrological elements of fire, air, earth, and water. This theory of personality is used by career counselors and life coaches but not by psychologists.) Both astrologers and astronomers see Earth as being an integral part of the universe, that Earth and the universe are interconnected as one \"cosmos\" (not as being separate and distinct from each other). However, astrologers philosophically and mystically", "id": "16320449" }, { "contents": "Childbirth in Nepal\n\n\neyes. This is how the baby is formally accepted as a member of the family. Another ceremony common in Nepalese culture is \"nuwaran\", which is when the child is named. An astrologer providers a letter based on the baby's time of birth, and its name must begin with that letter. The astrologer also determines the number of syllables in the name. This usually occurs on the 8th day after birth for a girl, and 9th day for a boy. Breastfeeding is the norm is Nepal, with 98", "id": "12093088" }, { "contents": "Babylonian astrology\n\n\n, for most of them, on where they rose on the Eastern horizon. The horizon was divided into the Paths of Anu, Enlil and Ea.\" This gives reference to which gods the Babylonian astrologers associated to regions of the sky or space, and is an example of how the gods were associated with the stars and planets. Of the planets five were recognized—Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Mars—to name them in the order in which they appear in the older cuneiform literature; in later texts", "id": "17060328" }, { "contents": "Pierre d'Ailly\n\n\nvery influential. D'Ailly's \"Imago Mundi\" (1410), a work of cosmography, influenced Christopher Columbus in his estimates of the size of the world. Many questions in science and astrology, such as calendar reform, attracted his attention. His views on astrology, expressed in several works, attempted to balance divine omniscience and human free will. D'Ailly's writings on the Schism put the crisis and the need for reform into an apocalyptic context. His astrology also was tied to the Schism, attempting to determine whether the", "id": "14438102" }, { "contents": "Arthashastra\n\n\nmethods and goals of secret service, and how to build then use a network of spies that work for the state. The spies should be trained to adopt roles and guises, to use coded language to transmit information, and be rewarded by their performance and the results they achieve, states the text. The roles and guises recommended for \"Vyanjana\" (appearance) agents by the Arthashastra include ascetics, forest hermits, mendicants, cooks, merchants, doctors, astrologers, consumer householders, entertainers, dancers, female agents and", "id": "21377791" }, { "contents": "Richard Forster\n\n\nand it was through Forster that Christopher Heydon's manuscript \"An Astrological Discourse with Mathematical Demonstrations\", defending astrology, passed to Nicholas Fiske. Richard Harvey indicated him as a leader of the astrologer-physicians. In 1582 he was appointed Consul of the English nation in Ottoman Syria, in \"the parts of Alepo, Damasco, Aman, Tripolis, Jerusalem, and all other ports whatsoever in the provinces of Syria, Palestina, and Jurie\" In 1567 he dedicated to Henry FitzAlan, 19th Earl of Arundel an astrological work", "id": "14246062" }, { "contents": "Christian Astrology\n\n\nas a course for astrology students in which he expounds the general principles of astrology. Topics covered: This part of Lilly's work is a methodical instruction the student must follow to be able to answer all kinds of questions - on disease, wealth, marriage choices, travel, etc. - using the techniques of horary astrology. Lilly includes 35 examples of such questions. He gives a detailed explanation of the procedure to be followed and elaborates on all elements that are important in the analysis. The act of choosing the right", "id": "15160990" }, { "contents": "Astrology\n\n\nArabic texts were imported to Europe and translated into Latin. Major astronomers including Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Galileo practised as court astrologers. Astrological references appear in literature in the works of poets such as Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer, and of playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. Throughout most of its history, astrology was considered a scholarly tradition. It was accepted in political and academic contexts, and was connected with other studies, such as astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, and medicine. At the end of the", "id": "1847888" }, { "contents": "Astrological sign\n\n\nthe rising degree of the ecliptic, at the time of birth), and of the twelve houses. Association of the astrological signs with Empedocles' four classical elements was another important development in the characterization of the twelve signs. The body of astrological knowledge by the 2nd century AD is described in Ptolemy's \"Tetrabiblos\", a work that was responsible for astrology's successful spread across Europe and the Middle East, and remained a reference for almost seventeen centuries as later traditions made few substantial changes to its core teachings. The", "id": "2027097" }, { "contents": "Dorotheus of Sidon\n\n\nby interpolations by the later Persian translators. Nevertheless, it remains one of our best sources for the practice of Hellenistic astrology, and it was a work of great influence on later Christian, Persian, Arab and medieval astrologers. The late 1st century, a time when Dorotheus is believed to have flourished, was a period of intense astrological development, following two millennia of accumulated tradition. Very little is known about Dorotheus himself. Dorotheus most likely lived and worked in Alexandria, in Egypt, which, in addition to being the", "id": "1217892" }, { "contents": "Varāhamihira\n\n\nan astrologer. His son Prithuyasas also contributed to Hindu astrology; his book Hora Sara is a famous book on horoscopy. Khana (also named Lilavati elsewhere), the medieval Bengali poet astrologer, is believed to be the daughter-in-law of Varahamihira. The Romaka Siddhanta (\"Doctrine of the Romans\") and the Paulisa Siddhanta were two works of Western origin which influenced Varahamihira's thought. Paulisa Siddhanta is often mistakenly thought to be a single work and attributed to Paul of Alexandria (c. 378 CE).", "id": "13874507" }, { "contents": "Tetrabiblos\n\n\nknown and the remedies are not applied\". He takes a balanced position in the argument of fate versus free will in writing that certain things, because their effective causes are numerous, become inevitable, whilst others are able to be averted by the act of astrological prediction. The astrologer's position is compared to that of the physician, who must be able to recognise beforehand which ailments are always fatal, and which admit of aid. It is therefore reasonable, in Ptolemy's estimation, to moderate actions with awareness of how", "id": "4605938" }, { "contents": "Steven Forrest (astrologer)\n\n\nyou need to work on, things that can trip you up ... and then most importantly, the birth chart will describe 'the medicine' ... a kind of experiential recipe that you can follow in order to optimally empower yourself, heal the wounded places in your psyche, and get on with your journey.\" Forrest calls Evolutionary Astrology \"utterly practical, utterly testable,\" and \"the \"most\" verifiable form of astrology that I have ever encountered.\" In a 2009 interview with astrologer and All Music Guide founder", "id": "10110943" }, { "contents": "George Hart (physicist)\n\n\n, was MERLIN's first and most prescient call to date.\" On Coast To Coast AM, it was admitted that the core working math found in Astrology was at least observed in the process of coming up with the math behind MERLIN. The project's similarities with Astrology has led to criticism that Dr. Hart & Mr. Guercio have 'gone to great measures' to 'disguise and mislead from the fact that they are doing Astrology,' although there are many technical differences between Astrology and MERLIN. MERLIN does not explicitly forecast", "id": "20786817" }, { "contents": "An Astrologer's Day\n\n\n's Day\" recur frequently throughout Narayan's work. The story was adapted into a 2019 Kannada movie \"Gara\". The author begins the story by telling the reader the details of the simple life of an astrologer. The street where he operates has many vendors, such as medicine sellers, magicians, etc. The astrologer conducts his business by the \"light of a flare which is crackled and smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby\" once darkness descends. The man is not trained to become an astrologer and has little", "id": "4013431" }, { "contents": "Olivia Barclay\n\n\nOlivia Barclay (12 December 1919 in Essex – 1 April 2001 in Kent) was a British astrologer who played an important role in the revival of traditional forms of astrology in the late 20th century. Much of her focus in the latter part of her life was on the work of the 17th-century astrologer William Lilly. In 1980, Barclay obtained an original copy of Lilly's \"Christian Astrology\", and later she arranged to have it re-printed as a facsimile edition in 1985. This dissemination of \"Christian", "id": "4604853" } ]
How Felix Baumgartner broke the sound barrier if humans have a terminal velocity of around 175 MPH?
[{"answer": "Terminal velocity is reached when gravity can no longer pull you any faster through the earths atmosphere, for humans this is about 175MPH But Felix jumped from so high up the air was much much thinner (so thin he was using a space suit to breath) the result was much less air to slow him down and thus he was able to reach speeds over 700MPH"}, {"answer": "Terminal velocity isn't just some number that's always true. It's the velocity at which air resistance (which increases with velocity) matches gravity (which barely changes). As such, it depends on air pressure which directly relates to air resistance, plus also stuff like surface area. Since Baumgartner jumped from so high, air pressure is extremely low, and terminal velocity is higher than in convential jumps. As Baumgartner fell to more normal altitudes, air pressure increased and he slowed down."}, {"answer": "No one seems to be giving you an answer worthy of a five year old, so here's my go at it: It all comes down to how hard the air is pushing on him as he falls. When people jump out of planes for fun and they are close to the ground, about 3 miles up or so, they are jumping through air that we can breath, and it is really thick. Felix was jumping from so high up, about 24 miles up, that the air was very thin, almost too thin to even notice. This means that when he was falling for the first minute or so, there was very little air pushing against him, which means gravity could make him go faster and faster because there was no air to slow him down. He went over 800 miles per hour! The thing is, both of Felix's parachutes (his main one, and his backup) are only supposed to be opened when you are falling slower than 175 miles per hour. Thankfully, as he fell closer and closer to earth, the air became thicker and thicker. This slowed him down to where he could safely open his parachute and come home! Air resistance, my dear Watson. No air, no resistance, nothing slowing him down."}, {"answer": "Also, speed of sound is much lower at higher altitudes due to lower temperatures. If the speed of sound is lower, the speed required to break the sound barrier is also lower! URL_0 "}, {"answer": "He took one big jump and we all got scared, they said he's moving at Mach 1 through a void with no air."}, {"answer": "The air is less dense up high so much less friction to slow him down. Draw a circle then draw arrows around it pointing towards its center. You'll notice the non-pointy ends are more spread out and the arrow-ends are close together. It's like that with the air."}, {"answer": "Terminal velocity is related to the force of gravity and the force of drag caused by the air around you. When the force of drag is the same as the force of gravity acting on an object or person or Felix, they stop accelerating hence the term terminal velocity. With much less air at the elevation that Felix was jumping at compared to a typical skydive he was able to continue accelerating for much longer. Many people seem to think that terminal velocity is a solid number that exists for a given object. The terminal velocity of a person laying horizontally with arms spread is much slower than that of a person in a diving position or something like that. It is all related to drag and its incredibly variable."}, {"answer": "Breaking the sound barrier is also not constant. In outer space, sound has no medium to travel through, so has an undefined (zero) speed. Sound travels slower at higher altitude because there is less air density in which to propagate. The speed of sound at very high altitude, where pressure/density are, no longer as influential is largely governed by the temperature of the atmosphere (see [this graph]( URL_0 )) The speed of sound in air is ~760 mph (~1230 km/hr) at sea level, where air pressure is higher. But at high altitude, it can get below 600 mph (1000 km/hr)."}, {"answer": "Someone please confirm/deny my statement, as I'm no scientist but this is what makes sense to me. Our terminal velocity is based largely around air resistance, which is part of why cats survive falls so well is that they spread out and slow themselves down considerably. Well the higher up you go, the thinner the air gets, the less resistance you face. So theoretically our terminal velocity increases substantially when there is less air resistance, allowing us to travel faster. That's my conclusion, but who knows if that holds any merit."}, {"answer": "The commentator said it was like a vacuum. Vacuums have no air, space is a vacuum, that's why he had to wear his suit. With no air, you have no resistance, you know when you run up a hill and it's harder because of air blowing on you? In the high atmosphere, you wouldn't experience that. So with no air, there is nothing pushing against him as he free falls."}, {"answer": "Terminal velocity depends on many things. Atmospheric density, weight, and surface area. The 175 MPH number is for someone in a spreadeagle position at a much lower altitude. He went headfirst at a much higher velocity, with more time. Also, though he broke the sea-level sound barrier, he broke it much sooner that high up, as the speed of sound drops when air pressure is lower."}, {"answer": "Terminal velocity is 120mph, he went faster because up near the edge of space the air is so thin you're practically in a vacuum hence no air resistance, so infinite acceleration (getting faster and faster) until he hit higher density air, which is why he slowed down after speeding up."}, {"answer": "There was less air up there to slow you down"}, {"answer": "It's really quite simple. As you ought to know, the earth's gravity pulls everything down at 9.8 m/s/s, aka 1G. The only reason why there exists a terminal velocity is because of air resistance. Remove the atmosphere and any item falling to earth will keep on accelerating at 1G until it hits the ground. Since Felix jumped at such a high altitude that air resistance played almost no role whatsoever, he was able to keep accelerating at around 1G for over 30 seconds."}, {"answer": "One of the factors you use when calculating terminal velocity is the amount of resistance air has when you fall (drag) Because he started his jump at the edge of space, it starts off with virtually no drag, so he's able to accelerate to ridiculous speeds before he gets to a more normal drag."}, {"answer": "Does anyone else thing it would be epic to go in a wingsuit and see how far he could fly. Probably from a lower altitude though so he doesn't need such an intense space suit"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5449624", "title": "Felix Baumgartner", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 338, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 758, "bleu_score": 0.8530425310101046}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5449624", "title": "Felix Baumgartner", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 454, "bleu_score": 0.6870822046327903}]}]
[ { "contents": "Red Bull Stratos\n\n\nJanuary 2010, it was reported that Baumgartner was working with a team of scientists and sponsor Red Bull to attempt the highest sky-dive on record. By wearing the Equivital LifeMonitor, researchers were able to monitor Felix Baumgartner’s physiological response within an extreme environment. Baumgartner was going to make the jump from a capsule suspended from a balloon filled with helium, intending to become the first parachutist to break the sound barrier. This would be possible because while the normal terminal velocity of a skydiver freeflying is about 320 km/h", "id": "13544844" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nFelix Baumgartner (; born 20 April 1969) is an Austrian skydiver, daredevil, and BASE jumper. He is best known for jumping to Earth from a helium balloon from the stratosphere on 14 October 2012 and landing in New Mexico, USA. Doing so, he set world records for skydiving an estimated , reaching an estimated top speed of , or Mach 1.25. He became the first person to break the sound barrier without vehicular power relative to the surface on his descent. He broke skydiving records for exit altitude, vertical freefall", "id": "13997320" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\npeak speed of 1,019 mph (1,640 km/h) before jumping the rails. On October 15, 1997, in a vehicle designed and built by a team led by Richard Noble, Royal Air Force pilot Andy Green became the first person to break the sound barrier in a land vehicle in compliance with Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile rules. The vehicle, called the ThrustSSC (\"Super Sonic Car\"), captured the record 50 years and one day after Yeager's first supersonic flight. In October 2012 Felix Baumgartner, with", "id": "4451450" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nBaumgartner also set the record for fastest speed of free fall at , making him the first human to break the sound barrier outside a vehicle. Baumgartner was in free fall for 4 minutes and 19 seconds, 17 seconds short of mentor Joseph Kittinger's 1960 jump. Baumgartner initially struggled with claustrophobia after spending time in the pressurized suit required for the jump, but overcame it with help from a sports psychologist and other specialists. In 2014, Baumgartner decided to join Audi Motorsport to drive an Audi R8 LMS for the 2014 24 Hours", "id": "13997327" }, { "contents": "Red Bull Stratos\n\n\nsound barrier on his descent, becoming the first human to do so without any form of engine power. Measurements show Baumgartner also broke two other world records. With a final altitude of , Baumgartner broke the unofficial record for the highest manned balloon flight of previously set by Nick Piantanida. He also broke the record for the highest altitude jump, set in 1960 by USAF Colonel Joseph Kittinger, who was Baumgartner's mentor and capsule communicator at mission control. These claims were verified by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI). In", "id": "13544843" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\n. Baumgartner landed in eastern New Mexico after jumping from a world record 128,100 feet (39,045 m), or 24.26 miles, and broke the sound barrier as he traveled at speeds up to 833.9 mph (1342 km/h or Mach 1.26). In the press conference after his jump, it was announced he was in freefall for 4 minutes, 18 seconds, the second longest freefall after the 1960 jump of Joseph Kittinger for 4 minutes, 36 seconds. In October 2014, Alan Eustace, a senior vice president at", "id": "4451452" }, { "contents": "Free fall\n\n\nattained 94% of terminal velocity, and after 12 seconds he will have fallen 455 metres and will have attained 97% of terminal velocity. However, when the air density cannot be assumed to be constant, such as for objects or skydivers falling from high altitude, the equation of motion becomes much more difficult to solve analytically and a numerical simulation of the motion is usually necessary. The figure shows the forces acting on meteoroids falling through the Earth's upper atmosphere. HALO jumps, including Joe Kittinger's and Felix Baumgartner", "id": "3053558" }, { "contents": "Parachute\n\n\nfall parachute jump (without drogue chute) after falling for 24,500 m (80,380 ft) from an altitude of 25,457 m (83,523 ft) near the city of Saratov, Russia on November 1, 1962, until broken by Felix Baumgartner in 2012. Felix Baumgartner broke Joseph Kittinger's record on October 14, 2012, with a jump from an altitude of 127,852 feet (38,969.3 m) and reaching speeds up to 833.9 mph (1,342.0 km/h or 372.8 m/s), or nearly Mach 1.1. Kittinger was", "id": "3870318" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\nroutinely broke the sound barrier in flight, for the first time on 3 October 1942. By September 1944, V-2s routinely achieved Mach 4 (1,200 m/s, or 3044 mph) during terminal descent. In 1942, the United Kingdom's Ministry of Aviation began a top-secret project with Miles Aircraft to develop the world's first aircraft capable of breaking the sound barrier. The project resulted in the development of the prototype Miles M.52 turbojet powered aircraft, which was designed to reach 1,000 mph (417 m/s", "id": "4451433" }, { "contents": "Red Bull Stratos\n\n\nFelix\". Fifteen minutes after the egress checks began, the pressure between the capsule and the outside stabilized and the door opened. One of the last items was for Baumgartner to enable his suit cameras. Baumgartner dove forward off the ledge at 12:08 MDT (18:08 UTC); After 42 seconds of descent Baumgartner reached his maximum velocity—an unverified . An uncontrolled spin started within the first minute of the jump which could have been fatal, but it ended at 01:23 when Baumgartner regained stability, though in a later press conference", "id": "13544851" }, { "contents": "Terminal velocity\n\n\nArmy Ordnance study. Competition speed skydivers fly in a head-down position and can reach speeds of ; the current record is held by Felix Baumgartner who jumped from a height of and reached , though he achieved this speed at high altitude, where extremely thin air presents less drag force. The biologist J. B. S. Haldane wrote, Using mathematical terms, terminal speed—without considering buoyancy effects—is given by where In reality, an object approaches its terminal speed asymptotically. Buoyancy effects, due to the upward force on the", "id": "16234555" }, { "contents": "Free fall\n\n\n. On October 24, 2014, Alan Eustace broke the record previously set by Baumgartner for the highest free fall. He jumped from a height of 135,908 feet (41,425 m). A falling person at low altitude will reach terminal velocity of after about 12 seconds, falling some 450 m (1,500 ft) in that time. The person will then maintain this speed without falling any faster. Terminal velocity at higher altitudes is greater due to the thinner atmosphere and consequent lower air resistance; free-fallers from high altitudes,", "id": "3053569" }, { "contents": "Saturn V\n\n\nvelocity coming later. The Saturn V broke the sound barrier at just over 1 minute at an altitude of between 3 and 4 nautical miles (5.5 to 7.4 kilometers). At this point, shock collars, or condensation clouds, could be seen forming around the bottom of the command module and around the top of the second stage. At about 80 seconds, the rocket experienced maximum dynamic pressure (max \"Q\"). The dynamic pressure on a rocket varies with air density and the square of relative velocity. Although", "id": "14285180" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\na team of scientists and sponsor Red Bull, attempted the highest sky-dive on record. The project would see Baumgartner attempt to jump 120,000 ft (36,580 m) from a helium balloon and become the first parachutist to break the sound barrier. The launch was scheduled for October 9, 2012, but was aborted due to adverse weather; subsequently the capsule was launched instead on October 14. Baumgartner's feat also marked the 65th anniversary of U.S. test pilot Chuck Yeager's successful attempt to break the sound barrier in an aircraft", "id": "4451451" }, { "contents": "Hydroplane (boat)\n\n\nturbojet to a velocity of 464.5 km/h (290.313 mph) to beat Lee Taylor’s record. Warby, who had built the craft in his back yard, used the publicity to find sponsorship to pay for improvements to the \"Spirit\". On October 8, 1978 Warby travelled to Blowering Dam, Australia, and broke both the 480 km/h (300 mph) and 500 km/h barriers with an average speed of 510 km/h (318.75 mph). As of 2018, Warby’s record", "id": "1922757" }, { "contents": "Transportation Research Center\n\n\nare located in TRC's facilities. Crash Barrier: The enclosed crash barrier is capable of testing vehicles up to 10,000 lbs. at velocities up to 60 mph. Outdoor Impact Area: Capable of impacting two moving vehicles at any angle at velocities up to 100 mph. Impact Simulator: 24-in. HYGE pneumatic drive can carry a payload of 10,000 lbs. at 44 g's, simulating a crash speed of 71 mph. Lighter payloads can be accelerated to velocities of 100 mph. Component Laboratory: The static test laboratory features computer", "id": "19670136" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\nh (702 mph). However, no evidence of such a flight exists in any of the materials from that period, which were captured by Allied forces and extensively studied. Dittmar had been officially recorded at 1,004.5 km/h (623.8 mph) in level flight on 2 October 1941 in the prototype Me 163A V4. He reached this speed at less than full throttle, as he was concerned by the transonic buffeting. Dittmar himself does not make a claim that he broke the sound barrier on that flight, and notes", "id": "4451430" }, { "contents": "2003 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nongoing speculation around the garage area on who would potentially fill the four open spots. At the onset, drivers were flirting with the 230 mph barrier. On Tuesday May 6, rookie Dan Wheldon (231.108 mph) became the first driver to break the 230 mph barrier. A day later, Kenny Brack (231.039 mph) also broke 231 mph. Dan Wheldon set the fastest lap of the month on Thursday May 8 at 232.202 mph, the fastest lap run at the Speedway since 1996. On \"Fast Friday\" May", "id": "3753568" }, { "contents": "Red Bull Stratos\n\n\nRed Bull Stratos was a high altitude diving project involving Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner. On 14 October 2012, Baumgartner flew approximately into the stratosphere over New Mexico, United States, in a helium balloon before free falling in a pressure suit and then parachuting to Earth. The total jump, from leaving the capsule to landing on the ground, lasted approximately ten minutes. While the free fall was initially expected to last between five and six minutes, Baumgartner deployed his parachute after 4 minutes and 19 seconds. Reaching —Baumgartner broke the", "id": "13544842" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\nlater retired without being replaced by similar designs. The last flight of a Concorde in service was in 2003. Although Concorde and the Tu-144 were the first aircraft to carry commercial passengers at supersonic speeds, they were not the first or only commercial airliners to break the sound barrier. On 21 August 1961, a Douglas DC-8 broke the sound barrier at Mach 1.012 or 1,240 km/h (776.2 mph) while in a controlled dive through 41,088 feet (12,510 m). The purpose of the flight was to collect data on", "id": "4451448" }, { "contents": "Space diving\n\n\nNish\" Bruce to break his highest parachute jump record. The project was suspended in 1994 following Bruce's mental health breakdown. In 1997 parachutist and pilot Cheryl Stearns formed Stratoquest, aiming to break Kittenger's record as the first female space diver. Due either to a significant shoulder injury or funding issues for the project this plan did not come to fruition. By the time Stearns was prepared to attempt her jump, Felix Baumgartner had completed his jump and Cheryl shelved her event. In 2012, Felix Baumgartner broke Kittinger's highest", "id": "11137979" }, { "contents": "Speed skydiving\n\n\nSpeed skydiving is a skydiving competition in which the goal is to achieve and maintain the highest possible terminal velocity. It was developed in the mid 2000s and is the fastest non-motorized sport on Earth. The speed, achieved by the human body in free fall, is a function of several factors; including the body's mass, orientation, and skin area and texture. In stable, belly-to-earth position, terminal velocity is about 200 km/h (120 mph). Stable freefall head down position", "id": "2031840" }, { "contents": "Hurricane Felix\n\n\none of the more rapid deepening rates we have observed.\" A Hurricane Hunters flight reported a stadium effect in the eye, and also reported the eye diameter shrank to 14 mi (22 km). A subsequent Hurricane Hunters flight experienced flight level winds of 175 mph (280 km/h), with peak surface winds of 163 mph (263 km/h) reported in the southwest quadrant of the eyewall; surface winds of 189 mph (306 km/h) were found in its northeastern quadrant, although the", "id": "3499838" }, { "contents": "Free fall\n\n\nand in the skydiving community. It is not clear, though, whether the more recent sport of wingsuit flying fits under the definition of free fall skydiving. Near the surface of the Earth, an object in free fall in a vacuum will accelerate at approximately 9.8 m/s, independent of its mass. With air resistance acting on an object that has been dropped, the object will eventually reach a terminal velocity, which is around 53 m/s (195 km/h or 122 mph) for a human skydiver", "id": "3053553" }, { "contents": "Hurricane Felix\n\n\nNational Hurricane Center reported the peak reading could have been contaminated due to graupel in the clouds. Based on the observations, it is estimated Felix attained winds of 175 mph (280 km/h) by 0000 UTC on September 3 while located about 390 mi (625 km) southeast of Kingston, Jamaica, making Felix a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. While investigating the hurricane, Hurricane Hunters encountered extreme turbulence and potentially dangerous graupel, which forced the flight to abort the mission. Continuing quickly westward", "id": "3499839" }, { "contents": "Equations for a falling body\n\n\nthe terminal velocity increases to about 320 km/h (200 mph or 90 m/s), which is almost the terminal velocity of the peregrine falcon diving down on its prey. The same terminal velocity is reached for a typical .30-06 bullet dropping downwards—when it is returning to earth having been fired upwards, or dropped from a tower—according to a 1920 U.S. Army Ordnance study. Competition speed skydivers fly in the head down position and reach even higher speeds. The current world record is 1,357.6 km", "id": "10073811" }, { "contents": "Free fall\n\n\nwas decorated with an oak leaf cluster to his Distinguished Flying Cross and awarded the Harmon Trophy by President Dwight Eisenhower. In 2012, the Red Bull Stratos mission took place. On October 14, 2012, Felix Baumgartner broke the records previously set by Kittinger for the highest free fall, the highest manned helium balloon flight, and the fastest free fall; he jumped from 128,100 feet (39,045 m), reaching . Kittinger was a member of the mission control and helped design the capsule and suit that Baumgartner ascended and jumped in", "id": "3053568" }, { "contents": "Speed skydiving\n\n\nhas a terminal speed of 240–290 km/h (around 150–180 mph). Further minimization of drag by streamlining the body allows for speeds in the vicinity of 480 km/h (300 mph). Participants compete for the best Meet Result and attempt to set World Records. A Meet Result is made up of 3 jumps from “regular” skydiving altitude : 4,000 meters (13,124 ft). Meet Results and World Records can only be set during a sanctioned ISSA competition. The terminal velocity of a falling body occurs during", "id": "2031841" }, { "contents": "Vertical wind tunnel\n\n\nhave also become a popular training tool for skydivers. A recreational wind tunnel enables human beings to experience the sensation of flight without planes or parachutes, through the force of wind being generated vertically. Air moves upwards at approximately 195 km/h (120 mph or 55 m/s), the terminal velocity of a falling human body belly-downwards. A vertical wind tunnel is frequently called 'indoor skydiving' due to the popularity of vertical wind tunnels among skydivers, who report that the sensation is extremely similar to skydiving", "id": "257264" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nthe Nobel Peace Prize. Later on, Baumgartner endorsed the presidential candidate of the right-wing populist Freedom Party of Austria, Norbert Hofer. On 13 July 2016, Facebook deleted his fan page of 1.5 million fans. Baumgartner subsequently claimed that he must have become \"too uncomfortable\" for \"political elites\". After Austrian authorities refused to grant sports tax breaks to Baumgartner, he moved to Arbon, Switzerland, whereupon his house in Salzburg and his helicopter were seized. Baumgartner dated \"Playboy\" German playmate of the century", "id": "13997330" }, { "contents": "Heliosphere\n\n\nmph or 1 to 2.9 million km/h). As it begins to interact with the interstellar medium, its velocity slows to a stop. The point where the solar wind becomes slower than the speed of sound is called the termination shock; the solar wind continues to slow as it passes through the heliosheath leading to a boundary called the heliopause, where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance. The termination shock was traversed by \"Voyager 1\" in 2004, and \"Voyager 2\" in 2007. It was", "id": "10559202" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\nthe barrier. By the 1950s new designs of fighter aircraft routinely reached the speed of sound, and faster. Some common whips such as the bullwhip or stockwhip are able to move faster than sound: the tip of the whip exceeds this speed and causes a sharp crack—literally a sonic boom. Firearms made after the 19th century have generally had a supersonic muzzle velocity. The sound barrier may have been first breached by living beings some 150 million years ago. Some paleobiologists report that, based on computer models of their biomechanical", "id": "4451415" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\ndistance without a drogue parachute, and vertical speed without a drogue. Though he still holds the two latter records, the first was broken two years later, when on 24 October 2014, Alan Eustace jumped from 135,890 feet—or, with a drogue. Baumgartner is also renowned for the particularly dangerous nature of the stunts he has performed during his career. Baumgartner spent time in the Austrian military where he practiced parachute jumping, including training to land on small target zones. Felix Baumgartner was born first of two boys on 20", "id": "13997321" }, { "contents": "Yes (band)\n\n\nNo Experience Needed\" by Richie Havens. The album broke into the UK charts, peaking at number 45. Banks' replacement was Tomorrow guitarist Steve Howe, who appears in the photograph of the group on the American issue despite not having played on it. The band retreated to a rented farmhouse in Devon to write and rehearse new songs for their following album. Howe established himself as an integral part of the group's sound with his Gibson ES-175 and variety of acoustic guitars. With producer and engineer Eddy Offord, recording sessions", "id": "74055" }, { "contents": "Project Excelsior\n\n\n. A plaque attached below the open door of the Excelsior III gondola read, \"This is the highest step in the world\". Kittinger held the world records for highest parachute jump and highest speed of a human in atmosphere until October 14, 2012 when Felix Baumgartner jumped from and reaching a speed of 377.12 m/s as part of the Red Bull Stratos project, with Kittinger serving as a technical advisor to Baumgartner. Kittinger does, however, still hold the records for longest drogue fall and longest freefall. Kittinger's", "id": "20972442" }, { "contents": "Robb Nen\n\n\n. His locker was maintained throughout the 2003 and 2004 seasons as he last left it and was formally retired in 2005, but his jersey continued to hang in the locker room both at home and on the road. Nen was known for an unusual delivery in which he tapped his toe on the ground before releasing the ball. His signature pitch, a slider, was nicknamed \"The Terminator.\" It looked like a fastball until it broke straight down at the plate at a velocity of up to 92 mph. In addition", "id": "2630041" }, { "contents": "Janusz Żurakowski\n\n\nthe second engine was throttled back. The aircraft continued to rotate through a further 360 degrees on momentum alone, having lost nearly all vertical velocity. Carrying out the cartwheel and recovering from it without entering an inverted spin (which the Meteor could not be brought out of) required great skill. In April 1952, Żurakowski and his family left for Canada, where he became a test pilot for A.V. Roe Canada, concentrating on experimental testing. He broke the sound barrier on 18 December 1952, diving the CF-100 fighter, the", "id": "6014220" }, { "contents": "Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25\n\n\nmission into Pakistan airspace. The MiG-25 broke the sound barrier while flying at an altitude of around 20,000 m (65,000 ft), otherwise the mission would have remained covert, at least to the general public. The Pakistani Government contended that the breaking of the sound barrier was a deliberate attempt to make the point that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had no aircraft in its inventory that could come close to the MiG-25's cruising altitude (up to ). India denied the incident but Pakistan's Foreign Minister, Gohar Ayub", "id": "13091699" }, { "contents": "1984 Indianapolis 500\n\n\n1984 CART PPG Indy Car World Series. The 1984 race has the distinction of having the record for most entries (117), and the most cars to actually be seen in the garage (87). Defending race winner Tom Sneva, who broke the 200 mph barrier during time trials in 1977, headlined qualifying on pole day. Sneva made history once again, as he became the first driver to break the 210 mph barrier, en route to his third pole position. This Indy 500 was the last for 33 years", "id": "3754601" }, { "contents": "Joseph Kittinger\n\n\n. His records for highest parachute jump and fastest velocity stood for 52 years, until they were broken in 2012 by Felix Baumgartner. For this series of jumps, Kittinger was profiled in \"Life\" magazine and the \"National Geographic Magazine\", decorated with a second Distinguished Flying Cross, and awarded the Harmon Trophy by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Back at Holloman Air Force Base, Kittinger took part in \"Project Stargazer\" on December 13–14, 1962. He and the astronomer William C. White took an open-gondola helium", "id": "5378788" }, { "contents": "Equations for a falling body\n\n\n/h (843.6 mph/Mach 1.25) by Felix Baumgartner who skydived from 38,969.4 m (127,852.4 ft) above earth on 14 October 2012. The record was set due to the high altitude where the lesser density of the atmosphere decreased drag. For astronomical bodies other than Earth, and for short distances of fall at other than \"ground\" level, g in the above equations may be replaced by G(M+m)/r where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the astronomical body, m is the mass of the", "id": "10073812" }, { "contents": "Wingsuit flying\n\n\n. A typical skydiver's terminal velocity in belly to earth orientation ranges from 180–225 km/h (110 to 140 mph). A wingsuit can reduce these speeds dramatically. A vertical instantaneous velocity of 40 km/h (25 mph) has been recorded. However the speed at which the body advances forward through the air is still much higher (up to 100 km/h [62 mph]). Wingsuit pilots often use tools including portable GPS receivers to record their flight path. This data can be analyzed later", "id": "3387426" }, { "contents": "Terminal velocity\n\n\nso on. Higher speeds can be attained if the skydiver pulls in their limbs (see also freeflying). In this case, the terminal speed increases to about 320 km/h (200 mph or 90 m/s), which is almost the terminal speed of the peregrine falcon diving down on its prey. The same terminal speed is reached for a typical .30-06 bullet dropping downwards—when it is returning to the ground having been fired upwards, or dropped from a tower—according to a 1920 U.S.", "id": "16234554" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nplanned test jumps from . It took Baumgartner about 90 minutes to reach the target altitude and his free fall was estimated to have lasted three minutes and 48 seconds before his parachutes were deployed. The launch was originally scheduled for 9 October 2012 but was aborted due to adverse weather conditions. Launch was rescheduled and the mission instead took place on 14 October 2012 when Baumgartner landed in eastern New Mexico after jumping from a then world-record and falling a record distance of ; the altitude record was broken by Alan Eustace in 2014.", "id": "13997326" }, { "contents": "Santa Pod Raceway\n\n\n(notably Santa Pod's \"resident\") Fireforce 3 piloted by Martin Hill broke the record in Easter 2005 with a terminal speed of 336.10 mph (540.88 km/h). Several other European drag racing records have been set along with records unsurpassed outside the United States. In May 2010 Top Fuel dragster driver Urs Erbacher set a class speed record with a terminal speed of 314.87 mph reached in less than 5 seconds. At the same race meeting Eric Teboul set a time of 5.23 seconds at 249 mph on his Hydrogen", "id": "7123439" }, { "contents": "Michael McDowell (racing driver)\n\n\nwho died in a crash during Indianapolis 500 time trials in 1982). McDowell's right front sway bar broke entering Turn 1, which caused the car to hit the SAFER barrier almost head on at approximately , according to data obtained and reported by SPEED channel (185 mph to zero mph in one foot, as reported by SPEED's Bob Dillner, before accelerating in the other direction). The car spun around once while tipping onto its roof, and then barrel-rolled eight times with fire coming out of the engine", "id": "16407230" }, { "contents": "Cultural significance of tornadoes\n\n\nTornado damage to human-made structures is a result of the high wind velocity and windblown debris. Tornadic winds have been measured in excess of 300 mph (480 km/h). Tornadoes are a serious hazard to life and limb. As such, people in tornado-prone areas often adopt plans of action in case a tornado approaches. Storm cellars are often used as a means of shelter in case of tornadoes or tropical cyclones. Common in tornado-prone areas, they have been around for more than 100 years", "id": "20611056" }, { "contents": "Thrust1\n\n\naround 140 mph though, a rear-wheel bearing seized and the car went sideways, then rolled. The triple roll was mostly airborne and the car landed on its side, with relatively little damage. Noble was unhurt. The Derwent engine, and its protruding combustion chambers, took much of the damage. The jetpipe broke loose and at least one combustion chamber was crumpled. The car never ran again, and the wreckage was sold to a scrap dealer for £175, after parts had been removed to ensure that it", "id": "7257697" }, { "contents": "Chris Carr (motorcyclist)\n\n\n. Carr was inducted into the A.M.A. Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 2004. On September 5, 2006, Carr broke the motorcycle land speed world record at the Bonneville Salt Flats (Utah), with a two-pass 350.8 mph (562.6 km/h) average. He was the first motorcyclist to break the 350 mph barrier. Carr's fastest run was at 354 mph (567.8 km/h). On September 28, 2008, Rocky Robinson broke Carr's record driving the Top 1 Oil Ack Attack streamliner.", "id": "6222217" }, { "contents": "Postnaturalism\n\n\nthought human beings have been experimenting with selectively breeding organisms for around 10,000 years; over thousands of years humans have influenced many taxonomic groups, with bioengineering representing new forms of genetic information transfer, creation, and inheritance, coupled to climate change, scientists and policy makers are prioritising “ecosystem services” essential to humans, such as pollination, the replenishment of fish stocks, and a phenomenon being researched in the Great Barrier Reef being the terminal decline of coral. Postnatural practices include selective breeding, a process by which humans purposefully breed", "id": "19156252" }, { "contents": "Spirit of America (automobile)\n\n\nthrust of 22,650 lbf (100.8 kN). The first run of the vehicle on October 28, 1996 in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada ended in a crash at around 675 mph (1,086 km/h). Returning in 1997 the vehicle badly damaged the engine on an early run. The British \"ThrustSSC\" twin-Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan-engined LSR car upped the record to 763 mph (1,228 km/h) on 15 October 1997, and became the first car to officially break the sound barrier", "id": "9803805" }, { "contents": "Yevgeni Nikolayevich Andreyev\n\n\nnot free-fall. Andreyev was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union for his feat. Andreyev's record stood until 2012, when Felix Baumgartner broke it with a jump from . He was born on 4 September 1926 in the city of Novosibirsk, Russia. He was a member of the CPSU since 1972. From 1937 to 1942 he was brought up in an orphanage in Serov, Sverdlovsk Region. He worked in a factory in the city of Nizhny Tagil. He was in the Soviet Army in 1943. He studied", "id": "3967735" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nhe used was a copy of two prototype SKYRAY wings sold to Red Bull (Baumgartner's sponsor) two years earlier. Baumgartner also set the world record for the lowest BASE jump ever, when he jumped from the hand of the \"Christ the Redeemer\" statue in Rio de Janeiro. This jump also stirred controversy among BASE jumpers who pointed out that Baumgartner cited the height of the statue as the height of the jump even though he landed on a slope below the statue's feet, and that other BASE jumpers had previously", "id": "13997323" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nworking with a team of scientists and sponsor Red Bull to attempt the highest sky-dive on record. On 15 March 2012, Baumgartner completed the first of 2 test jumps from . During the jump, he spent approximately 3 minutes and 43 seconds in free fall, reaching speeds of more than , before opening his parachute. In total, the jump lasted approximately eight minutes and eight seconds and Baumgartner became the third person to safely parachute from a height of over . On 25 July 2012, Baumgartner completed the second of two", "id": "13997325" }, { "contents": "Gas balloon\n\n\npressure suit hung tethered under the balloon, without the kind of capsule used by Felix Baumgartner. Eustace started his fall by using an explosive device to separate from the helium balloon. The previous altitude record for a manned balloon flight was set at 39.045 kilometers on October 14, 2012 by Felix Baumgartner breaking a record of 34.7 kilometers on May 4, 1961 by Malcolm Ross and Victor Prather in a balloon launched from the deck of the in the Gulf of Mexico. The altitude record for an unmanned balloon is 53.0 kilometers. It", "id": "3811348" }, { "contents": "DLVO theory\n\n\ncontact, and remain dispersed throughout the medium. The maximum energy needs to be greater than the thermal energy. Otherwise, particles will aggregate due to the attraction potential. The height of the barrier indicates how stable the system is. Since particles have to overcome this barrier in order to aggregate, two particles on a collision course must have sufficient kinetic energy due to their velocity and mass. If the barrier is cleared, then the net interaction is all attractive, and as a result the particles aggregate. This inner region is", "id": "19663251" }, { "contents": "Typhoon Chanchu\n\n\ndowngraded the peak winds to 230 km/h (145 mph). By contrast, the JMA estimated peak 10 minute winds of 175 km/h (110 mph) at 00:00 UTC on May 15. According to the Hong Kong Observatory, the 10 minute winds reached 185 km/h (115 mph), which made Chanchu the strongest typhoon in the South China Sea in the month of May. By the time Chanchu attained peak winds, an eastward-moving trough over China broke up the ridge to the north,", "id": "494048" }, { "contents": "Eri Yoshida\n\n\nYoshida was born in Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan where, she taught herself how to throw the knuckleball at the age of 14 after watching Major League Baseball pitcher Tim Wakefield on television. She stands tall, and her pitches have been clocked at , while her knuckleball pitch velocity measures around 50 mph. As a high-school sophomore at Kawasaki-kita Senior High School in Kawasaki, she threw the pitch well enough to earn a place on the school's baseball team. Her success caused a sensation in the national media,", "id": "7304432" }, { "contents": "Douglas DC-8\n\n\nleading-edge slots were added to improve low-speed lift; the prototype was 25 kn (46 km/h) short of its promised cruising speed and a new, slightly larger wingtip had to be developed to reduce drag. In addition, a recontoured wing leading edge was later developed to extend the chord 4% and reduce drag at high Mach numbers. On August 21, 1961, a Douglas DC-8 broke the sound barrier at Mach 1.012 (660 mph/1,062 km/h) while in a controlled dive through and", "id": "15106275" }, { "contents": "ThrustSSC\n\n\n(633 mph). The date of Andy Green's record came exactly a half century and one day after Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in Earth's atmosphere, with the Bell X-1 research rocket plane on 14 October 1947. Both Thrust SSC and Thrust2 are displayed at the Coventry Transport Museum in Coventry, England. Visitors can ride a 4D motion simulator depicting a computer-generated animation of the record-breaking run from the perspective of Green. Several teams are competing to break the record, including Richard Noble's Bloodhound", "id": "9494718" }, { "contents": "1977 Indianapolis 500\n\n\n200 mph barrier at the Speedway. On the final day of time trials, Janet Guthrie broke the gender barrier by becoming the first female driver to qualify for the Indy 500. During the summer of 1976, the entire track was repaved in asphalt. It marked the first time since the bricks were laid in the fall of 1909 that the Indianapolis Motor Speedway was repaved in its entirety. The surface was allowed to cure over the winter, and during a tire test in March, Gordon Johncock ran a lap of 200.401 mph", "id": "2559894" }, { "contents": "Drag (physics)\n\n\n0.05 m) formula_37 ~ 20 m/s, for an insect (formula_36 ~ 0.01 m) formula_37 ~ 9 m/s, and so on. Terminal velocity for very small objects (pollen, etc.) at low Reynolds numbers is determined by Stokes law. Terminal velocity is higher for larger creatures, and thus potentially more deadly. A creature such as a mouse falling at its terminal velocity is much more likely to survive impact with the ground than a human falling at its terminal velocity. A small animal such", "id": "10455881" }, { "contents": "Project Excelsior\n\n\nProject Excelsior was a series of parachute jumps made by Joseph Kittinger of the United States Air Force in 1959 and 1960 from helium balloons in the stratosphere. The purpose was to test the Beaupre multi-stage parachute system intended to be used by pilots ejecting from high altitude. In one of these jumps Kittinger set world records for the highest parachute jump, the longest parachute drogue fall and the fastest speed by a human through the atmosphere. The record for fastest speed by a human through the atmosphere is now held by Felix Baumgartner", "id": "20972434" }, { "contents": "Michael Rutter (motorcyclist)\n\n\nthe Isle of Man Mountain Course at over 100 mph on an electric motorcycle. His lap time was 22 min 05.05 sec (average speed 102.50 mph) however he did not win the £10,000 prize for this feat as the time was set in a practice session and not in a race. In the previous year's TT Zero race he had narrowly missed out on the prize with a lap at an average speed of 99.604 mph. On 6 June Michael Rutter broke the 100 mph barrier in the TT Zero race winning with", "id": "16408734" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\ncontrolled transonic and supersonic level test flight; this was a unique achievement at that time which validated the aerodynamics of the M.52. Meanwhile, test pilots achieved high velocities in the tailless, swept-wing de Havilland DH 108. One of them was Geoffrey de Havilland, Jr. who was killed on 27 September 1946 when his DH 108 broke up at about Mach 0.9. John Derry has been called \"Britain's first supersonic pilot\" because of a dive he made in a DH 108 on 6 September 1948. The British Air", "id": "4451439" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\n[...] led by experienced personalities coming from the private (sector of the) economy\". He finally stated he \"didn't want to get involved in politics.\" On 6 November 2012, Baumgartner was convicted of battery and was fined €1500 after slapping the face of a Greek truck driver, following a petty argument between the two men. In January 2016, Baumgartner provoked a stir of critical news coverage in his home country after posting several critical remarks against refugees and recommending the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for", "id": "13997329" }, { "contents": "Joseph Kittinger\n\n\n) and 1994 (ranked 12th). In the early 1990s, Kittinger played a lead role with NASA assisting Charles \"Nish\" Bruce to break his highest parachute jump record. The project was suspended in 1994. Joining the Red Bull Stratos project, Kittinger advised Felix Baumgartner on Baumgartner's October 14, 2012 free-fall from 128,100 feet (39,045m). The project collected leading experts in the fields of aeronautics, medicine and engineering to ensure its success. Kittinger eventually served as CAPCOM (capsule communicator) for Baumgartner", "id": "5378798" }, { "contents": "1978 Indianapolis 500\n\n\ntrack record, turning a lap of 203.482 mph. Also over 200 mph were Mears, Rutherford, and Foyt. Tom Sneva, the driver who broke the 200 mph barrier a year earlier, was the slowest of the three Penske cars, managing only a 196.3 mph lap during practice. The first weekend of time trials was scheduled for May 13–14. Rain washed out the entire first weekend, and pole qualifying was moved to Saturday May 20. The rainout complicated the schedule for Mario Andretti. He was forced to leave the", "id": "2559926" }, { "contents": "Felix Baumgartner\n\n\nApril 1969 (his brother is Gerard), in Salzburg, Austria. As a child, he dreamed about flying and skydiving. In 1999, he claimed the world record for the highest parachute jump from a building when he jumped from the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. On 20 July 2003, Baumgartner became the first person to skydive across the English Channel using a specially made carbon fiber wing. Alban Geissler, who developed the SKYRAY carbon fiber wing with Christoph Aarns, suggested after Baumgartner's jump that the wing", "id": "13997322" }, { "contents": "Mona Simpson (The Simpsons)\n\n\nin Season 19's \"Mona Leaves-a\", but died during the episode. An \"Inception\"-inspired dream version of her appears in Season 23's \"How I Wet Your Mother\". In the episode \"Let's Go Fly a Coot\", she is revealed to have met Abe when she was a waitress in a cantina bar and he broke the sound barrier to impress her. The character is named after writer Richard Appel's ex-wife, the American author (and Steve Jobs' biological sister) Mona", "id": "2422416" }, { "contents": "Geography of Paraguay\n\n\npampero from the South Atlantic, which blows across Argentina and is deflected northeastward by the Andes in the southern part of that country. Because of the lack of topographic barriers within Paraguay, these opposite prevailing winds bring about abrupt and irregular changes in the usually moderate weather. Winds are generally brisk. Velocities of 160 km/h (100 mph) have been reported in southern locations, and the town of Encarnación was once leveled by a tornado. The Paraneña region has only two distinct seasons: summer from October to March and", "id": "3896650" }, { "contents": "Typhoon Judy (1989)\n\n\nof . Strengthening continued throughout the day and Judy soon attained its peak intensity as a Category 2 equivalent typhoon on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Scale, with maximum sustained winds estimated at 175 km/h (110 mph). Around this time, the Japan Meteorological Agency assessed the typhoon to have attained ten-minute sustained winds of 155 km/h (100 mph) and a pressure of 940 mbar (hPa; 27.76 inHg). On July 26, the typhoon turned towards the northwest and weakened somewhat. Late the", "id": "15297768" }, { "contents": "Wind shear\n\n\nlevels is key in noise pollution considerations, for example from roadway noise and aircraft noise, and must be considered in the design of noise barriers. This phenomenon was first applied to the field of noise pollution study in the 1960s, contributing to the design of urban highways as well as noise barriers. The speed of sound varies with temperature. Since temperature and sound velocity normally decrease with increasing altitude, sound is refracted upward, away from listeners on the ground, creating an acoustic shadow at some distance from the source. In", "id": "5641313" }, { "contents": "Particle velocity\n\n\nback and forth in the direction the sound wave is travelling as it passes. Particle velocity should not be confused with the speed of the wave as it passes through the medium, i.e. in the case of a sound wave, particle velocity is not the same as the speed of sound. The wave moves relatively fast, while the particles oscillate around their original position with a relatively small particle velocity. Particle velocity should also not be confused with the velocity of individual molecules. In applications involving sound, the particle velocity is usually", "id": "20669385" }, { "contents": "High-rise syndrome\n\n\nThis is known as the cat's \"righting reflex\". The minimum height required for this to occur in most cats (safely) would be around . However, it has been argued that, after having reached terminal velocity, cats would orient their limbs horizontally such that their body hits the ground first. A 1987 study speculated that this is done after falling five stories to ensure the cat reaches a terminal velocity by thereafter relaxing and spreading their bodies to increase drag. Cats have a natural fondness for heights. If a", "id": "5588684" }, { "contents": "Sound barrier\n\n\nis 343 metres per second (about 767 mph, 1234 km/h or 1,125 ft/s). The term came into use during World War II when pilots of high-speed fighter aircraft experienced the effects of compressibility, a number of adverse aerodynamic effects that deterred further acceleration, seemingly impeding flight at speeds close to the speed of sound. These difficulties represented a barrier to flying at faster speeds. In 1947 it was demonstrated that safe flight at the speed of sound was achievable in purpose-designed aircraft thereby breaking", "id": "4451414" }, { "contents": "Steve McKinney (skier)\n\n\ntraps at 189.473 km/h (117.7 mph). His record was surpassed the following year at Cervinia. Two years after that, at Portillo, Chile in 1977, McKinney set a new record at 198.020 km/h (123.0 mph). In 1978 at Portillo, McKinney broke his own record. His run at 200.222 km/h (124.137 mph) marked the first time a skier had ever broken the 200 km/h barrier. This record would stand for four years. In 1982 at Silverton, Colorado", "id": "13296112" }, { "contents": "1994 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nwith Tasman Motorsports, was withdrawn from that entry, and signed with Foyt. Emerson Fittipaldi (after 'shake down' laps on Sunday) turned in his first fast laps driving the Penske-Mercedes, completed a lap of 226.512 mph. Al Unser, Jr. took to the track for the first time in the Mercedes as well. Michael Andretti led the speed chart, at 227.038 mph. Raul Boesel broke the 230 mph barrier at 5:55 p.m., the first driver to do so since 1992. His lap of 230.403 was", "id": "3754092" }, { "contents": "Water speed record\n\n\n464.46 km/h (288.60 mph) to beat Lee Taylor's record. Warby, who had built the craft in his back yard, used the publicity to find sponsorship to pay for improvements to the Spirit. On 8 October 1978 Warby travelled to Blowering Dam, Australia, and broke both the 480 km/h (300 mph) and 500 km/h barriers with an average speed of 511.12 km/h (317.6 mph). As he exited the course his peak speed as measured on a radar gun was", "id": "3832542" }, { "contents": "Nick Baumgartner\n\n\n. He competed and did not medal finishing 20th. On January 17, 2011 after not being chosen to attend the World Championship competition, Baumgartner went to train at Copper Mountain where he was in an accident that broke his collar bone. He needed surgery the next day. In 2011 Baumgartner broke Nate Holland's winning streak and his seven-try losing streak. He had done so with fifteen screws and a plate in his neck. After he had won he grabbed his son Landon and said, \"To see the look", "id": "4593203" }, { "contents": "XGRA: Extreme G Racing Association\n\n\nfeature is the ability to break the sound barrier: upon reaching 750 mph, all sound effects will cut out, except for item collection sound, other rider's taunts, weapons firing, and in-game music. \"XGRA\" allows players to race for 8 different teams, with each team's bike having their own advantages and drawbacks such as Regeneration, Handling, Speed, Acceleration and Shielding. \"XGRA: Extreme-G Racing Association\" received \"average\" reviews on all platforms according to the review aggregation website", "id": "15745634" }, { "contents": "Whisper (cartridge family)\n\n\nloads, most of the smaller caliber cartridges of the family (.308\" and under) are also capable of being loaded to supersonic velocities using relatively lightweight bullets for their caliber, increasing their utility. A subsonic cartridge is designed to fire its bullets at velocities slower than the speed of sound (1128 ft/s at 70 °F) to avoid the sonic crack caused by the bullet breaking the sound barrier. This allows the cartridge to be sound suppressed relatively easily. Additionally, in some cases, subsonic loads are often", "id": "4486718" }, { "contents": "Typhoon Agnes (1981)\n\n\n170 km (105 mi) south of Okinawa around 06:00 UTC on August 30 and emerged over the East China Sea. Early on August 31, Agnes achieved its peak strength with winds of 175 km/h (110 mph) and an estimated central pressure of 947 mbar (hPa; 27.96 inHg). This ranked it as a Category 2-equivalent on the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale. The JMA estimated the system to have been slightly weaker, with ten-minute sustained winds of 150 km/h (90 mph", "id": "6530347" }, { "contents": "Mark Hendrickson\n\n\nRicketts and Howie Schultz. Hendrickson throws four pitches: a four-seam fastball, a curveball, a changeup, as well as a cutter. His fastball varies from 87-91 MPH. Hendrickson's curveball has little movement, and sits around 71-76 MPH. His changeup causes problems for Hendrickson, as the 82-84 MPH velocity does not differ enough from his fastball. Hendrickson's cutter is his best pitch and it sits around 82-87 MPH. Hendrickson was announced as the Aberdeen IronBirds' new pitching", "id": "2056630" }, { "contents": "Speed skydiving\n\n\nfree fall when the force due to gravity is exactly balanced by the force due to air resistance, such that the body experiences zero acceleration. The formula for terminal velocity (where buoyancy in air is negligible) is given by the thrust where So, for a human in belly-to-earth position ( m, kg, ) this gives 50.6 m/s, about the terminal velocity of the typical skydiver of 55 m/s. The skydiver cannot increase their mass easily enough to significantly increase terminal velocity,", "id": "2031842" }, { "contents": "1977 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nlap track record was still 199.071 mph, set by Johny Rutherford back in 1973. Pole day was sunny and warm, and an estimated 200,000 spectators arrived anticipating a record-setting day. No drivers broke the 200 mph barrier during practice on the morning of pole day, but participants and observers expected the record to fall during official time trials. At 11:00 a.m., A. J. Foyt was the first driver to make an attempt. His four-lap speed of 193.465 mph was far short of the record. Al Unser Sr", "id": "2559897" }, { "contents": "1998 Indianapolis 500\n\n\n219.325 mph. Tony Stewart led the speed chart, with a lap of 223.703 mph. It was the fastest lap since the normally aspirated engine formula was adopted in 1997. Eight drivers in total broke the 200 mph barrier. Danny Ongais suffered the most serious crash thus far for the month, and was sidelined with a concussion. Arie Luyendyk, Mike Groff, Raul Boesel and Tony Stewart all suffered mechanical problems, and required tows back to the garage area. Off the track, Eddie Cheever announced a sponsorship deal with Rachel", "id": "3753809" }, { "contents": "USA-193\n\n\n\"Lake Erie\" and intercepted USA-193 about 133 nautical miles (247 kilometers) above the Pacific Ocean. The satellite was traveling with a velocity of about 17,500 mph (around 28,000 km/h, or 7.8 km/s). The velocity of the impact was about 22,000 mph. The Department of Defense expressed a \"high degree of confidence\" that the fuel tank was hit and destroyed. The satellite's remnants were expected to burn up over the course of the next 40 days, with most of the satellite's", "id": "15035592" }, { "contents": "Transport in Milford Sound\n\n\nof tourists arrive and depart quickly, leading to a great peaking of demand at the day-cruises terminal where the large tourist boats lie empty for most of the day, becoming extremely active only during the 3–4 hours around and past noon. The above difficulties in reaching this extremely popular destination have led to a number of serious proposals on how to better connect the attractions of Milford Sound to the rest of New Zealand, and how to increase tourism without reducing sustainability for this national natural treasure. In conjunction with these plans,", "id": "3517173" }, { "contents": "Handley Page Victor\n\n\n. Allam noticed a cockpit indication of Mach 1.1 and ground observers from Watford to Banbury reported hearing a sonic boom. The Victor maintained stability throughout the event. Aviation author Andrew Brookes has claimed that Allam broke the sound barrier knowingly to demonstrate the Victor's superiority to the earlier V-bombers. The Victor was the largest aircraft to have broken the sound barrier at that time. The RAF required a higher ceiling for its bombers, and a number of proposals were considered for improved Victors to meet this demand. At first,", "id": "11396402" }, { "contents": "1984 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nthat an active Formula One driver, Teo Fabi, featured in the field, with double World Champion Fernando Alonso making his 500 debut in 2017. Pole day was a historic day as Tom Sneva broke the track record with the first lap over 210 mph at Indy. Sneva was also the first driver to break the 200 mph barrier, which he accomplished during time trials in 1977. Going into pole day, Mario Andretti was the favorite for the pole position, after he ran a practice lap of 212 mph. Rick Mears", "id": "3754602" }, { "contents": ".338 Whisper\n\n\nThe .338 Whisper is a wildcat cartridge in the Whisper family, a group of cartridges developed in the early 1990s by J.D. Jones of SSK Industries. Unlike the smaller caliber cartridges in the Whisper family, loads for the .338 Whisper are mainly limited to subsonic velocities. There are two versions of the .338 Whisper: A subsonic cartridge is designed to fire its bullets at velocities slower than the speed of sound (1128 ft/s at 70 °F) to avoid the sonic crack caused by the bullet breaking the sound barrier,", "id": "15540750" }, { "contents": "Typhoon Maysak (2015)\n\n\nmph); this was increased to 280 km/h (175 mph) in post-season reanalysis, the highest on record for a pre-April typhoon. Around that time, the storm was moving through the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), passing just north of Fais Island, and also very near Ulithi. Late on March 31, Maysak reached its peak intensity, and the JMA estimated peak winds of 195 km/h (120 mph) and a minimum pressure of , although operationally, the agency", "id": "12517792" }, { "contents": "Golden Ticket (The Office)\n\n\n\"If last week's 'Blood Drive' gave us Michael at his most human and sympathetic, then 'Golden Ticket' showed how a human Michael could also be a monster.\" However, Sepinwall said he did think the subplot involving Kevin receiving romantic advice was funny and sweet: \"Brian Baumgartner's just been aces the last two weeks, and if it hadn't been for this story, I might have found 'Golden Ticket' unbearable.\" Dan Hopper of VH1's \"Best Week Ever\" strongly criticized", "id": "13426028" }, { "contents": "Felix of Burgundy\n\n\nIt has been suggested that a connection between the disciples of Columbanus, (who strongly influenced the Christians of Northern Burgundy) and Felix, helps to explain how the Wuffingas dynasty established its links with Faremoutiers. Higham notes various suggestions for where Felix may have originated, including Luxeuil, Châlons or the area around Autun. Other historians have made connections between Felix and Dagobert I, who had contact with both King Sigeberht of East Anglia and Amandus, a disciple of Columbanus. McLure and Collins note that there was a bishop named Felix", "id": "10535595" }, { "contents": "Fintan Magee\n\n\nat Backwoods Gallery in Melbourne was themed around his own personal experiences in the 2011 Brisbane floods. He often uses personal stories to talk about broader issues like climate change and the migrant crisis. He received national acclaim for his mural depicting Felix Baumgartner in Brisbane, and has participated in various public art festivals in Australia and abroad. Along with other recognised street artists from around Australia, Magee contributed to Toowoomba's \"First Coat\" program. Fintan has Irish, English and Australian ancestry, his father is from Derry in Northern Ireland", "id": "13228055" }, { "contents": "Pellet (air gun)\n\n\n, which often can push a normal pellet to velocities exceeding the speed of sound. A few companies have addressed this issue by manufacturing heavier than normal pellets for use in these high powered air guns. The heavier weight of these pellets ensure that they will travel at speeds well below the sound barrier, resulting in less tumbling and more overall accuracy. Their weight also makes them less susceptible to air resistance, and thus imparts more kinetic energy downrange, increasing lethality. Recently some manufacturers also have introduced the more cylindrical-shaped \"", "id": "14894608" }, { "contents": "Golden Age of Science Fiction\n\n\nbroke the 'slicks' barrier by having an undiluted science fiction story of his published in \"The Saturday Evening Post\"\". The large, mainstream companies' entry into the science fiction book market around 1950 was similar to how they published crime fiction during World War II; authors no longer could only publish through magazines. Asimov said, however, that He continued, \"In fact, there was the birth of something I called 'tomorrow fiction'; the science fiction story that was no more new than tomorrow's", "id": "19354953" }, { "contents": "1965 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nwas driving the brand new four-wheel drive Novi car entered by Andy Granatelli. Unser's car t-boned Rose's car, and spun wildly into the outside wall. Rose was not hurt. Unser was sent to the hospital for x-rays, but was not seriously injured. Pole day was a record-setting, historic day, as drivers officially broke the 160 mph barrier. Mario Andretti was one of the first drivers to set the pace, putting in a lap of 159.406 mph, and a four", "id": "14074196" }, { "contents": "Evan Meek\n\n\nto chase the pitch, even out of the strike zone to due his ability throw his other pitches for strikes. However, after several injuries in 2011, Meek saw his fastball velocity decrease into the low to mid 90s, ranging from 90-95 mph. Meek's curveball is his primary off-speed pitch, with the velocity sitting around 79–82 mph. Meek throws a cutter that was rated in August 2009 as the 3rd most effective cutter in Major League Baseball because of its runs above the MLB average. The pitch", "id": "16901775" } ]
How are ants able to build colonies/civilizations with such a tiny brain?
[{"answer": "\"Civilization\" is a bit of a strong word. AFAWK, they do not create art. They do not recount epic legends. They are able to build colonies by use of pheromones. They recognize the behavior they should have in certain areas by chemical trails. Foraging ants know to bring extra back to the hive. nursing ants know to tend to the queen. The queen knows to give birth once it has sufficient food. They know when it is safe to leave their hole when it is warm enough outside for them (They use body heat and heat of decomposing waste to stay warm in colder situations). They don't need large brains. Every ant has hard wired, instinctual roles. Narrow in scope, there is little need for a larger brain. They overcome difficult challenges not by out thinking them (a common tactic of primates) but instead by throwing more brood at the problem. With the high rate of egg laying done by queens, this is a much more economic solution to the problem."}, {"answer": "Their colonies are big, but not really complicated-there is no master plan about how to build. They just know basics - \"if it's too hot - drill a hole\", \"if it's too cold bring more sand\" etc. That simple \"programming\" together with ability to recognize and amplify chemical trails allows them to make coordinated effort towards one goal."}, {"answer": "Complex patterns can arise out of a number of relatively simple rules. This is known as [emergence]( URL_1 ). Water molecules have no brain at all, yet they build [fairly complex-looking snowflakes]( URL_0 ) through interactions. In a same way ants can build colonies by following relatively simple rules and interacting with each other."}, {"answer": "There was a good video about this, I cant find it though. The video stated they basically follow very simple rules that yield seemingly complex behavior - the video talked about how a certain type of ant that lived in rock crevasses found the ideal habitat and it was super interesting. The ant would walk along the boundary of the habitat, and then walk back and forth between the walls. The number of times it crossed its own pheromone trail let it decide between \"too crowded\" or \"too large\" of a space. So essentially the act of finding a good habitat is boiled down to simple counting."}, {"answer": "chemical markers guide them to food, warn of danger, or whatever."}, {"answer": "It depends on the ant really. But many ants follow the same principles. Every time an ant walks somewhere it leaves pheromone trails. If the ant goes somewhere where it will find food it leaves pheromones making other ants go there to find out what it is. Then they also leave pheromone as they find the food and even more ants will come. This means that there become established roads to food that the ants will go to. For homes it is very different from ants to ants. But some ants for example go around potential homes and leave pheromone trails along the walls. Then all potential homes in the area ants will do the same and then the ants flock to the biggest home. I hope this makes sense to you! All the ants do is based on pheromones, not intelligence : )"}, {"answer": "You seem to think that ant colony or mound or whatever is complex. Think of something else. Like immune reaction to viral or bacterial infection in living organism. Or digestion. Or breathing. What decisions brain has to make and what \"forces\" (cells, circulation, muscles, acids, etc) to lead and direct to accomplish those tasks. Isn't this million times more complex than simple motor function of stacking pieces of dirt in a pile or digging tunnels? While such things are not what we call conscious and happen automatically, they are still controlled mostly by brain. And every ant can do this, however tiny their brains are."}, {"answer": "A single ant leaves a small pheromone trail. Another ant following that trail strengthens the smell of the pheromones. A good food source ends up having a very strong pheromone trail to it. When all the food is picked, that trail is used less and the pheromones fade. RadioLab covered some of this, and how we are similar, on their podcast at URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Here is an amazing video about ants: ANTS - Nature's Secret Power (Full): URL_0 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2594", "title": "Ant", "section": "Section::::Behaviour and ecology.:Communication.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 40, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 40, "end_character": 1228, "bleu_score": 0.5593144825824805}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ant colony\n\n\n\"ant-bed\", in its simplest form, is a pile of earth, sand, pine needles, manure, urine, or clay or a composite of these and other materials that build up at the entrances of the subterranean dwellings of ant colonies as they are excavated. A colony is built and maintained by legions of worker ants, who carry tiny bits of dirt and pebbles in their mandibles and deposit them near the exit of the colony. They normally deposit the dirt or vegetation at the top of the hill", "id": "63505" }, { "contents": "Black garden ant\n\n\nqueen will be much smaller than brood supported by a team of foraging and nursing workers. Provided workers are able to find food, at this stage the colony will see an exponential rise in population. After several years, once the colony is well established, the queen will lay eggs that will become queens and males. Black ants often make large nests with extensive tunnel connections. When building their colony, the ants structure it so as to inhibit the transmission of different contagions. Different communities within the colony are segregated by a", "id": "8814155" }, { "contents": "Ant War\n\n\nwho expand your ant colony; and Soldiers: who are dedicated fighters for your colony. The ant colony has three main resources that are used food, nest size, and ants. Your ants need food to survive, the size of the nest dictates how many ants can live in the colony as well as how much food can be stored, and the number of ants in the colony shows your overall success. As your colony grows large you can move it to increasingly difficult zones. Your colony can also fight different enemies", "id": "9171375" }, { "contents": "Solenopsis molesta\n\n\nthat they have an infestation of tiny ants. \"Solenopsis molesta\" are common in homes, and due to their small size they can easily enter sealed packages of food. Other thief ant colonies are inside other ant colonies. They then eat the food and sometimes larva of the host ants. They will eat just about anything, including dead animals and fungal spores, and will travel great distances in search for food. Once food has been found, a trail is formed from the colony to the food so the other thief", "id": "10752941" }, { "contents": "Barbara Webb\n\n\nbe inspiration for efficient processing algorithms for sensorimotor control. Her group research the navigation of ants, learning abilities of drosophila and movement of crickets. She uses insect inspired robotics as an approach to control system design. She was appointed to a Professor of Biorobotics in 2010. Her inaugural lecture discussed how biological systems are examples of the kind of machines roboticists want to build. That year, she delivered the University of Edinburgh Christmas Lecture. Webb is interested in how ants, with brains small enough to fit on a pin head,", "id": "2507073" }, { "contents": "Ant colony\n\n\nnests where the workers pile sand or soil outside the entrance, forming a large mound. Colony size (the number of individuals that make up the colony) is very important to ants: it can affect how they forage, how they defend their nests, how they mate, and even their physical appearances. Body size is often seen as the most important factor in shaping the natural history of non-colonial organisms; similarly, colony size is key in influencing how colonial organisms are collectively organized. However, colony sizes are", "id": "63497" }, { "contents": "Ant\n\n\nand \"Acromyrmex\") feed exclusively on a fungus that grows only within their colonies. They continually collect leaves which are taken to the colony, cut into tiny pieces and placed in fungal gardens. Ergates specialise in related tasks according to their sizes. The largest ants cut stalks, smaller workers chew the leaves and the smallest tend the fungus. Leafcutter ants are sensitive enough to recognise the reaction of the fungus to different plant material, apparently detecting chemical signals from the fungus. If a particular type of leaf is found to", "id": "2387238" }, { "contents": "Leptanilla japonica\n\n\nLeptanilla japonica is an uncommon highly migratory, subterranean ant found in Japan. They are tiny insects, with workers measuring about 1.2 mm and queens reaching to about 1.8 mm, and live in very small colonies of only a few hundred individuals at a time (as compared to the 60,000 to 20,000,000 individuals of legionary ant colonies.) Its sexual development follows a seasonal cycle that affects the colony’s migration and feeding habits, and vice versa. \"L. japonica\" exhibits specialized predation, with prey consisting mainly of geophilomorph centipedes,", "id": "7732878" }, { "contents": "Meat ant\n\n\non workers as discussed earlier, some are inquilines and live in the nest commensally. Unused or abandoned areas inside colonies are sometimes occupied by other species of ants and in some cases, termites. Meat ants may deliberately destroy the colonies of the termite \"Amitermes laurensis\" if competition between the two intensify. Meat ants play an important role in seed dispersal. A meat ant colony is capable of dispersing 334,000 individual bellyache bush seeds per hectare, which shows a strong ant-seed relationship among the two. Meat ants are able", "id": "2210843" }, { "contents": "Pharaoh ant\n\n\nthat is used to build a trail network. It remains detectable even if the ants do not use the trail for several days. Pharaoh ants cease activity at night and begin each day of work at around 8 am, yet parts of the trail network are identical each day. The second pheromone is also attractive, but will decay to imperceptible amounts in a matter of minutes without reapplication. This pheromone is useful in marking food sources, as these are unpredictable and the colony must be able to respond to environmental changes quickly.", "id": "8682039" }, { "contents": "Eucharitidae\n\n\nant colony grooms and feeds them as if they were part of the ants’ brood. In some instances, worker ants have been observed assisting the wasps to emerge from their host. The wasps gain acceptance in these ways, and the ants show no signs of aggression because the wasps acquire their host's odor upon entry into the colony. By mimicking the odor of their host, eucharitid wasps are able to keep themselves safe until the scent wears off, at which point they begin to leave the ant colony and begin mating", "id": "41107" }, { "contents": "Kent Brockman\n\n\nspace ants in \"Deep Space Homer\", which generated the meme, is considered to be one of the show's classic moments. The spacecraft was carrying an ant colony to see if they could be trained to sort tiny screws in space, but were released by Homer by accident. This led to an ant drifting by the video feed, appearing gigantic due to its proximity to the camera, at which point Brockman contemplates if the \"master race of giant space ants ... will consume the captive earth men or merely enslave", "id": "17349910" }, { "contents": "Myrmecia (ant)\n\n\ninquilina\" queen has been found in an \"M. vindex\" colony. \"Myrmecia\" is a larval attendant to the butterfly \"Theclinesthes serpentata\" (saltbush blue), while some species, particularly \"M. nigrocincta\", enslave other ant species, notably those in the genus \"Leptomyrmex\". \"M. nigriceps\" ants are able to enter another colony of the same species without being attacked, as they may be unable to recognize alien conspecifics, nor do they try to distinguish nestmates from ants of another colony. \"", "id": "204623" }, { "contents": "Pharaoh ant\n\n\nmaximize the growth of the colony. For example, in a small colony, the ratio of queens to workers is increased. This in turn increases the potential for reproduction, allowing colony growth. Conversely, in a large colony, the high worker to queen ratio maximizes the foraging capacity of the nest, helping sustain the population size. The Pharaoh ant is a polygynous species that has a relatively low worker to queen ratio of around 12.86. This allows the pharaoh ants to be able to exert social control over the size of", "id": "8682055" }, { "contents": "Ant eggs\n\n\npests such as insect larvae and aphids, because they are the ants' food. Farmers cultivate the popular eggs. Five factors affect growth rates. Ants like to live in an open ground area with lots of trees but not dense shade. From October to December ants quickly build a large nest. The bigger the nest, the more eggs it can store. Ants build their colonies on various kind of trees, but they prefer mango, rambutan, longan, litchi, apple and orange. Ants from different colonies fight and", "id": "10109961" }, { "contents": "Bumblebee\n\n\nneonicotinoids can reduce the number of bumblebees in a colony by as much as 55%, and cause dysfunction in the bumblebees' brains. The Bumblebee Conservation Trust considers this evidence of reduced brain function \"particularly alarming given that bumblebees rely upon their intelligence to go about their daily tasks.\" A study on \"B. terrestris\" had results that suggests that use of neonicotinoid pesticides can affect how well bumblebees are able to forage and pollinate. Bee colonies that had been affected by the pesticide released more foragers and collected more pollen than", "id": "19521190" }, { "contents": "Escovopsis\n\n\nin the colonies would be able to reduce, eliminate, and defend against the fungal cultivar much easier and quicker than it would be able to for \"Escovopsis\" strains. According to the scientists that undertook the study, the coevolved \"Escovopsis\" can be used as a biocontrol agent for the population of these leafcutter ants, which are considered agricultural pests in these areas. Leafcutter ants communicate through exchanges of chemicals and secrete chemicals made from actinomycete bacteria in order to protect their colonies. The \"Atta\" colonies have a hierarchal", "id": "717935" }, { "contents": "Red harvester ant\n\n\nmonsoon rains. To found a successful colony, \"P. barbatus\" queens must mate with males from two separate lineages. One lineage results in ants that become the workers of the colony. These are the ants responsible for the nonreproductive tasks of the colony. The other lineage produces reproductive female ants. After mating with the male ants at the aggregation site, the queen flies away to establish a new colony. Upon arriving at her new nest site, the queen loses her wings and builds a nest in the soil. The", "id": "19635044" }, { "contents": "Paraponera clavata\n\n\nworkers of \"P. clavata\", of which the supply is constant because frequent aggressive encounters occur between neighbouring colonies, resulting in maimed workers. The flies are able to parasitise healthy ants if the ants are artificially restrained, but healthy ants are agile and able to repel them. Both male and female flies are attracted by the scent of injured ants; the females lay eggs, as well as feed, and the males feed and possibly mate with the females. The flies are attracted to a crushed ant within two to three", "id": "1096500" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Demaray\n\n\nspecies. In 2010, Demaray worked with an ant researcher at the American Museum of Natural History to create \"Corpor Esurit, or we all deserve a break today\". The artwork offered a colony of ants food from McDonald's to present a commentary on the effects of the American diet on the creatures that depend on humans for food. In 2011, Demaray collaborated with lichen researcher Natalie Howe to grow lichen on several buildings in New York City. The objective of her project, \"Lichen for Skyscrapers\", was to", "id": "17721272" }, { "contents": "Myrmecology\n\n\nin 1910 he delivered a lecture at Woods Hole on “The Ant-Colony as an Organism,” which pioneered the idea of superorganisms. Wheeler considered trophallaxis or the sharing of food within the colony as the core of ant society. This was studied using a dye in the food and observing how it spread in the colony. Some, such as Horace Donisthorpe, worked on the systematics of ants. This tradition continued in many parts of the world until advances in other aspects of biology were made. The advent of genetics", "id": "16918525" }, { "contents": "Ant colony optimization algorithms\n\n\n, for example, impossible to integrate a high performance calculator with the power to solve any kind of mathematical problem into a biochip that is implanted into the human body or integrated in an intelligent tag which is designed to trace commercial articles. However, once those objects are interconnected they dispose of a form of intelligence that can be compared to a colony of ants or bees. In the case of certain problems, this type of intelligence can be superior to the reasoning of a centralized system similar to the brain. Nature offers several", "id": "15920772" }, { "contents": "Formica lugubris\n\n\nis flattened on the south side to present a greater surface area to the sun and in spring, large numbers of workers can be seen sunbathing on the nest. When warm they will go into the nest to release their heat inside. Each ant is able to recognize other members of their colony by a specific odor they all carry on them. Different odors allow them to also recognize other insects and ants from other colonies. When these ants encounter outside species of ants and insects, they may become shocked and engage in combat", "id": "12231592" }, { "contents": "Decentralised system\n\n\n\"any\" ant in the colony. For example, in foraging behaviour, red harvester ants (\"Pogonomyrmex barbatus\") communicate to other ants where food is, how much food there is, and whether or not they should switch tasks to forage based on cuticular hydrocarbon scents and the rate of ant-interaction. By using the combined odors of forager cuticular hydrocarbons and of seeds and interaction rate using brief antennal contact, the colony captures precise information about the current availability of food and thus whether or not they should switch", "id": "1920598" }, { "contents": "The Colony (professional wrestling)\n\n\nmore powerful due to the plate. Also in February, The Colony of Fire Ant and Soldier Ant secured three points and challenged Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw for the Campeonatos de Parejas on March 13, but were unsuccessful in regaining the title. On April 15, The Colony entered the 2011 King of Trios, defeating Sinn Bodhi, Kodama and Obariyon in their first round match. The following day during a fan conclave, Chikara held a contest to see if anyone could be able to body slam the BDK member Tursas. Green Ant", "id": "22214904" }, { "contents": "Ant War\n\n\n: who find more food items each day. Weaver Ants: who make new ants faster and find gems easier, they also do not like to fight. Carpenter ants who make the nest grow larger. Fire ants: who are good at fighting and find more enemies to fight. Game play consists of building an ant colony by assigning percentages of your ants each day to one of four different roles: Farmers/Scouts: who farm and forage for food; Nurses: who breed new ants for your colony; Workers:", "id": "9171374" }, { "contents": "Histeridae\n\n\nMicrohisterids This subclade is the smallest of the four. They live on plant litter and feed on the tiny arthropods found there. Microhisterids, like all other Histeridae, become specialized to hunt their prey and live in their habitats. Like the fifth division of Geobiotes, some Microhisterids are known to be blind as well. 4. Inquilines This division consists of those Histeridae that live in close proximity with social colonies of arthropods such as ants and termites. Histeridae that live near ants can live in a harmonious or hostile relationship. The", "id": "8930394" }, { "contents": "Ant colony optimization algorithms\n\n\n, it is possible to prove that it is convergent (i.e., it is able to find the global optimum in finite time). The first evidence of a convergence ant colony algorithm was made in 2000, the graph-based ant system algorithm, and then algorithms for ACS and MMAS. Like most metaheuristics, it is very difficult to estimate the theoretical speed of convergence. In 2004, Zlochin and his colleagues showed that COA-type algorithms could be assimilated methods of stochastic gradient descent, on the cross-entropy and", "id": "15920780" }, { "contents": "Temnothorax albipennis\n\n\nlays eggs in the nest and a large number of workers. These are all non-breeding females and leave the nest to forage and collect building materials for its construction and repair. \"T. albipennis\" builds simple nests in cracks in rocks, enclosed by walls built from tiny pebbles and grains of sand. In an experiment where two sizes of sand grain were offered to ants that were foraging for building materials, the ants always chose the smaller grains although this was wasteful in terms of building efficiency. \"T. albipennis\"", "id": "18749526" }, { "contents": "Myrmica schencki\n\n\nwith up to 1000 workers. Recent research has shown that this species may partially feed on pollen – a phenomenon rarely documented in ants. \"M. schencki\" is parasitized by \"Phengaris rebeli\" larvae, which release chemicals that trick the ants into believing that the butterfly larvae are ant larvae and should be brought back to the ant brood. In the ant nest, the \"P. rebeli\" larvae and pupa are able to mimic the sound that the queen of the ant colony makes, causing the ants to preferentially feed the", "id": "13827475" }, { "contents": "Neurolaw\n\n\nUsing fMRI technology, researchers concluded that she was able to understand external stimuli, showing a response via activity in specific regions of the brain. For example, there was increased activity in the middle and superior temporal gyri similar to activity exhibited by control subjects. This positive response reveals potential for medical imaging to be used to understand the implications of brain death, and to help answer legal, scientific, and ethical questions pertaining to brain death. In addition to questions involving how neuroscience should influence criminal and civil law, neurolaw also", "id": "15574794" }, { "contents": "Black garden ant\n\n\nown eggs in order to survive. \"Lasius niger\" have four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. \"Lasius niger\" lay tiny, white, kidney-shaped eggs with a smooth sticky surface which helps them to be carried in a group instead of one by one. After hatching \"Lasius niger\" proceed onto the larva stage resembling tiny maggots. The larvae need to be fed by the queen (or workers in the case of an established colony) if they are to mature;", "id": "8814151" }, { "contents": "Ant robotics\n\n\nwas through studying the behavior of real ants in ant colonies and keeping ant farms as a basis for his programming. Through this examination, he could better understand how insects structured their workloads in order to produce a viable and working prototype of robotic ants. Researchers have developed ant robot hardware and software and demonstrated, both in simulation and on physical robots, that single ant robots or teams of ant robots solve robot-navigation tasks (such as path following and terrain coverage) robustly and efficiently. For example, trails coordinate the", "id": "9732999" }, { "contents": "Temnothorax rugatulus\n\n\nresponsive) but are less aggressive. T. \"rugatulus\" ants use various communication methods to spread information to the entire colony. Tandem running is when one ant has a one-on-one interaction with another ant to a point of interest. Transportation is when one ant literally carries the other ant to the desired location. The newly discovered and studied reverse tandem running is where one ant shows another ant how to get home from an outside location. It may be used in T. \"rugatulus\" ants to assist an ant", "id": "3524041" }, { "contents": "Green-head ant\n\n\ncolonies, but this is due to the differentiated social environment between small and large societies. In contrast, old workers from large colonies forage for significant periods of time, and those in small colonies forage less. A predatory species such as the green-head ant may not be able to increase prey retrieval within its environment, even if there is a larger foraging force. This means that the workers may have to spend more time foraging to retrieve any prey item. Contact among nestmates also differs between small and large colonies,", "id": "11871978" }, { "contents": "Polybia rejecta\n\n\nwhere twelve colonies of \"P. rejecta\" were observed. The wasps tend to build their nests in a 10-20 centimeter proximity to the ants' home. The wasps' nests tend to be smaller than the ones away from the ants' colony, and of a similar coloring to the ants. This makes it hard to differentiate the wasps' nests from the ants'. All of the twelve nests found and observed were associated with the \"Azteca chartifex\", meaning that there must be some kind of benefit for", "id": "3641814" }, { "contents": "Camponotus vagus\n\n\ntypically builds its nests in dead wood, but colonies can also be founder under stones. An average colony has 1,000 to 4,000 workers, but larger colonies contain up to 10,000 individuals. \"C. vagus\", like all ants in genus \"Camponotus\", may be referred to by the English language common name \"carpenter ant\" but it is known by other names across its range. In the Netherlands, for example, this species is known in Dutch as \"zwarte reuzenmier\", i.e. \"black giant ant.\"", "id": "4583095" }, { "contents": "Yellow crazy ant\n\n\nsuch as cinnamon, citrus, coffee and coconut plantations. Because the ant has generalized nesting habits, they are able to disperse via trucks, boats and other forms of human transport. Crazy ant colonies naturally disperse through “budding”, i.e. when mated queens and workers leave the nest to establish a new one, and only rarely through flight via female winged reproductive forms. Generally, colonies that disperse through “budding” have a lower rate of dispersal and need human intervention to reach distant areas. It has been recorded that", "id": "6872801" }, { "contents": "Bruce Olson\n\n\ndifferent, the ants scattered in fear. Miraculously, the man was transformed into an ant, and was able to show the other ants how to improve their home. Olson used that story to describe how God became incarnate in Jesus and \"walked our trail.\" Olson described the death of Jesus, and his resurrection, and told the Barí that the Bible tells the story of Jesus. Many nights later, Bobarishora asked Olson how he could walk on Jesus' trail. Olson had difficulty explaining \"faith\" in the", "id": "17643250" }, { "contents": "Myrmecophily in Staphylinidae\n\n\navoid the odor. For Staphylinids accepted into the host colony chemical mimicry is used more for camouflage. The majority of the chemical signals used are cuticular hydrocarbons, which are produced in the cuticle of the host ant at certain concentrations and are palpated to determine the identity of an ant. Species in close contact with their host ants are able to pick up the host’s hydrocarbons and imitate the ant’s hydrocarbon pattern, thus appearing in scent at least to be the same species as the host ant. As hydrocarbon patterns are specific", "id": "8656045" }, { "contents": "Azteca andreae\n\n\nthe spaces in between nodes on the plant stem, of select plant species. When the queens start a new colony, they apparently limit their colonies to \"Cecropia\" trees. They will inhabit multiple different species of tree, but they have a preference for \"Cecropia obtusa\". Up to 8350 workers live in each tree. The queens initially start the colonies inside of the tree, but the ants will eventually build external carton nests. The ants will also build their nests near the wasp species \"Polybia rejecta \" in", "id": "6383252" }, { "contents": "List of ThunderCats characters\n\n\nhomeworld is so tiny, they must form other colonies on distant worlds to survive. Small and harmless-looking, the Berbils are steadfast, hardy workers and skilled farmers, cooks and craftsmen. It was thanks to them that Tygra was able to build Cat's Lair—and later the Tower of Omens—so quickly. Apparently, the Robear Berbils are cybernetic organisms, as they are able to eat and digest organic food. Robear Bill (voiced by Earl Hammond in the original series, Dee Bradley Baker in the 2011", "id": "17075033" }, { "contents": "Tapinoma melanocephalum\n\n\n. This has been proven considering the ghost ant cannot adapt to colder climates and are only confined to greenhouses and buildings that provide considerable conditions that allows the species to thrive, although a colony of ghost ants was discovered in an apartment block in Canada. One report has even stated the presence of ghost ants in isolated regions, with a colony being found in the Galapagos Islands. The ant is found in 154 geographical areas. The species is a common pest in the United States, particularly in the states of Hawaii and", "id": "15214471" }, { "contents": "Allomerus decemarticulatus\n\n\nthe domatia to recruit even more ants to aid in holding down and eventually dismembering the prey. This also demonstrates how much more effective a group of individuals can be than an individual working on its own. A single ant would never be able to kill such large prey; they are only able to do so by incorporating communication and cooperation. This predatory behavior is very effective against the relatively large prey that the ants consume. Dejean and other researchers (2001) tested the limits of its effectiveness by exposing the ants to termites", "id": "21968427" }, { "contents": "Rasberry crazy ant\n\n\ngenera taxonomy within this clade of ants, and now it is identified as \"Nylanderia fulva\". In 2014, it was discovered that the ant produces and covers itself with formic acid as an antidote to the fire ant's venom. It is the first known example of an insect being able to neutralize another insect's venom, an ability speculated to have evolved in South America where the two species share the same native range. Colonies have multiple queens, which also contributes to their survival. As of 2012, the ants", "id": "11053649" }, { "contents": "Ant\n\n\nmay then run around continuously until they die of exhaustion. The female worker ants do not have wings and reproductive females lose their wings after their mating flights in order to begin their colonies. Therefore, unlike their wasp ancestors, most ants travel by walking. Some species are capable of leaping. For example, Jerdon's jumping ant (\"Harpegnathos saltator\") is able to jump by synchronising the action of its mid and hind pairs of legs. There are several species of gliding ant including \"Cephalotes atratus\"; this", "id": "2387242" }, { "contents": "Ant\n\n\nmay be a common trait among arboreal ants with small colonies. Ants with this ability are able to control their horizontal movement so as to catch tree trunks when they fall from atop the forest canopy. Other species of ants can form chains to bridge gaps over water, underground, or through spaces in vegetation. Some species also form floating rafts that help them survive floods. These rafts may also have a role in allowing ants to colonise islands. \"Polyrhachis sokolova\", a species of ant found in Australian mangrove swamps,", "id": "2387243" }, { "contents": "Links 2-3-4\n\n\nthe movie theater scene the beetles attack, killing many ants. The beetles symbolize Nazism and the ant-colony symbolizes Communism. One ant is seen watching what the monstrous beetles are doing. The same ant then goes underground to rally the other ants and kill the beetles which symbolizes how the Left may crush the Right if they work together. There is also a right hand belonging to a body lying near a grave with a cross on it, covered by ants near the end of the video (symbolizing the defeat of the", "id": "2299619" }, { "contents": "Ant War\n\n\ncasual strategy game, \"Lemonade Tycoon\". A demo version of the game was made available to play in web browsers. Ant War has since been released as a free to play game with in app purchases on IOS and Android devices. It was released on the Steam Store as Ant War: Domination on October 2, 2015. At the outset of each game the player is required to pick one of five ant types which affects how their colony performs. Leaf cutter ants: who find more food bonuses. Harvester Ants", "id": "9171373" }, { "contents": "Polyergus rufescens\n\n\nsome of these attempt to infiltrate the target colony, others returning home with the raiders. Some winged females also accompany the raiders, and a few of these have been observed returning home carrying a cocoon. A newly mated female is unable to found a new colony unaided because she is not able to feed herself or care for her first brood. Instead, she enters the nest of another species of ants. She may join a column of raiding ants and use the panic and confusion surrounding their attack on the target colony to", "id": "11433054" }, { "contents": "Red imported fire ant\n\n\nexert control over the production of sexuals through pheromones that influence the behaviours of workers toward both male and female larvae. There are two forms of society in the red imported fire ant: polygynous colonies and monogynous colonies. Polygynous colonies differ substantially from monogynous colonies in social insects. The former experience reductions in queen fecundity, dispersal, longevity, and nestmate relatedness. Polygynous queens are also less physogastric than monogynous queens and workers are smaller. Understanding the mechanisms behind queen recruitment is integral to understanding how these differences in fitness are formed.", "id": "9302139" }, { "contents": "Pharaoh ant\n\n\ninteractions and colony dynamics. This also allows the colony to fragment into bud colonies quickly. Pharaoh ants are a tropical species, but they thrive in buildings almost anywhere, even in temperate regions provided central heating is present. Pharaoh workers are about 1.5 to 2 millimeters long, a little more than 1/16-inch. They are light yellow to reddish brown in color with a darker abdomen. Pharaoh ant workers have a non-functional stinger used to generate pheromones. The petiole (narrow waist between the thorax and abdomen) has two nodes", "id": "8682031" }, { "contents": "Formicarium\n\n\nA formicarium or ant farm is a vivarium which is designed primarily for the study of ant colonies and how ants behave. Those who study ant behavior are known as myrmecologists. The formicarium was invented by Charles Janet, a French entomologist and polymath, who had the idea of reducing the three dimensions of an ant nest to the virtual two dimensions between two panes of glass. His design was exhibited in the Exposition Universelle (1900) in Paris. Janet's invention was recognized by his promotion to Chevalier (Knight) of the", "id": "7273570" }, { "contents": "Red imported fire ant\n\n\nin lab-reared colonies are less aggressive than those in the wild. Queen-derived cues are able to regulate nestmate recognition in workers and amine levels. However, these cues do not play a major role in colony-level recognition, but they can serve as a form of caste-recognition within nests. Workers living in monogyne societies tend to be extremely aggressive and attack intruders from neighbouring nests. In queenless colonies, the addition of alien queens or workers does not increase aggression among the population. Red imported fire ants", "id": "9302106" }, { "contents": "Global brain\n\n\nswarm intelligence and insect societies, such as beehives and ant colonies, in which individuals are essentially interchangeable. In a more extreme view, the global brain has been compared with the Borg, the race of collectively thinking cyborgs conceived by the Star Trek science fiction franchise. Global brain theorists reply that the emergence of distributed intelligence would lead to the exact opposite of this vision. The reason is that effective collective intelligence requires diversity of opinion, decentralization and individual independence, as demonstrated by James Surowiecki in his book The Wisdom of Crowds", "id": "9106335" }, { "contents": "Acromyrmex\n\n\nmaterial such as leaf fragments on its back. \"Acromyrmex\" can be distinguished from the closely related leafcutter ant genus \"Atta\" by having four pairs of spines and a rough exoskeleton on the upper surface of the thorax compared to three pairs of spines and a smooth exoskeleton in \"Atta\". Much of the inside of the \"Acromyrmex\" head is occupied by the muscles that close the jaws; the muscles that open the jaws are much smaller. The brain, though tiny, is a very complex organ, and", "id": "16992854" }, { "contents": "Pharaoh ant\n\n\npharaoh ants. A single seed colony can populate a large office block, almost to the exclusion of all other insect pests, in less than six months. Elimination and control are difficult because multiple colonies can consolidate into smaller colonies during extermination programs only to repopulate later. Pharaoh ants have become a serious pest in almost every type of building. They can feed on a wide variety of foods including grease, sugary foods, and dead insects. They can also gnaw holes in silk, rayon and rubber goods. Nests can be", "id": "8682064" }, { "contents": "Red harvester ant\n\n\nattract females. Male ants attempt to mate with any female they encounter, but females resist copulation from the males. Consequently, the communal mating displays heavily favor reproduction with larger or more persistent males which are able to overpower the females and successfully copulate. The male ants copulate for as long as possible, likely to restrict access to the female from other males to ensure their sperm survives to reproduce. Red harvester ants are a favorite food for desert horned lizards. Harvester ants defend their colonies vigorously against real or perceived attacks,", "id": "19635048" }, { "contents": "Jack jumper ant\n\n\nemerging as an adult. Cocoons that are isolated from the colony are able to shed their pupal skin before hatching, allowing themselves to advance to full pigmentation. Newborns can also eclose (emerge from their pupa stage) without assistance from other ants. Once born, jack jumper ants can identify distinct tasks, an obvious primitive trait \"Myrmecia\" ants are known for. Based on observations of six worker ants, the average life expectancy of the jack jumper is around 1.3 years, but workers were shown to live as little as", "id": "3141824" }, { "contents": "Myrmecia (ant)\n\n\nadult workers, and workers will cover the larvae in dirt to help them spin into a cocoon. If cocoons are isolated from a colony, they are capable of shedding their skins before hatching, allowing themselves to advance to full pigmentation. Sometimes, a newborn can emerge from its pupa without the assistance of other ants. Once these ants are born, they are able to identify distinct tasks, a well known primitive trait. \"Myrmecia\" lifespans vary in each species, but their longevity is greater than many ant genera:", "id": "204629" }, { "contents": "Nepenthes bicalcarata\n\n\nother hand, is able to survive and reproduce without the presence of the ants; it is a facultative mutualist. This being the case, there appear to be few mature plants over 2 metres in height not colonised by \"C. schmitzi\". The ants seem to favour upper pitchers and rarely colonise lower pitchers. This is likely due to the fact that terrestrial traps are periodically submerged in water during heavy rains. Flooding of the ants' nest chamber could result in the demise of the ant colony, particularly the developing eggs", "id": "21530656" }, { "contents": "Meat ant\n\n\nextremely high, the impact of meat ant predation is minor. However, the survivability of the toadlets may be affected if the ants prevent the toadlets from foraging into many areas of moist substrate. Water is an important resource for colonies living in dry and arid environments, but sometimes it may not be available. To counter this, workers are able to extract a significant amount of water from the sand with 2%–4% water content and 4% from the soil. Meat ants are unable to retrieve as much water from the soil", "id": "2210816" }, { "contents": "Red imported fire ant\n\n\nto 70 weeks (70 days to 490 days); the maximum recorded longevity of a worker is 97 weeks (or 679 days). The queens live much longer than the workers, with a lifespan ranging from two years to nearly seven years. In colonies, queens are the only ants able to alter sex ratios which can be predicted. For example, queens originating from male-producing colonies tend to produce predominantly males, while queens that came from female-favoured sex ratio colonies tend to produce females. Queens also", "id": "9302138" }, { "contents": "The Colony (professional wrestling)\n\n\nThe Colony is a professional wrestling stable, best known for performing for Chikara. As their name suggests, their gimmick is that of an ant colony, which is further reinforced with their names being based on particular ants (Fire Ant, Green Ant / Silver Ant, Carpenter Ant, and Thief Ant) and classes within an ant colony (Soldier Ant and the first and second Worker Ants). Originally debuting at the 2006 Tag World Grand Prix as a tag team consisting of Fire Ant and Soldier Ant, The Colony later", "id": "22214887" }, { "contents": "Meat ant\n\n\nof meat ants, where the larvae capture and prey on workers passing by. The larvae of the spitfire sawfly and \"Pseudoperga guerini\" are able to regurgitate a fluid against the meat ant if they are getting attacked by them; depending on how much is regurgitated, an ant will either walk away and clean itself or become fatally affected by it. Lizards such as the thorny dragon, which is a sit and wait predator, consume meat ants, but other lizards which eat \"Iridomyrmex\" ants usually reject this species.", "id": "2210824" }, { "contents": "Ant colony optimization algorithms\n\n\nexamples of how minuscule organisms, if they all follow the same basic rule, can create a form of collective intelligence on the macroscopic level. Colonies of social insects perfectly illustrate this model which greatly differs from human societies. This model is based on the co-operation of independent units with simple and unpredictable behavior. They move through their surrounding area to carry out certain tasks and only possess a very limited amount of information to do so. A colony of ants, for example, represents numerous qualities that can also be applied", "id": "15920773" }, { "contents": "Myrmaplata plataleoides\n\n\nlike swords to fight off rivals. They can split their jaws, normally held closed, to unfold their fangs when required. The spiders live in trees and bushes where the weaver ants live in colonies. By mimicking the ants they are able to stay close to them and gain protection from predators. Since weaver ants have a painful bite and also taste bad, this strategy appears to be successful. Though these spiders mimic the weaver ants very well, they are known to stay away from them. They weave a thin web", "id": "20930785" }, { "contents": "Myrmecia (ant)\n\n\n; cuticular hydrocarbons are believed to play a vital role in the regulation of reproduction. However, this is not always the case. \"Myrmecia\" is one of several ant genera which possess gamergate workers, where a female worker is able to reproduce with mature males when the colony is lacking a queen. \"Myrmecia\" workers are highly fertile and can successfully mate with males. A colony of \"M. pyriformis\" without a queen was collected in 1998 and kept in captivity, during which time the gamergates produced viable workers for", "id": "204638" }, { "contents": "Tiny Toon Adventures: Toonenstein\n\n\nTiny Toon Adventures: Toonenstein: Dare to Scare is the second \"Tiny Toon Adventures\"-related game released on the PlayStation. It was developed by Terraglyph Interactive Studios and published by Vatical Entertainment in North America, and Swing! Entertainment in Europe in 1999. Trapped inside Baroness Toonenstein's (Elmyra Duff) mansion, Furrball with panicky pals Plucky Duck and Hamton J. Pig, must avoid getting their brains swapped with Elmyra's cuddly creation and find the mansion's riches if they are able. In this haunted hide-n-seek,", "id": "10714640" }, { "contents": "Apache Ant\n\n\ncontrolling which platform was used to build Tomcat; so Ant was created as a simple platform-independent tool to build Tomcat from directives in an XML \"build file\". Ant (version 1.1) was officially released as a stand-alone product on July 19, 2000. Several proposals for an Ant version 2 have been made, such as AntEater by James Duncan Davidson, Myrmidon by Peter Donald and Mutant by Conor MacNeill, none of which were able to find large acceptance with the developer community. At one time (", "id": "4823145" }, { "contents": "Expensive tissue hypothesis\n\n\nAnthropologists have been able to observe a dramatic contrast in relative brain size between humans and our great ape ancestors. Studies have shown that brain size differences underlie major differences in cognitive performance. Because of this, Brain tissue is energetically expensive and requires a great amount of energy compared to several other somatic tissues during rest. To understand how the body is able to provide the brain with the right amount of energy to function properly, scientists consider the cost side of the equation and focus on how brain and other expensive tissues such as", "id": "11741260" }, { "contents": "Red imported fire ants in the United States\n\n\nwhere \"Solenopsis invicta\" (red imported fire ants) founded colonies, larger colonies of \"Tetramorium caespitum\" (pavement ants) have destroyed them, leading entomologists to conclude that this conflict between the two species would decelerate the northward spread of \"Solenopsis invicta\". The RIFA's introduction to the United States was in the late 1930s. Traveling in soil used as ballast on cargo ships, they came in through the seaport of Mobile, Alabama. They build mounds, usually no larger than in diameter and in height,", "id": "18556936" }, { "contents": "Red harvester ant\n\n\nentrance into the nest is then sealed off to lay her eggs in safety. With this, the colony is born. Over the course of the following six to eight weeks, the primary brood of nonreproductive worker ants emerges and begins to forage and build the colony. Mating is perennial and species-specific between subspecies of the red harvester ant. Males distinguish reproductive females of their species from females of other species using pheromones. This occurs as a result of sexually stimulating pheromones secreted from the poison glands of reproductive \"P. barbatus", "id": "19635045" }, { "contents": "Red imported fire ant\n\n\nmortality rate of Argentine ants. For an Argentine ant colony to successfully wipe out a monogyne colony of 160,000 workers, the colony would need 396,800 workers. A colony that has reduced in size due to successful bait treatment are prone to predation by Argentine ants. The ants may play a vital role in removing weakened fire ant colonies, and they may also be important in slowing the spread of these fire ants, especially in heavily infested Argentine ant areas. Despite this, Argentine ant populations in the southeastern United States have declined following", "id": "9302159" }, { "contents": "Swarm behaviour\n\n\nthe cumulative effect of such behaviours can solve highly complex problems, such as locating the shortest route in a network of possible paths to a food source. The organised behaviour that emerges in this way is sometimes called swarm intelligence. The genus Culicoides also known as biting midges have displayed swarming behavior which can cause predatory confusion. Individual ants do not exhibit complex behaviours, yet a colony of ants collectively achieves complex tasks such as constructing nests, taking care of their young, building bridges and foraging for food. A colony of ants", "id": "282381" }, { "contents": "Douglas Hofstadter\n\n\nThe computational architectures that share these precepts are called \"active symbols\" architectures. Hofstadter's thesis about consciousness, first expressed in \"Gödel, Escher, Bach\" (\"GEB\") but also present in several of his later books, is that it is an emergent consequence of seething lower-level activity in the brain. In \"GEB\" he draws an analogy between the social organization of a colony of ants and the mind seen as a coherent \"colony\" of neurons. In particular, Hofstadter claims that our", "id": "8831467" }, { "contents": "Tasty Planet\n\n\nis microscopic instead of a few centimeters in diameter as when it usually jumps, but the scientist has prepared tiny robots to destroy the grey goo while it is still small. However, it evades the bots and grows larger, necessitating the scientist's second line of defense: energy weapons grafted onto ants, rats, and cats. It evades those too, growing large enough to consume the scientist and his assistants' brains. Giant humanoid tanks armed with powerful lasers are dispatched to destroy the goo, now several meters in diameter", "id": "15885582" }, { "contents": "Ant colony optimization algorithms\n\n\ncalculating forces are centralized. These centralized units have continually increased their performance and can be compared to the human brain. The model of the brain has become the ultimate vision of computers. Ambient networks of intelligent objects and, sooner or later, a new generation of information systems which are even more diffused and based on nanotechnology, will profoundly change this concept. Small devices that can be compared to insects do not dispose of a high intelligence on their own. Indeed, their intelligence can be classed as fairly limited. It is", "id": "15920771" }, { "contents": "Neuroimaging\n\n\nMany functions also involve multiple parts of the brain, meaning that this type of claim is probably both unverifiable with the equipment used, and generally based on an incorrect assumption about how brain functions are divided. It may be that most brain functions will only be described correctly after being measured with much more fine-grained measurements that look not at large regions but instead at a very large number of tiny individual brain circuits. Many of these studies also have technical problems like small sample size or poor equipment calibration which means they can", "id": "7061365" }, { "contents": "E. O. Wilson\n\n\nfrom the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, Wilson began a survey of all the ants of Alabama. This study led him to report the first colony of fire ants in the US, near the port of Mobile. Concerned that he might not be able to afford to go to a university, Wilson tried to enlist in the United States Army. He planned to earn U.S. government financial support for his education, but failed the Army medical examination due to his impaired eyesight. Wilson was able to afford to enroll in", "id": "10260613" }, { "contents": "Green-head ant\n\n\n. Upon the death of a queen, workers may sometimes compete and exhibit sexual calling behaviour, which means that workers are able to reproduce in queenless nests. Despite the near-absence of queens, long-range dispersal with winged queens may still be an option. Colonies start small but can rapidly expand to the point they are considered mature. Genetic patterns suggest that green-head ant workers mate with unrelated males from distant colonies. The relatedness among workers is also very low, and there is a high proportion of gamergate", "id": "11871989" }, { "contents": "Myrmeciinae\n\n\nMyrmeciinae is a subfamily of the Formicidae, ants once found worldwide but now restricted to Australia and New Caledonia. This subfamily is one of several ant subfamilies which possess gamergates, female worker ants which are able to mate and reproduce, thus sustaining the colony after the loss of the queen. The Myrmeciinae subfamily was formerly composed of only one genus, \"Myrmecia\", but the subfamily was redescribed by Ward & Brady in 2003 to include two tribes and four genera: An additional three genera, one form genus, and 9", "id": "11908641" }, { "contents": "Meat ant\n\n\n, granite outcrops and clay formations. Meat ants are able to survive in dry areas if there is a rich supply of water and food resources (such as honeydew and arthropod prey), especially along river banks, station properties and irrigated areas. Meat ants typically occur at altitudes of above sea level, though at times they can be found at heights of . Those that are found at these altitudes are always associated with \"Eucalyptus rubida\", and colonies situated in eastern New South Wales tend to nest near \"E. melliodora", "id": "2210791" }, { "contents": "Angiopolybia pallens\n\n\nnests that are large and easy to see hanging off of the branch of a tree. This means that their nests are subject to predation by ants and other animals. In order to compensate for the size and easy sighting the nests are protected from any ant predation by arboreal ants with which they share the tree. The colony cycle begins with the pre-emergence phase where the queen and a few adult workers establish a new nest. The queen already has been fertilized and is able to produce a few workers in the beginning", "id": "520495" }, { "contents": "Zelus annulosus\n\n\nZelus annulosus is an assassin bug found in South America. It frequently associates with \"Hirtella physophora\" (Chrysobalanaceae), a plant that houses colonies of plant-ants \"Allomerus decemarticulatus\" and provides the ants with nectar. Some species of \"Zelus\" gather sticky substances from certain plants to coat their legs; \"Z. annulosus\" does not engage in this behavior, instead secreting the substance. \"Z. annulosus\" apparently is able to avoid being attacked by the ants by walking primarily on the plant's trichomes, which", "id": "7312353" }, { "contents": "Pharaoh ant\n\n\nby the high amount of genetic relatedness among these nest units. In addition, major disturbances to the central nest cause the colony to abandon it and flee to a bud nest. Thus, nest units may exchange individuals after budding occurs, further explaining their cooperative behavior. In Australia, \"Monomorium\" species is particularly successful. This fact is particularly curious because of the presence of a very aggressive ant family, \"Iridomyrmex\", which is quite proficient at interference competition. \"Iridomyrmex\" ants are able to quickly seek out", "id": "8682037" }, { "contents": "Dilobocondyla bangalorica\n\n\nnew species in 2006. The ants build their nest in the Frangipani plant species \"Plumeria alba\" and \"Plumeria rubra\". While they live in colonies like other ants, they forage individually on tree trunks. The spines on the head and thorax are blunt, thus differentiating this species from others. When foraging, these ants raise their gaster high up in the air, very similar to the acrobat ants, \"Crematogaster\". The species differs from other known species in the smaller size of worker and queen ants,", "id": "12784131" }, { "contents": "Henry Antes\n\n\n, and known as \"Unitas Fratrum,\" or Moravian Church. Antes was one of the founders of Bethlehem, PA. He signed the deed for Bethlehem on April 2, 1741, conveying 500 acres along the Monocacy Creek from William Allen, the founder of Allentown, PA. The original deed of the town of Bethlehem is held in a temperature and humidity controlled vault in the Moravian Archives in Bethlehem, PA. Antes became the business manager for the Moravian colony and engineered the building of mills, buildings and other works", "id": "15552406" }, { "contents": "Ant colony\n\n\npreference. Ants as a colony also work as a collective \"super mind\". Ants can compare areas and solve complex problems by using information gained by each member of the colony to find the best nesting site or to find food. Some social-parasitic species of ants, known as the Slave-making ant, raid and steal larvae from neighboring colonies. Ant hill art is a growing collecting hobby. It involves pouring molten metal (typically non-toxic zinc or aluminum), plaster or cement down an ant colony", "id": "63503" }, { "contents": "Henry Antes\n\n\nson Colonel Frederick Antes, George Washington and his troops stayed at Henry Antes house from September 23 to 26, 1777, during the Philadelphia Campaign. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1992. It is now the owned by the Goshenhoppen Historians, Inc. Here he married Christina, daughter of William Dewees, and became a leader in the civil and religious affairs of the colony. He was the friend of Whitefield and Zinzendorf, and, after consultation with the latter, assumed the leadership of the religious organization founded in 1741", "id": "15552405" }, { "contents": "Escovopsis\n\n\nsystem of workers and use chemical secretions through metapleural glands, which are capable of producing lots of phenylacetic acid, an antimicrobial agent. A study demonstrated how the smallest worker ants were able to lower growth rates of \"Escovopsis\" spores that were placed into the ants’ fungus garden with this phenylacetic acid. Bioassays showed that \"Escovopsis\" from leafcutter ants is not as affected by the acid than that from more basic fungus-growing ants, meaning that there is a need to control the growth of the parasitic \"Escovopsis\"", "id": "717936" }, { "contents": "Shrink ray\n\n\nIn science fiction, a shrink ray is any device which uses energy to reduce the physical size of matter. Many are also capable of enlarging items as well. Science fiction writer and polymath Isaac Asimov wrote: Miniaturization doesn't actually make sense unless you miniaturize the very atoms of which matter is composed. Otherwise a tiny brain in a man the size of an insect, composed of normal atoms, is composed of too few atoms for the miniaturized man to be any more intelligent than the ant. Also, miniaturizing atoms is", "id": "12499958" }, { "contents": "Weaver ant\n\n\nWeaver ants or green ants (genus Oecophylla) are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera). Weaver ants live in trees (they are obligately arboreal) and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk. Colonies can be extremely large consisting of more than a hundred nests spanning numerous trees and containing more than half a million workers. Like many other ant species, weaver ants prey on small insects and supplement their diet with carbohydrate-rich honeydew excreted by", "id": "17332847" }, { "contents": "Ant War\n\n\nthroughout the game in turn based combat. The colonies fighting power is displayed by an attack and defense value based on the number of ants in the colony as well as the percentage of ants assigned to be soldiers. The health of the colony is the total number of ants in the colony. The enemies faced also have their own health total (the number of ants if you are fighting a rival ant colony) and attack and defense values. Combat has three options: Retreat, Auto Battle, and Attack. Retreating runs", "id": "9171376" }, { "contents": "Solenopsis saevissima\n\n\ncurrently includes 13 individual species which are included in a group of 20 aggressive species of ants popularly known as fire ants. The majority of the species within this group are \"thief ants\" with small monomorphic workers. They tend to build their colonies near those of other ant species so that they can steal their food. The rest of the species are \"fire ants\", including the species \"S. saevissima\". These have larger polymorphic workers and forage for their own food. The species group currently comprises thirteen species:", "id": "16414985" }, { "contents": "Dyson sphere\n\n\nA Dyson sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its power output. The concept is a thought experiment that attempts to explain how a spacefaring civilization would meet its energy requirements once those requirements exceed what can be generated from the home planet's resources alone. Only a tiny fraction of a star's energy emissions reach the surface of any orbiting planet. Building structures encircling a star would enable a civilization to harvest far more energy. The first contemporary description of the structure was by Olaf", "id": "8715690" }, { "contents": "Longhorn crazy ant\n\n\nin buildings it is found in gardens, coastal scrub, lowland rainforest, dry forest, savannah shrubland and by the roadside at elevations of up to but at an average height of . It is considered a pest, both agricultural and domestic, in most parts of the tropics and subtropics, and an indoor pest in temperate areas. It is said to be the most widespread species of ant in the world, although the pharaoh ant (\"Monomorium pharaonis\") is another challenger for this position. Colonies of longhorn crazy ants", "id": "6340888" }, { "contents": "Formica rufa\n\n\nThey have large mandibles, and like many other ant species, they are able to spray formic acid from their abdomens as a defence. Formic acid was first extracted in 1671 by the English naturalist John Ray by distilling a large number of crushed ants of this species. Nests of these ants are large, conspicuous, dome-shaped mounds of grass, twigs, or conifer needles, often built against a rotting stump, usually situated in woodland clearings where the sun's rays can reach them. Large colonies may have 100,000 to", "id": "17299331" }, { "contents": "Acropyga epedana\n\n\nAcropyga epedana is an ant in the subfamily Formicinae. It lives permanently underground in the Chiricahua Mountains in Arizona and forms a mutualistic association with the mealybug \"Rhizoecus colombiensis\". \"Acropyga epedana\" is a tiny pale golden-brown ant with a few erect hairs but many dense appressed hairs. The reproductives have normal compound eyes but the workers have tiny eyes and avoid exposure to light. These ants are very similar in appearance to \"Acropyga goeldii\" and \"Acropyga palaga\" and may be a northern population of \"A.", "id": "14782205" }, { "contents": "Queen ant\n\n\nis best understood as the reproductive element of a colony rather than a leader. Once a colony is established, the worker ants meet the queen's needs such as giving her food and disposing of her waste. Because ant social structure is very complex and individual ants are relatively simple, an ant colony can be thought of as a single organism, and the individual ants as cells or limbs of the organism, as the individuals can rarely survive on their own. In a colony, some ants may be unrelated to the queen(s", "id": "19408286" } ]
Why a dog's leg twitches when you scratch the sweet spot.
[{"answer": "Their 'sweet spot' is basically equivalent to a human's ticklish area. When you scratch let's say an area of your dog's tummy and starts twitching/kicking, the dog is just trying to scratch the sweet spot."}, {"answer": "It is because you are scratching near a shallow (as in, closer to the skin) nerve area called a saddle region (usually your dog's back and sides of his legs and tummy) and his nerves think it's an itch and there is an involuntary twitch response for him to scratch it."}, {"answer": "Once i get my dog's leg kicking she will hit her \"kicky leg\" spot for herself and just keep going and going."}, {"answer": "Next time you have a question like this you might get a better answer in /r/askscience as long as the like I'm five thing isn't too big of a deal."}, {"answer": "My dog is broken. She doesn't kick. :["}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18870225", "title": "Dog grooming", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Dog grooming refers to both the hygienic care and cleaning of a dog, as well as a process by which a dog's physical appearance is enhanced for showing or other types of competition. A dog groomer (or simply \"groomer\") is a person who earns their living grooming dogs.", "Dog grooming refers to both the hygienic care and cleaning of a dog, as well as a process by which a dog's physical appearance is enhanced for showing or other types of competition. A dog groomer (or simply \"groomer\") is a person who earns their living grooming dogs."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3303843", "title": "Dog anatomy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Dog anatomy comprises the anatomical studies of the visible parts of the body of a canine. Details of structures vary tremendously from breed to breed, more than in any other animal species, wild or domesticated, as dogs are highly variable in height and weight. The smallest known adult dog was a Yorkshire Terrier that stood only at the shoulder, in length along the head and body, and weighed only . The largest known adult dog was an English Mastiff which weighed and was from the snout to the tail", "Dog anatomy comprises the anatomical studies of the visible parts of the body of a canine. Details of structures vary tremendously from breed to breed, more than in any other animal species, wild or domesticated, as dogs are highly variable in height and weight. The smallest known adult dog was a Yorkshire Terrier that stood only at the shoulder, in length along the head and body, and weighed only . The largest known adult dog was an English Mastiff which weighed and was from the snout to the tail. The tallest known adult dog is a Great Dane that stands at the shoulder."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nWhine for being practically useless - the little traitorous dog is also not welcome back in either of the two united Wild Packs. Sweet's Pack, accompanied by Twitch's Pack, return to their small coastal valley home. Sweet agrees to allow Twitch's Pack to join her Pack. Even Arrow is accepted in. Later that night, during the Great Howl ceremony, Lucky sees the Spirit-Dogs and the souls of the deceased Alfie, Mulch, Spring, Fang, Fiery, Fuzz, Splash, Martha, and Wiggle", "id": "241107" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\ngo - he foolishly tries to cover his incompetence up by taking suggestions from other high-ranking packmates, like Sweet or Fiery. Eventually, they discover a small abandoned longpaw town (not much affected by the Big Growl) filled with dead longpaws. They spend the night in a food-filled Food House. The next day, while Lucky, Mickey, Bruno, Snap and Fiery go hunting in the forest, they encounter an unorganized Wild Pack of nine dogs that Twitch (now three-legged, missing the entire", "id": "241059" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nlike this, thinking that the prey caught was enough for everybody. Sweet does, however, let Twitch eat before Moon, even though Twitch is soon promoted to third-in-command, and Storm notices that the tension between the Pack intensifies. After the prey-sharing, Storm offers to play-fight Thorn and Beetle again, and is declined. Sweet, who is now pregnant with her and Lucky's first litter, notices the tension reawakening and offers to tell a story of the Spirit-Dogs, in", "id": "241111" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nand she is told that back in Terror's Pack, Breeze was one member who always followed Terror's orders without question, and she strangely enjoyed doing it. After Storm departs, she registers that Breeze, as the unknown crime-committing dog, has mostly been targeting dogs who were involved with Terror's death (Storm herself, as well as Moon, Twitch, Bella and Lucky). When she arrives back near Sweet's Pack's territory, she hides in a bush and tries to figure out a way to", "id": "241179" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nby the Spirit-Dogs. Storm wants to catch a legendary Golden Deer one day, then wonders if she and Arrow have their own Spirit-Dog modeled as the first Fierce Dog, which Arrow later thinks is called the Watch-Dog. Still, tensions still rise, with some the dogs of Twitch's old Pack thinking Sweet and Lucky favor the original members of own Pack more. The following nights, Storm keeps waking up to find that she has sleepwalked a distance away from the camp. One day, Storm", "id": "241113" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nbelieving that Sweet and Lucky favor the original members of the Pack rather than the ones from Twitch's old Pack, despite Sweet constantly saying that this theory of Rake's is totally wrong), he, Woody and Ruff will leave and form their own small Pack, and even Dart joins them, reducing Sweet's Pack to now 18 members. At one point, while everyone is distracted one day, the call of what sounds like an insane dog appears and the camp is suddenly smeared in rabbit blood, done by the", "id": "241136" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nreal, because she used to be one of Terror's underlings). They lose the deer scent and catch some brush rabbits and western gray squirrels instead. Soon, as tensions continue to build, Sweet and Lucky attempt to resolve this by promoting Twitch as the Pack's third-in-command so there will not be any tensions in the ranks of the patrol dogs. At one point, loudbirds show up, meaning that longpaws are returning to the area. Later, when the hunters go investigate that abandoned coastal longpaw", "id": "241115" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Zombeavers\n\n\neaten by wildlife. All but Jenn go swimming in the lake. Sam and Mary discuss whether to tell Jenn about their affair, but they are interrupted when beavers chew off Buck's foot and scratch Tommy. The same beaver that attacked Jenn earlier chases her back to the house. She pins it to the counter with a knife, but not before it scratches her leg. Sam throws Zoe's dog into the water as a distraction, and the rest of the group flee to the house, where they realize the beavers", "id": "8007663" }, { "contents": "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel\n\n\n\"). The scratching behavior appears involuntary and the dog frequently scratches while walking – without stopping – in a way that is very atypical of normal scratching (\"bunny hopping\"). Scratching typical of SM is usually worse when the dog is wearing a collar, is being walked on leash, or is excited, and first thing in the morning or at night. Not all dogs with SM show scratching behavior. Not all dogs who show scratching behavior appear to be in pain, though several leading researchers, including Dr", "id": "20260485" }, { "contents": "Mange\n\n\n, which is when the dog moves one of its hind legs in a scratching motion as the ear is being manipulated and scratched gently by the examiner; because the mites proliferate on the ear margins in nearly all cases at some point, this method works over 95% of the time. It is helpful in cases where all symptoms of mange are present but no mites are observed with a microscope. The test is also positive in animals with ear mites, an ear canal infection caused by a different but closely related mite (", "id": "10976483" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nArrow a quick visit to the mates' new territory and after heading back to their own territory decide that a Great Howl ritual is in order to both bring everyone in their big Wild Pack of 22 closer and help Lucky and Sweet's pups to understand more about unity; however, when the Great Howl does happen later that night, a few of the dogs from Twitch's old Pack are hesitant to do it. Soon, Rake declares that since half the Pack cannot properly get along (him and a few others", "id": "241135" }, { "contents": "Charles Townshend (British Army officer)\n\n\nof his servant Boggis savagely beat his dog Spot when he found Spot cuddled up next to Boggis asleep. When Boggis asked: \"What are you doing that for sir?\", he received the reply: \"He was sleeping with you! He's \"my\" dog and he's got to learn!\". Boggis later recalled that Townshend was a \"harsh bastard\" who treated his men no better than he treated Spot. The Battle of Ctesiphon that followed was hard-fought over two days starting on 22", "id": "17632890" }, { "contents": "Opiliones anatomy\n\n\nPhalangioidea have additional spiracles on the tibiae of the pedipalps and legs, thus helping in gas exchange in the long legs. They also provide a severed leg with oxygen, allowing it to continue twitching for some time: A leg of \"Opilio\" twitched for about 23 minutes, but stopped after about 40 seconds when the spiracles were sealed. The central nervous system of harvestmen, which evolved from a segmented structure, is centralized around the esophagus. The part above the esophagus (syncerebrum) consists of protocerebrum (associated with the", "id": "21594597" }, { "contents": "Lenny McPherson\n\n\na live rabbit. He demanded to know why he had not been invited to her birthday party, and when she admitted that it was because of his criminal activities, the furious McPherson tore the rabbit's head off, threw the still-twitching body at her feet and stormed off. Reeves also states that McPherson savagely brutalised his first wife on numerous occasions—on one occasion, when he accused her of having an affair, he tied one of her legs to a tree and the other to the back of his car", "id": "4333325" }, { "contents": "Cocktail (2012 film)\n\n\nspectacularly that it's hard to focus on the positives. We must thank it, thus, for Diana Penty.\" Kunal Guha of Yahoo! gave the movie 1.5/5 stars, stating that \"One of the chief reasons why this cocktail fails to hit your sweet spot is because you don't empathize with any of the characters. There could be many reasons for this but to point one: none of them seem worthy of your attention and concern. Still keen to figure out who Saif ends up with? Why don’t", "id": "19431223" }, { "contents": "Ice Poseidon\n\n\nhad been swatted during a livestream it was the first on Twitch to lead to a permanent suspension. The decision to ban Ice Poseidon from Twitch sparked controversy with some believing his ban was unjustified, including Denino himself. Some members of the community demanded that Twitch undo the ban citing complaints that the Twitch terms of service were too vague and with Denino stating “when you look at the [terms of service], there was no rules saying that you shouldn’t leak your location”. Following his ban from Twitch in spring-2017", "id": "21390238" }, { "contents": "Smell-O-Vision\n\n\nhad lost his sense of smell; the dog's voice was provided by Bert Lahr. In homage to Smell-O-Vision, American film director John Waters released an enhanced \"Odorama\" version of his film, \"Polyester\" in 1982. Waters included scratch and sniff cards that the audience could use while watching the movie. Each card contained ten numbered spots that were scratched when that number flashed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Although this approach solved the problems inherent in previous attempts at this technology,", "id": "16467543" }, { "contents": "Neurostimulation\n\n\nGalvani discovered that the muscles of dead frog legs twitched when struck by direct current on the nervous system. The modulation of the brain activity by electrical stimulation of the motor cortex in dogs was shown in 1870 that resulted in limb movement. From the late 18th century to today many milestones have been developed. Nowadays, sensory prosthetic devices, such as visual implants, cochlear implants, auditory midbrain implants, and spinal cord stimulators and also motor prosthetic devices, such as deep brain stimulators, Bion microstimulators, the brain control and sensing", "id": "12067614" }, { "contents": "Bruiser and Scratch\n\n\nBruiser & Scratch is a WiiWare game developed and produced by American studio Steel Penny Games. It was released in North America on December 8, 2008, but it is no longer on the WiiWare service. Bruiser is a male dog who wears a tartan flat cap and a studded collar. Scratch is a female cat who wears a flower in her hair and a heart shaped necklace. The game begins as the pair are having a walk in some nearby woods. Scratch spots a large paw shaped marking in the ground and calls", "id": "3134738" }, { "contents": "Sweet Spot (song)\n\n\ncatchy\" melodic record. The song was described as having a melodic tune, in which Lopez used softer, higher-pitched vocals than she is typically heard using. \"Sweet Spot\" opened with Lopez singing over its midtempo hook \"Let's hit the sweet spot / I'm ready to go / I want candy tonight\", followed by Flo Rida with his \"signature rhymes\", \"I want to take you back to my spot / You can be the candy girl in my shop / We both know what", "id": "21282116" }, { "contents": "Dog flea\n\n\nmentioned are more pronounced. Because of compulsive scratching and biting, the dog may lose hair, get bald spots, exhibit hot spots due to extreme irritation, and develop infections that result in smelly skin. Preventing and controlling flea infestations is a multi-step process. Prevention in the case of flea infestations can sometimes be difficult, but is the most effective way to ensure the dog will not get reinfected. Controlling flea infestations implies not only the pet has been cured and the fleas living on it are killed, but also", "id": "16555973" }, { "contents": "Frog galvanoscope\n\n\nprobes directly on the nerve. When the frog's leg is connected to a circuit with an electric potential, the muscles will contract and the leg will twitch briefly. It will twitch again when the circuit is broken. The instrument is capable of detecting extremely small voltages, and could far surpass other instruments available in the first half of the nineteenth century, including the electromagnetic galvanometer and the gold-leaf electroscope. For this reason, it remained popular long after other instruments became available. The galvanometer was made possible in 1820", "id": "1461902" }, { "contents": "Dog flea\n\n\nankle. When the area is pressed, it turns white. When dogs are troubled by fleas, they scratch and bite themselves, especially in areas such as the head, neck, and around the tail. Fleas normally concentrate in such areas. This incessant scratching and biting may cause the dog's skin to become red and inflamed. This is easily noticeable when fur has been parted and your dogs skin is exposed. Flea allergy dermatitis is developed by those dogs allergic to flea saliva. In this case, the symptoms previously", "id": "16555972" }, { "contents": "The Didjits\n\n\nstory of a one-legged drug dealer who stored his stash in his peg leg in \"Lone Lone Ranger\" (\"just touch my leg/and Santa Claus'll get you high\"), offering a put down in \"Evel Knievel\" (\"it takes a better woman than you baby/to call me a slut\") or the pearls of wisdom dripping from \"Sweet Sweet Satan\" (\"c'mon let me tell you my recipe/it takes 10 tons of bullshit/for 10 ounces of glory\"", "id": "8393026" }, { "contents": "Stan Smith (American Dad!)\n\n\nand attention that he never got as a child, such as in the episode \"American Stepdad\" when Roger became his stepfather. At the same time, however, his incredibly drastic, dog-eat-dog, and inconsiderate qualities tend to show through in combination with his sensitive and redeeming qualities. For example, Hayley once told Stan, \"Dad, I've never seen this side of you. It's so sweet.\" Stan playfully replied, \"Well, if you tell anybody I'll kill you.", "id": "13656248" }, { "contents": "Opiliones\n\n\nnerves to the muscles to extend the leg and then the leg relaxes between signals. While some harvestman's legs twitch for a minute, others have been recorded to twitch up to an hour. The twitching has been hypothesized to function as an evolutionary advantage by keeping the attention of a predator while the harvestman escapes. Typical body length does not exceed , and some species are smaller than 1 mm, although the largest known species, \"Trogulus torosus\" (Trogulidae), grows as long as . The leg span of many", "id": "18008599" }, { "contents": "The Virgin Psychics\n\n\ngenerally found that the film was full of sexual innuendo and discussion but did not contain actual nudity or sex. Justin Chang of \"\" called the film an \"occasionally endearing, often supremely irritating movie\" and ultimately found that it \"is a bit like having a dog hump your leg for the better part of two hours; it's filthy and monotonous and fairly interminable, but after a while you've been so thoroughly numbed that you have to admit it's kind of sweet.\" Wendy Ide of \"Screen", "id": "10758416" }, { "contents": "Survivors (novel series)\n\n\nsends Lucky as a spy to the Wild Pack, where he is temporarily made a patrol dog in the Wild Pack, briefly working with Twitch the tan male spaniel-beagle mix chase-dog and Dart the skinny, slender, brown-and-white female whippet mix - during patrol duty, you are not allowed to eat and can only have a minimum amount of water to drink because their Alpha considers it distracting from a patrol dogs duty, and it is mentioned that a now-exiled male member of this Pack", "id": "241039" }, { "contents": "A Sweet Woman Like You\n\n\n\"A Sweet Woman Like You\" is a 1965 single written and performed by Joe Tex. The single is the follow-up to his crossover hit, \"I Want To (Do Everything for You)\". Like its predecessor, \"A Sweet Woman Like You\" made the Top 40 and hit number-one on the R&B singles chart, becoming Joe Tex's third release to hit the top spot. \"A Sweet Woman Like You\" was exemplary Southern soul with its rough-hewn rhythm track and imploring", "id": "10601454" }, { "contents": "Newton Marshall\n\n\n27 minutes, and 28 seconds. Marshall returned to compete the next year. His bib number was 6. However, he withdrew from the race on 12 February at 1:01 pm. He had taken both his \"layovers\" and scratched at the checkpoint Anvik. He had 11 dogs when he scratched After a 1-year absence Marshall returned to compete in the 2013 Iditarod independent of any major sponsorship, he ran a team of leased and borrowed dogs. He once again was forced to scratch when his now famous dog \"Wrong Way", "id": "15022057" }, { "contents": "All the King's Men\n\n\nand drives to California to obtain some distance from the situation. Jack's description of his trip contains overt and indirect references to the notion of Manifest Destiny, which becomes somewhat ironic when he comes back from it believing in the \"Great Twitch\". The \"Great Twitch\" is a particular brand of nihilism that Jack embraces during this journey westward: \"all the words we speak meant nothing and there was only the pulse in the blood and the twitch of the nerve, like a dead frog's leg in the experiment", "id": "19114910" }, { "contents": "Alaska Public Safety Commissioner dismissal\n\n\nscratching their heads, 'why on earth hasn't, why is this guy still representing the department?' \" and \"I'm telling you honestly, you know, she really likes Walt [Monegan] a lot, but on this issue, she feels like it's, she doesn't know why there is absolutely no action for a year on this issue. It's very, very troubling to her and the family. I could definitely relay that.\" Bailey said in an interview on August 13 that no", "id": "3829641" }, { "contents": "Babe (film)\n\n\nbarks to distract Hoggett, delaying him until Esme mentions that the police say feral dogs have been killing sheep on neighboring farms and asks him why he has taken his shotgun out. When Esme leaves on a trip, Hoggett signs Babe up for a local sheepherding competition. As it is raining the night before, Hoggett lets him and Fly into the house. However, Duchess scratches him when he tries to speak to her, so Hoggett immediately confines her outside. When she is let back in later, she gets revenge on", "id": "13280736" }, { "contents": "Lamb to the Slaughter\n\n\n(with elements of black comedy), which is seen in both his adult fiction and his stories for children. The story was supposedly suggested to Dahl by his friend Ian Fleming: \"Why don't you have someone murder their husband with a frozen leg of mutton which she then serves to the detectives who come to investigate the murder?\". Mary Maloney, a housewife devoted to making a sweet home for her husband, and heavily pregnant with their first child, awaits her husband Patrick's return home from his job", "id": "3616225" }, { "contents": "Miesque\n\n\nStakes winner Bet Twice and Steinlen. Despite the fierce competition, the filly won the race by four lengths, making her the first ever back-to-back winner in Breeders Cup history. Miesque's win came over a sodden turf course, described by Warning's jockey Pat Eddery as \"the worse turf I've ever ridden on.\" Miesque's connection never considered scratching her despite the filly's preference for firmer footing. \"When you win the Breeders' Cup, then you know why you come,\" said", "id": "19343492" }, { "contents": "Monty the Dog who wears glasses\n\n\nin color. In \"The Reason Why\" whilst Monty was waiting outside the sweet shop for Simon he stepped onto the road and was nearly hit by a cyclist. When Simon came out of the shop the man on the bike said \"What that dog needs is a pair of glasses!\" The following day Simon removed the lenses from an old pair of sunglasses and gave them to Monty to remind him to be more careful. Simon did not think that Monty is short sighted but the family agree he looked more handsome", "id": "22066017" }, { "contents": "Three Dog Night\n\n\nSure As I'm Sittin' Here\" (US #16), Bush's \"I Can Hear You Calling\", and Allen Toussaint's \"Play Something Sweet\" (US #33). Three Dog Night made its official debut in 1968 at the Whiskey a Go Go, at a 5 p.m. press party hosted by Dunhill Records. They were still in the process of making their first album \"Three Dog Night\" when they heard the favorable reactions from the hypercritical audience. The album \"Three Dog Night\"", "id": "12580217" }, { "contents": "Evo 2017\n\n\nplayers at the time of the event were 32 and 18 respectively. One of the Twitch commentators at the end of the finals, James Chen, notably bursted in tears and gave a message saying \"Evo is love. L-O-V-E. When you hold that L and run it back: EVO.”; the message is a response to all of the passion and support that the fighting game community has done towards the events and fighting games. Taking the spot of \"Melee\" on Sunday, Wii", "id": "13961088" }, { "contents": "Margaret H. Lippert\n\n\n(\"Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile\", 2004); The Chapman Award for Best Classroom Read-Alouds (\"Mrs. Chicken and the Hungry Crocodile\", 2003); American Library Association Notable Children's Book (\"Head, Body, Legs\", 2003); Aesop Accolade Award—American Folklore Society (\"Head, Body, Legs\", 2002; \"Why Leopard Has Spots\", 1999); Best Book for Older Readers—African Studies Association (\"Why Leopard Has Spots\"", "id": "1874055" }, { "contents": "Earthdog trial\n\n\nAn earthdog test tests the working ability and instinct of the small, often short-legged terriers or Dachshunds. These dogs were bred to hunt vermin and other quarry which lived in underground dens. Earthdog den tests involve man-made underground tunnels that the dogs must navigate, while scenting a rat, \"the quarry.\" The dog must follow the scent to the quarry and then \"work\" the quarry. Depending on the sanctioning organization, “working” means barking, scratching, staring, pawing, digging; any", "id": "2247870" }, { "contents": "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence\n\n\n\"real\" being, makes a key appearance, as in many of Oshii's movies. A scene with Batou feeding his dog is echoed in Ash in \"Avalon\" (2001). He explained the reason why all his films feature a basset hound—his companion in real life: \"This body you see before you is an empty shell. The dog represents my body. Human beings can be free only if they free themselves from their bodies. When I am playing around with my dog, I forget that", "id": "650953" }, { "contents": "Japanese urban legend\n\n\n, dragging her upper torso making a scratching or \"teke teke\" sound. If she encounters anyone she will ask \"where are my legs?\", to which the victim will have to say \"on the Meishin railway\", or \"I'm too busy to talk, friend\". If the victim does not say either, the Teke Teke will slice the victim in half and use the bottom half for legs. If you answer correctly, she will ask you who told you, and you should answer with", "id": "21586511" }, { "contents": "Borleske Stadium\n\n\nadmission area known as section F, also you will find the Laht Neppur Outfield Pub, only during Sweets games. Continuing left of customer service, going down the path you will find, on your right, you will find the grill also known as The Sweets spot. On you left you will find the main concession stand dubbed Sluggers:Ballpark Favorites. Here you can find a wide range of ballpark favorites found Here. To the right of Sluggers you will find the Sweets Shoppe, where you can find all your Walla", "id": "8650898" }, { "contents": "First Monday Trade Days\n\n\nCanton favorites include cheesecake sundae in a cup, fresh-squeezed lemonade, smoked turkey legs, funnel cakes (pancakey batter drizzled into hot oil through a funnel and covered in powdered sugar), sausage on a stick, corny dogs, kettle corn (mildly sweet popcorn), and wonderful homemade breakfasts. You can snack your way through or sit down to a complete meal. Prices are higher than typical fast food but not unreasonably so. Despite the large size of the facility, people with disabilities will find easy access,", "id": "17225103" }, { "contents": "Frances Cornford\n\n\nis soft as the breast of doves And shivering-sweet to the touch? O why do you walk through the fields in gloves, Missing so much and so much? /poem To which G. K. Chesterton replied in \"The Fat Lady Answers” in his \"Collected Poems\" of 1927: poem Why do you rush through the field in trains, Guessing so much and so much. Why do you flash through the flowery meads, Fat-head poet that nobody reads; And why do you know such a frightful lot", "id": "10970738" }, { "contents": "Mata-e-Jaan Hai Tu\n\n\nThe serial would’ve been much better, had they paid more attention to the principal cast, and twitched things a little. This isn’t a must watch, but it does have its own sweet moments.\" The cinematography has also been very well received: \"The execution of the scenes is smooth, like the slides that effortlessly slip into place to form a beautiful portrait. That brings us to another reason why this drama is a must watch.\" The drama was shown in Middle East on MBC Bollywood due to", "id": "4849949" }, { "contents": "May Craig (journalist)\n\n\nIt happens to be a woman. MISS MAY CRAIG: Is it always feminine? (Laughter) THE PRESIDENT: What? MISS MAY CRAIG: Is it always feminine? (Loud Laughter) THE PRESIDENT: Now May, why did you ask me that? MISS MAY CRAIG: I wondered. THE PRESIDENT: I call it a \"sweet young thing.\" Now when I talk about manpower that includes the women, and when I talk about a \"sweet young thing,\" that includes young men. (Again", "id": "7649271" }, { "contents": "Damnocracy\n\n\nDog Eat Dog\", \"Wang Dang Sweet Poontang\", \"Cat Scratch Fever\", \"Motor City Madhouse\", \"Great White Buffalo\", \"High Enough\" and \"Wango Tango\". Often during the show, Scott Ian referred to how much he enjoyed working with Ted, as Nugent was one of Ian's influences growing up. Rhythm guitarist of the thrash metal band Anthrax. Anthrax still perform today, and Scott Ian has been a personality on various VH1 programs, including the \"I Love the", "id": "10473504" }, { "contents": "Jeremy Mayfield\n\n\ntake a drug test \"as long as I can pee in a cup for LabCorp or some other credible lab.\" On April 22, 2011, five dogs owned by Mayfield attacked a mail carrier who drove through the entrance gate past \"Beware of Dogs\" signs to deliver a package too large for the roadside mailbox. She received several scratches and bite marks on her legs. The dogs were immediately taken, then euthanized. On May 10, 2012, Mayfield was ordered to pay $1 million in the lawsuit of", "id": "13240600" }, { "contents": "Sweetness and Light (Itch-E and Scratch-E song)\n\n\n\"Sweetness and Light\" is a song recorded by Australian electronic music group Itch-E and Scratch-E. The song was released in May 1994 and peaked at number 65 on the Australian singles chart. The group have later said they weren't sure if the song was good with Andy Rantzen saying \"When we'd finished mixing 'Sweetness and Light' I said 'Hmm, this is a bit disappointing' and Paul replied 'I know, where did we go wrong?' At the ARIA Music Awards of 1995", "id": "7910854" }, { "contents": "Australian Cattle Dog\n\n\ncolour. In both red and blue dogs, the most common are masks over one or both eyes, a white tip to the tail, a solid spot at the base of the tail, and sometimes solid spots on the body, though these are not desirable in dogs bred for conformation shows. Blue dogs can have tan midway up the legs and extending up the front to breast and throat, with tan on jaws, and tan eyebrows. Both colour forms can have a white \"star\" on the forehead called the", "id": "6013903" }, { "contents": "Dog grooming\n\n\nits body, especially on its legs, and the places where knotting occurs frequently. Groomers sometimes use a metal comb when combing for the second time, paying more attention to the toes and between the toes. Metal combs can be helpful in the areas of the dog's body that are common spots for knots. Brushing and combing the tail is also important as it is a commonly missed area. Dog brushes come in various sizes and shapes can be made from metal, plastic and wood. Although there are many types of", "id": "19950733" }, { "contents": "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)\n\n\nballad of \"Total Eclipse of the Heart\" by Bonnie Tyler, only for a week. \"Sweet Dreams\" was the first ever single release by Eurythmics in the United States when it was released in May 1983. The single debuted at number 90 and slowly eased up the chart. By August, the single had reached number two and stayed there for four weeks, kept from the top by the Police's \"Every Breath You Take\" before \"Sweet Dreams\" took the number one spot. The music video for", "id": "15444657" }, { "contents": "Pee Dee Area Council\n\n\nto the dining hall to set the tables. Flora did not waste anything and her skills were one of the reasons why excellent food was served within a reasonable budget. This included making good soup out of leftovers. She made sweet rolls from scratch that were usually served on Saturday mornings before camp ended. She made delicious cookies from U.S. Department of Agriculture peanut butter. Her chili and rice, grilled cheese sandwiches, and macaroni and cheese were made from scratch. Leftover butter was melted and put into refrigerated molds to be used", "id": "10907877" }, { "contents": "Artists with the most number-ones on the U.S. Dance Club Songs chart\n\n\n)\", \"Diva\", \"Halo\", \"Sweet Dreams\", \"Why Don't You Love Me\", and \"Video Phone\", featuring Lady Gaga. \"Telephone\", a song by Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé, became her thirteenth number one in February 2010. Additionally, \"Video Phone\" became her sixth consecutive number one, a streak which began with \"Halo\" one year previous, and continued with \"Diva\", \"Sweet Dreams\", \"Why Don't You Love Me", "id": "20007035" }, { "contents": "Sweet Thing (David Bowie song)\n\n\n/Candidate/Sweet Thing (Reprise)\" from the first leg of the Diamond Dogs Tour was released on \"David Live\". A live recording from the second leg of the same tour (previously available on the unofficial album \"A Portrait in Flesh\") was released in 2017 on \"Cracked Actor (Live Los Angeles '74)\". In one live version in the first line, Bowie sings a step higher than C2, and a little more clearly. Some skeptics have accused Bowie of \"studio tinkering", "id": "18620363" }, { "contents": "Brilliant Chang\n\n\nused to take drugs, my mouth used to twitch. I used to have to eat chewing-gum to make people think I was eating sweets.\" Heinberg gave evidence that on a separate occasion at the restaurant in Regent Street she had seen Chang give Kempton a small coloured bottle containing powder. Kempton had asked Chang \"Can you die while sniffing cocaine?\" and Chang had replied, \"No, the only way you can kill yourself is by putting cocaine in water.\" According to Heinberg, Kempton had said", "id": "6254416" }, { "contents": "Alone (2015 Hindi film)\n\n\nhowever. Filmfare praised the two lead actors, but gave film 3 stars, stating that \"The only reason why \"Alone\" will work is for its erotic packaging. Those looking for a genuine scary movie will only get bad rehashes of scenes from The Conjuring and other popular Hollywood fare.\" Times of India gave it a 2.5 and said, \"When you scratch the surface, you don't end up scared shitless. And isn't that what \"Alone\" is meant to do?\" Bollywood Hungama gave it", "id": "19189888" }, { "contents": "Brown Dog affair\n\n\nOther students said the dog had not struggled, but had merely twitched. In front of around 60 students, Bayliss stimulated the nerves with electricity for half an hour, but was unable to demonstrate his point. The dog was then handed to a student, Henry Dale, a future Nobel laureate, who removed the dog's pancreas, then killed him with a knife through the heart. This became a point of embarrassment during the libel trial, when Bayliss's laboratory assistant, Charles Scuttle, testified that the dog had been", "id": "11182761" }, { "contents": "Borleske Stadium\n\n\nsale to allow customers to move in and out of the concessions area quickly. Located down the right field line, nestled up against the visiting bullpen is the Sweet Spot presented by Key Technology. The Sweet Spot serves as a party deck for group ticket holders over 20 that elect for an all-you-can-eat BBQ starting a half hour before gates open to the public and running up to first pitch. The Sweet Spot has a 100-person capacity and houses the Borleske Stadium covered grill. The new and improved dugouts", "id": "8650904" }, { "contents": "Ex parte Crow Dog\n\n\nfederal court. \"Ex parte Crow Dog\" provided the BIA a perfect example of why this was needed, along with an incident involving Spotted Tail's son, Spotted Tail, Jr., in which the younger Spotted Tail participated in a fight during which three Brulé were killed. The younger Spotted Tail was also confined pending murder charges, and it took a direct order of the Secretary of the Interior for the local BIA agents to comply with the Supreme Court decision before he was released. The BIA also implemented regulations in 1883", "id": "7933853" }, { "contents": "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer\n\n\nwas presented as a parody of a television show. During the opening and closing of the \"show,\" the announcer would list some of the \"show's\" highly unusual sponsors such as \"Big Fat Bean\" (\"Why eat a lot of little beans when you can eat one big bean?\"); \"Gas Plus\" (\"Actually \"gives\" you gas!\"); \"Dog Assassin\" (\"When you can't bear to put him to sleep, maybe it's time to", "id": "20180159" }, { "contents": "Musical saw\n\n\n. The sawist controls the pitch by adjusting the S-curve, making the sweet spot travel up the blade (toward a thinner width) for a higher pitch, or toward the handle for a lower pitch. Harmonics can be created by playing at varying distances on either side of the sweet spot. Sawists can add vibrato by shaking one of their legs or by wobbling the hand that holds the tip of the blade. Once a sound is produced, it will sustain for quite a while, and can be carried through", "id": "20620889" }, { "contents": "Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia\n\n\nbut also places an emphasis on animal conservation and welfare, and education. Mount Lavinia Beach is Sri Lanka's main sea-bathing spot. Here, depending on season, the waves can be swimmable and it's host to some amazing sunsets. The waters is swimmable only at certain times of the year and can be very rough, with undertow. From there you can cross the rail-tracks, past the three legged dog and Golden Mile restaurant, and you're on the beach. People sell swimsuits, inflatable balls", "id": "1819665" }, { "contents": "Murder of S. Vithiya\n\n\nvillagers resumed the search at 5.00am. A group including Nishanthan and the family's two dogs were searching along an isolated road about 1½km from Vithiya's home when the dogs started barking. Vithiya's bicycle was lying on the ground and one of the dogs found her shoes. Nishanthan discovered Vithiya's body in an isolated spot by a dilapidated building. She was barely clothed, her hands were bound behind her with her school tie, her mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth and her legs were spread apart and tied to", "id": "320262" }, { "contents": "Opiliones anatomy\n\n\nGrassatores and some Insidiatores feature additional structures on the latter two pairs of tarsi, which probably allow adhesion to smooth surfaces during molting, as they are not present in adults. Legs of Eupnoi and many long-legged Dyspnoi are weak at the base of the femora. When legs are trapped or caught by a predator, these harvestman can detach the restrained leg by a powerful movement of the coxa-trochanter joint. The detached legs of Phalangioidea can twitch for several minutes, with oxygen provided by spiracles in the tibia. The", "id": "21594587" }, { "contents": "Second Best (film)\n\n\nand finding him partially dressed, always hiding in holes and covered in dirt. During this time a flashback scene is shown of James hiding from the police. On the ride home Graham asked James why he liked Lynn when women don't seem to be his cup of tea. James due to having issues starts to self-harm himself, first by scratching his legs with his hand, then by trying to jump from the car, all the while telling Graham that Lynn is not a proper woman, eventually forcing Graham to", "id": "1981765" }, { "contents": "Neil Gaiman\n\n\nhangin' out with the dream king. Neil says hi by the way\"), \"Space Dog\" (\"Where's Neil when you need him?\"), \"Horses\" (\"But will you find me if Neil makes me a tree?\"), \"Carbon\" (\"Get me Neil on the line, no I can't hold. Have him read, 'Snow, Glass, Apples' where nothing is what it seems\"), \"Sweet Dreams\" (\"You're", "id": "2148759" }, { "contents": "Twitch (film)\n\n\n\" Jennifer Modenessi of the \"Contra Costa Times\" said that \"when the story is as good as filmmaker Leah Meyerhoff's, you can't help but be drawn in\" and Ben Beard of \"Film Monthly\" said that \"\"Twitch\" is a hard but impressive little film. The travails of growing up, the immense pain of post-adolescence, the terror of the big nasty world resting just outside our windows: \"Twitch\" augers in the universal places of hurt in the human brain. We can", "id": "9065867" }, { "contents": "Stay Schemin'\n\n\n/The Believer\". On \"Sweet\", the lines \"Y'all niggas man, y'all soft motherfuckers/Singing all around me man, la la la/ You ain't motherfucking Frank Sinatra/Uh, lil' bitch./Sweet ass motherfucker.\" are the reason why \"Stay Schemin'\" is directed at Common. Drake responded to Common on this track by sending subliminal attacks. The most notable perhaps being the line \"Back when if a nigga reached it was for the weapon/ Nowadays niggas reach just to sell they record", "id": "12786748" }, { "contents": "Coral Castle\n\n\nhim how he made the castle. He would simply answer \"It's not difficult if you know how.\" When asked why he had built the castle, Leedskalnin would vaguely answer it was for his \"Sweet Sixteen\". This is widely believed to be a reference to Agnes Skuvst (often misspelled as \"Scuffs\"). In Leedskalnin's own publication \"A Book in Every Home\", he implies his \"Sweet Sixteen\" was more an ideal than a reality. According to a Latvian account, the girl", "id": "1281749" }, { "contents": "Two Dogs\n\n\nto come up with a name. All he could think of was the punch line to a joke he had heard. Thus Two Dogs brewing company was born. There was a \"Why Do You Ask?\" on the bottle. This was also part of the joke. The product was acquired by the French alcoholic beverage company Pernod Ricard in 1995, who owned the brand until 2006, when it was sold to the Kirin Brewery Company of Japan. Two Dogs was brought to the United Kingdom in 1995, where the", "id": "9516176" }, { "contents": "Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn\n\n\nsaid he is too thirsty to fight. Husayn was very sad and told his son: \"Do not worry, Akbar. After you are killed your grandfather, the messenger of Allah, will give you water that is so sweet, that you will never forget the taste.\" He walked towards the battlefield. When he went to Akbar, Akbar placed his right hand on his wounded chest and his left arm over the shoulder of his father. Al-Husayn asked, \"Akbar, why do you embrace me with", "id": "19765833" }, { "contents": "Calming signals\n\n\nposition can be an invitation to play if the dog is moving legs from side to side in a playful manner. Just as often, the dog is standing still while bowing and is using the signal to calm someone down. These signals often have double meanings and may be used in many different ways – often the invitation to play is a calming signal by itself because the dog is making a potentially dangerous situation less tense and diverts with something safe. When two dogs approach each other too abruptly, you will often see a", "id": "7828908" }, { "contents": "Karakachan dog\n\n\nThe topcoat is straight and stiff. Over the head and the front part of the legs the hair is short and close-fitting. Heavy undercoat. Colour of hair: Two or tricolour, with spots. Most desired are clearly defined dark spots on white or big white spots on dark. Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. N.B. Male dogs should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum", "id": "18220999" }, { "contents": "Opiliones anatomy\n\n\npacemaker neurons responsible for this become active when they lose the connection to the central nervous system. Each of the two twitching leg joints contains an independent pacemaker. Even immature harvestmen cannot regenerate lost legs. One reason for the hanging stance characteristic for long-legged harvestmen seems to be enhanced stability on exposed surfaces, for example against wind. \"Leiobunum vittatum\" (and probably other harvestmen) walks by lifting the \"central\" (counting the second pair as antennae) leg of one side and the outer legs of the", "id": "21594588" }, { "contents": "Ling Woo\n\n\nyou people get all the parking spots!\" To an individual with Tourette syndrome, she says, \"I think Tourettes is so cool. It would be great to be able to annoy people like that. You get to whoop and twitch. Any other good ones?\" A passing blind man accidentally taps her with his cane, and Ling cries, \"OW! They're not weapons!...I so prefer the deaf to the blind.\" Ling will even impersonate the blind to get her way. In one episode", "id": "20252707" }, { "contents": "Dewclaw\n\n\n: A book about those everyday objects you just can't name\". London: Doubleday. On dogs and cats the dewclaws are on the inside of the front legs, positioned analogously to a human thumb. Although many animals have dewclaws, other similar species do not, such as horses, giraffes and the African wild dog. Dogs almost always have dewclaws on the inside of the front legs and occasionally also on the hind legs. Unlike front dewclaws, rear dewclaws tend to have little bone or muscle structure in most breeds", "id": "12771250" }, { "contents": "Birth of the Blues\n\n\nalthough they give the impression of improvising, more or less, as they go, Director Victor Schertzinger has given to their sauntering a very smooth, easy-going pace. . . For sweet and fancy singing that makes your muscles twitch, there is Mr. Crosby and Miss Martin doing truly delightful things with “Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie” and a new number, “The Waiter, the Porter and the Upstairs Maid.” And for dipping deep on the low chords, you can’t ask for anything more", "id": "17986180" }, { "contents": "Gastrocnemius muscle\n\n\n, jumping and other \"fast\" movements of leg, and to a lesser degree in walking and standing. This specialization is connected to the predominance of white muscle fibers (type II fast twitch) present in the gastrocnemius, as opposed to the soleus, which has more red muscle fibers (type I slow twitch) and is the primary active muscle when standing still, as determined by EMG studies. The plan to use the gastrocnemius in running, jumping, knee and plantar flexing is created in the precentral gyrus in the", "id": "3198146" }, { "contents": "European badger\n\n\nfrom below the legs of their mothers, and even adult badgers may be attacked by this eagle when emerging weak and hungry from hibernation. Eurasian eagle owls (\"Bubo bubo\") may also take an occasional cub and other large raptors such as white-tailed eagles (\"Haliaeetus albicilla\") and greater spotted eagle (\"Clanga clanga\") are considered potential badger cub predators. Raccoon dogs may extensively use badger setts for shelter. There are many known cases of badgers and raccoon dogs wintering in the same hole,", "id": "1733909" }, { "contents": "Wamba (king)\n\n\nsome versions of the story, the hind, provided by God, was Giles' sole companion and sustained him on its milk.) Wamba shot his arrow into the opening. But he missed the hind, striking Giles instead, wounding him in the leg and causing a permanent disability. The king's hunting dogs then rushed in for the kill. But when Wamba arrived he found his dogs miraculously rooted to the spot. Discovering what he had done, he begged forgiveness and tried to make amends. But Giles continued his", "id": "3453575" }, { "contents": "Matford Vic\n\n\ntwo sons, who told him that they did not want that kind of dog. Vic was brought along to a dog show where her owner was showing his Cocker Spaniels. A terrier fancier happened to catch sight of the dog and said to him \"That is a fine dog that you have there. Why don't you exhibit it here?\" He entered the dog in the classes, and Vic would end up winning her classes. An offer of $500 was made for Vic, which was turned down but eventually", "id": "18848652" }, { "contents": "English Cocker Spaniel\n\n\ndog. They come in solid (or \"self\"), parti-coloured, and roan types of markings. Solid dogs have no or very little white. Parti-coloured dogs have spots or patches of colour on a white dog. Parti-coloured dogs can have freckles of color on their nose and legs called \"ticking.\" Roan is an extreme version of ticking and consists of the white dog parts of a dog being speckled with the same colour as the solid patches. Roan puppies are born white with", "id": "20900340" }, { "contents": "Christina Milian (album)\n\n\nhe ended up rapping on \"Get Away\". Milian co-wrote the track \"Twitch\" with R&B singer Montell Jordan, which explains that men have a certain twitch of their shoulders whenever they tell lies. The critical response to the album was mixed to generally positive. Imran Ahmed of the \"New Musical Express\" enjoyed \"genius single 'AM to PM'\", and praised the tracks \"Got to Have You\" and \"When You Look at Me\". Ahmed guessed that \"beneath the froth,", "id": "10308233" }, { "contents": "Scratch reflex\n\n\nalso shown that voltage-gated calcium channels have a role in the increased excitability of spinal neurons. As described in the general characteristics above, the scratch reflex is programmed into the neural circuitry of the spinal cord. Initial experiments on the scratch reflex in dogs revealed that the spinal cord has circuits capable of summing inputs. This ability of the spinal cord was discovered when stimuli, on their own too weak to generate a response, were capable of eliciting a scratch response when applied in a quick succession. Additionally, studies involving", "id": "21484268" }, { "contents": "Spotted hyena\n\n\nwild dogs have rested and eat any food remains they find. When approaching wild dogs at a kill, solitary hyenas will approach cautiously and attempt to take off with a piece of meat unnoticed, though they may be mobbed by the dogs in the attempt. When operating in groups, spotted hyenas are more successful in pirating dog kills, though the dog's greater tendency to assist each other puts them at an advantage against spotted hyenas, who rarely work in unison. Cases of dogs scavenging from spotted hyenas are rare. Although", "id": "17984446" }, { "contents": "Ptychopteridae\n\n\nhabit of spreading out its legs while flying, using expanded, trachea-rich tarsi to waft along on air currents. Why they are called “phantom” crane flies: Their legs are thin and black with white sheaths near the tips, and when they fly under a shady tree, everything disappears except the white spots, appearing and disappearing like a “phantom”. Ptychopterinae – 16 antennomeres; M cell present Bittacomorphinae – 20 antennomeres; M & M veins fused, thus without M cell The general appearance of the two", "id": "7142365" }, { "contents": "Japanese thrush\n\n\nbreast, back, wings and tail, and a white underside with black spots in the upper belly and flanks. The legs, bill and thin eye-ring are yellow. The female is brown above and has a white throat, breast and belly, washed with rusty orange on the flanks and black spots. The Japanese thrush feeds on the ground, scratching through leaf-litter to find insects and earthworms. It will also take fruit. It lays 2-5 eggs in a nest made of twigs and moss,", "id": "9956848" }, { "contents": "Pyotraumatic dermatitis\n\n\nPyotraumatic dermatitis, also known as a hot spot or acute moist dermatitis, is a common infection of the skin surface of dogs, particularly those with thick or long coats. It occurs following self-inflicted trauma of the skin. Pyotraumatic dermatitis rarely affects cats. The dog persistently licks, chews, scratches or rubs at a focal area of skin, which quickly causes hair loss. The skin becomes red, moist and weeps. The affected area is obviously defined and separate from the surrounding healthy skin and coat. Usually only", "id": "14525991" }, { "contents": "Benign fasciculation syndrome\n\n\nBenign fasciculation syndrome (BFS) is a neurological disorder characterized by fasciculation (twitching) of various voluntary muscles in the body. The twitching can occur in any voluntary muscle group but is most common in the eyelids, arms, hands/fingers legs, and feet. Even the tongue may be affected. The twitching may be occasional or may go on continuously. The main symptom of benign fasciculation syndrome is focal or widespread involuntary muscle activity (twitching), which can occur at random or specific times (or places).", "id": "999351" }, { "contents": "Bhai Lalo\n\n\nBhai Lalo with him and went to Malik Bhago’s house. With great anger Malik Bhago said to Guru ji, \"“You are dishonoring Kshatriyas by eating dry chapaties in the house of a carpenter. My feast will offer you delicious food. Why do you refuse to eat it?”\" Guru Nanak Dev took Bhai Lalo’s dry chapati in his right hand and Malik Bhago’s fried sweet pancake in his left hand. When he squeezed the right hand the people present there saw \"drops of milk dripping from it", "id": "18017067" }, { "contents": "Restless legs syndrome\n\n\nin the muscles, to \"an itch you can't scratch\", a \"buzzing sensation\", an unpleasant \"tickle that won't stop\", a \"crawling\" feeling, or limbs jerking while awake. The sensations typically begin or intensify during quiet wakefulness, such as when relaxing, reading, studying, or trying to sleep. It is a \"spectrum\" disease with some people experiencing only a minor annoyance and others having major disruption of sleep and impairments in quality of life. The sensations—and the", "id": "10532885" }, { "contents": "Geoffrey Hinton\n\n\n. Asked by Nick Bostrom why he continues research despite his grave concerns, Hinton stated, \"I could give you the usual arguments. But the truth is that the prospect of discovery is too \"sweet\".\" – a reference to a remark by J. Robert Oppenheimer when questioned about why he had proceeded with his research in the Manhattan Project. According to the same report, Hinton does not categorically rule out human beings controlling an artificial superintelligence, but warns that \"there is not a good track record of less intelligent", "id": "20781622" }, { "contents": "Blue Puppy\n\n\nis the modern Russian slang term for gay. This misconception was helped along by some of the quotes from the songs in the movie, for example, when the Blue Puppy is teased by the other dogs: \"You are blue! You are blue! We don't want to play with you!\" or in the subsequent song by the Puppy, which has the line, \"I am hurt by an evil fate, oh, why am I blue?\" However, the additional connotation to the Russian word \"", "id": "10128774" }, { "contents": "Amuktamalyada\n\n\non being asked why Telugu was chosen, Lord Vishnu is said to have replied Which translates to: \"If you ask, 'Why Telugu?' It is because this is Telugu country and I am a Telugu king. Telugu is sweet. After speaking with all the kings that serve you, didn’t you realize - amongst all the languages in the country, Telugu is the best!\" Amuktamalyada describes pain of separation (viraha) experienced by Andal, who is described as the incarnate of Lakshmi the consort of Vishnu", "id": "21859577" }, { "contents": "Pogona\n\n\nprocess calcium in their diet. Without processing this calcium, their bodies will use calcium from their bones, therefore weakening them. Symptoms seen in bearded dragons with MBD include bumps in the legs, twitches or tremors, bumps along the spine or tail, a swollen bottom jaw, and jerky movements. Hypocalcemia occurs when there are low levels of calcium in the bearded dragon's blood. Hypocalcemia is most often tied to metabolic bone disease. Low levels of calcium can result in twitching muscles, or seizures. Hypocalcemia is most often", "id": "16851520" }, { "contents": "Motor unit plasticity\n\n\ndecrease as a result of both age and inactivity. However, aging and inactivity are not known to produce significant decreases in neural synchronization of motor units. It is not known why synchronization does not decrease with age and inactivity. Fast twitch muscle units and slow twitch muscle units differ in their ability to produce force and resist fatigue. Fast twitch muscle units have the ability to produce great amounts of force but they do not resist fatigue for long periods of time whereas slow twitch muscle units do not produce great amounts of force but", "id": "12182622" }, { "contents": "Bohemian Spotted Dog\n\n\nyears the existence of the breed remained a secret for the public until 1961 when they were presented on a dog show. In 1981 some of the dogs in the institute were given to breeders. That's when breeders began calling them 'bohemian spotted dogs'. But despite the promising start, the breed wasn't accepted as well as expected and the dogs were on the edge of extinction. Luckily, few enthusiasts discovered the twisted history of the Bohemian spotted dog and even though there was almost nowhere to start with the rebirth", "id": "8215752" } ]
how is hd tv easily sent over the air with no loading/buffering but streaming hd video online takes a good internet connection and high bandwidth?
[{"answer": " > Curious how hd tv is easily sent over the air but hd video streaming online takes high bandwidth and a good internet connection. A television broadcast is like talking into a loudspeaker system to address an entire stadium. Video streaming online is like holding an individual conversation with every person in the stadium simultaneously."}, {"answer": "There is some buffering when receiving video OTA, the buffering happens immediately after tuning. With OTA the stream is always there, and it's always on, all you have to do is grab the first decipherable packet and start deciding, you know the next one will be along immediately because it's guaranteed, furthermore if you drop a packet there is nothing you can do about it, so the stream is encoded to be able to continue with minimum disruption but obvious glitches. With internet streams the computer fetches a bunch of data because it doesn't know for sure when the next packet is arriving, the connection might at any moment stop delivering packets for a few moments, so you have to have sufficient data available to ride the gap and this riding the gap /can/ be invisible if you don't run out of buffer, so streaming video will pause and recontinue from the same location because in some cases you can do it without the user noticing. Why the gaps happen is because the internet is a series of pipes of different diameter.... the wire from your house to the exchange can handle less traffic than the wire from the exchange upstream, so obviously when you request a big file somebody has to rate limit the transfer because the internet itself isn't going to hold huge files in transit, the way that any part of the network shows it's over capacity is to randomly not transmit a packet - so YouTube thinks it's sent you the next instalment, but you never receive it, think of what this would do to a game of chess by post, how do you know that your move has been lost in the post? The answer is to resend your last move if you don't get a timely response, but this delay when viewing video causes skips. The most obvious restriction you can ease is the one between yourself and the exchange, buying fast internet means less dropped packets which means less stalls and a faster refill of your video buffer."}, {"answer": "Adding on to the other excellent answers here, I will add that traffic and contention are an issue. You are probably aware about how sometimes Internet traffic can get slower based on how many people are using it. This is a major cause of buffering with video streaming, because you're sharing almost the entire length of the connection with many other people. When you watch HD TV over the air, this isn't a concern. Nobody else is using that bandwidth. It's all 100% reserved for the television station. It's a specific frequency range that is legally reserved for them -- so they have all that bandwidth, every hour of the day, every day of the week. Also, it's broadcast, so your TV doesn't have to interact with the source of the transmission -- just pick up the signal and show it. This means that it doesn't matter if one person is watching it or a million. The full signal gets to you."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1274162", "title": "Datacasting", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Datacasting (data broadcasting) is the broadcasting of data over a wide area via radio waves. It most often refers to supplemental information sent by television stations along with digital terrestrial television, but may also be applied to digital signals on analog TV or radio. It generally does not apply to data which is inherent to the medium, such as PSIP data which defines virtual channels for DTT or direct broadcast satellite systems; or to things like cable modem or satellite modem, which use a completely separate channel for data.", "Datacasting (data broadcasting) is the broadcasting of data over a wide area via radio waves. It most often refers to supplemental information sent by television stations along with digital terrestrial television, but may also be applied to digital signals on analog TV or radio. It generally does not apply to data which is inherent to the medium, such as PSIP data which defines virtual channels for DTT or direct broadcast satellite systems; or to things like cable modem or satellite modem, which use a completely separate channel for data."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1543683", "title": "High-definition video", "section": "Section::::HD content.:HD in filmmaking.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 44, "end_paragraph_id": 44, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In the process of making prints for exhibition, this negative is copied onto other film (negative interpositive internegative print) causing the resolution to be reduced with each emulsion copying step and when the image passes through a lens (for example, on a projector). In many cases, the resolution can be reduced down to 1/6 of the original negative's resolution (or worse). Note that resolution values for 70\u00a0mm film are higher than those listed above. A number of online video streaming/on demand and digital download services offer HD video, among them YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Amazon Video On Demand, Netflix Watch Instantly, and others. Due to heavy compression, the image detail produced by these formats are", "In the process of making prints for exhibition, this negative is copied onto other film (negative interpositive internegative print) causing the resolution to be reduced with each emulsion copying step and when the image passes through a lens (for example, on a projector). In many cases, the resolution can be reduced down to 1/6 of the original negative's resolution (or worse). Note that resolution values for 70\u00a0mm film are higher than those listed above. A number of online video streaming/on demand and digital download services offer HD video, among them YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Amazon Video On Demand, Netflix Watch Instantly, and others. Due to heavy compression, the image detail produced by these formats are", "In the process of making prints for exhibition, this negative is copied onto other film (negative interpositive internegative print) causing the resolution to be reduced with each emulsion copying step and when the image passes through a lens (for example, on a projector). In many cases, the resolution can be reduced down to 1/6 of the original negative's resolution (or worse). Note that resolution values for 70\u00a0mm film are higher than those listed above. A number of online video streaming/on demand and digital download services offer HD video, among them YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Amazon Video On Demand, Netflix Watch Instantly, and others. Due to heavy compression, the image detail produced by these formats are"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Streaming television\n\n\nit offers HD content along with SD content. As more people have gotten broadband connections which can deal with streaming HD video over the Internet, the BBC iPlayer has tried to keep up with demand and pace. However, as streaming HD video takes around 1.5 GB of data per hour of video the BBC has had to invest a lot of money collected from License Fee payers to implement this on a large scale. For users who do not have the bandwidth to stream HD video or even high-SD video, which requires", "id": "12287370" }, { "contents": "Webcam model\n\n\naccess business model of the camming industry also relies on large bandwidth, these possible new costs could eventually be passed on to camming hosting sites, as well as to the cam models themselves. A politically alert camgirl, Melonie, states: \"How many camgirls and webcam customers are going to be able to afford a $200+ monthly bill from their ISP for a high bandwidth connection capable of HD video streaming? How many camgirls are going to be able to continue to devote time to create webcam host programming if the payout", "id": "21019900" }, { "contents": "Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP\n\n\ndelivery of essentially all World Wide Web content. It allows devices like Internet-connected televisions, TV set-top boxes, desktop computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. to consume multimedia content (video, TV, radio, etc.) delivered via the Internet, coping with variable Internet receiving conditions. Standardizing an adaptive streaming solution is meant to provide confidence to the market that the solution can be adopted for universal deployment, compared to similar but more proprietary solutions like Smooth Streaming by Microsoft, or HDS by Adobe.", "id": "13402885" }, { "contents": "Digital video\n\n\nto spread in most developed countries in early 2000s. Digital video is also used in modern mobile phones and video conferencing systems. Digital video is also used for Internet distribution of media, including streaming video and peer-to-peer movie distribution. However even within Europe are lots of TV-Stations not broadcasting in HD, due to restricted budgets for new equipment for processing HD. Many types of video compression exist for serving digital video over the internet and on optical disks. The file sizes of digital video used for professional", "id": "8831196" }, { "contents": "HD+\n\n\n, the annual subscription was increased from €60 to €70 and the monthly fee raised from €5.00 to €5.75. In January 2013, HD+ launched the RePlay online catch-up TV service, offering full-length programmes up to seven days after their first DTH broadcast. RePlay is a hybrid service combining the satellite reception of the HD+ platform and an online connected service using the HbbTV standard. It requires an HbbTV-based hybrid HD+ set-top box with special software and a connection to the Internet (a", "id": "12947515" }, { "contents": "Sling Media\n\n\nthe PRO-HD was not included in either Slingbox. The Slingbox 350 is the base product, with one SD/HD audio-video input (composite or component) and an ethernet port to connect to the Internet. The Slingbox 500 was positioned as a platform for next-generation Smart TV capabilities. In addition to placeshifting, the Slingbox 500 included streaming apps from Dish Digital, including Dishworld and Blockbuster On-Demand, as well as the ability to manage and view personal media, including video. The Slingbox 500", "id": "9038358" }, { "contents": "Xfinity Streampix\n\n\nXfinity Streampix is an online on demand media streaming service offered by Comcast that launched on February 23, 2012 with shows from ABC, NBC, Scripps, Cookie Jar and Lionsgate as well as movies from Sony Pictures, Universal, Snag, Disney and Warner Bros. The service is designed to compete with other online streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Video, and Hulu. The service costs $5 per month, while Comcast customers who subscribe to Internet Plus, Internet Pro Plus, HD Preferred Plus XF Triple Play, HD Premier", "id": "4212814" }, { "contents": "Uncompressed video\n\n\nstandard in which video is transmitted in uncompressed format and audio, video and ancillary data are carried as separate streams. Wireless interfaces such as Wireless LAN (WLAN, Wi-Fi), WiDi, and Wireless Home Digital Interface can be used to transmit uncompressed standard definition (SD) video but not HD video because the HD bit rates would exceed the network bandwidth. HD can be transmitted using higher speed interfaces such as WirelessHD and WiGig. In all cases, when video is conveyed over a network, communication disruptions or diminished", "id": "10409386" }, { "contents": "Flipps\n\n\nfeatures include HD and 3D video delivery optimised in real time, delivery of on-demand video content to any TV set, and seamless integration with a multiple range of devices, connected in the same network - TVs, game consoles, Blu-ray players, audio systems and media boxes. Videos delivered via Flipps technology are streamed directly from the cloud to the selected device without any side-loading of content, downloading of TV apps, or connecting cables. The video asset is kept at its original location without creating any", "id": "9023127" }, { "contents": "Apple TV\n\n\nHD content, provide direct connectivity to photo organization software such as iPhoto, limit home video access to a local network only, play Internet radio, or preload content on Apple TV to be used later as a non-networked video player. For users who wish to connect the Apple TV to a computer, synchronization and streaming modes are supported. Apple TV in synchronization mode works in a way similar to the iPod. It is paired with an iTunes library on a single computer and can synchronize with that library, copying all", "id": "8953187" }, { "contents": "High-definition television\n\n\nvideo disc (BD), and internet downloads. Sony's PlayStation 3 has extensive HD compatibility because of its built in Blu-ray disc-based player, so does Microsoft's Xbox 360 with the addition of Netflix and Windows Media Center HTPC streaming capabilities. On November 18, 2012, Nintendo released a next generation high definition gaming platform, The Wii U, which includes TV remote control features in addition to IPTV streaming features like Netflix. The HD capabilities of the consoles has influenced some developers to port games from past", "id": "10800697" }, { "contents": "Ziggo\n\n\nSport Totaal HD. The rest are part of basic service. On 4 July 2009 the Dutch public broadcaster NPO started simulcasting NPO 1, NPO 2, and NPO 3 in 1080i high-definition. These public HD channels are part of basic service. Ziggo GO is an online television service from Ziggo. The service allows users to watch live TV and on demand video content from a PC, laptop, tablet and mobile phone. It is also possible to stream live TV on Chromecast and Apple TV. The service was introduced", "id": "7021550" }, { "contents": "Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium\n\n\nthe roof of the stadium and 3 HD portable professional video cameras. One of the HD portable camera has a HD video transmitter system which enable the camera (Fan-Cam) to send stable live video from anywhere in the stadium back to the control room for display on the LED scoreboard. The entire system was imported from the United States and similar system is used by major stadiums in the United States. The system is also capable of bringing live TV programs via the internet (live video streaming) as well as recording", "id": "11195974" }, { "contents": "Web-to-TV\n\n\nit provides the broadest access to internet content because it supports any content or application that can be viewed on a PC. HD Encodulators are a new class of device in Digital Video Broadcast (DVB). Encodulators are devices that bundle a digital encoder and an RF agile modulator into one package. Encodulators accept uncompressed video as either HD or SD and encode the source to an MPEG transport stream. This transport stream can be based on either MPEG-2 or MPEG-4(H.264) broadcasting codecs. Once the video is encoded it is passed on to", "id": "3661012" }, { "contents": "DWRR-FM\n\n\nat a venue in Makati. Tambayan launched its video streaming called Tambayan TV where DJs are seen live from the booth. In between songs playing, some information plugs were seen (such as Tambayan's Slumbook). Just like DZMM Teleradyo, plugs were also aired during commercial gaps. Tambayan TV is aired 24 hours over the Internet. The station was also launched via HD Radio technology. In May 2013, ABS-CBN Corporation decided to drop the \"Tambayan\" brand and revert to the name \"ABS-CBN 101.9", "id": "16580914" }, { "contents": "Monsoon Multimedia\n\n\ndisk or watch TV from Microsoft’s Media Center in any room within a home. The HAVA Platinum HD also included component inputs and had the ability to transmit a HD program in widescreen aspect ratio, though not in full HD resolution. The HAVA Platinum took a 720p or 1080i signal and converted it to standard-definition resolution before streaming it over a network or over the Internet. This device also added PC software that stored streamed content, enabling the PC or laptop to pause, rewind and fast-forward streamed content.", "id": "5437598" }, { "contents": "Wireless Home Digital Interface\n\n\nreleases news of a device capable of \"uncompressed high definition video streaming wirelessly.\" AMIMON showcases its WHDI (wireless high definition interface) at CES. Sanyo demonstrates the \"world's first wireless HD projector,\" using AMIMON's technology, which allows for the same quality as a DVI / HDMI cable. AMIMON begins shipping its WHDI chips to manufacturers. WHDI becomes High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) Certified, garnering the necessary approval for any device to deliver HD video to another device, a requirement in Hollywood", "id": "3307237" }, { "contents": "DVB-T2\n\n\nbroadband internet. As the prices for complete packages (TV, internet, telephony) are low and the quality quite good (e.g. about 20 EUR for 500Mbit/s internet, ~120 SD and HD digital cable TV channels and telephony, with an added 2-4 EUR for mobile telephony), the interest for over-the-air TV quickly became very low. There are rumors that commercial broadcasters that traditionally transmitted over-the-air using analogue channels (like MediaPro, Antena GROUP, Prima TV) will give", "id": "11636103" }, { "contents": "Ultra-high-definition television\n\n\nthat meet CEA guidelines. The CEA also clarified that \"Ultra High-Definition\", \"Ultra HD\", or \"UHD\" can be used with other modifiers and gave an example with \"Ultra High-Definition TV 4K\". On July 15, 2014, Researchers from the University of Essex both captured and delivered its graduation ceremonies in 4kUHDTV over the internet using H.264 in realtime. The 4K video stream was published at 8 Mbit/s and 14 Mbit/s for all its 11 ceremonies (till", "id": "8699533" }, { "contents": "Streaming television\n\n\nStreaming television (also known as streaming TV, online TV, or Internet TV) is the digital distribution of television content, such as TV shows, as streaming video delivered over the Internet. Streaming TV stands in contrast to dedicated terrestrial television delivered by over-the-air aerial systems, cable television, and/or satellite television systems. The mid 2000s were the beginning of television programs becoming available via the Internet. iTunes began offering select television programs and series in 2005, available for download after direct payment. The video-", "id": "12287357" }, { "contents": "Tiered Internet service\n\n\ncontrolling the ability to block out competition by restricting certain pipelines within the Internet. By blocking these pipelines, the provider creates an unfair transfer of packets across the Internet, diminishing the quality of service. Internet service providers seek to discriminate against peer-to-peer (P2P) communication, FTP, online games, and high bandwidth activities, such as video streaming. This practice is called bandwidth throttling. In 2017, the FCC Voted to repeal \"Net Neutrality\" in their \"Restoring Internet Freedom\" Order. Fulling taking", "id": "19351056" }, { "contents": "UNC-TV\n\n\ndigital subchannel of each station carried UNC-HD (which carried PBS and regional programming in high-definition), the third subchannel carried UNC-KD (which carried children's programs), the fourth subchannel carried UNC-ED (an educational television service) and the fifth subchannel carried UNC-NC (centering on North Carolina public affairs and original local productions). Due to bandwidth limitations at the time, the over-the-air feed of UNC-HD was only available between 8-11 p.m., during", "id": "17612751" }, { "contents": "Sky+ HD\n\n\nHD ready televisions, the box outputs via a HDMI connector (adapters to Digital Visual Interface are available). The box is High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) compliant. Sky boxes manufactured prior to January 2008 also had analogue component connections (YPbPr), but as the HDCP copy protection cannot be applied to this type of output it is no longer included. Traditional standard-definition (SD) connections are available via SCART and S-Video. All programming is currently output from both HDMI and SD connections", "id": "15689585" }, { "contents": "Phase-shift keying\n\n\nused in satellite broadcasting. QPSK is still widely used in the streaming of SD satellite channels and some HD channels. High definition programming is delivered almost exclusively in 8PSK due to the higher bitrates of HD video and the high cost of satellite bandwidth. The DVB-S2 standard requires support for both QPSK and 8PSK. The chipsets used in new satellite set top boxes, such as Broadcom's 7000 series support 8PSK and are backward compatible with the older standard. Historically, voice-band synchronous modems such as the Bell 201,", "id": "19274674" }, { "contents": "Streaming media\n\n\nnetwork to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it frequently is. There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. If the user does not have enough bandwidth in their Internet connection, they may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. Some users may not be able to stream certain content due to not having compatible computer or software systems. Some popular streaming services include the video sharing website YouTube, Twitch, and Mixer, which", "id": "9201609" }, { "contents": "Wireless Home Digital Interface\n\n\nWHDI stick reference design, a noticeably smaller device than those previously released. HP announces the WHDI certified HP Wireless TV Connect WHDI comes to TVs, PCs, tablets and a projector at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). KFA2 (Galaxy) releases the first wireless graphics card, GeForce GTX460 WHDI 1024MB PCIe 2.0. The card uses five aerials to stream 1080p video from a PC to a WHDI-capable television. AMIMON showcases the HD camera link Falcon-HD, a transmitter and receiver accessory for professional HD", "id": "3307242" }, { "contents": "On Demand (Sky)\n\n\nOn Demand is the brand-name of a range of services from Sky designed to compete with video on demand services currently offered by rival companies such as Virgin TV or BT TV as well as internet television services such as Amazon Prime Video and Netflix. On Demand has been available in various forms including: a PC version using a peer-to-peer platform over broadband Internet connection, a version for users of 3G mobile telephones, a push video on demand service for subscribers equipped with a Sky+ HD set-top", "id": "12806443" }, { "contents": "WPLN-FM\n\n\nat noon, 90.3 HD-3 returned to the air, returning the college alternative format of Vanderbilt University's WRVU to the Nashville airwaves. This lasted until May 22, 2014, when WPLN discontinued WRVU from its HD3 Signal (Due to low raitings), And replaced it with XPoNential Radio. WRVU has now gone to be an Internet Only Radio Station. These multicast stations can be heard using a special HD Radio receiver. 90.3 HD-2 can also be streamed on the Internet through WPLN's website, and 90.3 HD-3 can be streamed", "id": "5355278" }, { "contents": "Zattoo\n\n\nGermany, which is discontinuing its TV streaming service in Germany. 150,000 affected users will receive a welcome offer from Zattoo to continue watching HD TV on all Internet-enabled devices and to use time-shift TV features. Applications exist for all major mobile platforms and for set-top boxes, video game consoles and connected TVs. Some applications are restricted to specific countries. The service is currently available in Switzerland and Germany. B2C Activities in other European Countries were ceased. Zattoo will grow internationally with its partners in the B2B", "id": "13337526" }, { "contents": "Radio Televizioni Shqiptar\n\n\nstream was launched in January 2009. In 2011, RTSH launched live streaming of the 50th edition of Festivali i Kenges, by possibly marking the first time that RTSH launched an online streaming video service in its history. In the last years, RTSH has upgraded TV studios and broadcasting equipment, launched a number of digital TV channels, added live online TV and radio streams, and has uploaded TV programs on YouTube. In 2013, RTSH launched four additional channels including: RTSH HD, RTSH Muzikë, RTSH Art, RTSH Sport", "id": "3773254" }, { "contents": "Nextcom R5000-HD\n\n\nThe Nextcom R5000-HD is a popular Windows-based system for digitally capturing HD (high-definition) and SD (standard-definition) TV content from satellite TV and cable TV sources. A modification is required to the set-top box, giving it a USB 2.0 output that is connected to a PC. The digital video recorder (DVR) and companion personal video recorder (PVR) software runs on any Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 10 system and can record just about any content (that", "id": "22207120" }, { "contents": "V (TV network)\n\n\nstream is only available in Canada. \"Notes:\" On June 4, 2007, TQS launched an HD simulcast of its Montreal station CFJP-TV for cable subscribers. In December 2007, TQS launched a transmitter in Montreal making the HD simulcast of CFJP-TV available over-the-air. V HD is available nationally via satellite and on digital cable, and for free via DTT using a regular TV antenna and a digital tuner (included in most new TVs) on the following channels: Beginning in 1997,", "id": "2230644" }, { "contents": "HD-MAC\n\n\nand S/N 32 dB. This media was used for several hours at Expo 92. On the studio and production side, it was entirely different. HD-MAC bandwidth reduction techniques bring the HD pixel rate down to the level of SD. So in theory, it would have been possible to use an SD digital video recorder, assuming it provides enough room for the DATV assistance stream, which requires less than 1.1 Mbit/s. SD video using 4:2:0 format (12 bits per pixel) needs 720x576x25x12 bits per second", "id": "8003138" }, { "contents": "Nintendo Network\n\n\nWii U, Nintendo Network offers a wide range of video services for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. These services are only available for download on Nintendo 3DS since Nintendo TVii already integrated Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Video and TiVo. The Wii U can play videos in 480p or 720p HD; and the Nintendo 3DS can play 240p. However, these streaming services are available independently from Nintendo Network services. These videos can either be downloaded to the system's permanent storage through SpotPass or streamed over the user's Internet connection.", "id": "20808579" }, { "contents": "Golden Race\n\n\nGolden Race is a B2B virtual betting solutions and services supplier company based in Malta. The company provides software and technology for online casinos, online sports betting, mobile gaming, live dealer games and betting shops. Golden Race portfolio includes virtual, live and HD games, virtual sports in 3D and HD and online betting shops as well as support services. Golden Race provides 3D and HD sports to operators. Pre-recorded sports The company provides virtual, HD pre-recorded video and live streaming games to operators. Spin2Win,", "id": "6017009" }, { "contents": "Low-definition television\n\n\nextending - first to widescreen 426×240, then to gradually higher resolutions - once the video service had become well established and had been acquired by Alphabet Inc. (Google), it had access to Alphabet's radically improved storage space and transmission bandwidth, and could rely on a good proportion of its users having high-speed internet connections. More recently, YouTube has also extended further into the LDTV realm by adding an even lower 256×144p resolution with a halved framerate - giving an overall effect reminiscent of early online video streaming attempts using RealVideo", "id": "2289152" }, { "contents": "Much (TV channel)\n\n\nmusic videos in favour of more reality programming due to the growth of internet streaming, and CTVglobemedia's subsequent acquisition of CHUM—which placed the new MTV and MuchMusic under common ownership. With the success of MuchMusic, several spinoff channels have been launched within Canada and around the world, including: On June 1, 2011, MuchMusic launched a high definition simulcast feed called Much HD. It is currently available on Bell Satellite TV, Bell Fibe TV, EastLink, SaskTel Max, Optik TV, Rogers Cable, Shaw Cable and", "id": "6528237" }, { "contents": "BBC iPlayer\n\n\niPlayer app is available to download from Samsung Apps for Samsung Smart TV. Sony added BBC iPlayer to its BRAVIA Internet Video service, included in its 2010 range of televisions and Blu-ray players. On 9 September 2010, iPlayer was added to Sony's BRAVIA televisions, having previously only been available on Blu-ray players. Televisions needed a firmware update which could be upgraded over the internet or downloaded onto a USB flash drive for loading directly to the TV. At the time of launch BBC HD content is not available", "id": "117289" }, { "contents": "KECY-TV\n\n\nthe-air feed of \"Desert CW6\" was unable to be upgraded into 720p HD, most likely due to bandwidth limitations prohibiting KECY from transmitting three of their feeds in 720p HD simultaneously while also simulcasting KESE-LP \"Telemundo 3\" as a fourth subchannel; however, \"Desert CW6\" was instead upgraded into a widescreen SD picture format, after previously being offered in 480i SD. The station's digital signal is multiplexed: KECY-TV shut down its analog signal, over VHF channel 9, on June 12", "id": "8128311" }, { "contents": "Serial digital interface\n\n\n...) video transmission. A related standard, known as HD-SDTI, provides similar capability over an SMPTE 292M interface. The SDTI interface is specified by SMPTE 305M. The HD-SDTI interface is specified by SMPTE 348M. The asynchronous serial interface (ASI) specification describes how to transport a MPEG Transport Stream (MPEG-TS), containing multiple MPEG video streams, over 75-ohm copper coaxial cable or multimode optical fiber. ASI is popular way to transport broadcast programs from the studio to the final transmission equipment before it reaches", "id": "21721440" }, { "contents": "TV gateway\n\n\nDVB EN 300 468 and technical specification TS 101 211) or via a paid service provided by a third party online EPG provider. Whole house HD-digital video recorder allows users to record programs on a centralized TV gateway DVR and then watch them on any device connected to their home network. TV gateways with whole house HD-DVR require storage to record live TV programs or schedule future recordings using the EPG. Whole house DVR TV gateways use a number of storage mediums to store recordings: Unicast (HTTP) protocols are", "id": "3835350" }, { "contents": "FilmOn\n\n\nis being viewed in. In 2010 FilmOn launched a streaming internet TV service for mobile devices. claimed it was going to launch an additional over-the-air distribution model using FilmOn AIR, a portable tuner that was supposed to send over-the-air HD channels to mobile devices and computers. In May 2012, FilmOn launched its Facebook app. Other additions include Shockmasters, a channel devoted to Alfred Hitchcock movies and television shows; Bloodzillathon, a channel devoted to Japanese kaiju monster movies; and Voice of America", "id": "14207362" }, { "contents": "WENY-TV\n\n\nSpectrum). WENY-DT3 is the CW+ affiliated third digital subchannel of WENY-TV, broadcasting in 16:9 widescreen standard definition on virtual and UHF channel 36.3. The subchannel can also be seen on Spectrum channel 2 (hence the on-air branding Twin Tiers CW 2). Presently, the HD feed is exclusive to cable due to WENY's current multiplexer limitations; it could not be upgraded to 720p HD, most likely due to bandwidth limitations prohibiting WENY from simultaneously transmitting all three of their feeds in HD. In", "id": "1274167" }, { "contents": "DStv\n\n\nDStv's own high definition broadcasts, viewed via the HD PVR decoder were launched in 2008. This year also saw the introduction of the XtraView Decoder and the M-NET HD channel. In 2010 DVB over IP (Digital Video Broadcast over Internet Protocol) and DStv on Demand services were launched. The HD PVR 2P decoder was launched in the same year and M-NET Movies 1 HD was broadcast for the first time. DStv BoxOffice (a movie on demand service) and DStv Mobile were launched in 2011. In", "id": "5622474" }, { "contents": "Ciena Optical Multiservice Edge 6500\n\n\nThe 6500 Packet-Optical Platform (formerly called the Optical Multiservice Edge 6500 or OME 6500 during the product's time at Nortel) in telecommunication, computer networking and optical communications is a Multi-port multi-protocol system designed by Ciena that supports TDM/WDM/GigE/10G/40G and 100G ports. The system supports high bandwidth demands from applications like IPTV, Internet Video, HD programming, and mobile video by increasing the speeds over existing fiber. Normally increasing the speeds from 10G to 40G to 100G typically", "id": "14281527" }, { "contents": "Xbox One\n\n\nAtmos, and DTS X. Xbox One S additionally supports 2160p (4K resolution) video output, and high dynamic range (HDR) color using HDR10 (with a future update to add Dolby Vision HDR support for streaming video). 4K video can be played from supported streaming services and Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc, Games are upscaled from 1080p resolution, and are not rendered at 4K. The GPU on Xbox One S has a higher clock speed and ESRAM bandwidth than the original model, which can provide some performance", "id": "2731879" }, { "contents": "Sky+ HD\n\n\nsuch as the Sky+ HD box, including BBC One HD, BBC Two HD and Channel 4 HD. On 27 March 2007, Sky launched its \"Sky Anytime on TV\" Push-Video on Demand service for owners of Sky+ HD set top boxes. Programmes in high definition and standard definition are recorded overnight to a reserved 140GB of disk space, to give the effect of video on demand. This has also been used to bring viewers high-definition programmes from channels that at the time didn't broadcast in HD", "id": "15689583" }, { "contents": "HD+\n\n\n(then ASTRA Platform Services, later SES Platform Services) and offers the technical management and the marketing of HD programmes for all broadcasters, including the distribution of the smart cards required for reception. In October 2014, HD+ joined the Free TV Alliance, alongside other free-to-view broadcasters Tivù Sat and Fransat, and free-to-air Freesat. In September 2015, HD+ started broadcast of an ultra-high-definition television demonstration channel. UHD1 shows sports, culture, lifestyle, and nature video clips and", "id": "12947501" }, { "contents": "Moxi\n\n\nMoxi was a line of high definition digital video recorders produced by Moxi Digital, Digeo, and then Arris Group. Moxi was originally released only to cable operators, but in December 2008 was released as a retail product, and removed from the market November 2011. The former retail product, the Moxi HD DVR, provides a high definition user interface with support for either two or three CableCARD TV tuners. Arris also offered a companion appliance, the Moxi Mate, which can stream live or recorded TV from a Moxi HD DVR", "id": "8803567" }, { "contents": "Satellite Broadcasting & Communications Ass'n v. FCC\n\n\nbroadcasters' HD signals to a less pristine picture resolution for several years. The satellite giants-which combined serve about 30 million pay-TV subscribers-convinced FCC officials that they lacked the channel capacity to provide every eligible station in HD immediately. They insisted that they needed several years to prepare for a full HD carriage requirement. HD signals stress capacity because they take up much more bandwidth than digital signal transmitted at lower resolution. The FCC's HD rules for satellite were far more lenient than the ones originally proposed by FCC", "id": "17528682" }, { "contents": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)\n\n\nand the Half-Blood Prince\" (2009). The HD DVD and Blu-ray contain additional features, such as the \"in-movie experience\", a video commentary in which members of Dumbledore's Army share their favourite moments from the production of the film, and \"focus points\" featurettes on how certain scenes of the film were made. The HD DVD also includes an exclusive feature called \"community screening\", which enables owners of the HD DVD to watch the film together over the Internet. \"", "id": "9496285" }, { "contents": "Star Trek: The Next Generation\n\n\nthe special effects had to be re-produced. Also a 7.1 DTS-HD Master Audio sound option was created. Season 1 sold 95,000 units in its launch week in 2012. In addition to the , the HD format was sold to many online streaming TV providers such as Netflix. The Netflix version included some additional special effect improvements. The Blu-ray sets include many special features and videos, such as a 1988 episode of \"Reading Rainbow\" where LeVar Burton (who plays Geordi on \"TNG\") documents", "id": "7346183" }, { "contents": "TV tuner card\n\n\na video game longplay (LP) so gamers can make walkthrough gameplay videos. One of the most popular applications for video capture cards is to capture video and audio for live Internet video streaming. The live stream can also be simultaneously archived and formatted for video on demand. The capture cards used for this purpose are typically purchased, installed, and configured in host PC systems by hobbyists or systems integrators. Some care is required to select suitable host systems for video encoding, particularly HD applications which are more affected by CPU performance", "id": "1115398" }, { "contents": "Streaming television\n\n\n1500 kbit/s, the BBC iPlayer offers lower bitrate streams which in turn lead to lower video quality. This makes use of an adaptive bitrate stream so that if the user's bandwidth suddenly drops, iPlayer will lower its streaming rate to compensate. A diagnostic tool offered on the BBC iPlayer site measures a user's streaming capabilities and bandwidth. In the last few years , Channel 4 has started providing HD content on its On Demand platforms such as iOS App, Android App and website. Although competitors in the UK", "id": "12287371" }, { "contents": "CBBC (TV channel)\n\n\n. The channel broadcasts on the BBC's existing HD multiplex on Freeview and shares its stream with BBC Three HD as they air at different times. Prior to launch, the majority of CBBC's HD output was broadcast on BBC HD before its closure on 26 March 2013. The HD channel was added to the Sky EPG in the Republic of Ireland in 2017. From 16 July to 5 August 2014, CBBC HD was temporarily removed from Freeview during the 2014 Commonwealth Games to let BBC Three (and BBC Three HD) broadcast", "id": "21815283" }, { "contents": "Bandwidth throttling\n\n\nof bandwidth that is supplied to the local network. Bandwidth throttling is also used to speed up the Internet on speed test websites. Throttling can be used to actively limit a user's upload and download rates on programs such as video streaming, BitTorrent protocols and other file sharing applications, as well as even out the usage of the total bandwidth supplied across all users on the network. Bandwidth throttling is also often used in Internet applications, in order to spread a load over a wider network to reduce local network congestion, or", "id": "6861284" }, { "contents": "Technical details of Netflix\n\n\nit can be delivered to all streaming platforms. Netflix uses adaptive bitrate streaming technology to adjust the video and audio quality to match a customer's broadband connection speed and realtime network conditions. In 2015, BT's YouView launched Ultra HD channels and a 4K box to watch it on in the UK. As of December 2015, Netflix's 4K catalogue can be watched on BT's Ultra HD box. In order to stream the Ultra HD content, users need the top-tier subscription option. Netflix provides users the", "id": "13090266" }, { "contents": "HD Radio\n\n\n\"; however, the FM system also allows multiplexing the data stream between two or more separate programs. A program utilizing one half or less of the data stream does not attain the higher audio quality of a single program allowed the full data stream. The FCC has declared \"one free over-the-air digital stream [must be] of equal or greater quality than the station’s existing analog signal\". (If the FCC discontinues analog simulcasting, each station will have over 300 kbit/s bandwidth available,", "id": "16032825" }, { "contents": "OnLive\n\n\nHigh-end games such as \"Assassin's Creed II\" required one GPU per game. Two video streams are created for each game. One (the live stream) is optimised for gameplay and real-world Internet conditions, while the other (the media stream) was a full HD stream that was server-side and used for spectators or for gamers to record videos of their gameplay. The service was launched in the United Kingdom on September 22, 2011 in partnership with British Telecom as a bundled service with their", "id": "3973197" }, { "contents": "Dish Network\n\n\nof HD video is known as HD Lite and is practiced by other TV providers as well. Both a standard receiver and a receiver with built-in digital video recorder (DVR) were available to subscribers. The Dish Network ViP722 HD DVR (Record up to 350 hours of standard-definition (SD), up to 55 hours of high-definition (HD)) replacement to the ViP622 has received generally positive reviews from CNET and others. These Set Top Boxes (STBs) allow for HD on the Primary TV", "id": "1393516" }, { "contents": "GeForce 8 series\n\n\npredecessors, also supports Scalable Link Interface (SLI) for multiple installed cards to act as one via an SLI Bridge, so long as they are of similar architecture. NVIDIA's PureVideo HD video rendering technology is an improved version of the original PureVideo introduced with GeForce 6. It now includes GPU-based hardware acceleration for decoding HD movie formats, post-processing of HD video for enhanced images, and optional High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) support at the card level. In the summer of 2007 NVIDIA released", "id": "17255815" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Indians Radio Network\n\n\nwith low-power FM translators; eight full-power FM stations; and one HD Radio digital subchannel which supplements its' signal with a low-power FM translator. Tom Hamilton and Jim Rosenhaus currently serve as the network's play-by-play announcers. In addition to traditional over-the-air AM and FM broadcasts, network programming airs on SiriusXM satellite radio; and streams online via SiriusXM Internet Radio, TuneIn Premium, and Gameday Audio. Play-by-play announcers Tom Hamilton and Jim Rosenhaus", "id": "69212" }, { "contents": "High-definition television in the United Kingdom\n\n\nChannel 5 HD however began broadcasting in HD on both Freesat and Freeview, after the BBC removed BBC Three / BBC iii from all digital TV platforms apart from its on-line BBC i-player service.. UKTV owns six HD channels, under the names of Eden HD, Good Food HD, Dave HD, W HD, Alibi HD and Gold HD. The channels broadcast on Sky and Virgin Media. BSkyB began HD transmissions of several channels in May 2006. In March 2009, the Digital TV Group published the technical", "id": "9652439" }, { "contents": "Virgin TV\n\n\nHD providers include BBC, FilmFlex, Fox, History, National Geographic Channel and PictureBox programming. Notable content includes \"Planet Earth\" and \"Dexter\". All of Virgin Media's HD set-top boxes are 3D compatible. Virgin Media had displayed a V+ in their Oxford Street store using polarised glasses and trialled over a private video on demand network using a HD stream interlaced with two pictures in 2009. In March 2010, during the Ideal Home Show at the Earls Court Exhibition Centre, Virgin Media showcased a reel of", "id": "189856" }, { "contents": "WMXC\n\n\nand recovery information. It was the market's only radio-specific storm coverage. During Katrina, WMXC's continuous local coverage ran for 122 consecutive hours. In 2006, WMXC began streaming on the Internet but with a different commercial schedule than its over-the-air signal. During 2007, the station started broadcasting in HD. A secondary HD-2 channel is also operating with a full-time Smooth Jazz format, a complement to the primary station's \"Smooth Jazz Sunday Brunch\". WMXC aired an urban contemporary format", "id": "10569521" }, { "contents": "Strip poker\n\n\nrules can be varied; usually the players discuss them before the game begins. \"Video Strip Games\" is becoming a popular addition to online game websites with the introduction of higher speed internet connections. This includes video: strip poker, blackjack, pool, darts, hangman, etc. The list goes on. This was not really a viable solution to stream the games in the past because of high bandwidth costs and slow performance. Even mobile devices can play video strip games with almost no issues. Many other games besides", "id": "156884" }, { "contents": "Microsoft Movies & TV\n\n\nreleased in 2006, and was replaced by Xbox Video on October 14, 2012. Renamed Movies & TV in 2015, the service is Microsoft's answer to and competes more directly with similar online video stores including PlayStation Video, iTunes Store, Google Play Movies & TV, and Amazon Video. Xbox Live Marketplace's original video store was replaced by Zune Marketplace on September 15, 2009. At E3 2009, Microsoft announced their 1080p streaming video service, which allows users to stream video over an internet connection. This technology is", "id": "5881745" }, { "contents": "CJON-DT\n\n\navailable over-the-air in the St. John's area, on Eastlink digital cable (channel 605), Rogers Cable (channel 521), Bell Aliant Fibe TV (channel 404), and Shaw Direct (channel 54). The HD signal of NTV was also added to Bell TV in early 2019, on channel 1008. NTV streams all of its local programming live through its Web site, with no geographic restrictions. The live Internet feed previously carried some of the American syndicated programs; these were dropped in", "id": "2448018" }, { "contents": "ViXS Systems\n\n\nstreaming boxes, Ultra HD TVs, SCSA devices, Ultra HD Blu-ray, and headless/headed gateways as provided to OEMs and ODMs. Customers include Sharp Corporation, Slingbox, Toshiba, Cisco and Panasonic. The company has also developed video codecs with capabilities for processing, managing, protecting and distributing broadcast-quality video. To date, ViXS has issued and filed over 516 patents and shipped over 33 million chips. ViXS was headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with offices in Europe, Asia and North America.", "id": "18497643" }, { "contents": "Roku\n\n\naudio cable, video cable, or an HDMI connector directly on some of the device models. Programming and content for the devices are available from a wide variety of global providers. Roku announced the first Netflix Internet video streaming receiver box—the Roku DVP—on May 20, 2008. The device runs Linux. Before Autumn 2010, three versions of the Roku DVP were available: the Roku SD, HD, and HD-XR. The Roku SD only streams standard definition (SD) content in 480i format. The", "id": "9898889" }, { "contents": "WiDi\n\n\nWireless Display (WiDi) was technology developed by Intel that enabled users to stream music, movies, photos, videos and apps without wires from a compatible computer to a compatible HDTV or through the use of an adapter with other HDTVs or monitors. Intel WiDi supported HD 1080p video quality, 5.1 surround sound, and low latency for interacting with applications sent to the TV from a PC. Using the Intel WiDi Widget users could perform different functions simultaneously on their PC and TV such as checking email on the PC while streaming a", "id": "14772457" }, { "contents": "Wisconsin Public Radio\n\n\n-power stations in the Chequamegon Bay area, as stated on All three services stream real-time live over most Internet streaming venues, along with WPR's mobile app and website. Downloadable versions of WPR shows in MP3 are available, but are restricted to certain downloading guidelines and timeframes. A few stations broadcast an HD-3 service within the network. WHRM airs the Ideas Network on HD-3 to serve the Wausau area, due to WLBL-FM being a time-share operation with Rhinelander's WXPR as WXPM (as", "id": "4288018" }, { "contents": "Global Television Network\n\n\nthrough traditional PC/Mac and iOS platforms. In October 2004, Global launched an 1080i high definition simulcast feed of its Toronto station CIII-TV called Global HD and started airing select American programs in HD; some Canadian series such as \"Falcon Beach\" eventually began to be included among its HD programs. At the time, the service was only available via digital cable. On April 18, 2008, Global officially launched a digital transmitter in Toronto, making the HD simulcast of CIII-TV available over-the-", "id": "18451213" }, { "contents": "New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television\n\n\nOn 1 December 2013 ΔΤ stopped using the DIGEA platform. ΔΤ now broadcasts via the ex-ERT transmitters on three different frequencies: On the first (23 UHF from Athens), ΔΤ broadcasts 3 TV channels (ΔΤ1, ΔΤ HD, Vouli TV) and 3 Radio channels (ΔΡ1, ΔΡ2, ΔΡ3). ΔΤ1 is the main ΔΤ TV channel. The logo \"ΔΤ\" remained unchanged. ΔΤ HD (Dimosia Tileorasi High Definition) broadcast mainly the same as ΔΤ1 but in HD. The logo of ΔΤ HD", "id": "7627047" }, { "contents": "Foxtel\n\n\n, Chelsea TV HD, LFCTV HD and MUTV HD. Sky News Election Channel HD was replaced with A-PAC HD in January 2017. Movie Greats HD was added on 23 March 2018. Sky News UK HD launched as a standalone channel on 27 May 2018 with A-PAC HD also rebranding to Sky News Extra HD. Fox News Channel HD launched in November 2018. A retransmission of the free-to-air networks' high definition channels is also available to high definition cable subscribers and satellite subscribers with an iQ3", "id": "17692485" }, { "contents": "KAAM\n\n\nhowever discontinued in 2010. Because the license to broadcast digital \"HD Radio\" is perpetual, the station could resume digital broadcasts at any time. According to an editorial message broadcast by Don Crawford, Jr., current owner, the 2013 rating statistics indicate that KAAM was the most listened to AM radio station airing the Nostalgic format in the United States online via the internet. KAAM is streamed online via the popular TuneIn app Hermann Bockelmann's weekly program \"Europe Today\" was being re-aired weekly as \"The Best of", "id": "1864833" }, { "contents": "Trinity Broadcasting Network\n\n\n); as a result, TBN assigned a \"TV-MA-V\" rating for the film – a rarity for many Christian networks. On December 15, 2009, the Trinity Broadcasting Network became the first Christian television network to broadcast completely in high definition. However, until 2018 only the national cable-satellite feed was transmitted in HD; TBN's owned-and-operated broadcast stations were not equipped to allow HD broadcasts due partly to the bandwidth limitations caused by its mandatory carriage of five subchannels over a single", "id": "1096988" }, { "contents": "MyTuner Radio\n\n\nMarch 2018, it became available for Samsung & LG TVs, Android TV (Sony, Sharp, Philips), set-top boxes (Mi Box, etc.), Amazon Fire TV, Alexa and Sonos. On April, myTuner Radio added one more platform to the list and became available on Roku. myTuner Radio’s platform offers users the ability to listen to the streaming audio of more than 50,000 radio stations of 200 countries, including AM, FM, HD, LP, DAB and online/Internet stations.", "id": "20369635" }, { "contents": "Sky Cable\n\n\n, Cartoon Network HD, Outdoor Channel HD, Fashion TV HD, Freeview Channel HD, AXN HD, Disney Channel HD, Fox Sports HD, and the Fox Sports 2 HD. On December 8, 2010, SkyCable announced that it would launch a new service similar to U. S.-based TiVo for its high and standard definition services within the first quarter of 2011. Initially, the service will be called PVR or personal video recording, which has a 500GB internal hard drive enough to record 135 hours of cable programs in high", "id": "14001933" }, { "contents": "Asynchronous serial interface\n\n\n6-200 megabits per second. Though 270 megabits per second is the rate of the underlying available bandwidth, Transport Streams, and therefore ASI transmissions, usually top out at around 200 megabits per second. A Transport Stream, and thereby ASI when over coax, can carry one or multiple SD, HD or audio programs that are already compressed, as opposed to an uncompressed SD-SDI () or HD-SDI (). An ASI signal can be at varying transmission speeds and is completely dependent on the user's", "id": "12979970" }, { "contents": "HD-MAC\n\n\nseveral times. The BRD (Bandwidth Restoration Decoder) in the receiver would then reconstruct a 1394x1152 sampling grid from it, under the control of the DATV stream, to be fed into its DAC. The final output was a 1250 (1152 visible) lines, 25 fps, interlaced, analogue HD video signal, with a 50 Hz field frequency. European systems are generally referred to as 50 Hz standards (field frequency). The two fields are 20 ms apart in time. The Eu95 project stated it would evolve towards", "id": "8003132" }, { "contents": "Live Well Network\n\n\nFebruary 2014, WPVI-TV Philadelphia and LWN were seeking participants for a pilot episode of \"Pop the Question\", a reality series featuring wedding proposals. FYI, a cable specialty channel partly owned by Disney through A&E Networks, may take on some of the Live Well Network programs with the network's contraction. \"Sweet Retreats\" was picked up starting on by FYI. The network broadcasts in a lower-bandwidth form of 720p HD format in order to preserve bandwidth for the main HD station signal and additional 480i digital", "id": "12975309" }, { "contents": "High-definition video\n\n\nfar below that of broadcast HD, and often even inferior to DVD-Video (3-9 Mbit/s MP2) upscaled to the same image size. The following is a chart of numerous online services and their HD offering: An increasing number of manufacturers of security cameras now offer HD cameras. The need for high resolution, color fidelity, and frame rate is acute for surveillance purposes to ensure that the quality of the video output is of an acceptable standard that can be used both for preventative surveillance as well as", "id": "14289617" }, { "contents": "Monsoon Multimedia\n\n\nThe stored program could also be burned to DVD. Controlled HD digital cable, satellite, or DVR programs wirelessly on any WiFi-enabled PC or mobile phone. It could stream wirelessly, DVD-quality video direct from the TV source to multiple Media Center PCs simultaneously. It could also pause, rewind, fast forward, and record live TV programs on a PC. Controlled HD digital cable, satellite, or DVR programs wirelessly on any WiFi enabled PC or mobile phone. It could stream wirelessly, DVD quality video direct", "id": "5437599" }, { "contents": "Television in the United Kingdom\n\n\n. In the UK, most broadcasters provide catch-up TV services which allow viewing of TV for a window after it was broadcast. Online video can be viewed via mobile devices, computers, TVs equipped with a built in Internet connection, or TVs connected to an external set-top-box, streaming stick or games console. Most of the broadcast TV providers have integrated their set-top-boxes with Internet video to provide a hybrid broadcast and online service. Since 2006, UK channel owners and content producers have", "id": "13705603" }, { "contents": "WQHT\n\n\nSeptember 9, 2008, Emmis announced a programming partnership with WorldBand Media and to use WQHT's HD-3 signal to produce programming for the South Asian communities in three major cities including New York City. In June 2009, the service was removed from WQHT and placed on sister station WRKS's HD2. In January 2012, Emmis added WRXP, which was formerly on WFAN-FM and streaming online, to their HD-2 sub-channel. With this move, the station no longer streamed online. , WQHT-HD2 airs HumDesi Radio", "id": "2596103" }, { "contents": "Europa 7 HD\n\n\nHD, which also has only one multiplex. Freeview HD hosts five fixed HD channels, while E7HD has twelve channels with alternating schedules, of which eight HD and four SD. As for Freeview HD, bandwidth is dynamically allocated between channels, depending on the complexity of the images – with the aim of maintaining a consistent quality, rather than a specific bit rate; video for each channel can range between 3 Mb/s and 17 Mbit/s. Like for United Kingdom's channels BBC HD, BBC One HD,", "id": "1978487" }, { "contents": "Professional Photographers of America\n\n\nuniversity. In 1993 the Association moved its headquarters from Chicago to Atlanta. In 2001, PPA began taking a more active role in protecting photographers' rights with the creation of the Copyright and Government Affairs Department. PPA is actively lobbying on behalf of photographers on Capitol Hill. In 2013, PPA announced their newest benefit, PPAedu, a customized online educational platform. PPAedu started with 170 educational videos and now has over 300 HD videos available to stream 24/7. The videos are tailored to each member's needs based on their responses", "id": "771258" }, { "contents": "Home cinema\n\n\nfeeling in their own home at a more-affordable price. Newer lossless audio from Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD High Resolution Audio and DTS-HD Master Audio and speaker systems with more audio channels (such as 6.1, 7.1, 9.1, 9.2, 10.2, and 22.2) were also introduced for a more cinematic feeling. By the mid-2010s, the Blu-ray Disc medium had become a common home media standard, and online video streaming sources such as Netflix and YouTube were offering a range of", "id": "13978316" }, { "contents": "HD+\n\n\n2017. From April 2017, ExtraScreen will also be able to stream channels to secondary TVs connected to a Humax H1 media player, and in the future the HD+ Connect app will be extended to provide remote control of the set-top box. Before HD+ launched, there was some criticism because of limitations it might impose on the use of the service. Some channels had already announced they were going to deny the viewer some regular functions by software, e.g. fast-forwarding during commercials or the ability to record broadcasts to watch", "id": "12947518" }, { "contents": "Atlantic Telephone Membership Cooperative\n\n\nATMC received FCC approval to construct a cable television system to provide cable TV to rural Brunswick County. The cooperative's first cable TV customer was connected in 1982. Eight channels were available at that time; currently over 200 channels are available. ATMC made a video on demand service available to all digital customers in July 2009. In January 2011, ATMC converted its cable TV system from analog to all-digital technology. They are now able to deliver additional video services including HD-VOD, more channels, and more HD", "id": "16461651" }, { "contents": "Stickam\n\n\nFlash player. The name \"Stickam\" referred to this ability to \"stick\" a webcam feed onto another site. Anyone could \"go live\" and broadcast live video on Stickam from their computer, iPhone or iPad within seconds. It was also possible to connect HD and other cameras, mixers, and audio feeds to send HD and professional broadcast streams out via Stickam. Stickam's live video players came with built-in chat capabilities, allowing both text chat and optional video chat. Stickam's player and live stream", "id": "1697400" }, { "contents": "VidiPath\n\n\nother premium features, all with a consistent user interface (UI) from their service provider. In December 2012, the FCC ordered cable operators to use an open standard to update their cable boxes so they could support HD streaming over home networks to devices like PCs, smart TVs and tablets, and allow HD video recording on external devices through home networks, and cited the successor to the DLNA Premium Video Profile (later renamed VidiPath) as an example of a compliant protocol that cable companies could adopt. In May 2015,", "id": "192958" }, { "contents": "Telecommunications in Cyprus\n\n\n. An internet service provider comparison website exists at the Cyprus Broadband portal. Many wireless networks are appearing in Cyprus, some with no minimum contract/pay as you go and others with a fixed contract. Quantum Cable is planned 7,700 km ultra high speed optical fiber submarine communications cable system connecting Cyprus with Greece, Israel, Italy, France and Spain. It is expected to have 160 Tbit/s (terabits per second), capacity equivalent to streaming 80 million HD video conference calls at the same time. The Quantum Cable", "id": "21235655" }, { "contents": "White spaces (radio)\n\n\nin Cambridge, England. The trial was conducted by Microsoft using technology developed by Adaptrum and backed by a consortium of ISP's and tech companies including Nokia, BSkyB, the BBC, and BT, with the actual network hardware being provided by Neul. In the demonstration, the Adaptrum whitespace system provided the broadband IP connectivity allowing a client-side Microsoft Xbox to stream live HD videos from the Internet. Also as part of the demo, a live Xbox/Kinect video chat was established between two Xbox/Kinect units connected", "id": "5763311" }, { "contents": "Virgin TV\n\n\nand mobile. From 1 December, Virgin Media customers were able to access past seasons of shows such as \"House\", \"Heroes\", \"The Office\" and \"30 Rock\", in HD through TV on Demand. On 11 November 2010, Virgin Media announced a multiscreen deal with Channel Five to bring programming from all of Five's linear TV channels to its TV, online and mobile video on demand platforms, with some shows also available in HD. The service has access to video on demand: current", "id": "189855" }, { "contents": "HDMI\n\n\ndefines a USB-C Alternate Mode to support the MHL standard over USB-C connections. Version 1.0 supported 720p/1080i 60 Hz (RGB/4:4:4 pixel encoding) with a bandwidth of 2.25 Gbit/s. Versions 1.3 and 2.0 added support for 1080p 60 Hz ( 4:2:2) with a bandwidth of 3 Gbit/s in PackedPixel mode. Version 3.0 increased the bandwidth to 6 Gbit/s to support Ultra HD (3840 × 2160) 30 Hz video, and also changed from being frame-based, like HDMI, to packet", "id": "5491089" }, { "contents": "Videotape\n\n\n. The introduction of HDTV video production necessitated a medium for storing high-definition video information. In 1997, Sony bumped its Betacam series up to HD with the HDCAM standard and its higher-end cousin HDCAM SR. Panasonic's competing format for cameras is based on DVCPRO and called DVCPRO HD. For VTR and archive use, Panasonic expanded the D-5 specification to store compressed HD streams and called it D-5 HD. The first consumer videocassette recorders (VCR) were launched in 1971 (based around Sony U-matic technology)", "id": "16701741" }, { "contents": "MPEG-4\n\n\nother suites of MPEG standards. The low profile levels are part of the MPEG-4 video encoding/decoding constraints and are compatible with the older ITU H.261 standard, also compatible with former analog TV standards for broadcast and records (such as NTSC or PAL video). The ASP profile in its highest level is suitable for most usual DVD medias and players or for many online video sites, but not for Blu-ray records or online HD video contents. More advanced profiles for HD media have been defined later in the AVC profile", "id": "20621715" }, { "contents": "HD ready\n\n\n\"HD ready 1080p\" certification. HD ready and HD ready 1080p logos are awarded to displays (including integrated television sets, computer monitors and projectors) which have certain capabilities to process and display high-definition source video signal, outlined in a table below. The HD TV logo is awarded to either integrated digital television sets (containing a display conforming to \"HD ready\" requirements) or standalone set-top boxes which are capable of receiving, decoding and outputting or displaying high-definition broadcasts (that is, include", "id": "18607762" } ]
Why doesn't everyone pay a flat tax rate regardless of what they earn?
[{"answer": "It is one approach that has been suggested. There are a few reasons that a \"progressive tax\" where the rich pay more is fairly common: Savings. Rich people tend to save more of their money and spend less of it (since the poor need to spend all of it to survive today). With a tax just on consumption (like a sales tax) this actually means that the rich pay less tax than the poor. Sheltering. Rich people have more flexibility about how they earn money. They can get shares in a company in another country rather than a salary, so they can avoid paying tax on some of their income. Again this means the poor end up paying more tax. If all of the loopholes were closed this wouldn't be as much of a problem, but that's difficult to do when someone is willing to spend $1M to find ways around the tax laws. Efficiency. Why a percentage of income. If taxes are to provide services, why shouldn't everyone just pay an equal share (e.g. $10,000/yr)? If we do that, then taxes are limited to what lowest earning workers can afford to pay, which is pretty close to nothing. If I earn 10x what my husband does, and we insist we always split the costs, then I end up living and eating very cheaply, but if I contribute more then we both end up with a better house, car, and food. Happiness. $1,000 means more to someone making $10,000/yr than it does to someone making $100,000/yr. It's one thing to not be able to buy a new iPhone, but it's another to not be able to buy food. Starving leads to desperate acts like crime, or armed revolution, which ultimately make the rich unhappy also. Having the rich contribute more leads to an overall happier society. Fairness. There is an idea, particularly in the US, but also in the UK, that people are morally entitled to their income, because being rich is a reflection of pure skill. However, in reality almost everyone\u2019s income results largely from factors beyond their control -- what country you're born in, the quality of schools, the road, water, sewer, and healthcare infrastructure, the legal and regulatory enforcement system, and their parent's income. Imagine being born in Tasmania 1,000 years ago, vs Rome 2,000 years ago, vs India today. Some of being rich is about hard work, but most of it is about luck. From a moral point of view, the rich aren't really entitled to all of that money, so society can fairly ask the wealthy to pay more. By having the rich pay more the society can improve and be happier. However, the society also wants to encourage hard work, so there needs to be some incentive to work hard and be productive so we can't make the tax rate so progressive that the rich lose all of their money. Ultimately even with the progressive taxes, there are enough advantages to already being rich that the rich are making more money much faster than the poor (or even the average), so the existing tax rates probably aren't progressive enough."}, {"answer": "A flat tax does more harm to people who earn less. Housing, food, clothing, transportation; you have to pay these, whether you make a huge amount of money or very little. However, people who make very little are spending almost all of it just covering these bare necessities, while someone who makes millions a year can comfortably provide for these needs with a fraction of a fraction of their income. If you take 20% of the income of the poor person and 20% of the income of the rich person, the rich person barely feels it in comparison to the hardship it will cause the poor person. If you take 10% from the poor person and 40% from the rich person, you're still causing more hardship to the poor person, but much less than you were before."}, {"answer": "Flat taxes are unfair to the poor, because the poor need to spend a greater percentage of their income on the basics of survival (i.e, food and shelter). That's why the poor pay a lower marginal tax rate than the wealthy."}, {"answer": "The relative effects on those who make less money are more severe. If you make $12,000/year, you are officially just above the poverty line and might be able to just scrape by. You don't have money for luxuries, but you can probably keep yourself sheltered in some capacity (even if it's just a rented room). You probably can't save much. A tax burden of 10% would have a *huge* impact on your quality of life. Now, you're effectively making $10,800, which is below the poverty line. You went from just scraping by to maybe getting evicted. If you're making 50,000/year, that same tax takes you down to 45,000. It might affect the car you buy or how many rooms your house/apartment has, but it's not affecting your ability to keep sheltered, clothed, and fed. If you're making 100,000/year, that tax takes you down to 90,000. There is little impact on your lifestyle at this point. Maybe you can only buy a new car every three or four years, or you vacation in Hawaii instead of Europe. If you're making 1,000,000/year, you pay 100,000 and take home 900,000. Maybe your yacht is slightly shorter? There's not much functional impact on you at all."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "768124", "title": "Tax bracket", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Tax brackets are the divisions at which tax rates change in a progressive tax system (or an explicitly regressive tax system, although this is much rarer). Essentially, they are the cutoff values for taxable incomeincome past a certain point will be taxed at a higher rate.", "Tax brackets are the divisions at which tax rates change in a progressive tax system (or an explicitly regressive tax system, although this is much rarer). Essentially, they are the cutoff values for taxable incomeincome past a certain point will be taxed at a higher rate.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Tax brackets are the divisions at which tax rates change in a progressive tax system (or an explicitly regressive tax system, although this is much rarer). Essentially, they are the cutoff values for taxable incomeincome past a certain point will be taxed at a higher rate.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "46334", "title": "Flat tax", "section": "Section::::Requirements for a fully defined schema.:Policy administration.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 22, "end_paragraph_id": 22, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["it is common for governments to encourage social policy such as home insulation or low income housing with tax credits rather than constituting a ministry to implement these policies. In a flat tax system with limited deductions such policy administration, mechanisms are curtailed. In addition to social policy, flat taxes can remove tools for adjusting economic policy as well. For example, in the United States, short-term capital gains are taxed at a higher rate than long-term gains as means to promote long-term investment horizons and damp speculative fluctuation.", "Taxes, in addition to providing revenue, can be potent instruments of policy. For example, it is common for governments to encourage social policy such as home insulation or low income housing with tax credits rather than constituting a ministry to implement these policies. In a flat tax system with limited deductions such policy administration, mechanisms are curtailed. In addition to social policy, flat taxes can remove tools for adjusting economic policy as well. For example, in the United States, short-term capital gains are taxed at a higher rate than long-term gains as means to promote long-term investment horizons and damp speculative fluctuation. \"Thus, if one assumes that government should be active in policy decisions such as this, then claims that flat taxes are cheaper/simpler to administer than others are incomplete until they factor in costs for alternative policy administration.\"", "Taxes, in addition to providing revenue, can be potent instruments of policy. For example, it is common for governments to encourage social policy such as home insulation or low income housing with tax credits rather than constituting a ministry to implement these policies. In a flat tax system with limited deductions such policy administration, mechanisms are curtailed. In addition to social policy, flat taxes can remove tools for adjusting economic policy as well. For example, in the United States, short-term capital gains are taxed at a higher rate than long-term gains as means to promote long-term investment horizons and damp speculative fluctuation. \"Thus, if one assumes that government should be active in policy decisions such as this, then claims that flat taxes are cheaper/simpler to administer than others are incomplete until they factor in costs for alternative policy administration.\""]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Optimal tax\n\n\nincome tax that taxes people more for earning more. Lump-sum taxes can be either progressive or regressive, depending on what the lump sum is being applied to. A tax placed on car tags would be regressive because it would be the same for everyone regardless of the type of car the owner purchased and, at least in the United States, even the poor own cars. People earning lower incomes would then pay more as a percentage of their income than higher-income earners. A tax on the unimproved aspects of", "id": "7401257" }, { "contents": "Pay as you throw\n\n\nor containers are available for purchase should the user exceed the permitted amount - Variable-rate pricing: users can choose to rent a container of varying sizes (some programs offer up to five), with the price corresponding to the amount of waste generated. The two most traditional approaches to disposing of municipal solid waste are a flat-rate system or municipal taxes. All users pay the same municipal taxes regardless of how much waste they present for pickup. Under the flat-rate system there is no incentive to reduce waste", "id": "15036997" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Bulgaria\n\n\nTaxes in Bulgaria are collected on both state and local levels. The most important taxes are collected on state level, these taxes include an income tax, social security, corporate taxes and value added tax. On local level property taxes as well as various fees are collected. All income earned in Bulgaria is taxed on a flat rate of 10%. Employment income earned in Bulgaria is also subject to various social security insurance contributions. In total the employee pays 12.9% and the employer contributes what corresponds to 17.9%. Corporate", "id": "8539708" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Oklahoma\n\n\nincome increase: The corporate income tax rate is a flat tax of 6% for all corporations, regardless of earnings. When established in 1931, the corporate income tax was progressive but became flat in 1935. Both individual and corporate income taxes are earmarked by the Oklahoma Legislature to support specific state agencies and/or funds: The State sales tax and use tax was first enacted in 1933 as a temporary one percent tax for the support of public schools. Two years later, the tax was renewed with revenues being deposited into the state", "id": "17697096" }, { "contents": "Social security in Australia\n\n\nthe rate of payment with benefit withdrawal rates of 60 cents in the dollar (as of 1 July 2007) on income over the legislated limits. A partner's gross earnings are assessed as shared, regardless of individual tax already paid. If, for example, the breadwinner is currently paying 30 per cent personal tax, the effective marginal tax rate (EMTR) after benefit withdrawal is 90 percent of earnings above the legislated limit (the EMTR prior to 1 July 2007 is 100% as the benefit withdrawal rate is 70%", "id": "16976299" }, { "contents": "Kepner Income Tax\n\n\nGregory. Kepner states that such a tax system would be transparent, easily understandable, could fit on a post-card, and everyone who earns an income would pay taxes. The plan would expand the tax base and he suggests that it would have an incentive to keep federal spending at modest levels (under our current system, approximately 50% pay no income taxes and may not have the incentive to try to keep federal spending in control). The personal income tax would be made up of three progressive rates: 15", "id": "6515859" }, { "contents": "Trade Adjustment Assistance\n\n\n. The estimated annual cost of the program is $22 billion. The Financial Services Forum proposes to replace the current tax system with a flat 1.2% tax on all earning at the state level, and a flat rate of 0.12% on all earnings at the federal level to pay for the program. Scholars at the Brookings Institution and the Institute for International Economics proposed a twofold program including a wage insurance and subsidy for medical insurance in addition to the UI program for eligible workers. On the one hand, the program covers", "id": "17884360" }, { "contents": "Income inequality in the United States\n\n\n2014, these laws include several tax increases on individuals earning over $400,000 and couples earning over $450,000: These changes are estimated to add $600 billion to revenue over 10 years, while leaving the tax burden on everyone else mostly as it was. This reverses a long-term trend of lower tax rates for upper income persons. The NYT reported in July 2018 that: \"The top-earning 1 percent of households — those earning more than $607,000 a year — will pay a combined $111 billion less", "id": "14332366" }, { "contents": "Dividend tax\n\n\nregardless of the dividend, as part of the flat tax on savings and investments. Major shareholders (over 5%) are subject to a 25% dividend tax, they can deduct the 1.2% tax rate over the value, so 25% is their effective tax rate. In 2017 the Third Rutte cabinet announced that they would end the Dividend tax for minority shareholders only (under 5%). Afterwards, this proposal was cancelled. In Norway dividends are taxed as capital gains, at a flat 27% tax rate", "id": "4921311" }, { "contents": "Cranberry Area School District\n\n\nincome tax 0.05%, a property tax, a statewide real estate transfer tax 0.5%, Per Capita Tax $5.00, Flat Rate Occupation $10, coupled with substantial funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government. Grants can provide an opportunity to supplement school funding without raising local taxes. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax regardless of the individual's wealth. In 2011-12, the Cranberry Area School District received $", "id": "13853045" }, { "contents": "Flat tax\n\n\nadminister than others are incomplete until they factor in costs for alternative policy administration.\" In general, the question of how to eliminate deductions is fundamental to the flat tax design; deductions dramatically affect the effective \"flatness\" in the tax rate. Perhaps the single biggest necessary deduction is for business expenses. If businesses were not allowed to deduct expenses, businesses with a profit margin below the flat tax rate could never earn any money since the tax on revenues would always exceed the earnings. For example, grocery stores typically earn", "id": "2397143" }, { "contents": "Window tax\n\n\n1758 the flat rate charge was increased to 3s. The number of windows that incurred tax was changed to seven in 1766 and eight in 1825. The flat-rate tax was changed to a variable rate, dependent on the property value, in 1778. People who were exempt from paying church or poor rates, for reasons of poverty, were exempt from the window tax. Window tax was relatively unintrusive and easy to assess. Manchester Royal Infirmary had to pay a tax of 1/9d per window on the windows of the rooms", "id": "7177084" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Elizabeth Warren\n\n\nand working families are scraping to pay for housing and schools and child care; it is just plain immoral to slash taxes for the rich while sticking it to everyone else.\" In April 2019, Warren proposed the \"Real Corporate Profits Tax\" which would consider as the corporate tax base profits that enterprises disclose to investors instead of profits reported to the IRS only. Under the proposal, announced profits would be taxed at a flat rate of 7% for every dollar above $100M, and would apply to an estimated", "id": "18668288" }, { "contents": "Economic history of France\n\n\ndeficit. This tax continued throughout the ancien régime. It was based solely on revenues, requiring 5% of net earnings from land, property, commerce, industry and from official offices, and was meant to touch all citizens regardless of status. However, the clergy, the regions with \"pays d'état\" and the parlements protested; the clergy won exemption, the \"pays d'état\" won reduced rates, and the parlements halted new income statements, effectively making the \"vingtième\" a far less efficient tax than it was", "id": "5239134" }, { "contents": "Negative income tax\n\n\nThis is achieved by paying a \"tax on the tax exemption to all taxpayers\", e.g. in monthly payments. The tax on the tax exemption is computed by applying the nominal flat tax rate to the exemption. The tax on the income is drawn directly \"from the source\", e.g. from an employer. The tax on income is computed by applying the nominal flat tax rate to the income. This simple method results in an effective progressive rate taxation (although the tax rate for the taxes drawn at the source is", "id": "8511669" }, { "contents": "Flat tax\n\n\npennies on every dollar of revenue; they could not pay a tax rate of 25% on revenues unless their markup exceeded 25%. Thus, corporations must be able to deduct operating expenses even if individual citizens cannot. A practical dilemma now arises as to identifying what is an expense for a business. For example, if a peanut butter producer purchases a jar manufacturer, is that an expense (since they have to purchase jars somehow) or a sheltering of their income through investment? Flat tax systems can differ greatly", "id": "2397144" }, { "contents": "Progressivity in United States income tax\n\n\nadditional medicare surcharge of 0.9% on earned income, and 3.8% on investment income. The US federal tax system also includes deductions for state and local taxes for lower income households which mitigates what are sometimes regressive taxes, particularly property taxes. Higher income households are subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax that limits deductions and sets a flat tax rate of 26% to 28% with the higher rate commencing at $175,000 in income. There are also deduction phaseouts starting at $112,500 for single filers. The net effect is increased", "id": "16846255" }, { "contents": "Proportional tax\n\n\nbe applied to individual taxes or to a tax system as a whole; a year, multi-year, or lifetime. Proportional taxes maintain equal tax incidence regardless of the ability-to-pay and do not shift the incidence disproportionately to those with a higher or lower economic well-being. Flat taxes are defined as levying a fixed (“flat”) fraction of taxable income. They usually exempt from taxation household income below a statutorily determined level that is a function of the type and size of the household.", "id": "18389209" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Georgia (country)\n\n\nsource personal income is tax-exempt. Personal Income Tax for interest, dividend and royalty is 5%.There are few allowances deductible. Value-added tax (VAT) is collected at a flat rate of 18%.There is few exceptions granted, nearly all goods and services are subject to VAT. Medical care, exports and education are exempt from VAT. Regardless of turnover a taxpayer have to register for VAT if it produces or imports goods. Turnovers of less than 100,00 GEL is exempt. Corporate taxes are levied at a flat rate of", "id": "18122519" }, { "contents": "Welfare in Finland\n\n\nfor themselves. Examples of this universality of coverage are national flat-rate pensions available to all once they reached a certain age, regardless of what they had paid into the plan, and national health plans based on medical needs rather than on financial means. In addition, the citizens of the Nordic countries have a legal right to the benefits provided by their welfare systems, the provisions of which were designed to meet what was perceived as a collective responsibility to ensure everyone a decent standard of living. The Nordic system also is", "id": "6996035" }, { "contents": "Goods and services tax (Hong Kong)\n\n\n. In addition, it was doubted whether households who earn around $20,000 a month had the economic ability to pay tax. The GST would be levied at a flat rate of 5%. The government would undertake to decrease or eliminate other taxes to make it revenue neutral. The Government proposed that, for the first five years after the GST's introduction, all revenue it would generate after deducting administrative costs would be returned to the community as tax relief and other compensation measures, for example, salaries or profits tax reduction", "id": "20138078" }, { "contents": "Progressivity in United States income tax\n\n\n, only the 1.45% Medicare tax is imposed. In terms of the effective rate, this means that a worker earning $20,000 for 2010 pays at an effective rate of 7.65% (i.e., $20,000 x 7.65% = $1,530.00), while a worker earning $200,000 pays at an effective rate of only about 4.76% (i.e., the 7.65% rate is multiplied by $106,800, not by $200,000, resulting in a tax of $8,170.20, plus the $1,351.40 tax, at 1.45%,", "id": "16846266" }, { "contents": "Flat tax\n\n\nof paying to the government). For example, if the family earned $34,000 a year, it would receive a check for $4,000. The NIT is intended to replace not just the USA's income tax, but also many benefits low income American households receive, such as food stamps and Medicaid. The NIT is designed to avoid the welfare trap—effective high marginal tax rates arising from the rules reducing benefits as market income rises. An objection to the NIT is that it is welfare without a work requirement.", "id": "2397137" }, { "contents": "Abgeltungsteuer\n\n\nnew \"Abgeltungsteuer\" (Article 32 of the German Income Tax Act). The taxation at the level of a shareholder (shareholders or partners) depends on whether the shareholder is an individual or a corporation: The \"Abgeltungsteuer\" is levied as a withholding tax. Private investor’s tax liability is settled. The already taxed capital gains are no longer recorded in the annual income tax return. Instead of taxing with the personal tax rate of taxpayers, their income regardless of their height is taxed with the flat tax rate of", "id": "3571291" }, { "contents": "Unemployment benefits\n\n\nFUTA tax rate is now, as of 30 June 2011, 6.0 percent of taxable wages of employees who meet both the above and following criteria, and the taxable wage base is the first $7,000 paid in wages to each employee during a calendar year. Employers who pay the state unemployment tax on time receive an offset credit of up to 5.4 percent regardless of the rate of tax they pay their state. Therefore, the net FUTA tax rate is generally 0.6 percent (6.0 percent – 5.4 percent), for a maximum", "id": "9586296" }, { "contents": "Negative income tax\n\n\nmarks the point where paid taxes and the tax credit are equal. Above that point the state earns taxes from the taxpayer. Below that point the state pays taxes to the taxpayer. Example: Under this scheme: Flat tax implementations \"without\" the provision of a negative income tax actually need an \"additional\" effort in order to \"avoid\" negative taxation. For such a tax, the exemption only can be paid after knowing the earned income. Flat tax implementations \"with\" negative income tax allow the payment or", "id": "8511671" }, { "contents": "Americans Standing for the Simplification of the Estate Tax\n\n\nresearcher at Adventist HealthCare who joined in 2014. Under the ASSET proposal the value of an estate is determined by economic and market conditions. Death is not treated as an economic event as it is under current federal tax law. The ASSET proposal eliminates death as a taxable event by allowing individuals to make what the group describes as a down payment on their estate taxes during their earning years. The assets in these individuals' estates would later be taxed at the capital gains rate at the time of the actual sale, regardless of", "id": "15133947" }, { "contents": "Tax bracket\n\n\nand the 30% rate applies to all income above $20,000. Under this system, someone earning $10,000 would be taxed at a rate of 10%, paying a total of $1,000. Someone earning $5,000 would pay $500, and so on. Meanwhile, someone earning $25,000 would face a more complicated calculation. The rate on the first $10,000 would be 10%; the rate from $10,001 to $20,000 would be 20%; and the rate above that would be 30%. Thus", "id": "2773909" }, { "contents": "Welfare in Japan\n\n\na compulsory savings system requiring everyone from self-employers to the jobless to pay a flat-contribution rate on an individual basis for a flat-rate benefits package. In 1986, women obtained a way into the pension system through their husbands via contributions deducted from the husband's pay, which entitled the wife to a flat-rate basic pension plan. In 1999, due to the economic downturn, the government froze increases in pension contributions and altered the age requirement to receive old age benefits from 60 to 65. Japan", "id": "10481007" }, { "contents": "ACT New Zealand\n\n\ndebt, equality among all New Zealanders, and rethinking the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. Under previous leader Rodney Hide, ACT New Zealand had primarily focused on two main policy areas: taxation and crime. At the 2011 general election, ACT advocated lowering tax rates and also supported something approaching a flat tax, in which tax rates would not be graduated based on wealth or income, so every taxpayer would pay the same proportion of their income in tax. The flat tax rate that ACT proposed would be approximately 15% with", "id": "20909681" }, { "contents": "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017\n\n\nare taxed at 39.6%, the top individual rate. The corporate tax rate was lowered from 35% to 21%, while some related business deductions and credits were reduced or eliminated. The Act also changed the U.S. from a global to a territorial tax system with respect to corporate income tax. Instead of a corporation paying the U.S. tax rate (35%) for income earned in any country (less a credit for taxes paid to that country), each subsidiary pays the tax rate of the country in which it", "id": "7920652" }, { "contents": "Economy of Colorado\n\n\nalso numerous private companies that have operations in Colorado that deal with the governmental agencies in states. The Colorado income tax rate is a flat 4.63 percent of federal taxable income regardless of income level. Colorado's state sales tax is 2.9 percent on retail sales. Full-year Colorado residents can claim an excess sales tax refund on their individual state income tax return. Many counties and cities charge their own rates in addition to the base state rate. There are also certain county and special district taxes that may apply. The most", "id": "11392987" }, { "contents": "Income taxes in Canada\n\n\ndetermined using five tax brackets and tax rates. Non-refundable tax credits are then deducted from tax payable before credits for various items such as a basic personal amount, dependents, Canada/Quebec Pension Plan contributions, Employment Insurance premiums, disabilities, tuition and education and medical expenses. These credits are calculated by multiplying the credit amount (e.g., the basic personal amount of $11,038 in 2013) by the lowest tax rate. This mechanism is designed to provide equal benefit to taxpayers regardless of the rate at which they pay", "id": "17895731" }, { "contents": "Economy of California\n\n\nthe vehicle was originally registered and have a yearly sticker applied to them after paying the registration fee to show fee payment. The 8.84% state corporate income flat tax rate is the highest in the west and one of the highest in the nation. Banks and financials have a 10.84% flat tax applied to their profits. S corporation rate is 1.5% while S corporation bank and financial rate is 3.5%. California property tax rates are ranked 17th highest in the nation having been capped by the Proposition 13 overwhelmingly passed in 1978", "id": "9446891" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Andorra\n\n\nIn 2013, Andorra announced plans to impose an income tax in response to pressure from the European Union. The tax was introduced in 2015, at a flat rate of 10%. In 2013, Andorra announced plans to impose an income tax in response to pressure from the European Union. The tax was introduced in 2015, at a flat rate of 10%. Andorra introduced a new personal income tax regime on the first of January 2015. Those who earn less than 24,000€ are still tax exempt. If income is", "id": "6750114" }, { "contents": "Tax\n\n\na progressive local taxation based on property values to a single-rate form of taxation regardless of ability to pay (the Community Charge, but more popularly referred to as the Poll Tax), led to widespread refusal to pay and to incidents of civil unrest, known colloquially as the 'Poll Tax Riots'. Some types of taxes have been proposed but not actually adopted in any major jurisdiction. These include: An \"ad valorem\" tax is one where the tax base is the value of a good, service,", "id": "11509953" }, { "contents": "Taxation in the Republic of Ireland\n\n\n's first two dependent children and by €830 for each subsequent child. A person or couple earning slightly over the limit may claim what is known as marginal relief. In this case, income over the exemption limit is charged to tax at a flat rate of 40%. A person or couple may choose to be taxed under marginal relief or the regular tax system, and will be granted whichever system is more beneficial, including retroactively. Some items of expenditure can be deducted from a person's income for tax purposes,", "id": "16385940" }, { "contents": "Taxation in the United Kingdom\n\n\n) prior to 1977 retain this right for historical reasons. Employers also pay contributions on many benefits in kind provided to employees (such as company cars) and on tax liabilities met on behalf of employees via a \"PAYE Settlement Agreement\". There are separate arrangements for self-employed persons, who are normally liable to Class 2 flat rate NIC and Class 4 earnings-related NIC, and for some voluntary sector workers. Capital gains are subject to tax at 18 or 28 percent (for individuals) or at the applicable", "id": "19118597" }, { "contents": "House of Mystery (Vertigo)\n\n\nof the house bar and discovers the terms of what is apparently her imprisonment. Everyone must pay for their drinks with stories, and no one can leave without being picked up by the house's mysterious coachman. None of the house's occupants are sure why some people might get to leave and others not, so each person's stay is at least ostensibly eternal until the coachman inexplicably turns up to take them away. This doesn't stop some of the inhabitants from trying to get out, nor does it stop Cain from", "id": "16243222" }, { "contents": "National Insurance\n\n\n1975 when these contributions finally ceased to be flat-rate and became earnings related, collected along with Income Tax under the PAYE procedures. Making NI contributions is often described by people as \"paying their stamp\". As the system developed, the link between individual contributions and benefits was weakened. The National Insurance Funds are used to pay for certain types of welfare expenditure and National Insurance payments cannot be used directly to fund general government spending. However, any surplus in the funds is invested in government securities, and so", "id": "13307570" }, { "contents": "Risk-free bond\n\n\nA risk-free bond is a theoretical bond that repays interest and principal with absolute certainty. The rate of return would be the risk-free interest rate. It is primary security, which pays off 1 unit no matter state of economy is realized at time formula_1. So its payoff is the same regardless of what state occurs. Thus, an investor experiences no risk by investing in such an asset. In practice, government bonds of financially stable countries are treated as risk-free bonds, as governments can raise taxes", "id": "6034148" }, { "contents": "Dividend tax\n\n\npremium for the second-generation National Health Insurance (NHI) of Taiwan. In Turkey there is an income tax withholding of 15% on dividends. In the United Kingdom, companies pay UK corporation tax on their profits and the remainder can be paid to shareholders as dividends. From April 2018, the first £2,000 of dividend income is untaxed, regardless of the taxpayer's other income; dividends above this amount are taxed at 7.5% in basic rate income tax band, 32.5% in higher rate income tax band and", "id": "4921318" }, { "contents": "Tendency of the rate of profit to fall\n\n\nof course ceteris paribus).\" However, not everyone agrees with that idea. Firstly, it all depends who has to pay for the cost, and what kind of sanctions there are for polluters. If the state pays the cost out of general taxes, the costs to individual private enterprises would be much lower compared to their gains. It may be that some businesses gain from an environmentally friendly policy, while others do not, so that they are in competition with each other. Mathematicians would point out that the costs", "id": "1729069" }, { "contents": "Corporate tax in the United States\n\n\nprofits for many years, even indefinitely until the earnings are returned to U.S. Therefore, it was one of the main reasons that U.S. corporations paid low taxes, even though the corporate tax rate in the U.S. was one of the highest rates (35%) in the world. Although, since January 1, 2018 the corporate tax rate has been changed to a flat 21%. Deferral is beneficial for U.S. companies to raise the cost of capital relatively to their foreign-based competitors. Their foreign subsidiaries can reinvest their earnings", "id": "1150220" }, { "contents": "New Castle Area School District\n\n\nis funded by a combination of: a local earned income tax and net profits tax rate 0.5%, a property tax, a real estate transfer tax 0.5%, coupled with substantial funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government. Interest earnings on accounts also provide nontax income to the district. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. For the 2012-13 school", "id": "9615901" }, { "contents": "Michael Madigan\n\n\nwant to go.\" One of Madigan's ideas to raise taxes is to pass a state constitutional amendment that would raise taxes on \"millionaires to pay for public schools.\" Madigan also has a plan for a graduated rate increase. State representative Lou Lang, a deputy under Madigan, formally introduced Madigan's proposal that would change how Illinois taxpayers are taxed at the state level. Instead of being taxed a flat rate, people would be taxed at a graduated rate, with the rate increasing for higher incomes. The Tax", "id": "15918227" }, { "contents": "Taxation in the Czech Republic\n\n\ntransmission systems. Legal Entities residing in the Czech Republic need to pay corporate income tax on their worldwide income. Foreign companies are taxed on income that is sourced in Czech Republic only. The standard corporate tax rate is 19%. Investment funds have a special tax rate of 5% and for pension funds the rate is 0%. A 15% rate is levied on dividend income of Czech tax resident entities from non-resident entities. Individuals that are considered as tax residents in the Czech Republic are levied a flat personal", "id": "8540157" }, { "contents": "Southeastern Greene School District\n\n\nrates are Elementary School - $8,173.62, High School - $11,914.88. Southeastern Greene School District is funded by a combination of: a local earned income tax, a property tax, a real estate transfer tax, coupled with substantial funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government. Interest earnings on accounts also provide nontax income to the district. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's", "id": "9416238" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Germany\n\n\nthe Commercial Code. What is deemed income under tax law sometimes diverges from the way earnings are determined under commercial law, in which case tax law provisions prevail. When dividends are paid to an individual person, capital yield tax at a rate of 25% is charged. Since 1 January 2009, this tax is final for individuals who are residents of Germany. Solidarity surcharge is also imposed on capital yields tax. When dividends are paid to an enterprise with full corporation tax liability, the recipient business is largely exempted from paying", "id": "10698152" }, { "contents": "Dan Rostenkowski\n\n\nIn his eleven-minute address, Rostenkowski referred to his working class Polish neighborhood saying many neighbors have moved to the suburbs. \"They make more money than their parents. In most cases their lives have changed for the better. But the tax system has changed for the worse, and so has their faith in it.\" \"Why should a bank teller pay a higher tax rate than the bank? Why should a gas station attendant pay a greater share than the oil company he works for? \"Trying to tax", "id": "8236634" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom corporation tax\n\n\nto corporation tax saw it move to a dividend imputation system in 1973, under which an individual receiving a dividend became entitled to an income tax credit representing the corporation tax already paid by the company paying the dividend. The classical system was reintroduced in 1999, with the abolition of advance corporation tax and of repayable dividend tax credits. Another change saw the single main rate of tax split into three. Tax competition between jurisdictions reduced the main corporate tax rate from 28% in 2008-2010 to a flat rate of 20%", "id": "17664506" }, { "contents": "Flat rate\n\n\nis a pricing scheme whereby the customer pays a fixed price for a service regardless of how long the worker takes to carry out the service. Flat rate manuals are based on timed studies of the typical time taken for each type of service. Flat rate helps provide a uniform pricing menu for service work and helps establish the worth of performing a particular job. In recent times some automotive companies have begun using computer algorithms to calculate labor times with a high degree of accuracy. The benefit to the customer is that if a worker", "id": "13404500" }, { "contents": "Poll tax riots\n\n\nhouses rather than people. The proposed replacement was a flat-rate per capita Community Charge—\"a head tax that saw every adult pay a fixed rate amount set by their local authority\". The new Charge was widely called a \"poll tax\" and was introduced in Scotland in 1989 and in England and Wales a year later. The Charge proved extremely unpopular; while students and the registered unemployed had to pay 20%, some large families occupying a relatively small houses saw their charges go up considerably, and the tax was thus", "id": "7018697" }, { "contents": "Church tax\n\n\n. While it was intended that the state should use its own share of the 0.8% tax for social or cultural purposes, in practice it has employed it for general purposes including its military mission in Iraq in 2004 and the upgrading of prison infrastructure in 2011. The members of Church of Sweden pay church fee, which varies between municipalities, but can be as much as 2%. Church and state are separated as of 2000; however, the burial tax (\"begravningsavgift\") is paid by everyone regardless of membership", "id": "4324904" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Switzerland\n\n\n. This option contributes to Switzerland's status as a tax haven, and has induced many wealthy foreigners to live in Switzerland. In 2011, the federal income tax varied from a bracket of 1% (for single tax payers) and 0.77% (for married taxpayers) to the maximum rate of 11.5%. Individuals earning below 13,600 and couples earning below 27,000 Swiss francs were exempt. On cantonal level, tax rates varies heavily, Obwalden adapted a 1.8% flat tax on all personal income following a cantonal referendum in 2007", "id": "20281544" }, { "contents": "Taxation in South Africa\n\n\nnumber of personal income tax returns. This system was repealed on 1 March 2011 and phased out from 2012-2014. The Pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) system replaced SITE. Individual income tax (otherwise known as Personal income tax) rates in South Africa range from 18% to 45% although the tax threshold of R78 150 (for persons below age 65) means that anyone earning less than this amount pays no income tax. Individuals earning less than R78 150 (2018) a year do not", "id": "4950920" }, { "contents": "Income tax in the United States\n\n\ncorporations to file combined or consolidated returns. Most states and localities imposing income tax require estimated payments where tax exceeds certain thresholds, and require [[withholding tax]] on payment of wages. [[Puerto Rico]] is treated as a separate taxing entity from the USA; its income tax rates are set independently, and only some residents there pay federal income taxes (though everyone must pay all other [[Federal taxation in the United States#Federal taxation|federal taxes]]). The unincorporated territories [[Guam]]", "id": "2290292" }, { "contents": "Political argument\n\n\n\"T\" pay taxes, everyone else pays no taxes. In a simple majority rule social arbitration scheme, one might expect that a natural tax rate \"T\" can be determined: the median income (plus 1). However, a (possibly fallacious) political argument might attempt to change individual's \"voting by their pocket book\" by arguing that investment in capital and general welfare will increase by reducing taxes on higher income levels, that is raising the tax cutoff point. A political argument may be ineffective but", "id": "16008539" }, { "contents": "Market-linked CD\n\n\n. In addition, market-linked CDs owners have to pay taxes on \"phantom income\" on an annual basis, regardless of whether the CD has matured or not. Holding a market-linked CD in a tax-deferred account, such as an individual retirement account (IRA), can avoid paying taxes on earnings. When an investor purchases an array of stocks, bonds and mutual funds, there is nothing preventing a loss of every penny should markets plummet. However, most issuers of market-linked CDs offer", "id": "1076294" }, { "contents": "Shamokin Area School District\n\n\ntaxes. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the income level. In 2011, the average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension exceeded $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both of which are exempted from both Pennsylvania state income tax and the local school income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to", "id": "16976847" }, { "contents": "Sayre Area School District\n\n\ntaxes. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits. Both retirement benefits are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania.", "id": "2534711" }, { "contents": "Spring Grove Area School District\n\n\nThe 2012 tuition rates are Elementary Schools - $8,364.48, High School - $9,207.21. Spring Grove Area School District is funded by a combination of: a local earned income tax 1.0% and net profit tax, a property tax, a real estate transfer tax 0.5%, per capita taxes, coupled with substantial funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level", "id": "17347332" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Germany\n\n\nflat rate tax on private income from capital and capital gains called the \"Abgeltungsteuer\". The tax rate is 25% plus 5.5% solidarity surcharge. The tax is levied at German sources as capital yields tax. A tax refund is possible if the personal income tax rate is below 25%. The \"Abgeltungsteuer\" replaces the earlier that had been in effect in Germany since 2001. The obligation to file an income tax return does not apply to everybody. For example, single assessed tax payers who exclusively earn income subject", "id": "10698146" }, { "contents": "Trust law\n\n\nR100 000 per year without attracting donations tax; 20% donations tax applies to further donations within the same tax year). Under South African law living trusts are considered tax payers. Two types of tax apply to living trusts, namely income tax and capital gains tax (CGT). A trust pays income tax at a flat rate of 40% (individuals pay according to income scales, usually less than 20%). The trust's income can, however, be taxed in the hands of either the trust or", "id": "12461322" }, { "contents": "Fontamara\n\n\n. Townsmen work less and earn more, they eat, drink and don't pay taxes. It's enough to see how much they make us pay for cloth and hats and boot leather. We're like worms. Everyone exploits us. Everyone tramples on us. Everyone swindles us. Even Don Circonstanza, the Friend of the People, swindles us.\"\" Fontamara was 'one of the most widely reviewed, read and talked about novels of the 1930s in North and South America, Europe and the Soviet Union'", "id": "6608243" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Azerbaijan\n\n\neach square meter, Gyandja, Sumgait, and Absheron regions – 0.3 AZN, other cities and regions – 0.2 AZN, cities and towns of regional subordination – 0.1 AZN. Residents, as well as non-residents and businesses are obliged to register for paying taxes after proving their rights to use the land, and regardless of the results of economic activities on the land itself it is mandatory to pay land tax. The tax rates differ by the purpose of use and the area where the land is located. Generally, the", "id": "7244243" }, { "contents": "Millville Area School District\n\n\nIn the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeds $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from", "id": "10518880" }, { "contents": "Montrose Area School District\n\n\npersonal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits. Both retirement benefits are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, Montrose Area School District receives 53.2% of", "id": "11466902" }, { "contents": "Blue Mountain School District\n\n\nIn the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income taxes in Pennsylvania. According to a report from", "id": "16113399" }, { "contents": "Austin Area School District\n\n\nPennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens", "id": "2813876" }, { "contents": "Benton Area School District\n\n\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeds $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd", "id": "4557652" }, { "contents": "Working for Families\n\n\nassistance. The level of assistance to individual households depends on their income and on the number and age of children. The rate of withdrawal (the abatement rate) for the Family Tax Credit, Parental Tax Credit and the In-Work Tax Credit comprises 20%. An abatement-free threshold of $36,350 exists. The Minimum Family Tax Credit consists of a \"top-up\" payment, so that regardless of the amount of income earned, it gets topped up to the minimum amount per week (currently $434", "id": "19675976" }, { "contents": "Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Law\n\n\ntax (DST) and the excise tax of petroleum products, automobiles, sweetened beverages, cosmetic procedures, coal, mining and tobacco. The prominent feature of the tax reform is that people who earn P250,00 annually or P21,000 monthly and below are exempted from paying personal income tax (PIT). This includes minimum wage earners, who were also exempted in the former tax system. On the other hand, those earning over P250,000 have tax rates following a set PIT schedule. Essentially, greater income is taxed at higher tax rates", "id": "19213517" }, { "contents": "Carroll Township, Perry County, Pennsylvania\n\n\nrates: Carroll Township - 0.34900 mills and Perry County 3.3125 mills. Carroll Township does not levy an earned income tax. For 2017, West Perry School District's millage was 11.43 mills. West Perry School District also levies a 1.7% earned income tax which only applies to wage earners. Both social security income and pension income are exempted from the earned income tax regardless of the wealth of the individual or the amount of the pension. The average yearly property tax paid by Perry County residents amounts to about 3.11% of their", "id": "8965612" }, { "contents": "Goods and Services Tax (New Zealand)\n\n\npersonal income tax rates. Since its introduction it has had two increases, on 1 July 1989 the rate increased to 12.5% and on 1 October 2010 it increased again to 15%, to pay for income tax cuts by the National Government. GST-registered organisations and individuals pay GST only on the difference between GST-liable sales and GST-liable supplies (i.e., they pay GST on the difference between what they sell and what they buy: income less expenditure). This is accomplished by reconciling GST received (", "id": "3699461" }, { "contents": "Flat tax\n\n\nA flat tax (short for flat-rate tax) is a tax system with a constant marginal rate, usually applied to individual or corporate income. A true flat tax would be a proportional tax, but implementations are often progressive and sometimes regressive depending on deductions and exemptions in the tax base. There are various tax systems that are labeled \"flat tax\" even though they are significantly different. Flat tax proposals differ in how the subject of the tax is defined. A true flat-rate tax is a system of", "id": "2397131" }, { "contents": "Competitive Tax Plan\n\n\nfile tax returns. The Competitive Tax Plan would provide a new payroll tax offset to replace the Earned Income Tax Credit and to protect low and moderate income workers from any tax increase under the new system. Under the initial proposal, households with an annual income of more than $100,000 would be taxed at a flat 25% rate and the corporate income tax rate would be reduced to 25%. Graetz argues that reducing the corporate tax rate \"would make the United States an extremely attractive nation for corporate investments for both U.S.", "id": "16252682" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Norway\n\n\nincome brackets: Employers in both private and public sector is obliged to pay the employer's social security contribution on labour costs. The employers’ social security contribution are regionally differentiated, so that the tax rate depends on where the business is located. In 2018, the rates vary from 0% to 14.1%. When the employers' social security contribution is included, the maximum marginal tax rate on labour costs is 53.2%. formula_1 Corporate taxable profits (ordinary income) are taxed at a flat rate of 23%.", "id": "11872936" }, { "contents": "Alabarch\n\n\nof exemption of the transportation of animals'-- presumably an exemption from taxes. It doesn't specify who was impudently claiming an exemption for the transportation of animals. Claiming an exemption from a tax is not the same as being a tax collector. What does claiming an 'exemption for transportation of animals' have to do with a 'presumption of the impost of the alabarchy'? Regardless of how the two clauses of the Theodosian \"Code\", IV.13.9 are connected, there is insufficient evidence in them to support a determination that an", "id": "10574172" }, { "contents": "Tax avoidance\n\n\nIn addition, taxpayers can exclude or deduct certain foreign housing amounts. They may also be entitled to exclude from income the value of meals and lodging provided by their employer. Some American parents don’t register their children’s birth abroad with American authorities, because they do not want their children to be required to report all earnings to the IRS and pay American taxes for their entire lives, even if they never visit the United States. Most countries impose taxes on income earned or gains realized within that country regardless of the country", "id": "6624762" }, { "contents": "Tax withholding in the United States\n\n\nunless they know they are wrong. Social Security tax is withheld from wages at a flat rate of 6.2% (4.2% for 2011 and 2012). Wages paid above a fixed amount each year by any one employee are not subject to Social Security tax. For 2015, this wage maximum is $118,500. Medicare tax of 1.45% is withheld from wages, with no maximum. Employers are required to pay an additional equal amount of Medicare taxes, and a 6.2% rate of Social Security taxes. A few states", "id": "10956995" }, { "contents": "Income tax in the United States\n\n\na flat rate of 30%. This rate may be reduced by a [[tax treaty]]. These withholding requirements also [[FATCA|apply to non-U.S. financial institutions]]. Additional backup withholding provisions apply to some payments of interest or dividends to U.S. persons. The amount of income tax withheld is treated as a payment of tax by the person receiving the payment on which tax was withheld. Employers and employees must also pay [[Social Security tax]], the employee portion of which is also to", "id": "2290242" }, { "contents": "Pelham Bay Park\n\n\nthe creation of the park system. Legal disputes carried on for years. Opponents argued that building a park system would divert funds from more important infrastructure, and that everyone in the city would need to pay taxes to pay for the parks' construction, regardless of whether they lived near the parks. In particular, Pelham Bay Park was located within Westchester County at the time, out of city limits. The city was reluctant to pay to buy the parkland because of the cost and locations. Supporters argued that the parks were", "id": "4504397" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Belgium\n\n\nyou have to pay Belgium income tax only on income you earned in Belgium (including rents and capital gains). The effective taxation rate in Belgium is commonly cited as among the highest in the world; see list of countries by tax rates. The Belgian tax year for personal income runs from 1 January to 31 December. Both, residents of Belgium as well as non-residents who pay tax on their income (as mentioned above), have to file an annual Belgian tax return. A tax return associated with your", "id": "18747394" }, { "contents": "Penny Black\n\n\nrecipient to pay postage on delivery, charged by the sheet and on distance travelled. By contrast, the Penny Black allowed letters of up to to be delivered at a flat rate of one penny, regardless of distance. Postal delivery systems using what may have been adhesive stamps existed before the Penny Black. The idea had at least been suggested earlier in the Austrian Empire, Sweden, and possibly Greece. On 13 February 1837, Sir Rowland Hill proposed to a government enquiry both the idea of a pre-paid stamp and", "id": "18227570" }, { "contents": "Muncy School District\n\n\nPennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year plus retirees also receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens", "id": "11144463" }, { "contents": "Minersville Area School District\n\n\nand Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax regardless of the individual's wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits. Both retirement benefits are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, Minersville Area School District receives", "id": "11307403" }, { "contents": "East Lycoming School District\n\n\nare exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax regardless of the individual's wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeds $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, East Lycoming School District receives 55.6% of its annual revenue from", "id": "15203199" }, { "contents": "Lakeland School District (Pennsylvania)\n\n\nSocial Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits. Both retirement benefits are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, Lakeland", "id": "16809443" }, { "contents": "Susquenita School District\n\n\nCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax regardless of the individual wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, School District receives", "id": "2181303" }, { "contents": "Abington Heights School District\n\n\nSecurity income are exempted from state personal income tax and local school earned income tax, regardless of the level of the individual's personal wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeds $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, Abington Heights School District", "id": "4214031" }, { "contents": "Dallas School District\n\n\nstate personal income tax and local earned income tax regardless of the individual's level of wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeded $60,000 a year, plus they receive federal Social Security benefits. Both retirement benefits are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, Dallas School District receives 29.7% of its annual revenue", "id": "5355402" }, { "contents": "Liberal Alliance (Denmark)\n\n\nliberal identity. The party has proposed extensive economic liberal reforms, including a tax reform replacing progressive income tax with a flat-rate income tax of 40%, halving rates of corporation tax, instigating user charges for public healthcare, abolishing early retirement schemes and reassessing everyone receiving disability benefits. In 2011, the party opposed the government's entry of Denmark into the Euro Plus Pact. On the matter of EU membership, the party supports a reinvented European Union based on free trade while its youth wing promotes an exit (Though", "id": "15873927" }, { "contents": "Capital gains tax\n\n\ncountry is taxed. This tax, however, doesn't influence domestic investment. In the long run, the country that has borrowed some money and has a debt, usually has to pay this debt for example by exporting some products abroad. It affects the standard of living in this country. Also that is why \"″the foreign capital is not a perfect substitute for domestic savings.″\" In 1982, the United States was the world's greatest creditor, however it went from this stage to being the greatest debtor in the world", "id": "20669218" }, { "contents": "Australian corporate tax rate\n\n\nThe Australian company tax rate has varied over time. It has been a flat rate and reached its peak of 49%. Before 1987, Australia had the classical dividend taxation system, whereby a company's profit would be taxed at the company tax rate and a shareholder would be taxed on a dividend received, giving raise to what is described as double taxation. In 1987, the Australian dividend imputation system was introduced to stop the double taxation, and to create a \"level playing field\". The company tax rate was", "id": "13336045" }, { "contents": "Lewisburg Area School District\n\n\nand local earned income tax regardless of the individual's level of wealth. The average Pennsylvania public school teacher pension in 2011 exceeds $60,000 a year plus they receive federal Social Security benefits: both are free of Pennsylvania state income tax and local income tax which funds local public schools. Effective 2016, active duty military are also exempted from paying the local earned income tax in Pennsylvania. According to a report from Representative Todd Stephens office, Lewisburg Area School District receives 24.3% of its annual revenue from the state. In December", "id": "11467304" }, { "contents": "Northeastern York School District\n\n\na nonresident student's parents must pay to attend the Northeastern York School District's schools. The 2012 tuition rates are Elementary School - $9,410.53, High School - $10,080.37. Northeastern School District is funded by a combination of: a 1% local income tax, a property tax, a real estate transfer tax 0.5%, per capita tax $5, a special per capita tax $5, a flat rate occupation tax of $10.00, coupled with substantial funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government.", "id": "11467734" }, { "contents": "Personal Retirement Savings Account\n\n\n. There are certain Revenue limits that apply to the maximum contribution that can be made in any one tax year. These are dependent on the age of the contributor and their earnings (defined as net relevant earnings). The Tax Relief available on contributions are granted at the contributors highest marginal rate of tax. For example, if an employees highest rate of income tax is 41% and they also pay PRSI of 6%, the nett cost on a contribution of €100 would be €53. Any investment growth accumulates", "id": "21111606" }, { "contents": "Farebox recovery ratio\n\n\nThe farebox recovery ratio (also called fare recovery ratio, fare recovery rate or other terms) of a passenger transportation system is the fraction of operating expenses which are met by the fares paid by passengers. It is computed by dividing the system's total fare revenue by its total operating expenses. There are two schools of thought in fare collections: a simple, flat rate fare structure (pay a fixed fare regardless of time of day and/or travel distance) or a complex, variable rate fare structure (pay a variable fare", "id": "6203973" }, { "contents": "Income tax in the United States\n\n\nreported. The top 5% of income earners paid 59% of the total income tax revenue, while earning 35% of the income reported. The top 10% paid 70%, earning 46% and the top 25% paid 86%, earning 67%. The top 50% paid 97%, earning 87% and leaving the bottom 50% paying 3% of the taxes collected and earning 13% of the income reported. From 1979 to 2007 the average federal income tax rate fell 110% for the", "id": "2290298" } ]
Why do you often get a long-lasting, unstimulated erection when you're really sleepy?
[{"answer": "From Wikipedia \"Nocturnal penile tumescence (abbreviated as NPT), also known colloquially as morning wood, is a spontaneous erection of the penis during sleep or when waking up. All men without physiological erectile dysfunction experience nocturnal penile tumescence, usually three to five times during the night, typically during REM sleep.[1] NPTs are believed to contribute to penile health.[2]\" I seem to recall the spongy tissues of the penis can develop scar tissue if blood flow is suboptimal in a flaccid penis for 24 hours. Your body is performing routine maintenance to keep it in working order."}, {"answer": "It is a biological left over from when we would sleep outside on hills, this prevents you from rolling down the hill while asleep."}, {"answer": "If you were really sleepy then you were probably experiencing REM sleep*, or you were [on the border]( URL_0 ) of sleep and wakefulness. Sexual arousal is very common during REM sleep, with the penis/clitoris becoming erect and the vagina becoming lubricated. This can happen regardless of whether or not you have sex dreams, and it's the main reason for wet dreams and morning wood. *It's quite normal for people to be in REM sleep but later say they remember everything. The opposite is also common: responding as if they were awake and then having no memory of it. Even psychologists and neurologists have a hard time measuring and quantifying the difference since brain waves for people in REM sleep and people who are awake are very similar. This is why we sometimes call REM sleep \"paradoxial sleep\". Source: Psychology undergrad."}, {"answer": "I am not a biology expert so I can't say for certain but when you are really sleepy you tend to be in a more relaxed state physiologically. There are muscles in the male body that squeeze down on the blood flow into the spongy flesh of the penis. Getting an erection is actually a matter of slackening these muscles and so presumably when tired you are more likely to let those muscles relax for reasons not related to sexy thoughts. > Erection and loss of erection are related primarily to blood flow events regulated by the relaxation and contraction, respectively, of the smooth muscle in the penile arteries and the erectile bodies themselves. URL_0 rushes into the erectile bodies, causing erection."}, {"answer": "I was waiting to find a comment from someone in this field of study or something similar. Every single time I'm on an airplane, I get an erection whenever the plane lands. Is this normal??"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2590370", "title": "Taking the piss", "section": "Section::::Origin.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Take the piss\" may be a reference to a related (and dated) idiomatic expression, \"piss-proud\", which is a vulgar pun referring to the morning erections which happen when a man awakens at the end of a dream cycle (each about 90 minutes in length throughout the night) or may be caused by a full bladder pressing upon nerves that help effect erection. This could be considered a \"false\" erection, as its origin is physiological not sexual, so in a metaphoric sense, then, someone who is \"piss-proud\" would suffer from false pride, and \"taking the piss out of them\" refers to deflating this false pride, through disparagement or mockery.", "\"Take the piss\" may be a reference to a related (and dated) idiomatic expression, \"piss-proud\", which is a vulgar pun referring to the morning erections which happen when a man awakens at the end of a dream cycle (each about 90 minutes in length throughout the night) or may be caused by a full bladder pressing upon nerves that help effect erection. This could be considered a \"false\" erection, as its origin is physiological not sexual, so in a metaphoric sense, then, someone who is \"piss-proud\" would suffer from false pride, and \"taking the piss out of them\" refers to deflating this false pride, through disparagement or mockery. As knowledge of the expression's metaphoric origin became lost on users, \"taking the piss out of\" came to be synonymous with disparagement or mockery itself, with less regard to the pride of the subject.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "roughout the night) or may be caused by a full bladder pressing upon nerves that help effect erection. This could be considered a \"false\" erection, as its origin is physiological not sexual, so in a metaphoric sense, then, someone who is \"piss-proud\" would suffer from false pride, and \"taking the piss out of them\" refers to deflating this false pride, through disparagement or mockery. As knowledge of the expression's metaphoric origin became lost on users, \"taking the piss out of\" came to be synonymous with disparagement or"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "John Cardiel\n\n\n, if that happens [if you get sponsored], you still won't lose touch with what you're really doing it for—to have fun ... Why have the goal of getting sponsored and going pro? Who cares? There's no goal, it's like skating. And that's what's cool, there's so many people out there skating who aren't pro and aren't like that. And those are the people you're hanging out with. As of 2012, Cardiel resides in Sacramento, California", "id": "20357549" }, { "contents": "Erik Wilhelm\n\n\ntremendously because it's guys coming together, bonding and going for a common goal to win games and to learn an offense together, to practice together, to get beat up by the other team. Whether you have success or fail, you do it together. There's nothing that can really replace something like that. It's why guys play football. No matter if it's the NFL and you're getting paid a whole bunch of money or this league where you're gettin' beer and pizza money.\" Wilhelm", "id": "6201917" }, { "contents": "Eileen Grimshaw\n\n\nin the taxi office, [Eileen's workplace], where it's more upbeat. I get to play the whole spectrum, which is fun [...] As an actor, you do not often get an opportunity to keep building on your character and finding new aspects to them. If you're doing a film or TV series, it's over in three months, whereas in something long-running, I can really understand my character and know them inside out like another human being. The challenge is to delve", "id": "4324504" }, { "contents": "Geraldine Jones (character)\n\n\njudge,\" and by introducing to a wider audience the practice of prearranged complex handshakes combined with the bumping of hips and elbows, but his Geraldine character's influence was greater. She planted three long-lived catchphrases: \"When you're hot, you're hot; when you're not, you're not,\" \"The devil made me do it,\" and \"What you see is what you get!\" The last was made into the acronym WYSIWYG by computer engineers to designate a text editing system that", "id": "2400976" }, { "contents": "Person of Interest (song)\n\n\nwhen you're not in love yet but you really like a guy — which I'm really excited about because I don't think there are too many out like that. It's very much a dance type song. It will make you get up and dance and sing along in your car.\" The song opens with Black singing \"When I talk, you listen, I like that/When you listen, you smile and I like that/Why you lookin' lookin' at me just like that?\"", "id": "4465160" }, { "contents": "Harry James\n\n\nlot more popular than 'Sleepy Lagoon,' and if we're playing at a country club or playing Vegas, in which we have many, many types of people, then I'm sure that 'Sleepy Lagoon' would be more popular at that particular time. But I really get bugged about these people talking about commercial tunes, because to me, if you're gonna be commercial, you're gonna stand on your head and make funny noises and do idiotic things. I don't think we've ever", "id": "17011886" }, { "contents": "Gil Scott-Heron\n\n\na mere participant in an interview with \"The New Yorker\": This is Richard's CD. My only knowledge when I got to the studio was how he seemed to have wanted this for a long time. You're in a position to have somebody do something that they really want to do, and it was not something that would hurt me or damage me—why not? All the dreams you show up in are not your own. The remix version of the album, \"We're New Here\",", "id": "10225287" }, { "contents": "Adam Dunn\n\n\nin response to a question about acquiring Dunn: \"Do you know the guy doesn't really like baseball that much? Do you know the guy doesn't have a passion to play the game that much? How much do you know about the player? There's a reason why you're attracted to some players and there's a reason why you're not attracted to some players. I don't think you'd be very happy if we brought Adam Dunn here.\" Ricciardi later apologized for his comments. In 2008", "id": "20565999" }, { "contents": "The Secret Mitchell\n\n\ndouble was used for the moment Danielle was run over. Crace deemed her final scenes: \"Really tough, but great\", expanding: \"For so long you have so many scenes where you're just getting coffees in the caff or standing around in the back of Vic scenes, and then suddenly when you leave you get written for and you've got all these amazing scenes, and I had such great scenes with Larry and with Sam. And those last few scenes in the Vic with myself and Sam were so", "id": "6725507" }, { "contents": "Glasshouse (album)\n\n\nwas pregnant when the album was being written. She further added: \"I was writing really shit music because I had this fear like, 'Must provide. Must make a hit for my unborn child' [...] I think I'd lost a bit of my identity, and it took my mate Benny Blanco to be like, 'This is really shit. I don't know what you're doing. Why are you not doing what you do?' It was such a relief, because I knew exactly", "id": "20447415" }, { "contents": "Mama (Spice Girls song)\n\n\nWhether she's an over-protective mother or a bit of a landmine, she probably knows you better than yourself in some ways. In the same book, Melanie C further elaborated: \"'Mama's all about how you're such a cow to your mum when you're going through that rebellious teenage stage. Then when you get a bit older, you realise that whatever she was doing, she was only doing it for your own good. And you think: 'God, I was really horrible.'", "id": "11401359" }, { "contents": "Islam and hip hop in the United States\n\n\nto do with that.” “It can rip an artist apart, because then you're under the ridicule of, \"Aren't you Muslim? Don't you believe in this? What you're doing goes against\" — and it's just like, \"Yeah, I already know everything you're saying to me.\" I don't know if anyone else gets that sort of scrutiny so I do understand why people keep it to themselves.” Freeway converted to Islam when he was 14 years old. He", "id": "11816271" }, { "contents": "Obsessed (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\n: It must be the weed, it must be the E / 'Cause you be poppin', heard you get it poppin'.\" During the chorus, Carey confronts her stalker, asking: Why are you so obsessed with me / Boy I wanna know / Lying that you're sexing me / When everybody knows/ It's clear that you're upset with me / Oh, Oh, Oh, finally found a girl that you couldn't impress / last man on the earth still couldn't get this.\" During", "id": "5565455" }, { "contents": "Louboutins (song)\n\n\n's been a while and I want to do a dance video, and it's going to be really empowering. It's going to be about that woman, you know when you have that moment when you realize you have to really get out of here that's the moment we're trying to cauterize in the video. Even when you know that it's gonna hurt later, you feel good about making the decision, so you're like \"I decided! I'm walking up out the house right now\"", "id": "8310372" }, { "contents": "Sinful Attraction Tour\n\n\nbe different when you have a big catalog. Why not give different songs an opportunity to come out and play?… \"[On the band and crew]\" There will be long days and long hours; everyone has to have their chops up for a lot of songs. Once you've been playing for a while, four weeks into a tour, your chops are tight and you know a lot more songs. But when you're starting you have to really build your repertoire back up – and the light guys", "id": "2747779" }, { "contents": "Happening\n\n\nlikely by chance procedures.\" As a conclusion, a happening is fresh while it lasts and cannot be reproduced. Regarding happenings, Red Grooms has remarked, \"I had the sense that I knew it was something. I knew it was something because I didn't know what it was. I think that's when you're at your best point. When you're really doing something, you're doing it all out, but you don't know what it is.\" The lack of plot as well as", "id": "14140982" }, { "contents": "You Got to Move\n\n\n? But death had nothing to do with what we were doing. If somebody shot us we would be dead. And when people died, we cried. And we went to funerals. And we went and did the next thing the next day, because it was really beyond life and death. It was really like... Sometimes you know what you're supposed to be doing, and when you know what you're supposed to be doing, it's somebody else's job to kill you.\" Bill Saunders A former", "id": "19635393" }, { "contents": "Raven-Symoné discography\n\n\n\"I did it on my second album [1999's \"Undeniable\"] and like it,\" she told \"When you're an independent you really do get full control. You get to do it how you want to do it and promote it how I want to promote it and sell it how I want to sell it.\". In late 2009, Raven-Symoné announced that she would return to the studio to record her fifth album. She said that the album would be \"R&B,", "id": "3426240" }, { "contents": "Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire\n\n\nshow producers expected some backlash: \"you know, one way or another, you can't win. If you're too gay you get criticism. If you're not gay enough, you get criticism. ... Whenever you're playing a stereotypical character, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don't. You can't really win.\" On 21 August 2009, it was reported in British media newspaper \"Broadcast\" that the series had been cancelled, \"after its funding partner pulled out\".", "id": "8493517" }, { "contents": "Melrose Place (2009 TV series)\n\n\nseason one or the nutty Kimberly-blowing-up-the-apartment-complex of later years,\" Ostroff explained, \"In the beginning you've got to get invested in the characters, but I also think it can't be so dramatic and sleepy that not enough is going on. Our fans really love that heightened drama as you can see when you watch \"One Tree Hill\" and \"Gossip Girl\". So the job is to get them emotionally invested in the people and then do storytelling and have", "id": "7001003" }, { "contents": "Just a Little While\n\n\nin a really good space right now. She's in love. The thing is, some people think you can't do good stuff when you're happy. [...] People don't want to hear \"Get out of here!\" and \"You did this to me!\" all day long. Everybody wants to feel good. So we tapped into her happiness\". The lead single from Jackson's eighth studio album \"Damita Jo\" had no release date announced until a song titled \"Just a Little", "id": "12215532" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Fraser\n\n\na possible collaboration with John Grant, saying \"He doesn't need to persuade me!\". Speaking of her insecurity about recording and performing, Fraser said \"I get it in the studio, it's a horror, but it's part of the journey ... I don't think I was confident, especially when I stopped singing. That's when the voice kicks in, really nagging you, telling you what a horrible person you are and 'what do you think you're doing'. But then you sing", "id": "3420671" }, { "contents": "Rickey Henderson\n\n\nI was on a plane and asleep and the plane bounced and when we landed we bounced and it woke me up. Then the next flight I had the same pilot and the plane went down so smooth. So I asked the pilot why, and he said when you land a plane smooth, you get the plane elevated to the lowest position you can and then you smooth it in. Same with sliding ... If you dive when you're running straight up then you have a long distance to get to the ground.", "id": "17651815" }, { "contents": "Kill It Live\n\n\nthat’s going on and questioning a band’s integrity. Are you doing this because you really love it or are you doing it because you’re checking in and checking out when your bank account gets low? Are you willing to play in front of five people when the going gets rough, or is that not why you’re here? It’s about questioning bands’ intentions, I guess. And there are so many bands I think you can question that you can’t even narrow it down to one.\" The", "id": "16504794" }, { "contents": "The Killing (season 2)\n\n\nI just take each scene individually. Then when I watch it as a whole I'm like, 'Oh, it was one piece.' I take each scene, look at it, break it down and it's a new experience every time, with every scene. But being with the characters the whole time, for a long period of time really allows you to sink your teeth into something more than if you're just doing a guest star. If you're doing a guest star spot, you come in", "id": "10401603" }, { "contents": "Live at Benaroya Hall with the Seattle Symphony\n\n\nwhen we get there, they already know how to play our songs better than we do... The purpose of the rehearsal is really, honestly to prepare the band for exactly how powerful the concert is going to be. When the symphony jumps in during those moments where all of a sudden you're singing a song you sing every night and then 30 more musicians start playing, it's so powerful that it causes you to take pause, and you can't take pause. And that's what the rehearsal really is for", "id": "7599105" }, { "contents": "Teddy Bishop\n\n\nthen a hamstring injury when he was edging close to a first-team return. On 6 January 2016 manager Mick McCarthy said of the promising midfielder \"It's really difficult for him, it's really difficult for Bish as a young kid because he wants to be playing and footballers are never happy except when they're playing. You get in a bit of a low when you're injured for such a long time and you can't see an end to it. However, when he returns, it will be fantastic", "id": "14956768" }, { "contents": "Everything's Fine (Jean Grae and Quelle Chris album)\n\n\nWhen asked why they chose to work together on the album Chris told Uproxx, \"We're together all the time anyway, so it's not like you have to set times to link up or anything. It's like, 'Oh, let's just make an album!'\" Explaining the title Grae says, \"As you get older, it tends to be a response that you give more and more without realizing that you're even doing it. You're like, 'Everything's fine,' but", "id": "7826456" }, { "contents": "Sleepy Hollow (film)\n\n\nmeans. \"Our visual choices get channeled and violent,\" Heinrichs elaborated, \"so you end up with liabilities that you tend to exploit as virtues. When you've got a certain ceiling height, and you're dealing with painted backings, you need to push atmosphere and diffusion.\" This was particularly the case in several exteriors that were built on sound stages. \"We would mitigate the disadvantages by hiding lights with teasers and smoke.\" The majority of \"Sleepy Hollow\"s 150 visual effects shots were handled by Industrial", "id": "10895707" }, { "contents": "Honestly/Honestly (Encore)\n\n\n?\" In the pre-chorus, Hanna sings: \"Got me second guessin' everything you say, Thinkin' that I know you, but you're really a stranger. Doin' what you gotta do to get your way. You're reckless and selfish and you can't help it\". She continues belting in the refrain: \"Say you're talkin' to me honestly, but you're lyin' to me constantly\". In the bridge, Hanna asserts that she \"[doesn't] know", "id": "2398510" }, { "contents": "Dan Gerson\n\n\npremiere, Gerson again stressed the importance of collaboration and development: We write a version of the script...and then we blow it to bits, we get in there with the Pixar brain trust, and they just smash it apart, and then you rebuild it and you do that like six, seven times. That's why we were on the movie for three and a half years. People can't understand how it could take that long to write. It's just that you're doing different iterations of the movie", "id": "13750526" }, { "contents": "Venetta Fields\n\n\ngraduate you have to leave. There is such a thing as staying too long; when you start getting stagnant and stifled by what you're doing. We almost stayed too long.\" The trio signed to Mirwood Records and they became the Mirettes from 1966 to 1970. They issued some singles, \"In the Midnight Hour\" and \"Take for a Little a While\", which \"made impressions.\" Fields worked as a session vocalist from about 1969, often with Clydie King and Sherlie Matthews, for Quincy Jones", "id": "8795921" }, { "contents": "Demonstration (Tinie Tempah album)\n\n\nthat still nods to where you've come from, still feels very London, still feels very British, but kind of meets the criteria of what a mainstream record needs.\" He also commented oh how things change when signing with a record label and how the process of making albums: \"The first time around, you don't really know. All you do is you get this record deal and you're like whoa! Like, I'm signed! This is amazing! And you're just recording and before you", "id": "402417" }, { "contents": "Straight Out of Line\n\n\nAngeles with director Dean Karr. \"The song has got good aggression, and the visuals, when the band plays it, look really good,\" Erna explained to\" \"Sometimes it's really hard to shove a story within a four-minute video, unless you're a solo artist like Eminem or wherever, because all you have to do is cut back to him once in a while. When there are four guys in a band and you have to try to cover all of them and get a", "id": "7690251" }, { "contents": "All I Need (Air song)\n\n\nknow when you do something and the piece is far bigger than you are. Just by luck or unconscious something pops out and you're like 'whoa, what was that?'. And with that piece it was a willingness to be totally sincere and borderline maudlin but hopefully not. Emotional without being maudlin. I had always been sort of afraid of that and hidden before behind maybe a little irony or a just little distance. But that piece kinda showed me that I can get really emotional, I can get really", "id": "20496334" }, { "contents": "2014 All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championship Final\n\n\na great strike on it and he was unlucky.\" \"I'm looking forward to the next day,\" \"When you're involved in a game like that, from my perspective, you just try and win the game right until the end. You don't get a chance to get too emotional about it so I'm just looking forward to the next day, \"I thought they (Tipperary) did really well today. They worked really hard, they believed in what they were doing. We could have", "id": "9386686" }, { "contents": "Ian Beale\n\n\nportray even half the range of emotions I get to here in a one-off drama or a six-part series? And you're not going to get the same viewing figures either. You have your moments when things go wrong and you perhaps don't want to work with a certain person. In any office there are going to be people who don't get along but you get on with it and on the whole I enjoy it. Over the last couple of years we've had a really tight crew and", "id": "17585408" }, { "contents": "The Brotherhood (rap group)\n\n\n, the Brotherhood refused media appearances and deals which they felt were irrelevant to the music. Instead they remained at Bite It! Lorenzo told the press: \"The Brotherhood are about a lot of things... what we really want to do is make very good, very credible rap. We wanna make tracks that even when you're totally knackered at a club, you get up and dance the whole track away, a track that makes you get up when you feel like sleeping. That's the bottom line.” There", "id": "1166187" }, { "contents": "Done for Me\n\n\npremiered on Beats 1, where Puth revealed to host Zane Lowe about collaborating with Kehlani: \"You know when you meet somebody and you just know that you're going to be friends with them for a really really long time? That was her when I met her. She's just such a warm and outgoing person and just such a good distinct voice.\" He also added that they have been \"looking forward to doing something together\" ever since they covered \"Hotline Bling\" in 2015. \"I made this", "id": "4492129" }, { "contents": "Walls and Bridges\n\n\ndo we do?' Should we put a camel on it or a xylophone? That sort of thing. And he came in and said, 'Hey, I'll play some piano!'\" \"Nobody Loves You (When You're Down and Out)\" was later remembered by Lennon as an expression of his feelings about the lost weekend period. Lennon imagined Frank Sinatra singing it: \"I don't know why. It's kind of a Sinatraesque song, really. He would do a perfect job with", "id": "21518355" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Erythnul\n\n\nsomehow different from massacres, which is of course Hextor's domain. I imagine it can get pretty tricky deciding whether you're going to massacre somebody or slaughter them, which makes it difficult to know who to pray to. Erythnul is also the god of ugliness, which seems like a very weird thing to pray for. Do you ask Erythnul to impart ugliness on others? If you're ugly, do you pray to him to keep you ugly? What if you're attractive, but just have really low self-", "id": "11708418" }, { "contents": "Anchor baby\n\n\n's offensive to what it is. What it really goes to is the root of the most destructive part of our current immigration policy, you're splitting up families. They come here, here illegally, they have a baby, and the family gets split up. Maybe the kid stays. We don't have a workable formation. This goes to the heart of the Latino vote because it shows a real lack of sympathy. You have to come up with some kind of fix. So why avoid this one? Do", "id": "18549950" }, { "contents": "Planet Waves\n\n\n. I didn't even ask. And Bob said, 'What're you doing with that? We're not gonna use that.' And I jumped up and said, 'What do you mean you're not gonna use that? You're crazy! Why?' Well...during the recording...[Dylan's childhood friend] Lou Kemp and this girl came by and she had made a crack to him, 'C'mon, Bob, what! Are you getting mushy in your old age?' It", "id": "20229972" }, { "contents": "1000 Fires\n\n\nthey recorded as a joke at the end of a recording session. When asked about the album's title, Lords said: \"I think that fire is something that's really representative of the record. It's really, really peaceful and you're drawn to it. But if you get too close, it can torch you and kill you. But if you just get close enough, it's warm and it's soothing, it's mesmerising and it's peaceful. It can give you everything or destroy you,", "id": "2866317" }, { "contents": "The Hands That Thieve\n\n\non the internet, or even ask fellow fans of bands you like to share their favorite songs so you can burn them, as long as you do so legally, or whatever. Then when you're done burning the cd (it takes a few minutes, but it's really quite simple to do), you can put the cd on your shelf, in your car, wherever. There are no words on the cd (besides the poems), no bar codes, no logos, no mean-hearted little", "id": "20848760" }, { "contents": "Keith Morris\n\n\nMorris and his friends spent their spare time hanging out by the Strand under Hermosa Beach pier, where they took drugs: \"I'd get off work, and we'd get up to trouble,\" he later recalled, \"smoking angel dust, snorting elephant tranquilizers. Just real goofy, 'why-would-you-want-to-do-that?' kinda stuff, the kind of thing you get up to when you're young, and into experimenting. If it was a good experience, then", "id": "16639078" }, { "contents": "Are You Serious (Andrew Bird album)\n\n\nAre You Serious is the tenth solo studio album by Andrew Bird, released on April 1, 2016. The album features collaborations with Fiona Apple and Blake Mills. In an interview with Bob Boilen on \"All Songs Considered\", Bird described how getting married had changed his writing style on this album: \"Knowing that you're going to be with someone for a long time definitely changes [the way you write], often because you're sitting in the same room with them as you're writing, and when you", "id": "20251574" }, { "contents": "Cat Stevens' comments about Salman Rushdie\n\n\nsure he doesn't believe that people should be put to death for apostasy,\" Stewart recalled. \"I said, 'look, I'm sorry you're upset, but I'm sure the guy isn't really like that. Let me talk to him.\" Islam said the whole thing was a \"misunderstanding\", but added \"although why do you have to insult the Prophet?\" Stewart continued \"We get into a whole conversation, and it becomes very clear to me that he is straddling two worlds", "id": "18480863" }, { "contents": "Crimes of Passion (1984 film)\n\n\ndrinking orange juice at breakfast.\" Sandler said, \"In the purest sense, it's justified - you can do anything you want to in your movie, as long as you're willing to go with an X rating. Then you have to face the fact that no distributor wants an X. Or that you won't be able to get advertising in many newspapers. Or that you won't be able to get air time on most TV and radio stations. Some time in the last 10 years, an X rating", "id": "20299623" }, { "contents": "From Under the Cork Tree\n\n\nMy Name is David Ruffin And These Are The Temptations\". Wentz stated \"Our label said, 'You're going to get sued for doing that,' and our lawyer said, 'You're definitely going to get sued for doing that,' which totally sucked. So we said, 'OK, why don't we immortalize you in a song?'\" The group subsequently retitled the song \"Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued\". Stump served as", "id": "20485460" }, { "contents": "Milton H. Erickson\n\n\nthe cause or the etiology; the only searching question I asked was \"When you get in the shower to scrub yourself for hours, tell me, do you start at the top of your head, or the soles of your feet, or in the middle? Do you wash from the neck down, or do you start with your feet and wash up? Or do you start with your head and wash down?\"br INTERVIEWER: Why did you ask that?br ERICKSON: So that she knew I was really INTERVIEWER: So", "id": "20202065" }, { "contents": "I Am Legend (novel)\n\n\nthat he was the last survivor on Earth. This is why in \"Fallout 1\" when you're voted to leave the Vault, we really wanted that sense of isolationism; that sense of: You are the only person out here on the Wasteland who is, quote, \"a normal person\", and we wanted you to feel, like, special in that way. The book has also been adapted into a comic book miniseries titled \"Richard Matheson's I Am Legend\" by Steve Niles and Elman Brown.", "id": "1713883" }, { "contents": "Amy Sherald\n\n\na subject's gaze as being relieved of the sense of having to perform for white people. \"When you walk into the painting, you're walking into their space. The gaze is different. I think about when my parents grew up, in the Deep South, in the 30s and 40s, and that they were really lucky not to get lynched, my father in particular. I've always read about lynching and the reasons why men in particular were lynched, sometimes for just looking at a white woman, in", "id": "4363912" }, { "contents": "Earthquake (comedian)\n\n\nkid, from the diaphragm to ... a condom, and you still have a child, there's nothing else you can name that child but a natural disaster.\" Earthquake grew up poor with his mother in a tough southeast neighborhood, and they often didn’t have anything to eat. \"You can't have dreams when you're hungry,\" he pointed out. \"That's why when I was in school I used to get F's in my first four classes before lunch.\" Earthquake was a class clown", "id": "13355195" }, { "contents": "Swamp Thing (2019 TV series)\n\n\ngoing like, 'Oh, you get no more baby after this' Why would you do that? [...] Maybe something will switch somewhere, if something will flip, and we can all get together again. But I tell you, it's one of the best experiences I have had, and set the bar really high for working together with a group of people.\" \"Swamp Thing\" premiered May 31, 2019, on DC Universe. Despite being canceled not long after its premiere, DC Universe will", "id": "12276801" }, { "contents": "Zhou Tai (Cao Wei)\n\n\na high office. After only 36 days, you now wield great power and command the armed forces in a commandery. It's like a beggar riding on a (horse-drawn) carriage – that's really fast!\" Zhou Tai quipped, \"You're right. You come from a famous aristocratic family, and you're already known for your talents since you were young. That's why you're still a Master of Writing. It's like a macaque riding on an ox – that's really slow!", "id": "19622106" }, { "contents": "My Krazy Life\n\n\nthe C to a B because it's where I'm from and it's also bringing something new. It's drawing more attention, you feel me? And it's, like, I'm not doing it to draw attention. I'm doing it to because that's really what I say and that's really where I'm from. I'm from Bompton...You gonna feel like you're from Bompton too when you're done listening to the album.\" In January 2012, YG changed the album's", "id": "18411582" }, { "contents": "George Segal\n\n\nyears, I was playing all different kinds of things. I loved the variety, and never had the sense of being a leading man but a character actor. Then I got frozen into this `urban' character. About the time of `The Last Married Couple in America' (1980) I remember Natalie (Wood) saying to me... `It's one typed role after another, and pretty soon you forget everything. You forget why you're here, why you're doing it.' Then my marriage", "id": "11877709" }, { "contents": "Paranoid (album)\n\n\nstuff – so that's what inspired me.\" In 2013, Butler told \"Mojo\" magazine that the song \"Paranoid\" was \"about depression, because I didn't really know the difference between depression and paranoia. It's a drug thing; when you're smoking a joint you get totally paranoid about people, you can't relate to people. There's that crossover between the paranoia you get when you're smoking dope and the depression afterwards.\" In 2015 Butler elaborated further to Dave Everly of \"Classic", "id": "19520479" }, { "contents": "Melanie Lynskey\n\n\nin 2017 about taking risks in her film work, she said, \"I want to tell stories about women who are interesting and complicated and not like people you've seen before ... There aren't that many opportunities [to do that] except in the independent film world. I've made films that have cost $50,000 for the entire film. If you're willing to work like that, you get chances to do really creative, interesting stuff\". Lynskey is often complimented on her ability to perform an American accent", "id": "16530069" }, { "contents": "Cartoon Wars Part II\n\n\nprevious South Park episodes, \"Cartman Joins NAMBLA\" (2000) and \"Trapped in the Closet\" (2005), which parodied NAMBLA and Scientology, respectively, as similar situations. \"You have to make sure, when you're doing that kind of subject matter, you want people to know what you're doing is a joke and then what really is real, you know, you're trying to make fun of\", said Parker. The duo, instead of settling on the black title card, toyed", "id": "2771622" }, { "contents": "What to Expect When You're Expecting (film)\n\n\nDon't You Want Me\" performed by Phil Oakey, Philip Adrian Wright and Jo Callis, \"Do What You Want\" performed by Daphne Willis, \"Broken Sky\" performed by Rob Laufer, \"Why Don't We Get Drunk\" performed by Jimmy Buffett, \"Put Your Hands Up\" performed by The MIDI Mafia, \"Samba Vocalizado\" performed by Luciano Perrone, \"Get It Daddy\" performed by Sleeper Agent, \"Now Is The Start\" performed by Alison Sudol, \"The Hormone Song\" performed by", "id": "2827214" }, { "contents": "Stichomythia\n\n\nand \"Anything You Can Do\" (by Irving Berlin, from \"Annie Get Your Gun\"). Another is from \"The Last Supper\" in \"Jesus Christ Superstar\". When Judas says Jesus knows who will betray him, a passage of stichomythia (with a two-line interruption) follows: Jesus: Why don't you go do it?br Judas: You want me to do it!br Jesus: Hurry, they're waitingbr Judas: If you knew why I do Jesus: I don't", "id": "14437639" }, { "contents": "Steve Kemp (musician)\n\n\n\" In an interview with ilikemusic, Kemp was asked to reflect on whether he has time to \"smell the roses and enjoy the journey and reflect\" \"It's weird because you don't whilst you're doing it. You don't realise how much you're enjoying yourself sometimes. I really try and stop myself in my tracks now and say 'look what you've achieved, look what you've just done, look what you're doing'. I really try and do that, because if you don't", "id": "6085448" }, { "contents": "Mastermind (Rick Ross album)\n\n\n, so you're going to feel that passion and that aggression. I think the streets are really going to love this.\" He also said he was putting \"the finishing touches\" on a song he wanted to get Bobby Womack featured on. In an October 2013 interview with Hot 97, he explained the album title, saying: \"It's all about coming from wherever you come from and take it wherever you want to go to. And the minute you do that that's when you can consider yourself a", "id": "12510369" }, { "contents": "M83 (band)\n\n\nthe tracks as darker and \"very, very, very epic\". Speaking with \"Spin\", he said of the new album \"It's a double album. It's mainly about dreams, how every one is different, how you dream differently when you're a kid, a teenager, or an adult. I'm really proud of it. If you're doing a very long album, all the songs need to be different and I think I've done that with this one.\" He recorded again", "id": "16065868" }, { "contents": "Blue and Yellow\n\n\nhe's just one of those people that you meet in your life that's special. You know you're going to be with this person forever and you know you're going to be close to that person. And it's pretty much about being in a band with someone ... being around someone 24 hours a day is really hard thing to do, and sometimes we don't get along the greatest, but if it came down to it, I'd much rather be Quinn's friend than be in a band with", "id": "9282303" }, { "contents": "The Birthday Massacre\n\n\nperspective of when you're younger... you lose a bit of that sense of wonder and mystery, which is really inspiring and gives you a lot of energy when you're younger.\" Chibi follows by saying: \"You have to be an adult, and you have to conform in certain ways because you have responsibilities now, whereas when you were a child, all you had to do is play games and lay in the grass, you know what I mean?\" On the \"Blairing Out With Eric Blair\"", "id": "20331357" }, { "contents": "Die! Die! Die!\n\n\nincluding three trips to Europe in a year. In 2015 the band broke up for about six months: \"We had been doing this for quite a long time, and you get in a holding pattern. Sometimes the music is not really enough, and you are too close to it to realise that you are not really enjoying it at all. It is also the nature when you are doing it more as a business than as enjoyment.\" - Andrew Wilson, Die! Die! Die! \"And through it", "id": "9210431" }, { "contents": "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming\n\n\nto remember his childhood. Gonzalez explained to \"Spin\" magazine that \"Hurry Up, We're Dreaming\" is \"mainly about dreams, how every one is different, how you dream differently when you're a kid, a teenager, or an adult. I'm really proud of it. If you're doing a very long album, all the songs need to be different and I think I've done that with this one.\" In an interview with musicOMH, he described the album as \"a reflection of", "id": "5306223" }, { "contents": "Fell on Black Days\n\n\nthat the use of odd meters was \"a total accident.\" Cornell on \"Fell on Black Days\": \"Fell on Black Days\" was like this ongoing fear I've had for years ... It's a feeling that everyone gets. You're happy with your life, everything's going well, things are exciting—when all of a sudden you realize you're unhappy in the extreme, to the point of being really, really scared. There's no particular event you can pin the feeling down to,", "id": "20454738" }, { "contents": "Hyperballad\n\n\nfrustrations.\" Björk explains: \"I guess that song is about when you're in a relationship and it's going really well and you're really happy and maybe you have given up parts of yourself. To fall in love and be in a relationship for a long time is like giving a lot of parts of you away because the relationship becomes more important than you as individuals. It's a bit of a tricky balance. I think everyone in a relationship needs to know not to forget themselves...\" (from", "id": "985981" }, { "contents": "Marilyn Manson (band)\n\n\nand fighting really hard to get there. [The album's deepest elements] are idealism and the desire to start a revolution. If you begin with \"Holy Wood\", then \"Mechanical Animals\" really talks about how that revolution gets taken away from you and turned into a product, and then \"Antichrist Superstar\" is where you're given a choice to decide if you're going to be controlled by the power that you created or if you want to destroy yourself and then start over. It just becomes a", "id": "19662117" }, { "contents": "2011 Subway Fresh Fit 500\n\n\ntalk to Kyle about it. I thought at first he was just frustrated and he turned left to get back in line and he didn’t know I was there, but I watched the tape and I think he really did get loose. He hit me hard and I was left with nothing. I got rammed to the infield.\" Rick Hendrick, the owner of Hendrick Motorsports, expressed his enjoyment of winning the race, stating, \"When you're a champion like Jeff Gordon, you know you can still do", "id": "12436186" }, { "contents": "Rebekah Elmaloglou\n\n\nof Us\" (1994) and guest starred in \"A Country Practice\" as Christine Agapitos. In 1994 she appeared on the stage at the Sydney Opera House in \"Caravan\". She relished filming \"The Sum of Us\" saying \"your best work comes out of a film and you feel that you can really show your talents as an actress\". She also compared filming this to when she was on \"Home And Away\": \"You feel like you're really acting and really doing something when you", "id": "15926554" }, { "contents": "Real Live Tour\n\n\nonstage and it was like a morgue. The Maiden fans knew I'd quit, they knew these were the last gigs, and I suddenly realised that, as the frontman, you're in an almost impossible situation. If you're like, 'Wow, this is really fucking cool tonight, man,' they're all gonna sit there going, 'What a wanker. He's leaving. How can it be cool?' Or do you go on and say, 'Look, I'm really sorry", "id": "18332554" }, { "contents": "Operation Market Garden\n\n\nfront would soon provoke German forces to collapse. He told Montgomery why a \"single thrust\" toward Berlin was not going to be accepted. What you're proposing is this – if I give you all the supplies you want, you could go straight to Berlin – right straight (500 miles) to Berlin? Monty, you're nuts. You can't do it. What the hell[?] ... If you try a long column like that in a single thrust you'd have to throw off division after division", "id": "11648739" }, { "contents": "Ant-Man (film)\n\n\ndo a draft of the script without him, which was \"a tough thing to move forward\" as Wright has written all of the previous films he directed. Wright continued, \"Suddenly becoming a director-for-hire on it, you're sort of less emotionally invested and you start to wonder why you're there, really.\" The majority of Wright's crew also left the project in the wake of his departure. By May 30, Adam McKay had entered negotiations to replace Wright, but he pulled out", "id": "12541980" }, { "contents": "Vow (song)\n\n\n. Lyrically, Manson claimed \"'Vow' is about having feelings [of vengeance]. You have to face your feelings of revenge and work out why you feel that way. It's about that conundrum when you're really angry but in reality you're in a pitiful state. Angry, twisted, but deep down, vulnerable.\" During promotion for the song, Garbage joked to journalists that \"Vow\" was about John and Lorena Bobbitt. Garbage had not initially planned to release \"Vow\" as their first", "id": "1709284" }, { "contents": "Internet activism\n\n\nall well and good in the past. Now it's a recipe for disaster ... You can choose to have a Stalinist structure that's really doctrinaire and that's really opposed to grassroots. Or you can say, 'Go forth. Do what you're going to do.' As long as we're running in the same direction, it's much better to give some freedom.\" Two-thirds of Internet users under the age of 30 have a SNS, and during the 2008 election, half of them used", "id": "9775975" }, { "contents": "Chris Daly\n\n\nmayor of this city.\" Brown also compared Daly to a stalker and suicide bomber, stating that, \"When you conspire and calculate what you intend to do several days before you're designated as the acting mayor, you really are venal, you really are violative of all the protocols. It's like stalking. You knew exactly what you were intending to do. You concealed all your steps. You carefully plotted, then you did it behind closed doors, and then you laughed about it.\" Brown said he", "id": "9554017" }, { "contents": "Make Me (Cry)\n\n\ninto being about a toxic love and that's when I was like, 'Lab, there's no way I'm doing this without you.' It was so organic, and I think that shows in the video because it's very real. I think it's cool because they're asleep the whole time and you're trying to get into this person and they're just not listening to you. The video really explains the song.\" \"Teen Vogue\"s De Elizabeth dubbed it a \"gut-wrenching power-", "id": "1192013" }, { "contents": "James Everett Chase\n\n\nof some of the elders in the black community.\" When his first term was coming to an end, Chase had back surgery that included a \"long and painful recovery.\"Chase announced that he would not be seeking another term. He remarked, \"You hate to leave something that's going this good, you really do. The other part of it is, you're glad to leave something that's going this good. You know it will keep going on.\" Over his career, Chase earned a number", "id": "20131956" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous recovery\n\n\nthat you do not have because your family can't afford it when you were young, you could believe that \"things in life are hard to come by\". When you're an adult another situation could arise that is similar, and the recovery of that association and inner response can show up spontaneously as jealousy again. It is why a lot of people say to themselves, \"where does this feeling come from\" or, \"Why did I do that?\" A lot of human reactions are from spontaneous recovery", "id": "9114540" }, { "contents": "Live from the Tape Deck\n\n\nand 43 minutes long. When you get on a vibe this good you get hooked like a morphine addict and you want that feeling to last, and you can't wait to have it again. If you want to go old school get a 90-minute cassette and dub this sh-t off twice front to back, then pop it in your stereo and hit the autoreverse button so it stays looped. Better hope that the tape don't pop while you're sippin' on Private Stock. This is the new old school", "id": "18287522" }, { "contents": "The Prodigy\n\n\n, you know, we ended up being really proud of it. You have to have a different brain when you're doing a record like that. It's more about [saying] \"this is your achievement\"; I could hold in one hand all the records we've released, so that was cool. We're moving on now, and getting on with the new record. The Prodigy tested a few of the new tracks at Rainbow Warehouse Birmingham and Plug in Sheffield in May 2008. The Prodigy showcased four", "id": "6122301" }, { "contents": "That's Why I Love You Like I Do\n\n\nreach the top of \"Billboard's\" Hot Country Singles chart since 1967. James, meanwhile, had re-recorded \"You're the Reason ...\" in a faster-tempoed rendition, complete with a horn section. The new version was retitled \"That's Why I Love You Like I Do\" (for the last line in the refrain), and was released in April. By mid-June, James had returned to the top of the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song became James' 22nd", "id": "16541906" }, { "contents": "The Lion's Mouth Opens\n\n\nthis is great, but people don’t know why it’s such a difficult disease. We have to show it.’ [...] We tend to be quite shy and I think sometimes your first instinct is to not show it and that is a good instinct in the sense that it feels respectful, but actually when you get into that community, they really want people to understand it and they really want people to recognize it. Because a lot of challenges they face have to do with when people don’t recognize", "id": "8157841" }, { "contents": "Lloyd Cole (album)\n\n\nthe other half about emotional nakedness and, vulnerability. That's why it opens with the line, 'You look so good when you're depressed', because women do. It's really unfair!\" Before the album was released, Cole began publicising the album in Paris, staying on the city after enjoying a honeymoon. Large cardboard cut outs of the singer were displayed in record shops across Europe during the early days of the record release. Three singles were released for the album; 'No Blue Skies' debuted", "id": "14537448" }, { "contents": "Troy Donahue\n\n\nscreenplays under a pseudonym. Donahue was struggling to make his way in a changing Hollywood. As he said later, \"If you're the boy next door and you're supposed to be squeaky clean, all you had to do was let your sideburns grow and suddenly you were a hippie.\" Donahue says when he met casting directors they would ask \"Why don't you comb your hair? How come you have grown a moustache? What are you doing with a beard?\" He also thinks his career was hurt", "id": "14357843" }, { "contents": "The Madcap Laughs\n\n\nWhy don't you get your finger out and do something? The guy was in trouble, and was a close friend for many years before then, so it really was the least one could do.\" After the first session with new producers Gilmour and Waters, on 12 June, they had remade \"Clowns and Jugglers\" into \"Octopus\", from the Soft Machine's overdubbed version; then, they re-recorded \"Golden Hair\", and recorded \"Long Gone\" and \"Dark Globe\". As", "id": "20161890" }, { "contents": "My Japan\n\n\nturn this anger against the enemy: \"\"They work longer hours than you do, twice as long, quite often. Why not? They're not working for the clock. They're working to win the war! They do not make as much money as you do. Well, they are not working to make money, they are working to win war! They work every day of every week. Is this so strange? They are not working to get days off, they are working to win the war", "id": "14527173" }, { "contents": "Destiny: The Taken King\n\n\nThe Taken King\", their goal was to \"deliver a story that players can really sink their teeth into. The Taken King's a villain, a bad guy that you see and understand, and his motivations and what he's doing. You're trying to stop. You understand the steps you're taking to get there, to defeat him. We're definitely trying to improve the storytelling in the game.\" Changes were made to other areas as well; strike designer James Tsai explained that the strike missions in", "id": "6786045" }, { "contents": "American Storm\n\n\nWest and the South. The key line in 'American Storm' is 'You never feel the need.' You never feel anything when you're on drugs. You're numb. You're afraid to feel for one reason or another, and that's why you turn to drugs. I want to see people not do that.\" \"American Storm\" is in the key of E major. Music critic Maury Dean explains that the song builds tension in the verses by playing rhythm guitar chords on the backbeat and", "id": "11457929" }, { "contents": "Stella Crawford\n\n\nbeing welcomed into a really special playground that you never thought you had the chance to play in, and you are rather in awe of all the kids, but very excited.\" When she was first introduced, Stella appeared to be a scatterbrained but well-meaning character who lived on her own and had developed something of a drink problem when Phil first met her. She dryly comments on this, saying \"You're getting a basic picture of a spinster here, aren't you? You're probably wondering if I", "id": "1169299" }, { "contents": "Dance Again\n\n\nan interview with Ryan Seacrest, Lopez revealed that she loved being able to collaborate with RedOne and Pitbull again. She stated: \"We had a great chemistry the last time, and it was like 'We're going to have to do something again.' And this was the perfect song. I love the message of the song. That when something bad happens, your life is not over. You have to get up. You're gonna live. You're gonna to be okay. You're gon", "id": "7017525" }, { "contents": "I'm a Lonesome Fugitive\n\n\nin a dark mood...and I said, 'Is everything okay?' And he said, 'I'm really scared.' And I said, 'Why?' And he said, 'Cause I'm afraid someday I'm gonna be out there...and there's gonna be some convict...some prisoner that was in there the same time I was in, stand up—and they're gonna be about the third row down—and say, 'What do you think you're doing,", "id": "5596753" }, { "contents": "Merle Haggard\n\n\nhe was in a dark mood ... and I said, 'Is everything okay?' And he said, 'I'm really scared.' And I said, 'Why?' And he said, 'Cause I'm afraid someday I'm gonna be out there ... and there's gonna be ... some prisoner ... in there the same time I was in, stand up—and they're gonna be about the third row down—and say, 'What do you think you're doing, 45200", "id": "6694039" }, { "contents": "Chris Ryan's Strike Back\n\n\nthe UK because it's something we don't do very often, but there's no reason why we shouldn't.\" Richard Armitage called the series an \"ambitious project for television. But the advantage of that is that these three feature films are linked together so you get a really interesting character arc through all episodes. American television is being brave and doing that at the moment, and this is stepping into that area.\" Former SAS soldier and the original novel's author, Chris Ryan, served as the series", "id": "4805484" } ]
Order of operations in math (BODMAS, BEDMAS)
[{"answer": "It's not purely arbitrary. There's a logic behind it. First off there's the brackets, this has to be first because this is how you force an equation to do what you want and override the other rules,if it was after then you'd lose the ability to do something. Next is exponentiation, multiplication and division. This group of three are all united under the banner of product actions. Things that multiply and divide. The order actually doesn't matter for multiplication and division. After that there's addition and subtraction. Again the order of addition/subtraction doesn't matter. So we'll put them under the banner of sums. So why are products given priority over sums? This is one of those things that mathematicians the world over and throughout history have sort of silently agreed with one another. The best suspicion is that all products of sums can be rewritten as the sum of products. EG: you can write (A+3) x (B+5) as (AxB)+(3xB)+(Ax5)+(Bx5), but notice how many more brackets are in the second one. If you made sums have precedence over products, you could write (A+3) x (B+5) as A+3 x B+3, but then you have to write (AxB)+(3xB)+(Ax5)+(Bx5) once you expanded it out. Now if you put products before sums (A+3) x (B+5) stays the same but (AxB)+(3xB)+(Ax5)+(Bx5) becomes AB+3B+5A+5B, it's so obvious you don't even need the 'x' symbol anymore and you save time writing parenthesis. So why exponentiation before multiplication? Similar book keeping reasons. Exponentiation is basically A^2 = AxA. And the product of sums for (A+1) x (2A+1) = 2(A^2 )+(2xA)+(Ax1)+(1x1). But the situations where you want to multiply before exponentiating come up less frequently then quadratic equations and such, at least to early mathematicians, so they just save the brackets and write 2A^2 +2A+A+1 #TL:DR math people are kinda lazy/efficient, they came up with this because it takes less time to write it down that way."}, {"answer": "So, this has nothing fundamental to do with mathematics, it's entirely just to do with how you write things. You could choose different rules for how to write and the math would be exactly the same. It's like asking why a word is spelled one way instead of another. There's a historical reason, but it could just as easily be another way and it wouldn't break anything. That said, I don't know that anyone knows exactly why we ended up with the notation we did. One could guess that it comes from things like calculating goods. If you have to write that you sold 3 apples at 4 dollars each, 10 bananas at 2 dollars each, and a cake at 20 dollars, it's nice to be able to write that as 3*4 + 10*2 + 1*20 That's just a guess, though."}, {"answer": "Is it not PEMDAS anymore? I learned PEMDAS, when did it change?"}, {"answer": "Essentially, it's an arbitrary choice of ordering that the mathematics world has standardized on. So long as everyone writes and reads using the same order, we can accurately communicate mathematical concepts. Ultimately what we want to convey here isn't a linear list of symbols but an *expression tree* that says what operations to apply to what numbers in what order. It looks like this: + / \\ 2 x / \\ 2 2 The \"normal\" way we write down this tree is called \"infix notation\". You start from the top of the tree, write the part on the left branch, then the operator at the top and then the right branch. But the problem is that this infix notation is ambiguous. \"2+2x2\" could also be a way to write the tree x / \\ + 2 / \\ 2 2 which does not have a value of 6 and is not what we want to communicate. BEDMAS gets around the ambiguity of infix notation by creating invisible parentheses so that \"2+2x2\" is read as \"2+(2x2)\" by convention, and that unambiguously means the first expression tree. BEDMAS itself was chosen mainly because it allows us to write polynomials compactly. Still, there are other solutions to the problem of writing expression trees compactly and linearly. For instance you can use [\"postfix notation\" - write first the left part of the tree, then the right, then the operation]( URL_0 ). This way you always know what two things each operator works on, without needing BEDMAS as a crutch to disambiguate. The first tree would then be written down as \"2 2 2 x +\", while the second tree is \"2 2 + 2 x\"."}, {"answer": "The reason the order is the way it is come from two facts: first, everything can be expressed as addition if you were crazy; and second, we have already defined our operations. The order of operations solves everything from the top-down so the final evaluation is all the result of addition. Recall that subtraction, say 4-2, can be expressed as 4+(-2); this makes it of the same priority as addition. This allows us to see why 4-3+2 is the same as 4+2-3. (That is 4+(-3)+2 = 4+2+(-3).) Likewise, multiplication can be expressed as repeated addition. The statement 4x5 can be expressed as either 5+5+5+5 or 4+4+4+4+4. These sums will both be equal to 20, as will the product. In order to \"undo\" multiplication, we define division, which can be expressed as repeated subtraction. (And subtraction can be rewritten as addition!) Finally, exponents express repeated multiplication. The statement 3^4 can be rewritten as 3x3x3x3. This, in turn can be written (3x3x3)+(3x3x3)+(3x3x3) =[(3x3)+(3x3)+(3x3)]+[(3x3)+(3x3)+(3x3)]+[(3x3)+(3x3)+(3x3)] and so on. Parentheses are used to \"force\" a given operation to be performed first. This merely treats everything in the parentheses as a single number. The expression 8x(2+3) evaluates to 40 because we can say 8x(2+3) = 8x5 = 40 or (2+3)+(2+3)+(2+3)+...+(2+3) [repeating eight times] = 40. In the end, we're just expressing lots of addition as much simpler expressions and adding everything up in the end."}, {"answer": "You can see it in action with real world examples. For example, you buy 3 cokes for $2 each, 4 candy bars for $1.50 each, and 5 cupcakes for $3 each. How much are you spending altogether? You know here that you *must* do the multiplication first. I think it boils down to what these operations represent. Multiplication is repeated addition. So if you break down the above problem, you have 2 + 2 + 2 + 1.50 + 1.50 ... etc. There is truly only one right way to do it. I disagree that it's arbitrary."}, {"answer": "I was taught it was PEMDAS. So who's right?"}, {"answer": "As a sidenote, most computers handle this stuff in a Reverse Polish style (on the insides. The parts we see are standard notation). That looks like the following: 1 4 3 + * Which is equivalent to: 1 * (4 + 3) In this notation, there *is* no relevant order of operation. All that matters is the order of the terms. To read it, you basically do the following: for each item in formula (left to right): 1. If the item is a number, put it on a stack 2. If the item is an operator, remove two items from the stack, perform that operation, and put the result back So in the example I gave, it would go like this: Input | What do you do? | Stack ---|---|---- 1 | Push 1 to stack | [1,] 4 | Push 4 to stack | [1, 4,] 3 | Push 3 | [1, 4, 3,] + | Pop 2. Push (x + y) | [1, 7,] * | Pop 2. Push (x * y) | [7,] None | Return result | 7"}, {"answer": "Maybe others have explained it better, but to me multiplying is just glorified adding. Which would mean that 2 + 2 x 2 = 2 + (2 + 2) = 6 This means you have to solve the multiplication first inorder for things to make sense. Let's have another example 10 + 5 x 5 Now if you think that 5 x 5 is just (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5) then you have to count it first, otherwise you would end up with (15 x 5) which would be (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5) Same with division it's just glorified substraction. This might just be dumb and someone probably explained it better, but just my two cents"}, {"answer": "Following on from what other people said, it's just grammar for maths. The difference between 2+2x2 and (2+2)x2 is similar to the difference between 'we're going to eat, grandma' and 'we're going to eat grandma' essentially we're getting the same information, but where we need to focus what we're doing is where the 'grammar' is (or lack of)."}, {"answer": "The truth? Most of it is completely arbitrary. Obviously parentheses make sense to be worked out first, but the rest of it is just so everybody will try to do the math problem the same. If you take enough math you figure out that most of the operations rules are there to minimize the amount of actual writing your professor has to do to teach a lecture."}, {"answer": "The precedence of operations is entirely arbitrary from a mathematical perspective, there's no good reason to choose one ordering of operations over another. However, there are practical reasons. When you get into algebra and you have to write equations like: a*x1+b*x2+c*x3 would be a real hassle to have to write: (a*x1)+(b*x2)+(c*x3) ...all the time. Soon, an alternative shorthand would develop anyway to make these expressions more tersely represented (as often happens in mathematics...check out bra-ket notation or how tensors are represented)."}, {"answer": "Brackets have to come first because that's our way of breaking the rules. Exponentials are a shorthand for repetitive multiplication. eg. 3^5 = 3x3x3x3x3 Multiplication are a shorthand for repetitive addition. eg. 5*4 = 5+5+5+5 Division is just inverse multiplication, and subtraction is negative addition. Naturally, exponentials are on a higher level than multiplication and division, which are on a higher level than addition and subtraction. That's why the convention is to operate on them in BEDMAS."}, {"answer": "If it's arbitrary like all the other answers are saying, couldn't we do it differently and still get the same result? As a matter of fact, yes! See [Polish Notation]( URL_0 ). Basically, the middle most operator works on the two middlemost numbers, and both proceed to opposite ends. -+/4 2 7 3 Is the same as ((4/2)+7)-2 The way we do it is just a notational convenience."}, {"answer": " > There must be a better reason than \"because otherwise you'll get the wrong answer\" Nope, not really. A long long time ago it was decided the order would be that way so that when given any equation everybody would get the same result. Just like there's no scientific reason a wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand."}, {"answer": "It's a syntax more than a rule. Common interpretation of equations. Instructions on how to read (and write) formulae."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "212980", "title": "Order of operations", "section": "Section::::Mnemonics.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 26, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 26, "end_character": 235, "bleu_score": 0.605854760327212}]}]
[ { "contents": "Math Blaster Mystery: The Great Brain Robbery\n\n\n, until Dr. Dabble's lab is reached. The math puzzles consist of multiple choice questions, formulas, arithmetics, estimates, ratios, negative numbers, BODMAS, decimals and algebraic equations. Every math puzzle activity has three different difficulty levels to choose from. By the near end of the game, the player has to win an arcade-style platformer level by throwing goo at Dr. Dabble's critters. The remake has the same style of gameplay as the original, but with newer graphics, a different mansion layout, additional", "id": "4860764" }, { "contents": "Puzzle\n\n\nstands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. In certain regions, PEDMAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction) is the synonym of BODMAS. It explains the order of operations to solve an expression. Some mathematical puzzle requires Top to Bottom convention to avoid the ambiguity in the order of operations. It is an elegantly simple idea that relies, as sudoku does, on the requirement that numbers appear only once starting from top to bottom as coming along. Puzzle makers are", "id": "5268785" }, { "contents": "Puzzle\n\n\nconstruction puzzles, stick puzzles, tiling puzzles, disentanglement puzzles, lock puzzles, folding puzzles, combination puzzles, and mechanical puzzles. Solutions of puzzles often require the recognition of patterns and the adherence to a particular kind of ordering. People with a high level of inductive reasoning aptitude may be better at solving such puzzles than others. But puzzles based upon inquiry and discovery may be solved more easily by those with good deduction skills. Deductive reasoning improves with practice. Mathematical puzzles often involves BODMAS. BODMAS is an acronym and it", "id": "5268784" }, { "contents": "Atmasthananda\n\n\nHe was also appointed Secretary of the relief operations of the Math and Mission. Under his stewardship, the Math and Mission conducted massive relief and rehabilitation operations in various parts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh. He became the General Secretary of the Math and Mission in 1992 and continued in that post until 1997, when he became a Vice-President of the Order. As a vice-president of the math and mission, he travelled extensively in various parts of the country and visited many branches of the Order and some unaffiliated", "id": "15870151" }, { "contents": "Soni Sori\n\n\nBade Bedma village for over a decade. Her brother Sukhdev and his wife were also elected to the panchayat (village council) as Congress representatives. Two of her uncles were also Congress leaders, who served as MLAs. Her cousin Amrita Sori is Deputy Superintendent of Police in Jagdalpur, the headquarters of Bastar district. Sori's family owns large tracts of lands in Dantewada district. In the 2010s, the Naxals forbade her relatives from cultivating their land. Her father served as an informant against the Naxals. On 14 June 2011", "id": "16295369" }, { "contents": "Common Educational Proficiency Assessment\n\n\nprovides the following descriptors in its documentation. CEPA-Math tests basic math skills including algebra, geometry and measurement, basic data analysis and number sense (e.g. scientific notation, order of operations, fractions/decimals and estimation). There are 50 questions on CEPA-Math. Like CEPA-English, the test is developed in conjunction with faculty members at the three federal institutions of higher education, and scored using IRT modeling. All cut scores and placement scores are determined by the three federal institutions of higher education themselves,", "id": "10945197" }, { "contents": "Bellwald\n\n\n, , was 2.52%. The historical population is given in the following chart: The entire hamlet of Bodma is designated as part of the Inventory of Swiss Heritage Sites In the 2007 federal election the most popular party was the CVP which received 56.51% of the vote. The next three most popular parties were the SVP (18.89%), the SP (17.91%) and the FDP (4.28%). In the federal election, a total of 167 votes were cast, and the voter turnout was 54.4%", "id": "21206493" }, { "contents": "W. Michael Mathes\n\n\nhighest decoration bestowed on foreign citizens. The government of Spain also awarded Mathes the Order of Isabella the Catholic in November 2005. Mathes received the Order of Isabella the Catholic at the \"International Colloquium of El Camino Real -- Mexico Norte y Texas\" conference at the University of Texas campus in San Antonio, Texas. Mathes was also the director of Biblioteca Mathes near Guadalajara, Jalisco. He donated an extensive collection of manuscripts and books to the El Colegio de Jalisco in Zapopan and the collection is now called the Biblioteca Mathes..", "id": "20399713" }, { "contents": "Alambazar Math\n\n\nof the Ramakrishna Order. The first monastery of the Ramakrishna order was established in Baranagar, Calcutta and it came to be known as the Baranagar Math. The dilapidated building of Baranagar Math could not serve the monastery for long and hence in 1892, the Math was shifted to a new building in Alambazar, a place in Baranagar. The building was dis reputed as a haunted house as two persons had committed suicide there and hence it was available cheap. The house was fairly large, quadrangular, two storey building comprising two sections", "id": "21237712" }, { "contents": "Combinatorial modelling\n\n\nchoose the right operation, and the result is: In a distribution problem it is required to place \"k\" objects into \"n\" boxes or recipients.  In order to choose the right operation out of the ones that the model provides, it is necessary to know: The following table shows the operations that the model provides to get the number of different ways of distributing the objects for each of the distributions: \"1.- A maths teacher has to give 3 studentships among his students. 7 of them got an '", "id": "17008764" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Mission\n\n\nhis young disciples organised themselves into a new monastic order. The original monastery at Baranagar known as Baranagar Math was subsequently moved to the nearby Alambazar area in 1892, then to Nilambar Mukherjee's Garden House, south of the present Belur Math in 1898 before finally being shifted in January 1899 to a newly acquired plot of land at Belur in Howrah district by Vivekananda. This monastery, known as the Belur Math, serves as the Mother House for all the monks of the Order who live in the various branch centres of the Math", "id": "14718222" }, { "contents": "Bedtime Math\n\n\ngrowing following as \"heartening news for educators who bemoan the state of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education in the U.S.\" There are over 70,000 subscribers to the daily math problem. In March 2014 Bedtime Math launched its free nationwide after-school math club, designed to make math truly recreational for kids. Within months, the organization had received over 2,000 orders for free math club kits serving over 30,000 kids in grades K-5. In 2015, an article in the journal Science reported on a randomized trial", "id": "4336995" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math\n\n\nRamakrishna Math is a religious monastic order, considered part of the Hindu reform movements. It was set up by sanyasin disciples of Ramakrishna pramhansa headed by Swami Vivekananda at Baranagar Math in Baranagar, a place near Calcutta (now Kolkata), in 1886. India. The headquarters of Ramakrishna Math and its twin organisation, Ramakrishna Mission is at Belur Math (in West Bengal, India). Although Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission are legally and financially separate, they are closely inter-related in several other ways and are to be", "id": "5162217" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math\n\n\nwas located at Alambazar, half a mile from Dakshineshwar Temple. The house which housed the Alambazar Math, as it is popularly known today, was visited by Sri Ramakrishna. For a short period, the math was temporarily moved to the Nilambar Mukherjee Garden, below the final settlement at Belur Math. This monastery, known as Belur Math, serves as the Mother House for all the monks of Ramakrishna Order who live in the various branch centres of Ramakrishna Math and/or the related Ramakrishna Mission in different parts of India and the world", "id": "5162222" }, { "contents": "Baranagar Math\n\n\nBaranagar Math (Baranagar Monastery) or Ramakrishna Math, Baranagar was the first monastery of Ramakrishna Order. In September 1886, after the death of Ramakrishna, when his devotees stopped funding, Swami Vivekananda (then known as Narendranath Datta) and other disciples of Ramakrishna decided to make a dilapidated house at Baranagar their new \"math\". The house crumbled to dust in 1897. In 1973 Vivekananda Math Samrakshan Samity was formed who attempted to preserve the area. In 2001, the possession was handed over to Belur Math authority, who", "id": "12484735" }, { "contents": "Shuddhananda\n\n\nShuddhananda who was the fifth president of the Ramakrishna Order, was a direct monastic disciple of Vivekananda. He joined the Ramakrishna Math in 1897. He became a trustee of Ramakrishna Math and a member of the governing body of Ramakrishna Mission in May 1903. He also took up the editorship of the Bengali magazine called Udbodhan for sometime. He was appointed as the secretary of the math and the mission in 1927 and as the vice president in 1937. In 1938 he became the president of the order. His tenure was short,", "id": "18031974" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Bhubaneswar\n\n\nRamakrishna Math and Mission, Bhubaneswar is a monastic organization for men brought into existence by Ramakrishna (1836–1886), a 19th-century saint of Bengal. The motto of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission is: \"For one's own salvation, and for the welfare of the world\". Sri Ramakrishna Math, Bhubaneswar is the first branch center of the Ramakrishna Order in Odisha. It was started in the year 1919 by Swami Brahmananda, one of the direct disciples of Ramakrishna . Besides Swami Brahmananda, the Math was visited", "id": "3697790" }, { "contents": "Math Kernel Library\n\n\nIntel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL) is a library of optimized math routines for science, engineering, and financial applications. Core math functions include BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, sparse solvers, fast Fourier transforms, and vector math. The routines in MKL are hand-optimized specifically for Intel processors. The library supports Intel processors and is available for Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems. Intel launched the Math Kernel Library on May 9, 2003, and called it blas.lib. The project's development teams are located in", "id": "22011351" }, { "contents": "Belur Math\n\n\nArchitecture\". The campus of the Belur Math on the banks of the Hooghly includes temples dedicated to Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi and Swami Vivekananda, in which their relics are enshrined, and the main monastery of the Ramakrishna Order. The campus also houses a Museum containing articles connected with the history of Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Several educational institutions affiliated with the Ramakrishna Mission are situated in the vast campus adjacent to Belur Math. The Belur Math is considered as one of the prime tourist spots near Kolkata and place of pilgrimage by devotees", "id": "20151149" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Sarada Math\n\n\ntreated the Holy Mother and Bhutnath Mukherjee, a renowned chartered accountant, were opposed by the Belur Math administration during a general assembly session of the Mission in March, 1929. Owing to difference of opinion with the then Belur Math authorities, 22 monks and 107 householder devotees of the order decided to form a new Math at a meeting at the legendary house of Pasupatinath Bose at Baghbazar to carry on the works on their own, based on the ideals of Sri Ramakrishna, the Holy Mother and Swamiji. The Math was named Sri", "id": "21947865" }, { "contents": "Hankel transform\n\n\nand as the zeroth-order Hankel transform operator, then the special case of the projection-slice theorem for circularly symmetric functions states that In other words, applying the Abel transform to a 1-dimensional function and then applying the Fourier transform to that result is the same as applying the Hankel transform to that function. This concept can be extended to higher dimensions. }{k}/math The expression coincides with the expression for the Laplace operator in polar coordinates applied to a spherically symmetric function . The Hankel transform of Zernike polynomials are essentially Bessel", "id": "5652126" }, { "contents": "Reform mathematics\n\n\npaper-and-pencil computation drills and greater attention to mental computation, estimation skills, thinking strategies for mastering basic facts and conceptual understanding of arithmetic operations. During the peak of the controversy in the 1990s, unfavorable terminology for reform mathematics appeared in press and web articles, including \"Where's the math?\", \"anti-math\", \"math for dummies\", \"rainforest algebra\", \"math for women and minorities\", and \"new new math\". Most of these critical terms refer to", "id": "9091855" }, { "contents": "Math circle\n\n\nsignificant extension of mathematical creativity in order to successfully achieve the ends. For some people, competition carries with it a negative connotation and corollary of greed for victory rather than an appreciation of mathematics. However, those who run math circles centering mostly on competition rather than seminars and lessons attest that this is a large assumption. Rather, participants grow in their appreciation of math via math competitions such as the AMC, AIME, USAMO, and ARML. Some math circles are completely devoted to preparing teams or individuals for particular competitions.", "id": "972312" }, { "contents": "Swami Yatiswarananda\n\n\nSwami Yatiswarananda (1889-1966) was a vice-president of Ramakrishna Order whose headquarter is in Belur Math. He was a disciple of Swami Brahmananda, a brother disciple of Swami Vivekananda and a direct disciple and spiritual son of Ramakrishna. He served in Philadelphia propagating the message of Vedanta. He was the president of Bangalore centre of Ramakrishna Math. He founded an ashrama in Switzerland. Yatiswarananda was born as Suresh Chandra Bhattacharya in erstwhile Bengal. He joined Ramakrishna Order in Belur Math and got initiation from Swami Brahmananda, the", "id": "17666994" }, { "contents": "John Saxon (educator)\n\n\n\" and \"Math 87\". Nancy Larson of West Haven, Connecticut authored programs titled \"Math K\", \"Math 1\", \"Math 2\" and \"Math 3\". Other books produced by the publishing company included \"Saxon Phonics and Spelling\" for kindergarten through third grade, as well as a book on physics. Upon graduation from MIT with a PhD in pure mathematics, Frank Wang was asked by Saxon to run the day-to-day operations of the company. Wang started as a 16-year", "id": "5678549" }, { "contents": "Math–verbal achievement gap\n\n\nof the questions in order to reduce reader-bias towards standardized testing. They were then disseminated to more than 1,500 qualified high school math teachers that were randomly selected from a pool of every high school (both public and private) in the United States. Their responses were tabulated. Lech found that the SAT math questions were not getting easier at all in the eyes of these math teachers; in fact they were getting slightly harder. The research hypothesis Lech tested was rejected: the questions on the math portions of the SAT", "id": "14106425" }, { "contents": "LEAP Science and Maths Schools\n\n\nalternative model. LEAP Science and Maths school was the alternative model. LEAP Science and Maths school was a deliberate decision of John Gilmour seeking to increase the number of black learners who take science and maths-based modules at high school in order to increase the chance of being accepted at University, particular in disciplines where these modules are a prerequisite. John resigned as Headmaster of Abbot’s College in 2004, where he has been since he left Pinelands in 1997, to focus on LEAP Science and Maths School. In January 2004", "id": "8028378" }, { "contents": "Cis (mathematics)\n\n\nexponential functions shouldn't be used for some reason in math education. In information technology, the function sees dedicated support in various high-performance math libraries (such as Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL)), available for many compilers, programming languages (including C, C++, Common Lisp, D, Fortran, Haskell, Julia), and operating systems (including Windows, Linux, macOS and HP-UX). Depending on the platform the fused operation is about twice as fast as calling the sine and", "id": "12906296" }, { "contents": "Science and Math Institute (Tacoma)\n\n\nTacoma Science and Math Institute (also known as SAMi), is a public high school in the Tacoma Public Schools district. It is located in Metro Parks Tacoma in Tacoma, Washington. The school offers an integrated inquiry-based curriculum for students in grades 9-12 that combines the arts, science, math, and environmental and marine studies. It operates in partnership with local organizations, including the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium as well as local universities. SAMi also operates in partnership with other local schools, including its", "id": "11050174" }, { "contents": "Yahoo! Pipes\n\n\ndesired format. This category contained only the location builder module. This module recognized the strings which were the description of a location and converted them to geographical location. Its input was in string form and output in location form. This category only had the simple math module. It applied simple math operations to the number input it takes and outputs the result of math operation. Both the input and the output were numbers. This is the pane which shows the output of the selected module on the pipe. While designing a pipe", "id": "16496945" }, { "contents": "Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai\n\n\nSri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai is a monastic organisation for men brought into existence by Ramakrishna (1836–1886), a 19th-century saint of Bengal. The motto of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission is: \"For one's own salvation, and for the welfare of the world\". The mutt in Chennai is the first branch center of the Ramakrishna Order in Southern India. It was started in the year 1897 by Swami Ramakrishnananda, one of the direct disciples of Ramakrishna. Besides Swami Ramakrishnananda, the Math was visited by", "id": "5140685" }, { "contents": "S. J. Mathes\n\n\nSamuel Jay Mathes, known as S.J. Mathes, (1849?–1927) was a pioneer printer and newspaperman in Los Angeles, California, who in 1881 and 1882 directed the editorial policies of the newly established \"Los Angeles Daily Times,\" which later became the \"Los Angeles Times,\" until General Harrison Gray Otis took over in August 1882. Mathes later became, in effect, a tour operator for visitors to Southern California aboard Pullman sleeping cars from the East Mathes came to Los Angeles in 1875. \"It was a little", "id": "12307979" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Order\n\n\nThe Ramakrishna Order (Bengali: রামকৃষ্ণ সংঘ) is the monastic organization inspired by Sri Ramakrishna and founded by his disciple Swami Vivekananda. The Ramakrishna Order encompasses the twin organizations Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, both headquartered at Belur Math near Kolkata, India. The organization was inspired by the great Bengali saint, Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna was born in the year of 1836. Ramakrishna decided to entrust his people to his top disciple, Swami Vivekananda. Vivekananda then founded the Ramakrishna Order in the year of 1897. It involves the", "id": "13054648" }, { "contents": "W. Michael Mathes\n\n\nWilliam Michael Mathes (April 15, 1936 – August 13, 2012) was an American historian and academic who focused on the histories of Mexico and Spain. Mathes was a leading expert on the history of Baja California. His articles can be found in the \"Journal of San Diego History\" and other publications. Mathes, an alumnus of the University of New Mexico, was a former professor of history at the University of San Francisco. In 1985, the Mexican government awarded him the Order of the Aztec Eagle, the", "id": "20399712" }, { "contents": "Baranagar Math\n\n\nof Ramakrishna took formal monastic vows at Baranagr Math. The house, which was already in a dilapidated condition, crumbled down to dust in 1897. No initiative could be taken at that time to restore the house. In the same year Vivekananda returned from the West. On 25 January 1963, under the supervision and guidance of Swami Ramananda, a monk of Ramakrishna Order, the local people of Baranagar formed a society named \"Baranagar Math Samrakshan Samity\". The objective of the committee was to preserve the land where Baranagar Math", "id": "12484738" }, { "contents": "Dudhadhari temple\n\n\nof pronunciation, the term evolved as Dudhdhari. The Math thus takes the name Dudhdhari Math. The Math came under royal patronage of the-then Maratha ruler of Nagpur Maharaja Raghuraoji Bhonsle. The Maharaja brought out a royal charter as per which the head of Sree Dudhdhari Math would be conferred upon the title ‘Rajeshri’ and since then all the Heads/Mahant of the order were given the title of ‘Rajeshri’. Hence the first as well as founder Mahant of the institution was Rajeshri Mahant Balbhadradas Ji Maharaj, and", "id": "13158505" }, { "contents": "University of Altamura\n\n\nbrought some math books with him, that his father confiscated, ordering him to devote himself to theology. But Ruggeri, breaking his father's orders, often went to the house of Luca de Samuele Cagnazzi and his brother in order to study, borrowed math books from them and went to the nearby countryside of Altamura in order to study. It also occurred that Ruggeri lost some books or that his father had them confiscated, asking a servant to give the books back to Cagnazzi and to not borrow them anymore. Rector Gioacchino", "id": "9791322" }, { "contents": "Mifflinburg Area School District\n\n\n, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania adopted the Pennsylvania Core Standards - Mathematics, in compliance with a mandate unilaterally imposed by Governor Edward Rendell. 8th Grade Reading 8th Grade Math: 8th Grade Science: 7th Grade Reading: 7th Grade Math: 6th Grade Reading: 6th Grade Math: In 2014, Mifflinburg Area School District operates two elementary schools. The district operated four elementary schools, which scattered throughout the district, through the 2011-12 school year. In the spring of 2011, the Administration announced a plan to close three of", "id": "11467417" }, { "contents": "The Co-operative Academy of Stoke-on-Trent\n\n\nThe Co-operative Academy of Stoke-on-Trent is a mixed secondary school located in the Tunstall area of Stoke-on-Trent in the English county of Staffordshire. Previously known as Brownhills High School, the school was awarded specialist status as a Maths and Computing College and was renamed Brownhills Maths and Computing College. In September 2010 the school converted to academy status and was renamed The Co-operative Academy of Stoke-on-Trent. The school is now part of The Co-operative Academies Trust - a", "id": "3531029" }, { "contents": "Warren County School District\n\n\nstudent achievement. 7th Grade Reading: 7th Grade Math: 6th Grade Reading: 6th Grade Math: 5th Grade Reading: 5th Grade Math: 4th Grade Reading: 4th Grade Math: 4th Grade Science: 3rd Grade Reading: 3rd Grade Math: Tidioute Community Charter School operates within the Warren County School District at 241 Main St, Tidioute. The Tidioute Community Charter School is a public, K4-12 charter school. The school was opened when the district closed Tidioute High School in 2003 and the local elementary school in 2005", "id": "11467635" }, { "contents": "Kashi Math\n\n\nKashi Math is a spiritual organisation followed by the Madhva section of Goud Saraswat Brahmins,who are also referred as Madhwa Saraswat Brahmins or Vaishnava Saraswat Brahmins. It is one of the ancient \"Madhva mathas\" of the Dvaita order,which dates back to the 16th century. With its headquarters in Brahma Ghat, Varanasi. Kashi Math has followers all over the Konkan belt, prominently in Goa, Udupi, Mangalore, Kochi, Alappuzha and other parts of Kerala and Karnataka. The principal deities of Kashi Math are \"charaprathishta\"", "id": "2865262" }, { "contents": "Gaudiya Math\n\n\nThe Gaudiya Math (pronounced \"matt\", IAST: \"Gauḍīya Maṭha\") is a Gaudiya Vaishnava matha (monastic organisation) formed on 6 September 1920, about 30 months after Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati took \"sannyasa\", the renounced order of life. On 7 March 1918, the same day he took \"sannyasa,\" he established the Sri Chaitanya Math in Mayapura in West Bengal, later recognised as the parent body of all the Gaudiya Math branches. Its purpose was to spread Gaudiya Vaishnavism, the philosophy of the medieval", "id": "4659449" }, { "contents": "Cheff v. Mathes\n\n\nfor the years covering the events of this case, did not appear in 1966. Holland Furnace faced charges of unfair trade practices that were known prior to the decision in \"Cheff v. Mathes\". As a result of their investigations into the sales practices of \"Holland Furnace\", the FTC issued a \"cease and desist order\" against the company, an order upheld by the United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. Ultimately, Holland Furnace and Mr. Cheff were held in contempt for violating the order by continuing to", "id": "12310376" }, { "contents": "E-learning (theory)\n\n\naccess and/or store it in long-term memory (for example, seeing a math problem, identifying the values and operations involved, and understanding that your task is to solve the math problem). Intrinsic cognitive load is the mental effort required to perform the task itself (for example, actually solving the math problem). Extraneous cognitive load is the mental effort imposed by the way that the task is delivered, which may or may not be efficient (for example, finding the math problem you are supposed to solve on", "id": "8832423" }, { "contents": "Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai\n\n\n, Lakshmi Puja, Saraswati Puja and other auspicious days. As part of the National youth day celebrations, this year All India level Short film contest has been announced. The Madras Math is today the largest publication house of the Ramakrishna Order. The Math currently publishes 292 titles in English, 333 in Tamil and 17 in Sanskrit/English The Math published its first major book – Swami Vivekananda's \"Inspired Talks\", in 1909. In the same year was published Swami Ramakrishnananda's \"Universe and Man\". In 1909", "id": "5140701" }, { "contents": "Chambersburg Area Senior High School\n\n\n463. Pennsylvania ranked 40th among states with SAT scores: Verbal - 493, Math - 501, Writing - 479. In the United States, 1.65 million students took the exam in 2011. They averaged 497 (out of 800) verbal, 514 math and 489 in writing. The Chambersburg Area School Board has determined that in order to graduate a student must earn 23 credits, including: 4 Credit Units of English; 4 Credit Units of Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, 4th math); 3.5", "id": "6564566" }, { "contents": "Kashi Math\n\n\nbelongings of the math and refrain from interfering in its affairs. A petition seeking a stay on the order was dismissed by the Andhra Pradesh High Court. The Supreme Court of India also confirmed the same on 2 December 2009 and upheld the High Court order recognizing Sudhendra Tirtha as \"mathadipadi\". After months of defying various court orders, Raghavendra Tirtha absconded with the relics and was arrested at Kadapa in October 2011. Thereafter in November 2011, the 'parikaras' were handed over to Sudhindra Tirtha. Samyamindra Thirtha became main disciple", "id": "2865266" }, { "contents": "LEAP Science and Maths Schools\n\n\n, the first LEAP Science and Maths School opened its doors in the suburb of Observatory, Cape Town, with seventy-two learners, seven teachers and one administrative staff member. The LEAP Science and Maths school, which started in Observatory later moved to Pinelands and become known as LEAP 1. It serves learners from community of Langa Township. It is the first and oldest of the LEAP Science and Maths schools. The school is headed by its Operation Leader Oscar Dlodlo. LEAP 2 opened in 2007 also in Pinelands. It", "id": "8028379" }, { "contents": "Beaver Falls High School\n\n\n497 (out of 800) verbal, 514 math and 489 in writing. Big Beaver Falls Area School Board has determined that a pupil must earn 27 credits to graduate including: math 4 credits, English 4 credits, social studies 4 credits, science 3 credits, Physical Education 2 credits, Health 1/2 credit, Communications 1/2 credit, computers 1 credit and electives 5 credits. Any student scoring Below Basic on the 11th grade PSSA Math and/or Reading Assessment is required to take a PSSA Math and/or Reading Class in order to graduate", "id": "14503781" }, { "contents": "Functional correlation\n\n\naims at a \"functional covariance\" corresponding to the first singular value of the cross-covariance operator formula_48, which is attained at functions formula_49. A standardized version of this serves as a functional correlation and is defined as /math|}}, The singular representation of the cross-covariance can be employed to find a soltuion to the maximization problem (4). Analogously, we can extend this concept to find the next formula_50 ordered singular correlation coefficients formula_51. In the multivariate case, the inner product of two vectors formula_52 and", "id": "14628518" }, { "contents": "Open Roberta\n\n\nNEPO block always represents and encapsulates a certain robot functionality. A blocks feature set can easily be recognized through the associated block category, for example »sensors«. Programming with NEPO follows a simple principle. The blocks are interconnected and will be executed by the robot according to their order. This principle is called »sequential operation«. All available blocks are listed and categorized as the Action, Sensors, Control, Logic, Math, Text, Colours, Variables, Functions, and Massages as shown in the table below.", "id": "21323817" }, { "contents": "Belur, West Bengal\n\n\nBelur is a neighbourhood in Howrah city of Howrah district, West Bengal, India, on the west bank of the Hooghly River. It is a part of the area covered by Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA). The area is best known for Belur Math, a religious monastery containing a complex of temples. Belur Math is famous for being the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Math, a monastic order, as well as that of the related Ramakrishna Mission, both founded by Swami Vivekananda. On the opposite side of the Hooghly", "id": "18984115" }, { "contents": "Mata Amritanandamayi\n\n\napologised for the report, publishing an article titled \"Report that Suspicious Deaths at Amritanandamayi Math Are Growing Was Incorrect\". The article stated: \"We now state with conviction that there was nothing suspicious about deaths that happened in the Math. Some of the deaths mentioned in the article did not even take place at the Math.\" The article went on to explain that relatives of the deceased had personally contacted Deshabhimani in order to correct the misinformation conveyed in the original article. In several cases, the editors noted the relatives", "id": "6858722" }, { "contents": "Nauset Regional High School\n\n\n. Physics (A/B/Hon.) → Biology (A/B/Hon.) → Chemistry (A/B/Hon.) → A.P. Physics 1 or A.P. Biology or A.P. Chemistry or A.P. Environmental Science Students need four credits (four years) of Math in order to graduate, but if they fail one year, they may simply double up on Math the following year. In the math department, the general progression is as follows. Obviously, it has exceptions. Also, people commonly double", "id": "7700275" }, { "contents": "Bootstrap curriculum\n\n\nBrown, WPI, and Northeastern. Bootstrap:Algebra is the flagship curriculum for students ages 12–16, teaching algebraic concepts through coding. By the end of the curriculum, each student has designed their own video game using the concepts (e.g. - order of operations, linear functions, function composition, the pythagorean theorem, inequalities in the plane, piecewise functions, and more). Their mission is to take students' excitement around gaming and drive it towards mathematics and computer programming. Beyond simply expanding students’ interest in math,", "id": "13391213" }, { "contents": "Centration\n\n\n-shifting, requires decentration so that attention may be shifted between multiple salient objects or situations. As well, decentration is essential to reading and math skills in order for children to move beyond the individual letters and to the words and meanings presented. As shown earlier, the aspect of quantitative understanding that most interested Piaget was the child's ability to conserve quantities in the face of perceptual change. Later studies have not disproved Piaget's contention that a full understanding of conservation is a concrete operational achievement. Recent work does suggest,", "id": "13855604" }, { "contents": "Vimalananda\n\n\nVimalananda (also called Khagen Maharaj) (1872–1908) was one of the monastic disciples of Vivekananda and an early monk of the Ramakrishna Order. He was involved in the publication of Prabuddha Bharata. He was actively involved in running day-to-day operations of the Advaita Ashrama at Mayavati during the early days of the Ashrama. He also inaugurated the Ramakrishna Math at Ulsoor in Bangalore in 1906. He died in 1908 at the Mayavati Ashrama. Khagendranath Chatterjee was born in a Hindu Brahmin family in 1872. His father,", "id": "16127886" }, { "contents": "Workstation\n\n\nMegabyte of memory, a Megapixel display (roughly 1000×1000), and a \"MegaFLOPS\" compute performance (at least one million floating point operations per second). As limited as this seems today, it was at least an order of magnitude beyond the capacity of the personal computer of the time; the original 1981 IBM Personal Computer had 16 KB memory, a text-only display, and floating-point performance around 1 kiloFLOPS (30 kiloFLOPS with the optional 8087 math coprocessor). Other desirable features not found in desktop", "id": "18962962" }, { "contents": "Private biometrics\n\n\nare not homomorphic, meaning that the results of the one-way encryptions do not allow high order math operations (such as match). For example, we cannot use two SHA-512 sums to compare the closeness of two encrypted documents. This limitation makes it impossible for these one-way encryptions to be used to support classifying models in machine learning—or nearly anything else. The first one-way, homomorphically encrypted, Euclidean-measurable feature vector for biometric processing was proposed in a paper by Streit, Streit and", "id": "4083823" }, { "contents": "MathOverflow\n\n\nit was integrated in the regular Stack Exchange Network, running SE 2.0. According to MathOverflow FAQ, the proper spelling is \"MathOverflow\" rather than \"Math Overflow\". The original version of the website did not support LaTeX markup for mathematical formulas. To support most of the functionality of LaTeX, MathJax was added in order for the site to transform math equations into their appropriate forms. In its current state, any post including \"Math Mode\" (text between $'s) will translate into proper mathematical notation. As", "id": "10699589" }, { "contents": "Baranagar Math\n\n\nremaining disciples. The house belonged to a \"zaminder\" family of Taki, North 24 Parganas district. Surendra Nath Mitra, a devotee of Ramakrishna desired to pay the rent for the house. Narendranath and his \"guru bhai\"s used to collect their daily food by \"holy begging\" (\"madhukari\"). The math became the first building of the \"Ramakrishna Math\"—the monastery of the monastic order of Ramakrishna. Narendra later reminisced about the early days in the monastery: In January 1887, Narendranath Datta and eight other disciples", "id": "12484737" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Mission\n\n\n(1800-1900) saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and founded by his chief disciple Vivekananda. Also referred to as the Ramakrishna Order, the Math is the movement's monastic organisation. Founded by Ramakrishna in 1886, the Math primarily focuses on spiritual training and the propagation of the movement's teachings. The Mission, founded by Vivekananda in 1897, is a humanitarian organisation which carries out medical, relief and educational programs. Both the organisations have headquarters at the Belur Math. The Mission acquired a legal status when it was registered in 1909", "id": "14718208" }, { "contents": "Henry Samueli\n\n\nSamueli was a founding director of the Broadcom Foundation, a 501c(3) corporate nonprofit, and he is the chair of this philanthropy that advances science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Broadcom Foundation sponsors the Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars) and the Broadcom MASTERS International, programs of Society for Science and the Public that inspire middle school students to continue math and science courses into high school in order to create pathways to STEM careers. Samueli was inspired by his own seventh", "id": "18366058" }, { "contents": "Alambazar Math\n\n\nhouse in Belur. It is in this Math that Swamiji first taught systematic meditation to the disciples. In this Math Swamiji first gave the vow of Sannyasa to his disciples. Swami Jitatmananda is a monk of the Ramakrishna order. A student of science in Presidency College, Kolkata, he later did M.A. in English from Jadavpur University. Thereafter he worked as the headmaster of Ramakrishna Mission's School at of the Narendrapur, W.B. & Deoghar in Jharkhand and also was the principal of the R.K. Mission`s Science College at Rahara. He acted", "id": "21237719" }, { "contents": "Ranganathananda\n\n\nRanganathananda (15 December 1908 – 25 April 2005), born Shankaran Kutty, was a Hindu swami of the Ramakrishna Math order. He served as the 13th president of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Ranganathananda was born in 15 December 1908 in a village called Trikkur near Trichur, in Kerala to Neelakanta Shasrty and Lakshmikutty Amma . As teenager, he was attracted by the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna and joined the Mysore centre of Ramakrishna Order as a Brahmachari in 1926. He served the Mysore Centre for 9 years and was", "id": "12492226" }, { "contents": "Alfred Sheinwold\n\n\npair, unless ordered to do so by the ACBL. They were ordered to play, as most, including themselves, anticipated they would be. The Italians prevailed over the Americans in the finals. When Sheinwold first heard allegations against Facchini–Zucchelli, he had to make a difficult decision whether to inform Lew Mathe, then President of the Board of Directors of the ACBL. He decided to defer informing Mathe, so as not to compromise the investigation. When the ACBL Board learned of that decision, it removed Sheinwold from", "id": "1562838" }, { "contents": "Atmasthananda\n\n\nSwami Atmasthananda (14 May 1919 – 18 June 2017) was the fifteenth president of the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. He was born 14th May 1919 at Dinajpur, in the Bengal Presidency. He received spiritual initiation (mantra diksha) in 1938 from Vijnanananda (a direct monastic disciple of Ramakrishna). He joined the Ramakrishna Order at Belur Math on 3 January 1941 at the age of 22 years. In 1945 the then-president of the order, the swami Virajananda (an initiated disciple of Sarada Devi) gave", "id": "15870148" }, { "contents": "Gahanananda\n\n\nsociety and converted the original small maternity hospital into a 550-bed, modern, well-equipped hospital. He was elected a trustee of the Ramakrishna Math and Member of the Governing Body of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1965. In 1979, he was appointed an Assistant Secretary of the twin organizations. He became the General Secretary of the Math and Mission in 1989 and continued in that post for 3 years till 1992 when he became a Vice-President of the Order. In 1993, he represented the Ramakrishna Order at the commemorative function", "id": "2013717" }, { "contents": "MDK2\n\n\ntake a lot of video memory. It's a real juggling act trying to get it to do all that at once.\" Faulkner explained \"the PS2 math capabilities are like Intel's SSE, but on steroids. The math processors can be used to optimize any kind of math operations, which, in a 3D game, means a lot. So they will basically be used to speed up a lot of the 3D transformations and lighting.\" In November, IGN held a second online chat with Zeschuk, Falkner,", "id": "8742535" }, { "contents": "Mathematical operators and symbols in Unicode\n\n\nTechnical block (U+2300–U+23FF) includes braces and operators. The math subset of this block is U+2308–U+230B, U+2320-U+2321, U+237C, U+239B-U+23B5, 23B7, U+23D0, and U+23DC-U+23E2. The Geometric Shapes block (U+25A0–U+25FF) contains geometric shape symbols. The math subset of this block is U+25A0–25A1, U+25AE–25B7, U+25BC–25C1, U+25C6–25C7, U+25CA–25CB, U+25CF–25D3, U+25E2, U+25E4, U+25E7–25EC, and U+25F8–25FF. The Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows block (U+2B00–U+2BFF Arrows) contains arrows and geometric shapes with various fills. The math subset of this", "id": "13613062" }, { "contents": "Gorakhnath Math\n\n\nThe Gorakhnath Math (Gorakhnath Mutt) is a temple of the Nath monastic order group of the Nath tradition. The name Gorakhnath derives from the medieval saint, Gorakshanath (c. 11th century), a yogi who travelled widely across India and authored a number of texts that form a part of the canon of Nath Sampradaya. The Nath tradition was founded by guru Matsyendranath. This math is situated in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh within large premises. The temple performs various cultural and social activities and serves as the cultural hub of the city", "id": "11673208" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Mission\n\n\nheadquarters of Ramakrishna Math at Belur (popularly known as Belur Math) serves also as the headquarters of Ramakrishna Mission. A branch centre of Ramakrishna Math is managed by a team of monks posted by the Trustees led by a head monk with the title Adhyaksha. A branch centre of Ramakrishna Mission is governed by a Managing Committee consisting of monks and lay persons appointed by the Governing Body of Ramakrishna Mission whose Secretary, almost always a monk, functions as the executive head. All the monks of the Ramakrishna Order form the democratic base", "id": "14718215" }, { "contents": "Pratap Chandra Sarangi\n\n\non 4 January 1955 in the village of Gopinathpur, Nilagiri, Balasore. He completed his bachelor's degree at Fakir Mohan College, Balasore under Utkal university in 1975. Since his childhood, Sarangi was a spiritual seeker. He wanted to become a monk of the Ramakrishna Math. He made several visits to Belur Math, the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Order in Howrah, West Bengal. The monks of the Math discussed with Sarangi about his desire and examined his biodata. They came to know that Sarangi's widowed mother was alive", "id": "1911515" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Sarada Math\n\n\nRamakrishna Sarada Math is a religious monastic order, considered part of the Hindu reform movements. It was established in 1929 at Bagbazar, Kolkata. In 1929, an internal dispute arose within the ranks of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. The then manager of the Udbodhan Office, Bramhachari Ganendranath, had been accused of financial irregularities by the Mission authorities. Those charges were never established. Ganendranath was an ardent 'sevak' of the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. It can be seen in the biographies of the Holy Mother how deeply", "id": "21947863" }, { "contents": "Berwick Area School District\n\n\nnumbers and it will raise primary student academic achievement, especially in reading and math, those outcomes have not been realized in Berwick Area School District. Reading achievement in particular has significantly declined. Each year, in the Spring, in order to comply with the federal No Child Left Behind Law, the 3rd graders take the PSSAs in math and reading. The fourth grade is tested in reading, math and science. The fifth grade is evaluated in reading, mathematics and writing. Pennsylvania System of School Assessments, commonly called PSSAs", "id": "4621004" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math\n\n\nBoard of Trustees who are only monks. The Math with its branches is a distinct legal entity. It has well-defined rules of procedure. It lays emphasis on religious practices and preaching of Dharma. The Math has its own separate funds and keeps detailed accounts which are annually audited by qualified chartered accountants. In consultation with the senior monks of the Order, the Trustees elect from among themselves a President, one to three Vice Presidents, a General Secretary and four Assistant Secretaries. The President, also called the 'Sanghaguru", "id": "5162232" }, { "contents": "Math fab Mathonwy\n\n\nbreeding pair of deer for a year. He then turned them into wild boars for the next year and wolves the year after that. They had three children over the three years: Hyddwn, Hychddwn, and Bleiddwn. After their punishment was over, Math asked their advice as to who should be his next virgin footholder. Gwydion suggested his sister, Arianrhod. However, Arianrhod was not a virgin, and when asked to step over Math's rod in order to prove her virginity she immediately gave birth to a son.", "id": "5201813" }, { "contents": "Swami Swahananda\n\n\n1945 and 46. He received initiation in February 1937 from Swami Vijnanananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, and subsequently joined the Ramakrishna Order in 1947. He remained a lecturer at the Vidyamandir at Belur Math for two years, before being sent to the Ramakrishna Math, Madras (now Chennai). He was ordained a brahmacharin in 1952, and was called Brahmachari Durgachaitanya. In 1954, he joined the Mysore Study Circle. He received sannyasa, full ordination, in 1956, from Swami Shankarananda. At the Madras Math", "id": "8322525" }, { "contents": "Sir Thomas Munro, 1st Baronet\n\n\nwas the Collector of Bellary in 1800, the Madras Government ordered him to procure the entire income from the Math and Manthralaya village.When the Revenue officials were unable to comply with this order, Sir Thomas Munro visited the Math for investigation. He removed his hat and shoes and entered the sacred precincts. Sri Raghavendraswamy emerged from the Vrindavan and conversed with him for some time, about the resumption of endowment. The Saint was visible and audible only to Munro, who received Mantraskata (God's blessing). The Collector went", "id": "11418008" }, { "contents": "Swami Virajananda\n\n\n. He set up the Vivekananda Ashrama there. Here he continued his spiritual practices and also worked on the biography of Vivekananda. He also established the Ramakrishna Home of Service here. He also served as the secretary of the organising committee of the first convention of the monks of the Ramakrishna order in 1926 in Belur Math. He helped the Ramakrishna Order to tide over a major crisis in 1929 and temporarily took charge of Ramakrishna Math at Baghbazar (Mother's House or Udbodhan House) and Sister Nivedita Girls' School. He served", "id": "18032026" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math\n\n\nKingdom. Besides, there are 33 sub-centres attached to some of these centres. Besides these branch centres, there are about one thousand unaffiliated centres (popularly called 'private centres') all over the world started by the devotees and followers of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. Ramakrishna Math consists of monks (Sannyasins and Brahmacharins) belonging to a monastic order for men. After the passing away of their Master Sri Ramakrishna in 1886 the young disciples under the leadership of Swami Vivekananda organized themselves into a new monastic order.", "id": "5162219" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math\n\n\nThe original monastery at Baranagar called Baranagar Math was shifted in January 1899 to a newly acquired plot of land at Belur in the district of Howrah. Sri Sarada Devi, popularly called as Holy Mother and Sangha Janani (Mother of the Order), played a key role in the establishment of the Ramakrishna Order. During the early days, when the young monks were roaming about penniless, it was the Holy Mother who gave them encouragement, inspiration, and her prayers. During his lifetime, Ramakrishna gathered and trained his young disciples", "id": "5162220" }, { "contents": "Ramakrishna Math\n\n\nwith Narendranath (future Vivekananda) as their anointed leader. It is these disciples - some of whom were also blessed with monastic robes by Ramakrishna himself, that formed the core of a new monastic order that bears his name now. Swami Vivekananda and fifteen others were the founders of this order. After taking formal monastic vows through appropriate rituals (12 at first and the rest at different times later) they assumed new names as follows (based on seniority in age): From February 1892 to February 1898, the Ramakrishna Math", "id": "5162221" }, { "contents": "Atkinson–Mingarelli theorem\n\n\n– Sturm–Liouville Theory\", CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2010. 2. F. V. Atkinson, A. B. Mingarelli, \"Asymptotics of the number of zeros and of the eigenvalues of general weighted Sturm–Liouville problems\", J. für die Reine und Ang. Math. (Crelle), 375/376 (1987), 380–393. See also free download of the original paper. 3. K. Jörgens, \"Spectral theory of second-order ordinary differential operators\", Lectures delivered at Aarhus Universitet, 1962/63.", "id": "1406876" }, { "contents": "Korean Mathematical Olympiad\n\n\nfor the first time in history. From then, Korean mathematicians have made outstanding achievements in advanced math research and International Mathematical Olympiad. In order to obtain excellent grades in the International Mathematics Olympiad, the Korean Mathematical Society holds the Korean Mathematical Olympiad, and through the operation of the seasonal school, KMS will discover gifted students and educate them to contribute the development of mathematics, science, and engineering in Korea. The primary test, usually called PKMO, is held between May and June. The current test consists of twenty multiple", "id": "19675233" }, { "contents": "You Don't Know Jack (game show)\n\n\nround was a question worth $3,000 under the category of \"Things That Sound Dirty but Aren't.\" For the final question of the round, worth $5,000, the players on either end of the row put up an opaque partition between themselves and the center player. Then all three contestants were asked a math question involving several elements of pop culture and fact, performing the operations in the order they appeared in the question: for instance, the unit number on \"M*A*S*H\" added to the number of digits in", "id": "5839714" }, { "contents": "Fizz & Martina\n\n\nFizz & Martina's Math Adventures is a collection of five math-related educational video games for the Windows and Macintosh platforms, developed and published by Tom Snyder Productions. The games were incorporated with the California Learning Assessment System (CLAS). The series consists of Buddies for Life, Blue Falls Elementary, Caves of Blue Falls, Lights, Camera, Fractions! and Project Sphinx. The series teaches arithmetic, story problems, estimates and operations. The main idea was to teach math as part of a storyline within a narrated", "id": "12161416" }, { "contents": "Mathematical anxiety\n\n\nto try, not to experiment, not to find algorithms that work for them, and not to take risks. \"Teachers benefit children most when they encourage them to share their thinking process and justify their answers out loud or in writing as they perform math operations. ... With less of an emphasis on right or wrong and more of an emphasis on process, teachers can help alleviate students' anxiety about math\". While teaching of many subjects has changed from rote memorization to the current Constructivist approach, math is frequently taught", "id": "1246378" }, { "contents": "Math wars\n\n\nmisunderstanding of the reform position. Some curricula incorporate research by Constance Kamii and others that concluded that direct teaching of traditional algorithms is counterproductive to conceptual understanding of math. Critics have protested some of the consequences of this research. Traditional memorization methods are replaced with constructivist activities. Students who demonstrate proficiency in a standard method are asked to invent another method of arriving at the answer. Some parents have accused reform math advocates of deliberately slowing down students with greater ability in order to \"paper-over\" the inequalities of the American school", "id": "10731304" }, { "contents": "Mathematical anxiety\n\n\norder to avoid math anxiety. Mathematical anxiety is often most directly related to women as younger female scholars are thought to develop anxiety towards mathematics and sciences when they become more interested in social relations in their teen years. It is thought that women experience more anxiety in mathematics as a group than men as a result of societal pressures and views of women and mathematics. It has also been suggested that in primary elementary years, if female students have an anxious female math teacher, they are more likely to confirm the math anxiety as", "id": "1246361" }, { "contents": "Accelerated Math\n\n\nI students who used Accelerated Math outperformed students who did not. Springer, Pugalee, and Algozzine (2005) also discovered a similar pattern. They studied students that failed to pass the AIMS test in order to graduate. Over half of the students passed the test after taking a course in which Accelerated Math was used to improve their achievement. The What Works Clearinghouse (2008) within the Institute of Educational Sciences concluded that studies they evaluated did not show statistically significant gains when put through the US government's analysis. For more", "id": "15009385" }, { "contents": "Donkey Kong Jr. Math\n\n\n\"Donkey Kong Jr. Math\" has received very negative reception; Nintendo spokesman Tom Sarris commented that it was not well received, resulting in Nintendo ceasing development of educational games for the time. It has received criticism from several publications including IGN, who called it one of the worst Virtual Console games. The game features one and two player modes, both of which are single screen. In the first mode, the objective is to enter math answers in order to receive points. These questions include addition, subtraction, multiplication,", "id": "4666131" }, { "contents": "Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai\n\n\nincorporated. In June 1946 was started the Vivekananda College at Mylapore. Since the educational activity has expanded enormously, the institutions have been divided into separate Ramakrishna Mission centres for facilitating efficient administration. Under the Madras Math's direct control there are at present: The history of the Ramakrishna Order’s relief services is as old as that of the Mission itself. Besides their multifarious permanent constructive works, from their very inception, the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission have been ever ready to promptly organise ameliorative and healing services whenever the nation", "id": "5140708" }, { "contents": "Southmoreland School District\n\n\nMath: 6th Grade Reading: 6th Grade Math: In 2010 and 2011, Scottdale Elementary School achieved AYP status. The attendance rate was 95% in both years. The school provides grades 2 to 5th since 2009. 5th Grade Reading: 5th Grade Math: In December 2010, the district administration reported that 341 pupils or 16% of Southmoreland School District's pupils received Special Education services. In order to comply with state and federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act rules and regulations, the school district engages in identification procedures to", "id": "9415692" }, { "contents": "Q (number format)\n\n\nTo convert a number from Q\"m\".\"n\" format to floating point: Q numbers are a ratio of two integers: the numerator is kept in storage, the denominator is equal to 2. Consider the following example: If the Q number's base is to be maintained (\"n\" remains constant) the Q number math operations must keep the denominator constant. The following formulas show math operations on the general Q numbers formula_6 and formula_7. formula_8 Because the denominator is a power of two the multiplication can be implemented as", "id": "1512720" }, { "contents": "Alambazar Math\n\n\nAlambazar Math is the second monastery of the Ramakrishna Order established in February 1892, which remained the order's headquarters till February 1898, when it was finally moved to Belur village on the bank of Ganga. After the demise of Sri Ramakrishna, the 19th century mystic and saint, some of his younger disciples decided to stay together and perform spiritual practices following the ideology of saint. Prominent among them were Narendra Nath Dutta, later famous as Swami Vivekananda and Rakhal Chandra Ghosh, later Swami Brahmananda, who was also the first president", "id": "21237711" }, { "contents": "Donkey Kong Jr. Math\n\n\nand division. In the two player mode, two players control two characters as they race to create a math formula to reach the number shown by Donkey Kong, incorporating platform gameplay. The mechanics are similar to \"Donkey Kong Jr.\"; players climb vines to reach higher areas in order to collect numbers scattered around the area. In order to complete mathematics problems, players must collect at least three things: the first number, the symbol necessary to reach the number shown by Donkey Kong, and the second number. When", "id": "4666132" }, { "contents": "Mathematical anxiety\n\n\nthey are less anxious about solving problems. However, there is still a large part of school math teaching which consists of \"mass-produced\" memorization, repetition, and mechanically performed operations. Times tables are one example, wherein rote learning is essential to mathematics performance. When a student fails to learn the times tables at a young age, they can experience math anxiety later, when all the students' classmates can remember the tables but they cannot. Children learn best when math is taught in a way that is", "id": "1246391" }, { "contents": "Athens Area School District\n\n\nScore was 488. The Math average score was 500. The Writing average score was 474. Pennsylvania ranked 40th among states with SAT scores: Verbal - 493, Math - 501, Writing - 479. In the United States, 1.65 million students took the exam in 2011. They averaged 497 (out of 800) verbal, 514 math and 489 in writing. In 2012, the middle schools were combined into a junior high school operated as part of the high school. In 2011, Harlan Rowe Junior High School achieved", "id": "2586775" }, { "contents": "Carmen Sandiego Math Detective\n\n\nthe learning front and has an engaging story line and a challenging mission\", and that it is \"an excellent program for those who like a challenge\". It went on to say that the \"program meaningfully challenges kids from the ages of 8 to 14 because it has 3 completely different operating levels of difficulty in all the math skill activity areas\". A testimonial from 11-year-old Catherine, provided by the site, is \"I don't really like math much but I really liked playing this game.\"", "id": "9359079" } ]
Why it takes longer to heat up two hot pockets in a microwave than one.
[{"answer": "A conventional oven that heats up everything inside an oven including air, the oven sides, etc. That's quite a waste of heat but if you put one or two hot pockets in the oven, you won't see much of a difference. A microwave oven is much more efficient, which is why it's fast. It only sends energy to food you put in it. Its energy output is limited though, so the more food you put in it, the less energy each part is getting."}, {"answer": "Because the microwave puts out the same amount of heat per second regardless of what's in it, and you're asking it to heat up twice as much food."}, {"answer": "It's the same reason that one towel shared with two people doesn't dry as efficiently. The microwave puts out the same amount of energy regardless of what's inside, and more mass takes more energy to heat up. same reason that it would take forever to boil a gallon of water with a BIC lighter."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "58017", "title": "Microwave oven", "section": "Section::::Heating characteristics.:Safety benefits and features.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 70, "end_paragraph_id": 70, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Food and cookware taken out of a microwave oven are rarely much hotter than . Cookware used in a microwave oven is often much cooler than the food because the cookware is transparent to microwaves; the microwaves heat the food directly and the cookware is indirectly heated by the food. Food and cookware from a conventional oven, on the other hand, are the same temperature as the rest of the oven; a typical cooking temperature is . That means that conventional stoves and ovens can cause more serious burns. The lower temperature of cooking (the boiling point of water) is a significant safety benefit", "Food and cookware taken out of a microwave oven are rarely much hotter than . Cookware used in a microwave oven is often much cooler than the food because the cookware is transparent to microwaves; the microwaves heat the food directly and the cookware is indirectly heated by the food. Food and cookware from a conventional oven, on the other hand, are the same temperature as the rest of the oven; a typical cooking temperature is . That means that conventional stoves and ovens can cause more serious burns. The lower temperature of cooking (the boiling point of water) is a significant safety benefit"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\n, at the end of cooking time, the oven switches itself off. Microwave ovens heat food without getting hot themselves. Taking a pot off a stove, unless it is an induction cooktop, leaves a potentially dangerous heating element or trivet that will stay hot for some time. Likewise, when taking a casserole out of a conventional oven, one's arms are exposed to the very hot walls of the oven. A microwave oven does not pose this problem. Food and cookware taken out of a microwave oven are rarely much", "id": "12896709" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nthat contain ceramic or aluminium flakes, which are designed to absorb microwaves and heat up, which aids in baking or crust preparation by depositing more energy shallowly in these areas. Such ceramic patches affixed to cardboard are positioned next to the food, and are typically smokey blue or gray in colour, usually making them easily identifiable; the cardboard sleeves included with Hot Pockets, which have a silver surface on the inside, are a good example of such packaging. Microwavable cardboard packaging may also contain overhead ceramic patches which function in the", "id": "12896705" }, { "contents": "Hot box (appliance)\n\n\nA hot box is an improvised appliance to heat up food, usually with at least two normal incandescent light bulbs as the heat source, that is frequently found in break rooms on construction sites. The enclosure can be made of wood, metal, or any available material that can enclose the heat. It is especially useful for heating up food that could not otherwise be heated in a microwave oven without decanting the contents. Its presence also means that a large rush of people to use any available microwave ovens is tempered by those", "id": "6070197" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nfor use in a microwave, as the air pockets explode and the foam (which can be toxic if consumed) may melt. Not all plastics are microwave-safe, and some plastics absorb microwaves to the point that they may become dangerously hot. Products that are heated for too long can catch fire. Though this is inherent to any form of cooking, the rapid cooking and unattended nature of the use of microwave ovens results in additional hazard. Any metal or conductive object placed into the microwave will act as an antenna", "id": "12896715" }, { "contents": "Permittivity\n\n\nrotations. For example, at the microwave frequency, the microwave field causes the periodic rotation of water molecules, sufficient to break hydrogen bonds. The field does work against the bonds and the energy is absorbed by the material as heat. This is why microwave ovens work very well for materials containing water. There are two maxima of the imaginary component (the absorptive index) of water, one at the microwave frequency, and the other at far ultraviolet (UV) frequency. Both of these resonances are at higher frequencies than", "id": "9242592" }, { "contents": "Hot Pockets\n\n\nHot Pockets is an American brand of microwaveable turnovers and a pocket burrito generally containing one or more types of cheese, meat, or vegetables. Hot Pockets was founded by the Chef America Inc. company. Since April 20, 2002, they have been produced by Nestlé. There are 50 varieties of the traditional Hot Pocket, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner varieties. Nestlé also offers Lean Pockets, Pretzel Bread Hot Pockets, Hot Pockets Croissant Crust (formerly called Croissant Pockets), Hot Pockets Breakfast items, Hot Pockets Breakfast", "id": "1885332" }, { "contents": "Hot Pockets\n\n\n-like sandwiches crispy when cooked in a microwave. In 1980, Chef America introduced its first stuffed sandwich, the Tastywich, the predecessor of the Hot Pocket. Hot Pockets supplanted Tastywiches in 1983, first sold to restaurants because they were easier to break into than retail stores. On May 22, 2002, Chef America was sold to Nestlé. Hot Pocket products were \"a $2 billion category of frozen sandwiches and snacks\". Breakfast-style Hot Pockets were introduced in 2001. Citing reduced sales, in 2011 Nestlé", "id": "1885334" }, { "contents": "Pressure cooking\n\n\noperate at lower pressures than stovetop pressure cookers. Foods cook much faster with pressure cooking than with other methods (except for small quantities in microwave ovens). Pressure cooking requires much less water than conventional boiling, so food can be ready sooner. Less energy is required than that of boiling, steaming, or oven cooking. Since less water or liquid has to be heated, the food reaches its cooking temperature faster. Using more liquid than necessary wastes energy because it takes longer to heat up; the liquid quantity is stated", "id": "8183321" }, { "contents": "Infant food safety\n\n\nThis should take one-to-two minutes. A bottle can be placed in a pan after the water has been heated on a stove. The pan can be removed from the heat and set the bottle in it until it is warm. It is safer to shake milk or formula to even out the temperature. Heating breast milk or infant formula in the microwave is not recommended. This results in \"hot spots\" that can scald a baby's mouth and throat. Cow's milk by itself is not appropriate for", "id": "15428734" }, { "contents": "Microwave chemistry\n\n\nconvection or conduction. The core of the sample takes much longer to achieve the target temperature, e.g. when heating a large sample of ceramic bricks. Acting as internal heat source, microwave absorption is able to heat the target compounds without heating the entire furnace or oil bath, which saves time and energy. It is also able to heat sufficiently thin objects throughout their volume (instead of through its outer surface), in theory producing more uniform heating. However, due to the design of most microwave ovens and to uneven absorption", "id": "13513059" }, { "contents": "Heinz\n\n\nwith the hormone disruptor bisphenol. In June 2009, a company PR stunt announced they had introduced the prototype of the world's smallest, portable microwave, the \"Beanzawave\". The microwave was to appeal to office workers and students and can be powered by a computer via a USB port. The microwave may be used to heat up coffee or tea, or small food items. It is also good for heating up Heinz's hot snack line, Snap Pots, for which it was designed. The prototype was designed by", "id": "13985350" }, { "contents": "Microwave\n\n\nmicrowave radiation from a magnetron oscillator melted a candy bar in his pocket. He investigated cooking with microwaves and invented the microwave oven, consisting of a magnetron feeding microwaves into a closed metal cavity containing food, which was patented by Raytheon on 8 October 1945. Due to their expense microwave ovens were initially used in institutional kitchens, but by 1986 roughly 25% of households in the U.S. owned one. Microwave heating became widely used as an industrial process in industries such as plastics fabrication, and as a medical therapy to kill cancer", "id": "3032" }, { "contents": "Dishwasher\n\n\nheating hot water without taking into account possible inefficiencies. Also, inefficient human washers were compared against optimal usage of a fully loaded dishwasher without manual pre-rinsing that can take up to of water. A 2009 study showed that the microwave and the dishwasher were both more effective ways to clean domestic sponges than handwashing. Large heavy duty dishwashers are available for use in commercial establishments (e.g. hotels, restaurants) where a large number of dishes must be cleaned. Unlike a residential dishwasher, a commercial dishwasher does not utilize a drying", "id": "3149929" }, { "contents": "Chef America Inc.\n\n\nChef America Inc. was the former manufacturer of the popular microwavable snack, Hot Pockets. Chef America is a former closely held corporation, which was formed in the late 1970s by two brothers, Paul and David Merage, of Colorado. Chef America introduced Hot Pockets in the early 1980s. Nestlé acquired the corporation in 2002 for the amount of $2.6 billion. Hot Pockets continued to be manufactured in Englewood, Colorado, Chef America's former headquarters, until 2013, when the corporate headquarters was merged with Nestlé's frozen food corporate", "id": "9308954" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\nof the heating cavity, or than the dimensions of the walls themselves. This is the case inside a microwave oven. In such cases, conventional far-field electromagnetic waves form (the cavity no longer acts as a pure capacitor, but rather as an antenna), and are absorbed to cause heating, but the dipole-rotation mechanism of heat deposition remains the same. However, microwaves are not efficient at causing the heating effects of low frequency fields that depend on slower molecular motion, such as those caused by ion", "id": "11072296" }, { "contents": "Microwave burn\n\n\ne.g., stopping bleeding after a severe liver injury. Microwave heating seems to cause more damage to bacteria than equivalent thermal-only heating. However food reheated in a microwave oven typically reaches lower temperature than classically reheated, therefore pathogens are more likely to survive. Microwave heating of blood, e.g. for transfusion, is contraindicated, as it can cause hemolysis and hyperkalemia. Microwave heating is one of the methods for inducing hyperthermia for hyperthermia therapy. High-energy microwaves are used in neurobiology experiments to kill small laboratory animals (mice,", "id": "16354163" }, { "contents": "Heat\n\n\nA physical system that passes heat to another physical system is said to be the hotter of the two. More is required for the system to have a thermodynamic temperature. Its behavior must be so regular that its empirical temperature is the same for all suitably calibrated and scaled thermometers, and then its hotness is said to lie on the one-dimensional hotness manifold. This is part of the reason why heat is defined following Carathéodory and Born, solely as occurring other than by work or transfer of matter; temperature is advisedly and", "id": "13847460" }, { "contents": "Heated clothing\n\n\nis heated in a microwave. Once outdoors, the gel pack retains its heat for 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the size of the gel pack, the thickness of the insulation protecting the gel pack from the outdoor temperatures, and wind conditions. Chemical reaction-based garments have cloth pouches or pockets, where single-use packages of chemical hand warmers can be inserted. The warmers are about the size of a package of cards, and they contain chemicals which produce heat. One traditional hand warmer is a small", "id": "21223947" }, { "contents": "Washer-dryer\n\n\ndrying time. User review sites such as are full of owners who say drying times are long (even if comparable to standard heat pump tumble dryers), and this is one reason why most washer-dryer combos get poorer reviews than full-size washers and dryers. Another major drawback of old washer dryers combos was that they took significantly longer to dry a batch of clothes in comparison to stand-alone dryers. Stand-alone dryers make use of hot air or other heating elements to dry the clothes in a", "id": "10486746" }, { "contents": "Madison Symmetric Torus\n\n\ninside your toaster get hot. Your toaster probably uses about 10 ampere of current, while the plasma in MST is heated by up to 600,000 amperes. But even though the plasma reaches over 10,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit, it is not hot enough for practical fusion energy and we need to find other ways to deposit energy into the plasma. The EBW is a way to inject microwave power to further heat the plasma. The standard microwave oven produces around 1 kW of power at a frequency of 2.45 GHz; the EBW experiment is currently", "id": "17555936" }, { "contents": "Microwave chemistry\n\n\n(comprising different substances or different phases) may be anisotropic if the loss tangents of the components are considered. As a result, it can be expected that the microwave field energy will be converted to heat by different amounts in different parts of the system. This inhomogeneous energy dissipation means selective heating of different parts of the material is possible, and may lead to temperature gradients between them. Nevertheless, the presence of zones with a higher temperature than others (called hot spots) must be subjected to the heat transfer processes between", "id": "13513061" }, { "contents": "Microwave volumetric heating\n\n\nMicrowave Volumetric Heating (MVH) is a method of using microwaves to evenly heat the entire volume of a flowing liquid, suspension or semi-solid. The process is known as MVH because the microwaves penetrate uniformly throughout the volume of the product being heated, thus delivering energy evenly into the body of the material. This is in contrast to traditional thermal processing, which relies on conduction and convection from hot surfaces to deliver energy into the product. Liquids, suspensions, or semi-solids heated by MVH do not come into", "id": "12395959" }, { "contents": "Klystron\n\n\nor waveguide. Positive feedback excites spontaneous oscillations at the resonant frequency of the cavities. The simplest klystron tube is the two-cavity klystron. In this tube there are two microwave cavity resonators, the \"catcher\" and the \"buncher\". When used as an amplifier, the weak microwave signal to be amplified is applied to the buncher cavity through a coaxial cable or waveguide, and the amplified signal is extracted from the catcher cavity. At one end of the tube is the hot cathode which produces electrons when heated by", "id": "8628015" }, { "contents": "Heating pad\n\n\nhas a high specific heat capacity, which then gradually releases the heat over time. A hot water bottle is the most familiar example of this type of heating pad. A microwavable heating pad is a heating pad that is warmed by placing it in a microwave oven before use. Microwavable heating pads are typically made out of a thick insulative fabric such as flannel and filled with grains such as wheat, buckwheat or flax seed. Due to their relative simplicity to make, they are frequently sewn by hand, often with a custom", "id": "9523286" }, { "contents": "Masonry oven\n\n\n(i.e., temperature) to low. At the atomic level, heat is the motion of the atoms and electrons that make up a material. The more the particles move, the higher the heat. Excited particles bouncing off each other transfer the heat, moving it from hot to cold. Imagine, for example, a gang of little boys with big pockets full of superballs. Bouncing balls resemble excited (hot) molecules. As the boys empty their pockets, the bouncing balls bump into each other and spread out.", "id": "6171573" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\n, with uniformly structured or reasonably homogenous food item, microwaves are absorbed in the outer layers of the item at a similar level to that of the inner layers. Depending on water content, the depth of initial heat deposition may be several centimetres or more with microwave ovens, in contrast to broiling/grilling (infrared) or convection heating—methods which deposit heat thinly at the food surface. Penetration depth of microwaves is dependent on food composition and the frequency, with lower microwave frequencies (longer wavelengths) penetrating further. A", "id": "12896688" }, { "contents": "Linda Birnbaum\n\n\nare hundreds if not thousands of times lower than have occurred in the occupational setting.\" She has described the research about bisphenol A leaching out of plastic when the plastic is heated as \"somewhat concerning\", and has said that she no longer microwaves food in plastic. In 2013, Birnbaum published an article in \"Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism\" which contended that diseases that are becoming more common, such as prostate cancer, must be caused by environmental factors rather than genetic ones. This paper prompted two Republican congressmen,", "id": "18148489" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\nnot require electrical contact of the capacitor plates with the (non-conducting) dielectric material between the plates. Because lower frequency electrical fields penetrate non-conductive materials far more deeply than do microwaves, heating pockets of water and organisms deep inside dry materials like wood, it can be used to rapidly heat and prepare many non-electrically conducting food and agricultural items, so long as they fit between the capacitor plates. At very high frequencies, the wavelength of the electromagnetic field becomes shorter than the distance between the metal walls", "id": "11072295" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\ncompared to baking in the oven or frying, because it eliminates the formation of tars and char, which are carcinogenic. Microwave radiation also penetrates deeper than direct heat, so that the food is heated by its own internal water content. In contrast, direct heat can burn the surface while the inside is still cold. Pre-heating the food in a microwave oven before putting it into the grill or pan reduces the time needed to heat up the food and reduces the formation of carcinogenic char. Unlike frying and baking,", "id": "12896711" }, { "contents": "Autoclave (industrial)\n\n\nsecondary circulating loop which ducts a portion of the primary air flow through an external pressurized heat exchanger. This bypass flow can also be utilized for cool-down using an air-over heat exchanger. While gas firing does not readily lend itself to small machines, it can be fitted to autoclaves of three to four foot diameter and up. The longer the machine, the longer the heat exchanger tube and thus the more efficient it will be. This heating option is less costly than hot oil and more costly than electric or", "id": "11046868" }, { "contents": "Exploding-bridgewire detonator\n\n\nis heated up, and minor electrical variations in the wire or leads will change how quickly it heats up as well. The heating process typically takes milliseconds to tens of milliseconds to complete and initiate detonation in the primary explosive. This is roughly 1,000 to 10,000 times longer and less precise than the EBW electrical vaporization. Since explosives detonate at typically 7–8 kilometers per second, or 7–8 meters per millisecond, a 1 millisecond delay in detonation from one side of a nuclear weapon to the other would be longer than the time the detonation", "id": "19875199" }, { "contents": "Rijke tube\n\n\nthe gauze takes place, since there is no transfer of heat. The sound wave is therefore reinforced once every vibration cycle, and it quickly builds up to a very large amplitude. This explains why there is no sound when the flame is heating the gauze: all air flowing through the tube is heated by the flame, so when it reaches the gauze, it is already hot and no pressure increase takes place. When the gauze is in the upper half of the tube, there is no sound. In this case", "id": "1481423" }, { "contents": "Carnot heat engine\n\n\nby the \"working fluid\" from the hot reservoir, and released by it to the cold reservoir, respectively; no longer remain ideally reversible, and there is a temperature differential between the temperature of the reservoir and the temperature of the fluid while heat exchange takes place. During heat transfer from the hot reservoir at formula_9 to the fluid, the fluid would have a slightly lower temperature than formula_9, and the process for the fluid may not necessarily remain isothermal. Let formula_11 be the total entropy change of the fluid in the", "id": "6294319" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nsuch as hot butter, fats, chocolate or porridge. Unlike conventional ovens, microwave ovens usually do not directly brown or caramelize food, since they rarely attain the necessary temperatures to produce Maillard reactions. Exceptions occur in rare cases where the oven is used to heat frying-oil and other very oily items (such as bacon), which attain far higher temperatures than that of boiling water. Microwave ovens have limited roles in professional cooking, because the boiling-range temperatures of a microwave will not produce the flavorful chemical reactions", "id": "12896664" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nheated by the microwave radiation and heated through conduction through contact with heated air. The IR energy which is delivered to the outer surface of food by the lamps is sufficient to initiate browning caramelization in foods primarily made up of carbohydrates and Maillard reactions in foods primarily made up of protein. These reactions in food produce a texture and taste similar to that typically expected of conventional oven cooking rather than the bland boiled and steamed taste that microwave-only cooking tends to create. In order to aid browning, sometimes an accessory browning tray", "id": "12896697" }, { "contents": "Microwave chemistry\n\n\nenergy is repartitioned from such moieties is much shorter than the period of a microwave wave, thus precluding the presence of such 'molecular hot spots' under ordinary laboratory conditions. The oscillations produced by the radiation in these target molecules would be instantaneously transferred by collisions with the adjacent molecules, reaching at the same moment the thermal equilibrium. Processes with solid phases behave somewhat differently. In this case much higher heat transfer resistances are involved, and the possibility of the stationary presence of hot-spots should be contemplated. A differentiation between", "id": "13513063" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\nabsorption does not require the same proximity to a small antenna as does RF heating. The material to be heated (a non-metal) can therefore simply be placed in the path of the waves, and heating takes place in a non-contact process which does not require capacitative conductive plates. Microwave volumetric heating is a commercially available method of heating liquids, suspensions, or solids in a continuous flow on an industrial scale. Microwave volumetric heating has a greater penetration depth, of up to , which is an even penetration", "id": "11072304" }, { "contents": "Superheating\n\n\n. The chance of superheating is greater with smooth containers, because scratches or chips can house small pockets of air, which serve as nucleation points. Superheating is more likely after repeated heating and cooling cycles of an undisturbed container, as when a forgotten coffee cup is re-heated without being removed from a microwave oven. This is due to heating cycles releasing dissolved gases such as oxygen and nitrogen from the solvent. There are ways to prevent superheating in a microwave oven, such as putting a popsicle stick in the glass or", "id": "3212657" }, { "contents": "Hot cathode\n\n\nas \"bright\" as the tungsten ones and have 10-15 times longer lifetime. They are used e.g. in electron microscopes, microwave tubes, electron lithography, electron beam welding, X-Ray tubes, and free electron lasers. However these materials tend to be expensive. Other hexaborides can be employed as well; examples are calcium hexaboride, strontium hexaboride, barium hexaboride, yttrium hexaboride, gadolinium hexaboride, samarium hexaboride, and thorium hexaboride. A common type of directly heated cathode, used in most high power transmitting tubes", "id": "7015276" }, { "contents": "Microwave volumetric heating\n\n\ncontact with hot surfaces; this minimizes thermal damage to functional components, and allows thick and viscous products to be heated without fouling. Processing temperatures can be very accurately controlled by varying the flow rate of the product through the MVH treatment chamber. The slower the flow, the higher the final product temperature. Flowing liquids move continuously through a unique treatment chamber, thereby heating the product. The FDA accepts that microwaves can be used to heat food for commercial use, pasteurization and sterilization. The main mechanism of microbial inactivation by microwaves", "id": "12395960" }, { "contents": "Microwave chemistry\n\n\nby the object being heated, the microwave field is usually non-uniform and localized superheating occurs. Microwave volumetric heating (MVH) overcomes the uneven absorption by applying an intense, uniform microwave field. Different compounds convert microwave radiation to heat by different amounts. This selectivity allows some parts of the object being heated to heat more quickly or more slowly than others (particularly the reaction vessel). Microwave heating can have certain benefits over conventional ovens: Microwave chemistry is applied to organic chemistry and to inorganic chemistry. A heterogeneous system", "id": "13513060" }, { "contents": "Microwave chemistry\n\n\ndomains. Where the rate of heat conduction is high between system domains, hot spots would have no long-term existence as the components rapidly reach thermal equilibrium. In a system where the heat transfer is slow, it would be possible to have the presence of a steady state hot spot that may enhance the rate of the chemical reaction within that hot zone. On this basis, many early papers in microwave chemistry postulated the possibility of exciting specific molecules, or functional groups within molecules. However, the time within which thermal", "id": "13513062" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\nradio frequency (RF) heating at 10 to 20 megahertz (wavelength 15 to 30 meters). Such wavelengths were far longer than the cavity used, and thus made use of near-field effects and not electromagnetic waves. (Commercial microwave ovens use wavelengths only 1% as long.) In agriculture, RF dielectric heating has been widely tested and is increasingly used as a way to kill pests in certain food crops after harvest, such as walnuts still in the shell. Because RF heating can heat foods more uniformly than", "id": "11072301" }, { "contents": "Diathermy\n\n\nThe physical characteristics of most of the devices used clinically to heat tissues have been proved to be inefficient to reach the necessary therapeutic heating patterns in the range of depth of the damage tissue. The preliminary studies performed with new microwave devices working at 434 MHz have demonstrated encouraging results. Nevertheless, adequately designed prospective-controlled clinical studies need to be completed to confirm the therapeutic effectiveness of hyperthermia with large number of patients, longer-term follow-up and mixed populations. Microwave diathermy is used in the management of superficial tumours with", "id": "15803210" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\nthrough the entire volume of the flowing product. This is advantageous in commercial applications where increased shelf-life can be achieved, with increased microbial kill at temperatures lower than when using conventional heating systems. Application for microwave volumetic heating: In drying of foods, dielectric heating is usually combined with conventional heating. It may be used to preheat the feed to a hot-air drier. By raising the temperature of the feed quickly and causing moisture to move to the surface, it can decrease the overall drying time. Dielectric heating", "id": "11072305" }, { "contents": "Take It On Up\n\n\n\"Take It On Up\" was a song by the band Pockets issued as a single in 1978 on Columbia Records. The single reached No. 24 on the Billboard Hot Soul Songs chart. The song was produced by Verdine White and Robert Wright. Take It On Up was composed by White, Wright, K. Barnes and Louis Satterfield. The song is also the title track of the Pockets' 1978 album Take It On Up Take It On Up spent a sum of eight weeks upon the Billboard Hot Soul Songs chart.", "id": "7351631" }, { "contents": "Timeline of United States inventions (1890–1945)\n\n\nwhich was the start of a sensation that continues to this day. A microwave oven cooks or heats food by dielectric heating. Cooking food with microwaves was discovered by Percy Spencer on October 8, 1945, while building magnetrons for radar sets at Raytheon. Spencer was working on an active radar set when he noticed a strange sensation, and saw that a peanut candy bar he had in his pocket started to melt. Although he was not the first to notice this phenomenon, as the holder of 120 patents, Spencer was no", "id": "968672" }, { "contents": "Thermal desorption\n\n\nmost successful treating refinery wastes. In the early days, there was a continuous infrared system that is no longer in common use. In theory, microwaves would be an excellent technical choice since uniform and accurately controlled heating can be achieved with no heat transfer surface fouling problems. One can only guess that capital and/or energy costs have prevented the development of a microwave thermal desorber at the commercial scale. There are only three basic options for offgas treatment available. The volatilized contaminants in the offgas can either be discharged to atmosphere, collected", "id": "12553806" }, { "contents": "Active Denial System\n\n\nThere are reports that Russia and China are developing their own versions of the Active Denial System. The ADS works by firing a high-powered beam of 95 GHz waves at a target, which corresponds to a wavelength of 3.2 mm. The ADS millimeter wave energy works on a similar principle as a microwave oven, exciting the water and fat molecules in the skin, and instantly heating them via dielectric heating. One significant difference is that a microwave oven uses the much lower frequency (and longer wavelength) of 2.45 GHz.", "id": "6450436" }, { "contents": "Metal-halide lamp\n\n\noperates during cool-down and restrike. Once the metal halide restrikes and warms up, the incandescent safety light is switched off. A warm lamp also tends to take more time to reach its full brightness than a lamp that is started completely cold. Most hanging ceiling lamps tend to be passively cooled, with a combined ballast and lamp fixture; immediately restoring power to a hot lamp before it has re-struck can make it take even longer to relight, because of power consumption and heating of the passively cooled lamp ballast", "id": "9743100" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nsize of household microwaves can vary, but usually have an internal volume of around , and external dimensions of approximately wide, deep and tall. A microwave oven heats food by passing microwave radiation through it. Microwaves are a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation with a frequency higher than ordinary radio waves but lower than infrared radiation. Microwave ovens use frequencies in one of the ISM (industrial, scientific, medical) bands, which are reserved for this use, so they do not interfere with other vital radio services. Consumer", "id": "12896681" }, { "contents": "Thermal radiation\n\n\nwith photons of longer wavelengths; these do not help a person see, but still transfer heat to the environment, as can be deduced empirically by observing an incandescent light bulb. Whenever EM radiation is emitted and then absorbed, heat is transferred. This principle is used in microwave ovens, laser cutting, and RF hair removal. Unlike conductive and convective forms of heat transfer, thermal radiation can be concentrated in a tiny spot by using reflecting mirrors. Concentrating solar power takes advantage of this fact. In many such systems,", "id": "14631187" }, { "contents": "Hot water bottle\n\n\ncountries and rural areas. For example, it is widely used in Chile, where it is called a \"guatero\". There has been a recent surge in popularity in Japan where it is seen as an ecologically friendly and thrifty way to keep warm. Some newer products function like the older bottles, but use a polymer gel or wax in a heating pad. The pads can be heated in a microwave oven, and they are marketed as safer than liquid-filled bottles or electrically-heated devices. Some newer bottles", "id": "15747115" }, { "contents": "Hot Jupiter\n\n\nradial-velocity method may be puffy planets. Most of these planets are below two Jupiter masses as more massive planets have stronger gravity keeping them at roughly Jupiter's size. Even when taking surface heating from the star into account, many transiting hot Jupiters have a larger radius than expected. This could be caused by the interaction between atmospheric winds and the planet's magnetosphere creating an electric current through the planet that heats it up, causing it to expand. The hotter the planet, the greater the atmospheric ionization, and thus", "id": "7439468" }, { "contents": "Microwave heat distribution\n\n\ndirectly related to human health if the food has not been heated evenly up to desirable temperature for neutralization of possible bacteria population. There are many different methods for achieving uniform heat distribution inside the irradiated material. They may involve computer simulation and different mechanical mechanisms such as turntables and stirrers. The proper microwave energy pattern is necessary for attaining a uniform heat release. Electromagnetic-Temperature Control & Optimization of Microwave Thermal Processing A hybrid technique for computing the power distribution generated in a lossy medium during microwave heating Microwave processing of Materials, National", "id": "1123930" }, { "contents": "Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York\n\n\nof Feb. 1 2017, it had 796 inmates, both male and female. The facility has one female wing; seven General Population male wings, six of which feature cells and one is a dorm; one Special Housing Unit (SHU); and one \"supermax\" unit. Each unit takes up two stories. All General Population units feature a gym (no weights), a kitchen (microwaves, hot water, ice), and five TV sets (1 in the gym and 4 on the floor).", "id": "11797086" }, { "contents": "Combined storage tanks\n\n\nA combined storage tank combines hot water storage both for heating support and drinking water heating in a larger tank. As a result, warm water, typically from solar thermal energy, is stored temporarily for both purposes for later consumption. Breaks in sunshine can thus be bridged without any additional heating, depending on the heating requirement and storage size. This generally takes up less space than two individual buffer tanks and thermal losses are thereby reduced. These storage tanks are mostly insulated on the outside and designed for the lowest possible heat losses", "id": "2943110" }, { "contents": "Infant food safety\n\n\nparents and caregivers about the types of food items that are inappropriate for children aged less than four years. Removal of nonfood choking hazards also is important for infants and children aged less than five years because approximately one third of all choking episodes involve nonfood items. When baby food is microwaved in a jar it often heats unevenly. The hottest places are in the center of the foods. The coolest places are next to the glass sides, which could lead you to believe that the food is not too hot. Safe practices for", "id": "15428739" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nis used, usually composed of glass or porcelain. It makes food crisp by oxidizing the top layer until it turns brown. Ordinary plastic cookware is unsuitable for this purpose because it could melt. Frozen dinners, pies, and microwave popcorn bags often contain a susceptor made from thin aluminium film in the packaging or included on a small paper tray. The metal film absorbs microwave energy efficiently and consequently becomes extremely hot and radiates in the infrared, concentrating the heating of oil for popcorn or even browning surfaces of frozen foods. Heating", "id": "12896698" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\nDielectric heating, also known as electronic heating, radio frequency heating, and high-frequency heating, is the process in which a radio frequency (RF) alternating electric field, or radio wave or microwave electromagnetic radiation heats a dielectric material. At higher frequencies, this heating is caused by molecular dipole rotation within the dielectric. RF dielectric heating at intermediate frequencies, due to its greater penetration over microwave heating, shows greater promise than microwave systems as a method of very rapidly heating and uniformly preparing certain food items, and also", "id": "11072287" }, { "contents": "Objections to evolution\n\n\nthan a new class which would take longer than a new order, which would take longer than a new family, which would take longer than a new genus would take longer than emergence of a new species but the apparent occurrence of high-level taxa without precedents is perhaps implying unusual evolutionary mechanisms. There is general consensus that many factors helped trigger the Cambrian explosion, but there is no generally accepted consensus about the combination and the Cambrian explosion continues to be an area of controversy and research over why so rapid, why at", "id": "21320992" }, { "contents": "Storage water heater\n\n\nhave a longer life period. This stands at an average of 15-20 years. Storage geysers, on the other hand, may not be as fast as the instant versions, they have large tanks that heat and store hot water for longer durations. It also allows you to store hot water for a while and is ideal for large volume usage (Large tanks can even store about 60 litres at a time too). It is priced far lower than that of its instant counterpart. But this also pumps up its", "id": "14519335" }, { "contents": "Convection oven\n\n\nbaking. Another form of a convection oven is called an \"impingement oven\". This type of oven is often used to cook pizzas in restaurants. Impingement ovens have a high flow rate of hot air from both above and below the food. The air flow is directed onto food that usually passes through the oven on a conveyor belt. Impingement ovens can achieve a much higher heat transfer than a conventional oven. There are also convection microwave ovens which combine a convection oven with a microwave oven to cook food with the speed", "id": "3348048" }, { "contents": "Direct vent fireplace\n\n\nvery similar to the one that takes place inside of the firebox. Built into the design of the room facing side of the unit are two vents, one at the top and one at the bottom. Once the air in the empty space begins to heat up, convection pushes this heated air further up in the chamber until it is eventually pushed out through the top vent. This phenomenon works in the same way to draw air in through the bottom vent. As the hot air is pushed out, space is emptied in", "id": "11432600" }, { "contents": "James Lovelock\n\n\nto the traditional way which involved putting red hot spoons on the animals' chest to heat them up. He believes that at the time, nobody had gone that far and made an embodiment of an actual microwave oven. However, he does not claim to have been the first person to have the idea of using microwaves for cooking. After the development of his electron capture detector, in the late 1960s, Lovelock was the first to detect the widespread presence of CFCs in the atmosphere. He found a concentration of 60 parts", "id": "16653876" }, { "contents": "Gas Dynamic Trap\n\n\nthe magnetic mirror effect). Heating The plasma is heated using two methods, simultaneously. The first is neutral beam injection, where a hot (25 keV), neutral beam of material is shot into the machine at a rate of 5 megawatts. The second is Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating which is where electromagnetic waves are used to heat a plasma, analogous to microwaving it. Performance As of 2016, the machine had achieved a plasma trapping beta of 0.6 for 5 milliseconds. It had reached an electron temperature of 1 keV", "id": "1098840" }, { "contents": "Masonry heater\n\n\nlonger to heat than metal; but once warm, the heater will radiate this heat over a much longer period of time and at a much lower temperature than a metal stove would use (the metal is hot only when there is a fire burning inside the stove and for a short time thereafter). A masonry heater is warmed by fires that burn for a short time; it is mostly the heat stored by the heater's mass that heats the living space. Both in Europe and in America seating and even beds are", "id": "12321986" }, { "contents": "Microwave popcorn\n\n\nfrom the heated kernels. The design of a microwave popcorn bag is specifically keyed to avoid popped kernel scorching, an undesirable effect that takes place when popped kernels are heated above . A susceptor, usually a metalized film laminated onto the paper of the bag, absorbs microwaves and concentrates heat at the film interface, thus ensuring a heat distribution focused on the hard-to-heat flavor coating so that the unpopped kernels are evenly coated prior to popping, thereby ensuring even flavor throughout the product. Additionally, some popcorn is flawed", "id": "13942818" }, { "contents": "Honey\n\n\nof 0.5 W/(m⋅K) at 13% water content (compared to 401 W/(m⋅K) of copper), taking a long time to reach thermal equilibrium. Due to its high kinematic viscosity honey does not transfer heat through momentum diffusion (convection) but rather through thermal diffusion (more like a solid), so melting crystallized honey can easily result in localized caramelization if the heat source is too hot, or if it is not evenly distributed. However, honey takes substantially longer to liquify when just above the melting point than at elevated", "id": "14494736" }, { "contents": "Diathermy\n\n\nas shown in the photograph from a 2010 clinical trial at Mahavir Cancer Sansthan in Patna, India. Microwave diathermy uses microwaves, radio waves which are higher in frequency and shorter in wavelength than the short waves above. Microwaves, which are also used in radar, have a frequency above 300 MHz and a wavelength less than one meter. Most, if not all, of the therapeutic effects of microwave therapy are related to the conversion of energy into heat and its distribution throughout the body tissues. This mode of diathermy is considered", "id": "15803207" }, { "contents": "Masonry heater\n\n\nsupport to bear its weight. It consists of a firebox and heat-exchange channels or partitions that provide additional surface area. These absorb heat from the hot exhaust gases before the gases exit into the chimney. The fire in a masonry heater burns much hotter than in a metal stove. Very hot fires reduce emissions significantly. When not being fired, the connection from the masonry heater to the chimney sometimes has a damper to prevent heat from escaping up the chimney; the heat is then radiated from the masonry. Masonry takes", "id": "12321985" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nhotter than . Cookware used in a microwave oven is often much cooler than the food because the cookware is transparent to microwaves; the microwaves heat the food directly and the cookware is indirectly heated by the food. Food and cookware from a conventional oven, on the other hand, are the same temperature as the rest of the oven; a typical cooking temperature is . That means that conventional stoves and ovens can cause more serious burns. The lower temperature of cooking (the boiling point of water) is a significant safety benefit", "id": "12896710" }, { "contents": "Merage family\n\n\nThe Merage family is a wealthy Iranian Jewish family residing in Orange County, California. In 2004 the Merage Jewish Community Center opened in Irvine California; the center was named after the Merage Family and serves the needs of Orange County. David and Paul Merage co-founded Chef America Inc. where they created the popular microwavable snack, Hot Pockets, in the early 1980s. The brothers later sold the Chef America Inc. company to Nestlé for $2.6 billion. Hot Pockets were manufactured in Englewood, Colorado, Chef America's former headquarters", "id": "15704381" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nand put them into motion, thus dispersing energy. This energy, dispersed as molecular rotations, vibrations and/or translations in solids and liquids raises the temperature of the food, in a process similar to heat transfer by contact with a hotter body. It is a common misconception that microwave ovens heat food by operating at a special resonance of water molecules in the food. As noted microwave ovens can operate at many frequencies. Microwave heating is more efficient on liquid water than on frozen water, where the movement of molecules is more restricted", "id": "12896683" }, { "contents": "Hot container composting\n\n\nHot container composting (also referred to as in-vessel composting for larger industrial batches) is different to cold composting, in that compost is created without losing valuable heat. Heat loss is the reason why a compost pile takes so long to decompose. Observers have noted that the time taken to create compost can be dramatically reduced by retaining the heat in a suitably insulated container. Another observation noted is the way the compostable items are added and mixed which allows for aeration. This is an important step in the process. Compost", "id": "1675033" }, { "contents": "Paul Merage\n\n\nUnited States - to restaurants as they were difficult to cook. In 1977, the company had $12 million in sales and was the largest company in the world mass-producing frozen Belgian waffles. In 1983, noticing that more women were entering the workforce, he personally developed Hot Pockets, a frozen food that was microwaveable and easy to eat. The product was a resounding success and they expanded the brand to Lean Pockets and Croissant Pockets. In October 2002, he sold Chef America to Nestle SA for $2.6 billion", "id": "13635267" }, { "contents": "Corn dog\n\n\ndogs can also be heated in a microwave oven, but the cornbread coating will lack texture. One cheesy variation is prepared either with melted cheese between the hot dog and the breading or by using a cheese-filled hot dog. Another version is the \"cornbrat\" (or \"corn brat\"), which is a corn dog made with bratwurst instead of a wiener or hot dog. They are also sold using different meats in the dog, such as pork and turkey. Small corn dogs, known as \"corn", "id": "6525214" }, { "contents": "Microwave\n\n\ncornea of the eye are especially vulnerable because they contain no blood vessels that can carry away heat. Exposure to heavy doses of microwave radiation (as from an oven that has been tampered with to allow operation even with the door open) can produce heat damage in other tissues as well, up to and including serious burns that may not be immediately evident because of the tendency for microwaves to heat deeper tissues with higher moisture content. Eleanor R. Adair conducted microwave health research by exposing herself, animals and humans to microwave levels that", "id": "3017" }, { "contents": "Microwave burn\n\n\nleakage could not be assessed. On July 29, 1977, H.F., a 51-year-old teacher, was attempting to remove a casserole dish from her new 600-watt microwave oven. The oven signaled the end of the heating cycle, but the light and the cooking blower were on. During retrieval of the dish, she inserted two thirds of her bare forearms into the oven, for a total time of about five seconds. The oven was still operating. She felt \"hot pulsating sensation\" and burning in fingers and fingernails", "id": "16354154" }, { "contents": "ITER\n\n\nAdditional heating is applied using neutral beam injection (which cross magnetic field lines without a net deflection and will not cause a large electromagnetic disruption) and radio frequency (RF) or microwave heating. At such high temperatures, particles have a large kinetic energy, and hence velocity. If unconfined, the particles will rapidly escape, taking the energy with them, cooling the plasma to the point where net energy is no longer produced. A successful reactor would need to contain the particles in a small enough volume for a long enough", "id": "17716405" }, { "contents": "Eyelash curler\n\n\neffects of a heated eyelash curler with only the accessibility of a traditional one, a user can warm it up with a hair dryer. To get the best results, it is recommended to use it directly after warming up with a hair dryer because it lasts longer. When using heated eyelash curlers, it is very important to be cautious of the temperature the curler is heated to. To avoid the risk of burning the eyelid with the hot metal curlers, many companies have introduced plastic based curlers. Some companies are looking into", "id": "9575466" }, { "contents": "Electromagnetic radiation and health\n\n\nthe 60 GHz and above microwave band to SAR exposure regulations. Previously, microwave applications in these bands were for point-to-point satellite communication with minimal human exposure. Infrared wavelengths longer than 750 nm can produce changes in the lens of the eye. Glassblower's cataract is an example of a heat injury that damages the anterior lens capsule among unprotected glass and iron workers. Cataract-like changes can occur in workers who observe glowing masses of glass or iron without protective eyewear for prolonged periods over many years. Another important", "id": "19097039" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\n, porcelain with thin metal films can also be destroyed or damaged by microwaving. Aluminium foil is thick enough to be used in microwave ovens as a shield against heating parts of food items, if the foil is not badly warped. When wrinkled, aluminium foil is generally unsafe in microwaves, as manipulation of the foil causes sharp bends and gaps that invite sparking. The USDA recommends that aluminium foil used as a partial food shield in microwave cooking cover no more than one quarter of a food object, and be carefully smoothed to", "id": "12896720" }, { "contents": "Dielectric heating\n\n\novens make use of electromagnetic waves with electric fields of much higher frequency and shorter wavelength than RF heaters. Typical domestic microwave ovens operate at 2.45 GHz, but 915 MHz ovens also exist. This means that the wavelengths employed in microwave heating are 0.1 cm to 10 cm. This provides for highly efficient, but less penetrative, dielectric heating. Although a capacitor-like set of plates can be used at microwave frequencies, they are not necessary, since the microwaves are already present as far field type EM radiation, and their", "id": "11072303" }, { "contents": "Hot cathode\n\n\ncoated cathodes operate at about 800-1000 °C, orange-hot. They are used in most small glass vacuum tubes, but are rarely used in high-power tubes because the coating is degraded by positive ions that bombard the cathode, accelerated by the high voltage on the tube. For manufacturing convenience, the oxide-coated cathodes are usually coated with carbonates, which are then converted to oxides by heating. The activation may be achieved by microwave heating, direct electric current heating, or electron bombardment while the tube", "id": "7015272" }, { "contents": "Ice pack\n\n\nused as first aid on sport injuries, and can be carried as first aid to remote or wilderness areas where ice is unavailable. Unlike instant cold packs, that are stored at room temperature and quickly chill themselves when needed for one-time use, reusable hot cold packs are merely a material that holds its temperature well, so they are stored in a freezer or heated in water or a microwave oven to reach the desired temperature. The first hot and cold pack was introduced in 1948 with the name \"Hot-R", "id": "14788451" }, { "contents": "Renewable heat\n\n\nseveral kinds of improvement: Underfloor heating may sometimes be more energy efficient than traditional methods of heating: It is possible to recover significant amounts of heat from waste hot water via hot water heat recycling. Major consumption of hot water is sinks, showers, baths, dishwashers, and clothes washers. On average 30% of a property's domestic hot water is used for showering. Incoming fresh water is typically of a far lower temperature than the waste water from a shower. An inexpensive heat exchanger recovers up on average 40%", "id": "12587170" }, { "contents": "Cooking\n\n\nsince antiquity. These include baking, roasting, frying, grilling, barbecuing, smoking, boiling, steaming and braising. A more recent innovation is microwaving. Various methods use differing levels of heat and moisture and vary in cooking time. The method chosen greatly affects the end result because some foods are more appropriate to some methods than others. Some major hot cooking techniques include: Cooking can prevent many foodborne illnesses that would otherwise occur if the food is eaten raw. When heat is used in the preparation of food, it", "id": "5115661" }, { "contents": "Compressed air dryer\n\n\ndryers up to 100 cfm. Older and larger dryers still use R-22 and R-404a refrigerants. The goal of having two heat exchangers is that the cold outgoing air cools down the hot incoming air and reduces the size of compressor required. At the same time the increase in the temperature of outgoing air prevents re-condensation. Some manufacturers produce \"cycling dryers\". These store a cold mass that cools the air when the compressor is OFF. When the refrigeration compressor runs, the large mass takes much longer to cool, so", "id": "3256922" }, { "contents": "Transurethral microwave thermotherapy\n\n\nminimally invasive therapy that can be performed under a local anesthetic on an outpatient basis. The treatment involves inserting a special microwave urinary catheter into the hyperplastic prostatic urethra. The microwave antenna within the catheter then emits microwaves to heat and destroy the surrounding prostatic tissue. The procedure can take from 30 minutes to one hour and is well tolerated by patients. Following the procedure, the prostatic tissue will be swollen and irritated. Urologists often place a Foley catheter to prevent the patient from having urinary retention. After three to five days the", "id": "3289565" }, { "contents": "Microwave heat distribution\n\n\nThe microwave heat distribution is the distribution (allocation) of the heat release inside the microwave absorptive material irradiated with high intensive microwaves. The pattern of microwave heat distribution depends on many physical parameters, which may include the electromagnetic field, the specific absorption rate and structure of the processed material, the geometrical dimensions of the processing cavity, etc. Most of the industrial microwave heating applications need a uniform heat distribution. For example, the uniformity of microwave heat distribution is key parameter in microwave food sterilization, due to the potential danger", "id": "1123929" }, { "contents": "Iranian traditional medicine\n\n\nstays up the drier and warmer their bodies get and the longer one sleeps the wetter the brain and the body gets and their temperament would drop lower. Actually while one is sleeping the body temperature drops meaning that the heat would move from the surface of the body and that's why one might need a blanket during night. During the day the heat would move to the surface of the body and the body temperature raise. In any cases that one is forced to get less sleep (having to study for an exam,", "id": "6210292" }, { "contents": "Rice cooker\n\n\n, and the country of origin. The majority of modern electric rice cookers are equipped with a stay-warm or keep-warm feature, which keeps the rice at an optimal temperature for serving without over-cooking it. Some gas cookers also have electric stay-warm mechanism. However, the usefulness of this feature degrades over time, a microwave may be more energy efficient or better suited to reheat rice that will sit longer than four hours. Some rice cookers use induction heating, with one or more induction heaters directly", "id": "8652705" }, { "contents": "Hot Chip\n\n\ndisco influenced\", although the two tracks released prior to the album, \"Take It In\" and \"One Life Stand\", suggest that it will be more upbeat than first suggested, and may be more influenced by early house music. Alongside the regular band members, Hot Chip collaborated on several of the album tracks with the drummer Charles Hayward from This Heat and Camberwell Now, Leo Taylor, drummer from the London-based band The Invisible and the Trinidadian steel pan player Fimber Bravo. \"One Life Stand\"", "id": "2843975" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nthese items, the berries absorb more energy than the drier surrounding bread and cannot dissipate the heat due to the low thermal conductivity of the bread. Often this results in overheating the berries relative to the rest of the food. \"Defrost\" oven settings either use low power levels or turn the power off and on repeatedly - designed to allow time for heat to be conducted within frozen foods from areas that absorb heat more readily to those which heat more slowly. In turntable-equipped ovens, more even heating will take", "id": "12896703" }, { "contents": "Microwave\n\n\nworked in the 1970s and early 1980s to research the possibilities of using solar power satellite (SPS) systems with large solar arrays that would beam power down to the Earth's surface via microwaves. Less-than-lethal weaponry exists that uses millimeter waves to heat a thin layer of human skin to an intolerable temperature so as to make the targeted person move away. A two-second burst of the 95 GHz focused beam heats the skin to a temperature of at a depth of . The United States Air Force and Marines", "id": "3008" }, { "contents": "Lombo Pocket Watch\n\n\nm and was the second elect in the $100,000 final, behind stablemate Lombo Mandingo. Fitzpatrick elected to drive Lombo Mandingo in the final and freelance driver Greg Bennett picked up the drive on Lombo Pocket Watch. Lombo Pocket Watch won in a photo finish by a neck, giving him his first Group One race. With Fitzpatrick back in the sulky, Lombo Pocket Watch won a $20,000 heat of the Australian Pacing Gold Series for two-year-old colts and geldings at Harold Park. The $285,000 Group One final", "id": "20984472" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nit from the oven or while adding solid ingredients such as powdered creamer or sugar. This can result in spontaneous boiling (nucleation) which may be violent enough to eject the boiling liquid from the container and cause severe scalding. Closed containers, such as eggs, can explode when heated in a microwave oven due to the increased pressure from steam. Intact fresh egg yolks outside the shell will also explode, as a result of superheating. Insulating plastic foams of all types generally contain closed air pockets, and are generally not recommended", "id": "12896714" }, { "contents": "Cold and heat adaptations in humans\n\n\nthe limbs of endotherms are shorter in cold climates and longer in hot climates. Limb length affects the body’s surface area, which helps with thermoregulation. Shorter limbs help to conserve heat, while longer limbs help to dissipate heat. Marshall T. Newman argues that this can be observed in Eskimo, who have shorter limbs than other people and are laterally built. Origins of heat and cold adaptations can be explained by climatic adaptation. This can be traced back to the body’s responses to differing environments immediately after leaving Africa, such", "id": "15889642" }, { "contents": "Air preheater\n\n\nexhaust gases flow through the checkerwork, they give up heat to the bricks. The airflow is then reversed, so that the hot bricks heat up the incoming combustion air and fuel. For a glass-melting furnace, a regenerator sits on either side of the furnace, often forming an integral whole. For a blast furnace, the regenerators (commonly called Cowper stoves) sit separate to the furnace. A furnace needs no less than two stoves, but may have three. One of the stoves is 'on gas'", "id": "15540482" } ]
Why are lobsters cooked alive and do they feel pain?
[{"answer": "Lobsters spoil extremely quickly once dead. So they need to be kept alive until just before you cook them. Most actually kill them with a knife prior to boiling, but the \"traditional\" method is to just put them in a pot and cook them alive."}, {"answer": "Modern chefs will spike a lobster or a crab (in the brain) before boiling it. The reason people think they are alive when they go in is largely because they make noise. That's steam escaping their shell."}, {"answer": "For maximum safety, you want the distance between slaughter and plate to be as short as possible (unless freezing is involved, but that's another issue). Lobsters are one of the only animals that are often sold to consumers live for the simple reason that they're easy to keep alive and people aren't squeamish about killing them by dropping them into boiling water. You can also plunge a knife into their head but I think that's a fair whack more personal. Whether lobsters feel pain is another matter. The answer is that we don't really know. The nervous system of an arthropod is totally unlike that of humans, and pain is nearly impossible to measure objectively. Legally speaking invertebrates have basically no rights as far as animal cruelty goes so it doesn't really matter."}, {"answer": "i imagine it's a freshness thing as far as cooking goes. Whether of not they feel pain? Well, humans and lobsters utilize some of the same neurotransmitters involved in the human experiences of fear and anxiety. When anxiety drugs are given to humans you can measure the physiological response. Equivalent responses are observed in crustaceans with the same Drugs. The same goes for pain responses, in that we can measure neurological activity changes in either the presence or absence of pain stimuli. Seeing as such things as fear and pain are evolutionary speaking pretty universal survival mechanisms, I would feel it safe to assume that being boiled to death is a pretty good way to induce the maximal level of pain that a living creature can experience, regardless of whether it's a lobster or a puppy."}, {"answer": "Lobster meat is extremely delicate and will spoil rapidly after it dies. It is also much more prone to food poisoning if its not fresh. Lobsters don't have complex nervous systems like mammals do, but they still react to stimuli that would cause pain. They likely do, but not to the same extent or at least the same way that humans feel pain."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "31565681", "title": "Pain in invertebrates", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Pain in invertebrates is a contentious issue. Although there are numerous definitions of pain, almost all involve two key components. First, nociception is required. This is the ability to detect noxious stimuli which evokes a reflex response that moves the entire animal, or the affected part of its body, away from the source of the stimulus. The concept of nociception does not imply any adverse, subjective feeling; it is a reflex action. The second component is the experience of 'pain' itself, or sufferingi.e., the internal, emotional interpretation of the nociceptive experience. Pain is therefore a private, emotional experience. Pain cannot be directly measured in other animals, including other humans; responses to putatively painful stimuli can be measured, but not the experience itself. To address this problem when assessing the capacity of other species to experience pain, argument-by-analogy is used. This is based on the principle that if a non-human animal's responses to stimuli are similar to those of humans, it is likely to have had an analogous experience. It has been argued that if a pin is stuck in a chimpanzee's finger and they rapidly withdraw their hand, then argument-by-analogy implies that like humans, they felt pain. It has been questioned why the inference does not then follow that a cockroach experiences pain when it writhes after being stuck with a pin. This argument-by-analogy approach to the concept of pain in invertebrates has been followed by others.", "Pain in invertebrates is a contentious issue. Although there are numerous definitions of pain, almost all involve two key components. First, nociception is required. This is the ability to detect noxious stimuli which evokes a reflex response that moves the entire animal, or the affected part of its body, away from the source of the stimulus. The concept of nociception does not imply any adverse, subjective feeling; it is a reflex action. The second component is the experience of 'pain' itself, or sufferingi.e., the internal, emotional interpretation of the nociceptive experience. Pain is therefore a private, emotional experience. Pain cannot be directly measured in other animals, including other humans; responses to putatively painful stimuli can be measured, but not the experience itself. To address this problem when assessing the capacity of other species to experience pain, argument-by-analogy is used. This is based on the principle that if a non-human animal's responses to stimuli are similar to those of humans, it is likely to have had an analogous experience. It has been argued that if a pin is stuck in a chimpanzee's finger and they rapidly withdraw their hand, then argument-by-analogy implies that like humans, they felt pain. It has been questioned why the inference does not then follow that a cockroach experiences pain when it writhes after being stuck with a pin. This argument-by-analogy approach to the concept of pain in invertebrates has been followed by others."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Lobster Liberation Front\n\n\nsame leaderless-resistance model as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Earth Liberation Front (ELF), which consists of small, autonomous, covert cells acting independently. A cell may consist of just one person. The LLF consider boiling lobsters alive (the traditional method for cooking them) unacceptable and use direct action to prevent it. As lobsters possess a rudimentary nervous system, the LLF believe they feel pain and thus boiling them is unnecessarily cruel. This was challenged by a Norwegian study released in 2005, which suggested", "id": "7673758" }, { "contents": "Lobster Liberation Front\n\n\nthat lobsters cannot feel pain due to their diminished nervous capacity. A 2007 British study contradicted that conclusion, suggesting that crustaceans do feel pain, and that pain responses are crucial to any organism's survival. In March, the village of Worth Matravers, Dorset was targeted when the individuals twice wrecked a fisherman's boat and set lobsters free. The actions were reported to the Southern Animal Rights Coalition, sent anonymously by the LLF. Shortly following this action, one thousand pounds worth of damage was made in June when it", "id": "7673759" }, { "contents": "Lobster Telephone\n\n\n. A similar drawing is printed in \"The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí\" which contains the following: I do not understand why, when I ask for a grilled lobster in a restaurant, I am never served a cooked telephone; I do not understand why champagne is always chilled and why on the other hand telephones, which are habitually so frightfully warm and disagreeably sticky to the touch, are not also put in silver buckets with crushed ice around them. Telephone frappé, mint-coloured telephone, aphrodisiac telephone, lobster", "id": "987702" }, { "contents": "American lobster\n\n\n-shells (lobsters that are several months past their last molt) can survive out of water for up to four or five days if kept refrigerated. Soft-shells (lobsters that have only recently molted) do not survive more than a few hours out of water. Lobsters are usually cooked alive, which may be illegal in certain areas and which some people consider inhumane. One common way of serving lobster 'tail' (actually the abdomen) is with beef, known as surf and turf. Lobsters have a greenish", "id": "9355197" }, { "contents": "Blue Angel defamation case\n\n\na jury of four in 1989. Marcobello claimed Schofield imputed he was a cruel and inhumane restaurateur because the restaurant killed live lobsters by boiling them alive and cooked lobsters for 45 minutes, which was contrary to standard cooking; he charged prices that didn’t reflect good value; he served charred lobster and severely overcooked garlic prawns and lemon sole. Schofield and Fairfax claimed fair comment and truth as their defences. Witnesses (including Spode) claimed to have eaten overcooked meals at the Blue Angel, and Marcello Marcobello's own father,", "id": "5658566" }, { "contents": "Pain in crustaceans\n\n\nfor Food Safety tentatively concluded that \"it is unlikely that [lobsters] can feel pain,\" though they note that \"there is apparently a paucity of exact knowledge on sentience in crustaceans, and more research is needed.\" This conclusion is based on the lobster's simple nervous system. The report assumes that the violent reaction of lobsters to boiling water is a reflex response (i.e. does not involve conscious perception) to noxious stimuli. A European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 2005 publication stated that the largest of decapod", "id": "11268960" }, { "contents": "Pain in animals\n\n\npainful event appear comparable to those seen in amphibians, birds, and mammals, and administration of an analgesic drug reduces these responses in fish. Animal welfare advocates have raised concerns about the possible suffering of fish caused by angling. Some countries, e.g. Germany, have banned specific types of fishing, and the British RSPCA now formally prosecutes individuals who are cruel to fish. Though it has been argued that most invertebrates do not feel pain, there is some evidence that invertebrates, especially the decapod crustaceans (e.g. crabs and lobsters)", "id": "9733359" }, { "contents": "Pain in fish\n\n\n1% ethanol and MgCl) is administered prior to the injury, this prevents the sensitisation and blocks the behavioural effect. The authors claim this study is the first experimental evidence to support the argument that nociceptive sensitisation is actually an adaptive response to injuries. The question has been asked, \"If fish cannot feel pain, why do stingrays have purely defensive tail spines that deliver venom? Stingrays' ancestral predators are fish. And why do many fishes possess defensive fin spines, some also with venom that produces pain in humans", "id": "9361852" }, { "contents": "Lobster\n\n\nwhere offenders face fines up to €495. Lobsters can be killed by electrocution prior to cooking, with one device, the CrustaStun, applying a 110-volt, 2 to 5 amp electrical charge to the animal. The Swiss government banned boiling lobster live without stunning them first; Since March 2018, lobsters in Switzerland need to be knocked out, or killed instantly, before they are prepared. They also get other protections while in transit. The killing methods most likely to cause pain and distress are: Lobsters are caught using baited", "id": "2396924" }, { "contents": "Krik? Krak!\n\n\n. The Epilogue, \"Women like Us\", suggests that these women have a relationship with one another. The epilogue's unnamed narrator recognizes the similarity between herself and her mother as well as her female ancestors. These women all cook when they feel the need to express their sorrows and pain, but the narrator chooses to write despite her mother's disapproval. Her mother feels that she could be killed because that is often the case with Haitian writers. The narrator keeps her female ancestor's history alive through her stories.", "id": "9113809" }, { "contents": "Lobster Random\n\n\nLobster Random is a character in the comic book \"2000 AD\". He was created by Simon Spurrier and artist Carl Critchlow. Ugly of temper and with a pair of claws surgically grafted onto his sides, Lobster Random was a genetically modified soldier, adapted to never need sleep or to feel pain. After being discharged from the military he found his talents lay in the art of torture, and hired out his services for any client who required information and wasn't squeamish about the methods employed to get it. \"Lob", "id": "4409699" }, { "contents": "Lobster\n\n\nand \"Homarus americanus\". Lobster recipes include lobster Newberg and lobster Thermidor. Lobster is used in soup, bisque, lobster rolls, and \"cappon magro\". Lobster meat may be dipped in clarified butter, resulting in a heightened flavor. Cooks boil or steam live lobsters. When a lobster is cooked, its shell's color changes from blue to orange because the heat from cooking breaks down a protein called crustacyanin, which suppresses the orange hue of the chemical astaxanthin, which is also found in the shell. According", "id": "2396917" }, { "contents": "Pain in crustaceans\n\n\ncrustaceans have complex behaviour, a pain system, considerable learning abilities and appear to have some degree of awareness. Based on this evidence, they placed all decapod crustaceans into the same category of research-animal protection as vertebrates. The EFSA summarized that the killing methods most likely to cause pain and distress are: A device called the CrustaStun has been invented to electrocute shellfish such as lobsters, crabs, and crayfish before cooking. The device works by applying a 110-volt, 2 to 5 amp electrical charge to the animal. The", "id": "11268961" }, { "contents": "Homarus gammarus\n\n\nand yellow below. The red colour associated with lobsters only appears after cooking. This occurs because, in life, the red pigment astaxanthin is bound to a protein complex, but the complex is broken up by the heat of cooking, releasing the red pigment. The closest relative of \"H. gammarus\" is the American lobster, \"Homarus americanus\". The two species are very similar, and can be crossed artificially, although hybrids are unlikely to occur in the wild since their ranges do not overlap. The two species", "id": "8027188" }, { "contents": "If It's Not Forever\n\n\nunknown; empathy with that person’s life and plight; relevance to other’s dreams and a dream to fulfill that unknown’s dream, a pain for other’s plight and loving your loved ones and making them feel this coziness and warmth throughout your life so that you don’t need to repent or think, “Why couldn’t I express them when I was alive”.\" \"Stories In Moments\" gives 4 stars and writes, \"It’s a captivating read. More than once I felt like jumping to the", "id": "12069118" }, { "contents": "Alive (Jessie J album)\n\n\nsecond album, including saying: \"For the seven years before I signed my record deal, I was in a bad place, and I was scared that I couldn't get out of it. That’s why I wrote such upbeat music, as a way of trying to escape how I felt. Now that I am happier, I won’t be afraid to explore my pain. But in a good way; it’ll be me saying that it’s OK not to feel OK.\" In June 2013, rumours", "id": "19593388" }, { "contents": "Crab\n\n\nespecially as a sushi ingredient in Japan and South Korea, and in home cooking, where cost is often a chief concern. Indeed, surimi is an important source of protein in most East and Southeast Asian cultures, appearing in staple ingredients such as fish balls and fish cake. Crabs are often boiled alive. In 2005, Norwegian scientists concluded that crustaceans could not feel pain. However, a study by Bob Elwood and Mirjam Appel of Queens University in Belfast, found that hermit crabs reacted to electric shocks. This may indicate", "id": "9457050" }, { "contents": "Naraka (Hinduism)\n\n\n: A person who indulges at the expense of other beings is afflicted with pain by fierce \"ruru\"s called \"kravyada\"s, who eat his flesh. Kumbhipaka (cooked in a pot): A person who cooks beasts and birds alive is cooked alive in boiling oil by Yamadutas here, for as many years as there were hairs on the bodies of their animal victims. Kalasutra (thread of Time/Death): The \"Bhagavata Purana\" assigns this hell to a murderer of a brahmin, while the \"Devi Bhagavata Purana", "id": "2555068" }, { "contents": "Lobster\n\n\neaten, instead released back into the wild or donated to aquariums. Often, in cases of atypical coloring, there is a genetic factor, such as albinism or hermaphroditism. Notably, the New England Aquarium has a collection of such lobsters, called the Lobster Rainbow, on public display. Special coloring doesn't appear to have an effect on the lobster's taste once cooked; with the exception of albinos, all lobsters possess astaxanthin, which is responsible for the bright red color lobsters turn after being cooked. Lobsters live up", "id": "2396910" }, { "contents": "The Second Coming (Heroes)\n\n\nshe does not die. She remains conscious as Sylar lays her on a table and examines her now-exposed brain, claiming he is looking for answers. Due to the lack of nerve endings in the human brain, she does not feel any pain. Sylar obtains Claire's power and Noah's files, puts Claire's scalp back on her head and turns to leave. Claire's scalp heals, and she then asks Sylar why she is still alive. He tells her she is unique and can't die, and", "id": "14270659" }, { "contents": "Rebeca Mendoza\n\n\nwith my hands? And why not with a cloth? – What happens if I paint on wet paper? And if I pain on the floor? On a table or an easel? – Where do I feel more comfortable? – What part of the work do I enjoy the most? – Do I like the palette I used? Would I like to change it? And if the answer is “I don’t know”, what if I try one option and then the other? – What type of structure", "id": "13077734" }, { "contents": "The Garden of Sinners: Remaining Sense of Pain\n\n\nFujino's character occurs that makes Shiki no longer desire a fight and leaves. A flashback in Fujino's childhood reveals her playing with a knife along with her toys, seemingly injured and bleeding. However, she continued playing as if she did not feel any pain. Back to the present, Fujino calls Keita's number, saying she is finally feeling pain and therefore feeling alive. But she does not want Keita, the only survivor of the bar's crime scene, to tell everyone she is a murderer, as she", "id": "18897109" }, { "contents": "Jill Abbott\n\n\nmother, and she doesn't know how to deal with them.\" Walton said she felt Jill had been \"shaken to the very foundation\" upon the revelation that Katherine is her mother, stating: \"A big part of who she has been all these years has to do with her anger towards Katherine. She always shoved any feeling of love down. Now, she's questioning everything about herself. That's why she is in such pain and why she is drinking. That hate thing is baseless now.\"", "id": "2259697" }, { "contents": "The Case for Animal Rights\n\n\neven if the consequences of doing so are appealing. He describes his \"subject-of-a-life criterion\" as follows: [It] involves more than merely being alive and more than merely being conscious. ... individuals are subjects-of-a-life if they have beliefs and desires; perception, memory, and a sense of the future, including their own future; an emotional life together with feelings of pleasure and pain; preference- and welfare-interests; the ability to initiate action in pursuit of", "id": "11538662" }, { "contents": "Pain in animals\n\n\nand cephalopods (e.g. octopuses), exhibit behavioural and physiological reactions indicating they may have the capacity for this experience. Nociceptors have been found in nematodes, annelids and molluscs. Most insects do not possess nociceptors, one known exception being the fruit fly. In vertebrates, endogenous opioids are neurochemicals that moderate pain by interacting with opiate receptors. Opioid peptides and opiate receptors occur naturally in nematodes, molluscs, insects and crustaceans. The presence of opioids in crustaceans has been interpreted as an indication that lobsters may be able to experience pain", "id": "9733360" }, { "contents": "Dark Desire\n\n\nby horrendous pain and visions of a man being tortured. For years she dreams of this man. After the society finds her again, she goes to the Carpathian Mountains to do further research on her disorder. She feels that since there are many legends of vampires in the region that this may be the epicenter of the disease. When she goes for a walk, she’s compelled to go to a spot deep in the forest. She finds a cellar where a man has been tortured and buried alive with a stake driven", "id": "20719516" }, { "contents": "Lobster\n\n\nto the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the mean level of mercury in American lobster between 2005 and 2007 was 0.107ppm. In North America, the American lobster did not achieve popularity until the mid-19th century, when New Yorkers and Bostonians developed a taste for it, and commercial lobster fisheries only flourished after the development of the lobster smack, a custom-made boat with open holding wells on the deck to keep the lobsters alive during transport. Prior to this time, lobster was considered a poverty food or", "id": "2396918" }, { "contents": "Pain\n\n\nor they may feel the pain is a form of deserved punishment. Cultural barriers may also affect the likelihood of reporting pain. Sufferers may feel that certain treatments go against their religious beliefs. They may not report pain because they feel it is a sign that death is near. Many people fear the stigma of addiction, and avoid pain treatment so as not to be prescribed potentially addicting drugs. Many Asians do not want to lose respect in society by admitting they are in pain and need help, believing the pain should be", "id": "4739051" }, { "contents": "See (Preacher)\n\n\nCowboy and Jesse, with Catlin concluding, \"The story of the cowboy will continue to be told over the first season. Then, by the end of the first season, you'll realize why he has everything in the world to do with Jesse.\" Ennis spoke about his feelings of seeing this character come alive on screen: \"That was great. That's where I thought, 'Holy f—ing shit, it's a Western.' That goes back to the very beginning, to me being three", "id": "21429911" }, { "contents": "CrustaStun\n\n\nThe CrustaStun is a device designed to administer a lethal electric shock to shellfish (such as lobsters, crabs, and crayfish) before cooking. This avoids boiling a live shellfish which may be able to experience pain in a way similar to vertebrates. The CrustaStun comprises a stainless-steel box approximately the size of a domestic microwave oven containing a tray with a wet sponge and an electrode. The shellfish is placed in the box and when the lid is closed, the wet sponge conducts the current which electrocutes the animal with a", "id": "21077328" }, { "contents": "Lobster Johnson\n\n\n. He showed skill with both weapons. The Lobster had also occasionally used other weapons such as swords, spears, or even the leg of a broken chair. He was also shown to be a proficient unarmed fighter. The Lobster somehow remained alive after explosions (this had happened several times) and possibly being hit by gunfire in \"Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #2\". There has not yet been any explanation of the Lobster's powers, however. In the stories set in the 1930s, the Lobster possessed", "id": "480642" }, { "contents": "Claire Bennet\n\n\nto her power, she has an incredibly high pain tolerance; Claire states in \"The Butterfly Effect\" that, when injured, she feels pain just as severe as anyone else who was injured in such a way, but her power quickly deadens pain. When asked about this, series writers Joe Pokaski and Aron Coleite would only comment that she \"feels pain, but not the way most of us do.\" Claire, describing her response to pain to West, says \"I feel pain; I just get over", "id": "16746879" }, { "contents": "Homarus gammarus\n\n\nHomarus gammarus, known as the European lobster or common lobster, is a species of clawed lobster from the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and parts of the Black Sea. It is closely related to the American lobster, \"H. americanus\". It may grow to a length of and a mass of , and bears a conspicuous pair of claws. In life the lobsters are blue, only becoming \"lobster red\" on cooking. Mating occurs in the summer, producing eggs which are carried by the females for up to", "id": "8027185" }, { "contents": "Last of the Country Gentlemen\n\n\nto it since we've finished it\", he said. For a while Pearson thought the album shouldn't be released at all, so painful was the feel. \"It's why people go to a priest - so no one else hears you. But playing songs live seemed to help people. I don't know if it's a big mistake, but it's coming out now. Maybe it can do some good,\" he said. \"Uncut\" placed the album at number 5 on its list of", "id": "12435025" }, { "contents": "Tragedy's a' comin\n\n\nobserved by one of the lobsters waiting to be cooked, and intercut with a fantasy sequence of that lobster imagining itself alone on a remote beach, played by Claypool. Throughout the video, an anonymous figure is shown riding a horse while wearing a space suit, who eventually arrives at the restaurant and orders the lobster, which is then cooked and served to them. Other scenes include some of the restaurant's diners spontaneously breaking out into dance, joined by the maître d’, and footage of the band members playing their", "id": "11377991" }, { "contents": "Kairos Alive!\n\n\nand recognize each other.\" The AARP article goes on to say \"Research suggests that creative expression programs can reduce pain and loneliness while increasing mobility, helping cognition and making participants feel valued.\" Karios Alive!'s programs include Intergenerational Dance Hall, Dancing Heart™, Community Arts and Wellbeing™, Moving Well™, and the Kairos Alive! Performing Troupe. The work of Kairos Alive! was featured in \"Arts & The Mind\", a documentary written, produced, and directed by Leo Eaton. Narrated by", "id": "10030781" }, { "contents": "Illegal fishing in Africa\n\n\nLobsters, which are a well-known seafood dish, are highly requested in American restaurants. Since lobsters have to be imported alive, the prices to ship them is very high. Illegal fisheries may overfish lobsters to receive large monetary benefits. In the mid-2000s, one case in which lobsters were being overfished illegally in South Africa to be imported to the United States was investigated. It was found that 30 percent of the lobsters being shipped to the United States were the result of illegal fishing. As a result, the United", "id": "1965333" }, { "contents": "Lobster\n\n\nprevious season and have a coarser flavor, can be air-shipped anywhere in the world and arrive alive, making them the most expensive. One seafood guide notes that an $8 lobster dinner at a restaurant overlooking fishing piers in Maine is consistently delicious, while \"the eighty-dollar lobster in a three-star Paris restaurant is apt to be as much about presentation as flavor\". Several methods are used for killing lobsters. The most common way of killing lobsters is by placing them live in boiling water, sometimes", "id": "2396922" }, { "contents": "Lobster Thermidor\n\n\nLobster Thermidor is a French dish consisting of a creamy mixture of cooked lobster meat, egg yolks, and brandy (often cognac), stuffed into a lobster shell. It can also be served with an oven-browned cheese crust, typically Gruyère. The sauce must contain mustard (typically powdered mustard). Due to expensive ingredients and extensive preparation involved, Lobster Thermidor is usually considered a recipe primarily for special occasions. The recipe of Lobster Thermidor was created around 1880 by Auguste Escoffier then working in Maison Maire, a Parisian", "id": "18006414" }, { "contents": "List of Austin Powers characters\n\n\nstart of the first film, but a second mistake also puts his life on the line. While he feels pain like everyone else, he is near-impossible to kill. In the first film, he made a mistake during the unfreezing process and caused Mr. Bigglesworth to lose all of his hair, thereby angering Dr. Evil and prompting his attempt to burn Mustafa alive. However, the flames do not take his life, so Dr. Evil commands his guards to shoot him; Mustafa survives the first shot, but the second", "id": "18121282" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of mind\n\n\nsome experiential \"quality\", e.g. of pain, that it hurts. However, the sensation of pain between two individuals may not be identical, since no one has a perfect way to measure how much something hurts or of describing exactly how it feels to hurt. Philosophers and scientists therefore ask where these experiences come from. The existence of cerebral events, in and of themselves, cannot explain why they are accompanied by these corresponding qualitative experiences. The puzzle of why many cerebral processes occur with an accompanying experiential aspect in", "id": "5684992" }, { "contents": "Pseudolus\n\n\ndoes not know what to do. Meanwhile, Ballio returns to his house with a cook. The two are arguing about how much the cook charges people for his services. Ballio is quite angry that he has to pay two drachmae instead of one to be able to have a cook for his birthday celebration. The cook is insulted and asks why he hired him. Ballio replies that he had to, because he was the only cook left. The cook immediately starts to make his own case, explaining in great detail why", "id": "20915009" }, { "contents": "Nestinarstvo\n\n\nthe dancers reach a religious state of trance while dancing, explaining why their feet don't burn and they allegedly don't feel pain. In the 20th and 21st century the ritual became largely commercialized and is now performed for the foreign tourists all over the seaside resorts of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast by people who have little to do with the original tradition. A few Bulgarians still perform the ritual in its more authentic form in the villages of Strandzha. The ritual is also preserved among the population of several villages in northern Greece", "id": "11076555" }, { "contents": "Estella Sneider\n\n\nArmstrong, committed suicide. \"E! News\" interviewed Sneider, where she talked about dealing with suicidal patients. \"When I see general patients who have been suicidal, I ask what their plans are, why did they choose that. Explain the plans such as who will find them and what do they think people will think? It's amazing when people start exploring, they get to the message and the real pain that they're feeling. They let it go. Unfortunately, I wish more people would reach out", "id": "320253" }, { "contents": "Feeling\n\n\nsomething other than what they currently feel, as they believe the pain to be not as bad as their actual problem. Distraction is not the only reason why many individuals choose to inflict self-harm. Some people inflict self-harm to punish themselves for feeling a certain way. A gut feeling, or gut reaction, is a visceral emotional reaction to something. It may be negative, such as a feeling of uneasiness, or positive, such as a feeling of trust. Gut feelings are generally regarded as not modulated", "id": "2847937" }, { "contents": "Do You Feel Like We Do\n\n\nalbum. The selection had been recorded live on November 22, 1975 on the college campus of SUNY Plattsburgh in Plattsburgh, New York. \"Do You Feel Like We Do\" was released as the third single from \"Frampton Comes Alive!\" in September 1976. On September 8, U.S. President Gerald Ford invited him to stay at the White House as a result of the success of \"Frampton Comes Alive!\" It was edited down extensively for the 45 RPM single and promo single for pop radio stations, but the", "id": "1921428" }, { "contents": "Homarus\n\n\nthe eastern Atlantic, and by the presence of one or more teeth on the underside of the rostrum in \"H. americanus\" but not in \"H. gammarus\". \"Homarus gammarus\", known as the \"European lobster\" or \"common lobster\", may grow to a length of and a mass of , and bears a conspicuous pair of claws. In life, the lobsters are blue, only becoming \"lobster red\" on cooking. \"Homarus gammarus\" is a highly esteemed food, and is widely caught", "id": "8026984" }, { "contents": "Swell shark\n\n\ndouble row of enlarged dermal denticles to help them exit the eggcase. After hatching, the pup is approximately 15 cm in length and is fully self-sufficient. Swell sharks hunt at night for bony fish, molluscs, and crustaceans. They will eat prey that is dead or alive. They feed either by sucking prey into their mouth or by waiting motionless on the sea floor with their mouth open, waiting to encounter prey. Swell sharks have also been known to look for food in lobster traps. When the shark feels", "id": "4544450" }, { "contents": "Intruder (1993 film)\n\n\n; help me, fight for your life. It is inside of you what doesn’t let you live. Spit it out. You have to live for me (she lays him down on the edge of the swimming pool), I shouldn’t have left you. I want you to feel pain, pain, the pain of being alive (she submerges his head in the water until the dying man reacts, coughing) Tell your name, I’m Angel and I wanna live (he complies) \"Wait for", "id": "1645923" }, { "contents": "Pain in babies\n\n\nPain in babies, and whether babies feel pain, has been a large subject of debate within the medical profession for centuries. Prior to the late nineteenth century it was generally considered that babies hurt more easily than adults. It was only in the last quarter of the 20th century that scientific techniques finally established babies definitely do experience pain – probably more than adults – and has developed reliable means of assessing and of treating it. As recently as 1999, it was commonly stated that babies could not feel pain until they were a", "id": "314091" }, { "contents": "Gate control theory\n\n\n) fibers block the slow (unmyelinated) fibers: \"fast blocks slow\". When you experience a negative feeling, such as pain from a bump or an itch from a bug bite, a common reaction is an attempt to eliminate the feeling by rubbing the painful bump or scratching the itchy bite. These are examples of Gate Control Theory of Pain that most can relate to. Gate Control Theory asserts that activation of nerves which do not transmit pain signals, called nonnociceptive fibers, can interfere with signals from pain fibers,", "id": "5599047" }, { "contents": "2015 Boston Lobsters season\n\n\na 5–1 women's singles set win. Parra and Lipsky dropped the final set of mixed doubles, 5–3, to send the match to extended play with the Lobsters leading, 18–17. In the first game of extended play, Parra and Lipsky jumped in front, 1–3, with Marcelo Melo serving for the Freedoms. Melo and Taylor Townsend were able to turn back the first two break points. But Parra and Lipsky broke at 3 all to seal a 19–17 victory for the Lobsters that kept their playoff hopes alive. The Lobsters", "id": "13338956" }, { "contents": "Food grading\n\n\nless sweet meat, can survive shipping to Boston, New York and even Los Angeles, so they command a higher price than new-shell lobsters. Meanwhile, old-shell lobsters, which have not shed since the previous season and have a coarser flavour, can be air-shipped anywhere in the world and arrive alive, making them the most expensive. One seafood guide notes that an eight-dollar lobster dinner at a restaurant overlooking fishing piers in Maine is consistently delicious, while \"the eighty-dollar lobster in", "id": "15609405" }, { "contents": "Planescape Campaign Setting\n\n\neven jarring\". He praised Cook for \"resisting the temptation to explain the physical laws of the planes in ponderous detail. Why do the planes assume such unusual shapes? Well, they just do. Why are some planes made of fire, some of ice? Well, they just are.\" Swan also felt that \"Cook insists that the mechanics serve the story, not vice versa, making this an extremely user-friendly multiverse.\" Commenting on the set's geography, Swan said \"With energetic, vividly", "id": "14324200" }, { "contents": "Home Alive\n\n\na therapist, writing in a journal, talking to friends and exercising. For the organization self-defense meant to do anything to make oneself feel strong and able to take care of oneself in order to feel safer. Home Alive moved to the Capitol Hill district in 2004. On June 14, 2010 members of Home Alive's Board of Directors, together with the instructor collective, decided to close as a 501(c)(3) organization and to lay the Home Alive program dormant after 17 years in the community. They announced their decision", "id": "15747197" }, { "contents": "Animal testing\n\n\nthat animals might not feel pain as human beings feel it traces back to the 17th-century French philosopher, René Descartes, who argued that animals do not experience pain and suffering because they lack consciousness. Bernard Rollin of Colorado State University, the principal author of two U.S. federal laws regulating pain relief for animals, writes that researchers remained unsure into the 1980s as to whether animals experience pain, and that veterinarians trained in the U.S. before 1989 were simply taught to ignore animal pain. In his interactions with scientists and other veterinarians", "id": "9760959" }, { "contents": "Another Miss Oh\n\n\nto let her live happily. Not long after he dumped her, he went to jail because of the bankruptcy. He is curious as to why Do-kyung decided to destroy his business as they never met each other previously. Even after he walks out from the jail, he still has feelings for his ex-fiancé, Hae-young (soil). A 60-year-old man, he is Hae-young (soil)'s father. As a man he is talented in cooking, and he seems to", "id": "13456537" }, { "contents": "Angelina Jolie\n\n\nwith other people, and as a result she self-harmed, later commenting, \"For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling the pain, maybe feeling alive, feeling some kind of release, it was somehow therapeutic to me.\" She also struggled with insomnia and an eating disorder, and began experimenting with drugs; by age 20, she had used \"just about every drug possible,\" particularly heroin. Jolie suffered episodes of depression and twice planned to commit suicide—at age 19 and", "id": "6622827" }, { "contents": "Why (Jason Aldean song)\n\n\nlover emotional pain. He then asks himself why he lets himself treat her wrongly, and why he takes so long to show his feelings for her. Kevin John Coyne of \"Country Universe\" gave the song a positive review, saying that it is \"interesting\" and sounds \"very real and sincere\". The music video was directed by Wes Edwards. It premiered in the week of November 14, 2005. \"Why\" debuted at number 49 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs for the week of", "id": "7493706" }, { "contents": "JJ (Skins series 3)\n\n\n, announcing that Emily is already inside. Cook gets into a fight on the dancefloor and Freddie moves in to help when he discovers that JJ gave Cook his prescription drugs. Cook, under the influence of JJ's drugs, is compelled to tell the truth and confesses that Effy loves Freddie. Cook says that he loves Effy, but knows his feelings are not reciprocated and that is why he is having an affair with Pandora. Thomas, Pandora's boyfriend, overhears this and is furious. JJ leaves the club and finds", "id": "17012168" }, { "contents": "Borderline personality disorder\n\n\n. Impulsive behavior may also include leaving jobs or relationships, running away, and self-injury. People with BPD might do this because it gives them the feeling of immediate relief from their emotional pain. However, in the long term, people with BPD have increased shame and guilt that follow such actions and the inevitable consequences of continuing this behaviour over a prolonged period of time. A cycle often begins in which people with BPD feel emotional pain, engage in impulsive behavior to relieve that pain, feel shame and guilt over", "id": "17116157" }, { "contents": "Round the Horne\n\n\nthat any naughtiness was in fact in the listener's mind. The character was loosely based on the television cook Fanny Cradock. Described by Took and Feldman as \"fashion reporter, TV cook, agony aunt, pain in the neck\", Daphne Whitethigh (Marsden) is a hoarse-voiced pundit, \"whose advice on the placing of the bosom or the way to prepare Hippo in its shell is an absolute must for all those trendy moderns who want to look and feel frightful\". Among her helpful cooking tips are", "id": "6588890" }, { "contents": "Samskara (Indian philosophy)\n\n\nstate that David Hume's \"impressions\" theory is similar to Samskara theory of Hinduism. The Hindu schools rely on \"samskara\" theory as one of the pillars for their epistemology (\"pramana\"), wherein they explain how and why man's knows anything, remembers anything, expects anything, feels fulfillment, feels frustration, feels freedom and joy, or feels suffering and pain. \"Samskara\" are the impressions and dispositions that develop and accumulate deep inside a person, according to these schools, from perception, inference", "id": "10710141" }, { "contents": "Do You Feel Like We Do\n\n\n\"Frampton Comes Alive!\" version does Frampton sing, \"Do you feel like we do?\" He then sings \"Do you feel like we do?\" through the talk box in the midst of his extended guitar solo. This song was covered by Tesla, whose version can be found on Disk Two of their 2007 album \"Real to Reel,\" and by Night Ranger, whose version can be found on their album \"Feeding off the Mojo\", where it is coupled with their cover of the Beatles", "id": "1921432" }, { "contents": "Miskito people\n\n\nin a canoe allowing the diver to offload his catch. In addition to 18-20 dive teams, a boat employs additional support staff to cook, clean, and manage the diving equipment. At the beginning of a fishing trip, the lobster boats travel the coast picking up recruited dive teams and boat hands. They then search for lobster at known lobster banks between Honduras and Colombia, often illegally and usually over the course of 12–16 days. The divers are paid by the pound for lobster tails alone. In the early", "id": "10449326" }, { "contents": "Lobster Telephone\n\n\nLobster Telephone (also known as Aphrodisiac Telephone) is a Surrealist object, created by Salvador Dalí in 1936 for the English poet Edward James (1907–1984), a leading collector of surrealist art. In his book \"The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí\", Dalí wrote teasingly of his demand to know why, when he asked for a grilled lobster in a restaurant, he was never presented with a boiled telephone. The work is a composite of an ordinary working telephone and a lobster made of plaster. It is approximately 15", "id": "987698" }, { "contents": "American lobster\n\n\navailable to state residents. Rhode Island also requires divers to acquire a permit. Lobster traps are rectangular cages made of vinyl-coated galvanized steel mesh or wood, with woven mesh entrances. These are baited and lowered to the sea floor. They allow a lobster to enter, but make it difficult for the larger specimens to turn around and exit. This allows the creatures to be captured alive. The traps, sometimes referred to as \"pots\", have a buoy floating on the surface, and lobstermen check their traps", "id": "9355201" }, { "contents": "The Jewel in the Crown (novel)\n\n\n's behavior and they feel betrayed by her. They do not understand why, in their view, Daphne protected her attackers. They do not understand why Daphne did not abort the baby. They do not understand why Lady Manners kept the child. And they do not understand why Lady Manners gave the child an Indian name, Parvati. Ludmila is a European woman of mysterious origins who has come to India to tend to the poor and the sick, she is not an actual nun; her title of \"sister\" being", "id": "5890772" }, { "contents": "Blue Angel defamation case\n\n\nand flamboyant style, prefaced with a reworded version of Lewis Carroll’s Lobster Quadrille\". Schofield wrote there was a 45-minute wait for grilled lobster: That should have really sent the balloon up for us. Even Godzilla boiled for 45 minutes would be appallingly overcooked. Which is what our grilled lobster most certainly was, cooked until every drop of juice and joy in the thing had been successfully eliminated, leaving a charred husk of a shell containing meat that might have been albino walrus. The \"carbonised claws\" of the lobster", "id": "5658564" }, { "contents": "Effy Stonem\n\n\nEffy doesn't say anything, her \"look says it all\" when her gaze lingers over Freddie, prompting Cook to leave in a fury. When Freddie and Effy are alone, they make up and have sex. The following morning Effy, Freddie, Cook, and JJ begin their journey home. Over the summer, Effy goes with her mother to Italy, breaking up with Freddie due to the guilt she feels from the pain she caused Katie and Cook and does not contact anyone. In \"Thomas\", Effy", "id": "14345363" }, { "contents": "Lismore, Nova Scotia\n\n\nLismore is a community in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, located in Pictou County. The name Lismore comes from Irish \"Lios Mór\" or Scottish Gaelic \"Lios Mòr\", both meaning \"great ringfort\" or \"great garden\". It's known mainly for its lobster. It's considered the best tasting lobster caught and sold in the markets. The area has some unique habitats for the lobster to survive in which is why many people believe the meat tastes better. The largest Lobster fishing vessel in Pictou County", "id": "7842145" }, { "contents": "A Treatise of Human Nature\n\n\npains or pleasures\"—and Hume's task is to explain how certain kinds of \"action, or sentiment, or character\" produce these special moral sentiments in us. But a problem arises: since pleasant or painful feelings can be produced by inanimate objects, why doesn't sentimentalism succumb to the same objection Hume has just raised against rationalism? First, he contends there are many different kinds of pleasure and pain, and that the moral sentiments (which arise \"only when a character is consider'd in general, without reference to our particular", "id": "12872331" }, { "contents": "Norwegian cuisine\n\n\nthe fact that such food spoils rather quickly, even in a northern climate. However, prawns, crabs, and mussels have become quite popular, especially during summer. Lobster is, of course, popular, but restrictions on the catch (size and season) limit consumption, and in addition lobster has become rather rare, and indeed expensive. People gather for \"krabbefest\", which translates to \"crab party\" feasts, either eating readily cooked crabs from a fishmonger or cooking live crabs in a large pan. This", "id": "18402703" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Cook (journalist)\n\n\nand was obviously not bitter about it, but had [...] his own perspective of what he wanted to say and do. In February 2008, Cook had a contentious interview with actor Clive Swift. \"I'm quite aggrieved,\" Swift told him. \"Why should I do this? I'm not getting paid, am I?\" Swift refused to answer some of Cook's questions and replied brusquely to others. When Cook asked Swift – best known for his portrayal of Richard Bucket in BBC sitcom \"Keeping", "id": "11051795" }, { "contents": "Why Do You Love Me\n\n\n. \"Why Do You Love Me\" was mastered by Emily Lazar and Sarah Register at The Lodge in New York. Garbage's record company were keen to release \"Why Do You Love Me\" as the lead single for \"Bleed Like Me\"; the band agreed. Manson: \"We chose \"Why Do You Love Me\" as the first single because it has a lot of mood shifts and embodies the whole record. I feel that at the base of everyone there's a belief that we're truly lovable", "id": "6112720" }, { "contents": "Confidential Confessions\n\n\nDoor\", a high school girl named Manatsu feels that her life is boring and meaningless. Her father left, and her mother seemed to care more about school and studying than Manatsu's feelings and needs. While at school, Manatsu meets a bullied girl nicknamed Asparagus who cuts to relieve her pain. With Asparagus, Manatsu develops a friendship and they begin to create a suicide pact. Manatsu enjoys her time with Asparagus and begins feel alive again, as well as taking an interest in death and the fragility of life.", "id": "14513283" }, { "contents": "Mad pain and Martian pain\n\n\n. In Lewis' words, \"In short, he feels pain but his pain does not at all occupy the typical causal role of pain.\" A being with \"Martian pain\" is not human but, when subject to pain, will react in the same way that humans do. He is strongly inclined to prevent whatever stimulus is causing discomfort. However, the physical explanation of Martian pain is different from that of human pain. He has a \"hydraulic mind\" and pain is identical with inflation of cavities in", "id": "10263330" }, { "contents": "Abortion in Oklahoma\n\n\nabortions after 20-weeks be verbally informed that the fetus may feel pain during the abortion procedure despite a Journal of the American Medical Association conclusion that pain sensors do not develop in the fetus until between weeks 23 and 30. Informed consent materials about fetal pain at 20-weeks in Arkansas, Georgia and Oklahoma says, \"the unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain.\"  The Journal of the American Medical Association has concluded that pain sensors do not develop in the fetus until between weeks 23 and 30. A 2009 Oklahoma law", "id": "18282157" }, { "contents": "Cortical remapping\n\n\nsupport why feedback to the motor system is limited and difficult to determine for cortical remapping. Cortical remapping helps individuals regain function from injury. Phantom limbs are sensations felt by amputees that make it feel like their amputated extremity is still there. Sometimes amputees can experience pain from their phantom limbs; this is called phantom limb pain (PLP). Phantom limb pain is considered to be caused from functional cortical reorganization, sometimes called maladaptive plasticity, of the primary sensorimotor cortex. Adjustment of this cortical reorganization has the potential to help alleviate", "id": "12443056" }, { "contents": "Black Museum (Black Mirror)\n\n\ndoctor to understand what pain a person was suffering, but, as described by Jillette \"this guy gets addicted to it and starts beating people to feel their pain. He also goes through S&M and all he wants to do is jack into Jesus on the cross. He wants to feel that pain.\" The idea was published as a short story in the anthology \"Would, Could, Should\". Jillette had been trying to shop for a better venue for this story, and brought up the idea when he had", "id": "19739850" }, { "contents": "James Cook (Skins)\n\n\ncompelled to tell the truth and confesses that Effy loves Freddie. Cook says that he loves Effy, but knows his feelings are not reciprocated and that is why he is sleeping with Pandora. In \"Effy\", Cook crashes the gang's camping trip, and in anger reveals many of the group's secrets, including the fact that he and Pandora are still sleeping together - which causes Thomas to break up with her. After Effy is ousted from the group, he decides to take her on a road trip, to", "id": "19215508" }, { "contents": "Green Naugahyde\n\n\ntrack \"Tragedy's a' comin'\"; co-directed by Claypool and Mark Kohr, who had previously directed a number of the band's videos in the early 1990s. It depicts kitchen staff preparing lobsters in a chic restaurant, which are then served to diners by the maître d’, played by Kohr. The scene is keenly observed by one of the lobsters waiting to be cooked, and intercut with a fantasy sequence of that lobster imagining itself alone on a remote beach, played by Claypool. Throughout the", "id": "13471659" }, { "contents": "Lobster Telephone\n\n\nusually associated with erotic pleasure and pain. For the 1939 New York World's Fair, Dalí created a multi-media experience entitled \"Dream of Venus\", which consisted in part of dressing live nude models in \"costumes\" made of fresh seafood, an event photographed by Horst P. Horst and George Platt Lynes. A lobster was used by the artist to cover the female sexual organs of his models. Dalí often drew a close analogy between food and sex. In \"Lobster Telephone\", the crustacean's tail,", "id": "987700" }, { "contents": "Bondage (BDSM)\n\n\nactions of their partner, who may treat the restrained partner as their sex object. There are many reasons why people allow themselves to be bound. Some people feel a kind of freedom during corporal passivity, they can concentrate on their inner spirituality and feel at peace, as a participant in a study about motivation for bondage explained: \"Some people have to be tied up to be free\". Others experience helplessness, struggle against their bonds, and feel a degree of masochistic pleasure from the restraint and pain, as well", "id": "13625216" }, { "contents": "Fred J. Cook\n\n\non campaign or government payrolls even as they continued covering the news. Cook had written four articles for \"The Nation\" by the time then-editor Carey McWilliams asked Cook to write an article about the perjury case of Alger Hiss. Cook did not want to do the article, thinking Hiss was \"guilty as hell.\" After two more requests by McWilliams for Cook to do the article, McWilliams said, \"Look, I have a proposition to make you. I know how you feel about the case, but", "id": "6480388" }, { "contents": "Lobster sauce\n\n\nLobster sauce is a type of sauce used in American-Chinese and Canadian-Chinese cuisine. It is also sometimes found in Polynesian-influenced Chinese food. It is a type of \"white sauce\" within Chinese cooking, meaning that it is of a mild flavour, and based on meat stock, as opposed to soy sauce. The sauce itself does not contain any lobster, and may vary in preparation method from place to place or restaurant to restaurant. It can contain chicken broth, garlic, ginger, green onions", "id": "8073962" }, { "contents": "Pain in crustaceans\n\n\nopioid analgesia, which is influenced by naloxone. In American lobsters, the response of endogenous morphine in both haemocytes and neural cells to noxious stimuli are mediated by naloxone. When the antennae of rockpool prawns \"Palaemon elegans\" are rubbed with sodium hydroxide or acetic acid (both are irritants in mammals), they increase grooming and rubbing of the afflicted area against the side of the tank; this reaction is inhibited by benzocaine (a local anaesthetic in mammals), even though control prawns treated with only anaesthetic do not show reduced", "id": "11268943" }, { "contents": "Jewish views on suicide\n\n\n\"teshuva\" notes that while many people get sick, often with terminal illnesses, most people do not try to kill themselves. The committee believes we are obliged to determine why some seek help with suicide and to ameliorate those circumstances. The Conservative response states: The paper says the proper response to severe pain is not suicide, but better pain control and more pain medication. Many doctors, it asserts, are deliberately keeping such patients in pain by refusing to administer sufficient pain medications: some out of ignorance; others to", "id": "2326112" }, { "contents": "Sophia Fresh\n\n\n, and were allowed the creative freedom to record their \"very high energy, very edgy and funky\" music. The group said that with J Records, \"they had us in like a safe lane\", but when recording with T-Pain, \"we're free to be Sophia Fresh. We're free to do whatever - express ourselves. That's T-Pain. He talks about what he feels and that's what we're gonna do.\" Sophia Fresh have confirmed that T-Pain will", "id": "10638581" }, { "contents": "Thomas Griffin (Australian gold commissioner)\n\n\nI will add little to give you more pain. My own feelings are deep and painful enough when I see you in your position, convicted of a crime unparalleled in the annals of Australian history. I am unequal to the task of expressing the pain, the anguish, and the horror I feel. I’ll only do what the law compels me, that is to pass its sentence, and that is: you, Thomas John Griffin, be taken from the place where you stand to the place from whence you came", "id": "19469550" }, { "contents": "List of Farscape characters\n\n\nthan orders). This device, unless properly modified, can also be a two-way street through which Talyn can force feedback through to injure the implanted humanoid. It also leaves the humanoid open to feeling Talyn's pain as Pilot feels Moya's pain. The device's sympathetic effect can even go as far as to physically blind the humanoid if Talyn's sensors are damaged. Also because of the connection strength Talyn can force those connected to him to do his will to a certain degree. This causes great pain to", "id": "9986472" }, { "contents": "Wintergirls\n\n\nthe only control she has over her disintegrating personality; anyway, why feed something so hateful? She cuts herself not to cause pain, but to let the pain – and the dirt – out. The dirt in this case is, of course, herself. As with the plotting, this fractured and utterly convincing interior monologue is intercut with the rather bored face she presents to the world around her. And yet, throughout, there is the feeling that if somehow you could only reach in and talk to this girl,", "id": "15227847" }, { "contents": "Pain\n\n\nsuch as gender, ethnicity, and age. An aging adult may not respond to pain in the same way that a younger person might. Their ability to recognize pain may be blunted by illness or the use of medication. Depression may also keep older adult from reporting they are in pain. Decline in self-care may also indicate the older adult is experiencing pain. They may be reluctant to report pain because they do not want to be perceived as weak, or may feel it is impolite or shameful to complain,", "id": "4739050" }, { "contents": "Pain\n\n\ninstance in fruit flies. In vertebrates, endogenous opioids are neuromodulators that moderate pain by interacting with opioid receptors. Opioids and opioid receptors occur naturally in crustaceans and, although at present no certain conclusion can be drawn, their presence indicates that lobsters may be able to experience pain. Opioids may mediate their pain in the same way as in vertebrates. Veterinary medicine uses, for actual or potential animal pain, the same analgesics and anesthetics as used in humans. First attested in English in 1297, the word \"peyn\" comes", "id": "4739071" }, { "contents": "Amanda Lindhout\n\n\nresponse to why she established the Foundation despite her kidnapping, Lindhout told the CBC's The National \"You can very easily go into anger and bitterness and revenge thoughts and resentment and 'Why me?' ... Because I had something very, very large and very painful to forgive, and by choosing to do that, I was able to put into place my vision, which was making Somalia a better place ... I've never questioned whether or not it was the right thing to do ... What else to do after the", "id": "13982992" }, { "contents": "Giacomo Leopardi\n\n\nthing because when you are in love you have stronger feelings, you feel alive in an always new way. Now he has become skeptical also about love, because if he can't have Fanny, nothing remains for him in life. He just wants to die, to make all the suffering end. Death is a gift as it is the end of all human pain, which is inevitable because it's in the essence of men, it's in the cruel project of nature. The last verse is \"e l'infinita", "id": "1535561" }, { "contents": "Zenith (film)\n\n\n2010, and had an extended run in January 2011 at the Kraine Theatre with its distribution company, Cinema Purgatorio. All three parts have been made available as a free-to-share download at the BitTorrent powered distribution site VODO. In the post-apocalyptic year 2044, the population has been genetically altered to live in a constant state of happiness, but without sorrow, happiness dissipates, leaving only a feeling of never-ending paresthesia. Only pain can make people feel alive. Jack (Peter Scanavino), a", "id": "19204344" }, { "contents": "Developmental homeostasis\n\n\n. Those who do not believe in animal experimentation raise the questions about if it is wrong to cause pain to humans then isn't it wrong to cause pain to animals? Some advocates of animal experimentation that say that these experiments allow scientific discovery to advance—but some feel that those who support animal experimentation are selfish to inflict pain on other animals as a method to reduce or eliminate pain for humans. The question is not so much a comparison between the pain of humans versus the pain of animals as much as it is", "id": "19236069" }, { "contents": "Larry the Lobster\n\n\nLarry The Lobster was the subject of an April 10, 1982 comedy sketch by Eddie Murphy on \"Saturday Night Live\". In an early example of interactive television, Murphy held Larry, a live lobster, aloft and declared that the show's audience would determine whether he lived or died. Murphy then read two \"900\" phone numbers, one for those who wanted to spare Larry, and another for those who wanted to see him cooked. Calls cost $0.50 each. Murphy tended to read the number to save", "id": "13636960" }, { "contents": "Tomalley\n\n\nboiling water. The toxins responsible for most shellfish poisonings are heat- and acid-stable, and thus are not diminished by cooking. A report from the Maine Department of Marine Resources in July 2008 indicated the presence of high levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin in some tomalley from lobsters in that state. Around the same time, The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reminded consumers not to eat lobster tomalley, because this part of the lobster can build up high levels of toxins and other pollutants. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration then", "id": "14018064" } ]
Why do Humans only feel butterfly sensation in their stomach when there's a sudden loss of Altitude, and not when there is a sudden gain in altitude?
[{"answer": "Altitude has nothing to do with it. Acceleration is what produces that feeling. What a sudden drastic change in altitude produces is an intense pain in your ears. When you are quickly accelerated towards your feet you experience that butterflies sensation. When you're accelerated towards your head you feel like you're being squashed. It's just the way your squishy bits react"}, {"answer": "Our guts hang, like if you picked up your shoe by the laces. If you're holding a shoe by the laces, and then move your arm down quickly, the lace bends a little, because your hand moves faster than the shoe. When our body moves downward quickly, the 'laces' of your guts bend a little, like the shoelace. We say this feels like butterflies. If you take the same example, and pull upward on the laces, they stay taught the whole time. No bending = no butterflies."}, {"answer": "There's also a psychological and technological component to it. A high-velocity lift is fairly new for human bodies to experience; in contrast every single human knows the sensation of falling because, well, *gravity*. But whether you think about it in terms of evolutionary psychology, or just a single individual's life history\u2014people have fallen more than they've flown. So not only does ascending have a different mechanical stress on the body, we also have far more memories and conscious awareness of what our bodies feel like in descent."}, {"answer": "Imagine your ribs and other solid bits in your chest and belly as a tin can. Now imagine all the soft stuff inside you like your intestines, stomach, ect. are beans. Based on experience you can predict that if you were to forcefully move the can down, the beans would hit the top of the can. This is what happens when you lose altitude quickly. Now if you were to take that same can + bean setup and imagine yourself rapidly moving the can up you can predict that the beans would be pressed against the bottom of the can with some decent force. This is what happens when you gain altitude quickly. Basically different things are happening in each situation so you experience different sensations."}, {"answer": "Okay OP it has to do with which axis of our body we feel the G force in. It's been two years since I took the class, but there's three axes of G force we can feel. Gx, Gy, and Gz. I believe it's Gz which would be our typical up and down, and it's the most sensitive axis to G forces. URL_0 > The resistance to \"negative\" or \"downward\" g, which forces the blood towards the head, is much lower and is typically in the range of \u22122 to \u22123 g It's not psychological, it's purely physiological. Seriously every other comment here is guessing."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9091093", "title": "Effects of high altitude on humans", "section": "Section::::Acclimatization to altitude.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 22, "end_paragraph_id": 22, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["risk is as yet unknown. The human body can adapt to high altitude through both immediate and long-term acclimatization. At high altitude, in the short term, the lack of oxygen is sensed by the carotid bodies, which causes an increase in the breathing depth and rate (hyperpnea). However, hyperpnea also causes the adverse effect of respiratory alkalosis, inhibiting the respiratory center from enhancing the respiratory rate as much as would be required. Inability to increase the breathing rate can be caused by inadequate carotid body response or pulmonary or renal disease.", "The human body can adapt to high altitude through both immediate and long-term acclimatization. At high altitude, in the short term, the lack of oxygen is sensed by the carotid bodies, which causes an increase in the breathing depth and rate (hyperpnea).", "The human body can adapt to high altitude through both immediate and long-term acclimatization. At high altitude, in the short term, the lack of oxygen is sensed by the carotid bodies, which causes an increase in the breathing depth and rate (hyperpnea). However, hyperpnea also causes the adverse effect of respiratory alkalosis, inhibiting the respiratory center from enhancing the respiratory rate as much as would be required. Inability to increase the breathing rate can be caused by inadequate carotid body response or pulmonary or renal disease.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ambrose Jessup Tomlinson\n\n\nNow! You've got to give it up now! Now!\" I felt him begin to weaken and quiver. I kept the \"Sword\" right in him and never let go. That sharp two-edged \"Sword\" was doing its deadly work. I did not pity him. I showed him no quarters. There we were at that altitude when all of a sudden there came from above, like a thunderbolt from the skies, a sensational power that ended the conflict, and there lay the \"old", "id": "16403910" }, { "contents": "Concorde\n\n\n) elevation. Concorde's pressurisation was set to an altitude at the lower end of this range, . Concorde's maximum cruising altitude was ; subsonic airliners typically cruise below . A sudden reduction in cabin pressure is hazardous to all passengers and crew. Above , a sudden cabin depressurisation would leave a \"time of useful consciousness\" up to 10–15 seconds for a conditioned athlete. At Concorde's altitude, the air density is very low; a breach of cabin integrity would result in a loss of pressure severe enough that the plastic", "id": "7415854" }, { "contents": "Anti-globalization movement\n\n\n, it's no jobs at all.\" Egypt's Ambassador to the UN has also stated \"The question is why all of a sudden, when third world labor has proved to be competitive, why do industrial countries start feeling concerned about our workers? When all of a sudden there is a concern about the welfare of our workers, it is suspicious.\" On the other hand, there have been notable protests against certain globalization policies by workers in developing nations as in the cause of Indian farmers protesting against patenting seeds", "id": "2751606" }, { "contents": "Aileron roll\n\n\nclimb. The purpose of pitch-up is twofold. This causes an increase in altitude which minimizes altitude loss and airspeed gain. As the aircraft begins to roll, it starts to lose lift. When the wings are vertical, the only lift generated is a small amount from the fuselage, and the aircraft will begin to lose altitude. The brief climb compensates for the loss, allowing the aircraft to complete the roll at the same altitude the maneuver began. When the aircraft is completely inverted, the increased pitch results in", "id": "21056353" }, { "contents": "Joseph Mangan\n\n\nJoseph Mangan is an American aerospace engineer who, in 2004, was threatened with prison after telling European aviation authorities of his belief that the microprocessors controlling cabin pressurization valves in the new Airbus A380 might allow a sudden depressurization of the passenger cabin in flight—which, at normal cruising altitudes, could endanger the lives of people aboard the aircraft. A sudden loss of pressure at high altitudes can produce unconsciousness within seconds, followed eventually by death. According to the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, all parties have ensured through the", "id": "947632" }, { "contents": "Helicopter\n\n\nan internal impeller. For a standard helicopter with a single main rotor, maintaining steady flight with a crosswind presents an additional flight control problem, where strong crosswinds from certain angles will increase or decrease lift from the main rotors. This effect is also triggered in a no-wind condition when moving the craft diagonally in various directions, depending on the direction of main rotor rotation. This can lead to a loss of control and a crash or hard landing when operating at low altitudes, due to the sudden unexpected loss of lift", "id": "6410722" }, { "contents": "First Death in Nova Scotia\n\n\nmore about how they feel, how it would feel to be them-by hearing them cough or make one of those inner noises, than by watching them for hours? Sometimes if another person hiccups, particularly if you haven't been paying much attention to him, why do you get a sudden sensation as if you were inside him-you know how he feels in the little aspects he never mentions, aspects which are, really, indescribable to another person and must be realized by that kind of intuition. Do you", "id": "21372920" }, { "contents": "Altimeter\n\n\n. However, one must be aware that this type of altimeter relies on \"density altitude\" and its readings can vary by hundreds of feet owing to a sudden change in air pressure, such as from a cold front, without any actual change in altitude. A barometric altimeter, used along with a topographic map, can help to verify one's location. It is more reliable, and often more accurate, than a GPS receiver for measuring altitude; the GPS signal may be unavailable, for example, when one is", "id": "3351322" }, { "contents": "Erotic asphyxiation\n\n\nwrote, \"The carotid arteries (on either side of the neck) carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the brain. When these are compressed, as in strangulation or hanging, the sudden loss of oxygen to the brain and the accumulation of carbon dioxide can increase feelings of giddiness, lightheadedness, and pleasure, all of which will heighten masturbatory sensations.\" Author George Shuman describes the effect as such, \"When the brain is deprived of oxygen, it induces a lucid, semi-hallucinogenic state called hypoxia", "id": "18642898" }, { "contents": "Neville Usborne\n\n\nfloated to an altitude of about 4,000 ft (1200 m) when a sudden and unexpected loss of pressure in the envelope above them caused the envelope to buckle, in turn causing the forward suspension cable supporting the airplane to part. For a moment the plane hung vertically from the envelope, nose-down. Then the overloaded rear cables also failed, and the airplane began to fall in a slideslip: it then flipped, ejecting Ireland who fell 15 seconds to his death: Usborne remained with the plane until it crashed in", "id": "941988" }, { "contents": "Aeroflot Flight 15\n\n\nwere reported to be normal at the time. The aircraft was established to be at a distance of 234 kilometers from the airport at a bearing of 270° degrees. The crew confirmed receiving the information, stating that they were at an altitude of 8,000 meters and flying at 780 km/h, and expected to fly past Bratsk airport at Bratsk 18:06. At 18:38:38, the airliner was forced into sudden descent. The situation onboard evolved into a full-blown emergency at 22:41:28. When the flight was at an altitude of", "id": "15255671" }, { "contents": "Suárez River\n\n\nRiver. The Suárez River is named after conquistador Gonzalo Suárez Rendón, after his horse drowned in the river when it experienced sudden flooding. The original name in Chibcha, given by the Guane was \"Saravita\", meaning \"departs from here\". The Suárez River is long and its drainage basin extends over , of which in Santander. It is sourced by Lake Fúquene in Boyacá at an altitude of and forms together with the Chicamocha River the Sogamoso River in Santander at an altitude of . The river starts on the Altiplano", "id": "16509636" }, { "contents": "1958 Aeroflot Tu-104 Kanash crash\n\n\nlanding. At this point the aircraft was flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters (33,000 ft) when it suddenly flew into an area of high turbulence causing the aircraft to experience a sudden and drastic increase in pitch. Caught in a powerful updraft, the aircraft abruptly reached an altitude of 12,000 meters (39,000 ft). According to one of the pilots per the cockpit voice recording, the aircraft was \"standing on its hind legs\", and shortly after it entered a sharp, near vertical dive followed by a spin", "id": "21218176" }, { "contents": "Vertical penetration\n\n\n, and negligible altitude (\"near\" zero potential energy) and the other, following a sudden 90 degree pitch increase in attitude, when the aircraft has noticeable altitude, and negligible airspeed (zero kinetic energy). Assuming the aircraft can 100% efficiently convert all of its kinetic energy to potential (theoretically have a radius of 0 in the turn, refer to centripetal force), the aircraft has the same mechanical energy in both points, the kinetic energy of the first point equaling the potential energy of the second:", "id": "21929306" }, { "contents": "Sudden ionospheric disturbance\n\n\nthem to excited states and knocking electrons free in the process of photoionization. The low altitude ionospheric layers (D region and E region) immediately increase in density over the entire dayside. The ionospheric disturbance enhances VLF radio propagation. Scientists on the ground can use this enhancement to detect solar flares; by monitoring the signal strength of a distant VLF transmitter, sudden ionospheric disturbances (SIDs) are recorded and indicate when solar flares have taken place. The small geomagnetic effect in the lower ionosphere appears as a small hook on magnetic records", "id": "15144518" }, { "contents": "Cold drop\n\n\nthe meteorological phenomenon associated. In Spain, it appears when a front of very cold polar air, a jet stream, advances slowly over Western Europe, at high altitude (normally 5–9 km or 3–5.5 mi). This phenomenon is equally apparent near the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in the Colombian Caribbean, with peaks surpassing 5 km of altitude. If a sudden cut off in the stream takes place, caused by various reasons, like the effect of the high pressures, a pocket of cold air detaches from the main jet", "id": "17599615" }, { "contents": "Moro reflex\n\n\nThe Moro reflex is an infantile reflex normally present in infants up to 3 or 4 months of age as a response to a sudden loss of support, when the infant feels as if it is falling. It involves three distinct components: The primary significance of the Moro reflex is in evaluating integration of the central nervous system. It is distinct from the startle reflex, and is believed to be the only unlearned fear in human newborns. The Moro reflex may be observed in incomplete form in premature birth after the 28th week of", "id": "15336228" }, { "contents": "Failure of electronic components\n\n\n-handling ability of a resistor may be greatly derated when applied in high-altitude aircraft to obtain adequate service life. A sudden fail-open fault can cause multiple secondary failures if it is fast and the circuit contains an inductance; this causes large voltage spikes, which may exceed 500 volts. A broken metallisation on a chip may thus cause secondary overvoltage damage. Thermal runaway can cause sudden failures including melting, fire or explosions. The majority of electronic parts failures are packaging-related. Packaging, as the barrier between", "id": "18832397" }, { "contents": "Erotic asphyxiation\n\n\n. Combined with orgasm, the rush is said to be no less powerful than cocaine, and highly addictive.\" Concerning hallucinogenic states brought about by chronic hypoxia, Dr. E L Lloyd notes that they may be similar to the hallucinations experienced by climbers at altitude. He further notes that no such state occurs in hypoxia brought about by sudden aircraft decompression at altitude. These findings suggest to him that they do not arrive purely from a lack of oxygen. Upon examining the studies on hypoxia he found that \"abnormalities in the cerebral", "id": "18642899" }, { "contents": "Aircraft engine performance\n\n\nat high altitude, but rather aerodynamic losses as propellers work harder to propel the same amount of air at ground level. However, cooling capacity will decline on both combustion and electric motors at high altitude due to the lower volume of air. This phenomenon is why the operating limit of helicopters is constrained, as propeller thrust returns to a value of 0 when the air becomes too thin at high altitude. This makes high altitude airports significantly more dangerous than airports at sea level. Temperature has significant effects on the operational efficiency of", "id": "8100933" }, { "contents": "Declaration (Bleeding Through album)\n\n\nDeclaration is the fifth album by American metalcore band Bleeding Through. The song's titles are named after different states and cities. Frontman Brandan Schieppati commented, \"There are definitely places when we're traveling where every time we go there, we're like, 'Fuck, why do we have to be here?' Like, we'll be in France and all of a sudden we'll feel totally insignificant. You get the feeling that people's eyes are just burning a hole through you.\" The album was scheduled", "id": "11395365" }, { "contents": "Donald Beatty\n\n\ncommercial flights viable in mountainous regions. In 1933, while Beatty was piloting a Panagra passenger flight from Los Cerillos airfield in Santiago, Chile through the Uspallata Pass, a sudden strong wind (Clear-air turbulence) carried the craft above 26,000 feet, setting an altitude record for a passenger flight in an unpressurized cabin. The passengers and crew used breathing tubes connected to oxygen tanks, but when the incident prolonged the flight, the oxygen was reserved for the crew only, causing the passengers to lose consciousness. The pass is", "id": "18981485" }, { "contents": "Sudden stratospheric warming\n\n\neasterly or westerly). Although sudden stratospheric warmings are mainly forced by planetary scale waves which propagate up from the lower atmosphere, there is also a subsequent return effect of sudden stratospheric warmings on surface weather. Following a sudden stratospheric warming, the high altitude winds reverse to flow eastward instead of their usual westward. The eastward winds progress down through the atmosphere and weaken the jet stream, often giving easterly winds near the surface and resulting in dramatic reductions in temperature in Europe. This process can take a few days to a few", "id": "3599697" }, { "contents": "Will Horton\n\n\nsudden personality transplant\" and \"none of it feels true\"; and Fairman said the character became \"unrecognizable\" in his actions. \"Soap Opera Digest\" complained that Will \"inexplicably succumbed\" to Paul's advances and that it added \"insult to injury\" when it was subsequently revealed that Will had a previous episode of infidelity when off the show. They remarked: \"when Will and Sonny tied the knot, it was a groundbreaking moment based in love, which is why it is impossible to comprehend why the", "id": "10113995" }, { "contents": "Contrail\n\n\nengine exhaust are seen at high altitude, directly behind each engine. By contrast, the visible cores of wingtip vortices are usually seen only at low altitude where the aircraft is travelling slowly after takeoff or before landing, and where the ambient humidity is higher. They trail behind the wingtips and wing flaps rather than behind the engines. At high-thrust settings the fan blades at the intake of a turbofan engine reach transonic speeds, causing a sudden drop in air pressure. This creates the condensation fog (inside the intake)", "id": "3351997" }, { "contents": "Sudden Death Records\n\n\nSudden Death Records is a Vancouver, British Columbia based record label run by Joe \"Shithead\" Keithley. Sudden Death Records arrived in Canada's burgeoning punk scene in 1978. It was only a part-time label until 1998, when they began to expand further into punk rock music. In keeping with the \"Do It Yourself\" attitude of its founder Joe Keithley, Sudden Death Records remained a friend to smaller musicians while keeping multi-national record conglomerates at bay. In doing so, they have earned themselves the respect", "id": "21043788" }, { "contents": "Molecular autopsy\n\n\nthey have no authorization to tell the family if they do not wish to know. Some examiners believe that this is against their duty as a professional doctor. For example, it has been estimated that 30% of young sudden cardiac deaths can be traced to being inherited. So doctors feel that it is against their profession to not let someone know when they could be at risk. When a traditional medical autopsy is not able to determine the sudden cause of death, molecular autopsy may help provide an alternative insight through the use", "id": "10363095" }, { "contents": "Cabin pressurization\n\n\nengines and introduces a number of stages of energy transfer; therefore, it is unclear whether this increases the overall efficiency of the aircraft air handling system. It does, however, remove the danger of chemical contamination of the cabin, simplify engine design, avert the need to run high pressure pipework around the aircraft, and provide greater design flexibility. Unplanned loss of cabin pressure at altitude is rare but has resulted in a number of fatal accidents. Failures range from sudden, catastrophic loss of airframe integrity (explosive decompression) to", "id": "9524872" }, { "contents": "Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 5601\n\n\nturbulence that had occurred on Flight 5601. Another thing was that the wreckage of the plane was found at an altitude of 6.120 ft meaning that it was quite impossible that Fierda decreased her altitude that low and hard to prove. The incident happened in a mountain with a thick fog, and sudden updraft and downdraft could occurred any moment in the mountain. It was suspected that Flight 5601 was struck by a downdraft which caused her altitude to decreased a few hundred meters. But so far, not a single evidence found. After", "id": "12133484" }, { "contents": "Fertilisation of Orchids\n\n\ntended to be visited by bees at lower altitudes, and by butterflies at higher altitudes, beginning research on the idea that plants at different altitudes were specialised for different pollinators. By comparing related plant species that he thought had diverged in form from a common ancestor, and testing whether they were visited by butterflies or bees, he was the first to use a combination of morphological and ecological approaches to understand patterns in the evolution of interactions and specialisation. His brother Fritz Müller used similar methods when studying mimicry in Brazil. The early", "id": "10934780" }, { "contents": "Effects of high altitude on humans\n\n\nremains constant to about 100 km, so pO decreases exponentially with altitude as well. It is about half of its sea-level value at , the altitude of the Everest Base Camp, and only a third at , the summit of Mount Everest. When pO drops, the body responds with altitude acclimatization. Mountain medicine recognizes three altitude regions that reflect the lowered amount of oxygen in the atmosphere: Travel to each of these altitude regions can lead to medical problems, from the mild symptoms of acute mountain sickness to the potentially", "id": "8744026" }, { "contents": "Hypnic jerk\n\n\nA hypnic jerk is a brief and sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles of the body which occurs when a person is beginning to fall asleep, often causing the person to jump and awaken suddenly for a moment. Hypnic jerks are one form of involuntary muscle twitches called myoclonus. Physically, hypnic jerks resemble the \"jump\" experienced by a person when startled, sometimes accompanied by a falling sensation. Hypnic jerks are associated with a rapid heartbeat, quickened breathing, sweat, and sometimes \"a peculiar sensory feeling of 'shock'", "id": "6228254" }, { "contents": "Protriptyline\n\n\npressure, nightmares, rapid or irregular heartbeat, rash, seizures, sensitivity to sunlight, stomach and intestinal problems. Other more complicated side effects include; chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling; sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body; sudden headache, confusion, problems with vision, speech, or balance; hallucinations, or seizure (convulsions); easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness; restless muscle movements in your eyes", "id": "12695289" }, { "contents": "2011 Chilean Air Force C-212 crash\n\n\nthree other members of the TV channel. Also aboard was philanthropist and entrepreneur Felipe Cubillos, who was traveling to the island to help the victims of the earthquake. Investigators concluded that, while flying the downwind leg around the airfield at 650 ft above the sea, a sudden loss of control caused the aircraft to roll almost inverted, lose altitude and strike the surface of the water. The loss of control was attributed to the adverse weather conditions prevailing at the time, characterized by strong, gusty winds arising from a weather front", "id": "11726461" }, { "contents": "Outer space\n\n\nboil away. Hence, at this altitude, human survival requires a pressure suit, or a pressurized capsule. Once in space, sudden exposure of unprotected humans to very low pressure, such as during a rapid decompression, can cause pulmonary barotrauma—a rupture of the lungs, due to the large pressure differential between inside and outside the chest. Even if the subject's airway is fully open, the flow of air through the windpipe may be too slow to prevent the rupture. Rapid decompression can rupture eardrums and sinuses,", "id": "10667798" }, { "contents": "Black ice\n\n\nthe ice or even using fire hoses in an attempt to remove the ice. Black ice is a great hazard for climbers and scramblers. Cold weather is common at high altitudes, and black ice quickly forms on rock surfaces. Loss of traction is as sudden and unexpected as on a pavement or road, but can be fatal if the rock is in an exposed position with a drop below. An ice-axe and crampons are essential use in such circumstances as they will help to prevent a fall, and a belay rope", "id": "16531367" }, { "contents": "Aeroflot Flight 721\n\n\nback when it had reached an altitude of . The crew began a left turn of 100° to switch course after doing so the Il-18 landing gear was lowered and decreased the rate of descent to 36 km/h. In the process of doing so the crew forgot that the minimum altitude for entering the turn was and they should not have exited the turn at an altitude lower than in order to avoid colliding with a mountain ridge in the area at . It would only be safe to occupy an altitude of 600 meters once", "id": "15255679" }, { "contents": "Falling (sensation)\n\n\ncan be caused by medication, problems of inner ear or the brain. Hypnic jerk, also called a boggie jerk, is a normal reaction that can be caused by anxiety, caffeine, a dream, or discomfort of sleeping. A hypnic jerk is the feeling triggered by a sudden muscle twitch, causing the feeling of falling while sleeping or dreaming. People normally experience hypnic jerks moments before the first stage of sleep. About 70% of people have experienced hypnic jerk. Hypnic jerks are most common in children, when dreams", "id": "9801693" }, { "contents": "Airport '77\n\n\nand the flames are momentarily extinguished. Because the aircraft is at such a low altitude, the sudden loss of airspeed threatens to stall the airplane. As the engine reignites, Chambers is forced to use another fire suppression bottle. But by this time, the aircraft stall alarm is activated and the aircraft's tail hits the water. All the passengers wake up, and realizing what is happening, most panic. Chambers is able to pull up, but the plane's right wing hits the water again. The plane lifts into", "id": "2562349" }, { "contents": "Nayee Padosan\n\n\na sudden turn when a new entry Prabhu (Rahul Bhat) that happens to be a favourite with both the girl and her family shatters the hopes of the three eligible bachelors. Nothing seems to stop the inevitable. The battle seems lost for the three hopeless boys. The film goes through various emotional graphs where the three boys have their individual shares of gains and losses vis-a-vis their competitors. The girl doesn't reveal her feelings until a certain change of events makes her realise whom she really loves and would", "id": "20568721" }, { "contents": "Papilio ulysses\n\n\nscales, a phenomenon called structural colouration. The female of the species is different from the male in that she has little crescents of blue in the back, upside sections of her hindwings, where there is only black for males. When the butterfly is perched the intense blue of its wings is hidden by the plainer brown under side of its wings, helping it to blend in with its surroundings. When in flight, the butterfly can be seen hundreds of metres away as sudden bright blue flashes. Males are strongly attracted to", "id": "7600394" }, { "contents": "Elinor Smith\n\n\nwere not terribly well suited to the task at hand. The Pigeon was chosen for its large cargo capacity to carry fuel, but it was an outdated aircraft with a temperamental engine for which spare parts were not easily obtained. In refueling position, the Pigeon's pilot could not see the Sunbeam at all, so there was no way to signal about any engine problems that would mean sudden loss of altitude. The Sunbeam was not a notably stable aircraft; in Smith's words, \"it had to be flown every single", "id": "16751530" }, { "contents": "Flameout\n\n\nIn aviation, a flameout (or flame-out) is the run-down of a jet engine due to the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber. The loss of flame can have a variety of causes, such as fuel starvation, excessive altitude, compressor stall, foreign object damage deriving from birds, hail, or volcanic ash, severe precipitation, mechanical failure, or very cold ambient temperatures. Early jet engines were prone to flameout following disturbances of inlet airflow, or sudden or inappropriate thrust lever movements,", "id": "5544633" }, { "contents": "Eustachian tube\n\n\ngroup is related to immunological factors and not Eustachian tube anatomy. Barotitis, a form of barotrauma, may occur when there is a substantial difference in air or water pressure between the outer and the inner ear — for example, during a rapid ascent while scuba diving, or during sudden decompression of an aircraft at high altitude. Some people are born with a dysfunctional Eustachian tube that is much slimmer than usual. The cause may be genetic, but it has also been posited as a condition in which the patient did not fully", "id": "8488114" }, { "contents": "White cockatoo\n\n\n, tail bobbing when sleeping (indicating difficulty in breathing), sleeping on the bottom of the cage (birds naturally want to be high on a perch), sudden change in or unusual behavior, feather plucking, biting themselves, sudden weight loss or gain, and a drop in appetite, among other symptoms. They were quite popular in China during the Tang dynasty, a fact which in turn influenced the depictions of Guan Yin with a white parrot. The Fourth Crusade was also sealed between Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and", "id": "13644616" }, { "contents": "Concorde\n\n\nwhich caused a fuel leak and led to a fire. The crew shut down engine number 2 in response to a fire warning, and with engine number 1 surging and producing little power, the aircraft was unable to gain altitude or speed. The aircraft entered a rapid pitch-up then a sudden descent, rolling left and crashing tail-low into the Hôtelissimo Les Relais Bleus Hotel in Gonesse. The claim that a metallic strip caused the crash was disputed during the trial both by witnesses (including the pilot of then French", "id": "7415902" }, { "contents": "Human Nature (Michael Jackson song)\n\n\nbut did not think they were right for \"Thriller\". However, he did not stop the tape when the songs finished playing, and the cassette deck playing the tape had \"auto-reverse\" capability, meaning that it started playing the other side as soon as the first side was finished. As Jones described it, \"All of a sudden, at the end, there was all this silence, there was: 'why, why, dah dah da-dum dah dah, why, why'.", "id": "12149609" }, { "contents": "Graveyard spiral\n\n\n, a sensation commonly known as \"the leans\". If the pilot believes the illusion of a right turn (which can be very compelling), he/she will re-enter the original left turn in an attempt to counteract the sensation of a right turn. If the pilot fails to recognize the illusion and does not level the wings, the airplane will continue turning left and losing altitude. Because an aircraft tends to lose altitude in turns unless the pilot compensates for the loss in lift, the pilot may notice", "id": "4265654" }, { "contents": "Falling (sensation)\n\n\nA sensation of falling occurs when the labyrinth or \"vestibular apparatus\", a system of fluid-filled passages in the inner ear, detects changes in acceleration. This sensation can occur when a person begins to fall, which in terms of mechanics amounts to a sudden acceleration increase from zero to roughly 9.8 m/s. If the body is in free fall (for example, during skydiving) with no other momenta (rotation, etc.) there is no falling sensation. This almost never occurs in real-life", "id": "9801689" }, { "contents": "Effects of high altitude on humans\n\n\nadaptation to high altitude is achieved when the increase of red blood cells reaches a plateau and stops. The length of full hematological adaptation can be approximated by multiplying the altitude in kilometres by 11.4 days. For example, to adapt to of altitude would require 45.6 days. The upper altitude limit of this linear relationship has not been fully established. Even when acclimatized, prolonged exposure to high altitude can interfere with pregnancy and cause intrauterine growth restriction or pre-eclampsia. High altitude causes decreased blood flow to the placenta, even in", "id": "8744038" }, { "contents": "The Butterfly Effect Part 1\n\n\nthe apartment, and as we see the flashback from \"The Fall Issue\" where Wilhelmina dropped her glass and discovers Nico all covered in blood, it's apparent as to why Wilhelmina was keeping this a secret. In an interview with \"TV Guide\", creator Silvio Horta noted that this season will take a different approach from Season Three, starting with this episode. When asked about the sudden changes, Horta replied \"I think it's gradual; I don't think you see a huge transformation; it's a", "id": "14642706" }, { "contents": "Armstrong limit\n\n\nmust be provided with supplemental oxygen above a cabin altitude of . Skydivers, who are at altitude only briefly before jumping, do not normally exceed . The Armstrong limit describes the altitude associated with an objective, precisely defined natural phenomenon: the vapor pressure of body-temperature water. In the late 1940s, it represented a new fundamental, hard limit to altitude that went beyond the somewhat subjective observations of human physiology and the timedependent effects of hypoxia experienced at lower altitudes. Pressure suits had long been worn at altitudes well below the", "id": "786594" }, { "contents": "Airbus A330\n\n\nAtlantic Ocean due to an incorrectly installed hydraulic part and was forced to glide for over 15 minutes to an emergency landing in the Azores. On 7 October 2008, Qantas Flight 72, an A330-300, suffered a rapid loss of altitude in two sudden uncommanded pitch-down manoeuvres while from the RAAF Learmonth air base in northwestern Australia. After declaring an emergency, the crew landed the aircraft safely at Learmonth. It was later determined that the incident, which caused 106 injuries, 14 of them serious, was the result", "id": "3932294" }, { "contents": "List of Focke-Wulf Fw 190 variants\n\n\nsupercharger's high gear kicked in with a jerk. The Fw 190 was on its back, with little airspeed. The sudden change in torque hurled the aircraft into a spin. Tank's artificial horizon toppled (the cause is not explained). Although Tank did not know whether he was in an upright or inverted spin, he managed to recover after a loss of altitude. The rough transition was smoothed out and the supercharger's gear-change could engage without incident. The RLM convinced Focke-Wulf and BMW to abandon", "id": "8891462" }, { "contents": "Sudden ionospheric disturbance\n\n\nand is therefore called \"geomagnetic crochet effect\" or \"sudden field effect\". Short wave radio waves (in the HF range) are absorbed by the increased particles in the low altitude ionosphere causing a complete blackout of radio communications. This is called a short wave fading. These fadeouts last for a few minutes to a few hours and are most severe in the equatorial regions where the Sun is most directly overhead. The ionospheric disturbance enhances long wave (VLF) radio propagation. SIDs are observed and recorded by monitoring the", "id": "15144519" }, { "contents": "Suárez River\n\n\ntrajectory for the Spanish conquest of the Muisca, when the conquistadors went uphill into the Andes from the tropical lowlands of Barrancabermeja in the north. The difference in altitude along the river course, from at the source to at its mouth, in its large basin causes climatic variations, especially with respect to precipitation. The frequent floodings of the river have given the Suárez River its name; conquistador Gonzalo Suárez Rendón tried to cross the river in one of his conquest expeditions, but the sudden flooding made his horse drown in the Suárez", "id": "16509635" }, { "contents": "Wang Jing (mountaineer)\n\n\n. On the 25th of April 2015 when an earthquake struck leaving the monastery severely damaged, locals did not dare enter the monastery with the fear of sudden collapse. The Jing Foundation donated 13,000,000 Rupees to support the reconstruction of Khumjung Gumba. This donation will go a long way in funding the reconstruction of this important building in 2017. Jing has also donated to the Nepalese health and educational sectors in order to raise their current standard. Along with this, she participated in activities cleaning up garbage in the Qomolungma high-altitude named", "id": "4363635" }, { "contents": "Navy Mark IV\n\n\nthe U.S. Air Force and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (later NASA) for a full pressure suit for the X-15 rocket plane, the suit fell out of use. When NASA began the Mercury Project in 1958, one of the first needs was a \"space suit\": a pressure suit to protect the astronaut in the event of a sudden depressurization of the cabin in the vacuum of space. NASA tested both the Navy Mark IV suit and the X-15 high-altitude suit, and chose the Mark IV because it", "id": "6521419" }, { "contents": "American Airlines Flight 11\n\n\nManhattan. We sort of expected him to veer off and go into the Hudson. But he just rose a little bit, his altitude, leveled off, and he was headed straight for the Trade Center. So just before he got to the Trade Center, it seemed as though he gained power. We were just watching this airplane on target for the World Trade Center. All of a sudden, boom! He disappears into the Trade Center. The damage caused to the North Tower destroyed any means of escape at the", "id": "15408346" }, { "contents": "Aviation medicine\n\n\nto a safe flight has a failure rate. The crew of an aircraft is no different. Aviation medicine aims to keep this rate in the humans involved equal to or below a specified risk level. This standard of risk is also applied to airframe, avionics and systems associated with flights. AeroMedical examinations aim at screening for elevation in risk of sudden incapacitation, such as a tendency towards myocardial infarction (heart attacks), epilepsy or the presence of metabolic conditions diabetes, etc. which may lead to hazardous condition at altitude.", "id": "12624341" }, { "contents": "Mount Olympus\n\n\n°C per 200 m of altitude. As the altitude rises, the phenomena are more intense and the variations of temperature and humidity are often sudden. The coastal northeast slopes of Olympus receive more rain than the continental northwest, so, as a result, there is a clear difference in vegetation, being more abundant in the first of them. Hottest month is August, while coldest is February. The mountain's highest zone, over 2,000 metres, is snowcapped for about nine months (September to May). In some", "id": "8212657" }, { "contents": "Graveyard spiral\n\n\na loss of altitude. The absence of any sensation of turning creates the illusion of being in a level descent. The pilot may pull back on the controls in an attempt to climb or stop the descent. This action tightens the spiral and increases the loss of altitude. The solution, of course, is for the pilot to consciously override the brain's imperative to judge physical attitude on the basis of signals from the vestibular, and rely solely on the visual cues of horizon or of attitude instruments in the airplane, until", "id": "4265655" }, { "contents": "Focal seizure\n\n\nsymptoms. Jacksonian seizures are initiated with abnormal electrical activity within the primary motor cortex. They are unique in that they travel through the primary motor cortex in succession, affecting the corresponding muscles, often beginning with the fingers. This is felt as a tingling sensation, or a feeling of waves through the fingers when touched together. It then affects the hand and moves on to more proximal areas on the same side of body. Symptoms often associated with a Jacksonian seizure are sudden head and eye movements, tingling, numbness, smacking", "id": "11418625" }, { "contents": "Brachial plexus block\n\n\na peripheral nerve stimulator or a portable ultrasound scanning device. If the needle is close to or contacts a nerve, the subject may experience a paresthesia (a sudden tingling sensation, often described as feeling like \"pins and needles\" or like an electric shock) in the arm, hand, or fingers. Injection close to the point of elicitation of such a paresthesia may result in a good block. A peripheral nerve stimulator connected to an appropriate needle allows emission of electric current from the needle tip. When the needle tip", "id": "9335158" }, { "contents": "RAF North Luffenham\n\n\nmedical and technical team were responsible for fitting and instructing aircrew in the use of flying protective clothing and equipment, including partial pressure suits, which kept the pilot conscious in the event of loss of cabin pressure at high altitude. Instruction in medical aspects of high performance aviation included experience of hypoxia and exposure to sudden explosive decompression of an aircraft cabin. This was carried out in a complex of RAF Mark V decompression chambers installed on the site for aircrew training and research purposes. Many of the aircrew medical monitoring techniques, oxygen systems", "id": "17809031" }, { "contents": "Shusha State Historical and Architectural Reserve\n\n\nGate. The peak altitude is 1,600 metres above sea level, the lowest part is 1,300 metres above sea level. The city has a clear view of surrounding areas which rules out any type of sudden attack by invaders. Shusha as well as several other castles in Caucasus was built on the basis of natural conditions in unity of environment and architecture. Shusha was built in three stages. In the first stage was in 1753-1754 when the stronghold's walls, towers and nine districts (neighborhoods) on the lower eastern part", "id": "9273286" }, { "contents": "Operational history of the Dornier Do 17\n\n\nand dragging them from the skies. Losses were considerable. The Dornier's performance advantage at low altitude became moot on 7 September 1940, when the \"Luftwaffe\" switched to the bombing of London (known as the Blitz), requiring all-out attacks at medium altitude. Losses mounted and on 15 September 1940, the three Dornier-equipped \"Kampfgruppen\" suffered heavily, losing 20 shot down and 13 damaged. A significant event took place on 15 September 1940, now known as \"Battle of Britain Day\".", "id": "21318643" }, { "contents": "John H. Coote\n\n\nclimbing companions but it also brought with it marriage and children. Coote's passion in climbing and mountaineering started to overlap with his physiological interests in the 1980s and he undertook expeditions to Rupina La (Nepal), Karakorum (Pakistan), Cerro de Pasco (Peru) and Everest (Nepal) to study the effects of high altitude on human performance. Coote was an autonomic physiology who maintained active hands on research for nearly 60yrs until his sudden death. He was particularly known for: Coote was chairman of the Editorial Board of", "id": "13067996" }, { "contents": "Mono Lake\n\n\nbeen deposited in a deep lake. 20 - 15 ka: \"Dropping lake level.\" There was a sudden fall in lake level at the beginning of this period. Sand delta terraces from this time period indicated a lake-surface altitude of 2035 m. Recorded δO increased over this time period, reflecting falling lake level. 5 - 13 ka: \"Rising lake level.\" During this period, Mono Lake rose to its highest lake-surface altitude of 2155 m. This corresponded to a decrease in δO. 13+ ka", "id": "2746057" }, { "contents": "Pepper spray\n\n\nindividuals not previously exposed to OC effects, the general feelings after being sprayed can be best likened to being \"set alight.\" The initial reaction should the spray be directed at the face, is the completely involuntary closing of the eyes (sometimes described as leading to a disconcerting sensation of the eyelids \"bubbling and boiling\" as the chemical acts on the skin), an instant sensation of the restriction of the airways and the general feeling of sudden and intense, searing pain about the face, nose, and throat.", "id": "21558312" }, { "contents": "BMW IIIa\n\n\nengine was successful, but the real breakthrough came in 1917, when Friz integrated a basically simple throttle butterfly into the twin-barrel \"high-altitude carburettor\", enabling the engine to develop its full power high above the ground. Burning a special high octane fuel of gasoline blended with Benzole, the carburettor adjusted the richness of the fuel-air mixture according to the aircraft's altitude. It enabled the engine, now dubbed BMW IIIa, to develop a constant up to an altitude of 2000 meters – a decisive advantage", "id": "22212777" }, { "contents": "El Tatio\n\n\nthe hot gases and water can result in burn injuries, and both sudden eruptions of geysers and fountains and fragile ground above vents and above boiling water, concealed beneath thin covers of solid ground, increase the risk to unwary travelers. The site lies at high altitude, frequently leading to altitude sickness, and the cold dry climate creates further danger. The Chilean government recommends that tourists take warm clothing, sunscreen and mineral water. In 2010, the El Tatio area was declared to be a protected area, with a surface area", "id": "5106381" }, { "contents": "Grief counseling\n\n\nloss or trauma (to the extent than anyone can), and during and after the events of loss or trauma, each person has unique emotional experiences and ways of coping, of grieving and of reacting or not. Sudden, violent or unexpected loss or trauma imposes additional strains on coping. When a community is affected such as by disaster both the cost and sometimes the supports are greater. Weeping, painful feelings of sadness, anger, shock, guilt, helplessness and outrage are not uncommon. These are particularly challenging times", "id": "8389999" }, { "contents": "Field lacrosse\n\n\nin which whoever scores a goal is awarded a sudden victory. A quicker variant of the sudden victory is the Braveheart method in which each team sends out one player and one goalie; it is then sudden victory. International lacrosse plays two straight 5-minute overtime periods, and then applies the sudden victory rule if the score is still tied. Teams must advance the ball or be subjected to loss of possession. Once a team gains possession of the ball in their defensive area, they must move the ball over the midfield line within", "id": "14433269" }, { "contents": "Altitude\n\n\nonly the troposphere (up to approximately of altitude) in the Earth's atmosphere undergoes notable convection; in the stratosphere, there is little vertical convection. Medicine recognizes that altitudes above start to affect humans, and there is no record of humans living at extreme altitudes above for more than two years. As the altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases, which affects humans by reducing the partial pressure of oxygen. The lack of oxygen above can cause serious illnesses such as altitude sickness, high altitude pulmonary edema, and high altitude cerebral", "id": "14133572" }, { "contents": "Yunnan sudden death syndrome\n\n\nYunnan sudden death syndrome is a label used to define unexplained cases of cardiac arrest, which afflicted significant numbers of rural villagers in Yunnan province, in southwest China. Cases occurred almost always during the midsummer rainy season (from June to August), at an altitude of . The cause turned out to be a mushroom now blamed for an estimated 400 deaths in the past three decades. The mysterious fatalities were recorded for decades before researchers from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention isolated a significant factor common in every case:", "id": "2742450" }, { "contents": "Bryan Hall (Washington State University)\n\n\nsensation of a sudden cold and damp feeling have been recorded from students and faculty, most stories independently. The stories primarily were recorded in the 60s and 70s, when the theater department also used to take part in the management of the auditorium. Some claim that the events stopped occurring after the drama department was moved to Daggy Hall – whether it was the decreased activity of late-night workers in the building or due to Bryan leaving is unknown. Bryan Hall is equipped with a Maas-Rowe digital carillon which has traditionally", "id": "12260984" }, { "contents": "471st Special Operations Wing\n\n\nNorth Korea. PSYWAR “leaflet bombs” were loaded with various forms of PSYWAR materiel and then airdropped from high altitude. An altitude-sensitive fuse opened the container at a predetermined set altitude, dependent on pre-mission forecast winds and desired dispersal patterns. One of the most sensational missions of the 581st in Korea occurred on 12 January 1953, when a 581st B-29 (tail number 44-62217, call sign \"Stardust Four Zero\") on its first leaflet drop mission with the Wing Commander, Col. John Arnold", "id": "9802169" }, { "contents": "Sudden Motion Sensor\n\n\n, and prepares the relatively fragile hard disk drive mechanism for impact. The system disengages the disk drive heads from the hard disk platters, preventing data loss and drive damage from a disk head crash. When the computer is stable, the drive operates normally again. A clicking noise can be heard when the sudden motion sensor activates. Broadly speaking, there have been two types of Sudden Motion Sensor. The sensor used in the G4-based laptops resolved shifts of 1/52 g (e.g. the dynamic range was close to 6-bit), while", "id": "5834955" }, { "contents": "Cervical fracture\n\n\nA cervical fracture, commonly called a broken neck, is a catastrophic fracture of any of the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck. Examples of common causes in humans are traffic collisions and diving into shallow water. Abnormal movement of neck bones or pieces of bone can cause a spinal cord injury resulting in loss of sensation, paralysis, or usually instant death. Considerable force is needed to cause a cervical fracture. Vehicle collisions and falls are common causes. A severe, sudden twist to the neck or a severe blow to the", "id": "5911283" }, { "contents": "El secreto de Alejandra\n\n\nmeets Matías. So far, the story had followed the original course, but with the sudden cancellation, a sudden ending was started that begins with the last scene of chapter 24. The secret of the false Alejandra is discovered immediately thanks to some recordings that the real Alejandra He left Matías. She left instructions that only listen to the cassette in case of emergency, if she one day decided to leave the house. Matías has a feeling and disobeys the instructions; when listening to the cassette he learns the truth, but", "id": "10215090" }, { "contents": "Gustavo Nieves Campello\n\n\nhis parents emigrated to Germany. His father remained in Germany and was still there as of 2009, but Gustavo Nieves returned to Spain when he was five years old. Nieves has a disability: he has partial vision. He lost his vision when he was 17 years old. The onset of vision loss was sudden and unexpected, and there is no clear reason why or if his vision will continue to deteriorate. Prior to that, he played football as a midfielder for Sárdoma in Spain's División de Honor Juvenil de Fútbol", "id": "11017134" }, { "contents": "Jude and Zero\n\n\nthat he looks at him. And I feel like Zero could possibly be heading that direction, but we'll see. We'll find out.\" He added, \"I feel like Jude saw something in Zero when he realized that Zero wasn't going to take him down when he heard about [Jude giving] cocaine to Derek [in \"Sudden Death\"]. I think that was a sign. I would see trustworthiness in a person if they were to do that. LaRosa said, \"The one piece", "id": "18594116" }, { "contents": "Subramaniapuram\n\n\neach time they do something wrong. Every time they are arrested, Kanugu and Somu bail them out immediately. In the meantime, Azhagu and Thulasi develop mutual feelings for each other. Paraman is against his friend developing feelings for a girl and Azhagu, not heeding to his friends thoughts, throws up quite a few funny scenes. There are signs of things to come when Somu is not selected in a local temple's committee for a function. Things take a sudden turn just before intermission when Somu is not elected for his", "id": "21836777" }, { "contents": "Bleeding Through\n\n\n're like, 'Fuck, why do we have to be here?' Like, we'll be in France and all of a sudden we'll feel totally insignificant. You get the feeling that people's eyes are just burining a hole through you.\" The group recorded \"Declaration\" between April and May 2008 in Vancouver, Canada with producer Devin Townsend. On June 6, 2008, the band released a blog on MTV's Headbangers Ball website. The blog addressed numerous disappointments the band had with Trustkill Records.", "id": "5229302" }, { "contents": "Hemi-laryngopharyngeal spasm\n\n\nchoking episodes. This may be due to contraction of the glossopharyngeus muscle. The combination of choking and a sensation of a “fat” tongue may lead to a misdiagnosis of an allergic reaction. Patients do not report pain during an episode. This is not glossopharyngeal neuralgia although the condition can co-exist with HeLPS (see below). None of the patients have reported sudden loss of consciousness or cardiac arrythmias as is rarely seen in some cases of glossopharyngeal neuralgia (so called vago-glossopharyngeal neuralgia). None of the", "id": "16875644" }, { "contents": "Sudden death (sport)\n\n\nnumber of points. This is not a true sudden death that ends on the first point scored, since MMA competitions do not generally score individual points. Rather, it is a final round of combat, the winner of which is declared the winner of the match. This particular rule, known as \"Sudden Victory\", has been commonly seen in previous seasons of the reality television show \"The Ultimate Fighter\" when the competition has consisted of two rounds. A sudden victory round rule was also implemented in the tournament to", "id": "812407" }, { "contents": "Limenitis arthemis\n\n\n, L. lorquini,\" and \"L. weidemeyerii.\" \"Limenitis arthemis\" is described to be beautiful and highly active. The butterfly species themselves can be divided into two major groups simply from one main characteristic, the white band on the upper wings. However, besides the look of the butterfly, \"L. arthemis\" are in constant motion. Their flights are short in duration and at low altitudes, flying only about 2 to 3 feet off the ground. When not in flight, \"L. arthemis\" are constantly", "id": "18153358" }, { "contents": "Grief\n\n\nand over the last thirty years there has been international research trying to curb this phenomenon and gather knowledge about who is \"at-risk\". When a parent loses their child through suicide it is traumatic, sudden and affects all loved ones impacted by this child. Suicide leaves many unanswered questions and leaves most parents feeling hurt, angry and deeply saddened by such a loss. Parents may feel they can't openly discuss their grief and feel their emotions because of how their child died and how the people around them may perceive", "id": "8735356" }, { "contents": "Steep turn (aviation)\n\n\npower in one engine etc. Entry procedure for a steep turn involves putting the aircraft into a bank (left or right), simultaneously increasing the thrust adequately to maintain altitude, while pulling back on the flight stick or flight yoke to speed up the turning process. For Jet training an increase of 7-8% of N1 caters. While doing this the pilot has to ensure no loss or gain of altitude. The pilot is expected to constantly look outside the aircraft while keeping a close check on the Attitude indicator for", "id": "21625313" }, { "contents": "Raid on Yakla\n\n\nthem I didn’t want to make a scene about it, but my conscience wouldn't let me talk to him. Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasn’t even barely a week into his administration? Why? For two years prior, there were no boots on the ground in Yemen—everything was missiles and drones—because there was not a target worth one American life. Now all of a sudden we had to make this grand display?\" Owens stated: \"Do", "id": "12155446" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\nModerate weight loss was associated with reduced cardiovascular risk amongst obese men. Intentional weight loss was not directly measured, but it was assumed that those that died within 3 years, due to disease etc., had not intended to lose weight. This may reflect the loss of subcutaneous fat and beneficial mass from organs and muscle in addition to visceral fat when there is a sudden and dramatic weight loss. Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on average", "id": "8780640" }, { "contents": "Rapp Motorenwerke\n\n\nFriz integrated a basically simple throttle butterfly into the \"high-altitude carburettor\", enabling the engine to develop its full power high above the ground. This is precisely the reason why the engine, now dubbed \"type IIIa\", had unique superiority in air combat. Franz-Zeno Diemer, the pioneering aviator and test pilot for the company, sets a new world altitude record with a 32,000 ft (9,760 m) flight in 1919 flying a DFW F 37/III (experimental two-seater, often referred to", "id": "20603084" }, { "contents": "Health in Ecuador\n\n\nthreats to human health. Due to the lack of oxygen in the Andes because of high altitude, altitude sickness may arise. It is mostly tourists coming from low-altitude regions that are affected by altitude sickness. The amazon's many species do pose threats to human health. Diseases like malaria and yellow fever can be transferred to humans by infected mosquitoes. Deforestation in the Amazon causes an increase in the number of cases of malaria, because deforestation creates more breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Access to clean drinking water is also an", "id": "5045189" }, { "contents": "Sudden unintended acceleration\n\n\nSudden unintended acceleration (SUA) is the unintended, unexpected, uncontrolled acceleration of a vehicle, often accompanied by an apparent loss of braking effectiveness. Such problems may be caused by driver error (e.g., pedal misapplication), mechanical or electrical problems, or some combination of these factors. In the 1980s, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported a narrow definition of sudden acceleration only from near standstill in their 1989 \"Sudden Acceleration Report\": \"Sudden acceleration incidents\" (SAI) are defined for", "id": "5194737" }, { "contents": "Chris LeDoux\n\n\nto national prominence when he was mentioned in Garth Brooks' Top 10 country hit \"Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old).\" Capitalizing on the sudden attention, LeDoux signed a contract with Capitol Records subsidiary Liberty Records and released his first national album, \"Western Underground\", in 1991. His follow-up album, \"Whatcha Gonna Do with a Cowboy\", was certified gold and reached the Top 10. The title track, a duet with Brooks, became LeDoux's first and only Top", "id": "19941973" }, { "contents": "Ebullism\n\n\nsea level, water boils at . At an altitude of , it boils at only , the normal body temperature of humans. This altitude is known as \"Armstrong’s Line.\" In practice bodily fluids do not boil off at this altitude. This is because the skin and outer organs have enough strength to withstand this pressure, thus pressure inside the body would be significantly higher—however, bubbles starting to form is still an issue. To prevent ebullism, a pure oxygen (O) atmosphere was used in early space", "id": "16390287" }, { "contents": "Battle of An Lộc\n\n\nmade attempts, but after suffering losses, the U.S. Air Force took over on April 19. The US used C-130s to parachute in supplies, but many missed the defenders and several aircraft were shot down or damaged. Low altitude drops during day and night did not do the job, so by May 2, the USAF began using High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) techniques. With far greater success, this method of resupply was utilized until June 25, when the siege was lifted and aircraft could land at An Lộc.", "id": "14659580" }, { "contents": "Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem\n\n\naccepting that he had failed, and to publishing his work so that others could build on it and find the error. He states that he was having a final look to try and understand the fundamental reasons why his approach could not be made to work, when he had a sudden insight that the specific reason why the Kolyvagin–Flach approach would not work directly, also meant that his original attempts using Iwasawa theory could be made to work if he strengthened it using his experience gained from the Kolyvagin–Flach approach since then", "id": "1108725" }, { "contents": "High-altitude adaptation in humans\n\n\nof humans from other parts of the world, normally suffer symptoms of altitude sickness in these regions, often resulting in life-threatening trauma and even death. Studies on the detail biological mechanism have revealed that adaptation of the Tibetans, Andeans and Ethiopians is indeed an observable instance of the process of natural selection in acting on favourable characters such as enhanced respiratory mechanisms in humans. Humans are naturally adapted to lowland environment where oxygen is abundant. When people from the general lowlands go to altitudes above , with atmospheric pressure 74% of", "id": "18569008" } ]
Why humans are relatively hairless?
[{"answer": "Hairlessness allows us to regulate our body heat more easily. One of the main advantages humans have over other animals is our ability to run long distances, and hunt animals by tiring them out. If we were covered in fur, we would simply heat up too quickly and not be able to run for long."}, {"answer": "It is difficult to ELI5 because no one actually knows the answer for sure. Every answer presented as fact is really a hypothesis. More than that, they are [just-so stories]( URL_2 ), because they are almost untestable and thus unfalsifiable. All of that being said, there are three major hypotheses, which are not mutually exclusive: - [The running man hypothesis]( URL_4 ): Walking on two-legs helped us throw spears and see far, and also let us separate our breathing from our stride. When most four-legged animals sprint, their bodies expand and contract such that their breathing is forced to follow their stride; we can decouple those two motions, which is a luxury. Furthermore, hairlessness helps us to sweat, as hair would slow down evaporative cooling. - [The aquatic ape hypothesis]( URL_0 ): Another idea holds that humans became bipedal because an elevated head helped them when wading and fishing. Aquatic mammals tend to either have very dense hair or no hair at all (whales, dolphins, pigs - kinda, etc.). This idea is not as crazy as it sounds, and some random observations support that we evolved to be in or near wet environments. For example, you know how your fingertips get wrinkly when they're in water for a while? Well, that reaction is regulated by your nervous system, and is not a direct effect of wetness. Furthermore, those wrinkles have been demonstrated to aid your ability to grip wet rocks. - [The filthy fur hypothesis]( URL_1 ): Fur is not as good as clothing, because you can remove and clean clothing. Fur, on the other hand, is always full of parasites. Consider the two hairiest parts of the body, the scalp and the crotch; both are subject to lice. This argument holds that we lost fur because of the terrible parasite load associated with dense fur. It also argues that the few remaining hairs can help you feel crawling parasites and impede their progress (I have a hairy back, and can attest to this. Good luck, ticks!) We either replaced fur with clothing gradually, or else picked it up later to cover our nakedness, especially as we went into colder climates, depending on the timeline (which I will admit isn't known to me). The remaining hair may serve a number of purposes, but it seems to help prevent sunburn, demonstrate sexual maturity, channel water flow, filter air, increase sensation and sensory range, and possibly trap aroma (while many probably no longer find this desirable, [body odor was considered sexy even in historical times, and still is in some places]( URL_5 )). Some people here have asked if (or argued that) a trait must have been selected for if we see it today, but that's not always the case. As hard as it is to accept, some things are the way they are purely by chance. Red hair is frequent in Ireland in spite of no known selective benefit. Eyebrow shapes could be in the same category. Again, [no one knows.]( URL_3 ) EDIT: About 10 different people rightly pointed out a mistake in my language, which made it seem like I think humans evolved a certain way because it *would be* to their benefit, rather than that they evolved a certain way because it *was* to their benefit. I hope I corrected it so that no one thinks I'm a Lamarckian or believe in directed evolution. Thanks for the input, glad people like the response! Remember to stay skeptical! EDIT: Thanks for the gold!"}, {"answer": "Our ancestors were essentially marathon runners that ran down our prey until it was exhausted. Humans aren't very fast. Nearly all our prey were faster in short bursts, but none possessed the endurance of our species. Sweat cools our body down. Losing the hair allowed the sweat to perform more efficiently and keep going for longer distances. Eyebrows...I don't know for certain. Total guess here would be that they keep sweat from running into our eyes and are effective communication tools in facial expression."}, {"answer": "I just want to say that what the top comments in this thread aren't proven at all. They are theories with a lot of evidence supporting it, but almost just as much disagreeing or not supporting it. I'm not saying they probably aren't right, in fact I think the endurance running hypothesis is pretty good. But I'm just saying to keep an open mind as these are not 100% proven and we still don't have the whole picture (but probably never will due to gaps in hominin fossil record). Hairlessness may have resulted because of sweating alone, but it could just as easily be due to a multitude of factors. One thing we dont know is at what point hominins lost their hair. As an interesting sidebit, we don't actually have any definitive answer for the chin. Why do we have it? Other apes do not have chins, neither did Neanderthals. Studies show it has nothing to do with mastication. What is thought now is that it had to do with genetic isolation or sexual selection. Nobody ever thinks about the chin, so just thought I'd share. Edit: I actually expected to be downvoted to hell with this initial comment. I'm glad that there are a lot of you that think about these things objectively and formulate your own hypotheses! This is how science happens guys"}, {"answer": "I shouldn't do this. But I've been drinking and watching football. So what the hell. I'm a PhD and study human evolution. The endurance running hypothesis (which is being promoted by several answers in this thread) is bunk. Eventually it will become consensus in the scientific and public community that Dan Lieberman and his co conspirators have over interpreted natural selections power and did so to fit a particular and biased agenda. The endurance running hypothesis is no more valid than the aquatic ape hypothesis. The best and most simple reason humans are hairless is because we are bipedal. Being bipedal having extra fat within our abdominal cavity could cause herniations or prolapses in our lower bowl areas. Moving the fat outside out abdominal wall released this risk. However. Having this extra layer of fat on the outside also served to insulate. So we needed to ride ourselves of hair to prevent over heating Yes. Over heating is the same root cause. But long distance running is a delusional dream of Lieberman that I can't wait to trash once I have tenure. EDIT: sober follow up: If you want to read a good peer-reviewed paper on why the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis is just adaptive story-telling, find: Langdon, JH (1997) Umbrella hypotheses and parsimony in human evolution: a critique of the aquatic ape hypothesis. Journal of Human Evolution Vol 33:479-494 This is an excellent paper, and all of his points can be easily applied to the endurance running hypothesis. But to boil it down: Aquatic Ape Hypothesis (AAH) has no real evidence to suggest its true other than the appearance of parsimony. That is AAH purports to explain many strange features of humans all at once with a concise adaptive narrative. Features explained are: hairlessness, long hair on our heads, holding our breath, being able to speak, bipedalism, natural-swimming behaviors in infants, etc. The problem with AAH is that other than the ability to explain all these features at once with a single over-arching adaptive scenario, there is no evidence for it. We don't find hominin fossils in marine deposits. The fact that some modern peoples swim/dive for their food is cherry-picking (its not a dominant behavior among modern humans), hairlessness and other features can be explained individually if maybe not collectively, etc. But the most damning part of the AAH is the double-treatment of evolutionary constraints. For those not in the know: evolutionary constraints are forces which 'prevent' evolution. In general terms we think of there being 2 of these. 1st is the 'constructional constraint' which boils down to the laws of physics. Why don't humans have steel teeth? Or wheels instead of legs? These seem like absurd questions, but they only seem absurd because we intuitively understand the constructional constraint. A wheel-like mechanisms can't be built with the biological building materials we have on hand AND steel cannot be forged and shaped within a biological entity. These things are beyond biology's reach because of the laws of physics. 2nd we have the 'phylogenetic/historical constraint' which is basically heredity at work. You look more like your parents than you do any other random person (save for dopplegangers, but you get my point). This is heredity and it can be applied to the species level as well. Our species looks more like its parent species than some random other. And so on up the tree of life into larger and larger clades. This has some important consequences. The first, which is not intuitive, is that without this restriction on form, natural selection cannot work. For it can't be an effective filtering mechanism without there being some reliability of the outcome after reproduction. Second, and more intuitively, it restricts the types of forms organisms can take. You are bound by your heredity to stay within a certain range of features. Why don't we have 6 arms and legs? It would be so useful in the kitchen while making dinner. Other animals do. Why don't humans? Well because we are the descendants of tetrapod fish. That's a lame answer, but the true answer. (Back to AAH) The thing that AAH does is it argues constraints 2 ways. First, that our ancestors apart from chimps were radically re-made (morphologically) because of natural selection working on our form while in the past aquatic niche. BUT we retained these features after this aquatic phase\u2014which we no longer have need for\u2014because of evolutionary constraints. So, constraints are weak and do nothing, then they turn around and do everything. This is theoretically bankrupt. (Sound familiar? yeah, I'm looking at you, all you at the top of this thread promoting your adaptive story-telling and making Dan Lieberman at Harvard seem so smart). To some others in this thread. Dan Lieberman is part of the \"academic establishment\". When you're a lowly post-doc like I am, you don't take on the establishment since they can deny you job opportunities, funding opportunities, and publications. Waiting for tenure is the only way to really rock the boat on a popular idea. Tenure\u2014for all its imperfections and abuses\u2014is designed to give people academic freedom to pursue ideas/hypothesis/concepts without fear of backlash. It does work in that regard. But being a post-doc I don't have that... yet. Lastly, I apologize for using the argument from authority in my original post. It was lazy and un-necessary. Having the PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology does not entitle me to short-cutting claims/ideas/concepts. Also, thanks for the gold and the people who liked this post. But I think this will languish down at the bottom of this thread. I'm not sure if that is good or bad given the shots I've taken at Lieberman."}, {"answer": "Middle Eastern guy here. What is this hairlessness you speak of?"}, {"answer": "We are not hairless. We have just as many hairs as other animals, it's just not as thick in some places. I read someplace that we have as many hair follicles as chimps."}, {"answer": "I've not read yet about the \"swimmer\" hypothesis. Humans are pretty good swimmers and divers, and can hold our breathe well and other random stuff. There is an hypothesis, that we spent some time evolving near water, and relatively less hair is an adaption for that. EDIT: [Here's the wikipedia article about it]( URL_0 ). I should say that glancing at the article, it isn't really well accepted. But it is interesting."}, {"answer": "Humans have the ability to sweat which gives us legendary endurance for both continuous movement and the ability to withstand hot environments and even both at the same time. You can't properly sweat while covered in fur. As for warmth it wasn't really necessary since clothing was invented a very long time ago and if we could wear the fur of a mammoth then there is no need to grow our own. With this in mind fur actually becomes a hindrance, not to mention it is more costly in terms of time, effort and energy to maintain. On top of all that lice and ticks were a very real problem and still are for animals that have fur. The reason that head hair was kept is because of sexual selection. Long wavy hair was seen as a symbol of someone so good at the caveman life that they can maintain nice hair in an era where hunting and farming was an absolute must. On top of that long hair does offer some protection against the sun and physical damage, and makes somewhat of a cushion for sleeping. Eyebrows allows for non-verbal communication without resorting to hand symbols in humans and is vital for reading facial expressions. It is beneficial for teamwork and empathy for this reason. Eyebrows also keep water from dripping down into your eyes when it rains. Likewise eyelashes keep out dust and dirt from your eyes and help remove it if it does get in. Hair on the underarms and butt region allows you to move your limbs without chaffing your skin. As for the last section of hair, probably sexual selection once again."}, {"answer": "This will be buried, but there could be reasons that in some sense are non-adaptive. For instance, if female sexual preference randomly evolved to favor less hairy males, then such males would beget less hairy children, who would likely inherit their mother's preference for less hairy males, forming a loop."}, {"answer": "I find the theory around [Neoteny]( URL_0 ) quite attractive. It starts from acknowledging the fact that a lot of human traits are in fact juvenile traits that have been retained by the adults (large brain, flattened face, hairless body, no penis bone etc). It is something very interesting... So there are a lot of different explanation that are given but I will put this one, since it explains why female are more neotenous than male (those body hair): > human evolution's trend toward neoteny may have been caused by sexual selection in human evolution for neotenous facial traits in women by men with the resulting neoteny in male faces being a \"by-product\" of sexual selection for neotenous female faces. Jones said that this type of sexual selection \"likely\" had a major role in human evolution once a larger proportion of women lived past the age of menopause. This increasing proportion of women who were too old to reproduce resulted in a greater variance in fecundity in the population of women, and it resulted in a greater sexual selection for indicators of youthful fecundity in women by men."}, {"answer": "We do not know how hairy Neanderthals or other hominid species were. If you have fire and the fur of other animals to keep your warm at night. then you do not need fur to keep you warm at night. So during the day you can sweat more efficiently combined with bipedalism allows humans to run long distance much farther more efficiently than most other animals. Also helped by carrying water in containers. When not running fur actually helps mammals stay cool by shielding them from sunlight, but a human can make a cloak which is better shade combined with better ventilation. Clothing that you can put on and take off makes you much more adaptable than insulation that is permanently attached to your skin."}, {"answer": "Look at it, we're evolving without it! We came from the apes, and look at us now. One day we'll be completely without it... and totally pure."}, {"answer": "Here's a BBC 7 minute [video]( URL_0 ) of an African Hunter-Gather group running prey down to exhuastion."}, {"answer": "The aquatic ape theory. It explains just about every distinction between apes and humans. The \"hairlessness\" (although we have just as many hair follicles as chimps, only ours barely produce in comparison) aided swimming, nose shape, subcutaneous fat, saline tears, dive reflex, uprightness and others are all traits developed during our aquatic phase. All of the traits that differentiate humans and apes also happen to be shared with marine mammals. Humans are evolved down the aquatic scale more than otters but less than seals. It's interesting as hell to me. Plenty on YouTube, Elaine Morgan is the woman most active in the theory."}, {"answer": "Hairless? Speak for yourself. I'm like a freaking Wookie."}, {"answer": " > Why are humans relatively hairless? [We're not, it just got very, very fine.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "What's all this evolution talk? Didn't we emerge from the Garden of Eden in this form? On a serious note, I've always been curious about the difference in evolution between male and female...why would males of our species have much facial hair, when females have mostly none? I can't think of another species on the planet that has evolved that way...except maybe the Lion...are we evolved similarly to Lions in terms of comparing our male facial hair to a male Lion's mane?"}, {"answer": "There is no real evidence that neanderthals were hairier than us. Although it is probable. We actually have more individual hairs on our body on average than a chimpanzee. Ours are just much smaller and thinner. If you look at yourself though, every inch of your body is covered in hair except your palms and soles of your feet. Even on your nose there are at least follicles. There are several theories as to why. Obviously the trait(s) were selected for by environmental pressure. My personal favorite is the semi aquatic ape theory. The idea is that the earliest modern human populations can be found close to coastal areas, and even now that's where humans naturally happen to populate the most. We ate a lot of fish/sea creatures and we would swim/stand/dive in shallow water. This would be why there is still hair on our heads, the only part that would be likely sticking out above water. Our noses are hooded to allow us to hold our breath, like a diving bell. Our mammalian cold water reflex is stronger than other primates and comparable to aquatic mammals, and we are the only non aquatic mammal that stores almost all of our cutaneous tissue directly under our skin. It is also a good explanation for our flat feet and upright posture. Of course this theory is heavily debated and opposed. The prevailing theory states that we get all of these traits from hunting in grasslands and chasing prey, which we are very well suited for also. The lack of hair and sweating helps us to regulate temperature in hot conditions, but exposes us to sunburn, however all of the earliest humans had melanin to prevent that from happening. There are quite a few traits though that this does not explain, like the cold water reflex and cutaneous tissue. But remember, the way evolution works, not every trait *needs* a reason. They don't come about because of environmental conditions, they are selected for due to environmental pressures. Big difference. Some traits may have just been on some specimens that had other traits that were selected for, and so through the process of evolution they stayed also."}, {"answer": "We actually learned about this in my anthropology class. A major factor that led to the loss of hair, believe it or not, was actually FLEAS! They were a huge nuisance to host and not only that but take into consideration the amount of diseases they carry.(remember they were also responsible for the Black Plague) Our early ancestors that didn't have as much fleas lived longer and were constantly healthier so lived to reproduce more often and pass along their hairless genes. After a few hundred generations....hairless monkeys, us."}, {"answer": "It is down to a type of hunting called an endurance hunt which bipedal animals are more suited for and enables us to lose heat whilst running long distances, for more on this - URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Why is the so much hair in my ass Crack? I don't need those dingleberries so wtf... Explain that"}, {"answer": "There's an interesting theory as to why we kept head hair, and specifically why our head hair continues to grow, rather than moulting after a certain length of time. Basically, to keep our head hair looking tidy, it needs to be cut regularly and groomed. Otherwise it forms a three foot long, shaggy mess that catches on bushes, can be grabbed by sabre toothed tigers, and is generally not helpful for survival. Our shaggy mops are unique in the animal kingdom. The theory goes that cutting and grooming have been a marker of status, and so a means of sexual selection. Hair combs are some of the most ancient artifacts found. In which case, hairdressing may be actually be the oldest profession."}, {"answer": "You ever seen anyone from the Middle East? No one is hairless. I repeat no one is hairless. Edit: To the Middle Eastern Hairy Bitches Downvote brigade- get fucked."}, {"answer": "Remaining hair makes sense, head-hair is there to protect the head against the sun, and later cold, notice big difference in hair between africans and non africans, african hair is this small curls which allow for air to pass under, and create a layer on top of the head that heats instead of the head. While euro/asian/NA hair is smooth and clings to the head (oil) providing a coating against cold/frost. Hair on genitalia also makes a bit of sense, it provides a buffer to protect a fairly thin and fragile area of skin, as anyone who shaves will know, sometimes it causes issues. I imagine armpit hair also serves that function. Beard however, i have no idea why, for example NA and most Asians cant grow it or simply dont have it. (lucky bastards saving so much $$ on shaving blades)."}, {"answer": "There's actually a lot of evidence for the \"water ape\" theory which would explani why we lost our hair, have our noses, why we're pretty bad at holding water, why we walk up right, why we have a strong dive reflex, why we have \"water babies\", why our butts need wiping and not least of which explains HOW we got our big brains. Essentially there's a \"gap\" in evolution between the trees and the savannah and many researchers agree on this theory, not least of which is Sir David Attenborough. Sources: URL_0 TED Talk: URL_1 There's also a wonderful documentary series on yourtube called the Human animal I would also check out because it takes a documentarians view to humanity as a species."}, {"answer": "So is the reason I'm hairy (I'm Indian, not native literally my parents are from India.) is because my ancestors were largely farmers and vegetarian so they didn't have to participate in hunting and the such? but still they engaged in a lot of physical activity as farmers? Or is there a reason indians are generally pretty hairy. Granted some of the hairiest people I've seen have been white."}, {"answer": "I imagine that it has to do with hunting. We would literally follow/chase herds to death. Long distance and sustained running inevitably caused heat exhaustion and we would overcome our prey. I'd venture to guess those of us with less hair allowed us to sustain travel further, faster and hunt more efficiently. As was the same reason for us transitioning to bipedal."}, {"answer": "I was giving my baby a bath last night and when I rinsed his head the water spilled over and I freaked out for a second thinking I was getting water in his eyes. I look at him and all the water was stopped by his little baby eyebrows, just streamin off to the side."}, {"answer": "Not that it's actually supported by any real science or by any real scientist but the aquatic ape is an interesting theory I think there is a ted talk about it."}, {"answer": "We have more hair follicles than chimpanzees. The real question you want to ask is why our body hair is so much thinner."}, {"answer": "Essentially, our need to keep cool by sweating was greater than our need to keep warm with fur"}, {"answer": " > What happened in the evolution somewhere along the line that we lost all our hair? Monkeys and neanderthals were nearly covered in hair, why did we lose it except it some places? This has been covered, but the lack of hair is related to body heat. We cover ourselves in the cold because of the lack of hair to keep us warm like animals, but we have the ability to shed clothing and be cool due to the lack of hair during the hotter months. > Bonus question: Why did we keep the certain places we do have? What do eyebrows and head hair do for us and why have we had them for so long? Eyebrows are related to communication. They convey horror, humor, seriousness, surprise, and disapproval just to touch on a few. They also play a factor in protection the same way eyelashes do for the eye. Eyebrows block and reroute sweat from dripping into our eyes, and prevents dirt and dust from either falling off our face into our eyes or sweat dripping dirt directly into them. Obviously not a perfect system, eyelashes and eyebrows end up in the eye themselves, but they do the job. Now, you may remember in science class - or if you live in a cold climate - a lot of body heat escapes from the head. Hair on top of the head keeps us warm. If humans would have evolved to the point where no hair or very little hair grew on our heads, the winter months would have been tougher, especially before clothing became a staple of the human race. Think about how much warmer you are just by putting on a winter cap or pulling up your hood. Or cooler the summertime is with a shaved head. Also, we have head hair for the same reason certain animals have bright plumage or feathers and fur characteristics to begin with. Now, I don't see there being an entire subgroup of our ancestors who were bald the entirety of their life essentially dying out because they were unable to find a mate because they were always bald, but head hair is a clear attraction standpoint, even if it comes secondary. > Wouldn't having hair/fur be a pretty significant advantage? We wouldnt have to worry about buying a fur coat for winter Sure, having a human fur coat would be advantageous in the fact you would be warmer and have an extra layer of protection against the elements... especially thorns, rocks, tree bark, or anything else that could cut or scratch you out in the wild, but the majority of life in this day and age takes place in an urban setting. And the benefit of having excess hair or fur would be outweighed by man's natural desire to live in a warmer climate. Sure, if it was frigid and you also had access to grooming products so you could cut or shave your \"coat\" at your choosing, full body hair could benefit you, but what about every person who lives in a hot and humid climate who would be having a heat stroke in the jungle or desert. Man would naturally seek out a warmer climate even when their bodies were covered in hair because it wasn't enough to completely negate a frozen winter. As hair-covered man moved to a warmer climate, the hair became less and less necessary."}, {"answer": "Last time this was asked, no one mentioned how our improved cooling system is not just good for long distance running but allows us to keep a large brain cool. And same thing again here. No mention of it. It does seem that the sweating and loss of body hair came first, and then larger brains followed, but that doesn't mean we are only hairless for the long endurance. It is likely the evolution of large brains that followed is why our sweating, hairless trait followed while others that didn't evolve the largely brains died out, because the endurance alone wasn't enough of an evolutionary advantage to last hundreds of thousands of years. So why did we evolve near hairlessness? Probably endurance, or something to do with living around water as well and requiring a lot of hydration. Why did our species endure while also being relatively hairless? Probably since it and the need for lots of hydration also allowed us large brains."}, {"answer": "Animals with fur have an oily sweat. The watery sweat that humans use is much better at cooling than oily sweat is. But watery sweat mattes down fur which insulates the body. Losing the fur allows us to use watery sweat, which keeps us cooler. Keeping cool is a big advantage in the hot climates where we evolved this adaptation. We have hair on our heads because they point up at the sun. It does hurt cooling, but that seems to be outweighed by damage from sunburn and the hair helps with that. It's also likely we have head hair because we find it attractive, and that makes you more likely to have offspring. Another adaptation we evolved to compensate for loss of fur is dark skin to protect against damage from the sun."}, {"answer": "There are more than a few theories to this evolution. As most have mentioned, hairlessness is great for body heat regulation which would aid our ancestor's long marathon hunts. I do recall reading somewhere, that a theory for our hairlessness is that we evolved from an ancestral ape to be more aquatic. Hairlessness is perfect for a semi-aquatic animal to hunt in the ocean and be able to swim more effectively. The water also would act as a back support which explains our ability to walk upright as well. If someone finds an article either disproving or providing more info on this, please post it."}, {"answer": "Less hair was caused by evolution wherein early humans were adapting to having to hunt on the extremely hot African plains. Early humans were neither fast nor strong in comparison to the animals they were hunting, so the most effective way to catch prey was to literally run it to death. Most other African animals had much thicker fur and would die of exhaustion in the midday heat. Humans, with less hair and more skin exposed to the air, could perspire to prevent heat exhaustion. Evolution, adaptation, survival of the fittest all take place and over many generations humans become relatively hairless."}, {"answer": "Somewhere along the line, I got it into my head that perhaps the hair on our remaining hairy areas is intended to be a sort of \"protection\" for important parts of our bodies (e.g. heads of hair \"protecting\" the brain, the genitals, arteries near armpits, chest hair for the heart (though obviously I couldn't explain why females wouldn't have it, unless it's some evolutionary hunting thing for males). Is there any legitimate discussion/theorizing about this, or did I just make it up?"}, {"answer": "I don't have references for any of this but what I remember, the purpose of keeping eye brows evolutionary was to keep sweat from dripping into your eyes while exposed to the hotter weather while humans were being nomads or whatever. I believe hair in the pubic region helps in preventing excessive bacterial growth and also decreases friction during procreation (which theoretically any rash or open area on skin is a \"Come on in the waters fine!\" to bacteria."}, {"answer": "Most people believe that the biggest reason, based on natural selection, for the loss of fur was the fact that fur-less homonids were no longer breeding grounds for parasites like lice that lived in fur. Some scientists have different opinions, however. There is one theory that a lack of fur allowed facial expressions to be more distinguisable, promoting higher levels of social behavior. All in all, though, it's still something that's argued on by evolutionists and nobody's completely sure."}, {"answer": "I could be completely wrong here, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with us evolving into bipedal creatures. Originally, while walking on all fours, most of the backside of our bodies was exposed to the sun, thus being covered with hair for protection. As we began to walk upright, we no longer relied on having that much hair on our bodies because much less of it was being exposed to the harmful rays of the sun."}, {"answer": "Paedomorphism. Men sexually selected women with more child-like features because the theory is that men are more protective of women who look more like children. It's why men have traits that in the ape world are adult traits, such as large brows, hair, heavy features, and women don't. Basically humans look like baby apes because we're more sexually attracted to those features. Look at a baby ape with the relative hairlessness, large eyes, big head, and flat face."}, {"answer": "The main reason we lost our hair is because we started wearing clothes. The hair we have left is still rather functional. In your armpits and groin, for example, it prevents your skin from sticking together, allowing air to stream by. Eyebrows and nose/ear hair prevents dirt from blocking your senses. Other places where we have hair, like head, arms and legs, are the places we least cover with clothes."}, {"answer": "I browsed over the answers and no one seems to have put forward my favourite loss of hair theory. We found a better way to use all of that protein building a giant brain. I'm on mobile so I can't back it up with link or quickly check the rest of the thread but if a real MVP wants to step up..."}, {"answer": "There are a number of theories: 1. body heat regulation as Schnutzel explains 2. aesthetics (sexual selection) 3. an aquatic phase 4. to free our skin of parasites There are others. It could be simply a coincidental result of some other important genetic mutation. Nobody knows for sure which one it was or if it was a combination of two or more."}, {"answer": "I'm in the aquatic ape camp. Climate change in Africa did away with forests (trees, our original habitat). We waded into the shallow remaining water to elude predators. Standing in water so much, we lost our hair (like dolphins). Big floaty breasts for breastfeeding while standing in water. Hair on head to protect the part exposed to the sun. Eyebrows ditto."}, {"answer": "If something isn't inhibiting survival it won't be lost. Hair on top of our heads protects us from the sun and can be an indicator of health and good genetics. If something becomes too specialized like the panda and koala they can't adapt when their food source is gone. Body hair that humans have signal sexual maturity as well."}, {"answer": "Vitamin-D. Humans, chimpanzees and such use Vitamin-D a lot (bone health etc). It's very difficult to find any foods with vitamin D. This affects many species health. A \"hairy\" ape like thing gets either a lot of sun or some fish. A non-hairy ape can use shelters and live away form sources of bright sun or fish."}, {"answer": "I would say that you need to include differences between people, there are some hairless people and then there are people with a lot of body hair naturally. I am one of the people who have more than usual. But pretty much all of my ancestors of the past couple of hundred years came from north."}, {"answer": "We have more hair. Our hair are finer. Eyebrows hair guide the sweat away. Pubic hair keep from infection. No idea about head hair. Furry body would have been good to stay warm. Might have happened if humans started in the colder regions. But we all evolved from the Africa which has a tropical climate."}, {"answer": "I watched a really interesting documentary that disused the possibility that we were water apes at one point in our evolutionary history. It explains our relative hairlessness, the slight webbing between our fingers and toes, missionary sex, our buoyancy and even the layout of the body hair we have."}, {"answer": "I have hair on nearly every part of my body and it grows at a rapid rate. I have to shave my body twice a week to keep up with it. Side note, I have no hair on feet or hands which I think is weird for me"}, {"answer": "Thermoregulation. Humans haven't necessarily become hairless but share the same proportion of follicles as chimpanzees. The only difference between humans and chimps is the selective pressure to reduce follicle size to a microscopic level. In other words, it's still there just drastically reduced."}, {"answer": "in the most simple of terms I can think of, Its an adaption our ape ancestors underwent during the end of the age of apes when the forests in africa were retreating and the savannah was expanding, we've basically just savannah chimps"}, {"answer": "The answers here look pretty good, but if you want to explore the topic further, check out the book \"Why is Sex Fun: The Evolution of Human Sexuality\" by Jared Diamond. Very short, easy read that discusses this topic specifically."}, {"answer": "I heard one theory on a TED talk that we might have been primarily aquatic somewhere down the line. The theory also supported why we walked upright as well as opposed to hunched over like gorillas and monkeys."}, {"answer": "I haven't seen anyone say that we actually don't have less hair than monkeys or any other ape, in fact, humans have more hair per square inch, it's just that ours is much much thinner."}, {"answer": "The aquatic ape hypothesis is the coolest one. The fact that my brain orders my finger tips to literally change shape and grip rocks better, makes me a mutant."}, {"answer": "Did we lose all our hair? My genes definitely didn't get the memo. On a related note, time for my fourteenth laser hair removal treatment for my back..."}, {"answer": "Not all of us lost being covered in hair. I should be in a damn zoo with how much hair I'm covered in."}, {"answer": "when aliens injected their genes in us, we lost the hair on our bodies and started building ditches and pyramids and stuff"}, {"answer": "Probably way late for this, but \"The Human Animal\" by Desmond Morris is a great read for topics like this"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9040547", "title": "Human skin", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 388, "bleu_score": 0.9097447296143479}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nhumans. Humans may also lose their hair as a result of hormonal imbalance due to drugs or pregnancy. In order to comprehend why humans are essentially hairless, it is essential to understand that mammalian body hair is not merely an aesthetic characteristic; it protects the skin from wounds, bites, heat, cold, and UV radiation. Additionally, it can be used as a communication tool and as a camouflage. To this end, it can be concluded that benefits stemming from the loss of human body hair must be great enough", "id": "14493775" }, { "contents": "Fur\n\n\ntheir pelage is usually referred to as \"wool\" rather than fur. At times, when a hairless domesticated animal is discovered, usually owing to a naturally occurring genetic mutation, humans may intentionally inbreed those hairless individuals and, after multiple generations, artificially create breeds that are hairless. There are several breeds of hairless cats, perhaps the most commonly known being the Sphynx cat. Similarly, there are several breeds of hairless dogs. Other examples of artificially selected hairless animals include the hairless guinea-pig, nude mouse, and", "id": "1353944" }, { "contents": "Hairless dog\n\n\nA hairless dog is a dog with a genetic disposition for hairlessness and hair loss. There are two known types of genetic hairlessness, a dominant and a recessive type. The dominant type is caused by ectodermal dysplasia as a result of a mutation in the \"FOXI3\" autosomal gene. Dogs with dominant genes for hairlessness can pass their attributes to their offspring in natural conditions, that is, not under the control of humans. Therefore, it is possible that, in some parts of the world, groups of hairless dogs came", "id": "13206588" }, { "contents": "Eccrine sweat gland\n\n\nEccrine glands (; from \"ekkrinein\" \"secrete\"; sometimes called merocrine glands) are the major sweat glands of the human body, found in virtually all skin, with the highest density in palm and soles, then on the head, but much less on the trunk and the extremities. In other mammals, they are relatively sparse, being found mainly on hairless areas such as foot pads. They reach their peak of development in humans, where they may number 200–400/cm² of skin surface. They produce a clear", "id": "15590210" }, { "contents": "Persistence hunting\n\n\nfast charges. They would, however, have gained endurance and become better adapted to persistence hunting. Although many mammals sweat, few have evolved to use sweating for effective thermoregulation, humans and horses being notable exceptions. This coupled with relative hairlessness would have given human hunters an additional advantage by keeping their bodies cool in the midday heat. The persistence hunt is still practiced by hunter-gatherers in the central Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. The procedure is to run down an antelope, such as a kudu, in the midday", "id": "15700000" }, { "contents": "Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark\n\n\nour way of conducting family affairs\"), and described Tibetan Muslims. Having registered their songs, sagas, everyday conversations, oracle prophecies and religious ceremonies, Peter took more than 3,000 photographs of Tibetans. When he asked them if they had body hair (an important piece of information in anthropology), the relatively hairless Tibetans roared with laughter. They were excited when he showed them his own chest hair, and exclaimed that he must be a monkey. One man did not understand why the Prince bothered to wear a shirt", "id": "17169404" }, { "contents": "Baldwin guinea pig\n\n\nmethod of breeding is not recommended. Haired Baldwin carriers remain haired (looking like normal guinea pigs) their entire life. There is a second type of hairless guinea pig called the Skinny Pig and its hairlessness is the result of a completely different recessive gene. Breeding a Skinny Pig with a Baldwin guinea pig will result in offspring that all are haired and carry one copy of the gene for skinny pig hairlessness and one copy of the gene for Baldwin hairlessness. Even though the Baldwin is a relatively new breed among pet owners and", "id": "21616916" }, { "contents": "Hairless dog\n\n\ninto existence without human intervention. Later in history, people developed these groups into a recognized breed. Worldwide recognized breeds at this time are the Chinese Crested Dog, the Xoloitzcuintli and the Peruvian Inca Orchid. The Argentine Pila Dog and the Bolivian Hairless Dog are not registered hairless dog breeds. Other breeds that were said to have existed in the past were the Abyssinian Sand Terrier (also known as the African Hairless Dog, Egyptian Hairless Dog and Elephant Dog, the last being a reference to its grey skin) and the Siamese", "id": "13206589" }, { "contents": "Human skin\n\n\nThe human skin is the outer covering of the body and is the largest organ of the integumentary system. The skin has up to seven layers of ectodermal tissue and guards the underlying muscles, bones, ligaments and internal organs. Human skin is similar to most of the other mammals skin, and it is very similar to pig skin. Though nearly all human skin is covered with hair follicles, it can appear hairless. There are two general types of skin, hairy and glabrous skin (hairless). The adjective cutaneous literally", "id": "7187338" }, { "contents": "Donskoy cat\n\n\n's dominant hairless mutation. Not all cat registries recognize the Donskoy, and there are some concerns about the genetic health of the breed. The dominant genetic mutation causing hairlessness in Peterbalds and Donskoys could cause feline ectodermal dysplasia in its homozygous form, causing problems including poor dentition and compromised ability to lactate or sweat. Similar dominant mutations (such as in \"FOXI3\") cause the condition in hairless dogs, and the symptoms in dominant-type hairless cats and dogs mirror those of human ectodermal dysplasia (which also results in sparse", "id": "1448631" }, { "contents": "List of mammals of Chile\n\n\n-toed ungulates is borne about equally by the third and fourth toes, rather than mostly or entirely by the third as in perissodactyls. There are about 220 noncetacean artiodactyl species, including many that are of great economic importance to humans. The infraorder Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of blubber, and forelimbs and tail modified to provide propulsion underwater. Their closest extant relatives are the hippos,", "id": "21930976" }, { "contents": "James Giles (philosopher)\n\n\n\"A Theory of Love and Sexual Desire\" (1994) and later developed in his book \"The Nature of Sexual Desire\" (2004). Giles' theory has been discussed by scholars Dr. Ruth, in her textbook \"Human Sexuality: a Psychosocial Perspective\" (2002), and Dr. Barbara Keesling, in her book \"Sexual Pleasure: Reaching New Heights of Sexual Arousal\" (2005). Giles published his \"naked love theory\" of human hairlessness in 2010. He postulated that hairlessness in humans evolved as", "id": "7153810" }, { "contents": "Fur\n\n\nlong. Humans are the only primate species that have undergone significant hair loss. The hairlessness of humans compared to related species may be due to loss of functionality in the pseudogene KRTHAP1 (which helps produce keratin) Although the researchers dated the mutation to 240 000 ya, both the Altai Neandertal and Denisovan have the loss-of-function mutation, indicating it is much older. Mutations in the gene HR can lead to complete hair loss, though this is not typical in humans. Sheep have not become hairless; however,", "id": "1353943" }, { "contents": "Neoteny in humans\n\n\n, like those of the infant skull, are relatively smooth and untortuous. In fact the Mongoloid presents so many physical traits which are associated with the late fetus or young infant that he has been called a fetalized, infantilized or pedomorphic type. Those who have carefully observed young babies may recall that the root of the nose is frequently flat or low as in Mongoloids, and that an internal epicanthic fold in such instances is usually present. The smaller number of individual head hairs and the marked hairlessness of the remainder of the body", "id": "21529602" }, { "contents": "List of mammals of Mayotte\n\n\nmarine wetlands. All four species are endangered. The order Primates contains humans and their closest relatives: lemurs, lorisoids, tarsiers, monkeys, and apes. The bats' most distinguishing feature is that their forelimbs are developed as wings, making them the only mammals capable of flight. Bat species account for about 20% of all mammals. The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. They are the mammals most fully adapted to aquatic life with a spindle-shaped nearly hairless body, protected by a thick layer of", "id": "21789262" }, { "contents": "Mowgli's Brothers\n\n\ntiger is hunting in their territory because he might kill men and bring human retribution upon the jungle. But when Father Wolf hears something approaching their den, it turns out to be not the tiger, but a naked human baby. Mother Wolf decides to adopt the hairless \"man-cub\". Her determination is only strengthened by the arrival of Shere Khan, who demands the cub for his meal. The wolves drive off the tiger, and Raksha names him Mowgli the Frog because of his hairlessness. At the wolf pack", "id": "13305557" }, { "contents": "Sexual selection in humans\n\n\nbut select the more agreeable partners.\" Charles Darwin conjectured that the male beard, as well as the hairlessness of humans compared to nearly all other mammals, were results of sexual selection. He reasoned that since the bodies of females are more nearly hairless, the loss of fur was due to sexual selection of females at a remote prehistoric time when males had overwhelming selective power, and that it nonetheless affected males due to genetic correlation between the sexes. He also hypothesized that contrasts in sexual selection acting along with natural selection were", "id": "20170955" }, { "contents": "Grayish mouse opossum\n\n\nthe under parts and legs. In addition, clearly visible rings of black hair occur around the eyes, and, on females, patches of orange fur in the groin region, sometimes extending to the thighs and up the midline almost to the throat. The whiskers are relatively short, and the ears are rounded, hairless, and dark in colour. The tail is long and prehensile, and hairless for almost all of its length, apart from the base. Females have nine teats, but, unlike many other marsupials,", "id": "10911085" }, { "contents": "Galium album\n\n\nGalium album, the white bedstraw or hedge bedstraw, is a herbaceous annual plant of the family Rubiaceae. The stems can grow to at least 150 cm and are more or less erect with ascending branches. The stem is square in section with slight flanges. The plant is relatively hairless with shiny leaves and stem. Flowers are white or yellowish. The fruit are hairless. \"Galium album\" is widespread over much of Europe, being native to a large region from Britain to Morocco, east to Turkey and Western Siberia.", "id": "1023219" }, { "contents": "Grandmother hypothesis\n\n\n’s genetic interest to ensure those children survive to reproduction. The mismatch between the rates of degradation of somatic cells versus gametes in human females provides an unsolved paradox. Why do somatic cells decline at a slower rate and why do humans invest more in somatic longevity relative to other species? Since natural selection has a much stronger influence on younger generations, deleterious mutations during later life become harder to select out of the population. In female placentals, the number of ovarian oocytes is fixed during embryonic development, possibly as an adaptation to", "id": "18625604" }, { "contents": "Incest taboo\n\n\nlargely on the degree of genetic proximity between the two relatives engaging in incest. This fact may explain why the cultural taboo generally includes prohibitions against sex between close relatives but less often includes prohibitions against sex between more distal relatives. Children born of close relatives have decreased survival. Many mammal species, including humanity's closest primate relatives, avoid incest. The Westermarck effect, first proposed by Edvard Westermarck in 1891, is the theory that children reared together, regardless of biological relationship, form a sentimental attachment that is by its nature", "id": "10213005" }, { "contents": "American Hairless Terrier\n\n\nother hairless dog breeds have common ancestry, the recent evolution of the American Hairless Terrier demonstrates an independent evolution from other hairless breeds. A key difference found between the American Hairless Terrier and other Hairless Dog breeds is that the AHT's hairless gene is recessive, while the gene for hairlessness found in the ancient breeds is a lethal dominant. The American Hairless Terrier does not have dental issues (absent premolars) or other characteristics associated with the dominant hairless gene. For dogs where hairlessness is a dominant gene, hairless to hairless matings", "id": "9708939" }, { "contents": "Obstetrical dilemma\n\n\nThe obstetrical dilemma is a hypothesis to explain why humans often require assistance from other humans during childbirth to avoid complications, whereas most non-human primates give birth alone with relatively little difficulty. The obstetrical dilemma posits that this is due to the biological trade-off imposed by two opposing evolutionary pressures in the development of the human pelvis. As human ancestor species (hominids) developed bipedal locomotion (the ability to walk upright), decreasing the size of the bony birth canal, they also developed ever larger skulls, which required", "id": "10007013" }, { "contents": "Elmendorf Beast\n\n\ncanid that was forced into contact with humans after its natural habitat was destroyed. In August 2004, an animal eventually termed the Elmendorf Beast was shot and killed by local rancher Devin McAnally. The animal was found to be twenty pounds (nine kilograms). It had a severe overbite and unusual skin which was blue and hairless. Experts at San Antonio Zoo were unable to conclusively identify the creature, but based on its skull they speculated that it was a Mexican Hairless Dog. It was later determined by DNA assay conducted at", "id": "21258211" }, { "contents": "Argentine Pila Dog\n\n\nbut–again statistically–a coated to hairless breeding will produce one half of the litter of coated puppies, and the other half hairless. Pila skin requires the same care as human skin: frequent bathing – or rubbing down with a washcloth – and application of hypoallergenic body cream to avoid dryness. Sun exposure should be avoided, and sunscreen applied when outdoors in the daylight, with especially high SPF for lighter coloured dogs. Pilas do not harbour fleas, but are affected by mosquitoes, and they are attacked by ticks and", "id": "344417" }, { "contents": "P. J. Snow\n\n\nquestions are as follows: What is the biological origin of consciousness, thought and intelligence? What is the relationship between emotions and instinct? How did the human psyche evolve from the brains of our animal relatives? What and where is the human mind? How is the human mind organized to produce different cognitive attributes and different personalities? Why do we need a God and where is the human soul? What conjures within us the experience of love or, alternatively, casts us into the oblivion of darkness? What are the origins", "id": "5083010" }, { "contents": "American Hairless Terrier\n\n\nwill on average produce 66.6% hairless and 33.3% coated live puppies. For hairless to coated matings, there will be an average one-to-one ratio between coated and hairless offspring. In coated to coated matings, all puppies will be coated. Matings between hairless AHTs will produce completely hairless litters. Between hairless AHT to coated AHT or Rat Terrier, results are more variable and will produce mixed hairless litters to all coated litters. There is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of a completely hypoallergenic dog breed and hairlessness", "id": "9708940" }, { "contents": "Skinny pig\n\n\nLaboratories to be bred for laboratory use and are commonly used in dermatology studies today. They are an outbred strain that has an intact thymus and normal immune system. Hairless guinea pigs are not significantly physiologically different than regular haired guinea pigs, although they need to eat more to maintain body heat. The optimal temperature range for a hairless guinea pig is , which is slightly higher than the optimal temperature range for the haired guinea pig. Their sensitive skin has very much the same appearance as human skin, but has the same needs", "id": "10644466" }, { "contents": "Mexican Hairless Dog\n\n\nbetween Xoloitzcuintle and the Chinese Crested Dog, another hairless breed that is cited by the American Kennel Club as an ancestor to the Xoloitzcuintle. In 2018, an analysis of DNA from the entire genome indicated that domesticated dogs entered North America from Siberia 4,500 years after the first humans did, were isolated for the next 9,000 years. After contact with Europeans, these lineages were replaced by Eurasian dogs and their local descendants, like the Xoloitzcuintle. The pre-contact dogs exhibited a unique genetic signature that is now almost entirely gone.", "id": "11483393" }, { "contents": "Baldwin guinea pig\n\n\ncolors and patterns that haired guinea pigs come in, such as Dutch, tortoiseshell, broken colors, Himalayan and selfs. Hairless guinea pigs are not significantly physiologically different than regular haired guinea pigs, although they need to eat more to maintain body heat. The optimal temperature range for a hairless guinea pig is , which is slightly higher than the optimal temperature range for the haired guinea pig. Their skin has a similar appearance to human skin, but has a more rubbery texture. Their skin is quite vulnerable to sunburn, other", "id": "21616913" }, { "contents": "Kinship\n\n\n\") as being largely a result of human ideas and values. Morgan's explanation for why humans live in groups was largely based on the notion that all humans have an inherent \"natural valuation\" of genealogical ties (an unexamined assumption that would remain at the heart of kinship studies for another century, see below), and therefore also an inherent desire to construct social groups around these ties. Even so, Morgan found that members of a society who are \"not\" close genealogical relatives may nevertheless use what he called", "id": "19747475" }, { "contents": "Hairless dog\n\n\nHairless Dog. This type of genetic structure is said to be homozygous pre-natal lethal for the dominant gene. This means that zygotes with two dominant genes cannot live. Therefore, all dominant-hairless dogs have a heterozygous gene structure. This allows a homozygous recessive type to persist, which is the coated variety. For dogs where hairlessness is a dominant gene, hairless to hairless matings will on average produce 66.6% hairless and 33.3% coated puppies. For hairless to coated matings, there will be an average of", "id": "13206590" }, { "contents": "Mexican Hairless Dog\n\n\nthe highest point of the withers (top of the shoulders). The breed occurs naturally in two varieties, hairless and coated. Hairless Xolos are the dominant expression of the heterozygous Hh hairless trait. Coated Xolos (hh) are the recessive expression, and breeding hairless to coated or hairless to hairless may produce pups of either or both varieties. Breeding coated to coated will only produce coated pups because they are recessive to the hairless trait and do not carry the dominant H gene. Both varieties occur in all hair or skin", "id": "11483408" }, { "contents": "Neoteny in humans\n\n\nNeoteny in humans is the retention of juvenile features well into adulthood. This trend is greatly amplified in humans especially when compared to non-human primates. Adult humans more closely resemble the infants of gorillas and chimpanzees than the adults. Neotenic features of the head include the globular skull; thinness of skull bones; the reduction of the brow ridge; the large brain; the flattened and broadened face; the hairless face; hair on (top of) the head; larger eyes; ear shape; small nose; small teeth", "id": "21529535" }, { "contents": "Donskoy cat\n\n\nThe Donskoy cat, also known as Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless, is a hairless cat breed of Russian origin. It is not related to the better-known mostly hairless breed of cat, the Sphynx cat, also known as the Canadian Hairless, whose characteristic hairlessness is caused by a recessive mutation in the keratin 71 gene, whereas the Donskoy's hairlessness is caused by a dominant mutation. This breed started in 1987 with the discovery of a hairless cat in the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don by cat breeder", "id": "1448628" }, { "contents": "Mexican Hairless Dog\n\n\nthousands of years ago. The recessive expression of the trait will produce a coated variety, which is genetically inseparable from the hairless, as the homozygous appearance of the hairless mutation is fatal to the unborn pup. Most litters contain both hairless and coated puppies. The coated variety, covered with a short, flat dense coat represents the original form of the dog, prior to the occurrence of the spontaneous hairless mutation. The hairless variety is completely hairless on the body, with many dogs exhibiting a few short hairs on the top", "id": "11483406" }, { "contents": "Chinese Crested Dog\n\n\nEars are large and erect. The amount of body hair on the Hairless variety varies quite extensively, from the true hairless which has very little or no body hair and furnishings, to what is called a \"hairy Hairless\" dog, which, if left ungroomed, often grows a near-full coat of hair. These hairy Hairless dogs are not a mix between Powderpuffs and Hairless Chinese Crested Dogs, but are merely a result of a weaker expression of the variable Hairless gene. The mutation responsible for the hairless trait was", "id": "1877833" }, { "contents": "North Sulawesi babirusa\n\n\nwell-developed tail-tuft, and relatively short and slender upper canines in males, while the Togian babirusa is larger, has a relatively well-developed tail-tuft, and the upper canines of the male are \"short, slender, rotated forwards, and always converge\". Its habitat is the underbrush of tropical forests and canebrakes, and the shores of rivers and lakes. Its mostly-hairless, mottled-grey-and-brown hide provide it with a degree of camouflage. The North Sulawesi Babirusa is", "id": "7633176" }, { "contents": "Thumb\n\n\nthat allow humans to walk on two legs\". Evidence to date shows that of the 110,000 gene enhancer sequences identified in the human genome, HACNS1 has undergone the most change during the human evolution since the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor. The thumb is not opposable in all primates — some primates, such as the spider monkey and colobus, are virtually thumbless. The spider monkey compensates for this by using the hairless part of its long, prehensile tail for grabbing objects. In apes and Old World monkeys, the thumb", "id": "18702571" }, { "contents": "Tailed tailless bat\n\n\nneck and head. The hairless parts of the wing membranes are dark brown or black in color. The head is relatively long and narrow, and the tongue is long and extensible, reaching up to . A small, narrow, nose-leaf is found on the upper lip, which is otherwise smooth. Compared with some other bats, the ears are relatively small and widely separated, and lack an antitragus. As its name implies, the tailed tailless bat does normally have a tail, although this is very short,", "id": "4105169" }, { "contents": "Rabbit\n\n\na \"herd\". Rabbits and hares were formerly classified in the order Rodentia (rodent) until 1912, when they were moved into a new order, Lagomorpha (which also includes pikas). Below are some of the genera and species of the rabbit. br Order Lagomorpha br Family Leporidae br Hares are precocial, born relatively mature and mobile with hair and good vision, while rabbits are altricial, born hairless and blind, and requiring closer care. Hares (and cottontail rabbits) live a relatively solitary life in a", "id": "6845921" }, { "contents": "North Sulawesi babirusa\n\n\nrevealing its greyish skin), and the tail-tuft is also nearly hairless. In males, the relatively long and thick upper canines are strongly curved. They emerge through the roof of the snout, while the long lower canines emerge through the side of the mouth. The upper canines can grow backwards in a curve until they penetrate the skull of the male babirusa. In females, the canines are far shorter and typically do not protrude. In comparison, the Buru babirusa has relatively long, thick body hair, a", "id": "7633175" }, { "contents": "Putamen\n\n\nin indirect pathways to external globus pallidus increases. This is why Parkinson's patients have tremors and have trouble performing voluntary movements. It has also been noted that Parkinson's patients have a difficult time with motor planning. The following diseases and disorders are linked with the putamen: The putamen in humans is relatively similar in structure and function to other animals. Therefore, many studies on the putamen have been done on animals (monkeys, rats, cats, etc.), as well as humans. However, inter-species", "id": "16862915" }, { "contents": "Bill Joy\n\n\nof his article in \"Wired Magazine\", \"Why The Future Doesn't Need Us\", in which he declared, in what some have described as a \"neo-Luddite\" position, that he was convinced that growing advances in genetic engineering and nanotechnology would bring risks to humanity. He argued that intelligent robots would replace humanity, at the very least in intellectual and social dominance, in the relatively near future. He supports and promotes the idea of abandonment of GNR (genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics) technologies", "id": "3495267" }, { "contents": "Silence\n\n\nto avoid silence. According to his suggestion, humans find prolonged silence distressing (suggesting danger to them). This may help explain why lone humans in relative sonic isolation feel a sense of comfort from humming, whistling, talking to themselves, or having the TV or radio on. \"Silence\" in spirituality is often a metaphor for inner stillness. A silent mind, freed from the onslaught of thoughts and thought patterns, is both a goal and an important step in spiritual development. Such \"inner silence\" is not", "id": "5106563" }, { "contents": "Fallacy\n\n\nProtagoras was one of the first thinkers to propose that humans can generate reliable measurements through his \"human-measure\" principle and the practice of \"dissoi logoi\" (arguing multiple sides of an issue). This history helps explain why measurement fallacies are informed by informal logic and argumentation theory. The increasing availability and circulation of big data are driving a proliferation of new metrics for scholarly authority, and there is lively discussion regarding the relative usefulness of such metrics for measuring the value of knowledge production in the context of an \"", "id": "9243035" }, { "contents": "Wani (dragon)\n\n\nto help a \"shiro\" 白 (lit. \"white\") \"naked; hairless\" hare that they found crying on a beach. But the Deity Great-Name-Possessor, who came last of all, saw the hare, and said: \"Why liest thou weeping?\" The hare replied, saying: \"I was in the Island of Oki, and wished to cross over to this land, but had no means of crossing over. For this reason I deceived the crocodiles of the sea,", "id": "15475972" }, { "contents": "Neoteny in humans\n\n\n; and the small maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw). Neoteny of the human body is indicated by glabrousness (hairless body). Neoteny of the genitals is marked by the absence of a baculum (penis bone); the presence of a hymen; and the forward-facing vagina. Neoteny in humans is further indicated by the limbs and body posture, with the limbs proportionately short compared to torso length; longer leg than arm length; the structure of the foot; and the upright stance.", "id": "21529536" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\nto be typical in the extremely aged. Through history human populations have universally become taller, probably as a consequence of better nutrition, healthcare, and living conditions. The average mass of an adult human is for females and for males. Like many other conditions, body weight and body type is influenced by both genetic susceptibility and environment and varies greatly among individuals. (see obesity) Although humans appear hairless compared to other primates, with notable hair growth occurring chiefly on the top of the head, underarms and pubic area,", "id": "11237554" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nmost likely indicate health and would therefore be more likely to be selected \"for\", not against, and not all human populations today have sexual dimorphism in body hair. A further hypothesis is that human hair was reduced in response to ectoparasites. The \"ectoparasite\" explanation of modern human nakedness is based on the principle that a hairless primate would harbor fewer parasites. When our ancestors adopted group-dwelling social arrangements roughly 1.8 mya, ectoparasite loads increased dramatically. Early humans became the only one of the 193 primate species to", "id": "14493782" }, { "contents": "Why Is Sex Fun?\n\n\nWhy Is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality is a 1997 book about the evolution of human sexuality by the biologist Jared Diamond. Diamond addresses aspects of human sexuality such as why women's ovulation is not overtly advertised (concealed ovulation); why humans have sex in private rather than in public like other mammals; and why the ovaries are U-shaped. \"Why Is Sex Fun?\" was published in 1997 by Basic Books, as part of the Science Masters series. \"Why Is Sex Fun?\"", "id": "3803821" }, { "contents": "Ecuadorian Hairless Dog\n\n\nThe Ecuadorian Hairless Dog (in Spanish: Perro calvo dorado ecuatoriano) is a breed of hairless dog originated from Santa Elena Peninsula in Ecuador. It is now considered the rarest breed of the hairless dogs. This breed is characterized by an almost total absence of hair on the body and head. It is an elegant animal, with long legs and reaches a height of 15-18 inches. One of the curiosities of the Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is the absence of premolar teeth. The Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is a descendant of the", "id": "13536012" }, { "contents": "Argentine Pila Dog\n\n\na hoarse voice unlike that of any other breed. Today, probably as a consequence of crossbreeding, their bark is like that of most other dogs, varying in pitch according to size. Not all the puppies in a litter of Pilas will be hairless: as is the case in all but American Hairless Terriers, the genetic factor responsible for hairlessness in dogs is incompletely dominant and lethal, so that all live hairless offspring are heterozygous hairless/coated. Thus statistically, for every four ovules fertilized in a hairless-to-", "id": "344415" }, { "contents": "Hairless\n\n\nHairless, also known as H, is a well-characterized Drosophila gene. Many mutations to hairless are embryonic lethal; however, there are several viable hairless mutants. Hairless is involved in the Notch signaling pathway in Drosophila, acting as a suppressor of Notch signaling. Hairless (H) encodes a hydrophilic protein. The protein is composed of 1076 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 110 kDa. The H protein is reported in insects and is found in nearly all of the family Drosophilidae. The H protein is also", "id": "9109735" }, { "contents": "Dwarf little fruit bat\n\n\nThe dwarf little fruit bat (\"Rhinophylla pumilio\") is a species of leaf-nosed bat from South America. As its name implies, the dwarf little fruit bat is a relatively small bat. Adults are just in head-body length, and weigh only . Females are slightly larger, on average, than males. The fur is generally drab, being brown or reddish-brown across the entire body, although the individual hairs have white roots. The ears are rounded and hairless, with a relatively small tragus", "id": "4707451" }, { "contents": "Chinese Crested Dog\n\n\nThe Chinese Crested Dog is a hairless breed of dog. Like most hairless dog breeds, the Chinese Crested Dog comes in two varieties, with and without fur, which are born in the same litter: the Powderpuff and the Hairless. This breed is considered small; . At first look, the Hairless and Powderpuff varieties of Chinese Crested Dogs appear to be two different breeds, but hairlessness is an incomplete dominant trait within a single breed. The Hairless has soft, humanlike skin, as well as tufts of fur on its", "id": "1877829" }, { "contents": "Chinese Crested Dog\n\n\nbeard, is not uncommon. A true Hairless often does not have as much furnishings (hair on the head, tail, and paws). The difference between a very hairy Hairless and a Powderpuff is that the Hairless has a single coat with hairless parts on the body, while the Powderpuff has a thick double coat. The skin of the Hairless comes in a variety of colors, ranging from a pale flesh to black. Hairless Chinese Crested Dogs often lack a full set of premolar teeth, but this is not considered", "id": "1877831" }, { "contents": "Drunken monkey hypothesis\n\n\nof the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. His book \"The Drunken Monkey: Why We Drink and Abuse Alcohol\" was published in 2014 by the University of California Press. Dudley suggests that, whereas most addictive substances have a relatively short history of human use, attraction to and consumption of ethanol by various primates may go back tens of millions of years. The odors of ripening fruit would help primates find scarce calories in tropical rain forests, given that ethanol is a relatively light molecule and is moved rapidly by winds through", "id": "12486231" }, { "contents": "Spindle neuron\n\n\nthese distantly-related animals' brains. Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist Constantin von Economo (1876–1931) discovered spindle neurons and described them in 1929, which is why they are sometimes called von Economo neurons. Spindle neurons are relatively large cells that may allow rapid communication across the relatively large brains of great apes, elephants, and cetaceans. Although rare in comparison to other neurons, spindle neurons are abundant, and comparatively large, in humans; they are however three times as abundant in cetaceans. The discovery of spindle neurons in diverse", "id": "5902320" }, { "contents": "Le Jour des fourmis\n\n\nacting more and more like ants and thus reach spiritual enlightenment. Meanwhile, some of the ants from the nest discover religion, through humans, and start praising humans (or Fingers, as ants call them) as gods. In one chapter of Edmond Wells' \"Encyclopaedia of relative and absolute knowledge\", the protagonist is asked about the best way to get rid of ants in one's apartment. Wells replies that there is no reason why one should consider himself more of an owner of his own flat than ants.", "id": "15109476" }, { "contents": "Neanderthal Planet (short story)\n\n\n. He subsequently meets a number of sub-human savages, startling but largely harmless, and two relatively normal humans, Stanley A. Menderstone and Alice. They are living as recluses in a wooden building in the remains of the only settled village. Menderstone and Alice are, at first, reluctant to divulge why the settlers seem to have regressed into such a primitive state. Staying the night, Anderson sneaks out and finds his old friend, now playing the role of tribal chieftain among the savages. In horror, Anderson flees", "id": "1530458" }, { "contents": "Overexploitation\n\n\n) explains why the megafaunal extinctions occurred within a relatively short period of time. This can be traced with human migration. The most convincing evidence of this theory is that 80% of the North American large mammal species disappeared within 1000 years of the arrival of humans on the western hemisphere continents. The fastest ever recorded extinction of megafauna occurred in New Zealand, where by 1500 AD, just 200 years after settling the islands, ten species of the giant moa birds were hunted to extinction by the Māori. A second wave of", "id": "6686818" }, { "contents": "Darwinian anthropology\n\n\nthe human species, and its reliance on interpreting inclusive fitness theory to simply imply that \"humans have evolved to be inclusive fitness maximizers\". This section will review some of the relevant background discussion in inclusive fitness theory to clarify why this position was considered untenable. Inclusive Fitness theory has often been interpreted to mean that \"social behavior per se is a goal of evolution\", and also that genes (or individual organisms) are selected to find ways of actively distinguishing the identity of close genetic relatives ‘in order to’", "id": "7483376" }, { "contents": "Origin of speech\n\n\nsound turns out to be the best medium in which to encode information for transmission over distances at speed. Given the probability that this applied also to early humans, it's hard to see why they should have abandoned this efficient method in favour of more costly and cumbersome systems of visual gesturing — only to return to sound at a later stage. By way of explanation, it has been proposed that at a relatively late stage in human evolution, our ancestors' hands became so much in demand for making and using tools that", "id": "8275283" }, { "contents": "Aquatic ape hypothesis\n\n\nand Bigfoot. In \"The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution\" (2013), the \"Nature\" editor Henry Gee remarked on how a seafood diet can aid in the development of the human brain. He nevertheless criticized the AAH because \"it's always a problem identifying features [such as body fat and hairlessness] that humans have now and inferring that they must have had some adaptive value in the past.\" Also \"it's notoriously hard to infer habits [such as swimming] from anatomical structures\"", "id": "17018435" }, { "contents": "Sexual selection\n\n\nthat allows females to visualize the underlying oxidative stress induced damage in potential mates. Darwin conjectured that heritable traits such as beards and hairlessness in different human populations are results of sexual selection in humans. Geoffrey Miller has hypothesized that many human behaviours not clearly tied to survival benefits, such as humour, music, visual art, verbal creativity, and some forms of altruism, are courtship adaptations that have been favoured through sexual selection. In that view, many human artefacts could be considered subject to sexual selection as part of the extended", "id": "6978627" }, { "contents": "Chinese Crested Dog\n\n\ntrait cannot be bred out because it is carried by all Chinese Crested Dogs (even the hairless ones). All Hairless Chinese Crested Dogs have the ability to produce Powderpuff puppies, even when they are bred to another Hairless. On the other hand, a Powderpuff bred to another Powderpuff can never produce hairless puppies, since they do not carry the Hairless gene. One famous Chinese Crested Dog was the Hairless purebred named Sam. He was the winner of the World's Ugliest Dog Contest from 2003 to 2005; he passed", "id": "1877847" }, { "contents": "Mexican Hairless Cat\n\n\nto see Nellie while she was alive. Mrs. Palladino said Nellie had arrived in Washington in good condition, but died a month later, after which she was exhibited as a taxidermy specimen. This indicates that the Mexican Hairless, or Aztec, breed were a pair of hairless siblings given a fictionalised account of their origin and the romantic suggestion that they were the last of their breed. The term Mexican Hairless Cat became a generic term for any hairless cat until 1931 when hairless kittens were born to ordinary furred cats in France and", "id": "4399088" }, { "contents": "American Hairless Terrier\n\n\nthe hairless and coated varieties of the American Hairless Terrier noting that \"[w]hile it may seem contradictory to have coated dogs in a hairless breed, it will be necessary for the foreseeable future to continue to include some Rat Terrier crosses until there are sufficient hairless dogs to maintain a separate and healthy gene pool\". The American Hairless Terrier is a smoothly muscled, active, small-to-medium terrier. Height: 7-18 inches (18–45.7 cm.)br Life Span: 14–16 years. Weight: 7-25 pounds (", "id": "9708935" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\napparent hairlessness of humans. Another factor in human evolution that also occurred in the prehistoric past was a preferential selection for neoteny, particularly in females. The idea that adult humans exhibit certain neotenous (juvenile) features, not evinced in the great apes, is about a century old. Louis Bolk made a long list of such traits, and Stephen Jay Gould published a short list in \"Ontogeny and Phylogeny\". In addition, paedomorphic characteristics in women are often acknowledged as desirable by men in developed countries. For instance,", "id": "14493787" }, { "contents": "Grandville (comics)\n\n\nalthough humans do exist. Most French humans are from Angoulême and are widely believed to be a subspecies of \"hairless chimp\" that evolved there comparatively recently. Referred to as \"doughfaces\", they have never gained citizens' rights and are not allowed passports to travel abroad. They are thought less intelligent and are mostly menial workers. Although small numbers live in other countries, there are none in Britain so they are unfamiliar to many British. A sub-plot of the third book involves a growing human civil-rights", "id": "20146814" }, { "contents": "Evolution of nervous systems\n\n\n. Indeed, many disorders that seem to afflict hypothyroid humans have reptilian-like features, such as a general slowdown of nervous reflexes with lethargic cerebration, metabolism, digestion, heart rate, hypothermia and a dry, hairless, scaly, cold skin. Behaviors such as the \"tail-flip\" escape reaction in crustacea such as crayfish and lobsters are fixed action patterns that may have evolved from earlier ancestral patterns. There has been a gradual increase in brain volume as the ancestors of modern humans progressed along the human timeline of", "id": "3887529" }, { "contents": "Argentine Pila Dog\n\n\nhairless breeding, one embryo will be homozygous (that is to say, ‘pure’ hairless) and will not develop into a viable puppy (usually reabsorbed in the uterus at embryonic stage); two embryos will be heterozygous hairless/coated, and become hairless puppies with varying hair expression at head, tail and feet, occasionally also on other parts of the body; and one will be homozygous coated/coated, and will look like a normally coated dog. Breeding coated to coated will never result in hairless puppies,", "id": "344416" }, { "contents": "Fur\n\n\nthrough water. The naked mole-rat has evolved hairlessness, perhaps as an adaptation to their subterranean life-style. Two of the largest extant mammals, the elephant and the rhinoceros, are largely hairless. The hairless bat is mostly hairless but does have short bristly hairs around its neck, on its front toes, and around the throat sac, along with fine hairs on the head and tail membrane. Most hairless animals cannot go in the sun for long periods of time, or stay in the cold for too", "id": "1353942" }, { "contents": "John L. Locke\n\n\nJohn L. Locke is an American biolinguist who has contributed to the understanding of language development and the evolution of language. His work has focused on how language emerges in the social context of interaction between infants, children and caregivers, how speech and language disorders can shed light on the normal developmental process and vice versa, how brain and cognitive science can help illuminate language capability and learning, and on how the special life history of humans offers perspectives on why humans are so much more intensely social and vocally communicative than their primate relatives", "id": "6636001" }, { "contents": "List of guinea pig breeds\n\n\nmost prevalent breeds being the Skinny pig and the Baldwin. They are two separate breeds, with different genetic factors rendering them hairless. Hairless cavies in general need warmer accommodation and more energy-rich food to compensate for the loss of body heat. They are also susceptible to draught, drying of the skin, and skin infections without careful husbandry. The Skinny is a mostly hairless breed, with some short rough hair on the face and the feet. Pups are born nearly hairless. The breed was developed from a hairless laboratory", "id": "11522185" }, { "contents": "Dog coat genetics\n\n\naffected as well, and hairless dogs have incomplete dentition. The American Hairless Terrier is unrelated to the other hairless breeds and displays a different hairlessness gene. Unlike the other hairless breeds, the AHT is born fully coated, and loses its hair within a few months. The AHT gene, serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase family member 3 gene (SGK3), is recessive and does not result in missing teeth. Because the breed is new and rare, outcrossing to the parent breed (the Rat Terrier) is permitted to increase", "id": "12729054" }, { "contents": "Bolivian Hairless Dog\n\n\nThe Bolivian Hairless Dog is an extremely rare breed of dog bred in Bolivia. These dogs are not recognized by any major Kennel Club such as the American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, United Kennel Club nor the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. These dogs are also called Hairless Khalas. These dogs are rare, but are found in Mexico through Central and South America, rather than throughout North America. The Bolivian Hairless Dog is similar in appearance to the Xoloitzcuintli and, like the Xolo, the Bolivian Hairless Dog ranges greatly in size", "id": "13935210" }, { "contents": "American Hairless Terrier\n\n\n, the breed gained recognition as the American Hairless Terrier (AHT) by the American Rare Breeds Association and the National Rat Terrier Club. Canada was the first country outside the US to gain recognition, by Canadian Rarities in 1999. In 1999, the breed was recognized as Rat Terrier, Hairless Variety by the United Kennel Club. In the US, the American Hairless Terrier Club of America is the official breed club for the American Kennel Club. The American Hairless Terrier Association is the official breed club for the United Kennel Club", "id": "9708933" }, { "contents": "Peruvian Hairless Dog\n\n\nThe Peruvian Hairless Dog is one of several breeds of hairless dog. According to the FCI breed standard, the most important aspect of its appearance is its hairlessness. The dog may have short hair on top of its head, on its feet, and on the tip of its tail. In Peru, breeders tend to prefer completely hairless dogs. The full-coated variety is disqualified from conformation showing. The color of skin can be chocolate-brown, elephant-grey, copper, or mottled. They can be totally", "id": "9962912" }, { "contents": "Human magnetism\n\n\na human magnet. He came to the conclusion that person didn't actually produce magnetic fields. He also paid attention to the fact that those people usually have smooth and hairless skin and lean back slightly while sticking objects which wouldn't be necessary if they possessed real magnetic powers. Many scientists and proponents of science, including James Randi, claim that this ability can be explained by friction and is caused by unusually sticky skin. To prove that Randi has demonstrated that human magnets lose their powers when they are covered in talc.", "id": "11377211" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nto outweigh the loss of these protective functions by nakedness. Humans are the only primate species that have undergone significant hair loss and of the approximately 5000 extant species of mammal, only a handful are effectively hairless. This list includes elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, walruses, some species of pigs, whales and other cetaceans, and naked mole rats. Most mammals have light skin that is covered by fur, and biologists believe that early human ancestors started out this way also. Dark skin probably evolved after humans lost their body fur", "id": "14493776" }, { "contents": "The Narrative of John Smith\n\n\nto debate, Smith asks the Doctor about the ideal conditions for human life and if eternal life can be attained. This leads into his thoughts about evolution leaving the human race hairless and toothless, eventually becoming demigods. Smith briefly mourns the present plagued condition of humanity, grieving and dying. The Major enters, suited for war claiming able-bodiedness at age sixty, ready to fight the Russians advancing towards China, at which the narrator is greatly alarmed and internally states the Major's uncharacteristic over eagerness for war. Smith reflects", "id": "15930839" }, { "contents": "Tcho-Tcho\n\n\nThe Tcho-Tcho, or Tcho-Tcho people, are a fictional human people or human-like race in the Cthulhu Mythos. The Tcho-Tcho are first mentioned in August Derleth's 1932 short story, \"Lair of the Star-Spawn,\" co-written with Mark Shorer (and reprinted in \"Colonel Markesan, and Less Pleasant People\", published by Arkham House in 1966). There they are described as a short, hairless people that worship Llogior and Zhar. They also receive passing mention in", "id": "2842927" }, { "contents": "Hand\n\n\nis a direct tool of our consciousness — the main source of differentiated tactile sensations — and a precise working organ enabling gestures — the expressions of our personalities. There are nevertheless several primitive features left in the human hand, including pentadactyly (having five fingers), the hairless skin of the palm and fingers, and the \"os centrale\" found in human embryos, prosimians, and apes. Furthermore, the precursors of the intrinsic muscles of the hand are present in the earliest fishes, reflecting that the hand evolved from the", "id": "5503939" }, { "contents": "Almuric\n\n\nand learning to hunt and fend off the wild beasts of Almuric. After attempting to save another Gura from an attack by a \"sabretooth leopard\", Cairn decides he needs human companionship and decides to seek civilization. He comes to the city of Koth and is taken prisoner by the inhabitants. There, he learns that despite the males being very hairy and ape-like, the women have hairless bodies and are beautiful by human standards. The explanation for this is that the male Guras endure all hardships and evolved to be", "id": "10003875" }, { "contents": "Flea\n\n\nanother species, than it is in solitary nesting birds. A large, long-lived host provides a stable environment that favours host-specific parasites. One theory of human hairlessness is that the loss of hair helped humans to reduce their burden of fleas and other ectoparasites. In many species, fleas are principally a nuisance to their hosts, causing an itching sensation which in turn causes the host to try to remove the pest by biting, pecking or scratching. Fleas are not simply a source of annoyance, however. Flea", "id": "1027360" }, { "contents": "List of skin conditions\n\n\nMany conditions affect the human integumentary system—the organ system covering the entire surface of the body and composed of skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands. The major function of this system is as a barrier against the external environment. The skin weighs an average of four kilograms, covers an area of two square meters, and is made of three distinct layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. The two main types of human skin are: glabrous skin, the hairless skin on the palms", "id": "12711968" }, { "contents": "Rhododendrol\n\n\net al., which is performed in humans. Furthermore, the animal studies enlightened the importance of the ER-stress response. It is suggested that the activity of the ER-stress response may determine whether melanocytes survive or die. Also, the study of Abe et al. revealed that the autophagy pathway may be involved in the resistance to the cytotoxicity of RD . Since the biochemical and histological characteristics of the used mice in the animal studies (hairless hk14-SCF Tg mice) closely resembled the characteristics of the human skin,", "id": "4746612" }, { "contents": "Woodland Critter Christmas\n\n\nCritters are searching for an unbaptized human host for the Antichrist. They discover Kyle, who is Jewish, and kidnap him to serve their purpose. Stan and the cubs return in time to discover that the Antichrist (a hairless, jabbering little creature) has already been born, with Kyle tied to a Satanic altar to receive it. Santa Claus arrives and, when he learns what is happening, pulls out a shotgun and slaughters all the Critters. He explains that the Antichrist will die without a human host to inhabit,", "id": "4773296" }, { "contents": "Dogs in Mesoamerica\n\n\nby Maya was the hairless xoloitzcuintli, however, breeds are difficult to recognize archaeologically. In the \"Popol Vuh\", the K'iche' Maya creation story, dogs played important roles in certain events. For example, the second attempt at creating humans turned disastrous when the gods made them out of wood. The wooden humans were emotionless and would not feed the dogs. In retaliation, the dogs became angry and destroyed them. The moral of the story is “civilized” Maya make certain that dogs are fed on a decent", "id": "8237944" }, { "contents": "Mexican Hairless Dog\n\n\nThe Xoloitzcuintli (), or Xolo for short, is a hairless breed of dog, found in toy, miniature, and standard sizes. The Xolo also comes in a coated variety and coated and hairless can be born in the same litter. It is characterized by its sparse hair coat and a severe oligodontia. This phenotype is a consequence of Canine Ectodermal Dysplasia caused by a mutation on the Foxl3 autosomal gene. It is also known as the Mexican hairless dog in English-speaking countries and is one of several breeds of", "id": "11483391" }, { "contents": "Hairless bat\n\n\nThe hairless bat (\"Cheiromeles torquatus\"), also called the naked bulldog bat and greater naked bat, is a species of bat in the family Molossidae. The generic name \"Cheiromeles\" comes from the Greek word \"cheir\" (Greek for hand) and the species name is derived from the Latin \"torques\" (Latin for collar). This bat is a hawking insectivore, using echolocation to find insects on the wing. The hairless bat is mostly hairless, but does have short, bristly hairs around its", "id": "11898303" }, { "contents": "Chinese Crested Dog\n\n\npaws (\"socks\") and tail (\"plume\") and long, flowing hair on its head (\"crest\"). In addition to being an incomplete dominant gene, the \"hairless\" gene has a prenatal lethal effect when homozygous. Zygotes affected with double hairless genes (1 in 4) never develop into puppies, and are reabsorbed in the womb. All Hairless Chinese Crested Dogs are therefore heterozygous. The Hairless variety can vary in amount of body hair. Fur on the muzzle, known as a", "id": "1877830" }, { "contents": "Naja\n\n\n\"*(s)nēg-o-\", but this is unlikely. Mayrhofer calls this etymology \"\"unglaubhaft\" \", \"not credible\", and suggests a more plausible etymology connecting it with Sanskrit \"nagna,\" \"hairless, naked\". \"Naja\" species vary in length and most are relatively slender-bodied snakes. Most species are capable of attaining lengths of . Maximum lengths for some of the larger species of cobras are around , with the forest cobra arguably being the longest species. All have a characteristic", "id": "19587171" }, { "contents": "Hand\n\n\nhand, both at the palm and the back of the hand, and the little and half ring fingers. There is a considerable variation to this general pattern, except for the little finger and volar surface of the index finger. For example, in some individuals, the ulnar nerve supplies the entire ring finger and the ulnar side of the middle finger, whilst, in others, the median nerve supplies the entire ring finger. The glabrous (hairless) skin on the front of the hand, the palm, is relatively", "id": "5503929" }, { "contents": "Close to Critical\n\n\nhairless ten-foot otters with five pairs of limbs and who have voices pitched much higher than human voices, reminds Raeder of something he can use to solve his problem with Fagin. The humans have built a space-going bathyscaphe that they intend to use to descend to Tenebra's surface and then return to Vindemiatrix. Raeder conceives the idea of using the craft to rescue Fagin by using the bathyscaphe's grapplers to pick up the robot and then fly it away so that Swift and his people cannot track it. Then", "id": "10592004" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\n\"Heterocephalus glaber\") has evolved skin lacking in general, pelagic hair covering, yet has retained long, very sparsely scattered tactile hairs over its body. Glabrousness is a trait that may be associated with neoteny. The general hairlessness of humans in comparison to related species may be due to loss of functionality in the pseudogene KRTHAP1 (which helps produce keratin) in the human lineage about 240,000 years ago. On an individual basis, mutations in the gene HR can lead to complete hair loss, though this is not typical in", "id": "14493774" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nand as a consequence of bipedalism. Giles also connects romantic love to hairlessness. Another hypothesis is that humans' use of fire caused or initiated the reduction in human hair. Evolutionary biologists suggest that the genus \"Homo\" arose in East Africa approximately 2.5 million years ago. They devised new hunting techniques. The higher protein diet led to the evolution of larger body and brain sizes. Jablonski postulates that increasing body size, in conjunction with intensified hunting during the day at the equator, gave rise to a greater need to rapidly", "id": "14493784" }, { "contents": "Sexual selection in humans\n\n\nfrom sexual selection was required to account for their presence. He noted that variation in these features among the various peoples of the world meant human mate-choice criteria would also have to be quite different if the focus was similar, and he himself doubted that, citing reports indicating that ideals of beauty did not, in fact, vary in this way around the world. Men are generally hairier than women, and Darwin was of the opinion that hairlessness was related to sexual selection; however, several other explanations have been advanced", "id": "20170957" } ]
The controversy with Nestle water
[{"answer": "Imagine you live near a lake. Your town gets water from this lake and has done since it was founded, in fact, that's why the town was built there, because building your town somewhere without water is really really stupid. One day a rich guy buys your towns lake. Now it's HIS water and he says that you can't have any unless you pay him. You're poor, your whole town is poor, hell your whole country is, that's why some dick was willing to sell your lake, it makes them rich and they don't care what happens to you. Now normally a company would have to price for its market and lower the price so you can buy their product. But the guy who bought your lake doesn't actually want to sell it to you. He's putting it in bottles and selling it to people on the other side of the world. People who don't even need it, because they can get as much water as they like from the tap in their kitchen. I think you'd agree that the guy who bought your lake is a bad person."}, {"answer": "Nestle privately owns water sources that are needed by the locals and therefore don't let them use it."}, {"answer": "Nestle spends quite a bit of money in third world countries educating women on the benefits of their baby formula vs. breast milk. These poor women are duped into believing they are helping their child by feeding them formula, their breasts dry up, and then realize they can't afford the formula. I'm not promoting either choice one way or another, but if a woman is making a choice, they should be educated with facts, not false advertising."}, {"answer": "Nestle, Coke, and other drink corporations get all the water for free from shrinking lakes, then resell that product for more than gasoline..... I'm pretty sure that aggravates some people."}, {"answer": "I can't speak for other locals but here in Michigan many are opposed to Nestle' because they are getting their water from aquifers that feed many of the cold water trout streams in Northern Michigan. The biggest problem is that they are taking the water out of the drainage basin from which it comes, so it never returns."}, {"answer": "You should watch the documentary 'Bottled Life'. Explains it pretty well."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "160227", "title": "Nestl\u00e9", "section": "Section::::Controversy and criticisms.:Water bottling operations in California, Oregon and Michigan.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 138, "end_paragraph_id": 138, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In April 2015, the city of Cascade Locks, Oregon and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, which is using water for a salmon hatchery, applied with the Oregon Water Resources Department to permanently trade their water rights to Nestl\u00e9; an action which does not require a public-interest review. Nestl\u00e9 approached them in 2008 and they had been considering to trade their well water with Oregon's Oxbow Springs water, a publicly owned water source in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, and to sell the spring water at over 100 million gallons of water per year to Nestl\u00e9. The plan has been criticized by legislators and 80,000 citizens. The 250,000-square-foot, $50 million Nestl\u00e9 bottling plant in Cascade Locks with an unemployment rate of 18.8 percent would have 50 employees and would increase property-tax collections by 67 percent. In May 2016, voters of Hood River County voted 69 percent to 31 percent for the ballot measure to ban large bottling operations in the area, but in Cascade Locks, the one precinct in Hood River County, voters decided against the ballot measure, 58 percent to 42 percent. As a result, the Cascade Locks city council voted 5-to-1 to keep up the fight. Soon after, Governor Kate Brown directed state officials to stop an exchange of water rights that was crucial to the deal, citing fiscal rather than environmental reasons. Nestl\u00e9 then acknowledged that the exchange \"will not be going forward\", marking a definite end to the planned bottling operation. Although a 2005 court settlement gave Nestl\u00e9 the right to pump 250 gallons per minute (GPM) from a well in unincorporated", "In April 2015, the city of Cascade Locks, Oregon and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, which is using water for a salmon hatchery, applied with the Oregon Water Resources Department to permanently trade their water rights to Nestl\u00e9; an action which does not require a public-interest review. Nestl\u00e9 approached them in 2008 and they had been considering to trade their well water with Oregon's Oxbow Springs water, a publicly owned water source in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, and to sell the spring water at over 100 million gallons of water per year to Nestl\u00e9. The plan has been criticized by legislators and 80,000 citizens. The 250,000-square-foot, $50 million Nestl\u00e9 bottling plant in Cascade Locks with an unemployment rate of 18.8 percent would have 50 employees and would increase property-tax collections by 67 percent. In May 2016, voters of Hood River County voted 69 percent to 31 percent for the ballot measure to ban large bottling operations in the area, but in Cascade Locks, the one precinct in Hood River County, voters decided against the ballot measure, 58 percent to 42 percent. As a result, the Cascade Locks city council voted 5-to-1 to keep up the fight. Soon after, Governor Kate Brown directed state officials to stop an exchange of water rights that was crucial to the deal, citing fiscal rather than environmental reasons. Nestl\u00e9 then acknowledged that the exchange \"will not be going forward\", marking a definite end to the planned bottling operation.", "In April 2015, the city of Cascade Locks, Oregon and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, which is using water for a salmon hatchery, applied with the Oregon Water Resources Department to permanently trade their water rights to Nestl\u00e9; an action which does not require a public-interest review. Nestl\u00e9 approached them in 2008 and they had been considering to trade their well water with Oregon's Oxbow Springs water, a publicly owned water source in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, and to sell the spring water at over 100 million gallons of water per year to Nestl\u00e9. The plan has been criticized by legislators and 80,000 citizens. The 250,000-square-foot, $50 million Nestl\u00e9 bottling plant in Cascade Locks with an unemployment rate of 18.8 percent would have 50 employees and would increase property-tax collections by 67 percent. In May 2016, voters of Hood River County voted 69 percent to 31 percent for the ballot measure to ban large bottling operations in the area, but in Cascade Locks, the one precinct in Hood River County, voters decided against the ballot measure, 58 percent to 42 percent. As a result, the Cascade Locks city council voted 5-to-1 to keep up the fight. Soon after, Governor Kate Brown directed state officials to stop an exchange of water rights that was crucial to the deal, citing fiscal rather than environmental reasons. Nestl\u00e9 then acknowledged that the exchange \"will not be going forward\", marking a definite end to the planned bottling operation. Although a 2005 court settlement gave Nestl\u00e9 the right to pump 250 gallons per minute (GPM) from a well in unincorporated"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Mecosta County, Michigan\n\n\nexist. With Mecosta County's numerous lakes, streams, and rivers opportunities for water and fishing activities are limitless: golf courses, bike trails, and other outdoor experiences. In 2009, Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation won their controversial case, The Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation v Nestle Waters North America, which had begun in 1999. The Nestle/Perrier/Great Spring Waters of America/Ice Mountain bottling plant in Stanwood, Mecosta County, began production on May 23, 2002, extracting groundwater from the Muskegon aquifer that", "id": "10837144" }, { "contents": "Water export\n\n\nCanada and the US currently takes place at a small scale, mostly as bottled water exports. The bottled water industry exports water in containers usually no larger than twenty litres. But even that can be controversial - the multinational food giant Nestle was accused of attempting to “drain” the town of Hillsburgh, Ontario, of its water in 2012 and 2013, during a drought. Since 1850 Americans have been diverting much of the water of the Chicago River, which would naturally flow into Lake Michigan, into the Mississippi basin over", "id": "10982251" }, { "contents": "Strawberry Creek (San Bernardino County, California)\n\n\nand the water is in excess to that needed to protect and manage the National Forest. A major controversy has risen in the last 3-4 years regarding water removal and the effects on the stream and its resources. The most severe drought in the area in hundreds of years brought this issue to a head. The wells and the stream are found on the San Bernardino National Forest which is public land owned by all citizens. Nestle, a foreign corporation, claims that they own the water and that the Forest Service has", "id": "13599727" }, { "contents": "McCloud, California\n\n\nregion's ground water and have overstated the potential economic benefits of the proposed plant. On May 13, 2008 AP Press reported that Nestle announced plans to reduce the size of the proposed McCloud Bottled Water plant to from the originally-planned proposal. Nestle also agreed to monitor the impact of the plant on the local watershed for two years. Nestle opened a different bottling plant in Sacramento, CA, in July 2009, and then in September 2009 Nestle announced they would no longer pursue any bottling operation in McCloud. Nestle plans", "id": "17474840" }, { "contents": "Wekepeke\n\n\nRFP to officially solicit potential buyers for water rights to the Wekepeke. Nestle Waters of North America (NWNA) was the only company to respond to the Town of Clinton Wekepeke water RFP. The Clinton board of selectmen rejected the Nestle proposal in the spring of 2008. Afterwards, Nestle hired Rushing Rivers Institute to conduct a study of the river in to order to withdraw water without harming the ecosystem. The study showed a way to improve the current conditions of the river. The report also served as a foundation for a community", "id": "10254479" }, { "contents": "Oregon Water Resources Department\n\n\nto enable a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to water policy. In April 2015, the city of Cascade Locks and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife using water for a salmon hatchery, applied with the Oregon Water Resources Department to permanently trade their water rights to Nestle, which does not require a public-interest review. Nestle approached them in 2008 and they had been considering to trade their well water with Oregon's Oxbow Springs water, and to sell the spring water to Nestlé. The plan has been criticized by legislators", "id": "15836500" }, { "contents": "Nestlé Waters\n\n\ngreater efficiency in its global delivery. Also in that same year of 2009, on April 23, during a Nestle Waters shareholders' meeting at the headquarters in Greenwich, Connecticut, a protest group arrived with the campaign of \"Think Outside the Bottle\" (from Corporate Accountability International, along with representatives from both Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation and Protecting Our Water and Wildlife Resources), claiming Nestle Waters, for the sake of increasing profits, overrode local rights to \"community water resources\" despite protective opposition. The campaign director", "id": "2060414" }, { "contents": "Bottled water\n\n\nFEMA recommends commercially bottled water kept in a cool, dark place. As an alternative, FEMA recommends using disinfected food-grade water containers to store tap water and replacing the water every six months. Following Hurricane Sandy, FEMA requested 5.4 million bottles of water from Nestle North America to aid in disaster relief efforts. Nestle donated 3 million bottles of water to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, FEMA requested 100 tractor trailers’ worth of bottled water (approximately 200,000 cases) from the", "id": "15922845" }, { "contents": "Morongo Band of Mission Indians\n\n\n, 360, is open on weekends. The tribe participated in development of a water bottling plant on the reservation. It is operated by Nestle Waters North America Inc., which leases the property from the tribe. The plant bottles Arrowhead spring water, as well as purified water sold under the brand Nestle Pure Life. In his 2010 book, \"Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water,\" author Peter H. Gleick said the plant was producing more than 1 billion bottles of Arrowhead spring water per year", "id": "12038069" }, { "contents": "Nestlé Waters\n\n\nDeborah Lapidus said, \"These water grabs are having long-lasting impacts on ecosystems and water supplies long held in the public trust.\" she said. One of the specific cases the organization protested against was regarding when Nestle bypassed a 2006 Shapleigh, Maine ordinance that aimed to maintain local control over water resources by accessing the law through the state level. Nestle officials responded by giving a progress report on their intentions for transparency with labeling their water sources and locations. 2012: Nestlé Waters establish a distribution agreement with Ambev in", "id": "2060415" }, { "contents": "Joan Nestle\n\n\nher then-partner Deborah Edel, and later with her family housecleaner Mabel Hampton, and moved to a brownstone in Park Slope, Brooklyn in 1992. Today its holdings include more than 20,000 books, 12,000 photographs, and 1,600 periodical titles. It holds everything written by Nestle. Nestle began writing fiction in 1978, when a prolonged illness prevented her from teaching for a year. Her erotica focusing on butch and femme relationships made her a controversial figure during the feminist sex wars of the 1980s; members of Women Against Pornography called", "id": "18991625" }, { "contents": "Muskegon River\n\n\nand drains an area of . In September 2002 an often cited article, National Geographic raised concerns about a controversial deal made with Nestle Waters North America giving them permission \"to bottle up to 210 million gallons (about 800 million liters) a year from an aquifer north of Grand Rapids, Michigan that recharges the Muskegon River.\" Like many of its neighboring streams, the Muskegon was one of the favored logging rivers during the boom years of the 1880s-1890s, and a keen eye can still pick out remnants of stray logs left", "id": "3895506" }, { "contents": "Strawberry Creek (San Bernardino County, California)\n\n\nfor which its commercial bottled water is named. Nestle's permit to withdraw water and transfer it across the national forest expired in 1988 although it continues to draw an average of over 62.5 million gallons each year from the groundwater. The U. S. Forest Service is required to and has agreed to conduct an environmental impact review before re-issuing Nestle's water use permit.The National Forest may authorize a permit if it can be shown that the water extraction and transport will not result in a significant adverse effect on the National Forest", "id": "13599726" }, { "contents": "Nestlé Waters\n\n\nin two key emerging countries: in Brazil by acquiring Àguas de Santa Barbara in the São Paulo region; and in China by acquiring Dashan Drinks, the leading bottled water player in Yunnan Province In 2009, a U.S. report entitled \"Tour D'Horizon with Nestle: Forget the Global Financial Crisis, the World Is Running out of Fresh Water\" involved the departments of agriculture, commerce, energy and environment science and technology as a result of Nestle executives from Switzerland advising of their research. One of the main aspects asserts that a high", "id": "2060412" }, { "contents": "Majene\n\n\ntrails, rustic picnic locations, and clean, rushing water for bathing. \"Limboro\": Featuring a trio of concrete pools with steaming hot water fed by the inactive volcanoes in the region, this remote weekend destination is located adjacent to an Indo-style villa and nestled at the top of a coastal mountain and flanked by dense, foggy jungle. \"Mandar Graveyard (Ondongan)\": Nestled atop the hill next to the mayor's house, this tribute to the kings of Mandar past allows visitors to bask in classic", "id": "2174828" }, { "contents": "Pelican\n\n\nBrown pelicans have been reported preying on young common murres in California and the eggs and nestlings of cattle egrets and nestling great egrets in Baja California, Mexico. Peruvian pelicans in Chile have been recorded feeding on nestlings of imperial shags, juvenile Peruvian diving petrels, and grey gulls. Cannibalism of chicks of their own species is known from the Australian, brown, and Peruvian pelicans. Globally, pelican populations are adversely affected by these main factors: declining supplies of fish through overfishing or water pollution, destruction of habitat, direct effects", "id": "20016571" }, { "contents": "Nina Teicholz\n\n\ndairy industries in their lobbying and other public relations efforts to maintain high levels of meat and dairy consumption by US consumers. Teicholz' advocacy has been criticized by Marion Nestle for making strong claims about the benefits of a low carb, high fat diet that go beyond what the science can support; Nestle wrote of Teicholz' advocacy: \"It does little to foster the health of the public to make nutrition science appear more controversial than it really is.\" Teicholz is an advocate of beef consumption. Beef industry leader Amanda Radke", "id": "613382" }, { "contents": "Beak\n\n\nforce of the water closes the operculum. Some species which feed on flowers have opercula to help to keep pollen from clogging their nasal passages, while the opercula of the two species of \"Attagis\" seedsnipe help to keep dust out. The nares of nestling tawny frogmouths are covered with large dome-shaped opercula, which help to reduce the rapid evaporation of water vapor, and may also help to increase condensation within the nostrils themselves—both critical functions, since the nestlings get fluids only from the food their parents bring them", "id": "19980121" }, { "contents": "Saxaul sparrow\n\n\n, are most of its diet, though it also eats insects, especially while breeding, most commonly weevils, grasshoppers, and caterpillars. It forages in trees and on the ground. In a study of insects fed to nestlings in the Ili River valley, it was found that beetles are predominant, with weevils and Coccinellidae comprising 60 and 30 percent of the diet of nestlings, respectively. Because of its desert habitat and scarcity, it is not a pest of agriculture. Where water is not available, the saxaul sparrow may", "id": "4612397" }, { "contents": "White-tailed eagle\n\n\ngentilis\"). As an opportunistic predator, it often takes young birds freely as well as adult and fledged juvenile birds. In general, due to different nesting situations, white-tailed eagles instead of dabbling or diving water birds usually attack the more conspicuous or open nests of gulls, those of several other types of seabird, large corvids or other accipitrids. In Germany and Scotland, up to 86% of gulls taken were nestlings and juveniles. Cases of white-tailed eagles eating eggs, instead of nestlings or older", "id": "21042126" }, { "contents": "Fremont, California\n\n\nJose district to withdraw from the Fremont Unified School District caused state-wide controversy and led to accusations of racism from both sides. The attempt was prompted by a re-drawing of the school enrollment areas, under which some Mission San Jose residents would send their children to Horner Junior High and Irvington High schools. The controversial effort to secede was dropped later that year. Fremont's public schools continue to rank among the best in California. Nestled at the base of Fremont's rolling hills is the Mission San José, one", "id": "8001405" }, { "contents": "Flow: For Love of Water\n\n\nEuropean Union, however, it is still used in the U.S. The film also spends a lengthy amount of time on the topic of privatization of water infrastructure. Major businesses depicted in the film are Nestle, The Coca-Cola Company, Suez, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While tap water has gained a great stigma over the years, the FDA cannot confirm that bottled water is any safer. Tap water passes through water treatment plants and has to abide by set regulations, however, bottled water has", "id": "7292250" }, { "contents": "Deer Park Spring Water\n\n\nthe nearby town of Deer Park, Maryland. This company bottled the spring water primarily for the metropolitan New York market. Deer Park Water Company was then purchased by the Clorox Company and continued to sell the spring water under the Deer Park name along most of the East Coast. Perrier Group of America Inc., the bottled water company which is a subsidiary of Nestle S.A., the giant Swiss food producer, bought Deer Park Spring Water, Inc in 1993. As a division of Nestlé Waters, the water now comes from additional", "id": "10705236" }, { "contents": "The Corp\n\n\nbegan selling bongs and condoms. Barely four months after Vital Vittles began to sell them, Georgetown University blocked the sale of condoms. In April 1978, the Corp's Board of Directors voted to participate in a boycott of Nestle because of allegations that Nestle was selling baby food and baby formula in third world countries made with non-potable water. Also in 1978, the Corp opened Corp Typing. Long before the mass-production of desktop printers, this service gave students the opportunity to have Corp employees type their papers for", "id": "21542090" }, { "contents": "Nestlé Waters\n\n\nmeat-based diet uses water inefficiently, particularly for an increasing global population. Livestock feed on crops that require high amounts of water such corn and soy. High demand for water overall has already created a drain on underground aquifers and other natural fresh water sources worldwide. Nestle estimates that: “There is not nearly enough fresh water available to provide this standard to a global population expected to exceed 9 billion by mid-century.” The report points out the need to attend to where water is being flowed and asks for", "id": "2060413" }, { "contents": "Manila Water\n\n\nthe towns of Norzagaray and Doña Remedios Trinidad, which would host the water supply project. In 2009, Manila Water acquired ownership of the company that supplies water to growth areas in Laguna, south of Manila. Through its wholly owned subsidiary AAA Water Corp (AWC), Manila Water gained a 70% stake in Laguna AAA Water Corp, a joint venture between the provincial government of Laguna and AWC. The joint venture company serves the cities of Santa Rosa, Biñan and Cabuyao, where several international businesses including Nestle, Ford", "id": "21731661" }, { "contents": "Bottled water\n\n\nin bottled water as an additive or as a natural occurring mineral. Due to contaminated water being widespread, in the mid-1980s urban families started installing filtration units at home. This later developed into companies providing mineral water delivery services at home. Use of these bottles that could be attached to a dispenser is still widespread. Bottled water was made famous by one of the largest marketing campaigns in Pakistan history undertaken by Nestle. Eventually, other bottlers including dozens of local ones, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mineral Drops by water icon", "id": "15922836" }, { "contents": "Strawberry Creek (San Bernardino County, California)\n\n\nno authority to regulate the take of water. Citizens and environmental groups argue that the State of California owns and regulates the water of the State and that for groundwater, the overlying landowner (Forest Service) has the right to determine the use of groundwater under the National Forest. Citizens also point to the Public Trust Doctrine that the State considers in making their decision on water rights disputes. Another issue is calling the water spring water, naturally coming to the surface as Nestle claims, when citizens believe it is actually groundwater from", "id": "13599728" }, { "contents": "Maguari stork\n\n\nthrough wetlands with its bill close to the surface of the water, ready to seize prey encountered. It breeds early during the seasonal rains whilst the water in the wetland habitat is still clear from the fresh rainwater; so that prey items are more visible through the water and success of prey capture, especially as food for nestlings, is higher. However, this stork has also been observed to grope with its bill in the water, although this may be more common toward the end of the breeding season when water bodies begin", "id": "8279178" }, { "contents": "Droughts in California\n\n\nis managed by government consent, which assumes ownership and management of all free flowing rivers, lakes, and bodies of water in its parameters. The water being used for commercial purposes, such as Nestle's 72 brands of bottled water, is done so only as permitted and granted by governmental authorities. Lately, locals have been fighting back against the \"stealing\" of precious resources by opposing and not allowing huge water draw down facilities to be set up. In some instances, water tables underground have dropped from 100 to 400–600", "id": "97963" }, { "contents": "Poland Spring\n\n\nSpring, Maine, which defendant’s labels claim is a source of Poland Spring Water, ran dry nearly 50 years ago.” A Poland Spring spokeswoman responded that “Poland Spring is 100 percent spring water. The claims made in the lawsuit are without merit and an obvious attempt to manipulate the legal system for personal gain.” Scientist Peter Gleick said that “Most of Nestle’s waters are pumped from the ground, but the bigger issue that the regulatory definition of what really counts as spring water is really weak. No", "id": "16066581" }, { "contents": "Quench (company)\n\n\nQuench USA Inc is a water technology company that rents and services filtered water coolers. According to the site, over half of the Fortune 500 are customers. Zenith International lists Quench as a leading distributor in the point-of-use (POU) market along with Macke Water Systems and Nestle Waters. Quench is an independent operating company of AquaVenture Holdings. Quench is headquartered in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Quench was named an Online Marketing Success Story in Google's 2011 Economic Impact Report. In 2008, Quench was named", "id": "2678892" }, { "contents": "Eberhard Nestle\n\n\nEberhard Nestle (May 1, 1851, Stuttgart – March 9, 1913, Stuttgart) was a German biblical scholar, textual critic, orientalist, editor of Novum Testamentum Graece, and the father of Erwin Nestle. Nestle was a son of the upper tribunal procurator (\"Obertribunalprokurator\") Christian Gottlieb Nestle and his wife Sophie Beate Kleinmann. His half-brother from his father's second marriage was classical philologist Wilhelm Nestle. Nestle studied at the University of Tübingen—the Tübinger Stift—from 1869 to 1874. His studies", "id": "22108673" }, { "contents": "Sid Ryan\n\n\nOwen Sound, Brockville, Cobourg, Whitby, Toronto, and Peterborough. \"When we don’t care what happens to our water treatment plants, the same thing can happen with water as what happened to health care in the United States,\" said Ryan, in Midland. Since the tour, Ontario saw full or partial bans in a number of communities. Niagara Falls voted to stop selling bottled water at city facilities, despite last-minute lobbying efforts from Nestle Waters Canada. \"When a city with the international profile", "id": "9729744" }, { "contents": "Old Man of Coniston\n\n\n, this rib climbs again to The Bell, a fine rocky top (1,099 ft) with excellent views of the lake and village. Nestling beneath the northern face of The Old Man, and cradled between it and Raven’s Tor, is Low Water. This fine corrie tarn has been dammed in the past to provide water for the quarries, but all of its water now issues via a fine cascade of falls into the Coppermines Valley. This area, shared with the neighbouring fells of Brim Fell and Wetherlam, is heavily", "id": "6136760" }, { "contents": "Brown-headed cowbird\n\n\nsometimes expelled from the nest. Nestlings of host species can also alter their behavior in response to the presence of a cowbird nestling. Song sparrow nestlings in parasitized nests alter their vocalizations in frequency and amplitude so that they resemble the cowbird nestling, and these nestlings tend to be fed equally often as nestlings in unparasitized nests. It seems that brown-headed cowbirds periodically check on their eggs and young after they have deposited them. Removal of the parasitic egg may trigger a retaliatory reaction termed \"mafia behavior\". According to a", "id": "10517815" }, { "contents": "Lake Saltonstall (Connecticut)\n\n\nLake Saltonstall is a long narrow lake located in south-central Connecticut. It covers an area of approximately and is nestled in the center of the trap rock Saltonstall Mountain. The lake is surrounded by forest and serves as part of the local water supply for surrounding towns. The lake and the area around it is owned by the South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, a company which also regulates fishing and rents boats. Private boats are not allowed. A Regional Water Authority (RWA) recreation permit may be purchased, which", "id": "13242117" }, { "contents": "Chikodi\n\n\nelevation above sea level of 657 meters.. The Krishna river, which has water almost throughout the year, is the chief source of agricultural and drinking water for local people living in the surrounding villages. The other river system of the taluka consists of Vedganga, Dudhaganga and Panchganga. Ground water resources are also extensively tapped in foothills which are easily accessible to borewells, canals and creeks around. Nestling among the hillocks and sylvan surroundings, it is indeed an ideal place for trails and easy to moderate hikes. There's a famous", "id": "2664659" }, { "contents": "Heaton Park Reservoir\n\n\nup to of water per day under the force of gravity. In 2008, a £3.5 million Ultra-Violet (UV) disinfection plant was installed at Heaton Park water treatment works to meet water quality requirements. The UV building was designed to nestle within the embankment of the existing service reservoir. The reservoir is known for its wintering wildfowl. Amongst the most recorded are tufted duck, goldeneye, goosander and common teal. Other, less common sightings included the lesser scaup, the ring-necked duck, the Slavonian grebe", "id": "7057268" }, { "contents": "Neusiok Trail\n\n\nmay camp anywhere along the trail; however, three trail shelters offer a dry refuge: Each of the three-sided shelters has a fire grill and accommodates about three people. No drinking water is available along the trail; however, each shelter has a water pump. It is not recommended to rely upon the water pumps. The Oyster Point Campground is the southern trail-head for the Neusiok, and it is situated on the banks of the Newport River. The year-round campground is nestled under tall loblolly pines", "id": "7665010" }, { "contents": "Australian water dragon\n\n\nsection of Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mount Coot-tha in Queensland, and a monument has been built to them there. There are anecdotal reports of a small colony living on the Sixth Creek in the Forest Range area of South Australia, which were probably introduced there during the 1980s by a local reptile enthusiast. This is many hundreds of miles outside their natural range. Australian water dragons are prey to birds, snakes, cats, dogs and foxes. Nestlings and smaller juvenile water dragons are vulnerable to predation by kookaburras, currawongs", "id": "773475" }, { "contents": "San Jorge, Samar\n\n\nSapinit River where the San Jorge Elementary School is presently nestled. San Jorge is divided into 42 barangays according to the Assessors Office of the Town, the towns MAP. River rise is experienced up to the Barrio of Blanca Aurora from the Boundary of Sitio Leyte-leyte. Japan International Coordination Agency (JICA) constructed a water systems on this town, the source of water was on Tomogbong (284 meters above MeanSeaLevel), there is a Distilled Water Spring uphill the Atigbang proper. The pipelines runs to the town Proper above", "id": "9781570" }, { "contents": "Dalmatian pelican\n\n\nwater is dumped out of the sides of the pouch and the fish is swallowed. Occasionally it may feed cooperatively with other pelicans by corralling fish into shallow waters and may even cooperate similarly while fishing alongside great cormorants in Greece. Occasionally, the pelican may not immediately eat the fish contained in its gular pouch, so it can save the prey for later consumption. Other small wetlands-dwellers may supplement the diet, including crustaceans, worms, beetles and small water birds, usually nestlings and eggs. Among a highly social family", "id": "10622390" }, { "contents": "Timeline of Earth Liberation Front actions\n\n\norders the company to halt pumping water from the wells. Nestle had been removing 200 gallons of water from the ground per minute and was lowering the water table. Last night we, the Earth Liberation Front, put the torch to a development of Ryan Homes in Hagerstown, Maryland (off Route 40, behind the Wal-Mart). We did so to strike at the bottom line of this country's most notorious serial land rapist...We warn all developers that the people of the Earth are prepared to defend what remains", "id": "12735887" }, { "contents": "Bill Sipper\n\n\nmuch of the internal workings at the company and eventually signed a licensing agreement with Vermont Pure Spring Water. Subsequently, a licensing agreement was signed with Nestle Waters and Keeper Springs has been able to donate over $1,000,000 to the Water Keeper Alliance and Riverkeeper, two of the charities Kennedy was looking to raise money for. Once the licensing agreements were signed Sipper left to join Ultimate Juice Company as Vice President of Marketing. Ultimate Juice Company owned Naked Juice, Fantasia Fresh Juice, Hansen's Juice, Zeigler's Apple Cider,", "id": "12761133" }, { "contents": "Paluma Dam\n\n\nwater levels are low, water is released into the creek from Lake Paluma via another gravity pipeline. Lake Paluma is nestled among World Heritage listed, wet tropics rainforest. The lake is open for a range of nature based recreational activities such as canoeing, sailing and swimming. Lake Paluma is only accessible via a gravel road just past the township of Paluma. Visitor facilities include picnic shelters and barbecues and bookings are essential. The area is home to the platypus, peregrine falcon, eastern water dragon and a range of rainforest fauna", "id": "21019854" }, { "contents": "Henri Nestlé\n\n\nHenri Nestlé (born Heinrich Nestle; August 10, 1814 – July 7, 1890) was a German-born Swiss confectioner and the founder of Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company. Heinrich Nestle was born on August 10, 1814, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He was the eleventh of fourteen children of Johann Ulrich Matthias Nestle and Anna-Maria Catharina Ehemant. Nestle's father, by tradition, inherited the business of his father, Johann Ulrich Nestle, and became a glazier in Töngesgasse.", "id": "3814257" }, { "contents": "Henri Nestlé\n\n\nThe later Lord Mayor of Frankfurt am Main, Gustav Edmund Nestle, was his brother. The Nestle family has its roots in western Swabia, predominantly in boroughs of the Black Forest such as Dornstetten, Freudenstadt, Mindersbach, Nagold, and Sulz am Neckar. In the Swabian dialect, \"Nestle\" is a small bird's nest. The name Nestle also has different variations, including Nästlin, Nästlen, Nestlin, Nestlen, and Niestle. The Nestle family tree began with three brothers (thus the three young birds in the", "id": "3814258" }, { "contents": "Upper Sûre Lake\n\n\nThe Upper Sûre Lake (, , ) is a large reservoir in north-western Luxembourg. It is the largest body of water in the country. It gives its name to the commune of Lac de la Haute-Sûre, which was formed in 1979. It is created by the Esch-sur-Sûre Dam which was built in the 1950s to meet Luxembourg's drinking water and electricity needs. The town of Esch-sur-Sûre nestles at one end of the lake. Immediately above it, the river has", "id": "10473996" }, { "contents": "Terjit\n\n\nTerjit () is an oasis (in the proper sense: a desert spring or other water source), 45km by road south of Atar and popular with Mauritania's few tourists. It nestles in a gorge on the western edge of the Adrar plateau with the palm grove stretching a few hundred metres alongside a stream which emerges from a spring. There is a modest fee to enter and tourists can pay to stay in tents in the palm grove. It is often used for tourism for its charm, fresh water and", "id": "9210761" }, { "contents": "Strawberry Creek (San Bernardino County, California)\n\n\nStrawberry Creek is a stream on the south flank of the San Bernardino Mountains above the city of San Bernardino. It is part of the Warm Creek watershed in San Bernardino, California whose waters flow to the Santa Ana River. Wells under an expired (1988) special use permit from the U.S. Forest Service to Nestlé Waters North America tap into groundwater above Strawberry Creek on the San Bernardino National Forest and bottle it for sale as Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water. Nestle's Strawberry Creek wells lie northeast of an arrowhead-shaped rock formation", "id": "13599725" }, { "contents": "History of San Bernardino, California\n\n\n1894, Arrowhead Brand Mountain Spring Water began to be pumped from near the site, as it is today. However, Arrowhead Brand Water also comes from \"natural mountain sources in the United States and Canada\" since it was purchased by Nestle Waters North America, Inc. A young Wyatt Earp and his family traveled to San Bernardino by wagon train, arriving in 1864. Virgil Earp later settled in Colton, California, where he became town marshal. Late in life, in the 1920s, Wyatt became a ceremonial San Bernardino County", "id": "6399133" }, { "contents": "Édouard Muller (Nestlé)\n\n\nChairman of Nestle in Spain, in Sitges. Mr. Hardenberg was succeeded as Nestle manager in New York by Daniel F. Norton, President of Nestle, succeeding Louis Dapples as Nestle President. In the spring of 1935, Edouard and Ellen returned to New York for their second trip via Genua aboard the Conte di Savoia in May. They stayed at the new Waldorf Astoria Hotel and then went to Cuba with the Dan Norton's. They toured the Nestle factory in Sancti Spiritu. They visited Veracruz and Mexico City by train and Teotihuacan and", "id": "3472402" }, { "contents": "Nestle Nigeria Plc\n\n\nname of Nestle Products Nigeria, in 1969, the name was changed to Food Specialties Limited. It began trading on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 1979 following an indeginization promotion decree. In 1991, the company's name was changed to Nestle Foods Nigeria and ten years later it became Nestle Nigeria PLC. At inception, the firm's operation was in distribution and sales of Nestle products which had previously been imported into the country by merchants. In 1971, improved demand for its Maggi seasoning product led to the establishment of a packaging", "id": "7230043" }, { "contents": "Reproduction and life cycle of the golden eagle\n\n\nto yellow. When they are around 20 days or so old, as the structure of their wing develops, the nestlings start wing flapping and the frequency and intensity of this behavior increases considerably by 40 days old. Fledging occurs at 66 to 75 days of age in Idaho and 70 to 81 days in Scotland. “Cainism”, as it is sometimes called, or siblicide is inarguably the most controversial and confusing aspect of the golden eagles’ reproductive biology. This is the habitual behavior in the nest of the oldest hatchling", "id": "15178540" }, { "contents": "Nestlé boycott\n\n\nset up the following year. In 2002, authors Germaine Greer and Jim Crace withdrew from the Hay Festival in protest over Nestlé's sponsorship of the event. A 2007 article in \"The Guardian\" highlighted aggressive marketing practices by Nestlé in Bangladesh. The 2014 film \"Tigers (film)\" is based on 1977 Pakistan Nestle infant formula controversy. The boycott is featured in a January 2019 episode of the podcast Swindled. The Council of Canadians, a social action organization, launched a boycott in September 2016 in response to the", "id": "16890727" }, { "contents": "Easy-to-Read Version\n\n\nNew Testament, the ERV uses the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament (fourth revised edition, 1993) and Nestle-Aland Novum Testament Graece (twenty-seventh edition, 1993). The ERV caused controversy in the Churches of Christ. (The WBTC is an outreach of the Churches of Christ.) Goebel Music wrote a book critiquing this translation titled Easy-to-Read Version: Easy to Read or Easy to Mislead? It criticized the ERV's method of translation, textual basis, and wording of certain", "id": "3297748" }, { "contents": "Mecosta County, Michigan\n\n\n\" In 2009, an out-of-court settlement was reached. \"Nestle/Ice Mountain’s water pumping permit was reduced by almost half. Nestlé agreed to lower its spring pumping in Mecosta earlier in the spring during fish spawning and continue low pumping during the summer months to protect the already stressed stream and lake.\" According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of , of which is land and (2.8%) is covered by water. As of the census of 2000, 40,553", "id": "10837147" }, { "contents": "Wood stork\n\n\nby a drop in the water level combined with an increased density of fish (with the former likely triggering the latter). This is because a decrease in the water level and an increased density of fish allows for an adequate amount of food for the nestlings. This can occur anytime between November and August. After it starts, breeding takes about four months to complete. This bird lays one clutch of three to five cream coloured eggs that are about in size. These eggs are usually laid one to two days apart and", "id": "14247815" }, { "contents": "McCloud, California\n\n\nKöppen Climate Classification system, McCloud has a warm-summer Mediterranean climate, abbreviated \"Csb\" on climate maps. In the state legislature McCloud is in , and . Federally, McCloud is in . In 2006 Nestlé began a negotiations process with the town of McCloud, CA to build one of the nation's largest bottled water plants and use a portion of the water flowing from the springs of Mt. Shasta. The contract process was protested by local special interest groups whose claims include that Nestle neglected to study the impact on the", "id": "17474839" }, { "contents": "Opisthocomidae\n\n\nbirds, and up to 100 birds during breeding season which occurs during rainfalls. The nest is a flat platform in bush or tree above water. The chicks are semi-precocial and leave the nest at about two to three weeks of age. The adults feed them with semi-digested slimy mass from their crops, and the young are fed during the first four or five months of their life. The young nestlings can jump out into the water, and swim with wings and feet, in order to escape predators at", "id": "18408889" }, { "contents": "Gainesville, Georgia\n\n\ncity, leading southwest to Atlanta and northeast to Baldwin and Cornelia. U.S. Route 129 runs through the east side of the city, leading north to Cleveland and southeast to Jefferson. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which are land and , or 5.75%, are water. Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, parts of Gainesville lie along the shore of one of the nation's most popular inland water destinations, Lake Lanier. Named after Confederate veteran,", "id": "18870985" }, { "contents": "Stanley Park\n\n\nstar attractions and one of its largest man-made objects by area. Soon after its discovery, a section that encircles part of the Stanley Park Pavilion was restored (the garden had originally extended from Pipeline Road to Coal Harbour). Beaver Lake is a restful space nestled among the trees. The lake is almost completely covered with water lilies (introduced for the Queen's Jubilee in 1938) and home to beavers, fish, and water birds. As of 1997, its surface area was just short of , but the", "id": "5430139" }, { "contents": "Breastfeeding\n\n\nwith 25.8%) and rooming-in (27.7–39.4%) Low-income mothers are more likely to have unintended pregnancies. Mothers whose pregnancies are unintended are less likely to breastfeed. Especially the combination of powdered formula with unclean water can be very harmful to the health of babies. In the late 1970s, there was a boycott against Nestle due to the great number of baby deaths due to formula. Dr. Michele Barry explains that breastfeeding is most imperative in poverty environments due to the lack of access of clean water for the", "id": "9798120" }, { "contents": "Tambopata Macaw Project\n\n\nfrom tropical cedar (\"Cedrela odorata\") and hung. Between August–October 1992, 10 other artificial nests made from large PVC pipes were built and hung around TRC. In 1993 an additional 11 PVC nests were hung. Based on growth rate data for more than 60 wild macaw nestlings in natural nests, researchers were able to plot growth curves for healthy nestlings and curves for nestlings that eventually died of malnutrition or disease. Once it was determined which nestlings probably would die, these nestlings were removed, handfed for months", "id": "10654194" }, { "contents": "Alvin Achenbaum\n\n\n' clients included Procter and Gamble, GE, Nestle, Kraft, Honda, and the United States Department of Defense. Achenbaum regularly spoke out about emerging trends and the future of advertising and marketing, challenging many of the accepted business practices of the day. He wrote weekly columns for \"Ad Age\" and \"Marketing Week\" in the 1980s. He generated considerable controversy by challenging the nature of the relationship between advertising agencies and their clients. His consulting work contributed to major changes in both the advertising agency selection process and", "id": "9650607" }, { "contents": "Upper Peirce Reservoir Park\n\n\nUpper Peirce Reservoir Park is a serene and tranquil 5 hectares park nestled just next to the Upper Peirce Reservoir. The reservoir, together with the MacRitchie Reservoir, the Lower Peirce Reservoir and the Upper Seletar Reservoir, bound the Central Catchment Nature Reserve. The nature reserve acts as a water catchment for the reservoirs in the area. Due to increasing demand for water in the 1960s and to increase the capacity of Peirce Reservoir, a higher dam was constructed upstream of the existing dam at Peirce Reservoir in 1970. In 1975, Upper", "id": "10341516" }, { "contents": "Southport\n\n\nincluding kite-surfing. In 1925, Henry Segrave set a world land speed record of on the beach, driving a Sunbeam Tiger. His association is commemorated by the name of a public house on Lord Street. Marine Lake lies nestled between the town centre and the sea and is used for a variety of water-sports including water-skiing, sailing and rowing. The lake is home to the West Lancashire Yacht Club and Southport Sailing Club, both of which organise dinghy racing. The annual Southport 24 Hour Race,", "id": "11685358" }, { "contents": "Bomere Pool\n\n\nand gravel bog sink hole. In 1989 the property changed hands and the lake, beach and facilities were closed to the general public and made available exclusively for residents, members and guests of the private Wakeboard & Water Skiing Club that use the pool for regular water sports. Public access is restricted to the right of way close to the Northern shore. There are of pool nestled in a secluded traditional forest of a further , woodland that once formed part of Bayston Hill and Condover Royal hunting forest. The closed public house has", "id": "12033064" }, { "contents": "Power Surge (water ride)\n\n\n. It will be the first single rail coaster built by Rocky Mountain Construction, and is set to open in March 2018. Nestled along quarry wall that overlooks the Rockville area of the park, Power Surge transported a dozen riders at a time along a channel against an old power plant backdrop. It ended in a steep plunge, with a double-dip going . It operated each year from opening day to Fright Fest. The ride was featured in the 1992 movie, \"Blank Check\", where Preston Waters (Brian", "id": "16825467" }, { "contents": "Yellow-billed stork\n\n\nwater supplement in addition to fluid in their food, so that they have sufficient water to continue urinating down their legs to avoid hyperventilation. Additionally, parents sometimes help keep the young cool by shading them with their open wings. The nestlings usually fledge after 50–55 days of hatching and fly away from the nest. However, after leaving the nest for the first time, the offspring often return there to be fed by their parents and roost with them for another 1–3 weeks. It is also thought that individuals are not fully adult", "id": "18274746" }, { "contents": "Lindores Loch\n\n\nshoreline have changed over time due to roads, railway, sluice gate and farmland. Lindores Loch is a protected Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is designated for the flora and fauna of its wetlands and open water habitats. Specifically its high diversity of pondweeds (potamogeton), large area of reed bed, wet woodland and notable birds. There are also two rare species of water beetle recorded at this site. The loch is nestled in the Ochil Hills between Woodmill Hill to the west and Dunboghill to the East", "id": "20716696" }, { "contents": "The Bay (film)\n\n\nThe Bay is a 2012 American found footage horror film directed by Barry Levinson and written by Michael Wallach. It premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and was released in theaters on November 2, 2012. The movie explains the footage was confiscated by the U.S. government until an anonymous source leaked the footage for the entire world to see. On July 4, 2009, Claridge, a seaside Chesapeake Bay town nestled on Maryland's Eastern Shore thrives on water. When two researchers find a staggering level of toxicity in the water", "id": "22034490" }, { "contents": "Mission Bay (San Francisco)\n\n\nMission Bay was a bay and the estuary of Mission Creek, on the west shore of San Francisco Bay, between Steamboat Point and Point San Quentin or Potrero Point. It is now mostly filled in and is the location of the Mission Bay neighborhood of San Francisco. Mission Bay was a lagoon nestled inside of a +500 acre salt marsh and was occupied by year-round tidal waters. This area was a natural habitat and refuge for large water fowl populations that included ducks, geese, herons, egrets, ospreys and gulls", "id": "3122956" }, { "contents": "Catstye Cam\n\n\nnorth west, giving Catstye Cam a triangular plan. To the north, between the two descending ridges, is an area of crag. The other two faces are steep but smooth. South of Catstye Cam, nestling between the encircling arms of Helvellyn's two edges, is Red Tarn. This pool is named for the colour of the surrounding screes rather than its water, and contains brown trout and schelly, a fresh-water herring. The depth of Red Tarn is now about 80 ft, although in the mid-19th century", "id": "5505391" }, { "contents": "Eastern imperial eagle\n\n\nvarious water birds, mainly the nestlings of late-nesting painted storks (\"Ciconia leucocephalus\"), black-headed ibis (\"Threskiornis melanocephalus\"), Oriental darters (\"Anhinga melanogaster\") and a couple of species of cormorant. However, the imperial eagle in particularly here took to regularly hunting various adult water birds especially ducks, geese and large rails and had a mean daily food intake (not mean prey size) of . In the Saurashtra region of India, imperial eagles were observed to show a preference", "id": "6433266" }, { "contents": "Pookode Lake\n\n\nmetres. Lying 3 km south of Vythiri town, the lake is one of the most popular tourist spots in Wayanad. The lake has the shape of India's map. This perennial fresh water lake, nestled among wooded hills, is only one of its kind in Kerala. Pethia pookodensis, is a species of cyprinid fish known to occur only in Pookode Lake. The lake has abundance of blue lotus and fresh water fishes. The forests surrounding the lake hold many wild animals, birds and flies. There are groups of", "id": "7254479" }, { "contents": "McBee, South Carolina\n\n\n2012 McBee built a recreational complex that consists of four baseball diamonds, a football field, a soccer field, a walking trail, and a practice football field. In 2013 McBee launched their official website. Nestle Waters of North American, completed their bottled water facility in 2016, creating 27 jobs in McBee. McBee is located in southwestern Chesterfield County at (34.467803, −80.258075), in the Sandhills region of the Carolinas. U.S. Route 1 passes through the center of town, leading southwest to Camden and northeast to Cheraw.", "id": "9444120" }, { "contents": "Purple heron\n\n\nseldom perches in trees, preferring more terrestrial sites to rest. It is most active at dawn and dusk, roosting with other birds in the middle of the day and at night, but increasing its diurnal activity while rearing young. It feeds in shallow water, grabbing its prey with its powerful beak. It will often wait motionless for prey, or slowly stalk its victim. The diet consists mainly of fish, small mammals and amphibians, but nestling birds, snakes, lizards, crustaceans, water snails, insects and spiders", "id": "9557614" }, { "contents": "Western & Southern Financial Group\n\n\nOhio. In May 2013, Western & Southern signed a controversial agreement with Cincinnati Union Bethel to purchase the historic Anna Louise Inn in downtown Cincinnati. In 2014, Western & Southern Financial Group, owner of many properties within the Lytle Park Historic District asked the city to remove the historic status of several historic buildings. The company hopes to remove sections of the district in order to build new office space. On September 17, 2018, Western & Southern announced that it would be acquiring the Gerber Life Insurance Company from Nestle for", "id": "18786215" }, { "contents": "Iris Maity\n\n\nfew Hindi films. Iris is the winner of Channel V India's Get Gorgeous season 5, an Indian reality show. She has also, participated in the second season of the most controversial non fiction popular Bengali reality show \"Bigg Boss Bangla\". She has appeared in print campaigns with Fair and Lovely, Nestle Munch, Satya Paul and a TVC for 7 UP. She worked with designers Manish Malhotra, Varun Behl and others. She had roles in mainstream Hindi movies such as \"Soch Lo\" (as Riva)", "id": "8509883" }, { "contents": "Stout Creek\n\n\n), which in turn joins Bear Creek on its southwesterly flow to the Grand River. This medium-sized brook is said to have once served as a water source for a small Native American settlement reported to have nestled upon a nearby sandy slope. In the late 19th century and early 20th century Stout Creek bordered potato fields which were later turned back to marshland. In addition it served to water the cattle and horses of a nearby hamlet inhabited by Seventh-day Adventists. The black-mud springbeds and loamish hillsides of", "id": "15252634" }, { "contents": "SumOfUs\n\n\nstop selling Angora from rabbits that were plucked live for their fur. In February 2014, SumOfUs demanded in a petition that \"the cereal maker [Kellogg’s] get tough with Wilmar or end its supply and distribution joint venture with the company\". Kellogg's subsequently committed to buy only sustainably sourced palm oil. In 2015, SumOfUs helped to push airline companies such as Delta to stop shipping hunting trophies, lobbied Canadian officials to charge Nestle responsible water rates for drawing water from public lands, and helped get Standard Chartered Bank", "id": "15870576" }, { "contents": "Robert P. Young Jr.\n\n\nbefore being issued a ballot\" is a reasonable requirement, and even those without identification may simply sign an affidavit in lieu of presenting identification or obtain an identification card free of charge from the Secretary of State. Young also explained that the fundamental right to vote includes the assurance that one's vote will not be cancelled out by fraudulent votes, giving the State a compelling interest to prevent voter fraud in elections. Young authored the Michigan Supreme Court's decision in \"Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation v. Nestle Waters North America\" (", "id": "16462518" }, { "contents": "Yellow-billed stork\n\n\nparents share duties of guarding and feeding the young until the latter are about 21 days old. Thereafter, both parents forage to attend to the young's intense food demands. Alongside parental feeding by regurgitation of fish, parents have also been observed to regurgitate water into the open bills of their nestlings, especially on hot days. This may aid the typical thermoregulatory strategy of the young (common to all stork species) to excrete dilute urine down their legs in response to hot weather. Water regurgitated over the young serves as a", "id": "18274745" }, { "contents": "Milky stork\n\n\nand smallest) chicks are competitively disadvantaged and commonly die of starvation, especially since the parent bird does not appear to distribute food equally among the brood. At high temperatures, adults sometimes bring water to the nest and drool it from their bills over the nestlings for cooling and drinking. Milky storks also appear to exploit commercial shrimp as food. Active shrimp ponds usually last for three months before drying, whereupon remaining shrimp are exposed on the bottom as water level recedes, and milky stork and other waders come to feed on the", "id": "18274807" }, { "contents": "Sohat\n\n\nNestlé built an $8-million plant with capacity of 19,200 bottles per hour in Falougha. In 1999, Nestlé Group acquired 49% of Sohat as part of its expansion plan in mineral water. In 2001, Lebanon Perrier Vittel, the water division of Switzerland's Nestlé, purchased the remaining 51 per cent of its stake in Sohat. As of January 23, 2001, Société des Eaux Minérales Libanaises S.A.L. operates as a subsidiary of Nestle S.A. The Zoghzoghy family did not release the reason why they sold their share after 50 years of", "id": "18890989" }, { "contents": "Fox River Grove, Illinois\n\n\nPark. Also in July, Picnic Grove Park serves as the \"battlefield\" for the Fox River Grove Fire District's water fights. During this community event, residents watch the village's firefighters take on other departments in a family-friendly water battle. Lion's Park, being nestled along a bend of the Fox River, provides scenic views of Cary as well as a home for native flora and fauna. This waterside park also is the site of Lions Fest, a yearly September festival in which Fox River Grove residents", "id": "19640262" }, { "contents": "Breinigsville, Pennsylvania\n\n\n-based economy. Toward the late 1970s and 80s due to relatively cheaper land prices and close proximity to New York, a number of major distributors and warehouses have relocated to the area. Large facilities and distribution centers in Breinigsville include ShopRite, Olympus, Home Depot, Uline, Niagara Bottling and Nestle/Deer Park Water Bottling Plant. In 2009, Nestlé Waters renovated their facility to become LEED Gold certified. Some warehouses, particularly Amazon's, have been criticized in the local press for dangerous working conditions. In March 2014", "id": "1985685" }, { "contents": "Michelle Regalado Deatrick\n\n\nadditional revenue over time. In May 2017, Deatrick successfully proposed anti-poverty legislation to lower the chances of residents losing their homes or facing water and electricity shut-offs. Deatrick also wrote and succeeded in passing several measures, including: a ban on purchase of Nestle brands of bottled water by County departments in July, 2018 ; a statement of opposition to the Rover pipeline, a natural gas pipeline that traverses several townships in western Washtenaw County, passing close to a children’s camp; a resolution upholding the Paris climate", "id": "3819074" }, { "contents": "Kingdom of Dambadeniya\n\n\nof the elephant rock\" which is a literal translation and is so named because of a large elephant shaped rock decorating the landscape. Nestled in with other large rocks, folk legend relates how the rocks were all transformed animals. Once, long ago there was a severe drought and the people became alarmed when many animals began consuming the water and threatened the water supply, so a local witch helped out by turning some of them into stone. The other rocks such as monkey rock and tortoise rock, etc., were named", "id": "3908203" }, { "contents": "Mission Bay, San Francisco\n\n\n, Mariposa Street on the south, and 7th Street and Interstate 280 on the west. Before urbanization, Mission Bay was nestled inside of a +500 acre salt marsh and lagoon, and was occupied by year-round tidal waters. This area was a natural habitat and refuge for large water fowl populations that included ducks, geese, herons, egrets, ospreys and gulls. The Native American tribes who resided in this area were the Costanoan people who spoke eight different languages which delineated between the various tribelets. The tribe most prevalent", "id": "5928241" }, { "contents": "Samson Simon Sharaf\n\n\nBrigadier Samson Simon Sharaf is a retired officer in the Pakistan Army and a Political Economist. He served in Pakistan's Army for 33 years, most notably in Nuclear Policy making. Despite being qualified in security and nuclear strategy, he prefers to call himself a Political Economist: the robe of a modern Strategist. In 2007, he became a columnist in national and international media. He also established his water treatment business on lines of Corporate Social Responsibility in cooperation with Nestle Pakistan. Most significant is removal of Arsenic from drinking water", "id": "7978785" }, { "contents": "Pamplona, Negros Oriental\n\n\nfarmer’s income is livestock raising. Record shows that livestock raised includes large cattle, swine, chicken, goats and many others. Other information on agricultural support facilities are shown in the following presentation. The municipality launched the Kasulad Festival on October 1–12, 2005. This is a yearly festival which will include street dancing and agricultural and industrial fair. Another potential area which attracts visitors, is the sulfuric water falls known as The Palaypay Falls. Its water source is nestled by the mountains of Sibulan. The place is accessible by", "id": "9206570" }, { "contents": "Nesquehoning Mountain\n\n\nNesquehoning Mountain or Nesquehoning Ridge is a coal bearing ridge dividing the waters of Lehigh Valley to the north from the Schuylkill River valley and the several near parallel ridgelines of the Ridge-and-valley Appalachians barrier range all local members of which run generally WSW-ENE in the greater overall area. Nestled above a creek sculpted ravine across from the even less negotiable sides of Broad Mountain the flanks above Nesquehoning Creek reach a sharp bend cut by the water gap of the Lehigh River and merge with the ridge of Pisgah Ridge to the", "id": "977832" }, { "contents": "Grey-necked rockfowl\n\n\nfood is brought to the nestlings three to six times an hour, peaking in the evening. Begging nestlings expose their beak and gape to their parent, though they do not make a sound. The second-hatched nestling often fails to gain weight and dies, and there is evidence suggesting that the adults cannibalize the remains. For the first ten days after hatching, one adult rockfowl stays and guards the nestlings while the other collects food; despite this, nests have been destroyed by chimpanzees and drills. The chicks leave the", "id": "1498496" }, { "contents": "Armpit effect\n\n\nnestlings were then removed from the nests of song sparrows and eastern phoebes shortly after hatching and raised separately in visual isolation from all birds. The nestlings were then introduced to two adult female cowbirds, one which was painted, and one that was normal, before they molted. These introductions to the two cowbirds were the nestlings’ first visual encounter with other birds. It was observed noticed that as the trials progressed, the cowbird nestlings’ exhibited more and more “birdlike” behavior. It was noted that, as the birds", "id": "18861479" }, { "contents": "Signaling game\n\n\nonly informs the parents that the nestling is hungry, but also attracts predators to the nest. The parents and nestlings are in conflict. The nestlings benefit if the parents work harder to feed them than the parents ultimate benefit level of investment. The parents are trading off investment in the current nestlings against investment in future offspring. Pursuit deterrent signals have been modeled as signaling games. Thompson's gazelles are known sometimes to perform a 'stott', a jump into the air of several feet with the white tail showing, when", "id": "21105162" }, { "contents": "Harpy eagle\n\n\n. The females' calls while incubating are similar, but are lower-pitched. While approaching the nest with food, the male calls out \"rapid chirps, goose-like calls, and occasional sharp screams\". Vocalization in both parents decreases as the nestlings age, while the nestlings become more vocal. The nestlings call \"chi-chi-chi...chi-chi-chi-chi\", seemingly in alarm in response to rain or direct sunlight. When humans approach the nest, the nestlings have been described", "id": "4031941" }, { "contents": "Passenger pigeon\n\n\nUpon hatching, the nestling (or squab) was blind and sparsely covered with yellow, hairlike down. The nestling developed quickly and within 14 days weighed as much as its parents. During this brooding period both parents took care of the nestling, with the male attending in the middle of the day and the female at other times. The nestlings were fed crop milk (a substance similar to curd, produced in the crops of the parent birds) exclusively for the first days after hatching. Adult food was gradually introduced after", "id": "4407876" } ]
Why does the pizza hot pocket have a different cardboard cooling sleeve than the ham and cheese hotpocket?
[{"answer": "I got this. One I think you are mistaken it is actually a crisping sleeve. The ones that are different are between the croissant crust and the deli crust or what ever other crust there is. The croissant crust is taller (because croissants rise differently) so requires a different size crisping sleeve. Source- I may or may not have worked on this business. Edit- fixed typo"}, {"answer": "I think you mean cooking sleeve, not cooling sleeve. Microwave ovens cook by causing the water in food to vibrate rapidly, warming it up. Different items require the microwaves to reflect in, while others do not need the same reflective material to cook properly."}, {"answer": "I didn't know anyone even used the sleeves to eat the hot pocket. Just bite off a top corner and a little bite near the bottom and blow in it to cool it down. I'm assuming each hot pocket has its own automated 'assembly' line including packaging. No use reprogramming or modifying one of their pizza packing machines until it breaks down or is due for servicing. LPT: Do not bite two holes in the top and blow to cool the hotpocket, unless you enjoy the sensation of your face melting."}, {"answer": "My guess would be that they\u2019re made in different factories and the sleeves are sourced from different companies."}, {"answer": "I'll suggest also that it could be that they change the tooling/dies over the years but only as they wear out rather than all of it at once. While a new design might be better in some manner, it's not worth it to replace all of the tooling because the old sleeves still work. That said, they're not \"cooling\" sleeves but \"crisping\" sleeves. They're designed to safely heat up fairly hot in the microwave and radiate heat."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "51118641", "title": "Pizza box", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The pizza box or pizza package is a folding box made of cardboard in which hot pizzas are stored for takeaway. The \"pizza box\" also makes home delivery and takeaway substantially easier. The pizza box has to be highly resistant, cheap, stackable, thermally insulated to regulate humidity and suitable for food transportation. In addition, it provides space for advertising. The pizza packages differ from those of frozen pizzas, which contain the frozen product in heat-sealed plastic foils as is the case with much frozen food. Containers", "The pizza box or pizza package is a folding box made of cardboard in which hot pizzas are stored for takeaway. The \"pizza box\" also makes home delivery and takeaway substantially easier. The pizza box has to be highly resistant, cheap, stackable, thermally insulated to regulate humidity and suitable for food transportation. In addition, it provides space for advertising. The pizza packages differ from those of frozen pizzas, which contain the frozen product in heat-sealed plastic foils as is the case with much frozen food. Containers\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hot Pockets\n\n\n/Snack Bites, and Hot Pockets Side shots. Nestlé formerly produced Hot Pie Express, Hot Pocket Pizza Minis (originally called Hot Pockets Pizza Snacks), Hot Pockets Subs, Hot Pockets Calzones, Hot Pockets Panini, and Hot Pockets Breakfast fruit pastries. Hot Pockets are viewed as \"an after school staple\". Individual Hot Pockets contain about 350 calories. Hot Pockets were developed by Paul Merage and his brother David, through their company Chef America Inc. Chef America invented a packaging sleeve and dough formula to keep its calzone", "id": "1885333" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nproduct is then placed in packaging such as bags-in-boxes while still hot, as it is more easily handled in this state compared to when in a solid state. During packaging, these types of pizza cheeses are then quick-cooled to avoid browning of the product, which can occur via the Maillard reaction. Manufacturers and academics have conducted studies and experiments in an effort to improve the stretchiness, melting characteristics, browning, fat content and water retention of pizza cheese. Several patents exist for specialized varieties of pizza", "id": "5302260" }, { "contents": "Isaac Toast\n\n\nIsaac Toast (), is a toast (toasted sandwich) chain based in South Korea. As of 2016, the chain has over 700 retail stores in South Korea. It has further expanded internationally and established branches including Macau and Taiwan. It is named after Isaac, the Israeli patriarch of Genesis. [Toast] Bacon Potasto Pizza toast / Pizza toast / Bacon Best toast Bacon cheese muffin / Bacon cheese Bagle / Ham cheese toast Ham special toast / Steak Ham Vip toast / Bulgogi mvp toast / Shrimp mvp toast Hot", "id": "5038243" }, { "contents": "Little Caesars\n\n\nin a single long package (a piece of corrugated cardboard in 2-by-1 proportions, with two square pizzas placed side by side, then slid into a form-fitting paper sleeve that was folded and stapled closed). Little Caesars has since discarded the unwieldy packaging in favor of typical pizza boxes. In addition to pizza with \"exotic\" toppings, they served hot dogs, chicken, shrimp, and fish. In 1998, Little Caesars filled what was then the largest pizza order, filling an order of 13,386 pizzas from the", "id": "21351733" }, { "contents": "Stromboli (food)\n\n\n's Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria claims to have first used the name in 1950 in Essington, Pennsylvania, just outside Philadelphia, courtesy of Nazzareno Romano. The pizzeria owner had experimented with \"pizza imbottito\", or \"stuffed pizza\", and added ham, cotechino sausage, cheese and peppers into a pocket of bread dough. His future brother-in-law suggested he name it after the recently released movie \"Stromboli\", notorious for an off-screen affair between married actress, Ingrid Bergman, and married director,", "id": "15745787" }, { "contents": "Microwave oven\n\n\nthat contain ceramic or aluminium flakes, which are designed to absorb microwaves and heat up, which aids in baking or crust preparation by depositing more energy shallowly in these areas. Such ceramic patches affixed to cardboard are positioned next to the food, and are typically smokey blue or gray in colour, usually making them easily identifiable; the cardboard sleeves included with Hot Pockets, which have a silver surface on the inside, are a good example of such packaging. Microwavable cardboard packaging may also contain overhead ceramic patches which function in the", "id": "12896705" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nchilled fruit salad or wrapped in ham. Calabrian wines include Greco di Bianco, Bivongi, Cirò, Dominici, Lamezia, Melissa, Pollino, Sant'Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto, San Vito di Luzzi, Savuto, Scavigna, and Verbicaro. Calabrese pizza has a Neapolitan-based structure with fresh tomato sauce and a cheese base, but is unique because of its spicy flavor. Some of the ingredients included in a Calabrese pizza are thinly sliced hot soppressata, hot capicola, hot peppers, and fresh mozzarella. Campania extensively produces tomatoes", "id": "18268344" }, { "contents": "Stuffed crust pizza\n\n\nHut New Zealand has sold marmite stuffed crust pizza, and Pizza Hut Japan introduced a pizza with a crust of pockets stuffed with, alternately, Camembert, shrimp, sausage, and mozzarella. Pizza Hut Japan offered a crust stuffed with shrimp and mayonnaise, and Pizza Hut Germany a “German King” with a sausage, bacon, and cheese-stuffed crust. Pizza Hut Japan and South Korea have sold pizza with shrimp and cheese-stuffed crust, and Pizza Hut Hong Kong made abalone sauce “Cheesy Lava”-stuffed crust pizza.", "id": "10815765" }, { "contents": "Tapas\n\n\neven in other cities like Guadalajara, Jalisco and Xalapa, Veracruz. \"Picada\" is a type of tapas eaten in Argentina and Uruguay, usually involving only cold dishes, such as olives, ham, salami, mortadella, bologna, different types of cheese, marinated eggplants and red pimentos, sardines, nuts, corn puffs, fried wheat flour sticks, potato chips, and sliced baguette. It may also include hot dishes such as french fries, pizza or milanesa. () or () are served in the bars", "id": "12731777" }, { "contents": "Uruguayan cuisine\n\n\nUruguayan cuisine, and in its Uruguayan form more closely resembles an Italian calzone than it does its Italian ancestor. Typical Uruguayan pizzas include \"pizza rellena\" (stuffed pizza), \"pizza por metro\" (pizza by the meter), and \"pizza a la parrilla\" (grilled pizza). While Uruguayan pizza derives from Neapolitan cuisine, the Uruguayan fugaza (fugazza) comes from the focaccia xeneise (Genoan), but in any case its preparation is different from its Italian counterpart, and the addition of cheese to", "id": "21607016" }, { "contents": "Dumpling\n\n\nwith melted butter, grated cheese, or other pasta sauces. Similar in shape a Calzone is an Italian oven-baked folded pizza that originated in Naples in the 18th century. A typical calzone is made from salted bread dough, baked in an oven and is stuffed with salami, ham or vegetables, mozzarella, ricotta and Parmesan or pecorino cheese, as well as an egg. Different regional variations on a calzone can often include other ingredients that are normally associated with pizza toppings. Maltese ravioli (\"ravjul\") are", "id": "18691749" }, { "contents": "Pizza box\n\n\nThe pizza box or pizza package is a folding box made of cardboard in which hot pizzas are stored for takeaway. The \"pizza box\" also makes home delivery and takeaway substantially easier. The pizza box has to be highly resistant, cheap, stackable, thermally insulated to regulate humidity and suitable for food transportation. In addition, it provides space for advertising. The pizza packages differ from those of frozen pizzas, which contain the frozen product in heat-sealed plastic foils as is the case with much frozen food. Containers", "id": "4922709" }, { "contents": "Kotipizza\n\n\nValio dairy farms located in the area of Lapinlahti, Finland. In 2014, the most popular pizza of the Kotipizza chain was Perfetta, for which four pizza toppings are picked freely. The second most popular pizza was Special Opera, a pizza with ham, salami and tuna. The third most popular pizza was Americana, which includes Aura cheese, ham and pineapple. Furthermore, Tropicana, Kotzone Chicken (i.e. a folded pizza base with salad and other toppings), Opera, Quattro Stagioni, Bolognese, Mexicana and Burger were", "id": "4162240" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nCheesemaking\", editors Law and Tamimethat state that analogue pizza cheese appears to be the leading type of cheese analogue produced globally. Each year in the United States, 700 million frozen pizzas are sold, three-quarters of which contain cheese substitutes. Analogue pizza cheeses may be formulated for processing with less sophisticated cheese-making equipment than is required for Mozzarella cheese, such as using simple mixing and molding. They tend to have a soft texture and once melted, may have a slightly \"stringy\" quality when pulled or bitten", "id": "5302257" }, { "contents": "New Haven-style pizza\n\n\npie is crust, olive oil, oregano, grated cheese, chopped garlic, and fresh littleneck clams. What makes New Haven style pizza distinct is its thin, oblong crust, characteristic charring, chewy texture, and limited use of melting cheeses. It tends to be drier and thinner than, but closely related to, traditional New York style pizza. Both styles in turn are close descendants of the original Neapolitan style. New Haven-style pizza is traditionally baked in a coal-fired oven at extremely hot temperatures in excess", "id": "18720054" }, { "contents": "Hot Pockets\n\n\nHot Pockets is an American brand of microwaveable turnovers and a pocket burrito generally containing one or more types of cheese, meat, or vegetables. Hot Pockets was founded by the Chef America Inc. company. Since April 20, 2002, they have been produced by Nestlé. There are 50 varieties of the traditional Hot Pocket, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner varieties. Nestlé also offers Lean Pockets, Pretzel Bread Hot Pockets, Hot Pockets Croissant Crust (formerly called Croissant Pockets), Hot Pockets Breakfast items, Hot Pockets Breakfast", "id": "1885332" }, { "contents": "Pizza box\n\n\nthey attempted to deliver pizzas in simple cardboard boxes, similar to those used in cake shops, but these often became wet, bent or even broke in two. Other pizza chefs tried to put pizzas on plates and transport them inside paper bags. This partly solved the problem. However, it was almost impossible to transport more than a single pizza inside one bag. In this way, the pizzas on the top would have ruined the surface of the others. The first patent for a pizza box made of corrugated cardboard was", "id": "4922711" }, { "contents": "St. Louis-style pizza\n\n\n1950s and is made in Wisconsin primarily for the St. Louis market. The cheese is not widely available outside the St. Louis area but can be made by combining Swiss, sharp cheddar and smoked provolone cheeses. The sauce is often seasoned with more oregano than other pizza types. Despite its thin crust, St. Louis-style pizza can be layered deeply with many different toppings because of the sturdiness of the cracker-like crust. Some of the sauces have a sweetness to them, which is likely due to the influence of Sicilian", "id": "20111836" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\ninto. They may lack in a fusion, or melting together of the shredded product when cooked, in which the cheese gels together. New stabilizer systems have been developed that have helped to enable the creation of analogue pizza cheeses. An example of a processed pizza cheese is Provel, which uses Cheddar, Swiss, and Provolone cheeses as flavorants. Some analogue types are made with casein, a by-product of milk, and vegetable oil, rather than milk fat. Casein-based Mozzarella-like imitation processed cheeses prepared", "id": "5302258" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\nPizza in Windsor's downtown core. As employees of Volcano eventually left and founded their own pizzerias, they took the recipe with them. The usual Italian varieties are available, though more common is the style popular in the U.S., with more and richer toppings than Italian style. A common unique type is the Aussie, Australian or Australiana, which has the usual tomato base or a seasoned base and mozzarella cheese with options of chicken, ham, bacon and egg (seen as quintessentially Australian breakfast fare). Pizzas with seafood", "id": "5314605" }, { "contents": "Calzone\n\n\nA calzone (, , ; \"stocking\" or \"trouser\") is an Italian oven-baked folded pizza that originated in Naples in the 18th century. A typical calzone is made from salted bread dough, baked in an oven and is stuffed with salami, ham or vegetables, mozzarella, ricotta and Parmesan or pecorino cheese, as well as an egg. Different regional variations on a calzone can often include other ingredients that are normally associated with pizza toppings. Sandwich-sized calzones are often sold at Italian lunch counters", "id": "6074652" }, { "contents": "Regional street food\n\n\nis very popular, in part due to the country's heavy Italian immigration in the early 20th century. Local versions include the fugazzeta, a pizza made with mozzarella cheese and onions, and the fainá: a pizza made with garbanzo bean flour with no toppings, generally served as a side dish to regular pizza. The empanada, which in gourmet versions is baked, is usually deep-fried in this case. Empanadas can be made with beef, fish, ham & cheese, neapolitan (using the same toppings as that", "id": "4825100" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\n(bread, tomato sauce and cheese), but made with a thicker \"media masa\" crust, triple cheese and tomato sauce, usually also with olives. It can be found on nearly every corner of the country; Buenos Aires is considered the city with the most pizza bars by person in the world. Other popular toppings include ham (with or without slices of red bell peppers in oil preserve), tomato slices, red bell peppers in preserve, and longaniza. Two Argentine born varieties of pizza, also very", "id": "5314610" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\n, with different moisture and fat densities. Cheese for frozen pizzas may be \"comminuted\", in which the cheese is processed into minute granules or fragments. Low-moisture Mozzarella can be formulated specifically for pizza. Cheese may be processed into blocks, from which the product can be grated, made into granules or sliced for use on pizza or other foods. Pizza cheese frequently consists of a blend of two or more cheeses, such as low-moisture Mozzarella or Provolone. Low-moisture Mozzarella was first manufactured in dairy", "id": "5302253" }, { "contents": "Regional street food\n\n\n\"jambon/beurre\" (ham with butter), \"jambon/fromage\" (ham with cheese) or \"poulet/crudités\" (chicken with vegetables). Crêpes are another common French street food. A crêpe complète containing ham, shredded cheese, and an egg provides a filling lunch. Sweet crêpes or waffles are sold with Nutella and banana or Grand Marnier and sugar. Other street foods include pizza, kebab-type sandwiches and panini, a grilled and pressed sandwich. During the winter, roasted chestnuts can", "id": "4825043" }, { "contents": "Ham and cheese sandwich\n\n\nthis in some parts of the Midlands in the UK.\" In the UK, a common addition to a ham and cheese sandwich is pickle (a sweet, vinegary chutney originally by Branston); the snack is then known as a ham, cheese and pickle sandwich. In French cuisine, a croque-monsieur is a type of ham and cheese sandwich. It is baked or fried. In Brazilian cuisine, this sandwich roasted is known as \"misto-quente\" (hot mix, in literal translate). The", "id": "8006337" }, { "contents": "Costco\n\n\n. In the UK, the hot dog is also made from beef and customers also get a drink (with refills) for £1.50. Costco sold more than 137million quarter-pound (113 g) hot dogs in its food courts in 2017. In Taiwan and Japan, the hot dog is made of pork as well. Cheese, pepperoni, veggie, or combo pizza is also available in most locations, and can usually be ordered to go, making Costco arguably the 14th largest pizza chain in the US in 2010", "id": "6181711" }, { "contents": "Clever Hans (fairy tale)\n\n\nwhen Hans meets Gretel he asks her for a gift. In order, she gives him: In each instance, Hans mishandles the gifts. He sticks the needle in some hay but his mother tells him he should have stuck it through his sleeve. So he puts the knife in his sleeve but is told he should have put it in his pocket. He puts the goat in his pocket, thus smothering it, and is told he should have led it by a rope. He tries to lead the ham by a", "id": "20177137" }, { "contents": "Pizza\n\n\nwith mozzarella cheese, baked ham, mushroom, artichoke and tomato, and pizza pugliese, prepared with tomato, mozzarella and onions. A popular variant of pizza in Italy is Sicilian pizza (locally called \"sfincione\" or \"sfinciuni\"), a thick-crust or deep-dish pizza originating during the 17th century in Sicily: it is essentially a focaccia that is typically topped with tomato sauce and other ingredients. Until the 1860s, \"sfincione\" was the type of pizza usually consumed in Sicily, especially in the", "id": "4968817" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nmay be added to the top of a pizza, and typically does not melt well when cooked. A diverse variety of processed pizza cheeses are produced, including analogue cheese. Provel is one example. Other pizza cheeses include Emmental, Romano and Ricotta for calzones or as a topping. Several cheeses may be mixed together in its formulation, and each has individual browning and blistering characteristics. For example, a combination of Mozzarella and Cheddar may blister less when cooked compared to other combinations, because cheddar has less elasticity, while Mozzarella", "id": "5302255" }, { "contents": "Cylinder (engine)\n\n\nsleeve being installed, then heating the engine block and while hot, the cold sleeve can be inserted easily. When the engine block cools down it shrink fits around the sleeve holding it into place. Cylinder wall thickness is important to efficient thermal conductivity in the engine. When choosing sleeves, engines have specifications to how thick the cylinder walls should be to prevent overworking the coolant system. Each engine's needs are different, dependent on designed work load duty cycle and energy produced. After selecting and installing the sleeve, the cylinder", "id": "13823671" }, { "contents": "Hawaiian pizza\n\n\nHawaiian pizza is a pizza topped with tomato sauce, cheese, pineapple, and back bacon or ham. Pineapple as a pizza topping divides public opinion: Hawaiian was the most popular pizza in Australia in 1999, accounting for 15% of pizza sales, and a 2015 review of independent UK takeaways operating through Just Eat found the Hawaiian pizza to be the most commonly available. However, a 2016 survey of US adults had pineapple in the top three least favourite pizza toppings, ahead of anchovies and mushrooms. Greek-Canadian Sam", "id": "5697572" }, { "contents": "Doritos\n\n\nNacho Cheese, Zesty Cheese, Cool Ranch, Spicy Nacho, Jalapeño Cheddar, Intense Pickle, Roulette (Nacho Cheese with 1 in 7 chips being hot) and Sweet Chili Heat. Brief stints of Jacked, Taco, Guacamole, Locos Nacho (taco and nacho), Locos Cool Ranch (taco and cool ranch) and Ketchup have been introduced with Guacamole lined to make a return in early 2015. Doritos Roasted Corn, Tapatio Hot Sauce, and Salsa Verde are also popular American flavors.Other Lines of Doritos are Doritos", "id": "4051641" }, { "contents": "Pizza box\n\n\nthe warm air inside. Consumers consider a temperature between 70 and 85°C to be ideal for pizza consumption. On the other hand, the box should keep the pizza from getting soggy, so that the crust and the covering are crisp on arrival. To ensure this, the condensation caused by the pizza must be let out (airing holes and some diffusion through the cardboard) or absorbed by the box. Pizza boxes made of single wall corrugated board that are not equipped with additional insulation cool the transported pizza down too", "id": "4922718" }, { "contents": "Pizza box\n\n\nused on the inside of the box. This does not only make the box stable, it becomes more resistant against humidity and oil as well. To reduce the space needed to store the packaging to a minimum, the pizza boxes are folded just before use out of flat blanks. The required storage space depends very much on the different thickness of the material. Pizza boxes made from solid fibre board take up about half the space the boxes with E flute size cardboard need, and a quarter of the space of those made", "id": "4922715" }, { "contents": "Pizza puff\n\n\nA pizza puff is a deep-fried dough pocket filled with cheese, tomato sauce, and other pizza ingredients such as sausage or pepperoni. Indigenous to Chicago, pizza puffs can be found at some casual dining restaurants there. A pizza puff is similar to a panzerotto. It is also somewhat like a calzone, but calzones are baked instead of fried, and do not always include pizza sauce. Some Italian restaurants and casual dining establishments make their own pizza puffs from scratch. These pizza puffs feature a pizza dough wrapper,", "id": "19346852" }, { "contents": "John Albert Taylor\n\n\n, he stated: \"I didn't commit the murder, and I'm not going to submit to letting them kill me on that table.\" Regarding the option of lethal injection, Taylor said, \"I don't want to go flipping around like a fish out of water on that table.\" For his last meal Taylor ordered a large Ambassador pizza with thin crust, onions, mushrooms, hot peppers, sausage, pepperoni, ham and extra cheese. He also asked for a Coke. When Taylor ordered a", "id": "6939123" }, { "contents": "Pizza box\n\n\nfar after just ten minutes. The oil in the pizza dough can extract some of the essence in the cellulose when in contact with untreated corrugated cardboard. To prevent a change in the taste of the pizza through the material of the pizza box, and simultaneously to stop the cardboard from getting soggy, the pizza boxes have a thin coating of aluminium foil on the inside. Another possibility is to lay the pizza on either aluminium foil, a mixture of corrugated cardboard and blotting paper, or waxed paper. However, this changes", "id": "4922719" }, { "contents": "Vitta Foods\n\n\npastry - spiral small pies and rolls with various sweet or savory fillings – white cheese, spinach and white cheese, pumpkin, apple, ham and yellow cheese and puff pastry products - puff pastry bites with various fillings – yellow cheese, white cheese, apple and chocolate; a wide variety of exotic fillings such as – pizza, tuna fish, wild berries. The brand Tsaritsa offers traditional “home made” spiral filo pastry pie Tsaritsa with a rich filling of cheese, spinach and cheese, pumpkin; traditional “home-", "id": "17741762" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nand provolone may brown less compared to other combinations. Pasteurized and processed cheese-like products for pizza that are quicker and cheaper to produce than real cheese and designed to melt well and remain chewy are used on many mass-produced pizzas in North America and the United Kingdom. These products are referred to as \"analogue\" (or \"analog\") \"pizza cheese\"; in the UK the term \"cheese analogue\" is used, making clear that it is not actually cheese. In the book \"Technology of", "id": "5302256" }, { "contents": "Stuffed crust pizza\n\n\n1 billion, over claims that Pizza Hut's stuffed crust infringed on Mongiello's 1987 patent (US4661361A) on making stuffed pizza shells. They lost the case in 1999. DiGiorno began offering a cheese stuffed crust pizza in grocery stores in 2001. In 2012, Pizza Hut launched hot dog stuffed crust pizza in Japan, China, and South Korea, followed by Australia, Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. Domino’s also sold a hot dog stuffed crust pizza in the U.S., U.K., and New Zealand. Pizza", "id": "10815764" }, { "contents": "High-velocity cloud\n\n\nand dense neutral hydrogen at temperatures less than 10 K, warm and warm-hot gas at temperatures between 10 K and 10 K, and hot ionized gas at temperatures greater than 10 K. As a result, cool clouds moving through the diffuse halo medium have a chance to become ionized by the warmer and hotter gas. This can create a pocket of ionized gas that surrounds a neutral interior in an HVC. Evidence of this cool-hot gas interaction in the halo comes from the observation of OVI absorption. HVCs are defined", "id": "17231399" }, { "contents": "Pierogi\n\n\nfried or deep-fried. The frozen varieties are sometimes served casserole-style with a mixture of chopped ham, onions, peppers and cheddar cheese or with an Italian-style mixture of ground beef, onions and tomato sauce. National chain restaurants feature the dish or variations. Boston Pizza has a sandwich and a pizza flavoured to taste like perogies, while Smitty's serves theirs as an appetizer deep-fried with salsa. Some Chinese cafés in the Canadian Prairies have taken to billing their dumplings (jiaozi) as \"Chinese", "id": "4875791" }, { "contents": "Pizza quattro stagioni\n\n\nautumn and the ham or olives represent winter. Other ingredients may also be used. It is typically prepared using a tomato sauce and cheese. Fresh-cooked or canned artichoke hearts may be used. Some of the topping ingredients can first be dried in an oven to reduce their moisture, which prevents the pizza from being soggy when finished. Baking it on a pizza stone can also prevent sogginess. It may be finished with olive oil drizzled atop the pizza. The pizza can be sliced into wedges or by its four sections", "id": "18515163" }, { "contents": "Mozzarella\n\n\nthat is \"[u]sed particularly for pizzas and [that] contains somewhat less water than real Mozzarella\". Low-moisture part-skim mozzarella, widely used in the food-service industry, has a low galactose content, per some consumers' preference for cheese on pizza to have low or moderate browning. Some pizza cheeses derived from skim mozzarella variants were designed not to require aging or the use of starter. Others can be made through the direct acidification of milk. In Italy, the cheese is produced nationwide using", "id": "490821" }, { "contents": "Hawaiian pizza\n\n\nPanopoulos claimed that he created the first Hawaiian pizza at the Satellite Restaurant in Chatham, Ontario, Canada in 1962. Inspired in part by his experience preparing Chinese dishes which commonly mix sweet and savoury flavours, Panopoulos experimented with adding pineapple, ham, bacon and other toppings which were not initially very popular. The addition of pineapple to the traditional mix of tomato sauce and cheese, sometimes with ham or sometimes with bacon, soon became popular locally and eventually became a staple offering of pizzerias around the world. In Germany, Hawaiian", "id": "5697573" }, { "contents": "Pizza pugliese\n\n\nPizza pugliese () is a style of pizza in Italian cuisine prepared with tomato, onion, and mozzarella. It's named after the region of Apulia (called in Italian \"Puglia\"). It should not be confused with \"pizza barese\", the local Barese variant of preparing the pizza dough, which tends to be thinner and crispier than \"pizza napoletana\". Variations exist, in which different cheeses and ingredients may be added. Some versions may also use oregano, olives and capers as ingredients, and some", "id": "19253447" }, { "contents": "Hawaiian pizza\n\n\npizza is thought to be a variation of the ham, pineapple and cheese topped Toast Hawaii, originally introduced by Germany's first TV cook Clemens Wilmenrod in 1955. In February 2017, the president of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, reportedly told a group of high school students during a Q&A that he was fundamentally opposed to pineapple on pizza. He added that he would ban pineapple as a pizza topping if he could, as long as he received 30% of the under 21 vote. His off-the-cuff", "id": "5697574" }, { "contents": "Music of the Metal Gear series\n\n\nand performed by Aoife Ní Fhearraigh. The CD was released on September 23, 1998 – three weeks after the Japanese release of the game. A total of three versions of the soundtrack were released, with the \"Metal Gear Solid Control Mix\" track missing from the earliest version. Limited print editions of the Japanese copy and the standard European copy have cardboard sleeves accompanied with the discs jewel case. The final edition of the Japanese print does not come with the cardboard sleeve. Music played in-game has a synthetic feel", "id": "10067815" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\npizza are mass-produced. Some mass-produced pizza cheeses are frozen after manufacturing and shipped frozen. Processed pizza cheese is manufactured to produce optimal qualities in browning, melting, stretchiness and fat and moisture content. Several studies and experiments have analyzed the impact of vegetable oil, manufacturing and culture processes, denatured whey proteins and other changes to create ideal and economical pizza cheeses. In 1997, it was estimated that annual production of pizza cheese products was 2 billion pounds in the United States and 200 million pounds in Europe,", "id": "5302251" }, { "contents": "Ham\n\n\nor processing. Dependent on jurisdiction, rules may prevent any other product being sold with the particular appellation, such as through the European protected geographical indication. Ham is typically used in its sliced form, often as a filling for sandwiches and similar foods, such as in the ham sandwich and ham and cheese sandwich. Other variations include toasted sandwiches such as the croque-monsieur and the Cubano. It is also a popular topping for pizza in the United States. In the United Kingdom, a pork leg cut, either whole", "id": "14493483" }, { "contents": "Uruguayan cuisine\n\n\nOlímpico\" (Olympic sandwich) is a very popular sandwich in Uruguay made with three slices of \"pan de sándwich\" filled with ham, cheese, olives tomato and lettuce. \"Sándwich caliente\" (hot sandwich) or \"tostado\" (toasted) as it is called in Argentina is a variant of the croqué monsier made with two slices of \"pan de sánguche\" filled ham and cheese and toasted. \"Jesuitas\" are made with two layers of puff pastry filled with ham and cheese and covered with fondant icing", "id": "21607071" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nand in 2000 demand for the product in Europe was increasing by 8% per year. The trend of steadily-increasing production and consumption of mozzarella and pizza cheese continued into the first decade of the 21st century in the United States. The \"International Dictionary of Food and Cooking\" defines pizza cheese as \"a soft spun-curd cheese similar to Mozzarella made from cow's milk...\" that is \"...used particularly for pizzas and contains somewhat less water than real Mozzarella...\" Most are at least 95 percent Mozzarella", "id": "5302252" }, { "contents": "List of Burger King products\n\n\nproduct advertising for the company. Additionally, as a major product in the company's portfolio, Burger King has registered many global trademarks to protect its investment in these products. Yumbo is a ham and cheese sandwich originally introduced by Burger King in 1968 and continued on the menu until 1974. In December 2014, it was announced that the sandwich would return to the menu for a limited time starting December 2 with 1970s themed advertising. The Yumbo is a hot ham and cheese made with Black Forest ham, American cheese, mayonnaise", "id": "10015267" }, { "contents": "Burger King Specialty Sandwiches\n\n\nmore on a higher quality product. Included in the new line was the Original Chicken Sandwich, a ham and cheese sandwich, a roast beef sandwich, a new fish sandwich called the Long Fish Sandwich, and a new burger called the Sirloin Steak Sandwich. The ham and cheese sandwich replaced an earlier version ham and cheese sandwich called the Yumbo that was served hot and was the size of a hamburger. In 1981 the chain tested a veal parmigiana sandwich in limited areas of the United States and took it national in 1982.", "id": "17193377" }, { "contents": "Macaroni and cheese\n\n\nbacon or ham is added. The cheese is often Emmental cheese or Appenzeller cheese. It is usually accompanied by apple sauce. Extra ingredients sometimes incorporated include bacon, jalapeños, tomatoes, onions, leeks, dried herbs, Tabasco sauce, sautéed mushrooms, ham, ground beef, sliced hot dogs, Spam, lobster, canned tuna or salmon, peas and broccoli. Packaged macaroni and cheese is available in frozen form or as boxed ingredients for simplified preparation. Boston Market, Michelina's, Kraft, and Stouffer's are some", "id": "6243229" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nin Europe. Some retail and commercially mass-produced frozen pizzas have cheese stuffed into the pizza crust. Significant amounts of pizza cheese are used in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the United States. Whole milk mozzarella is popular in pizzas in the East and Southwest regions of the U.S., while one survey showed that Provolone was more popular on the east and west coast. Cheddar may be used more in the Eastern and Southern regions of the U.S. Provel cheese is typically used in the preparation of St. Louis-style pizza", "id": "5302267" }, { "contents": "Centrifugal fan\n\n\ndriven fans are fixed unless the belt(s) slip. Belt slippage can reduce the fan wheel speed by several hundred revolutions per minute (RPM). Bearings are an important part of a fan. Sleeve-ring oil bearings are used extensively in fans. Some sleeve-ring bearings may be water-cooled. Water-cooled sleeve bearings are often used when the fan moves hot gases. Heat is conducted through the shaft and into the oil, which must be cooled to prevent overheating the bearing. Lower-speed fans have", "id": "22061701" }, { "contents": "The Laughing Cow\n\n\nIn 2010 they updated the brand's website to include cheese recipes. Laughing Cow cheese is available in its original flavour, a light version with 7% fat, and an ultra-light version with 3% fat. In addition, flavoured versions of the cheese (such as ham, gruyère, garlic, paprika, mushroom, chèvre, bleu, hazelnut, pizza and onion) are also available in various markets worldwide. The Laughing Cow is red and white and jovial, and is almost always depicted wearing earrings that look", "id": "13353570" }, { "contents": "Cheese analogue\n\n\nCheese analogues (more widely known as cheese alternatives) are products used as culinary replacements for cheese. These include vegan cheeses as well as some dairy products, such as processed cheese or Kraft Singles, that do not qualify as true cheeses. These foods may be intended as replacements for cheese, as with vegan products, or as imitations, as in the case of products used for salad bars and pizza-making, which are generally intended to be mistaken for real cheese, but have properties such as different melting points or", "id": "14444363" }, { "contents": "Imsil County\n\n\npizza franchise using Imsil cheese has become a widespread business in South Korea since 2004, under the name of Imsil Cheese Pizza. Nearby livestock farms produce the dairy products required for the manufacture of the cheese. A group of enterprising cheese manufacturers decided to branch out into making cheese pizza. In time, Ji Junghwan’s Imsil Cheese Pizza became one of the most popular brands, and today it can be found throughout Korea. Pictured on every box is the Belgian missionary priest, probably the only missionary in the world to have left", "id": "13702460" }, { "contents": "Pizza cake\n\n\ncut. These rounds are cooked in a preheated oven for 15 minutes, then allowed to cool. Meanwhile, baking powder is sprinkled into a pot, the sides of which are then lined with a thick layer of dough. When this is complete and the rounds are cooled, a round is placed at the bottom, then covered in pizza ingredients (including sauce, pepperoni, and cheese); this step is repeated until the pot is filled. After excess dough is trimmed off and the edges are tucked in, the", "id": "9158063" }, { "contents": "Optical disc packaging\n\n\nhub breaking if the package is crushed. A digibook (a.k.a. mediabook) is a type of packaging that has a hard cover (like a hardbound book) and comes in various sizes. The disc can either slide into the package or sit on a spindle, hub or tray inside. A mini LP sleeve (a.k.a. paper sleeve) is a square cardboard package that looks like a miniaturized version of an LP jacket. The disc slides into the jacket either into a pocket or any other opening. Mini LP sleeves", "id": "2767844" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of New England\n\n\nand in Philadelphia they are called hoagies. Sub is short for submarine sandwich, for which Boston, Massachusetts is one of three main claimants for inventing. In Maine, the Italian sandwich—a variation specifically made up of ham or salami, cheese, peppers, pickles, tomatoes and optional oil—is popular, though usually kept distinct from other subs. New England hot dog rolls are split on top instead of on the side, and have a more rectangular shape. While smaller than common hot dog rolls, New England", "id": "2148395" }, { "contents": "Hot Brown\n\n\ncovered in Mornay sauce and baked or broiled until the bread is crisp and the sauce begins to brown. Many Hot Browns also include ham with the turkey, and either pimentos or tomatoes over the sauce, and imitation Hot Browns sometimes substitute a commercial cheese sauce instead of the Mornay. More common alternatives to the Hot Brown include using Cheddar cheese or American cheese for the sauce. Alternatives for garnishes include tomatoes, mushroom slices, and, very rarely, canned peaches. When Fred K. Schmidt created the Hot Brown, its sliced", "id": "6703752" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nusing rennet are also used as a Mozzarella substitute on frozen pizzas. In some instances, the production of analogue pizza cheese can be similar to the production of cream cheese, although production may be different and homogenization may be avoided. In some varieties, the product is heated to remain at a specific temperature and for a specific amount of time, which causes the proteins in the mix to gelatinize. During this process, salts in the mix serve to emulsify it and thus improve the meltability of the final product. The heated", "id": "5302259" }, { "contents": "Pizza delivery\n\n\nleast 1968. Innovations since have included various venting configurations; built-in holders for extra sauces; designs for easier recycling; and perforated tops so wedge-shaped pieces of cardboard can be used as plates. The lid of the box is often supported by a disposable plastic tripod on top of the pizza known as a pizza saver. Pizza boxes have a large amount of corrugated fiberboard, individually and in total volume produced each year, but they are not accepted by some municipal recycling programs because the cardboard is often soaked with", "id": "8673675" }, { "contents": "Sicilian pizza\n\n\nNorth America in a slightly altered form, with thicker crust and a rectangular shape. Traditional Sicilian pizza is often thick crusted and rectangular, but also round and similar to the Neapolitan pizza. It is often topped with onions, anchovies, tomatoes, herbs and strong cheese such as caciocavallo and toma. Other versions do not include cheese. The Sicilian methods of making pizza are linked to local culture and country traditions, so there are differences in preparing pizza even among the Sicilian regions of Palermo, Catania, Siracusa and Messina.", "id": "18928512" }, { "contents": "Modified starch\n\n\nthe food to thicken with the addition of cold water or milk. Similarly, cheese sauce granules (such as in Macaroni and Cheese or lasagna) or gravy granules may be thickened with boiling water without the product going lumpy. Commercial pizza toppings containing modified starch will thicken when heated in the oven, keeping them on top of the pizza, and then become runny when cooled. A suitably modified starch is used as a fat substitute for low-fat versions of traditionally fatty foods, e.g. industrial milk-based desserts like yogurt", "id": "2371132" }, { "contents": "Pizza\n\n\nparticularly Italian cheeses including provolone, pecorino romano, ricotta, and scamorza. Less expensive processed cheeses or cheese analogues have been developed for mass-market pizzas to produce desirable qualities like browning, melting, stretchiness, consistent fat and moisture content, and stable shelf life. This quest to create the ideal and economical pizza cheese has involved many studies and experiments analyzing the impact of vegetable oil, manufacturing and culture processes, denatured whey proteins and other changes in manufacture. In 1997 it was estimated that annual production of pizza cheese was", "id": "4968815" }, { "contents": "Croque monsieur\n\n\n-monsieur though not containing any béchamel or egg, is called a tosti in the Netherlands, and toast (pronounced \"tost\") in Italy and Greece. Similarly, in the United Kingdom a ham and cheese hot snack is called a 'toastie', and toastie makers are available to buy. In the United States, the Monte Cristo, a ham-and-cheese sandwich often dipped in egg and fried, is popular diner fare, and a 'grilled cheese sandwich' is a classic sandwich that has been", "id": "8222247" }, { "contents": "Navy Working Uniform\n\n\ncollars reminiscent of those found on the Battle Dress Uniform and Desert Camouflage Uniform. Two variants featured pockets on the sleeves near the shoulders and removed the lower row of pockets on the blouse, whereas two other variants kept the lower row of pockets and featured no sleeve pockets, like on the BDU and DCU. The NWU-D variant was selected to become the NWU. In addition to the different pockets, different collars, and different camouflage patterns proposed, there were two different variants of hats proposed as well. One hat", "id": "6315715" }, { "contents": "Pizza Vs. Skeletons\n\n\nexists, we only have one response: why not? \" Pocket Gamer UK said \" Pizza Vs. Skeletons is a weird, wildly unpredictable, and thoroughly entertaining roll-'em-up. \" 148Apps said \" Pizza vs. Skeletons is what I love about reviewing. In an endless queue of redundant concepts out pops a game that is utterly unexpected, irreverent and loads of fun to play. Expect this one to be a long-time hit and to spawn many cheesy copycats; it's just that tasty. \" AppSmile said \"", "id": "886434" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nPizza cheese encompasses several varieties and types of cheeses and dairy products that are designed and manufactured for use specifically on pizza. These include processed and modified cheese such as mozzarella-like processed cheeses and mozzarella variants. The term can also refer to any type of cheese suitable for use on pizza. The most popular cheeses used in the preparation of pizza are mozzarella (accounting for about 30%), provolone, cheddar and Parmesan. Emmental, Romano and ricotta are often used as toppings, and processed pizza cheeses manufactured specifically for", "id": "5302250" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nbe reduced using different culture techniques. An article in the \"International Journal of Food Engineering\" found that trisodium citrate, a food additive used to preserve and add flavor to foods, slightly improved the preferred qualities of pizza cheese. Research published in \"Dairy Industries International\" suggested that denatured whey proteins increased moisture retention, but that the improvements were very slight and not economically worthwhile relative to the minor improvements. Some consumers prefer pizza cheese with less browning, which can be achieved using low-moisture part-skim Mozzarella with", "id": "5302263" }, { "contents": "Breakfast\n\n\ndoes not include any savory product, but breakfast buffets in hotels often include ham, cheese, and eggs. The typical German breakfast consists of bread or bread rolls, butter, jam, ham, cheeses, meat spreads, cold cuts, hard- or soft-boiled eggs, and coffee or tea. Cereals have become popular, and regional variation is significant. Yogurt, granola, and fruit (fresh or stewed) may appear, as well as eggs cooked to order (usually at smaller hotels or bed-and-", "id": "19317209" }, { "contents": "Stromboli (food)\n\n\n. A calzone is a baked turnover stuffed with pizza ingredients. A stromboli is usually made by rolling up dough with cheese and meat ingredients and is then baked, but it does not generally contain pizza ingredients aside from cheese and Italian meats. Generally, strombolis do not usually contain tomato sauce, unlike calzones. A calzone is crescent-shaped, and a stromboli is usually shaped like a long cylinder. The distinction between the two is complicated because there is some variation in what constitutes a stromboli. Many American pizza shops serve", "id": "15745785" }, { "contents": "Lahmacun\n\n\n. Though it somewhat resembles pizza, it has only in modern times been called by that name, and it is of Middle Eastern rather than European origin. Furthermore, unlike pizza, lahmacun traditionally does not contain cheese. Lahmacun is a popular dish in Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and Armenian and Turkish communities worldwide. The name \"lahmacun\" derives from the , ', short for , , meaning \"meat with dough\". Other forms of the name are the \"lahmajoun\" and ' and լահմաջո \"", "id": "17094387" }, { "contents": "Iranian pizza\n\n\nIranian pizza (Persian: پیتزای ایرانی) also known as Persian pizza (پیتزای پارسی) refers to the various styles of pizza and its preparation rather than its toppings. Iranian pizza is served in Iran or in the Iranian diaspora. It is usually made with minced meat, beef sausage, bell pepper, mushroom, mozzarella cheese, and Persian spices. Persian pizza has a unique taste because of the variety of the ingredients used in it. Iranian/Persian pizza can have a base that is thick or thin. Thin versions", "id": "9082818" }, { "contents": "Grilled cheese\n\n\nA grilled cheese sandwich or cheese toastie is a hot sandwich made with one or more varieties of cheese (a cheese sandwich) on bread. It is typically prepared by heating cheese between slices of bread, with a cooking fat such as butter, on a frying pan, griddle, or sandwich toaster, until the bread browns and the cheese melts. Melt sandwiches are variations using additional ingredients, such as pepperoni, tuna salad, or ham. Grilled cheese is not typically made by grilling. Cooked bread and cheese is an", "id": "7898972" }, { "contents": "Cheese dream\n\n\nin the oven with scrambled eggs and ham. Popular in the 1950s as a comfort food, the grilled cheese sandwich has made a comeback in various incarnations in the 1990s and 2000s. It was estimated in 2001 that Americans consume around 2.2 billion grilled cheese sandwiches yearly and chefs have experimented with different types of bread and cheese in updates of the classic cheese dream of yore. Pumpernickel, dark brown and rye bread have been used, topped with Swiss cheese, Gouda and havarti respectively. Other options include apples with mozzarella, peaches", "id": "6878616" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\nboth kosher and non-kosher locations. Kosher locations either have no meat or use imitation meat because of the Jewish religious dietary prohibition against mixing meat with dairy products, such as cheese. Kosher pizza locations must also close during the holiday of Passover, when no leavened bread is allowed in kosher locations. (However, many have found solutions by offering a potato starch-based dough.) Some Israeli pizza differs from pizza in other countries because of the very large portions of vegetable toppings such as mushrooms or onions, and", "id": "5314594" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\ngeneral, though, tends to have less tomato sauce than the authentic (Italian) pizza, or uses slices of tomato in place of sauce. Brazilian pizzerias offer also Brazilian variants such as \"pizza com catupiry\". July 10 is \"Pizza Day\" in São Paulo, marking the final day of an annual competition among \"pizzaiolos\". In Brazil, pizza quatro queijos (\"pizza quattro formaggi\") uses mozzarella, provolone, parmesan and gorgonzola, and there is also a variety with five cheeses, which adds", "id": "5314613" }, { "contents": "Sir Pizza\n\n\n, Tennessee, Michigan, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania. Various Sir Pizza franchises market the pizza with the phrase \"Good to the Very Edge\", which purports to reference the lack of a traditional crust in Sir Pizza pizzas. Specifically the pizza pies are \"virtually flat with cheese, sauce, and toppings loaded all the way to the very edge.\" Sir Pizza is unique in that it does not use more typical sliced pepperoni, rather the topping is ground into crumbles that are spread over the entire", "id": "15129801" }, { "contents": "Cheese analogue\n\n\nnot described as cheese. These products are sometimes referred to as \"analogue pizza cheese\". They are used on some commercially produced pizzas. They may be formulated for processing with basic cheese-making equipment, but without the additional equipment and processing that mozzarella cheese requires, such as the processes of mixing and molding. They tend to have a soft texture and once melted, may have a slightly \"stringy\" quality when pulled or bitten into. They may lack in a fusion, or melt together when cooked. It", "id": "14444366" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\npopular: fugazza with cheese and fugazzeta. The former one consists in a regular pizza crust topped with cheese and onions; the later has the cheese between two pizza crusts, with onions on top. In Argentina, a \"pizza a la napolitana\" (\"Neapolitan pizza\") is a pizza topped with mozzarella cheese and slices of fresh tomato, which may also be flavoured with garlic. São Paulo has 6,000 pizza establishments and 1.4 million pizzas are consumed daily. It is said that the first Brazilian pizzas were baked in", "id": "5314611" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\ncommon ingredients found in the US and Italy, there are additional ingredients available that cater to traditional tastes as well, such as minced beef, spicy Sucuk sausage, cured meats like Pastırma, cheeses like Kaşar and Beyaz, and local olives and herbs. With the exception of some restaurants, pork products like ham and bacon are not available, which are substituted with beef, chicken, or lamb equivalents. Pizza has several equivalent or similar dishes in traditional Turkish cuisine, such as Black-Sea-style or Bafra-style", "id": "5314596" }, { "contents": "Cornelliana\n\n\ncreation the PMP (or \"Poor Man's Pizza\"), which has since been brought to national popularity by Stouffer's. At some time meatballs were added to PMP's, effectively expanding the menu to include meatball subs. The sub product with meatballs, cheese, and tomato sauce was named the MBC (Meatball and Cheese). A \"Hot Truck Dictionary\" was published in the form of a small booklet listing novel names of menu items and creative yet odd terminology for toppings. One undated copy believed to have", "id": "11316964" }, { "contents": "List of pizza varieties by country\n\n\n, and added a unmistakable hint of the Levant to the swedish Pizza. The swedish pizza is thicker than a Neapolitan, with a more spiced sauce, and without the characteristic crisp, but make use of the traditional toppings and most pizzerias in Sweden have Margherita, Capricciosa and Quattro Stagioni pizzas at the top of the menu, although with altered recipes. For example, a Swedish Margherita uses Swedish hard cheese instead of mozzarella and dried oregano instead of fresh basil. The Swedish pizza has been developed with lots of innovations and styles", "id": "5314582" }, { "contents": "Iranian pizza\n\n\nare imitations of Roman pizza with less toppings. However, the major characteristic of traditional Persian Pizza is the abundance of the toppings which usually include a mixture of different type of meats, sausages, cold cuts, vegetables (specially bell pepper, mushroom and white onion) covered with thick layer of Panir-e-pizza (Pizza Cheese) which is usually spread over a hand made dough with a medium thickness. Almost every Persian pizzeria offers major Persian Pizza varieties: Makhloot (Mixed: Ground beef, different types of sausage", "id": "9082819" }, { "contents": "Schnitzel\n\n\nor one with a pocket) filled with cheese, typically Emmentaler or Gruyere, and a slice of ham – is also popular in Switzerland. Also the \"Walliser Schnitzel\" is a variant in which the meat is not breaded, but is fried in oil and then coated with tomato sauce and raclette cheese. In Turkey, the dish is spelled \"schnitzel,\" \"şinitzel\", or \"şnitzel,\" and pronounced in a similar way to German. It is made of chicken, and is usually served with rice", "id": "12512764" }, { "contents": "Chuck E. Cheese's\n\n\nfocus is pizza, Chuck E. Cheese's also offers cold-cut sandwiches, chicken wings, salad bars, appetizers, platters, and desserts. Some stores are also used as test locations which feature new Chuck E. Cheese foods. Certain Chuck E. Cheese locations also offer beer and wine. Starting on November 13, 2012, new gluten-free menu items were available at more than 500 locations in the U.S. and Canada. This currently includes a choice of a personal-size cheese pizza and new items such as chocolate or", "id": "21677356" }, { "contents": "Bacon, egg and cheese sandwich\n\n\ntypical sandwich with these ingredients has about 20 grams of fat and 350 calories. A version has been adapted to make a low carbohydrate meal. In the United States, the bacon egg and cheese sandwich has also been modified into a prepackaged food product as a Hot Pocket (170 calories and 7 grams of fat) and a Lean Pocket (150 calories and 4.5 grams of fat). In the United States, Sonic Drive-In offers a bacon egg and cheese \"toaster\". Arby's offers a \"Sourdough Bacon", "id": "3671271" }, { "contents": "Pizza cheese\n\n\nworld's largest manufacturer of pizza cheese, Leprino Foods Company, processes 600,000 tonnes (590,000 long tons; 660,000 short tons, 1,322,760,000 pounds) a year. Leprino Foods holds patents for some specialized Mozzarella production processes that enable the quick manufacture of the product. One such product is a frozen shredded cheese used for pizza that is created in a few hours from milk. Other U.S. companies also mass-produce pizza cheese, which is shipped in a frozen state. As of 2000, Glanbia is the largest producer of pizza cheese", "id": "5302266" }, { "contents": "Heat\n\n\nBut such shrinkage is irreversible. The clay does not expand again on cooling. That is why it could be used for the measurement. But only once. It is not a thermometric material in the usual sense of the word. Nevertheless, the thermodynamic definition of absolute temperature does make essential use of the concept of heat, with proper circumspection. According to Denbigh (1981), the property of hotness is a concern of thermodynamics that should be defined without reference to the concept of heat. Consideration of hotness leads to the", "id": "13847457" }, { "contents": "No Remorse (Motörhead album)\n\n\n. Lemmy took charge of selecting the tracks for the album and wrote a commentary about each song. In addition to the usual cardboard sleeve, the original LPs were also available in a leather-effect sleeve which had silver on black artwork, completely reworked by Joe Petagno in much finer detail than the original with various differences (such as an iron cross). There was a cassette version released in a leather pouch with wording mimicking the Government Health Warning often found on a cigarette packet, about the contents being potentially damaging to", "id": "5733959" }, { "contents": "Stirling engine\n\n\non the piston and does work on the gas. To summarize, the Stirling engine uses the temperature difference between its hot end and cold end to establish a cycle of a fixed mass of gas, heated and expanded, and cooled and compressed, thus converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. The greater the temperature difference between the hot and cold sources, the greater the thermal efficiency. The maximum theoretical efficiency is equivalent to that of the Carnot cycle, but the efficiency of real engines is less than this value because of friction", "id": "15452641" }, { "contents": "Parmigiano-Reggiano\n\n\numami flavors. They are generally used as a condiment for prepared foods, rather than being eaten by themselves on a cheese plate. Kraft Foods is a major North American producer of generic parmesan and has been selling it since 1945. As parmesan is a common seasoning for pizzas and pastas; many major pizza and pasta chains offer it. Soy-based alternatives to Parmesan cheese exist. Outside Europe, commercially produced cheeses in the style of Parmigiano-Reggiano may be legally sold under the generic name Parmesan cheese. When sold in", "id": "9546170" }, { "contents": "Argentine cuisine\n\n\nsandwiches are those made of \"milanesa\", baked ham and cheese, 'pan de miga\", toast, \"pebetes\", \"panchos\" (hot dogs), \"choripanes\", \"morcipanes\", etc.; from Montevideo comes a different species of sandwich called the \"chivito\", even though it contains no goat meat. \"Picadas\", which are consumed at home or in bars, cafés, \"\"cafetines\"\" and \"\"bodegones\"\" are also popular; they consist of", "id": "2024566" }, { "contents": "It Was Great Altogether\n\n\nwell as continuing to play in sessions around London. A large number of the tracks selected feature him providing accompaniment on either piano or keyboard for the dance tunes. The album consists of a cardboard case with a card CD holder for the three CDs and a booklet for the sleeve notes. The cardboard case does not detail the tracks in the compilation but does identify all the musicians and in the brief notes explains the place of Irish music in the lives of the migrant population in the 1950s. The notes then continue to explain", "id": "4490599" } ]
Why was the guillotine considered "Inhumane"
[{"answer": "It's not so much \"inhumane\" as \"gruesome\". The huge rush of blood is very messy. While the state might want someone dead, it's not going to want the optics of desecrating a person's body this way."}, {"answer": "Largely because - despite our image of it - it often took many drops of the blade to actually remove the head. Ouch, then dead. Not just dead."}, {"answer": "The death penalty has moved from \"We need to put it in public so potential criminals can see the consequences of their actions and the public can see the consequences of their judicial system.\" to \"We need to hide away the death penalty and use methods that do not upset those watching\""}, {"answer": "The guillotine was much cleaner than the previous method of a guy chopping through the neck. Considering the stories of having multiple attempts before the head and torso being separated, the single slice of the guillotine was preferable."}, {"answer": "It was actually invented to be more humane than the previous method of hacking away with an axe for a couple minutes."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "51272", "title": "Guillotine", "section": "Section::::France.:Invention.:Introduction in France.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 21, "end_paragraph_id": 21, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["until the abolition of the death penalty in 1981, apart from certain crimes against the security of the state, or for the death sentences passed by military courts, which entailed execution by firing squad. For a period of time after its invention, the guillotine was called a louisette. However, it was later named after Guillotin who had proposed that a less painful method of execution should be found in place of the breaking wheel, though he opposed the death penalty and bemoaned the association of the guillotine with his name.", "until the abolition of the death penalty in 1981, apart from certain crimes against the security of the state, or for the death sentences passed by military courts, which entailed execution by firing squad", "For a period of time after its invention, the guillotine was called a louisette. However, it was later named after Guillotin who had proposed that a less painful method of execution should be found in place of the breaking wheel, though he opposed the death penalty and bemoaned the association of the guillotine with his name. Louis"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Capital punishment\n\n\npsychological torture. Human rights activists oppose the death penalty, calling it \"cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment\". Amnesty International considers it to be \"the ultimate irreversible denial of Human Rights\". Albert Camus wrote in a 1956 book called \"Reflections on the Guillotine, Resistance, Rebellion & Death\": In the classic doctrine of natural rights as expounded by for instance Locke and Blackstone, on the other hand, it is an important idea that the right to life can be forfeited. As John Stuart Mill explained in", "id": "6127353" }, { "contents": "Man's inhumanity to man\n\n\nEdmund Bergler, 1949. \"Man's inhumanity to man crosses continents and decades.\" Anthony Venutolo, 2009. \"Why do we hunt and persecute each other? Why is our world so full of man's infamous inhumanity to man – and to woman?\" Riane Eisler, 1987 \"Woman's Inhumanity to Man,\" a lecture topic by Emma Goldman, April 1912. \"\"Man's inhumanity to man\"—the phrase is all too familiar ... a profound silence prevailed about woman's inhumanity to woman. Women's aggression", "id": "22064261" }, { "contents": "The Guillotines\n\n\ncruelly killed off one by one. Saddened and enraged, Leng confronted Haidu and called Haidu a \"lap dog,\" infuriating him to shove Leng down a cliff; Leng survived and was nursed back to health by Wolf in a peaceful secluded village. Confused as to why he was saved, Wolf did it out of mercy; to Leng's surprise, he found Musen as part of the village. Musen no longer wanted to be a Guillotine (after learning the cruelty the Guillotines had caused to Wolf's family) and", "id": "1302982" }, { "contents": "Madame du Barry\n\n\nis purely speculative. His testimony sent the Comtesse to the guillotine, along with many others. On 8 December 1793, Madame du Barry was beheaded by the guillotine on the Place de la Révolution (now the \"Place de la Concorde\"). On the way to the guillotine, she collapsed in the tumbrel and cried \"You are going to hurt me! Why?!\" Terrified, she screamed for mercy and begged the watching crowd for help. Her last words to the executioner are said to have been:", "id": "18646578" }, { "contents": "Inhumans vs. X-Men\n\n\nInhumans and the X-Men, Emma goes deep into hiding. Medusa abdicates the throne and gives all leadership duties to Iso, knowing that her people won't understand why she destroyed the remaining Terrigen Cloud. Now free of the burdens of being a queen, Medusa happily reunites with Black Bolt in the Quiet Room. The ending of \"Inhumans vs. X-Men\" served as a lead-in for the announced \"RessurXion\" event, which would feature brand new titles for Inhumans and X-Men. New titles", "id": "8722863" }, { "contents": "Inhumans vs. X-Men\n\n\nInhumans kidnapped Cyclops and Forge. The Royal Family finally arrives in Iceland and joins the battle, making Emma determined to kill all of the Inhumans. The X-Men begin to notice Emma's uncharacteristic bloodlust as she and the Stepford Cuckoos begin mind-controlling several of the Inhumans in order to turn them against each other. Forge arrives with Moon Girl, Ahura, and the Ennilux with a new device to destroy the Terrigen Cloud. Iso and Moon Girl explain to Medusa why they need to destroy the cloud. Now fully", "id": "8722861" }, { "contents": "Guillotine clause\n\n\nA guillotine clause is a stipulation that an adoption of a contract package depends on the adoption of all of the individual treaties or contracts included. Under the guillotine clause, if only one treaty or contract is either not accepted by an involved party or canceled later, all treaties or contracts are then deemed not accepted or terminated. That prevents a party from cherry-picking the treaties of the contract package that it supports if the other party considers it to be essential for all of the contract package to be enforced. The guillotine", "id": "5903099" }, { "contents": "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\n\n\nintroducing some of the \"classic\" Inhumans. \"Marvel's Inhumans\", a television series centered on Black Bolt and other members of the Inhuman Royal Family, was announced in November 2016 to air on ABC in September 2017. It was not intended to be a spin-off of \"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" The fourth season explores the concept of Life Model Decoys (LMDs), which were first referenced in \"The Avengers\", and introduces the character Ghost Rider to the MCU. On why the series waited to", "id": "20849885" }, { "contents": "Inhumans\n\n\na skinhead Inhuman with skin-changing powers and a healer named Panacea. Her team the visits the hermit kingdom of Sin-Cong to explore why there have been no NuHumans in that country. Her team then investigates mysterious \"skypears\" that landed around the globe. They investigate a skyspear in China, but are met with suspicion by Collective Man and the People's Defense Force. The skyspear attacks the Inhumans and the People's Defense Force, temporarily depowering Collective Man. Flint, unaware he is depowered, nearly kills him", "id": "12440369" }, { "contents": "Jean-Baptiste Carrier\n\n\nearly in October 1793, to Nantes, under orders from the National Convention to suppress the revolt of anti-revolutionists. He established a revolutionary tribunal in Nantes and formed what was called the Legion of Marat, to dispose quickly of the masses of prisoners heaped in the jails. The trial were soon discontinued, and the victims were sent to the guillotine, shot or disposed of in a more inhumane way. In a twenty-page letter to his fellow republicans, Carrier promised not to leave a single counter-revolutionary or", "id": "20410584" }, { "contents": "Cloture\n\n\nSenate and other legislatures. The name \"cloture\" remains in the United States; in Commonwealth countries it is usually \"closure\" or, informally, \"guillotine\"; in the United Kingdom \"closure\" and \"guillotine\" are distinct motions. In Australia, the procedure by which finite debating times for particular bills are set, or protracted debates are brought to a close, is referred to as a \"guillotine\". Generally, a minister will declare that a bill must be considered as urgent, and move a", "id": "15998168" }, { "contents": "Emma Frost\n\n\n, believing that they have no time to attempt negotiation. When Medusa learns the truth about why the X-Men went to war against the Inhumans, she willingly destroys the cloud and ends the possibility of future Inhuman manifestations so that the mutants can survive. After the time-displaced younger Cyclops reveals that Emma faked his future self's death, Emma insists that she did what Cyclops would have chosen to do if he could, subsequently fleeing the battlefield with the aid of Havok after using reprogrammed sentinels to slaughter the Inhumans from", "id": "13431302" }, { "contents": "Layla Miller\n\n\nWar, Quicksilver makes repeated attempts to enter X-Factor Investigations Headquarters. Each time, he is thwarted by Layla, whom Quicksilver comes to consider his nemesis. When the rest of the team are discussing their stance in the war, they eventually begin to talk about M-Day. Later it is revealed that she knew the truth about why and how it happened, leaving the other members distrustful of her. When the Inhumans come looking for Quicksilver, Layla advises him that Black Bolt isn’t going to kill him during", "id": "20966839" }, { "contents": "Master of the Flying Guillotine\n\n\nFlying Guillotine\" needs to be seen to be believed, and even then defies belief.\" Phil Hall of \"Film Threat\" rated it 1.5/5 stars and wrote, \"[T]his silly production stands as a dinky reminder of why martial arts film fell out of favor during the mid-1970s\". J. Doyle Wallis of DVD Talk rated it 4/5 stars and called it \"a complete guilty pleasure that leaves you feeling high off its empty b-movie fun\". Mike Pinsky of DVD Verdict wrote that the film toys with and", "id": "4901998" }, { "contents": "Joseph-Ignace Guillotin\n\n\nbegan to publicize his theory of \"animal magnetism\", which was considered offensive by many, Louis XVI appointed a commission to investigate it and Guillotin was appointed a member, along with Benjamin Franklin and others. In December 1788, Guillotin drafted a pamphlet entitled \"Petition of the Citizens Living in Paris\", concerning the proper constitution of the States-General. As a result, he was summoned by the French parliament to give an account of his opinions, which served to increase his popularity. On 2 May 1789,", "id": "4444758" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\npopular entertainment alone, during the Reign of Terror, the guillotine symbolized revolutionary ideals: equality in death equivalent to equality before the law, open and demonstrable revolutionary justice, and the destruction of privilege under the \"Ancien Régime\" which included separate forms of execution for the nobility. As such, the guillotine was considered a positive force for progress by the Parisian \"sans-culottes\", the popular public face of lower-class patriotic radicalism in the French Revolution. After the French Revolution, executions began again in the city", "id": "6232901" }, { "contents": "Why Should We Idly Waste Our Prime\n\n\n\"Why Should We Idly Waste Our Prime\" is an English poem written by Robert Burns. poem style=\"margin-left:2em\" Why should we idly waste our prime Come rouse to arms! 'Tis now the time 'Tis said that Kings can do no wrong — And, since from us their power is sprung, Now each true patriot's song shall be: — Proud Priests and Bishops we'll translate The guillotine on Peers shall wait; Those Despots long have trode us down, Such wretched minions of a Crown To-", "id": "20081380" }, { "contents": "Inhumans premiere\n\n\nworked on the poorly reviewed first season of \"Iron Fist\", \"speaks volumes as to why \"Inhumans\" is just as misguided in its approach and execution.\" David Pepose of Newsarama also gave the episodes a 4 out of 10, feeling \"Buck's instincts to rely more on his characters than on his plot is a good instinct—but because the acting and the production values seem so wooden, that makes the overall arc of this series seem more threadbare than ambitious\". Pepose ultimately called the episodes aimless", "id": "20394036" }, { "contents": "Death of X\n\n\ntrack the Terrigen cloud and evacuate any mutants who are in its way while the Inhumans assist Beast in working out why the Terrigen is becoming toxic to mutants and how to stop it. They agree to keep the nature of the Terrigen quiet in hopes of avoiding a panicked incident. After the meeting ends, Medusa makes plans for war just in case any mutants become hostile towards the Inhumans in light of this new situation. With the help of Emma Frost and the Stepford Cuckoos, Cyclops delivers a telepathic message to the entire world", "id": "2941495" }, { "contents": "Uprising (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)\n\n\nwas seen to be overly ambitious for the series given the MCU films are considered unlikely to ever acknowledge it. Inhuman and S.H.I.E.L.D. asset Elena \"Yo-Yo\" Rodriguez is attending a bachelorette party for a friend in Miami when power throughout the city goes out. A group claiming to be the Inhuman resistance takes responsibility for this, but with no known Inhuman having the power to do such a thing, S.H.I.E.L.D. believes that an EMP device has been used. In Los Angeles, Robbie Reyes and Daisy Johnson, the vigilantes Ghost", "id": "15029145" }, { "contents": "Only Inhuman\n\n\nJune 21, 2007. \"Only Inhuman\" is sometimes considered the band's true debut album since \"Eden Fire\" consisted mostly of remade songs which were originally released when the band was still called Fallen Angels. The tour edition features the original \"Only Inhuman\" album (with Limited Edit bonus track \"Freelancer\") and a DVD with live performance of the band in Cologne, Germany(from. WDR Rockpalast). There was also a reissue of the Tour Edition which had different artwork but did not include the live DVD", "id": "10234507" }, { "contents": "Blockade of the Gaza Strip\n\n\n's easing of the blockade, the Turkish Foreign Ministry called it \"a positive but insufficient step\", and said that \"Turkey considers that Israel's inhuman blockade of Gaza represents a threat to regional peace and stability and considers that the blockade must be entirely lifted. After visiting Gaza in March 2010, Irish foreign minister Micheál Martin described the Israeli blockade of Palestinian-ruled Gaza as \"inhumane and unacceptable\" and called on the European Union and other countries to increase pressure on Israel to lift the blockade. Michael Martin was", "id": "6988705" }, { "contents": "Claude Gueux\n\n\nthe man that will bring an end to his life, and declares he does not consider him guilty of anything and pardons him completely. Then, a coach escorts him to the marketplace of Troyes, where a guillotine has been prepared. Before getting executed, he gives a coin, his only possession, to the priest that has come with him, and asks him to give it to the poor. Then, the guillotine's blade falls upon his neck, and he dies. A lengthy epilogue follows the story, in", "id": "18720102" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\nexample). The first execution by guillotine was performed on highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier on 25 April 1792. He was executed in front of what is now the city hall of Paris (Place de l'hôtel de ville). All citizens deemed guilty of a crime punishable by death were from then on executed there, until the scaffold was moved on 21 August to the Place du Carrousel. The machine was successful because it was considered a humane form of execution, contrasting with the methods used in the pre-revolutionary \"Ancien Régime", "id": "6232895" }, { "contents": "Fish slaughter\n\n\nof time.\" The \"Aquatic Animal Health Code\" of the World Organisation for Animal Health considers the following slaughter methods inhumane. This is the oldest slaughter method for fish and is considered inhumane because it can take the fish over an hour to die. One Dutch study found that it took 55–250 minutes for various species of fish to become insensible during asphyxiation. Fish that evolved for low-oxygen environments take longer to die. At higher temperatures, fish lose consciousness more quickly. Meat quality and shelf-life are also", "id": "716902" }, { "contents": "Madame Du Barry (1917 film)\n\n\ndeath of the king a revolution breaks out. Jeanne is made to suffer through the revolution and pays the ultimate price on the guillotine. Like many American films of the time, \"Madame Du Barry\" was subject to cuts by city and state film censorship boards. The Chicago Board of Censors required a cut of Madame Du Barry lying on the guillotine and the closeup of the blade. This film is now considered to be a lost film. Many of Theda Bara's films were destroyed in the 1937 Fox Studios vault fire", "id": "3269775" }, { "contents": "Inhumans\n\n\ntrap them in Limbo. After hearing from Iso about why the X-Men want to destroy the Terrigen Cloud, Medusa is the one who destroys the Terrigen Cloud. Medusa abdicates the throne and gives all leadership duties to Iso, knowing that her people won't understand why she destroyed the remaining Terrigen Cloud. Now free of the burdens of being a queen, Medusa happily reunites with Black Bolt in the Quiet Room. Medusa banishes Maximus into an inter-dimensional prison, then with Crystal, Black Bolt, Flint, Gorgon", "id": "12440373" }, { "contents": "Moses (Michelangelo)\n\n\ndepict in stone; most quirkily, the beard - so ropy and smoky, its coils gave fantastic, snaking life. But where others might astonish us with technique, Michelangelo goes beyond this, leading us from formal to intellectual surprise, making us wonder why Moses fondles his beard, why Michelangelo has used this river of hair - in combination with the horns that were a conventional attribute of Moses - to give him an inhuman, demonic aspect.\" Following the iconographic convention common in Latin Christianity, the statue has two horns", "id": "2103388" }, { "contents": "Joseph-Ignace Guillotin\n\n\nprofession. Guillotin became one of the first French doctors to support Edward Jenner's discovery of vaccination and in 1805 was the President of the Committee for Vaccination in Paris. He also founded one of the precursors of the National Academy of Medicine. The association with the guillotine so embarrassed Dr. Guillotin's family that they petitioned the French government to rename it; when the government refused, they instead changed their own family name. By coincidence, a person named Guillotin was indeed executed by the guillotine – he was J.M.V. Guillotin, a", "id": "4444764" }, { "contents": "The Guillotines\n\n\nGuillotines and Herders survived the attack and escaped to safety. Confused as to what has happened, it was then Leng revealed his real identity to the Guillotines. The team was furious and wanted to know is Leng here to finish them off, however, he told his team to scatter and survive. Unfortunately, the Guillotines wouldn't live long. The government had officially decreed the Guillotines as wanted criminals in league with the Herders. Publicly forsaken by their own emperor and given a huge bounty upon their heads, the Guillotines were", "id": "1302981" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\n, Georgia State Representative Doug Teper unsuccessfully sponsored a bill to replace that state's electric chair with the guillotine. In recent years, a number of individuals have died by suicide using a guillotine which they had constructed themselves. From its first use, there has been debate as to whether the guillotine always provided a swift death as Guillotin had hoped. With previous methods of execution intended to be painful, there was little concern about the level of suffering that they inflicted. Because the guillotine was invented specifically to be humane, the", "id": "6232912" }, { "contents": "Article 9 of the Constitution of Singapore\n\n\nof cruel and inhuman punishment not \"in accordance with law\". The Court agreed that there was a prohibition against torture and cruel and inhumane treatment in Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and that this is considered customary international law. However, a customary international law rule had to be \"clearly and firmly established\" before it was adopted by the courts, and there was insufficient practice among states to hold that death by hanging was within the ambit of this prohibition. Also, even if there was a customary", "id": "3569837" }, { "contents": "Master of the Flying Guillotine\n\n\nlovingly restored and given a regular theatrical release, it's easy to see why.\" Joey O'Bryan of \"The Austin Chronicle\" rated it 2/5 stars and called it \"a mess\" that fails to live up to the epic brawl promised by the alternate title. Nathan Rabin of \"The A.V. Club\" called it \"a delirious kung-fu saga\" that is \"wild even by the genre's lenient standards\". Rabin concludes, \"Goofy Z-movie fun of the highest order, \"Master Of The", "id": "4901997" }, { "contents": "Son Hong-kyu\n\n\nadded that his works \"toss and turn with the anger against the inhuman world, and the affection for humanity\", that \"he is a writer who is able to lean on the old hope that only people can shed tears.\" It is said that the characteristic of Son's fiction is serious study into the world and man, but it is not that his fiction only uses the old writing methods of realism. Son's fiction includes what almost every person would consider as 'inhuman imagination'. In \"Saramui", "id": "1386373" }, { "contents": "Kate Zambreno\n\n\non her blog \"Frances Farmer is My Sister\", was published by Semiotext(e)'s Active Agents, edited by Chris Kraus. Semiotext(e)'s Native Agents published \"Book of Mutter\" in 2017, and \"Appendix Project\", a collection of talks and essays written in the shadow of \"Book of Mutter\", in 2019. A chapbook, \"Apoplexia, Toxic Shock, & Toilet Bowl: Some Notes on Why I Write\" was released as part of the Guillotine series in 2013. A collection of flash", "id": "12654780" }, { "contents": "William Windham\n\n\nfrom each other in all their ideas than Windham and myself\". Windham said that Wilberforce would delight in sending aristocrats to the guillotine. Windham wrote to a friend on 17 August 1809 on the subject of boxing, in the aftermath of the British victory over the French at the Battle of Talavera: Why are we to boast so much of the \"native\" valour of our troops, as shewn at Talavera, at Vimeira, and at Maida, yet to discourage all the practices and habits which tend to keep alive the", "id": "1763270" }, { "contents": "Medusa (comics)\n\n\nMedusa presumably flees before the team's final cameo in 5.1 where they are preparing a grave for her as a \"traitor\". Medusa belongs to the race of Inhumans, a species of prehistoric earthlings mutated by the Terrigen Mists produced deep under the Inhuman city-state of Attilan, presently located in the oxygen-rich Blue Area of the Moon. Crystal (who later became the wife of the Avenger Quicksilver) is Medusa's younger sister. Considered a member of Attilan's Royal Family, Medusa's parents chose to expose", "id": "13105784" }, { "contents": "Inhumans premiere\n\n\neffects to those in the MCU films. Foster said, ahead of the IMAX release, that the company expected \"Inhumans\" to be more successful at the box office than what they had previously released in the theatrical window beginning September 1, which was generally the re-release of an old film, but whether the project was considered a success or not would depend on its ratings performance on television. The hope was that regular IMAX customers that would not have watched the series on ABC would do so after being introduced to", "id": "20394031" }, { "contents": "Ajin: Demi-Human\n\n\nin self-initiated actions. Consequently, Ajin are considered dangerous and inhuman by the public, and most are captured by governments. On paper, governments claim to protect Ajin, but in reality, most governments use them as subjects for cruel and inhumane experiments, as their abilities to completely recover from fatal wounds provides an unlimited source of organs and bodies in dangerous tests (such as live-fire weapons testing). As a result, Ajin that have escaped from government custody (such as Satou, the main antagonist)", "id": "3187248" }, { "contents": "Scarecrow (novel)\n\n\nwith Wexley's men in hot pursuit, followed by Knight in his Sukhoi . Schofield goes over a cliff and is presumed dead while Knight and Gant are captured. Mother is picked up by Rufus, Knight's pilot, and goes to help Knight while Schofield is captured by French soldiers and brought to an aircraft carrier to explain to him why he is to be terminated. At Killian's castle, Gant is brutally murdered on a guillotine. However, Knight escapes, Gant's final words being for Knight to tell Schofield she", "id": "884466" }, { "contents": "Dry Guillotine\n\n\nDry Guillotine is the English translation of the French phrase \"la guillotine sèche\", which was prisoner slang for the Devil's Island penal colony at French Guiana. It is also the title of several articles by various authors and most notably, a very influential and successful book by former prisoner #46,635, René Belbenoît. The earliest work in the United States making use of the term \"dry guillotine\" appears as a 14-page article in \"Harper's Magazine\", titled \"Cayenne-the Dry Guillotine\" (June 1913", "id": "15039750" }, { "contents": "Guillotine IV (The Final Chapter)\n\n\n'Guillotine IV (The Final Chapter)' is the second single from Falling in Reverse's third album \"Just Like You\". It is the fourth and final installment of the Guillotine series, which was started by Escape the Fate when former lead singer Ronnie Radke was in the band. The first song titled 'The Guillotine' was in Escape the Fate's debut album Dying Is Your Latest Fashion in 2006 with Ronnie Radke on vocals. The second song which was titled 'This War Is Ours (The Guillotine II", "id": "19309855" }, { "contents": "A Philosophical Investigation\n\n\nto rehabilitate themselves; thus, punitive coma is inhumane. This position is defeated, however, by proponents who observe that any long-term space travel will necessarily involve long-term medically induced comas of the same kind, so the process itself is not inhumane; furthermore, criminals are not subject to the dangerous criminal environment of prison, so punitive coma may be considered a more, rather than less, humane punishment. A portion of the narrative involves the use of a Cambridge philosophy professor to engage Wittgenstein in a debate", "id": "12538761" }, { "contents": "Scars (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)\n\n\n, which is in the \"Iliad\"'s cargo hold. Hunter sees them, and they are forced to flee to evade capture, after which the council plan to find the Inhumans, considering them a threat. Using salvaged Hydra technology, Weaver is able to trace Gordon's teleportation and determine Afterlife's location. Gonzales suggests they attack, but Coulson instead sends Skye and Lincoln to liaise with the Inhumans and arrange a meeting between him and Jiaying. Raina has a vision of SHIELD attacking Afterlife after the meeting, and begs", "id": "16507412" }, { "contents": "The Guillotines\n\n\nThe Guillotines is a 2012 Chinese-Hong Kong wuxia film directed by Andrew Lau, starring Huang Xiaoming, Ethan Juan, Shawn Yue, Li Yuchun and Jing Boran. It is a remake of the 1975 Shaw Brothers film Flying Guillotine. During the Manchu-ruled Qing Dynasty, the Yongzheng Emperor established a secret assassination squad known as the 'Guillotines' to eliminate all who posed a threat to him. Once heavily favored by the emperor, the Guillotines are deemed expendable once the Qianlong Emperor ascends to the throne and adopts Western", "id": "1302975" }, { "contents": "Joseph-Ignace Guillotin\n\n\nde Méré to Guillotin fell into the hands of the public prosecutor, Fouquier-Tinville in which the Count, who was to be executed, commended his wife and children to Guillotin's care. The authorities demanded Guillotin inform them of the whereabouts of the Count's wife and children. As Guillotin either would not or could not give the information, he was arrested and imprisoned. He was freed from prison in the general amnesty of 9 Thermidor 1794 after Robespierre fell from power, and abandoned his political career to resume the medical", "id": "4444763" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\nCollenot d'Angremont was a royalist famed for having been the first guillotined for his political ideas, on 21 August 1792. During the Reign of Terror (June 1793 to July 1794) about 17,000 people were guillotined. Former King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed at the guillotine in 1793. Towards the end of the Terror in 1794, revolutionary leaders such as Georges Danton, Saint-Just and Maximilian Robespierre were sent to the guillotine. Most of the time, executions in Paris were carried out in the Place de la", "id": "6232899" }, { "contents": "List of Inhumans\n\n\nThe following is a list of known fictional characters who are Inhumans, a race of superhumans appearing in Marvel Comics and media inspired by them. The Inhuman Royal Family are the ruling class of the Inhumans. Among the members of the Inhuman Royal Family are: The Inhuman Royal Guards are a group of Inhumans that are responsible for protecting the Inhuman Royal Family. Among its members are: The Genetic Council is a group of Inhumans who are charged with making decisions concerning the use of the Terrigen Mists and the fate of the Inhumans", "id": "2862069" }, { "contents": "Ernest Defarge\n\n\nManette’s old cell in the Bastille which documents why Manette was imprisoned and by whom. These papers prove nearly fatal to the novel's protagonist, Charles Darnay, in recounting a series of injustices and murders by his father and uncle. Worse still, these infamies were committed against the family of Madame Defarge, Ernest's ruthless wife, who convinces him to denounce Darnay to the guillotine. Generally good-natured and decent, Defarge is torn by loyalty to his wife and loyalty to Dr. Manette; he does nothing to stop", "id": "12856073" }, { "contents": "Zamor\n\n\nand was buried in Paris. His funeral reportedly had a very small attendance. A two-page comic strip \"La Rue perdue\" (The Lost Street) was published in 1978, featuring Gil Jourdan, a detective created by Maurice Tillieux. Set in 1953, it has Jourdan trying to find out why a fake guillotine blade is hanging outside the door of a black African friend. The person responsible turns out to be a man obsessed with Madame du Barry and taking his anger at her death out on Jourdan's friend", "id": "16751280" }, { "contents": "White Rose\n\n\nof treason. Roland Freisler, head judge of the court, sentenced them to death. The three were executed the same day by guillotine at Stadelheim Prison. All three were noted for the courage with which they faced their deaths, particularly Sophie, who remained firm despite intense interrogation, and intimidation by Freisler during the trial. She replied: \"You know as well as we do that the war is lost. Why are you so cowardly that you won't admit it?\" Immediately before Hans was executed, he cried", "id": "6233451" }, { "contents": "Djamila Bouhired\n\n\nin his defense, waging a public relations campaign on her behalf. Despite his efforts, she was convicted and sentenced to death by the guillotine. Vergés co-wrote a plea for why Bouhired should not receive the death penalty. Besides this, many groups formed throughout Algeria and abroad attempting to convince the government not to kill Bouhired. Most notably, princess Laila Ayesha of Morocco contacted the President of France at the time, René Coty, and asked that Bouhired by pardoned from the death sentence. After being pardoned, Bouhired", "id": "7536034" }, { "contents": "Sentry (Kree)\n\n\nthe Kree Empire. Sentry-459 accompanied a Kree scientific party that journeyed to Earth to experiment on sub-humans (which in turn created the race the Inhumans). When the Kree left Earth, Sentry 459 remained to monitor Inhuman progress, so that the Kree could later use them as a militia force. Sentry-459 remained inert but observing until activated by the superheroes the Fantastic Four, who fought it to a standstill. Considering itself defeated when the Fantastic Four escaped, the Sentry sent a signal to the Kree alerting them to the", "id": "19025035" }, { "contents": "Yong Vui Kong v Public Prosecutor\n\n\nArticle 9(1). Singapore's constitutional history was markedly different from that of other Commonwealth countries, and its Constitution does not contain express prohibitions against cruel and inhuman punishments as it is not modelled upon the European Convention on Human Rights. In addition, in 1966 the Wee Chong Jin Constitutional Commission specifically considered whether to include a constitutional provision against inhuman punishment. However, the proposal was not taken up by the Government. The Court of Appeal was of the opinion that customary international law cannot be incorporated into the meaning of the", "id": "2522490" }, { "contents": "List of Inhumans\n\n\nhuman hybrids. \"Inhumanity\" deals with the aftermath of this revelation. In the wake of \"Death of the Inhumans\", it is revealed that the Kree had created a new race of Inhumans which was dubbed as Super-Inhuman. This new race was engineered from birth to possess almost all of their Inhuman abilities and none of their humanity, something the Kree thought to be problematic. In an alternate future of the Marvel Universe inhabited by the Guardians of the Galaxy, some new Inhumans are present. Among these Inhumans", "id": "2862072" }, { "contents": "A House Is Not a Motel\n\n\nand it's both beautiful and brutal at the same time.\" He praised the \"acid-magnified imagery\" and considered it to be one of the standouts on the album. Considered to be \"wonderfully dark\" by The AV Club's Kyle Fowle, he wrote that it was \"the most rock-oriented song, complete with blazing guitar solos that underscore the lyrical exploration of the chaos and inhumanity of war.\" David Barker considered the song to be an inversion of \"Sympathy for the Devil\" by the", "id": "6535570" }, { "contents": "Inhumans premiere\n\n\nepisodes together, but Reiné insisted on remaining for the editing process. IMAX Entertainment CEO Greg Foster later praised this, saying that if the episodes were not designed and delivered for IMAX, \"there's gonna be a series of problems that our fans aren't gonna like. There is no doubt that it's gonna take a little longer, and that's why having the director for a longer period of time exclusively devoted to this project was so critical to all of us.\" An edit of the two", "id": "20394016" }, { "contents": "Charles-Henri Sanson\n\n\n, listened to Christoph Willibald Gluck, and often met with his longtime friend Tobias Schmidt, a well-regarded German maker of musical instruments who would later build Sanson's guillotine. An anecdote reports that Charles-Henri Sanson after his retirement met Napoléon Bonaparte and was asked if he could still sleep well after having executed more than 3,000 people. Sanson's laconic answer was, \"If emperors, kings, and dictators can sleep well, why shouldn't an executioner?\" Many would see Charles Henri Sanson as a sadistic man", "id": "306203" }, { "contents": "Paris in the 18th century\n\n\nto decapitation by a machine he perfected, the guillotine, built with the help of a Paris manufacturer of pianos and harps named Tobias Schmidt and the surgeon Antoine Louis. The first person to be executed with the guillotine was the thief Nicholas Jacques Pelletier, on 25 April 1792. After the uprising of the sans-culottes and the fall of the monarchy on August 10, 1792, the guillotine was turned against alleged counter-revolutionaries; the first to be executed by the guillotine was Collenot d'Angremont, accused of defending the Tuileries", "id": "1530950" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nof Terror, Women wearing red caps gathered around the guillotine to celebrate each execution. They were called the \"Furies of the guillotine\". The guillotines used during the Reign of Terror in 1792 and 1793 were painted red, or made of red wood. During the Reign of Terror a statue of a woman titled liberty, painted red, was placed in the square in front of the guillotine. After the end of the Reign of Terror, France went back to the blue, white and red tricolor, whose red was", "id": "6274126" }, { "contents": "2017 Nangarhar airstrike\n\n\nin a series of tweets saying \"This is not the war on terror but the inhuman and most brutal misuse of our country as testing ground for new and dangerous weapons.\" The in Islamabad, Omar Zakhilwal, echoed this sentiment stating that the airstrike was \"reprehensible and counterproductive\". The mayor of Achin, Naweed Shinwari said, \"There is no doubt that ISIS are brutal and that they have committed atrocities against our people. But I don't see why the bomb was dropped.\" United States President Donald Trump", "id": "1958654" }, { "contents": "Samantha Urbani\n\n\na function of comfort. She explained her philosophy on gendered double standards in reference to a gig in Texas as follows, \"It was over 100 degrees – that’s inhumane! Guys started taking their shirts off, and I remember being like, 'Fuck it, take your clothes off.' Then I [thought], 'I’m being a hypocrite. Why do I feel afraid?' Because people tell us that we’re victims, or that there are predators. Yes, that’s true, but I", "id": "7922931" }, { "contents": "The Guillotines\n\n\nassassins) has sent his most trusted agent, Haidu (secret sworn brother to Leng and right-hand man to the emperor) for the same mission. Unknown to the Guillotines, the emperor wants to absolve his legacy and the Guillotines is a living taint to his rule; they must be erased. Although Leng knew of the emperor's intentions and also wanted to help end the Guillotines, the group has become a family to him and he couldn't eliminate them. Therefore, Haidu was also sent there to finish a", "id": "1302979" }, { "contents": "Guillontine IV (The Final Chapter)\n\n\n'Guillotine IV (The Final Chapter)' is the second single from American post-hardcore band Falling in Reverse's third album \"Just Like You\". It is the fourth installment of the Guillotine series, Escape the Fate started it when former lead singer Ronnie Radke was in the band. The first song titled 'The Guillotine' was in Escape the Fate's debut album Dying Is Your Latest Fashion in 2006. The second song which was titled 'This War Is Ours (The Guillotine II)' was on", "id": "19140763" }, { "contents": "Guillotine (magic trick)\n\n\nto Abbott's Magic Co. in Colon, Michigan. Lake's designs included, but were not limited to, the Extended-Blade Chopper (seen in the 1953 film, \"Houdini\"), Abbott's \"Giant Guillotine\" and \"Disecto\" (wrist-cutter illusion). Lake also designed a guillotine illusion in which the assistant's actual head appeared to drop into a waiting bag when the blade fell. In its most familiar form, the illusion uses an apparatus which generally resembles the type of guillotine historically used", "id": "2931388" }, { "contents": "Joseph-Ignace Guillotin\n\n\neye, and you never feel it!\" The statement quickly became a popular joke, and few days after the debate a comic song about Guillotin and \"his\" machine circulated, forever tying his name to it. The \"Moniteur\" of 18 December 1789 deplored the joking but repeated Guillotin's \"twinkling of an eye\" statement for posterity. For the remainder of his life, Guillotin would deeply regret that the machine was named after him. Towards the end of the Reign of Terror, a letter from the Comte", "id": "4444762" }, { "contents": "Joseph-Ignace Guillotin\n\n\ndoctor of Lyons. This coincidence may have contributed to erroneous statements that Guillotin was put to death on the machine that bears his name; however, in reality, Guillotin died at home in Paris in 1814 of natural causes, specifically from a carbuncle, and is now buried in the Père-Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. He was married to Louise Saugrain, sister of the physician and chemist Antoine Saugrain. Joseph Guillotin was initiated into Freemasonry, in 1765 at \"La Parfaite Union\" lodge in Angoulême. Very active as a", "id": "4444765" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\nuntil the abolition of the death penalty in 1981, apart from certain crimes against the security of the state, or for the death sentences passed by military courts, which entailed execution by firing squad. For a period of time after its invention, the guillotine was called a louisette. However, it was later named after Guillotin who had proposed that a less painful method of execution should be found in place of the breaking wheel, though he opposed the death penalty and bemoaned the association of the guillotine with his name. Louis", "id": "6232898" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\nalleged trafficking in municipal property\". In Germany, where the guillotine is known as the \"Fallbeil\" (\"falling axe\"), it was used in various German states from the 19th century onwards, becoming the preferred method of execution in Napoleonic times in many parts of Germany. The guillotine and the firing squad were the legal methods of execution during the era of the German Empire (1871–1918) and the Weimar Republic (1919–1933). The original German guillotines resembled the French Berger 1872 model, but they eventually evolved", "id": "6232905" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\ncolonial power in order to carry out death sentences on the spot. One such guillotine is still on show at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City. The only recorded use of the guillotine in North America took place on the French island of St. Pierre in 1889, of Basque-born assassin Carlos Zuzuarregui, with a guillotine brought in from Guadeloupe. In the Caribbean, it was used more routinely in Guadeloupe and Martinique, the last time in Fort-de-France in 1965. In 1996 in the US", "id": "6232911" }, { "contents": "Guillotine problem\n\n\nThe guillotine problem is a problem in combinatorial geometry and in printing. Closely related to packing problems and specifically to cutting stock and bin packing problems, it is the question of how to get the maximum number of sheets of one rectangular size out of a larger sheet, only orthogonal cuts that bisect one component of the sheet are allowed, as on a paper cutting guillotine. The Guillotine problem is important in glass machining. Glass sheets are scored along horizontal and vertical lines and then broken along these lines to obtain smaller panels.", "id": "8031611" }, { "contents": "Guillotine lock\n\n\nA guillotine lock is a type of canal lock. The lock itself operates on the same principle as any normal pound lock, but is unusual in that each gate is a single piece, usually of steel, that slides vertically upwards when opened to allow a boat to traverse underneath. The resemblance to the French guillotine is obvious. Guillotine locks are relatively uncommon, but many are found on the waterways of East Anglia. The advantages over the more traditional design are that the lock occupies less space, does not require room to", "id": "938633" }, { "contents": "Decapitation\n\n\n, having administered the death penalty during the earlier Weimar Republic. Nonetheless, it is estimated that some 16,500 persons were guillotined in Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945, a number that includes resistance fighters both within Germany itself and in countries occupied by Nazi forces. As these resistance fighters were not part of any regular army, they were considered common criminals and were in many cases transported to Germany for execution. Decapitation was considered a \"dishonorable\" death, in contrast to execution by firing squad. The \"Fallbeil\" was", "id": "20817237" }, { "contents": "List of Inhumans\n\n\n. Among the known members are: The following Inhumans are allies of Maximus the Mad: The Crimson Cadre are the Inhumans' personal strike force led by General Ator. Among its members are: The Dark Riders are a group of Mutants and Inhumans drafted by Apocalypse. Among its Inhuman members are: The Inhumans and the Kree have experimented on some Centaurians, Dire Wraiths, Kymellians, and Badoon so that when Black Bolt is found, he can lead them into a new era. Besides the Inhuman Royal Family, among the", "id": "2862070" }, { "contents": "List of Inhumans\n\n\nmembers of the Universal Inhumans are: A special team of Universal Inhumans who rescued Human Torch from Annihilus. Among the members of the Light Brigade are: Unless stated otherwise, it can be assumed that the listed Inhumans are residing in Attilan. Among the Inhumans listed here are: In the wake of \"Infinity\", it is revealed that tribes of Inhumans have existed in secret around the Earth and that they had mated with humans, many eventually finding their way into modern society, without knowing their past, producing Inhuman/", "id": "2862071" }, { "contents": "Antoine Louis\n\n\non surgery, including several biographies of surgeons who died in his lifetime. He also published the surgical aphorisms of Dutch physician Herman Boerhaave (1668–1738). Louis is credited with designing a prototype of the guillotine. For a period of time after its invention, the guillotine was called a \"louisette\". However, it was later named after French physician Joseph Ignace Guillotin (1738–1814), whose advocacy of a more humane method of capital punishment prompted the guillotine's design. The \"angle of Louis\" is another name for", "id": "21959635" }, { "contents": "Guillotine (magic trick)\n\n\nThe Guillotine is a magic trick where it appears that a blade of a guillotine passes through a person's neck without harming them. Variations on the theme have been performed for hundreds of years, with documented examples appearing in print in the 16th century. The most common modern variation is the finger gullotine or finger chopper, a pocked-sized version that appears to chop off the magician's finger. The Guillotine is probably the most famous member of a family of illusions featuring the apparent decapitation of a person or other living subject", "id": "2931385" }, { "contents": "Joseph-Ignace Guillotin\n\n\nDr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin (; 28 May 1738 – 26 March 1814) was a French physician, politician and freemason who proposed on 10 October 1789 the use of a device to carry out death penalties in France, as a less painful method of execution. Although he really did not invent the guillotine, and in fact opposed the death penalty, his name became an eponym for it. The actual inventor of the prototype was a man named Tobias Schmidt. working with the kings physician Antoine Louis. Guillotin wrote an essay to", "id": "4444756" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\nGuillotin who proposed on 10 October 1789 the use of a device to carry out death penalties in France, as a less painful method of execution or as Capital Punishment instead of Breaking wheel to Louis XVI of France. While he did not invent the guillotine, and in fact opposed the death penalty, his name became an eponym for it. Antoine Louis, together with German engineer Tobias Schmidt, built a prototype for the guillotine. Schmidt recommended using an angled blade as opposed to a round one. On 10 October 1789,", "id": "6232891" }, { "contents": "Guillotine\n\n\ncenter. On 4 February 1832, the guillotine was moved behind the church of Saint Jacques, just before being moved again, to the Grande Roquette prison, on 29 November 1851. On 6 August 1909, the guillotine was used on the junction of the Boulevard Arago and the Rue de la Santé, behind the La Santé Prison. The last public guillotining in France was of Eugen Weidmann, who was convicted of six murders. He was beheaded on 17 June 1939 outside the prison Saint-Pierre, rue Georges Clemenceau 5", "id": "6232902" }, { "contents": "Ronin (Marvel Comics)\n\n\nMcCann revealed \"We're going to learn that there is far more to the Ronin identity than anyone knew, pre-dating Hawkeye and Echo before him. Why does Ronin exist? That's a central mystery we will tackle.\" A character whose identity is kept from the reader is introduced in the \"Mighty Avengers\" and dons a Halloween-type costume, \"Spider Hero\", during the \"Infinity\" storyline. During the \"Inhumanity\" storyline, this character is supplied with the Ronin costume from a \"", "id": "14009304" }, { "contents": "Detlev Peukert\n\n\nthose who strove for a critical coming to terms [\"Bewältigung\"] with their experience of repression, of yielding to the temptations of the regime and of involvement with criminal inhumanity, even they often remained at loss about how to build a bridge from their own experience to the contemporary historical critical state of knowledge\". In the early 1980s, Peukert began teaching \"Alltagsgeschichte\", until then a subject mostly ignored by German historians before the 1970s, as he argued that the subject was important. Peukert wanted to explore why", "id": "3114318" }, { "contents": "Two on a Guillotine\n\n\nspooky happenings, leading to a climax in which the not-really-dead Duquesne attempts a recreation of his guillotine trick, this time with his daughter as an unwilling assistant who hopefully won't lose her head. In a climactic fight, Henderson tries to prevent Duquesne from activating the guillotine, but himself accidentally releases the catch; a \"dummy\"'s head falls from the guillotine causing Duquesne to go insane thinking his daughter has been killed. Henderson rescues Cassie as the police come to arrest Duquesne. The film was one", "id": "15630357" }, { "contents": "Comparison of Nazism and Stalinism\n\n\ninterest in Central and Eastern Europe. Lewin and Kershaw do not claim that these factors made Stalinism or Nazism inevitable, but rather that they help to explain why the Stalinist and Nazi regimes developed similar features. Ian Kershaw admitted that Stalinism and Nazism are comparable in \"the nature and extent of their inhumanity,\" but noted that the two regimes were different in a number of aspects Lewin and Kershaw question the usefulness of grouping the Stalinist and Nazi regimes together under a \"totalitarian\" category, saying that it remains an open question", "id": "15733061" }, { "contents": "List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters\n\n\nas \"someone that she didn’t want as part of the team and didn’t understand why Coulson wanted her\" to wanting Skye \"to be the best agent that she can be.\" After discovering that Skye is an Inhuman, Wen stated that \"it’s like when you have your child or your daughter losing control or getting involved with situations or people that you’re not sure about. You don’t have the control anymore. It’s very frightening. For Skye to be an unknown entity, May still holds", "id": "16465384" }, { "contents": "Chronicler of the Winds\n\n\n, telling Nelio's story, reasoning: \"I kept asking myself: where does the evil in human beings come from? Why does barbarism always wear a human face? That's what makes barbarism so inhuman\". The novel was published in 1995 by Ordfront in Stockholm. It was published in English, translated by Tiina Nunnally, in 2006 by Harvill Secker, and in several other languages. A reviewer in \"The Observer\" writes: \"The genocide that forces Nelio out of his village and the degradation suffered by", "id": "17783962" }, { "contents": "After War Gundam X\n\n\nnothing but despair...and as such, fails utterly to keep this reviewer's interest. Whereas Gundam, though at times saddening, was exciting, suspenseful, and full of life, Gundam X is completely bleak and inhuman, and loses the point that Gundam is actually less about the mecha than about humanity itself. Then again, when neither the mecha or the humans inspire anything ... why should we care?\" He concluded that \"After War Gundam X\" was \"not an absolutely terrible anime, but it's downright", "id": "19168895" }, { "contents": "Riba\n\n\nal-Qaradawi. Interest brings an end of \"mutual sympathy, human goodliness, and obligation\", according to Imam Fakhr al-Din al Razi. Maududi holds that interest \"develops miserliness, selfishness, callousness, inhumanity\". Ibn Rushd argued the rationale for prohibition relates to the possibilities of cheating that exists in \"riba\", which is clearly visible in \"riba fadl\". Non-Orthodox M.O. Farooq replies by asking why Siddiqi does not even attempt to provide evidence for how charging interest leads to social and", "id": "6219233" }, { "contents": "Black November\n\n\nbelongs to the Nigerian citizens. Sadly, the people most affected by the spills get rewarded not even a penny for their agony\". Amata stated in an interview that the purpose of the film is to \"bring to light the injustice and inhumane situation of the Niger Delta\", he also said \"If BP can be made to compensate the people of the Gulf of Mexico, why can't the world make the oil companies polluting our land make amends? We have been suffering spills the size of Exxon Valdez for 50", "id": "8211243" }, { "contents": "Shaul Ladany\n\n\nthe village and they were speaking to somebody that was standing in the entrance to apartment number one. I have noticed his dark skin and the hat and I listened, still without being afraid or thinking that something is very dangerous for me, and the guards are asking the permission to let the Red Cross enter apartment one and provide some aid to a wounded person and the man, he refuse. They said, 'Why should you be inhumane ?', and the man replied something like either, the Jews or the", "id": "8848989" }, { "contents": "Pete Sell\n\n\nPeter 'Drago' Sell, (born August 5, 1982) is an American mixed martial artist who most recently competed in the Welterweight division. A professional competitor since 2002, he has formerly competed for the UFC, and was a competitor on \"The Ultimate Fighter: The Comeback.\" Sell made his debut with the UFC at \"UFC 51\", defeating Top contender Phil Baroni by guillotine choke submission in what was considered a major upset, considering he was a 5–1 underdog. After a controversial Technical knockout stoppage in", "id": "12746987" }, { "contents": "Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily\n\n\nof Napoleon. Louis-Philippe's father, the previous Duke of Orléans, had been guillotined during the French Revolution, though he had advocated it in the early years. The two were married in 1809, three years after they met in Italy, whereupon Marie-Amelie became Duchess of Orléans. The ceremony was celebrated in Palermo 25 November 1809. The marriage was considered controversial, because she was the niece of Marie Antoinette, while he was the son of a man who was considered to have played a part in the", "id": "15955253" }, { "contents": "Electric chair\n\n\nUnited States to use the electric chair was the Philippines, although the method was discontinued after 1976. The United Kingdom considered replacing hanging with the electric chair (as well as considering the gas chamber, shooting, the guillotine and lethal injection) during the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment, the findings of which were published in 1953. The Commission concluded that the electric chair had no particular advantages over hanging, and so, the electric chair was not adopted for use in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom performed its last execution", "id": "332959" }, { "contents": "Inhumans\n\n\nInhuman Royal Family are featured in the TV series \"Inhumans\", which premiered in 2017, it was critically panned and lasted only one season. A proposed film adaptation of the Inhumans was announced in 2014 by Marvel Studios but has yet to be produced as of 2019. The Inhumans first appeared in \"Fantastic Four\" #45 (December 1965). The Inhumans appeared as a back-up feature in \"Thor\" #146 (Nov. 1967) to #152 (May 1968) which contained their first extensive origin", "id": "12440337" }, { "contents": "Inhumans\n\n\nhim. As the months pass, Medusa also begins gathering the Inhuman descendants (called NuHumans by many), and reveals the existence of the Inhumans to the world. Attilan is rebuilt from its remains on the Hudson River, in a city called New Attilan, serving as an independent nation welcoming all Inhumans and open to any who wish to visit. Crystal takes a team of Inhumans on the transport vessel called the R.I.V., or Royal Inhumans Vehicle, to follow the Terrigen Cloud and protect any NuHumans. In Australia she finds", "id": "12440368" }, { "contents": "Inhumans\n\n\nrevealed that Alpha Primitives are actually humans who have been exposed to gas created from Xerogen Crystals, a substance created by the Kree as a weapon for the Inhumans to use against their human enemies. The Bird-People are a genetic offshoot of the Inhumans with bird wings and in some cases bat wings. The Kree eventually designed a new race of Inhumans that differs greatly from the original called Super-Inhumans. They are believed to be engineered from birth with almost of all of their fellows Inhuman abilities and none of their problematic", "id": "12440393" }, { "contents": "Inhumanity (comics)\n\n\n\"Inhumanity\" is a 2013–14 comic book crossover storyline that ran through a number of Marvel Comics beginning in December 2013. The event follows the aftermath of \"Infinity\" when the Terrigen Mists are released throughout the world (somewhat similar to the \"Earth X\" reality) and activate dormant Inhuman cells in ordinary people who are Inhumans descendants. A new core ongoing title called \"Inhuman\" was launched as part of this storyline and is a focal point of this story. \"Inhumanity\" was announced in July 2013 as a", "id": "14019841" }, { "contents": "Conscription Crisis of 1944\n\n\nas inhumane. One soldier, Major Ben Dunkelman of the Queen's Own Rifles regiment wrote at the time: \"We knew why leaves were so scarce. Thanks to Prime Minister Mackenzie King's handling of the Conscription issue at home\". Another soldier serving in Italy, Brigadier Bill Murphy wrote to his wife: \"I personally will never cast another Liberal vote as long as King as anything to do with the party. Of the armies in Italy, only that of Canada has no provisions for home leave\", the", "id": "10228737" }, { "contents": "Human rights\n\n\ninhuman or degrading treatment (Article 3 of the Convention), the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture was established. Several theoretical approaches have been advanced to explain how and why human rights become part of social expectations. One of the oldest Western philosophies on human rights is that they are a product of a natural law, stemming from different philosophical or religious grounds. Other theories hold that human rights codify moral behavior which is a human social product developed by a process of biological and social evolution (associated with Hume).", "id": "13843672" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Tibet\n\n\nresolution in 1965, \"The Chinese occupation of Tibet has been characterised by acts of murder, rape and arbitrary imprisonment; torture and cruel, inhuman and degraded treatment of Tibetans on a large scale.\" According to a secret PLA document purportedly captured by the guerrillas fighting the Chinese army, 87,000 deaths were recorded in Lhasa between March 1959 and September 1960. Regarding this document, Chinese demographer Yan Hao wonders why \"it took six years for the PLA document to be captured, and 30 years for it to be published\"", "id": "18125867" } ]
Why is America so opposed to universal health care?
[{"answer": "In the US, people hear horror stories of 6-month waits to see a doctor, and the inability to get certain procedures done at all in some cases, and little or no choice in what type of care you receive. Of course, lots of folks are already on Medicare and Medicaid in this country, so to be reflexively against what one might consider to be \"socialized medicine\" is kind of curious..."}, {"answer": " > access to medical assistance is considered a basic human right Here is the main issue, if providing economic benefits to everyone is a right, who is forced to provide those benefits? If the argument is that healthcare is a basic human right, does it extend to all humans? If a person in Toronto is forced to pay doctor bills for someone in Vancouver, can he be also be forced to pay for doctor bills for someone in Kenya? Or since Kenyans are not Canadian citizens, they do not deserve basic human rights? > benefits so society vastly out weigh the cost in tax dollars. Right, so Canadians paying for the healthcare of someone in Kenya benefits society."}, {"answer": "I think universal healthcare is not seen as a good option in the US because our government runs many social programs very poorly, and healthcare isn't a program you want run poorly. For instance, the VA has had lots of troubles in the news in the past few years. If the government can't even runt he VA right, how can they run everything? There is also the idea that free market and high pay is what makes people make the investment to become doctors. Yes healthcare is expensive, but why would you invest so much of your life if there wasn't a reward. One theory I have heard is we already have a Dr. Shortage, if the government ran the hospitals, there would be no free market for Doctors to move between hospitals for increased pay and such so there would be a loss of incentive to become a Dr. TO be clear, I don't agree with these points of view, but they are a few examples that I have heard why it won't work in the US."}, {"answer": "Two reasons (that I don't personally ascribe to) are used in these arguments: 1. I should get to keep more of my money. My hard work shouldn't go toward paying \"Lazy Joe's\" medical expenses. If he were less lazy, he could pay for himself. 2. There is a perception of better care through a privatized system. No long waits to see doctors, the quality of doctor is supposedly better, blah blah blah. In the rhetoric, #1 is more often cited by conservative pundits. The USA has a real \"if you work hard enough, X is achievable\" mindset, which is untrue for many reasons."}, {"answer": "There has been years of propaganda against Universal heath care in America calling it socialized healthcare to imply connections with communism. Example, URL_0 Ronald Reagan speaks on the evils of socialized Healthcare."}, {"answer": "Aside from the \"socialism\" fears, health is big business in the US, over 17% of our GDP, generating billions of dollars and employing millions of people. Socializing healthcare would reasonably result in a large portion of these people losing their jobs. NY recently passed a bill for single payer (aka, universal healthcare) and estimates 326,000 people will lose their job in NY alone, just in the administrative side of healthcare. Expanding out nation wide, that means about 5.6M people being out of a job with the entire industry they know gone. It's really hard for any politician to pass a law knowing it will put millions of taxpayers out of work with no replacement available, while also shutting down multi-billion dollar companies that have been around for decades, or even centuries."}, {"answer": "I don't think most Americans have an issue with universal healthcare. I just think they have an issue with: 1. How it was implemented, i.e... have healthcare or be fined. 2. It being government run. Most all government run programs here are failing miserably. USPS, welfare, social security...."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25226624", "title": "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), often shortened to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or nicknamed Obamacare, is a United States federal statute enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 amendment, it represents the U.S. healthcare system's most significant regulatory overhaul and expansion of coverage since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.", "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), often shortened to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or nicknamed Obamacare, is a United States federal statute enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 amendment, it represents the U.S. healthcare system's most significant regulatory overhaul and expansion of coverage since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Howard Dean\n\n\nwhich ensures universal health care for children and pregnant women in the state. He is a noted staunch supporter of universal health care. Dean denounced the 2003 invasion of Iraq and called on Democrats to oppose the Bush administration. Dean showed fundraising ability, and was a pioneer of political fundraising via the Internet; however, he lost the nomination to Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts. Dean formed the organization Democracy for America and later was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee in February 2005. As chairman of the party, Dean created", "id": "20204464" }, { "contents": "Albany Health and Human Services Corporation\n\n\nthat is why HHC was created in 1969. HHC also has the Metro Plus Plan, which is a health insurance plan for HHC beneficiaries. Giest was not the only opposing voice to the Social Security Act of 1965; Edward R. Annis of the AMA also predicted that Medicare and Medicaid would have future problems. Annis predicted that Medicare and Medicaid would interfere with the patient and physician relationship. With the expansion of convenient care clinics across America the patient-physician relationship is becoming obsolete. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts", "id": "18180781" }, { "contents": "Health care reforms proposed during the Obama administration\n\n\nwould be fed back into the health care system so providers learn from their mistakes. Such an approach has been opposed by trial lawyer lobbyists. The U.S. is facing shortages of doctors and nurses that are projected to grow worse as America ages, which may drive up the price of these services. Writing in the \"Washington Post\", cardiologist Arthur Feldman cited various studies that indicate the U.S. is facing a \"critical\" shortage of doctors, including an estimated 1,300 general surgeons by 2010. The American Academy of Family Physicians predicts", "id": "3996067" }, { "contents": "Pat Roberts\n\n\nthe flexibility to rest at any point during their trip without it being counted against their hours of service and exempting loading and unloading times from the hours of service calculation of driving time. Roberts opposed President Barack Obama's health reform legislation; he voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in December 2009, and he voted against the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. In September 2017, Roberts supported the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill. When interviewed about why he supported it, Roberts repeatedly refused to say why", "id": "5479556" }, { "contents": "History of health care reform in the United States\n\n\nnot enacted into law. The \"Health Security Express,\" a cross-country tour by multiple buses carrying supporters of President Clinton's national health care reform, started at the end of July 1994. During each stop, the bus riders would talk about their personal experiences, health care disasters and why they felt it was important for all Americans to have health insurance. In 2000 the Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA) partnered with Families USA and the American Hospital Association (AHA) on a \"strange bedfellows\"", "id": "11028662" }, { "contents": "Rural health care in Australia\n\n\nremote populations already experience. In a statement on the first proposal, it opposed the major policy change arguing that the consequences for access to primary care in rural areas would \"include higher rates of potentially preventable hospitalisations.\" The definition of 'rural health' has been criticised by researchers and health practitioners who question why the phrase ‘rural’ is used. For them, \"it implies a unified, fixed and identifiable space that is empirically unproven.\" In particular, scholars question the accuracy of the construction of rural geographic", "id": "18262191" }, { "contents": "Democratic Leadership Council\n\n\nvia tax credits for the uninsured and opposes plans for single-payer universal health care. The DLC supports universal access to preschool, charter schools, and measures to allow a greater degree of choice in schooling (though not school vouchers), and supports the No Child Left Behind Act. The DLC supports both the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). The DLC has both supported and criticized the policies of President George W. Bush. The DLC opposed the partial birth", "id": "2917433" }, { "contents": "Rock the Vote\n\n\nit's just Cowboys and Indians.\" With CNN, Rock the Vote organized \"America Rocks the Vote,\" a 2003 Democratic presidential candidates forum at Faneuil Hall in Boston. Rock the Vote has expressed support for a public health insurance option. It signed on to Health Care for America NOW!, a progressive political coalition that supported passage of the Affordable Care Act. In 2009, Rock the Vote ran a campaign encouraging people to refuse to have sex with those who opposed what they regarded as a reform of American health", "id": "11014606" }, { "contents": "Nursing in Islam\n\n\nsensitive to, and concerned with those in need, namely the weak, the suffering and the outcasts of society. This act of caring is further divided into three principles: intention, thought, and action. Intention and thought refer to who, what, where, when and why to care, whereas action is related to the knowledge necessary to be able to care. In short, health care is deemed as \"service\" to the patients and to Allah, as opposed to other professions that are commercial-based.", "id": "6173490" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mike Huckabee\n\n\nHe says that America needs a \"health\" system, not just a \"health care\" system. He is a strong advocate of healthy living, encouraging Americans to exercise more and eat less. Huckabee opposed Obama's health care plan, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. He stated that he wants to \"give citizens more control over their own health care choices\". Huckabee thinks HMOs should not be required to cover people with preexisting conditions. Huckabee supports increasing George W. Bush's President's Emergency Plan for AIDS", "id": "10911430" }, { "contents": "Health Leads\n\n\n. In 2012, Rebecca Onie co-authored \"Realigning Health with Care: Lessons in Delivering More with Less\", highlighting the need for America to expand its scope of healthcare. The article appeared in the \"Stanford Social Innovation Review\". In April 2012, Rebecca Onie delivered a TEDMED talk, \"Can We Rewrite the DNA of the Healthcare System?\" where she asked, \"If we know what we need to do to have a \"health\"care system, rather than a \"sick\"care system - why don't", "id": "2514029" }, { "contents": "Catholic Church and politics in the United States\n\n\nsuch as affiliated universities and EWTN Broadcasting, which believed they should be exempt from the law, sued the government, while Catholic religious leaders campaigned against it in church. The regulation was later altered so that an employee of a religious institution which did not wish to provide coverage for reproductive health care could seek it directly from the insurer at no additional cost. Catholic religious authorities continued to oppose the plan, while the Catholic Health Association supported it. While the pope and the bishops have opposed birth control, the majority of American", "id": "15908611" }, { "contents": "To Save America\n\n\nCold War and the Soviet Union disappeared in December 1991.\" Gingrich also spends several chapters outlining his policy prescriptions for reviving the American economy, fixing the U.S. health care system and protecting religious liberty, among other issues. He argues that the existing bureaucratic systems in Washington and state capitals are so broken and so resistant to change that they must be \"replaced — not reformed — if we want to remain competitive globally in the twenty-first century.\" A late chapter, \"Why the Tea Party Movement is Good For", "id": "6458361" }, { "contents": "Affordable Health Care for America Act\n\n\noption or in any of the exchange's private plans sold to customers receiving federal subsidies. In mid-November, it was reported that 40 House Democrats said they will not support a final bill containing the Amendment's provisions. Stupak has said that 15–20 Democrats will oppose adoption of the Senate bill because of objections to its abortion provisions as well as its tax on high-value health insurance plans. In March 2010, Stupak voted for the Senate language health care bill excluding the Stupak Amendment language. The Affordable Health Care for", "id": "2383817" }, { "contents": "Christian left\n\n\n, or universal health care. Liberation theology is a theological tradition that emerged in the developing world, especially Latin America. Since the 1960s, Catholic thinkers have integrated left-wing thought and Catholicism, giving rise to Liberation Theology. It arose at a time when Catholic thinkers who opposed the despotic leaders in South and Central America allied themselves with the communist opposition. However, it developed independently of and roughly simultaneously with Black theology in the U.S. and should not be confused with it. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith", "id": "770456" }, { "contents": "Catholic Church and health care\n\n\nthe lepers of Molokai. The Catholic Church is the largest private provider of health care in the United States of America. During the 1990s, the church provided about one in six hospital beds in America, at around 566 hospitals, many established by nuns. The church has carried a disproportionate number of poor and uninsured patients at its facilities and the American bishops first called for universal health care in America in 1919. The church has been an active campaigner in that cause ever since. In the abortion debate in America, the", "id": "8536222" }, { "contents": "Public health\n\n\n. Unless health care is no longer treated as a commodity, global public health will ultimately not be achieved. This being the case, without changing the way in which health care is delivered to those who have less access to it, the universal goal of public health care cannot be achieved. Another reason why measurable changes may not be noticed in public health is because agencies themselves may not be measuring their programs' efficacy. Perrault et al. analyzed over 4,000 published objectives from Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) of", "id": "10420354" }, { "contents": "Daniel Callahan\n\n\n); \"What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative\" (University of California Press, 2003); \"Medicine and the Market: Equity vs. Choice\" (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006); and \"Taming the Beloved Beast: Why Medical Technology Costs are Destroying Our Health Care System\" (Princeton University Press, August 2009). Callahan lectured widely on his ideas on health care during this period through the United States and Europe. Callahan was an elected member of the Institute of Medicine, National", "id": "22026020" }, { "contents": "Sociology of health and illness\n\n\nhigh average life expectancy of 75 years for males and 80 years for females. This leads to the conclusion that North America has cultivated a comparatively healthy society. As North America contains several core nations, the growing economies in those nations are able to maintain and develop medical institutions. This subsequently provides more access to health care for American citizens but health care is not universal. North America is known for being a leading nation in regards to industrialization and modernization, but the United States lacks federal laws regarding health care as a basic", "id": "2986096" }, { "contents": "Ernst Philip Boas\n\n\nOmega Alpha in medicine. Boas was an early advocate of a universal health care system and insurance, and equal distribution of medical services. In 1939, he organized a group called the Physician's Forum for the Study of Medical Care to study and discuss health care issues. It had a membership of about 3,000 doctors from the American Medical Association, which at the time opposed universal health insurance. In addition to his medical director and teaching positions, he also served on a variety of public health committees organized by New York City", "id": "3304146" }, { "contents": "David Vitter\n\n\nremove the earmark. Vitter later withdrew it. In September 2007, Vitter opposed an increase of $35 billion for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the national program to provide health care for children from families who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private health insurance. He said he preferred that private health insurance provide the needed care and deemed the bill as \"Hillarycare\", a reference to the 1993 Clinton health care plan created by Hillary Clinton which proposed universal health care.", "id": "20266245" }, { "contents": "Ontario Health Coalition\n\n\nThe Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is an organization in Ontario that advocates publicly funded health care. The OHC authors and releases research reports related to health care provision issues and opposing privatization of health care. The organization is made up of an advocacy network of over 400 grassroots community organizations representing virtually all areas of the province that lobbies for its goals through rallies and lobbying. The Ontario Health Coalition supports preserving Canada's Medicare system and the overall goal and policy of universal public health care. In January 2018, the OHC released", "id": "22169932" }, { "contents": "David Vitter\n\n\nInsurance Program, the United Nations, and amnesty for America's illegal immigrants. Vitter's stated positions include a balanced budget constitutional amendment, abolishing the federal and state estate tax, increasing local police forces, and an assortment of health care, tax and national defense reforms. Vitter opposed President Barack Obama's health reform legislation; he voted against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in December 2009, and he voted against the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. In September, 2007, Vitter earmarked $100,000 in", "id": "20266243" }, { "contents": "Center for American Progress\n\n\n. The \"Science Progress\" staff included Editor-In-Chief Jonathan D. Moreno. In 2017, the Center opposed Bernie Sanders' single-payer health plan. Critics said that this was because of funding from the health care industry, such as The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, the Health Care Service Corporation and America's Health Insurance Plans, who would be eliminated under Sanders' plan. In 2018, the Center proposed an alternative to single payer that would offer patients and employers a choice between government coverage and private", "id": "3337494" }, { "contents": "Progressive Democrats of America\n\n\nPDA advocates passage of H.R. 676 the United States National Health Care Act, which would provide enhanced Medicare for all by establishing a streamlined, nonprofit national health program under which care would be publicly financed and privately delivered. PDA also supports H.R. 1200 the American Health Security Act which would enable states to establish their own health care programs to move toward publicly financed systems. PDA supports fair trade, which it asserts would protect consumers' and workers' rights as well as the environment while opposing free trade agreements that it believes tend to", "id": "21228258" }, { "contents": "Developmental-Behavioral Screening and Surveillance\n\n\nwhy are detection rates typically so low? There are 8 major reasons why children with difficulties are not identified in primary care: The challenges of early detection in primary care are surmountable. But health care providers need to be better engaged by the early childhood community, trained in the use of tools that are accurate and effective in primary care, and reimbursed appropriately for their time. A number of model initiatives demonstrate that challenges of early detection are not insurmountable. Early detection initiatives that have encouraged greater contact between early childhood programs and", "id": "20532940" }, { "contents": "Reformed Church in America\n\n\ninvolved in debating laws regulating assisted suicide, it will be out of a concern for the health and well-being of society... As a society, there is no common understanding that gives any universal meaning to 'detrimental'. In humility, Christians can simply acknowledge this, and proceed…to share our own unique perspectives, inviting others to consider them and the faith that gives them meaning.\" The Reformed Church also condemns the death penalty. The General Synod in 2000 expressed seven reasons why the Church opposes it:", "id": "7075385" }, { "contents": "Health care in the United States\n\n\nU.S. citizens. In 1997, 34.3% of non-U.S. citizens living in America did not have health insurance coverage opposed to the 14.2% of native-born Americans who do not have health insurance coverage. Among those immigrants who became citizens, 18.5% were uninsured, as opposed to noncitizens, who are 43.6% uninsured. In each age and income group, immigrants are less likely to have health insurance. With the recent healthcare changes, many legal immigrants with various immigration statuses now are able qualify for affordable health insurance", "id": "14726340" }, { "contents": "Working America\n\n\ncongressional elections. Working America activists were credited by the press and Democrats for helping to deliver federal and state victories in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In 2007, Working America began a campaign to build support for universal health care. The group established a \"Health Care Hustle\" website on which consumers could post stories about how lack of health insurance or under-insurance led to significant financial, health or other problems. Working America promised to launch a campaign against the organization or corporation which received the most \"horror stories.\" The", "id": "6422966" }, { "contents": "Click It or Ticket\n\n\nprimarily based on the belief that requiring wearing of a seatbelt is a violation of civil rights. For example, Prof. Walter E. Williams of George Mason University writes, \"The point is whether government has a right to coerce us into taking care of ourselves. If eating what we wish is our business and not that of government, then why should we accept government's coercing us to wear seat belts?\" Journalist Scott Indrisek has strenuously worked to oppose mandatory seat belt efforts, which he calls \"a black stain on America", "id": "12018197" }, { "contents": "Diana Farrell\n\n\n& Investment Banking, September 2010 “Changing the fortunes of America's workforce: A human capital challenge”, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2009 “Promoting energy efficiency in the developing world”, McKinsey Quarterly, February 2009 “Why Americans pay more for health care”, McKinsey Quarterly, December 2008 “Leading through uncertainty”, McKinsey Quarterly, December 2008 “The challenge of reforming Japan’s health system”, McKinsey Global Institute, November 2008 “Why baby boomers will need to work longer”, McKinsey Quarterly, November", "id": "17136021" }, { "contents": "Raúl Grijalva\n\n\n. The House-approved Affordable Health Care for America Act included a public option — however, the Senate version did not include a similar provision, and it was ultimately not a part of the final reform package. Grijalva has largely been supportive of the health care reform law since its passage and argued the Supreme Court should not overturn it during a segment with Republican Rep. Peter Roskam, who opposes the law, for the PBS NewsHour on March 28, 2012. Grijalva has a long history in community health activism as an early", "id": "18082964" }, { "contents": "Healthcare policies of candidates in the 2008 United States presidential election\n\n\nThis article lists the healthcare statements of some candidates for president during the 2008 US presidential election. On January 24, 2007, Mr. Obama spoke about his position on health care at Families USA, a health care advocacy group. Obama said: \"The time has come for universal health care in America . . . I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country.\" Obama went on to say that he believed that it was wrong", "id": "4199638" }, { "contents": "American Health Care Act of 2017\n\n\ninterests get a sweetheart deal\". The American Medical Association released a statement opposing the bill. America's Essential Hospitals, American Hospital Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, Catholic Health Association of the United States, Children's Hospital Association, Federation of American Hospitals, and National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems also stated their opposition in a joint letter. Conservative groups, including Heritage Action, the Cato Institute, Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, and the Tea Party Patriots all oppose the bill. Progressive groups, including,", "id": "17339105" }, { "contents": "Charlotte Towle\n\n\n, this gained traction. The head of the American Medical Association (AMA) called the book “viciously and malevolently un-American.” The book had been published by what is now the Department of Health and Human Services. The AMA was worried they were on the path toward universal health care, which they strongly opposed. Pitching this book as “socialist propaganda” was part of a larger crusade by them to paint all public assistance as “socialism” in order to prevent universal health care. The book and its", "id": "16561304" }, { "contents": "Richard Shelby\n\n\nhealth care system in the world\" and cited the need to expand the system without destroying it. Following Senator Ted Cruz's 21-hour speech opposing the Affordable Care Act, Shelby joined Cruz and 17 other Senators in a failed vote against cloture on a comprehensive government funding bill that would have also continued funding healthcare reform. In September 2017, after the Senate reached an agreement during a lunch to not vote on a Republican bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act that week, Shelby said, \"Why have a vote if you know", "id": "8596721" }, { "contents": "Democratic Party (United States)\n\n\npayer program of Medicare for All. The Progressive Democrats of America, a group operating inside the Democratic Party, has made single-payer universal health care one of their primary policy goals. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010, has been one of the most significant pushes for universal health care to become a reality. By April 2014, more than 10 million Americans had enrolled in health care coverage since the launch of the Affordable Care Act. Democrats favor improving", "id": "20046063" }, { "contents": "Maria Cantwell\n\n\nTimes editorial page. So do 72 percent of Americans, according to a recent poll. So what's going on with Washington's junior senator, Maria Cantwell? Why doesn't she want Congress to include a public option—a new government-run health-care plan that will be available to everyone and will compete with private insurance companies to bring down costs—in its health-care-reform package?\" Cantwell cited her concerns with getting the bill through the United States Senate as the reason for her opposition.", "id": "18764009" }, { "contents": "Irwin Redlener\n\n\nIrwin Redlener is an American pediatrician and public health activist who specializes in health care for underserved children, health care reform, and disaster planning, response, and recovery. He is the author of \"Americans at Risk: Why We Are Not Prepared for Megadisasters and What We Can Do Now\" (Knopf, 2006). Redlener is president and co-founder (with singer songwriter Paul Simon) of Children's Health Fund (CHF), director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at The Earth Institute - Columbia University", "id": "3812679" }, { "contents": "Richard Scotton\n\n\nthe Liberal-National Coalition under Prime Ministers Robert Menzies, Harold Holt John Gorton and William McMahon. The Liberal and National parties opposed such a system, and so the plan was initially rejected. However, the Government's attitude changed in 1972 with the election of the reformist Whitlam Labor Government, who had campaigned promising to implement free universal health care in Australia for the first time. Scotton then entered the public service to implement his Medicare (known at the time as Medibank) program as chairman of the Health Insurance Commission (", "id": "21020423" }, { "contents": "Nashville, Tennessee\n\n\nand tourist destination, its largest industry is health care. Nashville is home to more than 300 health care companies, including Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), the world's largest private operator of hospitals. , it is estimated the health care industry contributes per year and 200,000 jobs to the Nashville-area economy. CoreCivic, formerly known as Corrections Corporation of America and one of the largest private corrections company in the United States, was founded in Nashville in 1983. Vanderbilt University was one of its investors prior to the", "id": "2148136" }, { "contents": "Charles N. Kahn III\n\n\nenactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (42 USC 18001). During the Clinton administration's 1993–1994 health reform initiative, Kahn was responsible for the Health Insurance Association of America’s \"Harry and Louise\" $14–20 million advertising/public affairs campaign, which influenced the national debate by opposing Kahn is currently the co-chair on the strategy-setting Coordinating Committee of the NQF's Measure Applications Partnership, which was established under the Affordable Care Act to advise the federal Department of Health and Human Services on", "id": "20686070" }, { "contents": "Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved\n\n\nThe Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved is an academic journal founded in 1990 by David Satcher, then President of Meharry Medical College who later became the 16th Surgeon General of the United States. \"JHCPU\" is published by the Johns Hopkins University Press for Meharry and is affiliated with the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved. The journal covers the health and health care of medically underserved populations in North and Central America and the Caribbean, and topics such as access to health care, quality, costs, regulation,", "id": "13129070" }, { "contents": "Mike Huckabee\n\n\nand hospitable\" after a trip there, but did not reveal that a foreign agent for Qatar had paid $50,000 to a corporation run by Huckabee as a \"honorarium for visit\". Huckabee opposes any public funding for abortion, and believes that abortion should be legal only when the life of the mother is at risk. He believes that it would \"most certainly\" be a good day for America if \"Roe v. Wade\" were reversed. Huckabee opposed Obama's health care plan, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care", "id": "7702957" }, { "contents": "Thomas C. Taylor\n\n\ngun control, which is shown by the favorable ratings he has received from the NRA. On the issue of health care, Taylor takes a clear position. When it comes to government involvement in insurance exchanges, Taylor has stated the following: \"I don't see why the government even has to play a role. \" As such, he was opposed to the Health Insurance Exchange bill that set a goal for 2014 that would set up and create state health insurance exchanges. Representative Taylor's most recent votes were associated with", "id": "15127304" }, { "contents": "Betsy McCaughey\n\n\nration care, to deny life-saving treatment to seniors and disabled people.\" Other conservatives agreed that the legislation could put the federal government in the middle of the doctor-patient relationship. The stimulus bill was passed with the healthcare-related provisions still included. McCaughey urged their repeal so that their potential impact could be studied further. McCaughey opposed the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 debated in Congress in 2009. She made allegations about certain provisions of the bills that provided for Medicare payments to physicians for end", "id": "7290966" }, { "contents": "Mandalay\n\n\narts universities: Mandalay University, the oldest university in Upper Burma, and Yadanabon University. The general state of health care in Burma is poor. The military government spends anywhere from 0.5% to 3% of the country's GDP on health care, consistently ranking among the lowest in the world. In 2005, the public health care system of Mandalay Region with over 7.6 million people consisted of slightly over 1000 doctors and about 2000 nurses working in 44 hospitals and 44 health clinics. Over 30 of the so-called hospitals", "id": "17113583" }, { "contents": "Raúl Grijalva\n\n\nsupporter of Tucson's El Rio Community Health Center. He supports single-payer health care, but voted in favor of the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act because he felt it was a major improvement over the status quo. Grijalva supports the DREAM Act and the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act (CIR ASAP) and has recently come to greater prominence because of his role in promoting immigration reform. He has opposed the expansion of a border fence, citing cost effectiveness concerns and potential damage to sensitive", "id": "18082965" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Elizabeth Warren\n\n\nthe chapter \"Get Sick, Go Broke\", Warren wrote that \"We approach the health care debates from a single perspective: maintaining the financial stability of families confronting illness or injury. The most obvious solution would be universal single-payer health care.\" Warren supported the Affordable Care Act and has opposed Republican efforts to repeal it however in June 2017, she said that Democratic Party should start running on a new national single-payer plan: \"President Obama tried to move us forward with health-care coverage by", "id": "18668403" }, { "contents": "Lives at Risk\n\n\ncare as delivered in countries with national health insurance. Further, they desired to explain why the American system is bad, why the nationalized systems are worse, and how to reform the American system without making the same mistake made by many other countries. According to the book, citizens in countries with national health care systems do not have an entitlement to health care. (See also Accuracy below). The book claims that the only country in the world that provides an entitlement to any health care service is the United States", "id": "2774129" }, { "contents": "Hospital\n\n\nof delivery\" health care system exists, funded by the state. Hospital care is thus relatively easily available to all legal residents, although free emergency care is available to anyone, regardless of nationality or status. As hospitals prioritise their limited resources, there is a tendency for 'waiting lists' for non-crucial treatment in countries with such systems, as opposed to letting higher-payers get treated first, so sometimes those who can afford it take out private health care to get treatment more quickly. In some countries such", "id": "850826" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Barack Obama\n\n\nto Bill Clinton's 1993 plan to reform health care, Obama adopted a strategy of letting Congress drive the process, with the House and Senate writing their own bills. In the Senate, a bipartisan group of Senators on the Finance Committee known as the Gang of Six began meeting with the hope of creating a bipartisan healthcare reform bill, though the Republican Senators involved with the crafting of the bill ultimately came to oppose it. In November 2009, the House passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act on a 220-215", "id": "3135453" }, { "contents": "São Paulo\n\n\nthe population are literate and roughly the same proportion of those age 7 to 14 are enrolled in school. There are 578 universities in the state of São Paulo. The universities and colleges include: São Paulo is one of the largest health care hubs in Latin America. Among its hospitals are the Albert Einstein Israelites Hospital, ranked among the best in Latin America and the Hospital das Clínicas, the largest in the region. The private health care sector is very large and most of Brazil's best hospitals are located in the city", "id": "12842459" }, { "contents": "University of California, Irvine Medical Center\n\n\nUniversity of California, Irvine Medical Center is the only university hospital in Orange County with more than 400 specialty and primary care physicians. The medical center offers a full scope of acute- and general-care services including cancer care, digestive diseases, heart health neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, primary care, surgery, and women's health. It is the only hospital in Orange County recognized in \"U.S. News & World Report\"’s annual listing of \"America's Best Hospitals\" and first to receive Magnet Designation for nursing", "id": "2525901" }, { "contents": "Waterloo (blog post)\n\n\nin place there would be programs for other benefits. \"Having given our pensioners their medical care in kind,\" he asked, \"why not food baskets, why not public housing accommodations, why not vacation resorts, why not a ration of cigarettes for those who smoke and beer for those who drink?\" Bills to introduce universal coverage continued to be introduced in Congress, primarily by Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy, but failed. Republican presidents Richard M. Nixon and Gerald Ford were opposed to all but the most modest expansions of", "id": "3198271" }, { "contents": "Healthcare in Costa Rica\n\n\nCosta Rica provides universal health care to its citizens and permanent residents. Costa Rica offers some of the best health care in Central America. Both the private and public health care systems are always being upgraded. New hospitals, new clinics, new machines, and improvement in staff and training. Statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) frequently place Costa Rica in the top country rankings in the world for long life expectancy. WHO's 2000 survey ranked Costa Rica as having the 36th best health care system, placing it one", "id": "5341558" }, { "contents": "Devin Nunes\n\n\n-NC) in the Senate. The bill would have established a system of state health insurance exchanges and amended the Internal Revenue Code to allow a refundable tax credit for qualified health care insurance coverage. It also proposed to absorb Medicaid programs into the exchange system. The Patients' Choice Act was incorporated into the \"Roadmap for America's Future Act of 2010\". Nunes opposes the Affordable Care Act and has stated it cannot be fixed. In 2017 he voted to repeal it. Nunes supported President Trump's 2017 executive", "id": "18133872" }, { "contents": "Political positions of the Democratic Party\n\n\n,\" and many advocate on expanding government intervention in this area. They favor a movement toward universal health care in a variety of forms to address the rising costs of modern health insurance. Democratic politicians like Representatives John Conyers and John Dingell have called for a single-payer program or Medicare for All. The Progressive Democrats of America, a group operating inside the Democratic Party, has made single-payer universal health care one of their primary policy goals. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law by President", "id": "22134749" }, { "contents": "Charlton Heston\n\n\nlittle something from your new America; and until you do, would you mind shutting up? He went on to say:The Constitution was handed down to guide us by a bunch of wise old dead white guys who invented our country! Now some flinch when I say that. Why! It's true-they were white guys! So were most of the guys that died in Lincoln's name opposing slavery in the 1860s. So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is \"Hispanic Pride\" or", "id": "2195785" }, { "contents": "People's Health Movement\n\n\nIn an increasingly integrated, globalised world with new cross-border threats to health, widening disparities in both health and access to health care, and an unacceptable level of human suffering and premature mortality in developing countries, people across the globe are asking, why is so little progress being made by in promoting health in the world? The Global Health Watch is designed to seek answers to this question and also to start articulating solutions. It is an endeavour to propose to the global community an alternate vision of health that is located", "id": "17301651" }, { "contents": "Brenton L. Saunders\n\n\nYork chapter of the American Heart Association. He also serves on the transition team for New Jersey Governor-elect Chris Christie. In 1997, he was named Compliance Officer of the Year at Health Care Compliance Association. He served as the chief compliance officer for Coventry Health Care and for Thomas Jefferson University and Health System. He served as senior vice president of Compliance, Legal, and Regulatory at Home Care Corp. of America. He served as the chief risk officer of Coventry Health Care from 1998 to 1999. He was a", "id": "1124557" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Donald Trump\n\n\nhealth care.\" In his 2000 book, \"The America We Deserve\", Trump reiterated his call for universal health care and focused on a Canadian-style single-payer health care system as a means to achieve it. Though he characterized the Canadian health-care system as \"catastrophic in certain ways\" in October 2016 during the second presidential debate, the Trump campaign website wrote in June 2015 about his support for \"a system that would mirror Canada's government-run healthcare service\" under the title \"What", "id": "9150074" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Gary Johnson\n\n\ngovernment should be taking over the health care system.\" Instead, he believes that a \"market-based approach should be the foundation of any solution. A health care insurance system that is privately owned and managed is the best approach to solving our health care problems.\" He favors tort reform and control of frivolous lawsuits as means cutting costs of health care. Johnson opposed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and believes it should be repealed. He also opposed the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act", "id": "16340135" }, { "contents": "Consumer Federation of California\n\n\norganizations in order to administer the California Health Care Cost and Quality Database, a searchable database that facilitates comparisons of cost, quality, and patient satisfaction across payers, provider organizations, and other suppliers of health care services. (Opposed unless amended due to privacy concerns) 1. Safeco Insurance Company of America: PA-2015-00007 (2015-2016) 2. Wawanesa General Insurance Company: PA-2015-0007 (2015-2016) 3. State Farm General Insurance Company: PA 2015-00004 (2015-2016) 4", "id": "8297055" }, { "contents": "Jerry Moran\n\n\na cosponsor of the Transporting Livestock Across America Safely Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by Ben Sasse and Jon Tester intended to reform hours of service for livestock haulers through authorizing drivers to have the flexibility to rest at any point during their trip without it being counted against their hours of service and exempting loading and unloading times from the hours of service calculation of driving time. Moran opposed the Medicare reform package of 2003, unlike most congressmen from rural districts. He also opposed the Affordable Care Act of 2010, the health care reform", "id": "18083200" }, { "contents": "A Theory of Justice\n\n\n\" (1992) that we should attend not only to the distribution of primary goods, but also how effectively people are able to use those goods to pursue their ends. Norman Daniels has wondered why health care shouldn't be treated as a primary good, and some of his subsequent work has addressed this question, arguing for a right to health care within a broadly Rawlsian framework. The philosopher G. A. Cohen, in \"If You're An Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich?\" (2000) and \"", "id": "11616899" }, { "contents": "Universal health care\n\n\nformer Soviet nations and Eastern bloc countries. Beyond the 1990s, many countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region, including developing countries, took steps to bring their populations under universal health coverage, including China which has the largest universal health care system in the world and Brazil's SUS which improved coverage up to 80% of the population. A 2012 study examined progress being made by these countries, focusing on nine in particular: Ghana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Mali, Kenya,", "id": "12298154" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\nthe states to choose their own health care plans. During 2009, as Congress debated proposals for health insurance reform, Romney said that he was in favor of increased health insurance portability, coverage of pre-existing medical conditions, a cap on malpractice lawsuits, the implementation of a streamlined electronic medical records system, an emphasis on preventative care, loosening restrictions on importation of prescription drugs, and tax benefits aimed at making health insurance more affordable for the uninsured and targeted to promote universal access. He said he opposed efforts to provide", "id": "11527075" }, { "contents": "Health care in the Philippines\n\n\nthe high standards of healthcare abroad. Comparing data from 2014 between Philippines, United States of America, and Canada, Philippines only spent 4.7% of their GDP on health while USA and Canada spent 17.1% and 10.4%. Efforts are being performed to bridge the gap. Last February 20, 2019, The Universal Health Care (UHC) Bill was signed into all, aiming to provide proper healthcare services for all. Health care in the Philippines extends as far back as the 15th century. Prior to the arrival of the", "id": "13714523" }, { "contents": "Bill Maher\n\n\nhe thinks people are finally paying closer attention to a conversation that they need to have. \"I'm just shining a light on the reality of the situation. I don't even understand why this is so controversial.\" Maher received the 2009 Richard Dawkins Award from Atheist Alliance International. He is an advisory board member of author Sam Harris's Project Reason, a foundation that promotes scientific knowledge and secular values within society. Maher supports the establishment of a Medicare-for-All universal single-payer health care system,", "id": "18678280" }, { "contents": "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009\n\n\nRep. Lois Capps's amendment to segregate abortion funding, the House or Representatives voted for tighter restrictions on federal funding for elective abortions via the Stupak Amendment. \"America's Health Insurance Plans\", a lobbyist group, opposed the bill. 'Americans for Stable Quality Care' is an activist group that has devised television ads in support of this type of healthcare reform. Although the group gets funding from the drug lobby PhRMA as well as from the Service Employees International Union, it does not disclose this fact in the ads themselves", "id": "17615989" }, { "contents": "The Happiness Hypothesis\n\n\nBowlby's World Health Organization-sponsored study and report, \"Maternal Care and Mental Health\" in 1950, and the subsequent work with monkeys by Harry Harlow. Understanding the different kinds of love, he writes, can help explain why people make so many mistakes with love, and why philosophers hate love and give us bad advice about it. Nietzsche wrote, \"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger\", but this is not true for everyone; adversity may result in post-traumatic stress disorder. Haidt discusses", "id": "14726962" }, { "contents": "League of Women Voters\n\n\nand the Affordable Care Act. The League supports a general income tax increase to finance national health care reform for the inclusion of reproductive health care, including abortion, in any health benefits package. The League supports abortion rights and strongly opposed the passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Act. The League actively opposed welfare reform legislation proposed in the 104th Congress. The League opposes school vouchers. In 1999, LWV challenged a Florida law that allowed students to use school vouchers to attend other schools. The League supports a system for", "id": "13306256" }, { "contents": "May Wykle\n\n\nolder adults, self-care activities of caregivers and elders, including health promotion, care-giving across the life span, HIV-related care-giving, black-versus-white caregivers and minority elder health. She is a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and the Gerontological Society of America, a former Director of a Robert Wood Johnson Teaching Nursing Home Project, and a recipient of a Geriatric Mental Health Academic Award from the National Institute of Mental Health. Since joining Case Western Reserve University in 1969, she", "id": "8818289" }, { "contents": "T.R. Reid\n\n\nin the film, the extent of Reid's role in making the film, and the balance PBS had sought to present. Reid used his right of reply to challenge PBS's characterization of their and his own positions. His investigations into health care resulted in his \"New York Times\" bestselling book \"The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper and Fairer Health Care\". In 2015, Reid became Chairman of the Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care. In that role, he served as a lead", "id": "148246" }, { "contents": "Integrated delivery system\n\n\nAn integrated delivery system (IDS), also known as integrated delivery network (IDN), is a health system with a goal of logical integration of the delivery (provision) of health care as opposed to a fragmented system or a disorganized lack of system. The term has sometimes been used in a broad sense with reference to managed care in general (as opposed to fee-for-service care), but in the United States it now more often refers to any specific network of health care organizations constituting a corporate", "id": "4210953" }, { "contents": "D.J. Bettencourt\n\n\nconsequences.\" Bettencourt opposes the 2010 health care reform and characterized it as a \"plan to take over Americans' health care.\" Bettencourt has supported proposals to have New Hampshire seek a waiver from Medicaid and from the health insurance law so cuts to optional services not required under federal law could be made. Bettencourt took a neutral position on expanded legal gambling/gaming in his first campaign for state representative but after being elected expressed support for expanded gambling to provide additional revenues for future budgets. In November 2011, Bettencourt harshly", "id": "21674000" }, { "contents": "Pete Sessions\n\n\nclub. Sessions opposed abortion and supported defunding Planned Parenthood. Sessions favored repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or \"Obamacare\"). Sessions supported the March 2017 version of the American Health Care Act, the House Republicans' replacement plan for the ACA. On May 4, 2017, he voted to repeal the ACA and pass the American Health Care Act. In September 2010, Sessions remarked after watching the Princeton University men's basketball team, \"How often can you go see a bunch of white guys", "id": "8259691" }, { "contents": "Healthcare reform in China\n\n\nand publicly funded facilities differs, and private clinics are more frequented in some rural areas due to better service and treatment. In fact, a study by Lim, et al. showed that in the rural Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Shanxi, and Sichuan, 33% of rural citizens in these provinces utilize private clinics as opposed to governmentally funded hospitals. The study showed that it was not so much the availability and access to health care for citizens, as it was the quality of the public health care people were receiving that", "id": "10427949" }, { "contents": "Center for Medicine in the Public Interest\n\n\nUnited States, and restrictions on advertising in the European Union. The Economist Intelligence Unit has written that the organisation generally takes a pro-drug industry viewpoint. CMMPI is a strong opponent of universal healthcare and favors a free-market approach to health care policy. The center created website called to tell the stories of people who faced difficulties with the health care systems in Europe and Canada. The site also includes interviews with health policy experts in Europe and Canada. The group opposes the importation of drugs in order to lower", "id": "9582900" }, { "contents": "Cuba–Venezuela relations\n\n\ngave the example that in 1952 the United States supported a coup which installed Fulgencio Batista as dictator of Cuba and writes \"U.S. overthrows of elected governments are nothing new, as demonstrated in Brazil, Chile, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti, to name a few\". Franklin pointed that Cuba is well developed in health care and was once the only nation in Latin America to offer universal free health care, and with the help of Cuba, Venezuela has been able to give free health care to many of its citizens;", "id": "14953585" }, { "contents": "David Sackett\n\n\nlearn in medical school is dead wrong\" Sackett obtained his medical degree at the University of Illinois, and a Master of Science in Epidemiology from Harvard University. David Sackett made seminal contributions to the science of health care and the teaching and practice of medicine. He did so through vision (about how to improve health care through research), innovation (in research methods for health care and education of researchers and clinicians), and engendering collegiality and collaboration. Among his more important randomized clinical trials, and in collaboration with colleagues", "id": "17715268" }, { "contents": "Pan American Health Organization\n\n\nthe peoples of the Americas, in collaboration with Ministries of Health, other government and international agencies, nongovernmental organizations, universities, social security agencies, community groups, and many others. PAHO promotes universal health coverage and universal access to health and strengthening of health systems based on primary health care strategies. It assists countries in fighting infectious diseases such as malaria, cholera, dengue, HIV and tuberculosis as well as the region's growing epidemic of noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. PAHO engages in technical cooperation", "id": "4123608" }, { "contents": "Health Initiative of the Americas\n\n\nproviders; and producing health education materials for immigrants and advocates. Since 2013 over 100 grants have supported multidisciplinary binational teams. The main partners are Mexico’s Secretariat of Health (SSA), National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); the University of Texas at El Paso and the University of Arizona. The program is co-administered by the California Program on Access to Care and HIA from UCB School of Public Health. The Center of Expertise on Migration and Health", "id": "5565691" }, { "contents": "Bob Onder\n\n\nof health care for businesses and their employees, and to oppose tax increases. So when a new health insurance tax was proposed by my own party, I was obligated to oppose it, regardless of political cost.\" Due to the opposition of Onder and other senators, the HMO tax proposal was removed. In 2019, Onder introduced legislation to allow people with concealed carry permits to bring a firearm onto public transit. Onder cited safety concerns and problems of crime on public transit. Onder said that the current law prevents \"", "id": "16028291" }, { "contents": "Political positions of John Delaney\n\n\nto protect reforms brought by the Affordable Care Act, including guaranteed coverage of preexisting conditions and essential health benefits. Delaney seeks \"portable benefits\", including detaching health care from employment, thereby allowing for Americans to seek new jobs and new opportunities without being made to feel bound to an individual employer. Delaney intends for his plan to guarantee coverage for pregnancy and maternal care. Delaney has not supported the \"Medicare for All\" proposal for achieving universal healthcare. In part, he opposes this because he believes that rural hospitals would", "id": "14206363" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Walmart\n\n\nits 1.3 million United States workers. In comparison, Walmart rival and wholesaler Costco insures approximately 85% of its workers. In 2003 Walmart spent an average of $3,500 per employee for health care, 27% less than the retail-industry average of $4,800. When asked why so many Walmart workers choose to enroll in state health care plans instead of Walmart's own plan, Walmart CEO Lee Scott acknowledged that some states' benefits may be more generous than Walmart's own plan: \"In some of our states,", "id": "20810581" }, { "contents": "Health 2.0\n\n\nonline communities, podcasts, search, tagging, Twitter, videos, wikis, and more) by actors in health care including doctors, patients, and scientists, using principles of open source and user-generated content, and the power of networks and social networks in order to personalize health care, to collaborate, and to promote health education. Possible explanations why health care has generated its own \"2.0\" term are the availability and proliferation of Health 2.0 applications across health care in general, and the potential for improving public", "id": "15329356" }, { "contents": "Health Care for America NOW!\n\n\nconference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. HCAN led grassroots online activists, conducted news conferences and published reports on health insurance industry profits, executive compensation, concentration of market power, and mistreatment of consumers and health care providers. HCAN did not achieve one of its central goals, the creation of a so-called public option, a government-run health plan that would introduce greater competition into local health insurance markets, nearly all of which are dominated by one or two large companies. Republicans joined with conservative", "id": "11028554" }, { "contents": "Economic policy of the Barack Obama administration\n\n\n. On June 22, 2008 Obama proposed tightening regulations on oil speculators in an effort to ease record high prices of oil. \"My plan fully closes the Enron loophole and restores common-sense regulation,\" Obama said. On January 24, 2007 Obama spoke about his position on health care at Families USA, a health care advocacy group. Obama said, \"The time has come for universal health care in America [...] I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president,", "id": "12420740" }, { "contents": "Patient record access in the United Kingdom\n\n\na ‘team’. ‘The amount of time I don’t have to contact the practice is incredible,’ she told GPs at a King’s Fund event. ‘I really don’t understand why so little progress has been made. Empowering patients and giving them control over their situation so that they understand when they're making their health choices, to me it’s a no-brainer.’ The NHS England National Information Board produced a document \"Personalised Health and Care 2020\", in November 2014 outlining plans for", "id": "11229672" }, { "contents": "Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies\n\n\nGeorgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies (NHS) is one of the four undergraduate schools of Georgetown University. Founded in 1903 as the School of Nursing, it added three other health related majors in 1999 and appended its name to become the School of Nursing & Health Studies. The school has been at the forefront of education in the health care field, offering many programs unique to America's elite institutions. Offering undergraduate and graduate programs in the health sciences, graduates are prepared to enter the complex fields of medicine,", "id": "8597874" }, { "contents": "Juniper Advisory\n\n\n. Recent advisory assignments include transactions with: The Cleveland Clinic, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, The University of Chicago Medical Center, CHRISTUS Health, Adventist Health, Jefferson Health, Hospital Corporation of America (during ownership under Bain Capital, KKR, and Merrill Lynch), Duke University Health System and LifePoint Health, UnityPoint Health, Spectrum Health, Sentara Healthcare, Dignity Health, McLaren Health Care Corporation, Ardent Health Services (a portfolio company of Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, Equity International, and Ventas, Inc., Vanguard", "id": "16254237" }, { "contents": "National Coalition on Health Care\n\n\nof America) Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Consumers Union Duke Energy Duke University Medical Center Easter Seals The Episcopal Church The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Giant Food, Inc. Gross Electric, Inc. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Partnership for Health Care Reform (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, AFL-CIO International Foundation for Employee Benefit Plans Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Japanese American Citizens League Johns Hopkins Medicine League of Women Voters Maternity Center Association Michigan Health & Hospital Association Midwest Business Group on", "id": "12902713" }, { "contents": "Oral Health America\n\n\nto improve the lives of children. Oral Health America committed and succeeded in sealing 1 million teeth by 2010. Smiles Across America recently renewed its commitment to seal an additional 2 million teeth by 2020. In 2008, the program's topic was the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic health. In 2009, the symposium focused on collaborative health care for older adults In May 2011, the symposium will be named \"Collaborative Health Care for Diabetes: A Symposium for Creating a Medical-Dental Dialogue Among Health Care Professionals.\" NSTEP", "id": "8767749" }, { "contents": "Public health\n\n\nthe improvement of health conditions for its entire population via universal access to health care. Infant mortality has plummeted. Cuban medical internationalism as a policy has seen the Cuban government sent doctors as a form of aid and export to countries in need in Latin America, especially Venezuela, as well as Oceania and Africa countries. Public health was important elsewhere in Latin America in consolidating state power and integrating marginalized populations into the nation-state. In Colombia, public health was a means for creating and implementing ideas of citizenship. In Bolivia", "id": "10420413" }, { "contents": "Nita Lowey\n\n\ncollective bargaining rights for federal workers at the TSA and Department of Homeland Security. However, some statements from the TSA dispute the necessity of collective bargaining. She was strongly critical of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, which places limits on taxpayer-funded abortions in the context of the November 2009, Affordable Health Care for America Act. Because of the rancor and disruptions which marked so many of the so-called Town Hall meetings held in the summer of 2009 to discuss Health Care Reform, Lowey chose to present her point of", "id": "7657251" }, { "contents": "Andrew Weil\n\n\n. In the last ten years, Weil has focused much of his work on the health concerns of older people. In his book \"Healthy Aging\", Weil looks at the process of growing older from a physical, social, and cross-cultural perspective, and in his book \"Why our Health Matters\" is focused on health care reform. Of his books, several have appeared on various bestseller lists, both as hardbacks and as paperbacks (many appearing so in the 1990s), some of them being \"Spontaneous", "id": "16666610" }, { "contents": "Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas\n\n\nBaylor University Medical Center, part of Baylor Scott & White Health, (Baylor Dallas or BUMC) is a not-for-profit hospital in Dallas, Texas. It has 1,025 licensed beds and is one of the major centers for patient care, medical training and research North Texas. In 1993, it was named by the \"U.S. News & World Report\" in its list of \"America's Best Hospitals\" for the fifteenth consecutive year. In 2013, Scott & White merged with Baylor Health Care System to form", "id": "12643380" }, { "contents": "Ezekiel Emanuel\n\n\ncost of health care yields disappointing results is because only 0.05 percent of health care dollars are spent on assessing how well new health care technology works. This is largely because health care lobbyists oppose such research. For example, when the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research found that there was little evidence to support common back operations, orthopedic and neurosurgeons lobbied to cut funding for such research. Emanuel said that fee-for-service reimbursements encourage spending on ineffective health care. However, more should be spent on fraud detection,", "id": "5270970" } ]
Why do the nations of the US and Canada spend money on a no-touching rule at their borders?
[{"answer": "Protecting your border gets much harder when you're not entirely sure where that border is on the ground. Keeping the border clear is a good way to maintain that distinction."}, {"answer": "The main reason is that for most of the border, there's no fence or anything like that. It's cheaper to clear a strip of land than to have a fence. So, why have it at all? To keep people who are out camping or hunting from accidentally breaking the law by crossing the border. If you're out that way, and you come across that frontier, you *know* it."}, {"answer": "[Here's]( URL_0 ) a video that pretty much sums up all I have to know on this. Not sure how useful it will be with why they believe it's worth the cost."}, {"answer": "Imagine something as simple as a hunter. You are deep in the woods, but accidentally cross an imaginary line. You are now in Canada with one or two firearms, a serious offense. Having a clear cut visible demarcation that is easily identifiable by anyone that happens to be hiking, camping or whatever in the northern woods keeps an accident like that from happening."}, {"answer": "Prior to 9/11 this kind of crap almost didn't exist on the US/Canada border. Indeed, there is a town in Vermont called Derby Line that sits right on the border, and the opera house/library actually straddles it. Prior to 9/11, Canadians and Americans walked back and forth across the border freely a dozen times a day, and nobody cared. The local border patrol guys knew everybody, so if somebody was up to something shady, like trying to evade taxes on booze, they knew. After 9/11, Big Brother rolled into town. DHS, state police, and other goons were suddenly everywhere, and they didn't give a rat's ass if you'd been walking across the border your whole life, suddenly you were a terrorist suspect. The town's pharmacist, Roland Roy, frequently stepped over the line to Canada to get pizza, but once the DHS goons showed up, he was arrested and fined, which created a shitstorm in the town. URL_0 To answer OP's question, the reason they insist on this kind of crap is because the DHS is founded on \"security theater,\" the big, flashy illusion that your government is doing everything it can to protect you from the scary terrorists, when in fact, all it's doing is trampling on civil rights and throwing money down a black hole. \"Taking proactive steeps to secure the border\" is one of those bullshit shows they can put on to make people think they're really doing things."}, {"answer": "If someone (on the canadian side of the border) shot another person (on the american side of the border), what country would have jurisdiction over the investigation?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "32135", "title": "United States Virgin Islands", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The United States Virgin Islands (abbreviated USVI; also called the US Virgin Islands or American Virgin Islands), officially the Virgin Islands of the United States, is a group of islands in the Caribbean and an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States. The islands are geographically part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles to the east of Puerto Rico and west of the British Virgin Islands.", "The United States Virgin Islands (abbreviated USVI; also called the US Virgin Islands or American Virgin Islands), officially the Virgin Islands of the United States, is a group of islands in the Caribbean and an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States. The islands are geographically part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles to the east of Puerto Rico and west of the British Virgin Islands."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Victor Fuchs\n\n\nS. Hahn, entitled \"How Does Canada Do it? – A comparison of Expenditures for Physicians' Services in the United States and Canada\". It discusses the differences in the Canadian and US healthcare spending patterns and also discusses why healthcare expenditures are so much higher in the United States. Fuchs and Hahn found that the higher US expenditures were entirely based on 234 percent higher fees for services than Canada even though there are more physicians per capita in Canada. That shows that the typical view of Canada saving money by delivering fewer", "id": "9808388" }, { "contents": "Vincent C. Gray\n\n\nto spend its own locally raised funds. In particular, the budget limits the city's ability to spend money on abortion services and reauthorizes a school voucher program that the city government opposes. U.S. Capitol Police arrested several protesters, including Vincent Gray, for blocking automobile traffic. Speaking to the press before the arrest, Gray said, \"This is an absolute travesty. All we want to do is spend our own money... Why should women in the District of Columbia be subjected to a set of rules that no other woman", "id": "10133837" }, { "contents": "Comparison of the healthcare systems in Canada and the United States\n\n\ndebates on both sides of the border. After her ad appeared critics pointed out discrepancies in her story, including that Rathke's cleft cyst, the condition she was treated for, was not a form of cancer, and was not life-threatening. Healthcare is one of the most expensive items of both nations' budgets. In the United States, the various levels of government spend more per capita than levels of government do in Canada. In 2004, Canada government-spending was $2,120 (in US dollars) per", "id": "8624302" }, { "contents": "Haibane Renmei\n\n\nsubject to restrictive rules with sometimes harsh penalties. Foremost among these rules: Haibane may not own anything new, may not use money, and are forbidden to touch or even approach the wall that circles Glie. These rules are strictly enforced by the Haibane Renmei (\"Charcoal Feather Federation\"), an organization that oversees the lives of the Haibane. Rakka quickly bonds with the other residents of Old Home — especially Reki and Kuu — and begins searching for a job by spending a day with each of her friends at their", "id": "10516636" }, { "contents": "Neil deGrasse Tyson\n\n\nof a nation is currently underfunded to do what it needs to be doing\". Tyson has suggested that the general public has a tendency to overestimate how much revenue is allocated to the space agency. At a March 2010 address, referencing the proportion of tax revenue spent on NASA, he stated, \"By the way, how much does NASA cost? It's a half a penny on the dollar. Did you know that? The people are saying, 'Why are we spending money up there...' I ask", "id": "16385471" }, { "contents": "National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of the United States\n\n\nmiles of the Mexico–United States border. On February 15, 2019, President Trump spoke to the media in the White House Rose Garden. After signing the spending bill to keep the government open, Trump declared a national emergency over the border crisis, hoping to get access to $8 billion to use for border security. During his announcement, Trump stated, \"I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.", "id": "2902694" }, { "contents": "Trump wall\n\n\n, the administration was free to spend funds that were not expressly appropriated for border security. Douglas Letter, the general counsel for the House of Representatives, responded, “That just cannot be right. No money may be spent unless Congress actually appropriates it.” On the following week, Gilliam granted a preliminary injunction preventing the Trump administration from redirecting funds under the national emergency declaration issued earlier in the year to fund a planned wall along the border with Mexico. Gilliam ruled that \"Congress's 'absolute' control over", "id": "7327412" }, { "contents": "Croatia–Slovenia border disputes\n\n\nhe finished fishing, escorted him to the port. Another stated that \"Slovenian police officers always come to us if we work, they monitor us, say that we are in their waters, warn us, but they do not touch us, and our police is always next to us.\" Slovenian Foreign Ministry sent two diplomatic notes on the implementation of arbitration ruling to Croatia. In the first, it called Croatia for a dialogue on the implementation of the arbitration ruling, and in the second expressed protest against \"the", "id": "19680943" }, { "contents": "Harper v Canada (AG)\n\n\nor a registered political party, from spending money in promoting or opposing candidates and parties. In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled in \"Libman v. Attorney General of Quebec\" that restricting third party spending has a valid object \"to permit an informed choice to be made by ensuring that some positions are not buried by others\". The Liberal Party of Canada's government introduced Bill C-2 which became the new Canada Elections Act in 2002. Bill C-2 limited third party election advertising maximum spending to $150,000 nationwide, of which a", "id": "2933482" }, { "contents": "Article One of the United States Constitution\n\n\nearmarked for farmers. The Court struck down the tax, ruling that the general welfare language in the Taxing and Spending Clause related only to \"matters of national, as distinguished from local, welfare\". Congress continues to make expansive use of the Taxing and Spending Clause; for instance, the social security program is authorized under the Taxing and Spending Clause. Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. In 1871, when deciding \"Knox v. Lee,\" the Court ruled that this clause", "id": "12967567" }, { "contents": "Penny4NASA\n\n\nstated: \"By the way, how much does NASA cost? It's a half a penny on the dollar. Did you know that? The people are saying, 'Why are we spending money […].' I ask them, 'How much do you think we're spending?' They say 'five cents, ten cents on a dollar.' It's a half a penny.\" Tyson has proposed increasing the budget of NASA and suggested that doing so would increase the capabilities of human spaceflight", "id": "9949767" }, { "contents": "National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of the United States\n\n\nbe diverted for wall construction. Trump’s declaration was unprecedented in that none of the 58 previous emergency declarations made by U.S. presidents involved circumventing Congress to spend money it had expressly refused to authorize or allocate. Trump's declaration of a national emergency was condemned by Democrats as unconstitutional; U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called the declaration an affront to the rule of law that was \"a lawless act, a gross abuse of the power of the presidency and a desperate attempt to distract from the", "id": "2902685" }, { "contents": "Colt CM901\n\n\ncould be made to chamber the smaller-bore ammunition from a changed-out upper receiver. It would feed from AK-74-type magazines through an adapter block for the larger 7.62mm Soviet magazine well in the lower receiver. The big problem for Colt Defense / Colt Canada when marketing the weapon is the same problem faced by the Russian arms industry. Why would a Middle-Eastern, Gulf-region, or Southwest-Asian nation spend money on a modern or improved version of the Kalashnikov system when there are massive stocks of the", "id": "3858142" }, { "contents": "Taxation in Afghanistan\n\n\nand Mesherano Jirga voted for the budget in the end of November 2017, and the expected tax revenues for Afghanistan was by then AFN 157 billion. There is not a clear reason why the budget has decreased that much but possible explanations have been that the earlier budget was false or that the government found a way to use the development budget money more efficiently. The government spends the most money on is security, accounting for 41 percent of the national budget. 13 percent goes to education, 11 percent to infrastructure, 9 percent", "id": "6749323" }, { "contents": "Bıçakçı Bridge\n\n\nthe 14th century when the area around the bridge was under the rule of Karamanids. According to a legend, the bridge was commissioned by a very wealthy woman. At the end of the construction, the architect was paid. After the payment was made, the architect wanted to buy a decorated dagger hung on the wall. The woman agreed to give the knife as a present to the architect, and the architect returned all the money on the condition that the money would be spend for the poor. That is why the", "id": "17404084" }, { "contents": "Eudaimonia\n\n\nof affairs is instrumentally valuable if it serves as a means to what is intrinsically valuable. To see this, consider the following example. Suppose a person spends their days and nights in an office, working at not entirely pleasant activities for the purpose of receiving money. Someone asks them \"why do you want the money?\", and they answer: \"So, I can buy an apartment overlooking the ocean, and a red sports car.\" This answer expresses the point that money is instrumentally valuable because its value", "id": "17011423" }, { "contents": "Alaska Permanent Fund\n\n\n. Donley explained that the high vote requirement really empowers the minority party (in the 2000–07 era, the Democratic Party), who can then get what they want in a Christmas tree bill (presents for everyone, both majority and minority) in exchange for their votes (which minority votes would not be needed with the usual 51% voting rule). Donley thus explains why both parties can and do use the higher voting rule requirement to more frequently spend from the CBR. While the Permanent Fund generally generated large surpluses even", "id": "16757930" }, { "contents": "Relationship between Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda\n\n\nthe touch of silver coins (i.e. money). To test this, one day when Ramakrishna was not in his room, Narendra put a silver coin under the mattress of his bed. Ramakrishna entered the room without knowing of Narendra's act, then sat on his bed. But immediately he jumped up in pain and asked someone to check his bed. The bed was searched and the coin was found. Narendra did not accept or worship Kali, the goddess Ramakrishna used to worship. Ramakrishna asked him— \"Why do", "id": "3526955" }, { "contents": "Arena Corinthians\n\n\nrequirements to force the government to spend money on the construction. São Paulo's opposition to Teixeira in the now defunct Clube dos 13 electionwhich was won by ruling-side Fábio Koff, aligned with São Paulo's Juvenal Juvêncioirritated the CBF president. At the same time, an affinity between Teixeira and then-president of Corinthians, Andrés Sanchezwho was chosen as the head of delegation for the national team during the 2010 FIFA World Cup and on the same side on Clube dos 13's electionwas noticed. São Paulo's mayor Gilberto Kassab", "id": "13850300" }, { "contents": "Upselling\n\n\na customers point of view, adding on can be seen as the seller trying to make the buyer spend more money to bring up the point of the sale. This is why adding on can be difficult, familiarity and relevance of suggestions is important, seller wants to make sure that the items being shown still match the customers’ initial thoughts and ideas. If they do not there is a high chance of losing the sale. As told in the Journal of Relationship marketing by Kamatura Wagner cross selling is valuable selling technique used", "id": "22199059" }, { "contents": "National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius\n\n\nKatyal's ruling analysis. Law professor Neal K. Katyal at Georgetown University, who served as acting solicitor general of the United States and argued the health care cases at the appellate level, argued that the Supreme Court ruling could change the relationship between the federal government and the states because of \"the existence of an extraconstitutional limit\" on the federal government's power under the Spending Clause. Katyal said that until now it had been understood that when the federal government gave money to a state in exchange for the state's doing something", "id": "10661644" }, { "contents": "Japan–South Korea Joint History Research Project\n\n\nancient, medieval, and modern times. At that time, Seoul demanded that the research institute’s findings be reflected in the textbooks of the two nations, but Japan rejected this request.\"\" Japan's refusal to use the research findings of the joint historians in Japanese schools cause South Korea to wonder why they were spending so much money researching history which wasn't going to be used in Japan. This event caused South Korea to halt the project in 2005. In 2007, both nations decided to revive the joint history", "id": "21515706" }, { "contents": "Friedman doctrine\n\n\nhe is spending their money. Insofar as his actions raise the price to customers, he is spending the customers' money. Insofar as his actions lower the wages of some employees, he is spending their money.\" He argues that the appropriate agents of social causes are individuals—\"The stockholders or the customers or the employees could separately spend their own money on the particular action if they wished to do so.\" Friedman thus concludes that \"there is one and only one social responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage", "id": "13974929" }, { "contents": "Federal Election Campaign Act\n\n\nCommission (FEC). The Act was amended again in 1976, in response to the provisions ruled unconstitutional by \"Buckley v. Valeo,\" including the structure of the FEC and the limits on campaign expenditures, and again in 1979 to allow parties to spend unlimited amounts of hard money on activities like increasing voter turnout and registration. In 1979, the FEC ruled that political parties could spend unregulated or \"soft\" money for non-federal administrative and party building activities. Later, this money was used for candidate-related", "id": "7713141" }, { "contents": "Steven Staples\n\n\n. That’s why we bought C-17s in the first place – so we could move troops and material quickly.” In May 2012, Staples contributed an op-ed to \"Embassy Magazine\" on why Canada does not need a defence industry, arguing that the industry takes up too much of the government's time, money and effort. He urged the Canadian government to create jobs by spending in other areas like education, and warned against concentrating too much on defence production thereby leaving the Canadian economy vulnerable to collapse. Staples", "id": "16326826" }, { "contents": "Fanny Puyesky\n\n\nfor the theater. In 1984 she participated in the National Programmatic Agreement (\"Concertación Nacional Programática\"; CONAPRO) Status of Women Working Group, alongside leaders such as Marta Canessa and Ana Lía Piñeyrúa. In 1992 she wrote \"La mujer y su dinero. Un cambio hacia la libertad\", in which the author raises the difficult relationship between women and money and inquires about the reasons why women are prejudiced about the issue of money and why they should give an account when they spend it. In 1997 Puyesky produced and", "id": "12219739" }, { "contents": "Nicaraguan Democratic Force\n\n\nthousand tough contra soldiers on this border, yet they do not hold an inch of dirt. The only progress they've made is in purchasing condominiums... Why do you stop a war when people are getting very well off? This was corroborated by an aid to LT. Col. North: I've been in their accounting office. I've seen filing cabinets full of hundred-dollar bills, suitcases full of money... They were laundering money...These people don't know they are even in a war, they think", "id": "16399898" }, { "contents": "Ramsay Weston Phipps\n\n\n, fewer men in prison, and just as many men for service...I will then give you another hint for saving money...why not do away with the Inspector-General of Recruiting, and spend his pay in horse artillery, who would be very ornamental and very serviceable? What use is the Inspector General?\" He had retired from active service in 1883, and Phipps fully retired in 1887, after attaining the rank of colonel. Phipps and his wife had seven children, five of whom survived into adulthood.", "id": "17954830" }, { "contents": "Political party committee\n\n\nIn the United States, a political party committee is an organization, officially affiliated with a political party and registered with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), which raises and spends money for political campaigning. Political party committees are distinct from political action committees, which are formally independent of political parties and subject to different rules. Though their own internal rules differ, the two major political parties (Democrats and Republicans) have essentially parallel sets of committees. (Third parties have varied organizational structures, although several do have national committees", "id": "13935867" }, { "contents": "Mark McGowan (performance artist)\n\n\nyou know, other commissioners wouldn't touch it, not in a million years, they're not going to let you. They just wouldn't let you do it because it would affect them, wouldn't it? It'd be too strong.\" University of Central England Curator Andrew Hunt, who commissioned the work, defended it, saying: \"I think it is worth spending public money to prompt people to think about these issues. It's very good value for money for a month-long exhibition and the", "id": "18500369" }, { "contents": "Michigan Ballot Proposal 2015-1\n\n\naren't going to hack welfare spending, and neither party is going to touch school spending.\" Finley noted that, in his opinion, the best course of action would be to raise the money through an increased fuel tax; however, the legislature had been unable to pass such a bill last session and would likely be unable to do so now. Finley concluded by saying that if the proposal fails, revenue increases will be off the table, making Proposal 1 the only option. \"So the real message to voters", "id": "17414580" }, { "contents": "Wipeout (1988 American game show)\n\n\nwhatever money and prizes he/she had won in the first part of the game. Instead of using the 4-by-4 monitor grid from the main game, the bonus round used a grid of 12 larger monitors, arranged in three rows of four. The champion attempted to win a new car by identifying six correct answers in a given category within sixty seconds. After receiving the category, the champion raced to the monitors to select his/her answers. To do this, the champion would have to touch the border around one", "id": "8184412" }, { "contents": "Memory and decision-making\n\n\nanimals, then of all animals that can fly, and finally of a bird that is the most stereotypical of the class; for example, a robin. A penguin would be less likely to be retrieved because a penguin is less typical of the class. This may be the reason why it is more difficult to make decisions about abstract, non-hierarchical concepts like time and money. It is easy to envision a pencil but more difficult to decide what to do with a sum of money or how to spend the next", "id": "7621743" }, { "contents": "Ticketmaster Corp. v., Inc.\n\n\nwe spend substantial money to build up a site, why should they be able to take that and build their business on the backs of our hard work?\"'s lawyer countered that deep linking is natural in a public Internet, \"They have an open site and are a member of the free Internet community. They have to live by the rules of that community as it has grown up.\" On March 27, 2000, U.S. District Judge Harry Lindley Hupp ruled on's motion to dismiss. He said", "id": "19556766" }, { "contents": "Comparison of the healthcare systems in Canada and the United States\n\n\nComparison of the healthcare systems in Canada and the United States is often made by government, public health and public policy analysts. The two countries had similar healthcare systems before Canada changed its system in the 1960s and 1970s. The United States spends much more money on healthcare than Canada, on both a per-capita basis and as a percentage of GDP. In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in Canada was US$3,678; in the U.S., US$6,714. The U.S. spent 15.3% of GDP on healthcare", "id": "8624262" }, { "contents": "Border Reivers (game)\n\n\nplayer starts their turn with 40 gold. The six phases are: Strategically, \"Border Reivers\" is based around the need to balance spending your money on the reinforcements necessary to cement your clan's safety and improve your economy, while keeping enough money available to rein in a player who tries to race to an economic victory. The game is often won by the player who best judges when to stop spending their income and start saving for an economic victory. However, careful use of the strategy cards will enable other players", "id": "1024094" }, { "contents": "Causes of the Great Depression\n\n\na central theme in secular stagnation theory. Keynes argued that if the national government spent more money to help the economy to recover the money normally spent by consumers and business firms, then unemployment rates would fall. The solution was for the Federal Reserve System to \"create new money for the national government to borrow and spend\" and to cut taxes rather than raising them, in order for consumers to spend more, and other beneficial factors. Hoover chose to do the opposite of what Keynes thought to be the solution and allowed", "id": "8191768" }, { "contents": "Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland\n\n\nthe site which explicitly called for a Yes vote. When questioned why, in light of the ruling in the Patricia McKenna case that it was unconstitutional for the government to spend public money to promote one side of a referendum debate, the government was launching a website which contained partisan material, Minister Leo Varadkar replied that as they had launched the website before moving the writ to formally call the referendum, the ruling did not apply. The government was also criticised for diverting millions of euro to fund this website and related leaflet drop", "id": "6579348" }, { "contents": "The Ballot or the Bullet\n\n\nthe dollar was given to gains money and becomes richer. Therefore, stores in the African-American community should be run by African Americans. Then you wonder why where you live is always a ghetto or a slum area. And where you and I are concerned, not only do we lose it when we spend it out of the community, but the white man has got all our stores in the community tied up; so that though we spend it in the community, at sundown the man who runs the store takes", "id": "13544610" }, { "contents": "Margaret Moran\n\n\nkept to the rules. According to Moran, \"You could argue that I use it to be able to sustain my work. Any MP has to have a proper family life, they have to have support of their partner.\" On 12 May, just two days after defending using taxpayers' money on her third home, she agreed to repay it, albeit in instalments. In a statement she asserted: \"I do understand constituents' anger at the current fees regime, which is why I will be repaying the", "id": "4019669" }, { "contents": "Touch My Body\n\n\npeople don't recognize that about me. And I'll do stuff that I'm totally joking and they're like (uses mean girl voice), \"Why is she doing that? Why is she doing the treadmill with her high heels on?\" I'm like, \"It's a freakin' joke! It's 'Cribs'! Hello! It's a freakin' joke!\" The music video revolves around the fantasy of a computer store employee, as he dreams about a relationship with Carey. Throughout", "id": "17170218" }, { "contents": "Moon Palace\n\n\nfamily. Marco inherits some money which he uses to pay for Uncle Victor's funeral. He becomes an introvert, spends his time reading, and thinks, \"Why should I get a job? I have enough to do living through the days.\" After selling the books one by one in order to survive Fogg loses his apartment and seeks shelter in Central Park. He meets Kitty Wu and begins a romance with her after he has been rescued from Central Park by Zimmer and Kitty Wu. Eventually he finds a job", "id": "12627026" }, { "contents": "Nausicaä (character)\n\n\nthe Tsutsumi Chūnagon Monogatari. It tells the story of a young princess who is considered to be rather eccentric by her peers because, although of marriageable age, she prefers to spend her time outdoors studying insects, rather than grooming herself in accordance with the rules and expectations of the society of her era. The princess questions why other people see only the beauty of the butterfly and do not recognise the beauty and usefulness of the caterpillar from which it must grow. Miyazaki notes that the lady would not be perceived the same way", "id": "3556528" }, { "contents": "Lewiston–Queenston Bridge\n\n\nriver. The crossing is the fourth-busiest on the Canada–United States border, with delays of up to two hours. It is on the most direct route connecting the US Interstate system to Toronto and Detroit. Canada replaced its border inspection facilities in 2011. The United States continues to use its original 1962 border inspection facilities; however in 2016 it announced plans to spend $50 Million to upgrade them. Both facilities are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. All commercial vehicles crossing between the US", "id": "695547" }, { "contents": "Randolph Turpin\n\n\nhis resources and was eventually sold in 1962 prior to Turpin being made bankrupt. Turpin had been free and easy with his money when in his prime. His attitude towards money was that it was for spending and that as he had earned it he could spend it as he pleased. However, he took this philosophy too far and failed to keep track of his spending. In addition, he became a soft touch for anyone with a hard luck story and gave money away or lent it to people whom he considered to be", "id": "12860828" }, { "contents": "Climate change in Canada\n\n\nsystem and mounting a legal challenge to the federal government's carbon tax (which was imposed to replace Cap and Trade) have been the most controversial. Ford is spending $30M to fight the constitutionality of the federally imposed carbon tax, along with the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. All three provinces involved have Progressive Conservative governments, the traditional nemesis of the Liberals. Ford has been criticised for not putting the money to better use and causing an unnecessary burden on taxpayers. The court ruled in favour of the federal government", "id": "2310009" }, { "contents": "Breadfan\n\n\n\"Breadfan\" is a heavy metal song originally recorded by Budgie, appearing on their 1973 album \"Never Turn Your Back on a Friend\". The title refers to a person's relationship to money, with \"bread\" being slang for money. The lyrics further highlight the moral dilemmas on what to do with money; keep it, give it away, spend it and to ultimately be free of it and not to let it rule your life. The song was featured in video game \"Brütal Legend\" and its", "id": "5569207" }, { "contents": "Let the Right One In (novel)\n\n\nyoung. Eli gives him money for doing this, though Håkan makes it clear he would do it for nothing if Eli allowed them to be physically intimate. Håkan offers to go out one last time under the condition that he spend a night with Eli after he gets the blood, but with the caveat that he may only touch Eli. Håkan's last attempt to get blood fails and he is caught. Just before capture, however, he intentionally disfigures himself with acid so that the police will not be able to trace", "id": "14687990" }, { "contents": "Tony Clement\n\n\ninitiated its own review of the ruling, and reversed its decision. In the lead-up to the 2010 G8 summit, Clement was involved in directing $50 million of border security money for largely unrelated projects in his own riding, a practice commonly known as \"pork barrelling\". Auditor-General Sheila Fraser issued a report criticizing the Minister for breaking the rules and \"complained that there was no paperwork to determine how the hundreds of proposals\" for spending were narrowed to the 32 projects that were approved. Clement later", "id": "5227216" }, { "contents": "The Curious Enlightenment of Professor Caritat\n\n\nbooks. The only way to make money is through stocks, but it is only the wealthy that have the money to do that, creating inequalities. After limited success in Libertaria, he leaves to Minerva, and then starts to walk to the border. On his way, he is confronted by an owl who explains why each country failed to be the best it could be: they were all too focused on a single value. Since this is the Owl of Minerva, it is wise and philosophical. As dusk approaches", "id": "18355626" }, { "contents": "Shutter (2008 film)\n\n\ntries to explain to a distraught Jane that he felt it was the only way to drive Megumi away. They had planned on using the pictures as blackmail against Megumi if she didn't leave him alone but it turned into rape. He absolves himself of blame because he never touched her. This explains why Megumi murdered Adam and Bruno, and why she has been haunting Ben. Believing that Megumi was trying to warn her, and disgusted by Ben's past actions, Jane concludes that she can't spend her life with someone", "id": "6586460" }, { "contents": "Chris Daggett\n\n\nJersey. He was appointed by Governor Jon Corzine as chairman of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Permit Efficiency Task Force. Shortly after his gubernatorial campaign ended, Daggett was named the President and CEO of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation based in Morristown, New Jersey, one of the largest private foundations in the state of New Jersey. \"This is a good opportunity to look at what are doing and why we are doing it, whether we can better spend our money and who we can work with collaboratively to have a", "id": "14839512" }, { "contents": "Canadian federalism\n\n\nand matters of a local or private nature) allows for the levying of license fees even if they constitute indirect taxation. Parliament has the power to spend money on public debt and property. Although the Supreme Court of Canada has not ruled directly about constitutional limits on federal spending power, parliament can transfer payments to the provinces. This arises from the 1937 decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on the \"Unemployment Insurance Reference\", where Lord Atkin observed: \"Assuming the Dominion has collected by means of taxation a", "id": "4909040" }, { "contents": "Tax\n\n\nthe tax more progressive. This is the classic \"You pay for what you spend\" tax, as only those who spend money on non-exempt (i.e. luxury) items pay the tax. A small number of U.S. states rely entirely on sales taxes for state revenue, as those states do not levy a state income tax. Such states tend to have a moderate to large amount of tourism or inter-state travel that occurs within their borders, allowing the state to benefit from taxes from people the state would otherwise", "id": "11509941" }, { "contents": "Flag of Norway\n\n\n10.00 and 15.00 from November to February. These rules do not apply for private use of the flag, but they are generally observed by all citizens. There also exist written rules for the proper folding of the flag, for not letting it touch the ground, and in addition the unwritten rule that it should not be worn on the body below the waist. The proportions of the national flag are 22:16 (width to length), its colour elements having widths of 6:1:2:1:12 and lengths of 6:1:2:1:6. The proportions of the state", "id": "10225067" }, { "contents": "Parliament of the United Kingdom relocation\n\n\ntherefore of the unanimous view that doing nothing is not an option. Equally, the Commission is acutely conscious of the current public spending environment and is committed to ensuring that any consideration of how the Palace could be restored is based upon securing maximum value for taxpayers' money. The report is a useful first analysis of the issues. However, the Commission has ruled out the option of constructing a brand new building away from Westminster and no further analysis will be undertaken on this option. In addition, the Commission was not persuaded", "id": "14017077" }, { "contents": "Comparison of the healthcare systems in Canada and the United States\n\n\n, where in 2005 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the province of Quebec could not prohibit its citizens from purchasing covered services through private health insurance. The institute has urged the Congress to restore the right of American seniors to spend their own money on medical care. The Canada Health Act covers the services of psychiatrists, who are medical doctors with additional training in psychiatry but does not cover treatment by a psychologist or psychotherapist unless the practitioner is also a medical doctor. Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (depending on", "id": "8624288" }, { "contents": "Joseph Schumpeter\n\n\n's money rates and price levels with the money-rates and price levels of all the other nations that are 'on gold.' However, gold is extremely sensitive to government expenditure and even to attitudes or policies that do not involve expenditure directly, for example, to foreign policy, to certain policies of taxation, and, in general, to precisely all those policies that violate the principles of [classical] liberalism. \"This\" is the reason why gold is so unpopular now and also why it was so popular", "id": "15878920" }, { "contents": "Married in Canada\n\n\nMarried in Canada is a Canadian documentary about human rights and cross-border same-sex marriage. The documentary is produced and directed by Arianne Robinson, a Toronto-based filmmaker, her first feature-length documentary. \"Married in Canada\" follows seven American couples, 3 gay male and 4 lesbian couples, deciding to benefit from Canadian legalized marriage laws to get married in Toronto, while they are prohibited from doing so in the United States in their resident states. The couples and their families illustrate why overcoming the obstacles", "id": "8685720" }, { "contents": "The Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers\n\n\nLaw of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses. In 2004, it was superseded by the Berlin Rules on Water Resources. Applicable to all drainage basins that cross national boundaries, except where other agreement between bordering nations exists, the Helsinki Rules assert the rights of all bordering nations to an equitable share in the water resources, with reasonable consideration of such factors as past customary usages of the resource and balancing variant needs and demands of the bordering nations. It also mandates protection of the resource by bordering nations with respect to water", "id": "12413913" }, { "contents": "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money\n\n\nany use of money which removed it from the respending cycle (Hansen preferred 'leakage'). Kahn paid a lot of attention to the flow of money abroad to fund imports, but since Keynes worked with a closed economy this form of leakage can be ignored, and it appears that hoarding is the only one left. This is why a respending multiplier may be expected to take the value 1 / (1–\"x\" ), where \"x\", the marginal propensity to spend, is not the same as Keynes's", "id": "14123822" }, { "contents": "2004 Republican National Convention\n\n\nstarted the day before, when Pennsylvania's delegation cast the deciding votes. John Kerry believes that government can spend our money better than we can. But most Americans don't share this view. That's why John Kerry has to preach the politics of division, of envy and resentment. That's why they talk so much about two Americas. But class warfare is not an economic policy. And the politics of division will not make America stronger, and it will not lead to prosperity.'\" Paul Ryan Vice President", "id": "4232549" }, { "contents": "Cash controls\n\n\nfrom a government agency for such movements. Some countries do not have any border cash controls, though even countries like Switzerland now impose restrictions and a requirement to declare the large amount of cash. The most frequent threshold amount of cash (or equivalent) that may cross a national border without restriction is US$10,000, or some national equivalent, usually rounded to multiples of 1,000. The purpose of these regulations is part of a strategy to combat money laundering and to counter the financing of terrorism, and to combat other transnational crime", "id": "11329702" }, { "contents": "Illegal immigration to Canada\n\n\nIllegal immigration in Canada is the act of a non-Canadian individual entering Canada without the approval of the Government of Canada. The \"Immigration and Refugee Protection Act\", established in 2003 outlines the ruling, laws, and procedures associated with immigrants within Canada. It provides officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with the authority to detain permanent residents and foreign nationals if any of the individuals have violated the rulings of the Act. Roughly 12,600 individuals who were living in Canada including 1,900 criminals who violated this Act", "id": "12524445" }, { "contents": "Frances Cornford\n\n\nis soft as the breast of doves And shivering-sweet to the touch? O why do you walk through the fields in gloves, Missing so much and so much? /poem To which G. K. Chesterton replied in \"The Fat Lady Answers” in his \"Collected Poems\" of 1927: poem Why do you rush through the field in trains, Guessing so much and so much. Why do you flash through the flowery meads, Fat-head poet that nobody reads; And why do you know such a frightful lot", "id": "10970738" }, { "contents": "Theorica\n\n\nany other nation has for military purposes. But you appropriate it yourselves, to suit your own pleasure. Now if you will spend it on the campaign, you have no need of a further supply; if not, you have--or rather, you have no supply at all. ‘What!’ someone will cry, ‘do you actually move to use this money for military purposes?’ Of course I do not. Only it is my opinion that we must provide soldiers and that there must be one uniform", "id": "18774260" }, { "contents": "Self-determination theory\n\n\n's otherwise hidden value, helps students understand why the lesson is genuinely worth their effort, and communicates why the lesson can be expected to be useful to them. An example of SDT and education are Sudbury Model schools where people decide for themselves how to spend their days. In these schools, students of all ages determine what they do, as well as when, how, and where they do it. This freedom is at the heart of the school; it belongs to the students as their right, not to be", "id": "13925480" }, { "contents": "Thrift Shop\n\n\nand I buy that, and I spend this much money and I make it rain, and this type of champagne and painting the club, and this is the kind of record that's the exact opposite,\" he explained. \"It's the polar opposite of it. It's kind of standing for like let's save some money, let's keep some money away, let's spend as little as possible and look as fresh as possible at the same time.\" Asked why he thought the track was so", "id": "10529879" }, { "contents": "Ferry-Midway Border Crossing\n\n\nThe Ferry-Midway Border Crossing connects the town of Curlew, Washington with Midway, British Columbia on the Canada–US border. Canada has had a customs office at this crossing since 1896, which coincided with the gold rush boom in the area. As the mining boom subsided, the population of the town of Ferry, Washington waned, and has effectively disappeared. The current US border station was built in 1936, and the Canada border station was built in 1951. The US border station was listed on the US National", "id": "16669213" }, { "contents": "Perodua Myvi\n\n\n, this is a good-looking car. But if it looks familiar, that's because this is a Daihatsu Sirion in all but name. You see it costs billions to develop a new car – you design them on computers then build lots of them to crash into walls. So Perodua let someone else do it and spent their money sticking a new badge on it. But they kept a bit back to spend on styling. Which is why, even though it shares bits and pieces with the Sirion, the Myvi", "id": "20002305" }, { "contents": "Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973\n\n\nSenate voted to give states the authority to use up to $850 million of Highway Trust Fund money in both 1973 and 1974 for the expansion or construction of mass transit. The vote was a close 49-to-44. The Senate bill also proposed spending $18 billion on highway and mass transit over three years, and included no money for highway safety or design improvement programs. There was weaker support for mass transit spending in the House, however. In 1972, Representative Colmer had used his role as chair of the Rules Committee to", "id": "18844156" }, { "contents": "Rent-seeking\n\n\nthe rent-seeker. Luigi Zingales frames it by asking, \"Why is there so little money in politics?\" because a naive model of political bribery and/or campaign spending should result in beneficiaries of government subsidies being willing to spend an amount up to the value of the subsidies themselves, when in fact only a small fraction of that is spent. Several possible explanations have been offered for the Tullock paradox: An example of rent-seeking in a modern economy is spending money on lobbying for government subsidies in order to be", "id": "17013521" }, { "contents": "Procurement\n\n\nto be associated with money. And so it was obvious that Procurement would become directly answerable to Finance. Another factor, equally grounded in semantics, was that procurement departments (or rather, commercial departments) were always seen as “spending the money.” This impression was enough to situate Procurement within the Finance function. It's easy to see why Procurement and Finance are functions with interests that are mutually irreconcilable. Whereas Procurement is fundamentally concerned with the spending or disbursal of money, Finance, by its very nature, performs", "id": "1722573" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Hillary Clinton\n\n\n, Clinton voted for the Secure Fence Act, authorizing the construction of of fencing along the United States–Mexico border. In 2015, Clinton said, \"I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders\". Clinton reportedly played a key role in persuading Obama to militarily intervene in Libya during the Libyan Civil War, and deemed it worthwhile to intervene due to fears of further atrocities", "id": "7977414" }, { "contents": "Mandatory country-of-origin labeling of food sold in the United States\n\n\n). In 2009, the Canadian government launched a challenge to mCOOL at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Canadian federal government argued before the WTO that American \"country of origin\" labelling rules (COOL) actually worked to the detriment of the meat industry on both sides of the border by increasing costs, lowering processing efficiency and otherwise distorting trade across the Canada-U.S. border. Mexico made similar claims. In 2011, Canada said the WTO ruled in Canada's favor. The US said the panel affirmed the", "id": "14332792" }, { "contents": "Taikomochi\n\n\n, telling erotic tales and acting out skits, playing games and drinking sake. These parties, like with geisha, can be very expensive. Taikomochi Shichiko joked that \"\"taikomochi agete suideno taikomochi\"\" – that a man who spends all of his time and money on \"taikomochi\" will fall into ruin and his wife will kick him out, and he will have nothing left to do but become a \"taikomochi\" himself. Apparently this is why a lot of men became \"taikomochi\" in earlier times. As", "id": "11257996" }, { "contents": "Ivar Hippe\n\n\nterm (17 March 2000 to 19 October 2001). Hippe believed the government needed to spend more money from the Norwegian oil fund, saying: \"The greatest paradox today is that the government refuses to investigate what it will mean to buy goods and services abroad in fear that someone will come up with the idea of spending more money than we do today. The government plays with the lives of the sick and aggravates children's education because of the dogma that oil money cannot be used\". Hippe left his position", "id": "21909553" }, { "contents": "Probably (South Park)\n\n\nthey can't do anything about it as long as other children keep giving their money to Cartman. Sister Anne, however, asks Jesus to visit. Jesus tells the kids that God does not want them to fear obsessively over Hell, or to spend every waking minute worshiping all day, but to help others and live good, happy lives. The children, touched by this, agree with Jesus and decide to leave and return to their normal lives. Jesus punishes Cartman for defrauding his friends by sending him to somewhere \"", "id": "11603614" }, { "contents": "Metamorphosis (Hilary Duff album)\n\n\nand co-write more of her own material, saying \"I feel like you need time to really get in touch with yourself to do that\". In May 2004, Meredith Brooks, writer and producer of \"Party Up\", complained about the million-dollar budgets major labels spend to produce albums, saying \"There's something seriously wrong with all that! You can't keep that going. Artists have to sell millions of records for anybody to make money off of those bloated budgets.\" As Duff was", "id": "3327658" }, { "contents": "The Real Lincoln\n\n\nto spend a single tax-payers' Dollar for compensating slave-owners. For much less than that they several times threatened to secede, for much less than that they finally did secede. In short - the reason why the US, alone of all slave-holding nations, needed to go through a terrible civil war in order to end slavery is that the system of entrenched States' Rights made it impossible to do it any other way. For the slaves to be free, Lincoln had to smash States' Rights", "id": "11124637" }, { "contents": "Swarmjet\n\n\nthat it could be argued that it eliminated the need for MX. Its entire purpose was not to break up a Soviet attack entirely, but simply introduce so much uncertainty into an attack that they could not consider it. Swarmjet would do this for any attack, whether on MX in dense pack, in existing Minuteman silos, or the existing Minuteman fleet. So if Swarmjet did work, it argued against spending money on MX as well. It is speculated that this is the major reason why Swarmjet saw so little official interest", "id": "21169905" }, { "contents": "Treat Her Right\n\n\n\" was issued in 1989. Sales did not meet RCA's expectations. In the notes for their third record, the group writes, \"RCA decided that if our little basement tape could do so well, why not spend fifty times more money and it will be fifty times better! (They think everything works like that.)\" Treat Her Right were dropped from their RCA contract. \"What's Good for You\", their third album, was issued on Rounder Records in 1991. The ragged, live-", "id": "21319386" }, { "contents": "Silver & Black (film)\n\n\n's \"Cloak & Dagger\" series, Prince-Bythewood said that she was excited to have entered the Marvel world and learned by doing \"such cool, innovative things\" with Marvel Television which she could then apply to the \"bigger sandbox\" of the films. On this increase in budget, she said \"if you’re gonna spend that much money, let’s make sure that we’re telling a good story\" which is why she decided to delay filming until the she was happy with the script. The", "id": "7078092" }, { "contents": "Fed model\n\n\ncame up with is that investors collectively suffer from 'money illusion'. A number of questions remain unanswered. Why was the relationship observed in the US and not in most other international markets? Do investors in the US (the world's largest equity market) suffer more from 'illusions' than investors in for example Austria and Finland? Why did the relationship not exist in the US before 1980 (or 1965) and why did the equilibrium break down during the 2008 crisis? And if government bonds and stocks are competing", "id": "3513181" }, { "contents": "Canaan–Hereford Road Border Crossing\n\n\nThe Canaan–Hereford Road Border Crossing connects the towns of Saint-Herménégilde, Quebec and Canaan, Vermont on the Canada–US border. The crossing is at the junction of Quebec Route 141 and Vermont Route 141, and is open 24 hours for non-commercial traffic. Both the US and Canada border inspection stations are among the oldest buildings still being operated by the respective agencies. The US border station was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2014. The Canada–United States border between Vermont and Quebec", "id": "2568038" }, { "contents": "Doing a Leeds\n\n\nas successful or spent as much money on players. However, the decline of Wolverhampton Wanderers was widely seen as the culmination of decades of financial mismanagement rather than an extreme amount of short-term spending as was the case with Leeds. Wolves had paid a national record fee of nearly £1.5million to sign striker Andy Gray from Aston Villa in 1979, while spending an even greater sum of money of rebuilding one side of the ground to create a large all-seater stand, at the same time. Contemporaneous to Leeds,", "id": "3904806" }, { "contents": "Ovídio Manuel Barbosa Pequeno\n\n\nany of the money for himself and said that it had been given directly to the president, Fradique de Menezes, and that he had accordingly spent it on the president's behalf. Prime Minister Maria do Carmo Silveira had demanded his resignation, and Pequeno was accused of disloyalty to the government by spending the money in secret and without the government's authorization. Menezes argued in Pequeno's defense that the spending was legitimate. Following his resignation, he was appointed as Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Ambassador to the United States", "id": "709196" }, { "contents": "Anthony Kennedy\n\n\nThe Court overruled \"Austin\", which had held that a state law that prohibited corporations from using treasury money to support or oppose candidates in elections did not violate the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The Court also overruled that portion of \"McConnell\" that upheld BCRA's restriction of corporate spending on \"electioneering communications\". The Court's ruling effectively freed corporations and unions to spend money both on \"electioneering communications\" and to directly advocate for the election or defeat of candidates (although not to contribute directly to candidates or political", "id": "20031401" }, { "contents": "Touch-move rule\n\n\nThe touch-move rule in chess specifies that, if a player deliberately touches a piece on the board when it is their turn to move, then they must move or capture that piece if it is legal to do so. If it is the player's piece that was touched, it must be moved if they have a legal move. If the opponent's piece was touched, it must be captured if it can be captured with a legal move. This is a rule of chess that is enforced in all games", "id": "21881889" }, { "contents": "2012 United States presidential election in Iowa\n\n\nSweden? That is absurd.\" Paul also stated, \"why do we have 900 bases in 130 countries and we're totally bankrupt. How do you rebuild a military when we have no money? How are we going to take care of the people? I think this wild goal to have another war in the name of defense is the dangerous thing. The danger is really us overreacting. We need a strong national defense, and we need to only go to war with a declaration of war.\" Later in", "id": "20323685" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Hooks\n\n\nthe closet: No longer can we proffer polite, explicable, reasons why Black America cannot do more for itself,\" he told the 1990 NAACP convention delegates. \"I’m calling for a moratorium on excuses. I challenge black America today—all of us—to set aside our alibis.\" By 1991 some younger members of the NAACP thought that Hooks had lost touch with black America and ought to resign. One newspaper wrote: \"Critics say the organization is a dinosaur whose national leadership is still living in", "id": "2194290" }, { "contents": "Bart on the Road\n\n\n, Nelson, Martin, and Milhouse use to rent a car. The boys tell their parents they are going to attend the National Grammar Rodeo in Canada, but secretly take the rented car for a road trip to the World's Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. In Knoxville, however, they discover that the fair was held fourteen years earlier. Martin spends the last of the boys' money on an Al Gore doll and their car soon gets destroyed when Nelson accidentally knocks the Sunsphere (renamed the Wigsphere) on top of", "id": "15233512" }, { "contents": "John Frullo\n\n\n. In his initial statement of candidacy, Frullo said that he is committed to \"making sure that government doesn't take away freedoms and overtax us. We need to hold our government accountable on how it spends our money.\" Frullo, a member of the National Rifle Association, listed the critical issues as the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, property tax reform, U.S.-Mexican border security, photographic identity of voters, and public education, which he describes as \"a huge part of our budget and we need to", "id": "8937528" }, { "contents": "Canada–United States border\n\n\n. Four of the ferries operate only on a seasonal basis. Rail crossings:There are 39 railroads that cross the U.S.–Canada border. Nine of these are no longer in use. Eleven of them cross the border at bridges or tunnels. Only four international rail lines currently carry passengers between the U.S. and Canada. Unstaffed road crossings: There are six roads that do not have border inspection services in one or both directions, where travellers are legally allowed to cross the border. The U.S. maintains immigration offices, called pre-clearance", "id": "2103258" }, { "contents": "2010 United States Senate election in Arizona\n\n\namount of press attention; he stated that \"John McCain has failed miserably in his duty to secure this nation's borders and protect the people of Arizona from the escalating violence and lawlessness. ... Coupled with his votes for reckless bailout spending and big government solutions to our nation's problems, John McCain is out of touch with everyday Arizonans. Enough is enough.\" In October 2009, Hayworth said that he was considering a primary challenge: \"There's a great deal of respect for John as a historical figure. But", "id": "12415043" }, { "contents": "Extreme Rules (2010)\n\n\nto touch all four turnbuckles while connected to the opponent. Shad used his size advantage to overpower JTG for most of the match. The conclusion of the match came when Shad had JTG on his back and began to tag corners, unaware that JTG was doing the same. After touching the third corner, JTG performed a Box Cutter on Shad on and touched the final corner to win the match. In the fourth match, Jack Swagger defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton in an Extreme Rules match. At the conclusion", "id": "12947539" }, { "contents": "Engineers Without Borders (Canada)\n\n\nin the organization, in order to run the organization as efficiently as possible; all positions outside the national office are volunteer. The members are primarily engineering students, although a number of non-engineering students are active members and have volunteered overseas. There is an annual EWB Canada national conference every year in late January which is currently the largest international development conference in Canada. Its location varies from year to year depending on the chapter hosting it. To raise money, EWB Canada created the Run to End Poverty (R2EP)", "id": "7832360" }, { "contents": "Kevin O'Leary\n\n\nversus Bambi\". O'Leary believes corporate tax rates in Canada are too high, and has promised to eliminate the national carbon tax. O'Leary has threatened to punish provinces by withholding transfer payments if they do not eliminate their respective carbon taxes. O'Leary is a critic of deficit spending and supports eliminating the national debt. O'Leary opposes control of the CRTC over Canada's telecommunications system. O'Leary supports building a pipeline from the Athabasca oil sands to Eastern Canada with the intentions of making Canada \"energy independent\". He has criticized Canada's", "id": "1894636" }, { "contents": "David Clarke (sheriff)\n\n\n, and for a mounted patrol unit. The audit reported that the spending violated county procurement rules, although not federal rules on the use of seized money. Clarke was criticized for the amount of money spent on the mounted patrol by County Supervisor Patricia Jursik; Clarke defended the office's use of the funds. According to an Associated Press tally, from 2012 to April 2016, Clarke had incurred more than $310,000 in legal fees for his private attorney, who represented him in litigation against Milwaukee County. Milwaukee County taxpayers paid", "id": "10433780" }, { "contents": "Wolf PAC\n\n\nidentical language in their convention call. On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in \"Citizens United v. FEC\" that it is unconstitutional to restrict independent expenditures by corporations, unions, and other associations. This ruling was followed in March by the D.C. District Court of Appeals v. FEC case, in which the court explicitly allowed the creation of Super PACs, which are allowed to spend unlimited money to influence elections, as long as they do not coordinate with any candidates. These court cases are widely viewed as", "id": "9406223" } ]
those bidding sites where people pay pennies for stuff
[{"answer": "They do really sell for those prices, but each bid is a penny over the last one (hence penny auctions) and you have to pay for bids. For example, you might buy 100 bids for $60, and then you use those bids to bump the price by one penny. If you happen to bump it the final amount, you can buy that $20 TV or whatever it ended up as, but you've also paid (# of bids * $0.60) for your bidding. And keep in mind that they're getting (# of bids * $0.60) from *everyone* bidding on that item, so if something starts at $1 and sells at $9, they've actually cleared $480 on that item."}, {"answer": "Last time I checked one of this sites out it broke down like this: You have to pre-buy bids. They come in sets and usually are worth $0.10 each and adds to the time left to bid. So you see an item you like. Say it's an iPad, it's at $10.00 and the auction has 1hr. You spend a bid. Now it's $10.10 with 1hr 15sec. If no one else bids in the next 1hr 15sec you can buy the iPad for $10.10. Someone else sees it and bids. Now it's $10.20. Your $0.10 bid is gone into the ether and this person can buy the iPad for $10.20 if no one else bids. This keeps repeating. Eventually the iPad is at $90.00 and 30sec. People keep sending bids and time keeps adding until finally someone wins. Let's say it's you for $100.10 and you used 30 bids ($3.00). Your bids spent are counted towards the final price, so you have to pay the remaining $97.10. You can say you bought an iPad for $97.10 or $100.10, the site collected all the $0.10 bids ($100.10) and what you paid for the iPad ($97.10) and ends up making money. A lot of times they offer a slightly discounted price to the failed bidders to just buy the item from the site, but with their profits on the bid they still end up ahead. Not to mention the money they get from people who buy bids and never use them."}, {"answer": "Something you might find interesting for further reading is the concept of the 'Dollar auction'. It involves how someone can auction off a $1 note for more than $1. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I used to do URL_0 a few years ago back in 2012 and it was actually legit. Once you figured out the particular bidding system and figured out how to stay in the auction without bidding until the opportune time. Most people in the bidding would be some dumbass as well as five other dumbass who would queue a certain amount of bids so they auction would stay alive. I would just track the dumbasses who were automated and wait until only a few were left and then jump in to snag it. It worked a decent amount of the time. I ended up spending close to $1,000.00 on bids but won close to $3,000.00 worth of stuff but I didn't really need most of it. It was pretty damn addicting and I loved the rush when I won something big. Here is a list of some of the big things I won: $1000 Amazon Gift Card for $24.75 AudioEngine Bookshelf speakers for $14.35 Google Nexus 7 for $11.11 Xbox 360 bundle for $24.06 Xbox 360 Wireless controller for $0.04 However, the majority of the items like iPads or Mac Books that sold for $2000.00 or so once people became \"too invested\" to stop bidding because they had already put in more than two thousand in bids. The bidder ends up paying the cost of the product and then the site made 200000 bids * .10 (average) which equals $20,000.00 for one f'ing Mac Book. That is easily covered some of the bullshit like KCups or shitty video games that they sell. Amazon was shipping the majority of the stuff so DealDash didn't need warehouse space or shipping for anything. Keep the website up and running and run \"exclusive deals\" on bids so people keep buying them and pissing them away. If the market wasn't so saturated, I was thinking about getting in the business side of the penny auction sites. They make a killing."}, {"answer": "Most things don't actually go for those kind of prices. On those sites, you pay to bid. If you're outbid, you have to pay to bid again. With that kind of setup, the site could have an automatic process to bid to keep the prices to a profitable level, all while people pay to bid against it."}, {"answer": "I did a small script to extract how users were bidding on some auctions on one of these websites. I found it a bit shocking as on most auctions there's a handful of people placing hundreds of bids (in this particular site each had a cost of 50 cents) and usually winning nothing. So, for example, [here's a chart]( URL_0 ) I plotted for an iPhone 6 auction. Each bar represents the number of times each user placed a bid (there were more than 700 different users, I snipped the graph for the first ~200). So, the guy who wasted more bids placed nearly 600 bids - pretty much wasted 300\u20ac. A few more people placed 300, 200 bids and so on... Oh and the user who won? He's not even on the graph, he won with 3 bids. So for a 700\u20ac device there were a total of 9300 bids placed or 4650\u20ac netted by the bidding site."}, {"answer": "tl;dr Imagine if you could click as many times as you wanted at /r/thebutton, but had to pay for each click. Also, there's a prize for being the last person to click."}, {"answer": "They are more or less gambling. The goal is to be the last one who has clicked the 'bid' button when the timer reaches zero. The catch is that each time the bid button is pressed, time is added to the count down timer. It is a strategic play to try and convince everyone else not to push the bid button and let you win the auction. I used to play on a site called SkoreIT! that eventually went out of business. It was a lot of fun. The ending price of the auction that you paid if you won was not really a factor in how much you spent for the item. What matters is how many times you had to push the bid button to be the last person to press it and win the auction. Each bid cost about $0.50 and if someone else pressed after you then that is money lost."}, {"answer": "It is a gambling site, you hope you are the high bigger, each penny bid costs $1 or less, so an item that is normally $200 that goes for $9 will have cost $900 in bids."}, {"answer": "\"Penny auctions\" and \"All-but-winner-pays auction\" Penny auction is a type of auction that started appearing on the Internet around 2005 and 2006[1]. It works by having everyone participating pay a bidding fee, usually to the auctioning website, which gives you X amount of bids. Each auction has a time limit and a starting price (usually 0$). Each bid raises the final price of the item by 0.01 cent and adds Y seconds (for example 20) to the time left timer. Lets say a site gives 100 bids for 20$, and an item sells for 50$. Bids = 50$/0.01$ = 5000 bids; which has a total price of 1000$. So the seller earns 1050$, which is usually a lot more than the value of the item. The winner can earn a bit if he did not waste too many bids, but everyone else looses money. All-but-winner-pays auction (abwp from here on) is a type of auction where everyone pays what they bid except the winner. It is similar to Martin Shubik's Dollar auction paradox and the All-pay auction model, but differs in that the winner of the auction does not have to pay anything, which is meant to boost incentive to keep bidding on the item. Like the Dollar auction paradox, lets assume we are going to auction away one dollar. We have four players in this game: A, B, C and the seller S. A starts out the auction by bidding 0.05$, B proceeds to overbid A - lets say 0.10$. C joins in with 0.15$. The three buyers continue to increase bids by 0.05$ until one of them, lets say A, reaches 1.00$. At this point A has a potential payoff of +1$ or -1$ if one of the other people overbids hem. For B and C they have a payoff of about -0.90$ / +1.0$. B may bid 1.05$ to still have a chance of winning and minimize his loss. This may keep going until the dollar sells for several times its original value. Let's first look at ABWP auctions from a game theoretical standpoint We have the seller S and the players A, B and C. The players are perfectly rational and will do whatever they can to earn as much value in the short term as possible. At any stage in the game the players are either the highest bidder, or have a chance to bid to get an item for free. Each bid increases the price by Epsilon, so the potential loss for each bid is small (Going in rounds of A, B, C, A, .. the potential loss is whatever you have already bid + 2*epsilon (The other two peoples bids) ). Epsilon is incredibly small, almost zero so players will just keep increasing the price to infinity. So why does this happen to this type of game? In normal auctions both seller and buyers gain between 0 and TV (True Value) value. That is all parties gain something from the trade. We can look at an auction as two groups of players - the seller group and the buyer group. The seller group have a valuation for the product of X, the buyer group have a valuation of {B1 .. Bn} > = X, where B is the highest valuation. The final price the product sells for is Z. The seller groups profit is in the space {0, Z-X} and the buyer groups profit is in the space {0, B-Z}. Now lets look at ABWP in the same way. The seller group still has a valuation of the product X, and the buyer group have a valuation {B1 .. Bn} > = X where B is the highest valuation. Z is the price of the money transferred which means the sum of all the bids the loser of the auctions have to pay. At the start of the game when the bid is 0 Z is also 0. Each bid increases Z. The seller groups profit is still in the space {0, Z-X}, so when Z increases the seller group as a whole earns more and more. On the other size the buyer groups profit is still in the space {0, B-Z}, so when Z increases the groups profit decreases. This means that from the buyer groups point of view - each bid they put into the auction lowers their potential earnings, even to the point where it goes into negative. This means that if the buyer group cooperated they could earn value, but if they play as individual players they will lose. In the real world, still using rational people - this means that the only way buyers will gain > = 0 is if there is no buyers (buyer group has a gain of 0) or a single buyer, in which case the buyer group would gain the true value of the item. In other cases the price and Z will accelerate to infinity. Penny auctions use a slightly different mechanism. It makes the prices look ridiculously low by making most of the price of the item bleed out through a side channel - the bidding fees. A rational player will enter the game and see an item with a price a lot lower than TV. He will buy some bids and bid on the item. It may not seem like much, but when the buyer bid the seller earned money permanently and buyer lost money permanently. This repeats for several rounds with multiple buyers until the price is around TV. Putting this into the equation from ABWP from before we need to change Z a little. The new Z is the sum of the price of all the bids purchased by the buyers plus the final price. Variables would be the following: * PB - Average price per bid * N - number of bids * PI - Price increase per bid Z = N*PB + N*PI = N(PB+PI) The trick to this auction type is that the seller only shows the buyer(s) N*PI (the current price of the item), leaving out N*PB (The price paid for all the bids so far), which is half the equation. We have again that the seller groups profit is in the space {0,Z-X} and the buyer groups profit is in the space {0, B-Z}. With the same equation we draw the same conclusion - that this type of auction unfairly favours the seller group. There are other problems with these type of auctions as well. The most common of the two - penny auctions is notorious for being involved in scamming operations where site admins go in and bid on items in order to artificially increase the prices of items, or prevent users from getting items at all [2]. One of the more commonly used CMS system for setting up a penny auction site - PHPPennyAuction had build in support for bidding bots that would keep bidding on items last second until they either reached a pre-determined price or would make sure to always have the last bid (if a bot wins the site doesn't get any complaint if they don't send out the item on sale). The URL_1 site is at the time of writing shut down, possibly due to bad reputation, but a site called \" URL_4 \" has taken it's place[3]. Subjectively the new site does not look trustworthy. [1] URL_0 First mention on wikipedia. [2] URL_2 [3] URL_3 "}, {"answer": "yes, you are paying only like 9 bucks for that thing your bidding on, but there a big \"BUT\" in the end. to bid, you need to essentially buy a package of these virtual pennies. its not like ebay, where you just register and bid, you pretty much have to buy an allowance of bids for like 100 bucks or so, then you go about it."}, {"answer": "Each bid increases the price slightly (say 1p), but you pay for each bid (say 50p), after each bid a timer resets and counts down (say 1 min) if no one else bids before the timer runs out you will win. If you take an item that has a retail price of \u00a31000 the site will require 2000 bids to make its money but the final bid will only be \u00a320. What you have to ask is what is stopping the site injecting fake bids if the timmer runs out before they have made their money!"}, {"answer": "We had these in Germany a few years ago under different names: DealStreet, Wellbid, QuiBids, Oopad, etc.. (An indicator that the system is shady.) The basic system is that you need to buy tokens/bids for e.g. 50\u00a2 each. If you bid on an item, the price of that item raises 1 or 2\u00a2. You only get to \"buy\" the item if you are the last bidder for several minutes. So everyone finances the product for one winner. It's similar to that Spanish(?) guy who sold his house in a raffle a few years ago. I made some calculations when the system was new here: ___ **Nintendo Wii package** (Amazon price at that time: 369,95\u20ac) Factor: 0,01\u20ac (with each bid, the price raises 1\u00a2, starting at 0,00\u20ac) Final auction price: 51,99\u20ac So we now know that there were 5199 bids, 0,50\u20ac each. That's 2599,50\u20ac. The winner had to pay another 51,99\u20ac. So they (DealStreet) got 2651,49\u20ac for the 369,95\u20ac product - the auction company made 2281,54\u20ac with this single auction. **Philips 32 PFL 5604 H LCD-TV** (Amazon price: 458,95\u20ac) Factor: 0,01\u20ac Final auction price: 11,15\u20ac Here you'd think they didn't make any out of it. But if you run the numbers, there were 1115 bids = 557,50\u20ac plus the final price of 11,15\u20ac making a total of 568,65\u20ac. So they still made 109,70\u20ac with this auction. **Apple iPhone 3Gs 16GB white** (Amazon price: 749,99\u20ac) Factor: 0,01\u20ac Final auction price: 79,20\u20ac Now it gets really weird. 7920 bids, 0,50\u20ac each = 3960\u20ac. Together with the final price that makes 4039,20\u20ac total and a win of 3289,21\u20ac."}, {"answer": "Scams. I tried deal dash. It is impossible to win unless you way over pay. Weirdos will pay more in bids than what the item can be bought brand new. That means it is impossible to get a deal. I canceled and got my money refunded. I saw no practical way of winning without overspending. Morons were bidding up a $600 tablet to $800. Made no sense. Everything of value went like that. Between the sale prices and the bids the winner pays, they overpay than just buying from a store. I had a feeling the winners were scam accounts to run up auctions. Part of the scam is the auction has no real end time. Every bid adds seconds to the auction, so the auction will be stuck at like 5 seconds left for days. It really is a scam."}, {"answer": "The closes way to break even on sites like this is to go after gift cards. If there is a $20 gift card that you want to start bidding on, bid on it. Whatever you do, you have to keep bidding until the auction is over. Once it ends, you either win the card or can pay the remainder and just buy the card. Over the long run you might break even or be a little ahead(they charge for shipping the card), but you will have flushed hours of your life down the toilet for some walmart/homedepot gift cards and may have saved a few dollars(literally). Just don't bother. Those sites are there to suck money from the public and they do a very good job of it."}, {"answer": "You buy bids at X Dollars a bid (say, $1.) Each bid raises the price by 1 penny. If a TV went for $30.00 that is 3000 bids at $1 a bid. If you win, the final cost to you is the price plus the cost of your bids, so if you bid 30 times to get that TV you spent a total of $60, not $30. The real winner is the auction house as people feel $30 is a steal compared to $1000 for a \"new\" TV, but in reality the auction house walked away with $2k in gross profit."}, {"answer": "You buy bids. Usually around a dollar per bid. Each bid lets you bump the price of an item up by one penny. If the timer runs out you win the item. If someone else bids, they increase the price by 1 penny, the timer resets, and you need to use up another bid to try to win. So if you win an iPad for $8.50 the site actually made $850 because each bid cost $1 in the first place. At the same time though you could very easily spend $500 on bids and never actually win anything."}, {"answer": "You know what a lottery is right? Its pretty much that except the last person to buy a ticket at the last instant wins and they call it an auction instead of a lottery."}, {"answer": "ELI5: Scam. More than that: Basically a lottery, with the added bonus that it's not completely random so there are probably people who game the system. Many losers, one winner"}, {"answer": "Honest people would call them raffles. Same concept, but now with a deceptive veil that preys on people with gambling addictions."}, {"answer": "I did a search for Quibids when it first came out and found dozens of people telling stories about how the whole thing was a ripoff. They said it would say there was only one of an item left and they would use up all the bids they purchased and every time someone would swoop in LITERALLY at the last second and out bid them. Then the whole item would reset and begin accepting bids for \"the last one left\" again. RIPOFF - STAY AWAY"}, {"answer": "All bids must be paid. So if I bid $2 for something, I have to pay that $2 even if I don't win the item. So a bunch of people bid low amounts but the last one to bid before time runs out wins the item. The seller makes the sale for $3 to the person that won the item but he also collects ALL of the other bids, making a tidy profit on his item while you get said item for $3."}, {"answer": "Be careful when you sign up. I did just to see what it is; required a credit card to make an account. As soon as I logged in, they charged me $60. Apparently there's some tiny fine print that says creating an account is an agreement to deposit $60. They did give me a refund before I had to resort to a chargeback, but it was a pretty shady thing to do."}, {"answer": "You got to buy a $1000 TV for $100 so you're happy and that's great advertising however the company made $6,000 in number of bids sold to get to $100 in one cent bids. It's not a scam but it seems to feed on the hopes of poor people. Much like a Lottery."}, {"answer": "I don't remember which one, but there is one site that started just below retail price, and each bid lowered the price and extended the timer. Someone would get a mustang for less than a dollar, but they probably made 200k from people bidding on it."}, {"answer": "How do these businesses start up? I feel like the penny bid system works for the seller once enough bidders are buying bids. But what about at start? What about day 1 of URL_0 ?"}, {"answer": "**tl;dr** It's a raffle where tickets cost money, you increase your chances of winning by buying tickets (bids) late, so it's technically not a lottery."}, {"answer": "Why don't the majority of people just wait until the last minute to even bid above a penny?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "840170", "title": "Online auction", "section": "Section::::Legalities.:Fraud.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 46, "end_paragraph_id": 46, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The increasing popularity of using online auctions has led to an increase in fraudulent activity. This is usually performed on an auction website by creating a very appetizing auction, such as a low starting amount. Once a buyer wins an auction and pays for it, the fraudulent seller will either not pursue with the delivery, or send a less valuable version of the purchased item (replicated, used, refurbished, etc.). Protection to prevent such acts has become readily available, most notably PayPal's buyer protection policy. As PayPal handles the transaction, they have the ability to hold funds until a conclusion is drawn whereby the victim can be compensated. Online auction websites are used by thieves or fences to sell stolen goods to unsuspecting buyers. According", "The increasing popularity of using online auctions has led to an increase in fraudulent activity. This is usually performed on an auction website by creating a very appetizing auction, such as a low starting amount. Once a buyer wins an auction and pays for it, the fraudulent seller will either not pursue with the delivery, or send a less valuable version of the purchased item (replicated, used, refurbished, etc.). Protection to prevent such acts has become readily available, most notably PayPal's buyer protection policy. As PayPal handles the transaction, they have the ability to hold funds until a conclusion is drawn whereby the victim can be compensated. Online auction websites are used by thieves or fences to sell stolen goods to unsuspecting buyers. According"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Online travel auction\n\n\nascending price auction\") model, where the participant places a bid higher than the last, a handful of operators run no-reserve auctions or \"absolute auctions\". Some sites also operate a system of \"mystery auctions\", whereby the bidder is unaware of the product they are bidding on. Another variation on the theme is proxy bidding which involves the bidder stating their maximum bid for a particular product, and the auction site placing the bids for them automatically. Other sites offer pay to bid or Penny auctions.", "id": "12143409" }, { "contents": "Beezid\n\n\nitem. In October 2012, Beezid added a \"Buy It Now\" function to their auctions where, should a participant not win an auction, they can choose to pay the retail price for the item and have the bids that they used in the auction returned. In November 2013, the Beezid Store opened as a retail extension of the penny auction site, offering the same merchandise found in their auctions that could be purchased directly rather than having to be won in a bidding fee auction. The Beezid Store additionally allowed the", "id": "3686339" }, { "contents": "DealDash\n\n\nbeen criticized for offering poor value to customers and for making disclosures only in fine print. Penny auction sites, including DealDash specifically, have often been criticized for failing to disclose or include the cost of bids in what customers actually spend in total to win a product. In a conventional auction, bids are based on prices that participants are willing to pay, with the item sold to the final bidder within a set period that bids the highest price. This usually allocates the item to the person who is willing to pay the", "id": "19741693" }, { "contents": "Online travel auction\n\n\nIn these auctions, each bid that the user makes only increases the final price of the flight by 1 cent, while each bidder is charged a small participation fee for each bid that he or she makes. The concept was successfully pioneered by One Cent Flights in Australia, with sites such as offering luxury hotel suites, and Get Away Anywhere now offering pay to bid auctions of flights from the UK to exotic destinations. Research from Brown University suggests that such penny or pay per bid auctions have been able to survive thanks", "id": "12143410" }, { "contents": "DealDash\n\n\nDealDash is the longest-running bidding fee auction site, and one of the largest pay-to-participate auction websites in the United States. Along with similar sites, it has been criticized by consumer groups being costly to users, and for having similarities to gambling. In most cases, bidders spend substantial sums of money without winning anything. DealDash was founded in 2009 by William Wolfram, a 16-year-old Finnish entrepreneur, who had lost $20 bidding unsuccessfully for a Macbook on an earlier penny auction site. Wolfram", "id": "19741687" }, { "contents": "Bidding fee auction\n\n\ntypically significantly more than the value of the item. Such auctions are typically held over the Internet, rather than in person. Participants pay a fee to purchase bids. Each of the bids increases the price of the item by a small amount, such as one penny (0.01 USD, 1¢, or 0.01 GBP, 1p; hence the name of the auction), and extends the time of the auction by a few seconds. Bid prices vary by site and quantity purchased at a time, but generally cost 10–150 times", "id": "20154459" }, { "contents": "Bidding fee auction\n\n\nA bidding fee auction, also called a penny auction, is a type of all-pay auction in which all participants must pay a non-refundable fee to place each small incremental bid. The auction is extended each time a new bid is placed, typically by ten to twenty seconds. Without new bids the last participant to have placed a bid wins the item and also pays the final bid price. The auctioneer makes money in two ways: the fees for each bid and the payment for the winning bid, totalling", "id": "20154458" }, { "contents": "Swoopo\n\n\nSwoopo was a bidding fee auction site where purchased credits were used to make bids. Prior to changing its name to Swoopo in 2008, the website was called Telebid. In March 2011, Swoopo's website became inaccessible, and a notice page claimed that Swoopo was experiencing \"technical issues.\" In February 2012, DealDash obtained the domain name for The penny auction was invented by Lloyd Liske and William Buckell when the site was first created and known as At that time the site received bids by phone and", "id": "18953990" }, { "contents": "Bidding fee auction\n\n\nto walk away before you go over that limit.\" A penny auction may make the seller a far higher price than the item value. Potential fraudulent practices which can disadvantage buyers even more include shill bidding, where a human or software (bot) bidder covertly acting for the seller places bids which make legitimate bidders continue bidding where otherwise the auction would end, and simply not sending out goods for which a price, albeit low, has been paid. Some bidding fee auction sites have been shut down by state governments after", "id": "20154463" }, { "contents": "Gleek (card game)\n\n\nthe Eldest must open bidding. Go around, raising 1 penny at a time, until no one raises. The winner pays out the amount bid, dividing it between the other two players. Winner of the Stock must discard 7 cards, then take in the stock. (Note that there are varying views on this: Parlett and Dafydd say to take in the stock first, then discard 7. Cotgrave and Cotton are unclear, but Willughby is quite clear that you discard first.) This is the stage where players", "id": "12227361" }, { "contents": "All-pay auction\n\n\ngame in which only the two highest bidders pay their bids. A conventional lottery or raffle can also be seen as a related process, since all ticket-holders have paid but only one gets the prize. Commonplace practical examples of all-pay auctions can be found on several \"penny auction\" / bidding fee auction websites. Other forms of all-pay auctions exist, such as a war of attrition (also known as biological auctions), in which the highest bidder wins, but all (or more typically,", "id": "17810529" }, { "contents": "Swoopo\n\n\ncharged to transfer their bids to the internet site. This is where the format of paying to place a bid started. In order to participate in an auction, registered users had to first buy bids (called credits, and henceforth referred to as \"Bid-credits\") before entering into an auction. For the US version of the site, bid-credits cost $0.60 apiece and were sold in lots (called BidPacks) of 40, 75, 150, 400, and 1,000. Each credit was good for", "id": "18953991" }, { "contents": "List of Marvel Family enemies (A–G)\n\n\nother crook, revealed to be the notorious Black Jack. Wasn't it Mary who actually captured him? Freckles can pay for the stuff she brought, but by the end she is only richer by one penny, but Mary says she helped a lot of poor people, and that is worth more than all the gold in the world. Only appearing in \"Marvel Family\" #2. After a poacher named Spike escapes from Mary Marvel after shooting a deer, he meets a magician, to whom he gives an idea", "id": "14173987" }, { "contents": "Beezid\n\n\nstandby. Beezid confirms the site is not functional on October 11, 2016 on their Facebook page. Beezid's auctions require the purchase of bids to participate. Members purchase bids in \"Bid Packs,\" with the cost per bid ranging from $0.00125 - $0.90. Bid packs can be purchased in sizes ranging from 30 to 16,000,000 bids at a cost of $27 to $20,000. Auctions open with several hours on the timer; each bid placed raises the auction price by a penny, and, in the final", "id": "3686337" }, { "contents": "Online auction\n\n\neach bid is confidential. A bidding fee auction (also known as a penny auction) requires customers to pay for bids, which they can increment an auction price one unit of currency at a time. On English auctions for example, the price goes up in 1 pence (0.01 GBP) increments. There has been criticism that compares this type of auction to gambling, as users can spend a considerable amount of money without receiving anything in return (other than the spent bids trying to acquire the item). The auction", "id": "10505451" }, { "contents": "Pay-per-click\n\n\nads on content networks have a much lower click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CR) than ads found on SERPs and consequently are less highly valued. Content network properties can include websites, newsletters, and e-mails. Advertisers pay for each single click they receive, with the actual amount paid based on the amount of bid. It is common practice amongst auction hosts to charge a winning bidder just slightly more (e.g. one penny) than the next highest bidder or the actual amount bid, whichever", "id": "17812595" }, { "contents": "Penny Slinger\n\n\nto the arts, inviting the creative people of the region to participate in many events she hosted over the years. In this period Penny worked in photography, video and audio. In 2010 she published the 64 Dakini Oracle which depicted archetypal forms of the Divine Feminine in digital collage. During this time she also made a series of large assemblages utilizing life casts of her own body in relationship to many items she had collected and interacted with entitled The Alchemy of Stuff. 2009 marked a renewed interest in Penny’s early work after", "id": "15632759" }, { "contents": "Swoopo\n\n\none bid. Standard auctions began with an opening price of $0.12 and every time someone bids the price increases by $0.12. Other bidding fee auctions use different values - \"penny auctions\" use $0.01, 6¢ auctions $0.06, etc. The price of bids and the incremental values vary depending on the regional version of the site used. The auction ends when time runs out. However, because each bid extends the length of the auction by 10–20 seconds, the auction could theoretically continue on indefinitely. Besides making", "id": "18953992" }, { "contents": "Bidding fee auction\n\n\n, they would have paid 150 for the bids plus 60 for the final price, a total of 210 and a saving of 790. All the other, losing, bidders collectively paid 5,850 and received nothing. A \"TechCrunch\" article (July 26, 2010) on MadBid, one such site, called this model \"a license to print money.\" By contrast in an article on Madbid, The Guardian (28 January 2012) comments \"legions of penny auction sites have folded, including Swoopo, Rapid Bargain and", "id": "20154461" }, { "contents": "Public dispensary\n\n\nthe earlier English cities to have a provident dispensary was Coventry (dispensary opened in 1830) where, in the 1840s, members subscribed one penny a week for adults and a halfpenny a week for each of their children. This was seen as a suitable arrangement for working-class people who wanted to be provident and self-reliant, avoiding charitable treatment offered to 'paupers', but with no hope of paying the fees charged to wealthier people. A provident dispensary needed a few hundred 'club' members to pay for", "id": "5387474" }, { "contents": "Heuristics in judgment and decision-making\n\n\npeople wrote down the last two digits of their social security numbers. They were then asked to consider whether they would pay this number of dollars for items whose value they did not know, such as wine, chocolate, and computer equipment. They then entered an auction to bid for these items. Those with the highest two-digit numbers submitted bids that were many times higher than those with the lowest numbers. When a stack of soup cans in a supermarket was labelled, \"Limit 12 per customer\", the label", "id": "1767072" }, { "contents": "World of Books\n\n\nWorld of Books is a second-hand book retailer, reported to be the United Kingdom's largest. They buy unsold inventory of used books from UK charity shops, reselling them through their own website and on various online sites such as The company purchases books in bulk, paying by tonnage rather than for individual titles. World of Books also own the 'instant cash for stuff' website that pays people for their books, DVDs, CDs and games so they can be sold on or recycled. Using custom", "id": "10296467" }, { "contents": "Pennies (digital charity box)\n\n\ndonate small amounts (1p–99p) to charity when they pay for goods and services by card in participating retailers. All the money raised through Pennies goes to charity. Pennies’ partner retailers nominate the charity or charities to benefit from donations. In January 2013, just over two years after launch, people had donated 4 million times through Pennies, raising £1,000,000 for charity. As of September 2015, over 20 million consumer donations had been made through the digital charity box. Retailers that have customers paying by card can easily implement", "id": "19414833" }, { "contents": "Penny Scots\n\n\nPenny (Scottish Gaelic: \"peighinn\", but see below) was used in Scottish parlance for money generally; for example, a \"penny-fee\" was an expression for wages, a \"penny-maister\" would be a town treasurer, and a \"penny-wedding\" was one where every guest contributed to pay for the event. Meanwhile, penny-wheep was particularly poor beer. The older Scottish Gaelic word for \"penny\" was \"peighinn\". The modern form is \"sgillinn\",", "id": "12164846" }, { "contents": "Napoleon (card game)\n\n\nten cards in his possession, he then discards five, throwing them away face downwards, and on the remaining five he is bound to declare Napoleon. It consists of one extra card dealt face downwards on the table, and each player, on his turn to bid, may at his option have a private peep at the card by paying one Penny, or chip, to the pool. When all the players have bid, the superior declaring hand has the privilege, if he has \"peeped\", of exchanging the", "id": "8013606" }, { "contents": "DealDash\n\n\nhad generated approximately $500,000 in affiliate sales a year earlier buying popular YouTube videos for $50, borrowed from his mother, then collecting revenue from affiliate marketing links he would add. He used the money he had saved to start DealDash. The company's business model, as with prior sites, is that customers enter a bidding process where they pay for each bid on an item, regardless of whether they succeed or not. Each bid marginally increases the price of the item until the end of the auction, at which", "id": "19741688" }, { "contents": "Auction sniping\n\n\nsingle maximum bid. For example, if the minimum bid increment on an auction is 10 cents, it can be difficult or impossible for a person to identify a price which they would be willing to pay to win the item but which they would not be willing to exceed by ten cents. While some people disapprove of auction sniping, it is not forbidden by the rules of many auction sites. For example, it is permitted by eBay. eBay Germany banned \"automated\" sniping services in 2002, but the ban was", "id": "10714663" }, { "contents": "Revenue equivalence\n\n\n, the first price auction, second price auction, and the all pay auction are all revenue equivalent. Consider the second price single item auction, in which the player with the highest bid pays the second highest bid. It is optimal for each player formula_3 to bid its own value formula_24. Suppose formula_3 wins the auction, and pays the second highest bid, or formula_26. The revenue from this auction is simply formula_26. In the first price auction, where the player with the highest bid simply pays its bid, if", "id": "11836219" }, { "contents": "The Armed\n\n\nI doubt you guys would’ve heard our album if we were just shelling out half a dozen CDs at shows back in the States. And people actually hearing this stuff is by far the most important goal.” The Armed released their first EP \"Common Enemies\", which featured a guest performance by Chris Pennie, on July 16, 2010. The Armed released their second EP \"Young & Beautiful\" on October 11, 2011. The EP was mixed by Ballou and featured a guest performance by Pennie. The Armed", "id": "15146233" }, { "contents": "Pennies (digital charity box)\n\n\nPennies on their payment system. Those with electronic stock control software set up Pennies as a stock-keeping unit. Sales staff are not involved in donations; when the customer is ready to pay for goods or services, the PIN pad prompts the customer with the option to round up or top up their purchase and add a donation to the payment. Pennies launched online in November 2010 with Domino’s Pizza and has since partnered many other national, regional and local companies, both in-store and online. In its first", "id": "19414834" }, { "contents": "Swoopo\n\n\nonline auction websites\", and stated that \"in essence, what your 60¢ bidding fee gets you at Swoopo is a ticket to a lottery\". The New York Times has called the process \"devilish.\" Speaking to the BBC, Professor Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University, stated that \"penny auction\" sites in the UK should be regulated by the Gambling Commission. However the Gambling Commission said that it \"was not convinced that penny auctions amounted to gambling\". Speaking to the New York Times, Glen Whitney", "id": "18953997" }, { "contents": "Bidding fee auction\n\n\nBid Boogie.\" Due to the possibility of participants spending a lot of money and still losing an auction, or ultimately spending more than the retail value of the item they end up winning, some analysts have criticized the model or compared it to gambling, even when operating without fraud. The Better Business Bureau warns consumers, \"although not all penny auction sites are scams, some are being investigated as online gambling. BBB recommends you ... know exactly how the bidding works, set a limit for yourself, and be prepared", "id": "20154462" }, { "contents": "Tony Martin (British singer)\n\n\nwant to delete ten years of your history? It seems to me that they've got their minds elsewhere, and whatever brings them the most money seems to be what they go for. I mean, the Ozzy reunion. How many times do you want to go and pay to see them do the same stuff? OK, people argue that those old songs are people's favourites. Well; it's probably that way because you keep ramming it down people's throats and don't give them a chance to buy anything", "id": "8120543" }, { "contents": "Unique bid auction\n\n\nA unique bid auction is a type of strategy game related to traditional auctions where the winner is usually the individual with the \"lowest\" unique bid, although less commonly the auction rules may specify that the \"highest\" unique bid is the winner. Unique bid auctions are often used as a form of competition and strategy game where bidders pay a fee to make a bid, or may have to pay a subscription fee in order to be able to participate. In practice, such auctions function like lotteries, but the small", "id": "9151084" }, { "contents": "EFront\n\n\neFront was an affiliate marketing network which purchased successful websites, such as \"Penny Arcade,\" SquareGamer, and BetaNews, and pooled traffic to those sites to command higher prices for advertising during an industrywide ad revenue slowdown. In 2001, there was a scandal when ICQ instant messaging logs between the CEO Sam P. Jain and other employees were leaked onto the internet through The logs detailed activities such as not paying websites that had hosted their banner ads, sending legal threats to websites that spoke poorly of eFront, and threatening", "id": "11965109" }, { "contents": "Freemen's pennies\n\n\n. The Byzantine \"kapnikon\" may have influenced the new tax, which was known as freemen's pennies, because both taxes yielded the same revenue in silver. Each freemen were to pay 8 denars to the king when the tax was first mentioned in the laws of Coloman the Learned around 1100. Coloman the Learned exempted all freemen who lived on their own estates of the tax. Those who lived on another man's lands were to pay the tax, but they could redeem 50% of the sum if they provided military", "id": "17608510" }, { "contents": "Online auction\n\n\nin the United Kingdom. A technique involving a buyer using another account (called a “shield”) to discourage other competitors from bidding by artificially increasing the price and then at the last moment withdrawing their bid to allow the actual buyer to win the auction with a lower price. Most online auction sites don't allow withdrawing bids, therefore making this technique impossible to perform. Although this doesn't stop people from taking advantage of sites where this rule is not implemented. Of course, it's hard for an online auction", "id": "10505457" }, { "contents": "Anti-siphoning law\n\n\nAnti-siphoning laws and regulations are designed to prevent pay television broadcasters from buying monopoly rights to televise important and culturally significant events before free-to-air television has a chance to bid on them. The theory is that if such a monopoly was allowed, then those unable or unwilling to obtain access to the pay television service would be unable to view the important and culturally significant events. Generally the laws allow pay-TV to bid for such monopoly rights only if free-to-air television has declined to bid", "id": "13120989" }, { "contents": "Priceyourmeal\n\n\npriceyourmeal is an online restaurant auction site allowing people to bid for meals in restaurants. Founded and launched in Glasgow in 2006 by entrepreneur Sukhvir Dhillon, the site provides a low-cost advertising solution for restaurants, whilst allowing users to decide how much they pay for their meals. In February 2007, priceyourmeal expanded service to Edinburgh, while London followed in March 2008. The same year, the site launched an online party planning service; with the intent being, rather than following a single dinners arrangements, all guests may vote", "id": "16200004" }, { "contents": "Leonard Hofstadter\n\n\n. Through the fourth and fifth seasons, Penny was still single and dating, though when intoxicated, she has confessed that she regrets breaking up with Leonard. In \"The Ornithophobia Diffusion\", Leonard and Penny go to the movies as friends. Leonard decides that since they are no longer dating, he can be honest and does not have to pay for everything or do whatever Penny wants. The two bicker all evening and sabotage each other's attempts to chat up people in the bar. Penny admits that she likes the", "id": "14283482" }, { "contents": "MadBid\n\n\nsays it has nothing to add to the work already done. Due to the possibility of participants losing an auction, some analysts have criticized the model or compared it to gambling, even when operating without fraud. The Better Business Bureau has stated that, \"not all penny auction sites are scams\" and to \"know exactly how the bidding works, set a limit for yourself, and be prepared to walk away before you go over that limit.\" The Washington state attorney general's office studied the bidding-fee scheme", "id": "19005999" }, { "contents": "Beezid\n\n\nBeezid was a Canadian online retailer and penny auction website located in Montreal, Quebec. Beezid CEO Max Bohbot had previously worked on developing other E-commerce websites, and decided on the bidding fee auction model after observing its success in the European market. Following nearly a year and a half of development, Beezid launched in October 2009. The company's name is a play on the word \"bid,\" using a form of slang similar to izzle-speak. On September 30, 2016 Beezid auction site was placed on", "id": "3686336" }, { "contents": "The Fall Issue\n\n\nearly 1980s. Daniel asks Betty to pay a visit to the features editor Penny Meadows, who seem to have her thoughts elsewhere, like complaining and wondering why all those pigeons are on her window sill. Betty then gets a text from Matt to meet her downstairs. But just as Betty is finally going to confess to Matt, they witness someone falling from the 28th floor... Penny Meadows. Now that Penny has died, Daniel agrees that Betty should get her job and says he'll recommend it. While this is good", "id": "17773659" }, { "contents": "Nellie Cressall\n\n\nthe First World War many, many people in my constituency sat in the dark because they had not got a penny to put in the gas. Today what do I find? People come to me creating about the heavy electricity bills they have to pay!… I have young people coming worrying me for houses…. We have got some houses where six families lived once upon a time…. Whereas in the old days people would get married, as I did, and be contented in two nice little rooms, today", "id": "20477351" }, { "contents": "Pie supper\n\n\npie with its maker, whose identity was concealed or known only to a handful of people. This added an element of suspense to the bidding, and pie suppers had strong courtship elements, as boys vied to win the pies of the girls they favored. Pie suppers commonly included a \"beauty cake\" popularity contest. Several girls would be nominated to receive the cake, and their respective admirers would lobby for votes, which were typically priced at a penny each. A box supper was a less common variation where the boxes", "id": "12570495" }, { "contents": "Racial segregation\n\n\nthe supply of housing. Regulations ensure that all housing units are expensive enough to prevent access by undesirable groups. By bidding up the price of housing, many white neighborhoods effectively shut out black people, because they may be unwilling, or unable, to pay the premium to buy entry into these expensive neighborhoods. Conversely, equivalent housing in black neighborhoods is far more affordable to those who are unable or unwilling to pay a premium to live in white neighborhoods. Through the 1990s, residential segregation remained at its extreme and has been", "id": "6722315" }, { "contents": "Lab website\n\n\nwith their BBC Backstage site. Backstage's slogan \"Use our stuff to build your stuff\" openly invites developers to use the BBC's various feeds and API's to power a new range of non-commercial products and services. The backstage site has allowed the BBC to create a developer network, a location for all those working with the BBC's content to come together and share their ideas and prototypes amongst their peers. The site also contains a blog. \"The Guardian\" newspaper in the UK has taken the idea", "id": "11961635" }, { "contents": "C2.LOP\n\n\nLOP, or Live Online Portal, is malware that is installed on Microsoft Windows. is a web site owned by C2Media LTD. It is a pay-per-click search portal where other websites will pay for each click to their sites via LOP. A method they used to get people to their site was to install a browser hijacker component on people's computers which would advertise their site through pop-ups. The installer could turn the user's web browser into a device with different links to Older", "id": "1203473" }, { "contents": "Google Shopping\n\n\nan immediate re-brand to Google Shopping on May 31, 2012, Google also announced that in late 2012, it would change the service to use a \"pay-to-play\" model, where merchants would have to pay Google to list their products on the service, with results influenced by both relevance and the bid amounts they pay. Google justified the move by stating that it would allow the service to \"deliver the best answers for people searching for products and help connect merchants with the right customers.\"", "id": "15471683" }, { "contents": "Progressive tax\n\n\nthe tax incidence of people with a lower ability to pay, as such taxes shift the incidence increasingly to those with a higher ability-to-pay. The opposite of a progressive tax is a regressive tax, where the average tax rate or burden decreases as an individual's ability to pay increases. The term is frequently applied in reference to personal income taxes, in which people with lower income pay a lower percentage of that income in tax than do those with higher income. It can also apply to adjustments of the", "id": "8221308" }, { "contents": "David Thorne (writer)\n\n\nthe site was moved to a third server in the US and has since continued to receive a large volume of traffic. The spider drawing itself became so popular that it was auctioned on eBay, where a user posted a high bid of US$10,000, but subsequently said he had no intention of paying. When asked how he felt about the refusal of the buyer to pay, Thorne stated, \"The internet is a playground and I would not have it any other way.\" The spider email has also been featured on", "id": "13433200" }, { "contents": "MadBid\n\n\namount paid does count towards the \"earned discount\"), the winning bidder has paid for their bids and will still need to pay the final auction price plus p&p. In one example for a television with an RRP of £450, which cost four credits per bid, the winner spent £217.60 on bids plus the winning price and P&P, all other bidders paid and did not win the item, the highest of those paying £211.60, the other bidders paid much smaller amounts. In total Madbid received £612", "id": "19005992" }, { "contents": "St Mary's Church, Penny Bridge\n\n\nSt Mary's Church is on a site overlooking the villages of Penny Bridge and Greenodd, in the parish of Egton with Newland, Cumbria, England. It is an active Anglican parish church in the deanery of Furness, the archdeaconry of Westmorland with Furness, and the diocese of Carlisle. Its benefice is united with those of St Luke, Lowick. and Holy Trinity, Colton. The first church on the site was built before 1786. It was a chapel of ease to Ulverston parish church. The church was built in", "id": "10196654" }, { "contents": "Vickrey–Clarke–Groves auction\n\n\nannouncing the maximum price they are willing to pay to receive N products. Each buyer is allowed to declare more than one bid, since its willingness-to-pay per unit might be different depending on the total number of units it receives. Bidders cannot see other people's bids at any moment since they are sealed (only visible to the auction system). Once all the bids are made, the auction is closed. All the possible combinations of bids are then considered by the auction system, and the one", "id": "3337460" }, { "contents": "Younes Tsouli\n\n\nhow people can access the internet, and what web sites are. At the trial, Tsouli's technical skills were emphasised. Evan Kohlmann testified, \"007 came at this with a Western perspective. He had a flair for marketing, and he had the technical knowledge and skills to be able to place this stuff in areas on the net where it wouldn’t be easily erased, where lots of people could download it, view it and save it.\" On 4 July 2007, after two months at trial, Tsouli", "id": "17826253" }, { "contents": "Free (OSI album)\n\n\nMoore\", although Matheos' \"heavy guitar riffs, while not as frequent on this disc, have an even harder edge. They have an energy, and urgency, and serious metal crunch to them that will make any rocker sit up and pay attention.\" Chad Bower of noted that \"Free\" \"isn't one of those metal albums that hypes you up and makes you want to break stuff. It's one where you have to sit back, throw on the headphones, and appreciate the complexity and", "id": "673804" }, { "contents": "The Lion King (2019 film)\n\n\nchange a lot\" to fit the remake's realistic style, stating that \"[a] lot of the stuff around them [in the original film] was very stylised\". Kasumba elaborated, declaring that \"Those hyenas were funny. These hyenas are dangerous.\" Additionally, Penny Johnson Jerald voices Sarafina, Nala's mother. Amy Sedaris, Chance the Rapper and Josh McCrary voice a guinea fowl, a bush baby, and an elephant shrew, respectively, Timon and Pumbaa's neighbors in the jungle. Phil LaMarr", "id": "15636558" }, { "contents": "East Barnet School\n\n\n. In 2005, JCoSS, the Jewish Community Secondary School put forward a bid to the DfES to obtain the Westbrook Crescent site and for the government to pay for a new £46 million Jewish school on this site. Barnet Council agreed as long as the old Chestnut Grove site was rebuilt. The earliest possible date for a new school was 2009. The bid was rejected in autumn 2005. In February 2006, it was announced that JCoSS had been chosen to be part of a government pilot scheme pilot to help parents influence", "id": "17505235" }, { "contents": "Child's Play (charity)\n\n\nAustralia, and one in Egypt. In addition to this, on December 13, 2006 there was a charity dinner and auction, where items participants were able to bid on included a gaming day for four in the Penny Arcade office, an appearance in a Penny Arcade strip, a tour of Bungie and recording session for the voice of a character in Halo 3, and a two-year subscription to World of Warcraft and the Burning Crusade special edition signed by all the developers. The year 2006 also became the first time", "id": "3869116" }, { "contents": "Napoleon (card game)\n\n\nit; if no trump is in the trick the highest card of the suit led wins. The winner of the trick leads for the next trick. Napoleon is usually played for stakes. An equal number of chips is distributed to every player. It is also possible to play for money (as in \"Penny Nap\", where each trick is worth one penny) If the bidder makes his bid, he collects from each other player, although it matters nothing if he makes more tricks than he declared. He is", "id": "8013601" }, { "contents": "Gone (novel series)\n\n\nthe barrier is connected to the gaiaphage. Drake captures the pregnant Diana and brings her to the mine shaft, as per the bidding of the gaiaphage. Diana gives birth to her baby, whom the gaiaphage then inhabits, hypnotizing Brianna (who attempted to rescue Diana) into putting the baby on the gaiaphage. Drake, Diana, Penny and the gaiaphage, now known as Gaia, head to the energy barrier, where they encounter Sam and Caine. Gaia plans to open up the barrier. They battle, killing Penny,", "id": "9939472" }, { "contents": "Pay-per-click\n\n\nis lower. This avoids situations where bidders are constantly adjusting their bids by very small amounts to see if they can still win the auction while paying just a little bit less per click. To maximize success and achieve scale, automated bid management systems can be deployed. These systems can be used directly by the advertiser, though they are more commonly used by advertising agencies that offer PPC bid management as a service. These tools generally allow for bid management at scale, with thousands or even millions of PPC bids controlled by a", "id": "17812596" }, { "contents": "Penny Power\n\n\nPenny Power OBE (born 29 February 1964) is a British author and speaker. In 1998, she founded Ecademy with her husband Thomas Power and CEO Glenn Watkins with the aim of helping business people achieve success through online tools, community and friendship. As of May 2011, the Ecademy community has 3011 paying members. Penny Power published a book in August 2009, titled 'Know me, like me, follow me: what online social networking means for you and your business'. In 2012, Ecademy was acquired by", "id": "11887806" }, { "contents": "Lisa Shannon\n\n\nlittle as a penny per finished cellphone, laptop or electronic camera. So early this year Shannon and other activists showed up at Intel’s offices near her Oregon home with 45,000 pennies, representing the 45,000 people whose deaths can be attributed to the fighting in Congo each month, according to a mortality study by the International Rescue Committee. “We said we’d be more than happy to pay a penny per product if that‘ll save lives,” Shannon said…. So Shannon jumped in her car with her mother, and they", "id": "18670775" }, { "contents": "Association of Harrogate Apprentices\n\n\na Signals Officer who was born in 1870 and died in 1937. (Today's rank of Brigadier was actually titled Brigadier General in those times.) There is a local legend as to how/why the name 'Penny Pot ' for the camp originally came about. The camp is sited upon Penny Pot Lane and folklore has it that in the First World War, when it was a tented camp, soldiers used to march westwards up the road out of camp to purchase ale at the local farm for \"a penny", "id": "96754" }, { "contents": "Trevor Lawrence (American football)\n\n\n, except he’s more athletic with a better arm. I know that’s heady and ridiculous stuff, and people who know me know I don’t say stuff like that often, but this kid is special. The comparisons are accurate.\" On December 16, 2016, Lawrence committed to Clemson University to play college football. After being named the starting quarterback in week 5, beating out Kelly Bryant, Lawrence led Clemson to an undefeated regular season and a 42–10 victory over Pittsburgh in the ACC championship game and a bid", "id": "3031260" }, { "contents": "Bid shading\n\n\nbe the bidder whose estimate of the value is largest. But if we assume that in general bidders estimate the value accurately, then the highest bidder has overestimated the good's value and will end up paying more than it is worth. In other words, winning the auction carries bad news about a bidder's value estimate. A savvy bidder will anticipate this, and reduce their bid accordingly. Bid shading is also used in First-price Auctions, where the winning bidder pays the amount of his bid. If a participant", "id": "20325993" }, { "contents": "Mario Lemieux\n\n\nmade the then-retired star the first former NHL player to become majority owner of his former team. Lemieux assumed the posts of president, chairman and CEO of the Penguins. Lemieux's plan was designed to pay everyone the organization owed. In fact, the bankruptcy court approved his bid in part because of the prospect that the debt would be fully retired—a rare feat, considering that unsecured creditors typically get only pennies on the dollar. In his first season as principal owner Pittsburgh went from a loss of $16", "id": "16943028" }, { "contents": "Microwork\n\n\nproject which has some negative impact or which they are morally opposed to. Some services, especially Amazon Mechanical Turk and other services that pay pennies on the task, have been called \"digital sweatshops\" by analogy with sweatshops in the manufacturing industry that exploit workers and maintain poor conditions. Wages vary considerably depending on the speed of the worker and the per-piece price being offered. Workers choose what tasks they complete based on the task, price, and their experience with the employer. Employers can bid higher for faster completion", "id": "5084274" }, { "contents": "Penny Widmore\n\n\nof her father's disapproval. Even though both were happy together, their relationship appeared to be unstable due to the disparity between the wealth of the two characters; Penny was an heiress while Desmond merely worked at a theatre company. It eventually turned the curve when Desmond was unable to pay for a photograph forcing Penny to pay for it. Feeling ashamed by his inability, Desmond left Penny, regardless of what she thought, and joined the Royal Scots Regiment. Penny was disappointed that Desmond left her without any notice. When", "id": "17715168" }, { "contents": "No More Pennies\n\n\nthe horizon and the inner image of the package showcases an old-fashioned steam locomotive with pennies for wheels. After an initial pressing of 2000 copies of No More Pennies, the Royal Canadian Mint notified Gunning that he must pay $1,200 for usage rights of the penny image. Gunning responded by initiating a penny drive to help pay the fee. The story received coverage from significant print and online news outlets, including The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Sun and The Huffington Post. Eventually the Royal Canadian Mint waived the royalty", "id": "1896421" }, { "contents": "History of mental disorders\n\n\nthe environment of madhouses, from diet to exercise regimes to number of visitors. Severe somatic treatments were used, similar to those in medieval times. Madhouse owners sometimes boasted of their ability with the whip. Treatment in the few public asylums was also barbaric, often secondary to prisons. The most notorious was Bedlam where at one time spectators could pay a penny to watch the inmates as a form of entertainment. Concepts based in humoral theory gradually gave way to metaphors and terminology from mechanics and other developing physical sciences. Complex new", "id": "3118751" }, { "contents": "Penny Lord\n\n\npilgrimage to the Holy Land and Europe, they toured Catholic sites in these areas. This experience caused them to want to visit more Catholic shrines especially those held to have been locations of Eucharistic miracles. They became pilgrimage directors in 1975 and founded Journeys of Faith ministry in 1980. The Lords also began a travel agency that led tours to Catholic pilgrimage sites. When business at the travel agency fell off due to the rise of terrorism in the Middle East, Penny told her husband that she felt spiritually called to write a book", "id": "6316776" }, { "contents": "List of 2014 Winter Olympics broadcasters\n\n\na number of pay TV channels, and provided streaming of all events online and on mobile platforms to those who subscribe to the channels on participating pay television providers. ESPN and Fox Sports made competing bids for 2014 and 2016 Games only, but were outbid by NBC. In Europe, sports marketing agency Sportfive replaced the European Broadcasting Union as the sales agency of broadcast rights to the 2014 and 2016 Olympics in 40 European countries. The IOC still separately negotiated broadcast rights in larger European countries such as the United Kingdom, where after", "id": "19203236" }, { "contents": "CoolToday Park\n\n\nproject and pay it back using a portion of the tourist tax funds, now specifically designated for the new Braves complex and the Baltimore Orioles’ Ed Smith Stadium in Sarasota, without raising the tax itself. The mechanism behind the change is perhaps best understood by imagining the 5% tax as five pennies levied on every dollar spent on hotel stays or short-term rentals. Each of those “pennies” are divided and distributed to fund certain projects and the tax raises about $20 million a year. By shifting the assignments", "id": "15971709" }, { "contents": "911: In Plane Site\n\n\nlong. It's fine to be entertained by this stuff, even if it is a bit morbid. But let's not lose our senses.\" In the documentary von Kleist says the purpose of the documentary was not to provide explanations, but to raise questions: You know, there are those that see these pictures and hear this information for the first time. They inevitably ask the question, \"Well if the plane didn't hit the Pentagon, where did it go?\" The answer is, I don't", "id": "12692624" }, { "contents": "Unique bid auction\n\n\nprecise, in that each bid can be specific to the 'penny'. For example, a unique bid auction might run as follows: In a lowest unique bid auction, the bidder who submitted the single bid of $0.06 would win the auction, and would be eligible to purchase the product or service for $0.06, because their bid was the lowest unique bid. In a highest unique bid auction, the bidder who submitted a bid of $0.09 would win the auction. In this type of auction the bids", "id": "9151086" }, { "contents": "Spirit of '76 (sentiment)\n\n\nold, \"Why did you go to the Concord Fight, the 19th of April, 1775? My histories tell me that you men took up arms against 'intolerable oppression.'\" Preston responded: Oppressions? I didn't feel them. I never saw one of those stamps, and always understood that Governor Bernard put them all in Castle William. I am certain I never paid a penny for one of them. Tea tax! I never drank a drop of the stuff; the boys threw it all overboard.", "id": "2503048" }, { "contents": "FanFiction.Net\n\n\npay money to people for posting content or charge money for posting on the website, and it uses advertisements to pay for costs. does not operate a screening or editorial board. Many users leave short reviews after reading stories, most of which are positive. While reviews can be left by those without accounts, it is an option for all writers on the site to moderate \"anonymous reviews\", made by those who are not signed into an account. The stories are based on books, television series, films,", "id": "13352791" }, { "contents": "Dutch auction\n\n\n1,000 increments. When the price reaches $10,000, a particular bidder—who feels that price is acceptable and that someone else will agree, or might bid first if the price goes to $9,000—quickly accepts the bid, and pays $10,000 for the car. Dutch auctions are a competitive alternative to a traditional auction, in which customers make bids of increasing value until nobody is willing to bid higher. Some financial commentators and some third-party auction sites use \"Dutch auction\" to refer to second-price auctions,", "id": "8184843" }, { "contents": "Pay toilet\n\n\ncoin to operate it, hence the euphemism to \"spend a penny\". The first pay toilet in the United States was installed in 1910 in Terre Haute, Indiana. Whether or not public toilets should require payment is a plot point in Noël Coward's 1949 play \"South Sea Bubble\". Pay toilets are key to the 2001 American musical \"Urinetown\". People on low incomes, for instance in Accra, often choose to defecate in the open rather than pay to use toilets. Or they may limit the number", "id": "13871970" }, { "contents": "Discworld (world)\n\n\ndown. It is unknown whether he is still ruler. According to \"The Discworld Companion\", it does not have an economy. The people are perfectly happy living off the fish and olives farmed by the slaves, or the way Teppic described it in Pyramids, they made wine of everything they could stuff in a bucket and ate whatever couldn't crawl out of one, which gives time for Ephebe's major export: philosophy. For what it's worth (about one Ankh-Morpork penny), the currency of", "id": "10732814" }, { "contents": "I Kissed Dating Goodbye\n\n\nthen it's so easy to add all this other stuff to protect people, to control people, to make sure that you don't get anywhere near that place where you could go off course. And I think that's where the problems arise.\" In 2018, Exploration Films teamed with Harris to release a documentary entitled \"I Survived I Kissed Dating Goodbye\". The film was released with free availability. That same year, Harris stated that he reconsidered his view that dating should be avoided, apologizing to those whose", "id": "3376770" }, { "contents": "Christopher Small\n\n\nexpanding his ideas presented in his earlier book (\"Music, Society, Education\", 1977), Small continues to demonstrate that musicking is an active way in which we relate to the rest of the world. The act of musicking establishes in the place where it is happening a set of relationships, and it is in those relationships that the meaning of the act lies. They are to be found not only between those organized sounds which are conventionally thought of as being the stuff of musical meaning but also between the people", "id": "15510827" }, { "contents": "Rush Hour (franchise)\n\n\n, because that's a different kind of movie. You got the action and the stuff like that, and they pay 20 million dollars too... I'm just joking! No, you know Jackie Chan, you know I love working with him and those type of movies you can redo them and it's different, we'll see but I don't know though. But we've got some new stuff coming, so we'll see what happens.\" In July 2012, series producer Arthur M. Sarkissian stated that a", "id": "6122815" }, { "contents": "Pay-per-click\n\n\ncontrast, content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC \"display\" advertisements, also known as \"banner\" ads, are shown on web sites with related content that have agreed to show ads and are typically not pay-per-click advertising. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have also adopted pay-per-click as one of their advertising models. However, websites can offer PPC ads. Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query", "id": "17812584" }, { "contents": "Millennium Mills\n\n\nTo mark the grant, communities minister Penny Mordaunt MP and the deputy mayor of London for housing, Richard Blakeway, paid a visit to the 62 acre site. Speaking on the site, Penny Mordaunt MP said \"There will be a lot of people working here who will be able to live in the area. This iconic building will be the centrepiece of a thriving new business district that will create thousands of new jobs and bring prosperity back to the docks.\" The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said of the renovation:", "id": "17454713" }, { "contents": "Paid inclusion\n\n\nPaid inclusion is a search engine marketing product where the search engine company charges fees related to inclusion of websites in their search index. The use of paid inclusion is controversial and paid inclusion's popularity has decreased over time among search engines. The FTC defined paid inclusion as \"Paid inclusion can take many forms. Examples of paid inclusion include programs where the only sites listed are those that have paid; where paid sites are intermingled among non-paid sites; and where companies pay to have their Web sites or URLs reviewed more", "id": "19297608" }, { "contents": "Penny (British pre-decimal coin)\n\n\nbid farewell to the denomination. The original reverse of the British penny is the same as the reverse of the pre-1707 English penny, a crowned letter I, surrounded by the inscription . The obverse features the left-facing portrait of Queen Anne, surrounded by the inscription . George I and George II coins also have a crowned I on the reverse, and busts on the obverse. George I pennies have inscribed on the obverse and date on the reverse. George II pennies have inscribed on the obverse and date on the reverse", "id": "12645041" }, { "contents": "Stefanovikeio\n\n\nreported by residents - donated to the Greek State to the extent, in not recognizing that the bid was of the inhabitants the name of the village. But those who vindicated clergy, paid for the value of land were granted. Indeed, most, the estates got paid twice the conductor government who visited the village, who usually avoided giving evidence for the money received. So the people were always in debt and when it appeared in the village of the collector, because they had no money to pay, hiding in the", "id": "889695" }, { "contents": "Secretariat (film)\n\n\nson holds up the pay phone so Penny can hear Kate sing. Penny gets experienced jockey Ron Turcotte to ride Secretariat to many victories. Secretariat is named horse of the year after a successful two-year-old season. Penny's father suffers a stroke and dies, leaving Penny and her brother Hollis to inherit the estate. Although she needs six million dollars to pay estate taxes, Penny refuses to sell Secretariat. Instead she syndicates the horse, selling 32 shares worth more than six million dollars, as long as he", "id": "8623414" }, { "contents": "Mark Parnell\n\n\ndecisions by the state Labor government such as approval of the Mount Barker redevelopment and the renewal of the uranium exploration company Marathon Resources' right to drill in Arkaroola sanctuary. He said \"The left-right stuff doesn't really work for me anymore, there's fewer and fewer things to distinguish them [and] members are carefully watching the performance of the major parties\". Parnell is married to South Australia's Guardian for Children and Young People in Care, Penny Wright. In 1989 they moved to Adelaide following 9 months", "id": "8035236" }, { "contents": "Demoscene\n\n\non procedural content generation. Similarly, at QuakeCon in 2011, John Carmack noted that he \"thinks highly\" of people who do 64k intros, as an example of artificial limitations encouraging creative programming. Jerry Holkins from Penny Arcade claimed to have an \"abiding love\" for the demoscene, and noted that it is \"stuff worth knowing\". Certain forms of computer art have a strong affiliation with the demoscene. Tracker music, for example, originated in the Amiga games industry but was soon heavily dominated by demoscene musicians;", "id": "8457669" }, { "contents": "Tippecanoe Battlefield Park\n\n\nThe Tippecanoe Battlefield Park preserves the location of the Battle of Tippecanoe fought on November 7, 1811. The site of the battle was deeded to the State of Indiana by John Tipton, a veteran of the fight, on November 7, 1836, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the battle. The site was used for a number of major political rallies during its earlier years, those most significant being on May 29, 1840 in favor of William Henry Harrison's bid for the White House attended by 30,000 people. The location", "id": "16656851" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of archaeology\n\n\nsome archaeologists, emphasising the dislocation in archaeological approaches. Archaeological ethics investigates issues surrounding the use of archaeological sites and materials. Who sanctions, controls and pays for such use is often disputed. For example, concerning the rights of indigenous people, especially in colonial situations where archaeology may be used to support narratives of oppression or dispossession. Or those whose beliefs are incompatible with certain archaeological practices, such as the removal of bodies from ancient graveyards. Other examples include the use of archaeology for political purposes, such as land claims,", "id": "254728" }, { "contents": "Enemy (Sevendust song)\n\n\n. \"It was good to be able to get that stuff off my chest because I was able to express myself without doing anything stupid that would get me in trouble.\" Guitarist John Connolly also noted, \"Dez is just a piece of shit. He’s just one of those people where, he’s basically a bad person. There’s good people and bad people in this world, and he’s just, he wants to be a good person and he wants to act like a good person, but he", "id": "13423746" }, { "contents": "Buk Bak\n\n\ninspired by stuff they dealt with growing up. Both grew up in a compound house where a lot of drama and happenings occurred and they now take those scenes and memories they can remember and put them into their writings and make it sound great for people to dance to. People love Buk Bak for their party songs and they have realized this and would go all the way to entertain the people like they have always done. They mentored 4X4, Castro, Pope Skinny, K-2, Buky Core and whole lot of artists who", "id": "4264630" }, { "contents": "Larry Kramer\n\n\nStudies\". The money would pay visiting professors and a program coordinator for conferences, guest speakers and other events. Kramer agreed to leave his literary papers and those chronicling the AIDS movement and his founding of GMHC and ACT UP to Yale's Beinecke Library. \"A lot has changed since I made my initial demands,\" said Kramer. \"I was trying to cram stuff down their throat. I'd rather they fashion their own stuff. It may allow for a much more expandable notion of what lesbian and gay studies", "id": "14718331" }, { "contents": "Auction sniping\n\n\nof the auction to avoid creating competition for their bids, leading to a lower winning bid. An analysis of actual winning bids on eBay suggests that winning bidders are more likely to have placed a single bid late in the auction, rather than to have placed multiple incremental bids as the auction progresses. Many online auctions use proxy bidding, an iterative sealed bid auction where winners pay a fixed increment over the second highest bid. The auctioneer does not disclose the current maximum bid, but the second highest bid is always public.", "id": "10714656" }, { "contents": "English Renaissance theatre\n\n\nafter 1610. Ticket prices in general varied during this time period. The cost of admission was based on where in the theatre a person wished to be situated, or based on what a person could afford. If people wanted a better view of the stage or to be more separate from the crowd, they would pay more for their entrance. Due to inflation that occurred during this time period, admission increased in some theatres from a penny to a sixpence or even higher. Commercial theaters were largely located just outside the boundaries", "id": "18308428" } ]
Why are actors in regular movies so much more convincing in sex scenes, than porn stars are in porn?
[{"answer": "Porn is often over-acted and therefore a little unrealistic. Porn is going for raw arousal from its target audience. Movies on the other hand typically go for as realistic of a portrayal as possible (without showing actual penetration like porn), and the point is often to get a character's emotions across to the audience. Basically, porn is about arousal, movie sex is about emotion. EDIT: oh, and movie stars typically have a lot more training in acting ;)"}, {"answer": "Porn is spectacle, movies are substance. The rule against one sentence answers is stupid, by the way."}, {"answer": "Dammit, you're 5 years old! Who let you watch these movies?"}, {"answer": "Non porn actors are generally chosen by their ability to convincingly deliver dialog naturally and then by if they seen like a person to fit the part. Porn stars are chosen primarily for their looks (naked) and ability to have convincing sex. Because of the stigma of porn, people who are really good at acting would avoid doing porn as they would be worried about hurting their future chances of getting work in non-porn acting."}, {"answer": "Acting convincingly takes practice-- acting coaches, rehearsals, multiple takes, etc. Porn isn't that high-production. Porn actors are chosen for their looks and their willingness to get naked. Just curious, are you a woman, OP? As a woman I don't like much porn because of the fake acting. I'm into it then I see the woman wince or her eyes glaze over in boredom. But the guys I know don't have this problem."}, {"answer": "Pornstars are not professional actors. They are professional athletes. Their jobs require extreme amounts of physical endurance, ability, and pain tolerance in addition to a ton of maintenance. There isn't a lot left over to focus on learning to act well."}, {"answer": "I totally agree women in porn never look like they are having fun and that ruins it for me. Of course I guess if porn stars could act they would be doing Hollywood movies not porn..."}, {"answer": "Do you think those women in porn will still be there if they could be movie stars?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "17322723", "title": "Pornographic film actor", "section": "Section::::Overview.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 6, "end_paragraph_id": 6, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The number of pornographic film actors who have worked in the United States can be indicated by number of actors tested by Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation (AIM). When in 2011 its patient database was leaked it contained details of over 12,000 pornographic actors that it had tested since 1998. As of 2011, it was reported that roughly 1,2001,500 performers were working in California's \"Porn Valley\". Production of risqu\u00e9 films commenced with the start of photography. \"Moving pictures\" that featured nudity were popular in \"penny arcades\" of the early 1900s which had", "The number of pornographic film actors who have worked in the United States can be indicated by number of actors tested by Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation (AIM). When in 2011 its patient database was leaked it contained details of over 12,000 pornographic actors that it had tested since 1998. As of 2011, it was reported that roughly 1,2001,500 performers were working in California's \"Porn Valley\". Production of risqu\u00e9 films commenced with the start of photography. \"Moving pictures\" that featured nudity were popular in \"penny arcades\" of the early 1900s which had"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Traci Lords\n\n\nscene. In her next movie, \"Those Young Girls\", she appeared in a sex role alongside Harry Reems and Ginger Lynn. After appearing at age 16 with John Leslie (an actor 23 years her senior) in the porno parody \"Talk Dirty to Me Part III\" (which won the AVN Award for the best movie), Lords was hailed as the \"Princess of Porn\". She became one of the highest-paid porn actresses of that time, earning more than $1,000 a day. Besides", "id": "11930421" }, { "contents": "Pornographic film actor\n\n\nmen much more than heterosexual porn. Men who identify themselves as \"heterosexual\" but perform in gay pornography are said to do gay-for-pay. This means they perform in gay movies only for the paycheck. Payment for pornstars is dependent on the sex acts performed; however, in a single scene, female actresses typically make between $100 and $6000, while male actors make between $100 and $400. In 2017, the Independent reported that female performers in scenes with male performers typically earn around $", "id": "8496929" }, { "contents": "Gay-for-pay\n\n\nfor homosexual work than heterosexual. There are also more opportunities to become a \"star\" in gay porn than in straight porn, where the attention is on female performers. In the sex worker industry, the term may also be applied to straight people of either gender (including \"male escorts\") who have sexual contact or scenes with a client or another sex worker of the same gender. Although sexual contact is often involved, sex scenes or solo scenes (like masturbating to climax) or even a BDSM scene for", "id": "19873863" }, { "contents": "Lesbian erotica\n\n\npornographic sex somewhere on a spectrum between real and fake sex, depending on several factors. They were more likely to consider it authentic if there was a real attraction between themselves and the other actor(s) in the scene, and if they felt mutual respect between themselves and the producers. Authenticity in porn is disputed because some assert that the only authentic sex has no motive other than sex itself. Porn sex, being shot for a camera, automatically has other motives than sex itself. On the other side, some assert that", "id": "1363197" }, { "contents": "Fantasm\n\n\nwe wanted to do a genuine one. We just wanted to make a fun film about sex! Ginnane and Franklin had trouble finding actors who would appear in the film in Australia so only the linking scenes with the professor were shot in that country, with the sex scenes filmed in Los Angeles by Franklin and his cinematographer Vince Monton, using American porn stars. An old classmate of Franklin's from USC, Doug Knapp, was working in the area of porn and put them in touch with casting agent Bill Margold. The", "id": "794077" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\ncommon for gay-for-pay porn actors to start out as tops before they eventually give in to fan and industry pressure to shoot a scene or more as a bottom. Gay-for-pay actors are typically more comfortable being tops because the role of top is analogous to the \"less gay\" penetrator role of the man in straight sex. On the other hand, some gay-for-pay porn actors prefer to act as bottoms because they can do so without maintaining an erection. The implication here is", "id": "5980639" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\nexamine authenticity through scripts, arguing that porn actors follow learned behavioral sex scripts, so no porn is any more or less authentic than any other porn. Because the term \"gay-for-pay\" implies a motivation that is solely economic, Escoffier argues it is not a fitting title. Other reasons certain gay-for-pay actors report for their career choice include latent homosexual fantasy and curiosity. Among gay-for-pay actors, there is divided preference for the performance roles of top vs. bottom. It is", "id": "5980638" }, { "contents": "Pink and White Productions\n\n\nThe Crash Pad\" (2005), was directed by Houston. The film won the 2006 Feminist Porn Award for Hottest Dyke Sex Scene. The company's subsequent releases were \"Superfreak\" (2006), which won the 2007 Feminist Porn Award for Best Dyke Scene, and \"In Search of the Wild Kingdom\" (2007), a mockumentary which won the 2007 Feminist Porn Award for Best Trans Sex Scene, and CHAMPION: Love Hurts, which won the Feminist Porn Awards 2009 \"Movie of the Year\" and", "id": "17717097" }, { "contents": "Blood Lake\n\n\nterrible, the editing is laughably inept, and the acting is as non existent as the gore\". [re]Search my Trash's Mike Haberfelner similarly condemned \"Blood Lake\", writing, \"Basically, this is hardcore porn and slasher movie rolled into one - and at least on paper that seems a good idea as slasher movies often use sexual allusions anyways, so why not just make the sex explicit? Unfortunately, \"Blood Lake\" doesn't quite function that way, as the sex scenes don't seem to be", "id": "16624462" }, { "contents": "Lesbian erotica\n\n\nall porn sex is authentic since the sex is an occurrence that took place, and that is all that is needed to classify it as authentic. With regard to the authenticity of their performance, some lesbian porn actors describe their performance as an exaggerated, altered version of their real personality, providing some authenticity to the performance. Authenticity depends on real life experiences, so some lesbian porn actors feel the need to create an entirely different persona in order to feel safe. Webber writes of Agatha, a queer actor in lesbian porn", "id": "1363198" }, { "contents": "La Fête du Slip\n\n\nbest of the burgeoning sex positive porn scene internationally. As Annie Sprinkle puts it: \"The answer to bad porn isn't no porn... It's to try and make better porn!\". By acknowledging that a better, more subversive, empowering and liberated porn is being made, La Fête du Slip’s International Sex Positive Porn Competition brings together the porn performers, producers, distributors and consumers and makes this new cultural sector thrive. By way of appeal for submission, worldwide pornographers are invited to send their sex positive", "id": "8528479" }, { "contents": "Transsexual pornography\n\n\nFTM gay porn company, in order to \"show big-name gay porn stars having sex with trans men and loving it.\" The formula has found a following among both women and gay men, with the majority of the company's fan-base being gay men. The gay male audience for FTM porn has become a growing niche as more gay men become exposed to the genre. In January 2018, the major gay porn studio Raw Fuck Club (RFC), released a scene starring Cyd St. Vincent titled \"", "id": "7419142" }, { "contents": "PorYes\n\n\nwithin the last 30 years. This might be the consequence of the changing sexual morality in more recent years, which influenced the sexual behavior of women. For example, the Danish production firm “Innocent Pictures” reacts to that new development, and they try to make porn especially for women, which is called “HeartCore”. There even exists a manifest, which constitutes what kind of sex may be shown in the movie, so that women can enjoy the porn. Although there are more sex toys and mainstream porn,", "id": "6529867" }, { "contents": "Shigeo Tokuda\n\n\nof time on their hands, mature porn has become a lucrative market, reportedly accounting for 20-30% of sex movie revenue. Male actors are usually anonymous in Japanese porn but Tokuda is now featured in his own branded series of videos for Ruby with actresses of various ages. Another studio specializing in elder porn is Glory Quest which launched the \"old man\" series \"Maniac Training of Lolitas\" in December 2004 and when that became popular, had Tokuda star with a variety of young AV actresses in the \"Forbidden", "id": "2978903" }, { "contents": "Jamie Gillis\n\n\nanswered an ad in \"The Village Voice\". He appeared in more than 470 movies as an actor.\" He also directed several adult movies. Openly bisexual, he appeared in many gay porn films, including a sex scene with Zebedy Colt in the 1975 Gerard Damiano BDSM-themed film \"The Story of Joanna\". Gillis also appeared in the mainstream Hollywood film \"Nighthawks\" (1981) as the boss of Lindsay Wagner's character. He also made his name in two Radley Metzger films, \"The Opening", "id": "17729991" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\nporn website has begun to feature scenes starring trans male porn actors. The authenticity and ethics behind gay-for-pay porn are highly disputed, even within the gay community. Viewers of gay porn in a survey by Escoffier reported a preference for authentic porn, which they define as exhibiting both erections and orgasms. Escoffier argues if straight-identifying actors are able to deliver erections and orgasms to the set, their performance is classified as situational homosexuality; therefore, the porn itself is authentic gay porn. Simon and Gagnon", "id": "5980637" }, { "contents": "All About Anna\n\n\non the cover of its cultural supplement \"Stern Journal\", and commented: In her book \"Secrets of Porn Star Sex\" (Infinite Ideas, 2007), British author Marcelle Perks includes a chapter on female-friendly porn, in which she concludes: \"Rather than being intimidated by porn, do a bit of research and find something that you can have fun with. An ideal introduction movie is the hit film \"All About Anna\", a mainstream film that features real sex\". In April 2008,", "id": "10241085" }, { "contents": "Seka\n\n\nadult videos with a \"break\" in 1982, when she stopped shooting sex movies, claiming \"they wouldn't pay her what she wanted,\" and turned to stripping and nude modeling while also running her own fan club. Subsequently, she admitted that the HIV epidemic in the mid-1980s contributed to her decision to avoid the hardcore sex scene, saying, \"That's why I don't make movies any more . . . I like to live.\" By the early 1990s she had returned to the porn industry to", "id": "1878133" }, { "contents": "\n\n\n. In January 2018, released a controversial scene featuring heterosexual sex and created a category for \"bisexual porn\". In August 2018, released its first scene featuring MMF bisexual porn titled \"The Challenge\", creating further controversy over whether bisexual porn belongs on a gay porn website. stated that they decided to feature bisexual content because \"After asking our users what they would like to see, a surprisingly large number asked for a fully bisexual scene.\" Arad Winwin, the star of the scene and a", "id": "4773802" }, { "contents": "PorYes\n\n\n-positive porn productions.\" Thus, the Feminist Porno Film Prize awards special productions and also the life-work of people who try to contribute to this sex-positive depiction of women in porn. Awarded genres are, for example: \"Sex documentation (documentaries), sexperts (educational films), feature films with sex scenes, sexual orientations (like heterotica, lesbirotica, queerotica or transporno), particular practices like safe sex porn or sexual competence and general excitement, intelligent porn (with dialogues), more remotely", "id": "6529863" }, { "contents": "J. C. Adams\n\n\nafter the death of its founder and owner). In 2004, Adams wrote an article for the peer-reviewed academic publication, \"Journal of Homosexuality\". The article, \"Sex Pigs: Why Porn is Like Sausage, or the Truth is That-Behind the Scenes-Porn Is not Very Sexy,\" discussed why adult film sex work is, in fact, work. The article was published as a chapter in the book \"Pornucopia: Eclectic Views on Gay Male Pornography\", published by Haworth Press in", "id": "6708381" }, { "contents": "Adventures of Tarzan\n\n\nAdventures of Tarzan is a 1985 Hindi-language Indian feature film directed by Babbar Subhash, starring Hemant Birje, Dalip Tahil, Kimi Katkar and Om Shivpuri. The film was much talked about in its time, mainly due to the steamy scenes between the lead actors and popular hit songs. The sequel of the movie named \"Tarzan Ki Beti\" was released in 2002. The movie is inspired by a porn movie named \"Tarzan -X shame of jane\" released in 1994 starring Rocco Sceffridi and Rosa Caracciolo as lead. This", "id": "11874420" }, { "contents": "Gay-for-pay\n\n\nto sex with other men; scholar Camille Paglia declared that \"Seduction of straight studs is a highly erotic motif in gay porn\" and anthropologist William Leap has similarly written, \"as in most gay male settings, the young, the muscular, and the unfamiliar are more sought.\" In gay pornographic movies, actors who identify as straight, but who perform explicit sexual acts with other males, do not face the same stigma as their mainstream acting counterparts and indeed can rise quickly to being featured porn actors. These actors", "id": "19873860" }, { "contents": "April Flores\n\n\nfirst official film. She also considers herself an “erotic entertainer” rather than a porn star. In 2005, Flores was invited to perform with Belladonna. The film was April's first porn scene with a woman. Flores confessed that she wore a wig during the performance so that if anyone brought it up she could deny that \"that was not [her]!\" However, Flores enjoyed performing and was later invited to do more scenes. April's father passed away in 2001, so she never came out to", "id": "10664285" }, { "contents": "François Sagat\n\n\n, 2017 Sagat is gay. He was in a relationship with European porn star Francesco D'Macho. The two have since separated. In a January 2009 interview, Sagat revealed that he resided in Toronto for more than six months while shooting scenes for the movie \"Saw VI\". However, the actor is currently living in France. When in Brazil, Sagat told of his desire to be in a serious relationship. Asked if he had relationships with someone from work, Sagat said \"No. I had an actor in Paris", "id": "8942057" }, { "contents": "Ronnie Larsen\n\n\nRonnie Larsen is a playwright and film director specializing in writing plays about sex. His play \"Making Porn\" was about the gay porn industry in the 1980s, and the production was notable for casting gay porn actors. Productions have starred Blue Blake, Rex Chandler and Ryan Idol. In 1997 Larsen made a documentary about the gay porn industry entitled \"Shooting Porn\". It is not a filmed version of the play \"Making Porn\". The film featured figures from the gay pornography industry including Gino Colbert, Chi Chi", "id": "16946686" }, { "contents": "Rocco Siffredi\n\n\nRocco Siffredi (born Rocco Antonio Tano; 4 May 1964) is an Italian pornographic actor, director and producer of pornographic movies. He took his stage name from the character Roch Siffredi played by Alain Delon in the French gangster film \"Borsalino\" (1970). Known as the \"Italian Stallion\", Siffredi has starred in more than 1,300 pornographic films. Siffredi met porn actor Leonardo Codazzo in a French sex club in 1985 and was introduced to producer Marco and director Michela, who cast him in his first pornographic role", "id": "3339717" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\nhas found a following among both women and gay men, with the majority of the company's fan-base being gay men. The gay male audience for FTM porn has become a growing niche as more gay men become exposed to the genre. In October 2017, Naked Sword released its first FTM scene, featuring gay trans man porn actor Viktor Belmont. In 2018, the major gay porn studio Raw Fuck Club (RFC), released a scene starring Cyd St. Vincent titled \"Some Men Have Pussies\", becoming one", "id": "5980635" }, { "contents": "Unsimulated sex\n\n\nIn the film industry, unsimulated sex is the presentation in a film of sex scenes where the actors engage in an actual sex act, and are not just miming or simulating the actions. At one time in the United States such scenes were restricted by law and self-imposed industry standards such as the Motion Picture Production Code. Films showing explicit sexual activity were confined to privately distributed underground films, such as stag films or \"porn loops\". Beginning in the late 1960s, most notably with \"Blue Movie\" by", "id": "10269662" }, { "contents": "AVN (magazine)\n\n\n... To think of the 'porn Oscars' as a true representation of porn's very best is like having sex with a Jenna Jameson love doll and telling your friends you had sex with the porn star\". Even Tyla Winn, an award winner, had trouble remembering one of her sex scenes that was nominated. \"AVN\" also sponsors the GAYVN Awards which are presented annually to honor work done in the gay pornography industry. Awards for gay adult video were a part of the AVN awards from 1988 to 1998.", "id": "20914393" }, { "contents": "Marty Klein\n\n\ndown since Broadband pornography became common. He observed that couples that don't have sex anymore are quicker to fight about pornography rather than have a meaningful conversation about problems in their sexual relationships. Cara Santa Maria asked if porn leads to unrealistic expectations by men. \"Absolutely yes!\" Klein answered. \"Some people think porn is a documentary, showing real people in real situations... porn is usually unusual bodies, doing unusual things in unusual circumstances.\" \"Pornography leaves out so much that we value in sex. Kissing", "id": "11646008" }, { "contents": "Stacy Martin\n\n\nAfter finishing school, she moved to London to study Media and Cultural Studies at the London College of Communication whilst modelling on the side. She studied the Meisner technique of acting at the Actors' Temple. In 2013, Martin starred as Young Joe aged 15 to 31, in the drama film \"Nymphomaniac\". For her role in the film, which had real sex scenes and featured hardcore porn in some cases; Martin had a \"porn double\" and used a prosthetic vagina. The role earned her nominations for Best", "id": "8073414" }, { "contents": "Mother's Meat and Freud's Flesh\n\n\nMother's Meat and Freud's Flesh is a Canadian comedy-drama cult film, released in 1984. The directorial debut of underground filmmaker Demetrios Estdelacropolis, it was made while he was a film student at Concordia University. Inspired by the early trash films of John Waters, the film stars Estdelacropolis as Demira, a gay porn actor struggling with both his emotionally complicated relationship with his mother Esther (Esther Vargas) and his desire to break out of porn and into mainstream movies. He connects with a Freudian psychiatrist who is convinced", "id": "20576918" }, { "contents": "Chloe (actress)\n\n\n– you won't get your john to do that. But we're prostitutes: we exchange sex for money.\" She was offered a part in a production of \"Lady Chatterley's Lover\", however, was fired when the producers learned of her porn background. She has also produced and sang on a single called \"Harder\" by Sabateur, which is on the compilation CD \"Porn to Rock\", an album of tracks which feature various porn stars. XRCO \"Best Group Sex Scene\" for \"The", "id": "9216612" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nparticular attention to the actual story, the actors, music, locations, and aesthetics of the scenes. The directors main concern is making sure women enjoy the porn by making it realistic. The women's porn industry allows more women to have control and be in positions of power as directors. The directors encourage the performers to voice their creative input and hold more power than in pornography that is not women's pornography. Erika Lust is a feminist porn director, producer, and screenplay writer. She is also the founder of", "id": "8644368" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nfeature more bisexual content. After the release of the Arad Winwin scene \"left many angry gay porn fans in complete shock\", the MindGeek conglomerate decided to create a separate studio for bisexual porn called \"\". In January 2015, in the wake of several controversies involving Justin Bieber and his allegedly \"out-of-control\" behavior, posted an Internet ad featuring its most popular actor Johnny Rapid inviting the singer to do a sex scene with him for US$2 million. In July 2017, a line", "id": "4773805" }, { "contents": "33rd AVN Awards\n\n\n, content released solely on video-on-demand is eligible for AVN Awards consideration. AVN announced VOD content would be eligible in the Best Boy/Girl Sex Scene, Best Girl/Girl Sex Scene, Best Oral Sex Scene and Best Anal Sex Scene categories. As usual, several of the categories were renamed and redefined and a new niche category was added, Best Polyamory Movie. AVN has also stated that porn star James Deen, who has been the subject of publicized assault allegations, will continue to be eligible for", "id": "15108818" }, { "contents": "Pornographic parody film\n\n\nmovie starring actor-turned-infosec analyst Jeff Bardin, was released. The movie documented porn films that parody classic Hollywood movies. There have been porn parodies produced of sitcoms such as \"Who's The Boss\" and \"Parks and Recreation\", horror and drama movies such as \"Edward Scissorhands\" and \"Silence of the Lambs\", sci-fi and action movie blockbusters such as \"Star Wars\" and \"The Avengers\", and of period drama such as \"Downton Abbey\", titled \"Down on", "id": "8584197" }, { "contents": "Sunrise Adams\n\n\naward for Best Oral Sex Scene – Film for \"Heart of Darkness\". On August 2, 2004, Adams appeared with Savanna Samson on Fox News's \"The O'Reilly Factor\", to promote their book \"How to Have a XXX Sex Life\". Adams is the niece of porn star Sunset Thomas. Adams appeared in the skateboarding movie \"Grind\". In 2004, Adams renewed her contract with Vivid for 10 more years. On November 15, 2006 Adams announced that she would return to the adult film industry", "id": "6187100" }, { "contents": "Jamie Gillis\n\n\nOn the Prowl\" series. Featuring a porn star who rides in a limo looking for regular guys to have sex with, the video series was very popular and inspired a scene in the movie \"Boogie Nights\". He also co-produced the popular \"Dirty Debutante\" series with fellow director and performer Ed Powers, as well as the \"Walking Toilet Bowl\" series of films that focused on golden showers and coprophilia. Gillis died on February 19, 2010 in New York City from melanoma, which was diagnosed four", "id": "17729993" }, { "contents": "Darren James\n\n\nit obviously doesn't work,\" and \"I thought porn people were the cleanest people in the world.\" Judy Star appeared in several movies Roxx also appeared in and was known to have performed a sex scene with a female actress who had performed a scene with James. Star, however, tested negative for HIV. The ensuing fears of HIV infection (as well as the public scandal and criticism of the industry that followed the outbreak) caused a temporary shutdown of production of adult movies in Southern California. According to", "id": "4171089" }, { "contents": "Jerry Butler (actor)\n\n\nporn career was causing to their marriage. Butler and Loring divorced in 1992. Butler released an autobiography in 1989, as told to Robert Rimmer and Catherine Tavel, called \"Raw Talent\". The book gave an insider's account of the porn scene. He was very forthcoming in the book, giving very intimate details of some of his fellow co-workers in the business, and citing the existence of widespread drug abuse in the industry. Butler re-surfaced in 2003 in a non-sex role in a porn", "id": "2465114" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Lord\n\n\nmax 3\". This introduced her to the American porn industry. She soon left France for Los Angeles and quickly established herself in the porn industry there. She has since appeared in over 200 porn movies (as of 2007). Lord has directed and produced several of the videos she has starred in, through her company, Rebecca Lord Productions, as well as actively maintaining an internet paysite. She became much less active in porn movies after 2003, though, in several posts on her website (in July 2004,", "id": "13658875" }, { "contents": "Danny Wylde\n\n\n\"The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure\", a collection of essays written by feminist porn scholars and feminists in the adult film industry. Wylde and his girlfriend, fellow porn star Lily Labeau, contributed a film of themselves having sex to the website MakeLoveNotPorn, which aims to \"provide more realistic information about human sexuality than that provided by hardcore pornography\". The couple later appeared on \"The Jeff Probst Show\" with MakeLoveNotPorn founder Cindy Gallop to discuss the site. More recently, Wylde has been active", "id": "3704483" }, { "contents": "Pornographic film actor\n\n\n\" According to producer Seymore Butts in 2007, who runs his own sex-film recruitment agency, as well as producing sex films; \"depending on draw, female performers who perform in both straight and lesbian porn earn more than those who do just heterosexual scenes usually make about US$200–800 while those who only do oral sex (blow job) usually only make about US$100–300 for the scene\". In an 2004 interview conducted by Local10 news of Florida, it was claimed that individuals were offered $700 for sexual intercourse", "id": "8496932" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nfeaturing a transgender man. The scene features transgender porn actor Luke Hudson and gay porn actor Dante Colle. In April, a second scene featuring a trans man was released. Some gay men have complained about the presence of transgender men on the website, leading the gay porn reporter Zachary Sires to respond by defending's decision, arguing that it was a smart business decision that could broaden's audience and that could lead some viewers to be more tolerant of transgender men. As of March 2019, will no longer", "id": "4773804" }, { "contents": "Dave Attell\n\n\nDave's Old Porn\", a TV series in which Attell views and jokes about retro 1970s and 1980s pornographic movies with different guest comedians. Typically, during a given show, Attell and his guest view clips that give an overview of a particular retro porn star's career. Near the end of that show, that particular porn actor appears and also comments on clips from some of his or her movies. \"Insomniac with Dave Attell\" is a television series described by Attell as \"\"Wild on E!\" for", "id": "14984999" }, { "contents": "Stephen Clancy Hill\n\n\nactor. He actually intended to become a porn star. Hill never rose to prominence in the porn industry where he worked mostly as a \"mope\", a male performer of low status. Actress Alana Evans later said that Hill \"struggled in his scenes\" and showed little promise as a porn actor. He had a featured role as Barack Obama in the pornographic spoof \"Palin: Erection 2008\". In an unsuccessful effort to establish a signature and stand out from other \"mopes\", Hill began wearing \"monster", "id": "16048299" }, { "contents": "Sex workers' rights\n\n\nfor their well being, though in a study of over 300 men aged 18 to 73 97% report that they have watched porn, with 94% reporting having done so in the last 6 months and 82% reporting doing so in a manner they would consider \"regularly\". Men of all ages report an overall positive experience with porn, though younger men express greater negative than older men- which researchers speculate is because porn skews their perceptions of sex. Pornography debates provided leeway for the emergence of the \"Sex Wars\"", "id": "15176075" }, { "contents": "Inch by Inch (film)\n\n\nthat's worth seeing twice\", and praised the sex scenes, yet Reeves criticized the runtime as \"short\" and ending as \"hokey\". The reviewer from Rad Video rated this movie four out of five stars and praised its sex scenes and male bodies but found its runtime too short. Mark Adnum from \"Outrate\" called this film \"a masterpiece of gay porn packed with great sex and hot guys\". Both reviewers found its ending a tease to an upcoming sequel that never happened. In the book \"", "id": "14143524" }, { "contents": "9 to 5: Days in Porn\n\n\nHoffmann isn't interested in the billion-dollar industry that's behind it, he's interested in the people behind and in front of the camera. He gets close to the actors, the scenes are intimate, but never voyeuristic.\") Among the film's many interviewees are 2006 AVN Award winner Audrey Hollander, former porn star and Director of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation Dr. Sharon Mitchell, stripper-turned-porn star/director Belladonna, as well as Katja Kassin, Otto Bauer, Sasha Grey,", "id": "12608090" }, { "contents": "The Raspberry Reich\n\n\nopening sequence features a montage of sexual acts involving the two main characters, Gudrun and Andreas. There are also plot driven sex scenes involving the characters of Patrick and Clyde engaging in real explicit onscreen oral and anal sex acts with each other. Much of these scenes intentions are to not only arouse but also present themes of satire and of character development. Andreas (Dean Monroe) is a gay porn legend (working in the porn industry since 2000 and winning a Grabby Award in 2012). Slogans are used to convey the", "id": "6286310" }, { "contents": "Down on Abby\n\n\nI can say with absolute certainty that the movie more than lived up to all the hype surrounding it.\" and \"\"Down on Abby\" delivers a solid hardcore porn film wrapped in the luxurious look and feel of British aristocratic wealth, which is exactly what you’d want from a \"Downton Abbey\" porn parody.\" He added \"I also need to take a moment to stand up and applaud Lexi Lowe. Her scene with Tony DeSergio and Clarke Kent was arguably the highlight of the movie, with Ms. Lowe", "id": "17705641" }, { "contents": "PorYes\n\n\nalso for the use of healthy materials for sex toys. The \"mother\" of the European feminist porn festival are the “Good For Her Feminist Porn Awards“ in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The festival is arranged by the women sex-shop “Good For Her”, which was founded in 2006. The principles for the awarded movies are similar to the European ones: Overall, Feminist Porn Award winners tend to show movies that consider a female viewer from start to finish. The PorYes festival also sees itself in", "id": "6529870" }, { "contents": "Californication (TV series)\n\n\nthrown by Sonja, a woman he had sex with in Season 1. A mistake and a fight with an obnoxious police officer land Hank in jail, where he meets world-famous record producer Lew Ashby, who commissions Hank to write his biography. Office masturbation costs Charlie Runkle his job. Circumstances lead him to go into the porn industry, as he becomes the agent/paternal-figure of a porn star named Daisy, and spends the majority of his and wife Marcy's nest egg financing the artsy porn movie \"", "id": "12369506" }, { "contents": "John Holmes (actor)\n\n\nAfter his release from Los Angeles County Jail for contempt of court in November 1982, Holmes quickly resumed his film career with a new generation of porn stars. His drug addiction continued off-and-on, and although work was still plentiful, it was no longer as lucrative as it had been with the advent of cheaply made videotapes that saturated the porn market. Most of the feature porn films and videos he made during the 1980s were little more than cameo appearances. In February 1986, five or six months after testing", "id": "6434390" }, { "contents": "Mia Rose (actress)\n\n\nMia Rose (born March 30, 1987) is an American former pornographic actress who entered the industry in 2006 at the age of 19. She is the younger sister of Ava Rose. Mia and Ava both stripped in Reno, Nevada before getting into porn. They were approached to do porn by an agent through MySpace. Her rationale for getting into porn was, \"we were already fucking the shit out of everybody in our personal lives, so why not?\". They have been in the same scene together in", "id": "16251855" }, { "contents": "Ben Dover\n\n\nshe worked as a masseuse. In 2005 Harvey was selected to appear on \"Big Brother\" due to her past as a porn star, but was dropped when she refused to have sex on TV. Honey revealed that despite his willingness to do so, he couldn't \"get on any of the chatshows, gameshows, Celebrity Big Brother, I'm a Celebrity, even though in reality I'm much more well known than some of the Z listers on there\". In 2008 Honey attended the UK Adult Film Awards", "id": "1193901" }, { "contents": "Sex Station\n\n\n2013. \"Porn Star Diaries\" was a one-off 30-minute documentary made by \"Sex Station's\" producers in 2006, featuring interviews with three female porn stars including Nina Roberts and Bobbi Eden, who then did a lesbian softcore photoshoot together. The interviewees talked about their careers (how they began in porn) and the porn industry generally. This was broadcast in a 3-hour block at nights on You TV (channel 146, which became Sumo TV channel 879), alternating with \"Babestation's\" \"Meet the", "id": "1167178" }, { "contents": "Donny Pauling\n\n\ngroups. He has done several interviews for Guilty Pleasure in which he expresses his beliefs that porn is incredibly damaging to the actors who parttake, along with families, and individuals themselves. He states that porn usage is overall degrading for all parties involved and seeks to educate users on the damage they do to themselves. Pauling and Gross together debated at Yale University against two famous porn actors including Ron Jeremy. In the debate, Pauling and Gross said that today far more porn is viewed than historically and that it has become more", "id": "10777214" }, { "contents": "Porn Stars (album)\n\n\nPorn Stars is a studio album by the band Pretty Boy Floyd. It features re-recordings of six tracks from their debut album \"Leather Boyz With Electric Toyz\", a re-recording of one track from \"Tonight Belongs To The Young\", and a re-recording of one track from their EP \"A Tale of Sex, Designer Drugs, and the Death of Rock N Roll\". The production on this recording is notably far more raw than their debut. The album features five new tracks with two", "id": "17258721" }, { "contents": "PorYes\n\n\nPorYes is the name of the first European feminist porn movie award. For the first time in 2009, feminist European porn directors were awarded in Berlin. With the \"oyster-trophy\" porn movies are awarded that show mainly female desire and care about a variety of sexuality. Furthermore, mainly women should be involved in the production of the film. The PorYes was also established as a cachet for feminist porn. The women participating and initiating the event see themselves as part of the \"sex-positive women´s movement\".", "id": "6529861" }, { "contents": "Pornographic film actor\n\n\nA pornographic film actor/actress, adult entertainer, or porn star is a person who performs sex acts in video that is usually characterized as a pornographic movie. Such videos tend to be made in a number of distinct pornographic subgenres and attempt to present a sexual fantasy and the actors selected for a particular role are primarily selected on their ability to create or fit that fantasy. Pornographic videos are characterized as either \"softcore\", which does not contain depictions of sexual penetration or \"extreme fetishism\" and \"hardcore\",", "id": "8496908" }, { "contents": "Baise-moi\n\n\nstrengthen its artistic vision and draws out the messages which it is trying to get across, without distracting its audience with overly choreographed 'shock scenes'.\" The film, co-directed by Coralie Trinh Thi who had previously worked as a pornographic actress, included several unsimulated sex scenes. The two lead roles were also played by porn actresses, while several other porn actors, including Ian Scott as one of the rapists, appeared in supporting roles. Due to this, some sections of the media criticized the film as thinly", "id": "2773223" }, { "contents": "Bobbi Starr\n\n\nHer initial works were bondage and submission scenes for Internet-based companies. She then transitioned to shooting various types of scenes for production companies in Los Angeles. Starr has appeared as the box-cover model for many movies by companies such as Red Light District Video and Combat Zone. In 2011 and in 2013, Starr was listed on as one of the 12 most popular stars in porn. Starr was a finalist for the reality show \"America's Next Hot Porn Star,\" a series set up similarly to \"", "id": "620811" }, { "contents": "Jenna's American Sex Star\n\n\nJenna's American Sex Star is an adult pay-per-view reality television series hosted by Jenna Jameson on Playboy TV that ran from 2005 until 2006. In each episode, with Jameson as the host, five contestants competed in a series of sexual performances for a panel of judges. The judges first eliminated a contestant and then viewers voted for their favorite performer on Winners were awarded an exclusive contract with Jameson's movie studio ClubJenna. The show also included interviews with porn actors about each contestant. Ron Jeremy did", "id": "3057745" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nequals with consideration to everyone’s pleasure, fantasies, and desires. Viewers can see themselves in my films, they feel like they could live out that scenario. That’s what makes it more satisfying, erotic, and fun!” Porn stars have differing views on the idea of women's pornography. Some performers embrace the movement, like Asa Akira, an award-winning porn star. Akira stated “I’m part of the new era of porn. We’re feminists, very sex-positive people. We’re", "id": "8644377" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\nlike 'Why are you even in this business?'\" However, some gay and bisexual porn actors, such as Buddy Jones, do enjoy working with straight men in some circumstances because as long as the sex is good, it doesn't matter to them how the other actor identifies sexually. In August 2005, adult star Jenna Jameson launched \"Club Thrust\", an interactive website featuring gay male pornographic videos, which was shown to attract a female audience as well. Yaoi comic books and slash fiction are both genres", "id": "5980641" }, { "contents": "Tommy Gunn (actor)\n\n\nporn stars\" discussing the porn industry and his personal experiences within it. In 2014, he appeared in the horror film \"Wolves\", directed by David Hayter. Also having a small part in the 2017 movie Gangster land. In 2009, Gunn directed and starred in a 3-D choose-your-own-adventure movie titled \"Cummin' At You 3D\". Gunn appeared in about 2,500 videos in his pornographic career. In February 2012, he launched his own underwear line. He sold a zombie apocalypse vehicle on", "id": "5276138" }, { "contents": "Remy LaCroix\n\n\nand promoted her unreleased movies, eventually returning to shooting in November 2012. In 2013, \"LA Weekly\" ranked her tenth on their list of \"10 Porn Stars Who Could Be the Next Jenna Jameson\". She was also placed on CNBC's yearly list \"The Dirty Dozen: Porn's Most Popular Stars\" in 2013 and 2014. LaCroix was scheduled to be a judge on the web-based reality show \"The Sex Factor\", which is a pornographic version of \"The X Factor\". In December", "id": "19359031" }, { "contents": "Jean-Daniel Cadinot\n\n\nmovies in 1978. By then, he had published 17 photo albums, with total sales of over 170,000 copies. Setting up his own production company, \"French Art\", Cadinot made dozens of 16 mm films. Characteristic of Cadinot's films was an emphasis on plot, much more so than in typical porn films. His plots were often based originally on incidents from his own life, but he was known for adjusting the plot during filming to incorporate experiences of his actors. He insisted on realism in his films,", "id": "18365708" }, { "contents": "Pornographic film actor\n\n\nare not unhappy with their job, while still noting that \"a performer's pleasure is not of primary importance\" and that \"porn sex is not the same as private sex\". Furthermore, there is a contrary opinion stating that porn production is not necessarily unethical or degrading. According to Lynn Comella, a women's studies professor at UNLV, presenting demeaning practices as representative of the entire porn industry is \"akin to talking about Hollywood while only referencing Spaghetti Westerns\". While the primary focus of heterosexual sex films are", "id": "8496925" }, { "contents": "Art manifesto\n\n\nis an affirmation of \"our life-search for new meanings and purpose to give to life.\" by Veronica Vera The manifesto was signed by Veronica Vera and Candida Royalle (both ex porn stars who had then directed their own porn movies), Annie Sprinkle (who gives explicit sexual one woman shows) and performance artist Frank Moore, among other significant artists who use sex in their work. In 7 short points, it founds an art movement, which \"celebrates sex as the nourishing, life-giving force.", "id": "22120253" }, { "contents": "Naqaab\n\n\ncameras in Sophia's home, and recorded all the intimate scenes between Vicky and her. Karan then convinces Vicky and Sophia that if they do not go along with the film, he would upload the intimate scenes of them on the internet, and turn them into porn-stars. Therefore, Vicky and Sophia let the movie release. At the premiere, Karan plans a publicity stunt by him getting shot by Vicky (with fake bullets), then getting up and revealing he is still alive. However, nothing goes as", "id": "15385733" }, { "contents": "Nacho Vidal\n\n\nmore than 1,500 movies; he has also produced and/or directed many others (since 2000, this has included gay titles for the Evil Angel video company). Although self-stated as heterosexual, he has directed some gay porn films. Besides porn, Vidal has also starred in a few Spanish mainstream movies and TV shows including the Spanish TV series \"Los Simuladores\" and the Spanish movies \"Va a ser que nadie es perfecto,\" \"El Alquimista Impaciente\" and Impávido. On 16 October 2012, Vidal and his", "id": "10502603" }, { "contents": "Annette Haven\n\n\nwhere she began dancing in erotic shows, and she eventually worked as a stripper. While working in one of the strip clubs, she met porn star Bonnie Holiday and moved in with her and Holiday's boyfriend. She was introduced to the sex industry through a role in a film called \"Lady Freaks\" in 1973 starring Holiday. Annette Haven went on to work in nearly 100 porn movies, including \"Desires Within Young Girls\" (1977), \"Obsessed\" (1977), \"A Coming of Angels\"", "id": "17117135" }, { "contents": "Ken Sprague\n\n\nsex film. His co-star in that film was another bodybuilder and rising porn star Jim Cassidy. The two have since appeared in a handful of scenes and magazine spreads together, often being referred to as the \"Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald of gay porn films\". Both of them served as a template for characters in the novel, \"The Iron Game\", by David Carter. The author described Sprague as never feeling \"any guilt,\" and someone who \"would take whatever position was necessary to ensure", "id": "11831070" }, { "contents": "James Deen\n\n\n, Deen filmed a pornographic scene with reality television participant Farrah Abraham, who had been in one of the \"Teen Mom\" series. Deen indicated that he was asked to pretend to be dating Abraham as part of a ploy to market the scene as an accidentally released sex tape, but that he refused to do so, arguing, \"If you're going to make a celebrity sex tape and try to pass it off as an amateur home video, you don't hire a well-known porn star!\".", "id": "3020938" }, { "contents": "Yui Hatano\n\n\nthe 2014 DMM Adult Awards. Hatano's output and regular AV appearances only increased in time, and by 2019 she appeared in over 2400 AV's (including compilations). She also appeared in numerous uncensored porn scenes that were distributed outside of Japan, making her one of the more known Japanese porn stars in the West. Hatano also became popular in Singapore and Taiwan, where she is regarded as a lookalike for the popular Taiwanese actress and model Lin Chi-ling. In a 2018 compilation of AV sales on Japanese e", "id": "16177748" }, { "contents": "Randy West (actor)\n\n\n\"After Porn Ends\", in which his life since retiring as a porn performer is discussed. West became involved in the more lucrative production side of the porn industry in 1993, as producer of adult films such as the \"Up and Cummers\" series which showcased new performers. With this and other series like \"I Love Lesbians\", \"Real Female Masturbation\" and others, West's videos focused on \"Real people having real sex – what a novel idea!\" In one final video he stated that one", "id": "15993307" }, { "contents": "Seinfeld: A XXX Parody\n\n\n) about pornography. The film then cuts into a XXX video store, where Gerry and Elania (Kristina Rose) are attempting to purchase porn from a man known as “The Porn Nazi” (Evan Stone). Gerry manages to buy a movie from the guy, but Elania is unsuccessful due to her behavior towards him. At Gerry's apartment, Gerry is watching the film he bought, and he and Elania have sex. In the next scene at the apartment with Gerry and Gorge (Steve Pomerants), Crammer", "id": "16815625" }, { "contents": "PorYes\n\n\nwhich are especially produced for women, PorYes states that this does not \"“change the fact that the majority of leading products are produced under unethical work conditions, often at the cost of the environment.“\" So, PorYes set certain criteria for feminist porno movies in order to inform the public and support discussion. PorYes has created certain criteria for feminist porn movies: The porn festival is mainly arranged by “Sexklusivitäten”, a special sex shop for women in Berlin, where sexual lectures and workshops, especially for women", "id": "6529868" }, { "contents": "George Payne (actor)\n\n\nGeorge Payne (born February 7) is an American actor and retired pornographic film actor. Payne entered the porn industry in 1972 with the gay movie \"The Back Row\" after coming to New York to do male swimsuit modeling and initially marketed himself towards a gay audience. He also starred in the infamous Centurians of Rome. He transitioned over to the straight side of the industry eventually and gained notoriety for his intense portrayal of psychopaths in several Avon 'roughie' films. He retired from hardcore porn in 1988, but made", "id": "17184766" }, { "contents": "Pornographic film actor\n\n\na female actress performing heterosexual scenes were $700 to $1,000. According to the porn website Videobox in 2008, actresses make these rates: Blowjobs: $200–$400; Straight sex: $400–$1,200; Anal sex: $900–$1,500; Double Penetration: $1,200–$1,600; Double anal: $2,000. For more unusual fetishes, women generally get 15% extra. Ron Jeremy has commented that in 2008, \"The average guy gets $300 to $400 a scene, or $100 to $200 if he's new.", "id": "8496931" }, { "contents": "Steven Daigle\n\n\nagreed to star in \"Steven Daigle XXXposed\", a gay porn film directed by Chi Chi LaRue under the director's Channel 1 Releasing studio. It was released on February 20, 2010. Since then, he has performed regularly in gay porn movies. It was reported that Daigle has also appeared in straight pornography. On October 1, 2010, he appeared in a movie with two women where he engaged in heterosexual intercourse for the first time on film. Although he has previously had sex with women when he was younger", "id": "6683090" }, { "contents": "Seinfeld: A XXX Parody\n\n\n(Eric John) comes in saying he is unable to masturbate to his old porn movies he owns. Being dissatisfied, Crammer decides to make his own porn. When he exits the scene, Gerry complains about a girl who has a crush on him, Regina (Ashlynn Brooke), because she orgasms too easily, and Gorge rants about getting married to Suzanne (Natalie Norton) in less than a month, reasoning that \"the pope gets more pussy than I do.\" Gerry suggests Gorge to spice up their love", "id": "16815626" }, { "contents": "Jenna Presley\n\n\nbusiness, she was credited with performing in over 275 films. In 2010 she was named by \"Maxim\" as one of the 12 top female stars in porn. \"Complex\" ranked her 17th on its list of \"The Top 100 Hottest Porn Stars (Right Now)\" in 2011. During her time in the adult film industry, Presley was known for her ability to ejaculate, which she discovered during a sex scene with Nick Manning. Presley retired from the adult film industry in 2012. After three years in", "id": "5519998" }, { "contents": "Brandon Lee (pornographic actor)\n\n\nBrandon Lee (born May 16, 1979), is an Asian American gay pornographic film actor of Filipino descent. He is regarded as the first gay Asian porn star and arguably the most popular Asian pornographic actor in contemporary gay male culture. Lee started in the industry in 1997 at age 18 after being discovered by adult film director Chi Chi Larue at a bathhouse. He intentionally chose the name of actor Brandon Lee as his porn name. His first movies were under Catalina Video for the Asian niche market but he crossed over", "id": "11476045" }, { "contents": "Ron Hightower\n\n\n, and they wasted no time in tempting him with better and more prominent roles. Arriving at the San Fernando Valley-based porn scene at a time when there were very few black men in the business who were actual celebrities (and when most interracial movies consisted of showing Caucasian men having sex with African American women), Hightower rapidly gained popularity as a natural born performer who always pleased his female co-stars , and his early appearances in productions like \"White Men Can't Hump\" and the Dark Alleys series (", "id": "9641088" }, { "contents": "Slaughter Disc\n\n\nSlaughter Disc is a 2005 pornographic horror film written, directed and produced by David Quitmeyer and starring Caroline Pierce and Robert Williams. Due to masturbating to \"Clown Porn\", college student and sex addict Michael Brichums misses a date with his girlfriend, Carrie, prompting Carrie to dump him. Later, Mike goes to a sex shop, where he finds a magazine featuring Andromeda Strange, an alt porn star whose films are so extreme they have been banned in numerous countries. Mike asks the clerk about Andromeda, and is told", "id": "13733813" }, { "contents": "Lucky Bastard (2013 film)\n\n\nLucky Bastard is a 2013 found footage horror film and the directorial debut of American producer Robert Nathan. The film had its world premiere in May 2013 at the Monaco Film Festival and was given a limited theatrical release on February 14, 2014 in the United States. It stars Don McManus as a porn site owner that finds more than he anticipated when he hires a seemingly docile young man (Jay Paulson) to have sex on camera. The film's portrayals of sex and violence resulted in the movie gaining a NC-17 rating.", "id": "19116650" }, { "contents": "Porn and Chicken\n\n\nPorn and Chicken is a production and DJ group consisting of three of the biggest posers in the EDM scene. Porn and Chicken was originally a weekly-party event regularly at Evil Olive, a dance club in Chicago, Illinois, featuring emcee Dom Brown (founder) and resident DJs Orville Kline, PHIVES and The Sleepers. Around the year 2010, the group was started at a bar called Risque Cafe in Wrigleyville. The name Porn and Chicken, originally \"Beer. Chicken. Porn.\", originated from the regular", "id": "19864089" }, { "contents": "Inari Vachs\n\n\n\"Porn is so much more widely accepted now than it was [in 2002]. The hardest part of doing porn was how society viewed you. It made it tough sometimes, but now it’s different. My mom didn’t even know I did porn until I stopped performing, but now she knows, in fact I called her today and spoke to her freely about what I was doing.\" In 2011 she was the co-host for the 2011 XRCO Awards with Tom Byron. Vachs had a daughter during", "id": "5985186" }, { "contents": "Mark Dalton (actor)\n\n\nDalton started his own company to produce and control the quality of his work. According to a \"Lavender Lounge\" interview \"[W]ith his own company, and no outside investors, he is fully involved in producing movies, a website, dancing in clubs and occasional escorting.\" As of 2009 he is searching for \"high caliber gay and straight guys who have never been seen in porn before\" for his own brand within the mainly same-sex muscle porn genre. \"He envisions a whole stable of hot guys", "id": "16722608" }, { "contents": "Measure B\n\n\nnone of this mattered. No one asked us.\" In November 2012, Vivid Entertainment CEO Steven Hirsch and pornographic actors Dahlia Sky, Penny Pax, Veruca James, Steven St. Croix and Michael Vegas appeared in a video titled \"Thank You From the Porn Industry\" for Funny or Die. The video lampoons Measure B and requiring the use of condoms in all sex scenes filmed in Los Angeles County. Industry and agency officials say there has been a shift in where porn is made, and estimated the potential economic impact at", "id": "5842631" }, { "contents": "Dream Team (1999 film)\n\n\nthe writing and the story setting with five stars. Giacomo Tramontagna from \"The Guide\" found the sex scenes \"beautifully orchestrated\", the movie an \"instant classic\" and \"the best story-driven gay video in years\" with four stars. Tramontagna said that Rick Chase in this video appears to resemble actor Farley Granger. Moreover, he found Chase's story with Scott Lyons more convincing than with Aaron Lawrence as \"best friends\". Butch Harris from \"ManNet\" praised the movie with its coming-of", "id": "14833315" }, { "contents": "Rob Rotten\n\n\nhappened to be porn filmmaker Jim Powers. A week later, Powers shot Rotten in his first movie. So Rob was already in the business when he met Rachel, who decided to join him. The couple really got attention when Rob co-directed a movie with Jim Powers called Little Runaway in 2003. It blended punk rock music, sex, and a campy plot, yet wasn't dismissed by the industry or consumers as too weird or niche. The film received more than a dozen AVN Award nominations. Rob's", "id": "16676399" }, { "contents": "Jessica Drake\n\n\n2010 and the XRCO Hall of Fame in 2011. \"Jessica Drake's Guide to Wicked Sex: Anal Edition\" (Wicked Pictures) was named \"Specialty Release of the Year\" at the 2012 XBIZ Awards. On October 21, 2016 Drake opened an online store selling adult videos and sexual paraphernalia. In November 2007, Drake was among several porn actors to be guests on \"The Tyra Banks Show\" episode, \"A Day in the Life of a Porn Star.\" In 2008, Drake, Kaylani Lei,", "id": "1334613" }, { "contents": "Petra Joy\n\n\nfaces of the performers. Authentic sex scenes, men as sex objects, elaborate costumes, and taboo themes such as females penetrating males, and male bisexuality often feature in her films. Of her first erotic film, \"Sexual Sushi\", one reviewer wrote, “Petra has achieved her aim of creating an antidote to ‘porn junk food’”. She describes her inspiration as follows: “… [C]ommercially successful porn does nothing for me: I want porn that stimulates the mind and feeds the soul. I want", "id": "17740848" }, { "contents": "Golden Age of Porn\n\n\nsound-recording, cinematography, and story-line of \"The Devil in Miss Jones\" were of a considerably higher quality than any previous porn film. The lead, Georgina Spelvin, who had been in the original Broadway run of \"The Pajama Game\", combined vigorous sex with an acting performance some thought as convincing as anything to be seen in a good mainstream production. She had been hired as a caterer, but Gerard Damiano, the film director, was impressed with her reading of Miss Jones's dialogue,", "id": "13406388" } ]
Why does absolutely nobody live in Vermont if nearly all other northeastern states like New York and Connecticut are so densely populated?
[{"answer": "This is only part of the story, but Upstate Vermont and New Hampshire used to be fairly densely settled with scattered small farms tilling the rocky soil. As the American West opened up however, people realized that there was much better land to be had elsewhere. Many of these people moved away. Once the farmers left, there wasn'ta lot to replace the local economies. Not a lot of mineral resources, no large navigable rivers, not a lot of major trading centers As a result, people did not return to the areas they moved out of. Vermont used to be 85% farmland, 15% forest. Now the opposite is true. If you go through a lot of forest in Vermont you'll find old stone walls all over the place from abandoned farms."}, {"answer": "Because we don't want you here. The ratio of humans to cows is already too high as it is. Go back to Massachusetts you damn flatlander!"}, {"answer": "Vermont is not sparsely populated so much as it lacks the big cities that raise the average population density. If you took a similarly sized chunk out of upstate New York, it would have a similar population density. Vermont (and New Hampshire and Maine) never developed large cities because they are in a mountainous, heavily forested region, and because many of their rivers flow out to Canada instead of towards US ports on the Atlantic. Also, Vermont was claimed by France, and not ceded to the UK until 1763. Also, it was not one of the original colonies, remaining semi-independent (it was claimed by NY and NH) until it became a state in 1799. As a result, it was less integrated with the other colonies."}, {"answer": "In terms of population density, Vermont isn't that far out of line with other states. It's more of a Minnesota or Mississippi instead of a Wyoming or Alaska. It's also further from the coast and major rivers, where the largest populations on the East coast are concentrated."}, {"answer": "Population centers tend to be situated along major natural shipping or transportation centers. NYC is at the mouth of the Hudson, Boston is situated on a natural harbor, New Orleans is the mouth of the Mississippi, Chicago is on a great lake, etc. There's nothing in Vermont and NH so they traditionally aren't centers of commerce and industry. So there's no extensive infrastructure, no talent pool, etc."}, {"answer": "Another thing nobody else brought up and I'm maybe uniquely qualified to comment on, being that I was born and raised in Vermont and my family had a business in Vermont. The state and local laws are very non-friendly to business. This includes high tax rates and tight restrictions on business size, building size, zoning rules, etc. My dad owned and ran a bakery in White River Junction VT. He was forced to move it into his garage at home because the taxes, regulations, and zoning restrictions made it financially ruinous to continue running the bakery in the \"commercial park\" where he had been operating for several years. Vermont is non-conducive to business success, therefore the population shift is always away from the state. New Hampshire is so much more welcoming to businesses."}, {"answer": "Much of upstate New York is sparsely populated. The Catskills and the Adirondack parks are very sparsely populated. The Adirondack Park in NY has almost the same area as the state of Massachussetts (9375 sq mi vs 10,500 sq mi) and the full-time (non vacationer) population is about a hundred thousand people. Hamilton county NY (in the park) has one traffic light in the entire county, and it's a blinker."}, {"answer": "Historically, population tends to pool around sea ports. Nyc, boston, etc. are major sea ports and have always been major sea ports. Vermont doesn't have any major sea ports, so that foot hold was never established."}, {"answer": "Because it's geographically quite small. In terms of population density, it's actually fairly average."}, {"answer": "More limited work/economically beneficial options when outside commuting distance to NY or Boston"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21139", "title": "North America", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered by some to be a northern subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea.", "North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered by some to be a northern subcontinent of the Americas. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean Sea."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21531764", "title": "New England", "section": "Section::::Economy.:Employment.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 125, "end_paragraph_id": 125, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["As of January 2017, employment is stronger in New England than in the rest of the United States. During the Great Recession, unemployment rates ballooned across New England as elsewhere; however, in the years that followed, these rates declined steadily, with New Hampshire and Massachusetts having the lowest unemployment rates in the country, respectively. The most extreme swing was in Rhode Island, which had an unemployment rate above 10% following the recession, but which saw this rate decline by over 6% in six years. As of December 2016, the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) with the lowest unemployment rate, 2.1%, was Burlington-South Burlington, Vermont; the MSA with the highest rate, 4.9%, was Waterbury, Connecticut. In 2018, four", "As of January 2017, employment is stronger in New England than in the rest of the United States. During the Great Recession, unemployment rates ballooned across New England as elsewhere; however, in the years that followed, these rates declined steadily, with New Hampshire and Massachusetts having the lowest unemployment rates in the country, respectively. The most extreme swing was in Rhode Island, which had an unemployment rate above 10% following the recession, but which saw this rate decline by over 6% in six years. As of December 2016, the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) with the lowest unemployment rate, 2.1%, was Burlington-South Burlington, Vermont; the MSA with the highest rate, 4.9%, was Waterbury, Connecticut. In 2018, four"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Unincorporated area\n\n\nareas. Unincorporated regions are essentially nonexistent in seven of the northeastern states. All of the land in New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island, and nearly all of the land in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Vermont, is part of an incorporated area of some type. In these areas, types (and official names) of local government entities can vary. In New England (which includes five of those eight states, plus the less fully incorporated state of Maine), local municipalities are known", "id": "8197802" }, { "contents": "Highlands of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania\n\n\nThe Highlands of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania is a multi-state region in the northeastern United States. The region is defined by its geological features and is characterized by the largely undeveloped foothills that form the edge of the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Tri-State Region. Formally established by the U.S. Congress in 2004, the Highlands encompass some of the last major corridors of undeveloped land along the Eastern Seaboard, and form a regional greenbelt that provides critical ecological services to the most densely populated", "id": "19386809" }, { "contents": "Killington, Vermont secession movement\n\n\n, with nearly voting in favor. Others dispute many of the town's claims: New Hampshire lacks a general sales tax, but it does have a rooms and meals tax. The Granite State also has what amounts to a statewide property tax, like Vermont's. Like all other states, both Vermont and New Hampshire levy high taxes on gasoline and tobacco. Like Vermont (but unlike some other states), New Hampshire does not guarantee that a given municipality will get any minimum percentage of tax revenues back as state aid", "id": "4886425" }, { "contents": "Culture of New England\n\n\ncompeting alternative narratives. Within modern New England, a cultural divide also exists between urban, mobile New Englanders living along the densely populated coastline, and in much of Connecticut, and rural New Englanders in western Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, where population density is low. The creative economy also plays an important role in the larger economy of New England. In 2002, there were nearly 275,000 workers in the region engaged in cultural enterprises, with nearly half in Massachusetts alone. As a percentage of the workforce", "id": "17152140" }, { "contents": "Outline of Massachusetts\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the U.S. Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Massachusetts – U.S. state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. It is bordered by Rhode Island and Connecticut to the south, New York to the west, and Vermont and New Hampshire to the north; at its east lies the Atlantic Ocean. Approximately two-thirds of the state's population lives in Greater Boston, most of which is either urban or suburban. In the late 18th century,", "id": "517080" }, { "contents": "Lemington, Vermont\n\n\nLemington is a town in Essex County, Vermont, United States. The population was 104 as of the 2010 census. It is part of the Berlin, NH–VT Micropolitan Statistical Area. Lemington is in northeastern Essex County along the Connecticut River, the border between Vermont and New Hampshire. The town is bordered to the southwest by Bloomfield, at its westernmost point by Lewis, to the northwest by Averill, and to the northeast by Canaan, all in Vermont. To the southeast, across the Connecticut, are the", "id": "11143961" }, { "contents": "New England\n\n\n, northwestern and northeastern Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, where population density is low. Today, New England is the least religious region of the U.S. In 2009, less than half of those polled in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont claimed that religion was an important part of their daily lives. In Connecticut and Rhode Island, also among the ten least religious states, 55 and 53%, respectively, of those polled claimed that it was. According to the American Religious Identification Survey,", "id": "13356073" }, { "contents": "Guildhall, Vermont\n\n\nGuildhall is a town in and the shire town (county seat) of Essex County, Vermont, United States. The population was 261 at the 2010 census. According to a large sign in the town center, it is the only town in the world so named. The name derives from a meeting house on the square called the Guildhall. Guildhall is part of the Berlin, NH–VT Micropolitan Statistical Area. Guildhall is in northeastern Vermont, along the Connecticut River, the border between Vermont and New Hampshire. The", "id": "11143945" }, { "contents": "Philippine Independence Day Parade\n\n\nto PIDC. All PIDC meetings, with rare exceptions, are conducted at the Consulate. The Philippine Independence Day celebration in the northeastern United States includes not only New York but also the twelve states under the jurisdiction of the Philippine Consulate General in New York, namely, Connecticut, Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. Depending on the theme each year, the overall chairperson may expand and invite other areas to participate in PIDC's many activities.", "id": "19737037" }, { "contents": "Massachusetts\n\n\nMassachusetts (, ), officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is the most populous state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. It borders on the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island to the south, New Hampshire and Vermont to the north, and New York to the west. The state is named after the Massachusett tribe, which once inhabited the east side of the area, and is one of the original thirteen states. The capital of Massachusetts is Boston, which is", "id": "5444217" }, { "contents": "Northeastern United States\n\n\n\" Many organizations and reference works follow the Census Bureau's definition for the region; however, other entities define the Northeastern United States in significantly different ways for various purposes. The Association of American Geographers divides the Northeast into two divisions: \"New England\", which consists of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut; and the \"Middle States\", which consists of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Similarly, the Geological Society of America defines the Northeast as", "id": "2982631" }, { "contents": "Essex County, Vermont\n\n\nEssex County is a county in the northeastern part of the U.S. state of Vermont. As of the 2010 census, the population was 6,306, making it the least-populous county in both Vermont and New England. Its shire town (county seat) is the municipality of Guildhall. The county was created in 1792 and organized in 1800. Bordered by the Connecticut River next to New Hampshire, Essex County is part of the Berlin, New Hampshire micropolitan area. It is south of the Canadian province of Quebec. Prior to", "id": "8275136" }, { "contents": "Vermont\n\n\nVermont () is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. It borders the U.S. states of Massachusetts to the south, New Hampshire to the east, New York to the west, and the Canadian province of Quebec to the north. Vermont is the second-smallest by population and the sixth-smallest by area of the 50 U.S. states. The state capital is Montpelier, the least populous state capital in the United States. The most populous city, Burlington, is the least populous city to", "id": "14164756" }, { "contents": "Interstate 91\n\n\nis located within the New England states (the other two highways being I-89 and I-93) and is also the only primary (two-digit) Interstate Highway in New England to intersect all five of the others that run through the region. The largest cities along its route are New Haven, Connecticut, Hartford, Connecticut, Springfield, Massachusetts, Brattleboro, Vermont, White River Junction, Vermont, and St. Johnsbury, Vermont in order from south to north. I-91 is long and travels nearly straight north and south: in", "id": "8976767" }, { "contents": "Albany, New York\n\n\nseen all over Upstate New York. Migrants from Vermont and Connecticut began flowing in, noting the advantages of living on the Hudson and trading at Albany, while being only a few days' sail from New York City. Albany reported a population of 3,498 in the first national census in 1790, an increase of almost 700% since its chartering. On November 17, 1793, a large fire broke out, destroying 26 homes on Broadway, Maiden Lane, James Street, and State Street. The fire originated at a stable", "id": "6877501" }, { "contents": "New York metropolitan area\n\n\ncounty area collectively, which is mainly suburban in character. North of the island is Long Island Sound, across which are the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island. With a Census-estimated population of 7,838,722 in 2015, constituting nearly 40% of New York State's population, the majority of New York City residents, 58% as of 2015, now live on Long Island, namely the estimated 4,896,398 residents living in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Long Island is the most populated island in any U.S.", "id": "11465623" }, { "contents": "Cayuga Indian Nation of New York v. Pataki\n\n\nviability of all aboriginal title litigation in the Second Circuit (Connecticut, New York, and Vermont), the site of nearly all of the unresolved Indian land claims in the United States. Since the ruling, no tribal plaintiff has overcome the \"laches\" defense in a land claim in the Second Circuit. Four dissenting Supreme Court justices had previously adopted the view of the Second Circuit in \"County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation of New York State\" (1985); there, the majority did not reach the issue", "id": "1202782" }, { "contents": "Jahn–Teller effect\n\n\n. Examples are excited electronic states of NH and the benzene radical cation. Here, crossings between the E and A state APESs amount to triple intersections, which are associated with very complex spectral features (dense line structures and diffuse spectral envelopes under low resolution). The population transfer between the states is also ultrafast, so fast that fluorescence (proceeding on a nanosecond time scale) cannot compete. This helps to understand why the benzene cation, like many other organic radical cation, does not fluoresce. To be sure,", "id": "15726434" }, { "contents": "French Canadians\n\n\nFrench-Canadian population in the United States is found in the New England area, although there is also a large French-Canadian presence in Plattsburgh, New York, across Lake Champlain from Burlington, Vermont. Quebec and Acadian emigrants settled in industrial cities like Fitchburg, Leominster, Lynn, Worcester, Waltham, Lowell, Lawrence, Chicopee, Fall River, and New Bedford in Massachusetts; Woonsocket in Rhode Island; Manchester and Nashua in New Hampshire; Bristol in Connecticut; throughout the state of Vermont, particularly in Burlington,", "id": "14341031" }, { "contents": "Salient (geography)\n\n\nUtah, like Nebraska, has a protrusion from its otherwise straight border, it is not usually considered a panhandle, as half of the Salt Lake City metropolitan area, the most populous region in the state and the home of the state's capital, is located in the region. Likewise, though New York has a southern protrusion that is more conspicuous than e.g. the Connecticut, Texas and Nebraska Panhandles, this is never considered a panhandle since it accommodates the most densely populated parts of the state. (In New York's", "id": "15451399" }, { "contents": "Tibetan Americans\n\n\nOther communities include Austin, Texas and Charlottesville, Virginia. Tibetan Americans who are born in Tibet or elsewhere in China are officially recognized as Chinese nationals. Communities of Tibetan Americans in the Northeast exist in Boston and Amherst, Massachusetts, Ithaca, New York, and New York City, and in the states of Connecticut, Vermont and New Jersey. In New York and New Jersey, they live primarily in Queens and New Brunswick. The town of Northfield, Vermont has been home for many years to the seat of the current", "id": "16159119" }, { "contents": "New England\n\n\nregion include the Connecticut River Valley and the Merrimack Valley. The longest river is the Connecticut River, which flows from northeastern New Hampshire for , emptying into Long Island Sound, roughly bisecting the region. Lake Champlain, which forms part of the border between Vermont and New York, is the largest lake in the region, followed by Moosehead Lake in Maine and Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. The climate of New England varies greatly across its span from northern Maine to southern Connecticut: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and western", "id": "13356037" }, { "contents": "Vermont\n\n\nmoose tested positive. Vermont is in the temperate broadleaf and mixed forests biome. Much of the state, in particular the Green Mountains, is covered by the conifers and northern hardwoods of the New England-Acadian forests. The western border with New York and the area around Lake Champlain lies within the Eastern Great Lakes lowland forests. The southwest corner of the state and parts of the Connecticut River are covered by northeastern coastal forests of mixed oak. Invasive wild honeysuckle has been deemed a threat to the state's forests, native", "id": "14164781" }, { "contents": "Fairfield County, Connecticut\n\n\nthe region such as New York and Vermont law enforcement would be provided by the local county sheriff's department. In the less dense areas, such as Sherman, law enforcement is primarily provided by the Connecticut State Police. Prior to 2000, a County Sheriff's Department existed for the purpose of executing judicial warrants, prisoner transport, court security, Bailiff, and county and state executions. These responsibilities have now been taken over by the Connecticut State Marshal System. Some municipalities in the county still maintain a sheriff's department to", "id": "5990991" }, { "contents": "Washington, Vermont\n\n\nWashington is a town in Orange County, Vermont, in the United States. The population was 1,047 at the 2000 census. The town is believed to be named after George Washington, although the town may also be named after Washington, Connecticut as there are records of individuals moving from that town in Connecticut to Vermont around 1766. During the 1760s and 1770s the territory now known as Vermont was in dispute between New York and New Hampshire, the result of conflicting interpretations of each colony's charter. People moving into the territory", "id": "11203157" }, { "contents": "New Hampshire\n\n\nby the conifers and northern hardwoods of the New England-Acadian forests. The southeast corner of the state and parts of the Connecticut River along the Vermont border are covered by the mixed oaks of the Northeastern coastal forests. The northern third of the state is locally referred to as the \"north country\" or \"north of the notches\", in reference to White Mountain passes that channel traffic. It contains less than 5% of the state's population, suffers relatively high poverty, and is steadily losing population as the", "id": "1233278" }, { "contents": "Northeast Region (Boy Scouts of America)\n\n\nNortheast Region is one of the four administrative regions of the Boy Scouts of America. It covers the northeastern states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the northern portion of Virginia. It also covers the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the Transatlantic Council. The other three regions are Southern, Western, and Central. Each region is then subdivided into areas. Each region has a volunteer", "id": "20924708" }, { "contents": "Vermont Republic\n\n\nbe attributed to Allen for nearly 60 years. The last stanza reads: On August 19, 1781, the Confederation Congress of the United States passed an act saying they would recognize the secessionist state of Vermont and agreed to admit that state to the Union if Vermont would renounce its claims to territory east of the Connecticut River and west of Lake Champlain. The Constitution of Vermont was drafted and ratified at Elijah West's Windsor Tavern in 1777. The settlers in Vermont, who sought independence from New York, justified their constitution on", "id": "5697947" }, { "contents": "New England\n\n\ninfluence on neighboring Connecticut, parts of which belong to the New York metropolitan area. The U.S. Census Bureau groups Fairfield, New Haven and Litchfield counties in western Connecticut together with New York City, and other parts of New York and New Jersey as a combined statistical area. The following are metropolitan statistical areas as defined by the United States Census Bureau. Several factors combine to make the New England economy unique. The region is distant from the geographic center of the country, and it is a relatively small region but densely populated", "id": "13356048" }, { "contents": "Connecticut River\n\n\nsouth along the Connecticut River. The region stretching from Springfield north to the New Hampshire and Vermont state borders fostered many agricultural Pocomtuc and Nipmuc settlements, with its soil enhanced by sedimentary deposits. Occasionally, these villages endured invasions from more aggressive confederated tribes living in New York, such as the Mohawk, Mahican, and Iroquois tribes. The Pennacook tribe mediated many early disagreements between colonists and other Indian tribes, with a territory stretching roughly from the Massachusetts border with Vermont and New Hampshire, northward to the rise of the White Mountains", "id": "14491517" }, { "contents": "Canaan, Vermont\n\n\nVermont to share a border with both another state and Canada, the other such town being Alburgh in the northwestern corner. Canaan is also the only town in Vermont to share a land border with New Hampshire - the town's far northeastern corner touches the southwestern corner of the town of Pittsburg - as the Connecticut River defines the state line from Canaan southward. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of , of which is land and , or 1.24%, is water. As of the", "id": "11143920" }, { "contents": "New England\n\n\nNew England is a region composed of six states in the northeastern United States: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It is bordered by the state of New York to the west and by the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick to the northeast and Quebec to the north. The Atlantic Ocean is to the east and southeast, and Long Island Sound is to the south. Boston is New England's largest city, as well as the capital of Massachusetts. The largest metropolitan area, with", "id": "13356003" }, { "contents": "American cuisine\n\n\nmore than from north to south. New England is a Northeastern region of the United States bordering the Maritime Provinces of Canada and portions of Quebec in the north. It includes the six states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont, with its largest city and cultural capital Boston, founded in 1630. The Native American cuisine became part of the cookery style that the early colonists brought with them. Tribes like the Nipmuck, Wampanoag, Passamaquoddy and other Algonquian cultures were noted for slashing and", "id": "1913022" }, { "contents": "Northeastern interior dry-mesic oak forest\n\n\nThe Northeastern interior dry-mesic oak forest is a forest system found in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. These forests cover large areas at low and middle elevations, typically on flat to gently rolling terrain. Common oaks are red oak (\"Quercus rubra\"), white oak (\"Quercus alba\"), and black oak (\"Quercus velutina\"). Other trees include hickories", "id": "8872849" }, { "contents": "List of future Interstate Highways\n\n\nhighways. Low population and natural barriers like the White Mountains have impeded economic development in northern New England. In the early 1970s, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York proposed two new Interstate Highway corridors: The Federal Highway Administration ultimately did not approve these plans. Northern New England is served by three north–south freeways radiating from Boston, and by Interstate 91, which follows the Connecticut River. However, the northernmost complete east–west freeway in the region, Interstate 90 in Massachusetts, does not enter", "id": "13512263" }, { "contents": "Linguistic Atlas of New England\n\n\nThe Linguistic Atlas of New England (LANE), edited by Hans Kurath in collaboration with Miles L. Hanley, Bernard Bloch, Guy S. Lowman, Marcus L. Hansen and Julia Bloch, is a linguistic map describing the dialects of New England. LANE consists of 734 maps over three volumes, and is the first major study of the dialects in the northeastern United States. Seven New England states were studied: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York. In New York, only Long", "id": "6022859" }, { "contents": "California\n\n\n, with nearly half the population of New York City, is the second-largest city in the United States. Conversely, San Francisco, with nearly one-quarter the population density of Manhattan, is the most densely populated city in California and one of the most densely populated cities in the United States. Also, Los Angeles County has held the title of most populous United States county for decades, and it alone is more populous than 42 United States states. Including Los Angeles, four of the top 15 most populous", "id": "5264508" }, { "contents": "Northern boundary of Massachusetts\n\n\n80 feet from the high tide line, marking the end of the surveyed border, with the border taken to extend into the Atlantic Ocean to the \"limit of State jurisdiction.\" New Hampshire claimed all the land west to roughly the present western boundary of Vermont, while New York claimed east to the Connecticut River, Vermont's present eastern boundary; thus both states claimed all of Vermont. A ruling by King George III established the ordinary low-water line on the west bank of the Connecticut River to be the border", "id": "1891225" }, { "contents": "1964 United States presidential election in Vermont\n\n\nliberal northeastern states like Vermont, and for the first time in history, a Democratic presidential candidate swept every Northeastern state in 1964. Not only did Johnson win every Northeastern state, but he won all of them with landslides of over sixty percent of the vote, including Vermont, which weighed in as the ninth most Democratic state in the nation. Johnson swept all fourteen counties in Vermont, breaking sixty percent of the vote in eleven of them. In the northwestern part of the state, Johnson broke seventy percent of the vote", "id": "17785369" }, { "contents": "Northeastern United States\n\n\nNew York City, Philadelphia, Trenton, Wilmington, Baltimore...etc.). Annual mean temperatures range from the low 50s F from Maryland to southern Connecticut, to the 40s F in most of New York State, New England, and northern Pennsylvania. The Northeast has 72 National Wildlife Refuges, encompassing more than of habitat, and designed to protect some of the 92 different threatened and endangered species living in the region. As of the July 2013 U.S. Census Bureau estimate, the population of the region totaled 55,943,073. With", "id": "2982646" }, { "contents": "Brattleboro (CDP), Vermont\n\n\nBrattleboro is a census-designated place (CDP) corresponding to the densely populated core of the town of Brattleboro in Windham County, Vermont, United States. The population was 8,289 at the 2000 census. The CDP consists of the eastern portion of the town, adjacent to the Connecticut River. According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of 25.8 km² (9.9 mi²). 24.7 km² (9.5 mi²) of it is land and 1.1 km² (0.4 mi²) of it (4.22%", "id": "17167233" }, { "contents": "Northeastern United States\n\n\nbeen loosely grouped into the Northeast at one time or another. Much of the debate has been what the cultural, economic, and urban aspects of the Northeast are, and where they begin or end as one reaches the borders of the region. Using the Census Bureaus definition of the northeast, the region includes nine states: they are Maine, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. The region is often subdivided into New England (the six states east", "id": "2982628" }, { "contents": "Connecticut River\n\n\nin New Hampshire. The Western Abenaki (Sokoki) tribe lived in the Green Mountains region of Vermont but wintered as far south as the Northfield, Massachusetts area. They later merged with members of other Algonquin tribes displaced by wars and famines. In 1614, Dutch explorer Adriaen Block became the first European to chart the Connecticut River, sailing as far north as Enfield Rapids. He called it the \"Fresh River\" and claimed it for the Netherlands as the northeastern border of the New Netherland colony. In 1623, Dutch traders", "id": "14491518" }, { "contents": "New England\n\n\n% of New England's population. Connecticut had the highest proportion at 13.9%, while Vermont had the lowest at 1.3%. There were nearly 1.5 million Hispanic and Latino individuals reported in New England in 2014. Puerto Ricans were the most numerous of the Hispanic and Latino subgroups. Over 660,000 Puerto Ricans lived in New England in 2014, forming 4.5% of the population. The Dominican population is over 200,000, and the Mexican and Guatemalan populations are each over 100,000. Americans of Cuban descent are scant in number; there", "id": "13356043" }, { "contents": "Sleepy's\n\n\nlines that were unique to the seller, so there was no way to compare prices with their competitors. Sleepy's stores were located primarily in the Northeastern, Mid-Atlantic and the Midwest, including Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, Vermont, and West Virginia. Nationwide delivery was available through their official website. In 2009, a trade publication labeled", "id": "22045037" }, { "contents": "Moose\n\n\nhave resulted in healthy, growing populations each in Vermont and New Hampshire, notably near bodies of water and as high up as above sea level in the mountains. In Massachusetts, moose had gone extinct by 1870, but re-colonized the state in the 1960s, with the population expanding from Vermont and New Hampshire; by 2010, the population was estimated at 850-950. Moose reestablished populations in eastern New York and Connecticut and appeared headed south towards the Catskill Mountains, a former habitat. In the Midwest U.S.,", "id": "389699" }, { "contents": "Outline of Vermont\n\n\nVermont The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the U.S. state of Vermont: Vermont – state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the United States. The state capital is Montpelier with a population of 7,855, making it the least populous state capital in the country. Geography of Vermont Demographics of Vermont Politics of Vermont Government of Vermont Courts of Vermont Law of Vermont History of Vermont Culture of Vermont Sports in Vermont Economy of Vermont Education", "id": "517120" }, { "contents": "Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid\n\n\n-in hybrid is available in two trims and five colors. Production began in January 2012, and retail deliveries began in late February 2012. Initial availability was limited, and, , the Prius PHV was offered only in 15 states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington. According to Toyota these are the states where nearly 60% of all Prius models are currently sold in the country", "id": "15859388" }, { "contents": "Connecticut\n\n\nthe Republicans. Connecticut's extensive industry, dense population, flat terrain, and wealth encouraged the construction of railroads starting in 1839. By 1840, of line were in operation, growing to in 1850 and in 1860. The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, called the \"New Haven\" or \"The Consolidated\", became the dominant Connecticut railroad company after 1872. J. P. Morgan began financing the major New England railroads in the 1890s, dividing territory so that they would not compete. The New Haven purchased", "id": "6548024" }, { "contents": "December 2008 Northeastern United States ice storm\n\n\nof emergency, and as of 13 December at least 400,000 customers were without power in New Hampshire, and at least 172,000 were without power in Maine. This total in New Hampshire was more than five times larger than those who lost power in the ice storm of 1998, previously the most devastating storm on record. It has also been reported that over 30,000 customers were without power in Vermont and up to 3,700 were without power in Connecticut. The American Red Cross of Northeastern New York opened multiple shelters around the Capital District to", "id": "16686869" }, { "contents": "Target Corporation\n\n\nin the Tribeca neighborhood of New York in October 2016. In that same month, three other similar-sized stores opened in Philadelphia, Cupertino, California, and the area around Pennsylvania State University. There is also a downtown Target in Portland, Oregon. Nearly all of its planned openings through 2019 are small formats, which is less than 50,000 square feet. The goal of these smaller format stores is to win over the business of millennial customers. The nearly 30 new locations will be situated in college towns or densely populated", "id": "12402319" }, { "contents": "State Route 346 (New York–Vermont)\n\n\nNew York State Route 346 (NY 346) and Vermont Route 346 (VT 346) are short, adjoining state highways in the northeastern United States. Together, they extend for a combined through the towns of Petersburgh in Rensselaer County, New York, and Pownal in Bennington County, Vermont. The bi-state highway begins at an intersection with NY 22 in the hamlet of North Petersburgh and heads generally southeastward across the New York–Vermont state line to a junction with U.S. Route 7 (US 7) in the village", "id": "11776243" }, { "contents": "Union, Connecticut\n\n\nUnion is a town located in the northeastern part of Tolland County, Connecticut, United States and is part of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor. The population was 854 at the 2010 census, making it the least populous town and municipality in Connecticut. Union includes the village of Mashapaug located in the Eastern Uplands at the Massachusetts state line. Also, Union is located northeast of the state capital, Hartford and southwest of Boston as well as northeast of New York City. The first European Settlement in Union was", "id": "18088248" }, { "contents": "New York City English\n\n\nor not the actors portraying them are native speakers of the dialect. Some examples are listed below. New York City English is confined to a geographically small but densely populated area, including all five boroughs of New York City, but not all of New York State; an entirely separate dialect predominates in central and western New York State, especially along the Great Lakes. However, New York City English does extend beyond the city proper, including in western Long Island (although the boundaries there are not clearly established). Moreover", "id": "12299769" }, { "contents": "2011 New England tornado outbreak\n\n\n), severe storms producing hail developed over portions of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine; however, little if any impact resulted from these storms. At 10:05 a.m., the SPC issued a severe thunderstorm watch for the entire state of Vermont, much of northern New York, northeastern Pennsylvania and parts of western Massachusetts and Connecticut. By this time, a broken line of severe storms had developed over parts of western New York and northern Pennsylvania. With the storms gradually developing throughout the day and an increasing threat of tornadoes, a", "id": "14778743" }, { "contents": "Healthcare and the LGBT community\n\n\n(California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington) and the District of Columbia require that most private insurance plans cover medically necessary health care for transgender patients. Depending on where they live, some transgender people are able to access gender-specific health care through public health insurance programs. Medicaid does not have a federal policy on transgender health care and leaves the regulation of the coverage of gender-confirming health care up to each state. While Medicaid does not fund sex", "id": "21181249" }, { "contents": "Puerto Ricans in the United States\n\n\nremains a major destination for Puerto Ricans, however the population is also growing throughout the United States, particularly in the South. From 2010-17, Florida's Puerto Rican population increased from 847,000 to 1.120 million, increasing by nearly 300,000, allowing Florida to replace New York as the state with the largest Puerto Rican population. Despite Puerto Rican populations in New York and New Jersey being relatively stagnant, other parts of the Northeast continue to see very strong growth, particularly Pennsylvania and Lower New England (Massachusetts, Connecticut, and", "id": "21964219" }, { "contents": "Connecticut River\n\n\nValley increased quickly, with population assessments of 36,000 by 1790. Vermont was claimed by both New Hampshire and New York, and was settled primarily through the issuance of land grants by New Hampshire Governor Benning Wentworth beginning in the 1740s. New York protested these grants, and King George III decided in 1764 that the border between the provinces should be the western bank of the Connecticut River. Ethan Allen, the Green Mountain Boys, and other residents of the disputed area resisted attempts by New York to exercise authority there, which resulted", "id": "14491527" }, { "contents": "Government of Vermont\n\n\nstate government does not take direction from the federal government. However, the people of Vermont elect representatives to the federal government which pass federal laws and also recommend federal judicial appointments each of which may ultimately affect Vermont citizens. Based on U.S. census data, Vermont has one member in the House of Representatives: Like all states, Vermont has two senators in the US Senate. Decisions of the US District Court in Vermont are subject to review by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals headquartered in New York City. By law judges and", "id": "19091948" }, { "contents": "Brookfield, Connecticut\n\n\nBrookfield is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States, situated within the southern foothills of the Berkshire Mountains. The population was 16,487 at the 2010 census. The town is located northeast of New York City, making it part of the New York metropolitan area. In July 2013, \"Money\" magazine ranked Brookfield the 26th-best place to live in the United States, and the best place to live in Connecticut. Brookfield was first settled in 1710 by John Muirwood, as well as other colonial founders including", "id": "4550224" }, { "contents": "Northeast-10 Conference\n\n\nThe Northeast-10 Conference is a collegiate athletic conference affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)’s Division II level. Member institutions are located in the northeastern United States in the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. It is the only Division II collegiate hockey conference in the United States. The original 1980 conference was called the \"Northeast 7\" as the colleges were American International College, Assumption College, Bentley College, Bryant College, the University of Hartford, Springfield College, and", "id": "16160203" }, { "contents": "Province of New York\n\n\nthrone of England as James II, the province became a royal colony. When the English arrived, the colony somewhat vaguely included claims to all of the present U.S. states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Vermont, along with inland portions of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine in addition to eastern Pennsylvania. Much of this land was soon reassigned by the crown, leaving the territory of the modern State of New York, including the valleys of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, and future Vermont. The territory of western New", "id": "15902916" }, { "contents": "Side judge\n\n\njudiciary in other states, including New Hampshire and Connecticut. In Vermont, they were created in part because early Vermont residents were distrustful of lawyers, many of whom had received their training in England before the American Revolution, making their loyalty suspect, or had supported New York during the dispute between New York's colonial government and Vermont's original white settlers over control of Vermont's first towns. The founders of Vermont had purchased their land grants from Benning Wentworth, the Governor of New Hampshire. When the British government supported New", "id": "13197465" }, { "contents": "New England town\n\n\nunorganized territory, generally due to population loss. Maine also has some unorganized townships that were once organized as plantations. Maine has significantly more unorganized territory than Vermont or New Hampshire. Fewer than 100 Vermont residents and fewer than 250 New Hampshire residents live in unorganized areas. In Maine, by contrast, about 10,000 residents live in unorganized areas. As a result, Maine has developed more of an infrastructure for administration of unincorporated and unorganized areas than the other New England states. The existence of this fallback probably explains why Maine has", "id": "19501711" }, { "contents": "1989 Northeastern United States tornado outbreak\n\n\nThe 1989 Northeastern United States tornado outbreak was a series of tornadoes which caused more than $130 million (1989 USD) in damage across the Northeastern United States on July 10, 1989. The storm system affected five states with severe weather, including hail up to across, thunderstorm winds up to , and 17 tornadoes. Several towns in New York and Connecticut were particularly hard-hit. Several homes were leveled in Schoharie, New York and extensive damage occurred in Bantam, Connecticut. A large section of Hamden, Connecticut,", "id": "14530315" }, { "contents": "Central Vermont Railway\n\n\nThe Central Vermont Railway was a railroad that operated in the U.S. states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont, as well as the Canadian province of Quebec. It connected Montreal, Quebec, with New London, Connecticut, using a route along the shores of Lake Champlain, through the Green Mountains and along the Connecticut River valley, as well as Montreal to Boston, Massachusetts, through a connection with the Boston and Maine Railroad at White River Junction, Vermont. The Vermont Central Railroad was chartered", "id": "17329784" }, { "contents": "New England cottontail\n\n\nsuitable habitat for this species. Due to its rarity, elusiveness, and the fact that it is nearly identical to the Eastern cottontail, DNA analysis of fecal pellets one of the best ways to identify New England cottontail populations. New England cottontails are listed as \"endangered\" in New Hampshire and Maine, \"Extirpated\" in Vermont and Quebec, \"species of special concern\" in New York and Connecticut, and a \"species of special interest\" in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Surveys are being conducted to identify areas for", "id": "1961899" }, { "contents": "Orford, New Hampshire\n\n\nbetween 1773 and 1839, the dwellings show the influence of architect Asher Benjamin. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of , of which is land and is water, comprising 2.81% of the town. The Connecticut River, which serves as the boundary between New Hampshire and Vermont, forms the western edge of the town. Most of Orford is drained by Jacob's Brook and other small tributaries of the Connecticut. The northeastern corner of the town, around Upper and Lower Baker Ponds,", "id": "3378324" }, { "contents": "Enforcement of foreign judgments\n\n\n, Massachusetts and Vermont. Legislation was introduced in Massachusetts in 2012 (Bill H.4268) to adopt the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act. New York State and Connecticut are two of a small minority of U.S. jurisdictions that does not simply allow a judgment creditor to file a foreign judgment from a sister state if the judgment was obtained by default (meaning the other side never showed up for to contest its entry in the other state by, for example, defending himself at trial) or the judgment was obtained by confession (meaning", "id": "10981560" }, { "contents": "Navajo Nation\n\n\nThe Navajo Nation () is a Native American territory covering about , occupying portions of northeastern Arizona, southeastern Utah, and northwestern New Mexico in the United States. This is the largest land area retained by a Native American tribe, with a population of roughly 350,000 as of 2016. By area, the Navajo Nation is larger than West Virginia, Maryland, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Delaware. The original territory has been expanded several times since the 1800s.", "id": "4258942" }, { "contents": "Driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in the United States\n\n\nAs of June 2019, 13 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico issue driver's licenses or permits to some or all of the population residing unlawfully in the United States. State laws permitting this are on the books in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. The issue is being debated in New Jersey, while Oregon issued such licenses until 2008 and briefly from 2013 until the 2014 Oregon Ballot", "id": "22036496" }, { "contents": "Northeastern United States\n\n\nwith many Catholics arriving from Ireland, Italy, Canada, and eastern Europe. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and New Jersey are the only states in the nation where Catholics outnumber Protestants and other Christian denominations. More than 20% of respondents in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont declared no religious identity. Compared to other U.S. regions, the Northeast, along with the Pacific Northwest, has the lowest regular religious service attendance and the fewest people for whom religion is an important part of their daily lives. The", "id": "2982651" }, { "contents": "Vermont\n\n\n, no colder than , in the southern part of the state. The state receives between 2,200 and 2,400 hours of sunshine annually. New England as a whole receives a range of less than 2,000 hours of sunshine in part of New Hampshire to as much as 2,600 hours of sunshine per year in Connecticut and Rhode Island. There are five distinct physiographic regions of Vermont. Categorized by geological and physical attributes, they are the Northeastern Highlands, the Green Mountains, the Taconic Mountains, the Champlain Lowlands, and the Vermont Piedmont.", "id": "14164772" }, { "contents": "Biodegradable waste\n\n\nof organic waste every year. Massachusetts, along with Connecticut and Vermont, are also going to enact laws to divert food waste from landfills. In small and densely populated states, landfill capacity is limited so disposal costs are higher ($60–90 per ton in MA compared to national average of $49). Decomposing food waste generates methane, a notorious greenhouse gas. However, this biogas can be captured and turned into energy through anaerobic digestion, and then sold into the electricity grid. Anaerobic digestion grew in Europe, but", "id": "19643697" }, { "contents": "Regional climate change initiatives in the United States\n\n\nemissions from power plants, increase renewable energy generation, track renewable energy credits, and research and establish baselines for carbon sequestration. In December 2005, the governors of seven Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states agreed to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade system covering carbon dioxide (CO) emissions from regional power plants. Currently (at the time of this edit), Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont have signed, and Maryland", "id": "7731174" }, { "contents": "Atlantic Northeast\n\n\nThe Atlantic Northeast is a region of North America, which includes the U.S. states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Maine, as well as the Canadian provinces of Québec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. The Atlantic Northeast region is noted for its cultural unity, stark climate, landscape of dense forests, and a shared economic history in the exploitation of logging and the regional fishery. Further uniting this area is the \"Gray Zone", "id": "15275519" }, { "contents": "State Route 74 (New York–Vermont)\n\n\nNew York State Route 74 (NY 74) and Vermont Route 74 (VT 74) are state highways in the northeastern United States, connected by one of the last remaining cable ferries in North America. Together they extend for through Essex County, New York, and Addison County, Vermont. NY 74 begins at exit 28 off Interstate 87 (I-87) in the hamlet of Severance in the Adirondack Mountains region of the northern part of New York State. It extends to the western shore of Lake Champlain in Ticonderoga. There", "id": "19924664" }, { "contents": "Bradford, Vermont\n\n\nBradford is a town in Orange County, Vermont, United States. The population was 2,797 at the 2010 census. Bradford is located on the county's eastern border, bordering both the Connecticut River and New Hampshire, and is a commercial center for some of its surrounding towns. The earliest name of the settlement was Wait's River Town or Waitstown, in honor of Joseph Wait, a member of Rogers' Rangers. The town was originally part of Gloucester County in the Province of New York before becoming part of Vermont.", "id": "21714797" }, { "contents": "Winooski, Vermont\n\n\nWinooski is a city in Chittenden County, Vermont, United States. Located on the Winooski River, as of the 2010 U.S. Census the municipal population was 7,267. The city is the most densely populated municipality in northern New England, an area comprising the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. It is the smallest in area of Vermont's nine incorporated cities. As part of the Burlington, Vermont metropolitan area, it is bordered by Burlington, Colchester, and South Burlington. According to the United States Census Bureau", "id": "11143882" }, { "contents": "New York City\n\n\nthe second-most populous U.S. city, and within a smaller area. New York City gained more residents between April 2010 and July 2014 (316,000) than any other U.S. city. New York City's population is about 43% of New York State's population and about 36% of the population of the New York metropolitan area. In 2017, the city had an estimated population density of , rendering it the most densely populated of all municipalities housing over 100,000 residents in the United States, with several small cities (of", "id": "5107017" }, { "contents": "Vermont State Police\n\n\nconservative legislature with a tight hold on the purse strings. The disappearance in 1946 of Paula Jean Welden, an eighteen-year-old Bennington College student, resulted in changes to the attitudes of many opponents of the formation of a Department of Public Safety. Bennington county officials were unsuccessful in locating the student and were forced to call on State Police investigators from Connecticut and New York for assistance. Local investigators and the state police forces from Connecticut and New York were at a loss for clues in the case so the Governor of", "id": "7835468" }, { "contents": "Brattleboro, Vermont\n\n\nBrattleboro (), originally Brattleborough, is a town in Windham County, Vermont, United States. The most populous municipality abutting Vermont's eastern border with New Hampshire, which is the Connecticut River, Brattleboro is located about north of the Massachusetts state line, at the confluence of Vermont's West River and the Connecticut. In 2014, Brattleboro's population was estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau to be 11,765. Marlboro College Center for Graduate and Professional Studies and SIT Graduate Institute are located in the town. There are satellite campuses", "id": "17167237" }, { "contents": "WMTW\n\n\nalso had significant viewership across the Canada–U.S. border in Montreal, a city with almost five times the population of WMTW's American coverage area. As a result, viewers in Vermont, northeastern New York State and southern Quebec were able to watch the full ABC schedule on WMTW. The Burlington, Vermont–Plattsburgh, New York market got its own ABC affiliate when WVNY (channel 22) signed-on from Burlington in 1968. However, for some time afterward, WMTW-TV continued to have a large audience in", "id": "797448" }, { "contents": "Connecticut\n\n\nConnecticut () is the southernmost state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. As of the 2010 Census, it has the highest per-capita income, Human Development Index (0.962), and median household income in the United States. It is bordered by Rhode Island to the east, Massachusetts to the north, New York to the west, and Long Island Sound to the south. Its capital is Hartford and its most populous city is Bridgeport. It is part of New England, although portions of", "id": "6547988" }, { "contents": "Blackcurrant\n\n\nin 1966, and was lifted in New York State in 2003 through the efforts of horticulturist Greg Quinn. As a result, currant growing is making a comeback in New York, Vermont, Connecticut and Oregon. However, several statewide bans still exist including Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia, Ohio, and Massachusetts. Since the American federal ban curtailed currant production nationally for nearly a century, the fruit remains largely unknown in the United States, and has yet to regain its previous popularity to levels enjoyed in Europe or New Zealand", "id": "8046386" }, { "contents": "History of Connecticut\n\n\nor draftees. As the war ended the worldwide epidemic of \"Spanish Flu\" hit the state. Fatalities were high because the state was a travel hub, was heavily urbanized so germs spread faster, and had many recent immigrants in densely settled areas. An estimated 8500-9000 people died, about one percent of the population, and about one-quarter contracted the disease. Connecticut factories in Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury and Hartford were magnets for European immigrants. The largest groups were Italian, and Polish and other Eastern", "id": "20214811" }, { "contents": "Interstate Highway System\n\n\nand the I‑94 section of the Tri‑State Tollway, which previously had matched the I‑294 section starting in the south at I‑80/I‑94/IL Route 394. The tollway also added exit number tabs to the exits. Many northeastern states label exit numbers sequentially, regardless of how many miles have passed between exits. States in which Interstate exits are still numbered sequentially are Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont; as such, five of the main Interstate highways that remain completely within these", "id": "73875" }, { "contents": "Northeast blackout of 2003\n\n\nof New Jersey, including the city of Newark. This was followed by outages in other areas initially unaffected, including all of New York City, portions of southern New York state, New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, as well as most of the province of Ontario, including Toronto. Eventually, a large, somewhat triangular area bounded by Lansing, Michigan, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, the shore of James Bay, Ottawa, New York, and Toledo was left without power. According to the official analysis of", "id": "13745316" }, { "contents": "Vermont municipality\n\n\nA Vermont municipality is a particular type of New England municipality. It is the basic unit of local government. Vermont contains 246 incorporated towns and cities. Nine are cities and 237 are towns. Collectively, these 246 municipalities cover the vast majority of, but not all of, the state's territory. There are some unincorporated areas in the sparsely populated mountainous regions of the state. Most of the unincorporated areas are in Essex County, in the northeastern part of the state. Bennington, Windham and Chittenden counties also contain smaller", "id": "18834667" }, { "contents": "Hampton, New York\n\n\nHampton is a town in northeastern Washington County, New York, United States. It is part of the Glens Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. The town population was 938 at the 2010 census increasing 7.2% since the 2000 census. The town of Hampton is located in the northeast corner of Washington County. This area of New York was part of a jurisdictional dispute between New York and Vermont. The matter was not settled until after 1790. The town was formed in 1786 and was once called \"Hampton Corners\" and \"Greenfield", "id": "5545647" }, { "contents": "New York (state)\n\n\nNew York is a state in the Northeastern United States. New York was one of the original thirteen colonies that formed the United States. With an estimated 19.54 million residents in 2018, it is the fourth most populous state. In order to distinguish the state from the city with the same name, it is sometimes referred to as New York State. The state's most populous city, New York City, makes up over 40% of the state's population. Two-thirds of the state's population lives in the", "id": "4137595" }, { "contents": "Vermont Route 9\n\n\nVermont Route 9 (VT 9) is a state highway in the U.S. state of Vermont. The highway runs from the New York state line in Bennington, where it continues west as New York State Route 7 (NY 7), to the New Hampshire state line at the Connecticut River in Brattleboro, where the highway continues as New Hampshire Route 9 (NH 9). VT 9 is the primary east–west highway of Bennington and Windham counties in southern Vermont. The highway connects Southern Vermont's primary towns of Bennington", "id": "22200075" }, { "contents": "NASCAR K&N Pro Series East\n\n\n1987, the series originally raced primarily in the Northeastern United States, including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. Drivers in the series could compete in \"combination\" races with then named Busch Grand National Series (now Xfinity Series) that were held at various tracks over the years, including but not limited to Daytona International Speedway, Nazareth Speedway, Watkins Glen International and New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Combination races were on the schedule until 2001. In 2002,", "id": "10765477" }, { "contents": "List of Italian-American neighborhoods\n\n\nIn the United States there are large concentrations of Italians and Italian Americans in many metropolitan areas of the United States, especially in the Northeastern United States and industrial cities in the Midwest. In particular, states such as New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Michigan, Florida, California, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts have larger populations of Italian-Americans than other states by national average. According to a recent United Census Bureau estimate, 17.8 million Americans are of Italian descent. Communities of Italian", "id": "5563713" }, { "contents": "U.S. Route 5\n\n\nnorthern terminus of US 5 is in Derby Line, Vermont at the Canada–US border, where it continues past the Derby Line-Stanstead Border Crossing into Quebec as Quebec Route 143, which was Route 5 until renumbered in the mid-1970s. Its southern terminus is in New Haven, Connecticut at an intersection with Interstate 91. !Total !! 300.34 !! 483.35 US 5 runs through three states, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont, with the latter containing over half of US 5's total distance. Throughout nearly all", "id": "4020373" }, { "contents": "List of place names of Native American origin in New England\n\n\nThe region of New England in the United States has numerous place names derived from the indigenous peoples of the area. New England is in the Northeastern United States, and comprises six states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Listed are well-known names of towns, significant bodies of water, and mountains. This list can virtually never be sufficiently completed as there are hundreds of thousands of place names in New England. All the names in this section come to us only through", "id": "18352006" }, { "contents": "Norwich, Vermont\n\n\n, New York, founded the private \"American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy\" in Norwich. He hoped to establish a new \"American system\" for training cadets that included both humanities and science topics in the curriculum, in addition to military science. In his six years of Norwich residency, Partridge achieved an academy population of nearly 500 \"cadets\". He moved that school back to Middletown, Connecticut, in 1825, but returned in 1835 with a charter from the U.S. Congress to found another military academy, which", "id": "18375015" }, { "contents": "Velda Village Hills, Missouri\n\n\nVelda Village Hills is a village in northeastern St. Louis County, Missouri, United States. The population was 1,055 at the 2010 census. Velda Village Hills is located at (38.692351, -90.286987). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , all land. Velda Village Hills is the most densely populated community in Missouri, with a density of nearly 9,000 people per square mile. As of the census of 2010, there were 1,055 people, 427 households, and 295 families residing in", "id": "2547109" }, { "contents": "Phyllonorycter tiliacella\n\n\nPhyllonorycter tiliacella is a moth of the family Gracillariidae. It is known from Canada (Québec and Ontario) and the United States (including Illinois, Kentucky, New York, Maine, Vermont and Connecticut). The larvae feed on \"Tilia\" species, including \"Tilia americana\". They mine the leaves of their host plant. The mine has the form of a tentiform mine on upperside leaf. The mine is white and densely speckled with dark brown. The pupa of the summer brood is suspended in a very slight", "id": "11000750" }, { "contents": "New York (state)\n\n\nand has been described as the cultural, financial, and media capital of the world, as well as the world's most economically powerful city. The next four most populous cities in the state are Buffalo, Rochester, Yonkers, and Syracuse, while the state capital is Albany. The 27th largest U.S. state in land area, New York has a diverse geography. The state is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south and Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont to the east. The state has a maritime border with", "id": "4137597" } ]
What's the point of having a Two-Dollar Bill if the U.S. government won't print enough of them?
[{"answer": "I work in a bank and I hand them out randomly in cash back. People like them. Especially old men and kids."}, {"answer": "They print based on demand, not the other way around. Not many people demand it. I am one of those people; every few months I trade in cash for some two dollar bills. I think it's a great denomination and it should see more use. If there are more people like me, they print more."}, {"answer": "They are always crisp. I get a bundle of $200 every so often and they are usually fresh bills and in sequential order. Also most things I seem to buy with them result in me getting only coins in change. The best part is how you get comments and smiles from those you hand them to, people enjoy the novelty of having \"special money\" given to them (see: the new $100 bills). TL;DR: Fresh bills. Makes people smile."}, {"answer": "I used to be a bank teller. The tellers working our drive-thru and walk-up windows used to use 2's quite a bit so we ordered them fairly regularly. We ordered from our bank's central cash office and if they didn't have what we need, they ordered from the fed. I never remember hearing that there weren't enough 2's, but there were many times we couldn't get the \"large\" we needed, that is, fifties and hundreds. It could be that people in your bank don't like them and just tell you there aren't enough, because if they wanted them they could surely get them. BTW I only once ever saw a $1,000 bill, deposited by a local Western Union office. After scrutinizing it, I immediately had to take it out of circulation, which entailed sending it by our oh-so-secure (not) interoffice mail system to the cash office. You know, in those envelopes with holes in them! I was so scared it would be lost."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "53761076", "title": "United States two-dollar bill", "section": "Section::::Denomination overview.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The denomination of two dollars was authorized under a congressional act, and first issued in March 1862. The denomination was continuously used until 1966; by this time the United States Note was the only remaining class of U.S. currency the two-dollar bill was assigned to. In August 1966, the Treasury Department discontinued production of the $2 and $5 denominations of United States Notes. While the $5 denomination had long been issued simultaneously as both a Federal Reserve Note and United States Note, the $2 denomination was not immediately reassigned to the Federal Reserve Note class of United States currency and was thus fully discontinued. the Treasury cited the two-dollar note's low use as the reason for not immediately resuming use of the denomination. In 1976, production of the two-dollar denomination was resumed and the two-dollar bill was finally assigned as a Federal Reserve Note, with a new reverse design featuring John Trumbull's depiction of the drafting of the United States Declaration of Independence replacing the previous design of Monticello", "The denomination was continuously used until 1966; by this time the United States Note was the only remaining class of U.S. currency the two-dollar bill was assigned to. In August 1966, the Treasury Department discontinued production of the $2 and $5 denominations of United States Notes. While the $5 denomination had long been issued simultaneously as both a Federal Reserve Note and United States Note, the $2 denomination was not immediately reassigned to the Federal Reserve Note class of United States currency and was thus fully discontinued. the Treasury cited the two-dollar note's low use as the reason for not immediately resuming use of the denomination. In 1976, production of the two-dollar denomination was resumed and the two-dollar bill was finally assigned as a Federal Reserve Note,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nserial number can raise the collector value. \"Collectible\" or \"enhanced\" two-dollar bills, commemorating America's national parks and other places, people and events, have been made and sold by coin dealers and others in recent years merely by adding color, special graphics or color printed plastic overlays onto regular issue two-dollar bills by using computer printers. The creators and marketers of many of these bills unscrupulously imply that they are authorized or issued by the federal government; however, no \"collectible\" or \"", "id": "1893107" }, { "contents": "Dick Gregory\n\n\n. Gregory then wrote the book \"Write Me In\" about his presidential campaign. One anecdote in the book relates the story of a publicity stunt that came out of Operation Breadbasket in Chicago. The campaign had printed dollar bills with Gregory's image on them, some of which made it into circulation, causing considerable problems, but priceless publicity. The majority of these bills were quickly seized by the federal government. A large contributing factor to the seizure came from the bills resembling authentic United States currency enough that they worked in", "id": "228486" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nself checkout lanes, transit systems and other automated kiosks are configured to accommodate two-dollar bills, even if the fact is not stated on the label. Although they are generally available at most banks, two-dollar notes are usually not handed out except upon specific request by the customer, and may cause a delay with a trip to the vault. Printing $2 bills is twice as cost-effective for the government as printing $1 bills, since they both cost the same amount (around five cents) to", "id": "1893103" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nenhanced\" two-dollar bills have been authorized by the United States Treasury, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) nor any other government agency and have no value above their $2 face on the collectors' market. Certain conventions and tourism/convention bureaus capitalize on the scarcity of $2 bills in circulation, encouraging convention attendees and tourists to spend $2 bills in order to illustrate to the host communities the economic impact that the conventions and tourism bring. Sometimes known as \"SpendTom\" campaigns, the $", "id": "1893108" }, { "contents": "United States dollar\n\n\nare more permanent. The fallacy of this argument arises because new notes printed to replace worn out notes, which have been withdrawn from circulation, bring in no net revenue to the government to offset the costs of printing new notes and destroying the old ones. As most vending machines are incapable of making change in banknotes, they commonly accept only $1 bills, though a few will give change in dollar coins. The U.S. Constitution provides that Congress shall have the power to \"borrow money on the credit of the United States", "id": "15828772" }, { "contents": "United States dollar\n\n\nmoney is not transferred from any existing funds—it is at this point that the Federal Reserve has created new high-powered money. Commercial banks can freely withdraw in cash any excess reserves from their reserve account at the Federal Reserve. To fulfill those requests, the Federal Reserve places an order for printed money from the U.S. Treasury Department. The Treasury Department in turn sends these requests to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (to print new dollar bills) and the Bureau of the Mint (to stamp the coins).", "id": "15828779" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nwas estimated that if two-dollar notes replaced approximately half of the one-dollar notes in circulation, the federal government would be able to save about $26 million in 1976 dollars ($ adjusted for inflation) over the period from 1976 to 1981, due to reduced production, storage, and shipping costs. However, due to their limited use, two-dollar notes are not printed as frequently in a new series as other denominations, which are produced according to demand. Most bill acceptors found in vending machines,", "id": "1893102" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nbill is no longer being produced, though bills have been printed with series dates of 1976, 1995, 2003, 2003A, 2009, and 2013. A series changes when there is a redesign of the bill or changes in signatory; Secretary of the Treasury or Treasurer of the United States. The U.S. treasury reports that $1,549,052,714 worth of $2 bills were in circulation worldwide as of April 30, 2007. Things such as unusual serial numbers (example: A11111111A), and replacement notes designated by a star in the", "id": "1893106" }, { "contents": "Superdollar\n\n\n, offset printing or color inkjet and laser printing are most common means of making counterfeit money. Experts who have studied supernotes extensively and examined them alongside genuine bills point out that there are many different varieties of supernotes. In 2006 the \"family\" of fraudulent bills was thought to have 19 members, but since 2006 producers of the supernotes have improved the product, and more varieties exist. Early versions of the fake notes, for example, lacked the bands of magnetic ink printed in distinctive patterns on different denominations of U.S. money", "id": "20880081" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\ndollar bill can lead to a prosecution and sentence for terror related charges because it is seen as evidence for being a member of the Gülen Movement founded by Fethullah Gülen, which is seen as terror organization in Turkey. Turkish authorities believe that Gülen used to present a one dollar bill to his followers and that they showed it to one another in order to make them recognizable. In modern times, the one dollar bill is used much more than the dollar coin, despite the U.S. Government's efforts to promote the latter. There", "id": "21098293" }, { "contents": "United States twenty-dollar bill\n\n\nThe United States twenty-dollar bill ($20) is a denomination of U.S. currency. The seventh U.S. President (1829–1837), Andrew Jackson, has been featured on the front side of the bill since 1928; the White House is featured on the reverse. As of December 2013, the average circulation life of a $20 bill is 7.9 years before it is replaced due to wear. About 11% of all notes printed in 2009 were $20 bills. Twenty-dollar bills are delivered by Federal Reserve Banks", "id": "13845990" }, { "contents": "Nirma Zárate\n\n\nhis hands and wears his respective dress shirt and tight shorts. \"Aggression to Vietnam,\" 1970 Nirma Zarate Fotoserigrafía w60 x h50 cm MAC Description- This print via silkscreen depicts a woman through three stages of the war. All three stages have a dollar bill with different U.S. based companies and as the frames move on the dollar bill starts to burn up until it is nearly gone. The woman gets happier the more the dollar burns. This piece was done to protest the Vietnam war and depicts why the U.S. went to war", "id": "1733499" }, { "contents": "Harriet Tubman\n\n\nportrait of Tubman to the front of the twenty-dollar bill, moving the portrait of President Andrew Jackson, himself a slave owner, to the rear of the bill. Lew instructed the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to expedite the redesign process, and the new bill was expected to enter circulation sometime after 2020. However, in 2017 U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that he would not commit to putting Tubman on the twenty-dollar bill, saying, \"People have been on the bills for a long period of time", "id": "16541010" }, { "contents": "Liberty dollar (private currency)\n\n\nNumerous individuals within the U.S. Government have been interviewed regarding the Liberty Dollar. The Liberty Dollar organization asserts that one Secret Service agent has stated \"It's not counterfeit money\" while remaining \"skeptical\" of NORFED. Another agent is reported to have warned that the Liberty Dollar \"appears to be in violation of .\" The minting of Liberty dollars also appears to be in violation of : The promoter of the Liberty Dollar asserts that Claudia Dickens, spokeswoman for the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing, had previously", "id": "6074722" }, { "contents": "Save the Greenback\n\n\nSave the Greenback is an organization of U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing employees and paper and ink suppliers opposed to phasing out the paper dollar. The group formed to counter the influence of the Coin Coalition. Their website was inactive as of July 2012. Public opinion has tended to favor the dollar bill, although in 2000, the Government Accountability Office reported that a full implementation of the dollar coin could save $500 million a year. There was an online organization calling itself Americans for George. It was a public-relations", "id": "12932837" }, { "contents": "United States one hundred-dollar bill\n\n\n, or as \"C-Notes,\" based on the Roman numeral for 100. The bill is one of two denominations printed today that does not feature a President of the United States; the other is the $10 bill, featuring Alexander Hamilton. It is also the only denomination today to feature a building not located in Washington, D.C., that being Independence Hall located in Philadelphia on the reverse. The time on the clock of Independence Hall on the reverse, according to the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing,", "id": "13846068" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nfrom Series 2003 were printed for the Boston (A), New York (B), Atlanta (F), Chicago (G), Minneapolis (I), and Dallas (K) Federal Reserve districts despite the fact that notes from the Minneapolis district were the only ones released for circulation. Uncut sheets of Series 2003A have also been produced, although in this case circulating currency for all districts has also been made. All two-dollar bills beginning with Series 1995 have been printed in the BEP facility in Fort", "id": "1893131" }, { "contents": "Federal Reserve\n\n\nfinancial transactions involving trillions of dollars. Just as an individual might keep an account at a bank, the U.S. Treasury keeps a checking account with the Federal Reserve, through which incoming federal tax deposits and outgoing government payments are handled. As part of this service relationship, the Fed sells and redeems U.S. government securities such as savings bonds and Treasury bills, notes and bonds. It also issues the nation's coin and paper currency. The U.S. Treasury, through its Bureau of the Mint and Bureau of Engraving and Printing, actually", "id": "10642281" }, { "contents": "Promotional United States fake currency\n\n\nafoul of the US Secret Service because the $3 bill was accepted by change machines at casinos. The United States has never issued a million dollar bill. However, many businesses print million dollar bills for sale as novelties. Such bills do not assert that they are legal tender. The Secret Service has declared them legal to print or own and does not consider them counterfeit. The Libertarian Party makes an annual tradition of handing out informational fliers made to look like $1,000,000 bills on April 15 to draw attention to its anti", "id": "15594288" }, { "contents": "Coin Coalition\n\n\nThe Coin Coalition is an organization supporting the elimination of pennies and dollar bills from U.S. currency. It is funded by vending machine companies, video-arcade owners, and the soft-drink industry, who all have an interest in eliminating maintenance costs associated with bill validators. The National Bulk Vendors Association supports the Coalition. Manufacturers converted machines to accept the dollar coin at great expense, but the unwillingness of the U.S. government to phase out the dollar bill prevented the coin from becoming popular. Although copper miners and other interest groups", "id": "13083065" }, { "contents": "United States fifty-dollar bill\n\n\nThe United States fifty-dollar bill ($50) is a denomination of United States currency. The 18th U.S. President (1869-77), Ulysses S. Grant, is featured on the obverse, while the U.S. Capitol is featured on the reverse. All current-issue $50 bills are Federal Reserve Notes. As of December 2013, the average life of a $50 bill in circulation is 8.5 years, or approximately 102 months, before it is replaced due to wear. Approximately 6% of all notes printed", "id": "13846057" }, { "contents": "Ten Dollar Bill (Roy Lichtenstein)\n\n\ndoodling of a five-year old\". In 1956, Lichtenstein created twenty-five editions of \"Ten Dollar Bill\" and gave them to several private collectors and museums. Starting in late October 1994, \"Ten Dollar Bill\" went on display at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., along with 89 of Lichtenstein's print artworks. As a part of \"The Prints of Roy Lichtenstein\", the piece was displayed in Washington until January 8, 1995, before it was moved to the Los Angeles", "id": "12591717" }, { "contents": "NEED Act\n\n\nParty organizations have endorsed the notions advocated in the bill, in a platform called \"Greening the Dollar.\" The argument for \"United States Money,\" as opposed to Fed-issued money, is not new. As far back as 1943, Abba Lerner had dismissed such arguments, pointing out that the central bank can, at any time, start \"printing money\" to match government deficit-spending \"sufficient to achieve and sustain full employment.\" Post Keynesian economists, such as L. Randall Wray, have argued", "id": "11327112" }, { "contents": "Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008\n\n\nThe Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 () would have authorized funding levels for the 13 government intelligence agencies and increased oversight for the U.S. intelligence community. The bill would have also applied the standards in the U.S. Army Field Manual to the entire government, effectively barring the CIA and other agencies from using tactics like waterboarding in their interrogations. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D, TX-16). The bill was vetoed by President Bush and did not receive enough votes for an override. Two days after Barack", "id": "11722133" }, { "contents": "History of Philippine money\n\n\n(native bags made of woven coconut or \"buri\" leaf strips) overflowing with the Japanese-issued bills. According to one witness, 75 \"Mickey Mouse\" pesos, or about 35 U.S. dollars at that time, could buy one duck egg. In 1944, a box of matches cost more than 100 \"Mickey Mouse\" pesos. The Emergency circulating notes were currency printed by the Philippine Commonwealth Government in exile during World War II. These \"guerrilla pesos\" were printed by local government units and banks using crude", "id": "20431074" }, { "contents": "Monopoly money\n\n\n-dollar bill; however, Monopoly Junior did include the two in addition to three and four denominations (which do not exist in U.S. currency) for many years. (Monopoly Junior later simplified its system to include only one-dollar bills.) Fans have designed unofficial $1,000 Monopoly bills for longer games and made them available online. Special editions and spinoffs (e.g. Monopoly Deal) may use larger denominations. More recent \"Monopoly\" games use a \"Monopoly\"-specific currency symbol of a double struck-through capital letter M", "id": "18260071" }, { "contents": "Freedom House\n\n\nInternational Development (USAID), granted millions of dollars to the Poland-America-Ukraine Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI), which is administered by the U.S.-based Freedom House. PAUCI then sent U.S. Government funds to numerous Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This would be bad enough and would in itself constitute meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation. But, what is worse is that many of these grantee organizations in Ukraine are blatantly in favor of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko. Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman have", "id": "7082326" }, { "contents": "United States twenty-dollar bill\n\n\n, if at all. In May 2019 Mnuchin stated that no new imagery will be unveiled until 2026, and that a new bill won't go into circulation until 2028. In making the announcement, Mnuchin blamed the delay on technical reasons. However, an employee within the Bureau of Engraving and Printing told the New York Times that at the time of the announcement \"the design appeared to be far along in the process.\" Democratic members of the House of Representatives asked Mnuchin to provide more specific reasons for the delay.", "id": "13845997" }, { "contents": "Seigniorage\n\n\ntransactions (some of which are illegal). American currency has been circulating globally for most of the 20th century, and the amount of currency in circulation increased several-fold during World War II. Large-scale printing of the United States one hundred-dollar bill began when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991; production quadrupled, with the first trillion-dollar printing of the bill. At the end of 2008, U.S. currency in public circulation amounted to $824 billion and 76 percent of the currency supply was in the", "id": "21615574" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nFederal Reserve Bank Note. When U.S. currency was changed to its current size, the $2 bill was issued only as a United States Note. Production went on until 1966, when the series was discontinued. Ten years passed before the $2 bill was reissued as a Federal Reserve Note with a new reverse design. As a result of banking policies with businesses which have resulted in low production numbers due to lack of demand, two-dollar bills do not circulate as well as other denominations of U.S. currency. This comparative", "id": "1893098" }, { "contents": "United States twenty-dollar bill\n\n\ndollar bill, explaining \"People have been on the bills for a long period of time. This is something we’ll consider; right now we have a lot more important issues to focus on.\" According to a Bureau of Engraving and Printing spokesperson, the next redesigned bill will be the ten-dollar bill, not set to be released into circulation until at least 2026. Because of this, it appears that a redesigned twenty-dollar bill featuring Tubman might not be released until years after the original 2020 release date", "id": "13845996" }, { "contents": "BEN (Adair Lion song)\n\n\n, a metaphor for acceptance of LGBT people. The name comes from the expression \"Queer as a three dollar bill.\" The Bureau of Engraving and Printing has never been authorized to print a $3 note. However, before the Civil War, banks operating under State charters issued notes of that denomination. These notes were printed by private contractors and were not obligations of the federal government. \"Queer as a three dollar bill\" dates back to the 1920s and refers to anything strange, suspicious, though it can also", "id": "19463427" }, { "contents": "History of the United States dollar\n\n\ngovernment canceled these banknotes and removed them from official records. Their value, relevant only to collectors, is approximately one thousand US dollars. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, there is $1.2 trillion in total US currency in worldwide circulation as of July 2013. The federal government began issuing paper currency during the American Civil War. As photographic technology of the day could not reproduce color, it was decided the back of the bills would be printed in a color other than black. Because the color green was", "id": "17101237" }, { "contents": "Birmingham campaign\n\n\nBill Hudson, with the Associated Press. Moore was a Marine combat photographer who was \"jarred\" and \"sickened\" by the use of children and what the Birmingham police and fire departments did to them. Moore was hit in the ankle by a brick meant for the police. He took several photos that were printed in \"Life\". The first photo Moore shot that day showed three teenagers being hit by a water jet from a high-pressure firehose. It was titled \"They Fight a Fire That Won't", "id": "11059666" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nfor the Federal Reserve District of Atlanta. Beginning with Series 1995, all $2 notes have been produced at the B.E P. Western Currency Facility in Fort Worth, Texas. In 2004, 121,600,000 of the Series 2003 bills were printed for the Federal Reserve District of Minneapolis. An issue of Series 2003A $2 bills was printed from July to September 2006 for all twelve Federal Reserve Banks. In all, 220,800,000 notes were printed. In February 2012, the B.E.P. printed 512,000 Series 2009 $2 Star Notes, in anticipation of", "id": "1893122" }, { "contents": "Symbols of the United States Department of the Treasury\n\n\nthe authorizing laws did not require the seal. Initially the U.S. Government had no means to produce bills on its own, so the first paper bills were printed by private firms and then sent to the Treasury Department for final processing. Along with trimming and separating the bills, this processing included the overprinting of the seal onto the notes (even today, the serial number and seal are overprinted on the notes after the face has been printed). This was the beginning of what was later known as the Bureau of Engraving and", "id": "152698" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\n. The serial numbers and treasury seal were printed in green ink. This was the first time the one-dollar bill was printed as a Federal Reserve Note. The $1 bill became the first denomination printed at the new Western Currency Facility in February 1991, when a shipment of 3.2 million star notes from the Dallas FRB was produced. Though bill denominations of $5 and higher have been redesigned twice since 1995 as part of ongoing anti-counterfeiting efforts, there are currently no plans to redesign the $1 or $", "id": "21098270" }, { "contents": "One Dollar (TV series)\n\n\nthe show an indie movie-like texture about people trying to make it in America. They're sort of like short films within the bigger show, and they contain much of the show's best writing and acting. They would be better if they didn't have the unnecessary dollar bill gimmick connecting them all, but it's not that distracting.\" In an outright negative assessment, \"The Hollywood Reporter\"s Tim Goodman criticized the series saying, \"There's not enough good writing here, not enough motivation to follow characters", "id": "1723895" }, { "contents": "Obsolete denominations of United States currency\n\n\nwork with ornate denomination identifiers. With the exception of the $100,000 bill, these bills ceased production in the 1940s, and were recalled in 1969. Of these, the $100,000 was printed only as a Series 1934 gold certificate and was only used for internal government transactions. The United States also issued fractional currency for a brief time in the 1860s and 1870s, in several denominations each less than a dollar. There have been numerous coins throughout the United States dollar's history that no longer circulate. Some, like the", "id": "5940629" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\ndeclared worthless if they fell into enemy hands. The next change came in 1957 when the $1 bill became the first piece of paper U.S. currency to bear the motto ; it was added over the word on the reverse. Initially the BEP began printing the motto on notes printed with the new 32 note press, but soon Series of 1935G bills printed on an 18 note press featured the motto. The final production of $1 Silver Certificates occurred in late 1963. In 1964, the redemption of Silver Certificates for silver", "id": "21098268" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nespecially rare or valuable. Despite their age, crisp, uncirculated series 1976 $2 notes are not uncommon and are not particularly valuable. More than half a \"billion\" of these notes were printed and a large number of them were saved and hoarded upon their original issue. A typical, single uncirculated 1976 $2 bill is worth only slightly above $2 face value. An average circulated series 1976 note has no additional value above its $2 face. In 1996 and 1997, 153,600,000 bills were printed as Series 1995", "id": "1893121" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nmore regular runs being printed later in 2012. Series 2009 $2 bills were issued to banks during the summer of 2012. In November 2013, the B.E.P. began printing series 2013 $2 notes for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; these notes entered circulation in early 2014. A total of 44,800,000 notes were ordered for fiscal year 2014, which ran from October 2013 through September 2014. A chronological display of the American two-dollar bill. Over five million $2 bills are entered into the database of the American currency", "id": "1893123" }, { "contents": "Heroscape\n\n\n\" game and the designers were forced to concede the point. A further argument was made, pointing out that \"Heroscape\" expansions were not intended to go permanently out of print, although frequent stock shortages and lapses in the availability of certain sets have made them difficult enough to obtain that sellers can often demand a premium price. This differs from the marketing tactic of CMG's, which rely on the purchaser not knowing what they have until they've already purchased and opened the package, and limited availability to drive their sales", "id": "10005481" }, { "contents": "Maryland pound\n\n\nin Maryland were denominated in £sd and Spanish dollars at a rate of 1 dollar = 4 shillings 6 pence. In 1780 two types of continental currency were issued, one valuing the Spanish dollar at 4 shillings 6 pence (printed in red ink and known as \"Red Money\"), the other (printed in black ink and known as \"Black Money\") valuing the Spanish dollar at 7 shillings 6 pence. The continental currency was replaced by the U.S. dollar at the rate of 1000 continental dollars = 1 U.S.", "id": "16707113" }, { "contents": "United States five-dollar bill\n\n\nwas in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing says the average life of a $5 bill in circulation is 5.5 years before it is replaced due to wear. Approximately 6% of all paper currency produced by the U.S. Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing in 2009 were $5 bills. The redesigned $5 bill was unveiled on September 20, 2007, and was issued on March 13, 2008 during a ceremony at President Lincoln's Cottage. New and enhanced security features make it", "id": "13845972" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\nplate position (check) number is normally found to the left of the eagle. Except for significant errors, and series 1988A web notes printed in small batches for some of the Federal Reserve districts (those from others are more common), green seal dollars are of little collector value. However, two notes have generated public interest, although neither is scarce. In 1963 dollar bills were produced for the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, headquartered in Dallas. Since the FRD jurisdictions are sequentially numbered, notes received the corresponding letter \"", "id": "21098289" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\nThe United States one-dollar bill ($1) since 1876 has been the lowest value denomination of United States currency. An image of the first U.S. President (1789–1797), George Washington, based on the \"Athenaeum Portrait\", a painting by Gilbert Stuart, is currently featured on the obverse, and the Great Seal of the United States is featured on the reverse. The one-dollar bill has the oldest overall design of all U.S. currency currently being produced (The current two-dollar bill obverse design dates", "id": "21098260" }, { "contents": "Bill Dollar\n\n\nthe station and posted messages on the station's web site. Johnson said, \"Bill worked here a long time. The value of the companionship he established with our audience was deep enough so that we wanted to pay respect to what he meant to WSOC and its listeners.\" General Tom Sadler, executive director of Speedway Children's Charities, called Dollar \"one of the great talents in radio and NASCAR.\" One of the most requested songs was \"Rose Colored Glasses\" by John Conlee, Dollar's favorite.", "id": "17471643" }, { "contents": "History of the United States dollar\n\n\nproviding them dollars to purchase the imports needed to produce exports, eventually allowing the countries to export enough of their own goods to obtain the dollars necessary to sustain their economies without reliance on any Marshall-like plan. At the same time, Joseph Dodge worked with Japanese officials and Congress to pass the Dodge Plan in 1949, which worked similarly to the Marshall Plan, but for Japan rather than Europe. The Marshall and Dodge plans' successes have brought new challenges to the U.S. dollar. In 1959, dollars in circulation around", "id": "17101226" }, { "contents": "United States ten-dollar bill\n\n\n’ll consider; right now we have a lot more important issues to focus on.\" According to a [[Bureau of Engraving and Printing]] spokesperson, the next redesigned bill will be the ten-dollar bill, not set to be released into circulation until at least 2026. Because of this, it appears that a redesigned twenty-dollar bill featuring Tubman might not be released until years after the original 2020 release date. [[Category:Currencies introduced in 1861]] [[Category:Cultural depictions of", "id": "13845989" }, { "contents": "Empowering Patients First Act\n\n\nPrice won't call it that\". Presumably this is because the exemption is not specifically tax funded but would increase the deficit and would have to be paid for from taxes eventually. The medical journalist Maggie Mahar has criticized the bill for the suggestion that people with pre-existing conditions should be moved into high risk pools run in each state. She points out that existing state-based high risk pools can’t provide affordable coverage for nearly enough of the medically needy who have no other option, and that others have noted", "id": "14266087" }, { "contents": "Disney dollar\n\n\ntheme parks, the Disney cruise ships, Disney's Castaway Cay port of call and the Disney Stores, unless indications to the contrary are printed on the individual bills. However, they are not compatible with coin machines, and must be exchanged for U.S. currency if machines are to be used. In addition, if Disney Dollars are used for purchases and change is given, the change is provided in U.S. currency. They are often kept as souvenirs or collected by Disney memorabilia fans, but at Disney resorts, they can also", "id": "11062722" }, { "contents": "The Bathhouse\n\n\nwon't take such 'bath' eagerly. \"Mayakovsky portrays monstrous bureaucrats without pointing to the ways of dealing with them,\" \"Komsomolskaya Pravda\" complained on 22 March 1930, concluding: \"In all honesty, the play turned out bad, Meyerhold had no business staging it.\" \"Nasha Gazeta\" found the author's exposure of bureaucratism not 'serious' enough. \"Newspapers are full of examples of bureaucratic monstrosities, and what Mayakovsky does is with a serious face... reports about the cases of petty bureaucracy", "id": "5144509" }, { "contents": "Akaka Bill\n\n\n. They are: The current version of the bill provides for negotiations between the United States and the proposed new Hawaiian government. The bill provides for the new Hawaiian government to negotiate for land, rights, and resources, however, the bill does not indicate what the Federal government will be negotiating for, that is what it is Hawaiians have that the Federal government will expect in return at the negotiating table. Typically however, in Tribal/U.S. negotiations, Indians give up their legal and other grievances against the United States in", "id": "9730222" }, { "contents": "Bretton Woods system\n\n\nand monetary inflation by the Federal Reserve caused the dollar to become increasingly overvalued. The drain on U.S. gold reserves culminated with the London Gold Pool collapse in March 1968. By 1970, the U.S. had seen its gold coverage deteriorate from 55% to 22%. This, in the view of neoclassical economists, represented the point where holders of the dollar had lost faith in the ability of the U.S. to cut budget and trade deficits. In 1971 more and more dollars were being printed in Washington, then being pumped overseas,", "id": "14032468" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\nWar II to test alternative types of paper. This was a precautionary measure in case the current type of paper supply could not be maintained. Series 1935A notes made of the special paper and were printed with a red \"S\" to the right of the treasury seal, while notes of the control group were printed with a red \"R\". Because they have some collector value, fake red S's and R's have been applied to regular Series 1935A notes to try to pass them at a higher value; checking", "id": "21098273" }, { "contents": "Stax Records\n\n\na head in early 1966, when Wilson Pickett returned to record new material. Although the session produced two hit songs—\"634-5789\" and \"Ninety-Nine and a Half (Won't Do)\"—Pickett's \"corrosive\" character caused havoc in the studio; the session musicians eventually walked out, and the breaking point came when Pickett followed them outside and offered them $100 each (US$ in dollars) to complete the session. As a result, the furious house band bluntly told Jim Stewart not to bring \"that asshole\"", "id": "16259293" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nmanufacture, but the public has not circulated them as widely. During the Great Depression, few Americans had enough money to require $2 bills. In the middle of the 20th century, $2 bills were often used for betting on horse racing, tips at strip clubs and for bribery when politicians wanted votes (though this is most likely urban legend), and so acquired a negative reputation. Servicemen during World War II and later, were frequently paid with $2 bills, and the notes often saw use at canteens", "id": "1893104" }, { "contents": "Seigniorage\n\n\nthat $313 billion (36.7 percent) of U.S. currency was held abroad at the end of March 2009. Feige calculates that since 1964, \"the cumulative seigniorage earnings accruing to the U.S. by virtue of the currency held by foreigners amounted to $167–$185 billion and over the past two decades seigniorage revenues from foreigners have averaged $6–$7 billion dollars per year\". The American $100 bill has competition from the €500 note, which facilitates the transport of larger amounts of money. One million dollars in $100 bills weighs", "id": "21615576" }, { "contents": "Eurodollar\n\n\ninto a dominant world currency began when the Soviet Union wanted better interest rates on their Eurodollars and convinced an Italian banking cartel to give them more interest than what could have been earned if the dollars were deposited in the U.S. The Italian bankers then had to find customers ready to borrow the Soviet dollars and pay above the U.S. legal interest-rate caps for their use, and were able to do so; thus, Eurodollars began to be used increasingly in global finance. Eurodollars can have a higher interest rate attached to them because", "id": "1662881" }, { "contents": "Ten-Point Program\n\n\nof American Society. The second section, titled \"What We Believe,\" outlines the philosophical views of the party and the rights that African Americans should have, but are denied. It is structured similarly to the United States Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. \"What We Believe\" expands on the first section, making demands of what will be deemed sufficient payment for the injustices committed against the Black Community. For example, one section states that, \"We believe that this racist government has robbed us and now", "id": "5432034" }, { "contents": "Old Spanish Trail half dollar\n\n\nthe bill. William D. McFarlane of Texas asked what the expense to the federal government would be; Cochran responded, \"it will not cost the Government five cents\". The bill passed without recorded objection, after which Cochran got the Hudson, New York Sesquicentennial half dollar passed. In the Senate, the bill was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency. That committee issued a report on May 23 by Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida, recommending it pass without amendment. When the bill was brought to the Senate floor", "id": "9816447" }, { "contents": "Presidential $1 Coin Program\n\n\nletter recommending that the U.S. not produce any dollar coins. She was planning to introduce legislation calling for the immediate halting of all dollar coin programs. The United States Government Accountability Office has stated that discontinuing the dollar bill in favor of the dollar coin would save the U.S. government about $5.5 billion over 30 years. On December 13, 2011, Vice President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced that the minting of Presidential $1 coins for circulation would be suspended. Future entries in the program, beginning with those of", "id": "252558" }, { "contents": "Big Time Break-Up\n\n\nhe was single and they also have to get Kendall ready for Big Time Rush's new summer single. Kendall comes out of his heartbreak long enough to inform them (by shouting) that until they all have girlfriends and lose them in an instant, he won't open up to them since they don't yet know what he's going through. Thus, Logan goes to Camille for help, who asks him on a date before dumping him. Carlos meets a girl in the Palmwoods Park, who he simply refers to", "id": "20386872" }, { "contents": "Yancey Boys\n\n\nproduction. Illa isn't the most talented, but he does show glimpses of potential in and around the album, which was truly been billed more around his brother than him from the start. The only problem is that in the future, he won't have his older brother to have his back in times of musical trouble. Even so, it's an earnest and sincere attempt from Illa to pay respect to his brother through one of the things that connected them, and in these times, that should mean enough.", "id": "10196785" }, { "contents": "Tarrytown Light\n\n\n. The following year Congress appropriated $4,000 ($ in modern dollars) to acquire a different site near Tarrytown, at the end of Tarrytown Point, the peninsula created by the outflow of sediment from the Pocantico River. Steamboat captains consulted by the government suggested that the light should instead be located at Beekman's Point, two miles (3.2 km) away. Its owner likewise asked $3,000, which would not have left enough money to build the actual lighthouse. A red spar buoy marked the downriver end of the shoals", "id": "22130936" }, { "contents": "United States dollar\n\n\nthat accept the Anthony dollar. However, this new coin has failed to achieve the popularity of the still-existing $1 bill and is rarely used in daily transactions. The failure to simultaneously withdraw the dollar bill and weak publicity efforts have been cited by coin proponents as primary reasons for the failure of the dollar coin to gain popular support. In February 2007, the U.S. Mint, under the Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005, introduced a new $1 U.S. Presidential dollar coin. Based on the success of the", "id": "15828767" }, { "contents": "Battle of Barranca Seca\n\n\nevents and the involvement of Zuloaga and Gobos he warned them that the best they could do was to leave the territory of Mexico. This is what they did, and both sailed from Vera Cruz to Havana after the battle (Cobos then left for the United States with the intention of getting his exchange bills cashed in, but the agreement with the United States Minister to Mexico Thomas Corwin, by which the U.S. pledged to pay eleven million dollars to Juarez, was not ratified by the U.S. Senate, Cobos returned unpaid to Havana", "id": "11010160" }, { "contents": "Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure\n\n\nthe positive side as \"Bill & Ted fans won't be disappointed by the video versions of the dudes from San Dimas\" but also points \"It isn't easy finding items, which means you'll spend ages wandering around, and that's frustrating.\" \"Game Player's Strategy Guide\" states \"It's a change of pace from the usual role playing adventure, with a refreshing - if somewhat overbearing - humor.\" GamePro states \"What could have been a truly excellent video game adventure wound up as a", "id": "5622185" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\non it, as the chemical properties of United States currency prior to 1960 are such that a counterfeit pen is unable to prove whether or not it is genuine. Uncut currency sheets are available from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Some of the recent $2 uncut sheets from Series 1995 and Series 2003 have been collectibles as they come from special non-circulation printings. Most of the Series 1995 $2 uncut sheets had a higher suffix letter in the serial number than regular circulation $2 bills. Uncut $2 sheets", "id": "1893130" }, { "contents": "Provisional Irish Republican Army arms importation\n\n\nfive million U.S. dollars at this time to the organisation to finance its activities. However contact with the Libyan government was broken off in 1976. Contact with Libya was opened again in the aftermath of the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike, which was said to have impressed Gadaffi. In the 1980s, the IRA received further larger quantities of weaponry and explosives from the Libyan Government, reportedly enough to equip least two professional infantry battalions. Four shipments of guns, ammunition and explosives were made between 1985 and 1986, providing large quantities of modern", "id": "2204343" }, { "contents": "Superdollar\n\n\nA superdollar (also known as a superbill or supernote) is a very high quality counterfeit United States one hundred-dollar bill, alleged by the U.S. Government to have been made by unknown organizations or governments. In 2011, government sources stated that these \"counterfeit bills were in worldwide circulation from the late 1980s until at least July 2000\" in an extradition court case. While there are many features on supernotes that can be detected with today's technology, new, more sophisticated supernotes are always being produced. No current technology", "id": "20880078" }, { "contents": "Maryland Tercentenary half dollar\n\n\n1934, commemorative coins were not sold by the government—Congress, in authorizing legislation, usually designated an organization which had the exclusive right to purchase them at face value and vend them to the public at a premium. In the case of the Maryland half dollar, the responsible group was the Tercentenary Commission, acting through its president or secretary. On March 6, 1934, Maryland's two senators, Millard E. Tydings and Phillips Lee Goldsborough, introduced a bill for a half dollar in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the", "id": "9816355" }, { "contents": "Wendell Ford\n\n\non as a co-sponsor. The bill would have eliminated the Joint Committee on Printing, distributing its authority and functions among the Senate Rules Committee, the House Oversight Committee, and the administrator of the Government Printing Office. It would also have centralized government printing services and penalized government agencies who did not make their documents available to the printing office to be printed. Opponents of the bill cited the broad powers granted to the printing office and concerns about the erosion of copyright protection. The bill was reported favorably out of committee", "id": "14657287" }, { "contents": "Banknote\n\n\nEuro in 1999. As well as commercial issuers, other organizations may have note-issuing powers; for example, until 2002 the Singapore dollar was issued by the Board of Commissioners of Currency Singapore, a government agency which was later taken over by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. As with any printing, there is also a chance for banknotes to have printing errors. For U.S. banknotes, these errors can include board break errors, butterfly fold errors, cutting errors, dual denomination errors, fold over errors, and misalignment errors", "id": "380156" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\nalso printed on the Natick paper, making it so far the only experimental printing not restricted to the $1 bill. One-dollar bills were again the subject of experimentation in May 1992, when the BEP began to test a web-fed Intaglio printing press. Because of a need for greater quantities of $1 FRNs, the BEP sent out REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) (year 1985) NO. BEP-85-73 to procure a web-fed intaglio printing press to dramatically increase the production of currency notes within", "id": "21098276" }, { "contents": "Wendell Ford\n\n\nBill Clinton's inaugural committee in 1993, Ford broke with the administration by voting against the North American Free Trade Agreement . As he had as governor of Kentucky, Ford gave attention to improving the efficiency of government. While serving on the Joint Committee on Printing during the One Hundred First and One Hundred Third Congresses, he saved the government millions of dollars in printing costs by printing in volume and using recycled paper. In 1998, Virginia senator John Warner sponsored the Wendell H. Ford Government Publications Reform Act of 1998; Ford signed", "id": "14657286" }, { "contents": "Tax protester conspiracy arguments\n\n\ninterview on February 2, 2007, on the radio show \"Constitution for the Defense\", Ed Brown said: The standoff between Brown and law enforcement officials ended with his imprisonment after his arrest in October 2007. Some protesters have argued that Federal Reserve notes (better known as dollar bills) are not actually money, because the Constitution only permits the government to \"coin\" money, and requires that such money be exchangeable for gold or silver; therefore, printed bills are instead symbols for use in bartering, and being", "id": "22132999" }, { "contents": "The Players Club\n\n\nto assault Diamond. The flashback encourages Diana to continue to try to protect Ebony. Clyde (Alex Thomas) and Reggie (Ice Cube) - two watchmen who work for a drug lord named St. Louis - offer Ebony money to come off and have sex with them, but Diana intervenes. Meanwhile, Dollar Bill gets confronted by a man who works for St. Louis, a drug lord and loan shark to whom Dollar Bill owes $60,000. He warns Dollar Bill if he doesn't make a payment of $10,000 to", "id": "4597732" }, { "contents": "United States dollar\n\n\nfiber. U.S. coins are produced by the United States Mint. U.S. dollar banknotes are printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and, since 1914, have been issued by the Federal Reserve. The \"large-sized notes\" issued before 1928 measured ; small-sized notes, introduced that year, measure . When the current, smaller sized U.S. currency was introduced it was referred to as \"Philippine-sized currency\" because the Philippines had previously adopted the same size for its legal currency, the Philippine peso. In", "id": "15828727" }, { "contents": "Del Monte note\n\n\nThe Del Monte Note is a misprinted U.S. twenty-dollar bill on which a multicolored Del Monte sticker appears next to Andrew Jackson's portrait. The sticker became affixed during the printing process, prior to the application of the overprint but after the face print had been made. The result is a note with part of the seal and serial numbers printed on top of the sticker. In the paper money hobby, this error type is called a \"retained obstruction.\" The vast majority of such errors do not retain the source", "id": "12761657" }, { "contents": "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program\n\n\nprogram used paper-denominated \"stamps\" or coupons – worth $1 (brown), $5 (blue), and $10 (green) – bound into booklets of various denominations, to be torn out individually and used in single-use exchange. Because of their 1:1 value ratio with actual currency, the coupons were printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Their rectangular shape resembled a U.S. dollar bill (although about one-half the size), including intaglio printing on high-quality paper with", "id": "7492187" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nthe king of England smoking tobacco and an eagle with a shield.In 1886, the first $2 silver certificate with a portrait of United States Civil War General Winfield Scott Hancock on the left of the obverse was issued. This design continued until 1891 when a new $2 Silver Certificate was issued with a portrait of U.S. Treasury Secretary William Windom in the center of the obverse. Two-dollar Treasury, or \"Coin\", Notes were first issued for government purchases of silver bullion in 1890 from the silver mining industry", "id": "1893112" }, { "contents": "E. B. C. Jones\n\n\n(for the first time in Jones, perfect compatibility, a theme of earlier novels, is not enough). This shakes all Helen's beliefs: whom, then, should one marry? What's the point of going to Cambridge and finding suitable male-friends? Their step-brother Cathcart, 30, meanwhile, has become besotted, in society London, with a friend's sister, the beautiful rich Pamela Wake, who won't have him; but in the course of a visit to the Wakes with Cathcart", "id": "15662901" }, { "contents": "Silver certificate (United States)\n\n\nin silver payable to the bearer on demand.\" This freed the Treasury from storing bags of silver dollars in its vaults, and allowed it to redeem silver certificates with bullion or silver granules, rather than silver dollars. Years after the government stopped the redemption of silver certificates for silver, large quantities of silver dollars intended specifically to satisfy the earlier obligation for redemption in silver dollars were found in Treasury vaults. As was usual with currency during this period, the year date on the bill did not reflect when it was printed", "id": "765559" }, { "contents": "Contaminated currency\n\n\nconducted at Argonne National Laboratory, found that four out of five dollar bills in Chicago suburbs contain traces of cocaine. Previous studies have found similar contamination rates in other cities. But the Argonne study is the first to demonstrate that if you handle contaminated bills, you won't wind up with drugs on your hands. \"It's virtually impossible for cocaine to rub off\", Argonne chemist Jack Demirgian said. This estimate of contamination could be as high as 94%, according to Bill and Rich Sones of the Chicago Sun", "id": "11501228" }, { "contents": "Mexico–United States border\n\n\nthe United States, the country has invested in several distinct security measures. In 2010, due to insecurity and instability at the southern border of the U.S. President Barack Obama signed an appropriation bill, which gave the Customs and Border Protection, specifically the Border Patrol, 600 million dollars to implement and improve security. The U.S. government has invested many millions of dollars on border security, although this has not stopped undocumented immigration in the United States. In June 2018, the U.S. government announced installation of facial recognition system for monitoring the", "id": "1187158" }, { "contents": "United States one-dollar bill\n\n\nthat the bill was produced at the satellite Bureau of Engraving and Printing facility in Fort Worth, Texas. Currency has been printed here since Series 1988A. No \"FW\" means the bill was made at the main plant in Washington, D.C.. The reverse of the one-dollar bill has an ornate design that incorporates both sides of the Great Seal of the United States to the left and right of the word \"ONE\". This word appears prominently in the white space at the center of the bill in a capitalized,", "id": "21098283" }, { "contents": "Expeditionary economics\n\n\nwith hundreds of billions of dollars spent in the two countries. The theory rests to a huge extent on the dynamism of new firms, which constantly introduce innovations into the economy. The U.S Government's recent engagements have made it appreciate that post-conflict economic reconstruction must become a core competence of the U.S. military. However, their actions do not present any such appreciation. There has been widespread criticism of the theory, particularly on the point that it should be carried out by the invading army. Many economists questioned the relative", "id": "14662830" }, { "contents": "1876 United States presidential election\n\n\nOne of the points of contention revolved around the design of ballots. At the time, parties would print ballots or \"tickets\" to enable voters to support them in the open ballots. To aid illiterate voters the parties would print symbols on the tickets. In this election, many Democratic ballots were printed with the Republican symbol, Abraham Lincoln, on them. The Republican-dominated state electoral commissions subsequently disallowed enough Democratic votes to award their electoral votes to Hayes. In two southern states, the governor recognized by the United", "id": "18722423" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Centennial half dollar\n\n\nU.S. commemorative coins had become, according to Q. David Bowers, \"as hot as a volcano\", and \"Congress gave [Melish] permission to have his own commemorative coins minted and to charge the public whatever he liked for them!\" Melish, who had friends in Congress, had in early 1936 also tried to get lawmakers to authorize other commemorative issues that he would control. The only one of these that came to fruition was the Cleveland Centennial half dollar. A bill for a Cleveland Centennial half dollar was introduced", "id": "14685948" }, { "contents": "Greenback (1860s money)\n\n\nCongress to pass a bill authorizing the printing of full legal tender treasury notes... and pay your soldiers with them and go ahead and win your war with them also. If you make them full legal tender... they will have the full sanction of the government and be just as good as any money; as Congress is given the express right by the Constitution.\" Issuing unbacked paper money was not an idea Lincoln really liked, but soon there was mounting pressure in Congress to do something. The government could either print its", "id": "9578418" }, { "contents": "Fiat money\n\n\ngovernments were careful of avoiding sovereign default but not wary of the consequences of paying debts by consigning newly printed cash which had no metal-backed standard to their creditors, which led to hyperinflation – for example the hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic. From 1944 to 1971, the Bretton Woods agreement fixed the value of 35 United States dollars to one troy ounce of gold. Other currencies were pegged to the U.S. dollar at fixed rates. The U.S. promised to redeem dollars in gold to other central banks. Trade imbalances were corrected by", "id": "4837112" }, { "contents": "United States ten-dollar bill\n\n\nThe United States ten-dollar bill ($10) is a denomination of U.S. currency. The obverse of the bill features the portrait of Alexander Hamilton, who served as the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. The reverse features the U.S. Treasury Building. All $10 bills issued today are Federal Reserve Notes. As of December 2013, the average life of a $10 bill is 4.5 years, or about 54 months, before it is replaced due to wear. Ten-dollar bills are delivered by Federal Reserve Banks", "id": "13845981" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\n. In the town of Valentine, Nebraska, the local grocery store, Henderson's IGA, stocks their tills with $2 bills and hand them out as change. It's a free marketing ploy, as the rarity of it causes people to talk about the store. The relative scarcity of the $2 bill in everyday circulation has led to confusion at points of sale, as well as overreaction by merchants and attempted prosecution of the individual trying to tender the bill. In 2005, a man in Baltimore, Maryland,", "id": "1893128" }, { "contents": "Hold Me Down (film)\n\n\non the floor of a crowded room for single dollar bills, he was shocked and asked her if she was okay. She told him that she had a two-year-old daughter and that this was what she had to do to survive. Jarred by what he witnessed and the understanding that her predicament was not unique, Gillis began to more seriously study U.S. history and its bearings on present-day socioeconomics. Upon realizing the scope of the problem - what he perceived to be gross societal inequities - and feeling that", "id": "12415943" }, { "contents": "2014 Venezuelan protests\n\n\n\" on 19 February and possibly destroyed by government forces. President Maduro threatened to force CNN out of Venezuela the next day, saying, \"I've asked the (information) minister to tell CNN we have started the administrative process to remove them from Venezuela if they don't rectify (their behavior). Enough! I won't accept war propaganda against Venezuela.\" On 21 February 2014, the government revoked press credentials of seven CNN journalists with CNN responding to the government by saying, \"CNN has reported both sides", "id": "4272618" }, { "contents": "Where the Red Fern Grows (1974 film)\n\n\n's store. Billy runs to see it, only to have the Pritchard boys talk their father into buying it just to spite Billy. Billy's grandpa tells him that if he wants dogs he has to earn them. He begins working multiple jobs and finally earns the fifty dollars two puppies will cost. By that time, the price has dropped by five dollars each. Billy orders the dogs, but they arrive in Tahlequah, 30 miles away, because the mail stage won't carry live animals. Billy sneaks out of", "id": "19516293" }, { "contents": "United States two-dollar bill\n\n\nWorth, Texas, (indicated by \"FW\" preceding the face plate number on the obverse of the note). Uncut sheets of $2 bills are available in various sizes. A 32-subject sheet, which is the original-size sheet on which the notes are printed, is available. Other sheet sizes available have been cut from the original 32-subject sheet. These include half (sixteen-note), quarter (eight-note), and eighth (four-note) sheets for $2 bills. Uncut sheets", "id": "1893132" }, { "contents": "Exorbitant privilege\n\n\nsaid to have had similar views. In the Bretton Woods system put in place in 1944, U.S. dollars were convertible to gold. In France, it was called \"America's exorbitant privilege\" as it resulted in an \"asymmetric financial system\" where foreigners \"see themselves supporting American living standards and subsidizing American multinationals\". As American economist Barry Eichengreen summarized: \"It costs only a few cents for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to produce a $100 bill, but other countries had to pony up $100 of", "id": "14506394" } ]
What socialism actually means.
[{"answer": "EDIT: Done Socialism is the social/democratic ownership of the means of production. It's considered bad because socialism took over a third of the world and was the biggest threat to the American way of life since Nazi Germany, and even then that was a European war. The rallying against socialism movement started when the US put the CPUS (Communist Party of the United States) on trial, and arrested them due to fears of an American Bolshevik revolution which would topple the capitalist system. URL_0 This event destroyed socialist leadership. It was very public and served as a warning to ALL socialists in America. This is the origin of socialism's lack of precedence in the US and its hatred. Socialism is no longer practiced by any countries except Cuba. Europe is not socialist, but a Social Democracy. Now, I want to explain what the definition of socialism means, and I am a socialist and have been for a few years now. Social/Democratic ownership. This means that society as a whole has ownership, and society can democratically control whatever they own. Think of a table of kindergarteners and they have a box of crayons in the middle. This type of ownership would look like 5 of the kids voting that they use yellow to color the sun, while 3 kids vote for the sun to be colored green. Because 5 > 3, they color the sun yellow. This is opposed to capitalism's private ownership, where instead of society as a whole having ownership, it is one person or a group of people. Next, means of production, the thing that society is owning. Means of production means any facility, resource, or tool that can create a physical and tangible product. Factories, assemblies, oil, uranium, trees, maybe even basic tools like a hammer and nails. (though sometimes the tools are considered too insignificant to qualify) Under socialism, personal property still exists. Family photos, heirlooms, personal belongings, and cars are things you can still privately own because they are NOT means of production. Money does not count as a means of production because it does not directly create a physical or tangible product. Rather, it is used as a medium to exchange for products created by the means of production. Ok, so thats the definition. Next I am going to talk a bit about the different types of socialism. Left Libertarianism: Anarchism and socialist minarchism. Contrary to popular belief, anarchism denotes a socialist economy unless specifically stated to be anarcho-capitalist. These socialist ideologies actually make up the most of the socialist community right now. Most socialists are libertarian socialists. Democratic Socialism: A type of socialism where a representative democracy like what all western civilizations have now is used alongside a socialist economy. Contrary to another popular belief, Europe is not democratic socialist, and one of the more famous examples of this was the Paris Commune. Market Socialism: I'm not a market socialist and I'm not too clear what the exact mechanics are here, but socialism does not always mean planned economy. This ideology wants socialism AND free market to coexist. Market socialists, feel free to expand on this. Marxist Socialism: I don't really want to call this a well fleshed out ideology, because Marxism was a critique of capitalism, not really an ideology of socialism in itself. However, Karl Marx did vaguely go over his idea of socialism. > Karl Marx had said in his works that socialism is ONLY possible if the transitioning country is INDUSTRIALIZED and DEVELOPED. > His thought process on how society would transition was something like this: > **PreCap(feudalism?)** **- > ** > **Capitalism(industrialization/developing)** **- > ** > **Proletarian Revolution** **- > ** > **Socialist state** **- > ** > **Abolishment of state(communism)** Leninist Socialism/all derivatives(Marxist Leninism, Maoism, etc)/Communism: BEFORE I explain this, I must first note something that even socialists get wrong. The word 'communism' is a capitonym. This means that its definition changes based on capitalization. 'C'ommunism is what I will be talking about right here. It refers to Leninist states or states with a vanguard/Communist Party. 'c'ommunism on the otherhand, means stateless, classless, moneyless society. It is the end goal of most socialist ideologies, including the one I am going to talk about here. So, Leninism/Communism is when the 'best of the best' of the workers take control of the government and establish a Communist or Vanguard Party, which should mean a technocracy because the government is controlled by the workers, but this elite group in the government, the state, owns everything as opposed to society. This is justified by saying that the technocratic government is representing the interests of society, so it is social and democratic ownership by an extension. Unlike Marx's idea of socialism where socialism can only be achieved in a developed capitalist state, Leninism was practiced ONLY in undeveloped, newly capitalist or precapitalist states. Lenin seemed fine with this, but he agreed with Marx that the best place for revolution was in a developed country. (which at the time of the early 1900's was Germany) Additionally, when the 'conditions' are 'right' (world socialism has been achieved) the state 'withers away' and the end goal of 'c'ommunism is achieved. In Leninism, there is supposed to be a counteracting 'checks and balances' system called the soviet councils. These are councils across the country made up of workers. Just like how in the US the courts scale all the way to the Supreme court, the councils scale all the way to the Supreme Soviet. This was supposed to exist to counteract the power of the Communist Party. When Stalin came along, he consolidated his power by stripping many of the capabilities of the soviets, including the Supreme Soviet, so that the checks and balances was weak to nonexistent. Next, Social Democracy: Social Democracy technically means 2 different things. It originally meant socialist reformism: the idea that socialism can be attained through reforming of the current system. Social Democracy calls for the reform of our system to democratic socialism. This was unpopular at that time (1800-early 1900's) as most socialists were revolutionaries and believed that the only way for socialism to exist is through a revolution. (democratic socialism was still popular, but most supporters were revolutionaries) Now? Social democracy means a powerful welfare state and a government that actively looks after their citizens. Progressive taxes, free healthcare and education, some state ownership, all hallmarks of a social democracy. This definition of social democracy is NOT socialist, nor does it actually want to be socialist. I'm not going to talk about how socialism could be good or bad for Americans, or how if it works well with other countries, because it seems to boil to opinion and semantics on what 'works well' and 'good and bad' means. If someone wants to share their opinion, yeah go ahead, but OP you will always get a different response. I will finish this off with a real ELI5 example to help understand socialism:"}, {"answer": " > The concept of socialism is incredibly warped in the west, almost entirely as a bad thing. No, not in the West. Just in the US."}, {"answer": " > almost entirely as a bad thing That's not necessarily the case in many countries in Europe, where it's mostly viewed as another political orientation; like the green, conservative, liberal or christian-democratic movements; which exist in many European countries. But I suspect that this perception is equally inaccurate in it's depiction of socialism in it's original form"}, {"answer": "Socialism means that the means of production (factories, farms, etc) are controlled by the workers. So how can that manifest in practice? Well you could have market socialism, for instance. In this case, you'd have a free market just like you do now, but a company would be jointly owned by everyone who worked for it, and the leadership would be elected democratically. If democracy works for states, why not companies? Another option might be a centrally planned economy with a democratically elected government. The \"democratically elected\" part is key, because if the people doing the planning aren't held accountable to the workers, then its not really worker control of the means of production. This is why many socialists would say that the Soviet Union was 'state capitalist' - the means of production were privately controlled by a single ruling party."}, {"answer": "Socialism at its rawest form is everyone collectively trying to help each other. However, just like democracy where everyone is suppose to get one vote, it doesn't necessarily work out in its rawest form. So what you end up with are different takes on Socialism. Social democracy is probably what you have heard the most of recently if you have heard of Bernie Sanders and references to Nordic countries. In Social democracy the economy is still ran in a capitalist economy, meaning private ownership (still some public however), and companies ran how the owners want, but government usually taxes them heavily to provide social programs like education, housing, healthcare, minimum wages and so forth. Marxism-Leninism is the other style of socialism. Where one person or a small party is in charge as a dictatorship (so no removing them), the economy is ran under communism ideologies, so the government owns and controls most of the needs of production, wages, food supplies and everything. And then you can find other types as well, like China which is a dictatorship, that has allowed capitalist ideologies into the countries, but any powerful company is usually going to have a communist party member inserted into their company to watch things."}, {"answer": "There's no more distorted view of what \"socialism\" is than what you have probably picked up in the American public. **Neither Europe nor any other 1st world county is socialist** or even anywhere near to being socialist. The idea that socialism could be a threat to American freedom is just one big fake concept that some people are holding the American public hostage with. You might have heard that Europe is socialist because we get free health care, maternity leave or lots of paid days off. It's almost embarassing that politicans feel like they can actually get away with non-sense like that; maybe they even believe what they are saying but that would be even worse, I guess. These benefits are just as much part of our society as the government buildings roads and highways."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "38860786", "title": "Types of socialism", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["ocialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.", "Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms. Socialist economic systems can be further divided into market and non-market forms. The word thus refers to a broad range of theoretical and historical socioeconomic systems and has also been used by many political movements throughout history to describe themselves and their goals, generating numerous types of socialism."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Contrary (social role)\n\n\nthe ethnological phenomena of contrary behavior, particularly in the tribes of the North American Plains Indians. The Contraries of the Plains Indians were individuals committed to an extraordinary life-style in which they did the opposite of what others normally do. They thus turned all social conventions into their opposites. \"Contrary behavior\" means deliberately doing the opposite of what others routinely or conventionally do. It was usually accompanied by \"inverse speech\", in which one says the opposite of what one actually means. For example, \"no!", "id": "3062760" }, { "contents": "Law in Modern Society\n\n\n. What marks the experience of modernity? What is its place in world history? What is the relationship between ideology and actuality in modern life? Our social theory must be able to reconcile the subjective experience of society with its objective meaning. As history transpires, new puzzles are added to the experience of studying modernity. A large part of the problem of modernity is the difficulty of comparing modern forms of social life: modern Western society with its forbears, and different forms of contemporary society (traditional, revolutionary socialist, postliberal", "id": "11804012" }, { "contents": "Thomas Hill Green\n\n\nas a criterion of actual civic and social institutions. These form, naturally and necessarily, the objective expression of moral ideas, and it is in some civic or social whole that the moral ideal must finally take concrete shape. To ask \"What is man?\" is to ask \"What is experience?\" for experience means that of which I am conscious. The facts of consciousness are the only facts that, to begin with, we are justified in asserting to exist. On the other hand, they are valid", "id": "1411671" }, { "contents": "Landmark Worldwide\n\n\nas people see these invented meanings, they discover that much of what they had assumed to be their \"identity\" is actually just a limiting social construct that they had made up in conversations, in response to events in the past. From this realization, participants in Landmark's programs create new perspectives for what they now see as possible. They are then trained in sharing these with family members, friends and workmates, so that the new possibilities live in the social realm, rather than just in their own minds. In", "id": "20699618" }, { "contents": "Criminology\n\n\n, the \"American Dream\". Most people buy into this dream, and it becomes a powerful cultural and psychological motivator. Merton also used the term \"anomie\", but it meant something slightly different for him than it did for Durkheim. Merton saw the term as meaning a dichotomy between what society expected of its citizens and what those citizens could actually achieve. Therefore, if the social structure of opportunities is unequal and prevents the majority from realizing the dream, some of those dejected will turn to illegitimate means (crime", "id": "14210696" }, { "contents": "Preservation of meaning\n\n\nis repaired rather than ceremoniously cremated, the spiritual integrity of these texts is compromised or destroyed, and the physical object is void of spiritual or cultural meaning. It may at this point actually cease to be what it had been previously identified as, at least in terms of its cultural or spiritual meaning. Admittedly, more work and research needs to be done in regard to preservation of meaning in the area of Library Science. However, it is necessary for libraries and archival institutions to assess their preservation priorities in consideration of social", "id": "9243365" }, { "contents": "Bolivians in the United Kingdom\n\n\nwest side of the country) and \"cambas\" (Guarany indigenous descendants from the east side of the country) remain salient, although less important among youth. Furthermore, what social class one actually belongs to in the UK on the basis of one's income and lifestyle is often less relevant than the perception by other Bolivians of what social class one belonged to in Bolivia; migration to a new country means that both lower-class and upper-class Bolivians find themselves working in the same low-level jobs. One", "id": "4887384" }, { "contents": "Life chances\n\n\none perceives their social class to be since life chances and social class go hand in hand and both reinforce each other. According to Weber this is because life chances are largely determined by economic factors such as social class. The phenomenon of how you perceive things actually affecting the tangible outcomes of life chances is explained by Robert K. Merton's theory of \"self fulfilling prophecy\" which he discusses in his book Social Theory and Social Structure. Essentially what it means is that individuals can tell themselves something like, \"I'm lower", "id": "20511794" }, { "contents": "Robert Lee Barker\n\n\n, has been subsequently used as an instructional textbook for graduate students in marital therapy classes. In the early 1980s Barker served on several panels of social work experts who wrote the questions and answers for the state licensing board examinations. Many of these panels resulted in disagreements about what social workers actually mean when they use their unique terminology. The researchers who conducted these panels wondered why the social work profession could not resolve disputes simply by consulting the dictionaries of their profession's nomenclature. However, up to that point, the social work", "id": "20885813" }, { "contents": "Shock: Social Science Fiction\n\n\nFor this reason, I think that playing Shock can actually be therapeutic: when you're feeling confused about some topic in the news, if you can't decide how you feel about some pressing social issue, if you see a new invention and wonder what it might mean, you can play a Shock game about it. Role-playing it out might help you and your friends work through your thoughts and explore possible consequences. In Shock, I think we might finally have an RPG that does what the best written SF", "id": "259118" }, { "contents": "Phenomenology (sociology)\n\n\nalready pre-interpreted - through both social meanings and through architectural and business intentionality - and 'made meaningful-to-us' as an intersubjectively available \"entity\", any proposal that the subject is creating the object, or creating the meaning of the object as an individual achievement in a particular situation is a misrepresentation of what is actually taking place. Within the 'Natural Attitude of Everyday Life', the subject's role in the constitution of meaningful objects is better understood as a reading off, or interpretation, of", "id": "360596" }, { "contents": "Harold Garfinkel\n\n\nethnographies\" that endeavor to expose the influence of the researcher in organizing the ethnography, or the way many social scientists use \"reflexivity\" as a synonym for \"self-reflection.\" For ethnomethodology reflexivity is an actual, unavoidable feature of everyone's daily life. Garfinkel has frequently illustrated ethnomethodological analysis by means of the illustration of service lines. Everyone knows what it is like to stand in a line. Queues are a part of our everyday social life; they are something within which we all participate as we carry out", "id": "7646027" }, { "contents": "Theory of change\n\n\n. In fact, there is evidence of some confusion about what the term ‘theory of change’ actually means; in some cases, what some program developers describe as a Theory of Change is, in essence, simply log frame, strategic plan or another approach that does not encompass the complexity of the theory of change approach. Practitioners have developed logic models and logical frameworks as strategies and tools to plan and evaluate social change programs. While these models well articulate the goals and resources of an initiative or organization, they give", "id": "11525864" }, { "contents": "Terry Barrett\n\n\nIntentionalism and Hypothetical Intentionalism. Actual Intentionalism is the view that the meaning of a work of art is what its maker meant it to actually mean. Hypothetical Intentionalism is the view that the meaning of a work of art is what an ideal viewer surmises the artist’s intent to have been. In Actual Intentionalism, the artist must have successfully realised his or her intent in the work for it to be interpreted accurately. Conversely, in Hypothetical Intentionalism, the viewer is an ideal viewer and successfully interprets the work. Barret says:", "id": "4600453" }, { "contents": "Bail in the United States\n\n\nthe probabilities of defendants committing crimes or absconding while on pretrial release. This study used the economic definition of socially optimal, defined to be the outcome which results in the minimum incurred cost by society. The result of the analysis revealed that the socially optimum value at which to set bail is much higher than the current average. In fact, the value is closer to what average bail was before the Bail Reform Acts of 1966 and 1984, which means that the best course of bail reform would actually be regressive in nature,", "id": "16350215" }, { "contents": "Hispanic–Latino naming dispute\n\n\nMora, states the following about the term and what she hopes it will mean for her daughter: \"I hope that my daughter will be conscious that the idea of Latino/Hispanic was actually rooted in an effort to work for social justice and political inclusion. Though we are a diverse community, many still grapple with disadvantage, discrimination and underrepresentation. All in all, I hope my daughter will embrace her Latinidad by being conscious of its roots in social justice and by continuing the cause of civil rights and political participation in", "id": "6031973" }, { "contents": "Behavioral ethics\n\n\nBehavioral ethics is a new field of social scientific research that seeks to understand how people actually behave when confronted with ethical dilemmas. It refers to behavior that is judged according to generally accepted norms of behavior. Behavioral ethics lead to the development of ethical models such as the so-called \"bystander intervention\", which describes ethical behavior as far harder to display because of what we learn from social institutions such as family, school, and religion. Here, intervening in an ethically challenging situation means that an individual must go through", "id": "4576005" }, { "contents": "Distributed leadership\n\n\nmanagers through structured observations to document what they actually do. While innovative and exciting at the time, the nature of this documentation was ultimately deemed shallow as it did not differentiate between what was managerial and non-managerial work, there were still unanswered questions about how management was enacted, and it did not explain leadership effectiveness. Understanding leadership from a distributed perspective means looking for leadership activity as situated and social process, drawing on both distributed cognition and activity theory. \"Distributed leadership\" entered the leadership and organizational theory discourse and", "id": "6661130" }, { "contents": "Sexual meanings\n\n\nSexual meanings are the meanings that are attributed, by a particular cultural-social-historical context, to sexual acts and broadly to all the aspects of the erotic dimension of human sexual experience. This also include the beliefs on what is considered sexual and what is not. Sexual meanings are social and cultural constructs, and they are metabolized and subjectivized by the individual only after cultural and social mediation. In the first systematic study on this issue, Michel Foucault, with his 1976 \"History of Sexuality\", was the first", "id": "21121358" }, { "contents": "Mediation (Marxist theory and media studies)\n\n\ncreate, can actually be progressive as audiences struggle to use these media for their own individual purposes, and the media then shift to accommodate these purposes. For Fiske this happens through a process of what he calls “incorporation and excorporation,” a process by which social meanings are mediated by the dominant and subordinate members of a society in an ongoing struggle. In this way, excorporation, is “the process by which the subordinates make their own culture out of the resources and commodities provided by the dominant system, and this", "id": "17157490" }, { "contents": "Rick and Morty (season 3)\n\n\n\"the social justice warriors that Dan had to hire\". Gao stated, \"The people who say [hiring writers should be a meritocracy] have never ever thought about what that actually means and where that meritocracy comes from.\" Following the release of \"Pickle Rick\", one of the season's best-rated episodes, a number of fans participated in an online harassment campaign that targeted female writers of the show—especially Jane Becker and Jessica Gao—as they felt that they were \"ruining the show\"", "id": "15505307" }, { "contents": "Lise Vogel\n\n\nunderstand the role of political subjectivity. What she means is that by paying attention to the existing structures of society, social reproduction feminists leave unexplored the processes through which these structures came to be the way they are, losing the sense of history. Moreover, she claims that due to their economistic reading of Marx's Capital and also as a result of their tendency to abstraction, marxist-feminists don't pay enough attention to race and ethnicity. They ignore “the specificity of differential exploitation that actually exists in an economic organization", "id": "16817262" }, { "contents": "Being Different\n\n\nalternative views of the human and the divine, the body and the mind, and the self and society. Dharma philosophical systems are highly systematized in their approach to understanding ultimate reality and in carefully addressing what one can know through various means of knowledge. However, this rigor does not restrict their freedom in being comfortable with social organization. Indians exhibit remarkable openness to self-organization and decentralization. Malhotra explains the basis for this openness: Dharma actually recognises the need for both Order and Chaos to co-exist in the universe", "id": "17025040" }, { "contents": "Scientology terminology\n\n\nor becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.\" It is also used extensively in offshoots of Scientology, such as the Narconon drug rehabilitation program or the Applied Scholastics education program. Scientologists often use Scientology terminology in non-Scientology contexts as well, such as in social or office situations. This can actually wreak havoc for a member of the public hears the word \"communication\" coming from a Scientologist and he thinks he understands what \"communication\" means but", "id": "17862357" }, { "contents": "Sustainable management\n\n\nmoving fast. The trend towards sustainable management means that organizations are beginning to implement a systems wide approach that links in the various parts of the business with the greater environment at large. As sustainable management institutions adapt, it becomes imperative that they include an image of sustainable responsibility that is projected for the public to see. This is because firms are socially based organizations. But this can be a double edged sword, because sometimes they end up focusing too much on their image rather than actually focusing on implementing what they are trying", "id": "18919365" }, { "contents": "Deity\n\n\nactual threats, such as wild animals or human enemies. Humans are also inclined to think teleologically and ascribe meaning and significance to their surroundings, a trait which may lead people to believe in a creator-deity. This may have developed as a side effect of human social intelligence, the ability to discern what other people are thinking. Stories of encounters with supernatural beings are especially likely to be retold, passed on, and embellished due to their descriptions of standard ontological categories (person, artifact, animal, plant, natural", "id": "19034671" }, { "contents": "Visionary\n\n\ncomputing. Some people use mathematics to make visionary discoveries in the nature of the universe. In that sense, a visionary may also function as a secular prophet. Some visionaries emphasize communication, and some assume a figurehead role in organizing a social group. In other words, a visionary means that a person can see what something could be long before it actually happens. The ability to get a clear picture of the future is the reason the concept is also used in the business field to denote a leader who is able to", "id": "289274" }, { "contents": "Clergy\n\n\nauthority and political power. What this means is that the sacred king or queen is therefore seen to combine both kingship and priesthood within his or her person, even though he or she is often aided by an actual high priest or priestess (see, for example, the Maya priesthood). When the functions of political ruler and religious leader are combined in this way, deification could be seen to be the next logical stage of his or her social advancement within his or her native environment, as is found in the case", "id": "5280263" }, { "contents": "Forbidding what is evil\n\n\nForbidding what is evil ( \"Nahy ani l-Munkar\"), is a part of Islam and means, for example, to oppose injustice. In a more political and social context, Muslims are divided: Some believe that one should not take a social stance unless the Caliph orders. It is derived from the Quranic command what is good and forbid what is wrong. The phrase \"Forbidding what is Evil\" comes from several Qur'anic ayah (verses). \"al-Munkar\" means literally \"the rejected\"", "id": "3674066" }, { "contents": "XML editor\n\n\n(\"What You See Is What You Get\") editors, but not all of them are WYSIWYG: graphical XML editors can be WYSIWYG when they try to display the final rendering or WYSIWYM (\"What You See Is What You Mean\") when they try to display the actual meaning of XML elements. When they are not WYSIWYG, they do not display the (or one of the) graphical end result of a document, but instead focus on conveying the meaning of the text. They use DTDs or XML", "id": "3350932" }, { "contents": "Meaning (philosophy of language)\n\n\nboth these cases, the speaker's meaning and the semantic meaning seem to be different. Sometimes words do not actually express what the speaker wants them to express; so words will mean one thing, and what people intend to convey by them might mean another. The meaning of the expression, in such cases, is ambiguous. W.V. Quine attacked both verificationism and the very notion of meaning in his famous essay, \"Two Dogmas of Empiricism\". In it, he suggested that meaning was nothing more than a vague and", "id": "14743640" }, { "contents": "Escapism\n\n\nrole of vicarious distractions in shifting unwanted moods, especially anger and sadness. However, if permanent residence is taken up in some such psychic retreats, the results will often be negative and even pathological. Drugs cause some forms of escapism which can occur when certain mind-altering drugs are taken which make the participant forget the reality of where they are or what they are meant to be doing. Some social critics warn of attempts by the powers that control society to provide means of escapism instead of actually bettering the condition of the", "id": "13144369" }, { "contents": "Recycling\n\n\ninformal recycling to be legitimized as a paid public sector job. Because the social support of a country is likely to be less than the loss of income to the poor undertaking recycling, there is a greater chance the poor will come in conflict with the large recycling organizations. This means fewer people can decide if certain waste is more economically reusable in its current form rather than being reprocessed. Contrasted to the recycling poor, the efficiency of their recycling may actually be higher for some materials because individuals have greater control over what is", "id": "20353021" }, { "contents": "Open Source Judaism\n\n\nand publicity of Judaism than its actual improvement and evolution.) Early confusion over the means by which \"open-source\" projects collaborate, led some Jewish social entrepreneurs inspired by Rushkoff's idea to develop their work without indicating a license, publicly sharing code, or attributing content. Others offered \"Open Source\" as a model to be emulated but expressed no understanding of the role open-source licensing played in open-source collaboration and no opinion as to what role said licenses might serve for an Open Source Judaism.", "id": "7264313" }, { "contents": "Dyssemia\n\n\nof studies by Albert Mehrabian showed that in face-to-face interactions, 55 percent of the emotional meaning of a message is expressed through facial, postural, and gestural means, and 38 percent of the emotional meaning is transmitted through the tone of voice. Only seven percent of the emotional meaning is actually expressed with words.\" Dyssemia represents the social dysfunction aspect of nonverbal learning disorder. The social interactions of dyssemic adults tend to be immature and complex, even though their non-relational reasoning ranges from normal to gifted", "id": "19630238" }, { "contents": "Campaign Against Psychiatric Abuse\n\n\n. The group issued correspondence, bulletins, and other documents which are deposited in the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam. The group was so effective that by the early 1980s Soviet psychiatry had pariah status. Opposition in Britain including the Campaign Against Psychiatric Abuse led the Royal College of Psychiatrists to establish the Special Committee on the Political Abuse of Psychiatry in 1978. The Campaign Against Psychiatric Abuse actually never said what its fallback position was, this must mean that the Campaign favoured confinement of the innocent in prisons instead of mental hospitals", "id": "10274816" }, { "contents": "Social stigma\n\n\namount of generalization is required to create groups, meaning that people will put someone in a general group regardless of how well the person actually fits into that group. However, the attributes that society selects differ according to time and place. What is considered out of place in one society could be the norm in another. When society categorizes individuals into certain groups the labeled person is subjected to status loss and discrimination. Society will start to form expectations about those groups once the cultural stereotype is secured. Stigma may affect the behavior", "id": "11779055" }, { "contents": "Critical realism (philosophy of the social sciences)\n\n\ntake place, the object of that investigation must have real, manipulable, internal mechanisms that can be \"actualized\" to produce particular outcomes. This is what we do when we conduct experiments. This stands in contrast to empiricist scientists' claim that all scientists can do is observe the relationship between cause and effect and impose meaning. Whilst empiricism, and positivism more generally, locate causal relationships at the level of events, critical realism locates them at the level of the generative mechanism, arguing that causal relationships are irreducible to empirical", "id": "20891418" }, { "contents": "Sonnet 20\n\n\nwhat we would consider to be homosexual behaviour, but the idea of a \"gay culture\" or \"gay identity\" did not exist. Charles goes on to say that early modern laws against sodomy had very few transgressors, which means that either people did not engage in homosexual behavior or these acts were more socially acceptable than the modern reader would think. Shakespeare's awareness of the possible homoeroticism in Sonnet 20 does not necessarily illuminate whether or not he himself was actually practicing homosexual behavior. One of the most famous accounts to", "id": "5508783" }, { "contents": "Dipolar theism\n\n\nand persuasion. From this conclusion, some reject the existence of an omnipotent God. Those rejecting dipolar theism argue that it fails to distinguish between what we \"think\" God is and what God \"actually\" is. Just because we think God should be a certain way in order to embody our idea of perfection does not mean he embodies those characteristics in reality. This critique is analogous to the critique of Anselm's ontological argument by Gaunilo: \"Just because I can imagine a perfect island does not mean that it actually", "id": "21752795" }, { "contents": "Indexicality\n\n\naddition to simply making a proposition about a state of affairs, actually enters into a socially constituted type of agreement with the addressee, a wager. Thus, concludes Silverstein, \"[t]he problem set for us when we consider the actual broader uses of language is to describe the total meaning of constituent linguistic signs, only part of which is semantic.\" This broader study of linguistic signs relative to their general communicative functions is pragmatics, and these broader aspects of the meaning of utterances is \"pragmatic meaning\". (From", "id": "18381021" }, { "contents": "Semiotics of photography\n\n\nSemiotics) is arbitrary in that the meanings brought to the image are based on rules or conventions that the reader has learnt. Connotation attaches additional meaning to the first signifier, which is why the first signifier is often described in multiple words that include things like camera angle, color, lighting, etc. It is the immediate cultural meaning from what is seen in the picture, but not what is actually there. Connotation is what is implied by the image. According to Roland Barthes the coded iconic message is the story that", "id": "10663664" }, { "contents": "Socialized medicine\n\n\n. When offered descriptions of what such a system could mean, strong majorities believed that it means \"the government makes sure everyone has health insurance\" (79%) and \"the government pays most of the cost of health care\" (73%). One third (32%) felt that socialized medicine is a system in which \"the government tells doctors what to do.\" The poll showed \"striking differences\" by party affiliation. Among Republicans polled, 70% said that socialized medicine would be worse than", "id": "14131908" }, { "contents": "Social sharing of emotions\n\n\nparticipants. For collective social sharing, this may mean that the emotions elicited by the event are reactivated in the people who actually experienced the event, or that the emotional event is being reproduced for successive generations who did not actually experience the event because the event represents an important memory of the group. Following this idea, the collective rituals and symbols are linkened to conventional social sharing situations, which both cause a reactivation of the emotions that were lived or relived. People possess an inherent ensemble of basic beliefs about themselves, others", "id": "10732394" }, { "contents": "Gordon Merrick\n\n\nobvious romanticism; others do so because he sprinkles explicit scenes of gay sexual intercourse throughout each novel.But underneath the handsome blonde studs with too much wealth falling in love on the Côte d'Azur, are fairly progressive and even radical conceptualizations of what it means to be gay, the likelihood of self-actualization, identity politics, and the role that power plays in relationships. In his later works, Merrick rejected socially imposed roles and labels, insisting that each gay person question the assumptions underlying his life. Gordon Merrick broke new", "id": "10862490" }, { "contents": "Craniopagus twins\n\n\nthis control panel and so when one girl drinks the other one feels it. This along with many other cases, has advanced social media and neurological related research concerning this kind of link between craniopagus twins. Unfortunately, no controlled studies have been done because the twins are so young and their brains are still very malleable and plastic. Although there is not an overwhelming amount of research surrounding how the union between craniopagus twins leads to different personality, cognitive and motor traits, there have been some studies exploring what it actually means to", "id": "2246371" }, { "contents": "Capitalism: A Love Story\n\n\nthe 2008 presidential campaign of Democratic Senator Barack Obama, who is demonised as a \"socialist\". He notes that the smears against Obama don't work, as support for him increases and people become curious as to what socialism actually means. He profiles Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans, who orders an end to foreclosures; the Miami Low Income Families Fighting Together, who re-occupy foreclosed homes; and workers at Republic Windows and Doors, who organised a sit-down strike after being fired without severance, vacation time,", "id": "6945097" }, { "contents": "Education in Latin America\n\n\nin East Asia. One major problem facing students in higher education in Latin America is that of educational equity. This issue includes economic equality, disparity amongst socioeconomic classes and therefore access to higher education. As mentioned above, a majority of higher education students within Latin America come from the middle class. But one must look at what this actually means: Latin America currently showcases the lowest rates of income distribution (across society), especially when compared to other parts of the industrialized world. In addition, levels of social injustice", "id": "7524557" }, { "contents": "Apocalypticism\n\n\nscholars came to accept that the apocalypse would occur sometime between 979-1042. Although there were debates about the apocalypse itself, few people actually understood the consequences of what would happen if the apocalypse occurred. Unfortunately, few documents from around the year 1000 exist to actually interpret what people thought would happen, and because of this, many scholars are unaware of what people actually felt. People do understand that the idea of apocalypticism has influenced several Western Christian European leaders into social reform. Some historians, such as Richard Landes,", "id": "10504845" }, { "contents": "Doris Salcedo\n\n\nhow this system, being in jail and then going out, has so many collateral effects that a fairly large portion of the population are not allowed to be alive. The idea of having a large portion of the population excluded from civil rights, from many, many possibilities, implies that you have people that can almost be considered socially dead. What does it mean to be socially dead? What does it mean to be alive and not able to participate? It’s like being dead in life. That’s what I", "id": "1173936" }, { "contents": "Public opinion\n\n\nto the news reader. Social desirability is another key component to the formation of public opinion. Social desirability is the idea that people in general will form their opinions based on what they believe is the prevalent opinion of the social group they identify with. Based on media agenda setting and media framing, most often a particular opinion gets repeated throughout various news mediums and social networking sites, until it creates a false vision where the perceived truth can actually be very far away from the actual truth. When asked for their opinion on", "id": "2963761" }, { "contents": "Social epistemology\n\n\nSocial epistemology refers to a broad set of approaches that can be taken in the study of knowledge that construes human knowledge as a collective achievement. Another way of characterizing social epistemology is as the evaluation of the social dimensions of knowledge or information. It is sometimes simplified to mean a social justification of belief. One of the enduring difficulties with defining \"social epistemology\" that arises is the attempt to determine what the word \"knowledge\" means in this context. There is also a challenge in arriving at a definition of \"social", "id": "8490109" }, { "contents": "Deadache\n\n\nand our singer, Mr. Lordi, thought that he made that up, that whole word. Like, headache and deadache, but he heard it actually means something.\" [Mr. Amen] \"It actually, the title, it means something. Actually we had sixty songs to choose from and we picked out fifteen songs. We didn't think any (musical) directions or anything, we just did what we have.\" [Kita] \"Usually we don't think (laughs)\" [Amen] \"", "id": "20754115" }, { "contents": "Latin syntax\n\n\nconfusion, since the \"quīn\" clause, though positive in Latin, is translated in English with a negative: In the following context, the words after \" express not what actually happened but what very nearly happened: The pronoun \" 'who' or 'which', when followed by a subjunctive, can mean 'a person such as' (generic): It can also mean 'in order to' (purpose): Another meaning is 'in view of the fact that' (giving an explanation)", "id": "15191280" }, { "contents": "Experimental pragmatics\n\n\n\"sentence meaning\" (what the words and grammar mean) and \"speaker’s meaning\" (what the speaker actually intended to communicate by uttering a sentence). According to Grice, understanding an utterance requires access to, or making hypotheses about, the speaker’s intention and thus involves going beyond the meanings of the words in the sentence. The experimental turn was the result of an effort to test theories that had until then relied largely on intuition. The most investigated topic in experimental pragmatics is scalar implicature, which concerns", "id": "22067286" }, { "contents": "Role theory\n\n\nout multiple roles that carry contradictory expectations. Substantial debate exists in the field over the meaning of the \"role\" in role theory. A role can be defined as a social position, behavior associated with a social position, or a typical behavior. Some theorists have put forward the idea that roles are essentially expectations about how an individual ought to behave in a given situation, while others consider it means how individuals actually behave in a given social position. Others have suggested that a role is a characteristic behavior or expected behavior", "id": "12181043" }, { "contents": "Actus primus\n\n\nactuality\" when viewed in the light of what precedes, and \"potentiality\" when viewed in the light of what follows (see \"actus et potentia\"), the meaning of the term \"first actuality\" may vary according to the view one takes, and the point where the series is made to begin. Primary matter (see matter and form) is a pure potentiality, and the substantial form is its first determination, its first actuality. The complete substance constituted by these two principles receives further determinations, which", "id": "16583974" }, { "contents": "F. C. S. Schiller\n\n\nstatement of the narrower pragmatism, and ask what in the concrete, and in actual knowing, 'having consequences ' may mean, we develop inevitably the fullblown pragmatism in the wider sense. Given Schiller's view that the meaning of a thought amounts to the consequences one means to bring about by the thought, Schiller further concluded that the truth of a thought depends on whether it actually brings about the consequences one intended. For example, if while following a cooking recipe that called for salt I were to think to myself,", "id": "21812526" }, { "contents": "Social intelligence\n\n\ntopic, psychologists Nancy Cantor and John Kihlstrom outlined the kinds of concepts people use to make sense of their social relations (e.g., “What situation am I in?, What kind of person is this?, Who is talking to me?”), the rules they use to draw inferences (“What did he mean by that?”) and plan actions (“What am I going to do about it?”). Sameer M Babu is a professor who wrote an article about classroom climate and social", "id": "2560769" }, { "contents": "Convention (norm)\n\n\nthe social context, a context that varies through time and place. That means a social rule changes over time within the same society. What was acceptable in the past may no longer be the case. Similarly, rules differ across space: what is acceptable in one society may not be so in another. Social rules reflect what is \"acceptable\" or \"normal\" behaviour in any situation. Michel Foucault's concept of discourse is closely related to social rules as it offers a possible explanation how these rules are shaped and", "id": "7937197" }, { "contents": "Abraham Maslow\n\n\nfriends and family rather than a large number of shallow relationships. Self-actualizing people tend to focus on problems outside themselves; have a clear sense of what is true and what is false; are spontaneous and creative; and are not bound too strictly by social conventions. Maslow noticed that self-actualized individuals had a better insight of reality, deeply accepted themselves, others and the world, and also had faced many problems and were known to be impulsive people. These self-actualized individuals were very independent and private when", "id": "8020972" }, { "contents": "Modern Stoicism\n\n\nsituation in it [...] before we deliberate about normative matters. It means facing those facts - accepting them for exactly what they are, no more and no less - before we draw normative conclusions from them. It means doing ethics from the facts constructing normative propositions a posteriori. It means adjusting those normative propositions to fit changes in the facts, and accepting those adjustments for exactly what they are, no more and no less. And it means living within the facts - within the realm of actual rather than hypothetical norm", "id": "5536778" }, { "contents": "Social learning theory\n\n\nthe ability of modeling – a means by which humans \"represent actual outcomes symbolically\". These models, cognitively mediated, allow future consequences to have as much of an impact as actual consequences would in a typical S-R theory. An important factor in Social Learning Theory is the concept of reciprocal determinism. This notion states that just as an individual's behavior is influenced by the environment, the environment is also influenced by the individual's behavior. In other words, a person's behavior, environment, and personal qualities", "id": "17614748" }, { "contents": "Leopold von Ranke\n\n\nbenefit of future ages. To such high offices this work does not aspire: It wants only to show what actually happened (\"wie es eigentlich gewesen\")\". Ranke's statement that history should embrace the principle of \"wie es eigentlich gewesen\" (meaning \"how things actually were\") was subsequently taken by many historians as their guiding principle. There has been much debate over the precise meaning of this phrase. Some have argued that adhering to the principle of \"wie es eigentlich gewesen\" means that the", "id": "9494204" }, { "contents": "Symbolic interactionism\n\n\n\"Negotiated order theory\" also applies a structural approach. Language is viewed as the source of all meaning. Blumer illuminates several key features about social interactionism. Most people interpret things based on assignment and purpose. The interaction occurs once the meaning of something has become identified. This concept of meaning is what starts to construct the framework of social reality. By aligning social reality, Blumer suggests that language is the meaning of interaction. Communication, especially in the form of symbolic interactionism is connected with language. Language initiates all forms", "id": "11363152" }, { "contents": "Memory conformity\n\n\nthat in social situations, people are more likely to make statements that they do not believe, in order to conform to social norms and to gain social acceptance. For example, research has shown that people who have social interactions after an event are more likely to change their thoughts about the event to something other than what they actually witnessed. In one experiment, 60% of participants reported findings that they could not possibly have witnessed. Information influence describes a kind of conformity in which people tend to report what someone else has", "id": "17511671" }, { "contents": "Nikolas Kompridis\n\n\n—since, evidently, the space in which it can still be meaningfully posed, and thus the space in which a meaningful response could be fashioned, is shrinking at an alarming rate.\" While acknowledging that in a culturally plural world, there can be no single or essentialist conception of what it means to be human, Kompridis nonetheless argues that \"we have an obligation to deepen our understanding of what it is that is actually threatened\" by the new technologies. Otherwise, the question of what it means to be human", "id": "19778654" }, { "contents": "Corporate social entrepreneurship\n\n\n. Depending on the exact corporate program, what is socially beneficially and ethical at a small scale may not be such at a larger scale. Thus the problem of what is socially responsible in corporate entrepreneurship and what is an ethical business practice is far from solved. Importantly, social corporate entrepreneurship activity has yet to be quantified on any objective scale, meaning that claims by businesses about their entrepreneurial activities are hard to assess. There is some evidence which supports the idea that businesses which are ethical as reported by their employees are higher", "id": "12587445" }, { "contents": "Nightclub\n\n\nformer is created by consumers consuming the product, and the latter occurs by the production of the product by the industry. In the consumption case, the negative externality is created when the social marginal benefit of consumption is lower than the actual marginal benefit in the market, meaning consumers are consuming too much. In the production scenario, the negative externality is created when the social marginal cost of production is higher than the actual marginal cost in the market, so producers are producing too much. An example of a negative externality created", "id": "9304053" }, { "contents": "Nightclub\n\n\nlevels of 40dB at night. 57% of the population sampled also indicated that the noise lead to irritability, fatigue and sleeping disorders. As we can see in this example, the marginal cost of nightclubs are too low, as their noise creates a nuisance for the people around them. Therefore, the socially optimum marginal cost is higher than their actual marginal cost, meaning that the supply of nightclubs should be lower such that the social marginal cost would equal the actual marginal cost. A distinctive feature of a nightclub is also", "id": "9304055" }, { "contents": "Stepwise regression\n\n\nthe dataset (e.g., 30%) as a validation set to assess the accuracy of the model. Accuracy is then often measured as the actual standard error (SE), MAPE (Mean absolute percentage error), or mean error between the predicted value and the actual value in the hold-out sample. This method is particularly valuable when data are collected in different settings (e.g., different times, social vs. solitary situations) or when models are assumed to be generalizable. Stepwise regression procedures are used in data mining", "id": "11683593" }, { "contents": "Terry Barrett\n\n\nTo believe that a work of art means what its maker meant it to mean is to adhere to what is known in criticism and aesthetics as an Intentionalist position of interpretation. There are many objections to intentionalism such as the “Intentionalist Fallacy” – it is very difficult, if not impossible to know what the artist's intentions were. One should remember that it is artworks we attempt to interpret, not artists. One should also remember that intention indicates ambition and not necessarily achievement. There are two types of Intentionalism: Actual", "id": "4600452" }, { "contents": "Dhyāna in Buddhism\n\n\njhana means in the commentaries is something quite different from what it means in the Canon.\" Bhante Henepola Gunaratana also notes that what \"the suttas say is not the same as what the Visuddhimagga says [...] they are actually different,\" leading to a divergence between a [traditional] scholarly understanding and a practical understanding based on meditative experience. Gunaratana further notes that Buddhaghosa invented several key meditation terms which are not to be found in the suttas, such as \"\"parikamma samadhi\" (preparatory concentration), \"", "id": "5974651" }, { "contents": "Social technology\n\n\nSocial Technology\" in which he renamed this social art as 'social technology', and described it as 'a system of conscious and purposeful organization of persons in which every actual, natural social organization finds its true place, and all factors in harmony cooperate to realize an increasing aggregate and better proportions of the \"health, wealth, beauty, knowledge, sociability, and rightness\" desires.' In 1923, the term social technology was given a wider meaning in the works of Ernest Burgess and Thomas D. Eliot, who", "id": "2298219" }, { "contents": "Self-actualization\n\n\nlife. Whether famous or unknown, educated or not, rich or poor, self-actualizers tend to fit the following profile. Maslow's self-actualizing characteristics are: Maslow early noted his impression that \"impulsivity, the unrestrained expression of any whim, the direct seeking for 'kicks' and for non-social and purely private pleasures ... is often mislabelled self-actualization.\" In this sense, \"self-actualization\" is little more than what Eric Berne described as the game of \"'Self-Expression", "id": "20772660" }, { "contents": "Pragmatic language impairment\n\n\nPragmatic language impairment (PLI), is an impairment in understanding pragmatic aspects of language. This type of impairment was previously called semantic-pragmatic disorder (SPD). People with these impairments have special challenges with the semantic aspect of language (the meaning of what is being said) and the pragmatics of language (using language appropriately in social situations). It is assumed that those with autism have difficulty with \"the meaning of what is being said\" due to different ways of responding to social situations. PLI is now", "id": "21484892" }, { "contents": "Rudolf Virchow\n\n\ntheir theoretical solution: the politician, the practical anthropologist, must find the means for their actual solution... Science for its own sake usually means nothing more than science for the sake of the people who happen to be pursuing it. Knowledge which is unable to support action is not genuine – and how unsure is activity without understanding... If medicine is to fulfill her great task, then she must enter the political and social life... The physicians are the natural attorneys of the poor, and the social problems should largely be solved", "id": "12953799" }, { "contents": "Association of Christian Democratic Students\n\n\nof a society in which people have the opportunity to free self-actualization and with that the chance of an active, social commitment to the community and overall society. The RCDS as an organization commits itself to the European maxim United in Diversity. The RCDS pleads for pan-European studying as well as for the European Higher Education Area. The RCDS supports the social market economy in which the country should serve a competitive environment. For the enhancement of universities this means that the state should provide every university with adequate financial means", "id": "14586475" }, { "contents": "Social credit\n\n\nof a social credit dispensation, most would end their service to Mammon and use their free time to pursue spiritual, intellectual or cultural goals resulting in self-development. Douglas opposed what he termed \"the pyramid of power\". Totalitarianism represents this pyramid and is the antithesis of social credit. It turns the government into an end instead of a means, and the individual into a means instead of an end – \"Demon est deus inversus\" – “the Devil is God upside down.” Social credit is designed to", "id": "487286" }, { "contents": "Socialism\n\n\nprogressivism. For Andrew Vincent, \"[t]he word ‘socialism’ finds its root in the Latin \"sociare\", which means to combine or to share. The related, more technical term in Roman and then medieval law was \"societas\". This latter word could mean companionship and fellowship as well as the more legalistic idea of a consensual contract between freemen\". The term \"socialism\" was created by Henri de Saint-Simon, one of the founders of what would later be labelled \"utopian socialism\".", "id": "7030779" }, { "contents": "Cordobilla de Lácara\n\n\nCapital of the cooperative. Suguna contributed by each social capital than they have in society is different for each partner what he has made during his years as a member of the cooperative. The Social Capital is what has allowed the modernization of the means of transformation of the olive oil. Currently the conversion is done by means of modern amenities. During the year 1997, begins the great conversion of the olive groves of Lácara Cordobilla, all integrated in the Cooperative The Lácara, beginning its transformation into ECOLOGICAL OLIVARES, olive groves which", "id": "5733631" }, { "contents": "Alfred Schütz\n\n\nalso, how this reality comes to assume the form it is. In essence, Schutz and social phenomenologists are principally concerned with the happenings of everyday life or what Schutz refers to as the ‘lifeworld’. As noted by Ritzer (2011) the lifeworld “is an intersubjective world in which people both create social reality and are constrained by the preexisting social and cultural structures created by their predecessors.\" Within this world, relationships between the social and natural world are what come into doubt. There is this existence of meaning", "id": "15762319" }, { "contents": "S. Craig Watkins\n\n\nwebsite after a decade of research, observation and interviews with hundreds of young adults. He believes that media includes both technology and a social context. Depending on gender, age and race directs how social media is used and in what platforms. Watkins' understanding of the digital youth and new social platforms is unique. Watkins most recent book \"The Young and the Digital: What the Migration to Social Network Sites, Games, and Anytime, Anywhere Media Means for our Future\" analyzes the relationship between students and social media.", "id": "16594012" }, { "contents": "...Baby One More Time (song)\n\n\nmean physically hit me. [...] It means just give me a sign, basically. I think it's kind of funny that people would actually think that's what it meant.\" Music journalist John Seabrook has said \"Everybody thought it was some sort of weird allusion to domestic violence or something. But what it really was the Swedes using English incorrectly. What they really wanted to say was, “hit me up on the phone one more time” or something. But at that point, Max’s English", "id": "12271021" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Tokelau\n\n\nbasic and are now what is incorporated in the Constitution of Tokelau 2007. Tokelau accepts the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The right to an education is found in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 13 of ICESCR. The Constitution of Tokelau gives no indication to the meaning of each individual right, therefore ICESCR can be used to define what the right to education actually means. ICESCR goes into some detail of what the right to education entails. It states all primary education should be free", "id": "18793540" }, { "contents": "Libertarian socialism\n\n\nthe original meaning of the term; hence libertarian socialism is equivalent to \"socialist anarchism\" to these scholars. In the context of the European socialist movement, libertarian has conventionally been used to describe those who opposed state socialism such as Mikhail Bakunin. The association of socialism with libertarianism predates that of capitalism and many anti-authoritarians still decry what they see as a mistaken association of capitalism with libertarianism in the United States. As Noam Chomsky put it, a consistent libertarian \"must oppose private ownership of the means of production and", "id": "18303309" }, { "contents": "External validity\n\n\nwill produce responses that may not match the behavior of people who are actually in the same situation. We cannot depend on people's predictions about what they would do in a hypothetical situation; we can only find out what people will really do when we construct a situation that triggers the same psychological processes as occur in the real world. Social psychologists study the way in which people in general are susceptible to social influence. Several experiments have documented an interesting, unexpected example of social influence, whereby the mere knowledge that others", "id": "9467335" }, { "contents": "Passive intellect\n\n\n. In Aristotle's philosophy of mind, the passive intellect \"is what it is by becoming all things.\" By this Aristotle means that the passive intellect can potentially become anything by receiving that thing's intelligible form. The active intellect (\"nous poietikos\") is then required to illuminate the passive intellect to make the potential knowledge into knowledge in actuality, in the same way that light makes potential colors into actual colors. The analysis of this distinction is very brief, which has led to dispute as to what it", "id": "1530303" }, { "contents": "Constructivism (international relations)\n\n\nall. Neorealist conclusions, as such, depend entirely on unspoken and unquestioned assumptions about the way in which the meaning of social institutions are constructed by actors. Crucially, because Neorealists fail to recognize this dependence, they falsely assume that such meanings are unchangeable, and exclude the study of the processes of social construction which actually do the key explanatory work behind neorealist observations. As constructivists reject neorealism's conclusions about the determining effect of anarchy on the behavior of international actors, and move away from neorealism's underlying materialism, they create", "id": "845105" }, { "contents": "Real socialism\n\n\nThe concept of real socialism alluded to a future highly developed socialist system. However, the lagging productivity growth and insufficient standard of living in the Comecon countries caused the phrase \"real socialism\" to be increasingly perceived as dishonest and unreal. The actual party claims of nomenclatory socialism began to acquire not only negative, but also sarcastic meanings. In later years and especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the term began to be remembered as only one thing, i.e. as a reference for Soviet-style socialism. After World", "id": "11101682" }, { "contents": "Types of socialism\n\n\nof libertarian socialism. Examples of market socialism include: economic democracy, the Lange model, the New Economic Mechanism, Ricardian socialism, liberal socialism and mutualism. A socialist market economy refers to the economic systems adopted by the People's Republic of China and Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Although there is dispute as to whether or not these models actually constitute state capitalism, the decisive means of production remain under state-ownership. State enterprises are organized into corporations (corporatization) and operate like private capitalist enterprises. A substantial private sector", "id": "12977697" }, { "contents": "Streets of Fire\n\n\non Ellen Aim's songs \"Nowhere Fast\", \"Never Be You\" and \"Sorcerer\", and supporting vocals on \"Tonight Is What It Means to Be Young.\" The version of \"Sorcerer,\" composed by Stevie Nicks, that was featured on the actual soundtrack album was performed by Marilyn Martin. The version of \"Never Be You\" that was featured on the soundtrack album was performed by Maria McKee. Two songs written by Jim Steinman were part of the soundtrack: \"Tonight Is What It Means", "id": "18438986" }, { "contents": "Hunky Dory\n\n\nprovided me, for the first time in my life, with an actual audience – I mean, people actually coming up to me and saying, 'Good album, good songs.' That hadn't happened to me before. It was like, 'Ah, I'm getting it, I'm finding my feet. I'm starting to communicate what I want to do. Now: what is it I want to do?' There was always a double whammy there.\" All tracks written by David Bowie,", "id": "2833516" }, { "contents": "Völkisch equality\n\n\nthe rights of those of German blood. The Nazis advocated a welfare state for German citizens (able Germans of Aryan racial descent) as a means to provide social justice and eliminate social barriers between the German people. The Nazis provided equal access to education for talented children of workers and peasants. Hitler claimed that equality of opportunity for all racially sound German males was the meaning of the \"socialism\" of National Socialism. The Nazis sought to dismantle what they deemed to be an unnatural hierarchy of the middle class and nobility who", "id": "12923853" }, { "contents": "Actualizing tendency\n\n\nand motivations. The actualizing tendency, however, is only partially available to the individual's phenomenal field, and is not always fully subject to conscious reflection and effective symbolisation (the process by which an individual makes meaning from their experience). Psychologist Les Greenberg said: \"I disagree with Rogers and client-centered theory with regard to the inborn nature of the actualizing tendency and what it is in therapy that releases the growth tendency.\" Greenberg and Richard van Balen explained that instead of the idea of the actualizing tendency,", "id": "6632198" }, { "contents": "Social undermining\n\n\n) they make cognitive comparisons known as counterfactual thoughts; i.e., they compare what actually happened to what might have been. The results show that social undermining is closely related to attitudes and behavior regarding one person being or feeling \"singled out\". While social undermining can affect a person's behavior and attitude on their job, it can also bring about envy. Envy can have a positive or negative effect: positive effects include increased performance or attempts at self-improvement. However, envy can have some very harmful effects,", "id": "1240070" }, { "contents": "Positivism\n\n\nrarely actually speak directly to each other. To complicate the issues further, few practicing scholars explicitly state their epistemological commitments, and their epistemological position thus has to be guessed from other sources such as choice of methodology or theory. However, no perfect correspondence between these categories exists, and many scholars critiqued as \"positivists\" are actually postpositivists. One scholar has described this debate in terms of the social construction of the \"other\", with each side defining the other by what it is \"not\" rather than what it", "id": "4818777" }, { "contents": "U.S. News & World Report\n\n\nmatters not a bit what students actually learn on campus, or how a college actually contributes to the intellectual, ethical and personal growth of students while on campus, or how that institution contributes to the public good [...] and then, when you consider that student SAT scores are profoundly correlated [to] parental income and education levels – the social class that a child is born into and grows up with – you begin to understand what a corrupt emperor 'America's Best Colleges' really is. The ranking amounts to", "id": "7065535" }, { "contents": "Language\n\n\nthrough writing or hand signing. The form of linguistic expression often does not correspond to the meaning that it actually has in a social context. For example, if at a dinner table a person asks, \"Can you reach the salt?\", that is, in fact, not a question about the length of the arms of the one being addressed, but a request to pass the salt across the table. This meaning is implied by the context in which it is spoken; these kinds of effects of meaning are", "id": "17642435" }, { "contents": "Iron Fist (season 1)\n\n\nday basis... high-level corporation, Big Pharma, things like that\". Actor Finn Jones added the season examined \"corporate corruption and corporate responsibility in the modern world, and... how much do corporations have impact on society? And what we actually look at in the show is the heroin epidemic of the city, and how corporations maybe actually fund the heroin epidemic, and what that means to society\". In terms of Rand donning a comic-based costume in the season, Buck stated, \"There was", "id": "15071247" } ]
What exactly is the church of Scientology and why is there such controversy around it?
[{"answer": "A prolific SF writer named L. Ron Hubbard reportedly said to some colleagues one time \"The real way to get rich is to start your own religion.\" He later wrote a book called \"Dianetics\" which gave people advice about how their own BS was holding them back from success in life. It was mostly stuff he made up, but the book became a best seller. The book became the basis of the teachings of the Church of Scientology, which Hubbard founded. (He later claimed that Dianetics was revealed to him when he died in a dentist's chair and then came back to life.) People have many, many issues with Scientology. It isn't really much like most other religions, and a lot of people believe that its status as a religion is just a tax dodge. (Including the German government.) You have to pay to get in, and have to continue to pay over time. As you go up in levels and learn more of the core teachings, you get to some stuff that isn't just New Age psychobabble, it's certifiably crazy. (Of course, you have to invest a lot of time and money to even get to the point of those being revealed to you.) If you really want to learn more, google \"Xenu\" or \"Thetans\". There's a fairly recent book called \"Going Clear\" by Lawrence Wright that goes through all this, if you are interested. I've heard some interviews with the author, and he's done his homework. It's actually quite interesting, in a slightly sad sort of way. Hubbard was a complicated guy...talented and perceptive, but deeply insecure and more than a little nutty. Some of his SF is pretty decent. It can be hard to find good information about the CoS on-line because in the past they have been very vigorous about attacking anyone who said anything negative about the church, although it's gotten a lot easier in the last few years. And as /u/Infohiker correctly points out, they seem to try very hard to control everyone in the group and information about their teachings. If you create a website about Scientology, they will probably eventually attack you. But with so much social media these days I think they've had a hard time applying pressure on-line like they used to. **TL;DR** - It's mostly crazy bullshit, but *profitable* crazy bullshit."}, {"answer": "Well, not to speak on the actual religion's dogma (as most religions when examined are usually odd beliefs), the reason for controversy is the level of control they try to exert over their members, ex-members, and anybody who tries to criticize them. The means by which they have done this at times have been considered at a minimum, highly unethical or moral, or just plain illegal. They have been accused of fostering a \"cult-like\" mentality among their members."}, {"answer": "watch is all explained. URL_0 Scientology is explained at 10:30"}, {"answer": "The control thing is the major reason, including murder, both directly and indirectly. The case of Lisa McPherson is a major one: URL_1 Also interesting is Jason Beghe's testimony about his time in it. It's not as controversial but enlightening to have this famous (and thus protected from much of the worst) ex-member: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "The church of scientology has been attacked by many as a scam in the form of a cult. Members are coerced to attend auditing sessions, which are essentially therapy sessions that contain no scientific backing and cost hundreds of dollars."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2386348", "title": "Church of Scientology", "section": "Section::::Controversy.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 76, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 76, "end_character": 407, "bleu_score": 0.9114122111092942}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jesus in Scientology\n\n\nChurch\". \"I'm not anti-Scientology; I'm not pro-Scientology. I just don't exactly understand individually why it's called the Church of Scientology and why there would be a cross, even if it's a different cross. When I see the cross, I think of Christ. If Christ is not the center of Scientology, then why would an organization use the cross and call itself a church? I'm just wondering, but I don't really plan to say any of that Sunday", "id": "2861988" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nhusband in 1993 when the Church of Scientology started a leaflet operation denouncing her as a \"hate campaigner\" with demonstrators outside their home and around East Grinstead. After a long battle of libel suits, in 1999, the church agreed to issue an apology and to pay £55,000 damages and £100,000 costs to the Woods. \"R2-45\" is the name given by L. Ron Hubbard to what he described as \"an enormously effective process for exteriorization but its use is frowned upon by this society at this time\"", "id": "19748675" }, { "contents": "Rundown (Scientology)\n\n\n. Also known as \"Life Repair\". According to \"What is Scientology?\" (1978 edition), \"This is a brand new Rundown to be used by the Missions of the Church of Scientology in the handling of new public. This Rundown isolates and addresses the major area the individual has run up against in life that is causing him difficulty, and handles it through a specially formulated program exactly tailored to the individual's need.\" The Primary Rundown \"consists of word clearing and Study Tech. It makes", "id": "12478002" }, { "contents": "Kurt Weiland\n\n\nseem to make a living by writing falsehoods.\" \"We know that you used to work in Clearwater, and we know exactly what you wrote,\" Weiland said to Leiby. In an interview at the National Press Club in 1994, the \"St. Petersburg Times\" asked Weiland and Scientology President Heber Jentzsch about the Church of Scientology's practice of investigating reporters who write about Scientology. \"First of all, we don't do that. There's no institutional or organized campaign or effort or action ongoing to go after", "id": "21781424" }, { "contents": "Scientology in popular culture\n\n\nand related the story of Xenu. This episode resulted in a deal of controversy, including the departure of Isaac Hayes, and questions over why the episode was not initially rebroadcast. In season four of the television program \"Nip/Tuck\", characters Kimber and Matt join the Church of Scientology. Issues addressed within \"Nip/Tuck\" have included both the Xenu story and a look at deprogramming. In \"Boston Legal's\" third season, character Alan Shore helps defend an employer sued for discrimination after firing a Scientologist", "id": "15962755" }, { "contents": "Tax status of Scientology in the United States\n\n\nwith psychiatrists and arranged for \"arbitrary denial of tax exemption to every existing Church of Scientology in the United States\". According to Miscavige, it was \"an inbred trait of the IRS to hate Scientology and desire its destruction.\" At the time that the CSC lost its tax exemption, Scientology faced controversy in multiple countries around the English-speaking world. It had been banned in the Australian states of Victoria and South Australia following a scathing report by a public inquiry. It faced pressure from the media, politicians and", "id": "9971666" }, { "contents": "The Profit (film)\n\n\ncontroversial nature, and the fact that it appeared to be an exposé of the Church of Scientology. The report stated that a subtle message of the film was director Alexander's critique of Scientology and his motivation to bring information about it to the public. In an interview with \"Tampa Bay's 10\", Alexander stated he was trying to expose a hoax, and give others insight into \"what it is that makes people join cults.\" \"Fox 13 News\" called the film's portrayal of the Church of Scientific", "id": "20649270" }, { "contents": "Karin Spaink\n\n\nwith the hundreds of thousands of dollars that American Scientology adversaries had to pay after losing their own, US-based court cases. This may be an indication of why Spaink can still fight the church, and why it is claimed by Scientology critics that the barrage of lawsuits brought on by the church is not making use of a legal right, but a form of harassment (barratry). The Church of Scientology appealed this decision. A court date was originally planned for September 2002, but was postponed several times. Finally", "id": "21280838" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\n's really about what can we do that's best for Wikipedia and the people who read it.\" When asked by Ross Reynolds of National Public Radio affiliate \"KUOW-FM\" why the Arbitration decision included a \"ban on IP addresses at the Church of Scientology\", Walsh answered, \"So the simple answer is that within looking at these computers and where these edits were coming from, the decision is that ultimately most of the edits within these ranges have been from single-user-accounts, people who have", "id": "11749400" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nmillion libel lawsuit against Time Warner as a result of their publication of a highly critical magazine article \"The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power\" by Richard Behar. A public campaign by the Church of Scientology accordingly ensued in an attempt to defame this Time Magazine publication. (See Church of Scientology's response) Gareth Alan Cales is being harassed by the Church of Scientology, including false charges against him and his friends. Similarly, the Church of Scientology's legal battle with Gerry Armstrong in Church of Scientology v. Gerald Armstrong spanned", "id": "19748719" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nthe conviction that humans are essentially divine beings who have been marred by negative experiences acquired over several lifetimes. Scientology also purports that the secular perception of what is mentally normal are not based on science, a contradiction to the claims of psychiatry and psychology. The Church founded an anti-psychiatry organization called Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), which operates a museum in Hollywood, California called . The museum is dedicated to criticizing what it describes as \"an industry driven entirely by profit\". It has a variety of", "id": "19748663" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology\n\n\nThe Church of Scientology is a group of interconnected corporate entities and other organizations devoted to the practice, administration and dissemination of Scientology, a new religious movement. The movement has been the subject of a number of controversies, and the church has been described by government inquiries, international parliamentary bodies, law lords, and numerous superior court judgements as both a cult and a manipulative commercial enterprise. In some countries it has attained legal recognition as a religion. The Church of Scientology International (CSI) is officially the Church of Scientology", "id": "11890830" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\nthe negative effects its teachings have had on them, including celebrities such as Leah Remini. Remini spoke about her split from the Church, saying that she still has friends within the organization who she is no longer able to speak to. Much of the controversy surrounding Scientology stems from the criminal convictions of core members of the Scientology organization. In 1978, a number of Scientologists, including L. Ron Hubbard's wife Mary Sue Hubbard (who was second in command in the organization at the time), were convicted of perpetrating what", "id": "5454268" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nin 1952. Scientology is publicly, and often vehemently, opposed to both psychiatry and psychology. Scientologists view psychiatry as a barbaric and corrupt profession and encourage alternative care based on spiritual healing. According to the Church of Scientology, psychiatry has a long history of improper and abusive care. The group's views have been disputed, criticized and condemned by experts in the medical and scientific community and been a source of public controversy. The Church of Scientology's objection to secular ideas about mental health are religious in nature, based on", "id": "19748662" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nSince its inception in 1954, the Church of Scientology has been involved in a number of controversies, including its stance on psychiatry, Scientology's legitimacy as a religion, the Church's aggressive attitude in dealing with its perceived enemies and critics, allegations of mistreatment of members, and predatory financial practices, for example the high cost of religious training and perceived exploitative practices. When mainstream media outlets have reported alleged abuses, representatives of the church have tended to deny such allegations. The church maintains strict control over the use of its", "id": "19748659" }, { "contents": "Jason Scott case\n\n\nand refused to say what services Ross would supply under the agreement. Berry also pointed out that the Church of Scientology had \"had a long-standing campaign to destroy the Cult Awareness Network\" and asserted that the destruction of CAN had been in the interest of Moxon's main client, the Church of Scientology, rather than in Scott's interest. The Jason Scott case brought about the demise of the \"Old CAN\", marking the end of the cult wars in North America. Controversies surrounding new religious movements have continued", "id": "16474898" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\ncondition. In March 2006, an advertisement in \"LA Weekly\" blamed the Church of Scientology for Perkins' violent death. The \"48 Hours\" segment on Perkins' death aired on October 28, 2006. Afterward, CBS reported they had received complaints from Scientologists. Noah Lottick was an American student of Russian studies who committed suicide on May 11, 1990, by jumping from a 10th-floor hotel window, clutching his only remaining money in his hands. After his death, a controversy arose revolving around his parents", "id": "19748691" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\nA series of incidents in 2009 led to Church of Scientology-owned networks being banned from making edits to Wikipedia articles relating to Scientology. The Church of Scientology has long had a controversial history on the Internet, and has initiated campaigns to manipulate material and remove information critical of itself from the web. From early in Wikipedia's history, conflict arose within the topic of Scientology on the website. Disputes began in earnest in 2005, with users disagreeing about whether or not to describe Scientology as an abusive cult or religion. By", "id": "11749366" }, { "contents": "Leipzig Human Rights Award\n\n\nof humans under the pretext of religion.\" The organization notes that their criticism of the United States for \"its failure to confront Scientology’s human rights abuses while promoting the cult around the world\" has made the Award controversial, and states that all past recipients of the Award have been targeted by the Church of Scientology as Suppressive persons, and subjected to the Church's Fair Game policy. Award recipients do not receive financial compensation as part of the award. The organization's charter cites its concern over the deaths of Lisa", "id": "15634538" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\n.\" A \"Miami Herald\" article wrote that ex-Scientologists joined the Free Zone because they felt that Church of Scientology leadership had: \"..strayed from Hubbard's original teachings.\" One Free Zone Scientologist identified as \"Safe\" was quoted in \"Salon\" as saying: \"The Church of Scientology does not want its control over its members to be found out by the public and it doesn't want its members to know that they can get scientology outside of the Church of Scientology.\" In the past", "id": "19748717" }, { "contents": "Ethics (Scientology)\n\n\nand compare statistics, the Scientologist is amply equipped to determine exactly what condition an activity is in, and thus exactly what steps he must take in order to better that condition.\" Hubbard stated that all Scientology organizations need to keep their statistics of production up, and that Ethics action must be brought against the staff member responsible for the particular statistic should it be continually down. \"Example: a typist gets out 500 letters in one week. That's a statistic. If the next week the typist gets out 600 letters", "id": "7916708" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nconnection was determined. After Dr. Lottick's remarks were published in the media, the Church of Scientology haggled with him over that Noah had allegedly paid to the Church and not utilized for services. The Church claimed Lottick had intended this to be a donation. The Church of Scientology sued Richard Behar and \"Time\" magazine for $416 million. Dr and Mrs Lottick submitted affidavits affirming \"the accuracy of each statement in the article\", and stating that Dr Lottick had \"concluded that Scientology therapies were manipulations\". They", "id": "19748694" }, { "contents": "Scientology in Germany\n\n\norganization. Germany is not alone in opposing Scientology; in France, the Church of Scientology was convicted of organized fraud in October 2009, after a court found that members had been manipulated into paying large sums for Scientology products, and the Church only narrowly escaped being banned altogether. Scientology is similarly controversial in Belgium, Greece and the UK. On the subject of Scientology's status as a religion, the German government has pointed to a 1995 decision by the Federal Labor Court of Germany. That court, noting Hubbard's instruction", "id": "9039891" }, { "contents": "Stephen Boyd\n\n\naround this time that Boyd began his interest in L. Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology, which would make him one of the first Hollywood stars to be involved in it. Boyd had always expressed an interest in esoteric religions. In an interview in August 1969 with the Detroit Free Press, Boyd explained that Scientology had helped him through the filming of \"Slaves\", and that to him Scientology was \"a process used to make you capable of learning. Scientology is nothing. It means only what you want it to.", "id": "1889895" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\n(RTC), the corporation controlling L. Ron Hubbard's copyrighted materials, sued to prevent a \"Post\" reporter from describing church teachings at the center of another lawsuit, claiming copyright infringement, trade secret misappropriation, and the circulation of their \"advanced technology\" teachings would cause \"devastating, cataclysmic spiritual harm\" to those not prepared. In her judgment in favor of the \"Post\", Judge Leonie Brinkema noted: There have been a number of controversies between Scientology and psychiatry since the founding of the Church of Scientology", "id": "19748661" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\neffectiveness have been mixed, and touch assists are not supported by scientific evidence. Other Scientology-related organizations include: The Church of Scientology is one of the most controversial religious organizations. A first point of controversy was its challenge of the psychotherapeutic establishment. Another was a 1991 \"Time\" magazine article that attacked the church, which responded with a major lawsuit that was rejected by the court as baseless early in 1992. And a third is its religious status in the United States, formalized when the IRS granted the organization tax", "id": "5454264" }, { "contents": "Fair Game (Scientology)\n\n\nas a friend and a relative of a so-called cult victim, to elicit negative statements from me about Scientology. Some of my conversations with them were taped, transcribed and presented by the church in affidavits to TIME's lawyers as \"proof\" of my bias against Scientology. Actress and photographer Carmen Llywelyn was introduced to the Church of Scientology through her partner (and future husband) professional skateboarder and actor Jason Lee. In 2015, Llywelyn penned an article entitled \"Why I Left Scientology\". According to her account", "id": "1048249" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology\n\n\ninstitutions\". The film Going Clear, based on the book by the same name, also documents the controversies surrounding the organization. From 1952 until 1966, Scientology was administered by an organization called the Hubbard Association of Scientologists (HAS), established in Arizona on September 10, 1952. In 1954, the HAS became the HASI (HAS International). The Church of Scientology was incorporated in California on February 18, 1954, changing its name to \"The Church of Scientology of California\" (CSC) in 1956.", "id": "11890870" }, { "contents": "Tax status of Scientology in the United States\n\n\nunder which the church discontinued all of its litigation against the IRS and paid $12.5 million to settle a tax debt said to be around a billion dollars. The IRS granted 153 Scientology-related corporate entities tax exemption and the right to declare their own subordinate organizations tax-exempt in the future. The terms and circumstances of the agreement remained secret until details emerged through leaks and litigation beginning in 1997. The terms have attracted controversy for their perceived favorability toward the church, and have been described as unconstitutional by federal courts for", "id": "9971647" }, { "contents": "Scientology in popular culture\n\n\nreligion called Selfosophy (read as Scientology). Bizarre is exactly the word for it as Millennium takes sharp aim at itself and has fun with it.\" In 2005, Season 9 of \"South Park\", \"Trapped in the Closet\" Stan is interviewed by a member of The Church of Scientology. The member tells him that he isn't happy, but the Church can help him for a nominal fee. Later he is given a test on a E meter machine. He scores unusually high, which leads the", "id": "15962769" }, { "contents": "Operation Clambake\n\n\ncontroversy actually drove up the number of links to, which improved its search results in searches for \"Scientology\" on Google to number two on the results page—just below the official site of the Church of Scientology. Reflecting on the controversy in a February 2003 interview in \"The Boston Globe Magazine\", Google founder Sergey Brin stated: \"Ultimately where we ended up was the right conclusion, but we didn't initially handle it correctly.\" Some groups critical of the Church of Scientology's actions have later used", "id": "21614460" }, { "contents": "L. Ron Hubbard\n\n\n\". Hubbard's unofficial biographer Russell Miller writes that neither the United States Geological Survey nor the Puerto Rican Department of Natural Resources have any record of any such expedition. According to the Church of Scientology, Hubbard was \"called to Hollywood\" to work on film scripts in the mid-1930s, although Scientology accounts differ as to exactly when this was (whether 1935, 1936 or 1937). The Church of Scientology claims he also worked on the Columbia serials \"The Mysterious Pilot\" (1937), \"The Great Adventures of", "id": "18036827" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology\n\n\nIn 1966, Hubbard transferred all HASI assets to CSC, thus gathering Scientology under one tax-exempt roof. In 1967, the IRS stripped all US-based Scientology entities of their tax exemption, declaring Scientology's activities were commercial and operated for the benefit of Hubbard. Controversy followed the church on those years, but its growth continued in the 1960s. New churches were formed in Paris (1959), Denmark (1968), Sweden (1969), and Germany (1970). In the 1970s the religion spread", "id": "11890871" }, { "contents": "The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology\n\n\ninterview on \"Phantom FM\" radio, Duignan said that \"the readjustment after it has been tremendously difficult\". Duignan recounts his time in the Scientology organization, and his experiences during his twenty-two years as a Scientologist. He discusses controversial Scientology practices which he refers to as sleep deprivation and brainwashing, and describes his experiences during the Scientology process called \"Auditing\". He describes Church of Scientology goals called \"Clear the Planet\" (referring to the Scientology state of \"Clear\") and \"Get Ethics In", "id": "8514306" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\ngamed policy\" and resorted to \"battlefield tactics\" to create articles that were either \"disparaging or complimentary\", with articles on living persons being the \"worst casualties\". Arbitration Committee member Roger Davies wrote the majority of the decision in the Scientology case. Davies commented in an interview with \"The New York Times\", \"It was obvious that this case was going to be controversial pretty much from the start. What we have done is we've really tried to make sure that we have not directed our fire", "id": "11749397" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\nthe \"St. Petersburg Times\" that users critical of the organization were also banned, and similarly denied that Scientology leadership arranged a campaign to manipulate entries on Wikipedia. The Church of Scientology has a controversial history on the Internet. It has been criticized for attempting to restrict freedom of speech on the Internet; this conflict has come to be known as \"Scientology versus the Internet\", or \"Scientology v. The Net\". The organization has attempted to manipulate and maintain power over its public image on the web. Early lawsuits", "id": "11749373" }, { "contents": "Narconon\n\n\n, \"Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought\" and Narconon was incorporated in 1970. While both the Church of Scientology and Narconon state that Narconon is a secular program, that it is independent of Scientology, and that it provides legitimate drug education and rehabilitation, Narconon has been described by many government reports and former patients as a Church of Scientology front group. The program has garnered considerable controversy as a result of its origins in Scientology and its methods. Its drug rehabilitation treatment has been described as \"medically unsafe\", \"", "id": "13012713" }, { "contents": "Scientology in popular culture\n\n\neventually leave Scientology in the fifth season. In April 2015, following the recent release of \"Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief\" , \"Saturday Night Live\" aired a music video featuring the \"Church of Neurotology\", a parody of Scientology's 1990 music video \"We Stand Tall\". The controversy surrounding the Church of Scientology and the (new) Cult Awareness Network organization was described in the 2002 Stephen Adly Guirgis play, \"Jesus Hopped the \"A\" Train\". The character Angel tells", "id": "15962773" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nmake it stick. But I sure could make it stick. We're treating the present time beingness, psychotherapy treats the past and the brain. And brother, that's religion, not mental science. An article by Professor Benjamin Beith-Hallahmi documents the secular aspects of Scientology from Scientology's own writings. The Church has taken steps to suppress the Free Zone, the term for a variety of groups and individuals who practice Scientology outside the strictures of the Church of Scientology proper, and shut down dissenters when possible. The", "id": "19748715" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\nChurch of Scientology claims to be the fastest growing religious movement on Earth, the church's estimates of its membership numbers are reportedly significantly exaggerated. The highest ranking people in the Scientology hierarchy are the members of the Sea Organization, or Sea Org. The organization includes some 5,000 of Scientology's most dedicated adherents, who work for low pay, and sign a billion-year contract. The Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) is a controversial part of the Scientology \"justice\" system. When Sea Org members are found guilty of", "id": "5454255" }, { "contents": "Leipzig Human Rights Award\n\n\nScientology Organization.\" The Award again contained a picture of Leipzig's St. Nicholas Church, and Blüm was presented with the Award at a ceremony in Leipzig at a site near the Leipzig Trade Fair on June 10, 2001. In an interview with the \"junge Welt\" on June 11, 2001, Blüm was asked why it takes courage to be a politician critical of the Scientology, and he cited actions the Church of Scientology had taken against him: \"Scientology acts on people's fears. For instance they threatened me", "id": "15634544" }, { "contents": "Believe What You Like\n\n\nBelieve What You Like: What happened between the Scientologists and the National Association for Mental Health (Andre Deutsch Limited, 1973, ), written by the \"New Statesman\" director C. R. Hewitt under the pen name C. H. Rolph, details a public dispute between the Church of Scientology and the National Association for Mental Health (now known as Mind) in Britain. The book covers the controversy of how, starting in 1969, members of the Church joined the NAMH in large numbers with the intent to change the organization from", "id": "11284977" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\n45.\" The memo was subsequently reproduced, with another name added, in the Church of Scientology's internal journal, \"The Auditor\". Another four people were named in a second R2-45 order published in \"The Auditor\" later in 1968. Much of the controversy surrounding Scientology is reflected in the long list of legal incidents associated with the organization including the criminal convictions of core members of the Scientology organization. In 1978, a number of Scientologists, including L. Ron Hubbard's wife Mary Sue Hubbard (who", "id": "19748679" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nwill. One alleged example of the Church's possible brainwashing tactics is the Rehabilitation Project Force, to which church staff are assigned to work off alleged wrongdoings under conditions that many critics characterize as degrading. Some of these allegations are presented in Stephen Kent's \"Brainwashing in Scientology's Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF)\". Articles that claim to rebut those charges include Juha Pentikäinen's The Church of Scientology's Rehabilitation Project Force. Critics of Scientology have also accused L. Ron Hubbard of authoring \"The Brainwashing Manual\", but these", "id": "19748697" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nhiding a private criminal past. In the first instance, the Church of Scientology has repeatedly stated that it is engaged in an ongoing battle against a massive, worldwide conspiracy whose sole purpose is to \"destroy the Scientology religion.\" Thus, aggressive measures and legal actions are the only way the church has been able to survive in a hostile environment; they sometimes liken themselves to the early Mormons who took up arms and organized militia to defend themselves from persecution. The church asserts that the core of the organized anti-Scientology", "id": "19748729" }, { "contents": "Project Chanology\n\n\nagainst the Church of Scientology told the \"St. Petersburg Times\" the event was timed to coincide with the birthday of Lisa McPherson. In addition to DDoS attacks against Church of Scientology websites, Anonymous also organized a campaign on one of their websites to \"begin bumping Digg\", referring to an attempt to drive up Scientology-related links on the website On January 25, 2008, eight of the top ten stories on were about either Scientology-related controversies or Anonymous and attempts to expose Scientology. Digg CEO", "id": "13197896" }, { "contents": "Scientology and psychiatry\n\n\nSince the founding of the Church of Scientology in 1954 by L. Ron Hubbard, the relationship between Scientology and psychiatry has been dominated by strong opposition by the organization against the medical specialty of psychiatry, and psychology, with themes relating to this opposition occurring repeatedly throughout Scientology literature and doctrine. According to the Church of Scientology, psychiatry has a long history of improper and abusive care. The group's views have been disputed, criticized and condemned by experts in the medical and scientific community and been a source of public controversy. L.", "id": "17214966" }, { "contents": "Scientology and Me\n\n\nScientology and Me is a television documentary first broadcast on 14 May 2007 as part of the BBC's \"Panorama\" series. In it, reporter John Sweeney visited the United States to investigate whether the Church of Scientology was becoming more mainstream. The programme gained particular controversy before and during filming due to unresolved differences on content and approach between Sweeney's production team and Scientology members. Tommy Davis, the international spokesperson for Scientology, did not want detractors or perceived enemies of the church to be interviewed or included in the documentary and", "id": "2182449" }, { "contents": "Scientology and the Internet\n\n\nposted to YouTube titled \"Message to Scientology\", and a press release declaring a \"War on Scientology\" against both the Church of Scientology and the Religious Technology Center. In the press release, the group states that the attacks against the Church of Scientology will continue in order to protect the right to freedom of speech, and end what they believe to be the financial exploitation of church members. A new video \"Call to Action\" appeared on YouTube on January 28, 2008, calling for protests outside Church of Scientology", "id": "5142994" }, { "contents": "A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant\n\n\nmagazine for the Church's official take on the play, a Los Angeles Church of Scientology spokeswoman was quoted as saying: \"This is not litigation material. This is nothing.\" In a 2007 interview, Jarrow commented on the Church of Scientology's history of responses to productions of the play: \"It's clear the Church doesn't like the show—but in my opinion that kind of controversy is evidence that the show's hitting a nerve and dealing with pertinent issues. So I take a certain pride in that", "id": "3231241" }, { "contents": "Scientology Missions International\n\n\nwith SMI on May 19, 1982, which granted the right to SMI to further license the Scientology trademarks and service marks of the Scientology Missions. In the years following the signing of the agreement with CSI, SMI has entered various license agreements with Scientology Missions around the world over the use of the Scientology trademarks and service marks. In addition to its corporate status, SMI is also a part of the ecclesiastical command structure of the international Church of Scientology management. Integrated within the mother church of Scientology, the Church of Scientology", "id": "8692788" }, { "contents": "The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power\n\n\nToday\" had completed, the Church of Scientology mounted a $3 million public relations campaign about Scientology in \"USA Today\", in June 1991. The Church of Scientology placed a 48-page advertising supplement in 1.8 million copies of \"USA Today\". In a statement to the \"St. Petersburg Times\", Scientology spokesman Richard Haworth explained \"What we are trying to do is put the actual facts of Dianetics and Scientology out there\". In response to the Church of Scientology's claims of inaccuracies in the article, a", "id": "15281012" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\n, Anonymous announced its intentions via a video posted to YouTube entitled \"Message to Scientology\", and a press release declaring a \"war\" against the Church of Scientology and the Religious Technology Center. In the press release, the group stated that the attacks against the Church of Scientology would continue in order to protect the freedom of speech, and end what they saw as the financial exploitation of church members. On January 28, 2008, an Anonymous video appeared on YouTube calling for protests outside Church of Scientology centers on February", "id": "5454291" }, { "contents": "Panorama (TV programme)\n\n\nof the Church of Scientology; an edited portion of this incident was released subsequently by the Church on YouTube and DVD in an attempt to publicise it and raise controversy. However, the 2007 Scientology episode was \"Panorama\"'s greatest audience since it moved to Monday evening. A follow-up programme, \"The Secrets of Scientology\", was broadcast on 28 September 2010, presenting proof that the Church had harassed Sweeney during the making of the earlier documentary, with the specific intention of making him react in the way he", "id": "10501803" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nsinister strangers\". This resulted in a video being distributed by Scientologists of a shouting match between Sweeney and Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis. The church has reportedly released a DVD accusing the BBC of organising a demonstration outside a Scientology office in London, during which \"terrorist death threats\" were made against Scientologists. The BBC described the allegations as \"clearly laughable and utter nonsense\". Sandy Smith, the BBC programme's producer, commented the church of Scientology has \"no way of dealing with any kind of criticism at all\"", "id": "19748667" }, { "contents": "Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion\n\n\nDavid Miscavige. It also describes Scientology controversies, such as the Death of Lisa McPherson. The book devotes some attention to Scientology's broader teachings. After its release the book was criticized by the Church of Scientology. A spokesperson for the church alleged that the book was poorly researched and contained numerous inaccuracies. Reitman disputed their claims, maintaining that she did extensive research. According to a review published on \"The Village Voice\", Reitman's book is a \"stunning overview of everything\" and calls the author a \"thorough", "id": "5434277" }, { "contents": "Social Betterment Properties International\n\n\n's \"social betterment\" programs, notably the controversial Narconon drug rehabilitation program. SBPI states in its articles of incorporation that it is \"an integrated auxiliary of the Church of Scientology International\", organised \"to support Church of Scientology International by owning and managing real property used in Church of Scientology International's charitable public benefit program.\" Established in 2003, it is registered as a 501(c) organization (i.e. a tax-exempt nonprofit organization) and is not required to file an annual return with the IRS as it is", "id": "11123685" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nwhile not prohibiting or limiting the activities of the Church of Scientology, have rejected its applications for tax-exempt, charitable status or recognition as a religious organization; it has been variously judged to be a commercial enterprise or a dangerous cult. Scientology is legally accepted as a religion in the United States and Australia, and enjoys the constitutional protections afforded to religious practice in each country. In October 1993, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service recognized the Church as an \"organization operated exclusively for religious and charitable purposes\". The Church", "id": "19748707" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nediting from Church of Scientology Internet Protocol addresses, to prevent self-serving edits by editors within CoS-administered networks. A \"host of anti-Scientologist editors\" were topic-banned as well. The committee concluded that both sides had \"gamed policy\" and resorted to \"battlefield tactics\", with articles on living persons being the \"worst casualties\". Scientology's response to accusations of criminal behavior has been twofold; the church is under attack by an organized conspiracy, and each of the church's critics is", "id": "19748728" }, { "contents": "David Miscavige\n\n\nthe very freedom that allows us to do what we are doing today.\" The Church of Scientology says the National Affairs Office was built \"to oversee programs around the country and the world dealing with human rights, drug addiction, literacy and disaster response\". In 2017, Miscavige opened Ideal Orgs in Dublin,Birmingham,and Amsterdam . In 2018, Orgs in Perth, Australia; Orlando, Florida;Detroit, Michigan;and Stuttgart, Germany were opened. In January 2019, Miscavige inaugurated the Church of Scientology Headquarters for Africa in Castle", "id": "10751960" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\noffers the tax exemption as proof that it is a religion. (This subject is examined in the article on the Church of Scientology). In 1982, the High Court of Australia ruled the State Government of Victoria lacked the right to declare the Church of Scientology was not a religion. The Court found the issue of belief to be the central feature of religion, regardless of the presence of charlatanism: \"Charlatanism is a necessary price of religious freedom, and if a self-proclaimed teacher persuades others to believe in a", "id": "19748708" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Robinson\n\n\n\" and \"a serious danger to health.\" In this speech, Robinson referred to the \"Anderson Report\", cited additional evidence of why the group should be considered a cult, and stated that there was evidence children were being indoctrinated. Robinson announced that a series of measures would be undertaken against Scientology in Britain. In 1968, the Church of Scientology started publishing articles that were of defamatory nature toward Robinson. Eventually Robinson sued the Church of Scientology of California and L. Ron Hubbard for libel. The case appeared before", "id": "19290992" }, { "contents": "Being Tom Cruise\n\n\n\"The Church of Scientology Presents: Being Tom Cruise, Why Scientology Isn't In Any Way Mental\" is a satirical spoof documentary from the series \"Star Stories\", parodying the life of Tom Cruise and his relationship with the Church of Scientology. It is episode 2 of the second series of \"Star Stories\", and first aired on Channel 4 on 2 August 2007. The show recounts Cruise's time with a group of some of his early acting friends. After filming \"Top Gun\", Cruise (Kevin", "id": "6020433" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nmany critics of Scientology have claimed they were harassed by frivolous and vexatious lawsuits. Paulette Cooper was falsely accused of felony charges as she had been framed by the Church of Scientology's Guardian's Office. Furthermore, her personal life had been intruded upon by Scientologists who had attempted to kill her and/or draw her to suicide in a covert plan known as Operation Freakout brought to light after FBI investigations into other matters (See Operation Snow White). A prominent example of litigation of its critics is the Church of Scientology's $416", "id": "19748718" }, { "contents": "Scientology beliefs and practices\n\n\nMembers of the Church believe that Hubbard \"discovered the existential truths that form their doctrine through research,\" thus leading to the idea that Scientology is science. Hubbard created what the church would call a \"spiritual technology\" to advance the goals of Scientology. According to the church, \"Scientology works 100 percent of the time when it is properly applied to a person who sincerely desires to improve his life.\" The underlying claims are that Scientology is \"exact\" and \"certain.\" Michael Shermer, writing for \"", "id": "19748629" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\noverlord Xenu stacked billions of frozen people around volcanoes which he detonated with hydrogen bombs.\" In an interview with \"ABC News\", sociologist of the University of Alberta, Stephen A. Kent commented, \"Historically, Scientology has tried to control what critics say about it. The Internet, however, has posed insurmountable problems regarding control and censorship and Wikipedia's action is just one of many disputes that have occurred when Internet users have pushed back. Scientology can't roll over and give up on this issue. It will continue", "id": "11749409" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology\n\n\n's parent organization, and is responsible for guiding local Scientology churches. At a local level, every church is a separate corporate entity set up as a licensed franchise and has its own board of directors and executives. Scientology organizations and missions exist in many communities around the world. Scientologists call their larger centers \"orgs\", short for \"organizations.\" The major Scientology organization of a region is known as a central org. The legal address of the Church of Scientology International is in Los Angeles, California, 6331 Hollywood", "id": "11890831" }, { "contents": "Scientology and abortion\n\n\nbaby, my body and my choice, and all of that was taken away from me by Scientology,\" said Lang. Lang explained why she chose this time to come forward, \"I'm speaking out today because the time has come for victims of Scientology to be heard.\" Scientology spokesperson Virginia Stewart rejected the statements made by Janette Lang, and asserted, \"The Church of Scientology considers the family unit and children to be of the utmost importance and does not condone nor force anyone to undertake any medical procedure whatsoever", "id": "4120015" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\ncritics. The Church also began filing lawsuits against those who posted copyrighted texts on the newsgroup and the World Wide Web, and lobbied for tighter restrictions on copyrights in general. The Church supported the controversial Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act as well as the even more controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Some of the DMCA's provisions (notably the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act) were heavily influenced by Church litigation against US Internet service providers over copyrighted Scientology materials that had been posted or uploaded through their servers.", "id": "5454288" }, { "contents": "Operation Clambake\n\n\nof a Dutch citizen publishing in the Netherlands whose speech is protected by Dutch law?\" In an interview on the controversy, Harvard Law School professor Jonathan Zittrain predicted that more conflicts involving the Church of Scientology were likely to occur in the future. Zittrain stated: \"The cutting edge on such battles is often the Church of Scientology. They have very well honed procedures and tactics to remove information that they find objectionable.\" Mentioning Operation Clambake as an example of an Internet response to a controversial movement in their 2003 book", "id": "21614473" }, { "contents": "Kurt Weiland\n\n\nin order to determine what \"vested interest\" he was working for and what \"sinister motive\" he had. Weiland was the Deputy Commanding Officer of the Office of Special Affairs in 1995, and served on the board of directors of the Church of Scientology International. In 1996 he was director of the Office of Special Affairs, and in 1997 Weiland managed external affairs for the Church of Scientology. On June 13, 2003, Weiland accompanied actor and Scientologist Tom Cruise and director of the Church of Scientology's Los Angeles Celebrity", "id": "21781426" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology\n\n\nprovided a hotline and other services to warn citizens of Scientology's \"many types of front organizations\". On October 17, 2013, a Dutch court ruled that \"the Amsterdam arm of Scientology is a charitable organization and exempt from paying taxes.\" reported that the court ruled \"The Scientology Church in Amsterdam be treated in the same way as other church and faith-based organisations and allowed to claim tax breaks\". The appeal court also ruled that \"Scientology's classes don't differ significantly from what other spiritual", "id": "11890906" }, { "contents": "Netcom (United States)\n\n\nFebruary 13, 1995, armed police officers and attorneys from the Church of Scientology raided the home of Dennis Erlich, a former minister of the Church of Scientology. Erlich was charged with copyright infringement of the Scientology's Advanced Technology documents, and Netcom On-line was sued by the Church because a BBS owned by Tom Klemesrud hosted the alleged infringing material. This case became controversial among free speech advocates such as the EFF and Internet service providers since Netcom itself did not post the content nor have any involvement with it other than", "id": "1680832" }, { "contents": "Tax status of Scientology in the United States\n\n\nThe tax status of the Church of Scientology in the United States has been the subject of decades of controversy and litigation. Although the Church was initially partially exempted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from paying federal income tax, its two principal entities in the United States lost this exemption in 1957 and 1968. This action was taken because of concerns that church funds were being used for the private gain of its founder L. Ron Hubbard (according to the IRS) or due to an international psychiatric conspiracy against Scientology (according", "id": "9971644" }, { "contents": "The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power\n\n\nsources named in the story say detectives have asked about their talks with Time\". A Church of Scientology spokesman called the claims \"scurrilous\". On February 14, 1992, Scientology leader David Miscavige gave Ted Koppel his first interview on Scientology on the ABC News program \"Nightline\". The program noted that Scientology has vocal critics and cited Behar's 1991 article. Behar appeared on the program and gave his opinion of why individuals join Scientology, stating that the organization's \"ulterior motive\" is really to get people to", "id": "15281014" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nand the proper course of action to stop these attacks is to \"expose\" the hidden crimes of the attackers. The Church of Scientology does not deny that it vigorously seeks to \"expose\" its critics and enemies; it maintains that all of its critics have criminal histories, and they encourage hatred and \"bigotry\" against Scientology. Hubbard's belief that all critics of Scientology are criminals was summarized in a policy letter written in 1967: Scientology claims that it continues to expand and prosper despite all efforts to prevent it from", "id": "19748731" }, { "contents": "Sara Northrup Hollister\n\n\n's had three wives... What is important is that his followers were there as he lied, but no matter what the evidence they don't believe it.\" Hubbard also gave a new explanation of why he had been involved with Jack Parsons and the O.T.O. After the British \"Sunday Times\" newspaper published an exposé of Hubbard's membership of the O.T.O. in October 1969, the newspaper printed a statement attributed to the Church of Scientology (but written by Hubbard himself) that asserted: Only a couple of months later, he", "id": "13001879" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\nthis planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology.\" Kent has described Scientology's ethics system as \"a peculiar brand of morality that uniquely benefited [the Church of Scientology] ... In plain English, the purpose of Scientology ethics is to eliminate opponents, then eliminate people's interests in things other than Scientology.\" Many former members have come forward to speak out about the Church and", "id": "5454267" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nthe project was rejected and they redid it\". The nature of Scientology is hotly debated in many countries. The Church of Scientology pursues an extensive public relations campaign arguing Scientology is a \"bona fide\" religion. The organization cites a number of studies and experts who support their position. Critics point out most cited studies were commissioned by Scientology to produce the desired results. Many countries (including Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Russia, the United Kingdom),", "id": "19748706" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nmovement is the psychiatric profession, in league with deprogrammers and certain government bodies (including elements within the FBI and the government of Germany.) These conspirators have allegedly attacked Scientology since the earliest days of the church, with the shared goal of creating a docile, mind-controlled population. As an official Scientology website explains: On the other hand, L. Ron Hubbard has proclaimed that all critics of Scientology are criminals. Hubbard wrote on numerous occasions that all of Scientology's opponents are seeking to hide their own criminal histories,", "id": "19748730" }, { "contents": "Scamizdat\n\n\nScamizdat, a portmanteau of the words scam and samizdat, was the name coined by Grady Ward to a series of articles containing the writings of the Church of Scientology, both confidential and non-confidential, that were anonymously posted to the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology in 1995. Scamizdat was a major feature of the Scientology versus the Internet controversy, and the true identity of the person or persons responsible is still unknown. The Scamizdat articles were wholesale copies of articles, books, and confidential briefings to which the Church of Scientology claimed copyright.", "id": "16228547" }, { "contents": "Andreas Heldal-Lund\n\n\n. Heldal-Lund said that he began criticizing the Church of Scientology in 1996 after reading about a Norwegian ex-Scientologist who successfully sued the Church of Scientology. He has stated many times that he does not object to people practicing the religion of Scientology itself, but he objects to the abuse-ridden management of that religion by what he has called the \"criminal and corrupt\" Church of Scientology. When actor Jason Beghe decided to leave Scientology in 2008, he contacted Heldal-Lund, who convinced him to meet with", "id": "20199882" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\n. Tommy Davis, a representative of the Scientology organization, stated to the \"St. Petersburg Times\" that members of the organization were attempting to correct what they perceived as factual inaccuracies: \"The story that's being missed is there were people who were doing nonstop attacks on the church and using Wikipedia to do it. Those people have been banned.\" Davis denied that Scientology leadership arranged a campaign to manipulate entries on Wikipedia. He asserted, \"The church is huge ... Scientologists are going to say what they're going", "id": "11749406" }, { "contents": "Tax status of Scientology in the United States\n\n\nfilm \"Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief\", accused Scientology in 2015 of abusing its tax exemption status by harassing its critics. He highlighted alleged illegal activities carried out by the church and its use of its assets for the private benefit of David Miscavige and Tom Cruise. Writing in the \"Los Angeles Times\", he commented that \"it is hard to see why Americans should subsidize Scientology through its tax-exemption.\" The actress Leah Remini, who spent many years in Scientology before leaving in 2013", "id": "9971787" }, { "contents": "Space opera in Scientology\n\n\nChurch of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard included space opera narratives in his writings, wherein thetans (the name given to human souls) were reincarnated periodically over quadrillions of years, retaining memories of prior lives, to which Hubbard attributed complex narratives about life throughout the universe. The most controversial of these myths is the story of Xenu, to whom Hubbard attributed responsibility for many of the world's problems. Some space opera doctrines of Scientology are only provided by the church to experienced members, who church leaders maintain are the only ones", "id": "15678810" }, { "contents": "Church of Scientology editing on Wikipedia\n\n\nby the Scientology organization were motivated by, \"a massive organized effort to make the CoS look good and/or counter the relentless public criticism that has shadowed the organization since the earliest days of the Net.\" \"Wired News\" reported that the ban on the Scientology organization was triggered by \"repeated and deceptive editing of articles related to the controversial religion\". The \"Los Angeles Times\" noted that the ban stemmed from \"the church's self-serving wiki-revisionism\". \"Der Spiegel\" noted that skeptics doubted", "id": "11749395" }, { "contents": "Scientology and law\n\n\nRights read in the light of Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion).\" Critics state that the ultimate aim of Scientology lawsuits is to destroy church opponents by forcing them into bankruptcy or submission, using its resources to pursue frivolous lawsuits at considerable cost to defendants. In doing so, they draw particular attention to certain controversial statements made by the church's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1994, Scientology attorney Helena Kobrin was fined $17,775 for filing a frivolous lawsuit.", "id": "15211801" }, { "contents": "All About Radiation\n\n\nAll About Radiation is one of the books by L. Ron Hubbard that form the canonical texts of Scientology, although it is no longer promoted by the Church of Scientology nor included in their \"Basics\" book canon. Its first printing was from HASI (Hubbard Association of Scientologists International) by way of the Speedwell Printing Company, Kent, England, 1957. Later editions were published by the Church of Scientology's in-house publisher Bridge Publications. It is controversial for its claims, amongst other things, that radiation poisoning and", "id": "15956723" }, { "contents": "Scientology\n\n\nconsiderable amount of investigation has been aimed at the church, by groups ranging from the media to governmental agencies. The controversies involving the church and its critics, some of them ongoing, include: Scientology social programs such as drug and criminal rehabilitation have likewise drawn both support and criticism. Stephen A. Kent, a professor of sociology, has said that \"Scientologists see themselves as possessors of doctrines and skills that can save the world, if not the galaxy.\" As stated in Scientology doctrine: \"The whole agonized future of", "id": "5454266" }, { "contents": "Volunteer Ministers\n\n\nPakistan flood in 2010, in the Fukushima earthquake in 2011, and the May 2014 floods in Bosnia. As with many of the Church of Scientology's programs, the Volunteer Ministers have generated controversy and criticism. The organization provides \"spiritual relief\" parallel with medical treatment, but also does simple tasks such as helping cleanup or fetch food and generally assist the disaster effort as seems indicated. They have been accused of attempting to take advantage of disasters in order to promote Scientology to a grief-stricken populace. Church of Scientology", "id": "6939578" }, { "contents": "Village Suisse ONG\n\n\nVillage Suisse ONG is a Swiss-based NGO, accredited to the UN ECOSOC, with a stated mandate to help children in developing countries, to provide computers to persons in developing countries and to provide social integration for persons in Switzerland. Village Suisse ONG is associated with several events of the Church of Scientology The relationship of Village Suisse ONG to the Church of Scientology caused media controversy in 2009, when the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG) refused entrance of the Scientology group \"Youth for Understanding\" to the UN premises,", "id": "977525" }, { "contents": "Scientology in France\n\n\nkeep statistics on religion but in 1999 the Church itself claimed that it had 40,000 adherents in France. The French newspaper Le Figaro reckons around 5000 adherents in France in 2008. The relationship between the Church of Scientology and the law in France is the subject of \"Is Scientology Above the Law?\" The documentary investigates the suspicious circumstances surrounding a fraud probe into sixteen members of the church of Scientology. The role of the church is questioned in connection with the disappearance of files critical to the case; lawyers for the prosecution argue", "id": "1179744" }, { "contents": "Scientology in Germany\n\n\n\"clear the planet\", to bring about an enlightened age in which every individual has overcome their psychological limitations. Scientology teaches that the source of people's unhappiness lies in \"engrams\", psychological burdens acquired in the course of painful experiences, which can be cleared through a type of counselling called \"auditing\" made available by the Church of Scientology. The fact that Scientologists have to pay large fees for auditing and other Scientology services has brought controversy to Scientology throughout much of its history, with governments classing it as a", "id": "9039888" }, { "contents": "Karin Pouw\n\n\n. He is a specialist in rat brains.\" Scientology critic Arnaldo Lerma told \"The Washington Post\" that he left the Church of Scientology because he fell in love with one of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard's daughters, but Pouw said Lerma \"left the Church because he could not maintain the ethical standards required of Scientologists\". She has also questioned why former Scientologist Lawrence Wollersheim's organization Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network (FACTnet) should have non-profit, tax-exempt status. \"Wollersheim has been trying to", "id": "17353399" }, { "contents": "Jesus in Scientology\n\n\nbeings.\" Professor Paul Blankenship of the Memphis Theological Seminary studied Scientology and commented on this view, saying \"They do not do a lot of talking about God or Jesus. It's more getting your mind cleared, and I could see how they could say that that could be compatible. Scientology has not really developed into a complete religious tradition. They may very well develop.\" Reverend Raymond Guterman of the Northwood Presbyterian Church in Clearwater, Florida, gave a sermon in 2001 titled: \"Why Scientology Isn't a", "id": "2861987" }, { "contents": "Scientology and Me\n\n\nhalf! You cannot assert what you're saying!\" at Davis in reference to an interview Sweeney recorded with Scientology critic Shawn Lonsdale. Despite the Church of Scientology's lobbying British MPs to have the documentary scrapped, its first airing went ahead on 14 May. With a peak of 4.9 million viewers in the UK, the episode garnered the highest ratings for \"Panorama\" since September the previous year. The documentary was intended as an investigation of the claims of both critics of the Church of Scientology and the Church itself to", "id": "2182451" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\nautopsy showed that she had died of a pulmonary embolism. Florida authorities filed criminal charges against the Church of Scientology, who denied any responsibility for McPherson's death and vigorously contested the charges. The prosecuting attorneys ultimately dropped the criminal case. After four years, a $100 million civil lawsuit filed by Lisa McPherson's family was settled in 2004. The suit resulted in an injunction against the distribution of a film critical of Scientology, \"The Profit\", which the Church claimed was meant to influence the jury. The terms", "id": "19748685" }, { "contents": "Scientology controversies\n\n\ngrowing; critics claim that the Church's own statistics contradict its story of continuing growth. The Church of Scientology has published a number of responses to criticism available online. Analyses of Scientology's counter-accusations and actions against its critics are available on a number of websites, including the critical archive Operation Clambake. On January 22, 2013, attorneys for the organization, as well as some of its members, reacted toward the CNN News Group, threatening legal action for its airing of a story covering the release of a book", "id": "19748732" }, { "contents": "Scientology in Germany\n\n\nThe Church of Scientology has operated in Germany since 1970. German authorities estimate that there are 4,000 active Scientologists in Germany ; the Church of Scientology gives a membership figure of around 12,000. The Church of Scientology has encountered particular antagonism from the German press and government and occupies a precarious legal, social and cultural position in Germany. , German courts have so far not resolved whether to accord Scientology the legal status of a religious or worldview community, and different courts have reached contradictory conclusions. The German domestic intelligence service is constantly monitoring", "id": "9039885" }, { "contents": "Ethics (Scientology)\n\n\n, and goes on to state that \"nothing is completely good, and to build anew often requires a degree of destruction\" and \"to appreciate what Scientology ethics is all about, it must be understood that good can be considered to be a constructive survival action\". In order to make ethical decisions that affect others around them, Scientologists are expected to use statistical measurement to assess the \"measurement of survival potential\". The Church's official website on ethics explains that \"with an understanding of how to compile, graph", "id": "7916707" } ]
Why do babies/toddlers scream and cry for a long time when they are tired instead of just going the eff to sleep?
[{"answer": "Child care provider/hopeful future postpartum doula here. When babies/toddlers are overtired, their bodies produce cortisol to help them stay awake. This stress inhibits sleep and results in the hormonal/emotional mess you speak of. Edit: I've learned that what I thought was right is not accurate. My information comes from baby sleep specialist sites like URL_0 and I haven't found backing from sources with more authority. I never bothered to check for myself because the explanation made sense to me and aligned with my experiences. Sorry, guys!"}, {"answer": "There are two issues here. First, they need certain triggers to fall asleep - whatever they usually have, such as a rocking motion, you singing a lullaby, drinking a bottle, etc. They ideally want the same smelling sheets as last night and the same amount of light in their room. If the trigger is missing, they have a lot of difficulty falling asleep. This is why I always warn moms to be aware of this if they nurse the baby to sleep. That baby most likely is not going to quietly drift off at 3 am in Dad's arms. If you think about it, you probably face the same issue when travelling. Another issue that comes up is their instinctual need to be close to you. Babies can sometimes get distressed if their primary caretaker isn't there. Newborns don't seem to notice as long as they are full, dry, and cozy. However, a few months later they seem to realize that mom and dad can leave. That combined with missing their sleep cues, and it's scream city, even if they slept well in earlier weeks."}, {"answer": "Babies don't understand that sleep fixes lack of sleep. They cry because of the discomfort. The dumb shits."}, {"answer": "There is a process called myelination that happens in your brain as you grow. This process puts a sheath on the nerves in the brain to improve conductivity. Children have a frontal lobe that isn\u2019t fully myelinated thus their regulation of emotion is poor. This also explains risky behavior as a teen as the risk judgement part of your brain isn\u2019t myelinated fully. Your brain doesn\u2019t fully myelinate until you are about 25 and through the myelination process executive functions mature."}, {"answer": "Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but another reason babies and young children cry before going to sleep is because that is how they decompress. They don\u2019t have solid language skills and aren\u2019t emotionally developed enough to sit there and tell you \u201cSo I was really over stimulated today by all the fun things we did. I think I\u2019ll take a nice long walk and listen to some music or a nice warm shower to just chill out. \u201c So they scream to release stress. Also when they\u2019re over tired forget about it- something happens and they get delirious and turn into banshees. Many haven\u2019t learned coping skills or the ability to self soothe which is a very important skill for them to obtain. Thus screaming commences. Parents often refer to the \u201cwitching hour\u201d which is often about dinner time for adults. It\u2019s a very real thing. Kids are exhausted and have pent up stress, parents are hungry and tired themselves so they aren\u2019t full of patience and it\u2019s a perfect storm."}, {"answer": "Children are, by definition, immature. They have yet to mature. Babies and toddlers are also irrational. They don't have the brain development to behave in a logical fashion. So in a sense, your question is: \"Why do these tiny immature and irrational people do things that aren't *reasonable*? They don't have the experience and maturity to recognize their internal and external state (being tired or sleepy). They also don't have the brain development to formulate or recognize a rational solution to the problem. What the DO have is an instinctive need to cry and scream for their caretakers when they are uncomfortable. So since that is the only tool they reliably have, they use it."}, {"answer": "Babies can\u2019t filter out what feeling means what, they only understand good feelings and bad feelings. Mom holding me, good: laugh! Fatigue, bad: cry!"}, {"answer": "Beyond the fact that babies lack an understanding of their surroundings at a young age (as many others have pointed out), the main problem is that they do not understand how to put themselves to sleep. In the womb, and most of the time during early life, they fall asleep with the comfort of the mother. In the womb, they hear her heartbeat and blood flow and have the constant warmth of her body heat. Once born, young babies most often fall asleep during or shortly after feedings, while being held. When they're placed in cribs or bassinets awake or when they wake up alone inside a crib or bassinet, they don't have the capacity to self-soothe and return to a calm enough state to fall asleep. This is why the Ferber method of sleep training is popular and effective. You let your child cry for a pre-determined time (which increases as the training progresses) and eventually they learn to put themselves to sleep without parental comfort."}, {"answer": "Because being tired is uncomfortable. It sucks. Babies don't understand that the discomfort associated with being tired is temporary. They just know that they are uncomfortable, and they cry for attention and care when they experience discomfort."}, {"answer": "Healthy babies have basically three reasons for crying: 1) They are hungry. 2) They are lonely. 3) They want to sleep. Edit: 4) Dirty diaper. Crying drives a parental response that addresses all those concerns. They cry because it gets them what they want. I've wondered about that myself. I mean, how the fuck did my cave man ancestors keep their kids quiet when they were hunted by a saber tooth tiger or some shit? My kids get anxiety if their Kindle battery gets below 40%."}, {"answer": "It\u2019s the only way they know how to express their frustration. They can\u2019t articulate in words how crappy they feel plus crying hard also serves to tire them out more. Ever have a good cry and just feel exhausted after? Yeah that. Be patient, they\u2019re little."}, {"answer": "The behavior you describe indicates that the child is overly tired or had little warning that it was time to rest. Children who are up past the time that their body needs sleep become fussy due to stress hormones building up. Their level of frustration increases, while they also begin experiencing rushes of adrenaline as their body attempts to cope with the stress. Hence why these children can be silly one second and weeping the next. Their ability to cope with minor set backs decreases to a critical point at which most caregivers will go \"Ohhhh, you're tired\" and immediately attempt to put the child down for nap. But interrupting whatever they were doing and going straight into nap is also a potential conflict, as they don't perceive themselves as ready for nap. They're busy trying to rip the wall paper down (or something similar). So now, you've got a baby who is stressed (due to exhaustion) and frustrated (due to having to stop what they were doing for this 'nap' thing you're raving about) and over stimulated (due to adrenaline). And we're expecting them to lie still and go to sleep.... all three of the above things are reasons children cry. It defuses energy and expels stress hormones, and it communicates to you \"I need help, something is wrong with me\". So, how to prevent this. Have a routine... it doesn't have to be extensive. Even just 1)diaper change 2) a lullaby and 3) I put you in your crib can be enough for some children. And in addition to their routine, you have to notice their first tired cue and begin the routine. Rubbing eyes, bags forming, yawning, slowing down, becoming clumsy... these are all cues and each child is a little different. Once you know a child's cue, begin the routine as soon as they have one or two and BEFORE their tiredness upsets them. Other helpful nap time tips - - limit screen time. Children under 3 especially are highly influenced by tv and other video devices. Not only do programs and games make them sedentary so they are not burning energy through physical or mental play, but the blue light messes with their circadian rhythm and sleep hormones. -get outside. Sunlight is best for helping children's sleep hormones regulate appropriately. -avoid relying on tricks or devices to put children to sleep if possible (swings, cars, on top of the washer etc.) These limit a child's ability to learn what it feels like to fall asleep and build this skill. Some families desperately need them to survive the first few years, and if it's what they have to do, that's fine. But a young child will eventually have to unlearn those habits... many healthy infants and toddlers can learn to fall asleep with minimal support. But it does take a lot of trust and patience from caregivers."}, {"answer": "Because they have zero emotional intelligence and do not yet have any insight into their own feelings or what causes them. We know what tired feels like because we\u2019ve felt it thousands of times."}, {"answer": "Most people put children down to sleep amd leave them which is a deeply terrfying thing for a baby. Babies are little flesh bags and literally the only thing they know is that mommy and daddy are keeping them alive. Then they leave?? Oh god, what if they don't come back??"}, {"answer": "They have zero control over their emotions, their brain are still suffering changes that's why adults tease other adult about crying like babies (for no reason apparently) . We all being there but it is easier to understand when you have a toddler."}, {"answer": "Without using any fancy words, here's a simple explanation... Remember how young they are. They have close to zero experience in life. **Babies and toddlers don't actually know they are tired**. They feel uncomfortable, irritated, some unpleasant sensation... but they don't know what it means. All they know, at this point in life, is that it feels bad and they wish for that bad sensation to go away. They haven't had enough life experience to realize that all you have to do is lay down, stop moving, and get some rest. They do what babies do when faced with something they don't like. They lash out, crying for help without realizing it will just make them even more tired. Initially, we fight this bad feeling until we pass out. Eventually, we all learn and stop fighting when we realize the meaning of feeling tired."}, {"answer": "Sorry, but you are WAY over thinking this. Babies are uncomplicated, and there are a very limited set of reasons for their crying. 1. Hungry 2. Scared 3. Uncomfortable (too hot, cold, stomach pains, filled diaper, diaper rash, etc., and the like). 4. Over tired It really actually is that simple. Then, later on (after you finally figure them out) they will change the rules on you and start teething."}, {"answer": "...and how is this a good evolutionary tactic? You would think that the loud babies would self select for elimination by wild animals and remove their noise-some gene from the gene pool."}, {"answer": "Over many, many years - millions of years - human babies have learned that if they are left alone a wolf might eat them. So when a baby is put down and feels alone, they will cry as a warning to their parents: pick me up! URL_0 Often when you pick up a crying baby it will stop crying immediately. This is why. If the baby doesn't stop crying that means something else is wrong, maybe diaper rash, or hunger."}, {"answer": "Because they're hungry *now* and can sleep later. Nor do they care that it's 3 am and you have to go to work in a few hours."}, {"answer": "Even adults have trouble processing their emotions. Ever got in an argument and later realised you were only angry because you were hungry, horny, or tired?"}, {"answer": "Very young babies literally don't understand what's happening to them when they're falling asleep. (Think about what's involved- if you didn't know all those things = falling asleep, it'd be terrifying.) And screaming (usually) brings people who tend to them (basically what baby-cries are designed to do)."}, {"answer": "The short answer is that babies and toddlers require a lot more time to transition from one activity to another. They find comfort in routine and they hate deviation from what they know. There is a reason why many pediatricians colloquially refer to the first three months of life as \u201cthe fourth trimester.\u201d Most babies and young children have cues long before they get to screaming/crying but it takes knowing what they are to respond to them appropriately and within time. Many children and babies are soothed by being swaddled and walked or worn in a carrier because it simulates the familiar and safe feeling of the womb. When a baby or young child gets so overwhelmed and their needs are not met, they basically get to the point of meltdown because to them, the need is extreme and there is no way to communicate it with more nuance. Hunger and tiredness are the most common because they affect the entire brain and body. Plenty of adults grow irritable when they lose lots of sleep but newborns and children not only require a lot of sleep, they\u2019re growing and developing by leaps and bounds, which requires immense amounts of energy. The problem is that very little babies and many children cannot self soothe because they literally do not have the skills to do so. Their brains and bodies are not developed enough, either. Children and babies are terrible at planning or keeping to schedules despite having needs. So it is up to caregivers to slowly help teach their kids that not only can they rely on them when they need help, but that their parents will give them the comfort and environment they need to calm down."}, {"answer": "Babies crying usually boils down to Tired Hungry Gassy Constipated Lonely Wet Scared Babies need to be soothed to sleep, whether it's by rocking, or rubbing their backs, or nursing to sleep like my babe does. Adults have rituals to help them settle down, too, but their brains are far more developed and they can dp those things on their own. Eventually babies get used to a routine that is just am elongated version of this to gradually get them settled enough to sleep. It may be Dinner Diaper Bath Pajamas Story/Song Sound machine Nightlight Sleep Or some variation of that. If the routine gets screwed up because you're out somewhere and they've been sleepy for an hour but it's too loud or bright for sleep to happen, their bodies will literally fight to keep them awake. This will continue even after you've finally gone home and done the whole bedtime shebang. Baby gets frustrated because they're sooo tired and JUST. WANNA. SLEEP! But it's that much harder because they've basically missed their window and have to wait for the next one. This will continue into toddlerhood, and then sometime after they're in grade school they'll start to sleep like normal people, and you won't have to plan everything to end before 8 PM to keep your child from going absolutely batshit. There is a logic to it, but it's baby logic. TL;DR: it takes time for small humans to learn to just fall asleep, routine is important and fucking up bedtime routine leads to these crazy sleepless crying things."}, {"answer": "Exhaustion heightens emotions and kids can get \"overtired\" to the point where they're so tired they get upset. When they're upset, they're not going to sleep until calm again. If you miss your window, you get stressed. Stress causes cortisol (a hormone, or signaling molecule to tell your body how to react. It lasts up to 24 hours or so after being turned \"off\" even) to be released, which prepares your body for the \"flight or fight\" response by increasing heart rate (to transport oxygen to muscles), blood glucose (to fuel muscles), and blood pressure. To sleep, you want a stable blood glucose, a resting heart rate, and regular or slower breathing. Those are all pretty opposite to the stress response. And fuck, I get overtired at night and can't sleep too. Haven't you ever gone into that \"I'm so tired but I keep looking at the clock and checking how much sleep I'll get but it's only making me more stressed out about not sleeping that I can't sleep even though I'm tired\" phase at like 2 am? Sources: Daycare teacher for 3 years Just got an A- in physiology Some googled stuff to make sure I was explaining properly. [cortisol info]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Babies can't regulate themselves. Which means manage the stimuli internal or external. If a baby is cold, hungry or tired they cry. Scared, tired or sick..they cry. It communicates to the caregiver that something is amiss. They are completely reliant on adults to survive. So crying communicates not just a need but that something for the baby is unmanagable. Sucking on pacifiers for example helps them calm and regulate. This is because sucking is something they are familiar with and can do. Swaddling helps them regulate as does skin to skin contact. Colic is something not completely understood but it may be a digestion issue or the baby has difficulty in calming. They do outgrow it but it is beyond typical crying for day to day needs. As we get older we self regulate and have better ways to communicate."}, {"answer": "Oh finally something I can explain! Babies are pretty crazy little machines, and they work totally different from adults due to lack of experience! When a baby cries it's because it's experiencing some sort of discomfort. Newborns are crazy and have no concept of how the world works, not even their own bodies and their feelings like tired or hungry. So, when they experience discomfort they cry, including when they are tired. They haven't quite grasped the concept that sleep=not tired yet, so they cry because they feel uncomfortable. Babies naturally want to become more self sufficient, and learn how to fix minor discomfort on their own over time. This is why as they get older they stop crying when they get tired, because they know that they can fix their own discomfort by sleeping."}, {"answer": "They dont understand like you or I do after years of experience that to get rid of that tired feeling you need to sleep. They have no context or experience with it. Same reason you see those puppy or kitten videos of an animal that is clearly falling asleep standing up tired but instead of just chilling out and not fighting it they keep standing up and running around for 2 seconds before nodding off again. They are freaking out and scared and they dont know what exactly is going on. They havent figured out how to even fall asleep yet let alone connected the dots that sleep is what they need to get rid of this feeling that they dont understand."}, {"answer": "As the parent of a one-year-old, and somebody who has never asked why, I have a theory that just popped into my head. When babies cry, our usual reaction is to comfort them. When they\u2019re overtired, they\u2019re also uncomfortable, so maybe it\u2019s a way for them to ask to be comforted to sleep, in the only language they know how to speak."}, {"answer": "They haven't learned how to self soothe. You have to be extremely exhausted to fall asleep with no soothing technique. Every does something. I rub my feet together. My SO rolls onto his stomach."}, {"answer": "They haven\u2019t yet learned to regulate negative feelings by self-soothing. Adults and older children, like babies, feel tired, which is unpleasant, but know from experience that this feeling is temporary and that lying down and resting will help. They are able to comfort themselves with their thought processes. Babies actually learn to regulate their own negative emotions through the experience of being comforted by familiar adults, over and over again, but it takes to time to learn the process of emotion regulation to the extent they can successfully do it on their own. This is why older children/teens who were neglected as infants/toddlers often struggle with regulation of their emotions, even though they cannot remember the neglect they experienced at such a young age. They missed the development of the skill of self-soothing as infants. This skill can still be developed later in life with the proper support, but it\u2019s much harder to do at that point and the child may never get to the skill level of a non-neglected child. Source: Am a high school teacher who works with many students who\u2019ve been affected by trauma and neglect, and have read a lot on the subject, one source in particular being the book \u201cThe Body Keeps the Score\u201d by Bessel Van der Kolk."}, {"answer": "So I guess, think of a baby as a blob. A primitive, instinctual blob. Without having learned anything about the world yet. Now imagine you're a blob. Your just starting to experience everything, without language or understanding. Without context clues or nuances, or appropriate social behaviors. Then imagine this; you only understand binary feelings of good and bad. Good: Mommy or Daddy feeding you. Changing your diaper so you're clean. Playing/interacting with you. Bad: pooped yourself, you're hungry, you're tired. But babies/toddlers don't understand concepts like \"tired\" or \"hungry\", just feelings. They don't have social context yet to understand what tired means and therefore how to solve it on their own. They only understand bad and good. And how have they solved all their bad problems so far in life? Crying! It's a developmental thing. Unfortunately, it just takes time until they get old enough to understand."}, {"answer": "Babies and toddlers have a different approach to stress as you or I, they simply aren't able to manage their own emotions - in medicine we call this self regulation and children develop it later into childhood. Basically babies are trained to feel bad, scream, and have you solve the problem all the time every time. They simply cannot plan an action to fix their own feelings of anxiety even if it seems obvious. This is called \"attatchement\" when you form this sort of feedback loop of screaming and fixing. There isn't a natural instinct for babies to associate any behaviour other than crying with their own comfort until they hit a concrete operational stage where they can understand simple cause and effect - this is the 2nd stage of stress management where they can plan a solution to a problem and see it through."}, {"answer": "As a parent, I feel as though experience speaks to this effect - children are not reasonable beings. You can share the most eloquent of arguments but kids will never hear you. As humans, they know when you're full of shit but will still dog you on an issue.just to be obstinant. It's not because they want to, mostly because they can. Look at it this way - if you can get the desired results by yelling about it and you see progress, why wouldn't you keep it up? They see it the same way. Kids arent dumb, they see real-world results and tune into it. So, if you want to out-smart kids then all you need to do is be ready for ALL of their questions, no matter the cost..."}, {"answer": "Babies start out in the womb, literally being part of their mother. Everything is regulated for them- they are constantly held snugly, are warm, are few, and have their mama\u2019s voice and heartbeat with them always. Once born into the big bad world, they are suddenly separate beings and do not know how to do things like this for themselves, including how to soothe themselves to sleep. It\u2019s literally called self-soothing and is something we have to teach babies to do so they can allow themselves to relax and drift off. There\u2019s more to it than this, but the concept of self-soothing as a skill we learn is the gist of the answer you seek."}, {"answer": "Babies are complex in terms of brain development but luckily this is easy to explain. Human babies have only one defense strategy which comes first in all situation and it goes like this: when in discomfort of any kind: scream. Fun fact: this egocentrism makes babies very much like psychopaths - putting themselves and disregarding others' emotions. This instinct of screaming is like many instincts not always used in an optimal setting, just like stress doesn't help us much before tests or like how sexual drive doesn't do much for our species when we masturbate and so on..."}, {"answer": "They don't know they want to sleep. They are brand new to this world so they don't know the relation between tired and sleep. Then when they get to be a year or more and they'll start comprehending, exploring, and understanding their daily lives. Literally everything they encounter is amazing. A potato chip bag, a sneaker, cell phone... They are impressed with everything so even though they are starting to realize tired means sleep, they are afraid they'll miss the next big thing.. Like a cardboard box or something."}, {"answer": "Their minds become over stimulated. They don\u2019t have the critical thinking skills to \u201cwind down\u201d crying can sometimes help. Usually talking to them in a soft calm voice, a car ride, or something that forces them to focus and relax will help them fall asleep. It would be like going to an all night concert and within 2 seconds of the music stopping being expected to fall asleep. Yes. You\u2019re tired. But your brain needs to come down from the noise, the chaos, the stimulus."}, {"answer": "Little babies are not born fully developed. That includes their brains and nervous systems. Just as they progress through physical developmental milestones by learning to eat, walk, etc, they also have milestones of their nervous system. One of these is the ability to regulate their nervous system to calm and sooth agitated states. Until then they rely on assistance to transition between these states. The result is that an infant easily transitions to agitated emotional states, and with difficulty transitions away for them without help."}, {"answer": "because that's the only way they have to vent frustration. Ever been upset, and exhaustion/tired been a part of it? you can vocalize that reason as your brain has developed enough as adult. Babies haven't, and so as they are tired, they get frustrated, and they cry. It happens ALL. THE. TIME. all you can do is just wait for it. and Purple Crying is also a thing, where babies cry and scream for periods. it'll pass."}, {"answer": "Imagine if you will, feeling a feeling for the first time, all you know is it feels bad. How do you fix it? Now take away your ability to walk, talk, comprehend anything, read, write, critical thinking, etc to the point where you are basically a ball of jello with a bad feeling. How do you fix it? How can you even begin to comprehend fixing it?"}, {"answer": "Even after toddlers start talking, they still don\u2019t understand \u201cdo x and y will feel better\u201d. That thought process won\u2019t solidify sometimes until they\u2019re like 10. So when children feel ill or are tired, they tend to act out. Ever have a terrible nights sleep and have your morning routine go to shit only to get nailed in rush hour traffic? How crabby do you get?"}, {"answer": "Little ones have a difficult time figuring out their bodies signals. They just know that something's wrong. Crying is their instinctive way of telling mom and dad that there's something wrong. It really is that simple. That's why rocking usually works. They get comforted and can calm down enough to relax and let it happen."}, {"answer": "Maybe they do that to raise awareness around them and call parents to take care of them even if they are already in their crib because they have some kind of behavioral memory attached to that as well. And, well, the basic action babies perform is screaming/crying to get the things they want."}, {"answer": "For newborns, while in utero, they were being held 24/7/10(months) in a perfect temperature, warm, water environment floating arround and listening to the soothing sound of their mother's heartbeat. The moment born, they are being held less. It is getting used to being held for less time and acclimating to a new environment."}, {"answer": "Everything is new to a baby. Every good thing is the best thing ever. Every bad thing is the worst thing ever. But babies cannot articulate what they want or need. They cry because that's the only thing that will get their needs met. Hungry? Cry. Soiled diaper? Cry. Being tired? Cry."}, {"answer": "Sleeping babies is not as simple as adults. They often need to be quiet. They need to find the feeling they are most familiar with before they can fall asleep. Otherwise, if they are uncomfortable, they will only express it through crying because he will not be in other ways."}, {"answer": "When they\u2019re so young that they\u2019re still doing that they crying out of reflex opposed to being emotionally upset like older kids. It\u2019s pretty much like their body is telling them they need something and their response to that if they don\u2019t get it quick enough is to cry."}, {"answer": "It is called being overtired. They get so tired and frustrated that they cant get calm and take even longer to get to sleep. There is a magic window of tiredness when you have to put them down, at least for the first couple years. Good luck!"}, {"answer": "It\u2019s because they can\u2019t process it the same way adults do so they cry for comfort from a loved one they trust (aka parent) to hold them and make them feel better. In the process, they let go and allow themselves to fall asleep"}, {"answer": "Maybe because they have no sense of sleep or even self. So imagine you suddenly feel like you're drifting away into nothingness and only darkness is approaching. If you don't know what sleep is, that could be scary..."}, {"answer": "The real answer is the same reason that non-babies get cranky when over tired -- but non-babies can say that they are tired, whereas babies cannot. Being over tired = cranky, at any age."}, {"answer": "Child care provider/hopeful future postpartum doula here. When babies/toddlers are overtired, their bodies produce cortisol to help them stay awake. This stress inhibits sleep and results in the hormonal/emotional mess you speak of."}, {"answer": "What's the evolutionary justification? Why do babies survive better if they scream to tell predators where they are? Or, are babies whose mothers can't hold them less 'fit' to survive?"}, {"answer": "Yerp they can\u2019t talk, also it\u2019s instinctual for a baby to cry so they get social practice. A baby who doesn\u2019t cry is a cause for concern."}, {"answer": "I love how you can see what was previously posted in the deleted text, within the subject line for 3 seconds before it disappears."}, {"answer": "They just dont have to ability to communicate and they rely on you alot so i guess they just want to let you know"}, {"answer": "Every bit of slight discomfort for a baby is a brand new phenominon, and literally the worst thing they've experienced in their lives."}, {"answer": "For babies their only method of communication is crying, sometimes they aren't crying to necessarily express their upset"}, {"answer": "Even adults get moody. They handle it better (usually) than babies but it is still a similar phenomenon."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "55003162", "title": "Infant crying", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 658, "bleu_score": 0.9312948045060891}]}]
[ { "contents": "Toddler\n\n\nday. Around this time, toddlers generally know about 50 words. At 21 months is when toddlers begin to incorporate two word phrases into their vocabulary, such as \"I go\", \"mama give\", and \"baby play\". Before going to sleep they often engage in a monologue called crib talk in which they practice conversational skills. At this age, children are becoming very proficient at conveying their wants and needs to their parents in a verbal fashion. There are several other important milestones that are achieved in", "id": "18284675" }, { "contents": "Display rules\n\n\nthings. Most of the facial expressions will be learned through the parents, mainly from the mother. The mother-infant relationship is key in the development of display rules during infancy, it is the synchrony of mother-infant expressions. To express themselves vocally; babies require the use of “screaming” or “crying”. There is no differentiation for the request of a baby, this is why the relation with the parents is important, they must teach the infant when and for what reason to cry (i.e. need", "id": "5976513" }, { "contents": "Chloe Mitchell\n\n\nChloe's daughter, Delia, has on her scenes, \"It’s like the best thing ever. I love the way that children change the scenes. It’s so honest, and you have a baby that is screaming and crying when she is supposed to be smiling and happy in the scene, and we have to just go, go, go, and it becomes real and natural. I like being mom for ten minutes and then handing them back.\" In September 2011, Delia is rushed to hospital after", "id": "15577604" }, { "contents": "Among the Sleep\n\n\nof briefly comforting mother should the player interact with her again. There is a knock at the front door that the mother doesn't react to; instead, she continues crying. When the toddler goes to the door, it opens and reveals a glowing white light. The player's father is heard talking to the child, remarking on Teddy's broken arm, stating that he can fix him. An expansion level available through downloadable content is set before the events of the game, again told from the toddler's point of", "id": "16624764" }, { "contents": "Billy Gibbons\n\n\nin-law with the word \"Daddy\" across Gibbons' beard (at which point Gibbons told Hodgins that celebratory tequila and he do not seem to mix). In a later episode, he asks to babysit his grandson Michael, pointing out that Angela had spent many nights when she was a baby sleeping soundly backstage while he played to sold-out stadiums. After initial reluctance of Angela and Hodgins, they agree due to the need to get some sleep, as Michael will not stop crying and go to sleep.", "id": "10047319" }, { "contents": "Gina Ford\n\n\n, \"I would never advise that young babies should be left to cry for lengthy periods of time to get themselves to sleep. I do stress that some overtired babies will fight sleep and they should be allowed 5-10 minutes' 'crying down' period.\" Ford writes further on this subject in her book The New Contented Little Baby Book . Critics of her methods include Penelope Leach, Miriam Stoppard and Nick Clegg. However, there are proponents of Ford's methods, Gwyneth Paltrow. In response to criticism levied", "id": "9903249" }, { "contents": "Patricia Brown\n\n\nstarted playing sandlot ball at an early age with her brothers Joseph Jr., Thomas and Alan and their neighborhood friends. \"Playing sandlot baseball was a real struggle for me at first. I was so tired of hearing that I should go home and play with my dolls that I wanted to cry\", she remembered. But the young Pat did not scream at the boys. She just bided her time. \"From time in time I played first base, second base, and shortstop, as well all three outfield positions", "id": "11805828" }, { "contents": "Ferber method\n\n\n's Sleep Problems\". He is now more open to co-sleeping and feels different approaches work for different families, children & situations. Crying is associated with physiological stress in the baby in the short term, and some pediatricians do not recommend techniques like \"controlled crying\" and \"camping out\" as a result, based on possible long-term psychological and physical problems. A study that looked at long-term consequences in children older than seven months concluded that there were no beneficial nor negative effects. However,", "id": "4708323" }, { "contents": "Cheese Chasers\n\n\nwhat is going on. When Claude begs the dog to \"massacre\" him, and the mice come running out of the house and once again beg Claude to eat them, the dog tries to figure out why Claude no longer wants to eat mice and the mice do not want to eat cheese anymore. Finding out that \"it just don't add up,\" he runs after a passing dog catcher now wanting to get committed and therefore put to sleep (\"Hey, wait for me! Wait for baby!", "id": "20678718" }, { "contents": "Penelope Leach\n\n\nversions in 1988 1997, 2003 and 2010. The book is divided into five major sections, covering newborns, \"settled babies,\" \"older babies,\" \"toddlers,\" and \"young children.\" Each section includes information on expected developmental milestones and patterns in the areas of sleep, eating, \"crying and comforting,\" speech, and physical growth. The book's central thesis is to illuminate \"the successive tasks of development with which [children] are involved, the kinds of thought of which they", "id": "6715711" }, { "contents": "Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington\n\n\nto her apartment and confronts a semi-recuperated Jake about how he managed to escape from B613 and her father. The dialogue about baby Teddy calling for Marta was worked into the shooting episode as the child actress playing Teddy would not stop crying out that name. Bellamy Young said that \"We finally just decided to go with it. When she was screaming for “Marta,” we were like, “We’ll just make it work.” Young also admitted to being nervous about shooting the scene in which she appeared", "id": "16404940" }, { "contents": "The Tyrant (House)\n\n\naccepts when she finds that Foreman got her a job at Princeton-General. She asks him why he didn't just step down instead of firing her, and asks him if he would do that instead if he could turn back time. Foreman insists he made the right choice, so Thirteen leaves. The episode ends with House and Wilson watching TV, and they shout 'Oh!' together when the alligator eats a frog. Dibala's son arrives from Princeton and is shown crying over the dictator's dead body.", "id": "878874" }, { "contents": "The Boy Who Drew Cats\n\n\ncan ask for a night's shelter, not realizing all the priests living there have long-ago been driven away by a giant goblin-rat. When the boy arrives, he finds the place deserted and decides to draw cats on the walls. As he begins to feel tired, he remembers the old priest's words and climbs inside a little cabinet to go to sleep. During the night he hears horrible sounds of screaming and fighting. When morning comes and he finally climbs out, he discovers the corpse of the", "id": "18979065" }, { "contents": "Sleep\n\n\nare extremely brief and patients usually do not remember experiencing them. Instead, many patients simply feel tired after getting several hours of sleep and have no idea why. Major risk factors for sleep apnea include chronic fatigue, old age, obesity and snoring. Sleep disorders include narcolepsy, periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), restless leg syndrome (RLS), upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and the circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Fatal familial insomnia, or FFI, an extremely rare genetic disease with no known treatment or", "id": "8174539" }, { "contents": "Umay\n\n\nhave male babies. Turkic women tie strings attached with small cradles to will a baby from Umay. This belief can be seen with the Tungusic peoples in Southern Siberia and the Altay people. Umay is always depicted together with a child. There are only rare exceptions to this. It is believed that when Umay leaves a child for a long time, the child gets ill and shamans are involved to call Umay back. The smiling of a sleeping baby shows Umay is near it and crying means that Umay has left. In", "id": "19716285" }, { "contents": "Rama language\n\n\ncry\"; the second vowel in can copy the vowel of the suffix). can also express \"be about to (do something)\". The suffix (see also above) may express intention, as in \"I am going to look at the baby\" ( \"look at\"), and in first person plural imperatives (i.e. \"let's...\"), as in \"Let's sleep!\" ( \"sleep\"). In the latter use the subject prefix may be omitted, e.g.", "id": "11045282" }, { "contents": "1972 Black Hills flood\n\n\nmany [people] in trees and screaming and crying and the sparks were flying from electric wires, houses were on fire, it was just — it was hell,\" she says. Rita was seven months pregnant at the time of the tragedy. She describes her fears as, \"I wouldn't wish that upon nobody,\" she says. \"That's a nightmare and a half to think that you're going to die in water and your mom is gonna go with you and you're trying to do", "id": "11451773" }, { "contents": "Screaming\n\n\nnot scream, he shouts. The shout marks territory, exercising will and structure. Tarzan shouts. The female scream reaches the infinite, it is a sound or cry at the brink of death. The male shout structures, the female scream opens a black hole to the limitless. The male director seeks to master the scream but he cannot-just as the female cannot herself master the scream. It exceeds control of both genders. In the scream speech reaches utter silence”. Janov believes that for babies, screaming", "id": "5741532" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nis not at all typical of young children with sleep apnea. Toddlers and young children with severe OSA instead ordinarily behave as if \"over-tired\" or \"hyperactive.\" Adults and children with very severe OSA also differ in typical body \"habitus\". Adults are generally heavy, with particularly short and heavy necks. Young children, on the other hand, are generally not only thin but may have \"failure to thrive\", where growth is reduced. Poor growth occurs for two reasons: the work of breathing", "id": "16836478" }, { "contents": "My War\n\n\n\" Rollins compares himself to feces stuck to his shoe: \"And I've been grinding that stink into the dirt / For a long time now\". Against a slow, heavy, start-and-stop bass riff and a constant drum thudding, Rollins closes \"Scream\" with a bellow after delivering the Ginn-penned lines: \"I may be a big baby / But I'll scream in your ear / 'Til I find out / Just what it is I am doing here\". Black Flag toured", "id": "16639874" }, { "contents": "Washington Kastles\n\n\n, right into her midriff. If she's not crying by the time she comes off court then I did not do my job.\" Asked if that meant he hated the Russian, with whom he trained as a youth, he replied: \"Hate is a very strong word. I just despise her to the maximum level just below hate.\" He added that he would not like to sleep with Kournikova, \"because she's such a douche.\" Instead, \"I wouldn't mind having my younger brother", "id": "16523180" }, { "contents": "Dollhouse (Melanie Martinez song)\n\n\ncamera shows the family sitting on the couch, watching TV. Cry Baby describes that, to the outer world, while her mother may seem perfect, she is far from it, as when her husband is out cheating on her with another woman, she drinks away her sorrows. Cry Baby then notices that the girl is coming back upstairs, and warns the other dolls to go back into the places they were in before. They do, and as the girl approaches, Cry Baby stands up and tells the girl that", "id": "654896" }, { "contents": "Go, Baby!\n\n\nis shown as a toddler, and is usually seen laughing or surprised. The show begins with the view of Baby's diaper and the title, \"Go, Baby!\" printed on. The narrator then precedes to introduce Baby and the \"mission\" Baby is attempting to complete. As seen in the \"Music\" episode, Baby attempts to play the drums with his head and the narrator then asks the viewer to \"show\" Baby how to play the drums correctly. In doing so, the viewer is given", "id": "16812770" }, { "contents": "Photographic manipulation\n\n\naround a little bit. I said, 'that looks good.' I worked it and sent it... I wasn't debating the ethics of it when I was doing it. I was looking for a better image. It was a 14 hour day and I was tired. It was probably ten at night. I was looking to make a picture. Why I chose this course is something I'll go over and over in my head for a long time. I certainly wasn't thinking of the ramifications”.", "id": "14863553" }, { "contents": "Infant sleep training\n\n\nparenting think the parent should attend to the baby whenever he or she cries, and limit tears as much as possible. However, many popular sleep training methods, such as the Ferber Method, rely on letting the baby \"cry it out\" for a certain number of minutes, so that so-called \"self-soothing\" skills are fostered instead of an over-reliance upon externally-provided soothing. The Ferber method has been criticized by some for being cruel. Sleep scientists, some of whom profit from sleep", "id": "2283683" }, { "contents": "Attachment parenting\n\n\nInfants cry the most in the age of six weeks; in 1986, a research team at McGill University showed in a randomized study that infants of that age cried significantly less if their parents wore them a lot on the body during the day. Sears recommends babywearing for the purpose of settling a baby to sleep, too. He approves on the use of a sling up to the age of three, since childwearing can also be used to calm a misbehaving toddler down. Other pediatricians find it disputable to wear children beyond the", "id": "12155836" }, { "contents": "Josefina López\n\n\nthe American dream. Maria believes him and studies hard. However, when she tells her parents she wants to go to college, they order her to get married instead. Maria is so upset she cries herself to sleep and has a nightmare in which her American self and her Mexican self wrestle with each other. She gets married and gives birth to six babies. Her wedding dress attacks her and a giant tortilla squashes her. Maria is awakened by her mother's crying and overhears her confronting Ricardo about his affairs. Maria", "id": "12427185" }, { "contents": "Eréndira (film)\n\n\ngrandmother in a vast, gloomy house in a windswept desert region. Exploited by her grandmother, Eréndira must work all day long doing the house chores, until she sleeps walk exhausted. The heartless grandmother lives in her own world, talking to herself and crying uncontrollably with sentimental French songs. One day Eréndira is so tired from all the work that she falls sleep without extinguishing the candles. The curtains catch fire accidentally burning the house down to the foundation walls. Having calculated the debt Eréndira owes her for the destruction of her", "id": "7138496" }, { "contents": "Lindbergh kidnapping\n\n\n: the kidnapper would soon return the baby's sleeping suit. The stranger asked Condon, \"... would I 'burn' if the package were dead?\" When questioned further, he assured Condon that the baby was alive. On March 16, Condon received a toddler's sleeping suit by mail, and a seventh ransom note. After Lindbergh identified the sleeping suit, Condon placed a new ad in the \"Home News\": \"Money is ready. No cops. No secret service. I come alone, like", "id": "14123527" }, { "contents": "On Becoming Baby Wise\n\n\na few sympathetic families. The infant-rearing investigation the Ezzos conducted was performed by GFI and not published or subject to peer review. In training the infant to follow the recommended eating and sleeping schedule, their method expected that at certain times the infant would be left alone to cry when hungry or wakeful. The book justified the act of leaving a baby to cry alone by comparing that choice to the crucifixion of Jesus: \"Praise God that the Father did not intervene when His Son cried out on the cross.\"", "id": "19735124" }, { "contents": "Chael Sonnen\n\n\nas a miracle, but that now he understood. He also said, \"I love hearing him scream. People get upset when their baby cries, man, I've waited a long time to hear that cry, I've got \"no\" problem with it. In my house, we understand, if you want to be heard, you gotta make a little noise.\" In 2016, Chael's newborn daughter, Blauna Dian, died. Both Blauna Dian and Chael's wife, Brittany, had contracted", "id": "20596760" }, { "contents": "Ferber method\n\n\nThe Ferber method, or Ferberization, is a technique invented by Dr. Richard Ferber to solve infant sleep problems. It involves \"baby-training\" children to self-soothe by allowing the child to cry for a predetermined amount of time before receiving external comfort. The \"Cry It Out\" (CIO) approach can be traced back to the book \"The Care and Feeding of Children\" written by Dr. Emmett Holt in 1895. CIO is any sleep-training method which allows a baby to cry for a specified period", "id": "4708320" }, { "contents": "Death of Baby Falak\n\n\nand the baby was taken off the ventilator and shifted into a ward on 2 March. The toddler had shown signs of recovery and doctors were calling her the \"miracle baby\" after she was taken off life support within weeks of being admitted. Nurses who took care of her said she was able to breathe on her own and lift her eyes, and there was movement in the limbs. \"She would cry and the whole unit would go to see what happened to her. Each one of us was so attached to", "id": "9171260" }, { "contents": "Infant crying\n\n\nthat an infant can be in a situation where abuse is a possibility, support can be offered to give a parent or caregiver a break when needed. Education and understanding can let the parent know that dealing with a crying baby can be very frustrating—especially when they are tired or stressed, but infant crying is normal and it will pass. Parents can be encouraged to take a calming break if needed while the baby is safe in the crib. Others can be sensitive and supportive in situations when parents are trying to calm", "id": "19565099" }, { "contents": "The Remaining\n\n\nasks what's going on, Shay explains that they are living in the Rapture. More survivors are let inside the church, but one of them is pregnant. The pregnant woman does give birth, but her baby doesn't show signs of crying or breathing, indicating that the baby is stillborn. When Tommy asks why God kills these people, Shay explains that God raptures the believers' souls while leaving their mortal bodies behind. Shay explains that the reason why he wasn't raptured was that he didn't display real faith", "id": "17199816" }, { "contents": "Tot Watchers\n\n\ntwo dive straight in, only to find that the baby never did enter the mixer but instead playing with a hammer. The baby then playfully bonks Tom on the head. Later on, Jeannie is in panic and crying, telling a 30-year old police officer that she was babysitting, took her eye off the baby for \"one teensy minute\" and the baby was gone. Tired, Tom and Jerry arrive with the baby. Jeannie grabs the baby while the two try to escape, but the police officer (voiced by", "id": "20438307" }, { "contents": "Baby with the Bathwater\n\n\nof abrupt shifts of mood, first cooing at the baby soothingly, then screaming at it. In subsequent scenes, John and Nanny have an affair, Helen takes baby and leaves, only to come back a moment later rain-soaked and unhappy. By the time the baby is a toddler, Daisy has finally been named. At this age Daisy has a penchant for running in front of buses and for lying, depressed, in piles of laundry. The audience hears an alarming essay Daisy has written in school, and", "id": "17343112" }, { "contents": "Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder\n\n\n. It remains a great mystery as to why Loath Nolder disappeared so suddenly, resurfacing five years later and resuming his investigations just as abruptly as he had left them. Why does this venerated P.I. now sit on the other side of the law? This seemingly routine investigation takes a dramatic twist as strange and terrifying happenings begin to plague your psyche. You experience lucid horrifying dreams and are tormented by paranormal happenings. Why do days pass instead of hours when you sleep? What’s real and what’s not? As you pursue", "id": "6085023" }, { "contents": "Me Too (Meghan Trainor song)\n\n\ncontroversy, Trainor said, \"I screamed in my hotel room, [...] I was like, 'Why would they do this?' I cried. I had to try not to cry because I had my [makeup] done, and was like, 'Don't ruin this. Go work and ignore it,' but I couldn't help it.\" The video begins with Trainor waking up and singing the song looking in her bathroom mirror. She dons a giraffe onesie and makes her way to a", "id": "10788573" }, { "contents": "Sarah Ockwell-Smith\n\n\nSleep Book\" offers sleep advice from birth to five years and does not involve any controlled crying techniques. \"The Gentle Sleep Book\" sold 25,000 UK copies in the first year of publication and frequently appears on bestseller lists. \"The Gentle Parenting Book\", which provides an introduction to gentle parenting from birth to seven years, was published in Spring 2016, closely followed by \"Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters\", also in Spring 2016. Ockwell-Smith is contracted to write a further three books in the '", "id": "854024" }, { "contents": "Among the Sleep\n\n\nthrough the door, the child is back in their room (having exited through the closet). The child heads downstairs to find his mother crying in the kitchen, the damaged bear in one hand, an empty wine bottle in the other, which she drops. When the player attempts to retrieve the bear, the mother knocks the toddler over and shouts at the player to leave her alone. She apologizes and tells the toddler she didn't mean to, and that it's too much. The player has the option", "id": "16624763" }, { "contents": "Scream (Usher song)\n\n\na-ooh baby baby, ooh baby / If you want it done right, hope you’re ready to go.\" DJ Booth depicted the track to be about orgasms. Digital Spy's Lewis Corner wrote that \"Scream\" contains \"sex-fuelled lyrics\" portrayed in the line \"I see you over there so hypnotic/ Thinkin' 'bout what I'd do to that body\". The song received generally positive reviews from music critics. Andrew Leahey of \"The Washington Times\" liked the track's use of instrumentals", "id": "17757371" }, { "contents": "Sippy Cup (song)\n\n\nto hide her alcoholism, Cry Baby knows that she is hiding liquor in her sippy cup. When the drunk mother sees her husband with another woman, she ties both of them up, murders them, and covers the bodies up with a bloody sheet. Cry Baby then walks in on the crime scene; shocked and overwhelmed by the sight, she begins to panic. Her mother puts her to sleep and when she awakens, Cry Baby is chained to her own bed. To cover up the murder, her mother drugs", "id": "14240890" }, { "contents": "Rumors (Lindsay Lohan song)\n\n\n, the song was written as a response to the paparazzi and media's backlash, both which are addressed in the chorus lines, where Lohan sings, \"I'm tired of rumors starting/ I'm sick of being followed/ I'm tired of people lying/ Saying what they want about me/ Why can't they back up off me?/ Why can't they let me live?/ I'm going to do it my way/ Take this for just what it is.\" Spence D. of IGN noted that Lohan's vocals are \"driven by snarls", "id": "15623604" }, { "contents": "Endless Love (2015 TV series)\n\n\nNihan walking towards him. Nihan is lost in thought about how she's going to tell Kemal she's pregnant when she gets a call telling her Ozan committed suicide. Kemal angry at Nihan for not telling him about Emir and Zeynep taunts Nihan. Nihan falls to the floor and begins screaming, she runs to Kemal and accuses him of killing her brother, Kemal is left shocked and Zeynep witnessing this from behind starts crying and screaming. Zeynep tries to run away but in the process loses her baby and returns to her maternal", "id": "2320010" }, { "contents": "Sleeping with Other People\n\n\nwith someone who was already seeing another person, recalling that at one point she drove to his house \"I just started crying hysterically. I pulled over and just kept crying. It was sort of like, What is my problem right now? Is it that I'm in love with him? Is it that I feel guilty? Is it that I'm doing something I don't want to do?\" From the start she did not set out to make a romantic comedy although when she realized she was making one", "id": "9644201" }, { "contents": "Eli Grant\n\n\nis a father of 3, the actor admitted he had to \"dig a little deeper\" in his portrayal of Eli's grief because he bonded with children after birth. \"I didn't have that connection right away.\" He did not get to work with the baby that appeared in Lani's dream sequences, the actor explained that just seeing the child helped him connect to the material. \"When I saw that baby I almost started crying myself. There’s so much going on in that span of time when", "id": "15511950" }, { "contents": "Black Friday (Scream Queens)\n\n\nthe store to open angry and devastated, all just for her joy. She is about to go to the mall when Dean Munsch (Jamie Lee Curtis) stops her and the other Chanels. They insist on going though, and after a heated speech by Chanel explaining why she loves the holiday so much and pointing out how there's nothing they can currently do about the situation, Dean Munsch desists. At the mall, The Red Devil shows up. The Devil turns off all the lights and manages to trap the Chanels", "id": "8655211" }, { "contents": "Maria Goretti\n\n\nprotesting that what he wanted to do was a mortal sin and warning him that he would go to Hell. She fought desperately and kept screaming, \"No! It is a sin! God does not want it!\" He first choked her, but when she insisted she would rather die than submit to him, he stabbed her eleven times. She tried to reach the door, but he stopped her by stabbing her three more times before running away. Teresa awoke with the noise and started crying, and when Assunta", "id": "15265947" }, { "contents": "Beshalach\n\n\nsea after it. Reading \"And the Lord said to Moses: ‘Why do you cry to Me? Speak to the children of Israel, that they go forward,\" Rabbi Eliezer taught that God was telling Moses that there is a time to pray briefly and a time to pray at length. God was telling Moses that God's children were in trouble, the sea cut them off, the enemy pursued, and yet Moses stood and said a long prayer! God told Moses that it was time to cut short", "id": "4652134" }, { "contents": "Sasha Morgenthaler\n\n\nlatter part of the decade. Around 1980, the \"skin\" tone of most of the \"Caucasian\" dolls was lightened. Dolls come in girl, boy, baby, and (beginning in the last production cycle) toddler versions. Girl and boy dolls are 16 inches or so tall, while babies and toddlers are 11–12 inches. Babies have curved arms and legs and do not stand. When first introduced, baby dolls were sexed with stylised genitals, but the practice was discontinued. Dolls have rooted hair in brown", "id": "2275445" }, { "contents": "Gurgle\n\n\nSainsburys stores, Waitrose, and 500 Independent Retailers. Gurgle published three books with Harper Collins in March 2009, combining's articles with user generated content from the site. The books are: \"Pregnancy: how to enjoy it\", \"Sleeping: solved\" and \"Feeding: solved\". In February 2011 Gurgle partnered with restaurant guide publisher Hardens, and baby food company Plum to produce \"Eating out with Babies and Toddlers\", which features over 1,000 of the UK's best baby and toddler-friendly restaurants", "id": "10164494" }, { "contents": "Babysitting Mama\n\n\nbut will freeze the game. All babies are unlocked after completing a baby book or finishing at least 4 pages. All mini-games are unlocked in the main game. Also, all activities in the mini-games don't require the baby but the Nunchuk mainly. When caring for the baby, either by putting to sleep to make them happy or stop them from crying, there may be an interruption where a task must be done in a time limit. It doesn't affect medals but then it returns to the", "id": "16980709" }, { "contents": "Yumika Hayashi\n\n\nHayashi's mother went to her apartment on the morning of June 29, 2005, two days after Hayashi's 35th birthday. There they discovered her dead body in bed. A friend of Hayashi's described the scene to reporters, \"Yumika was lying in her bed and the three people who found her thought she was sleeping. When they realized she wasn't breathing, they quickly called for an ambulance, but it was already too late, Yumika's mom was shattered, screaming, crying and going half crazy.\"", "id": "15761837" }, { "contents": "The River Why (film)\n\n\nand the majority of the night, the Chinook finally tires, leaving Gus able to bring it to bay. Instead, Gus cuts the line and lets the fish go, realizing that Eddy had him do this to help him understand that the true meaning of his life could never be something as simple as fishing but instead to do what he loves with the people he loves. Finding Eddy waiting for him, the two consummate their relationship. Eddy leads Gus to the final piece of his puzzle of finding meaning in his life", "id": "15219929" }, { "contents": "Infant and toddler safety\n\n\nand permanent brain damage to an infant or toddler. There are preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of injuring a child this way. Those who care for infants and toddlers may benefit from stress reduction. Becoming educated on normal child development can help someone understand that crying is a normal thing for babies and toddlers, especially if they hungry or need a diaper change. Caregivers can contact another person who is willing to give them a break. Those who are drinking alcohol are more likely to injure the infant or", "id": "14238499" }, { "contents": "Baby Not on Board\n\n\n\" nearly verbatim. Chris asks his friend why in the \"Lord of the Rings\" films Frodo and Gandalf walk to get to Mordor instead of taking the Eagle that was used at the end of the story. When driving to the Grand Canyon, the family sings Bette Midler's \"The Rose\". When Stewie chains Cleveland and Quagmire to the basement wall, he forces them to watch the DirecTV help channel. When Lois says they haven't heard from Joe, he is seen screaming the Rifleman's Creed at his", "id": "5135119" }, { "contents": "Scream (Usher song)\n\n\ntotal cinch for him to get her home\", in the line \"I see you over there, so hypnotic/ Thinking 'bout what I do to that body.../ Got no drink in my hand/ But I'm wasted/ Getting drunk of the thought of you naked/ I get you like ooh, baby, baby.\" In the chorus, he sings \"If you wanna scream ‘yeah,’ let me know and I’ll take you there / Get you going like a-ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby,", "id": "17757370" }, { "contents": "Roddy Bottum\n\n\nbands like Pulp or Pizzicato Five.\" Bottum noted \"I think there's a resistance from gay artists to go that route just because it's so predictable. But it is annoying to see bands play it as safe as they do these days. That's why something that visually screams as loud as Marilyn Manson is such a breath of fresh air.\" Before he came out as gay, Bottum was actually involved in a brief heterosexual relationship with Courtney Love in the early 1980s, concurrent with the time she sang for", "id": "10620864" }, { "contents": "Girl Distribution Company\n\n\nthat his departure was not due to dissatisfaction: There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way things were going with Girl. That's why it was hard to go through with everything because we're all really close friends and I love those guys so much. I just felt like I wanted to do something for myself, instead of in a few years realizing that I can't jump down stairs when I'm 45, and I kinda wanted to have my own thing started by the time that happens. I have a few", "id": "17845739" }, { "contents": "Athelstan Braxton Hicks\n\n\nnot be hanged; but the further cry that she should not be punished, is a plea that all women should be absolute over the lives of their little children.\" \"Are we really going half-mad with pity for everybody except the totally defenceless? If not, why in the name of Christianity, as well as common-sense, do we object to the Home Secretary protecting babies of three months from being throttled?\" Overlaying, where the child is accidentally smothered in bed, was common especially in overcrowded", "id": "5721621" }, { "contents": "Dunstan Baby Language\n\n\nall have reflexes, like sneezes, hiccups, and burps, that all have a recognizable pattern when sound is added to the reflex. There are other reflexes that all babies experience, and when sound is added to these, a distinct, preemptive \"cry\" will occur before the infant breaks into what Dunstan calls the hysterical cry. Dunstan states that these preemptive cries can indicate what the infant requires (e.g., \"food\", \"comfort\", \"sleep\", etc.), and they escalate to the", "id": "18356166" }, { "contents": "Romo\n\n\naudiences and those that did attend were generally sceptical. More seriously, the strain of having to live, eat and sleep together rather than merely go nightclubbing together had severely strained relations between the bands. Chipping was relatively diplomatic about this in one interview at the time: \"There's a definite reason why we have two tourbuses. It's to do with the fact that some bands just won't tour with each other, not because they dislike each other, they just have different... living styles.\" Nevertheless, by", "id": "2924924" }, { "contents": "Princess and I\n\n\nto escape. When Jao goes near them, they ask him why is he doing this to them. Mikay says, \"why Jao?\" While Gino say, \"why would you do this to your own brother?\" Jao screams out, \"you are not my brother, I am a full blood of the Eastern Kingdom.\" Mikay and Gino eventually escaped from the raging Jao and left to go back home to Yangdon. As King Anand, Mikay and Gino were having a conversation, Mikay happily tells King", "id": "17083906" }, { "contents": "With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept\n\n\nscript, we were very upset about it. Um, we were like 'This hasn't happened in so long. Why would we bring this up? We don't want to encourage or give attention to that kind of behavior.' Then literally while we're having this conversation with our creator and our bosses, two incidents happened. It was heartbreaking to know that stuff was still going on, it just wasn't receiving media attention that it used to.\" Allison Scagliotti, who portrays Abby Brown in the episode", "id": "15792594" }, { "contents": "Henry's Hard Soda\n\n\n, which is why we created Henry's Hard Soda. Henry's provides just the right amount of fun, helping people embrace their 'Live Hard-ish' lifestyle.\" In particular, the company sought to appeal to young parents. The company commission Mekanism to produce a commercial with the \"Live Hard-ish\" tagline, in which a group of Gen-Xers are drinking hard-ish beverages and cheering while watching a sports game when they suddenly subdue themselves upon hearing a baby crying on the baby monitor.", "id": "20887812" }, { "contents": "Stress in early childhood\n\n\nwith changes in sleep patterns. The activity of the HPA stress system adapts by repeated exposure to stressful stimulation. As newborns progress through the early months of life, babies experience increased cortisol levels during medical examinations. This is physically characterized by the fussing and crying of babies. After three months of life, babies do not respond to physical examinations with the HPA stress response system. However, babies can still respond to behavioral distress. As another example, if blood is drawn from a baby, the baby experiences an increased cortisol", "id": "13988381" }, { "contents": "Brown Girl, Brownstones\n\n\ncry herself to sleep. Selina wins the Association scholarship, but she declines the award. In private, she tells her mother she never stopped seeing Clive and what she had planned to do with the money. Selina plans to leave school and go to Barbados alone. The novel ends with Selina walking alone and tossing one of the silver bangles she's had since she was a baby toward a set of brownstones that are being torn down for a city project. \"Remarkable for its colorful characters, the cadence of its dialogue", "id": "18743116" }, { "contents": "I'm So Tired...\n\n\nafter they had teased a potential collaboration earlier that week by creating a playlist together of songs to sleep to, which they both sarcastically described as \"random\". Lauv said that \"When we wrote 'i'm so tired...' he [Sivan] just sounded too good singing it, so I think it was just natural to do the record together.\" Sivan called the song an \"accidental duet\" and \"a heartbreak song about an inescapable person\". On February 7, 2019, Lauv and Troye Sivan", "id": "21668912" }, { "contents": "List of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac characters\n\n\nThe sign that states 'Administration', also has in smaller letters under it \"We sell churros too\". God is here depicted as a giant baby-like man living in Heaven that gives Johnny no help. God openly admits to having done nothing since the creation of the universe just before going back to sleep. He created the universe, and is now very tired. Vasquez thinks he is cute, according to an author's note. Damned Elize is a character who lives in Hell. She does menial tasks", "id": "19632099" }, { "contents": "Lee Hunter (Hollyoaks)\n\n\nlong hours - I was working weekends and things - and realistically I'd had five years out of my life, I just wanted my weekends back. I wanted a bit of a life as well as work.\" In an interview with \"OK!\" magazine in 2010, Carter discussed the reasons why he initially quit \"Hollyoaks\" commenting, \"When I left \"Hollyoaks\" originally, in 2005, I was quite tired and ready to go, because of the schedules.\" In 2011, Paul Marquess was", "id": "13943814" }, { "contents": "Hinxworth Place\n\n\nPlace has long been reputedly haunted. The main legend concerns the sound of thumps, screams, the sound of a baby crying, and of water coming from a pump - but this only takes place during stormy autumn evenings. The story behind the disembodied sounds is the accidental killing of a young boy by his nursemaid. Having dressed himself in a white sheet as a \"ghost\" for a joke, the child's terrified nurse screamed and struck at him with a poker, and he fell down a flight of stairs,", "id": "244712" }, { "contents": "The Miracles discography\n\n\n\" (1965), \"Going To A Go-Go\", (single and album) (1965), \"I Second That Emotion\" (1967), \"Baby Baby Don't Cry\" (1969), \"The Tears of a Clown\"* (1970), \"Do It Baby\" (1974), \"Love Machine\"* (1975), and the platinum album \"City Of Angels\" (1975). This is quite probably an incomplete list, since Miracle Pete Moore states", "id": "18827600" }, { "contents": "Catacombs (2007 film)\n\n\nfearing it is the Antichrist. After a chase through the tunnels, she hides behind a wall column, armed with a mining pick. When the pursuer approaches, she strikes out blindly with the pick and hits him. Shortly after, Carolyn and her friends show up and tell Victoria that it was all just a prank. They wonder why Victoria is crying until they notice Jean-Michel lying dead, felled by the blow of Victoria's pick. Carolyn screams at the exhausted and terrified Victoria, who then kills Carolyn and", "id": "15330691" }, { "contents": "Yeh Dillagi\n\n\nmiddle of their journey, they have a flat tire, and Vijay tries to fix it. Instead, the jack breaks and Vicky offers to get one from a garage. Sapna realizes that Vicky wants to marry her at that point and starts to cry, so Vijay tries to calm her down by giving her a hug. Just then, Vicky arrives and realises that there is a connection between his brother and Sapna. He returns home drunk. Their mother has had enough and tells Sapna's father to tell her to go", "id": "319009" }, { "contents": "Patrick Dowling (producer)\n\n\n\" (which kept \"Vision On's\" \"The Gallery\" segment), continuing the partnership later with \"Hartbeat\" during the 1980s and 1990s, and then the BBC's current children's art programme, \"SMart\". Dowling also produced \"Why Don’t You Just Switch Off Your Television Set and Go and Do Something Less Boring Instead?\", which the \"Radio Times\" cut down to \"Why Don’t You …?\". He then created \"The Adventure Game\" (1980-1986", "id": "10062887" }, { "contents": "Baby Smurf\n\n\nBaby's dirty clothes. When Baby sees Grouchy passing, he tries to imitate his gruff expression, which seems to mellow Grouchy down, but he fakes apathy when Smurfette asks him to carry the baby. Brainy asks Papa Smurf where the baby Smurfs come from, but Papa's answer is so complicated that he still doesn't understand anything. At night, Baby Smurf's crying doesn't let any Smurf sleep. The next day, the Smurfs prepare a party in Baby Smurf's honor, but the stork arrives with a", "id": "16223637" }, { "contents": "Blanche Merrill\n\n\na baby carriage. Well, naturally, a baby carriage suggested a married woman. And there I was! The whole picture of the tired, forlorn, disillusioned, little immigrant mother and her views on matrimony came before my mind.\" When I'm writing a song I do the words and melody together, as I go along. Perhaps that isn't the way other song writers do, but it happens to be my way. First I write a couple of lines of the words and then I get up and", "id": "20776565" }, { "contents": "Cry-Baby\n\n\nwild. One day after school, he is approached by Allison Vernon-Williams, a pretty girl tired of being a \"square\", and the two fall in love. That same day, Cry-Baby approaches the \"square\" part of town to a talent show at the recreation center where Allison's grandmother hosts events, and introduces himself to her, who is skeptical of his motives. Cry-Baby invites Allison to a party at Turkey Point, a local hangout spot for the drapes. Despite her grandmother", "id": "5651199" }, { "contents": "Yoga nidra\n\n\nYoga nidra () or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the \"going-to-sleep\" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation. There is evidence that yoga nidra helps to relieve stress. It has been applied by the US Army to assist soldiers to recover from post-traumatic stress disorder. Yoga nidra has been described as the art of non-doing as opposed to doing more. Just as floating happens when one stops struggling, relaxation happens when one lets go of", "id": "12083153" }, { "contents": "Baby sling\n\n\naround both the baby and the wearer and then tied. There are different carrying positions possible with a wrap, depending on the length of the fabric. A baby or toddler can be carried on the wearer's front, back or hip. With shorter wraps it is possible to do a one-shouldered carry, similar to those done with a pouch or a ring sling, although most carries involve the fabric going over both shoulders of the wearer and often around the waist to offer maximum support. There are two main types", "id": "14873124" }, { "contents": "Those She Left Behind\n\n\nburden of losing his wife so suddenly, plus the burden of being a single father. He hires a few nannies to care for her with no success. Apparently, the one is even taking his words the wrong way and walking out on him. He even brings her to work with him to care for her. The stress is overwhelming, but he is dealing with it. However, the breaking point comes when Katie is crying and screaming almost nonstop for about two days. Scott can't figure out why, going", "id": "19293506" }, { "contents": "Baby Strange\n\n\n2012, says frontman Johnny Madden. \"We had no jobs, we were living for nothing. We were going out all the time, seeing the same faces, doing the same things. When we sing, \"I’m tired of my generation\", we mean that we’re part of this generation, and we were bored by ourselves.\" With the help of Connaire’s 17-year-old brother at the time, Aidan on bass, the trio began writing \"fast, snappy, in-and-out", "id": "8656050" }, { "contents": "Do You Wanna Come Over?\n\n\nthe studio one day because our screams of excitement after every take she did were distracting the producers.\" In late 2016, during interviews to promote the album, Spears declared that she wanted to explore new things on the record, and that it was her \"most hip-hop album,\" explaining: \"[...] there are like two or three songs that go in the direction of more urban that I've wanted to do for a long time now, and I just haven't really done that.\"", "id": "9526712" }, { "contents": "Chitram\n\n\nruns away to make Raman understand the difficulty of raising a baby alone. The invigilator holds the crying baby until Ramana has finished. Then Ramana takes the baby and goes home and feels bad about abusing Janaki and takes good care of the baby. One day when he is sleeping the baby disappears and Ramana goes searching for the child all over the city. He comes back home worried without finding the baby when Janaki returns home with the baby. Ramana apologises to her. Janaki tells him that she is pregnant again. In", "id": "16511538" }, { "contents": "Batik Air Flight 7703\n\n\nwing. Flight 7703 then \"shook\", veered and its wing caught fire, survivors recalling that some passengers didn't know that a collision had happened, and only felt a bump similar to that of a car's tire hitting a hole in the street, while others were crying and \"screaming in terror\". The witnesses stated that there was a loud bang when the collision happened, several seconds later, they noticed that Flight 7703's left wing was on fire. Survivors recalled the pilots screaming \"Fire! Fire", "id": "9622556" }, { "contents": "I Love Money (season 1)\n\n\nWhiteboy, Chance, and Real forced it in with only 53 seconds left. Mr. Boston screamed at Brandi C. and Megan for betraying him and he begins to cry outside. At the power outing, 12 Pack and the bottom three had lunch together. 12 Pack tried to comprehend why Whiteboy did not go in the box, but was displeased with the answers they gave him. Mr. Boston again emotionally broke down during one-on-one time with 12 Pack. The Gold Team requests that 12 Pack sends Destiney home,", "id": "17135159" }, { "contents": "Baby Talk (TV series)\n\n\njust going to do the best we can, and it's what the people like that's going to stay on.\" When the series returned, ratings began to decline considerably during the second season. Numerous time slot adjustments, and the massive cast and setting overhaul for season two could not overcome the marginal ratings and the critical panning \"Baby Talk\" received. In fact, results of the 1991 Electronic Media Critics' Poll voted \"Baby Talk\" the Worst Series on Television. The series was cancelled in the spring", "id": "7759690" }, { "contents": "Multiuser DOS\n\n\nof going into endless loops until interrupted when, for example, waiting for a user to press a key; this wasted processor time that could be used by other processes. Instead, Concurrent DOS provided an API call which a process could call to \"sleep\" for a period of time. Later versions of the Concurrent DOS kernel included Idle Detection, which monitored DOS API calls to determine whether the application was doing useful work or in fact idle, in which case the process was suspended allowing other processes to run. Idle", "id": "11574372" }, { "contents": "Doodeind\n\n\nand Chris can be saved. Chris listens in horror to Sidney scream while he's burned alive, and soon realizes the fire has now surrounded them. However, Barbara, as Mary, is able to control the fire, and she and Chris are able to walk through the house without being burned. Hearing the scream of her baby, Mary approaches a door that they were first unable to open. Now, Chris discovers it's an old nursery room, where Mary's baby used to sleep. The baby's scream", "id": "11147270" }, { "contents": "The Wow Factor\n\n\nhave, Jay decides to skip the baby class and go with the baby to the movies. Joe starts crying and Rachel offers to take him outside till the movie ends. When Gloria sees her baby with a stranger (to her, anyway, but not to Jay), things do not seem very auspicious for Jay. At the Dunphys house, Phil (Ty Burrell) tries to teach Alex (Ariel Winter) and Haley (Sarah Hyland) few basic things about home improvement. On his try to explain them how", "id": "9911896" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Parcell\n\n\nJacob, and exclaiming \"I just need more time with them. Give me more time, Jacob! I BEG OF YOU!\" The final occurrence came in \"My Whole Life Is Thunder\" when Tracy locks himself, Kenneth, and TV star Florence Henderson in an elevator, to which Kenneth screams \"Why are you doing this to me, Jacob?!\" In the \"Lost\" series, a character named Richard Alpert was made immortal by the character of Jacob, another possible link between the two given Kenneth", "id": "10035880" }, { "contents": "Nona Hendryx\n\n\n. This was one of the greatest and strongest protest songs against South Africa's Apartheid during those days. Her biggest commercial success came with 1987's single \"Why Should I Cry?\", a top 5 R&B hit which also reached #58 on the Billboard 100. The accompanying album, \"Female Trouble\", boasted an impressive list of contributors, including Peter Gabriel, Prince (\"Baby Go Go\"), George Clinton, David Van Tieghem and Mavis Staples. Around this time, she became a member of", "id": "2056014" }, { "contents": "Kryptonite (story arc)\n\n\nsnaps, screaming to kill them all. Superman and the Kryptonite are on Krypton at a time before it exploded; he sees Jor-El and Lara and sees himself as a baby. Gallo, driven mad, kills himself after thinking of Lois as his mother. Lex prepares to kill Lois and Jimmy but Jimmy threatens him instead. Just as Krypton explodes, Superman sees how he escaped and is in tears when he sees Jor-El and Lara die, completing his origin. Luthor leaves, but is happy that he", "id": "18746114" }, { "contents": "Sea otter\n\n\nmove freely between male territories, where they outnumber adult males by an average of five to one. Males that do not have territories tend to congregate in large, male-only groups, and swim through female areas when searching for a mate. The species exhibits a variety of vocal behaviors. The cry of a pup is often compared to that of a seagull. Females coo when they are apparently content; males may grunt instead. Distressed or frightened adults may whistle, hiss, or in extreme circumstances, scream. Although", "id": "11721435" }, { "contents": "Xiao Song\n\n\n, but once Han became chancellor, Han did not bow to Xiao's wishes, often arguing with Xiao before Emperor Xuanzong and pointing out Xiao's shortcomings. This caused Emperor Xuanzong's displeasure, and Xiao offered to resign. Emperor Xuanzong asked Xiao, \"I am not tired of you. Why do you want to leave?\" Xiao responded: Xiao then began to cry, and Emperor Xuanzong was touched, responding, \"Leave my presence for the time being. I will think of a solution.\" Emperor Xuanzong", "id": "18236102" }, { "contents": "Cry-Baby\n\n\n-Baby is released, but immediately insulted by Baldwin, who after revealing that his grandfather is the one who electrocuted Cry-Baby's father, challenges him to a chicken race. Cry-Baby wins, as Baldwin chickens out, and is reunited with Allison. The film ends with all watching the chicken race crying a single tear, except for Allison and Cry-Baby, who has finally let go of the past, enabling him to cry from both eyes. \"Cry-Baby\" premiered in Baltimore on March", "id": "5651203" }, { "contents": "Sikh holocaust of 1762\n\n\nfor a morsel, the helpless prisoners in the hands of the prisoners could do little except solace them with their affection until wearied from crying the hungry children would go to sleep.\" Mir Mannu's reign, however, did not stop the spread of Sikhism. In 1757, when Ahmad Shah Durrani invaded India for loot and plunder a fourth time he was so harassed by Sikh fighters who several times slew his guards and pillaged his baggage train that he became determined to take his revenge on them. Because Durrani could not lay", "id": "20797542" }, { "contents": "Infinitely Polar Bear\n\n\nplay one of the starring roles: \"I could make her cry. And I didn't have to worry 'What if I damage this kid forever.' Imogene's part is so demanding because of all the emotional stuff. I would go into a corner with her and I would cry about what the scene was about and tell her why I was crying and what it meant and she'd cry and then we'd go do the scene. She has such a huge heart.\" The shooting of the film began", "id": "2207201" }, { "contents": "Infant\n\n\ntoilet-trained, infants in industrialized countries wear diapers. The transition from diapers to training pants is an important transition in the development of an infant/baby to that of a toddler. Children need more sleep than adults—up to 18 hours for newborn babies, with a declining rate as the child ages. Until babies learn to walk, they are carried in the arms, held in slings or baby carriers, or transported in baby carriages or strollers. Most industrialized countries have laws requiring child safety seats for babies in", "id": "21615604" } ]
What would happen if the USA pulled all troops from around the globe and stopped involvement in foreign affairs?
[{"answer": "Day 1: Taiwan falls to china. Japan announces a plan for a nuclear weapons program in a last ditch effort to deter chinese aggression. North Korea invades South Korea. China denies bankrolling and supplying NK but everyone knows better. Day 4: Israel announces an easing of restrictions on Palestinian citizens. They offer a legitimate plan for a Palestinian state in an attempt to hold off Arab aggression. It fails. Day 7: Russia retakes portions of Eastern Europe. Economic sanctions be damned. EU nations begin considering development of nukes and a return to conscription. Day 10: Republicans take credit for huge budget surplus. Day 11: unemployment spikes after soldiers become unemployed, democrats announce a return if FDR style make work projects for young men. Day 30: China continues to expand into SE Asia. Day 45: Putin is assassinated. Day 1009: Two hairdressers crawl out of a destroyed subway station. They admire a 6 eyes cat before clubbing it to death and eating it."}, {"answer": "It's extremely hard to say what would happen in the absence of U.S. involvement. However, we have a pretty good idea that it would be nothing good. Look at what happened in Baltimore during the protests. Because the police were pulled back (for political reasons) and busy with the protests, crime unrelated to any political issue exploded. Whatever you may think about the Baltimore Police Department, their absence made a huge difference in the level of violence on the streets. The same occurs in the larger world. Any number of armed conflicts simply don't happen because those deciding whether to engage in them are frightened of U.S. involvement. Crimes like piracy are relatively rare because no stable nation is willing to host the pirates for fear of reprisal. The only reason the world doesn't have a viable slave trade is the prohibition by first the British and then the Americans. This is no different than it has been throughout history. *Someone* needs to ensure that the trade routes remain open. Commerce between different nations and cultures is not a default, but rather the product of governments using force to permit it. So your question is less about whether there will be military intervention around the world and more about who will be doing the intervening. Most people prefer it be the United States."}, {"answer": "You rarely hear of such instances because they don't make people scream trying to get the US out. There are plenty of non wartime examples of the US military getting sent somewhere to enforce peace to get the job done and leave. What about Haiti? The tsunami in the pacific a few years back? Delivering aid to Africa? The US is the world's largest and most powerful military. It is also the most well funded and effective logistics platform for humanitarian aid. No one argues and claims that's a bad thing, thus no masses of protesters, because generally speaking everyone views it as a good thing. There's also ongoing missions that are not combat related that the US military is vital for. Protecting shipping lanes. For the most part there isn't a great deal of piracy. There is some, but the shipping lanes are relatively safe, protecting worldwide trade. You can thank the US military for that. Flights over the pacific are safe because the US runs air traffic control over the Pacific. US military bases project US protection around the world for allies, allowing them to focus efforts internally and the presence of US military bases are overwhelmingly positive for the local community (despite what people seem to think) economically. Simply put bad shit will happen if the US just pulls out of everything around the world and just stays home. The Iraq war, while incredibly stupid, is really only a tiny bit of what the US military is actually responsible for. Most people don't know about what the rest of the US military does because it's under the radar of public outrage. In time will the world adjust in such a world? Of course. But expect very rough times for a few decades. Don't expect to live your modern life during this time, expect it to relapse to something similar to pre WWI/WWII until the world reorganizes itself."}, {"answer": "Im guessing it goes something like this: -North Korea invades South Korea, China and Japan get involved -India and Pakistan get involved -Russia tries to invade Europe and within a year there is WW3"}, {"answer": "US troops would be replaced by ISIS troops, or red Chinese troops, or Russian troops, or some as-yet unnoticed, but ambitious and vicious entity. There would be mass murder, oppression, and subjugation far worse than you might imagine the US is guilty of. That is what has happened throughout history and will always happen. It is the nature of man, and you cannot have a perfect world, because the natural state of man is not peace. Peace is a rare thing that only occurs when a war is successful and only desirable when the least oppressive side wins and enforces a just peace or at least the most just peace possible. The US has historically been the least oppressive side regardless of revisionists want you to believe. Do not imagine that the UN is an apolitical or just institution superior to other powers. It is highly political and so useless that it has never successfully voted to condemn terrorism as a weapon even after many attempts. Furthermore, it has absolutely no ability to mount any sort of an armed effort without US forces and US financing. It is basically a place for nations to vocalize their displeasure with other nations and to gain entry into the US to perform espionage operations while pretending to be diplomats who merely ignore parking tickets."}, {"answer": "Perhaps a better but more difficult question: how much could the US military reduce forces/power/spending and still maintain US (and Allies) hegemony, maintain open trade, etc.?"}, {"answer": "It depends on the standpoint(from US standpoint or that of a foreign country) and it is kind of case to case. Generally, all of the involvement is benefiting US, or certain people in US. US is spending by far the most on their military, there is lots of money there, so they sort of have to use it. On top of that, most involvement is not some random 'let's save those dudes', it is rather specific, somewhere with lots of natural resources or important location."}, {"answer": "There is a documentry called \"The world without us\" that goes into this, using examples from past conflicts involving the United States and conflicts where the United States stepped aside."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "36920007", "title": "Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan", "section": "Section::::Post-2014 presence plans.:Plans by the administration of Donald Trump.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 82, "end_paragraph_id": 82, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The new authority includes increasing the current troop level cap beyond the 8,400 U.S. troops authorized as of July 2017. U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis said in June 2017 about the authority to make decisions about how many US troops are deployed to Afghanistan without first having to get formal agreement from the White House: \"This assures the department can facilitate our missions and nimbly align our commitment to the situation on the ground. Our overall mission in Afghanistan remains the same, to train, advise and assist the Afghan forces so they can safeguard the Afghan people and terrorists can find no haven in Afghanistan for attacking us or others.\" The broad outlines of the Afghanistan strategy have been in place since April 2017 and were described as \"an increase in special operations forces to train, advise and assist Afghan forces; a more robust plan to go after elements in Pakistan that aid the Taliban; the deployment of more air power and artillery; and a political commitment to the survival of the current government in Kabul\".", "The new authority includes increasing the current troop level cap beyond the 8,400 U.S. troops authorized as of July 2017. U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis said in June 2017 about the authority to make decisions about how many US troops are deployed to Afghanistan without first having to get formal agreement from the White House: \"This assures the department can facilitate our missions and nimbly align our commitment to the situation on the ground. Our overall mission in Afghanistan remains the same, to train, advise and assist the Afghan forces so they can safeguard the Afghan people and terrorists can find no haven in Afghanistan for attacking us or others.\" The broad outlines of the Afghanistan strategy have been in place since April 2017 and were described as \"an increase in special operations forces to train, advise and assist Afghan forces; a more robust plan to go after elements in Pakistan that aid the Taliban; the deployment of more air power and artillery; and a political commitment to the survival of the current government in Kabul\"."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Huseyincan Celil\n\n\nDugas said, \"The Chinese government is not co-operating with the Canadian mission in China and we aren't going to stop asking them for what's happening with Mr. Celil. I can tell you [Minister MacKay] is not happy either. He's asking for answers. He wants to know what is being done and what the next steps are going to be.\" The dispute between the two governments escalated when He Yafei, China's assistant minister of foreign affairs for North America, told \"The Globe and", "id": "15783321" }, { "contents": "Value-form\n\n\nuncertainty and unease about what the future might bring, because nobody really knows for sure what will happen, except that new crises are likely. The Global Risks Report 2018 of the elite World Economic Forum group envisages the scenario of \"the death of trade\", or \"the end of trade as we know it\". This would involve escalating trade wars, currency wars, and geopolitical turmoil that spread quickly around the globe, with weak regulatory bodies powerless to resolve anything. International laws, agreements and conventions would no longer", "id": "535418" }, { "contents": "2008 conflict in Lebanon\n\n\nin the second. Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini has called on national unity among the Lebanese adding that the situation can be \"managed through talks and consensus-building.\" Hosseini blamed the U.S. and Israel for the ongoing hostilities in Lebanon. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal accused Iran of \"backing what happened in Lebanon, a coup\" and called for \"all regional parties to respect the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon and to stop meddling in its affairs and inciting sectarian tensions\". He", "id": "8552164" }, { "contents": "United Fruit Company\n\n\nthe Senate, especially by Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, who argued that those same bullets should have been used to stop the foreign invader. The telegram from Bogotá Embassy to the U.S. Secretary of State, dated December 5, 1928, stated: \"I have been following Santa Marta fruit strike through United Fruit Company representative here; also through Minister of Foreign Affairs who on Saturday told me government would send additional troops and would arrest all strike leaders and transport them to prison at Cartagena; that government would give adequate protection to American interests", "id": "5514679" }, { "contents": "The Lady Vanishes\n\n\nIris inform their fellow passengers of what is happening. The train pulls to a stop and a uniformed soldier requests that they all accompany him. They knock him out and take his gun. Another soldier fires, wounding Charters in the hand, and a shootout begins. During the gunfight, Miss Froy reveals to Gilbert and Iris that she is a British agent who must deliver a message to the Foreign Office in Whitehall. The message is encoded in the tune that the folk singer sang. Gilbert memorises the tune. With his", "id": "16726847" }, { "contents": "Arab Cold War\n\n\ndespite his commitment of thousands of troops to overthrow the monarchists, and especially with Israel where Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula and 10,000 to 15,000 troops killed during the Six-Day War. In late 1967, Nasser and Saudi foreign minister Prince Faisal signed a treaty under which Nasser would pull out his 20,000 troops from Yemen, Faisal would stop sending arms to Yemen royalists, and three neutral Arab states would send in observers. Though far smaller in population than Egypt, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had oil wealth and prestige as the", "id": "3014363" }, { "contents": "Filipino nationalism\n\n\nand editors\". On February 14, 2013, National Book Store, the Philippines' largest bookstore chain, has withdrawn Chinese-made globes, which reflect China's nine-dotted line encompassing the South China Sea, from its shelves. Department of Foreign Affairs spokesman Raul Hernandez said in a statement that, \"[National Bookstore] has taken a patriotic position to proactively support the Philippine government in advancing Philippine foreign policy objectives.\" He said the decision to pull out the globes came after a dialogue with the bookstore management", "id": "9155107" }, { "contents": "Sunday Times Golden Globe Race\n\n\nthe material aspect of his famehe believed that by writing his books for quick commercial success he had sold out what was for him an almost spiritual experience. He hit upon the idea of a non-stop circumnavigation as a new challenge, which would be the basis for a new and better book. By January 1968, word of all these competing plans was spreading. The \"Sunday Times\", which had profited to an unexpected extent from its sponsorship of Chichester, wanted to get involved with the first non-stop circumnavigation", "id": "18579143" }, { "contents": "Independence of Brazil\n\n\nof all enemy troops and was ‘de facto’ independent. There are still today no reliable statistics related to the numbers of, for example, the total of the war casualties. However based upon historical registration and contemporary reports of some battles of this war as well as upon the admitted numbers in similar fights that happened in these times around the globe, and considering how long the Brazilian independence war lasted (22 months), estimates of all killed in action on both sides are placed from around 5,700 to 6,200. The", "id": "13444024" }, { "contents": "North Yemen Civil War\n\n\nwas ready to end the war in Yemen. Egyptian Foreign Minister, Mahmoud Riad, proposed that Egypt and Saudi Arabia revive their Jeddah Agreement of 1965. Faisal expressed satisfaction with Nasser's offer, and al-Badr promised to send his troops to fight with Egypt against Israel, should Nasser live up to the Jeddah agreement Nasser and Faisal signed a treaty under which Nasser would pull out his 20,000 troops from Yemen, Faisal would stop sending arms to al-Badr, and three neutral Arab states would send in observers. Sallal", "id": "12906748" }, { "contents": "Operation Michael\n\n\ncanals and little valleys, so that he could bring up fresh masses of troops unseen\". In the confusion, Brigade HQ tried to establish what was happening around Jussy and by late morning the British were retreating in front of German troops who had crossed the Crozat Canal at many points. All lines of defence had been overrun and there was nothing left to stop the German advance; during the day Aubigny, Brouchy, Cugny and Eaucourt fell. Lieutenant Alfred Herring of the 6th Northamptonshire Battalion in the 54th Brigade, despite having", "id": "9094265" }, { "contents": "Sima Yi\n\n\n: \"This son really worked well.\" Soon, the troops were lined up along the palace grounds, passing through Cao Shuang's camp. Cao Shuang's Controller of Camp, Yan Shi (嚴世), was on the upper floor, drawing his crossbow, intending to shoot the passing Sima Yi. His colleague Sun Qian (孫謙) stopped him and said: \"We wouldn't know what will happen.\" Three times he focused, three times he stopped, every time pulling back his elbow, but not", "id": "7570808" }, { "contents": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Thailand)\n\n\nThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Abrv: MFA; , ) is the principal governmental department in charge of foreign relations for Thailand. The ministry is headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is also a member of the Cabinet of Thailand. The minister is appointed by the prime minister. The ministry is charged with formulating and executing foreign policies for the Kingdom of Thailand. The ministry manages and maintains Thai diplomatic missions around the globe. Prior to the creation of the ministry, much of the country's foreign relations were", "id": "12848291" }, { "contents": "Edmond J. Gong\n\n\nfor public office. And in describing a summary of his political life, he said,\" That's what American does. I mean, here we had the grocery store in the black ghetto--that's what you would call it,\" he said. \" It could only happen in America. My father, my grandfather, all had to come half way around the globe for us to have a chance because we wouldn't have had this chance. We'd have been working in the rice paddies in China.", "id": "11072419" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Vicente Fox\n\n\nthat foreign governments should not judge, for good or bad, governments or changes in governments in other nations, because it would imply a breach of their sovereignty. President Fox appointed Jorge Castañeda to be his Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Castañeda immediately broke with the Estrada Doctrine, promoting what was called by critics the \"Castañeda Doctrine\". The new foreign policy called for an openness and an acceptance of criticism from the international community, and the increase of national involvement in foreign affairs. During Fox's term, Mexico actively sought", "id": "15538700" }, { "contents": "Foreign relations of Mexico\n\n\nCastañeda immediately broke with the Estrada Doctrine, promoting what was called by critics the \"Castañeda Doctrine\". The new foreign policy called for an openness and an acceptance of criticism from the international community, and the increase of Mexican involvement in foreign affairs. On November 28, 2006, former President Felipe Calderón announced that Patricia Espinosa would serve as his Secretary of Foreign Affairs starting on December 1, 2006. He declared priorities include the diversification of the United States-Mexico agenda, heavily concentrated on immigration and security issues, and", "id": "19551761" }, { "contents": "The World Without US\n\n\nThe World Without US is a 2008 documentary film created by Mitch Anderson and Jason J. Tomaric. Released in 2008, the documentary explores what might happen if the United States were to leave the international arena, rescind its global reach and become an isolationist nation for the first time since the early 20th century. The film is available for viewing on the video-sharing website YouTube. Anderson and Tomaric began the documentary in order to answer what would happen if the United States removed itself from foreign affairs by embarking on a quest to", "id": "6470764" }, { "contents": "Uzbin Valley ambush\n\n\nto the French soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. He reasserted his commitment to pursuing the war against the Taliban, The soldiers who were killed in the ambush were posthumously made knights of the Légion d'honneur. although the attack led to a steep decline in public support for French involvement in the war. A CSA poll showed 55% favouring pulling back the troops from Afghanistan, and only 36% supporting the operations. On 10 September, head of staff Jean-Louis Georgelin testified before the military and Foreign Affairs commissions of the National Assembly", "id": "299384" }, { "contents": "Julie Fleeting\n\n\nI'm really hoping something comes of this. It will be great if it does all go ahead but I'm just waiting to see what happens at the moment. The target seems to be a restart of the full league in 2005 but with a series of exhibition games this year, which will still involve the foreign players.\" In January 2004 Fleeting signed for English club Arsenal Ladies. Under the terms of the agreement, Fleeting would continue to work as a PE teacher in Scotland from Monday to Friday and would train", "id": "17001968" }, { "contents": "Smuggler's Run 2\n\n\nExotic Imports then learns of the CIA being involved after the Russians track 2 kg of Weapons Grade Plutonium. This takes you back to Russia, where Frank (Your Boss) asks the Colonel what is happening with the \"nukes\" and involvement from the CIA. Frank, only caring for money, agrees to continue smuggling nuclear devices. However, the rest of EI decide not to, and try to stop a missile which would cause WWIII. This reveals the Colonel's intentions, and Frank escapes with all the passwords,", "id": "10976334" }, { "contents": "Jozef Tiso\n\n\nVatican protested, the government responded with defiance: 'There is no foreign intervention which would stop us on the road to the liberation of Slovakia from Jewry', insisted President Tiso\". Distressing scenes at railway yards of deportees being beaten by Hlinka guards had brought protests, including from leading churchmen such as Bishop Pavol Jantausch. The Vatican called in the Slovak ambassador twice to enquire as to what was happening in Slovakia. According to British historian Richard Evans, these interventions \"caused Tiso, who after all was still a priest", "id": "13705292" }, { "contents": "Foreign Affairs (Sharon O'Neill album)\n\n\n. She was always out there working at 3am when we'd get home bleary-eyed from a gig\". The album was produced by John Boylan with local studio musicians. O'Neill, asked afterward whether this was one of the more enjoyable recording sessions, she said no, \"but it was a highlight for me because it was done on the West Coast of the USA with a very important person in my life at the time, John Boylan..., who was so enthusiastic over my songs and pulled it all", "id": "18568189" }, { "contents": "The Globe (Camp Lejeune)\n\n\nprovide robust support to the base and its tenant commands. The Globe is published on a weekly basis and keeps the Marines, sailors, and the surrounding community in touch with what's happening on base and what the Corps is accomplishing locally and worldwide. The Globe newspaper is the official DOD publication that supports MCB Camp Lejeune, MCAS New River and MCAS Cherry Point with a combined economic impact of $6.12 billion. The staff has received four Thomas Jefferson Awards for Journalistic Excellence, three USMC Division of Public Affairs Awards, a", "id": "20383891" }, { "contents": "Jared Genser\n\n\n. He was also a co-editor with Canadian Member of Parliament Irwin Cotler for \"The Responsibility to Protect: The Promise of Stopping Mass Atrocities in Our Time\" and with former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica Bruno Stagno Ugarte for \"The UN Security Council in the Age of Human Rights\". Genser has published more than 180 op-eds on human-rights topics in major newspapers around the world including \"The Baltimore Sun\", \"The Boston Globe\", \"The Chosun Ilbo\" (Seoul)", "id": "7494830" }, { "contents": "Nicky Cook\n\n\nall contest. Cook stopped Williams in the 2nd round thus holding all three belts at the same time. Cook defended his European title once more beating Yuri Voronin on points over 12 rounds again in Dagenham. After that he decided to concentrate on his ambition to win a real 'world' title and set his sights on current holder of the WBO Featherweight belt Scott Harrison. The fight was set for December 2006 in what would have been an England vs Scotland clash for a world belt, it never happened however as Harrison pulled", "id": "15934423" }, { "contents": "Rafael Acosta Arévalo\n\n\nSpanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, mentioned after what happened with the death of Acosta Arévalo, that \"something happened and we want to know.\" He also asked for a clear investigation on the matter. The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs expressed concern about the death of Acosta Arévalo. Acosta Arévalo's wife, Venezuelan human rights advocates, Juan Guaidó and the US Department of State accused Maduro's government of torturing the captain to death. A statement from the internal policy committee of the National Assembly reported that the", "id": "20003258" }, { "contents": "Mohamad Elzahabi\n\n\nwhom he renewed acquaintance in Boston in the United States a decade later, where three worked for the same taxi cab company. With the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1989, Elzahabi returned to the United States. When later asked by \"The Globe and Mail\" to explain what had happened amongst the Afghan Arabs following the war, he replied, \"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas\". In 1991, Elzahabi returned to Afghanistan for four years. In 1995, he suffered an abdominal gunshot wound in", "id": "10877916" }, { "contents": "Kennedy Graham\n\n\n, Global Affairs (including Defence and Disarmament), and National Intelligence and Security (including NZSIS and GCSB). He serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Privileges Committee. In October 2015, Graham formed a cross-party group, GLOBE-NZ, working on climate change. GLOBE-NZ is a national chapter of GLOBE-International, and has 35 MP's as members drawn from all seven political parties represented in the 51st Parliament. As chairman of the national chapter, Graham contracted a London-based consultancy", "id": "8885556" }, { "contents": "CIA activities in Laos\n\n\nneutrality provided for a coalition government and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the country by October 7. After this declaration was signed the U.S. pulled out 666 military advisors and support staff, and Air America stopped dropping weapons to the Hmong. The U.S. followed the guidelines of this declaration and only allowed the CIA to retain only two men in Laos to monitor Communist compliance with the agreement.d. CIA offices soon found that the North Vietnamese Army had failed to remove 7000 troops, who were expanding Northern Vietnamese positions in Laos. CIA", "id": "3484183" }, { "contents": "Marjorie Hooker\n\n\nwas created in her name to recognize outstanding students and aid their research. Hooker's life was highly dedicated to science. The majority of her life and her personal interests were connected to her involvement in scientific societies all around the world. The back room in her home in Silver Spring, Maryland was turned into the office for the Mineralogical Society of America. Hooker had many visitors from around the world, as she would host visitors from foreign countries when they came to America to work on geological affairs. The Montgomery Hills area", "id": "20784087" }, { "contents": "Tunisian Revolution\n\n\n\"ask the Tunisian Foreign Ministry for permission for our authorities to intervene to stop the flow in Tunisia\", suggesting Italian troops would be on Tunisian soil. He called the event a \"biblical exodus\". The comments started a row between the two countries with the Tunisian Foreign Ministry saying it was ready to work with Italy and others but that it \"categorically rejects any interference in its internal affairs or any infringement of its sovereignty.\" In response, Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said that both countries share a \"", "id": "18746082" }, { "contents": "National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking\n\n\nlonger be allowed to employ foreign workers because of the risks of exploitation, abuse, and trafficking in that environment. As part of this policy, the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada stopped issuing new temporary work permits for foreigners seeking work with escort agencies, massage parlours, and strip clubs. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, said that he hoped that the NAP-CHT would be strengthened by this new policy, and said that its purpose was to protect foreigners \"from what they might not know will happen", "id": "3261560" }, { "contents": "Catholic Church and Nazi Germany during World War II\n\n\nspread. Mazower wrote: \"When the Vatican protested, the government responded with defiance: 'There is no foreign intervention which would stop us on the road to the liberation of Slovakia from Jewry', insisted President Tiso\". Distressing scenes at railway yards of deportees being beaten by Hlinka guards had spurred community protest, including from leading churchmen such as Bishop Pavol Jantausch. The Vatican called in the Slovak ambassador twice to enquire what was happening. These interventions, wrote Evans, \"caused Tiso, who after all was still", "id": "5281363" }, { "contents": "Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International\n\n\n(Denmark), Ford Foundation (USA), Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oak Foundation (Switzerland), OFDA (USA), SIDA (Sweden) 2008: BPRM (USA), DFID (UK), DANIDA (Denmark), Ford Foundation (USA), Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oak Foundation (Switzerland), SIDA (Sweden) 2009: BPRM (USA), DFID (UK),", "id": "14767819" }, { "contents": "Zurich Protocols\n\n\nto be a part of the agreement would be an unacceptably radical change in the country's foreign policy. Reaction to the announcement within Turkey was more muted with opposition MHP leader Bahçeli complaining that \"Armenia knows what is going on; Switzerland knows what is going on; Turkish officials involved in the process know. That means the Turkish nation and Parliament are the only ones who have no information about the process\" before going on to conclude that \"it would be beneficial if the prime minister or the minister for foreign affairs would", "id": "3096480" }, { "contents": "Adrak Ke Punjey\n\n\nWorld Records\" in 1984 for the longest one-man show, this play has been seen by an estimated three crore people, staged in 60 countries around the globe, 25 cities in USA and 65 cities and towns in India. This has been the first play in the country to be computerised and translated into 27 foreign languages. What's more, this one-man show has run parallel to Dustin Hoffman's in New York and Khan's autographs have appeared in the Washington auditorium along with Michael Jackson and Frank Sinatra", "id": "6610817" }, { "contents": "2009 ban of Hungarian President from Slovakia\n\n\nthe Hungarian embassy warning of potential security risks, saying that his Direction – Social Democracy party government would not prevent extremists of the nationalist Slovenská pospolitosť (Slovak Brotherhood) from going there to demonstrate. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, there were no real security risks involved around the ceremony: Two days before the planned visit, the Slovak parliamentary foreign affairs committee called the trip \"a diplomatic provocation\" because of the August 21 date, although the date was chosen by the mayor of Komárno, not by Sólyom", "id": "5758582" }, { "contents": "London Irish Rifles\n\n\nturnout in preparation for the time when they would, in theory, be fit to take their place within the 1st and 2nd Battalions. The 70th (Young Soldiers) Battalion ceased to exist in January 1943, when all such units were disbanded. A company of the 1st Battalion was involved in the Battle of Graveney Marsh, in September 1940 the last ground combat between a foreign invading force and British troops that happened on British mainland soil. The 1st Battalion, London Irish Rifles formed part of the 1st London Infantry Brigade,", "id": "19084223" }, { "contents": "Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International\n\n\nDANIDA (Denmark), ECHO (EU), Ford Foundation (USA), Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SIDA (Sweden) 2010: BPRM (USA), DFID (UK), DANIDA (Denmark), ECHO (EU), Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2011: BPRM (USA), DFID (UK), DANIDA (Denmark), Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oak Foundation (", "id": "14767820" }, { "contents": "Pullapää crisis\n\n\nday, however, Lagle Parek, Estonian Minister of Internal Affairs, resigned over the incident. On 26 November 1993, Asso Kommer was convicted of several crimes of these events, and sentenced to six years and six months of imprisonment. Comparable incidents of military insurrections also happened in Latvia and Lithuania around the same time. Accordingly, Johannes Kert, an Estonian general, has expressed his conclusion that these were incited by a common foreign agent. No foreign involvement in any of these incidents has been proven; however, it is", "id": "6536007" }, { "contents": "Anglo-German naval arms race\n\n\nbuild a German navy strong enough that the effort to destroy it would open Britain to attack from Britain's French and Russian rivals, which is a form of Mahan's \"fleet in being\". Tirpitz calculated that since the British navy was scattered to protect its possessions around the globe, \"it comes to a battleship war between Heligoland and the Thames.\" Both Tirpitz and Bernhard von Bülow, who was Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs from 1897 to 1900 and then Chancellor until 1909, calculated that once Germany possessed a", "id": "20717579" }, { "contents": "History of United States foreign policy\n\n\nall he rejected the long-standing containment policy that made it the highest goal to stop the expansion of communism. By playing off the two main communist rivals, China and the USSR, he managed to put a pause on the Cold War through friendly relationships with each of them, or Détente. Moscow and Beijing went along, and accepted Nixon's terms of pulling their support away from Vietnam. This allowed Nixon to turn that war over to the government of South Vietnam, withdrawing all American and Allied troops, while continuing", "id": "19012926" }, { "contents": "Stanley Bruce\n\n\nher dominions in a wide range of areas, particularly in the areas of trade, defence and the formulation of a common foreign policy. He particularly desired a greater role for the dominions in imperial affairs, including a collective decision-making body for common questions of defence and foreign affairs. He took exception to a lack of involvement in foreign policy decisions made by Britain that would have significant ramifications for Australia. In 1922, in what became known as the Chanak Crisis, British brinkmanship over Turkey's aggressive manoeuvres to redefine its", "id": "5645621" }, { "contents": "Philip Giraldi\n\n\nis not at all shy about what it wants to happen, namely a war in Syria targeting both Damascus and Tehran, leading to a much bigger war with the Iranians.\" Giraldi writes that Israel was involved as a perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks, concluding that \"Why would the Israelis do it? [...] To be sure, 9/11 was a gift to Israel and it is a gift that keeps on giving. America is at war in a number of Muslim countries and its troops blanket the Middle East, to", "id": "22220223" }, { "contents": "Command & Conquer: Red Alert (series)\n\n\n-way world war breaks out for total control of the globe. Released in October, 1996, \"Command & Conquer: Red Alert\" was the second \"Command & Conquer\" game to be released by Westwood Studios. Instead of returning directly to the , Westwood Studios decided to create a game centered around the concept of \"What would happen if World War II hadn't happened?\" The resulting game of \"Command & Conquer: Red Alert\" became the prequel to the original \"Command & Conquer\". Two", "id": "7677757" }, { "contents": "Brody Morgan\n\n\n. Brody is initially reluctant to buy from Zannis, but he is \"desperate\". Before Brody can take the cocaine, his sister Raffy asks him to drive her to Yabbie Creek. Brody notices a police road block and turns around to avoid it. As the police give chase, Brody hides the cocaine in Raffy's bag. After he pulls over, Brody is taken to the station for a drugs test, which comes back negative. He tells Justin what happened and promises to stop taking cocaine. Justin later finds", "id": "824430" }, { "contents": "Kelvin Grade massacre\n\n\nwalk and crawl the long distance back to Riverside Station. When Middleton reached Riverside he received medical treatment and told the townspeople what had happened. Shorty Sayler, a stagecoach driver, took Reynolds' horse Tex and rode it to Globe, forty miles away, to alert the authorities. Sayler stopped and changed horses at Pioneer and then made it to his destination in record time, arriving before noon the same day. The telegrapher at Globe was Dan Williams, who later said; \"I happened to be the receiving operator and", "id": "8103247" }, { "contents": "National Center on Education and the Economy\n\n\nfrom the U.S. and abroad. The process involves comparing the state or district to the top nations, states, and provinces in the world on each of the 9 Building Blocks, so that state and district leaders can see where they are doing well and where they have a distance to go. It involves pulling together a group of state leaders to actually go and visit two or three of the leading countries, talk to many people there at all levels of the system, and see for themselves what can happen if a concerted", "id": "1155619" }, { "contents": "Colin Robertson (diplomat)\n\n\ninvolve perspectives from both sides of the border. He is the vice president and a senior research fellow at the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute based out of the institute's Ottawa office. He appears regularly on CBC, CTV and Global to comment on international affairs, and is a regular contributor to \"iPolitics\" and \"The Globe and Mail\". He also works with the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. He served as president of the Historica Foundation from 2006-2007 and is the honorary chair of the Canada Arizona", "id": "21680096" }, { "contents": "Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International\n\n\n(Denmark), Ford Foundation (USA), Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SIDA (Sweden) 2006: ACIFID (Australia), AusAID (Australia), CARE International, DANIDA (Denmark), Ford Foundation (USA), Irish Aid, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oxfam UK, SDC (Switzerland), SIDA (Sweden), World Vision 2007: AusAID (Australia), BPRM (USA), DFID (UK), DANIDA", "id": "14767818" }, { "contents": "Negotiations leading to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action\n\n\nsince this enrichment capacity would bring the breakout time down to weeks or days. Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said that a good deal will be one that cuts off Iran's uranium, plutonium and covert pathways to obtain nuclear weapons. Secretary of State John Kerry has testified before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs and expressed great concerns about the Arak nuclear reactor facility. \"Now, we have strong feelings about what will happen in a final comprehensive agreement. From", "id": "8410276" }, { "contents": "Michael Fleming (historian)\n\n\nto show that the Allies knew in 1942 what was happening inside the German extermination camps. The Vrba-Wetzler report, written by two escapees from the Auschwitz concentration camp and distributed from April 1944, was not \"the watershed moment\", writes Norman J. W. Goda in a review of Fleming's book, in Allied knowledge of what was happening to the Jews inside Auschwitz, as is generally believed. The \"Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs\" described the book as \"undoubtedly one of the most important in the study of", "id": "8802329" }, { "contents": "New Zealand passport\n\n\nby the Department of Internal Affairs to reflect the status of Te Reo Māori as an official language of New Zealand and to give \"New Zealanders travelling abroad a passport that more accurately reflects their national identity\". In 2001, the Department of Internal Affairs took over responsibility for the London Passport Office from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. By 2003, only around 4% of all New Zealand passport holders still held a non-machine readable version. On 26 October 2004, New Zealand diplomatic posts stopped issuing manual passports", "id": "4802229" }, { "contents": "Dupong-Krier Ministry\n\n\nterritory of Luxembourg. The presence of foreign troops in the Grand Duchy in case of a Franco-German war once again became a probability. The other Western neighbour of Germany, Belgium, reacted by pulling out from the military agreement with France, and by adopting a \"policy of free hands\". The Luxembourgish government also sought safety in a policy of neutrality. To consolidate the international position of Luxembourg, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Bech, imagined a diplomatic operation: the signatory states to the Treaty of London", "id": "4684921" }, { "contents": "Judas Traveller\n\n\nprotect the building where Mary Jane is so no matter what happens she and the unborn child would be safe. Parker goes after the Host and manages to stop them from going through with their plan, but another anomaly arises from the point of origin where Traveller used his powers to show Parker the future. His misuse of that power causes a rift in the space-time continuum that attempts to correct itself through Traveller who can no longer control his powers. While Scrier refuses to help, Parker decides to pull Traveller from the", "id": "8576567" }, { "contents": "NOOR photo agency\n\n\nby NOOR is a long-term group project that focuses on two issues. The first, ‘Consequences by NOOR’ is an eyewitness record of the devastating effects of climate change around the globe. Produced in the autumn of 2009, these visual reportages show not ‘what might happen’ in the future but what is happening right now, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the issues at stake. NOOR continued the project in autumn 2010, with 'Solutions' a visual project investigating what is and what can be done to slow", "id": "13878298" }, { "contents": "Lockdown (Stargate SG-1)\n\n\n. Daniel suddenly pulls out his gun and injures several people, yelling for the gate to be opened, before he is stopped by O'Neill and Teal'c. O'Neill orders for no one to enter or leave the base to avoid spreading possible disease. Meanwhile, Vaselov begins to remember what happened—that he felt like being trapped in his own body—and he blames himself for what has happened. It is also discovered that a Russian cosmonaut from the International Space Station died a week after returning to Russia, exhibiting the same symptoms", "id": "3664266" }, { "contents": "Military Air Transport Service\n\n\nof supplies, food, and fuel each day - but they were not MATS airplanes. The Soviet Union had blocked all surface transportation in the western part of Berlin. Railroads tracks were destroyed, barges were stopped on the rivers, and highways and roads blocked. The only avenue left was through the air. On 26 June 1948, the airlift began. Troop carrier transports from around the globe began making their way to Germany, where they were assigned to United States Air Forces, Europe. Squadrons transferred from as far away", "id": "19710962" }, { "contents": "Slaughterhouse-Five\n\n\nis and what the purpose of everything going on around him is as well. When abducted by the Tralfamadorians, Pilgrim asks them why \"he\" is chosen from among all the others. He questions the fate of the situation and what led up to that point. Billy Pilgrim considers his fate and actions to be a part of a larger network of actions, his future manipulated by one thing over another based on decision. All things that happen would happen for a reason. Indeed, Pilgrim's beginning mindset would suggest that", "id": "14969551" }, { "contents": "Alexander Gordon Smith\n\n\nAlexander Gordon Smith (27 February 1979, Norwich, England) is an author of children and Young Adult fiction. During his teenage years, Smith went through what he calls a \"rough patch\". He said he would hang out with people that had a negative influence on him. He had once lost a tooth in a brawl. After he stopped being around his \"friends\", and these experiences, along with wondering what would have happened if he kept being around this group of people, are what partly inspired", "id": "13412838" }, { "contents": "Relic Hunter\n\n\nfeature the duo traveling around the globe, hunting for clues in order to find the artifact. Complications abound, often with rival relic hunters getting involved, generally giving Sydney a chance to show off her martial arts prowess. It is then up to Sydney and Nigel to seize the relic and ensure it ends up in the proper hands (such as the rightful owners or a suitable museum). Each episode ends with a scene at Trinity College explaining what has happened to the relic. \"Relic Hunter\" featured four starring roles", "id": "11066300" }, { "contents": "All American Nightmare\n\n\nrocking title track, the album’s lead single, as well as the popish 'Hey Ho' and the ballad 'What Ya Gonna Do.'\" In addition to Winkler and Hanson, the band asked other musicians to be involved with the writing of several songs. Winkler said that \"We went around and wrote with anybody we could think of, just to see what would happen and to get a different vibe. We knew we needed a different flavor and some different influences in there.\" The song \"", "id": "10626622" }, { "contents": "Sneath Glass Company\n\n\nlighting and lantern-related products such as lantern globes and founts. It made more globes than any two companies combined. Several factors contributed to the need for a transition from globe manufacturer, and all were related to declining demand. First, around the beginning of the 20th century, electrification and the incandescent light bulb began replacing oil lamps, causing less need for lamp globes and fonts in cities. A few decades later, railroads (major customers for globes) stopped expanding. Railroad route miles peaked around 1916, and railroad", "id": "4521864" }, { "contents": "Kim Sullivan Hughes\n\n\nthought that relationship certainly served us well throughout the years. It was such a love-hate relationship. That only happened because of what we made out of it. It was so much about how Larry [Bryggman] would approach the scene. Because they would write some brutal things for him. He would then take them and pull it around in such a way that it would be so poignant, so that the reaction could only be one of compassion. That became the way we would function. At the end of", "id": "8671478" }, { "contents": "Happening bar\n\n\n). Entry is denied to the underaged (under 20), male groups, drunk or intoxicated people and, in some establishments, foreigners. Happening bars and couple kissas skirt around Japanese prostitution laws by neither providing nor promising actual sex on premises, instead stressing that what may or may not happen is entirely up to customers. In a high-profile incident in 2004, after porn star and wrestler Chocoball Mukai advertised on his website that he would be performing, the happening bar \"Rock\" in Tokyo's Roppongi district", "id": "8768353" }, { "contents": "Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island\n\n\ncondemned. The CNR constructed what was known as the \"Short Line\" between Mount Stewart and Lake Verde, permitting rail traffic to continue to serve the southeastern part of the province. People would also use the railways to transport vegetables, potatoes, lumber, and other resources. The last train that came here was from Charlottetown in 1989, it was also when the railway stopped running. Spikes were pulled out of the railway and they turned them into trails. In 1992 they started pulling the spikes and I took them around", "id": "4814905" }, { "contents": "History of the Jews in the Philippines\n\n\n1941, the largest influx of Jews in Philippine history. It is important to realize that the mechanics of the refugee rescue plan in Manila involved many different people and agencies in the Philippines, in the United States, and in Germany. While it was important to have the cooperation and consent of President Quezon in this refugee rescue plan, all issues of Philippine foreign affairs was still totally in the hands of the U.S. State Department and would be until the Philippines was granted independence in 1946. What is unique to the rescue of", "id": "18273804" }, { "contents": "Act of War: Direct Action\n\n\nprotect against further attacks on United States soil, the U.S. government orders a full troop recall: U.S. forces from all around the globe are ordered to return to the United States. The commander of Task Force Talon, Major Jason Richter, however, is not satisfied with the troop recall order. He has noticed that the primary target of the terrorist attacks in Houston, London, California and other places around the globe has been TGE, the oil company that is on the verge of resolving the oil crisis. Richter thinks that", "id": "393999" }, { "contents": "United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and the Environment\n\n\nThe U.S. House Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and the Environment is a subcommittee within the House Foreign Affairs Committee. It was formerly referred to as the Subcommittee on Europe and Emerging Threats and the Subcommittee on Europe. The subcommittee is one of five with what the committees calls \"regional jurisdiction\" over a specific area of the globe. Such jurisdiction includes political relations between the United States and countries in the region and related legislation, disaster assistance, boundary issues, and international claims. The regional subcommitteess also oversee the", "id": "1117341" }, { "contents": "Domino theory\n\n\ndiplomat George Kennan wrote an article in \"Foreign Affairs\" magazine that became known as the \"X Article\", which first articulated the policy of containment, arguing that the further spread of Communism to countries outside a \"buffer zone\" around the USSR, even if it happened via democratic elections, was unacceptable and a threat to U.S. national security. Kennan was also involved, along with others in the Truman administration, in creating the Marshall Plan, which also began in 1947, to give aid to the countries of Western", "id": "2244047" }, { "contents": "Matthew Mbu Junior\n\n\n), Foreign Affairs, Defense, Women Affairs and Privatization. An October 2002 survey of the performance of senators noted that in the first three years of the current Assembly, he had presented five bills. After Mbu had left the Senate, in November 2003 his house in Abuja was slated for demolition. However, the demolition team was stopped from pulling down his and neighboring houses when it was found that one of them was owned by a powerful businessman. In a February 2010 interview with the \"Vanguard\", Mbu called", "id": "19069115" }, { "contents": "Katherine Knight\n\n\nwhat he did when she was not around and would often throw him out. He would move back to his apartment, where she would invariably follow and beg him to return. In May 1987, she cut the throat of his two-month-old dingo pup in front of him, for no more reason than as an example of what would happen if he ever had an affair, before going on to knock him unconscious with a frying pan. In June 1988, she gave birth to a third daughter, Sarah", "id": "7986496" }, { "contents": "What's the Worst That Could Happen?\n\n\nthe \"Baltimore Sun\" and Mike Clark of \"USA Today\". The film had $13,049,114 during its opening weekend, and ranked #5 at the box office. It was released in 2,675 theaters, and grossed $4,878 average. At the end of its theatrical run, \"What's the Worst That Could Happen?\" has grossed $32,269,834 in the domestic market along with $6,194,297 in the foreign market for a worldwide total of $38,464,131. Therefore, the film was a box office flop, failing to", "id": "10438270" }, { "contents": "Suddenlink Communications\n\n\nthe sixth largest pay television operator with 3.50 million subscribers. Altice USA announced on April 11, 2017 the company has filed for an initial public offering. The company plans to raise up to $100 million with the IPO. Altice NV the parent company of Altice USA announced on May 24, 2017 that \"all consumer-facing brands across the globe will change.\" Altice stated the re-branding would be complete by the second quarter in 2018. Suddenlink has been involved with two high-profile carriage disputes over the", "id": "6520806" }, { "contents": "Preston Burke\n\n\nwould only do it if I didn't have to be like that guy on that other medical show who was always struggling with his anger.\" Shonda Rhimes noted Washington's commitment to his role, revealing that he learns all his surgeries before he performs them on television. \"I think if he stopped at an accident on the street, he'd know exactly what to do. He has pulled shifts at hospitals where he follows the surgeons around for 48 hours\". At the beginning of the series, Burke is one", "id": "6586233" }, { "contents": "Steven Ciobo\n\n\nMinister for Foreign Affairs and to the Minister for Trade and Investment. In June 2015, Ciobo was part of an ABC Q&A panel when he was asked a question from a member of the live audience. The questioner, Zaky Mallah, was the first to be charged under new anti-terrorism laws in 2003, and had been found not guilty after spending two years in a correctional facility pending trial. Mallah asked Ciobo a question that had been pre-approved by the ABC: \"What would have happened if my [", "id": "9997350" }, { "contents": "The Five People You Meet in Heaven\n\n\nonly after she showed him the true cause of his father's death (different from what he had always believed had happened). Mickey Shea, a man who worked on rides at Ruby Pier with Eddie's father, was at Eddie's house drunk and in a terrible emotional state. He pulls out a flask, downs it, and then proceeds to try and force himself onto Eddie's mother. Eddie's father walks in at this point and manages to stop the drink fueled rape, then chases Mickey all the way", "id": "18944136" }, { "contents": "Peter II of Russia\n\n\ncompany of women. He soon became addicted to alcohol. The coronation of Peter II took place in Moscow on 9 January 1728, with the Emperor and a huge entourage. Still, he was disengaged from the affairs of state. Foreign witnesses proclaimed that “All of Russia is in terrible disorder ... money is not paid to anyone. God knows what will happen with finances. Everyone steals, as much as he can.” Moving the court and several other institutions from St. Petersburg back to Moscow was painful for the new", "id": "16758279" }, { "contents": "Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International\n\n\n), SIDA (Sweden) and SDC (Switzerland). In the past, HAP had been supported by the following: 2003: AusAID (Australia), DANIDA (Denmark), Ford Foundation (USA), Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SIDA (Sweden) 2004: AusAID (Australia), DANIDA (Denmark), Ford Foundation (USA), Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SIDA (Sweden) 2005: AusAID (Australia), DANIDA", "id": "14767817" }, { "contents": "It's Good\n\n\nI can’t ever be upset about someone’s reaction. I’m not going to say I don’t know what would happen before I even say [something on record]. I do know what will happen. I’m aware of it. But it is what it is.\" Jadakiss has distanced himself from all conflict as well and commented that he isn't involved on any attack on any rap artist. Slant commented on the alleged attack by saying that the track \"generated more buzz than any other track on Tha", "id": "14315273" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration\n\n\nMiddle East, East Asia, South Asia and Oceania. In Central Asia, all appointees were career. During the 2008 campaign, Obama outlined his priorities for developing an Africa policy including taking action to stop \"what U.S. officials have termed genocide in Darfur, fighting poverty, and expanding prosperity.\" Some analysts believed that Obama's appointment of Susan Rice who was a former assistant secretary of state for African affairs, as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was a sign that his administration would prioritize the continent. Then Secretary of", "id": "4980950" }, { "contents": "Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs\n\n\na specific bank account; identification and acquisition of endowment-related property; providing girls and boys with Islamic teachings in the mosques and holy places; co-ordinating Qaris- and Hafiz-related affairs and ensuring cultural and publicity affairs; Khanqas; ensuring diplomatic relations with embassies and with Islamic welfare organisations around the globe through Ministry of Foreign Affairs; issuance of Fatwas and testing of Imams and preachers; better co-ordinating of preaching affairs through mosques and Takia khana; convening religious meetings and ceremonies; and raising public awareness on religious", "id": "7557217" }, { "contents": "Nat Turner's slave rebellion\n\n\nblack people continued two weeks after the rebellion had been suppressed. General Eppes ordered troops and white citizens to stop the killing: He will not specify all the instances that he is bound to believe have occurred, but pass in silence what has happened, with the expression of his deepest sorrow, that any necessity should be supposed to have existed, to justify a single act of atrocity. But he feels himself bound to declare, and hereby announces to the troops and citizens, that no excuse will be allowed for any similar", "id": "14966943" }, { "contents": "Elvis: What Happened?\n\n\nbefore it was too late\". Dunleavy, then a gossip columnist with the \"National Star\" and later a correspondent for the nationally syndicated program \"A Current Affair,\" was approached to help with its writing and publication. When Presley first heard about the book he was furious. He hoped that they would \"see sense\", or that his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, would be able to stop its publication. The book tells the story of Presley's personal life as seen through the eyes of Red,", "id": "18222556" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of Donald Trump (2015–16)\n\n\nFebruary 2011 video blog, Trump said: \"I can't believe what our country is doing. Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we're sitting around we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we're not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage  ... Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick.\" Trump made similar comments in a March 2011 appearance on \"Piers Morgan Tonight\".", "id": "21396905" }, { "contents": "Flamingo Fortune\n\n\nhave his/her money doubled, and would be offered another pull. If the contestant earned their third strike, they would lose half of their winnings. Play would continue until all eight slots are filled, a third strike is issued, or the contestant chose to stop. The theoretical maximum payoff is $640,000, but this would require that each of a contestant's first three balls land in the same slot, followed by each following ball landing in a new slot. The odds of this happening were approximately 1 in", "id": "2696420" }, { "contents": "P. V. Narasimha Rao\n\n\nof the impact of hundreds of deaths on the nation, and it could have been far worse. And also he had to consider the scenario in which some of the troops might have turned around and joined the mobs instead. Regarding dismissal of Kalyan Singh (government), he said, \"mere dismissal does not mean you can take control. It takes a day or so appointing advisers, sending them to Lucknow, taking control of the state. Meanwhile, what had to happen would have happened and there would have been", "id": "3948407" }, { "contents": "ZSU-23-4 Shilka\n\n\nif the operator was not pulling the trigger—discharging the weapon and chambering a new round, which would then also cook off, and continue to do so. This would sometimes continue until the entire belt of ammunition had been expended. Overheating barrels could jam and even break away from the vehicle. The problem resulted from a deficient cooling system and made the early ZSU-23-4s dangerous even to friendly troops standing nearby if this happened. Despite the fact that this seldom happened, Soviet operators learned to give these machines a wide", "id": "10629840" }, { "contents": "Habitus: A Diaspora Journal\n\n\nan experience that is both personal and universal. The Diaspora condition confounds and consumes, even as it touches more and more lives around the globe. This thematic thread will speak to contemporary readers – of all backgrounds – who feel the pull of complex identities and biographies, and who wrestle with what it means to be truly at home.\" According to a feature in \"The Forward\" by staff writer Nathan Popper, \"Habitus\"' \"operating premise is that the relation of Jews to their far-flung homes —", "id": "5577470" }, { "contents": "Campaign history of the Roman military\n\n\nAfrica in 439 AD to the Vandals, and the fate of Rome seemed sealed. By 476 AD, what remained of the Empire was completely in the hands of federated Germanic troops and when they revolted, led by Odoacer and deposed the Emperor Romulus Augustus there was nobody to stop them. Odoacer happened to hold the part of the Empire around Italy and Rome but other parts of the Empire were ruled by Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, Alans and others. The Empire in the West had fallen, and its remnant in Italy", "id": "12697313" }, { "contents": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Poland)\n\n\nthis end all Polish diplomatic missions around the world are subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ambassadors, whilst receiving their credentials from the President of Poland, are employees of the foreign ministry and are recommended to the President for their posts by the minister of foreign affairs. The ministry is considered to be one of Poland's most important, with the minister of foreign affairs ranking amongst the most influential people in Polish politics. This position is typically reserved for seasoned, professional politicians, and is thought to require a great deal", "id": "14044665" }, { "contents": "What Happened to Frederick\n\n\ndo this but instead makes up an excuse about not reconnecting as he breaks up with Kathryn. She is devastated, but remains unaware that there is another woman involved. Later on, Kathryn stops by Regina's (Lana Parrilla) home, where she tells the Mayor about David leaving her. Regina shows photographic evidence to Kathryn about David and Mary Margaret's affair. Meanwhile, David lies to Mary Margaret he told Kathryn about them. Soon after, Kathryn visits and slaps Mary Margaret in the middle of the school hallway and", "id": "20864151" }, { "contents": "Armenia–Turkey relations\n\n\nArmenia knows what is going on; Switzerland knows what is going on; Turkish officials involved in the process know. That means the Turkish nation and Parliament are the only ones who have no information about the process,\" before going on to conclude that, \"It would be beneficial if the prime minister or the minister for foreign affairs would inform Parliament. We will follow developments, but for the moment we don’t know the depth of the agreement. Taking the explanations made so far into account, we are monitoring whether", "id": "19064954" }, { "contents": "United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations\n\n\nThe U.S. House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations is a subcommittee within the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The subcommittee is one of five with what the committees calls \"regional jurisdiction\" over a specific area of the globe. Such jurisdiction includes political relations between the United States and countries in the region and related legislation, disaster assistance, boundary issues, and international claims. The regional subcommitteess also oversee the activities of the United Nations and its programs in the region. The subcommittee is also the", "id": "14014495" }, { "contents": "Hashim Jalilul Alam Aqamaddin\n\n\n1905/1906. Limbang, which today become part of Sarawak, was originally part of Brunei until the reign of Sultan Hashim. However, it was after the signing of the Treaty of Protection of 1888 did Brunei loss Limbang. This treaty eventually did not save Brunei from any foreign intervention because the British did not stop Charles Brooke from seizing Limbang in 1890. In 1901 and 1902, Brooke and Hewett asked him to cede Belait and Tutong to them but he refused and said, \"What would happen to me, my chiefs and", "id": "21977783" }, { "contents": "Eric Weiner\n\n\nis Weiner’s best book yet.” In \"The Geography of Bliss\", Weiner traveled to spots around the globe—including Iceland, Bhutan, Moldova and Qatar—to search out how different countries define and pursue happiness. In \"Man Seeks God\" he explores his spiritual restlessness and asks some fundamental questions: \"Where do we come from? What happens when we die? How should we live our lives? Where do all the missing socks go?\" Weiner was a longtime correspondent for National Public Radio.", "id": "4523459" }, { "contents": "Nikolay Girs\n\n\nby men less cautious than himself. What he wanted was a minister of foreign affairs who would be at once vigilant and prudent, active and obedient, and who would relieve him from the trouble and worry of routine work while allowing him to control the main lines, and occasionally the details, of the national policy. Girs was exactly what he wanted, and accordingly the tsar not only appointed him minister of foreign affairs on the retirement of Prince Gorchakov in 1882, but retained him to the end of his reign in 1894", "id": "19579063" }, { "contents": "Louise Pettibone Smith\n\n\n. She saw similarities between what was happening in the US and what she had seen before the war in Germany. In 1951, she was elected chair of the American Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born. In this role she travelled the country speaking about the \"promise of a just and free society\", which she later documented in the book \"Torch of Liberty: Twenty-Five Years in the Life of the Foreign Born in the USA\" (1959). In 1961, she denounced the House Un-", "id": "6718951" }, { "contents": "ENN TV\n\n\nEthio telecom and the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation, which were said to have pulled out of their long-term contracts with ENN. These were followed by private institutions which were following the suit, forcing ENN to run programs with no commercials for months. It was also said to be excluded from government press conferences and communications, notably from Foreign Affairs briefings denying it the right to broadcast the happenings of the government, according to the same sources. The administrations of Oromia and Addis Ababa were particularly unfriendly to the station, according to", "id": "20890403" }, { "contents": "Jean Chrétien\n\n\nin the world about the coming Rwandan genocide. Foreign minister André Ouellet claimed that neither he nor anyone else in the Cabinet ever saw the reports from Rwanda. On April 6, 1994, the Rwandan genocide began. The government in Ottawa was apparently kept well-informed about what was happening by diplomats and Canadian Forces serving as UN peacekeepers, but the genocide was not considered to be a major problem for Canada, with the Chrétien government taking the view that other powers would stop the genocide. The government first insisted in April", "id": "393350" } ]
Why don't nations unite to fight ISIS?
[{"answer": "We have a multinational military coalition that include various nations who are launching airstrikes at ISIS and supplying/training their opposition."}, {"answer": "It's a simple cost-benefit analysis. Countries such as the US and others are willing to throw low-risk support behind the effort (such as airstrikes), but there isn't the political will to commit something like ground forces which will be essential to actually defeating ISIS. Effectively, the 'value' of ridding the world of ISIS is not currently seen as greater than the 'value' of the lives of the combat troops that would inevitably be lost if ground troops were deployed. For countries like Iraq, the value is obvious in that ISIS has taken over large areas of their country, and that is why they have troops on the group, but for countries like the US there is no political will to incur those kinds of costs."}, {"answer": "The short answer is most nations don't care enough to engage in a costly campaign to uproot every adherent to the ISIS political ideology. It could be done, sure, but doing so would be expensive, increase tensions with Muslims living in the west (leading to more fighters for ISIS), cause more bombings of civilian targets (leading to more fighters for ISIS), and continuing a trend of unwanted Western meddling in the middle east... leading to more fighters for ISIS. You can't just bomb a political/religious ideology, and such extreme actions only strengthens the perspective ISIS fighter have that they are standing up against evil- he who does battles with monsters. The biggest problem is, despite trying to start a government, ISIS is an NGO (non-government organization). They're bases of operation are civilian buildings meaning bombing them takes out more civs than it does bad guys. They keep their brass scattered. We don't fully know where they are. And, possibly the biggest reason, because they're already on a shoestring budget anybody that fights them can only bleed themselves dry. They just need to lie dormant and survive until it's too expensive to continue fighting. All the while, other nations' economies grow weak, their people lose the will to fight and the fight against ISIS grows more brutal. Such is the nature of terrorism."}, {"answer": "I sincerely have no idea, but I'll tell you what a taxi driver told me not so long ago when we heard news about this on the radio: Because it's very difficult to simply go there and win a war. It's guerrilla warfare, a l\u00e1 vietnam. They're everywhere and nowhere at the same time, which is one of the reasons they're so dangerous."}, {"answer": "Deep down, not everyone wants to commit to it and in some ways, some nations might not want to fully do something as in the long term it may be beneficial for self interests (destabilizing the region to later take advantage for example)."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "43517689", "title": "International military intervention against ISIL", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 420, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Political positions of Bernie Sanders\n\n\n, saying that those \"countries of enormous wealth and resources – have contributed far too little in the fight against ISIS\". Sanders said Saudi Arabia, instead of fighting ISIS, has focused more on Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Kuwait has been a well-known source of financing for ISIS, and Qatar is spending $200 billion on the 2022 World Cup, yet very little to fight against ISIS. \"Wealthy and powerful Muslim nations in the region can no longer sit on the sidelines and expect the United States to", "id": "20150261" }, { "contents": "2017 Nangarhar airstrike\n\n\nin a series of tweets saying \"This is not the war on terror but the inhuman and most brutal misuse of our country as testing ground for new and dangerous weapons.\" The in Islamabad, Omar Zakhilwal, echoed this sentiment stating that the airstrike was \"reprehensible and counterproductive\". The mayor of Achin, Naweed Shinwari said, \"There is no doubt that ISIS are brutal and that they have committed atrocities against our people. But I don't see why the bomb was dropped.\" United States President Donald Trump", "id": "1958654" }, { "contents": "2017 Mosul airstrike\n\n\n, 25 fighting positions, five rocket-propelled grenade systems, two medium machine guns, two mortar systems, and an ISIS car bomb; and suppressed 20 ISIS mortar teams and four ISIS tactical units.\" The following day, they noted five more strikes in Mosul which \"engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed 14 fighting positions, four vehicles, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, a medium machine gun, and an artillery system; damaged 14 supply routes; and suppressed five mortar teams and three ISIS tactical units.", "id": "1087438" }, { "contents": "Kurdish National Council\n\n\nwith the PYD, however, the KNC has also rejected inquires of Syrian opposition groups to send the Rojava Peshmerga to Azaz to defend the city against both ISIL as well as YPG during the Northern Aleppo offensive. Bahjat Taymas declared that the Rojava Peshmerga \"don't want to fight Kurds, only ISIS.\" Between 2016 and 2018, the Rojava Peshmergas were mostly fighting ISIL in Iraq. On 2 March 2017, Rojava Peshmerga forces attacked Yezidi militia affiliated to the YBŞ in Sinjar resulting in the deaths of five as well as", "id": "13706620" }, { "contents": "Egyptian mythology\n\n\nhuman institutions and natural phenomena. Kingship arises among the gods at the beginning of time and later passed to the human pharaohs; warfare originates when humans begin fighting each other after the sun god's withdrawal into the sky. Myths also describe the supposed beginnings of less fundamental traditions. In a minor mythic episode, Horus becomes angry with his mother Isis and cuts off her head. Isis replaces her lost head with that of a cow. This event explains why Isis was sometimes depicted with the horns of a cow as part of", "id": "2239798" }, { "contents": "Simon Van Booy\n\n\nthe Keeper of Lost Things\" in 2017. Van Booy is the editor of three volumes of philosophy, entitled \"Why We Fight\", \"Why We Need Love\", and \"Why Our Decisions Don't Matter\". Van Booy's essays have been published in newspapers internationally, including \"The New York Times\", \"The New York Post\", \"The Daily Telegraph\", \"The Guardian\", \"The Mail\", and \"The Times\". They have also been broadcast on National Public", "id": "13118693" }, { "contents": "General Debate of the seventy-second session of the United Nations General Assembly\n\n\nto the Assembly why it has invaded all of its neighbours and even beyond the region. It has waged over 15 wars in its lifetime. Why does it ignore tens of resolutions of this Assembly, as well as over 100 resolutions? [As] he spoke today...why does the state sponsor of terrorism continue such acts, including of supporting ISIS by providing arms and assistance...sure this regime has an exceptional capability in committing all crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression, including", "id": "1386718" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Ted Cruz\n\n\nAmerica had no \"dog in the fight\" during the Syrian Civil War and stated that America's armed forces should not serve as \"al-Qaeda's air force\". In 2014, Cruz criticized the Obama administration: \"The president's foreign policy team utterly missed the threat of ISIS, indeed, was working to arm Syrian rebels that were fighting side by side with ISIS\", calling ISIS \"the face of evil\". Cruz has called for bombing ISIS, but is doubtful that the United States \"can", "id": "21866348" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\nwas the first announced track for her fifth studio album, \"Stronger\", which was ultimately released on October 2011. Brian Masfield of \"USA Today\" wrote that \"Why Don't You Try\" \"lets Kelly unleash her inner Aretha.\" Clarkson performed \"Why Don't You Try\" during Muhammad Ali's \"Celebrity Fight Night\" charity event in Phoenix, Arizona on March 19, 2011. A live version of the song also appears on her second extended play, \"iTunes Session\", which was released", "id": "18407550" }, { "contents": "National Movement for Reform and Development\n\n\nSudan People's Armed Forces killed two, and injured five rebels, saying the attack \"came suddenly from inside Chadian territory, and we returned fire with the same force using artillery.\" The NMRD operates along the Chad-Sudan border. Abdallah accuses the United Front for Democratic Change Chadian rebel alliance of fighting alongside the Sudanese Army. \"We don't understand why they are doing this. We have no problem with Mahamat Nour.\" Nour denied UFDC involvement in the battle, \"Our forces were nearby but they did", "id": "4634982" }, { "contents": "Don't Know Why (SoundGirl song)\n\n\n\"Don't Know Why\" was the debut single by British London-based trio SoundGirl from their shelved debut studio album. The single was released on 19 June 2011 as a digital download in the United Kingdom. The official remix features teen rapper Mann. A music video to accompany the release of \"Don't Know Why\" was first released onto YouTube on 27 April 2011, at a total length of three minutes and forty-six seconds. \"Don't Know Why\" is based on the track \"Why (", "id": "19270531" }, { "contents": "Black May (1992)\n\n\n. In the broadcast, the King addressed the two generals: The Nation belongs to everyone, not one or two specific people. The problems exist because we don't talk to each other and resolve them together. The problems arise from 'bloodthirstiness'. People can lose their minds when they resort to violence. Eventually, they don't know why they fight each other and what the problems they need to resolve are. They merely know that they must overcome each other and they must be the only winner. This no", "id": "9268489" }, { "contents": "Inter-Services Intelligence\n\n\nMujahideen were founded in the 1980s by the ISI to fight against Indian interests. Under the orders of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, in 1984 the ISI prepared a plan which was to be set in motion in 1991. The ISI have close links to the Haqqani network and contribute heavily to their funding. It is widely believed the suicide attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul was planned with the help of the ISI. A report in 2008 from the Director of National Intelligence stated that the ISI provides intelligence and funding to", "id": "12423695" }, { "contents": "Gilad Erdan\n\n\nspat with Israeli Arab MK Azmi Bishara. During a meeting of the Knesset Law and Constitution Committee to discuss a similar proposal by NRP MK Zevulun Orlev, Erdan interrupted a Bishara speech by shouting \"Why don't you just go back to Syria?\" in reference to Bishara's trip there the previous summer. Bishara responded by saying \"Why don't you just go fuck yourself?\" creating an uproar in the committee. In 2011, Erdan turned down an offer to become Israeli ambassador to the United Nations citing his commitment", "id": "18080348" }, { "contents": "Coach's Corner\n\n\n, particularly the instigator rule, were made because \"nerds don't want fighting\"; he states the lack of protection by enforcers of star players is why there is an increasing prevalence of injuries to the latter, and wants enforcers in the game so that star players such as Connor McDavid do not have to fight. He often uses \"Coach's Corner\" to express some of his right-wing conservative views and Canadian nationalism, and pays tribute to Canadian law enforcement and the military. He has also endorsed conservative political", "id": "5631683" }, { "contents": "General Debate of the seventieth session of the United Nations General Assembly\n\n\nunder occupation? \"The Israeli regime gives ISIS support in Syria (amidst the Syrian civil war) and keeps tensions high in the region. They keep tensions rising because peace and stability is an existential threat. If quiet is back in the spotlight, they would have to explain their actions in the Palestinian Territories and engage in a peace process which for the past 25 years has had no result. [Thus] it is understandable why Israel was so angry with the 'nations' in the hall and the whole international community", "id": "21944114" }, { "contents": "General Debate of the seventy-third session of the United Nations General Assembly\n\n\npresenting...sorry NKO [will be] voluntary presenting its national review for high level review on developmental goals progress. the threat is only from Azerbaijan. This is exacerbated by a 1,000 Azerbaijani citizens fighting in the so-called Azeri Brigade of ISIS who have appeared on the border. They have declared to leave Raqqa to fight NKO...[to restart the war but have] luckily, and not surprisingly, and logically lost the war they had again started by Azerbaijan. Peace negotiations are in the format of the OSCE Minsk Group", "id": "7307870" }, { "contents": "Bashar al-Assad\n\n\nScholars has stated \"the outside world's decision to focus on ISIS has ironically lessened the pressure on Assad.\" In May 2015, Mario Abou Zeid of the Carnegie Middle East Center claimed that the recent Hezbollah offensive \"has exposed the reality of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) in Qalamoun; that it is operated by the Syrian regime's intelligence\", after ISIS in the region engaged in probing attacks against FSA units at the outset of the fighting. On 1 June 2015, the United States", "id": "6081328" }, { "contents": "Deontay Wilder\n\n\nthrown (56%), whilst Duhaupas landed 98 of 332 (30%). In the post fight, Wilder praised Duhaupas' toughness, \"We knew he was tough. We knew he was mentally tough. We knew he was going to come. That's why you can't criticize nobody you don't know. The most scariest people are the ones you don't know.\" For the fight, Wilder made $1.4 million and Duhaupas earned a $140,000 purse. The fight was the main event of", "id": "8428066" }, { "contents": "Take Back the City\n\n\n. The phrase \"pick a side, pick a fight, but get your epitaph right\" is about how Lightbody doesn't understand why the conflict was taking place. He didn't understand why anyone would want to fight. He added that \"I'm not fighting anyone for anything, because I don't hate anyone\". \"I love this city tonight, I love this city always/It bares its teeth like a light, and spits me out after days\" is about the city's buzzing music scene.", "id": "5981835" }, { "contents": "Najib Razak\n\n\nAnti-Corruption Commission stated that the RM 2.6 billion that had been banked into Najib's personal account came from donors, not 1MDB, but did not elaborate on who the donors were or why the funds were transferred, nor why this explanation had taken so long to emerge since the allegations were first made on 2 July 2015. Umno Kuantan division chief Wan Adnan Wan Mamat later claimed that the RM 2.6 billion is from Saudi Arabia as thanks for fighting ISIS. He further claimed that the Muslim community in the Philippines as well", "id": "2614505" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Elizabeth Warren\n\n\nnations in the region that are most immediately affected by the rise of ISIS to step up and play a leading role in this fight.\" In September 2017, after President Trump delivered a speech to the United Nations threatening to \"totally destroy\" North Korea if the United States were \"forced to defend itself or its allies\" and referred to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as \"Rocket Man\", Warren said that attempting \"to bait an unstable dictator who has nuclear weapons is not a strategy that makes America safer", "id": "18668320" }, { "contents": "Guo Jia\n\n\nso he couldn't decide between them who would succeed him. With advisers like Guo Tu and Pang Ji to assist the Yuans, internal conflict will definitely break out between them. If we press on our attacks, the Yuans will unite to resist us. If we withdraw our forces, the Yuans will start fighting among themselves. Why don't we turn south and attack Liu Biao in Jing Province first? We should wait until the Yuan brothers start fighting each other and then attack them. We'll achieve victory in this", "id": "9340541" }, { "contents": "100 Rifles\n\n\nWelch later confirmed the tension: It was an atmosphere. And it was really, in all seriousness, as ambiguous as hell. I don't know why it happened and I don't think Jimmy knows why it happened... My attitude on a film has always been, once it goes I'm interested only in my job. I'm not interested in asserting myself on a picture. Because it means too much to me. \"I spent the entire time refereeing fights between Jim Brown and Raquel Welch,\" said Reynolds", "id": "3629816" }, { "contents": "Hatfield–McCoy feud\n\n\nto the world that when national security is at risk, Americans put their differences aside and stand united: \"We're not saying you don't have to fight because sometimes you do have to fight,\" he said. \"But you don't have to fight forever.\" Signed by more than sixty descendants during the fourth Hatfield–McCoy Festival, the truce was touted as a proclamation of peace, saying \"We ask by God's grace and love that we be forever remembered as those that bound together the hearts", "id": "5415164" }, { "contents": "1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal\n\n\nbeen banked into Najib's personal account came from donors, not 1MDB, but did not elaborate on who the donors were or why the funds were transferred, nor why this explanation had taken so long to emerge since the allegations were first made on 2 July 2015. UMNO Kuantan division chief Wan Adnan Wan Mamat later claimed that the RM 2.6 billion was from Saudi Arabia as thanks for fighting ISIS. He further claimed that the Muslim community in the Philippines as well as southern Thailand had also received similar donations, and that since", "id": "14280398" }, { "contents": "Don't Ask Me Why (Elvis Presley song)\n\n\n\"Don't Ask Me Why\" is a song first recorded by Elvis Presley as part of the soundtrack for his 1958 motion picture \"King Creole\". It was written by Fred Wise (lyrics) and Ben Weisman (music). In 1958 the song was released on a single as a flipside to \"Hard Headed Woman\", another song from the same movie. In the United States \"Don't Ask Me Why\" peaked at number 25 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, while \"Hard Headed Woman", "id": "7352728" }, { "contents": "Janet Benshoof\n\n\nare behind this discrimination. Men are meant to have erections and sexual pleasure. Hence, fund Viagra. Women are designed to get pregnant, become mothers, and not be sexual. Hence don't fund 'unnatural' contraception or abortion.\" In a 2016 piece in \"The New York Times\", Benshoof argued that the United States should assume the lead in prosecuting ISIS fighters for genocide, writing, \"Prosecution of ISIS crimes as genocide is both a legal and a moral obligation. American leadership to ensure that these", "id": "6924100" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\nlive performance of the song was during Muhammad Ali's \"Celebrity Fight Night\" charity event in March 2011. In 2009, Eric Hutchinson opened for Kelly Clarkson in selected dates in her All I Ever Wanted Tour, where he debuted a new song, \"Why Don't You Try\", originally intended for his fourth studio album. Clarkson recalled upon hearing the song: \"Eric Hutchinson was touring with me in Australia and I was in my dressing room and all of a sudden I heard this song. I was like", "id": "18407547" }, { "contents": "History of the Peshmerga\n\n\nheavily militarized borderline was formed to defend Kurdish areas from ISIS. Initially the borderline was calm and there was little to no fighting. The KRG believed that it was unlikely that ISIS would attack the Kurdish region, as ISIS was already fighting the Iraqi Army on another front. On 1 August 2014, ISIS waged a full-scale attack against peshmerga forces stationed at the borderline, starting in Zumar. Peshmerga was defeated and ISIS gained control over much of the kurdish region. ISIS forces moved rapidly and came dangerously close to the", "id": "18134952" }, { "contents": "Sharron Angle\n\n\nkeep and bear arms on several occasions. Angle has said, \"What is a little bit disconcerting and concerning is the inability for sporting goods stores to keep ammunition in stock … That tells me the nation is arming. What are they arming for if it isn't that they are so distrustful of their government? They're afraid they'll have to fight for their liberty in more Second Amendment kinds of ways?\" and \"That's why I look at this as almost an imperative. If we don't win at", "id": "552846" }, { "contents": "Haji Ghalib\n\n\nby the injustice and brutality of his treatment in Guantanamo, and relied on his idea of what best served his nation, and had returned to fight on behalf of Aghanistan's central government. The article noted that he had returned to senior positions in the fight against both the Taliban, and new elements of ISIS that were being found in Aghanistan. The article noted that he now faced Abdul Rahim Muslimdost, another Guantanamo captive, who held a senior position in ISIS. The two men had been friends, in GUantanamo, where", "id": "7351050" }, { "contents": "Belligerents of the Syrian Civil War\n\n\nretake Hasakah from ISIS in late 2015 \"The Female Protection Forces of the Land Between the Two Rivers\" is an all-female force of Assyrian fighters in north east Syria fighting ISIS alongside other Assyrian and Kurdish units. Before the formation of the SDF, the YPG was the primary fighting force in the DFNS, and first entered this Syrian civil war as belligerent in July 2012 by capturing a town, Kobanî, that until then was under control of the Syrian Assad-government (see Syrian Kurdistan campaign). On 17", "id": "14019188" }, { "contents": "Zakir Naik\n\n\nadded that, \"We should not say ISIS, we should say AISIS. Because they are anti-Islamic. I request all the muslims of the world, as well as the muslim media, please don't help the enemies of Islam in attacking Islam.\" He further added that, \"If you verify you will know that I am totally against terrorism. I am totally against killing innocent human being.\" He expressed his view on the move by the United States government to launch an attack on the ISIS in", "id": "12811689" }, { "contents": "Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign\n\n\nlaw and the role of the United Nations.\" Sanders called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) \"a barbaric organization\" and \"a growing threat\", but did not believe that the U.S. should lead the fight against it, saying, \"the United States should be supportive, along with other countries, but we cannot and we should not be involved in perpetual warfare in the Middle East—the Muslim countries themselves must lead the effort\". Drawing figures from a OECD report that ranks the", "id": "11670914" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Bernie Sanders\n\n\nprecedent that a unilateral invasion of Iraq could establish in terms of international law and the role of the United Nations.\" Sanders has called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) \"a barbaric organization\" and \"a growing threat,\" but does not believe that the U.S. should lead the fight against it. Sanders believes that \"the United States should be supportive, along with other countries, but we cannot and we should not be involved in perpetual warfare in the Middle East – the Muslim countries themselves", "id": "20150259" }, { "contents": "Pakistan and state-sponsored terrorism\n\n\n. The ISI is also accused of supporting Taliban forces and recruiting and training mujahideen to fight in Afghanistan and Kashmir. Based on communication intercepts, US intelligence agencies concluded Pakistan's ISI was behind the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul on 7 July 2008, a charge that the governments of India and Afghanistan had laid previously. The Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI, is believed to be aiding these organisations in eradicating perceived enemies or those opposed to their cause, including India, Russia, China, Israel, the United States", "id": "3597123" }, { "contents": "Final Report of the Task Force on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel\n\n\nForce on Combating Terrorist and Foreign Fighter Travel\" is a keystone study of ISIS's ability to recruit terrorists from or in their home nations to abandon all they have ever known and launch themselves as a virtually programmed corps of human guided weapons globally.\" The report discusses the significant problem of United States citizens leaving their country of origin in order to gain fighting experience in Iraq and Syria on the battlefield. The report documents that the amount of U.S. citizens who have tried to gain access to battlefield areas in order to fight alongside", "id": "9153398" }, { "contents": "Ike Ibeabuchi\n\n\nthe United States, but maybe president of the world.\" Once, Ibeabuchi wielded a knife during a dinner meeting in New York to discuss a possible three fight HBO deal. \"We were having a fine meal at a nice restaurant\", Promoter Cedric Kushner said, \"and mid-course Ike picked up a big carving knife, slammed it into the table and screamed 'They knew it! They knew it! The belts belong to me! Why don't they just give them back?'\" \"That", "id": "5387508" }, { "contents": "Uprisings led by women\n\n\n. She wants women around the world to become more aware of their own fight. With this transformation, women also began getting involved with security and military roles. In 2012, women from the PYD, the People's Protection Units, created a unit dedicated to the fight for women. The Women's fighting units, also known as YPJ, have played a role in the liberations of towns like Kobani and Manbij. Since September 2014, Kurdish women have been playing a leading role in the fight against ISIS. The creation", "id": "17535495" }, { "contents": "PFLAG\n\n\nthe Religious Right on the defensive, when Pat Robertson threatened to sue any station that carried Project Open Mind advertisements. The resulting media coverage drew national attention to PFLAG's message linking hate speech with hate crimes and LGBT teen suicide. PFLAG National has been on the front lines to help repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell; in the fight for marriage equality in the United States—including filing an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court; working to end the practice of so-called \"conversion therapy\" and", "id": "13539120" }, { "contents": "Mariam al-Mansouri\n\n\nMariam al-Mansouri (), (born 1979 in Abu Dhabi), is the first female fighter pilot of the United Arab Emirates. She was one of the first women to join the United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) academy after women were allowed to join, graduating in 2007. She flies an F-16 Fighting Falcon and led UAE mission airstrikes against ISIS over Syria. The Emirates were among the five Arab allies that joined the United States in the airstrikes in Syria in 2014 to beat back ISIS forces, and", "id": "582843" }, { "contents": "Boxer Rebellion\n\n\nyield to them, I would have no face to see our ancestors after death. If we must perish, why don't we fight to the death?\" It was at this point that Cixi began to blockade the legations with the armies of the Peking Field Force, which began the siege. Cixi stated that \"I have always been of the opinion, that the allied armies had been permitted to escape too easily in 1860. Only a united effort was then necessary to have given China the victory. Today, at", "id": "14995192" }, { "contents": "History of lesbianism in the United States\n\n\nDescribed as \"a typical New York butch\" and \"a dyke–stone butch\", she had been hit on the head by an officer with a baton for, as one witness claimed, complaining that her handcuffs were too tight. Bystanders recalled that the woman, whose identity remains unknown (Stormé DeLarverie, who was a lesbian, has been identified by some, including herself, as the woman, but accounts vary ), sparked the crowd to fight when she looked at bystanders and shouted, \"Why don't", "id": "22100823" }, { "contents": "Momentum (organisation)\n\n\nCoalition's Don't Bomb Syria campaign which opposed the Conservative government's proposal to extend its bombing sorties against Daesh (also known as ISIS) from Daesh-held territory in Iraq to also cover Daesh-held territory in Syria. Corbyn had argued that Cameron's government lacked a credible plan for defeating Daesh and that the bombing in Syria would not increase the United Kingdom's national security. Corbyn has also stated his view that military action should always be a last resort. Some Labour MPs criticised Momentum's move to lobby on", "id": "3892414" }, { "contents": "United States involvement in regime change\n\n\nwithdrew and the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) enforced the ceasefire and disarmament. In what was known as \"Operation Cyclone,\" the U.S. government secretly provided weapons and funding for a collection of warlords and several factions of Jihadi guerillas known as the Mujahideen of Afghanistan fighting to overthrow the Afghan government and the Soviet military forces that supported it. Through the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan, the US channeled training, weapons and money for Afghan fighters, including jihadis who later became known as the", "id": "4356644" }, { "contents": "Bashar al-Assad\n\n\ntons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Al-Assad, except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra, and al Qaeda, and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.\" Mark Lyall Grant, then Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations, stated at the outset of the American-led intervention in Syria that \"ISIS is a monster that the Frankenstein of Assad has largely created\". French President François Hollande stated, \"Assad cannot be", "id": "6081326" }, { "contents": "Bashar al-Assad\n\n\n, because it draws attention away from the real reasons why ISIS grew and gained such prominence: namely, rebel groups tolerated ISIS.\" Similarly, Max Abrams and John Glaser stated in the \"Los Angeles Times\" in December 2017 that \"The evidence of Assad sponsoring Islamic State ... was about as strong as for Saddam Hussein sponsoring Al Qaeda.\" In October 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden stated that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates had \"poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of", "id": "6081325" }, { "contents": "The Dark Knight (film)\n\n\nthe beginning in which the gang leaders of Gotham are meeting... These are men who had the city divided up. They were thugs, but there was a kind of order. Everyone had his turf. And then the Joker comes in and lights the whole city on fire. ISIS is the Joker. It has the capacity to set the whole region on fire. That's why we have to fight it.\" According to David S. Goyer, the primary theme of \"The Dark Knight\" is escalation. Gotham City", "id": "3004551" }, { "contents": "22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit\n\n\nMEU flying off USS \"Wasp\" in the Mediterranean to carryout airstrikes on ISIS terrorists in Libya, amidst the Libyan Civil War, specifically to support local forces fighting ISIS in Sirte as part of a broader campaign against ISIS in the country. After the devastating, 12 January 2010 Haiti earthquake, Marines with the 22nd MEU embarked on the \"Bataan\" Amphibious ready group for Haiti in order to conduct a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief mission known as Operation Unified Response. 22nd MEU departed Camp Lejuene on 15 January and began arriving", "id": "2688174" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You & I\n\n\n\"Why Don't You & I\" is a 2003 top 10 hit by Santana. The song was written by Chad Kroeger and recorded for Carlos Santana's 2002 album \"Shaman\", on the Arista record label. The song was re-recorded in 2003 with vocals by Alex Band of The Calling, as the third single in the United States. It was released as the second single in Canada in the winter of 2003. The Chad Kroeger version was also released alongside the Alex Band version in the United States.", "id": "21470507" }, { "contents": "Assassination Nation\n\n\n, and also sets Diamond free. Lily then makes a video calling out other young women in the neighborhood to stand up and fight back against the armed men. After the final battle, the film cuts to Donny, Lily's younger brother, revealed as the criminal mastermind behind the hacks, and is now facing a life sentence. When asked why he did it, Donny shrugs and says, \"I don't know, for the lols.\" The credits roll over the Salem High marching band walking down a street", "id": "4352790" }, { "contents": "Yuri Foreman\n\n\nlanded a left hook to the body and Foreman went down 42 seconds into the 9th round and Mercante called off the fight. In interviews after the fight, Cotto said \"He was working on one leg, but I still kept fighting.\" When asked why he continued after injuring his leg, Foreman said: \"\"I'm a world champion – now a former world champion – and you don't just quit ... A world champion needs to keep on fighting.\"\" A week after the fight, Foreman underwent", "id": "2258414" }, { "contents": "Use of social media by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant\n\n\nplatforms. ISIS targets a variety of different groups both in the Middle East and Western Countries. There are a wide variety of motives for why fighters may be prompted to join ISIS. Quantum researchers cite nine attributes characteristic of a fighter looking to join ISIS: status seeking, identity seeking, revenge, redemption, thrill, ideology, justice, and death. The standard ISIS recruit, both from the Middle East and Western countries, is relatively young. The average age of ISIS fighters is around 26 years old, with 86", "id": "21508860" }, { "contents": "Veil of Isis\n\n\nbut came to be interpreted as breasts. Isis was sometimes compared with Artemis, and the Roman writer Macrobius, in the fourth century CE, wrote, \"Isis is the earth or nature that is under the sun. That is why the goddess's entire body bristles with a multitude of breasts placed close to one another [as in the case of Artemis of Ephesus], because all things are nourished by earth or by nature.\" Thus, the 16th-century artists represented nature as Isis-Artemis with multiple breasts", "id": "8228281" }, { "contents": "The Secrets of Isis\n\n\nthe rescue of high school students who found themselves in danger due to unwise choices. A notable exception was the two-part series finale, \"Now You See It...\", and, \"...Now You Don't\", which had an espionage-related plotline revealing that Rick Mason has been working secretly for the U.S. government on a weather-making machine. This two-parter introduced a trio of crime-fighting teens dubbed \"The Super-Sleuths;\" the double episode was intended as a backdoor pilot", "id": "3228528" }, { "contents": "Why We Want You to Be Rich\n\n\nDon't\". The book discusses American economic problems including the middle-class squeeze, economic globalization, and the national debt of the United States. The authors advise the reader to gain financial literacy and delve into entrepreneurship. Trump and Kiyosaki criticize mutual funds and advocate real estate investing as a way to build wealth. \"Why We Want You to be Rich\" was a financial success, debuting at number one on \"The New York Times\" best seller list in its first week of publication; and remaining on the", "id": "9774097" }, { "contents": "Chauncey H. Cooke\n\n\nhe and his father had a favorable opinion of them. In August 1862, Cooke joined the U.S. Army with the 25th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment. He was 16 years old and thus underage at the time, but was this was not noticed by his superiors. He joined the U.S. Army as both he and his father were abolitionists who were opposed to slavery. Upon joining the army, Cooke's father reminded of him of why he was fighting for the United States, saying to him, \"Don't forget that there", "id": "8472793" }, { "contents": "Isis (journal)\n\n\nthe website of University of Chicago Press and the IsisCB Explore website. In 1924, the History of Science Society was founded by George Sarton and Lawrence Joseph Henderson to secure the future of \"Isis\". In a paper \"Why Isis\", Sarton explains that the choice of the name for his journal was made rather unconsciously, after having been introduced to Egyptology during a visit to the Egyptian section of the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in The Netherlands. In his paper, Sarton elaborates on the misunderstandings the name \"Isis\" can", "id": "21537316" }, { "contents": "Indian Statistical Institute\n\n\nNational Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). J. B. S. Haldane joined the ISI as a research professor from August 1957, and stayed on until February 1961, when he had a falling out with ISI Director P.C. Mahalanobis over Haldane's going on a much-publicized hunger strike to protest the United States pressuring U.S. National Science Fair winners Gary Botting and Susan Brown from attending an ISI banquet to which many prominent Indian scientists had been invited. Haldane helped the ISI grow in biometrics. Haldane also played a key role in developing the", "id": "20401110" }, { "contents": "Andrew Selby\n\n\n109, 118-109). With the win, Selby became the mandatory challenger to WBC champion Daigo Higa. After the fight, Selby declared \"I want to make money in life, so that is why I fight. At least I am honest. I've got a chance because I will be fighting for a world title. Who likes getting punched in the face? I don't. I just like the cheques.\" Selby picked up another win on October 2017 against Maximino Flores. The fight was characterized", "id": "18689013" }, { "contents": "Death of Osama bin Laden\n\n\nchief, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, knew of bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad, but ISI, Pasha and officials in Washington all deny this. After the raid, there was an unconfirmed report that Pakistan allowed Chinese military officials to examine the wreckage of the crashed helicopter. Abbottabad attracted refugees from fighting in the tribal areas and Swat Valley, as well as Afghanistan. \"People don't really care now to ask who's there\", said Gohar Ayub Khan, a former foreign minister and resident of the city", "id": "11960884" }, { "contents": "2016 Movida Bar grenade attack\n\n\nby their leaders in Syria and Iraq to fight their own countrymen because they don't share the same interpretations of Islamic law. Following the rise of extremism, some radical Malaysian Muslims have threatened the government and country, and many have been arrested and blocked from entering the country as well as travelling to Syria. This is believed to be the main reason that many of the Malaysian ISIS members and supporters who reside in the country have decided to rebel against their own government. Shortly after the attack, the deputy police chief of", "id": "13525472" }, { "contents": "Kenelm Hubert Digby\n\n\ncarried by 275 votes to 153. A nationwide furore followed, and Digby and his fellow undergraduates were accused of sending a dangerous message to Europe's dictators – that the English were soft and would not fight. \"Isis\", a student magazine of the University of Oxford, reported that Digby had a \"tub-thumping style of oratory which would be more appreciated in Hyde Park than in the Union\", while sixty years after the event Digby mused \"It was just a debate. I don't know what all", "id": "14148239" }, { "contents": "Newsha Tavakolian\n\n\npre-festival The O.P.E.N. programme, at the last minute. 15 of these photographs, picturing female rebels fighting against ISIS, were presented at the show, limited to those above 16 years old, blacked out. Festival director Ong Keng Sen issued a statement condemning MDA's move and lack of explanation and pointing out that the photographs were already published in the readily accessible \"Time\" magazine, both online and off. \"And so we are living with a new terror where we don't know, it is out of", "id": "18469336" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of the Donald Trump administration\n\n\nattacks: \"There is no Iraq. Their leaders are corrupt.\" In the March 11, 2016 CNN Republican presidential debate, he said he would send ground troops to fight ISIL, saying: \"We really have no choice. We have to knock out ISIS.\" In a 2015 interview, Trump stated \"You have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. ... When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out", "id": "19674278" }, { "contents": "Christian militias in Iraq and Syria\n\n\nKurdish or Syrian government aid. Maronite Christians in Lebanon have also formed militias to fight against ISIS incursions from Syria, over the border, and the Assyrians in Iraq have formed well armed militias in the north to protect Assyrian communities, towns and villages in the Assyrian homeland and Nineveh plains. These formed defence units called Popular Committees. The popular committees do not exist as standalone units, and have now been combined into the Syrian National Defence force, under its formal structure. After the spread of the civil war, and the", "id": "8234440" }, { "contents": "Institute for Science and International Security\n\n\nThe Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) is a nonprofit, non-governmental institution to inform the public about \"science and policy issues affecting international security\". Founded in 1993, the group is led by founder and former United Nations IAEA nuclear inspector David Albright. ISIS was founded on a belief that scientists have an obligation to participate actively in solving major problems of national and international security. ISIS focuses primarily on four parts: 1) prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and related technology to other nations and terrorists", "id": "7185723" }, { "contents": "Deir ez-Zor offensive (December 2014)\n\n\nof the Deir ez-Zor air base. During the fighting ISIS captured a white building on the southeastern edge of the base. Three days later, ISIS captured several other positions near the base and the mountain. In fighting in the Al-Sina'a city district between 25 and 27 December, at least 30 ISIS militants were killed, according to a military source. Meanwhile, ISIS still controlled about 30% of Sakr Island and was being supplied only by boats. On 27 January, the Army captured the Rocket Battalion's", "id": "12503872" }, { "contents": "Castle Keep\n\n\nHey Benjamin, now there's a title for your book... 'Castle Keep'...\" Benjamin: \"...Not bad...\" Rossi [confronting the deserters]: “You're waking everybody up, go back to your outfits!” Deserter: “We have no outfit. We don't believe in fighting. Rossi: Who does?” Beckman: “Europe's dying.” Falconer: “No Beckman, she's dead. That's why we're here. Don't you read the newspapers?", "id": "7559304" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Fall in Love\n\n\n\"Why Don't We Fall in Love\" is a song written and produced by Rich Harrison for American R&B singer Amerie's debut album, \"All I Have\" (2002). Released as the album's lead single in the United Kingdom in October 2001 and in the United States in July 2002 after being sent US Urban/Urban AC, Top 40 and Rhythmic radio in April 2002, the song reached number twenty-three on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and became a top ten hit on the Hot R&B", "id": "412327" }, { "contents": "Isis\n\n\nname, which she passes on to Horus, bolstering his royal authority. The story may be meant as an origin story to explain why Isis's magical ability surpasses that of other deities, but because she uses magic to subdue Ra, the story seems to treat her as having such abilities even before learning his name. Many of the roles Isis acquired gave her an important position in the sky. Passages in the \"Pyramid Texts\" connect Isis closely with Sopdet, the goddess representing the star Sirius, whose relationship with her", "id": "17055731" }, { "contents": "Indian Statistical Institute\n\n\nthe ISI for careers in the USA or for positions in public/private sector in India. By the 1940s, the ISI was internationally known and was taken as a model when the first institute of Statistics was set up in the United States by Gertrude Coxperhaps the only time an institute in a developing country was used as a model in a developed country. As asked by the Government of India, in 1950, ISI designed and planned a comprehensive socio–economic national sample survey covering rural India. The organisation named National Sample", "id": "20401108" }, { "contents": "Pakistan–United States relations\n\n\n\" and William Casey of \"CIA\" worked together in harmony, and in an atmosphere of mutual trust. The \"ISI\" officer Mohammad Yusuf stated \"“It was a great blow to the Jehad when Casey died\", calling Casey \"\"shaheed\"\", a former CIA director is actually a martyr of Islam. The U.S. intelligence community also helped Zia to expand the idea of The Establishment in the national politics of Pakistan, approving the sale of F-16 Fighting Falcon, nuclear technology, naval warships, intelligence training", "id": "15655051" }, { "contents": "Back Around\n\n\nown name since re-engaging with rock and soul in the Nineties — is what Godchaux calls 'my journey'. Cut in Alabama, the record pays homage to the Southern soul she first sang (in originals like \"Don't Ask Me Why\" and a cover of Wilson Pickett's \"Don't Fight It\"), covers of Sixties classics (the Stones' \"19th Nervous Breakdown\", the Beatles' \"She Said She Said\", the Youngbloods' \"Darkness, Darkness\"), even a", "id": "10116099" }, { "contents": "Manbij offensive\n\n\ntalk against us in Turkey and Europe come here and fight ISIS. Why this distortion in media about problems between Kurds and Arabs?\" Ethnic Kurdish fellow co-chairman Salih Haji Mohammed stated: \"In our social contract, we say we want to have good relations with neighboring countries like Turkey. Any country that does not interfere in Manbij and our areas, we will have good relations with.\" On 31 May, the US announced that they would support the offensive and send supporting troops to the area. A US", "id": "9224529" }, { "contents": "Milsap Magic\n\n\nMilsap Magic is the eleventh studio album by country singer Ronnie Milsap, released in 1980 by RCA Records. The two A-side singles from the album, \"Why Don't You Spend the Night\" and \"My Heart\", reached #1 on the \"Billboard\" country chart, and two B-sides, \"Silent Night (After the Fight)\" and \"Misery Loves Company\", also received airplay as double-sided singles. The song \"If You Don't Want Me To\", which", "id": "5596971" }, { "contents": "Hard Times (1975 film)\n\n\nwas hopefully legendary and somewhat heroic so that one couldn't really take a realistic approach.\" Hill said the fights were \"dances. That is why there was no blood. People commented, \"the fights are great but they would have been better if you had put some blood in them.\" What they don't realize is as soon as you put blood in those fights they would then have gotten so real that they would have lost their dramatic truth.\" Original cut of the movie was around two hours long", "id": "14949948" }, { "contents": "Gerald Washington (boxer)\n\n\ndue to lack of experience, saying after the fight, \"I just got a little impatient. I was trying to go for it. It was an even boxing match. I could have kept it like that and kept it boring. I don't know why I fell asleep there. I guess I lost a little focus.\" Washington earned $250,000 from the fight while Wilder earned $900,000. The fight was watched by an average audience of 1.76 million viewers, peaking at 1.86 million. The bout was the", "id": "2952060" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13769\n\n\nand counter-productive in the attempt to combat extremism. The commander of the Iraqi Air Force said he is \"worried and surprised\", as the ban may affect Iraqi security forces members (such as Iraqi pilots being trained in US) who are on the front-lines of fighting ISIS terrorism. However, traditional US allies in the region were largely silent. On February 1, the United Arab Emirates became the first Muslim-majority nation to back the order. Some Catholic leaders have condemned the ban and encouraged mercy", "id": "11160023" }, { "contents": "General Debate of the seventieth session of the United Nations General Assembly\n\n\nincluding the claim that Noah was of Azeri origin. Instead of threatening the possibility of war it is incumbent to note that Azerbaijan initiated and lost the Nagorno-Karabakh War. It would be more useful to think of negotiations on compromises. There were also mujahedeen fighting for Azerbaijan against Armenia that were killing innocent civilians; further, they may not be aware of Azeri fighters for ISIS who, every now and again, appear on the border with NKO. If Azerbaijan wanted peace, then they should allow international observers on the Line", "id": "21944100" }, { "contents": "Civil Protection Units\n\n\n. Such branches are in Nusaybin, Sirnex, Sur, and Yuksekova (formerly known as Gever). There is also a female branch of the YPS known as the YPS-Jin that was founded in 2016 one year after the initial YPS foundation, one of the causes which they fight for is gender equality. Some members of the YPS-Jin were also once victims of ISIS during the Yazidi genocide that took place in 2014. Women who were once victims of ISIS, whether it be they were sold into the sex", "id": "16144165" }, { "contents": "Melvins / Isis\n\n\n[...] I kept hoping Isis would finally let loose, offer a little chaos. After all, the best part of Mogwai's \"Like Herod\" isn't the clockwork precision; it's the freak out.” As for the Melvins side, she deemed it “more of the same, but here I don't mean that in a disparaging way at all”, and found that “the grooves, especially on \"I'll Finish You Off\", have the same punchy dynamics the Isis tunes lack.", "id": "11941423" }, { "contents": "Eddie Hurley\n\n\n. I'm going to fight this thing all the way to the Commissioner's office if I have to. And if I don't get any satisfaction from him [William Eckert], I'll hire an attorney. ... I don't know of any business in the world that would do something like this to a man. Even a dog gets more consideration than we did. Why, even if an umpire is fired - if he's the worst in the business - he gets 10 days' notice. We got", "id": "8457032" }, { "contents": "Refuting ISIS\n\n\nRefuting ISIS: A Rebuttal Of Its Religious And Ideological Foundations is a 2015 book by Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, a Syrian Islamic scholar and one of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world according to a ranking published by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, that presents a response to ISIS' beliefs and crimes. Al-Yaqoubi argues that members of ISIS have left Sunni Islam and draws parallels with the ISIS movement and the Khawarij. He also argued that Muslims are obligated to fight ISIS, since the group had both \"", "id": "9161404" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Get a Job?\n\n\n\"Why Don't You Get a Job?\" is a song by The Offspring. The song is the 11th track on The Offspring's fifth studio album \"Americana\" (1998) and was released as the second single from the album. The song also appears as the eighth track on the band's \"Greatest Hits\" album (2005). The single peaked within the top ten of the charts in many countries, including number 2 in the United Kingdom, Australia and Sweden. The song drew attention for its", "id": "5645286" }, { "contents": "United States Soccer Federation\n\n\nGarber said, \"I do believe our national team coach has a short-term objective. That's what he's hired to do. That doesn't mean next week, but it's to win the Gold Cup, it's to have the best possible team in 2018. And our goals and objectives are broader than that, and that's why we agree on some things but don't agree on others.\" On March 8, 2019, all members of the US Women's National Team collectively filed a gender", "id": "15452205" }, { "contents": "Live V\n\n\nLive V is Isis's fifth live release. This live album is unique for Isis in that it is a soundboard recording taken from a single live performance. The show was performed on July 23, 2006, at Koko's in London for All Tomorrow's Parties' \"Don't Look Back\" series of concerts, where artists are invited to perform one of their albums in its entirety. Isis were asked to perform \"Oceanic\". As with the rest of the live series, the CD version was self-released", "id": "17036506" }, { "contents": "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan\n\n\n, Hafiz Gul Bahadur and Maulavi Nazir released a statement in which they reaffirmed their allegiance to Osama bin Laden. According to United Nation report, ISIS core leadership continue to send funds to TTP in Afghanistan despite its depleted resources in heartland in Iraq and Syria. The report claims that without those funds, ISIS will cease to exist in Afghanistan. According to Borhan Osman, a senior analyst at International Crisis Group (ICG), the Islamic State (IS) fighters who started the ISIS-K branch of ISIS were TTP militants", "id": "109008" }, { "contents": "The Signal and the Noise\n\n\nThe Signal and the Noise : Why Most Predictions Fail – but Some Don't (alternatively stylized as The Signal and the Noise : Why So Many Predictions Fail – but Some Don't) is a 2012 book by Nate Silver detailing the art of using probability and statistics as applied to real-world circumstances. The book includes richly detailed case studies from baseball, elections, climate change, the 2008 financial crash, poker, and weather forecasting. Published in the United States on September 27, 2012, \"The Signal and", "id": "13807054" }, { "contents": "Don't Ask Me Why (Eurythmics song)\n\n\n\"Don't Ask Me Why\" is a 1989 song recorded by the British pop music duo Eurythmics. It was written by bandmembers Annie Lennox and David A. Stewart and produced by Stewart with Jimmy Iovine. The song was featured on Eurythmics' album \"We Too Are One\". The song was released as the second single from the album in the UK and the first in the United States. It is a lush pop song with melancholy and bitter lyrics which describe the ending of a love relationship. In it Lennox tells", "id": "15462182" }, { "contents": "Beyond the Mat\n\n\n, but that never transpired. Blaustein has stated the opposite. In response to why he thought Roberts made the allegations, Blaustein responded, \"I don't know why. Jake's looking for publicity for himself, maybe. I don't know. He has problems with reality. I wish Jake all the best.\" \"Beyond the Mat\" was released in theaters in the United States in March 2000. The film was later released on DVD, including extra footage and cast interviews. An unrated director's cut edition", "id": "17942161" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We\n\n\n, \"Something Different\", was released on April 21, 2017. Its title track was released as the lead single the same day. They released their third EP, \"Why Don't We Just\", on June 2, 2017. They finished their \"Something Different\" tour around the United States. Another single, \"These Girls\" was released on August 29, 2017. They have appeared in vlogs from YouTuber and friend Logan Paul. Paul has directed three music videos for the band, one involving their", "id": "9298456" }, { "contents": "Oceanic (Isis album)\n\n\nOceanic is the second full-length album by American post-metal band ISIS, released on September 16, 2002, by Ipecac Recordings. On November 4, 2014, a remastered edition was released via Hydrahead/Ipecac Recordings. On July 23, 2006, Isis performed \"Oceanic\" in its entirety at KOKO, Camden Town, London as part of the All Tomorrow's Parties curated Don't Look Back series. This performance was recorded and eventually released in 2009 as \"Live V\". The track \"Weight\"", "id": "13188692" }, { "contents": "Osiris (software)\n\n\ndata, which don't lie on the public server that is running Isis, but is managed by the various nodes running Osiris. Isis only forwards web requests from visitors to the nodes that have become available to it, minimizing the use of resources from the server through the load-balancing of requests. Since it is not technically possible to guarantee anonymity in this type of architecture, all accesses by Isis are read-only. This has the dual objective of ensuring the privacy of users and encourage the use of Osiris to", "id": "18475245" }, { "contents": "Jaysh al-Sham (2014)\n\n\nJaysh al-Sham (, \"Army of the Levant\") is a rebel group that was active during the Syrian Civil War. The group began when the Suqour al-Sham brigade called Suyouf al-Haq split from its parent organization because it did not want to participate in the fighting between Suqour al-Sham and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). In July 2014, the Liwa Dawud unit defected from Jaysh al-Sham to ISIS, bringing with them 1000 men and 10 tanks.", "id": "18184920" }, { "contents": "The Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq\n\n\nand it claims to have rescued over 140 women and girls by May 2016. Once rescued, the women and girls are taken to an internally displaced persons' camp in Kurdistan and later re-united with their families. In August 2015, Gill Rosenberg, the first female foreigner to join YPJ forces fighting ISIS joined the organization as a volunteer. The CYCI foundations is primarily involved in negotiating with brokers in ISIS controlled territories for the release of captured Yazidi women and girls. The organization releases funds to their members based in Iraq", "id": "4024206" }, { "contents": "Afghan War documents leak\n\n\nthe reputation of the spy agency. He spoke on condition of anonymity in line with the agency's policy. Former ISI Chief Hamid Gul, who headed the agency in the late 1980s when Pakistan and the United States were supporting militants in their fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan, denied the allegations that he was working with the Taliban, saying \"these leaked documents against me are fiction and nothing else\". Politicians and defense analysts critically commented on leaks and the western media in using the ISI card while not highlighting most of", "id": "5285286" }, { "contents": "The International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law\n\n\nan influential role in supporting African and Middle Eastern countries that were in a period of transition. After the Institution opened, it held its inaugural support and training session. The two-day event brought together prosecutors and investigators who discussed how to deal with terrorist cells in the Sahel and Maghreb. The focus was on how to stem the flow of foreign fighters joining ISIS' fight in Syria from the two African regions. Following the inaugural event, a number of workshops were scheduled, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and", "id": "10677537" }, { "contents": "Foreign fighters in the Syrian and Iraqi Civil Wars\n\n\nthe citizenship of those who joins or aids a foreign terrorist group. He cited his view that it was \"necessary\" to prevent citizens to fight for ISIS from returning to carry out \"unspeakable acts of terror here at home.\" In November 2014, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2178 which focused on how states should deal with the foreign fighter phenomenon. The Resolution presents a holistic approach to the problem and therefore stresses to not only focus on military and intelligence solutions, but incorporate preventative and rehabilitative measures as well", "id": "10952091" } ]
Where did Red headed people not having souls come from?
[{"answer": "The first time I remember hearing it was on South Park years ago (Cartman). Not sure if they made it up on the show, or if they were referencing something else."}, {"answer": "The term \"ginger\" and prejudice against red-headed people has been around for a long time in the UK. I think Celtic people tended to have more red hair, and they were historically enslaved by other Britons and discriminated against. A red-headed English friend told me he endured all kinds of abuse in school because of his coloration. Growing up in North America in the 80's and 90's, nobody I knew ever had a problem with redheads. In fact, it was seen as a very attractive trait in women (Gillian Anderson is a good example). South Park basically started the whole thing as a joke against discrimination ... like \"What could possibly be a dumber reason to make fun of someone?\" Unfortunately, the creators of that episode really underestimated the stupidity of their audience, and so a lot of kids totally missed the point and subsequently picked up on it (along with the term \"ginger\" which had never really been used outside of the UK) as an excuse to pick on people. Good example of how a well-meaning message actually made a situation worse."}, {"answer": "There is a trope that goes all the way back about Jews. A standard music hall/theatre/popular fiction stock character was the red head dishonest Jew. It's pretty much taboo to even mention it now, but it was very common. Orwell mentions it in his essay on the art of Donald McGill, and identifies it as a dying trope in the thirties. The South Park episode was wittingly or unwittingly drawing from that tradition. Quick edit, I forgot- judas was always identified as a red head in popular religious culture, thus the connection."}, {"answer": "Ginger was a term used in Europe mostly the United kingdom, its use started a couple hundred years ago to describe someone's appearance basing the name off of the color of the ginger root. it was not until south park came out bashing us that it became a derogatory phrase... I too am a ginger so I feel your pain lol"}, {"answer": "The Celtic origin groups in the English sphere where more likely to have red hair (the Irish and the Scotts.) It was an obvious outward sign of belonging to what was considered a lower class by the Romans, the Normans, and eventually the English themselves. It is one of the excepted, but actually racist kind of things we seem to allow because it is 'harmless\" and is so ingrained as to be not seen as racism. It is, but hey, you know they're gingers. No different than the ingrained racism seen in Europe about the Romany."}, {"answer": "I never got how people got on board when it was one of Cartmans quirks... why would you emulate something Cartman believes and think that's a cool thing?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "740171", "title": "Baptism with the Holy Spirit", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In Christian theology, baptism with the Holy Spirit (also called baptism with the Spirit, Spirit baptism or baptism in the Holy Ghost) has been interpreted by different Christian denominations and traditions in a variety of ways due to differences in the doctrines of salvation and ecclesiology. It is frequently associated with incorporation into the Christian Church, the bestowal of spiritual gifts, and empowerment for Christian ministry. Spirit baptism has been variously defined as part of the sacraments of initiation into the church, as being synonymous with regeneration, as being synonymous with Christian perfection that empowers a person for Christian life and service. The term \"baptism with the Holy Spirit\" originates in the New Testament, and all Christian traditions accept it as a theological concept.", "In Christian theology, baptism with the Holy Spirit (also called baptism with the Spirit, Spirit baptism or baptism in the Holy Ghost) has been interpreted by different Christian denominations and traditions in a variety of ways due to differences in the doctrines of salvation and ecclesiology. It is frequently associated with incorporation into the Christian Church, the bestowal of spiritual gifts, and empowerment for Christian ministry. Spirit baptism has been variously defined as part of the sacraments of initiation into the church, as being synonymous with regeneration, as being synonymous with Christian perfection that empowers a person for Christian life and service. The term \"baptism with the Holy Spirit\" originates in the New Testament, and all Christian traditions accept it as a theological concept."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Soul Shadows\n\n\ncharting album of Carrack's solo career, including compilations. Lee Zimmerman of Blurt magazine claims \"Soul Shadows\" \"reflects the UK rocker’s love for authentic American soul music ... (Carrack) sings with the kind of conviction that would make Al Green, Otis Redding and Wilson Pickett nod their heads with approval.\" In a mixed-to-positive review, AllMusic's Stephen Thomas Erlewine says of \"Soul Shadows\" that \"the real human touch comes from Carrack's voice, which is as warm and easy as", "id": "5654276" }, { "contents": "Alonzo T. Jones\n\n\nperfect expression of this law in the life of the worshiper of God. By this law is the knowledge of sin. And all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God—have come short of this perfection of character...In His coming in the flesh—having been made in all things like unto us and having been tempted in all points like as we are—He has identified Himself with every human soul just where that soul is. And from the place where every human soul is, He has", "id": "11251957" }, { "contents": "John de Britto\n\n\nto the executioner. The red sand dune here in this shrine where the blood of the massacred saint was spilled has great significance. Numerous incurable diseases are said to have cured by the application of the red sand on the respective body parts. Couples are believed to have blessed with children on visiting the shrine and praying to the departed soul. During festivities, pilgrims mainly from Tamil Nadu and Kerala participate irrespective of their caste, creed and religion. Thus, together with Christians, Hindus and Muslims also come to worship at the", "id": "21325482" }, { "contents": "Seven Years Past\n\n\nright.\" Larkin's soulful lyrics originate from a number of sources, as she told New York's \"Tool & Die\" Magazine. \"Inspiration comes from other peoples' mistakes. Mistakes that affect my friends, thus affecting me. People that I love. It's sick. I watch them break up, make up, and I write about it all. Music, it's almost like a photograph for me. It can tell me where I've been. In June 2012 the band headed to Buffalo,", "id": "18337562" }, { "contents": "Soul food\n\n\nrestaurants were Black-owned businesses that served as neighborhood meeting places where people socialized and ate together. The origins of recipes considered soul food can be traced back to before slavery, as African, Native American, and European foodways have influenced it. Many of the foods integral to the cuisine originate from the limited rations given to slaves by their planters and masters. Slaves were typically given a peck of cornmeal and 3-4 pounds of pork per week, and from those rations come soul food staples such as cornbread, fried", "id": "8285517" }, { "contents": "Welsh Dragon\n\n\nsymbolises the people of Vortigern. If Vortigern is accepted to have lived in the 5th century, then these people are the British whom the Saxons failed to subdue and who became the Welsh. The same story is repeated in Geoffrey of Monmouth's \"History of the Kings of Britain\", where the red dragon is also a prophecy of the coming of King Arthur. Note that Arthur's father was named Uther Pendragon ('Pendragon': 'Pen' (Head) and 'Dragon', being translated by Geoffrey as", "id": "17149953" }, { "contents": "Mountain Soul\n\n\nsort of has the mountain sort of tone to it. I would say, sort of that feel like The Stanley Brothers, or that feel of Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs... Bill Monroe, and that combination of the real, real hardcore country music. And I was doing it during my shows, about three, four songs. The people would come up and ask, 'where can we get this kind of music?... that song that you did?', and I would say like, 'I have", "id": "16691449" }, { "contents": "Duppy\n\n\nAfrican folklore and culture in Jamaica comes from the Ashanti people (a similar Kwa speaking people also from Ghana). In the Ga language of Ghana, \"Adope\" literally means dwarf but in Ghanaian folklore spirits are dwarves. In Obeah, a person is believed to possess two souls — a good soul and an earthly soul. In death, the good soul goes to heaven to be judged by God, while the earthly spirit remains for three days in the coffin with the body, where it may escape if proper precautions", "id": "11834905" }, { "contents": "Hun and po\n\n\n\"souls\" comes from widespread beliefs that the soul of a dead person can exist in the multiple locations. The missionary Justus Doolittle recorded that Chinese people in Fuzhou Believe each person has \"three distinct\" souls while living. These souls separate at the death of the adult to whom they belong. One resides in the ancestral tablet erected to his memory, if the head of a family; another lurks in the coffin or the grave, and the third departs to the infernal regions to undergo its merited punishment. (1865", "id": "13029378" }, { "contents": "Cloud (surname)\n\n\n, etc. The earliest known use of the Cloude/Cloud surname is in medieval England, where it is also recorded as de la Cloude, Clowd and Clowde. The surname may have come from a place name or a geographical feature. The name is found in Native American families, Chief Red Cloud being an example, but the name was not passed on to his children. (Early Native Americans (indigenous peoples of America) did not use the naming convention of the Europeans, choosing instead to name their children after", "id": "15240349" }, { "contents": "Legend of the Rainbow Warriors\n\n\nfirst light-skinned settlers. It was said that the dead souls of these first people would return in bodies of all different colours: red, white, yellow and black. Together and unified, like the colours of the rainbow, these people would teach all of the peoples of the world how to have love and reverence for Mother Earth, of whose very stuff we human beings are also made. \"Warriors of the Rainbow\" relates these fictitious \"Indian\" prophecies to the Second Coming of Christ and has been described", "id": "2843263" }, { "contents": "Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul\n\n\nAll you can look for is a little respect when you come home.\" An alternative story is told by Redding's friend and road manager, Earl \"Speedo\" Sims, who states that the song \"came from a group I was singing with\", and that even though Redding rewrote it, \"a lot of the lyric was still there\"; Sims adds: \"He told me I would get a credit, but I never did\". Sims also states that he sang the backing chorus of \"Hey", "id": "20103954" }, { "contents": "Time's Arrow (novel)\n\n\nor to touch. There was, among my colleagues there, a general though desultory quest for greater elegance. I can understand that word, and all its yearning: \"elegant\". Not for its elegance did I come to love the evening sky above the Vistula, hellish red with the gathering souls. Creation is easy. Also ugly. \"Hier ist kein warum\". Here there is no why. Here there is no when, no how, no where. Our preternatural purpose? To dream a race.", "id": "3454474" }, { "contents": "Revival of 1800\n\n\nRed Banks of the Ohio River (Henderson, Kentucky) where “professed Deists” became “warm and lively Christians.\" Poor accommodations and wet weather did not slow the pace in October, at Clay Lick, described by McGready as a small congregation with only a small cabin for a meeting house. There “eighty souls brought to Jesus.\" John Rankin carried the revival into eastern Tennessee and North Carolina in the fall of 1800, as the radius increasingly expanded outward from Logan County. McGready recorded several incidents of people", "id": "20547253" }, { "contents": "Sharon Watts\n\n\nand people who are younger pick up on it. It’s good to have that history in soaps, even if nothing happens it’s nice to have that nostalgia.\" Dean described Sharon as a lost soul upon her return: \"she's totally lost. She doesn't know who she is, where she's going. There's something that comes out later, that's happened to her in the States and stuff like that. But she's a lost soul, and this is home again. There's no", "id": "6193519" }, { "contents": "Soul\n\n\npre-existence. According to soul creationism, God creates each individual soul created directly, either at the moment of conception or some later time. According to traducianism, the soul comes from the parents by natural generation. According to the preexistence theory, the soul exists before the moment of conception. There have been differing thoughts regarding whether human embryos have souls from conception, or whether there is a point between conception and birth where the fetus acquires a soul, consciousness, and/or personhood. Stances in this question might play a", "id": "8587486" }, { "contents": "The Dream of Gerontius (poem)\n\n\nits sense of joy is a recompense proceeding from God to keep it in faith and hope while it passes through the coming demonic temptations. Fourth Phase The soul of Gerontius and the Angel arrive at \"the judgment-court\" where demons have assembled. The court is an old region that Satan used to run and used the court to attack people like Job. Satan's legions now run this area in hopes of \"gathering souls for hell\". They overhear the demons talking and laughing about Jesus's death. The demons", "id": "8684136" }, { "contents": "Hell Bound (Angel)\n\n\nthe Reaper himself. The Reaper - who's British and dressed like Jack the Ripper - appears and says that he's going to torture Spike. Up in Wesley's office, Gunn finds information on the “dark soul,” but there are a lot of references to different people (four about Angel, who resents it because he didn't \"have\" a soul when he did them). Fred arrives and tells the others to cross-reference “reaper.” Angel comes up with the name Matthias Pavayne,", "id": "13207042" }, { "contents": "Above (Samael album)\n\n\n: \"After 20 years, we've tried to do an album that would represent what SAMAEL is all about and we did 'Solar Soul'. We feel now it is the right time to [remind] the people where we come from and that's exactly what 'Above' will do. It is like an enhanced version of our three or four first albums, maybe the missing link between 'Ceremony of Opposites' and 'Passage'. With the 'Era One' project we've tried to work on", "id": "17346949" }, { "contents": "Soul cake\n\n\nis known as Pangangaluwa and occurs on All Hallow's Eve). In other countries, souling is seen as the origin of the practice of trick-or-treating. In the United States, some churches, during Allhallowtide, have invited people to come receive sweets from them and have offered \"pray for the souls of their friends, relatives or even pets\" as they do so. Among Catholics and Lutherans, some parishioners have their soul cakes blessed by a priest before being distributed; in exchange, the children promise", "id": "20802694" }, { "contents": "Red Museum\n\n\ninvestigate a number of kidnappings in Delta Glen, Wisconsin where local teenagers are recovered half-naked and drugged with either the phrase \"He is one\" or \"She is one\" written on their backs. Meeting with Sheriff Mazeroski, the agents initially suspect a nearby cult, the Church of the Red Museum, which was founded by vegetarian Richard Odin. Mulder, Scully and Mazeroski attend a ceremony of the Red Museum, causing Mulder to believe that they are walk-ins, people whose souls have been taken over by", "id": "6015017" }, { "contents": "Iu Mien people\n\n\nof dishes and family members, cousins, relatives, and friends will be invited to have a feast together. Eggs dyed red are used for Iu Mien New Year's Day. Eggs at New Year symbolise blessing to an individual's soul or spirit. The other holiday is July 14, celebrate spirit day. The Iu Mien people believe that on the 14th, it is a day for the entire universe of spirits or gods New Year's Day. In the old days, villagers did not go to work in the fields", "id": "16614144" }, { "contents": "Hitodama\n\n\nIn Japanese folklore, Hitodama (Japanese ; meaning \"human soul\") are balls of fire that mainly float in the middle of night. They are said to be \"souls of the dead that have separated from their bodies,\" which is where their name comes from. Hitodama are mentioned in literature from ancient times. In the Man'yōshū, there is the following poem: They are frequently confused with onibi and kitsunebi, but since hitodama are considered to be the \"appearance of souls that have left the body and fly", "id": "9473667" }, { "contents": "Seeing Red (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)\n\n\nthat moment was necessary to set up a powerful motivation for Spike's quest to gain a soul. As James Marsters points out, \"How do you motivate him [to] make a mistake that’s so heart-rending that he’d be willing to do that?\" Marsters would later say in 2012 that he understood the idea to have come from \"a female writer, [who] had a situation in her life where she was and her boyfriend were breaking up and she decided if she just made love to", "id": "20614990" }, { "contents": "The Eclectic Collective\n\n\nSirens. Salim also lists his influences as the music he listened to while growing up, including Green Day, Rage Against the Machine, early 311, Nirvana, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, although he says that now “I draw influences from the music today and people I play with. It’s important to have a grasp on what’s going on around you. But I never forgot where all this stuff came from so I have always been a fan of classic Soul and R&B.” Most of the lyrics in", "id": "12507319" }, { "contents": "The Great Thunderstorm\n\n\n, Poundsgate). The deal was that if the devil ever found him asleep in church, he could have his soul. Jan was said to have nodded off during the service that day, with his pack of cards in his hand. Another version of the legend states that the Devil arrived to collect the souls of four people playing cards during the church service. The devil headed for Widecombe via the Tavistock Inn, in nearby Poundsgate, where he stopped for directions and refreshment. The landlady reported a visit by a man", "id": "3893307" }, { "contents": "The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads\n\n\nwhich are, as the album's name implies, soul ballads. The album opens with \"That's How Strong My Love Is\". Written by Roosevelt Jamison and altered by Cropper, the song was first performed by O. V. Wright on Goldwax Records, where it was cut by both Jamison and Wright. Redding's version was released days after the original. The Rolling Stones covered the song shortly afterwards and included it on their album \"Out of Our Heads\" (released in July 1965). Isaac Hayes made his", "id": "17029068" }, { "contents": "Dhinodhar Hills\n\n\n). In the shrine is a red -smeared triangular conical stone in which Dhoramnath is said to have rested his head when performing penance. Outside of the shrine is the original ascetic's fire, dhuni, which is lighted three days in Bhadrapad (August - September), when the head, Pir, of the monastery comes to worship and receives homage from the people of the neighboring villages. At the foot of the hill, amongst the monastery buildings, is another temple to Dhoramnath on a raised platform facing the east,", "id": "5245192" }, { "contents": "Tzadik\n\n\nthe Zohar that \"He who breathed life into man, breathed from Himself.\" Therefore, one's soul comes from the essence of God. According to kabbalah, a \"tzadik\"i, because they have completely nullified themselves and their desires to what God wants, their Godly soul (which like every Godly soul is part of God) is revealed within them more than other people who have not completely nullified themselves to God. This concept is based upon many Jewish sources. Here are some: \"..For all that is", "id": "226218" }, { "contents": "Sotho people\n\n\nareas known to have cannibals included the river banks of Cornelius Spruit where there were several villages of cannibals. According to Basotho people, cannibals are regarded as people having evil supernatural powers comparable with Satan or spirits of the dead which oppose the good spirits and ancestors of the basotho people. Basotho tradition states that the great Bakuena chief, Mohlomi, prophesied the coming of the lifaqane and cannibalism in his death bed with the words, ‘After my death, a cloud of red dust will come out of the east and consume our", "id": "2714308" }, { "contents": "3 Feet High and Rising\n\n\n, A Tribe Called Quest, and The Rolling Stones. GO also began designing album covers for groups such as Information Society and De La Soul, most notably \"3 Feet High and Rising\". Mott describes the process of designing the album cover in his essay 'Hip Hop in The Daisy Age': \"We have come up with the 'Daisy Age' visual concept. De La Soul visit our loft where we lay them down on the floor facing up, their heads making a triangle. We photograph them whilst", "id": "18702576" }, { "contents": "Ta Oi people\n\n\nin the same culture. The difference, however, is that the \"power\" of animatism does not have a personality—it is an impersonal \"it\" rather than a \"he\" or \"she\" with human-like characteristics. Spirits are individual supernatural beings with their own recognizable traits. The Ta-oi follow animism and believe that all things have souls. Mention must first be made about souls. The soul lies from the breast to the head when a human being is still alive. When the human", "id": "21680743" }, { "contents": "Satti (food)\n\n\nSatti is satay in Southeast Asia, a common food particularly in Malaysia and Mindanao, Philippines. It comes from the Hindu-Arabic word \"shatein\", which means \"food of Shaytan\" (Satan). Its main ingredients are small pieces of beef, grilled on hot coals until it becomes red-black in color. Eaten together with rice cooked in coconut leaves, it is dazed on a red-coloured, spicy sauce. The etymology of the name is reminiscent of hell where the soul is burned in eternal", "id": "11745783" }, { "contents": "Saga of Erik the Red\n\n\nand his people were outlawed from Iceland. Erik then sailed to Greenland where he named many places. Then, he came back to Iceland and reconciled with Thorgest. Then he decided to go back to Greenland and recruited people to come with him. He named the land Greenland because “men will desire much the more to go there if the land has a good name.” Chapter 3: Thorbjorn had a daughter named Gudrid. Einar, a successful traveling merchant wanted to marry Gudrid, but Thorbjorn did not think he was", "id": "9660648" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\npetition, penned by Jung: My soul, my soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you–are you there? I have returned, I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you, I am with you. After long years of long wandering, I have come to you again... Do you still know me? How long the separation lasted! Everything has become so different. And how", "id": "943052" }, { "contents": "O Death\n\n\nso you can't see This very hour, come and go with me I'm Death I come to take the soul Leave the body and leave it cold To draw up the flesh off of the frame Dirt and worm both have a claim O, Death O, Death Won't you spare me over 'til another year My mother came to my bed Placed a cold towel upon my head My head is warm my feet are cold Death is a-movin' upon my soul Oh, Death how you're treatin'", "id": "21557426" }, { "contents": "List of redheads\n\n\nThis list includes notable people with natural red hair. Red or ginger hair may come in a variety of shades from strawberry blond to auburn. With only 2% of the population having red hair, it is the rarest natural hair colour. People who have dyed their red hair into another colour or whose red hair has gone grey with age are included, but people with hair dyed red (such as Amanda Blake, David Bowie, Lucille Ball, Rita Hayworth, Debby Ryan, and Sophie Turner) are not. Figures", "id": "21289445" }, { "contents": "Zartosht Bahram-e Pazhdo\n\n\npeople may benefit from it and the pure religion may bestow its favor upon them. I became happy at the words of the Mobed and followed his command with a heart and soul full of happiness, and I felt asleep then (that night). The angel Sorush told me in a dream, when you become awake, versify the story of Zoroaster and make the soul of the prophet happy. I woke up a little bit afraid, and sleep did not come to me and in the morning I approached the priest and", "id": "4496291" }, { "contents": "Islamic view of death\n\n\nwhere it is punished until the Day of Judgment. On the other hand, when a righteous believer dies, bright-faced angels from heaven descends with divine perfume and shroud. Then the angels of death comes, and tells the soul to come out to the pleasure and mercy of God. The soul is then extracted as easily as water comes out from the pitcher. The soul is then wrapped in the perfumed shroud and is taken up to the seventh heaven where God declares: 'write down his name in 'Illiyin", "id": "1134707" }, { "contents": "Geography of Chile\n\n\nnorthern Chilean town each December for La Fiesta Grande. This event lasts from December 23 to 27. This celebration attracts as many as 500,000 people a year. It is not uncommon to come across roadside shrines in Chile. These shrines are called Animitas and they're particularly common on rural highways or in lower income towns. The shrines can be devoted to cult's saints or those who died tragically. These animitas identify the spot where a body and soul were separate and where a soul can possibly be lingering. The Chiloé archipelago", "id": "18615598" }, { "contents": "Chilango\n\n\nthem is that it derives from the Nahuatl word Ixachitlān, that actually refers to the whole of the American continent. The word \"shilango\" has also been documented to have been used in the Veracruz area to mean people from central Mexico, and coming from the Maya \"xilaan\" meaning curly or frizzy haired. Yet another theory is that it comes from the Nahuatl \"chilan-co\", meaning where the red ones are, and referring to the skin, reddened by the cold, and used to refer to Aztecs", "id": "21932468" }, { "contents": "Olmecs\n\n\nwith distinctive elements, suggesting personal or group symbols. Some have also speculated that Mesoamerican people believed that the soul, along with all of one's experiences and emotions, was contained inside the head. Seventeen colossal heads have been unearthed to date. The heads range in size from the Rancho La Cobata head, at high, to the pair at Tres Zapotes, at . Scholars calculate that the largest heads weigh between . The heads were carved from single blocks or boulders of volcanic basalt, found in the Tuxtlas Mountains. The", "id": "1026986" }, { "contents": "Wangari Maathai\n\n\na biological agent or not. But I do know things like that don't come from the moon. I have always thought that it is important to tell people the truth, but I guess there is some truth that must not be too exposed,\" and when asked what she meant, she continued, \"I'm referring to AIDS. I am sure people know where it came from. And I'm quite sure it did not come from the monkeys.\" In response she issued the following statement: On 28", "id": "21174530" }, { "contents": "Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul\n\n\nis an energetic version of Sam Cooke's ballad, \"Change Gonna Come\"; a protest against racial segregation and disrespect for black people. \"Down in the Valley\" is a funky cover of Solomon Burke's original, with whom Redding toured before the recording. Nate Patrin of Pitchfork felt that the song \"ratchets up both the gospel beatitude and the secular lust\". The love song \"I've Been Loving You Too Long\" was co-written by Redding and The Impressions' lead singer Jerry Butler in", "id": "20103958" }, { "contents": "Birds' Head Haggadah\n\n\nthe bitter herbs with charoset; leaning on one's left side at the Seder; breaking the middle matzo, and so on. Historical depictions include the Binding of Isaac; the Jewish people hurriedly leaving Egypt with their matzos, which did not have time to rise; Pharaoh and his army pursuing the Jewish nation to the Red Sea; Moses receiving the two Tablets of Stone from heaven and giving over the Pentateuch to the Jewish people; and the Jews receiving manna from heaven during their wanderings in the desert. The Jewish characters", "id": "19565582" }, { "contents": "Japanese festivals\n\n\nancestors' souls. A priest may be asked to come and read a sutra (tanagyō). Among the traditional preparations for the ancestors' return are the cleaning of grave sites. The welcoming fire (mukaebi) built on the 13th and the send-off fire (okuribi) built on the 15th and 16th are intended to guide the ancestor's spirits back to their permanent dwelling place. Date: October- Information: The Japanese tradition of going to visit scenic areas where leaves have turned red in the Autumn. The tradition", "id": "16578241" }, { "contents": "Red Dawn\n\n\nnegated my character.\" Lea Thompson says the original cut featured a love scene between her and Powers Boothe but it \"was cut out after some previews because of the age difference. And that was the main reason I took the movie–it was such a terrific scene.\" Some of the weaponry devised for the film did not work. Futuristic helicopters created did not have FAA approval to fly over people. The budget increased from $11 million to $15 million. It would eventually come in at $19 million", "id": "19441339" }, { "contents": "Honolulu Volcanics\n\n\nthe volcanics may be part of the basement that the magmas of the volcanoes traversed. Calcite - which in the form of crystals gives Diamond Head its name - in the volcanic rocks may come from coral reefs, groundwater or even from the magma itself; isotope ratios of the rocks indicate that groundwater carbonates are the most important source, however. In Punchbowl Crater, where the rocks have been quarried, they have a brown to yellow colour. Cinders have red-black colours which can grade to yellow when they are hydrothermally altered", "id": "5402292" }, { "contents": "Stars (Simply Red album)\n\n\nGota after hearing his work with Soul II Soul. Hucknall did not realise that Gota was also a drummer until he heard him jamming on the drum kit one evening in Venice, after which Gota also became the band's full-time drummer. The songs had been written over the previous year: \"Something Got Me Started\" and \"Stars\" had been written on the road during the group's previous tour. \"Thrill Me\" was based on a riff that McIntyre had come up with, while Hucknall described \"", "id": "1187017" }, { "contents": "Blessid Union of Souls\n\n\nused to promote the team in their first season in Great American Ballpark. This album did not receive much attention outside of Cincinnati. In 2006, Jeff Pence headed a project in which the band contributed two tracks for \"Clutch Hits\", a CD that featured a variety of artists who contributed songs about the Cincinnati Reds. The songs were titled \"Play Ball\" and \"Me, Marty, Joe, Ted & Louise\". The project was a fundraiser for the Reds Community Fund. In 2012, they began the", "id": "4637481" }, { "contents": "Manitoba Act\n\n\nwanted to avenge the death of Thomas Scott. The ensuing chaos and retribution against the Metis population was labelled \"The Reign of Terror\" by newspapers in eastern Canada and the U.S.A. Many Métis fled to Saskatchewan, and Louis Riel fled to the United States at this time. Métis have traditionally been known to come from the Red River Colony. Metis are people who come from European and Indigenous backgrounds. In areas such of the Red River Colony, many European trappers would marry and have children with the Indigenous women . Métis people", "id": "1114981" }, { "contents": "Demon's Souls\n\n\ndid not have any specific video game influences in mind when creating \"Demon's Souls\". After the first design documents were created, the game concept changed little during development. The final game did not come together in a playable form until very late in development, and even then there were network and framerate problems. The team were given a high amount of creative freedom, only possible due to what Kajii called \"fortunate timing and release schedules\". The Souls system was a frequent subject of discussion during development, with", "id": "8514736" }, { "contents": "Iu Mien people\n\n\ncomplete the deceased spirit and soul and guide each spirit/soul to the right destination of the spirit world so that evil spirit doesn’t comes back to haunt family members. The deceased's good spirit/soul becomes heavenly being and looks after his/her surviving family members on a daily basis. From time to time, family members will offer a chicken and joss paper money to the deceased's good spirit to ask for guiding and protection from harm. In other times, family members dream or have nightmares about the deceased", "id": "16614139" }, { "contents": "British Red Cross\n\n\nvolunteers in the Therapeutic Care Service are also active in hospitals and other care settings, such as care homes, where they enter and give patients a therapeutic massage of the head, neck, shoulders and hands through the patient's clothing, to help relax them, particularly at stressful times, and encourage a sense of wellbeing. Referrals for this service usually come from healthcare professionals, but people can self-refer, as the service can also be provided at community meeting places and homes. Crisis intervention community support service The Crisis", "id": "10112384" }, { "contents": "Us (2019 film)\n\n\nsoon as he is found. That night, a family of four dressed in red appears in the Wilsons' driveway. They break into the Wilsons' home and attack them. The Wilsons quickly realize the four intruders are doppelgängers of themselves, led by Adelaide's double, Red. The only one who speaks, although with a very raspy voice, Red explains that the doppelgängers are called the Tethered, that they share a soul with their counterparts, and that they have come to \"untether\" themselves. Red tells them", "id": "13162723" }, { "contents": "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac\n\n\nif someone calls, further flaunting his belief in his own immortality. Eventually, Johnny's soul arrives in Heaven, where he meets St. Peter, who becomes physically ill with all that Johnny has done throughout his life. With him distracted, Johnny enters Heaven and meets a demon woman named Damned Elise who gives Johnny a tour. Johnny starts a massive psychic battle when he discovers that the souls in Heaven are immortal and have mental powers which includes the ability to explode people's heads. Later on in the tour, Johnny", "id": "7075232" }, { "contents": "Nahuas of La Huasteca\n\n\nthe earth. It is thought to be a shadowy place where the souls of people who have died normal deaths reside. Those individuals who die from drowning or being struck by lightning are said to reside in \"apan\", an underwater realm. There are two types of souls, \"yolotl\" or the life force and the \"tonali\" or the heart soul. The \"tonali\" is the soul that resides in \"mictlan\". In \"mictlan\", the souls are believed to remarry and live as they", "id": "7625275" }, { "contents": "Nellie Cressall\n\n\nthe First World War many, many people in my constituency sat in the dark because they had not got a penny to put in the gas. Today what do I find? People come to me creating about the heavy electricity bills they have to pay!… I have young people coming worrying me for houses…. We have got some houses where six families lived once upon a time…. Whereas in the old days people would get married, as I did, and be contented in two nice little rooms, today", "id": "20477351" }, { "contents": "T-Ray (comics)\n\n\ncorpse vanishes, seeking his soul while Deadpool and Bob are transported to Louisiana and encounter Brother Voodoo. Brother Voodoo sent Deadpool into T-Ray's soul to convince him to come back to life, which he resisted. At first T-Ray seemed the obvious victor, owing to the possibility that Deadpool did not have a soul of his own. However, Deadpool discovered that he did indeed possess one when he was able to use it to split into dozens of heroic Deadpools who resembled other Marvel heroes and represented his potential", "id": "7780049" }, { "contents": "The Greatest Man That Ever Lived (Variations on a Shaker Hymn)\n\n\nand February 2008. In the liner notes of the deluxe edition of \"The Red Album\", Cuomo stated that the song did not originally have the subtitle \"Variations on a Shaker Hymn\", but when guitarist Brian Bell's mother came into the studio to see them, she mentioned that the melody from the song sounded similar to a Shaker hymn that the choir sang in her church. Cuomo wrote that he realised that people might notice the resemblance: \"I knew people were going to come at us after and say", "id": "5038860" }, { "contents": "Blood Red Throne\n\n\n, through Earache Records. The CD will include a DVD release in a limited version to celebrate the bands 10-year career. Blood Red Throne has asked their fans for their inputs and help during this process. The title to the follow-up of \"Come Death\" has been confirmed to be \"Souls of Damnation\". Blood Red Throne was confirmed February 7, 2009, to play at the Infernofestival in Oslo which took place April 8–11, 2009. It was set to take place on the stage called BLÅ, where", "id": "1136178" }, { "contents": "The Diamond Troupe\n\n\nwaken, There's a tale to be told of a soul of gold Who trod Death's path unshaken. \"Oh, this is the Song of the Twenty-Ninth \"In the East and the West you'll find it;\" \"There's never a fight where the Red Sign goes\" \"But it leaves its mark behind it.\" /poem poem With a roll of drum the Divisions come Hot foot to the battle's blast; When the good Red Sign swings into the line Oh! There they'll", "id": "19855911" }, { "contents": "Pavel Fitin\n\n\nand Canada - are all coming from the London station.\" After Beria was executed in 1953, Fitin was discharged from the NKVD and denied his pension. Fitin was unable to find employment until 1959. Fitin attained the rank of lieutenant-general, and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner twice, the Order of the Red Star, the Red Banner of Tuva and of the Tuvan People's Republic. In 1942, Joseph Stalin appointed Pavel Sudoplatov to head the intelligence work on the Manhattan Project, and to coordinate", "id": "1185183" }, { "contents": "Portrait of Dr. Gachet\n\n\nharmony with what Eugène Delacroix attempted and brought off in his \"Tasso in Prison\", and many other pictures, representing a real man. Ah! portraiture, portraiture with the thought, the soul of the model in it, that is what I think must come.\" Van Gogh wrote to his sister in 1890 about the painting: The portraits of Dr. Gachet were completed just six weeks before Van Gogh shot himself and died from his wounds. Van Gogh painted Gachet resting his right elbow on a red table, head", "id": "3568187" }, { "contents": "Stay Alive (album)\n\n\n\"Heaven\" album [..] I gained a lot of the confidence that I have now when I started gaining awards but not too much that it went to my head. It's confidence in my singing and performing and letting people know that I'm a singer.\" She stated that the album will be a studio album with two covers, and that its sound is going to be \"sexy-soul,\" which she defined as \"singing from the soul but having a degree of sexiness to it.\"", "id": "12640139" }, { "contents": "Revolutionary terror\n\n\nthe interests of the Soviet power. The first thing you have to ask an arrested person is: To what class does he belong, where does he come from, what kind of education did he have, what is his occupation? These questions are to decide the fate of the accused. That is the quintessence of the Red Terror. Similarly, in his book \"Terrorism and Communism\" (1920), Trotsky emphasized that \"the historical tenacity of the bourgeoisie is colossal[.] [...] We are forced", "id": "15012820" }, { "contents": "Stars (Simply Red album)\n\n\ninitial sessions did not go well: the equipment in the studio did not live up to expectations, and with the Gulf War having just started and dominating television news reports, the band found the atmosphere in the bunker-like studios oppressive and not conducive to making music. The group moved to the more relaxed surroundings of Venice to resume recording in the Condulmer Studios. Simply Red's leader and singer Mick Hucknall had wanted the album to have a less electronic and more soulful sound than their previous work, and had recruited programmer", "id": "1187016" }, { "contents": "Native American civil rights\n\n\n8 of the 1817 Cherokee treaty, \"Upwards of 300 Cherokees (Heads of Families) in the honest simplicity of their souls, made and election to become American citizens.\" In 1831, however, \"Cherokee Nation v. Georgia\", one of the three Marshall Trilogy cases, helped define the limits of tribal sovereignty. The Cherokee nation was determined to be a domestic dependent nation, a relationship that \"resembles that of a ward to a guardian\". This definition meant that Native people did not have a right to", "id": "10572937" }, { "contents": "Red weed\n\n\nportrayed it as a mossy creeper that grew much faster than Wells' original account. In Steven Spielberg's 2005 \"War of the Worlds\" film, the presence of the red weed on Earth is intentional. Once they have a strong hold of the planet, the invaders take captured humans and drain their blood, which act as a fertiliser for the red weed, helping it grow and cover the planet. Spielberg did state that these invaders did not come from Mars (the \"Red Planet\"), the script indicates", "id": "1884109" }, { "contents": "Madja-as\n\n\nmight be peopled.\" The Visayans believed that when the time comes for a person to die, the diwata \"Ynaguinid\" visits him to bring about death. Magwayan, the soul ferry god, carries the souls of the Yligueynes to the abode of the dead called Solad. But when a bad person dies, the diwata Pandakesita brings him to the place of punishment in the abode of the dead, where his soul will wait to move on to the Ologan or heaven. While the dead is undergoing punishment, his family", "id": "7028985" }, { "contents": "Born Free (music video)\n\n\nin a room smoking a crack pipe, beat a couple engaged in coitus, and then force a young red-haired man violently into a detainee transport vehicle. Other red-heads are rounded up. Some of the SWAT team members wear American flags on their uniforms. During the video, a mural is seen depicting armed red-headed men and the slogan \"Our day will come\", the historic motto of the Irish Republican Army (\"Tiocfaidh ár lá\"). Keffiya-wearing red-haired young people", "id": "21089432" }, { "contents": "Red Terror (Spain)\n\n\nby the NKVD's diversionary efforts, but by the treachery of the heretics\". The most famous member of the Loyalist assassination squads was Erich Mielke, future head of East Germany's Stasi. According to Payne, \"During the first months of the fighting most of the deaths did not come from combat on the battlefield but from political executions in the rear—the 'Red' and 'White' terrors. The terror consisted of semi-organized actions perpetrated by almost all of the leftist groups, Basque nationalists, largely", "id": "19512245" }, { "contents": "Double-headed serpent\n\n\nfor eyes, and remaining traces of beeswax and resin may have once held objects representing eyes, possibly orbs of iron pyrite (Fool's Gold). The vivid contrast of the red and white details on the head have been made from oyster shell and conch shell respectively. Cleverly, the adhesive used to attach the \"Spondylus princeps\" shell has been colored with red iron oxide (hematite) to complete the design. The white shell used for the teeth comes from shells of the edible queen conch. It is not known", "id": "13544739" }, { "contents": "Manila North Cemetery\n\n\n, plain-painted with a patch of greenery, to very complex designs that contain reliefs that are difficult to carve while also having different colors. Many people already live inside the cemetery and some of them serve as caretakers of the mausoleums where they also stay to survive. When the families or owners of the mausoleums come, especially during and after All Soul's Day, the families transfer to other places. In addition, the informal settlers often serve as informal tour guides, bringing visitors to tombs of famous people and discussing", "id": "9653689" }, { "contents": "John Farnham\n\n\n\"That's Freedom\", \"Heart's on Fire\", \"Playing to Win\", \"Every Time You Cry\", \"Man of the Hour\", \"Age of Reason\", and \"Burn for You\". The pair did five duets to close the show—Sam and Dave's \"Hold On I'm Coming\", Otis Redding's \"Try a Little Tenderness\", Ray Charles' \"What'd I Say\", Arthur Conley's \"Sweet Soul Music\" and AC/DC", "id": "7176296" }, { "contents": "Double-headed serpent\n\n\na mosaic of turquoise, accented by red spiny oyster. Turquoise stones were broken in small, flat tesserae and adhered to the wooden body with pine resin. By using 2,000 small pieces, the flat pieces of stone give the impression of a faceted, curvilinear surface. The turquoise was cut and ground using stone tools. Some of the turquoise was imported to Mesoamerica from approximately 1,600 km to the northwest, from the Four Corners Region of Oasisamerica where the Ancestral Pueblo people mined the stone. The heads of the serpents have holes", "id": "13544738" }, { "contents": "Mo (religion)\n\n\nPeople are considered to have three souls after death: One goes to the sky, one to the cemetery and one comes back to the deceased’s family. Souls of the dead enter a netherworld but can continue to assist the living. According to the religion, people who have died by violence can become evil spirits. Praying is common within this religion. Sorcerers venerate their masters as well as the founders of witchcraft in their family. There are temples dedicated to land gods. The sun god is celebrated and given offerings.", "id": "2610277" }, { "contents": "John Legend\n\n\nCan\". The same year, Legend had a supporting, singing-only role in the 2008 movie \"Soul Men\", where he plays the deceased lead singer of a fictitious soul group that includes Samuel L. Jackson and Bernie Mac. In October, he released his third studio album, \"Evolver\". Speaking about the reasons for calling the album \"Evolver\", he stated: \"I think people sometimes come to expect certain things from certain artists. They expect you to kind of stay in the same place", "id": "18305207" }, { "contents": "Archie Meets the Punisher\n\n\nquickly realizes his error and lets Archie go. Punisher and Microchip continue to secretly monitor Archie, hoping the remaining thugs will make the same mistake and come into the open. As Red and Veronica arrive at the school dance, Red is recognized by a stage worker and low-level drug dealer, who, hoping to improve his standing among the cartel, calls them and tells them where to find Red. Punisher and Microchip, who have been monitoring the cartel, also head for the dance. Meanwhile, Archie is told", "id": "18209202" }, { "contents": "George Fox\n\n\narea. In the same year Fox felt that God led him to ascend Pendle Hill where he had a vision of many souls coming to Christ. From there he travelled to Sedbergh, where he had heard a group of Seekers were meeting, and preached to over a thousand people on Firbank Fell, convincing many, including Francis Howgill, to accept that Christ might speak to people directly. At the end of the month he stayed at Swarthmoor Hall, near Ulverston, the home of Thomas Fell, vice-chancellor of the", "id": "12827756" }, { "contents": "Nightmares on Wax\n\n\nfact that we come from a studio, technical background. We just want to mix the old with the new. That's why, at the moment, I don't have a live drummer. The sound of the beats is what makes Nightmares.\" After \"Carboot Soul\", NoW did not release another album until 2002. In the meantime, Evelyn concentrated on establishing himself as a producer and musical consultant. In 2000, Evelyn worked with hip-hop trio De La Soul, when they appeared on the EP", "id": "6503892" }, { "contents": "Eulalia Kadmina\n\n\nher soul, unfortunately, for a short while. A young Italian makes he an offer, and she accepts it. Did the girl love him? Hardly. Most likely, she just saw in a good Italian salvation from her agonizing loneliness. But the Italian period inevitably comes to its logical conclusion. Kadmin is increasingly drawn to his homeland, but she does not want to go back to where she already had a deafening triumph. And then an invitation comes from an entertainer of the Kiev Opera House, Eulalia accepts him", "id": "7329387" }, { "contents": "Harry Specters\n\n\nHarry Specters is an Ely, Cambridgeshire-based chocolatier established with the express purpose of providing employment and free work experience for individuals with autism. It was founded by Mona and Shaz Shah in 2012; the Shahs themselves have a son with autism. The name Harry Specters was their sons' idea when he was just 14 years old. When asked, how did he come out with this name, he said \"...came from my head\". After working with many young people with autism, the company believes that people", "id": "13155739" }, { "contents": "Seasons of My Soul\n\n\nround again. I'd have these moods in my soul that would come around like seasons over the years and the songs matched the moods. It was like an emotional landscape. There are different shades, different feels and different colours to the album. Some people have been saying that 'Slow' is an autumnal song and so is 'Aretha' in a way.\" Meanwhile, in terms of its musical and lyrical influences, Rumer told Pete Lewis, Assistant Editor of Blues & Soul: \"I think all the", "id": "20015254" }, { "contents": "John Woodrow Wilson\n\n\nmore diverse audience who did not have the means to visit art museums. Many artists of the Harlem Renaissance intended their art to make people happy and proud. But Wilson, coming a generation later and living through the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, wanted his art to convey a message and make people think. In an interview with the Boston Globe in 1986, Wilson explained why he sculpted the bust of King in the way that he did. He said \"the head is tilted forward, as if to communicate", "id": "4225345" }, { "contents": "These Arms of Mine (Otis Redding song)\n\n\n\"These Arms of Mine\" is a song written by soul musician Otis Redding. Redding was at that time a member of Pat Teacake's Band, consisting of lead guitarist Johnny Jenkins, bassist Pat Teacake and vocalist/songwriter Redding, who also served as driver for Jenkins, who did not have a driver's license. Atlantic Records artist representative Joe Galkin showed interest in Jenkins and proposed to send him to a studio. On the way to a gig, Redding had the opportunity to perform the songs \"Hey Hey Baby", "id": "15190018" }, { "contents": "Al Basty\n\n\nwho have guilty souls”\" and \"“come from families that have committed bloody crimes that have gone unpunished.”\" According to scholar Özhan Öztürk those who Al Basti visits are said to wake up in \"“an intense fever ... She is also known to steal horses, who are found sweating and exhausted in the morning, and unable to provide a full day's work. Due to her torments, she is also known as the 'red mother'.”\" There is a further version of Al Basti", "id": "1790588" }, { "contents": "Gulabrao Maharaj\n\n\ntake in hand and decide to learn. His mind did not need the body-organ like 'eye' to see the world. \"Madhuradwait\" was the new school of thought introduced by him. The people well versed in Vedanta know that 'adwaita' (non-dualism) philosophy of Vedanta does not accept any name and form visible or non-visible that could be different from God (soul, Atma or Brahma). Vedanta very explicitly proclaims, \"When everything has become one-soul, where is", "id": "17263404" }, { "contents": "Psychosophy\n\n\n. It then rises to higher realms to demonstrate that whatever we encounter in the physical as the manifest soul-life leads to the perspective where the light of Theosophy comes to meet us.\" He continues; \"every aspect of the soul is either a making of judgments or a life in love or hate. Basically, these are the only concepts that pertain to the soul; all others refer to a vehicle for something coming into the soul, either from without through the body, or (due to causes we will", "id": "764471" }, { "contents": "Kia Soul\n\n\nretractable panels to harness the flow of wind. The Kia Soul earned a red dot design award in 2009. Also that year, it won the \"Interior of the Year Winners\" award from WardsAuto and PETA's Goody animal-friendly advertising award. In a \"Popular Mechanics\" comparison, the Kia Soul surpassed the Nissan Cube and the Scion xB. \"Fifth Gear\" fave it a 4/5 rating, as did the \"The Times\" and \"WhatCar?\". Kia Soul was named to the \"Kelley Blue Book", "id": "4933004" }, { "contents": "Indigenous music of North America\n\n\nSkintalk (2005)\" have incorporated both traditional song and culture references into a brew of soul, funk, rock and jazz that has reached audiences across Europe and Japan as well as into the urban communities of the US. Meanwhile, young Native musicians such as Red Earth (see \"Zia Soul\" (2003) ), DJ Abel, Derek Miller, Ethnic DeGeneration, War Water, and Casper are producing outstanding underground music (ranging from hip-hop to funk to reggae to metal) defying stereotypes of Native people", "id": "19272220" }, { "contents": "Keep On Movin' (Soul II Soul song)\n\n\ntribal jacket and head scarf with black top, performing the song against a black background. Jazzie B also appears wearing a green and yellow jacket. Singer and dancer Wunmi appears as one of the dancers in the video, wearing a red tribal jacket. Interspersed are some of the lyrics from the song. Later in the video, the group appears together dancing to the music with three violinists in the background. Soul II Soul performed \"Keep on Movin'\" on various televised appearances, including the \"Top of the Pops", "id": "14794806" }, { "contents": "Red-headed trogon\n\n\nThe red-headed trogon (\"Harpactes erythrocephalus\") is a species of bird in the family Trogonidae. \"H. erythrocephalus\" comes from the Ancient Greek terms ἐρυθρός \"eruthros\" meaning red and κεφαλή, \"kephalē\" meaning head. The red-headed trogon is on average in length. The male has a red head and breast, a unique feature in the Trogon group. The female resembles the Diard’s trogon without a speckled undertail. The head, neck and upper breast of an adult male is dull crimson", "id": "10088315" }, { "contents": "Barnsley F.C.\n\n\ncoming in the early years of the 20th century. One other notable exception came in the 2000 Division One Playoff Final against Ipswich Town, where the team wore red shorts, thus having an all-red strip. The Reds have also worn red shorts in their 1988–89 season. Apart from the club's early years and the period 1921–1934 where the team wore black, the team has worn red or white socks for its home games. Again, the design changes from season to season. For 2010–11 the kit was the traditional", "id": "18528454" }, { "contents": "Gog (film)\n\n\ncomes to a halt, its metal arms falling limply to its sides. American F-86 and F-94 jet fighters have found and destroyed the enemy plane, ending NOVAC's reign of destruction. Van Ness then realizes that Sheppard and Merritt have been exposed to an overdose of radiation from the reactor. Sheppard takes Merritt (who has fainted as a result of all the stress she has experienced) into his arms and they head for the complex hospital, where it is determined that their exposure, while causing their film badges to turn red", "id": "7349429" }, { "contents": "2016–17 Texas Tech Red Raiders basketball team\n\n\n, 9–9 in Big 12 play to finish in seventh place in conference. They lost in the first round of the Big 12 Tournament to TCU. They received an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament where they lost in the First Round to Butler. On April 14, 2016, head coach Tubby Smith left the school to accept the head coaching position at Memphis. The next day, the school hired Chris Beard, the head coach at Little Rock, as head coach. Texas Tech did not have any incoming players", "id": "13887366" }, { "contents": "Red-headed vulture\n\n\nThe red-headed vulture (\"Sarcogyps calvus\"), also known as the Asian king vulture, Indian black vulture or Pondicherry vulture, is an Old World vulture mainly found in the Indian subcontinent, with small disjunct populations in some parts of Southeast Asia. The red-headed vulture has started becoming more harder to come by as it is being hunted down. Places like Cambodia have put together special programs to help critically endangered vulture species. There has been evidenced compiled that showed hunters have started “ the use of poisons", "id": "11845132" }, { "contents": "Treatise on Relics\n\n\nnumerous falsified Christian relics known to him, which are kept in churches and monasteries and serve as objects of mass worship and celebrations in the Western Church. Calvin says that the saints have two or three or more bodies with arms and legs, and even a few extra limbs and heads. Calvin doesn't understand at all where the relics of the Magi or Bethlehem babies came from. He does not understand where did the stones come from, which killed Stephen, the Ark of the Covenant, the two rods of Aaron,", "id": "18114809" }, { "contents": "Devil\n\n\n, the creator-god is identified with Ulgen. Again, Erlik appears to be the first human. He desired to create a human just as Ulgen did, thereupon Ulgen reacted by punishing Erlik, casting him into the Underworld where he becomes its ruler. According to Tengrism, there is no death by meaning that life comes to an end, it is merely a transition into the invisible world. As the ruler of Hell, Erlik enslaves the souls, who are damned to Hell. Further, he lurks on the souls", "id": "8714842" }, { "contents": "Killing Patton\n\n\nand where did Stalin come from anyway? Sure, somebody could have snuck in the hospital, but why would you bother? You need to verify facts. That certainly raises a red flag with me.” Patton’s grandson, Robert Patton, also rejected the suggestion of assassination. “The theory is he either died naturally or from a blood clot,” he said. “You’re paralyzed, and this is what happens.” Writing in \"The Washington Post\", Richard Cohen criticized the book's \"chaotic", "id": "3807071" } ]
Why do blacksmiths use tungsten inert gas to weld?
[{"answer": "The gas is not what makes the heat. The heat comes from an electric arc, and the inert gas (argon, I think) provides shielding to keep the air away. If air got in there while the metal was molten, it would oxidize very badly."}, {"answer": "TIG welding works something like this: You have a tungsten spike that is hooked up to the welder (the machine, not the person) and has a handle attached to it. Tungsten is used because it has an *extremely* high melting point. You also have a big metal clamp that you attach somewhere on the thing you're welding; it also goes to the welder. The welder then tries to push a lot of current through that circuit: welder-- > tungsten-- > part-- > clamp-- > welder. Everything in that circuit is a very good conductor of electricity *except* the small gap between the tungsten and the part. Thus, that gap gets extremely hot. So hot, in fact, that it can melt steel. Melting the steel (or other metal, but steel is popular) is only part of the challenge. Once you have the steel melted on both of the sides of the weld you usually need to add just a little bit more material to fill whatever small gap is present, or to fill in a corner to have a small rounded area (a \"fillet\"). For this you hold a piece of steel wire in the other hand and you feed it in or dab it as needed, to build up an appropriate puddle of steel that you're working with as you move along the weld. While you're doing all of this the metal is incredibly hot and therefore quite willing to start reacting with the oxygen in the air. In order to keep this from happening the whole process is covered with a layer of inert gas (Argon, typically). This is dispensed from the same thing that is holding the tungsten spike. The whole process is typically controlled through a pedal, much like the throttle on a car or sewing machine. Properly TIG welding requires you to coordinate the power with your foot, the heat with your dominant hand, and the fill rod with your non-dominant hand. Once you're coordinated enough to handle all of these at once, though, you can make really really pretty and strong welds with incredible finesse."}, {"answer": "First, welders weld...true, blacksmiths may need to stick the metal prices together but they don't need to use an arc welding process. Second, tungsten is the electrode used to direct the current (used for its high melting point). It is not a gas, the inert gas is either argon or helium. We use the gas to keep the metal away from the oxygenated and humidified air. The arc creates heat close to 10,000 degrees and the metal will readily oxidize (rust). Oxidized metal is very brittle and therefore not ideal if you want 2 things to stay stuck together. It also stabilizes the arc as the atmosphere will disrupt it, and TIG welding is a *very* precise process. The gas is inert for exactly that reason...If the gas was able to react, you would end up with a material that is much weaker than your base metal. In general, a weld has around 60,000psi tensile strength, introducing other components into the liquid puddle would displace the welding rod used to fill the gap. Also, side note. Inert gases do not *readily* can still bond them to atoms under extreme conditions...but not for very long."}, {"answer": "The \"inert gas\" part refers to the shielding gas - an inert gas like argon or helium which is blown over the weld area to keep the metal from coming into contact with oxygen in the air. Heated metal oxidizes very quickly and this contaminates the weld, making it much weaker. The heat comes from the tungsten electrode, which creates an arc onto the metal filler and melts it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "625114", "title": "Forge welding", "section": "Section::::Processes.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The most well-known and oldest forge-welding process is the manual-hammering method. Manual hammering is done by heating the metal to the proper temperature, coating with flux, overlapping the weld surfaces, and then striking the joint repeatedly with a hand-held hammer.", "The most well-known and oldest forge-welding process is the manual-hammering method. Manual hammering is done by heating the metal to the proper temperature, coating with flux, overlapping the weld surfaces, and then striking the joint repeatedly with a hand-held hammer. The joint is often formed to allow space for the flux to flow out, by beveling or rounding the surfaces slightly, and hammered in a successively outward fashion to squeeze the flux out. The hammer blows are typically not as hard as those used for shaping, preventing the flux from being blasted out of the joint at the first blow. When mechanical hammers were developed, forge welding could be accomplished by heating the metal, and then placing it between the mechanized hammer and the anvil. Originally powered by waterwheels, modern mechanical-hammers can also be operated by", "The most well-known and oldest forge-welding process is the manual-hammering method. Manual hammering is done by heating the metal to the proper temperature, coating with flux, overlapping the weld surfaces, and then striking the joint repeatedly with a hand-held hammer. The joint is often formed to allow space for the flux to flow out, by beveling or rounding the surfaces slightly, and hammered in a successively outward fashion to squeeze the flux out. The hammer blows are typically not as hard as those used for shaping, preventing the flux from being blasted out of the joint at the first blow. When mechanical hammers were developed, forge welding could be accomplished by heating the metal, and then placing it between the mechanized hammer and the anvil. Originally powered by waterwheels, modern mechanical-hammers can also be operated by"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nGas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is an arc welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area and electrode is protected from oxidation or other atmospheric contamination by an inert shielding gas (argon or helium), and a filler metal is normally used, though some welds, known as autogenous welds, do not require it. When helium is used, this is known as heliarc welding. A constant-current welding", "id": "4962509" }, { "contents": "Gas blending\n\n\noxygen and water vapour, which can reduce the quality of the weld or make the welding more difficult. Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), or metal inert gas (MIG) welding, is a process that uses a continuous wire feed as a consumable electrode and an inert or semi-inert gas mixture to protect the weld from contamination. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), or tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is a manual welding process that uses a nonconsumable tungsten electrode, an inert or semi-", "id": "16884584" }, { "contents": "Shielding gas\n\n\nShielding gases are inert or semi-inert gases that are commonly used in several welding processes, most notably gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding (GMAW and GTAW, more popularly known as MIG (Metal Inert Gas) and TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas), respectively). Their purpose is to protect the weld area from oxygen, and water vapour. Depending on the materials being welded, these atmospheric gases can reduce the quality of the weld or make the welding more difficult. Other arc welding processes use alternative", "id": "11824882" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nused a tungsten electrode arc and helium as a shielding gas, but it is often referred to as tungsten inert gas welding (TIG). The American Welding Society's official term is gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Linde Air Products developed a wide range of air-cooled and water-cooled torches, gas lenses to improve shielding, and other accessories that increased the use of the process. Initially, the electrode overheated quickly and, despite tungsten's high melting temperature, particles of tungsten were transferred to the weld", "id": "4962513" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nGTAW), or tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is a manual welding process that uses a nonconsumable tungsten electrode, an inert or semi-inert gas mixture, and a separate filler material. Especially useful for welding thin materials, this method is characterized by a stable arc and high quality welds, but it requires significant operator skill and can only be accomplished at relatively low speeds. GTAW can be used on nearly all weldable metals, though it is most often applied to stainless steel and light metals. It is", "id": "1278813" }, { "contents": "Inert gas\n\n\nthe air. For fuel tank passivation, it is not necessary to remove all oxygen, but rather enough to stay below the lean flammability limit and below the lean explosion limit. In gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), inert gases are used to shield the tungsten from contamination. It also shields the fluid metal (created from the arc) from the reactive gases in air which can cause porosity in the solidified weld puddle. Inert gases are also used in gas metal arc welding (GMAW) for welding non-ferrous", "id": "13162030" }, { "contents": "Shielding gas\n\n\ninert or semi-inert. Only two of the noble gases, helium and argon, are cost effective enough to be used in welding. These inert gases are used in gas tungsten arc welding, and also in gas metal arc welding for the welding of non-ferrous metals. Semi-inert shielding gases, or active shield gases, include carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. These active gases are used with GMAW on ferrous metals. Most of these gases, in large quantities, would damage the weld", "id": "11824884" }, { "contents": "Helium\n\n\ngas chromatography, because it is inert. Because of its inertness, thermally and calorically perfect nature, high speed of sound, and high value of the heat capacity ratio, it is also useful in supersonic wind tunnels and impulse facilities. Helium is used as a shielding gas in arc welding processes on materials that at welding temperatures are contaminated and weakened by air or nitrogen. A number of inert shielding gases are used in gas tungsten arc welding, but helium is used instead of cheaper argon especially for welding materials that have higher", "id": "12885047" }, { "contents": "English wheel\n\n\nmachine are: These limitations are the reasons why large high crown panels such as wings and fenders are often made in many pieces. The pieces are then welded together usually with one of two processes. TIG welding (Tungsten Inert Gas) produces less heat distortion, but produces a harder, more brittle weld that may cause problems when planishing/smoothing by hand, or in the wheeling machine. Oxy-acetylene welding joints don't have this drawback, provided they are allowed to cool to room temperature in air, but do", "id": "5060737" }, { "contents": "Tungsten\n\n\nboth in jewelry and as bars. Because it retains its strength at high temperatures and has a high melting point, elemental tungsten is used in many high-temperature applications, such as light bulb, cathode-ray tube, and vacuum tube filaments, heating elements, and rocket engine nozzles. Its high melting point also makes tungsten suitable for aerospace and high-temperature uses such as electrical, heating, and welding applications, notably in the gas tungsten arc welding process (also called tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding)", "id": "10888939" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nas an electrode and an inert or semi-inert gas mixture to protect the weld from contamination. Since the electrode is continuous, welding speeds are greater for GMAW than for SMAW. A related process, flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), uses similar equipment but uses wire consisting of a steel electrode surrounding a powder fill material. This cored wire is more expensive than the standard solid wire and can generate fumes and/or slag, but it permits even higher welding speed and greater metal penetration. Gas tungsten arc welding (", "id": "1278812" }, { "contents": "Arc welding\n\n\nis high. Working conditions are much improved over other arc welding processes since the flux hides the arc and no smoke is produced. The process is commonly used in industry, especially for large products. As the arc is not visible, it is typically automated. SAW is only possible in the 1F (flat fillet), 2F (horizontal fillet), and 1G (flat groove) positions. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), or \"tungsten/inert-gas\" (TIG) welding, is a", "id": "5169956" }, { "contents": "6061 aluminium alloy\n\n\nexample using tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) or metal inert gas welding (MIG). Typically, after welding, the properties near the weld are those of 6061-T4, a loss of strength of around 40%. The material can be re-heat-treated to restore near -T6 temper for the whole piece. After welding, the material can naturally age and restore some of its strength as well. Most strength is recovered in the first few days to a few weeks. Nevertheless, the Aluminum Design Manual (Aluminum", "id": "1974113" }, { "contents": "Refractory metals\n\n\nTungsten wire filaments provide the vast majority of household incandescent lighting, but are also common in industrial lighting as electrodes in arc lamps. Lamps get more efficient in the conversion of electric energy to light with higher temperatures and therefore a high melting point is essential for the application as filament in incandescent light. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW, also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding) equipment uses a permanent, non-melting electrode. The high melting point and the wear resistance against the electric arc makes tungsten a", "id": "12893997" }, { "contents": "Gas blending\n\n\nblending at constant temperature is computationally simple, and pressure measurement is relatively inexpensive, but maintaining constant temperature during pressure changes requires significant delays for temperature equalization. Blending by mass fraction is unaffected by temperature variation during the process, but requires accurate measurement of mass or weight, and calculation of constituent masses from the specified molar ratio. Both partial pressure and mass fraction blending are used in practice. Shielding gases are inert or semi-inert gases used in gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding to protect the weld area from", "id": "16884583" }, { "contents": "Arc welding\n\n\nmanual welding process that uses a non-consumable electrode made of tungsten, an inert or semi-inert gas mixture, and a separate filler material. Especially useful for welding thin materials, this method is characterized by a stable arc and high quality welds, but it requires significant operator skill and can only be accomplished at relatively low speeds. It can be used on nearly all weldable metals, though it is most often applied to stainless steel and light metals. It is often used when quality welds are extremely important, such", "id": "5169957" }, { "contents": "Electrode\n\n\napplied to the working electrode. The counter electrode is usually made of an inert material, such as a noble metal or graphite, to keep it from dissolving. In arc welding, an electrode is used to conduct current through a workpiece to fuse two pieces together. Depending upon the process, the electrode is either consumable, in the case of gas metal arc welding or shielded metal arc welding, or non-consumable, such as in gas tungsten arc welding. For a direct current system, the weld rod or stick", "id": "9905937" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nfurthermore, it is significantly slower than most other welding techniques. A related process, plasma arc welding, uses a slightly different welding torch to create a more focused welding arc and as a result is often automated. After the discovery of the short pulsed electric arc in 1800 by Humphry Davy and of the continuous electric arc in 1802 by Vasily Petrov, arc welding developed slowly. C. L. Coffin had the idea of welding in an inert gas atmosphere in 1890, but even in the early 20th century, welding non-ferrous", "id": "4962511" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nmaterials such as aluminum and magnesium remained difficult because these metals react rapidly with the air, resulting in porous, dross-filled welds. Processes using flux-covered electrodes did not satisfactorily protect the weld area from contamination. To solve the problem, bottled inert gases were used in the beginning of the 1930s. A few years later, a direct current, gas-shielded welding process emerged in the aircraft industry for welding magnesium. Russell Meredith of Northrop Aircraft perfected the process in 1941. Meredith named the process Heliarc because it", "id": "4962512" }, { "contents": "Orbital welding\n\n\nAutomatic Orbital GTA welding has become the standard joining method for high integrity gas and liquid systems used in the Semiconductor and Pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. These systems are rated for extreme purity and leak tight integrity. An entire specialty industry supplying valves, fittings, regulators, gauges and other components for orbital welding and use in high purity applications has developed since the mid 1980s. For tube welding in high purity applications only a fully enclosed weld head may be used. Orbital welding has almost always exclusively been carried out by the Tungsten Inert Gas", "id": "18640301" }, { "contents": "Argon\n\n\nargon applications arise simply because it is inert and relatively cheap. Argon is used in some high-temperature industrial processes where ordinarily non-reactive substances become reactive. For example, an argon atmosphere is used in graphite electric furnaces to prevent the graphite from burning. For some of these processes, the presence of nitrogen or oxygen gases might cause defects within the material. Argon is used in some types of arc welding such as gas metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding, as well as in the processing of titanium and", "id": "336194" }, { "contents": "Automatix\n\n\na Cartesian robot called the AID-600. The 600 was intended for use in precision assembly but was adapted for welding use, particularly Tungsten inert gas welding (TIG), which demands high accuracy and immunity from the intense electromagnetic interference that the TIG process creates. Automatix was the first company to market a vision-guided welding robot called Seamtracker. Structured laser light and monochromatic filters were used to allow an image to be seen in the presence of the welding arc. Another concept, invented by Mr. Scheinman, was RobotWorld, a", "id": "20276288" }, { "contents": "Stelbel\n\n\ncalled the \"Integrale\" model. The title on the patent states: Bicycle frame designed for competition with at least a portion of the tubes directly joined together through a welding process. Source: Central Patent Office – Patent N. 166907 The patent description illustrates in detail how the steel tubing is joined together to create a frame through a TIG welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld, which is protected during the welding process by an inert shielding gas (Argon). In August 1975, the", "id": "12235106" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\n. The cost of inert gas limited its use in steels until several years later, when the use of semi-inert gases such as carbon dioxide became common. Further developments during the 1950s and 1960s gave the process more versatility and as a result, it became a highly used industrial process. Today, GMAW is the most common industrial welding process, preferred for its versatility, speed and the relative ease of adapting the process to robotic automation. Unlike welding processes that do not employ a shielding gas, such as shielded metal", "id": "5737665" }, { "contents": "Bicycle frame\n\n\nmechanical properties, assure it a place among the favored frame-building materials. Popular alloys for bicycle frames are 6061 aluminum and 7005 aluminum. The most popular type of construction today uses aluminum alloy tubes that are connected together by Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding. Welded aluminum bicycle frames started to appear in the marketplace only after this type of welding became economical in the 1970s. Aluminum has a different optimal wall thickness to tubing diameter than steel. It is at its strongest at around 200:1 (diameter:wall thickness)", "id": "18918402" }, { "contents": "Inert gas\n\n\nmetals. Some gases which are not usually considered inert but which behave like inert gases in all the circumstances likely to be encountered in some use can often be used as a substitute for an inert gas. This is useful when an appropriate pseudo-inert gas can be found which is inexpensive and common. For example, carbon dioxide is sometimes used in gas mixtures for GMAW because it is not reactive to the weld pool created by arc welding. But it is reactive to the arc. The more carbon dioxide that is added", "id": "13162031" }, { "contents": "Bill Thomas Cheetah\n\n\ncro-moly tubing that was heliarc welded (more commonly referred to as TIG or tungsten inert gas welding) using a P&H Mining DAR-200 welder. The design of the car was unusual in that it was front engined, but with the engine sitting so far back in the chassis that the output yoke of the transmission connected directly to the input yoke on the differential, basically making the driveshaft only a universal joint linking the transmission with the differential. With the engine positioned in this manner, the driver's legs were beside the", "id": "13614741" }, { "contents": "Nickel titanium\n\n\nincreased fatigue durability. In literature, some early works report to have failed to show measurable differences, while novel studies demonstrate a dependence of fatigue resistance on the typical inclusion size in an alloy. Nitinol is difficult to weld, both to itself and other materials. Laser welding nitinol to itself is a relatively routine process. More recently, strong joints between NiTi wires and stainless steel wires have been made using nickel filler. Laser and Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welds have been made between NiTi tubes and stainless steel tubes .", "id": "7207775" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\n. The equipment required for the gas tungsten arc welding operation includes a welding torch utilizing a non-consumable tungsten electrode, a constant-current welding power supply, and a shielding gas source. GTAW welding torches are designed for either automatic or manual operation and are equipped with cooling systems using air or water. The automatic and manual torches are similar in construction, but the manual torch has a handle while the automatic torch normally comes with a mounting rack. The angle between the centerline of the handle and the centerline of the", "id": "4962531" }, { "contents": "Hyperbaric welding\n\n\nweld being performed at raised pressure in a chamber filled with a gas mixture sealed around the structure being welded. Most arc welding processes such as shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), flux-cored arc welding (FCAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), plasma arc welding (PAW) could be operated at hyperbaric pressures, but all suffer as the pressure increases. Gas tungsten arc welding is most commonly used. The degradation is associated with physical changes of the arc", "id": "6207459" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\ncase the root weld becomes hot enough to oxidise in the air that will have replaced the purge gas. Unwanted gas is generally removed by flushing with an inert gas. Argon is generally used for this purpose but helium is an alternative depending on gas cost and availability. Nitrogen has been used as a purge gas but is unsuitable for some stainless steels. The most common way to remove gas from the weld zone is to flush it away with an inert gas. The weld zone can be contained to prevent fresh gas from entering", "id": "7144531" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nmust be removed for welding to occur. When alternating current is used, pure tungsten electrodes or zirconiated tungsten electrodes are preferred over thoriated electrodes, as the latter are more likely to \"spit\" electrode particles across the welding arc into the weld. Blunt electrode tips are preferred, and pure argon shielding gas should be employed for thin workpieces. Introducing helium allows for greater penetration in thicker workpieces, but can make arc starting difficult. Direct current of either polarity, positive or negative, can be used to weld aluminum and magnesium", "id": "4962549" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nAC welding of aluminum, and also make it easier to strike an arc. Another shielding gas mixture, argon-hydrogen, is used in the mechanized welding of light gauge stainless steel, but because hydrogen can cause porosity, its uses are limited. Similarly, nitrogen can sometimes be added to argon to help stabilize the austenite in austenitic stainless steels and increase penetration when welding copper. Due to porosity problems in ferritic steels and limited benefits, however, it is not a popular shielding gas additive. Gas tungsten arc welding is", "id": "4962546" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\nweld. The choice of a shielding gas depends on several factors, most importantly the type of material being welded and the process variation being used. Pure inert gases such as argon and helium are only used for nonferrous welding; with steel they do not provide adequate weld penetration (argon) or cause an erratic arc and encourage spatter (with helium). Pure carbon dioxide, on the other hand, allows for deep penetration welds but encourages oxide formation, which adversely affects the mechanical properties of the weld. lts low cost", "id": "5737683" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\n. While the aerospace industry is one of the primary users of gas tungsten arc welding, the process is used in a number of other areas. Many industries use GTAW for welding thin workpieces, especially nonferrous metals. It is used extensively in the manufacture of space vehicles, and is also frequently employed to weld small-diameter, thin-wall tubing such as that used in the bicycle industry. In addition, GTAW is often used to make root or first-pass welds for piping of various sizes. In maintenance and", "id": "4962524" }, { "contents": "KUKA Systems\n\n\nproduction processes are fully optimized prior to the development. In addition, KUKA Systems offers engineering and individual counseling, so that customized/special production solutions can be planned and optimized in co-operation with the customer. In late 2017 Kuka announced that 250 employees of KUKA Systems will be terminated. The management named trouble with projects as a reason. . KUKA Systems supplied the TIG welding cell for the upper stage of the Ariane 5 launcher-rocket. TIG welding stands for tungsten inert gas welding and is a special form of", "id": "4569654" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nto the more expensive welding atmospheres consisting of argon and helium, but this proved unacceptable for welding aluminum and magnesium because it reduced weld quality, so it is rarely used with GTAW today. The use of any shielding gas containing an oxygen compound, such as carbon dioxide, quickly contaminates the tungsten electrode, making it unsuitable for the TIG process. In 1953, a new process based on GTAW was developed, called plasma arc welding. It affords greater control and improves weld quality by using a nozzle to focus the electric arc", "id": "4962515" }, { "contents": "Carbon dioxide\n\n\n. Carbon dioxide is also used as an atmosphere for welding, although in the welding arc, it reacts to oxidize most metals. Use in the automotive industry is common despite significant evidence that welds made in carbon dioxide are more brittle than those made in more inert atmospheres. It is used as a welding gas primarily because it is much less expensive than more inert gases such as argon or helium. When used for MIG welding, use is sometimes referred to as MAG welding, for Metal Active Gas, as can react at", "id": "6127479" }, { "contents": "Weld quality assurance\n\n\ndistance between signature images has been evaluated for tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding by researchers from Osaka University. SIP provides the basis for the \"WeldPrint\" system, which consists of a front-end interface and software based on the SIP engine and relies on electrical signals alone. It is designed to be non-intrusive and sufficiently robust to withstand harsh industrial welding environments. The first major purchaser of the technology, GM Holden provided feedback that allowed the system to be refined in ways that increased its industrial and commercial value", "id": "6863246" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nthe welding point. They can use either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC), and consumable or non-consumable electrodes. The welding region is sometimes protected by some type of inert or semi-inert gas, known as a shielding gas, and filler material is sometimes used as well. To supply the electrical power necessary for arc welding processes, a variety of different power supplies can be used. The most common welding power supplies are constant current power supplies and constant voltage power supplies. In arc", "id": "1278804" }, { "contents": "Orbital welding\n\n\nusing closed chamber weld heads. These weld heads allow the torch to be positioned very precisely and ensure that the pipe is held securely. The inert gas atmosphere in the closed chamber prevents heat from tinting, even with the most sensitive of materials. For tube diameters between 8 and 275mm, it is possible to use more manageable open welding heads (except for high purity applications). A flexible hose system is used to supply the welding head with power, inert gas, cooling water and filler wire where required. The", "id": "18640304" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nas well. Direct current with a negatively charged electrode (DCEN) allows for high penetration. Argon is commonly used as a shielding gas for DCEN welding of aluminum. Shielding gases with high helium contents are often used for higher penetration in thicker materials. Thoriated electrodes are suitable for use in DCEN welding of aluminum. Direct current with a positively charged electrode (DCEP) is used primarily for shallow welds, especially those with a joint thickness of less than . A thoriated tungsten electrode is commonly used, along with a pure argon", "id": "4962550" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nused exceeds the capability of the electrode, tungsten inclusions in the weld may result. Known as tungsten spitting, this can be identified with radiography and can be prevented by changing the type of electrode or increasing the electrode diameter. In addition, if the electrode is not well protected by the gas shield or the operator accidentally allows it to contact the molten metal, it can become dirty or contaminated. This often causes the welding arc to become unstable, requiring that the electrode be ground with a diamond abrasive to remove the impurity", "id": "4962530" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nbe preheated to prevent cracking in the heat-affected zone. Austenitic stainless steels do not require preheating, but martensitic and ferritic chromium stainless steels do. A DCEN power source is normally used, and thoriated electrodes, tapered to a sharp point, are recommended. Pure argon is used for thin workpieces, but helium can be introduced as thickness increases. Welding dissimilar metals often introduces new difficulties to GTAW welding, because most materials do not easily fuse to form a strong bond. However, welds of dissimilar materials have numerous applications", "id": "4962552" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\natmosphere until it has cooled to a safe temperature. When separate components need to be welded in an inert atmosphere, they can be placed inside a Weld Purging Chamber that is flushed out completely with inert gas. Welding chambers are mostly built to order, however standard low cost Flexible Welding Enclosures are available, that enable individual or multiples of individual components to be welded in one weld purge cycle. Argon is heavier than air. When used as a purge gas, it should be slowly introduced into the bottom of the cavity and", "id": "7144544" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\nis better suited for outdoor use such as in construction. Likewise, GMAW's use of a shielding gas does not lend itself to underwater welding, which is more commonly performed via shielded metal arc welding, flux cored arc welding, or gas tungsten arc welding. To perform gas metal arc welding, the basic necessary equipment is a welding gun, a wire feed unit, a welding power supply, a welding electrode wire, and a shielding gas supply. The typical GMAW welding gun has a number of key parts—a", "id": "5737671" }, { "contents": "Sea Pole-class bathyscaphe\n\n\ntakes approximately half a minute. The pressure hull is built of titanium alloy, and the manufacturing method for the pressure hull involves producing two hemispherical parts by tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding six-side plates to a top plate, followed by heat treatments and polishing by machining; the two halves are then TIG welded together to form a complete sphere. The plate thickness is 76 – 78 mm, with deviations of ±4 mm in the completed radius, and sphericity is 0.4% or less. Pressure testing of the pressure", "id": "6926878" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\na ceramic material, but fused quartz, a high purity glass, offers greater visibility. Devices can be inserted into the nozzle for special applications, such as gas lenses or valves to improve the control shielding gas flow to reduce turbulence and introduction of contaminated atmosphere into the shielded area. Hand switches to control welding current can be added to the manual GTAW torches. Gas tungsten arc welding uses a constant current power source, meaning that the current (and thus the heat) remains relatively constant, even if the arc distance and", "id": "4962535" }, { "contents": "Plasma arc welding\n\n\nrate forms the plasma arc. The pressure of the orifice gas is intentionally kept low to avoid weld metal turbulence, but this low pressure is not able to provide proper shielding of the weld pool. To have suitable shielding protection same or another inert gas is sent through the outer shielding ring of the torch at comparatively higher flow rates. Most of the materials can be welded with argon, helium, argon+hydrogen and argon+helium, as inert gases or gas mixtures. Argon is very commonly used. Helium is preferred where a broad heat", "id": "4963721" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\nthe sensor for measurement. To carry out weld purging, there are many proprietary accessories available to suit all kinds of weld joints. Inflatable pipe purging systems are the most commonly used, where two inflatable bags (known as dams) are connected by an inert gas tube about 20” (500 mm) in length with one dam placed either side of the weld. The space between the dams is filled with inert gas that flushes out the air. The residual oxygen is measured by a weld purge monitor until it reaches the", "id": "7144539" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nmaintain a stable arc. The selection of a shielding gas depends on several factors, including the type of material being welded, joint design, and desired final weld appearance. Argon is the most commonly used shielding gas for GTAW, since it helps prevent defects due to a varying arc length. When used with alternating current, argon shielding results in high weld quality and good appearance. Another common shielding gas, helium, is most often used to increase the weld penetration in a joint, to increase the welding speed, and", "id": "4962544" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\n, but some applications call for an automatically fed filler metal, which often is stored on spools or coils. As with other welding processes such as gas metal arc welding, shielding gases are necessary in GTAW to protect the welding area from atmospheric gases such as nitrogen and oxygen, which can cause fusion defects, porosity, and weld metal embrittlement if they come in contact with the electrode, the arc, or the welding metal. The gas also transfers heat from the tungsten electrode to the metal, and it helps start and", "id": "4962543" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\nthat the weld purging process should start for the tack welds, so the undersides of those tacks remain clean and shiny, without any oxidation or discolouration. Unwanted gas is generally removed by flushing with an inert gas. Argon is generally used for this purpose but helium is an alternative depending on gas cost and availability. Nitrogen has been used as a purge gas but is unsuitable for some stainless steels. Purge gases must be of a certain quality, in order that the welds are made correctly. Because welds in Argon or Helium", "id": "7144536" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nA number of tungsten alloys have been standardized by the International Organization for Standardization and the American Welding Society in ISO 6848 and AWS A5.12, respectively, for use in GTAW electrodes, and are summarized in the adjacent table. Filler metals are also used in nearly all applications of GTAW, the major exception being the welding of thin materials. Filler metals are available with different diameters and are made of a variety of materials. In most cases, the filler metal in the form of a rod is added to the weld pool manually", "id": "4962542" }, { "contents": "Arc welding\n\n\na Russian, Konstantin Khrenov successfully implemented the first underwater electric arc welding. Gas tungsten arc welding, after decades of development, was finally perfected in 1941 and gas metal arc welding followed in 1948, allowing for fast welding of non-ferrous materials but requiring expensive shielding gases. Using a consumable electrode and a carbon dioxide atmosphere as a shielding gas, it quickly became the most popular metal arc welding process. In 1957, the flux-cored arc welding process debuted in which the self-shielded wire electrode could be used", "id": "5169973" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\ntungsten electrode, known as the head angle, can be varied on some manual torches according to the preference of the operator. Air cooling systems are most often used for low-current operations (up to about 200 A), while water cooling is required for high-current welding (up to about 600 A). The torches are connected with cables to the power supply and with hoses to the shielding gas source and where used, the water supply. The internal metal parts of a torch are made of hard alloys", "id": "4962532" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\npolarity direct current is used, because such a power supply provides no cleaning during the welding process, unlike positive polarity direct current or alternating current. To maintain a clean weld pool during welding, the shielding gas flow should be sufficient and consistent so that the gas covers the weld and blocks impurities in the atmosphere. GTAW in windy or drafty environments increases the amount of shielding gas necessary to protect the weld, increasing the cost and making the process unpopular outdoors. The level of heat input also affects weld quality. Low heat", "id": "4962528" }, { "contents": "Shielding gas\n\n\nmethods of protecting the weld from the atmosphere as well – shielded metal arc welding, for example, uses an electrode covered in a flux that produces carbon dioxide when consumed, a semi-inert gas that is an acceptable shielding gas for welding steel. Improper choice of a welding gas can lead to a porous and weak weld, or to excessive spatter; the latter, while not affecting the weld itself, causes loss of productivity due to the labor needed to remove the scattered drops. Shielding gases fall into two categories—", "id": "11824883" }, { "contents": "Welding helmet\n\n\nA welding helmet is a type of headgear used when performing certain types of welding to protect the eyes, face and neck from flash burn, ultraviolet light, sparks, infrared light, and heat. Welding helmets are most commonly used with arc welding processes such as shielded metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, and gas metal arc welding. They are necessary to prevent arc eye, a painful condition where the cornea is inflamed. Welding helmets can also prevent retina burns, which can lead to a loss of vision.", "id": "7114166" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\nonce the contained volume has been purged. Another method of purging is to enclose the metal parts completely in a vacuum chamber and evacuate it, prior to backfilling with inert gas for the welding process. When purging with inert gases, it is important to enter the gas very slowly. When using Argon, which is heavier than air, the gas should enter from the bottom of the enclosed space. After filling the base area, be it the bottom of a pipe or tank, it will continue to displace air and move", "id": "7144532" }, { "contents": "Stage lighting instrument\n\n\nas opposed to below it. Most theatrical lamps are tungsten-halogen (or quartz-halogen), an improvement on the original incandescent design that used halogen gas instead of an inert gas. Fluorescent lights are rarely used other than as work lights (see below). Although they are far more efficient, they cannot be \"dimmed\" (run at less than full power) without using specialized dimmers, cannot dim to very low levels, do not produce light from a single point or easily concentrated area,", "id": "10590357" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nbe used in automatic GTAW of aluminum or magnesium when helium is used as a shielding gas. The negatively charged electrode generates heat by emitting electrons, which travel across the arc, causing thermal ionization of the shielding gas and increasing the temperature of the base material. The ionized shielding gas flows toward the electrode, not the base material, and this can allow oxides to build on the surface of the weld. Direct current with a positively charged electrode (DCEP) is less common, and is used primarily for shallow welds since", "id": "4962537" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\nthis way, the weld is kept under an inert gas shield for longer than normal, giving an improved weld quality, while allowing the welder to weld faster. Trailing shields are also supplied to hold against the back side of welds, whether flat or radiused, in order to keep the joint free from oxidation and discolouration. When welding with metals such as Titanium, a secondary inert shielding gas application is necessary to protect the cooling weld bead and heat-affected zone. Trailing cups prevent oxidation by shielding the weld from the", "id": "7144543" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\noccur with the GTAW process. Because the resulting welds have the same chemical integrity as the original base metal or match the base metals more closely, GTAW welds are highly resistant to corrosion and cracking over long time periods, making GTAW the welding procedure of choice for critical operations like sealing spent nuclear fuel canisters before burial. Gas tungsten arc welding, because it affords greater control over the weld area than other welding processes, can produce high-quality welds when performed by skilled operators. Maximum weld quality is assured by maintaining cleanliness", "id": "4962526" }, { "contents": "Arc welding\n\n\nmetal, along with an inert or semi-inert shielding gas flowed around the wire to protect the weld site from contamination. Constant voltage, direct current power source is most commonly used with GMAW, but constant current alternating current are used as well. With continuously fed filler electrodes, GMAW offers relatively high welding speeds; however the more complicated equipment reduces convenience and versatility in comparison to the SMAW process. Originally developed for welding aluminium and other non-ferrous materials in the 1940s, GMAW was soon economically applied to steels.", "id": "5169953" }, { "contents": "Welding power supply\n\n\nusually classified as constant current (CC) or constant voltage (CV); a constant current machine varies its output voltage to maintain a steady current while a constant voltage machine will fluctuate its output current to maintain a set voltage. Shielded metal arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding will use a constant current source and gas metal arc welding and flux-cored arc welding typically use constant voltage sources but constant current is also possible with a voltage sensing wire feeder. The nature of the CV machine is required by gas metal arc", "id": "14803366" }, { "contents": "Aluminum joining\n\n\ncyanoacrylate (super glue), epoxy, or JB Weld. Silicone may also be used in an application in which waterproofing is needed. Most aluminum alloys can be joined by welding together; however, certain aircraft grade aluminum and other special alloys are unweldable using conventional methods. Aluminum is commonly welded with gas metal arc welding (GMAW) and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Due to aluminum's oxide layer, a positive polarity is needed break up the surface to ensure a proper weld. Alternating current (AC)", "id": "7330243" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\npower supply produces electrical energy, which is conducted across the arc through a column of highly ionized gas and metal vapors known as a plasma. GTAW is most commonly used to weld thin sections of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, magnesium, and copper alloys. The process grants the operator greater control over the weld than competing processes such as shielded metal arc welding and gas metal arc welding, allowing for stronger, higher quality welds. However, GTAW is comparatively more complex and difficult to master, and", "id": "4962510" }, { "contents": "Plasma arc welding\n\n\nPlasma arc welding (PAW) is an arc welding process similar to gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The electric arc is formed between an electrode (which is usually but not always made of sintered tungsten) and the workpiece. The key difference from GTAW is that in PAW, by positioning the electrode within the body of the torch, the plasma arc can be separated from the shielding gas envelope. The plasma is then forced through a fine-bore copper nozzle which constricts the arc and the plasma exits the orifice", "id": "4963712" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\na fillet weld and 90 degrees for welding a flat surface. The travel angle, or lead angle, is the angle of the gun with respect to the direction of travel, and it should generally remain approximately vertical. However, the desirable angle changes somewhat depending on the type of shielding gas used—with pure inert gases, the bottom of the torch is often slightly in front of the upper section, while the opposite is true when the welding atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Position welding, that is, welding vertical or", "id": "5737695" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nwith experience. Weld times are rather slow, since the consumable electrodes must be frequently replaced and because slag, the residue from the flux, must be chipped away after welding. Furthermore, the process is generally limited to welding ferrous materials, though special electrodes have made possible the welding of cast iron, nickel, aluminum, copper, and other metals. Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), also known as metal inert gas or MIG welding, is a semi-automatic or automatic process that uses a continuous wire feed", "id": "1278811" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\n, but is largely limited to automated systems, whereas GTAW remains primarily a manual, hand-held method. Development within the GTAW process has continued as well, and today a number of variations exist. Among the most popular are the pulsed-current, manual programmed, hot-wire, dabber, and increased penetration GTAW methods. Manual gas tungsten arc welding is a relatively difficult welding method, due to the coordination required by the welder. Similar to torch welding, GTAW normally requires two hands, since most applications require", "id": "4962516" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\nwire containing a solid flux. This flux vaporises during welding and produces a plume of shielding gas. Although described as a 'flux', this compound has little activity and acts mostly as an inert shield. The wire is of slightly larger diameter than for a comparable gas-shielded weld, to allow room for the flux. The smallest available is 0.8 mm diameter, compared to 0.6 mm for solid wire. The shield vapor is slightly active, rather than inert, so the process is always MAGS but not MIG (", "id": "5737713" }, { "contents": "Halogen lamp\n\n\nA halogen lamp, also known as a tungsten halogen, quartz-halogen or quartz iodine lamp, is an incandescent lamp consisting of a tungsten filament sealed into a compact transparent envelope that is filled with a mixture of an inert gas and a small amount of a halogen such as iodine or bromine. The combination of the halogen gas and the tungsten filament produces a halogen cycle chemical reaction which redeposits evaporated tungsten to the filament, increasing its life and maintaining the clarity of the envelope. For this to happen, a halogen lamp", "id": "7705312" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nfor greater control of the weld pool, and can increase weld penetration, welding speed, and quality. A similar method, manual programmed GTAW, allows the operator to program a specific rate and magnitude of current variations, making it useful for specialized applications. The dabber variation is used to precisely place weld metal on thin edges. The automatic process replicates the motions of manual welding by feeding a cold or hot filler wire into the weld area and dabbing (or oscillating) it into the welding arc. It can be used", "id": "4962556" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nmost commonly used to weld stainless steel and nonferrous materials, such as aluminum and magnesium, but it can be applied to nearly all metals, with a notable exception being zinc and its alloys. Its applications involving carbon steels are limited not because of process restrictions, but because of the existence of more economical steel welding techniques, such as gas metal arc welding and shielded metal arc welding. Furthermore, GTAW can be performed in a variety of other-than-flat positions, depending on the skill of the welder and the", "id": "4962547" }, { "contents": "X-ray welding\n\n\n\"X-Ray welding\" might cause confusion; but the two terms are unlikely to be used in the same work environment because synchrotron radiation (X-Ray) welding is a remotely automated and mechanized process. Many advances in welding technology have resulted from the introduction of new sources of the thermal energy required for localized melting. These advances include the introduction of modern techniques such as gas tungsten arc, gas-metal arc, submerged-arc, electron beam, and laser beam welding processes. However, whilst these processes", "id": "7987983" }, { "contents": "Weld purging\n\n\nSheet metal joints might be made on a seam welding machine where weld purging is carried out automatically as part of the machine design. Where sheet metal is formed into tanks or vessels prior to welding, the inside of the vessel can be purged with a flow of inert gas, however for larger sizes the cost of the gas and the time taken is unrealistic. In such cases, a weld backing tape can be used. This is a layer of glass fibre band in the centre of a width of adhesive aluminium foil that", "id": "7144541" }, { "contents": "Tungsten\n\n\nuncombined), making it difficult to work. However, pure single-crystalline tungsten is more ductile and can be cut with a hard-steel hacksaw. Tungsten's many alloys have numerous applications, including incandescent light bulb filaments, X-ray tubes (as both the filament and target), electrodes in gas tungsten arc welding, superalloys, and radiation shielding. Tungsten's hardness and high density give it military applications in penetrating projectiles. Tungsten compounds are also often used as industrial catalysts. Tungsten is the only metal from", "id": "10888904" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nof copper or brass so it can transmit current and heat effectively. The tungsten electrode must be held firmly in the center of the torch with an appropriately sized collet, and ports around the electrode provide a constant flow of shielding gas. Collets are sized according to the diameter of the tungsten electrode they hold. The body of the torch is made of heat-resistant, insulating plastics covering the metal components, providing insulation from heat and electricity to protect the welder. The size of the welding torch nozzle depends on the amount", "id": "4962533" }, { "contents": "Plasma gasification\n\n\nand oil shale. Small plasma torches typically use an inert gas such as argon where larger torches require nitrogen. The electrodes vary from copper or tungsten to hafnium or zirconium, along with various other alloys. A strong electric current under high voltage passes between the two electrodes as an electric arc. Pressurized inert gas is ionized passing through the plasma created by the arc. The torch's temperature ranges from . The temperature of the plasma reaction determines the structure of the plasma and forming gas. The waste is heated, melted and", "id": "7442584" }, { "contents": "Welding power supply\n\n\nA welding power supply is a device that provides an electric current to perform welding. Welding usually requires high current (over 80 amperes) and it can need above 12,000 amperes in spot welding. Low current can also be used; welding two razor blades together at 5 amps with gas tungsten arc welding is a good example. A welding power supply can be as simple as a car battery and as sophisticated as a high-frequency inverter using IGBT technology, with computer control to assist in the welding process. Welding machines are", "id": "14803365" }, { "contents": "Liquid air\n\n\nmiddle of the upper column for further purification. In manufacturing processes, the liquid air product is fractionated into its constituent gases in either liquid or gaseous form, as the oxygen is especially useful for fuel gas welding and cutting, and the argon is useful as an oxygen-excluding shielding gas in gas tungsten arc welding. Liquid nitrogen is useful in various low-temperature applications, being nonreactive at normal temperatures (unlike oxygen), and boiling at . Between 1899 and 1902, the automobile Liquid Air was produced and demonstrated by", "id": "9027861" }, { "contents": "Plasma arc welding\n\n\ncontrolling the amount of orifice gas. Plasma arc welding is an advancement over the GTAW process. This process uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode and an arc constricted through a fine-bore copper nozzle. PAW can be used to join all metals that are weldable with GTAW (i.e., most commercial metals and alloys). Difficult-to-weld in metals by PAW include bronze, cast iron, lead and magnesium. Several basic PAW process variations are possible by varying the current, plasma gas flow rate, and the", "id": "4963727" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\nGas metal arc welding (GMAW), sometimes referred to by its subtypes metal inert gas (MIG) welding or metal active gas (MAG) welding, is a welding process in which an electric arc forms between a consumable MIG wire electrode and the workpiece metal(s), which heats the workpiece metal(s), causing them to melt and join. Along with the wire electrode, a shielding gas feeds through the welding gun, which shields the process from contaminants in the air. The process can be semi-automatic or automatic", "id": "5737663" }, { "contents": "Boilermaker\n\n\npressures above . The two main tasks of boilermakers involve using oxy-acetylene gas torch sets to cut or gouge steel plate and tubes, followed by gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), or gas metal arc welding (GMAW) to attach and mend the cut sections of tubes and steel plates. Boilermakers usually go through a formal apprenticeship which includes about four years of paid on-the-job training combined with classroom instruction. Unions and many employers offer these apprenticeships. To become", "id": "4802440" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\n. Ozone and nitric oxide levels are moderate, but exposure duration, repeated exposure, and the quality and quantity of fume extraction, and air change in the room must be monitored. Welders who do not work safely can contract emphysema and oedema of the lungs, which can lead to early death. Similarly, the heat from the arc can cause poisonous fumes to form from cleaning and degreasing materials. Cleaning operations using these agents should not be performed near the site of welding, and proper ventilation is necessary to protect the welder", "id": "4962523" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nis also often used in underwater welding in the construction and repair of ships, offshore platforms, and pipelines, but others, such as flux cored arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding, are also common. Welding in space is also possible—it was first attempted in 1969 by Russian cosmonauts, when they performed experiments to test shielded metal arc welding, plasma arc welding, and electron beam welding in a depressurized environment. Further testing of these methods was done in the following decades, and today researchers continue to develop methods", "id": "1278844" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nless heat is generated in the base material. Instead of flowing from the electrode to the base material, as in DCEN, electrons go the other direction, causing the electrode to reach very high temperatures. To help it maintain its shape and prevent softening, a larger electrode is often used. As the electrons flow toward the electrode, ionized shielding gas flows back toward the base material, cleaning the weld by removing oxides and other impurities and thereby improving its quality and appearance. Alternating current, commonly used when welding aluminum and", "id": "4962538" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\nto weld metals with high heat conductivity, such as copper and aluminum. A significant disadvantage is the difficulty of striking an arc with helium gas, and the decreased weld quality associated with a varying arc length. Argon-helium mixtures are also frequently utilized in GTAW, since they can increase control of the heat input while maintaining the benefits of using argon. Normally, the mixtures are made with primarily helium (often about 75% or higher) and a balance of argon. These mixtures increase the speed and quality of the", "id": "4962545" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\ncauses dross as well. As a result, sufficient flow of inert shielding gases is necessary, and welding in moving air should be avoided. In GMAW the primary cause of porosity is gas entrapment in the weld pool, which occurs when the metal solidifies before the gas escapes. The gas can come from impurities in the shielding gas or on the workpiece, as well as from an excessively long or violent arc. Generally, the amount of gas entrapped is directly related to the cooling rate of the weld pool. Because of", "id": "5737698" }, { "contents": "Orbital welding\n\n\nOrbital welding is a specialized area of welding whereby the arc is rotated mechanically through 360° (180 degrees in double up welding) around a static workpiece, an object such as a pipe, in a continuous process. The process was developed to addresses the issue of operator error in gas tungsten arc welding processes (GTAW). In orbital welding, computer-controlled process runs with little intervention from the operator. The process is used specifically for high quality repeatable welding. The orbital welding process was invented by Rodrick Rohrberg of", "id": "18640292" }, { "contents": "Orbital welding\n\n\nthe welding current, welding speed, inert shielding gas, parent material, filler material, weld preparation, and thermal conductivity. Ultimately, a high-quality weld is achieved through detailed knowledge of how to precisely adjust all these parameters for each individual welding task. It is very difficult to achieve the highest standards of quality and safety using manual welding. This is due to certain welding positions, overhead and down-hand welds for example, often leading to faulty welds due to restricted access the user has in these welding positions", "id": "18640294" }, { "contents": "Plasma arc welding\n\n\nwelding are as follows: Current 50 to 350 amps, voltage 27 to 31 volts, gas flow rates 2 to 40 liters/minute (lower range for orifice gas and higher range for outer shielding gas), direct current electrode negative (DCEN) is normally employed for plasma arc welding except for the welding of aluminum in which cases water cooled electrode is preferable for reverse polarity welding, i.e. direct current electrode positive (DCEP). Two inert gases or gas mixtures are employed. The orifice gas at lower pressure and flow", "id": "4963720" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nwelding, the length of the arc is directly related to the voltage, and the amount of heat input is related to the current. Constant current power supplies are most often used for manual welding processes such as gas tungsten arc welding and shielded metal arc welding, because they maintain a relatively constant current even as the voltage varies. This is important because in manual welding, it can be difficult to hold the electrode perfectly steady, and as a result, the arc length and thus voltage tend to fluctuate. Constant voltage power", "id": "1278805" }, { "contents": "Arc welding\n\n\nis constant current power supplies and constant voltage power supplies. In arc welding, the voltage is directly related to the length of the arc, and the current is related to the amount of heat input. Constant current power supplies are most often used for manual welding processes such as gas tungsten arc welding and shielded metal arc welding, because they maintain a relatively constant current even as the voltage varies. This is important because in manual welding, it can be difficult to hold the electrode perfectly steady, and as a result,", "id": "5169944" }, { "contents": "Gas metal arc welding\n\n\ninert gas shield). This limits the process to steel and not aluminium. These gasless machines operate as DCEN, rather than the DCEP usually used for GMAW solid wire. DCEP, or DC Electrode Positive, makes the welding wire into the positively-charged anode, which is the hotter side of the arc. Provided that it is switchable from DCEN to DCEP, a gas-shielded wire-feed machine may also be used for flux-cored wire. Flux-cored wire is considered to have some advantages for outdoor", "id": "5737714" }, { "contents": "Welding\n\n\nwill be hotter, increasing weld penetration and welding speed. Alternatively, a negatively charged electrode results in more shallow welds. Nonconsumable electrode processes, such as gas tungsten arc welding, can use either type of direct current, as well as alternating current. However, with direct current, because the electrode only creates the arc and does not provide filler material, a positively charged electrode causes shallow welds, while a negatively charged electrode makes deeper welds. Alternating current rapidly moves between these two, resulting in medium-penetration welds.", "id": "1278808" }, { "contents": "Gas tungsten arc welding\n\n\ninput, caused by low welding current or high welding speed, can limit penetration and cause the weld bead to lift away from the surface being welded. If there is too much heat input, however, the weld bead grows in width while the likelihood of excessive penetration and spatter increases. Additionally, if the welding torch is too far from the workpiece the shielding gas becomes ineffective, causing porosity within the weld. This results in a weld with pinholes, which is weaker than a typical weld. If the amount of current", "id": "4962529" }, { "contents": "Chemical tanker\n\n\nmake the tank walls smooth and thus easier to clean using permanently fitted tank cleaning machines. Cargo tanks, either empty or filled, are normally protected against explosion by inert gas blankets. Often nitrogen is the inert gas used, supplied either from portable gas bottles or a Nitrogen generator. Most new chemical tankers are built by shipbuilders in Japan, Korea or China, with other builders in Turkey, Italy, Germany and Poland. Japanese shipbuilders now account for the large majority of stainless steel chemical tankers built, as welding stainless steel", "id": "18388822" } ]
If Helen Keller was born blind and deaf, how on earth did she learn anything?
[{"answer": "She was actually born with both sight and hearing, but lost it to disease at 19 months. She learned via touch and by having the words for various things spelled into her palm. She learned to speak by feeling peoples lips as they talked."}, {"answer": "She had a memory of water from the time before she lost her sight/hearing. Her teacher spent a lot of time trying to teach her signs, but she didn't get it until the teacher happened to run her hand under water and then do the sign for water. She remembered water, associated the sign, and then she was off and running. Her \"signs\" weren't sign language, by the way--they were based on a system of tapping the palm of her hand. She could also read and write braille."}, {"answer": "the truth and only correct answer is that she had an amazing teacher. There's a lot more to it than that but without Anne Sullivan her story would be very different or non-existent."}, {"answer": "A lot of patience from whoever is working with her. It's more frustrating for them than terrifying. I worked with a girl who is similar to Helen Keller over the summer last year. The job wasn't the best fit for me, but I stuck it out as long as possible. The girl I worked with was 12 years old, completely blind, and smaller than a fraction of hearing in one ear. With what minuscule hearing she had, she was fixated on music. It was the one thing that kept her grounded. She knew a few signs and could understand tactilly, but with a lot of repetition and patience. I was basically her eyes, ears, interpreter, only way I connecting to the world around her. I had all the patience in the world, but I still couldn't work with her any longer. When we had to put the music away from group activities, she would throw tantrums (verrrry similar to Helen Keller). Because that was her only way of connecting with the world. I give all the props in the world to Anne Sillivan. She is an angel among angels. I had to quit because it was too much for me. She would hit me, kick me, throw my phone (the only way she could listen to music), tear apart multiple pairs headphones and get mad when she couldn't listen to music anymore. I love working with deaf-blind individuals, but I had to do what was best for my health (mentally) and well-being. I was extremely close to withdrawing from working with this group forever. This job required a lot of trust from her, and she didn't have it for me. The kicker? She lives down the street from my parents. Maybe when she gets older I'll stop by and reintroduce myself to her. Edit: added some words and spelling corrections"}, {"answer": "I get what OP is saying... and I did a few units in school on Helen Keller.. but I STILL can't seem to wrap my head around it. Like ... how did she even learn how to structure sentences and write these great speeches? How do you teach someone by letting her feel something? a word or object and have comprehension? I know the method.. but HOW!!!?"}, {"answer": "Well, she wasn't really *born* blind and deaf, but she did lose her sight and hearing at a *very* young age to scarlet fever or possibly meningitis. That said, she lived her early childhood without really any way to learn or communicate with others. But her parents brought in Anne Sullivan, who was blind herself. But Sullivan was also a certified teacher of the blind. She derived a system of signing where the listener would *feel* (as opposed to see) the hand signs. In short, she taught Keller how to communicate by touch. There's actually a famous movie about the relationship called *The Miracle Worker.*"}, {"answer": "From what I've heard, she learned how to masturbate by reading her own lips."}, {"answer": "Go to NefFlix and download *The Miracle Worker.*"}, {"answer": "Anne Sullivan arrived at Keller's house in March 1887, and immediately began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with \"d-o-l-l\" for the doll that she had brought Keller as a present. Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely identifying it. In fact, when Sullivan was trying to teach Keller the word for \"mug\", Keller became so frustrated she broke the doll. Keller's big breakthrough in communication came the next month, when she realized that the motions her teacher was making on the palm of her hand, while running cool water over her other hand, symbolized the idea of \"water\"; she then nearly exhausted Sullivan demanding the names of all the other familiar objects in her world."}, {"answer": "You can watch [The Miracle Worker]( URL_0 ) on YouTube. It chronicles Helen Keller's lessons with Anne Sullivan. She learned sign language by feeling Sullivan's hands."}, {"answer": "Imagine going through life in darkness almost nearly isolated, with alien like beings guiding you.. and then you graduate college. Remarkable work by Anne Sullivan."}, {"answer": "Don't you remember [The Miracle Worker] ( URL_0 )? Anne Sullivan managed to teach Helen Keller how to communicate using touch."}, {"answer": "Her flight instructor (Anne Sullivan) taught her everything."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "54665535", "title": "Helen Wodehouse", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Helen Marion Wodehouse (12 October 1880 20 October 1964) was a British philosopher and Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge. She was also the first woman to hold a professorial Chair at the University of Bristol.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Helen Marion Wodehouse (12 October 1880 20 October 1964) was a British philosopher and Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge. She was also the first woman to hold a professorial Chair at the University of Bristol."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Geraldine Lawhorn\n\n\nalong with 175 other deaf-blind people. She was present at the 80th-birthday ceremony of Helen Keller organized by the Industrial Home for the Blind in Brooklyn. She went to Helen Keller's one hundredth birthday on June 27, 1980, at The Helen Keller Centennial Congress in Boston, MA. Geraldine also worked with elderly people and deaf-blind families, and was very supportive. Obtaining a college degree was a great challenge for Geraldine, and she was determined to make it. Through a friend, she learned", "id": "20393710" }, { "contents": "Theresa Poh Lin Chan\n\n\nChan Poh Lin (9 July 1943 – 6 June 2016), better known as Theresa Poh Lin Chan, was a Singaporean writer and teacher. Born in Singapore, she was known in her youth as \"the Helen Keller of Southeast Asia\", as, like Keller, Chan was a highly accomplished deaf and blind person. Chan has been deaf since age 12, and deafblind since age 14. In the United States, Poh Lin Chan was educated at the Perkins School for the Blind where she learned to understand and", "id": "18474568" }, { "contents": "Laura Bridgman\n\n\nLaura Dewey Lynn Bridgman (December 21, 1829 – May 24, 1889) is known as the first deaf-blind American child to gain a significant education in the English language, fifty years before the more famous Helen Keller. Bridgman was left deaf-blind at the age of two after suffering a bout of scarlet fever. She was educated at the Perkins Institution for the Blind where, under the direction of Samuel Gridley Howe, she learned to read and communicate using Braille and the manual alphabet developed by Charles-Michel", "id": "10566819" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller National Center\n\n\nThe Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults is a foundation in the United States that provides services for individuals who, like Helen Keller, are both blind and deaf. Authorized by an Act of Congress in 1967, the Center provides nationwide services for people who are deaf-blind according to the definition of deaf-blindness in the Helen Keller Act. It operates a residential rehabilitation and training facility at its headquarters in Sands Point, New York, which opened in 1976, and a system of ten regional", "id": "1311678" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\n. In May 1888, Keller started attending the Perkins Institute for the Blind. In 1894, Keller and Sullivan moved to New York to attend the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf, and to learn from Sarah Fuller at the Horace Mann School for the Deaf. In 1896, they returned to Massachusetts, and Keller entered The Cambridge School for Young Ladies before gaining admittance, in 1900, to Radcliffe College of Harvard University where she lived in Briggs Hall, South House. Her admirer, Mark Twain, had introduced her", "id": "14426068" }, { "contents": "Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind\n\n\nThe Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind (AIDB) is a school for people with blindness and/or deafness operated by the U. S. State of Alabama in the city of Talladega. The current institution includes the Alabama School for the Deaf, the Alabama School for the Blind, and the Helen Keller School, named for Alabamian Helen Keller, which serves children who are both deaf and blind. The E. H. Gentry Technical Facility provides vocational training for older students, and the institution offers employment to graduates through its Alabama Industries for the Blind", "id": "18160164" }, { "contents": "Dickens in America\n\n\nThe Old Curiosity Shop for the blind students. They were set in Boston line type, a raised text that could be read by the blind. The president of the Perkins School, Steven Rothstein tells Margolyes how people a few decades before Dickens visited thought that deaf and blind people couldn't think, but one of the past presidents of the school, a Dr. Howe proved that they could. Jaimi Lard, a deaf and blind spokesperson teaches her how to use sign language. Helen Keller’s mother, after reading Dickens’", "id": "16245968" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller Services for the Blind\n\n\nHelen Keller Services for the Blind is an American organization that helps the blind develop independence. Since 1536 Helen Keller Services for the Blind's mission has been to help individuals of all ages who are blind or visually impaired, and who may have additional disabilities, develop independence. Headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, the agency has additional rehabilitation sites in Hempstead and Huntington, Long Island, and operates the Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults in Sands Point, New York. On November 2, 1883,", "id": "15187981" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\ntriumph over her triple disabilities of blindness, deafness and a severe speech impediment. On March 6, 2008, the New England Historic Genealogical Society announced that a staff member had discovered a rare 1888 photograph showing Helen and Anne, which, although previously published, had escaped widespread attention. Depicting Helen holding one of her many dolls, it is believed to be the earliest surviving photograph of Anne Sullivan Macy. Video footage showing Helen Keller learning to mimic speech sounds also exists. A biography of Helen Keller was written by the German", "id": "14426093" }, { "contents": "St. Paul's Convent School\n\n\n(Red) Named after Helen Adams Keller (1880–1968), an American author and educator of the blind. From infancy, Keller was without power of speech and was also deaf and blind. With the inestimable assistance of Anne M. Sullivan, Keller learnt to read and to write by Braille; to use a typewriter; and even to speak, and eventually mastered five languages. Upon graduating with honours from Radeliffe, she began to lecture extensively on the education of the blind; and has received many honours for achievement. Helen", "id": "19338837" }, { "contents": "The Miracle Worker (1979 film)\n\n\nplayed Helen Keller in the original 1962 film, for which she won the Oscar) as Annie Sullivan and Melissa Gilbert as Helen Keller. It produced a TV sequels, \"\" in 1984. Young Helen Keller (Melissa Gilbert), blind, deaf, and mute since infancy, is in danger of being sent to an institution. Her inability to communicate has left her frustrated and violent. In desperation, her parents seek help from the Perkins Institute, which sends them a \"half-blind Yankee schoolgirl\" named Annie", "id": "12484718" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nto Standard Oil magnate Henry Huttleston Rogers, who, with his wife Abbie, paid for her education. In 1904, at the age of 24, Keller graduated as a member of Phi Beta Kappa from Radcliffe, becoming the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. She maintained a correspondence with the Austrian philosopher and pedagogue Wilhelm Jerusalem, who was one of the first to discover her literary talent. Determined to communicate with others as conventionally as possible, Keller learned to speak and spent much of her", "id": "14426069" }, { "contents": "Diane Schuur\n\n\nShow\" eleven times. Schuur has been blind from birth due to retinopathy of prematurity, but has been gifted with absolute pitch memory and a clear vocal tone. In 1996, she was a guest performer on Sesame Street, where she was interviewed by Elmo and described to him how a blind person can learn to use other senses to adapt in the world. In 2000 she was awarded the Helen Keller Achievement Award by the American Foundation for the Blind. Schuur was born in Tacoma, Washington, two months premature and weighing", "id": "818770" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nHelen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of Keller and her teacher, Anne Sullivan, was made famous by Keller's autobiography, \"The Story of My Life\", and its adaptations for film and stage, \"The Miracle Worker\". Her birthplace in West Tuscumbia, Alabama, is now a museum and sponsors an annual \"Helen", "id": "14426057" }, { "contents": "Aimee Walker Pond\n\n\nAimee Patricia Walker Pond (born March 10, 1983) is a United States gymnast. A graduate of Brigham Young University, Pond has been involved in gymnastics since the age of eight. She is completely deaf and is blind in her right eye, making her one of a very few disabled gymnasts who have competed at the national level (another is Marie Roethlisberger). Some have compared her to Helen Keller to which Pond has responded \"She's so wonderful, but I am glad I'm not Helen Keller, I", "id": "110295" }, { "contents": "Anne Sullivan\n\n\nKeller, who was in search of a teacher for his seven-year-old blind and deaf daughter, Helen. Anagnos immediately recommended Sullivan for this position and she began her work on March 3, 1887, at the Kellers' home in Tuscumbia, Alabama. As soon as she arrived there, she argued with Helen's parents about the Civil War and over the fact that they used to own slaves. However, she also quickly connected with Helen. It was the beginning of a 49-year relationship: Sullivan evolved from", "id": "6548458" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller Services for the Blind\n\n\nIHB opened a pre-school for children. During the 1960s, IHB initiated the federally funded Anne Sullivan Macy Service for people who were deaf-blind. Soon after, Peter Salmon, Louis Bettica and others advocated a national center to serve all Americans who were deaf-blind. In 1967 the Helen Keller National Center was established by a unanimous act of Congress, and IHB was chosen to operate the program, which provided comprehensive rehabilitation training for people with a severe dual sensory loss or impairment. In 1983 IHB established a", "id": "15187985" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller Services for the Blind\n\n\ndirecting the Home. In 1906 he participated in a study on the needs of blind people in New York State. This helped inaugurate The New York State Commission for the Blind. In 1917 services for people who were deaf-blind were established. Also that year Morford employed a young Peter J. Salmon, who was legally blind. Morford died January 27, 1928. That year over 600 people who were blind or deaf-blind were served by IHB. In 1943, on the 50th anniversary, Keller visited IHB. During", "id": "15187983" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller National Center\n\n\n. In 2001, federal government provided $8.5 million a year of the $11 million annual operating costs. Congressional findings were that the Center \"is a vital national resource for meeting the needs of individuals who are deaf-blind and no State currently has the facilities or personnel to meet such needs\". There are about 70,000 deaf-blind people in the United States. Most have Usher syndrome, a congenital disorder in which the individual is born deaf and there is loss of sight by adolescence. Federal law mandates that", "id": "1311680" }, { "contents": "Tactile signing\n\n\nfor a person to be both deaf and blind; most people who were deaf and blind lived lives of isolation. As professionals became aware of this population, attempts were made to serve both adults and children who are deaf and blind by modifying the manual alphabet mentioned above, or the sign language used by deaf-sighted people. See for example Helen Keller National Center, LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind. Professionals developed ways to communicate with their clients/students/patients who", "id": "2351699" }, { "contents": "Sarah Fuller\n\n\nDexter S. King. In 1871, the school staff was trained in the skill of teaching deaf children how to speak by Alexander Graham Bell. Sarah became an advocate of this practice, as well as the promotion of education for deaf children starting at the earliest age possible. She was also present when the first message was sent over the telephone. In 1890, Fuller applied the methods she learned and developed from Bell in giving the first speech lessons to Helen Keller. In 1888, she published \"An Illustrated Primer\" for", "id": "1196912" }, { "contents": "The Miracle Worker (play)\n\n\nThe Miracle Worker is a three-act play by William Gibson adapted from his 1957 \"Playhouse 90\" teleplay of the same name. It was based on Helen Keller's autobiography \"The Story of My Life\". In Tuscumbia, Alabama, an illness renders infant Helen Keller blind, deaf, and consequently mute (deaf-mute). Pitied and badly spoiled by her parents, Helen is taught no discipline and, by the age of six, grows into a wild, angry, tantrum-throwing child in control", "id": "12311958" }, { "contents": "K. K. Srinivasan\n\n\n-impaired education schools. He started a pre-school for the hearing impaired children which he named Helen Keller Pre-school for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, after the famous deaf-blind author, activist and lecturer Helen Keller. The school was initially started in Mysore at the first floor of Srinivasan's house in the International Year of the Handicapped in 1980. In the 1990s, he successfully applied for City government (Mysore Urban Development Authority) grants to get land and build a school and dormitory for deaf children", "id": "21266320" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nof achievement. Although the entire lecture lasted only a little over an hour, the lecture had a profound impact on the audience. Anne Sullivan stayed as a companion to Helen Keller long after she taught her. Sullivan married John Macy in 1905, and her health started failing around 1914. Polly Thomson (February 20, 1885 – March 21, 1960) was hired to keep house. She was a young woman from Scotland who had no experience with deaf or blind people. She progressed to working as a secretary as well", "id": "14426074" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nstating \"that there is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.\" At 19 months old Keller contracted an unknown illness described by doctors as \"an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain\", which might have been scarlet fever or meningitis. The illness left her both deaf and blind. She lived, as she recalled in her autobiography, \"at sea in a dense fog.\" At that time, Keller was able to", "id": "14426061" }, { "contents": "Geraldine Lawhorn\n\n\nher family. She finally accepted the teaching proposal. In 1967, Pearl Walker and her daughter went back to Chicago, as the Hadley School confirmed Geraldine's employment. She did not immediately start her position. Indeed, she participated in a training program, offered by the Anne Sullivan Macy Program, known today as the Helen Keller National Center for the Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults, in Jamaica, NY. Afterwards, she started teaching two correspondence courses : the \"Independent Living for Those Without Sight or Hearing\" and", "id": "20393706" }, { "contents": "Heather Whitestone\n\n\nHeather Leigh Whitestone McCallum (born February 24, 1973) is a former beauty queen and conservative activist who was the first deaf Miss America title holder, having lost most of her hearing at age 18 months. Whitestone was born in Dothan, Alabama. When she was 18 months old, she lost her hearing due to a serious ear infection. In fourth grade, Heather learned about the story of a young woman from Alabama who would forever change her life – Helen Keller; Keller became her role model. She was unable", "id": "13717187" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller Day\n\n\nHelen Keller Day is a commemorative holiday to celebrate the birth of Helen Keller, observed on June 27 annually. The holiday observance was created by presidential proclamation in 1980, as well as by international organizations, particularly those helping the blind and the deaf. The holiday is generally known for its fashion show held on June 27 annually for fundraising purposes. The holiday was first proclaimed on March 23, 1960, by Newark, New Jersey mayor Leo P. Carlin. On June 7, 1960, by then Annapolis, Maryland mayor Arthur", "id": "18914107" }, { "contents": "Abigail Breslin\n\n\n\"the dream was always to get Abigail Breslin\" for the role. The film received positive reviews and was successful at the box office, grossing $102 million worldwide. With previews beginning in February 2010, she made her Broadway debut as Helen Keller in \"The Miracle Worker\" at the Circle in the Square Theatre. Breslin has said that she was honored to play Keller, who is one of her \"biggest heroes\". The Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts, an advocacy group for blind and deaf actors,", "id": "10848864" }, { "contents": "Aslaug Haviland\n\n\nAslaug Haviland (January 19, 1913 – January 6, 2003), known as \"Utah's Helen Keller\" was a deaf and blind Norwegian woman who came to the United States at the age of 16 to attend the Perkins Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. She became a nationally renowned motivational speaker. Aslaug Haviland was born in Bergen, Norway, January 19, 1913. At age 12 she contracted scarlet fever, and as a result lost both her hearing and vision. Little is known about her early life except that", "id": "7266781" }, { "contents": "Laura Bridgman\n\n\nbefore he died he had made arrangements ensuring her financial security at the school for the rest of her life. In 1887 her jubilee was celebrated there, but in 1889 she was taken ill, and she died on May 24. She was buried at Dana Cemetery in Hanover, New Hampshire near her family's farm. Bridgman became famous in her youth as an example of the education of a deaf-blind person. Helen Keller's mother, Kate Keller, read Dickens's account in \"American Notes\" and was inspired", "id": "10566844" }, { "contents": "Blindness in literature\n\n\nat the age of 6. She keeps her mind sharp with intricate puzzle boxes, which her father carves for her, and Braille novels. While blind and visually impaired people had contributed to the body of common literature for centuries, one notable example being the author of \"Paradise Lost\", John Milton, the creation of autobiographical materials, or materials specific to blindness, is relatively new. Most people are familiar with Helen Keller, who was both blind and deaf, but there has been considerable progress since the publication of", "id": "3229688" }, { "contents": "Henry Huttleston Rogers\n\n\nSea\" engineering marvel of the day. The construction of the new railroad had been solely financed by industrialist Rogers. In May 1896, at the home in New York City of editor-essayist Laurence Hutton, Rogers and Mark Twain first saw Helen Keller, then sixteen years old. Although she had been made blind and deaf by illness as a young child, she had been reached by her teacher-companion, Anne Sullivan. When she was 20, Keller passed with distinction the entrance examination to Radcliffe College. Twain praised", "id": "1021082" }, { "contents": "Perkins School for the Blind\n\n\nThe school moved to its present campus, in Watertown, Massachusetts, in the autumn of 1912. Charles Dickens visited Perkins in 1842 during a lecture tour of America and was amazed at the work Howe was doing with Laura Bridgman, a deaf-blind girl who had come to the school in 1837 from New Hampshire. He wrote about his visit in his book, \"American Notes\". In 1887, Perkins director Michael Anagnos sent graduate Anne Sullivan to teach Helen Keller in Alabama. After working with her pupil at the", "id": "6548479" }, { "contents": "The Miracle Worker (2000 film)\n\n\nSullivan, and her efforts in working with young Helen Keller. The movie focuses on Anne's struggle to draw Helen, a blind and prelingually deaf girl out of her world of darkness and silence. Helen has been unable to communicate with her family except through physical temper tantrums since an illness took her eyesight and hearing from her at the age of 19 months old. She is allowed to eat other people's food with her hands, knock over or break items, and basically do whatever else she desires. All of this", "id": "968066" }, { "contents": "Deaf rights movement\n\n\n-America; Marlee Matlin, a well known deaf actress; Laurent Clerc, a well-known deaf professor; and Helen Keller, the most commonly known deaf-blind woman. However, this is only a small number of individuals who have made advancements in the deaf community. The Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as the ADA, has made a huge impact on the deaf community. In 1990 it was a landmark for people with disabilities. The ADA has been a great benefit for hard of hearing and deaf", "id": "8916300" }, { "contents": "Geraldine Lawhorn\n\n\nto her the doors of the New York College of Music where she studied piano techniques. By this time, only three deaf-blind people had received a college degree including Helen Keller and Richard Kinney, president of the International Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Besides her artistic career and courses, Jerrie wanted to earn a college degree. However, her advisor recommended that she use her scholarship to improve her theater skills. Therefore, she enrolled at the Brown Adams Professional Actors Studio, off Broadway. Geraldine appeared", "id": "20393703" }, { "contents": "Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind\n\n\nfarm and hospital were added, as well as programs for adults with visual impairments. Eugene A. McBride took over as president in 1955 and opened the Helen Keller school (which educated the first deaf and blind student to receive a General Equivalency Diploma). He oversaw the construction of much of the present campus and expanded the institute's outreach to adults, culminating in the vocational center named for his successor, Euel H. Gentry. The Alabama Industries for the Blind has been the sole supplier of neck ties for the United States Armed", "id": "18160169" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\ncommunicate somewhat with Martha Washington, the six-year-old daughter of the family cook, who understood her signs; by the age of seven, Keller had more than 60 home signs to communicate with her family, and could distinguish people by the vibration of their footsteps. In 1886, Keller's mother, inspired by an account in Charles Dickens' \"American Notes\" of the successful education of another deaf and blind woman, Laura Bridgman, dispatched the young Keller, accompanied by her father, to seek out physician", "id": "14426062" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nsplendid audience that filled The Memorial. The wonderful girl who has so brilliantly triumphed over the triple afflictions of blindness, dumbness and deafness, gave a talk with her own lips on \"Happiness,\" and it will be remembered always as a piece of inspired teaching by those who heard it. When part of the account was reprinted in the January 20, 2016, edition of the paper under the heading \"From the Files\", the column compiler added According to those who attended, Helen Keller spoke of the joy that", "id": "14426072" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nwent on to become a world-famous speaker and author. She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities, amid numerous other causes. The deaf community was widely impacted by her. She traveled to twenty-five different countries giving motivational speeches about Deaf people's conditions. She was a suffragette, pacifist, radical socialist, birth control supporter, and opponent of Woodrow Wilson. In 1915 she and George A. Kessler founded the Helen Keller International (HKI) organization. This organization is devoted to research in vision,", "id": "14426077" }, { "contents": "Aspetuck, Connecticut\n\n\nthe historic district date from 1750 to 1850. Some structures in the district are examples of Colonial Revival architecture. The district is considered significant for being a \"Connecticut farming community that hasn't seen much change\" and the home of Helen Keller in her later years. Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf, often walked through the neighborhood by herself, using as her guide a fence that extended down to the Aspetuck River. The historic district is defined to \"exclude excessive back acreage\" and also \"the district stops", "id": "3497126" }, { "contents": "American Sign Language literature\n\n\nwere shown.  The deaf world was lacking a platform where they could express themselves and perform. The idea for NTD came from the Broadway production of \"The Miracle Worker\", the story of Helen Keller who was blind and deaf.  Inspired by seeing sign language on the stage, actress Anne Bancroft, who played Anne Sullivan in the production of \"The Miracle Worker\", joined together with a psychologist Edna Simon Levine, to attempt bring deaf theater to the stage. The National Theatre for the Deaf’s Mission Statement is", "id": "19535936" }, { "contents": "Arthur Penn\n\n\n. Penn's second film was \"The Miracle Worker\" (1962), the story of Anne Sullivan's struggle to teach the blind and deaf Helen Keller how to communicate. It garnered two Academy Awards for its leads Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke. Penn had won a Tony Award for directing the stage production, written by William Gibson, also starring Bancroft and Duke, and he had directed Bancroft's Broadway debut in playwright Gibson's first Broadway production, \"Two for the Seesaw\". Penn began working on \"The", "id": "5308224" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nJ. Julian Chisolm, an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist in Baltimore, for advice. Chisholm referred the Kellers to Alexander Graham Bell, who was working with deaf children at the time. Bell advised them to contact the Perkins Institute for the Blind, the school where Bridgman had been educated, which was then located in South Boston. Michael Anagnos, the school's director, asked 20-year-old former student Anne Sullivan, herself visually impaired, to become Keller's instructor. It was the beginning of a", "id": "14426063" }, { "contents": "Samuel Gridley Howe\n\n\n, a young deaf-blind girl who later became a teacher at the school. She became famous as the first known deaf-blind person to be successfully educated in the United States. Howe taught Bridgman himself. Within a few years of attendance at Perkins Institution, she learned the manual alphabet and how to write. Dr. Howe originated many improvements in teaching methods, as well as in the process of printing books in Braille. Besides acting as superintendent of the Perkins Institution to the end of his life, he was instrumental", "id": "5863794" }, { "contents": "Helen the Baby Fox\n\n\n\"Helen the Baby Fox\" tells the story of Taichi and a fox cub, whom Taichi found by the side of the road. The cub is blind, deaf and mute and Taichi names it Helen, after Helen Keller who suffers from similar disabilities. They faced much skepticism and criticism from the people around them, and difficulties stemming from Helen's physical disabilities. Leaving school for the day, seven-year-old Taichi finds a baby fox, abandoned by its mother alongside a road in rural Hokkaido. The two", "id": "14212820" }, { "contents": "Vidyaben Shah\n\n\nmarches from area to area at the outbreak of arson and riots in Delhi following the assassination of Indira Gandhi. After the Godhra riots in Gujarat, disregarding her advancing years, at the request of Sonia Gandhi, she went from district to district, to spread the message of peace and communal harmony in Gujarat. Vidyaben continues to be a trustee of the Helen Keller Trust (Blind and Deaf) in India. In 1985, during the United Nations \"International Youth Year: Participation, Development and Peace\", she provided remarkable", "id": "14497341" }, { "contents": "Anne Sullivan\n\n\nJohanna Mansfield Sullivan Macy (April 14, 1866 – October 20, 1936), better known as Anne Sullivan, was an American teacher best known for being the instructor and lifelong companion of Helen Keller. At the age of five, Sullivan contracted trachoma, an eye disease, which left her blind and without reading or writing skills. She received her education as a student of the Perkins School for the Blind, where upon graduation she became a teacher to Keller when she was 20. Sullivan was born on April 14,", "id": "6548452" }, { "contents": "Helen the Baby Fox\n\n\nof the family. Taichi feels abandoned as well, and clashes with Ko when the vet sees the new arrival as a burden, especially after discovering that the fox is deaf and blind. However, Taichi names it Helen after Helen Keller and attempts to bring her back to full health while teaching her about the world as sort of a young Annie Sullivan. Even though Taichi gets her to eat, Helen suffers increasing fits stemming from her brain, which is the result of a tumor. It was first released in Japanese cinemas", "id": "14212822" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nto what race or creed anyone belongs if he is faithful to his ideals of right living. Keller visited 35 countries from 1946 to 1957. In 1948 she went to New Zealand and visited deaf schools in Christchurch and Auckland. She met Deaf Society of Canterbury Life Member Patty Still in Christchurch. Keller suffered a series of strokes in 1961 and spent the last years of her life at her home. On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the United States'", "id": "14426087" }, { "contents": "Perkins School for the Blind\n\n\naccessible equipment—including Perkins Braillers, brailler repair and assistive technology—to all who need it. On May 5, 2016, Perkins launched BlindNewWorld, a social change campaign aimed at helping the sighted population to be more inclusive of people who are blind and to make the world more accessible to them. On June 8, 2012, in conjunction with the Helen Keller National Center (HKNC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Perkins School for the Blind was selected to conduct nationwide outreach for the National Deaf-", "id": "6548484" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nmajor events of Helen Keller's life and is one of the biggest paintings done based on Helen Keller's life. A preschool for the deaf and hard of hearing in Mysore, India, was originally named after Helen Keller by its founder, K. K. Srinivasan. In 1999, Keller was listed in Gallup's Most Widely Admired People of the 20th century. In 2003, Alabama honored its native daughter on its state quarter. The Alabama state quarter is the only circulating U.S. coin to feature braille. The Helen Keller Hospital in", "id": "14426095" }, { "contents": "California School for the Blind\n\n\neducation building survived the 1906 San Francisco earthquake with damage to some chimneys and the slate roof as well as interior cracks, but there was no fire and the main walls held firm. Additional buildings were erected over the years: a gymnasium in 1915, a girls' dormitory in 1925, a boys' dormitory and another classroom building in 1929, a wing added to the new classroom building in 1931, the Helen Keller Building for classes for the deaf-blind in 1949, and a new dining facility in 1957. Ms.", "id": "116399" }, { "contents": "Easton, Connecticut\n\n\n. Today, half of the town's property is owned by the Aquarion Water Company of Connecticut, the major supplier of water in the area. On June 1, 1968, the deaf and blind activist Helen Keller died at the age of 87 in her Easton home, where she chose to spend her final days. Her house is still intact today and has been owned by several families since her death. The local middle school bears her name. The 2009 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was a Norway Spruce donated from a private", "id": "17748127" }, { "contents": "Ragnhild Kåta\n\n\nthe words named the object. After that she learned to understand others by placing her hand on their lips as they spoke, she learned to write, and to read Braille.During the summer of 1889, Kåta met with Mary Swift Lamson (1822-1909) who had taught Laura Bridgman at the Perkins School for the Blind. At that time, Mrs. Lamson reported that Kåta could already speak simple sentences. In 1890, ten-year-old Helen Keller was introduced to the story of Ragnhild Kåta and was inspired", "id": "18358186" }, { "contents": "Geraldine Lawhorn\n\n\non daytime television shows and won several awards, like the Award of the Best One-Woman show by trade magazine Show Business. Ebony Magazine wrote an article about her life with eight pages spread. Jerrie was also columnist for Braille magazines and wrote short stories for Skylark. In 1966, Geraldine was invited to the 100th birthday anniversary of Anne Sullivan, instructor of Helen Keller. The Perkins School for the Blind and the Industrial Home for the Blind sponsored the Centennial Commemoration at the Washington National Cathedral. This night, eight deaf", "id": "20393704" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\n, and eventually became a constant companion to Keller. Keller moved to Forest Hills, Queens, together with Sullivan and Macy, and used the house as a base for her efforts on behalf of the American Foundation for the Blind. \"While in her thirties Helen had a love affair, became secretly engaged, and defied her teacher and family by attempting an elopement with the man she loved.\" He was \"Peter Fagan, a young Boston Herald reporter who was sent to Helen's home to act as her private secretary", "id": "14426075" }, { "contents": "Nazi book burnings\n\n\nthe following types of literature, as described by the Nazis, were to be banned: Many German students were complicit in the Nazi book burning campaign. They were known as Deutsche Studentenschaft, and when they ran out of books in their own libraries they turned to independent bookstores. Libraries were also asked to stock their shelves with material that stood up to Hitler's standards, and destroy anything that did not. The blind writer Helen Keller published an \"Open Letter to German Students:\" 'You may burn my books and", "id": "20459189" }, { "contents": "Grace Crosby Hamman\n\n\nin Micronesia, titled \"Ophthalmological Survey of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands\" (1954). In 1937, she was involved in welcoming Helen Keller to Hawaii for a visit. In 1954, Grace Hamman received the Migel Medal from the American Foundation for the Blind. Helen Keller gave a speech at the presentation ceremony, in New York concluding that \"It must indeed be a source of pleasure and gratification to you that you have enabled the Hawaiian blind to form part of the universal brotherhood that shall bring inner light", "id": "21379968" }, { "contents": "List of Beautiful People characters\n\n\nDebbie was working in the pub. Hayley was born in Bushey, Hertfordshire, but moves in with the Doonans so Debbie can wean her off her amphetamine addiction. Hayley is blind, and she describes Helen Keller as her role model. While Hayley claims to be \"blind\" she insinuates that she can actually \"see\". She participated in the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp and frequently recalls her time there. She buys Simon a nylon tracksuit, which he loathes. Simon seeks revenge, after he is made to", "id": "3646823" }, { "contents": "Joe Hill\n\n\nto be a 'goat' [scapegoat] and the undersigned being, as they thought, a friendless tramp, a Swede, and worst of all, an IWW, had no right to live anyway, and was therefore duly selected to be 'the goat'.\" The case turned into a major media event. President Woodrow Wilson, Helen Keller (the blind and deaf author and fellow-IWW member), the Swedish ambassador and the Swedish public all became involved in a bid for clemency. It generated international", "id": "1025935" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nKeller (1836–1896), spent many years as an editor of the Tuscumbia \"North Alabamian\" and had served as a captain in the Confederate Army. Her mother, Catherine Everett (Adams) Keller (1856–1921), known as \"Kate\", was the daughter of Charles W. Adams, a Confederate general. Her paternal lineage was traced to Casper Keller, a native of Switzerland. One of Helen's Swiss ancestors was the first teacher for the deaf in Zurich. Keller reflected on this irony in her first autobiography,", "id": "14426060" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller International\n\n\nwaters of the Atlantic off the coast of Ireland, he vowed that if he survived, he would devote much of his time and substantial financial resources to a worthwhile cause. The cause he chose was assisting Allied soldiers blinded in the service. He later befriended Helen Keller and helped found the organization that became Helen Keller International. HKI's two major areas of expertise are Eye Health and Nutrition. Its Eye Health programs address the major causes of blindness in the world, including cataract, trachoma and onchocerciasis, and treating refractive error", "id": "17734823" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nfor activism came in part from her concern about blindness and other disabilities: The last sentence refers to prostitution and syphilis, the former a frequent cause of the latter, and the latter a leading cause of blindness. In the same interview, Keller also cited the 1912 strike of textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts for instigating her support of socialism. Keller supported eugenics. In 1915 she wrote in favor of refusing life-saving medical procedures to infants with severe mental impairments or physical deformities, stating that their lives were not worthwhile", "id": "14426082" }, { "contents": "Tadoma\n\n\ngiving the deaf-blind person a better chance of understanding what the speaker is trying to communicate. In addition, the Tadoma method can provide the deaf-blind person with a closer connection with speech than they might otherwise have had. This can, in turn, help them to retain speech skills that they developed before going deaf, and in special cases, to learn how to speak brand new words. The Tadoma method was invented by American teacher Sophie Alcorn and developed at the Perkins School for the Blind in Massachusetts.", "id": "12671923" }, { "contents": "Wilhelm Jerusalem\n\n\n) in Vienna. In 1891 he was an outside lecturer at the University of Vienna. One of his interests was education, and he demanded a change of the educational system in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Another of his fields of interest was the education of minorities. He wrote a monograph about the education of the deafblind. In 1890 he published a psychological study about the deafblind Laura Bridgman. He is regarded as the discoverer of the literary talent of the deaf-blind writer Helen Keller and corresponded with her. They", "id": "17290106" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller Day\n\n\nG. Ellington where he proclaimed Keller's 80th birthday. On June 19, 1980, President Jimmy Carter issues Proclamation #4767 to honor Helen Keller and her accomplishment. Outside of the proclamations, the holiday is also observed by private organizations. Since 1971, the Lions Club International has declared the holiday on June 1 annually to commemorate the speech Keller gave on June 30, 1968, to spread awareness of the American Foundation for the Blind. The day is generally observed internationally through the Blind Association and other international organizations who help people", "id": "18914108" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nJewish author H.J.Kaeser. A painting titled \"The Advocate: Tribute to Helen Keller\" was created by three artists from Kerala as a tribute to Helen Keller. The Painting was created in association with a non-profit organization Art d'Hope Foundation, artists groups Palette People and XakBoX Design & Art Studio. This painting was created for a fundraising event to help blind students in India and was inaugurated by M. G. Rajamanikyam, IAS (District Collector Ernakulam) on Helen Keller day (June 27, 2016). The painting depicts the", "id": "14426094" }, { "contents": "Deafblindness\n\n\ndeafblind. Helen Keller was a well-known example of a deafblind individual. Furthermore, the deafblind community has its own culture, creating a community of deafblindness similar to the Deaf community and the blind community. Each community is made up of a group of individuals who have undergone similar experiences and have a homogeneous understanding of what it means to be deafblind, even with a large diversity of unique backgrounds. Some deafblind individuals view their condition as a part of their identity. The medical condition of deafblindness comes in different forms.", "id": "9454718" }, { "contents": "Joseph Edgar Chamberlin\n\n\nof their children died in infancy or childhood. In 1888, through his \"Transcript\" writing and advocacy for the Perkins School for the Blind, Chamberlin began a friendship with Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan. Keller and Sullivan began visiting Chamberlin and his family at their home called Red Farm in Wrentham, Massachusetts when Helen was nine years old. She often spent weekends and holidays with the Chamberlins and lived with them for a year in 1896-97. Early in the friendship, she began calling Chamberlin \"Uncle Ed", "id": "21584846" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\n49-year-long relationship during which Sullivan evolved into Keller's governess and eventually her companion. Sullivan arrived at Keller's house on March 5, 1887, a day Keller would forever remember as \"my soul's birthday.\" Sullivan immediately began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hand, beginning with \"d-o-l-l\" for the doll that she had brought Keller as a present. Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely", "id": "14426064" }, { "contents": "Anne Sullivan\n\n\nteacher to governess and finally to companion and friend. Sullivan's curriculum involved a strict schedule with constant introduction of new vocabulary words; however, Sullivan quickly changed her teachings after seeing they did not suit Keller. Instead, she began to teach her vocabulary based on her own interests, by spelling each word out into Keller's palm; within six months this method proved to be working, as Keller had learned 575 words, some multiplication tables, and the Braille system. Sullivan strongly encouraged Helen's parents to send her to", "id": "6548459" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nwhen lifelong companion, Anne, fell ill.\" Anne Sullivan died in 1936 after a coma as a result of coronary thrombosis, with Keller holding her hand. Keller and Thomson moved to Connecticut. They traveled worldwide and raised funds for the blind. Thomson had a stroke in 1957 from which she never fully recovered, and died in 1960. Winnie Corbally, a nurse whom they originally hired to care for Thomson in 1957, stayed on after her death and was Keller's companion for the rest of her life. Keller", "id": "14426076" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nthe hallmark of Keller's later life, although a Disney version produced in 2000 states in the credits that she became an activist for social equality. The Bollywood movie \"Black\" (2005) was largely based on Keller's story, from her childhood to her graduation. A documentary called \"Shining Soul: Helen Keller's Spiritual Life and Legacy\" was produced by the Swedenborg Foundation in the same year. The film focuses on the role played by Emanuel Swedenborg's spiritual theology in her life and how it inspired Keller's", "id": "14426092" }, { "contents": "Geraldine Lawhorn\n\n\nin the Deaf-Blind community. She encouraged deaf-blind people to never give up and \"keep trying\". In 1991, Miss Lawhorn wrote her autobiography entitled \"On Different Roads\". She supported that people had the same goals but took different roads. In the 2000s, Geraldine traveled throughout the United States to educate people on how to teach deaf-blind people. She lived alone in her South Side apartment and daily used a lot of equipment like the Braille cooking utensils. She wished she could drive and", "id": "20393713" }, { "contents": "Rajneesh\n\n\nRajneesh, one has no right to knowingly inflict a lifetime of suffering: life should begin only at birth, and even then, \"If a child is born deaf, dumb, and we cannot do anything, and the parents are willing, the child should be put to eternal sleep\" rather than \"take the risk of burdening the earth with a crippled, blind child.\" He argued that this simply freed the soul to inhabit a healthy body instead: \"Only the body goes back into its basic elements", "id": "15106383" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nwas one of twelve inaugural inductees to the Alabama Writers Hall of Fame on June 8, 2015. Helen Adams Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her family lived on a homestead, Ivy Green, that Helen's grandfather had built decades earlier. She had four siblings; two full siblings, Mildred Campbell (Keller) Tyson and Phillip Brooks Keller, and two older half-brothers from her father's prior marriage, James McDonald Keller and William Simpson Keller. Her father, Arthur Henley", "id": "14426059" }, { "contents": "Frank Haven Hall\n\n\nin 1893. At the Chicago World Fair, Hall was displaying his latest invention, the stereotyper, when Hellen Keller famously approached him and publicly hugged and kissed him, drawing gasps from the crowd as such an occurrence was against social structure at the time. In the book Devil in the White City, Erick Larson retells the emotional story of Hall meeting Helen Keller at the Chicago World Fair in 1893. According to Larson, when Helen Keller learned that Hall was the inventor of the Braille typewriter she used, she hugged and", "id": "6324387" }, { "contents": "Vincent “Rocco” Vargas\n\n\nVincent \"Rocco\" Vargas (born 1981/1982) is an American Entertainer, producer and writer, known for Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves, Range 15, Mayans MC and MBest11x YouTube channel Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves tells the shocking story of how a group of nightwolves terrorized a tiny village, taking people’s hearing and eye sight…and the one woman who fought back. Vargas played Julio Scagnetti, the relative of Dave and Bo Scagnetti, who heckles Helen Keller in the diner scene of the film. Range 15 was spawned from the", "id": "10451571" }, { "contents": "Murugappa Channaveerappa Modi\n\n\nThe government of India has awarded him with its highest awards of the Padma Shree and Padma Bhushan. Helen Keller, the blind and deaf-mute American author, it is said, attended one of his camps in 1954, and asked him: \"Have you insured your hands?\" It is believed that through his mass eye camps, he has conducted 579,000 operations, and has examined over 5,000,000 (5 million) patients and given free food to over 10,000,000 (10 million) persons. Dr. Modi appeared in the Guinness", "id": "15688997" }, { "contents": "The Miracle Worker (1962 film)\n\n\nAwards, including Best Director for Arthur Penn, and won two awards, Best Actress for Anne Bancroft and Best Supporting Actress for Patty Duke. \"The Miracle Worker\" also holds a perfect 100% score from the movie critics site Rotten Tomatoes. Young Helen Keller (Patty Duke), blind and deaf since infancy due to a severe case of scarlet fever, is frustrated by her inability to communicate and subject to frequent violent and uncontrollable outbursts as a result. Unable to deal with her, her terrified and helpless parents contact", "id": "21093786" }, { "contents": "Black (2005 film)\n\n\nBlack is a 2005 Indian Hindi-language drama film directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and starring Rani Mukerji and Amitabh Bachchan. \"Black\" revolves around a deaf-blind girl, and her relationship with her teacher who himself later develops Alzheimer's disease. The film draws inspiration from Helen Keller's life and struggle. \"Black\" was a commercial success, becoming the second highest grossing Indian film worldwide in 2005 and the highest-grossing 2005 Indian film overseas. The movie was inspired by the 1962 movie \"The Miracle Worker", "id": "5433707" }, { "contents": "Noise-induced hearing loss\n\n\nis known to negatively impact one’s overall health and well-being. The compounding impacts can also lead to depression, especially if hearing impairment leads to tinnitus. Research suggests that those with hearing impairment or loss may be at a greater risk for deterioration of quality of life, as captured by a quote from Helen Keller: \"Blindness cuts us off from things, but deafness cuts us off from people.\" Hearing impairment and loss of hearing, regardless of source or age, also limits experiencing the many benefits of sound", "id": "6221688" }, { "contents": "Deafblindness\n\n\n. This video shows operation of the device. The 1959 play \"The Miracle Worker\", and its film adaptation released in 1962, recounts Anne Sullivan's efforts to draw Helen Keller from her world of blindness and deafness. The Bollywood movie \"Black\", featured Rani Mukerji as a deafblind character named Michelle McNally. The Who album \"Tommy\" tells one continuous life story about a deafblind boy named Tommy through songs. Haben Girma, the first deafblind individual to graduate from Harvard Law School, set out to make a", "id": "9454726" }, { "contents": "Lucy Goldthwaite\n\n\nfor the Blind\" during World War II. With input from her patrons, she advocated for more popular, current, and recreational reading for lending in audio formats. Goldthwaite served on the New York State Commission on the Blind for twenty years, from 1913 to 1933. In retirement she worked part-time for the American Foundation for the Blind. In 1946, fellow Alabamian Helen Keller presented Goldthwaite with the Migel Award from the American Foundation for the Blind, for \"outstanding service to the blind\". Lucy Armistead Goldthwaite", "id": "3246403" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller International\n\n\nHelen Keller International (HKI) combats the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research in vision, health and nutrition. Founded in 1915 by Helen Keller and George A. Kessler, the organization's mission is to save the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. George A. Kessler, also known as the \"Champagne King,\" was a passenger on the in 1915 when it was torpedoed by a German U-boat. When he was fighting for his life in the cold", "id": "17734822" }, { "contents": "Helen Nishikawa\n\n\nShe is well known as the wife of the comedian and former politician Kiyoshi Nishikawa and has written two books. Helen Sugimoto was born in Kyoto on 6 October 1946 but has not revealed who her father was. After her marriage, she acknowledged that her first name was derived from Helen Keller, a person her father admired. In Japan single parent women generally have a lower social status, as did entertainers, and as an American-Japanese shortly after World War II, Helen suffered much bullying in her early age. Helen", "id": "22200627" }, { "contents": "Chicago Lighthouse\n\n\ncrafting coffin handles and edges, assembling various products such as electrical wires for Edison Appliance Company, and hand weaving baskets, which were later to be sold as gift items in the shops and holiday catalogs of Marshall Field's. In 1931, The Chicago Lighthouse's original name, \"Improvement Association for the Blind,\" is changed to \"The Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind.\" In 1955, The Chicago Lighthouse hosted a dedication ceremony of a new building at which Helen Keller was the keynote speaker. Helen Keller was a", "id": "6335905" }, { "contents": "Ivy Green\n\n\nIvy Green is the name for the childhood home of Helen Keller. It is located in Tuscumbia, Alabama. The house was built in 1820 and is a simple white clapboard house. The actual well pump where Helen Keller first communicated with Anne Sullivan is located at Ivy Green. The property includes the cottage where Keller was born and the house where she spent her early childhood. Every summer, for over 30 years, the Helen Keller Foundation has presented outdoor performances of William Gibson's \"The Miracle Worker\". The play", "id": "8190057" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nwas flowing over my hand. The living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, set it free!\" Keller then nearly exhausted Sullivan demanding the names of all the other familiar objects in her world. Helen Keller was viewed as isolated but was very in touch with the outside world. She was able to enjoy music by feeling the beat and she was able to have a strong connection with animals through touch. She was delayed at picking up language, but that did not stop her from having a voice", "id": "14426067" }, { "contents": "Arnall Patz\n\n\ntransplant.\" In 1956, Patz and , a biochemist who worked with Patz on a larger study that confirmed Patz's findings, received the Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award. Helen Keller presented Patz and Kinsey with the award. The \"Wall Street Journal\" called Patz the man who \"helped solve the riddle of how 10,000 babies went blind.\" \"The New York Times\" credited him with \"saving countless babies from blindness\", and, through his research on the use of lasers, with \"preserving the sight", "id": "19477130" }, { "contents": "Hanawa Hokiichi\n\n\nHokiichi became blind when he was 5 years old. He learned history, literature, medical science and jurisprudence from several masters. One of them was Kamo no Mabuchi. Hokiichi compiled \"Gunsho Ruijū\" (群書類従 Great collection of old documents). In 1937, Helen Keller came to Japan and visited Hokiichi's memorial house. She expressed her impression as follows: \"When I was a child, my mother told me that Mr. Hanawa should be my role model. To visit this place and touch his statue was the most", "id": "21187937" }, { "contents": "Verle A. Pope\n\n\nof it the year after. Pope was born at Jacksonville in 1903 to two deaf parents, Artemus and Cora Carlton Pope, who were in the first graduating class of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind in St. Augustine. As a child, Pope and his family moved multiple times around the state of Florida before settling in St. Augustine. He learned sign language to communicate with his parents and did not start speaking until he was seven years of age. He dropped out of school at the age of 14 and fabricated", "id": "5237590" }, { "contents": "Land of Silence and Darkness\n\n\nLand of Silence and Darkness () is a 1971 documentary film about deaf-blind people and their experience of life. The film was written, directed, and produced by Werner Herzog. Rolf Illig provided narration. Herzog follows Fini Straubinger, a German woman who became deaf-blind early in life, as she visits with other deaf-blind people, and discusses their struggle to live in the modern world. In one scene from the film, the filmmakers visit a home for boys who were born deaf-blind;", "id": "13301314" }, { "contents": "Alexander Graham Bell\n\n\nthe Clarke School for the Deaf for a recommendation. Teaching his father's system, in October 1872, Alexander Bell opened his \"School of Vocal Physiology and Mechanics of Speech\" in Boston, which attracted a large number of deaf pupils, with his first class numbering 30 students. While he was working as a private tutor, one of his pupils was Helen Keller, who came to him as a young child unable to see, hear, or speak. She was later to say that Bell dedicated his life to the", "id": "286575" }, { "contents": "Black (2005 film)\n\n\n\"\". He was inspired by Helen Keller's autobiography \"The Story of My Life\" and visited the Helen Keller Institute to do research. He also read the autobiography of deaf-mute pianist Geraldine Lawhorn for ideas. Much of the film was based on his observations between students, teachers and parents at the Institute. Bhansali originally planned for the film to be a low-budget film in Hindi and English which would provide a change from his prior film, the expensive \"Devdas\". A self-described \"", "id": "5433720" }, { "contents": "Truly Tasteless Jokes\n\n\ntasteless jokes,\" which the marketing director liked. Applewhite organized her joke collection into \"timeless categories\" including Helen Keller (\"How did Helen Keller burn her fingers? Reading the waffle iron\"), dead baby, Jewish, WASP, black, Polish, homosexual, and handicapped. The book's jokes were typically a few lines or paragraphs in length. \"Truly Tasteless Jokes\" became a runaway bestseller, appearing on the bestseller lists of \"The New York Times\", \"The Washington Post\" and \"", "id": "14861195" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\ntwo highest civilian honors. In 1965 she was elected to the National Women's Hall of Fame at the New York World's Fair. Keller devoted much of her later life to raising funds for the American Foundation for the Blind. She died in her sleep on June 1, 1968, at her home, Arcan Ridge, located in Easton, Connecticut, a few weeks short of her eighty-eighth birthday. A service was held in her honor at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., her body was cremated and", "id": "14426088" }, { "contents": "Helen Keller\n\n\nidentifying it. In fact, when Sullivan was trying to teach Keller the word for \"mug\", Keller became so frustrated she broke the mug. But soon she began imitating Sullivan’s hand gestures. “I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed,” Keller remembered. “I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation.” Keller's breakthrough in communication came the next month, when she realized that the motions her teacher was making on the palm of her", "id": "14426065" } ]
How does panic serve a function? It seems counter-productive to turn off logical function...
[{"answer": "When you panic you do one of several things. Freeze, Fight, or Run. If you are out in the woods, and you see a large predator and you freeze. You are less noticeable, less threatening if it does see you, and you aren't provoking it into chasing you by running, so other members of the herd that run get noticed, and chased down first. or you fight, and with the adrenaline you may buy yourself time to run, or for others to assist you, or you may even ward of the predator by being too tough for it to be worth it. Or you run, and the adrenaline makes you fast enough that you aren't caught(or faster than the slowest of the herd) I know when I'm hunting deer and it hasn't snowed, if they freeze and are far enough away I won't even notice them. They blend in so well that I typically just watch for movement because every dark bush looks like a deer from a distance to my eyes until I scope it out or see movement. For people who freeze, and never unfreeze, evolutionary anomaly, they would get weeded out. If things go south they should turn to run or fight. EDIT: To add, in modern society it isn't very useful because you are typically freezing in situations when you need to perform some task or move out of the way of something, when historically you just need to not be noticed or run away."}, {"answer": "In some situations you don't have time to think about everything rationally and come to a well-reasoned decision. Stand around pondering how dangerous tigers have been on average over the past decade and you're kitty chow. Panic is basically the big red eject button. Running away, fighting or hiding are good options. Once you've done that, the panic will fade. Unfortunately this isn't helpful in today's world: See snake - > panic - > run away - > live happily ever after. See boss - > panic - > run away - > get fired, starve to death."}, {"answer": "Panic is *fast*. When you bypass much of your cognitive processing, you react much more quickly and extremely. You simply react. A bad choice made quickly can be better than a good choice made too late."}, {"answer": "There is an important distinction to make here. Different parts of your brain do and are responsible for different things. Some parts are much older than others. The part relevant here is the limbic system. It's a very old part of the brain found all the way back to our reptilian ancestors (fucking old). The limbic system is responsible for our fight or flight response, but has little to no control on our cognitive abilities. In animals with no cognitive portions of the brain, this has no effect, but they still need to be able to respond to imminent threats. The system has remained fairly untouched through evolution due to its usefulness. The cognizance necessary to perform better under duress has only recently been evolved. Panic is when the responses of the limbic system become so strong that they overwhelm the cognitive portions of the brain."}, {"answer": "Panic is when you stop thinking and act on instinct...and you can react much faster on instinct and muscle memory than stopping and thinking about the situation. Basically, a predator jumps out at you, you panic and run away. The simple truth is it doesn't matter *what* you're running away from, just that you're running away as fast as possible. It's a fight or flight reaction: You either leg it or lash out."}, {"answer": "One way to look at it - bearing in mind that this is just something I read somewhere, so grain of salt time - is that panic might be an evolutionary advantage for a group of humans, if not for the individuals in the group. Most often people panic when they are faced with a new situation that they do not have a learned response for. If a group of people are all suddenly faced with an unknown and deadly threat, the way to increase the odds of some fraction surviving is to have everyone try a different strategy. Panic causes that to happen by inciting nearly random responses from each person in the group. The survivors, if any, now have a new learned response to the situation which proved successful at least once."}, {"answer": "check out Daniel Kahneman. He discusses decision making thats been applied to the economical world but i think its also relevant to your question. Its all to do with the speed that we process information. Sometimes, yes I completely agree with you, it is counter-intuative. We evolved these types of reactions for a different world though and sometimes when its transferred into modern society it does make things worse for us."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "309674", "title": "Panic", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 333, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Outline of logic\n\n\nthe study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has grown to include the study of generalized computability and definability. The basic questions addressed by recursion theory are \"What does it mean for a function from the natural numbers to themselves to be computable?\" and \"How can noncomputable functions be classified into a hierarchy based on their level of noncomputability?\". The answers to these questions have led to a rich theory that is still being actively researched. Classical logic Non-classical logic Modal logic Mathematical logic – History", "id": "8439806" }, { "contents": "Espresso heuristic logic minimizer\n\n\nthat no more logic gates are used than are necessary) is necessary to minimize production costs, and/or maximize a device's performance. All digital systems are composed of two elementary functions: memory elements for storing information, and combinational circuits that transform that information. State machines, like counters, are a combination of memory elements and combinational logic circuits. Since memory elements are standard logic circuits they are selected out of a limited set of alternative circuits; so designing digital functions comes down to designing the combinational gate circuits and interconnecting them", "id": "19890019" }, { "contents": "Personality type\n\n\nup from the unconscious mind. The meaning is in how the data relates to the pattern or theory. \"Thinking\" and \"feeling\" are the decision-making (judging) functions. The thinking and feeling functions are both used to make rational decisions, based on the data received from their information-gathering functions (sensing or intuition). Those who prefer the thinking function tend to decide things from a more detached standpoint, measuring the decision by what seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent and matching a given", "id": "12746784" }, { "contents": "Functional predicate\n\n\ntreatments of formal logic do not deal explicitly with function symbols but instead use only relation symbols; another way to think of this is that a functional predicate is a \"special kind of\" predicate, specifically one that satisfies the proposition above. This may seem to be a problem if you wish to specify a proposition schema that applies only to functional predicates \"F\"; how do you know ahead of time whether it satisfies that condition? To get an equivalent formulation of the schema, first replace anything of the form \"", "id": "9505775" }, { "contents": "Panic disorder\n\n\nincreases the risk of developing panic disorder with or without agoraphobia and panic attacks; smoking started in adolescence or early adulthood particularly increases this risk of developing panic disorder. While the mechanism of how smoking increases panic attacks is not fully understood, a few hypotheses have been derived. Smoking cigarettes may lead to panic attacks by causing changes in respiratory function (e.g. feeling short of breath). These respiratory changes in turn can lead to the formation of panic attacks, as respiratory symptoms are a prominent feature of panic. Respiratory abnormalities have", "id": "16650735" }, { "contents": "Rete algorithm\n\n\nin turn, match the conditions for another production. If a subsequent change to working memory causes the first match to become invalid, it may be that this implies that the second match is also invalid. The Rete algorithm does not define any mechanism to define and handle these logical truth dependencies automatically. Some engines, however, support additional functionality in which truth dependencies can be automatically maintained. In this case, the retraction of one WME may lead to the automatic retraction of additional WMEs in order to maintain logical truth assertions.", "id": "8248599" }, { "contents": "Complex programmable logic device\n\n\nallows CPLDs to be used for \"boot loader\" functions, before handing over control to other devices not having their own permanent program storage. A good example is where a CPLD is used to load configuration data for an FPGA from non-volatile memory. CPLDs were an evolutionary step from even smaller devices that preceded them, PLAs (first shipped by Signetics), and PALs. These in turn were preceded by standard logic products, that offered no programmability and were used to build logic functions by physically wiring several standard logic", "id": "3397338" }, { "contents": "Fuzzy logic\n\n\n\" that can be applied. These are generally adverbs such as \"very\", or \"somewhat\", which modify the meaning of a set using a mathematical formula. However, an arbitrary choice table does not always define a fuzzy logic function. In the paper, a criterion has been formulated to recognize whether a given choice table defines a fuzzy logic function and a simple algorithm of fuzzy logic function synthesis has been proposed based on introduced concepts of constituents of minimum and maximum. A fuzzy logic function represents a disjunction of", "id": "4699200" }, { "contents": "Andreas Dorschel\n\n\nAesthetics of Useful Things\"] (2002), Dorschel probes different ways of assessing artefacts. He “observed that ‘the concepts of the useful and [of] purpose have been replaced in the philosophy of design by that of function’”, Ute Poerschke states in a dense summary of the monograph. ‘Function’ seemed to maintain the older meaning, but covered a bias towards technology. “The question of ‘how’ (how does this machine function?) replaced the question of ‘what’ (for", "id": "17985838" }, { "contents": "Espresso heuristic logic minimizer\n\n\nblock. In general, e.g. tens of variables with tens of output functions are readily dealt with . The input for Espresso is a function table of the desired functionality; the result is a minimized table, describing either the ON-cover or the OFF-cover of the function, depending on the selected options. By default, the product terms will be shared as much as possible by the several output functions, but the program can be instructed to handle each of the output functions separately. This allows for efficient implementation in", "id": "19890027" }, { "contents": "Dolby Pro Logic\n\n\nLogic that upmixes stereo and multi-channel inputs to play over Atmos configurations. It is:\"...part of the Dolby Atmos bundle of technologies. It is an upmixer designed to function with traditional channel-based layouts, as well as Atmos enabled layouts that include overhead or Atmos-enabled speakers. It processes native stereo, 5.1, and 7.1 content. \"How does it work?\"The Dolby Surround upmixer is based on phase and gain relationships of elements in the signal, but importantly employs wideband functionality that analyzes and processes multiple perceptually spaced", "id": "3361732" }, { "contents": "Eugene Gendlin\n\n\nand has its own properties, different from those of logic; for example, it is very precise, more intricate, and can be conceptualized in a variety of non-arbitrary ways. Much of Gendlin's philosophy is concerned with showing how this implicit bodily knowing functions in relation to logic. For example, Gendlin has found that when the felt sense is allowed to function in relation to concepts, each carries the other forward, through steps of deeper feel and new formulation. Gendlin underlines that one can (and often does", "id": "4259555" }, { "contents": "Peano–Russell notation\n\n\n\"contradictory function\", the \"logical sum\", the \"logical product\", and the \"implicative function\". The contradictory function applied to a proposition returns its negation. The logical sum applied to two propositions returns their disjunction. The logical product applied to two propositions returns the truth-value of both propositions being simultaneously true. The implicative function applied to two ordered propositions returns the truth value of the first implying the second proposition. \"Equivalence\" is written as formula_5, standing for formula_6. \"Assertion\"", "id": "1391683" }, { "contents": "Löwenheim–Skolem theorem\n\n\nproperties, along with the compactness theorem, that are used in Lindström's theorem to characterize first-order logic. In general, the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem does not hold in stronger logics such as second-order logic. A signature consists of a set of function symbols \"S\", a set of relation symbols \"S\", and a function formula_1 representing the arity of function and relation symbols. (A nullary function symbol is called a constant symbol.) In the context of first-order logic, a", "id": "21014676" }, { "contents": "Richards controller\n\n\nLDN bit on the counter, and the A, B, C and D inputs. LDN tells the counter to load the value on the A, B, C and D inputs. Using some combinational logic, you can load a value into the counter for certain functions but not others, as well as specifying the state address to be loaded, given what function is active. Doing this is a simple matter of building a table of functions and the states that they should transition to, then finding the Boolean Algebra expression", "id": "10497126" }, { "contents": "Vienna Development Method\n\n\nfor abstraction requires that it should be possible to characterize the result that a function should compute without having to say how it should be computed. The main mechanism for doing this is the \"implicit function definition\" in which, instead of a formula computing a result, a logical predicate over the input and result variables, termed a \"postcondition\", gives the result's properties. For example, a function codice_49 for calculating a square root of a natural number might be defined as follows: Here the postcondition does not define", "id": "12796724" }, { "contents": "Truth function\n\n\none or both of its arguments. Truth and falsehood is denoted as 1 and 0 in the following truth tables, respectively, for sake of brevity. Because a function may be expressed as a composition, a truth-functional logical calculus does not need to have dedicated symbols for all of the above-mentioned functions to be functionally complete. This is expressed in a propositional calculus as logical equivalence of certain compound statements. For example, classical logic has equivalent to . The conditional operator \"→\" is therefore not necessary for", "id": "19730080" }, { "contents": "Simple programmable logic device\n\n\n, simply replacing one PLD with another part that has been programmed with the new design can alter the decoding logic. Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are digital devices with configurable logic and flip-flops linked together with programmable interconnect. Logic devices provide specific functions, including: Memory cells control and define the function that the logic performs and how the various logic functions are interconnected. Logic devices can be classified into two broad categories - fixed and programmable. Fixed Logic Devices : As the name suggests, the circuits in a fixed", "id": "7616876" }, { "contents": "TrafFix Devices, Inc. v. Marketing Displays, Inc.\n\n\nhas the burden of proving that the characteristic for which protection is sought is not functional—but having a patent for a design raises a very strong presumption that the design was functional. A design is functional if it serves any purpose that makes the product work better, or makes the product less expensive to produce. That an alternative design is available does not undercut the functionality of a given design.Discussing trademarks, we have said “ ‘[i]n general terms, a product feature is functional,’ and cannot serve", "id": "3849914" }, { "contents": "Thermochemical equation\n\n\n, like so: This is again logical when the First Law of Thermodynamics is considered. Twice as much product is produced, so twice as much heat is removed or given off. It should also be noted that division of coefficients works in the same way. Hess’s Law states that the sum of the energy changes of all the thermochemical equations included in an overall reaction is equal to the overall energy change. Since ΔH is a state function and so is not dependent on how the reactants become the products, we can", "id": "9060745" }, { "contents": "History of the function concept\n\n\nafter he had published his 1889. Both writers strongly influenced . Russell in turn influenced much of 20th-century mathematics and logic through his \"Principia Mathematica\" (1913) jointly authored with Alfred North Whitehead. At the outset Frege abandons the traditional \"concepts \"subject\" and \"predicate\"\", replacing them with \"argument\" and \"function\" respectively, which he believes \"will stand the test of time. It is easy to see how regarding a content as a function of an argument leads to the formation", "id": "14996704" }, { "contents": "The Biosphere Rules\n\n\nof species, which allow the distributed local manufacturing of organisms necessary to fulfill needed ecosystem functions within the context of a globally integrated system. In contrast, human manufacturing has tended to emphasize the commercialization of a specific product form rather than the underlying function that the product is intended to serve. Implementing the Biosphere Rules requires that engineers to shift design thinking towards providing a desired function, using the capabilities of the sustainable product platform as a design constraint on form. This approach logically leads to servicization and product of service strategies. Implementing", "id": "1933044" }, { "contents": "Christoph Wulf\n\n\nquestions guide the research: “How are gestures used in which context?” “What effect does the performativity of gestures have on people?” “To what extent do gestures have their own spoken language-independent logic?” “What is the productive function of gestures?” You cannot do justice to gestures if you only consider them from a linguistic perspective. A large part of gesture research did this for a long time. The findings were that a gesture promotes the understanding of a spoken statement when it is", "id": "15425132" }, { "contents": "Kinetic logic\n\n\na logical variable x which is associated with the level of an element and a logical function X which is associated with its evolution can be explained as follows. Consider a gene that is off (X = 0) for a considerable time, then is switched on (X = 1) by a signal, and then, after some time, it is switched off again (X= 0) by another signal and the product reappears but not immediately until a proper delay tx has elapsed. If a signal switches the gene off", "id": "3438986" }, { "contents": "Binary function\n\n\n,y\" are real-valued vectors of appropriate size and \"M\" is a matrix. If \"M\" is a positive definite matrix, this yields an inner product. Functions whose domain is a subset of formula_8 are often also called functions of two variables even if their domain does not form a rectangle and thus the cartesian product of two sets. In turn, one can also derive ordinary functions of one variable from a binary function. Given any element \"x\" of \"X\", there is a", "id": "3494922" }, { "contents": "Counterplan\n\n\nexample, a logical permutation is \"textually but not functionally intrinsic\" because it includes something which is logically but not textually included in the counterplan. Additionally, there are also permutations which are \"functionally but not textually intrinsic\". For example, textually permutating an agent counterplan may functionally include an element of cooperation functionally in neither the plan nor the counterplan without being textually intrinsic. Likewise, permuting the \"ban the plan\" counterplan is \"functionally but not textually severance\" because the plan does not happen in the world of", "id": "18841497" }, { "contents": "Productive and unproductive labour\n\n\nbusiness, this does not change the character of the function itself\" (Capital Vol. 2, Penguin ed., p. 209). Obviously, functions falling outside capitalist production altogether would not be \"capitalistically\" productive. Generally, Marx seems to have regarded labour as mainly unproductive from the point of view of capitalist society as a whole, if it involved functions which have to do purely with: Such activities were an inevitable \"cost\" to capitalist society which had to be met from reserves and from current income.", "id": "3375437" }, { "contents": "Functional specification\n\n\nis the more technical response to a matching requirements document, e.g. the Product Requirement Document \"PRD\". Thus it picks up the results of the requirements analysis stage. On more complex systems multiple levels of functional specifications will typically nest to each other, e.g. on the system level, on the module level and on the level of technical details. A functional specification does not define the inner workings of the proposed system; it does not include the specification of how the system function will be implemented. Instead, it focuses on", "id": "7388772" }, { "contents": "Environmental toxicants and fetal development\n\n\nand gas chemicals with extraction, specifically chemicals that have been shown to disrupt normal hormone production and function, the authors highly emphasized the need for a component centering around endocrine function and overall health with health assessments, and how this in turn impacts the environment. The healthy placenta is a semipermeable membrane that does form a barrier for most pathogens and for certain xenobiotic substances. However, it is by design an imperfect barrier since it must transport substances required for growth and development. Placental transport can be by passive diffusion for smaller molecules", "id": "14694505" }, { "contents": "Logic redundancy\n\n\nLogic redundancy occurs in a digital gate network containing circuitry that does not affect the static logic function. There are several reasons why logic redundancy may exist. One reason is that it may have been added deliberately to suppress transient glitches (thus causing a race condition) in the output signals by having two or more product terms overlap with a third one. Consider the following equation: The third product term formula_2 is a redundant consensus term. If formula_3 switches from 1 to 0 while formula_4 and formula_5, formula_6 remains 1. During", "id": "1167159" }, { "contents": "Product integral\n\n\napproximation doesn't depend on the partition, as long as the partition is a refinement of the partition defining the step function, whereas the value of the first type of approximation \"does\" depend on the fineness of the partition, even when it is a refinement of the partition defining the step function. It turns out that that for \"any\" product-integrable function formula_31, the limit of the first type of approximation equals the limit of the second type of approximation. Since, for step functions, the value of", "id": "6516541" }, { "contents": "Coinduction\n\n\n. To generate and manipulate codata, one typically uses corecursive functions, in conjunction with lazy evaluation. Informally, rather than defining a function by pattern-matching on each of the inductive constructors, one defines each of the \"destructors\" or \"observers\" over the function result. In programming, co-logic programming (co-LP for brevity) \"is a natural generalization of logic programming and coinductive logic programming, which in turn generalizes other extensions of logic programming, such as infinite trees, lazy predicates, and", "id": "9941499" }, { "contents": "Don't-care term\n\n\nIn digital logic, a don't-care term for a function is an input-sequence (a series of bits) for which the function output does not matter. An input that is known never to occur is a can't-happen term. Both these types of conditions are treated the same way in logic design and may be referred to collectively as \"don't-care conditions\" for brevity. The designer of a logic circuit to implement the function need not care about such inputs, but can choose the circuit's output", "id": "2219107" }, { "contents": "Alpha-fetoprotein\n\n\nof this hormone across the placenta to the fetus. The main function of this is to prevent the virilization of female fetuses. As human AFP does not bind estrogen, its function in humans is less clear. The rodent AFP system can be overridden with massive injections of estrogen, which overwhelm the AFP system and will masculinize the fetus. The masculinizing effect of estrogens may seem counter-intuitive since estrogens are critical for the proper development of female secondary characteristics during puberty. However, this is not the case prenatally. Gonadal hormones", "id": "9618089" }, { "contents": "PHPDoc\n\n\nThink of {@id} like an a name=\"idname\" HTML tag as it serves the same function. For more in depth discussion of PHPDoc tags, see To understand the role of packages and how to use @package, it is important to know the logic behind packaging in PHP. The quest for structured programming led to the invention of functions, then classes, and finally packages. Traditionally, a re-usable software module was a collection of variables, constants and functions that could be used by another software package. PHP", "id": "7953989" }, { "contents": "Zenith Flash-matic\n\n\nthese cables running from the transmitter to the TV monitor. Earlier remotes served as the central control system for transmitting complex signals to the receiving monitor. The Flash-matic instead placed the complexity in the receiver as opposed to the transmitter. It used a directional beam of light to control a television outfitted with four photo cells in the corners of the screen. The light signal would activate one of the four control functions, which turned the picture and sound on or off, and turned the channel tuner dial clockwise and counter-", "id": "17608181" }, { "contents": "Intensional logic\n\n\nand regard the functor as a function turning directly the \"extension of\" its input(s) into the extension of its output. Of course, it is assumed that we can do so at all: the extension of input expression(s) determines the extension of the resulting expression. Functors for which this assumption does not hold are called \"intensional\". Natural languages abound with intensional functors, this can be illustrated by intensional statements. Extensional logic cannot reach inside such fine logical structures of the language, it stops at a coarser", "id": "250452" }, { "contents": "Electro-galvanic oxygen sensor\n\n\nall differ within an accepted tolerance, they may all be deemed functional. If two differ within tolerance, and the third does not, the two within tolerance may be deemed functional, and the third faulty. If none are within tolerance of each other, they may all be faulty, and if one is not, there is no way of identifying it. Using this logic, the improvement in reliability gained by use of voting logic where at least two sensors must function for the system to function is greatly reduced compared to", "id": "13557392" }, { "contents": "Indicator function\n\n\nIF φ = 0 OR φ = 0 OR . . . OR φ = 0 THEN their product is 0. What appears to the modern reader as the representing function's logical inversion, i.e. the representing function is 0 when the function R is \"true\" or satisfied\", plays a useful role in Kleene's definition of the logical functions OR, AND, and IMPLY (p. 228), the bounded- (p. 228) and unbounded- (p. 279ff) mu operators (Kleene (1952)) and the CASE", "id": "10532737" }, { "contents": "Programmable logic controller\n\n\ncan be filled. Many companies use counters in PLC's to count boxes, count how many feet of something is covered, or to count how many pallets are on a truck. There are three types of counters, Up counters, Down counters, and Up/Down counters. Up counters count up to the preset value, turn on the CTU (CounT Up output) when the preset value is reached, and are cleared upon receiving a reset. Down counters count down from a preset value, turns on the CTD", "id": "5131633" }, { "contents": "HP 64000\n\n\nthe user system. Two types of logic analysis cards were offered, \"internal\" analyzers which measured signals directly off the emulation bus within the mainframe, and \"external\" analyzers which used separate probes to physically connect to elements of the user system. Similar to the processor and memory emulation products, analysis functions were often divided into controller cards and data acquisition cards. Some of the emulation processor controller cards offered internal analysis functions without separate hardware. Logic analysis hardware was also divided into \"state\" analyzers and \"timing\"", "id": "17813044" }, { "contents": "Elementary function arithmetic\n\n\nIn proof theory, a branch of mathematical logic, elementary function arithmetic, also called EFA, elementary arithmetic and exponential function arithmetic, is the system of arithmetic with the usual elementary properties of 0, 1, +, ×, \"x\", together with induction for formulas with bounded quantifiers. EFA is a very weak logical system, whose proof theoretic ordinal is ω, but still seems able to prove much of ordinary mathematics that can be stated in the language of first-order arithmetic. EFA is a system in", "id": "2908454" }, { "contents": "Simple programmable logic device\n\n\nlogic device are permanent, they perform one function or set of functions - once manufactured, they cannot be changed. With fixed logic devices, the time required to go from design, to prototypes, to a final manufacturing run can take from several months to more than a year, depending on the complexity of the device. And, if the device does not work properly, or if the requirements change, a new design must be developed. Programmable Logic Devices : On the other hand, programmable logic devices (PLDs", "id": "7616877" }, { "contents": "TimeTrax\n\n\nplayer. It functioned much like the satellite radio product, but for use with FM radio and had a 'line in'. This demonstrated more depth to the company's claims about their technology because FM radio does not provide the data stream with song name and artist (which provides the timing for 'cuts'). According to the media that got to use the product, it seemed to function as the company claimed (today, despite a commitment from the company, it appears that the product has not been made", "id": "10186416" }, { "contents": "Separation of concerns\n\n\ninsulated from the potential failure of other functions. Common examples include separating a space into rooms, so that activity in one room does not affect people in other rooms, and keeping the stove on one circuit and the lights on another, so that overload by the stove does not turn the lights off. The example with rooms shows encapsulation, where information inside one room, such as how messy it is, is not available to the other rooms, except through the interface, which is the door. The example with circuits", "id": "8675738" }, { "contents": "Predicate transformer semantics\n\n\nformula formula_45 reduces to the \"wrong proposition\" formula_46. The same counter-example can be reproduced using a \"specification statement\" (see above) instead: In predicate transformers semantics, expressions are restricted to terms of the logic (see above). However, this restriction seems too strong for most existing programming languages, where expressions may have side effects (call to a function having a side effect), may not terminate or abort (like \"division by zero\"). There are many proposals to extend weakest", "id": "5710314" }, { "contents": "Donkey sentence\n\n\nsituation. A correct translation into first-order logic for the donkey sentence seems to be indicating that indefinites must sometimes be interpreted as existential quantifiers, and other times as universal quantifiers. The solution that DRT provides for the donkey sentence problem can be roughly outlined as follows: The common semantic function of non-anaphoric noun phrases is the introduction of a new discourse referent, which is in turn available for the binding of anaphoric expressions. No quantifiers are introduced into the representation, thus overcoming the scope problem that the logical translations", "id": "8420864" }, { "contents": "Perceptrons (book)\n\n\nimply that, since a single artificial neuron is incapable of implementing some functions such as the XOR logical function, larger networks also have similar limitations, and therefore should be dropped. Later research on three-layered perceptrons showed how to implement such functions, therefore saving the technique from obliteration. There are many mistakes in this story. Although a single neuron can in fact compute only a small number of logical predicates, it was widely known that networks of such elements can compute any possible boolean function. This was known by Warren", "id": "17741381" }, { "contents": "Rule Interchange Format\n\n\n(BLD) adds features to the Core dialect that are not directly available such as: logic functions, equality in the then-part and named arguments. RIF BLD corresponds to positive datalogs, that is, logic programs without functions or negations. RIF-BLD has a model-theoretic semantics. The frame syntax of RIF BLD is based on F-logic, but RIF BLD doesn't have the non-monotonic reasoning features of F-logic. The Production Rules Dialect (PRD) can be used to model production", "id": "13838305" }, { "contents": "Alexander Zinoviev\n\n\nwith a complex functional structure. In his version, the dialectic turned out to be \"a method for studying complex systems of empirical relationships\". Substantive logic claimed the expression of both the linguistic aspect (formal logic) and logical-ontological, as well as procedural; considered thinking as a historical activity; affirmed the status of logic as an empirical science, the material of which are scientific texts, and the subject matter is the techniques of thinking; considered the instrumental function of logic for scientific thinking. In 1959,", "id": "9151406" }, { "contents": "Resolution (logic)\n\n\nof term logic: Or, more generally: To recast the reasoning using the resolution technique, first the clauses must be converted to conjunctive normal form (CNF). In this form, all quantification becomes implicit: universal quantifiers on variables (\"X\", \"Y\", ...) are simply omitted as understood, while existentially-quantified variables are replaced by Skolem functions. So the question is, how does the resolution technique derive the last clause from the first two? The rule is simple: To apply this", "id": "16849639" }, { "contents": "Lead management\n\n\nsales professionals interact. Interactions and subsequent actions create a variety of potential outcomes, both productive and counter-productive to business development. This ever-increasing number of scenarios creates functional disconnects, in other words, critical opportunities to mishandle an inquiry that reduces or destroys its potential value. Appropriate management of these scenarios is the function of lead management and is the basis of software such as marketing automation. Generating a lead, or lead generation can relate to myriad marketing technologies and methodologies. Regardless of how it is achieved, however", "id": "18869524" }, { "contents": "Ensemble interpretation\n\n\nmechanics as an approximation to a classical theory. John Gribbin writes: But hopes for turning quantum mechanics back into a classical theory were dashed. Gribbin continues: In 1936 Einstein wrote a paper, in German, in which, amongst other matters, he considered quantum mechanics in general conspectus. He asked \"How far does the -function describe a real state of a mechanical system?\" Following this, Einstein offers some argument that leads him to infer that \"It seems to be clear, therefore, that the Born statistical interpretation", "id": "460117" }, { "contents": "Espresso heuristic logic minimizer\n\n\ntruth table length increases exponentially with the number of variables. A similar problem occurs when increasing the number of output functions of a combinational function block. As a result the Quine–McCluskey method is practical only for functions with a limited number of input variables and output functions. A radically different approach to this issue is followed in the Espresso algorithm, developed by Brayton et al. at the University of California, Berkeley. Rather than expanding a logic function into minterms, the program manipulates \"cubes\", representing the product terms", "id": "19890025" }, { "contents": "Rebreather diving\n\n\nand the third does not, the two within tolerance may be deemed functional, and the third faulty. If none are within tolerance of each other, they may all be faulty, and if one is not, there is no way of identifying it. Using this logic, the improvement in reliability gained by use of voting logic where at least two sensors must function for the system to function is greatly reduced compared to the fully redundant version. Improvements are only in the order of one to two orders of magnitude. This", "id": "19984709" }, { "contents": "Logic centralization pattern\n\n\nLogic Centralization is a design pattern, applied within the service-orientation design paradigm, whose application aims to increase the reusability potential of agnostic logic by ensuring that services do not contain redundant agnostic logic and that any reusable logic should only be represented by a service that has the most suitable functional context. As more and more services are developed, there is a constant risk that services with redundant functionality may be created. Although the application of the Service Normalization design pattern does help to eliminate this redundancy, however, just by having", "id": "15606874" }, { "contents": "GJMS operator\n\n\nnull cone so that it still retains the same homogeneity. The function Δ\"F\", where Δ is the ambient Laplace–Beltrami operator, is then homogeneous of degree , and its restriction to the null cone does not depend on how the original function \"ƒ\" was extended to begin with, and so is independent of choices. The GJMS operator also represents the obstruction term to a formal asymptotic solution of the Cauchy problem for extending a weight function off the null cone in the ambient space to a harmonic function in the full", "id": "17709981" }, { "contents": "RS-485\n\n\nand C. The data is transmitted on A and B. C is a ground reference. This section also defines the logic states 1 (off) and 0 (on), by the polarity between A and B terminals. If A is negative with respect to B, the state is binary 1. The reversed polarity (A +, B −) is binary 0. The standard does not assign any logic function to the two states. Often in a master-slave arrangement, when one device, the \"master\"", "id": "16719686" }, { "contents": "Denial-of-service attack\n\n\napplication-layer attacks are still showing no sign of slowing down. The OSI model (ISO/IEC 7498-1) is a conceptual model that characterizes and standardizes the internal functions of a communication system by partitioning it into abstraction layers. The model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection project at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The model groups similar communication functions into one of seven logical layers. A layer serves the layer above it and is served by the layer below it. For example, a", "id": "18427981" }, { "contents": "Function object\n\n\nis a fairly trivial business. Making a function call operator work with different kinds of \"function things\", whether they be class objects or closures is no more complicated than making a + operator that works with different kinds of numbers, such as integers, reals or complex numbers. Now, a counter implemented using a closure. This is much more brief and direct. The INITIAL-VALUE argument of the MAKE-COUNTER factory function is captured and used directly. It does not have to be copied into some auxiliary class", "id": "21249763" }, { "contents": "Kinetic logic\n\n\nand \"present\" for a theta. The sigmoid curve can be approximated by the step function, as in figure C. Not only logical variables (x, y, z ...) are associated to the elements, that represent their level (e.g., concentration), but also logical functions (X, Y, Z ...) whose value reflects the rate of synthesis of the element. Thus, x = 0 means \"gene product absent\" x = 1 means \"gene product present\" X = 0 means \"gene", "id": "3438978" }, { "contents": "Intuitionistic type theory\n\n\n, returns a vector containing formula_17 real numbers is written: When the output type does not depend on the input value, the function type is often simply written with a formula_32. Thus, formula_33 is the type of functions from natural numbers to real numbers. Such Π-types correspond to logical implication. The logical proposition formula_1 corresponds to the type formula_2, containing functions that take proofs-of-A and return proofs-of-B. This type could be written more consistently as: Π-types are also used in", "id": "485256" }, { "contents": "Logic optimization\n\n\nmulti-level representation is a more generic view of the circuit in terms of arbitrarily connected SOPs, POSs (product-of-sums), factored form etc. Logic optimization algorithms generally work either on the structural (SOPs, factored form) or functional (BDDs, ADDs) representation of the circuit. If we have two functions \"F\" and \"F\": The above 2-level representation takes six product terms and 24 transistors in CMOS Rep. A functionally equivalent representation in multilevel can be: While the number of levels", "id": "2776297" }, { "contents": "List of Madagascar (franchise) characters\n\n\nmentally deficient. In \"Friend in a Box\" Kowalski points a mind-reading device at him which, despite seeming to function perfectly for the other three penguins, picks up only the word 'Fish' being thought by Rico. According to Skipper, it was a mystery how Rico passed the psych test. On the other hand, in \"Cat's Cradle\" Skipper tells Rico to demonstrate shutting off all unnecessary brain functions to conserve oxygen, and Rico seems to 'deactivate' by deflating his entire body. In", "id": "13214677" }, { "contents": "Logic redundancy\n\n\nrace conditions whereby an output can fluctuate because different terms are \"racing\" to turn off and on. To explain this in more concrete terms the Karnaugh map to the right shows the minterms and maxterms for the following function: The boxes represent the minimal AND/OR terms needed to implement this function: The k-map visually shows where race conditions occur in the minimal expression by having gaps between minterms or gaps between maxterms. For example, the gap between the blue and green rectangles. If the input formula_11 were to", "id": "1167162" }, { "contents": "Logic family\n\n\nAUC logic, AVC logic, CBT logic, CBTLV logic, FCT logic and LVC logic (LVCMOS). The following logic families would either have been used to build up systems from functional blocks such as flip-flops, counters, and gates, or else would be used as \"glue\" logic to interconnect very-large scale integration devices such as memory and processors. Not shown are some early obscure logic families from the early 1960s such as DCTL (direct-coupled transistor logic), which did not become widely", "id": "21353300" }, { "contents": "NOP (code)\n\n\nstatement which has no effect when executed and thus serves as a NOP. It is primarily used to ensure correct syntax due to Python's indentation-sensitive syntax; for example the syntax for definition of a class requires an indented block with the class logic, which has to be expressed as codice_6 when it should be empty. The jQuery library provides a function codice_8, which does nothing. The Angular framework provides angular.noop function that performs no operations. The 'codice_9' [colon] character is a shell builtin that has similar", "id": "12622447" }, { "contents": "Bioinspiration\n\n\ndates back from the 1980s but in the 2010s, many natural phenomena have not been studied., Bio-inspired research is quite different from chemistry research. This research does not focus on complexity and microscopic things like molecular structure. It is based on observing and understanding the functions from the products of biological evolution. There are various kinds of organisms and many different strategies that have proved successful in biology at solving some functional problem. Some kinds of high-level bio functions may seem simple, but they are supported by many", "id": "7928935" }, { "contents": "Logic centralization pattern\n\n\nevolved even if it did not contain the most suitable flavor of the functionality. This effect gets multiplied when another team (Team B) hoping to find the functionality within the existing service, as the boundary of the service does cover the required functionality, fails to find it and instead start using the newly created service by Team A. Consequently, the actual reusability of the original agnostic service drops and at the same time creates governance problem as far as the maintenance of the original and new services is concerned because now reusable logic exists", "id": "15606876" }, { "contents": "Functional verification\n\n\nIn electronic design automation, functional verification is the task of verifying that the logic design conforms to specification. In everyday terms, functional verification attempts to answer the question \"Does this proposed design do what is intended?\" This is a complex task, and takes the majority of time and effort in most large electronic system design projects. Functional verification is a part of more encompassing \"design verification\", which, besides functional verification, considers non-functional aspects like timing, layout and power. Functional verification is very difficult", "id": "3933256" }, { "contents": "Teachable moment\n\n\nfrom the teacher to other contexts and people. Some impressive experimental evidence supports this theory. They argue that this learning pathway is almost entirely human-specific, requiring as it does the linked psychological function of mentalization to have occurred. The logical corollary of this line of thinking is that in creating the \"teachable moment\" the \"teacher's\" first job is not to consider how to change the learner's mind, but \"how to change his or her own mind\", in order to better represent that mind of", "id": "20979616" }, { "contents": "Production function\n\n\nto inputs is non-monetary; that is, a production function relates physical inputs to physical outputs, and prices and costs are not reflected in the function. In the decision frame of a firm making economic choices regarding production—how much of each factor input to use to produce how much output—and facing market prices for output and inputs, the production function represents the possibilities afforded by an exogenous technology. Under certain assumptions, the production function can be used to derive a marginal product for each factor. The profit", "id": "919336" }, { "contents": "Production (economics)\n\n\nfrom production is generated in the real process, we call it the real income. Similarly, as the production function is an expression of the real process, we could also call it “income generated by the production function”. The real income generation follows the logic of the production function. Two components can also be distinguished in the income change: the income growth caused by an increase in production input (production volume) and the income growth caused by an increase in productivity. The income growth caused by increased production volume", "id": "7772918" }, { "contents": "Function prototype\n\n\nIn computer programming, a function prototype or function interface is a declaration of a function that specifies the function's name and type signature (arity, data types of parameters, and return type), but omits the function body. While a function definition specifies \"how\" the function does what it does (the \"implementation\"), a function prototype merely specifies its interface, i.e. \"what\" data types go in and come out of it. The term function prototype is particularly used in the context of the programming", "id": "12637917" }, { "contents": "Nominal group (functional grammar)\n\n\ninterpret premodification, it is necessary to split the ideational metafunction into two dimensions: the experiential and the logical. The experiential dimension concerns how meaning is expressed in the group as the organisation of experience. The critical question is how and whether the head is modified. The head does not have to be modified to constitute a group in this technical sense. Thus, four types of nominal group are possible: the head alone (\"apples\"), the head with premodifiers (\"Those five beautiful shiny Jonathan apples\")", "id": "4737467" }, { "contents": "Creative and productive sets\n\n\nIn computability theory, productive sets and creative sets are types of sets of natural numbers that have important applications in mathematical logic. They are a standard topic in mathematical logic textbooks such as and . For the remainder of this article, assume that formula_1 is an admissible numbering of the computable functions and \"W\" the corresponding numbering of the recursively enumerable sets. A set \"A\" of natural numbers is called productive if there exists a total recursive (computable) function formula_2 so that for all formula_3, if formula_4 then formula_5", "id": "8464186" }, { "contents": "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC\n\n\nbe built directly as vacuum tube circuits as fewer tubes will be needed. More complex function blocks are to be built from these E elements. He shows how to use these E elements to build circuits for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root, as well as two state memory blocks and control circuits. He does not use Boolean logic terminology. Circuits are to be synchronous with a master system clock derived from a vacuum tube oscillator, possibly crystal controlled. His logic diagrams include an arrowhead symbol to denote a", "id": "14873041" }, { "contents": "Nira Dynamics AB\n\n\nthe hub. It warns the driver who then can bring the vehicle to a safe halt before the wheel falls off. As TPI and all other NIRA products, this software-based function does not require any additional sensors. Tire Grip Indicator (TGI) constantly estimates the available friction between the road and the tires. Unlike comparable functions, it does not need any additional sensors like tire-mounted sensors or cameras. This makes TGI very cost effective. Road Surface Information (RSI) includes the friction estimation function of TGI", "id": "13065689" }, { "contents": "Refusal of work\n\n\nthe compulsive work of today would seem incomprehensibly oppressive even to ancients and medieval peasants. He responds to the view that \"work,\" if not simply effort or energy, is necessary to get important but unpleasant tasks done, by claiming that first of all, most important tasks can be rendered ludic, or \"salvaged\" by being turned into game-like and craft-like activities, and secondly that the vast majority of work does not need doing at all. The latter tasks are unnecessary because they only serve functions", "id": "1377467" }, { "contents": "Moral panic\n\n\n\" performs an ideological function relating to social control. Crime statistics, in Hall's view, are often manipulated for political and economic purposes; moral panics could thereby be ignited to create public support for the need to \"...police the crisis\". According to Stanley Cohen, who seems to have borrowed the term from Marshall McLuhan (see above), there are five key stages in the construction of a moral panic: In 1971 Stanley Cohen investigated a series of \"moral panics\". Cohen used the term \"moral", "id": "3108918" }, { "contents": "Truth function\n\n\nClassical propositional logic is a truth-functional propositional logic, in that every statement has exactly one truth value which is either true or false, and every logical connective is truth functional (with a correspondent truth table), thus every compound statement is a truth function. On the contrary, modal logic is non-truth-functional. A logical connective is truth-functional if the truth-value of a compound sentence is a function of the truth-value of its sub-sentences. A class of connectives is truth", "id": "19730075" }, { "contents": "Espresso heuristic logic minimizer\n\n\nin the ON-, DC- and OFF-covers iteratively. Although the minimization result is not guaranteed to be the global minimum, in practice this is very closely approximated, while the solution is always free from redundancy. Compared to the other methods, this one is essentially more efficient, reducing memory usage and computation time by several orders of magnitude. Its name reflects the way of instantly making a cup of fresh coffee. There is hardly any restriction to the number of variables, output functions and product terms of a combinational function", "id": "19890026" }, { "contents": "Mathematical logic\n\n\nfrom first-order logic, and are thus less amenable to proof-theoretic analysis. Another type of logics are s that allow inductive definitions, like one writes for primitive recursive functions. One can formally define an extension of first-order logic — a notion which encompasses all logics in this section because they behave like first-order logic in certain fundamental ways, but does not encompass all logics in general, e.g. it does not encompass intuitionistic, modal or fuzzy logic. Lindström's theorem implies that the only extension of", "id": "19983200" }, { "contents": "Monad (functional programming)\n\n\nFor example, here is a concise NOT operator from (Kleene's) trinary logic that uses the same functions to automate undefined values too: It turns out the codice_1 type, together with codice_36 and codice_42, forms a monad. While other monads will embody different logical processes, and some may have extra properties, all of them will have three similar components (directly or indirectly) that follow the basic outline of this example. The more common definition for a monad in functional programming, used in the above example, is", "id": "14090000" }, { "contents": "Utility abstraction pattern\n\n\nhelper services from multiple business process-specific logic, each having specific requirements, consequently it is better to design utility services that are based on targeted and specific functional contexts rather than vague functional contexts that pack a range of functions. This is important as it not only helps to keep the maintenance overhead of such services to a minimum but also increases the reuse potential of utility functionality because the service consumers can easily identify the required generic functionality as it is not bundled up in a broad functional context that does not correctly represent all", "id": "18980614" }, { "contents": "Science of Logic\n\n\nNumber of the ratio completely loses its independent significance and only functions as a determinate Quantum in relation to an other. Formerly, any single Number could simultaneously denote either an Amount or a Unit; now, it must serve exclusively as the one \"or\" the other in relation to another Number serving as the opposite. The constant would seem to bring these moments back into unity with each other, but in actuality, it too can serve \"only\" as either Amount \"or\" Unit. If \"x\" is", "id": "4799886" }, { "contents": "Truth function\n\n\nthree-valued logic there are 3 nullary operators (constants), 27 unary operators, 19683 binary operators, 7625597484987 ternary operators, and formula_34 \"n\"-ary operators. In \"k\"-valued logic, there are \"k\" nullary operators, formula_35 unary operators, formula_36 binary operators, formula_37 ternary operators, and formula_38 \"n\"-ary operators. An \"n\"-ary operator in \"k\"-valued logic is a function from formula_39. Therefore, the number of such operators is formula_40, which is how the above numbers were derived. However, some of the", "id": "19730083" }, { "contents": "Structured systems analysis and design method\n\n\nand the need to make inquiries about the data on the system. Both of these use the events, function descriptions and effect correspondence diagrams produced in stage 3 to determine precisely how to update and read data in a consistent and secure way. The product of this stage is the logical design which is made up of: This is the final stage where all the logical specifications of the system are converted to descriptions of the system in terms of real hardware and software. This is a very technical stage and a simple \"overview", "id": "19729576" }, { "contents": "Polyclonal B cell response\n\n\nas the humoral arm of the immune system. Such substances are known as soluble antibodies and perform important functions in countering infections. Antibodies serve various functions in protecting the host against the pathogen. Their soluble forms which carry out these functions are produced by plasma B cells, a type of white blood cell. This production is tightly regulated and requires the activation of B cells by activated T cells (another type of white blood cell), which is a sequential procedure. The major steps involved are: Pathogens synthesize proteins that can", "id": "14883827" }, { "contents": "Many-sorted logic\n\n\nformula_16 is required, a term of any subsort of formula_16 may be supplied instead. For example, assuming a function declaration formula_3, and a constant declaration formula_19, the term formula_5 is perfectly valid and has the sort formula_2. In order to supply the information that the mother of a dog is a dog in turn, another declaration formula_22 may be issued; this is called \"function overloading\", similar to overloading in programming languages. Order-sorted logic can be translated into unsorted logic, using a unary predicate formula_23 for", "id": "3159654" }, { "contents": "Uruk\n\n\ninterpretations about the purposes of the temples. However, it is generally believed they were a unifying feature of the city. It also seems clear that temples served both an important religious function and state function. The surviving temple archive of the Neo-Babylonian period documents the social function of the temple as a redistribution center. The Eanna District was composed of several buildings with spaces for workshops, and it was walled off from the city. By contrast, the Anu District was built on a terrace with a temple at the top", "id": "5142732" }, { "contents": "Self-persuasion\n\n\nmotives and functions have on individuals and their attitudes. Based on theory, the research identified that attitudes served a multitude of purposes and needs involving the importance to psychological function. During the research, different function labels were used within each theory. The grouping of the functions provided information that attitudes serve a knowledge function assisting to organize a persons environment and this will provide consistency in a person's ability to shift attitude for pro or counter needs? All attitudes likely serve this basic function to some extent. In addition, attitudes likely", "id": "16943377" }, { "contents": "Logicism\n\n\ncan be identified with all those entities x that satisfy some propositional function F. (This symbolism appears in Russell, attributed there to Frege: \"The essence of a function is what is left when the \"x\" is taken away, i.e in the above instance, 2( ) + ( ). The argument \"x\" does not belong to the function, but the two together make a whole (ib. p. 6 [i.e. Frege's 1891 \"Function und Begriff\"]\" (Russell 1903:505).)", "id": "1810590" }, { "contents": "No free lunch theorem\n\n\nfrom other papers suggesting generalization of learning algorithms or search heuristics, it is important to understand the difference between the exact mathematical logic of the NFL and its intuitive interpretation. To illustrate one of the counter-intuitive implications of NFL, suppose we fix two supervised learning algorithms, C and D. We then sample a target function f to produce a set of input-output pairs, \"d\". How should we choose whether to train C or D on \"d\", in order to make predictions for what output would", "id": "10503154" }, { "contents": "Approximate counting algorithm\n\n\n, desired error ratio, or counting range to provide an optimal set of values. When incrementing the counter, \"flip a coin\" the number of times of the counter's current value. If it comes up \"Heads\" each time, then increment the counter. Otherwise, do not increment it. This can be done programmatically by generating \"c\" pseudo-random bits (where \"c\" is the current value of the counter), and using the logical AND function on all of those bits. The", "id": "3556716" }, { "contents": "Network information system\n\n\nbeen a separate product but in most modern systems the functionality is built in the GIS serving both the functionality of the physical network and logical network. Water network information system typically manages the water network components, such as ducts, branches, valves, hydrants, reservoirs and pumping stations. Some systems such as include the water consumers as well as water meters and their readings in the NIS. Sewage and stormwater components are typically included in the NIS. By adding sensors as well as analysis and calculations based on the measured values the", "id": "3159957" }, { "contents": "Organizational communication\n\n\nway of understanding organizational communication by describing what messages do and how they move through organizations.\" There are different functions within this process that all work together to contribute to the overall success of the organization, and these functions occur during the repetition of communication patterns in which the members of the organization engage in. The first types of functions are message functions which are \"What communication does or how it contributes to the overall functioning of the organization\", and we describe message functions in three different categories which are organizational functions,", "id": "6771038" }, { "contents": "Programmable logic controller\n\n\nthe functions of electro-mechanical relays. Discrete inputs are given a unique address, and a PLC instruction can test if the input state is on or off. Just as a series of relay contacts perform a logical AND function, not allowing current to pass unless all the contacts are closed, so a series of \"examine if on\" instructions will energize its output storage bit if all the input bits are on. Similarly, a parallel set of instructions will perform a logical OR. In an electro-mechanical relay wiring", "id": "5131627" }, { "contents": "The Ass and the Pig\n\n\none it had previously fed. The kind of skewed logic in operation here, seeming to confuse cause and effect, is often found in the fables and led Aristophanes to characterise such stories as 'Aesop's jests'. Its function, however, is to fix attention on the distinction in practical philosophy between the immediate and the ultimate good. An unsolicited meal is the immediate good in this story, but the ultimate good is to consider where acceptance of an immediate advantage might lead. Phaedrus himself does just this. He tells", "id": "8557696" }, { "contents": "Treasury Information System Architecture Framework\n\n\nDefense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) products. According to TISAF, a complete architecture has the following four components, each representing a different perspective or view of the agency: TISAF's functional, work, and information components together form the logical view of the architecture, while its infrastructure represents the technical view of the architecture. To develop and evolve systems that effectively support business functions, a top-down process must be followed. The logical architecture (e.g., business functions and information flows) is defined first and then used to", "id": "16686943" } ]
How do birds that dive from the air into the water to catch fish manage to get back up into the air? Wouldn't the water soaking their feathers weigh them down?
[{"answer": "Birds have an organ called the Uropygial gland, which is an excretory gland that produces oil for their feathers. Birds will use their beaks to spread this oil over their feathers. One benefit of this oil is that it makes the feathers waterproof."}, {"answer": "Others have mentioned the oil mechanism, which is an excellent point. After an osprey takes off from water and shakes water out from the air, they look virtually dry. In addition, ospreys, which eat fish pretty much exclusively, have extra long powerful wings in comparison to other raptors. I assume that's a factor in their ability to fly straight of water they were immersed in, often clasping a heavy fish. They're remarkable animals."}, {"answer": "Although many people have commented on the water-repellent qualities of bird feathers (most water birds), and the strength of their wings (ospreys, kingfishers), there is another method that the largest diving birds use to get airborne again. They have to free themselves from the surface tension of the water by running on the surface until they are moving fast enough to become airborne. [Here is a brown pelican doing it.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Adding to the oilyness the other dudes talked about. The feathers also acts as insulation keeping air inside - so they dont lose body heat when in cold water. And birds are generaly vary light."}, {"answer": "Oily feathers makes sense, but how do they take off with no ground to push off of? I wouldn't be able to jump out of a pool if me feet didn't touch the bottom."}, {"answer": "Birds have a gland at the base of their tail that produces a waxy oil. This oil helps to make their feathers waterproof. This is why oil spills are so harmful not just to marine life but also birds. The crude oil mixes and sticks to their feathers which is thicker and heavier than their natural oil, which stops them from being able to fly."}, {"answer": "There's also penguins that trap air in their feathers and release it as micro bubbles to reduce drag when jumping out of the water through air lubrication. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "They oil their feathers. Just like you oil your hair. You just wash the oil out regularly"}, {"answer": "Birds feathers are coated in a hydrophobic waterproof coating. That's one of the reasons you see ducks rubbing their beaks all over their feathers. They are spreading the oil that is produced from their glands. That's why you see ducks swimming without getting wet."}, {"answer": "Fun fact, not all birds that do this can take off from the water. Example, a bald eagle can grab a fish while flying but can't take off from the water, whereas an osprey can take off from the water."}, {"answer": "Those type of birds have oil coating that make those particular birds feathers water proof, also as a interesting bit, during oil spills the crude oil sticks to them because like oils like to stick to other oil like things. Reason why cleaning birds is important, the natural oils return after a while but till then the birds need to be cared for or else they would drown if released immediately back into the wild after a soapy wash."}, {"answer": "As a complete idiot doing nothing but take pics of pelicans in key West right now. They just fucking muscle their ass into theair. The are huge and I imagine really light. The drop repeatedly in the water at dawn and don't do shot all day and then dive again afternoon. I don't know what the do at night but the roosters cross at 3 am jess christ"}, {"answer": "Along with oils, beak characteristics, wing characteristics, etc., how they dive into the water plays a role as well. It\u2019s not like say a person diving who goes in head first and that\u2019s it. They will also five in a way that allows them to easily grab the fish and come back out of the water quickly."}, {"answer": "Some do drown if they pick a fish that's too large--bald eagles, at least. Apparently they can't retract their talons to let go until they're on land (or in a nest or whatever), and the fish pulls them right under."}, {"answer": "\"Like water off a duck's back.\" Because of the oil on a duck's feathers, it just rolls off. Just like what your should do if someone ever calls you a name. Just let it go and fly away."}, {"answer": "Or they have lungs that are filled with air. Or their feathers close to hold air. Their bones are hollow. Their feathers don't soak water. So many fuckin reasons, brah"}, {"answer": "Birds, have this gland under their wing that makes oil for them to rub all over their feathers, it makes them waterproof and water just slides off"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "22782655", "title": "Shoaling and schooling", "section": "Section::::Predator countermeasures.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 49, "end_paragraph_id": 49, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["During the sardine run, as many as 18,000 dolphins, behaving like sheepdogs, herd the sardines into bait balls, or corral them in shallow water. Once rounded up, the dolphins and other predators take turns ploughing through the bait balls, gorging on the fish as they sweep through. Seabirds also attack them from above, flocks of gannets, cormorants, terns and gulls. Some of these seabirds plummet from heights of 30 metres (100\u00a0feet), plunging through the water leaving vapour-like trails, similar to that of fighter planes. Gannets plunge into the water at up to 100 kilometres per hour (60\u00a0mph). They have air sacs under their skin in their face and chest which act like bubble-wrap, cushioning the impact with the water.", "During the sardine run, as many as 18,000 dolphins, behaving like sheepdogs, herd the sardines into bait balls, or corral them in shallow water. Once rounded up, the dolphins and other predators take turns ploughing through the bait balls, gorging on the fish as they sweep through. Seabirds also attack them from above, flocks of gannets, cormorants, terns and gulls. Some of these seabirds plummet from heights of 30 metres (100\u00a0feet), plunging through the water leaving vapour-like trails, similar to that of fighter planes. Gannets plunge into the water at up to 100 kilometres per hour (60\u00a0mph). They have air sacs under their skin in their face and chest which act like bubble-wrap, cushioning the impact with the water."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "22210655", "title": "Aquatic locomotion", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Aquatic locomotion is biologically propelled motion through a liquid medium. The simplest propulsive systems are composed of cilia and flagella. Swimming has evolved a number of times in a range of organisms including arthropods, fish, molluscs, reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "Aquatic locomotion is biologically propelled motion through a liquid medium. The simplest propulsive systems are composed of cilia and flagella. Swimming has evolved a number of times in a range of organisms including arthropods, fish, molluscs, reptiles, birds, and mammals.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Seabird\n\n\nother diving birds) but otherwise soak up water. This allows them to swim without fighting the buoyancy that retaining air in the feathers causes, yet retain enough air to prevent the bird losing excessive heat through contact with water. The plumage of most seabirds is less colourful than that of land birds, restricted in the main to variations of black, white or grey. A few species sport colourful plumes (such as the tropicbirds and some penguins), but most of the colour in seabirds appears in the bills and legs.", "id": "16080497" }, { "contents": "Anhinga\n\n\npursue their prey, fish, under water and spear their prey by rapidly stretching out their neck. They come up to handle and swallow fish. Unlike ducks, ospreys and pelicans which coat their feathers with oil from their uropygial gland, the anhinga does not have waterproof feathers. Their feathers get soaked upon immersion in water. Therefore, they cannot stay floating on water for long periods of time. Their dense bones, wetted plumage and neutral buoyancy in water, allows them to fully submerge and search for underwater prey.", "id": "14347679" }, { "contents": "Pelican\n\n\nsacs in their bones. The air sacs are connected to the airways of the respiratory system, and the pelican can keep its air sacs inflated by closing its glottis, but how air sacs are inflated is not clear. The air sacs serve to keep the pelican remarkably buoyant in the water and may also cushion the impact of the pelican's body on the water surface when they dive from flight into water to catch fish. Superficial air sacs may also help to round body contours (especially over the abdomen, where surface protuberances", "id": "20016552" }, { "contents": "Gannet\n\n\n. Northern gannets are the largest seabirds in the North Atlantic, having a wingspan of up to . The other two species occur in the temperate seas around southern Africa, southern Australia and New Zealand. Gannets hunt fish by diving into the sea from a height and pursuing their prey underwater. Gannets have a number of adaptations which enable them to do this: Gannets can dive from a height of , achieving speeds of as they strike the water, enabling them to catch fish much deeper than most airborne birds. The gannet's", "id": "5462904" }, { "contents": "Northern gannet\n\n\nof up to . This allows them to penetrate up to below the surface, and they will swim down to an average , sometimes deeper than . The bird's subcutaneous air sacs may have a role in controlling their buoyancy. Gannets usually push their prey deeper into the water and capture it as they return to the surface. When a dive is successful, they swallow the fish underwater before surfacing, and never fly with the fish in their bill. Larger fish are swallowed headfirst, smaller fish are swallowed sideways or tail-", "id": "14395606" }, { "contents": "List of birds of the Gambia\n\n\neither black (males) or black-and-white (females and young). Males have coloured inflatable throat pouches, which are used in courtship. Frigatebirds spend most of their time in the air. They are kleptoparasites and often chase other seabirds to get them to drop their catches of fish; they also scoop fish from the water's surface. Order: PelecaniformesFamily: Pelecanidae Pelicans are large water birds with a distinctive pouch under their beak. As with other members of the order Pelecaniformes, they have webbed feet with", "id": "9391366" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Korea\n\n\na medium large raptor which is a specialist fish-eater with a worldwide distribution. The osprey is particularly well adapted to its diet, with reversible outer toes, closable nostrils to keep out water during dives and backwards facing scales on the talons which act as barbs to help catch fish. It locates its prey from the air, often hovering prior to plunging feet-first into the water to seize a fish. Order: AccipitriformesFamily: Accipitridae From the family Accipitridae, they range from small to large birds with strongly hooked bills", "id": "2005978" }, { "contents": "Procellariiformes\n\n\nas well as small crustaceans and fish. Petrels obtain food by snatching prey while swimming on the surface, snatching prey from the wing or diving down under the water to pursue prey. Dipping down from flight is most commonly used by the gadfly petrels and the storm petrels. There have been records of wedge-tailed shearwaters snatching flying fish from the air, but as a rule this technique is rare. Some diving birds may aid diving by beginning with a plunge from the air, but for the most part petrels are active", "id": "8794103" }, { "contents": "Gull\n\n\nrange of prey, gulls display great versatility in how they obtain prey. Prey can be obtained in the air, on water, or on land. In the air, a number of hooded species are able to hawk insects on the wing; larger species perform this feat more rarely. Gulls on the wing also snatch items both off water and off the ground, and over water they also plunge-dive to catch prey. Again, smaller species are more manoeuvrable and better able to hover-dip fish from the air", "id": "1025399" }, { "contents": "Blue-footed booby\n\n\nwill all dive in unison, pointing their bodies down like arrows. Plunge diving can be done from heights of and even up to . These birds hit the water around and can go to depths of below the water surface. Their skulls contain special air sacs that protect the brain from enormous pressure. Prey are usually eaten while the birds are still underwater. Individuals prefer to eat on their own instead of with their hunting group, usually in the early morning or late afternoon. Males and females fish differently, which may contribute", "id": "4117343" }, { "contents": "Red-billed tropicbird\n\n\nfish that the chicks are fed are below in length, although some fish fed to larger chicks can be up to in length. This species of tropicbird usually forages alone. It usually dives into waters away from the coastline, diving from the air, at heights up to . It will usually hover over the water before diving. Sometimes, this bird follows predators that feed near the surface, such as dolphins or tuna. The red-billed tropicbird will feed on the fish driven either to or above the surface by the", "id": "17883641" }, { "contents": "Harlequin duck\n\n\nlife due to oil spills near coastal areas. These birds feed by swimming under water or diving. They also dabble. They eat molluscs, crustaceans and insects. Harlequins have smooth, densely packed feathers that trap a lot of air within them. This is vital for insulating such small bodies against the chilly waters they ply. It also makes them exceptionally buoyant, making them bounce like corks after dives. Today, this is the only species of its genus. Two prehistoric harlequin ducks were described from fossils, although both were", "id": "18408532" }, { "contents": "Diving bird\n\n\nDiving birds are birds which plunge into water to catch fish or other food. They may enter the water from flight, as does the brown pelican (\"Pelecanus occidentalis\"), or they may dive from the surface of the water. More than likely they evolved from birds already adapted for swimming that were equipped with such adaptations as lobed or webbed feet for propulsion. Some diving birds - for example, the extinct Hesperornithes of the Cretaceous Period - propelled themselves with their feet. They were large, streamlined, flightless birds", "id": "21418026" }, { "contents": "Whirligig beetle\n\n\na combination of water speed, sex of the beetle, and the type of predator (bird or fish) that a beetle has most recently observed. The adult beetles carry a bubble of air trapped beneath their elytra. This allows them to dive and swim under well-oxygenated water for indefinite periods if necessary. The mechanism is sophisticated and amounts to a physical gill. In practice though, their ecological adaptation is for the adults to scavenge and hunt on the water surface, so they seldom stay down for long. The", "id": "856806" }, { "contents": "Red-billed tropicbird\n\n\nnot. After a chick fledges, the parents will usually stop visiting the nest and the chick will leave. Birds of all ages feed on fish and squid, catching them by diving from the air into the water. However, the red-billed tropicbird sometimes follows surface-feeding predators. The predators will drive the prey to the surface, which are then seized by the tropicbird. In some areas, introduced black and brown rats raid nests for eggs and young. Cats also threaten the red-billed tropicbird. This", "id": "17883616" }, { "contents": "Cormorant\n\n\n-large birds, with body weight in the range of and wing span of . The majority of species have dark feathers. The bill is long, thin and hooked. Their feet have webbing between all four toes. All species are fish-eaters, catching the prey by diving from the surface. They are excellent divers, and under water they propel themselves with their feet with help from their wings; some cormorant species have been found to dive as deep as . They have relatively short wings due to their need for", "id": "431220" }, { "contents": "Beetle\n\n\nseveral techniques for retaining air beneath the water's surface. Diving beetles (Dytiscidae) hold air between the abdomen and the elytra when diving. Hydrophilidae have hairs on their under surface that retain a layer of air against their bodies. Adult crawling water beetles use both their elytra and their hind coxae (the basal segment of the back legs) in air retention, while whirligig beetles simply carry an air bubble down with them whenever they dive. Beetles have a variety of ways to communicate, including the use of pheromones. The", "id": "7354177" }, { "contents": "Tradeoffs for locomotion in air and water\n\n\nand makes submersion easier. This effect is predominantly seen in shallow diving birds as buoyancy effects are strongest. Higher masses in diving birds appear to be correlated with higher wing loading and consequently larger wings. Faster flying speeds also result from higher wing loading which would be potentially detrimental for small flying birds that must land precisely on small branches. Diving birds, however, do not have this constraint because open water can accommodate harder landings. Similar to having light bones, birds also have large respiratory systems with large air spaces that reduce", "id": "1158198" }, { "contents": "Darter\n\n\ntheir food into the air and catch it again, so that they can swallow it head-first. Like cormorants, they have a vestigial preen gland and their plumage gets wet during diving. To dry their feathers after diving, darters move to a safe location and spread their wings. Darters go through a synchronous moult of all their primaries and secondaries making them temporarily flightless, although it is possible that some individuals go through incomplete moults. Predators of darters are mainly large carnivorous birds, including passerines like the Australian raven (", "id": "14631155" }, { "contents": "Cassie's law\n\n\n, leaving air pockets below. The water droplets become suspended in the Cassie-Baxter state and are able to roll off the leaf picking up dirt as they do so, thus \"cleaning\" the leaf. The Cassie–Baxter wetting regime also explains the water repellent features of the pennae (feathers) of a bird. The feather consists of a topography network of 'barbs and barbules' and a droplet that is deposited on a these resides in a solid-liquid-air non-wetting composite state, where tiny", "id": "2437022" }, { "contents": "Waterspout\n\n\nbefore ultimately dissipating back again over the sea. Depending on how fast the winds from a waterspout are whipping, anything that is within about one yard of the surface of the water, including fish of different sizes, frogs, and even turtles, can be lifted into the air. A waterspout can sometimes suck small animals such as fish out of the water and all the way up into the cloud. Even if the waterspout stops spinning, the fish in the cloud can be carried over land, buffeted up and down and", "id": "14582457" }, { "contents": "Sulidae\n\n\n. Many species feed communally, and some species follow fishing boats to scavenge discarded bycatch and chum. The typical hunting behavior is a dive from mid-air, taking the bird a meter or two under water. If prey manages to escape the diving birds at first, they may give chase using their legs and wings for underwater swimming. As noted above, the behavioral traits of gannets and boobies differ considerably, but the Sulidae as a whole are characterized by several behavioral synapomorphies: Before taking off, they will point the", "id": "9557731" }, { "contents": "Hydrocynus vittatus\n\n\na freshwater fish exhibiting this particular behavior. Other freshwater fish have been observed catching birds that are swimming or floating on the water, but not catching them mid-flight. Due to its ferocious appearance, people may be tempted to keep the African tigerfish as a pet. However, this is generally not recommended and should only be attempted by those with advanced skills in keeping freshwater aquariums. These fish can get extremely large and require at least a 2400 L tank. They do not get along well with any fish smaller than", "id": "6640675" }, { "contents": "The Big Blue\n\n\nsupplied air hose and helmet — goes diving. His breathing apparatus and rope gets caught and punctured by rocks on the reef and weighed down by water, he drowns. Jacques and Enzo can do nothing but watch in horror as he is killed. By the 1980s, both are well known freedivers, swimmers who can remain underwater for great times and at great depths. Enzo (Jean Reno) is on Sicily now, where he rescues a trapped diver from a shipwreck. He is a world champion freediver with a brash and", "id": "17285394" }, { "contents": "Tern\n\n\n. The greater crested tern will also occasionally catch unusual vertebrate species such as agamid lizards and green sea turtle hatchlings, and follows trawlers for discards. The eyes of terns cannot accommodate under water, so they rely on accurate sighting from the air before they plunge-dive. Like other seabirds that feed at the surface or dive for food, terns have red oil droplets in the cones of their retinas; birds that have to look through an air/water interface have more deeply coloured carotenoid pigments in the oil drops than", "id": "1219827" }, { "contents": "African darter\n\n\na stick nest in a tree and lays 3–6 eggs. It often nests with herons, egrets and cormorants. It often swims with only the neck above water, hence the common name \"snakebird\". This, too, is a habit shared with the other anhingas. Unlike many other waterbirds the feathers of the African darter do not contain any oil and are therefore not waterproof. Because of this, the bird is less positively buoyant and its diving capabilities are enhanced. After diving for fish, the feathers can become waterlogged", "id": "21004181" }, { "contents": "Australasian darter\n\n\nIts feathers soak up water in spaces between them, allowing the bird to reduce its natural buoyancy and swim underwater. It eats a wide variety of fish such as Australian smelt (\"Retropinna semoni\"), bony bream (\"Nematalosa erebi\"), queensland mouth breeder (\"Glossamia aprion\"), surf bream (\"Acanthopagrus australis\"), spangled perch (\"Leiopotherapon unicolor\"), flathead gudgeon (\"Philypnodon grandiceps\"), and introduced species such as redfin perch (\"Perca fluviatilis\"),", "id": "10025019" }, { "contents": "Seabird\n\n\ninjury. It has been suggested that plunge divers are restricted in their hunting grounds to clear waters that afford a view of their prey from the air, and while they are the dominant guild in the tropics, the link between plunge diving and water clarity is inconclusive. Some plunge divers (as well as some surface feeders) are dependent on dolphins and tuna to push shoaling fish up towards the surface. This catch-all category refers to other seabird strategies that involve the next trophic level up. Kleptoparasites are seabirds that make", "id": "16080508" }, { "contents": "Tradeoffs for locomotion in air and water\n\n\nare used during descent. Guillemots were observed to use lift based swimming intermittently during the ascent phase of a dive but rely mostly on passive buoyancy forces to lift them to the surface. Some examples of birds that have lost the ability to fly in favor of an aquatic lifestyle include: The transition of predominantly swimming locomotion directly to flight has evolved in a single family of marine fish called Exocoetidae. Flying fish are not true fliers in the sense that they do not execute powered flight. Instead, these species glide directly over the", "id": "1158209" }, { "contents": "Fabien Cousteau\n\n\n\", a long, submarine shaped like a great white shark, was ready for testing. Cousteau's initial attempts to drive Troy were \"a disaster\" as he was unable to get it to move straight. Once he mastered the steering, Troy was capable of fish-like motion. A wet sub, it was filled with water while operating. To breathe, Cousteau carried full diving equipment weighing about , which provided about 6.5 hours of air. He lay on his stomach, propped up on his elbows to operate", "id": "14961978" }, { "contents": "Cormorant\n\n\n, to dive to depths of as much as . After fishing, cormorants go ashore, and are frequently seen holding their wings out in the sun. All cormorants have preen gland secretions that are used ostensibly to keep the feathers waterproof. Some sources state that cormorants have waterproof feathers while others say that they have water \"permeable\" feathers. Still others suggest that the outer plumage absorbs water but does not permit it to penetrate the layer of air next to the skin. The wing drying action is seen even in the flightless", "id": "431229" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Mongolia\n\n\n, often with black markings on the head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PterocliformesFamily: Pteroclidae Sandgrouse have small, pigeon like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the toes. There", "id": "10591305" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Thailand\n\n\nhead. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Skimmers are a small family of tropical tern-like birds. They have an elongated lower mandible which they use to feed by flying low over the water surface and skimming the water for small fish. Order: PhaethontiformesFamily: Phaethontidae Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads and", "id": "10973267" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Cuba\n\n\nthe head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Skimmers are a small family of tropical tern-like birds. They have an elongated lower mandible which they use to feed by flying low over the water surface and skimming the water for small fish. Order: PhaethontiformesFamily: Phaethontidae Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads", "id": "7694108" }, { "contents": "Common loon\n\n\nto propel its body underwater at high speed to catch its prey, which it then swallows head-first. If the fish attempts to evade the common loon, the bird chases it down with excellent underwater manoeuvrability due to its tremendously strong legs. Most prey are swallowed underwater, where they are caught, but some larger prey are first brought to the surface. It is a visual predator, so it is essential to hunting success that the water is clear. It normally dives , but has been recorded to dive up to", "id": "14041942" }, { "contents": "List of birds of El Salvador\n\n\nMost terns hunt fish by diving but some pick foods off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Skimmers are a small family of tropical tern-like birds. They have an elongated lower mandible which they use to feed by flying low over the water surface and skimming the water for small fish. Order: PhaethontiformesFamily: Phaethontidae Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads and long wings", "id": "9999195" }, { "contents": "Tradeoffs for locomotion in air and water\n\n\nvolume and thus their overall body density. Other studies have suggested that diving birds increase their blood oxygen stores thus simultaneously reducing the amount of oxygen they must retain in their lungs when diving and allowing them to dive for longer durations. Bird plumage is intended to hold and deflect air to make lift easier to achieve in flight. Again, this adaptation is detrimental to swimming because the increased air volume increases buoyancy forces. Some diving birds have been observed to preen immediately before diving, and some researchers believe that this may expel the", "id": "1158200" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Bosnia and Herzegovina\n\n\nwith black markings on the head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PterocliformesFamily: Pteroclidae Sandgrouse have small, pigeon like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the toes. There are 16", "id": "10233435" }, { "contents": "List of birds of the United Arab Emirates\n\n\nplumage, often with black markings on the head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PterocliformesFamily: Pteroclidae Sandgrouse have small, pigeon like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the toes.", "id": "10490608" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Iraq\n\n\nblack markings on the head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PterocliformesFamily: Pteroclidae Sandgrouse have small, pigeon like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the toes. There are 16 species", "id": "10490788" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Azerbaijan\n\n\n. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PterocliformesFamily: Pteroclidae Sandgrouse have small, pigeon like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the toes. There are 16 species worldwide and 2 species which", "id": "10491098" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Tasmania\n\n\nwhite birds of tropical oceans, with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their long wings have black markings, as does the head. One species is a vagrant to Tasmanian waters. Order: SuliformesFamily: Sulidae The sulids comprise the gannets and boobies. Both groups are medium-large coastal seabirds that plunge-dive for fish. A single species has been recorded from Tasmania. Order: SuliformesFamily: Anhingidae Darters are cormorant-like water birds with long necks and long, straight bills. They are fish eaters which often swim with", "id": "14473156" }, { "contents": "Northern gannet\n\n\nthe surface than males. Gannets will follow fishing boats or cetaceans to find discarded or injured fish. They forage from heights of up to with no clear preference, and typically dive from between . They dive with their bodies straight and rigid, wings tucked close to the body but angled back, extending beyond the tail, before piercing the water like an arrow. They control the direction of the dive using their wings and tail, and fold their wings against the body just before impact. Birds can hit the water at speeds", "id": "14395605" }, { "contents": "The Winged Horse\n\n\na rifle, and manages to fire a few shots. When the teddy bear intervenes several times, the saluki, who is no longer interested in her, kicks the bruin off the carpet. Oswald and the stallion dive to catch her in mid-air. The saluki resumes firing the rifle until a shot is landed. Despite going down after being struck, the stallion is able to get back as the horse bites on and tears the carpet apart. All four of them start to plunge. Back on the ground,", "id": "7494503" }, { "contents": "Tradeoffs for locomotion in air and water\n\n\nequilibrium with the surrounding water. In this way, fish behave essentially as a hot air balloon does in air. Some seabird species utilize surface feeding or plunge diving during foraging in which gravity and/or momentum is used to counteract buoyancy effects for a short period of time. Other species can remain submerged for longer periods of time and practice pursuit diving in which they actively produce thrust to remain submerged and chase after prey. Because birds have decoupled locomotor modules, pursuit divers can produce thrust using either their wings, feet, or some", "id": "1158195" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Metropolitan France\n\n\ndiving birds. They have lobed toes and are excellent swimmers and divers. However, they have their feet placed far back on the body, making them quite ungainly on land. Pigeons and doves are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy cere. Sandgrouse have small pigeon-like heads and necks, but sturdy compact bodies. They have long pointed wings and sometimes tails and a fast direct flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn and dusk. Their legs are feathered down to the", "id": "18622835" }, { "contents": "Wake of the Red Witch\n\n\nthe ledge and half hanging over deeper water, making salvage extremely dangerous. Ralls is the only one willing to take the risk. He dives down to the wreck and manages to get a portion of the gold back up to the surface. But then the wreck begins to slide off the ledge. Falling debris traps Ralls inside the wreck, and he dies after the descending wreckage severs the hose supplying him with air. The novel was published in 1946. It was written by Garland Roark, a Texan who worked in advertising", "id": "12137625" }, { "contents": "List of birds of the Gambia\n\n\n: Anhingidae Darters are large waterbirds, found primarily in fresh and brackish water habitats. Because their plumage is not entirely waterproof, they often stand out of the water with their wings outstretched, drying off. Darters are strongly sexually dimorphic; males generally have much darker plumage than do females. They eat primarily fish, which they catch by diving from the water's surface. Order: SuliformesFamily: Fregatidae Frigatebirds are large seabirds typically found soaring over tropical oceans. They have long wings and a deeply forked tail; their plumage is", "id": "9391365" }, { "contents": "Tidepool sculpin\n\n\nas insects that happen to fall into the water. Small amounts of algae also form part of the diet. Sculpins are preyed upon by diving birds and by predatory fishes when the tide is high. When the seas are rough it moves higher up the shore. It can leave the water and breathe air, exchanging both oxygen and carbon dioxide, while hiding in a damp spot, and it attempts to evade predators by flapping about or wriggling in an effort to reach a more favourable location. The fish become mature when about", "id": "4634670" }, { "contents": "Southern California Bight\n\n\nnest and hunt near bodies of waters, such as bays, harbors, and oceans, including areas where kelp grows. Some species, such as the brown pelican and some species of cormorants commonly dive head first into the water, attempting to catch fish. Other species of birds, such as grebes and loons migrate from Baja California over the nearshore waters, and will stop to fish and feed. Birds that live in the rocky shore have adapted to finding food, and specialize in prying grabbing prey that clings to the rocky", "id": "20385272" }, { "contents": "The Wake of the Lorelei Lee\n\n\nstatue, but it sank under water. Seeing all the monks dive after it and drowning, she vowed to bring it back up. But no amount of tugging would do the job. She marked the water there and left, failing in her task. Hearing this, Jacky thinks of how her diving bell managed to help her pull up the bow of a sunken Spanish ship, and the next morning proposes to bring the statue back up, if she, Jaimy, and the passengers of the \"Lorelei Lee\" (", "id": "15823543" }, { "contents": "Chilumba\n\n\nMalawi creates a reddish reflection on the waters that was believed to be the path of the snake 'god' that was being worshipped. Chitende also has a connection to fish production and catches. Sacrifices sometimes were given to please Chitende to increase chances of fish catch by fishermen. Today Chief Mponela gets free fish as he still is believed to continue praying for fish catch luck. The peninsula facing Chirwa is a typical feature with rocky shore with deep waters potentially suitable for rock diving. The bay facing the jetty has shallow waters", "id": "17762570" }, { "contents": "Tradeoffs for locomotion in air and water\n\n\nsurface of the ocean water without ever flapping their \"wings.\" Flying fish have evolved abnormally large pectoral fins that act as airfoils and provide lift when the fish launches itself out of the water. Additional forward thrust and steering forces are created by dipping the hypocaudal (i.e. bottom) lobe of their caudal fin into the water and vibrating it very quickly, in contrast to diving birds in which these forces are produced by the same locomotor module used for propulsion. Of the 64 extant species of flying fish, only two distinct", "id": "1158210" }, { "contents": "Grey-headed fish eagle\n\n\n. It is a sedentary bird that can be solitary or occur in pairs. It is non-migratory. Juveniles disperse from the breeding areas, presumably in search of mates or another food source. The grey headed fish eagle spends much of its time perching upright on bare branches over water bodies, occasionally flying down to catch fish. Flight is heavy looking with sharp and full wing-beats on flattish wings. Spends little time in the air soaring possibly due to habitat it lives in and no other aerial displays have been", "id": "14091129" }, { "contents": "Alburnus tarichi\n\n\nwater and marine fish. In May and June of each year it travels upstream through the lake's tributaries to lay eggs, flying through the air like salmon. Many locals have become accustomed to sticking out bags and catching fish as they jump out of the water, catching so many fish in May–June that they do not have to fish for the rest of the year. Locals prefer to catch the fish during reproduction season, when the females are filled with eggs, which are considered a delicacy in the town and", "id": "6087468" }, { "contents": "Feather development\n\n\nwhich can be used to waterproof feathers. Birds can use this ability for a variety of reasons, but the main reason is for insulation against cold and/or water, especially for the birds that dive into or sit on water. Filoplumes are very thin, hair-like feathers with very few barbs. They are thought to have a sensory function; any other details are mostly unknown. Semiplumes have a very large central rachis and loose veins. This structure allows them to be used in insulation and aerodynamics. Bristle feathers have a", "id": "14911998" }, { "contents": "List of birds of the Bahamas\n\n\nby diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Skimmers are a small family of tropical tern-like birds. They have an elongated lower mandible which they use to feed by flying low over the water surface and skimming the water for small fish. Order: PhaethontiformesFamily: Phaethontidae Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads and long wings have black markings.", "id": "10063855" }, { "contents": "Great cormorant\n\n\ngreen, and sometimes have a white chalky layer covering them. These eggs are incubated for a period of about 28 to 31 days. The great cormorant feeds on fish caught through diving. This bird feeds primarily on wrasses, but it also takes sand smelt, flathead and common soles. The average weight of fish taken by great cormorants increased with decreasing air and water temperature, being 30 g during summer, 109 g during a warm winter and 157 g during the cold winter (all values for non-breeding birds)", "id": "3560769" }, { "contents": "Commercial offshore diving\n\n\nwork for which diver intervention is the only available alternative. Most of the shallower offshore diving is done by divers who do the dive on air and then exit the water, doing any required decompression in the water or as surface decompression in a chamber. This diving is done either on surface-supplied diving equipment using a low-pressure compressor to supply the breathing air, or on Scuba replacement, a more mobile form of surface supplied diving where the breathing air is supplied from high pressure storage cylinders on the dive boat.", "id": "12690025" }, { "contents": "Feather\n\n\ncockatoos may use their head as a powder puff to apply the powder. Waterproofing can be lost by exposure to emulsifying agents due to human pollution. Feathers can then become waterlogged, causing the bird to sink. It is also very difficult to clean and rescue birds whose feathers have been fouled by oil spills. The feathers of cormorants soak up water and help to reduce buoyancy, thereby allowing the birds to swim submerged. Bristles are stiff, tapering feathers with a large rachis but few barbs. Rictal bristles are found around the", "id": "5791175" }, { "contents": "Newell's shearwater\n\n\nIn the south there are records from Samoa in September 1977 and American Samoa in January 1993. It feeds far from land, in areas of deep water (at least 2000 meters). Its diet is little known but includes squid and small fish. It dives into the water to catch its prey, swimming down to a depth of up to 10 meters using its wings to move forward. It is attracted to schools of tuna and gathers in flocks with other seabird species to catch prey driven to the surface by the tuna", "id": "7740662" }, { "contents": "Tradeoffs for locomotion in air and water\n\n\nhind-limbs acted to keep them from sinking. In other words, these birds can dynamically adjust the tilt of their bodies to adapt to changing buoyancies. Because air spaces are compressed with increased depth, diving birds must be capable of adapting to changing buoyancies throughout a dive. In fact, both Brünnich's guillemots and white-winged scoters have been observed to alter their stroking behavior throughout a dive as an adjustment for changing buoyancies. Some pursuit divers rely predominantly on their wings for thrust production during swimming. These include auks", "id": "1158202" }, { "contents": "Southeast Asian coral reefs\n\n\nwaters around Apo Island are home to about 650 species of fish and 400 species of corals. The waters of Apo Island were not always this full of life. Fishing is the major occupation on the island, and even those who do not fish, rely on the catch for their protein. So when a fisherman's catch began shortening, after years of unregulated fishing, it was very easy for them to resort to destructive methods of fishing, such as blast fishing and cyanide fishing, to get by. These methods almost", "id": "9467258" }, { "contents": "Green-sticking\n\n\npassing tuna that potential food lies ahead and that they should outrun the \"bird\" in order to get it first. The fishing technique is unusual for two reasons. First, it relies on fishing lures which seldom enter the water, depending instead on the ability of the tuna to see what is happening in the air above the water's surface and even to select prey targets above the surface which do not normally travel there. Second, it uses the theory of competition for prey to incite the tuna to pursue the lures", "id": "15669469" }, { "contents": "American water shrew\n\n\nthe summer and a black color in the winter. Air bubbles are trapped in the thick fur when the animal dives under water. The air bubbles help the shrew with buoyancy and also allow it to engage in a behavior called “water-walking”. The water shrew can dive underwater for about 15 seconds, but is only able to if it is swimming vigorously. The air bubbles allow the shrew to swim, but as soon as the shrew stops swimming, then it shoots back up to the surface. Its feet", "id": "21104340" }, { "contents": "Bird vision\n\n\nespecially in hazy conditions. Birds that have to look through an air/water interface have more deeply coloured carotenoid pigments in the oil droplets than other species. This helps them to locate shoals of fish, although it is uncertain whether they are sighting the phytoplankton on which the fish feed, or other feeding birds. Birds that fish by stealth from above the water have to correct for refraction particularly when the fish are observed at an angle. Reef herons and little egrets appear to be able to make the corrections needed when capturing", "id": "7611558" }, { "contents": "Asleep in the Deep (Dad's Army)\n\n\ndiscover a manhole that can be opened to allow them all to escape. The spanner to do this is hanging high on the wall, and when Hodges tries to reach it, he falls out of his tank and into the water, dropping the spanner. Pike dives under the water and retrieves the spanner, thus getting completely soaked again, but at least the men can get out. After opening the manhole, they crawl through it to the outside of the pumping house, then run round to rescue Jones, who has", "id": "7740500" }, { "contents": "Fishing cat\n\n\nmake a \"chuckling\" sound. Fishing cats have been observed while hunting along the edges of watercourses, grabbing prey from the water, and sometimes diving into the water to catch prey further from the banks. Their main prey is fish; scat collected in India's Keoladeo National Park revealed that fish comprises approximately three-quarters of their diet, with the remainder consisting of birds, insects, and small rodents. Molluscs, reptiles including snakes, amphibians and carrion of domestic cattle supplement their diet. They mark their territory using", "id": "1691025" }, { "contents": "Caspian tern\n\n\nof the species to which the \"Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds\" (AEWA) applies. They feed mainly on fish, which they dive for, hovering high over the water and then plunging. They also occasionally eat large insects, the young and eggs of other birds and rodents. They may fly up to from the breeding colony to catch fish; they often fish on freshwater lakes as well as at sea. Breeding is in spring and summer, with one to three pale blue green eggs", "id": "14857606" }, { "contents": "Penguin\n\n\n, although research has not supported this hypothesis. Penguins have a thick layer of insulating feathers that keeps them warm in water (heat loss in water is much greater than in air). The emperor penguin has a maximum feather density of about nine feathers per square centimeter which is actually much lower than other birds that live in antarctic environments. However, they have been identified as having at least four different \"types\" of feather: in addition to the traditional feather, the emperor has afterfeathers, plumules, and filoplumes.", "id": "4356240" }, { "contents": "Rowing (sport)\n\n\nthe goal to move the oar back to the catch position. In extraction, the rower pushes down on the oar handle to quickly lift the blade from the water and rapidly rotates the oar so that the blade is parallel to the water. This process is sometimes referred to as \"feathering the blade\". Simultaneously, the rower pushes the oar handle away from the chest. The blade emerges from the water square and feathers immediately once clear of the water. After feathering and extending the arms, the rower pivots the body", "id": "6211249" }, { "contents": "Sampling (statistics)\n\n\nwith replacement\" ('WR'—an element may appear multiple times in the one sample). For example, if we catch fish, measure them, and immediately return them to the water before continuing with the sample, this is a WR design, because we might end up catching and measuring the same fish more than once. However, if we do not return the fish to the water or tag and release each fish after catching it, this becomes a WOR design. Formulas, tables, and power function charts are well", "id": "1290281" }, { "contents": "Pel's fishing owl\n\n\nniloticus\"). While perched over the water, these owls detect the movement of fish from ripples in the water and swoop down to seize their prey with their powerful talons and then swoop back to their perch for consumption. Unlike many other fish-eating birds, Pel's fishing owl rarely submerge themselves or get particularly wet while hunting. More uncommonly, this species will forage by wading into shallow water along sandbanks. Pel's fishing owls nest during the dry season, which has the benefit of lower, clearer water and", "id": "8389389" }, { "contents": "Cantão\n\n\nfor predators like the giant otter, the Amazon river dolphin, the pirarucú, and the black and spectacled cayman. Along lake edges, five species of kingfisher, nine species of heron, and specialists like the sunbittern and the green ibis forage for fish and invertebrates. Neotropical cormorants and anhingas fish away from the shore. Even jaguars join in the feast, diving into forest pools to catch large fish, or sitting in ambush for them as they pass through the shallow water channels that connect deeper lakes. Four bird species in", "id": "15019633" }, { "contents": "Lesser frigatebird\n\n\nhelpful distinguishing sign. Frigate birds are built for flying; they rarely swim and cannot walk but can manage to climb around the trees and bushes in which they nest. They have a very light skeleton and long narrow wings and are masters of the air. Their name probably derives from the fact that they harass other sea birds such as boobies and tropicbirds as they return to their nests from feeding, forcing them to disgorge their catch, which is then swooped upon and caught by the frigate birds before it reaches the water", "id": "20209275" }, { "contents": "Carp fishing\n\n\ndifficult to capture with a rod and reel because of their filter-feeding habits. They may be captured by the \"suspension method\" used to catch silver carp, or, where legal, by snagging them by jerking a weighted treble hook through the water. Bighead carp cannot be shot from the air like silver carp, because, unlike the silver carp, they do not jump from the water in response to moving boats. However, they often feed near the surface where they can be shot by bowfishers. The", "id": "11315117" }, { "contents": "The Sheep\n\n\nwater, turn them to a horizontal plane and swing them toward the bow so they don't get 'caught' in the water. The sheep then tells Alice that they will be catching 'crabs' (which is rowing terminology for getting one's blades stuck in the water if one fails to feather properly). Alice's attention is then put onto some scented rushes growing in the water. She tries picking them, but they are only 'dream rushes' and melt away. She then \"catches a crab\"", "id": "13660021" }, { "contents": "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down\n\n\nstudent's balloon travels far and is brought back to its owner, the student wins a giant jar of candy corn. Greg writes an overly dramatic letter to ensure that his balloon is returned and attaches it to his balloon. While the other balloons get stuck on a cell phone tower, Greg's balloon is weighed down by his letter and flies further. Greg then discusses the Cheese Touch from the first book and how the kids try to bring it back, but the teachers always catch them doing so. Greg starts to", "id": "18515342" }, { "contents": "Fish fin\n\n\nmackerel and herring, has a large lower lobe to help it keep pace with its fast-swimming prey. Other tail adaptations help sharks catch prey more directly, such as the thresher shark's usage of its powerful, elongated upper lobe to stun fish and squid. Foil shaped fins generate thrust when moved, the lift of the fin sets water or air in motion and pushes the fin in the opposite direction. Aquatic animals get significant thrust by moving fins back and forth in water. Often the tail fin is used,", "id": "8068795" }, { "contents": "White-winged tern\n\n\nscarce vagrant in North America, mainly on the Atlantic coast, but a few records on the Pacific coast and inland in the Great Lakes area. Like the other \"marsh\" terns (\"Chlidonias\"), and unlike the \"white\" (\"Sterna\") terns, these birds do not dive for fish, but fly slowly over the water to surface-pick items and catch insects in flight. They mainly eat insects and small fish. In flight, the wing-beats are shallow and leisurely. The", "id": "12845350" }, { "contents": "Northern gannet\n\n\nprevent water entry; the eyes are protected by strong nictitating membranes. There are subcutaneous air sacs in the lower body and along the sides. Other air sacs are located between the sternum and the pectoral muscles and between the ribs and the intercostal muscles. These sacs are connected to the lungs and are filled with air when the bird breathes in. The air can be returned to the lungs by muscle contractions. The feathers are waterproof, which allows the birds to spend long periods in water. A water-impermeable secretion produced", "id": "14395592" }, { "contents": "Feather\n\n\n. The individual feathers in the wings and tail play important roles in controlling flight. Some species have a crest of feathers on their heads. Although feathers are light, a bird's plumage weighs two or three times more than its skeleton, since many bones are hollow and contain air sacs. Color patterns serve as camouflage against predators for birds in their habitats, and serve as camouflage for predators looking for a meal. As with fish, the top and bottom colors may be different, in order to provide camouflage during flight", "id": "5791172" }, { "contents": "Barnacle goose\n\n\nprocess of time been clothed with a strong coat of feathers, they either fall into the water or fly freely away into the air. They derived their food and growth from the sap of the wood or from the sea, by a secret and most wonderful process of alimentation. I have frequently seen, with my own eyes, more than a thousand of these small bodies of birds, hanging down on the sea-shore from one piece of timber, enclosed in their shells, and already formed. They do not breed", "id": "20415918" }, { "contents": "Weed Lake Wetland\n\n\nin Alberta. This large water bird likes to eat small fish. Its wing span is approximately 2.9 meters. The American white pelican that lives at Weed lake is approximately 138–178 cm. It is a very quiet bird. Blue jays weigh around 70 to 100 g. Its wingspan is roughly 16 inches (41 cm) and its height is about 30 cm from head to feet. All blue jays are blue and whitish gray. They have blue feathers on the upper parts and white on the under-parts. Most of them", "id": "21396106" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Trinidad and Tobago\n\n\non the head. Most terns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PhaethontiformesFamily: Phaethontidae Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads and long wings have black markings. Order: ProcellariiformesFamily: Oceanitidae The storm-petrels are the smallest seabirds, relatives of the petrels, feeding on planktonic crustaceans and small fish picked from the surface", "id": "11348430" }, { "contents": "Blyth's kingfisher\n\n\nBetween four and six eggs are laid, incubated by both parents. The parents sit very tight; nests become covered in faecal matter. The periods of incubation and fledging are not known. The species feeds on fish and insects it catches by diving in water bodies. Unlike other \"Alcedo\" kingfishers, Blyth's kingfisher dives from a shrub close above the water, rather than from an exposed vantage point. The species is presumed not to migrate. It is described as a shy bird. Blyth's kingfisher frequents small rivers", "id": "21874610" }, { "contents": "Little tunny\n\n\ndigenea\" (flukes), \"monogenea\" (gillworms), \"cestoda\" (tapeworms), and isopods. As with many inshore gamefish like bluefish and striped bass, schools of little tunny are usually indicated by flocks of birds diving in coastal waters. Fishermen targeting them often troll bait, cast lures, and float fish. When trolling for Little Tunny, fishermen often use small lures baited with either mullet or ballyhoo or lures dressed with colored feathers. When float fishing, popular baits are Spot, Bluefish, or", "id": "10482230" }, { "contents": "Catch and release\n\n\nCatch and release is a practice within recreational fishing intended as a technique of conservation. After capture, the fish are unhooked and returned to the water. Often, a fast measurement and weighing of the fish is worthwhile. Using barbless hooks, it is often possible to release the fish without removing it from the water (a slack line is frequently sufficient). In the United Kingdom, catch and release has been performed for more than a century by coarse fishermen in order to prevent target species from disappearing in heavily fished waters", "id": "16696017" }, { "contents": "Double-crested cormorant\n\n\neats fish and hunts by swimming and diving. Its feathers, like those of all cormorants, are not waterproof and it must spend time drying them out after spending time in the water. Once threatened by the use of DDT, the numbers of this bird have increased markedly in recent years. The double-crested cormorant was described by Rene Primevere Lesson in 1831. Its scientific name is derived from the Greek words φαλακρος (\"phalakros\"), \"bald\" and κοραξ (\"korax\"), \"crow\"", "id": "2650265" }, { "contents": "Guanaco\n\n\nsome areas it has not rained for over 50 years. A mountainous coastline running parallel to the desert enables them to survive in what are called \"fog oases\" or lomas. Where the cool water touches the hotter land, the air above the desert is cooled, creating a fog and thus, water vapor. Winds carry the fog across the desert, where cacti catch the water droplets and lichens that cling to the cacti soak it in like a sponge. Guanacos then eat the cacti flowers and the lichens. Natural predators", "id": "4362893" }, { "contents": "African arowana\n\n\nwith large scales, long dorsal and anal fins set far back on the body, and a rounded caudal fin. Its height is 3.5 to 5 times standard length (SL). It has been reported to reach up to SL and weigh up to . This fish is gray, brown, or bronze in color. Coloration is uniform in adults, but juveniles often have dark longitudinal bands. African arowanas have air-breathing organs on its branchiae, enabling them to survive in oxygen-depleted water. A suprabranchial organ allows", "id": "1819678" }, { "contents": "Bird\n\n\ndown the throat. Some species, especially of arid zones, belonging to the pigeon, finch, mousebird, button-quail and bustard families are capable of sucking up water without the need to tilt back their heads. Some desert birds depend on water sources and sandgrouse are particularly well known for their daily congregations at waterholes. Nesting sandgrouse and many plovers carry water to their young by wetting their belly feathers. Some birds carry water for chicks at the nest in their crop or regurgitate it along with food. The pigeon family", "id": "3074523" }, { "contents": "Hummingbird\n\n\nAllen's, calliope) vibrate during courtship display dives and produce an audible chirp caused by aeroelastic flutter. Hummingbirds cannot make the courtship dive sound when missing their outer tail feathers, and those same feathers could produce the dive-sound in a wind tunnel. The bird can sing at the same frequency as the tail feather chirp, but its small syrinx is not capable of the same volume. The sound is caused by the aerodynamics of rapid air flow past tail feathers, causing them to flutter in a vibration which produces", "id": "20647185" }, { "contents": "Brewarrina Aboriginal Fish Traps\n\n\nthe stone fish traps. The old people wouldn't have to spear the fish, they would just walk into the river and catch them under the gills and fill their bugguda, their dilly bags, up with them'. Some of the traps were still being maintained by people from the mission in 1912. They replaced smaller fallen rocks and frequently diverted the water flow to cut away deposits of silt. In 1915 just one man, Steve Shaw, was working the traps. He would block the entrance to a trap with", "id": "5214507" }, { "contents": "Bat\n\n\nthem from the surface of the water with their sharp canine teeth. The greater noctule bat can catch birds in flight. Some species, like the greater bulldog bat (\"Noctilio leporinus\") hunt fish. They use echolocation to detect small ripples on the water's surface, swoop down and use specially enlarged claws on their hind feet to grab the fish, then take their prey to a feeding roost and consume it. At least two species of bat are known to feed on other bats: the spectral bat (\"", "id": "15145819" }, { "contents": "Super Bowl LI\n\n\n, Brady picked up a first down with a 16-yard pass to Chris Hogan. After an 11-yard pass to Mitchell, Brady threw a pass that was nearly intercepted by Alford. Instead, he batted the ball in the air, and it fell into the arms of Edelman, who made a diving catch as it bounced off the shoe of another Falcon's player and just barely managed to get his hands under the ball before it hit the ground, picking up 23 yards. Atlanta challenged the catch, but the referees confirmed the", "id": "6531955" }, { "contents": "List of birds of Saint Kitts and Nevis\n\n\nterns hunt fish by diving but some pick insects off the surface of fresh water. Terns are generally long-lived birds, with several species known to live in excess of 30 years. Order: PhaethontiformesFamily: Phaethontidae Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their heads and long wings have black markings. Order: ProcellariiformesFamily: Oceanitidae The storm-petrels are the smallest seabirds, relatives of the petrels, feeding on planktonic crustaceans and small fish picked from the surface, typically while hovering.", "id": "10065044" }, { "contents": "Alternative air source\n\n\nthis purpose, and which connects to the main cylinder valve to decant air for a top-up. This is usually done by the diver before the dive. A button gauge is provided to allow the diver to check the pressure. Since their introduction in the 1980s, \"Spare Air\" cylinders have been the subject of debate within the diving community. The argument against them is that they do not have sufficient capacity to get a diver in many emergency situations back to the surface safely, and thus cause divers to feel", "id": "8718415" }, { "contents": "Gerridae\n\n\n, or water striders, are preyed upon largely by birds and some fish. Petrels, terns, and some marine fish prey on Halobates. Fish do not appear to be the main predators of water striders, but will eat them in cases of starvation. Scent gland secretions from the thorax are responsible for repelling fish from eating them. Gerrids are largely hunted by birds of a wide range of species dependent on habitat. Some water striders are hunted by frogs, but they are not their main food source. Water striders are", "id": "9029248" }, { "contents": "American dipper\n\n\nThe American dipper (\"Cinclus mexicanus\"), also known as a water ouzel, is a stocky dark grey bird with a head sometimes tinged with brown, and white feathers on the eyelids that cause the eyes to flash white as the bird blinks. It is long and weighs on average . It has long legs, and bobs its whole body up and down during pauses as it feeds on the bottom of fast-moving, rocky streams. It inhabits the mountainous regions of Central America and western North America from Panama", "id": "860522" } ]
How is the ketogenic diet at all healthy if you're eating lots of fats, which clog arteries?
[{"answer": "Put in a very simple way: Fat does not clog arteries by itself, fat deposits on blood vessel walls as a protective measure, against damaged caused to the lining by other things, mainly, sugar. its a protective measure to prevent further damage to the vessels, and to the blood constituents, the issue is that damage accumulates and so does fat unless lifestyle is changed. In the early 20th century when people saw clotted arteries with fat, calcium etc, they erroneously assumed that those dietary elements were the factor that was causing the issue, without realising that they were blaming the defensive measure for the problem. Sadly medicine is this giant machine that takes ages to acknowledge information is inaccurate, and even longer to start changing how it deals with it, it takes decades. And analogy: They saw a huge traffic jam, they saw shinny lights (cops) and blamed the cops for the jam, instead of realising the cops are there because there was a car crash, which is the true factor to blame for the jam. Ketogenic and vegetarian diets are good to help reduce and even reverse those issues, because you are removing the factors that cause damage to the inner lining of the blood vessels (excess sugar), also helps with diabetes as you prevent constant insulin spikes which lead to insensitivity. Fats are needed by the body, and quite healthy in themselves, yes, even saturated which is quite important for you, the issue is also how much you eat. TL:DR: Sugars be the evil, not fat, fat just cool dudes helping you and getting all the blame."}, {"answer": "Saturated fats do not clog arteries. Current [medical research]( URL_0 ) has shown that there is no statistical link between the consumption of saturated fats and cardio vascular disease. The ketogenic diet has many more aspects to it than just eating a lot of fats. It is a very low carbohydrate, moderate protein, high fat diet. The restriction of carbohydrates to less than 20-25g per day causes your body to enter ketosis, or to go into a ketogenic state. In this state, your brain--the largest consumer of energy in your body--and which normally on the Standard American Diet runs entirely on glucose for energy, begins to shift and use ketone bodies produced by your liver for a majority of its energy needs. At the same time, once liver and muscle stores of glycogen have been depleted and converted to glucose and utilized for energy, and the body begins to look for additional sources of energy. The next easiest of the dietary macros [carbohydrates, fats and protein] available to be converted to energy is dietary and stored body fat, which can be broken down into free fatty acids. That is why the ketogenic diet works. Since there is little to no sugar or carbs--except for a minimal amount still consumed, all of which goes to the brain's dominant and ongoing need for some amount of glucose--the body then starts using incoming dietary fats as its primary fuel. This process will then consume and burn all of the fats that are being eaten, and assuming that calorie intake has been lowered to a deficit as compared with calorie burn, will then result in your body breaking down fat cells into free fatty acids to then be transported into cells for energy production. In a nutshell, that is how the ketogenic diet handles and uses the high amount of fats eaten, as they are now the primary source of energy. Hope this helps."}, {"answer": "Because the science on fats has not been completely conclusive. Coconut has more saturated fat than bacon for instance."}, {"answer": "This is going to be full of uninformed people who are going to tell you that eggs and meat are bad, and that you NEEEEEEEEEEED sugar and carbs."}, {"answer": "You are beginning with a flawed premise: \"fats, which clog arteries?\" is not correct."}, {"answer": "Here is a very good article that talks in depth about this. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "If you have to assume something is true to come to a conclusion, and then cannot prove your assumption is true, then your conclusion isn't true, either. So, having said that: Lots of fats do not clog your arteries, in general. As China pointed out there is no link between saturated fat and heart disease, although I'll touch on a paradox that is making rounds in the ketogenic scientific community regarding fat composition of the diet and cholesterol levels increasing in an unhealthy manner. Think of your artery as a 4-lane freeway. If there are 10 cars driving on it at any given time there's less likely a chance of an accident, and it's probably 3 AM. Now imagine that it's just before rush hour and there are a few hundred cars passing the same spot, per lane. There's much more likelihood of an accident happening simply due to the increase of cars. Now, what is a clogged artery? It's the deposit of a CHOLESTEROL (very, very, very important point here, do not forget it) molecule behind the artery wall. It shouldn't be there. The cholesterol was like a car without wheels being transported on the back of a big rig (since cholesterol cannot move freely on the highway). So imagine now that instead of 10 big rigs carrying cars, there are 200. Or 4000. Doesn't matter. If one of those big rigs gets into an accident, it's more likely that the car (cholesterol) is going to get dumped off the top of that big rig to somewhere it shouldn't be. In this case, because there is an increase in the particles that carry cholesterol in your body there is an increase in the chance one of those particles is going to enter the artery lining and cause a cascade of inflammation that results in cholesterol getting deposited, which causes the site to interact even more with the cholesterol-containing particles and the cycle continues until you get the plaque formation (artery clog). Enough of this and it can dislodge and kill you, but before doing so will increase your blood pressure and cause all sorts of other issues. So, when it comes to the ketogenic diet, the increase of saturated fat **seems** to be able to cause an remarkable increase in the particles I mentioned (LDL-P). LDL-P is one of THE driving factors (if not **the** factor) that drives risk of cardiovascular disease, because it's physically impossible for cholesterol to get into an artery unless it's being carried there. More big rigs with cars, more accidents with cars. Now, some people on this diet with the increase of fat start absorbing more cholesterol through their gut lining or start mass producing it. This is simple genetics. So for those people, their freeways are now JAM PACKED with big rigs with cars, so much so that there is a legitimate concern of long-term health. So while the studies show no link, there's seems to be a direct increase of LDL-P on the diet initially for some people, which is a bona fide concern for clogging your arteries, but even then only if the mass of that cholesterol (LDL-C) is also high. I have all sorts of graphs on this but since this is ELI5 I'll leave them out unless you want to see them. However, after 6 months, those levels balance out and can be further thrown off if one is also losing weight at the same time. TL;DR: **Too many cholesterol-carrying particles clog arteries, not fat.**"}, {"answer": "It's kind of like saying that doctors cause illness because everytime people are sick you see doctors. If you eat a lot of fat and carbs then you will gain weight and clog your arteries because the insulin response from the carbs pushes the fat and sugar into the cells. The high carbs also cause inflammation which I think leads to the clogged arteries. If you eat a normal meal at McDonalds you get 150g of carbs which is brutally high. Fries bun and pop are what makes you gain weight. This is guaranteed to cause an insulin response and all the fat that you ate with the meal gets stored in the cells as well. I did keto for a few months and got the rest of my family hooked on it. My parents, and two sister's families are all on it. They all say they feel better and have lost weight. I quit because I was having problems but I'm still pretty low carb and I feel a lot better than I did. I may try it again but I will never go back to eating lots of carbs again. I hated the cravings for sugar and the energy crashes. Check out /r/keto for more info. It's a good place for info. They are very focussed on weight loss but can also help with the health side of it. This [guy]( URL_0 ) explains it pretty well."}, {"answer": "Please research it for yourself as I may not be 100% accurate here but this is my understanding. There is very little you can do to clog or not clog your arteries through diet. Some people have high levels of cholesterol both good and bad, and others don't. It's your body and not subject to change. Even if you eat less fat, your cholesterol level will tend to do what it does. It's like thinking a sugar free diet could cure diabetes. Anyway, ketoacidosis is what happens when your body doesn't get enough sugar and carbohydrate. The brain for instance doesn't get it's energy from fat and it doesn't get it's energy from protein, it gets most of it's energy from fast burning sugars. Sugars mostly come from carbohydrate groups not fat or protein. However in 'lean times' your liver can turn a high protein low carbohydrate diet into ketone bodies, which are a kind of fatty sugar. Your brain can run on ketones for extended periods and your liver is what makes this possible. So instead of fat, carbs, protein, your body is mostly using fat, ketones, protein. The down side is ketones don't burn clean, and there are a lot of metabolic left overs from those reactions that your kidneys have to filter out of your blood. IE it's messy. In ketoacidosis you end up with so many ketones in your blood it actually changes your blood ph and so the kidneys have to filter even more out. Other side effects are ketogenic metabolism can release some odd smells during respiration not to mention your breath, and it gives you what can be though of as carnivore breath or acetone breath. the other thing is you must supply a lot of protein with these kind of diets and eat a lot of calories because it's too tempting to your body to start leaching muscle and protein away from internal organs and muscles. Ketogenic metabolisms speed up the the fat burning metabolism in the body though and the other changes to body chemistry make it harder to store new fat, and take less time to burn existing fat to make energy. Where as high carbohydrate diets do the opposite. Human beings are omnivores and our metabolism is adaptable enough for the same species to be vegan, omnivore, vegetarian, protein only, or fat and protein yet still live, thrive, and get energy.k IE we can eat just about anything and survive, our bodies will adapt. This doesn't address malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies though."}, {"answer": "OP, Typhera covered it well but if you want even more indepth info, check out the book Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "791546", "title": "Ketogenic diet", "section": "Section::::Mechanism of action.:Seizure control.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 91, "end_paragraph_id": 91, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["biochemical changes are known to occur in the brain of a patient on the ketogenic diet, it is not known which of these has an anticonvulsant effect. The lack of understanding in this area is similar to the situation with many anticonvulsant drugs. On the ketogenic diet, carbohydrates are restricted and so cannot provide for all the metabolic needs of the body. Instead, fatty acids are used as the major source of fuel. These are used through fatty-acid oxidation in the cell's mitochondria (the energy-producing parts of the cell). Humans can convert some amino acids into glucose by a process called gluconeogenesis, but cannot do this by using fatty acids. Since amino acids are needed to make proteins, which are essential for growth and repair of body tissues, these cannot be used only to produce glucose. This could pose a problem for the brain, since it is normally fuelled solely by glucose, and most fatty acids do not cross the bloodbrain barrier. However, the liver can use long-chain fatty acids to synthesise the three ketone bodies \u03b2-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone. These ketone bodies enter the brain and \"partially\" substitute for blood glucose as a source of energy.", "biochemical changes are known to occur in the brain of a patient on the ketogenic diet, it is not known which of these has an anticonvulsant effect. The lack of understanding in this area is similar to the situation with many anticonvulsant drugs. On the ketogenic diet, carbohydrates are restricted and so cannot provide for all the metabolic needs of the body. Instead, fatty acids are used as the major source of fuel. These are used through fatty-acid oxidation in the cell's mitochondria (the energy-producing parts of the cell). Humans can convert some amino acids into glucose by a process called gluconeogenesis, but cannot do this by using fatty acids. Since amino acids are needed to make proteins, which are essential for growth and repair of body tissues, these cannot be used only to produce glucose. This could pose a problem for the brain, since it is normally fuelled solely by glucose, and most fatty acids do not cross the bloodbrain barrier.", "On the ketogenic diet, carbohydrates are restricted and so cannot provide for all the metabolic needs of the body. Instead, fatty acids are used as the major source of fuel. These are used through fatty-acid oxidation in the cell's mitochondria (the energy-producing parts of the cell). Humans can convert some amino acids into glucose by a process called gluconeogenesis, but cannot do this by using fatty acids. Since amino acids are needed to make proteins, which are essential for growth and repair of body tissues, these cannot be used only to produce glucose. This could pose a problem for the brain, since it is normally fuelled solely by glucose, and most fatty acids do not cross the bloodbrain barrier. However, the liver can use long-chain fatty acids to synthesise the three ketone bodies \u03b2-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone. These ketone bodies enter the brain and \"partially\" substitute for blood glucose as a source of energy."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "791546", "title": "Ketogenic diet", "section": "Section::::Indications and contra-indications.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 38, "end_paragraph_id": 38, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Because the ketogenic diet alters the body's metabolism, it is a first-line therapy in children with certain congenital metabolic diseases such as pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) deficiency and glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome, which prevent the body from using carbohydrates as fuel, leading to a dependency on ketone bodies. The ketogenic diet is beneficial in treating the seizures and some other symptoms in these diseases and is an absolute indication. However, it is absolutely contraindicated in the treatment of other diseases such as pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, porphyria, and other rare genetic disorders of fat metabolism. Persons with a disorder of fatty acid oxidation are unable to metabolise fatty acids, which replace carbohydrates as the major energy source on the diet. On the ketogenic diet, their bodies would consume their own protein stores for fuel, leading to ketoacidosis, and eventually coma and death. The ketogenic diet is usually initiated in combination with the patient's existing anticonvulsant regimen, though patients may be weaned off\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Because the ketogenic diet alters the body's metabolism, it is a first-line therapy in children with certain congenital metabolic diseases such as pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) deficiency and glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome, which prevent the body from using carbohydrates as fuel, leading to a dependency on ketone bodies. The ketogenic diet is beneficial in treating the seizures and some other symptoms in these diseases and is an absolute indication. However, it is absolutely contraindicated in the treatment of other diseases such as pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, porphyria, and other rare genetic disorders of fat metabolism. Persons with a disorder of fatty acid oxidation are unable to metabolise fatty acids, which replace carbohydrates as the major energy source on the diet. On the ketogenic diet, their bodies would consume their own protein stores for fuel,"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "8460", "title": "Dieting", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated and supervised fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases, such as diabetes. A restricted diet is often used by those who are overweight or obese, sometimes in combination with physical exercise, to reduce body weight. Some people follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight and improve health", "Dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated and supervised fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases, such as diabetes. A restricted diet is often used by those who are overweight or obese, sometimes in combination with physical exercise, to reduce body weight. Some people follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight and improve health.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nketone bodies), were produced by the liver in otherwise healthy people when they were starved or if they consumed a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. Dr. Russell Morse Wilder, at the Mayo Clinic, built on this research and coined the term \"ketogenic diet\" to describe a diet that produced a high level of ketone bodies in the blood (ketonemia) through an excess of fat and lack of carbohydrate. Wilder hoped to obtain the benefits of fasting in a dietary therapy that could be maintained indefinitely.", "id": "6074154" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nmedium of insulin, and that low-carbohydrate diets have a \"metabolic advantage\", has been falsified by experiment. It is not clear how low-carbohydrate dieting affects cardiovascular health; any benefit from HDL cholesterol might be offset by raised LDL cholesterol, which risks causing clogged arteries in the long term. Carbohydrate-restricted diets are no more effective than a conventional healthy diet in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes, but for people with type 2 diabetes they are a viable option for losing weight or helping with glycemic", "id": "9464296" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nof fat in one's diet. Calorie consumption is reduced because less fat is consumed. Diets of this type include NCEP Step I and II. A meta-analysis of 16 trials of 2–12 months' duration found that low-fat diets (without intentional restriction of caloric intake) resulted in average weight loss of over habitual eating. Low-carbohydrate diets are relatively high in protein and fats. Low-carbohydrate diets are sometimes \"ketogenic\" (i.e., they restrict carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause ketosis). Low-", "id": "8430270" }, { "contents": "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy\n\n\nburning stored body fat. In the absence of glucose, the body produces ketones, a chemical by-product of fat metabolism that has been known to inhibit seizures. A modified version of a popular low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet which is less restrictive than the ketogenic diet. The low glycemic index treatment (LGIT) is a new dietary therapy currently being studied to treat epilepsy. LGIT attempts to reproduce the positive effects of the ketogenic diet. The treatment allows a more generous intake of carbohydrates than the ketogenic diet", "id": "2273818" }, { "contents": "The 10% Solution for a Healthy Life\n\n\nThe 10% Solution for a Healthy Life (, paperback, 1993) is a health book written by computer scientist Raymond Kurzweil in which he explains to readers \"How to Reduce Fat in Your Diet and Eliminate Virtually All Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer\". Some of his recommendations have been updated and revised in subsequent years, particularly in his newer books: \"\" and \"Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever\". Atherosclerosis is a disease which is characterized by a progressive buildup of rigid material inside artery walls", "id": "12171912" }, { "contents": "Glut1 deficiency\n\n\npatients on a ketogenic diet, and most parents report improved energy, alertness, balance, coordination, and concentration, especially when the diet is started early in childhood. The ketogenic diet is a diet high in fat en low in protein and carbohydrates, with up to 90% of calories obtained from fat. Since the diet is low in carbohydrates, the body gets little glucose, normally the main energy source. The fat in the diet is converted by the liver in ketone bodies, which causes a build up of ketones", "id": "658363" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nlow-fat, high-carbohydrate nature of the normal Indian and Asian diet means that their ketogenic diets typically have a lower ketogenic ratio (1:1) than in America and Europe. However, they appear to be just as effective. In many developing countries, the ketogenic diet is expensive because dairy fats and meat are more expensive than grain, fruit and vegetables. The modified Atkins diet has been proposed as a lower-cost alternative for those countries; the slightly more expensive food bill can be offset by a reduction in", "id": "6074214" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nThe ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain function. However, if little carbohydrate remains in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone", "id": "6074139" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nof achieving weight loss, extending the induction phase indefinitely, and specifically encouraging fat consumption. Compared with the ketogenic diet, the modified Atkins diet (MAD) places no limit on calories or protein, and the lower overall ketogenic ratio (about 1:1) does not need to be consistently maintained by all meals of the day. The MAD does not begin with a fast or with a stay in hospital and requires less dietitian support than the ketogenic diet. Carbohydrates are initially limited to 10 g per day in children or 20 g", "id": "6074205" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nacidosis, and hypoglycaemia if an initial fast is undertaken. Raised levels of lipids in the blood affect up to 60% of children and cholesterol levels may increase by around 30%. This can be treated by changes to the fat content of the diet, such as from saturated fats towards polyunsaturated fats, and if persistent, by lowering the ketogenic ratio. Supplements are necessary to counter the dietary deficiency of many micronutrients. Long-term use of the ketogenic diet in children increases the risk of slowed or stunted growth, bone", "id": "6074180" }, { "contents": "Ring chromosome 20 syndrome\n\n\nthe most appropriate antiepileptic drug. As not all cases of ring chromosome 20 syndrome are the same, different individuals may respond to treatment in different ways.Alternates to antiepileptic drug treatment include the ketogenic diet and vagus nerve stimulation but not epilepsy surgery. The ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carbohydrate diet reserved for intractable childhood epilepsies. There are no published reports on the use of the ketogenic diet in patients with ring chromosome 20 syndrome. However, its efficacy and safety are well established in other difficult to control epilepsy syndromes", "id": "15882503" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nthe difficulties too great. The Johns Hopkins Hospital protocol for initiating the ketogenic diet has been widely adopted. It involves a consultation with the patient and their caregivers and, later, a short hospital admission. Because of the risk of complications during ketogenic diet initiation, most centres begin the diet under close medical supervision in the hospital. At the initial consultation, patients are screened for conditions that may contraindicate the diet. A dietary history is obtained and the parameters of the diet selected: the ketogenic ratio of fat to combined protein", "id": "6074185" }, { "contents": "Treatment of bipolar disorder\n\n\nand until recently, was entirely hypothetical. Recently, however, two case studies have been described where ketogenic diets were used to treat bipolar II. In each case, the patients found that the ketogenic diet was more effective for treating their disorder than medication and were able to discontinue the use of medication. The key to efficacy appears to be ketosis, which can be achieved either with a classic high-fat ketogenic diet, or with a low-carbohydrate diet similar to the induction phase of the Atkins Diet. The mechanism", "id": "5885956" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\na 3:1 ratio. Fat is energy-rich, with 9 kcal/g (38 kJ/g) compared to 4 kcal/g (17 kJ/g) for carbohydrate or protein, so portions on the ketogenic diet are smaller than normal. The quantity of fat in the diet can be calculated from the overall energy requirements and the chosen ketogenic ratio. Next, the protein levels are set to allow for growth and body maintenance, and are around 1 g protein for each kg of body weight. Lastly,", "id": "6074198" }, { "contents": "Atherosclerosis\n\n\ndiet. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. The narrowing of arteries limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to parts of the body. Diagnosis is based upon a physical exam, electrocardiogram, and exercise stress test, among others. Prevention is generally by eating a healthy diet, exercising, not smoking, and maintaining a normal weight. Treatment of established disease may include medications to lower cholesterol such as statins, blood pressure medication, or medications that decrease clotting", "id": "5089410" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nof the limited carbohydrates is slowed by the high fat content. Although it is also a high-fat diet (with approximately 60% calories from fat), the LGIT allows more carbohydrate than either the classic ketogenic diet or the modified Atkins diet, approximately 40–60 g per day. However, the types of carbohydrates consumed are restricted to those that have a glycaemic index lower than 50. Like the modified Atkins diet, the LGIT is initiated and maintained at outpatient clinics and does not require precise weighing of food or intensive dietitian", "id": "6074208" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nabsolutely contraindicated in the treatment of other diseases such as pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, porphyria, and other rare genetic disorders of fat metabolism. Persons with a disorder of fatty acid oxidation are unable to metabolise fatty acids, which replace carbohydrates as the major energy source on the diet. On the ketogenic diet, their bodies would consume their own protein stores for fuel, leading to ketoacidosis, and eventually coma and death. The ketogenic diet is usually initiated in combination with the patient's existing anticonvulsant regimen, though patients may be weaned off", "id": "6074178" }, { "contents": "The OrganWise Guys\n\n\nimportance of their health at a young age. The main \"rules\" of the OWG Club are to: eat a low fat and high fiber diet, drink lots of water, and get plenty of exercise. Characters like the Kidney Brothers discuss the importance of drinking water to keep the blood clean, and Peter Pancreas explains how he controls sugar levels in the body by making insulin. The OWG school-based nutrition and healthy living education curricula is matched to the Common Core State Standards Initiative for grades pre K-5. The", "id": "4366530" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\n. The classical and modified MCT ketogenic diets are equally effective and differences in tolerability are not statistically significant. The MCT diet is less popular in the United States; MCT oil is more expensive than other dietary fats and is not covered by insurance companies. First reported in 2003, the idea of using a form of the Atkins diet to treat epilepsy came about after parents and patients discovered that the induction phase of the Atkins diet controlled seizures. The ketogenic diet team at Johns Hopkins Hospital modified the Atkins diet by removing the aim", "id": "6074204" }, { "contents": "Vilhjalmur Stefansson\n\n\neating nothing but meat and fish—what might nowadays be perceived to be a 'zerocarb' / no-carbohydrate diet or an extreme version of the ketogenic diet. (The diet technically contains a very low amount of carbohydates as the fresh fish that the Inuit ate would have contained a small amount of glycogen.) He found that he and his fellow explorers of European, Negro, and South Sea Islands descent were also perfectly healthy on such a diet. Some years after his first experience with the Inuit (known as", "id": "5913380" }, { "contents": "Maker's Diet\n\n\n's emphasis on the health benefits organic foods, which is not supported by scientific evidence. Dietitian Victoria Shanta-Retelny, RD, called the diet \"gimmicky\" and said that some of its claims and the supplements sold by Rubin directly clashed with scientific literature. For example, Rubin's diet calls for using extra-virgin coconut oil, which has been found by scientific studies to be made mostly of artery clogging saturated fat. Dr. Ruth Kava, director of nutrition at the American Council on Science and Health, criticized Rubin", "id": "7021744" }, { "contents": "Coronary artery disease\n\n\nnonprofit organization founded in 1998 which tries to decrease ischemic heart diseases through education and research. In 2016 research into the archives of theSugar Association, the trade association for the sugar industry in the US, had sponsored an influential literature review published in 1965 in the \"New England Journal of Medicine\" that downplayed early findings about the role of a diet heavy in sugar in the development of CAD and emphasized the role of fat; that review influenced decades of research funding and guidance on healthy eating. Research efforts are focused on new", "id": "6126929" }, { "contents": "Management of drug-resistant epilepsy\n\n\nfor adolescents to follow the diet strictly. For this reason a fat ratio of 3: 1 instead of 4: 1 can be recommended to make meals more palatable. Side effects of the ketogenic diet can be constipation, tiredness and after a long term diet, in one out of 20 patients, kidney stones. In the 1960s it was discovered that when medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) fats are metabolized in the body more ketone bodies are produced then from metabolizing any other fat. Based on this mechanism the MCT ketogenic", "id": "12760352" }, { "contents": "Management of drug-resistant epilepsy\n\n\nthe long term practice of the first phase of the popular Atkins diet the so-called induction phase to reduce seizures through ketosis. In this diet the fat content of the nutrition is slightly lower than in the ketogenic diet at around 60%, the protein content is around 30% and the carbohydrate content is around 10% rendering the diet less restrictive and more compatible with the daily life compared to the ketogenic diet. Several studies show that the modified Atkins diet produces a similar or slightly lower seizure reduction to the ketogenic diet", "id": "12760354" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\n-carbohydrate diet has been found to reduce endurance capacity for intense exercise efforts, and depleted muscle glycogen following such efforts is only slowly replenished if a low-carbohydrate diet is taken. Inadequate carbohydrate intake during athletic training causes metabolic acidosis, which may be responsible for the impaired performance which has been observed. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet used to treat drug-resistant childhood epilepsy. In the 2010s, it became a fad diet for people wanting to lose weight. Users of the ketogenic", "id": "9464315" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nof the recommended daily amounts (RDA) for the child's age (the high-fat diet requires less energy to process than a typical high-carbohydrate diet). Highly active children or those with muscle spasticity require more food energy than this; immobile children require less. The ketogenic ratio of the diet compares the weight of fat to the combined weight of carbohydrate and protein. This is typically 4:1, but children who are younger than 18 months, older than 12 years, or who are obese may be started on", "id": "6074197" }, { "contents": "Management of drug-resistant epilepsy\n\n\ndiet a modification of the ketogenic diet was developed and it has nearly replaced the classic ketogenic diet in the USA. In the MCT ketogenic diet MCT oil is added to ketogenic meals, which allows the carbohydrate content to be increased to around 15 to 20%. This way some patients find the meals more enjoyable. The success rate of the MCT ketogenic diet does not differ from the classic ketogenic diet however not all children can tolerate the necessary large amounts of MCT oil which is also very expensive. A modified Atkins diet describes", "id": "12760353" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nwith more palatable meals. Infants and patients fed via a gastrostomy tube can also be given a ketogenic diet. Parents make up a prescribed powdered formula, such as KetoCal, into a liquid feed. Gastrostomy feeding avoids any issues with palatability, and bottle-fed infants readily accept the ketogenic formula. Some studies have found this liquid feed to be more efficacious and associated with lower total cholesterol than a solid ketogenic diet. KetoCal is a nutritionally complete food containing milk protein and is supplemented with amino acids, fat, carbohydrate,", "id": "6074210" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nas the MCT ketogenic diet uses a form of coconut oil, which is rich in MCTs, to provide around half the calories. As less overall fat is needed in this variant of the diet, a greater proportion of carbohydrate and protein can be consumed, allowing a greater variety of food choices. In the mid-1990s, Hollywood producer Jim Abrahams, whose son's severe epilepsy was effectively controlled by the diet, created the Charlie Foundation to promote it. Publicity included an appearance on NBC's \"Dateline\" programme and \"...", "id": "6074143" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\n4:1 ratio by weight of fat to combined protein and carbohydrate. This is achieved by excluding high-carbohydrate foods such as starchy fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, grains, and sugar, while increasing the consumption of foods high in fat such as nuts, cream, and butter. Most dietary fat is made of molecules called long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). However, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)—made from fatty acids with shorter carbon chains than LCTs—are more ketogenic. A variant of the classic diet known", "id": "6074142" }, { "contents": "Treatment of bipolar disorder\n\n\nanterograde amnesia, and retrograde amnesia. Because many of the medications that are effective in treating epilepsy are also effective as mood stabilizers, it has been suggested that the ketogenic diet—used for treating pediatric epilepsy—could have mood stabilizing effects. Ketogenic diets are diets that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates, and force the body to use fat for energy instead of sugars from carbohydrates. This causes a metabolic response similar to that seen in the body during fasting. This idea has not been tested by clinical research,", "id": "5885955" }, { "contents": "List of nutrition guides\n\n\nthree categories are safer food, a healthy diet, and appropriate physical activity. In the healthy diet category, the five keys are: \"Give your baby only breast milk for the first 6 months of life,\" \"Eat a variety of food,\" \"Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit,\" \"Eat moderate amounts of fats and oil,\" and \"Eat less salt and sugar.\" Each key includes bullet points with further recommendations. The 3 Fives was originally developed for distribution at major sporting events like", "id": "15139657" }, { "contents": "Social class differences in food consumption\n\n\ndiet. The upper class may have a more balanced diet, however it has been discovered that they also enjoy eating processed or highly fatty foods. Lower Classes eat processed foods with high fats and added sugars out of necessity, whereas the Upper Class eat such foods in moderation and as a social activity or occasional treat or simply because they can. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) a healthy diet includes: A heavy emphasis on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free", "id": "9418461" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nand supplements, to purchase an accurate electronic scale, or to afford MCT oils. In Asia, the normal diet includes rice and noodles as the main energy source, making their elimination difficult. Therefore, the MCT-oil form of the diet, which allows more carbohydrate, has proved useful. In India, religious beliefs commonly affect the diet: some patients are vegetarians, will not eat root vegetables or avoid beef. The Indian ketogenic diet is started without a fast due to cultural opposition towards fasting in children. The", "id": "6074213" }, { "contents": "Dietary Reference Values\n\n\nGeneral advice is given for healthy people using the table. The government recommends that healthy people should eat a diet which contains plenty of starch (rice, bread, pasta and potatoes). It also recommends that a person should eat at least 5 fruit or vegetable portions each day. Meat, fish, eggs and other protein-rich foods should be eaten in moderation. Dairy products should also be moderately consumed. Finally, salt, saturated fat and sugar should be eaten least of all. This advice is summarized in the", "id": "5215980" }, { "contents": "Siddhartha Mukherjee\n\n\nfat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet (ketogenic diet) in cancer therapy. They showed that ketogenic diet suppressed insulin production in the body, and this in turn enhances pharmaceutical inhibition of \"PIK3CA\", a gene which is mutated and commonly overactive in cancers. Mukherjee's lab, with the help of PureTech Health plc, has been investigating chimeric antigen receptor redirected T cells (CAR-T) therapy in a joint venture called Vor BioPharma since 2016. They have combined CAR-T therapies with genetically modified", "id": "16187420" }, { "contents": "John M. Freeman\n\n\nbecame the first Lederer Professor of Pediatric Epilepsy at Hopkins and director of the Pediatric Epilepsy center, which was named in his honor. Freeman advocated for the use of two treatments for pediatric epilepsy that had gone unused for decades: the ketogenic diet and the hemispherectomy. The ketogenic diet is a very carefully controlled diet regimen that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates and has been shown to reduce epilepsy symptoms in children. It was developed in 1921 but fell into disuse when anticonvulsant drugs came into widespread use in the 1940s and", "id": "20556937" }, { "contents": "Skinny Bitch\n\n\n… it moves effortlessly from being potty-mouthed advice on how to adopt a fat-busting healthy diet, into a diatribe against eating meat.\" She also said: \"These pampered LA princesses work hard to make us feel guilty for trying to make our lives a bit easier... They sanctimoniously lecture us on the cancer-causing chemicals in wine, and the nasties lurking in diet sodas… Skinny Bitch is just the same-old diet rules repackaged in an obnoxious and bullying tone.\" \"The Sun\" called", "id": "13828453" }, { "contents": "Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency\n\n\nthat stimulates the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC), provides alternative fuels, and prevents acute worsening of the syndrome. However, some correction of acidosis does not reverse all the symptoms. CNS damage is common and limits a full recovery. Ketogenic diets, with high fat and low carbohydrate intake have been used to control or minimize lactic acidosis and anecdotal evidence shows successful control of the disease, slowing progress and often showing rapid improvement. No study has yet been published demonstrating the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet for treatment of PDCD.", "id": "7976847" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nHis trial on a few epilepsy patients in 1921 was the first use of the ketogenic diet as a treatment for epilepsy. Wilder's colleague, paediatrician Mynie Gustav Peterman, later formulated the classic diet, with a ratio of one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight in children, 10–15 g of carbohydrate per day, and the remainder of calories from fat. Peterman's work in the 1920s established the techniques for induction and maintenance of the diet. Peterman documented positive effects (improved alertness, behaviour, and sleep) and", "id": "6074155" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nfoods. In particular, the B vitamins, calcium, and vitamin D must be artificially supplemented. This is achieved by taking two sugar-free supplements designed for the patient's age: a multivitamin with minerals and calcium with vitamin D. A typical day of food for a child on a 4:1 ratio, 1,500 kcal (6,300 kJ) ketogenic diet comprises three small meals and three small snacks: Normal dietary fat contains mostly long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are more ketogenic than LCTs", "id": "6074202" }, { "contents": "Health in Sri Lanka\n\n\navoided the issues related to the overuse of sugar in diets. A substantial use of fish, instead of other meats, has also increased the healthiness of the Sri Lankan diet. While Sri Lankans tend to eat food that should achieve a healthy diet, the manner in which they casually choose how much food to eat often results in diet-related health problems. The diet can often contain too much carbohydrates, due to a cultural preference for finding rice and other staples appetizing, increasing the chance of diabetes, while disproportionately leaving", "id": "15235025" }, { "contents": "Food porn\n\n\non a backlash against low-calorie and diet foods by marketing treats that boast a high fat content and good artery-clogging potential\". In the United Kingdom, the term became popular in the 1990s due to the TV cookery programme \"Two Fat Ladies\", after the show's producer described the \"pornographic joy\" the pair took in using vast quantities of butter and cream. Taking a picture of food became one of the norms for the younger generation in the world. Study from YPulse shows 63% of people", "id": "9084958" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nand the focus of research shifted to discovering new drugs. With the introduction of sodium valproate in the 1970s, drugs were available to neurologists that were effective across a broad range of epileptic syndromes and seizure types. The use of the ketogenic diet, by this time restricted to difficult cases such as Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, declined further. In the 1960s, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) were found to produce more ketone bodies per unit of energy than normal dietary fats (which are mostly long-chain triglycerides).", "id": "6074158" }, { "contents": "Weight cutting\n\n\nwater in the final days before competition. Nutritional experts rarely give advice on how to cut weight safely or effectively, and recommend against cutting weight. However, many athletes choose to do it because they wish to gain an advantage in their sport. In addition to improving performance through healthy eating, some athletes will seek to lose weight through dieting and aerobic exercise. By losing fat they hope to achieve a higher \"strength-to-mass ratio\" or \"lean weight.\" This means more muscle and less fat,", "id": "6566796" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\ngoing vegetarian and that it may be beneficial for people with diabetes to go vegetarian, as this will cut down on saturated fats. A meta analysis done in 2013 that compared a variety of different diets' effects on health concluded that a plant based diet high in whole foods, and with limited processed foods can be beneficial for the treatment and prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. For people with diabetes, healthy eating is not simply a matter of \"\"what\" one eats\", but also \"when\" one eats.", "id": "17167857" }, { "contents": "Food desert\n\n\nis especially difficult to \"adhere\" to a prescribed diet and lifestyle (ex. low salt diet, low fat diet, low carbohydrate diet, low sugar diet) when living in a food desert without enough access to items needed. When high sugar, high fat, and high salt items are the only foods available to people living in a food desert, dietary adherence requires (a) shift in lifestyle/ eating habits and (b) access to fresh, healthy, affordable foods. Decision-making is an important component", "id": "3497852" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\n. These studies have resulted in numerous hypotheses as to what those key factors are. A common theme is that of too much food and too little exercise, however. Dieting can be useful in lowering someone's body weight, though which foods should be avoided is very confusing to the public. The public has trouble determining what to eat and what not to eat as well as how much or how little they should. For example, while dieting, people tend to consume more low-fat or fat-free products,", "id": "173345" }, { "contents": "Succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency\n\n\nof brain lesions, and improvement in coordination and gait. During prolonged periods of fasting, ketone bodies serve as the primary energy source for the brain. In 2006, Henderson et al. showed that there is a therapeutic effect of maintaining a ketogenic diet – a diet consisting of high fat/low carbohydrate meals – in children with epilepsy. Ketogenic diets have also been shown to have some neuroprotective effects in models of Parkinson's disease and hypoxia as well. In a recent study conducted at the Hospital for Sick Children in Canada", "id": "11653291" }, { "contents": "Dukan Diet\n\n\na scale from 1 to 100) of the kind of carbohydrate consumed is also of importance (see the GI diet). Pierre Dukan said the paleo diet was a copy of his weight loss strategy. The Paleolithic diet is claimed to be based on the human ancestral diet. Other similar diets include Ketogenic diet being low carb moderate protein and high fats and Atkins diet being low carb high protein and moderate fats. The French magazine \"L'Express\"' list of the 20 top-selling non-fiction books for the week", "id": "14210552" }, { "contents": "Canadian health claims for food\n\n\n\"Include low fat product \"x\" as part of healthy eating\" \"healthy for you\" or \"healthy choice\" Disease risk reduction and therapeutic claims: Since 2003, Health Canada has allowed certain disease risk reduction claims to be used on food labels or in advertisements. These claims are used to describe the link between the characteristics of a diet, a food or food constituent and the risk reduction of a disease or the therapeutic effect of a food or food constituent or diet, (including restoring, correcting, or", "id": "20025694" }, { "contents": "Ketosis\n\n\na low-carbohydrate diet (ketogenic diet), and deliberately induced ketosis serves as a medical intervention for various conditions, such as intractable epilepsy, and the various types of diabetes. In glycolysis, higher levels of insulin promote storage of body fat and block release of fat from adipose tissues, while in ketosis, fat reserves are readily released and consumed. For this reason, ketosis is sometimes referred to as the body's \"fat burning\" mode. The difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis is the level of ketones in the", "id": "4550642" }, { "contents": "Management of drug-resistant epilepsy\n\n\nbrain in a way that inhibits epileptic activity. On this basis there are several diets that are often recommended to children under 12 years old, but are also effective in adults. In Europe the ketogenic diet is the diet that is most commonly recommended by doctors for patients with epilepsy. In this diet the ratio of fat to carbohydrates and proteins is 4:1. That means that the fat content of the consumed food must be around 80%, the protein content must be around 15%, and the carbohydrate content must be around", "id": "12760350" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nbiochemical changes are known to occur in the brain of a patient on the ketogenic diet, it is not known which of these has an anticonvulsant effect. The lack of understanding in this area is similar to the situation with many anticonvulsant drugs. On the ketogenic diet, carbohydrates are restricted and so cannot provide for all the metabolic needs of the body. Instead, fatty acids are used as the major source of fuel. These are used through fatty-acid oxidation in the cell's mitochondria (the energy-producing parts", "id": "6074219" }, { "contents": "John M. Freeman\n\n\nJohn Mark Freeman (January 11, 1933 – January 3, 2014) was an American pediatric neurologist specializing in epilepsy. He is known for bringing two long-abandoned treatments for pediatric epilepsy back into popular use. One, the ketogenic diet, is a carefully managed, high-fat diet plan that reduces the incidence of seizures in children during and after its use, and the other, the hemispherectomy, is a drastic surgical procedure in which part or all of one highly seizure-prone hemisphere of the brain is removed", "id": "20556934" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nand cooked vegetables differ, and processed foods are an additional complication. Parents are required to be precise when measuring food quantities on an electronic scale accurate to 1 g. The child must eat the whole meal and cannot have extra portions; any snacks must be incorporated into the meal plan. A small amount of MCT oil may be used to help with constipation or to increase ketosis. The classic ketogenic diet is not a balanced diet and only contains tiny portions of fresh fruit and vegetables, fortified cereals, and calcium-rich", "id": "6074201" }, { "contents": "Glut1 deficiency\n\n\ncognitive deficits and certain movement difficulties, tend to persist in Glut1 Deficiency patients treated by a ketogenic diet, raising the question whether Glut1 Deficiency is caused simply by a lack of proper brain energy or if there are more complicated and widespread systems and processes affected. The ketogenic diet must be carefully crafted and tailored to meet the needs of each patient and reduce the risk of side effects. It should only be used under the care of medical professionals and dietitians, and it may take some time to establish the ideal ratio of fat", "id": "658365" }, { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nsite are landfilled. There are lots of healthy damages on the human body while eating fast food products. It would be proper to know how fast food has a negative impact on human health. The researchers found that if a person eats fast foods more than a once a week, they may gain a significant amount of fat in their body. Also, there is a debate over proceeded food that has unhealthy nutrients inside that are not almost organic, where the results might be obviously harmful to the social life. In 2015", "id": "5961723" }, { "contents": "Demitarian\n\n\nmeat has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. The additional saturated fats from meats have been proven to increase incidences of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancers but also helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and proper bowel function. Diets high in vegetable consumption are associated with lower body weights than diets high in saturated fat and excess protein. Eating fruits and vegetables also helps prevent bone loss", "id": "22052739" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nmilk, chilled, and sipped during the meal or incorporated into food. He tested it on 12 children and adolescents with intractable seizures. Most children improved in both seizure control and alertness, results that were similar to the classic ketogenic diet. Gastrointestinal upset was a problem, which led one patient to abandon the diet, but meals were easier to prepare and better accepted by the children. The MCT diet replaced the classic ketogenic diet in many hospitals, though some devised diets that were a combination of the two. The ketogenic", "id": "6074160" }, { "contents": "Ketosis\n\n\ndiet, but the ratios of fatty-acid to glucose were observed at well below the generally accepted level of ketogenesis. Furthermore, studies investigating the fat yields from fully dressed wild ungulates, and the dietary habits of the cultures who rely on them, suggest that they are too lean to support a ketogenic diet. With limited access to fat and carbohydrates, cultures such as the Nunamiut Eskimos—who relied heavily on caribou for subsistence—annually traded for fat and seaweed with coastal-dwelling Taremiut. Some Inuit consume as much", "id": "4550657" }, { "contents": "Nutrition education\n\n\nthe identification, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders and obesity. Nutrition education programs within schools try to create behaviors that prevent students from potentially becoming obese, developing diabetes and cardiovascular issues, and forming negative emotional issues by educating students on the aspects of a healthy diet, emphasizing the consumption of lower fat dairy options and both fruits and vegetables. As most children eat between one and two of their meals at school, school-based nutrition education programs offer opportunities for students to practice making healthy eating decisions. However, due", "id": "4841738" }, { "contents": "Fad diet\n\n\nleads to binge eating. Teenagers following fad diets are at risk of permanently stunted growth. Healthy eating is simple, according to Marion Nestle, who expresses the mainstream view of nutrition: The basic principles of good diets are so simple that I can summarize them in just ten words: eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. For additional clarification, a five-word modifier helps: go easy on junk foods. Follow these precepts and you will go a long way toward preventing the major diseases of", "id": "18620779" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nkidney stones, but the combination of these anticonvulsants and the ketogenic diet does not appear to elevate the risk above that of the diet alone. The stones are treatable and do not justify discontinuation of the diet. Johns Hopkins Hospital now gives oral potassium citrate supplements to all ketogenic diet patients, resulting in one-seventh of the incidence of kidney stones. However, this empiric usage has not been tested in a prospective controlled trial. Kidney stone formation (nephrolithiasis) is associated with the diet for four reasons: In adolescent and", "id": "6074182" }, { "contents": "Marie Maynard Daly\n\n\nimportant discovery in understanding how heart attacks occur. She was especially interested in how hypertension affects the circulatory system. She showed that high cholesterol intake in diet led to clogged arteries, and that hypertension accelerated this effect. She studied the effects of diet on hypertension, and found that both cholesterol and sugar were related to hypertension. Investigating aging, she suggested that smooth muscle hypertrophy due to aging might have a causative role in hypertension and atherosclerosis. Daly was also an early investigator into the effects of cigarette smoke on the lungs and", "id": "14152526" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\neating plan rather than a pre-decided one. A low-carbohydrate diet gives slightly better control of glucose metabolism than a low-fat diet in type 2 diabetes. A 2018 report on type 2 diabetes by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) found that a low-carbohydrate diet may not be as good as a Mediterranean diet at improving glycemic control, and that although having a healthy body weight is important, \"there is no single ratio of carbohydrate", "id": "17167854" }, { "contents": "Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease\n\n\nfat and moderate to high carbohydrate diet or a low carbohydrate ketogenic or high protein diet such as the Mediterranean diet, and avoiding all beverages and food containing fructose. The NICE guidelines include recommendations for vitamin E, although it is not useful for all people with NAFLD. The NICE does not recommend omega-3 fatty acid supplementation since randomized trials were inconclusive, although previous systematic reviews found that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in those with NAFLD/NASH using doses of 1 gram daily or more (median dose 4 grams/day with median duration", "id": "8891732" }, { "contents": "Robert Kennedy (publisher)\n\n\nintravenous infusions of vitamin C and B12, while also following a diet loaded with nutrients, healthy fats and protein. He was unable to stop the spread of the disease and died April 12, 2012 in his Caledon Hills, Canada home. Robert Kennedy Publishing filed for bankruptcy in 2013. \"Oxygen\", \"Clean Eating\", and \"MuscleMag International\" were sold to Active Interest Media and moved to the US. \"The Eat-Clean Diet for Men\" (2009) \"Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding: The Complete", "id": "3995767" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\ndiet has not been studied long term. Although based on a smaller data set (126 adults and children from 11 studies over five centres), these results from 2009 compare favourably with the traditional ketogenic diet. The low glycaemic index treatment (LGIT) is an attempt to achieve the stable blood glucose levels seen in children on the classic ketogenic diet while using a much less restrictive regimen. The hypothesis is that stable blood glucose may be one of the mechanisms of action involved in the ketogenic diet, which occurs because the absorption", "id": "6074207" }, { "contents": "Vilhjalmur Stefansson\n\n\nout in later studies and analyses. In multiple studies, it was shown that the Inuit diet was a ketogenic diet. While the Inuit diet derived a percentage of its calories from the glycogen found in the raw meats, the native Inuit ate a diet of primarily stewed (boiled) fish and meats while occasionally eating raw fish. To combat erroneous conventional beliefs about diet, Stefansson and his fellow explorer Karsten Anderson agreed to undertake a study to demonstrate that they could eat a 100% meat diet in a closely observed laboratory setting", "id": "5913383" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nbe the lack of adequately trained dietitians who are needed to administer a ketogenic diet programme. Because the ketogenic diet alters the body's metabolism, it is a first-line therapy in children with certain congenital metabolic diseases such as pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) deficiency and glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome, which prevent the body from using carbohydrates as fuel, leading to a dependency on ketone bodies. The ketogenic diet is beneficial in treating the seizures and some other symptoms in these diseases and is an absolute indication. However, it is", "id": "6074177" }, { "contents": "Cat food\n\n\n, fat composition in the diet appears to have a small effect on GI disease in cats. Taurine is an essential sulphur-containing amino acid for cats and some other mammals with many unique essential functions, one of which is the conjugation of bile acids which are important in the metabolism of fatty acids. Fat levels are important so that the animal wants to eat the diet. So, although high levels of fat may be detrimental, too low a fat level in the diet and the animal will not eat it. Low", "id": "10716876" }, { "contents": "Relative energy deficiency in sport\n\n\n\"bad\" (such as foods containing fat). More severe examples of disordered eating habits may include binge-eating; purging; and the use of diet-pills, laxatives, diuretics, and enemas. By restricting their diet, the athlete may worsen their problem of low energy availability. Having low dietary energy from excessive exercise and/or dietary restrictions leaves too little energy for the body to carry out normal functions such as maintaining a regular menstrual cycle or healthy bone density. Amenorrhea, defined as the cessation of a woman", "id": "3685420" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nby lowering the ketogenic ratio until urinary ketosis is no longer detected, and then lifting all calorie restrictions. This timing and method of discontinuation mimics that of anticonvulsant drug therapy in children, where the child has become seizure-free. When the diet is required to treat certain metabolic diseases, the duration will be longer. The total diet duration is up to the treating ketogenic diet team and parents; durations up to 12 years have been studied and found beneficial. Children who discontinue the diet after achieving seizure freedom have about a", "id": "6074194" }, { "contents": "Gallstone\n\n\npositive Murphy's sign is a common finding on physical examination during a gallbladder attack. Maintaining a healthy weight by getting sufficient exercise and eating a healthy diet that is high in fiber may help prevent gallstone formation. The medication ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) appears to prevent formation of gallstones during weight loss. A high fat diet during weight loss also appears to prevent gallstones. Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) has a 99% chance of eliminating the recurrence of cholelithiasis. The lack of a gallbladder may have no negative consequences in many people", "id": "3833320" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\ncontrol. There is little evidence that low-carbohydrate dieting is helpful in managing type 1 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes should adopt a generally healthy diet, rather than a diet focused on carbohydrate or other macronutrients. An extreme form of low-carbohydrate diet – the ketogenic diet – is established as a medical diet for treating epilepsy. Through celebrity endorsement it has become a popular weight-loss fad diet, but there is no evidence of any distinctive benefit for this purpose, and it may have", "id": "9464297" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nbelow the level that will cause a seizure. Recurrence is also likely if an MRI scan shows focal abnormalities (for example, as in children with tuberous sclerosis). Such children may remain on the diet longer than average, and children with tuberous sclerosis who achieve seizure freedom could remain on the ketogenic diet indefinitely. The ketogenic diet is calculated by a dietitian for each child. Age, weight, activity levels, culture, and food preferences all affect the meal plan. First, the energy requirements are set at 80–90%", "id": "6074196" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\n, proteins, and fat intake that is optimal for every person with type 2 diabetes\". The ADA say low-carbohydrate diets can be useful to help people with type 2 diabetes lose weight, but that these diets were poorly defined, difficult to sustain, unsuitable for certain groups of people and that, for diet composition in general, \"no single approach has been proven to be consistently superior\". Overall, the ADA recommend people with diabetes should be \"developing healthy eating patterns rather than focusing on individual macronutrients,", "id": "17167855" }, { "contents": "The Heartbroke Kid\n\n\nwho says that malted milk balls have clogged his arteries, and that a wad of Laffy Taffy is blocking his liver. He informs the family that Bart is addicted to junk food and tells Marge to put him on a diet. However, Lisa discovers that Bart has been hiding junk food in his walls, and the family stages an intervention. When Bart tries to run away, due to his widened and obese frame, he gets stuck in a fence and is caught by two representatives of a maximum security fat camp,", "id": "2870036" }, { "contents": "Okinawa diet\n\n\n50 percent monounsaturated fat (including small amounts of health-producing antimicrobial palmitoleic acid), 40 percent saturated fat and 10 percent polyunsaturated. Taira also reports that healthy and vigorous Okinawans eat 100 grams each of pork and fish each day. Turmeric is prevalent in the Okinawan diet. It has been noted throughout history, especially in South Asia for its health benefits. The Okinawan use turmeric as a spice and also as tea. Turmeric, like many herbs, poses antioxidant properties and anti-aging properties. Moreover, turmeric has", "id": "9811061" }, { "contents": "Healthy diet\n\n\nUnited Kingdom launched a proposal to limit media advertising for food and soft drink products high in fat, salt or sugar. The British Heart Foundation released its own government-funded advertisements, labeled \"Food4Thought\", which were targeted at children and adults to discourage unhealthy habits of consuming junk food. From a psychological and cultural perspective, a healthier diet may be difficult to achieve for people with poor eating habits. This may be due to tastes acquired in childhood and preferences for sugary, salty and/or fatty foods. In the UK", "id": "18725868" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nIt is also imperative that parents and guardians are well informed regarding healthy eating for their children. Developing strategies on how to encourage their children to eat more healthy foods and grasping the knowledge on how to distinguish between high and low calorie based pre-packaged snacks is crucial. The food industry also plays a huge part in promoting healthy foods as management from a dietary point of view. Methods include making wholesome foods widely available and affordable for their customers. Closely monitoring and managing the amount of fat, sugar and salt content that", "id": "16685132" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nprogress resumed. This inspired Abrahams to create the Charlie Foundation to promote the diet and fund research. A multicentre prospective study began in 1994, the results were presented to the American Epilepsy Society in 1996 and were published in 1998. There followed an explosion of scientific interest in the diet. In 1997, Abrahams produced a TV movie, \"...First Do No Harm\", starring Meryl Streep, in which a young boy's intractable epilepsy is successfully treated by the ketogenic diet. By 2007, the ketogenic diet was available", "id": "6074162" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nprovide convincing evidence of any advantage to a low-carbohydrate diet as compared to diets of other composition – ultimately a very low-calorie, ketogenic diet (of 5% carbohydrate) \"was not associated with significant loss of fat mass\" compared to a non-specialized diet with the same calories; there was no useful \"metabolic advantage\". In 2017 Kevin Hall, a NIH researcher hired to assist with the project, wrote that the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis had been falsified by experiment. Hall wrote \"the rise", "id": "9464305" }, { "contents": "International No Diet Day\n\n\nof being bullied at school for being fat and by speaking with women who attended the management courses she ran. She relates in her book, \"Diet Breaking: Having It All Without Having to Diet\", how during one of these courses in 1991 she became irritated with the coffee break conversation about whether or not the women were going to eat a biscuit - \"Oh, I'll just have one\", \"I shouldn't really\", \"Oh, all right then\". Young asked the group \"What", "id": "16976370" }, { "contents": "Timothy Harlan\n\n\n, \"Hand on Heart\", was published in September 2004 by ENDpapers publishing. \"Hand on Heart\" teaches readers how to eat a balanced diet. The book includes healthy versions of familiar recipes, as well as an 'Equipment Starter Kit' and a 'Healthy Pantry' list to inform readers which materials and ingredients they will need to make the recipes. The \"Dr. Gourmet Diet for Coumadin Users\" was published in 2009 by Harlan Bros. Productions. The book contains six weeks worth of recipes for meals, shopping", "id": "18683386" }, { "contents": "Doalnara\n\n\n. Instead of using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and/or herbicides, Doalnara only uses organic farming methods with environmental restoration as its highest priority. As a result, all products grown by Doalnara are free from agricultural chemicals. Doalnara eats a diet of saints, a natural diet, crucial in that a “Healthy diet = Healthy body = Healthy mind.” Doalnara members eat foods full of vitamins and minerals grown from unharmed and unsprayed soil. Besides sharing and consuming fresh foods, by research and development, Doalnara also uses its produce", "id": "3615104" }, { "contents": "Arian Foster\n\n\nnot last very long, his diet was a very interesting subject to the media for a period of time. Regarding his diet, he said: \"I just like to eat healthy, man. That whole vegan thing, a lot of people are really interested in my food... I've had meat since I've said I don't eat meat anymore. I like to stay with the plant-based foods, but every now and then, I'll eat meat.\" Foster revealed his political affiliation during an NFL", "id": "11115007" }, { "contents": "Coronary ischemia\n\n\nchange in lifestyle, mixed with prescribed medication, can improve health. A study showed that those who quit smoking reduced their risk of being hospitalized over the next two years. Smoking increases blood pressure, as well as increases the risk of high cholesterol. Quitting can lower blood pressure, and triglyceride levels. Secondhand smoke is also bad for the heart health. Diet is a very important factor in getting coronary ischemia or coronary artery disease and preventing it. A heart healthy diet is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in", "id": "12075475" }, { "contents": "Frontal lobe epilepsy\n\n\nlobe epilepsy. Although the use of dieting to prevent seizures from occurring is a lost treatment that has been replaced by the use of new types of anticonvulsants, it is still recommended to patients to this day. A ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate based diet that patients are typically asked to follow in conjunction with their anticonvulsant medications. This diet was designed in order to mimic many of the effects that starvation has on the metabolic functioning of the body. By limiting the amount of carbohydrates and increasing the", "id": "16016768" }, { "contents": "Catherine Kousmine\n\n\nKousmine in Lutry, Switzerland, to promote her methods. It has sister foundations in France, Germany and Italy. There is also a Kousmine Medical Center in Vevey, Switzerland. Kousmine advocated a restrictive diet as a basis for treating a number of human ailments, especially cancer. The diet, that Dr. Kousmine provided as an alternative to mainstream medicine emphasizes first of all to put off saturated fats, totally for very ill people, to eat fruits, vegetables and a lot of whole grains and particularly advocates a no cooked grain-", "id": "10233217" }, { "contents": "Fat Head\n\n\nblood sugar. During the film, Naughton goes on an all-fast-food diet, mainly eating food from McDonald's. For his daily dietary intake, he aims to keep his calories to around 2,000 and his carbohydrates to around 100 grams per day, but he does not restrict fat at all. He ends up eating about 100 grams of fat per day, of which about 50 grams are saturated. He also decides to walk six nights a week, instead of his usual three. After a month eating that", "id": "19706952" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nan adjunctive (additional) treatment in children and young people with drug-resistant epilepsy. It is approved by national clinical guidelines in Scotland, England, and Wales and reimbursed by nearly all US insurance companies. Children with a focal lesion (a single point of brain abnormality causing the epilepsy) who would make suitable candidates for surgery are more likely to become seizure-free with surgery than with the ketogenic diet. About a third of epilepsy centres that offer the ketogenic diet also offer a dietary therapy to adults. Some clinicians", "id": "6074174" }, { "contents": "Barbi Twins\n\n\nin a piece about eating disorders, entitled “Slim Chance.” They also shared their recovery story in a chapter in a celebrity addiction book called \"Feeding the Fame\". The twins' first health and fitness book, \"Dying To Be Healthy: A Breakthrough Diet, Nutrition and Self Help Guide\" (1999), tells the story of their struggles with eating disorders and how they overcame it. Their second book, \"The Eco Anti-Diet, Plus Confession\" (2006), helps people understand how", "id": "5480047" }, { "contents": "Medium-chain triglyceride\n\n\nthe moderately elevated blood ketones can be an effective treatment for epilepsy. Due to their ability to be absorbed rapidly by the body, medium-chain triglycerides have found use in the treatment of a variety of malabsorption ailments. MCT supplementation with a low-fat diet has been described as the cornerstone of treatment for Waldmann disease. MCTs are an ingredient in some specialised parenteral nutritional emulsions in some countries. Studies have also shown promising results for epilepsy through the use of ketogenic dieting. MCTs are bland compared to other fats and do", "id": "1530342" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nfractures, and kidney stones. The diet reduces levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, which is important for childhood growth. Like many anticonvulsant drugs, the ketogenic diet has an adverse effect on bone health. Many factors may be involved such as acidosis and suppressed growth hormone. About one in 20 children on the ketogenic diet develop kidney stones (compared with one in several thousand for the general population). A class of anticonvulsants known as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (topiramate, zonisamide) are known to increase the risk of", "id": "6074181" }, { "contents": "Timothy Harlan\n\n\nlists, recipe nutrition facts, and ingredient and cooking tips that allow Coumadin users to follow a healthy diet. Harlan's latest book, \"Just Tell Me What to Eat!\", was released on June 7, 2011, by Da Capo Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group. \"Just Tell Me What to Eat!\" offers a six-week weight loss plan that is based on the Mediterranean diet. The book informs readers how to lose weight by following a sustainable diet instead of a fad diet", "id": "18683387" }, { "contents": "Alzheimer's disease\n\n\nsecond language even later in life seems to delay getting Alzheimer disease. Physical activity is also associated with a reduced risk of AD. Physical exercise is associated with decreased rate of dementia. Physical exercise is also effective in reducing symptom severity in those with Alzheimer's disease. People who maintain a healthy, Japanese, or Mediterranean diet have a reduced risk of AD. A Mediterranean diet may improve outcomes in those with the disease. Those who eat a diet high in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharide) have a", "id": "20753351" }, { "contents": "Coronary artery disease\n\n\ncoronary computed tomographic angiography, and coronary angiogram, among others. Ways to reduce CAD risk include eating a healthy diet, regularly exercising, maintaining a healthy weight, and not smoking. Medications for diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure are sometimes used. There is limited evidence for screening people who are at low risk and do not have symptoms. Treatment involves the same measures as prevention. Additional medications such as antiplatelets (including aspirin), beta blockers, or nitroglycerin may be recommended. Procedures such as percutaneous coronary", "id": "6126901" }, { "contents": "High-density lipoprotein\n\n\nCertain changes in diet and exercise may have a positive impact on raising HDL levels: Most saturated fats increase HDL cholesterol to varying degrees but also raise total and LDL cholesterol. A high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet may have similar response to taking niacin (vitamin B3) as described below (lowered LDL and increased HDL) through beta-hydroxybutyrate coupling the Niacin receptor 1. HDL levels can be increased by smoking cessation, or mild to moderate alcohol intake. Cannabis in unadjusted analyses, past", "id": "13985415" } ]
- Tesla's solar shingles and power wall. How do they work and could they mean something today or are we still generations away from potential ubiquity?
[{"answer": "I have only watched Musk's presentation, so there might be details elsewhere that I have missed. The main purpose of the shingles is aesthetics. These solar shingles are designed to look like regular house shingles. This starts serving the community who had the money and desire for solar power but did not want the big ugly panels. Unless there is an efficiency edge (I don't think so) or a decreased cost edge (He kept saying they were a similar price of a regular roof, but I have no numbers to back up this claim) the only thing these new shingles do is aesthetics. Powerwall is a newer technology that is supposed to solve the problem of uneven use and generation. Solar panels only make energy during the day, but people still use energy at night. Powerwall is just a giant battery that will store your solar power made in the day, and let you use it at night. Again, batteries are not new, but the affordability of giant batteries is a new thing. Also note, he specifically says that he does not intend for this kind of technology to replace utilities. He says if we get off gas heating and gas cars, we will triple the amount of electricity we need. That means we need to increase production by three times of what we currently do."}, {"answer": "Only for one problem they solve: The current traditional solar setup is problematic for high wind areas like Florida, Louisiana, tornado alley etc. This is due to the extra nail/screw holes for mounting and the possibility of water penetration. Water getting past the mounts and softening the wood (plywood that the roof covers) added with high winds under the panels creates a sail like a sailboat. This can create a bigger hole and roof leaks so not only can it be a problem for the homeowner but also for them to have wind mitigation insurance (hurricane insurance). There are some integrated solar solutions that have the blue or black panels in between roof shingles like John Cena's house and also some flat solutions for rubber or roll down flat roofs. It's not a completely new idea for integrated solar, but rather a more elegant and functional solution. I'm most excited for the Mediterranean clay/cement style tile roofs because the individual tiles can break more easily than other roof styles. I would look into replacing my current roof in 5-8 years with a Tesla roof."}, {"answer": "Has anyone seen information on individual tiles are connected? Does each tile have a + and - terminal, all of which need to be connected together? Could a miswiring \u201cshort out\u201d your whole roof?"}, {"answer": "No one knows what the future of solar holds. I feel strongly that adoption is going to become more and more ubiquitous. Prices keep getting lower. What form factor we will we see on homes remains to be seen. I think there is room for a larger more squarish panel that is more integrated than current style. Here may also be room for tiles like Musk's. I have been in the solar industry in California for 14 years. I started with a company that was doing this exact thing. Back then, no one thought that homeowners would ever go for the big rectangle panels. They were considered very ugly back then (still are to many) Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV) was what the industry thought was needed. Unfortunately BIPV performs much worse than regular panels. Solar panels run on photons from the sun, but they really don't like the heat part of the sunlight. Heat cuts down on performance significantly (0.5% drop per deg C). When you have a panel that is flush to the roof, no air circulates around the panel. So a flush panel always loses versus a box panel with a gap for air to flow. On the technical side, it's tough to make these. Imagine all the connnections. Where are the wires and plugs? What about the heat? Suntech's modules of this sort were literally burning houses down due to serious heat related issues. Can they be made at a reasonable price? Are the labor costs going to be too high? Will this be a niche item for high end customers? I worked for SolarCity for 8 years. A big part of what drove us to success was the move from BIPV to regular panels. We made it cool to put regular panels on your roof. The cynic in me says these tiles are a vaporware distraction by Elon Musk to build the hype to continue the momentum he needs to get the SolarCity Tesla merger done. The bright side part of me hopes they really have something here. This has been tried for 20 years and the ground is littered with failures. Huge companies have tried and given up. Unisun, Suntech, BP, Dow Corning, etc."}, {"answer": "Just finish a university paper on the powerwall. Powerwall, although being the most unexpensive home energy storage system at the moment it still is very expensive to invest for your home, unless you have solar panels and a multi-function inverter already paid-off. Mainly because of the savings on the electricy bill aren't big enough to cover the investment. Another reason is the application you give it... if its meant for a daily usage the battery life goes considerably down and a newer investment on a new battery is needed before you can have the payback of the original powerwall. An this is why Powerwall isn't ubiquity, but Home Energy Battery Systems will become a thing in a near future when the manufacture of lithium increases (main compound of the powerwall and similiar techs). Lithium is fairly east to come by nowadays, since it comes from salt. Edit1: an inverter, is a switch that toggles the source where you get your power from. From the eletrical grid or from the solar panels."}, {"answer": "they mean something today. if you were building a house right now, it would be a good idea to get that tesla set up, battery+solar tiles. the solar tiles themselves arent that huge of an idea but the advance battery pack+ the system makes it very easy to do."}, {"answer": "- Aesthetics: no \"ugly\" panels sticking up above the roof - Longer life: when compared to regular shingles - Insulation: glass is an excellent insulator, Musk briefly mentions this in his presentation. Would be great in northern states. - More durable: video shows nice demo of being hit with direct force - Power generation: certainly less efficient than a panel system because trade-offs were made for aesthetics, but makes up for it in a few ways. 1) greater area covered, look at traditional panels, they only cover part of the roof, this would cover the whole thing. 2) Not all panels face south allowing capture during all times of the day instead of losing late-afternoon or early-morning sun with south-only facing panels ( URL_0 ). 3) If install truly is easier as claimed then more houses will have it 4) No more pre-planning for installation, hiring a solar company to assess your site to determine whether installation on your house makes sense - if you need a new roof you just install this instead, similar process and similar effort to a regular roof making it a practical option even for those who would normally never think twice about installing solar. As to how they work, I can only assume they've developed a click-together system to make quick install with special pieces for the top and edges. IMHO there would be no point in distributing a product much more complicated than this; their company doesn't already have a network of installation specialists so spending a little extra on R & D up front to make it installable by someone with minimal training would make sense for them. If you think about Tesla, Musk already has a network of supercharger stations all over the US even before tesla has become numerous enough to make sense to allow rapid growth of tesla as able. If these needed specialized equipment I would have expected him and the company to already be involved in developing a network of installers and companies to train them. Lets say these shingles pan out and are a practical and cost effective roofing alternative, we're probably about one, maybe two, generations away from general use. to amp up production in a meaningful way I would estimate would take 5-10 years (look at how long it's taken Tesla to increase production from small-scale to large-scale production although subtract some time from this number because they've got the gigafactory already rolling). there will likely be some adustments, recalls and bugs to work out in the first few years. the majority of people won't adopt this until it's been proven for a decently long period of time, and then the rate of replacement of a roof is 20 years so most people wouldn't switch over until they're due for a new one even once the practicality and longevity is proven. TLDR: I'm going to go out on a limb here and guessing that this will be wildly successful technology that will ultimately help decentralize power generation for all the reasons listed above, but will still take a long time to become ubiquitous."}, {"answer": "doesnt it also solve for sunlight aspect? ie, some tiles are always sun facing. although maybe they are not as efficient, and make up for it in coverage and exposure"}, {"answer": "There's supposed to be a cost edge. \"Solar Shingle Roof\" is supposed to be less expensive than \"New Roof\" + \"Separate Solar Panels\" mounted on top."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "46579163", "title": "Tesla Powerwall", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 302, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Solar shingle\n\n\ntherefore look similar to other roofs in most situations. Tesla Solar has developed shingles in several styles to better match traditional roofs. Homeowners may prefer solar shingles because they avoid having large panels on their roofs. Coming in 2018 Tesla will offer shingles in slate and Tuscan styles, these are the first of the solar shingles which look the same as a slate or Tuscan style roof but still provide solar power. They also have been \"Test video for the highest (class 4) hail rating, filmed at 2,500 frames per second", "id": "14110110" }, { "contents": "Rajit Gadh\n\n\nFastCodeDesign article on Tesla's latest product. The article discusses how Tesla's new solar roof power energy can feed Tesla car batteries which in turn feed Tesla energy facilities. They could also potentially feed into backup battery plants made up of older batteries. In May 2015, Rajit Gadh appeared in two videos titled \"Smart Meters - The Critical Element\" and \"What is Demand Response(DR)?\". Part of a 6 video series, LA Smart Grid, released by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power that covers a", "id": "12451751" }, { "contents": "Solar shingle\n\n\n. In a 2009 interview with Reuters, a spokesperson for the Dow Chemical Company estimated that their entry into the solar shingle market would generate $5 billion in revenue by 2015 and $10 billion by 2020. Dow solar shingles, known as the POWERHOUSE Solar System, first became available in Colorado, in October 2011. The POWERHOUSE Solar System continues to live on in its 3 generation iteration, and has exclusively been licensed to RGS Energy for commercialization. In October 2016, Tesla entered the solar shingle space in a joint venture", "id": "14110107" }, { "contents": "Potentiality and actuality\n\n\n\" as their translation of Latin \"potentia\". In his philosophy, Aristotle distinguished two meanings of the word \"dunamis\". According to his understanding of nature there was both a weak sense of potential, meaning simply that something \"might chance to happen or not to happen\", and a stronger sense, to indicate how something could be done \"well\". For example, \"sometimes we say that those who can merely take a walk, or speak, without doing it as well as they intended, can", "id": "11613760" }, { "contents": "Change the World Without Taking Power\n\n\nChange the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today is a book by John Holloway that looks at the understanding of power as the central focal point of how to effect meaningful change. Holloway uses two definitions of power, 'power-over' and 'power-to' in order to understand the difference between power from authority, power over someone else, and the power to do something, the capacity for action. Holloway argues we should never simply assume the legitimacy of anything with 'power-over'", "id": "5898433" }, { "contents": "Dugald Semple\n\n\nmeans that the more we get away from nature and congregate people in towns and cities, there is more crime, disease and war. We cannot get away from nature without suffering thereby. We have got to live closer to the laws of our being. We must have a healthy body, but that is not enough. We are suffering today from an unbalanced proportion of activities – we seem to know how to do everything, and yet we do not know how to walk properly. We can link up the world", "id": "15001399" }, { "contents": "Tesla, Inc.\n\n\nelectric motors of the type used in the Tesla Model 3 and will include an extensive set of hardware sensors to enable it to stay in its own lane, a safe distance away from other vehicles, and later, when software and regulatory conditions allow, provide self-driving car operation on highways. Musk also announced that the company would be involved in installing a solar-powered global network of the Tesla Megacharger devices to make the Semi more attractive to potential long-haul customers. A 30-minute charge would provide of range.", "id": "17500928" }, { "contents": "Gigafactory 2\n\n\nin the immediate area. While SolarCity operated a production facility in Fremont, California, the Gigafactory provides capacity for 10,000 solar panels per day, equivalent to one gigawatt per year. The factory began production of solar cells in 2017, and assembly of photovoltaic modules for solar panels, under Panasonic. Production of solar shingles and tiles for the Tesla Solar Roof had begun. Tesla announced that it would begin installing the Tesla Solar Roof on commercial customers' homes \"within the [first] few months\" of 2018. By November", "id": "15289361" }, { "contents": "Wireless power transfer\n\n\nwell as supply power for the telegraph, doing away with artificial batteries, and could also be used for lighting, heat, and motive power. A more practical demonstration of wireless transmission via conduction came in Amos Dolbear's 1879 magneto electric telephone that used ground conduction to transmit over a distance of a quarter of a mile. After 1890, inventor Nikola Tesla experimented with transmitting power by inductive and capacitive coupling using spark-excited radio frequency resonant transformers, now called Tesla coils, which generated high AC voltages. Early on he", "id": "12298230" }, { "contents": "Mujeres Muralistas\n\n\nstill be seen today, it is in need of restoration. Prominent Mujeres Muralista artist Patricia Rodriguez has commented on the group's work saying, \"The statements that we made were very feminine and we got a lot of criticism because we weren’t doing soldiers with guns, weren’t doing revolutionary figures. We were painting women. Women in the marketplace, women breastfeeding, women doing art. People got really angry that we were doing that. ‘How could you do this when there’s so much going on?’", "id": "8573754" }, { "contents": "Severn Estuary\n\n\nfor several decades now. The power generated would come from a lake of with a potential energy depth of . Tidal power only runs for around ten hours a day, but by using the enclosed lake as a reservoir of potential energy more hours of operation could be achieved. Other energy sources, such as wind and solar power, also create electricity at times that do not always match when it is needed. Excess power could be stored by pumping water uphill, as is already done at a variety of other installations in the", "id": "3523278" }, { "contents": "Tesla Supercharger\n\n\nin the West Coast corridor comes partly from a solar carport system provided by SolarCity. Eventually, all Supercharger stations are to be supplied by solar power. According to Musk, \"...we expect all of the United States to be covered by the end of next year [2013]\". He also said that early Tesla owners' use of the network would be free forever. In September 2017, Tesla started adopting a new strategy of installing \"Urban Superchargers\" in the centers of major cities in anticipation of the mass", "id": "9574752" }, { "contents": "Thomas Gaffey\n\n\n\"We need to shift away from the model of remedy that the state has been pursuing for years. The district is as racially isolated today as it was 10 years ago. It suggests you need to do something different.\" Another Gaffey initiative was a bill that banned most out-of-school suspensions. Educators were unsure how they could comply with the law. In 2008 Gaffey did break with party leadership to support a Three Strikes Law to give life sentences to career violent criminals supported by Governor M. Jodi Rell.", "id": "12523519" }, { "contents": "Eden Natan-Zada\n\n\nmessage with the words: 'I will consider how I will continue to serve.' His mother claims that prior to the shooting she alerted the IDF and other security services that her son was still in possession of his military-issued weapon. 'We told everyone he's AWOL, that he could do something with his gun. We begged them to take away his gun. He also asked them to take his gun. The army destroyed my child. The army destroyed my life.' According to \"The New", "id": "11956259" }, { "contents": "Death ray\n\n\nof any kind. Many thousands of horsepower can thus be transmitted by a stream thinner than a hair, so that nothing can resist.\" Tesla proposed that a nation could \"destroy anything approaching within 200 miles ... [and] will provide a wall of power\" in order to \"make any country, large or small, impregnable against armies, airplanes, and other means for attack\". He claimed to have worked on the project since about 1900, and said that it drew power from the ionosphere, which he", "id": "6522660" }, { "contents": "Find You (Nick Jonas song)\n\n\nInstagram. Speaking about the new track with iHeartRadio, Nick said, \"'Find You' is about a lot of things. For me, it's got a lot to do with just the idea of finding love, in general, and the journey we all go on with that. And how sometimes, it can be something you're afraid of and running away from it in that sense, but it is desperately something we all hope for.\" Hugh McIntyre from Forbes said that \"Find You\" felt like", "id": "435850" }, { "contents": "Tesla Supercharger\n\n\nproduction of the Tesla Model 3. The first Urban Supercharger stations were a 10-unit charger in Chicago and an 8-unit charger in Boston. They have a charge rate up to 72 kW and do not split power with adjacent stalls. In early 2015, the first European supercharger was upgraded with a 'solar canopy' (a carport with solar cells on the roof) in Køge, Denmark. According to the person responsible for Tesla's superchargers in the Nordic countries, Christian Marcus, the 12-stall supercharger in Køge has 300 m solar", "id": "9574753" }, { "contents": "Tesla turbine\n\n\nbest metallurgy of the day could not prevent the turbine disks from moving and warping unacceptably during operation. In 2003, Scott O’Hearen took a patent on the Radial turbine blade system. This invention utilizes a combination of the concepts of a smooth runner surface for working fluid frictional contact and that of blades projecting axially from plural transverse runner faces. Today, many amateur experiments in the field have been conducted using Tesla turbines which use compressed air, steam as its power source (the steam being generated with heat from fuel combustion, from", "id": "12208383" }, { "contents": "Solar power in India\n\n\nby 2030, curtailing carbon emissions without compromising its economic-growth potential. A study suggested that 100 GW of solar power could be generated through a mix of utility-scale and rooftop solar, with the realizable potential for rooftop solar between 57 and 76 GW by 2024. During the 2015-16 fiscal year NTPC, with 110 MW solar power installations, generated 160.8 million kWh at a capacity utilisation of 16.64 percent (1,458 kWh per kW)—more than 20 percent below the claimed norms of the solar-power industry. It is", "id": "20365544" }, { "contents": "Lara Dutta\n\n\nfact that women don't speak up, they don't come to the forefront because they should be homemakers. Women today still do all of that. We always manage home, take care of family, we are still the troubleshooters, we wear multiple hats in a day, we juggle a million works, and we don't let any of them drop. But this generation of women have become more vocal, and they are empowering each other. I cannot stress enough about how essential it is to have a sisterhood", "id": "920773" }, { "contents": "From Autumn to Ashes\n\n\nstemmed from the idea that \"[abandoning your friends is] kind of...what we do. I mean, in the sense of how life goes on when we go away [on tours].\" \"Abandon Your Friends\" met with speculation about the band's internal conflicts surrounding a potential break up. Perri had not been much involved in the process of creating the album and did not attend practice sessions, despite stating in interviews that the album was \"a full on collaborative effort\" and \"We just all", "id": "13397411" }, { "contents": "History of free and open-source software\n\n\n2008), incrementally reduced the barriers to participation in free software projects still further. With sites like GitHub, no longer did potential contributors have to do things like hunt for the URL for the source code repository (which could be in different places on each website, or sometimes tucked away in a README file or developer documentation), or work out how to generate a patch, and if necessary subscribe to the right mailing list so that their patch email would get to the right people. Contributors can simply fork their own", "id": "16187754" }, { "contents": "Potential person\n\n\nfacie right to potential people, there are, on one hand, claims that potential people are non-actuals and cannot be either benefited or harmed. Also, there are views that, although a potential person has no value in the present, the rightfulness of actions that we make today are still dependent on how they will affect such people in the future, and that we have moral obligations for future generations. An argument for such a view is in finding it logical that the value of an action can be seen", "id": "6579646" }, { "contents": "We as Human (album)\n\n\n\" Furthermore, Brehm felt that \"despite its overarching generic feel, We As Human will sell well and make a dent in the Christian rock genre\", and that the listeners should \"Watch out for this band; as it grows in musicianship and creativity, the next album has the potential to blow everyone away.\" Lee Brown of Indie Vision Music felt that \"something is still waiting\", \"something was just missing\", and \"the production quality (while clean) really hindered this release\", which", "id": "11333748" }, { "contents": "Nematode\n\n\ndescribed the ubiquity of nematodes on Earth as thus:In short, if all the matter in the universe except the nematodes were swept away, our world would still be dimly recognizable, and if, as disembodied spirits, we could then investigate it, we should find its mountains, hills, vales, rivers, lakes, and oceans represented by a film of nematodes. The location of towns would be decipherable, since for every massing of human beings, there would be a corresponding massing of certain nematodes. Trees would still", "id": "17912147" }, { "contents": "The Brave Little Toaster (novel)\n\n\nto take care of, and we need people to take care of \"us\"\" and retells the story of an abandoned dog who had accidentally been left behind in a summer cottage, like themselves, but still \"found his way to his master, hundreds of miles away\". The appliances plan to do the same as soon as they can all travel safely together. Although the Hoover, being strong and self-propelled, could take the other appliances, it still needed a source of power other than the wall", "id": "3696741" }, { "contents": "Tesla Powerwall\n\n\nthat using a Tesla Powerwall 1 model combined with solar panels in a home would cost 30 cents/kWh for electricity if a home remains connected to the grid (the article acknowledges that the Tesla battery could make economic sense in applications that are entirely off-grid). US consumers got electricity from the power grid for 12.5 cents/kWh on average. The article concluded the \"...Tesla's Powerwall Is Just Another Toy For Rich Green People.\" Bloomberg and Catalytic Engineering also agreed that the Tesla system was most useful", "id": "19309204" }, { "contents": "Shields (album)\n\n\nThere were lyrics in previous albums that seemed to have no meaning whatsoever. And that always really annoyed me. We agreed it'd be really important and awesome if we could just try and make all the lyrics tell \"something\". [...] I was definitely able to use lyrics as a frame to how I would let the arrangements build and then fall away.\" Regarding the album's thematic content, Daniel Rossen noted, \"There's a lot of talk about negotiating distance from people in your life. We", "id": "3756584" }, { "contents": "Tesla, Inc.\n\n\nisland's energy generation to 97% solar. In July 2017, Tesla won a contract to install the world's biggest grid-scale battery in South Australia by promising installation within 100 days. The Hornsdale Power Reserve with total capacity of 100 megawatts was connected to the grid on December 1, 2017. As of January 2019, Tesla was in talks with the government of Greece to provide solar and battery system for their islands with a proposed pilot on Limnos. In February 2019, Tesla announced that it planned to acquire ultracapacitor", "id": "17500938" }, { "contents": "Plug-in electric vehicle fire incidents\n\n\nmost gasoline cars do not have an armored underbody, leaving the fuel lines and tank vulnerable. He also noted that Tesla's battery pack only contains about 10% as much energy as a standard tank of gasoline and it is divided into 16 sections means that the combustion potential is about 1% of a comparable gasoline-powered car. Based on U.S. statistics from the National Fire Protection Association, Musk's statement claimed that a fire was five times more likely in a gasoline car than in a Tesla car. The U.S. National", "id": "1328285" }, { "contents": "South African labour law\n\n\n. This means that, when we work, we offer our services to another person, and agree that the other person will be able to tell us what to do, when to do it, how to do it and where to do it. To place your labour potential at the disposal of another means to offer your ability to perform certain tasks to another person, and to offer, at the same time to follow that person’s instructions. Remuneration normally takes the form of payment of money, or the provision of", "id": "20978913" }, { "contents": "Seattle Arctic drilling protests\n\n\nand the threat of lost jobs, O'Brien said, \"There's no doubt that our economy is tied to the fossil fuel industry. We have a lot of work to do if we're going to unwind that and become that kind of sustainable planet that we want to be. ... there's jobs tied to that fossil fuel industry. We have to figure out how we transition away from that. What we can't do today is take a huge step backwards. And drilling in the Arctic and tying Seattle's future", "id": "198411" }, { "contents": "America's Response Monument\n\n\nlater, in March 2011, he received a call from a group of New York City Wall Street bankers who lost friends and co-workers in the 9/11 attacks. Two of the individual Wall Street supporters said they were asked by families and friends if there was a place that individuals could go to remember the U.S. troops overseas who daily combat potential terrorist threats. \"We wanted to do something for the special operations community and all military service branches, because every day since 9/11, we've had to look at that hole", "id": "18735225" }, { "contents": "Variable renewable energy\n\n\nor other locations are overcast – leading to relatively high predictability. Wind comes from the uneven heating of the earth's surface, and can provide about 1% of the potential energy that is available from solar power. 86,000 TW of solar energy reaches the surface of the world vs. 870 TW in all of the world's winds. Total world demand is roughly 12 TW, many times less than the amount that could be generated from potential wind and solar resources. From 40 to 85 TW could be provided from wind and about", "id": "22058986" }, { "contents": "One More Light\n\n\nUsually it means we’ve finished the song but we'll ask somebody to add something to the top of it.\" He added: \"Generally, here's how it would work: we'd get in the room with someone, and start on something from scratch with them. We worked mostly in the same way we always write songs, but with extra firepower in the room.\" Bennington had also reached out to Billy Howerdel of A Perfect Circle to collaborate on a song for the album. The two collaborated on", "id": "14183291" }, { "contents": "Metaphysics\n\n\nof what, exactly, it means for something to be identical to itself, or — more controversially — to something else. Issues of identity arise in the context of time: what does it mean for something to be itself across two moments in time? How do we account for this? Another question of identity arises when we ask what our criteria ought to be for determining identity? And how does the reality of identity interface with linguistic expressions? The metaphysical positions one takes on identity have far-reaching implications on issues", "id": "19256044" }, { "contents": "Epistemological particularism\n\n\nEpistemological particularism is the belief that one can know something without knowing how one knows that thing. By this understanding, one's knowledge is justified before one knows how such belief could be justified. Taking this as a philosophical approach, one would ask the question \"What do we know?\" before asking \"How do we know?\" The term appears in Roderick Chisholm's \"The Problem of the Criterion\", and in the work of his student, Ernest Sosa (\"The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence versus", "id": "2645937" }, { "contents": "Romantic epistemology\n\n\nand feel that the potential works in them, even as the actual works on them.\" What renders the intellect human (that is, active) is precisely the ability to identify by naming (nominalism), that is, to abstract or generalize, for it is from this ability that we get the human ability of speech. And it is in speech or language that we first see this irradiation of the intellect by reason. Animals may generalize, but they do not name, they do not have the power of", "id": "2262195" }, { "contents": "1964 South Vietnamese coup\n\n\nusing the analogy that in an American political party, the people who manage the primary campaigns are different from those who run the national elections, while the officer-holders are entirely separate. Lodge speculated that while Minh and his generals were successful in removing Diệm—something Lodge strongly encouraged—they may not be the ideal administrators of a nation themselves. With respect to the prospects of defeating the communists, he said \"Our side knows how to do it; we have the means with which to do it; we simply", "id": "5005768" }, { "contents": "Roof shingle\n\n\nmore water than wall shingles. They are a very common roofing material in the United States. Shingle is a corruption of German schindle (schindel) meaning a roofing slate. Shingles historically were called tiles and shingle was a term applied to wood shingles, as is still mostly the case outside the US. Shingles are laid in \"courses\" usually with each shingle \"offset\" from its neighbors. The first course is the \"starter course\" and the last being a \"ridge course\" or \"ridge slates\" for", "id": "8013325" }, { "contents": "Epistemology\n\n\nEpistemology addresses such questions as: \"What makes justified beliefs justified?\", \"What does it mean to say that we know something?\", and fundamentally \"How do we know that we know?\" The word \"epistemology\" is derived from the ancient Greek \"epistēmē\" meaning \"knowledge\" and the suffix \"-logy\", meaning \"logical discourse\" (derived from the Greek word \"logos\" meaning \"discourse\"). It is analogue to the German \"Wissenschaftslehre\" (literally, theory of", "id": "9156169" }, { "contents": "History of the Tesla coil\n\n\nclaimed to be able to transmit power on a \"worldwide\" scale, using a method that involved conduction through the Earth and atmosphere. Tesla believed that the entire Earth could act as an electrical resonator, and that by driving current pulses into the Earth at its resonant frequency from a grounded Tesla coil with an elevated capacitance, the potential of the Earth could be made to oscillate, creating global standing waves, and this alternating current could be received with a capacitive antenna tuned to resonance with it at any point on Earth.", "id": "2250972" }, { "contents": "History of the electric vehicle\n\n\npent-up consumer demand for more efficient vehicles. In an August 2009 edition of The New Yorker, GM vice-chairman Bob Lutz was quoted as saying, \"\"All the geniuses here at General Motors kept saying lithium-ion technology is 10 years away, and Toyota agreed with us – and boom, along comes Tesla. So I said, 'How come some tiny little California startup, run by guys who know nothing about the car business, can do this, and we can't?' That was", "id": "6195145" }, { "contents": "John Updike\n\n\nthat the \"best statement of Updike's aesthetic comes in his early memoir 'The Dogwood Tree'\" (1962): \"Blankness is not emptiness; we may skate upon an intense radiance we do not see because we see nothing else. And in fact there is a color, a quiet but tireless goodness that things at rest, like a brick wall or a small stone, seem to affirm.\" Sex in Updike's work is noted for its ubiquity and the reverence with which he described it: The critic", "id": "15878792" }, { "contents": "Elon Musk\n\n\ntweet saying, “SEC forgot to read Tesla earnings transcript, which clearly states 350k to 500k. How embarrassing…” Musk provided the initial concept and financial capital for SolarCity, which was then co-founded in 2006 by his cousins Lyndon and Peter Rive. By 2013, SolarCity was the second largest provider of solar power systems in the United States. SolarCity was acquired by Tesla, Inc. in 2016 and is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Tesla. The underlying motivation for funding both SolarCity and Tesla was to help combat", "id": "488393" }, { "contents": "Driftwood Inn and Restaurant\n\n\n, and in fact original pictures in the reception area of the Inn today show those solar panels . The original beach house was expanded in late 1937 by the addition of a wing on the north and the south wing was added in 1939. The original portion of the building is now the central section. The building is distinguished by board and batten exterior walls, wood shingled gable ends with decorative truss work and rustic balcony railings. The courtyard is marked by two stone walls, into which are embedded two rusty, ancient cannons", "id": "19084686" }, { "contents": "Tar\n\n\nseal the hulls of ships and boats. For millennia, wood tar was used to waterproof sails and boats, but today, sails made from inherently waterproof synthetic substances have reduced the demand for tar. Wood tar is still used to seal traditional wooden boats and the roofs of historical shingle-roofed churches, as well as painting exterior walls of log buildings. Tar is also a general disinfectant. Pine tar oil, or wood tar oil, is used for the surface treatment of wooden shingle roofs, boats, buckets, and", "id": "17464552" }, { "contents": "Tesla Supercharger\n\n\npair, each Urban Supercharger stall provides dedicated 72kW capacity. A few of the Tesla supercharging stations use solar panels to offset energy use and provide shade. In the next few years after 2016, Tesla plans to install additional solar power generation at superchargers. For Model S and X vehicles ordered through January 2017, the cost of using the superchargers for the life of the car is covered with the purchase of the car. As of May 2019, the network is exclusive to Model S, Model X and Model 3 vehicles.", "id": "9574739" }, { "contents": "Electricity generation\n\n\nmost often generated at a power plant by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power. The fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered in the 1820s and early 1830s by British scientist Michael Faraday. His method, still used today, is for electricity to be generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet", "id": "9492642" }, { "contents": "Logology (science)\n\n\nneurons to the experience of pain or the color red. Perhaps some kind of rudimentary consciousness could emerge in a sufficiently complex machine. But how could we tell? How do we establish—as opposed to conjecture—that something is conscious?\" Paradoxically, writes Gleiser, it is through our consciousness that we make sense of the world, even if imperfectly. \"Can we fully understand something of which we are a part?\" Theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson explains that \"[s]cience consists of facts and theories\"", "id": "14488764" }, { "contents": "WREL (technology)\n\n\nThe receiving resonator is tuned to efficiently absorb energy from the magnetic field, whereas nearby objects do not. With this technology enabled in a laptop, for example, batteries could be recharged when the laptop gets within several feet of the transmit resonator. Resonant magnetic power transfer was pioneered by Nikola Tesla. Some of his later Tesla coils use a loosely coupled resonant magnetic power system. The lower coil was energised, and this transferred power via magnetic resonance to the resonant top coil where the high voltage was generated. This was predominantly", "id": "4121387" }, { "contents": "Solar power in the United Kingdom\n\n\nbe an estimate due to the nature of each solar site experiencing its own weather, individual siting and angle in relation to the sun etc. Also as the power generated then used by equipment onsite will never reach the grid from all sites the total can never be directly calculated by government statistics as obtained from the national grid. Given this there will still be quite accurate estimates which combine weather reports from around the UK and the simple addition of average generation potential of Solar Panels in the UK in any given year. The table", "id": "7609477" }, { "contents": "Solar power in Turkey\n\n\nTurkey is located in an advantageous position in the Middle East and Southeast Europe for solar energy. Solar potential is very high in Turkey, especially in South Eastern Anatolia and Mediterranean regions. Compared to the rest of the region, insolation values are higher and conditions for solar power generation are comparable to Spain. 7.5 TWh was generated in 2018 which was 2.5% of Turkey's electricity. Installed capacity was 5GW, with the Energy Ministry planning to have another 10GW installed in the 2020s. However solar power in Turkey could increase far", "id": "4264488" }, { "contents": "Lemberg (Swabian Jura)\n\n\nwitness mountain\". A stratum of limestone has generally eroded away, leaving a few more-resistant remnants, such as the Lemberg. The name is Celtic in origin. Those Celtic prefix \"lem-\" means something like morass or sump. Probably this name derives from the source of the Bära river, a tributary of the Danube, at the foot of the mountain. From the 8th to 5th centuries B.C. there was a Hallstatt settlement on the Lemberg. Even today walls and ditches of a fortification can be detected on the", "id": "8428479" }, { "contents": "Rural electrification\n\n\nthese areas,\" he explained. In March 2015 he told a newspaper that, by 2017, \"we should no longer have REP in the way we do now\", adding that if the Government finds it too challenging to run power lines into communities, it will use solar.\" See Also Solar Power in Jamaica By 2015, 100 percent of Chinese people had access to electric power. In the early 1990s the countryside of China still suffered from extreme energy poverty; more than 40 percent of rural Chinese had no", "id": "15214026" }, { "contents": "The Chemical Wedding (Bruce Dickinson album)\n\n\n've done everything right, everything's cool but the wall's still standing. And what do you do? How do you face up to that fact? And it's all part of the whole alchemy thing. What were the alchemists trying to do? They were trying to achieve something that was virtually impossible, they spent their whole lives trying to do it, and all of them failed, or pretty damn near all of them failed. So, what does that feel like, and how does that work, and", "id": "15293408" }, { "contents": "Energy storage\n\n\ndistributed generation of renewable energies (especially photovoltaics) and the important share of energy consumption in buildings. To exceed a self-sufficiency of 40% in a household equipped with photovoltaics, energy storage is needed. Multiple manufacturers produce rechargeable battery systems for storing energy, generally to hold surplus energy from home solar/wind generation. Today, for home energy storage, Li-ion batteries are preferable to lead-acid ones given their similar cost but much better performance. Tesla Motors produces two models of the Tesla Powerwall. One", "id": "4571930" }, { "contents": "Dov Seidman\n\n\na Fortune Magazine conference for 100 CEOs held in Vatican City. Seidman wrote a book \"How: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything... in Business (and in Life)\" published in September 2007. In 2011, How: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything, an expanded edition, was published and became a New York Times Best Seller in the \"Advice, How-to, and Miscellaneous\" category. Seidman is a columnist for DealBook in the New York Times; the digital Wall Street Journal, Forbes", "id": "19856222" }, { "contents": "History of the Tesla coil\n\n\n. The Colorado Springs laboratory had one of the largest Tesla coils ever built, which Tesla called a \"magnifying transmitter\" as it was intended to transmit power to a distant receiver. With an input power of 300 kilowatts it could produce potentials of the order of 10 million volts, at frequencies of 50–150 kHz, creating huge \"lightning bolts\" reportedly up to 135 feet long. During experiments, it caused an overload which set fire to the alternator of the Colorado Springs power company, destroying it, and Tesla had to", "id": "2250975" }, { "contents": "History of radio\n\n\nlight\" could not transmit further than line of sight. In 1892 the physicist William Crookes wrote on the possibilities of wireless telegraphy based on Hertzian waves and in 1893 Tesla proposed a system for transmitting intelligence and wireless power using the earth as the medium. Others, such as Amos Dolbear, Sir Oliver Lodge, Reginald Fessenden, and Alexander Popov were involved in the development of components and theory involved with the transmission and reception of airborne electromagnetic waves for their own theoretical work or as a potential means of communication. Over several years", "id": "5935530" }, { "contents": "Break Even\n\n\nRun for Your Life\", was co-written by Bawden, Sciuto, Dreja and Basile. On 19 November 2008 Rowan Willoughby committed suicide, which threatened the future of the band. Bawden explained how they continued, \"we had a jam in the December holidays. We knew we could still do something and we ended up writing an album as a four-piece.\" The band released their debut album, \"The Bright Side\", in June 2009. Bawden explained the title, \"There is so much", "id": "2213051" }, { "contents": "Love Me Do\n\n\nthe B-side to \"Love Me Do\". The Beatles were keen to record their own material, something which was almost unheard of at that time, and it is generally accepted that it is to George Martin's credit that they were allowed to float their own ideas. But Martin insisted that unless they could write something as commercial as \"How Do You Do It?\" then the Tin Pan Alley practice of having the group record songs by professional songwriters (which was standard procedure then, and is still common", "id": "20672175" }, { "contents": "Environment Oregon\n\n\nEnvironment Oregon launched a campaign to encourage development of 250,000 solar roofs in Oregon by 2025. In July 2012, the group released a new report, \"Solar Works for Oregon,\" which outlines the sun's vast potential to provide power, protect the environment, and create jobs for Oregonians. The report revealed that Oregon could feasibly develop enough electricity from rooftop solar in the next decade to power 250,000 typical Oregon homes—or all the homes in Portland. Oregon could also produce 30 times as much solar energy as it does", "id": "12640472" }, { "contents": "Drew Daywalt\n\n\n, and I’d written for and rewritten everyone in town so I was ready for something different. We had done the Axe Body campaign – 'How Dirty Boys Get Clean' – that pretty much set us up financially so we could get through the strike. That’s when we decided to do what we loved as children: make horror films. We really wanted to do something for ourselves. I read everything I could about cameras and saved up a thousand bucks, and we shot our first short, 'Cursed.", "id": "15865876" }, { "contents": "Plasmonic solar cell\n\n\nbe generated from the solar cells. This would drastically help to reduce the weight as well. Solar cells have a great potential to help rural electrification. An estimated two million villages near the equator have limited access to electricity and fossil fuels and that approximately 25% of people in the world do not have access to electricity. When the cost of extending power grids, running rural electricity and using diesel generators is compared with the cost of solar cells, many times the solar cells win. If the efficiency and cost of the", "id": "15491666" }, { "contents": "Knowing (film)\n\n\nAlex Proyas said at a press conference, \"The science was important. I wanted to make the movie credible. So of course we researched as much as we could and tried to give it as much authenticity as we could\". Ian O'Neill of Discovery News criticized the film's solar flare plot line, pointing out that the most powerful solar flares could never incinerate Earthly cities. Erin McCarthy of Popular Mechanics calls attention to the film's confusion of numerology, the occult's study of how numbers like dates of birth influence", "id": "13033272" }, { "contents": "Yazmany Arboleda\n\n\nmade world we inhabit today. Arboleda deconstructs the contemporary human experience by using the very same media prism that shapes our perspectives from childhood to adult life. His work considers how nature and culture combine to define standards of human beauty common across time and geography. He explores the way the growing ubiquity of information has been accompanied by a crumbling of faith in news institutions, government and business. The work depicts and analyzes inter-connections and influences, and often engages the viewer, knowingly or not, to become a part of", "id": "806154" }, { "contents": "Cognitive Surplus\n\n\ntime as a general social asset that can be harnessed for large, communally created projects. Society never knows what to do with a surplus at first (hence “surplus”). The \"Milkshake Mistake\" is the idea that it is a mistake to look at the meaning of or potential of something by looking at the history and original purpose of a product (such as drinking milkshakes for breakfast). Shirky says we do this when thinking about media. The use of technology is much less determined by the tool/", "id": "14322793" }, { "contents": "Corporations Auxiliary Company\n\n\nto control labor to lead it in the right direction, away from radicalism...\" \"Now, for instance, this is how we work. We might do this in Wheeling for example. We might have 40 to 50 men there in different trades, working in from all angles. We could expect 10 or 15 of them to reach positions of influence in local unions. Five or more would become union officials. We might expect in that way to have men as international officers or even members of the State Federation of", "id": "4080093" }, { "contents": "Tesla Powerwall\n\n\nvery costly but solar panels are well distributed. As of April 2019, the Tesla Powerwall 2 fully installed cost is between $11,000 and $13,000 in Australia according to Solar Choice or US$1,600 in the US. As of February 2017, the cost to install one Powerwall 1 is US$3,000 (sized for residential use), while the cost to install one Powerwall 2 jumped to US$5,500 (larger capacity but still residential-size, will run many homes for 2 or 3 days without outside power if fully charged)", "id": "19309206" }, { "contents": "Solar power in Wyoming\n\n\nSolar power in Wyoming has the potential to generate 72 million MWh/yr. Wyoming used 12 million MWh in 1999. Wyoming is one of the country's windiest states and has the potential to generate 883 million MWh/yr from wind power. Solar and wind power tend to complement each other, with more solar power available in summer and during the day, and more wind power available at night and during the winter. Net metering is available to all consumers generating up to 25 kW. IREC best practices, based on experience", "id": "1945648" }, { "contents": "DLA Disposition Services\n\n\nthat we create hazardous waste treatment centers earlier if there is a potential for us to have a long-term presence.\" Brigadier General Stephen R. Lanza, the US military spokesman in Iraq, said: \"We take this issue very seriously and want to solve the problem. There is a variety of ways in which this [dumping] could have happened. We are now putting a system into place. There is a lot of catching up to do... Those responsible for this will be punished. It is something that", "id": "531888" }, { "contents": "Society for Human Rights\n\n\nhimself. Others were fearful. Still others were frantic or depraved. Some were blasé. Many homosexuals told me that their search for forbidden fruit was the real spice of life. With this argument, they rejected our aims. We wondered how we could accomplish anything with such resistance from our own people. Gerber shouldered all of the labor and financial obligations for the Society and for production of \"Friendship and Freedom\", something he was willing to do in service of the cause, believing it possible he would be remembered as", "id": "11127155" }, { "contents": "Generation Tesla\n\n\nname referring to the Vincha culture) is an ancient warrior resurrected by Nikola Tesla. Barbra Ryan is a pilot, Peter Tešić's (Cybernaut's) wife and Steve Ryan's (Solar's) sister. Misha is Portal's younger brother and a later addition to the team. He has the power to manipulate virtual reality. Misha is the only Generation Tesla character to appear in \"Factor 4\", a comic set in the same universe but 60 years into the future. In this comic Misha is an old man", "id": "19230570" }, { "contents": "Float (Styles P album)\n\n\nfast that we thought, \"Well, we might as well do something.\" So we did.\" \"Float\" was met with generally positive reviews from music critics. David Jeffries of Allmusic gave the album three and a half stars out of five saying, \"That's a lot of highlights and some sure choices for the next hits collection, but \"Float\" is still short, clocking in at less than 40 minutes, and Scram Jones decides to keep it underground, meaning your crossover Styles won't be", "id": "8979147" }, { "contents": "Rage Against the Machine\n\n\ndid what anyone wanted us to do. We never made the records people wanted us to make. We never played by the rules people wanted us to play by. And here we are, 25 years later, still a band. Clearly that means something. And if we did ever play or make new music or anything, it would be a very big deal. And there's a lot of bands that I've seen come along during that 25-year period that did everything the record companies and the powers-that-", "id": "2355895" }, { "contents": "The Berrics\n\n\nwe were on to something, like a Studio 54, and I was sitting there one day as I was skating and I think it was Andrew Reynolds that I’d seen do a heel flip backside tailslide on the ledge. It was so perfect and awesome. I never left Nebraska mentally to a degree, like I’m still a fan of anyone who skates incredible, ends up just skating. So if a kid from Nebraska could see how being on this side of the baker’s window, if he could see what", "id": "14282568" }, { "contents": "2007 UAW-Ford 500\n\n\nthing. We gotta do something where we can race a little bit. I mean I was driving around with one hand running 15th just riding, on and off the gas. It’s not racing. If we’re going to do that why don’t we just make it a 100-mile race and we’ll tear them all up in the first 50?” Jeff Gordon spoke of how boredom affected him during the race, and called for more work to be undertaken on the car to prevent single-file racing,", "id": "7331585" }, { "contents": "Plasmonic solar cell\n\n\ncontact with the nanoparticles. There is still considerable research necessary to enable the technology to reach its full potential and commercialization of plasmonic-enhanced solar cells. There are currently three different generations of solar cells. The first generation (those in the market today) are made with crystalline semiconductor wafers, with crystalline silicon making \"up to 93% market share and about 75 GW installed in 2016\". Current solar cells trap light by creating pyramids on the surface which have dimensions bigger than most thin film solar cells. Making the", "id": "15491648" }, { "contents": "Miami (Counting Crows song)\n\n\n. The truth is you have to hold them both. I didn’t know how to do that. How do you live with loving something and knowing you’re going to throw it away? I stood there and watched the sun go down and her plane landed and she came home and I kissed her. And we went back to our hotel, in Miami.\" (10/1/08 Atlanta, GA). While Counting Crows are generally a clean band, this is one of their few songs to contain profanity and one of", "id": "17906434" }, { "contents": "Slaughterhouse (Slaughterhouse album)\n\n\n\"Even though this [group] is a new way of doing business, we still gotta stick to the old school script when it comes time to market this, to have the proper time to set up a record. We’re not idiots. We understand the concept of labels throwing something against the wall and seeing if it sticks. That’s not what we are in business to do. We’re still in the business of selling records, because we feel we have a great product to present to the public", "id": "13852656" }, { "contents": "Grand Theft Auto IV\n\n\ncharacter, we wanted something that felt fresh and new and not something that was obviously derived from [a] movie. [...] Maybe [we] could do something ourselves that would live alongside that stuff\". Music supervisor Ivan Pavlovich said \"[we had] to pick the songs that make New York today what it is, but make sure they won't feel dated by the time the game comes out.\" The developers contacted over 2,000 people in order to obtain recording and publishing rights. They even hired", "id": "3906407" }, { "contents": "Coldfire Trilogy\n\n\n. She had been with him for years, and loved him dearly, but could no longer tolerate playing second in his life to something she could not compete with; his desire for the Fae was something she could do nothing about, leading her to leave him tearfully. The last thing lost, is his life. In a spurt of madness induced by the Iezu Calesta, he steals a vial of Sacred Fire (pure, liquified solar fae) from Damien, believing that consuming it would give him the powers of an", "id": "17578325" }, { "contents": "Energy Technology Perspectives\n\n\n. The book, subtitled \"Harnessing Electricity’s Potential\" explains that electricity is key to sustainable energy systems for the future and focuses on what this means for generation, distribution and end-use consumption. ETP 2014 explores the possibility of \"pushing the limits\" in six areas: • Decarbonising energy supply: is solar the answer to a cleaner energy future? • What role will natural gas play: flexibility vs. base load? • Electrified transport: how quickly and far can we go? • Can energy storage become a", "id": "3718996" }, { "contents": "Interactional expertise\n\n\nreview seems reasonable. Whilst there may be some skills that are more or less generic in the management of large organisations – presumably the kinds of skills that are taught on MBA schemes around the world – we can also ask if managers do better if they understand particularities of the business they are in charge of. Intuitively it seems reasonable to suggest that the manager of a newspaper should know something about how a journalist works or that a manager of a car factory should know something about how a Production-line works. Whilst this", "id": "15942277" }, { "contents": "Solar power in Myanmar\n\n\nSolar power in Myanmar has the potential to generate 51,973.8 TWh/year, with an average of over 5 sun hours per day. Even though most electricity is produced from hydropower in Myanmar, the country has rich technical solar power potential that is the highest in the Greater Mekong Subregion; however, in terms of installed capacity Myanmar lags largely behind Thailand and Vietnam. The country aims to generate 8% of electricity through renewable energy sources—through wind and solar energy—by 2021 and 12% by 2025. In general,", "id": "10539358" }, { "contents": "Nikola Tesla\n\n\na consultant at the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's Pittsburgh labs. During that year, Tesla worked in Pittsburgh, helping to create an alternating current system to power the city's streetcars. He found it a frustrating period because of conflicts with the other Westinghouse engineers over how best to implement AC power. Between them, they settled on a 60-cycle AC system that Tesla proposed (to match the working frequency of Tesla's motor), but they soon found that it would not work for streetcars, since Tesla's induction motor", "id": "1711079" }, { "contents": "Wireless power transfer\n\n\nup a test facility at high altitude in Colorado Springs during 1899. Experiments he conducted there with a large coil operating in the megavolts range, as well as observations he made of the electronic noise of lightning strikes, led him to conclude incorrectly that he could use the entire globe of the Earth to conduct electrical energy. The theory included driving alternating current pulses into the Earth at its resonant frequency from a grounded Tesla coil working against an elevated capacitance to make the potential of the Earth oscillate. Tesla thought this would allow alternating", "id": "12298233" }, { "contents": "Harriot Kezia Hunt\n\n\nthat drew 1500 guests, including three generations of her patients. At the event, she reportedly offered her advice to women: \"I have been so happy in my work; every moment occupied; how I long to whisper it in the ear of every listless woman, 'do something, if you would be happy'\". After her death in Boston, 1875, at the age of 70, she was buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, near Boston. Her grave can still be visited today and is marked by", "id": "17489835" }, { "contents": "Generation Tesla\n\n\nalso a cyborg, able to transform his hands into chainsaw-like blades. Solar's real name is Steve Ryan. He is Barbra Ryan's brother and Peter Tešić's (Cybernaut's) brother-in-law. Solar can fly and generate bolts of energy from his hands. Portal's real name is Kolja Ivanović. Portal, was, like the other Generation Tesla members, resurrected by Nikola Tesla, but he uses gun as a weapon and it remains unclear what superpower if any he has. Vincha (her", "id": "19230569" }, { "contents": "History of electric power transmission\n\n\nthe scale of power available from Niagara. The first large scale hydroelectric generators in the USA were installed in 1895 at Niagara Falls and provided electricity to Buffalo, New York, via power transmission lines. A statue of Nikola Tesla stands at, Goat Island Niagara Falls New York, today in tribute to his contributions. Westinghouse also had to develop a system that could be converted to all the needed power standards including single phase and polyphase AC and DC for street cars and factory motors. Westinghouse's initial customer for the hydroelectric generators", "id": "2793719" }, { "contents": "Economy of Africa\n\n\nsignificant resources for generating energy in several forms (hydroelectric, reserves of petroleum and gas, coal production, uranium production, renewable energy such as solar, wind and geothermal). The lack of development and infrastructure means that little of this potential is actually in use today. The largest consumers of electric power in Africa are South Africa, Libya, Namibia, Egypt, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe, which each consume between 1000 and 5000 KWh/m per person, in contrast with African states such as Ethiopia, Eritrea, and", "id": "27052" }, { "contents": "History of the Captivity in Babylon\n\n\nbut \"when they do so they immediately begin to ascend into heaven, a miraculous ascent that leads the onlookers to think that the return from exile has begun, as the palace walls and the very heavens resound with God's praise.\" The author is here trying to deal with the question, \"How can we sing a song of the Lord \"and still remain\" in a foreign land?\" and secondarily with the question of why the harps are \"hung up,\" stressing the meaning of \"above.", "id": "4793285" }, { "contents": "Tres Coronas\n\n\nwere in many important festivals and above all we were able to develop a more Creole, more Latin style. Everything happens for something and the separation with Rey was the best thing that could happen to us. You have to know how to remove the stones from your shoes in time, otherwise you will be stuck in the middle of the road. Ritmo Urbano: What other projects do you have on the doorstep? Tres Coronas (Rocca & P.N.O): We continue working with Tres Coronas for an upcoming album, we", "id": "21176436" }, { "contents": "The Getaway World Tour\n\n\n\" in getting to the stage and said that the band telling the audience \"how long they had been coming to Toronto and how special we were to them\", was something they “must say to all the girls…I mean cities.” Cross wrote that he expected more interaction with the audience and thought that the performance \"felt a little cold\". Cross further wrote, \"I thought we had something special, as most virgins do, but sadly we were just another notch on a tour belt. Where", "id": "15399856" }, { "contents": "Hyder flare\n\n\nactivity was high after the event even when no sunspots were detected. Despite their size, Hyder flares generally do not have a high intensity. It is commonly accepted that there is no immediate threat to Earth from a solar flare 93 million miles away. These flares can potentially affect space weather, however, which could disrupt electronics. Because of this, many precautions must be taken into account to prevent damages to airplane navigation and/or government technologies. Recently, the Hyder mechanism has come under question, most notably by Harold Zirin.", "id": "19433757" }, { "contents": "SolarCity\n\n\nsurplus power, either from the tiles or from the grid. Consumer Reports compared the estimated economy of solar roofs to traditional roofing. As of August 2017, production of tiles for the Tesla Solar Roof had begun at the company's Buffalo, New York Gigafactory 2. In January 2018, Tesla announced, after testing on employees' roofs, that it would begin installing the product on commercial customers' homes \"within the next few months\". The SunShot Initiative is a national effort to support solar energy adoption to make solar", "id": "16377538" }, { "contents": "SolarCity\n\n\nthan they previously paid for electricity from the utility company. The \"no-money-down solar\" business model became the most popular in the USA and increased installations but also added to SolarCity's debt, accounting for about half of the company's over $3 billion debt. Beginning in 2017, the company shifted its business model to one where customers buy the solar systems with cash or via financing. Tesla, the parent company, is also changing how solar is sold: in Tesla's stores, which will save", "id": "16377530" }, { "contents": "Solar vehicle\n\n\nmonths, becoming a much cheaper means of doing some tasks done today by satellites. In September 2007, the first successful flight for 48h under constant power of a UAV was reported. This is likely to be the first commercial use for photovoltaics in flight. Many demonstration solar aircraft have been built, some of the best known by AeroVironment. Solar energy is often used to supply power for satellites and spacecraft operating in the inner solar system since it can supply energy for a long time without excess fuel mass. A Communications satellite", "id": "10307702" }, { "contents": "Buffalo Billion\n\n\nMusk is the CEO of Tesla). At the Buffalo factory, Tesla produces the Solar Roof product. The roof is designed to look like a normal roof while generating electricity from solar energy. The combination functionality of the rooftop \"has proved challenging.\" As of May 31, 2018, in all of California, which is the country's leading solar market, there were only 12 Tesla roof systems connected to the grid. For those systems, the cost per watt was nearly 6 dollars. That amount is double the", "id": "9882068" } ]
If sperm donation is anonymous, how do they make sure some guy is not sleeping with his daughter 18 years later by a true mistake?
[{"answer": "As far as I know, there isn't any mechanism to prevent this, but with how ridiculously unlikely it is to happen (and then even more unlikely you'd ever find out even if it did happen) I don't think it's something to be worth worrying about. Sure it's creepy to think about but even in the extreme off chance this couple then actually settled down and had kids completely unaware of their relation, I don't think notable genetic issues arise after just one generation. The sheer unlikeliness of any issue ever arising like this makes it not worth the effort trying to prevent imo. Maybe just don't sleep with people half your age who kinda look like you"}, {"answer": "Iam not exactly sure how it works but I think they do take your name and such. To make sure that doesn't happen They also screen for STDs. What do I know there could be shit loads of inbred kids with STDs running around"}, {"answer": "This \"problem\" is not unique to sperm donation, fathers sometimes abandon their families/children (even before the child is born) and the child/father's identity would be unknown to the other. There's also anonymous sex, multiple partners, and other situations where the identity of the father is unknown or unrecorded. So besides the small chance of this really being a problem, sperm donation doesn't necessarily create a large number of these situations compared to those that occur \"naturally\""}, {"answer": "I'm a little bit confused. Are you asking if a guy donates sperm anonymously how can he be sure he does not accidentally sleep with his daughter 18 years later? Well the answer is he can't unless he forces every girl he sleeps with to take a DNA test. But the chances of that happening are extremely low."}, {"answer": "I'm sure this will get buried since I'm a little late, BUT As a child conceived from sperm donation, you don't! There is a valid chance you will sleep with someone related to you. Due to the age of my donor, I'm much more worried about sleeping with a half sibling. I usually sit down with people I'm seeing and ask if there's any chance they were conceived from/a parent donated to a sperm bank. Worst part is that there's always a chance *they* don't know. Sperm donation is a bit of a taboo subject still, so some parents never mention it. I appreciate that my parents wanted children so badly, but it's still an ethical grey area for me. I enjoy being alive, but don't enjoy not knowing my father, not knowing half of my medical history, and wondering how many half siblings/cousins/relatives I have out there."}, {"answer": "The odds are low, but possible. The real issue would be the donors kids having sex with each other, especially because there is a known tendency for siblings raised apart to be attracted sexually to each other. Its being raised together that makes people far less likely to want to have sex with family."}, {"answer": "One of the biggest issues with incest is the social relatedness, not the biological. Fathers usually have a position of power over their children, so if they have sex with their daughters it's very likely that this power is abused. In your case they don't know that they are related, so there's no power to abuse. Incest may lead to genetic defects, but it's not that big of a problem if it doesn't\u200b happen at a regular basis. (Just consider the odds that someone is accidentally sleeping with his daughter. There are other reasons for genetic defect which are much more likely to happen.) Inbreeding is a problem in some aristocratic families, yes, but they married their relatives at a regular basis, not just once. Edit: Some countries, mine (Austria) included, don't allow anonymous donors. Every donor is recorded and when the child reaches a certain age, they have the right to ask for the identity of their biological father. It's not to prevent incest, though. Some governments just believe that everyone has the right to know who their biological ancestors are. (I don't share this belief.)"}, {"answer": "Short version - they don't. I was conceived through this process, and that's a thought I considered off and on from the time I was old enough to figure out that boys didn't have cooties. I was more concerned with a half brother than the father, but same idea. There is no way to know, short of getting yourself and your partner DNA tested. The odds of it happening are ridiculously low though."}, {"answer": "On a somewhat related topic, there's an app and registry in Iceland to help you avoid accidentally sleeping with your cousin/random relatives given the small and interrelated population."}, {"answer": "It's quite an ethical issue pertaining to sperm donation. Thankfully men don't normally sleep around with women half their age, at least where I'm from that is."}, {"answer": "I mean, I'm a child of a sperm donor, and we get information packets about the donor. Hair, eye and skin color, build, age, generally where they're from, etc. I know my donor's info by heart and I'd never hook up with anyone who could match that. I'd definitely ask some background info about them if I thought they might possibly be my donor. Same with half siblings, I would always ask them where their dad was from."}, {"answer": "Or what if someones daughter has to use sperm from a sperm bank and it ends up being her fathers :O"}, {"answer": "It's now law in the UK that children have the right to track down their biological parents."}, {"answer": "I don't think there's any safeguards in place to prevent this from happening. But, like other posters have pointed out, the chances of this happening are astronomically low. But long lost siblings have accidentally ended up in relationships, so maybe the powers that be should put something in place. But (playing devil's advocate) let's say they tell the child \"Here's your dad's real name- first and last. Don't ever sleep with him.\" What if she goes to the club and her real daddy only gives his first name? Or a nickname? What then??? \ud83d\ude33"}, {"answer": "Short answer is they dont. There was a couple of cases of a doctor implanting women with his own sperm and a city having something like 300 of his kids out there. I'll try and find the link, but if it is an anonymous donation there is no real way to inform the kids of the moms who accepted this donations."}, {"answer": "Statistically speaking, this is a more likely scenario: donor (dad) is involved in a accident and is unable to use his arms...they totally aren't broken though, it's some other type of injury. His home care nurse takes pity on him and helps him get some \"relief\". That nurse turns out to be his daughter."}, {"answer": "It's probably about the same odds of accidentally hooking up with a 2nd cousin in your home town."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21496026", "title": "Sperm donation", "section": "Section::::Ethical and legal issues.:Anonymity.:Attitudes towards anonymity.:Among donors and potential donors.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 118, "end_paragraph_id": 118, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Potential donors with children are less inclined to want to meet offspring than potential donors without children (9 versus 30% in the review). Potential donors in a relationship are less inclined to consider contact with offspring than single potential donors (7 versus 28% in the review). From US data, 20% would actively want to know and meet offspring and 40% would not object if the child wished to meet but would not solicit a meeting themselves. From Swedish data, where only non-anonymous donation is permitted in clinics, 87% of potential donors had a positive attitude towards future contact with offspring, although 80% of these potential donors did not feel that the donor had any moral responsibilities for the child later in life. Also from UK data, 80% of potential donors did not feel responsible for whatever happened with their sperm after the donation. With variation between different studies, between 33% and 94% of potential donors want to know at least whether or not the donation resulted in offspring. Some of these potential donors merely wanted to know if a pregnancy had been achieved but did not want to know any specific information about the offspring (e.g. sex, date of birth). Other potential donors felt that knowing the outcome of the donation made the experience more meaningful.", "Some even say that it is the moral responsibility of the donor not to seek contact with offspring. The same review indicated that up to 37% of donors reported changes in their attitude towards anonymity before and after donation, with one in four being prepared to be more open about themselves after the donation than before (as a \"potential donor\"). Among potential donors, 3046% of potential donors would still be willing to donate even if anonymity could not be guaranteed. Still, more than 75% of these potential donors felt positive towards releasing non-identifying information to offspring, such as physical characteristics and level of education", "himself. Some even say that it is the moral responsibility of the donor not to seek contact with offspring. The same review indicated that up to 37% of donors reported changes in their attitude towards anonymity before and after donation, with one in four being prepared to be more open about themselves after the donation than before (as a \"potential donor\"). Among potential donors, 3046% of potential donors would still be willing to donate even if anonymity could not be guaranteed. Still, more than 75% of these potential donors felt positive towards releasing non-identifying information to offspring, such as physical characteristics and level of education. Single or homosexual men are significantly more inclined to release their identity than married, heterosexual men. Potential donors with children are less inclined to want to meet offspring than potential donors without children (9 versus 30% in the review). Potential donors in a relationship are less inclined to consider contact with offspring than single potential donors (7 versus 28% in the review). From US data, 20% would actively want to know and meet offspring and 40% would not object if the child wished to meet but would not solicit a meeting themselves. From Swedish data, where only non-anonymous donation is permitted in clinics, 87% of potential donors had a positive attitude towards future contact with offspring, although 80% of these potential donors did not feel that the donor had any moral responsibilities for the child later in life. Also from UK data, 80% of potential donors did not feel responsible for whatever happened with their sperm after the donation. With variation between different studies, between 33% and 94% of potential donors want to know at least whether or not the donation resulted in offspring. Some of these potential donors merely wanted to know if a pregnancy had been achieved but did not want to know any specific information about the offspring (e.g. sex, date of birth). Other potential donors felt that knowing the outcome of the donation made the experience more meaningful. In comparison, a German study came to the result that 11% of donors actually asked about the outcome in the clinic where they donated."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nsperm markets. When Sweden banned anonymous sperm donation in 1980, the number of active sperm donors dropped from approximately 200 to 30. Sweden now has an 18-month waiting list for donor sperm. At least 250 Swedish sperm recipients travel to Denmark annually for insemination. Some of this is also due to the fact that Denmark also allows single women to be inseminated. After the United Kingdom ended anonymous sperm donation in 2005, the numbers of sperm donors went up, reversing a three-year decline. However, there is still a", "id": "12247111" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nwho makes a non-anonymous sperm donation is termed a \"known donor\", an \"open identity donor\", or an \"identity release donor\". Non-anonymous sperm donors are, to a substantially higher degree, driven by altruistic motives for their donations. Even in the case of anonymous donation, some information about the donor may be released to recipients at the time of treatment. \"Limited donor information\" includes height, weight, eye, skin and hair colour. In Sweden, this is the extent", "id": "12247097" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\ntraced by their children. Improved DNA technology has brought into question the possibility of assuring a donor's anonymity. For example, at least one child found his biological father using his own DNA test and internet research, and was able to identify and contact his anonymous donor. Different factors motivate individuals to seek sperm from outside their home state. For example, some jurisdictions do not allow unmarried women to receive donor sperm. Jurisdictional regulatory choices as well as cultural factors that discourage sperm donation have also led to international fertility tourism and", "id": "12247110" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\n. Generally, these jurisdictions require sperm banks to keep up-to-date records and to release identifying information about the donor to his offspring after they reach a certain age (15–18). See Sperm donation laws by country. For most sperm recipients, anonymity of the donor is not of major importance at the obtainment or tryer-stage. Anonymous sperm is often less expensive. Another reason that recipients choose anonymous donors is concern about the role that the donor or the child may want the donor to play in the child", "id": "12247099" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nof their donation, expecting that counselling could help them to give their decision some thought and to look at all the involved parties in the donation. A systematic review in 2012 came to the conclusion that the psychosocial needs and experiences of the donors, and their follow-up and counselling are largely neglected in studies on sperm donation. Anonymous sperm donation occurs under the condition that recipients and offspring will never learn the identity of the donor. A non-anonymous donor, however, will disclose his identity to recipients. A donor", "id": "12247096" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nmaximum. Many donees do not inform the child that they were conceived through sperm donation, or, when non-anonymous donor sperm has been used, they do not tell the child until they are old enough for the clinic to provide contact information about the donor. Some believe that it is a human right for a person to know who their biological mother and father are, and thus it should be illegal to conceal this information in any way and at any time. For donor conceived children who find out after a long", "id": "12247087" }, { "contents": "Silver (90210)\n\n\nbaby with him. Both of them are outraged to hear this. Silver tells all three of them that she isn’t able to make a decision about either of them, as she isn’t sure what to do. At the end of the episode, Teddy finally makes his decision about having a baby with Silver, accepting her offer making Silver overjoyed. In The Sea Change, Silver and Teddy visit the sperm bank so Teddy can donate his sperm. Silver tells him she’ll do her part when she’s ovulating.", "id": "934336" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nprocess through sperm donation in a fertility clinic. It may make provision as to whether a sperm donor may be anonymous or not, and it might give an adult donor conceived offspring the right to trace his or her biological father. Where sperm is donated by natural insemination, i.e. where the donor has sexual intercourse with the recipient woman, the law in every country will always provide that the male is the father of any child produced, even where the sperm is provided by a third party male who is not the woman's", "id": "12247035" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nwider issues for society as a whole, including the issues of the role of men as parents, family support for children, and financial support for women with children. The growth of sperm banks and fertility clinics, the use of sperm agencies and the availability of anonymous donor sperm have served to make sperm donation a more respectable, and therefore a more socially acceptable, procedure. The intervention of doctors and others may be seen as making the whole process a respectable and merely a medical procedure which raises no moral issues, where", "id": "12247116" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nwidespread use of freezing techniques. 'Fresh sperm' was donated to order by donors at the fertile times of patients requiring treatments. Commonly, infertility of a male partner or sterilisation was a reason for treatment. Donations were anonymous and unregulated. The Warnock Committee's report was published on July 18, 1984. and led to the passing of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. That act provided for a system of licensing for fertility clinics and procedures. It also provided that, where a male donates sperm at a licensed", "id": "12247131" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nadulthood. Offspring of anonymous donors may often have the ability to obtain their biological father's donor number from the fertility clinic or sperm bank used for their birth. They may then share their number on a registry. By finding shared donor numbers, offspring may find their genetic half-siblings. The donor may also find his number on a registry and choose to make contact with his offspring or otherwise reveal his identity. Even sperm donors who have chosen anonymity and not to contact their offspring through a registry are now increasingly being", "id": "12247109" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\n's life. Sperm recipients may prefer a non-anonymous donor if they anticipate disclosing donor conception to their child and anticipate the child's desire to seek more information about their donor in the future. A Dutch study found that lesbian couples are significantly more likely (98%) to choose non-anonymous donors than heterosexual couples (63%). Of the heterosexual couples that opted for anonymous donation, 83% intended never to inform their child of their conception via sperm donation. For children conceived by an anonymous donor,", "id": "12247100" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation laws by country\n\n\ninbreeding between donor offspring. In some countries such limits are voluntary while in others they are imposed by law. Most jurisdictions which set limits on the number of sperm donations do so in terms of number of donor offspring, but some jurisdictions set the limits in terms of \"families\", to allow for the children of the recipient woman to be true genetic siblings and because consanguinity issues are caught by a country's incest laws. Most jurisdictions set only local limits, while a number set worldwide limits. Some jurisdictions permit the", "id": "8159657" }, { "contents": "G'nort\n\n\nwho took his ring and tracks him down. The soldier swiftly overpowers G'nort and makes the mistake of bragging how he would torture and kill Guy. Enraged, G'nort defeats the soldier, gains his ring and saves Guy by destroying the source of his very own power. The two make it back to normal space as explosions devastate the local area. Afterwards, Guy Gardner reluctantly tells the real Guardians that G'nort was the true hero on Qward, which earned G'nort status as a genuine Green Lantern. Around this time G'Nort is kicked", "id": "19533590" }, { "contents": "Nightlight Christian Adoptions\n\n\nand specifically Nightlight's Snowflake program, had a profound place in his legacy as president. Asked why a three-day-old blastocyst should be subject to the same adoptive process as a baby, Nightlight Executive Director Daniel Nehrbass said, \"We have learnt [sic] over the past 100 years that every child not raised by its biological parents will eventually start looking for them, Now we're repeating the mistake with assisted reproduction because we're creating a new set of anonymous parents through sperm and now embryo donation.\"", "id": "2969041" }, { "contents": "Sibling Rivalry (Family Guy)\n\n\nhe agrees to donate sperm, should he and Lois ever decide to have another baby. While in the sperm bank, Peter accidentally destroys all the existing samples, and decides to replace them with his own to prevent himself from getting into trouble. Nine months later, a lesbian couple, who took away some of Peter's sperm in order to conceive a child, gives birth to Bertram, Stewie's half-brother who first appeared in the episode \"Emission Impossible\". After the vasectomy, Peter loses his sex drive", "id": "7281812" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nInternet, while others are only made available to patients when they apply for treatment. Some sperm banks make additional information about each donor available for an additional fee, and others make additional basic information known to children produced from donors when those children reach the age of eighteen. Some clinics offer \"exclusive donors\" whose sperm is only used to produce pregnancies for one recipient female. How accurate this is, or can be, is not known, and neither is it known whether the information produced by sperm banks, or by", "id": "12247069" }, { "contents": "California Cryobank\n\n\nCalifornia Cryobank is a sperm bank in California, United States, one of the two biggest in the world. There are offices in Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and New York. According to the company in 2018 they had about 600 donors and 75,000 registered live births since 1977. Since 2018 they no longer accept anonymous donations. They offer a service to choose sperm from donors who resemble celebrities. When they reach the age of 18 children conceived through sperm donation can ask for information about their biological fathers", "id": "5345326" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nmay donate anonymously or agree to provide identifying information to their offspring in the future. Private donations facilitated by an agency often use a \"directed\" donor, when a male directs that his sperm is to be used by a specific person. Non-anonymous donors are also called \"known donors\", \"open donors\" or \"identity disclosure donors\". A review of surveys among donors came to the results that the media and advertising are most efficient in attracting donors, and that the internet is becoming increasingly important in", "id": "12247043" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nmay be obtained at a sperm bank or fertility clinic. Sperm banks or clinics may be subject to state or professional regulations, including restrictions on donor anonymity and the number of offspring that may be produced, and there may be other legal protections of the rights and responsibilities of both recipient and donor. Some sperm banks, either by choice or regulation, limit the amount of information available to potential recipients; a desire to obtain more information on donors is one reason why recipients may choose to use a known donor or private donation", "id": "12247033" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nagency when she requires donations. The agency notifies the donor who must supply his sperm on the appropriate days nominated by the recipient. The agency will usually provide the sperm donor with a male collection kit usually including a collection condom and a container for shipping the sperm. This is collected and delivered by courier and the female uses the donor's sperm to inseminate herself, typically without medical supervision. This process preserves anonymity and enables a donor to produce sperm in the privacy of his own home. A donor will generally produce samples", "id": "12247048" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nshortage, and some doctors have suggested raising the limit of children per donor. Some UK clinics import sperm from Scandinavia. Despite the shortage, sperm exports from the UK are legal and donors may remain anonymous in this context. However, the HFEA does impose safeguards on the export of sperm, such as that it must be exported to fertility clinics only and that the result of any treatment must be traceable. Sperm banks impose their own limits on the number of pregnancies obtained from exported sperm. Since 2009, the import of", "id": "12247112" }, { "contents": "Preminchu Pelladu\n\n\nwithout giving her identity. Rambabu (Rajendra Prasad) grandson of Kurmavataram starts loving Radha. Parallelly, Rambabu's maternal uncle Hanumantha Rao (Rallapalli) plans to make his daughter Saraswathi's (Tulasi) marriage with Rambabu but she is already in love with a young guy Babji (Subhalekha Sudhakar). After some comic incidents, Rambabu learns that Radha's reality. Rest of the story is how Rambabu & Radha teach a lesson to Kurmavataram and makes him realize his mistake. Music composed by Ilaiyaraaja. Lyrics were written by Veturi", "id": "21529174" }, { "contents": "Who's That Woman? (Desperate Housewives)\n\n\nshe manages to lie by telling him they belong to Yao Lin, the maid. To make sure Gabrielle isn't lying, he asks John, who tells him that the cable guy came at his assigned time and that he doesn't want to get in the middle. Carlos then visits the cable guy, Jonathan, at his house, and begins to beat him, yelling \"Do you think you can sleep with anyone you want?\" Carlos then discovers that Jonathan is gay. Jonathan than asks if this is why", "id": "14073365" }, { "contents": "Sperm bank\n\n\nbasic information known to children produced from donors when those children reach the age of 18. Some clinics offer \"exclusive donors\" whose sperm is used to produce pregnancies for only one recipient woman. How accurate this is, or can be, is not known, and neither is it known whether the information produced by sperm banks, or by the donors themselves, is true. Many sperm banks will, however, carry out whatever checks they can to verify the information they request, such as checking the identity of the donor", "id": "10587991" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nhimself. Some even say that it is the moral responsibility of the donor not to seek contact with offspring. The same review indicated that up to 37% of donors reported changes in their attitude towards anonymity before and after donation, with one in four being prepared to be more open about themselves after the donation than before (as a \"potential donor\"). Among potential donors, 30–46% of potential donors would still be willing to donate even if anonymity could not be guaranteed. Still, more than 75% of", "id": "12247104" }, { "contents": "LGBT parenting\n\n\n. A surrogate is a woman carrying an egg fertilised by sperm of one of the men. Some women become surrogates for money, others for humanitarian reasons or both. Parents who use surrogacy services can be stigmatised. Insemination is a method used mostly by lesbian couples. It is when a partner is fertilised with donor sperm injected through a syringe. Some men donate sperm for humanitarian reasons, others for money or both. In some countries the donor can choose to be anonymous (for example in Spain) and in others they", "id": "2981629" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nof disclosed information. In the US, however, additional information may be given, such as a comprehensive biography and sound/video samples. Several jurisdictions (e.g., Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Britain, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand, and others) only allow non-anonymous sperm donation. This is generally based on the principle that a child has a right to know his or her biological origins. In 2013, a German court precedent was set based on a case brought by a 21-year-old woman", "id": "12247098" }, { "contents": "Jeff Hickman\n\n\nservices for Bioware. Of his collaboration with Paul Barnett, Hickman has said: \"Paul and I work hand in hand. Paul is the crazy vision guy, I'm the guy that says that's great, but how are we going to do it? He and I work really well together. What you see shows really how we work together. He throws everything against the wall, and we say... how about this? Then he helps to make sure that what happens really works for the game.\" During", "id": "6025359" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation laws by country\n\n\nSperm donation laws vary by country. Most countries have laws to cover sperm donations which, for example, place limits on how many children a sperm donor may give rise to, or which limit or prohibit the use of donor semen after the donor has died, or payment to sperm donors. Other laws may restrict use of donor sperm for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment, which may itself be banned or restricted in some way, such as to married heterosexual couples, banning such treatment to single women or lesbian couples", "id": "8159655" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation laws by country\n\n\nfacilities. Only unmarried, healthy men under the age of 30 are allowed to donate sperm, and they are financially compensated for it. Men who want to donate must get to the hospital, pass an interview and blood-checks. They are also prohibited from donating sperm in more than one sperm bank. Finally, anonymity is kept indefinitely; the donor would never receive information regarding offspring, and vice versa. In New Zealand, a voluntary policy law by fertility clinics limit one donor to \"fathering\" a maximum of", "id": "8159664" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\narranged through a broker, the donor may meet the recipients and become known to them. Some brokers facilitate contact that maintains semi-anonymous identities for legal reasons. Where a private or directed donation is used, sperm need not be frozen. Private donations may be free of charge - avoiding the significant costs of a more medicalised insemination - and fresh rather than frozen semen is generally deemed to increase the chances of pregnancy. However, they also carry higher risks associated with unscreened sexual or body fluid contact. Legal treatment of donors", "id": "12247053" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\na defined number of families (as in the UK) the actual number of children produced from each donor will often be far greater. Since 2000, donor conceived people have been locating their biological siblings and even their donor through web services such as the Donor Sibling Registry as well as DNA testing services such as and 23andMe. By using these services, donors can find offspring despite the fact that they may have donated anonymously. The majority of donors who donate through a sperm bank receive some form of payment, although this", "id": "12247080" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nwith the law in the other Nordic countries, gives donors the choice of being either anonymous or non-anonymous to the receiving couple. Furthermore, Nordic sperm donors tend to be tall, with rarer features like blond hair or different color eyes and a light complexion, and highly educated and have altruistic motives for their donations, partly due to the relatively low monetary compensation in Nordic countries. More than 50 countries worldwide are importers of Danish sperm, including Paraguay, Canada, Kenya, and Hong Kong. Several UK clinics also", "id": "12247136" }, { "contents": "Finn Warner\n\n\nChris Warner) and Angela Bloomfield (Rachel McKenna), noting his storylines allowed him to \"make good friends with some of the younger cast as well as some of the older.\" Finn made his reappearance on 28 March 2016. He made his final appearance on 1 October 2018. Desperate to have children but with no stable partner in her life, Shortland Street clinic's head of nursing Carrie Burton (Lisa Crittenden) accepted sperm donations from nurse Steve Mills (Andrew Binns), Guy Warner (Craig Parker),", "id": "8234324" }, { "contents": "Donor registration\n\n\nbe used in matching siblings. Donors may also register, and therefore, donor registries may also match donors with their genetic children. Sperm banks keep their own records of sperm donors and recipients, although there may not be any obligation to save them unless there is non-anonymous sperm donation, let alone any obligation to reveal them for donor conceived people who want to know about their genetic history. In the US there is increased pressure on sperm banks to make donor information available to donor conceived people, for example by creating", "id": "19567652" }, { "contents": "Egg donation\n\n\na surrogate were the legal parents of the child by virtue of their procreative intent. Therefore, the father was required to pay child support even though he sought a divorce before the child was born. A donor registry is a registry to facilitate donor conceived people, sperm donors and egg donors to establish contact with genetic kindred. They are mostly used by donor conceived people to find genetic half-siblings from the same egg- or sperm donor. Some donors are non-anonymous, but most are anonymous, i.e. the donor conceived", "id": "18877226" }, { "contents": "Sperm bank\n\n\nas safely and as freely as possible. The finding of a potential sperm donor and motivating him to actually donate sperm is typically called recruitment. A sperm bank can recruit donors by advertising, often in colleges and in local newspapers, and also on the internet. A donor must be a fit healthy male, normally between 18 and 45 years of age, who is willing to undergo frequent and rigorous testing and who is willing to donate his sperm so that it can be used to impregnate women who are unrelated to and unknown", "id": "10587967" }, { "contents": "Fleas (The Good Wife)\n\n\nHowever, while searching for old tax forms in Alicia's room, Peter finds condoms in her bedside table and suspects she is sleeping with Will. An argument ensues when he confronts her about it, ending with Alicia angrily insisting that he will have to trust her. Meanwhile, political operative Eli Gold (Alan Cumming) tells Peter an anonymous Twitter user named \"Upriser7\" who is making disparaging posts about Alicia, some of which are true, including that Alicia and Peter are sleeping in separate rooms. When Eli later realizes", "id": "15941178" }, { "contents": "Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy\n\n\ncoin from the tooth fairy but Peter finds a pound coin from the fairy. Henry asks his mother how the tooth fairy knows whose pillow to put money and she says that she looks at the gap between the child's teeth. Henry realizes his mistake and places a piece of black paper over his mouth. At night, when he sleeps, he ties his finger to a fake vampire tooth (a substitute for the real one) to make sure that when the tooth fairy comes and takes his tooth, he gets woken", "id": "19652165" }, { "contents": "Teresa (2010 TV series)\n\n\nher and forgiveness as she feels that he's her true love. When Arturo is involved in a car accident, Teresa searches for him and he is immediately transported to a nearby hospital. As he slowly recovers, he rejects her for not loving him earlier. Teresa donates all of Fernando's money to Paloma's foundation for children after Fernando rejected receiving the stolen fortune. As Teresa tries to correct her mistakes, Refugio denies her daughter as she feels that it's too early to forgive Teresa and can't be sure if", "id": "14418599" }, { "contents": "Embryo donation\n\n\nthe donor. This is the same principle as is followed in egg donation or sperm donation. Most often, the embryos are donated after the woman for whom they were originally created has successfully carried one or more pregnancies to term. Embryo donation can be anonymous (donor and recipient parties are not known to each other, and families have no ability to contact one another), semi-open (families can interact via a third party, but do not share personally identifiable information in order to provide a layer of privacy protection", "id": "11366658" }, { "contents": "Walter Merricks\n\n\nfather to the young son of her first marriage. After being diagnosed infertile, he and his wife used donor insemination treatment to conceive their two subsequent children. With four other families in 1993 they founded the Donor Conception Network, a supportive network of now nearly 2,000 families with children conceived with donated sperm, eggs or embryos; people considering or undergoing donor fertility procedures; and donor conceived people. The charity supported the ending of the practice of anonymous donation, and emphasises the need to tell donor children early about how they were", "id": "6524029" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nvaries across jurisdictions, and in most jurisdictions (e.g., Sweden) personal and directed donors lack legal safeguards that may be available to anonymous donors. However, the laws of some countries (e.g. New Zealand) recognize written agreements between donors and recipients in a similar way to donations through a sperm bank. Kits are available, usually on-line, for artificial insemination for private donor use, and these kits generally include a collection pot, a syringe, ovulation tests and pregnancy tests. A vaginal speculum and a soft cup", "id": "12247054" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nthe donors themselves, is true. Many sperm banks will, however, carry out checks to verify the information requested, such as checking the identity of the donor and contacting his own doctor to verify medical details. Simply because such information is not verifiable does not imply that it is in any way inaccurate, and a sperm bank will rely upon its reputation which, in turn, will be based upon its success rate and upon the accuracy of the information about its donors which it makes available. In the UK, most", "id": "12247070" }, { "contents": "Anonymous (group)\n\n\ncharacter V who inspired Anonymous to adopt the Guy Fawkes mask as an icon and fashion item, you're never quite sure if Anonymous is the hero or antihero. The trickster is attracted to change and the need for change, and that's where Anonymous goes. But they are not your personal army – that's Rule 44 – yes, there are rules. And when they do something, it never goes quite as planned. The internet has no neat endings. Furthermore, Landers assessed the following in 2008: Anonymous is", "id": "20361007" }, { "contents": "Sperm\n\n\nthe reputation of Danish sperm donors for being of high quality and, in contrast with the law in the other Nordic countries, gives donors the choice of being either anonymous or non-anonymous to the receiving couple. Furthermore, Nordic sperm donors tend to be tall and highly educated and have altruistic motives for their donations, partly due to the relatively low monetary compensation in Nordic countries. More than 50 countries worldwide are importers of Danish sperm, including Paraguay, Canada, Kenya, and Hong Kong. However, the Food and", "id": "6112512" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nor discouraged from donating in some countries, including the US. Sperm banks also screen out some potential donors based on height, baldness, and family medical history. Where a donor donates sperm through a sperm bank, the sperm bank will generally undertake a number of checks to ensure that the donor produces sperm of sufficient quantity and quality and that the donor is healthy and will not pass diseases through the use of his sperm. The donor's sperm must also withstand the freezing and thawing process necessary to store and quarantine the sperm", "id": "12247073" }, { "contents": "Sunday (Desperate Housewives)\n\n\nas a meal. Carlos finally tells her he was afraid she would leave him. Saying she is not shallow and repeating \"For better or for worse\", Gaby reassures him she does love him and they end up in bed together. Susan's cousin, Tim comes to town to help her with finances while Mike is in rehab. He says he got fired from his job for sleeping with his boss's 18-year-old daughter, even though he checked to make sure it was legal. Just then, Katherine and", "id": "10544948" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nclinics outside their own jurisdiction, a male may donate for a longer period than two years, as the risk of consanguinity is reduced (although local laws vary widely). The contract may also specify the place and hours for donation, a requirement to notify the sperm bank in the case of acquiring a sexual infection, and the requirement not to have intercourse or to masturbate for a period of usually 2–3 days before making a donation. Sperm provided by a sperm bank will be produced by a donor attending at the sperm bank", "id": "12247045" }, { "contents": "Forever Evil\n\n\nwithout any strong significance.\" \"Forever Evil\" #3 received positive reviews. Comic Book Resources' Jim Johnson gave the issue 4 stars out of 5, saying, \"Johns makes sure that \"Forever Evil\" #3 gives readers their money's worth in the form of an intriguing idea with unexpected surprises amidst a foreboding but darkly fascinating environment. Finch and Friend do their part by making sure that the bad guys look good, and the true villains look threatening on a convincingly ruined and darkened world. Anyone who", "id": "5482783" }, { "contents": "In vitro fertilisation\n\n\nprovince of British Columbia for access to records on her donor father's identity in 2008. \"I'm not a treatment, I'm a person, and those records belong to me,\" Pratten said. In May 2012, a court ruled in Pratten's favour, agreeing that the laws at the time discriminated against donor children and making anonymous sperm and egg donation in British Columbia illegal. In the U.K., Sweden, Norway, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and some Australian states, donors are not paid and", "id": "12835887" }, { "contents": "Thomas & Friends (series 5)\n\n\nthe manager at station. Days later, Maidment received a call asking if he would allow some of his stories to be used as material – the stories from \"The Railway Series\" were frequently based on true events, and Allcroft and Mitton preferred this. Maidment agreed, and was also asked to review each story to make sure that the railway in the show operated realistically. As a result, Maidment received writing credit alongside Allcroft and Mitton. 10,000 pounds ($14,406 in U.S. money) was donated to the Railway Children", "id": "17121492" }, { "contents": "Donor conceived person\n\n\nsocial impacts of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) on donor-conceived children and their families has gained a great deal of interest in recent years as this population has continued to grow. An increasing number of family-support organizations strongly encourage parents to openly discuss their children's origins, whether through donor insemination or following treatment with donated gametes. Donor conceived people have fewer adolescence problems than children of divorce. For most sperm or egg recipients, the choice between anonymous sperm or egg donor and a non-anonymous one is generally", "id": "16857748" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nIn the absence of specific legal protection, courts may order a sperm donor to pay child support or recognize his parental rights, and will invariably do so where the insemination is carried out by natural, as opposed to artificial means. Laws in many jurisdictions limit the number of offspring that a sperm donor can give rise to, and who may be a recipient of donor sperm. The purpose of sperm donation is to provide pregnancies for women whose male partner is infertile or, more commonly, for women who do not have a", "id": "12247037" }, { "contents": "Coming Home (New Found Glory album)\n\n\nwere never sure just how to do it. I know all the guys are really excited to get into the house, hang out and make some music.\" The band spent four months in Malibu with studio engineer and long term friend Paul Miner, from August 2005 through November, eventually leaving with 14 finished demos to present to their record label. The demos finalised in Malibu caught the attention of Thom Panunzio, who aside from his production work (Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Ozzy Osbourne), served as an executive", "id": "7350031" }, { "contents": "Onbadhu Roobai Nottu\n\n\nof his life. The rest of the film shows his journey as an old man and how fate plays its role. The film was launched in February 2004 and progressed slowly through production. Some of the scenes were shot in Ambur. The soundtrack was composed by Bharadwaj. Behindwoods wrote:\"Thankar Bachan has all elements of his creative genius and is sure to make an impact as a masterpiece among true movie lovers.Onbadhu Roobai Nottu is sure to find favors among true movie buffs and would entice great circulation especially among people who love films", "id": "18794944" }, { "contents": "Fanny Fern\n\n\nstruggled to make ends meet for her surviving young daughters. Her father persuaded her to remarry. In 1849 the young widow married Samuel P. Farrington, a merchant. The marriage was a mistake. Farrington was so intensely jealous that in 1851 Willis left him, scandalizing her family, and they divorced two years later. Willis published her first article, \"The Governess\", in November 1851 in the new Boston newspaper \"Olive Branch\", followed by some short satirical pieces there and in \"True Flag\"; soon after", "id": "14097764" }, { "contents": "Tomorrow (novel)\n\n\nwish to have a child while pointing her to the options available to her through the fledgling field of reproductive medicine. In the end Mike and Paula make up their minds to give it a try, Paula is artificially inseminated, and in 1979, after her own father's and Otis's death, gives birth to twins whom they christen Nick and Kate. Again, they do not tell anybody about how their children were conceived, especially not that their natural father is \"Mr S\", an anonymous sperm donor. As", "id": "7712768" }, { "contents": "Egg donation\n\n\ndonors would prefer that unused embryos be destroyed or donated to science, while others would prefer or allow them to be donated to another infertile couple). Some states have also adopted the Uniform Parentage Act, which provides that the recipient or recipients have complete parental responsibility of the conceived child. In \"Buzzanca v. Buzzanca\", 72 Cal. Rptr.2d 280 (Cal. Ct. App. 1998), the court held that both the recipient and the father of a child conceived through anonymous sperm and egg donation and carried by", "id": "18877225" }, { "contents": "Ashmore Estates\n\n\naren’t sure if any of them are true or not, but they sure do make for three floors ... of unadulterated fun.\" In 2004, Michael Kleen included Ashmore Estates in a collection of short historical fiction stories set in Coles County called \"Tales of Coles County, Illinois\". The story involved a man named Darby and his daughter who stayed at the poor farm during the Great Depression. Darby was tormented by the ghost of a girl named Elva Skinner, who died in a fire in the original almshouse.", "id": "9875271" }, { "contents": "2009 flu pandemic vaccine\n\n\nhealth officials make a mistake. If the swine flu mutates, scientists aren't sure how effective a vaccine made now from the current strain will remain. Rather than wait on the WHO decision, however, some countries in Europe have decided to go ahead with early vaccine orders. On 20 May 2009, AP reported: \"Manufacturers won't be able to start making the [swine flu] vaccine until mid-July at the earliest, weeks later than previous predictions, according to an expert panel convened by WHO. It", "id": "7193945" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Howe\n\n\nto repair the bar. In \"Look Before You Sleep\" (1993), she is revealed to be the building superintendent of her apartment complex. In the penultimate episode \"The Guy Can't Help It\" (1993), Rebecca initially rejects the advances of plumber Don Santry (Tom Berenger), but Frasier orders her to give Don another chance. For weeks Rebecca and Don have dated each other. Sam tries to convince her that she is making a big mistake with Don. In the series finale, she", "id": "9442664" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Bangladesh\n\n\nbe convicted in the Tribunal was Abul Kalam Azad, he had already left the country so he was not present for his own trial. He was sentenced to death in 2013. The United Nations offered its support in 2009 to make sure that similar mistakes made by other Crimes tribunals were not made in Bangladesh. The head of the United Nations in Bangladesh said \"this is the first time Bangladesh is conducting war crimes tribunals and it is important it understands how other countries have held them. There are some countries where mistakes were", "id": "9882333" }, { "contents": "Adrian Pederick\n\n\n, and we do need to make sure we have the appropriate environmental management and the appropriate water management. But I can assure you—and I know very much from experience—the last thing people want to do is make a mistake in these jobs.\"He concluded his presentation by supporting the expansion of the practise in South Australia by saying:\"We do have to make sure that the process is operated effectively and we certainly cannot have a process where hydraulic fracturing is taken out of the equation, because it is certainly a big", "id": "710028" }, { "contents": "Don Shows\n\n\ngotten in the profession. It's because of Coach Shows and how he affected my life that I decided I wanted to do the same for young men. ... It's going to be weird not having Coach Shows on the sideline for the first time in as long as I can remember. What we can do, and any of his guys will tell you this, to honor him is pass on what we learned and make sure that continues to live on.\" The Don Shows Scholarship Fund, managed by Altheia Owens", "id": "14934232" }, { "contents": "Pulling Double Booty\n\n\n, whom she was in fact making out with earlier. Hayley explains that – angry at her father for his continued interference in her love life – she threw a salad at Bill's face at the CIA cafeteria, mistaking him for Stan. After realizing her mistake, they started dating. Stan decides Bill is perfect for Hayley. While the four of them are at the beach, Stan brags to Bill about how hot Francine is. This leads Bill – posing as Stan – to later attempt to sleep with her in the", "id": "21924525" }, { "contents": "Eddie Snyder\n\n\nthree days later. At the session an angry Sinatra turned on guitarist Glen Campbell, who had been brought in at the last moment. Campbell did not know the song and faked his way through the first take, making a mistake in the process. Sinatra was used to recording in a single take, and when told he would have to sing it again, he glared at Campbell and shouted, \"Is that guy with us or is he sleeping?\". On take two Sinatra improvised \"doo-bie-doo", "id": "1517890" }, { "contents": "Evolution of insects\n\n\nstill transferred indirectly in the earliest flying insects. One possible scenario on how direct insemination evolved in insects is seen in scorpions. The male deposits a spermatophore on the ground, locks its claws with the female's claws and then guides her over his packet of sperm, making sure it comes in contact with her genital opening. When the early (male) insects laid their spermatophores on the ground, it seems likely that some of them used the clasping organs at the end of their body to drag the female over the package", "id": "8349558" }, { "contents": "European mantis\n\n\nmale might starve before he has the chance to mate again. Copulation is also known to take longer when cannibalization occurs. It seems advantageous to transfer more sperm in this elongated time and additionally provide the female with nutrients. Doing this the male might just pass on his genes once, but he can ‘make sure’ that his offspring is successful since it comes from a well-nourished female. There is, however, some controversy concerning this theory. The elaborate absence of display behavior does not support this ‘selfless’", "id": "8026964" }, { "contents": "2011 Canadian federal election voter suppression scandal\n\n\nand just say, you know what, what is the more realistic option here? That some then-22-year-old guy managed to co-ordinate this entire massive scheme when he didn't even have access to the data to be able to do this, or the alternative — that this was much more co-ordinated or possibly that there were people that knew how to do this, that it was being done? ... I don't know for sure who it could have been, but I will say this. It's", "id": "6578543" }, { "contents": "Donor conceived person\n\n\nA donor offspring, or donor conceived person, is conceived via the donation of sperm (sperm donation) or ova (egg donation), or both, either from two separate donors or from a couple. In the case of embryo donation, the conceiving parents are a couple. Donor conceived people may never learn of their true birth origins as information about their true biological parent(s) is not recorded on the birth certificate. However, many can get information through DNA testing. Donor conceived people may have many half siblings as", "id": "16857745" }, { "contents": "Ragada\n\n\n. The people of this city, Kadapa, worship her like a god. Devender, a political campaigner and brother of Peddanna, kidnap the doctor's daughter, to make sure she tells everyone to vote for him, to which she does not do. Satya enters on cue and beats up Devender's (Sathya Prakash) men. It is later found out that he has to get 72 crores to keep the doctor's hospital running, as Devender's father had donated the land to the hospital. Peddanna kills the doctor", "id": "12182024" }, { "contents": "Fertility tourism\n\n\nSpanish clinics were purchasing donor sperm from abroad to satisfy demand for treatments. Anonymous donation was permitted in Belgium and is a legal requirement in Spain. These two countries also allowed single heterosexual and single and coupled lesbians to undergo fertility treatment. Ironically, at the time, many Belgian and Spanish clinics were buying sperm from British clinics donated by British donors, and they were able to use that sperm according to local laws and limits. In addition, lesbian women from France and eastern Europe travelled to these countries in order to achieve", "id": "6011505" }, { "contents": "Sperm bank\n\n\n, to the situation with some US sperm banks where a donor receives a set fee for each donation plus an additional amount for each vial stored. At one prominent California sperm bank for example, TSBC, donors receive roughly $50 for each donation (ejaculation) which has acceptable motility/survival rates both at donation and at a test-thaw a couple of days later. Because of the requirement for the two-day celibacy period before donation, and geographical factors which usually require the donor to travel, it is not", "id": "10587976" }, { "contents": "Michelle Rothschild-Patterson\n\n\nDefinitely, definitely. I couldn't do it without her. She's going to come down and make sure everything's in order. You know how she does it. She's going to be there for a large chunk of the show, actually.\" While most of the contestants were picked by Pollard, Patterson picked 5 men called the \"mama's boys\". Patterson had strong opinions about the other guys, that she loudly expressed. She would even later label one man a \"freak\" and scream at", "id": "19548225" }, { "contents": "El árbol de Gabriel\n\n\na secret from the past. Years ago, he donated his sperm to a fertility clinic in order to make ends meet. Now with the help of his friends, he seeks out his biological children and in the process, he will meet five women: Magdalena, Nayarí, Valentina, Brenda, and Ana Belén. While trying to find his biological children, Gabriel will find true love in Magdalena, a photographer. But their happiness will face various obstacles since they are both stuck in failed marriages. Magdalena's husband Agustín", "id": "18326793" }, { "contents": "2006-2007 Life Peerages scandal\n\n\nam here doing what I can best in public service. My reputation is important to me. My politics is important to me.\" \"I make my mistakes from time to time and we have to be answerable to you guys but not when it's a lie,\" he added. Amendments to the Electoral Administration Act to make it a legal requirement that loans to political parties are made public in a similar way to donations were to be urgently considered by Lord Falconer of Thoroton, then Lord Chancellor according to reports in", "id": "11122392" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nthe impossibility of contacting a biological father or the inability to find information about him can potentially be psychologically burdensome. One study estimated that approximately 67% of adolescent donor conceived children with an identity-release donor plan to contact him when they turn 18. Among donors, a systematic review of 29 studies from nine countries concluded that 20–50% of donors would still be willing to donate even if anonymity could not be guaranteed. Between 40 and 97% of donors agree to release non-identifying information such as physical characteristics and level", "id": "12247101" }, { "contents": "Christina Aistrup Hansen\n\n\nHansen's medical abuse on patients did not occur \"\"in treatment or pain relievers by mistake\"\", the technical evidence was not strong enough to confirm the verdict. The Legal Service Council reviewed the medical information and concluded that it was not possible to be fully sure that the morphine and diazepam injections were the direct causes of death. In addition to these charges, Hansen was found guilty of giving her own 7-year-old daughter strong and prescripted sleeping medicine that is dangerous for children and only suitable for adults. In", "id": "3221372" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation laws by country\n\n\nthe law in Spain coincided with Europe-wide discussions on the use and export of human cells. Sperm donation is only permitted by anonymous donation. Surrogacy is not allowed. In Sweden, a donor may give a child to a maximum of six couples. However, each pair may have a sibling in addition. Thus, the limit is 12 children per donor. Nevertheless, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) recommends a maximum of 6 children per donor. Artificial insemination by donor was done only if", "id": "8159667" }, { "contents": "This Is Going to Hurt\n\n\nsince they are human and are always prone to making mistakes. Not only did Kay make a mistake by missing the diagnosis of placenta praevia, but he had previously slightly cut the cheek of a newborn baby during a caesarean, mainly due to lack of sleep during his night shift. These main themes combine and form a response to Jeremy Hunt's comments concerning the true intentions of doctors. These themes in \"This is Going to Hurt\" justify that doctors like Kay are not greedy and don't pursue a career in medicine", "id": "1514534" }, { "contents": "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days\n\n\nbest friend Michelle experiences yet another break-up, Andie is inspired to write a new article titled \"How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days\"; she will start dating a guy and eventually drive him away using only the \"classic mistakes women make\" in relationships. At the same time, advertising executive Benjamin \"Ben\" Barry is striving for a pitch to advertise a new diamond campaign. When his boss questions Ben's knowledge about romance, Ben bets he could make any woman fall in love with him if", "id": "12297618" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nhad a child by a particular donor, there is usually no limit on the number of subsequent pregnancies which that woman may have by that same donor. There is no limit to the number of offspring which may be produced from private donors. Despite laws limiting the number of offspring, some donors may produce substantial numbers of children, particularly where they donate through different clinics, where sperm is onsold or is exported to different jurisdictions, and where countries or jurisdictions do not have a central register of donors. Sperm agencies, in", "id": "12247077" }, { "contents": "Earth Revisited\n\n\na means of doing so. For Bellamy, hypnosis does the trick, while the anonymous author of \"The Great Romance\" administers a \"sleeping draught\" to his character. Brooks chose what is arguably the most radical approach: he has his hero die, and then awaken in the body of another man living a century later. The novel delivers the story of Herbert Atheron in a first-person narrative. In 1892 he is a successful businessman, married, the father of a son and daughter. Though not yet", "id": "16751933" }, { "contents": "Francis Parkman\n\n\nhopes that a more rustic lifestyle would make him more sturdy. In the four years he stayed there, Parkman developed his love of the forests, which would animate his historical research. Indeed, he would later summarize his books as \"the history of the American forest.\" He learned how to sleep and hunt, and could survive in the wilderness like a true pioneer. He later even learned to ride bareback, a skill that would come in handy when he found himself living with the Sioux. Parkman enrolled at Harvard", "id": "4289845" }, { "contents": "Accidental incest\n\n\nAccidental incest is sexual activity or marriage between persons who were unaware of a family relationship between them which would be considered incestuous. The laws of many jurisdictions void incestuous marriages, even if entered into without awareness of the kinship. If an incestuous relationship is suspected, DNA testing may be used. Some jurisdictions permit offspring of IVF donations access to donation records or to adoption records. People may be unaware of a kinship relationship between them in a number of circumstances. For example, artificial insemination with an anonymous donated sperm may result", "id": "18583413" }, { "contents": "Marrying a Millionaire\n\n\n-hoon is that man. Although he works hard for a living, there are many who can easily mistake him for a rich guy. By chance, Eun-young is selected to be a participant in the TV show. Although the women are not supposed to know that this millionaire of theirs is just a regular worker, Eun-young knows his true identity. How? Simple. Young-hoon was her first love. After many years, they meet up again at a party. Although she did not recognize", "id": "2938442" }, { "contents": "Subbu\n\n\nSamaritan who keeps on donating money anonymously to fund 25 seats in the college in which Subbu is studying. Subbu is curious to know about the person who is donating that money. Subbu falls in love with Neeraja, mainly for her positive attitude. There is a strong reason for Neeraja to donate money to the college. There is a stronger reason for Subbu to become a cool-headed guy. In the flashback, Subbu rescues a girl who met with an accident and admits her into a hospital. She is a daughter", "id": "4336955" }, { "contents": "Carl Pavano\n\n\ncareer – believed that Pavano would still be a desired commodity on the free-agent market that winter, even with his injury history. \"Carl's a 1–2 starter. Those guys don't grow on trees. Those guys are very rare, 200-inning guys are very rare in this game, and they're the ones that make the money. And he did it two years in a row, before he got hurt, and I'm sure he's going to do it again,\" O'Connell said. During a game", "id": "6373356" }, { "contents": "Artificial insemination\n\n\nin artificial insemination may be provided by either the woman's husband or partner (partner sperm) or by a known or anonymous sperm donor (see sperm donation (donor sperm)). If the procedure is successful, the woman will conceive and carry a baby to term in the normal manner. A pregnancy resulting from artificial insemination is no different from a pregnancy achieved by sexual intercourse. In all cases except cases of donor eggs or donor embryos, the gestational carrier is the biological mother of any child produced by AI,", "id": "1932732" }, { "contents": "Sperm bank\n\n\nthan twelve months, unless the sperm bank exports or exchanges sperm with sperm banks outside the UK. However, not all donors complete the intended program of donations. If a sperm bank has access to world markets e.g. by direct sales, or sales to clinics outside their own jurisdiction, a man may donate for a longer period than two years, as the risk of consanguinity is reduced (although local laws vary widely). Some sperm banks with access to world markets impose their own rules on the number of pregnancies which can", "id": "10587980" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation laws by country\n\n\n10 children to four families. Around 1996-97, fertility clinics in New Zealand voluntarily agreed they would only accept donations from non-anonymous donors. The Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2004 legislated that all donations made on or after 22 August 2005 must be non-anonymous. Clinics in Norway have a maximum of eight children per donor. The law provides that there must not be more than six births per donor. The same law applies to egg donations. Prior to the change in the law in 2008, clinics set", "id": "8159665" }, { "contents": "Shawn Brady and Belle Black\n\n\npoisoning. Shawn discovered the file but thought it was a mistake or forged. Mimi was relieved to see that both Belle and Philip agreed that it couldn't be true. An angry Philip looked into the matter to find out who would do such a thing. They soon found out that it was Chelsea. Since Chelsea was arrested for putting Claire's file in Shawn's cubicle, they had to run a DNA test on Shawn, to make sure that the file was inaccurate. Mimi and Bonnie tried to change the lab", "id": "15926801" }, { "contents": "Chuck Greenberg (businessman)\n\n\ndeep emotional attachment to the Rangers and Rangers' fans. We're going to do everything we can to win.\" Rangers General Manager Jon Daniels has praised Greenberg for his personal connection to the fans, noting \"He's just a normal guy. Jeans and T-shirts. He's really in tune with fans and knows how to have his finger on the pulse of what they want. He's very impressive. He wants revenue, make no mistake about that. But above and beyond that comes winning.\"", "id": "7470422" }, { "contents": "Adriana Iliescu\n\n\nwas conceived by an ovum and sperm donated anonymously. Iliescu was first given hormone treatment to reverse menopause in 1995 and in vitro fertilisation (three zygotes with sperm and ovum from two anonymous donors) in 2004, becoming pregnant with triplets. After ten weeks one of the three fetuses failed to progress and died. The remaining two fetuses, both girls, weighed just 1.45 kilograms (3.19 pounds) and 0.69 kilograms (1.54 pounds) after 33 weeks of pregnancy, but after complications the smaller of the two died in the womb", "id": "18620" }, { "contents": "Fertility tourism\n\n\ncomes from the reputation of Danish sperm donors for being of high quality and, in contrast with the law in the other Nordic countries, gives donors the choice of being either anonymous or non-anonymous to the receiving couple. Furthermore, Nordic sperm donors tend to be tall, with rarer features like blond hair or different color eyes and a light complexion, and highly educated and have altruistic motives for their donations, partly due to the relatively low monetary compensation in Nordic countries. More than 50 countries worldwide are importers of Danish", "id": "6011502" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nhas acceptable motility/survival rates both at donation and at a test-thaw a couple of days later. Because of the requirement for the two-day abstinence period before donation, and geographical factors which usually require the donor to travel, it is not a viable way to earn a significant income. Some private donors may seek remuneration although others donate for altruistic reasons. According to the EU Tissue Directive donors in EU may only receive compensation, which is strictly limited to making good the expenses and inconveniences related to the donation", "id": "12247082" }, { "contents": "John Lennon\n\n\n1971). \"Rolling Stone\" reported that \"it contains a substantial portion of good music\" but warned of the possibility that \"his posturings will soon seem not merely dull but irrelevant\". The album's title track later became an anthem for anti-war movements, while the song \"How Do You Sleep?\" was a musical attack on McCartney in response to lyrics on \"Ram\" that Lennon felt, and McCartney later confirmed, were directed at him and Ono. In \"Jealous Guy\", Lennon", "id": "15879108" }, { "contents": "Sperm donation\n\n\nrange of religious responses to sperm donation, with some religious thinkers entirely in support of the use of donor sperm for pregnancy, some who support its use under certain conditions, and some entirely against. Catholicism officially opposes both the donation of sperm and the use of donor sperm on the basis that it compromises the sexual unity of the marital relationship and the idea \"that the procreation of a human person be brought about as the fruit of the conjugal act specific to the love between spouses.\" Jewish thinkers hold a broad range", "id": "12247121" } ]
Is Orange Juice really as unhealthy as soft drinks?
[{"answer": "Not at all. OJ has a lot of sugar and acids that can harm your teeth. It also has about as much calories as coke. But it also has vitamins (espcially freshly squeezed juice). Just do not drink too much of it and regularly brush your teeth. Coke, on the other hand is coloured with caramel color, which is quite unhealthy. Coke also contains phosphoric acid instead of citric acid because it is cheaper. The high sugar content and the phosphoric acid are both suspected of making, especially children, nervous and twitchy. Your conclusion should be: Too much of any of those beverages are unhealthy. Sodas much more so. So don't drink too much of them. Fruit juices in _moderation_ are healthy, though. Edit: Wow, this exploded into my most valuable post so far, karma-wise. I'll tell you where I got my info from: School. Many years ago in the mid-nineties. And you kno what? I still trust my old, long-retired chemistry teacher more on that subject, than any redditors here. I especially doubt the ability of redditors to judge the importance of papers on the subject, especially as I'm sure that not few of those papers are funded by the food industry. We are talking about an industry bigger than tobacco here, after all. And you know what kind of money _they_ poured into this kind of \"PR\" in decades gone. Edit 2: As I wrote below, I have the following suggestion: As an adult, drink as much OJ or soda as you wish. You are an adult after all. For children, in my opinion, a glass a week of soda is way too much. Give it only to them at birthday parties, fairs, etc. This way it will remain something special for them. And keep in mind: It is disputed here if soda is unhealthy. On the other hand, no one disputes that not drinking soda is definitely not unhealthy."}, {"answer": "Your answer has been provided, but I want to give you the context in which people say this. Orange juice has as much sugar, and as many calories as a Coke (give or take). Most of the time Coke is mentioned as harmful in the context of obesity and diabetes. OJ will not be a better alternative in those contexts. That does not mean it's unhealthy in general (it has vitamins, and fiber if you have the pulp in it) but it is not good for weight loss. In fact, for weight gain it's great."}, {"answer": "The kind with \"pulp\" in it is slightly better. Fiber relieves blood sugar spikes. However, an orange is a much better choice than both orange juice and soda."}, {"answer": "Orange juice is somewhat good for you. A study looked at how well juice addressed blood pressure. When they measured they found that things didn't change much, however; for diastolic blood pressure (The lower number in your blood pressure) juice was found to help in a small way. This means that orange juice could help with hypertension. The reason folks are talking about it being bad is because of the sugar in it. When you take sugar by itself its pretty bad. When you surround it in fiber it becomes much healthier. That means an actual orange is better for you than its juice. I would wait until people start putting some data up for you to look at. **I would take anything with a grain of salt if they didn't cite the source of their information.** ----- Heavy data follows for you folks that like your peer reviewed sources :). Source: URL_0 \"Hypertension puts persistent strain on the heart, leading to hypertensive heart disease and coronary artery disease if untreated. Hypertension is also a major risk factor for stroke, aneurysms of the arteries (e.g. aortic aneurysm), peripheral arterial disease and is a cause of chronic kidney disease. Even moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure is associated with a shortened life expectancy.\" source: Fisher ND, Williams GH (2005). \"Hypertensive vascular disease\". In Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, et al.. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (16th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1463\u201381"}, {"answer": "When you drink orange juice, you consume much more of it than when you would eat orange fruit. It takes effort and time to peel the fruit, avoid the seeds, and eat only the good parts. Your brain will tell you to stop eating after a few fruits. With juice, you typically gulp down eight oranges in a large glass. Usually, too much of anything isn't good. When it comes to making you drink a lot and consume too much sugar too quickly, orange juice is as unhealthy as soft drinks."}, {"answer": "Ugh, the responses here are just going on about the minor potential health benefits to consuming OJ. The real reason people say OJ is bad, at least in comparison to soda, is because of its high sugar and caloric content. When the topic vets brought up it's usually about losing weight and when you're trying to lose weight, it's better to not drink your calories because it adds up fast. People don't think about when drinking OJ, because it's \"healthy\" In the case of OJ. An \"average\" size glass might be about 4 or 5 oranges. It's better to just have an actual orange and drink water. It's the same thing with any smoothie or juice place. Jamba juice or juice it up. Nothing in the drinks are \"bad\" for you, but it doesn't change the fact that they're going to be half the daily caloric intake for some people. Sorry if this isn't very coherent. I just woke up and I'm on mobile."}, {"answer": "I feel the need to point out that from an insulin perspective, OJ is much better. As its considerable sugar content is largely fructose (Glycemic Index: 19, lower than bread) as opposed to high fructose corn syrup (GI: 73), it causes far less of an insulin spike."}, {"answer": "ITT no one who knows the difference between sucrose, fructose, glucose, what fibre is and does and a whole wealth of poor knowledge of nutrition. Orange juice, when in similar quantities, is the lesser of two evils. The main sugar in orange juice is harder for your body to break down thus takin longer and giving less of a blood sugar spike. Fibre, by definition, does nothing but help push your poo through which is also good for you. TLDR: Use your common sense and learn a little about what you're putting in your bodies."}, {"answer": "American food culture has always been rather utilitarian but ignorant (bare with me I this is related to OJ I promise). In France you can spend your hard earned money on a tiny portion of some beautiful delicious delicacy, but people don't do this in America. We (Americans) want as much food for our money as possible. We love good deals, and lots of food. It's all very utilitarian, perhaps dating back to World War 2, the Depression, or all the way back from Pilgrim roots, etc. etc. Now that food is plentiful, this utilitarian food culture is a huge disadvantage. Nutritional science is stuck back in the days when we barely got enough to eat. Vitamins use to really matter for normal people. Now, normal Americans eat so much they never have to worry about how many vitamins you eat (except for alcoholics, some vegans, the elderly, and pregnant women). So, we're stuck in the mode of looking for \"nutritional density\" or the most vitamins per calorie. But, the whole idea has become meaningless for the normal American (note \"normal\", not all Americans). Utilitarian, but also ignorant. Everything is apparently bad for us. Surprise, you ate *tons* of something and it turns out to be terrible for you. Our ancestors barely ate any sugar, and most didn't even have a consistent supply of carbohydrate for millions of years. Sugar wasn't bad for them, we just never evolved to handle the vast amounts that we eat today. We never really had much evolutionary exposure to plentiful food. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease... merely a evolutionary mismatch. Why is this ignorant? Our food culture over simplifies and twists this idea. The fructose in high fructose corn syrup is bad for us, but the same fructose in fruit is good for us somehow? Coconut oil has gone from a something terribly unhealthy for you into a miracle food. And a million other nonsensical nutritional claims that show the ignorance of our food culture. This is when I get to orange juice. It's a great source of vitamin C. So... it's great for pirates so they don't get scurvy. Unfortunately, for you and me, it's just sugar water. Sure, some pulp will give you a trivial amount of fiber (compared to our ancestors who ate a lot of vegetation), but don't miss the orange juice reality: Orange juice is a modern and highly processed version something our ancestors use to eat, metabolically similar to any other sugared drink."}, {"answer": "ITT: Folkore and random factoids that people found on \"scientific\" websites or were told by their parents."}, {"answer": "the problem with OJ is the high sugar* content. I don't think it's unhealthy as soda though. not at all. Soda has almost no nutritional value, while OJ does. Better off to just eat an orange instead though."}, {"answer": "OJ contains loose fructose (not just inside actual cells that you need to digest), and spikes your blood sugar similarly to the corn syrup in soft drinks. In fact, in one theory of diabetes, fructose (which makes up 55% of the corn syrup) causes fatty deposits in the liver, which leads to insulin resistance. In this way, OJ should actually be worse. Though, orange juice will have actual nutrients that you need (however, they are not exclusive to orange juice), and if you don't drink too much too often, it should be fine. Soda is also ok if consumed \"sparingly.\""}, {"answer": "[What's wrong with orange juice?]( URL_0 ) > The leading producers of \"not from concentrate\" (a.k.a. pasteurized) orange juice keep their juice in million-gallon aseptic storage tanks to ensure a year-round supply. Juice stored this way has to be stripped of oxygen, a process known as de-aeration, so it doesn't oxidize in the tanks. When the juice is stripped of oxygen, it is also stripped of flavour-providing chemicals ... If you were to try the juice coming out of the tanks, it would taste like sugar water. > **Juice companies therefore hire flavour and fragrance companies, the same ones that make popular perfumes and colognes, to fabricate flavour packs to add back to their product to make it taste like orange juice.** > A good example is the statement that appeared at the top of Tropicana's new and now discontinued carton: \"squeezed from fresh oranges.\" While meaningless \u2013 one would hope the oranges were fresh when squeezed \u2013 the statement could easily be misread as \"fresh squeezed\" by all but the most discerning shoppers. This is why it's no better than pop. It's just high wavelength fructose water. I won't drink it anymore unless I see the oranges squeezed on site."}, {"answer": "From CBC Canada \"Tropicana orange juice is a pasteurized orange juice, and what they do is they store this juice, which is a full strength juice, in these million-gallon aseptic storage tanks for upwards of a year,\" Hamilton told Calgary's Eyeopener. \"And when the juice goes into the tanks, it's stripped of oxygen so it doesn't go bad in the tanks. However, when they strip the juice of the oxygen, they're also stripping it of the flavour-providing chemicals that are natural to the juice. So what companies such as Tropicana do is they hire flavour and fragrance companies, the same ones that make high-end perfumes and cologne, to engineer flavour packs to add back to the juice to make it taste fresh.\" Flavour packs don't grow on trees. They're created through an engineered process that breaks down oils from oranges into individual chemicals. These chemicals are then recombined into formulas that give pasteurized juice that fruity flavour. \"That's really what you're tasting in your favourite brand of pasteurized orange juice,\" Hamilton said. \"You're tasting the flavour pack.\" Source: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Beverage Designer here. Pretty much unhealthy yes. As others are saying, a bunch of sugar (about 11,2% which is actually more that most soft drinks in europe at least). Also pretty acidic, almost as much as an energy drink. Vitamins, well you should be getting those from your daily portions of fruit and vegetables... And the fibers, that would be the only actually healthy thing, but there isn't a lot of it in there. As other said before, an acual orange would be a much better choice!"}, {"answer": "I think the question is flawed in and of itself, as are the answers here I have read. While many address the differences betweens sugars types, calories, etc. , I think the real issue at hand is which is a better mixer with Potato Vodka. OJ is guilty!"}, {"answer": "The answer is yes. Orange juice you would buy from a shop, has most of the fibre taken out, in order to preserve it for more then a couple of days. The fibre in an orange if you were to eat the whole thing (minus the outer skin) helps your body break down the sugar. Without the fibre it is exactly the same as having a can of coke (in regards to sugar) However, if you squeeze fresh orange juice yourself and leave as much of the pulp in, then it is certainly alot better then soft drink, as the pulp holds a large amount of the oranges fibre, assisting your body in absorption of the sugar. Oranges and orange juice both hold a good amount of vitamin C... but in reality the amount of sugar in the processed juice out ways the benefit of the vitamin C."}, {"answer": "In moderation no, but it's not as healthy as you've been taught. (This is all coming from a Type II diabetic as well) Anything that has a high carbohydrate level and equates to dumping a load of sugar into the blood stream, effectively giving you a quick spike and then crash, is bad for your pancreas and beta cells. Put orange juice on top of a pancake breakfast with milk, butter, toast etc and you've got a huge carb load your insulin has to bring down now. Over time, and with a lower activity level, this can either cause you to develop insulin resistance or burn out your beta cells which have had to work overtime to counteract."}, {"answer": "Know what's great about juice? You can water it way down and it still tastes great, unlike soda."}, {"answer": "Discussing the unhealthiness of fruit juices, which surely are among the most natural of foods, kind of makes me sad for our modern society. No food is really unhealthy just because of its calory content. The unhealthy part in this equation is sitting on your arse and not burning those however many calories that you took in. Your body needs energy, be it in form of starch/sugar or fat. In fact, the human body does not need sugar to survive, as opposed to certain kinds of fat, and yet, most people consider fat more unhealthy. In darker times, when food was scarce, the fat was regarded as the best part of the animal, healthy even, as in 'restores your energy after a hard day's work and keeps you from starving'. But you body also needs you to use this energy. So, as I said, if you're to lazy to move/exercise, you can consider nearly every kind of food as unhealthy."}, {"answer": "I'm not sure if this was posted already, but here's an article on that \"orange juice\" you can find at the store. URL_0 I'd always choose orange juice (fresh squeezed, I'd never drink store-bought stuff) over soft drinks. Even though orange juice contains a lot of sugar, and probably can't be drank by some diabetics because of the sugar spike, it's mostly fructose, which is processed differently in your body than glucose, or any other kind of sugar. But obviously fiber slows down sugar digestion, which is why it's better to eat fruit in whole form. Again, apologies if any of this was already said."}, {"answer": "No juice for those under the age of 18 so says the American academy of pediatrics! High in fructose, low in protein and fiber! Stick with the whole fruit! URL_0 "}, {"answer": "It's because of the sugar. Juices have tons of sugar in them, especially those that would taste too sour naturally."}, {"answer": "You should watch [Sugar: The Bitter Truth]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": " URL_0 Read the part about OJ in this article."}, {"answer": "All these people saying how much sugar is in orange juice is the same as coke, giving the perception that it is just as bad for you. Ok sure, it's the same amount in terms of calories. Calaries are just a number. You need to think of the bigger picture. (Fresh) Orange juice is natural. It has natural sugars in it along side the vitamins. Coke is processed and artificial. You are consuming natural sugars vs artificial sugars. Which do you think is better for you? Which do you think our bodies were intended to consume? You also have to think about the other artificial flavour/colour/preservatives/sweetners. These are not the most ideal things to consume. Some of you will argue all day that there is nothing wrong with them, and that's fine. Everyone reacts differently to ingredients. There is nothing 'wrong' with nuts, right? Obviously, but there is a significant population who has allergies and tolerance/sensitivity issues to these. It's the same with these artificial ingredients. People have allergies to artificial preservatives like Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, MSG, or artificial sweetners like Suclarose or Aspartame. Natural Orange juice doesn't have ANY of these in play. I am probably going to get down voted for saying all this. But the fact is, people are simply looking at sugar and calorie numbers and making judgements from that - of which, less aware people are taking that on board and associating orange juice as being something bad to consume, or that if I have a choice, I might as well have some coke as it tastes better and it's equal side effects. All the while, overlooking all the other important factors that are in play, not just sugar/calorie numbers. Please, think outside the box and apply some logic here."}, {"answer": "First, let's set some ground rules for this comparison. In terms of weight loss, the less calories taken in, the better. In terms of nutritional value, the more vitamins/minerals/fibers available in a given food, the better. In terms of impact on the pancreas/insulin production, the lower glycemic index, the better. Let's take 1 cup/8oz of each: Fresh orange juice, and Coca-Cola. Orange juice: 112 cal, 26g carbohydrates, 21g sugar, 2g protein, 10% vitamin A, 207% vitamin C, 3% calcium, 3% iron. These are the most notable items on the nutrition label for orange juice. According to [Harvard's glycemic index list]( URL_0 ), orange juice has a glycemic index of 50. Coca-cola: 100 cal, 26g carbohydrates, 26g sugar, 0% vitamin A, 0% vitamin C, 1% calcium, 1% iron. Again, using the GI list from Harvard, Coke has a GI of 63. Comparing the amounts of vitamins and minerals, it is evident that orange juice wins in the nutritional value section. In terms of calories, the difference is marginal. Orange juice gets a small win against cola in the glycemic index department, however. Overall, I would say that drinking orange juice is somewhat better for you than drinking soda. However, orange juice is not an ideal drink unless you desperately need vitamin C, which is not an issue for most people. In conclusion: You should just drink water, but if you want a sweet drink with breakfast, I'd go for orange juice over Coke."}, {"answer": "People misunderstand the biological role of sugar. Most people think sugar consumption isn't necessary. Biologically, this is, in some sense, equivalent to stating that carbohydrates don't have to be consumed (Carbohydrate consumption is necessary for various reasons. In fact, the brain, under normal conditions, only metabolizes the sugar glucose). This is because sugars are the only carbohydrates that are absorbed by the gut and the only carbohydrates that cells can metabolize. We only derive energy from carbohydrate insofar as the carbohydrate is converted to sugar by digestion. In fact, the sugar glucose is the only carbohydrate that can be metabolized by human cells except for sperm cells which can metabolize fructose. The unhealthy properties of sugar are the result of the kind of sugar and, mostly, the RATE AT WHICH IS IT ABSORBED. There is actually a scientific measure for this property, glycemic index. Although fruit has sugar, its glycemic index is usually low. In fact, it's usually lower than that of MOST OTHER CARBOHYDRATE SOURCES. Although fructose has been implicated in various metabolic and other adverse health effects, the sugar in fruit is only about half fructose. Even further, the micronutrient and antioxidant content of fruit is likely to significantly ameliorate the adverse effects of the consumption of their fructose. Glycemic Index Chart URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Its the sugar. Always the sugar. I love OJ. I think theres something called Trop 50 which has less sugar and no fake sugar, I think. thats probably a good alternative. But I havent tried it yet. It's funny how super sugary drinks are the standard. Now everyone is trying to release lower calorie drinks, and not diet with aspartame, but just regular versions with less sugar. Personally, I dont understand why this is not the standard and the sugary ones are called like Coke squared, or coke with more sugar (im not a marketer obviously). But can you imagine the difference in this country, if we actually highlighted the sugary drinks instead of treating them as the \"normal\" versions?"}, {"answer": "It's all about pasteurization. Any bottled orange juice or and juice for that matter has been pasteurized. This is the process of heating it up to kill all the bacteria that could cause a problem for shelf life of the juice. In doing this process you also lose all the good thing like vitamins and other stuff. Any juice that has vitamin C has had it re-added after pasteurization. The process of pasteurization basically turns it into something similar to soft drink, since you are getting all that sugar, with none of the benefits of raw juice/fruit. Is it as bad as soft drink? No. Is it much better? No."}, {"answer": "In addition to; carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water, there are also [Antioxidants]( URL_14 ) and [Phytochemicals]( URL_5 ). Oranges [contain]( URL_11 ): [rutin]( URL_6 ), [ferulic acid]( URL_7 ), [alpha carotene]( URL_2 ), [beta carotene]( URL_3 ), [phytofluene]( URL_10 ), [phytoene]( URL_13 ), [cryptoxanthin]( URL_4 ), [zeaxanthin]( URL_0 ), [lutein]( URL_8 ), and [oxalic acid]( URL_12 ). These things are [good]( URL_1 ) for you and generally seem to prevent things like [cancer]( URL_9 ). In summary; orange juice good, soda bad."}, {"answer": "This is where juice is bad, or not so good for you. When was the last time you sat down and ate six oranges in a row? Probably never. However you can drink six oranges no problem in minutes. Most juicer take out the pulp, or fiber, that's one of the healthiest aspects to oranges. Less is more though. Orange juice is a much better choice than soda any day in moderation."}, {"answer": "OJ can be a lifesaver for people who become hypoglycemic. For the rest of us, small amounts ( 4oz ) a day will provide some nutrients and fiber. Squeeze it fresh -it tastes better, and you get to use your arms and hands for something other than typing. I figure that if it's an unprocessed, whole food, it can't be all bad. It's how I keep my vodka healthy."}, {"answer": "I would also like to point out the difference between 'juice drinks', or juice made from concentrate and actual juice. With the former, you may as well be drinking a soft drink. It's mainly water and sugar. But with the latter (actual juice) it has all the goodness mentioned by the top poster, ie, all the vitamins and minerals"}, {"answer": "Well, it's still got sugar in it. But its glucose, not high fructose corn syrup. Glucose is much better for your body, in fact, fructose can cause up to [seven times as much damage to your body than glucose can.]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Couldn't I just blend orange slices with some water to achieve a much healthier alternative to orange juice? Why isn't this a more common approach, I'd imagine it'd be easier to blend oranges than having to squeeze the juices"}, {"answer": "Can anyone suggest a good replacement? Whilst I'm not exactly unhealthy, I have been consuming about a carton of orange juice every day for most of my life and never realised any of this. What would anyone recommend?"}, {"answer": "Really good rule of thumb: whenever you read anything health related on the internet these days that says \"x is as y as z\" it is going to be grossly oversimplified and heavily qualified."}, {"answer": "I love these articles, there a good way to appreciate all the crackpot ideas people have about what's healthy. Post the same in /AskScience and 95% gets removed."}, {"answer": "Every drink that is bottled (excluding water) and contains sugar and high levels of energy or calories (Kcal) is very unhealthy ( i know it sounds obvious)"}, {"answer": "This may have been asked, don't feel like scrolling but what about when you juice yourself? As in using a juicer."}, {"answer": "Fruit juices are only barely marginally less bad for you than the typical sugary soft drink. Source: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I only drink freshly squeezed orange juice or not-from-concentrate orange juice. With vodka. I don't drink soft drinks."}, {"answer": "Neither one of them is really good for you, especially that store bought orange juice."}, {"answer": "actual juice from fruits wont have high fructose corn syrup in it"}, {"answer": "To the best of my knowledge, no soft drink prevents scurvy."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "52824", "title": "Orange juice", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 168, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Orange soft drink\n\n\nOrange soft drinks (called orange soda in certain regions of the United States and Canada, orangeade in the UK, or the genericised trademark orangina in France) are carbonated orange drinks. Non-carbonated orangeade, i.e. the direct orange analogue of lemonade, is also made, with brands such as Minute Maid, and blends like cherry orangeade and lemon-orangeade are also made in some places, with recipes being commonly available. Orange soft drinks (especially those without orange juice) often contain very high levels of sodium benzoate,", "id": "17016363" }, { "contents": "Drink\n\n\n, orange, various roots, ginger, and lemon/lime are commonly used to create non-alcoholic carbonated drinks; sugars and preservatives may be added later. The most consumed carbonated soft drinks are produced by three major global brands: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and the Dr Pepper Snapple Group. Fruit juice is a natural product that contains few or no additives. Citrus products such as orange juice and tangerine juice are familiar breakfast drinks, while grapefruit juice, pineapple, apple, grape, lime, and lemon juice are", "id": "8106813" }, { "contents": "Sugary drink tax\n\n\nsoft drinks and juices in the 1930s. More recently, Finland reintroduced an earlier soft drink tax in 2011, while Hungary taxes sugary drinks as part of its 2011 public health product tax, which covers all food products with unhealthy levels of sugar. France introduced a targeted sugar tax on soft drinks in 2012. At a national level similar measures have also been announced in Mexico in 2013 and in the United Kingdom in 2016. In November 2014, Berkeley, California was the first city in the U.S. to pass a targeted tax", "id": "6129987" }, { "contents": "Sugary drink tax\n\n\n4g per 100ml of sweetened beverage. The levy excludes fruit juices, despite health professionals claiming out that fruit juice is as bad for a person as highly sugary drinks. On October 2017, the United Arab Emirates introduced a 50% tax on soft drinks and a 100% tax on energy drinks, to curb unhealthy consumption of sugary drinks that can lead to diabetes; it also added a 100% tax on cigarettes. In the 2016 United Kingdom budget, the UK Government announced the introduction of a sugar tax, officially", "id": "6130016" }, { "contents": "Club (soft drink)\n\n\nClub is the brand name for a series of Irish carbonated soft drinks produced in Ireland by Britvic Ireland and previously by Cantrell & Cochrane (C&C). It is bottled by the Britvic plant in Dublin. The series includes Club Orange, Club Lemon, Club Rock Shandy (a mixture of the orange and lemon flavours) and Club Apple soft drinks. In the case of Club Orange, the ingredients are carbonated water, sugar, orange juice, citric acid, the preservative (sodium benzoate), the colours beta carotene and", "id": "2928417" }, { "contents": "Chinotto (drink)\n\n\nChinotto () is a type of carbonated soft drink produced from the juice of the fruit of the myrtle-leaved orange tree (\"Citrus myrtifolia\"). The beverage is dark in color. Its appearance is similar to that of cola, but it is not as sweet as cola, having a bittersweet taste. The drink was known in antiquity as a dark-hued, bitter-tasting variant of orange juice, and was considered as refreshment. Industrial production of Chinotto soda dates to the 1950s. It is produced", "id": "7430728" }, { "contents": "Non-alcoholic drink\n\n\nAn alcohol-free or non-alcoholic drink is a version of an alcoholic drink made without alcohol, or with the alcohol removed or reduced to almost zero. These may take the form of a non-alcoholic mixed drink (a \"virgin drink\"), non-alcoholic beer (\"near beer\"), and \"mocktails\", and are widely available where alcoholic drinks are sold. Sparkling apple cider, soft drinks, and juice naturally contain trace amounts or no alcohol. Some fresh orange juices are above", "id": "16157295" }, { "contents": "The Switch (beverage)\n\n\nGilbert claimed to drink orange juice to compensate for the lost nutrients at work. He claimed that orange juice was too bland, therefore he experimented and added carbonated water. He soon teamed up with the visionary Bill Hargis to launch the new soft-drink. The Switch comes in 8 flavors: Apple, Black Cherry, Watermelon Strawberry, Orange Tangerine, Grape, Fruit Punch, Kiwi Berry, and Lemon Lime (Apricot Peach & Very Berry are Not listed on the company's website). Eight varieties come in 8fl cans", "id": "15664352" }, { "contents": "Raspberry juice\n\n\nRaspberry juice is a liquid created from raspberries that is often either used as a part of a mixed drink, added in with other liquids such as orange juice, or consumed by itself. The juice is known for containing a large amount of vitamin C as well as biological iron, which means it is sometimes drunk when an individual feels feverish. Soft drinks that incorporate raspberry juice notably include Bouvrage, a product made from Scottish raspberries that the husband and wife team Anne Thomson and John Gallagher created. Launched in 1998 at that", "id": "13897068" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\na third factor: people who lead unhealthy lifestyles might consume more soft drinks. If so, then the association between soft drink consumption and weight gain could reflect the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle rather than the consequences of consuming soft drinks. Experimental evidence is needed to definitively establish the causal role of soft drink consumption. Reviews of the experimental evidence suggest that soft drink consumption does cause weight gain, but the effect is often small except for overweight individuals. Many of these experiments examined the influence of sugar-sweetened soft drinks on", "id": "7249529" }, { "contents": "Synephrine\n\n\nof commercial Japanese \"C. unshiu\" juice was found to contain ~0.36 mg/g synephrine (or roughly 360 mg/L), while in juice products obtained from a Satsuma mandarin variety grown in California, levels of synephrine ranged from 55 to 160 mg/L . Juices from \"sweet\" oranges purchased in Brazilian markets were found to contain ~10–22 mg/L synephrine; commercial orange soft drinks obtained on the Brazilian market had an average synephrine content of ~1 mg/L. Commercial Italian orange juices contained ~13–32 mg/L", "id": "5560665" }, { "contents": "Club (soft drink)\n\n\nThe Best Bits in the World\". Club Orange, an orange flavoured carbonated drink, was the first orange fruit juice to appear on the Irish market. It was launched in the late 1930s, with the formula refined since then to its present state. The name \"Club\" derives from the Kildare Street Club in Dublin, which commissioned C&C to make an orange-flavoured drink. In 1960, Club Lemon was introduced as a sister product, and in the 2000s several other flavours were added to the range. In", "id": "2928419" }, { "contents": "Orange juice\n\n\n. The health value of orange juice is debatable: it has a high concentration of vitamin C, but also a very high concentration of simple sugars, comparable to soft drinks. As a result, some government nutritional advice has been adjusted to encourage substitution of orange juice with raw fruit, which is digested more slowly, and limit daily consumption. During World War II, American soldiers rejected vitamin C-packed lemon crystals because of their unappetizing taste. Thus the government searched for a food that would fulfill the nutritional needs of", "id": "7894239" }, { "contents": "Beep (soft drink)\n\n\nBeep was a fruit-juice-based drink brand, made by Farmers Cooperative Dairy of Nova Scotia, Canada and distributed in Canadian provinces. Originally produced in the 1960s, it was discontinued in March 2010; was temporarily revived in 2012 as a seasonal summertime drink; and was discontinued a second time in 2015. Its revival in 2010 featured a vintage carton different from the carton used at the time it was discontinued. According to the carton, the drink contained water, sugar, fruit juices (orange, apple, apricot", "id": "507563" }, { "contents": "Sun Drop\n\n\nSun Drop, also marketed as Sundrop, is a citrus-flavored soda produced by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. It has a yellowish-green color imparted by Tartrazine. Among soft drinks, it is known for its high caffeine content (63 mg per 12 oz can, 9 mg higher than a 12 oz can of Mountain Dew, but not as much as Vault with 70.5 mg per 12 oz can). Orange juice is an ingredient in the drink, and remaining pulp matter from the orange juice provides some of the", "id": "3398189" }, { "contents": "Acid erosion\n\n\nenamel, causing it to become thin, and can progress into dentin, giving the tooth a dull yellow appearance and leading to dentin hypersensitivity. The most common cause of erosion is by acidic foods and drinks. In general, foods and drinks with a pH below 5.0–5.7 have been known to trigger dental erosion effects. Numerous clinical and laboratory reports link erosion to excessive consumption of drinks. Those thought to pose a risk are soft drinks, some alcohol and fruit drinks, fruit juices such as orange juice (which contain citric acid", "id": "11071166" }, { "contents": "Oranżada\n\n\nOranżada is a Polish soft drink. It dates to the 18th century, and came to Poland from France. Its main ingredients were water, sugar or syrup, and orange juice. In the 19th and 20th centuries an industrial variant of the drink was created, based on powdered juice, and other artificial ingredients. Powdered oranżada was also created in the 20th century. The drink is imported and marketed in the United States by United World Imports. It is called the \"Original Formula\" on the bottle. The standard bottle", "id": "4279573" }, { "contents": "J2O\n\n\nJO is a still soft drink made from fruit juices. It is manufactured by Britvic and sold in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Its launch in 1998 was led by Sheraz Dar who joined Britvic in 1994, and was aimed at providing an alternative solution for people who were going out to bars and clubs but were not drinking alcoholic beverages. The name \"JO\" is a pun on the chemical formula for water, HO, chosen due to the drink's 50% fruit juice content. The first flavours available were Orange", "id": "7112673" }, { "contents": "Concentrate\n\n\n. It was originally developed to provide World War II troops with a reliable source of vitamin C. Today, the majority of retailed orange juice is made from reconstituted orange juice concentrate. Most sodas and soft drinks are produced as highly concentrated syrups and later diluted with carbonated water directly before consumption or bottling. Such concentrated syrups are sometimes retailed to the end-consumer because of their relatively low price and considerable weight savings. Condensed milk is also produced for transport weight savings and resistance to spoilage. Most juice and soda concentrates have a", "id": "15751022" }, { "contents": "List of citrus soft drinks\n\n\ngeneric \"Nice!\" soda brand's version of Mountain Dew available at Walgreens stores. Mountain Yeller is the Piggly Wiggly version of a Mountain Dew style soda. It is also where the South Carolina/Florida folk band The Mountain Yellers got their name. Ramp is a Giant-Landover soft drink brand designed to compete with Mountain Dew. Rocky Mist is a Meijer soft drink brand that also resembles Mountain Dew. Ski is a citrus soda made from orange and lemon juices manufactured by the Double Cola Company. The Double Cola", "id": "4160518" }, { "contents": "Juice\n\n\ncontains any juice. Juices are often consumed for their perceived health benefits. For example, orange juice with natural or added vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium, but may have added sugar, such as grape juice having as much or more sugar than soft drinks. High consumption of fruit juice with added sugar may be linked to weight gain, but not all studies have shown this effect. If 100% from fruit, juice can help meet daily intake recommendations for some nutrients. Although preliminary research indicated that cranberry (", "id": "15053615" }, { "contents": "Postobón\n\n\nPostobón, S.A. ( ) is the largest Colombian beverage company, and also one of the largest in South America. The company has a wide portfolio of products that includes soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water, tea, and energy drinks. It has created soft drinks such as \"Manzana Postobón\", an apple-flavored soda, and its most popular \"Colombiana\", a \"cola champagne.\" Additional flavors of Postobón soda beyond apple include grape, orange, pineapple, and lemon. Postobón has expanded its", "id": "22101463" }, { "contents": "Snapple\n\n\nvending machines. Snapple was able to acquire the contract in part because New York City officials did not want to encourage the consumption of sodas, which have been linked to childhood obesity, diabetes and are generally considered unhealthy. The Snapple juice drinks, specifically created to meet rules banning soda and other sugary snacks from city schools, are marketed under the \"Snapple 100% Juiced!\" label. The flavors available under this brand include Green Apple, Fruit Punch, Melon Berry, Grape, Orange Mango, and Strawberry Lime.", "id": "12497219" }, { "contents": "Oral hygiene\n\n\nglucansucrase, which allows the bacteria to use the resulting glucose for building glucan polymer film and the resulting fructose as fuel to be converted to lactic acid. Acids contained in fruit juice, vinegar and soft drinks lower the pH level of the oral cavity which causes the enamel to demineralize. Drinking drinks such as orange juice or cola throughout the day raises the risk of dental cavities tremendously. Another factor which affects the risk of developing cavities is the stickiness of foods. Some foods or sweets may stick to the teeth and so reduce", "id": "1947759" }, { "contents": "Minute Maid\n\n\nMinute Maid is a product line of beverages, usually associated with lemonade or orange juice, but which now extends to soft drinks of many kinds, including Hi-C. Minute Maid is sold under the Cappy brand in Central Europe and under the brand \"Моя Семья\" (Moya Semia, \"My Family\") in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Minute Maid was the first company to market orange juice concentrate, allowing it to be distributed throughout the United States and served year-round. The Minute Maid Company", "id": "7062571" }, { "contents": "Bionade\n\n\nadditionally contains concentrated elderberry juice and natural aromas, and the orange-ginger flavoured bottles contain extract of ginger and natural aroma. The sugar, barley, and elderberries are organic. The manufacturer emphasises that Bionade tastes like a soft drink, but is healthier than conventional high-sugar soft drinks. They support the claim of healthiness by referring to the relatively low level of sugar, sodium and flavor-enhancing additives, the absence of phosphorus or a stabilising agent, while both calcium and magnesium are present. The website makes more", "id": "8507755" }, { "contents": "Club (soft drink)\n\n\napocarotenal, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Club Orange includes fragments of fruit flesh (juice vesicles), referred to in marketing material as \"bits\", that remain in the glass after the drink has been consumed. The previous advertising slogan of Club was \"the bits inside make it come alive\" although it was rarely seen on Club bottles and commercials. From 2009, the products slogan is \"Some bits are crucial\", making reference to its orange vesicles. Since 2011, the slogan has been \"", "id": "2928418" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\nthe risk of dental caries. The risk would be greater if the frequency of consumption is high. A large number of soda pops are acidic as are many fruits, sauces and other foods. Drinking acidic drinks over a long period and continuous sipping may erode the tooth enamel. A 2007 study determined that some flavored sparkling waters are as erosive or more so than orange juice. Using a drinking straw is often advised by dentists as the drink does not come into as much contact with the teeth. It has also been suggested", "id": "7249537" }, { "contents": "Limca\n\n\n, which he launched under the Limca brand in 1977. In 1992, when the Indian government allowed Coca-Cola to return for operations, at the same time as it admitted Pepsi for the first time, Coca-Cola bought local soft-drink (soda) brands, from Parle Bisleri owner Ramesh Chauhan including Limca, Thums Up (a cola-like drink), Maaza (a mango-juice based drink), Citra (a clear lemon-lime drink), and Gold Spot (Orange flavour).", "id": "4259200" }, { "contents": "Nongfu Spring\n\n\nWhisked Milk Tea\" (打奶茶) series of milk tea beverages In 2015, \"Nongfu Spring\" Natural Mineral Water (in glass bottles),\"Nongfu Spring\" natural drinking water (suitable for infants and young children), and \"Nongfu Spring\" natural mineral water with the sports cap. In 2016, \"Nongfu Spring\" Natural Mineral Water (Limited edition in Monkey Year), 17.5°NFC (Not From Concentrate)100% Orange Juice & Apple Juice, Tea π(fruit flavored tea), Fruit flavored soft drink (水葡萄、水荔枝、水柚子、水柠檬). Nongfu", "id": "15387139" }, { "contents": "Kickapoo Joy Juice\n\n\nKickapoo Joy Juice is a citrus-flavored soft drink brand owned by the Monarch Beverage Company. The name was introduced in \"Li'l Abner\", a comic strip that ran from 1934 through 1977. Although \"Li'l Abner\"'s Kickapoo Joy Juice was an alcoholic drink, the real world beverage is a lightly carbonated soft drink. \"Kickapoo Joy Juice\" was a fictional beverage coined in the American comic strip \"Li'l Abner\". Al Capp, the cartoonist, described the beverage as \"a liquor of such stupefying potency", "id": "9123036" }, { "contents": "Ukulhas\n\n\ntypes of drinks. Coconut and Orange juice are the most popular drinks within the meals in Ukulhas Island. Variety of appetizers, deserts, cool, soft drinks and coffees are also available at the restaurants. Alcoholic beverages and pork are prohibited by law in the local islands as per Maldives is known to be a 100 percent Muslim country. However those are served in other resorts and Cruises. Ukulhas is well regarded as an environment friendly Island where the waste is managed in a systematic manner. As a result of its outstanding services", "id": "9757870" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\n\" are used in Northern England, South Wales, and the Midlands, while \"mineral\" or \"lemonade\" (as a general term) are used in Ireland. In Scotland, \"fizzy juice\" or even simply \"juice\" is colloquially encountered. In Australia and New Zealand, \"fizzy drink\" or \"soft drink\" is typically used. In South African English, \"cool drink\" and \"cold drink\" are used, but in South African Indian English, \"cool drink\" is most prevalent", "id": "7249504" }, { "contents": "Orange juice\n\n\nhave different properties, and a producer may mix cultivar juices to get the desired taste. Orange juice usually varies between shades of orange and yellow, although some ruby red or blood orange varieties are a reddish-orange or even pinkish. This is due to different pigmentation in ruby red oranges. The blood orange is a mutant of the sweet orange. The Mandarin orange and varieties clementine and tangerine, are often used for sparkling juice drinks. Recently, many brands of organic orange juices have become available on the market. The", "id": "7894253" }, { "contents": "Pivara Tuzla\n\n\nsoft carbonated juices: Cola, Orange, Lemon) - Laganese (apple juice) - Fenix (energy drink) TUZLANSKI PILSNER Tuzlanski pilsner is the oldest brand of Tuzla Brewery, produced in a very demanding and old recipe, in a completely natural way. This characteristic must be especially emphasized as many present breweries, especially those owned by large corporations, produce beer that is not nearly as close to traditional and natural. Pilsener is a type of beer that requires higher amounts of raw materials and longer aging. Also, in", "id": "18875168" }, { "contents": "Surge (drink)\n\n\nregistered by another firm, the product was launched as \"Urge\". Local food regulation prevented the bright green color being used, so it was launched with a pale, more natural juice drink look and given a slight orange taste to match the flavor with the color. Until September 15, 2014, when Coca-Cola re-released Surge, Norway was the only country where one could still buy a similar soft drink in any form, as the original Surge recipe was still popular there. Surge was widely associated with", "id": "22010064" }, { "contents": "Lunchables\n\n\nthe sugary drink and candy with orange juice and strawberry yogurt in 2004. The brand also began offering lower calorie candy alternatives, rather than including the standard Reese's cup in the package. Capri Sun and candy are still available as options in the U.S. Lunchables. As of 2007, eight varieties of Lunchables are considered Sensible Solution products; the brand has since excluded the exceptionally unhealthy items, replacing Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Cola, Nestle Crunch bars, M&M's, and Kool-Aid Jammers with lower calorie and sugar", "id": "5975859" }, { "contents": "Saint Clement's (cocktail)\n\n\nThe Saint Clement's is a non-alcoholic cocktail. Though the ingredients may vary, it consists of orange juice mixed with bitter lemon, usually in equal proportions; the name of the drink refers to the English nursery rhyme Oranges and Lemons. The drink is therefore named (indirectly) after either St Clement Eastcheap or St Clement Danes, both churches in London. The traditional recipe calls for equal parts orange juice and lemon juice served over ice in a highball glass. There are many variations, in which the lemon juice", "id": "12858068" }, { "contents": "Citrus\n\n\na jam-like result. Lemon or lime is commonly used as a garnish for water, soft drinks, or cocktails. Citrus juices, rinds, or slices are used in a variety of mixed drinks. The colourful outer skin of some citrus fruits, known as zest, is used as a flavouring in cooking; the white inner portion of the peel, the pith, is usually avoided due to its bitterness. The zest of a citrus fruit, typically lemon or an orange, can also be soaked in water in", "id": "6878075" }, { "contents": "PepsiCo\n\n\nMelanie Warner in 2010. From its founding in 1965 until the early 1990s, the majority of PepsiCo's product line consisted of carbonated soft drinks and convenience snacks. PepsiCo broadened its product line substantially throughout the 1990s and 2000s with the acquisition and development of what its CEO deemed as \"good-for-you\" products, including Quaker Oats, Naked Juice, and Tropicana orange juice. Sales of such healthier-oriented PepsiCo brands totaled $10 billion in 2009, representing 18 percent of the company's total revenue in that", "id": "21210374" }, { "contents": "International availability of McDonald's products\n\n\n. Breakfast options include a hot dog with pickle relish, ketchup, and mustard, then for lunch and dinner they serve the Chilli McHotdog with egg and chilli sauce. As well as regular soft drinks (which in Japan include grape flavoured Fanta and iced tea), McDonald's in Japan also serve cartons of milk, Minute Maid orange juice and \"Yassai Seikatsu\", a type of vegetable juice. Seasonal and limited-time items have included: On United States military establishments in Japan (like the US Naval Base in", "id": "3065911" }, { "contents": "Natalie's Orchid Island\n\n\nthe Martinellis) for assistance, and they helped her turn her fledgling outfit into a major juice production facility based out of Fort Pierce, Florida. Today, the company's products can be found in 30 states and 24 countries, and is a ten-time recipient of the America’s Best Tasting Fresh Florida Juice Award. The company is certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. Natalie's offers the following juices and drinks: Orange juice Blood orange juice Grapefruit juice Honey tangerine juice Tomato juice Orange beet juice Orange", "id": "10412874" }, { "contents": "Bronx (cocktail)\n\n\n1934 film \"The Thin Man\" by Nick Charles (played by William Powell). In the film, Nick Charles states that the Bronx should be shaken to 2-step time. The Bronx is flavorful and mildly sweet \"fruity\" drink, without being uninteresting or sticky. Though possibly inspired by the Duplex, the two drinks are not really similar at all. Cocktail columnists Gary Regan and Mardee Haidin Regan describe it as a drink where \"[g]in is the base ingredient, orange juice is the mixer, and sweet and", "id": "12240972" }, { "contents": "Simply Orange Juice Company\n\n\nThe Simply Orange Juice Company is a company in Apopka, Florida, that was founded in 2001 and is a brand of The Coca-Cola Company. It makes a number of not-from-concentrate orange juices and other juice drinks and fruit juices that are sold refrigerated in a distinctive clear plastic bottle and green twist top with a large green seal. The bottles have a wide body that starts tapering to a narrow neck at the top of the label. The company is a major purchaser of Florida oranges for its orange", "id": "21816381" }, { "contents": "Sunkist (soft drink)\n\n\nSunkist Growers. It is also sold in Australia by Schweppes Australia (a subsidiary of Asahi Breweries), but the Australian formulation is caffeine free. In Canada, a caffeine free version of the orange drink is marketed as C'Plus. The package indicates that there is a small amount of Sunkist Juice. In the Philippines, it was sold by Cosmos Bottling until 2001, when San Miguel Corporation acquired Cosmos and sold its brands to Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc. As of 2013, Sunkist is sold by Asia Brewery. Keurig", "id": "19064518" }, { "contents": "Management of scoliosis\n\n\nwill be a vital part in the diet. Food and drink will be limited for the patient after surgery. Because the bowels are not fully active because of anesthetic, clear water and ice may be the only acceptable thing to ingest. After the digestive tract is back up to speed, soft food and drink like pudding, soup broth, and orange juice are acceptable. Very dark urine with a strong odor means that the person is most likely dehydrated and needs more fluids. In order for the urine to become a pale", "id": "8423441" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\nA soft drink (see § Terminology for other names) is a drink that usually contains carbonated water (although some lemonades are not carbonated), a sweetener, and a natural or artificial flavoring. The sweetener may be a sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, a sugar substitute (in the case of \"diet drinks\"), or some combination of these. Soft drinks may also contain caffeine, colorings, preservatives, and/or other ingredients. Soft drinks are called \"soft\" in contrast with \"", "id": "7249496" }, { "contents": "A. Le Coq\n\n\nA. Le Coq is Estonia's oldest brewery and currently the country's biggest beverage producer. Its range incorporates ten product categories: waters, syrups, juices, juice drinks, soft drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks; and three light alcoholic drinks: beers, ciders and gin long drinks. A. Le Coq's key brands are A. Le Coq (beer), Fizz (cider), Aura (juice), Dynami:t (energy drink), Arctic (sport drinks) and Limonaad (softdrink). The", "id": "21651205" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\nmay also contain lime juice. Some homemade fruit punch recipes, which may or may not contain alcohol, contain a mixture of various fruit juices and a soft drink (e.g. ginger ale). At ice cream parlors and 1950s-themed diners, ice cream floats, and specifically root beer floats, are often sold. Examples of brands include Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Sierra Mist, Fanta, Sunkist, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, and 7 UP. While the term \"soft drink\" is commonly used", "id": "7249500" }, { "contents": "List of soft drinks by country\n\n\nThis is a list of soft drinks in order of the brand's country of origin. A soft drink is a beverage that typically contains water (often, but not always, carbonated water), usually a sweetener and usually a flavoring agent. The sweetener may be sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, sugar substitutes (in the case of diet drinks) or some combination of these. Soft drinks may also contain caffeine, colorings, preservatives and other ingredients. Note: soft drinks that are sold in", "id": "19830687" }, { "contents": "Orange Man (advertisement)\n\n\n's big budget dominance in soft drink advertising. He told Channel 4 in 2000 that the advertisement was \"meant to be taking the mickey out of other ads that were on the television at the time\", comparing it to coffee advertisements where \"they have a drink and go 'oh, whoopy' and flowers bloom,\" noting that \"Orange Man\" decided to \"express this in an really OTT fashion\". The idea for the advertisement originally started out as a joke, with Robinson recalling \"We said how", "id": "21240970" }, { "contents": "Blue (soft drink)\n\n\nBlue is the mark of a soda juice fruit and vitamins sold in Angola. The drink is available in 10 flavors. Released in 2005 by Refriango company, the market leader in Angola, it was awarded the Gold Medal at the International Monde Selection Quality. The Blue brand is available in distinct flavors which other Angolan carbonated soft drinks do not use. The drink's slogan is \"life is a feast\". The refrigerant Blue has as ingredients: water carbo-sparkling, [sugar], fruit juice made from concentrate", "id": "12068689" }, { "contents": "Hemp juice\n\n\nplant, which are not dissolved in water extraction. Yet, cold-pressed hemp juice does contain the valuable cannabinoids. These valuable ingredients are also preserved when hemp is juiced in a conventional home blender. This process of juicing is not suitable for industrial hemp because the plant fibers used for industrial applications are too hard to digest for humans. Hemp juice can be used for mixed non-alcoholic drinks or as a base for alcoholic drinks. The juice is particularly suited for relaxing soft drinks due to its calming effects. For", "id": "6311113" }, { "contents": "Double Cola\n\n\npop comparable to Sun Drop. Ski is a citrus soda made with real orange and real lemon juice. The drink received its name when company asked employees to submit a name for their new product. Inspired by a weekend-long ski trip on Chickamauga Lake, then-employee Dot Myers submitted the names \"Ski\" and \"Skee\" into the contest. Management liked the name and it's been Ski ever since. In 1957 Double-Cola made history by becoming the first major soft drink to be marketed in a", "id": "17242069" }, { "contents": "Antigua and Barbuda cuisine\n\n\nfruit but often very juicy and sweet. You can see small pineapple crops throughout the island. Local drinks are mauby, seamoss, tamarind juice, raspberry juice, mango juice, lemonade, coconut milk, hibiscus juice, ginger beer, passion fruit juice, guava juice, soursop juice and ginger beer, a soft drink. Alcoholic drinks include beer, malts and rums, many of which are made locally, including Wadadli beer (named after the original name of the island) and the award winning English Harbour Rum. Many", "id": "21224857" }, { "contents": "Garibaldi (cocktail)\n\n\nThe Garibaldi is a classic Italian aperitivo made with Campari and orange juice from Valencia oranges or whatever is in season. The orange juice is extracted with a high-speed Breville juicer to aerate it and make it frothy, and/or blended at high speed without ice to make it fluffy. Cane syrup can also be added to balance any zesty oils that end up in the juice. The drink was named after Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi and is the flagship drink at the Dante cocktail bar in New York City. Alternatively, a garibaldi", "id": "20700793" }, { "contents": "Orange Tundra\n\n\nThe Orange Tundra is a cocktail of Vodka, Kahlúa, Creme Soda, and Orange juice. It is traditionally poured over 2 to 3 cubes of ice in an old-fashioned 8-12 oz. glass. This mixed drink was first discovered in 2003 and became wildly popular thereafter. This drink's name is largely attributed to its cold serving temperature and orange appearance due to the use of orange juice. The ingredients are added to the highball glass in the following order: vodka, cream soda, coffee liqueur and finally", "id": "21204804" }, { "contents": "Self-experimentation in medicine\n\n\nthree days. David G. Bailey, in 1989, was researching the effects of drinking alcohol while taking the then experimental drug felodipine. It was usual in this kind of research to mix the alcohol with orange juice but Bailey did not like the taste of this drink so used grapefruit juice instead. Bailey found that there was three times more felodipine in his, and fellow researchers', blood than had been reported by other scientists using orange juice. It was later found that grapefruit juice suppresses an enzyme responsible for breaking down a", "id": "21880595" }, { "contents": "Hi-C\n\n\ninnovative marketing techniques. By 1958, Hi-C fruit drinks had become an American supermarket staple, available in every grocery store nationwide. Hi-C contains 10% fruit juice. The Orange Lavaburst flavor contains the following: Water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), potassium benzoate, modified food starch, natural flavors. Hi-C is currently sold in drink boxes and soda fountains. There are other flavors at Coca-Cola Freestyle. There are soft frozen versions of Flashin", "id": "18994593" }, { "contents": "Fuzzy navel\n\n\npart vodka, 1 part peach schnapps, 4 parts orange juice. The fuzzy navel was one of the first drinks to arise in the new popularity of cocktails and mixed drinks in the 1980s. The drink was invented over 30 years ago by Ray Foley, a well known bartender and founder of \"Bartender Magazine\". The story goes that Ray was cutting an orange for a garnish when a man nearby made the remark that he could still smell the fuzz of the peach schnapps through the orange juice. Ray looked at the", "id": "12111891" }, { "contents": "Orange Julius\n\n\nOrange Julius is an American chain of fruit drink beverage stores. It has been in business since the late 1920s. The beverage is a mixture of ice, orange juice, sweetener, milk, powdered egg whites and vanilla flavoring, similar to a morir soñando or orange Creamsicle. The drink grew out of an orange juice stand opened in Los Angeles, California in 1926 by Julius Freed. Sales were initially modest, about $20 a day (equivalent to approximately $ in dollars). In 1929, Bill Hamlin, Freed", "id": "9677345" }, { "contents": "West Virginia Healthy Lifestyles Act of 2005\n\n\njuice drinks with a minimum of twenty percent real juice. This portion of the law states that, \"Seventy-five percent of the profits from the sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks shall be allocated by a majority vote of the faculty senate of each school and twenty-five percent of the profits from the sale of healthy beverages and soft drinks shall be allocated to the purchase of necessary supplies by the principal of the school.\" In addition to the school-based mandates, the act created the Office of Healthy", "id": "7267783" }, { "contents": "Nectar (drink)\n\n\nNectars are a type of non-carbonated soft drink made by muddling the flesh of fruits. In some countries, the beverage industry distinguishes nectars from drinks labeled as \"juice\". In the United States and the United Kingdom, the term \"fruit juice\" is restricted to beverages that are 100% pure juice, whereas a \"nectar\" may be diluted (to a degree limited by regulations) with water and contain additives besides fruit juice, including natural and artificial sweeteners, and preservatives. In New Zealand, the", "id": "606505" }, { "contents": "Screwdriver (cocktail)\n\n\nA screwdriver is a popular alcoholic highball drink made with orange juice and vodka. While the basic drink is simply the two ingredients, there are many variations. Many of the variations have different names in different parts of the world. The International Bartenders Association has designated this cocktail as an IBA Official Cocktail. This drink appears in literature as early as 1938. The screwdriver is mentioned in 1944: \"A Screwdriver—a drink compounded of vodka and orange juice and supposedly invented by interned American fliers\"; and in 1949:", "id": "10328880" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\nadvocates are considering levying higher taxes on the sale of soft drinks and other sweetened products to help curb the epidemic of obesity among Americans, and its harmful impact on overall health. Some speculate that higher taxes could help reduce soda consumption. Others say that taxes should help fund education to increase consumer awareness of the unhealthy effects of excessive soft drink consumption, and also help cover costs of caring for conditions resulting from overconsumption. The food and drink industry holds considerable clout in Washington, DC, as it has contributed more than $", "id": "7249559" }, { "contents": "Juice\n\n\nthe orange tree, and tomato juice is the liquid that results from pressing the fruit of the tomato plant. Juice may be prepared in the home from fresh fruit and vegetables using a variety of hand or electric juicers. Many commercial juices are filtered to remove fiber or pulp, but high-pulp fresh orange juice is a popular beverage. Additives are put in some juices, such as sugar and artificial flavours (in some fruit juice-based beverages); savoury seasonings (e.g., in Clamato or Caesar tomato juice drinks", "id": "15053603" }, { "contents": "Hi-C\n\n\nHi-C is a fruit juice-flavored drink made by the Minute Maid division of The Coca-Cola Company. It was created by Niles Foster in 1946 and released in 1947. The sole original flavor was orange. Niles Foster, a former bakery and bottling plant owner, created Hi-C in 1946. It took Foster over a year to develop the ideal formula for Hi-C orange drink, containing orange juice concentrate, peel oil and orange essences, sugar, water, citric acid and ascorbic acid (", "id": "18994588" }, { "contents": "Battery Energy Drink\n\n\n” is the brand's slogan. In addition to the original energy drink, several variations have been produced: coffeed, cranberry, sugarfree, gingered, juiced orange, Battery jungled and Hydro sports drink. The availability of the different flavors varies by country and according to the market. In Finland previously there has also been available other flavors: Heat with cranberry and chili flavors, orange juiced and energy Shot. The energy drinks are mainly sold in plastic bottles of 40cl and in cans of 33cl. In August 2010 in Finland", "id": "9570310" }, { "contents": "Clarence's punch\n\n\nsprinkled with cinnamon. One recipe calls for it to be made of white rum, Jamaican rum, lime juice, ruby port, orgeat, and orange juice, topped with overproof rum. Another calls for it to be made of 151-proof rum, white rum, orange juice, pineapple juice, cherry brandy, and grenadine, and garnished with an orange wedge and sugar. This cocktail is the signature drink at the Hotel Clarence bar in Seneca Falls. Michael William, in \"Essential It's a Wonderful Life\", gives", "id": "21074864" }, { "contents": "Licuado\n\n\ndrinks made with fruit juice diluted with milk or water: \"jugos\" (juice), \"vitaminas\", \"aguas frescas\" (juice mixed with sugar and water), \"refrescos\" (nonalcoholic carbonated soft drinks), and \"batidos\". Names for various types of shakes and smoothies vary regionally, and are not completely fixed. By contrast with aguas frescas, which are made in advance and ladled from large jars, and other drinks such as refrescos and jugos, which are typically mass-produced and", "id": "1937025" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\nin product labeling and on restaurant menus, in many countries these drinks are more commonly referred to by regional names, including \"carbonated drink\", \"cool drink\", \"cold drink\", \"fizzy drink\", \"fizzy juice\", \"lolly water\", \"pop\", \"seltzer\", \"soda\", \"coke\", \"soda pop\", \"tonic\", and \"mineral\". Due to the high sugar content in typical soft drinks, they may also be called \"", "id": "7249501" }, { "contents": "Orange drink\n\n\nThe term orange drink refers to a sweet, sugary, sometimes carbonated, orange-flavored drink. Typically such beverages contain little or no orange juice and are mainly composed of water, sugar or sweeteners, flavor, coloring, and additives, sometimes in that order. As such, they are very low in nutritional value, although many are fortified with vitamin C. In 2002, however, a \"cheap, fortified, orange-flavored drink\" was developed with the intention of improving nutrition in the third world by adding vitamin", "id": "1280439" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\ntime. A sugar drink or high-sugar drink may refer to any drink consisting primarily of water and sugar (often cane sugar or high-fructose corn syrup), including some soft drinks, some fruit juices, and energy drinks. In 2006, the United Kingdom Food Standards Agency published the results of its survey of benzene levels in soft drinks, which tested 150 products and found that four contained benzene levels above the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water. The United States Food and Drug Administration released", "id": "7249546" }, { "contents": "Pog (drink)\n\n\nPOG, or Passion fruit-Orange-Guava, is a tropical juice drink created in 1971 by a food product consultant named Mary Soon who worked for Haleakala Dairy on Maui, Hawaii. It consists of a blend of juices from passionfruit, orange, and guava (hence POG). POG is produced by Meadow Gold Dairy, a subsidiary of Dean Foods. The drink is also produced by other companies and is not proprietary (\"Sun Tropics\" being one such brand). The caps to milk bottles inspired the fad", "id": "7898966" }, { "contents": "Cider\n\n\n(strawberry juice) or \"durazno fizz\" (peach juice). Usually, cider in East Asia refers to a soft drink similar to Sprite or lemonade. A popular drink in China is called \"Apple Vinegar\", which is apple juice. Shanxi Province is noted for the \"vinegar\" produced there. In Japan, the terms or \"apple sparkling wine\" usually refer to the alcoholic beverage to distinguish it from the sparkling unalcoholic soda drink, cider, although both terms are now interchangeably used. While Japan is", "id": "14405525" }, { "contents": "PB2Y (cocktail)\n\n\nThe PB2Y, or PB2Y Gremlin, is a tiki drink created by Victor Bergeron as part of a series of \"gremlin\" drinks for his \"Trader Vic's\" restaurants during World War II. The ingredients for the cocktail call for 1 1/2 oz of silver rum, 1 1/2 oz of orange juice, 3/4 oz lemon juice, 1/2 oz orange curacao, 1/4 oz lime juice, and 1/4 oz grenadine, along with 3 cups of crushed ice and garnished with a gardenia. Bergeron's 1947 \"Bartender's Guide\"", "id": "7911738" }, { "contents": "Kas\n\n\nKas is the brand name of soft drink produced by PepsiCo. It is made in grapefruit, orange (yellow), lemon (greenish-yellow), bitter (herbal extracts), and apple flavors. Kasfruit juices are also offered in multiple flavors. Kas is available in Spain, Mexico and France, and was available in Portugal, Brazil and Argentina during the 1990s. It is part of a beverage area often referred to as the flavor segment, fruit-flavored beverages which may be carbonated. Kas was introduced by", "id": "10050718" }, { "contents": "Robinsons (drink)\n\n\neating initiatives. Fruit Shoots were described by Britvic as a \"high juice, no added sugar drink\" (the juice content is only 10%) Robinsons Fruit Shoot H2O is a spring water drink 'With a Splash of Natural Fruity Orange Flavour'. It is made from 99.7% spring water. Robinsons Fruit Shoot contains only natural flavours and colours and is available in five flavours; Summer Fruits (in low Sugar only) Apple (in low Sugar) Tropical (in low Sugar only), Orange and Blackcurrant &", "id": "16960726" }, { "contents": "Squirt (soft drink)\n\n\nSquirt is a caffeine-free, grapefruit-flavored, carbonated soft drink, created in 1938 in Phoenix, Arizona. Squirt was created by Herb Bishop in 1938, after experimenting with a citrus drink known as Citrus Club. The result used less fruit juice and less sugar than some other drinks, and Bishop claimed it had the \"freshest, most exciting taste in the marketplace\". In 1941, a mascot named \"Lil' Squirt\" was created for marketing the product. Squirt became a popular soft drink in many", "id": "20299876" }, { "contents": "Carrot juice\n\n\nin juicing carrots is in separating the pulp from the juice. Like many products high in beta-carotene, it may cause temporary carotenoderma, a benign skin condition resulting in an orange-yellow hue to the skin. Drinking more than 3 cups of carrot juice in a 24-hour period, over a prolonged period of time may be enough to cause the condition. Carrot juice has a uniquely sweet flavour of concentrated carrots. Unlike many juices, it is opaque. It is often consumed as a health drink. Carrots have been", "id": "15163308" }, { "contents": "Sunkist (soft drink)\n\n\nSunkist is a brand of primarily orange flavored soft drinks launched in 1979. Sunkist was first licensed by Sunkist Growers to the General Cinema Corporation, the leading independent bottler of Pepsi-Cola products at the time. The soft drink was the idea of Mark Stevens, who foresaw the potential based on market research which indicated that, worldwide, orange was the third best selling soft drink flavor (largely due to The Coca-Cola Company's Fanta brand). After extensive R&D during 1977 and early 1978, in which research was", "id": "19064513" }, { "contents": "Crush (soft drink)\n\n\nCrush is a brand of carbonated soft drinks owned and marketed internationally by Keurig Dr Pepper, originally created as an orange soda. Crush mainly competes with Coca-Cola's Fanta. It was created in 1911 by beverage and extract chemist Neil C. Ward. Most flavors of Crush are caffeine-free. In 1911, Clayton J. Howel, president and founder of the Orange Crush Company, partnered with Neil C. Ward and incorporated the company. Ward made the recipe for Orange Crush. Howel was not new to the soft drink business", "id": "5349248" }, { "contents": "Shloer\n\n\nShloer is a line of non-alcoholic soft drinks containing grape juice, available in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Unlike most soft drinks, it is marketed towards adults exclusively. It is made by Merrydown PLC, and available in nine flavours – red grape, white grape, apple and white grape, white grape and elderflower, white grape, raspberry, and cranberry, rosé, mango and passionfruit, and strawberry punch. Slogans of the drinks include \"Shloer, The Grown-Up Soft Drink\" and \"Get your", "id": "1675426" }, { "contents": "Soft drink\n\n\nwas derived from Arabic. In Tudor England, 'water imperial' was widely drunk; it was a sweetened drink with lemon flavor and containing cream of tartar. 'Manays Cryste' was a sweetened cordial flavored with rosewater, violets or cinnamon. Another early type of soft drink was lemonade, made of water and lemon juice sweetened with honey, but without carbonated water. The \"Compagnie des Limonadiers\" of Paris was granted a monopoly for the sale of lemonade soft drinks in 1676. Vendors carried tanks of lemonade on their", "id": "7249506" }, { "contents": "Agent Orange (cocktail)\n\n\nAn Agent Orange is a highball drink made with carrot juice, vodka, and rum. Consisting of only two ingredients, Agent Orange was first recorded as a drink at the 2007 San Mateo County Fair's cocktail competition held in San Mateo, California. It won \"Best New Cocktail of Fair\" award. Since 2007 it has become somewhat of a local favorite being offered in many hotels throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Because it generally uses organic carrot juice and Svedka Vodka as its prime components, it is usually only", "id": "3744569" }, { "contents": "Schweppes Australia\n\n\nin 1885. Schweppes Australia is a licensed manufacturer and distributor of brands such as Pepsi, Sunkist, Mountain Dew, and Gatorade. They also produce Schweppes range of soft drinks, as well as many other Australian brands, including Solo, Passiona, Cottee’s Cordial, Spring Valley Beverages, Pop Tops and Cool Ridge, and Frantelle spring water. In 2011, Asahi acquired the juice and water brands of P&N Beverages, Australia's third largest volume supplier of fruit juices, soft drinks and mineral waters. The Asahi Beverages head", "id": "10357624" }, { "contents": "Doctor (cocktail)\n\n\nor orange), with later variations skewing away from lime and also adding jamaican rum. After Ensslin's recipe, the doctor cocktail was also listed in Robert Vermiere's 1922 drink book where it dropped the use of lime, calling for 2 parts swedish punsch, 1 part orange juice, and 1 part lemon juice (2:1:1 ratio). Harry McElhone's guide \"Harry Ciro's ABC of Mixing Cocktails\" listed the ingredients as equal parts swedish punsch, orange juice, and lemon juice (1:1:1 ratio), as did", "id": "1139716" }, { "contents": "Jones Soda\n\n\nJones Soda Co. is a beverage company based in Seattle, WA. It bottles and distributes soft drinks, non-carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and candy. Jones Cane Sugar Soda is a carbonated soft drink that has many unusual flavors that are not offered by other soft drink makers. The company was founded by Peter van Stolk in 1995 As the company gained significant knowledge of the beverage industry, it decided to get into the market with alternative beverages as the Urban Juice & Soda Company. By 2000, over 85%", "id": "3690325" }, { "contents": "Izze Beverage Company\n\n\nas well as the normal 16oz bottles. The sparkling juices contain 70% juice as well as carbonated water. These flavors include: Izze also had two other lines of beverages called IZZEesque and IZZE Fortified. IZZEesque was a line of low-calorie soft drinks . They contained 25% fruit juice as well as sparkling water, and had 50 calories and 11 grams of sugar. The company no longer produces this line of beverages. The IZZEesque flavors included: IZZE Fortified was a drink line that infused the sparkling juices with", "id": "1892407" }, { "contents": "Grog\n\n\nword has come to mean any alcoholic drink. In Sweden and some subcultures within the English-speaking world, \"grog\" is a common description of drinks not made to a recipe, but by mixing various kinds of alcoholic and soft drinks, fruit juice or similar ingredients. In Sweden the mixture is usually between 3:1 and 1:1 of soft drink and spirit (in the US this would be a highball with no defined proportions). The difference between Swedish grog and long drinks, mixed drinks or punches is the number of", "id": "9199794" }, { "contents": "Sex on the Beach\n\n\nbeaches each spring. Technically the drink is a mix of a Cape Cod (vodka and cranberry juice) and a Fuzzy Navel (peach schnapps and orange juice) and hence gives another clue as to the origin of the name. There are two general types of the cocktail: The drink is built over ice in a highball glass and garnished with an orange slice. Sometimes they are mixed in smaller amounts and served as a shooter. Several variations are sometimes referred to by the same name: Some derivative variations have their own", "id": "5041536" }, { "contents": "Regional street food\n\n\nversion of hot dog, usually topped with mayonnaise, chopped tomatoes and sauerkraut), calzones rotos (sweet deep-fried dough with pulverized sugar sprinkled on top), fresh fruit juices (preferently orange or grapefruit), fruit salads, soft drinks, French fries, pizza, churros, empanadas (ether fried ones filled with cheese or baked ones filled with minced meat, black olives and hard-boiled eggs), savory or caramelized peanuts, local sweets and others. In Colombia, the empanada, a deep-fried", "id": "4825108" }, { "contents": "Lemon\n\n\ncitric acid of grapefruit juice, and about five times the amount of citric acid found in orange juice. Lemon juice, rind, and peel are used in a wide variety of foods and drinks. The whole lemon is used to make marmalade, lemon curd and lemon liqueur. Lemon slices and lemon rind are used as a garnish for food and drinks. Lemon zest, the grated outer rind of the fruit, is used to add flavor to baked goods, puddings, rice, and other dishes. Lemon juice is used", "id": "7861012" }, { "contents": "Bouvrage\n\n\nBouvrage is a soft drink produced by Ella Drinks Limited near Brechin, Angus, Scotland. The original Bouvrage is made with raspberry juice (as well as lightly carbonated water, sugar, citric acid and flavourings). The company has since introduced two other drinks, one made with blaeberries and the other with strawberries. The latter was not initially possible, since strawberries discoloured and the drink turned brown over time, but the company developed a technique to ensure that the colour of the strawberry juice is maintained as a pale orangey-", "id": "20335971" }, { "contents": "Calamansi\n\n\nin vitamin C. The fruit can be frozen whole and used as ice cubes in beverages such as tea, soft drinks, water, and cocktails. The juice can be used in place of that of the common Persian lime (also called \"Bearss lime\"). The juice is extracted by crushing the whole fruit, and makes a flavorful drink similar to lemonade. A liqueur can be made from the whole fruits, in combination with vodka and sugar. In Asian cuisines, the juice is used to marinate and season fish", "id": "11841094" }, { "contents": "Squirt (soft drink)\n\n\nparts of the country, especially the West and Southwest. In the 1950s, it became commonly used as a mixer used in cocktails. The Squirt brand has changed ownership several times, and is currently the property of Keurig Dr Pepper. Squirt is naturally flavored but contains less than 1% grapefruit juice. Like many other soft drinks, the packaging of Squirt has varied over the years. In 1983, Diet Squirt, the first soft drink in the United States to be sweetened with aspartame, was introduced. In the mid", "id": "20299877" }, { "contents": "Buck's Fizz\n\n\nThe Buck's Fizz is an alcoholic cocktail made of two parts champagne to one part orange juice. It is very similar to the Mimosa, which also contains champagne and orange juice, but in equal measures. Other sparkling wines can also be used. The drink is named after London's Buck's Club, where it was invented as an excuse to begin drinking early; it was first served in 1921 by a barman named Malachy McGarry (who features in the works of P. G. Wodehouse as the barman of Buck's Club", "id": "25447" }, { "contents": "Vampiro (cocktail)\n\n\nThe Vampiro is a cocktail that includes fruit juice, spices, fruit soda, fresh lime juice, and tequila. The Vampiro has a fruity, lightly carbonated, and spicy taste. The Vampiro can be made with Mexican sangrita, a prepared drink mixer containing orange juice and chili peppers. One recipe lists the ingredients as tequila, limes, Kosher salt, Squirt brand citrus-flavoured soda and Viuda de Sanchez, an orange juice-based Mexican sangrita beverage. Viuda de Sanchez is sold in Mexico and in areas of the", "id": "18106090" }, { "contents": "Slice (drink)\n\n\nSlice is a line of fruit-flavored soft drinks originally manufactured by PepsiCo and introduced in 1984 but discontinued by PepsiCo in the United States in the late 2000s. Slice was reintroduced in the United States and Canada by New Slice Ventures LLC, who acquired the trademark rights in those countries. Slice was also reintroduced in India by PepsiCo in 2008 as a Mango-flavoured fruit drink and currently advertised as Tropicana Slice. Slice was a big success upon release, inspiring other juice-infused drinks based on already existing juice brands,", "id": "1122414" }, { "contents": "List of citrus soft drinks\n\n\nof the soda is much the same as Mountain Dew, with a few noticeable differences. Mountain Dew is a bit tangier than its Safeway SELECT counterpart, which focuses more on sweetness. One 12 oz. can of Mountain Breeze contains 190 calories, 65 mg of sodium, 48g total Carbohydrate, 48g of sugar, and the following ingredients: carbonated water, high-fructose corn syrup, citric acid, sodium benzoate, orange juice concentrate, sodium citrate, caffeine, natural flavors, artificial flavors, ester gum and", "id": "4160508" } ]
Why isn't there so much ancient architecture left in Africa (compared to Europe, America, Asia, etc.)? Was the soil too bad? Because most African tribes were nomads?
[{"answer": "Well, first of all, there's tons. The most famous and amazing examples of ancient architecture were left by the African civilization we call 'Egyptians'. So, you say, okay, but they were Mediterranean. What about central Africa? Well, Mali is pretty central, and they left awesome looking stuff [like this]( URL_0 ) all over the place. Or did you mean from the southern parts of Africa? Because [Zimbabwe has awesome ruins too]( URL_1 ). A better question to ask is why we don't glorify the ancient African civilizations (other than Egypt) like we do the ancient mesoamerican ones. Both were wiped out largely by the Spanish and Portuguese, and both had their legacies wiped out by colonialism. In truth, I don't know the answer to that one. We just never did."}, {"answer": "Egypt is in Africa. Why do people forget that? Besides that, there are plenty of other ancient structures and ruins in Afica. I guess I'm saying, your premise is flawed and overly general, and requires further investigation."}, {"answer": "Sub-Sarahan African tribes rarely built out of stone, and only stone architecture survived for many centuries. In Northern Africa there are a great many surviving pieces. The pyramids of Egypt come to mind."}, {"answer": "A lot of people have highlighted Egypt and other centres of African heritsge already. But the question is why there's not as much of it, and that IS still a fair question. Africa is a huge continent but there is still a fairly restricted number of extant historical sites that are comparable. The main reason, as.many have pointed out, is the nomadic lifestyle. The same can be found in Australia, and is directly related to the climate in the region. The inability for farming to grow beyond a subsistence level in many areas of the continent is the main reason that a nomadic lifestyle remained prevalent through the ages. Those areas that have built from stone, or even more permanent mud-based bricks in some areas, tend to correlate highly with floodplain areas of large rivers, either with large rich floodplains like Egypt, or a lush forest area that still provides rich fertilisation. The requirements for making larger and more.oermanent structures are quite heavy; often a society would require dedicated craftsmen for both tools and stonework to make quality materials. Those craftsmen can only dedicate to their craft if society can provide for them without them hunting, gathering, herding or subsistence farming. With few exceptions, most areas that develop lasting ancient architecture are those with a temperate climate that support fertile soil, a reliable water supply, and can sustain this for several generations. This allows a society to put down roots in an area, building into a permanent settlement that cultivates larger areas of land more efficiently, providing. A surplus of food that can feed non-food producing workers. Most of Europe, Asia, and south America can provide much of this capacity, as well as the flood plains of predictable large rivers, like the Nile. Access to stone is the final key factor to this, which also tends to be why, despite their pre-disxovery population size, Native Americans lack much ancient architecture. They did in fact build quite large settlements comparable to European cities, however a combination of the preservation of their naturalistic cultural roots, and the additional climate struggles of north-america's varying geography and seasonal extremes, alongside a massive availability of wood, led them to mostly avoid permanent stone buildings. So there you go. The short answer is because Africa is a hot, dry continent in many areas, where people didn't have time to develop crafts not immediately associated with imminent survival, except in a few safe zones."}, {"answer": "If you're talking about sub-Saharan Africa, it is because they typically built buildings from non-permanent materials, like mud and wood, instead of more permanent materials like stone. For example there's a famous mosque in Mali, West Africa made from mud. It's been around for a long time, but it needs to be fixed constantly (presumably whenever it rains). If it wasn't maintained it would melt away and disappear without much of a trace. There are some notable exceptions like Great Zimbabwe and ruins built by related groups in Zimbabwe and northern South Africa. I have no idea why they usually didn't usually use permanent materials."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2249390", "title": "Architecture of Africa", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["African architecture has been influenced by external cultures for centuries, according to available evidence. Western architecture has influenced coastal areas since the late 15th century and is now an important source of inspiration for many larger buildings, particularly in major cities. African architecture uses a wide range of materials, including thatch, stick/wood, mud, mudbrick, rammed earth, and stone. These material preferences vary by region: North Africa for stone and rammed earth, the Horn of Africa for stone and mortar, West Africa for mud/adobe, Central Africa for thatch/wood and", "African architecture has been influenced by external cultures for centuries, according to available evidence. Western architecture has influenced coastal areas since the late 15th century and is now an important source of inspiration for many larger buildings, particularly in major cities", "African architecture has been influenced by external cultures for centuries, according to available evidence. Western architecture has influenced coastal areas since the late 15th century and is now an important source of inspiration for many larger buildings, particularly in major cities. African architecture uses a wide range of materials, including thatch, stick/wood, mud, mudbrick, rammed earth, and stone."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2249390", "title": "Architecture of Africa", "section": "Section::::Medieval Architecture.:Horn of Africa.:Somalia.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 40, "end_paragraph_id": 40, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["there are examples of courtyards, and large stone walls, such as the Wargaade Wall, enclosing settlements. The peaceful introduction of Islam in the early medieval era of Somalia's history brought Islamic architectural influences from Arabia and Persia, which stimulated a shift in construction from dry stone, and other related materials, to coral stone, sun-dried bricks, and the widespread use of limestone in Somali architecture. Many of the new architectural designs, such as mosques, were built on the ruins of older structures, a practice that would continue over and over again throughout the following centuries.", "The peaceful introduction of Islam in the early medieval era of Somalia's history brought Islamic architectural influences from Arabia and Persia, which stimulated a shift in construction from dry stone, and other related materials, to coral stone, sun-dried bricks, and the widespread use of limestone in Somali architecture. Many of the new architectural designs, such as mosques, were built on the ruins of older structures, a practice that would continue over and over again throughout the following centuries.", "there are examples of courtyards, and large stone walls, such as the Wargaade Wall, enclosing settlements. The peaceful introduction of Islam in the early medieval era of Somalia's history brought Islamic architectural influences from Arabia and Persia, which stimulated a shift in construction from dry stone, and other related materials, to coral stone, sun-dried bricks, and the widespread use of limestone in Somali architecture. Many of the new architectural designs, such as mosques, were built on the ruins of older structures, a practice that would continue over and over again throughout the following centuries."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Appalachian Plateau\n\n\nthat were at least sixteen thousand years old. Because the early Native Americans were hunter-gatherers living off the land, they left little material traces of their lives behind them. This is why it is so hard for researchers to determine when they settled in this area. Much like many historic Native American tribes, the early Appalachian inhabitants survived as nomads, following their food on a seasonal basis. Around this period, North America was still recuperating from its last glacial period, and the climate was much different than now.", "id": "9206378" }, { "contents": "Ancient history\n\n\nlanguage, religion, architecture, philosophy, law and government of nations around the world lasts to this day. At the height of its power, the Achaemenid dynasty encompassed approximately 8.0 million square kilometers, held the greatest percentage of world population to date, stretched three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa) and was territorially the largest empire of classical antiquity. Parthia was an Iranian civilization situated in the northeastern part of modern Iran. Their power was based on a combination of the guerrilla warfare of a mounted nomadic tribe, with", "id": "6233778" }, { "contents": "Shamanism\n\n\nthat used to be widely practiced in Europe, Asia, Tibet, North and South America, and Africa. It centered on the belief in supernatural phenomenon such as the world of gods, demons, and ancestral spirits. Belief in Shamanism has declined and only a few remote tribes still retain its practices. One such tribe is the Inuit people of the Canadian Arctic. Another can be found in the nomadic Tuvan (with an estimated population of just 3000 people surviving from this tribe). Tuva is one of the most isolated", "id": "7031135" }, { "contents": "Salsoloideae\n\n\n. The area with most species (center of diversity) are the deserts and semideserts of Central-Asia and the Middle East. Distribution of the subfamily extends to the Mediterranean, to Middle-Europe, north and south Africa, and Australia, some species have also been introduced to America. Many species grow in dry habitats (xerophytes) or tolerate salty soils (halophytes), some are ruderals. Salsoloideae are plants (with a few exceptions in tribe Salsoleae). Tribe Caroxyleae is exclusively of the NAD-malic enzyme", "id": "10246917" }, { "contents": "Nomad\n\n\nnomadic groups follow a fixed annual or seasonal pattern of movements and settlements. Nomadic peoples traditionally travel by animal or canoe or on foot. Today, some nomads travel by motor vehicle. Most nomads live in tents or other portable shelters. Nomads keep moving for different reasons. Nomadic foragers move in search of game, edible plants, and water. Australian Aborigines, Negritos of Southeast Asia, and San of Africa, for example, traditionally move from camp to camp to hunt and gather wild plants. Some tribes of the Americas", "id": "7157074" }, { "contents": "History of Brazil\n\n\nmost widely accepted view of anthropologists, linguists and geneticists is that the early tribes were part of the first wave of migrant hunters who came into the Americas from Asia, either by land, across the Bering Strait, or by coastal sea routes along the Pacific, or both. The Andes and the mountain ranges of northern South America created a rather sharp cultural boundary between the settled agrarian civilizations of the west coast and the semi-nomadic tribes of the east, who never developed written records or permanent monumental architecture. For this", "id": "8300743" }, { "contents": "Bubalina\n\n\nBubalina is a subtribe of the Bovini tribe that includes the various species of buffalo. These include the African buffalo, the anoas, and the wild water buffalo (including the domesticated variant water buffalo). Currently buffalos can be found naturally in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia (although domestic and feral populations have been introduced in Europe, the Americas, and Australia). In addition to the living species, bubalinans have an extensive fossil record where remains have been found in much of Africa and Eurasia. The majority of", "id": "8413778" }, { "contents": "Iron metallurgy in Africa\n\n\nAfrican iron tools has yet been done, so this conclusion may perhaps be modified by future work. Unlike bloomery iron-workers in Europe, India or China, African metalworkers did not make use of water power to blow bellows in furnaces too large to be blown by hand-powered bellows. This is partly because sub-Saharan Africa has much less potential for water power than these other regions, but also because there were no engineering techniques developed for converting rotary motion to linear motion. African ironworkers did however invent a way", "id": "7304669" }, { "contents": "Mark SaFranko\n\n\ncompare to writing or composing as an art. So much more goes into a purely creative art.” “Someone once said ‘Art is an addiction. That's why there are so many bad artists.’ I think that's true. I can't imagine not liking to write. Why the fuck would you do it, then? For the inevitable rejection? Sure you get stuck here and there, but why put yourself through the torture? Isn't there enough in life to make you miserable? “I", "id": "9869083" }, { "contents": "Homotherini\n\n\nHomotherini is an extinct tribe of carnivoran mammals of the family Felidae (true cats). The tribe is commonly known as scimitar-toothed cats. These saber-toothed cats were endemic to North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America from the Miocene to Pleistocene living from c. 23 Ma until c. 12,000 years ago. Compared to the usually massively built dirk-toothed phenotype, apparent in \"Smilodon\", \"Megantereon\" and the feliform \"Barbourofelis\" (just to list a few), their upper", "id": "21391867" }, { "contents": "Run down\n\n\nAmerica by the Afro-Jamaican immigrant workers who migrated in the early 19th century to build projects such as the Panama Canal and the Costa Rican railroads. The dish is unique to the island, which its population, having left their homes in Africa, Europe, and Asia, were forced to use the limited amount of goods (for example, fish and coconut milk) that were wildly available. Although most Jamaicans are of mixed African descent, the dish is not consumed on the African mainland nor on any other continent.", "id": "18406925" }, { "contents": "Early African church\n\n\nPunic has come down to us, though there can be no doubt that the clergy and faithful used a language much spoken in Carthage and in the coast towns of the Proconsular Province. The lower and middle classes spoke Punic, and the Circumcellions were to be among the last of its defenders. The Christian writers almost wholly ignore the native Libyan, or Berber, dialect. St. Augustine, indeed, tells us that this writing was only in use among the nomad tribes. Ancient episcopal sees of Proconsular Africa listed in the \"", "id": "17828197" }, { "contents": "Yererouk\n\n\nin the Cultural category. The Basilica is considered one of the ancient examples of Armenian architecture referred to the Paleo-Christian epoch (4th–6th century) even if it was initially started in the 4th century, then was postponed in the 5th century and finally in the 6th century because the Basilica isn't mentioned in any source, so the datations are hypothetic. However the most recent studies have analysed the architectural characteristics with the stratigraphic exams, the study of the sculptural decoration and epigraphy, the comparation with similar churches in Syria.", "id": "15022526" }, { "contents": "History of modernisation theory\n\n\ntheir use does not make as much sense. Along with modernisation comes a loss of culture and society, and the individual is strengthened. An African tribe known as the Ik was forced to change their habits due to modernisation and the creation of individual countries caused by colonialism. Nationalisation, as a tool of modernisation, was imparted on Africa by colonialists who wanted to westernise and modernise tribal Africa. The creation of individual countries made life for the tribal Ik more difficult because they were forced out of their nomadic lifestyle into a settlement", "id": "10496467" }, { "contents": "African diaspora\n\n\n, in the building of the African Union\". For prehistoric and recent migration from Africa, see recent African origin of modern humans and emigration from Africa respectively. Much of the African diaspora was dispersed throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia during the Atlantic and Arab slave trades. Beginning in the 8th century, Arabs took African slaves from the central and eastern portions of the continent (where they were known as the Zanj) and sold them into markets in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and the Far East", "id": "2497012" }, { "contents": "Military history of Europe\n\n\nFrance were the most successful in establishing a broad colonial empire spanning from Africa to Asia, with a majority of that success attributed to them being almost sealocked. The era was dominated by the Mediterranean nations, most notably Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Ancient Greece warred with its rival the Persian Empire which was the greatest danger to Europe in the Greco-Persian Wars. Ancient Rome continued the conflict with Persia in the Roman-Persian Wars. The north African city of Carthage fought three wars against Rome and lost allowing Rome to", "id": "7917532" }, { "contents": "African historiography\n\n\nvaried and often harsh terrain, and variety of cultural groups lacked the capability to collectivize to the extent of Eastern Europe, Asia Minor or the Middle East. As a result, much of the African continent did not reach the technological advancement of the northernmost kingdoms and nations of Africa. Much of the depiction of Africa preceding written history is through archaeology and antiquities. Excluding Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs and the Ge’ez script, a large part of the African continent would not have a means of writing or recording history until the common era.", "id": "15103281" }, { "contents": "Antiquization\n\n\nof Europe, Asia and northern Africa. Modern scholarly discourse has produced several hypotheses about the Macedonians' place within the Greek world, about whether the Ancient Macedonians were Greeks and whether the Ancient Macedonian language was a form of the Greek language or related to it. In parts of the available ancient literature they are described as a Greek tribe, in others the Ancient Macedonians were regarded as barbarians by the Athenians, and who were gradually Hellenized. However, there is no doubt about Philip II being the one who united most of", "id": "22055210" }, { "contents": "Central Asia\n\n\ninvasion of Europe, the Wu Hu attacks on China and most notably the Mongol conquest of much of Eurasia. During pre-Islamic and early Islamic times, southern Central Asia was inhabited predominantly by speakers of Iranian languages. Among the ancient sedentary Iranian peoples, the Sogdians and Chorasmians played an important role, while Iranian peoples such as Scythians and the later on Alans lived a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle. The well-preserved Tarim mummies with Caucasoid features have been found in the Tarim Basin. The main migration of Turkic", "id": "6869477" }, { "contents": "Goldsmith\n\n\nnoble metal—because it does not react with most elements. It usually is found in its native form, lasting indefinitely without oxidization and tarnishing. Gold has been worked by humans in all cultures where the metal is available, either indigenously or imported, and the history of these activities is extensive. Superbly made objects from the ancient cultures of Africa, Asia, Europe, India, North America, Mesoamerica, and South America grace museums and collections throughout the world. Some pieces date back thousands of years and were made using", "id": "15585428" }, { "contents": "Agriculture in the Southwestern United States\n\n\ncows. All of these were incorporated into the diet of many Native American tribes of the Southwest. Today, agriculture is vastly different from before Europeans came to the Americas. Because the Southwest United States is so dry and hot and the soil is inadequate compared to places like the Great Plains in the Midwest, much of the Southwest is used for grazing livestock. In fact, almost 60 percent of the land in Nevada is used for livestock grazing, and at least 35 percent in New Mexico and Arizona. Conversely, Nevada", "id": "5291711" }, { "contents": "Lasioglossum malachurum\n\n\nqueen using her abdomen. Because nests are dug into hard soil, construction of a nest represents a significant energy expense to a queen, which explains why gynes frequently usurp other nests rather than founding one of their own. \"L. malachurum\" is a Western Palaearctic species and nests can be found across Southern England and the Channel Islands, most of continental Europe, and North Africa. \"L. malachurum\" is found across England, continental Europe, and northern Africa, so is capable of inhabiting a broad range of habitats and", "id": "3881997" }, { "contents": "Cereal\n\n\ncotton being developed independently in Africa and South America, and Western Asia domesticating flax. The use of soil amendments, including manure, fish, compost and ashes, appears to have begun early, and developed independently in several areas of the world, including Mesopotamia, the Nile Valley and Eastern Asia. The first cereal grains were domesticated by early primitive humans. About 8,000 years ago, they were domesticated by ancient farming communities in the Fertile Crescent region. Emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, and barley were three of the so-", "id": "6815414" }, { "contents": "Ajuran Sultanate\n\n\nfrom the ancient and early medieval periods of Somali maritime enterprise were strengthened or re-established, and foreign trade and commerce in the coastal provinces flourished with ships sailing to and coming from many kingdoms and empires in East Asia, South Asia, Europe, the Near East, North Africa and East Africa. The sultanate left an extensive architectural legacy, being one of the major medieval Somali powers engaged in castle and fortress building. Many of the ruined fortifications dotting the landscapes of southern Somalia today are attributed to the Ajuran Sultanate's", "id": "15590721" }, { "contents": "Heraldry\n\n\nor stamp used by Eurasian nomadic peoples and by cultures influenced by them. The tamga was normally the emblem of a particular tribe, clan or family. They were common among the Eurasian nomads throughout Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages (including Alans, Mongols, Sarmatians, Scythians and Turkic peoples). Similar \"tamga-like\" symbols were sometimes also adopted by sedentary peoples adjacent to the Pontic-Caspian steppe both in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, such as the East Slavs, whose ancient royal symbols are sometimes referred to", "id": "13330935" }, { "contents": "Reparations for slavery\n\n\nbetter ways\" to address the crisis in African American communities than \"writing a check.\" Conservative writer David Horowitz wrote a list of ten reasons why \"Reparations for Slavery is a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist Too\" in 2001. He contends that there isn't one particular group that benefited from slavery, there isn't one group that is solely responsible for slavery, only a small percentage of whites ever owned slaves and many gave their lives fighting to free slaves, and most Americans don't have a direct", "id": "17908963" }, { "contents": "Hamid Sadighi Neiriz\n\n\n’ discoveries from his travels. Soon it advanced to one of the leading galleries of “Non-European Art”. Although ancient nomadic weaving of the Near East remained the focus, over time African and Oceanic Tribal Art, Islamic and Buddhist Art, archaeological objects from China, Persia and ancient America, Japanese woodblock prints and Chinese furniture were added. Neiriz' knowledge of kilims is not only based on ethnological studies. The empirical experience that he gained during many travels plays an equally important role. In accompanying nomadic tribes on", "id": "10513760" }, { "contents": "Migrants' African routes\n\n\nfrom Sub-Saharan Africa, which is mostly exposed to conflicts and crisis (such as Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Central African Republic, Cameroon, etc.) as well as the smaller migratory stream coming from Central Asia. So, nowadays migrants rediscover and go through the old routes of Sub-Saharan caravan networks covered for centuries by nomadic people (Tuareg) from Mali, Niger and Algeria. The new joints passed through by caravans reshape the urban landscape and many cities,", "id": "303112" }, { "contents": "Psamment\n\n\ncover 3.4% of the global land mass. They occur throughout the world, being especially abundant in the deserts of Africa and Australia and on the ancient landforms of eastern South America. Areas dominated by Psamments also occur in other humid regions, notably in Florida and Nebraska (the Sand Hills). Psamments typically have very low water-holding capacities because the sand in the soil is not \"graded\" so that sands of varying coarseness are constantly mixed right through the soil. Because most sands are highly siliceous, Psamments are", "id": "3424629" }, { "contents": "Somali architecture\n\n\nSomali and Horn African nomads entering the cities with their caravan trains. They had to leave behind their weapons at the city gate before they could enter the markets with their goods and trade with the urban Somalis, Middle Easterners and Asian merchants. Concordant with the ancient presence of Islam in the Horn of Africa region, mosques in Somalia are some of the oldest on the entire continent. One architectural feature that made Somali mosques distinct from other mosques in Africa were minarets. For centuries, Arba'a Rukun (1269), the Friday", "id": "11758790" }, { "contents": "Kvass\n\n\nAges. The drink is comparable to some other ancient fermented grain beverages including beer brewed from barley by the ancient Egyptians, the pombe or millet beer of Africa, the so-called rice wines of Asia, the chicha made with corn or cassava by the natives of the Americas. Kvass was invented by the Slavs and became the most popular among East Slavs. The word \"kvass\" was first mentioned in the \"Primary Chronicle\", in the description of events of the year 996, following the Christianization of the Kievan", "id": "17350843" }, { "contents": "Cherry\n\n\n, with two species in America, three in Europe, and the remainder in Asia. Other cherry fruits are borne on racemes and called bird cherries. The English word cherry derives from Old Northern French or Norman \"cherise\" from the Latin \"cerasum\", referring to an ancient Greek region, Kerasous (Κερασοῦς) near Giresun, Turkey, from which cherries were first thought to be exported to Europe. The indigenous range of the sweet cherry extends through most of Europe, western Asia, and parts of northern Africa,", "id": "10213273" }, { "contents": "Myriostoma\n\n\nMyriostoma is a fungal genus in the family Geastraceae. The genus is monotypic, containing the single species Myriostoma coliforme. It is an earthstar, so named because the spore-bearing sac's outer wall splits open into the shape of a star. The inedible fungus has a cosmopolitan distribution, and has been found in Africa, Asia, North and South America, and Europe, where it grows in humus-rich forests or in woodlands, especially on well-drained and sandy soils. A somewhat rare fungus, it appears", "id": "2553043" }, { "contents": "Metailurini\n\n\nMetailurini is an extinct taxonomic tribe of large saber-toothed cats that lived in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America from the Miocene to the Pleistocene. The best known Metalurini genera are \"Dinofelis\" and \"Metailurus\". Metailurini had canines longer than neofelids, but smaller than true saber toothed cats. The teeth were also are more conical than flat, so called \"scimitar-toothed\", having broad and mildly elongated upper canines. Like most extinct cats, the majority of species in Metailurini are known primarily", "id": "1225764" }, { "contents": "Museums in Basel\n\n\n\", which was given the title Collection of Ethnology (Sammlung für Völkerkunde) in 1905, moved into new space created by an addition to the Museum on Augustinergasse in 1917, where it became the Museum of Ethnology (Museum für Völkerkunde). With holdings of approximately 300,000 objects and a comparable number of historical photographs, it is the largest ethnological museum in Switzerland and one of the largest in Europe. The collection includes objects from Europe, Ancient Egypt, Africa, Asia (Tibet and Bali Collections), Ancient America and", "id": "15701979" }, { "contents": "Dactylorhiza\n\n\ngrow in basic soils in wet meadows, bogs, heathland and in areas sparsely populated by trees. They are distributed throughout the subarctic and temperate northern hemisphere. It is found across much of Europe, North Africa and Asia from Portugal and Iceland to Taiwan and Kamchatka, including Russia, Japan, China, Central Asia, the Middle East, Ukraine, Scandinavia, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, etc. Inclusion of the widespread frog orchid, often called \"Coeloglossum viride\", into \"Dactylorhiza", "id": "3895307" }, { "contents": "African military systems to 1800\n\n\nmilitary systems and the numbers available for battle. As one historian puts it: \".. the scale of warfare in Africa in modern times has been modest compared to other continents. Even if there had not been a technological gap between African and European armies, or a pressing need for European troops elsewhere, it would rarely have been necessary to send large armies to Africa. The \"savage hordes\" of popular lore seldom materialized on African battlefields. Because of its 'exceptionally hostile environment, its ancient rocks, poor soils,", "id": "18366766" }, { "contents": "Oyashio Current\n\n\nwith the onset of glacial conditions (after an interglacial) was much less than in other areas of the Earth at similar latitudes. This allowed Tōhoku and Hokkaidō – the only areas of East Asia with enough snowfall to potentially form glaciers – to remain unglaciated except at high elevations during periods when Europe and North America were largely glaciated. This lack of glaciation explains why, despite its present climate being much colder than most of Europe, East Asia has retained 96 percent of Pliocene tree genera, whereas Europe has retained only 27%", "id": "3212154" }, { "contents": "Demographics of the world\n\n\na million years ago. \"Homo sapiens\" appear to have occupied all of Africa about 150,000 years ago, moved out of Africa 50,000 - 60,000 years ago, and had spread across Australia, Asia and Europe by 30,000 years BC. Migration to the Americas took place 20,000 to 15,000 years ago, and by 2,000 years ago, most of the Pacific Islands were colonized. Until c. 10,000 years ago, humans lived as hunter-gatherers. They generally lived in small nomadic groups known as band societies. The advent of agriculture", "id": "17076037" }, { "contents": "Surname\n\n\nAmericas, Oceania, etc., as well as the Middle East, South Asia, and most African cultures), the surname or family name (\"last name\") is placed after the personal, forename (in Europe) or given name (\"first name\"). In other cultures the surname is placed first, followed by the given name or names. The latter is often called the Eastern naming order because Europeans are most familiar with the examples from the East Asian cultural sphere, specifically, China and", "id": "21307946" }, { "contents": "Mosque\n\n\nmosque designs, it lacks a dome. The mosque's architecture is a departure from the long history of South Asian Islamic architecture. Mosques built in Southeast Asia often represent the Indonesian-Javanese style architecture, which are different from the ones found throughout the Greater Middle East. The ones found in Europe and North America appear to have various styles but most are built on Western architectural designs, some are former churches or other buildings that were used by non-Muslims. In Africa, most mosques are old but the new ones", "id": "20482749" }, { "contents": "1995 Rugby World Cup\n\n\nthe South African captain François Pienaar. The eight quarter-finalists from the 1991 Rugby World Cup all received automatic entry, as did South Africa, as hosts. The remaining seven of the 16 positions available in the tournament were filled by regional qualifiers. The qualifying tournaments were broken up into regional associations: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Côte d'Ivoire qualified through Africa, Japan through Asia, Argentina through the Americas, Italy, Romania and Wales through Europe, Tonga through Oceania. The 1995 tournament was", "id": "2996803" }, { "contents": "White slavery\n\n\nSpain and other Muslim-ruled regions especially North Africa. The saqaliba gained popularity in Umayyad Spain especially as warriors. After the collapse of the Ummayads, they also came to rule over many of the taifas. With the conversion of Eastern Europe, the trade declined and there isn't much textual information on saqaliba after 11th century. Central Europe was the most favoured destination for importation of slaves alongside Central Asia and Bilad as-Sudan, though slaves from Northwestern Europe were also valued. This slave trade was controlled mostly by European", "id": "3933860" }, { "contents": "Women and the environment\n\n\nmany African tribes, nearly all the tasks connected with food production continue to be left to women\". Schultz \"et al.\" (2001), found that \"90% of women in the developing world, where most of the planet's biological wealth is found, depend on their land for survival. Women head 30% of the households in developing countries, 80% of food production in sub-Saharan Africa is done by women, 60% in Asia and 50% in Latin America. Even though women", "id": "12766611" }, { "contents": "Military history of Africa\n\n\n, from Europe — and also from the east coasts of the United States and South America (Brazil, Argentina), the route around South Africa's Cape is the shortest to Asia. The Suez Canal did not exist for most of history. It was only completed in 1869, so that all shipping back and forth from Europe to Asia, Arabia, and to most of Africa had and has to be done by the long routes across the seas around South Africa's Cape. Even after the Suez Canal's completion and", "id": "16247247" }, { "contents": "Phiomorpha\n\n\nsea separating Europe and Asia, via an ice-free Greenland (Europe and North America), or across Beringia (North America and Asia). The southern continents were much more isolated leading to the unique faunas of Australia, South America, and to a lesser degree Africa. Although the hystricognath rodents may have evolved from an early entodacryan ancestor in Asia, they migrated to Africa soon after. The Phiomorpha represents the clade that evolved as a result. Although once diverse, this infraorder is now restricted to the two species", "id": "7535077" }, { "contents": "HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer\n\n\n60%) were aged between 50 and 69 years of age, and the majority of cases (15,000) were in developed regions compared to developing regions (6,400). Age Standardised Incidence Rates (ASR) differ considerably by region and country (\"see\" de Martel et al., 2017 Fig. 2b). ASRs for 2012 were highest in Europe (Hungary 3.0) and North America (United States 1.7) but much lower in Africa (≤ 0.3), Asia (≤ 0.6), Latin America (", "id": "651646" }, { "contents": "Africa–United States relations\n\n\nanticolonial struggles around the world. Since most nations in Europe, Latin America, and Asia had already chosen sides, Kennedy and Krushchev both looked to Africa as the next Cold War battleground. Under the leadership of Sékou Touré, the former French colony of Guinea in West Africa proclaimed its independence in 1958 and immediately sought foreign aid. Eisenhower was hostile to Touré, so the African nation quickly turned to the Soviet Union--making it the Kremlin's first success story in Africa. However Kennedy and his Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver", "id": "6600456" }, { "contents": "Phialophora verrucosa\n\n\nis known to occur naturally in soil, plant debris, wasp nests, and rotting wood. In a study where multiple strains of \"P. verrucosa\" were found growing in rotting wood, soil, and the bark and log of pine trees in Japan, it was found that these isolates from the natural environment had no distinct differences from \"P. verrucosa\" isolated from human tissue. \"P. verrucosa\" is widespread and can be found in Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America, and Europe. Most strains", "id": "839540" }, { "contents": "Map collection\n\n\nspecific map in an archive, but still allow persistent researchers to make some 'discoveries'. The authoritative guide \"World directory of map collections\" (2000) lists 714 map collections in 121 countries. With few exceptions, the most valuable map collections are held in either Europe or North America. There are also some map collections in South America, Africa and South Asia, but those collections are comparatively rare and of much lower value. Indisputably the largest map collection in Austria is the Map Department of the Austrian National Library", "id": "21346948" }, { "contents": "African Journey: A Search for the Roots of the Blues\n\n\nculture they found in America. From this he draws the conclusion that Afro-American music could be traced back to the area between the Senegal River and southern Guinea. Then he discusses the distribution of individual tribes in the colonies. Because the Europeans generally didn't actually capture the slaves, who was shipped to the colonies was in the hands of the African rulers. At the time of the slave trades, West Africa was in constant internal struggle so it was the losers of the wars that were enslaved. Thus, tribes", "id": "3880257" }, { "contents": "SFC Plus\n\n\nbeen applied to create clean, spacious and comfortable restaurants. Designs are suited to all types of premises and existing architecture. Southern Fried Chicken operates in areas that cover Europe, Arabia, Mena regions, Africa and South America; as well as India, which includes the Asia-Pac regions. They are also making the first steps to reach the Chinese Market. The most recent outlet openings include Hyderabad and Mongolia as well as having existing franchises in Senegal and Malta and a mobile unit in Martinique and Central African Republic. In", "id": "5104353" }, { "contents": "Humanist Party India\n\n\nSouth America and Europe. The regional bodies of Africa and Asia are expected to be formed in 2006. In addition to the Humanist Party, the Community for Human Development later recommended also the formation of a party based on a New Humanist approach to Ecology. The subsequent formation of a party called The Greens, caused much confusion in Europe where both The Greens and the Green Party were sometimes fighting elections against one another. This led to a great deal of bad feeling from the Green Party (see the section below on conflict", "id": "13093171" }, { "contents": "History of communication\n\n\nto pass them on to the next generation. Nomadic tribes have been the torch bearers oral storytelling. Nomads of Arabia are one example of the many nomadic tribes that have continued through history to use oral storytelling as a tool to tell their histories and the story of their people. Due to the nature of nomadic life, these individuals were often left without architecture and possessions to call their own, and often left little to no traces of themselves. The richness of the nomadic life and culture is preserved by early Muslim scholars who", "id": "11780376" }, { "contents": "Kurgan\n\n\nelements, each historical and cultural nomadic zone has certain architectural distinctions. In the Bronze Age, kurgans were built with stone reinforcements. Some of them are believed to be Scythian burials with built-up soil, and embankments reinforced with stone (Olhovsky, 1991). Pre-Scythian-Saka-Sibirian kurgans were surface kurgans. Wooden or stone tombs were constructed on the surface or underground and then covered with a kurgan. The kurgans of Bronze culture across Europe and Asia were similar to housing; the methods of house construction", "id": "18588174" }, { "contents": "Palladian architecture\n\n\nin 1979 to research and promote understanding of Palladio's influence in the United States. By the 1770s, in Britain, such architects as Robert Adam and Sir William Chambers were in huge popular demand, but they were now drawing on a great variety of classical sources, including ancient Greece, so much so that their forms of architecture were eventually defined as neoclassical rather than Palladian. In Europe, the Palladian revival ended by the end of the 18th century. In North America, Palladianism lingered a little longer; Thomas Jefferson's", "id": "17024370" }, { "contents": "Tribal chief\n\n\noutside of Europe and Asia were Paleolithic or Mesolithic band societies in Oceania and in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Europeans forced centralized governments onto these societies during colonialism, but in some instances tribes have retained or regained partial self-government. Arabs, in particular peninsular Arabs and nomadic Bedouins, are largely organized in tribes, many of whom have official representatives in governments. Tribal chiefs are known as Sheikhs, though this term is also sometimes applied as an honorific title to spiritual leaders of Sufism. The Afro-Bolivian people", "id": "4299147" }, { "contents": "Canna indica\n\n\nCanna indica, commonly known as Indian shot, African arrowroot, edible canna, purple arrowroot, Sierra Leone arrowroot, is a plant species in the family Cannaceae. It is native to much of South America, Central America, the West Indies, Mexico, and the southeastern United States (Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and South Carolina). It is also naturalized in much of Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. \"Canna indica\" (achira in Latin America, cana-da-", "id": "10049678" }, { "contents": "Toyota Land Cruiser (J70)\n\n\npopular as a personal off-road transport, but because the Land Cruiser was marketed almost exclusively as a commercial and government vehicle and because these were never sold in the US, few were built, compared to other Land Cruiser models. However, these models were sold all over the world in the 1980s and early 1990s. They can be found in Japan, Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand and South America. The short-wheelbase models are not quite as common in Australia, but they", "id": "11792744" }, { "contents": "Privet as an invasive plant\n\n\nto control because root fragments left in the soil can sprout and grow new plants. One reason why privet is so invasive in the United States is because it has few native shrub competitors. In a sense, privet is invading and exploiting an open niche within the southern U.S. floodplain ecosystem. Prior to privet invasion much of the native land was clear and open; currently, privet forms a dense thicket which chokes out other, usually native, plant life. Thus, privet is believed to be phylogenetically distinct compared to its native", "id": "11632224" }, { "contents": "Leprosy in India\n\n\nof Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and later Europe and the Americas. In ancient Indian society, individuals suffering from leprosy were alienated because the disease was chronic, contagious, resulted in disfigurement, had no cure at the time, and was associated with sin. In colonial India, the government enacted the Leprosy Act of 1898, which institutionalised leprosy victims and separated them based on gender to prevent reproduction. These laws mainly affected the poor because those who were self-sufficient were not obligated to be isolated or", "id": "17576513" }, { "contents": "Aryan race\n\n\nthe Proto-Indo-Europeans – a subgroup of the Europidor \"Caucasian\" race, in addition to the Indo-Iranians (who are the only people known to have used \"Arya\" as an endonym in ancient times). This usage was considered to include most modern inhabitants of Australasia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, Siberia, South Asia, Southern Africa, and West Asia. Such claims became increasingly common during the early 19th century, when it was commonly believed that", "id": "19978023" }, { "contents": "Economy of Kenya\n\n\nof IT literacy and innovation, especially among the youth. In 2018, Kenya ranked 61st in the World Bank ease of doing business rating, up from 80th in 2017 (of 190 countries). The Kenyan coastal strip was integrated to the world economy through the ancient world trade routes that spanned Africa,Asia and Europe between 70 AD and 1500 AD. Foreign merchants brought their merchandise to Kenyan coast and left with African goods. After 1500AD, Vasco Da Gama discovered a new trade route to Asia through South Africa. This", "id": "16824305" }, { "contents": "Central Asia\n\n\nmuch of history warrior kings and tribes would move southeast to establish their rule in northern India. Most nomadic conquerors entered from the northeast. After 1800 western civilization in its Russian and Soviet form penetrated from the northwest. Because Central Asia is not buffered by a large body of water, temperature fluctuations are severe, outside the sunny, hot summer months. In most areas the climate is dry and continental, with hot summers and cool to cold winters, with occasional snowfall. Outside high-elevation areas, the climate is mostly", "id": "6869472" }, { "contents": "Nepeta\n\n\nNepeta is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae. The genus name is reportedly in reference to Nepete, an ancient Etruscan city. There are about 250 species. The genus is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, and has also naturalized in North America. Some members of this group are known as catnip or catmint because of their effect on house cats – the nepetalactone contained in some \"Nepeta\" species binds to the olfactory receptors of cats, typically resulting in temporary euphoria. Most of the species are", "id": "5877096" }, { "contents": "Bedside sleeper\n\n\nfor the baby. Bedside sleepers allow parents to keep the baby close without it sleeping in the dimensional space of the family bed. Co-sleeping is an ancient practice whereby babies sleep close to their parents and not in a different room, where they can sense another's presence. According to the Natural Child Project, co-sleeping is an unquestioned practice in much of southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Central and South America. However, one of the most common types of co-sleeping is bedsharing, which can", "id": "12211664" }, { "contents": "Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016)\n\n\nother countries in the Q1 2016. As of April 2016, the Samsung Galaxy A7 (2016) is now available in Eastern Europe (only Russia, Ukraine and Turkey), Africa, Middle East, Latin America and Asia. It is not available in North America and rest of Europe. While the predecessor, Samsung Galaxy A7 (2015) had broader availability in Europe, this model was never being sold in Europe because it was being deemed too expensive and also due to near-direct competition against Samsung Galaxy S6.", "id": "1975575" }, { "contents": "Four continents\n\n\nEuropeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe. Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc. The four parts of the world or the four corners of", "id": "11238443" }, { "contents": "Genisteae\n\n\nGenisteae is a tribe of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants in the subfamily Faboideae of the legume family Fabaceae. It includes a number of well-known plants including broom, lupine (lupin), gorse and laburnum. The tribe's greatest diversity is in the Mediterranean, and most genera are native to Europe, Africa, the Canary Islands, India and southwest Asia. However, the largest genus, \"Lupinus\", is most diverse in North and South America. \"Anarthrophytum\" and \"Sellocharis\" are also South", "id": "7168298" }, { "contents": "The Four Continents\n\n\nThe Four Continents, also known as The Four Rivers of Paradise, is a painting by Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens, made in the 1610s. It depicts the female personifications of, what, at the time, were believed to be four continents (Europe, Asia, Africa and America) sitting with the personifications of their respective major rivers – the Danube, the Ganges, the Nile and the Río de la Plata. Europe is shown on the left, Africa in the middle, Asia on the right and America behind", "id": "12721640" }, { "contents": "African admixture in Europe\n\n\nof genetic diversity. Genetic evidence suggests that the Out of Africa migration involved only small numbers of individuals. The African migrants carried a small subset of the prehistoric African genetic diversity, resulting in a founder effect on the non-African population. As humans spread across the globe populating Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas, there were several founder effects. As a result of these serial founder effects, genetic diversity tends to decrease with distance from Africa. The other major factor contributing to patterns of human genetic variation is", "id": "3996850" }, { "contents": "Cultural differences in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment\n\n\nof 50 - this compares to 25 percent in the United States and Europe. Breast cancer rates in the Middle East are actually lower than in the western world. Most recent statistics show that in 2012, there were 99,000 cases of breast cancer reported across the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Central Asia combined, whereas the European Union had 367,000 cases, and the US, 1,677,000. Nevertheless, mortality rates in the Arab world are much higher. According to the World Health Organization, this is because the region", "id": "18631324" }, { "contents": "Recent African origin of modern humans\n\n\n\"Homo sapiens\" in the taxonomic sense, precluding parallel evolution of traits considered anatomically modern in other regions, but not precluding multiple admixture between \"H. sapiens\" and archaic humans in Europe and Asia. \"H. sapiens\" most likely developed in the Horn of Africa between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago. The \"recent African origin\" model proposes that all modern non-African populations are substantially descended from populations of \"H. sapiens\" that left Africa after that time. There were at least several \"out-of-", "id": "17466308" }, { "contents": "New Zealand Warriors\n\n\nsuch as Ryan Hoffman, Jacob Lillyman, Charlie Gubb and Kieran Foran had left the club. After so much promise and hype leading up to the championship, it seemed to have been all too familiar for Warriors fans. So much so, during a school visit in September, after their season had ended, one student asked them why they were \"so bad\", while another, who had little knowledge of rugby league, asked them where they finished on the competition ladder. In December 2017, the New Zealand Warriors", "id": "14091729" }, { "contents": "Phasianidae\n\n\nthat includes most of Europe and Asia (except the far north), all of Africa except the driest deserts, and south into much of eastern Australia and (formerly) New Zealand. The Meleagridinae (turkeys) are native to the New World, while the Tetraoninae (grouse) are circumpolar. The greatest diversity of species is in Southeast Asia and Africa. The Congo peacock is specific to the African Congo. The subfamily Perdicinae has a much more widespread distribution. Within their range, they occupy almost every available habitat except", "id": "1220003" }, { "contents": "Evil eye\n\n\nan evil eye by ejaculating towards it. In describing their ability to deflect the Evil Eye, Ralph Merrifield described the Roman phallic charm as a \"kind of lightning conductor for bad luck\". Belief in the evil eye is strongest in West Asia, Latin America, East and West Africa, Central America, South Asia, Central Asia, and Europe, especially the Mediterranean region; it has also spread to areas, including northern Europe, particularly in the Celtic regions, and the Americas, where it was brought by European", "id": "14395057" }, { "contents": "Ancient history of Afghanistan\n\n\npressure of two groups of nomadic invaders from Central Asia—the Parthians and Sakas. In the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, the Parthians, a nomadic Iranian peoples, arrived in Western Asia. While they made large inroads into the modern-day territory of Afghanistan, about 100 years later another Indo-European group from the north—the Kushans (a subgroup of the tribe called the Yuezhi by the Chinese)—entered the region of Afghanistan and established an empire lasting almost four centuries, which would dominate most of the Afghanistan region.", "id": "10261274" }, { "contents": "Marasmius rotula\n\n\nthe mushroom revives. This may also explain why the gills become thicker as the mushroom matures. The fungus is widespread and common in its preferred habitats in North America, Europe, and northern Asia. Although far less common in southerly locations, isolated collections have been reported from Africa (Congo, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania) and South Asia (India). In North America \"M. rotula\" is most common in the eastern part of the continent. \"Marasmius rotula\" is generally considered inedible, but is", "id": "20924879" }, { "contents": "Horses in warfare\n\n\nAsia were often marked by conflict. The nomadic lifestyle was well suited to warfare, and steppe cavalry became some of the most militarily potent forces in the world, only limited by nomads' frequent lack of internal unity. Periodically, strong leaders would organise several tribes into one force, creating an almost unstoppable power. These unified groups included the Huns, who invaded Europe, and under Attila, conducted campaigns in both eastern France and northern Italy, over 500 miles apart, within two successive campaign seasons. Other unified nomadic forces", "id": "13418474" }, { "contents": "Centaurium\n\n\nCentaurium (centaury) is a genus of 20 species in the gentian family (Gentianaceae), tribe Chironieae, subtribe Chironiinae. The genus was named after the centaur Chiron, famed in Greek mythology for his skill in medicinal herbs. It is distributed across Europe and into Asia. Until 2004, \"Centaurium\" was given a much wider circumscription, comprising about 50 species ranging across Europe, Asia, the Americas, Australasia and the Pacific. However this circumscription was polyphyletic, so in 2004 the genus was split in four,", "id": "4689248" }, { "contents": "History of Mongolia\n\n\nfrom which emerged numerous migrations and invasions to the southeast (into China), to the southwest (into Transoxiana—modern Uzbekistan, Iran, and India), and to the west (across Scythia toward Europe). The area of modern Mongolia has been inhabited by groups of nomads since ancient times. The ancient population had a nomadic and hunter lifestyle and lived a fairly closed life. While most of Central Asia had a fairly similar nomadic lifestyle where moving in and around national boundaries and mixing with different settlements was common,", "id": "10812769" }, { "contents": "Demographics of Europe\n\n\n, especially compared to Asia, Africa and Latin America. Most of Europe is in a mode of sub-replacement fertility, which means that each new(-born) generation is becoming less populous than the older. Nonetheless most European countries still have growing populations due to immigration, population momentum and increases in life expectancy. Some current and past factors in European demography have included emigration, ethnic relations, economic immigration, a declining birth rate and an ageing population. Estimates for historical population sizes of Europe (including Central Asia, listed under", "id": "16274525" }, { "contents": "Evolution of cetaceans\n\n\n, and likely to swim by caudal undulation only. The protocetids form a diverse and heterogeneous group known from Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. They lived in the Eocene, approximately 48 to 35 million years ago. The fossil remains of protocetids were uncovered from coastal and lagoonal facies in South Asia; unlike previous cetacean families, their fossils uncovered from Africa and North America also include open marine forms. They were probably amphibious, but more aquatic compared to remingtonocetids. Protocetids were the first cetaceans to leave the Indian", "id": "16700790" }, { "contents": "Ancol Dreamland\n\n\nand marina. Dunia Fantasi (often shortened to \"Dufan\") is Jakarta's own theme park complete with over 40 rides and attractions. It is located in North Jakarta, facing the Java Sea. The theme park is divided into eight regions which are Jakarta, Indonesia, Asia, Africa, America, Europe, and Fantasi Hikayat (Legendary Fantasy) region featuring Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt architecture. The theme park complies with international standards through ISO 9001:2000 certification. Admission to Dunia Fantasi is chargeable at around Rp 295.000 from", "id": "5844787" }, { "contents": "Circumcision\n\n\nwhom it is near-universal for religious reasons), and in parts of Southeast Asia, and Africa. It is relatively rare for non-religious reasons in Europe, Latin America, parts of Southern Africa, and most of Asia. In the United States rates of circumcision decreased from 64% in 1979 to 58% in 2010. The origin of circumcision is not known with certainty; the oldest documented evidence for it comes from ancient Egypt. Various theories have been proposed as to its origin including as a religious sacrifice", "id": "19251434" }, { "contents": "List of senators of French citizens living abroad\n\n\nto Africa, in which the colonies and protectorates also had elected representatives. Elections were indirect, through an electoral college composed of representatives of expatriate organizations. Senators of French citizens living abroad during the French Fourth Republic were: During the French Fifth Republic the 28 September 1958 constitution and subsequent ordinances increased the number of senators to six, with two representing Europe and the Americas, one for Asia-Oceania, and three for Africa. Africa was over-represented compared to Europe and America in this arrangement. The 84-member Conseil supérieur", "id": "19522209" }, { "contents": "Latin America\n\n\nsuch. Though indigenous slaves existed, they were no match in quantity and lack of quality jobs when compared to the African slave. The slave population was massive compared to the better known slave ownership in the United States. After 1860 Brazil alone had imported over 4 million slaves, which only represented about 35% of the Atlantic slave trade. Despite the large number of slaves in Latin America, there was not as much reproduction of slaves amongst the population. Because most of the slaves then were African-born, they were", "id": "18792071" }, { "contents": "Trichomyrmex destructor\n\n\nNorth, Central, and South America, and Europe. It is most widely distributed in the Old World, and it is very common in the Pacific Islands. Its native range is unknown. It has been hypothesized that it originated in India and perhaps other Asian countries, or Africa. Considering its close resemblance to African \"Monomorium\" species and its apparently continuous distribution from North Africa to Southeast Asia, its native range may include southern Asia and the Middle East, and it may have originated in North Africa. The worker", "id": "11432994" }, { "contents": "Chelidonium majus\n\n\nflower bloomed when the swallows returned and faded when they left. It is native to temperate regions of North Africa, Europe and parts of Western Asia. \"Chelidonium majus\" grows in most regions of Europe. It is also found in North Africa: Macaronesia, Algeria and Morocco. In Western Asia it is found in the Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Siberia, Iran and Turkey. It is considered an aggressive invasive plant in parts of North America, and an invasive plant in other areas", "id": "12257671" }, { "contents": "Hylotrupes\n\n\nHylotrupes is a monotypic genus of woodboring beetles in the family Cerambycidae, the longhorn beetles. The sole species, Hylotrupes bajulus, is known by several common names, including house longhorn beetle, old house borer, and European house borer. It is the only genus in the tribe Hylotrupini. Originating in Europe, and having been spread in timber and wood products, the beetle now has a practically cosmopolitan distribution, including Southern Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and much of Europe and the Mediterranean. \"Hylotrupes bajulus", "id": "11842713" }, { "contents": "Nagos\n\n\nreligion called Yoruba. This African religion has survived over the years since slavery, so that today a large portion of Brazil's population still practices and upholds it. Slaves coming from Africa were cheaper than those from Europe, which may explain why the Portuguese used African slaves to fuel the new economies in Latin America. The level of respect the common slave receive was minimum which didn't give them distinguished features from those that were outside of the superior class of society. The understanding between master and slave had far less cost in", "id": "10827683" }, { "contents": "Prevalence of circumcision\n\n\nof Korea and the Philippines\". In parts of Africa it is often practised as part of tribal or religious customs. The prevalence of circumcision used to be high in the United States, although there has been a major decrease in routine neonatal circumcision in recent years. In contrast, rates are much lower in most of Europe, parts of southern Africa, most of Asia, Oceania and Latin America, constituting South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico. Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and the United", "id": "20200233" }, { "contents": "World population\n\n\nin 1650, up from an estimated 2.6 million in 1500. New crops that were brought to Asia and Europe from the Americas by Portuguese and Spanish colonists in the 16th century are believed to have contributed to population growth. Since their introduction to Africa by Portuguese traders in the 16th century, maize and cassava have similarly replaced traditional African crops as the most important staple food crops grown on the continent. The pre-Columbian population of the Americas is uncertain; historian David Henige called it \"the most unanswerable question in the world", "id": "1547842" }, { "contents": "Russian conquest of Central Asia\n\n\nthe other two and all three were surrounded by nomads which the Khanates tried to control and tax. Siberia: Russians first came into contact with central Asia when, in 1582–1639, Cossack adventurers made themselves masters of the Siberian forests. They did not expand south because they were seeking furs, because the Siberian Cossacks were skilled in forest travel and knew little of the steppe and because the forest tribes were few and weak while the steppe nomads were numerous and warlike. See Siberian River Routes and linked articles. Up the Irtysh River", "id": "15028609" }, { "contents": "The Year of Spring\n\n\nlife he breaks up with his sweetheart, moves house, leaves his job and buys a one-way ticket leaving Moscow. His new life has begun. He starts his travel in the spring, a season symbolizing new beginnings. Asia, Australia, South America, Antarctic, North America, Africa and finally Europe… Each day of travel was different from the others. Splendid ancient architecture changed to wild nature, and cities alternated with small villages. The author tries one thing after another, like that of a child,", "id": "9706465" }, { "contents": "Soil compaction (agriculture)\n\n\nare only measurements or estimates for certain regions/countries at certain points in time. In 1991, it was estimated that soil compaction accounted for 4% (68.3 million hectares) of anthropogenic soil degradation worldwide. In 2013, soil compaction was regarded a major reason for soil degradation in Europe (appr. 33 million ha affected), Africa (18 million ha), Asia (10 million ha), Australia (4 million ha), and some areas of North America. More specifically, in Europe approximately 32%", "id": "12624791" }, { "contents": "Smilodontini\n\n\nSmilodontini is an extinct tribe within the Machairodontinae or \"saber-toothed cat\" subfamily of the Felidae. The tribe is also known as the \"dirk-toothed cats\". They were endemic to South America, North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa during the Miocene to Pleistocene, from 10.3 mya—11,000 years ago, existing for approximately . As the name suggests, the famous genus of \"Smilodon\" is part of this group, but there are also three other distinct genera in Smilodontini. The earliest known genus of", "id": "1791354" }, { "contents": "Argentines\n\n\ndescendants, who arrived in the 1950s and 1960s. With constant wars in the 19th century, spread of diseases like the yellow fever, thousands of immigrants from Europe arriving to Argentine soil, and most black women intermarrying with them; noting that their populations were already low, the Afro-Argentine population faded into oblivion. A new wave of Black immigration started in the 1990s, from African countries (Cape Verde, Nigeria, Senegal, Angola, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ghana, Sierra Leone, etc.).In recent years Africa Vive", "id": "18543899" }, { "contents": "PAL region\n\n\nThe PAL region is a television publication territory that covers most of Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Oceania. It is so named because of the PAL (Phase Alternating Line) television standard traditionally used in those regions, as opposed to the NTSC standard traditionally used in Japan and nearly all of North America. The scope of the PAL region varies with systems and publishers. The following countries and areas are normally included in a PAL region release: During the mid-1990s, the practice of modifying consoles such as the Super", "id": "17141473" }, { "contents": "Child sexual abuse\n\n\n), primarily because of high rates in South Africa; Europe showed the lowest prevalence rate (9.2%); and America and Asia had prevalence rates between 10.1% and 23.9%. A ten-country school-based study in southern Africa in 2007 found 19.6% of female students and 21.1% of male students aged 11–16 years reported they had experienced forced or coerced sex. Rates among 16-year-olds were 28.8% in females and 25.4% in males. Comparing the same schools in eight countries between 2003 and 2007", "id": "16047099" } ]
[{"answer": " URL_0 Edit: Basically if science, society, and western culture never moved passed the Victorian times but continued in time down that path."}, {"answer": "There was this man, Jules Verne. He wrote science fiction in a time where there were no computers and electricity was a novelty. He imagined space vessels, launched to the Moon using gunpowder, submarines capable of travelling the world without the need of refuelling ect. Steampunk is like fanfiction to it. Victorian era understanding of science and engineering taken into the future."}, {"answer": "Basically, when it got rolling, it was the idea of a steam powered \"future\"; where the Victorian age had, mostly, our modern conveniences by their own means. Think Flintstones, but in the 1800's, instead of the Tertiary. Of course, now, it's been over played, jumped the shark, and kind of gotten lost from what it once was. Now, it's - more or less - just brown goth instead of a fiction genre."}, {"answer": "Its people who see gears, cogs, and other mechanical devices as aesthetically pleasing art. Whether they wear them, decorate their house with them or whatever, they like to think of a world where mechanical computers and devices are used instead of digital. Lets compare watches. Obviously telling time in style is important to people, even if the skeleton watch isnt backlit, wont tell you the day, or go underwater. URL_0 URL_1 "}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "27684", "title": "Steampunk", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Although its literary origins are sometimes associated with the cyberpunk genre, steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century British Victorian era or the American \"Wild West\", in a future during which steam power has maintained mainstream usage, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power. However, steampunk and neo-Victorian are different in that the neo-Victorian movement does not extrapolate on technology while technology is a key aspect of steampunk.", "Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Although its literary origins are sometimes associated with the cyberpunk genre, steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century British Victorian era or the American \"Wild West\", in a future during which steam power has maintained mainstream usage, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power. However, steampunk and neo-Victorian are different in that the neo-Victorian movement does not extrapolate on technology while technology is a key aspect of steampunk.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nconstruct a city around a large steampunk heat generator with many steampunk aesthetics and mechanics, such as a \"Steam Core.\" Mattel's \"Monster High\" dolls Rebecca Steam and Hexiciah Steam. The \"Pullip Dolls\" by Japanese manufacturer Dal have a steampunk range. Because of the popularity of steampunk, there is a growing movement of adults that want to establish steampunk as a culture and lifestyle. Some fans of the genre adopt a steampunk aesthetic through fashion, home decor, music, and film. While Steampunk is considered", "id": "8016255" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nThe crime show Castle had a steampunk-themed episode in which the title character is shown wearing a complete steampunk outfit after meeting with a steampunk society. America's Next Top Model tackled Steampunk fashion in a 2012 episode where models competed in a Steampunk themed photo shoot, posing in front of a steam train while holding a live owl. Becky Lynch a female wrestler currently employed by WWE uses ring attire influenced by steampunk fashion. Most notable being her goggles she wears in her entrance. Steampunk fashion has evolved into a culture of", "id": "16151686" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nof popular steampunk conventions have sprung up the world over, with names like Steamcon (Seattle, WA), the Steampunk World's Fair (Piscataway, NJ), Up in the Aether: The Steampunk Convention (Dearborn, MI), Steampunk NZ (Oamaru, New Zealand), Steampunk Unlimited (Strasburg Railroad, Lancaster, PA). Each year, on Mother's Day weekend, the city of Waltham, MA, turns over its city center and surrounding areas to host the Watch City Steampunk Festival, a US", "id": "8016261" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nSteampunk fashion is a subgenre of the steampunk movement in science fiction. It is a mixture of the Victorian era's romantic view of science in literature and elements from the Industrial Revolution in Europe during the 1800s. The fashion is designed with a post-apocalyptic era in mind. Steampunk fashion consists of clothing, hairstyling, jewelry, body modification and make-up. Steampunk fashion is a subgenre of the steampunk movement in science fiction. It is a mixture of the Victorian era's romantic view of science in literature and the", "id": "16151672" }, { "contents": "Kate Lambert\n\n\nKate Lambert, known professionally as \"Kato\", is a British model, fashion designer, singer and entrepreneur. A native of Wales, Kato emigrated to the United States in 2007. One of the most recognisable faces of the steampunk community, Kato has been called \"the supermodel of steampunk\" and steampunk's \"it\" girl. Steampunk comic heroine Lady Mechanika was inspired by her look, and her work has been featured in several books on steampunk art and fashion including \"International Steampunk Fashions\", where her photo", "id": "14201437" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\n, steampunk fashion has been used frequently in films, photography and on television. Guy Ritchie's \"Sherlock Holmes\" and \"Warehouse 13\" are examples of this. Films like \"The Golden Compass\", \"Van Helsing\", 'Sweeny Todd' and \"The Three Musketeers\" also include elements of steampunk ideas and steampunk fashion. Steampunk fashion has also been showing up in music, such as in Lindsay Stirling's music video \"Roundtable Rival\". Members of the alternative band Abney Park perform in steampunk attire.", "id": "16151685" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n-Con toucan mascot in steampunk attire. The Saturday steampunk \"after-party\" has also become a major event on the steampunk social calendar: in 2010, the headliners included The Slow Poisoner, Unextraordinary Gentlemen, and Voltaire, with Veronique Chevalier as Mistress of Ceremonies and special appearance by the League of STEAM; in 2011, UXG returned with Abney Park. Steampunk has also sprung up recently at Renaissance Festivals and Renaissance Faires, in the US. Some festivals have organised events or a \"Steampunk Day\", while others", "id": "8016263" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nimaginative dressing, inspired by the aesthetics of the past. Modern-day fashion critics have actively sought to deconstruct steampunk as a term and as a philosophy in the context of fashion. Modern trends in steampunk fashion are grouped into historical recreationists and sci-fi cosplayers. Since the first steampunk convention in 2006, SalonCon, there have been a number of similar conventions where enthusiasts dress up as characters from steampunk culture. Modern steampunk clothing is based more on leather and metal as opposed to cotton or natural fabrics. More recently,", "id": "16151687" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n1960s. Steampunk also refers to any of the artistic styles, clothing fashions, or subcultures that have developed from the aesthetics of steampunk fiction, Victorian-era fiction, art nouveau design, and films from the mid-20th century. Various modern utilitarian objects have been modded by individual artisans into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical \"steampunk\" style, and a number of visual and musical artists have been described as steampunk. Steampunk is influenced by and often adopts the style of the 19th-century scientific romances of Jules Verne, H. G.", "id": "8016186" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nthe original steampunk works had a historical setting, later works often place steampunk elements in a fantasy world with little relation to any specific historic era. Historical steampunk tends to be science fiction that presents an alternate history; it also contains real locales and persons from history with alternative fantasy technology. \"Fantasy-world steampunk\", such as China Miéville's \"Perdido Street Station\", Alan Campbell's \"Scar Night\", and Stephen Hunt's Jackelian novels, on the other hand, presents steampunk in a completely imaginary fantasy", "id": "8016215" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\noutdoor steampunk festival. In recent years, steampunk has also become a regular feature at San Diego Comic-Con International, with the Saturday of the four-day event being generally known among steampunks as \"Steampunk Day\", and culminating with a photo-shoot for the local press. In 2010, this was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest steampunk photo shoot. In 2013, Comic-Con announced four official 2013 T-shirts, one of them featuring the official Rick Geary Comic", "id": "8016262" }, { "contents": "Tephra: The Steampunk RPG\n\n\nTephra: The Steampunk RPG (2012) is a steampunk role-playing game by Parlor LLC. (formerly known as Cracked Monocle). Tephra was nominated for \"Best Steampunk RPG or LARP\" in the 2014 Steampunk Chronicle Reader's Choice Awards and its creator, Daniel Burrow, won the award for \"Best Steampunk Game Creator.\" The company was an exhibitor at SXSW Gaming in 2014. In February 2015, Cracked Monocle ceased operations, releasing developers from contracts and giving them ownership of works in progress not yet paid", "id": "8357483" }, { "contents": "James Richardson-Brown\n\n\nHis work has appeared in Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, the Hartford Artspace gallery, Chepstow castle, Bradford Industrial Museum and the British Library, as film props and within articles on steampunk both on and off the internet. Richardson-Brown did much to promote steampunk in its early days as a subculture in the UK. He has written articles about the steampunk subculture, given demonstrations of steampunk fashion and sculpture to wider audiences and has given interviews regarding the definition of steampunk and the growing steampunk movement. In 2007", "id": "18180382" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nsuggested that because steampunk was inclusive of and incorporated ideas from various other subcultures such as goth, neo-Victorian, and cyberpunk, as well as a growing number of fandoms, it was fast becoming a \"super-culture\" rather than a mere subculture. Other steampunk notables such as Professor Elemental have expressed similar views about steampunk's inclusive diversity. Some have proposed a steampunk philosophy that incorporates punk-inspired anti-establishment sentiments typically bolstered by optimism about human potential. Steampunk became a common descriptor for homemade objects sold on", "id": "8016257" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\n, G. K. Chesterton and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are among the most influential for steampunk fashion. Those works attempted to domesticate Charles Dickens's London (from his industrial age novels). Sci-fi critics John Clute and Peter Nicholls have noted that steampunk is also inspired by a \"strain of nostalgia\". However, modern steampunk literature, which began only in the 1980s, has also influenced the steampunk fashion during the 2010s. Steampunk writers from that period are credited with creating fantasy tales set in cultures with style borrowed from", "id": "16151677" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n\"Resonance of Fate\" (2010) is a role-playing video game developed by tri-Ace and published by Sega for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is set in a steampunk environment with combat involving guns. \"Minecraft\" (2011) has a steampunk-themed texture pack. \"Guns of Icarus Online\" (2012) is multiplayer game with steampunk thematic. \"Dishonored\" (2012) and \"Dishonored 2\" (2016) are set within a fictional world with heavy steampunk influences, wherein", "id": "8016252" }, { "contents": "G. D. Falksen\n\n\nincluding the Steampunk Art Exhibition at the Museum of the History of Science at Oxford and the Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition. Magazine dubbed him \"America's authority on the movement\" in one of their discussions of Steampunk, Marie Claire Italy described him as \"a specialist in this field,\" and Papermag has called him \"the unofficial face of Steampunk.\" His opinions on the genre are frequently quoted in discussions of steampunk in a variety of publications such as \"CRN\", \"Bizarre Mag\", and local-interest", "id": "19899133" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nindustrialization in most parts of Europe. The aesthetics of the fashion are designed with a post-apocalyptic era in mind. At the first steampunk convention, \"SalonCon\", in 2006, steampunk enthusiasts dressed up in costumes reflecting that era. The costumes included clothing, hairstyling, jewellery, body modification and make-up. Steampunk fashion has later gone on to include gadgets and contrasting accoutrements. Initially, the clothes such as bustiers, bodices', jackets and other items were mostly handmade and customized, but as the steampunk", "id": "16151673" }, { "contents": "Steampunk Magazine\n\n\nSteamPunk Magazine is an online and print semi-annual magazine devoted to the steampunk subculture. It is published under a Creative Commons license, and is free for download. In March 2008, \"SteamPunk Magazine\" began offering free subscriptions to incarcerated Americans, as a \"celebration\" of 1% of the US population being eligible. \"SteamPunk Magazine\" was formerly published by anarchist zine publisher Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness in the United States and by Vagrants Among Ruins in the United Kingdom. The magazine is currently published by the", "id": "6019265" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nKarel Zeman's film \"The Fabulous World of Jules Verne\" (1958) is a very early example of cinematic steampunk. Based on Jules Verne novels, Zeman's film imagines a past that never was, based on those novels. Other early examples of historical steampunk in cinema include Hayao Miyazaki's anime films such as \"\" (1986) and \"Howl's Moving Castle\" (2004), which contain many archetypal anachronisms characteristic of the steampunk genre. \"The Steampunk Bible\" called \"Laputa: Castle in the", "id": "8016230" }, { "contents": "League of STEAM\n\n\nThe League of S.T.E.A.M. (\"Supernatural and Troublesome Ectoplasmic Apparition Management\"), a.k.a. the \"Steampunk Ghostbusters\", is an American performance art troupe from Southern California popular in the steampunk community and specializing in live interactive themed entertainment. The League of S.T.E.A.M. is modeled after the 1984 film \"Ghostbusters\", translating the idea of a \"paranormal pest control service\" into a neo-Victorian steampunk setting. The League has performed at conventions, steampunk festivals, nightclubs and corporate events, and have performed alongside such notable steampunk", "id": "21251932" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nGevers's original anthology \"Extraordinary Engines\" (2008) features newer steampunk stories by some of the genre's writers, as well as other science fiction and fantasy writers experimenting with neo-Victorian conventions. A retrospective reprint anthology of steampunk fiction was released, also in 2008, by Tachyon Publications. Edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer and appropriately entitled \"Steampunk\", it is a collection of stories by James Blaylock, whose \"Narbondo\" trilogy is typically considered steampunk; Jay Lake, author of the novel \"Mainspring\"", "id": "8016212" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nto Punk!\" Steampunk has also appeared in the work of musicians who do not specifically identify as Steampunk. For example, the music video of \"Turn Me On\", by David Guetta and featuring Nicki Minaj, takes place in a Steampunk universe where Guetta creates human droids. Another music video is \"The Ballad of Mona Lisa\", by Panic! at the Disco, which has a distinct Victorian Steampunk theme. A continuation of this theme has in fact been used throughout the 2011 album \"Vices & Virtues\"", "id": "8016236" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nSteampunks Thomas Willeford, Kato, and Matthew Yang King (as Matt King). Based on the work of cartoonist Jacques Tardi, \"April and the Extraordinary World\" (2015) is an animated movie set in a steampunk Paris. It features airships, trains, submarines, and various other steam-powered contraptions. Tim Burton's 2016 film \"Alice Through the Looking Glass\" features steampunk costumes, props, and vehicles. A variety of styles of video games have used steampunk settings. \"The Chaos Engine\" (", "id": "8016249" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nsimply support an open environment for donning steampunk attire. The Bristol Renaissance Faire in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on the Wisconsin/Illinois border, featured a Steampunk costume contest during the 2012 season, the previous two seasons having seen increasing participation in the phenomenon. Steampunk also has a growing following in the UK and Europe. The largest European event is \"Weekend at the Asylum\", held at The Lawn, Lincoln, every September since 2009. Organised as a not-for-profit event by the Victorian Steampunk Society, the", "id": "8016264" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nthings bought in thrift stores. Steampunk fashion did originally not include much jewelry, but a few accoutrements have made their way into the style during the 2010s. In steampunk fashion, corsets are more of a clothing item than an undergarment. Being rather conspicuous, they have more or less become synonymous with the genre. Corsets in brocade or leather, with steel-boning are a form of steampunk clothing inspired by the Victorian era. Brass goggles have become a trademark for steampunk fashion. Brass items are also a kind of official", "id": "16151681" }, { "contents": "Watch City Steampunk Festival\n\n\ndeliberately engaged by presenting events and programming in city spaces and local businesses often free to the public. This is still a primary feature of the Festival today. According to then CRMII Executive Director and first Festival Director Elln Hagny, the event was inspired by the success of two events in 2010: the New England Steampunk Festival and a steampunk exhibit, organized by Bruce Rosenbaum of ModVic, called \"Steampunk: Form & Function,\" the first steampunk exhibit featured in a major American museum. The Charles River Museum ceased its direct", "id": "18522909" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nfrom yesteryear, rayguns, and general steampunk quirks, its purpose is to provide a place for steampunkers in the region to display artwork for sale all year long. A year later, a more permanent gallery, Steampunk HQ, was opened in the former Meeks Grain Elevator Building across the road from The Woolstore, and has since become a notable tourist attraction for Oamaru. In 2012, the \"Mobilis in Mobili: An Exhibition of Steampunk Art and Appliance\" made its debut. Originally located at New York City's Wooster Street", "id": "8016203" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nSocial Club (itself the subject of the television series \"NY Ink\"), the exhibit featured working steampunk tattoo systems designed by Bruce Rosenbaum, of ModVic and owner of the Steampunk House, Joey \"Dr. Grymm\" Marsocci, and Christopher Conte. with different approaches. \"[B]icycles, cell phones, guitars, timepieces and entertainment systems\" rounded out the display. The opening night exhibition featured a live performance by steampunk band Frenchy and the Punk. Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines but tends to synthesize modern styles with", "id": "8016204" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nalternate steampunk universe, where elaborate infrastructures have been built to run on steam power. The 2001 CRPG called mixed fantasy tropes with steampunk. The \"SteamWorld\" series of games has the player controlling steam-powered robots. Both \"\" and its sequel, \"Thief II\" are set in a steampunk metropolis. \"Solatorobo\" (2010) is a role-playing video game developed by CyberConnect2 set in a floating island archipelago populated by anthropomorphic cats and dogs, who pilot steampunk airships and engage in combat with robots.", "id": "8016251" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nacclaimed by steampunk \"notables\". June 19, 2005 marked the grand opening of the world's first steampunk club night, \"Malediction Society\", in Los Angeles. The event ran for nearly 12 years at The Monte Cristo nightclub, interrupted by a single year residency at Argyle Hollywood, until both the club night and The Monte Cristo closed in April 2017. Though the steampunk aesthetic eventually gave way to a more generic goth and industrial aesthetic, Malediction Society celebrated its roots every year with \"The Steampunk Ball\".", "id": "8016259" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nmovement grew, entrepreneurs and companies became interested and started to mass-produce steampunk clothing to be sold both online and in stores. Since the genre emerged, the aesthetic of steampunk fashion has remained constant. New ideas in literature, and advancements in science and technology have resulted in subtle changes. Even though the genre did not become widely known until the late 20th century, steampunk and its fashion is said to have existed earlier. During the 1980s and 1990s, steampunk fashion grew along with the goth and punk movements in fashion", "id": "16151674" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nChristian Dior began introducing steampunk and neo-Victorian-inspired styles on the fashion runways. And in episode 7 of \"Lifetime\"'s \"Project Runway: Under the Gunn\" reality series, contestants were challenged to create \"avant-garde\" \"steampunk chic\" looks. Steampunk masks made by Ukrainian design studio Bob Basset, named by William Gibson as \"Probably the single best steampunk object I've seen\", using by music band members: Sid Wilson from Slipknot and Zac Baird from Korn. Since the early 2000s", "id": "16151684" }, { "contents": "Abney Park (band)\n\n\nAbney Park, a steampunk band based in Seattle, was responsible for initiating the steampunk musical subculture, transforming steampunk from a little known literary genre to a popular movement, and inspiring many later steampunk bands, writers and craftsmen. Their name comes from Abney Park Cemetery in London (UK). Formerly a goth band, Abney Park has transformed their look and sound and has been called the \"quintessential\" spokespeople of steampunk culture. Abney Park is the creative brainchild of Robert Brown, who formed the band in 1997 and continues", "id": "3979309" }, { "contents": "List of steampunk works\n\n\nhistory-style presentations of \"the path not taken\" of such technology as dirigibles or analog computers; these frequently are presented in an idealized light, or with a presumption of functionality. Although many works now considered seminal to the genre were published in the 1960s and 1970s, the term \"steampunk\" originated in the late 1980s as a tongue-in-cheek variant of cyberpunk. This article is a list of works in the science fiction and fantasy genres considered by commentators to be steampunk. Although the term \"steampunk", "id": "76050" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nreboot, feature heavy steampunk-inspired architecture, setting, and technology. Amidst the historical and fantasy subgenres of steampunk is a type that takes place in a hypothetical future or a fantasy equivalent of our future involving the domination of steampunk-style technology and aesthetics. Examples include Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro's \"The City of Lost Children\" (1995), \"Turn A Gundam\" (1999–2000), \"Trigun\", and Disney's film \"Treasure Planet\" (2002). In 2011, musician", "id": "8016221" }, { "contents": "Steampunk World's Fair\n\n\nSteampunk World's Fair (SPWF) was the largest annual Steampunk festival on the East Coast of the United States and one of the biggest in the world held over the course of a weekend during the month of May in Piscataway, New Jersey or Somerset, New Jersey. The programming embodied an atmosphere of fandom, including musicians, performers, vendors, artisans, authors, and other guests whose work is related to the steampunk subculture. Activities at the convention typically included (but are not limited to): The fair was", "id": "12740401" }, { "contents": "Steampunk City\n\n\n, the museum's Executive Director, Elln Hagney, had a vision of a much larger festival, similar to the conventions that the steampunk community was used to. The museum worked with a committee composed of members of the steampunk community and many local business professionals to make the festival possible. In 2011, the festival was renamed \"International Steampunk City\", and spanned the downtown area of Waltham, including the museum itself and the Waltham Watch Company building. Attendance reached 10,000 through the weekend. The programming was typical of a", "id": "4637978" }, { "contents": "Steel Empire\n\n\nEmpire was a sepia-colored steampunk world, but this would be a dark, grey steampunk. I have an image for it like the old war movies \"Nihyakusan Kouchi\", \"Senkan Yamato\", and \"Zerosen Moyu\". I'd like to take the dark grey atmosphere of those movies and make a steampunk world out of it, using color, but with a monochrome feel from the desaturated colors and such. I think that would be an original steampunk world, and I've been drawing up plans for", "id": "7161071" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nsteampunk genre. Steamboy (2004) is a Japanese animated action film directed and co-written by Katsuhiro Otomo (\"Akira\"). It is a retro science-fiction epic set in a Steampunk Victorian England. It features steamboats, trains, airships and inventors. The 2007 Syfy miniseries \"Tin Man\" incorporates a considerable number of steampunk-inspired themes into a re-imagining of L. Frank Baum's \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\". Despite leaning more towards gothic influences, the \"parallel reality\" of", "id": "8016245" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nMeanwhile City, within the 2009 film \"Franklyn\", contains many steampunk themes, such as costumery, architecture, minimal use of electricity (with a preference for gaslight), and absence of modern technology (such as there being no motorised vehicles or advanced weaponry, and the manual management of information with no use of computers). The 2009–2014 Syfy television series \"Warehouse 13\" features many steampunk-inspired objects and artifacts, including computer designs created by steampunk artisan Richard Nagy, a.k.a. \"Datamancer\". The 2010", "id": "8016246" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nepisode of the TV series \"Castle\" entitled \"Punked\" (which first aired on October 11, 2010) prominently features the steampunk subculture and uses Los Angeles-area steampunks (such as the League of STEAM) as extras. The 2011 film \"The Three Musketeers\" has many steampunk elements, including gadgets and airships. The 2012 Kickstarter-funded webseries, \"The World of Steam\", written, directed, and produced by Matthew Yang King and featuring King as Mr. Liang, the narrator. The series is", "id": "8016247" }, { "contents": "Cyberpunk derivatives\n\n\n) popularized the steampunk genre and helped propel it into mainstream fiction. The most immediate form of steampunk subculture is the community of fans surrounding the genre. Others move beyond this, attempting to adopt a \"steampunk\" aesthetic through fashion, home decor and even music. This movement may also be (perhaps more accurately) described as \"Neo-Victorianism\", which is the amalgamation of Victorian aesthetic principles with modern sensibilities and technologies. This characteristic is particularly evident in steampunk fashion which tends to synthesize punk, goth and rivet", "id": "11025710" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nInterest in steampunk aesthetics may also be due to an increased interest from the fashion industry in Victorian spiritualism, during the 2010s. Within the steampunk fashion, there are a number of personas, or archetypes, such as the valiant explorer with pith helmet, brass telescope and binoculars; the debonair aviator with birdlike gadgets and devices, leather helmet, brass goggles and canvas coat; and the gentleman, with a lab coat over formal clothes and belts for all sorts of implements and instruments. Steampunk fashion is a mixture of fashion trends", "id": "16151679" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nSteampunk fashion are derivative of Victorian era silhouettes (bell skirts, trumpet skirts, bustled skirts, etc.), but with a sexier, modern twist. In 2005, Kate Lambert, known professionally as \"Kato\", founded the first steampunk clothing company, \"Steampunk Couture\", mixing Victorian, post-apocalyptic and tribal influences as well as sci-fi, shabby chic and Harajuku/Mori girl elements. As early as 2010, high fashion lines such as Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Chanel and", "id": "16151683" }, { "contents": "Watch City Steampunk Festival\n\n\nWatch City Steampunk Festival, previously known as \"International Steampunk City\" and the \"Watch City Festival,\" is the oldest annual open-air, indoor/outdoor steampunk festival in the United States, and is held in Waltham, Massachusetts. It began in 2011 as a fundraiser by and for the benefit of the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation, which suffered significant flood damage in March 2010. The original event pioneered a new model of science fiction convention in which the broader, non-fandom public community was", "id": "18522908" }, { "contents": "Steampunk City\n\n\nInternational Steampunk City is an annual steampunk festival. It is currently held in the Historic Speedwell area of Morristown, New Jersey, United States, and was previously hosted in Waltham, Massachusetts. In Waltham it was held as a fundraiser for the benefit of the Charles River Museum of Industry, which suffered significant flood damage from the Charles River in March 2010. It was originally a one-day festival called \"Steampunk Festival\", located inside the museum itself. It had an attendance upwards of 1,000. For the second year", "id": "4637977" }, { "contents": "List of steampunk works\n\n\n\" was not coined until 1987, several works of fiction significant to the development of the genre were produced before that. For example, Mervyn Peake's novel \"Titus Alone\" (1959) anticipated many of the tropes of steampunk. Steampunk was particularly influenced by, and often adopts the style of the scientific romances and fantasies of the 19th century. Notably influential authors are: Early adaptations of this scientific romance literature genre to film, particularly those from the 1950s and 1960s, are notable precursors of steampunk cinema: The following", "id": "76051" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nin the designs of The Mysterious Island section of Tokyo DisneySea theme park and Disneyland Paris' Discoveryland area. Aspects of steampunk design emphasise a balance between form and function. In this it is like the Arts and Crafts Movement. But John Ruskin, William Morris, and the other reformers in the late nineteenth century rejected machines and industrial production. On the other hand, steampunk enthusiasts present a \"non-luddite critique of technology\". Various modern utilitarian objects have been modified by enthusiasts into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical \"steampunk", "id": "8016196" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nitems to fantastical contraptions, this exhibition showcased the work of eighteen steampunk artists from across the globe. The exhibition proved to be the most successful and highly attended in the museum's history and attracted more than eighty thousand visitors. The event was detailed in the official artist's journal \"The Art of Steampunk\", by curator Donovan. In November 2010, The Libratory Steampunk Art Gallery was opened by Damien McNamara in Oamaru, New Zealand. Created from papier-mâché to resemble a large subterranean cave and filled with industrial equipment", "id": "8016202" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nof Victorian-era objects. Post-apocalyptic elements, such as gas masks, ragged clothing, and tribal motifs, can also be included. Aspects of steampunk fashion have been anticipated by mainstream high fashion, the Lolita and aristocrat styles, neo-Victorianism, and the romantic goth subculture. In 2005, Kate Lambert, known as \"Kato\", founded the first steampunk clothing company, \"Steampunk Couture\", mixing Victorian and post-apocalyptic influences. In 2013, IBM predicted, based on an analysis of more", "id": "8016206" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nis set during an alternate First World War fought between the \"clankers\" (Central Powers), who use steam technology, and \"darwinists\" (Allied Powers), who use genetically engineered creatures instead of machines. \"Mash-ups\" are also becoming increasingly popular in books aimed at younger readers, mixing steampunk with other genres. Suzanne Lazear's \"Aether Chronicles\" series mixes steampunk with faeries, and \"The Unnaturalists\", by Tiffany Trent, combines steampunk with mythological creatures and alternate history. While most of", "id": "8016214" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nrealm, often populated by legendary creatures coexisting with steam-era and other anachronistic technologies. However, the works of China Miéville and similar authors are sometimes referred to as belonging to the \"New Weird\" rather than steampunk. Self-described author of \"far-fetched fiction\" Robert Rankin has increasingly incorporated elements of steampunk into narrative worlds that are both Victorian and re-imagined contemporary. In 2009, he was made a Fellow of the Victorian Steampunk Society. The comic book series \"Hellboy\", created by Mike", "id": "8016216" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nBoneshaker series is set in a world where a zombie apocalypse happened during the Civil War era. The Peshawar Lancers by S.M. Stirling is set in a post-apocalyptic future in which a meteor shower in 1878 caused the collapse of Industrialized civilization. The movie 9 (which might be better classified as \"stitchpunk\" but was largely influenced by steampunk) is also set in a post-apocalyptic world after a self-aware war machine ran amok. \"Steampunk Magazine\" even published a book called \"A Steampunk's Guide to", "id": "8016226" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nSky\" \"one of the first modern steampunk classics.\" \"Historical\" steampunk usually leans more towards science fiction than fantasy, but a number of historical steampunk stories have incorporated magical elements as well. For example, \"Morlock Night\", written by K. W. Jeter, revolves around an attempt by the wizard Merlin to raise King Arthur to save the Britain of 1892 from an invasion of Morlocks from the future. Paul Guinan's \"Boilerplate\", a \"biography\" of a robot in the late 19th century,", "id": "8016231" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nstill in development for television. The pilot episode, \"The Clockwork Heart,\" features Gail and Scott Fulsom of the League of STEAM. \"The Legend of Korra\", a 2012–2014 Nickelodeon animated series, incorporates steampunk elements in an industrialized world with East Asian themes. The \"Penny Dreadful\" (2014) television series is a Gothic Victorian fantasy series with steampunk props and costumes. The 2015 GSN reality television game show \"Steampunk'd\" features a competition to create steampunk-inspired art and designs which are judged by notable", "id": "8016248" }, { "contents": "Steamcon\n\n\nSteamcon was one of the largest steampunk conventions/symposia in the United States. Located in the Seattle area of Washington state, Steamcon held its first symposium in 2009. Steamcon grew out of the desire of its founders to host a steampunk event in greater Seattle. The idea to start the event was hatched at the local science fiction convention Norwescon in 2008 when multiple people expressed an interest to hold an event devoted exclusively to steampunk. Although the idea for a Seattle area Steampunk convention referred to as SteamCon was first used as the", "id": "12011995" }, { "contents": "The Steampunk Album That Cannot Be Named for Legal Reasons\n\n\nThe Steampunk Album That Cannot Be Named for Legal Reasons, originally known as Now That's What I Call Steampunk! Volume 1, is the first album by the English steampunk band The Men That Will Not Be Blamed for Nothing. The album was released by Leather Apron on CD and digital download and as a limited edition set containing one track on a phonographic wax cylinder. It is the first time a musical track has been released commercially as a wax cylinder in Britain since 1922. The album was renamed in January 2012", "id": "14106376" }, { "contents": "Thomas Willeford\n\n\neducated at University of Maryland, College Park, Shenandoah University, University of Delaware, and University of Oxford. In 1988 Willeford became interested in steampunk and began working on creating pieces combining his love of engineering and art. Willeford created the steampunk arm worn by Nathan Fillion in episode 3.4 of the television series Castle. His work has been displayed at the University of Oxford's Museum of the History of Science, at the Steampunk Bizarre Experiment, the Penn State Berks Freyberger Gallery, at Nemo's Steampunk Art & Invention Gallery and", "id": "15510176" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nthe Victorian, with stories that includes giddy action scenes and elaborate baroque expeditions. Kevin Jeter's 1979 novel \"Morlock Night\" is held to be the first steampunk novel, and the beginning of steampunk fashion. Just like its counterparts in other art forms, primarily literature, steampunk fashion is based on the aesthetic of an alternate history. Even though critics disagree about it being rooted in fantasy literature, there are elements that suggests that some part of its aesthetic is conceived from books and films that showcase alternate history using fantasy.", "id": "16151678" }, { "contents": "Watch City Steampunk Festival\n\n\nallowing for a Sunday rain date in the event of inclement weather. 2015 was the first year that the full schedule of daytime festival events was entirely free to the public. The Festival brought in an estimated Saturday attendance of over 10,000 at the 2015 event. While the programming is typical of a steampunk festival, including art exhibitions, panel discussions on a variety of topics, steampunk music, crafts workshops, vendors, and performances, the Watch City Steampunk Festival uniquely makes extensive use of its host city’s public spaces and Waltham", "id": "18522911" }, { "contents": "Steampunk HQ\n\n\nSteampunk HQ is an art collaboration and gallery in the historic Victorian precinct of Oamaru, New Zealand. Opened in November 2011, it celebrates its own industrial take on steampunk via an array of contraptions and sculptures, complemented by audio-visual installations in two darkened rooms and part of the buildings basement. A yard also contains a collection of other industrial parts and projects in various stages of completion. Steampunk HQ is located in the former Meeks Grain Elevator Building, a historic building registered with by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust as", "id": "7803925" }, { "contents": "Steampunk HQ\n\n\nbeing \"steampunked\", for example a train carriage being converted to a fortified steam engine and an \"Aethertractor\", as well as a variety of junk waiting to become ingredients in yet more contraptions. In 2012, Steampunk HQ was rated as one of New Zealand's best new tourist attractions and is open seven days per week all year, closed only on Christmas Day. An annual Steampunk NZ Festival is held every Queen's Birthday Weekend in early June with three days of activities including Fashion Show & Ball. The Libratory", "id": "7803928" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nSteampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. Although its literary origins are sometimes associated with the cyberpunk genre, steampunk works are often set in an alternative history of the 19th century British Victorian era or the American \"Wild West\", in a future during which steam power has maintained mainstream usage, or in a fantasy world that similarly employs steam power. However, steampunk and neo-Victorian are different in that the neo-", "id": "8016183" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\ntechnological change seemed to anticipate a better world, one remembered as relatively innocent of industrial decline.\" One of steampunk's most significant contributions is the way in which it mixes digital media with traditional handmade art forms. As scholars Rachel Bowser and Brian Croxall put it, \"the tinkering and tinker-able technologies within steampunk invite us to roll up our sleeves and get to work re-shaping our contemporary world.\" In this respect, steampunk bears more in common with DIY craft and making. Many of the visualisations of", "id": "8016194" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nRunway: Under the Gunn\" reality series, contestants were challenged to create \"avant-garde\" \"steampunk chic\" looks. America's Next Top Model tackled Steampunk fashion in a 2012 episode where models competed in a Steampunk themed photo shoot, posing in front of a steam train while holding a live owl. The educational book \"Elementary BASIC - Learning to Program Your Computer in BASIC with Sherlock Holmes\" (1981), by Henry Singer and Andrew Ledgar, may have been the first fictional work to depict the use", "id": "8016208" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nThis second film also features the Golden Army itself, which is a collection of 4,900 mechanical steampunk warriors. Since the 1990s, the application of the steampunk label has expanded beyond works set in recognisable historical periods, to works set in fantasy worlds that rely heavily on steam- or spring-powered technology. One of the earliest short stories relying on steam-powered flying machines is \"The Aerial Burglar\" of 1844. An example from juvenile fiction is \"The Edge Chronicles\" by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell. Fantasy steampunk settings", "id": "8016218" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nThomas Dolby heralded his return to music after a 20-year hiatus with an online steampunk alternate fantasy world called the Floating City, to promote his album \"A Map of the Floating City\". Another setting is \"Western\" steampunk, which overlaps with both the Weird West and Science fiction Western subgenres. One of the earliest steampunk books set in America was \"The Steam Man of the Prairies\" by Edward S. Ellis. Several other categories have arisen, sharing similar names, including dieselpunk, clockwork-punk, and others.", "id": "8016222" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n\"As for Paul Roland, if anyone deserves credit for spearheading Steampunk music, it is him. He was one of the inspirations I had in starting my project. He was writing songs about the first attempt at manned flight, and an Edwardian airship raid in the mid-80s long before almost anyone else...\" Thomas Dolby is also considered one of the early pioneers of retro-futurist (i.e., Steampunk and Dieselpunk) music. Amanda Palmer was once quoted as saying, \"Thomas Dolby is to Steampunk what Iggy Pop was", "id": "8016235" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nthe craft network Etsy between 2009 and 2011, though many of the objects and fashions bear little resemblance to earlier established descriptions of steampunk. Thus the craft network may not strike observers as \"sufficiently steampunk\" to warrant its use of the term. Comedian April Winchell, author of the book \"Regretsy: Where DIY meets WTF\", cataloged some of the most egregious and humorous examples on her website \"Regretsy\". The blog was popular among steampunks and even inspired a music video that went viral in the community and was", "id": "8016258" }, { "contents": "Steampunk (comics)\n\n\nSteampunk is a steampunk comic book series by artist Chris Bachalo and writer Joe Kelly, published by Wildstorm Comics' Cliffhanger imprint from 2000 to 2002. The series debuted in 2000 and ran for 12 issues, a prologue and a preview comic called \"Steampunk Catechism\". Originally planned for 24 issues, lack of readership ended the series at the end of act II. Joe Kelly's non-linear storytelling and Bachalo's highly detailed, though possibly confusing, penciling style received little interest from the mainstream comic-reading public.", "id": "11692185" }, { "contents": "The Steampunk Album That Cannot Be Named for Legal Reasons\n\n\nwax cylinder was from the band member Andy Heintz. The music in \"Now That's What I Call Steampunk! Volume 1\" mainly has a steampunk theme, in that most of the music is based on the steampunk sci-fi genre and neo-Victorianism. The style of the music has been described as: \"Part Victorian Music Hall, part punk rock, stuffed full of barbed pop hooks and with tongue firmly in cheek\". The songs include \"Steph(v)enson\", which is a song about four famous Victorians", "id": "14106380" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\nfrom different historical periods. Steampunk clothing adds the looks of characters from the 19th century, explorers, soldiers, lords, countesses and harlots, to the punk, contemporary street fashion, burlesque, goth, fetishism, vampire and frills among others. Related to steampunk fashion is the Lolita fashion, which strand stands for a youthful expression of girlishness. Though they both take inspiration from the Victorian era, Lolita is more modest and focused on purchasing clothing from commercial vendors, as opposed to steampunk clothing, which is traditionally created from", "id": "16151680" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\n, standard steampunk accessory. Goggles with intricate patterns on large, round frames are the most commonly used ones. Hats in steampunk fashion may include all kinds of headgear like flight helmets, bowler hats, pith helmets and pirates' bandanas. The headgear in steampunk fashion is also inspired by Victorian era fashion styles. Among those, the deerstalker hat that Sherlock Holmes, the noted character in Arthur Conan Doyle's novels, was depicted wearing in Sidney Paget's illustrations of the novel. Many of the skirt and dress styles worn in", "id": "16151682" }, { "contents": "Bruce Rosenbaum\n\n\nBruce Rosenbaum (born February 4, 1962 in Boston, MA) is an American artist and designer known for his creative Steampunk design and work both in his home, The Steampunk House, and produced by his company, ModVic. He has been called the steampunk guru by the Wall Street Journal and steampunk evangelist by Wired Magazine. Rosenbaum grew up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, attending Marblehead High School, then getting his bachelor's degree in Business at UMASS Amherst. After graduating UMASS, Rosenbaum worked as a Department Manager for Lord", "id": "20354766" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nVictorian movement does not extrapolate on technology while technology is a key aspect of steampunk. Steampunk most recognizably features anachronistic technologies or retrofuturistic inventions as people in the 19th century might have envisioned them, and is likewise rooted in the era's perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style, and art. Such technologies may include fictional machines like those found in the works of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne, or of the modern authors Philip Pullman, Scott Westerfeld, Stephen Hunt, and China Miéville. Other examples of steampunk contain alternative", "id": "8016184" }, { "contents": "Kate Lambert\n\n\nis featured prominently on the cover. Kato was also on the cover of the August 2014 issue of \"Bizarre\" Magazine, which referred to her as a \"steampunk idol\" and \"pin-up legend\". She also appeared on the cover of the Spring 2012 issue of \"FEY\" Magazine, and also the covers of September 2012 \"Ladies of Steampunk\" and April 2013 \"LoSP Bronze Age\" (NSFW) magazines. In July 2016 she was on the cover of \"Phantasm\" Magazine's steampunk issue", "id": "14201438" }, { "contents": "Castle in the Sky\n\n\nsecond place. The film is also considered a milestone in the steampunk genre, with \"The Steampunk Bible\" calling it \"one of the first modern steampunk classics.\" \"Castle in the Sky\" has had a strong influence on Japanese popular culture, with the \"Laputa Effect\" comparable to \"a modern day monomyth for Japanese genre films and media.\" It has influenced anime series such as \"\" (1990) and \"No Game No Life\" (2014), which references the film in episode 5", "id": "16578180" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n. The first use of the word in a title was in Paul Di Filippo's 1995 \"Steampunk Trilogy\", consisting of three short novels: \"Victoria\", \"Hottentots\", and \"Walt and Emily\", which, respectively, imagine the replacement of Queen Victoria by a human/newt clone, an invasion of Massachusetts by Lovecraftian monsters, and a love affair between Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. Superficially, steampunk may resemble retrofuturism. Indeed, both sensibilities recall \"the older but still modern eras in which", "id": "8016193" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n\", has a Western Steampunk setting. \"The Fabulous World of Jules Verne\" (1958) and \"The Fabulous Baron Munchausen\" (1962), both directed by Karel Zeman have steampunk elements. The 1965 television series \"The Wild Wild West\", as well as the 1999 film of the same name, features many elements of advanced steam-powered technology set in the Wild West time period of the United States. \"Two Years' Vacation\" (or \"The Stolen Airship\") (1967) directed", "id": "8016238" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nin most stories, but instead by harnessing the physical properties of a rare crystal—analogous to the lodestone used in the Laputa of Swift's Gulliver's Travels—augmented by massive propellers, as befitting the Victorian motif. The first \"Wallace & Gromit\" animation \"A Grand Day Out\" (1989) features a space rocket in the steampunk style. \"The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.\", a 1993 Fox Network TV science fiction-western set in the 1890s, features elements of steampunk as represented by the", "id": "8016243" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nwhale oil, as opposed to coal, served as catalyst of their industrial revolution. \"BioShock Infinite\" (2013) is a FPS game set in 1912, in a fictional city called Columbia, which uses technology to float in the sky and has many historical and religious scenes. \"\" (2014), a Japanese otome game for the PS Vita is set in a steampunk Victorian London, and features a cast with several historical figures with steampunk aesthetics. \"Code Name S.T.E.A.M.\" (2015), a Japanese tactical", "id": "8016253" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nRPG game for the 3DS sets in a steampunk fantasy version of London and where you are conscript in the strike force S.T.E.A.M. (short for Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace). \"They Are Billions\" (2017), is a Steampunk strategy game in a post-apocalyptic setting. Players build a colony and attempt to ward off waves of zombies. \"Frostpunk\" (2018) is a city-building game set in 1888, but where the Earth is in the midst of a great ice age. Players must", "id": "8016254" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n2006 saw the first \"SalonCon\", a neo-Victorian/steampunk convention. It ran for three consecutive years and featured artists, musicians (Voltaire and Abney Park), authors (Catherynne M. Valente, Ekaterina Sedia, and G. D. Falksen), salons led by people prominent in their respective fields, workshops and panels on steampunk—as well as a seance, ballroom dance instruction, and the Chrononauts' Parade. The event was covered by MTV and \"The New York Times\". Since then, a number", "id": "8016260" }, { "contents": "The Steampunk Album That Cannot Be Named for Legal Reasons\n\n\nHarlech\" from the film \"Zulu\" in the performance. A reviewer in \"Steampunk Magazine\" said of the album: \"For a long time, we have been waiting for a band that likes to mix a little punk into their Victoriana, and now, with the release of the Men's debut album \"Now That's What I Call Steampunk Volume 1\", we finally have it. The album is filled with guitar-and-drum-driven cockney punk songs, complete with the musical saw and comedy", "id": "14106384" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nthan a half million public posts on message boards, blogs, social media sites, and news sources, \"that 'steampunk,' a subgenre inspired by the clothing, technology and social mores of Victorian society, will be a major trend to bubble up and take hold of the retail industry\". Indeed, high fashion lines such as Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Chanel, and Christian Dior had already been introducing steampunk styles on the fashion runways. And in episode 7 of \"Lifetime\"'s \"Project", "id": "8016207" }, { "contents": "Steampunk (comics)\n\n\nThe series did have its supporters, especially Bachalo himself, saying, “I really enjoyed \"Steampunk\". That was probably my favorite book that I’ve worked on.” Despite the early cancellation, Bachalo still has a desire to finish the series. \"Steampunk\" tells the story of a young, poor fisherman, Cole Blaquesmith, who falls in love with a teacher, Miss Fiona in the mid-18th century. Fiona is an upper-class woman, who cares for the lower class and tries to educate them,", "id": "11692186" }, { "contents": "Weekend at the Asylum\n\n\nWeekend at the Asylum (commonly shortened to just The Asylum) is likely the largest and longest running Steampunk Festival in the World . Since 2009, the festival (or convivial in Steampunk parlance) has been held each year in Lincoln and currently stretches over multiple venues in the historic cathedral quarter of Lincoln town, Lincoln Castle and Bishop Grosseteste University. It is run as a not-for-profit event organised by the Victorian Steampunk Society. It combines four full days of features, classes, craft workshops and entertainment, such", "id": "12912540" }, { "contents": "Weekend at the Asylum\n\n\nas the Empire Ball, Majors Review (The Major's Soiree) and the International Tea Duelling final, along with live music, comedy acts and the largest steampunk market in the world referred to as the Bazaar Eclectica. The 2009 festival was held between Friday 11th and Sunday 13th September at The Lawn and was attended by 432 steampunks. The 2010 festival was held between Friday 10th and Sunday 12th September in The Lawn and Bailgate area. It included concerts, book signings and a market and was attended by almost a thousand steampunks", "id": "12912541" }, { "contents": "Kate Lambert\n\n\nto the steampunk genre. Her designs incorporate post-apocalyptic and tribal influences as well as sci-fi, shabby chic and Harajuku/Mori girl elements. One of her more popular ensembles, the \"Vex\" outfit, was named after model Ulorin Vex, who modelled it on the Steampunk Couture website. In 2006, Kato, then head of steampunk/industrial musician Doctor Steel's fan club, the \"Army of Toy Soldiers\", founded \"Toy Soldiers Unite!\", the club's website. Besides running", "id": "14201442" }, { "contents": "Thomas Willeford\n\n\nThomas Dean Willeford V (born October 29, 1964) is a steampunk writer, artist, and maker. He is particularly known for his work appearing on television, and for his book \"Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos\". He lives and works in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, doing business as Brute Force Studios. His steampunk subculture persona, aka \"steamsona\", is Lord Archibald \"Feathers\" Featherstone. Brought up in a Victorian house with a \"mad scientist\" grandfather who worked for DuPont, Willeford was", "id": "15510175" }, { "contents": "Oamaru\n\n\nThe Libratory and Steampunk HQ. Even the playgrounds in the harbour area continue the Victorian/industrial steam theme with a giant Penny Farthing structure supporting the swings, and several Steampunk-styled playground features. In August 2016 Oamaru made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest gathering of steampunks in the world, a term that was coined in the 1980s and is based on imagining inventions the Victorians might have created for the modern world. Most of the streets in Oamaru take their names from rivers in England, particularly", "id": "15763737" }, { "contents": "Steampunk fashion\n\n\n. Cyberpunk and dieselpunk fashion are variants of the steampunk fashion of the 1980s. Steampunk fashion is influenced by the fashion of the mid 19th century. For women this fashion was often dominated by long, flowing dresses and regal jacket bodices. The latter extended over the hips and matched the skirt fabric only occasionally. In the beginning of the 1860s, the bodice ended at the waist. New styles emerged and the Garibaldi blouse, made its appearance. During the early 1860s, the hoops of the skirts were also taking on an", "id": "16151675" }, { "contents": "Historical fantasy\n\n\ntechnology. Similar to steampunk, gunpowder fantasy is considered a step below its more popular cousin. Gunpowder fantasy combines elements of epic fantasy (magic, mythical creatures, elves, epic scale) with rifles and railroads. It is a relatively new sub-genre, but has been picking up popularity. It varies from steampunk in that it stays away from the fantastic inventions (airships, machines, etc.) that are common in steampunk. It is also sometimes called \"muskets and magic\". Gunpowder fantasy is generally set", "id": "17052437" }, { "contents": "Ann VanderMeer\n\n\nNightshade Books), \"Last Drink Bird Head\", and \"Love-Drunk Book Heads\". VanderMeer has partnered with her husband, author Jeff VanderMeer, on \"The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals\". She has also partnered with Jeff on editing projects such as the World Fantasy Award-winning \"Leviathan\" series and the Hugo finalist \"The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases\". Recent collaborations include \"The New Weird\", \"Steampunk\", and \"Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded", "id": "18902372" }, { "contents": "The Men That Will Not Be Blamed for Nothing\n\n\nin diverse venues including comedy clubs, festivals and theatres (the latter in support of frontman O'Neill on the tour of his comedy show Andrew O'Neill's Totally Spot-On History of British Industry). They have performed at the Whitby Gothic Weekend, Steampunk events such as the UK Steampunk Convivial in Lincoln, the World Steam Expo in Detroit, Michigan, the Steampunk World's Fair in New Jersey, and more mainstream UK festivals such as Glastonbury Festival, Bestival, Camp Bestival, and the Latitude Festival. Their debut album,", "id": "19989712" }, { "contents": "Viktor, a Steampunk Adventure\n\n\nViktor, a Steampunk Adventure is a point n' click adventure game developed by Zagreb-based Studio Spektar. It boasts a cartoony steampunk setting placed in an imagined version of Agram, Austria-Hungary where characters are replaced by animals. The adventure follows Viktor, a boar disillusioned with his role as a janitor, and sets on a journey to become the next Emperor of Austria-Hungary. It was first released on Steam in March, 2017. The game's core follows the classic point n' click adventure formula,", "id": "5819096" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n-history-style presentations of such technology as steam cannons, lighter-than-air airships, analogue computers, or such digital mechanical computers as Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. Steampunk may also incorporate additional elements from the genres of fantasy, horror, historical fiction, alternate history, or other branches of speculative fiction, making it often a hybrid genre. The first known appearance of the term \"steampunk\" was in 1987, though it now retroactively refers to many works of fiction created as far back as the 1950s or", "id": "8016185" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\nRipper, Sherlock Holmes and even Tarzan—and can normally be understood as combining supernatural fiction and recursive fantasy, though some gaslight romances can be read as fantasies of history.\" Author/artist James Richardson-Brown coined the term \"steamgoth\" to refer to steampunk expressions of fantasy and horror with a \"darker\" bent. Mary Shelley's \"The Last Man\", set near the end of the 21st century after a plague had brought down civilization, was probably the ancestor of post-apocalyptic steampunk literature. Post", "id": "8016224" }, { "contents": "Steampunk\n\n\n, in the music videos, album art, and tour set and costumes. In addition, the album \"Clockwork Angels\" (2012) and its supporting tour by progressive rock band Rush contain lyrics, themes, and imagery based around Steampunk. Similarly, Abney Park headlined the first \"Steamstock\" outdoor steampunk music festival in Richmond, California, which also featured Thomas Dolby, Frenchy and the Punk, Lee Presson and the Nails, Vernian Process, and others. The music video for the Lindsey Stirling song \"Roundtable Rival", "id": "8016237" } ]
Why is the lethal injection needle sterilised?
[{"answer": "I believe the execution can be halted right up to the 'push' of the drug sequence into the IV. This means that the needle is placed a few minutes before the actual execution starts. So they still need to be able to abort the procedure at a moments notice with no harm to the prisoner. Edit: Grammar"}, {"answer": "It's a standard medical procedure and has no real meaning nor is it part of a subtle, ongoing joke. In addition to the health and safety reasons (for when you're handling sharp objects), you are also ensuring that the condemned dies due to the chemicals. Also, the companies that manufacture the needles don't know what it's going to be used for. They are required to sterilize the needles that they ship out."}, {"answer": "Good God, armchair doctors and lawyers, step aside a second. Nobody actually sterilizes needles before using them anymore. They're all disposable and come prepackaged already sterile. It's cheaper than buying and maintaining an autoclave, and paying a surgical tech to operate it. Plus it reduces the risk of an accidental needlestick injury (they teach you not to even re-cap a used needle- there are almost always safety mechanisms on them to slide a plastic sheath over the needle so that it can be disposed of in a sharps container). Now go back to the movies and TV shows that inform your knowledge bases."}, {"answer": "Where are you going to get unsterilized needles? Recovering used needles would be a waste of taxpayer dollars, and opening the packaging earlier in the day just to let it sit out and fester for awhile is a waste of time. They are pre-packaged single-use devices, manufactured in bulk."}, {"answer": "It would have to also have something to do with the fact that the needle is being handled by someone other than the one being executed. If they stick themselves with the needle, they'll want the assurance that they haven't contracted something horrible. That would mean a whole LOT of other needles to be involved! Workplace health and safety"}, {"answer": "I'm sure it's easier and cheaper to find sterile needles than used ones..."}, {"answer": "\"In case the condemned receives a stay of execution at the last minute. Since no one knows if the condemned will be receive a stay at the last minute, standard medical infection rules apply. This includes swabbing the IV area with alcohol and iodine as well as using sterile, one-time-use needles. Regardless of setting, using sterilized needles makes things safer for everyone involved. It avoids any improper infection, making cause of death easier to rule. Also, having sterilized needles prevents staff members from getting any infection due to cross-contamination. It does seem counter-intuitive, yes. But since the main reason is to keep the condemned healthy until death is administered, spending the extra time to sanitize and sterilize is well worth it.\" Found this."}, {"answer": "As has been mentioned, when the State is trying to put someone to death, it takes a while. During all the time it takes to get ready, the Governor can call and pardon the prisoner and tell everyone not to kill him. So they take out the needle, which must be clean to prevent infection. Legally, if the prisoner was to get sick because of the needle, his lawyers could argue that the prison broke the rules of how to keep prisoners (ELI20: The 6th Amendment on Cruel and Unusual Punishment) and try to get the prisoner life in prison instead, or even freed. So they're really trying to cover their own ass at for possible options, as governments usually try to do."}, {"answer": "fun fact: doctors can't perform a lethal injection because of the Hippocratic Oath so the prisons hire interns and nurses to do it instead and you end up with stories, like this one, where they [can't find the vein]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "You want them to keep a used, dirty needle around somewhere instead of just buying a box of clean ones for $10 and using a fresh one everytime?"}, {"answer": "I've heard urban legends of doctors \"saving\" prisioners from heart attacks/etc with the prisioner being executed days later. I'm curious how many \"11th hour\" stoppage there have been (I mean, where the sterilization of the needle has come into play). Has someone really been hooked up and then the governor calls?"}, {"answer": "Surgical needles, at least in the west, come in one flavour - sterilised. Sourcing unsterlised needles would cost more than buying standard ones."}, {"answer": "Because everything about capital punishment is illogical and abhorrent."}, {"answer": "All prison nurses are union. Union nurses must sterilize all needles regardless of procedure. It would take millions of dollars for lawyers to weed out a provision in their contracts to make a single caveat for lethal injections. $1,000,000's in lawyers fees > $.03 for a cotton ball and a dab of alcohol times every time we've actually gotten around to putting someone to death."}, {"answer": "That's just how needles for injections come. I don't think there's much of a market for non-sterile needles. They likely come from the same kind of suppliers as the ones health care providers and the general population get their supplies from. I'd be surprised if there was some kind of \"special\" equipment for lethal injection. I've never actually seen it done but I am under the impression that it's actually a luer-lock type of system with IV line established, not just a venipuncture and immediate injection thereafter. I think they probably establish a peripheral site line and then attach a needleless syringe to the hub to inject the solution. All of that stuff is just sterile."}, {"answer": "Suplly technician for a large hospital here. Many needless come sterilized from the factory. As in when you remove it from the covering it is already sterile. I doubt they have a sterilization unit there processing their supplies. It pregnant just comes that way, but people have turned it into a thing where it sounds like they go out of their way to sterilize it."}, {"answer": "As a needle user every day in a veterinary practice, every needle I have ever purchased for use has been prepackaged and sterile. Also, if you use a needle too many times, such as poking it into a rubber stopper of a medicine bottle, the needle dulls. So it's not like it has to be sterile, but it just comes like that."}, {"answer": "Well, kiddo, when the government decides to...get rid of a bad guy, they don't want to hurt the bad guys, just to get rid of them. It's not nice to be mean to the bad guys. Also, sometimes a good person is mistaken for the bad guy and we don't want to risk getting him sick, just in case."}, {"answer": "Aside from whatever the *actual* reason is, I would think the most *reasonable and simple* explanation is that medical procedures shouldn't allow for inconsistencies from one patient to the next due to the potential for other problems. Inconsistencies in most anything is what creates problems and litigation."}, {"answer": "It has nothing to do with it being a lethal injection. I doubt you could even buy non sterile medical syringes if you wanted to for some reason."}, {"answer": "Because it's not like we're a bunch of sick fucking monsters. Non-sterilized needles? Come on now, that's inhumane."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "62745", "title": "Lethal injection", "section": "Section::::Procedure.:Procedure in U.S. executions.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 17, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 17, "end_character": 755, "bleu_score": 0.5521145150517471}]}]
[ { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\ninserts the needle, while a second prison employee orders, prepares, and loads the drugs into the lethal injection syringes. Two other staff members take each of the three syringes and secure them into the IVs. After the curtain is opened to allow the witnesses to see inside the chamber, the condemned person is then permitted to make a final statement. Following this, the warden signals that the execution may commence, and the executioner(s) (either prison staff or private citizens depending on the jurisdiction) then manually inject the three", "id": "16221795" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n, Dr. William Hamilton, stated that Diaz's liver appeared normal, but that the needle had been pierced through Diaz's vein into his flesh. The deadly chemicals had subsequently been injected into soft tissue, rather than into the vein. Two days after the execution, then-Governor Jeb Bush suspended all executions in the state and appointed a commission \"to consider the humanity and constitutionality of lethal injections.\" The ban was lifted by Governor Charlie Crist when he signed the death warrant for Mark Dean Schwab on July 18,", "id": "16221843" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nin case of an accidental needle stick. Following connection of the lines, saline drips are started in both arms. This, too, is standard medical procedure: it must be ascertained that the IV lines are not blocked, ensuring the chemicals have not precipitated in the IV lines and blocked the needle, preventing the drugs from reaching the subject. A heart monitor is attached to the inmate. In most states, the intravenous injection is a series of drugs given in a set sequence, designed to first induce unconsciousness followed by", "id": "16221792" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n. When a 'mega-dose' is administered, as in state-sanctioned lethal injection, the concentration in the brain during the tail phase of the distribution remains higher than the peak concentration found in the induction dose for anesthesia, because repeated doses—or a single very high dose as in lethal injection—accumulate in high concentrations in body fat, from which the thiopental is gradually released. This is the reason why an ultra-short acting barbiturate, such as thiopental, can be used for long-term induction", "id": "16221806" }, { "contents": "Syringe\n\n\na day with multiple daily insulin injections, which becomes an affordability issue for many. Even though the syringe and needle are only used by a single person, this practice is still unsafe as it can introduce bacteria from the skin into the bloodstream and cause serious and sometimes lethal infections. In medical settings, single-use needles and syringes effectively reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Medical syringes are sometimes used without a needle for orally administering liquid medicines to young children or animals, or milk to small young animals, because", "id": "16701464" }, { "contents": "Antimalarial medication\n\n\nprophylaxis). The World Health Organization recommendation for quinine is 20 mg/kg first times and 10 mg/kg every 8 hours for 5 days where parasites are sensitive to quinine, combined with doxycycline, tetracycline or clindamycin. Doses can be given by oral, intravenous or intramuscular routes. The recommended method depends on the urgency of treatment and the available resources (i.e. sterilised needles for IV or IM injections). Use of quinine is characterised by a frequently experienced syndrome called cinchonism. Tinnitus (a hearing impairment), rashes", "id": "15396949" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n; two intravenous cannulas (\"IVs\") are then inserted, one in each arm. Only one is necessary to carry out the execution; the other is reserved as a backup in the event the primary line fails. A line leading from the IV line in an adjacent room is attached to the prisoner's IV and secured so that the line does not snap during the injections. The arm of the condemned person is swabbed with alcohol before the cannula is inserted. The needles and equipment used are sterilized. Questions have", "id": "16221790" }, { "contents": "Pen needles\n\n\nPen needles are used in conjunction with injection pens to deliver injectable medications into the body. A pen needle consists of a hollow needle which is embedded in a plastic hub and attaches to injection pens. Pen needles come in a variety of needle lengths and diameters and are used by health professionals and patients for injection of a variety of medications. They are commonly used by people with diabetes who often require multiple daily insulin injections. Needle technology has changed over the past decades. Many years ago home use syringe needles were large,", "id": "2818561" }, { "contents": "Casoni test\n\n\nThe Casoni test is an immediate hypersensitivity skin test used in the diagnosis of hydatid disease introduced by casoni. The test involves the intradermal injection of 0.25 ml of sterilised fluid from hydatid cysts/human cyst and sterilised by Seitz filtration on forearm and equal volume of saline injected on the other forearm. Observations made for next 30 mins and after 1 to 2 days. A wheal response occurring at the injection site within 20 minutes is considered positive. (Immediate hypersensitivity). Delayed hypersensitivity reaction usually read after 18-24 hours.", "id": "3973313" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n\"PloS Medicine\" – confirmed and extended the conclusions made in the article and goes further to disprove the assertion that the lethal-injection process is painless. To date, these two studies by the University of Miami team serve as the only critical peer-reviewed examination of the pharmacology of the lethal injection process. According to the new lethal injection protocols section above, single-drug lethal injection is already in use, or intended, in 11 states. The execution can be painlessly accomplished, without risk of consciousness, by", "id": "16221839" }, { "contents": "Dry needling\n\n\nneedling; the current techniques of dry needling were based on the traditional and western medical acupuncture. The two techniques Travell described are the injection of a local anesthetic and the mechanical use of a hypodermic needle without injecting a solution. Travell preferred a 22-gauge, 1.5-in hypodermic needle for trigger point therapy and used this needle for both injection therapy and dry needling. Travell never used an acupuncture needle. Travell had access to acupuncture needles but reasoned that they were far too thin for trigger point therapy. She preferred hypodermic needles because of their", "id": "18933182" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n' lethal injection procedures through a federal civil rights lawsuit. Since then, numerous death-row inmates have brought such challenges in the lower courts, claiming that lethal injection as currently practiced violates the ban on \"cruel and unusual punishment\" found in the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Lower courts evaluating these challenges have reached opposing conclusions. For example, courts have found that lethal injection as practiced in California, Florida, and Tennessee is unconstitutional. Other courts have found that lethal injection as practiced in Missouri, Arizona", "id": "16221820" }, { "contents": "List of people executed by lethal injection\n\n\nLethal injection is the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person by a government for the express purpose of causing immediate death. While Nazi Germany was known to execute enemies of the state using an injection of lethal drugs, the first country to legalize and formally implement what is referred to today as lethal injection was the United States. The state of Texas adopted it as its form on capital punishment in 1977 and executed the first person by it, Charles Brooks Jr., in 1982. The practice was subsequently adopted by", "id": "4146663" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n, and Oklahoma is constitutionally acceptable. As of 2014, California has nearly 750 prisoners condemned to death by lethal injection despite the moratorium imposed when in 2006 a federal court found California's lethal injection procedures to be unconstitutional. A newer lethal injection facility has been constructed at San Quentin State Prison which cost over $800,000, but it has yet to be used because a state court found that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation violated the California Administrative Procedure Act by attempting to prevent public oversight when new injection procedures were being created", "id": "16221821" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nto this method was Ohio, on December 8, 2009. In 2011, after pressure by activist organizations, the manufacturers of sodium thiopental and pentobarbital halted the supply of the drugs to U.S. prisons performing lethal injections and required all resellers to do the same. In the past, the People's Republic of China executed prisoners primarily by means of shooting. In recent years, lethal injection has become more common. The specific lethal injection procedures, including the drug or drugs used, are a state secret and not publicly known.", "id": "16221800" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nparticipation in lethal injection, as it does not have the authority to revoke medical licenses, as medical licensing is handled on the state level. Typically, most states do not require that physicians administer the drugs for lethal injection, but most states do require doctors, nurses or paramedics to prepare the substances before their application and to attest the inmate's death after it. Some states specifically detail that participation in a lethal injection is not to be considered practicing medicine. For example, Delaware law reads \"the administration of the required", "id": "16221828" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n\"post mortem\" blood concentrations over time. Given the near absence of scientific, peer-reviewed data on the topic of thiopental \"post mortem\" pharmacokinetics, the controversy continues in the lethal injection community and in consequence, many legal challenges to lethal injection have not used the \"Lancet\" article. In 2007, the same group that authored the \"Lancet\" study extended its study of the lethal-injection process through a critical examination of the pharmacology of the barbiturate thiopental. This study – published in the online journal", "id": "16221838" }, { "contents": "John R. Hicks\n\n\nlife to be spared, while his sister-in-law argued that Hicks should be executed for his crimes. John Hicks died by lethal injection at 10:20 a.m. on November 29, 2005 at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, Ohio. Asked for a final statement by the warden, he said: It begun with a syringe in my arm and it ends with a needle in my arm. It's come full circle. I realize that. … I know this may be shallow or hollow words to y'all", "id": "7805536" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nbeing in 2000. Guatemalan law still allows for the death penalty and lethal injection is the sole method allowed, but no penalties have been carried out since 2000 when the country experienced the live televised execution of Manuel Martínez Coronado. The export of drugs to be used for lethal injection was banned by the European Union (EU) in 2011, together with other items under the EU Torture Regulation. Since then, pentobarbital followed thiopental in the European Union's ban. By early 2014, a number of botched executions involving lethal injection", "id": "16221787" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n. On September 25, 2007, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear a lethal-injection challenge arising from Kentucky, \"Baze v. Rees\". In Baze, the Supreme Court addressed whether Kentucky's particular lethal-injection procedure (using the standard three-drug protocol) comports with the Eighth Amendment; it also determined the proper legal standard by which lethal-injection challenges in general should be judged, all in an effort to bring some uniformity to how these claims are handled by the lower courts. Although uncertainty", "id": "16221822" }, { "contents": "Electric chair\n\n\nand Virginia. Arkansas and Oklahoma laws provide for its use should lethal injection ever be held to be unconstitutional. Inmates in the other states must select either it or lethal injection. In Kentucky, only inmates sentenced before a certain date can choose to be executed by electric chair. Electrocution is also authorized in Kentucky in the event that lethal injection is found unconstitutional by a court. Tennessee was among the states that provided inmates with a choice of the electric chair or lethal injection; in May 2014, however, the state passed", "id": "332974" }, { "contents": "Bacteria\n\n\nby antiseptic measures such as sterilising the skin prior to piercing it with the needle of a syringe, and by proper care of indwelling catheters. Surgical and dental instruments are also sterilised to prevent contamination by bacteria. Disinfectants such as bleach are used to kill bacteria or other pathogens on surfaces to prevent contamination and further reduce the risk of infection. Bacteria, often lactic acid bacteria, such as \"Lactobacillus\" and \"Lactococcus\", in combination with yeasts and moulds, have been used for thousands of years in the preparation of", "id": "6710986" }, { "contents": "Hill v. McDonough\n\n\n. In January 2000, the Florida legislature amended its state statutes changing the prescribed method of execution from electrocution to lethal injection, unless the person sentenced to death affirmatively elects to be executed by electrocution. The precise authority by which lethal injection was to be carried out was left to the Florida Department of Corrections. The Florida Department of Corrections does not publish its information about lethal injection, and so the only source available describing Florida's use of the lethal injection death penalty comes from \"Sims v. State\", which indicated that", "id": "13877446" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nmethod of execution in China, Thailand, Guatemala, Taiwan, the Maldives, Nigeria and Vietnam, though Guatemala has not conducted an execution since 2000 and the Maldives has never carried out an execution since its independence. Although Taiwan permits lethal injection as an execution method, no executions have been carried out in this manner, most likely due to drug shortages, the same is true for Nigeria. Lethal injection was also used in the Philippines until the country re-abolished the death penalty in 2006. Lethal injection gained popularity in", "id": "16221782" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n, and a rising shortage of suitable drugs, had some U.S. states reconsidering lethal injection as a form of execution. Tennessee, which had previously offered inmates a choice between lethal injection and the electric chair, passed a law in May 2014 which gave the state the option to use the electric chair if lethal injection drugs are either unavailable or made unconstitutional. At the same time, Wyoming and Utah were considering the use of execution by firing squad in addition to other existing execution methods. In 2016, Pfizer joined over 20 American", "id": "16221788" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nhorrifying to the public. Lethal injections are less expensive than firing squads, with a single dose costing 300 yuan compared to 700 yuan for a shooting execution. Like China, executions in Vietnam were also mainly by means of shooting. The use of lethal injection method was approved by the government in June 2010, adopted in 2011 and only executed in 2013. Urges to adopt other methods as lethal injection to replace the shooting execution began earlier, in 2006, after concerns of the mental state of the firing squad members after executions", "id": "16221802" }, { "contents": "List of people executed by lethal injection\n\n\nrespectively. The United States and China are the two biggest users of this method of execution. The U.S. had executed 1,283 people via lethal injection as of April 2017. The number of people executed annually in China is thought to surpass all other countries combined, though the actual number is a state secret, and the percentage of people killed via lethal injection and the other method of execution used there, firing squad, is also unclear. This alphabetical list features notable cases up to March 2019, and only those where lethal injection", "id": "4146665" }, { "contents": "List of people executed by lethal injection\n\n\ngas chamber. Opponents of lethal injection reject this argument, noting multiple cases where executions have been either painful, prolonged, or both. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, lethal injections have the highest rate of botched executions of any method used in the US, with 7.12% of executions using this method between 1982 and 2010 considered to have not gone according to plan. A study published in \"The Lancet\" in 2005 found that in 43% of cases of lethal injection, the blood level of hypnotics was insufficient", "id": "4146667" }, { "contents": "COTSBot\n\n\nCOTSBot is a small intelligent underwater craft 4.5 feet long, which is being designed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to kill the very destructive crown of thorns starfish in the Great Barrier Reef off the north-east coast of Australia. It identifies its target using an image-analyzing neural net to analyze what an onboard camera sees, and then lethal-injects the starfish with bile salts or similar using a needle on the end of a long underslung foldable arm. It uses GPS to navigate. It has been in", "id": "18934931" }, { "contents": "Tranquillizer gun\n\n\nA tranquillizer gun (also spelled tranquilizer gun or tranquilliser gun), capture gun or dart gun, is a non-lethal air gun often used for incapacitating animal targets via drugs usually referred as \"tranquilizers\". These guns shoot darts with a hypodermic needle tip, filled with a dose of tranquilizer solution that is either sedative, comatosing or paralytic, which once injected will temporarily impair the target's physical function to a level that allows it to be approached and handled in an unresisting and thus safe manner. Tranquillizer guns have", "id": "21964186" }, { "contents": "Tokyo 10+01\n\n\nthe participants out of the game when they are shot, come within 50 meters. The bracelets also contain hypodermic needles which will inject the wearers with a lethal poison if they attempt to take the bracelets off or time runs out, thus forcing them all to play the game or face death. Unarmed and after being divided into three teams, the game starts. The first indication that things are not what they seem occurs shortly into the game when Big Mac is shot and killed by some hunters, revealing that the players must", "id": "8390712" }, { "contents": "Intradermal injection\n\n\n\" long and 26 or 27 gauge thick needle is used. The traditional procedure of ID injection (Mantoux Procedure) involves injecting at angle of administration of 5 to 15 degrees angle, almost against the skin. With bevel (opening) side up, insert about 1/8\" with entire bevel inside and inject while watching for a small wheal or blister to appear. Traditionally hypodermic needles are used for intradermal injections, instead of intradermic needles. Various microneedle technology researchers worldwide develop new devices and therapies to overcome typical usability issues associated with", "id": "11589736" }, { "contents": "Hypodermic needle\n\n\nMultiple sclerosis patients may also treat themselves by injection; several MS therapies, including various interferon preparations, are designed to be self-administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. In some countries, erectile dysfunction patients may be prescribed Alprostadil in injectable form, which is self-injected directly into the base or side of the penis with a very fine hypodermic needle. Hypodermic needles are also used by untrained users in recreational intravenous drug use (e.g., injecting solutions of heroin and water). Before governments attained current levels of awareness about", "id": "14458954" }, { "contents": "Subcutaneous injection\n\n\ninjections, where no more than 0.5 mL is usually given. Subcutaneous injections are inserted at 45 to 90 degree angles, depending on amount of subcutaneous tissue present and length of needle- a shorter, 3/8\" needle is usually inserted 90 degrees and a 5/8\" needle is usually inserted at 45 degrees. Medication is administered slowly, about 10 seconds/milliliter. A person with insulin-dependent (either type 1 or type 2) diabetes mellitus typically injects insulin subcutaneously. The injection should be given under the skin, into the", "id": "19039550" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nmay also kill via cardiac arrhythmia. On occasion, difficulties inserting the intravenous needles have also occurred, sometimes taking over half an hour to find a suitable vein. Typically, the difficulty is found in convicts with diabetes or a history of intravenous drug use. Opponents argue that the insertion of intravenous lines that take excessive amounts of time are tantamount to being cruel and unusual punishment. In addition, opponents point to instances where the intravenous line has failed, or when adverse reactions to drugs or unnecessary delays happen during the process of", "id": "16221841" }, { "contents": "Stephen Anthony Mobley\n\n\nexecuted by lethal injection at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification State Prison on March 1, 2005. Mobley's execution was delayed by legal appeals right up to the last moment. Minutes before the scheduled 7:00pm execution time, the Supreme Court issued a temporary stay to review these final appeals. At 7:25pm, after the high court had denied the appeals, Mobley was prepared by prison officials by strapping him to a gurney and affixing a needle that would deliver the mixture of drugs designed to stop his heart. at 7:50pm, he made", "id": "2854577" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nlethal substance or substances required by this section shall not be construed to be the practice of medicine and any pharmacist or pharmaceutical supplier is authorized to dispense drugs to the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee, without prescription, for carrying out the provisions of this section, notwithstanding any other provision of law\" (excerpt from Title 11, Chapter 42, § 4209). State law allows for the dispensing of the drugs/chemicals for lethal injection to the state's department of corrections without a prescription. Opponents of lethal injection have", "id": "16221829" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nbeen raised about why these precautions against infection are performed despite the purpose of the injection being death. The several explanations include: cannulae are sterilized and have their quality heavily controlled during manufacture, so using sterile ones is a routine medical procedure. Secondly, the prisoner could receive a stay of execution after the cannulae have been inserted, as happened in the case of James Autry in October 1983 (he was eventually executed on March 14, 1984). Third, use of unsterilized equipment would be a hazard to the prison personnel", "id": "16221791" }, { "contents": "Facet joint injection\n\n\nusually fluoroscopy using CT or x-ray guidance. CT fluoroscopy increases the precision of the needle placement. Others may use ultrasound or magnetic resonance guidance. Contrast dye is injected into the facet joint to assure that the needle is in the correct place. Once confirmed, a mixture of an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication, is slowly injected into the joint. The anti-inflammatory medication is usually the steroid Celestone. The needle is then released. The injection can be used to treat any facet joint that is causing pain", "id": "13502937" }, { "contents": "Injection port\n\n\na short soft cannula. An injection port can be used in conjunction with multiple daily injections of insulin by people with diabetes. It can also be used for the subcutaneous administration of any other physician prescribed medication Injection ports are usually applied by the patient. The device comes with a needle surrounded by a soft cannula. The needle and cannula are manually inserted into the patient's tissue. Immediately after insertion the needle is removed and the cannula remains below the surface of the skin. Ports are usually worn on the abdomen, but", "id": "14855104" }, { "contents": "Fuel injection\n\n\nwith the help of a nozzle that is opened and closed with a needle valve, operated with a solenoid. When the solenoid is not activated, the spring forces the needle valve into the nozzle passage and prevents the injection of fuel into the cylinder. The solenoid lifts the needle valve from the valve seat, and fuel under pressure is sent in the engine cylinder. Third-generation common rail diesels use piezoelectric injectors for increased precision, with fuel pressures up to . Direct fuel injection costs more than indirect injection systems: the", "id": "16440080" }, { "contents": "Injection (medicine)\n\n\nneedle should be used each time, as needles get duller and more damaged with each use and reusing needles increases risk of infection. Needles should not be shared between people, as this increases risk of transmitting blood-borne pathogens. This can lead to infections and even lifelong disease. Needles should be disposed of in sharps containers. This reduces the risk of accidental needle sticks and exposure to other people. 40% of injections worldwide are administered with unsterilized, reused syringes and needles, and in some countries this proportion is 70", "id": "8813299" }, { "contents": "Gas chamber\n\n\nafter November 1992 would be executed by lethal injection. Following the execution of Robert Alton Harris, a federal court declared that \"execution by lethal gas under the California protocol is unconstitutionally cruel and unusual.\" By the late 20th century, most states had switched to methods considered to be more humane, such as lethal injection. California's gas chamber at San Quentin State Prison was converted to an execution chamber for lethal injection. As of 2010, the last person to be executed in the gas chamber was German national Walter LaGrand", "id": "13491101" }, { "contents": "Baze v. Rees\n\n\nBaze v. Rees, 553 U.S. 35 (2008), is a decision by the United States Supreme Court, which upheld the constitutionality of a particular method of lethal injection used for capital punishment. Ralph Baze and Thomas Bowling were sentenced to death in Kentucky, each for a double-murder. They argued that executing them by lethal injection would violate the Eighth Amendment prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. The governing legal standard required that lethal injection must not inflict \"unnecessary pain\", and Baze and Bowling argued that the lethal", "id": "15608475" }, { "contents": "Dupuytren's contracture\n\n\n. The needle is placed vertically on the bowstring. The collagenase is distributed across three injection points. For the PIP joint the needle must be placed not more than 4 mm distal to palmar digital crease at 2–3 mm depth. The injection for PIP consists of one injection filled with 0.58 mg CCH 0.20 ml. The needle must be placed horizontal to the cord and also uses a 3-point distribution. After the injection the person’s hand is wrapped in bulky gauze dressing and must be elevated for the rest of the day. After", "id": "19014222" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nIn at least some cases, prisoners facing death by lethal injection have been sedated at a prison, then placed inside an execution van that is disguised to look like a regular police van. Lethal injection in China was legalized in 1996. The number of shooting executions slowly decreased; and, in February 2009, the Supreme People's Court ordered the discontinuation of firing squads by the following year under the conclusion that injections were more humane to the prisoner. It has been suggested that the switch is also in response to executions being", "id": "16221801" }, { "contents": "San Quentin State Prison\n\n\n. In 1995, the use of gas for execution was ruled \"cruel and unusual punishment\", which led to executions inside the gas chamber by lethal injection. Between 1996 and 2006, 11 people were executed at San Quentin by lethal injection. In April 2007, staff of the California Legislative Analyst's Office discovered that a new execution chamber was being built at San Quentin; legislators subsequently \"accuse[d] the governor of hiding the project from the Legislature and the public.\" The old lethal injection facility had included an injection", "id": "1679164" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nand European pharmaceutical manufacturers that had previously blocked the sale of their drugs for use in lethal injections, effectively closing the open market for FDA-approved manufacturers for any potential lethal execution drug. In the execution of Carey Dean Moore on August 14, 2018, the State of Nebraska used a novel drug cocktail comprising diazepam, fentanyl, cisatracurium, and potassium chloride, over the strong objections of the German pharmaceutical company Fresenius Kabi. In the United States, the typical lethal injection begins with the condemned person being strapped onto a gurney", "id": "16221789" }, { "contents": "Autoinjector\n\n\nautoinjector keeps the needle tip shielded prior to injection and also has a passive safety mechanism to prevent accidental firing (injection). Injection depth can be adjustable or fixed and a function for needle shield removal may be incorporated. Just by pressing a button, the syringe needle is automatically inserted and the drug is delivered. Once the injection is completed some auto injectors have visual indication to confirm that the full dose has been delivered. Autoinjectors contain glass syringes, which can make them fragile and vulnerable to contamination. More recently, companies", "id": "3446755" }, { "contents": "Injection (medicine)\n\n\nInjection (often referred to as a \"shot\" in US English, or a \"jab\" in UK English) is the act of putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle (usually a hypodermic needle) and a syringe. Injection is a technique for delivering drugs by parenteral administration, that is, administration via a route other than through the digestive tract. Parenteral injection includes subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, intraperitoneal, intracardiac, intraarticular, and intracavernous injection. Injection is generally", "id": "8813288" }, { "contents": "All In (professional wrestling event)\n\n\na near-fall. Lethal tried to perform a diving powerbomb, but Gordon reversed and Lethal performed a Lethal Injection II on Gordon. In the end, Lethal executed the Lethal Injection on Gordon to win the match and retain the title. After the match, the two showed mutual respect for each other. Bully Ray then came out and attacked both Lethal and Gordon. Chicago's own Colt Cabana appeared to make the save and then the three performed a triple powerbomb on Ray through a table. Next, Kenny Omega faced", "id": "13580352" }, { "contents": "Injection (medicine)\n\n\nand the sensitivity of who is being injected), fear of needles is a common phobia. Intravenous injections involve needle insertion directly into the vein and the substance is directly delivered into the bloodstream. In medicine and drug use, this route of administration is the fastest way to get the desired effects since the medication moves immediately into blood circulation and to the rest of the body. This type of injection is the most common and often associated with drug use. Intramuscular injections (IM injections) deliver a substance deep into a muscle", "id": "8813291" }, { "contents": "Electromyography\n\n\nfor reference. Needles for injecting therapeutic botulinum toxin or phenol are typically monopolar electrodes that use a surface reference, in this case, however, the metal shaft of a hypodermic needle, insulated so that only the tip is exposed, is used both to record signals and to inject. Slightly more complex in design is the concentric needle electrode. These needles have a fine wire, embedded in a layer of insulation that fills the barrel of a hypodermic needle, that has an exposed shaft, and the shaft serves as the reference", "id": "13716278" }, { "contents": "Syringe\n\n\nand out of the barrel. Syringes are frequently used in clinical medicine to administer injections, infuse intravenous therapy into the bloodstream, apply compounds such as glue or lubricant, and draw/measure liquids. The word \"syringe\" is derived from the Greek σύριγξ (\"syrinx\", meaning \"Pan flute\", \"tube\"). Sectors in the syringe and needle market include disposable and safety syringes, injection pens, needleless injectors, insulin pumps, and specialty needles. Hypodermic syringes are used with hypodermic needles to inject", "id": "16701461" }, { "contents": "Heroin\n\n\nor more drugs at the same time) is discouraged. Injecting diamorphine users are encouraged to use new needles, syringes, spoons/steri-cups and filters every time they inject and not share these with other users. Users are also encouraged to not use it on their own, as others can assist in the event of an overdose. Governments that support a harm reduction approach usually fund needle and syringe exchange programs, which supply new needles and syringes on a confidential basis, as well as education on proper filtering before injection", "id": "14251426" }, { "contents": "Infiltration analgesia\n\n\nmust be referred to the maxillofacial unit immediately, and instructed not to talk in the mean time to avoid needle movement. Pain during administering – avoid injecting too quickly. If injected in to the nerve, retract needle slightly to prevent nerve damage. Insufficient anaesthesia – usually happens due to injection to the blood vessels or injections in inflamed tissues. Avoid injection into the blood vessels by using the aspirating technique. If the tissues around are inflamed, try depositing solution at a distance or give a block injection. Excessive spread of anaesthesia", "id": "19184436" }, { "contents": "Injection (medicine)\n\n\nintramuscular injection. Since the needle does not need to reach the muscles, often a bigger gauge and shorter needle is used. Usual site of administration is fat tissues behind the arm. Certain intramuscular injection medicine such as EpiPen® can also be used subcutaneously. Insulin injection is a common type of subcutaneous injection medicine. Certain vaccines including MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Varicella (Chickenpox), Zoster (Shingles) are given subcutaneously. In an Intradermal Injection, medication is delivered directly into the dermis, the layer", "id": "8813293" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nprisoner's arm, into which shall be introduced a lethal injection consisting of an ultrashort-acting barbiturate in combination with a chemical paralytic.\" After the procedure was approved by anesthesiologist Stanley Deutsch, formerly Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology of the Oklahoma University Medical School, the Reverend Bill Wiseman introduced the method into the Oklahoma legislature, where it passed and was quickly adopted (Title 22, Section 1014(A)). Since then, until 2004, 37 of the 38 states using capital punishment introduced lethal injection statutes. On August", "id": "16221785" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n29, 1977, Texas adopted the new method of execution, switching to lethal injection from electrocution. On December 7, 1982, Texas became the first state to use lethal injection to carry out capital punishment, for the execution of Charles Brooks, Jr. The People's Republic of China began using this method in 1997, Guatemala in 1996, the Philippines in 1999, Thailand in 2003, and Taiwan in 2005. Vietnam first used this method in 2013. The Philippines abolished the death penalty in 2006, with their last execution", "id": "16221786" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\non May 21, 2014, appealed the constitutionality of lethal injection on an as applied basis. The basis for Bucklew's appeal was due to Bucklew's allegation that his rare medical condition would interfere with the effects of the drugs, potentially causing him to choke on his own blood. On April 1, 2019, The Supreme Court ruled against Bucklew on the grounds that his proposed alternative to lethal injection, nitrogen hypoxia, was neither \"readily implemented\" nor established to \"significantly reduce a substantial risk of severe pain.\"", "id": "16221826" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\na rapid death in lethal injection, multiple drugs are required, specifically potassium chloride to stop the heart. In fact, in the case of Clarence Ray Allen, a second dose of potassium chloride was required to attain asystole. The position of most death-penalty supporters is that death should be attained in a reasonable amount of time. Supporters of the death penalty agree that the use of pancuronium bromide is not absolutely necessary in the lethal injection protocol. Some supporters believe that the drug may decrease muscular fasciculations when the potassium is", "id": "16221862" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Utah\n\n\nby a firing squad, having selected that method over hanging. Lethal injection was introduced in 1980 and in February of that year, the Utah State Legislature replaced the option of hanging with the option of lethal injection. The first bill proposing to eliminate the firing squad option was introduced in the Utah House of Representatives in January 1996. In 2004, the legislature passed HB180, which removed the right of the condemned to choose the method of execution and left lethal injection as the only remaining option in the state. The abolition of", "id": "20149430" }, { "contents": "Pancuronium bromide\n\n\nthat neither of the children's parents was unhappy with Dr Munro's treatment of their babies. Amnesty International has objected to its use in lethal injections on the grounds that it \"may mask the condemned prisoner's suffering during the execution,\" thereby leading observers to conclude that lethal injection is painless, or less cruel than other forms of execution. The United Kingdom bans the export of pancuronium bromide to the United States due to its use in lethal injections. Pancuronium was used in Efren Saldivar's killing spree. It was also", "id": "6426134" }, { "contents": "Anthrax toxin\n\n\nand (iii) lethal factor (LF). Each individual anthrax toxin protein is nontoxic. Toxic symptoms are not observed when these proteins are injected individually into laboratory animals. The co-injection of PA and EF causes edema, and the co-injection of PA and LF is lethal. The former combination is called edema toxin, and the latter combination is called lethal toxin. Thus the manifestation of physiological symptoms requires PA, in either case. The PA requirement observed in animal-model experiments demonstrates a common paradigm for", "id": "7741329" }, { "contents": "Drug injection\n\n\nsingle needle repeatedly or share with other users. It is also quite uncommon for a sterilizing agent to be used on needles and syringes. This creates a high risk population for the spread of bloodborne pathogens. A new approach to reduce harm to IV drug users was recently started in Southern Nevada in 2017. Trac-B Exchange - Southern Nevada Harm Reduction Program was approved in early 2017 to help reduce the spread of HIV in \"People Who Inject Drugs\". In Nevada, the sharing of needles for drug injections has led", "id": "13583962" }, { "contents": "Pterygomandibular space\n\n\nwhere local anesthetic solution is deposited during an inferior alveolar nerve block, a common procedure used to anesthetize the distribution of the inferior alveolar nerve. Rarely, pathogenic micro-organisms from the mouth may be seeded into the pterygomandibular space during this injection and cause a needle tract infection of the space. It is also occasionally reported that the needle breaks off and is retained in the pterygomandibular space during this injection. Minor oral surgery is then required to remove the fractured needle. Due to its high vascularity, injections into the pterygomandibular space", "id": "16915515" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\na set protocol. Finally, the remote administration results in an increased risk that insufficient amounts of the lethal injection drugs enter the bloodstream. In total, opponents argue that the effect of dilution or improper administration of thiopental is that the inmate dies an agonizing death through suffocation due to the paralytic effects of pancuronium bromide and the intense burning sensation caused by potassium chloride. Opponents of lethal injection, as currently practiced, argue that the procedure employed is designed to create the appearance of serenity and a painless death, rather than actually providing", "id": "16221833" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\n2007. On November 1, 2007, the Florida Supreme Court unanimously upheld the state's lethal injection procedures. A study published in 2007 in the peer-reviewed journal \"PLoS Medicine\" suggested that \"the conventional view of lethal injection leading to an invariably peaceful and painless death is questionable\". The execution of Romell Broom was abandoned in Ohio on September 15, 2009, after prison officials failed to find a vein after 2 hours of trying on his arms, legs, hands, and ankle. This has stirred up", "id": "16221844" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in the United States\n\n\nmost women are California, Texas and Florida. For women, the racial breakdown of those sentenced to death is 61% white, 21% black, 13% Latina, 3% Asian, and 2% American Indian. All 29 states with the death penalty provide lethal injection as the primary method of execution. Some states allow other methods than lethal injection, but only as secondary methods to be used merely at the request of the prisoner or if lethal injection is unavailable. Several states continue to use the historical three-", "id": "19518912" }, { "contents": "Lethal Injection Secrecy Act\n\n\nThe Lethal Injection Secrecy Act is a statute in the US state of Georgia that was signed by the state's governor, Nathan Deal, and went into effect that July. The law makes the identities of people who prescribe drugs used in lethal injections, as well as those of the companies that produce and supply them, state secrets. It also makes the identities of prison staff who carry out executions a state secret. It has been called the strictest law of its kind in the country. In July 2013, the law", "id": "6251907" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in New Hampshire\n\n\ncarrying out the punishment is lethal injection, with hanging as a secondary means if lethal injection is deemed \"impractical\" by the State Commissioner of Corrections. The state has no execution facility nor drugs to carry out lethal injection.. The state has carried out 24 executions for capital punishment, most recently in July 1939. When the prosecution chose to seek the death penalty, the sentence was decided by the jury and had to be unanimous. In the case of a hung jury during the penalty phase of the trial, a life", "id": "8760852" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nover whether executions in the United States would be put on hold during the period in which the United States Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of lethal injection initially arose after the court agreed to hear Baze, no executions took place during the period between when the court agreed to hear the case and when its ruling was announced, with the exception of one lethal injection in Texas hours after the court made its announcement. On April 16, 2008, the Supreme Court rejected \"Baze v. Rees\", thereby upholding Kentucky's method of", "id": "16221823" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Utah\n\n\nsquad as a legal method of execution, requiring its use if the state is unable to obtain the necessary lethal injection drugs within 30 days of a scheduled execution. Utah is the only state besides Nevada to have ever used the firing squad. Oklahoma is the only other state currently allowing firing squads, and solely in the event that lethal injection, nitrogen hypoxia and electrocution are all declared unconstitutional. Following the abolition of the firing squad, lethal injection became the state's only means of execution until 2015, and currently the primary", "id": "20149432" }, { "contents": "Drug injection\n\n\nAIDS caused by sharing of needles. The results of their study was published in 1999. They found that when the availability of syringes increased, more and more people began to purchase sterile needles. It also provided a discrete way for people to purchase needles without having to feel embarrassed going into a pharmacy. They theorized that with greater access to sterile needles, they would expect to see a reduction in bloodborne pathogen cases. Particularly for intravenous administration, self-injection in the arm can be awkward, and some people modify a", "id": "13583965" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nlethal injection in a majority 7–2 decision. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David Souter dissented. Several states immediately indicated plans to proceed with executions. The U.S. Supreme Court also upheld a modified lethal injection protocol in the 2015 case \"Glossip v. Gross\". By the time of that case, Oklahoma had altered its execution protocol to use midazolam instead of thiopental or penobarbital; the latter two drugs had become unavailable for executions due to the European embargo on selling them to prisons. Inmates on Oklahoma's death row alleged that the use", "id": "16221824" }, { "contents": "John Edward Swindler\n\n\nHowever, inmates who had been sentenced to death before the legislation was adopted were allowed to choose between lethal injection and electrocution. When Charles Laverne Singleton chose lethal injection, John Edward Swindler earned the distinction of being the last inmate to die in Arkansas' electric chair. Swindler refused to choose between lethal injection and the electric chair, according to the Arkansas Department of Correction. By not choosing, Swindler effectively selected electrocution. Warden David White said Swindler might have wanted the notoriety of being the last Arkansas inmate to die in the", "id": "1725926" }, { "contents": "Joseph Mitchell Parsons\n\n\nState Prison for use in either firing squads or lethal injections. Two people, whose identities were withheld, were selected to administer individual injections, of which only one was lethal so that neither would know with certainty who executed the prisoner. The prison selected among paramedics or nurses because the American Medical Association prohibits licensed physicians from participating in executions. A mild sedative was delivered intravenously to calm Parsons before the deadly drugs were administered. At 12:10 a.m. on October 15, 1999, Parsons was executed by lethal injection. Seven minutes later", "id": "4510598" }, { "contents": "Intramuscular injection\n\n\nan angle between 72 and 90 degrees, as a faster injection is less painful. The needle is then stabilized with the nondominant hand while the dominant hand slides to the plunger to slowly instill the medication, as a rapid injection causes more discomfort. The CDC does not recommend the outdated practice of aspirating for blood to rule out injecting into a blood vessel. The needle is withdrawn at the same angle inserted. Using the \"Z track\" or zigzag technique is recommended, where the skin is pulled and held down to one", "id": "19039558" }, { "contents": "Fear of needles\n\n\ninjections but also being controlled or restrained. It typically stems from repressive upbringing or poor handling of prior needle procedures (for example, forced physical or emotional restraint). This form of needle phobia affects around 20% of those afflicted. Symptoms include combativeness, high heart rate coupled with extremely high blood pressure, violent resistance, avoidance, and flight. The suggested treatment is psychotherapy, this may include teaching the patient self-injection techniques or finding a trusted health care provider. Hyperalgesic fear of needles is another form that does", "id": "11546442" }, { "contents": "Sharps waste\n\n\nneedles. Previously popular needle clippers and caps are no longer acceptable as safety devices, and either sharps box or needle destruction devices are required. With more than sixteen billion injections administered annually worldwide, needles are the largest contributor to sharps waste. For this reason, many new technologies surrounding injections have been developed, mostly related to safety mechanisms. As these technologies have been developed, governments have attempted to make them commonplace to ensure sharps waste safety. In 2000, the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act was passed, along with the", "id": "20055103" }, { "contents": "Self-experimentation in medicine\n\n\n-Marc Alibert injected himself with a discharge from breast cancer. The site of injection became inflamed, but did not develop cancer. Gerhard Domagk, in 1949, injected himself with sterilised extract of human cancer in an attempt to prove that immunisation against cancer was possible. Daniel Zagury, in 1986, was the first to test his proposed AIDS vaccine. Daniel Alcides Carrión, in 1885, infected himself from the pus in the purple wart (verruga peruana) of a female patient. Carrión developed an acute form of bartonellosis now", "id": "21880582" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nthat the single-drug theory is a flawed concept. Terminally ill patients in Oregon who have requested physician-assisted suicide have received lethal doses of barbiturates. The protocol has been highly effective in producing a painless death, but the time to cause death can be prolonged. Some patients have taken days to die, and a few patients have actually survived the process and have regained consciousness up to three days after taking the lethal dose. In a California legal proceeding addressing the issue of the lethal injection cocktail being \"cruel and", "id": "16221860" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\ndrugs for the main line and syringes 1, 3 and 5 containing the injections for the backup line. The system was used in New Jersey before the abolition of the death penalty in 2007. Illinois previously used the computer, and Missouri and Delaware use the manual injection switch on the delivery panel. Eleven states have switched, or have stated their intention to switch, to a one-drug lethal injection protocol. A one-drug method is using the single drug sodium thiopental to execute someone. The first state to switch", "id": "16221799" }, { "contents": "Subcutaneous injection\n\n\nSubcutaneous tissue has few blood vessels and so drugs injected here are for slow, sustained rates of absorption. It is slower than intramuscular injections but still faster than intradermal injections. Sites include, A 25 to 31 gauge thick, 3/8\" to 1\" long needle can be used. The size is determined by the amount of subcutaneous tissue present, which is based on patient build. The 3/8\" and 5/8\" needles are most commonly used. Usually, no more than 1 mL of solution is given, compared to intradermal", "id": "19039549" }, { "contents": "Sharps waste\n\n\n2001 Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. Safety syringes help reduce occurrences of accidental needlesticks. One of the most recent developments has been the auto-disable injection device. These injection devices automatically disable after a single use. This can be done by retracting the needle back into the syringe or rendering the syringe plunger inoperable. With the injection device now inoperable, it cannot be reused. Shielding the needle after the injection is another approach for safe management of sharps. These are hands free methods usually involving a hinging cap that can be pressed", "id": "20055104" }, { "contents": "Drug injection\n\n\nsyringe for single-handed operation by removing the plunger and affixing a bulb such as from a large dropper or baby pacifier to the end of the barrel to in effect make it a large dropper with a needle affixed. This is therefore a variant of the common method of injection with a dropper with the hypodermic needle affixed, using a \"collar\" made of paper or other material to create a seal between the needle and dropper. Removing part of the plunger assembly by cutting off most of the shaft and thumb rest and", "id": "13583966" }, { "contents": "Religion and capital punishment\n\n\nbelief held that the blood of Jesus' Atonement could not remit certain serious sins, and that the only way a Mormon sinner could pay for committing such sins would be to have his own blood spilled on the ground as an atonement. This doctrine was never held by the church or practised by clergy in their official capacity. The doctrine has no relation as to the reason why, until recently, Utah gave convicts sentenced to death a choice to be executed by firing squad rather than other methods such as lethal injection. On", "id": "11480805" }, { "contents": "Darlie Routier\n\n\nintruder. During the trial, the prosecution argued that Routier's injuries were self-inflicted, that the crime scene had been staged, and that she murdered her sons because of the family's financial difficulties; the defense argued that there was no reason why Routier would have killed her children, and that the case did not have a motive, a confession or any witnesses. The jury found Routier guilty of the murder of Damon, and sentenced her to death by lethal injection. Two appeals filed by Routier, who maintains", "id": "12745017" }, { "contents": "Dry needling\n\n\n, both the use of hypodermic needles and the use of acupuncture needles are now accepted in dry needling practices. Ofttimes practitioners who use hypodermic needles also provide trigger point injection treatment to patients and therefore find the use of hypodermic needles a better choice. As their use became more common, some dry needling practitioners without acupuncture in their scope of practice, started to refer to these needles by their technical design term as \"solid filiform needles\" as opposed to the FDA designation \"acupuncture needle.\" The \"solid filiform needle\"", "id": "18933185" }, { "contents": "Hypodermic needle\n\n\n\"hypo\", \"under\", and \"derma\", \"skin\". Furthermore, Hunter is credited with acknowledging the systemic effects of injection after noticing that a patient's pain was alleviated regardless of the injection’s proximity to the pained area. Hunter and Wood were involved in a lengthy dispute over not only the origin of the modern hypodermic needle, but also because of their disagreement to the medicine's effect once administered. Dr. Wood can be largely credited with the popularization and acceptance of injection as a medical technique", "id": "14458945" }, { "contents": "Fear of needles\n\n\na specific phobia of blood-injection-injury type phobia. Phobic level responses to injections cause sufferers to avoid inoculations, blood tests, and in the more severe cases, all medical care. It is estimated that at least 10% of American adults have a fear of needles, and it is likely that the actual number is larger, as the most severe cases are never documented due to the tendency of the sufferer to avoid all medical treatment. According to Dr. James G. Hamilton, author of the pioneering paper on needle", "id": "11546433" }, { "contents": "Pudendal nerve\n\n\nanal sphincter occurs in some individuals. The pudendal nerve is difficult to visualize on routine CT or MR imaging, however under CT guidance, a needle may be placed adjacent to the pudendal neurovascular bundle. The ischial spine, an easily identifiable structure on CT, is used as the level of injection. A spinal needle is advanced via the gluteal muscles and advanced within several millimeters of the ischial spine. Contrast (X-ray dye) is then injected, highlighting the nerve in the canal and allowing for confirmation of correct needle", "id": "20590476" }, { "contents": "Insulin port\n\n\nAn insulin port functions as a medication delivery channel directly into the subcutaneous tissue (the tissue layer located just beneath the skin). When applying the injection port, an insertion needle guides a soft cannula (a small, flexible tube) under the skin. Once applied, the insertion needle is removed and only the soft cannula remains below the skin, acting as the gateway into the subcutaneous tissue. To inject through an insulin port the needle of a syringe or insulin pen is used. It is usually used to deliver insulin", "id": "21930507" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nfact that the pain felt during the lethal injection protocol is not the issue. Instead, supporters argue that the issue is the continued existence of the death penalty, since if the only issue were the painfulness of the procedure, then Amnesty International, HRW, or the DPIC should have already proposed a less painful method. Regardless of an alternative protocol, some death-penalty opponents have claimed that execution can be less painful by the administration of a single lethal dose of barbiturate. Supporters of the death penalty, however, state", "id": "16221859" }, { "contents": "Gas chromatography\n\n\ninherent in the use of syringes for injection. Even the best syringes claim an accuracy of only 3%, and in unskilled hands, errors are much larger. The needle may cut small pieces of rubber from the septum as it injects sample through it. These can block the needle and prevent the syringe filling the next time it is used. It may not be obvious that this has happened. A fraction of the sample may get trapped in the rubber, to be released during subsequent injections. This can give rise to", "id": "18097929" }, { "contents": "Lethal injection\n\n\nLethal injection is the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person (typically a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution) for the express purpose of causing immediate death. The main application for this procedure is capital punishment, but the term may also be applied in a broader sense to include euthanasia and other forms of suicide. The drugs cause the person to become unconscious, stops their breathing, and causes a heart arrhythmia, in that order. First developed in the United States, it is now also a legal", "id": "16221781" }, { "contents": "Jet injector\n\n\nA jet injector is a type of medical injecting syringe that uses a high-pressure narrow jet of the injection liquid instead of a hypodermic needle to penetrate the epidermis. It is powered by compressed air or gas, either from a pressure hose from a large cylinder, or from a built-in gas cartridge, small cylinder, or spring. Jet injectors were used for mass vaccination, and as an alternative to needle syringes for diabetics to inject insulin. As well as health uses, similar devices are used in other industries", "id": "16212965" }, { "contents": "Management of strabismus\n\n\nagents, under light general anesthesia. In the former case, it is possible to bring the injection needle to an optimal location in the desired muscle using EMG guidance as the alert patient looks in diagnostic directions, the needle is advanced until the \"electromyogram\" (the electrical signal from an activated skeletal muscle) indicates it is optimally positioned, whereupon the injection is completed. Some agents (e.g., botulinum toxin) can be injected at the insertional end of a muscle under visual guidance, using special forceps and allowed to diffuse", "id": "697004" }, { "contents": "History and culture of substituted amphetamines\n\n\ninfections at the site of injection. As with the injection of any drug, if a group of users share a common needle without sterilization procedures, blood-borne diseases, such as HIV or hepatitis, can be transmitted. The level of needle sharing among methamphetamine users is similar to that among other drug-injection users. Smoking refers to vaporizing a drug and inhaling the resulting fumes; crystal methamphetamine (methamphetamine hydrochloride) and the free bases of amphetamine and methamphetamine are sufficiently volatile substances to allow them to be smoked. Crystal", "id": "978294" }, { "contents": "Fear of needles\n\n\nanesthesia, either topical or general. Whilst witnessing procedures involving needles it is possible for the phobic to suffer the symptoms of a needle phobic attack without actually being injected. Prompted by the sight of the injection the phobic may exhibit the normal symptoms of vasovagal syncope and fainting or collapse is common. While the cause of this is not known, it may be due to the phobic imagining the procedure being performed on themselves. Recent neuroscience research shows that feeling a pin prick sensation and watching someone else's hand get pricked by a", "id": "11546444" } ]
Why do dogs live a shorter life than humans?
[{"answer": "Let's say that a species is being successful if it can continually create viable offspring and replace it's individual organisms at least as fast as they are dying. There's multiple paths to this in terms of reproductive strategies. One strategy, is to maximize the number of offspring, even if that reduces the chances of any particular individual surviving. An alternate strategy is a lower number of offspring, but taking more care to ensure their survival. Dogs are somewhere in the middle, while humans are basically at the far end of the \"fewer offspring\" side. And following those different paths through evolution has resulted in significant biological differences. The human brain is significantly more capable than a dog's, but it also needs much more time to fully develop to the point where you get a human being capable of self preservation and successful reproduction. A wolf (which dogs were bred from) is physically and mentally fit enough to reproduce and care for its offspring within a couple of years of its birth, can create a few litters of puppies, and then get old and die within a decade. Over that same 10 years, a human baby will still not even be developed enough to live on its own, much less create and care for a baby. If you assume about 15 years for a human to develop enough to be in a position to successfully create and care for a child, and then another 15 years for them to care for their child to the point where that child can be independent, then that's 30 years. And that's just for one kid. Before modern medicine came around, children died much more often, so the average mother might give birth to 5+ kids, so you're looking at being 35+ when your last child doesn't need you any longer. And 35 was a pretty typical life expectancy for much of the history of humanity."}, {"answer": "*The real reason for humans living longer than other animals hasn't been found yet.* There are a lot of theories concerning e.g. [energy conservation]( URL_0 ) or the need for humans to live longer to keep our species alive, but none of these have a distinct reason (the question of why thats happening) to them."}, {"answer": "I agree with the six year old who said, \"People are born so that they can learn how to live a good Life - - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right? Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.\" For the full story: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Humans take a long time to mature, thanks to our complex brains. Thus, we don't reach sexual maturity for well over 10 years. Dogs reach sexual maturity at a much younger age. According to the [Grandmother Hypothesis]( URL_0 ) it's evolutionarily advantageous for humans to live long enough to aid in the raising of their grandchildren. So we have a fairly long generational time, and also a distinct tendency to live to see at least two generations grow up. There are other reasons, like metabolic rate, but this one was not one I saw mentioned in the discussion, so I thought I should bring it up."}, {"answer": "I was under the impression that this has to do with metabolic rate. basically higher metabolic rate - > shorter life span. dont quote me on this though, because i have no literature to back it up."}, {"answer": "They evolved to reach maturity faster than us. There's no good answer for \"why\" that's the case."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18669", "title": "Life expectancy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 47, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 542, "bleu_score": 0.8668094900800407}]}]
[ { "contents": "List of unusual units of measurement\n\n\ntheir total life span than humans. Most dogs are sexually mature by 1 year old, which corresponds to perhaps 13 years old in humans. Giant dog breeds and bulldogs tend to have the strongest linear correspondence to human aging, with longer adolescences and shorter overall lifespans; such breeds typically age about nine times as fast as humans throughout their lives. The galactic year, GY, is the time it takes the solar system to revolve once around the galactic core, approximately 250 million years (megaannum or \"Ma\").", "id": "19264040" }, { "contents": "Rat Terrier\n\n\ntemperament along with small size has made them popular as service dogs in hospice, treatment for depression, in Assisted Living, and other human care jobs. Police departments have started using them as contraband search dogs as their intelligence level shortens training to as little as 3 weeks which is much shorter than for traditional police service breeds. Also, their small size allows search of cars, homes, and prison cells without causing the major damage a large German Shepherd or other traditional police service breed would do during a car search and lessening", "id": "5317888" }, { "contents": "Artificial human companion\n\n\ntend to live alone and have a limited social network. Studies also show that those elderly living in such circumstances have an increased risk of developing depression and dementia and have a shorter life span than more socially connected seniors. It has been known to gerontologists for some time that pets, particularly those such as cats and dogs that exhibit a range of behaviors and emotions, help prevent depression in the elderly. Studies also show some beneficial results from electronic pets such as Sony's Aibo and Omron's NeCoRo; however, the therapeutic", "id": "15162349" }, { "contents": "Sodomy law\n\n\nin homosexual acts. His first major public condemnation of homosexuality came during the Zimbabwe International Book Fair in August 1995. He told the audience that homosexuality: ...Degrades human dignity. It's unnatural and there is no question ever of allowing these people to behave worse than dogs and pigs. If dogs and pigs do not do it, why must human beings? We have our own culture, and we must re-dedicate ourselves to our traditional values that make us human beings... What we are being persuaded to accept is", "id": "21663233" }, { "contents": "Dog Aging Project\n\n\ngenetics. The initiatives are each managed to ensure the data can be integrated into a powerful master data set. A premise of the project is that dogs may be a sentinel species for humans since they live in the same environment as humans. The project may thereby help identify risk factors that influence human life span. Since dogs age significantly more rapidly than humans, data on aging can be generated much more rapidly using a dog model than in human studies. A further premise is that the longitudinal portion of the project seeks to", "id": "8555493" }, { "contents": "Phylogenetic comparative methods\n\n\nthan herbivores?\" → \"Example: where did endothermy evolve in the lineage that led to mammals?\" → \"Example: where, when, and why did placentas and viviparity evolve?\" → \"Example: are behavioral traits more labile during evolution?\" → \"Example: why do small-bodied species have shorter life spans than their larger relatives?\" Felsenstein proposed the first general statistical method in 1985 for incorporating phylogenetic information, i.e., the first that could use any arbitrary topology (branching order) and", "id": "5049864" }, { "contents": "Jalmenus evagoras\n\n\nare monogamous. In experimentation it has been observed that females appear at a given site for shorter periods of time than males, although it is unknown if this is because females have a shorter life span or simply that they have emigrated out more. The shorter-life-span hypothesis is plausible given the fact that female \"Jalmenus evagoras\" are monogamous and do not necessarily need to live longer to mate with multiple mates. \"Jalmenus evagoras\" exhibit mutualism with worker ants of the genus \"Iridomyrmex\". They most commonly", "id": "10942314" }, { "contents": "Bark (sound)\n\n\ncan create profound by-products, both physical and behavioral. The frequency of barking in dogs in relation to wolves could also be the product of the very different social environment of dogs. Dogs live in extraordinarily close range with humans, in many societies kept solely as companion animals. From a very young age, humans tend to be one of a dog's primary social contacts. This captive environment presents very different stimuli than would be found by wolves in the wild. While wolves have vast territories, dogs do not.", "id": "18384692" }, { "contents": "Dactyloidae\n\n\nanoles introduced to one island were shorter-legged than the few introduced to another. Both populations became shorter-legged over time, but the first remained shorter-legged than the second. This is an example of the founder effect. Similarly, when brown anoles were introduced to Florida, the native Carolina (or green) anoles moved to higher perches and gained larger toe pads better suited for those perches. This adaptation occurred in just 20 generations. Anoles are also adapting to life with humans: Puerto Rican crested anoles living", "id": "15340432" }, { "contents": "Paleolithic dog\n\n\nproposed timing of the development of a relationship between humans and wolves is debated. There exists two schools of thought. The early domestication theory argues that the relationship commenced once humans moved into the colder parts of Eurasia around 35,000 YBP, which is when the proposed Paleolithic dogs first began to appear. Wolves that were adjusting to live with humans may have developed shorter, wider skulls and more steeply-rising foreheads that would make wolf facial expressions easier to interpret. The late domestication theory argues that Paleolithic dogs are an unusual phenotype of", "id": "3272432" }, { "contents": "List of unusual units of measurement\n\n\npopular myth regarding the aging of dogs that states that a dog ages seven years in the time it takes a human to age one year. When these units are used, measurements in both \"dog years\" and \"human years\" are often included together, to more clearly indicate which name is used for each unit. In fact, the aging of a dog varies by breed (larger breeds tend to have shorter lifespans than small and medium-sized breeds); dogs also develop faster and have longer adulthoods relative to", "id": "19264039" }, { "contents": "Canaan Dog\n\n\nBedouin of the Negev. Collection of wild Canaan dogs has become very difficult. Many of the Canaan dogs living in the open were destroyed by the Israeli government in the fight against rabies. The spread of the human population into areas that were formerly isolated, along with their pet dogs, has resulted in the loss of the natural habitat of the Canaan. Even the majority of Bedouin dogs today, other than those of tribes still living a traditional and isolated life style, are mixed with other breeds. Myrna Shiboleth visits the", "id": "536700" }, { "contents": "Chausie\n\n\nother cats as companions or have human company most of the time. Chausies get along well with dogs, too, and will do fine if raised with a canine buddy. Additionally, Chausies form deep bonds with people. They are loyal, and may have difficulty adjusting if re-homed as adults. As with all non-domestic hybrid source breeds, some Chausies may inherit intestinal tracts similar to that of the non-domestic ancestors. The intestinal tract may be a little shorter than that of the traditional domestic cat.", "id": "16838367" }, { "contents": "Free-ranging dog\n\n\ntogether. The dingo is therefore comfortable enough around humans to associate with them, but is still capable of living independently. Any free-ranging unowned dog can be socialized to become an owned dog, as some dingoes do when they join human families. Another point of view regards domestication as a process that is difficult to define. It regards dogs as being either socialized and able to exist with humans, or unsocialized. There exist dogs that live with their human families but are unsocialized and will treat strangers aggressively and defensively no", "id": "19265937" }, { "contents": "Relative rate test\n\n\nmolecular changes than had other primates in their sample (e.g., rhesus monkeys, spider monkeys, and various prosimians all of which have much shorter generation times). However, a famous experiment comparing eleven genes between mice or rats to humans, with pig, cow, goat, dog, and rabbits acting as an outgroup reference, suggested that rodents \"had\" faster mutation rates. Rodents have a much shorter generation time than humans, and so it was suggested that they would be expected to have much faster mutation rates,", "id": "1283171" }, { "contents": "Abu Darda\n\n\nhim at his home. On reaching there, the friend noticed, with grave concern, the appalling condition of Abu Darda's house. According to the friend, Abu Darda's house was shorter than the full height of a standing man. It was also as narrow as it was short, and the household utilities were less than basic. When the friend inquired from Abu Darda why he lived in such dire conditions, Darda's response was: \"Do not worry my friend, this is just my temporary shade. I", "id": "13732818" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\n, ancestral humans lived with limited colour vision. This is believed to have also been influenced by life styles, including being predominantly nocturnal. There is little data indicating the advantages of UV vision in early human ancestors. Early human ultraviolet vision, or ultraviolet sensitivity, included sensitivity in the wavelength ranges between 400 and 10. These wavelengths are shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays. In some rare cases, some modern day humans can see within the UV spectrum at wavelengths close to 310. In other animals that", "id": "14122561" }, { "contents": "Traditional Chinese medicines derived from the human body\n\n\nusage of bone and flesh. In ancient times, people thought it a benevolent deed to bury discarded human bones. Such people thought that they would be rewarded with good. But some alchemists [方伎] collect human bones and use them as a drug with the hope of making a profit from them. Should this be done to those who save people from diseases? Even dogs do not eat the bones of dogs. Why should a human eat the bones of other humans? (52.27, tr. Luo 2003: 4178", "id": "6367044" }, { "contents": "Anthony B. Pinn\n\n\nreligion as \"that which helps humans find orientation ‘for life in the world, together with motivation for living and acting in accordance with this orientation.’\" In other words, for Pinn, religion need not be theistic. In \"Why Lord?\", Pinn's humanism \"involves an increase in humanity's importance which makes impossible the location of a space for God.\" He continues, \"Religious answers to life's meaninglessness promote an embracing of suffering which reinforces life's meaninglessness rather than ending it.\"", "id": "8302638" }, { "contents": "Indian Spitz\n\n\nand grooming. The tail of an Indian Spitz curls over their back and is quite fluffy. Their legs are not very long, being only slightly longer than their bodies, which makes their heads look big and adorable. Indian Spitzes may be one of the easiest dogs to live with. It's why they're arguably the most popular family dog among Indian breeds. They are easily housebroken and trained, so they will learn to do their business outside from an early age. Grooming and exercise is relatively low maintenance, and", "id": "20441021" }, { "contents": "State of Dogs\n\n\nstory of Baasar, a dog who dies early in the movie — shot by a hunter employed by the city to reduce its dog population, which has more than one dog for each four humans in its population of 800,000. According to Mongolian legend, a dog (who is prepared) may be reincarnated in its next life as a human, after roaming free for as long as he wants. Baasar roams the memory of his life, uninterested in advancing to a human life. The film includes brief interludes with a solar", "id": "3674993" }, { "contents": "Aging in dogs\n\n\n2.36 years. The study concluded that while Australian Cattle Dogs are a healthy breed and do live on average almost a year longer than most dogs of other breeds in the same weight class, record ages such as Bluey's or Chilla's should be regarded as uncharacteristic exceptions rather than as indicators of common exceptional longevity for the entire breed. A random-bred dog (also known as a mongrel or a mutt) has an average life expectancy of 13.2 years in the Western world. Some attempts have been made to determine the", "id": "3230547" }, { "contents": "Dogs in Mesoamerica\n\n\nthe twins to sacrifice and resurrect them. In the end, the Hero Twins sacrificed the Lords of Xibalba and did not follow through on bringing them back to life. This made it possible for humans to live on earth. The story linked dogs with renewal and human life. Dogs are associated with death and have the job of leading people into the Underworld. They represent fire and are protectors of the hearth, two components of Maya life. There are multiple situations in which dogs were used for sacrifice or burial. Dog", "id": "8237946" }, { "contents": "Dog meat\n\n\nControl and Prevention claims the city has only eight dog slaughterhouses selling approximately 200 dogs, although this increases to about 2,000 dogs during the Yulin festival. There are several campaigns to stop the festival; more than 3,000,000 people have signed petitions against it on Weibo (China's equivalent of Twitter). One of the petitions, addressed to the Chinese Minister of Agriculture, Chen Wu, reads \"Do the humane thing by saying no to this festival and save the lives of countless dogs that will fall victim to this event – an", "id": "11980676" }, { "contents": "Nuthatch\n\n\nor a house wren, which destroys eggs. The white-breasted nuthatch is shorter-lived than the red-breasted nuthatch, but has more young, and was found to respond more strongly to the egg predator, whereas the red-breasted showed greater concern with the hawk. This supports the theory that longer-lived species benefit from adult survival and future breeding opportunities while birds with shorter life spans place more value on the survival of their larger broods. Cold can be a problem for small birds that do not migrate", "id": "21581788" }, { "contents": "Self-driving car\n\n\nMen are slightly more likely to spare the lives of women, and religious affiliates are slightly more likely to prioritize human life. The lives of criminals were prioritized more than cats, but the lives of dogs were prioritized more than the lives of criminals. The lives of homeless were spared more than the elderly, but the lives of homeless were spared less often than the obese. People overwhelmingly express a preference for autonomous vehicles to be programmed with utilitarian ideas, that is, in a manner that generates the least harm and minimizes", "id": "12417873" }, { "contents": "Socialization of animals\n\n\ntheir owner than an unfamiliar person. The wolf puppies did not show to be more responsive to their owners than to an unfamiliar human. Researchers concluded that this is a genetic difference between species. These six researchers attempted to answer the question, \"Why?\" in their next experiment. They found that dogs were more successful in finding hidden food and in completing a learned task than wolves were. The most prominent observation these researchers made was that the dogs would look into the eyes of the human as if looking for a", "id": "6749735" }, { "contents": "Evolution of the wolf\n\n\nLate Holocene, the dog's niche area was less in size than researchers had expected to find, indicating that it was limited by biotic factors. These regions include the northeast and northwest of the United States that correlate with the greatest densities of early human occupation, indicating that the dog had \"defected\" from the wolf niche to the human niche and explains why the dog's niche area was not as large as expected. The separation between dog and wolf may reflect the rapid rate in which domestication occurred, including the possibility", "id": "21569941" }, { "contents": "Immortal (2015 film)\n\n\nwith emotion. It is partly about how to die, but mostly about how to live, and how to keep our dignity as human beings. It is a beautiful film.\" BIFF's Kim Ji-seok: \"...It is hard to find a film such as this one that is so thoroughly able to deliver to the audience the pain of a being human.\" FIPRESCI's Hiroaki Saito: \"Why do humans continue to live and why do humans die? Audiences from different cultures can universally identify their own", "id": "1087850" }, { "contents": "Dog\n\n\n, a study found that mixed breeds live on average 1.2 years longer than pure breeds, and that increasing body-weight was negatively correlated with longevity (i.e. the heavier the dog the shorter its lifespan). The typical lifespan of dogs varies widely among breeds, but for most the median longevity, the age at which half the dogs in a population have died and half are still alive, ranges from 10 to 13 years. Individual dogs may live well beyond the median of their breed. The breed with the shortest lifespan", "id": "2688205" }, { "contents": "Belgian Shepherd\n\n\n, at 10.6 years, than in the UK survey. The difference in surveys does not necessarily mean Belgian Tervurens live shorter lives than other varieties of Belgian Shepherds. Breed longevities in USA/Canada surveys are usually shorter than those in UK surveys. Leading causes of death in the 2003 American Belgian Tervuren Club survey were cancer (35%), old age (23%), and organ failure (heart, kidney, liver) (13%). Belgian Shepherds are afflicted with the most common dog health issues (", "id": "19141665" }, { "contents": "Lactobacillus rhamnosus\n\n\nmost extensively studied strain, \"L. rhamnosus\" GG, a gut isolate, consists of a genome of 3,010,111 bp. Therefore, the LRB genome is shorter than GG’s genome. LRB lacks the spaCBA gene cluster of GG and is not expected to produce functional pili (6). This difference may help explain why each strain lives in a different habitat. \"Lactobacillus rhamnosus\" GG (ATCC 53103) is a strain of \"L. rhamnosus\" that was isolated in 1983 from the intestinal tract of a healthy human being", "id": "3123179" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nthat’s why I’m a housewife in the video.\" However, she explained that the video is \"an exaggerated, over-the-top version\" of what she was doing right then, just living her life, being a woman at home, relaxing and trying to enjoy her life other than performing and creating music. For instance, dusting off her Grammys and getting under the hood of a car while wearing six-inch heels are not regular occurrences for Knowles. \"Why Don't You Love Me\"", "id": "7602762" }, { "contents": "Dingo\n\n\ndingo's relationship with indigenous Australians is one of commensalism, in which two organisms live in close association, but do not depend on each other for survival. They both hunt and sleep together. The dingo is, therefore, comfortable enough around humans to associate with them, but is still capable of living independently. Any free-ranging, unowned dog can be socialised to become an owned dog, as some dingoes do when they join human families. Although the dingo exists in the wild, it associates with humans, but", "id": "16323239" }, { "contents": "Geomagnetic excursion\n\n\nthat nothing serious would occur, as the human species has certainly lived through at least one such event; \"Homo erectus\" and possibly \"Homo heidelbergensis\" lived through the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal with no known ill effect, and excursions are shorter-lived and do not result in permanent changes to the magnetic field. The major hazard to modern society is likely to be similar to those associated with geomagnetic storms, where satellites and power supplies may be damaged, although compass navigation would also be affected. Some forms of life", "id": "17500805" }, { "contents": "Dog\n\n\ndogs and nearly 9% more than two dogs. There does not seem to be any gender preference among dogs as pets, as the statistical data reveal an equal number of female and male dog pets. Yet, although several programs are ongoing to promote pet adoption, less than a fifth of the owned dogs come from a shelter. The latest study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) comparing humans and dogs showed that dogs have the same response to voices and use the same parts of the brain as humans do. This", "id": "2688243" }, { "contents": "Mermaid\n\n\n-known example of mermaids in literature is probably Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, \"The Little Mermaid\", first published in 1837. In the original story, a young mermaid falls in love with a human prince whom she saves from drowning when his ship is wrecked in a storm. Although her grandmother tells her not to envy humans, who live much shorter lives than mermaids, and whose only consolation is an immortal soul, the mermaid chooses to risk her life in order to be with the prince. She trades", "id": "859473" }, { "contents": "Wolf\n\n\ntypes of dog, including the Borzoi and Kyrgyz Tajgan, have been specifically bred for wolf hunting. Wild wolves are sometimes kept as exotic pets and, in some rarer occasions, as working animals. Although closely related to domesticated dogs, wolves do not show the same tractability as dogs in living alongside humans, and generally, much more work is required in order to obtain the same amount of reliability. Wolves also need much more space than dogs, about , so they can exercise. The English 'wolf' stems from", "id": "14933443" }, { "contents": "Dogs in Mesoamerican folklore and myth\n\n\nit back to life. The Lords were so impressed that they asked the twins to sacrifice and resurrect them. In the end, the Hero Twins sacrificed the Lords of Xibalba and did not follow through on bringing them back to life. This made it possible for humans to live on earth. The story linked dogs with renewal and human life. Dogs are associated with death and have the job of leading people into the Underworld. They represent fire and are protectors of the hearth, two components of Maya life. In Aztec", "id": "19240762" }, { "contents": "Dog behavior\n\n\n-over by a new competitor. Feral dogs are those dogs living in a wild state with no food and shelter intentionally provided by humans, and showing a continuous and strong avoidance of direct human contacts. In the developing world pet dogs are uncommon, but feral, village or community dogs are plentiful around humans. The distinction between feral, stray, and free ranging dogs is sometimes a matter of degree, and a dog may shift its status throughout its life. In some unlikely but observed cases, a feral dog that", "id": "14659170" }, { "contents": "Prolactin\n\n\nof D receptor agonists such as bromocriptine. While there is evidence that women who smoke tend to breast feed for shorter periods, there is a wide variation of breast-feeding rates in women who do smoke. This suggest that psychosocial factors rather than physiological mechanisms (e.g., nicotine suppressing prolactin levels) are responsible for the lower rates of breast feeding in women who do smoke. Prolactin is available commercially for use in animals, but not in humans. It is used to stimulate lactation in animals. The biological half-life", "id": "2272070" }, { "contents": "Greater Swiss Mountain Dog\n\n\n. Sudden Onset Aggression (SOA) or Rage Syndrome has been reported in Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs. Heavier dogs such as the Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs tend to have shorter lifespans than medium- and small-sized dogs; longevity is inversely related to breed size. Two websites list the life expectancy for Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs at 10 to 11 years; another lists it as 8–10 years. A survey by the US breed club shows a median lifespan of 6.75 years. Dog lifespans may vary in different countries, even in the same", "id": "20240877" }, { "contents": "Hal and Roger Hunt\n\n\nhuman nature that borders on naiveté which was best demonstrated in \"Cannibal Adventure\", where he could not understand why Merlin Kaggs - whom he had imprisoned for life - would want to kill him. Roger is the archetypical little brother as he often argues with, and yet admires, Hal. Although he does not have the build of his brother, being shorter as well as more slim and wiry rather than muscular, he's strong enough to survive a direct hit from an adult silverback gorilla, temporary blinding from a spitting", "id": "6181016" }, { "contents": "Self-experimentation in medicine\n\n\na chamber with a dog and exposed to the gas. Barcroft continued with the experiment even after the dog went into tetanic convulsions and appeared to die. The experiment was continued for less than two minutes. The next morning the dog was found to be alive and apparently fully recovered. It is not known why dogs are more susceptible to the gas than humans. Tim Friede created his own vaccine against snakebite using pure venom injections from all four species of mambas, and four cobra species to achieve high immunity. He also survived", "id": "21880607" }, { "contents": "Michael Joseph Murphy\n\n\nwarped and twisted that they have become destructive of life itself. We wonder why the gift of life was given to them. But the gift is not ours. Neither is it ours to say, 'They do not deserve to live!'\" In a 1989 Christmas message, he declared, \"As a means to the peace which He promises us and indeed has made possible for us, may the Prince of Peace gift all of us and our nation with a real awareness of the sacredness of all human life,", "id": "16680996" }, { "contents": "Dog health\n\n\nscraps and treats they are fed: usually too much food. While not all human delicacies are acutely toxic to dogs (see above), many have the same chronically unfortunate results as they do for humans. Obesity is an increasingly common problem in dogs in Western countries. As with humans, obesity can cause numerous health problems in dogs (although dogs are much less susceptible to the common cardiac and arterial consequences of obesity than humans are). According to a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, the prevalence", "id": "2886788" }, { "contents": "The Beggars Chorus\n\n\ndog. He sings of going to Pimlico with his fellow beggars, where they will all have drinks with girls. He brags of his skills as a beggar, and his ability to evoke pity in others. He lives in a hollowed out tree, and wonders why anybody would be a king when a beggar's life is so good. Joseph Woodfall Ebsworth attributes the song to Richard Brome, from his 1642 play, \"A Jovial Crew, or the Merry Beggars\". However, the words to the song do not", "id": "1115630" }, { "contents": "American Bully\n\n\ndisplay clearer American Pit Bull Terrier/American Staffordshire Terrier lineage. Outside of the breed standard, dogs shorter or taller than the named variations have been bred. Smaller dogs are sometimes called \"Micro\" and larger ones are called \"XXL\", but neither are recognized by the kennel clubs as legitimate varieties. The American Bully is a highly adaptable breed, often acting as a laid back companion dog in the home while showing a zest for life and energy while outside. Many dogs, despite acting as lap dogs in the", "id": "10360317" }, { "contents": "Diogenes\n\n\nat those who refuse, and I set my teeth in rascals.\" Diogenes believed human beings live artificially and hypocritically and would do well to study the dog. Besides performing natural body functions in public with ease, a dog will eat anything, and make no fuss about where to sleep. Dogs live in the present without anxiety, and have no use for the pretensions of abstract philosophy. In addition to these virtues, dogs are thought to know instinctively who is friend and who is foe. Unlike human beings who either", "id": "8675712" }, { "contents": "South American Initiative\n\n\nto abandon their pets. The price of dog food has increased by more than 50% and exceeds $4 per kilogram. That's why there are more abandoned dogs in the streets than ever before. The truth is that these innocent, domesticated pets cannot survive without human help and care. Among the possible solutions to the problem of stray dogs in the streets include the promotion of responsible pet ownership and understanding that having an animal is a privilege and a great responsibility. Another solution is to strengthen the help for all", "id": "8372970" }, { "contents": "Accelerating change\n\n\n. According to Kurzweil, since the beginning of evolution, more complex life forms have been evolving exponentially faster, with shorter and shorter intervals between the emergence of radically new life forms, such as human beings, who have the capacity to engineer (i.e. intentionally design with efficiency) a new trait which replaces relatively blind evolutionary mechanisms of selection for efficiency. By extension, the rate of technical progress amongst humans has also been exponentially increasing, as we discover more effective ways to do things, we also discover more effective ways to", "id": "18442250" }, { "contents": "Fairy (Artemis Fowl)\n\n\nFairies, in the fantasy series \"Artemis Fowl\" by Eoin Colfer, are fictional beings, usually shorter than a human, who possess magic properties. The average height of a fairy is exactly one metre, one centimetre. All the fairies have retreated below the Earth to escape the destructiveness of the human race. Their underground civilization is centered on the capital city of Haven. Fairies are vernacularly known as the People, and live a life according to the Book of the People. There are eight recognized families of fairies –", "id": "8838662" }, { "contents": "Californium\n\n\nwith a half-life of 351 years, californium-250 with a half-life of 13.08 years, and californium-252 with a half-life of 2.645 years. All the remaining isotopes have half-lives shorter than a year, and the majority of these have half-lives shorter than 20 minutes. The isotopes of californium range in mass number from 237 to 256. Californium-249 is formed from the beta decay of berkelium-249, and most other californium isotopes are made by subjecting berkelium to intense neutron radiation in a nuclear reactor. Although", "id": "5776356" }, { "contents": "Europium\n\n\neuropium. This value is in reasonable agreement with theoretical predictions. Besides the natural radioisotope Eu, 35 artificial radioisotopes have been characterized, the most stable being Eu with a half-life of 36.9 years, Eu with a half-life of 13.516 years, and Eu with a half-life of 8.593 years. All the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives shorter than 4.7612 years, and the majority of these have half-lives shorter than 12.2 seconds. This element also has 8 meta states, with the most stable", "id": "9491197" }, { "contents": "Wolves as pets and working animals\n\n\nWild wolves are sometimes kept as exotic pets, and in some rarer occasions, as working animals. Although closely related to domesticated dogs, wolves do not show the same tractability as dogs in living alongside humans, and generally, much more work is required in order to obtain the same amount of reliability. Wolves also need much more space than dogs, about 25 to 40 square kilometres (10 to 15 sq mi) so they can exercise. Captive wolf puppies are usually taken from their mother at the age of 14 days", "id": "15786330" }, { "contents": "Dog behavior\n\n\npups can join other captive wolves but will require daily human contact to remain socialized. Despite this intensive socialization process, a well-socialized wolf will behave differently to a well-socialized dog and will display species-typical hunting and reproductive behaviors, only closer to humans than a wild wolf. These wolves do not generalize their socialization to all humans in the same manner as a socialized dog and they remain more fearful of novelty compared to socialized dogs. In 1982, a study to observe the differences between dogs and wolves raised", "id": "14659196" }, { "contents": "Paleolithic dog\n\n\nwith the Pleistocene and modern wolves, the Paleolithic dog had a shorter skull length, a shorter viscerocranium (face) length, and a wider snout. It had a wider palate and wider braincase, relatively short and massive jaws, and a shorter carnassial length but these were larger than the modern dog and closer to those of the wolf. The mandible of the Paleolithic dog was more massive compared to the elongated mandible of the wolves and had more crowded premolars, and a hook-like extension in the caudal border of the", "id": "3272426" }, { "contents": "Stanley Coren\n\n\nsent to all of the dog obedience judges in the United States and Canada, and resulted in the ranking of 110 dog breeds by intelligence. This ranking caused a rather large media stir. His book \"Why we love the dogs we do\" looks at the personality of people and how the owner's personality predicts their relationship with various dog breeds. It is based on a survey of more than 6000 people who took a personality test and reported on their experiences with the various dogs that they have owned. This book proved", "id": "16031333" }, { "contents": "Dog aggression\n\n\n, or perhaps only towards dogs that resemble the dog that attacked him. Although people tend to bring these reactions out of dogs more often than dogs themselves, dogs only pay attention to what their owners allow. Dogs that display dog-aggressive behaviour do not necessarily show aggressive behaviour towards humans. The two types of aggression are not necessarily related, and do not always occur in the same individual dog. Dog aggression manifests at the age of adolescence to social maturity (6 months to 4 years). Warning signs such as", "id": "4816368" }, { "contents": "Jake the Dog\n\n\nof the series, Jake is said to be 28 years old in \"magical dog years,\" although at the time, it wasn't specified how old that is in human years. In \"Dad's Dungeon\" and \"Jake the Dad\" he and Finn are seen as babies at the same time, meaning that he ages at a faster rate than humans, but at a slower rate than dogs do normally. In \"Memory of a Memory\", inside Finn's memories, Finn is seen as a baby", "id": "12048662" }, { "contents": "Free-ranging dog\n\n\ndogs is sometimes a matter of degree, and a dog may shift its status throughout its life. In some unlikely but observed cases, a feral dog that was not born wild but living with a feral group can become rehabilitated to a domestic dog with an owner. A dog can become a stray when it escapes human control, by abandonment or being born to a stray mother. A stray dog can become feral when forced out of the human environment or when co-opted or socially accepted by a nearby feral group.", "id": "19265934" }, { "contents": "Dog type\n\n\ncategorized by the ancestral type and subtype from which the breed descended. In addition, dog breed groups, which kennel clubs use to organize breeds of dogs, are based on dog types such as \"hound\" or \"terrier\". Some group categories cover more than one type; working dog refers to dogs that do some sort of work for humans, in contrast to companion dogs which are pets, although working dogs can also be companions, and companion dogs can do useful work. The terminology is unclear; see Working", "id": "6807809" }, { "contents": "Separation anxiety in dogs\n\n\nSeparation anxiety in dogs describes a condition in which a dog exhibits distress and behavior problems when separated from its handler. Separation anxiety typically manifests within 30 minutes of departure of the handler. It is not fully understood why some dogs suffer from separation anxiety and others do not. The behavior may be secondary to an underlying medical condition. With chronic stressors in dog's lives, impairments can occur on their physiological health. Increased stress in the animal alters their hormone levels and thus decreases the animals immunity to various health problems. A", "id": "12588363" }, { "contents": "Animals in Translation\n\n\nsimilar to animals, as they \"see, feel and think in remarkably similar ways\". Based on this idea, Grandin goes on to explain that all animals are more intelligent and more sensitive than humans assume them to be, and should be given a \"good life...with something useful to do\". In \"Animals in Translation\", Grandin's explains her theory of why people with autism and animals are so similar. Grandin's theory is that the frontal lobes of people with autism do not function the same", "id": "16555732" }, { "contents": "Choctaw mythology\n\n\nfor 10 years. The rest of the animals did not know how long they wanted, so the spirit gave them the years he thought was best. He gave humans 3 centuries of life and told the dog that, although its life was short, its quality of life will be determined by its master. If the master was good to the dog, feeding, loving, and caring for it, it will prosper and live long. If the master neglected and abused it, it will live a short and miserable life", "id": "9391656" }, { "contents": "Working dog\n\n\nin which dogs can and do assist humans, and more uses are found for them every year. The following list provides an idea of the versatility of dogs: Dogs are commonly used as search and rescue workers in cases of lost people and disasters. The St. Bernard was historically used in Europe in the case of avalanches and lost travelers. Search dogs are used in lost person searches each year saving human lives. Several breeds of dogs were used during World War I to locate wounded soldiers in the field. Several cities in", "id": "16947828" }, { "contents": "A Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray\n\n\nSquirrel and Bone but kept the dogs a secret from his family. Matthias brought the dogs scraps of food and toys to play with. Matthias was the dogs' first human interaction. A cat who lived in the shed with the dogs. The cats lived in nesting boxes in the opposite corner of the shed from the dogs. Yellow Man greeted the dogs every morning and was curious of them. The wife of George. She and George find Squirrel and Bone on the side of the highway and take them home. Marcy", "id": "21372237" }, { "contents": "Origin of the domestic dog\n\n\nthat arose early in domestication and did not require human selection. \"Humans did not develop dogs, we only fine-tuned them down the road.\" A dog's cranium is 15% smaller than an equally heavy wolf's, and the dog is less aggressive and more playful. Other species pairs show similar differences. Bonobos, like chimpanzees, are a close genetic cousin to humans, but unlike the chimpanzees, bonobos are not aggressive and do not participate in lethal inter-group aggression or kill within their own group", "id": "22220556" }, { "contents": "Quaternary extinction event\n\n\neffects of the newly arrived aboriginal humans. The Hyperdisease Hypothesis proposes that humans or animals traveling with them (e.g., chickens or domestic dogs) introduced one or more highly virulent diseases into vulnerable populations of native mammals, eventually causing extinctions. The extinction was biased toward larger-sized species because smaller species have greater resilience because of their life history traits (e.g., shorter gestation time, greater population sizes, etc.). Humans are thought to be the cause because other earlier immigrations of mammals into North America from Eurasia did", "id": "17813498" }, { "contents": "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence\n\n\n\"real\" being, makes a key appearance, as in many of Oshii's movies. A scene with Batou feeding his dog is echoed in Ash in \"Avalon\" (2001). He explained the reason why all his films feature a basset hound—his companion in real life: \"This body you see before you is an empty shell. The dog represents my body. Human beings can be free only if they free themselves from their bodies. When I am playing around with my dog, I forget that", "id": "650953" }, { "contents": "Dog\n\n\n, while socialized wolves do not. Modern domestic dogs use humans to solve their problems for them. Dog behavior is the internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of the domestic dog (individuals or groups) to internal and/or external stimuli. As the oldest domesticated species, with estimates ranging from 9,000–30,000 years BCE, the minds of dogs inevitably have been shaped by millennia of contact with humans. As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs, more than any other species, have acquired the ability to understand and", "id": "2688217" }, { "contents": "Design life\n\n\ndecades. (Clearly in this example there are other differentiators.) Some products designed for heavy or demanding use are so well-made that they are retained and used well beyond their design life. Some public transport vehicles come into this category, as do a number of artificial satellites and spacecraft. In general, entry-level products—those at the lowest end of the price range fulfilling a certain specification—will tend to have shorter design lives than more expensive products fulfilling the same function, since there are savings to", "id": "107742" }, { "contents": "List of works by Lawrence Watt-Evans\n\n\nand deadly radiation of the nearby sun, making human life there impossible. For inhabitants of Nightside City, \"Sunrise\" means an impending apocalypse which they must try to escape. But while the city still lives, Carlisle Hsing must earn an uncertain living in a constant fight with crooks, con-men, corrupt business executives and computer programs whose cunning is equal - sometimes superior - to that of humans. He has written more than a hundred short stories, including \"Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers\"", "id": "11128380" }, { "contents": "Graham Kennedy\n\n\nto continue; this became so frequent that Kennedy managed to coin a catchphrase, \"I love it when he cries\". Kennedy called Sutcliffe \"Two Dogs\" after delivering a joke ending with the tag \"Why do you ask, Two Dogs Rooting?\" Graham Kennedy's News Show was a rarity in that it was a live news show that had a studio audience. Five nights a week for most of the year, audiences lined up at 10:30 at night just to see Kennedy do his magic in the flesh.", "id": "2735200" }, { "contents": "How to Stop an Exploding Man\n\n\nof the one used in the very first episode of the series, Genesis, narrated by Mohinder Suresh. \"Where does it come from, this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered? Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we'd be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature. Not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet", "id": "15515137" }, { "contents": "Ear mite\n\n\ncan be transmitted from even brief physical contact with other animals. In pets, ear mites most commonly affect cats, ferrets, and to a lesser extent dogs. Humans can rarely be infected with ear mites. Infected animals have a large amount of crumbly dark brown material in their ears. On close inspection, tiny white mites can be seen in the debris. Ear mites do not burrow as some mites do, but live within the ear canal. The life cycle of an individual mite is about 4 weeks, with eggs", "id": "17862619" }, { "contents": "Cobalt\n\n\nare also known. Co is the only stable cobalt isotope and the only isotope that exists naturally on Earth. Twenty-two radioisotopes have been characterized; the most stable, Co has a half-life of 5.2714 years, and Co has a half-life of 271.8 days, Co a half-life of 77.27 days, and Co a half-life of 70.86 days. All the other radioactive isotopes of cobalt have half-lives shorter than 18 hours, and in most cases shorter than 1 second. This element", "id": "17226261" }, { "contents": "Giant George\n\n\nGiant George was a blue Great Dane previously recognised as the world's tallest living dog, and the tallest dog ever by Guinness World Records. There were originally conflicting media reports regarding his height, but the official measurement showed that he was three-quarters of an inch taller than the previous record holder, Titan (at at the withers) and an inch shorter than the subsequent record holder, Zeus. His records were announced as he appeared on \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\" in February 2010. George was born on November", "id": "12657867" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Puppy mill\n\n\ncrates with little space. Being in a small space and not being able to be active causes stress and affects their development. The puppies do not get to interact with other humans when living in puppy mills, they do not get treats or toys. Not being able to interact with humans can lead to behavioral problems. Puppy mills are unsanitary, their water is usually dirty, the food is not healthy for the dogs and no one cleans up after them. The puppy mill dogs get little to no veterinary care. The", "id": "16516334" }, { "contents": "Sheila Stroup\n\n\nSheila T. Stroup (born 1943, Covington, Louisiana) is a \"Living\" section columnist for the New Orleans \"Times-Picayune\". Her column, rather than dealing with the celebrated news events of the day, invariably has to do with perceptions of the otherwise-unnoticed aspects of life, particularly in her native Northshore Region. Part of her style is to refer to her husband Merwin by his surname alone, \"Stroup\". A frequent topic for Sheila Stroup is dogs. In 1999 her dog Harry was", "id": "21837810" }, { "contents": "Scott Long\n\n\naspirations. The split has to do, as well, with the difference between institutions and movements, the former ones formal and developing their own standards and needs, the latter fluid and chaotic and responsible to individuals' and communities' desires and drives … Human Rights Watch – and other international organizations like it – needs a far deeper understanding of what social movements are, why they are important, how they turn human rights into living values rather than legal abstractions. In fall 2010, Long was a senior fellow at the Center", "id": "7520900" }, { "contents": "Socialization of animals\n\n\n. These researchers found that the dogs in the experimental group did not jump on and bark at unfamiliar humans as much as the dogs in the control group did. The socialized dogs also showed to be more responsive to commands than did the dogs in the control group. The researchers believe that through more effective socialization, more dogs can be adopted from shelters. Battagalia claims that there are 3 important periods during the first year of life for a puppy. Her research shows that if puppies experience stimulation from humans during the first few", "id": "6749733" }, { "contents": "Origin of the domestic dog\n\n\nsituations. As these are characteristics of wolves, dogs and humans, it can be argued that these behaviors were enhanced once wolves and humans began to cohabit. Communal hunting led to communal defense. Wolves actively patrol and defend their scent-marked territory, and perhaps humans had their sense of territoriality enhanced by living with wolves. One of the keys to recent human survival has been the forming of partnerships. Strong bonds exist between same-sex wolves, dogs and humans and these bonds are stronger than exist between other same-", "id": "22220569" }, { "contents": "Eastern diamondback rattlesnake\n\n\ntails. The eastern diamondback can live beyond 20 years, but life expectancy in the wild is now typically shorter because of hunting and human expansion. Adult wild-caught specimens are often difficult to maintain in captivity, but captive-born individuals do quite well and feed readily on killed laboratory rodents. The eastern diamondback requires a dry and well-ventilated cage with a hide-box, maintained at a temperature of for normal activity. \"C. adamanteus\" has the reputation of being the most dangerous venomous snake in North America", "id": "15149637" }, { "contents": "Shabbat\n\n\nfragrant spices and a candle, usually braided. Some communities delay \"havdalah\" later into the night in order to prolong Shabbat. There are different customs regarding how much time one should wait after the stars have surfaced until the sabbath technically ends. Some people hold by 72 minutes later and other hold longer and shorter than that. Jewish law (halakha) prohibits doing any form of \"melakhah\" (מְלָאכָה, plural \"melakhoth\") on Shabbat, unless an urgent human or medical need is life-threatening. Though", "id": "9258625" }, { "contents": "Vs. (Pearl Jam album)\n\n\nbut ignored him. Vedder said that \"Rearviewmirror\" is about being \"in a car, leaving ... a bad situation.\" Vedder stated that \"Rats\" is about the idea that \"rats are probably a hell of a lot more admirable\" than humans. \"Leash\" was written about the same girl that the \"Ten\" song \"Why Go\" is about. Regarding \"Indifference\", Vedder said it is about \"[trying to] do something to make some other peoples' lives better than they", "id": "18213838" }, { "contents": "Dead Dog Beach\n\n\nto keep the pet population growing in effort of making money and just simply arguing that it is more inhumane to kill the sex life of their pet than to actual kill the pet itself. People more commonly will spay the female than neuter the male in the Puerto Rican culture or even will do it once their pet has reached a certain age where it no longer needs to be producing. According to the Humane Society, a third round of services was underway in early 2019, where pet owners in Puerto Rico could have their", "id": "653988" }, { "contents": "Dog breeding\n\n\n, hundreds of dog breeds have been developed. Artificial selection in dog breeding has influenced behavior, shape, and size of dogs. It is believed when human civilization moved towards agrarian societies, dogs were selectively bred for smaller size and more docile behavior. These traits made it more comfortable for humans and dogs to live together. It has been seen that these traits can even prompt an adult female wolf to act more defensively of dog puppies than of wolf puppies. The example of canine neoteny goes even further, in that the", "id": "13645945" }, { "contents": "Grandmother hypothesis\n\n\n’s genetic interest to ensure those children survive to reproduction. The mismatch between the rates of degradation of somatic cells versus gametes in human females provides an unsolved paradox. Why do somatic cells decline at a slower rate and why do humans invest more in somatic longevity relative to other species? Since natural selection has a much stronger influence on younger generations, deleterious mutations during later life become harder to select out of the population. In female placentals, the number of ovarian oocytes is fixed during embryonic development, possibly as an adaptation to", "id": "18625604" }, { "contents": "Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure\n\n\nresponse patterns, for example \"dog-woof-similar\" versus \"dog-woof-different\". Reaction times are then compared between these blocks. Any difference in response time between the two block types is defined as an IRAP effect. According to the creators, “the basic hypothesis is that average response latencies should be shorter across blocks of consistent relative to inconsistent trials. In other words, participants should respond more rapidly to relational tasks that reflect their current beliefs than to tasks that do not”. The IRAP", "id": "17392834" }, { "contents": "The Fox and the Hound (novel)\n\n\nThe Fox and the Hound is a 1967 novel written by American novelist Daniel P. Mannix and illustrated by John Schoenherr. It follows the lives of Tod, a red fox raised by a human for the first year of his life, and Copper, a half-bloodhound dog owned by a local hunter, referred to as the Master. After Tod causes the death of the man's favorite hound, man and dog relentlessly hunt the fox, against the dual backdrops of a changing human world and Tod's normal life in hunting", "id": "4437465" }, { "contents": "Tibial tuberosity advancement\n\n\nvery different in dogs. Rather than the ligament suddenly breaking due to excessive trauma, it usually degenerates slowly over time, rather like a fraying rope. This important difference is the primary reason why the treatment options recommended for cruciate ligament injury in dogs are so different from the treatment options recommended for humans. In the vast majority of dogs, the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) ruptures as a result of long-term degeneration, whereby the fibres within the ligament weaken over time. The precise cause of this is not known", "id": "8257744" }, { "contents": "Isotopes of lithium\n\n\n178.3 milliseconds, and lithium-11 has a half-life of about 8.75 milliseconds. All of the remaining isotopes of lithium have half-lives that are shorter than 10 nanoseconds. The shortest-lived known isotope of lithium is lithium-4, which decays by proton emission with a half-life of about seconds, although the half-life of lithium-3 is yet to be determined, and is likely to be much shorter, like helium-2 (diproton) which undergoes proton decay within s. Lithium-7 and lithium-6 are two of the primordial nuclides that", "id": "1416238" }, { "contents": "Tyrolean Hound\n\n\nanother perk of keeping this dog by your side. Hunters do have to worry about injuries to their dog, however, along with the common injuries that these dogs obtain throughout their life, like hip dysplasia or ear infections. Barring any injuries, these dogs tend to live an energetic life for about 12-14 years, and tend to be an overall healthy and robust dog. The Tyrolean Hound, also known as the Tyroler Bracke, is a breed of scent hound originally developed in the 1800's from the Bracke hounds", "id": "921183" }, { "contents": "Fred Hirsch\n\n\nclass\". Positional goods are those that derive their value specifically from their scarcity - cannot be distributed more widely as the doing so would undermine their construction of high status value. Hirsch's concept helps explains why, as economic growth improves overall quality of life at any particular level, doing \"better\" than how your grandparents lived does not translate automatically into doing \"well\", if there are as many or more people ahead of you in the economic hierarchy. For example, if you are the first in your", "id": "6501524" }, { "contents": "Feodor Kuzmich\n\n\nTomsk, he was unusually not restrained by shackles. According to his life's history, Kuzmich lived a life of rigor, sleeping on a bare board and wearing only simple clothes. Due to Kuzmich's strange appearance and mannerism, residents assumed that his previous life was quite different from his present. Before and after his death many miracles were attributed to Kuzmich. When asked about his previous life, Kuzmich responded: \"Why do you usually think that my situation is worse now than it was once before? At the present", "id": "7932281" }, { "contents": "Susan J. Crockford\n\n\nthe root cause of why—for example—a chimpanzee would develop into a chimpanzee while in its mother's womb, instead of a human, despite possessing 99% of the same genes. The most controversial portion of her book was the challenge to the idea that humans alone domesticated animals. She argued species adapted to fulfill the ecological niche provided by becoming the companions of humans or by living within their communities. Crockford is a specialist on the evolutionary history of dogs, especially in regards to their domestication and speciation. In", "id": "13162821" }, { "contents": "Santa's Little Helper\n\n\nthe dog thing... why do we need to pay Welker who comes in here, spends less than an hour, eats all the doughnuts, refuses to come to rehearsals... let's just give the damn dog to Dan!'\" Santa's Little Helper has become a well-known dog because of his appearances in the series. A writer for \"The Grand Rapids Press\" wrote in 2002 that \"we all know who Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie are—heck, most Americans probably recognize their", "id": "17350337" }, { "contents": "Rotating locomotion in living systems\n\n\nnature not produce wheels?\", but rather, \"Why do human vehicles not make more use of limbs?\" The use of wheels rather than limbs in most engineered vehicles can likely be attributed to the complexity of design required to construct and control limbs, rather than to a consistent functional advantage of wheels over limbs. Although stiff wheels are more energy efficient than other means of locomotion when traveling over hard, level terrain (such as paved roads), wheels are not especially efficient on soft terrain such as soil,", "id": "1257928" } ]
Why is it cheaper to build your own computer than buying it pre-built, but more expensive to build your own car than buying it pre-built?
[{"answer": "Car parts aren't mass produced for outside retail. Computer parts are. Thats really why. Intel makes a ton of processors. It doesnt make a difference if you buy one or dell buys thousands. The processors the same. In This way you can get a similar deal to what they can and not have to deal with their markup for profit."}, {"answer": "Computer parts are universal sizes/cross compatible. A Dell uses Intel chips and WD hard drives, and so does a Lenovo. Or they may use both use Seagate drives -- because they are standardized in terms of size to fit. More competition means better pricing. Or you can buy a generic case and add the Intel chip, WD, Seagate, or other drive yourself knowing they'll work because components are standardized. Conversely, a ford engine won't fit into Chevrolet chassis, and a Toyota seat won't work with a Hyundai so you are tied to a particular maker once you have a frame/chassis. Fewer options, higher margins and profits for those selling those items."}, {"answer": "In some instances, building a computer may not be cheaper then buying a prebuilt from a company like Dell or whatnot. LinusTechTips recently put up a video stating just that. But yea, just like other people have stated, PC parts are mass produced for retail purchase."}, {"answer": "Putting together a car is much, much more difficult, requires way more work and way more knowledge than putting together a computer. If you fuck up the computer and put it together wrong, your computer doesn't work. If you put the car together wrong, you could kill yourself and others."}, {"answer": "I see you checked it as answered but, I feel that no one really answered your question correctly. As I read your question what you are really asking is > Why can I buy the parts to make a computer for cheaper than I can buy a computer, while buying all the parts to make a car would cost more than than just buying the car already made? If this is so then I think a better answer than you have been given is - Car parts are heavy and bulky and thus the cost of retail distribution and storage makes up a much larger percentage of the retail cost than for computer parts. Thus, say, while the markup between wholesale (for the manufacturer) and retail (for you) might only be 2x for computer parts where it would be much larger for car parts."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3879451", "title": "Gaming computer", "section": "Section::::Pre-built computers.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 43, "end_paragraph_id": 43, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Due to the wide inconsistencies in after-purchase support from component manufacturers, trying to get support can be a daunting task. Customer support is a major reason why even extreme gaming enthusiasts may look to a system integrator for their custom PC builds. There are many positive aspects in choosing to build one's own system, such as no longer being tied to specific configurations. Pricing on individual components is often better, and thus can save quite a lot of money on a comparable pre-built system. Warranties are often included with the price of each individual piece of hardware when building a PC, whereas a prebuilt PC's warranty may cost an additional fee or may be as little as 1 or 2 years for the entire system. Those who choose to build their own PC often seek help from an online community or forum in the absence of a consumer helpline. One major drawback of buying a prebuilt gaming PC aside from the extra cost is that they are often built with a very powerful CPU, but with a relatively weak graphics card. This results in a \"gaming\" PC that performs poorly in gaming for the price paid. Most games today", "idual components is often better, and thus can save quite a lot of money on a comparable pre-built system. Warranties are often included with the price of each individual piece of hardware when building a PC, whereas a prebuilt PC's warranty may cost an additional fee or may be as little as 1 or 2 years for the entire system. Those who choose to build their own PC often seek help from an online community or forum in the absence of a consumer helpline. One major"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6823776", "title": "Computer liquidator", "section": "Section::::Reasons for Liquidation.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Computer liquidation is a sustainable solution and is environmentally friendly. Rapid technology change, low initial cost, and planned obsolescence have resulted in a fast-growing surplus of computers and other electronic components around the globe. The purpose of computer liquidators is to keep as many computers and electronic parts out of landfills. As newer and better technology replaces hardware at an ever-increasing speed, the amount of technical trash increases as the technology is being replaced. The speed at which hardware changes and innovates in the last few years follows, to some degree, Moore's Law. Predictions were made that every landfill would soon be overflowing with discarded computer screens and computers, along with associated equipment such as keyboards and mouses and all the other hardware associated with use of the Internet.Most electronic waste is sent to landfills or incinerated, which releases toxic materials such as lead, mercury, or cadmium into the soil, groundwater, and atmosphere, thus having a negative impact on the environment. The best liquidating companies have clearly outlined policies regarding the disposal of dangerous substances which are often an issue with information technology.", "mouses and all the other hardware associated with use of the Internet.Most electronic waste is sent to landfills or incinerated, which releases toxic materials such as lead, mercury, or cadmium into the soil, groundwater, and atmosphere, thus having a negative impact on the environment. The best liquidating companies have clearly outlined policies regarding the disposal of dangerous substances which are often an issue with information technology."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Homebuilt computer\n\n\nA custom-built or homebuilt computer is a computer assembled from available components, usually commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, rather than purchased as a complete system from a computer system supplier, also known as pre-built systems. Custom built or Homebuilt computer is usually considered cheaper to assemble as compared to buying a pre-built computer, since it excludes the labor associated with building a computer, and instead the labor is done by the end-user in assembling their own homebuilt computer. Homebuilt computers", "id": "842247" }, { "contents": "White box (computer hardware)\n\n\nmotivation for building one's own PC, today it is generally more expensive to build a low-end PC than to buy a pre-built equivalent. While PCs built by system manufacturers generally come with a pre-installed operating system, white boxes from both large and small system vendors and other VAR channels can be ordered with or without a pre-installed OS. Usually when ordered with an operating system, the system builder uses an OEM copy of the OS. Self-building white box PCs are still popular among", "id": "3141250" }, { "contents": "Gaming computer\n\n\nadvanced\" gamers build their gaming PCs themselves, some choose to go with pre-built or custom-built gaming PCs. These PCs can often be more expensive than building one's own, with higher premiums attached to high-end brands with varying levels of customer service. Different companies offer varying degrees of customization. While established gaming computers such as Alienware offer unique case designs and little customization from the user prior to purchase, other smaller firms allow a greater degree of customization and better value-for-money, often", "id": "4205857" }, { "contents": "Wichmann Diesel\n\n\n. They built the Wichmann under the name Wärtsilä Wichmann, but stopped production when it proved to be more successful than their own engines. The last engine was built in 1997. Eidesvik Shipping offered to buy the design since Wärtsilä themselves had no interest in building it, but their offer was refused. The pre-war engines were Glow Head Engines in countless varieties. The first diesel engines were produced in 1938, when the company had 190 employees and an annual production of 160 engines. The engines earned a reputation for being", "id": "13689130" }, { "contents": "Barebone computer\n\n\nA barebone computer is a partially assembled platform or an unassembled kit of computer parts allowing more customization and lower costs than a retail computer system. They are available for desktop computer, notebook (see barebook) and server purposes, and in nearly any form factor. Manufacturers are also able to produce systems of a specialized or non-standard form factor, since the system is sold as a pre-built unit, with the motherboard and power supply already installed. Assembling a barebone computer by hand is usually less expensive than buying", "id": "6204874" }, { "contents": "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Hearthfire\n\n\ncontent was worth the low price point, and was a \"more interesting way of incorporating useful features into the world than simply having you unlock a pre-built house\". \"PlayStation Official Magazine\" gave a positive review, calling the DLC \"reasonably priced\", stating, \"\"Skyrim\" is a game you really make your own, and building a home in \"Hearthfire\" is a natural and enjoyable extension of this concept. It's not quite up there with the excitement of slaying beasts and looting dungeons", "id": "7294863" }, { "contents": "PyBookie\n\n\nyour checkbook register. You list all of your expenses here. Some examples of entries in this account may include: bills, eating out, and buying a new pair of shoes. Your Liability account is kind of a mirror of your Expenses account. When you make an entry in your Expenses account, you will more than likely be adding that entry (or editing an existing entry) to your Liability account in order to balance the accounting equation. Entries may include credit cards and car payments. The Income account is a", "id": "4989661" }, { "contents": "Shikumen\n\n\nThey were also cheaper to build than Western-style houses. Although more expensive to build than the wooden terraces they replaced, they were sturdier and so attracted higher rents. They were first built in the British concession (later part of the International Settlement; and still later, the pre-merger Huangpu District), but quickly became popular throughout the Old City and Chinese zones, and came to become the predominant form of residential construction in Shanghai. The high profit attracted a whole swathe of property companies to enter the shikumen", "id": "696008" }, { "contents": "Housing cooperative\n\n\nestate agents. No board approval is needed to buy shares. In some older companies existing share holders have the right of pre-emption, i.e. the right to buy the shares at the set market price. There is usually no requirement for share holders to live in the co-operative. Owning apartments for rent is a common form of saving and private investment. There may be provisions against owning shares for more than one apartment in the same co-op. The first housing cooperatives were built around 1900, many of", "id": "12297911" }, { "contents": "Thomas Pullinger\n\n\nand many were bought by de Dion Bouton. Pullinger was particularly interested in the kind of cars built on the opposite side of Lyon by a Marius Berliet at Audibert & Lavirotte Keen to design and build his own car, he moved back to England seeing more opportunity there than in France, and arrived at the Sunbeam Motor Car Company in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire on a motor-quadricycle he had built himself. He prepared a report for the Sunbeam directors and delivered it on 11 November 1902. He recommended that Sunbeam should buy in", "id": "21532399" }, { "contents": "Educational toy\n\n\nwhich allowed children to construct a simple digital computer, composed entirely of mechanical parts operated by hand. They could then play with it, watching as mechanical versions of “flip-flop” electronic circuits demonstrated Boolean logic computations, solved problems in binary logic, and calculated simple mathematical operations. By the 1980s, expanding on the popularity of build-your-own radio and electronics kits from Radio Shack and Heathkit, it was possible to buy a kit to build your own ZX-81 microcomputer. Such projects were enthusiastically recommended as a", "id": "8518629" }, { "contents": "John Brogden and Sons\n\n\nis not entirely clear why they built the Ogmore Valley as a standard gauge railway in a broad gauge area, forcing the decision to build a dock at considerable expense. It may have been unavoidable owing to the Gauge Act of 1846. If so then perhaps it would have been cheaper to build the line as dual gauge from the start instead of building a dock. Perhaps even this was not permissible. The Llynvi Valley Railway was formed in 1861 by reopening pre-1846 lines. This is probably why it was permitted to use broad", "id": "4954556" }, { "contents": "Porsche\n\n\nFerdinand Porsche's son, Ferry Porsche, decided to build his own car, because he could not find an existing one that he wanted to buy. He also had to steer the company through some of its most difficult days until his father's release in August 1947. The first models of what was to become the 356 were built in a small sawmill in Gmünd, Austria. The prototype car was shown to German auto dealers, and when pre-orders reached a set threshold, production (with aluminium body) was", "id": "4738936" }, { "contents": "TVR 450 SEAC\n\n\nThe TVR 450 SEAC is a sports car designed and built by TVR in a one year only run. It used the same fibreglass and kevlar body as the 420 SEAC and the same chassis. The only difference was the engine which grew to 4,5 litres and about and 435 Nm torque. As a consequence though the 450 SEAC was even more expensive to build and buy than the already expensive 420 SEAC, so about 17 were made. Curiously, rumour has it that more SEAC's are on the road now than were manufactured", "id": "20175250" }, { "contents": "Homebuilt computer\n\n\na popular hobby. Not only could someone build a desktop that outperformed pre-built models selling in retail stores, but someone building their own computer may add whatever components they want, from multiple hard drives, case mods, high-performance graphics cards, liquid cooling, multi-head high-resolution monitor configurations, or using alternative operating systems without paying the \"Microsoft tax\". As pre-built computers improved in quality and performance, and manufacturers offered more options, it became less cost-effective for most users", "id": "842251" }, { "contents": "The Sims 2\n\n\nincluded in this game. The player can choose between playing a pre-made inhabited lot, moving a household into an unoccupied pre-built lot, or constructing a building on an empty lot. One novelty from \"The Sims\" is foundations. The player switches among the \"live\" mode (default) to control Sims, the \"buy\" mode to add, move or delete furniture, or the \"build\" mode to rebuild the house. Buy and build mode cannot be accessed when on a community", "id": "10268029" }, { "contents": "Scratch building\n\n\nScratch building is the process of building a scale model \"from scratch\", i.e. from raw materials, rather than building it from a commercial kit, kitbashing or buying it pre-assembled. Scratch building is easiest if original plans of the subject exist; however, many models have been built from photographs by measuring a known object in the photograph and extrapolating the rest of the dimensions. The necessary parts are then fashioned out of a suitable material, such as wood, plastic, plaster, clay, metal, polymer clay", "id": "5450868" }, { "contents": "Transition Assistance Program\n\n\n-separation counseling commences. Pre-separation counseling, just like IC, must be completed no later than 365 days prior to transition. Pre-separation counseling covers benefits, entitlements and resources for eligible transitioning service members. Caregivers are especially encouraged to attend this pre-separation counseling. The DoD Pre-Separation Training Day follows pre-separation counseling, and is mandatory for transitioning service members. This portion of TAP is an eight-hour day which includes curriculum modules on building resiliency by managing your own transition (MyTransition)", "id": "21350042" }, { "contents": "Carol Stream, Illinois\n\n\nred tape while negotiating a planned 350–400 home subdivision in nearby Naperville, Illinois. A Naperville clerk reportedly advised Stream to \"build your own town\", and in 1957, Stream began buying unincorporated farmland outside Wheaton. He hoped to allow people to work in the town they lived in, rather than have to commute to Chicago. On August 26, 1957, Carol and three friends were returning from Racine, Wisconsin in a 1949 Studebaker. While attempting to cross U.S. Route 45 in central Kenosha County, the car was struck", "id": "19493992" }, { "contents": "The Sims 2\n\n\nStrangetown a nicer place, but is up to the player to find them. Unlike most games in the Sim series, this one takes place in real-time. The PlayStation Portable version of the game is played in third person. There is more of a solid storyline the player is required to navigate through in order to unlock most of the things available in the other versions. The option to build your own home is replaced by a pre-built home where you can customize the furniture and decor. Conversation is carried", "id": "10268061" }, { "contents": "Lawn\n\n\nwar. The VA loan in the United States let American ex-servicemen buy homes without providing a down payment, while the Federal Housing Administration offered lender inducements that aided the reduction of down payments for the average American from 30% to as little as 10%. These developments made owning your own home cheaper than renting, further enabling the spread of suburbia and its lawns. Levittown, New York was the beginning of the industrial suburb in the 20th Century, and by proxy the industrial lawn. Between 1947 and 1951,", "id": "13771363" }, { "contents": "ResPublica\n\n\nraided’ the coffers of his own think tank to pursue a jet-set lifestyle.\" ResPublica was operated by a company called The ResPublica Trust, which entered insolvent Administration in February 2019. The assets were bought by The Respublica Partnership Limited in a pre-packaged insolvency. ResPublica's report \"To Buy, To Bid, To Build: Community Rights for an Asset Owning Democracy\", launched on 15 November 2010, listed strategies for privatising under-performing public sector built assets. Greg Clark MP, Minister of State", "id": "18286834" }, { "contents": "Gaming computer\n\n\na daunting task. Customer support is a major reason why even extreme gaming enthusiasts may look to a system integrator for their custom PC builds. There are many positive aspects in choosing to build one's own system, such as no longer being tied to specific configurations. Pricing on individual components is often better, and thus can save quite a lot of money on a comparable pre-built system. Warranties are often included with the price of each individual piece of hardware when building a PC, whereas a prebuilt PC's warranty", "id": "4205859" }, { "contents": "Delay box\n\n\ndesigning delay boxes by proxy. Furthermore, drag racers were prevented from using any delay box they made themselves at home. This is changed the face of drag racing in a huge way. Traditionally, grass roots drag racing was where racers could build their own chassis, engine, transmission, differential, vehicle plumbing & vehicle wiring, etc. Skilled racers could build their own race car with their own hands from parts wherever they acquired them. Racers were not required to buy anything pre-made if they didn't want to", "id": "8553329" }, { "contents": "Do3D\n\n\nDo3D was one of the first Virtual Reality computer software released for Microsoft Windows, being the first consumer product released by Superscape in 1998. The purpose of the program was the ability to create your own virtual worlds, having the feature to implement them onto webpages with special plug-ins, and walk around them. It used low-polygon, simple 3D graphics, with the possibility of adding your own textures and colors into pre-made objects, or into construction blocks for custom buildings. Its dedicated website,,", "id": "20752694" }, { "contents": "Elihu Harris\n\n\npresented a voting stub at selected supermarkets. There was voter backlash because of the perception of vote buying and had a subtext of racism. In his losing effort, Harris outspent Bock better than 16 to 1 ($550,000 to $33,000). His legacy in Oakland includes the naming of the Elihu M. Harris State Office Building after him, which was built in downtown Oakland near the pre-existing Federal Building and City Hall. The three proximate structures form a large triangle of massive government buildings in a larger business redevelopment area", "id": "12223178" }, { "contents": "Gas turbine\n\n\n— often an electric generator—and the secondary-energy equipment that is used to recover residual energy (largely heat). They range in size from portable mobile plants to large, complex systems weighing more than a hundred tonnes housed in purpose-built buildings. When the gas turbine is used solely for shaft power, its thermal efficiency is about 30%. However, it may be cheaper to buy electricity than to generate it. Therefore, many engines are used in CHP (Combined Heat and Power) configurations that can", "id": "13521441" }, { "contents": "Leith Walk\n\n\ntoll erected for its payment\". Before the sudden surge of tenement construction in the 1870s the street was largely rural in character with several nurseries along its length. The separate mansion houses which had been built in the early 19th century were more numerous on the west side than the east. When the tenements were built, it was easier (cheaper) to buy up the few mansions on the east side, which is why the two sides still have different characters to some extent. A large number of tenements were built in", "id": "15446918" }, { "contents": "Customer value proposition\n\n\nas employees, partners or suppliers. Similar to the unique selling proposition, it is a clearly defined statement that is designed to convince customers that one particular product or service will add more value or better solve a problem than others in its competitive set. A good customer value proposition will provide convincing reasons why a customer should buy a product, and also differentiate your product from competitors. Gaining a customer's attention and approval will help build sales faster and more profitably, as well as work to increase market share. Understanding customer", "id": "20841864" }, { "contents": "Football Index\n\n\nimplemented a Share Split with increased dividend structure. This meant every share owned by investors, were split by a value of 3. E.g. Pre Share Split a investor owned 1 x £30 share in player A, Post Share Split the investor will then had 3 x £10 shares in the same player A. This ultimately causes affordability for users to buy more, or allow smaller spenders to afford the more expensive players-where previously they were out of reach. Liquidity was gained where more people would buy, then more selling", "id": "15481749" }, { "contents": "Swabian Jura\n\n\n(the town of Metzingen is widely known as a \"luxury outlet town\", with people from all over Europe coming to buy expensive clothes cheaper). From this, machine building and advanced engineering developed. With the invention of cars and the founding of Daimler-Benz nearby, the car industry and later also electronics and computer industries developed. The \"Neckar-Alb\" region is the third largest industrial zone in Germany, and the most stable. The best known company is still Daimler-Benz, today known simply", "id": "17369053" }, { "contents": "Suburbanization\n\n\ndevelopments is that businesses as well, and not just individuals, now see an advantage to locating in the suburbs, where the cost of buying land, renting space, and running their operations, is cheaper than in the city. This continuing dispersal from a single city center has led to other recent phenomena in American suburbs, the advent of edge cities and exurbs, arising out of clusters of office buildings built in suburban commercial centers on shopping malls and higher density developments. With more and more jobs for suburbanites being located in", "id": "1135872" }, { "contents": "Dance Factory (video game)\n\n\nyou’re better off buying another version of \"DDR\" than dealing with this piece of crap called \"Dance Factory\". Or better yet, just pop in a CD and groove your own way.\" G4 TV awarded 40% and said: \"The ability to make your own dance patterns is not a dumb idea per se. \"Dance Factory\" would be an interesting gimmick if it was attached to an otherwise good \"DDR\" clone.\" For links to even more reviews, with both positive and negative", "id": "6970298" }, { "contents": "Masao Horiba\n\n\nbuild a capacitor plant fell through when the Korean war caused Japanese metal prices to rise. One of the instruments needed for the capacitor manufacturing processes was the pH meter. Imported pH meters tended to be unreliable, possibly because of Japan's hot and humid climate. They were also expensive. Rather than buy imported pH meters, Horiba had built his own pH meters for capacitor testing. He saw a potential market for reliable, low-cost pH meters in Japan's food and chemical industries, and partnered with Kitahama Works,", "id": "13227835" }, { "contents": "Bauerfeind\n\n\nin Kempen. Immediately after German reunification, in 1991, Hans B. Bauerfeind, grandson of the founder and chairman of the management board since 1976, returned Bauerfeind GmbH, as it then was, to Zeulenroda, buying a compression bandage manufacturer there and investing more than 100 million euros in a new production facility, a research centre and a new 57-metre headquarters building, the tallest new building constructed in Thuringia since reunification. The family-owned company became an \"Aktiengesellschaft\" in 2002. Hans Bauerfeind has built up the company to", "id": "16766723" }, { "contents": "Rank reversals in decision-making\n\n\narea. Many authors use them as means to criticize decision making methods or to better explain rational behavior. Consider a simple example of buying a car. Suppose that there are two cars available to the decision maker: Car A and Car B. Car A is much cheaper than Car B but its overall quality is much less when compared to that for Car B. On the other hand, Car B is more expensive than Car A but it is also of better quality. A decision maker who is concerned of the high price issue", "id": "8201220" }, { "contents": "Ski rental problem\n\n\nknow in advance how many days you will go skiing, you can decide your minimum cost. For example, if you will be skiing for more than 10 days it will be cheaper to buy skis, while if you will be skiing for fewer than 10 days it will be cheaper to rent. (If you will ski for exactly 10 days you are indifferent.) The question is what to do when you do not know in advance how many days you will ski. Formally, the problem can be set up as", "id": "20525427" }, { "contents": "Grey import vehicle\n\n\nBritain is at record high levels due to high new-car taxation in Ireland and the fact that UK cars are of a higher spec than Irish ones. This trend was highlighted by RTÉ in a consumer programme entitled \"Highly Recommended\". In the United Kingdom, many people have chosen to buy new cars in other EU member states, where pre-tax prices are much lower than in the UK, and then import them into their own country, where they only pay the UK's rate of value added tax (", "id": "6769490" }, { "contents": "Leigh Park\n\n\nnot fully completed until the early 1970s, although most of the houses in the area were built by 1960. Hermitage Housing commissions most new housing in Leigh Park. Barratt Homes is currently building on the former Procter & Gamble site in the centre of Leigh Park. Leigh Park was one of the largest wholly council estates in Europe however following the ongoing right to buy many of the properties are privately owned. In 2004, Leigh Park made the news when a gang stole more than £100,000 from the Nationwide Building Society and a", "id": "18441808" }, { "contents": "Homebuilt computer\n\n\nfrom used parts, especially among youth or in developing countries where the cost of new equipment places it out of reach of average people. Building one's own computer affords tangible benefits compared to purchasing a mass-produced model, such as: There are drawbacks to building one's own PC: Because almost all mass-manufactured PCs ship with some version of Microsoft Windows pre-installed, individuals who wish to use operating systems other than Windows (for example, Linux or BSD) often choose to build their own computers.", "id": "842258" }, { "contents": "History of knitting\n\n\navailable. The hardship experienced by many during the Great Depression meant some turned to knitting through necessity. It was much cheaper to knit your own garments than to buy hand (or even machine) knitted products. Skills were needed for repairs to existing garments, socks and underwear. Patterns, now often included in popular women's magazines frequently reflected this need. Socks with replaceable toes and heels were common. Some hobby knitters took to part-time work, hand-knitting for extra income. The 1930s also saw a rise", "id": "10092065" }, { "contents": "Military railways\n\n\nvehicles to a theatre of operations. Due to the expense and time required to build specifically military railway networks, military use of railways is usually based on a pre-existing civilian railway network rather than a military-owned one. However, specialized military types of rolling stock have frequently been used. Military railway is usually built and operated by railway troops. One of the first uses of military railways was to establish a reliable supply to British Army troops besieging the city of Sevastopol from Balaklava during the severe winter of 1855 in", "id": "2449930" }, { "contents": "Hull Building\n\n\nup for sale after being owned by the Eng family for more than 60 years. The Hull Building was built in 1889 by Alonzo Hull (1843-1929), a Pennsylvania native and American Civil War veteran who had arrived in Seattle a year prior via St. Louis, Missouri and quickly began buying property. He took an active role in the local Republican Party and served on the Seattle City Council throughout the 1890s where he helped establish the city's water system and was vital in securing the Cedar River Water shed as Seattle", "id": "11010858" }, { "contents": "Manhattan Life Insurance Company\n\n\nacceptable to the Department. For over forty years, Manhattan Life was content to rent office space, which was considered cheaper than buying real estate. In 1892, a majority of its board of directors decided that the firm should have its own home office. The company purchased two old buildings. With two years left on its lease as 156 Broadway, it prepared to build. In 1894, the company completed the first skyscraper in New York, and the tallest building in the world at the time: the Manhattan Life Insurance", "id": "13243551" }, { "contents": "Tandem Computers\n\n\nto design and build its CPUs from basic circuits, using its own proprietary instruction set and own compilers etc. With each year of semiconductor progress with Moore's Law, more of a CPU's core circuits could fit into single chips, and run faster and much cheaper as a result. But it became increasingly expensive for a computer company to design those advanced custom chips, or build the plants to fabricate the chips. By 1991, only the very biggest companies could continue to design and build their own competitive CPUs. Tandem", "id": "20995749" }, { "contents": "Henry Boot plc\n\n\nforce it had been between the Wars. In particular, housing output remained well below its pre-war levels as management lay in the control of family members more interested in construction: throughout the 1960s Boot averaged no more than 200 houses a year. However, one feature that was unique to Boot was that in 1965 it formed its own building society – The Banner Building Society (Boot had moved its head office to Banner Cross Hall in Sheffield in 1932). Many of the houses that had been built by Boot in", "id": "13638222" }, { "contents": "Edward Thompson (engineer)\n\n\nin the cab, and eventually the reciprocating mass percentage was increased. More than 400 B1s were built between 1946 and 1952: British Railways continued B1 production after nationalisation. The Diagram 100A boiler used in the class formed the basis for the rebuilding of many pre-grouping classes, including the class O4 2-8-0 freight locos. The Thompson B1 equalled the LMS Black Five locomotives during the inter-regional exchange trials in the first year of British Railways. The B1 was also cheaper to build than the Black Five", "id": "11965158" }, { "contents": "Porsche 959\n\n\ncar debuted at a cost of DM431,550 (US$225,000) each, still less than half what it cost Porsche to build each car. Production ended in 1988 with 292 cars completed. In total, 337 cars were built, including 37 prototypes and pre-production models. At least one 959 and one 961 remain in the Porsche historic hall in Stuttgart, Germany. In 1992/1993, Porsche built eight more cars assembled from spare parts from the inventory at the manufacturing site in Zuffenhausen. All eight were \"Komfort\" versions:", "id": "3402671" }, { "contents": "Top Gear challenges\n\n\nHammond and Clarkson duelling throughout the race,) in the Morris Marina, which had a piano dropped on it in the end. Winner: May \"Series Thirteen, Episode Six\" The three were told to go to a car auction and buy any car for less than £3,000 that was built before 1982. Clarkson was poised to purchase a Ford Cortina, but he wanted a convertible and bought a 1969 Austin-Healey Sprite, although he used some of his own money to buy it, as he bought it for", "id": "5679884" }, { "contents": "Bill Griffin (musician)\n\n\nsays that \"If I couldn't buy it, I'd build it.\" Upon settling in the Sacramento area in 2012, Griffin started his own business building the mandolele. The mandolele is a nylon-stringed mandolin with four strings rather than eight. Griffin built it to achieve the soft tone characteristic of nylon-stringed instruments such as the ukulele, combined with the tuning and feel of an F5 mandolin. The tuning is the same as that of an F5, as is the scale length and overall feel of the", "id": "85697" }, { "contents": "Graphics hardware\n\n\nHowever, if one uses an integrated graphics card, the chip will take resources from the computer as it does not have its own built in memory. That is how it is made. A display driver is a piece of software which allows your graphics hardware to communicate with your operating system. Drivers in general allow your computer to utilize parts of itself, and without them, the machine would not function. This is because usually a graphics device communicates in its own language, which is more sophisticated, and a computer communicates", "id": "13120281" }, { "contents": "Dennis Miller\n\n\n's interview with \"The American Enterprise\" was published where he praised Bush, saying, \"He's much smarter than his enemies think he is. I think he's a genius. People whine about him getting into Yale—the way I see it, if your old man buys a building you should get into Yale! But I think he could have gotten into Yale on his own; he's a very smart man. ... The fact that midway through his life he realized he was drinking too much and screwing", "id": "10909081" }, { "contents": "OneChicago\n\n\nrepo. If you own stock, buying the expiring weekly spread, (meaning buy the deferred expiration and sell the expiring) closes out your stock position and establishes a long futures position, thus transferring your delta from the stock to the future. Your stock position is closed out by delivering the stock to fulfill your short future obligation the next day while your long position is maintained by your futures position. If the underlying stock is hard to borrow, the hard to borrow premium is reflected in the futures buy price being lower", "id": "6667907" }, { "contents": "In Your House 1\n\n\nper-view garnered 332,000 buys, which is equivalent to a 0.83 buyrate, a large number that generally surprised many pay-per-view providers. It had more buys than all the other In Your House pay-per-views, with receiving the second highest buyrate of 324,000 buys. At the following pay-per-view, King of the Ring, Diesel teamed up with Bam Bam Bigelow to defeat Sid and Tatanka. Sid faced Diesel in a rematch for the WWF Championship at the In Your House 2 pay", "id": "1112908" }, { "contents": "Hus' House (Vršovice)\n\n\nThe Hus' House or Husův sbor is a Hussite church in the Vršovice area of Prague. This building was one of the first buildings in Prague built from pre-stressed concrete and brick panels. It was built in less than a year and includes a \"lighthouse\" tower topped with a cross. The Hus' House was built in 1930 using the novel material of pre-stressed concrete. The beginning of that build began with the formation of a committee in 1921 to create this church. The land for the building", "id": "11487953" }, { "contents": "Curutchet House\n\n\narchitecture and incorporates a ramp and a spiral staircase. The house represents a landmark in Corbusier own trajectory because it exemplifies how cultural and historical characteristics of architecture (the elements of the traditional Latin American courtyard house) can be rewritten using Corbusier's five points of modern architecture. Dr. Curutchet's house is also one of the very few buildings that Corbusier built attached to pre-existing buildings and perfectly responding to a historical context. With this house Corbusier proved, more than with any of his other projects, that modern architecture could", "id": "17834056" }, { "contents": "Internalization\n\n\ncheaper for an MNE to internalize the transfer of its unique ownership advantages between countries than to do so through markets. In other words, the alternative to internalization through direct investment is some form of licensing of the firm's know-how to a firm in the target economy. In finance, internalization can refer to several concepts. \"When you place an order to buy or sell a stock, your broker has choices on where to execute your order. Instead of routing your order to a market or market-makers for", "id": "14895364" }, { "contents": "Ropes course\n\n\nHave fun, Test your Courage and Overcome your Own Fears. In an Adventure Park, the participants independently run a variety of trails of increasing difficulty levels. Each trail consists of several poles or trees that are connected by different acrobatic elements. A high course can be a pre-fabricated, professionally installed course, built of utility poles, cables, and bolts, or it can be a course that is hand-built in a wooded area, where ropes and wire are attached to different trees. Ropes courses can be", "id": "20882012" }, { "contents": "Courier Car Co\n\n\nThe Courier Car Co. was an automobile manufacturer formed in 1909 by the Stoddard-Dayton Company in Dayton, Ohio, to produce smaller, lighter and lower-priced models than the luxury automobiles produced by Stoddard Dayton. Its advertisements were early advocates of the compact car: \"Don't buy more car than you need ... Don't you buy a car of greater power or capacity than you need.\" The cars were built on a wheelbase and powered by a engine. Four-cylinder models (3245 cc and 3638 cc", "id": "10574955" }, { "contents": "The Knightsbridge Residences\n\n\nThe Knightsbridge Residences, also known as The Knightsbridge Residences @ Century City, is a high-end residential skyscraper constructed in Makati, Philippines. It is the second of several building projects built in the new Century City area along Kalayaan Avenue. It is one of the Philippines' tallest buildings. The Knightsbridge Residences at Century City takes its name after the most expensive neighborhood in London, Knightsbridge. Planned to be more than 50 storeys high, the owner and developer Century City Development Corporation is now pre-selling units for a", "id": "6397348" }, { "contents": "Big Four Bridge\n\n\n, the interchange had to avoid the columns that were on the approach to the bridge, causing the interchange to have several two-lane ramps rather than a single stretch of highway, and helped earn the nickname Spaghetti Junction. In 1988 Oscar Arias, President of Costa Rica, contacted Louisville mayor Jerry Abramson to inquire about buying the bridge to dismantle it and reassemble in Costa Rica, as he believed it would be cheaper to import the bridge than build a new one. At the time the city did not actually own the", "id": "16227858" }, { "contents": "Plug-in hybrid\n\n\nthe future scenarios considered, the study found that BEVs will be significantly less expensive than conventional cars ( to cheaper), while PHEVs, will be more expensive than BEVs in almost all comparison scenarios, and only less expensive than conventional cars in a scenario with very low battery costs and high gasoline prices. BEVs are simpler to build and do not use liquid fuel, while PHEVs have more complicated powertrains and still have gasoline-powered engines. Increased pollution is expected to occur in some areas with the adoption of PHEVs, but", "id": "1778813" }, { "contents": "The American Crisis\n\n\nto support it; we can do better without your fleets and armies than with them; you may soon have enough to do to protect yourselves, without being burthened with us. We are very willing to be at peace with you, to buy of you and sell to you, and, like young beginners in the world, to work for our own living; therefore, why do you put yourselves out of cash, when we know you cannot spare it, and we do not desire you to run you into", "id": "12000835" }, { "contents": "Trove (video game)\n\n\nwell as various other resources useful to the player. There are also large dungeons which appear less frequently than normal dungeons and can have 2 'mini-boss' encounters each with their own reward chest and one main boss encounter who is significantly harder but has significantly better rewards. One of the more popular and unusual features is the ability for players to build their own homes, called cornerstones. Each World has pre-built locations where a cornerstone can be activated. When activated the players home will appear at that location and", "id": "7922814" }, { "contents": "Tower blocks in Great Britain\n\n\nresidents in tower blocks may be tempted to use cheaper flammable fuels rather than electricity, they are also more likely to be smokers (carelessness with cigarettes is a major cause of home fires), and they are more likely to have old furniture, not made to modern fire safety standards. Fire safety legislation introduced in 2006 requires new high rise buildings to be built to higher safety standards with sprinkler systems; the same standards do not apply to pre-2006 tower blocks, which contain a greater proportion of poor people. Recent studies have", "id": "10237120" }, { "contents": "Jamjarcars\n\n\nKing, purchased the rights to the Jamjarcars name in 2015, also acquiring the domain that the previous business had used. There is no connection between the existing Jamjarcars business and the former RBS-owned business. Nottinghamshire-based Grapevine Europe specialises in buying and selling motor vehicles. It was founded by Andrew King in 2009 as a parent company for Sell Your Jamjar. Sell Your Jamjar was the first online car buying business to exist in the UK. The closure of RBS’ Jamjarcars business presented Grapevine Europe with the opportunity", "id": "7390027" }, { "contents": "Haynes Roadster\n\n\nHaynes Roadster is a replica of Lotus Seven home-built according to a book \"Build Your Own Sports Car: On a Budget\" by Chris Gibbs (). Ford Sierra is used in the car as a donor for drivetrain and suspension components. Haynes Roadster is a follow-up to the Locost design described in a book by Ron Champion. Locost uses Ford Escort Mark II as a donor, but as these have become increasingly rare, a design based on a more affordable Ford Sierra has been proposed. In contrast", "id": "1205933" }, { "contents": "Rolling paper\n\n\nKingdom has reported that roll-your-own use has more than doubled since 1990, from 11% to 24%. Many of these smokers apparently believe that hand-rolled cigarettes are less harmful than manufactured products, although it is equally possible that the increase is due to the steep rise in prices since the early-1990s to the present day. In Thailand, roll-your-own smokers have long exceeded those for manufactured brands; the cheaper papers without gum are kept constantly between the fingers during a smoke there. New", "id": "18736287" }, { "contents": "Wavertree Lock-up\n\n\nWavertree Lock-up is an 18th-century grade II listed village lock-up located in Wavertree, Liverpool, England. Funded by local residents, the lock-up was constructed in 1796 as a drunk tank to hold intoxicated persons overnight. Prior to its construction a local unpaid constable was charged with looking after drunks in their own home all the while claiming an expense of 2 shillings. Eventually it became cheaper for a lock-up to be built rather than house drunks with a constable and therefore the building was constructed", "id": "10567268" }, { "contents": "Core International\n\n\nATplus 72 MB drives. Core remained a private company solely owned by Prewitt until 1993 when purchased by Aiwa, which was a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony. For business history pre-incorporation The company was built on the early work of Prewitt using his business and personal computer development experiences. This was the period during the creation of the first microcomputers, the launch of the Altair 8800 and founding of Microsoft. He was selling and programming Minicomputers and assembling these microcomputers, attaching computer peripherals, programming and building them into business computer", "id": "2094267" }, { "contents": "Wilson (village), New York\n\n\npermission from the Secretary of War to build two piers into the lake at the mouth of creek. For the next 20 years, at his own expense, he dredged the channel by the use of horsepower, and continued to make improvements until 1867 when the Wilson Harbor Company was incorporated. Other improvements included a large store house where he began buying and shipping grain and fruit. He also built a new shipyard where he built the schooner, Reuben F. Wilson, which he named for his son. That was the start of", "id": "16412898" }, { "contents": "Next Generation Touring Car\n\n\nfor technical regulations used in BTCC, designating the specification as TCN-1. The specification is a model for higher class national touring car championships to follow. The engine is a 300+ bhp 2 L turbo-charged direct injection unit using fly by wire throttle control. It is intended to have a low cost to develop, build, buy and maintain. Teams can decide whether build their own unit to the spec, or teams can lease/purchase a TOCA-BTCC engine ready built. The engines have an over-boost", "id": "11762925" }, { "contents": "Fantasy Earth: Zero\n\n\n; however, it is a much smaller radius than an obelisk. The primary advantage of an eclipse is that it can be built into enemy territory to further expand your own territory. An eclipse has a low amount of health, but it also does less damage to the Keep when destroyed. They are usually easy to destroy. Requires 11 crystals to construct; limit of 5. A building that can be built by any player, anywhere during war. Scaffolds are normally used as leverage, allowing players to jump on one", "id": "18280913" }, { "contents": "Car Bomb (band)\n\n\nlength album \"Centralia\" was released on February 6, 2007 via Relapse Records. In 2011, the band was dropped from the Relapse Records label and their subsequent albums were independently released through Bandcamp. According to Doug Moore, writing for, \"Each member [of the band] works a technologically-inclined professional day job, which restricts their schedules but offers them uncommon financial resources. Some bands build their own studios; Car Bomb built their own microphones from scratch.\" In addition to buying or making equipment to", "id": "16494264" }, { "contents": "Architecture of Paris\n\n\nconstructed between 1946 and 1950. The number rose to 4,230 in 1951 and more than 10,000 in 1956. The office of public housing of the City of Paris acquired the cheapest land it could buy, at the edges of the city. In 1961, when land within the city was exhausted, they were authorized to begin buying land in the surrounding suburbs. The first postwar social housing buildings were relatively low- three or four stories. Much larger buildings began to appear in the mid-1950s. They were built with prefabricated materials and placed", "id": "12697692" }, { "contents": "Boston National Historical Park\n\n\n\"midnight ride\" that led to the Battles of Lexington and Concord and the start of the revolutionary war. The church, the oldest operating in Boston, has an Episcopalian congregation, which owns and operates the building. The Old South Meeting House, built in 1729 was the site of numerous pre-revolutionary meetings, including one, attended by a crowd estimated at more than 5,000, on the evening prior to the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. It served as a church until 1877, when it became a museum", "id": "6112283" }, { "contents": "Buy Nothing Day\n\n\nNorway and Sweden. Participation now includes more than 65 nations. Various gatherings and forms of protest have been used on Buy Nothing Day to draw attention to the problem of overconsumption: While critics of the day charge that Buy Nothing Day simply causes participants to buy the next day, Adbusters states that it \"isn't just about changing your habits for one day\" but \"about starting a lasting lifestyle commitment to consuming less and producing less waste.\" Other campaigns, such as Shift Your Shopping, attempt to redirect spending away", "id": "3007874" }, { "contents": "Fire Island Pines, New York\n\n\nfire. Plans for development first began in 1952 when Warren and Arthur Smadbeck, doing business as the Home Guardian Company, announced plans to sell 122 lots in the new subdivision while building a private harbor for yachts, a large landing dock, and a private park facing the harbor. The Smadbecks, who sold more than 700,000 lots around the country, had purchased the property from the Sammis family, which had owned it since buying most of Fire Island in 1855 when they built the Surf Hotel near the Fire Island Light,", "id": "7313391" }, { "contents": "Digital 9\n\n\nby buying parts of contracts from several smaller suppliers rather than buying one large contract from a single supplier, using agile delivery, buying cloud services, and building in-house engineering and operations capability. Like the UK's G-cloud, New Zealand is also building a government cloud programme to ease the process of government buying from SMEs. They are committed to using 'as a service' products to open up the market. South Korea too has already built an e-procurement system that allows SMEs the opportunity to win", "id": "12898515" }, { "contents": "Journey planner\n\n\n. One way is to submit the desired destination, dates of your trip and interests and the plan will be created in a while. Another way is to provide the necessary information by forwarding confirmation [[e-mails]] from [[airlines]], hotels and car rental companies. With a custom trip planner the user creates one’s own travel itinerary individually by picking the appropriate activities from a database. Some of these websites like offer pre-built databases of points of interest, while others rely on", "id": "17858746" }, { "contents": "Rambler American\n\n\nfree of gimmicky come-ons.\" A road test by \"Popular Science\" described the 1962 Rambler American as \"sturdy, solid, dependable little automobile, comfortable to drive ... a good buy for what it's built for – transportation, not a status symbol.\" The automaker's president, George W. Romney, appeared prominently in advertisements asking potential customers to \"think hard\" about new cars and describing \"more than 100 improvements in the 1962 Ramblers\" and why they are not available in competitive cars, as", "id": "5810017" }, { "contents": "Sharon Lechter\n\n\n\"starter business\" for those not looking to go out and create their own. \"ThriveTime for Teens\" is a board game under the Pay Your Family First company. The game is designed to teach teenage children financial skills by placing them in real life money and life decisions such as buying a car, giving to charity, using credit cards, buying or starting a business and more. Players have 15 game-time hours per game week of \"BIZtime\" in which they must decide what new activities or part-", "id": "7313744" }, { "contents": "Richard DiNome\n\n\nCanarsie, Brooklyn. Between DiNome and Scorney, they were making $1,000–2,500 a week for their stolen car parts of luxury vehicles. He owned three cars, including a Porsche 935, and lived in a newly furnished Bensonhurst, Brooklyn highrise apartment building where he kept $25,000 hidden underneath the hollow bottom of an artificial plant, for \"in case I have to buy a cop off\" as he would tell his associates. He was more enthusiastic than Scorney about hiring Vito Arena into their car theft crew but he wanted to", "id": "22187079" }, { "contents": "Counties Ship Management\n\n\nfor some of its new acquisitions. Brockley Hill Steamship Co Ltd. was created in 1939 to buy the 5,297 ton \"Penteli\", which had been built by Caird & Co. in Greenock in 1919 as the \"War Burman\". Ernels Shipping Co Ltd. seems to have been created in 1939 to buy the 7,178 ton , which had been built for Canadian National Steamships by Halifax Shipyards in Nova Scotia in 1922 and was renamed \"Argos Hill\". Other CSM companies were expanded to own more than one ship. The majority of", "id": "5752441" }, { "contents": "Lindenhurst, Illinois\n\n\nA school for the old Lindenhurst farm served as Village Hall until it burned down, and the offices moved to Linden Plaza. By 1970, the village numbered 3,141 people. The village offices couldn't be crammed into Linden Plaza any longer, and the new village hall that was built in 1974 housed office space, the mayor, the police department, the building inspector, and the village garage. The Lindenhurst police force was all-volunteer at first, buying their own uniforms and using their own cars; fundraisers were held", "id": "19746092" }, { "contents": "Puma Clubman\n\n\nThe Puma Clubman sports car was conceived and designed by John Karnon and Neville Darwin in Adelaide, Australia based on Ron Champion's book \"Build your own sports car for as little as £250 - and race it\" (). Between 1998 and April 2014, John Karnon constructed 54 chassis and of those 30 have been completed and registered for road use. John Karnon has continued to develop the Puma chassis design to make use of more modern available donor parts. Early Pumas were built with Nissan SR20DET S13 engines with later", "id": "12755844" }, { "contents": "Compressor\n\n\nin the refrigerant). Typically, hermetic compressors are used in low-cost factory-assembled consumer goods where the cost of repair and labor is high compared to the value of the device, and it would be more economical to just purchase a new device or compressor. Semi-hermetic compressors are used in mid-sized to large refrigeration and air conditioning systems, where it is cheaper to repair the compressor rather than buying and installing a new one. A hermetic compressor is simpler and cheaper to build than a semi-", "id": "21046317" }, { "contents": "Nanban trade\n\n\nafloat on Earth, and easily twice or three times larger than common galleons of the time, rivalled only in size by the Spanish Manila galleons. Many of these were built at the royal Indo-Portuguese shipyards at Goa, Bassein or Daman, out of high-quality Indian teakwood rather than European pine, and their build quality became renown: the Spanish in Manila favoured Portuguese-built vessels, and commented that they were not only cheaper than their own, but \"lasted ten times as long\". The Portuguese referred", "id": "10578925" }, { "contents": "ReDigi\n\n\nReDigi is an online marketplace for pre-owned digital products (i.e.: digital music, eBooks, games, apps, software) and the only cloud storage service that verifies whether each digital file uploaded for storage was legally acquired from an eligible source. ReDigi's Cloud and Marketplace only accept lawfully purchased digital media. ReDigi does not buy pre-owned digital media from its users. Rather, ReDigi's system is set up in a way that allows users to buy and sell pre-owned digital content directly from one user", "id": "1067080" }, { "contents": "Palace of Seyid Mirbabayev\n\n\nMirbabayev, a newly-became rich Azerbaijani singer. Mirbabayev addressed Zeynalabdin Taghiyev for advice, and Taghiyev advised him to buy the palace and divide it into apartments for earning money. Then, Taghiyev wrote a letter of recommendation to Aramyan to help Mirbabayev buy the house. Aramyan sells the building at a cheaper price than previously planned. Since that time, the building is known among the local population as the house of Mirbabayev. The British Consulate was located on the first floor of the building during the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.", "id": "12475127" }, { "contents": "Table engine\n\n\nengine was one of the first types where the engine was constructed as an independent unit, rather than being house-built. This made the engines cheaper, and more importantly quicker, to erect on site. Entire engines could be built and tested at their factory before delivery. Engines could also be pre-built, then offered for sale from stock, rather than having to be designed and constructed for each site. One reason for the continued use of a vertical cylinder was the belief that with a horizontal cylinder, the", "id": "15520811" }, { "contents": "The Bones of Zora\n\n\nKrishna fans to buy out the Phantasia edition. They will enjoy the book enough to justify the expense.\" Robert Coulson, in \"Amazing Science Fiction Stories\", agrees that \"[i]t's not the best book in the Krishnan series, but it's entertaining and well worth your time.\" He characterizes the story as \"[a]n amusing trek through the pre-industrial societies of Krishna.\" Regarding the characters, he calls \"Reith's wimpish attitude toward Alicia ... believable if infuriating; the rest of the", "id": "16539606" }, { "contents": "Blackjack Cars\n\n\npre-war Morgan three-wheeler racing cars. It was launched in 1996 and continued in production until 2004, during which time 69 were built. It uses Citroën 2CV mechanical parts and engine mounted on a steel chassis of Blackjack's own design, all housed in an open-top doorless fibreglass body. The Zero is a more performance-oriented car than the Avion, with which it shares its three-wheeled front-wheel drive layout. Introduced in 2005, it was initially powered by a VW Beetle air-", "id": "4416391" }, { "contents": "The Sims 4\n\n\nhave been combined and is now treated as a single feature. A detailed build-and-buy system is included along with neighborhoods and landscaping. Some locked buy mode items may be unlocked through the progression of career levels. Entire buildings and rooms can now be moved across the lot. There is a search option to search for build and buy mode options. When building a house for your sim you can buy already made rooms which can help but costs a lot of money depending on the style of the room. Wall", "id": "8414631" }, { "contents": "William Allen (loyalist)\n\n\ntrustee for the purchase and building fund to develop the state house in Philadelphia, then the capital of the province. Both men were authorized to buy the land for the project. By October 1730, the next year, Allen and Hamilton began to purchase lots on Chestnut Street at their own expense, the property on which the Pennsylvania State House (later known as Independence Hall), was to be built. In 1735, Allen was appointed as mayor of the city of Philadelphia. The next year, he celebrated the opening", "id": "5757086" }, { "contents": "Beer garden\n\n\npetitioned Maximilian I to forbid it. In compromise, beer gardens allowed their patrons to bring their own food, still common practice. As a rule of thumb, beer gardens offer clothed tablesets, whose guests must buy food from the house. If you bring your own food, you must use the bare table sets. With the advent of widespread lagering in the later 19th century, beer gardens grew more popular than ever. Maximilian's decree is no longer in force, and many beer gardens forbid victuals not sold through the", "id": "16890613" }, { "contents": "Arbitrage\n\n\nrelative to the difference in prices in the different markets). Arbitrage moves different currencies toward purchasing power parity. As an example, assume that a car purchased in the United States is cheaper than the same car in Canada. Canadians would buy their cars across the border to exploit the arbitrage condition. At the same time, Americans would buy US cars, transport them across the border, then sell them in Canada. Canadians would have to buy American dollars to buy the cars and Americans would have to sell the Canadian dollars", "id": "2898942" }, { "contents": "Self-brand\n\n\nThroughout the long history of consumer research, there has been much interest regarding how consumers choose which brand to buy and why they continue to purchase these brands. Self-branding describes the process in which consumers match their own self-concept with the images of a certain brand. People engaged in consumption do not merely buy certain products to satisfy basic needs. In fact, consumer buying habits are at a much deeper level. Owning a certain brand can help consumers to express and build their own self-concept. Specifically,", "id": "20835642" }, { "contents": "OneChicago\n\n\nthan the stock sale price. In essence, you are synthetically loaning out your stock and collecting the hard to borrow premium. If the underlying stock is general collateral, the repo rate is reflected in the futures buy price being higher than the stock sale price. In essence, you are monetizing your stock and are paying interest on the sale proceeds. An Exchange Futures for Physical (EFP) is a combination order to buy (or sell) an amount of underlying stock and simultaneously sell (or buy) the equivalent number", "id": "6667908" }, { "contents": "EMD GP7\n\n\n-body design. This proved to be more efficient than the car body design as the hood unit cost less to build, was cheaper and easier to maintain, and had much better front and rear visibility for switching. Of the 2,734 GP7's built, 2,620 were for American railroads (including 5 GP7B units built for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway), 112 were built for Canadian railroads, and 2 were built for Mexican railroads. This was the first model in EMD's GP \"(General Purpose\"", "id": "18091716" } ]
I often watch westerns where people are wearing long coats and pants in the summer/heat. How was this possible back then without being uncomfortable all the time?
[{"answer": "I belong to a reenactment group. We wear full wool uniforms all summer. It's really not that bad. It's better than getting sunburnt as sunblock didn't exist back then."}, {"answer": "I spent a summer in the Emirates and believe me, the sun is absolutely scorching. Running around in a short sleeved shirt or shorts is something you do exactly once and, boy, will you regret that. I tried a lot of things, starting from cotton pants and long sleeved shirts to wearing linen suits (a significant improvement!) but once you tried a thawb (those white robes that look like pyjamas) you immediately understand why most locals wear them on a daily basis. The way I was told it works boils down to this: you block the sun from your skin (obviously) and the light cotton fabric can't store heat very well, so whatever of the sun's radiation isn't reflected in the first place doesn't heat up the fabric that much. Secondly, air is a pretty good insularor and since these garments are relatively wide, you have a layer of air between your body and the fabric that keeps the most intense heat away from your body. Furthermore, your sweat will evaporate and thus cool that air significantly. The cotton then allows the humidity to escape relatively easily. The combination of the loose fit and the light breathing fabric is absolutely killer, although it sounds counter-intuitive at first glance."}, {"answer": "Clothing is insulation. It insulates you from the temperature outside. In the desert, for example, you wear clothing in order to keep the hot out (specifically, the sun). The clothing is essentially acting as shade that you wear on you."}, {"answer": "1 - no artificial fabrics. Natural fabrics tend to breath much, much better. 2 - propriety. Going outside, under most circumstances, without a suit jacket of some sort was considered rather scandalous. Even if you couldn't afford a jacket, very few people would be willing to be seen outdoors without a hat. 3 - protection from the elements. In the desert, it's not always 110 degrees, and can often go from hot to frigid in a matter of hours. Additionally, it's much better to sweat a lot (which cools your body) than suffer harsh sunburn. 4 - hygiene standards, while not as terrible as you might think, were still relatively relaxed back in those days."}, {"answer": "Because Westerns are frequently set in the high desert where nights (even in the hot summer) can get [chilly quickly]( URL_0 )."}, {"answer": "For a true cowboy, the long coat and pants were essential. If you ever have to ride a horse through thick brush, you'd understand. Branches, mesquite thorns, other sharp pokey weeds, burrs, cactus, and brush are not your friends. All kinds of things seem intent on grabbing and clawing you from the saddle. Most long coats of the period were also oil cloth based or oil treated, meaning they shed water, too (for a while). Most boots also went up to the knee for the same reason."}, {"answer": "Try wearing loose, breathable, natural fiber clothes like linen and light cotton. It's a lot cooler that shorts and short sleeves IME. There's some weird physics around how sweat cools the body that I can't explain. Something about clothing increasing the surface area of contact and the clingy-ness increasing thermal conduction."}, {"answer": "No one else has mentioned it yet, but conditioning. When you don't have air conditioning, 80F doesn't feel quite as bad."}, {"answer": "I worked in kitchens for over a decade. One day, they had a professional film crew in to shoot their commercial. I got to 'show off' cooking steaks in my 4 broilers, ranging from 900 to 1500 F. I did this for an entire dinner shift, mind you. I would stand there, load up all of them full, and be pulling and pushing steaks around all night. I was fine in a full chef's coat and pants. The poor guy with the camera though. From standing near the broilers for about 4 minutes, he's completely dripping with sweat. Breathing hard, and had to go take a rest after that. You basically just get used to it. Drink a lot of water, etc. In the case of 'the wild west', that protective gear kept you from having your skin fried off, having horrible biting insects, spiders, and snakes getting to your flesh, and generally provided some defense against sand totally removing your skin from your body. The benefits outweigh the heat."}, {"answer": "Would I also be correct in assuming that people used to stink a lot more back then too? I mean it's not like they had air conditioning to keep cool and sweat free. Plus no running water for easy showering. Did it just seem normal for you to go into a saloon and everyone smelled awful? Or did everyone (men and women) just douse themselves in cologne or perfume all the time?"}, {"answer": "Well firstly, deserts have very low humidity so 100 f is very different than it is on the east coast US. Along with that, deserts often get very cold at night or in winter. Secondly, being hot is better than being sun burned. Its why in the middle east people where the body covering fabrics as often as they do. Like in UAE, its very hit there and the sun is painful. Thin cotton is very good in that area, wool clothing is more useful in the Mojave where it will get cold at times."}, {"answer": "The longer clothing keeps you protected from the elements: sun, cacti, animals/snakes, etc. Brushing up against a cactus is not fun without long pants on"}, {"answer": "Also, depending on the terrain you kind of want to wear long pants because you are very likely to get scratched up by plants and stuff. (Some varieties chaps are better, but lighter plants and stuff you might encounter in a forest, jeans or long pants are excellent.) Not that they had a lot of shorts in the 19th century, per se. Certainly not if you were working, outside. I believe garments with that length might have existed but anyone being out in the country or working on a farm or other area, would value the protection to their legs. Some places, not as much as say, going through scrub or what not in the woods, but somewhat. Another funny thing is a lot of people, even cowboys, did not necessarily prefer cowboy hats to the exclusion of all other hats. There was a certain following of Bowler hats, which stay on your head well, and a lot of non-cowboy workmen and laborers wore that or other hats simply because of the fashion and the fact that they didn't necessarily need all the features of a Cowboy hat as much."}, {"answer": "Dusters, pants, and hats were more to protect against elements. It gets cold at night, sand in high wind stings, oilskin dusters and hats keep the rain off you, dont have to worry much at all about bugs and throwns when going through brush or thicket, sunburn was a thing but not sunscreen back in thay day. Trust me you do not want to ride a horse with shorts on. Being maybe slighly more hot is a bit preferable to these things. The material they are made of is more like a thin leather skin than a coat. It can keep you warm, maybe even cooler if the sun is beating down on you. Source. Im a Texan and I own these things and use them while camping."}, {"answer": "I can't find the material I'm about to reference but I watched an interview with Jake Gyllenhaal and he said that he was much cooler in all the thick leathers and layers he had in Prince of Persia than the guys shooting it in t-shirts. I think it must have to do with the fact that the sunlight is absorbed by the clothes and because of the layers there's insulation. Keeping the 103 temp heat out."}, {"answer": "Old adage: \"If it keeps you warm, it can keep you cool\" As long as what you are wearing can absorb the heat and disperse it before it reaches you, with airflow underneath, it's portable shade."}, {"answer": "A lot of people are talking about the heat, but remember deserts aren't always hot. Westerns don't always take place in the summer, and even at night the temperature can drop quite a bit."}, {"answer": "Grew up in El Paso TX, NM and have horses. Chaps or a long tailed coat will save your legs from catcus . The long coats (dusters) snap around your legs like Chaps."}, {"answer": "If it's 110 degrees in the desert, that 98.6 body heat starts to feel quite comfortable. So yeah, keep the outside heat out and give the inside heat the opportunity to get out."}, {"answer": "Sun and wind applied directly to skin for hours at a time can result in 1st, 2nd, and even 3rd degree burns. That is worse than being \"uncomfortable\"."}, {"answer": "ok, setting the wools and other natural fabrics a side, what about the leather chaps and full length duster. (were the dusters leather or fabric?)"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7852712", "title": "1920s in Western fashion", "section": "Section::::Children's fashion.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 71, "end_paragraph_id": 71, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Depending on the job title and season of the year, the suit would change. Fashion for children started to become more stylish and comfortable in the 1920s. Clothes were made out of cotton and wool rather than silk, lace, and velvet. Clothes were also made more sturdy in order to withstand play. During previous decades, many layers were worn; however, during the 1920s, minimal layers became the new standard. For girls, clothing became looser and shorter.", "class men in the 1920s, suits were popular. Depending on the job title and season of the year, the suit would change. Fashion for children started to become more stylish and comfortable in the 1920s. Clothes were made out of cotton and wool rather than silk, lace, and velvet. Clothes were also made more sturdy in order to withstand play. During previous decades, many layers were worn; however, during the 1920s, minimal layers became the new standard. For girls, clothing became looser and shorter.", "class men in the 1920s, suits were popular. Depending on the job title and season of the year, the suit would change. Fashion for children started to become more stylish and comfortable in the 1920s. Clothes were made out of cotton and wool rather than silk, lace, and velvet. Clothes were also made more sturdy in order to withstand play. During previous decades, many layers were worn; however, during the 1920s, minimal layers became the new standard. For girls, clothing became looser and shorter."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Edward Burger\n\n\n, he asked students if it is \"possible to take a cord of rope long and tie it snugly around your right ankle and your left ankle, take off your pants, turn them inside out, and put your pants back on without ever cutting the rope?\" He proceeded to demonstrate the solution to that challenge, wearing huge Boston Red Sox boxer shorts under his trousers, at the Boston Public Library in the summer of 2005. He believes that failure is closely tied to creativity: \"As a professor, I", "id": "2966904" }, { "contents": "Field slaves in the United States\n\n\n, in order to keep them warm. In general, slave children received little to no clothing until they reached puberty, after which time they were given gender-appropriate clothing. Women were given long dresses to wear in the summer. During the winter they made themselves a shawl and pantalettes. Women often wore turbans on the heads, covering their hair. Men were given pants to wear during the summer, while in the winter they were also given long coats to wear. Field slaves were given weekly rations of food by", "id": "20056772" }, { "contents": "Fathia Ali Bouraleh\n\n\na stadium, because when she ran in the streets people would hurl stones and insults at her, even though she was wearing long pants and a head scarf. Her nickname is \"Mama,\" and if spectators insulted Ali Bouraleh while running, her teammates would yell back at them \"Don't insult our Mama!\" Ali Bouraleh represented Djibouti at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing as Djibouti's second female Olympian. She competed at the 100 metres sprint and placed eighth in her heat without advancing to the second round.", "id": "3147223" }, { "contents": "1920s in Western fashion\n\n\nevening wear men preferred the short tuxedo to the tail coat, which was now seen as rather old-fashioned and snobby. Men's fashion also became less regimented and formal. Men favored short jackets with two or three buttons rather than jackets with long tailcoats as well as pinstriped suits. Casual-wear for men often included knickers, short pants that came to the knee. The most formal men's suit consisted of a black or midnight-blue worsted swallow-tailed coat trimmed with satin, and a pair of matching", "id": "15304935" }, { "contents": "Attachment and Health\n\n\nwith statements such as “I want to be completely emotionally intimate with others, but I often find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like\", and \"I am uncomfortable being without close relationships, but I sometimes worry that others don't value me as much as I value them.\" Avoidant-dismissive people tend to have a positive view of themselves and a less positive view of others. They often highly value independence and become uncomfortable in, or resist, situations where they become dependent on", "id": "9064125" }, { "contents": "Charro outfit\n\n\nor women and have various levels of formality from work-wear to very expensive formal attire. The outfits consist of tight, decorated pants or a long skirt, short jackets, silk ties and are often worn with a wide-brimmed sombrero and other accessories as appropriate. A basic charro outfit worn by men consists of long, tight pants covered with decoration on the sides. The coat worn by both men and women is short and embroidered. These coats are also known as bolero jackets or \"chaquetillas\". Embroidery often", "id": "2918571" }, { "contents": "Barnard College\n\n\nthat Barnard students were wearing inappropriate clothing. The garments in question were pants and Bermuda shorts. The administration forced the student council to institute a dress code. Students would be allowed to wear shorts and pants only at Barnard and only if the shorts were no more than two inches above the knee and the pants were not tight. Barnard women crossing the street to enter the Columbia campus wearing shorts or pants were required to cover themselves with a long coat. In March 1968, \"The New York Times\" ran an article", "id": "3756144" }, { "contents": "Royal Canadian Mounted Police\n\n\nshirts and the patrol jacket or blue serge. During the summer, officers wear a tie with a short-sleeved shirt, and other members wear short-sleeved shirts. Winter dress is a long-sleeved shirt without tie for all members except officers, who wear a tie with the long-sleeved shirt. In colder weather, members may wear heavier boots, winter coats (storm coats) and a fur cap. In 1990, Baltej Singh Dhillon became the RCMP's first Sikh officer to be allowed to wear a", "id": "19518690" }, { "contents": "Dirty Mind Tour\n\n\na home when he left his father's house. Cymone would later claim that Prince stole many of his ideas that were used for The Time and that he created the bassline for \"Controversy's\" \"Do Me, Baby\". Additionally, with this tour, Prince updated his look. After being told by his managers that he could not wear spandex pants without any underwear, Prince began performing in a long trench coat, black high heeled boots and leggings, and black bikini underwear. The Dirty Mind Tour focused heavily", "id": "22187337" }, { "contents": "Arbovirus\n\n\nPeople can also reduce the risk of getting bitten by arthropods by employing personal protective measures such as sleeping under mosquito nets, wearing protective clothing, applying insect repellents such as permethrin and DEET to clothing and exposed skin, and (where possible) avoiding areas known to harbor high arthropod populations. Arboviral encephalitis can be prevented in two major ways: personal protective measures and public health measures to reduce the population of infected mosquitoes. Personal measures include reducing time outdoors particularly in early evening hours, wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts and", "id": "9811214" }, { "contents": "Enoch Douglas Davis\n\n\nBoggs Academy High School in Keysville, Georgia, which was considered the best black high school within a hundred-mile radius. Davis often attended services at the church with Dr. Bryan and Rev. Phelps and from them developed a fondness for high collars and long coats, although his mother would not let him wear long pants because he was not considered old enough to wear them. He went to high school at Waynesboro High and Industrial, which offered courses up to the eleventh grade. In Augusta at the time, there were no", "id": "20207164" }, { "contents": "Quechua people\n\n\n, the most popular being synthetic football shirts and tracksuit pants. In certain regions, women also generally wear Western-style clothing. Older men still wear dark wool knee-length handwoven bayeta pants. A woven belt called a \"chumpi\" is also worn which provides protection to the lower back when working in the fields. Men's fine dress includes a woollen waistcoat, similar to a sleeveless juyuna as worn by the women but referred to as a \"chaleco\". \"Chalecos\" can be richly decorated. The most", "id": "8599252" }, { "contents": "Morning dress\n\n\nMorning dress, also known as \"formal day dress\", is the formal Western dress code for day attire, consisting chiefly of, for men, a morning coat, waistcoat, and formal trousers, and an appropriate gown for women. Men may also wear a popular variant where all parts (morning coat, waistcoat and trousers) are the same colour and material, often grey and usually called \"morning suit\" or \"morning grey\" to distinguish it; considered properly appropriate only to festive functions such as summer weddings", "id": "17410164" }, { "contents": "World Football League\n\n\nidea produced by the league was to have players wear different colors of pants based on their position. Offensive linemen were to wear purple pants, running backs green pants, receivers blue pants, linebackers red, and defensive backs yellow. Quarterbacks and kickers were to wear white pants. In addition to the colors, the pants were also adorned with items such as pinstripes (for the offensive linemen) or large stars (for quarterbacks) for those not watching on color television. After a test run in preseason games, this idea", "id": "17652483" }, { "contents": "School uniforms by country\n\n\nuniforms in the two regions are not identical. There are a total of 471 Taiwanese high schools. All schools have two sets of uniforms, a summer uniform and a uniform for winter. According to the provisions, sportswear is worn. Summer Primary school:White short pants and shirts are most common for the boys, while girls will wear a pleated skirt Secondary school:Males wear short-sleeved shirts with shorts. Females wear shirts with pleated skirts or skirt pants. Some schools have sailor uniforms. High school:Short sleeved shirts with long pants for", "id": "10313507" }, { "contents": "School uniforms by country\n\n\nthe uniforms generally include a button-up or polo shirt with either shorts (especially for summer wear) or long trousers, usually in grey or navy blue or the school colour. Some schools allow boys to wear shorts only in younger years, and they must wear long trousers once they are a senior (17-18). At others, even older boys wear shorts in summer due to the heat. Where short trousers are to be worn, socks in school colors (more commonly white) are often required.", "id": "10313422" }, { "contents": "Re-education in Communist Romania\n\n\nonly afterwards sent to Bucharest. Denouncements that were not confirmed on the field were sent back to prison for verification. Tortures varied: detainees were forced to stay in uncomfortable positions (\"meditation position\") for long periods of time, sometimes for days on end, sitting up with hands extended, forced to eat hot food without a spoon; they had to drink salty water or made to eat feces or vomit and drink urine. During summer, some were kept with goggles over their eyes, wearing thick clothes and carrying", "id": "17751032" }, { "contents": "Gammarauders\n\n\nis (as any fool knows) to create more science. Lab Rat infantry wear pants that are several inches too short and oversized lab coats complete with protective lenses, calculators and pens. Despite their comical appearance, few people dare insult a Lab Rat since they also carry large, nasty looking bazookas. Lab Rat hovertanks are often made of unusual materials like ice preserved by a plastic spray and shatterproof glass. Their gammajets are essentially hovertanks with wings. How the Lab Rats get these non-aerodynamic vehicles off the ground is", "id": "18045104" }, { "contents": "1775–1795 in Western fashion\n\n\nmen's costume became particularly emblematic of the movement of the people and the upheaval of the aristocratic French society. It was the long pant, hemmed near the ankles, that displaced the knee-length breeches culottes that marked the aristocratic classes. Working-class men had worn long pants for much of their history, and the rejection of culottes became a symbol of working class, and later French, resentment of the Ancien Régime. The movement would be given the all-encompassing title of sans-culottes, wearing the same", "id": "7435774" }, { "contents": "List of Ashes to Ashes characters\n\n\nappears on a programme that DI Alex Drake is watching in 1982 as she perceives her body being defibrulated in 2008. In \"Hartbeat\", some characters rename him as Kiddizase, making his full name Morph Kiddizase. Arthur Layton (Sean Harris) is a criminal with a talent for using explosives. He is uncomfortable with people staring at him and wears mirrored sunglasses to hide his eyes. It is his gunshot which sends the programme's protagonist, Alex Drake, back in time from 2008 to 1981. On the same morning", "id": "15933973" }, { "contents": "Herlufsholm School\n\n\naccepted in class, the students are otherwise free to wear clothes of their liking as long as it is without large prints, patterns and logos. Furthermore, students are allowed to wear classic coats, sensible black footwear and inconspicuous belts. The correct half galla, consists of the Herlovianerslips on the blue school shirt, charcoal grey pants and school blazer. This uniform is for instance used at the Fugleskydning and final exams. In senior year, corresponding to 12th grade, male students wear a peaked cap with a pilgrims' scallop", "id": "11148314" }, { "contents": "Theatre of the Ridiculous\n\n\ncovered in glitter. People had been wearing glitter for a long time and the drag queens were wearing it on the street, but I think \"glitter' really took off when John Vaccaro went shopping for costume material and he came across this little place in Chinatown that was having a big clearance sale on their glitter. He bought it all – giant shopping-bag-size bags of glitter in all colors. John brought it back to the theater and encouraged everyone to use as much of it as they possibly could,", "id": "19697654" }, { "contents": "Car coat\n\n\nand passenger was relatively similar, comprising a long heavy coat. This was often in fur or lined with fur, although sometimes it was in heavy cloth. In summer, women would wear a duster coat, sometimes called a dust coat, to cover their garments, in a cloth such as linen or alpaca wool. This would be accessorised with gloves, goggles and a hat – women often wore elaborate hats and veils, while men would wear a cap. These accessories were worn year round. Motoring was still an activity", "id": "7838116" }, { "contents": "Fashion and clothing in the Philippines\n\n\nand by various Teen-oriented Filipino films where they started wearing polos and pants, replacing the suit and coats. Suits and coats, as well as the Barong Tagalog, were now only worn during events and by the older men. With the popularity of the hippie culture in the late 1960s, many Filipinos embraced this culture which has continued until the early seventies. At the same time, the rise of Filipino Nationalism began and both movements influenced the way people lived and dressed. The early 1970s saw women start to abandon", "id": "16972940" }, { "contents": "Hijab by country\n\n\nto hijab and black abayas; there has been more gun violence in Pakistani society since the 1980s due to the trafficking of arms to Afghanistan, and some women feel safer being covered up. Today only the most fashionable women wear saris. Neighboring Iran, where women wear pants with an overcoat and scarf, is closer to what Pakistani women wear and there is some cross-influence. Westerners are also expected to dress modestly too. Pakistani society observes traditional dress customs and it is advisable for women to wear long trousers which cover", "id": "15021912" }, { "contents": "The Brood (professional wrestling)\n\n\nblood\". The trio had similar looking long blond hair. Gangrel and Christian both wore white shirts and dark pants, while Edge wore the long leather coat he wore before joining The Brood. According to Edge, he was uncomfortable with his prior gimmick, saying he lacked the confidence at the time to be a singles star, and welcomed his inclusion into The Brood. In February 1999, The Brood feuded with The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness stable. The end of the feud saw The Brood merge with The Ministry.", "id": "16274311" }, { "contents": "Golf equipment\n\n\nattire (including shirts, pants, and shorts) is designed to be nonrestrictive to a player's range of motion and to keep the player warm or cool and dry while being fashionable, although a common stereotype of amateur golfers is that of wearing clothes that have long been out of fashion (or were never fashionable to begin with), kept in the back of a drawer or closet for the rare occasions the person is able to play a round. Golfers also often wear gloves that help grip the club and prevent blistering", "id": "9283969" }, { "contents": "A Coffee In Berlin\n\n\nin the street and to smoke, where he is joined by Julika. Three drunk men harass Julika, who talks back, until Niko is punched in the nose. She nurses him back in the dressing room. closeness develops after both state how the other has changed. She says how he changed from being confident and self-assured. They start kissing and appear to have sex, when all of a sudden Julika insists he say, \"I want to fuck the fat little Julika.\" Niko becomes uncomfortable, the", "id": "11040974" }, { "contents": "Bunker gear\n\n\npants are outfitted with reinforced knees and leather cuffs. The materials used for the three layers in turnout trousers and coats may vary but will very often include a Nomex/Kevlar combination of material. As an example, the materials used by the Los Angeles City Fire Department, as found in their 2005 recruit handout are as follows: NFPA 1500(Primary Guidelines for the Fire Service) and similar standards mandate firefighters wear protective collars upright and sleeves to protect the fire fighter from exposure to heat, water and debris; Once the need arises", "id": "15275111" }, { "contents": "Koala\n\n\na day; only 4 hours a day are spent in active movement. They are predominantly active at night and spend most of their waking hours feeding. They typically eat and sleep in the same tree, possibly for as long as a day. On very hot days, a koala may climb down to the coolest part of the tree which is cooler than the surrounding air. The koala hugs the tree to lose heat without \"panting\". On warm days, a koala may rest with its back against a branch or", "id": "17412894" }, { "contents": "List of Agent Carter characters\n\n\nand now he’s being listened to by a lot of people.\" The costumes for the SSR agents in the series are meant to be distinctive to help explain their characters: Sousa wears \"sweater vests under his sport coats and pleated pants\". Ahead of the second season, Fazekas explained that after Carter turned Sousa down at the end of the first season, saying \"Oh, let me take a rain check. I have something to do\", Carter felt like a potential relationship was something she could consider,", "id": "20216834" }, { "contents": "Parachute pants\n\n\nor wear in clothing. Some, possibly apocryphal, sources state that genuine parachute nylon was cut and used to make such trousers possible. In the early part of the 1980s, parachute pants were tight fitting. Due to the use of nylon in parachutes, the style of pants became known as parachute pants. Often, early outfits were of a single color or slightly patchwork in nature as they were sometimes made of found materials. When manufactured and marketed as fashionable clothing, parachute pants were often constructed with lightweight synthetic fabrics,", "id": "9552127" }, { "contents": "Dhawade\n\n\n) underside. The manner of wearing saadi varies considerably from caste to caste. The young and kids wear other Indian and western style attire. Boys wear half or full pant and shirt with or without under wears. Girls wear north Indian style dress, the salwar and kamiz or western style skirt and blouse or shirt. In Dhawade, glass beads and glass bangles are profusely worn as the part of ornamental wear, by women of all communities. Ornaments of gold and silver are most commonly worn by women. Women’s ornaments", "id": "13101342" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Browns\n\n\nused for only one season, the team returned to their white shirt-on-white pants in 2010. Coach Eric Mangini told \"The Plain Dealer\" the Browns won't use the brown pants anymore. \"It wasn't very well-received,\" Mangini said. \"I hope we can get to the point where we can wear fruit on our heads and people wouldn't notice.\" At the time, the brown pants weren't officially dropped by the team, but simply not used. The Browns chose", "id": "6549762" }, { "contents": "Western pleasure\n\n\ndecorated to mimic popular styles in western wear. Riders at smaller shows usually wear denim jeans under their chaps, while at regional and national competitions, western-styled polyester dress pants that match the rider's shirt or chaps are worn by women, while men tend to stick to jeans. Men usually wear a neckscarf, often of silk, and women may too wear a neckscarf, but in recent years as rules have been relaxed, brooches and necklaces are now also seen on female riders. While all western pleasure horses are", "id": "4948923" }, { "contents": "Japanese clothing\n\n\nbuilt specifically to teach those interested in learning about the garment and the proper method of wearing it. The uchikake is a type of kimono coat worn by Japanese brides on their wedding day. Unlike Western styled wedding gowns that include a train solely following the back of the bride's dress, the uchikake features a long train of fabric encircling the bride's entire body. Traditionally, it was typically a red coat with cranes printed on the design, but in modern times, many brides opt to wear white. This characteristic requires", "id": "16942734" }, { "contents": "Mass sexual assault in Egypt\n\n\nOne student protester described how a group of men formed a ring around her in Tahrir Square on 25 January 2013: The last thing I heard was \"don't worry,\" followed by screaming ... At first they tried to rip my bag out of my hands; I then felt hands all over my body, tearing down my trousers and long jacket; they were undoing its clips. ... They pulled my trousers and pants down, but couldn’t get them all the way down because I was wearing boots that they could", "id": "16144390" }, { "contents": "Korean People's Navy\n\n\ndivided into army, navy and air force. The naval officers wear black jackets and pants with blue shirt and dark tie underneath. Their peaked caps are from the Soviet era. In summer jackets are white in the full dress uniform. Junior ratings and seamen wear white shirts (in the summer) or navy blue shirts (in the winter) with black/white jackets and slacks (skirts for women) and wear sailor caps. All ranks wear shoulder and collar insignia while all officers, flag officers included, wear sleeve", "id": "9025228" }, { "contents": "Leisure suit\n\n\nA leisure suit is a casual suit consisting of a shirt-like jacket and matching trousers (pants) often associated with American-influenced fashion and fads of the 1970s. Leisure suits originated on the west coast of the US in the late 1930s as summer casual-wear for the wealthy, possibly derived from the heavy tweed Norfolk jacket or khaki safari jacket worn by English sportsmen. Made from lightweight fabric and originally known as \"Hollywood suits\" these were worn until the 1950s, especially in the Southwest where, together with", "id": "6155770" }, { "contents": "Heavy metal fashion\n\n\n. German Heavy Metal band Accept ex lead singer Udo Dirkschneider also contributed to the military clothing by wearing military pants from 1982, being considered as the first Heavy Metal musician to wear them. Fans of glam metal often have long or very long, teased hair, and are dressed in spandex pants and/or leather jackets. They also may use (though not necessarily) some makeup (lipsticks, eye-shadows, tonal creams, etc.). Bands who play in glam metal genre may have instruments with extravagant colour(s) and", "id": "5795148" }, { "contents": "Official (basketball)\n\n\nthe back. Shirts are V-neck, without a collar, and pants lack belts. All officials wear a whistle that is used to stop play as a result of a foul or a violation on the court. Hand signals are used to indicate the nature of the infraction or to administer the game. In higher levels of college and professional basketball, officials wear a timing device on the belt-line called PTS (Precision Timing System). The device is used by on court officials to start and stop the game", "id": "19031943" }, { "contents": "Saddle seat\n\n\ngray. Pinstriped fabrics and other fabric textures that appear solid at a distance are also acceptable. However, in some classes, it is also legal to wear a \"day coat,\" which is a coat that is of a contrasting color from the rider's pants. In all classes, riders wear Kentucky jodhpurs (jods), which are close-fitting pants with knee patches and bell-bottoms that go over the boots, usually with a strap that goes under the boot to keep them from riding up. A", "id": "19102163" }, { "contents": "Common ostrich\n\n\nblood that supplies the hypothalamus. Further research will need to be done to find how this occurs. The common ostrich has no sweat glands, and under heat stress they rely on panting to reduce their body temperature. Panting increases evaporative heat (and water) loss from its respiratory surfaces, therefore forcing air and heat removal without the loss of metabolic salts. Panting allows the common ostrich to have a very effective respiratory evaporative water loss (REWL). Heat dissipated by respiratory evaporation increases linearly with ambient temperature, matching the rate", "id": "2581948" }, { "contents": "Eventing\n\n\nworn shirt style, usually without a stock or tie. Riding coats are generally not worn. Lastly, many riders also wear a stop-watch to track their time as they go cross-country so that they may adjust their speed as needed to come in as close as possible to the optimum time, if not faster. Eventing riders tend to follow the dress practices of showjumpers in the stadium jumping phase. However, FEI rules only require \"hunting dress\"; white shirt and tie of any kind; white,", "id": "4483978" }, { "contents": "Barefoot\n\n\nnot a very good conductor of heat. It is common for Australians, particularly young people, to be barefoot in public places, especially during summer. McDonald's launched a summer advertisement in 2012 featuring a customer running barefoot through the hot carpark to the restaurant. In some rural and remote areas, such as the Northern Territory, Western NSW, regional Queensland and many islands, students often attend school barefoot. On Lord Howe Island the Lord Howe Island Board has described the fact pupils at the government-run Lord Howe Island", "id": "21245926" }, { "contents": "Frock coat\n\n\nHassidic Jews is usually reserved for a rosh yeshiva, (maybe also the mashgiach and other senior rabbis of the yeshiva) and other rabbis such as important communal rabbis and some chief rabbis. Most married male Lubavitcher Hasidim also don frock coats on Shabbat. All Hasidim also wear a gartel (belt) over their outer coats during prayer services. Most Hasidim wear long coats called rekelekh during the week, which are often mistaken for frock coats but are really very long suit jackets. On Shabbat, Hasidim wear bekishes, which are", "id": "1963920" }, { "contents": "Croatian national costume\n\n\n, amber necklaces and pearls for the women. The colors of the dresses tend to be bright and numerous, with colors ranging from gold, red, blue, white, and black all in one costume. The top shirt, or \"odnjica\", of the costume has fringed-wing sleeves, which is generally associated with the Pannonian style. For the men, they tend to wear not as many colors for the shirt and pants, but often wear thick coats or vests with designs and patterns stitched on and fancy", "id": "7471296" }, { "contents": "Heat-assisted magnetic recording\n\n\nThe heating issues also require media that can tolerate rapid spot-heating to over 400° C in a tiny area without affecting the contact between the recording head and the platter, or affecting the reliability of the platter and its magnetic coating. The platters are made of a special \"HAMR glass\" with a coating that precisely controls how heat travels within the platter once it reaches the region being heated - crucial to prevent power waste and undesired heating or erasure of nearby data regions. Seagate stated that as of December 2017,", "id": "5534997" }, { "contents": "Colman of Templeshambo\n\n\nbird and all, into a pot over a fire to be boiled. Whenever this happened no matter how the people heaped on wood, or how long the fire was kept up, the water still remained as cold as when it was taken from the pond; and in the end the little duck was found not in the least harmed, swimming about unconcernedly on the top. It was of course brought back to the pond: and after this the water in the pot got heated and boiled without further trouble. Gerald of", "id": "12534003" }, { "contents": "Rowing at the 1912 Summer Olympics – Men's coxed four\n\n\ntheir coxswain, maybe the Danish \"Polyteknisk\" replaced a rower, but this possible change is not counted. The following boats and/or rowing clubs participated: All heats were held on Wednesday, 17 July. Heat 1: 6.20 p.m. The Danish boat raced without opponent. Heat 2: 6.40 p.m. For a long time the two boats kept side by side, both crews rowing in good style, the Frenchman at 38–32, the Finns at 40–32. During the last 500 metres, however, the last named crew went away from", "id": "6649011" }, { "contents": "The Tramp\n\n\nWeary Willie and Tired Tim from Illustrated Chips. The physical attributes of the Tramp include a pair of baggy pants, a tight coat, a small bowler hat, a large pair of shoes, a springy and flexible cane and the famous small mustache. The Tramp walks strangely and uncomfortably because of the ill-fitting clothing; either he is wearing secondhand clothes, or they are originally his but he cannot afford new ones. The Tramp may have seen better days, but he maintains the attitude and demeanor of a high", "id": "20159397" }, { "contents": "No Pants Subway Ride\n\n\nThe No Pants Subway Ride (or No Trousers on the Tube Ride in the UK) is an annual event where people ride the subway while they are not wearing pants. Beginning in New York in 2002, the event spread to as many as sixty cities . The annual No Pants Subway Ride event is a day where people ride the subway while they are not wearing pants. The event is organized by Improv Everywhere, and has coordinators in cities around the world. This event takes place each year in early January; the", "id": "18895585" }, { "contents": "João Silva (photographer)\n\n\nsomebody else's suffering. That's ultimately why I continue doing it, and why I want to continue doing it.\" Silva spoke in the section \"The Human Being Behind the Camera\" of that some people think behind the camera is a machine, a photographer without any feelings. He said that he was often asked how it was possible that he could photograph such cruel pictures. His answer was: \"If you want to help people, then you should not become a photographer\". But he said also,", "id": "12094766" }, { "contents": "List of Jimmy Fallon games and sketches\n\n\nThe Ballad of Anthony Weiner\" (which repeatedly used the term \"sucks, Weiner\"), and \"Walk of Shame\" (accompanied by Dave Matthews). While Jimmy is singing, often some people wearing yellow tracksuits and sunglasses (usually including Seth Herzog and Mike Dicenzo, one of them without pants), as well as the Product Placement Preacher start dancing behind him. Jake Gyllenhaal joined in once as one of the Banana Boyz. In 2010, country singer John Rich joined Jimmy for a duet of \"I", "id": "20759638" }, { "contents": "Video Days\n\n\nJohn Coltrane song from Gonz’ part, which often reminds me of how many times I watched it before and after school, and on the weekends before I went skating… so I of course started drooling over the shoot when I first heard it was coming together. Anyway I digress. As the shoot happened I tagged along to be a fly on the wall (and to help out where I could) while these dudes all got together for the first time in many years to reminisce about how they innocently and unwhittingly (", "id": "11319671" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown (designer)\n\n\nas Mötley Crüe and Judas Priest were not wearing real leather at all while touring. He developed a pyramid-studded type of leather with Judas Priest, and was the first to design for artists like Mötley Crüe leather clothing with skulls and crosses, commonly used as ornaments on leather today. He invented lace front leather pants for Jon Bon Jovi; lacing up the side of leather pants for Mötley Crüe, and large banners on the backs of jackets and coats, not seen outside of motorcycle gangs before the concept was developed with", "id": "14503409" }, { "contents": "Monday Night Football (How I Met Your Mother)\n\n\nHe runs into many people including Emmitt Smith, who have all missed the game, to Barney's frustration. Marshall continues to be tormented by the student until he gets him back by spraying juice on his pants and threatens to tell everyone he wet his pants. Marshall smugly asks for his money back and takes the kid's snack pack. While Ted is back in the bar getting the sauce, he tells his kids that that was the moment everything went wrong. Ted trips down a couple of steps, Barney checks the", "id": "19513196" }, { "contents": "Chamoli district\n\n\nnamed being worn in winter. Those better off are increasingly taking to trousers and buttoned up coats. Women often wear the Sari and full sleeved shirt or Angra (a sort of jacket) in place of a shirt, the well to do wearing woolen jacket in winter. In the rural areas most of the women still wear the long full shirt, tight fitting long sleeved jacket and an Orhni (long scarf for covering the head and shoulders). Female students often wear the Salwar (very full pyjama narrow at the ankle", "id": "2974530" }, { "contents": "Black Donnellys\n\n\nand went over to Whalen’s, Pat Whalen, and rapped at Whalen’s door. He then went to explain what James Carroll, Thomas Ryder and John Purtell were wearing that night. \"Purtell had dark clothes, Ryder a peaked cap, and Carroll had grey pants; their faces were not blackened: I saw one man with his face blackened, and a long coat on, a middling sized man; Carroll saw me in bed, he looked right at me, and I saw him looking right at me for", "id": "7816954" }, { "contents": "Alternative versions of Nightcrawler\n\n\ngroup as \"The Incredible Nightcrawler.\" He is shown as an indigo-colored demon-like mutant with a long, pointed tail & yellow eyes, with a number of deep scars on his body. Each scar represents a sin, as he was viewed as a demon in his homeland. Being German, he has a German accent. He wears a long coat and striped pants. In this iteration, he was portrayed by Alan Cumming. In preparing for the role, he would extensively study the character's comic", "id": "677898" }, { "contents": "Disappearance of Gary Mathias\n\n\nwere some of his personal effects, including his wallet (with cash), a nickel ring with \"Ted\" engraved on it, and a gold necklace he also wore. Also on the table was a gold watch, without its crystal, which Weiher's family said was not his, and a partially melted candle. He was wearing a velour shirt and lightweight pants, but his shoes could not be found. Most puzzling to the investigators was how Weiher had come to his fate. No fire had been set in", "id": "351556" }, { "contents": "Pure Mule\n\n\nuse amongst our young population. [...] \"Pure Mule\" has shown to all who watch it that young people in every corner of this country are experimenting with and using drugs on a large scale. Teenage sex and sexual promiscuity are other uncomfortable issues that are dealt with. It is fiction but it has also struck a raw nerve because it is telling an unpalatable truth. As a rural TD and as a parent, I believe what we are facing is a ticking time bomb in rural Ireland, where our young", "id": "280960" }, { "contents": "Insulative paint\n\n\nInsulative paints, or insulating paints, claim to use a technology where a broad spectrum thermally reflective coating is applied to a specific type of micro-spheres to block heat radiation in a much larger or broader range of thermal energy (heat) to dissipate heat rapidly. This type of coated thermally reflective material (coated micro-sphere) reduces heat transfer through the coating with 90% of solar infrared radiation and 85% of ultraviolet radiation being radiated back from the coated surface. An \"insulative\" or \"insulating\" paint", "id": "14914137" }, { "contents": "Steam generator (railroad)\n\n\nrailroading, cars were heated by a wood or coal fired stove—if any heat was provided at all. It was difficult to evenly heat the long, drafty cars. Passengers near the stove often found it uncomfortably hot, while those further away faced a cold ride. The stoves were also a safety hazard. Often cars were ignited by embers from the stove, especially in a wreck, when a dislodged stove would overturn, dumping burning coals into the car. The use of steam from the locomotive to heat cars was", "id": "21740736" }, { "contents": "Waistcoat\n\n\n. Around the turn of the century, the waistcoat became shorter, ending just below the waistline, allowing the breeches to stick out. When the weather was cold men often would wear more than one waistcoat to stay warm. As time went on, the vest that matched the coat and pants was worn for formal wear while a vest of different type or fabric acted as a more casual mode of contrasting dress. Nearly half way through the century, waistcoats became longer and overlapped with the breeches. Stylistically waistcoats and the rest", "id": "9659625" }, { "contents": "Attila (clothing)\n\n\ngo back to the 16th century when Hungarians adopted the practice of wearing their short coats slung on one shoulder. When worn in this fashion the jacket was often referred to as a \"pelisse\". In cold or wet weather the attila could be buttoned across the chest and worn as a conventional jacket. One possibly mythical account, reported by an English general, is that one night a Hungarian cavalry unit was attacked by the Turks and had no time to dress properly. Instead they just threw on their short coats half shouldered", "id": "15922179" }, { "contents": "Attachment in adults\n\n\n, as well as capable of regulating both their positive and negative emotions. An anxious-preoccupied attachment style is demonstrated by those possessing a negative view of self and a positive view of others. People with anxious-preoccupied attachment type tend to agree with the following statements: \"I want to be completely emotionally intimate with others, but I often find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like\", and \"I am uncomfortable being without close relationships, but I sometimes worry that others don't value", "id": "5129913" }, { "contents": "History of suits\n\n\nreluctantly accepted by men at first. At first the waistcoat continued to be made in the traditional fitted and snug style. By 1940, the waistcoat began to be made in a loose style which made it uncomfortable to wear. In fashion magazines of the day, men complained how these new vests continually rode up when they happen to sit down or bend over. Fashionable men changed their preference to the double-breasted suit coat at this time and it would remain in fashion for the next two decades. By this time,", "id": "5783510" }, { "contents": "1930–1945 in Western fashion\n\n\nand Ava Gardner. Even though daywear dresses were influenced by the war, evening dresses remained glamorous. Women's undergarments became the soul of fashion in the 1940s because it maintained the critical hourglass shape with smooth lines. Clothes became utilitarian. Pants or trousers were considered a menswear item only until the 1940s. Women working in factories first wore men's pants but over time, factories began to make pants for women out of fabric such as cotton, denim, or wool. Coats were long and down to the knee for warmth", "id": "15426201" }, { "contents": "Ranchera\n\n\nnorteños\", from the Spanish word for \"northern\". Ranchera singers often wear \"charro\" outfits which indicates a cowboy suit with tight pants, a short jacket, a bow and riding boots. Mariachi bands, which are the music source behind the ranchera singer, wear \"charros\" suit as well. Female singers often wear a similar suit, which changes the pants for a long skirt with an opening to the flank, may or not include a sombrero, and dress their hair tidily in a single bun.", "id": "8058904" }, { "contents": "Eric Cartman\n\n\n, though he is portrayed to give the impression that the show still utilizes its original technique. Cartman is usually depicted wearing winter attire which consists of a red coat, brown pants, yellow gloves/mittens, and a yellow-brimmed turquoise knit cap tapered with a yellow pom-pom. He has parted brown hair, and he is seen without his hat more often than the other characters with distinctive headwear. As he is overweight, his body is wider and his hands noticeably larger than those of the other children,", "id": "8976952" }, { "contents": "List of Parks and Recreation characters\n\n\ncoolly replies that he will give Dr. Saperstein's offer some time and thought. Orin (Eric Isenhower) is the creepy and intense friend of April Ludgate. He seldom speaks and often stares at people and makes them feel awkward. He first appeared in \"April and Andy's Fancy Party\", where he made Ben feel uncomfortable; at one point Ben said to him, \"No, Orin, I don't know how I'm going to die. Wait, are you asking me or telling me?\" At", "id": "20201071" }, { "contents": "Safety in NASCAR\n\n\nrequired to wear a fire-retardant suit and underwear along with certified helmets. This suit serves a dual purpose of identifying the driver outside the car, and protecting them during a fire. The driver also wears fire retardant shoes and gloves. During long races, the heat of the engine might warm the feet to uncomfortable levels, so most drivers wear a heat shield on the bottom of their shoes. The helmets serve many safety purposes in the NASCAR circuit. First, the helmet protects the driver from injuries. Second,", "id": "13602100" }, { "contents": "The Little Prince\n\n\nfound New York City's noise and sweltering summer heat too uncomfortable to work in and so Consuelo was dispatched to find improved accommodations. After spending some time at an unsuitable clapboard country house in Westport, Connecticut, they found Bevin House, a 22-room mansion in Asharoken that overlooked Long Island Sound. The author-aviator initially complained, \"I wanted a hut, and it's the Palace of Versailles.\" As the weeks wore on, the author became invested in his project and the home would became \"a haven for", "id": "16611663" }, { "contents": "I Am Weasel\n\n\nWeasel\", where a monkey is said to be chasing a weasel. Also, the fact that the Red Guy doesn't wear panties was controversial for many people, as he said: \"The thing that I never thought that I'd get approval for was the Red Guy. The mere fact that he didn't wear pants was a challenge for a lot of people and I am glad Cartoon Network let it go - he's my favorite character\". Production began around April 1996 and the show was inserted as a", "id": "10479690" }, { "contents": "Culture of Himachal Pradesh\n\n\neducated of them are now moving towards tertiary sectors. As per the traditional dressing norms the dress of the Brahmin male includes dhoti, kurta, coat, waistcoat, turban and a hand towel while that of the Rajput male consists of tight fitting churidar pyjamas, a long coat and a starched turban. With the changing time the dress up of the people has now become a mixed one. Though the above-mentioned style is now hardly followed, people have started wearing western style of clothes. The typical house is constructed of", "id": "15275860" }, { "contents": "Ancient Chinese clothing\n\n\nof dress is often worn by the nobility or the upper-class as they are often expensive pieces of clothing, usually made of silks and damasks. The coat sleeves are often deeper than the shenyi to create a more voluminous appearance. In addition to informal and semi-formal wear, there is a form of dress that is worn only at confucian rituals (like important sacrifices or religious activities) or by special people who are entitled to wear them (such as officials and emperors). Formal wear are usually long wear", "id": "3992234" }, { "contents": "Fuhua Secondary School\n\n\nthe Upper Secondary male students wear long pants. Female students wear white pleated skirts and often with shorts underneath. Since the uniform is white, they are encouraged to not wear bras that are visible through the uniform. Its attire for physical education (PE) is primarily a red shirt. The front of the shirt has a zipper. The word \"Fuhua\" and the Chinese characters \"辅华\" are placed on the top right hand corner of the front of the shirt. At the back of the PE T-shirt", "id": "15098911" }, { "contents": "Ted Milton\n\n\nWilson. He contributed a short scene for Terry Gilliam's film \"Jabberwocky\". In Eric Clapton's autobiography he describes hanging out with Ted at Milton's girlfriend Clarissa's apartment often in the summer of 1965. \"Ted was the most extraordinary man. A poet and a visionary ... he was the first person I ever saw physically interpreting music ... to enact it with his entire being, dancing and employing facial expressions to interpret what he was hearing. Watching him, I understood for the first time how you could really", "id": "9722345" }, { "contents": "Timing belt (camshaft)\n\n\nclose together, as in pushrod engines, most engine designers use a short chain drive rather than a direct gear drive. This is because gear drives suffer from frequent torque reversal as the cam profiles \"kick back\" against the drive from the crank, leading to excessive noise and wear. Fibre or nylon covered gears, with more resilience, are often used instead of steel gears where direct drive is used. Commercial engines and aircraft engines use steel gears only, as a fibre or nylon coated gear can fail suddenly and without", "id": "19934029" }, { "contents": "History of Mexican Americans\n\n\nlanguage and dress. For the men, the style was to wear a zoot suit — a flamboyant long coat with baggy pegged pants, a pork pie hat, a long key chain and shoes with thick soles. They called themselves \"Pachucos.\" Trouble broke out in Los Angeles and several smaller cities, where servicemen in uniform who had never seen a Mexican American took umbrage at well-paid teenagers taking their leisure. Skirmishes and mini riots erupted in 1943, but the servicemen moved out, no one was killed,", "id": "16662183" }, { "contents": "Tibetan people\n\n\n\"Rhe-Ba\", or just simply put their hair up in a braid or pony-tail in more rural areas. In more urban areas, women wear many different kinds of hairstyles such as pony-tails, braids, buns or just leaving it down. Some men and women wear long thick dresses (\"chuba\") in more traditional and rural regions. The men wear a shorter version with pants underneath. The style of the clothing varies between regions. Nomads often wear thick sheepskin versions. In more", "id": "13560382" }, { "contents": "Lisa Richette\n\n\none of a handful of groundbreaking women in the local legal profession along with the future long serving District Attorney of Philadelphia Lynne Abraham. Once thrown out of court for wearing a pantsuit, Richette often wore pants and long dangling earrings in court at a time when it was considered almost risqué for a female attorney to do so. In 1971, she was appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Philadelphia County, being one of the first females to hold that office. Richette was the author of the 1969 book on the", "id": "8366176" }, { "contents": "Personal boundaries\n\n\nto distinguish between unilateral limits and collaborative solutions in these settings. Anger is a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. Often, it indicates when one's personal boundaries are violated. Anger may be utilized effectively by setting boundaries or escaping from dangerous situations. Addicts often believe that being in control of others is how to achieve success and happiness in life. People who follow this rule use it as a survival skill, having usually learned it in childhood. As long as they make the", "id": "15296628" }, { "contents": "Zaisu\n\n\nA is a Japanese chair with no legs but a normal chair back. They are often found in traditional rooms with tatami mats, and are often used for relaxing under heated \"kotatsu\" tables. Traditionally, the correct sitting style in Japan is \"seiza\", kneeling with the weight on top of the lower legs, which are folded underneath the body. However this can become painful after long periods of time or for people who are not used to it, so many prefer the \"zaisu\", where the back", "id": "2237630" }, { "contents": "Hutterites\n\n\nShoes were homemade in the past but are now mostly store-bought. Men's jackets and pants are usually black. Generally the men's shirts are button-up shirts with long sleeves and collars, and they may wear undershirts. Men's pants are not held in place by belts, but rather by black suspenders. These pants are also distinctive by their lack of back pockets. Women and girls wear a dress with a blouse underneath. Most Lehrerleut and Dariusleut also wear a kerchief-style Christian headcovering which is usually", "id": "798907" }, { "contents": "Daylighting\n\n\ngoal of the calculation is to determine how long an individual can work in a space without requiring electrical lighting, while also providing optimal visual and physical comfort. Daylight autonomy is beneficial when determining how daylight enters and illuminates a space. The drawback, however, is that there is no upper limit on luminance levels. Therefore, a space with a high internal heat gain deemed uncomfortable by occupants, would still perform well in the analysis. Achieving daylight autonomy requires an integrated design approach that guides the building form, siting, climate", "id": "636128" }, { "contents": "Lunch of Blood\n\n\nbabies, I like to wear skirts, I like to have men open the door for me and stand up for me when I enter a room. I have absolutely noooo ambition to wear overalls and to have somebody talk to me about some girl that he fucked last night.'\" Morrissey: \"'People tell me that they fall in love with me, but I sit at home, night after night, watching television documentaries, and I ask myself: Where are all these people who are falling in love with", "id": "11567049" }, { "contents": "Operation Bellicose\n\n\nbut Slee's crew and the Swiss people watching from across the lake made it 01.40, Double British Summer Time and West European Summer Time being the same. The main force began bombing, the Pathfinders circling back over the lake to re-illuminate and re-mark the target. Munro had to fly a long circuit to regain lost height and made only one more run, this time releasing his eight high-explosive 500-pounders as well as flares. Suswain aimed the bombs at a green TI dropped by Rodley or Sauvage or", "id": "3989130" }, { "contents": "Los Angeles Rams\n\n\nseason, week 2 in Washington when they wore gold pants with the blue jersey, and week 12 against Seattle when they wore blue pants with the blue jersey. During their time in St. Louis, the Rams had worn blue at home. Like most other teams playing in a dome, the Rams did not need to wear white to gain an advantage with the heat. The Rams wore their white jerseys and blue pants in St. Louis against the Dallas Cowboys, on October 19, 2008, forcing the Cowboys to wear their", "id": "11506947" }, { "contents": "Lena Waithe\n\n\nscript to make the character more like Waithe: \"All of us actors play heightened versions of ourselves.\" She said, \"I don't know if we've seen a sly, harem pants-wearing, cool Topshop sweatshirt-wearing, snapback hat-rocking lesbian on TV.\" She also said, \"I know how many women I see out in the world who are very much like myself. We exist. To me, the visibility of it was what was going to be so important and so exciting", "id": "8955079" }, { "contents": "Women in the Spanish Civil War\n\n\na tuft remained, and that tuft then had a ribbon with monarchist colors tied to it. These women were also often subject to abuse and further humiliation. The start of the Civil War saw women in Barcelona change their behavior, notably in the way they dressed. For the first time, they were able to appear in public wearing pants without people perceiving them as violating societal norms about decency. Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia began to dominate on the socialist side in Catalonia late 1936, and finally consolidated power in 1937 on", "id": "5402061" }, { "contents": "Tazlău Monastery\n\n\nto be employed, but the Greeks only did so when supervisors were present. The western wall of the vestibule features an oil portrait of the \"ktitors\". Located above the door, it depicts Stephen and his wife Maria Voichița between his sons Alexandru and Bogdan. The prince and his wife are shown holding the church in their hands, without the porch. He has a beard and long hair over his back, looking to the ground. She wears a green Byzantine costume with a wool coat on top, reaching from", "id": "16185384" }, { "contents": "Harmony Society\n\n\nmade with their own materials by their own tailors, they would wear their fine garments on Sundays and on other special occasions. At Economy, on special occasions and Sundays, women wore silk dresses using fabric of their own manufacture. Clothing varied in color, but often carried the same design. On a typical day, women wore ankle-length dresses, while men wore pants with vests or coats and a hat. The Harmonites were a prosperous agricultural and industrial people. They had many machines that helped them be successful in", "id": "14645118" }, { "contents": "Zamasu\n\n\nviolet long-sleeved shirt under a gray coat with yellow trimming, itself under a light blue sash. He also wears dark blue pants and white boots. The Zamasu who stole Goku's body originally had an appearance identical to his counterparts. He gains Goku's appearance after switching bodies with him, the only physical differences being a slightly darker skin tone and sterner eyes, along with a somewhat skinnier physique after the switch. His attire consists of a dark grey vest, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck,", "id": "13298957" }, { "contents": "Cat coat genetics\n\n\nCat coat genetics determine the coloration, pattern, length, and texture of feline fur. Understanding how is challenging because many genes are involved. The variations among cat coats are physical properties and should not be confused with cat breeds. A cat may display the coat of a certain breed without actually being that breed. For example, a Siberian could wear point coloration, the stereotypical coat of a Siamese. The browning gene \"B/b/b\" codes for TYRP1, an enzyme involved in the metabolic pathway for eumelanin", "id": "14657454" }, { "contents": "Pittsburgh refrigerator cat\n\n\nother warehouses. The American Naturalist concluded that the change of environment had the same effect as the change of season from summer to winter i.e. the cats grew a thicker coat. It was not a case of survival through natural selection of a chance variation. It was also likely that the thick-furred adult cat simply found the sudden change back to warm quarters uncomfortable, just as a person in a heavy coat would find the sudden change uncomfortable. Nevertheless, reports continued to circulate later in 1895 stating that it was impossible to", "id": "4923241" }, { "contents": "Informal wear\n\n\nblouse and discreet accessories. The plain blouse is designated as a long sleeve button down shirt tucked properly into the skirt at the waist. Some women wore pantsuits, substituting pants for the skirt, but in doing so, they risked the displeasure of many who felt that women should not wear pants. Now even conservative Western workplaces are more accepting of pants on female employees. However, they may still expect female employees to exhibit the formality of men's suits. Women in \"creative\" professions, such as advertising, web", "id": "20922832" }, { "contents": "Bethany Platt\n\n\nto wonder if Bethany is in fact scared of Nathan.\" Fallon said that the storyline is \"so important that we do it, especially at this time, because we are targeting the people watching Coronation Street who are quite young. All the fans are quite young and they are the people we want to target.\" Fallon filmed a scene \"where Nathan takes Bethany to his flat where there are a lot of men\" and added it \"was so uncomfortable, it was horrible.\" Fallon discussed the situation where", "id": "13598324" }, { "contents": "Climate of Minnesota\n\n\nMinnesota's all-time record high temperature of was equaled during this stretch. This heat wave was also responsible for the Twin Cities' all-time record high of , as well as the all-time record high of several other cities across the state. The western region of Minnesota experiences the hottest summer temperatures. Coteau des Prairies can heat cities to the north of it similar to how places in the Rocky Mountains are warmed by Chinook winds. As southwest winds blow down the slope of Coteau des Prairies, the air", "id": "12458129" } ]
How do porn stars not get STDs?
[{"answer": "You want the real answer? It isn't fun. THEY DO. (At least a number of them do.) The reason they all test \"STD-free\" is because there's no reliable HPV (genital warts) test for men (as far as I know), and HSV-1/HSV-2 (oral / genital herpes) is so common (HSV-1 affects about 75-80% of the population, HSV-2 affects about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 5 men), that they don't include it on the standard STD screening. The standard STD screening mostly screens out those STDs that are fatal (HIV) or treatable (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, etc., etc., etc.). Sorry to ruin the fantasy. (Those of you that are sexually active, when you get STD tested (and you should), you may want to ask for the HSV-1/HSV-2 tests to be included to make sure you're not a passive carrier, as something like 50% of people with HSV have no idea.)"}, {"answer": "Hot people willing to do porn are plentiful. When it gets to that, you can be exclusive enough to warrant an STD test before getting someone signed to a company. That said, there are porn actors with STDs. Faye Raegan is a well known example. Source: I'm a professional porn critiquer."}, {"answer": "Belladonna states that \"99% of the porn industry has herpes.\" ([source]( URL_0 )) Things that condoms don't prevent, like herpes and hpv - which causes cervical cancer and genital warts, are insanely prevalent in the porn community. Others that are cleared up quickly also seem to be common. Unfortunately most actors don't realize this until they have already contracted it and by then they might as well stay in the industry."}, {"answer": "They're very careful about it. They test for STDs at least once a month, and if they fail, they're out of the business, at least on the performance side. So... yeah. Casual sex without protection only becomes likely to give you an STD when someone in your group fucks someone with one. If everyone in your group is clean, you ain't catching shit."}, {"answer": "Hi! There are a few people who were infected with HIV in recent time (I think about 4 or 5 in 2004). One of those people was [Darren James]( URL_1 ). There have been other outbreaks as well, such as with [Derrick Burts]( URL_0 ). This is a quote from that article: *But the inherent risks of the business rapidly manifested themselves. When he went for his first STD test he found he had contracted chlamydia. The next month he was diagnosed with gonorrhea and syphilis.* There are less STDs than you would think because of the amount of testing they go through and the greater use of condoms, but diseases can still occur in the industry."}, {"answer": "Frequent testing, porn stars get regular STD tests and anyone with an STD would be out of a job pretty quickly."}, {"answer": "I can't imagine a five year old asking this."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25467671", "title": "STDs in the porn industry", "section": "Section::::HIV cases.:2010s.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 16, "end_paragraph_id": 16, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["other STD. On October 12, 2010, AIM reported that an actor or actress had been infected with HIV. The name and gender of the person was not released to the public. Vivid Entertainment and Wicked Pictures were the first companies to announce a production shutdown. Although Wicked Pictures allow some performers to wear condoms, the company shut down to wait for the quarantine list. Several other porn studios shut down as a preventative measure. At the time, no other performers tested HIV positive. In December, the HIV positive", "On October 12, 2010, AIM reported that an actor or actress had been infected with HIV. The name and gender of the person was not released to the public. Vivid Entertainment and Wicked Pictures were the first companies to announce a production shutdown. Although Wicked Pictures allow some performers to wear condoms, the company shut down to wait for the quarantine list. Several other porn studios shut down as a preventative measure. At the time, no other performers tested HIV positive. In December, the HIV positive"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Abstinence-only sex education\n\n\nto learn how to talk to a partner about STDs and birth control, 71% want them to learn how to use condoms, and 68% want them to learn about using other forms of birth control. Students are also opposed to abstinence-only education. \"Approximately half of students in grades 7-12 report needing more information about what to do in the event of rape or sexual assault, how to get tested for HIV and other STDs, and how to talk with a partner about birth control and STDs.", "id": "22099716" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\ncondoms (barebacking), pornographic actors are particularly vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS. According to former pornographic actress Shelley Lubben, a 1980s outbreak of HIV led to the death of 27 porn stars between 1985 and 1992, including Wade Nichols (who died in 1985), John Holmes (1988), Marc Stevens (1989), and Al Parker (1992). When Nichols died in 1985, his fellow porn star Ron Jeremy denied that Nichols' death was AIDS", "id": "15859403" }, { "contents": "Teamwork (House)\n\n\npain. Cameron and Chase decide to leave Princeton Plainsboro in order to save their relationship after Dibala's death. Throughout the episode, House tries to reassemble his old team of Foreman, Cameron, Chase, Thirteen, and Taub. Taub and Thirteen initially ignore House's attempts to get them to come back. The patient's and his wife's jobs in porn make the team confront him about how dedicated they really are to each other. House orders an STD panel, a tox screen, an ANA to look for autoimmune", "id": "20147128" }, { "contents": "Pilot (The Deuce)\n\n\nGyllenhaal was cast as a Times Square hooker in the pilot, which was set to begin filming in the fall of that year. In preparation for the project, she consulted with former prostitute and porn star Annie Sprinkle. “She had some very simple helpful insights... How many people do you fuck a night, what do you do if it’s really cold.” Gyllenhaal also went to the set of a porn shoot in Los Angeles, having been invited by a former adult film star who was working craft services for", "id": "19803718" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\nSTDs in the porn industry deals with the occupational safety and health issue in the sex industry of transmission of sexually transmitted infections/diseases (STIs/STDs), especially HIV/AIDS, which became a major cause of concern since the 1980s, especially for pornographic film actors. , 22 HIV cases in the U.S. pornography industry have been reported; roughly half were among men who work in gay films, and the other half were men and women working in heterosexual productions. Because pornographic film making involves unsimulated sex, usually without", "id": "15859402" }, { "contents": "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star\n\n\nas the biggest adult-film star in the world. Unfortunately, he has no idea how to become a porn star like his parents, and his penis is incredibly small. Through a series of misunderstandings, he gets a job as a porn actor with fading director Miles Deep (Don Johnson). He makes several films, and achieves a certain fame when his small penis makes women appreciate their partner's endowment. Along the way he meets and falls in love with Kathy (Christina Ricci), a kindhearted waitress.", "id": "7847720" }, { "contents": "How to Make Money Like a Porn Star\n\n\nHow to Make Money Like a Porn Star is the first graphic novel published by ReganBooks/HarperCollins, written by New York Times bestselling author Neil Strauss and illustrated by artist Bernard Chang. Strauss and Chang have collaborated on two previous books, \"How to Make Love Like a Porn Star\" (the autobiography of porn queen Jenna Jameson), and \"\". The book also features magazine articles, faux ads, and an activity book, and includes additional art contributions from illustrators Sean Chen, John Paul Leon, Gregg Schigiel", "id": "13565199" }, { "contents": "Seymore Butts\n\n\nmade reference to the court case, and used this as a springboard to mount a successful Internet-based telethon to raise money for freedom of speech causes. The series also focused on his life as a single father and his difficulty as a porn star in finding a meaningful relationship outside the industry. The series ran for four seasons. Glasser's \"Do-It-Yourself Porn\" (2008) is one of a number of how-to guides on shooting porn videos that have appeared in recent years. Glasser has", "id": "14729874" }, { "contents": "Chloe (actress)\n\n\n– you won't get your john to do that. But we're prostitutes: we exchange sex for money.\" She was offered a part in a production of \"Lady Chatterley's Lover\", however, was fired when the producers learned of her porn background. She has also produced and sang on a single called \"Harder\" by Sabateur, which is on the compilation CD \"Porn to Rock\", an album of tracks which feature various porn stars. XRCO \"Best Group Sex Scene\" for \"The", "id": "9216612" }, { "contents": "Shigeo Tokuda\n\n\nTokuda was born on 18 August 1934 and worked as a travel agent until his retirement at about age 60. According to Tokuda, \"I retired and didn't have anything to do,\" so he started a second career and life as a porn actor. He had been buying porn videos directly from the production company (he couldn't face getting them at a video store) and had become friendly with a director who suggested he star in a video because \"old-people porn\" was becoming popular. By 2008", "id": "2978901" }, { "contents": "Shelley Lubben\n\n\noutreach to individuals seeking recovery from pornography addiction. Pink Cross attended pornography conventions to educate fans about how porn is not glamorous and also reaching out to porn stars and reminding them that they have options. The Pink Cross Foundation also lobbied against pornography and the adult entertainment industry. Lubben supported California legislator Charles Calderon in his effort to tax the pornographic industry by speaking to lawmakers about her experiences. Lubben indicated that the scenes on the set of a hardcore porn film often involve a woman and several men who are doing degrading acts to", "id": "2098755" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\nother STD. On October 12, 2010, AIM reported that an actor or actress had been infected with HIV. The name and gender of the person was not released to the public. Vivid Entertainment and Wicked Pictures were the first companies to announce a production shutdown. Although Wicked Pictures allow some performers to wear condoms, the company shut down to wait for the quarantine list. Several other porn studios shut down as a preventative measure. At the time, no other performers tested HIV positive. In December, the HIV positive", "id": "15859411" }, { "contents": "Bush League TV\n\n\nefforts on Yahoo! Live, starting on April 29 at 5 pm. Patton was featured on NPR's Talk of the Nation on May 1, 2008. He succeeded in setting the record, and it was officially recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records on July 1, 2008. In May 2008, Bush League released its first how-to video “Bush League 101: How to Be a Porn Star.” The video includes interviews with porn stars on the set of a Hustler porn spoof of The Brady Bunch", "id": "13597363" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nother performers fail to see the need for a specific type of porn just for women. As porn star James Deen put it, “Why is there porn explicitly only for women? By saying there needs to be porn for women, you’re basically isolating women as a gender, and saying, “This is how women should think. This is how their sexuality should be.” It's counterproductive (from what I understand) to the equality movement.” In a lot of typical pornography, women are mistreated,", "id": "8644379" }, { "contents": "Carnal Comics\n\n\nJesus or porn star comics”, and in fact the notion of porn star bios had come up shortly after Todd Loren’s death. Sanford and editor Patrick McCray discussed reviving the Carnal Comics name to do porn star bios, but the idea was abandoned when it became clear that making deals with the stars themselves would be too great a challenge and Revolutionary Comics was already putting out upwards of a half dozen comics per month. At Simmons’ party, numerous porn stars were present and apparently the notion of \"Carnal Comics:", "id": "20561045" }, { "contents": "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star\n\n\nhaving actress Scarlett Johansson play her in a feature film version of the book. A representative for Johansson, however, has stated that Johansson has no interest in such a role. Strauss has written a similarly titled and themed book, \"How to Make Money Like a Porn Star\", mainly in graphic novel format, and without Jameson's participation. Strauss wrote it from stories he learned of while researching Jameson's book. Like \"How to Make Love...\", \"How to Make Money...\" also features different", "id": "8170471" }, { "contents": "Sex Station\n\n\n2013. \"Porn Star Diaries\" was a one-off 30-minute documentary made by \"Sex Station's\" producers in 2006, featuring interviews with three female porn stars including Nina Roberts and Bobbi Eden, who then did a lesbian softcore photoshoot together. The interviewees talked about their careers (how they began in porn) and the porn industry generally. This was broadcast in a 3-hour block at nights on You TV (channel 146, which became Sumo TV channel 879), alternating with \"Babestation's\" \"Meet the", "id": "1167178" }, { "contents": "The Mist (film)\n\n\nMist\" as quaint in its elements of monsters and fear of the unknown compared to the contemporary popularity of films with torture porn. The director saw \"The Mist\" as a throwback to Paddy Chayefsky and William Shakespeare, explaining, \"It's people at each other.\" He highlighted the element of fear in the film in how it compelled people to behave differently. Darabont said, \"How primitive do people get? It's \"Lord of the Flies\" that happens to have some cool monsters in it.\"", "id": "10381600" }, { "contents": "Chanel Preston\n\n\nwas on CNBC's list of \"The Dirty Dozen: Porn's Most Popular Stars\". In 2015 she appeared in the \"Bust\" music video by rapper Waka Flocka Flame. Also in January 2014, she was featured alongside Dana DeArmond, Asa Akira, and Jessie Andrews in a \"Cosmopolitan\" article titled \"4 Porn Stars on How They Stay Fit\". The article was inspired by actress Gabrielle Union's comment made on Conan O'Brien's talk show about striving to follow the fitness routines of the porn stars she", "id": "17081339" }, { "contents": "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star\n\n\nHow to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale is the autobiography of adult film star Jenna Jameson, published August 17, 2004. It was mainly written by co-writer Neil Strauss, later famous for writing \"\", and published by ReganBooks, a division of HarperCollins. It was an instant best-seller, spending six weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list. The autobiography also won the 2004 \"Mainstream's Adult Media Favorite\" XRCO award in a tie with Seymore Butts's \"Family", "id": "8170468" }, { "contents": "Chris Crocker\n\n\nporn. So I regret doing it with my ex more than I regret doing it in general.\" He says he could do porn again, but wonders how he would extend that into a viable career. \"[W]here is the reality show? And where are the people that have seen how interesting my life is? Not that many people were, like, the first of their kind to be an Internet celebrity—what happens after that?\" he said. \"What happens after you extend your 15 minutes of", "id": "7773286" }, { "contents": "Pornographic parody film\n\n\nand author Charlie Jane Anders wrote, prior to blogging on the subject, \"I didn't realize just how many porn parodies there are — and how terrible most of them actually are.\" A \"New York\" magazine writer commented that although the parody of the PBS series \"Downton Abbey\" titled \"Down on Abby\" starring Lexi Lowe is humorous, it is \"rife with historical inaccuracies\" and \"not recommended for those who get distracted by historically inaccurate details like squared-off French tips and thongs.\"", "id": "8584199" }, { "contents": "Adult film industry regulations\n\n\n18 is most common). Various nations have various rules as to how a site must ensure that all porn models featured on it are of age such as strict record-keeping laws. In response to an actress who tested positive to HIV in 1998, the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation was started. After AIM's procedures were followed, the company found four more women infected with HIV. Since then, AIM has created services and programs such as STD testing and treatment, hepatitis vaccinations, alcohol and drug treatment, prevention", "id": "6556734" }, { "contents": "Down on Abby\n\n\ndelivering a performance that will make your jaw drop.\" and ended the review with 5/5 stars. Another review from adult DVD review site XCritic noted: \"I was surprised at how good I thought the movie was. A porn parody of \"Downton Abby\" was inevitable, but it found a way to get beautiful and sexy stars to parody the costume drama and mix in hot, depraved sex. I loved the puns with the names (Smallcock, Lord Stiffie, Lady Stiffie, etc.) and thought it was", "id": "17705642" }, { "contents": "MIL-STD-810\n\n\nof \"...compliance to MIL-STD-810...\" can be misleading, because no commercial organization or agency certifies compliance, commercial vendors can create the test methods or approaches to fit their product. Suppliers can—and some do—take significant latitude with how they test their products, and how they report the test results. When queried, many manufacturers will admit no testing has actually been done and that the product is only designed/engineered/built-to comply with the standard. This is because many of the tests", "id": "1512792" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\nLynn. Performers in the other film, \"The Devil In Mr. Holmes\", were Adams, Lynn, Karin Schubert, and Marina Hedman. Subsequently, it was revealed that Holmes had consciously chosen not to reveal his HIV status to his producers or co-stars before engaging in unprotected sex for the filming. As his health failed, Holmes disingenuously attributed his condition to colon cancer and first confided that he had AIDS in January 1987. He died from AIDS-related complications on March 13, 1988, aged 43.", "id": "15859405" }, { "contents": "Naqaab\n\n\ncameras in Sophia's home, and recorded all the intimate scenes between Vicky and her. Karan then convinces Vicky and Sophia that if they do not go along with the film, he would upload the intimate scenes of them on the internet, and turn them into porn-stars. Therefore, Vicky and Sophia let the movie release. At the premiere, Karan plans a publicity stunt by him getting shot by Vicky (with fake bullets), then getting up and revealing he is still alive. However, nothing goes as", "id": "15385733" }, { "contents": "Mia Rose (actress)\n\n\nMia Rose (born March 30, 1987) is an American former pornographic actress who entered the industry in 2006 at the age of 19. She is the younger sister of Ava Rose. Mia and Ava both stripped in Reno, Nevada before getting into porn. They were approached to do porn by an agent through MySpace. Her rationale for getting into porn was, \"we were already fucking the shit out of everybody in our personal lives, so why not?\". They have been in the same scene together in", "id": "16251855" }, { "contents": "9 to 5: Days in Porn\n\n\nHoffmann isn't interested in the billion-dollar industry that's behind it, he's interested in the people behind and in front of the camera. He gets close to the actors, the scenes are intimate, but never voyeuristic.\") Among the film's many interviewees are 2006 AVN Award winner Audrey Hollander, former porn star and Director of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation Dr. Sharon Mitchell, stripper-turned-porn star/director Belladonna, as well as Katja Kassin, Otto Bauer, Sasha Grey,", "id": "12608090" }, { "contents": "Inari Vachs\n\n\n\"Porn is so much more widely accepted now than it was [in 2002]. The hardest part of doing porn was how society viewed you. It made it tough sometimes, but now it’s different. My mom didn’t even know I did porn until I stopped performing, but now she knows, in fact I called her today and spoke to her freely about what I was doing.\" In 2011 she was the co-host for the 2011 XRCO Awards with Tom Byron. Vachs had a daughter during", "id": "5985186" }, { "contents": "American Pie Presents (film series)\n\n\n, making porn movies and having a good time in college. After sabotaging the school band, he gets sent to band camp where he really does not like it at first but then learns how to deal with the bandeez. When Erik Stifler gets a free pass to do whatever he wants from his girlfriend, he and his two best friends head to see his cousin Dwight for the Naked Mile and a weekend they will never forget. Erik and Cooze start college and pledge the Beta House fraternity, presided over by none other", "id": "11606091" }, { "contents": "Ethnic pornography\n\n\n, male porn star and one of the few black agents in the U.S. industry, had a concurring opinion, saying, \"In the business, some girls who say they don't do interracial, I've actually had sex with, off-camera.\" Porn star Kristina Rose has alleged that some agents tell younger actresses that they will earn less from performing in interracial pornography to bar their involvement, although the opposite is true on a global level. In Chapter 3 of her book \"Porn Studies\", Linda Williams", "id": "10167435" }, { "contents": "Mary Millington\n\n\nlunch during the filming of that and someone said 'she’s a porn star' and I said 'I don’t understand what do you mean' and he said 'porn, p-o-r-n' and he said 'she’s naked and she does everything in all these films' but she was lovely and so I met my first porn star\". One of Millington's most outrageous moments was being photographed topless outside 10 Downing Street. Millington, while posing for an innocuous picture with a policeman", "id": "21852925" }, { "contents": "Adolescent sexuality in the United States\n\n\nhave been premature; Steinberg and Monahan found that media effects diminished once other factors were controlled. Scholarly studies suggest that approximately 15% of youth intentionally seek pornography in a given year. Donna Freitas, author of \"The End of Sex: How Hookup Culture is Leaving a Generation Unhappy, Sexually Unfulfilled, and Confused About Intimacy\", has this to say about porn: Many boys learn to assume that the things women do in porn—how they dress and act around men—is also how women are supposed to act", "id": "7600329" }, { "contents": "Abstinence-only sex education\n\n\nare no rules limiting sex education to abstinence-only, teachers may continue to teach abstinence-only curriculum because they fear retaliation from the local community. Parents also want their children to be taught about contraception. \"Most parents (65%) believe that sex education should encourage young people to delay sexual activity but also prepare them to use birth control and practice safe sex once they do become sexually active.\" 86% of parents want schools to teach their children how to get STD testing, 77% want their children", "id": "22099715" }, { "contents": "Reality pornography\n\n\nthe \"Girls Gone Wild\" and \"Girls Who Like Girls Series\". The work of Bruce Seven has been called reality porn, due to his lack of using scripts and asking his performers to act naturally in their own character. In order to comply with the industry's requirements for sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, the vast majority of reality porn involves professional actors and actresses posing as so-called \"amateurs.\" Even though the performers who perform in these films typically appear on many reality websites within a", "id": "3425008" }, { "contents": "Carter Cruise\n\n\na semester off to assess and plan her future, she came up with the concept of \"Carter Cruise\" as a brand and as a means to accomplish her goals with regards to writing, acting, music, and fashion. Cruise stated, \"How can I do all of these things in one lifetime? Porn was the first step because it gave me the capital and the connections to not only build my brand but also to lay the foundations for other creative things that I wanted to get involved in.\" She", "id": "11466108" }, { "contents": "Pilotwings 64\n\n\ngame to be nothing more than a graphical showcase for those with nothing better to do. The sound effects present in the game were impressive to several reviewers, but the soundtrack has been negatively compared to lounge music and porn groove, although the 'Birdman' track was highly rated. \"Electronic Gaming Monthly\" awarded \"Pilotwings 64\" Flying Game of the Year, explaining that it \"showed how fun flying could be and demonstrated that there is more than one way to get from here to there. Fun, variety and", "id": "17174719" }, { "contents": "Splatter film\n\n\nI don't get the torture porn films [...] they're lacking metaphor.\" The success of torture porn, and its boom during the mid to late 2000s, led to a crossover into genres other than horror. This became evident with the release of many crime thrillers, particularly the 2007 film \"I Know Who Killed Me\" starring Lindsay Lohan, and the 2008 film \"Untraceable\", starring Diane Lane and Billy Burke. The British film \"WΔZ\", starring Stellan Skarsgård and Selma Blair, and its", "id": "19617052" }, { "contents": "Citébeur\n\n\nat Citébeur, Sagat initially used his screen name Azzedine before reverting to his real name François Sagat. Citébeur in agreement with Syndicat national des entreprises gaies' (SNEG) has promoted fashionable series of public awareness advertisements for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in its series of \"Boris et Nadir\". Some of the Citébeur porn actors take part in these series. In 2008, Citébeur Studios won the Best Black/Latino Gay Film Award for \"Matos de Blackoss 3\" at the European Gay Porn Awards 2008 (", "id": "12742509" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\n\" in Rio de Janeiro. AIM initiated an urgent search for other potentially infected performers. It was discovered that three actresses who had worked with James shortly after his return to the United States had also become infected. These were Canadians Lara Roxx and Miss Arroyo, and Czech-born Jessica Dee. The heterosexual segment of the porn industry voluntarily shut down for 30 days (a 60-day moratorium was originally announced but it was lifted early) while it tried to deal with the situation. Darren James, Jessica Dee, and Lara", "id": "15859408" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\nIn December 2013, a male porn actor tested HIV positive, leading FSC to halt production for one week. This infection was also determined to have taken place off-set. The revelations led to the creation of the Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation (AIM Healthcare or AIM) in 1998, which helped set up a monitoring system in the pornographic film industry in the United States, and pornographic film actors were required to be tested for HIV every 30 days. The AIM system required all sexual contact to be logged,", "id": "15859415" }, { "contents": "Measure B\n\n\n. Supporters included porn performer Aurora Snow, Jenna Jameson, Pink Cross Foundation, and Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Weinstein claims that according to the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, \"thousands of performers have been infected with thousands of STDs over the last few years.\" The No On Government Waste Committee opposed Measure B claiming it would waste tax-payer money and drive the porn industry out of the state. It said that it was supported in its opposition by the Los Angeles County Federation of", "id": "5842625" }, { "contents": "Women's reproductive health in the United States\n\n\nclose friends, partners, and family. Younger women do not understand the risk that STDs can pose to them. For example, Chlamydia is one of the most common STDs affecting women and men in the United States. Women do not follow the recommendation that people should be screened for Chlamydia at least once per year. Most women do not even know any information about Chlamydia as an STD besides the fact that it is curable. STD screening is most effective for identifying STDs in women, but is commonly underutilized by women in", "id": "5195367" }, { "contents": "Aurora Snow\n\n\nOn March 19, 2015, Snow spoke at the University of South Carolina School of Law on \"Vice, Porn and American Culture.\" On September 30, 2013, Snow posted an article on \"The Daily Beast\" titled \"A Porn Star's Letter to Her Unborn Son\" in which she announced she was pregnant with her first child and stated how she would explain her choice to work in the porn industry to her son once he is older. The letter quickly went viral on the Internet. She gave birth", "id": "12783928" }, { "contents": "List of male performers in gay porn films\n\n\nthe appearance of having more actors working at a studio, an actor's wishing to disguise how many films he is working on or that he is doing work for another studio, etc. The men listed here are known to have appeared in a gay porn film; however, this does not necessarily mean they are gay—see gay-for-pay. Many of these men have also appeared in other forms of pornography such as pornographic magazines. They may have appeared in other genres of pornography including bisexual and heterosexual porn", "id": "8785078" }, { "contents": "STDs in the porn industry\n\n\nhad tested positive, though it was believed that transmission occurred in her private life. LA County Public Health claimed that there had been 16 \"unreported\" HIV cases in the adult film industry. The AIM Healthcare Foundation claimed those cases did not involve actors in production companies that followed their testing protocols and included members of the general public who used AIM Healthcare testing services or individuals attempting to work in the porn industry who never were able to obtain employment in adult films because of their failure to provide proof negative status for HIV or", "id": "15859410" }, { "contents": "Jessie Andrews\n\n\nAndrews was featured in the music video for Borgore's song \"Decisions\" which features Miley Cyrus. In January 2014, Andrews, Dana DeArmond, Asa Akira, and Chanel Preston were featured in a \"Cosmopolitan\" article titled \"4 Porn Stars on How They Stay Fit\". The article was inspired by actress Gabrielle Union's comment made on Conan O'Brien's talk show about striving to follow the fitness routines of the porn stars she saw at her gym. In 2012, Andrews launched her own jewelry line \"Bagatiba\"", "id": "18522074" }, { "contents": "Asa Akira\n\n\n. Her debut film as a contract performer for the company was \"Asa Is Wicked\". Akira made a cameo appearance in the mainstream film \"Starlet\". In January 2014, Akira, Dana DeArmond, Chanel Preston, and Jessie Andrews were featured in a \"Cosmopolitan\" magazine article titled \"4 Porn Stars on How They Stay Fit.\" The article was inspired by actress Gabrielle Union's comment made on Conan O'Brien's talk show about striving to follow the fitness routines of the porn stars she saw at her gym", "id": "9251908" }, { "contents": "LGBT sex education\n\n\nsexually transmitted diseases (STDs), because many do not know that they can be susceptible to STDs or how to engage in safe sex. Therefore, it is important that they receive lesbian sex education. LGBT sex education advocates suggest that because LGBT students aren’t taught sex education that pertains to them in school, they feel unprepared for sex, unable to talk about it openly, and have to learn about it by themselves—which can result in negative health outcomes. Sanchez (2012) argues that LGBT students are unlikely", "id": "14989899" }, { "contents": "Chasing Dogma\n\n\nto do a scene. Jay and Bob then leave the hospital, unhappy with the gift the porn star gave to him. Meanwhile, wildlife marshal Sam \"Big Dog\" Gavert starts a full search for the escaped zoo monkey Suzanne (shown in the closing shot of \"Mallrats\"). The monkey actually belongs to Provasic Pharmaceuticals, who are hoping to get their test subject back. Because a slightly modified adaptation of this issue was written into the movie \"Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back\" this issue should be considered", "id": "19711114" }, { "contents": "Mika Tan\n\n\nwork as a dominatrix and sub for the group of companies, mostly the \"Men in Pain\" and \"Divine Bitches\" websites. She also stars in non-fetish oriented work. She considers herself mainly a fetish model rather than a porn star though. The official biography on her website states: \"For the record, I do not consider myself a porn star and any girl who has done less than 250 films shouldn't either.\" Tan moved into film production and direction with her own production company (", "id": "19878756" }, { "contents": "HUMP! (film festival)\n\n\n! have been re-released and achieved significant commercial success, most notably among them the gay feature \"Lawnboy\" and Gloria Brame's short mockumentary, \"How To Get A Leg Up In Porn.\" In 2007 the short film which won \"best hardcore\" was produced by Two Big Meanies and starred Ms. Leather Washington State, Miss Candy, titled \"Lauren Likes Candy.\" Some HUMP films are entered from out of state, for instance 2010's \"Twincest\" was produced by the Atlanta group Le Sexoflex.", "id": "10987140" }, { "contents": "Belladonna (actress)\n\n\nto make \"anti-porn\" statements. In one interview, when she was asked if she were happy with how the interview came out, her reply was, \"I am not happy about \"Primetime\" but I would love to see the whole story air one day so everyone can see how much I had to say that was FOR the porn industry. If you know me you know that I loved shooting!\" ABC contacted her once to do a follow-up to the interview; she refused saying,", "id": "6808299" }, { "contents": "Drive (2011 film)\n\n\nother opportunities, Refn asked the actor how he would like to develop the role. After not hearing back, Refn called him; Cranston was just then writing the pros and cons of doing \"Drive\" for himself. Moved by Refn's interest, Cranston accepted the part. Christina Hendricks plays the small role of Blanche. \"Trying to work in a more reality arena for a character like that,\" Refn originally auditioned porn stars for Blanche. He was unable to find anyone with the necessary acting talent. After meeting", "id": "19507062" }, { "contents": "Gay pornography\n\n\nlike 'Why are you even in this business?'\" However, some gay and bisexual porn actors, such as Buddy Jones, do enjoy working with straight men in some circumstances because as long as the sex is good, it doesn't matter to them how the other actor identifies sexually. In August 2005, adult star Jenna Jameson launched \"Club Thrust\", an interactive website featuring gay male pornographic videos, which was shown to attract a female audience as well. Yaoi comic books and slash fiction are both genres", "id": "5980641" }, { "contents": "Dana DeArmond\n\n\nShe also screened video clips and answered questions from the class. In January 2014, DeArmond, Asa Akira, Chanel Preston, and Jessie Andrews were featured in a \"Cosmopolitan\" article titled \"4 Porn Stars on How They Stay Fit\". The article was inspired by actress Gabrielle Union's comment made on Conan O'Brien's talk show about striving to follow the fitness routines of the porn stars she saw at her gym. DeArmond admits to having social anxiety, stating, \"I made my life so I don’t have", "id": "16308104" }, { "contents": "Women's pornography\n\n\nno interesting stories, relatable characters, or good sex. It’s bad sex that’s given porn a bad name. I want others to continue to be inspired by the work I do, I want to encourage other women to get into leading roles within the adult film industry, as directors, producers, and scriptwriters. That way we can get more of the porn we want out there and express our perspective, our desires, and our pleasure. I create an environment which satisfies the viewer with realistic interpretations of real", "id": "8644375" }, { "contents": "MIL-STD-188\n\n\nmanufacture of an item) they must request to do so with the Joint Steering Committee (JSC) which is constituted under the Defense Communications Agency. For any DoD Agency to get a waiver to receive an item that deviates from the standards they also must apply to the JSC. According to DoD documents, \"The MIL-STD-188 series may be based on, or make reference to, Joint Technical Architecture, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) recommendations", "id": "19387876" }, { "contents": "Ben Dover\n\n\nshe worked as a masseuse. In 2005 Harvey was selected to appear on \"Big Brother\" due to her past as a porn star, but was dropped when she refused to have sex on TV. Honey revealed that despite his willingness to do so, he couldn't \"get on any of the chatshows, gameshows, Celebrity Big Brother, I'm a Celebrity, even though in reality I'm much more well known than some of the Z listers on there\". In 2008 Honey attended the UK Adult Film Awards", "id": "1193901" }, { "contents": "Here Come the Brides (album)\n\n\n\" draws on Generation Swine-era Crüe, while \"I Got a Gun\" reaches eagerly for classic Queensrÿche. The Brides play well as a unit, and LeGrand makes up for his lack of nuance with power.\". Rolling Stone gave the album 3 out of 5 stars saying \" Singer London Le Grand works a fine Bowie-Axl yowl, but he mostly gets points for his great porn-metal name. Throughout, Brides show today's whippersnappers how to deliver real cock-rock shock - even the de", "id": "19831107" }, { "contents": "All About Anna\n\n\non the cover of its cultural supplement \"Stern Journal\", and commented: In her book \"Secrets of Porn Star Sex\" (Infinite Ideas, 2007), British author Marcelle Perks includes a chapter on female-friendly porn, in which she concludes: \"Rather than being intimidated by porn, do a bit of research and find something that you can have fun with. An ideal introduction movie is the hit film \"All About Anna\", a mainstream film that features real sex\". In April 2008,", "id": "10241085" }, { "contents": "Shaka Ponk\n\n\nband has been active online creating videos and motion graphic work along their conceptual style, releasing videos on their online channel \"Monkey TV\". The band released their debut album \"Loco Con Da Frenchy Talkin\"' in 2006 and followed up in 2009 with \"Bad Porn Movie Trax\", under the French record label Tôt ou tard (Ben Howard, Patrick Watson). This album spawned the singles \"How We Kill Stars\" and \"Do\". Shaka Ponk performed in New York City for the first time in", "id": "3342083" }, { "contents": "List of male performers in gay porn films\n\n\namateur pornography to change how stars are discovered, marketed and even viewed as the films do not have to be copied, packaged and delivered, although those options remain. This list includes male actors in gay pornographic films who may be notable for their gay pornography and those who may be notable for other reasons or both. The listing is alphabetic by first name. Some performers have many pseudonyms and stage names (indicated here by \"a.k.a.\"). Multiple pseudonyms are utilized for a variety of reasons including legal constraints,", "id": "8785077" }, { "contents": "Emily Stewart\n\n\ntime, she realized that Alison was in deep trouble. She was addicted to meth and was doing porn in Las Vegas. Emily and Dusty worked together to save Alison. They managed to get her back to Oakdale, off drugs and away from the porn career. Emily began to have serious feelings for Dusty but it took him a while to get past her prostitute past. When he finally did, Emily learned that he and Alison had had sympathy sex in Las Vegas. She was crushed and left town. Emily returned", "id": "1915327" }, { "contents": "Shane's World\n\n\ndecided that college campuses were an untapped market and so the \"College Invasion\" series began. \"College Invasion\" titles bring porn stars to college campuses to party with the students, and starting with volume 3, the college students often participate and have sex with the porn stars. The studio claims it gets hundreds of invitation letters a month from students across the country who want them to come to their school. The series hit its 11th volume in March 2007. On August 29, 2007, Shane's World released its", "id": "11386860" }, { "contents": "DOD-STD-2167A\n\n\nprocesses and making them formal specifications. MIL-STD-2167A with MIL-STD-498 eventually became the basis for DO-178 in the early 1980s, the latter followed by subsequent revisions. MIL-STD-2167 and MIL-STD-498 together define standard software development life cycle processes that are expected to be implemented and followed as well as defining standard document format and content. In contrast, DO-178B/C defines objectives that should be accomplished as \"acceptable means\" of demonstrating airworthiness, permitting relative flexibility in the life cycles and processes employed to accomplish those objectives", "id": "4026544" }, { "contents": "Chit Chat Von Loopin Stab\n\n\nMake Time For Love\" and were nominated for Best Rock Song at the 2010 Musicoz awards for \"Blame It on the Rock n Roll\" Prior to Machine Gun Fellatio achieving success, Chit Chat provided scores for local adult films. According to Chit Chat: “We initially self-financed the band by doing porn soundtracks, which is funny and I don’t mind mentioning. It’s really hard to do porn. You think it’s going to be easy – you’re just going to get the wah pedal and knock", "id": "7108036" }, { "contents": "MIL-STD-461\n\n\nMIL-STD-461 is a United States Military Standard that describes how to test equipment for electromagnetic compatibility. Various revisions of MIL-STD-461 have been released. Many military contracts require compliance to MIL-STD-461E. The latest revision (as of 2015) is known as \"MIL-STD-461G\". While MIL-STD-461 compliance is technically not required outside the US military, many civilian organizations also use this document. Electromagnetic compatibility test labs typically set up their anechoic chamber to comply with MIL-STD-461. Test labs attempt to comply", "id": "5338837" }, { "contents": "Angela Goethals\n\n\nstory of the Porn 'n Chicken Club at Yale University. Its members gathered weekly to eat fried chicken and watch porn. The club made headlines in 2001 when members announced plans to make their own porn film, entitled \"\"The StaXXX\"\". Despite a trailer being released for their film, it was never finished and no further footage ever emerged. Later in 2002, Goethals also starred in the 1980s based sitcom \"Do Over\". The show featured Penn Badgley as 34-year-old Joel Larsen, catapulted back", "id": "11796086" }, { "contents": "Seinfeld: A XXX Parody\n\n\n(Eric John) comes in saying he is unable to masturbate to his old porn movies he owns. Being dissatisfied, Crammer decides to make his own porn. When he exits the scene, Gerry complains about a girl who has a crush on him, Regina (Ashlynn Brooke), because she orgasms too easily, and Gorge rants about getting married to Suzanne (Natalie Norton) in less than a month, reasoning that \"the pope gets more pussy than I do.\" Gerry suggests Gorge to spice up their love", "id": "16815626" }, { "contents": "Black Snake (film)\n\n\nShe wasn't a struggling actress, her husband was very wealthy and everybody in the business knew that Russ Meyer was the porno king. My take on Anouska was that she was just a soft-core porn star. Because why would you bother doing Blacksnake? That would ruin your career, but obviously it didn't ruin hers.\" Filming took place in 1972. The movie was shot on location in Barbados. Meyer says he managed to get co operation from the Babardian government when he told them \"the blacks win", "id": "6160865" }, { "contents": "Mr. Schneider Goes to Washington\n\n\nto fund his own documentary about campaign finances. The film is a collection of interviews with lobbyists, lawmakers, government watchdogs, and porn stars, speaking about the influence of campaign contributions on politics and politicians. The adult film actors discuss a statement Jack Oliver had made about how Americans spend more money on pornography than they do on politics. Schneider had wished to include footage of a fundraising video produced by Senator Mike Crapo but, when Schneider was not allowed its use, he instead recruited homeless people to recreate scenes from the", "id": "14512446" }, { "contents": "French Twinks\n\n\na Euro twink niche gay porn site dedicated to producing exclusive quality gay porn productions.\" French Twinks was founded in 2013 by Antoine Lebel. It has grown to become one of the largest gay porn film studios in France. In 2013 the site launched with an explicit web series called \"Apprentice Porn-stars\", following the lives of real gay porn stars in training, shot in a \"reality TV show\" style. It was in 2013 during \"Apprentice Porn-stars\" that a young model Theo Ford was", "id": "3190412" }, { "contents": "Chris Crocker\n\n\nto be the porn and then a website, with the same companies.\" He said he was focused on setting up a future with his then-boyfriend and getting a house and a mortgage. \"I said, 'Well if I’m going to do it, then let's make it worth it.' So, then we broke up a week before the porn came out. So then, yeah, it kind of ended.\" He added, \"You have to contractually, and things, promote a", "id": "7773285" }, { "contents": "Catholic Church and HIV/AIDS\n\n\nby some public health officials and AIDS activists. Empirical evidence suggests that, although condoms do not prevent STD transmission in all cases, condoms reduce the numbers of those who are infected with an STD. Other studies have focused more on HIV/AIDS and have consistently found that fewer than 20% of those who would otherwise have been infected contract HIV. Some researchers claim that the primary challenge is getting people to use condoms all the time. Some researchers claim that abstinence-only sex education does not work, and comprehensive sex", "id": "17773888" }, { "contents": "Al Goldstein\n\n\nhad wronged him. In its early years, \"Midnight Blue\" presented porn star Georgina Spelvin doing her nude tap-dance act at the Melody Burlesque; Tara Alexander attempting the world's biggest gang bang at Plato's Retreat, the New York swing club; the 10th anniversary \"Screw\" party, where Buck Henry and Melvin Van Peebles hobnob with Goldstein's jurors; and an early look at the S&M community in New York. Throughout its run, Midnight Blue interviewed almost every major porn star, and regularly hit the", "id": "19942437" }, { "contents": "Informative Murder Porn\n\n\nthe murder and its connection to \"murder porn\". Kyle informs the group that there is a phone application that can serve as a parental lock on certain programs and employs a password that only children would know. When Stan's parents discover the parental lock and are unable to answer the security question, \"How do you tame a horse in \"Minecraft\"?\" (referring to the video game), Randy calls the cable company and learns that Stan locked them out. Randy and the other parents go to the", "id": "3469133" }, { "contents": "Women's reproductive health in the United States\n\n\nin women versus men. Women receive less than adequate information about the prevalence of STDs as well as the symptoms of STDs. As with contraception in the U.S., a stigma exists which prevents women from learning about all possible STDs and their treatment. A study by the Journal of Women’s Health identified STDs as a topic women would rather not talk about. Women, with their partners, do not commonly discuss STDs as well. The stigma surrounding STDs in the U.S. prevents women from discussing the topic even among healthcare provides,", "id": "5195366" }, { "contents": "Buck Angel\n\n\n\"It Gets Better\" project by uploading his own personal coming out story to YouTube. He has also produced multiple public service announcements on the topics of positive body image, LGBTQ family acceptance, queer people of colour and transgender health and well-being. Angel also engages in education about safe sex for trans men. In 2012, Angel became a contributor to \"The Feminist Porn Book\", an anthology by feminist scholars and workers about understanding pornography and how feminists direct, act in, produce and consume porn. Between", "id": "17005633" }, { "contents": "Fig Dish\n\n\n's \"zero effort\" to provide exposure outside of Chicago, concluding, \"The final straw was an estimated $80,000 soft-porn music video the quartet made for the single 'When Shirts Get Tight,' which featured a handful of elite porn stars. The band reportedly picked up the tab for both clean and dirty versions of the video, but neither of them received any airplay on MTV.\" In contrast to the comedic video, the song's lyrics showcased the depth of the band's musical knowledge with lines", "id": "14825575" }, { "contents": "X Videos (film)\n\n\nthe risk of saving their personal videos on their mobiles. He wanted to reveal the mafia behind such crimes and how they made money in crores by doing so. Manoj a journalist sets on to find out an answer for the question \"Is there any use of Porn industry to the Country? Manoj tries to find out the opinion of the common people on Porn websites,he ends up in a big jolt and shock about his findings. In this research, he happens to see his friend Ankith wife’s naked video on", "id": "13693674" }, { "contents": "Poverty porn\n\n\nare incomplete. They make one story become the only story.\" Throughout fundraising campaigns, charities attempt to interview those who they are trying to help, in order to get the word across to the general public. However, it is common for them to encounter ongoing refusal from those in desolated situations to take pictures or to publicly share their traumatic story. This further emphasises the concept that being in an uneasy, not to say miserable, situation is a shameful one, and poverty porn in media exposes those who do not", "id": "2369259" }, { "contents": "Pornographic parody film\n\n\nnow get to rub shoulders with the porn industry without any actual rubbing. That's why I call them the new celebrity-safe sex tapes for safe-sex celebrities.\" In an \"Entertainment Weekly\" interview with Alan Ball, creator of the HBO original series \"True Blood\", he stated, \"We just found out that they're doing a porn parody of \"True Blood\". That's certainly a moment of going 'Wow, we've arrived.'\" In 2010, actress Anna Paquin talked", "id": "8584203" }, { "contents": "Lisa Ann\n\n\nDoes Fantasy\", alongside Adam Ronis, on Monday nights and \"The Morning Men\" on Thursday mornings, both on Sirius XM Radio. In December 2014, she stated that she is pursuing a career in fantasy football. By January 2016, she was slowly getting involved with fantasy baseball as well. On December 15, 2015, Ann released a memoir titled \"The Life\". In August 2014, Lisa Ann reached out to fellow porn actress Belle Knox, also known as the \"Duke [University] porn star", "id": "16056639" }, { "contents": "Aachi & Ssipak\n\n\nstruggle to survive by trading black market Juicybars. Through a chain of events involving their porn-director acquaintance Jimmy the Freak, they meet a porn star named Beautiful, who gets a pink ring inside her butt which makes her defecations rewarded by exceptional quantities of Juicybars. For that reason, Beautiful is also wanted by the violent blue mutants known as the Diaper Gang (led by the Diaper King), the police (most notably the cyborg police officer Geko), and others. In 2001, film director Jo Beom-", "id": "20271843" }, { "contents": "Suburban Secrets (film)\n\n\ninitially agreed, but in time backed out, wanting to get out of the porn industry. Wells left the project soon afterwards. To replace his stars, producer Michael Raso turned to redhead Isadora Edison, who had made an impression on him in the film \"SpiderBabe\". For the role of Cynthia, he wanted an older woman and turned to porn veteran Tina Tyler. Tyler had worked with Joe Sarno before, and enjoyed the script. Since the film dealt with incest, the first question Tyler asked was \"are", "id": "3444578" }, { "contents": "Kobe Tai\n\n\nschool, Tai was captain of the cheerleading squad, a member of the drill team, and played softball, basketball, and did the hurdles in track. Tai started out doing mainstream modeling, working for Fresh Jive clothing and Skechers. She did a hair commercial for a European shampoo before getting into porn. In addition to her roles in porn films, Tai appeared in the mainstream movie \"Very Bad Things\", portraying a stripper who is accidentally killed by Jeremy Piven at a bachelor party. She has appeared on \"", "id": "12843995" }, { "contents": "3D Rollercoaster Rush\n\n\ncompleted, such as how fast the track was completed and how many and how high jumps were. Players can also earn points by getting special rewards that can be earned by doing things such as speeding up the train, or not braking. To advance to the next track, a player must earn a certain number of stars. Players can earn them by getting a certain number of points on a track. The faster the player goes, the happier passengers are after jumps, but if the cart does not land correctly,", "id": "3186059" }, { "contents": "STD Bus\n\n\nFlow is relative using a STD Bus Processor Card. The STD bus system was more adaptable to various applications than the contemporary computer buses of the mid-1980s, because it could use servo control cards along with a fully programmable computer for mathematical operations. In applications for running an astronomical observatory, the large industrial base of cards, and the system's expandability, made the system desirable for use in a photometry lab to control the telescope as well as do the data logging and computations required. The STD-32 is a pin compatible STD interface", "id": "11131405" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Silk\n\n\nAlexandra Silk (born September 19, 1963) is an American pornographic actress, pornographic director and adult model. A graduate of the State University of New York at Albany, Silk began her adult career as a stripper in Las Vegas. During this time she met porn star Jenna Jameson, who advised her on how to enter the pornographic industry. Silk made her way to Hollywood, where she met Ron Jeremy, who in turn introduced her to performers, directors and producers. During the course of her career she married porn", "id": "12128534" }, { "contents": "Alvinolagnia\n\n\nhad tweeted for a fan's question on wearing saree during performances,\"\"Groups of men...take photographs of my waist + side of my chest, circle it and upload it on soft porn websites.\" \"I get messages on how they're masturbating to it,\"\" Some Indian women too tend to get aroused on getting pinched on their midriff bared by the sari. This scenario was depicted in an advertising campaign for a leading constructions company group in India. With the tagline \"Everything you love, is in arm's reach", "id": "8774390" }, { "contents": "My Lucky Star (2013 film)\n\n\nvibe I kept getting was, \"What is a white chick from Hollywood doing, telling us what to do with our biggest stars. What the [heck]?\" I could feel it and I was just having a hard time getting my mojo going with these guys no matter how much beer I bought them. I had an idea that maybe if I cut together a trailer—I had heard that the Wachowskis did this on the first \"Matrix\"—and so I cut together a trailer about three weeks in and then took", "id": "8049812" }, { "contents": "Centralized mail delivery\n\n\nclustered type of mailboxes were introduced in 2004. These were the first changes to “apartment style” mailboxes in more than 30 years. This new regulation, STD-4C, replaces all previous regulations for mailboxes such as these, which were previously approved under STD-4B and STD-4B+. CBU STD-4C STD-4B+ While centralized mail delivery is the preferred method of delivery by the United States Postal Service for new developments, some residents of these communities are opposed to centralized mail delivery. Those opposed are heavily in favor of conventional door to door delivery and/or do", "id": "16982154" }, { "contents": "Castiel (Supernatural)\n\n\nIn \"Caged Heat\", Sam tries to trick Castiel into coming to Earth to help the brothers get Sam's soul back. When he comes, Sam threatens Castiel saying that if he does not help, then he will hunt him down and kill him. Despite knowing Sam never could, he helps them. Later, while Sam and Dean are doing research, Castiel discovers porn on TV; when Dean asks why he was watching porn, he replies, \"It was there.\" Castiel later discovers Sam and Dean", "id": "13114397" }, { "contents": "April Flores\n\n\nfirst official film. She also considers herself an “erotic entertainer” rather than a porn star. In 2005, Flores was invited to perform with Belladonna. The film was April's first porn scene with a woman. Flores confessed that she wore a wig during the performance so that if anyone brought it up she could deny that \"that was not [her]!\" However, Flores enjoyed performing and was later invited to do more scenes. April's father passed away in 2001, so she never came out to", "id": "10664285" }, { "contents": "List of Big Brother 10 (American season) houseguests\n\n\nhouse, Steven became close to Angie, Keesha, Dan and Brian. Steven was evicted on Day 16 by a 9-0 vote, despite trying to get Libra nominated. Steven starred in \"Steven Daigle XXXposed\", a gay porn film directed by Chi Chi LaRue under the director's Channel 1 Releasing studio. It was released on February 20, 2010. Since then, he has performed regularly in gay porn movies. He has also appeared in straight pornography. On October 1, 2010, he appeared in a", "id": "6149979" }, { "contents": "List of Californication episodes\n\n\nand Becca seems happy again. Hank gets a vasectomy and attends a party thrown by Sonja, whom he'd been with in season one. A mistake and a fight with an obnoxious police officer lands Hank in jail, where he meets world-famous record producer Lew Ashby, who commissions Hank to write his biography. After too much office masturbation loses him his job, Charlie decides to go into the porn industry. He becomes the agent/paternal-figure of porn star Daisy and finances her movie, \"Vaginatown\"", "id": "9651495" }, { "contents": "Do while loop\n\n\n, factorial); int counter = 5; int factorial = 1; do { } while (counter 0); std::cout « \"factorial of 5 is \"« factorial « std::endl; factorial = 1; count = 10; do { } while (count 1); writeOutput(factorial); int counter = 5; int factorial = 1; do { } while (counter 0); writeln(\"factorial of 5 is \", factorial); With legacy FORTRAN 77 there is no DO-WHILE construct but the same effect can", "id": "14704710" }, { "contents": "George Payne (actor)\n\n\nGeorge Payne (born February 7) is an American actor and retired pornographic film actor. Payne entered the porn industry in 1972 with the gay movie \"The Back Row\" after coming to New York to do male swimsuit modeling and initially marketed himself towards a gay audience. He also starred in the infamous Centurians of Rome. He transitioned over to the straight side of the industry eventually and gained notoriety for his intense portrayal of psychopaths in several Avon 'roughie' films. He retired from hardcore porn in 1988, but made", "id": "17184766" } ]
What is the point for "One hour parking only" rule if there will be cars all the time?
[{"answer": "Because this allows the spot to service more people. It doesn't matter if the spot is always full, it matters if that full spot was useful for one person or for ten."}, {"answer": "That's exactly the point! If somebody can just take the spot for the whole day, that limits others ability to find parking in the area, preventing them from patronizing local businesses, etc. By limiting the time somebody can stay, it ensures they will vacate the spot and somebody else will be able to get it. Better that 8 people use it for exactly 1 hour w/ the next person waiting when they previous parker pulls out that some store employee park there and monopolize the spot from 9-5. Imagine a whole block where all the spots are taken in the early morning by local workers, who then wonder why they have no business with all the cars driving by."}, {"answer": "parking spots like this are often near stores. This makes it so those spaces are used for customers, not nearby resident's. This ensures the flow to customers so the store makes money, which in turn keeps the economy going."}, {"answer": "More money can be made if a higher voume of people are putting money in a single meter per day."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "902333", "title": "Double parking", "section": "Section::::Multi-space parking.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The term \"double parking\" even though it is not the legal term, is sometimes used to describe parking over the lines separating two designated parking spaces in a parking lot and is derived from situations where cars take more spaces than necessary, this is more accurately known as multi-space parking. Though this practice is most commonly a result of the driver disregarding the separating lines, it may also occur when the driver avoids parking too close to a large vehicle (such as a truck or SUV) in a narrow space, or to a vehicle which is poorly centered in the adjacent space. Sometimes, parking in this fashion, if the vehicle is large, is an attempt by the driver of the vehicle to avoid damage to the vehicle or to nearby vehicles when the doors are opened, or to ensure enough space for loading or unloading various content. The egregiousness of parking in this fashion is usually judged depending on parking space availability. It can provoke anger and even vandalism towards the offending vehicle when parking is scarce.", "Though this practice is most commonly a result of the driver disregarding the separating lines, it may also occur when the driver avoids parking too close to a large vehicle (such as a truck or SUV) in a narrow space, or to a vehicle which is poorly centered in the adjacent space. Sometimes, parking in this fashion, if the vehicle is large, is an attempt by the driver of the vehicle to avoid damage to the vehicle or to nearby vehicles when the doors are opened, or to ensure enough space for loading or unloading various content. The egregiousness of parking in this fashion is usually judged depending on parking space availability. It can provoke anger and even vandalism towards the offending vehicle when parking is scarce."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nby the faster overall completion time. This rule was used in the 2011 24 Hours of Le Mans to determine the race winner, when the top two finishers both completed 355 laps, with only 13 seconds difference between them. Although \"greatest distance run\" determines the provisional order of finishers, additional requirements must be met for a car to be classified. All classification requirements hold except in exceptional circumstances, as determined by the race stewards. The race traditionally began with what became known as the \"Le Mans start\",", "id": "21435464" }, { "contents": "2011 Intercontinental Le Mans Cup\n\n\nper the rules of the event, or which did not complete at least 70% of the distance completed by the winner of their class, received zero points for their finishing position. All cars which were classified, but finished beyond 12th place in their class, received a single point. For manufacturers, points were awarded to the top two finishing cars of each manufacturer in each event, but for teams this was reduced to only their top finisher. Position points were doubled for the 24 Hours of Le Mans event. Bonus", "id": "12242779" }, { "contents": "Audi R8C\n\n\nperformance of GT1-class cars in the 1998 24 Hours of Le Mans, the race organizers, the Automobile Club de l'Ouest (ACO), had faced a problem. The GT1 cars had transformed over the past few years from race versions of supercars, as the rules intended, into purpose-built closed cockpit prototypes where one car was modified to be a street legal \"production\" showcar as almost an after thought. Though these cars were within the GT1 rules, they were not at all what the ACO had intended for the", "id": "7053561" }, { "contents": "National Hot Rod Association\n\n\nany time. All cars capable of attaining 150 miles per hour require braking parachutes. A safety requirement on all Drag cars running 9.99 and quicker in the 1/4 mile is the fireproof engine blanket which surrounds the engine block and contains debris in case of an engine explosion. NHRA rules call for a monetary, points, and time penalty if the car leaks oil during the run. During qualifying, the offending team loses its elapsed time and speed from the run; during a race, the penalty is loss of lane choice unless", "id": "6548902" }, { "contents": "1970 Tidewater 300\n\n\nto accept a major corporate sponsor to bankroll what will become multimillion-dollar purses by the end of the 20th century. Like all races done before the 1973 oil crisis, the stock cars were considered to be the same vehicles that the drivers drove to the racetrack in. Homologation rules would remain strict until approximately 1975 when the NASCAR teams would abandon the Detroit factories and set up their own race car factories in the South Carolina area. The race was decided in a time of one hour and forty minutes. Bobby Allison was", "id": "19904623" }, { "contents": "2008 Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach\n\n\n. The contingent of former Champ Car teams produced a 20-car field, all utilizing the turbocharged Panoz DP01-Cosworth for the final time. All participants entering other IndyCar races earned points towards the 2008 IndyCar Series championship. All the teams raced together again a week later at Kansas Speedway, and for the remainder of the schedule together. The race was run under Champ Car rules, which included the standing start, option tire, two-day qualifying format, ran on time (1 hour, 45 minutes) rather than a set number", "id": "8238613" }, { "contents": "Disappearance of Sky Metalwala\n\n\ncited the couple several times for violating noise regulations; at one point they awoke their neighbors with vacuuming after 11 p.m. She, in turn, alleged he became controlling and angry. When the boy was two months old his parents left him alone in their car in a Target parking lot for almost an hour on a day when the outdoor temperature was . Both parents were arrested after police had them paged to their car and charged with reckless endangerment. They claimed they had been inside only for 20 minutes and did not want to", "id": "19880217" }, { "contents": "1976 Indianapolis 500\n\n\nthe race. The race was stopped at approximately 12:42 p.m. local time. The cars were parked in the pits, with Rutherford leading and Foyt second. In order for the race to be ruled official, it had to complete one lap beyond the halfway point (101 laps). Since the race was on lap 103, it could be deemed official, and if the rains continued the rest of the afternoon, USAC could call the race at that point. Since it was only 12:45 p.m., and with 97 laps still", "id": "2559881" }, { "contents": "Driving in Singapore\n\n\nexample, the Centrepoint shopping centre charges a mere S$1 (approximately US$0.70) for the first hour, whereas garages in New York on Fifth Avenue and 57th Street charge between US$12 and US$26 for one hour. Some car parks in Singapore are equipped with sensors that can detect whether the position is filled or not. This information is processed and displayed in signs around the car park, directing drivers to areas where there are free spaces. During British colonial rule, Singapore's road rules and legislature which govern the design", "id": "8671239" }, { "contents": "Worcester Park railway station\n\n\ncaused major disruptions and cancellations to all services passing through the station for one week. The typical off-peak service from the station is four trains per hour northbound to London Waterloo, two trains per hour to Guildford and two trains per hour to Dorking. During peak times in the mornings and evenings there are additional services. Both platforms have been extended to allow the use of ten-car trains. Under Transport for London's (TfL) initial plans for Crossrail 2, it was proposed that those would stop only at", "id": "8295680" }, { "contents": "24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\n. But only electrical (i.e., batteries) energy storage was allowed, ruling out flywheel-based energy recovery. Cars with KERS were allowed to race in 2009 under specific classification rules. Since 2010, they were able to compete for points and the championship. In 2012 the first KERS-equipped car won; the Audi R18 e-tron with a flywheel hybrid system by Williams Hybrid Power activated and drove the front wheels. This was only allowed in certain zones, after the car had accelerated to at least 120 km", "id": "21435501" }, { "contents": "12 Hours at the Point\n\n\nThe 12 Hours at the Point was an endurance race for sports cars and sedans hosted by the Washington, D.C. Region of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). The initial event was staged in June 1999 at Summit Point Motorsports Park in Summit Point, West Virginia. With the exception of 2006, the race has been held on the weekend closest to June 1. It is the oldest perennial SCCA-sanctioned endurance race. It was one of three events that comprised the Triple Crown of SCCA amateur endurance racing.", "id": "9218736" }, { "contents": "2013 FIA World Endurance Championship\n\n\nthe timed race as well as to complete 70% of the overall winning car's race distance in order to earn championship points. A single bonus point is awarded to the team and all drivers of the pole position car for each category in qualifying. For the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the race result points allocation was doubled. Due to the 6 Hours of Fuji not completing 75% of the race time, half points were awarded in all championships. Four titles are awarded to drivers in the 2013 season. A", "id": "2487860" }, { "contents": "Rameshwar Wadi\n\n\n353 km Time - 6 hours 50 minutes From Kolhapur: Distance - 143 km Time - 3 hours 20 minutes From Panaji: Distance - 182 km Time - 3 hours 31 minutes The local transport is motorised three-wheeler rickshaws. They are parked near the main bus stop and these are available without much bargaining. Nearest railways stations are: Local motorised three-wheeler rickshaws are available from all the above listed railway stations or one can hire private cars that are parked outside. MSRTC Buses also ply between these stations and Vijaydurg", "id": "17199094" }, { "contents": "2015 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps\n\n\nonto the track. All cars were required to be driven by two participants for one timed lap each, with the starting order determined by the competitors' fastest average times. The fastest qualifier was awarded one point which went towards the Drivers' and Manufacturers' Championships. The session took place in clear, mild and dry weather. Hülkenberg's first timed lap of 1:55.130 surpassed the LMP1 pole position record time only to be surpassed by Hartley's 1:54.777 lap time to place the No. 17 Porsche in provisional pole position. Bernhard", "id": "15333117" }, { "contents": "Disc parking\n\n\ndevice with a clock face that were to be set by the car driver to the time of arrival. The clock disc had two windows where one would show the hour of arrival and the other the hour of departure. The actual device had two clock faces - one for am time and the other for pm times. This disc parking scheme was formally commenced 29 February 1960 by the Ministre de l'Intérieur. The blue zones were expanded at the time with a duration of one and a half hours in general. The EU parking", "id": "976967" }, { "contents": "Großer Rachel\n\n\nRoklanský les) lie the source areas of the Little Regen and the Great Müllerbach/Roklanský potok. The Rachel is the local mountain of Frauenau and Spiegelau. Its summit can only be reached on foot. Mountain bikes are not allowed on the trails. The shortest way is from the Gfäll car park to the summit in  hours. Further starting points are Oberfrauenau, the railway station at Klingenbrunn and the Racheldienst Hut car park. Access to the two car parks mentioned is closed from 15 May to 2 November between 8 am and", "id": "18467876" }, { "contents": "Plug-in electric vehicles in Norway\n\n\n' average is closer to 18 years; it is very unlikely that a vehicle can be parked in Oslo between 1,875 hours and 3,000 hours per year to save the estimated considering the existing time limits for parking; and the typical EV owner drives around per year, not the implicit in the analysis. Using what they consider more realistic assumptions, \"Grønn bil\" estimates that the annual benefit of owning an electric car in Oslo is estimated at per car, per year, 40% of Holtsmark's estimation. They also found", "id": "8359934" }, { "contents": "Colton Point State Park\n\n\nand was the first to describe the Pine Creek Gorge. He also described a trip to what became Leonard Harrison State Park and the view west across the gorge to what became Colton Point State Park: after a buggy ride, he had to hike through tangles of fallen trees and branches, down ravines, and over banks for five hours. At last he reached \"The Point\", which he wrote was \"the jutting terminus of a high ridge which not only commands a capital view of the opposite mountain, but also", "id": "16098111" }, { "contents": "C (New York City Subway service)\n\n\nall stops. Historically, most C service ran only during rush hours, along the IND Concourse Line to Bedford Park Boulevard in the Bronx and later along the IND Rockaway Line to Rockaway Park–Beach 116th Street in Queens. The C was at one point the only route to serve the Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens all in a single trip. Outside of rush hour, local service in Manhattan was usually provided by the AA, later renamed K, which ran between 168th Street and Chambers Street/World Trade", "id": "14457480" }, { "contents": "St. Thomas Raceway Park\n\n\nfor night racing in addition to daytime racing. Hours of operation are considered to be six hours long for all events while time trials generally take place 30–60 minutes after the gates open. Racers on this raceway park tend to be locals who live within of the track in places like Tillsonburg, London, St. Thomas, Woodstock, and Windsor. The St. Thomas Raceway Park is owned by Jay & Michelle Morse. All cars must pass inspection by the in-house inspectors. If a car doesn't pass inspection, it does", "id": "16970481" }, { "contents": "Toyota GT-One\n\n\nGermany, Toyota Team Europe (TTE) and Dallara were charged with development of the new GT car. With taking the one-year hiatus, TTE was able to look at what the competition was developing for the GT class, and exploit it to their benefit. In 1997, both the Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR and the Porsche 911 GT1 were dominant cars in their class that exploited loopholes in the rules in place at the time. Each car was a custom built super car of which only a small handful of production", "id": "4405108" }, { "contents": "2009 Australian Manufacturers' Championship\n\n\nrun concurrently with the 2009 Australian Production Car Championship. Rounds 1 to 4 were each composed of three “20 minute” races with one driver per car. Round 5 was composed of two “one hour” races with either one or two drivers per car. Cars competed in the following six classes: Only manufacturers registered for the championship were eligible to score championship points. Each registered manufacturer could nominate up to two cars, irrespective of class, which were the only cars eligible to score points for that manufacturer at that round", "id": "20981452" }, { "contents": "The Cannonball Run\n\n\nin Redondo Beach, California, in Los Angeles. The screenwriter was automotive journalist Brock Yates, who had conceived the real-life Cannonball Baker event. Yates had originally proposed the race as a writer for \"Car and Driver\". The race had only one rule: \"All competitors will drive any vehicle of their choosing, over any route, at any speed they judge practical, between the starting point and destination. The competitor finishing with the lowest elapsed time is the winner.\" Yates' team was the only", "id": "9249496" }, { "contents": "Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre\n\n\nCMLL remains much more traditional. They also have strict rules for what they will allow to happen during their shows, on one occasion a match between Dr. Wagner Jr. and L.A. Park during the CMLL 75th Anniversary Show degenerated into a brawl on the floor that was so out of control that both wrestler were fired by CMLL a short time later. CMLL also has strict rules on what wrestlers can and cannot say during their shows, a rule illustrated in 2015 where L.A. Park was fired from the promotion only three weeks after returning", "id": "10586795" }, { "contents": "1978 Australian Touring Car Championship\n\n\ntwo points awarded for his fifth placing at Amaroo Park. However, the regulation did not actually change the championship winner as Brock would otherwise have won the title due to the tiebreaker rule with three round wins to one for Morris. Third in the championship was the consistent Rod Stevens driving his Under 3.0 litre Ford Escort RS2000. Stevens benefited from the point system that favoured the small class cars by giving bonus points for class placings. In his first ATCC since 1973, five time series champion Ian Geoghegan won his ninth and last", "id": "19056014" }, { "contents": "Burton Joyce railway station\n\n\nstation has two platforms, a five-space car park, a help point and shelters on both platforms. East Midlands Trains serve this station with trains between Newark Castle and Matlock via Nottingham. Trains call every two hours each way throughout the day (with extras at peak times). These mostly run between Newark Castle and Matlock via Derby, but some Lincoln to Nottingham and Leicester trains also call at peak times and in the evenings. On Sundays, trains now run every two hours all day rather than from mid-", "id": "1838361" }, { "contents": "Northern Busway, Auckland\n\n\nstations have park and ride parking spaces; others have drop off and pick up zones only. City-bound Northern Express (NX1 and NX2) services commence from Hibiscus Coast Station or Albany Station and travel on local roads to Constellation Station, from where they travel on the dedicated busway lanes; from Albany, the lanes reduced travel time to Britomart Transport Centre from around one hour by car during peak hours to about half an hour by bus. In the reverse direction, NX1 and NX2 services leaving the city travel north to", "id": "21626751" }, { "contents": "Two-second rule\n\n\nthe front of one's car should pass the same point no less than two seconds later. If the elapsed time is less than this, one should increase the distance, then repeat the method again until the time is at least two seconds. One can count the duration of time simply by saying \"zero... one... two\" but for greater accuracy, it is suggested that drivers say \"only a fool breaks the two-second rule\". At a normal speaking rate, this sentence takes approximately two seconds to", "id": "9635925" }, { "contents": "Commonwealth Stadium (Edmonton)\n\n\ncongestion in the stadium's neighborhood. Game day tickets are also valid fare on the LRT service from two hours prior to games to two hours after games. The city declares a neighbourhood parking ban in the vicinity of the stadium during games, with only cars with residential permits being allowed to be parked on streets. Commonwealth Stadium was the centrepiece of the 1978 Commonwealth Games, which were hosted from August 3 to 12.The games saw 1,474 athletes from 46 nations competed in 128 events. Canada conducted its all-time best performance,", "id": "919976" }, { "contents": "Murder of David Lynn Harris\n\n\nthe detective agency Clara had hired when she suspected David of the affair. The video was especially damning, as it showed her circling her Mercedes around the parking lot three times, although David is not clearly seen in the video. Clara then parks her car next to his body. The defense's attempts to prove that Clara ran over David only once crumbled when the judge ruled their re-creation of the crime by a private consultant inadmissible in court. Her attorney explained what was in the report, using the consultant as", "id": "11568680" }, { "contents": "Trinity Railway Express\n\n\nand thus each train) has a restroom and passengers may move between cars during the trip. The trip from Union Station to T&P Station takes just over an hour, with scheduled trip times ranging from one hour, three minutes to one hour, eleven minutes. Track improvements are currently underway which should offer an improvement in travel times by double-tracking certain stations and sections of the route. Currently, portions of the route are single-track, requiring eastbound and westbound trains to meet only at certain points and requiring some", "id": "19722144" }, { "contents": "Mount Putuo\n\n\nShanghai city centre but takes less than two hours. The transportation system of Mountain Putuo is very special. Private cars are not allowed there, and people can only rely on public transport. The reason for this rule is because the area of Putuo Mountain is very small, and only one road runs through the entire island. It is therefore necessary to control the number of cars on the island to avoid traffic congestion. At the same time, excessive vehicle emissions will affect the environment and air quality of Mountain Putuo. In", "id": "4724380" }, { "contents": "Martins Heron railway station\n\n\non land owned by the supermarket, there are no charges for parking, making it popular amongst commuters. Originally, the supermarket also allowed commuters to use to main supermarket car park, but in 2010 they implemented a 3-hour maximum parking time to discourage commuters as the car park was getting too full. For similar reasons, most of the local side streets have a parking restriction between 11am and 12pm to discourage commuters leaving their cars in this residential area. Martins Heron is served by all trains between and , which run", "id": "10261768" }, { "contents": "Gran Turismo 5\n\n\nthrows aside all rules and regulations, what would that car look like, how would it perform, and how would it feel to drive?\" This car was worked on by Polyphony Digital and Red Bull's aerodynamics expert, Adrian Newey, and is one of the cars in the game. Up to 16 cars or 32 karts would be able to race on track at once whereas previous installments allowed only six cars per race max. Polyphony Digital released the official vehicle list which also shows which vehicles were be standard or premium", "id": "1700630" }, { "contents": "Disc parking\n\n\nbased on the indicated maximum parking time. For example, if the parking disc was set to 10:30 and the parking sign indicated a one-hour maximum parking time, then free parking would end at 11:30. The system is intentionally set up in a way that only full and half hours are used to indicate arrival and departure. Arriving at 10:02 in a parking disc zone of one hour maximum parking time invokes a departure time of 11:30, and hence an effective time interval of eighty-eight minutes for free parking after arrival", "id": "976956" }, { "contents": "Oracle Park\n\n\nThe manual scoreboards are operated by three employees, whose work on game days starts at least two hours before the first pitch. A members-only bar, Gotham Club, is located behind the manual scoreboard, complete with a bowling alley and pool tables. Former players and VIPs are the only patrons of this exclusive area. Starting in 2004, the Giants installed 122 wireless internet access points, covering all concourses and seating areas, creating one of the largest public hotspots in the world at the time. On September 23,", "id": "4894040" }, { "contents": "1963 Sandlapper 200\n\n\nnumber. An amendment to one of NASCAR's rules made by Bill France, Sr. forced all drivers to use only single-digit and double-digit race car numbers started in the 1963 Western North Carolina 500 event. As a result, cars could no longer use letters and/or numbers higher than \"99\" at any NASCAR Cup Series racing event. It took one hour, forty-seven minutes, and fifty-five seconds for Richard Petty to defeat David Pearson with a margin of nine seconds. Pearson and Petty", "id": "4501949" }, { "contents": "1994 British Touring Car Championship\n\n\nlowered, but having lost out on any points from Oulton Park. Even with lowered spoilers, however, Tarquini was able to keep much of his advantage. Silverstone hosted the twelfth round of the championship, and there rule changes were exploited by other manufacturers to add aerodynamic aids to their own cars. This levelled the playing field considerably and allowed Joachim Winkelhock to make a bid for victory, overtaking Tarquini and winning the race. Tarquini would only win one more race that season, but was always in contention: it was not", "id": "11153283" }, { "contents": "Spyker F1\n\n\nset by the FIA. All cars must pass these tests to be allowed to race. However, a few days later it was confirmed that the car had passed the crash test in time to compete in the Italian Grand Prix. On 30 September at the 2007 Japanese Grand Prix, the team scored its first and only championship point. Driver Sutil finished 9th on the track, but was promoted to 8th place and into the points scoring positions when stewards ruled post-race that Toro Rosso's Vitantonio Liuzzi had overtaken Sutil under", "id": "18463287" }, { "contents": "List of Formula One World Championship points scoring systems\n\n\nin 1958, points were only awarded to each constructor for its single best-finishing driver in a points-scoring position. This was the case until the change introduced before the season saw a constructor's points total now being the accumulation of all points scored by the constructor's drivers: by this time, constructors were mostly running two-car teams (the final occasion on which a team had a one-car entry in a championship season was when Coloni fielded one car in ) and privateer entries had almost disappeared (", "id": "21540452" }, { "contents": "Yellow line (road marking)\n\n\nonly if there is no cars you can see coming from the opposite direction. Malaysia was once part of the British Empire, and today still applies double yellow line to mark parking restriction for all times. This line can be found in major towns or cities like Kuala Lumpur. A double yellow line means no stopping. This means that unloading of goods and alighting of passengers is not permitted. Mauritius was once a British colony, and today still applies double yellow lines to mark restricted parking areas at all hours on the sides", "id": "16393676" }, { "contents": "Wavertree Technology Park railway station\n\n\ncar park), so are fully accessible for mobility-impaired users. There are four trains per hour in each direction (Mon-Sat) and all services are operated by Northern: All call at all local stations en route. At peak periods and early mornings/late evenings, a few trains run to Manchester Victoria and . On Sundays, there are three trains per hour that call - one to Manchester Airport and , one to Wigan and one to Preston & Blackpool. The fast services to the Airport and regular", "id": "17758997" }, { "contents": "Racetrack (game)\n\n\n, one may use the four neighbours rule, limiting moves to the principal point or any of its \"four\" nearest neighbours. When drawing the track, slippery regions with oil spill may be marked, wherein the cars cannot change velocity at all, or only according to the four neighbours rule. The rule may e.g. apply to all moves \"beginning\" in the slippery region. On the track there may be also some turbo areas marked with an arrow with a specific length and direction. When a vehicle goes through", "id": "11871752" }, { "contents": "Girye\n\n\n6 hours 22 minutes From Kolhapur: Distance - 138 km Time - 2 hours 51 minutes The local transport is motorised three-wheeler rickshaws. They are parked near the main bus stop and these are available without much bargaining. Nearest railways stations are: Local motorised three-wheeler rickshaws are available from all the above listed railway stations or one can hire private cars that are parked outside. Girye was the proposed site for Girye Ultra Mega Power Project proposed by the government of India as part of a strategy to add an additional", "id": "20791594" }, { "contents": "Proton Competition\n\n\nin the Teams Championship level on points with JMB Racing. Car No. 79 did not pick up any points. The team also contested selected rounds in the FIA GT Championship that year finishing with only one points scoring race which was eight points at the Bucharest 2 Hours with cars No. 66 and 69 finishing second and seventh respectively. 2007 was also the year that the team made their début at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. The team contested the 75th running of the famous event partnering Seikel Motorsport. The father and", "id": "21577759" }, { "contents": "7 (New York City Subway service)\n\n\nproject, to start in 1950, would cost $3.85 million. The platforms were only able to fit nine 51-foot-long IRT cars, or seven 60-foot-long BMT cars beforehand. On March 12, 1953, two nine-car super express trains began operating from Flushing–Main Street to Times Square in the AM rush hour. The super expresses stopped at Main Street, and Willets Point before skipping all stops to Queensboro Plaza, bypassing the Woodside and Junction Boulevard express stops. The running time was cut down to", "id": "18680263" }, { "contents": "24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nall teams used two drivers in the early decades, some Le Mans drivers such as Pierre Levegh and Eddie Hall attempted to run the race solo, hoping to save time by not having to change drivers. This practice was later banned. Until the 1980s, there were teams in which only two drivers competed, but by the end of the decade, the rules were changed to stipulate that at least three drivers must drive each car. By the 1990s, due to the speeds of the cars and the strain it puts on", "id": "21435451" }, { "contents": "KFM Radio\n\n\nThey were initially 2 hours long, pre-recorded at Ride Music Studio's and other secret locations on to a Revox B77 reel-to-reel tape recorder, then transferred to the boot of a car which was then parked at a pub car park near Disley. The broadcast of only two hours at a time made it difficult for government departments to trace the transmitter. The station had a mix of national and local music and its following grew rapidly. On weekdays it had an hourly news service (gathered from Ceefax", "id": "20857828" }, { "contents": "2016 Australian Grand Prix\n\n\nHowever, in a change of rules, drivers were now eliminated during the session, with the slowest runner at a given point being taken out from contention every ninety seconds, beginning seven minutes into Q1, six minutes into Q2 and five minutes into Q3. The new format meant that all cars took to the track quickly in Q1, with everyone setting lap times on the super-soft compound, the fastest tyre available at the event. The two Manor drivers were first to be eliminated, having set only one timed lap", "id": "5202431" }, { "contents": "Panoramic Hill, Oakland/Berkeley, California\n\n\nall residents in case of emergency. The speed limit is limited to 15 mph. Where the street is only wide enough for one car, the car facing downhill must yield to the car facing uphill, as required by California Motor Vehicle Code. Because of the Panoramic Hill Neighborhood's situation between both the city of Berkeley and the city of Oakland it is regulated by both cities with parking regulation. The Berkeley portion of the hill has a 2-hour limit and is patrolled between 8 AM and 7 PM, Monday through Saturday,", "id": "20993268" }, { "contents": "Irvine railway station\n\n\nramp access to both platforms. The station is manned on a part-time basis and is one of the few stations still manned on the Ayrshire Coast line. There is a small kiosk shop and an adjoining car park with 100 spaces. Train running information is offered via digital CIS displays, automated announcements, timetable posters and customer help points on each platform. Step-free access is available to both sides of the station. Mondays to Saturdays there are 4 trains per hour northbound to Glasgow Central and 4 trains per hour", "id": "10074134" }, { "contents": "24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\ncoolant, with the exception of fuel. This was an attempt by the ACO to help increase efficiency and reliability. Cars which could not last the first hour without having to replace lost fluids were disqualified. Another rule unique to Le Mans is that cars must be switched off while they are refuelled in the pits. Not only is this safer and less of a fire hazard, but it is also another test of reliability, as cars with the guaranteed ability to restart many times under race conditions are harder to make. Another", "id": "21435454" }, { "contents": "Park series\n\n\nThe Park series or Park car is a fleet of lightweight streamlined dome-sleeper-observation cars built by the Budd Company for the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1954. Sixteen of the cars were named for a Canadian national or provincial park, while one was named for a wildlife reserve, and one was named for what was at the time a private park owned by Canadian Pacific subsidiary Dominion Atlantic Railway, but is now one of the National Historic Sites of Canada. Via Rail acquired the fleet from Canadian Pacific in 1978 and the", "id": "2726633" }, { "contents": "2018 Intercontinental GT Challenge\n\n\nThe 2018 Intercontinental GT Challenge was the third season of the Intercontinental GT Challenge. The season featured four rounds, starting with the Liqui Moly Bathurst 12 Hour on 4 February and concluding with the California 8 Hours on 28 October. Markus Winkelhock was the defending Drivers' champion and Audi was the defending Manufacturers' champion. The series reverted to rules of the inaugural season, where each manufacturer was permitted to nominate up to four cars in each event. In 2017 all cars and drivers scored points towards the championship. At the annual", "id": "15897733" }, { "contents": "1987 Formula One World Championship\n\n\nmoved from one Hispanophonic country to another; this time to Mexico 3 weeks after the Spanish round. This race, held at the high-altitude and very bumpy Hermanos Rodriguez Autodrome located within a recreational public park in the middle of Mexico City was the 450th Formula One Grand Prix, and the field was much as it had been all season, the only changes being that Osella had gone back to one car and Larrousse has expanded to two with Yannick Dalmas joining Philippe Alliot. Nelson Piquet was 18 points ahead with three races", "id": "11551403" }, { "contents": "American open-wheel car racing\n\n\ncars. USAC soon stopped sanctioning championship races outside the Indianapolis 500. Stability returned and the national championship was now run by CART full-time. The Indianapolis 500 was sanctioned singly by USAC, but points were paid towards the CART season championship. The cars and engines used in the CART races and USAC-sanctioned Indy 500 were the same, with only relatively minor rules differences. The Indy 500 field would consist of the CART regulars, and numerous one-off (\"Indy only\") entries. On occasion,", "id": "11926283" }, { "contents": "1928 24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\n\" rule was relaxed considerably this year – with cars now only disqualified for completing insufficient distance at the 12-hour mark and not every six hours as before. That distance now only had to be 80% of the target distance and not the previous 85%. The track re-surfacing was completed along its whole length and reflectors were put on the corners for better awareness at night. Roadside picket fencing was put up at all the spectator access areas and the public address system now also covered all those areas. After the previous", "id": "13792266" }, { "contents": "Mary McGee\n\n\nof AFM during this time. In 1962 Mary had earned enough points in all classes to run the #20 AFM number plate on her bike in 1963. Mary stopped road racing motorcycles in the fall of 1963 when there were coming rule changes for women even though at that point she was the only woman racing; however, these rules did not end up going into effect. Some of the tracks that McGee raced on include: In 1963 at a New Year's Eve party attended by Hollywood stars who raced both cars and", "id": "17335193" }, { "contents": "Aston Martin RHAM/1\n\n\nwas recorded at 188 mph on the Mulsanne Straight during qualifying. Hamiltons time was well inside the 4 minutes 48 seconds maximum time, however this was the slowest in the GTP class. The organisers for the race, then decided to reduce the field to 55 cars, which meant losing the slowest car in each class, which would have meant RHAM/1 would have been dropped. But one of the other GTP class racers had broken the rules and were cut instead, to the relief of Hamilton who only found out 5 hours before", "id": "10425746" }, { "contents": "Murder of Holly Bobo\n\n\ntime frame of her abduction; the cell phones came into the same sector only at about 9:10 a.m., over an hour later. Dicus also noted that for Autry's story to fit with the cell phone pings, they would have to drive 106 miles per hour, a scenario that is unlikely on the winding gravel roads they traveled. The defense also noted that all four men had been ruled out as the originator of a palmprint found on Holly's car, while another suspect, Terry Britt, could not be excluded.", "id": "12930004" }, { "contents": "Chasing Cars\n\n\nin the UK in October 2013. A physical release of the song did not occur at all in Australia, where the song spent 10 weeks over summer 2006/2007 at number one on the Digital Track Chart. Under ARIA chart rules at the time, songs that had a digital-only release were ineligible to chart. When the rules finally changed in October 2007 to include digital-only singles (partly due to declining physical sales), \"Chasing Cars\" had dwindled in popularity and only managed to peak at number 53.", "id": "850220" }, { "contents": "2015 Indianapolis 500\n\n\ntrack conditions. The entire qualifying line was completed without incident. Due to the last minute rule changes, championship points were not awarded for Indy 500 time trials results as planned. Tristan Vautier qualified the #19 car in substitution for James Davison, a pre-planned arrangement. Davison was racing in the Pirelli World Challenge event at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park the same weekend. Davison was set to take over the car on race day, and per series rules, the car would move to the rear of the field. Four", "id": "510453" }, { "contents": "Bristol 450\n\n\nThe Bristol Type 450 was a successful sports car racing prototype model, designed in 1953 by Bristol Cars and based on the abortive ERA G-type Formula Two car of 1952. Although most sources state that only three 450s were built, photographic evidence suggests that at least four were in existence at one point in time. The cars were constructed specifically to contest the prestigious 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race, at which they won both their class and the team prize in both and . In addition to its race victories,", "id": "18345514" }, { "contents": "24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nlimit of 1 hour, 20 minutes of consecutive time behind the wheel, and a minimum 30 minute rest break. The rule applies only if the air temperature is 32c or higher. Although it has been a part of the World Sportscar Championship for most of its existence, the race has had different regulations for safety and competition reasons partly due to its length. For many decades, cars were required to run at least an hour into the race before they were allowed to refill fluids for the car, such as oil or", "id": "21435453" }, { "contents": "1971 24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nlapping backmarkers by just the second lap. At the one-hour mark the two Wyer cars of Rodriguez and Siffert were lapping together, having done 17 laps. Larrousse was ten seconds back with ahead of the Ferraris of Donohue, Vaccarella and Parkes. Next were the Porsches of Attwood, Marko and Kauhsen and they were only cars still on the lead lap. Poirot's 910 hit the sandbank at Arnage and although he limped back to the pits on 3 wheels the car was out of the race. After three hours Rodriguez", "id": "5760105" }, { "contents": "1984 Sandown 1000\n\n\nonly IMSA car in the race, a Lola T600-Chevrolet run by Chuck Kendall failed to finish having completed 95 laps. The race distance was to be 257 laps, or 1000 km (620 mi) long. However, under WEC rules, with the exception of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, races had a time limit of 6 hours. The six-hour mark was reached when the Bellof/Bell Porsche had run only 206 laps (803.4 km), thus the race was declared at the time limit some 51", "id": "11451591" }, { "contents": "Bryce Canyon National Park\n\n\nhiking trails that can be hiked in less than a day (round trip time, trailhead): Mossy Cave (one hour, State Route 12 northwest of Tropic), Rim Trail (5–6 hours, anywhere on rim), Bristlecone Loop (one hour, Rainbow Point), and Queens Garden (1–2 hours, Sunrise Point) are easy to moderate hikes. Navajo Loop (1–2 hours, Sunset Point) and Tower Bridge (2–3 hours, north of Sunrise Point) are moderate hikes. Fairyland Loop (4–5 hours", "id": "3132659" }, { "contents": "Kirkenes\n\n\n, but by two in winter. When Russia implemented permanent daylight saving time between 2011 and 2014, there was a three-hour difference travelling forward from the eastern part of the municipality to westerly Russian areas during winter. It also shares time zones with Galicia in Spain, in spite of a solar time difference of 2½ hours. One can drive south, and walk , into the Øvre Pasvik National Park, reaching the border point of the three countries (Muotkavaara), where the three time zones meet. There are only", "id": "11819326" }, { "contents": "Darrell Waltrip\n\n\nin the owner points position to make the race (only the top four in owner points of cars not in the field, excluding the most recent former champion not in the field, were added after qualifying under 1997 rules). After the season, Waltrip and his team were struggling to find sponsors, but were able to put together a last-minute deal with the Ohio-based company Speedblock for 1998. Speedblock only paid portions of what was promised, and the deal was canceled. Waltrip's team at this point", "id": "7904101" }, { "contents": "1959 24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nby the end of the first hour. Setting the fastest lap of the race, he then powered his way into the lead passing Moss on the Mulsanne straight around 5.15pm on the 17th lap. Still furious with the team management he hammered the engine at all costs (at one time getting up to 9500rpm on the Mulsanne straight) to prove his point. At the time of the first driver changes on the 30th lap, the car needed a lot of water and suffered from overheating thereafter. Surprisingly, there was not a", "id": "18263746" }, { "contents": "Top Gear controversies\n\n\nwould take 16 hours. Following this, he claimed that the car then broke down. Tesla Motors spokesperson stated that the cars provided never reached less than 20% charge, none needed to be pushed off the track at any point, the recharge time was 3.5 hours, and the brake failure shown in the segment was actually a blown fuse. The BBC responded to these claims with a statement saying, \"The tested Tesla was filmed being pushed into the shed in order to show what would happen if the Roadster had run", "id": "2978698" }, { "contents": "Hiro Matsushita\n\n\ncountry between 1977 and 1979, before making the switch to four wheels. With Panasonic backing, he then moved to the United States and entered his first Formula Ford race in 1986. He came second at the 24 Hours of Daytona and third at the Sebring 12 Hours in 1988. Matsushita began to make his name known by winning 1989 Toyota Atlantic championship (Pacific division) with the largest point margin of all time. He graduated to Champ Car in 1990, scoring one point in his debut season. Inexplicably, he never", "id": "14982014" }, { "contents": "Jetalliance Racing\n\n\nDBR9s, running two cars with Red Bull backing for a majority of Austrian drivers, such as Karl Wendlinger and Philipp Peter. The team would also occasionally employ a Porsche 911 GT3-RSR for competition in the smaller GT2 class as well as a BMW M3 GTR for the Spa 24 Hours. The Aston Martins would struggle, with Wendlinger and Peter's car being the only one for the team to score points all season. However the team would manage one victory at Mugello. This helped the team gain a sixth place in the team", "id": "22184624" }, { "contents": "2016 6 Hours of Nürburgring\n\n\n. After a five-minute interval, LMP1 and LMP2 vehicles drove onto the track. All cars were required to be driven by two participants for one timed lap each and the starting order was determined by the competitor's fastest average times. The fastest qualifier was awarded one point which went towards the Drivers' and Manufacturers' Championships. Light rain fell before qualifying started causing teams to use intermediate tyres on their cars until a dry line emerged on the track and vehicles were equipped with dry-compound tyres. Rain later returned", "id": "5879747" }, { "contents": "Formula One car\n\n\noriginally it could be used at any time in practice and qualifying (unless a driver is on wet-weather tyres), but during the race, it could only be activated when a driver is less than one second behind another car at pre-determined points on the track. (From 2013 DRS is available only at the pre-determined points during all sessions). The system is then deactivated once the driver brakes. The system \"stalls\" the rear wing by opening a flap, which leaves a 50mm", "id": "5107185" }, { "contents": "IP over Avian Carriers\n\n\nthe race with a time of approximately 1 hour 5 minutes, the car came in second at 2 hours 10 minutes, while the internet transfer did not finish, having dropped out a second time and not coming back. The estimated time to upload completion at one point was as high as 9 hours, and at no point did the estimated upload time fall below 4 hours. A similar \"Pigeon Race\" was conducted in September 2010 by tech blogger ( and ISP Timico CTO Trefor Davies with farmer Michelle Brumfield in", "id": "3191676" }, { "contents": "I'm Backing Britain\n\n\npointed to the fact that the AEU was not the only union present. Joan Southwell, one of the original five secretaries at the head office, said that they would definitely continue as \"we are all very solid about this in spite of the union disagreement\". However, on 12 February the workers decided by a narrow majority to return to normal working hours. In early February, \"The Times\" went round to ask supermarket chains what the campaign was achieving and found that it varied between \"very little\" and", "id": "6178882" }, { "contents": "Mazda RX-7\n\n\nstreet car with only bolt-on accessories. At season end Pettit had 140 points—63 points more than the 2nd place team. This same car finished the Daytona Rolex 24-hour race 4 times. The RX-7 also fared well at the Spa 24 Hours race. Three Savanna/RX-7s were entered in 1981 by Tom Walkinshaw Racing. After hours of battling with several BMW 530i's and Ford Capris, the RX-7 driven by Pierre Dieudonné and Tom Walkinshaw won the event. Mazda had turned the tables on BMW, who had beaten Mazda's", "id": "13858286" }, { "contents": "NASCAR Cup Series\n\n\nthe following manner: the fastest non-qualifier (in essence, 44th position) received 31 points, three points fewer than the car in th 43rd position. If more than one car did not qualify, owners' points continued to be assigned in the manner described, decreasing by three for each position. Under the post-2010 point system, only cars that actually start in a given race earn owner's points. There is a separate \"Chase for the Championship\" for the owners' points. A 2005 rule change in", "id": "22181666" }, { "contents": "Dead man zone\n\n\nat all times, working from safe points such as burnt ground or a large area of non-burnable ground, such as a cricket or Australian rules football oval, or a large car park. This is achieved by attacking the fire from the flanks, or the rear, so that burnt ground is always nearby, and the fire is always in front of the firefighters. (Were they to attack fires at the head of the fire, they risk having spot fires start behind them. They would also risk changes in", "id": "10773517" }, { "contents": "1988 Australian Touring Car Championship\n\n\nhis only appearances in the championship. The following drivers and teams competed in the 1988 Australian Touring Car Championship. The 1988 Australian Touring Car Championship was contested over a nine round series with each round being a single race of just under one hour in duration. This would be the 15th and last time the Adelaide International Raceway hosted an ATCC race having first hosted a round in 1972. Points were awarded on a 20-15-12-10-8-6-4-3-2-1 basis for the", "id": "14388995" }, { "contents": "Bushy Lake\n\n\nto the standards and regulations of the American River Parkway Plan. The Bushy Lake Preservation Act also only allows that parking is to be permitted during the time of the State Fair and only on specified land, however, AB 889 requires one acre of land to be designated at all times for public use as long as cars are not parked there for more than 34 days. In addition, AB 889 requires that about 11 acres of land to be specifically for the use of parking near the flood plains so that more of the", "id": "16201777" }, { "contents": "Brockenhurst railway station\n\n\nthe side closest to the village. The platforms, ticket office and car park are all connected by footbridge, with the ticket office at one end and the car park and bicycle hire point at the other end of the walkway. The station has an unusual luggage traverser bridge, which can be moved out over the track to give access to platform 1 from the ticket hall. It is mainly used for disabled passengers and at peak times for the large flow of students to Brockenhurst College. A signal box and level crossing is", "id": "18239855" }, { "contents": "1993 NASCAR Winston Cup Series\n\n\nBonnett qualified for the race in a backup car (#31) for RCR, and executed one of the first start and park situations in NASCAR. The team arranged that Bonnett would step aside from the #31 car, in the last minute, in the event that Earnhardt's car, after pre-race inspection, suffered mechanical failure on the grid or during the pace laps. If Earnhardt started the race in the #31 car, by rule, he would be awarded full points for that entry. The car", "id": "6910838" }, { "contents": "Musicianship of Brian Wilson\n\n\nthe tape machine. It was the strangest thing ... All the tapes were of Brian talking into a tape recorder. Hour after hour of stoned ramblings on the meaning of life, color vibrations, fate, death, vegetarianism and Phil Spector.\" At one point in the 1970s, Wilson instructed Stephen Desper to create a tape loop consisting only of the chorus of \"Be My Baby\", listening to it for several hours in what Desper saw as \"some kind of a trance.\" His daughter Carnie Wilson stated that", "id": "3710736" }, { "contents": "Kevin McGarrity\n\n\n7 through 9 for Nordic Racing. He competed full-time in 1999 for Nordic Racing and finished 10th in points despite only finishing in the points once, finishing on the podium in second in the season opener at Imola. He returned to the team and series in 2000, this time with teammate Justin Wilson. He finished 20th in points with a best finish of 4th at Monaco. In 2001 he left formula cars for sports car racing and drove in the 2001 24 Hours of Le Mans for the MG factory team,", "id": "274610" }, { "contents": "2015 6 Hours of Silverstone\n\n\nCorse No. 83 Ferrari 458 Italia. Saturday's afternoon qualification session was divided into two groups lasting 20 minutes each. Cars in LMGTE Pro and AM were sent out first and, after a five-minute interval, LMP1 and LMP2 vehicles drove onto the track. All cars were required to have two participants set one timed lap each. The competitors' fastest average lap times determined the starting order. The fastest team and drivers were awarded one point that counted towards their respective championships. Webber in the No. 17 Porsche", "id": "13560087" }, { "contents": "2016 24 Hours of Daytona\n\n\nThe 54th Rolex 24 at Daytona was an endurance sports car racing event held at the Daytona International Speedway, Daytona Beach, Florida from 28–31 January 2016. The 54th running of the 24 Hours of Daytona was also the first race for the 2016 WeatherTech SportsCar Championship season. Approximately 35,000 people attended the race. \"**\" All Lamborghini GTD Teams were penalized the equivalent of a stop and hold plus 5 minutes, stripped of all points from the race, and Lamborghini fined $25,000 for violating Balance of Performance rules. \"", "id": "19534175" }, { "contents": "1966 24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nmade in the Ford pits to have the cars finish side by side in what hopefully would be considered a dead heat. All three cars went over the finish in formation, but any chance for a dead heat disappeared when officials discovered a rule that in case of a tie, the car that had started further down the grid had travelled the farther distance. Since McLaren and Amon had started 60 feet behind Miles and Hulme, they were declared the winners. Both New Zealanders who now reside in England, it was the most", "id": "12335001" }, { "contents": "Conor McManus\n\n\nwhat many believe to have been his finest hour in the 2015 Ulster Final when, despite being marked tightly by the Donegal defence, he managed to score six points in an 0-11 to 0-10 win for the Farney Men. McManus also scored 0-12 in a 1-14 to 0-16 loss to All-Ireland champions Dublin in the National League Division 1 on February 27, 2016 in what was regarded by many pundits as one of the greatest individual performances seen in Croke Park in a long", "id": "5899766" }, { "contents": "Ram Racing (endurance racing team)\n\n\nat the 6 Hours of Silverstone and 24 Hours of Le Mans. The No. 52 car earned 8 points with one sixth-place finish and a retirement, and the No. 53 car earned 26 points with fifth and sixth-place finishes. The team announced an official withdrawal from the championship on 11 June, with only a skeleton crew remaining in employment. A six-month hiatus from racing was ended by an announcement in late December that a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT3 would be fielded at the 2015 24H", "id": "8094227" }, { "contents": "2014 V8SuperTourer season\n\n\npoints and Richard Moore achieved third place overall with 821 points. The 2014 V8SuperTourer season consisted of four rounds. Greg Murphy dominated the opening round of the 2014 V8SuperTourer season collecting both pole positions, all three race wins and two of the three fastest laps available. One thing which was highlighted in the opening round was the lack of cars on the grid with a record low twelve cars; only ten started the final two races of the weekend. It was also the first ever SuperTourer round held at Highlands Motorsport Park, with", "id": "16064171" }, { "contents": "Ian Heward\n\n\nseason's Total Cup in overall fifth place with 28 points. He returned to Donington Park in October that year for the International Tourist Trophy Race but retired due to engine failure. Despite his problems with the car, he returned with it for eight more rounds in 1997. Still a long way off the pace, he only qualified for rounds eleven and twelve at Donington Park. He only finished in the second of these races, four laps down from race winner Alain Menu. In 2010 Ian competed in the Bathurst 12 Hour", "id": "14506273" }, { "contents": "Hunters Point Avenue station\n\n\nHunters Point Avenue is a station on the IRT Flushing Line of the New York City Subway. Located at 49th Avenue (formerly Hunters Point Avenue) and 21st Street in Long Island City, Queens, it is served by the train at all times and the <7> train during rush hours in the peak direction. The Flushing Line was extended one stop from Vernon–Jackson Avenues to Hunters Point Avenue on February 15, 1916. The platforms at Hunters Point Avenue were extended in 1955–1956 to accommodate 11-car trains. This station", "id": "15861986" }, { "contents": "Wings for Life World Run\n\n\nbeginning but it was raised only every hour. Once a runner is overtaken by the car, the race is finished for them. Busses bring eliminated participants back to the start area. Thus what counts on the sport side is not the time needed to cover a given distance but the distance covered before the Catcher Car overtakes one. The last remaining female and male runners at each locations are the \"local\" Wings for Life World Run winners and gain the right to start the following year at a location of their choice.", "id": "6251707" }, { "contents": "24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nat Le Mans, he would have become not only the first man to win all three, but the first to win them all in the same year. The \"greatest distance\" rule was modified with the introduction of a rolling start in 1971, and now the car that completes the greatest distance as of the completion of the final lap – where \"greatest distance\" is measured by the start/finish line for all competitors – wins. When two cars finish the same number of laps, their finishing order is determined", "id": "21435463" }, { "contents": "Severn bore\n\n\nof the roaring sound made by the bore. The largest recorded bore was on 15 October 1966, when it reached a height of at Stonebench. There are a number of viewpoints from which the bore can be seen; viewers do not have to restrict themselves to these because most of the river banks and floodbanks are public footpaths. Crowds often assemble at popular viewing points and car parking may prove difficult. Related to the time of the high tide at Sharpness, the bore passes Newnham on Severn one hour before this, Framilode", "id": "6589471" }, { "contents": "Seán Condon\n\n\na three-point victory over Limerick. The All-Ireland final was a repeat of the previous year with Kilkenny providing the opposition. The stakes were high for both sides as Cork were aiming for a record sixth championship in seven seasons while Kilkenny were aiming to avoid becoming the first team to lose three consecutive All-Ireland finals. In what has been described as one of the greatest deciders of all-time, little separated the two teams over the course if the hour. A Joe Kelly goal put Cork one point", "id": "11687028" }, { "contents": "Barming railway station\n\n\nThe replacement footbridge to the standard Network Rail design is at the extreme eastern end of the station. The typical off-peak service from the station is one train per hour to via and one train per hour to London Victoria. Barming Station has an 88-capacity car park [pay and display] operated for Southeastern by fellow Go-Ahead group company Meteor Parking. It has 2 ticket machines which accept cash and credit/debit cards. The car park adjoins the down Platform 2. Alternatively, car park patrons may pay at", "id": "18385084" } ]
What's the purpose of a blindfold during an execution?
[{"answer": "Whole lot of misinformation here. If the victim can't see the executioner his ghost doesn't know who to haunt."}, {"answer": "It is harder for a person to execute someone when there is eye contact. The blindfold makes carrying out the act less personal."}, {"answer": "There are 3 reasons for this, the first (for electric chairs/shock) is because the eyes would explode or leak and the blindfold was to prevent mess. The second and most common is so that the executioner and the onlookers don't get traumatized by the victim. Lastly the third reason is to both help prevent escape and to make the experience more calm (yes calm, not scary) for the victim."}, {"answer": "Because the executor doesn't want to be traumatized. By blindfolding his victim, he won't be haunted by the victim's eyes. Also, to scare the victim. She can hear but not see and doesn't know she is going to die until she hears the commands."}, {"answer": "i guess executioners don't listen to scarface, aka brad jordan 'always look a man in the eye before you kill him'"}, {"answer": "Taking sight away would make it harder to attempt to run. Is imagine that would have something to do with it."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "7217319", "title": "Execution by shooting", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Execution by shooting is a method of capital punishment in which a person is shot to death by one or more firearms. It is the most common method of execution worldwide, used in about 70 countries, with execution by firing squad being one particular form.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Execution by shooting is a method of capital punishment in which a person is shot to death by one or more firearms. It is the most common method of execution worldwide, used in about 70 countries, with execution by firing squad being one particular form.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "87208", "title": "Execution by firing squad", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A firing squad is normally composed of several military personnel. Usually, all members of the group are instructed to fire simultaneously, thus preventing both disruption of the process by a single member and identification of the member who fired the lethal shot. To avoid the disfigurement of multiple shots to the head, the shooters are typically instructed to aim at the heart, sometimes aided by a paper target. The prisoner is typically blindfolded or hooded, as well as restrained, although in some cases prisoners have asked to be allowed to face the firing squad without their eyes covered. Executions can be carried out with the condemned either standing or sitting. There is a tradition in some jurisdictions that such executions are carried out at first light or at sunrise. This gave rise to the phrase \"shot at dawn\".", "A firing squad is normally composed of several military personnel. Usually, all members of the group are instructed to fire simultaneously, thus preventing both disruption of the process by a single member and identification of the member who fired the lethal shot. To avoid the disfigurement of multiple shots to the head, the shooters are typically instructed to aim at the heart, sometimes aided by a paper target. The prisoner is typically blindfolded or hooded, as well as restrained, although in some cases prisoners have asked to be allowed to face the firing squad without their eyes covered. Executions can be carried out with the condemned either standing or sitting. There is a tradition in some jurisdictions that such executions are carried out at first light or at sunrise. This gave rise to the phrase \"shot at dawn\".\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Execution of Mary Stuart\n\n\nThe Execution of Mary Stuart is a short film produced in 1895. The film depicts the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. It is the first known film to use special effects, specifically the stop trick. The 18-second-long film was produced by Thomas Edison and directed by Alfred Clark and may have been the first film in history to use trained actors, as well as the first to use editing for the purposes of special effects. The film shows a blindfolded Mary (played by Mr. Robert L. Thomae, male", "id": "20259418" }, { "contents": "Pankrác Prison\n\n\nin the occupied country. In spring 1943 the Nazi Germans started carrying out executions directly inside the facility itself, where three cells had been adapted for this purpose. General Josef Bílý, who at the beginning of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia led the anti-Nazi resistance group Obrana Národa (\"National Defense\"), was imprisoned at Pankrác Prison before being executed by shooting elsewhere in 1941. Bílý refused a blindfold and his last words to his executioners were \"Shoot, you German dogs!\" Between 5 April 1943 and", "id": "3890497" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nMagneto who uses his powers to disrupt Proteus' energy matrix. During a conversation with Destiny, it is revealed that she and Destiny are distant relatives and that Ruth's mother had sacrificed herself to save Ruth from her brother, for what reason has yet to be revealed. Blindfold later confides in Rogue that she had visions of an entity, a mysterious force that wanted to change everything, and once it started it would not stop until everything had been destroyed. However, she cannot identify what it is because it keeps", "id": "13041118" }, { "contents": "Destiny (Irene Adler)\n\n\nFlint, Michigan by Shadowcat and Emma Frost. However, all the books were burned to ashes by Gambit before the Marauders or the X-Men could read them. After getting hold of the Technarch transmode virus during the \"Necrosha\" storyline, Selene resurrected Destiny so she could question Irene about what her future holds. After telling Selene what she wants to hear, Destiny is taken back to her cell, where she telepathically contacts Blindfold by accident when she was trying to reach her foster daughter Rogue. After showing Blindfold she", "id": "6666432" }, { "contents": "Thomas Scott (Orangeman)\n\n\nhis last words and actions to the manner of his death. What is agreed upon is that he was shot while blindfolded by a firing squad against the east side gate of Upper Fort Garry. It was reported that Scott was kneeling in the snow praying fervently up until he was shot. Other witnesses reported that he had been yelling wildly that his execution was unjust and that his execution was murder. The weapons that were used by the firing squad were ordinary hunting weapons (supposedly muskets) and it was observed that the men", "id": "10385496" }, { "contents": "Dishonored (film)\n\n\nAgent X-27 is immediately arrested. A tribunal is assembled for the purpose of convicting Agent X-27 of treason. She is sentenced to death. Kolverer, awaiting execution, makes two requests: that she be furnished with a piano in her cell, and that she be permitted to wear the clothing in which she served her countrymen, not her country - the clothing she wore as a streetwalker. Both are granted. In the courtyard standing before the firing squad, she declines a blindfold. After a short delay, due to a", "id": "21302657" }, { "contents": "Speedcubing\n\n\ntrimmed mean of 5 format. This involves the competitor executing 5 solves in the round in question, after which the fastest and slowest solve are disregarded and the mean of the remaining 3 is used. The 6×6×6 and 7×7×7 events are ranked by straight mean of 3 — only three solves, none of which are disregarded. In 3×3×3 blindfolded and 3×3×3 fewest moves challenges, either straight mean of 3 or best of 3 is used, while 4×4×4 blindfolded, 5×5×5 blindfolded, and multiple blindfolded challenges are ranked using best of 1,", "id": "6551243" }, { "contents": "Black and White Ball\n\n\npanel show \"What's My Line?,\" panelist Arlene Francis wore the mask she had worn at the party, transformed into a blindfold. The wearing of blindfolds during the show's special Mystery Guest segment was customary on the part of the panel. Princess Yasmin Aga Khan hosted a Black and White Ball in 1991, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the original. The ball, held in a tent outside Tavern on the Green, was a charity event that raised $1.4 million for the Alzheimer's Association. In anticipation", "id": "11166055" }, { "contents": "Gandhari (character)\n\n\nher husband. What went through the young girl's mind when she found out that she was to marry a blind man is not depicted in the epic. Popular narration said that the act of blindfolding herself was a sign of dedication and love. On the contrary, Irawati Karve and many modern scholars debated that the act of blindfolding was an act of protest against Bhishma, as he intimidated her father into giving away her hand in marriage to the blind prince of Hastinapur. During her maiden days, she is said to have", "id": "19934013" }, { "contents": "Don't Let Me Go\n\n\nup of lead singer Kyle Patrick, playing his guitar. The scene then switches to show several people living their lives normally, having fun and socializing, but wearing blindfolds. The blindfolds symbolize that people are not aware of what is happening around them, which is the case for human trafficking. The band is then shown blindfolded playing their instruments as Patrick's vocals come in. More scenes of people wearing blindfolds appear. The scene switches to a girl, a victim of human trafficking, crying. A caption on the screen", "id": "21972131" }, { "contents": "Blindfold chess\n\n\non the psychology of blindfold chess. In general, this research shows that what is crucial for blindfold chess are both the knowledge that chess players have acquired and their ability to carry out visuo-spatial operations in the mind’s eye. Today there are Blindfold Chess Tournaments held throughout the year, with the highest profile event previously being the Melody Amber Tournament, held in Monte Carlo until 2011. Of the modern day players, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Alexei Shirov and Alexander Morozevich have proven themselves to be particularly strong at", "id": "8617779" }, { "contents": "Johann Reichhart\n\n\nwas dropped. Reichhart abolished the black blindfold; instead, one of his assistants held the convict's eyes closed. These measures shortened the duration of the actual execution to 3–4 seconds (time specified by Johann Reichhart). Reichhart also carried out executions in Cologne, Frankfurt-Preungesheim, Berlin-Plötzensee, Brandenburg-Görden and Breslau, where central execution sites had also been constructed. From 1938 to 1944 he was also executioner for central execution sites in Vienna and Graz. From 1924 on, during the Weimar Republic and the", "id": "3537782" }, { "contents": "Paths of Glory\n\n\nscheduled execution, Dax confronts Broulard, at a ball, with sworn statements by witnesses attesting to Mireau's order to shell his own trenches, in an attempt to blackmail the General Staff into sparing the three men. Broulard takes the statements but brusquely dismisses Dax. The next morning, the three men are taken out to be shot by firing squad. Dax, suspecting Roget for his nomination of Paris, forces Roget to lead the executions. While a sobbing Ferol is blindfolded, Paris refuses Roget's offer of a blindfold and", "id": "3528764" }, { "contents": "Dirty Work (All Time Low album)\n\n\n\"by the subject matter on the record, where it's this toss-up of being wrapped up in what we do, and having the fun and the good times, and kind of pulling that blindfold down in order to ignore the fact that other problems are crumbling around you\". Gaskarth also said \"one of the big things that came along with this album ... [was] a lot of anxiety. About where were we going to go\". Gaskarth said the band purposely sought to \"step outside of", "id": "5561510" }, { "contents": "The Prince of Homburg (play)\n\n\nFinally the Elector asks the officers if they are happy to continue to trust themselves to the Prince's leadership – to which all say yes. The Prince learns nothing of his pardon, but is led blindfolded into the open air, in the belief that he is about to be executed. But there is no bullet: instead, the niece of the Elector crowns him with a laurel wreath. To his question whether this is a dream, Kottwitz replies, \"A dream, what else\" (\"\"Ein Traum,", "id": "16945311" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nhelping the Young X-Men and much earlier, including during Beast's attack on Blindfold during Astonishing X-Men. Blindfold's seemingly one-sided conversation during that time (and others) is revealed to have actually been a conversation between herself and Cipher, who was able to mask her part of the conversation using her stealth powers. Blindfold is the only other besides Jean Grey, Cyclops, and Graymalkin who were aware of Cipher's existence prior to the events of \"Young X-Men\". The two developed", "id": "13041116" }, { "contents": "The Mole (American season 1)\n\n\n20,000 would be added. The players failed at this mission. Trust: The four players are asked to list the player whom they most and least wish would get executed. Steven is selected by the group as least wanted to be executed. Steven must convince the other three players to be blindfolded and participate in a challenging task. Depending on their decisions, the following outcomes would result. The three tasks are as follows: one player has to stand blindfolded against a wall as a knife thrower throws a hatchet at them.", "id": "7576326" }, { "contents": "Blindfold\n\n\nis said to allow for greater excitement and anticipation by eliminating visual cues, as one cannot see what to expect. It also requires trust of the submissive, with all the emotional ramifications that entails. The blindfold has been a powerful symbol in divination and mythology since the 15th century. In law, it is seen being worn by Lady Justice, to represent objectivity and impartiality. The blindfold as a symbol is also a common theme in tarot and other divination methods. It can represent themes of the victim, resistance to", "id": "2026888" }, { "contents": "Maure\n\n\nA Maure, since the 11th century, is a symbol depicting the head of a Moor. The term has Phoenician and Greek origins. This symbol is used for political purposes. The Maure is the African Unification Front's flag and emblem. The head is blindfolded representing the impartiality of justice, and the knot is tied into a stylized Adinkra symbol for omnipotence (Gye Nyame). The main charge in the coat of arms in Corsica is \"\", Corsican for \"The Moor\", originally a female Moor blindfolded and", "id": "2120280" }, { "contents": "Blindfolded tourism\n\n\nthe \"dark restaurant\", where there is no light for diners to see what they eat. A \"blindfold tour\" to savour the smells of the City of London was proposed as far back as 1970. More recently, blindfolded tours have been offered in a range of mainly urban locations, including tours of Prague Castle, Tirana in Albania, Vancouver, and the Alfama quarter of Lisbon. The German artist Christian Jankowski has undertaken two blind tours: one in Dubai and one in Montevideo, where he led a group", "id": "521144" }, { "contents": "Bird Box (novel)\n\n\nthe children to follow her orders and never take their blindfolds off, no matter what happens. Malorie travels down the nearby river for over 48 hours to try to reach safety with Boy and Girl. As they are rowing there is a man in a boat who is trying to convince them to take their blindfolds off and look at the creature because it’s “beautiful\". People who were deemed \"insane\" before are not affected by it and do not need blindfolds. After he reveals he has seen one, the", "id": "5448267" }, { "contents": "1971 Bangladesh genocide\n\n\nthe Razakar militia in Dhaka, blindfolded, taken to torture cells in Mirpur, Mohammadpur, Nakhalpara, Rajarbagh and other locations in different sections of the city to be executed en masse, most notably at Rayerbazar and Mirpur. Allegedly, the Pakistani Army and its paramilitary arm, the Al-Badr and Al-Shams forces created a list of doctors, teachers, poets, and scholars. During the nine-month duration of the war, the Pakistani Army, with the assistance of local collaborators systematically executed an estimated 991 teachers", "id": "16209674" }, { "contents": "Foodie 2 Shoes\n\n\neating is blindfolded and the one passing must use an extra-long chopstick to transfer food from a in-circular motion table to the mouth of the blindfolded guest. The passer can choose whichever food item to transfer. Once a transfer is good, the blindfolded guest must guess correctly what the food item is in order to count as successful. If wrong, guest will have to try again on next transfer. Within a time limit, each team must transfer and guess correctly as many food item as possible. The team", "id": "7967125" }, { "contents": "Common Purpose UK\n\n\ntheir area and their world. CHANGEit was a 2010 collaboration between Common Purpose and Deutsche Bank. It has been designed to recognise the achievements and ambitions of young people between the ages of 11 and 18 who want to speak out and create positive change. What Next? was a 2010 course run by leadership development organisation Common Purpose and the Said Business School to help redundant executives identify opportunities to continue to use the experience they have accumulated during their careers. In July 2009 Common Purpose was commissioned by the Government Equalities Office to conduct", "id": "16557374" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nhiding around the periphery of her visions. Rogue, along with Madison Jeffries, eventually find a squid-like spider-monster that had escaped from Emplate's dimension, which they think to be the entity Blindfold sensed. However, after Rogue defeats the creature, Blindfold reveals that the threat is still out there. Before anyone could say anything else, darkness descended over Utopia and the real threat emerged. The world around Blindfold changed dramatically and Blindfold is next seen in the jail of Fortress X during the \"Age of X", "id": "13041119" }, { "contents": "Mier expedition\n\n\na pot. In what came to be known as the Black Bean Episode or the Bean Lottery, the Texans were blindfolded and ordered to draw beans. Officers and enlisted men, in alphabetical order, were ordered to draw. The seventeen men who drew black beans were allowed to write letters home before being executed by firing squad. On the evening of March 25, 1843, the Texians were shot in two groups, one of nine men and one of eight. According to legend, Huerta placed the black beans in the", "id": "15654248" }, { "contents": "Young X-Men\n\n\n. Cannonball and Sunspot are watching the battle in LA. After hearing nothing from Danielle, they are convinced that the Young X-Men are coming after them. Graymalkin watches Ink talk to Cyclops in the shadows, Ink having lied about what happened to Blindfold and Moonstar. Graymalkin appears to be talking to himself, knowing something nobody knows. He says \"Very well. I'll kill the Cyclops.\" Danielle Moonstar confronts an awakening Blindfold and is very confused. Blindfold apologizes and points out that Donald Pierce is behind her", "id": "13683483" }, { "contents": "Chas Dingle\n\n\na lift from Debbie, but she takes Chas to an abandoned barn and pulls a gun on her. She ties Chas to a wooden pillar and blindfolds her, she intimidates her so she can understand how angry she is for what Chas has done with Cameron. Cain and Charity then arrive, and at first it seems as though Cain is willing to let Debbie execute Chas, but he and Charity eventually talk Debbie into letting Chas go. After this incident, Chas returns to running The Woolpack, however customers avoid the pub", "id": "10119767" }, { "contents": "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields\n\n\nnot have exceeded the expectations of the audience for this Channel 4 documentary scheduled well after the watershed with very clear warnings about the nature of the content\". On 1 July 2011 Swarnavahini, a privately owned Sri Lankan TV station, broadcast on their \"Live at 8\" programme what they claimed to be an unaltered version of a video used on the Channel 4 documentary showing uniformed men summarily executing eight bound and blindfolded men. In the version broadcast by Swarnavahini the men in uniform were speaking in Tamil whereas on the Channel 4", "id": "14678129" }, { "contents": "Jill Soloway\n\n\nout from our muted and blindfolded object-ized humanity. We take our blindfolds off and say what we see.\" Soloway has said that they feel that they have always been writing similar themes, what they call \"The Heroine's Journey,\" which is about \"repairing the divided feminine: the wife and the other woman confronting each other--mom, stripper. That I think women's journeys are really about repairing these sort of divided parts of ourselves. And this divide in our culture that I think is responsible", "id": "11972826" }, { "contents": "Majd al-Krum\n\n\nordered the demolition of a home and gathered five residents, blindfolded them and executed them by gunfire to demonstrate their seriousness. They gathered another five residents to execute, but were stopped by a known Palestinian Arab informant from al-Damun, Shafiq Buqa'i. Buqa'i requested the Israeli officers free the residents by explaining to them the earlier agreement made between the villagers and Auerbach. During the 1948 War, the village of Sha'ab was largely depopulated and most of its residents settled in Majd al-Krum, some permanently and others temporarily.", "id": "9372029" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nMen, Hisako, Ord and Danger. Suddenly S.W.O.R.D. beamed the team, Danger, Ord, and Hisako into a spaceship headed for the Breakworld. Blindfold was last seen watching them along with a few other students and again commented that not all of them will come back, referring to Shadowcat who would be lost in space for a long time. Blindfold, during an evening of storytelling, relayed the history of the deceased New Mutant Illyana Rasputin to her classmates. Her story emotionally bothered some of them as Blindfold began including aspects", "id": "13041108" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\na friendship during this time. Blindfold is shown battling the resurrected Tower without the aid of any other X-Men. Blindfold is contacted by the newly resurrected Destiny by accident when she was trying to reach her foster daughter Rogue. Destiny saves her life from being crushed by falling rubble and gives her some information to help combat Selene's forces. After Destiny breaks contact with her, she believes she made a grave mistake. This mistake is revealed to be that Ruth is possessed by Proteus. Blindfold is eventually freed thanks to", "id": "13041117" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\n\"\"pardon\"\". She's also been known to oddly insert the words \"\"yes\"\" and \"\"no\"\" into her sentences. The reason she has this pattern is explained in \"X-Men Legacy\" when Legion tries to wake her up from her coma: her brother Luca was a mutant hater and tried to kill her when she was little, but in a fit of rage he killed their mother. Years later, Blindfold attended his execution and, just after he died, his", "id": "13041164" }, { "contents": "The Watcher in the Woods (1980 film)\n\n\nfriendship\". It engulfs Jan and lifts her into the air, but Mike intercedes and pulls her away before the Watcher disappears. Simultaneously, the eclipse ends, and Karen, still the same age as when she disappeared, reappears – still blindfolded. She removes the blindfold just as Mrs. Aylwood enters the chapel. \"The Watcher in the Woods\" is based on Florence Engel Randall's 1976 novel \"A Watcher in the Woods\". Producer Tom Leetch pitched the project to Disney executive Ron Miller, stating that \"This", "id": "19508084" }, { "contents": "Old Bailey\n\n\nis inscribed the admonition: \"Defend the Children of the Poor & Punish the Wrongdoer\". King Edward VII opened the courthouse. On the dome above the court stands a bronze statue of Lady Justice, executed by the British sculptor F. W. Pomeroy. She holds a sword in her right hand and the scales of justice in her left. The statue is popularly supposed to show blind Justice, but the figure is not blindfolded: the courthouse brochures explain that this is because Lady Justice was originally not blindfolded, and because her", "id": "7019412" }, { "contents": "List of games on I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue\n\n\n\" or, \"I've Finished the Yoghurt\". There is another running joke found in this game, this time by Barry Cryer, by saying how Sean Connery would say something, for example: \"pastiche - what Sean Connery eats in Cornwall\" (pasties), or \"twinge - what Sean Connery calls children of the same age\" (twins). Lyttleton was blindfolded by Samantha, and the teams play sound effects in an attempt to help him guess a location. Lyttleton's mind tended to wander during", "id": "799525" }, { "contents": "2007 Iranian arrest of Royal Navy personnel\n\n\n, according to former detainee Marine Scott Fallon, he believed that they had endured a mock execution in which they were marched into the desert and made to stand blindfolded in front of a ditch while he heard their captors cock their weapons. They also appeared blindfolded on Iranian TV, where they were forced to apologise for their \"mistake\". There were, however, some differences between these two events. In 2004 the Royal Navy boats were operating much closer to the northern coast of the Persian Gulf in the mouth of the", "id": "17220183" }, { "contents": "The Yoga Play\n\n\nCarrie is taken, blindfolded, to a small room containing interrogation equipment. Her captors remove the blindfold, and she finds herself face to face with Javadi, who tells her: \"You're in good shape. Must be all that yoga.\" Clark Johnson directed the episode, his second directing credit of the season after \"Tower of David\". Co-executive producer Patrick Harbinson wrote the episode, receiving his first writing credit for the series. Critics, while expressing positive opinions of the episode overall, continued to", "id": "6094613" }, { "contents": "PangaeaPanga\n\n\nholder for speedrunning \"Super Mario World\" in 2015, having beaten the game in 1 minute and 38 seconds using arbitrary code execution, though this record has since been beaten. PangaeaPanga started playing \"Super Mario World\" while blindfolded on June 16, 2015, and completed a full run of the game this way eight days later. He has stated that he got the idea from gamer DavisKongCountry, who played portions of the game blindfolded. To beat the game in this way, PangaeaPanga memorized a route that was \"easy", "id": "3585809" }, { "contents": "Two Hands to Mouth\n\n\nTwo Hands to Mouth is a 2012 Canadian dark comedy drama film with an ensemble cast, the first feature film by long time television film director Michael DeCarlo, who also wrote and co-executive produced the film, in which eight blindfolded guests assemble at a secret pop-up restaurant for an exclusive dinner that goes terribly awry, \"forcing guests to defend themselves and their morally bankrupt lives.\" The film was nominated for two awards at the 2013 Madrid International Film Festival. Eight blindfolded guests assemble at a secret pop-", "id": "9397510" }, { "contents": "Mock execution\n\n\nA mock execution is a stratagem in which a victim is deliberately but falsely made to feel that their execution or that of another person is imminent or is taking place. It may be staged for an audience or a subject who is made to believe that they are being led to their own execution. This might involve blindfolding the subjects, making them recount last wishes, making them dig their own grave, holding an unloaded gun to their head and pulling the trigger, shooting near (but not at) the victim, or", "id": "9835130" }, { "contents": "Roxana Saberi\n\n\n, Saberi said that although she was not physically tortured during her captivity, she was placed under \"severe psychological and mental pressure\". She said her captors blindfolded her during days of interrogation, held her in solitary confinement, and would not allow her to inform anyone of her whereabouts. According to Saberi, her interrogators threatened her with many years in prison and even execution if she did not confess to being a spy. She said that under these pressures, she had made a false confession, which she later recanted while", "id": "18698758" }, { "contents": "Never Mind the Ballots\n\n\nand referenced in the lyrics of Always Tell The Voter What the Voter Wants To Hear) was used heavily. One photograph taken at a concert depicts Alice Nutter, blindfolded (the blindfold has a red \"X\" on it), wearing a blue prize ribbon and a red \"X\" T-shirt. The album's title is a parody of the Sex Pistols' album, \"Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols\". This version of Never Mind The Ballots, recorded as a live set", "id": "871225" }, { "contents": "Fraternities and sororities\n\n\nover heels in boiling oil, that it would come out all right. The neophyte is effectively blindfolded during the proceedings, and at last, still sightless, I was led down flights of steps into a silent crypt, and helped into a coffin, where I was to stay until the Resurrection...Thus it was that just as my father passed from this earth, I was lying in a coffin during my initiation into Delta Kappa Epsilon. Meetings and rituals are sometimes conducted in what is known as a \"chapter room\"", "id": "11123553" }, { "contents": "Tolpuddle Martyrs\n\n\nthe house of Thomas Standfield. Groups such as the Friendly Society would often use a skeleton painting as part of their initiation process, where the newest member would be blindfolded and made to swear a secret oath of allegiance. The blindfold would then be removed and they would be presented with the skeleton painting to warn them of their own mortality but also to remind them of what happens to those who break their promises. An example of this skeleton painting is on display at the People's History Museum in Manchester. In 1834,", "id": "16516230" }, { "contents": "Hassan Zia-Zarifi\n\n\nshape for such an attempt. After the 1979 revolution, a notorious SAVAK agent, Bahman Naderipour, known by his alias of Tehrani, provided an admission during his trial about the circumstances of the death of Zia-Zarifi and others. According to Naderipour, the prisoners' execution was conceived as revenge for the assassination of military officials. On April 18, SAVAK agents gathered the prisoners from Evin prison and put them on a bus, blindfolded and handcuffed. They were taken to the hills bordering Evil prison. The prisoners were", "id": "20018958" }, { "contents": "Bois de Vincennes\n\n\nFrench Empire; an emcampment of Tuaregs from North Africa; a farm from Sudan; a village of Kanaks from New Caledonia; and villages from Madagascar, French Indochina, and the Congo. The Exposition was seen by two million visitors. During the First World War, the Dutch spy Mata Hari was imprisoned in the fortress of Vincennes and executed by firing squad in the moat of the fortress on 15 October 1917. Eyewitnesses reported that her hands were not bound, and that she refused a blindfold. According to the legend (", "id": "2625168" }, { "contents": "List of A Series of Unfortunate Events characters\n\n\nDenouement is accidentally killed during a confrontation with Count Olaf. Justice Strauss states to the crowd that they will have a blindfolded trial to determine who is guilty and who is not. However, the other two judges are discovered by the Baudelaires to be the Man With a Beard But No Hair and the Woman With Hair But No Beard. Violet and her siblings see Strauss being kidnapped, but nobody else does since the entire courtroom is blindfolded as the two villains state for everyone not to take their blindfolds off. Following Olaf,", "id": "4098172" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nthe gold part that represents life at the same time. A large energy transfer of black and gold follows, and she is incapacitated, though the New X-Men are both confused as to what she meant and unsure of whether she is dead or merely unconscious. Right as Pixie goes to get help from Shadowcat, the Institute is attacked by Exodus and his Acolytes. After examining her, Exodus states that Blindfold is dead and she is no longer a priority to them and they continue on to look for Destiny's Diaries", "id": "13041111" }, { "contents": "Armor (comics)\n\n\nBattle Royale which determined who will train to be an X-Man. Hisako later appeared alongside the New X-Men when the Acolytes attack the mansion. Her appearance is extremely brief and with no dialogue. She is recognizable only because she \"Armors up\" during the fight. Hisako finds classmate Blindfold \"crying\" in the restroom. While trying to comfort Blindfold, Blindfold tries to convince Hisako that they are soon \"to lose another one,\" as Wolverine, believing he is a defenseless child due to the manipulations", "id": "20442894" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Vietnam\n\n\nCapital punishment is a legal penalty in Vietnam. Twenty-nine articles in the Penal Code allow the death penalty as an optional punishment. Executions were once carried out by a firing squad of seven policemen, where the prisoners were blindfolded and tied to stakes. The firing squad was replaced by lethal injection in November 2011 after the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments (in article 59(1)) was passed by the National Assembly. The drugs used to execute prisoners are produced domestically. The first execution conducted by lethal injection was of", "id": "15021265" }, { "contents": "Switching Channels\n\n\nto see Ike executed to improve his political image to the public, Ridnitz orders Warden Terwilliger to move up the execution to 10:00 pm, under the pretense of ongoing riots and bomb threats. Ridnitz further decides to invite the media to televise the execution live. At the prison, reporters crowd the execution chamber. As Ike is blindfolded and strapped into the chair, Ridnitz and Warden Terwilliger stand by to press the buttons that will send the electrical currents. However, when the buttons are pressed, the power goes out due to", "id": "704240" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nwhat had caused the changing futures but she could see that a mountain retreat in Tibet would hold some of the answers. A team of X-Men travelled to Tibet and found the retreat, but they discovered dozens of bodies littering the landscape. They quickly realized that David had caused it and Blindfold could now feel him and how scared he was. They set off after him but, as they continued along his trail, they kept on finding more bodies of the people who got in his way. None of them realized", "id": "13041124" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nastral projection attacked her and stole half of her powers, leaving her \"broken\". When telepathically projecting herself into Legion's mind in the same issue, Blindfold did not demonstrate this speech pattern, instead speaking in a normal manner and acting with more confidence than is usually the case. Given that she is both a telepath and a precognitive, she often answers questions before they are asked and responds to comments before they are spoken aloud. As a result, she tends to turn what would ordinarily be a two-way", "id": "13041165" }, { "contents": "Inertial navigation system\n\n\nreference frame. Performing integration on the inertial accelerations (using the original velocity as the initial conditions) using the correct kinematic equations yields the inertial velocities of the system and integration again (using the original position as the initial condition) yields the inertial position. In our example, if the blindfolded passenger knew how the car was pointed and what its velocity was before he was blindfolded and if he is able to keep track of both how the car has turned and how it has accelerated and decelerated since, then he can accurately", "id": "5128468" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (1966 film)\n\n\nto the United States Government for which he is sworn to secrecy. A patient once psychoanalyzed by Dr. Snow is a government scientist who evidently has had a mental breakdown. General Pratt hides the patient, Arthur Vincenti, in a remote place known only as \"Base X,\" forcing Dr. Snow to wear a blindfold whenever he is taken there by airplane and car. Enemy agents and an organisation who kidnap and sell scientists to the highest bidder want to know what Vincenti knows, so he is in danger. The patient's", "id": "6847084" }, { "contents": "2004 Iranian seizure of Royal Navy personnel\n\n\nand boats of the British personnel were confiscated and have not been returned. They were released unharmed three days later, on 24 June, after the British and Iranian governments agreed there had been a misunderstanding. Their equipment was not returned and a rigid inflatable boat (RIB) was put on display in a museum in Tehran. During their detention, according to former detainee Marine Scott Fallon, they endured a mock execution in which they were marched into the desert and made to stand blindfolded in front of a ditch while their captors", "id": "22016328" }, { "contents": "Cyprian\n\n\ntablet: \"It is the sentence of this court that Thascius Cyprianus be executed with the sword.\" \"Cyprian\": \"Thanks be to God.” The execution was carried out at once in an open place near the city. A vast multitude followed Cyprian on his last journey. He removed his garments without assistance, knelt down, and prayed. After he blindfolded himself, he was beheaded by the sword. The body was interred by Christians near the place of execution. Cyprian's works were edited in volumes", "id": "17110430" }, { "contents": "Blindfold\n\n\nA blindfold (from Middle English \"\") is a garment, usually of cloth, tied to one's head to cover the eyes to disable the wearer's sight. While a properly fitted blindfold prevents sight even if the eyes are open, a poorly tied or trick blindfold may let the wearer see around or even through the blindfold. Blindfolds can be used in various applications: Use of a blindfold is said to enhance the remaining senses of the wearer, focusing attention on sound, smells and physical contact. This increased awareness", "id": "2026887" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\ncontrol them, she started absorbing every living thing around her into one homogenous mass. When Blindfold saw it, she immediately thought that this was going to be the incident that would end either David or her. David was immediately absorbed into the growing mass and he begged Ruth to kill him with Magik's soulsword. Knowing what would happen if she didn’t, Ruth reluctantly picked up the blade and prepared to stab him, only to be stopped when a hand grabbed hers. When she turned around, Ruth saw Luca,", "id": "13041148" }, { "contents": "Magnus Carlsen\n\n\n. ... Kasparov gave me a great deal of practical help.\" In 2012, when asked what he learnt from working with Kasparov, Carlsen answered: \"Complex positions. That was the most important thing.\" Carlsen shared first place alongside Ivanchuk in the Amber blindfold and rapid tournament. Scoring 6½/11 in the blindfold and 8/11 in the rapid, Carlsen accumulated 14½ from a possible 22 points. In May it was revealed that Carlsen had helped Anand prepare for the World Chess Championship 2010 against challenger Veselin Topalov, which Anand won", "id": "5447092" }, { "contents": "Augen auf!\n\n\nhands outstretched, the mother wanders into a small windowless cell, where her son is standing. He is holding a small gift-wrapped box, perhaps one of his birthday gifts. His mother removes her blindfold and her eyes widen in fear at the sight of her son standing there. What happens to her from then is unknown, however there is a short split-second shot of her hand limply dropping the blindfold she was holding. The next shot shows a young boy sitting underneath a staircase, perhaps in a basement", "id": "7158068" }, { "contents": "Herbert Burden\n\n\n306 short stakes to represent the number of executed men. The statue itself is based on Burden as he may have stood at the execution post: \"bare-headed. blindfolded, a disc pinned over his heart and hands tied behind his back\", and the stakes represent those that the condemned man was tied to before being shot. Six trees in front of the statue symbolise the assembled firing squad. The statue was erected at the Arboretum on the 85th anniversary of Burden's execution. It was designed to \"represent", "id": "21329922" }, { "contents": "NBC News team kidnapping in Syria\n\n\nthe rebels who accompanied the crew. During their captivity near the village of Ma'arrat Misrin, they remained physically unharmed, but were blindfolded and bound, and were subjected to mock executions. The kidnappers had talked \"openly about their loyalty to the government\" of Syrian president Assad, and that they wanted to exchange them for four Iranian agents and two Lebanese member of the Amal Movement. He said he therefore had \"a very good idea\" about who his captors were: members of the Shabiha militia, who are loyal to", "id": "10599901" }, { "contents": "Billy the Fish\n\n\ntaken the league right on the state of half time. During the interval, Bongo manager Terry Vegetables asks Billy to sign for Bongo for £10,000. Billy accepts and signs, however, hearing a laugh from Vegetables, he discovers he has been tricked! He has actually signed a written confession to crimes perpetuated against the Botslavian state! The punishment is death! Terry gives an order and two guards grab Billy's arms. Before long, Billy is blindfolded and tied to an execution post at a Botslavia death camp. The", "id": "11357966" }, { "contents": "Grini detention camp\n\n\nairborne troops sent by glider to sabotage the Norsk Hydro heavy-water plant during Operation Freshman crashed in Norway due to foul weather. The five uninjured survivors were taken prisoner and held at Grini concentration camp until 18 January 1943, when they were taken to nearby woods, blindfolded and shot in the back of the head by the Gestapo. This was a war crime, in breach of the Geneva Convention. Executions normally took place at Akershus Fortress or Trandumskogen. Camps in other parts of Norway, including Fannrem, Kvænangen and Bardufoss", "id": "1612892" }, { "contents": "Phyllis Diller\n\n\nin films such as \"Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number!\", \"Eight on the Lam\", and \"The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell\", all critically panned, but \"Boy...\" did well at the box office. Diller accompanied Hope to Vietnam in 1966 with his USO troupe during the height of the Vietnam War. She appeared regularly as a special guest on many television programs, including \"What's My Line?\" Mystery Guests. The blindfolded panel on that evening's broadcast", "id": "550396" }, { "contents": "Deeside College\n\n\ncollapse of its textile industries and the transformation of its aerospace manufacturing; Courtaulds Textiles had gone, Hawker Siddeley came and went and British Aerospace was born and matured into what is now Airbus UK. This raised questions as to the purpose of Deeside College from 1993; what was its mission and how would it handle its new found status of independence. 1996 - 2003 Deeside College Wil Edmunds joined Deeside College as Principal/Chief Executive in 1997 during a time of great upheaval following major changes to the funding systems implemented by the Further", "id": "1106349" }, { "contents": "Back in Business (Desperate Housewives)\n\n\nhe can see his son more, Mike moves back to Wisteria Lane to where Paul and Mary Alice Young once lived. Gabrielle is desperate to rekindle her sex life with Carlos so tries to arrange play dates with Juanita's friend, Bethany. While away, Gaby is curious to know what blind sex is like for Carlos, so she blindfolds herself when they have sex. To their horror, Juanita has come home early and is standing at the end of the bed when Gaby takes the blindfold off. They make up a", "id": "11347969" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nnow in possession of a body constructed out of metal. Luca had foreseen what was about to happen and was there to make sure it would go exactly the way he wanted it to. Once again, though, David had played everyone for fools and everything had been part of one big plan. He broke free of the mass, stopped Luca from killing Ruth and then destroyed his body once again. Blindfold was confused but David explained he needed to draw Luca out so he decided to make it seem his prophecy was coming", "id": "13041149" }, { "contents": "Ángel García Hernández\n\n\nThey chose to die while facing the firing squad without blindfolds. In Madrid the Prime Minister General Damaso Berenguer declared, \"The Palace was fully convinced that the exemplary executions of Galán and García Hernández will prevent the spread of revolutionary ideas in the Army.\" This proved to be fatally mistaken. The execution provoked outrage against the regime. The poet Rafael Alberti wrote later, Within four months the massive popular demonstrations arising from the execution led to the fall of the monarchy. Galán and García Hernández became heroes of the Second Republic", "id": "14628603" }, { "contents": "Faisal bin Musaid\n\n\ntried. A sharia court found Faisal guilty of the king's murder on 18 June, and his public execution occurred hours later. His brother Bandar was imprisoned for one year and later released. Cars with loudspeakers drove around Riyadh publicly announcing the verdict and his imminent execution, and crowds gathered in the square. Faisal was led by a soldier to the execution point and was reported to have walked unsteadily. Wearing white robes and blindfolded, Faisal was beheaded with a single sweep of a gold-handled sword. Aside from the", "id": "16097792" }, { "contents": "Danuta Siedzikówna\n\n\n\"Inka\" and \"Zagończyk\" the last rites. According to Father Prusak both prisoners were calm before their execution. Siedzikówna, after taking the Sacrament of Penance, asked the priest to inform her family of her death and gave him their address. Afterward the two were executed in the basement of the prison, tied to wooden stakes. They both refused blindfolds. When the prosecutor gave the order for the execution squad to fire, both prisoners simultaneously shouted (in Polish) \"Long Live Poland!\" She remained alive", "id": "2812824" }, { "contents": "Sanité Bélair\n\n\nthe Artibonite department. Répussard launched a surprise attack on Corail-Mirrault, and captured Sanité Bélair. Her husband turned himself over as well to avoid being separated from her. Both were sentenced to death, her spouse was to be executed by firing squad and she by decapitation because of her sex. She watched Bélair's execution, where he calmly asked her to die bravely, and went to her own execution as calm as he, refusing to wear a blindfold. Sanité Bélair is considered as one of the heroes of the", "id": "3787467" }, { "contents": "Sri Lanka's Killing Fields\n\n\nby Sri Lankan soldiers showed scenes of blindfolded victims being executed and dead bodies of naked women being dragged onto trucks by soldiers as they made lewd remarks about the victims. The documentary also included interviews with civilians who managed to survive the conflict, United Nations staff based in Sri Lanka during the conflict, human rights organisations and an international law expert. The documentary was made by ITN Productions and presented by Jon Snow, of Channel 4 News. The Sri Lankan government has denounced the documentary as a fake and the Defence Ministry produced", "id": "14678093" }, { "contents": "Alleged war crimes during the final stages of the Sri Lankan Civil War\n\n\n\"They shot people at random. Stabbed people. Raped them. Cut out their tongues, cut women's breasts off. I saw people soaked in blood.\" In October 2010 the Global Tamil Forum (GTF), an umbrella group for Tamil diaspora groups, published photographs that appeared to show the massacre of civilians and execution of Tamil Tigers. The photos showed blood stained bodies of young men and women with blindfolds and hands tied behind their backs. The GTF could not verify the authenticity of the photographs. It had", "id": "19828365" }, { "contents": "Feliza Bursztyn\n\n\ncharacters coexisted completing themselves, providing depth and even from different points of view. However, a degree of sadness and bad omen prevailed in space. If we take into account the events that led to Bursztyn's exile, each character under the \"Baila\" fabrics was a hint of what would happen during those years with many Colombians blindfolded and interrogated, subjected to an absurd and endless mechanism. From this perspective, the exhibition space was social and political: the victims were on a platform to be observed by the public with", "id": "1689000" }, { "contents": "Rockslide (comics)\n\n\nfrom the Facility. He helped with great enthusiasm during the fight, and in the aftermath, made fun of Shadowcat and her powers, saying that being an X-Man must be \"really hard\". Kitty then jokingly threatened to kill him. Santo and the other students were captured by Belasco, and taken to Limbo. While hiding from Belasco, along with Blindfold, Match, Loa, Anole, Wolf Cub, Pixie, and Gentle, Santo was unsure what to do. As demons approached the group, Santo", "id": "20150729" }, { "contents": "Cash and Carry (TV series)\n\n\nworth $5, $10, or $15. Other tasks were stunts, such as a husband and wife having to work together for a common goal (such as the wife, blindfolded, having to feed her husband). Home viewers could call in during the show to guess what was hidden under a barrel. No episodes are known to exist, as almost all television broadcasts from the first year of United States network television are lost due to a lack of means to preserve such content. The known exceptions are", "id": "3312712" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\nand Cyclops tell Blindfold they believe the X-Men, who are currently presumed dead while trapped in the \"Age of X-Man\", are still alive, but Blindfold warns them both about their future actions, and says the X-Men will die before disappearing. Due to Blinfold's cryptic words Cyclops asks Jamie Madrox to find Blindfold, and he does. Though she's in hiding, Blindfold allows Madrox to tell Cyclops where she is, but by the time he arrives, it's too late, Blindfold", "id": "13041157" }, { "contents": "Blindfold chess\n\n\nBlindfold chess (also known as sans voir) is a form of chess play wherein the players do not see the positions of the pieces or touch them. This forces players to maintain a mental model of the positions of the pieces. Moves are communicated via a recognized chess notation. Blindfold chess was considered miraculous for centuries, but now there is greater recognition of people who can keep track of more than one simultaneous blindfolded game. In simultaneous blindfold play, an intermediary usually relays the moves between the players. Blindfold chess was", "id": "8617767" }, { "contents": "Monte Cazazza\n\n\n, MMFilms with Michelle Handelman and various soundtrack recordings. Cazazza sent out photos of himself in an electric chair on the day of convicted murderer Gary Gilmore's execution. One of these was mistakenly printed in a Hong Kong newspaper as the real execution. Cazazza was also photographed alongside COUM Transmissions/Throbbing Gristle members Genesis P-Orridge and Cosey Fanni Tutti for the \"Gary Gilmore Memorial Society\" postcard, in which the three artists posed blindfolded and tied to chairs with actual loaded guns pointed at them to depict Gilmore's execution.", "id": "3001938" }, { "contents": "Shin Dong-hyuk\n\n\n1996, after approximately seven months spent in a tiny concrete prison cell, he was released and joined by his father, who had also been imprisoned. They were driven back to the main camp wearing blindfolds and their hands tied behind their backs. Camp officials then forced Shin and his father to watch the public executions of Shin's mother and brother; he then understood he had been responsible for the executions. Shin stated that at the time of the executions of his brother and mother, in his teenaged mind he felt they", "id": "4570697" }, { "contents": "Executive Residence\n\n\nto the Second Floor. The Grand Staircase was moved into this area during the 1902 renovation. Although architect James Hoban included space for the East Room in his 1792 plans for the White House, it was unclear what purpose the room should fulfill. The room's floor was finished after President John Adams moved in, but the walls remained bare brick and First Lady Abigail Adams famously hung her laundry to dry in it. Thomas Jefferson furnished the room with some chairs during his administration, and had the room partitioned (using canvas", "id": "5353410" }, { "contents": "Pixie (X-Men)\n\n\nare sucked into the realm of Limbo, where they were immediately attacked by a mob of demons. Pixie stays by Blindfold's side during the fight, and Blindfold cautions Pixie and the others that Pixie must not \"fall to darkness.\" Pixie uses her powers on-panel for the first time during the fight, incapacitating several demons with her \"pixie dust.\" After Darkchilde saves the small group, she asks N'astirh to bring Pixie to her, recognizing that Pixie's soul is the most innocent and therefore the most", "id": "3434835" }, { "contents": "Alleged war crimes during the final stages of the Sri Lankan Civil War\n\n\nmilitary. On 25 August 2009 Britain's Channel 4 News broadcast mobile phone video of gunmen alleged to be Sri Lankan soldiers apparently summarily executing eight bound and blindfolded Tamil men at point-blank range in January 2009. The video was alleged to have been taken by a Sri Lankan government soldier and to have been circulating amongst soldiers before \"Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka\", a group of exiled Sri Lankan journalists, obtained it. The Sri Lankan government rejected the video footage, calling it a fabrication. It established a", "id": "19828358" }, { "contents": "Alleged war crimes during the final stages of the Sri Lankan Civil War\n\n\nthe dead body of Prabhakaran's son. Some of the photos showed naked bodies with blindfolds and hands tied behind their backs. They appear to have been executed. Al Jazeera could not verify the authenticity of the photographs. It had obtained them from Tamils who said they had obtained the photos from someone in the Sri Lankan military. The Sri Lankan government reacted by calling the photos lies and fabrications. It claimed that some of the photos were the same as those broadcast by Channel 4 News in May 2010. Amnesty International reacted", "id": "19828367" }, { "contents": "Lost (game show)\n\n\nto teams. Contestants were blindfolded and dropped off with a single camera person in a remote location of an unknown country to find their way back to their home country. The U.S. version of the show was produced by Conaco, a production company owned by Conan O'Brien. Sports broadcaster Al Trautwig was the narrator. Teams were given no money until they managed to figure out what country they were in. During the first set, the teams were abandoned in Mongolia. In the second set, the teams were abandoned in Bolivia.", "id": "11076679" }, { "contents": "Arthur Curley\n\n\nthat a strong commitment to collection building based on community needs was essential at every library and he was fiercely critical of \"libraries [that] lowered their collection building sights in the name of resource-sharing or 'access over ownership'\". His belief in the power of libraries as valuable community institutions was enormous. During a speech he remarked, \"I have always felt that I could go into any town, community, hamlet anywhere in this country, and if you blindfolded me so I didn’t know what community", "id": "263639" }, { "contents": "Distributed computing\n\n\nTuring machines can be used as abstract models of a sequential general-purpose computer executing such an algorithm. The field of concurrent and distributed computing studies similar questions in the case of either multiple computers, or a computer that executes a network of interacting processes: which computational problems can be solved in such a network and how efficiently? However, it is not at all obvious what is meant by \"solving a problem\" in the case of a concurrent or distributed system: for example, what is the task of the algorithm", "id": "8431460" }, { "contents": "Francisco Lupi\n\n\nFrancisco Lupi (died January 1954) was a Portuguese chess master. In January 1940, he lost a game to Alexander Alekhine in Estoril (it was a blindfold simultaneous display, Alekhine played blindfold against eight of the best Portuguese players). In February 1940, he drew a game with Alekhine in Estoril (simultaneous display). Lupi was a noted Portuguese player during World War II. During the forties and early fifties, he played tournaments and many simultaneous exhibitions in Spain. In Spring 1945, he lost a match against", "id": "13796756" }, { "contents": "Rubik's Cube\n\n\nways: In Blindfolded Solving, the contestant first studies the scrambled cube (i.e., looking at it normally with no blindfold), and is then blindfolded before beginning to turn the cube's faces. Their recorded time for this event includes both the time spent memorizing the cube and the time spent manipulating it. In Multiple Blindfolded, all of the cubes are memorised, and then all of the cubes are solved once blindfolded; thus, the main challenge is memorising many – often ten or more – separate cubes. The event", "id": "6391977" }, { "contents": "Execution of Charles I\n\n\nthe execution for many purposes: from comedy as in \"\", to period drama as in \"To Kill a King\". The subject of the execution, though, has suffered from a notable lack of serious scholarship throughout the modern era; perhaps partly out of what Jason Peacey, a leading figure in the scholarship of Charles I's execution, has called a discomfort at \"such a thoroughly ‘un-English’ project as removing the head of their monarch\". This stigma has slowly been lifted, as academic", "id": "11452771" }, { "contents": "Capital punishment in Indonesia\n\n\nexhausted through the trial court, two appellate courts, and consideration of clemency by the President. Prisoners and their families are notified 72 hours in advance of their pending execution. They are usually transferred to Nusa Kambangan island. They are woken up in the middle of the night and taken to a remote (and undisclosed) location and executed by firing squad. The method has not changed since 1964. The blindfolded prisoner is led to a grassy area where they have an option to sit or stand. The armed soldiers shoot at", "id": "20923568" }, { "contents": "White cane\n\n\npassed in December 1930 in Peoria, Illinois granting blind pedestrians protections and the right-of-way while carrying a white cane. The long cane was improved upon by World War II veterans rehabilitation specialist, Richard E. Hoover, at Valley Forge Army Hospital. In 1944, he took the Lions Club white cane (originally made of wood) and went around the hospital blindfolded for a week. During this time he developed what is now the standard method of \"long cane\" training or the Hoover Method. He is now", "id": "16439961" }, { "contents": "Bedrooms and Hallways\n\n\nis not interested into \"couply\" things, despite Darren's attempts. Eventually this leads to them having sex with handcuffs and blindfolds in the bedroom of the house which Sally has on the market, during which she unexpectedly returns home. Jeremy abandons Darren, who dumps him. Leo gets close once more with Sally, and ends up kissing her. Feeling guilty, he leaves in a panic, and ends up telling Brendan what happened, who goes ballistic as he still has feelings for Sally. Leo finds himself in a", "id": "17065046" }, { "contents": "Counter-Guerrilla\n\n\nwas brigadier general Memduh Ünlütürk, working under Lieutenant General Turgut Sunalp, who was reporting to the Commander of the First Army, General Faik Türün. The latter two generals were Korean War veterans who had served in the Operations Department (). The interrogation techniques they used in Ziverbey were inspired by what they had seen done to Korean and Chinese POWs during the Korean War. Prisoners were bound and blindfolded. Intellectuals such as İlhan Selçuk (one of the 9 March conspirators) and Uğur Mumcu were tortured there. Several Ziverbey victims", "id": "6896189" }, { "contents": "Petre Gheorghe\n\n\n, \"Long live Free Romania\" and obscene words addressed to the Germans. He was then blindfolded and shot by an execution squad. According to an eyewitness, Gheorghe and Atanasoff were laid in coffins prepared beforehand, and buried under headstones which carried the text: \"Executed as communists fighting against our fatherland in the interest of Bolshevism\". By summer 1944, with Romania losing the war on the Eastern Front, Gheorghiu-Dej reemerged from prison to assist in the anti-fascist coup. He also staged a party coup", "id": "10835115" }, { "contents": "Gaston de Raousset-Boulbon\n\n\nThey were defeated in Guaymas by a small army led by Jose Maria Yanez, in the Battle of Guaymas, on July 13, 1854. On August 13, 1854 the Count Raousset-Boulbon was executed by a firing squad in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. He refused to wear a blindfold. Don José Márquez, an eye-witness to the execution, stated that Raousset-Boulbon's remains were buried in Guaymas until 1866, when, while Mexico was under the rule of Maximilian, they were exhumed by French naval", "id": "15858891" } ]
How much does a guilty criminal confess for his/her lawyer?
[{"answer": "It depends on the person really. Some people will admit things and let us do our jobs. Other think they only need to outsmart their own lawyers and the issues will go away, because they think the prosecution and judge won't care for some reason. A lot of them spend much of the time trying to fool us or convince us, and get upset when we point out obvious flaws in their stories. Most people will tell a distorted version of the truth, which contains both admissions and twists to make it 'excusable'. Of course what they think is 'excusable' is often totally different to what the law thinks."}, {"answer": "If you want the best possible defense from your lawyer, don't admit your crime to them. It's up to the state to prove you guilty, not your lawyer to prove you innocent. So keep your trap shut. A defense attorney cannot lie to the court. Even though you are paying them, they are still an officer of the court."}, {"answer": "You tell the lawyer everything because speech between you and your lawyer is privileged and cannot under nearly every circumstance be used against you. Lieing in court is a good way to end up in jail for perjury."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "60006", "title": "Police perjury", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Police perjury (or testilying in United States police slang) is the act of a police officer giving false testimony. It is typically used in a criminal trial to \"make the case\" against a defendant believed by the police to be guilty when irregularities during the suspect's arrest or search threaten to result in acquittal.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Police perjury (or testilying in United States police slang) is the act of a police officer giving false testimony. It is typically used in a criminal trial to \"make the case\" against a defendant believed by the police to be guilty when irregularities during the suspect's arrest or search threaten to result in acquittal.", "Police perjury (or testilying in United States police slang) is the act of a police officer giving false testimony. It is typically used in a criminal trial to \"make the case\" against a defendant believed by the police to be guilty when irregularities during the suspect's arrest or search threaten to result in acquittal."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Confession (law)\n\n\nenough to absolve oneself. This aspect concerning moral guilt has been carried on in various legislative codes, in which a criminal is considered worse if he does not confess to his crimes. In Japan, the legal requirements dictate that confession is admissible as evidence only if it contains elements only the guilty could have known. However, many miscarriage of justice cases in Japan are due to the police faking the confession of guilty secrets. On one hand, confessions obtained under torture have often been considered to be not objective enough, since", "id": "3643955" }, { "contents": "Indonesian criminal procedure\n\n\nstations mysteriously close when lawyers visit their clients. This prevents the counsel from communicating with his client, undermining the suspect’s right to counsel. The police can abuse its powers to detain a suspect by using threats of detention to pressure a suspect to confess that he is guilty. In addition, the KUHAP does not ensure that detainees are brought to court promptly. Under the KUHAP, a suspect can be detained for up to 60 days without judicial intervention. For example, if the police detains a suspect for 20 days under", "id": "14204335" }, { "contents": "List of material published by WikiLeaks\n\n\n, but that they have nonetheless \"taken steps to arrange for (Manning's) protection and legal defence.\" On 21 June Julian Assange told \"The Guardian\" that WikiLeaks had hired three US criminal lawyers to defend Manning but that they had not been given access to her. On 28 February 2013, Manning confessed in open court to providing vast archives of military and diplomatic files to WikiLeaks. She pleaded guilty to 10 criminal counts in connection with the huge amount of material she leaked, which included videos of airstrikes in", "id": "14165330" }, { "contents": "Fox (film)\n\n\nhad dubious morals. The victim's parents confront Arjun outside the courthouse, cursing him for his lack of a conscience. Later Raj confesses to Arjun that he is guilty; when Arjun is disturbed by his friend's lack of shame, Raj points out that Arjun's success comes from defending wealthy criminals like him. At home, Arjun calls his girlfriend and fellow lawyer Urvashi (Sagarika Ghatge). A shadowy figure carrying a gun sneaks up on Arjun, but they retreat when they hear Arjun confess over the phone that he", "id": "18704675" }, { "contents": "The Storyteller (Picoult novel)\n\n\n's voice tells her how difficult it will be to be able to verify that Josef is in fact telling the truth, and how it will be even more difficult to convict him of his crimes. Leo is also skeptical of her story as he does not believe that a Nazi would simply confess his crimes 70 years later. Leo investigates 'Josef Weber' and finds that no such SS guard by that name existed, but under much coaxing from Sage, Josef confesses his real name was Reiner Hartmann, who was indeed an", "id": "13166337" }, { "contents": "Asintado (season 2)\n\n\nall her moves, anticipating Salvador's reaction to her treachery. She leaves her cellphone at Hilary's house, containing her confession video, admitting to her crimes and Salvador's full participation and mastermind of all the murders, illegal firearms dealing and criminal activities. She also leaves instructions with her lawyer to execute if she was killed. The lawyer is instructed to contact Ana. Armed with Miranda's full confession and the documents left with her lawyer as evidence, Ana and Miranda's lawyer, together with Hilary and the police,", "id": "4675610" }, { "contents": "Star Reporter\n\n\nJust as he's about to get the goods on the criminal kingpin, lawyer Whittaker (Clay Clement), there is another murder. Little does John suspect that the confessed killer, Joe Draper (Morgan Wallace) and his own mother, Mrs. Julia Randolph (Virginia Howell) have their own deep, dark secret, from the past: the true identity of her long, lost, already declared dead, husband; and, John's real father. Whittaker and his mobsters will do anything to close the case. They", "id": "15467802" }, { "contents": "Michael Moldaver\n\n\nenjoyed his criminal law classes in law school. In addition, he also admired the television show Perry Mason, which was based on a fictional charismatic criminal defence lawyer. Moldaver stated that the thought of \"being able to defend a person charged with murder, who was innocent, and have the real culprit confess after a blistering cross-examination was too much for [him] to resist\". His passion for criminal law crystallized during his time with Martin, whom he later described as the \"Dean of criminal law in", "id": "20455798" }, { "contents": "Koi Mere Dil Mein Hai\n\n\nmarriage eve a guilty Raj confess to Sameer about how he and Simran had managed to separate him from Asha. Sameer forgives Raj and ask him to go ahead with this marriage and he also requests him not to reveal truth to Asha as it may break her completely. Simran who is also ashamed and guilty confesses to Sameer that she has realized her true love for Raj though it's too late. After the marriage, Raj confesses to Asha that he has realized his true feelings for Simran; only to be surprised that the", "id": "5490499" }, { "contents": "Eric Edgar Cooke\n\n\ndetails of his crimes irrespective of how long ago he had committed the offences. For example, he confessed to more than 250 burglaries and was able to detail exactly what he took, including the number and denominations of the coins he had stolen from each location. \"Presumed Guilty\" includes Cooke's confession, made over two days in September 1963 at Fremantle Prison to his Legal Aid lawyer Desmond Heenan. \"I have a great respect for the law, although my actions don't show this,\" Cooke said. Cooke", "id": "2573258" }, { "contents": "The Confession of Sultana Daku\n\n\nto the gallows, he has a change of heart and he requests for Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Pearce, the officer who played a major role in capturing him. The officer, readily enthusiastic of Indian culture, always keeps a paper and a pencil ready, so it does not take Sultana much to pursue him to record his biography, and that's necessary because he would like his clansmen, especially his son to know how he felt and thought through his hefty upheavals throughout the ups and downs of his meteoric criminal life. Here", "id": "5095100" }, { "contents": "Indiana v. Edwards\n\n\nthe proceedings, and must be able to rationally assist his lawyer in defending him. In \"Faretta v. California\", , the Court held that a criminal defendant cannot be forced to have a lawyer if he does not wish it, but that before the defendant relinquishes his right to counsel the trial judge must ensure that the defendant understands the \"dangers and disadvantages\" of representing himself. With the decision in \"Godinez v. Moran\", , the Court held that a defendant may plead guilty (and thereby waive both", "id": "22108205" }, { "contents": "Murder of Holly Bobo\n\n\nkidnapping. Those sentences are set to run concurrently, meaning he will serve 35 years without parole. Dylan entered an Alford plea, a type of guilty plea where the defendant does not admit to the criminal act and maintains his innocence but concedes that the prosecution's case may result in a guilty verdict. Despite confessions from Autry, Austin, and Dylan Adams, all men arrested for the crime have vehemently denied involvement in the disappearance at some point and have accused the state of coercive tactics. Early in the case, Autry", "id": "12929996" }, { "contents": "Nazril Irham\n\n\nbeing in one of three sex videos. Her lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea said her client had confessed to featuring in the video with band lead singer Nazril 'Ariel' Ilham. The confession made as his client did not want to preempt the police's investigation into the case. The sex video prompted an outpouring of criticism from conservative Muslims. Ariel was held in custody from his arrest until his trial, in Bandung, West Java, which began in November 2010. On 31 January 2011 a guilty verdict resulted in three years in", "id": "1660211" }, { "contents": "Insanity in English law\n\n\nbetween \"guilty\" and \"not guilty\" and is able to instruct his lawyers. If he is unable to do these things, he can be found \"unfit to plead\" under Section 4 of the Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964. In that situation, the judge has wide discretion as to what to do with the defendant, except in cases of murder, where he must be detained in hospital. The law in this area is often criticised because it sets a legal standard for insanity that does not match", "id": "9846136" }, { "contents": "Steve Dallas\n\n\nLike most conservatives (and liberals, and others) portrayed in Breathed's work, Steve's political positions do not appear to stem from actual convictions. As a lawyer, Steve took on hopeless cases defending psychotic and obviously guilty criminals and murderers, much to the chagrin of his overbearing mother. On one occasion, he \"did\" win a case (his client had allegedly murdered her husband with an axe), but only because the jury cared more about what the woman wore than whether or not she was innocent (", "id": "13825962" }, { "contents": "Deathbed confession\n\n\ncrime and then dies or their condition worsens, the law does not consider the statement to be hearsay and can be used in a criminal trial. A deathbed confession can be a valuable piece of evidence in a case that may not have much physical evidence. Even criminal confessions that have been secret for years can still be of use, such as in a murder case, because there is no statute of limitations on murder cases. Deathbed confessions can be used to re-open cold cases to benefit the victim's family.", "id": "14919072" }, { "contents": "Wild Tales (film)\n\n\nthe guilty son says that he wants to confess to the crowd gathered outside the house. Frustrated, the father calls off the deal, telling his son to confess. The lawyer renegotiates and the father agrees on a lower price. As José is taken away by the police, the dead woman's husband strikes him repeatedly on the head with a hammer. At a Jewish wedding party, the bride, Romina (Érica Rivas), discovers that her groom, Ariel (Diego Gentile), has cheated on her with one", "id": "16838864" }, { "contents": "Perry Mason\n\n\nPerry Mason is an American fictional character, a criminal defense lawyer who is the main character in works of detective fiction written by Erle Stanley Gardner. Perry Mason is featured in more than 80 novels and short stories, most of which involve a client's murder trial. Typically, Mason establishes his client's innocence (rather than a verdict of 'not guilty') by implicating another character, who then confesses. The character of Perry Mason was adapted for motion pictures and a long-running radio series. These were followed", "id": "15926025" }, { "contents": "Strange Weather (film)\n\n\nfor his life. She puts the gun under her own chin but Mark wrestles it free. He asks her how much money does she want, but she only wants to know how her son died. He explains what he knows, confesses he was always the lonely rich kid and jealous of the love Walker got from Darcy. He stole Walker's plan to prove his worth to his father. As Darcy drives home, she throws Walker's gun in a river. She buries in her backyard the clothes he died in", "id": "6152733" }, { "contents": "Penal Code (Singapore)\n\n\n. On representations being made by the offender's lawyer to the prosecuting authority, the Prosecution may agree to charge the offender with lesser offences provided that he or she agrees to plead guilty to the reduced charges. Some salient aspects of the Penal Code and commonly-encountered criminal offences are described in the sub-sections below. An act does not constitute a criminal offence if any of the following general exceptions applies: (a) his wife was living apart from him — (i) under an interim judgment of divorce not", "id": "14586414" }, { "contents": "English criminal law\n\n\nHe threw her, still alive, in a nearby river, where she drowned. The court held that Mr. Church was not guilty of murder (because he did not ever desire to kill her), but was guilty of manslaughter. The \"chain of events\", his act of throwing her into the water and his desire to hit her, coincided. In this manner, it does not matter when a guilty mind and act coincide, as long as at some point they do. Not all crimes have a mens", "id": "19487480" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Howe\n\n\nbecause Sam becomes complacent about it. In the ninth season, Robin—now a wanted white-collar criminal—surrenders himself to the police and confesses his love for Rebecca. Meanwhile, Sam recovers his ownership of the bar just after the Lillian Corporation fires Rebecca. Sam rehires her as manager. Robin proposes matrimony to Rebecca after he is released from jail, and she accepts. In \"Wedding Bell Blues\" (1991), she questions her feelings for Robin after he loses much of his fortune. In the following", "id": "9442661" }, { "contents": "Losing Isaiah\n\n\nKhaila successfully completes her treatment and confesses to her case worker that she abandoned Isaiah in the alley. Unknown to Khaila, the case worker investigates and discovers Isaiah's adoption. They hire a lawyer, Kadar Lewis (Samuel L. Jackson) to contest the adoption. An ugly court battle ensues, with racial issues demonstrating inadequacies on both sides. The judge overturns the adoption, returning Isaiah to Khaila, much to the Lewins' horror and sadness. Even after weeks pass, a distraught Isaiah does not consider Khaila his mother.", "id": "2796073" }, { "contents": "Tum Bin\n\n\naccident. Pia feels guilty about falling for the man who caused Amar's death and confesses it to Girdhari, who surprises her by speaking for the first time after his son's death. He tells her that Shekhar had told him the truth when he first visited them and he believes Shekhar. Amar's family then makes Pia realize how much Shekhar has done for the family and that he is like Amar to them. Bosco informs them about Shekhar's accident. Abhi tells a skeptical Pia to go back to Shekhar as he", "id": "5750073" }, { "contents": "List of Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl characters\n\n\nthe manga and anime in regard to her level of devotion towards Hazumu and how much she is willing to do to be with her, especially after Hazumu's transformation into a girl. The first instance of this is when Yasuna confesses her love to Hazumu the first day she returns to school as a girl, but in the anime she does not confess to Hazumu after the change and in fact starts to avoid her. Similarly, during the time when Hazumu is shopping for her first bra, Yasuna shows up in the manga", "id": "598093" }, { "contents": "Abergil crime family\n\n\na California court in which Abergil confessed to extortion of over a million dollars from another mob figure. In Israel, he faces criminal charges pending against him in the district court in Petah Tikva over allegations regarding his involvement in an Internet gambling business set up about 10 years ago which operated in many locations in Israel, including Internet cafes, convenience stores, soccer lottery outlets and nightclubs functioning as casinos. According to his lawyer, Abergil's involvement in the alleged activities was marginal. In May 2012, Itzhak Abergil pleaded guilty in", "id": "2944923" }, { "contents": "List of Special A characters\n\n\nHe usually prefers to do things on his own until Hikari shows him how much fun it can be to work together with others. Kei loves Hikari, a fact that he does not deny, and has loved her since they were children. However, he has not confessed his love to her because he knows that Hikari does not understand those feelings and would think that he is referring to a love between friends. Although he is stoic most of the time and always maintains a calm facade, things involving Hikari can bring intense", "id": "4462429" }, { "contents": "Rizana Nafeek\n\n\ncare. Nafeek was accused of murdering the child by smothering him following an argument with his mother. Nafeek claimed that she believed the baby had choked on a bottle by accident during feeding. The baby's parents and Saudi police insisted that Nafeek was guilty of murder. It was revealed that the Dawdami police failed to take the dead infant for a postmortem to determine for certain the cause of its death. According to the Asian Human Rights Commission, \"Nafeek allegedly signed a confession, but her lawyers argue that the confession was", "id": "7752692" }, { "contents": "Death of Gabriel Granillo\n\n\ntrying to leave, while her lawyers stated that Benton gave conflicting information in the confession. This trial resulted in a hung jury. About half of the jury members sided with Benton and the other half were against her after two days of deliberating the case. One of Benton's lawyers stated that five jurors believed Benton was guilty of murder while seven instead wanted to convict her of possession of a prohibited weapon. Magness disputed the lawyer's account but did not say what the outcome was. Devon Anderson, a state district judge", "id": "5773645" }, { "contents": "Sirhan Sirhan\n\n\n\"The People of the State of California v. Sirhan Sirhan\". The judge did not accept his confession and denied his request to withdraw his plea of \"not guilty\" in order to plead \"guilty\". On February 10, 1969, Sirhan's lawyers made a motion in chambers to enter a plea of guilty to first-degree murder in exchange for life imprisonment rather than the death penalty. Sirhan told Judge Herbert V. Walker that he wanted to withdraw his original plea of not guilty in order to plead guilty as", "id": "3595736" }, { "contents": "Ela Cheppanu\n\n\nand boards the plane. Devastated, Priya goes home and gets engaged to Abhi. At the airport arrives inspector Tanikella Bharani, from India in search of the person who killed Amar, and arrests Sekhar. They wait, with Sunil, to board the next flight to India. Sekhar calls Priya and tells her how much he loves her and confesses that it was he who hit her fiancé. While talking to priya, Shekhar meets with an accident. Priya feels guilty about falling for the man who caused Amar's death and", "id": "20299078" }, { "contents": "Scissor Sisters (convicted killers)\n\n\nconfession, Kathleen Mulhall fled the country in September 2005 and gardaí were unable to locate her again until January 2008. She was living in England. Linda and Charlotte were both charged with murder and pleaded not guilty in the Central Criminal Court. Their trial took place in October 2006 with Linda Mulhall being found guilty of manslaughter while her sister Charlotte was found guilty of the murder of Noor. Linda's jury accepted her defence of provocation. Charlotte Mulhall was given the mandatory life sentence and Linda Mulhall was given a 15-year sentence for", "id": "8855306" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Robinson (Neighbours)\n\n\nwhen he tells Mark to back off, but she softens towards Paul when she realises how much he cares for Kate, and they have sex. Paul asks Rebecca to quit her job and move back to Erinsborough to be with him. Seeing how much Paul is trying, Rebecca agrees. However, she tells Susan that she feels guilty about what she did to him and hopes that being with Paul, her guilt will ease. Susan tells Paul, but he does not believe her and thinks Rebecca still loves him. Rebecca", "id": "1119601" }, { "contents": "Cecil McCrory\n\n\nsentencing due to her new hospitalization for additional transplant complications. In April 2016, McCrory informed the court that he wanted to withdraw his plea bargain and change his plea to \"not guilty\", requesting a trial. As a consequence, the judge postponed Epps' sentencing to July 18, 2016. The sentencing of Epps and Brandon businessman McCrory scheduled for July 19, 2016, was delayed by Judge Wingate to give their defense lawyers additional time to review materials concerning how much money was gained by the 15 corporations paying bribes to", "id": "16381014" }, { "contents": "Day of Wrath\n\n\ninformed by Herlof's Marte of her mother's power over people's life and death and becomes intrigued in the matter. Absalon's son from his first marriage, Martin, returns home from abroad and he and Anne are immediately attracted to each other. She does not love her husband and thinks he does not love her. Under torture, Herlof's Marte confesses to witchcraft, defined among other evidence as wishing for the death of other people. She threatens to expose Anne if Absalon does not rescue her from a guilty verdict", "id": "15881715" }, { "contents": "Silent Witness (1985 film)\n\n\n, who does not remember the rape completely. Anna admits to her about the rape, after which Patti presses charges. Kevin and Anna avoid being summoned to testify, which puts a great deal of feeling guilt on Anna's shoulders. She knows that Patti, because of her alcoholic background, can rely only on Anna. During the highly publicized trial, Michael's lawyer Huffman does not have any trouble proving Patti is unreliable. Not much later, it is revealed Patti has committed suicide. Now feeling extremely guilty, Anna", "id": "19435681" }, { "contents": "Brady v. United States\n\n\nv. Jackson\" \"the fact that the Federal Kidnapping Act tends to discourage defendants from insisting upon their innocence and demanding a jury trial by jury hardly implies that every defendant who enters a guilty plea to a charge under the Act does so involuntarily.” By ruling that all guilty pleas entered under § 1201 “would rob the criminal process of much of its flexibility.\" The court ruled that Brady was not coerced by § 1201. He entered his guilty plea with full knowledge and willingness; it was not the court's", "id": "2497508" }, { "contents": "Sentencing in England and Wales\n\n\nSentencing in England and Wales refers to a bench of magistrates or district judge in a magistrate's court or a judge in the Crown Court passing sentence on a person found guilty of a criminal offence. In deciding the sentence, the court will take into account a number of factors: the type of offence and how serious it is, the timing of any plea of guilty, the defendant's character and antecedents, including his/her criminal record and the defendant's personal circumstances such as their financial circumstances in the case of", "id": "6406996" }, { "contents": "Charles Yukl\n\n\n19th, and indicted on September 6. Tanenbaum stated that the district attorney and chief of detectives rushed the arrest rather than set a trap to obtain a free confession, and reported \"aghast\" that Keenan \"goaded a confession\" even after Yukl asked for a lawyer. Lawrence Feitell was eventually appointed by the court as his lawyer, and Yukl struck another bargain on June 3, 1976, to plead guilty and accept a sentence of fifteen years to life. On August 21, 1982, Yukl barricaded himself in his Clinton", "id": "8600492" }, { "contents": "Willy Roper\n\n\ndiscovery, but immediately returns to Walford the following day after he confesses his undying love for her. Back in Walford, a furious Pauline is then persuaded by Mark to extract a confession from Willy. She lures him over under the pretence that she wants to rekindle their friendship. On their night alone, Pauline plies Willy with alcohol and seduces the truth from him. Willy — momentarily believing that his criminal genius will impress Pauline — confesses to embezzlement and tells her how he had managed to frame Arthur. The police are informed", "id": "3120826" }, { "contents": "Deathrow (film)\n\n\ndrug business. When a high official visited the prison, Sonny confessed to him about the drug business. Gabino exacts revenge by giving Sonny a severe beating. Sonny was also raped and tortured. Sonny sought the help of Gina (Jaclyn Jose), a public attorney who also handles the case of Lolo Sinat, to appeal his case. Lolo Sinat does not trust Gina, often calling her a stupid lawyer. Gina retaliated and told the old man that he doesn't know how to love. Lolo Sinat tells Sonny about", "id": "6391225" }, { "contents": "Death of Gabriel Granillo\n\n\nOn June 6, 2006, a teenage MS-13 gang member named Gabriel Granillo was stabbed to death at Ervan Chew Park, in the Neartown district in Houston, Texas. His killer, Ashley Paige Benton, underwent a criminal murder trial which resulted in a hung jury. Benton's lawyers and the assistant Harris County district attorney agreed to give Benton probation in exchange for Benton pleading guilty to aggravated assault. Her probation was ended early in 2009, and her criminal charge was to be dismissed as part of terms of successfully completing her", "id": "5773630" }, { "contents": "Crime in the United Kingdom\n\n\nCrown, who in this case is the prosecutor, to prove that the defendant is guilty. A defendant is innocent until proven guilty, much like in the United States. In order to prove guilt, the jury must return a majority verdict. Overall you can see how different the Scotland legal system is from others in the United Kingdom. In Northern Ireland, magistrates' courts hear less-serious criminal cases and conduct preliminary hearings in more serious criminal cases. The Crown Court in Northern Ireland hears more serious criminal cases.", "id": "552190" }, { "contents": "Willem Holleeder\n\n\nlaw, Cor van Hout. His sister Astrid, a criminal lawyer, feared that Holleeder plans to assassinate her, and so she proposed to assist in his prosecution. While visiting him in prison she secretly recorded his confession and handed it to the police. In July 2019, the Court in Amsterdam convicted Holleeder after a lengthy and extensive trial at the age of 61 to life emprisonment for the involvement in a series of five murders, including on his former friend and criminal associate Cor van Hout, and one case of manslaughter", "id": "16571503" }, { "contents": "Hero (2001 TV series)\n\n\nmay help her chances but at the beginning of the series comes to detest Kuryu. Kuryu doesn't care too much with how he is viewed and only cares about uncovering the truth of criminal allegations. Throughout the series, Kuryu uncovers coerced confessions, unethical legal practices, corruption, obstruction from overzealous cops, sensationalistic media, interference from politicians and well connected, powerful elites. Over the course of the series, his idealism and dogged pursuit for truth and justice ignite a similar passion in his colleagues, especially Amamiya. By the", "id": "15787110" }, { "contents": "The Next Three Days\n\n\ninnocence was fascinating to me because I didn't necessarily want to say whether she was guilty or innocent. I just wanted John to be the only one who believes she's innocent. The evidence is overwhelming. Even his parents think she's probably guilty. Even their own lawyer. Yet he still believed ... and what that level of belief does for someone, how infectious it is. So, those are two things I was playing with. Cavayé told \"The Age\" regarding the remake of the film by Haggis,", "id": "1350580" }, { "contents": "Murder of Donna Jones\n\n\nof survival. Hutt's defence lawyer Lorne Goldstein did not contest that Hutt abused Jones, but pointed out that her many broken bones, bruises and cuts did not cause her death. Goldstein conceded that Hutt had tortured Jones \"beyond comprehension\". The defence presented no witnesses. Hutt pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of criminal negligence causing death. The Crown rejected his plea and argued he was guilty of first-degree murder. A jury took less than a day to deliberate and on June 7, 2013, found Hutt", "id": "9631600" }, { "contents": "Topacio\n\n\nBuitriago appears, because of intrigue by the fiance of Jorge Luis and his (actually Topacio's) aunt. He claims her child, until at his death he confesses to Jorge Luis that nothing ever happened between them and the child is actually the son of Jorge Luis. Only after Jorge Luis realizes how selfish he was towards Topacio, and repents so much he becomes blind, does Dr. Andrade understand that Topacio really loves Jorge Luis and lets her go. Her pending marriage to Dr. Andrade is cancelled and she returns to Jorge", "id": "15623513" }, { "contents": "Criminal Justice (TV series)\n\n\nwas raped but that is revealed not to be the case and that she is pregnant. Only after Juliet gives birth to her second daughter amid fears of separation does she open up about her marriage. Joe's condition, meanwhile, worsens and he dies in hospital. Juliet is charged with murder but pleads not guilty, due to provocation. She is found not guilty after revealing the domestic abuse she suffered at Joe's hands but does, however, plead guilty to manslaughter. Peter Moffat wrote the series, with Steve Lightfoot", "id": "3877586" }, { "contents": "Criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko since 2010\n\n\nCourt closed the case and found that \"no crime was committed\". By November 2011 Tymoshenko was under criminal investigation for ten criminal acts; Ukrainian prosecutors have claimed she has committed more criminal acts. The cases are: In addition Tymoshenko's lawyer Serhiy Vlasenko stood accused of car theft, robbery and failing to obey a court ruling stemming from his divorce. On 11 October 2011, a Ukrainian court sentenced Tymoshenko to seven years in prison after she was found guilty of abusing her office when brokering the 2009 gas deal with Russia", "id": "2107119" }, { "contents": "Re-education through labor\n\n\n. Where detainees have been allowed a trial, their lawyers have faced \"intimidation and abuse,\" according to some reports, and the individuals under trial have sometimes been convicted on the basis of confessions that were coerced through \"torture and severe psychological pressure.\" In at least one instance, convicted individuals were sent to re-education through labor even after being found not guilty in a trial. Most detainees in re-education through labor facilities are reported to be drug users, petty criminals, and prostitutes, as well", "id": "3093405" }, { "contents": "Barry Grant\n\n\nwas firmly pointed towards lawyer Graeme Curtis, a colleague of Sue's who had an unhealthy infatuation with her and had been stalking her. Graeme was charged and found guilty of the double murder and while in prison either took his own life or was himself murdered for being a child killer. Barry later confessed his crime to a priest. Meanwhile, Barry rented out his shops and flats. One of the flats was rented to a mysterious Asian businessman who paid well above the market rate for the flat in return for Barry not", "id": "20680523" }, { "contents": "Darren Miller\n\n\nday he tries to apologise, saying it meant nothing, but Jodie will not listen. Abi finally confesses her feelings to Darren and tries to kiss him, but he rejects her because of her age and because he still loves Jodie. Jodie overhears him telling Abi how much he loves Jodie, and then he tells Jodie that he would change nothing about her and proposes. Darren works for his friend Tamwar Masood (Himesh Patel) as a waiter until Vanessa convinces Max to reemploy Darren, which she does for Jodie's sake", "id": "17973698" }, { "contents": "List of Fruits Basket characters\n\n\nhe is convinced he will cause, so when she confesses she loves him, he rejects her, calling himself \"disillusioned.\" Only when Arisa, Saki, and Yuki impress upon him how deeply his rejection hurt Tohru does he get up the courage to accept her, and when he does finally confess to her, his curse lifts—along with the rest of the zodiac. In the last chapter, he and Tohru move out of Shigure's house and prepare to go to another city, where he will study at", "id": "14652018" }, { "contents": "False confession\n\n\na set of facts establishing that he/she is guilty of the offense. For example, in the United States federal system, before the court enters judgment on a guilty plea, it must determine that there is a factual basis for the plea. False confessions can be categorized into three general types, as outlined by American Saul M. Kassin in an article for \"Current Directions in Psychological Science\": According to the Innocence Project, approximately 25% of convicted criminals who were ultimately exonerated had confessed to the crime. In", "id": "17094160" }, { "contents": "Norfolk Four\n\n\nsaid he felt threatened and treated like a criminal until he was overwhelmed and worn down. His later defense lawyers (as of 2007) said it appeared Ford and other investigators were satisfied with Williams's confession and after they indicted him in August 1997, not much happened in the investigation for several months. The attorneys found no record or evidence that the police ever searched Williams's apartment despite his status as a prime suspect, or tried to recover any evidence, such as blood from the crime scene, his own blood,", "id": "5908029" }, { "contents": "Capturing the Friedmans\n\n\nmovie shows much of this footage: family dinners, conversations and arguments. Arnold's wife, Elaine, was unsure of her husband's guilt and advised him to confess in order to protect their son; she soon divorced him. Arnold Friedman pleaded guilty to multiple charges of sodomy and sexual abuse. According to the Friedman family, he confessed in the hopes that his son would be spared prison time. Jesse Friedman later confessed as well but later claimed he did so to avoid being sent to prison for life. He said", "id": "18673107" }, { "contents": "Rani Kapoor\n\n\nshe does not tell him about the visions. Cherian added \"Rani doesn't want him to think she's going crazy. He's also got his own problems – she's seen how much Priya's death has affected her dad and so she doesn't want to put any more stress on him or burden him with her own issues.\" Ajay reassures Rani that Priya did love her, but Priya's ghost appears once more, making it obvious Rani is still feeling guilty. On 1 May 2013, it was confirmed", "id": "3912843" }, { "contents": "Plea bargaining in the United States\n\n\ncountries, plea bargaining is forbidden. Often, precisely the prisoner's dilemma scenario applies: it is in the interest of both suspects to confess and testify against the other suspect, irrespective of the innocence of the accused. Arguably, the worst case is when only one party is guilty—here, the innocent one is unlikely to confess, while the guilty one is likely to confess and testify against the innocent. The United States Supreme Court has recognized plea bargaining as both an essential and desirable part of the criminal justice system", "id": "7482906" }, { "contents": "Ode to Billy Joe (film)\n\n\nto town to get a bus. On the way she meets Barksdale on the bridge, where he tells her that he is headed to her house to confess to her father and clear her name. She advises him against doing so, noting that revealing the truth would forever tarnish Billy Joe's reputation. He initially holds fast to his desire to confess, but Bobbie Lee calmly stresses that the news would further devastate Billy Joe's family and leave Barksdale himself subject to criminal prosecution. She also assures him that she does not", "id": "2225391" }, { "contents": "Criminal procedure\n\n\nnecessarily admissible on a criminal trial. For example, the victim of a road accident does not directly benefit if the driver who injured him is found guilty of the crime of careless driving. He still has to prove his case in a civil action. In fact he may be able to prove his civil case even when the driver is found not guilty in the criminal trial. If the accused has given evidence on his trial he may be cross-examined on those statements in a subsequent civil action regardless of the criminal verdict", "id": "16636145" }, { "contents": "Marielle Houle\n\n\nHoule placed a mask over his face and slipped a plastic bag over his head. After he had stopped breathing, she called police and confessed to her part in his death. Houle pleaded guilty to a charge of helping her son commit suicide, thus liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years, under the provision of s. 241(b) of the Criminal Code. By the decision of Quebec Superior Court, she was spared jail time and sentenced to three years of probation on 27 January 2006. Justice Maurice Laramée motivated", "id": "3674202" }, { "contents": "James Homer Elledge\n\n\n, not sure if she was dead, he fatally stabbed her in the neck. After hiding the body, Elledge abducted S.C. and drove them home in Ms. Fitzner's car. At his home, he sexually assaulted S.C. and released her the following day. S.C. immediately went to police. Elledge was arrested two days later and confessed. On May 27, 1998 Elledge plead guilty to aggravated first degree murder. He forbade his lawyer from presenting any defense during the penalty phase. When he testified himself he said: \"that", "id": "20603175" }, { "contents": "Phil Mitchell\n\n\nwill always stand by her. Eventually, Phil feels guilty about the crash and drinks alcohol again. He confesses the truth to Shirley, who encourages him to tell Sharon. He does so, and Sharon punches him and insists she will divorce him. Phil begs her to stay, admitting he is dying from cirrhosis. Sharon does not believe him, but tells him to die quickly. No longer wanted by his family, Phil leaves and sleeps in a car. Wanting Louise's address, he discovers that Peggy is back", "id": "13315894" }, { "contents": "List of Dexter characters\n\n\nlip as a sort of revenge for everything that has happened. Before she stands trial, she is confronted by Debra Morgan. Hannah plans to plead \"not guilty\" and that she will confess her crimes when Deb confesses hers. Debra tells Hannah her conscience is clean, to which Hannah replied that she is lieutenant of Miami Metro Homicide but still knows about Dexter's secret and ask her how she can bring her to justice but not her brother. During Hannah's arraignment on murder charges, Arlene slips Hannah a substance that", "id": "21005034" }, { "contents": "Trial of the Four\n\n\nGinzburg's moral virtues, as, whether he is a good or an evil man, I can confidently state that he is not a guilty one,\" he called for his complete acquittal. Zolotukhin's final statement widely circulated in \"samizdat.\" All three lawyers were subsequently barred from legal cases, and Zolotukhin was removed from the Collegium of Lawyers and from his post as head of a legal consultation office. Yuri Galanskov and Alexander Ginzburg disputed the criminal nature of their activity and plead not guilty. Vera Lashkova plead not", "id": "20198729" }, { "contents": "Alford plea\n\n\n's New World Law Dictionary\" defines Alford plea as: \"A guilty plea entered as part of a plea bargain by a criminal defendant who denies committing the crime or who does not actually admit his guilt. In federal courts, such plea may be accepted as long as there is evidence that the defendant is actually guilty.\" The Alford guilty plea is \"a plea of guilty containing a protestation of innocence\". The defendant pleads guilty, but does not have to specifically admit to the guilt itself. The defendant maintains", "id": "1912867" }, { "contents": "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nrelated to the question of torture for extracting information and confessions. The legal shift away from widespread use of torture and forced confession dates to turmoil of the late 16th and early 17th century in England. Anyone refusing to take the oath \"ex officio mero\" (confessions or swearing of innocence, usually before hearing any charges) was considered guilty. In contrast, criminal forfeiture is a legal action brought as \"part of the criminal prosecution of a defendant\", described by the Latin term \"in personam\", meaning \"", "id": "15335680" }, { "contents": "Bloom Into You\n\n\nhas always loved \"shōjo\" manga, so she is aware of what she ought to be feeling if she were to receive a love confession. But when a junior high classmate confesses his feelings for her, she somehow does not feel anything. She delays her response, and ends up entering high school, still unsure of how to respond to those type of feelings. While there, she happens to see the student council president, Touko Nanami, elegantly turning down a confession. Yuu is inspired to ask her for advice", "id": "1165086" }, { "contents": "Alexander Shliapnikov\n\n\ngroups among workers in Baku and Omsk. In 1930, the Party Politburo forced Shliapnikov to publish a public confession of \"political errors\" in writing his memoirs of the revolution. This was not the same as a confession of political errors committed by him since the revolution. Shliapnikov was expelled from the Communist Party in 1933 and imprisoned in 1935 for alleged political crimes. Charged under Article 58 of the Soviet Criminal Code, he did not confess guilt or implicate others. Nevertheless, he was found guilty, based on others'", "id": "4229631" }, { "contents": "Olaus Petri\n\n\nhad learned about a conspiracy against the King during confession, and not revealed it. One historian suggests that Olaus' writings criticizing the King's harsh punishments, as well as taxation policies also contributed to the criminal trial. King Gustav also wanted to control the church, while Olaus distrusted the king's autocratic tendencies and supported religious self-government. After Olaus Petri and Laurentius Andreae were found guilty on January 2, 1540, both received death sentences, and even his brother Lars signed the judgment. However, after much bargaining", "id": "7088066" }, { "contents": "Cruentation\n\n\nhis or her hands on it. If the wounds of the corpse then began to bleed or other unusual visual signs appeared, that was regarded as God's verdict, announcing that the accused was guilty. At the same time, cruentation alone rarely convicted a suspect; more often, the psychological impact of the test caused the suspect to confess. Cruentation appears in many texts relating to criminal procedure: the \"Malleus Maleficarum\", or King James' \"Daemonologie\". Nonetheless, contemporaries drew a distinction between cruentation and (", "id": "13066966" }, { "contents": "Bart Gets Hit by a Car\n\n\nhim to look at her and figure out how he feels. Homer reluctantly does and at first is convinced of his anger for Marge, until he looks her in the eyes and realizes he loves her as much as ever. The episode's plot was based on Billy Wilder's 1966 film \"The Fortune Cookie\", in which Walter Matthau plays a dishonest lawyer who convinces Jack Lemmon's character to fake an injury for a large cash settlement. While working on the court room scenes, director Mark Kirkland watched \"To Kill", "id": "10327165" }, { "contents": "Lie with Me\n\n\nand he is hurt and angry when they return to his place. She brushes off his fears when he confesses that he thinks of nothing but her, that he needs her, but she acts like it is all a game. He begs to her to promise that she will not leave him, and she does, but does not believe it herself. When David finds his father dead, he turns to Leila for consolation, but she does not know how to comfort him. This leads to conflict, and ends with", "id": "20354598" }, { "contents": "Match Point\n\n\nchoice of profession questioned by Eleanor, Nola leaves the house to be alone. Chris follows Nola outside and confesses his feelings for her, and they passionately have sex in a wheat-field. Feeling guilty, Nola treats this as an accident; Chris, however, wants an ongoing clandestine relationship. Chris and Chloe marry, while Tom ends his relationship with Nola. Chloe, to her distress, does not become pregnant immediately. Chris vainly tries to track down Nola, but meets her by chance sometime later at the Tate", "id": "1047959" }, { "contents": "Heartbeat (1946 film)\n\n\nshe is to steal the pocket watch of Pierre de Roche (Jean-Pierre Aumont). She does so while they are dancing, but removes a picture of the ambassador's wife which is inside it (Mona Maris). The ambassador is thrilled to find no picture in the watch as he had been worrying his wife might be growing tired of him and has Arlette slip it back into Pierre's pocket. Pierre insists on driving Arlette home and stops along the way to confess how much he likes her; he kisses", "id": "2267504" }, { "contents": "Bei Bei Shuai\n\n\nmotion to admonish her lawyer, Linda Pence, for prejudicing the potential jury pool by conducting a public campaign for the support of her client. This caused alarm among defense lawyers nationwide, one of whom criticized the motion as a possible attempt at intimidation or to prevent Pence from raising money for her client; chief prosecutor Terry Curry denied this. In 2013 Shuai pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of criminal recklessness and was released, having been sentenced to time served. Prosecutor Terry Curry said of the law under which she was initially", "id": "11663673" }, { "contents": "Sworn Brothers\n\n\nTing's lawyer convinced the judge that Ting lost his parents during childhood and never had a proper education while also being stressed by Yeung while Yeung's lawyer stated that his client is a rich tycoon with a net worth of HK$500 million and would not smuggle for only $3–4 million and the lack of evidence against him. In the end, the jury decided Ting to be guilty and Yeung not guilty. Ting was pleaded guilty by the judge and is sentenced to capital punishment since murder is a cruel crime and selling drugs does", "id": "9387892" }, { "contents": "Pitts and Lee v. Florida\n\n\nand threatened to harm Lee's wife, among other examples of cruel treatment. Their lawyer, who had been appointed by the Court, advised them to plead guilty. The two men did not have a trial, as they had confessed to the crime and pleaded guilty. They were sentenced to death by an all-white jury on August 28, 1963. In 1966, a man named Curtis Adams confessed to the murders of Floyd and Burkett. Pitts and Lee spent over a decade appealing their case. In 1964 they", "id": "18811923" }, { "contents": "William Fullarton\n\n\nby Sir Ralph Abercromby in 1797. When Fullarton asked for an account of all the criminal proceedings which had taken place in the island since Picton had been there, Picton resigned in disgust. Fullarton persisted in his inquiries, and the result of them was the trial of Picton for inflicting torture on a Spanish girl, Luisa Calderon, to extort a confession from her. This trial caused a public sensation in England. In February 1806, Picton was found guilty. Fullarton was attacked in print by Edward Alured Draper, as was", "id": "1724590" }, { "contents": "Presumed Guilty (film)\n\n\nreported that she was tortured, raped, and forced to sign a confession which sentences her to 22 years in prison. She was released after 11 years. “According to the Mexican Ministry of the Interior's 2012 National Survey of the Criminal Justice System, only 6% of the Mexicans surveyed had confidence in the justice system. Responders said the main problems were that criminals are not held accountable, the system is corrupt, the judicial process slow, and the service from public servants is poor.” Some other startling facts", "id": "5277025" }, { "contents": "Re-education camp (Vietnam)\n\n\nof one's alleged misdeeds in the past. All prisoners in the camps were required to write confessions, no matter how trivial their alleged crimes might have been. Mail clerks, for example, were told that they were guilty of aiding the \"puppet war machinery\" through circulating the mail, while religious chaplains were found guilty of providing spiritual comfort and encouragement to enemy troops. In the reeducation camps much emphasis was placed on \"productive labor.\" Such labor was described by SRV spokesman Hoang Son as \"absolutely necessary\"", "id": "4060162" }, { "contents": "The File on Thelma Jordon\n\n\nher guilty conscience, Jordon causes a car accident that results in her accomplice's death and her own fatal injury. As she lies dying, Jordon confesses the truth to the district attorney. However, she does not incriminate Cleve, saying she cannot reveal his name because she loves him. Cleve nevertheless tenders his resignation. When the film was released, the staff at \"Variety\" magazine praised the film, and wrote, \"Thelma Jordon unfolds as an interesting, femme-slanted melodrama, told with a lot of", "id": "11356932" }, { "contents": "Sweetheart, I Have to Confess\n\n\nby two detectives, who have questions about Monique Polier's murder. Since her teeth have been pulled out and they can't get any dental records, they don't know who the dead woman is. Mike is shown a photo of Monique, and he does not recognize her. The detectives are still suspicious, because they know he killed a cop once. Carlos and Gabrielle are meeting with their respective lawyers separating their assets when Carlos says he is tired of squabbling over property and tells his lawyer Gabrielle can have whatever she", "id": "1214123" }, { "contents": "Abigail Faulkner\n\n\n\"\", but that she had not afflicted them, \"\"it is the devil [who] does it in my shape.\"\" The magistrates responded by asking, if she was innocent, why did Faulkner shed no tears over the girls' suffering. She refused to confess, insisting \"God would not have her confess that [which] she was not guilty of.\" At one point during the examination, Mary Warren fell into \"fitts\", and was \"pulled under the table,\" apparently", "id": "21481663" }, { "contents": "Daṇḍa (Hindu punishment)\n\n\ncorrupted by wealth and has disrupted the business of another could have property taken. The entire property of a person, who is not a Brahmin, could be taken if that person had unintentionally committed a crime. There are some very notable differences between the way ancient punishment was to be administered and how modern punishment is administered in Hindu societies. If a criminal were to confess to a crime, he would received half of the prescribed punishment in ancient India; however in modern India, confessing does not mitigate one's punishment.", "id": "17597973" }, { "contents": "The Bridal Party\n\n\nand demands to speak to Hamilton, threatening to cause a scene. Michael avoids the drama and goes to see Caroline at her hotel. They argue about how Hamilton treats her, and Michael eventually confesses his love for her. He tries to explain to her he has money now and that his love for her is true and how he can't survive without her. Caroline does not seem to care and she notices he has new, expensive clothes. At this point, Michael tells her about his inheritance. \"I have", "id": "15681542" }, { "contents": "Baat Ek Raat Ki\n\n\nRehman) is in police custody for committing a murder. Believing that she did it, she confesses. When renowned lawyer Rajeshwar (Dev Anand) decides to represent her, he accepts her guilt, but as he goes deep into the details of her story and the circumstances, he is not sure whether or not she is guilty. What could have placed Neela at the scene of this heinous crime? Eventually, it is revealed that Neela's employer Beni Prasad is the mastermind behind Neela's imprisonment. He is after her", "id": "18636110" }, { "contents": "Trust money\n\n\n's most expensive divorce, claims of overcharging and discrepancies handling trust money were made. A high-profile case of mishandling trust money was in Queensland, where a Logan councilor Hajnal Black was found to have mishandled trust money for a dementia patient. Ms Black was found guilty of four charges relating to pecuniary interests and fined $5,000. A New South Wales Criminal lawyer, Brett Galloway, was found guilty in 2012 for charges relating to his trust account handling. Another high-profile case was that of a Perth lawyer,", "id": "925081" }, { "contents": "The Stone Killer\n\n\n' It’s not much more, nor does it mean to be; it offers stylish escapism at breakneck speed, and it gives us a chase and a gun battle that surpass themselves.\" Roger Greenspun of \"The New York Times\" wrote, \"Anyone suspected of liking a Michael Winner movie may be assumed guilty until proven innocent. Since there is no way in which I can be proven innocent, I might as well confess to liking Winner's latest, 'The Stone Killer,' very much indeed.\"", "id": "20350380" }, { "contents": "Sang-e-Mar Mar\n\n\nKhan, Shamim and Torah Khan quietly watch this happening. Torah Khan does intervene after getting flashbacks of his Mum being beaten by Gulistan Khan. Bano hits him on the head too. Aurang gets up to stop Bano but Palwasha holds his hand to prevent him intervening. Durkhanay arrives with the letter that Goher gave her and confesses the entire truth. She tells them how Goher left her gifts. How she would go to meet him. How Shireen advised her against meeting him. How Goher met her that fateful day on the", "id": "6349978" }, { "contents": "English criminal law\n\n\nmake mistakes, as in \"R v Lipman\" where the defendant took LSD, thought his girlfriend was a snake and strangled her. Here, intoxication operated as a defence because Mr Lipman was mistaken in his specific intent of killing a snake. But intoxication does not negative the basic intent crime of manslaughter, with his \"reckless course of conduct\" in taking drugs. Lastly, while a mistake about a person or the actual action is acceptable, a mistake about how much force to use to defend oneself is not.", "id": "19487499" }, { "contents": "The Dead Fathers Club\n\n\nPhillip and make him feel guilty for his acts. Phillip then attempts to confess to Leah's brother Dane, who pulls a knife on Phillip but does not hurt him and instead tells Phillip not to tell Leah about the arson. Leah later goes missing and seeks the assistance of other ghosts to find her. Leah is discovered as she's preparing to jump off a bridge, the words \"dead and gone\" written on her arms in blood. Despite Phillip’s pleas, she jumps and Phillip jumps in after her in", "id": "13087622" }, { "contents": "Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy\n\n\nbeen criticized as an oversimplification which ignores his psychological problems. Sirhan's lawyers attempted to use a defense of diminished responsibility during the trial, while Sirhan himself tried to confess to the crime and change his plea to guilty on several occasions. He testified that he had killed Kennedy \"with 20 years of malice aforethought\". The judge did not accept this confession and it was later withdrawn. Sirhan was convicted of the murder of Robert Kennedy on April 17, 1969, and was sentenced six days later, to death. In", "id": "3595669" }, { "contents": "Alford plea\n\n\nAn Alford plea (also called a Kennedy plea in West Virginia, an Alford guilty plea and the Alford doctrine), in United States law, is a guilty plea in criminal court, whereby a defendant in a criminal case does not admit to the criminal act and asserts innocence. In entering an Alford plea, the defendant admits that the evidence presented by the prosecution would be likely to persuade a judge or jury to find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The \"Alford\" guilty plea is named after the United", "id": "1912857" }, { "contents": "Mercy Olubunmi\n\n\nhope she will stay in the country. Mercy confides in her friend Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa) that the wedding is a sham. She later says she is worried about going to court as she feels she is being treated like a criminal. On the morning of the wedding, Mercy feels guilty when everyone comments on how much she loves Fatboy. She tells Lauren that she wants to do the right thing, and there will be no wedding. However, they do marry, and Mercy soon learns that she is able", "id": "9191849" }, { "contents": "The Crossing (2014 film)\n\n\nLei asks Tong why he came back. Tong confesses that he lied about having a wife and kids and felt guilty about how much Lei trusted him. Lei entrusts Tong with his diary of writings addressed to his wife Zhou and orders Tong to make sure she receives the diary safely. Lei then returns to his command post to look upon his wedding photo and dream of his wife and children at a country estate. He is presumably killed when a tank shell hits the post. Part II: During the Chinese Revolution in 1949", "id": "17903323" }, { "contents": "Jérôme Carrein\n\n\nfish bait, dispatching the girl's brother Éric to report to their mother. Cathy and Carrein walked up to the swamps of Palluel (Pas-de-Calais). Having arrived there, Carrein attempted to rape the child before strangling and drowning her. Carrein was arrested the next day and quickly confessed to his crime. He was tried before the Pas-de-Calais criminal court at Saint Omer, found guilty and sentenced to death on 12 July 1976. Christian Ranucci, also sentenced to death for kidnapping and child", "id": "126788" }, { "contents": "Vladimir Zhukov\n\n\nrape victims managed to memorize the car and the view from the window of Zhukov's apartment, where the criminal had dragged her to. After his detention, he confessed to 26, and then to 32 total crimes committed in Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Yaroslavl. He was investigated for involvement in similar crimes in other cities, where he traveled on business trips. On September 15, 2008, the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court found Vladimir Zhukov guilty of three murders and 11 rapes and sentenced him to life imprisonment. In addition,", "id": "7597366" } ]
Why is the U.S. so notorious for using Africans as slaves, when Africans had been using and selling Africans as slaves long before Europeans brought them to the Americas?
[{"answer": "There is more than one type of slavery. In ancient Athens, conquered people became slaves, but their children were born free. They retired as free people, and it was really more like having your country invaded then being given a job you have to do. Others like the Romans would keep foreigners as slaves, and you could be born a slave. These slaves were invisible though to society - they belonged to a household and had to do the jobs they were given, but they had time off, sometimes got paid, they fell in love and got married and had families. You couldn't tell if someone walking up the street was a slave or not. These slaves are the ancestors of the European peasant, the common folks. It was only in about the 17th century or so that we got the idea that people should be allowed to say 'no' if their Lord told them to do something. The American South did not view Africans as human beings, but as animals. They broke up families, they engaged in forced breeding programs where men were beaten until they raped the woman they were told to breed with, they recklessly endangered slaves lives, they did not allow any sort of dignity. 'Chattel' slavery is the most powerfully dehumanizing form of slavery, and it only ever existed in the Caribbean and American South."}, {"answer": "What do you mean by notorious? If you mean, \"why does it get talked about so much?\" it's because of the importance of the U.S. in the world (and especially to itself) and the importance of slavery to the history of the United States. The United States was one of the last major countries to abandon chattel slavery, and---as far as I know---the only major country where so much of its structure and history was shaped by slavery and dealing with the aftermath of slavery. It is also a country that, more so than almost any other, thinks of itself as a \"free\" country open to all, something that is directly opposed to the idea of slavery. These things just aren't as true of other places that had slavery, even where conditions might have been worse, or occurred earlier."}, {"answer": "OP clearly had an agenda he's trying to push, he's arguing with everyone in the comments. You should probably post this in r/changemyview."}, {"answer": "Doesnt matter who started it. What matters is that the US continued using slavery long after its contemporaries banned it. Also chattel slavery was much worse than any other type of slavery. Stuck in the situation for life while the master could kill a slave for any reason. Just property"}, {"answer": "The main difference in my opinion is that slavery in the US was based solely on RACE. You cannot change your race, and you are born with that race. In addition, American slaves were objects/chattel, not people. And you were a slave for life, your children were slaves, etc. Slavery in Africa was usually the result of war or conflict. And they were treated like people still- albeit with restricted freedom. And depending on the status of the conflict, etc., your status could change. They were considered people, not objects. Not to mention that the south created an entire economy based on the enslavement of african americans."}, {"answer": "I'm going to diverge a bit from the other answers. From what I recently learned studying the American Revolution, like the French one, it was centered around ideas of liberty and self-determination. The American Revolution did not deliver on those promises for all, just like the French Revolution did not free slaves also. However, by the time the AR happened there was pressures within revolutionaries and from French intellectuals (including Lafayette) about the disconnect between AR ideas and the continuation of slavery. IIRC by this time, France had abolished slavery. Haiti had also had a revolution and freed itself from slavery. What this meant was that while the FR and its ideas continued to have resonance around the world, the AR was seen as hypocritical and one that did not deliver on its promises. Even Jefferson, who was Lafeyette's buddy, contemplated freeing slaves but did not ultimately deliver. Slavery has been on the American conscience for a long time. Combined with the U.S.'s rise as a superpower and self-proclaimed moral authority, slavery and civil rights continued to be an issue that actually undercut the way Americans imagined their country, revolution, and projected the image of their country. Some historians like Barrington Moore, thus, in part do not even consider the AR as a revolution, opting instead to count the Civil War as one, because they believe there was not enough revolutionary change during the AR. I hope this answers at least part of your question."}, {"answer": "Selling to who? Other Africans or Westerners? Could you clarify? If you mean selling to Europeans and Americans - you need to remember that you are applying a modern and Western definition of blackness that does not apply to Africa at this time. African nations do not really consider themselves \"Black\" in the American sense. They consider themselves African and whatever nation they come from. This also applied to pre-Atlantic Slave Trade Africa - they were not \"black\", but instead identified based on whatever kingdom or city-state they lived in. Taking this into consideration, Africans were not \"selling their own\" because they did not consider these people their own. They were often selling prisoners of war from rival states. They did not relate with these people. It would be like Italians selling French people into slavery - just because they are both European doesn't mean they consider each other their own. There were also economic and political pressures for African kingdoms to do this. And after the Atlantic Slave Trade boomed - Westerners began to kidnap many Africans instead of buying them directly. The demand for slaves was just so high that Westerners resorted to this and could get away with it. You also need to recognize that these African states did not realize what the Atlantic Slave Trade would entail. They didn't know that people would be chained and packed into slave ships where they would be laying in their own vomit and filth. They did not realize that many of these people would die before even reaching America and that the rest of them would be brutally beaten and dehumanized. American slavery is talked about even today because it was a vile and gruesome form of slavery that was unprecedented at the time. So while, yes, Africans did sell other Africans into Western slavery initially, that does not mean that you can hold them accountable for the atrocities that American slaves lived through."}, {"answer": "I don't think people really care that America HAD slaves because everyone had slaves but care that the US is still dealing with the social consequences of slavery. In WW2 many soldiers stationed in the Europe where surprised that there was less segregation and that mixed raced dating was more acceptable. The civil rights movement happened in living memory and many people believe that blacks still aren't given fair treatment. The debates about the confederate battle flag shows that at least one group in society isn't moving on from the past."}, {"answer": "The slaves in African communities at the time were more like servants, they were a part of the community they could have children, they sometimes had relationships with their \"owners\" they were given time off to be with their families. Yes they worked hard but they were still treated relatively well. The slaves in America came on ships, shackled to the floors, with four feet of space between decks of other slaves. Have you seen those trucks on the highway packed to the brim with cattle or pigs. That was the amount of space given to these men and women. They did not have a place to relieve themselves so more often that not they were lying in their own filth for the duration of the journey. More than half of the slaves died on the month long journeys to the new world and more than a few lost their minds by the time they arrived. The conditions they faced when they were here was reprehensible as well. They were worked 14-16 hours a day, punished severely for minor \"misdemeanors\", hurt or killed for sport or boredom. When and if they did have families they were often separated and sold to other plantation owners, if you were born into slavery, you were the property of your mother's owner. There was a discernible difference between the kind of profit driven slavery of the americas that sets it apart from most other places at that time. Most of this is well documented in \"A people's history of the United States\" - Zinn, a long read but it's a no holds barred retelling of the history of the U.S."}, {"answer": "Hey OP, I see some folks have engaged you in good faith, but it quite obvious that your efforts here aren't."}, {"answer": "True there was slavery all over the world including Africa but we all know that U.S slavery was not the same slavery (servitude) happening in other parts of the world. Part of the reason that the U.S is getting crap for slavery is the fact that it hasnt been that long since it was banned (at least overtly)... the after affects still continue to this day. Most of the time when slavery of other cultures is brought up, the period of time when it happened was long ago and the after affects and ill feelings about it have had more time to subside... Why is it that when African slavery is brought up we get this rebuttal of: \"They sold themselves into slavery\"? As if thats supposed to make it ok or excuse the terrible treatment of PEOPLE (not animals)... \"oh they did it to themselves so we may as well do it them as well. And their children, and their childrens children.\" When did excusing that become a thing? If you like to cut yourself with razors, is it ok for someone else to come along and tie you up with razor wire and cut you with a machete simply because \"you did it to yourself first\"... (im not intending for that to be a trigger or mock anyone.)"}, {"answer": "Large scale farming and plantation was possible because of slave labor; without its valuable agricultural exports, America wouldn't have achieved economic sustainability. America's ability to be independent was thanks to slave labor, making slaves a vital part of the country's history. The African slaves also created a unique community which adds to the broader American identity as a mixing pot, like any other immigrant population - though they were the only one brought here unwillingly, incidentally. Lastly, owing to that agricultural foundation, the American practice of slavery continued past that of other superpowers and its cessation lead to global consequences. Slavery was a cruel practice with no room in civilized society, and it's important to study and preserve its roots in order to appreciate its continued effect - including the first-world's current dependence upon third-world slave labor."}, {"answer": "Because you likely live in the US dumbo. And not to mention we go around talking about land of the free and shit and people love to knock someone who tries to be a moral authority/world police down a peg or two. Kind of like when Palin was all abstinence only education and has gotten knocked up twice or those homophobic lawmakers who keep getting blowjobs in airport bathrooms. We are held to a high standard because we set ourselves up to a high standard."}, {"answer": "From what I learned in Black History class in the 90's, the African concept of slavery was radically different from the US concept. As in slaves were treated as human beings and could even eventually earn their freedom and marry into the family. I guess it wasn't as barbaric?"}, {"answer": "Because we're Americans. So we're interested in American history. Not African history. Other countries had slaves too. But America is far more self-critical than most countries."}, {"answer": "Because they were the only civilised country still doing it after others stopped?"}, {"answer": "Black slaves were brought to the US, pretty much because, if they ran away, as white indentured servants had been doing, you could pretty easily tell they were slaves, and be returned. Africans had slaves, but they weren\u2019t slaves just because they were black, they were slaves because they were captured. It\u2019s kind of f\u2019ed up to make someone a slave just because they were different than you."}, {"answer": "Brazil also imported close to twice the number of slaves as the US. Working conditions in Brazil were so severe that they were not as successful at having native born populations."}, {"answer": "The UK and the US abolished slavery at about the same time. In the UK, slavery was ended through typical legal means, racism didn't flow as strongly, and blacks quickly assimilated into a culture that was willing to right it's wrongs. If you listen to a black UK native speak, they sound just like the whites. In the US, slavery was ended as a result of the civil war. This did not lead to a natural death of the ideologies that supported racism, and even after slavery was abolished it was another 100 years before blacks had civil rights. The centuries of bigotry resulted in blacks developing along a distinct path culturally in the US, which still shows today. This is why slavery is seen as such a big deal in the US. Whites continued to look for ways to perpetuate the injustices of slavery even after we ended it."}, {"answer": "Because in the U.S. slavery was organized into the visual and spatial differences classified through race. Slaves could not work for their freedom, as they did throughout other historical periods. Instead, belonging to a racial group slaves in the U.S. were forever classified as property. It added a different element from a socio-economic caste system or other form of organization found in other cultures, and the images and depictions which were largely a result of modernity, the racial element, and the inscription into society is what made the U.S. so \"notorious\"."}, {"answer": "Because most people don't care about what happens in Africa. They care about what hits closer to home. > so far the majority of this thread only proves that the issue in question is not only very real, but will be defended rather than questioned or discussed logically. You're just a fucking idiot."}, {"answer": " > Edit: so far the majority of this thread only proves that the issue in question is not only very real, but will be defended rather than questioned or discussed logically. Lol. So it's true then. You just wanted to stir up beef, you don't actually care for the question."}, {"answer": "The book, *The Half Has Never Been Told* will give you a good understanding of American slavery and how it was different. Others here have covered the main points, which are Americans 1) based slavery on race alone; 2) created a religious theology which sanctioned slavery; and 3) treated slaves as property and not as human which led owners to destroy families and community. When one truly understands the evil of American slavery, one can only stand in awe of African Americans who overcame, survived, and thrived."}, {"answer": "This thread is full of /r/badhistory. Don't ask a history question on ELI5. Go to /r/AskHistorians, read the FAQ, then ask your question."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6585135", "title": "History of slavery", "section": "Section::::Africa.:Sub-Saharan Africa.:African participation in the slave trade.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 32, "end_paragraph_id": 32, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Joseph Miller states that African buyers would prefer males, but in reality, women and children would be more easily captured as men fled. Those captured would be sold for various reasons such as food, debts, or servitude. Once captured, the journey to the coast killed many and weakened others. Disease engulfed many, and insufficient food damaged those who made it to the coasts", "iests. They say that your country, however great, can never stop a trade ordained by God himself. Joseph Miller states that African buyers would prefer males, but in reality, women and children would be more easily captured as men fled. Those captured would be sold for various reasons such as food, debts, or servitude. Once captured, the journey to the coast killed many and weakened others. Disease engulfed many, and insufficient food damaged those who made it to the coasts. Scurvy was so common that it was known as \"mal de Luanda\" (Luanda sickness). The assumption for those who died on the journey died from malnutrition. As food was limited, water may have been just as bad. Dysentery was widespread and poor sanitary conditions at ports did not help. Since supplies were poor, slaves were not equipped with the best clothing that further exposed to more diseases.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "priests. They say that your country, however great, can never stop a trade ordained by God himself. Joseph Miller states that African buyers would prefer males, but in reality, women and children would be more easily captured as men fled. Those captured would be sold for various reasons such as food, debts, or servitude. Once captured, the journey to the coast killed many and weakened others. Disease engulfed many, and insufficient food damaged those who made it to the coasts. Scurvy was so common that it was known as \"mal de Luanda\" (Luanda sickness). The assumption for those who died on the journey died from malnutrition. As food was limited, water may have been just as bad. Dysentery was widespread and poor sanitary conditions at ports did not help. Since supplies were poor, slaves were not equipped with the best clothing that further exposed to more diseases."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Poems on Miscellaneous Subjects\n\n\n, and women. Christianity became widespread to African Americans during the transatlantic slave trade. Before coming to America, African religious beliefs and practices were numerous and varied. Some Africans had been exposed to European Christianity before coming to America, so they were able to bring Christian beliefs with them. However, many slaves converted to Christianity in America because they saw conversion as a road to freedom. Harper's upbringing included a religious education, and therefore, the experiences she had during her childhood schooling bring religion forth as a prominent theme", "id": "11135190" }, { "contents": "Jola people\n\n\nin Africa to sell to the New World. These Europeans came by medium size boats that they used to navigate both the Gambian river and the Casamance rivers, since there were no infrastructures at this time to travel by land, invaded and took them to work in Spain and in Portugal. Later in the sixteenth century, when these European realized that they could make enormous profit by using the labour of the Africans to exploit the wealth of the Americas they started selling the African slaves to North America, Central America, South America", "id": "13168244" }, { "contents": "African-American history\n\n\ntheir success to the slave trade. Origins and percentages of African Americans imported into British North America and Louisiana (1700–1820): Before the Atlantic slave trade there were already people of African descent in America. A few countries in Africa would buy, sell, and trade other enslaved Africans, who were often prisoners of war, with the Europeans. The people of Mali and Benin are known for partaking in the event of selling their prisoners of war and other unwanted people off as slaves. In the account of Olaudah Equiano,", "id": "12117206" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\nto the European colonization of the Americas. The Atlantic slave trade was not the only slave trade from Africa, although it was the largest in volume and intensity. As Elikia M'bokolo wrote in \"Le Monde diplomatique\": According to John K. Thornton, Europeans usually bought enslaved people who were captured in endemic warfare between African states. Some Africans had made a business out of capturing Africans from neighboring ethnic groups or war captives and selling them. A reminder of this practice is documented in the Slave Trade Debates of England in the", "id": "4547933" }, { "contents": "Quimbanda\n\n\nin the Portuguese Empire. The Atlantic slave trade brought African cultural presence to the Americas. In Brazil, by the mid 19th century the slave population outnumbered the free population. The slave population increased when free men of African descent (libertos) were added to the slave population. The African culture brought by slaves to Brazil slowly mixed with the Indigenous American and European culture. In the large urban centers such as Rio de Janeiro, where the African-slave population was the most concentrated, the Colonial regime enforced a social control", "id": "19362246" }, { "contents": "Nagos\n\n\nreligion called Yoruba. This African religion has survived over the years since slavery, so that today a large portion of Brazil's population still practices and upholds it. Slaves coming from Africa were cheaper than those from Europe, which may explain why the Portuguese used African slaves to fuel the new economies in Latin America. The level of respect the common slave receive was minimum which didn't give them distinguished features from those that were outside of the superior class of society. The understanding between master and slave had far less cost in", "id": "10827683" }, { "contents": "Colonialism\n\n\nnations entered their imperial projects with the goal of enriching the European metropole. Exploitation of non-Europeans and other Europeans to support imperial goals was acceptable to the colonisers. Two outgrowths of this imperial agenda were slavery and indentured servitude. In the 17th century, nearly two-thirds of English settlers came to North America as indentured servants. European slave traders brought large numbers of African slaves to the Americas by sail. Spain and Portugal had brought African slaves to work at African colonies such as Cape Verde and the Azores, and", "id": "7538287" }, { "contents": "Oryza glaberrima\n\n\nde Almada wrote about the dike systems used for rice cultivation, from which modern West African rice dike systems are descended. African rice was brought to the Americas with the transatlantic slave trade, arriving in Brazil probably by the 1550s and in the U.S. in 1784. The seed was carried as provisions on slave ships, and the technology and skills needed to grow it were brought by enslaved rice farmers. Newly imported African slaves were marketed (and sometimes even trained) for their rice-growing skills, as the high price of", "id": "11223879" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\nmalaria survival rates in the American south among enslaved Africans than among European labourers, making them a more profitable source of labour and encouraging their use. Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, selling their captives or prisoners of war to European buyers. The prisoners and captives who were sold were usually from neighbouring or enemy ethnic groups. These captive slaves were considered \"other\", not part of the people of the ethnic group or \"tribe\"; African kings held no particular loyalty to them. Sometimes criminals would", "id": "4547952" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nfor its African dances. By 1866, the Atlantic slave trade had brought nearly 400,000 Africans to North America. The slaves came largely from West Africa and the greater Congo River basin and brought strong musical traditions with them. The African traditions primarily use a single-line melody and call-and-response pattern, and the rhythms have a counter-metric structure and reflect African speech patterns. An 1885 account says that they were making strange music (Creole) on an equally strange variety of 'instruments'—washboards, washtubs, jugs", "id": "15637743" }, { "contents": "Piracy in the Atlantic World\n\n\n's dominance in the Atlantic system. The slave trade/Middle Passage was just as much a part of life in the Atlantic as was the merchant shipping of goods. Many European powers had ties to the slaving trade by at least the eighteenth century; countries like Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, France, and England all had outposts on the African coast. Slavers would conduct their business with the larger African tribes who would buy weapons from the Europeans and in turn use them to collect members of other tribes to sell to slave", "id": "16286665" }, { "contents": "Native American slave ownership\n\n\n. Some scholars argue that because of similarities between some African and Native American cultural artifacts, the two groups likely had transatlantic encounters before European discovery of the Americas this cannot however be proved. By the 18th century, African slaves and Native Americans had become a commonplace in colonial America. Native Americans and Africans had many interactions as oppressed communities. Before the jump start of the Atlantic Slave Trade, European settlers enslaved many Native Americans, and major slave colonies such as Virginia and South Carolina enslaved thousands (30,000-53,000)", "id": "3611422" }, { "contents": "Miscegenation\n\n\nto have any sexual relations with a person of a different race. Both laws were repealed in 1985. Africa has a long history of interracial mixing with male Arab and European explorers, traders and soldiers having sexual relations with black African women as well as taking them as wives. Arabs played a big role in the African slave trade and unlike the trans-atlantic slave trade most of the black African slaves in the Arab slave trade were women. Most of them were used as sexual slaves by the Arab men and some were", "id": "14640724" }, { "contents": "Wanderer (slave ship)\n\n\nStates officially outlawed the importation of slaves effective in 1808. It did not use its own ships to enforce the law until 1819, when U.S. naval ships joined British patrol ships in the Caribbean and African waters to intercept slavers (See African Slave Trade Patrol). After the U.S. outlawed the slave trade, people continued kidnapping Africans and bring them to the U.S. as slaves. As sectional tensions rose in the late 1850s, there was growing sentiment among some Southerners to reopen the slave trade. \"The Wanderer\" was built in", "id": "15381282" }, { "contents": "African diaspora\n\n\n. Beginning in the 15th century, Europeans captured or bought African slaves from West Africa and brought them to the Americas and Europe. The Atlantic Slave Trade ended in the 19th century, and the Arab Slave Trade ended in the middle of the 20th century (although pockets of slavery still exist into the 21st century, such as the Haratin in Mauritania). The dispersal through slave trading represents the largest forced migrations in human history. The economic effect on the African continent was devastating, as generations of young people were taken from", "id": "2497013" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\nThe Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from central and western Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids)", "id": "4547923" }, { "contents": "Multiracial Americans\n\n\na contentious issue in Native American reservation politics. Interracial relations between Native Americans and African-Americans is a part of American history that has been neglected. The earliest record of African and Native American relations in the Americas occurred in April 1502, when the first Africans kidnapped were brought to Hispaniola to serve as slaves. Some escaped and somewhere inland on Santo Domingo, the first Black Indians were born. In addition, an example of African slaves' escaping from European colonists and being absorbed by Native Americans occurred as far back as", "id": "4458156" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\ntraditionally been used to moisturize and dress the hair. Diasporic Africans in the Americas have been experimenting with ways to style their hair since their arrival in the Western Hemisphere well before the 19th century. During the approximately 400 years of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, which extracted over 20 million people from West and Central Africa, their beauty ideals have undergone numerous changes. Africans captured as slaves no longer had the sort of resources to practice hair grooming that they had had when home. The enslaved Africans adapted as best they could", "id": "2005653" }, { "contents": "Slavery in Latin America\n\n\nMexico as part of the New Spain, imported more African slaves than the United States. Between 1502 and 1866, of the 11.2 million Africans, only 388,000 arrived in the United States, while the rest arrived in Latin America and the Caribbean These slaves were brought as early as the 16th and 17th centuries. The evidence of the African population is not readily apparent due to the mixing of the indigenous population, Africans, and European peoples and the early inception of African slaves into the Mexican society. According to Henry Louis Gates", "id": "21631664" }, { "contents": "Charles City County, Virginia\n\n\nAfrican slaves were known to have been brought to Charles City County before 1660. During the late 1600s and early 1700s, African slave labor rapidly supplanted European indentured servants. By the eighteenth century, slaves had become the major source of agricultural labor in the Virginia Colony, then devoted primarily to the labor-intensive commodity crop of tobacco. The earliest record of a free black living in Charles City County is the September 16, 1677 petition for freedom by a woman named Susannah. The Lott Cary House in the county has long", "id": "8274679" }, { "contents": "European colonization of the Americas\n\n\nobtained from their African homelands by coastal tribes who captured and sold them. Europeans traded for slaves with the slave capturers of the local native African tribes in exchange for rum, guns, gunpowder, and other manufactures. The total slave trade to islands in the Caribbean, Brazil, Mexico and to the United States is estimated to have involved 12 million Africans. The vast majority of these slaves went to sugar colonies in the Caribbean and to Brazil, where life expectancy was short and the numbers had to be continually replenished. At", "id": "7372616" }, { "contents": "Spiritual (music)\n\n\nof European origin. Further, this interaction occurred only in the United States. Africans who converted to Christianity in other parts of the world, even in the Caribbean and Latin America, did not evolve this particular form. The slaves brought African cultural traditions with them. Many of their activities, from work to worship, involved music and dance. However, their European masters banned many of their African-derived forms of worship involving drumming and dancing as they were considered to be idolatrous. The slaves were forced to perform their", "id": "14828111" }, { "contents": "Slavery among Native Americans in the United States\n\n\nof holding slaves as chattel property and held increasing numbers of African-American slaves. Pre-contact forms of slavery were generally distinct from the form of chattel slavery developed by Europeans in North America during the colonial period. European influence greatly changed slavery used by Native Americans. As they raided other tribes to capture slaves for sales to Europeans, they fell into destructive wars among themselves, and against Europeans. Many Native American tribes practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America. Native American groups", "id": "11668384" }, { "contents": "Interracial marriage\n\n\n, so he commanded that it be banned in 1571. Japanese slave women were even sold as concubines to Indian and African crewmembers, along with their European counterparts serving on Portuguese ships trading in Japan, mentioned by Luis Cerqueira, a Portuguese Jesuit, in a 1598 document. Japanese slaves were brought by the Portuguese to Macau, where some of them not only ended up being enslaved to the Portuguese, but as slaves to other slaves, with the Portuguese owning Malay and African slaves, who in turn owned Japanese slaves of their", "id": "3582685" }, { "contents": "Hugo, Oklahoma\n\n\nStates, as they had adopted numerous elements of European-American culture. When they relocated, they brought with them the numerous African-American slaves whom they held. As the Choctaw allied with the Confederate South during the American Civil War, the United States government insisted on a new peace treaty with them after its end. A condition was the Choctaws' emancipation of their slaves and granting to the freedmen of rights of full citizenship in the Choctaw nation, as the US was granting citizenship to former slaves of the South.", "id": "7135456" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\nslave-traders. Many West African countries also already had a tradition of holding slaves, which was expanded into trade with Europeans. The Atlantic trade brought new crops to Africa and also more efficient currencies which were adopted by the West African merchants. This can be interpreted as an institutional reform which reduced the cost of doing business. But the developmental benefits were limited as long as the business including slaving. Both Thornton and Fage contend that while African political elite may have ultimately benefited from the slave trade, their decision to participate", "id": "4548002" }, { "contents": "Wanderer (slave ship)\n\n\nConfederate States of America. She served in the United States Navy from then until June 1865, being used as a gunboat, a tender, and a hospital ship. After she had been sold into mercantile service in June 1865, \"Wanderer\" operated commercially until on 12 January 1871, when she was lost off Cape Maisí, Cuba. Most historians long believed that \"Wanderer\" was the last slave ship to reach the U.S., including W. E. B. Du Bois, in his book \"The Suppression of the African Slave", "id": "15381296" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\ninto twelve chapters, summarized below. Baraka opens the book by arguing that Africans suffered in America not only because they were slaves, but because American customs were completely foreign to them. He argues that slavery itself was not unnatural or alien to the African people, as slavery had long before existed in the tribes of West Africa. Some forms of West African slavery even resembled the plantation system in America. He then discusses a brief history of slavery, inside and outside the United States. He argues that unlike the slaves of", "id": "11650131" }, { "contents": "The Slave Community\n\n\nand the Africanization of the South\" where he draws parallels between the acculturation of African American slaves in the American South, African slaves in Latin America, and European slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. He compares the conversion of slaves in the southern states to Protestant Christianity, European slaves in North Africa to Islam, and African slaves in Latin America to Catholicism. Blassingame addresses the historiography of slavery published between 1972 and 1978 in the revised edition. For instance, he challenges Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman's economic and", "id": "17797039" }, { "contents": "Slavery in Japan\n\n\nslave women were even sold as concubines to Asian lascar and African crewmembers, along with their European counterparts serving on Portuguese ships trading in Japan, mentioned by Luis Cerqueira, a Portuguese Jesuit, in a 1598 document. Japanese slaves were brought by the Portuguese to Macau, where some of them not only ended up being enslaved to Portuguese, but as slaves to other slaves, with the Portuguese owning Malay and African slaves, who in turn owned Japanese slaves of their own. Hideyoshi was so disgusted that his own Japanese people were", "id": "16939902" }, { "contents": "Louisiana\n\n\nfor lower Louisiana to get along without slaves and with the use of slaves, the colony had been making great strides toward prosperity and wealth. When the United States purchased Louisiana in 1803, it was soon accepted that enslaved Africans could be brought to Louisiana as easily as they were brought to neighboring Mississippi, though it violated U.S. law to do so. Despite demands by United States Rep. James Hillhouse and by the pamphleteer Thomas Paine to enforce existing federal law against slavery in the newly acquired territory, slavery prevailed because it was the", "id": "18486511" }, { "contents": "History of slavery\n\n\nslaves were resold to the African market in exchange of gold. Slavery was abolished in mainland Portugal and Portuguese India in 1761. It was finally abolished in all Portuguese colonies in 1869. The Spaniards were the first Europeans to use African slaves in the New World on islands such as Cuba and Hispaniola, due to a shortage of labor caused by the spread of diseases, and so the Spanish colonists gradually became involved in the Atlantic slave trade. The first African slaves arrived in Hispaniola in 1501; by 1517, the natives had", "id": "18258648" }, { "contents": "Slavery\n\n\neven sold as concubines to Asian lascar and African crewmembers, along with their European counterparts serving on Portuguese ships trading in Japan, mentioned by Luis Cerqueira, a Portuguese Jesuit, in a 1598 document. Japanese slaves were brought by the Portuguese to Macau, where some of them not only ended up being enslaved to Portuguese, but as slaves to other slaves, with the Portuguese owning Malay and African slaves, who in turn owned Japanese slaves of their own. Hideyoshi was so disgusted that his own Japanese people were being sold \"", "id": "8345094" }, { "contents": "African Americans in Tennessee\n\n\nAmerica via the Trans-Atlantic slave trade from West Africa. Early African American arrivals included those purchased as slaves by Cherokee Indians and brought by European traders living in native villages. Wealthy white families from Culpepper, Virginia, brought enslaved African Americans with them to the Powell Valley in southwest Virginia in 1769. Historian Cynthia Cumfer notes that slavery in early Tennessee was an isolating experience, even in comparison with Virginia and North Carolina. According to 1779-80 records, the vast majority of slaveholders held legal title over just one or", "id": "2971810" }, { "contents": "Sex trafficking in Europe\n\n\nlives of servitude, as servants or sex slaves. Prior to 4000 BC, there is no evidence of sexual servitude and slavery in human culture. Greece and Rome were notorious for capturing people and making slaves out of them. In the height of the Roman Empire, one in every three persons was thought to have been a slave. Men were used as laborers, while women and girls were used for enjoyment purposes. Brothels and mistresses became common. During the 13th century, when the African slave trade was in full swing", "id": "12525011" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade to Brazil\n\n\nthus try to overcome the serious lack of manpower, that there was also all over Europe due to the recurrence of epidemics, many of them from Africa and the East. Until the first half of the fifteenth century, the Portuguese population was constant. As for African governments, whether they were of religious Muslim or other native religions, as practiced slavery long before the Europeans engage in trafficking. Several African nations had their dependent economies of the slave trade and saw the slave trade with the Europeans as another business opportunity. The", "id": "7636715" }, { "contents": "Colonialism\n\n\nthen Latin America, by the 16th century. The British, French and Dutch joined in the slave trade in subsequent centuries. Ultimately, around 11 million Africans were taken to the Caribbean and North and South America as slaves by European colonisers. Abolitionists in Europe and Americas protested the inhumane treatment of African slaves, which led to the elimination of the slave trade by the late 18th century. The labour shortage that resulted inspired European colonisers to develop a new source of labour, using a system of indentured servitude. Indentured servants consented", "id": "7538288" }, { "contents": "West African Pidgin English\n\n\ncreole language. Some scholars call this language \"West African Pidgin English\" to emphasize its role as a lingua franca pidgin used for trading. Others call it \"Guinea Coast Creole English\" to emphasize its role as a creole native language spoken in and around the coastal slave castles and slave trading centers by people permanently based there. West African Pidgin English arose during the period when the British dominated the Atlantic slave trade in the late 17th and 18th centuries, ultimately exporting more slaves to the Americas than all the other European nations", "id": "7677655" }, { "contents": "African-American folktales\n\n\nAfrican-American folktales are the storytelling and oral history of African American slaves during the 1700-1900s. Many are unique to the African-American culture, while others are influenced by African, European, and Native American tales. African-American folktales are a storytelling tradition based in Africa containing a rich oral tradition that expanded as Africans were brought to the Americas as slaves. In general, most African-American Folktales fall into one of seven categories: tales of origin, tales of trickery and trouble, tales of triumph", "id": "19463030" }, { "contents": "Native Americans in the United States\n\n\nof slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America, but none exploited slave labor on a large scale. Most Native American tribes did not barter captives in the pre-colonial era, although they sometimes exchanged enslaved individuals with other tribes in peace gestures or in exchange for their own members. When Europeans arrived as colonists in North America, Native Americans changed their practice of slavery dramatically. Native Americans began selling war captives to Europeans rather than integrating them into their own societies as they had done before. As the", "id": "1437434" }, { "contents": "Afro-Mexicans in the Mexican War of Independence\n\n\nan institution, although the numbers of enslaved had declined from the high point in the 1600s, when the Atlantic slave trade had brought enslaved Africans to Spanish America. For the period 1580-1640, Spain and Portugal were ruled by the same monarch and Portuguese slave dealers could freely operate in Spanish American territory. When the Portuguese revolted against Spain in 1640, the numbers of slaves brought from Africa dropped precipitously and the demand for slaves was met by natural reproduction of American-born Africans. Children of enslaved women became slaves themselves", "id": "17037380" }, { "contents": "Black Carib\n\n\nof Bequia. There, the Caribs enslaved them and brought them to Saint Vincent. However, according to Young, the slaves were too independent of \"spirit\", prompting Caribbean teachers to plan to kill all the African male children. When Africans heard about the Caribs' plan, they rebelled and killed all the Caribs they could, then headed to the mountains, where they settled and lived with other slaves who had taken refuge there before them. From the mountains, the former slaves attacked and killed the Caribs continually,", "id": "4361278" }, { "contents": "Dutch Gold Coast\n\n\nchildren they bore by European men. Wives could also inherit slaves and property from their husbands when they returned to Europe or died. Many coastal ethnic groups in Africa, such as the Ga and Fante, used this system to gain political and economic advantages. These African ethnic groups had been using this practice before the arrival of the Europeans with strangers of a different ethnicity, and extended the same privilege to European men by the late 1400s. Cassare enabled Africans to trust strangers, like the Europeans, when dealing within their trade", "id": "20665363" }, { "contents": "History of malaria\n\n\nthe Mayans or Aztecs. European settlers and the West Africans they enslaved likely brought malaria to the Americas in the 16th century. In the book \"\", the author Charles Mann cites sources that speculate that the reason African slaves were brought to the British Americas was because of their immunity to malaria. Britain did not have large numbers of African slaves, there were plenty of unemployed workers who could come as indentured servants. In the area above the Mason–Dixon line, the malaria protozoa did not fare well, the English", "id": "4671223" }, { "contents": "Bissau-Guinean Americans\n\n\nin Guinea, who prospered greatly from the African slave trade, had no interest in allowing the Europeans any further inland than the fortified coastal settlements where the trading took place; Bissau, Cacheu and Bolama. The Portuguese, after buying slaves to African kings and aristocracies, sold them to the European merchants (Spanish, English, French, Dutch, Swedish). So, it is estimated that of the approximately 388,000 African slaves who arrived in modern United States, almost 92,000 (24 percent) were Senegambians, many of them", "id": "8510405" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\nis derived from the Portuguese word \"casar\", meaning \"to marry\". Cassare created political and economic bonds between European and African slave traders. Cassare was a pre-European practice used to integrate the \"other\" from a differing African tribe. Powerful West African groups used these marriages as an alliance used to strengthen their trade networks with European men by marrying off African women from families with ties to the slave trade. Early on in the Atlantic Slave trade, these marriages were common. The marriages were even performed", "id": "4547954" }, { "contents": "African-American history\n\n\nwhich is not accurate. Of the 10.7 million Africans who were brought to the Americas until the 1860s, 450 thousand were shipped to what is now the United States. Most African Americans are descended from Africans who were brought directly from Africa to America and became slaves. The future slaves were originally captured in African wars or raids and transported in the Atlantic slave trade. African Americans are descended from various ethnic groups, mostly from ethnic groups that lived in Western and Central Africa, including the Sahel. A smaller number of African", "id": "12117202" }, { "contents": "Reparations for slavery debate in the United States\n\n\ndetermined the assemblage of trade goods accepted in exchange for slaves, many historians argue for African agency: that Africans were not just enslaved by whites, because some Africans were willing participants in the slave trade. This implies a shared responsibility. Whites seldom went inland as Africa was regarded as the white man's grave: slaves had to be brought to them by Africans. It has been argued that reparations for slavery cannot be justified on the basis that slave descendants are worse off as a result of slavery, because it has", "id": "15241701" }, { "contents": "Women in the Americas\n\n\ncame to the Americas before 1800 were not European women. Africans, Native Americans and Europeans all were part of the slave trade in early modern North America. Throughout the Americas, bondage existed—in warmer climates, where plantation systems developed, or in the northern areas, where women were either transported as criminals or worked as indentured servants. As early as the 1530s, Portugal began using slave labor in Brazil to work sugarcane plantations. Initially, the Portuguese used indigenous people as slaves, but in 1574, the crown decreed", "id": "9684422" }, { "contents": "San Basilio de Palenque\n\n\nis only one of many walled communities that were founded by escaped slaves as a refuge in the seventeenth century. Of the many palenques of escaped slaves that existed previously San Basilio is the only one that survives. Many of the oral and musical traditions have roots in Palenque's African past. Africans were dispatched to Spanish America under the asiento system. The village of San Basilio is inhabited mainly by Afro-Colombians which are direct descendants of African slaves brought by the Europeans during the Colonization of the Americas and have preserved their ancestral", "id": "13245632" }, { "contents": "Miscegenation\n\n\nprominent interracial couple in the US through their legal struggle against this act. Throughout American history, there has been frequent mixing between Native Americans and black Africans. When Native Americans invaded the European colony of Jamestown, Virginia in 1622, they killed the Europeans but took the African slaves as captives, gradually integrating them. Interracial relationships occurred between African Americans and members of other tribes along coastal states. During the transitional period of Africans becoming the primary race enslaved, Native Americans were sometimes enslaved with them. Africans and Native Americans worked", "id": "14640744" }, { "contents": "African-American history\n\n\nwere sent to the Americas and enslaved, these different peoples had European standards and beliefs forced upon them, causing them to do away with tribal differences and forge a new history and culture that was a creolization of their common past, present, and European culture . Slaves who belonged to specific African ethnic groups were more sought after and became more dominant in numbers than slaves who belonged to other African ethnic groups in certain regions of what later became the United States. Studies of contemporary documents reveal seven regions from which Africans were sold", "id": "12117204" }, { "contents": "Asiento\n\n\nAfrican slaves to Brazil, with those holding asientos for the Brazilian slave trade often also trading slaves in Spanish America. Spanish America was a major market for African slaves, including many of whom exceeded the quota of the asiento license and illegally sold. Most smuggled slaves were not brought by freelance traders. Angolan dominance of the trade was pronounced after 1615 when the governors of Angola, starting with Bento Banha Cardoso, made alliance with Imbangala mercenaries to wreak havoc on the local African powers. Many of these governors also held the contract", "id": "10501591" }, { "contents": "Atlantic Creole\n\n\nAtlantic Creole is a term used in North America to describe the Charter Generation of slaves and indentured workers during the European colonization of the Americas before 1660. These slaves had cultural roots in Africa, Europe and sometimes the Caribbean. They were of mixed race, primarily descended from European fathers and African mothers. Some had lived and worked in Europe or the Caribbean before coming (or being transported) to North America. Examples of such men included John Punch and Emanuel Driggus (his surname was possibly derived from Rodriguez). The", "id": "15187642" }, { "contents": "Lion's Blood\n\n\nEurope remained largely tribal while Africa advanced technologically and culturally with steamboats, rifles and airships or \"flying boats\" by the late 19th century. The dominant Africans consider Europeans to be inferior and treat them as a source of slave labour which is supplied to them by Viking raiders similar to how our timeline's European White colonists viewed Black Africans as inferior and used them as slaves supplied by African slave traders. Southern Africa is controlled by the Zulus while the Vikings control much of Northern Europe and all of Scandinavia. The Middle East", "id": "7561016" }, { "contents": "Native American slave ownership\n\n\nthe Choctaw court ruled that the family was indeed a free black family. In Creek society before the arrival of Europeans and Africans in Creek country, slaves were simply war captives. Noncombatant women and young children were enslaved and clans who had lost members on the battlefield took the captives into their extended matrilineal households and most of these \"slaves\" eventually became part of the family unit. When trade between Europeans began the Creek's traditional ways of determining a war captive's fate drastically changed, and the Creek began to sell them", "id": "3611474" }, { "contents": "Cassare\n\n\nCassare or calissare (from Portuguese \"casar\", \"to marry\") was the term applied to the marriage alliances setup between European and African slave traders. Cassare created political and economic bonds. It was a pre-European practice used to integrate the \"other\" from a differing African tribe. Powerful West African groups used these marriages as an alliance used to strengthen their trade networks with European men by marrying off African women from families with ties to the slave trade. Early on in the Atlantic Slave trade, these", "id": "15235609" }, { "contents": "South America\n\n\nthe enslavement of indigenous peoples continued well into the 17th and 18th centuries. The Atlantic slave trade brought African slaves primarily to South American colonies, beginning with the Portuguese since 1502. The main destinations of this phase were the Caribbean colonies and Brazil, as European nations built up economically slave-dependent colonies in the New World. Nearly 40% of all African slaves trafficked to the Americas went to Brazil. An estimated 4.9 million slaves from Africa came to Brazil during the period from 1501 to 1866. While the Portuguese, English", "id": "6977958" }, { "contents": "Afro-Argentines\n\n\nEuropeans from 1492 onwards, some 50-90& of the indigenous population throughout the Americas died from epidemic diseases, exacerbated by the stresses brought on by violent conquest, dispossession and exploitation. This led the Spaniards to supplement aboriginal manpower with slaves from sub-Saharan Africa. Well into the 19th century, mining and agriculture accounted for the bulk of economic activity in the Americas. African slave labor held the advantage of having already been exposed to European diseases through geographical proximity, and African laborers readily adapted to the tropical climate of", "id": "10427500" }, { "contents": "History of slavery\n\n\nexpeditions, as of any other merchandise, taxed one fifth of the selling price of the slaves imported to Portugal. By the year 1552 African slaves made up 10 percent of the population of Lisbon. In the second half of the 16th century, the Crown gave up the monopoly on slave trade and the focus of European trade in African slaves shifted from import to Europe to slave transports directly to tropical colonies in the Americas—in the case of Portugal, especially Brazil. In the 15th century, one-third of the", "id": "18258647" }, { "contents": "Empire of Brazil\n\n\nof the Empire: from 24% in 1854, to 15.2% in 1872, and finally to less than 5% in 1887—the year before slavery was completely abolished. Slaves were mostly adult males from southwestern Africa. Slaves brought to Brazil differed ethnically, religiously and linguistically, each identifying primarily with his or her own nation of origin, rather than by a shared African ethnicity. Some of the slaves brought to the Americas had been captured while fighting intertribal wars in Africa and had then been sold to slave dealers. Slaves and", "id": "20769338" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\ncontrolled Angola, coastal African leaders \"generally controlled access to their coasts, and were able to prevent direct enslavement of their subjects and citizens\". Thus, as African scholar John Thornton argues, African leaders who allowed the continuation of the slave trade likely derived an economic benefit from selling their subjects to Europeans. The Kingdom of Benin, for instance, participated in the African slave trade, at will, from 1715 to 1735, surprising Dutch traders, who had not expected to buy slaves in Benin. The benefit derived from", "id": "4548000" }, { "contents": "The Bahamas\n\n\nwere outnumbered by the African-American slaves they brought with them, and ethnic Europeans remained a minority in the territory. In 1807 the British abolished the slave trade, followed by the United States the next year. During the following decades, the Royal Navy intercepted the trade; they resettled in the Bahamas thousands of Africans liberated from slave ships. In the 1820s during the period of the Seminole Wars in Florida, hundreds of North American slaves and African Seminoles escaped from Cape Florida to the Bahamas. They settled mostly on northwest", "id": "3075122" }, { "contents": "European colonization of the Americas\n\n\nof other European colonial powers in the New World, the enslavement of native populations increased, as these empires lacked legislation against slavery until decades later. The population of indigenous peoples declined (mostly from European diseases, but also from forced exploitation and atrocities). Later, native workers were replaced by Africans imported through a large commercial slave trade. By the 18th century, the overwhelming number of black slaves was such that Amerindian slavery was less commonly used. Africans, who were taken aboard slave ships to the Americas, were primarily", "id": "7372615" }, { "contents": "Afro-Brazilian history\n\n\nthe Africans captured in Africa to become slaves in Brazil survived. Darcy Ribeiro estimated that, in this process, some 12 million Africans were captured to be brought to Brazil, even though the majority of them died before becoming slaves in the country. Brazil obtained 37% of all African slaves traded, and close to 4 million slaves were sent to this one country. Starting around 1550, the Portuguese began to trade African slaves to work the sugar plantations once the native Tupi people deteriorated. During the colonial epoch, slavery was", "id": "17077955" }, { "contents": "Cherokee history\n\n\n. As in southern states, the end of the Civil War brought freedom to enslaved African Americans held by Cherokee. By an 1866 treaty with the US government, the Cherokee agreed to grant tribal citizenship to freedmen who had been held by them as slaves. Both before and after the Civil War, some Cherokee intermarried or had relationships with African Americans, just as they had with whites. Many Cherokee Freedmen were active politically within the tribe. The US government also acquired easement rights to the western part of the territory, which", "id": "16944914" }, { "contents": "Benjamin Harrison\n\n\nAfrican American civil rights in addresses to Congress. Most notably, on December 3, 1889, Harrison had gone before Congress and stated: The colored people did not intrude themselves upon us; they were brought here in chains and held in communities where they are now chiefly bound by a cruel slave code...when and under what conditions is the black man to have a free ballot? When is he in fact to have those full civil rights which have so long been his in law? When is that quality of influence which", "id": "12511253" }, { "contents": "South America\n\n\nand French settlers enslaved mainly African blacks, the Spaniards became very disposed of the natives. In 1750 Portugal abolished native slavery in the colonies because they considered them unfit for labour and began to import even more African slaves. Slaves were brought to the mainland on so-called slave ships, under inhuman conditions and ill-treatment, and those who survived were sold into the slave markets. After independence, all South American countries maintained slavery for some time. The first South American country to abolish slavery was Chile in 1823,", "id": "6977959" }, { "contents": "African diaspora\n\n\n20th century. From the very onset of Spanish exploration and colonial activities in the Americas, Africans participated both as voluntary expeditionaries and as involuntary laborers. Juan Garrido was such an African conquistador. He crossed the Atlantic as a freedman in the 1510s and participated in the siege of Tenochtitlan. Africans had been present in Asia and Europe long before Columbus's travels. Beginning in the late 20th century, Africans began to emigrate to Europe and the Americas in increasing numbers, constituting new African diaspora communities not directly connected with the slave trade", "id": "2497017" }, { "contents": "Afro-Surinamese\n\n\nspace they received was when the British in the Treaty of Breda (1667) gave land on the northern coast of South America, ceded to them in exchange for New York. Suriname became a slave colony. Slaves were rapidly shipped from Africa to Suriname to work on coffee and sugar plantations for the Dutch and other Europeans. Over time, the slaves got used to their new environment and they created space for their African religion with many 'wintis', spirits. Some slaves asked their spirits for help with fleeing from the", "id": "6667789" }, { "contents": "Veracruz (city)\n\n\nAs in other parts of Mexico, the indigenous peoples suffered from epidemics of European infectious diseases, which decimated the population after contact. The Spanish began to import African slaves via the port of Veracruz to work on sugarcane plantations. In the 16th century, this state had more slaves than any other in Mexico. Before the slave trade was abolished, Mexico had the second-highest population of African slaves in the Americas, following Brazil. By the end of the 16th century, the Spanish had constructed roads to link Veracruz with", "id": "6465623" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\nto outlaw the slave trade. Of those 173, no fewer than 68 could be deemed nation states with political and military infrastructures that enabled them to dominate their neighbours. Nearly every present-day nation had a pre-colonial predecessor, sometimes an African empire with which European traders had to barter. The different ethnic groups brought to the Americas closely corresponds to the regions of heaviest activity in the slave trade. Over 45 distinct ethnic groups were taken to the Americas during the trade. Of the 45, the ten most prominent", "id": "4547961" }, { "contents": "Agama (lizard)\n\n\n\"Agama\", to incorporate various African and Asian lizards, as well as species from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. He noted that the name \"agama\" was used by inhabitants of Guiana for a species that he included in the genus \"Agama\". The word \"agama\" has been traced to West African Gbe languages as a name for the chameleon. The word was brought to Dutch Guiana (modern Suriname) by imported West African slaves and was then used in local creole languages", "id": "6949245" }, { "contents": "Lexington, Mississippi\n\n\nthe city of Lexington was founded by European-American settlers after most of the Choctaw people, who had long occupied this area, were forced to cede their land to the United States and remove to the Indian Territory. The new settlers initially developed riverfront land along the Yazoo and Black rivers for cotton plantations, primarily worked by enslaved African Americans. The slaves were brought by planters with them from the Upper South or transported in the domestic slave trade. In total, more than one million African Americans were transported to the Deep", "id": "2222769" }, { "contents": "Indigenous peoples of the Americas\n\n\nby between 80% and 90% within the first centuries of contact with Europeans. The majority of these losses are attributed to the introduction of Afro-Eurasian diseases into the Americas. Epidemics ravaged the Americas with diseases such as smallpox, measles, and cholera, which the early colonists and African slaves brought from Europe. The disease spread was slow initially, as Europeans were poor vectors for transferring the disease due to their natural exposure. This changed with the mass importation of Western and Central Africans slaves, who like the Native", "id": "13316491" }, { "contents": "Latin American culture\n\n\n\"European\" usually have some native ancestry. Today, mestizos make up the majority of Latin America's population. Starting in the late 16th century, a large number of African slaves were brought to Latin America, especially to Brazil and the Caribbean. Nowadays, blacks make up the majority of the population in most Caribbean. Many of the African slaves in Latin America mixed with the Europeans and their descendants (known as Mulattoes) make up the majority of the population in some countries, such as the Dominican Republic, and", "id": "1382414" }, { "contents": "Black Indians in the United States\n\n\nthe English colony of Jamestown. They killed the Europeans but brought some of the few African slaves as captives back to their own communities, gradually assimilating them. Interracial relationships continued to take place between Africans (and later African Americans) and members of Native American tribes in the coastal states. Although the colonists tried to enslave Native Americans in the early years, they gave it up in the early 18th century. Several colonial advertisements for runaway slaves made direct reference to the connections which Africans had in Native American communities. \"Reward", "id": "1983478" }, { "contents": "History of the Central African Republic\n\n\nthe slave ports and factories along the West African coast. The Bobangi people became major slave traders and sold their captives to the Americas using the Ubangi river to reach the coast. During the 18th century Bandia-Nzakara peoples established the Bangassou Kingdom along the Ubangi river. Population migration in the 18th and 19th centuries brought new migrants into the area, including the Zande, Banda, and Baya-Mandjia. In 1875, the Sudanese sultan Rabih az-Zubayr governed Upper-Oubangui, which included present-day CAR. Europeans", "id": "5321535" }, { "contents": "Panyarring\n\n\nin 1773, an Obutong chief's sons who had been pawns in an arrangement were sold to a European slave ship. The chief, Robin John Ephraim, was left with little choice but to panyar the ships and release his sons and other members of his tribe seized for the slave trade. Both Europeans and Africans began using panyarring as an extension of political and economic policies in the region and for a range of purported offenses. For example, in 1709 British slave traders were upset with an African slave trader who allegedly sold", "id": "7221553" }, { "contents": "History of slavery\n\n\nwere too weak to be able to speak or say where they had come from; some were quite young. African states played a role in the slave trade, and slavery was a common practice among Sub Saharan Africans before the involvement of the Arabs, Berbers and Europeans. There were three types: those who were slaves through conquest, those who were slaves due to unpaid debts, or those whose parents gave them as slaves to tribal chiefs. Chieftains would barter their slaves to Arab, Berber, Ottoman or European buyers for", "id": "18258534" }, { "contents": "1842 Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation\n\n\nfine of fifteen dollars was to be levied for masters who allowed slaves to buy or sell liquor. The Cherokee adopted the practice of using enslaved African Americans on their plantations from European Americans. Most Cherokee held fewer slaves and labored with them at subsistence agriculture. Slaves worked primarily as agricultural laborers, cultivating both cotton for their master's profit and food for consumption. Some slaves were skilled laborers, such as seamstresses and blacksmiths. Like other slaveholders, affluent Cherokee used slaves as a portable labor force. They developed robust farms,", "id": "5816118" }, { "contents": "Multiracial Americans\n\n\nAmerican descent report having had elder family members withholding pertinent genealogical information. Tracing the genealogy of African-Americans can be a very difficult process, as censuses did not identify slaves by name before the American Civil War, meaning that most African Americans did not appear by name in those records. In addition, many white fathers who used slave women sexually, even those in long-term relationships like Thomas Jefferson's with Sally Hemings, did not acknowledge their mixed race slave children in records, so paternity was lost. Colonial records", "id": "4458170" }, { "contents": "Iroquois\n\n\nculture is identified by spiritual and revengeful purposes, not to be mistaken for the term slave in the African Slave Trade. However, once African slavery was introduced into North America by European settlers, some Iroquois, such as Mohawk chief Joseph Brant, did own African slaves. To obtain slaves, Haudenosaunee peoples battled in \"mourning wars\". After the wars were over, Haudenosaunee warriors journeyed back to their villages with the new slaves they had captured. During these journeys, slaves were routinely tortured or even killed by their captors", "id": "6148807" }, { "contents": "Abolitionism in the United Kingdom\n\n\nparliament. Also in 1783, Dr Beilby Porteus, Bishop of Chester, issued a call to the Church of England to cease its involvement in the slave trade and to formulate a policy to improve the conditions of Afro-Caribbean slaves. The exploration of the African continent by such British groups as the African Association (1788) promoted the abolitionists' cause. Such expeditions highlighted the sophistication of African social organisation; before this, Europeans had considered them 'other' and uncivilized. The African Association had close ties with William Wilberforce", "id": "19138048" }, { "contents": "Demographics of Brazil\n\n\ninto the Portuguese population. The Mamelucos (or Caboclos, a mixed race between Europeans and Amerindians) have always been present in many parts of Brazil. Another important ethnic group, Africans, first arrived as slaves. Many came from Guinea, or from West African countries – by the end of the eighteenth century many had been taken from the Kingdom of Kongo and modern-day Angola, Mozambique, Ghana and Nigeria. By the time of the end of the slave trade in 1850, around three million slaves had been brought", "id": "21745089" }, { "contents": "Arab slave trade\n\n\nthe region as part of the expansion of the Saharan and Nile River slave routes. Their captives were enslaved and shipped to the Mediterranean coast, Europe, Arabia, the Western Hemisphere, or to the slave ports and factories along the West and North Africa coasts or South along the Ubanqui and Congo rivers. The Arab slave trade in the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and Mediterranean Sea long predated the arrival of any significant number of Europeans on the African continent south of the Sahara. Some descendants of African slaves brought to the", "id": "8619009" }, { "contents": "Gabriel Prosser\n\n\n. In addition, slaveholders brought thousands of ethnic African slaves with them, especially adding to the African population of New Orleans. In 1804 the black and mulatto revolutionaries succeeded in gaining freedom, declaring the colony the independent black nation of Haiti. Gabriel had been able to plan the rebellion because of relatively lax rules of movement for slaves between plantations and the city, as so many had been hired out, and others traveled to and from the city on errands for their masters. After the rebellion, many slaveholders greatly restricted the", "id": "7692650" }, { "contents": "Interracial marriage\n\n\nmarked the end of the Ayyubid dynasty and the beginning of the Mameluk era, when a series of former Mamluk slaves would rule over Egypt and occasionally other neighbouring regions. Africa has a long history of interracial mixing with Arabs. Arabs played a big role in the African slave trade and unlike the trans-Atlantic trade most of the black African slaves in the Arab slave trade were women. Most of them were used as sexual slaves by the Arab men and some were taken as wives. In the former Lusophone Africa (now", "id": "3582642" }, { "contents": "Henry Hawley (governor)\n\n\n\". It is believed that he brought in the first ever slave code in 1636 that Black Africans brought to the island to be sold should be enslaved for life, although some doubt it ever existed. Darryll Clarke, author of \"Governor Henry Hawley and the 1636 Slave Code\" makes the case for its existence and points out that this slave code is central to our understanding of what is now considered to be the origin of racialised slavery. Exactly when, how and why the English enslaved Black Africans for life in the", "id": "20385988" }, { "contents": "Triangular trade\n\n\nto Europe. European goods, in turn, were used to purchase African slaves, who were then brought on the sea lane west from Africa to the Americas, the so-called Middle Passage. Despite being driven primarily by economic needs, Europeans sometimes had a religious justification for their actions. In 1452, for instance, Pope Nicholas V, in the \"Dum Diversas\", granted to the kings of Spain and Portugal \"full and free permission to invade, search out, capture, and subjugate the Saracens [Muslims", "id": "14621338" }, { "contents": "European colonization of the Americas\n\n\nmost about 600,000 African slaves were imported into the United States, or 5% of the 12 million slaves brought across from Africa. Life expectancy was much higher in the United States (because of better food, less disease, lighter work loads, and better medical care) so the numbers grew rapidly by excesses of births over deaths, reaching 4 million by the 1860 Census. Slaves were a valuable commodity both for work and for sale in slave markets and so the policy of actively encouraging or forcing slaves to breed developed,", "id": "7372617" }, { "contents": "Slavery in Britain\n\n\ncolonies, owned African slaves. Ship owners transported enslaved West Africans, as well as British natives, to the New World to be sold into slave labour. The ships brought commodities back to Britain then exported goods to Africa. Some brought slaves to Britain, where they were kept in bondage. After a long campaign for abolition led by William Wilberforce, Parliament prohibited the practice by passing the Slave Trade Act 1807 which was enforced by the Royal Navy's West Africa Squadron. Britain used its influence to persuade other countries around the", "id": "1556943" }, { "contents": "Interracial marriage in the United States\n\n\nEuropeans and European-Americans, who actively tried to divide Native-Americans and Africans and put them against each other. During the 18th Century, some Native American women turned to freed or runaway African men due to a major decline in the male population in Native American villages. At the same time, the early slave population in America was disproportionately male. Records show that some Native American women bought African men as slaves. Unknown to European sellers, the women freed and married the men into their tribe. Some African men", "id": "16270749" }, { "contents": "Atlantic slave trade\n\n\ndestructive diseases such as syphilis—which in today can be treated with simple antibiotics such as penicillin and other medications that can inhibit and rid the body of harmful bacteria. The trade of enslaved Africans in the Atlantic has its origins in the explorations of Portuguese mariners down the coast of West Africa in the 15th century. Before that, contact with African slave markets was made to ransom Portuguese who had been captured by the intense North African Barbary pirate attacks on Portuguese ships and coastal villages, frequently leaving them depopulated. The first Europeans", "id": "4547985" }, { "contents": "Bethel-Christian Avenue-Laurel Hill Historical District\n\n\n- BCALH The indigenous Setalcott Native American tribe were in Setalket when Europeans first landed. The sachems Warawakmy and Mahue gave permission for land use to the whites, who subsequently brought African slaves to the Town of Brookhaven about the year 1670. Subsequent generations of Setalcotts and Africans intermarried, the Harts and the Sells, Eato, Lewis, Edwards, Phillips, Scott, Green, Seaman, Young, and Tobias families forming a blend of natives and blacks. Most found work as servants and laborers, the population was organized, economically", "id": "22000703" }, { "contents": "Saltwater Slavery\n\n\nthe history of the Atlantic slave trade: very few accounts of the slaves themselves are extant. Instead, we must use the accounts of Europeans in order to attempt to reconstruct the lived experiences of African slaves. Using the body of data (both numerical and anecdotal) that European slave traders left behind, Smallwood rescues some of the static \"stages\" used to describe the Atlantic slave trade—the African Gold Coast, the middle passage, and the American slave market—by bringing to life the forces that defined these arenas", "id": "12676343" }, { "contents": "List of diglossic regions\n\n\nwith the arrival of the English in 1655 the few Spanish settlers on the island fled to Cuba. The thousands of West African slaves that would be brought in for labour on the island's notorious sugar plantations of the eighteenth century had not yet arrived. Jamaican \"patois\" came into being when the island's burgeoning sugar industry created a large demand for field labour. The incoming African slave labourers—who spoke many various languages themselves—and the English speaking plantocracy communicated through the formation of a contact creole language unique to Jamaica", "id": "17376116" }, { "contents": "Merina people\n\n\n), and the lowest strata called \"Andevo\" (slaves). Each strata had been then hierarchically subdivided. The \"Andriana\" are divided into six sub-strata, each had an inherited occupation, and were endogamous. The nineteenth century records show that \"Andevo\" or slaves were imported blacks, and they constituted about a third of the Merina society. The Merina society sold highland slaves to both Muslim and European slave traders on Madagascar coast, as well as bought East African and southeast African slaves from them for", "id": "11993991" }, { "contents": "Columbian exchange\n\n\nthought to have been brought to the Americas from Africa via the Atlantic slave trade. Because it was endemic in Africa, many people there had acquired immunity. Europeans suffered higher rates of death than did African-descended persons when exposed to yellow fever in Africa and the Americas, where numerous epidemics swept the colonies beginning in the 17th century and continuing into the late 19th century. The disease caused widespread fatalities in the Caribbean during the heyday of slave-based sugar plantation. The replacement of native forests by sugar plantations and factories", "id": "242917" }, { "contents": "African-American upper class\n\n\nbe mixed-race children of African and European descent in the Americas. Then called \"mulattoes,\" they were sometimes not enslaved by their white slave-holding fathers and comprised a large part of the free black population in the South. In addition, numbers of Africans escaped to freedom during the American Revolution. Others were manumitted by their enslavers. The free black community in the US had therefore increased considerably by 1800, and although most of them were very poor, some were able to own farmland or to learn mechanical", "id": "149193" } ]
How did the whole world agree on the duration of a second?
[{"answer": "The first clocks were sun dials, and originally the duration of a day was divided into 12 equal segments by the Egyptians. These became hours, and obviously over time we discovered ways of counting the hours during night time as well. The Babylonians divided the hour in 60 minutes, but it took a long time before minutes could be accurately measured. In Medieval times in Europe a wide variety of mechanical devices were created that mimicked the sun dial (which is what decided which direction clockwise was). The mechanical clocks started to measure out minutes, although they were frequently inaccurate especially at this level of precision. In the 1600s Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock, and this was the first device that could accurately and reliably measure minutes. Over time the pendulum clocks were improved and made more accurate, **it was only at this point that we were able to measure seconds**. Around this time we began to redefine time. Previously time was based on the Earth rotation, the passage of the sun across the sky, as reflected by the sun dials of old. With these new mechanical devices we were able to have a more accurate way of measuring time. For a while a second was defined as a fraction of a year, 1/31,556,925.9747 It wasnt until the invention of atomic clocks that we settled upon the now standard length of time elapsed by a second. Technically a second is defined as: > the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom We chose the caesium-133 atom because it has an extremely regular periods. And we chose that 9.1 billion number because it was extremely close to the accepted length of a second at the time."}, {"answer": "If the invention and initial spread of the second is what you are asking about, seconds minutes and hours were invented as timekeeping units by ancient Babylonian mathematicians. The reason there are 60 minutes and 60 seconds is because Babylon's numbering system used a base of 60 instead of a base of 10. This is also why we have 360 degrees for a circle. Babylon was one of the first empires to attempt to standardize measurements in history. The staying power of the second has much to do with the fact that it is just a very old concept that no one saw fit to replace."}, {"answer": "The definition of 1 second is \"the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom\". With the development of the atomic clock in the early 1960s, it was decided to use atomic time as the basis of the definition of the second, rather than the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Following several years of work, Louis Essen from the National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, England) and William Markowitz from the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) determined the relationship between the hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium atom and the ephemeris second. Using a common-view measurement method based on the received signals from radio station WWV, they determined the orbital motion of the Moon about the Earth, from which the apparent motion of the Sun could be inferred, in terms of time as measured by an atomic clock. They found that the second of ephemeris time (ET) had the duration of 9,192,631,770 \u00b1 20 cycles of the chosen caesium frequency. As a result, in 1967 the Thirteenth General Conference on Weights and Measures defined the SI second of atomic time as stated above. This SI second, referred to atomic time, was later verified to be in agreement, within 1 part in 1010, with the second of ephemeris time as determined from lunar observations (the previous SI for 1 second) Although, for specialized purposes, a second may be used as a unit of time in time scales where the precise length differs slightly from the SI definition. One such time scale is UT1, a form of universal time. The SI second is not the 'legal standard' for timekeeping throughout the world, only that \"over the years UTC [which ticks SI seconds] has become either the basis for legal time of many countries, or accepted as the de facto basis for standard civil time"}, {"answer": "The international committee for weights and measures have conferences periodically to decide on the definition of different units. These are called SI units (basically the official metric system). These SI units are what people in stem fields all around the world use."}, {"answer": "My understanding differs slightly from others posters. The Sumerians (predecessors to the Babylonians) had a numerical system based on 60 as opposed to ours based on 100 (tens, decimals, whatever you want to call it). Their system of 60 naturally resulted in their measuring of time based on 60. Their system originated in using one hand to count to 12, so I doubt the claims that it was based on breaths or heartbeats. URL_1 URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Everyone needs to read the book called Longitude about John Harrisom, one of the coolest books I've ever read."}, {"answer": "The convention for hours and minutes started with Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Egyptians in Mesopotamia. These peoples ruled most of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean ring until the Greeks, followed by the Romans. The Greeks absorbed it readily and furthered the reach of these conventions in their trade routes, including the Vedic spread into India. The Romans spread that even further, and then Christiandom after that spread it further yet. In the ninth century, after Islam had been established, religious reformers reincorporated many of the ideas from the Greek traditions, which now firmly was based on hours and minutes. Probably the last Eurasian cultures to absorb the convention of hours and minutes were in the Far East, assisted by trade routes through India. Once the world was firmly established with hours and minutes, the rest was coasting. The second was introduced more or less as an afterthought, though it had been used sporadically throughout the previous centuries."}, {"answer": "Nobody here is answering the question, merely explaining how a minute or a second came into being. I may be wrong but I believe OP is asking how come the whole planet uses the same units. We don't all use the same calendar. We don't all use the same definition of a month and we certainly don't all use the same language so how come we're all agreed on what a minute or a second is?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "313767", "title": "Time horizon", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A time horizon, also known as a planning horizon, is a fixed point of time in the future at which point certain processes will be evaluated or assumed to end. It is necessary in an accounting, finance or risk management regime to assign such a fixed horizon time so that alternatives can be evaluated for performance over the same period of time. A time horizon is a physical impossibility in the real world.", "A time horizon, also known as a planning horizon, is a fixed point of time in the future at which point certain processes will be evaluated or assumed to end. It is necessary in an accounting, finance or risk management regime to assign such a fixed horizon time so that alternatives can be evaluated for performance over the same period of time. A time horizon is a physical impossibility in the real world."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19595664", "title": "Time in physics", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Time in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads. In classical, non-relativistic physics it is a scalar quantity and, like length, mass, and charge, is usually described as a fundamental quantity. Time can be combined mathematically with other physical quantities to derive other concepts such as motion, kinetic energy and time-dependent fields. \"\" is a complex of technological and scientific issues, and part of the foundation of \"recordkeeping\".", "Time in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads. In classical, non-relativistic physics it is a scalar quantity and, like length, mass, and charge, is usually described as a fundamental quantity. Time can be combined mathematically with other physical quantities to derive other concepts such as motion, kinetic energy and time-dependent fields. \"\" is a complex of technological and scientific issues, and part of the foundation of \"recordkeeping\".\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Time in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads. In classical, non-relativistic physics it is a scalar quantity and, like length, mass, and charge, is usually described as a fundamental quantity. Time can be combined mathematically with other physical quantities to derive other concepts such as motion, kinetic energy and time-dependent fields. \"\" is a complex of technological and scientific issues, and part of the foundation of \"recordkeeping\"."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "53244954", "title": "How Does a Moment Last Forever", "section": "Section::::Context and use in \"Beauty and the Beast\".\n", "start_paragraph_id": 7, "end_paragraph_id": 7, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["One of at least nine significant changes made to the film specifically for the remake, \"How Does a Moment Last Forever\" was conceived to explain Belle's backstory. Her quest to find out her mother's fate serves, in the plot, as a foundation for her relationship with the Beast, who also lost his mother as a child. In \"Beauty and the Beast\", the song is first performed by Maurice (Kline) shortly after the opening act \"Belle\". Belle (Watson) arrives at their house in the village and peeps on her father crafting a music box. He sings \"How Does a Moment Last Forever\" and reminisces about his deceased wife and their life together in Paris. After he realizes his daughter is watching him, he quickly finishes the music box, which is modelled after him and his wife and avoids to answer any of Belle's questions about her mother. \"It's obvious that he's still holding on to her\", wrote \"Bustle\"'s Olivia Truffaut-Wong. This version was dubbed \"Music Box\" in the soundtrack listing.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "One of at least nine significant changes made to the film specifically for the remake, \"How Does a Moment Last Forever\" was conceived to explain Belle's backstory. Her quest to find out her mother's fate serves, in the plot, as a foundation for her relationship with the Beast, who also lost his mother as a child. In \"Beauty and the Beast\", the song is first performed by Maurice (Kline) shortly after the opening act \"Belle\". Belle (Watson) arrives at their house in the village and peeps on her father crafting a music box. He sings \"How Does a Moment Last Forever\" and reminisces about his deceased wife and their life together in Paris. After he realizes his daughter is watching him, he quickly finishes the music box, which is modelled after him and his wife and avoids to answer any of Belle's questions about her mother. \"It's obvious that he's still holding on to her\", wrote \"Bustle\"'s Olivia Truffaut-Wong. This version was dubbed \"Music Box\" in the soundtrack listing."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Polyergus breviceps\n\n\nminutes to see for how long the \"Pogonomyrmex\" was attacked. The results were as follows: \"the mean duration of aggression by the Dufour’s gland treatment was 53.3 seconds...The mean duration of aggression for the water, pygidial gland, and poison gland controls were: 143.5 seconds, and 137.2 seconds and 132.2 seconds respectively\". Apparently, at some time, \"Polyergus\" queens evolved the capacity to passively facilitate colony takeovers. Topoff and Ellen Zimmerli also did experiments to prove that the \"Polyergus\" queen \"", "id": "17537482" }, { "contents": "So Taguchi\n\n\n2008, and he got only 91 at-bats for the whole season. However, he was included on Philadelphia's postseason roster and won his second championship ring when the Phillies won the 2008 World Series. (Taguchi was 0-for-4 pinch-hitting in the NLCS and did not appear in the World Series.) Shortly after winning the World Series, the Phillies decided to decline Taguchi's option and make him a free agent. Taguchi agreed to a minor league contract with the Chicago Cubs for the season, and was invited", "id": "11928580" }, { "contents": "Everton Cemetery\n\n\n21 Auxiliary Patrol Bases and, in February 1915, the base of the 10th Cruiser Squadron. During the Second World War, Liverpool was the headquarters of Western Approaches Command and a manning depot for officers and men of the Merchant Navy who agreed to serve with the Royal Navy for the duration of the war. Liverpool (Everton) Cemetery contains 55 First World War burials and 15 from the Second World War. There is a small Screen Wall memorial bearing the names of those whose graves are not marked by headstones. During the", "id": "1818953" }, { "contents": "Michael Anthony (musician)\n\n\nif Anthony did not rejoin, and Anthony agreed to play but on a reduced royalties contract. The contract drawn up was for the duration of the tour only. Throughout this time, and during the \"Van Halen III\" period, the public was unaware of Anthony's true status within the band and was led to believe that he was still a full-time member. In 2004, Van Halen released the compilation album \"The Best of Both Worlds\" which included three new songs. Anthony did not participate in the", "id": "12539616" }, { "contents": "World Chess Championship 1985\n\n\n. As in previous World Chess Championships, each of the contestants employed other chess players as \"seconds\" to help with preparation and analysis of adjourned games. Karpov's seconds were Grandmasters Sergei Makarichev and Igor Zaitsev. Other assistance was provided by Efim Geller and Evgeni Vasiukov. Kasparov's seconds were Grandmaster Josif Dorfman and Alexander Nikitin with Gennadi Timoshchenko and Evgeny Vladimirov also helping. The 1985 championships represented a restart of the abandoned match. Due to the extreme duration of the previous match, FIDE agreed at a meeting in Tunisia in", "id": "7279817" }, { "contents": "Brent Scowcroft\n\n\npresidential award begun under the George H. W. Bush administration. According to Robert Gates, the award is given to the official \"who most ostentatiously falls asleep in a meeting with the president.\" According to Gates, the president \"evaluated candidates on three criteria. First, duration—how long did they sleep? Second, the depth of the sleep. Snoring always got you extra points. And third, the quality of recovery. Did one just quietly open one's eyes and return to the meeting, or did you", "id": "20668657" }, { "contents": "Mahjong\n\n\nThis puts a maximum estimated limit on the game duration and provides some amount of predictability. Players may agree on table rules if the pace of the game is brisk or leisurely. For brisk games players may agree that a couple seconds after a discard are allowed for a \"window of opportunity\" before the next player picks up from the wall. Usually it is agreed once the next player has waited the duration of the \"window of opportunity\" and draws a tile from the wall, the previous discard is lost and can", "id": "19775229" }, { "contents": "Whole note\n\n\nother notes are fractions of the whole note. Half notes last for one half the duration of the whole note, quarter notes (or \"crotchets\") last for one quarter the duration, and a double whole note (or \"breve\", hence the British name \"semibreve\") lasts twice as long as a whole note. A related symbol is the whole rest (or semibreve rest). It usually applies for an \"entire measure\", but may occasionally mean a rest for the duration of a whole", "id": "6628288" }, { "contents": "Daniel J. Tobin\n\n\npolitical opponents. During World War II, Tobin strongly supported the labor movement's no-strike pledge. In early 1942, President Roosevelt asked the AFL and CIO to appoint members to a \"Labor War Board\" (also known as the \"Labor Victory Board\") to advise him on how labor could contribute to the war effort. Tobin and the other labor leaders agreed to cease raiding one another and to not strike for the duration of the national emergency. Nevertheless, Tobin sanctioned strikes involving Midwestern truckers in August 1942", "id": "4653324" }, { "contents": "Fundamental articles (theology)\n\n\nthem that their total inability to agree amongst themselves was itself a proof that their system was a false one, they could answer that though differing as to non-essentials they were agreed on fundamentals. And when asked how it could be maintained that the whole Christian world had for centuries been sunk in error, they replied that since these errors had not destroyed the fundamentals of the faith, salvation was possible even before the gospel had been preached. It is asserted that the first to take up this standpoint was Antonio de Dominis", "id": "11537943" }, { "contents": "Eighth note\n\n\nAn eighth note (American) or a quaver (British) is a musical note played for one eighth the duration of whole note (semibreve), hence the name. This amounts to twice the value of the sixteenth note (semiquaver). It is half the duration of a quarter note (crotchet), one quarter the duration of a half note (minim), one eighth the duration of whole note (semibreve), one sixteenth the duration of a double whole note (breve), and one thirty-", "id": "6628316" }, { "contents": "Big Brother Canada (season 4)\n\n\nof how willing they are to accept it in exchange for points. HouseGuests must keep the offers they buy, regardless whether they win or lose the competition. The HouseGuest with the most points will win the Power of Veto. Cassandra agreed to clean up poker chips and took a strategy session with Sarah. Jared agreed to take an eel bath for the duration of the competition. Nick & Phil agreed to wear a skunk suit, sit out of the next POV, and receive a haircut from Sarah. Joel agreed to eat", "id": "1364367" }, { "contents": "Episode 4466\n\n\nEdwards from \"Heat\" called the episode \"quite the special night\" and said that it was \"Not an easy task\" for Fenwick. She called his wink \"cheeky\" and \"brilliant\", saying it \"just showed how real the whole thing was\". She added that it was \"emotional\" to watch, and said that Harold \"did the best fake birth screaming we've seen in a long while. [...] Pretty impressive work, we're sure you'll agree.\" Matt Brito", "id": "15186159" }, { "contents": "The Whole Thing's Started\n\n\nbut did not perform with Air Supply. Their second album, \"The Whole Thing's Started\", also produced by Dawkins, was released in July 1977 with White replaced on lead guitar by Rex Goh. The album spawned the singles \"Do What You Do\" (June), \"That's How the Whole Thing Started\" (October) and \"Do It Again\" (February 1978) but neither album nor singles charted into the Top 40. From late 1977, the group supported Rod Stewart during his tour", "id": "2584632" }, { "contents": "Stand Back\n\n\nand told him the story of how she wrote the song to his melody. He came to the studio that night and played synthesizers on it, although his contribution is uncredited on the album. He and Nicks did agree however to split the publishing royalties on the song 50-50. Then, she says, \"he just got up and left as if the whole thing happened in a dream.\" The main intro of the song features an Oberheim OB-Xa synthesizer. The synth-bass is played on a", "id": "6289568" }, { "contents": "Escape from New York\n\n\nthe aftermath of the Watergate scandal. Carpenter said, \"The whole feeling of the nation was one of real cynicism about the President. I wrote the screenplay and no studio wanted to make it \"because, according to Carpenter, \"it was too dark, too violent, too scary, and too weird.\" He had been inspired by the film \"Death Wish\", which was very popular at the time. He did not agree with this film's philosophy, but liked how it conveyed \"the sense of", "id": "9747739" }, { "contents": "Schapelle Corby\n\n\nin August 2013, she agreed to: Her parole conditions did not require her to admit any responsibility for the marijuana found in her possession in 2004. She was not required to live in her sister's house, but for the duration of her parole period, she was not allowed to leave Indonesia and required permission from the Justice Ministry to travel to other parts of Indonesia. Her parole period ended on 27 May 2017. Her release attracted news coverage around the world, including in the United States, the United Kingdom,", "id": "7171634" }, { "contents": "Carl Ebert\n\n\nproductions for the duration of the Second World War. Both Busch and Ebert would have been liable to internment as enemy aliens had they remained in Britain, and Ebert moved his family to Ankara in 1940, remaining as head of the Department of the Performing Arts at the conservatory there until 1947. At the end of the Second World War the Allied powers occupying Germany invited Ebert to undertake a thorough tour of all parts of the country and report on the state of the theatre. He did so, but declined the offer that", "id": "18740214" }, { "contents": "Duration (music)\n\n\nIn music, duration is an amount of time or how long or short a note, phrase, section, or composition lasts. \"\"Duration\" is the length of time a pitch, or tone, is sounded.\" A note may last less than a second, while a symphony may last more than an hour. One of the fundamental features of rhythm, or encompassing rhythm, duration is also central to meter and musical form. Release plays an important part in determining the timbre of a musical instrument and is", "id": "3109188" }, { "contents": "South Park (season 3)\n\n\nshow creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone began to take more creative control of the show back, which they had delegated in the previous season to a writing staff. Parker and Stone have openly expressed dislike for the second season as a whole. \"There's a lot of funny stuff in the second season,\" Stone remarked, but Parker agreed that they were still learning how to write for the show. They took the advice of friends in the television industry and let other writers on the staff write scripts and take more", "id": "12166738" }, { "contents": "Barycenter\n\n\nclock rates at different locations. Brumberg explains how to set up barycentric coordinates in general relativity. The coordinate systems involve a world-time, i.e. a global time coordinate that could be set up by telemetry. Individual clocks of similar construction will not agree with this standard, because they are subject to differing gravitational potentials or move at various velocities, so the world-time must be slaved to some ideal clock that is assumed to be very far from the whole self-gravitating system. This time standard is called Barycentric Coordinate", "id": "20684224" }, { "contents": "Das dumme Gänslein\n\n\ndid not agree with Nazi policies, such as the concentration camps. For example, the animation shows animal entrapment, brutality and exploitation which could reflect how people were treated in the camps. These could show Fischerkoesen had a humanitarian perspective and did not agree with some of the Nazi's actions, with him working front line in World War One. However, he made the animation to fit into the circumstance as he didn't want to oppose the regime. When Hans Fischerkoesen produced this short animation he also produced two others (", "id": "1098809" }, { "contents": "Bond duration\n\n\nusefully, convexity can be used to measure how the modified duration changes as yields change. Similar risk measures (first and second order) used in the options markets are the delta and gamma. Modified duration and DV01 as measures of interest rate sensitivity are also useful because they can be applied to instruments and securities with varying or contingent cash flows, such as options. For bonds that have embedded options, such as putable and callable bonds, Modified duration will not correctly approximate the price move for a change in yield to maturity", "id": "11654623" }, { "contents": "LMS Jubilee Class 5699 Galatea\n\n\nLondon Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) Jubilee Class No. 5699 (BR No. 45699) Galatea is a preserved British steam locomotive. 5699 was built at Crewe in April 1936 and named \"Galatea\" after , which in turn was named after the Galatea of mythology. From new it was allocated to Newton Heath shed in Manchester where it was to remain until October 1937 when it was transferred to Millhouses in Sheffield, it was to remain here for almost the whole duration of the Second World War as it was not", "id": "6091553" }, { "contents": "Echoic memory\n\n\ninformation. It was initially studied using similar partial report paradigms to those utilized by Sperling; however, modern neuropsychological techniques have enabled the development of estimations of the capacity, duration, and location of the echoic memory store. Using Sperling's model as an analogue, researchers continue to apply his work to the auditory sensory store using partial and whole report experiments. They found that the echoic store has a duration of up to 4 seconds. However, different durations have been proposed for the existing echo once the hearing signal has been", "id": "18297271" }, { "contents": "Time signature\n\n\nuse roughly the same symbols as our modern double whole note (breve) and whole note (semibreve), but they were not limited to the same proportional values as are in use today. There are complicated rules concerning how a breve is sometimes three and sometimes two semibreves. Unlike modern notation, the duration ratios between these different values was not always 2:1; it could be either 2:1 or 3:1, and that is what, amongst other things, these mensuration signs indicated. A ratio of 3:1 was called \"complete\"", "id": "11280562" }, { "contents": "Capitol Campaign Strategies\n\n\nScanlon and Abramoff agreed to defraud their tribal clients in a scheme they jokingly referred to between themselves as the \"Gimme Five\" program. Let me explain to you how this program worked. As described in the court papers filed today, Abramoff would recommend that his tribal clients hire a company run by Scanlon, Capitol Campaign Strategies, or CCS, to perform grassroots or public relations services on behalf of the tribes. But the tribes weren't getting the whole picture. Abramoff did not refer tribal clients to CCS solely to further", "id": "15770556" }, { "contents": "Human-powered helicopter\n\n\nby the team. An unofficial world record flight duration of 74 seconds was also achieved the same day by pilot Brandon Draper. On September 25, 2013, pilot Justin Mauch powered \"Gamera IID\" (another upgraded version of \"Gamera II\") for a certified U.S. record and pending world record flight duration of 97.5 seconds. On the same day, pilot Kay Tsui set a new U.S. record for a flight duration of 38 seconds. On 24 June 2012, the NTS Works Upturn human-powered helicopter also flew successfully", "id": "21389852" }, { "contents": "I See You (Theme from Avatar)\n\n\nSun\" reported that \"Leona was delighted to be part of Avatar but the song was never supposed to be released. But her cover of \"Run\" wasn't meant to be released either — and look how well that did.\" \"I See You\" is a pop ballad, which lasts for a duration of four minutes and 20 seconds. It was composed in the key of A# minor using common time and a slow groove at 72 beats per minute. Lewis' vocal range spans two octaves, from", "id": "9252405" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Indians\n\n\nout depending on how the distance favored the Indians against their opponents in a given series. The fence moved as much as between series opponents. Following the 1947 season, the American League countered with a rule change that fixed the distance of an outfield wall for the duration of a season. The massive stadium did, however, permit the Indians to set the then record for the largest crowd to see a Major League baseball game. On October 10, 1948, Game 5 of the World Series against the Boston Braves drew over", "id": "6660500" }, { "contents": "Whole blood\n\n\ninjury. Whole blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and blood plasma. It is best within a day of collection; however, can be used for up to three weeks. The blood is typically combined with an anticoagulant and preservative during the collection process. The first transfusion of whole blood was in 1818; however, common use did not begin until the First and Second World Wars. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe", "id": "1620929" }, { "contents": "Thomas McLaughlin (engineer)\n\n\nm for a government whose annual budget was £25m. It would produce more electricity than the whole of Ireland was then producing. Distributing the electricity would require a country-wide grid that did not then exist. W. T. Cosgrave, President of the Executive Council (\"Prime Minister\"), proved harder to convince. He rejected the idea at the first meeting but did agree to meet McLaughlin again. At the second meeting McLaughlin was accompanied by a senior director of Siemens. They were given permission to develop the", "id": "17568981" }, { "contents": "Double whole note\n\n\nin common use, the breve is rarely encountered except in English music, where the half-note is often used as the beat unit . A related symbol is the double whole rest (double rest or breve rest), which usually denotes a silence for the same duration (; ). Double whole rests are drawn as filled-in rectangles occupying the whole vertical space between the second and third lines from the top of the musical staff. They are often used in long silent passages which are not divided into separate bars to", "id": "8790749" }, { "contents": "No Love\n\n\n. Eminem spoke about how Lil Wayne got to collaborate with him. He stated that the song was Lil Wayne appearing on Eminem's album after Eminem did the song \"Drop the World\" that appeared on Lil Wayne's album \"Rebirth\". \"I did a song with Wayne called 'Drop the World' for his [\"Rebirth\"] album, and we had just agreed to do an even swap, so I wanted him on my album.\" Just Blaze also spoke about the making of the song.", "id": "215882" }, { "contents": "The World's Last Night and Other Essays\n\n\nfrom space. The philosopher C.E.M. Joad agreed with Lewis and concluded that the size of the universe and the span of time in which it formed did not have “any necessary bearing upon our views as to the nature of the universe as a whole, more particularly as regards its origin, purpose, destiny and end.” The enlargement of the scale of the universe did not reduce the importance of mankind. Disagreeing with Hoyle, Lewis thought it unlikely that life existed anywhere else in our solar system, but that it was", "id": "7337399" }, { "contents": "Rheobase\n\n\nuntil the boundary between spiking and non-spiking behavior is identified. Duration Because it is not possible to wait an infinite amount of time, trial currents are injected for finite durations. The current duration varies among publications, but is on the order of 0.1-5 seconds. However, this also implies that an injected current that did not result in spikes could have resulted in spikes if the duration was longer. For this reason, the current duration should be specified when reporting a cell's rheobase. Precision In addition to", "id": "4695928" }, { "contents": "Afeni Shakur\n\n\nher to channel her anger. This gave her hope which she mentioned she had never experienced. She wrote about how she met men who did not abuse black women in the party. It was through the party that she met Lumumba Shakur, agreed to be his second wife and converted to Islam. She described her experiences in jail and how together with other inmates, they organized a bail fund to get some of the women out of jail. Although she and her son Tupac did not always have a great relationship, he", "id": "2256799" }, { "contents": "Bluebirds (Australian nurses)\n\n\nA French teacher was also engaged to accompany the team on their voyage to Europe. The nurses signed contracts agreeing to serve for twelve months or the duration of the war, whichever was shorter. While the nurses did not form part of the military, the Department of Defence funded their passage to Europe. The Australian Jockey Club initially volunteered to pay the first six months of the Bluebirds' salaries at the same rate as those of military nurses, but may have subsequently funded the nurses' salaries for the duration of the war", "id": "10682015" }, { "contents": "Apprendi v. New Jersey\n\n\nthat the jury never determined the exact duration of the violation. The Court of Appeals for the First Circuit upheld the sentence, agreeing that the jury had not determined the duration of the violation, but holding that \"Apprendi\" did not apply to criminal fines. The Supreme Court reversed, holding there is no principled distinction between criminal fines and imprisonment for the purpose of \"Apprendi\" because \"Apprendi\" requires that any fact other than a prior conviction that increases the penalty for a crime beyond the statutory maximum must be submitted", "id": "5929516" }, { "contents": "Kidnapping of Aldo Moro\n\n\nwell as on the whole of his party: \"Of course, I cannot prevent myself from underlining the wickedness of all the Christian Democrats who did not agree with my position [...] And Zaccagnini? How can he stay tranquil in his position? And Cossiga could not devise any possible defence? My blood will fall over them.\" Doubts have been cast over the complete publication of Moro's letters. The Carabinieri general Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa (then coordinator of the fight against terrorism in Italy, later killed by", "id": "6166739" }, { "contents": "Chattri, Brighton\n\n\na new maintenance policy and agreed to reduce the amount of surrounding land belonging to the memorial; in 1920 a area had been created around it. The Second World War intervened, though, and the whole area was requisitioned by the Army. By the end of the war, The Chattri was covered with bullet holes after being used as a target by troops practising their rifle shooting. After the war, the War Office agreed to pay for repairs, and The Chattri was restored to its original condition. Starting in 1951,", "id": "3795701" }, { "contents": "Merritt B. Curtis\n\n\nson of Israel Hamilton Curtis and Eliza Allen Mee. He attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1916. Curtis subsequently entered the Marine Corps on August 10, 1917, and was commissioned second lieutenant on that date. He also married Francis Claire Bracewell on April 23, 1917, at Riverside, California. Curtis was assigned to the Marine Barracks Quantico, Virginia, and served there during the whole duration of World War I. He was transferred to the 1st Provisional Brigade of Marine", "id": "4006535" }, { "contents": "Bond convexity\n\n\nIn finance, bond convexity is a measure of the non-linear relationship of bond prices to changes in interest rates, the second derivative of the price of the bond with respect to interest rates (duration is the first derivative). In general, the higher the duration, the more sensitive the bond price is to the change in interest rates. Bond convexity is one of the most basic and widely used forms of convexity in finance. Duration is a linear measure or 1st derivative of how the price of a bond changes", "id": "12030616" }, { "contents": "Of Long Duration Anguish\n\n\nOf Long Duration Anguish is the second album by Estonian death metal band Aggressor. This was the last album the band did under the name Aggressor before being renamed to \"No-Big-Silence\" in 1996. In 1993 their second album \"Of Long Duration Anguish\" was released as MC and in 1994 as CD. Korrozia Metalla cover \"Russian Vodka\" on that album was sung by bassist Cram which resulted in the idea of changing their style. In 1995 Aggressor performed at the biggest rock-festival in Estonia,", "id": "6604688" }, { "contents": "A Is for Acid\n\n\nhis job because of a relationship with his boss's daughter, Gillian Rogers, Haigh sets himself up as an inventor. He bumps into a former employer, Donald McSwan, who has a successful property business. Befriending McSwan and his elderly parents, William and Amy, Haigh offers to help them when Donald is conscripted to fight in the Second World War. Donald agrees to Haigh's suggestion that he run the business and take care of his parents while Donald hides out in Scotland for the duration of the war. Haigh then", "id": "20143174" }, { "contents": "Musical note\n\n\na note value, a code that determines the note's relative duration. In order of halving duration, they are: double note (breve); whole note (semibreve); half note (minim); quarter note (crotchet); eighth note (quaver); sixteenth note (semiquaver).; thirty-second note (demisemiquaver), sixty-fourth note (hemidemisemiquaver), and hundred twenty-eighth note. In a score, each note is assigned a specific vertical position on a staff position (", "id": "2148222" }, { "contents": "Bond duration\n\n\nchange linearly, but rather is a convex function of interest rates. Convexity is a measure of the curvature of how the price of a bond changes as the interest rate changes. Specifically, duration can be formulated as the first derivative of the price function of the bond with respect to the interest rate in question, and the convexity as the second derivative. Convexity also gives an idea of the spread of future cashflows. (Just as the duration gives the discounted mean term, so convexity can be used to calculate the discounted", "id": "11654629" }, { "contents": "Jordan Cantwell\n\n\nstories of our faith teach us that God is with us on our journey, wherever we are.\" At her installation service, she spoke of the feeding of the multitude, where Jesus fed several thousand people with only a few fish and loaves of bread: \"Jesus did something far more radical and amazing than stretching five loaves to feed five thousand... He reminded them that they were a people constituted by an alternative vision of how the world might be, a whole different set of principles and values and therefore a whole", "id": "14017267" }, { "contents": "Rhythm\n\n\ntactus\", a measure of how quickly the beat flows. This is often measured in 'beats per minute' (bpm): 60 bpm means a speed of one beat per second, a frequency of 1 Hz. A rhythmic unit is a durational pattern that has a period equivalent to a pulse or several pulses . The duration of any such unit is inversely related to its tempo. Musical sound may be analyzed on five different time scales, which Moravscik has arranged in order of increasing duration . Curtis Roads takes a", "id": "6653027" }, { "contents": "Costume design\n\n\nbasic idea for how the show will look put together and if the rules of the world are being maintained. The Costume designer will then go into more detailed sketches and will figure out the specific costumes and colors for the character. Sketches help see the show as a whole without them having to spend too much time on them. 5.) Final Sketches: Once the Costume Designer and the Director agree on the costumes and the ideas are fully flushed out, the designer will create final sketches. These are called rendering and", "id": "12772244" }, { "contents": "Pokémon Go\n\n\nthey started using the app, which approximated to 26% more than usual. \"IGN\" named it the 100th best video games of all time in 2018. Philip Kollar and Allegra Frank (\"Polygon\") both agreed that \"Pokémon Go\" was \"an exciting social experience\", but were not sure how long the game and its popularity would last, stating it could either last for coming years or \"end up as a brush fire craze that the whole gaming world is talking about for a few weeks and", "id": "18894502" }, { "contents": "Olivier Messiaen\n\n\n\"Quatuor\" is actually given the tempo marking \"infiniment lent\"). Messiaen also used the concept of \"chromatic durations\", for example in his \"Soixante-quatre durées\" from \"Livre d'orgue\" (), which is built from, in Messiaen's words, \"64 chromatic durations from 1 to 64 demisemiquavers [thirty-second notes]—invested in groups of 4, from the ends to the centre, forwards and backwards alternately—treated as a retrograde canon. The whole peopled with birdsong.\" In addition", "id": "15835375" }, { "contents": "Three Upbuilding Discourses, 1843\n\n\nof love. Everything is always changing in the external world but in the inner spiritual world there is one thing that never changes according to Kierkegaard. He says, “What is it that never changes even though everything is changed? It is love, and that alone is love, that which never becomes something else.” Love is dependent on how a person sees and when the individual sees with love that individual can see away sin in himself as well as the sin of the whole world, just as Christ did.", "id": "16069913" }, { "contents": "Life in a Day (2011 film)\n\n\nwas important to represent the whole world.\" At a reported cost of £40,000, \"we did resort to snail mail for sending out 400 cameras to parts of the developing world – and getting back the resulting video cards.\" Macdonald later remarked that he regretted not sending out a far smaller number of cameras but providing training in camera operation and desired type of content: \"Naively, I hadn't realised how alien, not only the concept of a documentary is to a lot of people (in the developing world", "id": "4724953" }, { "contents": "Note value\n\n\nnote value to three equal parts, or some other value than two, tuplets may be used. However, see swung note and notes inégales. Although note heads of various shapes, and notes with and without stems appear in early Gregorian chant manuscripts, many scholars agree that these symbols do not indicate different durations, although the dot is used for augmentation. See neume. In the 13th century, chant was sometimes performed according to rhythmic modes, roughly equivalent to meters; however, the note shapes still did not indicate duration", "id": "4598940" }, { "contents": "Newcastle upon Tyne West (UK Parliament constituency)\n\n\nDistrict of Newburn. General Election 1939/40: Another General Election was required to take place before the end of 1940. The political parties had been making preparations for an election to take place from 1939 and by the end of this year, the following candidates had been selected; At the outbreak of the Second World War the planned election was postponed and the major parties agreed to an electoral truce, where they would not contest by-elections against each other for the duration of the war. This meant that following Joseph Leech's", "id": "12363129" }, { "contents": "Adieu (Stockhausen)\n\n\ngeneral pauses and five short, unfinished traditional tonal cadences, reminiscent of Mozart . These broken-off cadence fragments open and close \"Adieu\", and divide the whole into four large sections of 144 time units each. The second and fourth of these main sections are subdivided by the pauses, resulting in a total of eight subsections, with durations of 144, 55 + 89, 144, and 34 + 21 + 34, + 55 units . These are then subdivided further into smaller measures. Each Fibonacci duration is associated", "id": "15334659" }, { "contents": "Collective work\n\n\nworks. A collective work is a work created by the initiative and under the coordination of a natural or legal person who edits and publishes it under their name and consists of the collection of contributions from different authors whose personal contributions are based on autonomous creation, and for whom it is not possible to attribute separately a right over the whole of the work. Unless otherwise agreed, the rights to the collective work belong to the person who publishes and disseminates it under their name. The duration of rights over a collective work shall", "id": "7914795" }, { "contents": "Common law copyright\n\n\nworks was subject to the durational limits of the statute. The reasoning behind the decision is disputed, though most scholars agree that the House did not rule against common-law copyright. The Lords agreed that an author had a pre-existing right \"to dispose of his manuscript ... until he parts with it\" (Lord Chief Justice De Grey), but that prior to the Statute of Anne the right to copy was \"founded on patents, privileges, Star Chamber Decrees and the bylaws of the Stationers' Company\"", "id": "8644067" }, { "contents": "Gotham (season 1)\n\n\n\"It opened up a whole world of storytelling that we realized hadn't really been looked at before, which is the world before Batman -- the world of Gotham, young Bruce Wayne, and young James Gordon and the origin stories of the villains\". In a September 2014 with \"Digital Spy\", Heller said he was initially hesitant to do a superhero series because he did not know how to write about people with super powers, adding \"Human beings are diminished as soon as a superhero walks onto the screen.", "id": "4433633" }, { "contents": "Thirty-second note\n\n\nIn music, a demisemiquaver (British) or thirty-second note (American) is a note played for of the duration of a whole note (or \"semibreve\"). It lasts half as long as a sixteenth note (or \"semiquaver\") and twice as long as a sixty-fourth (or \"hemidemisemiquaver\"). Thirty-second notes are notated with an oval, filled-in note head and a straight note stem with three flags or beams. A single thirty-second note is always", "id": "7737549" }, { "contents": "J. Edgar Hoover\n\n\nit to Hoover to decide how and when to use wiretaps, as he found the \"whole business\" distasteful. Jackson's successor at the post of Attorney General, Francis Biddle, did turn down Hoover's requests on occasion. The FBI participated in the Venona Project, a pre-World War II joint project with the British to eavesdrop on Soviet spies in the UK and the United States. They did not initially realize that espionage was being committed, but the Soviet's multiple use of one-time pad ciphers (", "id": "16241254" }, { "contents": "Destination X (2012)\n\n\nManager Hulk Hogan for a World Title match against the longest and reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Roode, at the PPV. Hogan, impressed with him as whole, gave him one week to decide on a proposal that if Aries wants his shot, he would be forced to relinquish the X Division Title (as Hogan did not want one wrestler holding both belts). A week later, Aries agreed to the stipulation with the caveat that all future X Division champions be given the same opportunity every year at Destination X.", "id": "3365695" }, { "contents": "Alizée\n\n\nstatus in just three months. In 2001, the album was launched internationally and Alizée became the highest-selling female French singer ever. The album went on to sell over two million copies worldwide. Farmer and Boutonnat kept a tight rein how the album was marketed and controlled the image in which Alizée was portrayed. In the meantime, Alizée gave very few interviews, and even when she did, they did not stretch beyond 20 minutes per journalist. Neither did she agree to any photoshoots. Her second single \"L'Alizé\"", "id": "14168604" }, { "contents": "Waikato Mounted Rifles\n\n\nthat eight died in South Africa; 74 at Gallipoli; and 42 in Sinai and Palestine. One hundred and fifty-eight were wounded on Gallipoli and in the Middle East. It is unfortunately impossible to discover the exact losses of former WMR servicemen during the Second World War, for unlike the First World War, WMR did not send and sustain a formed service squadron overseas for the duration. Aside from the Div Cav, to which all nine mounted rifles regiments then in existence contributed, WMR's soldiers were drafted as reinforcements", "id": "4260208" }, { "contents": "SB Centaur\n\n\nSB \"Centaur\" is a wooden Thames sailing barge, built in Harwich, Essex, England in 1895. She was used to carry various cargoes, mainly grain, for the next 60 years. During the First World War she carried food and coal to the French Channel ports. During the Second World War Centaur was damaged when sailing to assist with the Dunkirk Evacuation. She did war work for the duration of the conflict. In 1945 she returned to the grain trade until 1955, when she was derigged. Between 1955", "id": "5714026" }, { "contents": "Political culture\n\n\nconsensus\" which represents the key link between government and public agreement and appeasement. Support for appeasement may not always be shared by the whole nation, but as a whole, people agree to sustain it, meaning it is a common agreement. There are various \"Examples of Consensus\" in British political culture: how people are governed as a whole, consensus regarding the welfare state, agreement as to who acts as head of state, and with what powers. The third feature of British political culture is \"homogeneity\".", "id": "17267880" }, { "contents": "Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft\n\n\nin 1889, Durkheim interpreted \"Gemeinschaft\" as an organic community, and \"Gesellschaft\" as a mechanical one, reproaching Tönnies for considering the second type of social organisation artificial, and not seeing the transition from the one type to the other. Tönnies did not agree with such an interpretation of his views, and in turn, when reviewing Durkheim's \"The Division of Labour in Society\" (1896), wrote that Durkheim's whole sociology was a modification and variant of Spencer's, which was also unjust. Eric", "id": "12904238" }, { "contents": "Alexandre Bolduc\n\n\nyear contract with the St.Louis Blues worth $550,000. In the following 2013–14 season, he was assigned to their AHL affiliate, the Chicago Wolves, for the duration of the season scoring 37 points in 59 games. On July 1, 2014, Bolduc agreed to return to the Coyotes organization, signing a one-year, two way contract with Arizona. In the 2014–15 season, Bolduc appeared in three games with the Coyotes. He primarily spent the duration of the year in second stint as captain of the Portland", "id": "13999081" }, { "contents": "The World from the Side of the Moon\n\n\nfrom the lyrics of the first song on the album, \"Man on the Moon.\" Phillips described it as the experience of watching himself in a DVD of the whole \"Idol\" season someone gave him, \"so I was kind of watching myself from a whole different world that no one else really knows. It’s interesting to see how it happened and so fast. That's how I picked the title: I felt like I watched myself grow and this whole album is representing where I am.\" The", "id": "5310640" }, { "contents": "Judge Edgar\n\n\nalways declined a permanent seat – when he agreed to sit in a vacant seat to make up the numbers for the duration of the trial. Although Edgar was acquitted of all criminal charges, she was still dismissed from office by Chief Judge Hershey. Judge Niles, who was head of SJS and who had personally led the investigation (and brought the whole affair to Hershey's attention in the first place), was transferred from SJS to take over command of the PSU. Edgar was demoted to the lowly position of commanding Cursed", "id": "4042122" }, { "contents": "La straniera\n\n\n1859 biography, gives an account of Bellini's working methods, explaining how he set texts to music always with the words in front of him in order to see how inspired to compose he might become. When it came time to compose the final aria \"Or sei pago, o ciel tremendo\", the librettist's words gave him no inspiration at all and, at their next meeting, Romani agreed to re-write the text. Returning within half an hour, the second version left Bellini equally cold—as did", "id": "12008693" }, { "contents": "Scientific consensus on climate change\n\n\nnot at all\" to \"very much\". To the question \"How convinced are you that climate change, whether natural or anthropogenic, is occurring now?\", 67.1% said they very much agreed, 26.7% agreed to some large extent, 6.2% said to they agreed to some small extent (2–4), none said they did not agree at all. To the question \"How convinced are you that most of recent or near future climate change is, or will be, a result of anthropogenic causes", "id": "16423349" }, { "contents": "Frederick Samuel Modise\n\n\nthe rafters. There he saw a great crowd of people of all races kneeling down and praying, facing the east. This place, he later told us, was Silo. He was asked if he could hear the prayers of the people. He replied that he only heard them pray 'for the sake of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ' because they did not know the Lord's Prayer. He told us that the whole world did not know how to pray in the right way. He was also given", "id": "16348729" }, { "contents": "Tribe 8 (role-playing game)\n\n\nas a soft cover book that used the \"Silhouette Core Rules\". Thus, unlike the 1st edition, it was not a complete game and needed the Silhouette CORE Rulebook to play. The second edition moved the setting from Vimary to Capal (another city), advancing the history of the world by 15 years. It also finally revealed the whole course of the metaplot, allowing Gamemasters to weave their own stories rather than wait to find out how the world would change. Though plans to follow up the second edition with", "id": "17228784" }, { "contents": "Ernie Curtis\n\n\n2–2 draw with Scotland in the 1928 British Home Championship. He won a further two caps for Wales, his final appearance coming on 4 November 1933 in a 1–1 draw with Ireland. At the outbreak of the Second World War he joined the Royal Artillery and was posted to the Far East. While serving, he was captured by Japanese forces in 1941 and spent the duration of the war in a prisoner-of-war camp. During his time in the camp, Curtis would teach Japanese officers how to play football with", "id": "14847064" }, { "contents": "Half of Me (Rihanna song)\n\n\n. \"Half of Me\" is a chamber pop and R&B song which lasts for a duration of three minutes and twelve seconds. The line \"You saw me on the television\" is a possible reference to her interview with Oprah Winfrey after her boyfriend, Chris Brown assaulted her. Christina Lee for Idolator thought that this is because of how Rihanna's popularity and personal life combined with her \"paparazzi-documented interactions\" with Brown has generated headlines and news stories around the world. \"Half of Me\" can be interpreted", "id": "8477388" }, { "contents": "Actuality film\n\n\nthe history of the actuality. Lumière films ran for the duration of the film strip in the camera, which was a uniform 50-second length. Lumière cameramen were trained to shoot in a specific type of framing and to keep an eye out for certain kinds of action. Louis Lumière personally approved every subject released and rejected about 500 films made for the company that did not meet his standards. They were consciously building a document of the world around them in 50-second shots, and Lumière cameramen had the greatest reach worldwide of any motion", "id": "3466181" }, { "contents": "World War I conscription in Australia\n\n\nDuring the second half of World War One, the First Australian Imperial Force experienced a shortage of men as the number of men volunteering to fight overseas declined and the casualty rate increased. At the time, military service within the Commonwealth of Australia and its territories was compulsory for Australian men, but that requirement did not extend to conflict outside of Australia. In 1916, Prime Minister Billy Hughes called a plebiscite to determine public support for extending conscription to include military service outside the Commonwealth for the duration of the war. The referendum", "id": "10013036" }, { "contents": "Wallace Ross\n\n\nhe was chased by very determined men he stayed in front for the whole race and crossed the line first. This was the pinnacle of the career for Ross and he was acclaimed by many as the world champion although this was unofficial. Hanlan as official Champion was unhappy with this state of affairs and promptly challenged Ross to a race for the title. The challenge was accepted but the two men, or their agents, could not agree terms and the race did not proceed. The following season another match was arranged to be", "id": "13312294" }, { "contents": "The Naked Truth (How I Met Your Mother)\n\n\nTo prove to Nora that he will never lie to her again, Barney vows not to leave the diner until she agrees to a second date. The gang eats at the diner nine hours later and sees Barney wake up. He refuses to make an order several times, and true to his word, does stay at the diner the whole time, which convinces Nora when she comes back. Ted capitalizes on being featured in \"New York\" magazine, speaking to women at newsstands when they pick up a copy of the", "id": "15182074" }, { "contents": "George Mason\n\n\ngrand committee that considered customs duties and ports. On August 31, 1787, Massachusetts' Elbridge Gerry spoke against the document as a whole, as did Luther Martin of Maryland. When Gerry moved to postpone consideration of the final document, Mason seconded him, stating, according to Madison, that \"he would sooner chop off his right hand than put it to the Constitution as it now stands\". Still, Mason did not rule out signing it, saying that he wanted to see how certain matters still before the convention", "id": "5743475" }, { "contents": "Marguerite Young (journalist)\n\n\napart. I'd found out in economics 1-2-3 and in the world the deepest criticism of the classical economics of Adam Smith and of modern capitalism was the owners and managers skimmed the cream. They \"stole the value\" of workingman's labor and called it profit, but it was in fact \"surplus value\", hence the whole system was not just unfair but mildness and one day it would collapse of its own bloated with. I did not agree at all. I rather bothered at seeing that", "id": "15682438" }, { "contents": "1940 Cochinchina uprising\n\n\nlaunched in one area of the country even if Vietnamese society as a whole was not in a revolutionary situation. But it condemned what it considered the mistakes committed at Bac Son. The local leadership at Bac Son, it claimed, did not know how to establish revolutionary power, did not know how to conduct propaganda activities and develop revolutionary strength, and, when the battle was over, did not know how to retreat. The decision to abandon the cities for the countryside was termed an error that weakened the Party's urban", "id": "1403640" }, { "contents": "World Approval\n\n\nsoon joined by Dragon Bay. Velazquez gave World Approval his head and the horse relaxed as they raced down the backstretch. When Velazquez finally asked him to run, World Approval responded by running the final quarter mile in 22.74 seconds to win by lengths. \"I wasn't sure how he would quicken with not having the target,\" said Casse, who had watched the race from Lexington. \"But there wasn't a whole lot of speed and Johnny realized that and rode him accordingly.\" On November 4, World", "id": "1387071" }, { "contents": "No wave\n\n\nMutant Disco\" (1981) highlighting a newly playful sensibility borne out of the city's clash of hip hop, disco and punk styles, as well as dub reggae and world music influences. No wave music presented a negative and nihilistic world view that reflected the desolation of late 1970s downtown New York and how they viewed the larger society. Lydia Lunch noted: \"The whole fucking country was nihilistic. What did we come out of? The lie of the Summer of Love into Charles Manson and the Vietnam War. Where", "id": "1970488" }, { "contents": "Remember Jack Hoxie\n\n\nstood a little away, looking totally bewildered by the whole thing. This intrigued me. How did ordinary parents feel when their son was caught up in a world far beyond their understanding?\" Later in London Cleary travelled with a pop group for six weeks to do additional research. \"I ended up with haemorrhoids of the eardrums. But, believe me, I found another world.\" The critic from the \"New York Times\" said \"it is evident that the pop music scene is not an element in which", "id": "8157572" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the Bible\n\n\nstill in common use among Jews, was the Seder Olam Rabbah (\"Great Order of the World\"), a work tracing the history of the world and the Jews from Creation to the 2nd century CE. It allows 410 years for the duration of the First Temple, 70 years from its destruction to the Second Temple, and 420 years for the duration of the Second Temple, making a total of 900 years for the two temples. This schematic approach to numbers accounts for its most remarkable feature, the fact that", "id": "46252" }, { "contents": "Slovenia national football team\n\n\n. Slovenia achieved another success two years later, qualifying for the 2002 FIFA World Cup, this time defeating Romania in a playoff. The team did not lose a match in its whole qualifying campaign, finished in second place with six wins and six draws, but did not obtain any points in the group stage of the finals. Despite failing to qualify for the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Slovenia was the only team to defeat the eventual World Cup winners Italy during the campaign. Slovenia qualified for its last major tournament in 2009", "id": "14877294" }, { "contents": "The Fool (Ryn Weaver album)\n\n\npeople to understand [her] cohesive vision.\" The new music video for \"OctaHate\" was inspired by the 1966 film Daisies by director Věra Chytilová. Weaver explained, \"For the second one, we ripped a page from this '60s Czech film called Daisies — this feminist, absurdist piece. In this scene, they talk about how the whole world is spoiled and how as a result, they should spoil themselves,\" — a theme which can be seen mirrored in the music video. \"Promises\" was", "id": "1100263" }, { "contents": "List of works designed with the golden ratio\n\n\nconsciously sought such proportions. Leonid Sabaneyev hypothesizes that the separate time intervals of the musical pieces connected by the \"culmination event\", as a rule, are in the ratio of the golden section. However the author attributes this incidence to the instinct of the musicians: \"\"All such events are timed by author's instinct to such points of the whole length that they divide temporary durations into separate parts being in the ratio of the golden section.\"\" Ron Knott exposes how the golden ratio is unintentionally present in several", "id": "8419942" }, { "contents": "Cimarron people (Panama)\n\n\naccomplished, the Cimarrons agreed to settle in a large \"pueblo\" where they enjoyed some measure of self-determination under Spanish rule. This ended any plans of the English to maintain an alliance with the African slaves. The alliance between the English and the Cimarrons did not last long and the groups soon found themselves in conflict with one another. This alliance shed light on how the English viewed themselves and their role in the New World. While Indians in other areas of the New World (such as Hispaniola) were being", "id": "8915046" }, { "contents": "Dutch East Indies campaign\n\n\non the morning of 10 December. The Swedish ambassador agreed to handle Dutch interests for the duration of the conflict. The Dutch declaration did not alter the Japanese decision, and the latter's declaration of war did not come until 11 January 1942. When Japan was charged with waging a \"war of aggression\" before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in 1946, it was argued that her attitude towards the Netherlands proved otherwise, since the Dutch had declared war first. The tribunal rejected this, on the grounds that", "id": "20252608" }, { "contents": "Katherine Philips\n\n\nEnglish Civil War and the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland. The play opened with a direct heroic couplet suggesting the idea of two rivals finding a successful compromise:\"The \"mighty Rivals, whose destructive Rage\" \"Did the whole World in Civil Arms engage,\" \"Are now agreed, and make it both their Choice,\" \"To have their Fates determin'd by your Voice.\"\" The original speaker on opening night failed to mention specific details to the play which are in the script in this opening, allowing the audience to assume", "id": "14279145" }, { "contents": "Ivan Hlinka\n\n\nfirst time that the NHL agreed to release its players for the Games. The triumph was celebrated by the whole nation. The dominance of the Czech hockey team in the world was confirmed one year later when Hlinka's team won the World Championship again. In 2000–01, Hlinka returned to the NHL as head coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins. He and Alpo Suhonen became the second and third Europeans to ever coach in the NHL, following Johnny Gottselig. His first season also coincided with Mario Lemieux's return to the NHL, and", "id": "100404" }, { "contents": "Consumer neuroscience\n\n\nis needed to determine how this translates to the overall brand perception in the eyes of the consumer and how this may impact future purchasing behavior. There are various studies that have been conducted to research the question of how consumers process and store the information presented in advertisements. Television commercials with scene durations lasting longer than 1.5 seconds have been shown to be more memorable one week later than scenes that last less than 1.5 seconds, and scenes that produce the quickest electrical response in the left frontal hemisphere have been shown to be more memorable", "id": "9600954" }, { "contents": "Bond convexity\n\n\nThen it is easy to see that Note that this conversely implies the negativity of the derivative of duration by differentiating formula_9. For a bond with an embedded option, a yield to maturity based calculation of convexity (and of duration) does not consider how changes in the yield curve will alter the cash flows due to option exercise. To address this, an \"effective\" convexity must be calculated numerically. Effective convexity is a discrete approximation of the second derivative of the bond's value as a function of the interest rate:", "id": "12030626" }, { "contents": "List of British Commonwealth Air Training Plan facilities in Australia\n\n\nThis is a List of facilities of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Australia (BCATP), a major program for training Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) air crews during World War II for service with the Royal Air Force. Agreed in December 1939, the program was known in Australia as the \"Empire Air Training Scheme\" (EATS). The first Australian training schools were established the following year. Course duration and content evolved over time but the basic structure of the scheme remained the same for the duration of", "id": "7086500" }, { "contents": "Lee Kyou-hyuk\n\n\nsuccess, however, winning the 1000 metres by half a second and the 1500 metres by 0.11 seconds as well as taking silver in the 500 metres. He thus became the most-winning male speed skater at the Games. The return to competitive speed skating in March, for the World Cup final and the World Single Distance Championships, saw Lee's worst placings on the 500 metres in the whole season, with seventh and tenth place at the World Cup final in Calgary causing him to fall to fifth place. He did", "id": "17072711" }, { "contents": "Fokker F.IV\n\n\ndue to fog. This would have been a world duration record, but without a barograph on board, it could not be officially recognized by the FAI. Kelly and Macready tried again on 3 November, but this time engine trouble forced an emergency landing near Indianapolis after 25 hours 30 minutes. The following year, they made a long-duration flight over a closed circuit over Dayton, Ohio, remaining aloft for 36 hours, 14 minutes 8 seconds between 16 and 17 April. This established a new world duration record,", "id": "14388550" } ]
Why can animals drink dirty water safely but humans can't?
[{"answer": "Animals cannot drink dirty water safely. Humans also cannot drink dirty water safely. As many humans have access to alternatives (clean safe water) we do not tolerate the risk unless forced to do so. Animals have no choice but to tolerate the risk, and so they risk contaminants, toxins, parasites, and disease because the alternative is dying of thirst. Many animals are rife with parasites and other conditions we would not ordinarily tolerate."}, {"answer": "They can't, actually. They're just as susceptible to disease through dirty water as we are. They might have a little bit of a tolerance due to being used to it, but humans develop that, too, given the need."}, {"answer": "Short answer, they can't. Long answer. If you go to some third-world country and drink the water the locals drink every day, you'll likely get a bad diarrhea. Basically, the water contains lot of bacteria - and your guts aren't used to it. The multitude of new bacteria invades your bowel and proliferates, so your bacterial flora can't work like usual and can't digest properly. Locals flora is used to this horde of strangers, actually, it has lot of them in it so it doesn't get shook so bad. However, most dirty stuff in it is still harmful. Same for animals, it is harmful but they are used to it so they don't get diarrhea from it, at least. But there is a reason why captivated animals live longer than wild ones, they generally end up having safer water and food. Related topic: many animals need less water than we do, to the point that many can avoid drinking raw water altogether. We use lot of water to termoregulate trough sweating and our kidneys don't produce highly concentrated urine, which saves water. Many animals don't sweat or sweat far less (they termoregulate trough respiration, like dogs, or are cold-blooded, like reptiles) and have more efficient kidneys. Also, some animals eat lot more food than us and more watery food (erbivores, for example). Lot of animals are also small enough to make relevant use of natural, pure water sources (a squirrel can get lot of water from a dew covered bush). There is also methabolic water, H2O that comes from chemical reactions, which is more relevant for animals that can save mroe water and animals that have faster metabolisms (small animals)."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "198725", "title": "Drinking water", "section": "Section::::Access to potable water.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 38, "start_character": 85, "end_paragraph_id": 38, "end_character": 180, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Safe household water storage\n\n\nSafe household water storage is a critical component of a Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) system being promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) worldwide in areas that do not have piped drinking water. In these areas it is not uncommon for drinking water to be stored in a pot, jar, crock or other container in the home. Even if this drinking water was of acceptable microbiological quality initially, it can become contaminated from dirty hands and utensils, such as dirty dippers and cups. Drinking water containers", "id": "12468847" }, { "contents": "Water treatment\n\n\nto produce water that is pure enough for human consumption without any short term or long term risk of any adverse health effect.In general terms, the greatest microbial risks are associated with ingestion of water that is contaminated with human or animal (including bird) faeces. Faeces can be a source of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths. [Guidelines for Drinking-water quality]. Substances that are removed during the process of drinking water treatment,/refDisinfection is of unquestionable importance in the supply of safe drinking-water. The", "id": "10085563" }, { "contents": "Industrial waste\n\n\n, then crops that are produced can become polluted. These effect the health of society because if industrial companies can't clean up their waste, this begins to affect the life of humans but also animals. Sea creature’s health are affected because their lives become endangered by this polluted water. Water pollution can have devastating effects on the human body with the main ones being infections from bacteria, parasites, and chemicals. \"Diseases that humans can be exposed from drinking unsafe water range from cholera, typhoid, or Giardia.\"", "id": "2963636" }, { "contents": "Hygiene\n\n\ndeveloped countries; even in the European region it is estimated that 120 million people do not have access to safe drinking water. Point-of-use water quality interventions can reduce diarrheal disease in communities where water quality is poor or in emergency situations where there is a breakdown in water supply. Since water can become contaminated during storage at home (e.g. by contact with contaminated hands or using dirty storage vessels), safe storage of water in the home is important. Methods for treatment of drinking water, include: Personal hygiene", "id": "16080580" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Zimbabwe\n\n\neffects of unimproved water supply and sanitation on health and human dignity are reasons why one of the UN Millennium Development Goals was to halve \"the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation\". One key facet of the Millennium Development Goal was limiting the number of people who openly defecate which UNICEF estimates is currently at 40% of Zimbabweans in rural areas. Open defecation can be an infringement on human dignity that lowers human capabilities and a risk to clean sanitation and health. By creating improved water", "id": "4234693" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming on human health\n\n\nthe dirty, sediment-and-parasite-laden water that sits in puddles and small pools on the surface of the earth. Many are aware of the presence of contamination, but will drink from these sources nonetheless in order to avoid dying of dehydration. It has been estimated that up to 80% of human illness in the world can be attributed to contaminated water. When there is an adequate amount of drinking water, humans drink from different sources than their livestock. However, when drought occurs and drinking water slowly disappears", "id": "1310873" }, { "contents": "Human viruses in water\n\n\nprimarily responsible for the reduction of pathogenic viruses to safe levels in all drinking water sources. The most common disinfectants used are chlorine and chloramine. Ozone and UV light can also be used to treat large volumes of water to remove pathogens. The quality of drinking water is ensured through a framework of water safety plans that ensures the safe disposal of human waste so that drinking water supplies are not contaminated. Improving the water supply, sanitation, hygiene and management of our water resources could prevent ten percent of total global disease. Half", "id": "21920072" }, { "contents": "Nitenpyram\n\n\nmg and 1575 mg per kg body weight respectively. As such, the overdose limit for humans and animals are quite high, reaching into grams, and the compound is seen as safe for daily use for animals. Human consumption is not recommended, though no side effects of indirect exposure such as eating treated plants are known to occur. In the hope to understand neonicotinoid degradation in various types of water, an interesting find was made. In testing ground water, surface water and finished drinking water, researchers found degradation of nitenpyram", "id": "10983457" }, { "contents": "Wellhead protection program\n\n\nThe Wellhead Protection Program in the 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act requires states to protect underground sources of drinking water from contaminants that may adversely affect human health. More than one-third of the people in the United States depend on groundwater for drinking water. However, residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities can all contaminate groundwater. In the event of contamination, a community’s drinking water supply can develop poor quality or be lost altogether. Groundwater contamination might not be detected for a long period", "id": "20541404" }, { "contents": "NorthMet Deposit\n\n\nthe minerals contain sulfites which can cause acid mine drainage or mercury related problems. This causes the water from the surrounding areas to not be up to Minnesota water standards. Therefore, the water must be treated before it will be usable and safe to drink. The amount of time that this water will need to be treated is unclear, as it can't be modeled. Proponents of mining the deposit think that the economic benefit would outweigh the possible environmental costs. The debate is the largest Minnesota's DNR has ever seen,", "id": "14972948" }, { "contents": "Human right to water and sanitation\n\n\n(2013); and Sustainability and non-retrogression in the realisation of the rights to water and sanitation (2013). Léo Heller was appointed in 2014 to be the second Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation . Subsequent resolutions extended the mandate of the Special Rapporteur and defined each state's role in the respect of these rights. The most recent General Assembly Resolution 7/169 of 2015 has been called a declaration of \"The Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation. It recognized the distinction between", "id": "20059497" }, { "contents": "Nitrogen cycle\n\n\nlivestock feeding, animal and human contamination and municipal and industrial waste. Since groundwater often serves as the primary domestic water supply, nitrate pollution can be extended from groundwater to surface and drinking water in the process of potable water production, especially for small community water supplies, where poorly regulated and unsanitary waters are used. The WHO standard for drinking water is 50 mg NO L for short-term exposure, and for 3 mg NO Lchronic effects. Once it enters human body, nitrate can react with organic compounds through nitrosation reactions", "id": "14327587" }, { "contents": "My Summer Car\n\n\nbalancing hunger, thirst and fatigue, but also unusual ones such as urine and dirtiness. For nutrition, the player can buy food and can drink beverages from the store, drink water directly from faucets, fatigue can be restored by sleeping or by making coffee or drinking it in a pub, the player can freely urinate anywhere, and dirtiness can be decreased using a shower, sauna or swimming in the nearby lake. Drinking too much beer (or hard liquor) will eventually get the player drunk, which first causes the", "id": "804404" }, { "contents": "Philadelphia Water Department\n\n\nmuch as 330 miles past farms, factories, businesses and residential areas, each of which contributes its own pollutants to the rivers. That is why the department has to treat the water before it is safe to drink. The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) has three main responsibilities. The first is to treat the raw water drawn from the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers so that it is safe for drinking, and deliver it to customers. The second is to collect and treat wastewater (i.e., sewage) that flows into the", "id": "8020620" }, { "contents": "Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act\n\n\nof safe drinking water or take other actions which could render drinking water significantly less safe for human consumption, and increases penalties under the Safe Drinking Water Act for tampering with drinking water systems and authorizes appropriations. Title V contains miscellaneous provisions, including a measure unrelated to public health and safety, in which the FCC is to direct the conversion to digital television. The Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2002 amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to revise provisions concerning definitions and the authority to assess and use drug fees", "id": "172544" }, { "contents": "Water safety plan\n\n\nconsidered by the WHO as the most effective means of maintaining a safe supply of drinking water to the public. Their use should ensure that water is safe for all forms of human consumption and that it meets regulatory water standards relating to human health. (\"Consumption\" includes not only drinking \"per se\", but also other forms of ordinary contact, such as bathing, dishwashing, and inhaling aerosolised water droplets.) Comprehensive risk assessment and risk management form the backbone of these plans, which aim to steer management of", "id": "20042464" }, { "contents": "Safe Drinking Water Act\n\n\npasses through the soil on its way to an aquifer. Underground fluid injection can have disastrous consequences for drinking water and, in turn, for human health. Injected fluid is hard to trace once it enters the ground, and polluted aquifers are hard to remediate. Congress' cautious \"preventive\" approach requires permit applicants to show that their injections will not harm underground sources of drinking water. It presumes, until an applicant shows otherwise, that injections will contaminate an USDW. Although this approach may result in forbidding some injections that", "id": "1801404" }, { "contents": "Drinking water\n\n\nwater from a source that is suitable for drinking – called \"improved water source\". In Sub-Saharan Africa, access to potable water ranged from 40% to 80% of the population. Nearly 4.2 billion people worldwide had access to tap water, while another 2.4 billion had access to wells or public taps. The World Health Organization considers access to safe drinking-water a basic human right. About 1 to 2 billion people lack safe drinking water, a problem that causes 30,000 deaths each week. More people die", "id": "20236831" }, { "contents": "Dublin Statement\n\n\nreaffirming an earlier General Assembly resolution (64/292 of 28 July 2010) which \"recognized the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights\". Resolution A/HRC/15/L.14 clarifies that \"the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation is derived from the right to an adequate standard of living and inextricably related to the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, as well as the right to life and human", "id": "16945834" }, { "contents": "Blastocystosis\n\n\ninflammatory bowel disease: Humans contract \"Blastocystis\" infection by drinking water or eating food contaminated with feces from an infected human or animal. \"Blastocystis\" infection can be spread from animals to humans, from humans to other humans, from humans to animals, and from animals to animals. Risk factors for infection have been reported as following: Research studies have suggested the following items are not risk factors for contracting \"Blastocystis\" infection: Pathogenesis refers to the mechanism by which an organism causes disease. The following disease-causing", "id": "8338882" }, { "contents": "Saint Catherine, Egypt\n\n\n. It is considered safe, although the water might need to be treated, for instance by boiling. There is also a 1000-year-old mulberry tree in Wadi Tubuq, which is protected by tribal law. From Wadi Tubuq one can descend to Sid Daud — a narrow, steep path leading through small caves under the boulders. In the narrow canyon of Wadi Sagar there is another water fountain. Because of the steep path, animals cannot reach it and the water is safe to drink. A rarely visited route through", "id": "10358684" }, { "contents": "Concentrated animal feeding operation\n\n\nthe transfer of pathogens through drinking water contamination can lead to widespread outbreaks of illness. The EPA estimates that about 53% of people in the United States rely on groundwater resources for drinking water. There are numerous effects on human health due to water contaminated by CAFOs. Accidental ingestion of contaminated water can result in diarrhea or other gastrointestinal illnesses and dermal exposure can result in irritation and infection of the skin, eyes or ear. High levels of nitrate also pose a threat to high-risk populations such as young children, pregnant", "id": "8888854" }, { "contents": "Drinking water quality in the United States\n\n\nSafe Drinking Water Act. They have been found in tiny concentrations in the drinking water of several US cities affecting at least 41 million Americans, according to a five-month inquiry by the Associated Press published in March 2008. Pharmaceutical substances are used worldwide and are a big part of some peoples lives. These substances not being regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act has potential to have major impact on the lives of many individuals. At any point a region can face strong pollution and the pharmaceuticals made in that area can have", "id": "14406074" }, { "contents": "Agricultural wastewater treatment\n\n\nresult in direct runoff to watercourses, with the potential for causing severe pollution. Application of slurries to land overlying aquifers can result in direct contamination or, more commonly, elevation of nitrogen levels as nitrite or nitrate. The disposal of any wastewater containing animal waste upstream of a drinking water intake can pose serious health problems to those drinking the water because of the highly resistant spores present in many animals that are capable of causing disabling disease in humans. This risk exists even for very low-level seepage via shallow surface drains or", "id": "16274037" }, { "contents": "Human right to water and sanitation\n\n\nexceed 30 minutes).\" The General Assembly declared that clean drinking water is \"essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights\". In September 2010, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution recognizing that the human right to water and sanitation forms part of the right to an adequate standard of living. The mandate of Catarina de Albuquerque as \"Independent expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation\" was extended and renamed as \"Special Rapporteur on the", "id": "20059495" }, { "contents": "Wellhead protection program\n\n\nfrequently found man-made contaminants at concentrations greater than human-health standards in public groundwater supply aquifers. The frequency of man-made contaminants in public water supply aquifers proves the vulnerability of these aquifers to inappropriate land uses. This vulnerability indicates the importance of wellhead protection. Wellhead protection is essential to have safe drinking water because the concentrations of many man-made carbon-containing contaminants are not decreased by commonly used drinking water treatment processes. Only by controlling the land uses of their public water source can a community control the", "id": "20541407" }, { "contents": "Norwegian Food Safety Authority\n\n\nNorwegian Food Safety Authority () is a Norwegian government agency responsible for safe food and drinking water, and works within the fields of human, plant, fish and animal health as well as environmentally friendly production and ethically acceptable farming of animals and fish . Other duties are related to cosmetics, medicines and inspection of animal health personnel. Main offices are located in Oslo while there are 63 district and eight regional offices. There are also three national competence centers: fish and seafood in Bergen, plants and vegetarian foods in Ås,", "id": "12712124" }, { "contents": "Beech Creek (Pennsylvania)\n\n\n. The creek is not clearing up as fish can't survive in the water for more than 45 minutes. However, some small amounts of moss, mushrooms and wildlife on the banks are returning. Frogs, wolf spiders, bears, squirrels, snakes, groundhogs, bald eagles, deer, skunks, and many other Pennsylvania wildlife can be found alongside the stream especially in its upper region. Animals tend to avoid drinking the water, but favor the contributing tributaries. Additionally, on Beech Creek Mountain, one can find active", "id": "8725188" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming on human health\n\n\n, animal endangerment and threats to safe drinking water. Climate change increases wildfire potential and activity. Climate change leads to a warmer ground temperature and its effects include earlier snowmelt dates, drier than expected vegetation, increased number of potential fire days, increased occurrence of summer droughts, and a prolonged dry season. Warming spring and summer temperatures increase flammability of materials that make up the forest floors. Warmer temperatures cause dehydration of these materials, which prevents rain from soaking up and dampening fires. Furthermore, pollution from wildfires can exacerbate climate", "id": "1310952" }, { "contents": "Drinking water\n\n\nThe SDC basic drinking water service is one in which a \"round trip to collect water takes 30 minutes or less\". Only Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe have almost achieved universal basic drinking water services. According to the World Health Organization, \"access to safe drinking-water is essential to health, a basic human right and a component of effective policy for health protection.\" The amount of drinking water required is variable. It depends on physical activity, age, health, and environmental conditions.", "id": "20236835" }, { "contents": "Drinking water\n\n\ndirective, is the primary piece of legislation governing water. This drinking water directive relates specifically to water intended for human consumption. Each member state is responsible for establishing the required policing measures to ensure that the legislation is implemented. For example, in the UK the Water Quality Regulations prescribe maximum values for substances that affect wholesomeness and the Drinking Water Inspectorate polices the water companies. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets standards for tap and public water systems under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)", "id": "20236868" }, { "contents": "Kumanovo Prison\n\n\nof sanitation infrastructure. Allegations made by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Macedonia cited expert findings from the Institute of Public Health that water from both within the prison and surrounding areas was not safe for drinking due to the presence of E.coli bacteria. In a statement from the executive director of the Helsinki Committee, the following was said: \"The water had a strange color and small pieces of unknown material. The Committee sent the water for laboratory examination and the obtained results showed that water was not safe for drinking.\"", "id": "20736792" }, { "contents": "WASH United\n\n\nis highly taboo in certain cultures. 3. To encourage acknowledgement that safe drinking water and sanitization is a human right on an international level. WASH United uses the following tactics to promote clean drinking water and hygiene: 1. Using fun and interactive games. People are more prone to remembering things when they can associate them with memorable activities such as storytelling and games. 2. Using sports stars and celebrities to gain attention and utilize their role model statuses to inspire people about this topic. 3. Focusing on the positives and", "id": "461952" }, { "contents": "World Toilet Day\n\n\nand volunteers to raise awareness and inspire action. Toilets are important because access to a safe functioning toilet has a positive impact on public health, human dignity, and personal safety, especially for women. Sanitation systems that do not safely treat excreta allow the spread of disease. Serious soil-transmitted diseases and waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, dysentery and schistosomiasis can result. In 2013, UN-Water and the \"Thematic Priority Area (TPA) on Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation\" received the mandate to", "id": "11908014" }, { "contents": "Starch production\n\n\nacidity and content of mineral substances. Table 1. Potato starch production characteristic. The water which is used in starch production (dirty water) for transportation and cleaning does not have to be totally clean. That is why clarifier usage enables application of closed cycle which noticeably reduces amount of cleaning water that is needed. On the other hand, requirements for quality of technological water are the same as for drinking water (microbiological and chemical contamination). In addition, this type of water should contain low amounts of metals such as", "id": "7490814" }, { "contents": "Intensive animal farming\n\n\nammonia, nitrogen, and phosphorus can reduce oxygen in surface waters and contaminate drinking water; pesticides and hormones may cause hormone-related changes in fish; animal feed and feathers may stunt the growth of desirable plants in surface waters and provide nutrients to disease-causing micro-organisms; trace elements such as arsenic and copper, which are harmful to human health, may contaminate surface waters. Intensive farming may make the evolution and spread of harmful diseases easier. Many communicable animal diseases spread rapidly through densely spaced populations of animals and", "id": "2332137" }, { "contents": "Hot stain\n\n\nA hot stain is a region of the world where safe drinking water has been depleted. The term may have been coined by Goldman Environmental Prize winning hydrologist Michal Kravcik. Hot stains can be found on every continent, except for Antarctica. The biggest reason for a hot stain to develop is population pressure. As the population grows, water demand increases. Although the earth is covered in 97% water, only 1% of that water is available for human consumption. Hot stains can cause great harm to a regions agricultural ability", "id": "9162303" }, { "contents": "Dracunculiasis\n\n\na fish paratenic host, but this is rare. No reservoir hosts are known; that is, each generation of worms must pass through a human – or possibly a dog. Until recently humans and water fleas (\"Cyclops\") were regarded as the only animals this parasite infects. It has been shown that baboons, cats, dogs, frogs and catfish (\"Synodontis\") can also be infected naturally. Ferrets have been infected experimentally. Guinea worm disease can be transmitted only by drinking contaminated water, and can", "id": "20157824" }, { "contents": "Water stagnation\n\n\nWater stagnation occurs when water stops flowing. Stagnant water can be a major environmental hazard. Malaria and dengue are among the main dangers of stagnant water, which can become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transmit these diseases. Stagnant water can be dangerous for drinking because it provides a better incubator than running water for many kinds of bacteria and parasites. Stagnant water is often contaminated with human and animal feces, particularly in deserts or other areas of low rain. Stagnant water may be classified into the following basic, although overlapping", "id": "15154742" }, { "contents": "Water treatment\n\n\nWater treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to make it more acceptable for a specific end-use. The end use may be drinking, industrial water supply, irrigation, river flow maintenance, water recreation or many other uses, including being safely returned to the environment. Water treatment removes contaminants and undesirable components, or reduces their concentration so that the water becomes fit for its desired end-use. This treatment is crucial to human health and allows humans to benefit from both drinking and irrigation use. Early", "id": "10085561" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Laos\n\n\ncooking which can cause indoor air pollution and health issues with a life expectancy of 56 years in 2008. Recognizing this potential environmental health issue, the government starts pay close attention to poverty embraces important environment service such as access to safe water and sanitation. Drinking water sources that are contaminated with harmful chemicals and human waste can cause diseases in children such as gastrointestinal illness, and developmental affects such as learning disorders and cancer. UNICEF works in Lao PDR to help ensure children and families in homes and schools have access to clean water", "id": "12334189" }, { "contents": "Public water system\n\n\nPublic water system is a regulatory term used in the United States and Canada, referring to certain utilities and organizations providing drinking water. The US Safe Drinking Water Act and derivative legislation define \"public water system\" as an entity that provides \"water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances to at least 15 service connections or serves an average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year.\" The term \"public\" in \"public water system\" refers to the people drinking the water, not", "id": "8885176" }, { "contents": "Purified water\n\n\nparts per trillion (ppt). Purified water has many uses, largely in the production of medications, in science and engineering laboratories and industries, and is produced in a range of purities. It can be produced on site for immediate use or purchased in containers. Purified water in colloquial English can also refer to water which has been treated (\"rendered potable\") to neutralize, but not necessarily remove contaminants considered harmful to humans or animals. Purified water is usually produced by the purification of drinking water or ground water", "id": "7218140" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Iraq\n\n\nWater supply and sanitation in Iraq is characterized by poor water and service quality. Three decades of war, combined with limited environmental awareness, have destroyed Iraq's water resources management system. Thus, Iraq faces difficulties to realize the target of 91% of households using safe drinking water supply by 2015. Currently, 16% of households report daily problems with supply and 20% use an unsafe drinking water source. Furthermore, animal waste and septic tanks pollute the drinking water network.(11) Iraq is fed by two major rivers, the", "id": "1689891" }, { "contents": "Freshwater environmental quality parameters\n\n\nopportunistic human parasites such as liver fluke. Consequently, there are very few rivers from which the water is safe to drink without some form of sterilisation or disinfection. In rivers used for contact recreation such as swimming, safe levels of bacteria and viruses can be established based on risk assessment. Under certain conditions bacteria can colonise freshwaters occasionally making large rafts of filamentous mats known as \"sewage fungus\" – usually \"Sphaerotilus natans\". The presence of such organisms is almost always an indicator of extreme organic pollution and would be expected", "id": "5001921" }, { "contents": "Human right to water and sanitation\n\n\nhuman right to safe drinking water and sanitation\" after the resolutions in 2010. Through her reports to the Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly, she continued clarifying the scope and content of the human right to water and sanitation. As Special Rapporteur, she addressed issues such as: Human Rights Obligations Related to Non-State Service Provision in Water and Sanitation (2010); Financing for the Realization of the Rights to Water and Sanitation (2011); Wastewater management in the realization of the rights to water and sanitation", "id": "20059496" }, { "contents": "Jigme Singye Wangchuck\n\n\nhealth coverage. Infant mortality has fallen from 142 in 1985, to 60 in 2006. This was mainly due to the success of universal child immunisation and the supply of safe drinking water. There were 150 water supply schemes in 1985; this increased to 3,852 by 2006, giving 78% coverage of safe drinking water. Maternal mortality rate dropped from 7.7% in 1985 to 2.6% in 2006. Besides these human development indicators, material prosperity rose remarkably. The distance between Bhutan and the outside world shortened because of motor road", "id": "13255930" }, { "contents": "Intestinal parasite infection\n\n\nAn intestinal parasite infection is a condition in which a parasite infects the gastro-intestinal tract of humans and other animals. Such parasites can live anywhere in the body, but most prefer the intestinal wall. Routes of exposure and infection include ingestion of undercooked meat, drinking infected water, fecal-oral transmission and skin absorption. Some types of helminths and protozoa are classified as intestinal parasites that cause infection—those that reside in the intestines. These infections can damage or sicken the host (humans or other animals). If", "id": "1411836" }, { "contents": "Heptachlor\n\n\nin the U.S. in the 1980s. It is still found in soil and water supplies and can turn up in food. It can be passed along in breast milk. The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA have classified the compound as a possible human carcinogen. Animals exposed to heptachlor epoxide during gestation and infancy are found to have changes in nervous system and immune function. Exposure to higher doses of heptachlor in newborn animals leads to decreased body weight and death. The U.S. EPA MCL for drinking water is 0.0004 mg", "id": "11320588" }, { "contents": "Water issues in developing countries\n\n\n, brackish water, or sea water into safe drinking water. The systems are powered by photovoltaic panels. Each Drinking Water Station is fully autonomous and can purify water at a rate of up to 20,000 litres per day without any existing infrastructure. They are also modular, so can be scaled for increased water purification. In addition, the system includes a distribution system. In 2012, Quest Water Solutions started construction of an AQUAtap Drinking Water System in Bom Jesus, an Angolan village 50 kilometers east of Luanda, the capital of", "id": "11246155" }, { "contents": "Isaiah Balat\n\n\ncan, and we must, provide safe drinking water to all our people through partnership with state, local governments and communities. I advocate for the construction of earth dams in the local government areas to enable our farmers engage in dry season farming.” “This is why I keep emphasizing on the need for adequate and full power supply; any meaningful project that can bring development must be backed up by adequate supply of Electricity. Right now such efforts are being hampered by inadequate supply of electricity in the rural areas.”", "id": "2157991" }, { "contents": "Jana E. Compton\n\n\nbelieves that this is so important because nutrient pollution is something you have to visualize and can't always see. Her work helps to address major problems like air quality, and problems with waterways such as eutrophication and coastal hypoxia. As well as this Compton looks into the social and economic impacts of nitrogen pollution, which she believes \"can help people to recognize how it might be affecting the benefits we all get from healthy ecosystems, what we call “ecosystem services,” such as clean air and safe drinking water\".", "id": "815716" }, { "contents": "Melinda Heffernan\n\n\n. Hefferman, 24, ended up as victor among the group of 24 finalists fielded from 66 aspirants coming from different Australian States. She impressed the judges with her statement: \"I feel strongly that we as human beings are all entitled to fresh clean drinking water. However, our precious eco-system and oceans are under constant threat from polluted stormwater. It is our actions through land filling and vegetation clearing that result in erosion and pollution to water catchments. We can all develop strategies to minimise the amount of 'dirty", "id": "15296513" }, { "contents": "Water quality law\n\n\nmore stringent limitations. The effluent limitations for U.S. facilities are implemented in discharge permits issued by state agencies and EPA, under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Water designated for human consumption as drinking water may be subject to specific drinking water quality standards. In the United States, for example, such standards have been developed under the Safe Drinking Water Act, are mandatory for public water systems, and are enforced via a comprehensive monitoring and correction program. (Private wells are not regulated at the federal level.", "id": "19535046" }, { "contents": "Chloramination\n\n\nPeople have no trouble digesting chlorine or chloramine at the levels found in public drinking water; this water is not introduced directly into the human bloodstream. In the United States, the United States Environmental Protection Agency set minimum and maximum health-based safe levels for chloramine in drinking water. Elsewhere, similar oversight agencies may set drinking water quality standards for chloramine. Two home builders filed lawsuits against Moulton Niguel Water District in 2012, (in Orange County CA), arguing that pinhole leaks in copper water piping in their homes was", "id": "7140065" }, { "contents": "N-Nitrosodimethylamine\n\n\na regulatory maximal contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water. At high doses, it is a \"potent hepatotoxin that can cause fibrosis of the liver\" in rats. The induction of liver tumors in rats after chronic exposure to low doses is well documented. Its toxic effects on humans are inferred from animal experiments but not well-established experimentally. NDMA's contamination of drinking water is of particular concern due to the minute concentrations at which it is harmful, the difficulty in detecting it at these concentrations, and to the", "id": "17329149" }, { "contents": "LifeSaver bottle\n\n\ncontaminated water in the back of the bottle, then screws the lid on. The lid has a built in pump which is operated manually with a hand; the pumping action forces the contaminated water through the nano-filter and safe drinking water collects in another chamber in the bottle. The drinker then opens the top of the bottle from which safe drinking water comes out. A much larger version of the LifeSaver bottle, called the LifeSaver Jerrycan, has the same filtering technology. The can allows for the filtration of 10,000 to", "id": "8085703" }, { "contents": "Salt poisoning\n\n\nconfirmed the negative effects of drinking seawater when dehydrated. (In contrast to humans, pelagic birds and other sea animals can (and must) drink sea water without ill effects.) Some historians have suggested that the mysterious sicknesses afflicting the early English colonists at Jamestown, Virginia (1607–1610)—which nearly extinguished the settlement—reflect sea water poisoning. The settlers arrived in the spring, when the James River water was relatively fresh, but by summer a drought of historical magnitude had rendered it much more brackish. The historical geographer Carville Earle", "id": "8351955" }, { "contents": "Water efficiency\n\n\npopulation will live in areas of water stress by 2025. Increasing human demand for water coupled with the effects of climate change mean that the future of our water supply is not secure. As of now, 2.6 billion people do not have safe drinking water. Added to this, are the changes in climate, population growth and lifestyles. The changes in human lifestyle and activities require more water per capita. This tightens the competition for water amongst agricultural, industrial, and human consumption. In most countries, people have recognized this", "id": "5005651" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Laos\n\n\nits people to access safe drinking and basic sanitation. The Mekong River plays an important role for Laos economy. The Mekong River basin covers nearly 90 percent of Laos country and drains toward Vietnam. In Laos, government encourages hydro-power investment which increase pressure on water and sea animal threats. The development of electricity in Laos and export to neighboring countries are essential for government revenues to reduce poverty. Although hydro-power does not pollute water or air directly, hydro-power reservoir and dam can impact the change in environment", "id": "12334183" }, { "contents": "Palomino, Colombia\n\n\namount of the solid waste generated in Palomino is not collected and is either burned openly in the streets or dumped in rivers, the sea or empty lots thereby posing a serious threat to public health. Poverty in Palomino limits access to quality water services and safe drinking water. Rivers and springs are often used as open sewers for human waste and garbage disposal. The shortage of drinking water facilities forces people to drink from these polluted open bodies of water causing malaria, intestinal parasites and diarrhea. The existing aqueduct serves only 324 people", "id": "19706994" }, { "contents": "Safe Drinking Water Act\n\n\nThe Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is the principal federal law in the United States intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public. Pursuant to the act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required to set standards for drinking water quality and oversee all states, localities, and water suppliers that implement the standards. The SDWA applies to every public water system (PWS) in the United States. There are currently over 151,000 public water systems providing water to almost all Americans at some time in their lives.", "id": "1801390" }, { "contents": "Safe Drinking Water Act\n\n\nare enforced initially through a primacy agency's notification to the PWS, and if necessary following up with formal orders and fines. An underground source of drinking water (USDW) means an aquifer with sufficient quality and quantity of ground water to supply a public water system now or in the future. The SDWA prohibits any underground injection which endangers drinking water sources. The Ninth Circuit United States Court of Appeals while enforcing this prohibition of “harmful injections into drinking water aquifers” explains that underground injection of even clean water can result in", "id": "1801402" }, { "contents": "Water issues in developing countries\n\n\na 4-inch by 6-inch pouch filled with electrolytes and nutrients. When in contact with water, the HydroPack swells to create a healthy drink in 10 to 12 hours. \"It doesn’t matter what the quality of water is like\", says Keith Lampi, vice president and chief operating officer for HTI. \"There just needs to be a source of water, even dirty or brackish water, and we can supply clean drinks at the initial stages of a disaster using the HydroPacks.\" The HydroPack is a 12 fluid ounce", "id": "11246157" }, { "contents": "Abreuvoir\n\n\nAn abreuvoir (French: \"watering place\", \"trough\"), can mean a basin containing water or a type of masonry joint. An \"abreuvoir\" is a watering trough, fountain, or other installed basin: originally intended to provide humans and/or animals at a rural or urban watering place with fresh drinking water. They were often located at springs. In pre-automobile era cities, they were built as equestrian water troughs for horses providing transportation. In contemporary times, \"abreuvoirs\" are also seen as", "id": "14024540" }, { "contents": "Mongolian Red Cross Society\n\n\nestablished in many Mongolian kindergartens, schools and universities to engage youth in humanitarian activities and further promote these principles to the community. Activities include peer training in health & first aid, earthquake preparedness, water & sanitation, HIV/AIDS awareness, youth camps and intercultural exchange. There are 75,000 MRCS youth members. The MRCS Water and Sanitation program aims to help decrease infectious diseases transmitted through dirty hands by supplying the community with access to safe and clean drinking water, improving toilet and sanitation conditions as well as providing hygiene education.", "id": "9892061" }, { "contents": "Cyanotoxin\n\n\n, and in many areas pose major challenges for the provision of safe drinking water. Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds which mostly contain basic nitrogen atoms. They are produced by a large variety of organisms, including cyanobacteria, and are part of the group of natural products, also called secondary metabolites. Alkaloids act on diverse metabolic systems in humans and other animals, often with psychotropic or toxic effects. Almost uniformly, they are bitter tasting. Investigations into anatoxin-\"a\", also known as \"Very Fast Death Factor", "id": "1305990" }, { "contents": "Cerebellar hypoplasia (non-human)\n\n\nto address and help the unique needs of a specific level of CH cat. Most CH cats are at a significant disadvantage when it comes to protecting themselves from other animals or predators. They can't fight, climb, or flee well; nor can they, if they get lost, fend for themselves adequately. If they are going to be allowed outside an enclosed safe area is strongly advised. CH cats that are impounded as strays are at risk of being mistaken as being injured and subsequently euthanized. Some ideas for keeping", "id": "16547218" }, { "contents": "Orgeat syrup\n\n\nThe orgeat is used as a summer drink, mixed with water, according to taste.\" Bitter almonds as a general rule contain cyanide and can be lethal in large quantities. Napoleon Bonaparte died – reputedly in part from drinking too much orgeat that others had also concocted with additional poisons. For this reason modern syrups generally are produced only from sweet almonds. Such syrup products do not contain significant levels of hydrocyanic acid, so are generally considered safe for human consumption unless the person is allergic. The word \"orgeat\" (", "id": "3519998" }, { "contents": "Fasciolosis\n\n\n. Secondary bacterial infection causing cholangitis has also been a concern and can be treated with antibiotics, and toxaemia may be treated with prednisolone. Humans are infected by eating watergrown plants, primarily wild-grown watercress in Europe or morning glory in Asia. Infection may also occur by drinking contaminated water with floating young fasciola or when using utensils washed with contaminated water. Cultivated plants do not spread the disease in the same capacity. Human infection is rare, even if the infection rate is high among animals. Especially high rates of human", "id": "20486489" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\nmost important nonsparking copper alloy is beryllium copper, and can lead to beryllium poisoning. With an of 30 mg/kg in rats, \"gram quantities\" of copper sulfate are potentially lethal in humans. The suggested safe level of copper in drinking water for humans varies depending on the source, but tends to be pegged at 1.3 mg/l. There are conditions in which an individual's copper metabolism is compromised to such an extent that birth control may cause an issue with copper accumulation. They include toxicity or just increased", "id": "9361155" }, { "contents": "Safe Drinking Water Act\n\n\nNational Primary Drinking Water Regulations. The \"Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act\" added several provisions to the SDWA, along with providing financial assistance to the city of Flint, Michigan in responding to its lead contamination crisis, as well as assistance for other communities. The provisions include: The SDWA can promote environmental justice by increasing the safety of drinking water in the communities most adversely impacted by water contamination. Communities of color and low-income communities are disproportionately impacted by unsafe drinking water and associated health problems in the United", "id": "1801420" }, { "contents": "Water scarcity in Africa\n\n\nWater scarcity or lack of safe drinking water is one of the world's leading problems affecting more than 1.1 billion people globally, meaning that one in every six people lacks access to safe drinking water. The Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation set up by the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) defines safe drinking water as \"water with microbial, chemical and physical characteristics that meets WHO guidelines or national standards on drinking water quality.\" Hydrologists generally assess water scarcity by looking", "id": "16224605" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey Boam\n\n\n. He made the grail a symbol for faith. He said, \"I guess the major given of faith is that it can't be proved otherwise you don't need faith. So that is why I created the idea that the grail can't be removed (from its hiding place). You can find the grail, but you can't really prove that you found it.\" When Indiana Jones finally discovers the grail hidden among decoys, its knight guardian tells him that he will die if he drinks from the", "id": "6847978" }, { "contents": "CoverGirl\n\n\n, who touts the company's foundation product. CoverGirl was once one of the largest global brands to conduct animal testing, but that is no longer the case. In January 2010, Procter & Gamble launched \"Clean Makeup for Clean Water\", a charitable program aimed toward providing clean drinking water to places and people in need. Dania Ramirez is the newest spokesmodel for CoverGirl's Clean Makeup Sensitive formula, a campaign for CoverGirl's partnership with Children's Safe Drinking Water. With the help of the Clean Makeup line, CoverGirl", "id": "5128259" }, { "contents": "Watering trough\n\n\nA watering trough (or artificial watering point) is a man-made or natural receptacle intended to provide drinking water to animals, livestock on farms or ranches or wild animals. In Australia, the watering trough is established so that sheep, cattle and other domesticated animals can drink, but native species such as kangaroos may be attracted. To reduce this, some water troughs are designed to reduce their use of the trough or exclude them from that use. Watering troughs were very common in many towns and cities as a means", "id": "16124884" }, { "contents": "Koala Park Sanctuary\n\n\n. The park also abides by the state \"Minimum Koala Handling Time\", thus permitting visitors to safely handle the animals. The Koala Park Sanctuary opened a Koala Research Hospital in 1930. The hospital cares for sick and injured native animals and releases them back into the wild. It is open to the public and aids in education about native animals and the problems faced by the koalas living close to human areas. In December 2010 Department of Primary Industries inspectors reported finding ageing and dirty animal exhibits, drainage problems and out-", "id": "18075138" }, { "contents": "Central Valley groundwater pollution\n\n\nin way that would not harm or endanger future generation's access to clean groundwater. Before this act, there were no regulations surrounding groundwater management other than the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act. Even these acts do not totally protect Central Valley residents. For example, if aquifers are thought to already be contaminated, under the Safe Drinking Water Act, that aquifer can now accept wastewater from drilling projects because no residents should be receiving water from these wells. However, this results in low income communities potentially", "id": "13266699" }, { "contents": "Human right to water and sanitation\n\n\nthe former UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights which issued guidelines to assist governments to achieve and respect the human right to water and sanitation. These guidelines led the UN Human Rights Council to assign Catarina de Albuquerque as an independent expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation in 2008. She wrote a detailed report in 2009 that outlined human rights obligations to sanitation, and the CESCR responded by stating that sanitation should be recognized by all states. Following intense", "id": "20059493" }, { "contents": "Safe household water storage\n\n\n, by the year 2015...the proportion of the world's people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water\". In 2009 the United Nations published \"The Millennium Development Goals Report\" that states: \"The world is well on its way to meeting the drinking water target, though some countries still face enormous challenges.\" One way that the World Health Organization (WHO) has supported the safe drinking water goal is with its Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) program which targets people that", "id": "12468849" }, { "contents": "Steeping\n\n\nin animal feeds. Acorns are an edible nut that should not be eaten raw by humans due to toxic levels of tannins. These can be leached out by steeping the nuts in hot water (or cold water, over the course of several months). Dried teas as loose tea or tea bags are prepared for drinking by steeping the leaves in just boiled or heated water to release the flavour and nutrients in the dried tea into the water. This is often done in a cup, mug, teapot, pitcher or urn", "id": "19544583" }, { "contents": "Water scarcity\n\n\nof five core attributes for water security. They declare that the human right to water entitles everyone to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and domestic use. At the 2000 Millennium Summit, the United Nations addressed the effects of economic water scarcity by making increased access to safe drinking water an international development goal. During this time, they drafted the Millennium Development Goals and all 189 UN members agreed on eight goals. MDG 7 sets a target for reducing the proportion of the population without sustainable", "id": "12879351" }, { "contents": "UN-Water\n\n\nlost between 1997 and 2011 due to land use change. Water is vital for reducing the global burden of disease and improving the health, welfare and productivity of populations. Today, 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services and 4.5 billion people lack safely managed sanitation services. Water is also at the heart of adaptation to climate change, serving as the crucial link between the climate system, human society and the environment. Without proper water governance, there is likely to be increased competition for water between sectors and", "id": "431039" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Jordan\n\n\nThe UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe water drinking water and sanitation stated in a 2014 report: \"[a]dopting a comprehensive water law, is an important first step for the realization of the human right to water and to sanitation.\" The Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) is the official apex body responsible for the formulation of national water strategies, policies and planning, subject to approval by the Council of Ministers. The MWI has been established in 1988 through a bylaw. The establishment of the MWI", "id": "8823403" }, { "contents": "Penguin\n\n\nof the axillary artery, which allows cold blood to be heated by blood that has already been warmed and limits heat loss from the flippers. This system allows penguins to efficiently use their body heat and explains why such small animals can survive in the extreme cold. They can drink salt water because their supraorbital gland filters excess salt from the bloodstream. The salt is excreted in a concentrated fluid from the nasal passages. The great auk of the Northern Hemisphere, now extinct, was superficially similar to penguins, and the word \"", "id": "4356244" }, { "contents": "Safe Drinking Water Act\n\n\noperator training, and reporting and recordkeeping. An airline with a non-complying aircraft must restrict public access to the on-board water system for a specified period. The SDWA requires each state to delineate the boundaries of areas that public water systems use for their sources of drinking water—both surface and underground sources. Within each source area the origins of regulated contaminants are identified in order to determine the susceptibility of the public water systems. This information can help communities understand the risks to their sources of drinking water. The", "id": "1801412" }, { "contents": "Water\n\n\nthan potable or drinking water, and is sometimes called safe water, or \"safe for bathing\". Chlorine is a skin and mucous membrane irritant that is used to make water safe for bathing or drinking. Its use is highly technical and is usually monitored by government regulations (typically 1 part per million (ppm) for drinking water, and 1–2 ppm of chlorine not yet reacted with impurities for bathing water). Water for bathing may be maintained in satisfactory microbiological condition using chemical disinfectants such as chlorine or ozone or by", "id": "14723376" }, { "contents": "Effects of global warming on human health\n\n\nthe lakes and rivers. These particles cause the water to become dirty and this becomes a problem as the dirty water leads to water related diseases. For example, cholera and guinea worm disease are caused by dirty water. Injuries can lead to an excessive amount of morbidity when a flood occurs. Victims who already have a chronic illness and then sustain a non-fatal injury are put at a higher risk for that non-fatal injury to become fatal. Injuries are not isolated to just those who were directly in the flood", "id": "1310924" }, { "contents": "Varad, Surat\n\n\nVarad is a village in Gujarat state, India, 5 km north of Bardoli. Varad has a population of approximately 3701 people of various castes, the majority of whom are Patels. The village flourishes with many number of NRI's helping to build the village in many different ways. Varad is also equipped with a mineral water plant which provides clean and safe drinking water for the village.and its also have free cold water plant at the middle of village open for the poor people who can't afford the refrigerator at home they fill", "id": "18482280" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Jordan\n\n\nhours of service per week declined from 66 to 36. The UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation called in a 2014 report on donors to prioritize their cooperation in tackling non-revenue water through small scale, effective interventions. Water and sewer services in Jordan are heavily subsidized. The revenue covers only part of the operation and maintenance costs, especially after the near-doubling of electricity tariffs in 2011 since 14% of electricity in Jordan is used to pump drinking water and to treat wastewater.", "id": "8823422" }, { "contents": "Appropriate technology\n\n\nto cause 1.8 million deaths each year while about 1.1 billion people lack proper drinking water. Water generally needs treatment before use, depending on the source and the intended use (with high standards required for drinking water). The quality of water from household connections and community water points in low-income countries is not reliably safe for direct human consumption. Water extracted directly from surface waters and open hand-dug shallow wells nearly always requires treatment. Appropriate technology options in water treatment include both community-scale and household-scale", "id": "17367061" }, { "contents": "Human viruses in water\n\n\nof the hospital beds occupied in the world are related to the lack of safe drinking water. Unsafe water leads to the 88% of the global cases of diarrhea and 90% of the deaths of diarreaheal diseases in children under five years old. Most of these deaths occur in developing countries due to poverty and the high cost of safe water. Approximately 1.1 billion people do not have access to improved water and 2.4 billion people do not have access to sanitation facilities. This situation leads to 2 million preventable deaths each year.", "id": "21920073" }, { "contents": "State revolving fund\n\n\nof interest on outstanding loans. There are currently two SRFs, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund created in 1987 under the Clean Water Act, and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund created in 1997 under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Early in the implementation of the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program, following the passage of the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA underwent a process of evaluating the adequacy of state public water systems. The agency’s goal was to devolve primacy for drinking water quality management to states that were prepared", "id": "68821" }, { "contents": "Water supply and sanitation in Jordan\n\n\nreuse in Aqaba. The 2015 Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation encouraged the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and Water Authorities to make more information accessible by creating a system of public information through various media channels, including online. These should include information relating to water and sanitation, such as the results of water sampling. Thus strengthening the human right of access to information. According to the report these measures are also crucial for gaining public confidence in water quality, the reliability of", "id": "8823378" }, { "contents": "Carbonization\n\n\nand pyroligneous acid can be irritant to skin and care should be taken to avoid prolonged skin contact by providing protective clothing and adopting working procedures which minimize exposure. The tars and pyroligneous liquors can also seriously contaminate streams and affect drinking water supplies for humans and animals. Fish may also be adversely affected. Liquid effluents and waste water from medium and large scale charcoal operations should be trapped in large settling ponds and allowed to evaporate so that this water does not pass into the local drainage system and contaminate streams. Kilns and pits,", "id": "21904330" }, { "contents": "Nodularin\n\n\nnodularins. (source 121 from (#1). At risk populations for nodularin poisoning are human individuals, animals, and plants living within 10 km radius of seashore and lakefront areas. Additionally, humans 50 years and older are at elevated risk. Safety guidelines can be implemented to reducing risk, specifically involving the cleanliness standards of drinking water. Microorganisms have been proven as effective in biodegradation and removal of nodularins, which could be useful in controlling cyanobacterial blooms in public water supplies. Protective clothing and physically avoiding areas of visible", "id": "17417198" }, { "contents": "Lake Whatcom\n\n\nof the Nooksack River, through a tunnel, to supply water to a then-new paper-mill on the Bellingham waterfront. As a drinking water source, Lake Whatcom’s quality is in compliance for all tested chemicals, bacteria and turbidity. Bellingham is a participant in the Partnership for Safe Water and the City’s drinking water also meets the higher standards set by this group. For the past 10 years the City of Bellingham Public Works has received the Partnership for Safe Water’s Director Award for commitment to providing safe drinking", "id": "19355192" }, { "contents": "Water treatment\n\n\nsand filters, gravity aqueducts. The Safe Drinking Water Act requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set standards for drinking water quality in public water systems (entities that provide water for human consumption to at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year). Enforcement of the standards is mostly carried out by state health agencies. States may set standards that are more stringent than the federal standards. EPA has set standards for over 90 contaminants organized into six groups: microorganisms, disinfectants, disinfection byproducts, inorganic", "id": "10085574" }, { "contents": "Human rights in Solomon Islands\n\n\nsome places, the islands often suffer from severe water shortage. Water-borne disease and lack of proper sanitation is a major risk and concerned locals have commented that sickness caused from unsafe drinking water was preventing children from attending school. Around half of primary schools have access to safe drinking water. Article 15 ICESCR sets out the criteria for the full enjoyment of the right to water including availability, quality and accessibility. In Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands, there are many overcrowded slums as a result of people moving to", "id": "5104823" }, { "contents": "Why We Run\n\n\nWhy We Run: A Natural History is a non-fiction book by author and biologist Bernd Heinrich and was originally published as Racing the Antelope: What Animals Can Teach Us About Running and Ourselves. The narrator, Heinrich, writes about the challenges that he faced in his life and in writing the book. It explains why humans endure ultramarathons. One segment focuses on the time Heinrich came first in the Golden Gate Marathon in the 1980s. During the ultra-marathon, Heinrich drank Ocean Spray cranberry juice rather than water,", "id": "20098286" } ]
American accents. How much do they differ between states / regions? What are some defining characteristics of particular accents?
[{"answer": "American accents are most variable in terms of vowels, nasality, rhoticism (final R), intervocalic consonants (VCV), and final consonants. You will obviously find greater diversity in places like NYC. The dialect situation in America is very complicated. For example, one of the dialects of New Orleans is the 'yat' dialect, which can trace its ancestry directly to Brooklyn. In general, the **Inland North** is fairly 'standard.' It exhibits the Northern Cities Vowel Shift. The **East** and **Northeast** typically resists merging pin/pen, cot/caught, mary/merry/marry. As a result they have more vowel variation. Some NE dialects are non-rhotic and nasal. You will find larger differences between individual states here. The **Midlands** have some diversity, like in Ohio/Indiana... I'm not familiar with them. The **South** has a good deal of diversity, but most dialects are characterized by the Southern Cities Vowel Shift. Some also have drawls, where an extra schwa vowel (uh) is added after glides. Some dialects have double negatives. Again, there is sometimes non-rhoticism. The **North Central** typically merges the vowels I mentioned resisted by the NE accents. This accent is on the UP of Michigan, and northern WI/MN. They have strong rhotics and unreleased final consonants. \"bag/flag/tag\" are pronounced \"beyg,fleyg,teyg.\" I believe there is a California Vowel Shift as well, but everything west of the Mississippi river is a mystery to me. Some dialects round their lips when pronouncing \"sh\" and \"r\" but I don't know who does/doesn't. **Caveat: Do not confuse vowel sounds with vowel letters. Our alphabet has 5 vowels, but the alphabet is irrelevant. Most Americans have 10-12 vowel phonemes, not counting diphthongs.**"}, {"answer": "Go [to this site]( URL_0 ) to listen to natives of different areas read the same paragraph."}, {"answer": "This site is a quiz I stumbled upon a while back that might be fun for you? URL_0 "}, {"answer": "greatly. I am from the south and i am one of the better spoken people in my town. However, let me go to boston or some where and people call me on my accent constantly."}, {"answer": "Where my yinzers at? I'm goin' dahntahn ta get some jumbo and chipped ham ta make a sammich before the Stillers game starts. Yinz coming aht with me after the game ta Primanti's fer some Arns? (read: [Pittsburghese]( URL_0 ))"}, {"answer": "In Colorado, we drop the T's in things like Mountains, Hunter, Buttons, so it sounds like moun'ains, hunner, bu'uns, ETC."}, {"answer": "Does any one say Aranges? Instead of Oranges? I say it like Aranges and get made fun of alot."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21673", "title": "North American English", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["North American English (NAmE, NAE) is the most generalized variety of the English language as spoken in the United States and Canada. Because of their related histories and cultures and the similarities between the pronunciation, vocabulary, and accent of American English and Canadian English, the two spoken varieties are often grouped together under a single category. Due to historical and cultural factors, Canadian English and American English can be distinguished from each other, with the differences being most noticeable in the two languages' written forms.", "North American English (NAmE, NAE) is the most generalized variety of the English language as spoken in the United States and Canada. Because of their related histories and cultures and the similarities between the pronunciation, vocabulary, and accent of American English and Canadian English, the two spoken varieties are often grouped together under a single category. Due to historical and cultural factors, Canadian English and American English can be distinguished from each other, with the differences being most noticeable in the two languages' written forms. Canadian spellings are primarily based on British usage as a result of Canada's longer-standing connections with the United Kingdom. Canadians are generally tolerant of both British and American spellings, with British spellings being favored in more formal settings and in Canadian print media. Spellings in American English have been highly influenced by lexicographers like Noah Webster, who sought to create a standardized form of English that was independent of British English. Despite these differences, the dialects of both Canada and the United States are similar. The United Empire Loyalists who fled the American Revolution (17651783) have had a large influence on Canadian English from its early roots."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "American English\n\n\nto also define Southern accents as well as the accents spoken in the \"Midland\": a vast band of the country between the traditional dialect regions of the North and the South. The Western U.S. has had the least amount of time to develop unique dialect distinctions and its accents mostly falls under the General American spectrum. Below, ten major American English accents are defined by their particular combinations of certain vowel sounds: In 2010, William Labov noted that Great Lakes, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and West Coast accents have undergone \"", "id": "1665738" }, { "contents": "American English\n\n\naccent, General American is best defined as an umbrella covering any American accent that does not incorporate features associated with some particular region, ethnicity, or socioeconomic group. Typical General American features include rhoticity, the \"father–bother\" merger, \"Mary–marry–merry\" merger, pre-nasal \"short \"a\"\" tensing, and other particular vowel sounds. General American features are embraced most by Americans who are highly educated or in the most formal contexts, and regional accents with the most General American native", "id": "1665740" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\nEngland accents (with the exception of Northwestern New England, much of southern New Hampshire, and Martha's Vineyard) are often non-rhotic. Some Northeastern New England accents are unique in North America for having resisted what is known as father–bother merger: in other words, the stressed vowel phonemes of \"father\" and \"bother\" remain distinct as and , so that the two words do not rhyme as they do in most American accents. Many Eastern New England speakers also once had a class of words with", "id": "7437202" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\nVaux (2004)'s surveys. Conversely, the surveys show that is the much more common vowel for \"pajamas\" in the West, and and are in fact both common variants for \"lawyer\" in the Midland. General American is an umbrella accent of American English perceived by many Americans to be \"neutral\" and free of regional characteristics. A General American accent is not a specific well-defined standard English in the way that Received Pronunciation (RP) has historically been the standard prestigious variant of the English language", "id": "7437183" }, { "contents": "English language in Puerto Rico\n\n\nwith any other case of a non-native learning a language, many Puerto Ricans learn a particular accent of English. If learned in the US, they may speak English as it is spoken in their region. Some Puerto Ricans still residing in the island acquire a distinctly American accent when speaking. Others will develop different variations of the accent depending on who or what the main influence was during the learning process. This is due not only to the fact that English is taught from the first grade in most schools, but", "id": "15161112" }, { "contents": "Inland Northern American English\n\n\na reversal of the shift in at least some of the Inland North, such as in Lansing, Michigan, and Ogdensburg and Syracuse, New York, in particular with regards to fronting and raising (though raising is persisting before nasal consonants, as is the General American norm). A Midwestern accent (which may refer to other dialectal accents as well), Chicago accent, or Great Lakes accent are all common names in the United States for the sound quality produced by speakers of this dialect. Many of the characteristics listed", "id": "8439937" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\nBritish and American English. There is however some regional variation between the states, particularly in regard to South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. Three main varieties of Australian English are spoken according to linguists: \"Broad Australian\", \"General Australian\" and \"Cultivated Australian\". They are part of a continuum, reflecting variations in accent. They can, but do not always reflect the social class, education and urban or rural background of the speaker. The New Zealand accent is most similar to Australian accents (particularly", "id": "17531169" }, { "contents": "Rhoticity in English\n\n\nZealand speakers, although it is not clearly identified to any particular region or attributed to any defined language shift. The Māori language itself tends in most cases to use an r with an alveolar tap , like Scottish dialect. Some phonemic mergers are characteristic of non-rhotic accents. These usually include one item that historically contained an R (lost in the non-rhotic accent), and one that never did so. The section below lists mergers in order of approximately decreasing prevalence. In the terminology of John C. Wells,", "id": "6850633" }, { "contents": "English-language accents in film\n\n\nit was Scottish, but now Welsh is very much in vogue. As long as people can understand what you are saying, the Welsh accent is a bonus. Voices need character and individuality.\" Slaymaker said, \"It's unlikely they'll be able to tell the difference between a Welsh or Irish accent. It'll just be seen as colourful.\" The 2007 film \"The Last Sin Eater\", produced in the United States, depicted a Welsh American community living in the Appalachian Mountains, but U.S. critics criticized", "id": "19789100" }, { "contents": "Boston accent\n\n\nreplacing the older Boston accent's London-like \"broad \"a\"\" system to an opener sound in those same example words (see \"Declining characteristics\" below). Boston accents make a greater variety of distinctions between short and long vowels before medial than many other modern American accents do: \"hurry\" and \"furry\" ; and \"mirror\" and \"nearer\" , though some of these distinctions are somewhat endangered as people under 40 in neighboring New Hampshire and Maine have lost them. Boston shares these distinctions", "id": "18770992" }, { "contents": "Midwestern United States\n\n\npronounced mutual Canadian-American cultural influence occurs throughout the Great Lakes region. The accents of the region are generally distinct from those of the South and of the urban areas of the American Northeast. To a lesser degree, they are also distinct from the accent of the American West. The accent characteristic of most of the Midwest is popularly considered to be that of \"standard\" American English or General American. This accent is typically preferred by many national radio and television producers. Linguist Thomas Bonfiglio argues that, \"American English", "id": "15016399" }, { "contents": "Comparison of American and British English\n\n\nterms of mutual intelligibility. A few words have completely different meanings in the two versions or are even unknown or not used in one of the versions. One particular contribution towards formalizing these differences came from Noah Webster, who wrote the first American dictionary (published 1828) with the intention of showing that people in the United States spoke a different dialect from those spoken in the UK, much like a regional accent. This divergence between American English and British English has provided opportunities for humorous comment: e.g. in fiction George Bernard Shaw", "id": "1783113" }, { "contents": "Pitch-accent language\n\n\nrecognised as a pitch accent. Acoustic studies show that although accented syllables have some of the characteristics of stressed syllables in stress-accent languages (slightly more intensity, more length, more open vowels), this effect is much less than would normally be expected in stress-accent languages. The main difference is one of pitch, with a contour of (L)+H*. Normally the pitch falls again at the end of the syllable (if final) or on the next syllable. Persian nouns and adjectives are uniformly accented on", "id": "3577501" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\nwhile these sub-dialects are very similar to each other, non-local listeners can identify firm differences. On the other side of the spectrum, Australia has a \"General accent\" that is virtually consistent over thousands of kilometers. English accents can differ enough to create room for misunderstandings. For example, the pronunciation of \"pearl\" in some variants of Scottish English can sound like the entirely unrelated word \"petal\" to an American ear. For a summary of the differences between accents, see International Phonetic Alphabet chart", "id": "17531150" }, { "contents": "Midland American English\n\n\nMidland American English is a regional dialect or super-dialect of American English, geographically lying between the traditionally-defined Northern and Southern United States. The boundaries of Midland American English are not entirely clear, being revised and reduced by linguists due to definitional changes and several Midland sub-regions undergoing rapid and diverging pronunciation shifts since the early-middle twentieth century onwards. These general characteristics of the Midland regional accent are firmly established: fronting of the , , and vowels occurs towards the center or even front of the mouth;", "id": "1251955" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\nwithin Greater London, with various accents such as Cockney, Estuary English, Multicultural London English and Received Pronunciation being found all throughout the region and the Home Counties. On 20 February 2019, the New York Times published a quiz that maps the geographical differences between British and Irish dialects. The regional accents of Scottish English generally draw on the phoneme inventory of the dialects of Modern Scots with characteristic vowel realisations due to the Scottish vowel length rule. Highland English accents are more strongly influenced by Scottish Gaelic than other forms of Scottish English", "id": "17531158" }, { "contents": "Perceptual dialectology\n\n\nand Rennes, respectively the northeastern and northwestern regions) were not especially successful at correctly identifying the regional origins of the voice samples, but were able to detect some differences between the Nancy and Rennes speakers. The results suggest two regional-perceptual axes: the \"North/east\" relating to regional or social accent divergence, while the \"West/Centre/Paris\" is more related to standardness of accent and convergence. The usage of authentic speech samples for identification reveals how well subjects are able to actually perceive the differences", "id": "13402149" }, { "contents": "North American English\n\n\nmigration across the North American continent, brought new accents and dialects to new areas, and as these ways of speaking merged and assimilated with the population. It is claimed that despite the centuries of linguistic changes there is still a resemblance between the English East Anglia accents which would have been used by early English settlers in New England (including the Pilgrims), and modern Northeastern United States accents. Similarly, the accents of Newfoundland have some similarities to the accents of Scotland and Ireland. Ethnic American English Regional American English Below,", "id": "1871872" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\npronunciation inside them occurs ovewhelmingly in a particular region (well over 50% likelihood) but still does not meet the 86% threshold set by Hedges (2017) for what necessarily defines one of the six regional accents. Blank boxes in the chart indicate regions where neither pronunciation variant particularly dominates over the other; in some of these instances, the data simply may be inconclusive or unclear. ★ Hedges (2017) acknowledges that the two pronunciations marked by this star are discrepancies of her latent class analysis, since they conflict with", "id": "7437182" }, { "contents": "Austrian German\n\n\nother Tyroleans are often unable to understand them. Speakers from the different states of Austria can easily be distinguished from each other by their particular accents (probably more so than Bavarians), those of Carinthia, Styria, Vienna, Upper Austria, and the Tyrol being very characteristic. Speakers from those regions, even those speaking Standard German, can usually be easily identified by their accent, even by an untrained listener. Several of the dialects have been influenced by contact with non-Germanic linguistic groups, such as the dialect of", "id": "286040" }, { "contents": "Stress (linguistics)\n\n\nwords in a sentence; sometimes the difference between the acoustic signals of stressed and unstressed syllables are minimal. These particular distinguishing features of stress, or types of prominence in which particular features are dominant, are sometimes referred to as particular types of accent – \"dynamic accent\" in the case of loudness, \"pitch accent\" in the case of pitch (although this term usually has more specialized meanings), \"quantitative accent\" in the case of length, and \"qualitative accent\" in the case of differences in articulation", "id": "7793017" }, { "contents": "Ōita dialect\n\n\none elongated sound. Oita-ben employs euphonic changes often during rapid speech. Words in Ōita-ben are accented according to a slight variation of the Tokyo dialect’s pitch accent. The western Hita region, while still considered to utilize the pitch accent of the Tokyo dialect, has some minor differences in intonation, while areas close to the inland Kumamoto and Miyazaki Prefectures sometimes utilize the “no accent” pitch that is characteristic of those prefectures. In this list, the left side is the standard intonation, while the right", "id": "15533364" }, { "contents": "American English\n\n\nvigorous new sound changes\" since the mid-nineteenth century onwards, so they \"are now more different from each other than they were 50 or 100 years ago\", while other accents, like of New York City and Boston, have remained stable in that same time-frame. However, a General American sound system also has some debated degree of influence nationwide, for example, gradually beginning to oust the regional accent in urban areas of the South and at least some in the Inland North. Rather than one particular", "id": "1665739" }, { "contents": "Spanish dialects and varieties\n\n\n. The different dialects and accents do not block cross-understanding among the educated. Meanwhile, the basilects have diverged more. The unity of the language is reflected in the fact that early imported sound films were dubbed into one version for the entire Spanish-speaking market. Currently, films not originally in Spanish (usually Hollywood productions) are dubbed separately into two accents: one for Spain and one for Latin American (using a Mexican or Puerto Rican accent without regionalisms). Some high-budget productions, however, such", "id": "4701493" }, { "contents": "How the García Girls Lost Their Accents\n\n\nprivileged, wealthy existence led by the García girls in the Dominican Republic serves to further complicate their process of assimilation. The girls are vastly unaware of their good fortune until they are faced with the economic hardships of immigration in the United States. \"How the García Girls Lost Their Accents\" confirms the suspicion widely expressed in circles of Latin American literature that North Americans choose not to differentiate between political and economic exile. Alvarez pointedly demonstrates the North American tendency to undervalue cultural diversity by highlighting instances of American ignorance toward distinctions between different", "id": "19496473" }, { "contents": "Culture of the Southern United States\n\n\nEnglish can be divided into different sub-dialects, with speech differing between regions. African American Vernacular English (AAVE) shares similarities with Southern dialect due to African Americans' strong historical ties to the region. It has been said that Southerners are most easily distinguished from other Americans by their speech, both in terms of accent and idiom. However, there is no single \"Southern Accent.\" Rather, Southern American English is a collection of dialects of the English spoken throughout the South. Southern American English can be divided", "id": "8469823" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\nNorth American English regional phonology is the study of variations in the pronunciation of spoken North American English (English of the United States and Canada)—what are commonly known simply as \"regional accents\". Though studies of regional dialects can be based on multiple characteristics, often including characteristics that are phonemic (sound-based, focusing on major word-differentiating patterns and structures in speech), phonetic (sound-based, focusing on any more exact and specific details of speech), lexical (vocabulary-based), and syntactic (", "id": "7437167" }, { "contents": "Pitch-accent language\n\n\ncan also play a part in the accent of pitch-accent languages. A feature considered characteristic of stress-accent languages is that a stress-accent is \"obligatory\", that is, that every major word has to have an accent. This is not always true of pitch-accent languages, some of which, like Japanese and Northern Bizkaian Basque, have accentless words. But there are also some pitch-accent languages in which every word has an accent. One feature shared between pitch-accent languages and stress", "id": "3577430" }, { "contents": "How the García Girls Lost Their Accents\n\n\nmonths as her parents preferred the dictatorship of Trujillo to the US. Clearly in the novel, this is not the case, however throughout, the reader witnesses the Garcia family assimilate into American society. Although their Hispanic roots are reflected in their personalities, it is evident that the stories which focus on the four daughters depict many problems that normal North American girls do. Even though \"How the García Girls Lost Their Accents\" was written in the United States, there are significant historical ties between the novel and the author’s", "id": "19496431" }, { "contents": "Accent (sociolinguistics)\n\n\nAmerican accents. It is difficult to measure or predict how long it takes an accent to form. Accents from Canada, South Africa, Australia and the US for example, developed from the combinations of different accents and languages in various societies and their effect on the various pronunciations of British settlers. In many cases, the accents of non-English settlers from the British Isles affected the accents of the different colonies quite differently. Irish, Scottish and Welsh immigrants had accents which greatly affected the vowel pronunciation of certain areas of Australia", "id": "16302698" }, { "contents": "Pitch-accent language\n\n\naccented syllable is also often stressed. Some of the languages considered pitch-accent languages, in addition to accented words, also have accentless words (e.g., Japanese and Western Basque); in others all major words are accented (e.g., Blackfoot and Barasana). Some have claimed that the term \"pitch accent\" is not coherently defined and that pitch-accent languages are just a sub-category of tonal languages in general. The term \"pitch accent\" is also used to denote a different feature, namely the", "id": "3577426" }, { "contents": "Basis of articulation\n\n\ngear\" for English, another for French, and so on depending on which language is being learned; in the classroom, when working on pronunciation, the first thing the learner must do is to think themselves into the right gear before starting on pronunciation exercises. Jenner (2001) gives a detailed account of how this idea arose and how Honikman has been credited with its invention despite a considerable history of prior study. Different accents within a given language may have their own characteristic basis of articulation, resulting in one accent being", "id": "4070894" }, { "contents": "Accent (sociolinguistics)\n\n\nIn sociolinguistics, an accent is a manner of pronunciation peculiar to a particular individual, location, or nation. An accent may be identified with the locality in which its speakers reside (a regional or geographical accent), the socioeconomic status of its speakers, their ethnicity, their caste or social class (a social accent), or influence from their first language (a foreign accent). Accents typically differ in quality of the voice, pronunciation and distinction of vowels and consonants, stress, and prosody. Although grammar,", "id": "16302696" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\n, and (3) the various accents of west, midlands and south. The Ulster accent has two main sub accents, namely Mid Ulster English and Ulster Scots. The language is spoken throughout the nine counties of Ulster, and in some northern areas of bordering counties such as Louth and Leitrim. It bears many similarities to Scottish English through influence from the Ulster varieties of Scots. Some characteristics of the Ulster accent include: The accent of these three provinces fluctuates greatly from the flat tone of the midlands counties of Laois,", "id": "17531161" }, { "contents": "Northern, central and southern Vietnam\n\n\nis now a very popular and widely worn ladies' attire nationwide. The Vietnamese language features many accents, the three major dialects are those of the North, Center, and South with major differences in phonology and vocabulary. Due to cultural prominence, the Hanoi and Saigon accents are mostly intelligible to speakers from other regions. The Central accent, in particular from the provinces of Nghệ An, Hà Tĩnh, Quảng Bình, Quảng Nam, and Quảng Ngãi is often unintelligible to speakers outside of these regions. Differences in these accents", "id": "15288274" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\n. Stop becomes Shtop. Irish Travellers have a very distinct accent closely related to a rural Hiberno-English, particularly the English of south-eastern Ireland. Many Irish Travellers who were born in parts of Dublin or Britain have the accent in spite of it being strikingly different from the local accents in those regions. They also have their own language, which strongly links in with their dialect/accent of English, see Shelta. \"North American English\" is a collective term for the dialects of the United States and Canada", "id": "17531165" }, { "contents": "Bari dialect\n\n\nThe Barese alphabet comprises the following letters: In Barese the use of the accents is obligatory: The monosyllables do not need to be accented, with some notable exceptions, such as \"à\" (preposition), \"é\" (conjunction), \"mè\" (adverb), and some others. Examples: The accents are important and are often used to show the differences between words that are otherwise written in the same way, but which have different pronunciations. Examples: Within the Province of Bari and surroundings many", "id": "16339551" }, { "contents": "Persian dialects in Khuzestan\n\n\nThere are a number of Khuzestani Persian dialects and accents unique to the province of Khuzestan in southwestern Iran. There are two main regional classifications, in addition to less common varieties: These are generally some what unintelligible to speakers of Modern Standard Persian and are related to and are rooted in old Persian. Those regional variety of Kouzestani accents are much closer to Standard Persian than Khouzestani dialects and are easily understood by the average Persian-speaker elsewhere in Iran. Persian dialects of Khuzestan are halfway between north Iranian dialects and Dari dialects,", "id": "20348642" }, { "contents": "Culture of Finland\n\n\n) and the traditionally widespread ideal of self-sufficiency (see, e.g.: the predominant rural life but also more modern manifestations of such a life in the summer cottage). There are still cultural differences between Finland's regions, especially minor differences in accents and vocabulary. Minorities, some of which have a status recognised by the state, such as the Sami, Swedish-speaking Finns, Romani, Jews, and Tatar, maintain their own cultural characteristics. Many Finns are emotionally connected to the countryside and nature, as", "id": "19078849" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\nfor English dialects. English dialects differ greatly in their pronunciation of open vowels. In Received Pronunciation, there are four open back vowels, , but in General American there are only three, , and in most dialects of Canadian English only two, . In addition, which words have which vowel varies between dialects. Words like \"bath\" and \"cloth\" have the vowels in Received Pronunciation, but in General American. The table above shows some of these dialectal differences. Accents and dialects vary widely across the Great Britain", "id": "17531151" }, { "contents": "Mid-Atlantic accent\n\n\nthe accent was embraced in private independent preparatory schools, especially by members of the Northeastern upper class, as well as in schools for film and stage acting. The accent's overall use sharply declined following the Second World War. A similar accent, known as \"Canadian dainty\", was also known in Canada in the same era, although it resulted from different historical processes. More generically, the term \"mid-Atlantic accent\" refers to any accent with a mixture of American and British characteristics. At the start of", "id": "2493791" }, { "contents": "Kfarsghab\n\n\nin North-Lebanon and in consequence to put in full light the transformation processes; it is thus in the center of this linguistic movement... It is still more intriguing for the local population. The popular tradition in Kfarsghab attributes its particular accent to the special characteristics of the drinking water. From sociological point of view, a major difference in accent between neighboring settlements denotes usually either geographical isolation, or an unconscious collective will of identity conservation. It is true that the winter village, Morh Kfarsghab, is relatively isolated but for", "id": "862218" }, { "contents": "Nagoya dialect\n\n\nnani\" (\"what\") and \"dore\" (\"which\") have an accent on first mora in Tokyo, and accentless in Nagoya. Demonstratives (except \"do-\") such as \"kore\" (\"this\") and \"sore\" (\"it\") are accentless in Tokyo, and have an accent on last mora in Nagoya. The grammar of the Nagoya dialect shows intermediate characteristics between eastern Japanese (including standard Tokyo dialect) and western Japanese (including Kansai dialect). For example", "id": "19995496" }, { "contents": "Pitch accent (intonation)\n\n\nPitch accent is a term used in autosegmental-metrical theory for local intonational features that are associated with particular syllables. Within this framework, pitch accents are distinguished from both the abstract metrical stress and the acoustic stress of a syllable. Different languages specify different relationships between pitch accent and stress placement. Languages vary in terms of whether pitch accents must be associated with syllables that are perceived as prominent or stressed. For example, in French and Indonesian, pitch accents may be associated with syllables that are not acoustically stressed, while in", "id": "19936651" }, { "contents": "Japonic languages\n\n\nThe oldest description of the accent, in the 12th-century dictionary \"Ruiju Myōgishō\", defines accent classes which generally account for correspondences between modern mainland Japanese dialects. However, Ryukyuan languages share a set of accent classes that cut across these. For example, for two-syllable words, the \"Ruiju Myōgishō\" defines five accent classes, which are reflected in different ways in the three major accent systems of mainland Japanese, here represented by Kyoto, Tokyo and Kagoshima. In each case the pattern of high and low", "id": "19369945" }, { "contents": "Baltimore accent\n\n\nmedia and that derives historically from the speech of by White blue-collar residents of South, and Southeast Baltimore is not the only accent spoken in the region. There is also a particular Baltimore accent found among Black Baltimoreans. For example, among Black speakers, Baltimore is pronounced more like \"Baldamore,\" as compared to \"Bawlmer.\" Other notable phonological characteristics include vowel centralization before (such that words such as \"carry\" and \"parents\" are often pronounced as \"curry\" or \"purrents\") and", "id": "16068219" }, { "contents": "Regional accents of English\n\n\n. For more details, see Non-native pronunciations of English. Primary English-speakers show great variability in terms of regional accents. Some, such as Pennsylvania Dutch English, are easily identified by key characteristics; others are more obscure or easily confused. Broad regions can possess sub-forms as identified below; for instance, towns located less than from the city of Manchester, such as Bolton, Rochdale, Oldham and Salford, each have distinct accents, all of which together comprise the broader accent of Lancashire county;", "id": "17531149" }, { "contents": "American English\n\n\nPhiladelphia/Baltimore accents. Most Americans preserve all historical sounds, using what is known as a rhotic accent. The only traditionally \"r\"-dropping (or non-rhotic) regional U.S. accents are spoken along much of the Atlantic Coast, parts of the Gulf Coast (particularly still in Louisiana), and formerly in areas of the old plantation South because these areas were in close historical contact with England and imitated London's \"r\"-dropping, a feature that has gained prestige and become widespread throughout England from the eighteenth century onwards. Today", "id": "1665735" }, { "contents": "Inland Northern American English\n\n\nhas also been infiltrated by features of the Inland Northern accent, with the corridor today showing a mixture of both Inland Northern and Midland accents. The early 20th-century accent of the Inland North was the basis for the term \"General American\", though the regional accent has since altered, due to its now-defining chain shift of vowels that began as late as the 1930s. A 1969 study first formally showed lower middle-class women leading the regional population in the first two stages (raising of the short-\"a\"", "id": "8439925" }, { "contents": "Minas Gerais\n\n\nof Italians and other Central Europeans, the North with its Native Americans, or the Northeast with its heavy Afro-Brazilian influence. Those born and raised in Minas Gerais, also called Mineiros, bear an unmistakable accent that sets them apart from fellow Brazilians, although people born in different regions of the state bear slightly different accents, some resembling those of neighboring states, such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. They are considered reserved, prudent, relatively silent to the point of melancholy but welcoming and family-", "id": "5408089" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\nthose in the words , , , and ) towards the center or front of the mouth, all of which is notably different from the accents of the Northern United States. Essentially all of the modern-day Southern dialects, plus dialects marginal to the South (some even in geographically and culturally \"Northern\" states), are thus considered a subset of this super-region: the whole American South (even Florida), the southern half of the Mid- and South Atlantic regions, and a transitional Midland dialect area between", "id": "7437211" }, { "contents": "Pitch accent (intonation)\n\n\ndo not change the identity of the word, but rather how the word fits into the conversation. The stress/no-stress distinction and the lexical/post-lexical distinction create a typology of languages with regards to their use of pitch accents. Languages that use lexical pitch accents are described as pitch accent languages, in contrast to tone/tonal languages like Mandarin Chinese and Yoruba. Pitch accent languages differ from tone languages in that pitch accents are only assigned to one syllable in a word, whereas tones can be assigned", "id": "19936653" }, { "contents": "Mid-Atlantic accent\n\n\nThe Mid-Atlantic accent, or Transatlantic accent, is an accent of English, blending together prestigious American and British English (Received Pronunciation) ways of speaking. Adopted in the early 20th century mostly by American aristocrats and actors, it is not a native vernacular or regional American accent. Instead, according to voice and drama professor Dudley Knight, it is an affected set of speech patterns whose \"chief quality was that no Americans actually spoke it unless educated to do so\". Primarily fashionable in the 1930s and 1940s,", "id": "2493790" }, { "contents": "Heteroglossia\n\n\ndefining characteristic of the novel as a genre. Traditional stylistics, like epic poetry, do not share the trait of heteroglossia. In Bakhtin's words, \"poetry depersonalizes 'days' in language, while prose, as we shall see, often deliberately intensifies difference between them...\" Extending his argument, Bakhtin proposes that all languages represent a distinct point of view on the world, characterized by its own meaning and values. In this view, language is \"shot through with intentions and accents\" (1981: 324)", "id": "6027762" }, { "contents": "Sanskrit\n\n\nthe intense change that must have occurred in the pre-Vedic period between Indo-Aryan language and the Vedic Sanskrit. The noticeable differences between the Vedic and the Classical Sanskrit include the much-expanded grammar and grammatical categories as well as the differences in the accent, the semantics and the syntax. There are also some differences between how some of the nouns and verbs end, as well as the \"sandhi\" rules, both internal and external. Quite many words found in the early Vedic Sanskrit language are never found in", "id": "8016745" }, { "contents": "Singing\n\n\nneutral accent that is used in the style of music they are singing in, rather than a regional accent or dialect; the style of music and the popular center/region of the style has more influence on the singing accent of a person than where they come from. For example, in the English language, British singers of rock or popular music often sing in an American accent or neutral accent instead of an English accent. Scholars agree that singing is strongly present in many different species. Wide dispersal of singing behavior among", "id": "2395062" }, { "contents": "English-language vowel changes before historic /r/\n\n\nof the latter word, but without the glide. It is important to note however that different mergers occur in different dialects. Among United States accents, the Boston, Eastern New England and New York accents have the lowest degree of pre-rhotic merging. Some have observed that rhotic North American accents are more likely to have such merging than non-rhotic accents, but this cannot be said of rhotic British accents like Scottish English, which is firmly rhotic and yet many varieties have all the same vowel contrasts before as", "id": "11929789" }, { "contents": "Narcos\n\n\nhow much voice-over he utters.\" The show received criticism for the quality of the Spanish spoken. Dr. Alister Ramírez-Márquez, a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, faulted the accents, pronunciation, intonation, and incorrect use of Paisa colloquialisms. Speaking of the show's reception in Colombia, Sibylla Brodzinsky of \"The Guardian\" stated, \"audiences have been bemused by the stars’ ropey accents, irritated by its portrayal of the country's recent history, and – in some cases", "id": "15384891" }, { "contents": "Non-English versions of The Simpsons\n\n\nto hear local jokes or expressions, as well as references to Latin American pop-culture. For the Hispanic American version; the local jokes, expressions and words were deleted after the actors' strike, becoming more neutral. The Spanish voice acting is performed in standard Castilian accent. The show is translated to the standard Spanish dialect, accounting for some differences in vocabulary from its Hispanic American counterpart. Regional accents, as would be present in the original English cast (e.g., Willie's Scottish accent) are also dubbed into", "id": "1227556" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\n, tenser vowel sound than \"cat\", \"catch\", and \"cap\". The New York accent is well attested in American movies and television shows, often exaggerated, and especially ones about American mobsters from the area. Though it is sometimes known as a \"Bronx\" or \"Brooklyn accent\", no research has confirmed differences of accent between the city's boroughs. One vast super-dialectal area commonly identified by linguists is \"the North\", usually meaning New England, inland areas of the Mid", "id": "7437193" }, { "contents": "Bermudian English\n\n\nBermudian English is a regional accent of English found in Bermuda, a British overseas territory in the North Atlantic. Standard English is used in professional settings and in writing, while vernacular Bermudian English is spoken on more casual occasions. The Bermudian accent began to develop following settlement in the early 17th century, and retains traits of Elizabethan English. Casual observers tend to have difficulty in placing the Bermudian accent, as it differs from those that are clearly British, American or Caribbean; they also note that the accent tends to vary between", "id": "22126878" }, { "contents": "American English\n\n\n-rhotic accents). The most prominent and stigmatized regional accents of the country are New York City and Southern accents. Southern speech, strongest in southern Appalachia and certain areas around central Texas, is commonly identified among Americans as a \"country\" accent, and is defined by the vowel losing its gliding quality: , the initiation event for a complicated Southern vowel shift, including a \"Southern drawl\" that makes short front vowels into distinct-sounding gliding vowels. The fronting of the vowels of , , , and tends", "id": "1665737" }, { "contents": "English language in England\n\n\nbe no sharp borders between completely different ways of speaking. Within a county, the accents of the different towns and villages would drift gradually so that residents of bordering areas sounded more similar to those in neighbouring counties. Because of greater social mobility and the teaching of \"Standard English\" in secondary schools, this model is no longer very accurate. There are some English counties in which there is little change in accent/dialect, and people are more likely to categorise their accent by a region or county than by their town", "id": "466412" }, { "contents": "North American English regional phonology\n\n\nWest, New England, the Midland, and the Mid-Atlantic (including New York City). The results showed that the accent regions/clusters were largely consistent with those outlined in the \"ANAE\". Below is a chart of particular pronunciations of particular words that have more than an 86% likelihood of occurring in a particular cluster. The defining pronunciations are: \"pajamas\" with either the phoneme or the phoneme ; \"coupon\" with either or ; \"Monday\" with either or ; \"Florida\" with", "id": "7437180" }, { "contents": "Accent perception\n\n\nof the brain that deal with voice perception and accents). Recent research has investigated the effects of accent on earwitness memory (similar to eyewitness memory but based on what a person heard rather than saw). The study showed that ear-witnesses were more likely to mistake offenders with a different accent than an own-accent, and that their judgements were less confident in reporting other-accent offenders compared to those with their own-accent. The authors of the study present similarities between the own-accent bias and the", "id": "8737493" }, { "contents": "Hōnichi dialect\n\n\ndialects such as \"ka\"-adjective and \"batten\" particle. Buzen-Oita dialects do not use \"to\" particle. An emphasizing particle \"cha\" is used in Honichi dialect and Yamaguchi dialect. In the pitch accent, Miyazaki dialect and Buzen-Oita dialects are very different. Buzen-Oita dialects use Tokyo-type accent as well as Chugoku dialect, but Miyazaki dialect is noted for its monotony accent as well as some dialects classified the Hichiku dialect. Another striking difference between Miyazaki and Buzen-Oita dialects is the", "id": "19174745" }, { "contents": "English-language vowel changes before historic /r/\n\n\n, but in accents that do not have the merger \"hoarse\" is pronounced with a higher vowel, usually in rhotic and or the like in non-rhotic accents. Non-merging accents include most Scottish, Caribbean, and older Southern American accents, plus some African American vernacular, modern Southern American, Indian, Irish, and older Maine accents. Some speakers distinguish the vowels by length rather than quality, pronouncing \"hoarse\" and \"horse\" . The distinction was made in traditional Received Pronunciation as represented in the", "id": "11929815" }, { "contents": "Inland Northern American English\n\n\nhere are not necessarily unique to the region and are oftentimes found elsewhere in the Midwest. The Northern Cities Vowel Shift or Northern Cities Shift is a chain shift of vowels and the defining accent feature of the Inland North dialect region, though it can also be found, variably, in the neighboring Upper Midwest and Western New England accent regions. The first two sound changes in the shift, with some debate about which one led to the other or came first, are the general raising and lengthening (tensing) of the \"", "id": "8439938" }, { "contents": "North American English\n\n\nAmerican mass media. The list of divergent words becomes longer if considering regional Canadian dialects, especially as spoken in the Atlantic provinces and parts of Vancouver Island where significant pockets of British culture still remain. There are a considerable number of different accents within the regions of both the United States and Canada, originally deriving from the accents prevalent in different English, Scottish and Irish regions of the British Isles and corresponding to settlement patterns of these peoples in the colonies. These were developed and built upon as new waves of immigration, and", "id": "1871871" }, { "contents": "General American\n\n\nGeneral American (abbreviated as GA or GenAm) is the umbrella variety of American English—the continuum of accents—spoken by a majority of Americans and widely perceived, among Americans, as lacking any distinctly regional, ethnic, or socioeconomic characteristics. Americans with high education, or from the North Midland, Western New England, and Western regions of the country, are the most likely to be perceived as having \"General American\" accents. The precise definition and usefulness of the term continues to be debated, and the scholars", "id": "14801172" }, { "contents": "History of Proto-Slavic\n\n\nconsequently do not show any difference in intonation in forms where the accent is on the first syllable; the pitch is always falling. Where the accent is on a non-initial syllable, the distinction is maintained. Dybo's law was the first of the major accent shifts in Proto-Slavic. In fixed-accent inflectional paradigms, non-acute syllables (both short and long) lost the accent to the following syllable. This caused a split in the fixed-accented paradigms, between the acuted \"accent paradigm \"", "id": "9504509" }, { "contents": "American English\n\n\n\"General\" or \"Standard\" American, a fairly uniform accent continuum native to certain regions and associated nationally with broadcast mass media and highly educated speech. However, historical and present linguistic evidence does not support the notion of there being one single \"mainstream\" American accent. On the contrary, the sound of American English continues to evolve, with some local accents disappearing, but several larger regional accents emerging. Compared with English as spoken in England, North American English is more homogeneous, and any phonologically unremarkable North American", "id": "1665705" }, { "contents": "Belgian French\n\n\nare used in the language in the Brussels area. There are a few consistent phonological differences between the French in France and Belgium but usually no more than the differences between regional dialects within France (or the ones that exist between in the English of Toronto and Vancouver, for instance), which might even be nonexistent. Regional accents however, can vary from city to city (the Liège accent being an example). However, on the whole, accents may vary more according to one's social class and education. While", "id": "888616" }, { "contents": "British English\n\n\n\"crass\"/\"plastic\" use a slender \"a\". A few miles northwest in Leicestershire the slender \"a\" becomes more widespread generally. In the town of Corby, north, one can find Corbyite, which unlike the Kettering accent, is largely influenced by the West Scottish accent. In addition, many British people can to some degree temporarily \"swing\" their accent towards a more neutral form of English at will, to reduce difficulty where very different accents are involved, or when speaking to foreigners. Phonological features characteristic of", "id": "3754997" }, { "contents": "Australian English\n\n\n\". A limited range of word choices is strongly regional in nature. Consequently, the geographical background of individuals can be inferred, if they use words that are peculiar to particular Australian states or territories and, in some cases, even smaller regions. In addition, some Australians speak creole languages derived from Australian English, such as Australian Kriol, Torres Strait Creole and Norfuk. The \"broad\", \"general\" and \"cultivated\" accents form a continuum that reflects minute variations in the Australian accent. They can reflect", "id": "1665794" }, { "contents": "North American English\n\n\ntwelve major North American dialects are defined by particular accent characteristics. (Unmentioned below, Standard Canadian English is differentiated from Western U.S. English primarily by the Canadian Vowel Shift): A majority of North American English (for example, in contrast to British English) includes phonological features that concern consonants, such as rhoticity (full pronunciation of all sounds), conditioned T-glottalization (with \"satin\" pronounced , not ), T- and D-flapping (with \"metal\" and \"medal\" pronounced the same, as", "id": "1871873" }, { "contents": "Andalusians\n\n\nbetween what is known as \"high Andalusia\" (what used to be the Kingdom of Granada) and Low or Western Andalusia (the heavily populated Guadalquivir valley). Significant differences exist between the culture and the accents of all of eight provinces of Andalusia, but the widest difference is between these two regions. Some Andalusians of High Andalusia (notably Granada and Almería) complain that since the beginning of democracy and Andalusia's autonomy in 1981, Andalusian political power has been heavily centered around Seville and, as a result, Andalusian", "id": "1176617" }, { "contents": "Scottish tenor drum\n\n\nflourish, or how much they should flourish, is a large area of debate. The music being played by the tenors often varies greatly between different regions and styles. Some tenors only play rhythm rather than flourishing, either as accent to the bass drum or snare drums, or to create intricate runs that add variation to the band's music. The bands that use tonally tuned tenor drummers also split the music for the tenor drummers, such that one player only plays certain notes, causing a melody to occur within the tenor", "id": "21872999" }, { "contents": "Pitch accent (intonation)\n\n\ncontour can apply to different phrases (e.g. (1) and (2)), different contours can apply to the same phrase, as in (2) and (3). In (3) the H* pitch accent is replaced with an L* pitch accent. Pitch accents can be divided into nuclear and prenuclear pitch accents. The nuclear pitch accent is defined as the head of a prosodic phrase. It is the most important accent in the phrase and perceived as the most prominent. In English it is", "id": "19936659" }, { "contents": "Hiberno-English\n\n\n-final or is realised in Ulster accents uniquely as . Other notes: The defining diphthongs of Hiberno-English: The following gliding vowel (diphthong) sounds are defining characteristics of Irish English: All diphthongs of various Hiberno-English dialects: Footnotes: Due to the local Dublin accent's phenomenon of \"vowel breaking\", may be realised in that accent as in a closed syllable, and, in the same environment, may be realised as . The defining \"r\"-coloured vowels of Hiberno-English: The following \"r\"-coloured", "id": "14367335" }, { "contents": "Accent (sociolinguistics)\n\n\nand \"fluminense\" (dialect spoken in the state of Rio de Janeiro) to the other side, inside Southeastern Brazil itself. However, in linguistics, there is no differentiation among accents in regard to their prestige, aesthetics, or correctness. All languages and accents are linguistically equal. Stereotypes refer to specific characteristics, traits, and roles that a group and its members are believed to possess. Stereotypes can be both positive and negative, although negative are more common. Stereotypes may result in prejudice, which is defined as", "id": "16302708" }, { "contents": "Proto-Indo-European accent\n\n\nwhich was inherited in all attested daughter languages, although there exist some uncertainties regarding the simple thematic present. Some athematic nominals and verb stems also had fixed accent (chiefly on the root), but most had alternating, mobile accent, exhibiting several characteristic patterns; in all of them the surface accent was to the left in one group of inflected forms (nominoaccusative of nominals, active singular of verbs), and to the right in the rest. These facts are often interpreted as being the result of the interplay between individual", "id": "10308892" }, { "contents": "List of dialects of English\n\n\nThe following is a list of dialects of English. Dialects are linguistic varieties which may differ in pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling and grammar. For the classification of varieties of English in terms of pronunciation only, see Regional accents of English. Dialects can be defined as \"sub-forms of languages which are, in general, mutually comprehensible.\" English speakers from different countries and regions use a variety of different accents (systems of pronunciation), as well as various localized words and grammatical constructions; many different dialects can be", "id": "767552" }, { "contents": "Brummie dialect\n\n\nwith a strong Brummie accent but is identifiably from the West Midlands. The Brummie accent and the Coventry accent are also quite distinct in their differences, despite only separating the cities. To the untrained ear, however, all of these accents may sound very similar, just as British English speakers may find it hard to distinguish between different North American accents or Australian and New Zealand accents. The term \"Brummie\" derives from \"Brummagem\" or \"Bromwichham\", which are historical variants of the name Birmingham. The strength of", "id": "11061190" }, { "contents": "Culture of Bristol\n\n\nports. They lived on the island in relative isolation in the centuries to follow, maintaining this feature. These linguistic features can also be heard in Cardiff. A (slightly tongue in cheek) guide to Bristol's dialect is at The linguist John C Wells codified the differences between a Bristol accent and Received Pronunciation in his \"Accents of English\" series in the following way. It is much more similar to General American than most other accents in Britain. There are several graffiti artists active in Bristol, probably the most", "id": "2772600" }, { "contents": "Accent (sociolinguistics)\n\n\nsemantics, vocabulary, and other language characteristics often vary concurrently with accent, the word \"accent\" may refer specifically to the differences in pronunciation, whereas the word \"dialect\" encompasses the broader set of linguistic differences. Often \"accent\" is a subset of \"dialect\". As human beings spread out into isolated communities, stresses and peculiarities develop. Over time, they can develop into identifiable accents. In North America, the interaction of people from many ethnic backgrounds contributed to the formation of the different varieties of North", "id": "16302697" }, { "contents": "Kansai dialect\n\n\nstrong consonants, but the basis of the phonemes is similar. The specific phonetic differences between Kansai and Tokyo are as follows: The pitch accent in Kansai dialect is very different from the standard Tokyo accent, so non-Kansai Japanese can recognize Kansai people easily from that alone. The Kansai pitch accent is called the Kyoto-Osaka type accent (, \"Keihan-shiki akusento\") in technical terms. It is used in most of Kansai, Shikoku and parts of western Chūbu region. The Tokyo accent distinguishes words only", "id": "12538022" }, { "contents": "Midland American English\n\n\n.'s newer study, the \"Midland\" essentially coincides with Kurath's \"North Midland\", while the \"South Midland\" is now considered as largely a portion, or the northern fringe, of the larger Southern accent region. Indeed, while the lexical and grammatical isoglosses encompass the Appalachian Mountains regardless of the Ohio River, the phonological boundary fairly closely follows along the Ohio River itself. More recent research has focused on grammatical characteristics and in particular a variable, possible combination of such characteristics. The original Midland dialect region", "id": "1251961" }, { "contents": "Discrimination\n\n\nnorthern regions of the United States. It is often accompanied by discrimination based on accent, dialect, or cultural differences. Religious discrimination is valuing or treating people or groups differently because of what they do or do not believe or because of their feelings towards a given religion. For instance, the indigenous Christian population of the Balkans, known as the \"rayah\" or the \"protected flock\", was subjected to discrimination under the Ottoman Kanun–i–Rayah. The word is sometimes translated as 'cattle' rather than", "id": "8991643" }, { "contents": "Big Fish\n\n\nJones\" (1963), Burton found him similar to McGregor, and coincidentally found a \"People\" magazine article comparing the two. McGregor, being Scottish, found it easier performing with a Southern American English accent. \"It's a much easier accent to do than a standard American accent because you can really hear it. You can get your teeth into it. Standard American is much harder because it's more lyrical.\" The same dual casting applied to the role of Bloom's wife, Sandra, who would", "id": "2779526" }, { "contents": "Hiberno-English\n\n\n's spelling and pronunciation standards align with British rather than American English. However, Hiberno-English's diverse accents and some of its grammatical structures are unique, with some influence by the Irish language and a tendency to be phonologically conservative, retaining older features no longer common in the accents of England or North America. Phonologists today often divide Hiberno-English into four or five overarching classes of dialects or accents: Ulster accents, West and South-West Region accents (including, for example, the Cork accent), various", "id": "14367322" }, { "contents": "Hamont dialect\n\n\ntone') or \"Accent 1\" and \"sleeptoon\" ('dragging tone') or \"Accent 2\". They are transcribed as superscript 1 and superscript 2, respectively. This distinction can signal either lexical differences or grammatical distinctions, such as those between the singular and the plural forms of some nouns. The distinction between Accent 1 and Accent 2 is phonemic only in stressed syllables. In final position, Accent 1 is realised as a steady fall through the rhyme, the Accent 2 is falling-rising ;", "id": "1523434" }, { "contents": "General American\n\n\nGeneral American is thus sometimes associated with the speech of North American radio and television announcers, promoted as prestigious in their industry, where it is sometimes called a \"newscaster accent\", \"television English\", or \"Network Standard\". Instructional classes in the United States that promise \"accent reduction\", \"accent modification\", or \"accent neutralization\" usually attempt to teach General American patterns. A common experience among many American celebrities is having worked hard to lose their native regional accents in favor of a more mainstream", "id": "14801189" }, { "contents": "Culture of Póvoa de Varzim\n\n\nis further divided into Porto, Póvoa, Braga, and Viana. The Póvoa one is the transitional dialect between the speeches of Braga and Porto. Despite sharing numerous features found in other Northern Portuguese accents, the Povoan accent has particular features and includes influences from the region of Beira, in Central Portugal, that are not found in other Northern Portuguese accents, as in the pronunciation in connected speech as in \"os olhos\" which is spoken as [oʒɔʎoʃ] instead of [ozɔʎoʃ]. A distinctive feature of the accent", "id": "1116813" }, { "contents": "Lakota language\n\n\nthe immersion program on Pine Ridge. Just as people from different regions of countries have accents, Lakota Native Americans who speak English have some distinct speech patterns. These patterns are displayed in their grammatical sequences and can be heard through some phonological differences. These unique characteristics are also observed in Lakota youth, even those who only learned English. Lakota is briefly featured in the 2018 video game Red Dead Redemption 2, spoken by the aboriginal character Chief Rains Falls. Lakota is used in the HBO series Westworld by the 'hosts'", "id": "509298" }, { "contents": "Texan English\n\n\nTexan English is the array of American English spoken in Texas, primarily falling under the regional dialects of Southern and Midland U.S. English. As one extensive study states, the typical Texan accent is a \"Southern accent with a twist.\" The \"twist\" refers to its mixture of inland Southern U.S., older coastal Southern U.S., and South Midland U.S. accents due to Texas' settlement history, as well as some vocabulary influences from an early and later Mexican Spanish-speaking population. In fact, there is no single accent", "id": "15722798" }, { "contents": "Older Southern American English\n\n\nwhich may explain the sudden embracement of rhoticity among all white Southerners (and continued non-rhoticity among black Americans) since the middle of the twentieth century onwards. The phonologies of early Southern English in the United States were diverse. The following pronunciation features were very generally characteristic of the older Southern region as a whole: Older speech of the Plantation South or \"Black Belt\" included those features above, plus: Due to the former isolation of some regions of the Appalachian South, the Appalachian accent may be difficult for some", "id": "2967347" }, { "contents": "Pitch-accent language\n\n\n-accent languages is \"demarkativeness\": prominence peaks tend to occur at or near morpheme edges (word/stem initial, word/stem penult, word/stem final). Often, however, the difference between a pitch-accent language, a stress-accent language, and tonal language is not clear. \"It is, in fact, often not straightforward to decide whether a particular pitch system is best described as tonal or accentual. ... Since raised pitch, especially when it coincides with vowel length, makes", "id": "3577431" }, { "contents": "London\n\n\ncentury Londoner varies widely; what is becoming more and more common amongst the under-30s however is some fusion of Cockney with a whole array of ethnic accents, in particular Caribbean, which form an accent labelled Multicultural London English (MLE). The other widely heard and spoken accent is RP (Received Pronunciation) in various forms, which can often be heard in the media and many of other traditional professions and beyond, although this accent is not limited to London and South East England, and can also be heard selectively throughout the", "id": "18037046" }, { "contents": "Pitch accent (intonation)\n\n\nindicating that this target is aligned with the stressed syllable. For example, in the L*+H pitch accent the L target is aligned with the stressed syllable, and it is followed by a trailing H target. This model of pitch accent structure differs from that of the British School, which described pitch accents in terms of 'configurations' like rising or falling tones. It also differs from the American Structuralists' system, in which pitch accents were made up of some combination of low, mid, high, and overhigh tones.", "id": "19936655" } ]
What is the point of in-store gift cards? What makes them better than just giving somebody the money?
[{"answer": "It's a bit more personal and shows they put more thought into it. Say I have a friend who I know likes camping, but I don't know what exact thing they need. I'll get them a gift card for a store that sells camping supplies as a way to say \"I don't know what you need, but I know what you like, so here's a compromise.\" It also forces the person to use it in a gift like way. If someone gives me money I'll feel like I should just put it into savings. More financially prudent, perhaps, but less exciting than spending it on something fun like you might get with a gift card."}, {"answer": "Businesses promote and offer them because they make their money once the gift card is sold. If the recipient doesn't completely use the gift card, that's just more profits. *People* gift them because they signal at least a cursory level of care in gift selection. In a vacuum, a cash gift signals only how much the giver values the exchange. A gift card can express a belief or suggestion about how the recipient would or could use that much money, while acknowledging that the giver is either unable or unwilling to attempt to obtain the end items the recipient will purchase. There might be more politics layered on top of those considerations, depending on how well the parties know each other."}, {"answer": "It's for the business. They want you to spend $49.51 of that $50 gift card and then throw the card away because they gave you $49.51 worth of product and someone paid them for $50 worth of product. Best for the company is you losing it or never using it,though I like getting them because it inspires me to go places and spend money I wouldn't normally. I got a home depot gift card and was able to get new tools for my yard which I didn't even plan on getting, which I enjoyed doing"}, {"answer": "And for the consumers I feel like it's mostly so parents can give their children gift cards and feel relieved knowing they aren't going to spend it on illegal drugs or alcohol. Also for some reason that I don't understand, some people find it in poor taste to give cash, so they just give a gift card instead."}, {"answer": "for me, it means I can give somebody something like cash, and they can't go blow it on cigarettes or beer."}, {"answer": "It allows the giver to give some thought into a gift but allows the user to purchase specifically what they. Say you are giving a gift to someone who is really into camping and you want to give them something they could take on a trip. However, you have no idea what gear they already have or may might need. You could give them an REI gift card."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21898965", "title": "Pay what you can", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Pay what you can (PWYC) is a non-profit or for-profit business model which does not depend on set prices for its goods, but instead asks customers to pay what they feel the product or service is worth to them. It is often used as a promotional tactic, but can also be the regular method of doing business. It is a variation on the gift economy and cross-subsidization, in that it depends on reciprocity and trust to succeed.", "Pay what you can (PWYC) is a non-profit or for-profit business model which does not depend on set prices for its goods, but instead asks customers to pay what they feel the product or service is worth to them. It is often used as a promotional tactic, but can also be the regular method of doing business. It is a variation on the gift economy and cross-subsidization, in that it depends on reciprocity and trust to succeed."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Tricked (graphic novel)\n\n\nto a sports memorabilia store called The Dug Out to buy a gift for Boyd. The clerk who sells her the baseball is Nick, a signature forger who has been stealing from the business and lying to his wife about what he does. He immediately falls for Caprice and gives her a baseball card with a genuine signature, on the condition she'll have coffee with him. She accepts; it just so happens that she's tiring a little bit of Boyd. The two of them start dating while the situation with Boyd", "id": "20914471" }, { "contents": "Smash (Swedish TV series)\n\n\nit turns out that they are all in super shape - saying they are better than Mats Wilander and Boris Becker put together. This gives them a huge dose of self-confidence, making them win every match they play. As they start making lots of money, they fire Börje and Wallner and look for other managers. However, they all start to worry about what to do with all the money they make. Alex wants to invest his, Einar wants to party away, Sigge tries to do something useful with his", "id": "1745570" }, { "contents": "Internet fraud\n\n\nand other businesses have growing concerns about what they can do about preventing the use of gift cards purchased with stolen credit card numbers, cybercriminals have more recently been focusing on taking advantage of fraudulent gift cards. More specifically, malicious hackers have been trying to get their hands on gift card information that have been issued but have not been spent. Some of the methods for stealing gift card data include automated bots that launch brute force attacks on retailer systems which store them. First, hackers will steal gift card data, check the", "id": "7601715" }, { "contents": "Charity gift card\n\n\nA charity gift card allows a gift giver to make a charitable donation that the gift recipient may direct to the charity of their choice. Although a charity gift card has many similarities to a store gift card, a charity gift card functions quite differently. A charity gift card is an indicator of control over a small donor advised fund. The purchaser of the charity gift card creates the donor advised fund with the charity gift card purchase money. When the charity gift card recipient “spends” the gift card, the recipient is", "id": "18782872" }, { "contents": "Scrip\n\n\ngift card, maybe in an attractive wrapper, may be seen as more socially acceptable than a gift of cash. It also prevents the gift being spent on something the giver views as undesirable (or used as savings). However, unless the gift card is obtained at a discount (paying less than the actual value of the card), buying scrip with ordinary money is arguably pointless, as it then ties up the money until it is used, and usually it may only be used at one store. Furthermore,", "id": "20375782" }, { "contents": "Dollar Cravings\n\n\nonly $10,000 in gift cards—and this doled out at just $216 per year. While obviously the most humane solution, giving contestants just over $4 to spend on Taco Bell per week is hardly the 'lifetime' of eating Taco Bell you might have imagined. It is as though Taco Bell has promised you a delicious, fulfilling prize, only to totally cheap out on what’s inside.\" Crowdsourced content service \"Seeking Alpha\" stated that the new menu \"could improve same store sales and once again", "id": "17356973" }, { "contents": "The Riot Club\n\n\nup the rest with his political ideals of the rich and the poor. Getting progressively more drunk and ingesting drugs, they start to wreck the room. When Chris comes to confront them, Alistair insults Chris by giving him money which he does not accept, telling them they are no better than a bunch of kids breaking shop windows and that they are just spoiled brats. Alistair punches him followed by the others who viciously attack him until he becomes unconscious. While the members become frantic realizing what they just have done, Miles", "id": "4546644" }, { "contents": "The Birthday Massacre\n\n\nshow, when asked about what kind of advice Chibi would give to somebody who was thinking about committing suicide, Chibi responds: \"Just ride it out because things can get better. When I think back to times in my life when I was having a horrible time, like I hated high school, I was unpopular, the whole thing. It became so irrelevant. It's like if you just give things time, you'll be like, what was I worried about five years ago? Nothing's that relevant.", "id": "20331358" }, { "contents": "Fahrenheit 11/9\n\n\nMoore argues, rather convincingly, that what matters is that we care about \"something\".\" Owen Gleiberman, reviewing for \"Variety\", said Moore explored more issues than criticizing Trump, writing: \"[Moore] makes the point that Donald Trump has always committed corruptions and outrages in plain sight. It's not that we don't see them; it's that he has a gift for getting people not to mind them\" and that \"\"Fahrenheit 11/9\" would be better if it didn't romanticize the", "id": "6379000" }, { "contents": "What Makes Sammy Run?\n\n\nknow what it felt like to have all that driving ambition and frenzy and violence inside me.\" Manheim also describes the Hollywood system in detail, as a money machine oppressive to talented writers. The bosses prefer to have carte blanche when dealing with their writers, ranging from having them work on a week-to-week basis to giving them a seven-year contract. In the film industry, Manheim remarks at one point in the novel, it is the rule rather than the exception that \"convictions are for sale", "id": "2674033" }, { "contents": "Greetings & Readings\n\n\nworkers are employed by Greetings & Readings in various departments which include gifts and jewelry, a Wi-Fi-enabled lounge, a Hallmark Gold Crown card section, a Vera Bradley boutique to make up what the store claims is the premier independent gift store in Baltimore, Maryland. Greetings & Readings offers gifts and fashion from popular brands including Brighton, Swarovski, Spartina, Alex and Ani, Simply Southern, Life is Good, and more. Baltimore and Maryland souvenirs as well as Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens fan gear make up", "id": "873972" }, { "contents": "Moka exchange\n\n\nto give more than they receive. It is thus unlike profit seeking, though that does not make it a gift in the standard sense of the word. Moka exchange is not altruistic. One gives gifts to potential enemies to establish a relationship by placing them in debt. For a relationship to persist, there must be a delay between gift and counter-gift—one or the other party must always be in debt or there is no relationship. Without this debt relationship, there is no reciprocity. This is what distinguishes", "id": "19544026" }, { "contents": "Rajni Shah\n\n\nspace - namely a shopping centre. In particular, there was a discussion around concepts of radical generosity to people. Some of the questions that this series addressed include: • What would our world look like if we exchanged gifts rather than money? • What is the value in speaking to strangers? • What if we focused on giving as much as we can rather than as little? Interventions such as “give what you can, take what you need,” where passersby were invited to share resources to enable the idea", "id": "18070954" }, { "contents": "Varieties of criticism\n\n\nexpertise), or when people try to \"pretend\" that somebody's criticism is not authoritative (they are treated as no better than the rest, although in reality they are highly professional, and more competent and experienced than the rest). Self-criticism (or what academics sometimes call \"autocritique\") refers to the ability to appraise the pro's and con's of one's own beliefs, thoughts, actions, behaviour or results, especially from the point of view of how others might regard them. The", "id": "4329035" }, { "contents": "Utility scam\n\n\ncan look and sound legitimate. Sometimes, a customers will panic after receiving such a call or in-person visit. The customer finds a quick way to pay, which can include a range of payment types including credit card, Apple iTunes, store gift card, or a money transfer. According to the \"Star Tribune\", \"Often the caller demands that the customers drive to a store and buy a prepaid debit card to make the payment. Usually there is a strict deadline, often less than an hour to", "id": "11962440" }, { "contents": "Video game console\n\n\nas an external medium. These cards function similar to simple cartridges. Information is stored on a chip that is housed in plastic. Cards are more compact and simpler than cartridges, though. This makes them cheaper to produce and smaller, but limits what can be done with them. Cards cannot hold extra components, and common cartridge techniques like bank switching (a technique used to create very large games) were impossible to miniaturize into a card in the late 1980s. Compact Discs reduced much of the need for cards.", "id": "14215886" }, { "contents": "Do Not Push\n\n\nis embarrassed to tell her the truth and he blames the jeweler forgetting put the bracelet inside the bunny and goes to the store to buy her one. Manny (Rico Rodriguez) explains to Gloria what the gift was about and that there was not any bracelet. Feeling bad for what she did, Gloria decides to glue the bunny back together and to give Jay a home made present herself. After they exchange their gifts, they both realize that they are better with expensive presents for each other instead of home made ones.", "id": "19489811" }, { "contents": "Devnarayan\n\n\nHe also gives Savai Bhoj the gifts of a mare-Bavli, a cow-Suremata, and an elephant-Jaimangala, all of which have special powers. Savai Bhoj returns to his home. The brothers ask Tejaji, the eldest among them, what should they do with their newly acquired wealth. Tejaji advises them to bury the money in the ground and heard it. But, Nevaji suggests that they do good deeds with the money, like building wells and temples, distributing the wealth and make a name for themselves", "id": "9635524" }, { "contents": "Christmas and holiday season\n\n\nresistance to giving gift cards continues to decline: 19 percent say they don’t like to give gift cards because they’re too impersonal (down from 22 percent last year). Consumers said that the cards are popular gifts for adults, teens and children alike, and almost half (46 percent) intend to buy them for immediate family; however, they are hesitant to buy them for spouses or significant others, with only 14 percent saying they plan to buy them for those recipients. Some stores in Canada hold Boxing Week", "id": "640020" }, { "contents": "Scorpion Gulch\n\n\nSouth Central near the entrance to South Mountain Park. In 1936, Lunsford purchased the 100 feet of frontage. He personally hauled the rock and built the store with living quarters attached where he and his wife lived and operated the business. His wife died several years ago and Bill now lives alone. He doesn’t make much money, what with giving away bottles of pop, and he is one of the few remaining merchants who sells penny candy. He probably gives away more candy than he sells. He just can’t", "id": "5813367" }, { "contents": "Hillary Clinton 2008 presidential primary campaign\n\n\nis not about what you believe; it's not about a speech you make. It's about working hard. I'm not just running on a promise for change. I'm running on 35 years of change. What we need is somebody who can deliver change. We don't need to be raising false hopes.\" At another point, when one moderator asked Clinton why polls showed she was less \"likeable\" than other candidates, particularly Obama, she joked tongue-in-cheek, \"Well that hurts", "id": "11600966" }, { "contents": "Hoffman Estates v. The Flipside, Hoffman Estates, Inc.\n\n\neven a presumption of intent would not suffice to render the law constitutional. \"Intent does not give a standard for adjudication or compliance,\" he said. \"[I]ntent cannot add a standard, does not give somebody notice of what is expected of them.\" The village was granted five minutes to make a rebuttal argument. Williams focused on Pritzker's distinction that while the village required a license for all sellers of milk, it did not require one for all sellers of corncob pipes, just the Flipside and the", "id": "5017301" }, { "contents": "Gift card\n\n\nAs the merchant is not involved in the loop, it is considered a cash transfer rather than a traditional gift card. It has been argued that holiday giving destroys value due to mismatching gifts. The most efficient way to keep value in gifting would be to give cash; however, this is socially acceptable only within limits. Gift cards, to a degree, may overcome this problem but have certain pitfalls. Some feel that the absence of the thought of selecting a specific gift makes a gift card a worse choice than a", "id": "20375799" }, { "contents": "International marriage of Vietnamese women\n\n\n. The economic ability of Vietnamese women not only make them easily dispose family affairs in their new families, but also allow them to give remittance to their original families which then prove to their parents and the traditions of preferring boys to girls in Vietnam that daughters can do better than sons. All these positive factors show how Vietnamese women marry abroad to earn money for their parents and pursue their happiness. In contrary to what has been demonstrated in the previous research, Huang’s research proves that Vietnamese women should not be solely taken", "id": "16380326" }, { "contents": "Gift card\n\n\nA gift card also known as gift certificate in North America, or gift voucher or gift token in the UK is a prepaid stored-value money card, usually issued by a retailer or bank, to be used as an alternative to cash for purchases within a particular store or related businesses. Gift cards are also given out by employers or organizations as rewards or gifts. They may also be distributed by retailers and marketers as part of a promotion strategy, to entice the recipient to come in or return to the store,", "id": "20375786" }, { "contents": "Babe Carey\n\n\nredeem someone.\" She clarified: It's just showing change. She's very remorseful and there's regret with the whole situation. It's one thing if somebody didn't feel sorry for what they did, but she repented for her sins. Everyone has a past. Everyone makes mistakes. The only thing you can do is move on and try to be a better person from that point forward. When Bianca forgives Babe in 2007 for keeping her child from her, there were viewers who still felt that it was", "id": "18502645" }, { "contents": "Redemption City\n\n\nasked, “What?” He paused for drama and then said, \"Redemption City\". 9/11 had just happened, it was a crazy title and I instantly liked it better than \"Redemption’s Son\", but it was too late, that record was already on its way to stores. But I held onto that title. [...] A few years ago I set about making it. The record inspired by the title. What would a city of redemption sound like? What kind of characters would inhabit", "id": "19872071" }, { "contents": "Play Your Cards Right\n\n\nIf they were right, they would win the car. If not, they won a prize based on their score. In the 90's version, points became pounds, but the rules remained the same. Also, on the final card, if they have £4,000 or more, and they were wrong, they would just have the money. What was emphasized was that their money was safe. If the couple got to the final card with under £4,000, they could choose to take the money, or gamble", "id": "10190310" }, { "contents": "Badugi\n\n\nfour cards (as in the final example), \"the better badugi hand\" is evaluated against the other hands. This occurs when there are at least two cards of the same suit; one of which is paired. Here, disregarding the paired, suited card generates a better hand than disregarding any other card. Here is a sample deal involving four players. The players' individual hands will not be revealed until the showdown, to give a better sense of what happens during play: Compulsory bets: Alice is the", "id": "4545143" }, { "contents": "Myer\n\n\nover $7,500 per annum. Sales attributed to members accounted for 68% of total Myer sales. Gift cards valued at $51 million had been provided to members as rewards in the previous year. As of 2013, the Myer One program has more than 5 million members. Myer originally had a store card managed by Australian Retail Financial Network (ARFN), sold in 1995 to GE Money. This was superseded by a Coles Myer Card and Coles Myer Gift Card which could be used at all Coles Myer stores. This", "id": "14420921" }, { "contents": "Gift card\n\n\nand 2.7% to post sale fees. A quarter of gift card recipients still have not spent gift cards a year after receiving them, according to a Consumer Reports survey, and a majority of people say they end up spending more than the value of the card once they get to the store. In the event of the bankruptcy of the issuing retailer, the outstanding value on gift cards is considered unsecured debt, and as such gift cards may become valueless. If the company intends to continue trading, gift cards may be", "id": "20375802" }, { "contents": "Viewpoint (card game)\n\n\n-proposition strategy\" and is most-commonly used by experienced players. Whilst certain cards are powerful on their own, some cards can have an even greater impact when used in combination. More experienced players take advantage of their knowledge of the game and how the cards interact to give them a better advantage. Some better known combinations include: Most players use cards that steal other cards, like Insight and Eye Spy, only to deprive their opponents of cards; however, these cards may also be used to look at what", "id": "5372878" }, { "contents": "Alternative giving\n\n\nAlternative giving is a form of gift giving in which the giver makes a donation to a charitable organization on the gift recipient’s behalf, rather than giving them an item. The idea of giving something to one person by paying another was applied by Benjamin Franklin as a \"trick [...] for doing a deal of good with a little money\", which came to be known as \"pay it forward.\" This form of giving is often used as an alternative to consumerism and to mitigate the impact of gift-", "id": "16721861" }, { "contents": "Gift Card Granny\n\n\nGift Card Granny (or is an online discount gift card retailer and comparison site based near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The website allows consumers to search through numerous gift card websites and either purchase gift cards for a discounted price or sell them for below face value. The website contains over 100,000 gift cards from more than 1,000 different stores. Gift Card Granny was founded by Luke Knowles in Fort Collins, Colorado in 2009. It was a part of several sites that Knowles had founded that were collectively called \"The Frugals,", "id": "1728368" }, { "contents": "Crossover (2006 film)\n\n\nthen goes to a basketball court to clear his mind, at which point Cruise arrives to apologize. Tech mentions that what Vanessa said in the hotel was 100% true and that he is jealous of Cruise because he has \"the gift\" and Cruise doesn't want it but Tech does. Cruise then tells Tech that somebody reported to the media that Cruise played in an illegal basketball game for money, thus, he lost his scholarship. Tech asks him that since he lost his scholarship, is he going to accept Vaughn", "id": "5963283" }, { "contents": "Terrance Simien\n\n\nsomething new that we couldn't do live. But we basically stayed true to what we were doing; we didn't try to make a hit song. We just put out what we've been doing for the past five years on the road, and it couldn't have come out any better than it did. There are some disappointments. You always wish you had more time, more money, more everything.\" Simien and his group have toured internationally, presenting over 8500 live performances in more than 45 countries,", "id": "7012471" }, { "contents": "Touchpoint\n\n\n-changing and evolving market, marketers face the challenge of choosing what touch points to invest in and in what media channels. Research has examined various touch points such as, brand advertising, retailer touch points, word-of-mouth, and traditional earned touch points separately. A more direct focus allows the brand to implement touch points in a better way and gives them a clear focus on what they are trying to achieve and allows them to revisit performance on a regular basis to adapt accordingly. Research into marketing and advertising", "id": "20099548" }, { "contents": "Etiquette in South Korea\n\n\nvariety of gifts, however, the kind of gift depends on who is receiving the gift and when. For a wedding, many South Koreans give brides and grooms money as a gift, however, best friends of the couple will give them household appliances. During the holidays, South Koreans give gifts to their parents and superiors, such as ribs, fruit, wine, and/or gift cards. Neighbors often receive cooking oil, a can of tuna, or gim. In South Korea, going to a funeral involves praying for", "id": "16361407" }, { "contents": "Revolution Money\n\n\nRevolution Money is a financial services company based in St. Petersburg, Florida. The company's products include a PIN based credit card, online person to person payments service, with a linked stored value card, and gift card. Revolution Money is the only credit card that does not charge retailers interchange fees. The company partnered with Yahoo! Sports and Fifth Third Bank. Revolution Money has three products: RevolutionCard is a credit card, Revolution MoneyExchange which provides free online money transfers between members, and RevolutionGift, the gift card.", "id": "11091826" }, { "contents": "2008 Democratic Party presidential debates and forums\n\n\n\" Clinton passionately retorted: \"Making change is not about what you believe; it's not about a speech you make. It's about working hard. I'm not just running on a promise for change. I'm running on 35 years of change. What we need is somebody who can deliver change. We don't need to be raising false hopes.\" Obama replied that \"The truth is, actually, words do inspire. Words do help people get involved.\" At another point in the debate,", "id": "10652659" }, { "contents": "Boys in the Sand\n\n\nmovie I've ever seen! Somebody oughta be able to do something better than this.\" Poole was convinced that he was that somebody; \"I wanted [to make] a film that gay people could look at and say, 'I don't mind being gay - it's beautiful to see those people do what they're doing.'\" Having enlisted the help of his lover, Peter Fisk, and another man, Poole first shot a ten-minute segment entitled \"Bayside\". The success of that", "id": "8954400" }, { "contents": "Michael Stipe\n\n\nsense, and it's just gone from there.\" In the mid-1980s, as Stipe's pronunciation while singing became clearer, the band decided that its lyrics should convey ideas on a more literal level. Mills explained, \"After you've made three records and you've written several songs and they've gotten better and better lyrically the next step would be to have somebody question you and say, are you saying anything? And Michael had the confidence at that point to say yes ...\" After what Stipe has referred to", "id": "8096292" }, { "contents": "Reese Williams and Bianca Montgomery\n\n\nI doing? The person I love is Bianca, and the person you love is Kendall. What just happened?\" That moment, said Carruthers, is what unravels Reese's world and \"where someone tells somebody and it grows bigger than it ever was\". In addition to viewers being upset by Reese's actions, was frustrated by Reese's ambiguous involvement with Zach and stated, \"ABC touting the wedding as a 'historic daytime event' just ticks [them] off\". Carruthers said, \"[", "id": "2740919" }, { "contents": "The Card (The Twilight Zone)\n\n\nto The Card and sees what their \"Acquisitions\" and \"Disbursements\" are about as she sees her own children going through the doors. Catherine informs Linda that because she failed to make her payments they repossessed her pets and children to cover her bills, along with all memories that anyone but her have of them. Catherine explains to Linda that The Card tries to disburse its \"acquisitions\" in what they believe to be better environments. Linda frantically tries to buy back her children with a check from her and Brian's", "id": "7317984" }, { "contents": "Matt Bevin\n\n\nAsked to specify which expenditures he would eliminate, Bevin said, \"I'm not going to give you specifics at this point in time. There are many of these loopholes that frankly are not conducive to developing the economy. There are some that make sense, and those will continue. ...[W]e have already identified what many of them will be. But at this point, we're going to have to look at them in totality. I'm not gonna give you specifics at this time. I'm just", "id": "7809294" }, { "contents": "Etienne Barbara\n\n\nI've scored 20 goals and had 9 assists and I won the best player of the league. And for what? For nothing in America. Because I'm stuck with Montreal and they don't want to pay good money. From what I understand, they are just holding my rights to try to get the best offer from somebody else. How can Montreal own my rights without even talking to me or paying me anything? If they don't want me they should just release me but obviously they want money for me", "id": "5440044" }, { "contents": "List of Fables characters\n\n\nwith June accompanying him to provide additional witness, observing quietly to the pair that had somebody wanted to ask Geppetto what had supposedly been in the non-existent letter, then it would make much more sense to ask him in person. Reaching Geppetto after months of travel, Rodney and June made their request. Geppetto talked with them for some hours, then told them that such a great gift would always come with a price and asked them to think about whether they'd be willing to pay it. Rodney and June accepted", "id": "19631193" }, { "contents": "Man of the Woods\n\n\npoint. If I’m being totally honest about it I was extremely hurt being caught up in the middle of it, but at the same time I had a shitload of money stolen, you know, from me by somebody else when I was in the group. I had already gone through , and I kind of felt like, you know what, I’m at this point where I feel like I have so much ahead of me, I just don't want to be in the middle of the record label and", "id": "17986785" }, { "contents": "Lean software development\n\n\n's present needs and not what they required yesterday. This gives them the opportunity to delay making up their minds about what they really require until they gain better knowledge. Customers value rapid delivery of a quality product. The just-in-time production ideology could be applied to software development, recognizing its specific requirements and environment. This is achieved by presenting the needed result and letting the team organize itself and divide the tasks for accomplishing the needed result for a specific iteration. At the beginning, the customer provides the needed", "id": "9624757" }, { "contents": "It's All True (film)\n\n\nthey lost nothing,\" Welles later said. \"Otherwise they would have been struggling to get something out of it. However bad, they could have made a bad musical out of just the nightclub footage. They would have got a return on their money. But they didn't want a return on their money. It was better for them to drop it in the sea, which is what they did.\" Welles returned to the United States August 22, 1942, after more than six months in South America.", "id": "17718224" }, { "contents": "James Crawford (playwright)\n\n\n. \"Can you imagine living in the thirties, without a job, without a good square meal, without a bed to stretch out on, just drifting without a purpose? And then (imagine this too) somebody shows you that life has a purpose. That's what New Theatre offered in the late thirties.\" This was a selling point for many who had no job, no food and no roof over their heads. To make a stand and try to reclaim what is theirs through political and socially fuelled theatre", "id": "21778058" }, { "contents": "Scrooge McDuck and Money\n\n\ncopper, bronze and gold were used as currency until eventually coins and paper bills were invented, and cheques and credit cards came along when it became impractical to carry one's cash around at all times. When the nephews suggest simply printing \"a few billion more dollars,\" Scrooge explains that a billion is actually far more than they think and that making more money would lead to dangerous inflation. He describes that it's what you can buy with what you've got is what counts, and that it's a question", "id": "9692731" }, { "contents": "Dead Parrot sketch\n\n\nNot really.\" When Cleese eventually stopped laughing, he couldn't remember where they were in the sketch. He turned to the audience and asked them what the next line was, and people shouted it at him, causing him to wonder, \"What is the point of this?\" He also says that when he and Palin were asked to do the sketch for \"Saturday Night Live\" they sat down together to try to remember the lines, and when they got stuck they considered just going out and stopping somebody", "id": "19488967" }, { "contents": "Chequebook journalism\n\n\nstates, \"If there's a conflict of interest, then what should come next is explaining it in detail, letting viewers know you had a separate relationship other than just that of a journalist and a source.\" Schotz's advice for aspiring journalists: Don't pay for interviews. Don't give sources gifts of any kind. Don't try to exchange something of value in return for getting a source's comments or information or access to them. Journalists and sources shouldn't have any other relationship other than the one", "id": "4938999" }, { "contents": "Cycle of poverty\n\n\nthat there is no way for one to get out of poverty and so in order to make the best of the situation one must enjoy what one can when one can. This leads to such habits as spending money immediately, often on unnecessary goods such as alcohol and cigarettes, thus teaching their children to do the same and trapping them in poverty. Another important point Payne makes is that leaving poverty is not as simple as acquiring money and moving into a higher class but also includes giving up certain relationships in exchange for achievement", "id": "21813183" }, { "contents": "UNICEF UK\n\n\nassistance after the Second World War. Since 1949, UNICEF has continued to sell cards and gifts in order to raise money for children living in poverty around the world. In 2004 UNICEF UK expanded its range of cards and gifts to include a selection of ‘Inspired Gifts’. These offer an opportunity to give a present which makes a real difference to the lives of children. The choice of Inspired Gifts is wide; however the selection changes periodically, depending on where the need is greatest. A typical range could vary from", "id": "13094460" }, { "contents": "No Sex for Ben\n\n\nn’t get the same things out of the experience and I respect that. But I think I enjoyed it so much just because it was like having somebody to work with in a different way who also got the music and brought something to it and there was just very little ego involved—a very different creative process to what being in a band can be like, where people sometimes get very protective about their parts, even if it means not doing things that might make the record better. The track was featured in the", "id": "12332885" }, { "contents": "Card money in New France\n\n\n, kept them in provisions until September, which makes eight full months. I have drawn upon my own funds and from those of my friends, all I have been able to get, but at last finding them without means to render me further assistance, and not knowing to what Saint to say my vows, money being extremely scarce, having distributed considerable sums on every side for the pay of the soldiers, it occurred to me to issue, instead of money, notes on cards, which I have cut in quarters", "id": "20142136" }, { "contents": "Nic Radford\n\n\n23, 2016 article asking what Google should do with its Boston Dynamics robots, Radford stated, \"Google is probably one of a handful of companies with the resources to actually solve the humanoid robot challenge. And it is a solvable problem; it just requires some significant investment and tenacity to leave them alone and let them work. But unfortunately, for better or worse, the problems that are making money robotics today and tomorrow on the surface are far less sexy.\" Radford's biggest inspiration is the challenge. According to", "id": "11894614" }, { "contents": "Far Side Virtual\n\n\n, first off, listen to [Claude] Debussy, and secondly, go into a frozen yogurt shop. Afterwards, go into an Apple store and just fool around, hang out in there. Afterwards, go to Starbucks and get a gift card. They have a book there on the history of Starbucks—buy this book and go home. If you do all these things you'll understand what \"Far Side Virtual\" is — because people kind of live in it already. \"Far Side Virtual\" was announced", "id": "12132806" }, { "contents": "Riding the Wave (song)\n\n\nwe were at our most successful, there was always someone trying to bring us down, but at every point there's been many, many more supporting us and giving us this gift of being able to create music with our lives. That's why you just need to accept yourself and what you have in the here and now — that's really what \"Riding the Wave\" is about. A long-term career band is going to have highs and lows, but what matters is the music. You've got", "id": "10677762" }, { "contents": "Smart Money (1931 film)\n\n\nhas all the money. Sam accepts. Nick insists on sending out for fresh decks of cards, just to be safe. When Nick wins and tries to leave, the con artists reach for their guns, but Jack and another man burst in with their guns already drawn. Nick then gloats, pointing out that he simply cheated better than Sam by using shaved cards. Nick becomes very successful. He finally gets to play the real Hickory Short; a Walter Winchell column reports the rumor that Nick beat Hickory to the tune", "id": "8169527" }, { "contents": "Alternative giving\n\n\na donation has been made rather than individual cards for each guest. Kate Middleton and Prince William made the decision to \"Pay it Forward\" with their wedding gifts, asking that the money to be used for gifts be given to charities and good causes. The concept was spoofed in the \"Seinfeld\" episode \"The Strike\". George Costanza, angry at having received a donation to charity instead of an actual gift, made up his own non-existent charity and handed out fake donations to save money on gifts and", "id": "16721863" }, { "contents": "Meeseeks and Destroy\n\n\n; performing karaoke, and winning several hands of cards, collecting a sizable amount of money. Morty begs Rick to go home, and admits to losing the bet. Rick sees a battered Mr. Jellybean leaving the bathroom and, realizing what happened, keeps Morty's spirits up by offering to give his card winnings to the poor villagers, which Morty accepts. After arriving in the village and handing over the money, the villagers declare Rick and Morty heroes and ask them to stay and meet their king: a still-battered", "id": "16776029" }, { "contents": "Violet Oaklander\n\n\nlook at them, that is what makes a difference.” Further, Oaklander has stated, “Gestalt therapy is about helping people become aware of what they do and how they do it, and to encourage living in the present, to ‘be here now,’ and to help make better choices. Children live in the present more than adults. But rather than becoming ‘aware’ of what they do, it's a matter of providing the experience for them to understand how they operate in the world. We", "id": "15573406" }, { "contents": "Viewpoint (card game)\n\n\ncards opponents have in their Hands so those cards can be played around. For example, if a player observes that their opponent can cancel a discard action, because they have the Spectacles card in their Hand, then that player shouldn't play a discard card on their opponent unless they want to try to make them use the Spectacles card. Also, players which have cards stolen from them should take notice of what cards were taken as it can give an indication as to the strategies that the opponent who stole the cards has", "id": "5372879" }, { "contents": "VA-11 HALL-A\n\n\ndifferent from what they order. For example, a character might be feeling depressed and ask for a sweet drink, though the player instead giving them a shot of alcohol to help them forget their troubles would have a better effect. Alternately, the player may be able to make a character happy by talking to them instead of letting them feed on their alcoholism. At various points, the player can also tweak the customer's drink, such as adding Karmotrine to a cocktail that was previously non-alcoholic. In these ways", "id": "21529723" }, { "contents": "Mutual credit\n\n\ncomplementary currency movement have not yet offered a definition of mutual credit, (The place to do it would be the ) and while credit is well enough understood, just what is mutual is wide open to interpretation, it could be: Money is much more than a record of what we have spent and earned. Though the definition of money itself is highly contentious, it is usually important that it be generally exchanged for useful things. What makes a mutual credit accounting system, into something like a money system is the contractual", "id": "15523603" }, { "contents": "When Helping Hurts\n\n\nbeing then you will be doing more harm than good. Poverty isn’t just a lack of material things but also a lack of what makes a person human. Pride. Self-esteem. Courage. Happiness. These are things that money can’t buy and that money cannot give you. Reception for \"When Helping Hurts\" has been positive, with World Magazine's Joel Belz calling it \"solid stuff\". \"Mission Studies\" gave a positive review for \"When Helping Hurts\", saying it was \"", "id": "3101127" }, { "contents": "Kevin Youkilis\n\n\nboth his father and Youkilis' longtime idol, Sandy Koufax, and had just finished a 12–46 season. UC coach Brian Cleary spotted Youkilis at a winter camp. \"I looked at him and said, Well, we need somebody\", said Cleary. \"I'd love to tell you I saw something no one else did, but he was just better than what we had.\" While majoring in finance, Youkilis excelled as a player for the Cincinnati Bearcats from 1998 to 2001. \"I take no credit\"", "id": "17384231" }, { "contents": "Eric Coates\n\n\nTimes\" characterised his music as \"fundamentally commonplace … but well written, easy on the ear and lightly sentimental … superficial but sincere\". In its obituary notice, \"The Manchester Guardian\" took issue with such a dismissal, and preferred the French attitude of cherishing \"petits-maîtres\" for what they were rather than condemning them for what they were not: \"better to write second-class masterpieces than fail to be a second Beethoven\". One of Coates's most important musical gifts was the ability to write", "id": "15922104" }, { "contents": "What Goes on Tour\n\n\nthey catch up with Murray on the highway, they successfully manage to make up with him by giving him the gift they had bought for him earlier. It turns out to be a leather suit just like theirs. The happy threesome head for their final gig in 'Central Park'. The band discovers, however, that Murray has misled them. The gig turns out to be in \"a central park\" in Newark. The concert is titled Newark Summer Jam '07. Over the end credits, we see Murray", "id": "18498283" }, { "contents": "Slacker\n\n\n1995 interview, stating that \"I think the cheapest definition [of a slacker] would be someone who's just lazy, hangin' out, doing nothing. I'd like to change that to somebody who's not doing what's expected of them. Somebody who's trying to live an interesting life, doing what they want to do, and if that takes time to find, so be it.\" The term has connotations of \"apathy and aimlessness\". It is also used to refer to an educated person", "id": "14517884" }, { "contents": "Stored-value card\n\n\nmay be anonymous, as in the case of gift cards. Stored-value cards are prepaid money cards and may be disposed when the value is used, or the card value may be topped up, as in the case of telephone calling cards or when used as a fare card. The term \"closed-loop\" means the funds and or data are physically stored on the token or card in the form of binary-coded data. This is unlike cryptocurrencies or payment cards where data is maintained on the card issuer", "id": "7141144" }, { "contents": "Nessa Feddis\n\n\nshould keep track of their money, “because they are in a better position to know their actual balance. Only they know about the most recent automatic payments they have authorized and debit card transactions they have approved.” The Washington Post columnist pointed out that debit card issuers could notify customers electronically, allowing them to avoid the overdraft fees. The article contended that \"financial institutions don't want to change the status quo because they make good and easy money off their own customers' mistakes and irresponsibility.\" Feddis responded that", "id": "6389944" }, { "contents": "Paradise (What About Us?)\n\n\nin store for the new album, being demo versions [...] that presumably will appear in their complete and polished state nearer the time.\" He also considered that the upcoming album \"promises to be their most adventurous and diverse to date.\" Giving it an 8/10 score, critic Rhian Westbury for \"Hit the Floor\" website praised the title song and the combination of Turunen's and den Adel's voices, commenting that the contrast of the two \"brings something extra to the song making it better than if it", "id": "21025871" }, { "contents": "Demonworld\n\n\nfor the game include data cards with points values and statistics for the miniatures used in the game, as well as simple formulas which show what proportion of troops should be included in the \"armies\". This is designed to create more verisimilitude as well as better balanced \"armies\" with a fair number of ordinary troops, rather than \"armies\" made up entirely of extremely powerful special troops. The original rules make use of twenty-sided and six-sided dice (d20s and d6s) to decide the outcome of", "id": "19158554" }, { "contents": "2017 AAA 400 Drive for Autism\n\n\n\"one of them racing deals\" and the field just \"[lined] up double file and somebody got loose and just took us out. What a bummer. Just one of them racing deals.\" The race restarted on lap 70. Truex caught Larson five laps later and the two ran side-by-side for four laps. Truex gave Larson a shove heading down the backstretch on lap 80, making Larson loose going into Turn 3 and allowing Truex to take the lead. Busch suffered a left-rear", "id": "5481382" }, { "contents": "The Weight\n\n\nsongwriting and, because I knew Levon's musicality so well, I wanted to write songs that I thought he could sing better than anybody in the world. While I was there, I was just gathering images and names, and ideas and rhythms, and I was storing all of these things ... in my mind somewhere. And when it was time to sit down and write songs, when I reached into the attic to see what I was gonna write about, that's what was there. I just felt a", "id": "11574653" }, { "contents": "Mablean Ephriam\n\n\n... I would love to get some more money to do what I really want to do, but just putting on this brunch for the fathers and allowing them to have a really wonderful Fathers Day, to share in the joy of good music and good food and good entertainment and being out with family, and all of us making a fuss over them, which doesn't happen for most of the fathers ... That gives me great pleasure and great joy. It is also a joy to be able to award scholarships at The", "id": "16025449" }, { "contents": "Freeroll\n\n\ndealt. This most commonly occurs in a high-low split game where one player knows that he has a guaranteed low hand made, his opponent cannot make a better low no matter what the last card is, but the player who is low might possibly catch a lucky card that gives him a straight or flush, winning high as well. Here's an example from Texas hold'em: Angie holds , and Burt holds . After the fourth card is dealt, the board is . Both players have an ace-high", "id": "3473967" }, { "contents": "Reversis\n\n\na negative variety of Tressette called Rovescino is still played. The highest cards were best in the usual method of play, but in this the lowest had the preference. The Jack was a better card than the King, and one of them, the Jack of Hearts, was called the quinola, just like at Primero. The strange incongruity of this inverted order of things made the Spaniards, when this game became known to them, give it the appropriate denomination of \"La Gana pierde\", that is, the winner", "id": "11212571" }, { "contents": "Jock Campbell, Baron Campbell of Eskan\n\n\nquite simple: People are more important than ships, shops and sugar estates. We tried to act in the belief that business could not possibly just be about making money if only because that would be soul-destroyingly boring. Business had to be about making the lives of people better and more fulfilled. People in any case always came first however you considered what you were trying to do in business. You had a fourfold responsibility to people: to shareholders, to employees, to customers, to the community of people in", "id": "21175765" }, { "contents": "2003 Food City 500\n\n\nabout his performance, \"It should have been a first, but the Sirius Dodge boys are doing a good job. I wouldn't trade 'em. We made some mistakes, but we'll get better.\" Mears, who was involved in the lap 20 collision with Andretti and Todd Bodine, commented, \"I don't know what happened. I was just going through the gears taking my time and it looked like somebody up front may have missed a shift or somebody may have got into somebody else.\" Terry", "id": "10121829" }, { "contents": "John Kasich\n\n\ncourt has ruled, and I said we'll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn't think the way I do doesn't mean that I can't care about them or can't love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them. Because you know what? That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.\" In", "id": "4747708" }, { "contents": "Joke\n\n\nDifferent types of jokes, going from general to topical into explicitly sexual humour signalled openness on the part of the waitress for a connection. This study describes how jokes and joking are used to communicate much more than just good humour. That is a single example of the function of joking in a social setting, but there are others. Sometimes jokes are used simply to get to know someone better. What makes them laugh, what do they find funny? Jokes concerning politics, religion or sexual topics can be used effectively to", "id": "16432880" }, { "contents": "The Christmas That Almost Wasn't\n\n\nstore, has his butler destroy several of the toys and takes the damages out of Santa and Sam's paychecks. He gloats that Santa will never be able to pay his rent on time. Now broke again, Sam and Santa fear Christmas will be canceled. A little boy passes them on the street and asks them what is the matter. When Sam explains, the little boy calls out to the city's children to help Santa. All of the children pour into the streets and give what money they can . .", "id": "12159084" }, { "contents": "Nightmares (1980 film)\n\n\nanything. But it should have been better. Because it was a real quickie. I had the chance to make a real quickie, they said if you don’t take the money we’ll give it to somebody else... That was back in the old tax regime. You had to get the money, make the film, be finished by a certain time, you couldn’t take longer. Lamond says it was John Michael Howson's idea to set the movie in a theatre. The film features a bitchy theatre critic", "id": "319833" }, { "contents": "Don't Get Done, Get Dom\n\n\npeople know about their consumer rights and giving out tips on how to get best value for money. During previous versions of the show, a member of the public was\"tutored\" into getting a better deal on a product which they are attempting to buy; typically giving them more confidence in talking to and making deals with the store assistants and managers. Examples from the series are people purchasing video cameras and sports gear. This is achieved by Littlewood seeing camera footage of a first attempt, and giving them pointers. After this they", "id": "18991611" }, { "contents": "Piquet\n\n\nto the above method; or they coloured the water with India ink, to make the marks more conspicuous. The work concludes as follows: There are but 32 cards made use of at piquet, so that just half of them will be known to you; and in dealing you may have an opportunity to give yourself those you like best; and if you cannot conveniently change the pack according to your desire, you will commonly know what you are to take in, which is a demonstrative advantage to win any one", "id": "11979432" }, { "contents": "Mi Destino Eres Tú\n\n\nthey should be thankful for what they have done for the two: they gave them a family, and they educated them. This makes Andrea the main source for money in the family, since her uncle Anselmo has diabetes for years and this doesn't allow him to work. Andrea falls in love with Ramiro, a young man of better economic position than her. They are about to marry, but they have to confront many obstacles: the rounding opposition of Samuel, father of Ramiro, and the lies and intrigues of", "id": "17537579" }, { "contents": "David Martin Long\n\n\nam. I, I never was right after that incident happened. I sent a letter to somebody, you know a letter outlining what I feel about everything. But anyway I just wanted, right after that apologize to you. I'm real sorry for it. I was raised by the California Youth Authority, I can't really pin point where it started, what happened but really believe that's just the bottom line, what happened to me was in California. I was in their reformatory schools and penitentiary, but", "id": "18362309" }, { "contents": "Cards Against Humanity\n\n\nback what they spent their money on. Many of them made donations to different charities. For 2016, the creators began to live stream the excavation of a \"Holiday Hole\", located in Oregon, Illinois, and stated that they would continue to dig the hole as long as they continue to receive donations. The creators did not state any reason for the hole nor any planned use of the money, and explicitly ruled out charity in a FAQ by asking the reader, \"why aren't YOU giving all this money", "id": "16832891" }, { "contents": "The Ranksters\n\n\n, \"No Matter What Ranking Mart\", the pairs compete to answer different themes Top 5 (out of 30 items), based on actual surveys conducted in Korea, such as \"Top 5 items that you will be reluctant to buy using your own money but other people are thankful for when gifted to them as presents from you\". If a pair chose an item that is not under the Top 5, they will have to pay for the item with their own credit cards. The pair that guessed the most", "id": "20700745" }, { "contents": "The Mis-Education of the Negro\n\n\nwe are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them. We do not show the Negro to overcome segregation, but we teach them how to accept it as final and just.\" Woodson expresses the need for African Americans to overcome segregation by proving that they are just as good as an asset to society as white Americans. “The Need for Service Rather than Leadership” describes the stifling of African Americans’ ambition and roadblocks that keep them from becoming leaders. Woodson", "id": "18869120" }, { "contents": "If You Can't Rock Me\n\n\none of the women for the night. According to \"Rolling Stone\" critic Jon Landau, the refrain of \"If you can't rock me somebody will\" is what turns the song \"into the anticipated and angry fuck song.\" Other meanings are ascribed to the song as well. Music journalist James Hector suggests that the line \"I think I better just sing one more song\" is more telling than the band intended, noting the implication that the group was recording the song to fulfill their contractual obligations to their", "id": "10083948" }, { "contents": "The Gifted (American TV series)\n\n\nto protect themselves, though each episode still has a beginning, middle, and end. When approaching mutant abilities in the series, particularly for the Strucker children who are just discovering theirs, Nix wanted to avoid clearly defining exactly what those abilities are immediately since \"when your powers manifest, they don't come with a label. It's not like somebody pops up and says, 'Hey! You can do this!' When we think about powers on the show, what's the organic relationship between this person as", "id": "20704916" }, { "contents": "Bruce Caswell\n\n\nAfter contact from a constituent, he revised the plan to also include major retailers, but the gift cards will remain only redeemable for clothes and shoes. “My sole goal in this proposal is to make sure that children receive the clothing allowance that the state has provided for them and not have it used for anything else,” said Caswell. “I believe this solution will go a long way to achieving that objective. If anyone else has a better idea on how we can ensure the money goes for clothing alone,", "id": "11054475" }, { "contents": "Cards Against Humanity\n\n\nand receive nothing in return. The offer was justified by claiming that \"the greatest Black Friday gift of all is buying nothing. We're offering that for the rock-bottom price of $5. How can you afford NOT to seize this incredible opportunity?\", and that what the money would be used for would be announced \"soon\" 11,248 customers spent $71,145 on the offer during the campaign. The money was ultimately divided equally among the \"Cards Against Humanity\" team members, who were asked to report", "id": "16832890" }, { "contents": "Jewel Tower\n\n\nas symbolic political gifts. Edward accumulated what historian Jenny Stratford has described as a \"vast store of jewels and plate\", and his collection of personal treasure was at its greatest during the 1360s. Edward had managed this last category of personal treasure through an organisation called the Privy Wardrobe. The Keeper of the Privy Wardrobe was responsible for guarding and recording the king's belongings, and dispatching particular items around the kingdom, potentially giving them as gifts to the monarch's family and friends. The Privy Wardrobe was initially based in", "id": "5153507" } ]
What’s inside a computer chip and how does its internals ‘compute’ things? Essentially what makes the components comprehend the 1 & 0 of the computing lingo to produce/ process a given output?
[{"answer": "It's all built from the concept of logic gates. Logic gates are simple statements like: if Input1 and Input2 are both true, then return true Or if either Input1 or Input2 is true, but not both, then return true Or If Input1 is false, then return true (or else false) By stringing those together in lots of complicated and clever ways, you can make the computer do any kind of mathematical logic you like."}, {"answer": "Short answer: It doesn't. Long answer: Abstraction. Computers don't imbue the data they have with any sort of meaning, in the same way that your muscles don't know whether you're lifting a jar of peanut butter or a dumbbell. The microchips are essentially a lot of 'logic gates' (which do things like combine 1's and 0's in specific ways to get new 1's and 0's) that allow programmers to access and modify data in memory (like your hard drive). Eventually programmers got tired of dealing directly with loading and writing data all the time, so they started abstracting away details, giving birth to so-called \"higher level\" languages like C and Java. They're called higher level because they sit on top of levels of abstraction. Instead of saying 'create a label, allocated a bit of memory to store the information linked to this label, and then store the information in that memory address', you just 'make a variable'. tl;dr - People don't like dealing with complicated things, so smart people worked on it until it was simpler for everyone. But still, your computer doesn't 'know' what it's doing. It just works that way because we built it to."}, {"answer": "At its most basic they contain transistors, tiny electrical switches operated by electricity. By combining those transistors math and logic can be performed in binary."}, {"answer": "There are many levels at which you could represent a 1 or a 0, the lowest level is very simple: 1 means there is some electric current present, and a 0 means that there is no electric current present on a circuit. Some basic components in electronics are resistors, capacitors, diodes and transistors. A computer chip is made up of millions of these components arranged in such a way that you can predictably send an electronic signal and have the chip give you a response, for example: If I send the chip 5 volts then it will do nothing, but if I send it anything more than five volts, then it will start returning that voltage intermittently at a regular interval. This can be used to make a light blink or to control the speed at which something happens. A computer chip is basically made up of millions of tiny circuits which you can think of as \"programs\" like these that can be used like puzzle pieces to make even bigger and more complex programs that can do things like hold a value in memory until a condition changes or to do math like add numbers. Once you are able to get a chip to do these very low level types of computations, then you can begin to store 1's and 0's and even group them to create more complicated values like representing the alphabet, for example: A = 01000001 B = 01000010 Now, programmers can come in and start writing software that does even more useful things like listen to input from a keyboard or a mouse and do something with that input, or draw graphics on a screen."}, {"answer": "Just switches, lots of switches. None of them comprehend anything they just switch exactly like their build to switch. And we engineers just set them up i a way that solves math and simple logic problems. You can basically break it all down to AND and OR. Probably the simplest logic question is, is this switch turned on? To solve that problem you just need a single switch and some way to show whether or not it's turned on, usually a small lamp or a screen. Simple. And you basically build up fom there. Want to know when two switches are turned on? Just put two switches in a row. Now if you interpret this circuit as calculator you can interpret a turned on switch as 1 and the output led is part of the result switch 1 + switch 2, if both are turned on (1) the result led glows that means the answer to your calculation is 2. A problem is that if the light doesn't go on you only know that the result is either 0 or 1. Not that great so you have to build another circuit that makes a lamp turn on when any of the switches is turned on. Not that hard either just take two wires and two swtiches and connect them both to the lamp. Doesn't matter with switch is turned on a light will go on. It will only stay off if both switches are turned off. So now you have two result LEDs. One turns on if both switches are turned on (AND circuit) and one circuit makes a led glow when one or both of the switches are turned on (OR circuit). If the AND circuit glows the result is 2, doesn't matter what the other circuit does. If it doesn't turn on you have to check the second circuit is it on? The result is 1, is it off the result is 0. And from here you just keep going and make it more and more complex. It helps that there's already math that works with only 0 and 1 so you just learn that and keep building bigger and bigger circuits. Turns out you can break down almost all problems into a combination of AND, OR and NOT problems. Which is great. But this is on a very low level so usually if you look at a computer you just ignore that part and look at the big circuit that adds 8 bit numbers. You now it adds but you ignore how all the AND, OR and NOT circuits are connected because even for a simple addition you need tons of them."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "100563", "title": "System on a chip", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["A system on a chip or system on chip (SoC or ) is an integrated circuit (also known as a \"chip\") that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system. These components typically (but not always) include a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output ports and secondary storage all on a single substrate or microchip, the size of a coin. It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and often radio frequency signal processing functions, depending on the application.", "A system on a chip or system on chip (SoC or ) is an integrated circuit (also known as a \"chip\") that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system. These components typically (but not always) include a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output ports and secondary storage all on a single substrate or microchip, the size of a coin. It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and often radio frequency signal processing functions, depending on the application. As they are integrated on a single substrate, SoCs consume much less power and take up much less area than multi-chip designs with equivalent functionality. Because of this, SoCs are very common in the mobile computing (such as in Smartphones) and edge computing markets. Systems on chip are commonly used in embedded systems and the Internet of Things.", "A system on a chip or system on chip (SoC or ) is an integrated circuit (also known as a \"chip\") that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system. These components typically (but not always) include a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output ports and secondary storage all on a single substrate or microchip, the size of a coin. It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and often radio frequency signal processing functions, depending on the application. As they are integrated on a single substrate, SoCs consume much less power and take up much less area than multi-chip designs with equivalent functionality. Because of this, SoCs are very common in the mobile computing (such as in Smartphones) and edge computing markets. Systems on chip are commonly used in embedded systems and the Internet of Things."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Task computing\n\n\nTask computing is a computation meant to fill the gap between tasks (what the user wants to be done) and services (functionalities that are available to the user). Task computing seeks to redefine how users interact with and use computing environments. It is built on pervasive computing. A Task Computing Framework (TCF) is a framework that supports task computing, by providing support for: This definition of a task computing framework does not make reference to computational components. This is referred to as a Task Computing Environment (TCE", "id": "16521994" }, { "contents": "Digital humanities\n\n\n, visualization, digital methods, etc.? How does computation create new disciplinary boundaries and gate-keeping functions? What are the new hegemonic representations of the digital – 'geons', 'pixels', 'waves', visualization, visual rhetorics, etc.? How do media changes create epistemic changes, and how can we look behind the 'screen essentialism' of computational interfaces? Here we might also reflect on the way in which the practice of making-visible also entails the making-invisible – computation involves", "id": "5261364" }, { "contents": "Level of analysis\n\n\nit solve or overcome) and similarly, why does it do these things. The algorithmic/representational level of analysis identifies \"how\" the information processing system performs its computations, specifically, what representations are used and what processes are employed to build and manipulate the representations. The physical level of analysis identifies how the information processing system is \"physically realized\" (in the case of biological vision, what neural structures and neuronal activities implement the visual system). After thirty years of the book \"Vision (David Marr.", "id": "17877372" }, { "contents": "Neural computation\n\n\n, a rule dictates which output to produce given a certain input to the computing system. A computing system is a mechanism whose components must be functionally organized to process the vehicles in accordance with the established set of rules. The types of vehicles processed by a computing system determines which type of computations it performs. Traditionally, in cognitive science there have been two proposed types of computation related to neural activity - digital and analog, with the vast majority of theoretical work incorporating a digital understanding of cognition. Computing systems which perform digital", "id": "12135780" }, { "contents": "History of computing hardware (1960s–present)\n\n\nof its graphical user interface, bit-mapped high resolution screen, large internal and external memory storage, mouse, and special software. In the minicomputer ancestors of the modern personal computer, processing was carried out by circuits with large numbers of components arranged on multiple large printed circuit boards. Minicomputers were consequently physically large and expensive to produce compared with later microprocessor systems. After the \"computer-on-a-chip\" was commercialized, the cost to produce a computer system dropped dramatically. The arithmetic, logic, and", "id": "18678205" }, { "contents": "Chemical computer\n\n\ngate has two bits input. Its output is 0 if both bits are 1, otherwise it's 1). In the chemical computer version logic gates are implemented by concentration waves blocking or amplifying each other in different ways. In 1989 it was demonstrated how light-sensitive chemical reactions could perform image processing. This led to an upsurge in the field of chemical computing. Andrew Adamatzky at the University of the West of England has demonstrated simple logic gates using reaction–diffusion processes. Furthermore, he has theoretically shown how a", "id": "13271918" }, { "contents": "Computational theory of mind\n\n\nthe man in the room does not understand the Chinese conversation. This is essentially what the computational theory of mind presents us—a model in which the mind simply decodes symbols and outputs more symbols. Searle argues that this is not real understanding or intentionality. This was originally written as a repudiation of the idea that computers work like minds. Searle has further raised questions about what exactly constitutes a computation: the wall behind my back is right now implementing the WordStar program, because there is some pattern of molecule movements that is", "id": "7392206" }, { "contents": "Real-time computing\n\n\nto move. This example also illustrates the essential difference between real-time computations and other computations: if the tournament chess program does not make a decision about its next move in its allotted time it loses the game—i.e., it fails as a real-time computation—while in the other scenario, meeting the deadline is assumed not to be necessary. High-performance is indicative of the amount of processing that is performed in a given amount of time, whereas real-time is the ability to get done", "id": "6212035" }, { "contents": "Computer processing of body language\n\n\ncomputer that runs on this type of technology are making use of the idea of body language being used to work with computers for reasons relating to marketing purposes. This involves monitoring how many people there are in the street next to that certain shop as well as the use of a heat map generator. The heat map generator will basically allow the manager or staff at a store to observe how exactly people are moving. It will also allow staff workers to see what things in the store are attracting the attention of the customers the", "id": "11370508" }, { "contents": "Fourier analysis\n\n\nthe operation of rebuilding the function from these pieces is known as Fourier synthesis. For example, determining what component frequencies are present in a musical note would involve computing the Fourier transform of a sampled musical note. One could then re-synthesize the same sound by including the frequency components as revealed in the Fourier analysis. In mathematics, the term \"Fourier analysis\" often refers to the study of both operations. The decomposition process itself is called a Fourier transformation. Its output, the Fourier transform, is often given a", "id": "11422360" }, { "contents": "Computational theory of mind\n\n\nvaries largely based on how the term computation is understood. Computation is commonly understood in terms of Turing machines which manipulate symbols according to a rule, in combination with the internal state of the machine. The critical aspect of such a computational model is that we can abstract away from particular physical details of the machine that is implementing the computation. This is to say that computation can be implemented by silicon chips or neural networks, so long as there is a series of outputs based on manipulations of inputs and internal states, performed", "id": "7392194" }, { "contents": "Computer cooling\n\n\nthe operating frequency and voltage of an integrated circuit or disables non-essential features of the chip to reduce heat output, often at the cost of slightly or significantly reduced performance. For desktop and notebook computers, throttling is often controlled at the BIOS level. Throttling is also commonly used to manage temperatures in smartphones and tablets, where components are packed tightly together with little to no active cooling, and with additional heat transferred from the hand of the user. As electronic computers became larger and more complex, cooling of the active", "id": "6685158" }, { "contents": "Quadratic knapsack problem\n\n\ntheme in literature is to identify what are the \"hard\" problems. Researchers who study the 0-1 QKP often perform computational studies to show the superiority of their strategies. Such studies can also be conducted to assess the performance of different solution methods. For the 0-1 QKP, those computational studies often rely on randomly generated data, introduced by Gallo et al. Essentially every computational study of the 0-1 QKP utilizes data that is randomly generated as follows. The weights are integers taken from a uniform distribution", "id": "3443125" }, { "contents": "Computer-supported collaboration\n\n\nin what is normally thought of as content. This larger definition of \"computing\", in which not just the data, or the metadata, or the context of the data, but the computer itself is being \"processed\", makes the term \"social computing\" have a whole different meaning. Communication essential to the collaboration, or disruptive of it, is studied in CSC proper. It is somehow hard to find or draw a line between a well-defined process and general human communications. Reflecting desired organization protocols", "id": "653788" }, { "contents": "Neural computation\n\n\nmathematical models which explain cognition. When comparing the three main traditions of the computational theory of mind, as well as the different possible forms of computation in the brain, it is helpful to define what we mean by computation in a general sense. Computation is the processing of vehicles, otherwise known as variables or entities, according to a set of rules. A rule in this sense is simply an instruction for executing a manipulation on the current state of the variable, in order to produce an specified output. In other words", "id": "12135779" }, { "contents": "Ethics of technology\n\n\nit by those that made it, and those that decided how it must be made and used. Whether merely a lifeless amoral 'tool' or a solidified embodiment of human values \"ethics of technology\" refers to two basic subdivisions:- In the former case, ethics of such things as computer security and computer viruses asks whether the very act of innovation is an ethically right or wrong act. Similarly, does a scientist have an ethical obligation to produce or fail to produce a nuclear weapon? What are the ethical questions surrounding the", "id": "13569818" }, { "contents": "System on a chip\n\n\nA system on a chip or system on chip (SoC or ) is an integrated circuit (also known as a \"chip\") that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system. These components typically (but not always) include a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output ports and secondary storage – all on a single substrate or microchip, the size of a coin. It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and often radio frequency signal processing functions, depending on", "id": "13126503" }, { "contents": "Activation function\n\n\nIn artificial neural networks, the activation function of a node defines the output of that node given an input or set of inputs. A standard computer chip circuit can be seen as a digital network of activation functions that can be \"ON\" (1) or \"OFF\" (0), depending on input. This is similar to the behavior of the linear perceptron in neural networks. However, only \"nonlinear\" activation functions allow such networks to compute nontrivial problems using only a small number of nodes. In artificial", "id": "7577485" }, { "contents": "Resource allocation (computer)\n\n\namount of programs loaded by the user (or initiated on start-up). Computers using single processors appear to be running multiple programs at once because the processor quickly alternates between programs, processing what is needed in very small amounts of time. This process is known as multitasking or \"time slicing\". The time allocation is automatic, however higher or lower priority may be given to certain processes, essentially giving high priority programs more/bigger slices of the processor's time. On a computer with multiple processors different processes", "id": "11635497" }, { "contents": "Electronic flight instrument system\n\n\ngive warnings for airspeed, pitch, roll, and altitude indications. More advanced EFIS systems have more comparator monitors. In this technique, each symbol generator contains two display monitoring channels. One channel, the internal, samples the output from its own symbol generator to the display unit and computes, for example, what roll attitude should produce that indication. This computed roll attitude is then compared with the roll attitude input to the symbol generator from the INS or AHRS. Any difference has probably been introduced by faulty processing, and", "id": "11025274" }, { "contents": "Turing's proof\n\n\nblank tape. But this contradicts the premise that H is a satisfactory, non-circular computing machine that goes on printing the diagonal numbers's 1's and 0's forever. (We will see the same thing if N is reset to 1 and R is reset to 0.) If the reader does not believe this, they can write a \"stub\" for decision-machine D (stub \"D\" will return \"satisfactory\") and then see for themselves what happens at the instant machine H encounters its", "id": "18641020" }, { "contents": "Atari 8-bit family\n\n\n\"Does the end user care about the architecture of the machine? The answer is no. 'What will it do for me?' That's his major concern. ... why try to scare the consumer off by making it so he or she has to have a double E or be a computer programmer to utilize the full capabilities of a personal computer?\" Cartridges would for example, Atari believed, make the computers easier to use. To minimize handling of bare circuit boards or chips, as was common with other", "id": "16611749" }, { "contents": "Divergence (computer science)\n\n\nIn computer science, a computation is said to diverge if it does not terminate or terminates in an (unobservable) exceptional state. Otherwise it is said to converge. In domains where computations are expected to be infinite, such as process calculi, a computation is said to diverge if it fails to be productive (always produces an action within a finite amount of time.) Various subfields of computer science use varying, but mathematically precise, definitions of what it means for a computation to converge or diverge. In abstract rewriting", "id": "7444622" }, { "contents": "The Computer Museum, Boston\n\n\nfrom a single chip to the multiple components of a single mainframe computer. In addition to artifacts, the Museum collected images, film, and video. Noteworthy early acquisitions included parts of Whirlwind 1, UNIVAC 1, the TX-0, a CPU from the Burroughs ILLIAC IV, IBM 7030 \"Stretch\", NASA Apollo Guidance Computer Prototype, a CDC 6600, a CRAY-1, PDP-1, PDP-8, EDSAC Storage Tube, Colossus pulley, and components of the Ferranti Atlas, and the Manchester Mark I. In June 1984, the collection", "id": "1171092" }, { "contents": "Evi (software)\n\n\nfind the most likely meaning of the question being asked. It does this by drawing upon its database of knowledge of discrete facts. As these facts are stored in a form that the computer can understand, the answer engine attempts to produce an answer to what it comprehends to be the question by logically deducing from them. For example, if one were to type in \"What is the birth date of George W. Bush?\", True Knowledge would reason from the facts \"George W. Bush is a president\", \"", "id": "15684157" }, { "contents": "Distributed computing\n\n\ncomputational problems can be solved by using a computer (computability theory) and how efficiently (computational complexity theory). Traditionally, it is said that a problem can be solved by using a computer if we can design an algorithm that produces a correct solution for any given instance. Such an algorithm can be implemented as a computer program that runs on a general-purpose computer: the program reads a problem instance from input, performs some computation, and produces the solution as output. Formalisms such as random access machines or universal", "id": "8431459" }, { "contents": "Resource\n\n\n3) economic systems are based on markets of currency exchanged for goods and services, whereas biological systems are based on natural processes of growth, maintenance, and reproduction. A computer resource is any physical or virtual component of limited availability within a computer or information management system. Computer resources include means for input, processing, output, communication, and storage. Natural resources are derived from the environment. Many natural resources are essential for human survival, while others are used for satisfying human desire. Conservation is management of natural resources", "id": "20428427" }, { "contents": "Computational Chemistry List\n\n\nwithin lists and fora of the Internet. It is pivotal to the structure and topicality of debates within the CCL as an arena. The flame wars (as the liveliest episodes) give valuable and unique information to historians to comprehend what is at stake in the computational chemistry community. The list also hosts many resources on computational chemistry. For example, it hosted a pre-publication version of \"Computational Chemistry\" by David Young. Online social media not only comes to mind as an analogy for what the CCL achieves in its", "id": "7855285" }, { "contents": "Individual Computers Catweasel\n\n\nThe Catweasel is a family of enhanced floppy disk controllers from German company Individual Computers. These controllers are designed to allow more recent computers, such as PCs, to access a wide variety of older or non-native disk formats using standard floppy drives. The floppy controller chip used in IBM PCs and compatibles was the NEC 765A. As technology progressed, descendants of these machines used what were essentially extensions to this chip. Many other computers, particularly ones from Commodore and early ones from Apple, write disks in formats which cannot", "id": "8537665" }, { "contents": "Input hypothesis\n\n\ncode only if they receive input that is comprehended at two levels. They must not only understand what is meant but also how things are quite literally expressed, i.e. how the different meaning components are put together to produce the message. This is the principle of dual comprehension. In many cases both types of understanding can be conflated into one process, in others not. The German phrase \"Wie spät ist es?\" is perfectly understood as \"What time is it?\" However learners need to know more: *How", "id": "11708800" }, { "contents": "Bio-inspired computing\n\n\nmechanism, the connection mechanism between neurons, etc., and the mechanism between different scale information processing units has not been integrated into the study of brain-inspired computing architecture. Now an important international trend is to develop neural computing components such as brain memristors, memory containers, and sensory sensors based on new materials such as nanometers, thus supporting the construction of more complex brain-inspired computing architectures. The development of brain-inspired computers and large-scale brain computing systems based on brain-inspired chip development also requires", "id": "4893269" }, { "contents": "English Electric KDF8\n\n\nKDF8 was an early British computer built by English Electric as a version of the RCA 501. By producing a software-compatible system, the intention was to reduce time and cost to develop software. However, the lengthy process of developing manufacturing capability meant that the system was soon outpaced by systems from other vendors. Only a few systems were sold during its 5 years of production. Due to the consolidation of the British computer industry, English Electric's computer division became one of the components of what would become ICL. During", "id": "17394767" }, { "contents": "Computer\n\n\nthe other circuits. When unprocessed data is sent to the computer with the help of input devices, the data is processed and sent to output devices. The input devices may be hand-operated or automated. The act of processing is mainly regulated by the CPU. Some examples of input devices are: The means through which computer gives output are known as output devices. Some examples of output devices are: The control unit (often called a control system or central controller) manages the computer's various components; it reads", "id": "16020576" }, { "contents": "Wafer fabrication\n\n\nWafer fabrication is a procedure composed of many repeated sequential processes to produce complete electrical or photonic circuits on semiconductor wafers. Examples include production of radio frequency (RF) amplifiers, LEDs, optical computer components, and CPUs for computers. Wafer fabrication is used to build components with the necessary electrical structures. The main process begins with electrical engineers designing the circuit and defining its functions, and specifying the signals, inputs, outputs and voltages needed. These electrical circuit specifications are entered into electrical circuit design software, such as \"SPICE", "id": "2245378" }, { "contents": "Ubi de Feo\n\n\nFeo created “From 0 to C,” starting with a rather radical step: Removing all of the computers from the classroom. Instead, he introduced physical objects the students are meant to interact with.“From 0 to C” allows people to visualize what happens inside the computer when a program runs – how bytes are moved around and manipulated by the program. Regarding the “From 0 to C”outcomes, de Feo explains, \"The scope of this primer is not teaching you to be the best coder or hacker, but", "id": "3710156" }, { "contents": "Computable number\n\n\nthe machine described by \"A\" keeps outputting 0 as formula_26 approximations. It is not clear how long to wait before deciding that the machine will \"never\" output an approximation which forces \"a\" to be positive. Thus the machine will eventually have to guess that the number will equal 0, in order to produce an output; the sequence may later become different from 0. This idea can be used to show that the machine is incorrect on some sequences if it computes a total function. A similar problem occurs", "id": "6360448" }, { "contents": "Computational linguistics\n\n\nmodel[16]. They also provide efficient training algorithms for the models presented, which can give other scientists the ability to improve further on their results. This type of work is specific to computational linguistics, and has applications which could vastly improve understanding of how language is produced and comprehended by computers. Work has also been done in making computers produce language in a more naturalistic manner. Using linguistic input from humans, algorithms have been constructed which are able to modify a system's style of production based on a factor such as linguistic", "id": "5322676" }, { "contents": "Brainfuck\n\n\nto comprehend. This is partly because any mildly complex task requires a long sequence of commands, and partly it is because the program's text gives no direct indications of the program's state. These, as well as Brainfuck's inefficiency and its limited input/output capabilities, are some of the reasons it is not used for serious programming. Nonetheless, like any Turing complete language, Brainfuck is theoretically capable of computing any computable function or simulating any other computational model, if given access to an unlimited amount of memory.", "id": "3692968" }, { "contents": "Computer data storage\n\n\nComputer data storage, often called storage or memory, is a technology consisting of computer components and recording media that are used to retain digital data. It is a core function and fundamental component of computers. The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is what manipulates data by performing computations. In practice, almost all computers use a storage hierarchy, which puts fast but expensive and small storage options close to the CPU and slower but larger and cheaper options farther away. Generally the fast volatile technologies (which lose data", "id": "5059465" }, { "contents": "Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International\n\n\nof software should be patentable. In other words, the court decided the most basic conflict in the case, but more or less declined to offer guidance for other, future cases. The Electronic Frontier Foundation said that the Supreme Court: reaffirmed that merely adding \"a generic computer to perform generic computer functions\" does not make an otherwise abstract idea patentable. This statement (and the opinion itself) makes clear that an abstract idea along with a computer doing what a computer normally does is not something our patent system was designed", "id": "18951417" }, { "contents": "Wetware computer\n\n\narchitecture, much like a traditional computer many smaller components operate in tandem to receive input, process the information, and compute an output. In an overly simplified, and non-technical analysis cellular function can be broken into the following components. Information and instructions for execution are stored as DNA in the cell, RNA acts as a source for distinctly encoded input which processed by ribosomes and other transcription factors to access and process the DNA and to output a protein. Bray's argument in favor of viewing cells and cellular structures as", "id": "2224215" }, { "contents": "Turing machine\n\n\nIn the early days of computing, computer use was typically limited to batch processing, i.e., non-interactive tasks, each producing output data from given input data. Computability theory, which studies computability of functions from inputs to outputs, and for which Turing machines were invented, reflects this practice. Since the 1970s, interactive use of computers became much more common. In principle, it is possible to model this by having an external agent read from the tape and write to it at the same time as a Turing machine", "id": "11652110" }, { "contents": "Computer performance\n\n\nmachine interaction, perceptible latency (delay between what the user commands and when the computer provides the results) has a strong effect on user satisfaction and usability. Computers run sets of instructions called a process. In operating systems, the execution of the process can be postponed if other processes are also executing. In addition, the operating system can schedule when to perform the action that the process is commanding. For example, suppose a process commands that a computer card's voltage output be set high-low-high-low", "id": "6161253" }, { "contents": "Transistor laser\n\n\nthe frequency response. It also does not suffer from unwanted self-resonance that results in errors in transmitted information that would necessitate complicated external circuitry to rectify. Even though the transistor laser is still only the subject of research, there has been significant amount of speculation as to what one could be used for, especially in computing. For instance, its optical capabilities could be used to transfer data between memory chips, graphics cards, or other internal computer elements at faster rates. Currently, optic-fiber communication requires transmitters that", "id": "10928538" }, { "contents": "Coding theory approaches to nucleic acid design\n\n\nfact that the component codewords of formula_329 are taken from formula_284). Similarly, formula_331. Therefore, the DNA code with formula_333, has formula_334 codewords of length formula_335, and satisfies formula_336 and formula_337. From the examples listed above, one can wonder what could be the future potential of DNA-based computers? Despite its enormous potential, this method is highly unlikely to be implemented in home computers or even computers at offices, etc. because of the sheer flexibility and speed as well as cost factors that favor silicon chip based", "id": "8082192" }, { "contents": "Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies\n\n\ndue in part to the Eliza effect, the computer does not have any notion of plot or of the meaning of the words it uses. Furthermore, the book is made up of selected texts from thousands produced by the computer over several years. AM, a computer mathematician that generates new mathematical concepts. It managed to produce by itself the notion of prime number and the Goldbach conjecture. As with Racter, the question is how much the programmer filtered the output of the program, keeping only the occasional interesting output. Also", "id": "7140112" }, { "contents": "Distributed computing\n\n\nTuring machines can be used as abstract models of a sequential general-purpose computer executing such an algorithm. The field of concurrent and distributed computing studies similar questions in the case of either multiple computers, or a computer that executes a network of interacting processes: which computational problems can be solved in such a network and how efficiently? However, it is not at all obvious what is meant by \"solving a problem\" in the case of a concurrent or distributed system: for example, what is the task of the algorithm", "id": "8431460" }, { "contents": "System bus\n\n\nEDVAC\" report published in 1945. In what became known as the Von Neumann architecture, a central control unit and arithmetic logic unit (ALU, which he called the central arithmetic part) were combined with computer memory and input and output functions to form a stored program computer. The \"Report\" presented a general organization and theoretical model of the computer, however, not the implementation of that model. Soon designs integrated the control unit and ALU into what became known as the central processing unit (CPU). Computers in", "id": "7846376" }, { "contents": "Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm\n\n\nand that answer is always correct. In the Deutsch-Jozsa problem, we are given a black box quantum computer known as an oracle that implements some function formula_1. The function takes n-digit binary values as input and produces either a 0 or a 1 as output for each such value. We are promised that the function is either constant (0 on all outputs or 1 on all outputs) or \"balanced\" (returns 1 for half of the input domain and 0 for the other half); the task", "id": "13588068" }, { "contents": "Intel\n\n\nthe Intel-based computers in their stores in that area. To make the test easier to monitor, Mion decided to do the test in Boulder, Colorado, where it had a single store. Virtually overnight, the sales of personal computers in that store dramatically shifted to Intel-based PCs. Intel very quickly adopted \"Intel Inside\" as its primary branding and rolled it out worldwide. As is often the case with computer lore, other tidbits have been combined to explain how things evolved. \"Intel Inside\" has", "id": "14765993" }, { "contents": "Transposition-driven scheduling\n\n\nthe responsible computer \"and does not worry about it anymore\". Only if a problem falls within its own authority range will a computer try to look up if it has a solution stored in its own table. If not, it simply appends it to its own queue. If it does have a solution, it does not have to compute anything anymore and fetches a new job from the queue. What makes the big difference between traditional transposition based problem solving and TDS is that asking some computer if it has solved a", "id": "13908465" }, { "contents": "Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About\n\n\nSpirituality, and Computer Science\". One mark of a good author is the ability to make a successful book out of an unpromising subject. Over the years, Donald E. Knuth has produced a slew of bestsellers on topics that might seem to have only limited appeal, most notably the arts of computer programming and mathematical typography. His latest book takes on a subject so challenging it has to hide behind a coy title: Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About (CSLI Publications, $35). What is this subject that", "id": "10272077" }, { "contents": "Folding funnel\n\n\npossible conformation (the Levinthal's Paradox)? How does the protein know what conformations not to search? And (iii) is it possible to create a computer algorithm to predict a protein's native structure based on its amino acid sequence alone? Auxiliary factors inside the living cell such as folding catalysts and chaperones assist in the folding process but do not determine the native structures of proteins. Studies during the 1980s focused on models that could explain the shape of the energy landscape, a mathematical function that describes the free energy of", "id": "6221202" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of mind\n\n\nby psychology are compatible with all the answers to the mind–body problem already described. Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines what cognition is, what it does, and how it works. It includes research on intelligence and behavior, especially focusing on how information is represented, processed, and transformed (in faculties such as perception, language, memory, reasoning, and emotion) within nervous systems (human or other animal) and machines (e.g. computers). Cognitive science", "id": "5685010" }, { "contents": "Circuit satisfiability problem\n\n\nIn theoretical computer science, the Circuit Satisfiability Problem (also known as CIRCUIT-SAT, CircuitSAT, CSAT, etc.) is the decision problem of determining whether a given Boolean circuit has an assignment of its inputs that makes the output true. In other words, it asks whether the inputs to a given Boolean circuit can be consistently set to 1 or 0 such that the circuit outputs 1. If that is the case, the circuit is called \"satisfiable\". Otherwise, the circuit is called \"unsatisfiable.\"", "id": "288315" }, { "contents": "Artificial stupidity\n\n\n, T., an author of the journal \"On Artificial Stupidity,\" seems to view computers as naturally possessing intelligence. It is only due to bad programming that a computer appears unintelligent. Durham states the opposite in what people would normally believe as \"there is no such thing as AI, only artificial stupidity, which is what happens when computers are not given the knowledge they need.\" Artificial stupidity is not just delivering deliberate errors into the computer, but it could also be seen as a limitation of computer artificial intelligence", "id": "16390797" }, { "contents": "Model of computation\n\n\nIn computer science, and more specifically in computability theory and computational complexity theory, a model of computation is a model which describes how an output of a mathematical function is computed given an input. A model describes how units of computations, memories, and communications are organized. The computational complexity of an algorithm can be measured given a model of computation. Using a model allows studying the performance of algorithms independently of the variations that are specific to particular implementations and specific technology. Models of computation can be classified in three categories:", "id": "19939373" }, { "contents": "3D rendering\n\n\nto simulate light reflecting inside the volumes of solid objects such as human skin). The rendering process is computationally expensive, given the complex variety of physical processes being simulated. Computer processing power has increased rapidly over the years, allowing for a progressively higher degree of realistic rendering. Film studios that produce computer-generated animations typically make use of a render farm to generate images in a timely manner. However, falling hardware costs mean that it is entirely possible to create small amounts of 3D animation on a home computer system.", "id": "8348331" }, { "contents": "Infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer\n\n\nto monitor the instrument performance, to compute the level 0 and 1 initialisation parameters in relation to the preceding point and to compute the long-term varying IASI products, as well as to monitor the Near Real Time (NTR) processing (i.e. levels 0 and 1). There are three such processing levels for the IASI data, numbered from 0 to 2. First, Level 0 data gives the raw output of the detectors, which Level 1 transforms into spectra by applying FFT and the necessary calibrations, and finally,", "id": "8989498" }, { "contents": "Computer security compromised by hardware failure\n\n\nthe same distance as the original object. For curved mirrors, however, the situation is more complex. Computer keyboards are often used to transmit confidential data such as passwords. Since they contain electronic components, keyboards emit electromagnetic waves. These emanations could reveal sensitive information such as keystrokes. Electromagnetic emanations have turned out to constitute a security threat to computer equipment. The figure below presents how a keystroke is retrieved and what material is necessary. The approach is to acquire the raw signal directly from the antenna and to process the entire", "id": "12242843" }, { "contents": "SolidRun\n\n\nSolidRun is an Israeli company producing Embedded systems components, mainly mini computers, Single-board computers and computer-on-module devices. It is specially known for their CuBox family of mini-computers (said to be the world's smallest desktop computer at the time of its launch), and for producing motherboards and processing components such as the HummingBoard motherboard. Situated in the Yokneam Illit Industrial Park, SolidRun develops and manufactures products aimed both for the private entertainment sector, and for companies developing processor based products, notably components", "id": "8355554" }, { "contents": "Perceptual computing\n\n\nPerceptual computing is an application of Zadeh's theory of computing with words on the field of assisting people to make subjective judgments. The \"perceptual computer\" – \"Per-C\" – an instantiation of perceptual computing – has the architecture that is depicted in Fig. 1 [2]–[6]. It consists of three components: encoder, CWW engine and decoder. Perceptions – words – activate the Per-C and are the Per-C output (along with data); so, it is possible for a human to", "id": "21748424" }, { "contents": "Data efficiency\n\n\nI.T. On the technical side, in the development of computer hardware, software and systems, Data Efficiency can refer to many things such as packing bits on a physical medium, or chip area usage on a silicon wafer, or the use of data in programming so as to require less time and computation resources. Examples of these two categories of use for “Data Efficiency” (managerial and technical) can be found in process industries and computer chip research and development: 1.Traditional water/wastewater management procedures include travel to pump stations", "id": "12554054" }, { "contents": "TX-0\n\n\nPDP-1, were platforms for pioneering computer research and the development of what would later be called computer \"hacker\" culture. Designed at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory largely as an experiment in transistorized design and the construction of very large core memory systems, the TX-0 was essentially a transistorized version of the equally famous Whirlwind, also built at Lincoln Lab. While the Whirlwind filled an entire floor of a large building, TX-0 fit in a single reasonably sized room and yet was somewhat faster. Like the Whirlwind, the TX-0 was equipped with", "id": "1559192" }, { "contents": "Electronic data processing\n\n\nthe equipment manufacturers. The first issue of The Computer Journal published by The British Computer Society appeared in mid 1958. The UK Accountancy Body now named The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants formed an Electronic Data Processing Committee in July 1958 with the purpose of informing its members of the opportunities created by the computer. The Committee produced its first booklet in 1959, An Introduction to Electronic Computers. Also in 1958 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales produced a paper Accounting by Electronic Methods. The notes indicated what appears capable and", "id": "10173501" }, { "contents": "AmigaOne X1000\n\n\nmagazine also mentioned high price along with lack of drivers as main weak points of the fastest hardware available for AmigaOS 4. Also there was criticism that the Xena chip was simply a 'gimmick' that delivered little to the system, despite many optimistic forecasts of what it could be used for. First use of the new chip is for debugging output of the same computer (no need for second computer). Finally, the choice of the PA-6T processor has proven controversial. A dual core processor, the second core is", "id": "20924848" }, { "contents": "Emergence\n\n\nnot tractable as the combination of their parts. Crutchfield regards the properties of complexity and organization of any system as subjective qualities determined by the observer. Defining structure and detecting the emergence of complexity in nature are inherently subjective, though essential, scientific activities. Despite the difficulties, these problems can be analysed in terms of how model-building observers infer from measurements the computational capabilities embedded in non-linear processes. An observer’s notion of what is ordered, what is random, and what is complex in its environment depends directly", "id": "16742699" }, { "contents": "Zero instruction set computer\n\n\nIn computer science, zero instruction set computer (ZISC) refers to a computer architecture based solely on pattern matching and absence of (micro-)instructions in the classical sense. These chips are known for being thought of as comparable to the neural networks, being marketed for the number of \"synapses\" and \"neurons\". The acronym ZISC alludes to reduced instruction set computer (RISC). ZISC is a hardware implementation of Kohonen networks (artificial neural networks) allowing massively parallel processing of very simple data (0 or 1).", "id": "13211852" }, { "contents": "Electronic hardware\n\n\nElectronic hardware consists of interconnected electronic components which perform analog or logic operations on received and locally stored information to produce as output or store resulting new information or to provide control for output actuator mechanisms. Electronic hardware can range from individual chips/circuits to distributed information processing systems. Well designed electronic hardware is composed of hierarchies of functional modules which inter-communicate via precisely defined interfaces. Hardware logic is primarily a differentiation of the data processing circuitry from other more generalized circuitry. For example nearly all computers include a power supply which consists", "id": "7042097" }, { "contents": "Computing\n\n\nthe instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. In other words, software is a set of \"programs, procedures, algorithms\" and its \"documentation\" concerned with the operation of a data processing system. Program software performs the function of the program it implements, either by directly providing instructions to the computer hardware or by serving as input to another piece of software. The term", "id": "4960075" }, { "contents": "Control unit\n\n\nThe control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic and logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor. It directs the operation of the other units by providing timing and control signals. Most computer resources are managed by the CU. It directs the flow of data between the CPU and the other devices. John von Neumann included the", "id": "6549448" }, { "contents": "Industry 4.0\n\n\ndata exchange in manufacturing technologies and processes which include cyber-physical systems (CPS), the internet of things (IoT), industrial internet of things (IIOT), cloud computing, cognitive computing and artificial intelligence. The concept includes: Industry 4.0 fosters what has been called a \"smart factory\". Within modular structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with", "id": "9969862" }, { "contents": "System on a chip\n\n\nstandard mobile battery. SoCs are optimized to maximize power efficiency in performance per watt: maximize the performance of the SoC given a budget of power usage. Many applications such as edge computing, distributed processing and ambient intelligence require a certain level of computational performance, but power is limited in most SoC environments. The ARM architecture has greater performance per watt than x86 in embedded systems, so it is preferred over x86 for most SoC applications requiring an embedded processor. SoC designs are optimized to minimize waste heat output on the chip.", "id": "13126539" }, { "contents": "Java Speech API\n\n\na user is expected to say and in what patterns those words may occur. Grammars are important to speech recognizers because they constrain the recognition process. These constraints make recognition faster and more accurate because the recognizer does not have to check for bizarre sentences. The Java Speech API 1 supports two basic grammar types: rule grammars and dictation grammars. These types differ in various ways, including how applications set up the grammars; the types of sentences they allow; how results are provided; the amount of computational resources required; and", "id": "15348921" }, { "contents": "Dataflow\n\n\nthe computer through the components of the computer. It gets entered from the input devices and can leave through output devices (printer etc.). A dataflow network is a network of concurrently executing processes or automata that can communicate by sending data over \"channels\" (see message passing.) In Kahn process networks, named after Gilles Kahn, the processes are \"determinate\". This implies that each determinate process computes a continuous function from input streams to output streams, and that a network of determinate processes is itself determinate", "id": "14872326" }, { "contents": "Cognitive model\n\n\nHybrid computers are computers that exhibit features of analog computers and digital computers. The digital component normally serves as the controller and provides logical operations, while the analog component normally serves as a solver of differential equations. See more details at hybrid intelligent system. In the traditional computational approach, representations are viewed as static structures of discrete symbols. Cognition takes place by transforming static symbol structures in discrete, sequential steps. Sensory information is transformed into symbolic inputs, which produce symbolic outputs that get transformed into motor outputs. The entire system", "id": "3225875" }, { "contents": "Biolinguistics\n\n\nEmbick also introduce the \"Ontological Incommensurability Problem\", where computational processes described in linguistic theory cannot be restored to neural computational processes. Poeppel suggests that neurolinguistic research should try to have theories of how the brain encodes linguistic information and what could be cognitively realistic computation. A more positive critique comes from the side of biosemiotics, claiming that meaning-making begins far before the emergence of human language. Developed by Elizabeth Wates and Brian MacWhinney, the Competition Model views language acquisition as a process consisting of a series of competitive cognitive", "id": "20949624" }, { "contents": "USB adapter\n\n\ndata signals to the serial output. For the computer to be able to detect and process the data signals drivers must be installed on the computer. Some chip models have drivers installed by default, including FTDI, while drivers for other chip models must be manually installed (e.g. for Windows and MacOS, WCH CH340 , Silicon Labs 210x. When the USB to serial adapter is connected to the computer via the USB port the drivers on the computer creates a virtual COM port which shows up in Device Manager on Windows, and under", "id": "5163359" }, { "contents": "Cognitive musicology\n\n\nare often included in research, such as neural networks and evolutionary programs. This field seeks to model how musical knowledge is represented, stored, perceived, performed, and generated. By using a well-structured computer environment, the systematic structures of these cognitive phenomena can be investigated. Even while enjoying the simplest of melodies there are multiple brain processes that are synchronizing to comprehend what is going on. After the stimulus enters and undergoes the processes of the ear, it enters the auditory cortex, part of the temporal lobe,", "id": "7085403" }, { "contents": "Integrated circuit design\n\n\narea active devices than digital designs and are usually less dense in circuitry. Modern ICs are enormously complicated. An average desktop computer chip, as of 2015, has over 1 billion transistors. The rules for what can and cannot be manufactured are also extremely complex. Common IC processes of 2015 have more than 500 rules. Furthermore, since the manufacturing process itself is not completely predictable, designers must account for its statistical nature. The complexity of modern IC design, as well as market pressure to produce designs rapidly, has", "id": "11247575" }, { "contents": "Cognitive computing\n\n\ngetting employed anymore would be getting poorer. Competition: This new technology would become a standard when it comes to remaining competitive. Those who are late to use Cognitive Computing would decline exponentially due to the technology to make the best decisions being overwhelmingly powerful. Big Data offers the chance of creating working models of algorithms that can comprehend what a customer wants, needs, and are also prominent in the ability to make decisions. Management: The more industries start to utilize the power of Cognitive Computing, the more difficult it will be", "id": "18070678" }, { "contents": "Computability theory\n\n\nthere is a Turing machine that, given a number \"n\", halts with output 1 if \"n\" is in the set and halts with output 0 if \"n\" is not in the set. A function \"f\" from the natural numbers to themselves is a \"recursive\" or \"(Turing) computable function\" if there is a Turing machine that, on input \"n\", halts and returns output \"f\"(\"n\"). The use of Turing machines here is not necessary; there are", "id": "20640944" }, { "contents": "Photovoltaic system\n\n\n. PV modules are mainly made of PV cells, which has no fundamental difference to the material for making computer chips. The process of producing PV cells (computer chips) is energy intensive and involves highly poisonous and environmental toxic chemicals. There are few PV manufacturing plants around the world producing PV modules with energy produced from PV. This measure greatly reduces the carbon footprint during the manufacturing process. Managing the chemicals used in the manufacturing process is subject to the factories' local laws and regulations. With the increasing levels of rooftop", "id": "19282938" }, { "contents": "Jackson structured programming\n\n\nstructures programs in terms of four component types: The method begins by describing a program's inputs in terms of the four fundamental component types. It then goes on to describe the program's outputs in the same way. Each input and output is modelled as a separate Data Structure Diagram (DSD). To make JSP work for compute-intensive applications, such as digital signal processing (DSP) it is also necessary to draw algorithm structure diagrams, which focus on internal data structures rather than input and output ones. The", "id": "20868586" }, { "contents": "Feature detection (computer vision)\n\n\nIn computer vision and image processing feature detection includes methods for computing abstractions of image information and making local decisions at every image point whether there is an image feature of a given type at that point or not. The resulting features will be subsets of the image domain, often in the form of isolated points, continuous curves or connected regions. There is no universal or exact definition of what constitutes a feature, and the exact definition often depends on the problem or the type of application. Given that, a feature is defined", "id": "9341121" }, { "contents": "VIDC20\n\n\nThe VIDC20 was a video display controller chip created as an accompanying chip to the ARM CPU as used in RiscPC computer systems. A simpler version of the VIDC20, the VIDC1, was used in the earlier Acorn Archimedes computers. A VIDC20 chip controls both the computer's video and sound. The data is read from the 64-bit ARM data bus using DMA control and then processed and converted into the necessary analogue signals to drive the video output displays and sound system. The VIDC20 can handle many more display and sound formats than the", "id": "2605551" }, { "contents": "Speech perception\n\n\npresented with this speech, the sinewave speech is interpreted as random noises. But when the subjects are informed that the stimuli actually is speech and are told what is being said, \"a distinctive, nearly immediate shift occurs\" to how the sinewave speech is perceived. Computational modeling has also been used to simulate how speech may be processed by the brain to produce behaviors that are observed. Computer models have been used to address several questions in speech perception, including how the sound signal itself is processed to extract the acoustic cues", "id": "10362103" }, { "contents": "Computing with Memory\n\n\ninside a computing element. It uses dense two-dimensional memory arrays to store large multiple-input multiple-output LUTs. Computing with Memory differs from Computing in Memory or processor-in-memory (PIM) concepts, widely investigated in the context of integrating a processor and memory on the same chip to reduce memory latency and increase bandwidth. These architectures seek to reduce the distance the data travels between the processor and the memory. The Berkeley IRAM project is one notable contribution in the area of PIM architectures. Computing with", "id": "17263429" }, { "contents": "Computer\n\n\nterm \"hardware\" covers all of those parts of a computer that are tangible physical objects. Circuits, computer chips, graphic cards, sound cards, memory (RAM), motherboard, displays, power supplies, cables, keyboards, printers and \"mice\" input devices are all hardware. A general purpose computer has four main components: the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), the control unit, the memory, and the input and output devices (collectively termed I/O). These parts are interconnected by buses", "id": "16020574" }, { "contents": "Gaming computer\n\n\nWhen building a custom built gaming PC, builders usually turn to independent benchmarks to help make their hardware selection. Organizations such as AnandTech and Tom's Hardware Guide provide such benchmarks and hardware reviews. The benchmarks include ratings for PC components that are necessary to build a gaming PC. It is also crucial to consider computer cooling, as this is required to remove the waste heat produced by gaming computer components. A graphics card, or GPU, is essential to any gaming PC, and connects to a motherboard using the Peripheral Component", "id": "4205842" }, { "contents": "Interactive computation\n\n\nIn computer science, interactive computation is a mathematical model for computation that involves input/output communication with the external world \"during\" computation. This is in contrast to the traditional understanding of computation which assumes reading input only before computation and writing output only after computation, thus defining a kind of \"closed\" computation. The Church-Turing thesis attempts to define computation and computability in terms of Turing machines. Because the Turing machine model only provides an answer to the question of what computability of \"functions\" means, but", "id": "6027117" }, { "contents": "Job control (computing)\n\n\nperipheral device completed an essential operation such as reading or writing data; in modern terms, programs were I/O-bound, not compute-bound. Buffering only provided a partial solution; eventually an output buffer would occupy all available memory or an input buffer would be emptied by the program, and the system would be forced to wait for a relatively slow device to complete an operation. A more general solution is multitasking. More than one running program, or process, is present in the computer at any given time", "id": "10903179" }, { "contents": "Turing completeness\n\n\nsimple instructions, which, when put together, are able to produce any computation. The work of Gödel showed that the notion of computation is essentially unique. In 1941 Konrad Zuse completed the Z3 (computer), the first working Turing-complete machine; this was the first digital computer in the modern sense. Computability theory characterizes problems as having, or not having, computational solutions. The first result of computability theory is that there exist problems for which it is impossible to predict what a (Turing-complete) system", "id": "11863583" }, { "contents": "Outline of software\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to software: Software – collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. Software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. In other words, software is a set of \"programs, procedures, algorithms\" and its \"documentation\" concerned with the operation of a data processing system. The term was coined to contrast to", "id": "337264" }, { "contents": "Victor Yngve\n\n\nVictor H. Yngve (July 5, 1920 – January 15, 2012) was professor emeritus of linguistics at the University of Chicago. He was one of the earliest researchers in computational linguistics and natural language processing, the use of computers to analyze and process languages. He created the first program to produce random but well-formed output sentences, given a text, a children's book called \"Engineer Small and the Little Train\". Most importantly, he showed in computer processing terms why the human brain can only process sentences", "id": "12150039" }, { "contents": "Motion Tracking using Java\n\n\nMotion Tracking using Java is the process of locating a moving object (or several ones) in time. An algorithm analyses the video frames and outputs the location of moving targets within the video frame. It’s a relatively easy thing for computers to “see” video, but “computer vision” goes a step further, applying a wide range of techniques by which computers can begin to understand and process the content of a video input. These techniques tend toward the primitive, but they can also produce aesthetically beautiful results.", "id": "5187465" }, { "contents": "Newbear 77-68\n\n\nComputer World magazine in February 1978. The Newbear 77-68 was both a home computer and a homebuilt computer, since it was designed to not only be used at home (hence a home computer), but also be assembled at home by its owner (hence a homebuilt computer). The basic 77-68 comprised an 8-inch square printed circuit board accommodating the microprocessor, Static RAM of 256 8 bit words and the bare essentials in terms of input/output and timing logic to make a working computer. The processor", "id": "14729062" }, { "contents": "Computational complexity theory\n\n\nproblems. For a precise definition of what it means to solve a problem using a given amount of time and space, a computational model such as the deterministic Turing machine is used. The \"time required\" by a deterministic Turing machine \"M\" on input \"x\" is the total number of state transitions, or steps, the machine makes before it halts and outputs the answer (\"yes\" or \"no\"). A Turing machine \"M\" is said to operate within time \"f\"(\"n\")", "id": "7744752" }, { "contents": "Computer Automation\n\n\nof input/output and process control, relay cards, dual teletype cards, etc. In 1973 the LSI-1 was announced, a single board low-cost 16-bit computer. To achieve the ambitious goals, the company ventured into development of full-custom LSI chips: a 4-bit slice arithmetic logic unit and 3-chip control unit. The control unit was based on programmable logic arrays (PLA). The control unit PLA transformed the machine instructions and events into series of microinstructions to operate the ALU and related functions. The concept was", "id": "6244446" }, { "contents": "Nanocircuitry\n\n\nelectric current. Arguably the biggest potential application of nanocircuits deals with computers and electronics. Scientists and engineers are always looking to make computers faster. Some think in the nearer term, we could see hybrids of micro- and nano-: silicon with a nano core—perhaps a high-density computer memory that retains its contents forever. Unlike conventional circuit design, which proceeds from blueprint to photographic pattern to chip, nanocircuit design will probably begin with the chip—a haphazard jumble of as many as 1024 components and wires, not all", "id": "17219115" } ]
Sharks, crocodiles etc. When they eat in the water their prey, where does all the water goes when they swallow? Do they somehow filter meat from water or do they just swallow it all?
[{"answer": "I feel like the question was \"Does it gulp a lot of water into it's stomach along with the food and does the water stay there or does it somehow get pushed out. And the reason this is an interesting question would be, does gulping large quantities of water mean that the shark is always ingesting way more water than food? And does that affect how it has to eat."}, {"answer": "It goes into the blood and is dispersed to the cells like anything else, then excreted as needed. The wastes are filtered and excreted as well.... Yup. Same as what happens when you drink anything."}, {"answer": "Dunno about sharks but crocs actually have a false palette at the back of their throat to prevent swallowing water when gripping things underwater. They will certainly tear out chunks underwater but they will only consume the meat above water by tilting their heads back to swallow the chunks they tore off. Whatever water is swallowed using *this* method is not a big deal for the crocs."}, {"answer": "Sharks differ from bony fish in the way they handle saltwater. Most fish have to drink large amounts of water to make up for what they lose to the salinity of the ocean. Bony fish drink a lot and their kidneys are powerhouses that remove the excess salt. Sharks instead generate a lot of urea throughout their body which counterbalances the salt in the ocean water. The urea (and other chemicals) make their tissues nearly as salty as the ocean. They also excrete salt using a gland in their rectum - a similar gland appears in birds and some reptiles around their eyes, nostril or mouth."}, {"answer": "Crocodiles can't eat underwater. In fact if one grabs you and pulls you under your best bet is to put your arm in its mouth and try to force open the flap at the back of its throat. If it doesn't let you go it will drown."}, {"answer": "As others have said, crocodiles have a false palate to avoid too much water in, but they still swallow amounts of water (they don't wait for the food or even their mouth to drain before swallowing). Think of when you eat meat in broth or soup. As for sharks and if they would ask if humans eat air, it's actually true. We ingest air which is why we burp, especially when eating fast (it's not all stomach gases like cows and methane). Moms have to make babies burp because they ingest air, and if people want to force a burp, you need to swallow air. In fact we also get water from food. It depends on the food content because some food needs water to be digested, but there are some desert rodents that get all their water from the food they eat (seeds, insects etc). The point is that food and water consumption are not separate. ~~There~~ The body doesn't go into \"food mode\" then \"water mode\", but our digestive systems separate them. Edit1: There/The Edit2: To clarify about 'water burps', that was to explain the comments about 'eating air' in humans. Adding much more detail, trying to keep it Eli5: Crocodiles, as humans, could get water into their lungs when eating. Humans avoid this when swallowing, when our tongue and other muscles close the way to the thrachea (airway) while letting food and water into the oesophagus (let's say 'foodway'), but we can still breathe while chewing. Crocodiles, as OP asked, need to bite underwater which would mean water getting into their lungs. That's why they have the palatal valve, like a trapdoor, but it actually closes both airway and foodway. This helps while biting (they don't chew, they break off chunks small enough to swallow), but they need to get out of the water to open the palatal valve and swallow. Bonus fact, they have a special tube from the nostrils to the airway, letting them breathe even with the palatal valve closed, like a snorkel. They can close their nostrils when swimming. Sharks of course don't breathe air, and they don't have lungs. They get oxygen by getting water though their mouth (and spiracle, a hole behind the eyes) and filtering the oxygen then throwing water out through the gills. They actually need water getting into their mouth to survive and many species need to move to help this. When they eat they just take water in as usual, and some goes to their stomach, becoming part of what they digest and then expel. Like others said, [urea in sharks keeps water concentration in their body balances with the sea water so they don't need to 'drink' as other fish do]( URL_0 ). If we keep talking about water burps then these would be when they expel water through their gills, although sharks can vomit and even turn their stomach inside out to clear it (you can search shark stomach eversion)."}, {"answer": "There is a great BBC series 'Inside nature's giants', look for the episodes abt the great white shark and the crocodile, you won't regret it. The whole series is fabulos. They open up those species and show and explain like everything, how do they breathe, eat, move, everything. Highly recommended!"}, {"answer": "Water that rushes into the mouth of gilled animals is pushed out of their gills. The water entering the mouth during feeding gets pushed out the gills, and any that is swallowed is processed by the body the same way it is when you drink water. They've got special glands in their digestive system to get rid of the excess salt. Edit: a few words, more detail"}, {"answer": "\"Once an alligator captures something, it will hold it in its mouth and drag it underwater to drown it. It must then get back above water to swallow it -- otherwise, the alligator's stomach and lungs would fill with water. Using its incredibly powerful jaws (which are able to exert up to 2,000 PSI), an alligator will break bones or crush shells (in the case of turtles) to create a chunk of flesh that can fit down its throat. Then it will raise its head, open the palatal valve and swallow the piece whole. An alligator can digest anything it swallows -- muscle, bone, cartilage, etc. are all digested completely.\" So just like mammals can't inhale a bunch of water without drowning, neither can gators. They keep they're throat closed while underwater and come up to swallow their prey without getting a mouthful of water. As far as Sharks and predatory fish, I'm assuming they swallow water all the time. Here's the [link]( URL_0 ) where I found this info if you would like to read more about gators!"}, {"answer": "This is a very great question! You have been getting a lot of information on sharks and other fish. This is all good information about how fish evolved to live in an environment entirely of water. So I am going to answer your other question related to crocodiles, caimans, alligators and others in Crocodilia group. Unlike sharks, crocodiles need both land and water in order to survive. This creates a dilemma for these species, as they had to specialize for two completely different environments. So all members in the Crocodilia group have developed biological methods to make sure the creature doesnt intake too much water. One evolutionary system they have is what is called a palatal valve. It is a large flap in the back of their throat that opens and closes when they need to. This prevents water from rushing into their lungs when they open their mouths underwater. It also helps when they are hunting and dragging prey underwater. (Or eating the prey they dragged into the water!) Source: Im about to graduate with my Bachelors in wildlife biology I am linking a picture of the palatal valve in the throat of one of these creatures. Hope that helps! (NSFW) URL_0 :"}, {"answer": "Not 100% sure about crocodiles (think they often surface to swallow big chunks) but fish just swallow it. In order to maintain the correct salt balance in their bodies fresh water fish actually constantly \"pee\", but their urine is highly diluted and pretty much just water. Their blood is more salty than the surrounding water so their kidneys retain most of the salt and rapidly pass as much water as possible. Salt water fish have the opposite problem, their blood is less salty than the water so they loose water though osmosis, their kidneys work hard to filter out excess salt from ingested water, but retain as much water in their tissue as possible, so they produce very little urine and it's mostly concentrated salt."}, {"answer": "Another ELI5 could have been \"how do sharks manage to live drinking salty water?\", same answer, they dont \"drink\" as such as their bodies exchange water due to the fact they are totally immersed in it. A tiny bit like why you go all wrinkly if you stay too long in the bath."}, {"answer": "Most of the others answered this well, but consider this as a super ELI5 for fish. They live in the water and most breathe it. Where does all the air go when you swallow food? Definitely nota scientific answer but an easier way to compare apples to oranges"}, {"answer": "I feel like asking another question to give you a different perspective. When we eat something, what happens to the air? Do we swallow it? Remember that even outside of water, we're still living inside a fluid."}, {"answer": "It might help to think of your food sitting in a giant pool of air. How do you eat without consuming vast quantities of air? As you reduce the volume of your mouth by clenching your jaw, you hold the food with your teeth or tongue or even just gravity while your throat is closed. Your mouth stays open and the fluid (air for you and water for sharks etc) leaves via your mouth and then, once most of the fluid is out of your mouth, you open your throat and swallow."}, {"answer": "You know how sometimes you get air in your stomach? Then you burp, because you live in air. Things that live in water can burp water!"}, {"answer": "I'm gonna have to drink large amounts of air as well?"}, {"answer": "Hi! I'm a Marine Bio student and I think I can answer the part of your question pertaining to sharks. Sharks can regulate their internal salt content through what's called a rectal gland. Essentially they process the salt to keep their bodies at a Hyposmotic state, so that way Water can diffuse through their skin and into their systems. The rectal gland essentially let's them excrete any of the salt they do not need to maintain the osmoregularity. Their a bunch of extra complicated stuff involving urea in their tissues, but I'll avoid that for my above answer. TL;DR: They do swallow some of the salt water, they are just able to process the salt out of their body"}, {"answer": "The piece on sharks by the top poster is accurate, crocodiles are much different. Crocodiles have a filter called an endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum helps to divert impurities out of the water, and the water that is taken in when they are eating prey does go to their stomach. The fatty cells digest the water and it is pushed out through the endoplasmic reticulum keeping the gator from becoming waterlogged. I would know as I am married to a crocodile."}, {"answer": "I'm not sure about crocodiles, but sharks filter water out when they are eating. They take a bite and any water they take in flows out though their gills. They can sometimes swallow some water, yes, and they also can expel food out of their gills by accident sometimes. I work as an aquarist with sharks and have seen a squid stuck in a sharks gills because of this."}, {"answer": "I know baleen whales, such as the humpback and Blue whale, filter feed. They take in large amounts of water making them twice as heavy in that state. The whale then pushes it's tongue up to force the water through the baleen acting as filters letting the water out but keeping the prey, such as krill, in allowing it to swallow. I hope that helps."}, {"answer": "I can't speak about sharks, but crocs have a valve (called the palatal valve) that closes off their throat when underwater. They keep their heads above water when they eat, tilting their heads back in a series of snaps to maneuver the food down their throat without swallowing water. Source: [Here]( URL_0 ) and I watch a lot of nature shows!"}, {"answer": "I like how every single person has said something about the way it was written instead of answering the question. To answer the question. I'm pretty sure that's why fish have gills, not only to breath but to release the excess water. Why do u think whales and dolphins have blow holes...."}, {"answer": "A crocodile has a valve in its mouth that allows it to opens its mouth in the water by shutting of its throat so water wont come in. I hope this helps a bit. Crocodiles also dont eat under water"}, {"answer": "In the case of sharks/fish the excess water is evacuated via the gills. This functions sort of like a net in that the water passes out while the solids are diverted to the stomach."}, {"answer": "Wait, do fish and reptiles in water always have water in their mouth or when they close theirs mouths does the water get pushed out?"}, {"answer": "I always thought some of the water can be expelled through the gills. Is this not a thing?"}, {"answer": "Think about this - when humans eat, where does all the air go when we swallow?"}, {"answer": "Where does all the air go when you eat?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "22555935", "title": "Violet goby", "section": "Section::::Habitat and feeding.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Violet gobies usually inhabit brackish swamps, streams, and estuaries with a muddy substrate. Violet gobies have very small eyes, and as such are primarily scavengers. Their key method of obtaining food is by scooping up mouthfuls of gravel and sorting edible material from the substrate, and then spitting out the substrate and swallowing the food particles. They also use their highly specialized teeth to scrape algae off of rocks. Its commercial trade name is \"dragon goby\" or \"dragon fish\". It is often sold as a \"highly aggressive\" fish,\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Violet gobies usually inhabit brackish swamps, streams, and estuaries with a muddy substrate. Violet gobies have very small eyes, and as such are primarily scavengers. Their key method of obtaining food is by scooping up mouthfuls of gravel and sorting edible material from the substrate, and then spitting out the substrate and swallowing the food particles. They also use their highly specialized teeth to scrape algae off of rocks. Its commercial trade name is \"dragon goby\" or \"dragon fish\". It is often sold as a \"highly aggressive\" fish,"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Saltwater crocodile\n\n\nand tightly grip prey, but not to shear flesh. Small prey are simply swallowed whole, while larger animals are forcibly dragged into deep water and drowned or crushed. Large prey is then torn into manageable pieces by \"death rolling\" (the spinning of the crocodile to twist off hunks of meat) or by sudden jerks of the head. Occasionally, food items will be stored for later consumption once a crocodile eats its fill, although this can lead to scavenging by interlopers such as monitor lizards. Saltwater crocodiles have the", "id": "11594773" }, { "contents": "Nile crocodile\n\n\n, but to sink deep into it and hold on to the prey item. The immense bite force, which may be as high as in large adults, ensures that the prey item cannot escape through the grip. Much prey taken is much smaller than the crocodile itself and such prey can be overpowered and swallowed with ease. When it comes to larger prey, success depends on the crocodile's body power and weight to pull the prey item back into the water, where it is either drowned or killed by sudden thrashes", "id": "9454963" }, { "contents": "Pinniped\n\n\nof penguins, is known to violently swing its prey back and forth until it is dead. The elaborately cusped teeth of filter-feeding species, such as crabeater seals, allow them to remove water before they swallow their planktonic food. The walrus is unique in that it consumes its prey by suction feeding, using its tongue to suck the meat of a bivalve out of the shell. While pinnipeds mostly hunt in the water, South American sea lions are known to chase down penguins on land. Some species may swallow stones", "id": "14853328" }, { "contents": "Loon\n\n\nnoted to feed on crayfish, frogs, snails, salamanders and leeches. They prefer clear lakes because they can more easily see their prey through the water. The loon uses its pointy bill to stab or grasp prey. They eat vertebrate prey headfirst to facilitate swallowing, and swallow all their prey whole. To help digestion, loons swallow small pebbles from the bottoms of lakes. Similar to grit eaten by chickens, these gastroliths may assist the loon's gizzard in crushing the hard parts of the loon's food such as the", "id": "18909616" }, { "contents": "Whale\n\n\nand the grey whale which feed on bottom-dwelling invertebrates. The elaborate baleen \"teeth\" of filter-feeding species, mysticetes, allow them to remove water before they swallow their planktonic food by using the teeth as a sieve. Usually whales hunt solitarily, but they do sometimes hunt cooperatively in small groups. The former behaviour is typical when hunting non-schooling fish, slow-moving or immobile invertebrates or endothermic prey. When large amounts of prey are available, whales such as certain mysticetes hunt cooperatively in small groups", "id": "14933899" }, { "contents": "American crocodile\n\n\ntypical way for most crocodilian, ambushing terrestrial prey when it comes to edge of the water or is sitting in shallows and dragging it down to be drowned or attempting to ambush aquatic prey from near the surface of the water. Adult American crocodiles have no natural predators. They are known predators of lemon sharks, and sharks avoid areas with American crocodiles. Nonetheless, a single recorded fatality was reported for a small adult American crocodile when a great white shark killed the American crocodile as it was swimming out at sea. Usually American", "id": "12063451" }, { "contents": "Pterois\n\n\ngravity to better attack prey. The lionfish then spreads its large pectoral fins and swallows its prey in a single motion. They blow jets of water while approaching prey, apparently to disorient them. In addition to confusing prey, these jets of water also alter the orientation of the prey so that the smaller fish is facing the lionfish. This results in a higher degree of predatory efficiency as head-first capture is easier for the lionfish. (In general, when smaller fishes escape from possible danger, they do so against", "id": "18943088" }, { "contents": "Aquatic mammal\n\n\n. Habitat degradation also threatens marine mammals and their ability to find and catch food. Noise pollution, for example, may adversely affect echolocating mammals, and the ongoing effects of global warming degrades arctic environments. Mammals evolved on land, so all aquatic and semiaquatic mammals have brought many terrestrial adaptations into the waters. They do not breathe underwater as fish do, so their respiratory systems had to protect the body from the surrounding water; valvular nostrils and an intranarial larynx exclude water while breathing and swallowing. To navigate and detect prey", "id": "17690221" }, { "contents": "Hamerkop\n\n\nit, or if available, taken to clearer water to do so. The species also feeds while in flight. A bird flies slowly low over the water with legs dangling and head looking down, then dipping feet down and hovering momentarily when prey is sighted. The prey is then snatched with the bill and swallowed in flight. This method of hunting can be very successful, with one birds catching prey on 27 of 33 attempts during one 45-minute session. It is also opportunistic, and feeds on swarming termites when they conduct", "id": "21887061" }, { "contents": "Digestive system of humpback whales\n\n\n. Ventral grooves are expandable concave furrows that line a whale's throat and have the peculiarity of stretching like an accordion. They allow whales to open their mandible to 90 degrees to gulp water and prey. They expel saltwater through the baleen plates, leaving behind krill and plankton. The whale's tongue plays a vital role in filter feeding, as it is used to push the water out of its mouth while keeping the prey trapped in its baleen bristles. As humpback whales do not have teeth, their food is swallowed whole", "id": "21145328" }, { "contents": "Orthosuchus\n\n\nearflaps, which prevent water inflow to the otic recess when this animal is in water. Modern crocodiles also have earflaps to decreasing water entry. The shape of the skull, especially the snout, is similar to an Indian gharial, \"Gavialis gangeticus\", who prey on small fish. It is possible that \"Orthosuchus\" has the same predation, by slowly move toward schools of small fish and swallow from the side. The aquatic environment provides plenty of food for the animal, besides small fish, the animal could also", "id": "4487181" }, { "contents": "Earless monitor lizard\n\n\nmussels, but refuse to take bird eggs and legs of frog. In captivity adults typically eat once or twice per week, but sometimes enter longer periods where they do not feed. Unusually for a lizard, they can swallow prey while submerged underwater. They appear to be able to do this by draining water from their nostrils, similar to turtles. Like their closest relatives, they are oviparous, although little is known about their reproduction. Based on captive observations a pair will mate repeatedly over a period of a few months", "id": "15402791" }, { "contents": "Freshwater crocodile\n\n\nusually obtained by a ‘sit-and-wait’ method, whereby the crocodile lies motionless in shallow water and waits for fish and insects to come within close range, before they are snapped up in a sideways action. However, larger prey like wallabies and water birds may be stalked and ambushed in a manner similar to that of the saltwater crocodile. The crocodiles have teeth that have adapted for capturing and holding prey, and food is swallowed without chewing. The digestive tract is short, as their food it is a", "id": "15690749" }, { "contents": "Mashetani\n\n\nyou cross the seven seas – there’s a big fish. If this fish takes a breath, all the water’s gone – all the water goes in his mouth. From where he is, he can suck in any boat he wants and swallow it. The boat will just be pulled along by the current of the water – if it wants to or if it doesn’t. And this fish isn’t a fish but a devil.\" A boat was previously mentioned on page 26 as well, \"Okay,", "id": "9162502" }, { "contents": "Welcome swallow\n\n\neven with fledglings within the nest. Welcome swallows do show a habit of drinking water while flying, they do this by scooping water within their bills from lake and pond surfaces. This is because welcome swallows need to drink water frequently, which allows it to catch insects in the water as well. Welcome swallows also can cooperate with other birds or companions to drive the insects together. It can remember the insects’ activity routines to make its foraging be more efficient. The hawk, snake, mink and wild cat are the", "id": "15643028" }, { "contents": "Ciona savignyi\n\n\nwith native organisms. \"Ciona savignyi\" is a filter feeder. The water drawn in through the buccal siphon passes through a mucus net where planktonic particles are caught. Periodically, this is rolled up and swallowed and a new net is secreted. The water is expelled through the atrial siphon. Like other tunicates, \"Ciona savignyi\" is a hermaphrodite. The male and female gonads do not ripen simultaneously so it does not normally self-fertilise. Gametes are released into the sea and after fertilisation, the eggs hatch into", "id": "12383793" }, { "contents": "River cooter\n\n\n, plant or animal, dead or alive. Diet seems to be determined by available food items. While some writers feel that this species of turtle will not eat meat, predatory behavior has been observed. Although it can't swallow out of water, it will leave the water to retrieve a tasty bug or worm, returning to the water to swallow. It will also enthusiastically chase, kill and eat small fish. It has also been observed eating carrion found along the river's edge. The river cooter has tooth-", "id": "10723370" }, { "contents": "Triclosan\n\n\nmouthwash or doing dishes, and through ingestion when swallowed. When triclosan is released into the environment, additional exposure to the chemical is possible through ingesting plants grown in soil treated with sewage sludge, or eating fish exposed to it. An article from the American Society of Agronomy refers to a study done by Monica Mendez \"et al.\", in which the researchers irrigated plants with water contaminated with triclosan and months later found it in all edible parts of tomato and onion plants. Triclosan is found to kill a wide spectrum", "id": "1623949" }, { "contents": "Green anaconda\n\n\nnasal openings are on top of their heads, allowing them to lie in wait for prey while remaining nearly completely submerged. The primarily nocturnal anaconda species tend to spend most of its life in or around water. They have the potential to reach high speeds when swimming. They tend to float beneath the surface of the water with their snouts above the surface. When prey passes by or stops to drink, the anaconda strikes (without eating or swallowing it) and coils around it with its body. The snake then constricts until", "id": "15136750" }, { "contents": "Grey heron\n\n\nbeside the water, waiting for prey to come within striking distance. Alternatively, it moves slowly and stealthily through the water with its body less upright than when at rest and its neck curved in an \"S\". It is able to straighten its neck and strike with its bill very fast. Small fish are swallowed head first, and larger prey and eels are carried to the shore where they are subdued by being beaten on the ground or stabbed by the bill. They are then swallowed, or have hunks of flesh", "id": "9557527" }, { "contents": "Black-striped pipefish\n\n\n. As the pipefish does not chew its food, the prey needs to be small enough to fit in the mouth and be swallowed whole. The long pipe-like mouth of the pipefish is used as a sucking tool when it eats. The pipefish wraps its tail around sea grass, using it as an anchor. It patiently waits until its prey swims close, and then sucks it up, puffing out its cheeks in the process. The tube is dilated which creates a small, strong current in the water near the", "id": "14472608" }, { "contents": "Mangrove swallow\n\n\nto the nest when hunting for its chicks, but will go much further when foraging for itself. In between foraging attempts, it is frequently seen perching near water. It is an aerial insectivore and eats unusually large prey for its size. With an estimated population of at least 500,000 individuals, the mangrove swallow is classified as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Its numbers are decreasing, although not fast enough for it to be classified as vulnerable. Little is known about", "id": "19111161" }, { "contents": "Amphibian\n\n\nare laid on the forest floor and when they hatch, the tadpoles are carried one by one on the back of an adult to a suitable water-filled crevice such as the axil of a leaf or the rosette of a bromeliad. The female visits the nursery sites regularly and deposits unfertilised eggs in the water and these are consumed by the tadpoles. With a few exceptions, adult amphibians are predators, feeding on virtually anything that moves that they can swallow. The diet mostly consists of small prey that do not move too", "id": "28337" }, { "contents": "Asian water monitor\n\n\nmonitors defend themselves using their tails, claws, and jaws. They are excellent swimmers, using the raised fin on their tails to steer through water. They are carnivores, and consume a wide range of prey. They are known to eat fish, frogs, rodents, birds, crabs, and snakes. They have also been known to eat turtles, as well as young crocodiles and crocodile eggs. Water monitors have been observed eating catfish in a fashion similar to a mammalian carnivore, tearing off chunks of meat with their", "id": "18927348" }, { "contents": "Port Jackson shark\n\n\nhave more pointed teeth and feed on a higher proportion of soft-bodied prey than adults. They can feed by sucking in water and sand from the bottom, blowing the sand out of the gill slits, and retaining the food, which is swallowed. The shark has no major importance to humans. It is not an endangered species and is not used as a common food supply. It is, however, useful when scientists are hoping to study bottom-dwelling sharks and can be vulnerable to being caught as bycatch.", "id": "18503512" }, { "contents": "Tinamou\n\n\nperiod without water by eating more succulent plants. However, species that live in arid or semi-arid climates rarely need any water additional to that ingested with their diet. When tinamous drink, unlike most other birds, they do so by sucking and swallowing, instead of lifting their heads and letting gravity do the work. Tinamous are avid bathers. During heavy rain they may stand erect with their bill pointing skyward allowing the rain to wash over them. They will dust-bathe at regular intervals, and have been known", "id": "282690" }, { "contents": "Pabuji\n\n\ndisembowelled, and died. Pabuji and his remaining men now returned the cattle to Deval, but she kept making objections: first she said her favourite bull-calf was missing—but it was discovered inside Dhebo's opium-box, where he had put it as a joke; then she complained that her cattle were thirsty and told Pabuji to water them—but when he tried to do so he found that all the water in the well had been swallowed on Deval's instructions by a genie named Susiyo Pir. He", "id": "213306" }, { "contents": "Thresher shark\n\n\nand space according to sex. Some species however do occasionally hunt in a group of two or three contrary to their solitary nature. All species are noted for their highly migratory or oceanodromous habits. When hunting schooling fish, thresher sharks are known to \"slap\" the water, herding and stunning prey. The elongated tail is used to swat smaller fish, stunning them before feeding. Thresher sharks are one of the few shark species known to jump fully out of the water, making turns like dolphins; this behavior is called", "id": "9133051" }, { "contents": "Milky stork\n\n\nHowever, as in other \"Mycteria\", the milky stork locates and captures prey predominantly by sense of touch, usually by bill groping or direct bill probing. Because food location is primarily tactile, foraging is most efficient at high prey concentrations. The groping method consists of walking slowly through shallow water with the partially open bill submerged about three quarters in the water. The stork rapidly shuts its mandibles when a prey item touches the groping till, raises its head and quickly swallows the item whole after some tossing. After swallowing", "id": "18274809" }, { "contents": "Pythonidae\n\n\nhas been known to eat antelope. In 2017, there was a recorded case of a human devoured by a python in Sulawesi, Indonesia. All prey is swallowed whole, and may take several days or even weeks to fully digest. Contrary to popular belief, even the larger species, such as the reticulated python, \"P. reticulatus\", do not crush their prey to death; in fact, prey is not even noticeably deformed before it is swallowed. The speed with which the coils are applied is impressive and the", "id": "3722687" }, { "contents": "Two Treatises of Government\n\n\napple is surely his when he swallows it, when he chews it, when he bites into it, when he brings it to his mouth, etc.: it became his as soon as he mixed his labour with it (by picking it from the tree). This does not yet say \"why\" an individual is allowed to take from the common store of nature. There is a necessity to do so to eat, but this does not yet establish why others must respect one's property, especially as they", "id": "704868" }, { "contents": "Anhinga\n\n\npursue their prey, fish, under water and spear their prey by rapidly stretching out their neck. They come up to handle and swallow fish. Unlike ducks, ospreys and pelicans which coat their feathers with oil from their uropygial gland, the anhinga does not have waterproof feathers. Their feathers get soaked upon immersion in water. Therefore, they cannot stay floating on water for long periods of time. Their dense bones, wetted plumage and neutral buoyancy in water, allows them to fully submerge and search for underwater prey.", "id": "14347679" }, { "contents": "Jabiru\n\n\nand thus help maintain the quality of isolated bodies of water. They feed in flocks and usually forage by wading in shallow water. Jabirus detect prey more through tactile sensation than vision. They feed by holding their open bill at a 45 degree angle to the water. When prey is contacted, the storks close their bill, draw it out of the water, and throw their head back to swallow. It is an opportunistic feeder. In one instance when house mice experienced a population explosion in an agricultural area, several hundred", "id": "19283717" }, { "contents": "Whale shark\n\n\nsperm. Whale sharks are known to prey on a range of planktonic and small nektonic organisms that are spatiotemporally patchy. These include krill, crab larvae, jellyfish, sardines, anchovies, mackerels, small tunas, and squid. In ram filter feeding, the fish swims forward at constant speed with its mouth fully open, straining prey particles from the water by forward propulsion. This is also called ‘passive feeding’, which usually occurs when prey is present at low density. Despite its size, the whale shark does not", "id": "3079126" }, { "contents": "Bowhead whale\n\n\nof overlapping baleen plates consisting of keratin hanging from each side of the upper jaw. The mouth has a large upturning lip on the lower jaw that helps to reinforce and hold the baleen plates within the mouth. This also prevents buckling or breakage of the plates from the pressure of the water passing through them as the whale advances. To feed, water is filtered through the fine hairs of keratin of the baleen plates, trapping the prey inside near the tongue where it is then swallowed. The diet consists of mostly zooplankton which", "id": "17180061" }, { "contents": "Nile crocodile\n\n\ndead hippopotamuses (\"Hippopotamus amphibius\") as a group (sometimes including three or four dozen crocodiles), tolerating each other. In fact, probably much of the food from crocodile stomachs may come from scavenging carrion, and the crocodiles could be viewed as performing a similar function at times as do vultures or hyenas on land. Once their prey is dead, they rip off and swallow chunks of flesh. When groups are sharing a kill, they use each other for leverage, biting down hard and then twisting their bodies", "id": "9454966" }, { "contents": "Shark tooth\n\n\nGreat White shark, which feeds on animals such as sea lions, dolphins, other sharks, and even small whales. The teeth of plankton-feeders, such as the basking shark and whale shark, are greatly reduced and non-functional.[1] These sharks filter feed on prey by opening their mouths to let tiny organisms get sucked into their mouths to feed without using their teeth at all, instead filtering the food when passing water through their gills. As one species evolves into another, its teeth may become difficult to classify", "id": "564478" }, { "contents": "Hadji Ali\n\n\ninadvertently swallowed a fish and an ample volume of water. Instead of dying, as those present thought he might, Ali simply regurgitated the liquid and the fish without ill effect. Ali learned that his regurgitation talents had the potential to entertain and to earn money through performance at the age of fifteen: I tried out my tricks first of all in the street, swallowing many glasses of water and then pouring forth a great fountain from one side of the road to the other ... A cafe proprietor saw me doing this one day", "id": "9619083" }, { "contents": "Common goldfish\n\n\n, To never remove all of the water out of an established tank. Never do a water change over 90%, the remaining 10% of water will help maintain the waters cycle and the remaining good bacteria will soon reestablish in the tank. A good tip is when doing a water changes is not to clean the filters at the same time(filters also hold a good amount of the good stuff as well) wait 2 days after a water change to clean your filters out to keep a healthy constant balance. Common goldfish can", "id": "11189824" }, { "contents": "White-banded swallow\n\n\nare also non-migratory. The white-banded swallow nests in a burrow. It is thought that these swallows dig their own burrows, occasionally digging nests in riverbanks when the water is low, but they most likely also use abandoned burrows. The nest is made of dry grass. They do not use artificial nesting sites. These birds usually breed alone or in small colonies. At dusk, these birds can also be seen to roost in small groups. This swallow has a clutch of four to five white eggs,", "id": "8577654" }, { "contents": "Shark Attack 3\n\n\nyacht, only to be swallowed whole by the shark, as is one of the rafts. Tolley attempts to escape on a jet ski, but he ends up driving straight into the Megalodon's wide open jaw. Chuck then goes into the water and tags the shark. Ben eventually launches the torpedo, which succeeds in destroying the creature. Ben swims to the surface with Chuck and climbs into the raft. They all celebrate their success, elsewhere another Megalodon is shown swimming near a shore hinting there might be more Megalodons.", "id": "18079462" }, { "contents": "Dirawong\n\n\nstorm, the flood, the life-giving water from the sky. Its rain is vital to life, yet water also has a powerfully destructive side that the Aborigine tribes of Australia were all too aware of. It has been theorized that the dozens of stories of humans being swallowed by the Rainbow Serpent, found through Australia are metaphorical accounts of people being swallowed from flood waters or being drowned in lakes or a pool In such cases, it is shown that the Rainbow Snake holds no respect for people, nor does it", "id": "2722159" }, { "contents": "Swallow\n\n\nspecies like the cliff swallow sharing the duties equally and the female doing most of the work in others. Amongst the barn swallows the male of the American subspecies helps (to a small extent) whereas the European subspecies does not. Even in species where the male does not incubate the eggs the male may sit on them when the female is away to reduce heat loss (this is different from incubation as that involves warming the eggs, not just stopping heat loss). Incubation stints last for 5–15 minutes and are followed by", "id": "972146" }, { "contents": "The Bunker Diary\n\n\noff, leaving them in darkness and without water. Now weakened and delirious, Fred is killed when he drinks some bleach, after becoming desperate and ill. Linus and Jenny are left alone. Shortly after, Jenny dies in Linus's arms. He reports that she simply 'goes to sleep and doesn't wake up'. Linus '[skins] dry' and eats Jenny's body, rationalising that it's all just meat. It is then implied that Linus also dies, as he writes that 'it does", "id": "7173143" }, { "contents": "Dikerogammarus villosus\n\n\nhas been found to kill blue-tailed damselfly nymphs, water hoglice, water boatman, fish leeches as well as small fish and the eggs of other vertebrates. Often it only kills prey but does not eat it. It kills its prey by biting it with its large mandibles and then shreds it before eating it. \"D. villosus\" breeds all year round so long as the water temperature is above . When they mate, the female is carried on the ventral side of the male. Each pair produces an average of", "id": "17126806" }, { "contents": "Battle of Campo Grande\n\n\n, a hellishly sun increased the thirst of the Bolivian troops. Four trucks had brought water shortly before the encirclement was completed. The supply was carefully share out to half a litre per day per person. Thirst prevented the soldiers to eat the pieces of meat that was feed them. Their dry throats simply don't allowed them to swallow the food. According to 2nd Lieutenant Benigno Guzmán: Day 15. 17 Hours: they bring some water, the supply to the troops caused us several casualties, because all are desperate.", "id": "1516589" }, { "contents": "Saltwater crocodile\n\n\nfound only sporadically in or next to water so crocodiles seem to search for places where such prey may be concentrated, i.e. the water under a tree holding a flying fox colony or spots where herds of water buffaloes feed, in order to capture small animals disturbed by the buffalo or (if a large adult crocodile is hunting) weaker members of the buffalo herd. Studies have shown that unlike freshwater crocodiles (which can easily die from eating poisonous toads), saltwater crocodiles are partially resistant to cane toad (\"Rhinella marina\"", "id": "11594765" }, { "contents": "Shark Attack 3\n\n\nout cold. Cat goes into the cabin to get her shotgun, but the Megalodon bursts into the boat, trying to eat her. Ben comes to her aid, beating the shark with a bat. Cat grabs her gun and shoots the shark, killing it. Afterwards, Esai arrives on his speedboat, when suddenly, the first shark's mother, a much larger Megalodon, enraged, surfaces and swallows him and his boat whole. The shark then capsizes the boat, and swallows Davis and his friend in one bite", "id": "18079460" }, { "contents": "Crocodile tears\n\n\nCrocodile tears (or superficial sympathy) is a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. The phrase derives from an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey, and as such is present in many modern languages, especially in Europe where it was introduced through Latin. While crocodiles do have tear ducts, they weep to lubricate their eyes, typically when they have been out of water for a long time and their eyes begin to dry out. However, evidence suggests this", "id": "9782053" }, { "contents": "Carpet shark\n\n\n(\"Stegostoma fasciatum\"), and the ornate wobbegong (\"Orectolobus ornatus\"). Nurse sharks and whale sharks have a fringe of barbels on their snouts, and barbelthroat carpet sharks (\"Cirrhoscyllium expolitum\") have barbels dangling from their throat regions. Most carpet sharks feed on the seabed in shallow to medium-depth waters, detecting and picking up molluscs and crustaceans and other small creatures. The wobbegongs tend to be ambush predators, lying hidden on the seabed until prey approaches. One has been observed swallowing a", "id": "11473859" }, { "contents": "Australian swellshark\n\n\nThis extremely hardy species can survive for more than a day out of water. One of the higher-level predators within its ecosystem, the Australian swellshark feeds on crustaceans (particularly crabs and rock lobsters), cephalopods (including squid and octopus), and small fishes. Even large-sized prey tends to be swallowed whole; the long periods of rest exhibited by some sharks may relate to digestion. Like the other members of its genus, this shark is capable of rapidly inflating its body by taking water or air into", "id": "9812593" }, { "contents": "Devotional pictures for swallowing\n\n\nmm the printing plate contains several Tibetan spells that enclose also the connected purpose. Apparently, it originated from Tibetan Lamaistic folk medicine and was probably used by a Lamaistic migrant medical practitioner. Depending on the indication those notes had several instructions for use, e.g. “Eat when having flu” or “Eat nine when having stomach ache”. From Uganda it is known that in the end of the 1990s followers of a famous Christian charismatic preacher and magic healer soaked his photographs in water and drank from it in order to swallow up", "id": "20520494" }, { "contents": "Crocodile shark\n\n\nlarge tail, and behavior when captured. On one occasion, a crocodile shark off Cape Point, South Africa, jumped out of the water in pursuit of bait. Its diet consists of small to medium-sized bony fishes (including bristlemouths and lanternfishes), squid (including onychoteuthids, mastigoteuthids, pholidoteuthids, and cranchiids) and shrimp. Crocodile sharks are not known to be preyed upon by any other species. The crocodile shark is aplacental viviparous and typically gives birth to litters of four, two pups to each uterus.", "id": "19405739" }, { "contents": "Barn swallow\n\n\nto catch disturbed insects, but it will occasionally pick prey items from the water surface, walls and plants. In the breeding areas, large flies make up around 70% of the diet, with aphids also a significant component. However, in Europe, the barn swallow consumes fewer aphids than the house or sand martins. On the wintering grounds, Hymenoptera, especially flying ants, are important food items. When egg-laying, barn swallows hunt in pairs, but will form often large flocks otherwise. The amount of", "id": "18071878" }, { "contents": "Intestinal parasite infection\n\n\nresources, such as hand washing facilities, also negatively impact rates of disease. Parasitic contamination can also occur from eating raw produce, soil-eating behaviour, and low availability of safe drinking water. Parasites can get into the intestines by going through the mouth from uncooked or unwashed food, contaminated water or hands, or by skin contact with larva infected soil; they can also be transferred by the sexual act of anilingus in some cases. When the organisms are swallowed, they move into the intestines, where they can reproduce", "id": "1411839" }, { "contents": "Mangrove swallow\n\n\nsea level. It is rarely found in the highlands. The mangrove swallow is also vagrant to the United States, where it was first recorded in 2002, in Florida. Although the mangrove swallow is a full-time resident of its range, there are probably some post-breeding movements. The mangrove swallow is closely associated with fairly still, open water, and is often found in small flocks over rivers or lakes when not breeding. Its flight path is normally direct and low over water. It flies with quick wingbeats", "id": "19111169" }, { "contents": "Lewis Marnell\n\n\nknows each other. I went there hung out, not long at all. Maybe like 4 hours. I had maybe 6 beers, didn't really get drunk, went home and woke up in the morning. Went to have a sip of water and as soon as I swallowed it, I just started throwing up! Anytime I tried to eat or drink I would just throw up. I did that for 2 days and then went to the doctor who sent me to the emergency room. That's when I had", "id": "2579539" }, { "contents": "Gharial\n\n\n\"death roll\" found in almost all extant crocodilians. This was also found to be true for other narrow-snouted crocodilians, and is likely linked to inter- and intraspecific competition. The gharial is efficient in and well adapted to hunting fish under water, because of its sharp interdigitated teeth and long narrow snout that meets little resistance in the water. It does not chew its prey, but swallows it whole. Juvenile gharials were observed to jerk their heads back to manoeuvre fish into their gullets, sliding them in head first", "id": "15628462" }, { "contents": "Pachyptila\n\n\nThe gland excretes a concentrated saline solution from the nose. The members of this genus primarily eat zooplankton by filtering water through their upper bill. Some even hydroplane, a technique where they filter food out the water while flying with their bill in the ocean. They breed colonially, and do so near the ocean, usually with the same mate for life. Both sexes help incubate the egg, and care for the chick. They are pelagic and seldom come to land, except to breed. Also, they all stay in", "id": "1219993" }, { "contents": "Save a Prayer\n\n\nand attempt to mount the female. \"It was funny as hell, but quite hairy for a moment,\" says Rhodes. While perched on a branch over a lagoon and miming playing his guitar, an intoxicated Andy Taylor fell into the water. He accidentally swallowed some, and had to be hospitalized during the band's subsequent Australian tour due to a tropical virus he contracted at that time. The band members all initially refused to do the scene where an elephant sprays water from its trunk onto one of them due to", "id": "10312097" }, { "contents": "Shark\n\n\n, and sawsharks either stir prey from the seabed or slash at swimming prey with their tooth-studded rostra. Many sharks, including the whitetip reef shark are cooperative feeders and hunt in packs to herd and capture elusive prey. These social sharks are often migratory, traveling huge distances around ocean basins in large schools. These migrations may be partly necessary to find new food sources. Sharks are found in all seas. They generally do not live in fresh water, with a few exceptions such as the bull shark and the river", "id": "6627" }, { "contents": "Pleurobrachia pileus\n\n\nwhile it snares larger prey with its long tentacles, whereas \"B. infundibulum\" draws in a feeding current of water and filters out the smaller, more weakly swimming, tiny zooplankton. In the North Sea, \"P. pileus\" makes large daily vertical migrations as do its main copepod prey. They spend the night in upper waters, usually just below the thermocline, descending to deep waters between in the early morning, and rising again in late afternoon. These migrations do not take place in the winter and at this period", "id": "9475640" }, { "contents": "Lepidobatrachus laevis\n\n\nwater until they emerge. This species is generally very aggressive and will puff up when threatened to appear larger. If this behavior does not deter the intruder they will make a shrill screech, bite, and corner the target. They are nocturnal and hunt at night, submerged up to their nostrils waiting for prey to pass by. They then lunge and swallow the prey whole. They feed on other frogs, insects, and snails. \"L. laevis\" is noted for their fascinating reproductive biology, such as how a single", "id": "7149335" }, { "contents": "Broadnose sevengill shark\n\n\nrats and humans. Research in 2003 found that its diet consisted of 30% mammals with a frequency of occurrence of 35%. It is a frequent top predator in shallow waters and has comb-like teeth, with the upper teeth having slender, smooth edged cusps to swallow small enough prey whole and lower teeth broad enough to bite prey to pieces. These sharks occasionally hunt in packs to take down larger prey, using tactics such as stealth to succeed. After feeding, it slowly digests the food for several hours and", "id": "5858202" }, { "contents": "Northern gannet\n\n\nof up to . This allows them to penetrate up to below the surface, and they will swim down to an average , sometimes deeper than . The bird's subcutaneous air sacs may have a role in controlling their buoyancy. Gannets usually push their prey deeper into the water and capture it as they return to the surface. When a dive is successful, they swallow the fish underwater before surfacing, and never fly with the fish in their bill. Larger fish are swallowed headfirst, smaller fish are swallowed sideways or tail-", "id": "14395606" }, { "contents": "Island Hermitage\n\n\n, do not swallow the water. Be particularly cautious of Oyster-shells which can cut the feet when walking in or out of the water. If an iguana (Kabara Goya in Sinhalese) is nearby, swim very quietly without moving the water too much (breast-stroke is the best) to the shore and get out. They are known to bite swimmers. Currently, a group of monks from the Galduwa tradition, under the patronage of the current abbot, are working on a project to non-destructively digitally", "id": "7987682" }, { "contents": "Pelican\n\n\nthe prey. Although all pelican species may feed in groups or alone, the Dalmantian, pink-backed, and spot-billed pelicans are the only ones to prefer solitary feeding. When fishing in groups, all pelican species have been known to work together to catch their prey, and Dalmantian pelicans may even cooperate with great cormorants. They catch multiple small fish by expanding the throat pouch, which must be drained above the water surface before swallowing. This operation takes up to a minute, during which time other seabirds may", "id": "20016566" }, { "contents": "Slender-billed prion\n\n\nwater. The slender-billed prion spends all of his non-breeding time over ocean water in the southern oceans. When breeding, they will do so on the Crozet Islands, the Kerguelen Islands, the Falkland islands and Noir Island off the coast of southern Chile. This species has a very large range and their estimated population is 7,000,000, allowing the IUCN to classify them as Least Concern. Like all prions, the slender-billed eat zooplankton, by filtering it through their bill. They are annual breeders and will", "id": "8337402" }, { "contents": "Recife\n\n\nto hunt would move away from the beach. The Council for Shark Hazard Monitoring (Cemit), recommends the following precautions to prevent the attack of sharks on beaches in Recife: Avoid bathing between sunset and sunrise. It is in this period that sharks are most active. Do not enter the sea when the tide is full. Hungry sharks get across the reef if there is enough water flowing over them. Avoid swimming alone and when the water is cloudy. Do not enter the water above the waist and do not swim", "id": "17704610" }, { "contents": "Little pied cormorant\n\n\nrecovery times on the surface of 5 to 10 seconds unless prey are being swallowed. It takes a variety of fish prey but an unusually high proportion (nearly 30% by weight on average, and up to 80% in some individuals) of crustaceans. In New Zealand waters it is most often seen preying on the local flounder and other small flatfish. Eels and insect larvae are also consumed. These are brought to the surface to be swallowed: the bird will sometimes put a fish down on the surface of the water", "id": "634091" }, { "contents": "Bactrian camel\n\n\nany material they find, which has included rope, sandals, and even tents. Their ability to feed on a wide range of foods allows them to live in areas with sparse vegetation. The first time food is swallowed, it is not fully chewed. The partly masticated food (called cud) goes into the stomach and later is brought back up for further chewing. Bactrian camels belong to a fairly small group of animals that regularly eat snow to provide their water needs. Animals living above the snowline may have to do", "id": "4226849" }, { "contents": "Spinner shark\n\n\n, sardines, herring, anchovies, sea catfish, lizardfish, mullets, bluefish, tunas, bonito, croakers, jacks, mojarras, and tongue-soles. They have also been known to eat stingrays, cuttlefish, squid, and octopus. Groups of spinner sharks are often found pursuing schools of prey at high speed. Individual prey are seized and swallowed whole, as this shark lacks cutting dentition. This species employs an unusual tactic when feeding on schools of small fish; the shark charges vertically through the school, spinning", "id": "2710841" }, { "contents": "Royal spoonbill\n\n\na weight of . It is a wading bird and has long legs for walking through water. It eats fish, shellfish, crabs and amphibians, catching its prey by making a side-to-side movement with its bill. The end of the bill of the royal spoonbill is broader and works more like a pair of tongs than the narrower bill of the yellow-billed spoonbill, which acts like a forceps. The royal spoonbill is carnivorous, catching small animals by sweeping its bill through shallow water and swallowing prey once", "id": "17121156" }, { "contents": "Shark\n\n\nSharks have eyelids, but they do not blink because the surrounding water cleans their eyes. To protect their eyes some species have nictitating membranes. This membrane covers the eyes while hunting and when the shark is being attacked. However, some species, including the great white shark (\"Carcharodon carcharias\"), do not have this membrane, but instead roll their eyes backwards to protect them when striking prey. The importance of sight in shark hunting behavior is debated. Some believe that electro- and chemoreception are more significant, while", "id": "6605" }, { "contents": "New Guinea crocodile\n\n\ndays. When the eggs start to hatch, the emerging young are quite vocal, and both male and female crocodiles have been observed transporting hatching and newly hatched young to open water, carrying them delicately in their mouths. Newly hatched New Guinea crocodiles feed on aquatic insects, spiders, tadpoles, freshwater snails, frogs, fish and small mammals. As they grow, so does the size of their prey and their consumption of fish rises, but they still will eat anything of a worthwhile size that they can find. An", "id": "15590438" }, { "contents": "White-banded swallow\n\n\nusually measuring . These birds are insectivores and feed in the air. When foraging, they fly rapidly in a zigzag path or circle above the water, skimming the water in some cases. They occasionally perch on boulders or small outcroppings above the water. They forage low over the water and occasionally near forests, clearings, or grassy areas with bushes. These birds usually forage alone or in small groups, occasionally with the black-collared swallow and the white-winged swallow. Although this is true, they usually stay closer", "id": "8577655" }, { "contents": "Spotted hyena\n\n\nopen the abdominal cavity and pull out the soft organs. Once the stomach, its wall and contents are consumed, the hyenas will eat the lungs and abdominal and leg muscles. Once the muscles have been eaten, the carcass is disassembled and the hyenas carry off pieces to eat in peace. Spotted hyenas are adept at eating their prey in water: they have been observed to dive under floating carcasses to take bites, then resurface to swallow. Where spotted hyenas and lions occupy the same geographic area, the two species occupy", "id": "17984440" }, { "contents": "Black-necked stork\n\n\nthe agriculture-dominated landscape of Uttar Pradesh in India they feed on a wider range of prey that include frogs and molluscs; storks obtained fish in wetlands, frogs from roadside ditches and molluscs from irrigation canals. They sometimes soar in the heat of the day or rest on their hocks. When disturbed, they may stretch out their necks. Their drinking behaviour involves bending down with open bill and scooping up water with a forward motion followed by raising the bill to swallow water. They sometimes carry water in their bill to chicks", "id": "7900250" }, { "contents": "Spotted hyena\n\n\nto eating wolf flesh readily; four hyenas were reported to take half an hour in eating a golden wolf. Overall, the two animals typically ignore each other when there is no food or young at stake. Though they readily take to water to catch and store prey, spotted hyenas will avoid crocodile-infested waters, and usually keep a safe distance from Nile crocodiles. Recent observations shows that African rock pythons can hunt adult spotted hyenas. Spotted hyenas dominate other hyena species wherever their ranges overlap. Brown hyenas encounter spotted hyenas", "id": "17984448" }, { "contents": "Cane toads in Australia\n\n\nthe meat ants, the cane toads do not tend to try to escape the ants, rather standing still when attacked waiting for the toxin to kill the attacker. New research has indicated that cane toads prey on dung beetles by nestling in cowpats and waiting for the beetles, eating up to 150 in one meal. In areas where cane toads have free access to water in dams, there are 9.6 times fewer dung beetles. This indicates that the cane toad has the potential to economically affect the cattle industry through increased disease in", "id": "16828227" }, { "contents": "White-banded swallow\n\n\nColombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. It can be found to nest in tropical lowland evergreen forests near water and near both blackwater rivers and whitewater rivers, in forested areas. They are more frequently found near blackwater rivers in Columbia and Venezuela, nesting on rocky outcrops. Although they are found near water, they are rarely found over lakes. They are sometimes found over forested clearings. They usually do not occur above , although they do occur up to in Columbia. These swallows", "id": "8577653" }, { "contents": "Yellow-billed spoonbill\n\n\nbill through shallow water and swallowing prey once it is detected. When slow sweeping, the spoonbill walks with the bill at an angle at about 60 degrees to horizontal and with the bill tip open about , sweeping an arc of around 120 degrees in front of the bird. The bird walks slowly, kicking up debris and small animals from the bottom of the water, which it then senses and catches with its bill. When an item is detected, the spoonbill switches to intensive sweeping of a small area. The yellow-", "id": "17431784" }, { "contents": "Red tide\n\n\nOther animals that eat the shellfish are susceptible to the neurotoxin, leading to neurotoxic shellfish poisoning and sometimes even death. Most mollusks and clams filter feed, which results in higher concentrations of the toxin than just drinking the water. Scaup, for example, are diving ducks whose diet mainly consists of mollusks. When scaup eat the filter-feeding shellfish that are concentrated with high levels of the red tide toxin, their population becomes a prime target for poisoning. However, even birds that do not eat mollusks can be affected by", "id": "5786931" }, { "contents": "Smooth butterfly ray\n\n\norganism. They tend to feed on larger prey items and swallow them whole; then they enter a long digestion time period where they feed very little or not at all. They prey mainly on Teleosts and crustaceans, but have also been noted to consume bivalve mussels and polychaetes. They use a structure called the lateral line canal; it is located on the dorsal side from the head to the pectoral fins, and are arranged in a branching pattern. The lateral line contains neuromasts that assists the rays in detecting changes in water", "id": "13751856" }, { "contents": "Dendraster excentricus\n\n\nswallow heavy sand grains to keep from being swept away. They will bury themselves when they are being preyed on. This particular species of sand dollar is known for its curious behavior: When exposed to a steady flow of water, they gather in groups, forming aligned rows in the sand, while digging their front edge in and raising their back edge into the flow of water, lined up so it passes from right to left across their bodies. Because the shape of a sand dollar is a hydrofoil, this draws particles", "id": "8629508" }, { "contents": "Common loon\n\n\nto propel its body underwater at high speed to catch its prey, which it then swallows head-first. If the fish attempts to evade the common loon, the bird chases it down with excellent underwater manoeuvrability due to its tremendously strong legs. Most prey are swallowed underwater, where they are caught, but some larger prey are first brought to the surface. It is a visual predator, so it is essential to hunting success that the water is clear. It normally dives , but has been recorded to dive up to", "id": "14041942" }, { "contents": "Dalmatian pelican\n\n\nwater is dumped out of the sides of the pouch and the fish is swallowed. Occasionally it may feed cooperatively with other pelicans by corralling fish into shallow waters and may even cooperate similarly while fishing alongside great cormorants in Greece. Occasionally, the pelican may not immediately eat the fish contained in its gular pouch, so it can save the prey for later consumption. Other small wetlands-dwellers may supplement the diet, including crustaceans, worms, beetles and small water birds, usually nestlings and eggs. Among a highly social family", "id": "10622390" }, { "contents": "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway\n\n\nboat gets punctured. Greg's mother goes to visit the spa, and Greg is left to take care of his little brother, Manny. He lets Manny play at a water park, but ends up falling in water that he believes to be contaminated with urine. After this, Greg's mother books a snorkeling trip for the family, but Greg worries about getting eaten by sharks or being stung by a stingray or box jellyfish. He takes a gulp of water by accident and believes that he has swallowed a sea horse", "id": "3856654" }, { "contents": "Mangrove swallow\n\n\nboth parents for 23–27 days to fledging. Usually, there is only one successful fledgling per nest. The mangrove swallow subsists primarily on a diet of small, flying insects, including large species such as dragonflies and bees. The prey it feeds on is large for a bird of its size. This swallow usually feeds close over bays, lakes, and large rivers, but sometimes can be found to forage or more above the water. It normally forages in the early morning and late afternoon, with nestlings being fed just after", "id": "19111174" }, { "contents": "Supraorbital gland\n\n\nin saltwater environments would naturally pose a large problem for penguins because the ingestion of saltwater would be detrimental to a penguin's health. Although penguins do not directly drink water, it is taken in when they engulf prey. As a result, saltwater enters their system and must be effectively excreted. The supraorbital gland has thus enabled the penguins' survival in such environments due to its water-filtering capability. The gland is located just above the eyes and surrounds a capillary bed in the head. This capillary bed constantly strains out", "id": "16881010" }, { "contents": "Finetooth shark\n\n\nis the Atlantic menhaden (\"Brevoortia tyrannus\"), with sharks of all ages off northwestern Florida eat almost nothing else. The menhaden are swallowed whole after the head has been removed. Other known prey species include spot croaker (\"Leiostomus xanthurus\"), Spanish mackerel (\"Scomberomorus maculatus\"), mullet (\"Mugil\" spp.), shrimp, and in one case a juvenile Atlantic sharpnose shark (\"Rhizoprionodon terraenovae\"), which may have been scavenged from the bycatch discard of a shrimp trawler.", "id": "3507346" }, { "contents": "Eungella National Park\n\n\na broad, flat tail and excellent swimming ability, paddling with their forelegs in alternating strokes, with their hindlegs and tail trailing behind. When foraging, captured prey is stored in two cheek pouches and later masticated and swallowed when the platypus surfaces. An apparent feeding association has been noted between the azure kingfisher (\"Ceyx azurea\") and the platypus at Eungella National Park, where the birds have been observed watching for fish disturbed by the platypus, before diving into the water in search of prey. 20 species of reptiles", "id": "14650479" }, { "contents": "Squid\n\n\nrole in the open water food web. The two long tentacles are used to grab prey and the eight arms to hold and control it. The beak then cuts the food into suitable size chunks for swallowing. Squid are rapid swimmers, moving by jet propulsion, and largely locate their prey by sight. They are among the most intelligent of invertebrates, with groups of Humboldt squid having been observed hunting cooperatively. They are preyed on by sharks, other fish, sea birds, seals and cetaceans, particularly sperm whales. Squid", "id": "17170022" }, { "contents": "Hamerkop\n\n\n-limited and only feeds for part of the day. The usual method of hunting is to walk in shallow water looking for prey. Prey is located differently depending on circumstances; if the water is clear, it may hunt by sight, but if the water is very muddy, it probes its open bill into water or mud and shuts it. It may shuffle one foot at a time on the bottom or suddenly open its wings to flush prey out of hiding. Prey caught in mud is shaken before swallowing to clean", "id": "21887060" }, { "contents": "Nile crocodile\n\n\n(1961) had some remains of snails inside their stomachs. Predation on amuplariid water snails was especially heavy in Bangweulu Swamp, Lake Mweru Wantipa, and the Kafue Flats, where mollusks representing 89.1, 87, and 84.7% of all prey in these locations, respectively. Gastropoda (4126 records per Cott) were taken much more than Lamellibranchiata (six records). Notable favorites include \"Pila ovata\", which lives just under water on rocky surfaces (mainly found in crocodiles from Uganda) and \"Lanistes ovum\",", "id": "9454974" }, { "contents": "List of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water characters\n\n\nand ethical, frequently calling others out on acts of violence towards other humans or animals, even when it is essential. She even happens to be a strict vegetarian and believes that there is no excuse for eating meat or killing (although her friends attempt to justify their reasons for doing so). Because of her unhappy past, Nadia is even extremely suspicious of all grown-ups—particularly Nemo. As such, she does not know how to act around other people, and sometimes treats them very badly. She misjudges", "id": "4267696" }, { "contents": "Pacific electric ray\n\n\n\"jumps\" forward from its resting place and folds down its disc to envelop it, while delivering strong shocks. Once the fish is subdued, the ray repositions itself to swallow it head-first. The entire process takes about two minutes. At night, when many diurnal fishes descend from the water column and become inactive a short distance above the bottom, the Pacific electric ray switches to an active hunting strategy. It stalks fish by slowly swimming or simply drifting through the water; when it closes to of the prey", "id": "21336601" }, { "contents": "Shark\n\n\nthe wild. There is evidence that juvenile lemon sharks can use observational learning in their investigation of novel objects in their environment. All sharks need to keep water flowing over their gills in order for them to breathe; however, not all species need to be moving to do this. Those that are able to breathe while not swimming do so by using their spiracles to force water over their gills, thereby allowing them to extract oxygen from the water. It has been recorded that their eyes remain open while in this state and", "id": "6622" }, { "contents": "Aquatic feeding mechanisms\n\n\nfiltered through the baleens. Biomechanically this is a unique and extreme feeding method, for which the animal at first must accelerate to gain enough momentum to fold its elastic throat (buccal cavity) around the volume of water to be swallowed. Subsequently, the water flows back through the baleens keeping back the food particles. The highly elastic and muscular buccal rills are a specialized adaptation to this feeding mode. Pivot feeding is a method to transport the mouth towards the prey by an upward turning of the head, which is pivoting on", "id": "4377822" }, { "contents": "Tree swallow\n\n\n, like the adult, primarily eat insects, fed to it by both sexes. This swallow is vulnerable to parasites, but, when on nestlings, these do little damage. The effect of disease can become stronger as a tree swallow gets older, as some parts of the immune system decline with age. Acquired T cell-mediated immunity, for example, decreases with age, whereas both innate and acquired humoral immunity do not. Because of its large range and stable population, the tree swallow is considered to be least", "id": "407038" } ]
How did sheep shed their wool before the emergence of humans?
[{"answer": "Humans have selectively bred a small number of species to help provide better for human needs at the expense of the animals natural survival. Sheep are one of those species. Prior to domestication sheep would have grown a much smaller amount of wool up to the point where it served their needs, like the hair on a bear or a wolf. It doesn't grow indefinitely. Then humans came along and found these relatively docile sheep sitting around and someone realised their wool was very useful to make things like clothing out of. Over many generations humans captured and bred these sheep to harvest their wool from. Humans also realised that by breeding the males and females with the most and best wool, the offspring would usually end up with even more wool than the parents. By repeating this process over time we ended up with the types of sheep we have today, who are completely reliant on humans to regularly shear them and remove the wool. This is domestication and selective breeding. Without us they would suffer many problems like overheating and being far too heavy."}, {"answer": "Wild sheep do not grow excessive amounts of wool. Domestic sheep have been bred for thousands of years for maximum wool production, and are now dependent on humans."}, {"answer": "Living on a farm that has a type of sheep that was never bred for wool production. Much like dogs sheep will have a different coat in summer and winter. They keep their top wool over summer for sun protection but they shed the side and stomach for heat reasons. Then in winter they will grow a thick coat all over. Sheep grown for wool production have been specifically bred to be genetic mutants that never shed their wool. Thus they rely on people. Look up shrek the sheep. Was a New Zealand sheep that went for many years without being shawn and had one of the biggest wool coats ever."}, {"answer": "As others have suggested, the original \"wild\" sheep had shorter hair before selective breeding. With that said... There is an island near where I live that has a wild population of wool sheep. They were left there by the Spanish when they first discovered the island with the hopes that by the time they came back there would be a big herd of sheep. The plan succeeded, but the Spanish never came back, so now the island has a bunch of wooly sheep. They look [like this]( URL_0 ) and have long, nappy hair. As they run through the woods, bits of their dreds/hair get caught on branches and twigs and pull off in little tufts. The result is that their hair gets long, but never, like, crazy long. tl;dr: Even long-haired sheep in the wild don't have that long of hair. It dreds up a bit, and is \"trimmed\" over time by getting pulled off by trees/branches that sheep run into."}, {"answer": "The sheep that that have excess wool are only one type of sheep - the domesticated sheep. Other type of sheep don't grow wool beyond what they need to survive. As its name suggests, humans created this species by selective breeding, that is, mating males and females so that the result would be an animal *more beneficial to humans*. In the case of sheep that means more wool. It's worth noting that one of the requirements for domestication is that the resulting species be useful to humans. So the answer is that domesticated sheep did not exist before humans because humans made them. They would not survive in nature for the most part. All this is true also for other domesticated species, like the cow."}, {"answer": "This is an example of selective breeding. Humans bred the sheep with the most wool over and over again through many generation. Just as wild cows would never look like what you know a cow as today. Another good example is dogs. We would never see the types of breed diversity we see today in dogs had we not selected traits we like and continuously bred for them."}, {"answer": "Same way chickens stood upright and cows survived without antibiotics. They didn't. Humans selectively breed these animals to have the excessive traits they have. Without humans, sheep wouldn't have the extreme amount of wool."}, {"answer": "Wild sheep grow hair to a particular length and then shed it in the spring. Domestic wool sheep have a mutation that causing continuous growth. The wool must be shaved off yearly."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "10326", "title": "Human evolution", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primatesin particular genus \"Homo\"and leading to the emergence of \"Homo sapiens\" as a distinct species of the hominid family, the great apes. This process involved the gradual development of traits such as human bipedalism and language, as well as interbreeding with other hominins, which indicate that human evolution was not linear but a web.", "Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primatesin particular genus \"Homo\"and leading to the emergence of \"Homo sapiens\" as a distinct species of the hominid family, the great apes. This process involved the gradual development of traits such as human bipedalism and language, as well as interbreeding with other hominins, which indicate that human evolution was not linear but a web."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15161664", "title": "Anthropogeny", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Anthropogeny is the study of human origins. It is not simply a synonym for human evolution by natural selection, which is only a part of the processes involved in human origins. Many other factors besides biological evolution were involved, ranging over climatic, geographic, ecological, social, and cultural ones. Anthropogenesis, meaning the process or point of becoming human, is also called hominization.", "Anthropogeny is the study of human origins. It is not simply a synonym for human evolution by natural selection, which is only a part of the processes involved in human origins. Many other factors besides biological evolution were involved, ranging over climatic, geographic, ecological, social, and cultural ones. Anthropogenesis, meaning the process or point of becoming human, is also called hominization."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Shearing shed\n\n\nShearing sheds (or wool sheds) are large sheds located on sheep stations to accommodate large scale sheep shearing activities. In countries where large numbers of sheep are kept for wool, sometimes many thousands in a flock, shearing sheds are vital to house the necessary shearing equipment, and to ensure that the shearers and /or crutchers have a ready supply of dry, empty sheep. The shed also provides space where the wool is classed and pressed into approved wool packs and stored to await transport to market. Location of the shed is", "id": "8543104" }, { "contents": "Wool bale\n\n\nscales have made a major contribution to shearing shed productivity. Wool bales have been transported by camel, horse teams, bullock wagons, paddle steamer, boats and later by rail and trucks. Pressing and branding are typically carried out by a wool presser in the larger shearing sheds. In small sheds, the pressing may be done by the woolclasser, wool handler or sheep owner. A wool presser may perform the combined duties of wool pressing and penning up the sheep for the shearers. The latter arrangement means less interruption to the", "id": "2306562" }, { "contents": "Wiltipoll\n\n\nshed their wool annually. They do not require crutching or shearing and do not suffer readily from fly strike, which makes them a useful breed for small holdings without shearing sheds. These sheep must have at least 96.87% Wiltshire Horn genetics, completely shed their fleece annually, and be polled. The ewes are seasonal breeders, but are good mothers, have high fertility with a high percentage of multiple births. Wiltipoll sheep may weigh up to under reasonable conditions. Wiltipoll sheep (polled Wiltshire Horn) shed their wool annually in", "id": "5817729" }, { "contents": "Beaconsfield Station Sheep Wash\n\n\n, grease and vegetable material such as burrs in their fleeces. Washing the sheep before shearing removes this matter, reducing the weight of the wool to be transported. The Beaconsfield wool wash was built near a former dam on Brutus Creek about from a shearing shed. The pumping machinery was installed in a timber-lined trough cut into the bank of the dam. Water was drawn out of the dam by a steam pump located in the trough near the creek. The sheep were washed in the trough by a combination of manual", "id": "11450912" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\nRams\" was twice re-enacted for the visitors. Many stations across Australia no longer carry sheep due to lower wool prices, drought and other disasters, but their shearing sheds remain, in a wide variety of materials and styles, and have been the subject of books and documentation for heritage authorities. Some farmers are reluctant to remove either the equipment or the sheds, and many unused sheds remain intact. Sheep shearing and wool handling competitions are held regularly in parts of the world, particularly Ireland, the UK, South", "id": "10502854" }, { "contents": "Easycare\n\n\nEasycare is a breed of sheep developed in the 1960s in the United Kingdom for meat. It was originally bred by Iolo Owen in Angelsey by crossing Nelson Welsh Mountain sheep (a Welsh Mountain and Cheviot cross) which were crossed twice to the Wiltshire Horn, which is a wool-shedding breed. The progeny were selected for: wool shedding, no horns, and easy-care traits, reduced need for assistance at lambing, less flystrike and lameness. Some Easycare breeders are now selecting for sheep that need less worming.", "id": "20451179" }, { "contents": "Faroe sheep\n\n\ndomestic use and for the tourist industry. Sweaters, socks and shawls are the most popular items. There have been some attempts to kick start a fashion industry based on Faroese wool, with Guðrun & Guðrun being the most successful. The time of year the sheep will start shedding their wool, is heavily determined by the weather. A good warm spring, with good growth may trigger the shedding as early as late May, whereas a long cold and wet spring and summer, might not trigger the shedding until late July or", "id": "19331972" }, { "contents": "Salish weaving\n\n\nthis season, they would also save wool acquired from goats killed for food. They would roll up the skin with flesh sides together and after several days, the wool would shed naturally. Then it was plucked off to be made into yarn. Before the raw fiber was spun into workable threads, it was mixed with a white chalk-like clay, absorbing the grease allowing the wool fibers to cling together. Domestic sheep wool has now fully replaced mountain goat wool, which is rare and difficult to obtain. In addition", "id": "6725750" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\nhas developed a non-mechanical method of shearing sheep using an injected protein that creates a natural break in the wool fibres. After fitting a retaining net to enclose the wool, sheep are injected with the protein. When the net is removed after a week, the fleece has separated and is removed by hand. In some breeds a similar process occurs naturally Once the entire fleece has been removed from the sheep, the fleece is \"thrown\", clean side down, on to a wool table by a shed hand (", "id": "10502841" }, { "contents": "Shearing shed\n\n\nconsidered during shed building or renovating. There should be guard rails around raised shearing boards and loading landings should be fenced to prevent falls. Separate facilities are to be provided for workers' meals. It is usually regarded as necessary to be able to shed, and keep dry, sheep for two days of shearing. Wet or damp sheep may cause health problems for the shearers and damp wool can't be pressed. In many instances sheep are held under the shed or in an adjacent area known as a sweating shed. In", "id": "8543106" }, { "contents": "Blackall Woolscour\n\n\n-shaped conglomeration,consists of a series of attached sheds with timber trussed gable roofs. These sheds form a sequence of spaces through which the wool passed, beginning on the sheep's back in the northeast corner and ending in the southwest part of the building as baled wool. Areas associated with the successive phases of the wool processing, the shearing, classing, scouring and drying and pressing, are defined by changes in floor level and separate roofs. The largest space, a long rectangular skylit shed, contains machinery and equipment", "id": "11745175" }, { "contents": "Lanolin\n\n\n. Lanolin's waterproofing property aids sheep in shedding water from their coats. Certain breeds of sheep produce large amounts of lanolin. Lanolin's role in nature is to protect wool and skin from climate and the environment; it also plays a role in skin (integumental) hygiene. Lanolin and its derivatives are used in the protection, treatment and beautification of human skin. A typical high-purity grade of lanolin is composed predominantly of long chain waxy esters (approximately 97% by weight) the remainder being lanolin alcohols, lanolin", "id": "7277432" }, { "contents": "Barbados Black Belly\n\n\nis not out of danger, it is far more stable than it has ever been in the US Blackbelly sheep of both breeds are able to tolerate heat and exhibit more stamina than most breeds of sheep. They are fleet of foot and in many ways resembles deer. They are \"hair sheep,\" which means they don't grow wool, but instead they have coarse hair. If raised in cooler climates, they often develop a wool undercoat that they shed in the spring. Barbados Blackbelly sheep will breed all year round", "id": "101630" }, { "contents": "Crutching\n\n\n, in which the wool covers the sheep's eyes. It also prevents accumulation of grass seeds and burrs in wool around the head as a sheep grazes. Both these problems are more severe in breeds with heavy wool growth such as Merinos. In addition, ewes are generally crutched prior to lambing if they are not \"offshears\" (recently shorn), in order to provide the newborn lamb with a cleaner suckling area. Crutching is generally carried out in shearing sheds, using shearers and the same tools as for shearing the", "id": "11033592" }, { "contents": "Goose Green\n\n\ntime. At about this time, Goose Green began to take off: Despite this setback, the settlement grew after it became the base for the Falkland Islands Company's sheep farm in Lafonia in 1922 - the population rose to nearly 200, with improved sheep handling and wool shed being built. In 1927, the settlement's huge sheep shearing shed was built, which is claimed to be the world's largest, with a capacity of five thousand sheep. However, this claim is hard to verify. In 1979, 100,598", "id": "9002659" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\n. In this event they are shedded for several nights until the weather clears. Some sheep may also be shorn with stud combs commonly known as cover combs which leave more wool on the animal in colder months, giving greater protection. Sheep shearing is also considered a sport with competitions held around the world. It is often done between spring and summers The wealth of ancient Knossos, Europe's oldest city, derived from its sheep wool industry. The largest group of Linear B tablets is the great archive principally of shearing records though", "id": "10502832" }, { "contents": "History of the Falkland Islands\n\n\nhad Internet access. A canning factory was opened in 1911 at Goose Green and was initially extremely successful. It absorbed a large proportion of surplus sheep but during the postwar slump it suffered a serious loss and closed in 1921. Despite this setback, a mere year later, the settlement grew after it became the base for the Falkland Islands Company's sheep farm in Lafonia in 1922, with improved sheep handling and wool shed being built. In 1927, the settlement's huge sheep shearing shed was built, which is claimed to", "id": "10430704" }, { "contents": "Credo Station\n\n\nretired to. The station shore 8,500 sheep in July 1928 with a team of four shearers and a full crew of shed hands. About 8,000 were the current seasons lambs with 120 bales of wool being produced. The wool was sent to Broad Arrow to be railed to Fremantle with the wool being described as \"clean and bright\". This followed what was described as a dry season with only of rain falling since the beginning of the year. By August 1929 the station had approximately 10,000 sheep on the property. The Halford", "id": "11055566" }, { "contents": "1891 Australian shearers' strike\n\n\nof a pro-Labor Party faction in the Australian Socialist League. Working conditions for sheep shearers in 19th century Australia were not good. In 1891 wool was one of Australia's largest industries, but as the wool industry grew, so did the number and influence of shearers. By 1890, the Australian Shearers' Union boasted tens of thousands of members, and had unionised thousands of sheds. At their annual conference in Bourke in 1890, the Union laid down a new rule, which prohibited members from working with non-", "id": "1445657" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\n\"gun shearers\". Typical mass shearing of sheep today follows a well-defined workflow: In 1984 Australia became the last country in the world to permit the use of wide combs, due to previous Australian Workers' Union rules. Although they were once rare in sheds, women now take a large part in the shearing industry by working as pressers, wool rollers, rouseabouts, wool classers and shearers. A sheep is caught by the shearer, from the catching pen, and taken to his \"stand\" on the", "id": "10502838" }, { "contents": "Crutching\n\n\nreason for crutching (preventative of fly-strike, or to reduce the likelihood of stain in the fleece wool). Super fine wool Merino flocks are often given a light crutch, known as a New England crutch that removes less of the valuable fleece. When a single or small number of sheep need crutching, graziers will often work in the paddock using dagging (or blade) shears or portable powered shearing gear instead of driving the sheep into the shearing shed and back. Docking (removing) sheep's tails has much", "id": "11033595" }, { "contents": "Easycare\n\n\nMost animals in the wild thicken up their coats in winter and then moult when spring comes, but many modern sheep breeds were selectively bred for thick coats which are retained for shearing. With the decline in the worldwide wool markets, a thick coat is now less desirable, especially where the cost of shearing is higher than the value of the wool produced. In this respect, the Easycare breed is an interesting reversal of centuries of practice in sheep breed development as the sheep naturally shed their coats in spring, a process called", "id": "20451180" }, { "contents": "Simeon ben Zoma\n\n\nthen cleansed it, and then ground it, and then sifted it, and then kneaded it, and then baked it, and only then did he eat it; but I get up in the morning and find all this ready before me. How much had Adam to weary himself withal, until he could find clothing to wear! He sheared [the sheep], bleached [the wool], combed and carded it, spun it, wove it, and only then did he find that which to clothe himself;", "id": "1676224" }, { "contents": "Oriental rug\n\n\n, and the particular customs relating to when and how the wool is shorn and processed. In the Middle East, rug wools come mainly from the fat-tailed and fat-rumped sheep races, which are distinguished, as their names suggest, by the accumulation of fat in the respective parts of their bodies. Different areas of a sheep's fleece yield different qualities of wool, depending on the ratio between the thicker and stiffer sheep hair and the finer fibers of the wool. Usually, sheep are shorn in spring and", "id": "19121682" }, { "contents": "Old Norwegian Sheep\n\n\nthe other breeding station housed inland sheep, which eventually gave rise to the closely related Spælsau. Old Norwegian Sheep is small and easy at foot. The colour scheme varies greatly. Unlike Spælsau, it is not desirable for the wool to be long, as this can cause issues during winter. The breed naturally sheds its wool, and so there should be little or no need to shear. Rams should have horns and ewes may have horns. Ewes and lambs form herds of 20-40 animals, whilst rams form herds", "id": "17335798" }, { "contents": "Melophagus ovinus\n\n\nto 4-week residual activity would also eliminate emerging adult keds. Additionally, because both adult keds and pupae stages live in the wool of the sheep, shearing can dramatically reduce the ked population. It would be most beneficial to shear before insecticide treatment. Most modern treatments used to control sheep lice will also control sheep ked infestations. The sheep ked is capable of transmitting bluetongue virus in sheep, though little evidence suggests they are bluetongue disease vectors in nature. Some sheep have been shown to be resistant to the harmful effects of sheep", "id": "9635653" }, { "contents": "Noonkanbah Station\n\n\nScheme, 104 sheep were sold and transported in one lift to the abbatoir about away. The shearing shed was busy that season with 52,000 sheep being shorn. In 1953 about 50,000 sheep were shorn. 720 bales of greasy wool from the station sold at 64d. per pound at the London wool sales later the same year. The station was at one stage owned by pastoralist William Cox who fathered at least two children to local Yungngora women. One of his sons, Davey, stayed on to run the station after his father", "id": "15210156" }, { "contents": "Shearing shed\n\n\nthe shed. Good light is essential for quality shearing, wool classing and grinding etc., and is a very significant factor affecting sheep flow in the penning area. In the southern hemisphere southern walls can have translucent sheeting installed there as a source of natural lighting because direct sunlight is never a problem. Good ventilation is essential to provide fresh air and improve working conditions during hot weather. Shearing sheds can become extremely hot, even in cooler climates, during the summer. The body heat of the sheep and the insulating qualities", "id": "8543111" }, { "contents": "Sheep farming\n\n\nSheep farming is the raising and breeding of domestic sheep. It is a branch of animal husbandry. Sheep are raised principally for their meat (lamb and mutton), milk (sheep's milk), and fiber (wool). They also yield sheepskin and parchment. Sheep can be raised in range of temperate climates, including arid zones. Farmers build fences, housing, shearing sheds and other facilities on their property, such as for water, feed, transport and pest control. Most farms are managed so sheep can", "id": "1429158" }, { "contents": "Bradford system\n\n\nThe Bradford system (also known as the English Worsted Yarn Count System or spinning count or Bradford count) is a way to assess the quality of wool. To measure the fineness of sheep wool fiber before microscopes and lasers were used, English wool handlers in the city of Bradford described wool by estimating (with experienced eyes) how many 560-yard hanks of single strand yarn could be made by a good spinner from a pound of \"top.\" (Top is cleaned combed wool with the fibers all parallel). The finer", "id": "7694352" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\nSheep shearing is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is cut off. The person who removes the sheep's wool is called a \"shearer\". Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year (a sheep may be said to have been \"shorn\" or \"sheared\", depending upon dialect). The annual shearing most often occurs in a shearing shed, a facility especially designed to process often hundreds and sometimes more than 3,000 sheep per day. Sheep are shorn in all seasons, depending on", "id": "10502830" }, { "contents": "Persian carpet\n\n\ndesign. Thus, the Persian carpet retains its ancient status as an object of luxury, beauty, and art. In most Persian rugs, the pile is of sheep's wool. Its characteristics and quality vary from each area to the next, depending on the breed of sheep, climatic conditions, pasturage, and the particular customs relating to when and how the wool is shorn and processed. Different areas of a sheep's fleece yield different qualities of wool, depending on the ratio between the thicker and stiffer sheep hair and", "id": "17793142" }, { "contents": "Katahdin sheep\n\n\nKatahdin ewe weight is 120 to 160 pounds and the ram's weight is 180 to 250. Most Katahdin ewes will have a 200% lamb crop. The Katahdin sheds its winter coat, and so does not have to be sheared. The Katahdin's hair can come in any color, as the emphasis of the breed is on production rather than appearance. When Katahdins are crossed with wool sheep, their offsping will usually have a mix of predominantly wool with some hair. The Katahdin's popularity in the USA has increased in", "id": "13271220" }, { "contents": "Crutching\n\n\nwhich may require human intervention to maintain. Sheep with heavy fleeces of wool often develop stains or dags on their rear ends from faeces. In ewes, urine can also stain the wool. To avoid discomfort to the sheep and damage to the fleece, graziers remove the wool (and any dags) from the sheep. Urine and watery faeces from eating spring grass can also lead to myiasis (fly-strike), which occurs when flies lay eggs in warm, damp wool and the fly larvae grow and eat into the", "id": "11033590" }, { "contents": "James Dalton (pastoralist)\n\n\n\"Gobabla\" at Nevertire and \"Belowra\" (20,000ha) near Nymagee, as well as interests in several stations around Condobolin. The Orange properties alone ran 40,000 sheep, which were shorn – along with sheep from other surrounding properties– at a 32-stand wool shed near the Mullion Creek railway siding. The properties were run as an integrated unit as Dalton Estates, with weaners (Romney/Merino cross) sent from \"Kangaroobie\" to \"Gobabla\" to grow out, the wether portion then transferred as wool cutters to", "id": "10436304" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\nand buying of wool products. In 2013, an anonymous shearer reported instances of animal abuse by workers, an allegation to which an Australian Worker's Union representative added that he had witnessed \"shearers gouge eyes and break sheep jaws.\" Australian Wool Innovation insisted that animal welfare was a priority among shearers. The following year, the RSPCA began a cruelty investigation following the release of video footage that PETA said was taken in more than a dozen shearing sheds in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. \"The Guardian\"", "id": "10502849" }, { "contents": "Boolardy\n\n\nthe first cattle and sheep were taken overland to Nookawarra in 1876, but as the site lacked suitable feed for horses, they moved to the Boolardy site. The lease was later associated with various members of the pioneering Wittenoom and Lefroy families, particularly Edward and Frank Wittenoom and Langlois Lefroy. By 1912 the station expected to shear 25,000 sheep using 16 stands in the shearing shed. The station has consistently produced quality wool attracting high prices, at a wool sale in Perth in 1927 a small star lot of super combing sold from", "id": "16916171" }, { "contents": "Andamooka Station\n\n\nof erecting a shearing shed By 1884 the property was stocked with 45,000 sheep, 900 cattle and 250 horses. It produced 480 bales of wool from the years clip. In 1885 the station encompassed an area of and was stocked with 45,000 sheep, 200 cattle and 250 horses. The same year 680 bales of wool were produced. By 1893 the property was owned by Messrs Beaton and Young. By 1901 the lease had been abandoned like many others in the area but left under a caretaker, the property encompassed an area of", "id": "5141198" }, { "contents": "Old Errowanbang Woolshed\n\n\nwoolshed is one of the largest woolsheds in the Central West. Built on the side of a hill, the shed has a unique plan based on four long wings linked in the centre by the main shearing floor. The shearing floor and the wool sorting, baling and storage areas cover four levels. Two wings of the shed are for penning sheep, one including a plunge dip and the other draughting yards. Adjacent to the plunge dip are the crooks etc. for controlling the sheep in the dip. The remaining two wings", "id": "18696104" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\ncommonly known in New Zealand and Australian sheds as a \"rouseabout\" or \"rousie\"). The wool table top consists of slats spaced approximately 12 cm apart. This enables short pieces of wool, the \"locks\" and other debris, to gather beneath the table separately from the fleece. The fleece is then \"skirted\" by one or more wool rollers to remove the sweat fribs and other less desirable parts of the fleece. The removed pieces largely consist of shorter, seeded, burry or dusty wool etc.", "id": "10502842" }, { "contents": "Wool\n\n\ngroups wools of similar gradings together to maximize the return for the farmer or sheep owner. In Australia before being auctioned, all Merino fleece wool is objectively measured for micron, yield (including the amount of vegetable matter), staple length, staple strength, and sometimes color and comfort factor. Wool straight off a sheep, known as \"greasy wool\" or \"wool in the grease\", contains a high level of valuable lanolin, as well as the sheep's dead skin and sweat residue, and generally also contains", "id": "17628496" }, { "contents": "The Wolseley Sheep Shearing Machine Company\n\n\n\"Sir,—It may interest some of your readers to know how sheep are shorn by machines. Before writing about them, it will be as well to say something of hand shearing. Shearing on a sheep station is the one busy time of the year; and if there are from 30,000 to 50,000 sheep to get through, there will be 16 or 20 shearers. Amongst these there are sure to be some men who are what is termed rough—that is they do not take off the wool clean, make lots of second", "id": "13582003" }, { "contents": "Soay sheep\n\n\nis the loading of intestinal nematode parasites, particularly damaging in malnourished hosts. The breed was used in experimental archaeology at Butser Ancient Farm because it closely resembles British prehistoric breeds. The breed is becoming smaller because of the change in climate. The sheep have short tails and naturally shed their wool, which can be hand plucked (called rooing) in the spring and early summer. About one kilogram of wool can be obtained from each animal per year. Ewes are polled, scurred or horned and rams are either horned or scurred", "id": "15981914" }, { "contents": "William Jarvis (merchant)\n\n\n. Newly built New England textile mills gobbled up all the wool they could get. Prices skyrocketed for the fine merino wool with its unique water-shedding qualities and longer fiber. Vermont became the toast of the nation's agricultural community. By 1830 merino sheep had become the state's principal livestock. A few statistics tell the story. Merino sheep were more productive than other breeds—a secret well-known to the Spanish, and the reason why the Spanish guarded their flocks so closely. Prior to the introduction of the", "id": "19286641" }, { "contents": "Jacob sheep\n\n\nhave a fine inner coat and a coarse, longer outer coat, Jacobs have a medium grade fleece and no outer coat. Lambs of the more primitive lines are born with a coat of guard hair that is protective against rain and cold; this birth coat is shed at 3–6 months. Some individual sheep may develop a natural \"break,\" or marked thinning, of the fleece in springtime, which can lead to a natural shedding of the fleece, particularly around the neck and shoulders. The medium-fine grade wool", "id": "19092789" }, { "contents": "Lacaune sheep\n\n\nwhole belly is bare. Their double coat of wool is able to shed one layer in the summer so they can keep cool. The Lacaune sheep are usually white in colour. Their heads are elongated and the snout is slightly rounded. Their ears slope downwards and are a bit floppy compared to other breeds. These sheep also have a quite bold temperament and are less docile than other dairy breeds of sheep. When being milked, Lacaune sheep have an oxytocin release that is higher than other breeds with teat stimulation. This means", "id": "3877833" }, { "contents": "Claude Carlier\n\n\nand how French wool production could be improved in both quality and quantity. Carlier had a deep knowledge of sheep breeding, the fleece trade and the different kinds of wool produced by different sheep breeds. He won the contest with an essay arguing that Spanish and English breeds produced better wool. A few years later, the controller-general of finances, Henri Bertin, hired Carlier as a consultant-propagandist tasked with promoting new breeds of sheep and new shepherding practices. In 1762, Carlier published \"Considerations on the Means of", "id": "10031458" }, { "contents": "Woolstores in Geelong\n\n\nsimply be regarded as large sheds. Changing rooms and showers were also installed in the larger Woolstores for use of buyers and growers and of course the offices of wool valuers. Immediately before classing ‘skirting’ happened, the object being to render the fleece as evenly as possible by removing any wool which did not match the major portion of the fleece. Once a fleece has been handled, baled and pressed it did not lend itself to further skirting. Skirting and packing enhanced the value of the wool clip as a whole.", "id": "8491627" }, { "contents": "Minilya Station\n\n\nhad been built along with outbuildings including a kitchen, stables, store, dairy and meat house. A new iron shearing shed along with a Farrer wool press, holding yards for 10,000 sheep and accommodation for 25 shearers were also included. It was later acquired by pastoralist and politician Donald Norman McLeod in 1899. By 1911 McLeod had a flock of 42,684 sheep running at Minilya and shearing produced 954 bales of wool. McLeod died in 1914 and he property was left to his second son, Guy McLeod. Heavy rain during two", "id": "2568466" }, { "contents": "Wallerberdina Station\n\n\nfour stand shearing shed, cattle and sheep years, quarters for 12 workers, and a four bedroom homestead. The property is suitable for sheep or cattle, with annual average carrying equivalent 6000 sheep or 400 cattle. The property was established some time prior to 1878, at which time it was stocked with sheep and producing wool, and was owned by Gooch and Hayward. By 1879 the property was owned by Messrs. Hayward, Armstrong and Browne, who were selling merino wethers. In 1880 the lease was to lose of land", "id": "18084484" }, { "contents": "Faroe sheep\n\n\ngull\", meaning \"wool is Faroese gold\", is a saying which hails from this time and is sometimes heard in modern times when it is lamented how little value the wool has today. The wool is still used but at a much reduced rate compared to its historic use, with much of the wool being burnt, or in some cases sheep are left unsheared to molt naturally on their own; this is however frowned upon by many. There are a few spinning companies around the islands producing yarn, mostly for", "id": "19331971" }, { "contents": "TowerMadness 2\n\n\nabduct the sheep. Each wave arrives in intervals, or all waves can be sent at once if Invasion Mode is enabled. The goal of each alien is to abduct one sheep. The player destroys the aliens by building towers. Each enemy destroyed provides the player with more in-game coins to build new towers and upgrade existing towers. Once all waves of enemies are destroyed or all sheep have been abducted, the game ends and you earn a certain number of stars and wool. Stars rate how well a player did", "id": "5281854" }, { "contents": "Shearing shed\n\n\nnecessitated shearers crossing the board and paths with the roustabout. Nowadays the shearing board may be of a curved and/or raised style to save the roustabout extra walking and bending. Sheep may be released through the wall or through a chute in the floor, depending on the plan used. A tongued and grooved wooden floor is best for the shearing board and wool processing area (wool room) as it is easier to keep clean, especially with scrapers and to slide butts of wool along. This area is planned to reduce walking distances", "id": "8543109" }, { "contents": "Romney sheep\n\n\nthe most important dimension of wool, which above all else determines its best use, is average fiber diameter (AFD). Romneys are strong-wooled sheep, with an AFD higher than many sheep breeds. High AFD indicates best use in carpeting and other rugged uses; lowest AFD wools (from Merinos, for example) are ideal for fine suit fabrics and luxury wear. AFD must be measured with instruments. The time-honored “Bradford system”, which uses the eyes and hands of experienced humans, has some", "id": "13271131" }, { "contents": "Sheep–goat chimera\n\n\ninterspecies chimeras are entirely of one of the component species, their behaviour is influenced by the environment in which they find themselves. The sheep-goat chimeras have yielded several demonstrations of this. The most obvious was that the woolly areas of their fleece,tufts of goat wool (angora type) grew intermingled with ordinary sheep wool, even though the goat breed used in the experiments did not exhibit any wool whatsoever. Sheepgoat chimeras as a general rule may be assumed to be fertile, with the reservations that apply to chimeras generally", "id": "19259508" }, { "contents": "Click Go the Shears\n\n\n\"Click Go the Shears\" is a traditional Australian bush ballad. The song details a day's work for a sheep shearer in the days before machine shears. The enduring popularity of this song reflects the traditional role that the wool industry has played in Australian life. The song describes the various roles in the shearing shed, including the \"ringer\", the \"boss of the board\", the \"colonial experience man\" and the \"tar boy\". After the day's shearing, the \"old shearer\"", "id": "5549253" }, { "contents": "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals\n\n\npercent of the world's angora comes from China, and retailers that carry angora did not initially comment to CBS. Over the next two years, though, because of the investigation, more than 70 retailers, including H&M, Topshop, and Inditex (the world's largest retailer), discontinued their use of angora. Inditex donated its angora products, valued at $878,000, to Syrian refugees. Between 2012 and 2014, PETA investigated sheep shearing sheds used by the wool industry in Australia and the U.S., uncovering \"evidence", "id": "15205183" }, { "contents": "The Wolseley Sheep Shearing Machine Company\n\n\ncuts, and cut the sheep badly. Even good shearers make second cuts in the wool when going over the back, in the flank and about the neck; and when wool is cut up in small pieces it must deteriorate the price. No one who has not seen it would believe the way some sheep are cut and gashed with the shears. Every shearer cuts more or less—most of them more; and your readers could judge of how sheep are shorn by the number some men get over in the day.", "id": "13582004" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearer\n\n\nAustralia became the first country in the world have a complete shearing, at Dunlop Station, finished using machines. By 1915, most large Australian sheep station shearing sheds had machines that were powered by steam engines. Later, internal combustion engines powered machines until rural power supplies became available. In most countries like Australia with large sheep flocks, the shearer is one of a contractor's team that go from property to property shearing sheep and preparing the wool for market. A workday starts at 7:30 am and the day is divided into", "id": "4511332" }, { "contents": "Wiltipoll\n\n\nspring to summer and produce lean, heavy lambs. They are a polled breed (no horns) bred for the production of prime lamb. The wool is simply shed and falls to the ground. Due to this process, the energy of the sheep is directed into meat and milk, not wool. The breed is, therefore, very low maintenance as it has no need for shearing, crutching, mulesing, jetting, dipping, and docking of tails. The Wiltipoll is grass seed-resistant and fly- and lice-", "id": "5817730" }, { "contents": "Mycenaean Greece\n\n\ninstance, the Knossos tablets record c. 80,000–100,000 sheep grazing in central Crete, and the quantity of the expected wool from these sheep and their offspring, as well as how this wool was allocated. The archives of Pylos display a specialized workforce, where each worker belonged to a precise category and was assigned to a specific task in the stages of production, notably in textiles. Nevertheless, palatial control over resources appears to have been highly selective in spatial terms and in terms of how different industries were managed. Thus, sectors like", "id": "11213545" }, { "contents": "Waterhouse Island (Tasmania)\n\n\n150 years the island has mostly been farmed, with sheep grazing the most prominent pursuit. The island has a house and a cottage, a four stand wool shed and implement shed, and a machine shed. The two dwellings are located in the lee of the prevailing westerly winds, on the eastern side, above sandy beaches. The island has a working wharf and two airstrips, one east-west and the other intersecting it. Freight boats, including Bass Strait trading vessels, also can beach on protected East and southeast", "id": "7461840" }, { "contents": "Salish Wool Dog\n\n\nand fed primarily raw and cooked salmon. To keep the breed true to type and the preferred white color, Salish Wool Dogs were confined on islands and in gated caves. The fur of the Salish Wool Dog was prized for making the famous and rare \"Salish\" blankets, as the Salish peoples did not have sheep and wild mountain goat wool was difficult to gather. The dogs were sheared like sheep in May or June. The sheared fur was so thick that Captain George Vancouver could pick up a corner and the whole", "id": "16288402" }, { "contents": "St. Croix sheep\n\n\newes weigh 68 kg (150 lbs) and rams weigh 90 kg (200 lbs). Birth weights average 2.7 kg (6 lbs) to 3.1 kg (7 lbs). Tail should not need docking. St. Croix sheep can live in a wide variety of climates. They are well adapted to the hot humid climate of the tropics and can survive in cold temperatures. Their hair coat lets them tolerate the heat, and they grow a thick wool coat in cold winter temperatures. Their coat sheds water. These sheep", "id": "1299792" }, { "contents": "Pilga Station\n\n\nPilga Station is a pastoral lease and sheep station located south west of Marble Bar and north of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The station occupies an area of and in 1946 has of fencing and the property is divided into 16 paddocks. The property also has 23 wells, is equipped with mills, a homestead and shearing shed. The Shaw River flows through a portion of Pilga. In 1928 sheep from Pilga produced 134 bales of wool. Shearers shore 15,400 sheep at Pilga in 1934 including 3,000 summer lambs producing", "id": "19657979" }, { "contents": "Yarrabubba\n\n\nstocked with 100 head of cattle. Yarrabubba was equipped with five windmills and 30 wells and divided into two paddocks. The Nairn brothers, pastoralists from Carnamah, purchased Yarrabubba in 1908. Sheep were being run at Yarrabubba in 1910 with the station producing wool for the London market. The station had an 8-stand shearing shed and during shearing in 1912 about 6,000 sheep were put over the boards. By 1915 an estimated 9,000 sheep were grazing at Yarrabubba, with the flock increasing to about 13,000 in 1916. In 1925 the Nairns acquired", "id": "349739" }, { "contents": "Box Hill House\n\n\nOf the original buildings only the stables and the underground tank remained essentially as they were. The complex had (and has) a commanding position on top of a sizeable small hill, looking across west to the Blue Mountains, and surveying the surrounding district. George and Nina had five sons, the first having being born at Rouse Hill before they moved into Box Hill. George Terry ran sheep, having as many as 4000 head and 100 bales of wool in the shed. Terry Road was a private driveway, with a", "id": "20961345" }, { "contents": "History of the domestic sheep\n\n\nvariety of products to compete with the superfine wool of Spanish sheep. By the time of Elizabeth I's rule, sheep and wool trade was the primary source of tax revenue to the Crown of England and the country was a major influence in the development and spread of sheep husbandry. An important event not only in the history of domestic sheep, but of all livestock, was the work of Robert Bakewell in the 18th century. Before his time, breeding for desirable traits was often based on chance, with no scientific process", "id": "19832472" }, { "contents": "Blade shearing\n\n\nvery harsh and so the extra cover of wool left by blade shears is preferable. In blade shearing competitions, the competitors are not only judged on how fast they can shear but also how tidily they shear. International blade shearing rules stipulate that the sheep must have an even finish of 5-15mm of wool and shearers will be penalised for any skin cuts or any wool that is too short or too long. Shearers are also judged as they shear for any time they cut the wool twice, this is called a", "id": "18934727" }, { "contents": "Woollen industry in Wales\n\n\nMountain sheep are hardy and thrive in the cold and wet conditions of the Welsh highlands. The wool is soft and may have kemp and black, grey or red fibres, which makes it attractive in tweeds and upholstery. Staple length is . Black Welsh Mountain sheep had mutton that was prized for its quality, and produced valuable \"Cochddu\" wool with a staple length of . After sorting, the raw wool would often be soaked in a 50–50 solution of human urine and water, then passed through a willy to untangle it", "id": "8132356" }, { "contents": "Rawlinna Station\n\n\n1700 bales of wool. In 2001, an amount of 78,417 sheep were shorn for 2177 bales of wool. In 2014 around 53,000 sheep were shorn and 1285 bales of wool. The station had a poor season in 2005, with only of rain falling compared to the average of . By 2006 things had improved, with falling before the onset of winter, guaranteeing that winter grasses would germinate and stock of 32,000 sheep on the property at that stage would have adequate feed. Ross Wood, the station manager, retired in 2007", "id": "2217140" }, { "contents": "Sheep\n\n\ncreated for high-production commercial flocks. Long wool breeds are the largest of sheep, with long wool and a slow rate of growth. Long wool sheep are most valued for crossbreeding to improve the attributes of other sheep types. For example: the American Columbia breed was developed by crossing Lincoln rams (a long wool breed) with fine-wooled Rambouillet ewes. Coarse or carpet wool sheep are those with a medium to long length wool of characteristic coarseness. Breeds traditionally used for carpet wool show great variability, but the", "id": "4372580" }, { "contents": "Pashmina\n\n\n(the moulting season), the goats naturally shed their undercoat, which regrows in winter. This undercoat is collected by combing the goat, not by shearing, as in other fine wools. A traditional producer of pashmina wool in the Ladakh region of the Himalayas are a people known as the Changpa. These are a nomadic people and inhabit the Changthang plateau of Tibet, which has a lowest altitude of 13,500 feet above sea level and a winter temperature which can drop to −40 degree Celsius. The Changpa rear sheep in these", "id": "14044869" }, { "contents": "Shearing shed\n\n\nfor all shed hands. The shorn fleece is picked up by the roustabout and cast onto a wool table for skirting, rolling and classing, before being placed in the appropriate wool bin. Wool bins should be made of a solid material in order that the different lines do not mix. Slatted wool tables are of two styles: round, revolving tables, which are handy if there is only one wool-roller; or the traditional rectangular type. Adequate lighting and ventilation is provided for all shearers and shedhands who work in", "id": "8543110" }, { "contents": "California Red sheep\n\n\ncreate a large-framed shape that did not grow wool by crossing Tunis and Barbados sheep. While his efforts did not come to fruition, he did develop a red-colored sheep that eventually came into the possession of Aime and Paulette Soulier of Winters, California. With the help of other sheep breeders, the Souliers were able to grow and develop the breed, with over 2,200 sheep registered since. The California Red is a medium-size sheep, with rams weighing between and ewes between . They have a bold,", "id": "15175565" }, { "contents": "Wool bale\n\n\nflow of the wool across the table and into the wool bins. The woolclasser oversees the duties of the wool presser during the entire shearing. The presser ensures that the wool pack is free of any contaminants before he places it into the wool press and secures it there. He then carries the wool from the selected wool bin, removing any contamination, before placing it into the press. It takes about 60 skirted fleeces to fill a wool bale, depending on the size and age of the sheep. The presser closes the", "id": "2306563" }, { "contents": "Lanolin\n\n\nLanolin (from Latin ‘wool’, and ‘oil’), also called wool yolk, wool wax, or wool grease, is a wax secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals. Lanolin used by humans comes from domestic sheep breeds that are raised specifically for their wool. Historically, many pharmacopoeias have referred to lanolin as wool fat (\"adeps lanae\"); however, as lanolin lacks glycerides (glycerol esters), it is not a true fat. Lanolin primarily consists of sterol esters instead", "id": "7277431" }, { "contents": "Faroese cuisine\n\n\n. Traditionally the main source of meat was the domestic sheep, the most common farm animal in the Faroe Islands. However, sheep were also used for their wool. The most popular treat is \"skerpikjøt\", well-aged, wind-dried mutton which is quite chewy. The drying shed, known as a \"hjallur\", is a standard feature in many Faroese homes, particularly in the small towns and villages. Other traditional foods are \"ræst kjøt\" (semi-dried mutton) and \"ræstur fiskur", "id": "19928210" }, { "contents": "Realia (library science)\n\n\nexamination with a microspectrophotometer, scientists have discovered that high heat, UV exposure, and even artificial lighting can be quite damaging to human hair. Wool, too, suffers in the sun—the fleece of sheep allowed to spend too much time in the sun before shearing accepts little dye when sheared from their backs, compared to their underbellies, as a result of disulfide bonds broken by UV light. Heat and a wide variety of insects, too, are deleterious to woolen textiles. Wool has a high resistance, however,", "id": "21392677" }, { "contents": "Dean Z\n\n\noriginal V plate. The added string length created by the exclusive headstock coupled with the original Dean neck design is how the Z achieves its \"incredible ease of play\". It is still sold in its original configuration. ZZ Top asked Dean Zelinsky to create a guitar that was covered in sheep's wool. What emerged became known as the \"Spinning Fur\" Dean Z. This was created as a guitar and a bass. ZZ Top used the Spinning Fur guitars in the music video for their song \"Legs\". The", "id": "1701767" }, { "contents": "Changpa\n\n\nand hence the wool is allowed to grow on the sheep to protect it from the cold. Before summer the local people comb the wool off the sheepwith the help of a local comb specially designed for Pashmina wool known as Tat. This combing helps the sheep feel cool in summer. After the wool is cut it is sold to entrepreneurs coming from Srinagar and the All Changthang Pashmina Grower Co-operative Marketing Society (ACPGCMS). The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) in Leh has founded the ACPGCMS. A former", "id": "13686055" }, { "contents": "Anatolian rug\n\n\nwith and not too expensive. It is less susceptible to dirt than cotton, does not react electrostatically, and insulates against both heat and cold. This combination of characteristics is not found in other natural fibers. Wool comes from the coats of sheep. Natural wool comes in colors of white, brown, fawn, yellow and gray, which are sometimes used directly without going through a dyeing process. Sheeps wool also takes dyes well. Traditionally, wool used for Turkish carpets is spun by hand. Before the yarn can be", "id": "4917776" }, { "contents": "Beringarra Station\n\n\nJohn Campbell who, after having troubles with the local Aboorigines, sold the property stocked with 9,000 sheep, 12 cattle and horses and equipped with a shearing shed and wool press to H. Darlot of Melbourne in 1882. In 1886 the property occupied an area of . Following a bad season in 1906, Beringarra was advertised to be auctioned in 1907 by Darlot. At this time the property had grown to of leasehold with of freehold. It was stocked with 12,500 mixed sheep, 2,000 mixed cattle and 70 horses. The main homestead", "id": "3527570" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\n, Australia. This seat was inspired by the combs, cutters, wool tables and grating associated with the craft and industry of shearing. During Australia's long weekend in June 2010, 111 machine shearers and 78 blade shearers shore 6,000 Merino ewes and 178 rams at the historic 72 stand \"North Tuppal\" station. Along with the shearers there were 107 wool handlers and penners-up and more than 10,000 visitors to witness this event in the restored shed. Over this weekend the scene in Tom Robert's \"Shearing of the", "id": "10502853" }, { "contents": "Barwidgee Station\n\n\nBarwidgee Station is a pastoral lease that operates as a sheep station in Western Australia. It is located approximately south east of Wiluna and north east of Leinster in the Mid West region of Western Australia. The Ryan brothers sold the property in 1944 to L. Bilston, who had managed the station for the previous five years. At this time the station occupied an area of and was completely fenced and divided into paddocks. There were sixty mills connected to tanks, a five-stand shearing shed, two wool sheds and a compact", "id": "15972233" }, { "contents": "Shatnez\n\n\nsewing woolen clothing. Only sheep's wool is considered as wool, the finest being that of lambs and rams; excluded is camels' hair, the fur of hares, and the wool of goats. If any of the excluded wools is mixed with sheep's wool, or spun with it into thread, the character of the material is determined by the proportion of each. If the greater part of it is sheep's wool, it is reckoned as wool; if the contrary, it is not wool and may be", "id": "118494" }, { "contents": "Noonkanbah Station\n\n\nand Liveringa stations, Noonkanbah was advertised as having an area of on one compact block equipped with of sheep fencing. The property was described as being abundantly watered by the Fitzroy River that passes through the centre of the run, and various other pools and springs. The property included a homestead and other buildings including the fully equipped 20-stand shearing shed. Stock included a flock of 65,000 sheep, 70 horses, 250 donkeys, 50 mules and 50 cattle. Wool produced on the station was often in high demand and fetched high prices", "id": "15210154" }, { "contents": "Nambi\n\n\nat the station to commence fencing in preparation for the arrival of sheep at the station. The station had also recently purchased eight lorries. By 1926 Nambi sold some of their first clip with 55 bales sold at the Perth sales in October 1926. and another 46 bales in 1928. Approximately 10,000 sheep were shorn at Nambi in 1928, with a total clip of 252 bales of wool. The shearing shed had recently been fitted with 6 stands of Lister machinery, whereas shearing had been all done by hand in the past.", "id": "15886806" }, { "contents": "Canvey Island\n\n\nas a sheep farming pasture under the control of nine villages and parishes situated in a belt across south inland and coastal Essex. Apart from the meat and wool produced from the sheep, the milk from the ewes was used for cheese-making. The abundance in later centuries would see the cheeses become a commodity taken for sale at the London markets, and at one stage exported via Calais to the continent. The existence of several place names on modern Canvey using the \"wick\" suffix (denoting the sheds in which the", "id": "16343564" }, { "contents": "Globe Hill Station\n\n\nowned the property in 1884 and it had been substantially improved with wells, pumps and a wool shed having all been built, and was stocked with 14,000 sheep. In 1907 the property was still running sheep and was owned by McRae. Frederick Bedford and Thomas Frederick de Pledge acquired the station in 1909 for £35,000. Globe Hill was incorporated into Yanrey Station by De Pledge. At one stage Yanrey was the third largest property in the Ashburton District, with a size of . The properties had a combined flock of approximately 80,000", "id": "19154365" }, { "contents": "History of the domestic sheep\n\n\nThe history of the domesticated sheep goes back to between 11000 and 9000 BC, and the domestication of the wild mouflon in ancient Mesopotamia. Sheep are among the first animals to have been domesticated by humans, and there is evidence of sheep farming in Iranian statuary dating to that time period. These sheep were primarily raised for meat, milk, and skins. Woolly sheep began to be developed around 6000 BC in Iran, and cultures such as the Persians relied on sheep's wool for trading. They were then imported to Africa", "id": "19832448" }, { "contents": "Wool\n\n\ndid not overtake British wool until comparatively late. The Industrial Revolution introduced mass production technology into wool and wool cloth manufacturing. Australia's colonial economy was based on sheep raising, and the Australian wool trade eventually overtook that of the Germans by 1845, furnishing wool for Bradford, which developed as the heart of industrialized woolens production. Due to decreasing demand with increased use of synthetic fibers, wool production is much less than what it was in the past. The collapse in the price of wool began in late 1966 with a 40", "id": "17628513" }, { "contents": "Romney sheep\n\n\n. The increased fleece weight of a long-wooled sheep comes from the longer fiber length produced. A finer-wooled sheep (e.g. Merino, Rambouillet) actually has far more wool follicles than the long-wooled sheep, but each supports a slower-growing fiber that is, therefore, shorter at periodic shearing. The “clean yield” (net weight after thorough washing) is typically high for Romneys, 75-80%; this is a higher yield than is got for most fine-wooled sheep. Perhaps", "id": "13271130" }, { "contents": "Comeback sheep\n\n\nThe Comeback is a type of domestic sheep originating in Australia. This type of sheep results from crossbreds produced by British Longwool sheep and Merinos being mated back to Merinos. This cross is made to achieve a finer, better style of wool. Comeback style wool is also produced by Bond, Cormo and Polwarth sheep and they may prove easier to breed than Comebacks. The Comeback sheep are raised for meat and their fine wool. The staple length of the bulky wool is with an average diameter of 21 to 25 microns. The", "id": "8801319" }, { "contents": "Sheep shearing\n\n\nof washing their very fine wool after shearing. There were three main reasons for the custom in Australia: The practice of washing the wool rather than the sheep evolved from the fact that hotter water could be used to wash the wool, than that used to wash the sheep. When the practice of selling wool in the grease occurred in the 1890s, wool washing became obsolete. Australia and New Zealand had to discard the old methods of wool harvesting and evolve more efficient systems to cope with the huge numbers of sheep involved.", "id": "10502834" }, { "contents": "Arthur River, Western Australia\n\n\n, much of the existing trade moved to new railway towns further east and many of the centres along the old \"Coach Road\" closed. A bridge over the Arthur River was built in 1907 at Nobles Crossing. Arthur River mainly serves as a fuel stop for travellers, with some of the historic buildings open to tourists. Located in the town are the Arthur River Roadhouse, which does fantastic home cooking and baking. The Arthur Wool Shed Group, with shearing shed, shearers' quarters, sheep dip and concrete cricket pitch", "id": "10703523" }, { "contents": "Etadunna Station\n\n\nfor many years. However in July the Police Station was closed and troopers transferred to other postings. In 1885 a shearing shed was built at Etadunna and five years later an artesian bore was sunk at Kopperamanna and the mission was able to collect fees from passing drovers, adding to the missionaries' income which came mainly from donations and the sale of wool. During the 1897 season more than 28,000 sheep were shorn at the Etadunna shed which had sixteen stands, eight for native shearers and eight for the whites. More than 22,000", "id": "18300685" }, { "contents": "Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival\n\n\nThe Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is the largest and longest-running showcase of domestic sheep and wool in the United States. The 2010 festival was the 37th consecutive. It is held at the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland. The festival was started in 1973. In 2003 it attracted over 70,000 people. The 2014 festival was the 40th consecutive. It is sponsored by the Maryland Sheep Breeders Association. The festival's purpose is to \"educate the public about sheep and wool\". It is organized and staffed", "id": "7264185" }, { "contents": "Merino\n\n\nactually 100% merino wool from a Merino strain bred specifically for its wool. The wool of any Merino sheep, whether reared in Spain or elsewhere, is known as \"merino wool\". However, not all merino sheep produce wool suitable for clothing, and especially for clothing worn next to the skin or as a second skin. This depends on the particular strain of the breed. Merino sheep bred for meat do not produce a fleece with a fine enough staple for this purpose. The Phoenicians introduced sheep from Asia Minor", "id": "2680193" }, { "contents": "Rya sheep\n\n\nRya, also known as Ryafår or Swedish Carpet Wool Sheep, is a breed of sheep that is native to Sweden. The breed originated from the Swedish and Norwegian landrace breeds. This double-coated breed of Swedish Landrace origin also contains some Norwegian Spælsau heritage. The purpose of the sheep was to use the long, wavy, and shiny wool to produce rya-wool, which is often used to make carpets. In the early twentieth century, few long wool sheep remained in the province of Dalarna, leading to the", "id": "20351577" } ]
Why did Mohammad marry a 6 year old?
[{"answer": "You know what? The answers here stink. You could ask a Muslim sub (especially an ask/debate/101-style sub) but it might be seen as a bit inflammatory and you'll probably get rubbish answers of a different kind there too. My best advice is to ask /r/exmuslim - they know their Islam over there so well that they dislike it, but if you explain that you want to get some of the background behind it then you'll probably get a few people who know their hadiths and what have you to give a critical overview of that part of Muhammad's life. And they're a pretty funny bunch too."}, {"answer": "You either believe all of the writings or none of them, either he was a prophet from God and married a 9 year old, or none of it happened? Please, also remember, that the reasons for him marrying the girl were not so he could fuck a kid, but so that she would be under his ward, as she was an orphan she had no one available to look after her ... or so the writings explain. The Hadith, is also based upon the words of others and not the original religious text, anyone could have written anything in there. This is all coming from a non-religious person that actually researched the topic rather than thought he'd get a cheap giggle and post some bullshit loaded ELI like a fucking dick. **EDIT** Just to add, there seems to be an insane amount of chaps choosing parts of the Hadith, which again was not the original religious text, the Quran, and only accepting those as complete truths simply because they can twist those sections to fit an agenda of hate and ignorance. It also states that Muhammad was a messenger from God? That must be true as well then? Since it's all scripture! No pun intended."}, {"answer": "I have follow up question: Was the marriage consummated when she was still a child?"}, {"answer": "Religion is weird, and times have changed. Many things that happen in religious texts would be considered quite strange or perverted, but it's possible it's just a story I guess."}, {"answer": "Well, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves his entire life and even took one as a concubine, but people still seem to think the things he had to say are worth studying, talking about, and even abiding by. Same thing. We are all subject to the moral standards and norms of the cultures in which we are born and live our lives. It might be that, 1000 years from now, we'd all be guilty of any number of decidedly horrible crimes, but that doesn't mean we cannot contribute anything of value."}, {"answer": "As far as I was told by my religious family members. The girl was an orphan and the only way she was allowed to live in Muhammeds house only if he married her at that time. The accuracy of the story I don't know."}, {"answer": "Joseph was supposed to be around 90 when he married Mary, who was around 12. Let's just say that the first millenium was a shitty time to be an underage girl."}, {"answer": "I wouldn't expect to get a Straight answer on the subject. There are too many religious fundamentalists out there who will justify their position using rhetorical technique and never actually address the question."}, {"answer": "Historical records can be spotty. There are diagreements about her age. The most generous view is that she was married at 9 years old, which is what I heard originally, and she had sex at age 12. This is what I believe. So, my simplest explanation for this behavior is: 1. Morality changes based on the conditions in which a society lives. When circumstance changes, generally speaking, so does morality, or what is acceptable, and not acceptable. For example, it's generally thought of as cruel to kill another person. However, when they are threatened the views change, and then it turns into \"self defense.\" Morality, or what we call morality, is not rigid, or fixed. 2. People didn't live as long back then. Dying younger was very common. There was no saving anything for the future. It was do it today or never. However, it should be noted that the low average life span was due to babies dying. But in terms of how society perceived their own longevity that is the most important part. If people thought they would die in their 40s that is a rather short time to live. Therefore people would be more pressed to do things that they would think beneficial, including marrying earlier, and having a family. 3. Giving birth was no easy task. It isn't now, but today in a proper hospital you will generally come out alive. Back then birth was an extremely perilous task. It was of crucial importance a woman, or girl rather, be in the best shape to give birth; otherwise, that would result in her death. So, it was the general view that a young girl would be best suited to have a baby. 4. Men often went to war and died, or were involved in deadly conflict. That meant a woman could be left as a widower, which would have devastating consequences. If she was too old, somewhat like today, that meant she could not get remarried and/or be capable of taking care of her child. Therefore, having a child at a younger age would be beneficial. Imagien that you had a baby when 12, and then your husband died, 10 years later. You'd still be attractive at 22 years old. Nowadays many people have babies at age 30. But imagine that 10 years passed. Then she would be 40. No problem today, right? Because a woman can earn. But back then that was not the case. A woman could not earn for herself. So the idea that women marry young was largely perpetuated by sexism, and inequality."}, {"answer": "Marriage isnt the right word for that time and place. She was spoken for. If a woman had no tribe or was not spoken for there was no repercussions for anything that happened to her. He took many wives to keep them safe."}, {"answer": "Because she was not, and texts pointing at her age are most likely wrong. Also a 6 or 9-year old girl isn't considered as \"old enough\" anyway in Islam Some actual research here: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I thought this was under r/jokes so I was confused when there was no punchline."}, {"answer": "Cuz he lived the thug life, he could fuck yo bitch if he wanted to."}, {"answer": "If you read this, check the labels on your clothes to see if they were made in Bangladesh, Indonesia or Pakistan. If so, it is highly likely that children of under 9 were involved directly in the manufacturing process (7.9 million children between 5 and 17 years old to be precise [source]( URL_1 ) ). They work long hours - which would be forbidden in OECD countries - for a pittance, and are fired for any hint of unionisation. Does the fact that our link to these children is at a geographical remove and part of a larger economic system absolve us from responsibility from the lives they are forced to lead? Just pointing out that any exploitation is easily justified as an inevitable part of a larger socioeconomic system. [source 1]( URL_0 ) [source 2]( URL_2 ) [source 3]( URL_3 ) [source 4]( URL_1 ) BTW How can anyone respect Thomas Jefferson or George Washington seeing as they were slave owners? Even if they advocated for reform, they knowingly used slave labour throughout their adult lives. If your answer is: \"They were good men but trapped in their time, so we can respect them when thus contextualised\", then please explain LI5 why this same line of reasoning cannot be applied to the prophet Mohammed? EDIT: This all does not exonerate any paedophile behaviour by anybody, but I want to de-isolate all the well-meaning muslim-bashing going on right now. Let's look in a big cultural mirror before bearing down on others too quickly, eh?"}, {"answer": "Alliances I believe. It was important for the Prophet to have strong and valuable allies in the early days of Islam, which meant marrying their daughters. One just happened to 6 at the time. But don't forget that the Prophet married a 40 year old woman when he was 25. She was his employer and she proposed to him. They were monogamously married for 25 years, until the Prophet was 50. He was deeply saddened by her death and called it the saddest year of his life and remained so for the rest of his life. It took a year until he remarried. So let's be fair and have both sides guys."}, {"answer": "I'm not a historian by an means and I don't actually know the story here but it wasn't uncommon for men to marry girls who were very young (in some cases toddlers) only to consummate the marriage when the girl came of age (whatever that may be given the context). Edit: okay did a little more reading and they consummated when she was nine. That's really really messed up."}, {"answer": "It was an agreement to marry her when she came of age. She lived with her father until she was old enough to be married. You also must remember that in those days people got married very young, it isn't the same as today's standards."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "63747", "title": "Muhammad Ali", "section": "Section::::Personal life.:Marriages and children.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 79, "end_paragraph_id": 79, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Ali was a resident of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, in the early 1970s. At age 32 in 1974, Ali began an illicit extramarital relationship with 16-year-old Wanda Bolton (who subsequently changed her name to Aaisha Ali) with whom he fathered another daughter, Khaliah (born 1974).", "Ali was a resident of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, in the early 1970s. At age 32 in 1974, Ali began an illicit extramarital relationship with 16-year-old Wanda Bolton (who subsequently changed her name to Aaisha Ali) with whom he fathered another daughter, Khaliah (born 1974). While still married to Belinda, Ali married Aaisha in an Islamic ceremony that was not legally recognized. According to Khaliah, she and her mother lived at Ali's Deer Lake training camp alongside Belinda and her children. In January 1985 Aaisha sued Ali for unpaid palimony. The case was settled when Ali agreed to set up a $200,000 trust fund for Khaliah. In 2001 Khaliah was quoted as saying she believed her father viewed her as \"a mistake.\" He had another daughter, Miya (born 1972), from an extramarital relationship with Patricia Harvell."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2533033", "title": "Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi", "section": "Section::::Personal life.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 40, "end_paragraph_id": 40, "meta": {"evidence_span": [") among Iranian citizens, Mesbah has 18% approval and 20% disapproval ratings and thus a 2% net popularity; while 52% of responders don't recognize the name. He married his wife, who is from Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani's family, in the 1950s. The couple have three children, two sons and a daughter. Their both sons are said to be clerics and one of them has studied in McGill University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The daughter is married to Hujjat al-Islam Mohammadi Araghi, who headed the \"Islamic Culture and Communication Organization\", a subdivision of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.", ") among Iranian citizens, Mesbah has 18% approval and 20% disapproval ratings and thus a 2% net popularity; while 52% of responders don't recognize the name. He married his wife, who is from Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani's family, in the 1950s. The couple have three children, two sons and a daughter. Their both sons are said to be clerics and one of them has studied in McGill University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The daughter is married to Hujjat al-Islam Mohammadi Araghi, who headed the \"Islamic Culture and Communication Organization\", a subdivision of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Qazi Syed Mohammad Zaman\n\n\n) and that is why also famous distantly for his treatment in many diseases. He was fond of travelling and excursion. Qazi Syed Mohammad Zaman belonged to the family of Gardēzī Sadaat and was the son of Qazi Syed Hayatullah (died 1135 AH / 1722 AD). He was married to Bibi Asalat, daughter of Mohammad Kazim ibn Qazi Ghulam Murtaza and maternal granddaughter of Qazi Badruddin (died 6 Ramzan 1169 AH / 1755 AD). Qazi Badruddin received Farman (royal order) ba-Mohr ‘Sadrus Sudoor’ Saaduddin by", "id": "14879192" }, { "contents": "Mut‘im ibn ‘Adi\n\n\ndaughter ‘A’isha to Mut‘im's son Jubayr ibn Mut'im some time between her birth in 613 and 619. When Mut‘im was informed that Abu Bakr had adopted Islam, he no longer wished his son to marry ‘A’isha and that she was six years old when she Married Mohammad. Also we know Aisha was originally engaged to Jubayr but that in 619 the year after Khadijah, Mohammad's first wife died Mohammad married Aisha. Tradition also says that while Aisha was between six and seven when she married and 9 or 10 when this", "id": "3304553" }, { "contents": "Faiza Rauf\n\n\nPrincess Faiza did not want to marry a member of the Middle East royal family. Instead, she married to her Turkish cousin Mohammad Ali Bulent Rauf, who was thirty-four years old, in Cairo on 17 May 1945. Their marriage was arranged through familial relations. He was a Western educated man who was the grandson of Ismail Pasha. King Farouk did not support their marriage, but reluctantly endorsed it. Princess Faiza and her husband lived in the Zohria Palace on Gezira Island in the Nile after their marriage. Princess", "id": "5683788" }, { "contents": "Harjol\n\n\nthe future Empress Xiaoduanwen, and Bumbutai, the future Empress Xiaozhuangwen, on 28 May 1614 and in March or April 1625 respectively, to strengthen the relationship between the Qing dynasty and the Khorchin. Lady Borjigit was 26 years old when she married Hong Taiji, placing her out of the typical age women married during that time period, which was between 13–17 years. There are no documents that conclusively prove why Lady Borjigit did not marry while she was younger, but some claims state that she had previously married a Khorchin warrior,", "id": "21306033" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Ali (actor)\n\n\ntime in 1962 during the filming of their debut film \"Chirag Jalta Raha (1962)\". The couple got married four years later during the filming of \"Tum mile pyar mila\" on 29 September 1966 and remained married until Ali's death in 2006. They did not have any children together. However, Mohammad Ali legally adopted Samina, Zeba's daughter from her previous marriage, giving her the name Samina Ali. Mohammad Ali and his wife Zeba both had close relations with different political regimes in the country. He", "id": "6437285" }, { "contents": "The Color of Paradise\n\n\nheartbroken when she realizes that Hashem (Mohammad's father) has given him away to a blind carpenter and she falls ill. She leaves the family home but Hashem tries to convince her to stay back, questioning his destiny, wondering why he lost his father as a young boy, asking why God has taken away his wife and cursed him with a blind boy, and asking his mother what she did for him. Mohammad's grandmother faints on her way so Hashem carries her back home. Eventually Mohammad's grandmother dies.", "id": "11603078" }, { "contents": "Ivo Andrić\n\n\nto \"serve his country as fully as possible\". On 27 September 1958, the 66-year-old Andrić married Milica Babić, a costume designer at the National Theatre of Serbia who was almost twenty years his junior. Earlier, he had announced it was \"probably better\" that a writer never marry. \"He was perpetually persecuted by a kind of fear,\" a close friend recalled. \"It seemed as though he had been born afraid, and that is why he married so late. He simply did not", "id": "10281436" }, { "contents": "Lamman Rucker\n\n\nLamman Rucker (born October 6, 1971) is an American actor. Rucker began his career on the daytime soap operas \"As the World Turns\" and \"All My Children\", before roles in Tyler Perry's films \"Why Did I Get Married?\", \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\", and \"Meet the Browns\", and its television adaptation. In 2016, he began starring as Jacob Greenleaf in the Oprah Winfrey Network drama series, \"Greenleaf\". Rucker was born in Pittsburgh", "id": "19653524" }, { "contents": "Ferial Karim\n\n\nand began singing Thuraya Helmi songs. Karim attracted attention of Egyptian movie producers and was cast as a child prodigy \"Ferial\" in Ibrahim Lama's movie \"Sikkat as-Salamah\" (The safety track); Karim adopted the nickname for her artistic career. Karim's acting career in Cairo's Farouq theater introduced her to a Lebanese singer Mohammad Karim. In 1954, the sixteen-year-old Karim married Mohammad who was many years her senior. Mohammad quit his singing career and dedicated his life to promote Karim's", "id": "12023486" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married Too?\n\n\nmember to reprise her role. Due to Michael Jackson's sudden death, film production was halted for a short period of time, after which Jackson returned to continue with the project. On August 6, 2009, Jackson stated that she had finished filming her scenes. On June 16, 2009, Tyler Perry confirmed that the entire cast from the first film would return for the sequel. Janet Jackson recorded a song for the \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\" soundtrack entitled \"Nothing\". It served as the", "id": "21439942" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Khodabanda\n\n\n-Din Mohammad Safavi, the eight-month-old infant son of Ismail II, should be crowned as shah while in reality state affairs would be taken care of by Pari Khan Khanum. This suggestion, however, did not get the green light of most of the assembly since it would have swayed the balance of power among many Qizilbash clans. Ultimately the assembly agreed to appoint Mohammad Khodabanda as shah. The appointment of Mohammad Khodabanda was supported and approved by Pari Khan Khanum, due to him being a man of old", "id": "18542906" }, { "contents": "An Island in the Moon\n\n\nwhy said he. It came into my head that he was not. – Why then said Obtuse Angle you said that he was. Did I say so Law I did not think I said that – Did not he said Obtuse Angle Yes said Scopprell. But I meant said Aradobo I I I can't think Law Sir I wish you'd tell me, how it is.\" Northrop Frye refers to this incident as \"farcical conversational deadlock.\" Chapter 6 continues to intersperse songs amongst the prose. \"When old", "id": "7165801" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Khan Baluch's Rebellion\n\n\nso why did you raise your weapon against me? Repent and turn from the chosen path back, and God forbid that your eyes become confused! \". However, Mohammad Khan Baluch rejected Nader demand and replied: \"I firmly decided to sacrifice myself for the task I had set. May Allah repay what He pleases, and you, and me! Or I will die by your hand or you from mine! Know that!\". Returning from the debacle in front of the gates of Baghdad Mohammad Khan Baluch seized", "id": "21231097" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Reza Pahlavi\n\n\nSaadabad pact. In line with this suggestion, Mohammad Reza and Princess Fawzia married. Dilawar Princess Fawzia of Egypt (5 November 1921 – 2 July 2013), a daughter of King Fuad I of Egypt and Nazli Sabri, was a sister of King Farouk I of Egypt. They married on 15 March 1939 in the Abdeen Palace in Cairo. Reza Shah did not participate in the ceremony. During his visit to Egypt, Mohammad Reza was greatly impressed with the grandeur of the Egyptian court as he visited the various palaces built", "id": "2741429" }, { "contents": "Narjis daughter of Yeshua\n\n\nshe said: Now you can expect Abu Mohammad peace be upon him to visit you because I will send him to you. I said: How much am I longing to meet Abu Mohammad. The following evening Abu Mohammad came to me in my dream. I saw him and it was as if I was saying to him: Why did you avoid me my darling after you have made my heart busy with your love? He said: My delay in meeting you was only due to your beliefs in association a partner to", "id": "14862204" }, { "contents": "Sambad Kaumudi\n\n\nthe Hindu scriptures which issue religious command to commit Sati. He kept worshiping those scriptures. So the Hindus kept burning their widows. Only when the then Governor-General of India, Lord William Bentinck banned it thru Law, people were stopped doing so. 2. The remedy, he told, was worse than the disease. He did not oppose marrying girls of innocent age ( 5 years to 15 years) to as old as 50-60 years old. He himself remarried a 6 year old widow at the age", "id": "7817565" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Bazar, Birbhum\n\n\nMohammad Bazar is a village in Mohammad Bazar CD Block in Suri Sadar subdivision of Birbhum district in the Indian state of West Bengal. Mohammad Bazar police station has jurisdiction over Mohammad Bazar CD block. As per the 2011 Census of India, Mahammadbazar had a total population of 3,090 of which 1,545 (50%) were males and 1,545 (50%) were females. Population below 6 years was 361. The total number of literates in Mahammadbazar was 2,000 (73.29% of the population over 6 years). NH 14,", "id": "21849561" }, { "contents": "List of The Cosby Show characters\n\n\n:\" \"Why do we have four children?\" \"Cliff:\" \"Because we did not want five.\") In her first appearance, she is a sophomore in college, and Cliff notes her to be 20 years old (episode 10), making her birth year 1964. She earned a degree from Princeton University and had intentions of pursuing a career as a lawyer, like her mother. She married her boyfriend, Elvin Tibideaux, in season four, and later gave birth to twins—a boy", "id": "5361341" }, { "contents": "Lamman Rucker\n\n\nroles in the Tyler Perry's films. He co-starred in \"Why Did I Get Married?\" (2007) and \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\" (2010). He played Will Brown in 2008 film \"Meet The Browns\". He later had a starring role on Perry's sitcom \"Meet the Browns\" reprising his role as Will from 2009 to 2011. The following year after \"Meet the Browns\", Rucker was cast in the male lead role opposite Anne Heche in the NBC", "id": "19653527" }, { "contents": "Tyler Perry\n\n\n. On October 2, 2012, Perry struck an exclusive multi-year partnership with Oprah Winfrey and her Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). The partnership was largely for the purposes of bringing scripted television to the OWN, Perry having had previous success in this department. \"Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse\", based on his films \"Why Did I Get Married?\" and \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\", premiered on TBS on November 25, 2011. The series was cancelled by TBS in", "id": "20761959" }, { "contents": "Tasha Smith\n\n\n. She starred as Angela Williams in the Tyler Perry films \"Why Did I Get Married?\" (2007), its sequel \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\" (2010), and on the television series based on the movies, \"For Better or Worse\" (2011–2017). In 2015, she began a recurring role as Carol Holloway on the Fox musical drama series \"Empire\". Later in the same year, Smith made her directorial debut. Smith made her screen debut with small role in", "id": "6174118" }, { "contents": "Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad\n\n\nMahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad (محمود محمد عيسى محمد) (born in 1943) is a Palestinian and former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. In 1968, Mohammad was involved in the hijacking of a commercial El Al aircraft at an airport in Greece. Under orders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the then-25-year-old and another man hurled grenades and sprayed the plane with machine-gun fire, killing Leon Shirdan, a 50-year-old Israeli maritime engineer. After the attack, the", "id": "7736783" }, { "contents": "Charles W. Howard\n\n\nIt wasn't what he had expected but all at once he realized that if Santa meant that much to that child it must mean just as much to hundreds of others. Who was this old fellow who meant so much to the children? Where did he come from? What did he stand for? Why did he wear that red suit? Why was it trimmed with white fur? Why this? And why that? Howard spent years reading about the history of Santa Claus, picking up just about every book on the", "id": "16214337" }, { "contents": "But Why Not\n\n\nBut Why Not (foaled in 1944) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse. The daughter of Blue Larkspur and granddaughter of Black Servant is probably best remembered for wins in the Alabama Stakes, the Acorn Stakes, the Black-Eyed Susan Stakes at Pimlico Race Course. In 1947, she was voted by the country's top sports writers as the American Champion Three-Year-Old Filly. But Why Not did not run as a two-year-old. In 1947, she ran in eleven races over ten months and", "id": "20279024" }, { "contents": "Anny Ondra\n\n\nwith Karel Lamač. \"I swim like a fish, ride like a cowboy, and I would do it all if the film required it,\" summarized the nineteen-year-old. After some years she wanted to begin a family, but Lamač did not want to marry. So, after a three-year romance, on 6 July 1933 Ondra married German boxer Max Schmeling, with whom she appeared in the film \"Knock-out\" (1935). Their marriage was a happy one, although childless", "id": "11184371" }, { "contents": "Child development\n\n\n4 and 5 years old are able to use past tense, have a vocabulary of about 1,500 words, and ask questions like \"why?\" and \"who?\". By age 6, the child has a vocabulary of 2,600 words, is able to form sentences of 5–6 words and use a variety of different types of sentences. By the age of 5 or 6 years old, the majority of children have mastered the basics of their native language. Infants, 15 month-olds, are initially unable to understand", "id": "1981438" }, { "contents": "Sana'a school shooting\n\n\nThe Sana'a school shooting was a school shooting where 6 people were killed by Mohammad Ahman al-Nazari in Sana'a, Yemen on 30 March 1997. Nazari was convicted for the killings and sentenced to death. He was executed a week later. Mohammad Ahman al-Nazari was a 48-year-old resident of Sana'a, Yemen, and a veteran of the Soviet–Afghan War, where he had fought in the Mujahideen against the Soviet Union during their invasion of Afghanistan. Nazari's five children attended the Tala'i Private School in the", "id": "14219472" }, { "contents": "Vitaly Yarema\n\n\nof pressure on the media, obstruction of journalistic activities. From 27 February 2014 — First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine. Yarema did not participate in the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election. On 19 June 2014 A total of 329 MPs voted Yarema in as General Prosecutor of Ukraine following the respective nomination submitted by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Married. He has three children. Yarema and his wife Margarita have three children - 25-year-old son Valery, 22-year-old daughter Ilona and 6-year-old daughter Roxolana. In 1999 by the", "id": "8891892" }, { "contents": "Qazi Syed Rafi Mohammad\n\n\nof Husain Mohammad ibn Mohammad Jamal. With Latifun Nisan, he had five sons – Mohammad Baqar, Qazi Syed Inayatullah, Mohammad Asadullah, Mohammad Atiqullah Shaheed, Mohammad Rizqullah Shaheed and one daughter Bibi Rasti. Mohammad Baqar was married to Sultan Bibi from Palwal, while Mohammad Asadullah was married to the daughter of Fatehullah of Sakras (Haryana), Mohammad Atiqullah was married to Mehtab Bibi, daughter of Mohammad Khaliq ibn Mohammd Qaim ibn Fateh Mohammad ibn Mohammad Adam. Mohammad Atiqullah and Mohammad Rizqullah got martyrdom (Shaheed) during Sipâhigiri.", "id": "14934982" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married Too?\n\n\nTyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too? is a 2010 American comedy-drama film directed by Tyler Perry and starring Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry, Tasha Smith, Jill Scott, Louis Gossett, Jr., Malik Yoba, Michael Jai White, Sharon Leal, Richard T. Jones, Lamman Rucker, and Cicely Tyson. Produced by Lionsgate and Tyler Perry Studios, it is the sequel to \"Why Did I Get Married?\" (2007). The film shares the interactions of four couples who undertake a week-", "id": "21439931" }, { "contents": "James Joseph Dresnok\n\n\nfull food ration by the government. \"Why? Why do they let their own people starve to death to feed an American?\", he asked. \"The Great Leader has given us a special solicitude. The government is going to take care of me until my dying day.\" In December 1959, Dresnok married Kathleen Ringwood, a 19-year-old from New York. In \"Crossing the Line\", Dresnok explains that after getting married at a young age, he was deployed in West Germany for two years", "id": "14343316" }, { "contents": "Safavid dynasty\n\n\ndeath of Ismail II there were three candidates for succession: Shāh Shujā', the infant son of Ismail (only a few weeks old), Ismail's brother, Mohammad Khodabanda; and Mohammad’s son, Sultan Hamza Mirza, 11 years old at the time. Pari Khān Khānum, sister of Ismail and Mohammad, hoped to act as regent for any of the three (including her older brother, who was nearly blind). Mohammad was selected and received the crown on February 11, 1579. Mohammad would rule for", "id": "13471385" }, { "contents": "Moroccan Quarter\n\n\nAntiquities Authority - In destroying the a small mosque near the Buraq section of the Wall, associated with the ascent of Mohammad on his steed Buraq to heaven, the engineer Ben Moshe is quoted as having exclaimed:\"Why shouldn't the mosque be sent to Heaven, just as the magic horse did?\" Two years later, another complex of buildings close to the wall, that included \"Madrasa Fakhriya\" (\"Fakhriyyah zawiyya\") and the house in front of the Bab al-Magharibah that the Abu al-Sa'ud family had", "id": "1885118" }, { "contents": "Alisha Boe\n\n\nAlisha Ilhaan Bø (born March 6, 1997), known professionally as Alisha Boe, is a Somali-Norwegian actress. She is known for playing Jessica Davis in the Netflix drama series \"13 Reasons Why\". Bø was born in Oslo, Norway, to a Somali father and a Norwegian mother (from Trondheim). She and her mother moved to Los Angeles when Alisha was seven years old because her mother married an American man. Boe attended two middle schools: George Ellery Hale Middle School and Ivy Academia.", "id": "3582540" }, { "contents": "The Merchant's Tale\n\n\n– 'the just one'), who opposes marriage from his own experience. Januarie, a vain man, hears only the flattery of his sycophantic friend Placebo. Januarie marries May, a young woman not yet 20 years old, largely out of lust and under the guise of religious acceptability. He chooses her seemingly spontaneously after telling all his friends to go and look for a wife for him. It is unknown why May accepts Januarie; however, it is safe to assume that she did it for social betterment and", "id": "16713213" }, { "contents": "Naved-ul-Hasan\n\n\nfor Pakistan with little success, having to compete with Shoaib Akhtar, Mohammad Asif, Umar Gul and Mohammad Sami for a place in the side. As a result, he has become regular in ODI. Naved's career with Pakistan saw him take 110 wickets in 74 one-day internationals between 2003 and 2010 and a career best of 6–27 versus India in 2005. The 33-year-old Pakistani bowler has good of international experience, having represented his country on 87 occasions. Naved-ul-Hasan made his international debut at", "id": "9314132" }, { "contents": "First Anglo-Afghan War\n\n\nof the Punjab, not because he really wanted an alliance with Russia. The British had the power to compel Singh to return the former Afghan territories he had conquered whereas the Russians did not, which explains why Dost Mohammad Khan wanted an alliance with the British. Alexander Burnes, the Scotsman who served as the East India Company's chief political officer in Afghanistan wrote home after having dinner with Count Witkiewicz and Dost Mohammad in late December 1837: \"We are in a mess home. The emperor of Russia has sent an envoy", "id": "21290894" }, { "contents": "Statements about the persecution of Bahá'ís\n\n\nthe processes that led to the ghettoization and eventual \"othering\" of the Bahá'ís in Iran by the political and religious forces within Iranian society. Other statements include: On July 15, 2013, Mohammad Nourizad kissed the feet of a 4-year-old Bahá'í boy whose parents had been arrested for participation in the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education saying: \"…why shouldn't I kiss your feet as a representative of the office of [Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] and the [many] Shi'ite sources of emulation?", "id": "404588" }, { "contents": "Imrana rape case\n\n\nrape. On 6 June 2005, Imrana, 28 years old at the time, and the mother of five children, was raped by her 69-year-old father-in-law Ali Mohammad. Soon after she was raped, a local Muslim \"panchayat\" (council of elders) asked her to treat her husband Nur Ilahi as her son and declared their marriage null and void. Imrana defied the panchayat's ruling and continued living with her husband. The leading Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband also issued a \"fatwa\"", "id": "20615463" }, { "contents": "List of Kamen Rider Ryuki characters\n\n\nis a 25-year-old computer programmer who works for the ORE Journal. Nanako Shimada is portrayed by . is a 25-year-old woman who used to be Kitaoka's secretary. She returned into his life claiming that the two of them were to be married. Megumi is a strong individual and quite capable in a fight, which is why Kitaoka hired her as his bodyguard. However she is quite ditzy, which was why Kitaoka had fired her. She would later be hired by Okubo as a journalist for ORE. Megumi", "id": "18431848" }, { "contents": "Frances Gray Patton\n\n\nwealth, of which she is very proud. Maria did not marry so well. They talk about their happy childhood, remembering their game of imagining they were grown up with many unusual... \"Mothers and Daughters,\" April 5, 1952 Fiction ABSTRACT - The story of a mother's problem with her 17-year-old daughter who was going through a stage of resentment toward her mother. Having sacrificed quite a bit for the education and general welfare of her daughter, Emily could not understand why Laura was so rude and sarcastic", "id": "22177330" }, { "contents": "Khalifa Mohammad Asadullah\n\n\nKhalifa Mohammad Asadullah (6 August 1890 – 23 November 1949) was a pioneer of the library movement in the Indian subcontinent before 1947. He was also the first prominent librarian to opt for Pakistan at the time of independence in 1947. He was born on 6 August 1890 in Lahore, British India (now Pakistan) to Maulvi Mohammd Ziaullah and Alam Jan. He received his basic education in Lahore and graduated from Forman Christian College, Lahore in 1913. In 1908, he married Hameeda Begum in Lahore and fathered 14 children.", "id": "14149147" }, { "contents": "Sam Warner\n\n\nbachelorhood, Warner met eighteen-year-old \"Ziegfeld Follies\" performer and actress Lina Basquette while spending time in New York visiting the Bell Laboratories. The two began an intense love affair. On July 4, 1925, the two were married. While Warner's younger brother Jack did not object to Basquette's Catholicism, the rest of the Warner family did. They refused to accept Basquette and did not acknowledge her as a member of the Warner clan. On October 6, 1926, the couple's only child,", "id": "3163093" }, { "contents": "Dost Mohammad of Bhopal\n\n\nand Feroze clans, settled in Bhopal during his reign due to relatively peaceful environment of the area. Dost Mohammad Khan died of an illness in March 1728. It is said that he had 30 wounds on his body from the various fights and battles he had participated in. He was buried in the Fatehgarh Fort beside his wife Fatah Bibi. Dost Mohammad Khan was survived by 5 daughters and 6 sons (Yar, Sultan, Sadar, Fazil, Wasil and Khan Bahadur). He married several times, but only few of", "id": "3760117" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Nourizad\n\n\nIranian authorities to his complaints of alleged mistreatment by interrogators at the Evin prison. On 16 December authorities detained his family members after they showed up outside the prison to inquire about his failing health. On July 15, 2013, Nourizad kissed the feet of a 4-year-old Bahá'í boy whose parents had been arrested for participation in the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education, saying: \"…why shouldn't I kiss your feet as a representative of the office of [Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] and the [many", "id": "4387216" }, { "contents": "Marco Allen Chapman\n\n\npolice officer was testifying about how Carolyn Marksberry had to crawl over the lifeless body of her 6 year old son Cody, Marco bowed his head down, and wept. \"To this day, I still don't know why. I don't know exactly what happened that night,\" Chapman said. \"I did something that was immoral and wrong. I want to pay the price for it.\" On January 15, 2004, during a routine transfer for a pretrial hearing in Boone County, Marco Chapman managed to", "id": "886850" }, { "contents": "Dedh Ishqiya\n\n\nThe Begum did not want to marry Jaan Mohammad, but she wanted his money, therefore she was staging a kidnapping in order to receive a ransom from Jaan Mohammad. She has employed Babban to act as her kidnapper and extort a hefty ransom from Jaan Mohammad, who was expected to pay up because otherwise he would never fulfill his dream of becoming a Nawab. Babban duly phones Jaan Mohammed (who is by now aware of the Begum's cunning plan) to bring a ransom of 10 crore (100 million) rupees in", "id": "17579448" }, { "contents": "Old St. Paul's (novel)\n\n\ntitle and is able to marry Argentine. The murderous thieves, Chowles and Malmayne, are killed during the fire when they are trapped beneath St. Paul's Cathedral as the fire destroys it. Eventually, Holt witnesses the rebuilding of the Cathedral. \"Old St. Paul's\" was not illustrated by George Cruikshank, the illustrator of many of Ainsworth's works, and this caused problems between the two. It is uncertain why Ainsworth did not choose Cruikshank, and Cruikshank criticised Ainsworth in a pamphlet titled \"Artist and Author\" (", "id": "9800390" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Bazar (community development block)\n\n\n), Hingla (721), Puranagram (1,924) and Ganpur (2,706). As per the 2011 census the total number of literates in Mohammad Bazar CD Block was 92,045 (65.18% of the population over 6 years) out of which males numbered 51,892 (72.26% of the male population over 6 years) and females numbered 40,153 (57.85% of the female population over 6 years). The gender disparity (the difference between female and male literacy rates) was 14.41%. See also – List of West", "id": "10253254" }, { "contents": "Syed Hayatullah\n\n\nwas also killed by Ahirs and their graves are located besides the wall of Masjid located inside the fort. The son of Mohammad Hasan, Ghulam Saroor was a prominent physician who died in Mecca, after performing Hajj on 11 Moharram 1294 AH. Mian Mohammad Yar (born 1176 AH / 1762 AD) was quite a religious person and was married to Wajihun Nisan (daughter of Shah Abul Ghais). The son of Mohammad Yar Mohammad Ali was married to Sahibun Nisan (daughter of Shah Mohammad Shoeb). Mohammad Muneer was married", "id": "14935114" }, { "contents": "Tividale\n\n\na wedding reception there. A 15-year-old boy, along with his 26-year-old brother a 36-year-old woman, 28-year-old man, a married couple and a 38-year-old man died at the scene. A 16-year-old girl died just after arriving at hospital, as did a 19-year-old man. A 30-year-old woman died in hospital from her injuries the next day, and a 19-year-old woman died in hospital from her injuries two days later, as did a 20-year-old", "id": "18272227" }, { "contents": "Jamaica at the 2008 Summer Olympics\n\n\n(22.80 seconds). 97 athletes competed in the preliminary round, and Atkinson tied Kuwait's Mohammad Madwa for 45th place. He did not advance to later rounds. Then 19-year-old Alia Atkinson participated in the women's 200 meters breaststroke on Jamaica's behalf. An affiliate of the Comets Swim Club in Pembroke Pines, Florida, Atkinson previously participated for Jamaica in the women's 100 meters breaststroke and the women's 50 meters freestyle while 15 years old in the 2004 Athens Olympics. The event's preliminary round, which", "id": "2097854" }, { "contents": "List of Big Brother (Australian TV series) season 6 housemates\n\n\nall the other 2006 housemates on the Rove Live episode of the week of the final. Michael was asked if he had any regrets. His response was that he regretted that John and Ashley were not on the show and questioned Rove as to why he did not have them on the show. Perry Apostolou (born 4 March 1967) is a 41-year-old estate agent from New South Wales. She is a single mother of one and is of Greek descent. Perry entered the House on Day 60 (21 June)", "id": "18853111" }, { "contents": "Hooked: Muscle Women\n\n\n, an older woman commented that she was crazy and that no man would want to marry her with a body like that. She replied that she had guys lined up to marry her. She said her strict diet and her training regimen have gotten in the way of a relationship, which is why dating a bodybuilder who is equally hooked on building muscle makes a relationship easier. Colette Nelson is a 33-year-old professional female bodybuilder. She has been competing as a bodybuilder since she was 19 years old. At the age", "id": "17984602" }, { "contents": "Orosa-Nakpil, Malate\n\n\nbefore he bid goodbye. Dave then, slowly and surely but not completely, moved on and became successful in his studies. He graduated with flying colors and became a doctor. Then an unexpected encounter presented shocking revelations to Dave that made everything clear to him. Why he was raped, why Ross left, why a hundred crumpled fliers containing libelous information flew towards Dave at the Barn bar 6 years ago, why Ross did something Dave never thought he could. He knew why - he knew that it was because of revenge", "id": "14343764" }, { "contents": "Qazi Syed Mohammad Rafi\n\n\nwas married to Mian Mohammad Yunus. Syed Mohammad Shamsuddin was also a man of many qualities. He was employed in the army at Nagpur and was married to Sahibun Nisan daughter of Ghulam Sharfuddin ibn Mohammad Naim ibn Mohammad Taqi ibn Abdul Hadi. Ghulam Sharfuddin was martyred with Shaikh Imam Ali at Gageen District Jodhpur by the hands of Zamindars. Syed Mohammad Shamsuddin had one son, Masihuddin (remained unmarried), and three daughters. The elder daughter Faridun Nisan was married to Ghulam Ali ibn Qazi Qutubuddin of Jhajjar. In 1829 (", "id": "14878959" }, { "contents": "Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad\n\n\n\"Associated Press\" referred to the aircraft as \"blazing, smoking\" and \"bullet-riddled\". Mohammad and his accomplice were arrested at the airport. In 1970 he was convicted of manslaughter and other charges and sentenced to 17 years in jail. However, he was freed a few months later after another Palestinian terrorist group hijacked a plane and threatened to kill the passengers unless the government released Mohammad. After being pardoned by Greece, Mohammad lived in different parts of the Middle East, including Lebanon, where he married", "id": "7736784" }, { "contents": "Nsofwa Petronella Sampa\n\n\nwas only 10 years old. Sampa's uncle then became her guardian, and she moved to his house. Sampa took medication everyday without knowing why she was taking it or what it was for, or why her cousins living in the same house did not do the same, as the family did not discuss it. In 2002, she had stumbled upon her medical file that revealed life changing information stating that she was HIV positive, but did not ask any questions. Sampa attended Mary Queen of Peace for her primary education", "id": "2153151" }, { "contents": "Hamida al-Attas\n\n\nof the 24 sons which Mohammad would sire. She often spent summers at her brother Naji's home in Latakia and Osama went with her until he was 17. In 1974, when Osama was 18, he married her brother's daughter, 14-year-old Najwa Ghanem, who had been promised to him. Hamida later married Mohammed al-Attas, a Hadhrami administrator in the fledgling Bin Laden empire, when Osama was four or five; they had three sons and a daughter including Ahmad Mohammed. Osama took an active part", "id": "18397373" }, { "contents": "Mohammad Din Mohammad\n\n\nMohammad Din Mohammad is a Singaporean Malay painter who is known for his expressive works of art inspired by Sufism. Mohammad's paintings and sculptures are also heavily influenced by his devotion to the practice of the Malay martial arts called silat. He was also a practising bomoh, or Malay healer. Born in Kampung Gangsa in Malacca, Malaysia, Mohammad's family migrated to Singapore when he was two years old. As a boy he was interested in art, experimenting in ceramics, making clay cups at the age of five. Formal", "id": "3399420" }, { "contents": "Akademi Fantasia (season 6)\n\n\nprevious five seasons which were eligible for those who aged from 18–27 years old. The number of contestants was also decreased to 14, from 16 since Season 5. The winner was 18-year-old Stracie Angie Anam, from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, who became the youngest contestant ever to win the competition, beating Mohammad Idris Mohd. Zaizizi. She won prizes worth MYR733,734 which comprised a four-room bungalow at A'Famosa Villa D'Lagos, Melaka, a Peugeot 307XS car, cash worth MYR25,000, holiday package of 7 days and 5", "id": "17564574" }, { "contents": "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad\n\n\nTheir quest completed, Sinbad and his crew journey back to Marabia. When Margiana asks him why he did not take the crown himself, Sinbad explains, \"I value freedom. A king is never really free. Why, he's even told who he must marry.\" The two of them kiss. Screenwriter Brian Clemens helped Munro land the role of Margiana: \"I got the part – I had been signed by Hammer, for one year, for a contract, out of which I did two films, one", "id": "7100675" }, { "contents": "Janet Jackson filmography\n\n\nbut emotionally scarred) romance psychologist who corrals her now-married college friends into an annual retreat.\" \"Variety\" considered Jackson's presence to ensure its success. It opened at number one, grossing nearly $60 million worldwide. She also starred in \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\", reprising her role as a \"demurely clothed, deeply sentient, highly respected psychologist.\" It opened at number two, grossing over $60 million. A third sequel, \"Why Did I Get Married Again?", "id": "9591832" }, { "contents": "The Vow (2012 film)\n\n\nhe would not have met her parents, after having been married to her. She finds it even stranger that he did not know why either. Nor did she understand why she left law school, broke her engagement with her previous fiancé, Jeremy, and why she has not been in touch with her family and friends. Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees, thinking she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit. She seeks evidence of the marriage. Just as she is about to leave", "id": "7312226" }, { "contents": "Qazi Syed Inayatullah\n\n\nof Kartalab Khan Qazi Ghulam Mustafa) and had one daughter (married to Syed Mohammad Jalal). With second wife, Syed Hasan Askari Khan was born. Noorullah was the son of Qazi Ghulam Murtaza, and married to Kafia, sister of Mirza Salar Beg ibn Allah Dost Beg (brother Diwan Idris Mohammad). The brother of Qazi Abdul Baqi Abdul Hadi was employed in army. Bibi Ruqaiya had two sons Mohammad Akram and Mohammad Mukram. Mohammad Akram was married to the daughter of Qazi Badruddin ibn Qazi Ghulam Mohiuddin. Qazi", "id": "14935102" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married Too?\n\n\n. The next morning, Sheila makes it clear that, though Mike says he misses her, she is completely over him. At the beach, the women meet an elderly couple who have accidentally thrown a friend's ashes on Angela. Sheila invites them to dinner and they accept. At the \"Why Did I Get Married?\" ceremony, Patricia announces to the group that she and Gavin are getting a divorce, causing a distraught and angered Gavin to walk away from her, because he did not know she was going", "id": "21439934" }, { "contents": "Casado con hijos (Chile)\n\n\nwith having friends, although never achieved, that's why he spends many hours in Internet posing to older people to talk to, or dancing the typical car dance (clean windshield). Titi (Dayana Amigo): Titi, the eldest daughter is 19 years old but has the maturity of a 13-year-old and reads like a girl of 6 years old. She is the most beautiful member of the family but it is foolish and naive. Titi has had a lot of boyfriends during the series, even at times", "id": "15829759" }, { "contents": "Mutineers' Moon\n\n\ncare of old Horus, and departs for the nearest Fleet Imperium base, hoping to call upon Imperial assistance. Author David Weber says the genesis for this book began with a question: \"Assume that Earth doesn't actually have a Moon, but rather a giant starship disguised as our Moon which has been there for at least 50 or 60,000 years. Where did it come from, why did it come here, and why hasn't it left?\" Weber says the answer to those questions built the foundation for this book", "id": "16590832" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married? (play)\n\n\nunable to deny any of it begins to look uncomfortable, and tries to blow it off when Sheila forgives her. Sheila then threatens to kill her should Trina ever approach Troy again. Terry and Mike return reporting that the boatride cannot happen because of heavy rain. Diana asks that they follow tradition and tell their 'why did i get married' stories and despite Mike's objections Terry begins. Terry and Diana share a sweet reminiscence about their reason prompting Poppy to tease he married Terry's mother for the benefits. Troy", "id": "19424852" }, { "contents": "Lurtigen\n\n\nmake up 26.8% of the population, while adults (20–64 years old) make up 62.6% and seniors (over 64 years old) make up 10.6%. , there were 75 people who were single and never married in the municipality. There were 85 married individuals, 13 widows or widowers and 6 individuals who are divorced. , there were 69 private households in the municipality, and an average of 2.6 persons per household. There were 18 households that consist of only one person and 6 households with five or more", "id": "20197637" }, { "contents": "Sharon Leal\n\n\nSharon Ann Leal (born October 17, 1972) is an American actress and singer. She is known for her roles in movies such as \"Dreamgirls\", \"This Christmas\", \"Why Did I Get Married?\", \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\" and her roles on the television shows \"Legacy\", \"Guiding Light\", and \"Boston Public\". Leal was born in Tucson, Arizona. Her mother, Angelita, is Filipino. Her father was an African-American military", "id": "20971645" }, { "contents": "Line of succession to the former throne of Bhopal\n\n\nMohammad's fourth son, and who was holding a high position in the army of the Nizam of Hyderabad at that time. With his help, the Marathas were fended off with great difficulty, but the matter did not end there. Wazir Mohammad chose to resign from the service of the Nizam and settle in his native Bhopal as minister and advisor to his royal kinsman. Hayat Mohammad died twelve years later, in December 1807, and was succeeded by his indolent son, Ghaus Mohammad, whose mother had been Hayat Mohammad's", "id": "19433653" }, { "contents": "Ross Mirkarimi\n\n\nthe hospital and its patients. Mirkarimi said his department waited nine days after Lynne Spalding was reported missing to begin a hospital-wide search for the 57-year-old patient, and the search did not locate her. \"She could have been anyone's loved one, which is why the gravity of the situation is not lost on any of us,\" the Sheriff said. \"What happened to Miss Spalding Ford should not have happened to anyone.\" Mirkarimi did not say why deputies didn't check the stairwell where Spalding", "id": "20174187" }, { "contents": "Zunera Ishaq\n\n\nShe explained in the 2015 interview with \"The Independent\" that \"I was confused and surprised – but I told him to mind his own business...[and] I passed my exams.\" Ishaq related to Ophelia in Shakespeare's \"Hamlet\" as she too was \"treated with scorn and cruelty.\" Zunera Ishaq was a teacher in Lahore. She married Mohammad, then a 35-year-old mosque imam and a Canadian citizen in Lahore in 2006 and they had four children. Zunera Ishaq came to Ontario, Canada in", "id": "1256536" }, { "contents": "In the Fade\n\n\nnominated. It did, however, win the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Several years after he spent four years in prison for drug dealing, during which time he has studied business administration and gotten married, Kurdish-German Nuri Şekerci lives happily with his German wife, Katja, and their 6-year-old son, Rocco. One day, Katja drops Rocco off at Nuri's office, a small travel agency in Hamburg where he also does translation and taxes, so she can spend the afternoon with a", "id": "1957351" }, { "contents": "Murder of Sandra Cantu\n\n\nCantu. She received further charges regarding the druggings of a 7-year-old girl and a 37-year-old man; these charges were dropped as part of a plea deal in which Huckaby pleaded guilty to the first degree murder and kidnapping of Cantu in order to avoid the death penalty. Huckaby was sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole. At her sentencing, Huckaby said, \"I still cannot understand why I did what I did. This is a question I will struggle with for the rest of my life.", "id": "7903268" }, { "contents": "Salma Khatoon Mikrani\n\n\nby chairman Mahanth Thakur in Janakpur in August 2013. She was the only representative of the Mikrani community in the Nepalese parliament. She was born on 25 January 1976 at Kattarban village, Rajdevi vdc, Rautahat District. Her father was Mohammad Shamsul Haque Mikrani, and her mother Jamila Begum Mikrani. She is married to Mohammad Azaz Mikrani, from vdc Bhadsar, Sarlahi, and lives with him in Bharsar-6, Sarlahi. She actively participated in the Madheshee Movement or Masdhesh agitation in 2006 and 2007, and because of her bravery,", "id": "2662718" }, { "contents": "Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar\n\n\nby a Zand army. He was betrayed by his own followers and thereafter, killed by his old rival, Mohammad Khan of Savadkuh. Due to Agha Mohammad Khan's castration, his brother Hossein Qoli Khan was appointed as the new chieftain of the Qoyunlu instead. Shortly thereafter Astarabad fell under the control of Karim Khan, who appointed a Develu named Hossein Khan Develu as its governor. Meanwhile, Agha Mohammad Khan and his brother Hossein Qoli Khan fled to the steppe. One year later, Agha Mohammad Khan made an incursion against", "id": "13974172" }, { "contents": "Began Jarwar\n\n\nBegan Jarwar is a biggest village on Mirwah road from Tando Allahjyar up to Mirwah Town and is fertile & green lands and thickly populated area. It is about 02 hundred years old village. It has also honour to be a Headquarter of Union Council Began Jarwar from 1959. The list respectively to holding the Charge of Chairman & Nazim of UC Began Jarwar is as below: 1-Mohammad Hashim Umrani, 2nd Wadero Mohammad Khan Seenhro 3rd Mohammad Jumonn Otho, 4th Mohammad Ismail Mari, 5th Mohammad Haroon Leghari, 06th as Nazim Mion Ali", "id": "2157929" }, { "contents": "I've Loved You So Long\n\n\n. Why Juliette was in prison is revealed slowly throughout the film: first, that she was in prison for 15 years, then that her crime was murder, then that the victim was her 6-year-old son Pierre, and finally the reason why she killed him. Léa, a college professor of literature, is considerably younger than Juliette. Because of the nature of Juliette's crime, their parents denied Juliette's existence and refused to allow Léa to visit her. In addition, Juliette had refused to speak throughout her", "id": "18774089" }, { "contents": "Janet Jackson\n\n\nand a history of dedication to the fight against AIDS.\" The event raised a total of $1.1 million for the nonprofit organization. In April 2010, Jackson reprised her role in the sequel to \"Why Did I Get Married?\" titled \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\". The film opened at number two, grossing sixty million in total. Jackson's performance was hailed as \"invigorating and oddly funny\", and praised for her \"willingness to be seen at her most disheveled\". Her performance", "id": "14699899" }, { "contents": "Nothing (Janet Jackson song)\n\n\nNothing\" on the ninth season finale of \"American Idol\" and on the Essence Music Festival, which Jackson headlined. \"Nothing\" was composed by Janet Jackson, Johntá Austin, Bryan-Michael Cox and Jermaine Dupri and produced by Jackson, Cox, and Dupri. It was released on March 30, 2010 as the theme for \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\", which starred Jackson. It was released as a stand-alone single in addition to appearing on the \"Why Did I Get Married Too", "id": "15689635" }, { "contents": "Janet Jackson filmography\n\n\nshe performed multiple skits on \"Saturday Night Live\" and appeared on \"Will & Grace\". Jackson played Dr. Patricia Agnew, a relationship psychiatrist, in her third film, \"Why Did I Get Married?\" (2007). It grossed nearly $60 million. She also starred in its sequel, \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\" (2010), exceeding $60 million in profits. She then co-starred in the drama \"For Colored Girls\" (2010). Following this,", "id": "9591823" }, { "contents": "Tatterhood\n\n\nto be married to their grooms on the same day. The king, his young princess bride, and the king's son were regally adorned, while Tatterhood refused to dress up and happily wore her rags. As the couples rode to church to be married, Tatterhood asked her bridegroom why he did not ask why she rides a goat, and when he duly asked, she answered that she rode a grand horse, which it promptly becomes. She asked the prince why he does not ask why she carries a wooden spoon", "id": "266814" }, { "contents": "Maca Likutabua\n\n\nshook their heads in disappointment because they felt her beauty had gone to waste. They finally married in September 1957 when she was 21 years old, and at the time, Ratu Sukuna was 69 years old. The marriage did not even last a year as Ratu Sukuna died at sea en route to England on the ship Arcadia. Lady Liku lived on as a widow and never married again, nor did she have any children. She died on March 24, 2000 from Diabetes in the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva.", "id": "5327668" }, { "contents": "Sher Mohammad Marri\n\n\nSher Mohammad Marri () was a militant and the chief of the Marri Baloch tribe in Pakistan. He was the early leader of the Parari movement which would lead to the formation of a terrorist group named Baloch Liberation Army. A Marxist, he had close ties with the leftist governments in Kabul and Moscow. Sher Muhammad Marri was born in Kohlu, Balochistan, British Raj in 1935. He was also known as Babu Shero, Shero Marri, General Sherof and Baloch Tiger. Sher Mohammad was the first Baloch who used the", "id": "843656" }, { "contents": "Birgitte Thott\n\n\nfather at only 6 years old. Her mother was a learned woman and educated her in language and literature. Being educated by learned parents was the only real way for young girls to receive any sort of education in Denmark at the time. Thott married Otto Giøe in 1632 at the age of twenty two, but he died ten years later due to illness surrounding a gunshot wound. The two did not have any children. Despite not having any biological children of her own, Birgitte Thott was responsible for fostering two children that", "id": "21065138" }, { "contents": "Sultanum Begum\n\n\nSultanum belonged to the Turcoman Mawsillu tribe and was a maternal third cousin of her husband. Tahmasp had most likely married her around the time of his father, Ismail I's death. She became his principal wife and bore him two sons, including Mohammad Khodabanda who was born in 1532, during the early years of the Shamlu-Ustalju regency, when Tahmasp himself was only eighteen years old, and Ismail II, born in 1537. Sultanum Begum had an independent royal court and her vizier was Khwaja Ibrahim Khalil. She owned", "id": "16821069" }, { "contents": "Syed Mohammad Ashraf\n\n\nyears. They were large in number and hence attacked many other residents including many Saiyid families. Qazi Syed Mohammad Ashraf had many family relatives in several places of nearby states of Haryana and Rajasthan such as Khairthal, Rewari, Ferozepur Jhirka, Bahadur Pur and Tijara. Many of them held important offices at princely state of Alwar and Jaipur. His brother Syed Mohammad Shamsuddin, worked with him and was an equal business partner. Syed Mohammad Ashraf was first married to Bibi Saleha daughter of Amiruddin (son of Moizuddin ibn Qazi Ghulam Murtaza", "id": "20747300" }, { "contents": "2005 Roger Federer tennis season\n\n\nplayer who had knocked him out of Miami the previous year, an 18-year-old Spaniard named Rafael Nadal. Nadal showed why he would become Federer's top rival over the next decade by sweeping the opening two sets. Federer responded by winning a third-set tiebreaker and going on to win the championship in a five set epic 2–6, 6–7(4), 7–6(5), 6–3, 6–1, after being down two sets to love, and two points from defeat. The victory made Federer only sixth man to complete the Indian", "id": "9704439" }, { "contents": "Angar Garia\n\n\nAngar Garia (also spelled Angargoria) is a village and gram panchayat in Mohammad Bazar CD Block in Suri Sadar subdivision of Birbhum district. The headquarters of Mohammad Bazar CD block are located at Angar Garia. As per the 2011 Census of India, Angar Garia had a total population of 4,232 of which 2,155 (51%) were males and 2,077 (49%) were females. Population below 6 years was 487. The total number of literates in Angar Garia was 2,631 (70.25% of the population over 6 years)", "id": "21849597" }, { "contents": "Ahmad Kazemi\n\n\nand Hossein Kharrazi. He was married in 1978. He had two sons, Mohammad Mehdi (born 1980) and Saeed (born 1989). His eldest son, Mohammad Mehdi is now a civil engineer. He was killed in a falcon plane crash near Urmia. According to the Aviation Safety Network, the plane \"Crash-landed in a field in poor weather conditions. ... Reports indicate that the crew did not get three greens after selecting the gear down while on approach to Orumiyeh Airport. A flypast was done so", "id": "17579646" }, { "contents": "Shafia family murders\n\n\nlanguages – English, French, Dari and Spanish. The trial garnered media attention in Canada for several months, and raised the debate over Canadian values, honour crimes, and violence among Muslim groups. In 1979 or 1980, Mohammad Shafia married Rona Mohammed. The couple did not have children, and medical tests confirmed that Rona was unable to have children. In keeping with Afghan custom, and at Rona's behest, Mohammad Shafia took Tooba Yahya as his second wife. The second wedding took place in 1989, and Rona", "id": "20854953" }, { "contents": "Dehradun\n\n\nthe Afghan Emir Dost Mohammad Khan (Emir of Afghanistan) was exiled by the British to Dehra Dun. He stayed in Mussoorie for over 6 years. The Balahissar ward under the Mussoorie municipality has been named after the palace of Dost Mohammad. The famous Dehradooni Basmati was brought along by him from Kunar Province in Afghanistan and it continues to be counted as a delicacy of the valley. Forty years later, after the Second Anglo-Afghan War, his grandson, Mohammad Yaqub Khan, was sent to exile to India in 1879", "id": "13374199" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married?\n\n\nemotional impact that infidelity and love have upon the constitution of marriage. The four couples, who are also best friends, converge in a house in the mountains for a week-long retreat that has become their ritual of sorts to help work out their marital problems and ask the question \"Why did I get married?\". Though the couples have committed to being physically present for the week, some of them have not been emotionally present in their respective marriages for quite some time. The week is not planned out in", "id": "10325277" }, { "contents": "Why Did I Get Married?\n\n\nincluding Danny! and Tracee Ellis Ross. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 45% based on 42 reviews. The consensus was \"Despite some poignant observations on modern marriages, \"Why Did I Get Married?\" is too preachy and melodramatic.\" On Metacritic, the film had an average score of 54/100 based on reviews from 12 critics. CinemaScore polls reported that the average grade moviegoers gave the film was an \"A+\" on an A+ to F scale. Paul Grenada said that while \"", "id": "10325290" }, { "contents": "Malik Yoba\n\n\nmade appearances on the FOX television series \"Arrested Development\" as Ice, a bounty hunter whose real love is party planning, and had a recurring role as Brock Harris on the UPN sitcom \"Girlfriends\". Yoba also appeared in the FX Networks crime drama \"Thief\" and the NBC crime drama \"Raines\". He appeared as Gavin in the 2007 Tyler Perry film \"Why Did I Get Married?\" and its 2010 sequel \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\" In 2009, he co-starred as", "id": "10752062" }, { "contents": "For Better or Worse (TV series)\n\n\nFor Better or Worse is an American television sitcom created, written and executive produced by Tyler Perry. The series is based on and is a TV spin-off to Perry's 2007 film \"Why Did I Get Married?\" and its 2010 sequel \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\". The show premiered on November 25, 2011 and aired on TBS for two seasons. In 2013, Oprah Winfrey Network ordered a third season, which premiered on September 18, 2013. The show would run for three additional", "id": "13742656" }, { "contents": "No More Drama (song)\n\n\n's Theme\", currently used as the theme music for the American soap opera \"The Young and the Restless\". In the song, Blige calls herself \"young and restless\" in a further nod to the music sample. The video for the song won Blige her first MTV Video Music Award for Best R&B Video. The song was also used as a background theme for both Tyler Perry's \"Why Did I Get Married?\" and \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\". The video features cameos by", "id": "14072879" }, { "contents": "Tyler Perry\n\n\npresent \"Precious,\" a film based on the novel \"Push\" by Sapphire. \"Why Did I Get Married Too?\", the sequel to \"Why Did I Get Married?\", opened in theaters on April 2, 2010. It featured Janet Jackson, Cicely Tyson, Louis Gossett, Jr., Jill Scott, and Malik Yoba. The film grossed US$60 million domestically, with US$29 million made the opening weekend. Perry directed a film adaptation of Ntozake Shange's 1975 choreopoem \"For Colored Girls", "id": "20761950" } ]
if copper is too toxic to use as a spoon, then why is it's safe to have implanted an an IUD without toxic side effects
[{"answer": "Long story short, those posters are probably full of shit, considering that every home in America is fed by copper water pipes, and we're all still here."}, {"answer": "Copper's toxicity is almost nonexistent in its regular metal form. You would have to eat a significant amount to experience any side effects. It's used in IUDs because it produces copper ions which inhibit sperm, but are not harmful to the person."}, {"answer": "I don't think those people knew what they were talking about. Before PEX was common most houses in the US used copper pipes for hot and cold water. I've never heard of health issues related to piping, or cups, or anything outside of a mine."}, {"answer": "If eating or drinking from copper was harmful, we'd all be in a deep, deep mess. Every commercial hot water system I've ever seen uses primarily copper pipes, and I've seen quite a few. As long as you don't eat the copper directly, you're fine."}, {"answer": "Copper and bronze are actually good at killing diseases. Hospitals are changing door handles and bedrails etc to copper. Also airports and sport stadiums are making changes too. This is because copper surfaces don't hold diseases like steel does. Copper interacts with oxygen and damages the cell wall of the bacteria. I'm guessing copper damages our cells the same way, but it probably only a problem if it's ingested."}, {"answer": "You have to eat a lot of copper/have a problem expelling it for it to be an issue. On the bright side, you get cool eye rings called Kayser\u2013Fleischer rings. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "There's some information on the wikipedia article on copper toxicity: URL_0 I've been told that copper cookware is ok as long as it develops a patina because that protects it (and you) but if you cook something acidic, you're breaking down the patina and potentially causing problems. This is not an issue with water pipes because water isn't acidic."}, {"answer": "The most basic principle of toxicology is that the [does makes the poison.]( URL_2 ) Water is good for you, but if you get too much, you can die. In the same way, copper is good for you. It is necessary for making red blood cells, making collagen, maintaining healthy neurons, and it is an antioxidant. Too much copper can lead to [copper toxicity]( URL_0 ) (which you can see collect in people's eyes.) Basically, your body maintains the same amount of copper at all times. It excretes as much as it takes in. The amount in an IUD is very small, and the uterus is not a very fast absorber of copper. The amount absorbed at a time is much lower than the amount your body can excrete. In the same way, if you use a copper spoon once in a while, it's not a big deal. Your body will just excrete a little bit more. The only problems happen when you take in too much for your body to excrete, and copper builds up in your body. If you use copper cookware all the time, or you store foods in copper for a very long time, copper can leach into the food. This means you'll get a high dose all at once, and it might be too much for your body to handle. Overall, this is an incredibly unlikely problem to have. The real problems only come if you have a genetic disease that reduces your ability to metabolize copper, or if you are constantly taking in copper. For example, in India, babies drink milk that is heated in copper jugs. Their only food source is constantly heated in copper, which can cause liver problems. [Here is the conclusion from an article with more depth discussion about why this is an unlikely issue:]( URL_1 ) > The prevalence of clinical and subclinical disease related to copper excess is extremely low; thus, the numbers of exposed subjects required to define risk are very high (\u2248500,000). The population risk for copper excess should be assessed on the basis of hepatic copper loading as a potentially measurable outcome, because this is potentially more frequent. The challenge is to develop biomarkers for excess that predict the population risk of finding hepatic copper content of > 250 \u03bcg/g liver dry weight at a given copper exposure level."}, {"answer": "Copper, by itself, won't kill you anytime soon. But its a bad idea to use in a food-prep/consumption role because there are a number of acids we consume on a daily basis that are strong enough to give you a much larger dose of copper. Tomatoes, and tomato sauces, are really nasty about this, and this was part of the reason why tomatoes were considered a toxic substance when they were first introduced to europe; preparation in cheap metal pots and pans, and served on table settings with beautiful designs, the acidity of the tomatoes would draw out toxic metals into the food."}, {"answer": " > A few posters pointed out that copper was toxic. Yeah, THERE's yer problem, right there. Anybody who makes life decisions based on what a bunch of random people on the internet say probably deserve what they're going to get."}, {"answer": "This has two parts that we need to look at. First part: the difference between things entering the mouth, and things entering the vagina/uterus. Second part: copper toxicity. **Difference between things entering the mouth and things entering the vagina** Things entering the mouth are exposed to: digestive enzymes, stomach acid, bile (basic solution compared to stomach acid), lots of absorptive surfaces, water, and most importantly, time and lots of mixing/churning. Things entering the vagina are exposed to a less acidic environment compared to the stomach, basically none of the enzymes, less mixing/churning, and are basically never submerged in liquid for very long. Additionally, although stuff can be absorbed through the blood vessels in the female reproductive system, this is nothing compared to the stomach and intestines. Another thing to think about with the acidity is that stomach acid is between 1.5 and 3.5 (3.5 will be with lots of food in the stomach, neutralizing the acid). The vagina should have a pH of 3.8 to 4.5, but can be a little higher or lower if they have a vaginal infection. Remember pH is on a logarithmic scale, so the difference between a full person's stomach contents with a pH of 3.5 and a healthy woman's vagina with a pH of 4.5 if actually 10-fold. Meaning, the stomach acid is 10 times more acidic than the vagina. If they had more acid and less food, and had a pH of 2.5, then their stomach is actually 100-times more acidic. Then, once food leaves the stomach, its exposed to bile, with a pH of 5.5 to 6, usually. That quick reversal of pH protects the sensitive intestines from stomach acid, but it also further helps digestion, because some stuff dissolves better in more basic conditions. Giving the food a deadly one-two punch. So, eaten copper is exposed to a much harsher environment than a copper IUD, and the ratio of \"amount you put in the body to amount in the blood\" will be higher for eaten copper than the copper IUD. **How much copper is even toxic?** The dose that kills half of the rats exposed to it (LD50 in science/med-speak), for copper, is 30mg/kg. So, assuming a 70-kg (~145 lb) adult human... 2.1 g of copper could be enough to kill you, and it would definitely make you very sick. The level in US drinking water is supposed to stay below 1.3 mg/L. If you're getting copper from other places in your diet, though (even aside from the spoon), it could build up. Copper tends to form salts, especially with acidic foods, which are pretty easily eaten and absorbed, so if you're worried, I'd keep that in mind. **My two cents** I don't think I'd be worried unless I also had a copper IUD, was cooking with copper pots/pans, and/or drank everything from a copper mug."}, {"answer": "In America, copper only kills if you're not white. If you're white, you just get a warning."}, {"answer": "I was kind of wondering that about the pipes. Copper is used just as often up here as PVC in new(er) builds"}, {"answer": "Considering that virtually every drop of water I've ever drunk has come through a copper water pipe, I'm not convinced there's much danger."}, {"answer": "Copper is an essential nutrient. Copper IUDs work by causing a local inflammatory reaction."}, {"answer": "I wonder how this person feels that a majority of potable water is distributed through copper pipes in people homes. And water treatment plants run a majority their process piping in copper pipes to treat water from reservoirs into drinkable water. Or that medical gasses in hospitals are piped to the operating rooms or procedure rooms in copper pipes. Or that there've been cookware pots and pans cast in copper for centuries and are still available in every cutlery/home goods stores around the US. It's not toxic enough to have any regulations prohibiting its sale, you could go to bed bath and beyond and find a full set of cutting/carving knives, spoons, forks and knives in copper for sale. Copper is used as a pesticide in agriculture though(copper is considered an 'organic' pesticide so if you buy USDA organic produce there's a chance that copper was used as a pesticide instead of new chemicals). This actually makes copper better than plastic or iron for potable water piping or breathable gas piping because it's much harder for bacteria to grow in those pipes(now that copper prices have dropped many new hospitals are considering using copper instead of tinned steel on their walls and as operating room tables to decrease infection transmissions). I think this is also how copper IUDs work, they are highly toxic to the sperms flowing around in there but aren't toxic enough to harm the human. But I'm just a plumber so not certain on that part."}, {"answer": "Uteruses are usually have a fairly neutral ph, somewhere between 6.6 and 7.6 on the pH scale. Also, copper IUDs are toxic to a degree; that is how they kill sperm. But when you consume copper, there is a greater chance of absorbing the copper into your body than when you put it in the uterus. The digestive system is designed to absorb things you eat; uteruses are not designed to absorb things that get put into them."}, {"answer": "While not necessarily a problem for terrestrial vertebrates copper can wreak havoc on aquatic inverts and (I think) some fish. Basically, don't plumb a fish tank with copper pipes. But I wonder if that's where some of this misinformation came from?"}, {"answer": "Copper is actually a required dietary need. So they are wrong for saying a spoon is harmful, but I'm sure you can also have an excess for toxicity just like any other dietary item."}, {"answer": "Silver copper and maybe gold are similar in that the are anti microbial. You can put water in a sealed silver container and it will in time sterilize the water."}, {"answer": "Hi, Ill try to break it down for you. Dispute what people here say, a built-up of copper is dangerous to the [human body]( URL_2 ). So much so that it is regulated to is 1.3 milligrams per liter in drinking water in the U.S. The danger in copper cookware is presented in cooking or consuming acidic food with unlined copper cookware(like you mentioned copper is eaten away by acid). This frees small bits of copper to be absorbed into the the food. Whoever eats this food is at risk consuming too much copper. Consuming too much copper is on par with consuming too much [lead]( URL_0 ) or [mercury]( URL_1 )! It is nearly impossible to get the FDA to approve any implantable device that made of copper because of its toxicity. So why is it safe to have a IUD device with copper? Well copper has the nice property of killing any cells that are on its surface. This is great because it acts as a spermicide. Some people believe copper also inhibits the process of implantation. No studies(from what I can find) have found that the use of copper in IUDs increases the amount of copper in the body. So the copper is not absorbed through the walls of the uterus."}, {"answer": "My understanding was that the danger of Copper isn't the toxicity, but rather that it destroys the Vitamin C of foods which are cooked in it. In fact, copper cauldrons in ships were responsible for temporarily \"losing\" the discovery that Vitamin C prevents scurvy. The copper cauldrons destroyed the Vitamin C, so sailors started getting scurvy again, and people stopped believing that scurvy and Vitamin C were linked. Unless you are cooking 100% of your meals in copper cookware, you should be fine."}, {"answer": "I'm confused. My family has owned several construction companies over the past few decades and from my plumbing experience there's a gargantuan amount of indoor plumbing that uses copper tubing. Most government buildings still use it. I've never once heard of it being toxic. Like, it's all for pressurized water supply... and it's toxic?"}, {"answer": "Lol and safely used for centuries in plumbing maybe..? The knife guy bought into some bullshit."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "20357983", "title": "Copper toxicity", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 254, "bleu_score": 1.0}]}]
[ { "contents": "Intrauterine device\n\n\nbut this only occurs partially. Copper IUDs do not contain any hormones, but release copper ions, which are toxic to sperm. They also cause the uterus and fallopian tubes to produce a fluid that contains white blood cells, copper ions, enzymes, and prostaglandins, which is also toxic to sperm. The very high effectiveness of copper-containing IUDs as emergency contraceptives implies they may also act by preventing implantation of the blastocyst. The history of intrauterine devices dates back to the early 1900s. Unlike IUDs, early interuterine devices", "id": "16267062" }, { "contents": "Emergency contraception\n\n\nimplantation may also contribute to efficacy.\" The primary mechanism of action of copper-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs) as emergency contraceptives is to prevent fertilization because of copper toxicity to sperm and ova. The very high effectiveness of copper-releasing IUDs as emergency contraceptives implies that they must also prevent some pregnancies by post-fertilization effects such as prevention of implantation. In 1966, gynecologist John McLean Morris and biologist Gertrude Van Wagenen at the Yale School of Medicine reported the successful use of oral high-dose estrogen pills as post", "id": "19257367" }, { "contents": "Birth control\n\n\ninserted up to 24 hours before intercourse and must be left in place for at least six hours afterward. Allergic reactions and more severe adverse effects such as toxic shock syndrome have been reported. The current intrauterine devices (IUD) are small devices, often 'T'-shaped, containing either copper or levonorgestrel, which are inserted into the uterus. They are one form of long-acting reversible contraception which are the most effective types of reversible birth control. Failure rates with the copper IUD is about 0.8% while the levonorgestrel IUD has", "id": "631187" }, { "contents": "Intrauterine device\n\n\ncervix) or plastic (such as the Lippes Loop, which can be inserted through the cervix in a cannula and takes a trapezoidal shape within the uterus). They are less effective than copper or hormonal IUDs, with a side effect profile similar to copper IUDs. Their primary mechanism of action is inducing a local foreign body reaction, which makes the uterine environment hostile both to sperm and to implantation of an embryo. They may have higher rates of preventing pregnancy after fertilization, instead of before fertilization, compared to copper or", "id": "16267053" }, { "contents": "Contraceptive implant\n\n\n, and lethargy. An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small contraceptive device, often 'T'-shaped and containing either copper or the hormone levonorgestrel, which is implanted into the uterus. They are long-acting, reversible, and the most effective types of reversible birth control. Failure rates with the copper IUD is about 0.8% while the levonorgestrel IUD has a failure rate of 0.2% in the first year of use. Among types of birth control they, along with birth control implants, result in the greatest satisfaction among", "id": "4858033" }, { "contents": "Copper in health\n\n\nforms of birth control. It is also considered the most effective non-hormonal contraceptive device. The copper IUD's primary mechanism of action is to prevent fertilization. Active substances released from the IUD, together with products derived from the inflammatory reaction present in the luminal fluids of the genital tract, are toxic for spermatozoa and oocytes, preventing the encounter of healthy gametes and the formation of viable embryos. In addition to being an essential nutrient for humans, copper is vital for the health of animals and plants and plays an important", "id": "4033849" }, { "contents": "Hormonal IUDs\n\n\nintrauterine system has several contraceptive effects: Ovulation is not inhibited Numerous studies have demonstrated that IUDs primarily prevent fertilization, not implantation. In one experiment involving tubal flushing, fertilized eggs were found in half of women not using contraception, but no fertilized eggs were found in women using IUDs. IUDs also decrease the risk of ectopic pregnancy, which further implies that IUDs prevent fertilization. Hormonal IUDs were developed in the 1970s following the development of the copper IUD in the 1960s and 1970s. Dr. Antonio Scommenga, working at the Michael Reese", "id": "10623603" }, { "contents": "Group 11 element\n\n\n, bronze, or simple plated steel. Copper, although toxic in excessive amounts, is essential for life. Copper is shown to have antimicrobial properties which make it useful for hospital doorknobs to keep diseases from being spread. Eating food in copper containers is known to increase the risk of copper toxicity. Elemental gold and silver have no known toxic effects or biological use, although gold salts can be toxic to liver and kidney tissue. Like copper, silver also has antimicrobial properties. The prolonged use of preparations containing gold or silver", "id": "9233854" }, { "contents": "Intrauterine device\n\n\n\"blastocyst\"), it cannot disrupt one that has already been implanted. Advantages of the copper IUD include its ability to provide emergency contraception up to five days after unprotected sex. It is the most effective form of emergency contraception available. It works by preventing fertilization or implantation but does not affect already implanted embryos. It contains no hormones, so it can be used while breastfeeding, and fertility returns quickly after removal. Copper IUDs also last longer and are available in a wider range of sizes and shapes compared to", "id": "16267050" }, { "contents": "Intrauterine device\n\n\n(12.1%). IUDs are safe and effective in adolescents as well as those who have not previously had children. Once an IUD is removed, even after long-term use, fertility returns to normal rapidly. Copper devices have a failure rate of about 0.8% while hormonal (levonorgestrel) devices fail about 0.2% of the time within the first year of use. In comparison, male sterilization and male condoms have a failure rate of about 0.15% and 15%, respectively. Copper IUDs can also be used", "id": "16267044" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\ncondition indicates conditions where the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the advantages of inserting a copper IUD. A category 4 condition indicates conditions that represent an unacceptable health risk if a copper IUD is inserted. Women should not use a copper IUD if they: A full list of contraindications can be found in the WHO \"Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use\" and the CDC \"United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use\". While nulliparous women (women who have never given birth) are somewhat more likely to have side effects", "id": "15464761" }, { "contents": "Safety of magnetic resonance imaging\n\n\nMRI. Titanium and its alloys are safe from attraction and torque forces produced by the magnetic field, although there may be some risks associated with Lenz effect forces acting on titanium implants in sensitive areas within the subject, such as stapes implants in the inner ear. Intrauterine devices with copper are generally safe in MRI, but may become dislodged or even expelled, and it is therefore recommended to check the location of the IUD both before and after MRI. The very high strength of the magnetic field may cause projectile effect (or", "id": "19622164" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\nMaximum Contaminant Level (MCL) in drinking water is 1.3 milligrams per liter. The MCL for copper is based on the expectation that a lifetime of consuming copper in water at this level is without adverse effect (gastrointestinal). The US EPA lists copper as a micronutrient and a toxin. Toxicity in mammals includes a wide range of animals and effects such as liver cirrhosis, necrosis in kidneys and the brain, gastrointestinal distress, lesions, low blood pressure, and fetal mortality. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)", "id": "9361148" }, { "contents": "Haemonchus contortus\n\n\nfor economical standards; additionally, the hair breeds provide resistance without showing any significant effect growth performance of their progeny. One of the riskiest methods that can be used for treatments is the use copper of oxide wire particles (COWP) to aid in the destruction of the parasites inside the gut without the use of chemicals. However, in sheep, the dosing would need to be monitored extremely closely because if they are administered too high of a dose, then they will slip into copper toxicity. For the COWP, the lowest", "id": "15233191" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\n, this is not a contraindication for IUD use. Overall, IUDs are safe and acceptable also in young nulliparous women. The same is likely the case for virgin women, unless there is a microperforate hymen that obstructs any insertion of the IUD. There are a number of models of the copper IUD available around the world. Most copper devices consist of a plastic core that is wrapped in a copper wire. Many of the devices have a T-shape similar to the hormonal IUD. However, there are \"frameless\"", "id": "15464762" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nin the 1970s. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system. The wholesale cost in the developing world is about US$0.37–3.00 per IUD. In the United Kingdom they cost the NHS about £10 GBP. In the United States they cost around $750. They are used by more than 170 million women globally. Copper IUDs are a form of long-acting reversible contraception and are one of the most effective forms of birth control available", "id": "15464747" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nshaped IUD, but results in comparable discomfort during removal. Gynefix is not approved for use in the United States. The copper IUD's primary mechanism of action is to prevent fertilization. Copper acts as a spermicide within the uterus. The presence of copper increases the levels of copper ions, prostaglandins, and white blood cells within the uterine and tubal fluids. Although not a primary mechanism of action, some experts in human reproduction believe there is sufficient evidence to suggest that IUDs with copper can disrupt implantation, especially when used for", "id": "15464771" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\n2011, Washington state became the first U.S. state to ban the use of copper-based paint for boating, although it only applied to recreational boats. California has also pursued initiatives to reduce the effect of copper leaching, with the U.S. EPA pursuing research. Copper and copper alloys such as brass have been found to be toxic to bacteria via the oligodynamic effect. The exact mechanism of action is unknown, but common to other heavy metals. Viruses are less susceptible to this effect than bacteria. Associated applications include the use of", "id": "9361162" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nused as the first choice for copper IUDs because those two models have the lowest failure rates and the longest lifespans. The effectiveness of the copper IUD (failure rate of 0.8%) is comparable to tubal sterilization (failure rate of 0.5%) for the first year. However, the effects of the copper IUD are reversible, which can be viewed as either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on a person's goals for contraception. It was first discovered in 1976 that the copper IUD could be used as a form", "id": "15464750" }, { "contents": "Chronic toxicity\n\n\nof copper is decreased with increasing amounts of DOC, as described by the biotic ligand model (BLM). Chronic toxicity will vary with differences in organisms, including species, size, and age. Certain species are more susceptible to toxic effects, as shown in species sensitivity distributions (SSDs). Certain life stages are more susceptible to adverse effects, which is why early life stage (ELS) toxicity tests are performed for certain aquatic species. In addition, other physical factors, like organism size, can lead to differences", "id": "2964196" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nlocation of the IUD. Pregnancy: Although rare, if pregnancy does occur with the copper IUD in place there can be serious side effects. The risk of ectopic pregnancy to a woman using an IUD is lower than the risk of ectopic pregnancy to a woman using no form of birth control. However, of pregnancies that do occur during IUD use, a higher than expected percentage (3–4%) are ectopic. If a pregnancy occurs with the IUD in place there is a higher risk of miscarriage or early delivery. If", "id": "15464759" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nof adding copper to the devices to improve their contraceptive effectiveness. It was found that copper-containing devices could be made in smaller sizes without compromising effectiveness, resulting in fewer side effects such as pain and bleeding. T-shaped devices had lower rates of expulsion due to their greater similarity to the shape of the uterus. The poorly designed Dalkon Shield plastic IUD (which had a multifilament tail) was manufactured by the A. H. Robins Company and sold by Robins in the United States for three and a half years from January", "id": "15464779" }, { "contents": "Vomiting\n\n\npotentially be harmful. Copper sulfate was also used in the past as an emetic. It is now considered too toxic for this use. Hydrogen peroxide is used as an emetic in veterinary practice. An antiemetic is a drug that is effective against vomiting and nausea. Antiemetics are typically used to treat motion sickness and the side effects of medications such as opioids and chemotherapy. Antiemetics act by inhibiting the receptor sites associated with emesis. Hence, anticholinergics, antihistamines, dopamine antagonists, serotonin antagonists, and cannabinoids are used as antiemetics.", "id": "13062583" }, { "contents": "Levonorgestrel\n\n\ndevice (IUD), such as Mirena among others, it is effective for the long-term prevention of pregnancy. An implantable form of levonorgestrel is also available in some countries. Common side effects include nausea, breast tenderness, headaches, and increased, decreased, or irregular menstrual bleeding. When used as an emergency contraceptive, if pregnancy occurs, there is no evidence that its use harms the baby. It is safe to use during breastfeeding. Birth control that contains levonorgestrel will not change the risk of sexually transmitted infections", "id": "10385888" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\ncopper IUDs available around the world as well. ParaGard is the only model currently available in the United States. At least three copper IUD models are available in Canada, two of which are a slimmer T-shape version used for women who have not had children. Early copper IUDs had copper around only the vertical stem, but more recent models have copper sleeves wrapped around the horizontal arms as well, increasing effectiveness. Some newer models also contain a silver core instead of a plastic core to delay copper fragmentation as well as", "id": "15464763" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nof emergency contraception (EC). The copper IUD is the most effective form of emergency contraception. It is more effective than the hormonal EC pills currently available. The pregnancy rate among those using the copper IUD for EC is 0.09%. It can be used for EC up to 5 days after the act of unprotected sex and does not decrease in effectiveness during the 5 days. An additional advantage of using the copper IUD for emergency contraception is that it can be used as a form of birth control for 10–12 years after", "id": "15464751" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\n. Side effects include heavy menstrual periods, painful periods, or the device may come out. It is less recommended in people at high risk of sexually transmitted infections as it may increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease in the first three weeks after insertion. If a woman becomes pregnant with an IUD in place removal is recommended. Rarely uterine perforation can occur during insertion. The copper IUD is a type of long-acting reversible birth control. It primarily works by killing the sperm. The copper IUD came into medical use", "id": "15464746" }, { "contents": "Emergency contraception\n\n\nto emergency contraceptive pills is the copper-T intrauterine device (IUD) which can be used up to 10 days after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Insertion of an IUD is more effective than use of Emergency Contraceptive Pills - pregnancy rates when used as emergency contraception are the same as with normal IUD use. Unlike emergency contraceptive pills, which work by delaying ovulation, the copper-T IUD works by interfering with sperm motility. Therefore, the copper IUD is equally effective as emergency contraception at all weight ranges. IUDs may", "id": "19257359" }, { "contents": "Nerve agent\n\n\na class of organophosphate compounds (organophosphate esters of substituted aminoethanethiols). Like Schrader, Ghosh found that they were quite effective pesticides. In 1954, ICI put one of them on the market under the trade name Amiton. It was subsequently withdrawn, as it was too toxic for safe use. The toxicity did not go unnoticed and some of the more toxic materials had been sent to the British Armed Forces research facility at Porton Down for evaluation. After the evaluation was complete, several members of this class of compounds became a", "id": "1971212" }, { "contents": "Stabilized liquid membrane device\n\n\n. In contrast, some metals under certain environmental conditions have potential moderating effects on other more toxic metals; one example being zinc (Zn), which has been shown to reduce copper (Cu) toxicity when both metals are present. Given that the presence of particular aqueous metals may have a wide array of effects on organisms, aquatic toxicologists have developed various methods for sampling them. Passive, or in situ, environmental sampling is an important tool used by toxicologists for evaluating toxicants that may exist in very small concentrations—not", "id": "8090139" }, { "contents": "Lignosus rhinocerus\n\n\nMany studies have been initiated to examine its safety and biopharmacological efficacy in order to validate its enthobotanical claims. Research findings revealed that tiger milk mushroom sclerotia contain various biologically active substances such as polysaccharides, polysaccharides-protein complexes, and β-glucan, which demonstrate anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-proliferative and immuno-modulating effects. Tiger milk mushroom has been extensively used safely for over hundreds of years with unknown toxicity and side effects. In accordance with OECD guidelines, various stringent toxicity studies have been conducted and its safety", "id": "10244945" }, { "contents": "Concholepas concholepas\n\n\neggs, four spoons of grated bread, salt, and paprika. The hemocyanin found in the blood of \"C. concholepas\" has immunotherapeutic effects against bladder and prostate cancer. In 2006 research, mice were primed with \"C. concholepas\" before implantation of bladder tumor (MBT-2) cells. Mice treated with \"C. concholepas\" showed a significant antitumor effect. The effects included prolonged survival, decreased tumor growth and incidence and lack of toxic effects. \"C. concholepas\" shells are a potential proxy-bearer for climate change studies", "id": "18510882" }, { "contents": "Tetramethyl acetyloctahydronaphthalenes\n\n\nhas been determined to be safe under the current conditions of use. Given the sensitization classification of OTNE, and its use in fragrances, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has published safe use levels for OTNE in consumer products, which have been in effect since August 2009. OTNE is classified as H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects (EU-CLP) or R51/53 Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment (EU DSD). The biodegradation of OTNE", "id": "6311919" }, { "contents": "Tissue residue\n\n\n, critical body residue (CBR) or tissue residue-based toxicity tests. Historically, aquatic toxicology toxicity tests have focused on water-based approaches where concentration of a toxicant is determined by its concentration in the water. Although tissue residue use and concepts have existed for over 100 years due to interest in narcosis and anesthesia, it was not widely used in toxicology. The first known study of tissue residue in environmental toxicology was reported in 1912 by White and Thomas who investigated the effects of copper exposure to fish using whole-", "id": "1807964" }, { "contents": "Long-acting reversible contraception\n\n\nwith IUS; similar to side-effects observed with IUD, injection or implant. \"Changes in bleeding pattern which are likely to remain irregular\") or a complete cessation of menstrual flow (amenorrhea). Side effects that are observed less often may include emotional lability, weight gain, headache, and acne. Side-effects for LARC are mostly similar to combined and progesterone only oral contraceptives, with a possibility of a small change in mood or libido observed in IUD and IUS use. The risk of acne vulgaris may", "id": "2403243" }, { "contents": "Olfactory toxicity in fish\n\n\non hatchery fishes. The fish were exposed to the relevant concentrations for four hours while using an electro-olfactogram (EOG). Results showed that copper toxicity both depended on exposure concentration and time. A combination of these parameters, as well as other parameters, can change the degree of impact on target sites as well as if the toxic effects are reversible or not. Under short-term, four-hour exposures the chum salmon recovered from the toxic effects after one day. In hatchery fish this short-term effect", "id": "21464910" }, { "contents": "Copper(II) fluoride\n\n\ntoxicity can affect the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Serious conditions include metal fume fever, and hemolysis of red blood cells. Copper can also cause damage to the liver and other major organs. Fluoride is safe at low levels and is added to water in many countries to protect against tooth decay. At higher levels it can cause toxic effects ranging from nausea and vomiting to tremors, breathing problems, serious convulsions and even coma. Brain and kidney damage can result. Chronic exposure can cause losses in bone density,", "id": "2956973" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\nthe brain. ICD-9-CM code 985.8 \"Toxic effect of other specified metals\" includes acute & chronic copper poisoning (or other toxic effect) whether intentional, accidental, industrial etc. In cases of suspected copper poisoning, penicillamine is the drug of choice, and dimercaprol, a heavy metal chelating agent, is often administered. Vinegar is not recommended to be given, as it assists in solubilizing insoluble copper salts. The inflammatory symptoms are to be treated on general principles, as are the nervous ones. There is some evidence that", "id": "9361159" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\nmost important nonsparking copper alloy is beryllium copper, and can lead to beryllium poisoning. With an of 30 mg/kg in rats, \"gram quantities\" of copper sulfate are potentially lethal in humans. The suggested safe level of copper in drinking water for humans varies depending on the source, but tends to be pegged at 1.3 mg/l. There are conditions in which an individual's copper metabolism is compromised to such an extent that birth control may cause an issue with copper accumulation. They include toxicity or just increased", "id": "9361155" }, { "contents": "Olfactory toxicity in fish\n\n\ncan alter how the metals interact or are metabolized by the organism. Fish are oftentimes less tolerant to metals than terrestrial animals are. Their gills are sensitive to changes in their environment and highly susceptible to metal toxicity. Before a metal may have toxic effects it can also cause a change in olfactory response, or other responses, within fish. If the exposure is short in length or low in concentration the effects can be reversed, but at high enough concentrations it becomes toxic to the organism leading to death. Copper, cadmium", "id": "21464907" }, { "contents": "Ion implantation\n\n\nThis effect is called \"ion channelling\", and, like all the channelling effects, is highly nonlinear, with small variations from perfect orientation resulting in extreme differences in implantation depth. For this reason, most implantation is carried out a few degrees off-axis, where tiny alignment errors will have more predictable effects. Ion channelling can be used directly in Rutherford backscattering and related techniques as an analytical method to determine the amount and depth profile of damage in crystalline thin film materials. In fabricating wafers, toxic materials such as", "id": "15572633" }, { "contents": "Toxgnostics\n\n\nsuffer severe toxicity such as neutropenia, mucositis, hand-foot syndrome, diarrhoea, and stomatitis, fatal toxicities will kill 0.5-1% of people treated. Through the use of toxgnostic screens a number of genetic variants have now been identified that can be used to predict 5FU toxicity prior to treatment. These genetic variants can be used to identify the individuals predisposed to severe drug toxicity and the dose of 5FU chemotherapy can be reduced to prevent severe toxic side effects. Toxgnostic biomarker tests currently available for use in clinical practice include", "id": "2544887" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\nis generally termed oxidative stress, and is an active area of research in a variety of diseases where copper may play an important but more subtle role than in acute toxicity. Some of the effects of aging may be associated with excess copper. One manifestation of copper toxicity, cirrhosis of the liver in children (Indian childhood cirrhosis), has been linked to boiling milk in copper cookware. The Merck Manual states recent studies suggest that a genetic defect is associated with this particular cirrhosis. An inherited condition called Wilson's disease causes", "id": "9361157" }, { "contents": "Silver\n\n\nbe suitable over a wide range of variation in silver and copper concentration, although most useful alloys tend to be richer in silver than the eutectic mixture (71.9% silver and 28.1% copper by weight, and 60.1% silver and 28.1% copper by atom). Most other binary alloys are of little use: for example, silver–gold alloys are too soft and silver–cadmium alloys too toxic. Ternary alloys have much greater importance: dental amalgams are usually silver–tin–mercury alloys, silver–copper–", "id": "7419827" }, { "contents": "Olfactory toxicity in fish\n\n\n, lead, and zinc are common metals that cause olfactory toxicity in fish. Copper is a metal looked at in more detail than others. This is because it is commonly used in fish hatcheries as an algaecide as it is an effective way to prevent parasitic and fungal infections within fish populations at hatcheries. It can be also be released from industrial or agricultural sources. Either applied in a chemical spray or deposit, or used within copper netting on the outside of aquaculture, copper kills algae and bacteria that can cause fish to", "id": "21464908" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nby country. In the United States, only one type of copper IUD is approved for use, while in the United Kingdom, over ten varieties are available. One company, Mona Lisa N.V. offers generic versions of many existing IUDs. The frameless IUD eliminates the use of the frame that gives conventional IUDs their signature T-shape. This change in design was made to reduce discomfort and expulsion associated with prior IUDs; without a solid frame, the frameless IUD should mold to the shape of the uterus. It may reduce", "id": "15464769" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\n. The type of frame and amount of copper can affect the effectiveness of different copper IUD models. The failure rates for different models vary between 0.1 and 2.2% after 1 year of use. The T-shaped models with a surface area of 380 mm² of copper have the lowest failure rates. The TCu 380A (ParaGard) has a one-year failure rate of 0.8% and a cumulative 12-year failure rate of 2.2%. Over 12 years of use, the models with less surface area of copper have higher failure", "id": "15464748" }, { "contents": "Toxic capacity\n\n\nToxic capacity can mean the toxicity of a substance, possibly in relation to a specific organism and toxic capacity can mean the capacity of an organism, organic system or ecosystem to contain a toxic substance or a selection of toxic substances (a compound) without showing signs of poisoning or dying. Generally people with less mass have a lower toxic capacity than people with larger mass. In particular, children (who have lower mass compared to an adult) are more vulnerable to toxic effects of compounds. The compounds do not have to", "id": "13911987" }, { "contents": "VX (nerve agent)\n\n\nLike Gerhard Schrader, an earlier investigator of organophosphates, Ghosh found that they were quite effective pesticides. In 1954, ICI put one of them on the market under the trade name Amiton. It was subsequently withdrawn, as it was too toxic for safe use. The toxicity did not go unnoticed, and samples of it were sent to the British Armed Forces research facility at Porton Down for evaluation. After the evaluation was complete, several members of this class of compounds became a new group of nerve agents, the V agents", "id": "20356693" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nrates. The TCu 220A has a 12-year failure rate of 5.8%. The frameless GyneFix also has a failure rate of less than 1% per year. Worldwide, older IUD models with lower effectiveness rates are no longer produced. Unlike other forms of reversible contraception, the typical use failure rate and the perfect use failure rate for the copper IUDs are the same because the IUD does not depend on user action. A 2008 review of the available T-shaped copper IUDs recommended that the TCu 380A and the TCu 280S be", "id": "15464749" }, { "contents": "Copper naphthenate\n\n\nmarket acceptance as a proven effective wood preservative that is specified and used extensively for environmental reasons by utilities and railroads as a less toxic alternative to creosote, pentachlorophenol and arsenicals in poles, crossties and bridge timbers. Unlike creosote, pentachlorophenol, and arsenic-containing preservatives, copper naphthenate has been classified by the US EPA as a \"General Use\" (not \"Restricted Use\") pesticide due to its relatively benign toxicity profile, i.e., its use and application is not restricted to only by or under the direct supervision of", "id": "4965752" }, { "contents": "Contraceptive implant\n\n\nusers. As of 2011, IUDs are the most widely used form of reversible contraception worldwide. IUDs also tend to be one of the most cost-effective methods of contraception for women. Several barriers exist to expanding research into implantable and other contraceptive methods for men, including vague regulatory guidelines, long device development timelines, men's attitudes towards convenience, and a significant lack of funding. Several implantable devices have been attempted, both hormonal and non-hormonal. In 2001, Dutch pharmaceutical company Organon announced clinical trials of its", "id": "4858034" }, { "contents": "Immune tolerance in pregnancy\n\n\nof antinuclear antibodies circulating. Both the presence of anti-phospholipids antibodies and antinuclear antibodies have toxic effects on the implantation of embryos. This does not apply to anti-thyroid antibodies. Elevated levels do not have a toxic effect, but they are indicative of a risk of miscarriage. Elevated anti-thyroid antibodies act as a marker for females who have T-lymphocyte dysfunction because these levels indicate T cells that are secreting high levels of cytokines that induce inflammation in the uterine wall. Still, there is currently no drug that", "id": "21862001" }, { "contents": "Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances\n\n\nRegistry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) is a database of toxicity information compiled from the open scientific literature without reference to the validity or usefulness of the studies reported. Until 2001 it was maintained by US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as a freely available publication. It is now maintained by the private company BIOVIA or from several value-added resellers and is available only for a fee or by subscription. Six types of toxicity data are included in the file: Specific numeric toxicity values such", "id": "3770253" }, { "contents": "Celastrus orbiculatus\n\n\nbeing targeted. These steps must be repeated annually, or whenever regrowth is observed. Triclopyr is non-toxic to most animal and insect species and slightly toxic to some species of fish, but it has a half-life of less than a day in water, making it safe and effective for field use. Mechanical methods have also been used, but they are not as effective due to the difficulty of completely removing the root. There is also no biological control agent available in helping control this species. Mechanical and chemical", "id": "518474" }, { "contents": "Alloplasty\n\n\nremoved without maximally invasive surgery\". Implants ideally are “nonantigenic, durable, non-toxic and resistant to infection\". Cosmetic enhancement can be desired for multiple reasons including the physical changes associated with ageing. The continuous change in facial structure and need for volume restoration due to ageing requires implants that can be easily replaced, cost effective, permanent if desired and a reversible procedure. Silicone implants can provide a three-dimensional (3D) augmentation when anchored to the facial skeleton with screws. Implants made from silicone are able", "id": "16190666" }, { "contents": "Pulmonary toxicity\n\n\nat the start of therapy and in regular intervals thereafter, based on the available scientific/medical evidence, by an expert physician, together with an informed patient. Radiation (radiotherapy) is frequently used for the treatment of many cancer types, and can be highly effective. Unfortunately, it also can lead to pulmonary toxicity as a side effect. Radiotherapists are well aware of possible pulmonary toxicity, and take a number of precautions to minimise the incidence of this side effect. There are research efforts to possibly eliminate this side effect", "id": "16102843" }, { "contents": "Religion and birth control\n\n\nit is wrong to kill for any reason. The most common Buddhist view on birth control is that contraception is acceptable if it prevents conception, but that contraceptives that work by stopping the development of a fertilized egg are wrong and should not be used. Buddhists believe that life begins (or more technically: a consciousness arises) when the egg is fertilised. That is why some birth control methods, such as the copper IUD, which act by killing the fertilised egg and preventing implantation are unacceptable since they harm the consciousness which", "id": "20679251" }, { "contents": "Sulfacetamide\n\n\neyedrops can very rarely cause life-threatening skin condition toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). These are however not all side effects. For more information the health care provider can be contacted. Sulfacetamide should not be used by individuals who have a sensitivity to sulfur or sulfa. The acute oral toxicity (LD) in a mouse is 16.5 g/kg. As this falls within Toxicity Category IV of the toxicity category rating for oral administration, it is practically non-toxic and also not an irritant when taken in orally.", "id": "19924848" }, { "contents": "Copper in health\n\n\nbeneficial role of copper in Alzheimer's disease has been demonstrated on cerebral spinal fluid levels of Aβ42, a toxic peptide and biomarker of the disease. More research is needed to understand metal homeostasis disturbances in Alzheimer's disease patients and how to address these disturbances therapeutically. Since this experiment used Cu-(II)-orotate-dihydrate, it does not relate to the effects of cupric oxide in supplements. In humans, the liver is the primary organ of copper-induced toxicity. Other target organs include bone and the central nervous and immune systems. Excess", "id": "4033816" }, { "contents": "Birth control\n\n\nside effects. Levonorgestrel pills, when used within 3 days, decrease the chance of pregnancy after a single episode of unprotected sex or condom failure by 70% (resulting in a pregnancy rate of 2.2%). Ulipristal, when used within 5 days, decreases the chance of pregnancy by about 85% (pregnancy rate 1.4%) and is more effective than levonorgestrel. Mifepristone is also more effective than levonorgestrel, while copper IUDs are the most effective method. IUDs can be inserted up to five days after intercourse and prevent", "id": "631203" }, { "contents": "Lithium toxicity\n\n\nLithium toxicity, also known as lithium overdose and lithium poisoning, is the condition of having too much lithium in the blood. This condition also happens in persons that are taking lithium in which the lithium levels are affected by drug interactions in the body. The toxicity falls into 3 categories: acute, chronic, and acute on chronic. Acute toxicity is a single ingestion, without prior exposure to lithium. This includes events such as a child who unintentionally ingests the drug or intentional self-harm ingestion, without previous exposure to", "id": "9189951" }, { "contents": "Biotic Ligand Model\n\n\nnecessitated further examination of how metal toxicity changes as a function of pH, hardness and complexation capacity for the toxicity of metals to fishes. In the gill surface interaction model both metal hardness and complexation are included. Pagenkopf lays out several major concepts that are the basis of the GSIM. Using these six concepts Pagenkopf looked at copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, combinations of metals, and hydrogen ion concentration using effective toxicant concentration. Per the results Pagenkopf assessed the applicability of the model and came up with several steps to using", "id": "4029268" }, { "contents": "Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole\n\n\nin those less than 2 months of age is not recommended due to the risk of adverse side effects. Contraindications include the following: Its use is advised against in patients being concomitantly treated with: Likely signs of toxicity include: The recommended treatment for overdose includes: Alkalinisation of the urine may reduce the toxicity of sulfamethoxazole, but it may increase the toxic effects of trimethoprim. The synergy between trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole was first described in the late 1960s. Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole have a greater effect when given together than when given separately,", "id": "13376274" }, { "contents": "Staurosporine\n\n\nvivo\" in a mouse model without the toxic side effects which have prohibited its use as an anti-cancer drug with high apoptotic activity. Researchers in UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center develop a platform technology of high drug-loading efficiency by manipulating the pH environment of the cells. When injected into the mouse glioblastoma model, staurosporine is found to accumulate primarily in the tumor via fluorescence confirmation, and the mice did not suffer weight loss compared to the control mice administered with the free compound, an indicator of reduced toxicity.", "id": "11790002" }, { "contents": "Codeine\n\n\nstarts working after half an hour with maximum effect at two hours. Its effects last for about four to six hours. Common side effects include vomiting, constipation, itchiness, lightheadedness, and drowsiness. Serious side effects may include breathing difficulties and addiction. It is unclear if its use in pregnancy is safe. Care should be used during breastfeeding as it may result in opiate toxicity in the baby. Its use as of 2016 is not recommended in children. Codeine works following being broken down by the liver into morphine, and", "id": "4676290" }, { "contents": "Pulmonary toxicity\n\n\nPulmonary toxicity is the medical name for side effects on the lungs. Although most cases of pulmonary toxicity in medicine are due to side effects of medicinal drugs, many cases can be due to side effects of radiation (radiotherapy). Other (non-medical) causes of pulmonary toxicity can be chemical compounds and airborne particulate matter. Side effects on the lungs can be very varied, and can include signs and symptoms that are either clinical, or radiological (i.e., seen on chest X-ray or CT), or", "id": "16102838" }, { "contents": "List of side effects of digoxin\n\n\nfunction gradually decreases as someone ages. The elderly are also likely to be underweight. In addition, these older people tend to be dehydrated and be taking other medications. These factors increase the likelihood of developing side effects of digoxin and digoxin toxicity. Often lowering the dose is considered by the prescriber. The side effects related to toxicity are used to assess the therapeutic range in a person. In toxicity, the usual supportive measures are provided. If arrhythmias prove troublesome, or malignant hyperkalaemia occurs (inexorably rising potassium level due to", "id": "6440438" }, { "contents": "Menstrual cup\n\n\n\"Staphylococcus aureus\", or health harms were identified among school girls provided with menstrual cups compared to those using sanitary pads, or continuing their usual practice in rural western Kenya. Menstrual Cups can be worn with an IUD as well. According to one study, regrding IUD expulsion rates, there was no difference between women using cups, tampons or pads Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a potentially fatal bacterial illness. Scientists have recognized an association between TSS and tampon use, although the exact connection remains unclear. TSS caused", "id": "7945181" }, { "contents": "Plating\n\n\nbrass, copper, and other materials, this acidic plating is an environmentally safe option. Hexavalent chromate has been classified as a human carcinogen by the EPA and OSHA. The tin-plating process is used extensively to protect both ferrous and nonferrous surfaces. Tin is a useful metal for the food processing industry since it is non-toxic, ductile and corrosion resistant. The excellent ductility of tin allows a tin coated base metal sheet to be formed into a variety of shapes without damage to the surface tin layer. It provides", "id": "20513105" }, { "contents": "Reproductive health\n\n\nimprove access by providing special service delivery and access considerations for sex workers, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex individuals, migrants, men, adolescents, women who are perimenopausal, have a disability, or chronic condition. They also aim to increase access to long acting contraceptive methods, particularly the copper IUD, and the introductions of single rod progestogen implant and combined oestrogen and progestogen injectables. The copper IUD has been provided significantly less frequently than other contraceptive methods but signs of an increase in most provinces were reported.", "id": "12495077" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nIntrauterine device (IUD) with copper also known as intrauterine coil, is a type of intrauterine device which contains copper. It is used for birth control and emergency contraception within five days of unprotected sex. It is one of the most effective forms of birth control with a one-year failure rate around 0.7%. The device is placed in the uterus and lasts up to twelve years. It may be used by women of all ages regardless of whether or not they have had children. Following removal, fertility quickly returns", "id": "15464745" }, { "contents": "Pyrazinamide\n\n\nPyrazinamide is a medication used to treat tuberculosis. For active tuberculosis, it is often used with rifampicin, isoniazid, and either streptomycin or ethambutol. It is not generally recommended for the treatment of latent tuberculosis. It is taken by mouth. Common side effects include nausea, loss of appetite, muscle pains, and rash. More serious side effects include gout, liver toxicity, and sensitivity to sunlight. It is not recommended in those with significant liver disease or porphyria. It is unclear if use during pregnancy is safe but", "id": "33996" }, { "contents": "Traditional Chinese medicine\n\n\n\"), certain fungi, \"Aristolochia\", Arsenic sulfide (Realgar), mercury sulfide, and cinnabar. Asbestos ore (Actinolite, Yang Qi Shi, 阳起石) is used to treat impotence in TCM. Due to galena's (litharge, lead(II) oxide) high lead content, it is known to be toxic. Lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, cadmium, and thallium have been detected in TCM products sold in the U.S. and China. To avoid its toxic adverse effects \"Xanthium sibiricum\" must be", "id": "6232619" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\ncell sarcoma in males of one strain, but not the other (there was a slightly increased incidence in females of both strains). These results have not been repeated. Cookware in which copper is the main structural element (as opposed to copper clad, copper sandwiched or copper colored) is sometimes manufactured without a lining when intended to be used for any of a number of specific culinary tasks, such as preparing preserves or meringues. Otherwise, copper cookware is lined with a non-reactive metal to prevent contact between acidic", "id": "9361151" }, { "contents": "Hormonal IUDs\n\n\nremoval. Side effects include irregular periods, benign ovarian cysts, pelvic pain, and depression. Rarely uterine perforation may occur. Use is not recommended during pregnancy but is safe with breastfeeding. The IUD with progestogen is a type of long-acting reversible birth control. It works by thickening the mucus at the opening of the cervix, stopping the buildup of the lining of the uterus, and occasionally preventing ovulation. The IUD with levonorgestrel was first approved for medical use in 1990 in Finland and in the United States in 2000", "id": "10623586" }, { "contents": "Toxic heavy metal\n\n\ncompounds, such as (calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate) that convert heavy metals to chemically inert forms that can be excreted without further interaction with the body. Chelates are not without side effects and can also remove beneficial metals from the body. Vitamin and mineral supplements are sometimes co-administered for this reason. Soils contaminated by heavy metals can be remediated by one or more of the following technologies: isolation; immobilization; toxicity reduction; physical separation; or extraction. \"Isolation\" involves the use of caps, membranes or below-", "id": "3412659" }, { "contents": "Crotalaria juncea\n\n\nresulting in promotion of plant growth. When the application of phosphate is coupled with the inoculation of Rhizophagus clarus, the result is a synergistic effect that allows copper toxicity levels to be reduced through various mechanisms. This ultimately allows for the increased growth of \"Crotalaria juncea\" in spite of having been cultivated in high levels of copper. Another effective approach in decreasing the levels of copper in \"Crotalaria juncea\" is with the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Phosphate uptake is significantly improved in the presence of AMF,", "id": "239390" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\ncopper from other sources, as well as the increased copper level of the individual's mother via the placenta before birth. A significant portion of the toxicity of copper comes from its ability to accept and donate single electrons as it changes oxidation state. This catalyzes the production of very reactive radical ions, such as hydroxyl radical in a manner similar to Fenton chemistry. This catalytic activity of copper is used by the enzymes with which it is associated, thus is only toxic when unsequestered and unmediated. This increase in unmediated reactive radicals", "id": "9361156" }, { "contents": "Phytotoxicity\n\n\nPhytotoxicity is a toxic effect by a compound on plant growth. Such damage may be caused by a wide variety of compounds, including trace metals, salinity, pesticides, phytotoxins or allelochemicals. High concentrations of mineral salts in solution within the growing medium can have phytotoxic effects. Sources of excessive mineral salts include infiltration of seawater and excessive application of fertilizers. For example, urea is used in agriculture as a nitrogenous fertilizer, but if too much is applied, phytotoxic effects can result, either by urea toxicity or by the \"", "id": "19405627" }, { "contents": "Toxicity\n\n\n. Sometimes the word is more or less synonymous with poisoning in everyday usage. A central concept of toxicology is that the effects of a toxicant are dose-dependent; even water can lead to water intoxication when taken in too high a dose, whereas for even a very toxic substance such as snake venom there is a dose below which there is no detectable toxic effect. Considering the limitations of this dose-response concept, a novel Drug Toxicity Index (DTI) has been proposed recently. DTI redefines drug toxicity, identifies", "id": "7089900" }, { "contents": "Cytarabine\n\n\nmarrow suppression and other severe side effects. Therefore, ara-C is not a useful antiviral agent in humans because of its toxic profile and actually it is used mainly for the chemotherapy of hematologic cancers. Cytarabine is also used in the study of the nervous system to control the proliferation of glial cells in cultures, the amount of glial cells having an important impact on neurons. One of the unique toxicities of cytarabine is cerebellar toxicity when given in high doses, which may lead to ataxia. Cytarabine may cause granulocytopenia and other", "id": "10332549" }, { "contents": "Olfactory toxicity in fish\n\n\nsubstances. Olfactory toxicity can occur by multiple, complex Modes of Toxic Action. Early investigation by Hasler and Wisby (1951) examined how fish use olfactory imprinting to discriminate smells in order for fish to find their natal streams. This research provided the framework for testing synthetic chemicals used by hatcheries to examine homing and straying by hatchery fish. The investigation of the toxicity of mercury and copper to the olfactory systems in fish began in the early 1970s. Where they found that solutions of mercury chloride (HgCl) and copper sulfate (", "id": "21464903" }, { "contents": "Phenytoin\n\n\ndetermine the proper dose. Common side effects include nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, poor coordination, increased hair growth, and enlargement of the gums. Potentially serious side effects include sleepiness, self harm, liver problems, bone marrow suppression, low blood pressure, and toxic epidermal necrolysis. There is evidence that use during pregnancy results in abnormalities in the baby. It appears to be safe to use when breastfeeding. Alcohol may interfere with the medication's effects. Phenytoin was first made in 1908 by the German chemist", "id": "3871432" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\nemergency contraception. Despite this, there has been no definitive evidence that IUD users have higher rates of embryonic loss than women not using contraception. Therefore, the copper IUD is considered to be a true contraceptive and not an abortifacient. Globally, the IUD is the most widely used method of reversible birth control. The most recent data indicates that there are 169 million IUD users around the world. This includes both the nonhormonal and hormonal IUDs. IUDs are most popular in Asia, where the prevalence is almost 30%. In", "id": "15464772" }, { "contents": "Aquatic toxicology\n\n\nchemistry, toxicity, and field alterations so that more complete information can be gathered. Collection, handling, and storage of sediment can have an effect on bioavailability and for this reason standard methods have been developed to suit this purpose. Toxicity can be broken down into two broad categories of direct and indirect toxicity. Direct toxicity results from a toxicant acting at the site of action in or on the organism. Indirect toxicity occurs with a change in the physical, chemical, or biological environment. Lethality is most common effect used in", "id": "18380756" }, { "contents": "Copper IUDs\n\n\ngeneration copper-T IUDs were also introduced in the 1970s. These devices had higher surface areas of copper, and for the first time consistently achieved effectiveness rates of greater than 99%. The last model Tatum developed was the TCu380A, the model that is most recommended today. In addition to T-shaped IUDs, there are also U-shaped IUDs (such as the Multiload) and 7-shaped Gravigard Copper 7 (with a mini version for nulliparous women introduced in the 1980s). More recently, a frameless IUD called", "id": "15464781" }, { "contents": "Printed circuit board\n\n\ngives predictable control of etching rates and high production rates. As more copper is consumed from the boards, the etchant becomes saturated and less effective; different etchants have different capacities for copper, with some as high as 150 grams of copper per litre of solution. In commercial use, etchants can be regenerated to restore their activity, and the dissolved copper recovered and sold. Small-scale etching requires attention to disposal of used etchant, which is corrosive and toxic due to its metal content. The etchant removes copper on all", "id": "17957899" }, { "contents": "Edelfosine\n\n\nhad a “remarkable” “high proportion of patients with stationary tumor status” as result, stable disease after initial progression in 50% of the patients. In animal tests the main toxic effect was gastrointestinal irritation. There were no significant negative systemic side effects observed. It showed that edelfosine can be given over a long period safely. Most important, in contrast to many DNA-directed anti-cancer drugs, no bone marrow toxicity was \"in vivo\" observed. Those findings in animals were confirmed in clinical trials.", "id": "13836324" }, { "contents": "Dimercaprol\n\n\nto these metals. Dimercaprol has been used as an adjunct in the treatment of the acute encephalopathy of lead toxicity. It is a potentially toxic drug, and its use may be accompanied by multiple side effects. Although treatment with dimercaprol will increase the excretion of cadmium, there is a concomitant increase in renal cadmium concentration, so that its use in case of cadmium toxicity is to be avoided. It does, however, remove inorganic mercury from the kidneys; but is not useful in the treatment of alkylmercury or phenylmercury toxicity.", "id": "6373284" }, { "contents": "Treatment as prevention\n\n\ntreatment. Additionally, newer regimens are almost 100% resistance free and can translate into lifelong effective therapy. In the past antiretroviral drugs can also cause patients to experience various side effects including becoming nauseated or suffering from gastrointestinal pains and issues, as a results of medications at times being too toxic for a specific individual. In addition, in low and middle income countries (LMICs), an increase in the number of side effects expressed in a country leads to the underdeveloped health care systems of said country having to use their limited", "id": "13559274" }, { "contents": "Toxic heavy metal\n\n\n), are shown in the table. The toxic effects of arsenic, mercury and lead were known to the ancients but methodical studies of the overall toxicity of heavy metals appear to date from only 1868. In that year, Wanklyn and Chapman speculated on the adverse effects of the heavy metals \"arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, iron and manganese\" in drinking water. They noted an \"absence of investigation\" and were reduced to \"the necessity of pleading for the collection of data\". In 1884, Blake", "id": "3412646" }, { "contents": "Detoxification\n\n\nscientific basis, making the validity of such techniques questionable. There is little evidence for toxic accumulation in these cases, as the liver and kidneys automatically detoxify and excrete many toxic materials including metabolic wastes. Under this theory if toxins are too rapidly released without being safely eliminated (such as when metabolizing fat that stores toxins) they can damage the body and cause malaise. Therapies include contrast showers, detoxification foot pads, oil pulling, Gerson therapy, snake-stones, body cleansing, Scientology's Purification Rundown, water fasting,", "id": "20260269" }, { "contents": "Blood substitute\n\n\ncell mass. Haemoglobin-based products are called haemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs). Unmodified cell-free haemoglobin is not useful as a blood substitute because its oxygen affinity is too high for effective tissue oxygenation, the half-life within the intravascular space that is too short to be clinically useful, it has a tendency to undergo dissociation in dimers with resultant kidney damage and toxicity, and because free haemoglobin tends to take up nitric oxide, causing vasoconstriction. Efforts to overcome this toxicity have included making genetically engineered versions", "id": "20475888" }, { "contents": "Copper toxicity\n\n\ngariepinus\") The chronic effect of sublethal concentrations of copper on fish and other creatures is damage to gills, liver, kidneys and the nervous system. It also interferes with the sense of smell in fish, thus preventing them from choosing good mates or finding their way to mating areas. Copper-based paint is a common marine antifouling agent. In the United States, copper-based paint replaced tributyltin, which was banned due to its toxicity, as a way for boats to control organic growth on their hulls. In", "id": "9361161" }, { "contents": "Bioconjugation\n\n\nas a catalyst in the presence of a reducing agent. Even though Staudinger ligation is a suitable bioconjugation in living cells without major toxicity, the phosphine’s sensitivity to air oxidation and its poor solubility in water significantly hinder its efficiency. The copper (I) catalyzed azide-alkyne coupling has reasonable reaction rate and efficiency under physiological conditions, but copper poses significant toxicity and sometimes interferes with protein functions in living cells. In 2004, chemist Carolyn R. Bertozzi’s lab developed a metal free [3+2] cycloaddition using strained", "id": "8946796" }, { "contents": "2-Deoxy-D-glucose\n\n\nincreasing the expression of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), Nerve growth factor (NGF), Arc (protein) (ARC), and Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2). Such uses are complicated by the fact that 2-deoxyglucose does have some toxicity. A study found that by combining the sugar 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) with fenofibrate, a compound that has been safely used in humans for more than 40 years to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, an entire tumor could effectively be targeted without the use", "id": "18028140" }, { "contents": "Cookware and bakeware\n\n\nand do not materially contribute to cookware performance. Copper is reactive with acidic foods which can result in corrosion, the byproducts of which can foment copper toxicity. In certain circumstances, however, unlined copper is recommended and safe, for instance in the preparation of meringue, where copper ions prompt proteins to denature (unfold) and enable stronger protein bonds across the sulfur contained in egg whites. Unlined copper is also used in the making of preserves, jams and jellies. Copper does not store (\"bank\") heat,", "id": "17651279" }, { "contents": "Birth control\n\n\na failure rates of 0.2% in the first year of use. Among types of birth control, they, along with birth control implants, result in the greatest satisfaction among users. As of 2007, IUDs are the most widely used form of reversible contraception, with more than 180 million users worldwide. Evidence supports effectiveness and safety in adolescents and those who have and have not previously had children. IUDs do not affect breastfeeding and can be inserted immediately after delivery. They may also be used immediately after an abortion. Once", "id": "631188" }, { "contents": "Contraceptive mandate\n\n\nto refuse to include contraception in health care coverage if it violated their religious or moral beliefs\", but it was voted down 51-48 by the U.S. Senate on March 1, 2012. In May 2015 the Obama administration stated that under the ACA, at least one form of all 18 FDA-approved methods of birth control for women must be covered without cost-sharing. These 18 methods include: sterilization surgery, surgical sterilization implant, implantable rod, copper intrauterine device, IUDs with progestin (a hormone),", "id": "7170876" } ]
Do planes have speed limits?
[{"answer": "Planes are not allowed to fly at the speed of sound over land (at least in the US). It causes an unpleasant sonic boom."}, {"answer": "Types of speed limits for airplanes in the U.S. * No faster than the speed of sound over or near land * No faster than 250 knots (about 300mph) below 10,000 * Certain types of airspace have a 200 knot limit * Certain departure/arrival procedures have a published limit saying \"cross XXX position at XXX sped\" * Air traffic control can assign specific speeds example: \"snoo 1234 maintain 300 knots\" Physical limits: * vNE/vMO: Never exceed or max operating speed, the speed at which physical damage may occur to the aircraft * mMO: Similar to the above but measured in % of the speed of sound. Usually mMO limit exists to prevent some of the effects encountered when flying near the speed of sound (mach tuck, buffett) * vFE/LE/Whatever: Similar in nature to vNE but lower due to a specific situation like having the flaps out. These can vary depending on the type of plane you're flying, for example my current airplane has a limit saying that you can't exceed 160 knots with the window open."}, {"answer": "If you mean to ask whether airspace has speed limits that aircraft must adhere to, yes! It varies by region, and can be a bit complex, but typically airplanes have to slow down the lower they are flying. For instance, in Canadian Aviation Regulations 602.32(reference number if you want to look online!) Specify that below 10,000 feet speed shall be not above 250 knots, below 3,000 feet no faster than 200 kts... but it depends where you are and how busy it is. In reality commercial aircraft sometimes exceed those speeds and it is rarely reported or punished in areas with low traffic volume and low oversight."}, {"answer": "Both answers posted so far are good but it should also be mentioned that planes will literally start to fall apart if they are flown faster than their intended top speeds."}, {"answer": "I'll add one more \"speed limit\" no one has mentioned so far: materials. As you increase past the speed of sound a shockwave forms. On one side of the shockwave air flows at its normal supersonic speed, on the other side of the shockwave the air flows at sub-sonic speeds. This... shocking... deceleration releases a huge amount of energy (heat). If you remember from high school physics energy is the square of velocity, so the faster you go above the speed of sound the energy being released by the air is going to increase exponentially. At some point the heat is simply so intense that it will melt every known material that is also strong enough to take the kinds of forces produced at those speeds. When the USA tests out \"hyper-sonic\" missiles or planes the real speed limit is based on materials science."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "166072", "title": "Sound barrier", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 468, "bleu_score": 0.8739194859054861}]}]
[ { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nfor speed limits of 40 mph or below. Junior Speed Watch works in a similar way but involves schoolchildren. Some classes of vehicles are required to have speed limiters which enforce a maximum speed by physical means. New vehicles should be fitted with limiters as follows. Buses and coaches: HGVs: Mopeds: Older vehicles still in use do not have limiters fitted or have them set at a higher speeds. These devices do \"not\" enforce speed limits as they do not adapt to speed limit changes. Swindon council is planning", "id": "8082398" }, { "contents": "Proa\n\n\nboats were limited to their hull speed—they had too little power to achieve planing speed, and yet were not designed to exceed hull speed without planing. For example, a boat with too little power to plane, and with a hull form and displacement that didn't permit it to exceed hull speed without planing, would have a maximum speed of about ; Munroe's proa could reach nearly 2.5 times that speed. This accomplishment was the nautical equivalent to the X-1 breaking the sound barrier. It is not clear that traditional", "id": "13793590" }, { "contents": "Speed Graphic\n\n\n. The authentic Speed Graphic has a focal plane shutter that the Crown Graphic and Century Graphic models lack. The eponymous name \"speed\" came from the maximum speed of 1/1000 sec. that could be achieved with the focal plane shutter. The Speed Graphic was available in 2¼ x 3¼ inch, 3¼ x 4¼ inch, 5 x 7 inch and the most common format 4 x 5 inch. Because of the focal plane shutter, the Speed Graphic can also use lenses that do not have shutters (known as barrel lenses)", "id": "2395367" }, { "contents": "Flash synchronization\n\n\n). Special electronic flash units for focal-plane shutters fire several times as the slit moves across the film. Electronic shutters used in some digital cameras do not have this limitation and may allow a very high X-sync speed. Leaf shutters, which are generally situated within the lens housing, open to expose the entire image at once, and therefore allow flash sync across all shutter speeds (up to 1/1600\" with a Schneider Kreuznach lens on a Phase One/Mamiya 645DF camera). The Synchro-Compur leaf", "id": "19192987" }, { "contents": "Radio-controlled aircraft\n\n\nused engine. Speeds are very fast in this class with planes capable of reaching . Q40 is the highpoint of pylon racing, as their aircraft resemble full-size race planes. They are not limited to the simple shapes that Q500 planes are, which have much cleaner aerodynamics and less wing area. They use the same basic Nelson engine used in 428, but the engine is tuned to turn a much smaller prop at a much higher rpm. These planes can fly in excess of on the course. Because of their limited", "id": "6713913" }, { "contents": "National Speed Limits (Malaysia)\n\n\nspeed limit and the driven speed. Special speed limits are applied to heavy vehicles, and all heavy vehicles have speed limit stickers describing the allowed speed limits. However, many heavy vehicles especially express buses do not obey these speed limits. The speed limits for heavy vehicles are as follows:- For school areas, the speed limit of 35 km/h (22 mph) is applicable during rush hours. Besides, cars with trailers apply the same speed limit as heavier vehicles (80 km/h (50 mph) on expressways", "id": "21209248" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\n, and 65 mph urban interstate zones, the minimum is . At one time, these minimum speeds required signage, but these limits have since been codified in state law; signs indicating these minimum speeds still exist, but now simply serve as a reminder. Urban freeways with speed limits of 50 mph typically do not have minimum speed limits, such as on I-375 in St. Petersburg. Additionally, the new Gandy Freeway in St Petersburg has a speed limit as low as . Florida also does not impose lower truck speed limits.", "id": "15168940" }, { "contents": "Governor (device)\n\n\n, Porsche, Aston Martin and Bentley also do not limit their cars, at least not to . The Chrysler 300C SRT8 is limited to 270 km/h. Most Japanese domestic market vehicles are limited to only or . The top speed is a strong sales argument, though speeds above about are not likely reachable on public roads. Many performance cars are limited to a speed of to limit insurance costs of the vehicle, and reduce the risk of tires failing. Mopeds in the United Kingdom have had to have a speed limiter", "id": "2713004" }, { "contents": "Press camera\n\n\nshutter. The focal plane shutter allows for fast shutter speeds and the use of lenses which do not have an integral shutter (known as a barrel lens), while the iris shutter allows for flash synchronization at any speed. The Graphlex Speed Graphic models and the Ihagee Zweiverschluss (\"\"two shutters\"\") Duplex are examples of press cameras that had both focal plane and iris shutters. The most common sheet film size for press cameras was the 4×5 inch film format. Models have also been produced for the 2.25×3.25 inch", "id": "2201416" }, { "contents": "Flash (photography)\n\n\n. The major advantages of LEDs over xenon include low voltage operation, higher efficiency, and extreme miniaturization. The LED flash can also be used for illumination of video recordings or as an autofocus assist lamp in low-light conditions. Electronic flash units have shutter speed limits with focal-plane shutters. Focal-plane shutters expose using two curtains that cross the sensor. The first one opens and the second curtain follows it after a delay equal to the nominal shutter speed. A typical modern focal-plane shutter on a full", "id": "19100108" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nafter a decade of effort, while traffic regulations were conformed to western standards (e.g., freeway advisory limit, on other rural roads). Rural roads on the Isle of Man have no speed limits on many rural roads; a 2004 proposal to introduce general speed limits of 60 mph and 70 mph on Mountain Road, for safety reasons, was not pursued following consultation. Measured travel speeds on the island are relatively low. The Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Telangana also do not have speed limits. Many", "id": "1925851" }, { "contents": "Vehicle safety technology\n\n\nSpeed warning systems are designed to alert the driver of the vehicle when they have exceeded the speed limit. To do this, GPS technologies are used to triangulate the vehicle's location; along with a record of speed limits in the area, the system uses built-in speed sensors to notify the driver when they exceed the speed limit. If the list of speed limits is updated, it can also track school and work zone speed limit changes that would otherwise go unnoticed by the driver. When a driver exceeds the speed", "id": "16977907" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\n. In addition to the legally defined maximum speed, minimum speed limits may be applicable. Occasionally, there are default minimum speed limits for certain types of roads, generally freeways. Comparable to the common basic speed rule, most jurisdictions also have laws prohibiting speeds so low they are dangerous or impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic. Some jurisdictions set lower speed limits that are applicable only to large commercial vehicles like heavy trucks and buses. While they are called \"truck speed limits\", they generally do not apply to", "id": "4543379" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nincluding motoring advocacy groups, anti-motoring groups and others who either consider them to be irrelevant, set too low or set too high. Default maximum speed limits apply to all roads where no specific lower numeric speed limit is already in force. The default speed limit is known as the \"national speed limit\" (NSL). The NSLs vary by road type and for vehicle types. Some classes of vehicles are required to have speed limiters which enforce a maximum speed by physical means. Older vehicles still in use do", "id": "6857663" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nfrom the default speed limit, and has the practical effect of requiring extra consideration for posting a standard speed limit sign in excess of . A non-numeric minimum speed limit is incorporated with the basic speed rule in Arizona, which also prohibits speeds higher than would be \"reasonable and prudent\". Night speed limit signs are posted on some roads within Tucson city limits that do not have street lights. Examples: Fort Lowell Road from Oracle Road to Country Club Road, 22nd Street from Interstate 10 to Cherry Avenue. Urban", "id": "15168914" }, { "contents": "Intelligent speed adaptation\n\n\nin ISA systems should ideally take account of posted advisory speeds as well as posted maximum speed limits. The New South Wales ISA trial, underway in the Illwarra region south of Sydney currently, is the only trial that is using posted advisory speeds as well as posted maximum speed limits. Some car manufacturers have expressed concern that some types of speed limiters take control away from the driver. Some ISA systems do have provision for over-ride by the driver in the event that the set speed is inappropriate. For some traffic safety", "id": "5371360" }, { "contents": "Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII\n\n\ntheir own unique weapons loadouts. Each plane is given star ratings in different categories which include firepower, speed and hitpoints. The planes are not the same in all versions of the game on different systems. For example, the Xbox 360 version of \"Blazing Angels\" has some planes that the Wii version doesn't have. The Wii version lets the player select the plane they want, but on the Xbox 360 version, they do not have a choice. \"Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII\" received \"mixed or", "id": "5383117" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Canada\n\n\nCanadian speed limits are set by different levels of government (federal, provincial, and municipal), depending on the jurisdiction under which the road falls, resulting in differences from province to province. The limits have been posted in kilometres per hour (km/h) since September 1, 1977. Before then, when Canada used Imperial units, speed limits were in miles per hour (mph). Statutory speed limits are default speed limits set by statute in each province or territory. They apply on roads which do not", "id": "9701618" }, { "contents": "Galilean electromagnetism\n\n\nAs late as 1963, Purcell offered the following low velocity transformations as suitable for calculating the electric field experienced by a jet plane tranvelling in the Earth's magnetic field. In 1973 Bellac and Levy-Leblond state that these equations are incorrect or misleading because they do not correspond to any consistent Galilean limit. Rousseaux gives a simple example showing that a transformation from an initial inertial frame to a second frame with a speed of v with respect to the first frame and then to a third frame moving with a speed v with respect", "id": "17762071" }, { "contents": "Speed limiter\n\n\noverride it) pressing on the throttle to increase speed. The limiter may shift down through automatic gears to hold the maximum speed. In European markets, General Motors Europe sometimes allow certain high-powered Opel or Vauxhall cars to exceed the mark, whereas their Cadillacs do not. The Chrysler 300C SRT8 is limited to 270 km/h. Most Japanese domestic market vehicles are limited to or . BMW, Mercedes and others have entered into a gentlemen's agreement to a limit of , but may 'unhook' their speed limited", "id": "14148622" }, { "contents": "Taxiway\n\n\ntaxiway longer, thus giving the aircraft more space in which to slow down, before the taxiways' upcoming intersection with another (perpendicular) taxiway, another runway, or the ramp/tarmac. Most airports do not have a specific speed limit for taxiing (though some do). There is a general rule on safe speed based on obstacles. Operators and aircraft manufacturers might have limits. Typical taxi speeds are 20-30 knots (37-56 km/h; 23-35 mph). The taxiways are given", "id": "10419462" }, { "contents": "Indian Airlines Flight 605\n\n\npath. Captain Fernandez noticed this and requested for a go-around. He would climb to 6000 ft, do another circle and come back better aligned to the normal glide path. The check pilot, Captain Gopujkar then responded to his request: “Do you want a go around? Or do you want vertical speed?” Captain Fernandez chose to proceed with the vertical speed option. If the pilots would have proceeded with the go-around, the emergency that was to follow could have been averted. Since the plane", "id": "5639408" }, { "contents": "Japanese domestic market\n\n\nAutomobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) for safety. The horsepower limit was lifted in 2004 but the speed limit of remains in effect. Many JDM cars have speedometers that register up to 180 km/h (111.8 mph) (certain Nissans go up to 190 km/h, and the GT-R has a mechanism that removes the speed limiter on a track) but all have speed limiters. Japanese carmakers do not use a Vehicle Identification Number as is common overseas. Instead, Japan uses a Frame Number—nine to", "id": "1297109" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nfor highway maintenance and speed enforcement on the Parkway. The county governments of North Carolina do not have any control over speed limits or any other aspect of road operation, as there are no county roads in the state. Municipalities, on the other hand, can set speed limits on city-controlled roadways, subject to applicable state laws. Freeways and expressways with no primary route number are part of the state secondary road system and bear route numbers of 1000 or greater. Their maximum posted speed limit is 55 mph with four", "id": "15169037" }, { "contents": "30 km/h zone\n\n\n30 km/h zones (30 kilometres per hour zones) and the similar 20 mph zones (20 miles per hour zones) are forms of speed management used across areas of urban roads in some jurisdictions as an alternative to normal speed limits. The nominal maximum speed limits in these zones are and respectively. Although these zones do have the nominal speed limit posted, speeds are generally ensured by the use of traffic calming (physical or psychological) measures, though limits with signs and lines only are increasingly used in the UK", "id": "8516017" }, { "contents": "Dual carriageway\n\n\nthey do not fall under the federal budget for the \"Autobahn\" network. The federal road Bundesstraße 27 is an example where about half of its length is upgraded to a high speed motorway standard. On the basis of their structure these roads have, comparable to the German \"autobahn\", the legal foundation that no default speed limit exists (design speed 130 km/h), although the standard advisory speed limit () still exists. Nevertheless expressways are often given speed limit signs. At the moment some (blue", "id": "12495718" }, { "contents": "Flash (photography)\n\n\n2.4ms = 0.7ms are available to trigger and fire the flash while achieving a uniform flash exposure, so the maximum flash duration, and therefore maximum flash output, must be, and is, reduced. Contemporary (2018) focal-plane shutter cameras with full-frame or smaller sensors typically have maximum normal X-sync speeds of 1/200 s or 1/250 s. Some cameras are limited to 1/160 s. X-sync speeds for medium format cameras when using focal-plane shutters are somewhat slower, e.g. 1/125 s, because of the", "id": "19100112" }, { "contents": "Focal-plane shutter\n\n\n1/12,000 s in the (Japan; called Dynax 9 in Europe, Alpha 9 in Japan) of 1998. They are still offered in some digital-SLRs to 1/8000 s. Leaf shutter cameras are not affected by this issue – they have completely different limitations. Focal-plane shutter top speed peaked at 1/16,000 s (and 1/500 s X-sync) in 1999 with the Nikon D1 digital SLR. The D1 used electronic assist from its sensor for the 1/16,000 s speed and its 15.6×23.7 mm \"APS-size\" sensor was", "id": "8871197" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\n. The advisory speed limit applies to any road in Germany outside of towns which is either a dual carriageway or features at least two lanes per direction, regardless of its classification (e.g. Autobahn, Federal Highway, State Road, etc.), unless there is a speed limit posted, although it is less common for non-autobahn roads to be unrestricted. All other roads in Germany outside of towns, regardless of classification, do have a general speed limit of 100 km/h, which is usually reduced to 80", "id": "1925848" }, { "contents": "Center-of-momentum frame\n\n\nbut zero rest mass (such as photons moving in a single direction, or equivalently, plane electromagnetic waves) do not have COM frames, because there is no frame in which they have zero net momentum. Due to the invariance of the speed of light, a massless system must travel at the speed of light in any frame, and always possesses a net momentum. Its energy is—for each reference frame—equal to the magnitude of momentum multiplied by the speed of light: An example of the usage of this", "id": "15180643" }, { "contents": "List of tunnels in Germany\n\n\nA list of tunnels in Germany longer than 10 metres. With few exceptions, Baden-Württemberg has a speed limit of 100 km/h for all road and motorway tunnels that have two tubes. It is the only German state where this is the case; other German states have had a speed limit of 80 km/h. Bavaria has been raising the speed limit in such tunnels from 80 km/h to 100 km/h since 2007, and North Rhine-Westphalia has been doing the same since 2008.", "id": "15795728" }, { "contents": "Lens speed\n\n\nis limited by mechanical constraints of the camera system (shutter or mirror clearance, mount diameter). The smallest possible working f-number is where This sets a limit close to 1.0 to 1.2 for most SLR mounts, whereas lenses for rangefinder and mirrorless cameras can be faster, as they can be brought closer to the image plane. Reproduction lenses incapable of infinity focus can have nominal f-numbers smaller than this limit, as the limit applies to the \"working\" f-number (the f-number corrected by", "id": "20487764" }, { "contents": "Focal-plane shutter\n\n\nhours with the use of the accessory electronic Multi Control Back MF-23. In theory, the longest available speed is limited only by available battery power for the electronics. This caught some 1970s photographers by surprise when they attempted very long \"B\" exposures and found their camera batteries had died in the middle because of the era's power hungry electronics and ruined the exposure. Electronics are also responsible for pushing the focal-plane shutter's X-sync speed beyond its mechanical limits. As stated earlier, a horizontal FP shutter for", "id": "8871194" }, { "contents": "National Maximum Speed Law\n\n\n1983 because of slower and more uniform traffic speeds since the law took effect. Later, the National Academies wrote that there is \"a strong link between vehicle speed and crash severity [which] supports the need for setting maximum limits on high-speed roads\" but that \"the available data do not provide an adequate basis for precisely quantifying the effects that changes in speed limits have on driving speeds, safety, and travel time on different kinds of roads.\" The Academies report also noted that on rural interstates, the", "id": "11405067" }, { "contents": "Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution\n\n\nslip front differential and 6-speed manual transmission. The 2004 US spec RS models, however, do have a front helical limited-slip differential. All 2003, 2004 and 2005 RS and GSR models have the Japanese Evolution VII's 5-speed transmission. The MR edition was introduced to the US in 2005, with ACD and the only model with a 6-speed transmission. The 2005 US spec RS and GSR have the ACD standard, and the front helical limited-slip differential is now standard on all models. The boost, timing,", "id": "3962020" }, { "contents": "Convex layers\n\n\npoints in a query half-plane. The points in the half-plane from each successive layer may be found by a binary search to find the most extreme point in the direction of the half-plane, and then searching sequentially from there. Fractional cascading can be used to speed up the binary searches, giving total query time formula_3 to find formula_4 points out of a set of formula_1. The points of an formula_6 grid have formula_7 convex layers, as do the same number of uniformly random points within any convex shape", "id": "5659747" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in New Zealand\n\n\n\" which means slow drivers are required by law to pull over to the side of the road to allow queues of cars behind them to pass. The police can and do enforce this law in which the offending driver is given anything from an NZ$150 infringement notice for \"Inconsiderate Driving\" to possibly an indictment for careless driving which is usually dealt with by the courts. Certain types and combinations of vehicles have operating speed limits that need to be obeyed if they are less than the posted speed limit. For example: Vehicles towing", "id": "13393340" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nare some circumstances where motorists do not tend to process all the risks involved, and as a mass choose a poor 85th percentile speed. This rule in substance is a process for voting the speed limit by driving; and in contrast to delegating the speed limit to an engineering expert. The numerical limit set by Caltrans engineers for speed limit signs, generally found on all non-controlled-access routes, is considered a presumptive maximum \"reasonable and prudent\" speed. Many speed limit signs are identified as \"maximum speed\"", "id": "15168922" }, { "contents": "Highways in Romania\n\n\nControlled-access highways in Romania are dual carriageways, grade separated with controlled-access, designed for high speeds. In 2012, legislation amendments defined two types of highways: motorways () and expressways (). The main differences are that motorways have emergency lanes and the maximum allowed speed limit is , while expressways do not and the speed limit is . The EU accession of the country in 2007 and the improved utilization of the allocated EU funds in recent years, enabled Romania to speed up the expansion of its highway network", "id": "4953832" }, { "contents": "JetBlue Flight 292\n\n\nfire upon landing. This also served to lighten the plane, reducing potential stress on the landing gear and dramatically lowering landing speed as well. The Airbus A320 does not have the mechanical facility to dump fuel, despite various news agencies reporting that the aircraft was doing so over the ocean. Because JetBlue planes are equipped with DirecTV satellite television, passengers on Flight 292 were able to watch live news coverage of their flight while the plane circled over the Pacific for hours. The in-flight video system was turned off \"well", "id": "17005254" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nsigned with both minimum and maximum speeds. By default, the freeway speed limit is , with a minimum speed of for all vehicles, despite a truck speed limit of —effectively permitting trucks only a range of legal speeds. The Mackinac Bridge has a speed limit of for passenger vehicles and for trucks, but can be as low as during high winds. The Michigan Department of Transportation and the Michigan State Police may raise the speed limit to after it is deemed safe to do so. MDOT and the MSP announced on April", "id": "15168974" }, { "contents": "Variable-frequency drive\n\n\nwith a modulating sinusoidal signal which is variable in operating frequency as well as in voltage (or current). Operation of the motors above rated nameplate speed (base speed) is possible, but is limited to conditions that do not require more power than the nameplate rating of the motor. This is sometimes called \"field weakening\" and, for AC motors, means operating at less than rated V/Hz and above rated nameplate speed. Permanent magnet synchronous motors have quite limited field-weakening speed range due to the constant", "id": "3940163" }, { "contents": "Highways in Bulgaria\n\n\nHighways in Bulgaria are dual carriageways, grade separated with controlled-access, designed for high speeds. In 2012, legislation amendments defined two types of highways: motorways (, ) and expressways (, ). The main differences are that motorways have emergency lanes and the maximum allowed speed limit is , while expressways do not and the speed limit is . At the end of 2018 a total of 800.8 kilometers of motorways are in service. Generally, there are no toll roads in Bulgaria, and instead a vignette is required,", "id": "11226730" }, { "contents": "Commentariolus\n\n\ngeneral structure, and only differ in the values of the various parameters needed to specify their motions completely. Their orbits are not coplanar with that of the Earth, but do share its centre as their own common centre, and lie in planes that are only slightly inclined to the Earth's orbital plane. Unlike the Moon's orbital plane, those of the superior planets do not precess. Their inclinations to the Earth's orbital plane do oscillate, however, between the limits 0°10′ and 1°50′ for Mars,", "id": "10599141" }, { "contents": "Longitudinal static stability\n\n\nthe speed and orientation that existed before the minor change that caused the upset. It is sufficient that the speed and orientation do not continue to diverge but undergo at least a small change back towards the original speed and orientation. The longitudinal stability of an aircraft refers to the aircraft's stability in the pitching plane - the plane which describes the position of the aircraft's nose in relation to its tail and the horizon. (Other stability modes are directional stability and lateral stability.) If an aircraft is longitudinally stable, a", "id": "17472700" }, { "contents": "High-speed rail\n\n\nLine, Cross Country Route and East Coast Main Line all have maximum speed limits of on part of the line. Attempts to increase speeds to on both the West Coast Main Line and East Coast Main Line have failed because the trains on those lines do not have cab signalling, which is a legal requirement in the UK for trains to be permitted to operate at speeds greater than due to the impracticality of observing lineside signals at such speeds. The United States has domestic definitions for high-speed rail varying between jurisdictions. Amtrak", "id": "5279903" }, { "contents": "Focal-plane shutter\n\n\nto 3 equivalent speed emulsions limited the opportunities to use the high speeds. However, these older focal-plane shutters wiped the exposure fairly slowly, even under the highest available spring tension, because the delicate curtain was too fragile to survive the necessary accelerative shocks to move faster. The large relative difference between a slow downward wipe speed and a narrow curtain slit resulted in cartoonish distortion of very fast moving objects instead of truly freezing their motion.(See Section 4: \"Disadvantages,\" above.) Folmer and Schwing (USA) was", "id": "8871173" }, { "contents": "Miracle Girl Limit-chan\n\n\n. One year she was mortally wounded during a plane crash. Her father was able to revive her, by making her a cyborg. As a cyborg she is gifted with “Miracle Powers” and accessories that aid her in solving problems. Her red beret can be used as a radio to contact her father, and her boots have super speed. She is also able to transform with her pendant. Limit-chan has a robot pet dog named Guu. Limit keeps her cybernetic powers a secret, as she fears being", "id": "5553919" }, { "contents": "Autoroutes of France\n\n\npart by private interests and in part by the state. Those companies hold concessions, which means that autoroutes belong to the French state and their administration to semi-private companies. Vinci controls around of motorway. The different companies are as follows: Only in the Brittany region do most of the autoroutes belong to the government. They are operated by the regional council and are free from tolls. France has the following speed limits for limited access roads classified as motorways: Limited access roads classified as express roads have lower speed limit", "id": "10981080" }, { "contents": "Highways in Hungary\n\n\nControlled-access highways in Hungary are dual carriageways, grade separated with controlled-access, designed for high speeds. The legislation amendments defined two types of highways: motorways () and expressways (). The main differences are that motorways have emergency lanes and the maximum allowed speed limit is , while expressways do not and the speed limit is . According to the \"Állami Autópályakezelő Zrt.\" (\"State Motorway Management Plc.\"), the total length of the Hungarian motorway system was 1,491 kilometers in 2018. The", "id": "7119266" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nthe Chicago and East St. Louis metro areas, and in some smaller cities. Some interstates in small cities (e.g. I-55/74 through Bloomington-Normal, I-39/90 through the Rockford area, I-57 through Champaign-Urbana) do not have reduced speed limits, and stretches of I-90 and I-355 in the Chicago suburbs are also signed at 70 mph. Most freeways and interstates in Cook, DuPage, and Lake Counties, and some interstates and freeways in Will County maintain a 55-60 mph speed limit. Due to the high population density", "id": "15168953" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nin isolation, or setting ones that are \"unrealistically low\" may be ineffective and lead to disrespect for the speed limit. Bath and North East Somerset Council say that speed limits on their own do not necessarily reduce traffic speeds and should be supported by enforcement to target \"irresponsible drivers\" or traffic calming. The Department for Transport encourages the use of either '20 mph speed limits' or '20 mph speed limit zones' in urban situations where vulnerable road users are at particular risk. In 1998 the TRL reported that", "id": "6857676" }, { "contents": "Dual carriageway\n\n\nsign-posted. It is common for such urban dual carriageways to have an increased speed limit of . A built up road is indicated by the presence of street lights, on lit dual carriageways that are not considered to be in a built-up area, the speed limit will be clarified with intermittent signs. Although in Ireland the term dual carriageway technically applies to any road with physically separated lanes, it is usually used only to refer to those route sections that do not have a motorway designation. Most often it is", "id": "12495709" }, { "contents": "Windermere\n\n\nenforced from 29 March 2005. The bylaws on the lake were reviewed and renewed in 2008. Despite the speed limits people continue to use powerboats on the lake, both legally and illegally. Many organisations, mainly those with an interest in sailing, support the limit, primarily on environmental grounds. Other benefits include restoring the tranquil nature of the lake and making it safer and more accessible for all users. There is controversy regarding the environmental benefits of the speed limitation. When powered craft plane, at around , they produce less", "id": "5110975" }, { "contents": "Flight instructor\n\n\nexample, land plane to sea plane), an instructor rating is not necessarily required. The requirements may be limited to holding a commercial or airline transport license and having met certain experience levels (such as time on type and in class). In the case of an instrument rating, the holder of a flight instructor rating can teach it even if they do not have the experience level required for non-flight instructors. Details are contained in the \"Canadian Aviation Regulations\", parts 401 and 421. Flight instructors in", "id": "1204788" }, { "contents": "Internet censorship in Australia\n\n\nUniversity whose think tank The Australia Institute was responsible for the initial media attention for a mandatory Internet filter in 2003, argues \"The laws that mandate upper speed limits do not stop people from speeding, does that mean that we should not have those laws? ... We live in a society, and societies have always imposed limits on activities that it deems are damaging. There is nothing sacrosanct about the Internet.\" Despite proposing the filter, he has been chosen by The Greens to stand in the Federal seat of Higgins.", "id": "11074548" }, { "contents": "Controlled-access highway\n\n\nsections are Kakanj-Drivuša 16 km, Zenica Sjever-Drivuša 11 km, Svilaj-Odžak 11 km, Vlakovo-Tarčin 20 km, Počitelj-Bijača 21 km. Legislation in Bulgaria defines two types of highways: motorways (, ) and expressways (, ). The main differences are that motorways have emergency lanes and the maximum allowed speed limit is , while expressways do not have emergency lanes and the speed limit is . , of motorways are in service, with another under various stages of construction. More than are", "id": "13899687" }, { "contents": "Hacker-Craft\n\n\n22) he set about solving a number of problems that inhibited speed and performance in motor boats. Pleasure boats of the 1900 era were narrow, round bottomed launches that plowed through the water instead of planing over it as boats do nowadays. Hacker's first major task in boat design was to try to solve the problem of \"squatting\", which occurred with all the canoe-stern shaped powerboats of the 1900s. His theory was that if his boats were going to go fast, they would have to \"plane\"", "id": "6754562" }, { "contents": "Olympus OM-4\n\n\nreleased, with a US list price of $770. The OM-4Ti also introduced a new electronic flash-control system. Normally focal-plane shutters are limited in their maximum flash synchronization speed, because of the way they provide fast shutter speeds – timing the second shutter curtain to close more quickly after the first shutter curtain opens. This causes a narrowing of the slit \"wiping\" the exposure on the film. In effect, a horizontal focal-plane shutter made of cloth is only fully open and usable for flash exposure", "id": "19500667" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nHowever, there are some circumstances where motorists do not tend to process all the risks involved, and as a mass, choose a poor 85th percentile speed. This rule, in practice, is a process for \"voting the speed limit\" by driving, in contrast to delegating the speed limit to an engineering expert. The maximum speed permitted by statute, as posted, is normally based on ideal driving conditions and the basic speed rule always applies. Violation of the statute generally raises a rebuttable presumption of negligence. On international", "id": "1925838" }, { "contents": "Forwarding plane\n\n\n). Next, routers began to have multiple forwarding elements, that communicated through a high-speed shared bus or through a shared memory. Cisco used shared busses until they saturated, while Juniper preferred shared memory. Each forwarding element had its own FIB. See, for example, the Versatile Interface Processor on the Cisco 7500 Eventually, the shared resource became a bottleneck, with the limit of shared bus speed being roughly 2 million packets per second (Mpps). Crossbar fabrics broke through this bottleneck. As forwarding bandwidth increased", "id": "15984440" }, { "contents": "Passing loop\n\n\nscheduled to pass straight through the station can do so uninterrupted; they do not have to reduce their speed to pass through the curve. This layout is mostly used at local stations where many passenger trains do not stop. Since there is only one passenger platform, it is not convenient to cross two passenger trains if both stop. An example is Scone railway station, but the northern end was later rearranged to resemble a main and loop configuration. A disadvantage of the platform and through arrangement is the speed limits through the turnouts", "id": "17332462" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\nEastern Seaboard. Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Vermont have a maximum limit of , and Hawaii has a maximum limit of . The District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands have a maximum speed limit of . Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands have speed limits of . American Samoa has a maximum speed limit of . Two territories in the U.S. Minor Outlying Islands have their own speed limits: in Wake Island, and in Midway Atoll. Unusual for", "id": "4543370" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\n1998, found that changing speed limits on low and moderate speed roads appeared to have no significant effect on traffic speed or the number of crashes, whilst on high-speed roads such as freeways, increased speed limits generally resulted in higher traffic speeds and more crashes. The report stated that limited evidence suggests that speed limits have a positive effect on a system wide basis. Research in 1998 showed that the reduction of some United Kingdom speed limits to had achieved only a 1 mph drop in speeds and no discernible reduction in accidents", "id": "1925861" }, { "contents": "China Airlines Flight 006\n\n\nflight manual, engine restart is unlikely to succeed above . The attempt failed. Meanwhile, airspeed continued to decrease, and the autopilot rolled the control wheel to the maximum left limit of 23 degrees. As the speed decreased even further, the plane began to roll to the right, even though the autopilot was maintaining the maximum left roll limit. By the time the captain disconnected the autopilot, the plane had rolled over 60 degrees to the right and the nose had begun to drop. Ailerons and flight spoilers were the only", "id": "8092408" }, { "contents": "Planing (boat)\n\n\nspeeds of more than twice the hull speed. Planing a sailing dinghy was first popularised by Uffa Fox in Britain. In 1928 Fox introduced planing to the racing world in his International 14 dinghy, \"Avenger\". That year he gained 52 first places, 2 seconds, and 3 third places out of 57 race starts. This performance was noticed by other designers who took on his ideas and developed them. Over the years many dinghies have acquired the ability to plane. Advances in building materials have allowed for lighter boats that", "id": "5191788" }, { "contents": "Wing Arms\n\n\nWing Arms is a 1995 mission based flight simulator video game for the Sega Saturn taking place some time after World War II in an alternate chain of events. Players choose one of seven different Allied and Axis fighter planes and are assigned to six seek and destroy missions against a large, equally unified squadron and naval force. It is an arcade style flight simulator, as the physics are simplified for the sake of playability; the planes do not stall when traveling under stalling speeds and planes do not crash against water and other surfaces", "id": "5370976" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nof Puerto Rico regulates and posts speed limits in miles per hour, although highway signage for distances are in kilometers. Tolled \"Autopistas\" as of 2015, can have speed limits up to 65 mph, while other expressways have speed limits up to 60 mph. The rural default speed limit is 45 mph but may be increased to 55 mph. In residential areas, only multilane roads have limits up to 35 mph, other roads are restricted to a maximum speed of 25 mph. Only rural school zones have the higher 25", "id": "15169074" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\nthe ticket issuer found tangible evidence of unreasonable speed, such as a crash. A criticism of the \"exceeding speed limits\" definition of speeding is twofold: Variable speed limits offer some potential to reduce speed-related crashes. However, due to the high cost of implementation, they exist primarily on freeways. Furthermore, most speed-related crashes occur on local and collector roads, which generally have far lower speed limits and prevailing speeds than freeways. Most states have absolute speed limits, meaning that a speed in excess of", "id": "4543385" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nstatutory speed limits that more often require signs to be effective. 70 mph limits on freeways and 65 mph limits on expressways require signs to be effective. The default speed limit on these types of roads is 55 mph as they do not directly interact with the built-up environment. In the densest urban districts a statutory 25 mph limit is effective when adequate signage is used, as are 35 mph limits in areas of light development. The same applies to 45 mph limits on highways designated as \"rustic\" roads. However", "id": "15169129" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nsuch as Albuquerque and Las Cruces. Other reduced speed limits do exist, but the lowest speed limit under normal conditions on New Mexico's freeways is 55 mph, which can be found on two sections of Interstate 25: The first section being three miles from the Big I to Gibson Boulevard in Albuquerque, and the second being a short stretch near Raton Pass. These particular stretches of I-25 were originally built as relocations of US-85, whose design and construction predate the interstate highway era. As such, these stretches do not meet", "id": "15169017" }, { "contents": "Roads in the Netherlands\n\n\nMany intersections are at grade with traffic lights, or they are roundabouts. There can also be moveable bridges in these roads. In either of the latter cases, the speed limit is frequently reduced to 70 km/h before one reaches the junction or the bridge. The standard speed limit is 100 km/h, unless marked otherwise. Only motor vehicles both \"capable\" and \"legally allowed\" to go at least 50 km/h are allowed on an \"Autoweg\". Although \"Autowegen\" do not have", "id": "10638000" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the Netherlands\n\n\nhave an overall speed limit of 80 km/h (50 mph) on expressways and motorways. On roads or lanes with a (general or posted) speed limit under 80 km/h, these vehicles must abide by this lower limit. Trucks and vehicles above 3.5 tons are required to have a speed limiting device to prevent them from speeding above . Cars and trucks pulling a trailer with a total (car+trailer) weight under 3.5 tons have an overall speed limit of 90 km/h (56 mph), and", "id": "13333602" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\nSpeed limits in the United States are set by each state or territory. States have also allowed counties and municipalities to enact typically lower limits. Highway speed limits can range from an urban low of to a rural high of . Speed limits are typically posted in increments of . Some states have lower limits for trucks and at night, and occasionally there are minimum speed limits. The highest speed limits are generally on the West Coast and the inland eastern states, in inland western states, along with Arkansas and Louisiana. on the", "id": "4543369" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nusing speed limits as in response to environmental concerns. European studies have stated that, whereas the effects of specific speed reduction schemes on particulate emissions from trucks are ambiguous, lower maximums speed for trucks consistently result in lower emissions of CO and better fuel efficiency. Speed limits, and especially some of the methods used to attempt to enforce them, have always been controversial. A variety of organisations and individuals either oppose or support the use of speed limits and their enforcement. Speed limits and their enforcement have been opposed by various groups", "id": "1925876" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\nthe limit is illegal per se. However, some states have prima facie speed limits. This allows motorists to defend against a speeding charge if it can be proven that the speed was in fact reasonable and prudent. Speed limits in Texas, Utah, and Rhode Island are prima facie. Some other states have a hybrid system: speed limits may be prima facie up to a certain speed or only on certain roads. For example, speed limits in California up to 55 mph, or 65 mph on highways, are prima", "id": "4543386" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nusually, but not always, limited to 55 mph. However, the following two-lane highways have a 65 mph speed limit when bypassing or outside of incorporated areas. Most rural expressways have a 65 mph speed limit, but the following have a 70 mph speed limit. Most Missouri lettered highways are 55 mph, and in densely populated areas they can be less. There are several that have a speed limit of 60 mph, though. In the urban areas of: St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia, St.", "id": "15168989" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nHB 3167 which removes numerical caps on rural highway speed limits in Oklahoma which took effect in November 2016. Even with this bill the speed limits across the state are not expected to change because of budget issues in doing studies In April 2019, a new bill was signed into law that raised the limit to 80 mph on turnpikes and 75 on other freeways. The highest posted speed limit in Oregon is 70 mph on I-84 east of The Dalles, I-82 and US 95 (trucks 65 mph). Oregon state statutes allow for", "id": "15169052" }, { "contents": "Road speed limit enforcement in the United Kingdom\n\n\nMotorcyclists also frequently speed as do HGV drivers commonly on single carriageway main roads where their speed limit is 50 mph. There are many methods used by authorities, in places where the speed limits are not generally observed, to attempt to achieve greater compliance. These methods generally fall into one of two categories: There are several types of speed camera in use. Speed cameras must be calibrated and certified before the images from it are acceptable to the court, including the cameras used in police vehicles. Owners of vehicles photographed may be", "id": "8082394" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Canada\n\n\nhave posted speed limits. Posted speed limits may differ from the statutory speed limit. In most provinces and territories, statutory speed limits are in urban areas, in rural areas. There is no statutory speed limit for grade-separated freeways; however the typical speed limit in most provinces is or . Statutory speed limits for school zones tend to be in urban areas and 50 km/h in rural areas. The highest speed limit in Canada is found on British Columbia's Coquihalla Highway with a maximum speed limit of . Formerly", "id": "9701619" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nhave a default speed limits of 60 mph although many 55 mph speed limits are still in place after a traffic and engineering study from 2014-2019. County roads have speed limits of up to 55 mph for 2 lanes and 60 for divided sections. A speed limit of 70 mph is only allowed on Mississippi's rural freeways; only the Interstates (except I-110), U.S. Highway 78, Mississippi Highway 304, and a portion of U.S. Highway 82 have speed limits of 70 mph, with these lengths making up approximately 86", "id": "15168982" }, { "contents": "Speed limit\n\n\nJune 2006, a stretch of motorway was configured with variable speed limits that could increase the general Austrian motorway limit of . Then Austrian Transport Minister Hubert Gorbach called the experiment \"a milestone in European transport policy-despite all predictions to the contrary\"; however, the experiment was discontinued. Just over half of the German autobahns have only an advisory speed limit (a \"Richtgeschwindigkeit\"), 15% have temporary speed limits due to weather or traffic conditions, and 33% have permanent speed limits, according to 2008 estimates", "id": "1925847" }, { "contents": "Assured clear distance ahead\n\n\nbehavior can often be in opposition to safe speed and still be governing a hazardous posted speed limit. By Federal law, posted speed limits are generally within 5 mph of the 85th-percentile speed of free-flowing traffic. Functionality, this amounts to citizens \"voting\" a street's speed limit with their gas pedal from the influence of groupshift. As people generally follow explicit rules all the time of which they do not agree, it is often simply a jurisdiction's failure in their law to sufficiently quantify and disseminate fair", "id": "18131466" }, { "contents": "Road speed limits in the United Kingdom\n\n\nmotor caravans not more than 3.05 tonnes maximum unladen weight. Other classes of vehicles are subject to lower limits on some roads. Enforcement of UK road speed limits was traditionally done using police 'speed traps' set up and operated by the police who now increasingly use speed guns, automated in-vehicle systems and automated roadside traffic cameras. Some vehicle categories have various lower maximum limits enforced by speed limiters. Ever since they have been introduced, speed limits have been controversial. They are both opposed or supported from various sources;", "id": "6857662" }, { "contents": "High-speed rail\n\n\nby ticket prices. In another study conducted about Japan's High-speed rail service, they found a \"4-hour wall\" in high-speed rail's market share, which if the high speed rail journey time exceeded 4 hours, then people would likely choose planes over high-speed rail. For instance, from Tokyo to Osaka, a 2h22m-journey by Shinkansen, high-speed rail has an 85% market share whereas planes have 15%. From Tokyo to Hiroshima, a 3h44m-journey by Shinkansen,", "id": "5279864" }, { "contents": "Governor (device)\n\n\ndo the Swedish Saab and Volvo on cars where it is necessary. German manufacturers initially started the \"gentlemen's agreement\", electronically limiting their vehicles to a top speed of , since such high speeds are more likely on the Autobahn. This was done to reduce the political desire to introduce a legal speed limit. In European markets, General Motors Europe sometimes choose to discount the agreement, meaning that certain high-powered Opel or Vauxhall cars can exceed the mark, whereas their Cadillacs do not. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati", "id": "2713003" }, { "contents": "Single carriageway\n\n\nseparation between traffic moving in opposing directions. The term \"single carriageway\" is used for roads in the Republic of Ireland. Speed limits on single-carriageway roads vary depending on their classification: national primary roads and national secondary roads have a general speed limit of , while regional roads and local roads have a general speed limit of . In urban areas, the general speed limit is . The maximum UK speed limit for single-carriageway roads is lower than the maximum for dual-carriageway roads. The National Speed Limit,", "id": "17892104" }, { "contents": "Cairns Tilt Train derailment\n\n\nbeen possible that the driver mistook the midsection alarm to be the station protection magnet alarm before Baffle. After the curve where the train derailed is a similar layout of track, where, after an increase of the speed limit to , is a left curve with a speed limit of before Baffle. The report also found that the driver may have left the driving position for a moment to get food from his bag or the mini fridge, under the belief that it was safe to do so. After reorientating himself returning to his", "id": "13114203" }, { "contents": "Whiplash (medicine)\n\n\nneck and head switches to extension, and it is stopped or limited by the head restraint. The rebound phase transpires as result of the phases that are mentioned. During the retraction phase the spine forms an S-Shaped curve, and this caused by the flexion in the upper planes and hyperextension at the lower planes and this exceed their physiological limits this phase the injuries occur to the lower cervical vertebrae. At the extension phase all cervical vertebrae and the head are fully extended, but do not surpass their physiological limits. Most", "id": "8676615" }, { "contents": "Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 2553\n\n\n' slats to maintain their altitude and lower the plane's stall speed. Consequently, at this point the airplane was actually flying at a higher speed than normal; it was descending, which further increased airspeed to a point dangerously near to V, the \"never exceed speed\", above which structural damage to the aircraft might occur. With the slats extended at a speed beyond their operational limits, one of them was torn from the aircraft, causing catastrophic asymmetry in the airflow over the wings. The aircraft immediately became uncontrollable", "id": "9037814" }, { "contents": "Pp-wave spacetime\n\n\nA special type of pp-wave spacetime, the plane wave spacetimes, provide the most general analogue in general relativity of the plane waves familiar to students of electromagnetism. In particular, in general relativity, we must take into account the gravitational effects of the energy density of the electromagnetic field itself. When we do this, \"purely electromagnetic plane waves\" provide the direct generalization of ordinary plane wave solutions in Maxwell's theory. Furthermore, in general relativity, disturbances in the gravitational field itself can propagate, at the speed", "id": "4809431" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States\n\n\nthe nighttime limit was set at 65 mph) from 1995 to 1999, when the state Supreme Court threw out the law as \"unconstitutionally vague.\" The state legislature enacted a 75 mph daytime limit in May 1999. As of May 15, 2017, 41 states have maximum speed limits of 70 mph or higher. 18 of those states have 75 mph speed limits or higher, while 7 states of that same portion have 80 mph speed limits. 8 states have 65 limits. Only Hawaii has the lowest, at 60", "id": "4543378" }, { "contents": "Plane (Unicode)\n\n\n16, U+10FFFF. As of Unicode version 12.1, six of the planes have assigned code points (characters), and four are named. The limit of 17 planes is due to UTF-16, which can encode 2 code points (16 planes) as pairs of words, plus the BMP as a single word.. UTF-8 was designed with a much larger limit of 2 (2,147,483,648) code points (32,768 planes), and can encode 2 (2,097,152) code points (32 planes) even under the current limit of 4", "id": "16162527" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nNational Maximum Speed Law that went into effect nationwide, I-95 used to have a speed limit except around Wilmington. In May 2015, the state of Delaware increased the speed limit on Interstate 95 from to between the Maryland state line and the I-495 interchange. In January 2017, the speed limit on Delaware Route 1 between Trap Shooters Road and the Puncheon Run Connector in Dover was increased from to while the speed limit on the Puncheon Run Connector was increased from to . All rural two-lane state-owned roads have speed limits", "id": "15168934" }, { "contents": "Fundamental plane (elliptical galaxies)\n\n\n. However, there are observed deviations from homology, i.e. formula_32 with formula_33 in the optical band. This implies that formula_34 so formula_35 so that formula_36. This is consistent with the observed relation. Two limiting cases for the assembly of galaxies are as follows. The observed relation formula_1 lies between these limits. Diffuse dwarf ellipticals do not lie on the fundamental plane as shown by Kormendy (1987). Gudehus (1991) found that galaxies brighter than formula_45 lie on one plane, and those fainter than this value, formula_46,", "id": "269734" }, { "contents": "Hilbert's sixteenth problem\n\n\ngap in 1981). This statement is not obvious, since it is easy to construct smooth (C) vector fields in the plane with infinitely many concentric limit cycles. The question whether there exists a finite upper bound \"H\"(\"n\") for the number of limit cycles of planar polynomial vector fields of degree \"n\" remains unsolved for any \"n\"  1. (\"H\"(1) = 0 since linear vector fields do not have limit cycles.) Evgenii Landis and Ivan Petrovsky claimed a solution in the 1950s,", "id": "10707615" }, { "contents": "Stairs\n\n\nThis means the spiral needs to be necessarily steep to allow the weight to distribute safely down the spiral in the most vertical manner possible. Spiral steps with center columns or perimeter support do not have this limitation. Building codes may limit the use of spiral stairs to small areas or secondary usage if their treads are not sufficiently wide or have risers above 9 and a half inches. The term \"spiral\" has a more narrow definition in a mathematical context, as a mathematical spiral lies in a single plane and moves towards or", "id": "16073034" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in the United States by jurisdiction\n\n\nwas increased in the week of February 5, 2017). Hawaii has a minimum speed along much of Interstate H-1 of only below the speed limit. The minimum speed is usually when the speed limit is 55, and when the speed limit is 50. The speed limit on a freeway in Idaho is generally in rural areas and in urban areas. Trucks are limited to . Generally, both single- and multi-lane rural roads have limits. Roads with traffic lights are posted at or below. The school zone speed limit", "id": "15168949" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Hong Kong\n\n\na 50 km/h limit. Some mountain roads, most notably on Lantau Island, have a lower 30 km/h limit. Most sections of numbered routes that are not part of expressways have a limit of 70 km/h. Many connecting main roads, longer roads and dual carriageways also have the speed limit increased to 70 km/h and 80 km/h for a few other connecting roads. Many roads with this speed limit are bypasses. Note that for safety reasons, the speed limit for buses,", "id": "13391473" }, { "contents": "Speed limits in Norway\n\n\nNorway has two general speed limits: The general speed limits for driving with trailers are: Some areas may have lower or higher speed limits. On some roads, the speed limit is 90 km/h, and on the best motorways the limit is 110 km/h. Also, the general speed limits apply only for vehicles below 3.5 metric tons. Lower speed limits apply for larger vehicles. Currently, the maximum speed limit for all vehicles over 3500 kg and all vehicles carrying a trailer is 80 km/h.", "id": "13333605" } ]
Why does my nose clog and block my air passage ways?
[{"answer": "The inside of your nose, sinuses, and the nasal passage is covered by something called a 'mucous membrane'. Think of it like a wet carpet that has miniature water sprinklers, if you will. The function of such an arrangement is to make sure that the air reaching your lungs is not dry (which would in turn make your lungs dry, which is dangerous), amongst other things. Come winter, and a large number of viruses find it a very conducive environment to harbour themselves in your nasal mucous membrane. These in turn cause the glands secreting the mucus (the miniature water sprinklers) to work overtime. The purpose of this is to wash out the virus, broadly speaking. But as a result of this, mucus is produced in excess. When you're awake, this dribbles down the back of your throat due to gravity, not making its presence felt for the most part. When you're asleep, it becomes difficult for this to happen. So, it accumulates and dries up. This is why you get a clogged nasal passage. Another reason is that the miniature arteries carrying blood to the mucous membrane dilate themselves in response to the infection. This swells up the mucosa, giving you a sensation of a stuffed nose. Not exactly the most comprehensive explanation, but hope it helps."}, {"answer": "I thought my nose was running, but it's snot."}, {"answer": "Can we get an actual ELI5 answer instead of links?"}, {"answer": "I cannot provide an answer. I can, however, provide some entry points to reading about the sinuses, specifically, to the idea of the nasal cycle... Did you know that your nasal sinuses alternate between one another over a period of several hours? URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Similarly, why does my nose not seem to work when I lay on my left side, but works fine when I lay on my right side?"}, {"answer": "I learned something awesome on reddit recently: when your nose is clogged, expel all the air you have in your lungs and don't breath for as long as you can. Your nostrils will open themselves (by contracting the mucus, or something), and you'll be able to breathe far better."}, {"answer": "Your body hates you and is trying to kill you by cutting off your air supply."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3083335", "title": "Otoscope", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["An otoscope or auriscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears. Health care providers use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum. Because the eardrum is the border separating the external ear canal from the middle ear, its characteristics can be indicative of various diseases of the middle ear space. The presence of cerumen (ear wax), shed skin, pus, canal skin edema, foreign body, and various ear diseases can obscure any view of the eardrum and thus severely compromise the value of otoscopy done with a common otoscope.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "An otoscope or auriscope is a medical device which is used to look into the ears. Health care providers use otoscopes to screen for illness during regular check-ups and also to investigate ear symptoms. An otoscope potentially gives a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane or eardrum. Because the eardrum is the border separating the external ear canal from the middle ear, its characteristics can be indicative of various diseases of the middle ear space"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "List of Onegai My Melody characters\n\n\nsheep's nose. Since then, Kuromi has been writing down on it all the mishaps and unfavorable moments that My Melo has caused her (accidentally). More than 3,000 events written (6342 exactly at the start of the series), Kuromi sometimes reads them in front of My Melo, but My Melo seems oblivious to why Kuromi's so upset over them. Whenever My Melody does something to trigger Kuromi's frothing rage, she'll read an entry from the notebook, stating the entry number and cutting away into a", "id": "622400" }, { "contents": "Jewish nose\n\n\nall the Jewish girls having their noses done every week at Erasmus Hall High School, taking perfectly good noses and whittling them down to nothing. The first thing someone would have done would be to cut my bump off. But I love my bump, I wouldn't cut my bump off.\" \"As Jews assimilated into the American mainstream in the 1950s and ’60s, nose jobs became a rite of passage for Jewish teens who wanted a more Aryan look,\" wrote Zeveloff. By 2014, the number of rhinoplasty", "id": "16514605" }, { "contents": "If You're Not the One\n\n\nclaptrap cleverly disguised as serious prophesizing, his lyrics might contain something a little more expressive than 'If you're not the one / Why does my heart feel glad today / If you're not the one / Then why does my hand fit yours this way.'\" In his review for musicOMH, Michael Hubbard was even less positive, stating, \"If You're Not the One is as vomit-inducing as anything the man in the plastic mask has ever wretched \"(sic)\" forth at the world\"", "id": "6071223" }, { "contents": "Henry VI, Part 3\n\n\nway and straying from the way, Not knowing how to find the open air, But toiling desperately to find it out, Torment myself to catch the English crown, And from that torment I will free myself, Or hew my way out with a bloody axe. Why, I can smile, and murder while I smile, And cry, 'content' to that which grieves my heart, And wet my cheeks with artificial tears, And frame my face to all occasions. I'll drown more sailors than the mermaid", "id": "14574604" }, { "contents": "Dinny and the Witches\n\n\n, and mud, and mind, an muddle: \"Drink the brew.\" Dinny's Song Page 12 \"Don't know why I came here, \"Just followed my nose: \"Couldn't say what I'm after, \"Can't wait till it shows: \"Can't give you its name here, \"Heard it lies in my way: \"Don't know what I'm here for, \"Thought you could say. \"Don't know what I want here, \"Can't think what", "id": "1237339" }, { "contents": "The Crock of Gold (novel)\n\n\na spider is described: \"Does anybody ever kick you in the nose?\" said the ass to \"Ay does there,\" said the spider; \"you and your like that are always walking on me, or lying down on me, or running over me with the wheels of a cart.\"br \"Well, why don't you stay on the wall?\" said the \"Sure, my wife is there,\" replied the \"What's the harm in that?\" said the", "id": "9066705" }, { "contents": "Burmese Days\n\n\nby successful personal relations.\" Orwell himself was to note in \"Why I Write\" (1946) that \"I wanted to write enormous naturalistic novels with unhappy endings, full of detailed descriptions and arresting similes, and also full of purple passages in which my words were used partly for the sake of their sound. And in fact my first complete novel, \"Burmese Days\" rather that kind of book.\" Imperialistic views among the main characters differ, as does the public opinion as to the purpose of the", "id": "3059119" }, { "contents": "Pinocchio paradox\n\n\nobserved that his nose grows when \"and only when\" he lies, would be making an inductively reasoned statement which he believes to be true based on his past experiences. But this critique to Vallicella's argument can also be challenged. Based on Pinocchio's own presumed understanding of the nature of when and why his nose grows, \"my nose grows now\" can only have been 'inductively reasoned' if Pinocchio was referring to a lie that he stated right beforehand. For Pinocchio, \"my nose grows now\" is", "id": "8227723" }, { "contents": "The E.N.D.\n\n\nbeen inspired by a trip to Australia, specifically the sound of the Presets' \"My People\". \"The energy on the Presets' small little stage was crazy energy. That song 'My People' (he sings the chorus) - that . . . is wild,\" said, \"That's the reason why this record sounds the way it does - my three months in Australia.\" The E.N.D. World Tour was the third concert tour by the group, in support of their fifth studio album,", "id": "21480868" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\n\"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" is a song by American electronica musician Moby. It was released on October 11, 1999 as the fourth single from his fifth studio album \"Play\". \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was originally written by Moby in 1992 in an iteration which Moby would describe as \"really bad techno... Just mediocre, generic techno.\" Years later, Moby revisited the song, reproducing it as a considerably slower and more \"mournful and romantic\" song,", "id": "1564560" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nof \"Honey\" featuring American R&B singer Kelis, reaching number 17 on the UK Singles Chart. The music video for \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was directed by Filipe Alçada, Hotessa Laurence, and Susi Wilkinson. It is completely animated and features the character Little Idiot, who is also featured on the \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" single cover. The video depicts Little Idiot and his pet dog coming down from the Moon to Earth and traveling through a variety of locations,", "id": "1564563" }, { "contents": "Blood of My Blood\n\n\nJohn Bradley (Samwell Tarly) spoke about the introduction of his family to the series, stating, \"When you see Sam with his father and mother and brother especially, he starts to make sense. The character is contextualized. Why is his psyche the way it is? Why does he behave the way he does? Ever since you first saw him, he comes from this very sincere and heartfelt maternal love, and then there's this monster. You can see why he's so damaged. His emotional life has", "id": "17890424" }, { "contents": "I Am Cait\n\n\nwhy, in my understanding, she decided, ... so [she could] hopefully tell all of it in the right way,\" Jenkins speculated the reasons why Jenner accepted the series. \"Why did I decide to do a series? I am telling \"my story\" ... This is about getting to be who you really are,\" Jenner later herself explained the reasons for opening her life on television in one of the promotional videos. Several days later after the interview with Diane Sawyer, E! aired a two", "id": "1161234" }, { "contents": "My People (The Presets song)\n\n\n[...] The energy on the Presets' small little stage was crazy energy. That song 'My People' [he sings the chorus] - that [...] is wild. That's the reason why this record sounds the way it does - my three months in Australia.\" In 2015, the song was listed at number 2 in In the Mix's '100 Greatest Australian Dance Tracks of All Time' with Nick Jarvis saying \"The Presets took Australian indie-dance from the distant corners of the internet", "id": "2476686" }, { "contents": "Miriam (TV personality)\n\n\nvisitor on \"Big Brother Australia 2004\", also produced by Endemol. A documentary about her life was commissioned but not aired. She has stated she does not plan to have sex reassignment surgery, citing concerns about complications or loss of sensation. \"My mother always says to me, 'Why would you want to be half-and-half? Why don't you want to be a complete woman?' But I just love myself and I'm really enjoying my life.\" The \"New York Post\"", "id": "1222779" }, { "contents": "Linguistic criticism\n\n\nAramaic words Jesus spoke on the execution stake, would look to the Aramaic language for the meaning of that passage and discover that the Greek mistranslated it and that the correct interpretation is, in fact, \"My God, My God! For this moment I have been spared!\" or \"My God, My God! This is my destination!\" It would be immediately obvious from a study of the Aramaic passage that the word in the text \"shabaktani\" does \"not\" mean \"forsaken\" or \"deserted", "id": "3487907" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nhas a more electro hop beat rather than the usual hip hop/R&B feeling of their previous albums. Following its release, remarked that the album had been inspired by a trip to Australia, specifically the sound of The Presets' \"My People\". \"The energy on the Presets' small little stage was crazy energy. That song My People – that shit is wild,\" said, \"That's the reason why this record sounds the way it does – my three months in Australia.\" In", "id": "16046340" }, { "contents": "You are Christ\n\n\nmy Tender God, my Great King, my Good Shepherd, my Only Master, my Best Helper, my Most Beautiful and my Beloved, my Living Bread, my Priest Forever, my Leader to my Country, my True Light, my Holy Sweetness, my Straight Way, my Excellent Wisdom, my Pure Simplicity, my Peaceful Harmony, my Entire Protection, my Good Portion, my Everlasting Salvation. Christ Jesus, Sweet Lord, why have I ever loved, why in my whole life have I ever desired anything except", "id": "17649067" }, { "contents": "David Morse (actor)\n\n\nin the HBO miniseries \"John Adams\", for which his nose was made bigger. Morse commented: \"The first thing that comes to mind is my nose; it was my big idea to do that nose. We didn't have a lot of time, because they asked me to do this about three weeks before they started shooting, and I just kept looking at these portraits and thinking 'this man's face is so commanding'. And I did not feel that my face was very commanding in the way", "id": "17782617" }, { "contents": "Motorsport Manager\n\n\nPowerPlay\" writes: \"There is always something going on behind the scenes in \"Motorsport Manager\", and it always adds to the experience. I never felt cheated, even when things didn’t go my way. (...) It’s not perfect; a few setup quirks, like increasing rear wing angle adding understeer, don’t make any sense and had me scratching my head trying to work out why they might design it that way. But in the grand scheme of things, Motorsport Manager does what I want", "id": "21397360" }, { "contents": "We're from America\n\n\ngoing through in my personal life. Someone asked me, 'Why are you so fucked up?', 'Well, I am from America.' I hate the fact that so many people have fucked the country up, and so many people fucked up my personal life and I allowed it to happen. So in a way, I feel like America as a whole feels, but in no way does that make me a tree-hugging patriotic freedom rocker.\" In response to this interview, Rudy Coby,", "id": "5463814" }, { "contents": "Maxine Feldman\n\n\nmy own nose, and in the Movement's early days, I was the only one to keep my own name. Women were changing their names if they had a 'man' ending. They said it was to deny the patriarchy, but they were also denying their Jewish identities. Feldman is a Jewish name, not a male name. When they asked why I didn't change it, I answered, 'Why don't Margie \"Adam\" and Cris \"Williamson\" change theirs?' Feldman performed at the", "id": "12451680" }, { "contents": "La Question\n\n\ntap. The rag was soaked rapidly. Water flowed everywhere: in my mouth, in my nose, all over my face. But for a while I could still breathe in some small gulps of air. I tried, by contracting my throat, to take in as little water as possible and to resist suffocation by keeping air in my lungs for as long as I could. But I couldn’t hold on for more than a few moments. I had the impression of drowning, and a terrible agony, that of", "id": "2717436" }, { "contents": "Gary Oldman\n\n\nin his own words: \"I wasn't really that interested in Sid Vicious and the punk movement. I'd never followed it. It wasn't something that interested me. The script I felt was banal and 'who cares' and 'why bother' and all of that. And I was a little bit sort-of with my nose in the air and sort-of thinking 'well the theatre – so much more superior' and all of that.\" He reconsidered based on the salary and the urging", "id": "1933886" }, { "contents": "History of broadcasting in Australia\n\n\nI have had a great deal of trouble with three Postmaster-Generals,\" said he, \"and haven't got my license yet. They're still quibbling. We have all been treated in the same way, but no one has said or done anything until lately. Seventeen months of my time have been wasted since I was ready to erect my plant. Why should we have to pay three guineas for the use of the air, so far as experiments are concerned? The aerial navigation experimenters are charged nothing.", "id": "20970398" }, { "contents": "Pinocchio paradox\n\n\n\"My nose will be growing\" was the only sentence that Pinocchio spoke, did he tell a lie before he said \"My nose will be growing\", or was he going to tell a lie—and how long would it take for his nose to start growing? The present tense of the same sentence \"My nose is growing now\" or \"My nose grows\", appears to provide a better opportunity to generate the liar paradox. The sentence \"My nose grows\" could be either true or false.", "id": "8227715" }, { "contents": "Sam Mitchell (EastEnders)\n\n\nreason why she was written out. In her autobiography she comments, \"I wasn't fired this time, but let's just say when they gave me the opportunity to walk I took it. I was no longer interested in acting and that had become blatantly obvious to everyone on set. The soap was now being shown four times a week and it was impossible to balance the workload with my addiction [...] Not only had [cocaine] destroyed my nose, but it was about to destroy my career again as", "id": "7558208" }, { "contents": "Middle ear\n\n\nthe nasopharynx is to help keep middle ear pressure the same as air pressure. The Eustachian tubes are normally pinched off at the nose end, to prevent being clogged with mucus, but they may be opened by lowering and protruding the jaw; this is why yawning or chewing helps relieve the pressure felt in the ears when on board an aircraft. Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear. The middle ear of tetrapods is analogous with the spiracle of fishes, an opening from the pharynx to the side of the head", "id": "11231990" }, { "contents": "Sid and Nancy\n\n\n. The script I felt was banal and 'who cares' and 'why bother' and all of that. And I was a little bit sort-of with my nose in the air and sort-of thinking 'well the theatre – so much more superior' and all of that.\" He reconsidered based on the salary and the urging of his agent. He lost weight to play the emaciated Vicious by eating nothing but \"steamed fish and lots of melon\", but was briefly hospitalized when he lost too", "id": "19805424" }, { "contents": "Chasing the Scream\n\n\nto addicts and recovering addicts—they feel like my tribe, my group, my people.\" He also discusses his history of abusing anti-narcolepsy medication, a class of prescription drugs sometimes taken by people without the disease in order to stay alert. Hari questions whether or not he is an addict and decides to go searching for answers to questions he has. \"Why did the drug war start, and why does it continue? Why can some people use drugs without any problems, while others can't? What", "id": "1173489" }, { "contents": "VII: Sturm und Drang\n\n\nand I'm doing my own thing. Internet memes? Why are you paying attention to this? Why is there some stupid picture that you put some stupid little things on that say something dumb? This is cerebral garbage. You are clogging your mind\". \"Torches\" was inspired by a Czech student named Jan Palach. In 1968 the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in an attempt to keep the Czech people under communist rule. Since the Nazis had already destroyed and brutalized Czechoslovakia during World War II, this student went to", "id": "21798101" }, { "contents": "2015 FA Community Shield\n\n\nto one in 2005. Arsenal had failed to beat Chelsea in all competitions since 2011, and Mourinho was undefeated against his opponent Arsène Wenger in 13 matches. Mourinho told reporters a winless run was something he would not tolerate: “I would try to answer, not because of a mental block but because I would want to try to find solutions to help my team to do it – try to find a different way, try to find the reasons why it goes all the time against my team.\" He also attempted", "id": "503847" }, { "contents": "Samuel Charters\n\n\nwas my way of fighting racism. That's why my work is not academic, that is why it is absolutely nothing but popularization: I wanted people to hear black music, as I said in \"The Poetry of the Blues\". . . . It's where I say, you know, if by introducing music I can have somebody look across the racial divide and see a black face and see this person as a human being—and that's why my work is unashamedly romantic\" (Ismail, 2011,", "id": "10151971" }, { "contents": "The Christ Myth\n\n\nIsaiah 53 is seconded by the \"Suffering Victim\" in crucial Psalm 22, especially its lines: \"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?\" (Psalm 22:1; Mark 15:34); \"They hurl insults, shaking their heads\". (Psalm 22:7; Mark 15:29); \"They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment\". (Psalm 22:18; Mark 15:24). Other psalms present passages supporting the figure of the \"Suffering Servant\" of Yahweh (Psalm 1", "id": "19760785" }, { "contents": "Pinocchio paradox\n\n\nthe bridge if and only if he could not be. William F. Vallicella, while admitting that he has not read the articles published in \"Analysis\", says that he does not see a paradox in the future tense of the sentence \"My nose will grow now\", or in the present tense of the sentence \"My nose grows now\". Vallicella argues that the future tense sentence cannot generate the liar paradox because this sentence cannot be ever treated as a falsity. He explains his point with this example", "id": "8227720" }, { "contents": "Scooby-Doo! in Where's My Mummy?\n\n\nturned to stone, just copies like Velma and Omar), are taken to jail. The gang is confused why Velma kept that on a secret. Velma explains that she was afraid that her friends would get hurt during the mission. Some time later, the restoration of the Sphinx is finally completed. When Shaggy fires a jumbo-sized firecracker, it hits the Sphinx's nose which once again falls off. Omar states that the Sphinx \"looks better this way\", and the gang shares a laugh. \"Scooby", "id": "17258765" }, { "contents": "On My Own (Yasmin song)\n\n\nsee. You get to know me.\" Yasmin's change of heart upset a few people in the industry but she was determined to send out the right message from the start, she added: Of course it put people's noses out of joint. I'm a control freak. I might wind people up but they would not have it any other way. I can see how artists get caught up with the hype and lose why they are actually doing it. You think, 'I'm signed to a label", "id": "3884523" }, { "contents": "The Way to Divine Knowledge\n\n\nand give us notes and explications of such as you do not alter”. Then Rusticus stepped in, representing Law’s view of skipping over several possibly bewildering passages in Jakob Boehme’s books. Rusticus admonished Academicus by telling him about his neighbour John the Shepherd and his wife Betty: \"Oh this impatient scholar! How much troubles do I escape through my want of his learning? How much better does my old neighbour John the Shepherd proceed? In winter evenings when he comes out of the field, his own eyes being", "id": "1524553" }, { "contents": "Jan Nieuwenhuys\n\n\nstart with my material and my color. With that I express myself. From the material I come to my subject and that is maybe contrary to what painters did in earlier days. I paint the way I write, the way I laugh. That is why I paint differently all the time, because my moods change. That’s the way I feel.\" \"As a painter I don’t want to paint a particular situation. I am not abstract, not really non-figurative. I try to be expressive", "id": "14193952" }, { "contents": "Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?\n\n\nwith Seon Buddhist views on life, \"Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?\" follows the lives of three Buddhist monks: an orphaned boy, an adult monk and an elderly monk. This film is largely about two Zen koan: what was my original face before my mother and father were conceived and (in death) where does the master of my being go? The film's title, although not explained literally in the film, is a reference to Bodhidharma, a sixth-century Buddhist monk from", "id": "2900455" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nthe UK Singles Chart. It also reached the top ten on the charts of several other European territories, including Austria, Switzerland, and Germany, where it reached number three, its highest peak chart position. At the time, Moby felt that the single's success in Germany was \"as far as any success for \"Play\" was gonna go.\" On October 16, 2000, \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was re-released as a double A-side single with a remix", "id": "1564562" }, { "contents": "John Moffat (physicist)\n\n\nstared at the blue sky, and there was a loud ringing in my ears. The blood was pouring out of my nose, and I felt a terrible tightness and pain in my chest... In a daze, I got up, and soon discovered my parents in the same garden, on all fours, attempting to stand up, also suffering from nosebleeds and chest pains.\" The trauma from the bombing and the air-raids stayed with him for a lifetime, Moffat wrote: \"At the time, I was", "id": "6035037" }, { "contents": "Bomphiologia\n\n\nthe above hyperbolic instance with the character of Falstaff. This is an ironic use of the term, because Falstaff is an old, fat drunkard—-obviously in no condition to be scaring enemies as he claims to be. Edgar Allan Poe used bomphiologia as a part of his style. One instance of this is in the following passage two cats ... alighting opposite one another on my visage, betook themselves to indecorous contention for the paltry consideration of my nose. (\"Loss of Breath\" 2:159) This could have been simply stated,", "id": "16571788" }, { "contents": "Subtext\n\n\nshe also says \"she's my sister *and* my daughter\" at the end of the beating, but that's a reveal, not on the nose writing. And even that reveal does not explicitly state the implications Nicholson now finally grasps, because those implications - much bigger than just a single isolated act of incest - are also not explicitly stated. \"My father and I... understand? Or is it too tough for you?\". Although the definition references creative works, it should not be surprising that", "id": "14795311" }, { "contents": "My Mother's Keeper\n\n\nCrawford, Hyman does not accuse her mother of any physical abuse. Indeed, she claims Davis was a battered woman and states that Davis' actor husband Gary Merrill was a violent alcoholic. Unlike Crawford's book, which was published after the death of its subject, Hyman's book and a sequel titled \"Narrow Is the Way\" were published during Davis' lifetime, thereby affording the actress an opportunity to respond to their allegations. Davis tried unsuccessfully to block publication of the books. Publication of \"My Mother's Keeper", "id": "17985230" }, { "contents": "Pretty Little Dutch Girl\n\n\nI am a pretty little Dutch girl, As pretty as can be, And all the boys around the block are crazy over me, me, me. My boyfriend's name is Chaim, He comes from yerushalayim, With a pickle up his nose and three black toes, And this is how my story goes. One day when I was walking, I saw my boyfriend talking To a pretty little girl with a strawberry curl And this is what he said to her: I L-O-V-E love", "id": "1022662" }, { "contents": "2017 STP 500\n\n\nis \"if you expect it back. I actually was rolling into Turn 3 and was kind of going higher out of my way in order to let the 17 [of Stenhouse] back by and give him the lap. That was my intent, and then he just drove through me. It cost me my spot to the 24 [of Chase Elliott], so I was hoping that I could run off the corner side by side with the 17 and keep the 24 at bay and just keep my nose in front", "id": "19469315" }, { "contents": "Ford Y-block engine\n\n\nlarge cars and Ford heavy duty trucks. One of the design qualities of the Y-Block V8 is its deep skirting which makes for a very rigid block for added strength in the bottom end. The drawback to this is it also makes for a heavy cylinder block. This being Ford’s first OHV engine, they had to feed oil to the rocker arm shafts through a passage from the center cam bearing. Because of the low detergents in oils of that era these passages would often become clogged giving the Y-Block", "id": "13823026" }, { "contents": "Origin of the Eucharist\n\n\nLast Supper, but does not mention any meal rituals. On the other hand, , in particular verses such as (\"For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him\"), is widely interpreted as an allusion to the Eucharist. Peculiarities in phrasing as compared to the Synoptics are thought to reflect the liturgical tradition of the Johannine community. A passage found in Luke records a command, found also in", "id": "15329068" }, { "contents": "Bar Refaeli\n\n\noff big time. That's just the way it is: celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.\" She also said: \"Israel or Uganda, what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn't it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It's dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel.\" In 2009", "id": "2075448" }, { "contents": "Arkady Leokum\n\n\nlife, such as: Why does Saturn have rings? What are the different types of clouds? How does an octopus swim? Why does a tiger have stripes? How do flowers grow? The first-known reference to the \"Tell My Why\" is a 96-page paperback by Arkady Leokum, published by Scholastic Book Services in 1958, of answers to the children's question \"TELL ME WHY?\" It was based on the newspaper column \"It's Amazing (Tell Me Why)\" syndicated by the George Matthew", "id": "3872656" }, { "contents": "Bean-nighe\n\n\n-near putting a stop to the breath of my throat. Much more would my nose prefer, and much rather would my heart desire, the air of the fragrant incense of the mist of the mountains.” “I will not allow thee away,” said Gille-cas-fluich, “‘till thou promise my me three choice desires.” “Let me hear them, ill man,” said nigheag. “That thou wilt tell to me for whom thou art washing the shroud and crooning the dirge", "id": "778476" }, { "contents": "Jason Day\n\n\na day, is supposed to help get his rib cage, hips and shoulders aligned, thereby alleviating pressure on his back. \"Blowing into balloons, that's as far as I go,\" he said of the therapy. \"Long story short, I try to keep my rib cage down. My rib cage gets up and then it blocks my mid back and then I can't really turn. So I get it from somewhere else and that's why my back flares up.\" As of the 2019 U.S.", "id": "11179258" }, { "contents": "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\n\n\nwhich he eventually included on his fifth studio album, \"Play\" after being encouraged to do so by his manager, Eric Härle. The song is an original composition by Moby, using samples from a 1963 recording of the Banks Brothers song \"He'll Roll Your Burdens Away\" and vocals by Diane Charlemagne of Urban Cookie Collective. \"Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?\" was released on October 11, 1999 by Mute Records as the fourth single from \"Play\". The single peaked at number 16 on", "id": "1564561" }, { "contents": "Ryan Adams (album)\n\n\nI have PAX-AM now, my studio — but I don’t know why it took so long to basically be like: You know what, I’m going to do this my way, and even if it’s fucking weird I’m going to do it my way. [...] There was always somebody somewhere with some fucking idea that I should work with some producer, or there was always some producer that I was working with who I knew. People felt like they could frame my music in a certain", "id": "9978169" }, { "contents": "Haunted Mouse\n\n\nhis missing nose as if to say, \"Ahem, I would like my nose back if you don't mind.\" Jerry gives him the radish and Tom screws it on. It takes only a few seconds for Tom to realize something is wrong. He creeps up behind Jerry again, pokes him and points to the radish on his nose as if to say, \"This is not my nose. Give me my \"real\" nose\". Jerry, realizing his mistake, grins and this time gives him his", "id": "15983275" }, { "contents": "Lamsa Bible\n\n\nforsaken me.\" And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? This is rendered in Lamsa's translation: And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said, Eli, Eli lemana shabakthan! My God, my God, for this I was spared! Though in fact the Peshitta does not have four lines in this verse. The 1905", "id": "11389415" }, { "contents": "The Final Passage\n\n\nwith them: [...] But Millie was adamant. \"Too many people beginning to act like it's a sinful thing to want to stay on this island but there don't be no law which say you must go to England, you know. People here too much follow fashion.\" Leila did not have time to answer. \"So Michael, why you don't say something? You being too damn quiet for my reasoning.\" \"Well, I think you right some of the way but I do", "id": "11562359" }, { "contents": "Obaidullah (detainee)\n\n\nnight, I heard noises and the soldiers woke me up. I was very confused about what was going on, and why they were in my home, but I and my family cooperated with them. Even though I was not resisting, they tied my feet together and my hands together with plastic cuffs. Then they put a hood over my head and forced me to sit for hours against a wall. The plastic cut into my hands and it was painful to sit that way for so long. I was terrified about", "id": "13690713" }, { "contents": "Merl Reagle\n\n\n. One, called \"Hit Song\", was what he called \"Sean Penn's version of \"My Way\". It included the theme entries I'M IN A / RUSH, NO PICTURES, PLEASE, OR / ELSE YOU'LL LEARN THE / BLACKENED EYE WAY / THE RECORD SHOWS / I'LL BUST YOUR / NOSE IF YOU GET IN... / MY WAY. Other much-discussed puzzles carried titles like \"Inappropriate Muzak for a Doctor's Office\" and \"Least Popular Beanie Babies\". He was noted for making puzzles", "id": "19035896" }, { "contents": "Fox-y Lady\n\n\nwill likely fail, CEO Peter Chernin enjoys it and agrees to air the show, but Peter feels insulted when he suggests that the character Poopyface Tomato Nose's nose be a plum instead of a tomato. Peter's passion about his work impresses Chernin into allowing him to air the episode unedited, but he refuses to allow it be aired at all, which he later regrets. At the end of the episode, Lois is revealed to no longer work as a reporter; she does not bother to reveal how or why due", "id": "15761117" }, { "contents": "Peter Fischli & David Weiss\n\n\nthe next. The questions range from the profound to the trivial. Examples include: \"Can I restore my innocence?,\" \"Why does the earth turn around once a day?,\" \"Does a hidden tunnel lead directly to the kitchen?\" and \"Does a ghost drive my car around at night?\" The installation was the culmination of a series of works composed of absurd questions, including a book called \"Will Happiness Find Me?\" (2002). In the later \"Question Pot (", "id": "13461313" }, { "contents": "On My Way (Glee)\n\n\nMy Way\" first aired on March 29, 2012, and was watched on Sky 1 by 763,000 viewers. Viewership was down over 3% from \"Heart\", which attracted 792,000 viewers when it aired the week before. In Australia, \"On My Way\" was broadcast on March 23, 2012. It was watched by 558,000 viewers, which made \"Glee\" the fifteenth most-watched program of the night, down from fourteenth two weeks before, when the previous episode, \"Heart\", aired. Actual", "id": "21985945" }, { "contents": "Y.Z. Kami\n\n\nHe cut blocks from gray soapstone, then, in lithographic ink, he stamped them with the original Persian verses of a poem by Rumi. The poem is a rhythmic, repetitive incantation: \"Come to me, come to me my beloved, my beloved/ Enter, enter into my work, into my work!\" The sculpture consists of twelve circles made up of individual stone blocks, and can be arranged in two different ways: either in concentric circles around an area of white salt referring to a white light; or", "id": "2559516" }, { "contents": "Layal Abboud\n\n\nme together in fashion. She trusts my opinion and tastes, and this is one of the reasons why Layal chose me in her concerts.\" Abboud has elaborated on her fashion team, saying, \"Elie Samaan does my hair and makeup; my stylist is Serene Assaad, and my photographer is Hussein Salman.\"br On 12 October 2017, She appeared publicly for the first as a fit and fashion model dressed and designed by Akl Fakih, in \"Design & Brands Event\" held at the Four Seasons Hotel of", "id": "19564752" }, { "contents": "Eusebio Valli\n\n\nwas sitting by my fire, after dinner...when the vapours of digestion, rising to my brain, so obstructed the passages by which ideas make their way there from my sense that all communication found itself intercepted; and just as my senses were no longer transmitting any ideas to my brain, the latter, in its turn, could no longer send out the electrical fluid that animates them, the fluid with which the ingenious Dr. Valli resuscitates dead frogs. The Controversy on Animal Electricity in Eighteenth-Century Italy: Galvani,", "id": "19152923" }, { "contents": "Mga Basang Sisiw\n\n\nwas originally offered to LJ Reyes who declined, so it was given to Maxene Magalona – her first \"anti-hero\" role. Magalona described her role as \"super villain\" and further stated \"later in the series, it will be shown why my character is behaving that way, cold and cruel. [...] people will also sympathize with my character when they understand why she's acting that way.\" Gardo Versoza, veteran actress Caridad Sanchez and Mike Tan were the last actors to be cast. Tan", "id": "2677073" }, { "contents": "La question (album)\n\n\nthat makes me drown/I don't know why I stay in air that will get me choked/You're the blood of my wound, you're the fire of my burns/You're my question without an answer, my mute cry and my silence.\" These last lines stress the narrator's \"existential isolation\". Her phrasing is much more flexible than in her previous pop songs, as she \"[elongates] and [spaces] syllables behind and ahead of the beat\", while Tuca's offbeat guitar is", "id": "19884017" }, { "contents": "Kinetic art\n\n\nof anything more than myself. My art is my own, why bother stating something about my art that isn’t true?\" One of Calder’s first mobiles, \"Mobile\" (1938) was the work that \"proved\" to many art historians that Man Ray had an obvious influence on Calder’s style. Both \"Shade\" and \"Mobile\" have a single string attached to a wall or a structure that keeps it in the air. The two works have a crinkled feature that vibrates when air passes through", "id": "10861804" }, { "contents": "Varadaraja V. Raman\n\n\nof science as a knowledge seeking enterprise, but when they usurp the role of science in formulating hypotheses or resurrecting ancient world views as scientific truths that they tend to irritate hard-nosed scientists.\" The question \"Why does something happen?\" arises in science as well as in religion. However, the meanings attached to the question are implicitly different in the two contexts. Science tends to answer in a physical causative way, religion in a purpose way (teleological way). Physicists hold that interpreting why in the teleo", "id": "15994781" }, { "contents": "The Other Hand\n\n\nsaid why are you here? Why are you in prison? It's not illegal and yet we concentrate them in these places. It's a text-book definition of a concentration camp. The conditions are appalling. I was shocked enough for that to be the end of my light comedy book of my amusing summers working as a labourer.\" Cleave believes he would not have written the novel were he not a parent, as he does not wish for his children \"to grow up into a world that is callous", "id": "4128503" }, { "contents": "A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism\n\n\nYork, who describes himself as an atheist, said that when he endorsed a petition he had no idea what the Discovery Institute was. Salthe stated, \"I signed it in irritation\", and said that evolutionary biologists were being unfair in suppressing competing ideas. He said that \"They deserve to be prodded, as it were. It was my way of thumbing my nose at them\", but was unconvinced by intelligent design and concluded \"From my point of view, it's a plague on both your houses\"", "id": "1234211" }, { "contents": "My Hope Is in You\n\n\nordeal, I became acutely aware of my utter dependency on God and my need to daily, constantly, embrace His promises and His presence,\" he said. \"Over the years I've written a lot of songs speaking to my own soul the way David did in the Psalms: 'Why are you downcast? Put your hope in God.' The album and this song come out of a difficult season for me and my family personally, and they are declarations about who God is and who we are in Him", "id": "14628180" }, { "contents": "Daddy (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nthat's why I want my unborn son to be like my daddy, I want my husband to be like my daddy, there is no one else like my daddy.\" According to Marc Anthony Neal of the PopMatters, Beyoncé also confidently embraces her womanhood in the song. In a way, Beyoncé pays tribute to her father through this song. Mark Edward Nero of stated that \"Daddy\" was probably written specifically for the soundtrack album of \"Daddy's Little Girls\" and that it may even \"play a", "id": "21568285" }, { "contents": "Christy Moore\n\n\n, was not searched. \"I was questioned about lyrics of songs and I was asked a lot of personal questions about members of my family and my children and about my home. At no time was I given any explanation as to why I was being held and interrogated in this manner\", he added. He said the fact that Irish people are still being treated this way on their way to Britain is very \"saddening\". \"I had hoped to deal with this matter out of the public domain. But", "id": "16837937" }, { "contents": "Vox Clamantis\n\n\nthe Song of Solomon. The author is identified by a cryptogram. Purpose and subject are covered by: For I shall write nothing in order that I might be praised, and my performance does not intend that I should have a care for my future reputation. I shall enter the recent misfortunes that my country has exhibited, for it is a worthy labor to report the deeds of one's native land. Wickert made several comments about the Prologue and Chapter 1. This is followed by a twelve line passage with several references", "id": "17241877" }, { "contents": "Tonya Bolden\n\n\na psychologist told me years ago: At about the age of four or five most African American children begin to wonder why the world does not like them. One way, and my \"main\" way to prevent this wondering from festering into self-loathing is to create books that definitively speak to black youth, books that teach them, that celebrate their history, their existence, their potential. Of course, I am far from alone on this mission. Although not nearly as widespread in her work, Christianity is also", "id": "16493561" }, { "contents": "Nature fakers controversy\n\n\nwrote, speaking of my dog-heroes: 'He did not think these things; he merely did them,' etc. And I did this repeatedly, to the clogging of my narrative and in violation of my artistic canons; and I did it in order to hammer into the average human understanding that these dog-heroes of mine were not directed by abstract reasoning, but by instinct, sensation, and emotion, and by simple reasoning. Also, I endeavored to make my stories in line with the facts of", "id": "12968752" }, { "contents": "If It Isn't Love\n\n\nfeel this way/why does she stay on my mind?\" The song has a memorable breakdown similar to that of The Jackson 5, where lead singer Ralph Tresvant admits that he made a mistake and he realizes he does love her, though his resolve is crushed as his bandmates then retort: \"You love her, what?!\" Though he is optimistic that he will get her back. This song returned New Edition to the top ten of both the pop and R&B singles charts, peaking at number seven and", "id": "15956069" }, { "contents": "Falling in Reverse\n\n\n] what people would want to hear. I would dissect my old album and read all the fan letters and the reasons why they loved my band and why they listened to it. And I wrote about that, but in different ways. I don't know why these kids love the tragedies that I write about. I guess they can relate to it.\" To promote the album, the band announced the dates for its first live performances, which took place at the end of July following the album's release at", "id": "5865625" }, { "contents": "Pyramid of Teti\n\n\nare located inside the adjoining chapel against the north face of the pyramid. The entrance hallway leads to a long descent of eighteen hundred and twenty-three metres. The entrance was once blocked by a plug of granite now lost. The descending passage was probably clogged along its length by large blocks of limestone that thieves have broken up. The debris still littered the passage at the time of discovery. In the descending corridor is a successive horizontal hallway, a vestibule, another hallway, a bedroom with harrows, a final corridor", "id": "7977951" }, { "contents": "Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen\n\n\nJacob Poetry Prize,in 2001, and the Spanish Prémio Reinha Sofia in 2003. \"Poetry,\" she explained, \"is my understanding of the universe, my way of relating to things, my participation in reality, my encounter with voices and images. This is why the poem speaks not of an ideal life but of a concrete one: the angle of a window, the resonance of streets, cities and rooms, the shadow cast by a wall, a sudden face, the silence, distance and brightness of", "id": "3535471" }, { "contents": "Germaine Lubin\n\n\ncompatriots. It was my way of serving my country at that particular moment. Nobody knows how many prisoners I had released … When I spent three years in prison, they confiscated my château at Tours and my possessions. Did anyone bother to ask me why I did not accept Winifred Wagner’s invitations to sing in Germany during the occupation? But my trial was a complete vindication: I was completely cleared. Yes, they gave back most of what they had taken … In 1950 Germaine Lubin had returned to Paris and sought", "id": "10284374" }, { "contents": "Ajax (play)\n\n\n, states that it has an onomatopoeic resemblance to a wailing cry of lament: \"\"aiai!\"\" Translators have treated this passage in different ways: poemAiai! My name is a lament! Who would have thought it would fit so well with my misfortunes! Now truly I can cry out -- aiai! -- two and three times in my agony./poem poemAiee, Ajax! My name says what I feel; who'd have believed that pain and I'd be one; Aiee, Ajax! I say it twice,", "id": "13804848" }, { "contents": "Busted Heart (Hold On to Me)\n\n\nis that cry saying, 'God, Father, hold onto me, don't let me lose my way.'\" They said the song was inspired by Matthew 11:29-30, which says, \"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.\" Luke Smallbone said, \"When we were writing this song, that Matthew 11 passage came to mind.", "id": "17748946" }, { "contents": "John Zorn\n\n\na week, just orchestrating these file cards. It was an intense process. Zorn's file-card method of organizing sound blocks into an overall structure largely depended on the musicians he chose, the way they interpreted what was written on the file cards, and their relationship with Zorn. \"I'm not going to sit in some ivory tower and pass my scores down to the players.\" said Zorn, I have to be there with them, and that's why I started playing saxophone, so that I could", "id": "5201995" }, { "contents": "Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch\n\n\nmedia after the show with one user asking, “@BBCBreakfast why does my license fee pay for Gordon Ramsay's kid to get her own show?” However, the show has been a huge success with three series aired and a fourth series due to air in summer 2018. \"Matilda and the Ramsay Bunch\" was a ratings success upon its initial broadcast. The average viewership for the first series was 216,500 viewers in August 2015. The second series viewership averaged 211,857 viewers, lower than the first series. The first series", "id": "8667821" }, { "contents": "Rhinorrhea\n\n\nnose. Air caught in nasal cavities, namely the sinus cavities, cannot be released and the resulting pressure may cause a headache or facial pain. If the sinus passage remains blocked, there is a chance that sinusitis may result. If the mucus backs up through the Eustachian tube, it may result in ear pain or an ear infection. Excess mucus accumulating in the throat or back of the nose may cause a post-nasal drip, resulting in a sore throat or coughing. Additional symptoms include sneezing, nosebleeds,", "id": "11156023" }, { "contents": "Pretty Little Dutch Girl\n\n\nyou, I K-I-S-S kiss you. And he fell in the lake, And he swallowed a snake, And he came out with a bellyache. Variation 11 (Long Island, NY, 1970s - a clapping game) I am a pretty little Dutch girl, As pretty as pretty can be, And all the boys around my block go crazy over me. My boyfriend's name is Larry He comes from Cincinnati With his forty-two toes and a pickle in his nose And this is", "id": "1022663" }, { "contents": "Jon Stewart\n\n\ninforms my show,\" meaning that he was uncomfortable talking without hearing the audience laugh. In his first Daily Show on-air appearance on January 11, 1999, Stewart told his guest that evening, Michael J. Fox, that he felt like \"this is my bar mitzvah.\" \"Stewart does not offer us cynicism for its own sake, but as a playful way to offer the kinds of insights that are not permitted in more serious news formats that slavishly cling to official account of events.\" Until Trevor Noah", "id": "8905290" }, { "contents": "Lecretia Seales\n\n\nme. I have lived my life as a fiercely independent and active person. I have always been very intellectually engaged with the world and my work. For me a slow and undignified death that does not reflect the life that I have led would be a terrible way for my good life to have to end. I want to be able to die with a sense of who I am and with a dignity and independence that represents the way I have always lived my life. I desperately want to be respected in my wish", "id": "1364183" }, { "contents": "Sima Yi\n\n\nlater her nose. Her family asserted that the Cao clan was exterminated, but she retorted by saying: \"I have heard that a person of worth does not renounce his principles because of changes in fortune, nor a righteous person change his mind with a view to preservation or destruction. While the Cao flourished, I was bent on keeping my chastity. Now that they have declined and perished, can I bear to renounce them? Even animals do not act this way; how can I?\" When Sima Yi heard", "id": "7570818" }, { "contents": "Night Dreamer\n\n\nit is. But my definition of the judgment to come is a period of total enlightenment in which we will discover what we are and why we're here.\" \"Night Dreamer\" has mostly a minor feel, often perceived by Shorter as \"evening or night\", hence the \"Night\" in the title. It is a 3/4 \"floating\" piece, yet, \"although the beat does float, it also is set in a heavy groove. It's a paradox, in a way, like you", "id": "19231953" }, { "contents": "Bob Chappuis\n\n\nway players Chappuis said \"You have to smell where to go on pass defense—and my sniffer's not too good.\" when asked why he does not play both ways. In addition to having the most accomplished season of his collegiate career, Chappuis was a leader on campus. He was elected president of the Michigan Alpha chapter of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity whose membership included a number of his teammates and prominent University of Michigan athletic alumni such as Tom Harmon, Bob Ufer, and Harry Kipke. Chappuis appeared on", "id": "13889309" }, { "contents": "Scythian (band)\n\n\nin a healthy and sustainable way. \"And a big shout out to either fate or circumstance for bringing an amazing musician like Victor Gagnon to my doorstep to inspire me to pick up my fiddle again, put my nose to the grindstone and create something I truly believe in. We have a great new project in the works, set to launch next year that I know you're going to love. Here's a little teaser, for all you Guitar Heroes out there: Cliffs of Dover \"So please stay in virtual", "id": "20797726" }, { "contents": "Jean de Florette\n\n\narrives he declares Jean dead. Ugolin returns with the news to Papet, who asks him why he's crying. \"It is not me who's crying,\" he responds, \"it's my eyes\". Aimée and Manon cannot remain on the farm, and Papet offers to buy them out. As mother and daughter are packing their belongings, Papet and Ugolin make their way to where they blocked the spring, to pull out the plug. Manon follows them, and when she sees what the two are", "id": "20871129" }, { "contents": "Linguistic criticism\n\n\nand even the likelihood of scribal error in recording what is dictated to him; linguistic criticism specifically inspects how languages affect one another in the process of translating from one to another, and how a language changes over time, psycholinguistically and aurally. A scholar employing linguistic criticism would look at a passage such as Matthew 27: 46/Mark 15:34, which the Greek text renders as \"My God, My God! Why have you deserted Me?\" (CJB), and instead of blindly accepting the Greek rendering of the", "id": "3487906" }, { "contents": "Ernest Joyce\n\n\nhim to see that we were jeopardizing the dogs + I cannot quite understand why Shacks should alter his plan of campaign. As for wintering the ship - this to my mind is the silliest damn rot that could have possibly occurred. The wintering of the Discovery was quite alright in its way, but then we had no experience of Antarctic conditions. If I had Shacks here I would make him see my way of arguing. \"Anyway Mack is my Boss + I must uphold him until I find that he is not", "id": "7908405" }, { "contents": "Go My Way (Hitomi Furuya song)\n\n\n\"Go My Way\" is Hitomi's 4th single from her album \"Love Concent\" and 31st single overall. The lyrics for \"Go My Way\" and the b-side, \"Lost Emotion in Darkness\", were written by Hitomi herself. \"Go My Way\" was used as the opening and ending theme to the Japanese drama \"Bengoshi No Kuzu\" (Scum Lawyer Kuzu,) which aired on TBS. Hitomi appeared in the 6th episode to advertise her single release of the song. During the ending", "id": "15256934" }, { "contents": "Ouch (song)\n\n\ncompilation album \"Clubland 14\". The lyric \"My name is Shanikwa and what?\" became so much of a popular catchphrase among the group's fans that it was imprinted and made available on specialised T-shirts for fans to wear. Fraser McAlpine of the BBC Chart Blog reviewed the song, \"The focal point of the song, and the reason why it does not suck (if that is what you believe to be true), is the story and the way they deliver each line as if they actually", "id": "5241837" } ]
What do pharmacists do? Doctors write the scripts, big pharma manufactures the drugs, what's the pharmacist do other than select a bottle from the shelf and dole out the pills?
[{"answer": "A pharmacist is basically a specialist in medication, meaning they probably know more about medicines than some medical practitioners. They do so much more than dispense medicine, they also offer consults on use and dosage. They are also the last line of defence when it comes to drug interactions, especially when a patient is treated by numerous practitioners. And last but not least, they deserve a medal for being able to translate a practitioner's handwriting."}, {"answer": "I'm a nurse in a hospital, and pharmacists do a lot. They dose medication for patients whose liver or kidneys aren't functioning properly (meaning they're not able to clear the meds out of their system like a usual person would) and dose especially toxic medicines based on lab results. Lots of meds my patients get come with a physician order stating \"Pharmacy to dose\" bc the pharmacists are experts in how the drug works in and is processed by the body. They figure out alternate ways of getting a medicine into a patient when the usual ways aren't working, like when the patient needs a pill but chokes on everything they try to swallow, or need an IV drug but don't have an IV for whatever reason, because they have the knowledge to compare different methods if the same drug or alternate drugs that can go in a different way. They also double check medicine compatibility and dosage, which seems like a computer could do, but gets complicated when you have patients on many drugs being used in non-standard dosages for different conditions. They also physically mix the drugs, which requires a lot of knowledge of the chemistry of the body in order to ensure the med is safe to give and being given correctly. They're also in charge of a lot of the facets of making sure med errors don't happen. Pharmacists are experts on the drugs, so the doctor can focus on treating the patient, instead of reinventing the wheel."}, {"answer": "Canadian retail pharmacist here: - My main job is to \"check\" prescriptions that come my way to make sure they're accurate. My assistant 99 times out of a 100 is the one who types the prescription and counts the actual pills. Common physical things I catch are wrong doses (2.5 mg instead of 25mg), wrong drugs (doxycycline-an antibiotic to be avoided in pregnancy vs doxylamine a morning sickness pill) and illegal prescriptions (narcotic forgeries). Some trained technicians can perform this step but IMO the above are easier to spot with pharmacist training. - Check prescriptions for \"drug related problems\" such as interactions. In my experience, pharmacists tend to be overly cautious people. So yes, we will run certain drug combos through our computer, or glance at the patient hand-out to \"double check\" ourselves-this is a good thing. Sometimes I need to remind myself of a drug I haven't seen in a long time! Once we get the information we can interpret its severity quickly, which a lay person could not. As others have pointed out, there are tons of interactions that get \"flagged\" and a pharmacist is able to determine which is important based on the individual patient. For example, I have prevented very serious problems by contacting doctors over a dangerously high dose of antibiotics in a child, or a drug interaction that was only meaningful because it was for a frail elderly lady. This is a pharmacist's job-doctors are trained for diagnosis, not drug interactions. - I help people understand their medications. For example, the man who just had a heart attack and is leaving the hospital overwhelmed with a pile of meds. Without me they usually will stop taking one or two (or go back to smoking, or try a over-the-counter snake oil instead) and be at risk for a second heart attack. I sit down with them, and based on their personal needs talk about the risks vs benefits of the meds. Then I call them in a few days and follow up, making sure they've made an appointment with their family doctor. Or, I do a medication reconciliation with an elderly woman who has too many medications with side effects, and work with her doctor to see if some can be stopped. - I answer people's questions 24 hours a day with more accuracy and clarity than google. (We are open extended hours) For example- its 2 AM and someone comes in with a sick child: what medication do they use? Should they go to the ER? This saves the healthcare system (or you, if you're American) money. - I give flu shots which saves the government money as they pay us less than doctors, and the patient time. I also give other vaccinations, such as hepatitis B, so if you're going to Mexico you can be protected without the need for extra doctor visits. - I prescribe certain medications for minor conditions, again saving the healthcare system money and the patient time. - I can change some prescriptions with the patient's ok, for example if a product isn't available or something is missing from the prescription. - I specialty make a lot of drugs, for example certain seizure medication for children isn't sold in liquid form- I will make this for you at 3AM when you realize you are completely out of doses for your kid. - I dispense and monitor methadone, helping former addicts come off narcotics and re-integrate back in society (in partnership with their awesome nurses.) - I deal with insurance agencies to try to get medications covered, sometimes contacting your doctor to see if an alternate drug would be acceptable. - I consult on the phone with doctors, nurses, homecare workers etc deciding what course of action would be in the best interest of the patient. - I use math calculations to be able to figure out the correct dose of things like Tylenol for infants too small to be listed on the box, again at 2 AM. Or help someone self-adjust their insulin. - I get annoyed when someone is yelling at me from across the counter wondering why their order isn't done yet, asking what the heck I do all day. ;) TL;DR: Pharmacist's are drug therapy experts who can help you take charge of your health and decide if a certain medication is right for you. Like any profession there are a few dumb/lazy ones out there- but most of us work our butts off to keep you safe!"}, {"answer": "Pharmacists are experts in medications, even more so that doctors. Doctors are responsible for a lot of information and decisions, done quickly. Under those circumstances, it can be easy to order medications that are incompatible in the same patient. One of their chief responsibilities is to make sure medication orders make sense, drug interactions are minimized, doses are appropriate, and so on. That makes it sound like they're only purpose is to doublecheck Dr.'s work, but in truth they tend to have a much more in-depth knowledge of the field of medications, their effects, and their doses. There's a lot more to it than that. The stuff you see them doing is counting to make sure the right number of pills get into your prescription. It gets much more difficult when there are multiple prescriptions on the same patient. Also sometimes doctors need doses that don't exist in pill form. In these cases it's up to the pharmacist to make a new pills, or capsules, or syrup liquids, in order to make the doses precise. For example, let's say there is an antibiotic that is only available in 200 mg tablets. A doctor needs syrup made up to give to a baby that has 75 mg in 1 teaspoon. A pharmacist has the technical expertise and know how to mix the syrup with the pills that are available. They really are an indispensable part of the care team."}, {"answer": "Makes sure that your Doctor isn't asleep or overworked by checking for interactions. Providing a ton of free advice about what cream for this rash or that minor condition you may have. Teaching about generics which might save you money. Calling your Doc and working out an alternative prescription which IS covered under your health insurance."}, {"answer": "Pharmacists assume I'm an idiot and view all of my prescriptions as pending death certificates for my patients. And, I can't be more pleased about it. Everyone makes mistakes. Even doctors. Pharmacists have saved my patients from my mistakes many times."}, {"answer": "My pharmacist has saved my life a couple of times. I take a medication every day that doesn't play nicely with other drugs. When my doctor prescribes me something else like an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory, even though she always checks her computer for interaction issues with my main meds, I still always double-check with the pharmacist. More than a few times he's had to call my doctor and say \"oh hell no\" and recommend a different drug. His knowledge of medications, uses and interactions is on a different level from my doctor's. Her focus is in diagnosis. So the two work together in concert very well."}, {"answer": "Pharmacy technician here, They check that the prescription has been written correctly, that the patient can take the drug, i.e. is not allergic to something in it or that any other medications they take can be taken with the drug, and that the dispensed drug is correct. They also answer any questions that the patient has about the medication"}, {"answer": "Typically they counsel patients on proper dosage, potential side effects, any adverse issues when used in conjunction with other drugs, and recommend generics when available."}, {"answer": "I have to say that my pharmacist is a great guy. I get multiple scripts. Some are mail order through the Caremark, which CVS pharmacy is a part of. Carmark CONSTANTLY fucks up my orders. It becomes a big deal when I ordered my daughter's insulin 2 weeks ago and we are down to the last of it, and the mail order assholes still say it will be another 2 days. Sure I can get it at the CVS directly but it will cost $250 for one vial. This is when Dave, the pharmacist of the year, takes over. He called Carmark, chewed them out, got them to cover the cost of the temp vial due to it being their screw up, and there was no charge. Caremark has fucked up about 90% of any mail order scripts I have ordered. I have gone weeks without my blood pressure meds due to their screw ups. It is one thing to deal with high blood pressure, but quite another when your young kid is T1 diabetic. Thanks Dave! You are awesome and make my life easier."}, {"answer": "From what I know, as far as the medical profession goes, we actually know very little about most medications. Pharmacists are the ones who understand and help research this stuff. It's a growing field and they have a serious education behind them. If it helps, think of the pharmacist as a medical teams reference for meds. There are tons of intricacies to medications that we have discovered (by accident) and use to our advantage, like the anti depressant effects of anti seizure medications (among others). Pharmacists do look after the rights of patients when dispensing a medication (right time, dose, frequency, person, medication, etc etc) but they're also monitoring those meds for rate of consumption (for those elderly patients who may forget to refill, or those patients at risk for addiction or abuse), they repackage into blister packs for people with arthritis or meter out small amounts for patients at risk of overdosing. There are intimacies to mixing up creams for fungal infections vs steroids for massive bacterial infections. These are the people who make the final warnings to avoid things like making sure you're not on oral birth control while taking antibiotics. If \"It's a Wonderful Life\" taught us anything, pharmacists have had to evolve a long way from keeping all the different white powders in jars along the same shelf. People probably die a lot less."}, {"answer": "pharmacists also deal a lot with insurance companies. getting drugs covered that would otherwise not be covered or have a very high copay, they obtain prior authorization for medications as well, get things overridden. things the patient is not going to be able to do. i worked at a pharmacy and the pharmacists there did a ton of interaction with insurance companies. also, before the wave of electronic scripts, pharmacies busted a lot of fraudulent prescriptions. i worked at a small locally owned pharmacy, places like that attracted a lot of fraudulent Rxs and it was pretty easy to spot a fake. e.g., a doc wrote for X medication 50 mg let's say. then the patient would put a 1 before the 50 but not in the exact same pen as the doctor did. or, a patient either obtained a doctor's script pad or the doctor was just in on it, doctors office was 50 miles west. pharmacy 50 miles east of the doc office and patient lived 50 miles east of the pharmacy. red flag right there."}, {"answer": "Think of your doctor as the waiter of a fine dining establishment. They suggest the wine to go with your dinner, and you can tell them what you like or what you need, and they will make sure you get taken care of. The pharmacist is the guy who actually prepares the food correctly, makes sure it's safe, and that you are getting what was ordered. There are many different doses for common medications and some of them don't come ready to dispense but instead have to be mixed on site by the pharmacist. The doctor who prescribed the drug is the expert on it's affects on the patient. And the pharmacist who fills the prescription is an expert on the drug itself, how it's dispensed, the dangers of the drug, possible interactions with other drugs, how to safely dispense the drug, etc. A pharmacist is a specialist in drugs and medications including preparation, dispensing, and safety, even more so than your doctor is."}, {"answer": "I have multiple health issues and when I am sick we call our pharmacist and the doctor around the time for treatment advice. I can't always see the same doctor in my group but I can talk to the same pharmacist."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24613998", "title": "Pharmaceutical manufacturing", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Drug manufacturing is the process of industrial-scale synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs by pharmaceutical companies.", "Drug manufacturing is the process of industrial-scale synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs by pharmaceutical companies. The process of drug manufacturing can be broken down into a series of unit operations, such as milling, granulation, coating, tablet pressing, and others.", "Drug manufacturing is the process of industrial-scale synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs by pharmaceutical companies. The process of drug manufacturing can be broken down into a series of unit operations, such as milling, granulation, coating, tablet pressing, and others."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "10425105", "title": "Clinical pharmacy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Clinical pharmacists often work in collaboration with physicians, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals. Clinical pharmacists can enter into a formal collaborative practice agreement with another healthcare provider, generally one or more physicians, that allows pharmacists to prescribe medications and order laboratory tests.", "Clinical pharmacy is the branch of pharmacy in which clinical pharmacists provide direct patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness, and disease prevention. Clinical pharmacists care for patients in all health care settings but the clinical pharmacy movement initially began inside hospitals and clinics. Clinical pharmacists often work in collaboration with physicians, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals. Clinical pharmacists can enter into a formal collaborative practice agreement with another healthcare provider, generally one or more physicians, that allows pharmacists to prescribe medications and order laboratory tests."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Doctor of Pharmacy\n\n\nDoctor of Pharmacy is issued. The graduate can then enroll in the regulatory institution for the Pharmacist profession in Portugal called, \"Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society\" or, in Portuguese, \"Ordem dos Farmacêuticos\". After the enrollment, the title of Pharmacist is issued. Afterwards, Pharmacists can start their career in a limitless number of professional areas that range from community pharmacies, drug development, fundamental or applied research, biotechnology to areas such as forensic sciences, toxicology, regulatory affairs, clinical analysis, law enforcement (scientific police)", "id": "14643513" }, { "contents": "Prescription costs\n\n\nor postpone paying their existing debts. High drug prices can prevent people from saving for retirement. It is not uncommon for typical people to have challenges paying medical bills. Some people fail to get the medical care they need due to lack of money to pay for it. Consumers respond to higher drug prices by doing what they can to save drug costs. The most commonly recommended course of action for consumers who seek to lower their drug costs is for them to tell their own doctor and pharmacist that they need to save money", "id": "14864796" }, { "contents": "Modified-release dosage\n\n\nencapsulation still work if the microcapsules inside are swallowed whole. Among the health information technology (HIT) that pharmacists use are medication safety tools to help manage this problem. For example, the ISMP \"do not crush\" list can be entered into the system so that warning stickers can be printed at the point of dispensing, to be stuck on the pill bottle. Pharmaceutical companies that do not supply a range of half-dose and quarter-dose versions of time-release tablets can make it difficult for patients to be", "id": "15783912" }, { "contents": "Travis Tomko\n\n\ngive him all of the oxycodone in the safe. Tomko is alleged to have said, \"Do not make me hurt you, you will be in severe pain.\" with his hand beneath his shirt, pointing to something while looking at the pharmacist, according to the pharmacist's statement. The pharmacist then gave three bottles of oxycodone to Tomko, who took them and walked out the door, the report said. Tomko then went to a nearby Chili's restaurant, where he allegedly injected 178 \"crushed up and melted", "id": "16379865" }, { "contents": "Where the Lilies Bloom\n\n\n. The children rehearse over and over about what to say if asked about their father. Kiser continues his courtship of Devola with Mary Call doing everything she can to thwart his pursuit of her. The Luther children scrimp and do all they can to eke out a living for themselves and even sell roots and herbs gathered from their land to the local pharmacist to use in medicines. Mary Call takes refuge in her journal, and the essays she writes for school assignments catch the eye of her teacher who urges her not to waste", "id": "7402467" }, { "contents": "Fred Mills (politician)\n\n\npress release, Senator Kennedy said that the public will \"happily pay for your doctor if you are too poor to be sick. I’m proud of that. But I’m neither happy about nor proud of the Medicaid fraud tolerated\" by the Department of Health. The audits do not specify any specific fraud but mention a \"risk group.\" Mills began writing advertising for his pharmacy in Parks, at first traditional commercials as a pharmacist in his smock counting pills. Then he began the role of a Cajun-accented", "id": "15424717" }, { "contents": "Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners\n\n\nJCPP member organizations. The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, a member of JCPP, requires that pharmacy schools within the United States incorporate the PCPP into their curricula. The effort grew out of prior efforts to standardize \"pharmacist workup of drug therapy,\" which the process now provides a guideline for doing. Part of the impetus for the development of the PCPP came from the desire of pharmacists to measure the outcomes of their care. By standardizing pharmaceutical care, outcomes could be attributed to the care itself, rather than any bias", "id": "6164648" }, { "contents": "Daniel Conn\n\n\nbooked for a high shot on the then-Dragons forward. The Roosters lost the Grand Final 32–8. In 2008 Conn was castigated by a magistrate, fined $5000 and ordered to do community service after admitting to faking painkiller prescriptions. The court was told he was charged after presenting a bogus prescription for the drugs Valium and Tramal at a Gold Coast pharmacy. Suspicious pharmacy staff contacted the doctor noted on the prescription who said the document was false. The pharmacist refused to fill the script and alerted police. Police prosecutor Mark", "id": "3538348" }, { "contents": "Bad Pharma\n\n\nmedical schools, to declare online and in waiting rooms all gifts and hospitality received from the industry, and to remove all drug company promotional material from offices and waiting rooms. (He praises the website of the American Medical Student Association – – which ranks institutions according to their conflict-of-interest policies, writing that it makes him \"feel weepy.\") He also suggests that regulations be introduced to prevent pharmacists from sharing doctors' prescribing records with drug reps. He asks academics to lobby their universities and academic", "id": "17108159" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\n. This depiction of the east and west in contrast show van Gogh's understanding of essential differences between art from the Far East and Europe. Van Gogh went to Arles for the sun, color and country lifestyle but more than anything else \"what I really hope to do is paint a good portrait.\" According to Doiteau and Leroy, one day Van Gogh wanted to present a painting he had just finished to Dr. Rey. But the doctor refused the gift, so Van Gogh offered the painting to the pharmacist of the", "id": "7561442" }, { "contents": "Korean Oriental Pharmacist\n\n\ncontrolling the whole drug manufacturing process along with public health administration. Korean Oriental Pharmacists are placed on the middle ground between oriental medical doctors and general pharmacists. So Korean Oriental Pharmacists can prepare(dispense) oriental medicine in addition to the jobs of general pharmacists such as running pharmacy and various pharmaceutical affairs. In order to become a licensed Korean Oriental Pharmacist, one has to pass a few nationwide Oriental Pharmacist Licensure Examination administered by the government of the Republic of Korea. They must major in Oriental Pharmacy at the undergraduate level of pharmacy school of", "id": "3835173" }, { "contents": "Naughty but Mice\n\n\noutside, he looks at the paper in his hands, which is ripped, but gives details what to do about the cold virus. Satisfied that he is outside the right store, Sniffles creeps in through the letter box in the door and finds himself inside the drug store. He looks around and eventually spots the cold and flu remedies and makes his way to the shelf. He finds a bottle that claims to be a cold remedy but also has (in small writing) the moniker \"Alcohol 125% proof\",", "id": "19397154" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Pharmacy\n\n\na post-graduate course and do not grant permission to work as a pharmacist. In Chile, the title of Pharmacist (Quimico Farmaceutico) is granted after completing 10 or 11 semesters of full-time studies in an accredited University. The Pharmacist degree is a Professional Degree, awarded after finishing 5 years of study (Bachelor in Pharmacy), and then finish an internship of 6 months on the specialization area of the student (Pharmaceutical Lab, Community Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy). The pharmacist can get a Master in Pharmaceutical", "id": "14643539" }, { "contents": "Compounding\n\n\nvarious possible excipients, in addition to custom drug/dose selections. In Australia the Pharmacy Board of Australia is responsible for registration of pharmacists and professional practice including compounding. Although almost all pharmacies are able to prepare at least simple compounded medicines, some pharmacies undertake further training and education to be able to prepare more complex products. Although pharmacists who have undertaken further training to do complex compounding are not yet easily identified, the Board has been working to put a credentialing system in place. In 2011 the Pharmacy Board convened a Compounding", "id": "4846502" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy\n\n\nclinic. Pharmacists in this setting often do not dispense drugs, but rather see patients in office visits to manage chronic disease states. In the U.S. federal health care system (including the VA, the Indian Health Service, and NIH) ambulatory care pharmacists are given full independent prescribing authority. In some states such North Carolina and New Mexico these pharmacist clinicians are given collaborative prescriptive and diagnostic authority. In 2011 the board of Pharmaceutical Specialties approved ambulatory care pharmacy practice as a separate board certification. The official designation for pharmacists who pass", "id": "6802440" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\nand other health care providers. Among other licensing requirements, different countries require pharmacists to hold either a Bachelor of Pharmacy, Master of Pharmacy, or Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The most common pharmacist positions are that of a \"community pharmacist\" (also referred to as a \"retail pharmacist\", \"first-line pharmacist\" or \"dispensing chemist\"), or a \"hospital pharmacist\", where they instruct and counsel on the proper use and adverse effects of medically prescribed drugs and medicines. In most countries,", "id": "18067307" }, { "contents": "Caffeine/ergotamine\n\n\nDifferent sources of drug information may carry different information, and patients are encouraged to ask their pharmacist or prescriber about such details. Cafergot is currently available as a generic drug (ergotamine tartrate/caffeine) According to a topic review on UpToDate, \"ergotamine and dihydroergotamine (DHE 45) bind to 5HT 1b/d receptors, just as triptans do.\" This along with binding to other serotonergic and dopaminergic receptors is their presumed mechanism of action in treating migraine. Because the vasoconstrictive effects of ergotamine and caffeine are not selective for", "id": "9626126" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist-to-pharmacy technician ratio\n\n\ne.g. hospital) pharmacy practice versus retail (i.e. community) pharmacy practice, while others do not regulate pharmacist-to-pharmacy technician ratios at all. The ratios vary from a minimum of 1:2 (e.g. in Kansas) to 1:6 (e.g. Idaho). In some countries, such as in the United Kingdom and in Denmark, technicians can practice without pharmacist supervision at all. Globally, one survey found that pharmacists are the most frequent source of supervision for pharmacy technicians. Pharmacist-to-pharmacy technician ratios are an attempt", "id": "20116581" }, { "contents": "Lactose intolerance\n\n\nprotein supplements (powders and bars), and even beers in the milk stout style. Some barbecue sauces and liquid cheeses used in fast-food restaurants may also contain lactose. Lactose is often used as the primary filler (main ingredient) in most prescription and non-prescription solid pill form medications, though product labeling seldom mentions the presence of 'lactose' or 'milk', and neither do product monograms provided to pharmacists, and most pharmacists are unaware of the very wide scale yet common use of lactose in such", "id": "11939849" }, { "contents": "Love and Suicide (2006 film)\n\n\nKaye finds out the Emily knows she is dating Andrew and goes to talk to Emily however when she arrives she finds Emily lying unconscious with empty pill bottles and calls for an ambulance. Emily survives but must explain her actions and prove to a doctor she won't do it again before they will let her leave. Initially reluctant to talk Emily eventually tells the doctor about her relationship with Kaye and how she feels betrayed by what happened. After being discharged Kaye drives Emily home from the hospital. Emily becomes angry when Kaye mentions", "id": "1546922" }, { "contents": "Milicianas in the Spanish Civil War\n\n\nby doing working as nurses or teaching largely illiterate militiamen to read. A number of these women left those columns, seeking other units where they could serve in combat. Among the women serving in the international brigades, most worked as nurses, pharmacists or doctors.  Some Jewish, Polish and American women did go to Spain, and did serve in combat.  They were actively discouraged from doing so by anarchists, and outright banned from doing so by communists. Combat experience did not significantly differ based on the political affiliation of the", "id": "4231530" }, { "contents": "Compounding\n\n\ncompany. Pharmacists were trained to compound the preparations made by the drug companies, but they could not do it efficiently on a small scale. So economies of scale, not lack of skill or knowledge, produced the modern pharmaceutical industry. With the turn of the 20th century came greater government regulation of the practice of medicine. These new regulations forced the drug companies to prove that any new medication they brought to market was safe. With the discovery of penicillin, modern marketing techniques and brand promotion, the drug manufacturing industry came", "id": "4846496" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy school\n\n\nASHP's website as well as ACCP’s website. In Zimbabwe pharmacists are trained at two Universities, namely the University of Zimbabwe (which has been training pharmacists since the 1970s) and the Harare Institute of Technology. Both universities offer a four-year (Honours)undergraduate degree. After qualification, the graduates then undertake a one-year pre-registration training under the auspices of the Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe. They are then expected to do a year of community service at designated health institutions. Only after these two years do pharmacists", "id": "687143" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy (shop)\n\n\n-to-date technology at a pharmacy can assist a patient with prescription reminders and alerts about potential negative drug interactions, thereby reducing medical errors. The International Pharmaceutical Federation has declared their vision of a community-based pharmacist: Community-based pharmacists' responsibilities include: checking and dispensing of prescription drugs, providing advice on drug selection and usage to doctors and other health professionals and counseling patients in health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines. In most countries regulations govern how dispensaries may operate, with specific requirements", "id": "15745295" }, { "contents": "History of aspirin\n\n\nthe standards of ethical drugs, as opposed to patent medicines. \"Ethical drugs\" were drugs that could be obtained only through a pharmacist, usually with a doctor's prescription. Advertising drugs directly to consumers was considered unethical and strongly opposed by many medical organizations; that was the domain of patent medicines. Therefore, Bayer was limited to marketing Aspirin directly to doctors. When production of Aspirin began in 1899, Bayer sent out small packets of the drug to doctors, pharmacists and hospitals, advising them of Aspirin's uses and", "id": "10094104" }, { "contents": "Lacing (drugs)\n\n\n(but not always) advertise their wares as being \"enhanced\" with other substances, and charge more money than they would otherwise, even if they do not say exactly what the lacing agents are. Such concoctions are often called \"fry\", \"wet\", \"illy\", \"sherm\", \"water-water\", \"dust(ed)\", \"super weed\", \"grecodine\" or other names. Black market ecstasy pills are frequently found to contain other drugs in place of or in addition", "id": "87727" }, { "contents": "Ancient Egyptian medicine\n\n\nhoney, and abra-ointment.\" Some of the recommended treatments made use of cannabis and incense. \"Egyptian medicinal use of plants in antiquity is known to be extensive, with some 160 distinct plant products...\" Amidst the many plant extracts and fruits, the Egyptians also used animal feces and even some metals as treatments. These prescriptions of antiquity were measured out by volume, not weight, which makes their prescription making craft more like cooking than what Pharmacists do today. While their treatments and herbal remedies seem almost boundless", "id": "6504194" }, { "contents": "American Society for Pharmacy Law\n\n\nThe American Society of Pharmacy Law (ASPL) is a professional organization of pharmacist-attorneys, pharmacists, attorneys, and students in schools of pharmacy or law who are interested in the law as it applies to pharmacy. ASPL is a nonprofit organization with the purposes of: furthering knowledge in the law related to pharmacists, pharmacies, the provision of pharmaceutical care, the manufacturing and distribution of drugs, and other food, drug, and medical device policy issues; communicating accurate legal educational information; and providing educational opportunities for pharmacists", "id": "18876343" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy in the United Kingdom\n\n\nthe UK serving 8.8 million patients in 2015. Many are members of the Dispensing Doctors' Association. NHS England is supporting initiatives to place pharmacists in GP practices in order to improve the management of medication for patients with long term conditions. About 420 million repeat prescriptions are generated in the UK each year — about 200 for each general practitioner each week. In the practice pharmacists can do more Medicine use reviews. By April 2017 there were plans for 1350 practices in England to have access to clinical pharmacists. It is intended to", "id": "7922538" }, { "contents": "Santaris Pharma\n\n\nprevents translation. LNA oligonucleotides are shorter than other antisense drugs, which allows them a higher target affinity and potency than regular RNA oligonucleotides. They are a novel therapeutic agents because of their resistance to endonuclease activity. LNA-drugs have many other favorable features: they do not need complicated drug delivery vehicles, manufacturing is scalable and cost-effective, the drugs are well tolerated, and there is potential for oral delivery. Their developed technology enables them to go through trial phases in 18 months, which is shorter than normal trials", "id": "11583318" }, { "contents": "47 morto che parla\n\n\nbut the cruel Antonio prevents the funding because they do not want to throw out a penny!. So the pharmacist really wants to deceive Antonio with a sleeping pill into believing that it gave him to drink a poison accidentally. Antonio bait this trap and believed to be in Hell, really desolate set up by the villagers, and then the hairs Baron finds a soul who persuades him to donate money to the mayor of the box to set up the school. Only then Antonio would be redeemed from their sins in the past", "id": "9754239" }, { "contents": "Inwood Laboratories, Inc. v. Ives Laboratories, Inc.\n\n\nthe patent expired in 1972, the defendant, Inwood Laboratories, Inc., and other manufacturers began to make and distribute generic versions of the drug using identically colored capsules. Ives sued several manufacturers and wholesalers under § 32 of the Lanham Act, alleging that some pharmacists were distributing generic versions of cyclendelate and mislabeling them as Cyclospansmol. Ives argued that the generic manufacturers' use of identical capsules induced the pharmacists to substitute and mislabel generic versions of the drug as Cyclospansmol, and that pharmacists would continue to make such infringing substitutions as long", "id": "19959932" }, { "contents": "Bob Dole\n\n\non what I had left and what I could do with it, rather than complaining what had been lost.\" Dr. K, as Dole later came to affectionately call him, operated on him seven times, free of charge, and had, in Dole's words, \"an impact on my life second only to my family.\" Dole recovered from his wounds at the Percy Jones Army Hospital. This complex of federal buildings, no longer a hospital, is now named Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center in honor", "id": "11133012" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\nthe profession is subject to professional regulation. Depending on the legal scope of practice, pharmacists may contribute to prescribing (also referred to as \"pharmacist prescriber\") and administering certain medications (e.g., immunizations) in some jurisdictions. Pharmacists may also practice in a variety of other settings, including industry, wholesaling, research, academia, military, and government. Historically, the fundamental role of pharmacists as a healthcare practitioner was to check and distribute drugs to doctors for medication that had been prescribed to patients. In more modern", "id": "18067308" }, { "contents": "Mike DeWine\n\n\nprosecutions of human trafficking throughout the state. As attorney general, DeWine took steps to close down \"pill mills\" in Ohio that fueled the opioid epidemic. By the end of his first year in office, DeWine had worked to close all 12 pill mills in Scioto County, considered by many to have been the national center of the prescription drug crisis. DeWine's efforts also led to more than 100 doctors and pharmacists losing their licenses for improper prescription practices. In 2013, DeWine formed a new Heroin Unit to provide Ohio", "id": "5479637" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\nTo major in pharmaceutical studies takes at least five years. Students spend their last year as interns in a pharmacy combined with courses at the university, with focus on the validation of prescriptions and the manufacturing of pharmaceutical formulations. Since all public health professions are regulated by the government it is also necessary to acquire a federal diploma in order to work in a pharmacy. It is not unusual for pharmaceutical studies majors to work in other fields such as the pharmaceutical industry or in hospitals. Pharmacists work alongside \"pharma assistants\", an", "id": "18067333" }, { "contents": "Higher education accreditation\n\n\nOficiais de Contas have very selective examinations. Some organizations (starting as Associations or Unions) were upgraded later into \"Ordens\" like, for example, the Ordem dos Farmacêuticos (for pharmacists), the Ordem dos Arquitectos (for architects), the Ordem dos Biólogos (for biologists), the Ordem dos Economistas (for economists), the Ordem dos Enfermeiros (for nurses) and the Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (for chartered accountants and financial auditors). In addition, the state through the ministry for higher", "id": "1241408" }, { "contents": "Bend & Break\n\n\nshelf. Meredith peeks out from behind a shelf and is shocked. Meredith asks if she's okay as she says she's obviously not. Callie says she has no one to talk to. Meredith and Callie are sitting at the bar doing shots. Callie explains what she's doing with Arizona. Meredith says it's exactly what she's doing with Derek, only healthy. They make fun of their spouses. Callie wonders if Sofia will be a legacy cheater because both of the people she's been married to have cheated", "id": "3330383" }, { "contents": "The Jericho Mile\n\n\ngrabs the stopwatch and yells out that Murphy beat Davies time at which point Murphy throws the stopwatch against the prison wall, smashing it to pieces. The film originated as a story by Patrick Nolan. According to Peter Strass, Nolan was \"an English professor\" and the story \"sat on the shelf until I expressed a desire to ABC to do something totally contrary to what I had played in previous roles. Young Michael Mann from Chicago was brought in to write the script.\" Mann had been wanting to direct a", "id": "8463494" }, { "contents": "Over-the-counter counseling\n\n\nto the recommendation process. The aim of OTC counseling is to empower patients to take control of their healthcare-related needs for conditions that do not require an appointment with a medical doctor. This benefits the healthcare system by reducing unnecessary physician visits. The pharmacist can also use OTC counseling to ensure the highest likelihood of success for the patient's self-care attempt and minimize the risk of any drug-related problems. Although OTC drugs are generally regarded as safe for use without a prescription (by definition), medication errors", "id": "10826831" }, { "contents": "Ex – Amici come prima!\n\n\nthan Max. Antonio, a pharmacist from Sorrento and newly elected Member of the European Parliament, is celebrating his new position. His wife Nunzia appears to be more excited about it than himself, as she is seeking to exploit her husband's position for financial advantage. As Antonio is approached by two old friends asking for “favors”, she demands 30% of any profit Antonio helps them gain. As she accompanies Antonio to the airport (not without lecturing him on what she expects him to do in Brussels),", "id": "19938695" }, { "contents": "Big Picture (magazine)\n\n\nwe do and considers what we might look like in the future. While providing immense benefits, drugs are not the perfect solution. They only work on a proportion of patients, sometimes they harm us, and we're not very good at taking them as we should. For some diseases, particularly those affecting only developing countries, there are no drugs available or they are too expensive. Drugs seem to be the answer to everything from rheumatism, through birth control, to depression. And yet while agonising over pill-popping", "id": "4534047" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy\n\n\nremunerated by their provincial government for expanded services such as medications reviews (Medschecks in Ontario). In the United Kingdom, pharmacists who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights and this is because of pharmacy education. They are also being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. In Scotland the pharmacist can write prescriptions for Scottish registered patients of their regular medications, for the majority of drugs, except for controlled drugs, when the patient is unable to see their doctor, as could happen if they are away from home", "id": "6802460" }, { "contents": "Value Drug Mart\n\n\nValue Drug Mart is a Western Canada drug store serving over 35 locations throughout Alberta and British Columbia. What is now known as Value Drug Mart Associates Ltd. was founded by pharmacist Barry Katz (whose son Daryl Katz would go on to found Canada's largest chain of pharmacies, the Katz Group of Companies) and twelve other pharmacists in 1978. Since 1983, VDMA has been the sole sponsor of the annual Value Drug Mart Spring Classic hockey tournament that takes place in Calgary, Alberta. The tournament is a weekend-long competition", "id": "5287272" }, { "contents": "Birth control in Japan\n\n\nLabour and Welfare was already considering the acceptance of birth control during the 1960, pressure from abortion doctors discouraged them to do so. By 1989, the ministry's councils further began contemplation of the drug. Yet, Japan was at a standstill on legalizing birth control pills. Due to the fear of condoms being used less, it would induce a higher possibility of becoming infected with STDs. Other concerns arose having to do with the side effects associated with taking the pill. In 1999, the pill was finally approved for use", "id": "3749367" }, { "contents": "Medication therapy management\n\n\n, up to a maximum of 400 per pharmacy, per year. At least 70% of patients must be in one of the four target groups: The introduction of pharmacists into GP surgeries means that the practice pharmacists can do more to ensure that reviews are carried out where necessary. There have been concerns over abuse of the system, whereby multiple pharmacies are using the system to charge the £28 fee for each 10- to 15-minute MUR, and pressuring pharmacists to meet targets for the number carried out, with the review more", "id": "7819305" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy\n\n\npharmacists care for patients in all health care settings, but the clinical pharmacy movement initially began inside hospitals and clinics. Clinical pharmacists often collaborate with physicians and other healthcare professionals to improve pharmaceutical care. Clinical pharmacists are now an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to patient care. They often participate in patient care rounds for drug product selection. The clinical pharmacist's role involves creating a comprehensive drug therapy plan for patient-specific problems, identifying goals of therapy, and reviewing all prescribed medications prior to dispensing and administration to the patient", "id": "6802438" }, { "contents": "Bad Pharma\n\n\nnegative data it is stopped prematurely and the results are not published, or if it is producing positive data it may be stopped early so that longer-term effects are not examined. He writes that this publication bias, where negative results remain unpublished, is endemic within medicine and academia. As a consequence, he argues, doctors may have no idea what the effects are of the drugs they prescribe. An example he gives of the difficulty of obtaining missing data from drug companies is that of oseltamivir (Tamiflu), manufactured", "id": "17108142" }, { "contents": "Drug packaging\n\n\nveterinarians, dentists, etc. These packaged pharmaceuticals are intended to be dispensed and administered by professionally trained and certified personnel. Drugs under prescription control are sent to pharmacies in multi-packs of unit packs or in bottles containing many hundreds of capsules. Typically a pharmacist prepares the final form of the unit pack or places a lower count of capsules in a small bottle for the customer. In a pharmacy, pharmacists are available to answer questions and to ensure that proper documentation is provided. Internet pharmacies mail the prescribed drugs to the", "id": "6879138" }, { "contents": "Korean Oriental Pharmacist\n\n\nKorean Oriental Pharmacists (Han-Yak-Sa, Hangul: 한약사, Hanja: 韓藥師) are a licensed healthcare professionals who take charge of various pharmaceutical affairs like the manufacturing, preparation, identification, storage, importation, sales of drugs and other pharmaceutical technologies in the Republic of Korea. Korean Oriental Pharmacists practice pharmacy and sell medical & pharmaceutical products including over-the-counter drugs and work on oriental medication. Also, some of them work at pharmaceutical companies and government agencies such as Ministry of Food and Drug Safety,", "id": "3835172" }, { "contents": "Abortion in Francoist Spain and the transition period\n\n\npregnancy. With the Código Penal de 1963, a new penal code was established in Spain, but the abortion laws were for the most part repeated verbatim from the 1941 version. There were minor modifications covering matters such as the fines given to doctors for conducting abortions and for pharmacists who provided drugs to assist women having abortions. The Código Penal of 1973, is a copy and paste version of that from 1963. Because abortion was illegal in Spain, during the 1970s, Spanish women who could afford to do so went to", "id": "9396870" }, { "contents": "Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Yojana Kendra\n\n\n) can be opened by State Governments or any organization / reputed NGOs / Trusts / Private hospitals / Charitable institutions / Doctors / Unemployed pharmacist/ individual entrepreneurs are eligible to apply for new Jan Aushadhi stores. The applicants shall have to employ one B Pharma / D Pharma degree holder as Pharmacist in their proposed store. The following financial support is available: NGOs/agencies/individuals establishing Jan Aushadhi stores in Government hospital premises where space is provided free of cost by Government to operating agency: BPPI will provide one time financial assistance up", "id": "18370229" }, { "contents": "Faculty of Homeopathy\n\n\nin the UK and at four overseas. After specified training periods, students are eligible to sit the specialist examinations, which lead to the Faculty's qualifications: LFHom, MFHom (for dentists, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and podiatrists), VetMFHom (for veterinary surgeons) and DFHom (for pharmacists and podiatrists). The qualifications do not themselves confer any legal qualification to practise homeopathy. The Faculty publishes \"Homeopathy\" (formerly the \"British Homoeopathic Journal\" -BHJ). This journal was first published in 1844, as", "id": "18814413" }, { "contents": "Mr. Freeze (Gotham)\n\n\n\" programs in Arkham. As he returns to his cell, Cobblepot discovers Strange's patient, Nigel (John Pirkis) has plucked out his own eyes after Strange's suggestive words: \"See no evil, do no evil\". Victor, unwilling to let Nora go to prison, decides to turn himself in to the GCPD. As he waits, Nygma views the pharmacist's body in the morgue and then leaves for a moment. When he returns, the pharmacist is gone. The pharmacist then walks through the GCPD", "id": "3837799" }, { "contents": "Over-the-counter counseling\n\n\n\"where\") as well as close-ended questions (that start with the word \"will\", \"can\", \"do\" or \"did\") which are to be used only if the former do not get the appropriate response in order to obtain relevant information about a patient's potential needs for treatment or potential drug-therapy problems. Pharmacists ask patients about comorbidities to avoid any drug-disease state contraindications. Although OTC counseling does not necessarily involve the use of a formal framework, various frameworks have", "id": "10826833" }, { "contents": "Éric Rohmer\n\n\nrather than actions\", dealing \"less with what people do than what is going on in their minds while they are doing it.\" Beginning in the late 1970s during the production of \"Perceval le Gallois\" Rohmer began to reduce the number of crew members on his films. He first dispensed of the script supervisor, then (controversially) cut out the assistant director, then all other assistants and technical managers until, by the time he shot \"The Green Ray\" in 1986, his crew consisted only of a", "id": "201514" }, { "contents": "Mad in America\n\n\nby drug trials but were not mentioned to the public. Whitaker calls it a type of medical fraud that schizophrenics are told that they suffer from too much dopamine or serotonin activity and that drugs put these brain chemicals back in \"balance\". He writes, \"Little is known about what causes schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs do not fix any known brain abnormality, nor do they put brain chemistry back into balance. What they do is alter brain function in a manner that diminishes certain characteristic symptoms...\". Recognizing Whitaker for marshalling", "id": "15225344" }, { "contents": "Sherwood Anderson\n\n\n\"I feel as though my feet were wet, and they keep getting wetter.\" and left the office. Four days later, on Sunday December 1, a disoriented Anderson entered a drug store on East 152nd Street in Cleveland and asked the pharmacist to help figure out his identity. Unable to make out what the incoherent Anderson was saying, the pharmacist discovered a phone book on his person and called the number of Edwin Baxter, a member of the Elyria Chamber of Commerce. Baxter came, recognized Anderson, and promptly", "id": "14675718" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\n1990, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) required the new professional degree. Graduates from a PharmD program may also elect to do a fellowship that is geared toward research. Fellowships can varying in length but last 1–3 years depending on the program and usually require 1 year of residency at minimum. American pharmacists can become certified in recognized specialty practice areas by passing an examination administered by one of several credentialing boards. California pharmacists can apply for Advanced Practice Pharmacist (APh) licenses from the California State Board of Pharmacy", "id": "18067352" }, { "contents": "Robot\n\n\n, robots are gradually being introduced. FRIEND is a semi-autonomous robot designed to support disabled and elderly people in their daily life activities, like preparing and serving a meal. FRIEND make it possible for patients who are paraplegic, have muscle diseases or serious paralysis (due to strokes etc.), to perform tasks without help from other people like therapists or nursing staff. Script Pro manufactures a robot designed to help pharmacies fill prescriptions that consist of oral solids or medications in pill form. The pharmacist or pharmacy technician enters", "id": "6272994" }, { "contents": "Bottles (film)\n\n\nalliance with a small cadre of evil bottles that inhabit the darker corners of the shelves: a bottle of witch hazel springs to life as an old witch, and several bottles of spirits of ammonia open up to release a trio of mischievous singing ghosts. As the witch and the skeleton mix a poisonous brew in the pharmacist's beakers and test tubes, the ghosts fly out to snatch up the pharmacist and bring him back to the skeleton. As the skeleton cackles triumphantly, the ghosts hurl the pharmacist into the glass distiller as", "id": "8015583" }, { "contents": "Charity Standish\n\n\nCharity and it made her have visions she couldn’t explain. She was eventually put in a psych ward. Tabitha found out about what Kay was doing and went to the hospital. Tabitha then put an act of being crazy and ended up in the psych ward. While being next to the room where Charity was she was overhearing everything. When Charity's situation wasn't getting better, Tabitha overheard the doctor's administrating a drug which if given will make anyone do what another person wants them to do. Tabitha used the", "id": "20456786" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Pharmacy\n\n\n, bromatology, drug marketing, regulatory authorities, university teachers, etc. The Pharmacists can also choose to become a specialist in one of following areas of activity: Pharmaceutical Industry, Regulatory Affairs, Hospital Pharmacy, and Clinical Analysis. Each specialization requires an additional 5-year professional study program guided by a tutor in the respective area of knowledge. This training includes regular evaluations by the professional competent authority (\"Ordem dos Farmacêuticos\"), which also requires an exam at the end of the 5-year training. After the success at the", "id": "14643514" }, { "contents": "Drug Enforcement Administration\n\n\n. An entity that has been issued a DEA number is authorized to manufacture (drug companies), distribute, research, prescribe (doctors, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, etc.) or dispense (pharmacy) a controlled substance. Many problems associated with drug abuse are the result of legitimately-manufactured controlled substances being diverted from their lawful purpose into the illicit drug traffic. Many of the analgesics, depressants and stimulants manufactured for legitimate medical use can often carry potential for dependence or abuse. Therefore, those scheduled", "id": "15974834" }, { "contents": "Compounding\n\n\nPharmaceutical compounding (done in compounding pharmacies) is the creation of a particular pharmaceutical product to fit the unique need of a patient. To do this, compounding pharmacists combine or process appropriate ingredients using various tools. This may be done for medically necessary reasons, such as to change the form of the medication from a solid pill to a liquid, to avoid a non-essential ingredient that the patient is allergic to, or to obtain the exact dose(s) needed or deemed best of particular active pharmaceutical ingredient(s). It may", "id": "4846489" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Pharmacy\n\n\nmarket in the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology and healthcare. The biomedicine program with Pharmacy / Pharmacology direction offered by universities in Gothenburg, Umea and Uppsala in Sweden. In Sweden, the pharmacist (Apotekare) are not presented as a pharmacy doctors. Pharmacists (Apotekare) have the largest labor market in pharmacies or hospital pharmacies and can also work closely with health care to improve drug (Clinical Pharmacy). For example, in pharmacy business may pharmacists also work with education and teaching. In 1930 Tehran University changed the Pharmacy degree from", "id": "14643519" }, { "contents": "Far Far Away (song)\n\n\n1974, Slade had become a big success in the UK, Europe and beyond, however the band felt that continuing to provide 'more of the same' was not what they wanted to do. Their manager Chas Chandler suggested they do a movie, to which the band agreed. To accompany the film, Holder and Lea began writing material for a soundtrack album, which would continue to see the band break out of their successful formula and try different musical ideas. \"Far Far Away\" was selected as the album's", "id": "2727615" }, { "contents": "Pharmacy\n\n\nthe ambulatory care pharmacy specialty certification exam will be Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist and these pharmacists will carry the initials BCACP. Compounding is the practice of preparing drugs in new forms. For example, if a drug manufacturer only provides a drug as a tablet, a compounding pharmacist might make a medicated lollipop that contains the drug. Patients who have difficulty swallowing the tablet may prefer to suck the medicated lollipop instead. Another form of compounding is by mixing different strengths (g, mg, mcg) of capsules or tablets to yield", "id": "6802441" }, { "contents": "ITH Pharma\n\n\nITH Pharma is a specialist British compounding pharmaceutical company, founded in 2008 by two pharmacists who started their careers in the NHS. It began in 1997 when Hamling spotted a gap in the market for patients to get complex intravenous treatments on a same-day basis from the dominating \"Big Pharma\" at the time. Bloom and Hamling raised £150,000 from family to start their first compounding company. They got their license from the MHRA in August 1998 and pioneered a same-day intravenous medication service, through their first contract from", "id": "3807376" }, { "contents": "Tetracycline\n\n\na pill in 2015. The \"Globe\" described the \"big price hikes of some generic drugs\" as a \"relatively new phenomenon\" which has left most pharmacists \"grappling\" with large upswings\" in the \"costs of generics, with 'overnight' price changes sometimes exceeding 1,000%.\" It is marketed under the brand names Sumycin, Tetracyn, and Panmycin, among others. Actisite is a thread-like fiber formulation used in dental applications. It is also used to produce several semisynthetic derivatives, which together", "id": "12051896" }, { "contents": "Sandis Ozoliņš\n\n\nentered into the league's substance abuse program following a drunk driving arrest. After playing 2 games for the Worcester Sharks of the AHL and being cleared to play by doctors within the league's substance abuse program, he signed a one-year contract with San Jose on November 2, 2007. \"That was a big turnaround this summer and I'm finally comfortable with what I am and what has happened, I actually feel pretty good and I do what I have to do and I do what I was advised to do", "id": "19172478" }, { "contents": "Remote dispensing\n\n\nremote dispensing, increasing the risk for dangerous interactions with drugs such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, narcotics, and warfarin to name a few. This problem may be amplified through telecommunication service disruptions, which were reported in previous studies examining the utility of remote dispensing technology. Remote dispensing has the potential to undermine the services offered by physically present pharmacists. Hands-on patient training on inhalers and glucose meters is not feasible with remote dispensing, and administration of injections is impossible without a physically present pharmacist. Other cognitive services such as", "id": "19612052" }, { "contents": "Insane Clown Posse\n\n\ncraziness was this: they were not the regular two-liter bottles we're used to; they were some other amount ... maybe one-and-a-half-liter bottles. Over there, they make their plastic bottles taller and thinner...when you're doing what we do with them—that makes a world of difference\". During a performance in England, Bruce recounts that he \"rocketed one of them bottles off my foot and that motherfucker shot straight up and out like a guided Patriot missile, right", "id": "15400559" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\ngraduates are the lowest paid university graduates most years. Most pharmacists do earn above the award wage; the average male pharmacist earns $65,000, a female pharmacist averages $56,500. Over recent years, wages have stagnated, and even gone backwards. There are more graduates expected in the next few years making it even harder to get a job. Job security and increase in wages with regards to CPI could be unlikely. This is due to the large numbers of pharmacy graduates in recent years, and government desire to lower PBS", "id": "18067316" }, { "contents": "Role\n\n\nwould normally be forbidden, writes prescriptions, and shows more concern for the personal wellbeing of his or her clients than is expected of, say, an electrician or a shopkeeper. \"Role\" is what the doctor \"does\" (or, at least, is expected to do) while status is what the doctor \"is; \"in other words, \"status\" is the position an actor occupies, while \"role\" is the expected behaviour attached to that position. Roles are not limited to occupational status,", "id": "6844621" }, { "contents": "Star Wars: Doctor Aphra\n\n\nof Aphra's instant popularity, and he called the character \"a big part\" of the unexpected success of the \"Darth Vader\" series. Gillen said he wanted to do the \"Doctor Aphra\" series to explore \"what makes her tick and why she's doing what she's doing\". The new series was first teased in September 2016 as \"Star Wars: Classified\", before its official announcement as \"Doctor Aphra\" in October 2016. Editor Jordan D. White expressed Marvel's excitement at the continued use", "id": "18806819" }, { "contents": "Women in the Popular Front in the Spanish Civil War\n\n\nroles when it came to combat, and providing the same military contribution. Combat experience did not significantly differ based on the political affiliation of the battalion that women in combat were attached to. Among the women serving in the international brigades, most worked as nurses, pharmacists or doctors. Some Jewish, Polish and American women did go to Spain, and did serve in combat. They were actively discouraged from doing so by anarchists, and outright banned from doing so by communists.Argentina García was on the front in October 1937", "id": "4628836" }, { "contents": "Andrew Perkins\n\n\na 2014 interview he said of his doctoral studies, of which \"The Christchurch Vespers/Vespers for Pentecost\" are a part: \"THE PhD explored the idea that composers are not exactly like a magpie collecting shiny objects. They do draw on past experiences but also build things out of what’s laying around, a bit like a \"bricoleur\" although it's not a totally accurate description of what composers do because they tend to be highly selective in what they choose\"(Gupta, 2014) . During November 2012, the New", "id": "3209199" }, { "contents": "Blog del Narco\n\n\nfront-row seat to Mexico's drug war.\" \"The Guardian\" and \"Los Angeles Times\" noted that Blog del Narco is a response to Mexico's \"narco-censorship,\" a term used when reporters and editors of the Mexican Drug War, out of fear or caution, are forced to either write what the drug lords demand, or remain silent by not writing anything at all. If they do not comply with what the drug cartels demand, the journalists may be kidnapped, intimidated, or even", "id": "11112188" }, { "contents": "To Each His Own (novel)\n\n\nDr. Roscio, are found murdered the next day, it becomes quite apparent that the letter was intended to do more than simply frighten the pharmacist from engaging in his favourite pastime. Although the double-homicide is interesting gossip for the townspeople, nobody gives the motives for the murders a second thought, and it is assumed that the pharmacist would have known the reason for his murder and would have thus deserved the consequences. Everybody in the town continues with their daily lives after a short lapse of time apart from Professor Laurana.", "id": "12717179" }, { "contents": "Script coverage\n\n\nomitted, or only briefly introduced for the sake of brevity. In order to decide on what will stay and what will go, the character and actions must support the main plot, and ultimately the premise of the story. Scripts that are not economical and include peripheral characters, scenes, and storylines that do not support character or plot development do not affect their motivation, and therefore can be omitted from the coverage. In this manner, well-written scripts may have longer synopses than poorly written scripts with a lot of", "id": "19751609" }, { "contents": "Co-codamol\n\n\n3 (Pharmacist Only Medicine) until February 1, 2018 after which they were rescheduled to S4 (prescription only) along with all other codeine products. Manufacturer directions state not to exceed the recommended dosage of two tablets every four hours with a maximum of eight (8 × 500 mg) over a 24-hour period and no more than two (2 × 500 mg) at any one time. Other drugs containing acetaminophen must be avoided unless otherwise directed by a physician or pharmacist; excessive amounts of acetaminophen can lead to serious liver", "id": "18491186" }, { "contents": "Old Angel Midnight\n\n\nexplained his intentions: “I don’t know what to write anymore, I’ve been doodling with an endless automatic writing piece which raves on and on with no direction and no story and surely that wont do tho I’ll finish it anyway while doing other things. Old Angel Midnight was first printed in Big Table 1, 1959. Big Table was a new magazine started by Paul Carrol and Irving Rosenthal published after the University of Chicago censored the student magazine, The Chicago Review. A \"prose picnic\" is what", "id": "2044069" }, { "contents": "Ed Martin (Missouri politician)\n\n\nsought relief from an administrative rule requiring Illinois pharmacists doing public business to dispense a certain contraceptive, levonorgestrol, also known as \"Plan B\" or the \"morning after pill\", under the state's health plan. They argued that such distribution violated their religious rights of conscience. Martin appeared on \"Lou Dobbs\" to discuss the case with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The court sided with Martin and the plaintiffs, agreeing that the Administrative Rule violated the Rights of Conscience Act; it granted the plaintiffs a permanent injunction.", "id": "7511427" }, { "contents": "Remote dispensing\n\n\nRemote dispensing is used in health care environments to describe the use of automated systems to dispense (package and label) prescription medications without an on-site pharmacist. This practice is most common in long-term care facilities and correctional institutions that do not find it practical to operate a full-service in-house pharmacy. Remote dispensing can also be used to describe the pharmacist controlled remote prescription dispensing units which connect patients to a remotely located pharmacist over video interface to receive counseling and medication dispensing. Because these units are pharmacist", "id": "19612047" }, { "contents": "Omega Pharma\n\n\nOmega Pharma was a Belgian-based pharmaceutical company which was acquired in 2014 by Perrigo Company plc, an Irish/U.S.-based global pharmaceutical public company. The company was founded in 1987 and was based in the Industrial area 'de Prijkels' in Nazareth. The company was founded in 1987 by Marc Coucke and Yvan Vindevogel, both former pharmacy students at the Ghent University. They each had a 50% share in the company. Their first product was a shampoo in 5 liter bottles which they sold to pharmacists who then added a", "id": "15887932" }, { "contents": "Tommie Bass\n\n\nimmense knowledge of herbal lore encompassed more than 300 local plants in his personal pharmacopoeia and others that might not be useful to \"give ease\" to others. He was well known for his tinctures, salves and compounds. To quote his apprentice, Darryl Patton: There are many 'Herbalists' around recommending all sorts of strange herbal treatments. But they have absolutely no knowledge of what a medicinal plant looks like in the woods and outside of a bottle. These herbal \"pharmacists\" come and go like every other fad.", "id": "10832718" }, { "contents": "Big Brother VIP (Serbian season 1)\n\n\npassed this task. This task was a secret task. Aleksandar Jovanović had to take pictures of housemates and write articles about them, but the housemates can't find out what he's doing. He had 24 hours to do this task. Aleksandar didn't pass this task and he was nominated for eviction. The housemates played tennis against Big brother. In the yard they had a tennis net and on the other side of the net machines that throw out tennis balls. The housemates played in pairs. The housemates get a", "id": "19195001" }, { "contents": "Health care in the United States\n\n\nbe carried out by cheaper workforce. For example, in 1995, 36 states banned or restricted midwifery even though it delivers equally safe care to that by doctors. The regulation lobbied by the AMA has decreased the amount and quality of health care, according to the consensus of economist: the restrictions do not add to quality, they decrease the supply of care. Moreover, psychologists, nurses and pharmacists are not allowed to prescribe medicines. Previously nurses were not even allowed to vaccinate the patients without direct supervision by doctors. 36", "id": "14726267" }, { "contents": "Cluemaster\n\n\nattack on Batman by various villains; inspired by an old theory he had when talking with other lower-grade villains that they could take action while Batman was occupied with the bigger criminals, he sent out invitations to other big-league foes to take action after the fall of Commissioner Gordon, and then all he had to do was slip a basic mind-control drug into Gordon's coffee to make him see a threat that wasn't there and let the other villains do what they wanted, guessing correctly that Batman would", "id": "5357544" }, { "contents": "Pill splitting\n\n\nmanufacturers do create grooves in pills, the groove must be consistent for consumers to be able to use them effectively. Many manufacturers choose to not use grooves. The United States government Center for Drug Evaluation and Research makes the following recommendations for manufacturers when scoring pills with grooves: In the U.S. \"uniformity of dosage units\" is defined by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), which describes itself as \"the official public standards-setting authority for all prescription and over-the-counter medicines, dietary supplements, and other", "id": "1494025" }, { "contents": "Domingo Cirici Ventalló\n\n\nThe father of Domingo, Matías Cirici Traver (1837-1912), originated from Seu d'Urgell. It is not clear what he was doing for a living; in later official documents he was recorded as \"propietario\". In 1875 he married Vicenta Ventalló Vintró, descendant to a prestigious local family. Her father and the maternal grandfather of Cirici Ventalló, Domingo Ventalló Llobateras (1805-1878), was a Terrassa pharmacist and served as alcalde of the town, the role performed at the turn of the centuries also by", "id": "12921823" }, { "contents": "Women in the Communist Party of Spain in the Spanish Civil War\n\n\ncommunist, anarchist or POUM leadership.  Most of these gave women equal roles when it came to combat, and providing the same military contribution. Combat experience did not significantly differ based on the political affiliation of the battalion that women in combat were attached to. Among the women serving in the international brigades, most worked as nurses, pharmacists or doctors.  Some Jewish, Polish and American women did go to Spain, and did serve in combat.  They were actively discouraged from doing so by anarchists, and outright banned from doing", "id": "4628771" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\ntimes, pharmacists advise patients and health care providers on the selection, dosages, interactions, and side effects of medications, and act as a learned intermediary between a prescriber and a patient. Pharmacists monitor the health and progress of patients to ensure the safe and effective use of medication. Pharmacists may practice compounding; however, many medicines are now produced by pharmaceutical companies in a standard dosage and drug delivery form. In some jurisdictions, pharmacists have prescriptive authority to either independently prescribe under their own authority or in collaboration with a primary", "id": "18067309" }, { "contents": "Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience\n\n\nfrom Birmingham Jail\". One of the drafters, Princeton University professor Robert P. George, stated, \"We certainly hope it doesn't come to that. However, we see case after case of challenges to religious liberty\", including laws which he claims would force health care workers to assist in abortions or pharmacists to carry abortifacient drugs or birth control. George continued, \"When the limits of conscience are reached and you cannot comply, it's better to suffer a wrong than to do it.\" Catholic Archbishop", "id": "8465119" }, { "contents": "The Jazztet\n\n\n, intimate support that has all but disappeared from small group jazz\". Their New York debut was shared with Ornette Coleman and other players of a more radical style than their own. Farmer felt that the band suffered from being co-billed with Coleman, who attracted more press attention: \"compared to what Ornette was doing, what we were doing [...] was more conventional. It just didn't seem to be as adventurous, stepping out into the unknown like what Ornette was doing. Ornette got more notice than", "id": "14400611" }, { "contents": "Pharmacist\n\n\nBoard of Canada, and practical experience through an apprenticeship/internship program. The vast majority (80%) of Canada's licensed pharmacists work in community pharmacies, another 15 percent in hospital or institutional pharmacies, and the remainder work in situations that may not legally require licensed pharmacists such as associations, pharmaceutical companies, and consulting firms. The wages for pharmacists, at about CAD$95,000, have been said to be slightly better than Australia but not as good as in the United States. This likely depends on what parts of Canada", "id": "18067318" }, { "contents": "Tobacco-Free Pharmacies\n\n\ndoing so in 1997. In Quebec, a prohibition against tobacco sales in pharmacies first came into force in 1996 when the Quebec Order of Pharmacists (\"Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec\") directed its members to stop selling cigarettes, declaring the practice to be inconsistent with the professional mandate of pharmacists. The National Assembly of Quebec followed up with a statutory ban in 1998, making it the third province in Canada to do so through legislation. Similar bans were enacted in Nova Scotia (2000), Nunavut (2004),", "id": "6229638" }, { "contents": "The Game (1997 film)\n\n\nWhat we show you is going to add up. But we don't do that. In that respect, it's about movies and how movies dole out information\". Furthermore, Fincher has said that the film is about \"loss of control. The purpose of \"The Game\" is to take your greatest fear, put it \"this\" close to your face and say 'There, you're still alive. It's all right.'\" More revisions were made to the script, including removing a scene", "id": "5741219" }, { "contents": "Penny (The Big Bang Theory)\n\n\nAmy, observes that they have finished the bottle of wine, and when Bernadette and Amy point out that they consumed only half a glass and no wine at all, respectively, Penny snaps, \"Okay, don't judge me! So, what do you want to do, go to the movies, go dancing, lay down for a little bit?\" At the end of that episode, she passes out while the three of them play Twister, and when Bernadette initially fails to revive her, she says \"", "id": "1477503" } ]
Why isn't the U.S. Supreme Court required to be politically balanced?
[{"answer": "Ideally the supreme court should not be political at all. This is part of the reason why congress have to approve the supreme justices. The justices are appointed to make sure the will of the congress is followed and not their own will. If you were to make sure they were aligned politically you would open up another can of worms entirely. How do you make sure they are not extremists in each camp? How do you define the political sides as there are a lot of different opinions?"}, {"answer": "\"Required\" how precisely? Who decides what is conservative, liberal, or moderate? The UK for example has conservatives who would be considered hard-line liberals in the US. There is no way to require balance without in effect making the arbiter of what \"balance\" means to actually be a supreme dictator."}, {"answer": "Two things. First, Supreme Court appointments is one of the powers that the president has. If one ideology controls the presidency for a long time, that will be reflected in the appointments which are made to the court. This is in part a story of how prevailing ideologies evolve over time. In a two-party system, the line between the parties will drift back and forth to reflect the views of the voters. Second, once appointed, Supreme Court nominees are completely free and independent. Many times in history, their own ideologies have not ended up matching those of the president that appointed them -- either right away or it changed with time. The liberal justices Souter, Stevens and Blackmun were all appointed by conservative presidents, while the conservative White was appointed by a liberal president."}, {"answer": "1- There would just be no way of reliably testing that. Judges enforce and interpret laws. A liberal judge can be asked to rule on the legal proceedings in a conservative area, and vice versa. Judges are required to uphold laws that they disagree with. Secondly, it's really hard to determine where a judge falls even after the fact. A good example of a justice in this case would be Sandra Day O'Connor. She sided with the conservative branches of the court many times in issues involving affirmative action, campaign finance, voting rights, education reform, and first amendment protections. However, she generally (though not universally) opposed abortion restrictions, before her appointment, throughout her career, and afterwards. While that's only a single issue, it's a big one. On other issues, she's a conservative, and she was a Reagan appointee (his first appointee, to be specific). We generally think of her as a moderate today, not because of her ideology, but because later appointments were more polarized, leaving her to effectively function as swing vote in the early 2000s. That wasn't something that had been true about her position over time. If you go by the data, [from 1994, to 2004, in 5-4 decisions, she sided with the conservative bloc 82 times, and the liberal block 28 times]( URL_1 ). That isn't moderate. That's pretty solidly conservative....for a justice that was often facing criticism by conservatives, and still does. Nobody would agree on her position in this respect. Moderate? Conservative? Who's to say? And at which year we would examine to determine it. The reason she's in this quirky position is largely because of point #2: 2 - Liberalism and conservatism aren't neat little packages. Take a libertarian judge. A libertarian is generally described as somebody who advocates economic measures like lower taxes (or the abolition of taxes altogether) and less government interference and intrusion--economic conservatism--but also generally oppose restrictions on private matters like abortion, marriage, adoption, immigration status, etc--social liberalism. Such a person doesn't fit in either box, but he also couldn't properly be called a moderate. More examples outside of the Libertarians? The Unity Party. Log Cabin Republicans (they dissent from the Republicans on many social issues, not just the LGBT ones, and they take no position on abortion as a whole). Modern Whigs. The Faith and Family Left. The American Solidarity Party. These groups don't fit the mold because political beliefs are more complicated and nuanced than a single continuum captures. 3 - The meanings change over time. Liberalism once denoted freedom from government interference; libertarians correctly point out that they believe in the *original* meaning of the term, not what it became over time. Back in the 1960s, the Republicans, despite being economically conservative, supported expanding civil rights. The Civil Rights Act actually [passed with more Republican support than Democratic support]( URL_0 )...yet we definitely see this as a liberal issue. Meanings change. The only beef for a minority of the Republicans? They didn't want to force businesses to serve everybody, thinking that a store owner should be able to refuse services to anybody as they see fit; that's definitely a conservative position on both property rights and economics...but they put that aside for an issue that we would now call a very liberal notion. A judge might be elected on an ideology, but if the ideology changes its specific supports, the judge may not be on board, and thus be seen as no longer fitting the partisan mold. EDIT: Grammar"}, {"answer": "The Supreme Court addresses issues of law, which are supposed to be non-political. Let's take an ELI5 example: Assume a sign says \"No motor vehicles in the park.\" Does that include wheelchairs? Remote control cars? Decommissioned tanks to be installed as war memorials? Camera drones? This is an ambiguity in the law. Or, as lawyers and judges call it, an \"issue of law.\" Regarding wheelchairs, You might think the answer is obvious, but some prosecutor might think differently. Maybe he's trying to impress someone in the parks & rec department for a political endorsement. So he will bring a case against a guy in a wheelchair and argue that \"motor vehicles\" includes wheelchairs because the purpose of the law was to protect the wildlife in the park, and wheelchairs are environmentally invasive. The defense attorney will argue that the phrase \"motor vehicles\" does not include wheelchairs, since the purpose of the law was to prevent noisy motors in large passenger vehicles, and for the safety of children. Who is right in that circumstance? The legally-correct answer, of course, is \"it depends.\" But a lower-court judge will choose a side based on the arguments. The losing side can bring an appeal to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court hears arguments and is the final arbiter of that issue of law. Now, let's jump contexts. The phrase \"Equal Protection of Laws\" in the 14th Amendment might mean a lot of things. Does it protect the rights of two women to get married? Issue of law. Does it protect the rights of a man to marry 5 women? Issue of law. Issues of law get politicized by the media and other officials, but theoretically, they are supposed to be decided impartially by courts. That's why we don't impose restrictions on judicial preferences. They are supposed to resolve the issues that are in front of them based on the particular circumstances of the case. Any \"preference\" they have should not factor into the decision. Your suggestion that we impose so-called \"balance\" by dedicating seats to people with certain \"preferences\" would violate that neutrality principle. Source: Lawyer here. EDIT: Clarified some bad phrasing."}, {"answer": "It is not suppose to be political at all. Their only concern is if something is legal according the the constitution."}, {"answer": "The Supreme Court's job is supposed to be boring. Imagine this question being put to the court: \"Does the United States Federal Government have the authority to impose a tax penalty on anyone who does not purchase a specified good or service?\" Now... You know that the good or service I am talking about is health insurance. But the idea is that once the court answers that question, that is it. It doesn't matter what the good or service is, the question is answered. So, regardless of your political ideology if the court finds that power exists then that power can be used by both democrats and republicans. Today that means there is Obamacare, tomorrow people might have to own a handgun, or people might be required to buy car insurance even if they don't drive. Or people might be required to buy a cable television package if they own a television set (like they do in the UK). It isn't about the specific individual policy (though it often seems that way), rather it is about the big picture rules of the game. Sometimes judges ideological positions matter politically for that, sometimes they don't matter at all. Other times a short term victory turns into a long term defeat. And other times yes there is a pure political victory that can be won or lost (see Bush v. Gore)."}, {"answer": "First, you can't mandate \"politically balanced\" in American politics. For example, if the American people want to vote a single party (e.g., 100% Republicans) into every seat of Congress, they can. Second, the Supreme Court **is** balanced - or, rather, there are mechanisms in place to keep it balanced. The job of the court is to provide long term stability. If the country's political power should suddenly shift, the court will shift at a slower rate, because the appointments are for life. Also remember that the founding fathers weren't thinking about the next election cycle when the Constitution was penned. Their intent was to form a system of government which could last centuries. So, let's just say that the \"worst\" case scenario (or best case, if you support Trump's agenda) happens and Trump gets to appoint 3 or 4 justices. Let's suppose that his appointments are all confirmed and the Supreme Court turns into a heavily biased conservative court for many years. What is the actual impact if this happens? Clearly, this wouldn't bode well for some issues, like the pro-choice/abortion. On the other hand, it wouldn't set America back on a scale of centuries. It's not like slavery would be reintroduced or that women would lose the right to vote. Although these views were mainstream 100 -150 years ago, they have long since fallen out of favor. And this is what our forefathers had in mind. No matter how unbalanced the cart might get in the short term, over the long term, permanent progress will be made. On a side note, it's amazing to me that so many people don't seem to know their own country. I'm not speaking of your question in particular, but all of the doubt and fear on reddit over the past couple of days, the utter amazement that Trump got elected as president. This was called after the Democratic primaries. Remember? Clinton was accused of robbing Bernie of the nomination - and the polls at that time indicated that Clinton would lose to Trump. And here we are, six months later, exactly where the experts said we would be."}, {"answer": "Political winds shift and change, the court is supposed to gauge what is right based on our existing legal interpretations of the constitution, not what is popular at any given moment. That being said, justices are human and their opinions are affected by popular will to some extent. In short, they are tasked with trying to distinguish between what is right and what is popular."}, {"answer": "That would completely undermine the purpose of the supreme Court. Their job it to interpret the purpose of the law. Not inturpet the law how they or anyone else wants, but to how it was originally meant."}, {"answer": "because you cant define political views in a law. how exactly do you expect this works?"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "31737", "title": "Supreme Court of the United States", "section": "Section::::Institutional powers and constraints.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 123, "end_paragraph_id": 123, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The Supreme Court firmly established its power to declare laws unconstitutional in \"Marbury v. Madison\" (1803), consummating the American system of checks and balances. In explaining the power of judicial review, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that the authority to interpret the law was the particular province of the courts, part of the \"duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.\" His contention was not that the Court had privileged insight into constitutional requirements, but that it was the constitutional duty of the judiciary, as well as the other branches of government, to read and obey the dictates of the Constitution. Since the founding of the republic,", "The Supreme Court firmly established its power to declare laws unconstitutional in \"Marbury v. Madison\" (1803), consummating the American system of checks and balances. In explaining the power of judicial review, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that the authority to interpret the law was the particular province of the courts, part of the \"duty of the judicial department to say what the law is."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Stephen Johnson Field\n\n\ncorpus case of \"In re Neagle\". To no one's surprise, the Supreme Court ruled the Attorney General of the United States had authority to appoint U.S. Marshals as bodyguards to Supreme Court Justices and Marshal Neagle had acted within the scope of his authority in shooting former Judge Terry. On March 6, 1863, Abraham Lincoln appointed Field to the newly created tenth Supreme Court seat, to achieve both regional balance (he was a Westerner) and political balance (he was a Democrat, albeit a Unionist one).", "id": "969442" }, { "contents": "James K. Polk\n\n\nappointed the following justices to the U.S. Supreme Court: The 1844 death of Justice Henry Baldwin left a vacant place on the Supreme Court, but Tyler had been unable to get the Senate to confirm a nominee. At the time, it was the custom to have geographic balance on the Supreme Court, and Baldwin had been from Pennsylvania. Polk's efforts to fill Baldwin's seat became embroiled in Pennsylvania politics and the efforts of factional leaders to secure the lucrative post of Collector of Customs for the Port of Philadelphia. As Polk", "id": "16002158" }, { "contents": "Originalism\n\n\nhelped establish the Supreme Court as having its own distinct sphere of influence within the federal government. However, this power was itself balanced with the requirement that the Court could only invalidate legislation if it was \"unconstitutional\". Originalists argue that the modern court no longer follows this requirement. They argue that—since \"U.S. v. Darby\", in which Justice Stone (writing for a unanimous Court) ruled that the Tenth Amendment had no legal meaning—the Court has increasingly taken to making rulings in which the Court has determined", "id": "8517867" }, { "contents": "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact\n\n\nthe percentage of electors it has in the electoral college to the state's percentage of the popular vote, rendering the right of non-compacting state governments to appoint their own electors moot. Additionally, Ian J. Drake, an associate professor of political science and law at Montclair State University, has argued that because the Supreme Court has held (in \"Cuyler v. Adams\") that congressional approval of interstate compacts makes them federal laws, if the U.S. Congress is required to approve the NPVIC because of a horizontal balance of power", "id": "10536329" }, { "contents": "Oklahoma Supreme Court\n\n\nThe Supreme Court of Oklahoma is one of the two highest judicial bodies in the U.S. state of Oklahoma and leads the judiciary of Oklahoma, the judicial branch of the government of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Supreme Court meets in the Oklahoma Judicial Center, having previously met in the Oklahoma State Capitol until 2011. The court consists of nine justices nominated by a state commission and appointed by the governor. Members of the court are required to be nonpartisan and are prohibited from a number of political activities including campaign contributions. The Oklahoma Supreme Court", "id": "6778367" }, { "contents": "Preliminary injunction\n\n\nbe dissolved or dismissed. In most courts in the United States, the party seeking the \"preliminary injunction\" must demonstrate all six things together: The \"balance of harms\" refers to the threatened injury to the party seeking the preliminary injunction as compared to the harm that the other party may suffer from the injunction. The United States Supreme Court revisited the requirements for obtaining a preliminary injunction in \"Winter v. NRDC, Inc.\", 555 U.S. 7 (2008). The Court changed one requirement just slightly: \"A", "id": "1186275" }, { "contents": "Lamont v. Postmaster General\n\n\nLamont v. Postmaster General, 381 U.S. 301 (1965), was a landmark First Amendment Supreme Court case, in which the ruling of the Supreme Court struck down § 305(a) of the Postal Service and Federal Employees Salary Act of 1962, a federal statute requiring the Postmaster General to detain and deliver only upon the addressee's request unsealed foreign mailings of \"communist political propaganda.\" Under the stricken code, a recipient of material deemed \"political propaganda\" was required to indicate their intent to receive such materials before they were", "id": "8675059" }, { "contents": "Roe effect\n\n\nThe Roe effect is a hypothesis about the long-term effect of abortion on the political balance of the United States, which suggests that since supporters of the legalization of abortion cause the erosion of their own political base, the practice of abortion will eventually lead to the restriction or illegalization of abortion. It is named after \"Roe v. Wade\", the U.S. Supreme Court case that effectively legalized abortion nationwide in the U.S. Its best-known proponent is James Taranto of the \"Wall Street Journal\" who coined the phrase \"", "id": "16838312" }, { "contents": "Brown v. Socialist Workers '74 Campaign Committee\n\n\nBrown v. Socialist Workers '74 Campaign Committee, 459 U.S. 87 (1982), was a United States Supreme Court case that dealt with political speech, and whether a state could require a minor political party to disclosure its membership, expenditures, and contributors. At the time, most states required political parties to disclose their contributions and expenditures; in 1982, the Court ruled that the Socialist Workers Party, a minor party in Ohio, was not required to disclose its contributors or recipients, on the basis of retributive animus and", "id": "18296952" }, { "contents": "Henry Brockholst Livingston\n\n\nMarshall. In that era, Supreme Court Justices were required to ride a circuit; in Justice Livingston's case, he presided over cases in New York State. Prior to his appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, Livingston served as a judge for the State Supreme Court of New York, a member of the New York State Assembly, and an immensely prominent political activist. Due to family ties, Livingston's allegiance to the Democratic-Republican party soon faded. Essentially, Livingston rebelled and goaded the Federalists to an enormous extent", "id": "20131656" }, { "contents": "U.S. Congress in relation to the president and Supreme Court\n\n\nto understanding it is balance. The founders went to great lengths to balance institutions against each other––balancing powers among the three branches: Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court; between the House of Representatives and the Senate; between the federal government and the states; among states of different sizes and regions with different interests; between the powers of government and the rights of citizens, as spelled out in the Bill of Rights ... no one part of government dominates the other. The Constitution provides checks and balances among the three", "id": "19698908" }, { "contents": "Oregon Supreme Court\n\n\ncourt for a record 14 years. The next landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court involving the Oregon Supreme Court was \"Dolan v. City of Tigard\", 512 U.S. 374 (1994). In that land use case the Oregon court found the requirements placed on the business owner as conditions to approve an expansion were not a taking under the United States Constitution's takings clause. However, the U.S. Supreme Court disagreed and overturned the Oregon court. Then the Oregon court ruled in February 2006 that Oregon's land use law,", "id": "3173405" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Hillary Clinton\n\n\nClinton supported legislation requiring the U.S. government to identify Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (the Jerusalem Embassy Act). In 2011, as Secretary of State, Clinton filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of \"Zivotofsky v. Clinton\", involving an act of Congress requiring that U.S. passports for persons born in Jerusalem read \"Jerusalem, Israel\" (rather than \"Jerusalem\") under place of birth. Consistent with the U.S.'s policy of", "id": "7977458" }, { "contents": "Greenholtz v. Inmates of the Nebraska Penal & Correctional Complex\n\n\nGreenholtz v. Inmates of the Nebraska Penal and Correctional Complex, 442 U.S. 1 (1979), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that when state law requires the state to grant parole whenever a prisoner satisfies certain conditions, due process requires the state to allow the prisoner to present evidence in support of his request for parole and to furnish a written explanation of the reasons why his request has been denied. Nebraska had both mandatory and discretionary parole. Mandatory parole meant that the prisoner must be released when", "id": "2373664" }, { "contents": "U.S. Congress in relation to the president and Supreme Court\n\n\nThe U.S. Congress in relation to the president and Supreme Court has the role of chief legislative body of the United States. However, the Constitution's Framers built a system in which three powerful branches of the government, using a series of checks and balances, could limit each other's power. As a result, it helps to understand how Congress interacts with the presidency as well as the Supreme Court to understand how it operates as a group Congressperson Lee Hamilton explained about how Congress functions within American government: To me the key", "id": "19698907" }, { "contents": "Kay Ivey\n\n\nthat means taking this case to the U.S. Supreme Court.\" She added that the ruling \"clearly demonstrates why we need conservative justices on the Supreme Court\" and expressed her support for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. On May 15, 2019, Ivey signed House Bill 314 criminalizing abortion as of November 2019 except in cases where the mother's life is threatened or the fetus may not survive, with prison sentences of up to 99 years mandated for physicians performing such surgery. The bill intentionally contradicts the U.S.", "id": "12974018" }, { "contents": "In re Primus\n\n\nthe ACLU. The South Carolina's Supreme Court disciplinary board reprimanded Primus for violating South Carolina bar rules against soliciting business. The South Carolina Supreme Court approved the discipline. Primus appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the discipline, ruling that solicitation of prospective litigants by nonprofit organizations that engage in litigation as a form of political expression and political association constitutes expressive and associational conduct entitled to First Amendment protection. The opinion in \"In re Primus\" was released the same day as another First Amendment case relating", "id": "20284267" }, { "contents": "Public-access television\n\n\ntheir business practices, and immediately started challenging the legality of these new rules. Two important United States Supreme Court cases involved a company known as Midwest Video. In \"United States v. Midwest Video Corp.\", 406 U.S. 649 (1972), the Supreme Court upheld the FCC's requirements for Local Origination facilities. However the public-access television requirement did not survive legal scrutiny seven years later. In 1979 the U.S. Supreme Court sided against the FCC in the case \"FCC v. Midwest Video Corp.\", 440 U.S. 689", "id": "2229362" }, { "contents": "Gary Johnson\n\n\n, or clean water.\" Johnson supports nuclear energy and fossil fuels, but has stated that the government has a role to protect Americans against businesses that would harm human health or property, including environmental harm. Johnson supports the U.S. Supreme Court decision in \"Citizens United v. FEC\", allowing unlimited corporate independent expenditures on political campaigns. Johnson supports, however, full disclosure of such expenditures. Johnson has said that he would immediately balance the federal budget, and would demand a balanced budget amendment. He has stated he supports", "id": "12744172" }, { "contents": "Terri Schiavo case\n\n\nappealed this order to the Second District Court of Appeals, but on May 12, the court issued an \"Order Relinquishing Case for Entry of Final Judgment and Order to Show Cause Why this Proceeding Should Not be Certified to the Supreme Court As Requiring Immediate Resolution.\" The Second District Court of Appeals, in sending it directly to the Florida Supreme Court, invoked \"pass through\" jurisdiction. The Florida Supreme Court then overturned the law as unconstitutional. On February 23, 2005, the Schindlers filed a motion for relief from", "id": "9605359" }, { "contents": "Incorporation of the Bill of Rights\n\n\ncertain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts.\" This is why \"fundamental rights may not be submitted to a vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.\" The 14th Amendment has vastly expanded civil rights protections and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In the 1940s and 1960s the Supreme Court gradually issued a series of decisions incorporating several of the", "id": "11033732" }, { "contents": "Who Stole the American Dream?\n\n\npresidents, presidential appointees at executive branch agencies and a bare majority of U.S. Supreme Court Justices validating the decisions of mostly Republican-appointed lower court judges. Smith suggests that The Powell Memorandum, a widely circulated memo written by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. was instrumental in setting this new political direction for US business leaders. The result was the development of \"wedge economics\" in the 1980s, in which CEOs no longer balanced the needs of all stakeholders—workers, customers, and investors—but rather maximized profits of investors and", "id": "2899506" }, { "contents": "Closed Chambers\n\n\nClosed Chambers: The Rise, Fall, and Future of the Modern Supreme Court is a 1998 book by Edward Lazarus, who served as a law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun during the October Term 1988. Lazarus combines his reflections as a clerk with a substantial body of research to describe the collapse in comity between Justices - and particularly clerks - at the Supreme Court. The book is noted both for its extraordinary inside access to internal Supreme Court deliberation and its arguably balanced account of the controversy surrounding many high-", "id": "14672372" }, { "contents": "Politics of Guatemala\n\n\n(FRG) majority in Congress suggested possibilities for rapid legislative action. However, under the Guatemalan Constitution of 1985, passage of many kinds of legislation requires a two-thirds vote. Passage of such legislation is not possible, therefore, with FRG votes alone. The political balance was disrupted in 2000 when allegations surfaced that the FRG had illegally altered legislation. Following an investigation, the Supreme Court stripped those involved, including President of Congress and FRG chief Ríos Montt, of their legislative immunity to face charges in the case.", "id": "11807420" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Rick Perry\n\n\n, by prohibiting abortion and same-sex marriage. He also supports abolishing life tenure for judges, empowering Congress to overrule Supreme Court decisions by a two-thirds vote, requirement of a balanced budget, and placing a limit on federal expenditures. On August 16, 2011, Perry sharply criticized the Federal Reserve, stating that it would be \"almost treacherous – or treasonous in my opinion\" to be \"printing money to play politics\". Many prominent Republicans criticized Perry for his statements. For instance, Tony Fratto,", "id": "3760283" }, { "contents": "Ex parte Wood\n\n\nEx parte Wood, 22 U.S. (9 Wheat.) 603 (1824), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that a patent could not be repealed based on summary proceedings without the opportunity for a jury trial. The case exemplifies a tradition in early 19th century United States patent caselaw in which patents were regarded specifically as an absolute property right to exclusive use of the invention, rather than requiring a balancing between public and private interests. In 1819, Jethro Wood patented a cast-iron moldboard", "id": "2972590" }, { "contents": "Campaign finance reform amendment\n\n\nprohibit political contributions or expenditures, including those made by a candidate, (2) require public disclosure of political contributions and expenditures, and (3) prohibit the courts from construing the spending of money to influence elections is not protected under the First Amendment. The amendment was proposed in response to the implications presented in the Supreme Court’s ruling in \"Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission\" (2010), a U.S. constitutional law case concerning the regulation of independent political expenditures by corporations, which the non-profit organization Citizens", "id": "6462395" }, { "contents": "Politics in Futurama\n\n\nthe episode \"A Taste of Freedom\", Doctor Zoidberg eats the flag, causing an interplanetary incident. This reflects several controversies surrounding the desecration of the American flag. The former U.S. Supreme Court has become the Earth's Supreme Court. According to Richard Nixon's head, the Earth's Supreme Court is the \"one place where the Constitution doesn't mean squat\". The current Chief Justice is Snoop Dogg while the other members of the Supreme Court are several preserved, jar heads of the members of the U.S. Supreme Court", "id": "16773606" }, { "contents": "James R. Winchester\n\n\nOklahoma political establishment by his judgements on certain issues: During Winchester's term as Chief Justice, the court issued a new rule that restricted public internet access to Supreme Court documents. The only exception was to allow access to dockets, and parties to the case were required to redact personal information before the document could be released. The justification was to balance the right of privacy of individuals against the right of public access. Chief Justice Winchester and four Associate Justices signed the order on March 11, 2008.The new rule was to take", "id": "463909" }, { "contents": "José Padilla (prisoner)\n\n\nhim into the civil criminal justice system, the Bush administration was able to forestall Supreme Court review of the president's military powers. Glenn Greenwald, journalist and former constitutional law and civil rights litigator, wrote a highly critical piece in the online magazine \"\" in September 2011. The treatment Padilla has received in the justice system is, needless to say, the polar opposite of that enjoyed by these political elites ... Literally days before it was required to justify to the U.S. Supreme Court how it could imprison an American citizen", "id": "278011" }, { "contents": "Chronology of the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis\n\n\non everything in order to produce a balance and that it comply with what is the reconciliation of the text and content of the accord.\" Zelaya indicated that he interprets the accord to mean that he should be the head of that unity government. Zelaya asks the Obama Administration to explain why, after pressing for his reinstatement, U.S. officials say they will recognize upcoming Honduran elections even if he isn't returned to power first. In a letter sent to the U.S. State Department, Zelaya asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton \"to", "id": "15800639" }, { "contents": "Wieman v. Updegraff\n\n\ncourt upheld the Act. The faculty and staff appealed to the Oklahoma Supreme Court. The Oklahoma Supreme Court upheld the Act. The faculty and staff appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which granted certiorari. Associate Justice Tom C. Clark wrote the opinion for the majority. Clark accepted the Oklahoma Supreme Court's interpretation that the Act proscribed membership in and support only for those organizations listed on the U.S. Attorney General's list as of the date of enactment. Organizations not on that list, even if communist, were required to be", "id": "16112124" }, { "contents": "Kennedy v. Louisiana\n\n\npunishment for rape of an \"adult\" woman did not apply when the victim was a child. Rather, the Louisiana Supreme Court applied a balancing test set out by the U.S. Supreme Court in more recent death penalty cases, \"Atkins v. Virginia\" and \"Roper v. Simmons\", first examining whether there is a national consensus on the punishment and then considering whether the court would find the punishment excessive. The Louisiana Supreme Court concluded that the adoption of similar laws in five other states, coupled with the unique vulnerability of", "id": "12773307" }, { "contents": "Burroughs v. United States\n\n\nBurroughs v. United States, 290 U.S. 534 (1934), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld as constitutional the financial disclosure and reporting requirements of the Federal Corrupt Practices Act. The court also held that certain counts incorporated by description in other counts of an indictment may be considered in determining the adequacy of the original certain counts. The Federal Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) as amended in 1925 required political election committees to keep a detailed account of all contributions made to or by the committee. The", "id": "3239781" }, { "contents": "Patricia Cronin\n\n\nof gay marriage), \"Memorial to a Marriage\" balances visual poetry with political protest. Although now legal, today marriage equality remains an extremely contentious political and social issue in the United States. Completed in 2002 when gay marriage was illegal in the U.S., the only legal protections available to gay and lesbian couples were about death; wills and health care proxies. Cronin created the marble mortuary statue of the two lovers, a decade before the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2012. The art historian", "id": "21845557" }, { "contents": "Same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nU.S. District Courts and Courts of Appeals have found state bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, as have several state courts. The exceptions have been a state court in Tennessee, U.S. district courts in Louisiana and Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear appeals from that circuit's decision. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalized it in all fifty states, and required states", "id": "13561278" }, { "contents": "Demographics of the Supreme Court of the United States\n\n\nthat the Supreme Court \"has never had an Hispanic Justice\", and the \"Hispanic American Almanac\" similarly reported in 1996 that \"no Hispanic has yet sat on the U.S. Supreme Court\". However, Segal and Spaeth state: \"Though it is often claimed that no Hispanics have served on the Court, it is not clear why Benjamin Cardozo, a Sephardic Jew of Spanish heritage, should not count.\" They identify a number of other sources that present conflicting views as to Cardozo's ethnicity, with one simply", "id": "18995205" }, { "contents": "Moyer v. Peabody\n\n\na new line of legal analysis. For example, one Supreme Court justice called \"Moyer\" the foundation of the \"'good-faith' analysis…of our modern doctrine of qualified immunity.\" Despite the firm grounding \"Moyer v. Peabody\" has in U.S. constitutional law, the case is considered controversial. In \"Luther v. Borden,\" 48 U.S. 1 (1849), the U.S. Supreme Court had established the \"political question\" test, in which a court may refuse to rule because the issue is political", "id": "22007719" }, { "contents": "Adam Winkler\n\n\nU.S. Supreme Court and numerous lower courts. His book \"Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America\" details the importance of the right to bear arms throughout American history, while also showing how that right has been balanced with laws to enhance gun safety since the founding era. Leading gun-rights advocate Dave Kopel called \"Gunfight\" \"one of the few genuinely moderate books ever written on\" the right to bear arms. Winkler has also written extensively on the political speech rights of corporations, work", "id": "12397754" }, { "contents": "Alliance for Open Society International\n\n\nWhile the appeal was pending, the government again revised the affiliate guidelines. In July 2011, the Second Circuit held that the requirement was unconstitutional and that the new affiliate guidelines did not cure the violation. The Supreme Court granted review in January 2013. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in \"Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International, Inc.\" that the requirement was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court explained that the requirement would \"plainly violate the First Amendment\" if “enacted as a direct regulation of", "id": "6362348" }, { "contents": "History of same-sex marriage in the United States\n\n\nCourts of Appeals have found state bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, as have several state courts. The exceptions have been a state court in Tennessee, U.S. district courts in Louisiana and Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear appeals from that circuit's decision. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalized it in all fifty states, and required states to honor out-", "id": "1898460" }, { "contents": "Oregon Supreme Court\n\n\ndispute is based on state law, federal law, or a combination of both, with a few exceptions. Thus the Oregon Supreme Court can hear appeals for cases based on both federal and state law. Although the U.S. Supreme Court is the only court that can overturn decisions of the Oregon court, Oregon Supreme Court decisions as to federal law are only binding on other Oregon state level courts. Federal courts are not required to follow the decisions of the Oregon Supreme Court for decisions based on federal law, regardless as to if", "id": "3173388" }, { "contents": "Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo\n\n\nMiami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 418 U.S. 241 (1974), was a United States Supreme Court case that overturned a Florida state law requiring newspapers to allow equal space in their newspapers to political candidates in the case of a political editorial or endorsement content. The court held that while the statute does not \"prevent [newspapers] from saying anything [they] wish\" it \"exacts a penalty on the basis of the content.\" Because newspapers are economically finite enterprises, \"editors may conclude that the safe course", "id": "1877244" }, { "contents": "Varnum v. Brien\n\n\nEighty-six years before \"separate but equal\" was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in \"Brown v. Board of Education\", the Iowa Supreme Court ruled such practices unconstitutional in Iowa. In 1869, Iowa was the first state in the union to admit women to the bar and allow them to practice law. Three years later the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the State of Illinois's decision to \"deny\" women admission to the bar. The Court stated that the equal protection clause of the Iowa Constitution requires that", "id": "8172446" }, { "contents": "Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Aguirre-Aguirre\n\n\nmay be subject to persecution if returned to his home country.\" The Ninth Circuit ruled that the \"political nature of the offenses would be more difficult to accept if they involved acts of an atrocious nature,\" such as indiscriminate massacre of civilians. But the BIA did not dispute that this, in the abstract, \"may be important in applying the serious nonpolitical crime exception.\" Thus, the Supreme Court decided that \"the BIA's determination that (h)(2)(c) requires no additional balancing of the risk of persecution rests", "id": "15243266" }, { "contents": "Edward C. Lawson\n\n\nreceived political support at the time from prominent Black leaders including Jesse Jackson, activist/comedian Dick Gregory, U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters D-Los Angeles, U.S. Congressman John Conyers D-Detroit. Lawson's Supreme Court brief was accompanied by amici curiae briefs from the ACLU, the National Lawyers Guild, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and others. In 1983, Carl Stern, the \"CBS Evening News\" U.S. Supreme Court reporter commented that this case was the most reported U.S. Supreme Court case that year. Stern", "id": "11763783" }, { "contents": "Notary public\n\n\nbelief in God, as required by the Maryland Constitution, was found by the United States Supreme Court in \"Torcaso v. Watkins\", to be unconstitutional. Historically, some states required that a notary be a citizen of the United States. However, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of \"Bernal v. Fainter\" , declared that to be impermissible. In the U.S., there are reports of notaries (or people claiming to be notaries) having taken advantage of the differing roles of notaries in common law and civil", "id": "1711323" }, { "contents": "Tom Vilsack\n\n\naccess. It required purchasers to show identification and sign a log book. It took effect on May 21, 2005. Following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in \"Kelo v. City of New London\" in June 2005, Vilsack vetoed a bill to restrict Iowa's use of eminent domain, citing its potential for negative impact on job creation. He said: \"You have an interesting balance between job growth, which everybody supports, and restricting the power of government, which a lot of people support\". His veto was", "id": "12432071" }, { "contents": "Taxing and Spending Clause\n\n\nThis provision, when also combined with the bicameral nature of Congress and the quorum requirements of both the Senate and the House of Representatives, serves as a constitutional check and balance on the legislature itself, preventing most spending that in effect does not implicitly have broad support with respect to both representational popular will in the House of Representatives and inter-regional approval in the Senate. Congress attempted to limit appropriations logrolling via riders with the Line Item Veto Act of 1996. The U.S. Supreme Court later struck down the act on grounds that", "id": "2794664" }, { "contents": "Ballot access\n\n\nof these cases from the 1970s–1990s: The Supreme Court has not expressly ruled on the maximum level of restrictions that can be imposed on an otherwise qualified candidate or political party seeking ballot access. As a result, lower courts have often reached difficult conclusions about whether a particular ballot access rule is unconstitutional. Requiring an otherwise eligible candidate or political party to obtain signatures greater than 5% of the eligible voters in the previous election may be unconstitutional. This is based on \"Jenness v. Fortson,\" 403 U.S. 431 (1971)", "id": "5003518" }, { "contents": "Scott Walker (politician)\n\n\npublished pending completion of court review. On May 26, Judge Sumi struck down the law, finding that its passage violated state open meetings laws. The Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed Sumi's ruling and upheld the law on June 14, 2011. Walker claimed the law would \"save jobs, protect taxpayers, reform government and help balance the budget.\" He added, \"You see, despite a lot of the rhetoric we've heard over the past 11 days the bill I put forward isn't aimed at state workers,", "id": "14821971" }, { "contents": "Politics of Virginia\n\n\nof Virginia unsuccessfully appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. After U.S. Senator William Mahone and the Readjuster Party lost control of Virginia politics around 1883, white Democrats regained the state legislature. They proceeded to use statute and a new constitution in 1901, with provisions such as a poll tax, residency requirements, and literacy test to disfranchise most African Americans and many poor whites. Their disfranchisement lasted until after passage of civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s. White Democrats created a one-party state, with a nearly unchallenged majority of state", "id": "17498347" }, { "contents": "NAACP v. Button\n\n\n, the first issue before the court was a procedural one. In \"Harrison v. NAACP\", the Supreme Court had ordered the district court to remand the case back to the state courts for disposition. However, the district court was to still maintain jurisdiction over the issue. The question before the Supreme Court was whether the NAACP could appeal the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals' ruling directly to the U.S Supreme Court, or was the NAACP required to go through the federal district court again? Brennan held that although the federal", "id": "3624445" }, { "contents": "Appointment and confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States\n\n\non the elderly justices, but Roosevelt's actual purpose was to pack the Court with justices who would support New Deal policies and legislation. This plan, usually called the \"Court-packing Plan\", failed in Congress and proved a political disaster for Roosevelt. The balance of the Court shifted with the retirement of Willis Van Devanter and the confirmation of Hugo Black in August 1937. By the end of 1941, Roosevelt had appointed seven Supreme Court justices and elevated Harlan Fiske Stone to chief justice. It is also possible that", "id": "1216586" }, { "contents": "Notary public (United States)\n\n\n, as required by the Maryland Constitution, was found by the United States Supreme Court in \"Torcaso v. Watkins\", to be unconstitutional. Historically, some states required that a notary be a citizen of the United States. However, the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of \"Bernal v. Fainter\" , declared that to be impermissible. In the U.S., there are reports of notaries (or people claiming to be notaries) having taken advantage of the differing roles of notaries in common law and civil law jurisdictions to", "id": "19359285" }, { "contents": "Bibb v. Navajo Freight Lines, Inc.\n\n\nstandards that would affect interstate carriers in a way that would conflict with the standards of another State. The Supreme Court held that the Illinois law was unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, technically the Dormant Commerce Clause. In \"Bibb v. Navajo Freight Lines\", 359 U.S. 520, 524 (1959), the Supreme Court stated: The court was unanimous, but Justice Harlan filed a concurrence, which was joined by Justice Stewart. To find the statute unconstitutional, the Court balanced the benefit of the regulation to the state (", "id": "13966928" }, { "contents": "List of European Court of Human Rights judgments\n\n\na condemning resolution This 2003 case involved balancing the right of freedom of speech against the rights of private property owners. The issue was whether shopping centers in new towns, by assuming the functions of traditional high streets, must also assume the responsibility of serving as a public forum. The Court considered but declined to follow the decision of the Supreme Court of California in the landmark case of \"Robins v. Pruneyard Shopping Center\" (affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in \"Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins\" (1980)).", "id": "4435509" }, { "contents": "Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984\n\n\nsystems in communities with 3,500 or more subscribers. Cable companies saw the regulation by the federal government as an unlawful intrusion into their business practices and immediately started to challenge its legality. In the court case \"United States v. Midwest Video Corp.,\" the Midwest Video Corporation sued the FCC for overstepping its authority in requiring Public-access television channels. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the FCC's requirements for local origination facilities. However, in 1979, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Midwest Video Corp. stating that the FCC", "id": "14950279" }, { "contents": "Gideon v. Wainwright\n\n\nGideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335 (1963), is a landmark case in United States Supreme Court history. In it, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states are required under the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to provide an attorney to defendants in criminal cases who are unable to afford their own attorneys. The case extended the right to counsel, which had been found under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to impose requirements on the federal government, by imposing those requirements upon the states as well. Between midnight and 8:00", "id": "15766616" }, { "contents": "California Courts of Appeal\n\n\npanels. The Court became so overloaded that it frequently issued summary dispositions in minor cases, meaning that it was merely saying \"affirmed\" or \"reversed\" without saying why. The state's second Constitution, enacted in 1879, halted that practice by expressly requiring the Court to issue every dispositive decision in writing \"with reasons stated.\" In 1889, the Legislature authorized the Supreme Court to appoint five commissioners to help with its work. Despite implementing all these measures, the Supreme Court was no longer able to keep up", "id": "701361" }, { "contents": "Knox v. Service Employees International Union, Local 1000\n\n\nKnox v. Service Employees International Union, 567 U.S. 298 (2012), is a US constitutional law case. The United States Supreme Court held in a 7-2 decision that Dianne Knox and other non-members of the Service Employees International Union did not receive the required notice of a $12 million assessment the union charged them to raise money for the union's political fund. In a tighter 5-4 ruling, the court further held that the long-standing precedent, the First Amendment requirement that non-union", "id": "13095660" }, { "contents": "Faye Wattleton\n\n\npregnancy endangered their life or the life of their child. There weren't many cases fought on the U.S. Supreme Court level in the 1980s until the Webster v. Reproductive Health Services in 1989. In this decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Missouri ban on abortions after 24 gestational weeks. In 1990, the Court ruled that minors must notify both parents before seeking an abortion unless they sought a \"judicial bypass\". And Planned Parenthood v. Casey 1992, the Supreme Court ruled that states can make laws concerning certain requirements to", "id": "5908578" }, { "contents": "Nebraska Supreme Court\n\n\nThe Nebraska Supreme Court is the highest court in the U.S. state of Nebraska. The court consists of a chief justice and six associate justices. Each justice is initially appointed by the governor of Nebraska; using the Missouri Plan, each justice is then subject to a retention vote for additional six-year terms. The six justices each represent a Supreme Court district; the chief justice is appointed (and retained) at-large. Unlike most other states, with the exception of North Dakota, the Nebraska Supreme Court requires a", "id": "14429567" }, { "contents": "Abortion in Iowa\n\n\nthat it is almost impossible that it could end up in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, as the U.S. Supreme Court does not review Supreme Court decisions concerning state constitutional questions. In response to Judge Michael Huppert's ruling that Iowa’s heartbeat abortion ban violates the state Constitution, anti-abortion legislators have filed legislation to amend the state constitution to state, “that the Constitution of the State of Iowa does not secure or protect a right to or require the funding of abortion.” The resolutions proposing to amend Iowa's", "id": "14798183" }, { "contents": "Montana District Courts\n\n\n, the new state constitution extended the terms of District Judges to six years. In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in , Western Tradition Partnership, a group which promotes free market solutions to environmental problems, sued to overturn the 1935 law. The Montana Supreme Court upheld the law in But a year later, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the ruling in , which opened the door to vastly increased PAC and political party spending on judicial races in Montana. In 2012, a \"Frontline\" documentary, \"Big", "id": "15512322" }, { "contents": "Richard Burr\n\n\ninvestigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Burr opposes the DISCLOSE act, which would require political ads include information about who funded the ad. Burr supports the decision on \"Citizens United\" by the U.S. Supreme Court, which allowed unions and corporations but not regular citizens to spend an unlimited amount of money leading up to political elections. Burr believes the government should have less control over the banking industry, and was critical after the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined Wells Fargo $185 million and required they pay back", "id": "12031727" }, { "contents": "Ray v. Blair\n\n\nRay v. Blair, 343 U.S. 214 (1952), is a major decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. It was a case on state political parties requiring of presidential electors to pledge to vote for the party's nominees before being certified as electors. It ruled that it is constitutional for states to allow parties to require such a pledge of their candidates for elector, and that it was not a breach of otherwise qualified candidates' rights to be denied this position if they refused the pledge. However, the", "id": "10599186" }, { "contents": "James A. Garfield\n\n\nin their places. Robertson was confirmed as Collector and Garfield's victory was clear. To Blaine's chagrin, the victorious Garfield returned to his goal of balancing the interests of party factions, and nominated a number of Conkling's Stalwart friends to offices. In 1880, President Hayes had nominated Stanley Matthews to the Supreme Court of the United States. The U.S. Senate declined to act on the Matthews nomination. In March 1881, Garfield re-nominated Matthews to the Supreme Court. The Senate confirmed Matthews to the high Court by", "id": "18722361" }, { "contents": "Judgment (law)\n\n\nas it necessarily requires the court to engage in thoughtful consideration of the cases presented. However, the Court also noted that the exercise of providing reasons for judgment is contextual and the standard of what is acceptable for a judgment will vary depending on the circumstances. The court appears to propose that the ultimate requirement is the court explaining, in some way, why it has made the decision in question. The UK Supreme Court has stated that where there has been a relatively long and expensive hearing/trial, it is important that", "id": "2086774" }, { "contents": "James L. Holloway Jr.\n\n\nthe Navy, you had to be appointed by the President with the approval of Congress. This is the procedure and requirement for the seating of a Supreme Court judge or an ambassador. This is why a naval officer must have his chin out at all times.\" Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt Jr., a lieutenant commander in BuPers from 1953–1955, remembered Holloway as \"the superior who most impressed me when I was a young officer.\" He married the former Jean Gordon Hagood, daughter of U.S. Army Major General Johnson Hagood,", "id": "16895953" }, { "contents": "Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination\n\n\narisen in 1895, when a Republican-led Senate confirmed Democrat Grover Cleveland's nomination of Rufus Wheeler Peckham to the Court in a voice vote. Political commentators at the time widely recognized Scalia as one of the most conservative members of the Court, and noted that a more liberal replacement could shift the Court's ideological balance for many years into the future. The confirmation of Garland would have given Democratic appointees a majority on the Supreme Court for the first time since the 1970 confirmation of Harry Blackmun. This vacancy arose during Obama", "id": "1098854" }, { "contents": "History of Social Security in the United States\n\n\nthe President would get to appoint six new Justices to the Supreme Court (and 44 judges to lower federal courts), thus instantly tipping the political balance on the Court dramatically in his favor. The debate on this proposal was heated and widespread, and lasted over six months. Beginning with a set of decisions in March, April, and May, 1937 (including the Social Security Act cases), the Court would sustain a series of New Deal legislation. Two Supreme Court rulings affirmed the constitutionality of the Social Security Act", "id": "17696262" }, { "contents": "Chris Christie\n\n\n, the seven-member New Jersey Supreme Court maintains a political balance and is composed of four members of either the Democratic Party or Republican Party and three of the other. Christie broke with the tradition in May 2010 when he chose not to renominate Justice John E. Wallace Jr. Christie had said the court \"had inappropriately encroached on both the executive and legislative function, and that if elected governor, I would take steps through the decisions I made regarding the court to bring back an appropriate constitutional balance to the court.\" Since", "id": "10325956" }, { "contents": "Advisory opinion\n\n\nstates require their supreme court to give advisory opinions on particular matters, such as whether proposed amendments to the state constitution violate the U.S. Constitution. Eight states have provisions in their constitutions permitting or requiring their supreme courts to give advisory opinions to the governor or legislature (Colorado, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and South Dakota), and Alabama and Delaware provide for supreme court advisory opinions by statute. The only book-length study of state advisory opinions, which collects the texts of all", "id": "4660590" }, { "contents": "American Community Survey\n\n\nof a citizen's right to privacy or speech. The court's decision was later affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and the U.S. Supreme Court denied petition for writ of certiorari. Additionally, a number of other courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have consistently held through the years that the census and the questions in the census are authorized by both the Constitution and statute. In 2002, the GAO confirmed that the Census Bureau has authority to conduct the survey and \"require responses from", "id": "17023899" }, { "contents": "Court dress\n\n\ntrousers when appearing in court, but pantsuits are now widely accepted. Like judges, American attorneys do not wear wigs. Until the 1970s, morning dress was required of all attorneys appearing before the United States Supreme Court by the Court's rules. Even after the Court abolished the requirement, the Office of the Solicitor General maintained the practice. When the Solicitor General (or any of the deputies) appears before the U.S. Supreme Court, they wear morning dress, with striped trousers, grey ascot, waistcoat, and a cutaway", "id": "20047889" }, { "contents": "LaGrand case\n\n\nlast person executed by that method in the United States. Germany then initiated legal action in the International Court of Justice against the United States regarding Walter LaGrand. Hours before Walter LaGrand was due to be executed, Germany applied for the Court to grant a provisional court order, requiring the United States to delay the execution of Walter LaGrand, which the court granted. Germany then initiated action in the U.S. Supreme Court for enforcement of the provisional order. In its judgment, the U.S. Supreme Court held that it lacked jurisdiction with respect", "id": "18665047" }, { "contents": "Bruce Allen Murphy\n\n\npromote a variety of political reforms. The book sparked a national debate about the ethics of extrajudicial activities by Supreme Court justices. In 1988, Professor Murphy's second book, \"Fortas: The Rise and Ruin of a Supreme Court Justice,\" followed the life and career of Abe Fortas who resigned from the U.S. Supreme Court after his close political ties to President Lyndon B. Johnson and his financial relationship with Louis Wolfson, a potential litigant before the Court, came to light. Published by William Morrow & Co.. A later", "id": "21511092" }, { "contents": "Supreme Court of Pakistan\n\n\nThe jurists/judges do not represent or receive the official political endorsements from the nation's political parties which is an acceptable professional practice in the executive branch of the government. As their American counterparts in the U.S. Supreme Court, the Jurists philosophical leanings in the Supreme Court are often categorized as conservative, moderate, liberal, and textualist that reflected in their judicial interpretation of the judgements in the impending cases of importance. In 1947, Governor-General Muhammad Ali Jinnah confirmed the nomination of Justice Sir Abdul Rashid, at the behest", "id": "11184646" }, { "contents": "Gun politics in the United States\n\n\npart of the \"Heller\" decision, the majority endorsed the view that the Second Amendment protects an individual, not unlimited, right to own guns. Political scientist Robert Spitzer and Supreme Court law clerk Gregory P. Magarian argued that this final decision by the Supreme Court was a misinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution. After the \"Heller\" decision there was an increased amount of attention on whether or not the Second Amendment applies to the states. In 2010 in the case of \"McDonald v. City Chicago\", the Supreme Court ruled", "id": "7238757" }, { "contents": "Ex parte Levitt\n\n\nbe allowed to take the seat of an Associate Justice. Hughes told him to do so in writing, and Levitt then filed a pro se motion in the Supreme Court requesting leave to petition for an order requiring Black to show cause why he should be permitted to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. In a brief per curiam opinion, the court dismissed the case for want of standing: The grounds of this motion are that the appointment of Mr. Justice Black by the President and the confirmation thereof by the Senate", "id": "9923775" }, { "contents": "Mortgage Specialists, Inc. v. Implode-Explode Heavy Industries, Inc.\n\n\ncourt had originally required that Implode comply with Mortgage Specialists' request. The Supreme Court adopted the \"Dendrite\" test, holding that \"the qualified privilege to speak anonymously requires the trial court to 'balanc[e] ... the equities and rights at issue,' thus ensuring that a plaintiff alleging defamation has a valid reason for piercing the speaker's anonymity.\" The court then vacated the trial court's decision and remanded the case on this issue. The final component of the case examined whether Implode could be restricted from further publishing", "id": "5834135" }, { "contents": "Political finance\n\n\nof expression. Britain applies a spending limit for constituency candidates since 1883. Canada was the first democracy to add campaign limits for national party organizations in 1974 and spending limits for constituency nomination contestants in 2004. The U.S. Supreme Court (in \"Buckley v. Valeo\" 424 U.S. 1 (1976) has struck down spending limits because they interfere with free speech rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In order to be effective all limits require careful monitoring and serious enforcement backed up by adequate sanctions. Among the rules,", "id": "15677660" }, { "contents": "Lawyer\n\n\nregularly on behalf of foreign clients. Others require all lawyers to live in the jurisdiction or to even hold national citizenship as a prerequisite for receiving a license to practice. But the trend in industrialized countries since the 1970s has been to abolish citizenship and residency restrictions. For example, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down a citizenship requirement on equality rights grounds in 1989, and similarly, American citizenship and residency requirements were struck down as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 and 1985, respectively. The European Court of Justice", "id": "17642704" }, { "contents": "Rodríguez v. Popular Democratic Party\n\n\nRodríguez v. Popular Democratic Party, 457 U.S. 1 (1982), was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States heard on appeal from the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico whether Puerto Rico may by statute vest in a political party the power to fill an interim vacancy in the Puerto Rico Legislature. The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico held that such a procedure did not violate the United States Constitution, and the US Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. The case was of some interest", "id": "16797381" }, { "contents": "Dog-whistle politics\n\n\n's criticism during the 2004 presidential campaign of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1857 \"Dred Scott\" decision denying the U.S. citizenship of any African American. To most listeners the criticism seemed innocuous, Safire wrote, but \"sharp-eared observers\" understood the remark to be a pointed reminder that Supreme Court decisions can be reversed, and a signal that, if re-elected, Bush might nominate to the Supreme Court a justice who would overturn \"Roe v. Wade\". This view is echoed in a 2004 \"Los Angeles", "id": "4606666" }, { "contents": "State Bar of Wisconsin\n\n\nThe State Bar of Wisconsin (SBW) is the integrated (mandatory) bar association of the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The State Bar of Wisconsin was organized on January 9, 1878, as a voluntary association; its first president was Moses M. Strong. In 1956, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ordered the Bar to become an integrated bar; membership would be a requirement to practice law in Wisconsin courts. In 1988, a federal court ruled this requirement unconstitutional, leading the Wisconsin Supreme Court to suspend enforcement of the mandatory membership", "id": "4806803" }, { "contents": "Paul G. Cassell\n\n\nbeen a leading critic of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in \"Miranda v. Arizona\". In 2002, the Supreme Court invited Cassell to argue in defense of a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which had held that a federal statute had superseded the requirements of the decision. A majority of the Court ultimately rejected Cassell’s argument, with Justices Scalia and Thomas dissenting to endorse the position. Cassell has published a detailed empirical analysis concerning the harmful effects of the \"Miranda\" decision, including", "id": "19582882" }, { "contents": "José Joaquim Almeida\n\n\nthe return of the vessel to its Spanish owners. However, the decision was appealed and its execution was suspended until the final appeal was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1822. In the Supreme Court, Almeida's defender, Winder, held that \"a conviction by a competent court [the Prize Court of Venezuela] is conclusive\" and that the Supreme Court was required to comply. Spain's attorney, David Hoffman, future law professor at the University of Maryland and author of a treatise that would be used as", "id": "881930" }, { "contents": "Robert Bork\n\n\nYork City. Feminist Florynce Kennedy addressed the conference on the importance of defeating the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court, saying, \"We're going to \"bork\" him. We're going to kill him politically ... This little creep, where did he come from?\" Thomas was subsequently confirmed after the most divisive confirmation hearing in Supreme Court history to that point. In March 2002, the \"Oxford English Dictionary\" added an entry for the verb \"bork\" as U.S. political slang, with this", "id": "880187" }, { "contents": "Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel of Supreme Court of Ohio\n\n\nZauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel of Supreme Court of Ohio, 471 U.S. 626 (1985), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that states can require an advertiser to disclose certain information without violating the advertiser's First Amendment free speech protections as long as the disclosure requirements are reasonably related to the State's interest in preventing deception of consumers. The decision effected identified that some commercial speech may have weaker First Amendment free speech protections than non-commercial speech and that states can compel such commercial speech", "id": "19498002" }, { "contents": "Richard Cordray\n\n\nfor \"The New Republic\", Timothy Noah, a supporter of Cordray, wrote, \"As someone who strongly supported a recess appointment for Richard Cordray to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I'm confused as to why President Obama chose to act today. ... The trouble is that the Senate isn't in recess.\" The United States Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision on June 26, 2014, that vacated Cordray's appointment and several other recess appointments, in NLRB v. Noel Canning, determining that the Senate was", "id": "17825953" }, { "contents": "Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court nomination\n\n\nelection year, the seventh time a seat has become vacant during one since 1900. Political commentators at the time widely recognized Scalia as one of the most conservative members of the Court, and noted that President Barack Obama had an opportunity to name a more liberal replacement, a move that could alter the Court's ideological balance for many years into the future. The president ultimately nominated Merrick Garland on March 16, 2016. His confirmation would have given Democratic appointees a majority on the Supreme Court for the first time since the 1970s", "id": "11159462" }, { "contents": "Abraham Lincoln\n\n\n. Democrat Stephen Johnson Field, a previous California Supreme Court justice, provided geographic and political balance. Finally, Lincoln's Treasury Secretary, Salmon P. Chase, became Chief Justice. Lincoln believed Chase was an able jurist, would support Reconstruction legislation, and that his appointment united the Republican Party. Lincoln appointed 32 federal judges, including four Associate Justices and one Chief Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States, and 27 judges to the United States district courts. Lincoln appointed no judges to the United States circuit courts during", "id": "507" }, { "contents": "Constitution of Liberia\n\n\nrequiring Supreme Court justices to have been counselors of the Supreme Court Bar for at least five years and requiring all other judges to have been either practicing attorneys for three years or a member of the Supreme Court Bar. Article 89 of the Constitution mandates the establishment of three independent agencies: While the 1847 Constitution had provided for political rights similar to those expressed in the United States Bill of Rights, the current constitution expands these rights to include a variety of economic and social rights. For instance, Article 6 provides for equal access", "id": "4869609" }, { "contents": "Racial segregation in the United States\n\n\nnumber of black leaders were allowed to vote across the Deep South. The legitimacy of laws requiring segregation of blacks was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1896 case of \"Plessy v. Ferguson\", 163 U.S. 537. The Supreme Court sustained the constitutionality of a Louisiana statute that required railroad companies to provide \"separate but equal\" accommodations for white and black passengers, and prohibited whites and blacks from using railroad cars that were not assigned to their race. \"Plessy\" thus allowed segregation, which became standard throughout the", "id": "13446035" }, { "contents": "Jeff Clements\n\n\n, Clements represented several public interest organizations with a U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief in the Citizens United case. Clements argued: \"[w]hether or not the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United explicitly addresses 'corporate rights' under the Constitution, a holding that overrules Austin and McConnell would rest on the remarkable - and erroneous - assumption that the Constitution provides corporations with First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights equivalent to those of people for purposes of political expenditures.\" Following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, Clements", "id": "1809896" }, { "contents": "Supreme Court of New Jersey\n\n\nDiscrimination, which the court unanimously agreed applied to the BSA. The U.S. Supreme Court reversed in \"Boy Scouts of America v. Dale\", 530 U.S. 640 (2000), a 5–4 decision. \"Apprendi v. New Jersey\", a later ruling, was also overruled. In a 4–2 vote in 2000, the court struck down a law signed by Governor Christine Whitman requiring parental notification when abortions were performed on minor children. The court held that the privacy rights of the minors were paramount and were guaranteed by New Jersey", "id": "6618111" }, { "contents": "Barry E. Friedman\n\n\nObamacare and the Court: Handing Health Policy Back to the People\" Foreign Affairs (July 16, 2012) \"Was John Roberts Being Political? At the High Court, Law and Politics Come Together. It’s the Politicization of the Court That Should Make Us Worried\" Slate (July 2, 2012) (with Dahlia Lithwick) \"Why Are Americans Losing Trust in the Supreme Court?\" The Nation (June 18, 2012) \"Justice by the Numbers: When it comes to deciding the future of Obamacare,", "id": "7351368" }, { "contents": "Midnight Judges Act\n\n\nThe Midnight Judges Act (also known as the Judiciary Act of 1801; , and officially An act to provide for the more convenient organization of the Courts of the United States) represented an effort to solve an issue in the U.S. Supreme Court during the early 19th century. There was concern, beginning in 1789, about the system that required the Justices of the Supreme Court to \"ride circuit\" and reiterate decisions made in the appellate level courts. The Supreme Court Justices had often voiced concern and suggested that the judges of", "id": "1329228" } ]
How did South Korea go from being a completely backwards and impoverished nation to one of the world's top economies in 60 years?
[{"answer": "They Westernized very quickly. They have a very free economy, and I assume they have quite a bit of financial help from the USA and other western countries."}, {"answer": "Lots of people like to dump on Capitalism because it doesn't address some social issues (poverty is a big one). Despite all of this, Capitalism is the best way to turn a country from being dirt poor to wealthy and developed. So it goes like this, poor people are just scraping by, but then a factory comes in with some menial jobs that pay \"low\" wages by the standard of the developed world and suck and are dangerous, but are actually pretty decent compared to what previously existed (which is why people choose to work in sweat shops). Then more companies realize the country isn't a total craphole anymore, and come make more factories. The demand for workers increases and so do the wages. Eventually, child labor stops and children get educations (maybe not great ones, but better than nothing). Those children grow up and get better jobs than their parents ever had. Tldr: if you have the rule of law, property rights, and capitalism, you can go from third world to first world in a couple generations."}, {"answer": "I think it would be more correct to say they *modernized* very quickly, rather than Westernized. Korea (like Japan) has very high standards of living and economic productivity because it is modern, but it isn't really a Western country."}, {"answer": "There are several reasons - all of which intertwined seemed to create a \"perfect storm\" of development which can be traced back to cultural reasons and the specific circumstances of the country (in no particular order): a) Extremely hard working and very high social value given to education. b) Very low levels of corruption and theft. c) Relatively homogeneous population with a sense of community and support for each other (especially after the trauma of the civil war and the hunger that came after it) both in the present and in the future (idea of leaving a legacy to the children) d) Culture that values stability and order, respect for elderly and family support. e) Political elite pushing for strong economic development through economic conglomerates. f) Openness to learning from other countries (mostly US) g) Geographically small country, easily accessible in most places and relatively easy to manage."}, {"answer": "They actually make stuff there. Samsung is in S. Korea."}, {"answer": "Here is what I know. Up till the 60's North Korea was far better developed compared to South Korea due to the backing of the Soviet Union and China. Since South Korea's first President Rhee Syng-man, South Korea was politically very unstable. South Korea was backed by the U.S. ,but if you know you're history. There was a lot going on in America in the 60's: Cuban missile crisis, civil rights movement, JFK assassination, space race, Vietnam war, and etc. So that is where Park Chung-hee comes in picture. On May 16, 1961, then Major-General Park and his military allies launch a military coup. The coup was successful and even the U.S. government recognized the new government. Park then won the election in 1963 and served as President 6 terms till his assassination in 1979. Park Chung-hee ruled South Korea like a dictator with laws: not allowing men to grow out hair, women can't wear miniskirts, curfew, and etc. Having a KGB type state police that would arrest/kidnap people torture and/or killing them, if they had a plot against the government or were linked to North Korea. Park's decision to work with Japan was very unpopular. Korea was only freed from Japan rule 20 decades then. Park was actually an officer in the Manchukuo Army. Park and his military/government allies were all fluent in Japanese. However this Japanese relationship is what helped South Korea rapidly grow. Park's government introduced Chaebol ideology, which comes from Japan. Where a company does only work in one industry, but are intertwined in multiple industry. Hyundai is a good example. Hyundai cars are made in Hyundai factories, transported on Hyundai trucks, transported on Hyundai freighter and sold overseas. Park introduced the Five-Year Plans of South Korea. Park's government also helped created the freeway, which really helped by connecting the capital, Seoul to Busan/Pohang a port city. Park also kept a close relationship with the U.S. government. Even sending 320k troops to Vietnam during the war and being vocal against Communistism and North Korea. Park even went to the extremes by sending small number of troops into North Korea without the approval from the U.S. Through aid during Vietnam war, U.S. government aided South Korea with tens of millions dollars from funding, technology transfer, investment, loans, grants and etc. So here you have Park Chung-hee who left a very odd legacy. A dictator in one hand, but without him South Korea would be very different now. By the way Park Chung-hee's daughter ,Park Geun Hye was just elected as South Korea's first female President."}, {"answer": "I thought this was /r/AskHistorians at first... Anyways, it's a very complicated issue, They still have rampant corruption and they were a military dictatorship until the 70s. The current president, Park Geun-hye, is the daughter of Park Chung-hee, President of South Korea from 1963 to 1979. Her father, is credited with the industrialization and rapid economic growth of South Korea through export-oriented industrialization. However he was very anti-democratic and he fought against reforms to make Korea more democratic. One opinion is insisting that he was the pro-Japanese dictator and brought the downfall of the economy. On the other hand, the other opinion is insisting that by Park's works The Republic of Korea could be successful. Older generations who spent their adulthood during Park's dictatorship credit Park for building the economic foundation of the country and protecting the country from the communist North. However, the newer generations, including those who fought for democratization, tend to believe his authoritarian rule was unjustified and corrupt, and that dictator Park hindered South Korea's shift to democracy."}, {"answer": "Read Ha-Joon Chang's book Bad Samaritans. He specializes in development economics and he happens to be South Korean. Some of the history he talks about is fascinating. Did anyone know the UK/US had the highest import tariffs in the world up to the 1950s? So much for industrializing under \"free markets\". URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Korean- kinda American here. To be honest, our government is quite corrupted. There were dictatorship and coups when we first got the \"democracy\" and our congress often have a fist fight with each other, literally. Well, there are many factors that played in to our economic boom. Government's policy such as Park Chung Hee's five year plan is one of them. However, I would say most important factor was patriotism for the nation. When we had an IMF-crisis in 1997, the whole nation came as one to help our government pay the bill. There was a gold drive through out the country where citizens gave away their precious gold such as engagement ring or passing mother's jewelry to help the government. I find it very hard to picture that happening in U.S. The whole phenomenon is called as Miracle on the Han River, the river that runs through Seoul."}, {"answer": "I think it's important to note that it was a combination of capitalism and military dictatorship. The government has evolved to a democracy. China's growth is somewhat similar. Basically if you have a lot of money and government will power (with no distractions from having to win the next election in say 2 years), you have the potential grow an economy quickly."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24511958", "title": "Korea International Cooperation Agency", "section": "Section::::Mission.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Due to the continuously changing trends in development assistance efforts and practices, KOICA is striving to adapt to these changes by using its limited financial resources effectively in areas where Korea has a comparative advantage. In particular, Korea has the unique experience of developing from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the most economically advanced, as recently demonstrated by South Korea's entry into the OECD DAC (Development Assistance Committee) on November 25, 2009. The know-how and experience Korea gained from this transition are invaluable assets that allow KOICA to efficiently support the sustainable socio-economic development of its partner countries and to offer them hope for a better world. In the wake of the devastating 1950 Korean War, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world.", "Due to the continuously changing trends in development assistance efforts and practices, KOICA is striving to adapt to these changes by using its limited financial resources effectively in areas where Korea has a comparative advantage. In particular, Korea has the unique experience of developing from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the most economically advanced, as recently demonstrated by South Korea's entry into the OECD DAC (Development Assistance Committee) on November 25, 2009. The know-how and experience Korea gained from this transition are invaluable assets that allow KOICA to efficiently support the sustainable socio-economic development of its partner countries and to offer them hope for a better world. In the wake of the devastating 1950 Korean War, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. The war destroyed two-thirds of South Korea's national production capacity and sent unemployment rates soaring. In 1961, nearly a decade after the wars end, South Korea's per-"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Education in South Korea\n\n\nsuccess, as well as the passion for excellence has helped the resource poor country rapidly grow its economy over the past 60 years from a war-torn wasteland. South Korea's zeal for education and its students’ desires to get into a prestigious university is one of the highest in the world, as the entrance into a top tier higher educational institution leads to a prestigious, secure and well-paid white collar job with the government, banks, a major South Korean conglomerate such as Samsung, Hyundai or LG Electronics.", "id": "10245954" }, { "contents": "Economy of Asia\n\n\nThe economy of Asia comprises more than 4.5 billion people (60% of the world population) living in 49 different nations. Six further states lie partly in Asia, but are considered to belong to another region economically and politically. Asia is the fastest growing economic region, as well as the largest continental economy by both GDP Nominal and PPP in the world. China, Japan, India, South Korea and Indonesia are currently the top five economies in Asia. Moreover, Asia is the site of some of the world's", "id": "712710" }, { "contents": "Universal Credit\n\n\nincomes. Some claimants even could be over £4,000 a year worse off. Some people cannot find work except by being self-employed and such people will be discouraged from starting a business. Frank Field said, \"Given what we now know about the hundreds of thousands of workers in the gig economy who earn less than the national living wage, it begs the question as to how many grafters and entrepreneurs are going to be further impoverished, or pushed deeper into debt, as a result of this new hole being", "id": "1240800" }, { "contents": "Sport in South Korea\n\n\ncurrently playing for the Bengal Warriors. In the 2016 Kabaddi World cup, Korea finished in 3rd place in the tournament, as they lost to Iran in the semi-finals. Korea was the only team to beat the eventual winners and world champions India in the tournament. Korea was also invited to participate in the 2018 Dubai Kabaddi Masters as being among the top 4 Kabaddi playing nations in the world. Cricket is not that common, but South Korea did enter a national team during the 2014 Asian Games which saw them beat", "id": "3318933" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Africa\n\n\nwhite one, and an impoverished black one. The policy was widely criticised and led to crippling sanctions being placed against the country in the 1980s. South Africa held its first multi-racial elections in 1994, leaving the newly elected African National Congress (ANC) government the daunting task of trying to restore order to an economy harmed by sanctions, while also integrating the previously disadvantaged segment of the population into it. The 1994 government inherited an economy wracked by long years of internal conflict and external sanctions. The government refrained from", "id": "7651700" }, { "contents": "Outline of South Korea\n\n\nto 2333 BC by the legendary Dangun. Following the unification of the Three Korean Kingdoms under Silla in AD 668, Korea went through the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty as one nation until annexed by Japan in 1910. After Japan's defeat in World War II, Korea was divided, and South Korea was established in 1948. It has since developed a successful democracy, maintaining a strong alliance with the United States. South Korea has the fourth-largest economy in Asia. It had one of the world's fastest growing economies from", "id": "10094754" }, { "contents": "South Korea at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nU-23 Championship in Qatar. South Korea has entered six golfers (two men and four women) into the Olympic tournament. An Byeong-hun (world no. 31) and Wang Jeung-hun (world no. 76) qualified directly among the top 60 eligible players for the men's event, while top 15 seeds Park Inbee, Amy Yang, Kim Sei-young, and Chun In-gee did so for the women's based on the IGF World Rankings as of 11 July 2016. South Korea fielded a", "id": "2579602" }, { "contents": "Economy of Asia\n\n\nJapan, and Samsung, Hyundai, LG, and Kia from South Korea. Many developed-nation firms from Europe, North America, Japan and South Korea have significant operations in developing Asia to take advantage of the abundant supply of cheap labor. One of the major employers in manufacturing in Asia is the textile industry. Much of the world's supply of clothing and footwear now originates in Southeast Asia and South Asia, particularly in Vietnam, China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Asia's top", "id": "712784" }, { "contents": "South Korea at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nthe following individual and synchronized team spots at the 2016 Olympic Games through the World Championships and the FINA World Cup series. South Korea has entered one dressage rider into the Olympic equestrian competition by virtue of a top national finish from Asia and Oceania at the FEI qualification event in Perl, Germany. South Korean fencers have qualified a full squad each in the men's and women's team épée and women's team sabre by virtue of being the highest ranking team from Asia outside the world's top four in the FIE Olympic Team", "id": "2579599" }, { "contents": "BTS (band)\n\n\ninfluential people in the world (2019). \"Forbes Korea\" named BTS the most influential celebrities of Korea in 2018, and BTS ranked 43rd in the \"Forbes\" Celebrity 100 (2019) as one of the world's top-earning celebrities. BTS are worth more than $4.65 billion to South Korea's economy each year, attracting one in every 13 foreign tourists that visit the country, and are cited as one of the key acts boosting global music sales to $19 billion in 2018, a figure not", "id": "11810729" }, { "contents": "Economy of North Korea\n\n\n) and bad governance. It was estimated that between 1992 and 1998 North Korea's economy contracted by 50% and many (possibly up to 3.5 million) people died of starvation. In December 1991, North Korea established a \"zone of free economy and trade\" to include the northeastern port cities of Unggi (Sŏnbong), Ch'ŏngjin, and Najin. The establishment of this zone also had ramifications on the questions of how far North Korea would go in opening its economy to the West and to South Korea, the future", "id": "1588810" }, { "contents": "Pollution in South Korea\n\n\nis. Multiple studies show how there are multiple causes for pollution and indeed one of them in China but not all the pollutions resurrects from there. The majority however of South Korea's pollution is homegrown, analysts and activists say. In the modern world of South-Korea, fossil fuel combustion is the biggest contributor to air pollution. Korea has minimal fossil fuel resources and imports all but 1% of its coal supplies. The country relies heavily on fossil energy, due to its growing economy and need for energy sources,", "id": "14381934" }, { "contents": "Globalization in South Korea\n\n\nglobalization heavily after the 1997 financial crisis, exposing South Korea's economy to be embraced by other countries, creating a movement in capital goods and information across national borders. South Korea has shown tremendous improvement in economy as there is evidence indicating a decrease in unemployment, high wages and increased education standard. Thus, Koreans have a high expectation for the improvement of the future standard of living and becoming one of the developed countries. South Korea became the 11th largest economy in the world in terms of gross domestic product in 2016.", "id": "13633799" }, { "contents": "South Korea\n\n\nof the G-20 major economies. It is a developed country with a high-income economy and is the most industrialized member country of the OECD. South Korean brands such as LG Electronics and Samsung are internationally famous and garnered South Korea's reputation for its quality electronics and other manufactured goods. Its massive investment in education has taken the country from mass illiteracy to a major international technological powerhouse. The country's national economy benefits from a highly skilled workforce and is among the most educated countries in the world with one of the highest", "id": "7248575" }, { "contents": "Economy of East Asia\n\n\nis today. Following the Korean War, South Korea remained one of the poorest countries in the world for over a decade. Marred by poverty, malnutrition, and illiteracy, political chaos, and cultural discourse, South Korea's gross domestic product per capita in 1960 was $79, lower than that of some sub-Saharan African countries. Over the span of one generation, South Korea rapidly transformed itself from a war-torn nation into a G20 economic powerhouse. Since the 1960s, South Korea became one of East Asia", "id": "9257734" }, { "contents": "Carlo Levi\n\n\nFrancesco Rosi. Lucania, also called Basilicata, was historically one of the poorest and most backward regions of the impoverished Italian south. Levi's lucid, non-ideological and sympathetic description of the daily hardships experienced by the local peasants helped to propel the \"Problem of the South\" into national discourse after the end of World War II. Levi was born in Turin, Piedmont, to wealthy Jewish physician Ercole Levi and Annetta Treves, the sister of Claudio Treves, an important socialist leader in Italy. Levi graduated from high", "id": "6331570" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\nThe economy of South Korea is the 4th largest in Asia and the 11th largest in the world. It is a mixed economy dominated by family-owned conglomerates called chaebols; however, the dominance of the chaebol is unlikely to last and engenders risk of slowing down the transformation of Korean economy for the benefit of future generations. South Korea is known for its spectacular rise from one of the poorest countries in the world to a developed, high-income country in just a few generations. This economic growth is called by some", "id": "7248787" }, { "contents": "Jan Smuts in the South African Republic\n\n\nfarmers. Traditionally the Cape had been the economic and political heart of South Africa. The discovery of diamonds there, in Kimberley in 1870, had only reinforced this dominance. However, the entire balance of power in South Africa was to change in 1886 when vast gold fields were discovered in the Transvaal, near Witwatersrand. Almost overnight the Transvaal changed from being the most rural, backward, and impoverished state of South Africa to being the provider of 25% of the world's gold. The discovery of diamonds in the Cape", "id": "21919854" }, { "contents": "Lee Myung-bak\n\n\n, this led directly to the unanimous endorsement of the Seoul Development Consensus. Under his administration, South Korea was admitted to the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Representatives of the DAC member nations met at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretariat in Paris, France, in November 2009, and voted unanimously to admit South Korea as the 24th member. The DAC members provide more than 90 percent of the world's aid for impoverished developing nations, and South Korea is the only member nation that", "id": "2257689" }, { "contents": "South Korea national kabaddi team\n\n\nThe South Korea National Kabaddi Team (also known as Korea Republic National Kabaddi Team) represents South Korea in international kabaddi competitions. Kabaddi is growing Sport in South korea. South korea National team ranked 3rd in the world.Many korean National team players are playing in world top Pro Kabaddi league in India. Korean captain Jang Kun Lee is one the most famous international players in the pro kabaddi league. Korean players are known for their agility & Speed in International kabaddi. In 2016 Kabaddi World cup Korea finished at 3rd place in", "id": "7919965" }, { "contents": "Pollution in South Korea\n\n\nwas only accelerated by the Korean War. In the aftermath of the war, the United States funneled significant aid to South Korea under the auspices of the United Nations Korea Reconstruction Agency (UNKRA). Once a fledgling industrial nation, South Korea's economy grew 10% each year through the 1980s and 1990s. Today, South Korea is a manufacturing and export powerhouse, as of 2015 was it is the world's 11th largest gross domestic producer. Along with advanced technologies, the Industrial Revolution of the mid-19th century introduced new sources", "id": "14381928" }, { "contents": "Economy of Asia\n\n\ncenters of consumer electronics R&D as well as manufacturing. However, unlike in Japan and South Korea, the bulk of Taiwan's economy is dependent on small to medium-sized businesses. Hong Kong, on the other hand, experienced rapid growth in the financial sector due to liberal market policies, with many financial institutions setting up their Asian headquarters in Hong Kong. Till today, Hong Kong has been ranked as the world's freest economy for many years running, and it remains among one of the world's top 5 leading", "id": "712727" }, { "contents": "Youth unemployment in South Korea\n\n\nAs a result of the high payments in private education and to test well in Suneung, domestic consumption has dropped for the middle class in Korea causing a strain in the economy. In South Korea, the number one cause of death for youth between the ages of 10 to 30 years old is suicide. South Korea ranked the highest in suicide rates out all OECD nations along with the highest stress levels between the ages of 11 to 15 years old. From the growing suicide rates and stress levels, the nation has shown to", "id": "14180871" }, { "contents": "BRIC\n\n\nKorea is one of the world's most highly developed countries and including it with developing countries like the BRICs is not deemed correct. However, commentators such as William Pesek from Bloomberg argue that Korea is \"Another 'BRIC' in Global Wall\", suggesting that it stands out from the Next Eleven economies with its BRIC-like growth rate, despite its Human Development Index being higher than some of the world's most advanced economies, including France, UK, Austria, Denmark, Finland and Belgium. South Korean workers are", "id": "3844529" }, { "contents": "Korea International Cooperation Agency\n\n\n2009. The know-how and experience Korea gained from this transition are invaluable assets that allow KOICA to efficiently support the sustainable socio-economic development of its partner countries and to offer them hope for a better world. In the wake of the devastating 1950 Korean War, South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. The war destroyed two-thirds of South Korea's national production capacity and sent unemployment rates soaring. In 1961, nearly a decade after the war’s end, South Korea's per-", "id": "15742584" }, { "contents": "Globalization in South Korea\n\n\nSouth Korea is officially known as The Republic of Korea (ROE) with Seoul as the capital city. South Korea is 5th largest export economy in the world and the 6th economic complexity according to Economic Complexity Index (ECI) with the top export destinations centralized in China ($149 B) with a total population of 51,324,823 in 2019. Globalization is derived from Europe colonization of continents in Asia, Africa and Americas. However, it was underdeveloped until World War II, when globalization had been established worldwide. Globalization can be", "id": "13633779" }, { "contents": "Creative economy in South Korea\n\n\n. As shown above, creative industry may differ based on how the government defines its scope, which will impact how a creative economy is viewed, therefore both are seen as dynamic concepts. There are still controversies over these concepts in Korea for two reasons. The first one is the compatibility of the term. The term “creative economy” was first suggested in Creative Economy, written by John Howkins in 2001, which described the relationship between creativity and the economy and Creative Strategy Management and Know-how in the Creative Era", "id": "10662853" }, { "contents": "Demographics of South Korea\n\n\nwater pollution, issues that still persist today even after years of environmentally friendly policies. Like other newly industrializing economies, South Korea experienced rapid growth of urban areas caused by the migration of large numbers of people from the countryside. In 2016, 82.59 percent of South Korea's total population lived in urban areas and cities. Source: Sources: Our World In Data and the United Nations. 1865-1949 1950-2015 Source: \"UN World Population Prospects\" The total fertility rate is the number of children born per woman", "id": "7248764" }, { "contents": "Park Chung-hee\n\n\nand electronics, ultimately becoming one of the world's largest corporations. A sign of the growth of the South Korean economy was that in 1969 there were 200,000 television sets in operation in South Korea, and by 1979 there were six million television sets operating in South Korea. In 1969, only 6% of South Korean families owned a television; by 1979 four of every five South Korean families owned a TV. However, all television in South Korea was in black and white, and the color television did not come to", "id": "294012" }, { "contents": "Herman Kahn\n\n\nin the year 2176. He also wrote a number of books extrapolating the future of the American, Japanese and Australian economies and several works on systems theory, including the well-received 1956 monograph \"Techniques of System Analysis\". During the mid-1970s, when South Korea's GDP per capita was one of the lowest in the world, Kahn predicted that the country would become one of the top 10 most powerful countries in the world by the year 2000. In his last year, 1983, Kahn wrote approvingly of Ronald Reagan", "id": "4637464" }, { "contents": "South Korea\n\n\npercentages of its citizens holding a tertiary education degree. South Korea's economy was one of the world's fastest-growing from the early 1960s to the late 1990s, and was still one of the fastest-growing developed countries in the 2000s, along with Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, the other three Asian Tigers. South Koreans refer to this growth as the Miracle on the Han River. The South Korean economy is heavily dependent on international trade, and in 2014, South Korea was the fifth-largest exporter and", "id": "7248576" }, { "contents": "Economy of North Korea\n\n\nvarious enterprises, between industry and agriculture and between light and heavy industries. Because resources were limited and the transportation system suffered bottlenecks, resources were diverted to politically well-connected enterprises or those whose managers complained the loudest. An enterprise or industry that performed better than others often did so at the expense of others. Such disruptions intensified as the target year of the plan approached. Until the 1960s, North Korea's economy grew much faster than South Korea's. Although North Korea was behind in total national output, it was", "id": "1588828" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\nthe World Bank describe Korea as one of the fastest-growing major economies of the next generation along with BRIC and Indonesia. South Korea was one of the few developed countries that was able to avoid a recession during the global financial crisis, and its economic growth rate reached 6.2% in 2010, a sharp recovery from economic growth rates of 2.3% in 2008 and 0.2% in 2009 when the global financial crisis hit. The South Korean economy again recovered with the record-surplus of US$70.7 billion mark of the current", "id": "7248791" }, { "contents": "South Korea national basketball team\n\n\n) and assists per game (11.5). All these players helped their team to win the bronze medal once again. In the modern era, South Korea's competition from West Asia intensified as countries such as Jordan, Qatar, Lebanon, and especially Iran improved their basketball programs. South Korea is still considered one of Asia's major teams but its position among the top three teams in Asia is not guaranteed anymore. In 2014, the team qualified for the Basketball World Cup for the first time in almost 20 years.", "id": "4381592" }, { "contents": "Sport in South Korea\n\n\nhandball team is one of two non-European countries to have won the World Championship and the only one to have captured Olympic gold. Rugby union is played to some degree in South Korea, with the Korean team being currently ranked 24th in the world (as of March 2015) in the current IRB world rankings. Korea have been participating in the Asian Five Nations since 2008 with a 3rd-place finish in 2014. Most of South Korea's national rugby team players play their club rugby in Japan as South Korea does", "id": "3318931" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom national quidditch team\n\n\nJuly 2016, under captain Ben Morton, Team UK attended the Quidditch World Cup, held in Frankfurt, Germany with a squad of 21 chosen from the training squad. UK were one of the top 5 seeds heading into the tournament and lived up to expectations claiming bronze medals, after defeating Canada 190*-60 in the third place play off. The UK topped their group comfortably on day 1 with victories over Turkey, Austria, South Korea and Spain and carried their form into day 2 beating Slovenia and Turkey on the way", "id": "1005961" }, { "contents": "South Korea national rugby union team\n\n\nnation of Asia, and it could well have been introduced then. South Korea still maintains a fierce rivalry with Japan to this day. After World War II, and later, during the period of the Korean War, the large influx of troops from Commonwealth countries cemented its presence. One legacy of this is that South Korean rugby has traditionally been strongest in the army. However, South Korean rugby has a second string to its bow. The massive growth of the economy since the 1960s, meant that a number of Korean", "id": "20998043" }, { "contents": "Park Chung-hee\n\n\nthe country up from being a Third World economy to a First World economy via etatist methods. Using the Soviet Union and its Five Year Plans as a model, Park launched his first Five Year Plan in 1962 by declaring the city of Ulsan was a \"special industrial development zone\". The \"chaebol\" of Hyundai took advantage of Ulsan's special status to make the city the home of its main factories. Park is credited with playing a pivotal role in the development of South Korea's tiger economy by shifting its focus", "id": "294007" }, { "contents": "Park Chung-hee\n\n\nthe interim government of the Second Republic and his election and inauguration in 1963 ushered in the Third Republic. Seeking to bring South Korea into the developed world, Park began a series of economic policies that brought rapid economic growth and industrialization to the nation that eventually became known as the Miracle on the Han River. South Korea became one of the fastest growing nations during the 60s and 70s as a result. Although popular during the 60s by the 70s as growth began to slow Park's popularity started to wane resulting in a close", "id": "293971" }, { "contents": "History of South Korea\n\n\nthe country has gradually stabilized into a liberal democracy. Since its inception, South Korea has seen substantial development in education, economy, and culture. Since the 1960s, the country has developed from one of Asia's poorest to one of the world's wealthiest nations. Education, particularly at the tertiary level, has expanded dramatically. It is said to be one of the \"Four Tigers\" of rising Asian states along with Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. [[File:1947 at [[Hirohito]] [[Surrender", "id": "7248637" }, { "contents": "Pollution in South Korea\n\n\nits rapid industrialization. This growing phenomenon has resulted in many health- and environmental problems in specific regions on planet Earth. Seoul is joining Beijing and Delhi near the top of the list of Asian cities with certifiably unhealthy air [3]. The pollution in South-Korea occurred after World War 2. In 1960, Korea was still a poor developing country with a small manufacturing sector. Furthermore, Korea was heavenly dependent on foreign aid. The society of South Korea began a massive shift from an agrarian to industrial economy, which", "id": "14381927" }, { "contents": "Why Nations Fail\n\n\nthe above-mentioned factors, but because of different political and institutional choices become more or less prosperous. The most incisive example is Korea, which was divided into North Korea and South Korea in 1953. Both countries’ economies have diverged completely, with South Korea becoming one of the richest countries in Asia while North Korea remains among the poorest. Further examples include the border cities Nogales (Sonora, Mexico) and Nogales (Arizona, USA). By referencing border cities, the authors analyze the impact of the institutional environment", "id": "15998390" }, { "contents": "King Abdullah Economic City\n\n\nthe world's top ten competitive investment destinations by the year 2010, planned by SAGIA. The first stage of the city is completed in 2010 and the whole city is planned to be fully completed by 2020. The city aims to diversify the nation's oil-based economy by bringing direct foreign and domestic investments. The city is also aspires to help create up to one million jobs. Upon completion, KAEC is said to be larger than Washington DC. It is being built along with 4 new cities in Saudi Arabia to", "id": "17473794" }, { "contents": "Working hours in South Korea\n\n\nWorking hours in South Korea define the length of time workers are allowed to be on the job in South Korea. In the 1960s, South Korea began to transform from an agricultural economy to an industrial, service and high-tech economy. The country's per capita GDP increased from US $100 in 1963 to US $35,300 in 2014, making South Korea the world's 20th largest economy. In the process, work hours increased. According to OECD figures, work hours in South Korea were 2,005 per worker in 2018", "id": "3336358" }, { "contents": "Five-year plans for the national economy of the Soviet Union\n\n\nplaced the blame of the hostility onto the peasants, saying that they had declared war against the Soviet government. Because of the successes made by the first plan, Stalin did not hesitate with going ahead with the second five-year plan in 1932, although the official start-date for the plan was 1933. The second five-year plan gave heavy industry top priority, putting the Soviet Union not far behind Germany as one of the major steel-producing countries of the world. Further improvements were made in communications,", "id": "15766243" }, { "contents": "Criticism of communist party rule\n\n\ncommunist states do not compare favorably when looking at nations divided by the Cold War: North Korea versus South Korea; and East Germany versus West Germany. East German productivity relative to West German productivity was around 90 percent in 1936 and around 60–65 percent in 1954. When compared to Western Europe, East German productivity declined from 67 percent in 1950 to 50 percent before the reunification in 1990. All the Eastern European national economies had productivity far below the Western European average. Nevertheless, some countries under communist rule with socialist economies maintained", "id": "10838899" }, { "contents": "Trans-Pacific Partnership\n\n\nnations holding polar views on how South-East Asia's economy should develop. Prior to TPP, Japan tried to achieve dominance by establishing the Asian Monetary Fund (AMF), which the U.S blocked. By 2011 Japan managed to establish a cooperative agreement with China and Korea called the \"PRC–Japan–Republic of Korea Free trade agreement\", also known as the CJK FTA, which did not include the U.S. Japan's intention with this was to use the People's Republic of China card in order to shift TPP", "id": "3836391" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\nboom and rapid economic development. Having almost no natural resources and always suffering from human overpopulation in its small territory, which deterred continued population growth and the formation of a large internal consumer market, South Korea adapted an export-oriented economic strategy to fuel its economy, and in 2014, South Korea was the seventh largest exporter and seventh largest importer in the world. Bank of Korea and Korea Development Institute periodically release major economic indicators and economic trends of the economy of South Korea. Despite the South Korean economy's high growth", "id": "7248789" }, { "contents": "South Korea men's national ice hockey team\n\n\nThe South Korean national ice hockey team () is the national men's ice hockey team of the Republic of Korea (South Korea). They are currently ranked 16th in the IIHF World Rankings and competed in the World Championship top division tournament. The team's most successful campaign thus far was a second place finish in the 2017 Division I Group A tournament and thus qualifying for the top division in 2018. They competed in their first Winter Olympics in 2018 in Pyeongchang as the host nation. South Korea first participated in the", "id": "11562522" }, { "contents": "Kim Seung-gyu\n\n\nnumerous saves, but conceded one as Korea lost 1–0. Despite the loss, Kim was well praised by the fans for his performance, conceding only one goal against one of the top ranked teams in the world on his World Cup debut. Following the World Cup he was made the first choice keeper for the South Korea national football team. Kim was named as a wild card player for the South Korea U-23 national team to play in the 2014 Asian Games. Kim helped his team get a gold medal for the first time", "id": "22064988" }, { "contents": "Supreme Council for National Reconstruction\n\n\nof development in South Korea. Military figures noted how South Korea had been intensively developed under the Japanese colonial system and the \"economic miracle\" occurring in Japan, in marked contrast to Rhee's presidency which saw little significant effort to develop the economy, which remained stagnant, poor and largely agrarian. The lack of development under Rhee provoked a growing nationalistic intellectual reaction which called for a radical restructuring of society and a thorough political and economic reorganization, rejecting the model being pursued by the governing elite. Park Chung-hee,", "id": "9066287" }, { "contents": "South Korea national baseball team\n\n\nhad beaten twice previously. This led to controversy over the regulations of the WBC concerning the fact that South Korea had to face Japan three times and that it was Japan that was allowed to go to the finals, when it had four victories and three losses up to that point, two of those losses to South Korea, while the South Korean team, which had only one loss and had already beaten Japan twice, was eliminated from the finals. South Korea competed in the 2009 World Baseball Classic, playing the first round", "id": "3385950" }, { "contents": "Augustin Frédéric Kodock\n\n\nSouth Korea had since then made vast strides, developing a prosperous and modern economy, while Cameroon, still deeply impoverished, was no longer even remotely comparable. He stressed the importance of unity and cooperation among Cameroonians and the need for \"a new spirit to build this country\". Recalling that the UPC had been founded with three goals—independence, national unity, and the achievement of a high standard of living—Kodock noted that the last of those goals was still distant, while emphasizing the importance of national unity in", "id": "4929328" }, { "contents": "Regional integration\n\n\n, and social spending cuts or austerity policies of neoliberal economics have actually created and worsened global crises. In his 2002 book Globalization and Its Discontents he explains how the industrialized economies of the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan developed not with the neoliberal policies promoted in developing countries and the global South by the WTO, IMF and World Bank, but rather with a careful mix of protection, regulation, social support and intervention from national governments in the market. The \"People’s Agenda for Alternative Regionalisms\" is", "id": "4873905" }, { "contents": "Park Joo-ho\n\n\nWorld Cup. On 18 January 2010, he made his first international cap for South Korea at the friendly match against Finland. In May 2012, Park was recalled to the national team for their World Cup qualifying matches against Qatar and Lebanon. On 28 May 2014, Park replaced injured Kim Jin-su, and joined the South Korean squad for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. However, he did not play in any matches and South Korea finished at the bottom of their group. Later that year, he was one", "id": "3249017" }, { "contents": "History of U.S. foreign policy, 1897–1913\n\n\nand financial investments in Mexico. He told his military aide, Archibald Butt, that \"I am going to sit on the lid and it will take a great deal to pry me off\". Roosevelt saw Japan as the rising power in Asia, in terms of military strength and economic modernization. He viewed Korea as a backward nation and did not object to Japan's attempt to gain control over Korea. With the withdrawal of the American legation from Seoul and the refusal of the Secretary of State to receive a Korean protest", "id": "20437820" }, { "contents": "Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology\n\n\nits foundation, UNIST was known for being the first national university in South Korea to be incorporated and thus administered by an independent board of trustees despite being funded by the central government. UNIST has the vision of becoming a world-leader in the advancement of science and technology for the prosperity of humankind. With strong support from central and local governments, UNIST aims to develop at least 10 competitive areas of research with the goal of being ranked top 10 globally by the year 2030. The strategies for reaching this goal include creative", "id": "5961214" }, { "contents": "Propaganda in South Korea\n\n\nChung-Hee from the 1960s and 1970s that were credited with South Korea’s current economic success. South Korea now ranks 15th among world economies rising from third world status after the war. The New Village Movement or Saemaul Movement beginning in 1970 was considered an ideological movement directed by the Park government to the South Korean people to motivate them toward development. President Park praises his economic achievements as an example for other countries in his self-laudatory book, “To Build a Nation.” In the book, Park describes his", "id": "2628002" }, { "contents": "South Korea\n\n\nKorea at first did not occur largely because of more pressing matters such as the division of Korea and the Korean War that occurred right after its independence. It wasn't until the 1960s under the dictatorship of Park Chung-hee where South Korea's economy rapidly grew from industrialisation and the Chaebol corporations such as Samsung and LG. Ever since the industrialization of South Korea's economy, South Korea has placed its focus on technology-based corporations, which has been supported by infrastructure developments by the government. South Korean corporations Samsung and", "id": "7248595" }, { "contents": "Trillion dollar club\n\n\nThe Trillion dollar club is an unofficial classification of the world's major economies with a gross domestic product (nominal GDP) of more than US$1 trillion per year. As of 2017 it included 16 countries. Due to the world financial crisis, South Korea and Australia exited the trillion dollar club as their nominal GDPs shrank below $1 trillion in 2008 and 2009 respectively. Australia rejoined the list in 2010 while South Korea did so in 2011 as these countries' nominal GDPs once again were above $1 trillion. Accordingly,", "id": "3718188" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\na recession unlike most industrialized economies, posting positive economic growth for two consecutive years of the crisis. In 2010, South Korea made a strong economic rebound with a growth rate of 6.1%, signaling a return of the economy to pre-crisis levels. South Korea's export has recorded $424 billion in the first eleven months of the year 2010, already higher than its export in the whole year of 2008. The South Korean economy of the 21st century, as a Next Eleven economy, is expected to grow from", "id": "7248814" }, { "contents": "Tourism in South Korea\n\n\nand directly supported 617,500 jobs in the country. Visitors arriving to South Korea for tourism by nationality: China has been South Korea's largest tourism source for years. In 2016, visitors from China made up 46.8% of tourists in South Korea. However China imposed the group tour ban after the US military started to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea. From April 2017, Chinese tourists plummeted by more than 60% compared to the previous year. Since Lee Myung-bak's visit", "id": "18330246" }, { "contents": "Economy of New Zealand\n\n\nThe economy of New Zealand, a highly-developed market economy, is the 53rd-largest national economy in the world when measured by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and the 68th-largest in the world when measured by purchasing power parity (PPP). New Zealand has one of the most globalised economies and depends greatly on international trade – mainly with Australia, the European Union, the United States, China, South Korea, Japan and Canada. New Zealand's 1983 Closer Economic Relations agreement with Australia means that", "id": "1644953" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\na miracle, and described as the Miracle on the Han River, which has brought South Korea to the ranks of elite countries in the OECD and the G-20. South Korea still remains one of the fastest growing developed countries in the world following the Great Recession. It is included in the group of Next Eleven countries that will dominate the global economy in the middle of the 21st century. South Korea's rigorous education system and the establishment of a highly motivated and educated populace is largely responsible for spurring the country's high technology", "id": "7248788" }, { "contents": "North Korea–South Korea football rivalry\n\n\nthe 1994 World Cup on goal difference ahead of Japan. Following their final match of the last round of the AFC qualifiers for the 1994 FIFA World Cup, North Korea withdrew from international football for five years, and did not again attempt to qualify for the World Cup before the 2006 edition. During the 2002 FIFA World Cup, which South Korea co-hosted with Japan, and in which North Korea did not take part, the South's team reportedly had \"supporters in the North\", and North Korean newspaper \"", "id": "812996" }, { "contents": "2019 North Korea–United States Hanoi Summit\n\n\n. The YongByon facility is known to be the center of nuclear development and research in North Korea. The \"Sydney Morning Herald\" reported that Kim's previous propaganda was changed into patriotism and economy, and in improving the relationship between the United States, China and South Korea. South Korea and Japan both supported Trump's decision to cut the summit short. However, a spokesman for South Korean President Moon Jae-in said \"We do regret that President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un did not reach a complete agreement at", "id": "8110054" }, { "contents": "International adoption of South Korean children\n\n\nmajority of South Korean orphans eventually age out of the orphanages' care when they turn 18 years old never being adopted. A 2015 article in The Economist said that in the past 60 years two million or about 85% of the total orphans in South Korea have grown up in South Korean orphanages never being adopted. The 2015 article said that from the 1950s to 2015 only 4% of the total number of orphans in South Korea had been adopted domestically by other Koreans in South Korea. A 2015 video by BBC News said", "id": "8028017" }, { "contents": "Korean War\n\n\nfor exile in the United States. Park Chung-hee's May 16 coup enabled social stability. In the 1960s, prostitution and related services represented 25 percent of South Korean GNP. From 1965 to 1973, South Korea dispatched troops to South Vietnam and received $235,560,000 in allowance and military procurement from the United States. GNP increased fivefold during the Vietnam War. South Korea industrialized and modernized. South Korea had one of the world's fastest-growing economies from the early 1960s to the late 1990s. In 1957 South Korea", "id": "16892764" }, { "contents": "Battle of Pusan Perimeter\n\n\nfrom the United Nations Commission on Korea. North Korean casualties for the battle are almost impossible to estimate precisely due to a lack of records. It is difficult to determine how many South Korean citizens were forcibly conscripted during the battle and how many deserted as opposed to being killed. Larger engagements destroyed entire regiments and even divisions of KPA troops, and their strength had to be estimated based on accounts of KPA captured by the UN. On September 1, the KPA numbered approximately 97,850 in South Korea, and up to one third", "id": "20786031" }, { "contents": "South Korea–United States relations\n\n\nof the Korean War, the number of prostitutes in South Korea was estimated as about 350,000, with about 60% working near U.S. military camps. In the post - Korean War period, the U.S military continued to contribute significantly to the South Korean economy - providing an estimated 1% of the South Korean GNP in 1991, including the sex industry. Despite the world-wide growth of women's human rights advocacy since the 1990s, and the shift towards foreign workers providing sex services for U.S troops, (particularly women trafficked", "id": "4486036" }, { "contents": "Gender inequality in South Korea\n\n\nGender inequality in South Korea refers to the unequal opportunities and treatment men and women face in South Korea. Derived from deep-rooted patriarchal ideologies and practices, gender inequality in South Korea is consistently ranked as one of the highest in the world. While gender inequality remains especially prevalent in South Korea's economy and politics, it has improved in healthcare and education. Due to the various methods of calculating and measuring gender inequality, South Korea's gender inequality rankings vary across different reports. While the 2017 UNDP Gender Inequality Index ranks", "id": "2051585" }, { "contents": "World-systems theory\n\n\nAustralia, Canada and New Zealand had a semiperipheral status. In the 21st century, nations like Brazil, Russia, India, Israel, China, South Korea and South Africa (BRICS) are usually considered semiperipheral. External areas are those that maintain socially necessary divisions of labor independent of the capitalist world economy. Before the 16th century, Europe was dominated by feudal economies. European economies grew from mid-12th to 14th century but from 14th to mid 15th century, they suffered from a major crisis. Wallerstein explains this crisis as caused", "id": "18780172" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\naccount in the end of 2013, up 47 percent growth from 2012, amid uncertainties of the global economic turmoil, with major economic output being the technology products exports. Following the Korean War, South Korea remained one of the poorest countries in the world for over a decade. In 1960 its gross domestic product per capita was $79, lower than that of some sub-Saharan countries. The growth of the industrial sector was the principal stimulus to economic development. In 1986, manufacturing industries accounted for approximately 30 percent of", "id": "7248792" }, { "contents": "Los Angeles Dodgers\n\n\nbrim, top button and Dodger logo. These alternates proved unpopular and the team abandoned them after only one season. In 2014, the Dodgers introduced an alternate road jersey: a gray version with the \"Dodgers\" script instead of the city name. In 2018, the Dodgers wore their 60th anniversary patch to honor the 60 years of being in Los Angeles. The Dodgers have been groundbreaking in their signing of players from Asia; mainly Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Former owner Peter O'Malley began reaching out in 1980", "id": "18487714" }, { "contents": "Economic history of Vietnam\n\n\nDiplomatic History\" found that South Vietnamese economic planners sought to model the South Vietnamese economy on Taiwan and South Korea, which were perceived as successful examples of how to modernize developing economies. For Vietnam as a whole, the war resulted in some 3 million military and civilian deaths, 362,000 invalids, 1 million widows, and 800,000 orphans. The country sustained a further loss in human capital through the exodus of political refugees from Vietnam after the communist victory in the South. According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, as", "id": "14276999" }, { "contents": "Africa Check\n\n\n60% in the past 19 years\", South Africa has the highest rate of rape in the world, and South Africa is one of the top-ten countries in the world for murder. Regarding these claims, Africa Check found that South Africa's unemployment rate has increased from 20% to 24.7% during the last 19 years, an increase of 23.5%, so the claim of a 60% increase was false. They could not substantiate the claim that South Africa has the highest rate of rape in the world", "id": "15727726" }, { "contents": "Mark Tewksbury\n\n\nat the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, and won a silver medal as a member of Canada's relay team. For some years he ranked as one of the top backstrokers in the world; never a strong below-the-water swimmer, he was unmatched on the surface, but, as the importance of below-the-water swimming increased, Tewksbury's ranking began to fall. Going into Barcelona, Tewksbury was ranked fourth in the world and most pundits picked one of the powerful American swimmers to", "id": "19869" }, { "contents": "History of South Korea\n\n\n. Park's administration started the Third Republic by announcing the [[Five-year plans of South Korea|Five Year Economic development Plan]], an [[export-oriented industrialization]] policy. Top priority was placed on the growth of a self-reliant economy and modernization; \"Development First, Unification Later\" became the slogan of the times and the economy grew rapidly with vast improvement in industrial structure, especially in the basic and heavy chemical industries. Capital was needed for such development, so the Park regime used", "id": "7248665" }, { "contents": "BRIC\n\n\nGDP)) are going to be China, the U.S., India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, the U.K., and France respectively. Nowadays Indonesia is not BRIC country, but as solely emerging economies in the list sets on seven in projected 2021 top economies. There are no South Africa and no (South Korea, Mexico, (GCC Arab countries—Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates), Eastern Europe and Turkey) as mentioned above. Mexico", "id": "3844523" }, { "contents": "Miracle on the Han River\n\n\nKim Young-Sam announced that South Korea had gained recognition for its economy by joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, consisting of top industrial nations. President Kim then created a new labor law which retained the Korean Federation of Trade Unions, a large, state-controlled trade union, as the only officially approved labor organization for five more years, leaving the independent Korean Confederation of Trade Unions out in the cold. In 1997, South Korea faced economic disaster in the form of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. The", "id": "4194039" }, { "contents": "Pollution in South Korea\n\n\n(1950-1953). South-Korea went from a developing country to a well-developed country. Today South-Korea has become the 4th largest economy in Asia driven by coal-fired power generation and high vehicle emissions. With this rapid growth in economy South-Korea itself became, among other causes, a big contributor to the bad air in the country. In the last few years, South-Korea has grown rapidly when it comes to economy and exporting. With this growth came even more pollution.", "id": "14381930" }, { "contents": "Fashion in Korea\n\n\nIn recent years, fashion in Korea has evolved due to inspirations from Western culture, wealth, and social media practices, as well as the country's developing economy. Despite these influences, South Korean fashion has maintained a unique style which has influenced worldwide trends. South Korea's style is known for being expressive and reflecting a sense of individuality, which are absent from the style of its northern counterpart, North Korea. In addition, the Korean Wave (the spread of appreciation for South Korean culture) is beginning to affect", "id": "18197089" }, { "contents": "Japan–Korea disputes\n\n\nKorea. The Japanese anime \"\", a satire series that personifies various nations created by Hidekaz Himaruya, was banned from airing on the Japanese TV Station, Kid Station, after many protests arrived from South Korea about how the character that represents South Korea was a disgrace and did not represent South Koreans correctly. This is in spite of the fact that a Korean character does not appear in any episode of the animated series, though it appears on web comic versions. The animation continues to see distribution through mobile networks and internet", "id": "6435899" }, { "contents": "Economy of New York City\n\n\nproduced a GMP of over US$1.55 trillion. Both are ranked first nationally by a wide margin and being roughly equivalent to the GDP of South Korea. The city's economy accounts for most of the economic activity in both the states of New York and New Jersey. Manhattan is the nation's leading center of banking, finance, and communication. It is home to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Wall Street. Many of the world's largest corporations are headquartered in Manhattan. The borough contained over 500 million", "id": "2377479" }, { "contents": "Carlos Queiroz\n\n\nof Colombia on a three-year contract. He will be the only European & African coaching a South American national team, and is the fourth European manager to be in charge of the Colombian team after Friedrich Donnenfeld, Toza Veselinović and Blagoje Vidinić. Prior to the final 2014 World Cup qualification match against South Korea, Queiroz was angered by the comment made from Choi Kang-hee, the head coach of South Korea, who complained that Iran did not provide the training facilities with sufficient qualities during South Korea's away qualification", "id": "4508863" }, { "contents": "South Korea at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\n's artistic gymnastics for the Games on June 12, 2016, with the men's squad joining her at the end of Olympic Team Trials on July 8. Before the start of the Games, Lee Go-im suffered an arm injury in training which forced her to withdraw. She was replaced by Lee Eun-ju. South Korea has qualified one rhythmic gymnast for the individual all-around by finishing in the top 15 at the 2015 World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany. South Korea women's handball team qualified for the", "id": "2579604" }, { "contents": "Trade policy of South Korea\n\n\nthere has been significant impact on the economy for the same. Throughout the 1950s Korea was underdeveloped and its 60 percent of the population was employed in farming activities. Foreign policy during that time focused on securing maximum foreign aid. Foreign aid comprised almost half the national budget through 1960. Foreign assistance was allowed only for the import of basic goods which was necessary for economy to survive, while exports were minimal. During that time, U.S. aborted its plans to provide $500 million in investment for development because of the political turmoil", "id": "15313113" }, { "contents": "Economy of East Asia\n\n\nand sustained economic growth for over 50 years. Capital investments in research and development are among the highest in the world relative to its national income. Investments in alternative energy, green technologies, and biotechnology are key in securing the nation's economic prosperity. In addition, South Korea's rigorous education system and the establishment of a highly motivated and educated populace is largely responsible for spurring the country's high technology boom and rapid economic development. South Korea's industrial manufacturing capability has doubled and its export sector has grown rapidly. Its", "id": "9257736" }, { "contents": "South Korea women's national handball team\n\n\nThe South Korea women's national handball team is the national team of South Korea. Since 1984 the Korean team has not only participated constantly in Olympic Games but also ranked among the top four nations every time. Korea grabbed the gold medal in 1988 and 1992, won the silver medal in 1984, 1996, 2004 and took bronze medal in 2008. They have earned two World Championship medals so far: In 1995, they also won the World Championship title in Austria/Hungary 1995 World Women's Handball Championship, they came", "id": "6554888" }, { "contents": "Economy of East Asia\n\n\n's fastest growing economies achieving a rapid increase in its GDP per capita more quickly than any of its neighbors. With a strong emphasis on the importance of innovation, raw intelligence and brainpower, benchmarking, economic competitiveness, and industriousness, propelled a war torn and impoverished South Korea into a country of efficient resource allocation and increasing value creation. Transforming itself from a resource-poor peninsula to an advanced high technology powerhouse with a cutting-edge electronic, automobiles, shipbuilding, steel, and petrochemicals industry contributed to the country's robust", "id": "9257735" }, { "contents": "Lee Dong-gook\n\n\nof the competition. Lee was a member of the South Korea national football team at the 1998 FIFA World Cup. He also took part in the 2000 AFC Asian Cup and finished top scorer with six goals. In 2002, Lee was not chosen by Guus Hiddink to represent South Korea in 2002 World Cup. Fans called him \"Lazy Genius,\" because they felt that he did not fully use his potential. This is also because Hiddink emphasized strong stamina, great power, and agile speed, which are the categories that", "id": "14594602" }, { "contents": "People's Public Security University of China\n\n\none of the best police academy in the world, establishing relations with many other famous police academies in the world, such as Korea National Police University in South Korea. CNPU has been connected with such institutions or governmental agencies from more than 60 countries including France, the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia. CNPU also provides training for officers or cadets from forty developing countries. Starting in 2009, CNPU began training police officers from Hong Kong The CNPU has and Taiwan's Central Police University first official contact was in 2010", "id": "2079750" }, { "contents": "BRIC\n\n\nand South Korea are currently the world's 13th and 15th largest by nominal GDP just behind the BRIC and G7 economies. Both are experiencing rapid GDP growth of 5% every year, a figure comparable to Brazil from the original BRICs. Jim O'Neill, expert from the same bank and creator of the economic thesis, stated that in 2001 when the paper was created, it did not consider Mexico, but today it has been included because the country is experiencing the same factors that the other countries first included present. While South", "id": "3844524" }, { "contents": "Great Recession\n\n\nstart of the decade, which prompted austerity measures in advance of the world crisis. While India, Uzbekistan, China, and Iran experienced slowing growth, they did not enter recessions. South Korea narrowly avoided technical recession in the first quarter of 2009. The International Energy Agency stated in mid September that South Korea could be the only large OECD country to avoid recession for the whole of 2009. It was the only developed economy to expand in the first half of 2009. Australia avoided a technical recession after experiencing only one quarter", "id": "9521740" }, { "contents": "South Korea national football team\n\n\nThe Korea Republic national football team () represents South Korea in international association football and is organised by the Korea Football Association. Since the 1960s, South Korea has emerged as a major football power in Asia and is historically the most successful Asian football team, having participated in nine consecutive and ten overall FIFA World Cup tournaments, the most for any Asian country. Despite initially going through five World Cup tournaments without winning a match, South Korea became the first and currently only Asian team to reach the semi-final stages when", "id": "16213874" }, { "contents": "South Korea\n\n\ndemocracy with the highest level of press freedom in Asia. South Korea is a member of the OECD's Development Assistance Committee, the G20 and the Paris Club. South Korea is a highly developed country and the world's 11th largest economy by nominal GDP. Its citizens enjoy the world's fastest Internet connection speeds and the longest years of tertiary education in the world, along with the world's second most equal access to quality healthcare, resulting in the third highest health adjusted life expectancy in the world. The world's 5th", "id": "7248464" }, { "contents": "Communism in Korea\n\n\nthe National Security Law. Due to end of economic aid from Soviet Union after its dissolution in 1991 and impractical ideological application of Stalinist policies in North Korea over years of economic slowdown in the 1980s and receding during the 1990s, North Korea replaced Communism with the Juche ideology in its 1992 and 1998 constitutional revisions for the personality cult of Kim's family dictatorship and (albeit reluctanly) opening of North Korean market economy reform, though it still retains a command economy with complete state control of industry and agriculture. North Korea maintains collectivized", "id": "14451653" }, { "contents": "Economic planning\n\n\nI and World War II, resulting in a largely government-planned war economy. The development models of the East Asian Tiger economies involved varying degrees of economic planning and state-directed investment in a model sometimes described as state development capitalism or the East Asian Model. The economy in both Malaysia and South Korea were instituted by a series of macroeconomic government plans (First Malaysia Plan and Five-Year Plans of South Korea) that rapidly developed and industrialized their mixed economies. The economy of Singapore was partially based on government economic", "id": "21794695" }, { "contents": "Economy of South Korea\n\n\nthe 1980s. South Korea relies largely upon exports to fuel the growth of its economy, with finished products such as electronics, textiles, ships, automobiles, and steel being some of its most important exports. Although the import market has liberalized in recent years, the agricultural market has remained largely protectionist due to serious disparities in the price of domestic agricultural products such as rice with the international market. As of 2005, the price of rice in South Korea is about four times that of the average price of rice on the", "id": "7248818" }, { "contents": "Kazakhstan at the 2018 Winter Paralympics\n\n\nKazakhstan sent competitors to the 2018 Winter Paralympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Six people and one guide skier from Kazakhstan will be going to Pyeongchang, South Korea for the 2018 Winter Paralympics. All are competing in para-Nordic skiing. There are six men and one woman. Three are going to their first Paralympic Games. They are coached by Vasily Kolomyjets (). The team spent two years preparing for the Winter Paralympics. Six people and one guide skier from Kazakhstan will be going to Pyeongchang, South Korea for the", "id": "4235748" } ]
why do we have data plan limits?
[{"answer": "There are some good points talking about how it's due to infrastructure and the cost of maintaining their systems and how they have to pay for the spectrum and all that, and while ideally that would be the cause of data limits it's not. ISPs make an insane amount of profit, and a few years ago the government gave the largest ones money to improve their infrastructure (which they didn't do a very satisfactory job of). So if that isn't the cause then what is? Money. They want to make more money. If they set limits they can charge more for larger plans and charge overage fees. At least in the US it all comes down to making more money by screwing the customer."}, {"answer": "Because telecom providers pay for spectrum which is the the right to transmit data, which requires investment in infrastructure, which must be paid for through subscriptions."}, {"answer": "**To make you pay way more for way less.** Data caps are restrictions on the total amount of data transferred, usually confined within the billing period. There exists no technical justification for them. They are 100% arbitrary. - ***Muh spectrum though?*** Spectrum is limited, both on cable and mobile networks, more on the latter. This means the total effective bandwidth on any network is limited, and as a result, the bandwidth for users. Quite logical. A common myth is that this would justify data caps. It does not. Spectrum doesn't limit the total amount of data you can download. Only the *rate* or speed at which you can download. - ***Muh congestion though?*** Another common myth is the one about congestion. People try to justify data caps because otherwise, due to overselling (the ISP selling more bandwidth than they can offer since not everyone uses the network 24/7), congestion would occur because too many people would download too much at once. However, congestion means saturating the network bandwidth, so that by itself is more a spectrum issue than a data issue - data caps do not prevent congestion at all. It's still possible for people to log on at the same time and overload the network. Data caps instead serve to prohibit users from connecting to the internet. Congestion is also already solved by dynamic bandwidth adjustment, which is a fancy way of saying the ISP temporarily (on the scale of seconds to minutes) reduces the bandwidth for some users to prevent congestion. So, it doesn't occur anymore - the worst thing that could happen is a temporary slower internet. You don't notice this with normal usage. Data caps, on the other hand, prevent usage of internet altogether. I mean, this is not a difficult comparison: 'Slow' Internet versus no Internet. Easy choice right? Someone will inevitably argue against this, then I'll present a simple calculation to destroy them. The fact is that you're able to get far, far more data (hundreds of times more data) without data caps with congestion, than with data caps without congestion. And as for the latter - even on capped connections, congestion still occurs. - ***M-muh money?*** Well yeah, that's the point. The ISP wants more money. That's why they do it. - ***But they have to earn back the costs for maintenance and such!*** Yes... so? Doesn't justify data caps. It would justify either increasing the price of connections - which is already high enough anyway, it's a total lie that they don't have enough money - or to reduce bandwidth. - ***If everyone has unlimited data, something something Netflix something something congestion!*** See the big rant about congestion above. And if the network couldn't ultimately handle an increase in, say, streaming - the solution is not to make users pay more or to make them less able to use the Internet. The solution is to improve the network to enable users to stream that much. Shitty analogy time: If there are congestions on highways, does that justify forbidding people from driving 6 days per week? (Fun fact: 1/7th is still way more than you'll get with data caps, so it's not an extreme example. It's a mild one.) - ***[Insert argument in favor of data caps]*** [Insert rebuttal of argument that is probably not justifying data caps at all.]"}, {"answer": "Simple -- it creates more profits for the data provider. Comcast has admitted their data caps are a business decision and not an engineering one. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "There are several things at play: 1. Infrastructure. In order for your phone to get data, it needs to be able to contact a cell tower. Cell towers have limited ranges, and therefore you need many of them. Then the cell towers need to connect to the internet (likely through several intermediaries). In short, it takes a lot of money to get all the pieces into their places. Even after all of that... 2. Technological Limits. There is no technology currently powerful enough to be able to quickly and efficiently handle all data requests within the U.S. or comparable countries/areas. Investments here are costly and risky. 3. Return on Investment. If you spent a lot of money on all of the above, you'd like to see a handsome return. To do this, you have two options: 1. Make the bandwidth unlimited (which would strain your systems) or 2. Divide up the \"data plans\" with caps. If you go with option one, you will necessarily need to increase your prices. If you increase your prices, however, less people will be willing and able to afford the service. Additionally, you'd be subject to more service outages due to higher data demands, which would lead customers away from you. If you divide it up with caps, you can reach more segments (i.e. poorer people can still buy your data if it's capped at 1GB, for example), your network strain is reduced, and you can reach a more steady equilibrium that turns a profit. 4. Regulation. Radio waves are regulated, and you're only allowed to use certain frequencies. Frequencies can't just be stuffed to the brim, or you'll run into interference and other issues."}, {"answer": "Customers will agree to pay more for data under plans with caps and limits. Companies want to make more money, so that's what they offer."}, {"answer": "Mobile reddit fucked my answer, so I'll give you the short version. No. Infrastructure is designed to compensate for traffic. Congestion is an issue, but that's a backbone probablem and isn't going to be solved by restricting use. More like managing the pipe you're given. Data caps are mostly an anti piracy method from comeanies that utilize their bandwidth for iptv and vdsl. (Video content) Can't pirate files if you have to pay for em. Edit - I work in telecommunications with copper infrastructure and fiber optic."}, {"answer": "Because providers can. Same reason they still charge, in many cases, for long distance calling outside your \"local calling area\"."}, {"answer": "It generates revenue, evidently more so than not having limits. And I speculate that service providers have an interest in conditioning customers to pay fees and to restrain their data usage."}, {"answer": "Because the cost of a resource is directly related to its scarcity. Data limits impose an artificial scarcity and therefore increase the cost."}, {"answer": "Because the providers are money hungry whores that will charge as much as they can. And because most people cannot spend more than 3 minutes in their own quiet space anymore, they resort to downloading funny cat videos they would pay any amount to get. Buy a lead pencil and fuck TCOM."}, {"answer": "For cable ISP's specifically, they are bleeding out the arse with Cable TV subscriptions because people are increasingly abandoning TV programming for just their internet connections. Forcing people to upgrade plans to match their data use is a logical (though evil) way to compensate for revenue losses on the cable side."}, {"answer": "Nearly all broadband providers ditched data pland for internet a decade ago in denmark. For phones its still around but you can get unlimited as well"}, {"answer": "Try out Jio it provides unlimited 4G data, but the speed reduces after 4GB of usage in a day"}, {"answer": "Well here i am using tmobile and everything unlimited including tablet (Yeah i work for tmobile)"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "237536", "title": "Information privacy", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Information privacy is the relationship between the collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, legal and political issues surrounding them. It is also known as data privacy or data protection.", "Information privacy is the relationship between the collection and dissemination of data, technology, the public expectation of privacy, legal and political issues surrounding them. It is also known as data privacy or data protection."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Modem\n\n\n, but use Electronic Serial Number (ESN) instead. The cost of using a wireless modem varies from country to country. Some carriers implement flat rate plans for unlimited data transfers. Some have caps (or maximum limits) on the amount of data that can be transferred per month. Other countries have plans that charge a fixed rate per data transferred—per megabyte or even kilobyte of data downloaded; this tends to add up quickly in today's content-filled world, which is why many people are pushing for flat", "id": "15620786" }, { "contents": "Ecological urbanism\n\n\nInstitute in New York. In his introduction to the \"Ecological Urbanism\", \"Why Ecological Urbanism? Why Now?\", extracted in \"Topos: The International Review of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design\", Mostafavi asks: \"Increased numbers of people and cities go hand in hand with a greater exploitation of the world’s limited resources. Every year, more cities are feeling the devastating impacts of this situation. What are we to do? What means do we have as designers to address this challenging reality? Jeb", "id": "17256287" }, { "contents": "Understanding\n\n\nto simply dumb itself down and pretend not to know the answer. Gregory Chaitin, a noted computer scientist, propounds a view that comprehension is a kind of data compression. In his essay \"The Limits of Reason\", he argues that \"understanding\" something means being able to figure out a simple set of rules that explains it. For example, we understand why day and night exist because we have a simple model—the rotation of the earth—that explains a tremendous amount of data—changes in brightness,", "id": "2963787" }, { "contents": "Blue Smoke World Tour\n\n\nI especially love the fans. We always have such a good time and I've put together a lot of things for this show that I think the fans will love. We had not planned to come back so soon, but we got so much fan mail and such a great reaction that I thought, 'Well, why not. If they’re having a good time and we always do, let's just do it'\". The scheduling of the shows also sparked rumors the singer would perform at the Glastonbury", "id": "14960132" }, { "contents": "William Henry Vanderbilt\n\n\nCentral and Hudson River Railroad, the New York Central Sleeping Car Company, the New York and Harlem Rail Road, the Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris Railroad, and the Staten Island Rail-Road. In 1883, reporter John Dickinson Sherman questioned him about why he ran the limited express train: \"Do your limited express trains pay or do you run them for the accommodation of the public?\" Vanderbilt responded with: \"Accommodation of the public? The public be damned! We run them because we have to. They", "id": "16566537" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Onie\n\n\ncited Onie’s work with Health Leads, “providing health care professionals with effective tools for alleviating the socioeconomic barriers that limit access to health care for low-income families, thereby expanding the scope of what health care truly entails.” In April 2012, Rebecca Onie delivered a TEDMED talk, \"Can We Rewrite the DNA of the Healthcare System?\" where she asked, \"If we know what we need to do to have a healthcare system, rather than a sickcare system - why don't we do it?", "id": "17466094" }, { "contents": "Blue Button\n\n\nGroup meeting, described trying to balance the benefits of data standards with getting a solution to patients quickly. He assessed that it was only when the group decided to break the problem down into the simplest possible solutions that they were able to progress. A central theme emerged from the dialogue: give patients their data. HHS CTO and U.S. CTO Todd Park summarized the decision as: \"Look, there's all this complicated stuff happening with health information. But why can't we just do this: why can't we just", "id": "5669463" }, { "contents": "Small schools movement\n\n\nmake the problem worse.) Consequently, many people are looking for another way, and small schools can't be ignored much longer.\" Why do we keep building gigantic schools when we have such promising data? Dr. Grauer attributes this not only to economics, but to prevailing myths about American education: \"Our collective memory of high school includes nostalgia such as proms, football games, exciting social lives, romance, and first cars. No matter that such memories do not apply to most students. The average high school", "id": "3657990" }, { "contents": "Catherine Lutz\n\n\n. The money has been invested in something other than the basics of a strong economy. Lutz says that 800,000 jobs would have been created if that money would have been spent on healthcare or in education, and in addition, these sectors have suffered. Another serious question Lutz addresses is why hasn’t the US government collected this data and made it public? She asks, “what kind of governance do we have that we can engage in war on a quick impulse with little information, where ten years later it is left", "id": "20718929" }, { "contents": "United Express Flight 3411 incident\n\n\noffered these comments about their security staff: \"While they do have limited authority to make an arrest, Sunday's incident was not within standard operating procedures nor will we tolerate that kind of action. That is why we quickly placed the aviation security officer on leave pending a thorough review of the situation. The action we have taken thus far reflects what we currently know, and as our review continues we will not hesitate to take additional action as appropriate.\" Chicago Aviation Security were instructed to remove the word \"police\"", "id": "1610753" }, { "contents": "Biostatistics\n\n\ncan do that, I'm not going to let any people in my department waste scarce resources in placer mining.\" Any research in life sciences is proposed to answer a scientific question we might have. To answer this question with a high certainty, we need accurate results. The correct definition of the main hypothesis and the research plan will reduce errors while taking a decision in understanding a phenomenon. The research plan might include the research question, the hypothesis to be tested, the experimental design, data collection methods, data", "id": "3494454" }, { "contents": "Gene Sherman (reporter)\n\n\n-educated Mme. Chiang added: \"We do not want your manpower. We do not want anyone to fight our battles for us. But we have here the means to defeat Communism in China. Why shouldn’t it be used?\" Over the ensuing years, the hope that U.S. support of the Chinese Republic would lead to the return of Chiang Kai-shek to the China Mainland never gained sufficient American backing to prevent the unrelenting growth of the Chinese Communists. Despite periodic revivals of plans to return to the Mainland", "id": "9821036" }, { "contents": "Ben-Ishmael Tribe\n\n\n, “we have received also some degenerate stock from the same nation. We should have sorted the human seed more carefully at the border.” Laughlin mentioned the Ishmaels saying “I do not know why they call these people the Ishmaels, but they are very numerous, and we can imagine a significant connotation for the name. America is suffering very much from them, but is waking to its danger. We shall have to provide some practical plan for getting rid of this stock.” Testifying before a House of Representatives", "id": "6753405" }, { "contents": "John McCallum\n\n\nwe extend this right? Rather our question should be, why should we not extend the right? Let the burden of proof be on those who wish to limit fundamental rights. Many Canadians will want to accept both of these principles: protect the traditional definition of marriage and protect the rights of minorities. The essence of my message today is that we cannot do both. We cannot have it both ways. We must make a choice between traditional marriage and the protection of minority rights. As Defence Minister under Jean", "id": "5169898" }, { "contents": "Hedonism\n\n\nwe should remain in this machine for the rest of our lives. However, he gives three reasons why this is not a preferable scenario: firstly, because we want to \"do\" certain things, as opposed to merely experience them; secondly, we want to be a certain kind of person, as opposed to an 'indeterminate blob' and thirdly, because such a thing would limit our experiences to only what we can imagine. Peter Singer, a hedonistic utilitarian, and Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek have both argued", "id": "13116461" }, { "contents": "Grantsmanship\n\n\nin a research project, the writer will discuss how cross contamination will be prevented. Potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedure should also be discussed. The method of data analysis is identified in this section. The writer will show a clear plan of the way the collected data will be analyzed so that a reviewer will have an accurate picture of the entire project. This section is where the writer will prove to the reviewers that the methods being used are the most appropriate for the project and why other methods were not chosen", "id": "4424179" }, { "contents": "Index of epistemology articles\n\n\nEpistemology (from Greek ἐπιστήμη – \"episteme\"-, \"knowledge, science\" and λόγος, \"logos\") or theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. It addresses the questions \"What is knowledge?\", \"How is knowledge acquired?\", \"What do people know?\", \"How do we know what we know?\", and \"Why do we know what we know?\". Much of the debate in this field has", "id": "19425033" }, { "contents": "Their / They're / There\n\n\nThey're / There are \"definitely planning\" to release a full-length album, although the members have \"all been kind of busy with other things\", further elaborating that \"we want to do more with the band, it's just it's such a casual thing and I think if it became un-casual that it would lose its charm and why we kind of all enjoy doing it.\" Throughout 2014 and 2015, indications of continuing work on a Their / They're / There album were made", "id": "9973087" }, { "contents": "Ingeborg Bachmann\n\n\nits historic context, thus foreshadowing a rising interest in studying the connection between literary discourse and the contemporary understanding of history. In the first lecture on \"Fragen und Scheinfragen\" (\"Questions and Pseudo Questions\") Bachmann focused on the role of writers in the post-war society and lists essential questions that are \"destructive and frightening in their simplicity\". They are: why write? What do we mean by change and why do we want it through art? What are the limitations of the writer who wants to", "id": "17019520" }, { "contents": "England school census\n\n\nfor the analytical, statistical and research purposes described above. There are currently no plans to share the data with other government departments unless we are legally required to do so. The Department have not consulted directly with parents regarding the changes to the school census.\" In a July article, on the LSE Parenting for a Digital Future blog it was noted that, \"There are no published plans how these data would facilitate targeting any support and this data item is not required for funding.\" Campaigners were worried that some newspapers", "id": "7606288" }, { "contents": "Ms. Splosion Man\n\n\nMan a follow up was something we really wanted to do, and that is why you never saw DLC for that game. We could have churned out new levels, but we wouldn't have had the time to add in new gameplay puzzles or cool new character stuff. But we didn't just want to do \"Splosion Man 2\", it had to be something a little more interesting. That is why we decided to do MSM,\" stated Josh Bear of Twisted Pixel Games. The team chose a female variation", "id": "12940419" }, { "contents": "One in a Million (Aaliyah album)\n\n\nthe album after plans to have puff daddy produce the album fell through. Once the two producers were on board they were asked by Atlantic records to create a sound for the album. According to King \"We came in right as she got her budget ready to go. Vincent [Herbert] and I were the first people she called, we were the first group. That’s why we had so much freedom to go in and create a sound because we didn’t have to do a song here or there. They", "id": "10047031" }, { "contents": "I Love My Life\n\n\nthought straightaway, 'this describes me'! We love our life, the way things are, what we do and the friends we have around us. It's why we celebrate, and it's why we are where we are now – because we love what we do, and we do what we love.\" The song was released physically on 3 April 2015 as the sixth single from Justice Crew's debut studio album \"Live by the Words\". The physical release features a Matt Watkins remix of \"I", "id": "15930391" }, { "contents": "U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security\n\n\na largely inconsequential piece of U.S. foreign policy. In response Secretary Clinton offered these remarks when speaking at a release event shortly after the plan was announced, “Now, why is all this happening, all these countries, the United Nations, NATO, and certainly us?  Well, the reason is because we are convinced. We have enough anecdotal evidence and research that demonstrates women in peacekeeping is both the right thing to do and the smart thing, as well. It’s right, because, after all, women are", "id": "12445222" }, { "contents": "Moon-Face\n\n\n\"Moon-Face\" is a short story by Jack London, first published in 1902. It explores the subject of extreme antipathy. The story follows the unnamed protagonist and his irrational hatred of John Claverhouse, a man with a \"moon-face\". The protagonist clearly states that his hatred of him is irrational, saying: \"Why do we not like him? Ah, we do not know why; we know only that we do not. We have taken a dislike, that is all. And so", "id": "19073759" }, { "contents": "Malwarebytes\n\n\nof the console[,] Endpoint domain information... organization to which the IP address is licensed, if any\". There are different limits on their use, sale, and sharing of data: In general they do not put time limits on how long they keep data, except for IP address or when users ask for deletion of PII: While the above text says they save locations of IP addresses, including for mobile devices, they do not go further and get GPS locations from mobile devices, \"We do not", "id": "21813660" }, { "contents": "Military spectrum management\n\n\nwith radio frequencies. But, often they do not conceive correctly and do not have the necessary knowledge for access in the necessary frequency spectrum for military tasks. That is why the specialized frequency management structures have the responsibility of developing the full necessary administrative, planning and technical activities for frequencies. To ensure a better and interference-free usage by other users, military forces, through their corresponding structures, take care for the monitoring of the frequency bands defined for them, cooperating and exchanging data with other governmental institutions authorized for spectrum", "id": "15287038" }, { "contents": "Genetically modified food controversies\n\n\nWhy do we need GMOs? Who benefits from their use? Who decided that they should be developed and how? Why were we not better informed about their use in our food, before their arrival on the market? Why are we not given an effective choice about whether or not to buy these products? Have potential long-term and irreversible consequences been seriously evaluated, and by whom? Do regulatory authorities have sufficient powers to effectively regulate large companies? Who wishes to develop these products? Can controls imposed by regulatory authorities", "id": "6079470" }, { "contents": "Query optimization\n\n\n. This is one reason why a database administrator should regularly update the database statistics, especially after major data loads/unloads. Classical query optimization assumes that query plans are compared according to one single cost metric, usually execution time, and that the cost of each query plan can be calculated without uncertainty. Both assumptions are sometimes violated in practice and multiple extensions of classical query optimization have been studied in the research literature that overcome those limitations. Those extended problem variants differ in how they model the cost of single query plans and", "id": "2287523" }, { "contents": "Child Rights Taskforce – Australia\n\n\ncatalogue of things Australia does not know about its children is surprisingly large. Australia does not know the different reasons why its children live in out-of-home-care, we do not know about the reasons for and occurrence of suicide or attempted suicide in children and young people. Australia doesn't have nationally consistent data on indigenous communities and children. In order to begin creating and implementing policies and systems that help children, we need more information on their health, wellbeing, experiences and opinions. The National Child Rights", "id": "1074136" }, { "contents": "Mouzi Lihuolun\n\n\nFactors\"), the interlocutory critic decides to take Buddhist lay vows because Mouzi's answers had resolved all doubts. The Postscript relates the 37 \"Mouzi\" articles with the 37 Buddhist Bodhipakkhiyādhammā factors of enlightenment and Daoist chapters 1-37 of the \"Daodejing\" (known as the \"Daojing\" section). A critic asked: Your understanding is truly comprehensive, and assuredly we have never heard the like. But why do you limit yourself to these thirty-seven articIes? Do you have a model? br Mou", "id": "3642594" }, { "contents": "The Organized Mind\n\n\nOrganized Mind\", Levitin demonstrates how the Information Age is drowning us with an unprecedented deluge of data, and uses the latest brain science to explain how the brain can organize this flood of information. Levitin then demonstrates methods that readers can use to regain a sense of mastery over the way they organize their homes, workplaces, and time. It answers three fundamental questions: Why does the brain pay attention to some things and not others? Why do we remember some things and not others? And how can we use that", "id": "16816603" }, { "contents": "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets\n\n\nValerian illustrator Jean-Claude Mézières to work on the film, who asked Besson, \"Why are you doing this shitty film? Why you don’t do Valerian?\" At the time, Besson felt that making the film was \"impossible\" given the vast alien-to-human ratio. The release of \"Avatar\" served as both a blessing and a curse for Besson; he has said, \"technically, I could see that we can do everything now. The film proved that imagination is the only limit", "id": "15405501" }, { "contents": "Gender minorities and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints\n\n\nbiosex-non-conforming physical traits and features, or for non-binary, agender, or genderqueer individuals who do not undergo surgery. Church leaders and scholars have made a number of statements regarding gender. For instance, the apostle David A. Bednar has stated that gender defines much of who we are, why we're on earth, and what we do and become since god made male and female spirits different as part of a divine plan. Another apostle, Russell Ballard taught that the mortal natures of men and women", "id": "10351916" }, { "contents": "Women in government\n\n\nparties of each country\". Research within gender and politics has taken a major step towards a better understanding of what needs to be better studied. Dr. Mona L. Krook states: These kinds of studies help establish that generalizing countries together is far too limiting to the overall case that we see across countries and that we can take the information we gain from these studies that look at countries separately and pose new theories as to why countries have the concepts they do; this helps open new reasons and thus confirms that studies need to", "id": "7183046" }, { "contents": "Newton polynomial\n\n\nsolve the polynomial interpolation problem. This system of equations can be solved iteratively by solving The limit of the Newton polynomial if all nodes coincide is a Taylor polynomial, because the divided differences become derivatives. As can be seen from the definition of the divided differences new data points can be added to the data set to create a new interpolation polynomial without recalculating the old coefficients. And when a data point changes we usually do not have to recalculate all coefficients. Furthermore, if the \"x\" are distributed equidistantly the calculation of", "id": "3026242" }, { "contents": "Sexuality and Mormonism\n\n\nall the reasons why this is so, we do know some of the reasons why gender is essential to our eternal progression. To achieve our exaltation, an eternal marriage between a man and a woman is necessary. ...The sexual union between a married man and woman is, among other things, the means God has ordained to bring His spirit children into mortality, which is an essential step in the plan of salvation. Apostle David A. Bednar stated: \"[Gender] in large measure defines who we are, why", "id": "13789571" }, { "contents": "32X\n\n\n, on the other hand, remembers the 32X positively, stating, \"I think the 32X actually was an interesting, viable platform. The timing was wrong, and certainly our ability to stick with it, given what we did with Saturn, was severely limited. There were a whole bunch of reasons why we couldn’t ultimately do what we had to do with that platform, without third party support and with the timing of Saturn, but I still think the project was a success for a bunch of other reasons.", "id": "9508157" }, { "contents": "Expected goals\n\n\nwrote about 'expected goals' in his assessment of Premier League goalscorers. He asked \"So how do we quantify which areas of the pitch are the most likely to result in a goal and therefore, which shots have the highest probability of resulting in a goal?\". He added: If we can establish this metric, we can then accurately and effectively increase our chances of scoring and therefore winning matches. Similarly, we can use this data from a defensive perspective to limit the better chances by defending key areas of", "id": "22004746" }, { "contents": "Demographics of Podgorica\n\n\nPodgorica Capital City has divided Podgorica city proper into \"planning zones\" (\"planske cjeline\"), for their internal use, and those do have population statistics released, according to 2011 census. These do not correspond to either \"local communities\" or traditional Podgorica neighbourhoods, but are illustrative of distribution of Podgorica population. Data from Capital City documents vary slightly to those of Montenegrin Statistical Office. This might be due to usage of different definitions, different limits of city proper, or usage of preliminary data from 2011 census", "id": "16383186" }, { "contents": "STS-122\n\n\n's not many things we can't do out at the launch pad that we could do in the VAB.\" Managers have convened a short-term troubleshooting team to design a plan to identify, and hopefully predict, or prevent the ECO anomaly. After the second failed launch attempt, NASA initiated a search for the root cause of the ECO sensor problem. In order to gather more data they scheduled a tanking test for 18 December 2007. Engineers installed test wiring that was leading from the tail mast of the orbiter into", "id": "11604382" }, { "contents": "Marine conservation\n\n\nhave been reporting catching a kilo of glass eels this year when they would expect to catch 40 kilos. We have got to do something.\" Johnson's seagrass, a food source for the endangered green sea turtle, is the scarcest species in its genus. It reproduces asexually, which limits its ability to populate and colonize habitats. Data on this species is limited, but it is known that since the 1970s there has been a 50 percent decrease in abundance. Modern marine conservation first became globally recognized in the 1970s after", "id": "16675247" }, { "contents": "Days of Thunder (2011 video game)\n\n\nreturns to voice the character Rowdy Burns in the game. When asked why the game would not be a simulation, Dickson replied, \"Well, we wanted to stay away from that because the games that are out there that do that do it well.\" Developer Piranha Games wanted to ensure that players spent most of their time on the track, so aside from visual modifications, the ability to customize cars is limited. \"We don't want you to spend lots of time outside the game, we want you on", "id": "17371567" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Spotify\n\n\nof why they need to do so\" and wrote that \"Spotify's [privacy policy] is far too broad without examples or vital context and detail around the data gathering the service is implementing\". On Twitter, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek wrote that \"[...] I'd argue it's a nice thing that I can upload a photo to my playlist to personalize it.\" This was followed by an apology on the Spotify blog by Ek, in which he wrote that \"We should have done a better job", "id": "3138863" }, { "contents": "Negotiations leading to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action\n\n\n, Foreign Minister Zarif stated: \"No agreement has been reached so we do not have any obligation yet. Nobody has obligations now other than obligations that we already undertook under the Joint Plan of Action that we adopted in Geneva in November 2013.\" According to the joint statement, \"As Iran pursues a peaceful nuclear program, Iran's enrichment capacity, enrichment level and stockpile will be limited for specific durations and there will be no other enrichment facility than Natanz.\" Fordow will be converted into a \"nuclear physics and", "id": "8410252" }, { "contents": "National Hunter\n\n\na potential fraud, If it's the latter, then we might decide to contact the applicant, although that may depend on other factors.\" Individuals have a statutory right to obtain a copy of the information held by the company about them, in accordance with the Data Protection Act. National Hunter recommends applicants request their credit report as a first step in finding out why they have been rejected for credit but the credit report will not show the data that is on National Hunter, indicating why a lender thinks a customer's", "id": "18475250" }, { "contents": "Helen Thomas\n\n\nthe CNN interview: \"Why do they [Jews] have to go anywhere? They aren't being persecuted! They don't have the right to take other people's land.\" When asked if she regretted the comment, she said: \"We have organized lobbyists in favor of Israel, you can't open your mouth. I can call the president of the United States anything in the book, but you say one thing about Israel and you're off limits.\" On June 4, Thomas posted the following", "id": "9127476" }, { "contents": "National Grand Lodge\n\n\nbeen asked the cause of the separate organizations of white and colored Masons in the United States of America. We do not know of any good reason why there should be, and we have made several attempts without success to have but one. We are, and always have been, in procession of all the ancient landmarks and regulations of the craft, and we do acknowledge all genuine Masons of all Nations and complexion to be our brethren.\" \"THEREFORE, in pursuance of the above call, we have met in the", "id": "13490129" }, { "contents": "Elbow Room (book)\n\n\nto come together and improve their condition by creating rules and enforcing them. We would be worse off if we did not do so. Again, an argument from utility. One final issue: if people do not have real behavioral choices, why not collapse into fatalism? Again, Dennett's argument is that we may not have behavioral choice, but we do have control of our behavior. Dennett asks us to look around at the universe and ask, can I even conceive of beings whose will is freer than our own", "id": "16487322" }, { "contents": "Jorge de la Vega\n\n\ngroup, or a school. We are simply a few painters who feel the need to incorporate the freedom of the figure into our own freedom of expression. And, because we strongly believe in that freedom, we do not wish to restrict it with any dogmatic limitations, thus enslaving ourselves to ourselves. That is why we are eschewing a prologue. There is, however, a reason for being, an artistic driving force that has stimulated us to hold this exhibition. Through there is a common root to that artistic will", "id": "6561508" }, { "contents": "Auguste Comte\n\n\nconcrete phenomena.” Instead of taking what we believe to be true we turn it around to use the phenomena of science and the observation of natural law to justify what we believe to be true within society. The condensing and formulation of human knowledge is what Comte drives us toward to ultimately build the strongest society possible. If scientists do not take the chance to research why a certain animal species is going distinct and their facts researched by those in the past is no longer true of the present, how is the data supposed", "id": "8291684" }, { "contents": "Epigenetic clock\n\n\nDespite the fact that biomarkers of ageing based on DNA methylation data have enabled accurate age estimates for any tissue across the entire life course, the precise biological mechanism behind the epigenetic clock is currently unknown. However, epigenetic biomarkers may help to address long-standing questions in many fields, including the central question: why do we age? The following explanations have been proposed in the literature. Horvath hypothesized that his clock arises from a methylation footprint left by an epigenomic maintenance system. Endogenous DNA damages occur frequently including about 50 double", "id": "7551007" }, { "contents": "Morgan Freeman\n\n\nsuffer from the police. [...] Because of the technology—everybody has a smartphone—now we can see what the police are doing. We can show the world, Look, this is what happened in that situation. So why are so many people dying in police custody? And why are they all black? And why are all the police killing them white? What is that? The police have always said, 'I feared for my safety.' Well, now we know. OK. You feared", "id": "489847" }, { "contents": "Carrier IQ\n\n\nsay it was not installed on their phones. Apple, HTC, and Samsung said the software was installed on their phones. Apple said it had quit supporting the application in iOS 5. It said, \"With any diagnostic data sent to Apple, customers must actively opt-in to share this information... We never recorded keystrokes, messages or any other personal information for diagnostic data and have no plans to ever do so.\" It said it would scrub the software from phones in some future release. HTC (whose", "id": "9182151" }, { "contents": "A Treatise of Human Nature\n\n\ndoes not actually happen: having beliefs is part of human nature, which only confirms Hume's account of belief as \"more properly an act of the sensitive, than of the cogitative part of our natures\". And as for \"why\" we do not sink into total skepticism, Hume argues that the mind has a limited quantity of \"force and activity\", and that difficult and abstruse reasoning \"strain[s] the imagination\", \"hinder[ing] the regular flowing of the passions and sentiments\". As a result", "id": "12872235" }, { "contents": "Alias (comics)\n\n\nimprint, and was reported to have been one of the reasons the imprint was created. Marvel Publishing President Bill Jemas read a draft of the script for the first issue of \"Alias\" (which, characteristically, starts with the word \"fuck\") and exclaimed \"Why couldn't we publish this?\" Being under the MAX imprint imposed certain other limitations on what the creators could do in the series. Bendis gave this as one reason for ending the series and moving the characters to \"The Pulse\". The", "id": "2980734" }, { "contents": "Configural frequency analysis\n\n\nby a pattern of variable values. Antitypes are interpreted as patterns of variable values that do in general not occur together. We explain the basic idea of CFA by a simple example. Assume that we have a data set that describes for each of \"n\" patients if they show certain symptoms \"s\", ..., \"s\". We assume for simplicity that a symptom is shown or not, i.e. we have a dichotomous data set. Each record in the data set is thus an \"m\"-tuple (\"x", "id": "15045484" }, { "contents": "Anthem of the Peaceful Army\n\n\nbecame what Sam Kiszka admitted was a concept album that addressed ecological concerns as well as the themes of hate, greed and evil. \"It kind of dives into roots and beliefs. I think it asks fairly large questions. What are we doing to ourselves? What are we doing to our environment? What are we doing to each other? Why must there be hate? And why must there be greed and evil? I think it simply asks the question of why can't we all be one? We're all", "id": "5403766" }, { "contents": "Draft Communications Data Bill\n\n\nnext decade if no action is taken. They also state, however, that the quantity of traffic data available is expected to grow by around 1000% in the same decade. May stated that police made urgent requests for communications data in 30,000 cases last year and between 25% and 40% of them had resulted in lives being saved. She said that \"There is a limited scope for the data we want to have access to. We have been very clear about that at every stage. The police would have to", "id": "11341632" }, { "contents": "Eugen Filotti\n\n\nthe heartbeat of contemporary life... We want this life to be liberated from balcanism, from asiatism, from archaism and from the rustic simplicity which limits existence to the path from the village church to the village tavern...\" \"We have a better opinion about our own people than all the traditionalists and that is why want Romania to start making its entrance into Europe. Many nations, located between the Atlantic and our borders, have succeeded in being European without losing the specificity of their ethnic spirit. Why would we be the", "id": "21572473" }, { "contents": "Lü Bu\n\n\n, Deng, has a plan to separate them.\" Lü Bu heeded Chen Gui's advice and sent a letter to Han Xian and Yang Feng, \"You two generals escorted the Emperor in Luoyang, while I personally killed Dong Zhuo. We have all accomplished deeds worthy of praise. Yuan Shu has committed treason, so everyone should attack him. Why do you side with the traitor instead and join him in attacking me? We should combine forces to defeat Yuan Shu, help the Emperor eliminate this traitor, and achieve", "id": "14008199" }, { "contents": "TracFone Wireless\n\n\na 30-day period. Monthly prices are reduced when plans are activated with Auto-Refill, which automatically activates the same service plan once the 30-day period is complete. High-speed data is unlimited on the $55 Ultimate Unlimited Plan, and it is limited on the $45, $35, $30 and $10 plans, with speeds lowering to 2G after stated data allotments. Service plans do not include hotspot tethering. Video streams at up to 480p. Straight Talk customers' speeds are prioritized behind customers on", "id": "6645615" }, { "contents": "Assassin's Creed\n\n\nand was planned to have more of a \"social slant\" than any of the earlier games. The Assassins of each colony would have taken on their enemies in \"limited time epic battles\", and players would have been able to pit their strength against friends in asynchronous 3D brawls. Asked about the future of the series in 2009, Sébastien Puel from Ubisoft said that \"we could do 35 of these [\"Assassin's Creed\" games]\", while Laurent Detoc from Ubisoft later said \"we hope to reach", "id": "1037694" }, { "contents": "2012 United States presidential election in Iowa\n\n\nSweden? That is absurd.\" Paul also stated, \"why do we have 900 bases in 130 countries and we're totally bankrupt. How do you rebuild a military when we have no money? How are we going to take care of the people? I think this wild goal to have another war in the name of defense is the dangerous thing. The danger is really us overreacting. We need a strong national defense, and we need to only go to war with a declaration of war.\" Later in", "id": "20323685" }, { "contents": "Oddworld Inhabitants\n\n\nInhabitants doesn't need this because the game was entirely self-funded, and partnering with a publisher would mean \"carv[ing] out a piece of the revenue to share with a Microsoft-friendly publisher that did little to zero in efforts to finance, develop, manage community and bring the product to market,\" limiting Oddworld's revenue and making it harder for them to survive. Lanning expressed his frustrations, \"Why do we need a publisher when we self-finance our games, we build our own IP, we", "id": "11792987" }, { "contents": "Project Megiddo\n\n\nMegiddo report. On January 6, 2000, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said in response to a question at a news conference asking why the terrorist acts predicted in the report did not happen: I think that speculation as to why it didn't -- it -- the nice answer would be that there was no threat. What we must all do, I think, is make sure that we pursue situations, consistent with the law, consistent with due process; that we take reasonable precautions; that we -- when we have", "id": "1170201" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\n\"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, released on their 1968 double album \"The Beatles\" (also known as \"the White Album\"). Short and simple, it was written and sung by Paul McCartney, but credited to Lennon–McCartney. At 1:42, \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" comprises 34 bars of a twelve-bar blues idiom. It begins with three different percussion elements (a hand", "id": "21227595" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\nbanging on the back of an acoustic guitar, handclaps, and drums) and features McCartney's increasingly raucous vocal repeating a simple lyric with only two different lines. This song was recorded by Lowell Fulson, an American blues singer, in 1969 on the Jewel label. It included the lyrics \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" “No one will be watching us.” along with \"Why Don't We Do It in the car?\" and other lines not in the Beatles version. The", "id": "21227596" }, { "contents": "2016 GEICO 500\n\n\nthe caution, Tony Stewart pulled onto pit road to get out and allow Ty Dillon to take over. Stewart said afterwards that the whole situation \"sucks, to be honest. I know why we got to do it, but it sucks. It still sucks that you have to do it, but if I hadn’t broke my back at the end of January, we wouldn’t be in this situation. Good news is this is the last time we have to do it, and I am back in next week", "id": "13395457" }, { "contents": "Love Me Do\n\n\nis Paul's song ... I do know he had the song around, in Hamburg, even, way, way before we were songwriters.\" McCartney said: \"'Love Me Do' was completely co-written ... It was just Lennon and McCartney sitting down without either of us having a particularly original idea. We loved doing it, it was a very interesting thing to try and learn to do, to become songwriters. I think why we eventually got so strong was we wrote so much through our formative period", "id": "20672163" }, { "contents": "Internet in Australia\n\n\nplans with unlimited high-speed access. In 2006 the top three ISPs stated that they did not discriminate between peer-to-peer internet activity and normal internet activity. Peer-to-peer activity is counted towards a customer's limit and if the customer exceeds that limit then they will have their account shaped. However, Unwired and iBurst confirmed at the same time that they do shape peer-to-peer activity to \"smooth the flow of data\". In 2007 Optus changed their policy so that uploads as", "id": "21586789" }, { "contents": "Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation\n\n\nextracted from him is being spent in an unlawful manner. ...this conceptualizing of injury in fact in purely mental terms conflicts squarely with the familiar proposition that a plaintiff lacks a concrete and particularized injury when his only complaint is the generalized grievance that the law is being violated. ...We have never explained why Psychic Injury was insufficient in the cases in which standing was denied, and we have never explained why Psychic Injury, however limited, is cognizable under Article III.\" Scalia wrote, \"We had an opportunity today to", "id": "12821488" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\n\n\n1968, a few months before \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\": \"Anyway, he did the same with 'Revolution 9'. He went off and made that without me. No one ever says that. John is the nice guy and I'm the bastard. It gets repeated all the time.\" Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of its release, Jacob Stolworthy of \"The Independent\" listed \"Why Don't We Do It in the Road?\" at number 27 in his", "id": "21227602" }, { "contents": "Why Did You Do That?\n\n\nresented it since he was upset at Ally's success and his failing career. Gaga on the other hand was vague about whether \"Why Did You Do That\" is a bad song saying: \"When we see her on \"Saturday Night Live\" and she’s singing a song about why do you look so good in those jeans, it’s almost the antithesis of where we started,\" Gaga said. \"That is relatively shallow.\" In \"A Star Is Born\", \"Why Did You Do That", "id": "6979867" }, { "contents": "Clare Chambers (philosopher)\n\n\nto Marion Smiley, Chambers' use of the notion of an unjust process social construction \"to justify, as well as to limit, prohibition, provides us with a whole new and productive way of using the state to promote gender equality,\" and she argues that a particular virtue of Chambers' work is that it \"makes clear why we do not have to choose between gender equality and autonomy in our efforts to prevent harm in the lives of women and all others.\" In her 2017 book \"Against Marriage:", "id": "17706720" }, { "contents": "Cindy Cunningham\n\n\nin Spain and what changed her over these last few years and we find out a little bit why in \"Hollyoaks Later\" which kind of brings it round full circle.\" She continued about her future with the soap: \"I don't have any plans to leave — I'm very, very happy. I say bring it on to whatever the producers want to give me. I do have a couple of projects that I'm working on myself. I have something that I'm currently writing — I wrote something", "id": "10010316" }, { "contents": "Thomas Coglan Horsfall\n\n\nSheffield was his model. He wrote, \"I may be asked why are we to do this work which it might seem is chiefly work that should be done for the city by itself – by its governing body. The answer is – we must do it, because we are willing to do it and can do it.\" Horsfall even argued that local employers should donate money to the gallery rather than pay higher wages to their employees because \"For we [the middle-class] alone have learnt that money may", "id": "10813107" }, { "contents": "The American Crisis\n\n\nto support it; we can do better without your fleets and armies than with them; you may soon have enough to do to protect yourselves, without being burthened with us. We are very willing to be at peace with you, to buy of you and sell to you, and, like young beginners in the world, to work for our own living; therefore, why do you put yourselves out of cash, when we know you cannot spare it, and we do not desire you to run you into", "id": "12000835" }, { "contents": "Exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac\n\n\nEastern societies inflict on criminals whom they consider completely defiled and irredeemable. First, the man is hunted, then stoned, and finally he is killed; this is why the possessed lived among the tombs. The Gerasenes must have had some understanding of why they are reproached or they would not respond as they do. Their mitigated violence is an ineffective protest. Their answer is: 'No, we do not want to stone you because we want \"to keep you\" near us. No ostracism hangs over you.'", "id": "515645" }, { "contents": "1995 Football League Cup Final\n\n\na hamstring injury while playing for the Welsh national team against Bulgaria, but was expected to be fit. Midfielder Mark Kennedy would not feature in the final as he was ineligible. Bolton defender Alan Stubbs was confident Bolton could cause Liverpool problems: \"I think if you look round the team we have got good quality everywhere and that's why we are doing so well, we have also got good players in reserve who can come in and do a job. We have played together for a long time and we are strong", "id": "7402201" }, { "contents": "Pyotr Gannushkin\n\n\nwhy he made psychopathies his main research subject. \"We, our generation, do not limit ourselves by psychiatric hospitals. Using the same approach, we are coming into life, coming to schools, barracks, prisons. We are not looking for the demented who need to be hospitalized, but for half-normal people, borderline types, intermediate steps. Borderline psychiatry, minor psychiatry... - here is a motto for our times, an area to which our actions must be directed in the immediate future.\" When Gannushkin", "id": "14247647" }, { "contents": "Why Don't We\n\n\ntheir one song a month process. So far they have released: \"Big Plans\", \"Cold In LA\", \"I Don't Belong In This Club\", \"Don't Change\", \"Unbelievable\", \"Come To Brazil\" and \"I Still Do\". On October 7, 2016, the group released their debut single \"Taking You,\" a track from their debut EP, \"Only the Beginning\", which was released on November 25 of the same year. Their second EP", "id": "9298455" }, { "contents": "Pink Floyd\n\n\nof its own ... Pink Floyd employs extended, stand-alone instrumentals which are never mere vehicles for showing off virtuoso but are planned and integral parts of the performance. In 1968, Wright commented on Pink Floyd's sonic reputation: \"It's hard to see why we were cast as the first British psychedelic group. We never saw ourselves that way ... we realised that we were, after all, only playing for fun ... tied to no particular form of music, we could do whatever we wanted ... the emphasis ...", "id": "21610437" }, { "contents": "Black-tailed deer\n\n\n... We have similar questions about USFS's use of VolStrata data, which identifies total timber volume and not forest structure, to approve the projects, where forest structure—and not total timber volume—is relevant to the habitability of a piece of land. USFS itself has recognized the limitations in the VolStrata data. ... Because we must remand to the agency to re-examine its Deer Model, we need not decide whether the use of the VolStrata data was arbitrary and capricious. We anticipate that, in reviewing the proposed", "id": "4943618" }, { "contents": "Optimistic knowledge gradient\n\n\npicture, we go to the second steps where we want to infer true label of each picture based on the collected labels. So there are multiple ways we can do inference. For instance, the simplest we can do this is just majority vote. The problem is that no free lunch, we have to pays for worker for each label he or she provides and we only have a limited project budget. So the question is how to spend the limited budget in a smart way. Before showing the mathematic model, the", "id": "3843465" }, { "contents": "Aurica Motors\n\n\na limited liability company in California on March 15, 2010. Five days earlier, the start-up publicly announced its long-term desire to save the NUMMI factory and thousands of plant and supplier jobs. “We want to keep the plant open, and we believe we have a very viable plan to do so by manufacturing electric cars,” said Matt Pitagora, general manager of Aurica. “It's all about keeping the lights on.” Aurica said that it would finance such an endeavor with an aggressive campaign", "id": "21574425" }, { "contents": "Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati\n\n\nwhen our wells Are poisoned, where can you have come from? Did we meet before I came to be?\"/poem With total despair, he speaks about the tormenting pain of exile. Following is his poem entitled Why Are We in Exile the Refugees Ask (translated from Arabic by Abdullah Al-Udhari): poemWhy do we die? In silence And I had a house And I had …. And here you are Without a heart without a voice Waiting, and here you are Why are we in exile? We die We", "id": "19940125" }, { "contents": "Self-replicating spacecraft\n\n\nan argument that extraterrestrial intelligences do not exist, based on the absence of von Neumann probes. Given even a moderate rate of replication and the history of the galaxy, such probes should already be common throughout space and thus, we should have already encountered them. Because we have not, this shows that extraterrestrial intelligences do not exist. This is thus a resolution to the Fermi paradox – that is, the question of why we have not \"already\" encountered extraterrestrial intelligence if it is common throughout the universe. A response", "id": "19172609" }, { "contents": "A Better Tomorrow (album)\n\n\nno more. He has done his job to the greatest of his ability when we were younger, but now every man plays an imperative role in this situation. His plan was to do a more humble album. We was like, Nah. You can’t do that with the hardest group in the game.\" In April 2014, RZA spoke about Raekwon's hesitation to record on the album, saying: \"I haven’t had a chance to really talk to him about why not. All I see is the", "id": "18567898" }, { "contents": "LulzSec\n\n\noffered to pay them to attack his business opponents and that they never intended to take any money from him. LulzSec has denied responsibility for misuse of any of the data they breached and released. Instead, they placed the blame on users who reused passwords on multiple websites and on companies with inadequate security in place. In June 2011, the group released a manifesto outlining why they performed hacks and website takedowns, reiterating that \"we do things just because we find it entertaining\" and that watching the results can be \"priceless", "id": "15008261" }, { "contents": "Marketing research mix\n\n\nInformation Technology, with Intranets and the Internet, has improved our ability to find such data. If secondary data doesn't solve the problem then original data (primary data) is sought. It is useful to think of different primary methods in these terms: we can ask people what they are doing; we can watch them or detect what they have done by counting or we can manipulate some variables to discover the effect. This creates three categories: questioning; observation and experimentation. Primary data collection techniques can be subdivided into", "id": "8260453" }, { "contents": "International Student Festival in Trondheim\n\n\nconstructive debate and dialogue across ideological and national boundaries. The theme was discussed in the workshops, at plenary sessions and under the event ISFiT open. They want to put a spotlight on issues like: Do students have the power to change a political regime? Who dominate the global market, and why? Is there a limit for what we can buy or sell? What is the reason for starvation when tons of food are thrown away in the western countries? Can consumption be a way to communicate and express our cultural identity", "id": "14077913" }, { "contents": "Teenage suicide in the United States\n\n\ntreatment if they feel they cannot do a sufficient enough job in preventing the loss of the young adult. Young adults and the people surrounding them need to be able to better understand what suicide is, why it happens, and how to stop it if we want the excessive number of young adult suicides to decrease. Johnson and Coyne-Beasley have argued that limiting young people's access to lethal means, such as firearms, has reduced means-specific suicide rates.(However, they found that \"[m]inimum purchase-age and", "id": "2431134" }, { "contents": "SpongeBob SquarePants (season 1)\n\n\nthe staff would all enumerate 10 nouns on strips of paper and place them in a hat. The hat would be passed throughout and a writer would have a limited time to spawn an idea based on the noun he wrote. Drymon said \"It would almost always start a discussion, and we wound up getting a lot of episodes out of it.\" Furthermore, Drymon said that Williams \"really came up with a great addition to the process.\" One time, Hillenburg came to Williams and said, \"Why do", "id": "7906980" }, { "contents": "The Night Angel Trilogy\n\n\nwas killed by Durzo), Corbin Fishill was said to be the head of the children's guilds (also killed by Durzo), and another man was said to be the head of the bashers (although no name was given). \"Wetboys are to assassins like a tiger is to a kitten.\" - Kylar \"That's why assassins have targets. Wetboys have deaders. Why do we call them deaders? Because when we take a contract, the rest of their short lives is a formality.\" -", "id": "2922229" }, { "contents": "Manfred Clynes\n\n\ncan be positive or negative. This fact imposes radical limitations on the methods of control that biology can use. It cannot, for example, simply cancel a signal by sending a signal of opposite polarity, since there is no simple opposite polarity. To cancel, a second channel involving other, different molecules (chemicals) is required. This law explains, among other things, why the sensations of hot and cold need to operate through two separate sensing channels in the body, why we do not actively sense the disappearance", "id": "2733851" }, { "contents": "Lil' Kim\n\n\nRapper T.I. would be collaborating on a song sometime in the future, saying \"I don't know if it's going to be for my album or if we're just going to…we have other plans for it as well. But, I think we're going to do a double release.\" In the same interview, she explained the reasons why the mixtape was pushed back twice, stating \"When this project was supposed to come out I had got pregnant. I didn't know. [...] Once", "id": "2715474" }, { "contents": "Why Should We Idly Waste Our Prime\n\n\n\"Why Should We Idly Waste Our Prime\" is an English poem written by Robert Burns. poem style=\"margin-left:2em\" Why should we idly waste our prime Come rouse to arms! 'Tis now the time 'Tis said that Kings can do no wrong — And, since from us their power is sprung, Now each true patriot's song shall be: — Proud Priests and Bishops we'll translate The guillotine on Peers shall wait; Those Despots long have trode us down, Such wretched minions of a Crown To-", "id": "20081380" }, { "contents": "A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge\n\n\nmuch progress by assuming the existence of matter and mechanical motion. Answer: Scientists do not need to assume that matter and motion exist and that they have effects on an observer's mind. All scientists need to do is to explain why we are affected by certain \"ideas\" on certain occasions. Objection: It is absurd to ascribe everything to Spirits instead of natural causes. Answer: Using common language, we can speak of natural causes. We do this in order to communicate. However, in actuality we must know", "id": "12072117" }, { "contents": "The Grand Design (book)\n\n\nfor answers to questions like 'Why is there something rather than nothing?' and 'Why do we exist?' – questions that have troubled thinking people at least as far back as the ancient Greeks.\" Writing in the \"Los Angeles Times\", Michael Moorcock praised the authors: \"their arguments do indeed bring us closer to seeing our world, universe and multiverse in terms that a previous generation might easily have dismissed as supernatural. This succinct, easily digested book could perhaps do with fewer dry, academic groaners", "id": "15348304" } ]
How to violinists and cellists know where to put their fingers for a certain note when they have no frets?
[{"answer": "Muscle memory. An experienced guitarist isn't looking or feeling the frets, either. Your hands eventually just know where to go."}, {"answer": "From experience you just get a certain instinct for it. You know the positions for various common notes, and since \"uncommon\" notes are just intervals above or below \"common\" notes it's pretty easy to play them even if you don't exactly know the finger position immediately. But really after awhile you don't even think about it anymore. EDIT: Grammar"}, {"answer": "You start with small stickers indicating the 4 most regular used positions (at least I did when learning to play violin), that way you can see where to put your fingers. Pretty quickly you get a feeling of where to put your fingers and you can remove the stickers. As for notes beyond the 4 mentioned positions, it comes instinctively I would say, once you get a feel for the instrument. Playing the violin is not much different from playing the guitar IMO (aside from the increased freedom of the missing frets on a violin)"}, {"answer": "In addition to what others have said, sometimes students put tiny slivers of tape on the neck as an aid until they gain the muscle memory."}, {"answer": "I play double-bass and I've got the intonation thing down to a science now. I tape little pieces of felt to the back of my bass's neck. When my thumb hits felt, I know which note is underneath my other fingers on the fingerboard. This way I don't have to spend so much time forcing my muscles to remember hand positions."}, {"answer": "Scales and arpeggios are the DNA of common practice music, and the \"map\" of non-fretted string instruments. They are certainly a boring chore to practice for many years, but they are invaluable in learning how to play in tune, and sight read most regular tonal music. To give violin as an example (because the situation is a bit more complex for cello), composers think about how their material is going to fit into various standard \"positions\" - if they want to write a fast passage that the instrumentalists will have to learn at speed, or sight read, they have to rely on stock figurations that fall conveniently within one of the standard positions, to minimise shifts up and down. Over time the anchor location of these positions becomes second nature and violinists can just look at a long sequence of notes and figure out how they are going to finger it in the most efficient way. Furthermore, if in doubt, string instrumentalists can check positions by softly playing certain harmonics that appear at points proportional to the length of the string."}, {"answer": "Upright bass player here! Its half muscle memory and half ear. When you first learn you can some time mark on the neck where certain notes are, personally I played bass guitar before upright and aside from my hand position going from horizontal to vertical the note spacing was pretty much the same so I relied a lot on the fact that my fingers already 'knew' where to go for what note. The top four 'frets' are easy to remember because you can anchor your hand placement to the nut by the headstock and then you can base your hand position from there. For notes farther down the neck, my anchor point became the slope where the neck joined the body. I'd plant my thumb there and I knew directly above my thumb was the fifth 'fret' and that c was where I based my positioning off of lower down on the neck"}, {"answer": "Related question: How do trombone players learn the positions? The answer for violins seems to be putting tape on the fretboard until muscle memory develops, but I can't imagine trombone players can use the same tape trick."}, {"answer": "Trombone player so slightly similar. You get used to where its supposed to be and then you use your ear."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "3626310", "title": "Violin technique", "section": "Section::::Left hand: producing pitch.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The fingers are conventionally numbered 1 (index finger) to 4 (little finger). Especially in instructional editions of violin music, numbers over the notes may indicate which finger to use, with \"0\" above the note indicating \"open\" string, or playing on a string without manipulating the pitch using the left hand. The second finger may be either \"low\" or \"high,\" corresponding to G or G on the E string in first position. Similarly, the first finger may reach a half-step down for the F, and 3rd and 4th fingers reach up for A and C respectively, as shown on the chart of Bornoff finger patterns on the left. (Pattern number 5 may be seen to be the same as pattern number 3, but a half step lower, or in \"half position.\")\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "The second finger may be either \"low\" or \"high,\" corresponding to G or G on the E string in first position. Similarly, the first finger may reach a half-step down for the F, and 3rd and 4th fingers reach up for A and C respectively, as shown on the chart of Bornoff finger patterns on the left. (Pattern number 5 may be seen to be the same as pattern number 3, but a half step lower, or in \"half position.\")", "The fingers are conventionally numbered 1 (index finger) to 4 (little finger). Especially in instructional editions of violin music, numbers over the notes may indicate which finger to use, with \"0\" above the note indicating \"open\" string, or playing on a string without manipulating the pitch using the left hand. The second finger may be either \"low\" or \"high,\" corresponding to G or G on the E string in first position. Similarly, the first finger may reach a half-step down for the F, and 3rd and 4th fingers reach up for A and C respectively, as shown on the chart of Bornoff finger patterns on the left. (Pattern number 5 may be seen to be the same as pattern number 3, but a half step lower, or in \"half position.\")"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\nrequired to play more than one string, called the \"barre\" technique. The guitarist places the index finger across some or all of the strings at a particular fret and uses the remaining three fingers to play other notes. Rather putting down the barre first, it is often easier to place the fingers and add the barre last, according to which notes are needed first. When playing notes above the twelfth fret, called \"on the body\", the left shoulder is dropped and the thumb stays behind, on the", "id": "1959405" }, { "contents": "Violin\n\n\nin the left hand, which indicates too much pressure when holding the violin. The left hand determines the sounding length of the string, and thus the pitch of the string, by \"stopping\" it (pressing it) against the fingerboard with the fingertips, producing different pitches. As the violin has no frets to stop the strings, as is usual with the guitar, the player must know exactly where to place the fingers on the strings to play with good intonation (tuning). Beginning violinists play open strings and", "id": "14050592" }, { "contents": "Secret Touch\n\n\nsaid: \"There's another point where I'm playing straight 16th-notes, and when we were jamming originally, we could hear the sound of my fingers slapping against the string-but when we played it back it didn't have the same 'smack'. So we put up a mike and recorded the sound of my fingers while we were laying down the parts, and we used it subtly in the mix. I don't know how much of it survived under all the guitars, but it's there", "id": "4928848" }, { "contents": "Stopped note\n\n\nThe lack of frets, as on the guitar fretboard, does allow greater variability in intonation though a bowed string instrumentalist, such as a violinist, \"when unaccompanied, does not play consistently in either the tempered or the natural scale, but tends on the whole to conform with the Pythagorean scale\" The open notes of the highest three strings may be played as stopped notes on the lowest three strings, offering advantages and disadvantages: Fingered tremolos, the rapid alternation of two notes, are best between two stopped notes on one", "id": "19165466" }, { "contents": "Sonny Landreth\n\n\nbest known for his slide guitar playing, having developed a technique where he also frets notes and plays chords and chord fragments by fretting behind the slide while he plays. Landreth plays with the slide on his little finger, so that his other fingers have more room to fret behind the slide. He is also known for his right-hand technique, which involves tapping, slapping, and picking strings, using all of the fingers on his right hand. He wears a special thumb pick/flat pick hybrid on his thumb", "id": "9782394" }, { "contents": "Boogie\n\n\nIV, V), although the dominant, or any chord, may include the seventh on the third beat (see also, degree (music)). A simple lead guitar boogie pattern is as follows: Boogie patterns are played with a swing or shuffle rhythm and generally follow the \"one finger per fret\" rule, where, as in the case directly above, if the third finger always covers the notes on the third fret, the second finger going only on the second fret, etc. The swung notes", "id": "17210080" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\nto the guitar. By keeping the thumb behind the second finger and playing off the front of the third finger, the classical guitarist sets the left hand shape. Playing with the left hand more or less parallel to the neck requires a certain amount of stretching between the fingers. There is a tendency, especially when one first begins guitar, to collapse the first and second fingers together to press on the string. For example, in playing the F on the first string, first fret (often the second note ever fingered", "id": "1959400" }, { "contents": "Guitar chord\n\n\nas folk music. Many of the most popular tunings—standard tuning, open tunings, and new standard tuning—are rich in the open notes used by popular chords. Open tunings allow major triads to be played by barring one fret with only one finger, using the finger like a capo. On guitars without a zeroth fret (after the nut), the intonation of an open note may differ from then note when fretted on other strings; consequently, on some guitars, the sound of an open note may be", "id": "18436242" }, { "contents": "Pull-off\n\n\nA pull-off is a stringed instrument plucking technique performed by \"pulling\" the finger off a string off the fingerboard of either a fretted or unfretted instrument. A pull-off is performed on a string which is already vibrating; when the fretting finger is pulled off (exposing the string either as open or as stopped by another fretting finger lower on the same string) the note playing on the string changes to the new, longer vibrating length of the string. Pull-offs are performed on both fretted instruments (", "id": "5580174" }, { "contents": "Tapping\n\n\nmaintain fluidity and synchronization between all the notes, especially when played at speed, which can take extensive practice to master. Tapped harmonics are produced by holding a note with a player's fretting hand, and tapping twelve frets down from that note with the player's tapping hand (i.e. the note on the 4th fret of the A string is tapped on the 16th fret of the A string). Rather than hammering-on and pulling-off with the right hand, harmonics are produced by hitting the fret with a finger", "id": "5580093" }, { "contents": "Open C tuning\n\n\nOpen C tuning is an open tuning for guitar. The open-string notes form a C major chord, which is the triad (C,E,G) having the root note C, the major third (C,E), and the perfect fifth (C,G). When the guitar is strummed without fretting any strings, a C-major chord is sounded. By barring all of the strings for one fret (from one to eleven), one finger suffices to fret the other eleven major", "id": "7776220" }, { "contents": "Zero fret\n\n\npiano intonation\" refers to the setup procedure of the individual hammers in the piano keyboard. A conventional nut or an elevated zero fret will cause pitch errors on the lower frets due to the increased pressure on the strings. The fret distances would have to be corrected for that increased tension effect, but with guitars that is not common. On the contrary the \"level\" zero fret will have no pitch errors on the fingered notes. This can be demonstrated by measuring the pitch deviation of each single note on the fingerboard.", "id": "820021" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\nwhen the left hand finger divides the string in two and is placed at the twelfth fret. The note then played is one octave higher than the open string. If the string is divided in three (left hand finger near the seventh fret) the note played is one octave and one fifth above the open string. The player must be careful not to pluck the string at another node (nearer the bridge) otherwise the harmonic will not sound. This can be easily demonstrated by resting a left hand finger on the fifth", "id": "1959413" }, { "contents": "Tapping\n\n\n, in the motion of removing that finger, pluck (\"pull\") the same string already fretted at the eighth fret by the little finger of their left hand. This finger would be removed in the same way, pulling off to the fifth fret. Thus the three notes (E, C and A) are played in quick succession at relative ease to the player. While tapping is most commonly observed on electric guitar, it may apply to almost any string instrument, and several instruments have been created specifically to", "id": "5580077" }, { "contents": "Antonio Vandini\n\n\nAntonio (Lotavio) Vandini (c. 1690 in Bologna – c. 1773–78), a close friend of Giuseppe Tartini, was a cellist and composer. He was first violoncellist of the Capella directed by the Arca del Santo at the basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua, where Tartini was first violinist and concertmaster. Together the violinist and 'cellist went in 1723 to join the service of count Kinsky at Prague, where they remained three years. Italian critics called his manner of playing and his expression \"parlante\"—he understood how to make his", "id": "1176988" }, { "contents": "String bending\n\n\nString bending is a guitar technique where fretted strings are displaced by application of a force by the fretting fingers in a direction perpendicular to their vibrating length. This has the net effect of increasing the pitch of a note. String-bending allows exploration of microtonality and can be used to give a distinctive vocal articulation to lead guitar passages. String bending is executed by fretting a note on the guitar fretboard, and then applying a force perpendicular to the length of the fretboard with the fretting hand, displacing the string from its resting", "id": "15563941" }, { "contents": "Major thirds tuning\n\n\nespecially simple in major-thirds tuning. Chords are inverted simply by raising one or two notes three strings. The raised notes are played with the same finger as the original notes. Thus, major and minor chords are played on two frets in M3 tuning even when they are inverted. In contrast, inversions of chords in standard tuning require three fingers on a span of four frets, in standard tuning, the shape of inversions depends on the involvement of the irregular major-third. In each regular tuning, the musical", "id": "3574954" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\nfret and trying to play the note by plucking the string at the twelfth fret with the right hand - no note will be produced. Ideally the right hand should pluck the string at an antinode. Artificial harmonics are played by stopping the string as usual with the left hand then resting (not pressing) the index finger of the right hand on the string at a nodal position (commonly 5, 7, 9, or 12 frets above the left hand finger) and plucking the string with the ring finger or thumb of", "id": "1959414" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\nthe player concentrates on playing on the front of the third (or ring) finger, the other fingers will follow. To play a note clearly, the fingertips of the left hand should be pressed against the string just behind the appropriate fret. Allowing the left shoulder to relax lets the highest finger in the chord or scale slide against and rest on the fret, giving the best sound—and the easiest reach with other fingers. The fingers are, thereby, placed closest to the frets. Often the index finger is", "id": "1959404" }, { "contents": "Overtones tuning\n\n\nform a C major chord, which is the triad (C,E,G) having the root note C, the major third (C,E), and the perfect fifth (C,G). When the guitar is strummed without fretting even one string, a C-major chord is sounded. By barring all of the strings for one fret (from one to eleven), one finger suffices to fret the other eleven major-chords. score vorbis=\"1\" { \\clef \"treble_8\" \\time 3/4 c", "id": "11989567" }, { "contents": "Double bass\n\n\nand D. The simplest type of mechanical aid is the use of wooden \"fingers\" or \"gates\" that can be closed to press the string down and fret the C, D, E, or E notes. This system is particularly useful for basslines that have a repeating pedal point such as a low D because once the note is locked in place with the mechanical finger the lowest string sounds a different note when played open (e.g., a low D). The most complicated mechanical aid for use with extensions is", "id": "8934336" }, { "contents": "Bass guitar\n\n\ncase of a string that has already been plucked or picked, by \"hammering on\" a higher pitch or \"pulling off\" a finger to pluck a lower fretted or open stringed note. Jazz bassists use a subtle form of fretting hand pizzicato by plucking a very brief open string grace note with the fretting hand right before playing the string with the plucking hand. When a string is rapidly hammered on, the note can be prolonged into a trill. In the two-handed tapping styles, bassists use both hands to", "id": "3494630" }, { "contents": "Ashes to Ashes (play)\n\n\ntells Devlin that she had been writing a note, and that when she put the pen she was using down, it rolled off the table: REBECCA: It rolled right off, onto the carpet. In front of my eyes. DEVLIN: Good God. REBECCA: This pen, this perfectly innocent pen. DEVLIN: You can't know it was innocent. REBECCA: Why not? DEVLIN: Because you don't know where it had been. You don't know how many other hands have held it, how", "id": "19931936" }, { "contents": "John Kennedy (cellist)\n\n\nJohn Kennedy (30 December 19229 February 1980) was a noted British cellist who had significant associations with Australia, where he worked in the latter part of his life and where he died. He was the father of the violinist Nigel Kennedy. John Kennedy was born in London. His parents were Australians, the cellist Lauri Kennedy and the pianist Dorothy Kennedy. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music (RAM). At age 24 he became first cello with the Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, making him the youngest principal in Great", "id": "16421707" }, { "contents": "String harmonic\n\n\nmoment when the string is driven. The finger immediately damps all overtones that do not have a node near the location touched. The lowest-pitch overtone dominates the resulting sound. Music using harmonics can contain very high pitch notes difficult or impossible to reach by fretting. Guitar harmonics also produce a different sound quality than fretted notes, and are one of many techniques used to create musical variety. A pinch harmonic (also known as squelch picking, pick harmonic or squealy) is a guitar technique to achieve artificial harmonics in which", "id": "3116381" }, { "contents": "Overtones tuning\n\n\n, the major third (C,E), and the perfect fifth (C,G). When the guitar is strummed without fretting even one string, a C-major chord is sounded. By barring all of the strings for one fret (from one to eleven), one finger suffices to fret the other eleven major-chords. Flattening this open tuning's open-note E to E changes the open chord from C-major to C-minor, so producing the cross-note tuning score vorbis=\"1", "id": "11989570" }, { "contents": "Fingerstyle guitar\n\n\nsystematically indicated, but when they are (mostly in the case of the execution of \"barrés\") these are indicated with Roman numerals from the position I (index finger of the left hand placed on the 1st fret: F–B–E–A–C–F) to the position XII (the index finger of the left hand placed on the 12th fret: E–A–D–G–B–E; the 12th fret is placed where the body begins) or higher up to position", "id": "13793668" }, { "contents": "Bass guitar\n\n\nand 3 octaves) also exist. Instruments with more frets are used by bassists who play bass solos, as more frets gives them additional upper range notes. When a bass has a large number of frets, such as a 36 fret instrument, the bass may have a deeper \"cutaway\" to enable the performer to reach the higher pitches. Like electric guitars, fretted basses typically have markers on the fingerboard and on the side of the neck to assist the player in determining where notes and important harmonic points are. The", "id": "3494585" }, { "contents": "Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock\n\n\nthe players are given the opportunity to play single notes or chords, both as single notes or sustained, during which the players must continue to hold down the fret button(s) for the extent of the sustain. Some charts provide the ability to hold down one sustained note via its fret button while strumming additional notes. \"Warriors of Rock\" also provides simulated hammer-ons and pull-offs, where, after striking one note, specifically marked notes can be played by fingering the correct buttons but without strumming. There are", "id": "11050409" }, { "contents": "Power chord\n\n\nThe spider chord requires the player to use all four fingers of the fretting hand, thus its name. This technique then allows one to run down the neck playing either of the two chords. Perhaps the most common implementation is 1-5-1', that is, the root note, a note a fifth above the root, and a note an octave above the root. When the strings are a fourth apart, especially the lower four strings in standard tuning, the lowest note is played with some fret on", "id": "2201131" }, { "contents": "Capo\n\n\nthe neck of the guitar if applied incorrectly. Song arrangements may cite capo position just as they cite alternative tunings. When referencing fingerings for a song that uses a capo, the player determines whether the chart references absolute finger positions, or positions relative to the capo. In tablature, for example, a note played on the fifth fret of an instrument capoed at the second fret can be listed as \"5\" (absolute) or \"3\" (relative to capo). Similarly, a D-shaped chord can", "id": "380086" }, { "contents": "Guitar Hero\n\n\nthe hold, the game will always award the same amount of score increase for the note. In addition, the games support virtual implementations of \"hammer-ons\" and \"pull-offs\", guitar-playing techniques that are used to successfully play a fast series of notes by only changing the fingering on the fret buttons without having to strum each note. Sequences where strumming is not required are indicated on-screen by notes with a white outline at the top of the marker instead of the usual black one,", "id": "17460920" }, { "contents": "Anton Rubinstein\n\n\ncultured audience puts up with a performance like that! On the other hand, when Rubinstein played Beethoven's \"Archduke\" Trio with violinist Leopold Auer and cellist Alfredo Piatti in 1868, Auer recalls: It was the first time I had heard this great artist play. He was most amiable at the rehearsal... To this day I can recall how Rubinstein sat down at the piano, his leonine head thrown back slightly, and began the five opening measures of the principal theme... It seemed to me I had never before heard", "id": "19385175" }, { "contents": "Open B tuning\n\n\nOpen B Tuning is an open tuning for guitar. The open string notes in this tuning are B-F-B-F-B-D. It uses the three notes that form the triad of a B major chord: B, the root note; F, the perfect fifth; and D the major third. When the guitar is strummed without fretting any of the strings a B major chord is sounded. This means that any major chord can be easily created using one finger, fretting all the strings at once", "id": "20651458" }, { "contents": "Guitar tunings\n\n\nfinger on fret 4, etc.) only when the hand is in the first position. The open notes of the second (B) and third (G) strings are separated by a four-semitone interval (a major third). This tuning pattern of (low) fourths, one major-third, and one fourth was inherited by the guitar from its predecessor instrument, the viol. On the other hand, the irregular major third breaks the fingering patterns of scales and chords, so that guitarists have to", "id": "19773791" }, { "contents": "Iron Mike Norton\n\n\nMichael Shaun Norton. He has worked alongside such artists as Sonny Landreth, Willie Nelson, Lyle Lovett, Eric Sardinas, Rob Zombie, The Outlaws, Waylon Jennings, and Wynonna, among others. Norton is best known for his slide playing, having developed a technique pioneered by his mentor Sonny Landreth where he frets notes and plays chords behind the slide. He is also known for employing right hand finger tapping techniques in combination with his slide work. North is considered one of the foremost practitioners of Landreth's fret behind the", "id": "19517372" }, { "contents": "Stopped note\n\n\nOn string instruments, a stopped note is a note whose pitch has been altered from the pitch of the open string by the player's left hand pressing (stopping) the string against the fingerboard. On bowed string instruments, a stopped note is a played note that is fingered with the left hand, i.e. not an open string. This assists with tone production, the addition of vibrato, and sometimes additional volume but creates difficulty in that bowed string instruments do not have frets, requiring ear training and accurate finger placement.", "id": "19165465" }, { "contents": "Pull-off\n\n\nflick-off\", the pulling-off finger is dragged slightly across the face of the string while performing the pull-off. This results in the string being gently sounded, either by the player's finger callus or by their fretting-finger fingernail. This increases the volume and sustain of the pulled-off note, although the sound of the fretting finger dragging over the string may be audible on both an amplified instrument and on a brightly strung acoustic instrument. Classical music of the late romantic period features numerous applications", "id": "5580178" }, { "contents": "Barre chord\n\n\nbarre\", is made by sliding the A chord shape (X02220) up and down the frets. When the A chord is barred, the index finger lies across the top five strings, touching the 6th string (E) to deaden it. Either the ring or little finger is then barred across the 2nd (B), 3rd (G), and 4th (D) strings two frets down, or one finger frets each string. For instance, if barred at the second fret, the A chord becomes", "id": "11184095" }, { "contents": "Pipa\n\n\njust one or more fingers. The left hand techniques are important for the expressiveness of pipa music. Techniques that produce vibrato, portamento, glissando, pizzicato, harmonics or artificial harmonics found in violin or guitar are also found in pipa. String-bending for example may be used to produce a glissando or portamento. Note however that the frets on all Chinese lutes are high so that the fingers and strings never touch the fingerboard in between the frets, this is different from many Western fretted instruments and allows for dramatic vibrato and", "id": "3651359" }, { "contents": "Xun (instrument)\n\n\nlearned how to blow air into it. Gradually, the \"stone meteor\" became the musical instrument we know as \"xun\". Archaeologists have discovered vessel-flutes like the xun in common graves of the Xia dynasty. Those had three finger holes and could produce the notes do, mi, so, la and fa. The shape of the instrument and number of finger holes of the xun as we know it today were standardized during the Shang dynasty. Most xun of that era had five finger holes and produced sound", "id": "4663798" }, { "contents": "Chorus effect\n\n\nuse of alternative tunings (such as the unisons-and-octaves-only \"ostrich tuning\" by Lou Reed); by playing chords or fingerings with \"redundant\" notes (like playing the open high E string and the same \"E\" note on the 5th fret of the B string); and/or by using extended techniques like bending while playing a note (like playing the 5th fret on the 2nd string and, simultaneously, playing a full-tone bending in the 7th fret on the 3rd string).", "id": "3220101" }, { "contents": "Rock Band\n\n\n, introduced quieter fret buttons, a more reliable strum bar, and optical sensor and microphone to help the player calibrate the video and audio output from their television/stereo system's setup. \"Rock Band 3\" introduces \"Pro Mode\" to the Rock Band franchise for both guitar and bass players, where players finger specific strings and frets instead of colored buttons in Easy to Medium mode, while on Expert mode players are required to play the actual guitar chords and solos, note for note. Two completely new guitar controllers", "id": "3332006" }, { "contents": "Guitar chord\n\n\nseventh chords have the following fingerings in standard tuning: In major-thirds (M3) tuning, the chromatic scale is arranged on three consecutive strings in four consecutive frets. This four-fret arrangement facilitates the left-hand technique for classical (Spanish) guitar: For each hand position of four frets, the hand is stationary and the fingers move, each finger being responsible for exactly one fret. Consequently, three hand-positions (covering frets 1–4, 5–8, and 9–12) partition the fingerboard of classical guitar,", "id": "18436270" }, { "contents": "Tablature\n\n\noctave, tablature is instead operationally based, indicating where and when a finger should be placed to generate a note, so pitch is denoted implicitly rather than explicitly. Tablature for plucked strings is based upon a diagrammatic representation of the strings and frets of the instrument, keyboard tablature represents the keys of the instrument, and woodwind tablature shows whether each of the fingerholes is to be closed or left open. Lowercase letters or \"glyphs\"are placed on each of these lines to represent notes. If it is required to play an open D", "id": "21567799" }, { "contents": "Sweep picking\n\n\none then adds to it the lower octave of the arpeggio, the complete shape (in this particular position) is seen as: In the middle of the above sequence, on the third and fourth string, the guitarist must finger the same fret for both strings. There are more fingerings than humans have fingers, though both of these problems are solved by first fretting the initial string (fourth on the downstroke) with the tip of the ring finger, then rolling into the next string by fretting it with the pad of", "id": "392572" }, { "contents": "Studies for cello (J.-L. Duport)\n\n\ncellists of all skill levels. It is, however, important to note that many beginning cellists will find some if not all of these studies beyond their technical abilities. Many of the studies have a direct and narrow range of technical focus, often a specific bowing or fingering technique. All information and examples were drawn from the complete score. This F minor study, features triplets that are primarily written to be bowed, although there are examples when some slurs between triplets occurs (See example 2.1). Consistent control of the", "id": "8770844" }, { "contents": "Fingerboard\n\n\nwhich includes four scalloped frets (21st to 24th). Karl Sanders of the death metal band Nile also uses several guitars with scalloped frets, including several Deans, and KxK Guitars. In the 1970s, English guitarist John McLaughlin played with Shakti, along with Indian violinist L. Shankar, using an acoustic guitar with a fully scalloped fretboard. McLaughlin explained that this feature increased the ease and range of string bends by eliminating friction between finger and fretboard. The scalloped fretboard also facilitates the rapid, microtonal variation that is important in Indian", "id": "9355664" }, { "contents": "Slide guitar\n\n\n. The slide is pressed lightly against the strings to avoid hitting against the frets, and is kept parallel with them. The frets are used only as a visual reference, and playing in tune without them requires additional skill. In this playing technique the player's remaining fingers and thumb still have access to the frets, and may be used for playing rhythmic accompaniment or reaching additional notes. The guitar itself may be tuned in the traditional tuning or an open tuning. Most early blues players used open tunings, but most modern", "id": "7877602" }, { "contents": "Rock Band 3\n\n\nbe made to loop in order to help refine the player's handling of a particular part of a song which they might be having trouble handling note-for-note. There is also a free-form play for pro drums where a drummer can play whatever they wish and utilize effects to change the sound of the drum set. Both the Fender Mustang Pro-Guitar MIDI 102-button/string controller and the Fender Squier Stratocaster 6-string guitar and MIDI controller have \"fret sensing\" ability, in order to display fingering on specific", "id": "15607326" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar\n\n\n12th fret: E-A-D-G-B-E; the 12th fret is placed where the body begins) or even higher up to position XIX (the classical guitar most often having 19 frets, with the 19th fret being most often split and not being usable to fret the 3rd and 4th strings). To achieve tremolo effects and rapid, fluent scale passages, the player must practice alternation, that is, never plucking a string with the same finger twice in a row. Using p to indicate", "id": "6026557" }, { "contents": "Walter W. Naumburg Foundation\n\n\nShapiro. Winners of the Chamber Music Award include the American, Brentano, Miro, and Muir string quartets, and the Eroica Trio. Catherine Wade-Smith, violinist Adeline Masino, violinist Bernard Ocko, violinist Phyllis Kraeuter, cellist Margaret Hamilton, pianist Sonia Skalka, pianist Dorothy Kendrick, pianist William Sauber, pianist Sadah Schwartz-Shuchari, violinist Daniel Saidenberg, cellist Julian Kahn, cellist Adele Marcus, pianist Helen Berlin, violinist Louis Kaufman, violinist Olga Zundel, cellist George Rasely, tenor August Werner, baritone Helen McGraw", "id": "9092848" }, { "contents": "Zubin Mehta\n\n\nfounded and conducted the Bombay Symphony Orchestra and later the American Youth Symphony, which he conducted for 33 years after moving to Los Angeles. His father had previously lived in New York in order to study under violinist Ivan Galamian, a noted teacher who also taught Itzhak Perlman and Pinchas Zukerman. His father returned to Bombay as an accomplished violinist of the Russian school. Mehta notes that on many occasions when he conducts throughout the U.S., someone approaches him to say, \"You don't know how much I loved your father!", "id": "13889532" }, { "contents": "Power chord\n\n\nlower two notes are played with some fret on some two strings and the highest note is two frets higher on the next string. Of course, using standard tuning, notes on the first or second string must be played one fret higher. With the drop D tuning—or any other dropped tuning for that matter—power chords with the bass on the sixth string can be played with one finger, and D power chords can be played on three open strings. Occasionally, open, \"stacked\" power chords with more", "id": "2201134" }, { "contents": "Blair Quartet\n\n\nThe Blair String Quartet is the string quartet-in-residence at Blair School of Music in Vanderbilt University currently consisting of violinists Cornelia Heard and Stephen Miahky, violist John Kochanowski, and cellist Felix Wang. They perform frequently at Blair, and have performed at the Library of Congress, the Kennedy Center, and the Weill Recital Hall. In 1980 the Blair Quartet consisted of violinists Christian Teal and Lee Joiner, violist Kathryn Plummer, and cellist David Vanderkool as members. Prior members also include cellist Grace Mihi Bahng and violinist Christian", "id": "466892" }, { "contents": "Hammer-on\n\n\nA hammer-on is a playing technique performed on a stringed instrument (especially on a fretted string instrument, such as a guitar) by sharply bringing a fretting-hand finger down on the fingerboard behind a fret, causing a note to sound. This technique is the opposite of the pull-off. Passages in which a large proportion of the notes are performed as hammer-ons and pull-offs instead of being plucked or picked in the usual fashion are known in classical guitar terminology as \"legato\" phrases.", "id": "5580145" }, { "contents": "Gypsy jazz\n\n\nexecuted as patterns running diagonally from the lower frets on the lower strings to the upper frets on the upper strings. Such patterns tend to have no more than two stopped notes per string, relating to the fact that Django could only articulate two fingers on his fretting hand. Commonly used scales, in addition to arpeggios, include the chromatic scale, melodic minor scale, dorian mode, and diminished scale. Chromatic runs are often executed very quickly over more than one octave. A particularly characteristic technique is the glissando, in which", "id": "9568871" }, { "contents": "Diran Alexanian\n\n\nDiran Alexanian () (1881, Constantinople – 1954, Chamonix, France) was an Armenian cello teacher. He studied cello with Friedrich Grützmacher in Leipzig, as well as played chamber music with Johannes Brahms and violinist Joseph Joachim. At a young age he was an accomplished cellist, performing at age seventeen the solo part of Richard Strauss's \"Don Quixote\". At age twenty, Alexanian settled in Paris, where he met Pablo Casals. Casals had seen Alexanian perform, and noticed that Alexanian's fingering was in line", "id": "1092603" }, { "contents": "String harmonic\n\n\ndifferent. If a node is directly over a pickup, little or no sound is heard. This technique was popularized by Eddie van Halen. Tapped harmonics are an extension of the tapping technique. The note is fretted as usual, but instead of striking the string the excitation energy required to sound the note is achieved by tapping at a harmonic nodal point. The tapping finger bounces lightly on and off the fret. The open string technique can be extended to artificial harmonics. For instance, for an octave harmonic (12-fret nodal", "id": "3116386" }, { "contents": "Regular tuning\n\n\nthirds tuning has a smaller range than standard tuning; with seven strings, the major-thirds tuning covers the range of standard tuning on six strings. With the repetition of three open-string notes, each major-thirds tuning provides the guitarist with many options for fingering chords. Indeed, the fingering of two successive frets suffices to play pure major and minor chords, while the fingering of three successive frets suffices to play seconds, fourths, sevenths, and ninths. For the standard Western guitar, which has six strings", "id": "14081523" }, { "contents": "The Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta\n\n\nRollins Ridge depicts a miraculous story where Joaquín was caught in his sleep by a man named Prescott and group of fifteen men who were out to kill him. Having awoken by the sound of men in his room, him and his men instantly began shooting and managed to escape. However, during the encounter, Prescott himself had shot Joaquín in the chest with a double-barreled shotgun. Three Fingered Jack recounted, “How it come not to kill him, the devil only knows. I’m certain it would have done", "id": "12103160" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\n) is simply the opposite of the above, the slur begins on the higher note and it is common that the finger pressing the higher note actively plucks the string as it lifts, causing the string to vibrate from the fret that the lower finger is depressing. The lower finger is usually in position and pressing before the procedure begins. Three specific descending slurs exist, (1) the active finger lifts directly up and off the string, (2) the active finger rests against the adjacent string immediately after, and (", "id": "1959408" }, { "contents": "Guitar Hero\n\n\nadditional notes. The addition of the orange fret button forces players to move their fingers up and down the neck. Expert does not introduce any other frets to learn, but adds more notes in a manner designed to challenge the player and to simulate the player's hands to move in a sequence similar to a real guitar. A difficulty added in \"World Tour\" is Beginner, which only requires the player to strum to the basic rhythm; holding the fret buttons becomes unnecessary. Another new difficulty only for drums was added", "id": "17460931" }, { "contents": "Guitarist\n\n\nhorn, plastic, metal, felt, leather, or paper, and melodic flatpicking and finger-picking. The guitarist may also employ various methods for selecting notes and chords, including fingering, thumbing, the barre (a finger lying across many or all strings at a particular fret), and 'bottleneck' or steel-guitar slides, usually made of glass or metal. These left- and right-hand techniques may be intermixed in performance. Several magazines and websites have compiled what they intend as lists of the greatest", "id": "12380961" }, { "contents": "Guitar Hero\n\n\na line across the fret instead of any note gems, that is played by strumming without holding down any fret buttons (the sixth installment, \"\", features an open note sustain for bass instruments as well). \"Guitar Hero World Tour\" introduced drums and vocal tracks in addition to lead and bass guitar. Drum tracks are played similar to guitar tracks; the player must strike the appropriate drum head or step down on the bass drum pedal on the controller when the note gems pass the indicated line. Certain note", "id": "17460922" }, { "contents": "Kathryn Stott\n\n\nto place, both abrasive and tender\". Stott first met her long-time collaborator, the noted American cellist Yo-Yo Ma, in 1978 when she \"discovered a Chinese man in his underpants playing the cello\" in her flat after returning from holiday. (Ma had rented the flat from Stott's flat-mate, violinist Nigel Kennedy, without realising that it was shared). Stott and Ma have worked together since 1985; the pair frequently tour together and have made several joint recordings, including \"Soul", "id": "13675354" }, { "contents": "Chop chord\n\n\nbanjo keeps a steady eighth-note rhythm. The mandolin plays chop chords on the off-beats or upbeats. (see: boom-chick) By partially relaxing the fingers of the left hand soon after strumming, the strings are allowed to rise off the frets, and their oscillations are damped by the fingers. All strings are stopped or fingered, open strings are not played in chop chords. The \"chuck\" usually consists of a downward strum on the up beat notes. Alternatively, the bass note can be", "id": "2677535" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar technique\n\n\nwith the left hand. For example; in a simple case of an ascending semitone slur (Hammer-on), a note stopped by the first finger of the left hand at the fifth fret is first played in normal manner, then, without the right hand doing anything further, the second finger of the left-hand is placed straight down at the sixth fret on the same string, using its momentum to raise the tone of the still-ringing string by a semitone. A descending slur (Pull-off", "id": "1959407" }, { "contents": "Barre chord\n\n\nin the chord rather than the major third (in \"E\" and \"A\" shaped barre chords, this note happens to be the highest 'non-barred' note). Example: In addition to the two most common shapes above, barre/moveable chords can also be built on any chord fingering, provided that the chord can be fingered such that it leaves the first finger free to create the barre and provided that the chord does not require the fingers to extend beyond a four fret range. Examples:", "id": "11184097" }, { "contents": "Rock Band\n\n\n22 frets, added a \"string box\" near the strumming area for hit detection, and rebuilt the neck to have a fret-sensing feature in order to tell the game where the player's fingers are on the fret board. There is also a \"mute bar\" built into the guitar which can be raised or lowered; in the raised position the strings of the guitar are softly muted so as to not ring out. This mute bar is what allows the string box to detect and translate individual string hits for", "id": "3332008" }, { "contents": "Tablature\n\n\ncourse, for instance, a small \"a\" will be placed on the appropriate line. For a note with the finger on the first fret a \"b\", a note on the second fret a \"c\", etc. However, as mentioned above, \"j\" was not used since it was not considered a separate letter from \"i\", and \"c\" often looked more like \"r\" or the third letter of the Greek alphabet, Γ (gamma). Thus: would represent", "id": "21567800" }, { "contents": "Little Wing\n\n\nwanted to say and stopped\". Hendrix's use of guitar chords for the song involves unconventional finger positions and approach to the fretboard. Guitarist Frank Marino explained: A reference work by Hal Leonard compares it to a pianist's approach, with Hendrix's \"thumb fret[ting] the bass notes, functioning in almost the same manner as a keyboardist's left hand, and the fingers of his fretting hand can be likened to a pianist's right hand\". Leonard also adds that guitarist Adrian Belew describes the technique as a \"", "id": "46582" }, { "contents": "Sweep picking\n\n\nthe same finger. In the upstroke, one frets the third string first, reversing the rolling action. Also note that on the lowest and highest strings in the shape, two notes must be played immediately following each other, but on the same string. This is where legato comes into effect, so that the guitarist can sustain a fluid picking motion. However, the guitarist can sound these notes in the arpeggio through other techniques—including changing pick articulation, double-picking notes (with an additional upstroke or downstroke)", "id": "392573" }, { "contents": "Overtones tuning\n\n\nC or G. For open tunings, the open strings and the frets are each associated with a major-chord, which is played by strumming the open strings or the strings after they have been barred at one fret with one finger, greatly simplifying major-chord playing. For each such open or barred chord, the overtones reinforce the bass note, increasing the guitar's volume of sound and resonance. In an open overtones-tuning, adjacent strings that differ by a third interval can be tuned in just intonation, resulting", "id": "11989563" }, { "contents": "Musical tuning\n\n\nstring can be tuned by fingering the fifth fret of an already tuned string and comparing it with the next higher string played open. This works with the exception of the G string, which must be stopped at the fourth fret to sound B against the open B string above. Alternatively, each string can be tuned to its own reference tone. Note that while the guitar and other modern stringed instruments with fixed frets are tuned in equal temperament, string instruments without frets, such as those of the violin family, are not", "id": "738941" }, { "contents": "George Copeland\n\n\n\"Wonderful tone, wonderful tone – how do you get it?\" I hesitated. \"Well, I don't know exactly how I get it, but I know what I want to hear.\" \"That's utter nonsense!\" she exclaimed. \"it doesn't make any difference what you want to hear. I want to know how you put your finger on a given key and produce a given quality of sound.\" \"That is exactly what I do not ever wish to know.\" And", "id": "7425797" }, { "contents": "String harmonic\n\n\nmode number 4 can be fingered at nodes 1 and 3; it will occur at node 2 but will not be heard over the stronger first harmonic. Ineffective nodes to finger are not listed above. The fret number, which shows the position of the node in terms of half tones (or frets on a fretted instrument) then is given by: With \"s\" equal to the Twelfth root of two, notated \"s\" because it's the first letter of the word \"semitone\". When a string is", "id": "3116378" }, { "contents": "Jaco Pastorius\n\n\n\"double jointed\" and his fingers were long and thin. After being taught about artificial harmonics, he added them to his technique and repertoire. Natural harmonics, also known as open string harmonics, are played by lightly touching the string at a fret without pressing it to the fretboard, resulting in a note that rings somewhat like a bell. Artificial harmonics, also called false harmonics, involve lightly touching a string with one finger, then using another finger to play the note, simultaneously playing and stopping the note. An", "id": "16942315" }, { "contents": "Power chord\n\n\nsome string and the higher two notes are two frets higher on the next two strings. Using standard tuning, notes on the first or second string must be played one fret higher than this. (A bare fifth without octave doubling is the same, except that the highest of the three strings, in parentheses below, is not played. A bare fifth with the bass note on the second string has the same fingering as one on the fifth or sixth string.) An inverted barre fifth, i.e. a barre fourth,", "id": "2201132" }, { "contents": "Walter W. Naumburg Foundation\n\n\n, pianist Ruth Culbertson, pianist Mila Wellerson, cellist Louise Bernhardt, contralto Lillian Rehberg Goodman, cellist Marguerite Hawkins, soprano Edwiria Eustis, contralto Kurtis Brownell, tenor Milo Miloradovich, soprano Foster Miller, bass-baritone Dalies Frantz, pianist Huddie Johnson, pianist Inez Lauritano, violinist Catherine Carver, pianist Harry Katzman, violinist Joseph Knitzer, violinist Ruby Mercer, soprano Benjamin De Loache, baritone Judith Sidorsky, pianist Aniceta Shea, soprano Harvey Shapiro, cellist Florence Vickland, soprano Marshall Moss, violinist Frederick Buldrini, violinist Jorge Bolet", "id": "9092849" }, { "contents": "Guitar tunings\n\n\ninclude a minor third, so giving a minor chord with open strings. Fretting the minor-third string at the first fret produces a major-third, so allowing a one-finger fretting of a major chord. By contrast, it is more difficult to fret a minor chord using an open major-chord tuning. Cross-note E-minor was used by Bukka White and Skip James. Some guitarists choose open tunings that use more complex chords, which gives them more available intervals on the open strings. C", "id": "19773806" }, { "contents": "Violin\n\n\n), giving a ringing sort of \"fiddling\" sound. Playing an open string simultaneously with an identical stopped note can also be called for when more volume is required, especially in orchestral playing. Some classical violin parts have notes for which the composer requests the violinist to play an open string, because of the specific sonority created by an open string. Double stopping is when two separate strings are stopped by the fingers, and bowed simultaneously, producing a sixth, third, fifth, etc. harmony. Double-stops", "id": "14050613" }, { "contents": "Rock of Love: Charm School\n\n\nC. frets because she knows she will automatically be called down to the carpet and talks to Megan and Lacey about it in their room. Brandi M. knows she will be under scrutiny and wants to gain revenge on Megan and Brandi C. for making her cry. Megan orders Brandi M. to leave the room when she is caught eavesdropping, at which point where Brandi M shoves Megan. The altercation ends when Megan kicks Brandi M. Brandi M. then writes Sharon a note explaining the confrontation and slides it under her office door. At elimination", "id": "10271042" }, { "contents": "Holodance\n\n\n. This location is marked by the outline of a sphere that glows up and down so that players know when they have to catch the note with their hand, and where. If players catch the note, they receive score depending on how precisely they matched the rhythm, plus a bonus based on how fast they moved their hand before catching the note, and another bonus based on the rotation speed of their hand before catching the note. The locations where the orbs arrive can be used to create a dancing choreography for the", "id": "19216751" }, { "contents": "Oberlin String Quartet\n\n\nThe Oberlin String Quartet is a classical music ensemble associated with the Oberlin Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. In 1955, violinist and Oberlin Conservatory faculty member Andor Toth formed the Oberlin String Quartet with violinist Matthew Raimondi, violist William Berman, and cellist John Frazer. In 1957, violinist John Dalley (second violinist in the Guarneri Quartet), and cellist Peter Howard (for many years principal cellist in the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra) joined the Quartet. The quartet disbanded after Andor Toth left the faculty in", "id": "21008441" }, { "contents": "Ralph Patt\n\n\nguitar-tuning has one major-third amid four fourths. Patt used major-thirds tuning during all of his work as a session musician after 1965 in New York. Major-thirds tuning packs the chromatic scale (the consecutive twelve-notes of the octave) onto four consecutive frets of three consecutive strings, an arrangement that reduces the extensions of the little and index fingers (\"hand stretching\"). Major and minor chords are played on two successive frets, and so require only two fingers; other chords—", "id": "17109140" }, { "contents": "The Cello Player\n\n\npreventing the cellist from playing. The hand that would finger the notes is not in position and the bow hand has no bow to play with. Further, the music is for a string quartet, but only one string instrument is present and the cellist's position prevents the piano, not a stringed instrument in any case, from being played. But the formal character of the painting does not mean that the objects have no meaning. Dickinson himself admitted that many of them represented his interests at the time, including a book", "id": "8347199" }, { "contents": "Guitar chord\n\n\nand the fifth. In standard tuning, the following fingerings are conventional: Triads are usually played with doubled notes, as the following examples illustrate. Commonly used major-chords are convenient to play in \"standard\" tuning, in which fundamental chords are available in \"open position\", that is, the first three frets and additional open strings. For the C major chord (C,E,G), the conventional left-hand fingering doubles the C and E notes in the next octave; this fingering uses", "id": "18436248" }, { "contents": "Guitar picking\n\n\n, it is often called \"chicken pickin'\". Hammer-on is a stringed instrument playing technique performed (especially on fretted string instruments such as guitar) by sharply bringing a fretting-hand finger down on the fingerboard behind a fret, causing a note to sound. This technique is the opposite of the pull-off. Traditionally, this technique is supplemental to conventional picking, being used to achieve legato and ornamentation effects. This is connected to the fact that hammering imparts less energy to a string, so that", "id": "4752015" }, { "contents": "Gibson Victory\n\n\ntune even better. If the frets on your Victory are worn out, have a luthier re-fret your fret board with stainless steel fret wire, the frets will last forever and you will never find better ebony. Re-fretting also allows you to choose new custom binding. Technology is now available with the use of a \"PLEK\" machine to analyze and repair even microscopic imperfections in your frets and fret board. Gibson Victory frets are comfortable, easy to slide your fingers up and down fret board, and properly", "id": "9427690" }, { "contents": "Nut (string instrument)\n\n\n\"capotasto\"; \"head of fretboard\"), is the origin of the capo. Not all string instruments have nuts as described: String slots in a nut without a zero fret must be cut to the proper depth to make string height correct. Strings that are too low at the nut can buzz against the frets, and too high throws off intonation of fretted notes. The term nut is also to refer to bridges on certain keyboard instruments. On harpsichords, it designates the non-sounding bridge located near the", "id": "8542639" }, { "contents": "Rock Band 3\n\n\nfrets to the video display for instant feedback on where the player's fingers are on the fret board at any time. Mad Catz based the Fender Mustang Pro-Guitar MIDI 102-button controller on the actual Fender Mustang bass guitar, for the game software's Pro mode, as a way for 5-button players to have an intermediary step up to a real guitar using a combination of buttons and strings. Instead of five colored buttons, the Mustang has 6 buttons across 17 different frets, for a total of 102 buttons; the player", "id": "15607327" }, { "contents": "Classical guitar\n\n\ninside circles. The positions (that is where on the fretboard the first finger of the left hand is placed) are also not systematically indicated, but when they are (mostly in the case of the execution of \"barrés\") these are indicated with Roman numerals from the first position I (index finger of the left hand placed on the 1st fret: F-B flat-E flat-A flat-C-F) to the twelfth position XII (the index finger of the left hand placed on the", "id": "6026556" }, { "contents": "Finger vibrato\n\n\ncan be slightly higher or lower than the fretted note one or two frets higher. It can be a quarter tone or not even exactly that, but a pitch not present in the tempered scale, being a natural third or seventh instead (or close to it). These are the blue notes, one of which is, for example, between the minor and major third of the scale. The exact location varies from performer to performer. Press the string between the nut and the machine head (tuning key),", "id": "4959123" }, { "contents": "Guitar tunings\n\n\n. This repetition provides the guitarist with many possibilities for fingering chords. With six strings, major-thirds tuning has a smaller range than standard tuning; with seven strings, the major-thirds tuning covers the range of standard tuning on six strings. Major-thirds tunings require less hand-stretching than other tunings, because each M3 tuning packs the octave's twelve notes into four consecutive frets. The major-third intervals let the guitarist play major chords and minor chords with two–three consecutive fingers on two consecutive frets", "id": "19773816" }, { "contents": "Walter W. Naumburg Foundation\n\n\nsoprano William Doppmann, pianist Jean Wentworth, pianist Jules Eskin, cellist Martha Flowers, soprano Ronald Leonard, cellist Mary MacKenzie, contralto Nancy Cirillo, violinist Donald McCall, cellist Wayne Connor, tenor George Katz, pianist Regina Sarfaty, mezzo-soprano Angelica Lozada, soprano Michael Grebanier, cellist Joseph Schwartz, pianist Shirley Verrett, mezzo-soprano Elaine Lee, violinist Howard Aibel, pianist Sophia Steffan, soprano Ralph Votapek, pianist Joseph Silverstein, violinist Werner Torkanowsky, conductor Elizabeth Mosher, soprano Jorge Mester, conductor Kun-Woo", "id": "9092852" }, { "contents": "Cello technique\n\n\nstops. However, this technique is very rarely seen or used. The cello is famous as its melodic, deep timbre. It is one of the most important instruments in symphony orchestra, chamber music, and even solo aspect. Different players in different countries have their own playing style. Usually the way cellists interpret the sound, and even how cellists use their fingerings, are influenced by their own music culture in their own countries. The French School had a centuries-long impact, which continues today. French playing is", "id": "15312525" }, { "contents": "Balalaika\n\n\nraises to 24. An important part of balalaika technique is the use of the left thumb to fret notes on the lower string, particularly on the prima, where it is used to form chords. Traditionally, the side of the index finger of the right hand is used to sound notes on the prima, while a plectrum is used on the larger sizes. Because of the large size of the contrabass's strings, it is not uncommon to see players using plectra made from a leather shoe or boot heel. The bass", "id": "4307820" }, { "contents": "Five-fret stretch\n\n\nIn music, a five-fret stretch refers to a guitar chord formation such that the distance between the highest and the lowest fingered frets is five frets. This necessarily excludes open strings. Five-fret stretches are common in rock, blues, and in classical music, and are most common on guitar, but they are theoretically possible on other fretted stringed instruments. For example, the above Gm75 chord's arpeggiated fingering features, \"a wide, five-fret stretch,\" made easier by delaying the placement of the", "id": "11892248" }, { "contents": "Walter W. Naumburg Foundation\n\n\n-soprano Paula Lenchner, soprano Leonid Hambro, pianist Jeanne Rosenbium, pianist Anahid Ajemian, violinist Berl Senofsky, violinist Abba Bogin, pianist Jane Carlson, pianist Sidney Harth, violinist Paul Olefsky, cellist Theodore Lettvin, pianist Lorne Munroe, cellist Angelene Collins, soprano Esther Glazer, violinist Betty Jean Hagen, violinist Margaret Barthel, pianist June Kovach, pianist Laurel Hurley, soprano Joyce Flissler, violinist Diana Steiner, violinist Yoko Matsuo, violinist Lois Marshall, soprano Gilda Muhlbauer, violinist Lee Cass, bass-baritone Georgia Laster,", "id": "9092851" } ]
Why is Bitcoin so popular/expensive?
[{"answer": " > why is the price going up? Supply and demand. > why not just use real money? Bitcoin is real money. Why not just trade gold coins? Why not trade living goats? Bitcoin is popular because it revolutionizes money."}, {"answer": "First, what is \"real money\"? Do you mean the currency of your country? What about other currencies? In some countries they would rather have US Dollars or Euros because it is more stable than their own national currency. Also, do you mean cash? How about when you want to pay for a large purchase, like a car or a house, do you not use checks or bank transfer for instance? Yet, it is not actual money, but rather a \"system that allows you to transfer money\". And when you want to buy stuff online, do you use debit or credit card, or even vouchers or prepaid cards? This is definitely not real money. But you want convenience of a modern system designed to be used online. Also, savings, do you store bank notes under your mattress? Or maybe gold? Wait, gold is valuable and a great way to store value, but definitely not real money. Would you keep your savings on a bank account losing value every year because of inflation, or try to make it grow by buying stocks for instance? Stocks are definitely not real money either. Bitcoin is popular because it is answering many questions that are brought up by our modern globalized, connected world. Because there is a finite number of bitcoins, the simple rules of supply and demand apply: more demand, less supply, price goes up. Hope this helps."}, {"answer": "Bitcoin price is not very important but it's useful is SOME situation like sending money in an other country or online where physical cash cannot be used. Other existing methods can do that like Credit card and Western Unions but they charge big fees (3% to 20%) and are restricted to some companies and countries and some products... Those services often have fraud where the merchant lose both the product and the money. Bitcoin can be used by ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME (midnight weekend?)... create your own wallet and try it! Those reasons make it attractive and supply/demand make the price move up a bit."}, {"answer": "It has the technologic potential to be to cash what e-mail has been to regular mail. When i understood how the thing worked, it just blew my mind. From a programming prospective is pure genius. From computers all over the world elaborating apparently random numbers without trusting each other and in competition to each other for a reward, emerges a behaviour apparently confuse and unpredictable but so precise that is valued by many as money. And noone and everyone is in charge of it. I bought some as an investiment, but in reality i just laughed like a child when i made the first few transactions from the pc wallet to my phone wallet. Knowing that my transaction was in the memory of thousands of computers, that were competing each other to write it in a page of a digital ledger copied itself in thousands of computer. The whole thing distributed on the planet, open to everyone and based on the fact that noone trust noone, but the majority is honest. Just. Whoa. To me it seems something from a star trek like future."}, {"answer": "You cannot send real money like a 5 dollar bill through the internet. You can send it with Visa or something like that, but then you have to type 16 numbers, a expiration date, and usually give you name and address.. With bitcoin you can just send 5 dollars with a click or two. Bitcoin's price doesn't matter to a buyer. You buy 10 dollars worth of Bitcoin is worth 10 dollars plus or minus a bit.. So if 1 bitcoin is worth 600 dollars or 1000 dollars, 10 dollars worth of bitcoin is still going to be worth about 10 dollars worth of stuff, So price is effected a lot more by demand than demand is effected by price.. It doesn't matter what decimal point of bitcoin we use to buy our coffee. It is still 4 dollars worth of bitcoin.."}, {"answer": "Bitcoin allows people to do things that they cannot do with any other technology at the moment: *Send money anywhere in the world, to anybody in the world, almost instantly, almost for free, and without going through a third party. *Bitcoin allows you to transact with other people without needing to trust them. That Nigerian prince wants to send you $1000 for something, will you accept a bank transfer for what he is asking? No, because after you send what he wants, the transfer will be undone, and you will get nothing. Will you accept Bitcoin from this completely untrustworthy individual? Hell yes, because the transaction cannot be reversed, and it cannot be counterfeited. *Bitcoin allows you to do micro transactions. Did you like that reddit comment? Tip the author 25 cents with a simple command. You don't need to know anything about him to transact. *Bitcoin gives you full control of your wealth. If used properly, it cannot be confiscated, frozen, or denied access. *Bitcoin allows for advanced features like digital contracts, notaries, etc. It is programmable money."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "54143900", "title": "Economics of bitcoin", "section": "Section::::Buying and selling.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Bitcoins can be bought and sold both on- and offline. Participants in online exchanges offer bitcoin buy and sell bids. Using an online exchange to obtain bitcoins entails some risk, and, according to a study published in April 2013, 45% of exchanges fail and take client bitcoins with them. Exchanges have since implemented measures to provide proof of reserves in an effort to convey transparency to users. Offline, bitcoins may be purchased directly from an individual or at a bitcoin ATM. Bitcoin machines are not however traditional ATMs. Bitcoin kiosks are machines connected to the Internet, allowing the insertion of cash in exchange for bitcoins. Bitcoin kiosks do not connect to a bank and may also charge transaction fees as high as 7% and exchange rates US$50 over rates from elsewhere. As of 2016 it was estimated there were over 800 bitcoin ATMs operating globally, the majority (500+) being in the United States. According to Mark T. Williams, , bitcoin has volatility seven times greater than gold, eight times greater than the S&P 500, and 18 times greater than the U.S. dollar. Attempting to explain the high volatility, a group of Japanese scholars stated that there is no stabilization mechanism. The\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Bitcoins can be bought and sold both on- and offline. Participants in online exchanges offer bitcoin buy and sell bids. Using an online exchange to obtain bitcoins entails some risk, and, according to a study published in April 2013, 45% of exchanges fail and take client bitcoins with them. Exchanges have since implemented measures to provide proof of reserves in an effort to convey transparency to users. Offline, bitcoins may be purchased directly from an individual or at a bitcoin ATM. Bitcoin machines are not however traditional ATMs. Bitcoin kiosks are machines connected to the Internet, allowing the insertion of cash in exchange for bitcoins. Bitcoin kiosks do not connect to a bank and may also charge t", "Bitcoins can be bought and sold both on- and offline. Participants in online exchanges offer bitcoin buy and sell bids. Using an online exchange to obtain bitcoins entails some risk, and, according to a study published in April 2013, 45% of exchanges fail and take client bitcoins with them. Exchanges have since implemented measures to provide proof of reserves in an effort to convey transparency to users. Offline, bitcoins may be purchased directly from an individual or at a bitcoin ATM. Bitcoin machines are not however traditional ATMs. Bitcoin kiosks are machines connected to the Internet, allowing the insertion of cash in exchange for bitcoins. Bitcoin kiosks do not connect to a bank and may also charge transaction fees as high as 7% and exchange rates US$50 over rates from elsewhere. As of 2016 it was estimated there were over 800 bitcoin ATMs operating globally, the majority (500+) being in the United States. According to Mark T. Williams, , bitcoin has volatility seven times greater than gold, eight times greater than the S&P 500, and 18 times greater than the U.S. dollar. Attempting to explain the high volatility, a group of Japanese scholars stated that there is no stabilization mechanism. The"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "54143900", "title": "Economics of bitcoin", "section": "Section::::Price and volatility.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 22, "end_paragraph_id": 22, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Economic theory suggests that the volatility of the price of bitcoin will drop when business and consumer usage of bitcoin increases. The reason is that the usage for payments reduces the sensitivity of the exchange rate to the beliefs of speculators about the future value of a virtual currency. According to \"The Wall Street Journal\", , bitcoin is starting to look slightly more stable than gold. On 3 March 2017, the price of a bitcoin has surpassed the value of gold for the first time and its price surged to an all-time high. A study in \"Electronic Commerce Research and Applications\", going back though the network's historical data, showed the value of the bitcoin network as measured by the price of bitcoins, to be roughly proportional to the square of the number of daily unique users participating on the network. This is a form of Metcalfe's law and suggests that the network was demonstrating network effects proportional to its level of user adoption. Bitcoin has been labelled an \"economic bubble\" by\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Economic theory suggests that the volatility of the price of bitcoin will drop when business and consumer usage of bitcoin increases. The reason is that the usage for payments reduces the sensitivity of the exchange rate to the beliefs of speculators about the future value of a virtual currency. According to \"The Wall Street Journal\", , bitcoin is starting to look slightly more stable than gold. On 3 March 2017, the price of a bitcoin has surpassed the value of gold for the first time and its price surged to an all-time high. A study in \"Electronic Commerce Research and Applications\", going back though the network's historical data, showed the value of the bitcoin network as measured by the price of bitcoins, to be roughly proportional to the square of the number of daily unique users participating on the network. This is a form of Metcalfe's law and suggests that the network was demonstrating network effects proportional to its level of user adoption. Bitcoin has been labelled an \"economic bubble\" by"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nwas used to facilitate payments related to Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Several news outlets have asserted that the popularity of bitcoins hinges on the ability to use them to purchase illegal goods. Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says that bitcoin's anonymity encourages money laundering and other crimes, \"If you open up a hole like bitcoin, then all the nefarious activity will go through that hole, and no government can allow that.\" He's also said that if \"you regulate it so you couldn't", "id": "7057538" }, { "contents": "Dragonchain\n\n\nusing private, permissioned or consortium blockchains without interoperability characteristics. Bitcoin is unmatched in terms of global hash power, making it very expensive and unlikely to perform a 51% attack. Thus using Bitcoin for strong transactional proof for the hash of their private business data transactions give it the immutable aspect, making it impossible to tamper with transactions that already occurred. Earliest public documentation of the so-called Disney Private Blockchain Platform dates back to 2014. In June 2016 over 20 use cases that have been explored inside Disney were shared with", "id": "18456923" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nbeen greatly exaggerated\". Some economists have responded positively to bitcoin while others have expressed skepticism. François R. Velde, Senior Economist at the Chicago Fed, described it as \"an elegant solution to the problem of creating a digital currency\". Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong have found fault with bitcoin, questioning why it should act as a reasonably stable store of value or whether there is a floor on its value. Economist John Quiggin has criticized bitcoin as \"the final refutation of the efficient-market hypothesis\". David Andolfatto", "id": "7397108" }, { "contents": "Blockstream\n\n\na connection to the Bitcoin network to send transactions, which can include SMS gateways or higher cost internet which would be expensive for receiving full Bitcoin block data, but is cost effective to send a single transaction. In addition to its corporate initiatives, Blockstream is also involved in a number of community steering and open source programs. Blockstream employs a number of prominent Bitcoin Core developers. The company has been attempting to make it possible to \"break off\" transactions from the Bitcoin network, making the number of transactions the network could", "id": "5203079" }, { "contents": "Virtual currency law in the United States\n\n\nnot money. However, in a precedent determining decision, the magistrate judge determined that Bitcoin is money, and thus the investments were securities. The magistrate judge stated, \"[i]t is clear that Bitcoin can be used as money. It can be used to purchase goods or services, and as Shavers stated, used to pay for individual living expenses. The only limitation of Bitcoin is that it is limited to those places that accept it as currency. However, it can also be exchanged for conventional currencies, such as", "id": "2740403" }, { "contents": "Mining pool\n\n\na share block reaches the bitcoin network target, it is transmitted and merged onto the bitcoin blockchain. Miners are rewarded when this occurs proportional to the shares submitted prior to the target block. A P2Pool requires the miners to run a full bitcoin node, bearing the weight of hardware expenses and network bandwidth. Geometric Method (GM) was invented by Meni Rosenfeld. It is based on the same \"score\" idea, as Slush's method: the score granted for every new share, relatively to already existing score and the", "id": "4566963" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Gold\n\n\nBitcoin Gold is a cryptocurrency. It is a hard fork of Bitcoin, the open source cryptocurrency. It is a open source, decentralized digital currency without a central bank or intermediary that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer Bitcoin Gold network. The stated purpose of the hard fork is to change the proof of work algorithm so that application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) can not be used to mine the Bitcoin Gold blockchain. Bitcoin Gold hard forked from the Bitcoin blockchain on October 24,", "id": "5754867" }, { "contents": "Adaptive market hypothesis\n\n\nresearchers from Indian Institute of Technology published the study on the topic of evaluation of adaptive market hypothesis in Bitcoin market. The authors state argue that the efficient market hypothesis can't explain why market efficiency varies, therefore it can be useful to use the adaptive market hypothesis framework to assess the evolution of bitcoin that is institutionally and operationally heterogeneous. The paper first examines the hypothesis for the case, secondly it implements Dominguez–Lobato consistent test and generalized spectral test in a rolling window framework to capture evolving linear and nonlinear dependence in bitcoin", "id": "12173589" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\na United States Department of Justice seizure notice pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 881. This marked the first time a government agency claimed to have seized bitcoin. In July 2013, a project began in Kenya linking bitcoin with M-Pesa, a popular mobile payments system, in an experiment designed to spur innovative payments in Africa. During the same month the Foreign Exchange Administration and Policy Department in Thailand stated that bitcoin lacks any legal framework and would therefore be illegal, which effectively banned trading on bitcoin exchanges in the country. According", "id": "9447270" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\nhad been stolen. Months before the filing, the popularity of Mt. Gox had waned as users experienced difficulties withdrawing funds. In June 2014 the network exceeded 100 petahash/sec. On 18 June 2014, it was announced that bitcoin payment service provider BitPay would become the new sponsor of St. Petersburg Bowl under a two-year deal, renamed the Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl. Bitcoin was to be accepted for ticket and concession sales at the game as part of the sponsorship, and the sponsorship itself was also paid for using bitcoin", "id": "9447276" }, { "contents": "Blockchain Global\n\n\n\"Bitcoin Group redirects here. Not to be confused with Bitcoin Group SE, a German venture capital firm.\" Blockchain Global Ltd. is a multinational bitcoin mining and management consulting company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. Founded as Bitcoin Group, after attempting to become the first digital currency company to IPO without a so-called 'backdoor listing', the company expanded its focus into management consulting and corporate incubation. Bitcoin Group was founded in 2014 as a bitcoin mining company as a result of a partnership between Sam Lee, Allan", "id": "18539800" }, { "contents": "\n\n\naccording to the size of their share. Due to the popularity of Ghash.IO's mining pool, many people in the bitcoin community were often worried about the possibility of a 51% attack. This kind of attack occurs when a single miner or mining pool is able to mine multiple bitcoin block rewards in a row. This would be a problem for the bitcoin network, because it hypothetically allows the mining pool to double-spend bitcoins. In July 2014, the GHash.IO mining pool exceeded the 51% threshold", "id": "12871168" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\nBitfinex, was hacked and nearly 120,000 BTC (around $60m) was stolen. In September 2016, the number of bitcoin ATMs had doubled over the last 18 months and reached 771 ATMs worldwide. In November 2016, the Swiss Railway operator SBB (CFF) upgraded all their automated ticket machines so that bitcoin could be bought from them using the scanner on the ticket machine to scan the bitcoin address on a phone app. Bitcoin generates more academic interest year after year; the number of Google Scholar articles published mentioning bitcoin", "id": "9447281" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nbitcoin enthusiast. He was shown by local TV company with a broadsheet \"Hi mom, send bitcoins\". The decentralization of money offered by virtual currencies like bitcoin has its theoretical roots in the Austrian school of economics, especially with Friedrich von Hayek in his book \"Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined\", in which he advocates a complete free market in the production, distribution and management of money to end the monopoly of central banks. Bitcoin appeals to tech-savvy libertarians, because it so far exists outside the", "id": "7397123" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nthis incredible, incredible gift that she was given, this gift that reached out and taught us all – taught us things about music we knew very well, but showed us new things, things we never thought about, new possibilities. I think that's why singers admire her so; I think that's why conductors admire her so; I know that's why I admire her so. And she paid a tremendously difficult and expensive price for this career. I don't think she always understood what she did or why", "id": "17351169" }, { "contents": "Paxi\n\n\nPaxos, close to the popular beach of Mongonissi. The presence of such residents, and the development of the coastal area (mostly by Italian nationals) explains why Paxos has now become one of the most expensive pieces of real estate in Greece. One of Loggos's landmarks, the so-called 'Manor House' was put on sale for 1.6M€ in 2006. Paxos is part of a European network called Cultural Village of Europe. It hosts a yearly classical music festival (founded by John Gough, and now organised by", "id": "11464888" }, { "contents": "Sheep Marketplace\n\n\nthief was found to be a wallet owned by BTC-e, a large bitcoin currency exchange. This has led to speculation that the thief sent their money to the exchange in the hope of trading the coins for alternate crypto-currencies or moving to new wallets to further obfuscate their path. In March 2015 Czech police arrested a man suspected to be the Sheep Marketplace thief when he paid for an expensive house entirely in bitcoins. A nine month investigation showed estimated that he had made $800,000 of sudden purchases. In October", "id": "14961296" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin network\n\n\nSenate held a hearing on virtual currencies in November 2013. Several news outlets have asserted that the popularity of bitcoins hinges on the ability to use them to purchase illegal goods. In 2014, researchers at the University of Kentucky found \"robust evidence that computer programming enthusiasts and illegal activity drive interest in bitcoin, and find limited or no support for political and investment motives.\" A CMU researcher estimated that in 2012, 4.5% to 9% of all transactions on all exchanges in the world were for drug trades on a single", "id": "3377896" }, { "contents": "Virtual currency law in the United States\n\n\nof the best regulations from the United States and the European Union, the inherent nature of the Bitcoin protocol allows for pseudonymous transfers of Bitcoins to or from anywhere in the world, so illegal transactions will not be completely eliminated through regulations. Anonymity in Bitcoins and Altcoins (forks from the Bitcoin protocol) can be increased by adding software augmentations to the VC. Zerocoin, for example, uses an algorithmic process called \"zero-knowledge proof\" to hide the value of the coins. Dark Wallet anonymously combines transfers of VC to", "id": "2740393" }, { "contents": "IAI Stadium Nihondaira\n\n\nthe ground is the roof of the Back Stand, and there are several competing theories as to why it runs only two-thirds of the pitch. The most popular of these purports it was intentionally built short so as to afford unobscured views of Mt. Fuji across Suruga Bay. However, the reality is that an access road behind the stand has prevented the laying of the foundations necessary to support the roof. Redirecting this access road would take substantial redevelopment of the surrounding road layout which has thus far not proved a worthwhile expense", "id": "17249872" }, { "contents": "American Bicycle Association\n\n\na BMX race. It seems ironic that BMX was invented in the United States in light of the lackluster attitude of the public at large toward cycling. However, when you look at the fact that BMX wasn't so much derived from cycling but from kids imitating motocross racing then it is much more understandable why BMX was invented here. Still, it was cycling even if it was aping Motocross. In that light, despite the expensive 68 30 second TV advertisements shown on then popular programs like \"Magnum, P.I.\",", "id": "9707261" }, { "contents": "Cryptocurrency\n\n\nYandex have similar prohibitions. On 25 March 2014, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruled that bitcoin will be treated as property for tax purposes. This means bitcoin will be subject to capital gains tax. In a paper published by researchers from Oxford and Warwick, it was shown that bitcoin has some characteristics more like the precious metals market than traditional currencies, hence in agreement with the IRS decision even if based on different reasons. As the popularity of and demand for online currencies has increased since the inception of", "id": "16677488" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin XT\n\n\nblock size bump of Bitcoin Classic was applied instead. The August 2015 release of XT received widespread media coverage. \"The Guardian\" wrote that \"bitcoin is facing civil war\". \"Wired\" wrote that \"Bitcoin XT exposes the extremely social — extremely democratic — underpinnings of the open source idea, an approach that makes open source so much more powerful than technology controlled by any one person or organization.\" Developer Adam Back was critical of the 75% activation threshold being too low and that some of the changes were", "id": "14785123" }, { "contents": "Jed McCaleb\n\n\nin late 2010 as a bitcoin exchange that could process bitcoin-to-dollar trades. The website grew in popularity within months. McCaleb sold the company to Mark Karpelès in February 2011 and remained a minority owner in the company until its collapse in 2014. In 2011, McCaleb began developing a digital currency in which transactions were verified by consensus among network members which became known as the Ripple protocol, which differs from the mining technique used in bitcoin. He recruited David Schwartz and secured an investment from Jesse Powell before adding Arthur", "id": "7459237" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nthe Austrian school of economics, especially with Friedrich von Hayek in his book \"Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined\", in which Hayek advocates a complete free market in the production, distribution and management of money to end the monopoly of central banks. According to \"The New York Times\", libertarians and anarchists were attracted to the idea. Early bitcoin supporter Roger Ver said: \"At first, almost everyone who got involved did so for philosophical reasons. We saw bitcoin as a great idea, as a way", "id": "7057511" }, { "contents": "Cryptographic nonce\n\n\n) that had an arbitrary number of leading zeroes, by hashing the same input with a large number of values until a \"desirable\" hash was obtained. Similarly, the bitcoin blockchain hashing algorithm can be tuned to an arbitrary difficulty by changing the required minimum/maximum value of the hash so that the number of bitcoins awarded for new blocks does not increase linearly with increased network computation power as new users join. This is likewise achieved by forcing bitcoin miners to add nonce values to the value being hashed to change the hash", "id": "10165167" }, { "contents": "Gemini (company)\n\n\ncode. In October 2017, Gemini announced that it was allowing registered users to withdraw Bitcoin Cash from the exchange provided they had a balance available on the exchange prior to the Bitcoin hard fork in August 2017. \"Fortune\" reported that Cboe uses Gemini to settle its Bitcoin futures contracts, \"XBT\", in December 2017. Cboe partnered with Gemini so as to use Gemini's dollar denominated auction price for these contracts. According to Bloomberg News, Gemini began offering \"Block Trading\" in April 2018. Block Trading enables", "id": "15661113" }, { "contents": "Mt. Gox\n\n\nSo I've decided to pass the torch to someone better able to take the site to the next level.\" On 19 June 2011, a security breach of the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange caused the nominal price of a bitcoin to fraudulently drop to one cent on the Mt. Gox exchange, after a hacker allegedly used credentials from a Mt. Gox auditor's compromised computer to transfer a large number of bitcoins illegally to himself. He used the exchange's software to sell them all nominally, creating a massive \"ask\" order at", "id": "15973292" }, { "contents": "Ideal money\n\n\n’ve argued elsewhere) deflation needn’t go hand-in-hand with recession or depression so long as the rate of deflation reflects an economy’s (total factor) productivity growth rate, chances are that deflation in a Bitcoin economy would frequently exceed this safe limit.Because bitcoin's supply was predetermined at inception and considered unchangeable it cannot fluctuate with the demand cycles and thus Selgin suggests it cannot be made very stable in regard to its purchasing power. However, this still leaves the possibility that bitcoin fits Nash's", "id": "4602313" }, { "contents": "Xapo\n\n\nhis first bitcoins but couldn't find a way to store them, so he built a ‘vault’ for his own use. Friends, and later financial institutions, soon asked Casares if they could store their bitcoins in his vault. This became the foundation for Xapo, which was founded in late 2013 by Casares and COO Federico Murrone. Xapo opened its products to the public in March 2014. Casares said Xapo was founded with the aim of making the bitcoin currency more secure and accessible. The Xapo Wallet operates through a", "id": "6358842" }, { "contents": "Virtual currency law in the United States\n\n\nin order for these sites to exchange their Bitcoins for a fiat currency they must use a financial exchange, so even by receiving their earnings with Bitcoin, the online gambling sites may come into jurisdiction of the UIGEA if the gambling business accepts payment through \"(i) automated clearing house (ACH) systems, (ii) card systems, (iii) check collection systems, (iv) money transmitting businesses, and (v) wire transfer systems.\" The Illegal Gambling Business Act may also prohibit Bitcoin gambling sites because", "id": "2740409" }, { "contents": "Blockchain\n\n\na set of particularly profound adverse implications during a financial crisis or debt crisis like the financial crisis of 2007–08, where politically powerful actors may make decisions that favor some groups at the expense of others, and \"the bitcoin blockchain is protected by the massive group mining effort. It's unlikely that any private blockchain will try to protect records using gigawatts of computing power — it's time consuming and expensive.\" He also said, \"Within a private blockchain there is also no 'race'; there's no incentive to", "id": "2638396" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Core\n\n\nsome minor bug fixing versions. On 16 December 2009 Bitcoin 0.2 was released. It included a Linux version for the first time and made use of multi-core processors for mining. In version 0.3.2 Nakamoto included checkpoints as a safeguard. After the release of version 0.3.9 Satoshi Nakamoto left the project and shortly after stopped communicating on online forums. Between 2011 and 2013 new versions of the software were released at Developers wanted to differentiate themselves as creators of software rather than advocates for bitcoin and so now maintain for just", "id": "15945579" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\nthat of a store of value. Some bitcoin supporters like to call Bitcoin Cash “Bcash,” “Btrash,” or simply, a scam, while Bitcoin Cash advocates insist that their implementation is the pure form of Bitcoin. Samson Mow of Blockstream pointed to Bitcoin Cash's use of this the \"Bitcoin\" name as a source of animosity between the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash camps. Bitcoin Cash trades on digital currency exchanges including Bitstamp, Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, Bitfinex, and ShapeShift using the \"Bitcoin Cash\"", "id": "15897654" }, { "contents": "NordVPN\n\n\naccepts Bitcoin on its website. In a February 2019 review done by \"PC Magazine\", NordVPN was praised for its strong security features and an \"enormous network of servers,\" although its price tag was noted as expensive. CNET's March 2019 review favorably noted NordVPN's six simultaneous connections and dedicated IP option. In a mixed review published by \"Tom's Guide\" in June 2017, the reviewer criticized the service for being slower and more expensive than the competition, concluding that \"NordVPN is neither good or bad", "id": "21072886" }, { "contents": "Ideal money\n\n\ncoins and pass them out at the same value.’ It would be the Aurelius of so and so….and that sort of thing can happen. Hal Finney, one of the top contenders for being the person behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto that created bitcoin, was interested in Nash's story and works as early as 2002 and described Nash as possibly being a proto-extropian. George Selgin, an expert on free banking theory, expounds on value proposition of bitcoin in regard to the inability to control its supply (ie", "id": "4602310" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\n\" (sat). Named in homage to bitcoin's creator, a \"satoshi\" is the smallest amount within bitcoin representing bitcoins, one hundred millionth of a bitcoin. A millibitcoin equals bitcoins; one thousandth of a bitcoin or 100,000 \"satoshis\". The bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger that records bitcoin transactions. It is implemented as a chain of \"blocks\", each block containing a hash of the previous block up to the genesis block of the chain. A network of communicating nodes running bitcoin software maintains the", "id": "7057481" }, { "contents": "Patrick Hastings\n\n\nextremely expensive. Despite this, he refused to consider a change of career, and joined the Middle Temple as a student on 4 November 1901. It is uncertain why he chose this particular Inn of Court (his uncle J. Comyns Carr, his only connection with the Bar, was a member of the Inner Temple), but the most likely explanation was that the Middle Temple was popular with Irish barristers, and Hastings was of Irish ancestry. The examinations required to become a barrister were not particularly difficult or expensive, but", "id": "8429518" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\nBitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that is fork of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash is a spin-off or altcoin that was created in 2017. In 2018 Bitcoin Cash subsequently split into two cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Cash SV. Bitcoin Cash is sometimes also referred to as Bcash. Rising fees on the bitcoin network contributed to a push by some in the community to create a hard fork to increase the blocksize. This push came to a head in July 2017 when some members of the bitcoin community including Roger Ver felt that adopting", "id": "15897647" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nof version 0.9, the software bundle was renamed \"Bitcoin Core\" to distinguish itself from the underlying network. Bitcoin Core is, perhaps, the best known implementation or client. Alternative clients (forks of Bitcoin Core) exist, such as Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Unlimited, and Parity Bitcoin. On 1 August 2017, a hard fork of bitcoin was created, known as Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash has a larger block size limit and had an identical blockchain at the time of fork. On 24 October 2017 another hard fork", "id": "7057504" }, { "contents": "Zug\n\n\n, the town of Zug began to accept digital currency in payment of city fees. In order to advance Zug as a region that is innovating with future technologies, the city council added bitcoin as a means of paying small amounts, up to . In order to reduce risk, Zug immediately converts any bitcoin received into the Swiss currency. Zug is a popular location for incorporation of companies, such as Siemens Building Technologies, V-ZUG, and Nord Stream AG. Zug has also been referred to as the Crypto Valley by", "id": "13648895" }, { "contents": "Binance\n\n\nstable coins is to provide a cryptocurrency without the notorious volatility of Bitcoin and other popular digital assets. In January 2019, Binance announced that it had partnered with Israel-based payment processor Simplex to enable cryptocurrency purchases with debit and credit cards, including Visa and Mastercard. The purchases are subject to Simplex’s local bank policies and are limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple’s XRP. On May 7, 2019, Binance revealed that it had been the victim of a “large scale security breach” in which hackers", "id": "17712442" }, { "contents": "Cryptographic hash function\n\n\nbe moderately hard (but feasible) on the requester side but easy to check for the service provider. One popular system – used in Bitcoin mining and Hashcash – uses partial hash inversions to prove that work was done, to unlock a mining reward in Bitcoin and as a good-will token to send an e-mail in Hashcash. The sender is required to find a message whose hash value begins with a number of zero bits. The average work that sender needs to perform in order to find a valid message is", "id": "4875720" }, { "contents": "Grams (search)\n\n\nIn August 2017, it was noted that an elaborate darknet phishing scam appeared as the top Google search result for \"how to mix bitcoins\", directing users to a fake version of the Grams Helix Light website that would steal their bitcoins. Due to the enduring popularity of the site, and relative ease of replicating the first few digits of a .onion address, a number of illegitimate copies of the original Gram hidden service have been created. These include a scam version of flow, the search engine, and even copies of", "id": "503262" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\nmining pool ViaBTC. The change, called a \"hard fork\", took effect on 1 August 2017. As a result, the bitcoin ledger called the blockchain and the cryptocurrency split in two. At the time of the fork anyone owning bitcoin was also in possession of the same number of Bitcoin Cash units. The technical difference between Bitcoin Cash and bitcoin is that Bitcoin Cash allows larger blocks in its blockchain than bitcoin, which in theory allows it to process more transactions per second. On 1 August 2017 Bitcoin Cash began", "id": "15897650" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin ATM\n\n\nA Bitcoin ATM is a kiosk that allows a person to purchase Bitcoin by using cash or debit card. Some Bitcoin ATMs offer bi-directional functionality enabling both the purchase of Bitcoin as well as the sale of Bitcoin for cash. In some cases, Bitcoin ATM providers require users to have an existing account to transact on the machine. There are two main types of Bitcoin machines: cash kiosks and ATMs. Both types are connected to the Internet, allowing for cash or debit card payment, respectively, in exchange for bitcoins", "id": "5495791" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin scalability problem\n\n\nforth on how to scale bitcoin, and a contentious debate has resulted. \"Business Insider\" in 2017 characterized this debate as an \"ideological battle over bitcoin's future.\" Increasing the network's transaction processing limit requires making changes to the technical workings of bitcoin, in a process known as a \"fork\". Forks can be grouped into two types: Bitcoin Cash is a hard fork of bitcoin increasing the maximum block size. Bitcoin XT, Bitcoin Classic and Bitcoin Unlimited all supported an increase to the maximum block size", "id": "6379189" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nCommission. \"Forbes\" named bitcoin the best investment of 2013. In 2014, Bloomberg named bitcoin one of its worst investments of the year. In 2015, bitcoin topped Bloomberg's currency tables. According to, in 2017 there are 9,272 bitcoin wallets with more than $1 million worth of bitcoins. The exact number of bitcoin millionaires is uncertain as a single person can have more than one bitcoin wallet. Venture capitalists, such as Peter Thiel's Founders Fund, which invested million in BitPay, do not purchase bitcoins", "id": "7057520" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nbitcoins entails some risk, and, according to a study published in April 2013, 45% of exchanges fail and take client bitcoins with them. Exchanges have since implemented measures to provide proof of reserves in an effort to convey transparency to users. Offline, bitcoins may be purchased directly from an individual or at a bitcoin ATM. Bitcoin machines are not however traditional ATMs. Bitcoin kiosks are machines connected to the Internet, allowing the insertion of cash in exchange for bitcoins. Bitcoin kiosks do not connect to a bank and may", "id": "7397090" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\n-money\", and Nick Szabo, creator of bitcoin predecessor \"bit gold\". In the early days, Nakamoto is estimated to have mined 1 million bitcoins. Before disappearing from any involvement in bitcoin, Nakamoto in a sense handed over the reins to developer Gavin Andresen, who then became the bitcoin lead developer at the Bitcoin Foundation, the 'anarchic' bitcoin community's closest thing to an official public face. The value of the first bitcoin transactions were negotiated by individuals on the bitcoin forum with one notable transaction of", "id": "9447255" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Unlimited\n\n\nsize limit, a fork of the network will occur, resulting in two separate blockchains with Bitcoin Unlimited nodes following the chain with the largest proof-of-work. The release of Bitcoin Unlimited follows the release of Bitcoin XT and Bitcoin Classic, alternative proposals which aimed to increase bitcoin's transaction capacity of around 2.5-3 transactions per second by increasing the hard-coded block size limit. As of version, Bitcoin Unlimited releases are compatible with Bitcoin Cash, a cryptocurrency that split from bitcoin and allows larger blocks.", "id": "9732201" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\na hard-fork chain split of Bitcoin Cash occurred between two rival factions called Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV. On 15 November 2018 Bitcoin Cash ABC traded at about $289 and Bitcoin SV traded at about $96.50, down from $425.01 on 14 November for the un-split Bitcoin Cash. The split originated from what was described as a \"civil war\" in two competing bitcoin cash camps. The first camp, led by entrepreneur Roger Ver and Jihan Wu of Bitmain, promoted the software entitled Bitcoin ABC (short", "id": "15897652" }, { "contents": "Sheep Marketplace\n\n\nSheep Marketplace was an anonymous marketplace set up as a Tor hidden service. It launched in March 2013 and was one of the lesser known sites to gain popularity with the well publicized closure of the Silk Road marketplace later that year. It ceased operation in December 2013, when it announced it was shutting down after a vendor stole $6 million worth of users' bitcoins. In December 2013 Sheep Marketplace announced that one of the site's vendors exploited a vulnerability to steal 5400 bitcoins, valued at about $6 million at the", "id": "14961293" }, { "contents": "Reeds Jewelers\n\n\nof the largest family owned jeweler in America. In 2014, Reeds announced the acceptance of Bitcoin, a digital currency, both in-store and online at Reeds Jewelers is the first fine jeweler to accept bitcoin. Reeds provides a wide variety of both gold and non-gold jewelry. Popular brands and designers include: David Yurman, Roberto Coin, Gucci, Forevermark, Pandora, Swarovski, and Alex and Ani. REEDS also carries an extensive collection of designer watches including: Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Tag", "id": "2524465" }, { "contents": "Voat\n\n\nservice (DDOS) attack, rendering the 700,000 unique visitors unable to access the site. In early July 2015, following the dismissal of a popular administrator on Reddit, another influx of Reddit members registered with Voat, leading to traffic which again caused Voat to experience downtime. The developers of the website were subsequently approached by venture capitalists interested in investing in the project. Also in July, Voat, alongside WikiLeaks, was subject to a Bitcoin \"dust\" attack and more DDoS attacks. The Bitcoin attack slowed payment processing to", "id": "6312369" }, { "contents": "RIPEMD\n\n\nas RIPEMD-128 and RIPEMD-160, respectively; they are designed for applications where the security level is sufficient but longer hash result is necessary. While RIPEMD functions are less popular than SHA-1 and SHA-2, they are used, among others, in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies based on Bitcoin. The original RIPEMD function was designed in the framework of the EU project RIPE (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation) in 1992. Its design was based on the MD4 hash function. In 1996, in response to security weaknesses found in the original RIPEMD, Hans", "id": "6722739" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Core\n\n\nBitcoin Core is free and open-source software that serves as a bitcoin node (the set of which form the bitcoin network) and provides a bitcoin wallet which fully verifies payments. It is considered to be bitcoin's reference implementation and is the most used implementation by a large margin. Initially, the software was published by Satoshi Nakamoto under the name \"Bitcoin\", and later renamed to \"Bitcoin Core\" to distinguish it from the network. For this reason, it is also known as the Satoshi client. ,", "id": "15945572" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\nof the genesis date and a derisive comment on the instability caused by fractional-reserve banking. The first open source bitcoin client was released on 9 January 2009, hosted at SourceForge. One of the first supporters, adopters, contributor to bitcoin and receiver of the first bitcoin transaction was programmer Hal Finney. Finney downloaded the bitcoin software the day it was released, and received 10 bitcoins from Nakamoto in the world's first bitcoin transaction on 12 January 2009. Other early supporters were Wei Dai, creator of bitcoin predecessor \"b", "id": "9447254" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\nunder its payment processing service. In November 2012, WordPress had started accepting bitcoins. In February 2013, the bitcoin-based payment processor Coinbase reported selling US$1 million worth of bitcoins in a single month at over $22 per bitcoin. The Internet Archive announced that it was ready to accept donations as bitcoins and that it intends to give employees the option to receive portions of their salaries in bitcoin currency. In March, the bitcoin transaction log called the \"blockchain\" temporarily split into two independent chains with differing rules on", "id": "9447266" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Unlimited\n\n\nincreases. With Bitcoin Unlimited, miners are independently able to configure the size of the blocks they will validate. Miners using Bitcoin Unlimited continue to process regular-sized blocks but as soon as a block larger than one megabyte is mined, they will follow the chain containing the most work. Per the Bitcoin Unlimited website, the scalability solution will be found at a focal point. Bitcoin Unlimited follows the release of Bitcoin XT and Bitcoin Classic, alternative proposals on how to increase bitcoin's transaction capacity. Mining pools including Antpool.", "id": "9732203" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nthe wallet integrated with ShapeShift using their API to allow for multi-currency conversions within the wallet between Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin (BTC). In May 2018, decided to partially reverse a controversial change made to its website by listing back Bitcoin Cash as Bitcoin Cash instead of Bitcoin (BCH) while still list Bitcoin as Bitcoin Core (BTC) on the site. In March 2018, the wallet announced that 2 million Bitcoin wallets have been downloaded since it was released. started mining with", "id": "13342031" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\nas it raised $50 million in funding and spun off as an independent company. Also during this time, Reddit began accepting the digital currency Bitcoin for its Reddit Gold subscription service through a partnership with bitcoin payment processor Coinbase in February 2013. Ellen Pao replaced Wong as interim CEO in 2014 and resigned in 2015 amid a user revolt over the firing of a popular Reddit employee. During her tenure, Reddit initiated an anti-harassment policy, banned involuntary sexualization, and banned several forums that focused on bigoted content or harassment of", "id": "1077350" }, { "contents": "Darknet market\n\n\nnumber of shorter-lived markets as well as semi-regular law enforcement take downs, hacks, scams and voluntary closures. Atlantis, the first site to accept Litecoin as well as Bitcoin, closed in September 2013, just prior to the Silk Road raid, leaving users just 1 week to withdraw any coins. In October 2013, \"Project Black Flag\" closed and stole their users' bitcoins in the panic shortly after Silk Road's shut down. Black Market Reloaded's popularity increased dramatically after the closure of Silk Road", "id": "21798031" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nwallets can also take the form of metal token coins with a private key accessible under a security hologram in a recess struck on the reverse side. The security hologram self-destructs when removed from the token, showing that the private key has been accessed. Originally, these tokens were struck in brass and other base metals, but later used precious metals as bitcoin grew in value and popularity. Coins with stored face value as high as ₿1000 have been struck in gold. The British Museum's coin collection includes four specimens from", "id": "7057501" }, { "contents": "Satoshi Citadel Industries\n\n\nof 2014. By August 2014, the company developed six bitcoin ventures: Digital payment service provider, which enables Philippine merchants to accept digital payments, Bitcoin Remittance company, which allows people to remit money to the Philippines using Bitcoin, allowing them to save money on remittances, Bitcoin Faucet/social media service, a website that rewards users with Bitcoin for submitting photos, Bitcoin exchange Coinage, the first orderbook exchange in the Philippines, the Philippines' first Bitcoin bills payment service, and Prepaid Bitcoin stored-", "id": "15059387" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Classic\n\n\nBitcoin Classic was one of several forks of the Bitcoin reference implementation Bitcoin Core aiming to increase the transaction processing capacity of Bitcoin by increasing the block size limit. Blocks, which contain transaction data, form the basic structure of the immutable blockchain. Bitcoin Classic started out as similar to, though less aggressive than, the Bitcoin XT fork, which never managed to get the support it needed. Bitcoin Classic in its first 8 months promoted a single increase of the maximum block size from one megabyte to two megabytes. In November 2016", "id": "16714857" }, { "contents": "Japanese invasion of Manchuria\n\n\nsupport. The American historian Louise Young described Japan from September 1931 to the spring of 1933 as gripped by \"war fever\" as the conquest of Manchuria proved to be an extremely popular war. The metaphor of a \"lifeline\" suggested that Manchuria was crucial to the functioning of the Japanese economy, which explains why the conquest of Manchuria was so popular and why afterwards Japanese public opinion was so hostile towards any suggestion of letting Manchuria go. At the time, censorship in Japan was nowhere near as stringent as it later became", "id": "21248194" }, { "contents": "Ideal money\n\n\ninflation targeting):It doesn’t follow, however, that either Bitcoins’ purchasing power or the volume of Bitcoin-denominated payments will be stable enough to make Bitcoins anyone’s idea of a sound money. Because it makes no allowances for changes in the real demand for Bitcoins, whatever their source, the strict “protocol” that regulates the supply of Bitcoins—a protocol that raises Bitcoin “mining” costs in response to changes in mining activity and technology, but without regard to Bitcoins’ purchasing power—would allow fluctuations in the", "id": "4602311" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin scalability problem\n\n\nThe bitcoin scalability problem refers to the discussion concerning the limits on the amount of transactions the bitcoin network can process. It is related to the fact that records (known as \"blocks\") in the bitcoin blockchain are limited in size and frequency. Bitcoin's blocks contain the transactions on the bitcoin network. The on-chain transaction processing capacity of the bitcoin network is limited by the average block creation time of 10 minutes and the block size limit of 1 megabyte. These jointly constrain the network's throughput. The transaction", "id": "6379187" }, { "contents": "\n\n\ (formerly is a bitcoin block explorer service, as well as a cryptocurrency wallet supporting bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum. They also provide Bitcoin data charts, stats, and market information. was launched in August 2011. The service provides data on recent transactions, mined blocks in the bitcoin blockchain, charts on the bitcoin economy, and statistics and resources for developers. The mobile app for Android allows users to securely send and receive bitcoins and browse blockchain information. In December 2013, the company", "id": "21186764" }, { "contents": "Tony Gallippi\n\n\n1,100 merchants using their service. Since the foundation of BitPay, Tony Gallippi has been responsible for a number of large organisations joining the financial services company as a merchant. Also during the initial surge of popularity of bitcoin from 2012 onwards, Gallippi featured regularly in the media discussing bitcoin and BitPay. Around the same period, comparisons were drawn between BitPay and PayPal, with some including CNN, suggesting that one day processors like BitPay could eventually replace conventional online payment systems such as PayPal. In 2013, BitPay became the largest processor", "id": "1115495" }, { "contents": "Cryptocurrency bubble\n\n\nappearing at a joint press conference were asked about bitcoin, and all agreed that it is a bubble. Hart cited Christopher Sims's work showing no intrinsic value to bitcoin. Heckman compared bitcoin to the tulip bubble. Deaton pointed to bitcoin's use by criminals. Professor Nouriel Roubini of New York University has called Bitcoin the \"mother of all bubbles\". He believes that a revolution in financial technology (fintech) is now happening, but that it does not include the flawed blockchain used by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin", "id": "15376407" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\nname and the BCH ticker symbol for the cryptocurrency. On 26 March 2018, OKEx removed all Bitcoin Cash trading pairs except for BCH/BTC, BCH/ETH and BCH/USDT due to \"inadequate liquidity\". , daily transaction numbers for Bitcoin Cash are about one-tenth of those of bitcoin. By November 2017 the value of Bitcoin Cash, which had been as high as $900, had fallen to around $300, much of that due to people who had originally held Bitcoin selling off the Bitcoin Cash", "id": "15897655" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\n. The size of transactions is dependent on the number of inputs used to create the transaction, and the number of outputs. In the blockchain, bitcoins are registered to bitcoin addresses. Creating a bitcoin address requires nothing more than picking a random valid private key and computing the corresponding bitcoin address. This computation can be done in a split second. But the reverse, computing the private key of a given bitcoin address, is mathematically unfeasible. Users can tell others or make public a bitcoin address without compromising its corresponding private key", "id": "7057486" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\n, Bitcoin Gold, was created. Bitcoin Gold changes the proof-of-work algorithm used in mining, as the developers felt that mining had become too specialized. Bitcoin does not have a central authority and the bitcoin network is decentralized: Researchers have pointed out at a \"trend towards centralization\". Although bitcoin can be sent directly from user to user, in practice intermediaries are widely used. Bitcoin miners join large mining pools to minimize the variance of their income. Because transactions on the network are confirmed by miners,", "id": "7057505" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nof operators of businesses involving the currency. On 10 December 2017, the Chicago Board Options Exchange started trading bitcoin futures, followed by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which started trading bitcoin futures on 17 December 2017. The Winklevoss twins have purchased bitcoin. In 2013, \"The Washington Post\" reported a claim that they owned 1% of all the bitcoins in existence at the time. Other methods of investment are bitcoin funds. The first regulated bitcoin fund was established in Jersey in July 2014 and approved by the Jersey Financial Services", "id": "7057519" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nduring November 2015 the bitcoin low was $309.90. In May 2013, Bank of America FX and Rate Strategist David Woo forecast a maximum fair value per bitcoin of $1,300. Bitcoin investor Cameron Winklevoss stated in December 2013 that the \"small bull case scenario for bitcoin is... 40,000 USD a coin\". The \"death\" of bitcoin has been proclaimed numerous times. One journalist has recorded 29 such \"obituaries\" as of early 2015. \"Forbes\" magazine declared bitcoin \"dead\" in June 2011, followed by", "id": "7397105" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nthere has been very little if any increase in retail purchases using bitcoin.\" Bitcoin companies have had difficulty opening traditional bank accounts because lenders have been leery of bitcoin's links to illicit activity. According to Antonio Gallippi, a co-founder of BitPay, \"banks are scared to deal with bitcoin companies, even if they really want to\". In 2014, the National Australia Bank closed accounts of businesses with ties to bitcoin, and HSBC refused to serve a hedge fund with links to bitcoin. Australian banks in general", "id": "7397116" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nlargest bitcoin holders after winning an auction of 30,000 bitcoins, at the time called 'mystery buyer'. The company's goal is to fund 100 bitcoin businesses within 2–3 years with $10,000 to $20,000 for a 6% stake. Investors also invest in bitcoin mining. According to a 2015 study by Paolo Tasca, bitcoin startups raised almost $1 billion in three years (Q1 2012 – Q1 2015). Bitcoin is useful for crowdfunding. For example, one college football sign netted over $20,000 in donations for a", "id": "7397122" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\n, usable in multilateral clearing circles and subject to capital gains tax if held less than one year. On 5 December 2013, the People's Bank of China announced in a press release regarding bitcoin regulation that whilst individuals in China are permitted to freely trade and exchange bitcoins as a commodity, it is prohibited for Chinese financial banks to operate using bitcoins or for bitcoins to be used as legal tender currency, and that entities dealing with bitcoins must track and report suspicious activity to prevent money laundering. The value of bitcoin dropped on", "id": "9447308" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Unlimited\n\n\nBitcoin Unlimited (BU) is a full node implementation for the bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash networks. Compared to the Bitcoin Core client hard-coding the block size limit to one megabyte, from which it is forked, Bitcoin Unlimited allows users to signal which block size limit they prefer, find the limit having a majority consensus and automatically track the largest proof-of-work, regardless of block size. However, if a block greater than one megabyte in size is accepted by Bitcoin Unlimited and rejected by nodes with a block", "id": "9732200" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\nfor Adjustable Blocksize Cap) which would maintain the block size at 32MB. The second camp led by Craig Steven Wright and billionaire Calvin Ayre put forth a competing software version Bitcoin SV, short for \"Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision,\" that would increase the block size limit to 128MB. There are two factions of bitcoin supporters, that support large blocks or small blocks. The Bitcoin Cash faction favors the use of its currency as a medium of exchange for commerce while the bitcoin supporting faction view Bitcoin's primary use as", "id": "15897653" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Cash\n\n\ndifference between 6 successive blocks was greater than 12 hours. EDA adjustments caused instabilities in mining difficulty of the Bitcoin Cash system, resulting in Bitcoin Cash being thousands of blocks ahead of bitcoin. To address the problem with stability, a change of the Bitcoin Cash DAA was implemented and the EDA cancelled. The change took effect on 13 November 2017. After the change, the Bitcoin Cash DAA adjusts the mining difficulty after each block. To calculate the difficulty for a new block, the Bitcoin Cash DAA uses a moving window of", "id": "15897659" }, { "contents": "Roger Ver\n\n\n's investment allowed the company to hire a designer and another programmer. He invested over a million dollars into new bitcoin related startups including Ripple,, Bitpay and Kraken. In 2011, Ver's company Memorydealers was the first to accept bitcoin as payment. His early advocacy for bitcoin earned him the moniker of Bitcoin Jesus. He has been a prominent supporter of bitcoin adoption and saw bitcoin as a means to promote economic freedom. In 2012, Ver was organising bitcoin meetups in Sunnyvale. He is one of five founders of", "id": "19034195" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\nbitcoin symbol was encoded in Unicode version 10.0 at position U+20BF (₿) in the Currency Symbols block. Up until July 2017, bitcoin users maintained a common set of rules for the cryptocurrency. On 1 August 2017 bitcoin split into two derivative digital currencies, the bitcoin (BTC) chain with 1 MB blocksize limit and the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) chain with 8 MB blocksize limit. The split has been called the \"Bitcoin Cash hard fork\". On 6 December 2017 the software marketplace Steam announced that it would no", "id": "9447284" }, { "contents": "Virtual currency law in the United States\n\n\nto VCs, and due to the nature of many VCs, it may not be possible for VCs to be in complete compliance with the Act. For example, the regulations require for a consumer to be allowed 30 minutes to cancel an electronic transfer. Many VCs, such as Bitcoin, do not allow chargebacks, so cancelling the Bitcoin transfer is not possible. Additionally, a credit card that transacts in VC is not protected by the fifty-dollar maximum liability for the holder of the credit card. In 2013, the", "id": "2740386" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Classic\n\n\nmaximum transaction rate would also roughly double. If deployed, Bitcoin Classic would render current Bitcoin software obsolete, as it changes protocol parameters, namely increasing the maximum block size from one megabyte to two megabytes. Most implementations of Bitcoin software would require small modifications to the block size limit in order to continue to work. Bitcoin Classic had received support from some Bitcoin companies, developers, investors and miners, such as Coinbase, Bitstamp, Circle, Jeff Garzik, Roger Ver and Gavin Andresen. The Wall Street Journal said \"Bitcoin", "id": "16714859" }, { "contents": "History of bitcoin\n\n\nto form to set best practices and standards, to work with regulators and policymakers to adapt existing currency requirements to digital currency technology and business models and develop risk management standards. In 2014, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed an administrative action against Erik T. Voorhees, for violating Securities Act Section 5 for publicly offering unregistered interests in two bitcoin websites in exchange for bitcoins. Bitcoins can be stored in a bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet. Theft of bitcoin has been documented on numerous occasions. At other times, bitcoin exchanges have shut down", "id": "9447297" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin network\n\n\nThe bitcoin network is a peer-to-peer payment network that operates on a cryptographic protocol. Users send and receive bitcoins, the units of currency, by broadcasting digitally signed messages to the network using bitcoin cryptocurrency wallet software. Transactions are recorded into a distributed, replicated public database known as the blockchain, with consensus achieved by a proof-of-work system called \"mining\". Satoshi Nakamoto, the designer of bitcoin claimed that design and coding of bitcoin began in 2007. The project was released in 2009 as", "id": "3377874" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin\n\n\nstated that \"a real Ponzi scheme takes fraud; bitcoin, by contrast, seems more like a collective delusion.\" A July 2014 report by the World Bank concluded that bitcoin was not a deliberate Ponzi scheme. In June 2014, the Swiss Federal Council examined the concerns that bitcoin might be a pyramid scheme; it concluded that, \"Since in the case of bitcoin the typical promises of profits are lacking, it cannot be assumed that bitcoin is a pyramid scheme.\" In July 2017, billionaire Howard Marks referred", "id": "7057536" }, { "contents": "Economics of bitcoin\n\n\nMarch 2014, \"Vice News\" in March 2014, and \"Financial Times\" in September 2014. In January 2015, \"USA Today\" stated bitcoin was \"headed to the ash heap\", and \"The Telegraph\" declared \"the end of bitcoin experiment\". In January 2016, former bitcoin developer Mike Hearn called bitcoin a \"failed project\". Peter Greenhill, Director of E-Business Development for the Isle of Man, commenting on the obituaries paraphrased Mark Twain saying \"reports of bitcoin's death have", "id": "7397107" }, { "contents": "Banking on Bitcoin\n\n\nBanking on Bitcoin is a documentary about the beginnings of bitcoin and how it evolved to be what it is today. The film was directed by Christopher Cannucciari and distributed by Gravitas Ventures. The film starred many early adopters of bitcoin, including Charlie Shrem, Erik Voorhees, Gavin Andresen, David Chaum, and the Winklevoss twins. \"Banking on Bitcoin\" was released on Netflix and provided many people with an introduction and overview into the cryptocurrency world. The official soundtrack was composed and produced by Ben Prunty. \"Banking on Bitcoin", "id": "7925735" }, { "contents": "Cost breakdown analysis\n\n\n, that is, for instance, the costs for custom clearance depend on the respective importing country's customs policies. Subcontract costs involve all the expenses connected to subcontracting, that is, the outsourcing of contract obligations to a third party. Subcontract costs are generally treated as direct costs to the business. Overhead is an ongoing business expense which cannot directly be allocated to a particular cost unit, which is why they belong to the so-called hidden costs. Despite not directly creating profits, they do still contribute to the", "id": "10600745" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Magazine\n\n\nBitcoin Magazine is one of the original news and print magazine publishers specializing in Bitcoin and digital currencies. \"Bitcoin Magazine\" began publishing in 2012, and was co-founded by Vitalik Buterin and Mihai Alisie. It is currently owned and operated by BTC Inc in Nashville, Tennessee. Vitalik Buterin became interested in bitcoin in 2011, and co-founded the periodical \"Bitcoin Magazine\" with Mihai Alisie, who asked him to join. Alisie was living in Romania at the time and Buterin was writing for a blog. Buterin", "id": "14616639" }, { "contents": "Sheep Marketplace\n\n\naccounts, using the public nature of bitcoin transactions to follow these moneys through the \"blockchain\" record of transfers. Within a couple days of the theft, a large amount of bitcoins were noticed being processed by Bitcoin Fog, a \"tumbler\" used to launder bitcoins by shuffling them between many accounts for a small fee. The size of the transaction, 96,000 bitcoins, caused Bitcoin Fog to fail, leaving the money traceable. Not long thereafter, the last known wallet of the user who had been presumed to be the", "id": "14961295" }, { "contents": "Mt. Gox\n\n\nlogs, with differing rules on how transactions could be accepted. The Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange briefly halted bitcoin deposits. Bitcoin prices briefly dipped by 23%, to $37, as the event occurred, before recovering to their previous level (approximately $48) in the following hours. By April 2013 and into 2014 the site had grown to the point where it was handling over 70% of the world's bitcoin trades, as the largest bitcoin intermediary and the world's leading bitcoin exchange. With prices increasing rapidly,", "id": "15973296" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin Classic\n\n\nthis changed and the project moved to a solution that moved the limit out of the software rules into the hands of the miners and nodes. On November 10, 2017, Bitcoin Classic ceased operation. In Bitcoin, transactions are collected into blocks, and each block is produced by the bitcoin network on average every ten minutes. With Bitcoin's current limit of one megabyte, this capacity translates to an estimated average of three transactions per second. With Bitcoin Classic's proposed doubling of the block size limit to two megabytes, the", "id": "16714858" }, { "contents": "Satoshi Nakamoto\n\n\ncryptography and computer science experts of non-Japanese descent, living in the United States and various European countries. In October 2008, Nakamoto published a paper on the cryptography mailing list at describing the bitcoin digital currency. It was titled \"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System\". In January 2009, Nakamoto released the first bitcoin software that launched the network and the first units of the bitcoin cryptocurrency, called \"bitcoins\". Satoshi Nakamoto released the Version 0.1 of bitcoin software on Sourceforge on 9", "id": "17025869" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin network\n\n\ntransaction in a block is a special transaction that produces new bitcoins owned by the creator of the block. This is the incentive for nodes to support the network. It provides the way to move new bitcoins into circulation. The reward for mining halves every 210,000 blocks. It started at 50 bitcoin, dropped to 25 in late 2012 and to 12.5 bitcoin in 2016. This halving process is programmed to continue for 64 times before new coin creation ceases. Various potential attacks on the bitcoin network and its use as a payment system", "id": "3377885" }, { "contents": "Bitcoin network\n\n\nthe bitcoin Bob just received, but she cannot sign the transaction without the knowledge of Bob's private key. A specific problem that an internet payment system must solve is double-spending, whereby a user pays the same coin to two or more different recipients. An example of such a problem would be if Eve sent a bitcoin to Alice and later sent the same bitcoin to Bob. The bitcoin network guards against double-spending by recording all bitcoin transfers in a ledger (the blockchain) that is visible to all", "id": "3377887" } ]
Besides actually getting people there, what other problems does science need to overcome before humans could live on Mars?
[{"answer": "Oh, let's count the ways that all those science fiction dreams of huge colonies on Mars aren't quite as feasible as the self-appointed futurists seem to think: --The radiation. Once you leave the protection of the Earth's magnetic field, you begin to die of radiation exposure. Just a \"fast\" trip to Mars is enough to significantly increase your risk of developing cancer. To live on Mars full-time, you'd need shielded habitats, covered in, say, a meter of concrete. But how do you intend to BUILD those habitats? Schlep cranes and bulldozers to Mars? And how do you propose to shield people when they go outside (or when they're building the habitat)? A shielded habitat also means no windows to look out of and no sunlight coming in. Hope you brought lotsa Grow Lights or a fuckton of vitamin D. Actually, even full Martian daylight doesn't contain enough sunlight to be healthy to humans. --The atmosphere. Mainly CO2, very low pressure. A colony will need air. Now, if you have plenty of water, and plenty of energy (solar power probably ain't gonna cut it here, that's a whole other can-o-worms), you can break water down into hydrogen and oxygen...but air is almost 80% nitrogen, and that's something Mars is noticeably short on. The ISS requires regular resupply of both oxygen and nitrogen, but that's low Earth orbit we're talking, not Mars (and oh yeah, by the way, for practical reasons, you can only launch a vehicle to Mars from Earth about every two years). --The gravity. The gravity of Mars is only about 38% that of Earth, so long-term colonists are going to find that they lose significant muscle and bone mass, even with exercise. We have no idea what the long-term effects of living in reduced gravity are. --The soil. You wanna grow food in dirt on Mars? Then it sucks to be you. The soil on Mars contains toxic levels of perchlorates. That's good news if you want to open a planet-wide chain of dry cleaning stores, not so much if you wanna live with the stuff. Be careful not to track any back into the habitat when you go outside (to, um, frolic in the deadly radiation), because that shit will start to build up in the atmospheric system. For a permanent colony, keeping it from building up in the habitat is essentially impossible. --The habitat. We simply don't know how to build a self-sustaining habitat on Earth, let alone someplace where the environment wants us dead. Not a clue. We don't even know *for sure* that it's possible on a small scale. Resupplying a small colony, let alone a large one, from Earth would be ruinously expensive, and perhaps not even technically feasible. And those are just the big ones. On top of all this, howzabout a reason it SHOULDN'T be done? I mean, aside from the obvious that it would cost hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars, yet serve no useful purpose beyond the gee-whiz factor (we can do the science for about a *tenth* of the cost with robots). Contamination. We have had a few tantalizing clues about past or even current life on Mars, but the moment we plant the first muddy human bootprint there, it's game over for science. It's hard enough to sterilize a robot without reducing it to a pile of ash, but people are walking contamination machines. It is simply not possible to put people there and NOT hopelessly contaminate the environment. After that moment, any discovery made of life on Mars would come with built-in doubt about whether it was pristine, or the result of Earth contamination."}, {"answer": "Improved radiation shielding is a big one. The amount of radiation is less of a concern than the prolonged exposure the astronauts would be subject to on a 500 day mission."}, {"answer": "The next big problem is sustainability. The ISS has regular shipments of supplies to keep its residents with sufficient food, water, and breathable air. Such shipments would be more difficult on Mars (thus the importance of finding frozen water on the planet). I'm pretty sure the technology exists (using hydroponics to grow plants to scrub CO2 and generate oxygen), but it is still a huge logistics problem to get such an thing set up and running efficiently enough to sustain life between shipments from earth."}, {"answer": "They need to be able to start the reactor to melt the glacier deep within the mountains. C'mon Cohaagen, give these people air!"}, {"answer": "Air to breath, water to drink, food to eat, shelter from cosmic radiation to live in, air pressure to keep their bodies from exploding; all the basic things the Earth provides are missing on Mars except for gravity and sand to stand on. While Blue Mars is a fabulous science fiction concept, and a great trilogy, it's a logistics problem that's beyond our current capability to solve."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1744360", "title": "Colonization of Mars", "section": "Section::::Transportation.:Landing on Mars.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 55, "end_paragraph_id": 55, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["ed. Colonization of Mars would require a wide variety of equipmentboth equipment to directly provide services to humans and production equipment used to produce food, propellant, water, energy and breathabl", "anding systems different from anything used to land crewed spacecraft on the Moon or robotic missions on Mars. If one assumes carbon nanotube construction material will be available with a strength of 130 GPa then a space elevator could be built to land people and material on Mars. A space elevator on Phobos (a Martian moon) has also been proposed. Colon", "landing systems different from anything used to land crewed spacecraft on the Moon or robotic missions on Mars. If one assumes carbon nanotube construction material will be available with a strength of 130 GPa then a space elevator could be built to land people and material on Mars. A space elevator on Phobos (a Martian moon) has also been proposed. Colonization of Mars would require a wide variety of equipmentboth equipment to directly provide services to humans and production equipment used to produce food, propellant, water, energy and breathable oxygen\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Human mission to Mars\n\n\n. Significant technological hurdles need to be overcome for human spaceflight to Mars. Entry into the thin and shallow Martian atmosphere will pose significant difficulties with re-entry and for a spacecraft of the weight needed to carry humans, along with life support, supplies and other equipment. Should a heat shield be used, it would need to be very large. Retro rockets could be used, but would add significant further weight. A return mission to Mars will need to land a rocket to carry crew off the surface. Launch requirements", "id": "5848440" }, { "contents": "Parametric determinism\n\n\nhuman gullibility, including your own\"). The general task of revolutionary science was to overcome ignorance about human life, and this could not very well be done by reconciling people with their allegedly \"predetermined\" fate at every opportunity. We all know we will die eventually, but that says little yet about what we can achieve before that point. Skepticism has its uses, but what those uses are, can only be verified from experience; a universal skepticism would be just as arbitrary as the belief that \"anything is", "id": "19363877" }, { "contents": "Mars suit\n\n\nspace. If the astronauts get too much radiation, it increases their lifetime cancer risk and they can get radiation poisoning. Exposure to ionizing radiation can also cause cataracts, a problem with the eye. The atmosphere of Mars is much thinner than Earth's, so it does not stop as much radiation. A human consideration for suits is the need to go the bathroom. Various methods have been employed in suits, and in the Shuttle-era NASA used maximum absorbency garments to enable stays of 10 hours in space and partial", "id": "1604885" }, { "contents": "Mars Direct\n\n\nafter budgetary concerns the program was cancelled in 2010. There are a variety of psychological and sociological issues that could affect long-duration expeditionary space missions. Early human spaceflight missions to Mars are expected by some to have significant psycho-social problems to overcome, as well as provide considerable data for refining mission design, mission planning, and crew selection for future missions. Since Mars Direct was initially conceived, it has undergone regular review and development by Zubrin himself, the Mars Society, NASA, Stanford University and others. Zubrin", "id": "20423352" }, { "contents": "Mars and Beyond\n\n\n, and, as done before, science fiction comics of the time are parodied. This segment also features Kimball's comic tone and a cameo appearance by Donald Duck. Later on, the program adopts a serious tone as it profiles each of the planets in the Solar System, explaining what would happen if a human were to live on each of them. The program claims that, whereas most of the planets are either too cold or too hot for life as we know it, life on Mars could almost be normal.", "id": "10894357" }, { "contents": "The Sky So Big and Black\n\n\nhumans to suit the Martian environment, the future of ecospecting doesn't look good to Telemachus; he thinks the future of Mars is with the \"Nations\" of Mars-formed humans. It's estimated that modifying people can be done in just two to three generations, whereas terraforming Mars might take thousands of years. Thus he wants her to get an advanced degree and go into some always-needed occupation like science or medicine. When they strike a \"scorehole\", a very large deposit of methane and water,", "id": "9074825" }, { "contents": "The Change (novel)\n\n\nEllimist, who explains that while his species does not interfere with other people's lives, he wishes to save the Hork-Bajir, and the Ellimist justifies himself by saying that the Animorphs owe him their lives. Tobias also learns that when he could not get anywhere earlier and the images in his head were all the Ellimist's doing. Frustrated, Tobias wants to be made human in return for his efforts. The Ellimist says that he knows what Tobias wants but asks Tobias if he himself really knows what he wants.", "id": "15151184" }, { "contents": "Embodied cognitive science\n\n\nis that true understanding of these concepts is contingent on whether one can have an understanding of the human body. So the argument goes that if one lacked a human body, they could not possibly know what up or down could mean, or how it could relate to emotional states. ‘[I]magine a spherical being living outside of any gravitational field, with no knowledge or imagination of any other kind of experience. What could UP possibly mean to such a being?' While this does not mean that such beings would be", "id": "9555007" }, { "contents": "Red Planet (film)\n\n\ncaused the algae to disappear, but in the process they actually gave Mars breathable oxygen levels, because they produce oxygen as a waste product (explaining why they are so flammable). The insects are also what destroyed the habitat module, as they tore in to get to the food supplies inside. Burchenal explains to Gallagher that the biochemistry of alien insects' respiratory metabolism is capable of producing oxygen far more efficiently than human science is currently able to. Studying the insects' biochemistry is the key to terraforming Mars, and may", "id": "10112793" }, { "contents": "Origin of speech\n\n\ngroup-living humans what manual grooming does for other primates — it allows individuals to service their relationships and so maintain their alliances. As humans began living in larger and larger social groups, the task of manually grooming all one's friends and acquaintances became so time-consuming as to be unaffordable. In response to this problem, humans invented \"a cheap and ultra-efficient form of grooming\" — \"vocal grooming\". To keep your allies happy, you now needed only to \"groom\" them with low-", "id": "8275302" }, { "contents": "Papelucho and the Martian\n\n\nPapelucho surprising finds an actual Martian called \"Det\", a Martian child, who is extremely curious about the humans and without thinking, he decide to introduce himself on Papelucho's body. Papelucho starts to live with Det inside his veins and establish a deep friendship with him, but he finally think that Det cannot live in Earth anymore and needs to return to Mars. For that purpose, Papelucho starts to build a spaceship for fly to Mars and bring his friend back to home without knowing what will happen to him", "id": "2646350" }, { "contents": "Maslow's hierarchy of needs\n\n\nand non-sexually – by others. Many people become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety, and clinical depression in the absence of this love or belonging element. This need for belonging may overcome the physiological and security needs, depending on the strength of the peer pressure. Esteem needs are ego needs or status needs. People develop a concern with getting recognition, status, importance, and respect from others. Most humans have a need to feel respected; this includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect", "id": "2782529" }, { "contents": "Mars habitat\n\n\non Earth and conduct mock missions, taking steps to solve some of the problems that could be faced for one on Mars. An example of this was the original mission of Biosphere 2, which was meant to test closed ecological systems to support and maintain human life in outer space. Biosphere 2 tested several people living in closed loop biological system, with several biological areas in support including rainforest, savannah, ocean, desert, marsh, agriculture, and in an area in support of a living space. An example of Mars", "id": "13072949" }, { "contents": "Black May (1992)\n\n\n. In the broadcast, the King addressed the two generals: The Nation belongs to everyone, not one or two specific people. The problems exist because we don't talk to each other and resolve them together. The problems arise from 'bloodthirstiness'. People can lose their minds when they resort to violence. Eventually, they don't know why they fight each other and what the problems they need to resolve are. They merely know that they must overcome each other and they must be the only winner. This no", "id": "9268489" }, { "contents": "Development communication\n\n\nbut to have a strong knowledge and a better understanding of communication policy. The policy sciences provide an integrated and comprehensive approach for addressing issues and problems at all levels in ways that help clarify and secure the common interest. Policy sciences are concerned with helping people make better decisions toward fostering human dignity for all. Since we are living in a \"turbulent field\" environment, policy science is necessary to address issues before it will get bigger. The approach of policy sciences, as cited by Flor in his article, is forward", "id": "14194453" }, { "contents": "Mars flyby\n\n\nunmanned spacecraft, that was launched separately from Earth, flying by. This would mean the ascent stage of the lander to reach the speed necessary equal to that of the spacecraft flying by, but the resources needed for Earth return would not have to enter or leave Mars orbit. The spacecraft they live in on the journey to Mars does the flyby, but the crew separates and goes into a lander. The Excursion module's ascent stage must rejoin the main spacecraft before it gets too far away. An advantage is that the", "id": "19465305" }, { "contents": "Self-actualization\n\n\nFor example, he notes that for some individuals, the need for self-esteem is more important than the need for love. For others, the need for creative fulfillment may supersede even the most basic needs. Instead of focusing on what goes wrong with people, Maslow wanted to focus on human potential, and how we fulfill that potential. Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that human motivation is based on people seeking fulfillment and change through personal growth. Self-actualized people as those who were fulfilled and doing all", "id": "20772656" }, { "contents": "Online newspaper\n\n\na huge part of society which leads people to argue whether or not it is good for society. Austra Taylor author of the popular book \"The Peoples Platform\" argues that online news does not provide the detail needed to fully understand what actually happened. It is more just a fast summary to inform people what happened, but does not give a solution or fixation to the problem. Very few newspapers in 2006 claimed to have made money from their websites, which were mostly free to all viewers. Declining profit margins and declining", "id": "10156521" }, { "contents": "Evidence of water on Mars found by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter\n\n\n. \" This image confirms what was previously detected with the spectrometer on 2001 Mars Odyssey, the ground-penetrating radars on MRO and on Mars Express, and by the \"Phoenix\" lander \"in situ\" excavation. The Phoenix lander actually exposed an ice layer with its landing rockets. Besides being of immense value to future explorers, these ice layers could help us better understand the climate history of Mars. They provide a record of the past. Since Mars experiences great variations in its tilt, it also goes through dramatic", "id": "12754182" }, { "contents": "A Guide for the Perplexed\n\n\ndifferentiates between when your attention is captured by the item it focuses upon, which is when a human being functions much like a machine; and when a person consciously directs their attention according to their choosing. This for him is the difference between being lived and living. Field two is being aware of what other people are thinking and feeling. Despite these problems we do experience a 'meeting of minds' with other individuals at certain times. People are even able to ignore the words actually said, and say something like \"", "id": "8271032" }, { "contents": "Colonization of Mars\n\n\nforward the idea of terraforming Mars to allow a wide variety of life forms, including humans, to survive unaided on Mars' surface. Some ideas of possible technologies that may be able to contribute to the actual terraforming of Mars have been conjectured, but none would be able to bring the entire planet into the Earth-like habitat pictured in science fiction. Mars has no global magnetosphere as Earth does. Combined with a thin atmosphere, this permits a significant amount of ionizing radiation to reach the Martian surface. The Mars Odyssey", "id": "17388333" }, { "contents": "Gabriel Epstein\n\n\nwho use their buildings and towns, or in his own words, to \"get on their wavelength so as to know what people would need and love if they knew how to ask\". \"The real problem is to conceive and plan great humane urban centres, he wrote. It is this and the creation of public spaces which has concerned me for years. In this regard we do not deal with short-lived tendencies: the sensual and functional relation of people to public space is unchanging and practically independent of climate", "id": "7742093" }, { "contents": "Mike Barwis\n\n\nperformance and adaptations. \"There's no question,\" Barwis said. \"My job really is to invest in the lives of others and to figure out what they need – not just physically, but also mentally to get them where they need to be. That's a big part. Getting yourself in the right mental mindset and putting yourself through things that people – and you – don't think are possible allows you to get to a place before the season starts where you feel like it doesn't matter what you", "id": "11436332" }, { "contents": "Psychology of reasoning\n\n\nThe psychology of reasoning is the study of how people reason, often broadly defined as the process of drawing conclusions to inform how people solve problems and make decisions. It overlaps with psychology, philosophy, linguistics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, logic, and probability theory. Psychological experiments on how humans and other animals reason have been carried out for over 100 years. An enduring question is whether or not people have the capacity to be rational. What does it mean to be rational? Current research in this area addresses various", "id": "11464044" }, { "contents": "Can Gerry Robinson Fix the NHS?\n\n\n, in the way that management is taken seriously in commercial organisations, frankly we’re just going to be chipping away at the edges of the problem in the NHS... I think what the NHS needs to learn is that actually you don’t solve problems by throwing money at it, and not every problem actually needs money to solve it. That’s the first lesson. Secondly, to get out of their heads the idea that things have to take three years to do and get into the idea that there is a series", "id": "1270913" }, { "contents": "Brief Answers to the Big Questions\n\n\nthat God does not exist and there is no reliable evidence for an afterlife, though people could live on through their influence and genes\"). According to Hawking in the book, education and science are \"in danger now more than ever before\", and urged young people \"to look up at the stars and not down at your feet ... Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist ... It matters that you don't give up. Unleash your imagination. Shape the", "id": "10283818" }, { "contents": "Address: Centauri\n\n\nthe people of Earth. Returning to their asteroid hospital, they rig a working gravity drive and escape from the solar system. They head towards the Centauri system, solving problems such as overcoming a limited supply of needed pharmaceuticals and improving the drive. Earth sends out a ship, the \"Star Victory\" with a better version of the new drive in a bid to beat them there, on the theory that any aliens they encounter might make the mistake of thinking of them as normal humans. The \"Star Victory\" does", "id": "5680323" }, { "contents": "Behavior management\n\n\nat all. Self-actualization is the goal in which humans have this sense of belonging or accomplishment. Humans have needs, just like any other breed of animal and when one type of animal does not attain those goals or needs, there is this feeling of dissatisfaction. When a person does not meet that top goal there is a void and that person might feel depressed that he or she can not get to that ultimate step. Using these behavioral modifications or techniques one can train or teach oneself how to better attain these", "id": "14499816" }, { "contents": "Mars to Stay\n\n\n, \"Traitors Return to Earth\" and \"What Would Zheng He Do?\" In October 2009, Eric Berger of the Houston Chronicle wrote of \"Mars to Stay\" as perhaps the only program that can revitalize the United States' space program: What if NASA could land astronauts on Mars in a decade, for not ridiculously more money than the $10 billion the agency spends annually on human spaceflight? It's possible ... relieving NASA of the need to send fuel and rocketry to blast humans off the Martian surface,", "id": "9821779" }, { "contents": "Service robot\n\n\nits predictions were correct.\" Autonomous scientific robots perform tasks which humans would find difficult or impossible, from the deep sea to outer space. The Woods Hole Sentry can descend to 4,500 metres and allows a higher payload as it does not need a support ship or the oxygen and other facilities demanded by human piloted vessels. Robots in space include the Mars rovers which could carry out sampling and photography in the harsh environment of the atmosphere on Mars. Event Robots Event Robots are starting to be used within the realms of service Robots", "id": "13146433" }, { "contents": "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip\n\n\nare not that smart\", \"[Sorkin] wants to get big ideas across and change people's minds. No comedians work that way. They go for the laughs first and the lesson second\", and \"[\"Saturday Night Live\"] is so dark, they could never show what actually happens there.\" On July 19, 2007, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced their nominations for the 2007 Primetime Emmy Awards. \"Studio 60\" was nominated in five categories. The pilot episode earned", "id": "3915342" }, { "contents": "The Courage to Heal\n\n\nsense of the reader's lives through the simple process of writing. A large number of therapists who used the book lacked training in research and awareness of the confirmation bias failed to appreciate the risks of seeing incest behind any symptom, or even a lack of symptoms and did not consider that other factors besides incest may have caused sexual problems in their clients. A 1991 review states that \"...reading and completing the exercises [does not] always results in all survivors overcoming all effects of child sexual abuse. Rather, survivors", "id": "12907514" }, { "contents": "Super-humanism\n\n\nIt is suggested that there is a relationship between the fall of a society and the perfection of mankind. Many economic, social and environmental factors, which all contribute to the sustainability of a society, are built upon the need for a solution to a problem. Superhumanism requires the ability to overcome these problems, either through physical, mental or emotional triumphs of purity and self-actualization. Through the elimination of these problems, many economies and social structures would be collapsed. Also, through advancement in areas such as Transhumanism,", "id": "10537708" }, { "contents": "Normative ethics\n\n\nto stop us unless we \"feel\" an obligation. Morality may therefore have no binding force beyond regular human motivations, and people must be motivated to behave morally. The question then arises: what role does reason play in motivating moral behaviour? The categorical imperative perspective suggests that proper reason always leads to particular moral behaviour. As mentioned above, Foot instead believes that humans are actually motivated by desires. Proper reason, on this view, allows humans to discover actions that get them what they want (i.e., hypothetical imperatives)—not", "id": "2149003" }, { "contents": "Ruby Corado\n\n\nwould become homeless. Overcome with a feeling of helplessness, Ruby would struggle with suicidal thoughts all while trying to continue her career as an activist. Eventually around 2011 she’d check herself into a mental hospital to seek out the help she needed. What fueled her to go on despite everything she had endured was the knowledge that other people similar to her would need her assistance. Corado has found herself to have overcome a long journey throughout her time in the United States. She had overall endured being a victim of the human", "id": "17607305" }, { "contents": "Frank E. Webner\n\n\nbroad experience in the field of practice marked him an authority as to what is needed for preparation for that line of work. Although he has been a frequent lecturer before many of the largest universities in the country, he does not realize, or, realizing, has not fully overcome all of the difficulties encountered when trying to present to students a difficult subject of which they know little from actual experience. However, in an effort to meet this difficulty the author has vitalized the book by an elaborate use of charts and illustrations", "id": "5938163" }, { "contents": "Bus Cook\n\n\ndrama queen? Play, don’t play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I’m getting sick of it! Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What’s he ever done for anybody other than say, ‘Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain’t I special?’ You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?” Favre would respond that Cook's", "id": "6116057" }, { "contents": "Religious Science\n\n\nhuman needs and the aspirations of man.\" He also stated that Religious Science/Science of Mind (RS/SOM) is not based on any \"authority\" of established beliefs, but rather on \"what it can accomplish\" for the people who practice it. Today the International Centers for Spiritual Living, the United Centers for Spiritual Living (which combined into the Centers for Spiritual Living in 2011) and Global Religious Science Ministries are the main denominations promoting Religious Science. Ernest Holmes did not originally intend for RS/", "id": "13570360" }, { "contents": "Drug delivery to the brain\n\n\nof the surface activity and as such takes into account the molecular properties of both hydrophobic and charged residues of the molecule of interest.\" They found that there is not a simple answer to what compounds transverse the blood–brain barrier and what does not. Rather, it is based on the complex analysis of the surface activity of the molecule as well as relative size. Other problems persist besides just simply getting through the blood–brain barrier. The first of these is that a lot of times, even if a compound", "id": "9889365" }, { "contents": "Methodist Mission in Oregon\n\n\nretained him as superintendent. Other members of the Oregon Mission had often mentioned in letters to the Board of the need to \"civilize\" the various native peoples before they could be converted. Lee took the opposite position in the meetings, stressing the need for conversion before \"civilization\" could occur. Jason Lee sailed back to Oregon in 1840 aboard the ship \"Lausanne\" with the \"Great Reinforcement\". Besides the superintendent, the Lausanne brought 50 people, including needed tradesmen, teachers, and physicians along with 12 children", "id": "5464977" }, { "contents": "Science and technology studies\n\n\nneed to worry about their water supply or the sanitation of their water supply is less likely to be concerned with the privatization of water. This notion can be examined through the thought experiment of \"veil of ignorance\". Legacy thinking causes people to be particularly ignorant about the implications behind the \"you get what you pay for\" mentality applied to a life necessity. By utilizing the \"veil of ignorance\", one can overcome the barrier of legacy thinking as it requires a person to imagine that they are unaware of their", "id": "19046475" }, { "contents": "Dating coach\n\n\nart of conversation, pickup lines, how to dress, appropriate forms of touch, the science of love, and anything else that may improve dating prospects. Others provide guidance on how to date multiple people simultaneously, without getting caught. Common elements of dating coaches' tips include the need to decide what you are looking for and remain positive. Some coaches claim to know what women want. Some dating coaches specialize in helping with online dating. This could include helping people rewrite their online profiles to obtain better results, start", "id": "3539229" }, { "contents": "Wilbur Hobby\n\n\ncould not overcome his late start, lack of funding, and policy views that were to the left of what was a conservative electorate, even in a Democratic primary. He tried to organize debates, but his campaign was not important enough for other candidates to feel the need to reciprocate. One illuminating event involved a speech on the state capitol grounds about a week before the election. Labor was expected to bus in thousands of supporters, but only 250 people attended. Even with the small crowd, Hobby gave a blistering speech", "id": "4372837" }, { "contents": "Rumman Chowdhury\n\n\nis interested in how data can be used to understand people's bias and ways to evaluate the impact of technology on humanity. She finished her PhD whilst working in Silicon Valley. Chowdhury taught data science at the boot camp Metis and worked at Quotient before joining Accenture in 2017. She leads their work on responsible artificial intelligence. She is concerned about the AI workforce; particularly on retaining researchers. She is also concerned about algorithmic bias. She has spoken openly about the need to define what ethical AI actually means. She works", "id": "14646441" }, { "contents": "Maslowian portfolio theory\n\n\n! This automatically leads to the notion that investing should start from human needs. As Abraham Maslow described, human needs can each get focus at separate times and satisfaction of one need does not automatically lead to the cancellation of another need. This means that Maslow's description of human needs was the first description of the framing effect bias in human behaviour, this means that human needs are actually observed as in separate mental accounts (see mental accounting). Therefore must be addressed one by one and each in a separate mental account", "id": "8974438" }, { "contents": "Billy Mitchell (EastEnders)\n\n\nas a nurse in the episode but there is no way that a nurse would be in charge after birth. The midwife would also have been open and honest and said 'We need to get the baby checked out and we will get your partner' [...] What the soaps do is set scenes which prompt people to talk about things which are affecting their lives. We are concerned people will wrongly think this Down's syndrome story shows what really happens, and that if you have a problem there is no one there", "id": "5426605" }, { "contents": "Is Democracy Possible?\n\n\ncould be taken instead by autonomous, specialised agencies coordinated by negotiation amongst themselves. In the modern world many of these authorities would need to have global scope. Second, democratic practice does not require participation by the people as a whole. What is required is that all those individuals materially affected by decisions in a given functional area should be represented and that they have the opportunity to participate in those decisions. This raises the problem of what interests in any given case are to be accepted as legitimate. Burnheim notes that this problem", "id": "10116853" }, { "contents": "Self-actualization\n\n\n-actualization into self-transcendence. As Abraham Maslow noted, the basic needs of humans must be met (e.g. food, shelter, warmth, security, sense of belonging) before a person can achieve self-actualization. Yet, Maslow argued that reaching a state of true self-actualization in everyday society was fairly rare. Research shows that when people live lives that are different from their true nature and capabilities, they are less likely to be happy than those whose goals and lives match. For example, someone who", "id": "20772651" }, { "contents": "Australia Mars Analog Research Station\n\n\nin many fields because only eight people can be transported to Mars. Conflicts unrelated to geology and the mechanics of the mission will occur. The fields of expertise needed for a successful mission is still unknown; along with this, a language barrier is a common conflict when gathering a crew. Also, space is an environment naturally unfamiliar to humans; certain health issues will arise. For instance, humans lose much of their strength and bone density when they live in space because of the microgravity environment. Other health concerns include space", "id": "14799114" }, { "contents": "Mars sample-return mission\n\n\nreturn on investment and its ability to prove the technology needed for a human mission to Mars. Over time, several concept missions have been studied, but none of them got beyond the study phase. The three latest concepts for a MSR mission are a NASA-ESA proposal, a Russian proposal (Mars-Grunt), and a Chinese proposal. The return of Mars samples would be beneficial to science by allowing more extensive analysis to be undertaken of the samples than could be done by instruments painstakingly transferred to Mars. Also", "id": "2943165" }, { "contents": "Problem of points\n\n\ncertain number of rounds will collect the entire prize. Now suppose that the game is interrupted by external circumstances before either player has achieved victory. How does one then divide the pot fairly? It is tacitly understood that the division should depend somehow on the number of rounds won by each player, such that a player who is close to winning will get a larger part of the pot. But the problem is not merely one of calculation; it also involves deciding what a \"fair\" division actually is. Luca Pacioli considered", "id": "20205606" }, { "contents": "Emotional blackmail\n\n\nthe problem. The problem is often more a matter of how they are going about getting what they want, or that they are insensitive to others' needs in doing so that is troubling—and how others react to all of this. Under pressure, one may become a sort of hostage, forced to act under pressure of the threat of responsibility for the other's breakdown. and could fall into a pattern of letting the blackmailer control his/her decisions and behavior, lost in what Doris Lessing described as \"a", "id": "15950974" }, { "contents": "Killology\n\n\nwar in Vietnam just a few years later. These factors among many others caused Vietnam to have the highest postwar depression, suicide, and PTSD rates. To this day many are only now getting the counseling that they need to overcome the mental problems brought upon them from their service in Vietnam. In engagements in the modern era such as the Persian Gulf War through the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan there is still a problem with a lack of decompression time. The training has improved so soldiers train and deploy with the people", "id": "12798356" }, { "contents": "Mere Christianity\n\n\ncontrived by humans. However, it is unlike scientific laws in that it can be broken or ignored, and it is known intuitively, rather than through experimentation. After introducing the moral law, Lewis argues that thirst reflects the fact that people naturally need water, and there is no other substance which satisfies that need. Lewis points out that earthly experience does not satisfy the human craving for \"joy\" and that only God could fit the bill; humans cannot know to yearn for something if it does not exist.", "id": "334842" }, { "contents": "Kingdom of Romania\n\n\nproblems of rural overpopulation and technological backwardness. The redistributed plots were invariably too small to feed their owners and peasants also could not overcome their tradition of growing grain over cash crops. Since draft animals were rare, to say nothing of machinery, actual agricultural productivity was worse than before. Despite the land reforms, landowners still controlled up to 30% of Romania's soil, also including the forests that peasants needed for fuel. Romania also had little opportunity to export agricultural products since the biggest ones like grain couldn't possibly compete", "id": "6745445" }, { "contents": "Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language\n\n\nsounds might become syntactical speech. Dunbar argues that gossip does for group-living humans what manual grooming does for other primates—it allows individuals to service their relationships and thus maintain their alliances on the basis of the principle: \"if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.\" Dunbar argues that as humans began living in increasingly larger social groups, the task of manually grooming all one's friends and acquaintances became so time-consuming as to be unaffordable. In response to this problem, Dunbar argues that humans", "id": "20636888" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of mind\n\n\nby psychology are compatible with all the answers to the mind–body problem already described. Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the mind and its processes. It examines what cognition is, what it does, and how it works. It includes research on intelligence and behavior, especially focusing on how information is represented, processed, and transformed (in faculties such as perception, language, memory, reasoning, and emotion) within nervous systems (human or other animal) and machines (e.g. computers). Cognitive science", "id": "5685010" }, { "contents": "Screening (medicine)\n\n\nin the English NHS is controversial because it could cause undue anxiety in patients and support services would be stretched. A GP reported \"The main issue really seems to be centred around what the consequences of a such a diagnosis is and what is actually available to help patients.\" To many people, screening instinctively seems like an appropriate thing to do, because catching something earlier seems better. However, no screening test is perfect. There will always be the problems with incorrect results and other issues listed above. Before a screening", "id": "6889354" }, { "contents": "Community Human Services Corporation\n\n\nSouth Oakland and began a revitalization effort by going door to door to recruit neighbors to help with the task of stabilizing and strengthening the community. They asked those they contacted what they felt they could do in addition to what they felt was needed. The concept of doing was important because it exemplified the belief that people become empowered through the discovery and exercise of their strengths and abilities. The neighbors who were involved encouraged other neighbors to come to a storefront drop-in center designed to give the residents an opportunity to get to", "id": "12231326" }, { "contents": "Multiperspectivalism\n\n\nthe others in such a fashion that, in knowing one of these, one actually knows the other two, also. Poythress developed the theme with respect to science in his 1976 book \"Philosophy, Science, and the Sovereignty of God\" and with respect to theology in his 1987 book \"Symphonic Theology\". Frame suggests that in all acts undertaken by humans there is some standard that serves as a guide, and that guide tells people what is the proper subject of inquiry, what actions they should pursue and avoid,", "id": "16009937" }, { "contents": "The Mars Project\n\n\nthe long-term effects of spaceflight on humans. There are other shortcomings in \"The Mars Project\" that von Braun could not have anticipated in 1948. He had not planned on any unmanned exploratory missions to Mars taking place before the first manned expedition, and he had not foreseen the technological advances that would take place, or the development of robot spacecraft. It was not until 1965 that the unmanned Mariner 4 spacecraft found that the density of the Martian atmosphere was only one tenth of what had been estimated, making it", "id": "14817251" }, { "contents": "Pirate Islands\n\n\nsets a trap. Blackheart falls for it and Kate steals the key, racing to the iron door, she knocks, a keyhole burns into the door and she enters shutting before Blackheart gets inside. Mars is upset as Kate has broken her promise. Inside, Kate finds a wooden floating wheel, but as she leaves, Mars grabs it from her, and tells her they are no longer friends. Carmen and Mars take the wheel to Captain Quade to get some clues on what it does. But Quade steals it,", "id": "5664620" }, { "contents": "Prometheanism\n\n\nPrometheanism is a term popularized by the political theorist John Dryzek to describe an environmental orientation which perceives the Earth as a resource whose utility is determined primarily by human needs and interests and whose environmental problems are overcome through human innovation. The term was introduced in Dryzek's work, \"The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses\" (1997). In contrast with other environmental perspectives, Prometheanism prioritizes human interests and needs over those of ecosystems (as with deep ecology) or the individual needs of creatures (as in eco-", "id": "3736859" }, { "contents": "Terminal World\n\n\nday humans, or that the year is much longer than 365 days (which if the planet is Mars will be the case since a Mars year is 687 Earth days). It is said that people once lived to be twice as old as now, which makes Mars such a good fit. There are also references to people in the past being similar in size to children; this could indicate that the lower Martian gravity has led all humans to be taller than their Earth-based ancestors. Several times during the novel", "id": "16673984" }, { "contents": "Comenius University\n\n\nof Medicine opened in 1919, and was quickly followed by the Faculties of Law and Philosophy in 1921. The Faculty of Philosophy, besides offering programs in the humanities and social science, also educated much-needed teachers for Slovakia's high schools. In 1937, a new university building for the Faculties of Law and Philosophy was opened in the centre of Bratislava. The building includes the Aula (hall) used for graduation ceremonies and other formal functions. During World War II, Slovakia became nominally a republic, but was actually", "id": "17101712" }, { "contents": "Relationship between religion and science\n\n\nscience. In this sense, science and religion are separate and address aspects of human understanding in different ways. Attempts to put science and religion against each other create controversy where none needs to exist. According to Archbishop John Habgood, both science and religion represent distinct ways of approaching experience and these differences are sources of debate. He views science as descriptive and religion as prescriptive. He stated that if science and mathematics concentrate on what the world \"ought to be\", in the way that religion does, it may lead", "id": "9946785" }, { "contents": "Mars flyby\n\n\nlander would accelerate to get to Mars first, then land on Mars meanwhile the other segment does a Mars flyby, then the lander takes off and rendezvous with the flyby segment transferring the crew over. (see also Mars Excursion Module (MEM)) Alternately, a flyby-only human mission is also possible, without detaching at Mars, but to slingshot around Mars and back to Earth. In July 1965, Mariner 4 achieved a flyby of Mars with a return of data, providing the public and scientists with dramatically closer", "id": "19465307" }, { "contents": "De (Chinese)\n\n\nsaid, \"To completely overcome selfishness and keep to propriety is humaneness. If for a full day you can overcome selfishness and keep to propriety, everyone in the world will return to humaneness. Does humaneness come from oneself, or from others?\" (12:1, tr. Muller) The Master said, \"Let the will be set on the path of duty. Let [德] every attainment in what is good be firmly grasped. Let [仁] perfect virtue be accorded with. Let relaxation and enjoyment be", "id": "239103" }, { "contents": "Dating\n\n\nget married through a Conservative or Reform Rabbi without the approval of the State's Orthodox Head Rabbi. There are similar problems in Israel for people of different denominations of other religions as well. Essentially, if you live in Israel, and the head of your religion doesn't want you to get married, you can't get religiously married. Because people of two different religions or people of the same sex cannot get married in Israel, people in these situations oftentimes have to go overseas to get married since Israel does recognize", "id": "9574606" }, { "contents": "Mars cycler\n\n\ntransport between Earth and Mars. A significant drawback of the cycler concept was that the Aldrin cycler flies by both planets at high speed. A taxi would need to accelerate to around Earth, and near Mars. To get around this, Aldrin proposed what he called a \"semi-cycler\", in which the castle would slow down around Mars, orbiting it, and later resuming the cycler orbit. This would require fuel to execute the braking and re-cycling maneuvers. The castles could be inserted into cycler orbits with", "id": "17461386" }, { "contents": "List of Twilight characters\n\n\n. James is the main antagonist of the first novel. He is a merciless, sadistic \"tracker\" vampire who hunts human beings and animals for sport. Fellow coven member Laurent says that James is unusually gifted at what he does and always gets what he wants, though it is later revealed that then-human Alice Cullen escaped him years ago by being turned into a vampire before James could attack her. Unlike the Cullen family, he drinks human blood. Towards the end of \"Twilight\", James is destroyed by", "id": "17954445" }, { "contents": "Raymond Knister\n\n\nget attention has always been to play the part of the iconoclast. This, probably, was what Knister was doing in his excessively fierce criticism. Knister was not, however, a mere fault-finder. He was prepared to offer a solution to the problems he perceived. In his opinion, Canada needed a little magazine \"devoted to creative work ... perhaps only a few pages every month, yet chosen for vital quality ... which should give a voice to what is actually being lived among us\" (\"Canadian Letter", "id": "8837269" }, { "contents": "Criticism of the Seventh-day Adventist Church\n\n\nfollow. The fact that he overcame sin completely, despite having no advantage over other human beings, demonstrates that we too can live a life of complete obedience by trusting in him. Ellen White states \"The Lord Jesus came to our world, not to reveal what a God could do, but what a man could do, through faith in God’s power to help in every emergency. Man is, through faith, to be a partaker in the divine nature, and to overcome every temptation wherewith he is beset.", "id": "16016085" }, { "contents": "Illness and injuries during spaceflight\n\n\nMars mission, assuming six crew members, we get a rate of 0.9 cases per people/mission. In other words, one significant medical event could be expected per Mars mission. These estimates are likely to be low, as they do not deal with the unique problems that are associated with the space environment: radiation effects and exposure and physiological adaptation to low gravity. As for cardiovascular emergencies, the yearly number of cases reported by age group for USAF aviators over 5 years was as follows: 0.0054% (30–34 years", "id": "18015350" }, { "contents": "John Ralston Saul\n\n\n, nonetheless needs hammering home. We are far more used to hearing about the dismal lives of Aboriginal people—their family dysfunction, their crime rates, their impoverished communities—than we are to being told they are a success story. Today's Aboriginal population, for all the problems that afflict it, has overcome incredible disadvantages to achieve what Saul calls \"a position of power, influence and civilizational creativity\" in Canadian society. Saul is co-chair of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, which encourages new Canadians to become", "id": "14586099" }, { "contents": "Need\n\n\nas neither good nor bad, right nor wrong, but as indicators of when human needs are met or unmet. Life-sustaining and life-denying needs are especially highlighted. In contrast to Maslow, Rosenberg's model does not place needs in a hierarchy. Rosenberg's model supports people developing awareness of feelings as indicators, of what needs are alive within them and others, moment by moment; to forefront needs, to make it more likely and possible for two or more people, to arrive at mutually agreed upon strategies", "id": "242189" }, { "contents": "Parametric determinism\n\n\n' typical of academic science.\" In mainstream social theory, the problem of \"several logics\" in human action is dealt with by game theory, a kind of modelling which specifies the choices and options which actors have within a defined setting, and what the effects are of their decisions. The main limitation of that approach is, that the model is only as good as the assumptions on which it is based, while the choice of assumptions is often eclectic or fairly arbitrary. Dialectical theory attempts to overcome this problem,", "id": "19363843" }, { "contents": "Universal Soldier (1992 film)\n\n\nHank and every single patron who steps up to take him on. Using information from the stolen documents, Roberts gets in contact with a doctor linked to the program. Roberts and Deveraux meet Dr. Christopher Gregor (Jerry Orbach) who informs them that the UniSol project was started in the 1960s in order to develop the perfect soldier. Although they were able to reanimate dead humans, they were never able to overcome the body's need for cooling. The other major problem is that memories of the last moments of life are greatly", "id": "7282266" }, { "contents": "D for Dopidi\n\n\nVicky (Varun Sandesh), Harish (Naveen Polishetty) and Bannu (Rakesh), the four central characters in the film, need money desperately to overcome their problems. Each one has his own story. After having looked into other avenues for a solution, they finally embark upon an ignoble bank robbery. Everything goes according to plan till they enter the bank where they are confronted by another gang of robbers led by Lokamuddhu (Thanikella Bharani). Trouble starts as things get horribly messed up. What happens next — are", "id": "20816976" }, { "contents": "The People's Court\n\n\nthe plaintiff and defendant in interesting cases. The producers offered to have Judge Wapner arbitrate the dispute if they would agree to dismiss their action and be bound by Judge Wapner's decision. Through this approach, the show could get real people with real cases. Though the show is decorated and run like a real courtroom, it is not a real court or part of any judicial system, but instead a form of binding arbitration. The losing party does not actually need to pay the judgment, as such. Instead (as", "id": "14978350" }, { "contents": "No Shame (Lily Allen album)\n\n\nsomething she wanted to explore when creating \"No Shame\". When developing the album, Allen wanted to explore the ways humans interact. Allen stated that humans often work through issues and problems by talking, stating that is what music does for her, she aimed to share personal issues in order to connect with people, rather than \"connect with algorithms.\" Allen continued to state that she wanted to explore people's fear of expressing themselves, due to the repercussions. Allen aimed to create the best album she could,", "id": "20712979" }, { "contents": "Kyle Miller (golfer)\n\n\n\"I've been forced to understand what the body could do, how the body got better and how I'm going to be good. So I think it's an advantage, not a disadvantage\". Alongside earning his professional status and competing in various Professional Golf Tour's, Miller has coached at golf's highest level, and has given thousands of lessons in an effort to inspire others to overcome their own obstacles through golf. Miller has stated \"Some guys need to learn how to get knocked down and get back", "id": "14939451" }, { "contents": "Ted Honderich\n\n\nalso argues that this is consistent with contemporary neuroscience, rescues us from the argument from illusion or brain in a vat, and also from the dubious conclusions of sense-data theory and phenomenalism. Honderich argues that the Principle of Humanity is that what is right always consists in what, according to the best available knowledge and judgement, are actually rational steps, effective and not self-defeating ones rather than pretences, to the end of getting and keeping people out of bad lives. Bad lives are defined as those deprived of", "id": "969407" }, { "contents": "The Moral Landscape\n\n\nthe \"well-being of conscious creatures\". He then argues that, problems with philosophy of science and reason in general notwithstanding, 'moral questions' will have objectively right and wrong answers which are grounded in empirical facts about what causes people to flourish. Challenging the traditional philosophical notion that humans can never get an 'ought' from an 'is' (the so-called Hume's law), Harris argues that moral questions are best pursued using not just philosophy, but the methods of science. Thus,", "id": "1978663" }, { "contents": "Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers\n\n\nOn the other hand, we increasingly find ourselves as a nation confronting the solving of problems that have technically based solutions. We need to expose our young people to a problem-solving environment...These Centers - I'd rather call them Science and Technology Centers - are multidisciplinary mechanism by which chemists, physicists, neurobiologists, engineers, etc, can get together and solve exciting, intellectually demanding, real-world problems.' \" It was pointed out by William O. Baker that the above comments about the economic potential of the", "id": "9263540" }, { "contents": "Criticism\n\n\nwell as one can. Another sort of problem is the limited attention span of individuals. To express a criticism may require detailed explanation or clarification; it presupposes that the knowledge exists to understand what it is about, and that people are willing to listen. That takes time, and the time may not be available, or people are reluctant to take the time. This can get in the way of the mutual respect required. It may be possible to overcome this problem only by formulating the criticism as briefly as possible,", "id": "7019670" }, { "contents": "Live at the Whole Foods Market at Arabella Station\n\n\nLive at the Whole Foods Market at Arabella Station is a live recording by the American rock and roll band Supersuckers. Released in 2007, it was recorded at Arabella Station, New Orleans, Louisiana. It is a benefit album for the New Orleans Musicians' Clinic. Currently this is released only as a digital download only. Note: The track listing at the web site does not correctly list what actually gets downloaded. This track listing accurately reflects what you actually get in the Digital Download. From the liner notes: \"", "id": "564468" }, { "contents": "Metal Max Xeno\n\n\nto hunt down and destroy every last SoN to avenge them. Despite appearing human besides his mechanical left arm, he is actually almost completely cybernetic due to nanites in his arm converting his body into a machine, and his drive to destroy the SoNs comes from a need to do so before the cybernetic conversion destroys what is left of \"himself.\" Yokky: A former alcoholic and protege to Iron Base's head mechanic. Orphaned by the war against the SoNs and adopted by Iron Base, he fell in love with a", "id": "6744464" }, { "contents": "Malin Space Science Systems\n\n\n. Malin Systems published several documents which describe what they found: Before the December 2006 paper, some researchers were skeptical that liquid water was responsible for the surface features seen by the spacecraft. They said other materials such as sand or dust can flow like a liquid and produce similar results. At this stage, (late 2006) the flowing water hypothesis looks strong, however more evidence is needed. For more, see Life on Mars. The MSSS cameras on board the Mars Global Surveyor, produced high resolution images that were", "id": "5973566" }, { "contents": "Saint Francis House (Boston)\n\n\n. However, the problem of homelessness, in general, turned out to be more complex and could not be solved by emergency measures only, so its scope and services broadened. Over the years of its operation, St. Francis House has dealt with barriers that impede people in overcoming poverty and homelessness, by offering an upward framework of opportunity. This includes teaching the skills needed to obtain jobs, housing, further education or, at the very least, how to have lives independent of shelters and institutions. In 2001, Millennium", "id": "20578544" }, { "contents": "Mars habitat\n\n\nof Mars analogs) One example concept that is or is in support of habitat is a Mars biodome, a structure that could hold life generating needed oxygen and food for humans. An example of activity in support of this goals, was a program to develop bacteria that could convert the Martian regolith or ice into oxygen. Some issues with biodomes are the rate at which gas leaks out and the level of oxygen and other gases inside it. One question for Biodomes is how low the pressure could be lowered to, and the", "id": "13072951" }, { "contents": "Managerial psychology\n\n\none of these will be our dominant motivating driver. This dominant motivator is largely dependent on our culture and life experiences. People motivated by achievement need challenging, but not impossible, projects. They thrive on overcoming difficult problems or situations, so make sure you keep them engaged this way. People motivated by achievement work very effectively either alone or with other high achievers. When providing feedback, give achievers a fair and balanced appraisal. They want to know what they're doing right – and wrong – so that they can improve", "id": "15743923" }, { "contents": "Golden Ticket (The Office)\n\n\noffice without me?\" everyone gleefully raises their hands, but Michael then asks them if they've thought about what kind of terrible person they could get to replace him; he then pointedly says that they could get someone who knows they don't actually need three accountants (Oscar, Kevin, and Angela look visibly ashamed that Michael knew this going back to Season 2's Halloween episode but has never taken any action about it) or someone who doesn't approve of romantic relationships and would transfer one or both people to separate", "id": "13426015" }, { "contents": "Mars Needs Women\n\n\nMartian's \"recruits\". Footage was also shot at Dallas Fair Park (Planetarium, Lagoon, and Science Building). Additional footage was shot at Dallas Love Field, where a man is shown reading the \"Houston Chronicle\", and at the Gypsy Room on Harry Hines Blvd. One scene with dancer Bubbles Cash was shot at an actual Dallas striptease bar The Athens Strip, located on what is now Lower Greenville Ave. Other scenes were shot inside the empty White Rock Lake Pumphouse, once used when the lake was", "id": "6877239" }, { "contents": "Stanton Peele\n\n\npatterns of behavior that result from an over-attachment people form to experiences generated from a range of involvements. He contends that most people experience addiction to some degree at least for periods of time during their lives. He does not view addictions as medical problems but as \"problems of life\" that most people overcome. The failure to do so is the exception rather than the rule, he argues. When it was published in 1975, \"Love and Addiction\" pre-dated by almost a decade the notion of sex", "id": "8326361" }, { "contents": "The Feminine Mystique\n\n\nFriedan to show the assumptions that women would be fulfilled from their housework, marriage, sexual lives, and children. It was said that women, who were actually feminine, should not have wanted work, get an education, or have political opinions. Friedan wanted to prove that women were unsatisfied but could not voice their feelings. \"The Feminine Mystique\" begins with an introduction describing what Friedan called \"the problem that has no name\"—the widespread unhappiness of women in the 1950s and early 1960s. It discusses the lives of several", "id": "387133" }, { "contents": "OpenID\n\n\nto request that OpenID Providers employ specified authentication policies when authenticating users and for OpenID Providers to inform the Relying Parties which policies were actually used.\" Other security issues identified with OpenID involve lack of privacy and failure to address the trust problem. However, this problem is not unique to OpenID and is simply the state of the Internet as commonly used. The Identity Provider does, however, get a log of your OpenID logins; they know when you logged into what website, making cross-site tracking much easier. A", "id": "5643846" }, { "contents": "Prescription Drug User Fee Act\n\n\nII Rep. Billy Tauzin, who later became head of PhRMA and one of those leading the call for a further streamlined review process, told a story of how a family friend had to travel to Mexico to obtain drugs that helped him overcome prostate cancer. \"We continue to have problems with the fact that approved medicines in other countries can't get approved here. But what I particularly can't understand at all are situations where you have people suffering terminal illnesses, and they can't get the experimental drugs that might save their", "id": "996779" }, { "contents": "Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set\n\n\nplayer? And then what does that actually mean and what does that actually need? And one of the things we realized after several conversations and as the adventure was being written was if you're a DM and you've got one player [...] it's really hard for a player who's just playing one character to get through any D&D experience and have it feel like a D&D experience. Because part of the D&D experience is a party sensibility or a sense that you're not alone. [...] So we", "id": "20698912" }, { "contents": "ENU\n\n\nDEN needs to be enzymatically converted into an alkylating agent in order to be mutagenic and probably this enzymatic activation was not sufficient in mammals. This could be illustrated by the extremely low mutation rate in mice given by DEN (3 in 60,179 offspring). To overcome this problem, a new mutagen, \"N\"-ethyl \"N\"-nitrosourea (ENU), an alkylating agent, which does not need to be metabolised, was suggested to be used by Ekkehart Vegel to Russell et al. The ENU (250 mg/kg) induced mice", "id": "15955723" } ]
How is Jeff Bezos so rich when Amazon turns little profit?
[{"answer": "He has a large amount of Amazon stock so his net worth is dependent on how well that's doing"}, {"answer": "Because Amazon makes a lot of **money**. Most of that money gets invested in growth, so they make even more money next year. Which they invest in growth. To make more money. From growth. For most of its history, Amazon has made **no** profit and focused on rapid growth. One year they would make $10B and spend $11B so the next year they would make $12B and spend $14B. Not making a profit or making a small profit, in this case, it almost a technicality, they are a wealthy company showing lots of year to year growth."}, {"answer": "Jeff is a painter. Jeff buys canvas and brushes and paints. Jeff has no money. Jeff paints and paints and paints. Jeff makes a BEAUTIFUL painting. Jeff has no money, but Jeff has a beautiful painting. Jeff is told that his painting is worth $1,000. Jeff is \u201cworth\u201d $1,000, but Jeff still has no money. Jeff sells his painting for $900. Jeff has $900 and is \u201cworth\u201d $900. Jeff made Amazon and gets paid a lot to do his job, but his huge \u201cworth\u201d is the company that he owns. He took basic cheaper stuff (paint, canvas, and brushes) and made a masterpiece (Amazon) that is \u201cworth\u201d way more than the original materials that made it."}, {"answer": "He owns a decent sized 17% chunk of a company that has 180billion revenue and is worth almost 700billion."}, {"answer": "Its a common misconception mostly by non\\-financial people to assume realized gain from unrealized assets. Bezos actual net worth is private, probably about a billon give or take a few million. And he owns 17 & #37; of a company currently \\(this moment\\) valued at 700B, until he sells his interest in the company we won't know what his actual net worth is. And for all we know, he's reinvesting every dime to keep it floating one step ahead of the creditors and his actual net worth is negative several million dollars. This valuing of people based on unrealized gains is counter productive, and unfortunately the truth doesn't sell like War or Speculation does, so the press creates what sells \\(even if it is a lie\\)."}, {"answer": "Revenue does not equal profit. As the owner he could give himself whatever salary he wants and write it off as a cost of business."}, {"answer": "The overwhelming majority of Bezos' wealth is in his holdings of Amazon stock and options (future ability to buy stock at a fixed price) that he holds as a result of: a) founding the company; and b) leading the company and receiving options as part of his compensation. Amazon's stock is publicly traded and its price is set by the market (i.e. whatever price buyers and sellers are willing to pay/sell stock). Amazon's stock has risen in value since its founding because the company has experienced extraordinary growth in revenue since its founding. Amazon has used most of its profit to invest in new areas of business, fueling its growth. People are willing to pay high prices for Amazon stock because they believe that Amazon's strategy of using most of its profit to corner new areas of business will pay off in the long run - resulting in Amazon being far more profitable in the future than it is today, justifying the high price today for Amazon stock and providing reason to believe that Amazon's stock price will be higher in the future as the company grows larger and conquers new areas of business."}, {"answer": "The value of Amazon stock isn't just based on their profits this year, it's based on expectations of future profits, all their real-estate holdings, all their infrastructure holdings, all the patents and trademarks they own, all the future products they're going to introduce, all the IT knowledge the organization has and so on. Sure, maybe they only made $2B in 2017Q4 but the company has been *building value and constantly growing* for 20 years, making the whole company worth about $750B. Bezos has a lot of Amazon stock so his net worth is based on having a percentage of *that*."}, {"answer": "The majority of his net worth is in Amazon stock. That's why when Amazon gains $100 in stock price you always see an article about Jeff bezos net worth increasing $X billion. He likely has under $10b in physical assets that contribute to his net worth. What people in his situation do is sell off the stock very slowly until it is all gone which can take decades. The fact that Amazon does not make much money YET does not affect his net worth."}, {"answer": "Amazon\u2019s stock is worth a lot, and Jeff Bezos owns a lot of stock. The company has an extreme amount of revenue and has been investing the potential profits into growing the business even more. So maybe they record 1% profits instead of 10%, but that 9% plowed back into business means greater revenue down the road... when they pull back on the investment and book 10% profits, it might be on twice the revenue by then."}, {"answer": "Most of Jeff's wealth comes from his holdings of amazon stock. He is as wea lo thly as people feel amazon is valuable. If people give up on amazon, he would lose a substantial portion of his wealth. Often CEOs/founders are on a scheduled stock sale so they can pull their money out slowly as compensation while also making sure they don't fall to 0 of the company fails."}, {"answer": "Amazon chose to grow horizontally. Some antitrust analists suggests their approach is borderline predatory pricing. Profit is the second part of the strategy of market domination."}, {"answer": "In May 2016, Bezos sold slightly more than one million shares of his holdings in the company for $671 million, making it the largest amount of money he had ever raised in a sale of his Amazon holdings On August 4, 2016, Bezos sold another million of his shares at a value of $756.7 million In late-2017, Bezos sold $1 billion in Amazon stock. 165,000-acre ranch complex with rocket testing facility in west Texas, 300,000-acre ranch in south Texas and he has other homes around the US He makes money off of a venture capital vehicle, Bezos Expeditions - he was one of the first shareholders in Google, when he invested $250,000 in 1998 and the stock from it is worth about $3.1 billion in 2017"}, {"answer": "Its an estimated value of what his assets are worth , he does not have 120 billion in cash at the bank."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "142528", "title": "Jeff Bezos", "section": "Section::::Business career.:Amazon.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 14, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["9\u00a0billion; months later he began to sell stock to raise cash for other enterprises, in particular, Blue Origin. On January 29, 2018, he was featured in Amazon's Super Bowl commercial. On February 1, 2018, Amazon reported its highest ever profit with quarterly earnings of $2\u00a0billion. Due to the growth of Alibaba in China, Be", "In May 2016, Bezos sold slightly more than one million shares of his holdings in the company for $671\u00a0million, the largest sum he had ever raised from selling some of his Amazon stock. On August 4, 2016, Bezos sold another million of his shares for $756.7\u00a0million. A year later, Bezos took on 130,000 new employees when he ramped up hiring at company distribution centers. By January 19, 2018, his Amazon stock holdings had appreciated to slightly over $109\u00a0billion; months later he began to sell stock to raise cash for other enterprises, in particular, Blue Origin. On January 29, 2018, he was featured in Amazon's Super Bowl commercial. On February 1, 2018, Amazon reported its highest ever profit with quarterly earnings of $2\u00a0billion. Due to the growth of Alibaba in China, Bezos has often expressed interest in expanding Amazon into India."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n, Bezos borrowed $2 billion from banks, as its cash balances dipped to only $350 million.In 2002, Bezos led Amazon to launch Amazon Web Services, which compiled data from weather channels and website traffic. In late 2002, rapid spending from Amazon caused it financial distress when revenues stagnated. After the company nearly went bankrupt, he closed distribution centers and laid off 14% of the Amazon workforce. In 2003, Amazon rebounded from financial instability and turned a profit of $400 million. In November 2007,", "id": "13281815" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nBezos, specifically–of sales tax avoidance, misusing postal routes, and anti-competitive business practices. Amazon's share price fell by 9% in response to the President's negative comments; this reduced Bezos' personal wealth by $10.7 billion. Weeks later, Bezos recouped his losses when academic reports out of Stanford University indicated that Trump could do little to regulate Amazon in any meaningful way. During July 2018, a number of members of the U.S. Congress called on Bezos to detail the applications of Amazon's face recognition", "id": "13281819" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nsoftware, Rekognition. Additionally, statements by the Trump administration, in favor of overturning the antitrust law known as the Paramount Decree, have been predicted to help Amazon acquire the Landmark Theaters chain. Criticism of Amazon's business practices continued in September 2018 when Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies (Stop BEZOS) Act and accused Amazon of receiving corporate welfare. This followed revelations by the non-profit group New Food Economy which found that one third of Amazon workers in Arizona, and one tenth of", "id": "13281820" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n29, 2018, he was featured in Amazon's Super Bowl commercial. On February 1, 2018, Amazon reported its highest ever profit with quarterly earnings of $2 billion. Due to the growth of Alibaba in China, Bezos has often expressed interest in expanding Amazon into India. In March 2018, Bezos dispatched Amit Agarwal, Amazon's global senior vice president, to India with $5.5 billion to localize operations throughout the company's supply chain routes. Later in the month, U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon–and", "id": "13281818" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nAmazon workers in Pennsylvania and Ohio, relied on food stamps. While preparing to introduce the bill, Sanders opined: \"Instead of attempting to explore Mars or go to the moon, how about Jeff Bezos pays his workers a living wage?\" He later said: \"Bezos could play a profound role. If he said today, nobody who is employed at Amazon will receive less than a living wage, it would send a message to every corporation in America.\" Sanders's efforts elicited a response from Amazon which pointed", "id": "13281821" }, { "contents": "The Everything Store\n\n\nThe Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon is a 2013 book written by journalist Brad Stone. It documents the rise of While a bestseller it received its first one-star review on Amazon from MacKenzie Bezos, then wife of Jeff Bezos, claiming many inaccuracies in her extensive review, while pointing out only one, the timing of Jeff Bezos reading the novel \"Remains of the Day\". Stone was allowed access to many current and former Amazon executives, but not to anyone directly associated with Bezos", "id": "16616816" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nquantify all aspects of running the company, often listing employees on spreadsheets and basing executive decisions on data. To push Amazon forward, Bezos developed the mantra \"Get Big Fast\", which spoke to the company's need to scale its operations and establish market dominance. He favored diverting Amazon profits back into the company in lieu of allocating it amongst shareholders in the form of dividends. Bezos uses the term \"work–life harmony\" instead of the more standard work–life balance because he believes balance implies that you can", "id": "13281838" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nafter Amazon's share price increased by more than 2.5%. When the 2017 list was issued, Bezos' net worth was registered at $72.8 billion, adding $27.6 billion from the previous year. Bezos was officially ranked as the third wealthiest person in the world up from the 5th spot in 2016. His wealth's rapid growth from 2016 to 2017 sparked a variety of assessments about how much money Bezos earned on a controlled, reduced time scale. On October 10, 2017, he made an estimated $6.24 billion", "id": "13281849" }, { "contents": "Prime Video\n\n\n. On July 30, 2015, Amazon announced that they had hired Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May to produce an untitled motoring show for Amazon Prime Video that would later be named \"The Grand Tour\". Neither Jeff Bezos nor had stated how much Clarkson, Hammond, or May are being paid to produce the programme via their production company W. Chump & Sons, but Jeff Bezos stated that the deal was \"very expensive, but worth it\". The budget for the show has not officially been", "id": "6147706" }, { "contents": "Amazon Kindle\n\n\nthat the deletion violated the Kindle's terms of service, which stated in part: Amazon spokesman Drew Herdener said that the company is \"changing our systems so that in the future we will not remove books from customers' devices in these circumstances.\" On July 23, 2009, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos posted on Amazon's official Kindle forum an apology about the company's handling of the matter. Bezos said the action was \"stupid\", and that the executives at Amazon \"deserve the criticism received\". On July", "id": "10492762" }, { "contents": "David Pecker\n\n\n, Pecker's \"National Enquirer\" published what it called “sleazy text messages and gushing love notes” between Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and a romantic partner. Bezos began investigating how his personal communications reached the paper. The next month, Bezos accused the \"National Enquirer\" of extortion and blackmail by threatening to release Bezos' intimate pictures, criminal accusations Pecker denied through an attorney. Bezos wrote that AMI proposed in writing that Bezos state publicly that he and his security consultant “have no knowledge or basis for suggesting that AMI", "id": "16367359" }, { "contents": "One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of\n\n\nOne Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of is a book by Richard L. Brandt. It profiles the influential role of Amazon CEO and founder, Jeff Bezos, in the company's historic rise from start-up to the market leader of ecommerce. In \"One Click\", Brandt describes Bezos’s upward journey from computer nerd to world-changing technology entrepreneur. In parallel, Brandt also charts Amazon's original market specialization in book sales and the retailer's evolution to selling almost everything, under the mission of making", "id": "4630426" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nas a demanding boss as well as hyper-competitive. Bezos has been stereotyped as a notoriously opportunistic CEO who operates with little concern for obstacles and externalities. This depiction has been challenged by Bezos himself, his then-wife, Mackenzie, Amazon employees, and the public as a mischaracterization. During the early 2010s, Bezos solidified his reputation for aggressive business practices, and his public image began to shift. Bezos started to wear tailored clothing; he weight trained, pursued a regimented diet and began to freely spend his money", "id": "13281834" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n. In 2013, he pledged $500,000 to Worldreader, a non-profit founded by a former Amazon employee. Also in 2013, Bezos funded the recovery of two Saturn V first-stage Rocketdyne F-1 engines from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. They were positively identified as belonging to the Apollo 11 mission's S-1C stage from July 1969. The engine is currently on display at the Seattle Museum of Flight. In September 2018, Business Insider reported that Bezos was the only one of the top five billionaires in the world", "id": "13281863" }, { "contents": "MacKenzie Bezos\n\n\nMacKenzie S. Bezos (born April 7, 1970) is an American novelist and philanthropist. She is the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, to whom she was married from 1993 until their divorce in 2019. In 2014, she founded the anti-bullying organization Bystander Revolution, where she serves as executive director. In 1993, MacKenzie Tuttle married Jeff Bezos, who later became the founder and CEO of Amazon, making them the richest couple in the world. They announced their intent to divorce in January 2019.", "id": "878568" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nBezos launched the Amazon Kindle. According to a 2008 \"Time\" profile, Bezos wished to create the same flow state found in video game simulations in books; he wished readers would fully engage with books. In 2013, Bezos secured a $600 million contract with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on behalf of Amazon Web Services. In October that year, Amazon was recognized as the largest online shopping retailer in the world. In May 2016, Bezos sold slightly more than one million shares of his holdings in the", "id": "13281816" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n. On June 15, 2017, he posted a message on Twitter asking for ideas for philanthropy: \"I'm thinking about a philanthropy strategy that is the opposite of how I mostly spend my time—working on the long term\". At the time of the post, Bezos' lifetime spending on charitable causes was estimated to be $100 million. Multiple journalists responded by asking Bezos to pay higher wages to Amazon warehouse workers. A year later in June, he tweeted that he would announce two philanthropic foci by the", "id": "13281865" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nthe Amazon River in South America, in part because the name begins with the letter \"A\", which is at the beginning of the alphabet. He accepted an estimated $300,000 from his parents and invested in Amazon. He warned many early investors that there was a 70% chance that Amazon would fail or go bankrupt. Although Amazon was originally an online bookstore, Bezos had always planned to expand to other products. Three years after Bezos founded Amazon, he took it public with an initial public offering (IPO)", "id": "13281813" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nHathaway. Journalist Nellie Bowles of \"The New York Times\" has described the public persona and personality of Bezos as that of \"a brilliant but mysterious and coldblooded corporate titan\". During the 1990s, Bezos earned a reputation for relentlessly pushing Amazon forward, often at the expense of public charity and social welfare. His business practices projected a public image of prudence and parsimony with his own wealth and that of Amazon. Bezos was a multi-billionaire who hung his clothes on a rack in his Amazon headquarters office and drove", "id": "13281832" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nnews.\" Bezos has repeatedly joked about using his rocket company to send Donald Trump into outer space. In 2014, Amazon won a bid for a cloud computing contract with the CIA valued at $600 million. A 2018, $10 billion contract known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) project, this time with the Pentagon, was allegedly written up in a way that favors Amazon. Controversy over this was raised when General James Mattis accepted a headquarters tour invitation from Bezos and co-ordinated the deal through", "id": "13281860" }, { "contents": "American Media, Inc.\n\n\nhad been sentenced to three years in prison for various crimes, including the $150,000 campaign finance violation—the facilitation of the payment to McDougal—to which he pled guilty on August 21, 2018. In January 2019, the \"National Enquirer\" broke a story about the extramarital affair of Amazon founder and \"Washington Post\" owner Jeff Bezos with Lauren Sánchez. Bezos began investigating how and why the information had been leaked to the \"National Enquirer.\" President Trump has long expressed displeasure with Bezos, and Trump's", "id": "2025347" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nSally Donnelly, a lobbyist who previously worked for Amazon. Despite Bezos' support for an open borders policy towards immigrants, Amazon has actively marketed facial recognition software to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In March 2018, Bezos met in Seattle with Mohammad bin Salman, the crown prince and de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, to discuss investment opportunities for Saudi Vision 2030. In March 2019, Bezos' security consultant accused the Saudi government of hacking Bezos' phone. According to BBC, Bezos' top security staffer", "id": "13281861" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\ncompany for $671 million, the largest sum he had ever raised from selling some of his Amazon stock. On August 4, 2016, Bezos sold another million of his shares for $756.7 million. A year later, Bezos took on 130,000 new employees when he ramped up hiring at company distribution centers. By January 19, 2018, his Amazon stock holdings had appreciated to slightly over $109 billion; months later he began to sell stock to raise cash for other enterprises, in particular, Blue Origin. On January", "id": "13281817" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nwhen \"Time\" named him Person of the Year. In 2008, he was selected by \"U.S. News & World Report\" as one of America's best leaders. Bezos was awarded an honorary doctorate in science and technology from Carnegie Mellon University in 2008. In 2011, \"The Economist\" gave Bezos and Gregg Zehr an Innovation Award for the Amazon Kindle. In 2012, Bezos was named Businessperson of the Year by \"Fortune\". He is also a member of the Bilderberg Group and attended the 2011 Bilderberg conference", "id": "13281842" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nBezos played a Starfleet official in the movie \"Star Trek Beyond\", and joined the cast and crew at a San Diego Comic-Con screening. On January 9, 2019, Bezos and his wife of 25 years, MacKenzie, announced on Twitter their intent to divorce after a \"long period\" of separation. On April 4, 2019, the divorce was finalized, with Bezos keeping 75% of the couple's Amazon stock and MacKenzie getting the remaining 25% ($35.6 billion) in Amazon stock. However", "id": "13281856" }, { "contents": "Zappos\n\n\n. Within Zappos’ board of directors, two of the five—Hsieh and Alfred Lin—were primarily concerned with maintaining Zappos company culture, whereas the other three wanted to maximize profits in a down economy. Initially, Hsieh and Lin planned to buy out their board of directors, which they estimated would cost $200 million. In the midst of this, Amazon executives approached Zappos with the proposition of buying the company outright. After an hour-long meeting with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Hsieh sensed that Amazon would be", "id": "13112756" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nexemplified in 2015 when he sent a memo to employees denouncing a \"New York Times\" piece. Bezos used what he called a \"regret-minimization framework\" while he worked at D. E. Shaw and again during the early years of Amazon. He described this life philosophy by stating: \"When I'm 80, am I going to regret leaving Wall Street? No. Will I regret missing the beginning of the Internet? Yes.\" During the 1990s and early 2000s at Amazon, he was characterized as trying to", "id": "13281837" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\non the ranking from 68th. After a rumor broke out that Amazon was developing a smartphone, Bezos' net worth rose to $30.5 billion in 2014. A year later, Bezos entered the top ten when he increased his net worth to a total of $50.3 billion. Bezos rose to be the 5th richest person in the world hours before market close; he gained $7 billion in one hour. By the time the \"Forbes\" list was calculated in March 2016, his net worth was registered at $45.2", "id": "13281847" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nShaw & Co, a newly founded hedge fund, in 1990 and worked there until 1994. Bezos became D. E. Shaw's fourth senior vice-president at the age of 30. In late 1993, Bezos decided to start an online bookstore. He left his job at D. E. Shaw and founded Amazon in his garage on July 5, 1994, after writing its business plan on a trip from New York to Seattle. Bezos initially named his new company \"Cadabra\" but later changed the name to \"Amazon\" after", "id": "13281812" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nof having a potential conflict of interest with the paper. Bezos and the newspaper's editorial board have dismissed accusations that he unfairly controlled the paper's content and Bezos maintains the paper's independence. After a surge in online readership in 2016, the paper was profitable for the first time since Bezos made the purchase in 2013. Bezos makes personal investments through his venture capital vehicle, Bezos Expeditions. He was one of the first shareholders in Google, when he invested $250,000 in 1998. That $250,000 investment resulted in 3.3", "id": "13281830" }, { "contents": "Amazon Echo\n\n\n\". Both of these attributes were disliked by Lab126, the division of Amazon that conducts research and development and creates computer hardware. Lab126 believed that \"Amazon\" is too much of a commonly used word, and the device would react when it was not intended to. Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, ended up being influenced by Lab126 to change the name of the device to the Amazon Echo and the wake word to \"Alexa\". The Amazon Echo was originally pitched as only a smart speaker, it was", "id": "6958498" }, { "contents": "The Grand Tour\n\n\nof \"Fifth Gear\"'s Vicki Butler-Henderson. The deal included 36 episodes across three series which would be available to Amazon Prime members starting in 2016. Wilman stated that Amazon promised them to have the freedom they wanted to make the show how they wanted along with the necessary budget. Additionally, by using a subscription-based service over an advert-based network, they would not be beholden to commercial pressure for their advertisers. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, said he was \"very excited\" about bringing", "id": "14306697" }, { "contents": "Amazon Web Services\n\n\n. In that year industry watchers for the first time estimated AWS revenue to be over $1.5 billion. In April 2015, reported AWS was profitable, with sales of $1.57 billion in the first quarter of the year and $265 million of operating income. Founder Jeff Bezos described it as a fast-growing $5 billion business; analysts described it as \"surprisingly more profitable than forecast\". In October 2015, said in its Q3 earnings report that AWS's operating income was $521 million, with", "id": "11085374" }, { "contents": "Amazon Prime Air\n\n\ncenter. On December 1, 2013, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed plans for Amazon Prime Air in an interview on \"60 Minutes\". The Amazon Prime Air team worked with NASA and Single European Sky ATM on trials using the Amazon air traffic management system. For additional safety, drones will fly at low altitudes (below 400 feet). There are no roads or fixed routes so there are many more options to get from point A to point B, that is why navigating a drone through the air is very different", "id": "14960148" }, { "contents": "Amazon Kindle\n\n\ncontent, and as of March 2018, the store has over six million e-books available in the United States. In 2004, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos instructed the company's employees to build Earth's best e-reader before Amazon's competitors could. Amazon originally used the codename \"Fiona\" for this e-reader. The \"Kindle\" name was devised by branding consultants Michael Cronan and Karin Hibma. Lab126 asked them to name the product, so Cronan and Hibma suggested \"Kindle\", meaning to", "id": "10492673" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nbillion to his worth when Amazon's market cap briefly reached $1 trillion. Bezos was born Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen on January 12, 1964, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the son of Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen and Chicago, Illinois, native Ted Jorgensen. At the time of his birth, his mother was a 17-year-old high school student, and his father was a bike shop owner. After Jacklyn divorced Ted, she married Cuban immigrant Miguel \"Mike\" Bezos in April 1968. Shortly after the wedding, Mike adopted", "id": "13281807" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nhe admire the person, can the person raise the common standard, and under what circumstances could the person become exemplary. He meets with Amazon investors for a total of only six hours a year. Instead of using PowerPoints, Bezos requires high-level employees to present information with six-page narratives. Starting in 1998, Bezos publishes an annual letter for Amazon shareholders wherein he frequently refers to five principles: focus on customers not competitors, take risks for market leadership, facilitate staff morale, build a company culture, and", "id": "13281840" }, { "contents": "Blue Origin\n\n\nApril 2019, Blue had more than 2000 employees, with plans to have more than 2600 by the end of 2019. As of 2016, Blue Origin was spending US$1 billion a year, funded by Jeff Bezos' sales of Amazon stock. In both 2017, and again in 2018, Bezos made public statements that he intends to fund Blue Origin with US$1 billion per year from sales of his equity in Amazon. As early as 2005, Bezos had discussed plans to create a vertical-takeoff and landing spaceship called", "id": "18605953" }, { "contents": "Martin Horváth\n\n\nAll ratings as accessed March 7, 2018. Horváth plans to write more (28) and in 2013/14 he began work on his second novel. Horváth was one among a long list of authors (including Nobel Prize-winner Elfriede Jelinek) who wrote an open letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Amazon German CEO Ralf Kleber, protesting how Amazon dealt with contract issues with the Sweden-based publisher Bonnier Group, which included Aladin, arsEdition, Berlin Verlag, Carlsen, Hörbuch Hamburg, Piper, Thienemann-Esslinger, and", "id": "4130583" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n2010. In 2012, he donated to Amazon's political action committee (PAC), which has given $56,000 and $74,500 to Democrats and Republicans, respectively. After the 2016 presidential election, Bezos was invited to join Donald Trump's Defense Innovation Advisory Board, an advisory council to improve the technology used by the Defense Department. Bezos declined the offer without further comment. Trump has repeatedly attacked Bezos via Twitter, accused Bezos of avoiding corporate taxes, gaining undue political influence, and undermining his presidency by spreading \"fake", "id": "13281859" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nassociate at the firm; the couple married a year later. In 1994, they moved across the country to Seattle, Washington, where Bezos founded Amazon. He and his ex-wife Mackenzie are the parents of four children: three sons, and one daughter adopted from China. In March 2003, Bezos was one of three passengers in a helicopter that crashed in West Texas after the craft's tail boom hit a tree. Bezos sustained minor injuries and was discharged from a local hospital the same day. In 2016,", "id": "13281855" }, { "contents": "Jeff Jarvis\n\n\ncloud computing. In 2009, Jarvis wrote a book called, \"What Would Google Do?\" In the book, he argues that companies and individuals should study and perhaps copy Google's methods for succeeding at internet entrepreneurship. Jarvis said of the book, \"Just as I try to look admiringly from a distance at Google, I include anecdotes and examples from Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook and Craig Newmark at craigslist and Jeff Bezos at Amazon.\" In 2011, Jarvis published, \"Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital", "id": "12685548" }, { "contents": "Amazon Spheres\n\n\n2015, and the first pieces of the steel structure were erected in February 2016. The steel was painted white and covered with glass panels that were installed beginning in April. The first plant, an Australian tree fern, was moved from the Redmond greenhouse and planted in May 2017. The spheres were dedicated on January 29, 2018, by Jeff Bezos, Mayor Jenny Durkan, County Executive Dow Constantine, and Governor Jay Inslee. Bezos ceremonially opened the complex using an Alexa voice command. It opened to Amazon employees the following", "id": "21168602" }, { "contents": "History of Amazon\n\n\nThis is the history of Amazon, an American internet sales company. The company was founded as a result of what Jeff Bezos called his \"regret minimization framework\", which described his efforts to fend off any regrets for not participating sooner in the Internet business boom during that time. In 1994, Bezos left his employment as vice-president of D. E. Shaw & Co., a Wall Street firm, and moved to Seattle, Washington, where he began to work on a business plan for what would become On", "id": "8696176" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n, Gavin de Becker, \"linked the hack to the \"Washington Post's\" coverage of the murder of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.\" Bezos supports philanthropic efforts through direct donations and non-profit projects funded by Bezos Expeditions. Bezos used Bezos Expeditions to fund several philanthropic projects, including an Innovation center at the Seattle Museum of History and Industry and the Bezos Center for Neural Circuit Dynamics at Princeton Neuroscience Institute. Bezos donated to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center several times between 2009 and 2017", "id": "13281862" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nfrom New York City to Seattle. The company began as an online bookstore and has since expanded to a wide variety of other e-commerce products and services, including video and audio streaming, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. It is currently the world's largest online sales company, the largest internet company by revenue, as well as the world's largest provider of AI assistance and cloud infrastructure services via its Amazon Web Services arm. Bezos added to his business interests when he founded the aerospace manufacturer and sub-orbital", "id": "13281804" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nhave one and not the other. He believes that work and home life are interconnected, informing and calibrating each other. Journalist Walt Mossberg dubbed the idea that someone who cannot tolerate criticism or critique shouldn't do anything new or interesting, \"\". Bezos does not schedule early morning meetings and enforces a two-pizza rule–a preference for meetings to be small enough to where two pizzas can feed everyone in the board room. When interviewing candidates for jobs at Amazon he has stated he considers three inquiries: can", "id": "13281839" }, { "contents": "Boies Schiller Flexner LLP\n\n\nof Theranos, and she, David Boies, and lawyer Michael Brille featured prominently in \"Bad Blood\". The firm also represents Amazon in corporate matters, and Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos personally retained attorneys from Boies Schiller as part of his crisis-management team in the wake of Bezos's claims of extortion by AMI. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Boies Schiller was one of the top law firms contributing to federal candidates during the 2012 election cycle, donating $1.92 million, 90% to Democrats.", "id": "15758344" }, { "contents": "History of Amazon\n\n\nquickly vanished again, and Amazon representatives said that they had never heard of it. Also in 1999, \"Time\" magazine named Bezos the Person of the Year when it recognized the company's success in popularizing online shopping. Since June 19, 2000, Amazon's logotype has featured a curved arrow leading from A to Z, representing that the company carries every product from A to Z, with the arrow shaped like a smile. According to sources, Amazon did not expect to make a profit for four to five years", "id": "8696184" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nJeffrey Preston Bezos (; né Jorgensen; January 12, 1964) is an American technology entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. He is the founder, chairman, CEO, and president of, Inc. Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and raised in Houston, Texas. He graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. He worked on Wall Street in a variety of related fields from 1986 to early 1994. He founded Amazon in late 1994 on a cross-country road trip", "id": "13281803" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nmillion shares of Google stock, worth about $3.1 billion in 2017. He also invested in Unity Biotechnology, a life-extension research firm hoping to slow or stop the process of aging. Bezos is involved in the healthcare sector, which includes investments in Unity Biotechnology, Grail, Juno Therapeutics, and ZocDoc. In January 2018, an announcement was made concerning Bezos' role within a new, unnamed healthcare company. This venture, later named Haven, is expected to be a partnership between Amazon, JPMorgan, and Berkshire", "id": "13281831" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nbillion. However, just months later in October 2016, his wealth increased by $16.2 billion to $66.5 billion unofficially ranking him the third richest person in the world behind Warren Buffett. After sporadic jumps in Amazon's share price, in July 2017 he briefly unseated Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates as the wealthiest person in the world. Bezos would continue to sporadically surpass Gates throughout the month of October 2017 after Amazon's share price fluctuated. His net worth surpassed $100 billion for the first time on November 24, 2017,", "id": "13281848" }, { "contents": "Steve Yegge\n\n\n\") as well as for his comments about his former employer, Amazon (such as calling Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos \"Dread Pirate Bezos\"). Google co-founder Sergey Brin stated that he would still have his job. \"Washington Post\" reporter Melissa Bell stated that Yegge's public rant was a \"Jerry Maguire\" moment. Yegge released the graphical MUD \"Wyvern \"in 2001 through his company Cabochon Inc. Steve Yegge has been cited by many notable figures within the broader programming community, including Stuart Halloway who said", "id": "3463018" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nits human space travel start date into late 2018. To execute this program, Blue Origin built six of the vehicles to support all phases of testing and operations: no-passenger test flights, flights with test passengers, and commercial-passenger weekly operations. Since 2016, Bezos has spoken more freely about his hopes to colonize the solar system, and has been selling $1 billion in Amazon stock each year to capitalize Blue Origin in an effort to support this endeavor. In May 2018, Bezos maintained that the primary goal", "id": "13281827" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Amazon\n\n\nat Amazon warehouses. In February 2019, Amazon software engineer Oleg Churyumov went on hunger strike without water against \"inhuman\" policies of Amazon. In September 2000, price discrimination potentially violating the Robinson–Patman Act was found on Amazon offered to sell a buyer a DVD for one price, but after the buyer deleted cookies that identified him as a regular Amazon customer, he was offered the same DVD for a substantially lower price. Jeff Bezos subsequently apologized for the differential pricing and vowed that Amazon \"never will test", "id": "11424725" }, { "contents": "Amazon (company)\n\n\nexposed poor working conditions for Amazon's delivery drivers. In response to criticism that Amazon doesn't pay its workers a livable wage, Jeff Bezos announced beginning November 1, 2018, all US and UK Amazon employees will earn a $15 an hour minimum wage. Amazon will also lobby to make $15 an hour the federal minimum wage. At the same time, Amazon also eliminated stock awards and bonuses for hourly employees. On Black Friday 2018, Amazon warehouse workers in several European countries, including Italy, Germany, Spain", "id": "7406836" }, { "contents": "Fire Phone\n\n\n-cost, bare-bones phone would hurt the Amazon brand. Although many rumors were not accurate, several final specs, the use of 3D, and the release date were correctly reported. The phone was introduced in Seattle in the Fremont Theatre, at a press event held by Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos. As a limited time promotion, buyers were offered a year of Amazon Prime and 1,000 Amazon coins with the purchase of a Fire Phone. Amazon's Fire Phone was priced at $199 for the 32GB", "id": "6175224" }, { "contents": "Ram Shriram\n\n\nKavitark Ram Shriram (born 1956/57) is an American businessman. He is a founding board member and one of the first investors in Google. He earlier served as an officer of working for Jeff Bezos. Shriram came to in August, 1998, when Amazon acquired Junglee, an online comparison shopping firm of which Shriram was president. Before Junglee and Amazon, Shriram was a member of the Netscape executive team, joining them in 1994, before they shipped products or posted revenue. Shriram holds a bachelor's degree in", "id": "7762002" }, { "contents": "Amazon HQ2\n\n\npatterns of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who owns \"The Post\". On November 5, 2018, it was speculated that Amazon was finalizing plans to divide HQ2 evenly among two locations: Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia, Long Island City in Queens, New York, or Dallas, Texas. Amazon declined to comment on the \"New York Times\" and \"Wall Street Journal\" reports. Some of the finalists and rejected bids have used their Amazon proposals to attract investments from other multinational corporations. Steven Strauss, a", "id": "1702714" }, { "contents": "Elon Musk\n\n\nCochrane? Or as a failed fungus expert. A selfish little man who put the survival of his own ego before the lives of others?\" According to a TechCrunch article published the day after the episode aired, this mention is \"also interesting because of its notable omission of Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos: This other space entrepreneur is such a big fan of Star Trek that he pitched and succeeded in landing a cameo in \"Star Trek Beyond\" as an alien being, but he doesn't rate a mention", "id": "488458" }, { "contents": "Amazon (company)\n\n\nthe largest Internet company by revenue in the world. It is the second largest private employer in the United States and one of the world's most valuable companies. Amazon is the second largest technology company by revenue. Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994, in Bellevue, Washington. The company initially started as an online marketplace for books but later expanded to sell electronics, software, video games, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and jewelry. In 2015, Amazon surpassed Walmart as the most", "id": "7406776" }, { "contents": "Marcus Brauchli\n\n\noutcome of their efforts could offer a high-profile case study on how a company can foster an entrepreneurial, digital culture while remaining true to its heritage.\" Brauchli stepped down as editor at the end of 2012 and took on a new role working for the Post's parent company, before the Post was sold to Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. As of 2015, Brauchli has started a new investment firm, North Base Media. North Base is focused on journalistic enterprise and digital-driven opportunities in emerging markets", "id": "7053989" }, { "contents": "Amazon (company)\n\n\n, Amazon Studios, and a cloud computing subsidiary, Amazon Web Services. It produces consumer electronics including Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV, and Echo devices. In addition, Amazon subsidiaries also include Ring,, Whole Foods Market, and IMDb. Among various controversies, the company has been criticized for technological surveillance overreach, a hyper-competitive and demanding work culture, tax avoidance, and anti-competitive practices. In 1994, Jeff Bezos incorporated Amazon. He chose the location Seattle because of technical", "id": "7406778" }, { "contents": "Amazon Kindle\n\n\n, 2009 interview with \"The New York Times\", Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed that Amazon keeps 65% of the revenue from all e-book sales for the Kindle. The remaining 35% is split between the book author and publisher. After numerous commentators observed that Apple's popular App Store offers 70% of royalties to the publisher, Amazon began a program that offers 70% royalties to Kindle publishers who agree to certain conditions. Some of these conditions, such as the inability to opt out of the lendability feature", "id": "10492752" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Donald Trump\n\n\ncampaign appeared to have little to no space policy at all. As of June 2016, Trump has published no tech policy proposals. On the campaign trail, Trump frequently antagonized Silicon Valley figures, using his Twitter account to lambast tech leaders such as Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Tim Cook of Apple, and Brian Chesky of Airbnb over a series of months. He is particularly concerned about the social breakdown of American culture caused by technology, and said, \"the Internet and the whole computer age is really a mixed bag,", "id": "9150112" }, { "contents": "Amazon Wind Farm Texas\n\n\nAmazon Wind Farm Texas is a 253 Megawatt wind farm in Scurry County, West Texas The farm opened in late 2017, the project includes over 100 turbines which generate and feed into the Texas electric grid 1,000,000 megawatt hours of wind energy annually (1,000 gigawatt hours), enough to power 90,000 typical US homes. October 19, 2017, Amazon's Jeff Bezos christened the Amazon Wind Farm Texas by smashing a champagne bottle on top of one of the turbines standing more than tall. In a statement, Amazon revealed that it has", "id": "14312779" }, { "contents": "Digital rights management\n\n\nEighty-Four\". After Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos issued a public apology, the Free Software Foundation wrote that this was just one more example of the excessive power Amazon has to remotely censor what people read through its software, and called upon Amazon to free its e-book reader and drop DRM. Amazon then revealed the reason behind its deletion: the e-books in question were unauthorized reproductions of Orwell's works, which were not within the public domain and to which the company that published and sold them on Amazon", "id": "21567371" }, { "contents": "Height discrimination\n\n\nglass ceilings and pay gaps. For example, short guy fraternity members include: Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos (5'7\"), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (5'7\") and Google co-founder and Alphabet President Sergey Brin (5'8\"). With an estimated net worth of over $150 billion, Bezos is ranked as the richest person in the world, while Zuckerberg and Brin consistently rank in the top 20. Heightism is also a factor in dating preferences. For some people, height is a", "id": "5263319" }, { "contents": "Kindle Direct Publishing\n\n\nwith \"The New York Times\", Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed that Amazon keeps 65% of the revenue from all e-book sales for the Kindle. The remaining 35% is split between the author and publisher. After numerous commentators observed that Apple's popular App Store offers 70% of royalties to the publisher, Amazon began a program that offers 70% royalties to Kindle publishers who agree to certain conditions. Amazon has the KDP \"Select\" publishing option that requires 100 percent exclusivity — e-book publishing under", "id": "3047953" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n, Bezos would keep all of the couple's voting rights. On February 7, 2019, Bezos published an online essay in which he accused American Media, Inc. owner David Pecker of \"extortion and blackmail\" for threatening to publish intimate photos of Bezos and Lauren Sánchez, if he did not stop his investigation into how his text messages and other photos had been leaked to the \"National Enquirer\". According to public campaign finance records, Bezos supported the electoral campaigns of Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, two Democratic U.S. Senators", "id": "13281857" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nend of summer 2018. Bezos announced in September 2018 that he would commit approximately $2 billion to a fund to deal with American homelessness and establish a network of non-profit preschools for low income communities. As part of this announcement, he committed to establishing the \"Day 1 Families Fund\" to finance \"night shelters and day care centers for homeless families\" and the \"Day 1 Academies Fund\" for early childhood education. In January 2018, Bezos made a $33 million donation to TheDream.US, a", "id": "13281866" }, { "contents": "Unfulfilled\n\n\nthe facility's boxers, who go on strike, shutting down the fulfillment center, and delaying the fulfillment of the public's orders. Members of the public form a counter-protest urging the boxers to return to work so that they can receive their purchases. Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, appears at South Park City Hall, where he is depicted similarly to the lead Talosian from the original 1965 \"Star Trek\" pilot \"The Cage\". He complains about the strike to Mayor McDaniels, who", "id": "16380613" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\n. His physical transformation has been compared to the transformation of Amazon; he is often referred to as the metonym of the company. His physical appearance increased the public's perception of him as a symbolically dominant figure in business and in popular culture, wherein he has been parodied as an enterprising super villain. Since 2017, he has been portrayed by Kyle Mooney and Steve Carrell on \"Saturday Night Live\", usually as an undercutting, domineering figure. Bezos eats exotic foods, such as octopus and roasted iguana. In May", "id": "13281835" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nnamed him one of the 100 most influential people in the world in their 2018 listing. Bezos first became a millionaire in 1997 after raising $54 million through Amazon's initial public offering (IPO). He was first included on the \"Forbes\" \"World's Billionaires\" list in 1999 with a registered net worth of $10.1 billion. His net worth decreased to $6.1 billion a year later, a 40.5% drop. His wealth plummeted even more the following year, dropping 66.6% to $2.0 billion.", "id": "13281845" }, { "contents": "Ro Khanna\n\n\nlarge company to investigate whether or not a potential employee receives federal assistance. Khanna's rationale for the legislation was that it would force corporations to increase salaries for workers or pay for the welfare programs their employees rely on. Economists at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities published an analysis of the bill finding that it would hurt low-wage workers by giving corporations incentives not to hire workers that rely on federal assistance programs. Khanna challenged Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos directly, saying that if Bezos \"announced that [he] would", "id": "2642269" }, { "contents": "Bernie Sanders\n\n\nCEO Jeff Bezos. The bill has received some support from conservatives; Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson endorsed the proposal on air. On October 2, 2018, Bezos raised the minimum wage at Amazon to $15, effective November 1; Sanders commended him. Senators participate in committees that are responsible for certain types of legislation and in caucuses that build a legislative constituency for shaping legislation of interest to its members. As an independent, Sanders worked out a deal with the Senate Democratic leadership in which he agreed to vote with the", "id": "4893334" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nJournal\", and \"Forbes\". Bezos's top spot on the wealth list could have been dealt a severe blow by his divorce with wife MacKenzie Bezos. According to \"Forbes\", had the Washington state common law applied to their divorce without a prenuptial agreement, Bezos' wealth could have been split 50–50 with his ex-wife. That would have made her the wealthiest woman in the world. As it turned out, Bezos and MacKenzie were very amicable and respectful throughout the divorce process. She walked away with", "id": "13281853" }, { "contents": "Amazon HQ2\n\n\nbuild 6,000 homes should be re-adopted. In the weeks following Amazon's decision, Governor Cuomo phoned multiple Amazon executives and even Jeff Bezos, personally asking them to reconsider and guaranteeing them \"support.\" The Partnership for New York City placed an open letter in \"The New York Times\" stating that Cuomo \"will take personal responsibility for the project's state approval.\" The letter is signed by Hakeem Jeffries, Carolyn Maloney, Andrew D. Hamilton, David M. Solomon, David N. Dinkins, and Ajay Banga,", "id": "1702726" }, { "contents": "The Expanse (TV series)\n\n\npaid for an airplane to fly a \"#SaveTheExpanse\" banner around Amazon Studios. Celebrities including Wil Wheaton, George R. R. Martin, Patton Oswalt and Andreas Mogensen supported the campaign. On May 26, at the International Space Development Conference, Jeff Bezos announced that Amazon picked the series up for additional seasons. Production on the fourth season began in October 2018 and is scheduled to debut on Amazon Prime Video on December 13, 2019. The show's soundtrack was composed by Clinton Shorter. The first season's soundtrack dubbed \"", "id": "5754033" }, { "contents": "The Holy Trinity (The Grand Tour)\n\n\nproduction. In March 2015, it was reported that Clarkson had come under fire by the BBC for entering an altercation with \"Top Gear\" producer Oisin Tymon while filming for the show. The BBC chose not to renew Clarkson's contract after news of the altercation came to light. Hammond, May, and Wilman also left the programme afterward. Later in the year, the four signed a deal with Amazon to have an Amazon Video original series. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos had described the deal as \"very, very,", "id": "8659390" }, { "contents": "Walmart Labs\n\n\nin November 2005. Their second round of 18 million from Accel Partners and Lightspeed Venture Partners was announced in 2006 followed by a third round of 10 million on behalf of Accel Partners, DAG Ventures and Lightspeed Venture Partners. A fourth round of funding was secured in December 2008 in the amount of 20 million from Time Warner Investments, Accel Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners, DAG Partners and former Motorola CEO Ed Zander. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos is also an investor, through Bezos Expeditions. As of March 2008, Kosmix' market", "id": "2353963" }, { "contents": "Workday, Inc.\n\n\nTime Warner. On April 29, 2009, Workday announced that it secured $75 million in funding led by New Enterprise Associates. Existing investors Greylock Partners and Workday CEO and co‑founder Dave Duffield also participated in the round. On October 24, 2011, Workday announced $85 million in new funding, bringing total capital raised to $250 million. Investors in the latest round included T. Rowe Price, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Janus, and Bezos Expeditions, the personal investment entity of Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos. As", "id": "3517291" }, { "contents": "W. Chump and Sons\n\n\nAmazon Prime's online customers from late-2016. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos described the deal as being \"very, very, very expensive\". In August 2016, Executive Producer Andy Wilman attended the Edinburgh International Television Festival and held a 35-minute talk called \"The Grand Tour Masterclass\" in which he went into detail about working with Amazon Video on their new show, the fallout with the BBC and what audiences can expect to see in \"The Grand Tour\". Despite a number of attempts to get information on \"The Grand Tour", "id": "13033817" }, { "contents": "The World's Billionaires\n\n\n$9.1 trillion, up 18% since 2017. For the first time, Jeff Bezos was listed as the top billionaire due to Amazon's rising stock price that resulted in one person's biggest one-year gain in wealth ($35 billion) since \"Forbes\" started tracking in 1987. The U.S. had the most billionaires in the world, with 585, while China was catching up with 476 when including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; it had 372 when excluding those three places. On the 30th anniversary of", "id": "18382424" }, { "contents": "Amazon Mechanical Turk\n\n\nmuch faster by humans than computers. It is claimed that Jeff Bezos was responsible for the concept that led to Amazon's Mechanical Turk being developed to realize this process. The name \"Mechanical Turk\" was inspired by \"The Turk\", an 18th-century chess-playing automaton made by Wolfgang von Kempelen that toured Europe, beating both Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin. It was later revealed that this \"machine\" was not an automaton at all, but was, in fact, a human chess master hidden in the", "id": "21107801" }, { "contents": "Amazon Mechanical Turk\n\n\n, a group has developed a third party platform called Turkopticon which allows workers to give feedback on their employers allowing other users to avoid potentially shady jobs and to recommend superior employers. Another platform called Dynamo was created to allow the workers to collect anonymously and organize campaigns to better their work environment, including the Guidelines for Academic Requesters and the Dear Jeff Bezos Campaign. Amazon has made it harder for workers to enroll in Dynamo by closing the request account that provided workers with a required code for Dynamo membership. Amazon has installed updates", "id": "21107825" }, { "contents": "List of mergers and acquisitions by Amazon\n\n\, Inc. is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994 as an online bookstore, Amazon went public after an initial public offering on May 15, 1997 during the midst of the dot-com bubble. The funds gained from the IPO allowed Amazon to grow quickly, making its first three acquisitions on April 27, 1998, less than a year after the company had gone public. After the dot-com bubble burst on March 11,", "id": "5999228" }, { "contents": "The Washington Post\n\n\nboard. He was succeeded in 2000 as publisher and CEO by Boisfeuillet Jones Jr., with Graham remaining as chairman. Katharine Weymouth, Donald Graham's niece, served as publisher and chief executive officer from 2008 until 2014, when Jeff Bezos took over ownership of the paper. The \"Post\" made its own major news in 2013 when Jeff Bezos purchased the paper for cash. The newspaper is now owned by Nash Holdings LLC controlled by Bezos. The sale also included some other local publications, websites and real estate. After", "id": "13904650" }, { "contents": "Jeff Bezos\n\n\nto purchase the entire stock markets of Nigeria, Hungary, Egypt, Luxembourg, and Iran. Following the report by \"Quartz\", Amazon workers in Poland, Germany, and Spain participated in demonstrations and labor strikes to draw attention to his growing wealth and the lack of compensation, labor rights, and satisfactory working conditions of select Amazon workers. On July 17, 2018 he was designated the \"wealthiest person in modern history\" by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, \"Fortune\", \"MarketWatch\", \"The Wall Street", "id": "13281852" }, { "contents": "Bloomberg Billionaires Index\n\n\n2013, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was the world's top billionaire. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Spanish fashion retailer Amancio Ortega both saw a large increase in their respective net worths during 2016 and 2017 and challenged Gates for the number one spot. Bezos eventually surpassed him and remains the world's top billionaire. The Index reported on hidden wealth and uncovered more than 400 hidden billionaires since its founding. Bloomberg Billionaires founding editor Matthew Miller said in 2013 that hidden billionaires are identified by \"making sure that we have accounted for", "id": "17187875" }, { "contents": "Disagree and commit\n\n\nleads to inaction. Scott McNealy used the phrase as early as sometime between 1983 and 1991, as part of the line \"Agree and commit, disagree and commit, or get out of the way\". The concept has also been attributed to Andrew Grove at Intel. Amazon added \"Have a Backbone; Disagree and Commit\" as one of its leadership principles sometime in 2010–2011. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos mentioned the term in his \"2016 Letter to Shareholders\". Noted difficulties of applying \"disagree and commit\" are:", "id": "12252291" }, { "contents": "The Expanse (novel series)\n\n\nand four novellas. Up to 9 novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of \"The Expanse\". The series premiered on streaming services on November 23, 2015 and on Syfy on December 14, 2015. Syfy did not renew \"The Expanse\" for a fourth season, but on May 26, 2018, following a concerted movement by the show's fanbase to save it, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that Amazon would", "id": "6476220" }, { "contents": "History of Amazon\n\n\nof more than $1 billion. This profit margin, though extremely modest, proved to skeptics that Bezos' unconventional business model could succeed. In 2011, Amazon had 30,000 full-time employees in the USA, and by the end of 2016, it had 180,000 employees. In June 2017, Amazon announced that it would acquire Whole Foods, a high-end supermarket chain with over 400 stores, for $13.4 billion. The acquisition was seen by media experts as a move to strengthen its physical holdings and challenge Walmart", "id": "8696186" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Amazon\n\n\nare monitored for indecency, but do permit negative comments. Robert Spector, author of the book \"\", describes how \"when publishers and authors asked Bezos why would publish negative reviews, he defended the practice by claiming that was 'taking a different approach...we want to make every book available – the good, the bad, and the let truth loose'\" (Spector 132). Allegations have been made that Amazon has selectively deleted negative reviews of Scientology-related items despite compliance", "id": "11424764" }, { "contents": "Crowdsourcing\n\n\n, paid crowds (e.g. Amazon Mechanical Turk) are another form of crowdsourcing. It has also been used by not-for-profit organizations and to create common goods (e.g. Wikipedia). The effect of user communication and the platform presentation should be taken into account when evaluating the performance of ideas in crowdsourcing contexts. The term \"crowdsourcing\" was coined in 2005 by Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson, editors at \"Wired\", to describe how businesses were using the Internet to \"outsource work to the crowd\",", "id": "7349538" }, { "contents": "Amazon (company)\n\n\nCompanies like Groupon, eBay and countered Amazon's promotion by offering $10 off from their products. The company has also faced accusations of putting undue pressure on suppliers to maintain and extend its profitability. One effort to squeeze the most vulnerable book publishers was known within the company as the Gazelle Project, after Bezos suggested, according to Brad Stone, \"that Amazon should approach these small publishers the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle.\" In July 2014, the Federal Trade Commission launched a lawsuit against the company", "id": "7406820" }, { "contents": "Criticism of Amazon\n\n\nboycott was discontinued in September 2002. On February 22, 2000, the company was granted a patent covering an Internet-based customer referral system, or what is commonly called an \"affiliate program\". Industry leaders Tim O'Reilly and Charlie Jackson spoke out against the patent, and O'Reilly published an open letter to Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, protesting the 1-click patent and the affiliate program patent, and petitioning him to \"avoid any attempts to limit the further development of Internet commerce\". O'Reilly collected 10,000 signatures with", "id": "11424696" }, { "contents": "Jodi Kantor\n\n\n, Kantor and David Streitfeld published \"Inside Amazon\", a controversial, 6,000 word article about the company's methods of managing white-collar employees. The article drew a response from Jeff Bezos, broke the newspaper's all-time record for reader comments, prompted veterans of the secretive company to come forward about their experiences online, and sparked a national debate about fairness and productivity in the technological workplace. The article received mixed reception as multiple inaccuracies were identified in a viral response by an Amazon employee: An Amazonian's", "id": "1236889" }, { "contents": "Bike Parade\n\n\nformer employees from the South Park Mall have agreed to work at the center as temporary employees. Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick are pleased to see that they are finally receiving the items they purchased from Amazon for the town's upcoming bike parade, where they hope to win first prize. Jeff Bezos, who is depicted as an alien Talosian from \"\", observes these developments through cameras in the public's Amazon Echo devices. He has Josh kidnapped and tells a group of small children that", "id": "17551250" }, { "contents": "Fire Phone\n\n\nproduct. He also \"obsessively monitored the product\", requiring \"even the smallest decisions needed to go by him\". Frustration built up over what appeared to Lab126 workers to be extraneous features such as Dynamic Perspective, although they continued to work on the project due to the money being paid to them by Jeff Bezos. Later, in 2012, \"The Wall Street Journal\" contended that Amazon was testing a smartphone, with a screen size between four and five inches. Bloomberg also reported Amazon as looking to acquire patents", "id": "6175221" } ]
why is there a debate about vaccinating kids?
[{"answer": "It's not controversial. There are some people who have no idea what they are talking about who have decided to pretend there is a controversy because they personally don't trust the know, experts. It's not controversial among the scientists and medical doctors at all."}, {"answer": "A now known-hoax science paper linked the MMR vaccine (It was MMR, right? One of the big ones anyway.) to autism. A lot of people haven't caught up with the fact it's a proven hoax and the author was stripped of his medical license."}, {"answer": "The debate exists because people are stupid. There is no risk. The response from the medical community is its safe, stop being silly."}, {"answer": "Wakefield, [published]( URL_1 ) a paper in 1998. The paper suggested with very dubious evidence that a link between the MMR vaccine and intestinal pathology could exist. With **no supporting evidence whatsoever**, he then went on to suggest that the \"connection was real\" between autism and the MMR vaccine, but then danced around the issue/covered his ass by saying he didn't prove the connection. He followed all of this up with a very public press conference announcing there may be a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. It later was [discovered]( URL_0 ) through incredible journalism by Brian Deer that not only did serious ethical misconduct occur by Wakefield, but he outright made up his data, *and* he was being paid by a class action lawyer!! Wakefield was later disbarred, discredited, and his research article retracted, but the damage was done. Hundreds of thousands of parents worldwide now mistrusted a lifesaving vaccine, and as a result thousands of children suffered and died as a result. He is lower than sh*t in the scientific community. There's always risks with vaccines, unfortunately there is no magic shot that cures you with no complications. The reason you should get vaccinated is the benefit outweighs the risks. Here's an excellent example: ever wonder why the smallpox (vaccinia) vaccine is no longer used? Two reasons: it's officially eradicated, but also there was a risk of complications from it. When it was administered, smallpox was such a horrific, deadly disease that it didn't matter, but now the risk of getting smallpox is so negligible, there's no point in the potential risk of complications from the vaccine, so it isn't given except to members of the military or if you have a specific need. Another example is with the flu shot you may feel sick (but not actually be sick), but you'll be protected from the flu. Autism simply is not a risk from MMR or any vaccines, though."}, {"answer": "I am the father of a 21 month old son. I will start by saying he is fully vaccinated though we took a little extra time in getting him completely up to schedule (he had his last shot 3 months ago). I am also the uncle of two autistic nephews and their experience certainly played a part in our decision to go with an alternative. Without getting in to too much detail about their particular situations I can say that after literally years of her own research their mother still does not fully understand why 2 out of 3 of her children suffer from autism. Her advice to us was to try to minimize any factors that may contribute to autism no matter how remote. After giving it careful consideration we decided to follow Dr. Sears alternative vaccination schedule. Over and above our fear of autism it just struck my wife and I odd that expectant mothers are strongly cautioned about all manner of things which might be consumed during pregnancy that would thereby be consumed by the unborn baby. Everything from cigarettes and alcohol to lunch meat. All of this stuff poses potential threats to lives so young. Yet, literally hours after said baby is born, all of the sudden 16+ vaccinations are not only permissible but advisable. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe vaccinations are a good and necessary thing. My wife and I simply took issue with the schedule. This was a decision we felt was best for our family. I'm not preaching it to anybody else. You have to do what is right for you. I will say sending kids off into the general population (I.e. School or day care) with no measure of vaccination protection seems wrong and irresponsible. Just my opinion."}, {"answer": "There was one study published in 1998 by Dr. Andrew Wakefield that suggested that there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. That report has been thoroughly [debunked]( URL_0 ) and Dr. Wakefield is persona non-grata in the research community. This study was latched onto by Jenny McCarthy and others as an explanation for their children's autism. No matter how much it is shown that there is no link some people refuse to believe it as they need something to blame for their children's autism. The MMR vaccine does not cause autism and while there are a few bad reactions to the vaccines every year they are far, far outweighed by the good the vaccines do and the lives they save."}, {"answer": "In 2009 when the swine flu was active my country offered the vaccination to the whole population. My family decided not to take it as nowhere in my country you had heard of anyone actully getting the disease and it wasn't that dangerous anyway. Later on it showed up that several people had gotten narcolepsy, which is a chronic neurological disorder causing sleepiness, including one guy from my class. It's not comfirmed that it was the vaccin that caused the narcolepsy but it's very likely when many people got the diagnosis just months after the vaccin. A few people also complained that they felt like there immune system was weakened from their shot. Like a friend of mine, who had never stayed home from work because he was sick in 7 years, needs to stay at home at least once a month. But this is just from my experience. I'm not saying you shouldnt vaccinate your kids, I just think you should be cautious and not just do like everyone else does when it comes to these things. Do your own research."}, {"answer": "It is my understanding that there is a slight risk of medical vaccines, although, the chances of truly negative side effects are about 1 in 10,000 000."}, {"answer": "Because people think they know more about immunology and toxicology than immunologists and toxicologists."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "9737", "title": "Eugenics", "section": "Section::::History.:Modern resurgence of interest.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 26, "end_paragraph_id": 26, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["and practices of early-20th-century eugenic movements. Prenatal screening can be considered a form of contemporary eugenics because it may lead to abortions of children with undesirable traits. The State of California Legislature and Governor passed a form of negative eugenics into law via SB 1095 (2016), resulting in a State law requiring the screening for \"any disease\" (...) \"detectable in the blood\" prior to birth. The bill, still law in California, has been widely regarde", "and practices of early-20th-century eugenic movements. Prenatal screening can be considered a form of contemporary eugenics because it may lead to abortions of children with undesirable traits. The State of California Legislature and Governor passed a form of negative eugenics into law via SB 1095 (2016), resulting in a State law requiring the screening for \"any disease\" (...) \"detectable in the blood\" prior to birth. The bill, still law in California, has been widely regarded as a form of scientific racism, though its proponents continue to claim that it is necessary. A system was proposed by California Senator Skinner to compensate victims of the well-documented examples of prison sterilizations resulting from California's eugenics programs, but this did not pass by the bill's 2018 deadline in the Legislature."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters\n\n\nfrom pro-vaccine groups, anti-vaccine groups and others. Heap was asked why she wrote that Facebook post in a 2018 interview on breakfast television show Sunrise. She replied, \"I was actually tired, and emotional, and frustrated. I had come off a pretty rough run at work looking after people suffering from stuff that should have been avoidable, and when I was listening to the conversations we were having about vaccination it seemed that something was missing, and that was the voices of their kids. Those kids", "id": "21979735" }, { "contents": "The Greater Good (film)\n\n\nrequire an approach that doesn’t take advantage of the audience’s emotions.\" David Gorski criticized the movie in a blog post, lamenting that the film \"which could have been a provocative debate about current vaccine policy based on asking which vaccines are necessary and why, in the end opts to be nothing more than pure anti-vaccine propaganda of the lowest and most vile sort.\" Gary Goldstein described the film as \"provocative\" and \"an effective eye-opener.\" \"LA Weekly\"s Veronika Fredman wrote that \"", "id": "15155980" }, { "contents": "Health in France\n\n\nguidelines, facilitated access to vaccination, and invested in vaccine research. In 2014, fueled by rare health-related scandals, mistrust of vaccines became a common topic in the French public debate on health. According to a French radio station, as of 2014, 3 to 5 percent of kids in France were not given the mandatory vaccines. Some families may avoid requirements by finding a doctor willing to forge a vaccination certificate, a solution which numerous French forums confirm. However, the French State considers \"vaccine refusal\" a", "id": "16726311" }, { "contents": "Vaccination policy\n\n\nbecame a common topic in the French public debate on health. According to a French radio station, as of 2014, 3 to 5 percent of kids in France were not given the mandatory vaccines. Some families may avoid requirements by finding a doctor willing to forge a vaccination certificate, a solution which numerous French forums confirm. However, the French State considers \"vaccine refusal\" a form of child abuse. In some instances, parental vaccine refusals may result in criminal trials. France's 2010 creation of the Question Prioritaire Constitutionelle", "id": "5063311" }, { "contents": "Vaccine hesitancy\n\n\nVaccine hesitancy, a reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated or to have one's children vaccinated, is identified by the World Health Organization as one of the top ten global health threats of 2019. The term encompasses outright refusal to vaccinate, delaying vaccines, accepting vaccines but remaining uncertain about their use, or using certain vaccines but not others. Arguments against vaccination are contradicted by overwhelming scientific consensus about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Hesitancy results from public debates around the medical, ethical and legal issues related to vaccines. Vaccine", "id": "17332032" }, { "contents": "Communities In Schools\n\n\ndirectly with students, providing programs and services which address the unique needs of a school district or student population. Communities In Schools seeks to understand and address the underlying reasons why young people drop out. Whether kids need eyeglasses, tutoring, nutritious food or just a safe place to be, CIS works to find the resources and deliver them to young people right inside schools where kids spend their days. The need could be something as simple as getting kids vaccinated to meet school attendance requirements. Or the need could be something more", "id": "19586795" }, { "contents": "Robert Sears (physician)\n\n\nvaccinate their children \"in a more gradual manner\" than by following the CDC-recommended schedule. His notions, for example that vaccination risks causing \"antigenic overload\", are, however, based on misconceptions and not sound scientific evidence. On an episode of \"All In with Chris Hayes\", Sears admitted that there was no published, peer-reviewed evidence to support the notion of vaccine overload, and that \"my precautions about spreading out vaccines are theoretical, a theoretical benefit to kids...\" Health journalist Julia", "id": "21895460" }, { "contents": "Rotaviral gastroenteritis\n\n\n, after it was discovered that the vaccine may have contributed to an increased risk for intussusception, a type of bowel obstruction, in one of every 12,000 vaccinated infants. The experience provoked intense debate about the relative risks and benefits of a rotavirus vaccine. In 2006, two new vaccines against infection were shown to be safe and effective in children, and in June 2009 the World Health Organization recommended that rotavirus vaccination be included in all national immunisation programmes to provide protection against this virus. Rotaviruses infect the young of many species of", "id": "18682681" }, { "contents": "Rotavirus\n\n\nmay have contributed to an increased risk for intussusception, a type of bowel obstruction, in one of every 12,000 vaccinated infants. The experience provoked intense debate about the relative risks and benefits of a rotavirus vaccine. In 2006, two new vaccines against \"\" infection were shown to be safe and effective in children, and in 2009, the WHO recommended that rotavirus vaccine be included in all national immunisation programmes. The incidence and severity of rotavirus infections has declined significantly in countries that have acted on this recommendation. A 2014 review", "id": "13015902" }, { "contents": "David Bull (politician)\n\n\nalso featured on BBC News, including a documentary on bullying that won the Royal Television Society Award for Best Children's Factual programme. Whilst on \"Newsround\", Bull became a regular on popular kids shows on Saturday mornings for \"CBBC\", \"The Weather Show\", \"Saturday Aardvark\", \"K Club\" and \"Bitesize Debate\" specials. He also hosted as a doctor on \"Why Me?\" and \"Call the Doctor\". Bull then became the sole presenter of \"Tell Me About It", "id": "16003916" }, { "contents": "Dengue vaccine\n\n\nIn 2016 a partially effective vaccine for dengue fever (Dengvaxia) became commercially available in 11 countries: Mexico, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Guatemala, Peru, Thailand, and Singapore. In Indonesia it costs about US$207 for the recommended three doses. WHO updated its recommendations regarding the use of Dengvaxia in September 2018 based on the evidence that seronegative vaccine recipients have an excess risk of severe dengue compared to unvaccinated seronegative individuals. It is not clear why the vaccinated sereonegative population", "id": "9978851" }, { "contents": "Australian Vaccination-risks Network\n\n\n2013, Greens Senator Richard Di Natale put forward a motion calling for the Australian Vaccination Network to be disbanded, citing the risks that low-levels of vaccination posed to the health of children in Australia. The motion was passed by the Australian Senate. Senator Di Natale condemned the organisation, stating in a press release: In a response to a parliamentary question about the AVN's statements regarding the MMR vaccine, in September 2012 the NSW Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research said: During the NSW parliamentary debate on the", "id": "5812321" }, { "contents": "Stephanie Messenger\n\n\nto public outcry over the anti-vaccination stance of the tour. On her website, Messenger chronicles the journey in the death of her son, and why she is an outspoken opponent of vaccines. She stated that she knew nothing about vaccines and only got them for her son because the doctor recommended it. Her 8-week old son had always been happy and calm, but became extremely upset immediately after his first vaccination shot, the doctor when asked said that this was normal behavior. The next day he was back to normal", "id": "2364890" }, { "contents": "2001 anthrax attacks\n\n\nthe FBI's final Amerithrax report related to Ivins's goal to save the failing anthrax vaccine program, the FBI omitted any reference in the report about Sen. Daschle questioning the vaccine. Considering Sen. Daschle was the only targeted entity who had questioned the anthrax vaccine, which tied directly to the stated motive, it remains uncertain as to why the FBI did not report to the American people the fact that Sen. Daschle co-signed a letter on 21 June 2001 with Rep. Gephardt to SecDef Rumsfeld questioning the vaccine and the punishments of U.S.", "id": "466277" }, { "contents": "Carla Ching\n\n\nhard on their kids?\" Why do people lie?\" \"Why are we so mean to people that we love?\" Ching claims the question need to make her angry enough that she can stick with that question for however many years it takes to complete the play, and that she hopes that during that time she answers the question for herself. \"Nomad Motel\" is about \"Motel Kids/Parachute Kids\" raising themselves and living on the poverty line. This drama is about 100 minutes long with a cast", "id": "7597613" }, { "contents": "Alfred Russel Wallace\n\n\nresulting litigation cost Wallace more than the amount of the wager, and the controversy frustrated him for years. In the early 1880s, Wallace was drawn into the debate over mandatory smallpox vaccination. Wallace originally saw the issue as a matter of personal liberty; but, after studying some of the statistics provided by anti-vaccination activists, he began to question the efficacy of vaccination. At the time, the germ theory of disease was very new and far from universally accepted. Moreover, no one knew enough about the human immune", "id": "1420232" }, { "contents": "Judith Wilyman\n\n\nJune 2016 \"The Australian\" reported that Wilyman was an audience member at a vaccination forum run by the Telethon Kids Research Institute in Perth. Anti-vaccination activists at the event accused the forum members of lying, and heckled, interjected and continuously interrupted the speakers, forcing the event to close early. Wilyman wrote an open letter to Paul Wellings, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Wollongong asking the university to correct alleged inaccuracies in the Wikipedia article about her research, asserting that criticism of her thesis in the media and", "id": "16501088" }, { "contents": "Non-specific effect of vaccines\n\n\nmechanism may explain why DTP could have negative effects. It would, however, not explain effects occurring shortly after vaccination, as for instance the rapidly occurring beneficial effects of BCG vaccine, as the heterologous effect would only be expected to be present after some weeks, as the adaptive immune response need time to develop. Also, it is difficult to explain why the effect would vanish once a child receives a new vaccine. The concept that not only plants and insects, but also humans have innate immune memory may provide new clues", "id": "18793589" }, { "contents": "2012 Republican Party presidential debates and forums\n\n\nfifth Republican debate was held at Florida State Fair Grounds in Tampa, Florida, sponsored by CNN and Tea Party Express. It was moderated by Wolf Blitzer, and was notable for being the first Tea Party debate in history. Rick Perry was booed by the audience for defending his use of an executive order to mandate young girls have the HPV vaccine, which he defended by saying, \"I will always err on the side of life\". The debate also engendered controversy when Blitzer asked Ron Paul a hypothetical question about a", "id": "15899676" }, { "contents": "Serial passage\n\n\nwas something special about oxygen and this was why he was able to attenuate (create a less virulent version of) the virus. Pasteur also tried to apply this method to create a vaccine for anthrax, although with less success. Next, Pasteur wanted to apply this method to create a vaccine for rabies. However, unknown to him, rabies is a virus, and so unlike cholera and anthrax, which are bacterial pathogens, rabies is invisible and thus Pasteur found that it could not be cultured in the same way that", "id": "13645961" }, { "contents": "Your Baby's Best Shot\n\n\n\"Your Baby's Best Shot: Why Vaccines are Safe and Save Lives\" is a 2012 pro-vaccine book, published by Rowman and Littlefield, and written by E. Allison Hagood, a psychology professor, and Stacy Mintzer Herlihy, a freelance writer from Roseland, New Jersey. The foreword was written by Paul Offit. The book's introduction states: \"I hope that anyone reading this book will read it and gain an understanding why vaccines are so vitally important to the health and well being of all of us.", "id": "6919638" }, { "contents": "Vaccine\n\n\npertussis organism.\" Another list of established vaccine abbreviations is at the CDC's page called \"Vaccine Acronyms and Abbreviations\", with abbreviations used on U.S. immunization records. The United States Adopted Name system has some conventions for the word order of vaccine names, placing head nouns first and adjectives postpositively. This is why the USAN for \"OPV\" is \"poliovirus vaccine live oral\" rather than \"oral poliovirus vaccine\". The immune system recognizes vaccine agents as foreign, destroys them, and \"remembers\" them. When", "id": "14313868" }, { "contents": "Live attenuated influenza vaccine\n\n\nchildren under six it is given to. It was believed to prevent about 50% more cases of flu than the flu shot in younger children. In those less than 2 years old evidence the evidence was however unclear. Why there appears to be a decrease in effectiveness is unknown. However, in February 2018, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) reinstated the use of LAIV for the 2018-2019 flu season. The inactivated and recombinant influenza vaccines are no longer preferred by ACIP over LAIV. The use", "id": "2340430" }, { "contents": "Melanie's Marvelous Measles\n\n\noffer from both sides of the vaccination debate\". Eventually, due to pressure from customers, Bookworld decided to pull \"Melanie's Marvelous Measles\". A spokesman told \"In this case we listened to our customers and believe they have a fair argument and have removed the titles from both pages\". Stephanie Messenger was asked for comment about the book being pulled off shelves in Australia — \"I don't care\", she said. \"The book's written for non-vaccinating families. I didn't", "id": "9414009" }, { "contents": "Richard Fort (Conservative politician)\n\n\nFire, Fort was picked to chair it. In 1958 he took up the issue of the Salk vaccine against Poliomyelitis, which he had debated in the Medical Research Council. He defended the MRC decision to allow the vaccine, and pressed for more vaccine to be made available for use. In June 1958 he abstained on a three-line whip after a debate on the cotton industry, failing to support Government policy, along with six other MPs representing affected constituencies. From 1957 he was Chairman of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee", "id": "1587248" }, { "contents": "Vaccine-naive\n\n\nVaccine-naive is a lack of immunity, or immunologic memory, to a disease because the person has not been vaccinated. There are a variety of reasons why a person may not have received a vaccination including contraindications due to preexisting medical conditions, lack of resources, previous vaccination failure, religious beliefs, personal beliefs, fear of side-effects, phobias to needles, lack of information, vaccine shortages, physician knowledge and beliefs,social pressure and natural resistance. Communicable diseases, such as measles and influenza, are more", "id": "13921976" }, { "contents": "Vaccine adverse event\n\n\nMMR) causing anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. Allegations particularly focus on disorders claimed to be caused by the MMR vaccine and thiomersal, a preservative used in vaccines routinely given to U.S. infants prior to 2001. Current scientific evidence does not support claims of vaccines causing the various disorders cited in the claims. The debate is complicated by misconceptions around the recording and reporting of adverse events by anti-vaccination activists. The oral polio vaccine (OPV) is unusual in that it contains a live attenuated virus that can be excreted leading", "id": "8564334" }, { "contents": "Ivan Pernar (politician, born 1985)\n\n\naffairs surrounding Ivo Sanader and the arbitration of Tomislav Karamarko. On January 9, 2017, Pernar wrote a Facebook status claiming that pharmaceutical companies make poisoned vaccines which \"mark people like livestock\". Furthermore, he asked his followers why \"such small needles leave such big marks\" and why \"vaccined children develop autism\". Such claims drew criticism from the local media ranging from calling Pernar a conspiracy theorist, to referring to the MMR vaccine controversy case in order to dismiss his claims. Croatian Ombudsman for Children Ivana Milas-", "id": "20114479" }, { "contents": "Vaccine hesitancy\n\n\n113 cases of paralytic polio and another five deaths. It was one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history. Later 20th-century events included the 1982 broadcast of \"DPT: Vaccine Roulette\", which sparked debate over the DPT vaccine, and the 1998 publication of a fraudulent academic article by Andrew Wakefield which sparked the MMR vaccine controversy. Also recently, the HPV vaccine has become controversial due to concerns that it may encourage promiscuity when given to 11- and 12-year-old girls. Arguments against vaccines in the 21st century", "id": "17332058" }, { "contents": "Vaccination policy\n\n\nschools show proof of vaccination. In addition, in 1855 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had established its own statewide vaccination requirements for all students entering school, this influenced other states to implement similar statewide vaccination laws in schools as seen in New York in 1862, Connecticut in 1872, Pennsylvania in 1895, and later the Midwest, South and Western US. By 1963, 20 states had school vaccination laws. These vaccination laws resulted in political debates throughout the United States. An example of this political controversy occurred in 1893 in Chicago,", "id": "5063345" }, { "contents": "Intensive animal farming\n\n\n, why is there so much bird flu? There is bad vaccine that stops the disease in the bird but the bird goes on pooping out virus and maintaining it and changing it. And I think this is what is going on in China. It has to be. Either there is not enough vaccine being used or there is substandard vaccine being used. Probably both. It's not just China. We can't blame China for substandard vaccines. I think there are substandard vaccines for influenza in poultry all over the world", "id": "2332087" }, { "contents": "Kids for Kids\n\n\nother initiatives are helping — but there is urgent need to help more children who are living in extreme poverty. I have photographs of children whose hair has turned preternaturally blonde because of lack of protein. If that is the outward sign, what about bones, teeth and even brain cells? Kids for Kids needs help now if we are to help children before it is too late.\" Kids for Kids has been mentioned with approval in debates in the House of Lords and other notable supporters include Ruth Rendell, Alastair Stewart,", "id": "16730837" }, { "contents": "Gayby Baby\n\n\nthe same-sex marriage debate in the Australian media, \"no one was actually talking to any kids\". She chose to address the topic of LGBT parenting from an observational perspective without entering the political debate around the issue, so that the film \"addresses people's questions about that, but in a very non-political way because we're just watching this kid's life\". Newell also intended for the film to be an educational resource for teachers, so that they would be better equipped to answer children's", "id": "1101154" }, { "contents": "Caries vaccine\n\n\nA caries vaccine is a vaccine to prevent and protect against tooth decay. \"Streptococcus mutans\" (\"S. mutans\") has been identified as the major etiological agent of human dental caries. The development of a vaccine for tooth decay has been under investigation for more than 30 years. In 1972, a caries vaccine was said to be in animal testing in England, and that it would have begun human testing soon. Intrinsic difficulties in developing it, coupled with lack of strong economic interests, are the reasons why no", "id": "4763001" }, { "contents": "Feline vaccination\n\n\nanimal. Just like kids, after vaccinations cats may experience mild and short-lived reactions such as poor appetite, lethargy, and fever. Any symptoms that persist for more than a day or two should be discussed with a veterinarian. Sometimes, for injected vaccines, a small, non-painful lump may form at the site where the vaccine was injected which usually disappears within four weeks. The WSAVA defines adverse events as: \"any side effects or unintended consequences (including lack of protection) associated with the administration of", "id": "14114849" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Hillary Clinton\n\n\nin saving lives and pointing out the dangers of not vaccinating our children.\" Clinton has criticized Republicans who have called vaccine science into question, writing, \"The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect all our kids.\" On a candidates' questionnaire in 2008, when asked whether \"vaccines should be investigated as a possible cause of autism?,\" Clinton wrote: \"I am committed to make investments to find the causes of autism, including possible environmental causes like vaccines", "id": "7977350" }, { "contents": "The Drug in Me Is You\n\n\nletters and the reasons why they loved my band and why they listened to it. And I wrote about that, but in different ways. I don’t know why these kids love the tragedies that I write about. I guess they can relate to it.\" Also on the writing process, Radke said that his lyrics were much more evolved than his past works and that he felt this was a high-point for the post-hardcore genre, owing success to being incarcerated and writing lyrics for two years with no", "id": "5434656" }, { "contents": "Falling in Reverse\n\n\n] what people would want to hear. I would dissect my old album and read all the fan letters and the reasons why they loved my band and why they listened to it. And I wrote about that, but in different ways. I don't know why these kids love the tragedies that I write about. I guess they can relate to it.\" To promote the album, the band announced the dates for its first live performances, which took place at the end of July following the album's release at", "id": "5865625" }, { "contents": "Postvaccinal encephalitis\n\n\nBern strain to 1.2 deaths per one million vaccinations with the NYCBH strain. PVE incidence also depended on the age of the vaccinated person. That is why in the US children up to one year of age and in Europe children up to three years of age were excluded from vaccination. Complications with the central neural system after smallpox vaccination were observed for the first time right after the vaccination begun. The first diagnosed case of PVE was in 1905. In times of the smallpox eradication campaign, when PVE was a serious problem,", "id": "9080403" }, { "contents": "Fujian flu\n\n\nand to humans. But if they have been using vaccines now [in China] for several years, why is there so much bird flu? There is bad vaccine that stops the disease in the bird but the bird goes on pooping out virus and maintaining it and changing it. And I think this is what is going on in China. It has to be. Either there is not enough vaccine being used or there is substandard vaccine being used. Probably both. It’s not just China. We can’t blame", "id": "16346944" }, { "contents": "Kent Holtorf\n\n\nFDA oversight. Holtorf has also taken an unpopular stance that children are over vaccinated and that vaccines may be associated with autism. Televised appearances and interviews have put Holtorf's views front and center and invited criticism and debate. Among them, his 2009 appearance on \"Fox News\" in regards to the H1N1 vaccine, in which Holtorf plainly states he \"definitely would not\" administer the controversial vaccine to his own children, is one of the most highly deliberated. Holtorf likewise links high levels of vaccine adjuncts, such as mercury", "id": "1301806" }, { "contents": "Murray Waas\n\n\nhealthcare issues, the cervical cancer vaccine.\" Among the questions that he raised with Halloran are: \"Why isn't that vaccine going to get to the people it should get to? Is it going to be locked away?\" Asked during the same interview by Halloran why Waas had chosen not only not to appear on cable television shows, but had also been known to decline to go on such shows as \"Nightline\" and \"Meet the Press\", he responded: \"There's not much of it that", "id": "3078312" }, { "contents": "Kid Cudi\n\n\non December 26, 2011, Cudi commented on his thoughts about inspiring the young kid. \"I am so sad about Ben Breedlove,\" Kid Cudi wrote on his Tumblr blog. \"I watched the video he left for the world to see, and him seeing me in detail, in his vision really warmed my heart. I broke down, I am to tears because I hate how life is so unfair. This has really touched my heart in a way I cant describe, this is why I do what", "id": "13738698" }, { "contents": "Why Have Kids?\n\n\nWhy Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness is a 2012 book by feminist writer Jessica Valenti. Already the author of four books, Valenti wrote the book during her first year of motherhood, after giving birth to her first child via C-section three months before her due date. The book discusses motherhood from Valenti's third-wave feminist perspective, diving into gender roles and increased individualism in parenting. The book was called \"a politicized, anti-What to Expect When You're", "id": "22004106" }, { "contents": "Burned house horizon\n\n\ngeographically and temporally. There is still a discussion in the study of Neolithic and Eneolithic Europe whether the majority of burned houses were intentionally set alight or not. Although the reasons behind why house burning was practiced are still debated, the evidence seems to support that it occurred in such a way as to indicate it was highly unlikely to have been as a result of accidental cause. If these regularly occurring burnings, in which the entire settlement is destroyed, were deliberate, then there has still been a debate about why this happened", "id": "1320186" }, { "contents": "Booster dose\n\n\nbetween the primary vaccine and the booster dose. It is not yet fully clear why some vaccines such as hepatitis A and B are effective for life, and some such as tetanus need boosters. The prevailing theory is that if the immune system responds to a primary vaccine rapidly, the body does not have time to sufficiently develop immunological memory against the disease, and memory cells will not persist in high numbers for the lifetime of the human. After a primary response of the immune system against a vaccination, memory T helper cells", "id": "2313736" }, { "contents": "Agricultural policy\n\n\nmay be the way the pathogenicity of H5N1 viruses is masked by co-circulating influenza viruses or bad agricultural vaccines.\" Dr. Robert Webster explains: \"If you use a good vaccine you can prevent the transmission within poultry and to humans. But if they have been using vaccines now [in China] for several years, why is there so much bird flu? There is bad vaccine that stops the disease in the bird but the bird goes on pooping out virus and maintaining it and changing it. And I think this", "id": "7793375" }, { "contents": "Bart Allen\n\n\npast appears before Vibe's eyes, and he is shown to be a criminal from Earth's future. Kid Flash says he has no recollection of his past, nor why he has been sent back in time. The pair find the spot where he first arrived from Earth's future, which Kid Flash had been dreaming about for some time, but Bart flees the scene because he distrusts the JLA. In \"The Flash\" #21, Kid Flash meets the Flash (Barry Allen). Barry learns Kid Flash is", "id": "9340730" }, { "contents": "HPV vaccine\n\n\nproviders are encouraged to report exposure to vaccines to the appropriate HPV vaccine pregnancy registry. The HPV vaccines are based on hollow virus-like particles (VLPs) assembled from recombinant HPV coat proteins. The virus possesses circular double stranded DNA and a viral shell that is composed of 72 capsomeres. Every subunit of the virus is composed of two proteins molecules, L1 and L2. The reason why this virus has the capability to affect the skin and the mucous layers is due to its structure. The primary structures expressed in these areas", "id": "13413015" }, { "contents": "Social effects of H5N1\n\n\nspread. The spread of H5N1 and its likely reintroduction to domestic poultry increase the need for good agricultural vaccines. In fact, the root cause of the continuing H5N1 pandemic threat may be the way the pathogenicity of H5N1 viruses is masked by cocirculating influenza viruses or bad agricultural vaccines.\" Dr. Robert Webster explains: \"If you use a good vaccine you can prevent the transmission within poultry and to humans. But if they have been using vaccines now [in China] for several years, why is there so much bird flu", "id": "17028036" }, { "contents": "Luca Antonini (jurist)\n\n\nthe recognition of more forms of autonomy. He also represented Veneto Region in front the Constitutional Court in trying to overturn Italy's legislation on compulsory vaccination for children, embracing the stances of the Italian no-vaccine movement. On 22 June 2018 he reaffirmed his anti-vaccines beliefs in a message on Twitter, where he wondered on Twitter why the tetanus vaccine would need to be compulsory if tetanus itself is non-contagious. On 19 July 2018 Antonini was elected by the Parliament as the judge of the Constitutional Court of Italy", "id": "2511210" }, { "contents": "Australian Vaccination-risks Network\n\n\nresults of the campaign showed there were just 89 adverse reactions, and that the campaign resulted in a large increase of measles and rubella immunity levels. At a Perth anti-vaccination seminar on 1 June 2010, Dorey was critical of the government's introduction of the measles vaccine to Australia in 1970, saying \"We introduced a vaccine for a disease which was killing almost nobody and one has to ask, why?\" Mortality data shows that during the decade 1966 to 1975, there were 146 certified deaths from measles in Australia", "id": "5812283" }, { "contents": "Duke University Human Vaccine Institute\n\n\nand the study of the correlates of immunity is a critical opportunity for the field to understand why this trial worked, in order to make future vaccines perform better. Over the next 7 years (beginning in 2012), the Duke CHAVI-ID will build on the progress that was made by the CHAVI consortium and apply state-of-the-art technologies and both immunologic and virologic tools to improve rational HIV-1 vaccine design. The vaccine strategy of the Duke CHAVI-ID is based on identifying and targeting novel HIV-1 vulnerabilities", "id": "944718" }, { "contents": "Australian Vaccination-risks Network\n\n\nmany untested variables and that it was irresponsible to keep combining vaccines without knowing the effects. In 2006, Meryl Dorey continued the attack on combined vaccines, claiming it was un-natural, as \"It is a fact that [humans] will only ever contract one disease at a time.\" According to the British Medical Journal combined vaccines have actually shown reduced side effects, and it is quite common for humans to suffer simultaneously from several infections. In support of AVN's activism, social scientist Brian Martin wrote \"Debating", "id": "5812273" }, { "contents": "Australian Vaccination-risks Network\n\n\nvaccination\" in 2011. In a media release the University of Wollongong stated vaccination \"should be freely debated\" and that the 20,000-word paper was \"intended to assist readers - especially members of the AVN itself\", in ways to respond to criticism and better understand scientific controversy. Martin is a former member of the AVN. In December 1996, AVN presented Federal Health Minister Michael Wooldridge with reports on 150 cases of children claimed to have been injured by vaccines that dated back to 1991; Dorey claimed that the collection of previously", "id": "5812274" }, { "contents": "School of Resentment\n\n\nconsider why Bloom is so reluctant, in general, to argue or debate his positions, or why when he does he should use blatantly circular or tautologous arguments... Despite the fact that he thinks Alice Walker's novel Meridian worthless, he states that he is ‘not prepared to dispute admirers’ of it (WC 30). Again, ‘I see no reason for arguing with anyone about literary preferences’ (WC 518). Why not, since his entire book is about literary preferences? When Bloom appears to be", "id": "14178724" }, { "contents": "Marine life\n\n\nmember of the lobopods, a group which includes the ancestors of the arthropods, and that it may have been closely related to the modern tardigrades. Nevertheless, there is still much debate about whether the Cambrian explosion was really explosive and, if so, how and why it happened and why it appears unique in the history of animals. Arthropods total about 1,113,000 described extant species, molluscs about 85,000 and chordates about 52,000. Sponges are animals of the phylum Porifera (Modern Latin for \"bearing pores\"). They are multicellular", "id": "2724455" }, { "contents": "Oxymoron (album)\n\n\nalbum is that I'm doing all this bad to do good for my daughter. That's why I'm robbin'. That's why I'm stealin'...Whatever it is that I'm talking about in my album [that's] negative, it's always for a good cause, for my daughter.\" That is why he chose to feature his daughter Joy, on the standard edition of the album cover. That month, Schoolboy Q revealed to DJ Whoo Kid that \"Oxymoron\" being the representation of the", "id": "18165235" }, { "contents": "Alfred Russel Wallace\n\n\nsystem to understand why vaccination worked. When Wallace did some research, he discovered instances where supporters of vaccination had used questionable, in a few cases completely phony, statistics to support their arguments. Always suspicious of authority, Wallace suspected that physicians had a vested interest in promoting vaccination, and became convinced that reductions in the incidence of smallpox that had been attributed to vaccination were, in fact, due to better hygiene and improvements in public sanitation. Another factor in Wallace's thinking was his belief that, because of the action", "id": "1420233" }, { "contents": "Interleukin 28\n\n\nincreased cytotoxic potential in CD8+ T cells. Addition of IL-28 to vaccination results in 100% protection from a lethal H1N1 Influenza challenge in a small animal model when it was paired with an Influenza vaccine that protected only 50% of the time without IL-28. Studies of IL-28B in non-human primate models of vaccination confirmed the small animal models, leading to an increase in Interferon Gamma production and CD8+ T cell activity in the form of cytotoxicity in an HIV vaccine study. Scientists have credited this link to explain why some", "id": "14330266" }, { "contents": "Social history of viruses\n\n\nJapan abolished mandatory vaccination in 1992, and in 1995–1997 more than 200,000 cases were reported in the country. Measles remains a public health problem in Japan, where it is now endemic; a National Measles Elimination Plan was established in December 2007, with a view to eliminating the disease from the country. The possibility of global elimination of measles has been debated in medical literature since the introduction of the vaccine in the 1960s. Should the current campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis be successful, it is likely that the debate will be renewed.", "id": "12067166" }, { "contents": "Health in the United States\n\n\n, Connecticut in 1872, Pennsylvania in 1895, and later the Midwest, South and Western US. By 1963, 20 states had school vaccination laws. These school vaccination resulted in political debates throughout the United States. An example of this political controversy occurred in 1893 in Chicago, where less than 10 percent of the children were vaccinated despite the twelve year old state law. Resistance was seen at the local level of the school district as some local school boards and superintendents opposed the state vaccination laws, leading the state board health", "id": "4211681" }, { "contents": "Australian Vaccination-risks Network\n\n\nhighly effective in the UK. During an online debate covering meningococcal vaccination in 2005, Australian infectious disease specialist Peter McIntyre warned parents \"not to be fooled by the limited and biased information from [the] AVN website.\" The rate of invasive meningococcal disease in Australia fell by more than 60% between 2002 (when vaccination commenced) and 2009, after doubling during the previous decade. Mortality data from the UK shows that meningococcal deaths decreased from 67 to 5 in the two years following implementation of the vaccine. The NSW", "id": "5812286" }, { "contents": "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Canadian procurement\n\n\nwas attacked by all opposition leaders and defended by Stephen Harper. In the debate Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff explained his reasoning for the election, which included the F-35. He said, \"I think I explained why we're having an election, which is that we asked for the truth about his jets, jails and corporate tax breaks, and (Harper) didn't tell the House of Commons the truth so he was found in contempt. That's why we're having an election.\" In remarks made after the debate", "id": "19831600" }, { "contents": "Wonderful (Everclear song)\n\n\nkids. The two kids the video is about are split into two people, with each one going a different directions assumingly toward each divorced parent. The kids leave school with a smile. CD single The song has been featured in several TV series, including the \"Scrubs\" episode \"My Fifteen Minutes\", the \"Cold Case\" episode \"Dog Day Afternoons\", the \"Jericho\" episode \"Why We Fight\", the \"Daria\" episode \"Sappy Anniversary\", and the episode \"Wonderful\" from", "id": "6572117" }, { "contents": "PBS Kids Preschool Block\n\n\nepisodes of \"Curious George\". Season 6 started on September 6, 2010. \"The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That\" premiered on this date, while \"Sid the Science Kid\" vanished from the block all together. On October 7, 2013, \"Peg + Cat\" premiered, taking \"Super Why\"'s timeslot from the schedule. The PBS Kids brand was refreshed at this time, and the block was discontinued. Interstitials featuring Miss Rosa and SteveSongs, and other musical spots still air", "id": "922047" }, { "contents": "Michele Bachmann 2012 presidential campaign\n\n\ndepiction of her, saying its other photos of Bachmann showed similar intensity. Bachmann attacked Rick Perry's record as governor of Texas in a televised debate, saying he trampled parental rights by vaccinating all teenage girls statewide with the human papillomavirus vaccine. She cited a friend, whose daughter suffered health problems after taking the vaccine, as saying the vaccine caused mental retardation. The American Academy of Pediatrics denied it by saying that there is \"absolutely no scientific validity\" to Bachmann's assertion. Bachmann has been the subject of criticism by", "id": "17238136" }, { "contents": "Universal Immunization Programme\n\n\nreducing child mortality by two-thirds by 2015, besides meeting meet global polio eradication targets. An adult vaccine against Japanese encephalitis will also be introduced in districts with high levels of the disease. The recommendations to introduce these new vaccines have been made after numerous scientific studies and comprehensive deliberations by the National Technical Advisory Group of India (NTAGI), the country’s apex scientific advisory body on immunization. Vaccine benefits are debated with some urging caution in the choice of vaccines introduced while expanding the immunization programme, despite overwhelming and widespread", "id": "21972015" }, { "contents": "Autism's False Prophets\n\n\nethical and legal concerns. The book also explores divisions within the autism community on the topic of vaccines, as some parents consider the ongoing narrow focus on vaccines a distraction from more scientifically promising avenues of research. In this vein, Offit interviews Kathleen Seidel, a mother of an autistic child who has published investigations critical of those who profit from promoting vaccine–autism claims. Offit also touches on the heated and bitter debate surrounding vaccine claims. He describes receiving death threats, hate mail, and threats against his children as a", "id": "5751706" }, { "contents": "Vaccine hesitancy\n\n\neducational intervention designed to dispel common misconceptions about the influenza vaccine decreased parents' false beliefs about the vaccines but did not improve uptake of the influenza vaccine. In fact, parents with significant concerns about adverse effects from the vaccine were less likely to vaccinate their children with the influenza vaccine after receiving this education. Multicomponent initiatives which include targeting undervaccinated populations, improving the convenience of and access to vaccines, educational initiatives, and mandates may improve vaccination uptake. It is recommended that healthcare providers advise parents against performing their own Google searches since", "id": "17332125" }, { "contents": "Robert Sears (physician)\n\n\n], at least 15 were not vaccinated.\" Lipson has also written that \"The anti-vaccine movement has been driven by lay people such as Jenny McCarthy, and disgraced doctors such as Andrew Wakefield, the author of the fraudulent autism-vaccine paper. He's no longer permitted to practice medicine. But there have been a few actual licensed medical voices over the last several years fighting to keep our kids sick\" and said that such doctors should also lose their licenses. As examples of such doctors, Lipson named", "id": "21895466" }, { "contents": "Bad Little Kid\n\n\nexplained why he committed this brutal act. Now he feels like talking about what he calls “the bad little kid”: a six- or seven-year-old boy with orange hair, green eyes, and a beanie, that made Hallas' life a living hell for years. Hallas’ mother died during childbirth, so he was raised by his father and the housekeeper, Mama Nonie. His first encounter with the \"Bad Little Kid\" was in 1977. Hallas was good friends with a slightly older and mentally", "id": "13742018" }, { "contents": "School of Life (2003 film)\n\n\nSchool of Life is a 7–minute short film released in 2003. Two kids debate about if they should go to school or not. One of the kids, Stanley, decides to go to school because they might learn something, which makes the other kid shrug and walk away. His teacher, Miss Given, hands out the answers to everything and the only problem is that he has to share his copy with a school bully named Garth. An Iofilm review says, \"This is neatly shot and well acted, but it", "id": "20553603" }, { "contents": "Horrible Histories (book series)\n\n\nfor life ... It's outrageous, why don't we start telling children the truth about history? I hope my books do just that.\" \"Horrible Histories\" are designed to engage and enthuse the reader about a subject while appearing subversive, primarily aiming to entertain with a background educative purpose. Deary views himself as a kid who wants to share facts with other kids, and as a writer who wishes to \"entertain first and inform second\". He does not respect authors who follow either extreme, that is,", "id": "65739" }, { "contents": "Carte Jaune\n\n\nsignature (\"signature du médecin\"). Immediately below this table is a form for medical contraindications to vaccinations (\"contre-indictation médicale à la vaccination\"). This form must include the reason why the person is medically contraindicated for a particular vaccine. Although the following are not required for entry to any country, they may be recommended dependent on destination, purpose of travel, duration of travel, or level of anticipated contact with locals. In addition to these, it is recommended that travellers receive medication for traveller", "id": "13943246" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Rand Paul\n\n\nis a connection. I said I heard of people who believe there is a connection. I do think that vaccines are a good idea. I've been vaccinated. My kids have been vaccinated.\" Paul, a medical doctor who practiced ophthalmology prior to seeking political office, opposes federal government involvement in healthcare. He has stated that he would repeal the HMO Act of 1973 that \"drives a wedge between the patient and his doctor\". He believes that government has driven up the cost of healthcare and causes the quality", "id": "2642204" }, { "contents": "CSL Limited\n\n\n's Award for Outstanding Equal Employment Opportunities Initiative for their Thinking Kids Children's Centre. In October 2014, Novartis announced its intention to sell its influenza vaccine business, including its development pipeline, to CSL for $275 million. CSL merged it into its BioCSL operation. In November 2015, BioCSL rebranded the combined business with Novartis Influenza Vaccines as \"Seqirus\" [Sek-eer-us] creating the world's second largest influenza vaccine company. The company's headquarters remain in Parkville, Victoria, an inner suburb of Melbourne", "id": "4946751" }, { "contents": "Seth Mnookin\n\n\nContent\". Mnookin has written for many newspapers and magazines, including \"GQ\", \"New York\" magazine, \"Wired\", \"The New Yorker\", The Washington Post, \"The New York Times\" and \"The Boston Globe\". On October 7, 2012, Mnookin wrote an article of childhood vaccination entitled \"Why So Many Parents Are Delaying or Skipping Vaccines\" for the online portion of \"Parade\" magazine describing the reasoning of parents who either delay or skip their children's recommended vaccinations and", "id": "6997642" }, { "contents": "Philanthropy Kids\n\n\n2013, Philanthropy Kids acquired PAVE, an organization that holds courses that teach kids what philanthropy is, why it's important, and how the participants can be philanthropists. PAVE originally stood for Philanthropy in Volunteerism in Education because all the courses were held as embedded learning initiatives in class during the school day. Teachers would dedicate a few hours per week for the PAVE facilitators to teach the classes about philanthropy and non-profit organizations. The program was later renamed Philanthropy and Volunteerism in Entrepreneurship as the topic of social entrepreneurship was integrated", "id": "9436476" }, { "contents": "Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail\n\n\n\"The Daily Telegraph\", \"his family's illegal hut was demolished by the local authorities and he now sleeps under a sheet of plastic tarpaulin\". His casting in \"Slumdog Millionaire\" proved controversial with the producers admitting they debated whether to use real slum kids in the film fearing it would distort their lives too much. Director Danny Boyle justified the casting saying: \"These people have so much prejudice against them, why should we be prejudiced against them as well?\" Critics have claimed Azharuddin and his co-", "id": "18434069" }, { "contents": "The Vaccines\n\n\nit and it's quite exciting.\" On 1 April 2012, The Quietus reported that The Vaccines would be releasing a split 7\" single with R. Stevie Moore through O Genesis Records in aid of Record Store Day, with The Vaccines covering Moore's \"Why Should I Love You?\" and Moore tackling \"Post Break-Up Sex\". In July 2012, during another summer of playing festivals, the band released two free EPs—one is a live EP recorded in Brighton, UK, while the other is", "id": "17026200" }, { "contents": "Rabies in Haiti\n\n\n), which can be seen in experiences elsewhere. This is why a comprehensive evaluation of Haiti's rabies program should heavily consider the costs and benefits of this separation of responsibilities between the two ministries early on. Despite a planned mass vaccination for dogs in 2013, no campaign was actually conducted. Authorities in Haiti relied on funds donated by the World Bank for the purchase of approximately 500,000 doses of inactivated, injectable vaccine (IMRAB by Merial). Although the funds were awarded in April 2013, the vaccine itself did not arrive", "id": "5020741" }, { "contents": "Cowpox\n\n\nfocused on science behind why the cowpox allowed persons to not be infected by smallpox. The honour of the discovery of the vaccination is often attributed to Benjamin Jesty, but he was no scientist and did not repeat or publish his findings. He is considered to be the first to use cowpox as a vaccination, though the term vaccination was not invented yet. During the midst of the smallpox outbreak, Jesty transferred pieces of cow udder which he knew had been infected with cowpox into the skin of his family members in the hopes", "id": "6233405" }, { "contents": "Little League World Series on television\n\n\nand money, but that is why Plaschke blames the League the most for this. The pressures of these kids mirror those of a major league baseball team on any given day. On most days these kids are playing in front of crowds of 45,000 people who are hanging onto their every pitch. This is more fans than some major league teams can only dream about having in their own stadiums. Most of the star pitchers are throwing about 200 pitches on short rest which is something that you will never even see anymore in the", "id": "3586702" }, { "contents": "Barry Bloom\n\n\nfor Disease Control and Prevention, and the national advisory board of the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health, as well as the governing board of the Institute of Medicine. Bloom was the founding chair of the board of trustees for the International Vaccine Institute in South Korea, which is devoted to promoting vaccine development for children in the developing world. He has chaired the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, better known as UNAIDS, where he played a critical role in the debate", "id": "11518751" }, { "contents": "Loretta Sanchez\n\n\nstaunchly opposed the Republicans' Head Start program overhaul in the 108th Congress, invoking her experience growing up poor and challenged by a speech impediment. During debate on the bill, she said: I know about these kids, because I am one of those kids ... It hurts to hear you talk about how we are not successful, or how we are losers. But we are very successful. We have had a lot of successes with Head Start. Sanchez has asserted that conservative Republicans are not committed to improving public education.", "id": "20868478" }, { "contents": "Melanie's Marvelous Measles\n\n\ncase of measles encephalitis and it's not pretty. There's nothing awesome about it at all\". Quite a few of the reviews contain statistics of illnesses in recent years. Sears states that it is very easy to catch measles: \"Before the vaccine that eradicated the disease from this country by 2000, 'hundreds of thousands of kids got measles every year'... The CDC claims that, if exposed, 90% of unvaccinated people who come in contact with an infected person will get the disease. 'And for", "id": "9413994" }, { "contents": "Cowpox\n\n\n. This makes cowpox one of the most complicated viruses known. Some 100 of these genes give instructions for key parts of the human immune system, giving a clue as to why the closely related smallpox is so lethal. The vaccinia virus now used for smallpox vaccination is sufficiently different from the cowpox virus found in the wild as to be considered a separate virus. While the vaccination's popularity increased exponentially, so did its monetary value. This was realized by the British Parliament, which compensated Jenner 10,000 pounds for the vaccination.", "id": "6233410" }, { "contents": "Joe Biden 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\nwould be redeployed. He instructed those who used that rhetoric to \"Tell the truth for a change.\" When he discussed education Biden declared that he \"would scrap\" the No Child Left Behind Act. He concluded his participation in the debate after being asked to say something he didn't like about the candidate to his left, Dennis Kucinich. Biden replied, \"I don't like a damn thing about him ... only kidding.\" The next month Biden was not able to participate in two debates, the August", "id": "18990886" }, { "contents": "Vaccine Revolt\n\n\napplied to the “intimate parts” of the body (or at least that women would have to undress in order to be vaccinated), stirring further outrage among the conservative underclasses and helping to precipitate the rebellion that followed. Many intellectual contingents within Brazilian society opposed the law as well, including the Positivist Church, medical associations, and much of the National Congress. Although most of these objections stemmed from the practice's perceived infringements upon individual rights, vaccination was still considered a valid subject of debate among the global scientific community", "id": "12015690" }, { "contents": "Frederik Christian Winsløw\n\n\nhe was active in the debate on vaccinations. In 1801 he made the first successful Cowpox vaccinations in the country, using lymph acquired directly from Edward Jenner. He was later an active member of the Vaccination Commission. During the siege and bombardment of Copenhagen, Winsløw was responsible for organizing the lazarets and personally acted as head surgeon at one of them. He was appointed as court surgeon in 1801. He became a member of the new sundhedskollegium as well as of the Royal Medical Society in 1803. Winsløw never married. His", "id": "20878196" }, { "contents": "Robert Sears (physician)\n\n\nantivaccine messages\" in the book. Sears has been criticized by David Gorski, who wrote that Sears is anti-vaccine, and by Emily Willingham, who has dismissed \"The Vaccine Book\" as \"non-evidence-based.\" Steven Novella criticized the book's attempt to tell both sides of, and assume a moderate position in, the vaccine debate as like \"trying to compromise between mutually exclusive positions, like young-earth creationism and evolution\". Pediatrician Rahul Parikh has said Sears is someone whose \"understanding", "id": "21895463" }, { "contents": "Michele Bachmann\n\n\nhas been linked to cervical cancer as well as genital and oral cancers in people of any gender. Because the vaccine is effective only if given before the onset of sexual activity and subsequent exposure to the virus, medical groups recommend the three dose vaccine be given to 11- and 12-year-olds. Bachmann, during the debate and in interviews following the event, accused Perry of \"crony capitalism\" (because Perry's former chief of staff was chief lobbyist for a drug company manufacturing the vaccine), and claimed that the HPV", "id": "3522538" }, { "contents": "Australian Vaccination-risks Network\n\n\nvaccine continued during two Channel 7 \"Sunday Night\" television programs, where Dorey made the claim that \"no-one ever dies of Whooping Cough\". During the debates, the facts surrounding the death of Dana McCaffery from whooping cough were disputed by Dorey and other AVN members, and it was alleged that the infant's parents had received hatemail from AVN supporters for their public pro-vaccination stance following the death of their daughter. The filming of this program was the catalyst for the formation of the \"Stop the AVN", "id": "5812290" }, { "contents": "History of pseudoscience\n\n\nproduction \"\" (2007). The pseudoscientific idea that vaccines cause autism originated in the 1990s, but became prominent in the media during the first decade of the 21st century. Despite a broad scientific consensus against the idea that there is a link between vaccination and autism, several celebrities have joined the debate. Most notable of these is Jenny McCarthy, whose son has autism. In February 2009, surgeon Andrew Wakefield, who published the original research supposedly indicating a link between vaccines and autism, was reported to have fixed the", "id": "9103617" }, { "contents": "Michael Connolly (Canadian politician)\n\n\nAlberta\". Connolly was at the forefront of the debate on Bill 24, \"An Act to support Gay-Straight Alliances\", which he also co-sponsored. During the debate, Connolly drew on his own past to drum up support for the bill and lambasted Jason Kenney and the United Conservative Party when they declared they were going to vote against the Bill. During debate, Connolly stated, \"When we have politicians spewing their hateful, bigoted ideology about LGBTQ+ kids, it only makes matters worse for our youth", "id": "19967801" }, { "contents": "Alister McGrath\n\n\nand Humanity: Should We Rid the Mind of God?' In November 2007 later that year, he debated Susan Blackmore on the existence of God. McGrath has debated David Helfand at the Veritas Forum on whether belief in God is a delusion. In 2011, he debated Stephen Law on the topic 'Why Won't God Go Away?' He was interviewed by Richard Dawkins about his book \"\" and faith in general for the television documentary \"The Root of All Evil?\" McGrath's interview was not included in", "id": "6395844" }, { "contents": "Danny Phantom\n\n\naround kids in elementary school, kids in preschool, but not a lot centered around a high school, and I think a lot of kids in their teenage years, when they first encountered \"Danny Phantom\", really responded to it really well, because Danny was going through the same things that they were going through: dealing with girls, dealing with boys, the high school dance, bullies... I think that's really why \"Danny Phantom\" resonated with a lot of kids and why it still resonates with a", "id": "13588623" }, { "contents": "List of The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon characters\n\n\nHoward why he does not want kids, but Howard sets things straight when he tells Mike that it is actually Bernadette who does not want kids. In the room above, Bernadette overhears this and tries to drown out the conversation by yelling \"Earthquake!\" and drumming her feet on the floor, causing a dust avalanche on both of them. Bernadette had lied to her father about not wanting kids because she did not want to disappoint him. Mike says he does not want to see her miss out since raising children was", "id": "16391309" }, { "contents": "Lisa Bonet\n\n\nuntil October 2017. In July 2007, Bonet gave birth to her second child, her first daughter with Momoa. The couple had a son in December 2008. Bonet believes in anti-vaccine theories: \"[Vaccines] introduce alien microorganisms into our children's blood which could potentially have serious long-term effects\", she has said. Of vaccinating her children, she said, \"It's very scary and it's very serious, and I think because I felt wrong doing it, that's why I did", "id": "1387675" } ]
How can the President sign all these executive orders without approval? What's to stop them from making all their campaign promises and their party's agenda into executive orders?
[{"answer": "Executive orders can only impact very narrow areas. They are, by definition, orders issued by the chief of the executive branch of the federal government, and as such can only impact federal agencies directly under the control of the executive branch, or in areas where authority has been expressly delegated to the executive branch by Congress. The president cannot legislate by fiat, and such power remains vested in Congress."}, {"answer": "The President has always been able to sign executive orders and actually sign many less than they used to in the past (the record holder is Franklin D. Roosevelt at 3,522 executive orders. Here's the numbers (from Wikipedia) of the last few presidents: President | Executive Orders ---------|---------------- Richard Nixon | 346 | Gerald Ford | 169 | Jimmy Carter | 320 | Ronald Reagan | 381 | George H. W. Bush | 166 | Bill Clinton | 364 | George W. Bush | 291 | Barack Obama | 275 | Donald Trump (so far) | 2 | Executive orders however don't let you make law. They let you control and issue orders to things directly or indirectly assigned to the executive branch. According to Article II. Section1. of the U.S. Constitution: \"The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.\" This means he can order things to happen as long as it doesn't violate the laws that Congress has passed. You should read up more on this here: URL_1 If Congress doesn't like an executive order, they can pass a law overruling it and Congress's law will take priority. The president can veto the law however, so basically to overrule an Executive Order a 2/3 majority is needed in Congress to overrule the executive order. This is why the Republican controlled congress couldn't stop Obamacare from happening. Though a Republican president can simply reverse previous executive orders unilaterally. Specifically though, areas of foreign policy, national defense, or the implementation and negotiation of treaties are given specifically to the President in the U.S. Constitution and Congress has little ability to over-rule an executive order in these cases. Edit: Additionally, I should add, the courts also have the power to overrule an executive order if it's determined to be in violation of the Constitution, this has happened several times but it's relatively rare. URL_0 And you should also read our Constitution, every citizen should have at least read it once even if you don't fully understand it. It's the core of our country and it's not very long, only a couple pages, even if some parts are somewhat confusing. URL_2 "}, {"answer": "The legislative branch makes laws. The executive branch executes those laws. The judicial branch considers whether actions taken by the executive branch or laws written by the legislative branch are constitutional. In executing the laws, the executive branch has an interpretation and certain resources. For example, a law might be created to institute something like the FCC, whose head is nominated by the president and follows the president's orders. The president needs some way to tell the various departments and bureaus what to do, so he uses executive orders. There is nothing wrong with executive orders. You just need to understand what they do. All they do is to give instructions on how to handle cases requiring regulatory approval or oversight within the bounds of the responsibility of that department as assigned by congress. If they overstep the bounds, then the action can be challenged in court. If the dept. itself is unconstitutional (for example, congress creates a department of religious affairs to say what religions can and can't be practiced) then it will be challenged in court. An executive order is not unconstitutional until declared unconstitutional by the courts. Despite what conservatives would have you believe about Obama's executive orders. I don't necessarily agree with what Trump is doing, but he's well within the law on this."}, {"answer": "I'm a presidency scholar, so I can answer this pretty well. In inhibiting executive action, there are four really key things. The first is that the POTUS is not the Executive. By that I mean that the man signs the thing, but the institution must do any of the actions. If, for instance, Trump wakes up cranky and decides, by executive order, to have arrested on sight anyone who makes fun of him, many will simply not do it. Their reasons for disobedience will vary from moral to legal arguments, but many will not. It wasn't an order, rather a firing, but this scared Truman shitless when he wanted to fire MacArthur. Second, there is Congress. Congress can pass law contravening Executive orders, in which case the law takes precedent. Congress can also de-fund offices, projects, etc. that try to do the will of POTUS. So if, for instance, Trump decides we should not do trade deals, but congress signs laws mandating him to do so, we'd be headed in the direction of #3... Third, there is the Supreme Court. If someone sues POTUS for doing something wildly illegal (for instance, violating the fourth amendment by requiring us all to wear ID badges indicating citizenship status), SCOTUS would then decide the issue. Fourth is political expediency. In the past, presidents would have rather used orders sparingly; they really piss off Congress and have the nasty attribute of being tied to the man himself very, very directly. This may be lessened if, for instance, the POTUS has no idea what political capital is and is already willing to simply ignore congress. This, I think, is the most common but hardest to study insomuch that it is the non-event, the deed that gets done without order that matters here. More orders happen under divided government or when the party in power has no one single mind on an issue: executive orders are a desperate tool to try to get something done when the normal legislating process works. I am willing to make the scholarly argument that Obama had to use so many for the sole reason that the modern GOP would have filibustered everything Obama wanted, even if it was a proposal for a bill to have the floors waxed in the Senate to keep the building nice."}, {"answer": "The Constitution says that Congress gets to make laws and the executive branch, led by the President, enforces laws. The courts interpret laws, resolve disagreements, and determine punishment within the bounds of laws set by Congress. There is a fourth shadow branch of government that you don't learn about in school: administrative agencies. These are entities-- some famous, like the EPA, NASA, FTC, FCC, and dozens that you've never heard of-- that are created by Congress and told to do certain things. Usually (and this is grossly oversimplifying) Congress will say, \"we are creating this agency. Here is how agency heads are appointed. This agency needs to regulate X Policy Area (environment, communications, whatever) consistent with Y Vague Standards. They must pass rules and can bring actions against entities that violate rules.\" The rules made by agencies have to be enacted, usually, by procedures outlined in the Administrative Procedures Act, which is like a handbook for agency actions. The APA requires that a proposed rule be published, the public have a chance to comment, and then a final rule must be supported by a statement justifying why the rule is appropriate. Rules passed by agencies have the force and effect of law. Under these grants of authority, agencies actually pass WAY more rules than Congress. Here's where things get interesting: agencies, because they are carrying out laws (enforcing the law created by congress), they are under the executive branch's ultimate control. The President usually has some level of power to appoint and remove agency heads, the President wields political control over agencies, and the President sets the policy agenda. The President, through executive order, can direct an agency to make a rule on a certain topic as long as the rule generally falls within an agency's power. Similarly, the President can direct agencies to NOT enforce a given law! (Think, for example, the choice to not enforce the federal ban on marijuana, or President Obama's DAPA and DACA programs). Presidents since Reagan have seen agencies as extensions of their own policy agendas, and while SOME limits exist, the immense breadth of agencies and delegation of rule-makong authority to the executive branch means that the President has a lot of practical control over federal lawmaking and enforcement through executive action."}, {"answer": "Because he's their boss, the President can use executive orders to tell the people who work for him what to do or set their priorities. But he can't order around people who don't work for him."}, {"answer": "The president and his departments are the executive branch. He can do things within his powers and those decisions can be brought into check by other branches of the federal government. Media makes it seem as though presidents violate the constitution every time they make a decision. If they do happen to do something that violates the constitution then the judicial branch will have the opportunity to put the decision \"in check\". Moreover, if the president were to not only violate the constitution, but commit a high crime worthy of impeachment, the legislative branch will both impeach and prosecute him. The POUS is not even afforded the opportunity to turn into a 21st century Hitler. Bush, Obama, Trump, were and will be the focus of attention and scrutiny by the media, and how else do the American citizens stay in touch? We are force fed with fear and excessive dependence on the president. We are misled by an industry that profits off of drama, turmoil, and tragedy. And sadly, every POUS who signs an executive order, past, present, or future, will supply the media with hours of misleading, party dividing profits."}, {"answer": "An executive order is supposed to be a direction by the President stating how power already granted by law is to be used. While Obama did not issue as many executive orders as some of his predecessors, the fact remains that for six of his eight years, his party did not control Congress. This resulting in many of his initiatives being rooted in executive power. Unless the law that is the basis of his power is limited in some unidirectional fashion, the next president can simply issue executive orders rescinding those of his predecessor. For example, when Obama created two new national monuments and declared land protected from drilling, he invoked a 1953 allowing him to do so, but the same law does not allow the president to destroy a national monument or unprotect lands."}, {"answer": "Would like to point out President Trump has so far only signed one executive order. The rest have been presidential memoranda. President Obama did this as well. Problem is they don't count memo's like they do the EO's but they have the same power. It's why President Obama was hammered by Congress yet the history books don't show him issuing that many EO's."}, {"answer": "Obama really pushed the envelope with his executive orders. Especially on immigration. Even Saturday Night Live commented on it with this educational video: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "Congress passes a bill, the President signs it and it becomes law. However, the President ultimately decides how a law is implemented. Essentially these instructions to the employees of the Executive Branch are executive orders. Example: Obama signed an executive order about \"dreamers\". He essentially instructed prosecutors and immigration enforcement that they should not worry about undocumented people in this country that came here when they were young. He can't all of a sudden say they are now legal (that would be an immigration law congress would have to pass) but he can say he is not going to really worry about them. The issue becomes that the new administration (Trump) can come in and say he doesn't care what a person's past is. If they are undocumented they should be deported. Essentially reverse Obamas executive order with a new executive order. The original question was about fulfilling campaign promises so I will mention this since it is going to be in the news very soon. Trump is about to sign an executive order to start building the wall he promised. Yeah, he can do this but there is a limit. If he can't get funding from congress he is going to be very limited."}, {"answer": " URL_0 Trump just happened to make all of hsi promises based on what the president can actually do - enforce migration laws, block/renegotiate trade deals. The link I have given is partisan, but truthful to what he can do alone and what he needs congress in order to achieve."}, {"answer": "Where were you when Obama signed his 277 Executive Orders in the 8 years he was President? It's only terrible when it's done by a President you don't like."}, {"answer": "Planet Money podcast had a great episode on precisely this a few days ago. Fascinating listen."}, {"answer": "Awfully hard to feel bad for people who wanted the government to have virtually unlimited size and scope and then freak out when that power ended up in the hands of someone they don't like. The executive order has been used to direct ever-ballooning federal agencies for almost a century. Obama expressly said he would use the executive order to circumvent Congress, and the left didn't care. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, suddenly the left thinks the executive has too much power. These two parties are so broken."}, {"answer": "The easiest way to think of executive orders is like your boss giving out orders to people, whereas the board of directors (congress) can actually change the rules of the business. your boss might tell you to stop working on that project, or move to another one (start building the pipeline!) But your boss might later tell you that the board has told him that you cant work on that project at all. (new environmental law is passed) The president is the chief administrator or the executive branch of government, so he is the manager of all government employees. If he looks like he's doing stuff that's not very \"boss-like\" and it seems like he's trying to change the rules of the game, then it's executive over-reach. Thus why the Patriot Act is so hotly debated, as it gives the president power to start conflicts based on secret information---essentially changing the rules of the game without checking with congress."}, {"answer": "Tsar Nicholas II was alleged to have said \"I do not rule Russia; ten thousand clerks rule Russia.\" This may have something to do with the question, but I'm old, senile and drunk so I'm not sure. In addition, Congress controls the money. As I understand it this is why Obama couldn't shut down the detention facility at Gitmo. Congress didn't provide the funds for him to relocate the detainees."}, {"answer": "Executive Orders (EO) aren't Royal Proclamations that skirt the law or the Constitution. They're directives to federal agencies controlled by the President on how he wants things done. And if the President makes an EO that does go against the Constitution like FDR did with the National Recovery Agency, it can get thrown out by the Supreme Court."}, {"answer": "Congress has given the president power to make orders by giving him agencies under his power that he can order around. Really, its a bad breach of the separation of powers and should be fixed. There, an actual ALI5."}, {"answer": "So Congress is in charge of writing laws, okay? But they're too busy to get involved with micromanaging the Federal Government, so when they write the laws they tend to be more or less vague about how the law is to be carried out or enforced, and leave the details to the Executive Branch to figure out. Officers within the Executive Branch can work within the framework of the law to apply the law that Congress wrote. Since the President is the senior officer of the Executive Branch, he can dictate how all of his employees do their job by issuing various executive orders. However, the orders themselves can't contradict the law, nor can they just make things up out of nothing. So, for example, there's a law that Congress wrote that authorizes the building of a wall along the southern border. The actual building of that wall is left to the Executive Branch to figure out, and all Pres. Trump has to do is sign an order telling the Department of Homeland Security to resume building the wall. If no law existed that authorized such a project, or if the funding was pulled by Congress then the President would have no authority to order such an action, regardless of his campaign promises."}, {"answer": "[NPR's Planet Money Episode 748: Undoing Obama]( URL_0 ) talks about how easy it is for Trump to \"undo\" Obama's work. They mention a new \"Midnight Rule Relief Act\" where Congress can undo any regulation made in the last 2 months with a single vote, instead of voting on them individually."}, {"answer": "Executive orders can be overturned as soon as the other side comes back to power, just as the abortion funding and federal funding is changed every time the white house goes to the other side."}, {"answer": "He's mostly undoing Mr. Obama's executive orders, not passing new things, but despite this /r/politics keeps acting like he's rewriting laws completely on his own."}, {"answer": "ELI5 question amendment: What happens if someone DISOBEYS a Presidential executive order?"}, {"answer": "Lol. Ask the last president. That made up the lions share of his political action. And the check/balance that restricts the president is the Supreme Court ruling an EO unconstitutional. EOs are only supposed to affect federal agencies that fall under the executive branch. However as our federal government has ballooned into a massive, far reaching organization that affects many more aspects of day to day life, the executive orders now have the ability to impact much more day to day life."}, {"answer": "Obama did the same exact thing. In fact a handful of his EOs were reversing EOs of Obama's. I personally hope that he goes through Congress so that the laws stick and can't be undone so easily by the next prez."}, {"answer": "Why weren't you asking this question the past 8 years???"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2015257", "title": "Powers of the president of the United States", "section": "Section::::Powers related to legislation.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 16, "end_paragraph_id": 16, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The president has several options when presented with a bill from Congress. If the president agrees with the bill, he can sign it into law within ten days of receipt. If the president opposes the bill, he can veto it and return the bill to Congress with a veto message suggesting changes unless the Congress is out of session then the president may rely on a pocket veto. Presidents are required to approve all of a bill or none of it; selective vetoes have been prohibited. In 1996, Congress gave President Bill Clinton a line-item veto over parts of a bill that required spending federal funds. The Supreme Court, in", "The president has several options when presented with a bill from Congress. If the president agrees with the bill, he can sign it into law within ten days of receipt. If the president opposes the bill, he can veto it and return the bill to Congress with a veto message suggesting changes unless the Congress is out of session then the president may rely on a pocket veto. Presidents are required to approve all of a bill or none of it; selective vetoes have been prohibited. In 1996, Congress gave President Bill Clinton a line-item veto over parts of a bill that required", "The president has several options when presented with a bill from Congress. If the president agrees with the bill, he can sign it into law within ten days of receipt. If the president opposes the bill, he can veto it and return the bill to Congress with a veto message suggesting changes unless the Congress is out of session then the president may rely on a pocket veto."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Executive Order 13769\n\n\ndescribed the executive order as fulfilling this campaign promise. Speaking of Trump's agenda as implemented through executive orders and the judicial appointment process, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon stated: \"If you want to see the Trump agenda it's very simple. It was all in the [campaign] speeches. He's laid out an agenda with those speeches, with the promises he made, and [my and Reince Priebus'] job every day is to just to execute on that. He's maniacally focused on that.", "id": "11159948" }, { "contents": "Executive order\n\n\nU.S. law on access to presidential papers as clearly laid down in 44 USC 2201–07\", and adding that the order \"potentially threatens to undermine one of the very foundations of our nation\". President Barack Obama revoked Executive Order 13233 in January 2009. The Heritage Foundation has accused presidents of abusing executive orders by using them to make laws without Congressional approval and moving existing laws away from their original mandates. In 1935, the Supreme Court overturned five of President Franklin Roosevelt's executive orders (6199, 6204, 6256, 6284", "id": "1025740" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13766\n\n\nExecutive Order 13766 is the second executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump. Signed on January 24, 2017, this order establishes a new system by which to fast-track the construction of infrastructure projects. The executive order came as a precursor to an expected larger infrastructure spending proposal, which has been polled as one of Trump's most important campaign promises. The signing of executive order came on the same day Trump signed Presidential memoranda intended that permits the construction of the Keystone XL, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and stipulated", "id": "12488587" }, { "contents": "Operations Ginny I and II\n\n\nof all German forces in Italy, about the captured U.S. commandos and what to do with them. According to Dostler's adjutant officer, Kesselring responded by ordering the execution and Dostler signed an order that all fifteen American prisoners of war were to be executed the next morning. The order was the implementation of the 1942 Commando Order issued by Hitler which stipulated the execution without trial of all captured Allied commandos, even those in proper uniforms, behind German lines. Alexander zu Dohna-Schlobitten, an aide to General Dostler, and", "id": "17145676" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13672\n\n\nThe Obama administration seems hell-bent on forcing Christians to assimilate to the militant LGBT agenda. Resistance is futile.\" Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition wrote to supporters that Obama: Few Republican members of Congress commented on the President's action. House Speaker John Boehner, when asked if he had a reaction, said: \"Nope. The president signs a lot of executive orders.\" Questioned again, he said: \"Listen, the president is going to make his decisions. He can.\" A spokesman", "id": "11423806" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13672\n\n\norder that applies to the federal workforce is effective immediately. The changes that affect government contractors take effect once the Department of Labor provides regulations supporting them, which White House a spokesman said would occur early in 2015. While campaigning for the presidency in 2008, Obama had promised an executive order banning workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. On the basis of his campaign statement's, LGBT activists had long expected President Obama to issue an executive order prohibiting government contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity", "id": "11423788" }, { "contents": "Privacy and the US government\n\n\nthe responsibility of consumer information and the ethical use of the collected data. The purpose of the Executive branch is to implement, promote, and enforce laws passed by the United States Congress. In order to effectively administer and regulate privacy law, the President of the United States can sign bills, implement executive orders and push legislation through Congress. The executive branch is able to effectively make and alter privacy law by working with the other branches to gain public support and create new policy and precedence based on a predetermined political agenda.", "id": "9436079" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13355\n\n\nExecutive Order 13355 is a United States Presidential executive order signed on August 27, 2004, by President George W. Bush. Its goal was \"Strengthened Management of the Intelligence Community\". It supplemented and partially superseded Executive Order 12333, signed in 1981 by President Ronald Reagan, and was in turn partially supplemented and superseded by Executive Order 13470. Many of the clauses of the new executive order changed how US intelligence agencies were governed, and how they ultimately reported to the President, to reflect that when Executive Order 12333 was signed", "id": "21557829" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Rodrigo Duterte\n\n\nmet with the labor groups as Bello drafts a new Department Order that would stop labor contractualization. However, by March 16 Bello signs Department Order 174 which sets stricter guidelines on contractualization but doesn't immediately illegalize it. Duterte however continued his stand against contractualization, promising to sign an Executive Order against it. However, the Marawi crisis ends up postponing the signing. As of 2018, no Executive Order has been signed by President Duterte regarding the complete abolishment of contractualization. A rally was organized by labor groups on March 15,", "id": "681395" }, { "contents": "First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency\n\n\nas other disability rights advocates. The initial regulation was supported by the Brady Campaign to Stop Gun Violence, Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence, Democratic gun control advocates, and some mental health experts. On January 24, Trump signed his second Executive Order entitled Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals for High Priority Infrastructure Projects (EO 13766) which is part of a series of five executive orders to date. This Order was part of a series \"designed to speed environmental permitting and reviews\" as \" major infrastructure projects trigger an array", "id": "21396691" }, { "contents": "Guantanamo Bay detention camp\n\n\nObama described Guantánamo as a \"sad chapter in American history\" and promised to close down the prison in 2009. After being elected, Obama reiterated his campaign promise on \"60 Minutes\" and the ABC program \"This Week\". On 22 January 2009, Obama stated that he ordered the government to suspend prosecutions of Guantánamo Bay detainees for 120 days to review all the detainees' cases to determine whether and how each detainee should be prosecuted. A day later, Obama signed an executive order stating that Guantánamo Detention Camp would", "id": "11062441" }, { "contents": "Ratification\n\n\nhouses of Congress as a regular law. If the agreement is completely within the President's constitutional powers, it can be made by the President alone without Congressional approval, but it will have the force of an executive order and can be unilaterally revoked by a future President. All types of agreements are treated internationally as \"treaties\". See Foreign policy of the United States#Law. In Australia, power to enter into treaties is an executive power within Section 51 of the Australian Constitution so the Australian Government may enter into a binding", "id": "2501364" }, { "contents": "Executive order\n\n\nresponsible for assigning the executive order a sequential number after receipt of the signed original from the White House and printing the text of the executive order in the daily \"Federal Register\" and eventually in Title 3 of the \"Code of Federal Regulations\". With the exception of William Henry Harrison, all presidents, beginning with George Washington in 1789, have issued orders that in general terms can be described as executive orders. Initially, they took no set form. Consequently, such orders varied as to form and substance. The", "id": "1025728" }, { "contents": "LGBT rights in the United States\n\n\nof making his campaign promise to get votes and contributions. Their position was that Clinton should have integrated the military by executive order, noting that President Harry Truman used executive order to racially desegregate the armed forces. Clinton's defenders argue that an executive order might have prompted the Senate to write the exclusion of gays into law, potentially making it harder to integrate the military in the future. Later in his presidency, in 1999, Clinton criticized the way the policy was implemented, saying he did not think any serious person could", "id": "4204112" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 9835\n\n\nExecutive Order. The order Executive Order 10450, signed by President Eisenhower in April 1953, revoked Executive Order 9835 and extended the restrictions to all other jobs in the US government. However, both Executive Order 9835 and Executive Order 10450 were later repealed when US President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 12968 in 1995 and Executive Order 13087 in 1998. The enforcement of employment suspension for issues such as sexual perversion was also weakened by the US Supreme Court's \"Cole v Young\" ruling in 1956 and the US Civil Service Commission formally", "id": "16346801" }, { "contents": "Bill Clinton\n\n\nClinton's support for the compromise led to a heated dispute with Vice President Al Gore, who felt that \"the President should lift the ban ... even though [his executive order] was sure to be overridden by the Congress\". Some gay-rights advocates criticized Clinton for not going far enough and accused him of making his campaign promise to get votes and contributions. Their position was that Clinton should have integrated the military by executive order, noting that President Harry S. Truman used executive order to racially desegregate the armed forces", "id": "3018107" }, { "contents": "Subsidiary legislation in Hong Kong\n\n\n1, 2012, to give lawmakers more time to study its implications. On 12 October, Legislative Council president Tsang Yok-sing granted a motion, seeking to repeal the order, to be tabled on 13 October. It was agreed among the government and the Legislative Council that the order concerned is a piece of subsidiary legislation. However, the two parties disagree as to what the legislature can do on a chief executive's order that has been approved by the Chief Executive-in- Council. While the Department of Justice said", "id": "2471895" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13567\n\n\nExecutive Order 13567 was signed by President Barack Obama on March 7, 2011. Entitled \"Periodic Review of Individuals Detained at Guantánamo Bay Naval Station Pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force\", its purpose was to establish a process for review of the cases for all detainees at Guantanamo Bay detention camp to establish whether their continued detention is \"necessary to protect against a significant threat to the security of the United States\", and make recommendations for transfer if not. Executive Order 13567 followed Executive Order 13492 and Executive Order", "id": "10529705" }, { "contents": "Executive order\n\n\nthat delegate to the president some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation). Like both legislative statutes and regulations promulgated by government agencies, executive orders are subject to judicial review and may be overturned if the orders lack support by statute or the Constitution. Major policy initiatives require approval by the legislative branch, but executive orders have significant influence over the internal affairs of government, deciding how and to what degree legislation will be enforced, dealing with emergencies, waging wars, and in general fine-tuning policy choices in the implementation", "id": "1025724" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Rodrigo Duterte\n\n\nwould make good his campaign promise to allow the immediate transfer of late dictator Ferdinand Marcos' remains from the former President's home province to the Libingan ng mga Bayani. The controversial burial with honors has been scheduled for September. President Duterte issued his first executive order on July 4, entitled \"Reengineering the Office of the President Towards Greater Responsiveness to the Attainment of Development Goals\". In the executive order, 12 agencies under the Office of the President who focused on anti-poverty programs will be placed under the supervision of", "id": "681353" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13166\n\n\nOn August 11, 2000, United States President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166, \"Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English proficiency\". The Executive Order requires federal agencies to examine the services they provide, identify any need for services to those with limited English proficiency (LEP), and develop and implement a system to provide those services so LEP persons can have meaningful access to them. It is expected that agency plans will provide for such meaningful access consistent with, and without unduly burdening, the fundamental mission", "id": "3980925" }, { "contents": "Dana D. Nelson\n\n\npiece in the \"Los Angeles Times\" about the theory of the unitary executive. All presidents have striven to expand executive power but she cites Ronald Reagan who expanded unilateral powers and promised \"undivided presidential control of the executive branch and its agencies\" as well as adversarial relations with Congress. Proponents of the unitary executive \"want to expand the many existing uncheckable executive powers – such as executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements – that already allow presidents to enact a good deal of", "id": "13785856" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13514\n\n\nPlanning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade\", issued by Obama on March 19, 2015. On May 17, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order repealing Executive Order 13693, including all requirements to reduce greenhouse gas pollution. The Trump Executive Order maintains the Federal government's commitment to energy efficiency and to meeting all statutory requirements to reduce energy use, to conserve water, and to increase the use of renewable energy. All previous Federal Environmental Executives and Federal Chief Sustainability officers including those serving under former Presidents", "id": "10722577" }, { "contents": "21st-century fossil fuel regulations in the United States\n\n\n, on March 28, 2017, Trump signed the Energy Independence Executive Order designed to get rid of the Clean Power Plan initiated by President Obama. As a result, any previous action and steps taken to stop climate change will not be sustained. Trump has also promised to bring back the coal industry despite most greenhouse gases coming from coal-based power plants. The majority of oil and gas regulations in the United States determine at what points in the processing procedure different organizations can claim ownership of the material. Regulations tend to", "id": "10238084" }, { "contents": "President of Burundi\n\n\nthe integrity of the constitution, and executing the functions of the state and its laws. The president is assisted by two vice-presidents. The president shares many powers and duties with the two-vice presidents and can delegate powers, with exceptions, to them. The president arranges the government with approval from the vice-presidents. The president has the power to direct the agenda of the government and provides executive instructions for the two vice-presidents through presidential decree. The president appoints military commanders and ambassadors with approval from", "id": "10516399" }, { "contents": "American Civil Liberties Union\n\n\nkilling of radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki on the basis that it was a violation of his Fifth Amendment right to not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Following Donald Trump's election as President on November 8, 2016, the ACLU responded on Twitter saying: \"Should President-elect Donald Trump attempt to implement his unconstitutional campaign promises, we'll see him in court.\" On January 27, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order indefinitely barring \"Syrian refugees from", "id": "1730466" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Benigno Aquino III\n\n\n2, signed on July 30, 2010, ordering the immediate removal of all midnight appointments made by the previous administration for violating the 60-day constitutional ban on presidential appointments before a national election. On August 6, 2010, Aquino implemented Executive Order No. 3, signed on July 30, 2010, an executive order revoking Executive Order No. 883, signed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on May 28, 2010, that automatically promoted lawyers in government executive service to the rank of Career Executive Service Officer III (CESO", "id": "114020" }, { "contents": "Executive Council of Queensland\n\n\nthe Legislative Assembly is sitting and the Cabinet Room at the Executive Building when it is not. The Clerk of the Executive Council is also present at meetings. The Clerk formally presents each item of business (\"minute\") to the Governor, who approves them by initialing. After all the minutes have been approved, the meeting ends, the Councillors leave, and the Governor signs any Orders, commissions, or other documents as required. The formal term for the Governor acting on the advice of the Executive Council is the", "id": "12932255" }, { "contents": "Davao City\n\n\nArmy and headed by an army colonel. A curfew on minors is enforced. All businesses, especially bars and discos, are mandated by a city ordinance to stop selling alcoholic drinks at 1:00 am (Final approval last July 24, 2013). Motorcyclists without helmets and motorists with defective lights are not legally allowed to enter (or drive in) the city. Executive Order No. 39 imposes the reduction of speed limits for all kinds of motor vehicles within the territorial jurisdiction of Davao City. President Rodrigo Duterte, mayor of", "id": "16404862" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13514\n\n\nat least 20% renewable energy. Comprehensive Federal agency guidance and implementing instructions can be found on, an interagency resource hosted by the US Army Corps of Engineers. These Executive Orders and Presidential Memoranda build on more than 20 years of Presidential Executive Orders and Federal leadership in sustainability, beginning in 1993 when former President Bill Clinton established the Federal sustainability agenda and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive with Executive Order 12873 which focused on eliminating waste and expanding the use of recycled materials. Former President George W. Bush expanded the scope", "id": "10722572" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13492\n\n\nExecutive Order 13492, titled Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base and Closure of Detention Facilities\",\" is an Executive Order that was signed by United States President Barack Obama on 22 January 2009, ordering the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba. This was signed at the same time as Executive Order 13493, in which Obama ordered the identification of alternative venues for the detainees. The Executive Order instructed for the immediate review of the statuses of all individuals detained at the Guantanamo Bay naval", "id": "3174773" }, { "contents": "Tada Kasuke\n\n\nlord, Mizuno Tadanao, was away in Edo at the time, and executives of the domain government had to deal with the situation themselves. After all, the tax rise in question had obviously been decided by the executives without consulting the lord. In order to settle the incident, the executives at Matsumoto Castle agreed to grant the farmers their wishes. On October 18, five executives signed documents promising that the taxes would be lowered. It seemed a peaceful end to a stormy incident. But a month later, Kasuke and", "id": "7479197" }, { "contents": "Politics of Bangladesh\n\n\nexecutive presidency, and instituting a one-party system, the Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League (BAKSAL), which all members of Parliament were obliged to join. Despite promises, no sign of improvement in the economic situation surfaced. Implementation of promised political reforms was almost nil, and criticism of government policies became increasingly centered on Mujib. Serious disorientation in the armed services, disenchantment in society, deteriaration of law and order created a huge mistrust of Mujib and his government including the Awami League itself. The then chief of army", "id": "19418611" }, { "contents": "Protected Media Path\n\n\nto provide remote control (play, rewind, pause, and so on), rather than having to handle unprotected content data. The protected environment also provides all the necessary support for Microsoft-approved (signed) third-party software modules to be added. It provides a \"wall\" against outside copying, where within the walls, content can be processed without making the content available to unapproved software. In order to prevent users from copying DRM content, Windows Vista provides process isolation and continually monitors what kernel-mode", "id": "16187495" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Barack Obama\n\n\n's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, issued an order suspending last-minute regulations and executive orders signed by outgoing President George W. Bush. Some of the first actions of Obama's presidency focused on reversing measures taken by the Bush administration following the September 11 attacks. In his first week in office, Obama signed Executive Order 13492 suspending all ongoing proceedings of the Guantanamo military commissions and ordering the Guantanamo detention facility to be shut down within the year. Another order, Executive Order 13491, banned torture and other coercive techniques,", "id": "3135448" }, { "contents": "Gordon College (Massachusetts)\n\n\nwho signed a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama about an executive order he was contemplating that would prohibit federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The letter asked the President to include language that would exempt religious organizations from the executive order's requirements, suggesting he \"find a way to respect diversity of opinion ... in a way that respects the dignity of all parties\". They suggested the exemption be based on language the U.S. Senate had recently added as an amendment to the Employment Non-Discrimination", "id": "974915" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\ncalled for expansion of coal mining and nuclear energy production. Romney reiterated in the proposal that as president he would approve the Keystone XL pipeline, to carry oil sands crude from western Canada to the U.S. Gulf Coast for refining. (During the campaign, Romney had promised that he would approve the pipeline project by executive order on his first day in office as president.) Romney's written energy policy proposal made no mention of climate change, and made little mention of plans to improve energy conservation. During the campaign Romney opposed", "id": "11527061" }, { "contents": "Mar Roxas\n\n\ndown. Roxas' legislative agenda for the 14th Congress is as follows: On November 26, 2007, LP National Executive Council officials resolved to appoint him as president of the Liberal Party. Roxas was to unite the two LP factions and set the stage for his presidential campaign in the 2010 election. Lito Atienza, however, forthwith questioned Roxas' appointment, attacking the composition of Liberal Party's National Executive Council (NECO) and alleging that the Supreme Court of the Philippines' June 5 resolution ordered the LP leadership's status", "id": "13132805" }, { "contents": "Climate change policy of the United States\n\n\nRex W. Tillerson, the former chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil, as secretary of state. His nomination was confirmed on February 1, 2017 with a 56-43 vote. An executive order was issued by President Trump on January 24, 2017 that removed barriers from the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, making it easier for the companies sponsoring them to continue with production. On March 29, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order aimed towards boosting the coal industry. The executive order rolls back on Obama-era", "id": "15300820" }, { "contents": "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs\n\n\nsubject to certain limitations. Its regulations can be found at CFR Title 41 Chapter 60: Public Contracts and Property Management. OFCCP, as it is today, was created in 1978 with Executive Order 12086 by President Jimmy Carter through a consolidation of all the Affirmative Action enforcement responsibilities at each federal agency with Executive Order 11246 to the United States Secretary of Labor. The origins of the agency trace back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and World War II when he signed Executive Order 8802, preventing discrimination based on race by government contractors.", "id": "18676248" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13780\n\n\nExecutive Order 13780, titled Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, is an executive order signed by United States President Donald Trump on March 6, 2017. It places limits on travel to the U.S. from seven countries (Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, North Korea and Venezuela) and also bars entry for all refugees who do not possess either a visa or valid travel documents. This executive order revoked and replaced Executive Order 13769 issued on January 27, 2017, and has subsequently been", "id": "17276663" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 9066\n\n\nExecutive Order 9066 was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. This order authorized the secretary of war to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the incarceration of Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans in U.S. concentration camps. The text of Executive Order 9066 was as follows: On March 21, 1942, Roosevelt signed Public Law 503 (approved after only an hour of discussion in the Senate and thirty", "id": "9683051" }, { "contents": "Matt Bevin\n\n\nall of whom received raises under Bevin's proposal. Public colleges and universities were not exempt from the cuts, and Bevin called for a gradual move to performance-based funding for higher education, with all higher education funding tied to performance by 2020. By executive order, Bevin required all state agencies to reduce spending in their current budgets by 4.5 percent. House Speaker Greg Stumbo argued that Bevin did not have the authority to order such reductions without legislative approval, but Senate President Robert Stivers defended Bevin's action, saying it", "id": "7809324" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 6814\n\n\nOn August 9, 1934, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented the seizure of all silver situated in the continental United States with Executive Order 6814 - Requiring the Delivery of All Silver to the United States for Coinage. Executive Order 6814 closely mirrors Executive Order 6102, which FDR signed on April 5, 1933, \"forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates within the continental United States\" with some differences. A key difference was that EO 6814 excluded the seizure of all silver coins, whether foreign", "id": "21678647" }, { "contents": "Executive order\n\n\nWar Powers Resolution remain unresolved constitutional issues, although all presidents since its passage have complied with the terms of the resolution while maintaining that they are not constitutionally required to do so. President Truman issued 907 executive orders, with 1,081 orders by Theodore Roosevelt, 1,203 orders by Calvin Coolidge, and 1,803 orders by Woodrow Wilson. Franklin D. Roosevelt has the distinction of making a record 3,522 executive orders. Prior to 1932, uncontested executive orders had determined such issues as national mourning on the death of a president, and the lowering of", "id": "1025733" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Donald Trump\n\n\nwould defend the order. A new executive order was signed in March which limited travel to the U.S. from six different countries for 90 days, and by all refugees who do not possess either a visa or valid travel documents for 120 days. The new executive order revoked and replaced the executive order issued in January. In June, the Supreme Court partially stayed certain injunctions that were put on the order by two federal appeals courts earlier, allowing the executive order to mostly go into effect. In October, the Court dismissed the", "id": "21361358" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 11246\n\n\nare treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.\" The phrase \"affirmative action\" had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961. The order was a follow-up to Executive Order 10479 signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on August 13, 1953 establishing the anti-discrimination Committee on Government Contracts, which itself was based on a similar Executive Order 8802 issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941. Eisenhower's Executive Order has been amended and updated by at least", "id": "9160014" }, { "contents": "Negros Island Region\n\n\naccommodate the government offices to be built in there. However, the proposal of Alvarez has not been approved yet by the majority of PDP-Laban members and its chairman. Koko Pimintel, the chairman, does not approve the proposal as the region was abolished in 2017 by president Rodrigo Duterte already. On August 9, 2017, President Duterte signed Executive Order No. 38, revoking the Executive Order No. 183 signed by former President Benigno Aquino III in 2015, due to the lack of funds to fully establish the NIR", "id": "22069438" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 11850\n\n\nExecutive Order 11850--Renunciation of certain uses in war of chemical herbicides and riot control agents. was signed on April 8, 1975, by United States President Gerald Ford. The executive order restricted the use of herbicides, and riot control agents, including tear gas. Each and every use would require the explicit approval. On April 11, 2007 Joseph Benkert, a George W. Bush political appointee, informed the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Bush Presidency felt it could reinterpret the Executive Order and loosen the restriction on the use", "id": "20154600" }, { "contents": "Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Oversight\n\n\nstructure to regulate future DoD intelligence collection. In 1976, President Ford issued an Executive Order placing significant controls on the conduct of all intelligence activities. Executive Order (EO) 11905, as the charter for the Intelligence Community, included provisions for an intelligence oversight mechanism. Consequently, the Secretary of Defense directed establishment of an Inspector General for Intelligence in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, responsible for the independent oversight of all DoD intelligence activities. EO 12036, signed by President Carter in 1978, and the current Executive Order", "id": "8019606" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 8802\n\n\n, investigate alleged violations and \"shall take appropriate steps to redress grievances which it finds to be valid.\" The Committee was also supposed to make recommendations to federal agencies and to the President on how Executive Order 8802 could be made most effective. The preamble to the Order read: Whereas it is the policy of the United States to encourage full participation in the national defense program by all citizens of the United States, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, in the firm belief that the democratic way", "id": "11024385" }, { "contents": "First 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency\n\n\n-advantaged retirement savings \"must work in the best interest of their clients\" even at the expense of their own profits. One of the first acts by the Trump administration was an order signed by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on January 20, under the subject \"Regulatory Freeze Pending Review\" to all Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies ordering agencies to immediately suspend all pending regulations and to \"send no regulation\" to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OFR) until the Trump administration can review them except for \"", "id": "21396758" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13514\n\n\nof the Federal sustainability agenda and the role of the Federal Environmental Executive through Executive Order 13423 which added sustainable building, renewable energy, environmental management systems, and electronic waste recycling to the agenda. EO 13423 also created Presidential Awards for agency achievement in meeting the President's sustainability goals. Executive Order 13514, and subsequent Executive Orders including EO 13693, built on these foundations. Under EO 13514, each Federal department and agency was required to submit and publish an annual Sustainability Plan. Agencies were also subsequently required to include Adaptation plans", "id": "10722573" }, { "contents": "The Turner Diaries\n\n\nmeasures in order to monitor its citizens, such as requiring them to possess a special passport at all times and in all places in order to permanently monitor where individuals are. The \"Organization\" starts its campaigns by committing acts such as the bombing of the FBI headquarters, then executing an ongoing, low-level campaign of terrorism, assassination, and economic sabotage throughout the United States. Turner plays a major role in all activities within the Washington, D.C. area. When the President of the United States delivers a speech denouncing", "id": "17620656" }, { "contents": "Center for Strategic Research (Russia)\n\n\n, speaking at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Kudrin said that some, albeit not all, CSR proposals were included in President's recent (Executive Order On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024): \"Maybe about 50 main goals and objectives were included, it's not bad, but the President promised to continue to look at what steps or reforms can be taken into account in the future.\" The Board is the highest collective entity of the Center for Strategic Research. As of 31 July", "id": "2656424" }, { "contents": "Libya\n\n\nNovember 2012, it was deemed to be still in the embryonic stage of development. President Mohammed el-Megarif promised that empowering the army and police force is the government's biggest priority. President el-Megarif also ordered that all of the country's militias must come under government authority or disband. Militias have so far refused to be integrated into a central security force. Many of these militias are disciplined, but the most powerful of them answer only to the executive councils of various Libyan cities. These militias make up the", "id": "17699639" }, { "contents": "Citizenship of Russia\n\n\ncitizenship could be acquired: The rules of citizenship by birth generally follow the principle of jus sanguinis, though a child can be recognized as a Russian citizen in several special cases: Naturalization is usually granted if the applicant meets the following requirements: In certain cases, some or even all of the above requirements can be waived by an Executive Order of the Russian President, as happened on 3 January 2013, when Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an Executive Order granting Russian citizenship to French-born actor Gérard Depardieu, citing authority granted", "id": "1311404" }, { "contents": "Executive order\n\n\nIn the United States, an executive order is a directive issued by the president of the United States that manages operations of the federal government and has the force of law. The legal or constitutional basis for executive orders has multiple sources. Article Two of the United States Constitution gives the president broad executive and enforcement authority to use their discretion to determine how to enforce the law or to otherwise manage the resources and staff of the executive branch. The ability to make such orders is also based on express or implied Acts of Congress", "id": "1025723" }, { "contents": "Freedom of Information Order (Philippines)\n\n\nPhilippine President Rodrigo Duterte signed Executive Order No. 02, also known as the Freedom of Information (FOI) Program, on 23 July 2016 in Davao City. The Executive Order established the first Freedom of Information (FOI) Program in the Philippines covering all government offices under the Executive Branch. It requires all executive departments, agencies, bureaus, and offices to disclose public records, contracts, transactions, and any information requested by a member of the public, except for matters affecting national security and other information that falls under", "id": "11309173" }, { "contents": "Oklahoma Secretary of State\n\n\n, and executive orders issued by all state agencies and the Governor. OAR collects all such rules and represents them to the Governor for his approve or disapproval. With very limited exceptions, no agency rule may be enforced until it is filed with OAR, approved by the Governor, and then published by OAR. The most important, though ceremonial, function of the Secretary of State is to \"sacredly preserve\" the original State Constitution signed in 1907. After legislation has been passed and signed by the Governor, along with the", "id": "21982020" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13672\n\n\ncover for overt discrimination\". On June 25, 160 leaders of churches, religious institutions, and organizations sent a letter to President Obama asking him to exempt them from the requirements of the anticipated executive order. Without \"a variety of views on the merits of such an executive order\", they suggested language to be included in the order to allow them to maintain \"staffing practices consistent with their deep religious convictions as they partner with the federal government via contracting or subcontracting\", specifically allow them \"religiously grounded employee belief", "id": "11423795" }, { "contents": "Executive order\n\n\nof broad statutes. As the head of state and head of government of the United States, as well as commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, only the president of the United States can issue an executive order. Presidential executive orders, once issued, remain in force until they are cancelled, revoked, adjudicated unlawful, or expire on their own terms. At any time, the president may revoke, modify, or make exceptions from any executive order, regardless if the order was made by the", "id": "1025725" }, { "contents": "Power Processing Element\n\n\nIn-Order processor, but it has some unique traits which allow it to achieve some benefits of Out-of-Order execution without expensive re-ordering hardware. Upon reaching an L1 cache miss - it can execute past the cache miss, stopping only when an instruction is actually dependent on a load. It can send up to 8 load instructions to the L2 cache out-of-order. It has an instruction delay pipe - a side path that allows it to execute instructions that would normally cause pipeline stalls without", "id": "4373571" }, { "contents": "Ted Strickland\n\n\nOhio. Strickland pushed to cut funding of school vouchers, which critics said would reduce educational choice available to the public. He opposed federally subsidized abstinence-only sex education programs. In 2007, Strickland signed legislation exempting military veterans' retirement benefits from state taxation. He signed an executive order creating a council to oversee the eventual establishment of the Ohio Department of Veterans Services as a cabinet-level agency. In 2008, he signed an executive order creating the Ohio G.I. Promise, which charges in-state tuition to all veterans", "id": "2431727" }, { "contents": "Reactions to Executive Order 13769\n\n\nmake the U.S. safer. The International Rescue Committee condemned the executive order; its president, David Miliband, said that the executive order presented \"a test for the Western world ... of whether or not we hold fast to the values of non-discrimination and to universal values of freedom from persecution.\" Miliband also called it \"a propaganda gift for all those who would do harm to the United States.\" The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights held a thematic session reviewing the executive order on March 21, 2017", "id": "12426189" }, { "contents": "Executive Council of New South Wales\n\n\nhave served more than three years on the council or have been specifically approved to bear it for life by the monarch on the advice of the council. All retentions of the title must, however, be approved by Royal proclamation. While typically the Governor acts as the President of the Executive Council, a minister is typically appointed to be Vice-President of the Executive Council, as set forth in section 35D of the constitution, to act as chair in the absence of the governor and to facilitate the agenda and reports of", "id": "20624849" }, { "contents": "Lavender scare\n\n\nbasis. Executive Order 10450 stayed partly in effect until 1995 when President Bill Clinton rescinded the order and put in place the \"Don't ask, don't tell\" policy for admittance of gays into the military. Both homosexuals and Communist Party members were seen as subversive elements in American society who all shared the same ideals of antitheism, rejection of bourgeois culture and middle-class morality, and lack of conformity; they were also seen as scheming and manipulative and, most importantly, would put their own agendas above others in", "id": "493983" }, { "contents": "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs\n\n\nIn 1953 President Dwight D. Eisenhower created the President’s Committee on Government Contracts with Executive Order 10479. The order was a follow-up to Executive Order 10308 signed by President Harry S. Truman in 1951 establishing the anti-discrimination Committee on Government Contract Compliance. In 1961 President Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 which created the President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. This called for people to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are hired and employees are treated during employment without regard to race, creed, color or national origin.", "id": "18676249" }, { "contents": "History of the United States Democratic Party\n\n\nthe American economy by pledging to obstruct and block President Obama on all legislation. One of the first acts by the Obama administration after assuming control was an order signed by Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that suspended all pending federal regulations proposed by outgoing President George W. Bush so that they could be reviewed. This was comparable to prior moves by the Bush administration upon assuming control from Bill Clinton, who in his final 20 days in office issued 12 executive orders. In his first week, Obama also established a policy of producing a", "id": "21554149" }, { "contents": "Henry Marshall Furman\n\n\nor than the ignorant, savage, and bloodthirsty people of Oklahoma have provided for in their laws. Therefore, notwithstanding my official oath, I will place my judgment above the law, both human and divine, and make my will supreme in this state, and will not permit capital punishment to be inflicted in Oklahoma, no matter what the law is, or how atrocious the offense committed may have been. All officials are only my personal servants and it is their duty to execute my orders, and not stop and inquire", "id": "13700114" }, { "contents": "Alben W. Barkley\n\n\nrepudiation of his agenda, Roosevelt began a tour of the state in Covington on July 8, 1938. Chandler, the state's chief executive, was invited to welcome the president. Although clearly campaigning for Barkley, Roosevelt made courteous remarks about Chandler in the spirit of party unity, but in Bowling Green, he chastised Chandler for \"dragging federal judgeships into a political campaign\". As nearly every 20th century Kentucky governor had done, Chandler printed campaign materials with state funds, solicited campaign funds from state employees, and promised", "id": "8977661" }, { "contents": "International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation\n\n\nOrganization. It is annually attended by delegations from all WHO Member States, as well as Non-State Actors. Furthermore, it focuses on the specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the WHA are: Every year, the IPSF calls for its members to be part of the IPSF Delegation to attend the WHA during the month of May in Geneva, Switzerland. The selected members are then orientedand trained on how they can actively participate and effectively engage in deliberations, discussions and events, in order", "id": "19640700" }, { "contents": "Make Love, Not Warcraft\n\n\nconvinces them all to log in at the same time in order to execute a retaliatory attack on the griefer. However, once the battle begins, the griefer summons giant scorpions and easily dispatches the kids' characters. This causes everyone to lose hope and stop playing except for Cartman, who, after calculating exactly how much time it would take for him, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny to gain as many experience points as the griefer, convinces them to keep playing as well. For the next two months, the boys", "id": "18868789" }, { "contents": "Norman L. Eisen\n\n\n\" for his stringent ethics and anti-corruption efforts and became known for limiting registered lobbyists from taking positions in the administration. He is credited for helping compile President Obama's ethics-related campaign promises into an Executive Order the President signed on his first day in office. During 2009 and 2010, Eisen also contributed to the administration's open government effort, including putting the White House visitor logs on the internet; its response to the campaign finance decision in \"Citizens United v. FEC\"; and its financial regulatory plan,", "id": "1773628" }, { "contents": "Maura Healey\n\n\nMarch 9, 2017, Healey announced that her office was joining a lawsuit challenging President Trump's Executive Order 13780. Healey stated that the new order, a revised version of the one that had previously been struck down, \"remains a discriminatory and unconstitutional attempt to make good on [Trump's] campaign promise to implement a Muslim ban.\" The order has since been blocked in various federal courts on similar grounds. On May 11, 2017, following President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, Healey led efforts", "id": "5428657" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13128\n\n\nwith the transfer of chemicals and technologies that can be used for chemical warfare purposes. Executive Order 13128 was signed by then-U.S. President Bill Clinton on June 25, 1999. EO 13128 partially implemented the CWC, a treaty; treaties can be and are sometimes partially implemented by executive order. In addition, with its signing the order established the U.S. Department of State as the lead national agency for coordinating the implementation of and the provisions of both the CWC and the 1998 law with the various branches and agencies of the federal", "id": "14855943" }, { "contents": "Dana Boente\n\n\nFebruary 9, 2017, Trump signed a new Executive Order; Executive Order 13775 to replace Obama's EO, an action which modified the order of succession to add Boente to the list. Sessions recused himself from all matters pertaining to American presidential campaigns because of revelations that he had communications with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 United States presidential election, Boente was designated to perform the functions of the Attorney General with respect to campaign issues until the permanent deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, was confirmed by", "id": "14686496" }, { "contents": "Unendorsed Labour candidates, 1931\n\n\nand on 7 October 1931 (the day after the general election was called), the National Executive Committee ruled that all candidates would have to sign an undertaking to abide by the new standing orders in order to receive official endorsement. Maxton considered that the conference decision effectively expelled him from the party and refused to sign. The last-minute nature of preparations for the general election led to a scramble to adopt candidates. Eventually 25 candidates were nominated. The Labour Party's reaction to them varied. Six were elected. In", "id": "12003878" }, { "contents": "Referendums in the United Kingdom\n\n\napproved by the electorate in the local area in a referendum. Neighbourhood planning referendums have a high success rate, with all being approved as of December 2015. A local authority in England and Wales can hold a referendum on changing its executive arrangements between a directly elected mayor, a leader and cabinet, and in England only, a committee system. A referendum can be held by three methods; by a resolution of the council to hold one, under an order from the government, or upon receiving a petition signed by five", "id": "21518538" }, { "contents": "Ricardo Rosselló\n\n\nDepartment of Public Safety. In July 2017, Rosselló signed a bill that enacts regulations and makes the use of marijuana legal for medicinal use. The move goes further than the executive order issued by his predecessor which in Roselló's words, \"ignored the legislative process and, following an executive order, promulgated a regulation without due discussion with all sectors and representatives elected by the people.\" Rosselló has stated that he intends to shrink the size of government, through reducing funding to various parts of the bureaucracy. He also started", "id": "20622713" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 9981\n\n\nAgainst Jim Crow in Military Service and Training, later renamed the League for Non-Violent Civil Disobedience Against Military Segregation. Truman's Order expanded on Executive Order 8802 by establishing equality of treatment and opportunity in the military for people of all races, religions, or national origins. The order: It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion or national origin. This policy shall be put", "id": "5828146" }, { "contents": "United States Senate\n\n\nfrom the Senate's advice and consent and give each state an equal vote in the process. However, not all international agreements are considered treaties under US domestic law, even if they are considered treaties under international law. Congress has passed laws authorizing the president to conclude executive agreements without action by the Senate. Similarly, the president may make congressional-executive agreements with the approval of a simple majority in each House of Congress, rather than a two-thirds majority in the Senate. Neither executive agreements nor congressional-executive", "id": "2672725" }, { "contents": "André Carson\n\n\nthe Department of Homeland Security. In 2017, Carson attended a protest, at Indianapolis International Airport against President Donald Trump's executive order to temporarily place limits on immigration until better screening methods are devised. Carson decried the executive order as being part of a \"bigotry campaign\" and stated \"For those who want to make America great again, we have to remind them that the first article of the constitution says congress shall make no law respecting [the] establishment of religion. Make no mistake about it: This is a", "id": "18227830" }, { "contents": "Signing statement\n\n\nthe constitutional category can create conundrums for executive branch employees. Political scientist James Pfiffner has written: The president is the head of the executive branch, and in general, executive branch officials are bound to follow his direction. In cases in which a subordinate is ordered to do something illegal, the person can legitimately refuse the order. But if the public administrator is ordered to refuse to execute the law ... because the president has determined that the law infringes on his own interpretation of his constitutional authority, the public administrator faces an", "id": "18927285" }, { "contents": "Presidency of Benigno Aquino III\n\n\nAquino signed Executive Order No. 7, ordering the suspension of all allowances, bonuses and incentives of board members of government-owned and-controlled corporations (GOCCs) and government financial institutions (GFIs) until December 31, 2010. On September 9, 2010, Aquino signed Executive Order No. 8, reorganizing and renaming the Build-Operate and Transfer Center (BOT) to the Public-Private Partnership Center (PPP) and transferring its attachment from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to the National Economic", "id": "114023" }, { "contents": "Prime Minister of the Philippines\n\n\na program of government that has to be approved first by the President. Under Executive Order No. 708 issued in July 27, 1981, the powers of the Prime Minister were expanded. He or she was mandated to take charge and management of the day-to-day and details of administration of the government, to coordinate the activities of the ministries and to act on all matters delegated to him by the President without indicating the sentence, \"By the Authority of the President.\" And in 1984, the Prime", "id": "3038041" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13775\n\n\nExecutive Order 13775 is the eleventh executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump. Signed on February 9, 2017, the order changes the line of succession for the Department of Justice (DOJ). This order specifically reverses changes made to the DOJ line of succession that former President Barack Obama made in executive order 13762. On January 13, 2017, during the Presidential transition of Donald Trump, then President Obama issued executive order 13762. This order changed the Department of Justice line of succession to the following: Following the resignation", "id": "14592240" }, { "contents": "Affirmative action\n\n\nare employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin\". On 24 September 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order 11246, thereby replacing Executive Order 10925 and affirming Federal Government's commitment \"to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing program in each executive department and agency\". Affirmative action was extended to women by Executive Order 11375 which amended Executive Order 11246 on 13 October 1967, by adding \"sex\"", "id": "4761173" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13175\n\n\nExecutive Order 12875, \"Enhancing the Intergovernmental Partnership,\" in October 1993. This executive order called for a decrease in unfunded mandates and the development of a process for all elected officials, including tribal officials, to provide input on federal policies. On April 29, 1994 President Clinton invited leaders from all 547 recognized tribes to a tribal summit on issues facing tribal communities, the first such summit since James Monroe's presidency. In 1998, Clinton issued Executive Order 13084, which only two years later would be annulled and replaced", "id": "14416757" }, { "contents": "Order (exchange)\n\n\nagainst losses if the price goes too high. It can also be used to advantage in a declining market when you want to enter a long position close to the bottom after turnaround. A stop–limit order is an order to buy or sell a stock that combines the features of a stop order and a limit order. Once the stop price is reached, a stop-limit order becomes a limit order that will be executed at a specified price (or better). As with all limit orders, a stop–", "id": "11681016" }, { "contents": "Presidential executive orders on the political status of Puerto Rico\n\n\nVarious United States presidents have signed executive orders to help define, study, and generate activity regarding the political status of Puerto Rico. Three major orders were the 2005, 2007, and 2011 executive orders to establish the Presidential Task Force on the Status of Puerto Rico. In December 2005, a Report by the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status asserted that the Constitution of the United States does not allow for a mechanism \"to bind future Congresses to any particular arrangement for Puerto Rico as a Commonwealth\" without an", "id": "7424096" }, { "contents": "Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors\n\n\nAngeles. On Tuesdays following a Monday holiday, Board meetings begin after lunch, at 1:00 p.m. Board meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, the Brown Act (California’s sunshine law), and the Rules of the Board. The Chief Executive Officer, the County Counsel and the Executive Officer, or their deputies, attend each Board meeting. The regular agendas for the first, second, third and fifth Tuesdays of the month are essentially a consent calendar, that is, all items are automatically approved", "id": "14818708" }, { "contents": "Peter DeFazio\n\n\nunemployed Oregonians were denied these jobs. The Department of Labor owes it to the American taxpayer and the over 13 million unemployed Americans to make sure this can never occur again.\" DeFazio issued a statement condemning President Trump's January 2017 executive order restricting visits to the U.S. from certain Muslim countries. “President Trump's ill-conceived and unlawful executive order uses false rhetoric and preys upon Americans' fears without doing anything to address the real terrorist threats facing our nation,” said DeFazio. “Instead, it sends a dangerous", "id": "13571252" }, { "contents": "Barry Karr\n\n\nthe supposed Roswell crash. The rumor was that President Truman had signed an executive order covering it up. According to Karr, they were able to show after looking at documents at the Truman library that the signature was snipped and pasted from unrelated documents. Concerning Area 51, \"There are about four or five guys running around the country, and they all have a different shtick about Area 51.\" He wonders how they can claim to have convincing evidence and still disagree with each other. In 1984 CSICOP began sending letters", "id": "8600727" }, { "contents": "Presidential Innovation Fellows\n\n\nInnovation Fellows program,” he said President Obama as he announced the executive order, “What began as an experiment is becoming a success. That’s why I’m making it permanent. From now on, Presidential Innovation Fellows will be an integral part of our government.\" President Obama went on to say, \"To all the Fellows who’ve served so far, I want to thank you. I encourage all Americans with bold ideas to apply. I can’t wait to see what those future classes will accomplish on", "id": "9359347" }, { "contents": "Office of Legal Counsel\n\n\nvarious agencies of the executive branch, and offices within the Department of Justice. Such requests typically deal with legal issues of particular complexity and importance or about which two or more agencies are in disagreement. The Office also is responsible for providing legal advice to the executive branch on all constitutional questions and reviewing pending legislation for constitutionality. Usually all executive orders and proclamations proposed to be issued by the President are reviewed by OLC for form and legality, as are various other matters that require the President's formal approval. In addition to", "id": "16735768" }, { "contents": "Device driver\n\n\nin-depth understanding of how the hardware and the software works for a given platform function. Because drivers require low-level access to hardware functions in order to operate, drivers typically operate in a highly privileged environment and can cause system operational issues if something goes wrong. In contrast, most user-level software on modern operating systems can be stopped without greatly affecting the rest of the system. Even drivers executing in user mode can crash a system if the device is erroneously programmed. These factors make it more difficult and", "id": "9097056" }, { "contents": "Executive Order 13765\n\n\nExecutive Order 13765 is the first executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, which set out interim procedures in anticipation of repeal of Obamacare. The executive order came on Trump's campaign pledges to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and occurred just hours after he was sworn into office. Trump stated sorting out a replacement will take a long time and the replacement may not be ready until 2018. Following several failed efforts by Congress to pass an alternative to the ACA, Trump issued another", "id": "10238392" }, { "contents": "Bahrain administrative reforms of the 1920s\n\n\ntheir demands will be considered. He explained to Shaikh Isa that reforms were not the \"personal wish of Knox or Daly\", but orders of the British Government and that the \"public scandal\" of \"tyranny and oppression\" in Bahrain made them necessary. He noted that despite promising to do so, Shaikh Isa did not introduce any reforms. Trevor then made a public announcement that \"the orders of His Majesty's Government will be executed in all circumstances and the [reforms] will continue steadily without the least hindrance", "id": "20022578" }, { "contents": "Sally Yates\n\n\nvulnerable to blackmail by Russian intelligence. Yates' warning was not immediately acted upon until \"The Washington Post\" publicly reported her warning on February 13, 2017. Flynn resigned within hours. On January 27, 2017, President Trump signed Executive Order 13769, which restricted travel to the United States from seven Muslim majority countries, among other provisions. While the executive order had been approved as to \"form and legality\" by the Department of Justice's Legal Counsel, Yates ordered the Justice Department not to defend the order because", "id": "17607530" } ]
What makes us legally bound to follow the law, even though we have never formally signed a contract or agreed to it like you would read and agree to the TOS for a game?
[{"answer": "There's an entire field of philosophy called Social Contract dedicated to this thats as old as the field itself. It goes back thousands of years to Socrates, though it didnt really gain momentum until the 'modern' era (1500s-1700s). Like all of philosophy, it gives possible reasons but no \"100% true\" answers. A very, very brief (to the point of possibly being interpreted inaccurately) breakdown of some of the well known theories: * Socrates (Crito) - at some point, he chose to live in the society of Athens. By choosing to live in Athens instead of leaving, he implicitly agreed to follow the Law of Athens, since he always had the choice to leave. Socrates might say something like, \"You chose to live in Canada, be a Canadian citizen, enter into contracts protected by Canadian law, and benefit from the Canadian law. Therefore, youre bound by that choice - even if you want to break it\" * Hobbes - people are rational and people will act in their best interest. The 'original' way of living was the 'State of Nature' - kill or be killed, everything goes, and no morality or laws (since it was kill or be killed). But because people are rational and want to live outside such a brutal world, we came to the conclusion that giving up some of their freedoms to a sovereign will be better for their lives as a whole. He doesnt say this is exactly how it went down, but this is the reason why societies existed and why we derive our morals from the laws - we want to escape the State of Nature, so we internalize the laws of the society to become 'justice' and 'morals'. Hobbes might say something like, \"Living in Canada is better than living in the state of nature. Even if that means being bound by laws you never agreed to or never learned, anything is better than the State of Nature\". * Rawls (contemporary philosophy) - he goes through a thought experiment about 'Behind the Veil of Ignorance'. Basically, imagine yourself creating a society, but you dont know where you will eventually fall. You dont know if you will be male or female, rich or poor, what ethnicity you will be, etc. He that this \"original person\" will act in their own self interest - and because of that, there is no reason to give power to one side over another. You wouldnt give males more power than females, because you dont know if you would be male or female. Therefore, the \"original person\" would want a society thats fair for all sides, and this is from this position that morality and justice come from. He might say something like this, \"If you were behind the Veil of Ignorance you wouldnt know if you were the one wanting to kill or you were the one being killed. Therefore, you would want a set of laws thats fair for both sides - in this case, you would rather give up your freedom to kill but protect yourself from being killed.\" TL;DR Philosophy tries to answer this question in different ways, but at some point either implicitly or explicitly, you decided to follow the law and live with others who follow the law. You never signed anything saying you wont kill people, but you agreed to it - you dont kill people and people dont kill you. If you dont like that agreement, you can leave the society and all its protections or break the law and get punished for it. Edit-formatting"}, {"answer": "Because if we allowed people to opt out of \"signing\" our ability to create society is significantly diminished as anyone could say or simply not \"sign\" and break our rules we create for all so we stay at peace and all get what we want as for if you were taught the laws of our society, you absoloutely were. Your parents taught you them while you grew up, and the ones that werent taught that learnt them extremely quickly. The only places where you arent taught how to behave in the broader country you live in is ghettoized areas (verb, look it up). But thats not so true as they know the laws, they just dont care as they insulate themselves from them"}, {"answer": "So this is a really interesting area of philosophy. I'd suggest reading up on the social contract and consent of the governed. The TLDR version is that you implicitly agree, by not actively attempting to remove yourself from society, that you'd like to be part of society. Society in this context just means a collective endeavour by the whole - or a section - of the human race to live a better life than could be led if we didn't work together. Society has collectively chosen to organise itself in certain ways through a series of historical processes. These processes weren't always fair, but at least since Rousseau there has been an attempt to promote the idea that you should have some sense of say over the laws to which you are bound. Anyway you are required, by society, to accept the laws even if you didn't have any say over them because life works better that way. Society has determined that your surrender of a small part of your personal sovereignty is a price worth paying for the better lives that we can all live if we all do this. And by and large the vast majority of people for the vast majority of history have agreed that this was the correct call. Which is why there have been very few revolutions and very few of the revolutions that there have been have been with the objective of setting up a society with no rules whatsoever. But absolutely you can be an anarchist and reject that as being unfair. That's a perfectly philosophically coherent position, just not a very popular one. I do think your contract law point is a bit of a red herring though. Contracts likewise only work and have validity because as a society we have decided that they should, and if you sign a contract you are also implicitly agreeing that there should be a court system, and a system of rules and laws to make that contract meaningful. Contracts only exist if a state exists to guarantee them. Now I do get the point about contracts being opt-in whereas the social contract is opt-out but it's not really opt-in because you don't have any real choice. Contracts are legal documents between two parties, if you want to have a functioning society then you need the contracts to be between every person in that society, that's thousands and thousands of contracts, and the only way that then becomes feasible is if those contracts are then all exactly the same. Which then means you have basically no real choice at all, it's just \"sign or don't sign, and by the way if you don't sign you're basically not part of our community\", which is just a more explicit version of the social contract we have now."}, {"answer": "By remaining in that society you're implying your consent. If you don't like the rules, then leave. Yeah, that seems crappy, especially if you can't afford to go elsewhere, but that's what it boils down to. You also reap benefits from being a member of society. If someone mugged you and stole your wallet you'd be justified in expecting the State to do something about it. You don't get to have the benefit of being a part of society without having to follow its rules yourself."}, {"answer": "Your question seems to imply that voluntary contracts are the only valid legal mechanism. This is simply not true. Every society has the ability to create rules which must be obeyed by members of, and visitors to, that society. Without this ability humans would be unable to survive as a species."}, {"answer": "Its an unwritten agreement among the society. Your \"rights\" as a member of the society are also part of this agreement. Carrot and stick."}, {"answer": "The very fundamental reality is that the concept of law and a lawful society eventually boils down to threat of violence. That is the root of the entire system. There are of course a lot of flowery embellishments built atop this core principle, and certainly it's not the *first* resort of most systems of law, but it is the ultimate expression of authority and the foundation upon which all other laws lie. Take your jaywalking offense, for example. Why don't you cross the street where you please? You don't want to be given a ticket. If you are ticketed, why would you pay the ticket? You don't want to be arrested. If they come to arrest you, why would you acquiesce to an arrest? Because you don't want to have violence visited upon you by armed men. And there it is, the core of all law, just a few steps away from crossing a street. So you asked why you are \"bound\" to follow the law. The reality is that you're not \"bound\" to do any such thing, but you can expect at best to be deprived of liberty by force, and worst deprived of life if you don't comply. For most people (as evidenced by simple observation of standing governments around the world) the burden of compliance is far less than the threat of said violence, so they simply obey."}, {"answer": "You're legally bound, because the law says you are. You cite contract law as an example, but even the validity of those contracts only becomes so, because a law says they were. The more brutish answer to this is a group of humans living in a particular area, in your case Canada, list a series of rules that need to be obeyed in that society, creates an entity to enforce these rules, and then banishes(imprisons) from society anyone who won't. The more philosophical answer lies in the Social contract theory of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. If your interested in it, I'd suggest reading some of their literature."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "39704", "title": "Social contract", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 516, "bleu_score": 0.9686391926502761}]}]
[ { "contents": "1979 Major League umpires strike\n\n\nagreed that we could still discuss and negotiate matters that were not specifically covered in that contract. But they won't even talk to us. It's like we don't exist. They can dress us up in blue suits, but they don't want to be seen in public with us. Baseball is making us mad, and you know how umpires get when they're mad.\" In lieu of a formal \"strike\" the umpires simply refused to sign their 1979 contracts at the salaries offered, per instruction of", "id": "19114656" }, { "contents": "XBRL GL\n\n\nwhat data in an external XBRL GL file, really stands for. The situation is like agreeing on using a common writing alphabet without agreeing on what language to use it for. If someone sends a letter in Portuguese in Latin letters to a Dutchman often the Dutchman do not understand Portuguese, even though he can read Latin letters. We have the same problem here. And with no general solution, agreements between every writing and reading user must be made, and that is not a smooth solution getting volumes and a market for", "id": "17301061" }, { "contents": "Treaty of Chicago\n\n\nus to hunt upon, to make our cornfields upon, to live upon, and to make down our beds upon when we die. And he would never forgive us, should we bargain it away. When you first spoke to us for lands at St. Mary's, we said we had a little, and agreed to sell you a piece of it; but we told you we could spare no more. Now you ask us again. You are never satisfied! We have sold you a great tract of land already", "id": "343068" }, { "contents": "South African contract law\n\n\nare used interchangeably. In South Africa, a condition is a very special type of contractual term, operating in a specific way; for example, ‘I will pay you R3,000 if you climb Table Mountain’. It remains the case in South Africa, however, that the word \"condition\" is very loosely used in the drafting of contracts. In the following formulation—‘I agree to donate R50,000 on condition that...’—what we have is not a condition but a modus or modal clause. The primary rights and obligations flowing from", "id": "16840090" }, { "contents": "L'Estrange v F Graucob Ltd\n\n\nMitchell (Chesterhall) Ltd v Finney Lock Seeds Ltd\". Scrutton LJ found the exclusion clause formed part of the contract. It was immaterial that L'Estrange had not read the clause. The fact that she signed it meant that she was bound by it. She is deemed to have read and agreed to the terms of the contract. Maugham LJ concurred, though expressing his regret at the result. He held he was bound to do so. He said the only two possibilities were that the document was signed non est factum", "id": "21561215" }, { "contents": "History of international law\n\n\ntravel, and the like. Most rules are obeyed routinely by most countries, because the rules make life easier for all concerned. The rules are rarely disputed. But some international law is extremely political and hotly debated. This includes not just the laws of warfare but also such matters as fishing rights. An important development in modern international law is the concept of \"consent.\" Before World War II, a nation would not have been considered to be bound by a rule unless it had formally agreed to be bound by", "id": "6937133" }, { "contents": "Traces of a Dragon\n\n\nsurname was not ‘Chan’. He asked Alex Law and me if we would be interested in filming his belated discovery of his real family background. We were of course intrigued, and agreed to fly to Australia with him to meet his father. I had never made a documentary before, and had no real idea of what to expect. We didn’t even have any clear idea of what we would do with the material we shot. Since Jackie’s mother Lily was in failing health, we decided that it would", "id": "1771687" }, { "contents": "Intention to create legal relations\n\n\nlegally bound\", even though the wife was relying upon the payments. The judge stated that as a general rule, agreements between spouses would not be legally enforceable: The matter really reduces itself to an absurdity when one considers it, because if we were to hold that there was a contract in this case we should have to hold that with regard to all the more or less trivial concerns of life where a wife, at the request of her husband, makes a promise to him, that is a promise which can", "id": "20253855" }, { "contents": "Baby You Can't Drive My Car\n\n\nCar' works specifically because the workplace is what we all have in common. Left, right and center, we all line up to earn a paycheck. We all want the perfect job. Many people have to drive to work, so we want the perfect car. Whether we like smoothies or not, we could all agree it would be fun to be able to make them while driving. In a driverless car society, the only thing to worry about is real drivers. This reviewer would like to know what the", "id": "9737795" }, { "contents": "Donald Kerr\n\n\nsafety, you get less privacy. I don’t agree with that. I work from the assumption that you need to have both. When we try to make it an either/or proposition, we’re bound to fail.\" Later in the speech, he said, \"Too often, privacy has been equated with anonymity; and it's an idea that is deeply rooted in American culture. The Lone Ranger wore a mask but Tonto didn’t seem to need one even though he did the dirty work for free", "id": "22077451" }, { "contents": "The Clown (novel)\n\n\nhim. They never got legally married, largely because Hans would not agree to sign a paper agreeing to raise his children as Catholics. He did not even want to get a marriage license, because he thought that they were for people who did not go to church. While living together, they never had any children. Marie always stated that even though she was living in sin, she was still a Catholic. Once in high school, Hans saw her holding hands with Zupfner, but she told him that Zupfner was", "id": "16615300" }, { "contents": "Erasmus\n\n\nfew followers, although the leading men of your flock do not agree either with you or among themselves – indeed though you do not even agree with yourself, since in this same \"Assertion\" you say one thing in the beginning and something else later on, recanting what you said before. Continuing his chastisement of Luther—and undoubtedly put off by the notion of there being \"no pure interpretation of Scripture anywhere but in Wittenberg\"—Erasmus touches upon another important point of the controversy: You stipulate that we should not ask for or", "id": "10021155" }, { "contents": "Pneumonia (album)\n\n\nmore candid: “If \"Pneumonia\" had come out when it was supposed to back in 1999, there would probably still be a Whiskeytown today.” Caitlin Cary agreed to a certain extent: “I suppose it’s possible that we might still be together, but Whiskeytown seemed to have something of a half-life. We never really worked very hard. We toured hard, but the way you make it in this industry is, besides being talented and driven, you have to play the game. Kiss a", "id": "16353803" }, { "contents": "Capacity in English law\n\n\nor otherwise - are generally deemed not to be able to enter legally binding agreements. Lord Ellenborough stated that such persons have \"no agreeing mind\", though similar principles apply as to those who are otherwise incapacitated. A drunken person can choose to ratify a contract once they are again sober, and under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, they are legally bound with regard to contracts for necessaries. Up until reforms in the Companies Act 2006, it was necessary for all companies to spell out the \"objects\" or the", "id": "16740741" }, { "contents": "History of international law\n\n\nit, or it was already customarily abiding by that rule. Now, however, merely consenting to an international practice is sufficient to be bound by it, without signing a treaty. An evolution of the positivist approach of Grotius, the concept of consent is an element of customary international law. Customary international law is essentially what states actually do, plus the \"opinio juris\" of what states believe international law requires them to do. Customary international law applies to every country, regardless of whether they have formally agreed to it", "id": "6937134" }, { "contents": "1980 United States presidential election\n\n\nDo you feel that our security is as safe, that we're as strong as we were four years ago? And if you answer all of those questions 'yes', why then, I think your choice is very obvious as to whom you will vote for. If you don't agree, if you don't think that this course that we've been on for the last four years is what you would like to see us follow for the next four, then I could suggest another choice that you have.", "id": "18888007" }, { "contents": "Red Grange\n\n\n\" in those days.\" Before the 1925 season, Grange was approached by Champaign movie theater owner C. C. Pyle who asked, \"How would you like to make one hundred thousand dollars, maybe even a million?\" After Grange agreed, he was told to stay in contact but remain silent on their meeting. The following day, Pyle contacted Chicago Bears owners George Halas and Edward Sternaman to outline a professional contract for Grange, organizing a barnstorming tour that spanned 19 games and 67 days, including games in Florida.", "id": "19920873" }, { "contents": "Celtic law\n\n\nalso common in many late Prehistoric Celtic laws. Reconstructable as Celt. *\"komarom\", 'joint ploughing', it is one of the areas where early law may have even penetrated to within the internal processes of the individual kin-group, particularly where some members of a ploughing cooperative were not kinsmen, while others were: as formal contracts would have been required between all members of the cooperative, they would also have bound members of the same kin in formal contracts. Another important field where contracts most likely were", "id": "8063232" }, { "contents": "Egg donation\n\n\ndonor is trustworthy or not. In more cases than not, there is no ongoing relationship between the donor and recipient following the cycle. Both the donor and recipient agree in formal legal documents that the donation of the eggs is final at the time of retrieval, and typically both parties would like any \"relationship\" to conclude at that point; if they prefer continued contact, they may provide for that in the contract. Even if they prefer anonymity, however, it remains theoretically possible that in the future, some children", "id": "18877215" }, { "contents": "South African law of sale\n\n\nto that effect. Where periods are stated for delivery by instalments, though, the seller is bound to deliver as agreed upon. The seller must make the thing sold available at the place agreed upon in the contract. If no place is agreed upon, he must make it available at the place where the article is, if it is specific. If the \"res\" is unascertained, the seller must make it available at his place of business; if he has no place of business, then at his residence.", "id": "8645568" }, { "contents": "Australian contract law\n\n\n. \"Toll (FGCT) Pty Ltd v Alphapharm Pty Ltd\" affirms this objective approach as it upholds that a person who signs either has read and approved the contents of the document or is willing to take the chance of being bound by the content. To undermine that assumption would cause serious mischief. This is on the basis that it provides an objective criteria as to whether a party has agreed to the terms of a contract. However, this rule is subject to exceptions. A signature will not be binding where the", "id": "22167018" }, { "contents": "Online hate speech\n\n\nalone, to reinforce a sense of an in-group that is (purportedly) under threat. A typical message sent this time to like-minded individuals can read like: \"We know some of you agree that these people are not wanted here. We know that some of you feel that they are dirty (or dangerous or criminal or terrorist). Know now that you are not alone. [...] There are enough of us around to make sure these people are not welcome. There are enough of us", "id": "1906850" }, { "contents": "Allison Iraheta\n\n\ndue to legal problems of the show the recording contract was never finalized and the production of the show was closed. Iraheta auditioned for the eighth season of \"American Idol\" in San Francisco in 2009. She sang \"(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman\" by Aretha Franklin and made it to the Hollywood audition rounds. The judges unanimously agreed to put her through to the semifinals, with Simon Cowell saying \"keep your eye on that one\" and Paula Abdul predicting that Iraheta would be a \"dark", "id": "12312130" }, { "contents": "The Crow & the Butterfly\n\n\nsong means something different to everyone.\" Smith said this about a possible \"The Crow & the Butterfly\" video: \"We are in the process of reading through video treatments for the song, and I have to admit we have been so busy with the current tour we are on, and putting everything together for \"The Carnival of Madness,\" we haven't even gotten a chance to ask all of you what you think about the song, and also what kind of video you would like to see from us", "id": "13396022" }, { "contents": "Beau Ryan\n\n\nto play in all 24 games for the club in 2012, scoring 9 tries. He made 310 runs during the year, among the NRLs top twenty performers, and was named in the Prime Minister's XIII at the end of the regular season. Having previously announced a contract extension on \"The Footy Show\", Ryan later signed a three-year contract with the Cronulla Sharks. Ryan said, \"I agreed to a three year deal but never received any formal documentation...I never got the opportunity to sign anything", "id": "360515" }, { "contents": "Price ceiling\n\n\n-competing firms to act like a monopoly, limiting quantities and raising prices. However, forming a cartel is difficult because it is necessary to agree on quantities and prices, and because each firm will have an incentive to \"cheat\" by lowering prices to sell more than it agreed to. Antitrust laws make collusion even more difficult because of legal sanctions. Having a third party, such as a regulator announce and enforce a maximum price level, can make it easier for the firms to agree on a price and to monitor", "id": "3383226" }, { "contents": "United Kingdom insolvency law\n\n\ngo into insolvency) can contract for a retention of title clause. This means that even though the seller of goods may have passed possession to a buyer, until the price of sale is paid, the seller has never passed property. The company and creditor agree that title to the property is retained by the seller until the date of payment. In the leading case, \"Aluminium Industrie Vaassen BV v Romalpa Aluminium Ltd\" a Dutch company making aluminium foil stipulated in its contract with Romalpa Aluminium Ltd that when it supplied the", "id": "6664161" }, { "contents": "Feels (album)\n\n\nafter years of not being professionally tuned and subtle natural detuning. Kind of like if you played guitar in standard tuning for years but never once re-tuned it to make sure it was right. It would have its own unique out-of-tune tuning based on what strings you played most often, how hard you played it, the temperature in the room, the humidity, etc... When we went into the studio it ruled over everything we did. Even Doctess's live piano playing required us bringing in a", "id": "11185942" }, { "contents": "Muwatta Imam Malik\n\n\nof ‘Abd Allāh b. Mas‘ūd. Your work should exemplify the following principle of the Prophet: “The best issues are those which are balanced.” It should be a compendium of the agreed upon views of the Companions and the elder imāms on the religious and legal issues. Once you have compiled such a work then we would be able to unite the Muslims in following the single fiqh worked by you. We would then promulgate it in the entire Muslim state. We would order that no body acts contrary to it.", "id": "16939895" }, { "contents": "Essentialia negotii\n\n\nEssentialia negotii () is a Latin legal term used in contract law. It denotes the minimum contents of a contract in order for it to be held effective and legally binding. Two parties purport to \"agree\" to have concluded a contract for a car, but have not actually worked out a price, it cannot be said that they have concluded a contract. The price would seem to be an \"essential term\". If further, the \"buyer\" had gone to a car dealer and said he would", "id": "4557304" }, { "contents": "Blackbird (Dan Sultan album)\n\n\nin a bit of a rut for a while, so once I did that I found that everything flowed on from there.\" \"You go through what you're going through and that can be pretty heavy. And then you write about what you've been through, which can be therapeutic.\" Dan attributes much of his satisfaction with his album to producer Jacquire King, \"We had a phone conversation before we even agreed to make the record together, just to see if we would get along. We spoke on", "id": "4628908" }, { "contents": "Hellraiser\n\n\nMaury related: \"The problem was that we couldn’t agree on the script with the studio. It’s kind of obvious why. We are hardcore fans of the original and we wanted to be respectful to Clive Barker’s universe. Without his greenlight, we never would have done it. We wouldn’t have even considered it. But Bob Weinstein of course had his own vision of the movie and wants to have a movie that can appeal to the largest possible audience...For us, it wasn’t possible to make", "id": "21146622" }, { "contents": "Evasion (law)\n\n\nthey can never be evaded. Thus, even though the contracts might be perfectly legal, they would be denied enforcement if the effect would be against public policy, such as the following: At either the characterisation or the choice of law stage, the most usual manipulation involves the way in which the connecting factors are pleaded as between the \"lex fori\" and the \"lex loci\" so that inconvenient local laws are evaded in favour of a \"foreign\" law. Under US Drug Trafficking Vessel Interdiction Act, it is", "id": "15395820" }, { "contents": "Ball tampering\n\n\n. Holding felt that Pakistan's refusal to play should not go unpunished even though they were not guilty of ball tampering, \"I have just written my letter of resignation to the ICC cricket committee because I cannot agree with what they've done,\" Holding said while commentating for Sky Sports during a domestic match in England. \"That game should never, ever be a draw. When you take certain actions, you must be quite happy to suffer the consequences.\" On 1 February 2009, the ICC reversed their", "id": "17869697" }, { "contents": "Soviet–Albanian split\n\n\nmonths later. Khrushchev threatened Hoxha, saying, \"We can dismantle the base if you like.\" Hoxha replied, \"If you dismantle the base you will be making a big mistake. We have fought empty-bellied and bare-footed, but have never kowtowed to anybody.\" As the meeting's atmosphere became increasingly hostile Khrushchev declared, \"You flare up in anger. You spat on me; no one can talk to you.\" The meeting ended after Kapo declared, \"I do not agree that", "id": "10012040" }, { "contents": "List of Downton Abbey characters\n\n\nwho agreed to make Matthew joint owner of Downton, is very slow to accept that Matthew and Branson make a brilliant team. Although Mary and Matthew sometimes disagree on various issues, they have a very happy marriage. Mary tells Matthew in bed, \"we must never take us for granted; we don't know what's coming\", Matthew responds, \"I will love you forever until the last breath leaves my body.\" Although only a few months have passed since their marriage, Mary is not pregnant and both", "id": "8983679" }, { "contents": "Axes conventions\n\n\nmatrices and quaternions) are unambiguous. Tait–Bryan angles are often used to describe a vehicle's attitude with respect to a chosen reference frame, though any other notation can be used. The positive \"x\"-axis in vehicles points always in the direction of movement. For positive \"y\"- and \"z\"-axis, we have to face two different conventions: Specially for aircraft, these frames do not need to agree with the earth-bound frames in the up-down line. It must be agreed what ENU and NED mean in", "id": "1640347" }, { "contents": "Chris Maguire\n\n\ngive Kilmarnock their first league win in eight games. Maguire's form after signing saw him win the Scottish Premier League Young Player of the Month award for February 2010. He scored 4 goals in 14 games to help Kilmarnock stay in the Scottish Premier League. On 1 June 2011, it was announced Maguire would sign for English Championship side Derby County on the expiration of his Aberdeen contract, having agreed a three-year deal with Derby. The transfer was formally completed on 29 June when Derby agreed a compensation package with Aberdeen", "id": "20649282" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Sarah Palin\n\n\nStossel on the subject of drug legalization but reiterated her belief that the government should better prioritize drug laws: \"You take even more of a stronger libertarian view than I do on some of those issues, like the War on Drugs. I happen to believe that we need to continue to do all that we can to discourage drug use, especially with our youth. I would like to see, though, law enforcement prioritize its time and resources and not go out and bust a guy in his house, maybe smoking a", "id": "3830694" }, { "contents": "Nick Green (baseball)\n\n\nelecting to be a free agent. On July 23, 2010, Green signed a minor league contract with the San Diego Padres. He played in 40 games for the Triple-A Portland Beavers, batting .264. On December 10, 2010, Green was widely reported to have signed a minor league deal with an invitation to spring training with the Baltimore Orioles. However, subsequent reports clarified that he and the team had never reached a formal agreement. On January 28, 2011, he did formally agree to a minor league", "id": "16260184" }, { "contents": "Kimble v. Marvel Entertainment, LLC\n\n\nstate statutes with that consequence. By virtue of federal law, we reasoned, \"an article on which the patent has expired,\" like an unpatentable article, \"is in the public domain and may be made and sold by whoever chooses to do so.\" In a related line of decisions, we have deemed unenforceable private contract provisions limiting free use of such inventions. . . .[F]or example, we determined that a manufacturer could not agree to refrain from challenging a patent's validity. Allowing even a single company to", "id": "4020667" }, { "contents": "Pavel Bure\n\n\nmade in the media during the Canucks' playoff run that Bure threatened not to play if a contract could not be agreed upon. A \"Toronto Star\" article, published before the first game of the Finals on May 31, 1994, claimed Bure had signed a five-year, $30 million contract that, if the Canucks had not agreed to, would have seen him pull out of game five of the Conference Finals against the Maple Leafs. The article was followed by two additional claims in the following two days", "id": "19920126" }, { "contents": "Rudder v Microsoft Corp\n\n\na party to turn the pages.\" Winkler observed that users were required to click on the \"I agree\" button to accept the terms, and that the impugned clause was no harder to read than any of the others. The sign-up procedure itself required users to click \"I agree\" twice, where the second time the user was told that they would still be bound to the terms even if they do not read them all. Winkler did not find it reasonable for Rudder to argue for the enforcement of", "id": "10299169" }, { "contents": "Roman law\n\n\nthat time onwards. This edict contained detailed descriptions of all cases, in which the praetor would allow a legal action and in which he would grant a defense. The standard edict thus functioned like a comprehensive law code, even though it did not formally have the force of law. It indicated the requirements for a successful legal claim. The edict therefore became the basis for extensive legal commentaries by later classical jurists like Paulus and Ulpian. The new concepts and legal institutions developed by pre-classical and classical jurists are too numerous", "id": "6722759" }, { "contents": "Lex loci contractus\n\n\nof the possible choice of law rules applied to cases testing the validity of a contract. For example, suppose that a person domiciled in Canada and a person habitually resident in France, make a contract by e-mail. They agree to meet in New York State to record a CD of hip hop music. The possibly relevant choice of law rules would be: The provisions of this legal concept can be construed to confirm the following: If a contract is consummated in one state but its content specifies that it is to", "id": "6888864" }, { "contents": "Torf-Einarr\n\n\nthe islands. Rognvald said: \"Considering the kind of mother you have, slave-born on each side of her family, you are not likely to make much of a ruler. But I agree, the sooner you leave and the later you return the happier I'll be.\" Rognvald agreed to provide Einarr with a ship and crew in the hope that he would sail away and never return. Despite his father's misgivings, on arrival in the Scottish islands, Einarr fought and defeated two Danish warlords, Þórir", "id": "14076748" }, { "contents": "Appeal to nature\n\n\nrule of thumb such as “all else being equal, you should generally try to eat natural foods” as if it is an exceptionless principle can sometimes involve a fallacy of accident. Julian Baggini explains the standard view of what makes this a fallacy as follows: \"Even if we can agree that some things are natural and some are not, what follows from this? The answer is: nothing. There is no factual reason to suppose that what is natural is good (or at least better) and what is unnatural", "id": "7926827" }, { "contents": "Johnny Ramone\n\n\nget on these tangents about how he never missed a day's work. I broke my big toe the day I had to go pitch a Little League game and he's going, 'What are you – a baby? What did I do, raise a baby? You go play.' And even though my toe was broken I had to go pitch the game anyway. It was terrible. It would always be like that. I'm glad he raised me like that but it would always be, 'What", "id": "21335350" }, { "contents": "Jaws (franchise)\n\n\nA small card gave a detailed description of the plot concluding with the comment \"might make a good movie.\" The producers each read it overnight and agreed that it was \"the most exciting thing that they had ever read\" and that, although they were unsure how they would accomplish it, they had to produce the film. Brown says that had they read the book twice they would have never have made the film because of the difficulties in executing some of the sequences. However, he says that \"we just", "id": "20011223" }, { "contents": "Velibor Vasović\n\n\nmore money than Red Star gave him. Vasović agreed, but he was under contract with Red Star and the club didn't want to sign off on the move despite being offered some money as a transfer fee. Vasović even resorted to unilaterally training with his old club. With the league season restarting following the winter break, Vasović was in legal limbo, out of the Red Star lineup, though still having his salary paid by the club. After several months of sitting out, Vasović got instructed by the Partizan vice-", "id": "16849285" }, { "contents": "Kris Newbury\n\n\nthe Washington Capitals. Following his second season with the Bears Newbury had off-season back surgery. Despite this he quickly signed a new contract to play for the Los Angeles Kings AHL affiliate, the Ontario Reign. In the 2015–16 season, Newbury contributed with 10 goals and 26 points in 44 games. As an unsigned free agent over the following summer, Newbury initially signed a contract to play in the ECHL with the Reading Royals. After making his Royals debut to begin the 2016–17 season, Newbury agreed to a professional try", "id": "17782302" }, { "contents": "Newt Gingrich\n\n\nfor the consulting, Gingrich said that \"Freddie Mac paid Gingrich Group, which has a number of employees and a number of offices, a consulting fee, just like you would pay any other consulting firm.\" In January 2012, he said that he could not make public his contract with Freddie Mac, even though the company gave permission, until his business partners in the Center for Health Transformation also agreed to that. Gingrich Productions, which is headed by Gingrich's wife Callista Gingrich, was created in 2007. According", "id": "11930627" }, { "contents": "Kedoshim\n\n\nTosefta, and Jerusalem Talmud interpreted the laws of mixing plants, cloth, and animals in Reading \"My ordinances (, \"mishpatai\") shall you do, and My statutes (, \"chukotai\") shall you keep,\" the Rabbis in a Baraita taught that the \"ordinances\" (, \"mishpatim\") were commandments that logic would have dictated that we follow even had Scripture not commanded them, like the laws concerning idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, robbery, and blasphemy. And \"statutes\" (,", "id": "4661639" }, { "contents": "English contract law\n\n\nlarge transactions such as a sale of land, also require the formalities of signatures and witnesses and English law goes further than other European countries by requiring all parties bring something of value, known as \"consideration\", to a bargain as a precondition to enforce it. Contracts can be made personally or through an agent acting on behalf of a principal, if the agent acts within what a reasonable person would think they have the authority to do. In principle, English law grants people broad freedom to agree the content of a", "id": "18880791" }, { "contents": "Rog (factory)\n\n\nwithout progressing into renovation due to lack of funding. Such construction pit would again make the space abandoned and it is unclear for how many more years it would stay like that. As a consequence, users are claiming that the conditions of them leaving have not been fulfilled, especially because the legal contract have never been made to formalize the conditions, so temporary use never got into the effect. Moreover, since 2006, when the first informal arrangement was made, the Rog factory has shown that there is a need for such", "id": "21905842" }, { "contents": "College Football Playoff\n\n\nAP Poll, Coaches' Poll, and the Harris Poll, computer rankings are not used to make the selections. Advanced statistics and metrics are expected to be submitted to the committee, though like other analytics, they have no formal role in the decision. Committee members are not required to attend games. Long said the panel considered less frequent rankings, but ultimately decided on a weekly release. \"That's what the fans have become accustomed to, and we felt it would leave a void in college football without a ranking", "id": "6374867" }, { "contents": "Marek Kvapil\n\n\nDraft. He was drafted the following year by the Tampa Bay Lightning, though would never play for the team. After spending three years in their farm system, Kvapil returned to Europe in 2008 to continue his career. On April 7, 2017, Kvapil agreed to return to the KHL in signing a one-year contract as a free agent with Amur Khabarovsk. In the 2017–18 season, Kvapil contributed with just 1 goal in 11 games before ending his brief stint with Amur in returning to the Czech Extraliga with HC Bílí", "id": "9934666" }, { "contents": "Mourning Dove (author)\n\n\nover and also all the rest of the family neglected their housework till they read it cover to cover. I felt like it was some one else's book and not mine at all. In fact the finishing touches are put there by you, and I have never seen it\". Mourning Dove agreed to the changes, later writing to him: \"My book of Cogewea would never have been anything but the cheap foolscap paper that it was written on if you had not helped me get it in shape. I can", "id": "16319836" }, { "contents": "Design Review (publication)\n\n\neverything that has to do with the arts, design cannot be tested for its quality in a laboratory ... The elusive quality that a consensus of opinion agrees to call good design is not to be defined in terms like an axiom in geometry ... So we will leave the making of formulas and rules to those who like that sort of thing ... we shall publish in each number a discussion on some particular object; a house, a chair, a teapot or what have you. The contributor will tell you his or her", "id": "5568969" }, { "contents": "Mercosur\n\n\nfamily and succession law; social security contracts; administrative contracts; employment contracts; consumer sales contracts; transport contracts; insurance policies; and rights in rem. Courts in member nations to whose jurisdiction the contracted parties have agreed to submit the matter in writing will have jurisdiction to settle controversies stemming from civil or commercial international contracts. The jurisdiction can be agreed on at the time the contract is signed, during the life of the contract, or even when the dispute actually arises. The validity and effects of the choice of venue", "id": "2664035" }, { "contents": "Protected trust deed\n\n\ntrust deed debt must be a minimum of £5,000 to become protected. When one agrees to enter into a trust deed, you take on the responsibilities and obligations of a regular legally binding contract to repay your debt. As such when one agrees to the terms of the trust deed you commit to: Where, however, you experience a change in circumstances during your trust deed, such as unemployment, the trustee should review your finances to assess what is an appropriate level of contribution. This may mean you will only have", "id": "21525081" }, { "contents": "Funny Lady\n\n\nshe was contractually bound to make one more film for producer Ray Stark (Fanny Brice's one-time son-in-law), Streisand balked at doing the project. She told Stark \"that it would take litigation to make her do a sequel.\" However, Streisand liked the script, which showed Fanny to be \"...tougher, more acerbic, more mature...\", and she agreed to do the film. The first actor to read for the role of Billy Rose was Robert Blake. Other actors", "id": "5616092" }, { "contents": "History of international law\n\n\ninternational law has been agreed to formally by treaties between nations. Treaties are essentially contracts between countries. They are agreements by which the parties intend to be bound. If treaties are broken, their effectiveness is weakened because there is no guarantee that future promises will be kept. So there is a strong incentive for nations to take treaties very seriously. Modern nations engage in a two-step procedure for entering into treaties. The first step is signing the treaty. Being a signatory to a treaty means that a country intends to", "id": "6937136" }, { "contents": "Ethical implications in contracts\n\n\nbut are determined by the individual. Following are reasons for breaches in contracts and the way in which these ethical considerations may impact upon them. In most of these situations, the law may not agree with moral or cultural relativism and award in favour of what people generally view as being ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It is therefore imperative that contracts are created to be as durable as possible so parties are unable to find legal ‘loopholes’ and use their power, wealth, ignorance or cultural differences in setting contracts", "id": "2477655" }, { "contents": "Céleste Albaret\n\n\nthe household staff Proust invited her to address him directly, rather than by using the third person singular. Naturally she agreed at once, though she had absolutely no idea who or what this third person singular was. Proust recommended what she should read. She read The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas at his prompting. She rejected his suggestion that she should read Balzac, however. And despite her employer's urgings, she never took to keeping a diary. Apart from making coffee and serving the croissants, one task that Albaret", "id": "15735487" }, { "contents": "Spoilt Rotten\n\n\n. Fforde wrote that the book, \"makes uneasy reading for huggy liberals, and asks harsh questions over the bizarre sense of sentimentality that seems to have befuddled us Brits ever since millions of us queued up to sign a book of condolences for a princess we didn't know. Dalrymple looks at the downside of an overblown sense of sentiment, which resulted this year with a murderous thug who saw himself as a victim and found 32,000 people agreeing with him, and even opening a tribute Facebook page in his posthumous honor\".", "id": "7999405" }, { "contents": "Ticket cases\n\n\nIn contract law, ticket cases are a series of cases that stand for the proposition that if you are handed a ticket or another document with terms, and you retain the ticket or document, then you are bound by those terms. Whether you have read the terms or not is irrelevant, and in a sense, using the ticket is analogous to signing the document. This issue is an important one due to the proliferation of exclusion clauses that accompany tickets in everyday transactions. The case of \"Parker v. The South Eastern", "id": "3846066" }, { "contents": "What Would We Do Without You?\n\n\nto her. He reveals he's not in love with her, and she tells him she might be pregnant. The pregnancy test comes back negative, and Carlos finds himself disappointed. Finding a new way to keep Carlos, Edie suggests they try having a child even though they're not in love, and Carlos agrees. Edie, however, is still secretly taking her birth control pills. Lynette and Tom's marriage continues to decline and Lynette doesn't speak to Tom for five days. In an attempt to rebuild their", "id": "891792" }, { "contents": "Canton Bulldogs–Massillon Tigers betting scandal\n\n\nBeacon-Journal\" a copy of a contract in which Wightman agreed to have the first Canton-Massillon game thrown for $4,000. The contract was signed by East, Wightman and John T. Windsor, one of the owners of East's Akron baseball team. It should also be noted that East, boasted of fixing a college football game, as well as a baseball game in 1905. Meanwhile, Windsor admitted to his part in the scheme, backing up East's story. He said that he never even met Wallace", "id": "12310695" }, { "contents": "Real estate contract\n\n\nprovides copies of the signed contract to the buyer and seller. As may be the case with other contracts, real estate contracts may be formed by one party making an offer and another party accepting the offer. To be enforceable, the offers and acceptances must be in writing (Statute of Frauds, Common Law)and signed by the parties agreeing to the contract. Often, the party making the offer prepares a written real estate contract, signs it, and transmits it to the other party who would accept the offer by signing the", "id": "203754" }, { "contents": "KIAH\n\n\nhad signed a formal agreement even though Warner asserted that Gaylord's stations were legally bound to draft affiliation proposals for The WB. Not pleased with Gaylord's about-face, on August 18, WB majority owner Time Warner filed several lawsuits in attempts to block the Gaylord-CBS affiliation deal under breach of contract and bad faith negotiation complaints, and enforce an alleged contract with Gaylord to affiliate with The WB. CBS and Gaylord came to a deal on September 14, when the two parties signed a ten-year agreement with", "id": "12998823" }, { "contents": "The Lyon's Den\n\n\n, Lowe said Jewel agreed to do the scene. Lowe stated: \"But as we approached the kissing moment it became strained and it's never good when you can't trust that your fellow actor is on the same page... I pecked her on the lips; her mouth scrunched closed like you would do if someone was going to stick something unwanted into it, which I was not intending. I sort of moved my head from side to side to make it look real, like there was at least a dollop of", "id": "15966612" }, { "contents": "2011 United Nations Climate Change Conference\n\n\n.\" Natarajan responded to European Union Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, saying that: We have shown more flexibility than virtually any other country. But equity is the centrepiece, it cannot be shifted. This is not about India. Does fighting climate change mean we have to give up on equity? We have agreed to protocol and legal instrument. What's the problem in having one more option? India will never be intimidated by any threat or any kind of pressure. What's this legal instrument? How do I give", "id": "8227249" }, { "contents": "Rick Santorum\n\n\n. I would definitely agree with that. I would certainly suggest there probably should be some further limits on what we use it for.\" In January 2012, Santorum said, \"when there is certainty, that's the case that capital punishment can be used\", but \"if there is not certainty, under the law, it shouldn't be used.\" Santorum used cannabis in college, but later said, \"Even during that time, I knew that what I was doing was wrong.\" He is", "id": "20343611" }, { "contents": "Avatar (2009 film)\n\n\nthat maybe in the enjoying of it makes you think a little bit about the way you interact with nature and your fellow man\". He added that \"the Na'vi represent something that is our higher selves, or our aspirational selves, what we would like to think we are\" and that even though there are good humans within the film, the humans \"represent what we know to be the parts of ourselves that are trashing our world and maybe condemning ourselves to a grim future\". Cameron acknowledges that \"Avatar\"", "id": "2843560" }, { "contents": "Abraham Lincoln Marovitz\n\n\na law firm, where a partner encouraged him to attend law school (and agreed to fund his tuition), even though Marovitz did not have a college degree. \"In those days, you didn't need a college degree to go to law school,\" Marovitz later said. \"So that's how I wound up the only sitting federal judge who never went to college.\" Marovitz earned a Bachelor of Laws from Chicago-Kent College of Law in 1925 at the age of 19, and he was at", "id": "20530546" }, { "contents": "The Mother-Daughter Book Club\n\n\ntalks to them both, saying that Clementine does not want Cassidy to play hockey because she is afraid that she will lose her daughter like she lost her husband. Cassidy says that she will compromise with Clementine by having a better attitude and not talking back. In return, Clementine will let Cassidy play hockey with the boys' team. They both agree by signing a contract that is not legally bound. Cassidy, Emma, Jess, and Megan leave the school, on their way to Megan's house for book club.", "id": "19366269" }, { "contents": "Grigori Rasputin\n\n\nthat have survived do not permit us to say more than that\". According to historian Douglas Smith, Rasputin's youth and early adulthood are \"a black hole about which we know almost nothing\", though the lack of reliable sources and information did not stop others from fabricating stories about his parents and his youth after Rasputin's rise to fame. Historians agree, however, that like most Siberian peasants, including his mother and father, Rasputin was never formally educated, and he remained illiterate well into his early adulthood.", "id": "12583311" }, { "contents": "Brogden v Metropolitan Rly Co\n\n\nthey were to exchange agreements, so that each side should be perfectly safe and secure, knowing that the other side was bound. But, although that was what each party contemplated, still I agree (I think the Lord Chief Justice Cockburn states it clearly enough), that if a draft having been prepared and agreed upon as the basis of a deed or contract to be executed between two parties, the parties, without waiting for the execution of the more formal instrument, proceed to act upon the draft, and treat", "id": "10468448" }, { "contents": "Digital infinity\n\n\nformal idea what “thinking” is — and indeed we still don’t, all of which is frequently pointed out by Chomsky who agrees that while a mind can be said to “compute”—as we have some idea what computing is and some good evidence the brain is doing it on at least some level—we cannot however claim that computer or any other machine is “thinking” because we have no coherent definition of what thinking is. Taking the example of what’s called “consciousness,” “We don’t even", "id": "9694467" }, { "contents": "Court system of Canada\n\n\ntribunal adjudicator could legally make a decision that differs from a past decision, on the same subject and issues, delivered by the highest court in the land. Because a tribunal is not bound by legal precedent, established by itself or by a reviewing court, a tribunal is not a court even though it performs an important adjudicative function and contributes to the development of law like a court would do. Although \"stare decisis\" does not apply to tribunals, their adjudicators will likely nonetheless find a prior court decision on a similar", "id": "9478838" }, { "contents": "Jarome Iginla\n\n\n, Iginla led the Flames in goals with 28. His success complicated negotiations for a new contract, as he and the Flames struggled to agree on a new deal following the season. Hoping to help resolve the contract impasse, Iginla agreed to attend training camp without a contract and purchased his own insurance as the team would not have been responsible financially if he suffered an injury. He remained without a contract at the start of the 1999–2000 season and missed the first three games as a holdout before signing a three-year deal", "id": "5047737" }, { "contents": "Trial of George Zimmerman\n\n\nbe found guilty even after all the other jurors had decided to find him not guilty. However, she said that after nine hours of deliberations, she realized that there was not enough evidence to convict Zimmerman under Florida law: \"As the law was read to me, if you have no proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty.\" The juror said that she felt like she owed", "id": "956810" }, { "contents": "George Martin\n\n\n's enthusiasm and agreed to sign the unknown Beatles to a recording contract, without having met them or seen them play live. The contract was not what it seemed, however, as Martin would not sign it himself until he had heard an audition, and later said that EMI had \"nothing to lose,\" as it offered one penny for each record sold, which was split among the four members. Martin suggested to EMI (after the release of \"From Me to You\") that the royalty rate should be", "id": "1026336" }, { "contents": "You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again\n\n\nThomson expressed Phillips' attitude as: \"you [Hollywood] guys don't take women seriously; you like us around... [but] we aren't allowed to be players\". Those same few men, like \"Valley viper\" Mike Ovitz who headed the Creative Artists Agency were, in her eyes, responsible for a qualitative decline in standards and the increasing banality of movies since the 1970s. On its release most critics agreed that the book was both scandalous and career-ending. (Even with a quarter of", "id": "17179335" }, { "contents": "Law of obligations (Bulgaria)\n\n\nback what he has received from the other party. If an invalid contract complies with the requirements of another legal transaction, the former is valid and considered transformed in the latter given that the parties would have agreed to conclude the latter. The representation is governed by art. 36-43 OCA. The Representation is a legal institution referring to legal actions of one person (agent) on behalf of another (principal) whereby the principal has to bear the consequences resulting from the agent's legal actions. here are two forms", "id": "16282570" }, { "contents": "Cyberethics\n\n\nthe Internet] ... We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one... You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.\" A third party believes that the internet supersedes all tangible borders such as the borders of countries, authority should be given to an international body since what is legal in one country may be against the law in another. An issue specific to the ethical issues of the freedom of information is what is known as", "id": "9641961" }, { "contents": "Issues in anarchism\n\n\nis conceivable, every orthodoxy prating of freedom or liberation is called into question, anarchism included. The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it\". Hakim Bey has said: \"From Stirner's \"Union of Self-Owning Ones\" we proceed to Nietzsche's circle of \"Free Spirits\" and thence to Charles Fourier's \"Passional Series\", doubling and redoubling ourselves even as the Other multiplies itself in the eros of", "id": "5735231" }, { "contents": "1993 congressional hearings on video games\n\n\nMart, Toys \"R\" Us, and Babbages agreed that they would only stock games that have received these ratings, though had not yet decided on how to handle selling games rating for adults to children. The Senators still expressed concern at the type of content the industry was willing to produce. Kohl stated \"Let me give you my honest perspective on this issue: Violent video games that degrade women are harmful to our children and are garbage...But we live by and cherish a Constitution that prevents government from censoring material", "id": "12109174" }, { "contents": "The Four of Us Are Dying\n\n\nagent. Through those years I found several who would let me use their names, though few cared to sign a contract with me. One of these men, Jay Richards - at the time head of the television department of the Famous Artists Agency, long since absorbed by I.F.A. (International Famous Agency), and since embedded in I.C.M. (International Creative Management), which represents me now in television and movies - agreed to read something. I showed Jay 'All of Us Are Dying.' After reading it, he", "id": "15337352" }, { "contents": "Bob Costas\n\n\ndid suggest that more regulation be placed on America's gun culture: Now, do I believe that we need more comprehensive and more sensible gun control legislation? Yes I do. That doesn't mean repeal the Second Amendment. That doesn't mean a prohibition on someone having a gun to protect their home and their family. It means sensible and more comprehensive gun control legislation. But even if you had that, you would still have the problem of what Jason Whitlock wrote about, and what I agree with. And that", "id": "4734748" }, { "contents": "John E. Sprizzo\n\n\nproceeding in a competent enough fashion to meet the possibility that the judge would not agree with you. . . . Do you know what is wrong with your office, and you in particular? You assume all we have to do is say narcotics. Groban: That is not true. Sprizzo: And the judge will roll over and let the case go to the jury. You people have not been trained the way I have been trained, dealing with judges like Judge Wyatt who threw my conspiracy count out, and other", "id": "20760546" }, { "contents": "Miguel Cotto\n\n\nwas knocked out by Alvarez. The contracts were signed and the fight was agreed on December 13, 2016 for an agreed catchweight of 153 pounds. The fight was postponed on February 2, after Kirkland cut his nose, this was later revealed as a fracture, eventually cancelling the card. On May 18, 2017 sources confirmed that Cotto had parted ways with promoter Roc Nation Sports. One of the main reasons for the split was due to not having an opponent lined up even though he mentioned 2017 would be his last year", "id": "20296394" }, { "contents": "Stuxnet\n\n\nnation-state support was involved, agreed \"That's what it would look like, yes.\" In May 2011, the PBS program \"Need To Know\" cited a statement by Gary Samore, White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, in which he said, \"we're glad they [the Iranians] are having trouble with their centrifuge machine and that we – the US and its allies – are doing everything we can to make sure that we complicate matters for them,\" offering \"", "id": "19019186" }, { "contents": "Reese Witherspoon\n\n\na law student in order to follow her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School. Witherspoon said about the role, \"When I read \"Legally Blonde\", I was like, 'She's from Beverly Hills, she's rich, she's in a sorority. She has a great boyfriend. Oh yeah, she gets dumped. Who cares? I still hate her.' So we had to make sure she was the kind of person you just can't hate.\" \"Legally Blonde\" was a box", "id": "10041268" }, { "contents": "Empresa de Transporte Aéreo\n\n\ndirector of NYRBA who was willing to sell aircraft - but who also wanted to buy the airline. The sale contract was signed on August 13, 1929 and a minor portion of the agreed price paid. However, the contract was not registered and had actual faults which made it invalid according to Brazilian law. Furthermore, ETA did not have the exclusivity demanded by O'Neill. For this reason, O'Neill denounced the contract and declared the transaction null. A years-long legal battle followed. Losing interest in air operations, Vacani", "id": "19612783" }, { "contents": "Leicester Square\n\n\nwas subject to the significant legal case of \"Tulk v Moxhay\". The plot's previous owner, Moxhay, had agreed upon a covenant not to erect buildings but the law would not allow buyers who were not \"privy\" to the initial contract to be bound by subsequent promises. The judge, Lord Cottenham, decided that future owners of land could be bound by promises to abstain from activity, subject to the doctrine of notice (actual or constructive). Otherwise, a buyer could (re-)sell land to himself to", "id": "10184928" }, { "contents": "Chitto Harjo\n\n\nwhat it was to be and we agreed upon those terms. That was what the agreement was and we signed our names to that agreement and to those terms. He said, 'Just as long as you see light here; just as long as you see this light glimmering over us, shall these agreements be kept and not until all these things shall cease and pass away shall our agreement pass away.' That is what he said and we believed it. I think there is nothing that has been done by the", "id": "8194489" }, { "contents": "Women's Equality Party\n\n\n. We are going to concentrate, laser-like, on all of the above, to make them happen. And we will welcome people from any other political party that agrees with our values of diversity and inclusivity to work with us.\" However, Walker promised that the party's working definition of the word \"woman\", as well as more detail of the party's policies, would be covered in its policy launch, following consultation with party members. Early indications of what to expect included Walker's call for", "id": "19140642" }, { "contents": "Manav Utthan Sewa Samiti\n\n\nfellow man. Whatever you share with others comes back to you multiplied. While stressing on the spiritual vision for mankind he said Even though India is the land where Divine Masters lived and taught, nowadays the poison of untouchability, prejudice is eating away at society like a cancer. Despite all the laws and legal structures which have been created, man still hates man. Why? Doesn’t he realise the God also dwells in the lowly and the downtrodden? We feel like this because we have lost our spiritual vision. He", "id": "5609343" } ]
What should I know about Reddit before posting more?
[{"answer": "Most people on here will be assholes over really minor things, you retarded piece of shit."}, {"answer": "**READ THE SIDEBARS**. Really, that's all there is to it. Each subreddit has its own rules and regulations, and it frustrates regulars to no end when an endless stream of people post things they shouldn't."}, {"answer": "Just go have fun, I'm sure if you do something wrong you will be told."}, {"answer": "Reddit is owned by a company called [Advance Publications]( URL_0 ) which took US$ 6.56 billion in 2013, mainly from advertising."}, {"answer": "* Please check the [Rules of Reddit]( URL_3 ) and the [Reddiquette]( URL_1 ) if you haven't done it yet. * Check the [FAQ]( URL_5 ) for any questions you'd want to have answered. The answer about [recurring acronyms]( URL_0 ) might be quite useful. * Have a look at the \"formatting help\" tool at the bottom of any comment box, so you know how to format your Reddit comments. * Discover new subreddits [by using the tool in this page]( URL_4 ) or by checking [Metareddit]( URL_6 ). * If you ever find some in-joke or an unexplained reference, you can check the [list of retired questions in /r/OutOfTheLoop]( URL_2 )."}, {"answer": "As far as slang goes that would depend on which subreddit you go. I would also say read the rules on the right side of each subreddit before posting (especially in tv show subreddit so as to not spoil anyone on it) and have fun. Just posting anything that is on your mind."}, {"answer": "Never admit to being wrong. If someone starts getting pushy, adopt a condescending attitude to deal with that person."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6911863", "title": "Sitelink", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["\"Every site should strive to get sitelinks, as they imply authority as well as web presence. Sitelinks also occupy additional search results screen real estate, the space that pushes your competitors further down the results page something to be desired.\"", "Sitelinks are hyperlinks to website subpages that appear under certain Google listings in order to help users navigate the site. The site owner cannot add any sitelinks; Google adds them through its own secret automated algorithms.If you have a Google Adwords program you can create campaign and adgroup level sitelinks. The site owner can, however, block individual sitelinks, which may be useful if he deems them u", "Sitelinks are hyperlinks to website subpages that appear under certain Google listings in order to help users navigate the site. The site owner cannot add any sitelinks; Google adds them through its own secret automated algorithms.If you have a Google Adwords program you can create campaign and adgroup level sitelinks. The site owner can, however, block individual sitelinks, which may be useful if he deems them unhelpful. In Google, there are a minimum of one and a maximum of ten sitelinks per site. According to John I Jerkovic, \"Every site should strive to get sitelinks, as they imply authority as well as web presence. Sitelinks also occupy additional search results screen real estate, the space that pushes your competitors further down the results page something to be desired.\" Sitelinks are also said to appear \"on some search results where Google thinks one result is far more relevant than other results (like navigational or brand related searches)\"."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Suicide of Leelah Alcorn\n\n\nand be a straight male, but eventually I realized that I hated religion and my parents.\" On Reddit, Alcorn also disclosed that she was prescribed increasing dosages of the anti-depressant Prozac. In concluding her post, she wrote, \"Please help me, I don't know what I should do and I can't take much more of this.\" Alcorn's computer was recovered near the site of her suicide. It contained conversations showing that she had planned to jump off the bridge that crosses Interstate 71 days", "id": "16172993" }, { "contents": "Black Mirror\n\n\nin the series, crediting this to the fact that writing began in July 2016 and continued throughout the 2016 U.S. election, and \"I genuinely thought, I don't know what state the world's going to be in by the time these [episodes] appear, and I don't know how much appetite there will be for nothing but bleak nihilism.\" In May 2017, a Reddit post unofficially announced the names and directors of the six episodes in series 4 of \"Black Mirror\". Filming for the fourth series", "id": "6243698" }, { "contents": "Yishan Wong\n\n\nprojects including crowd translation. Before leaving Facebook in 2010, he took a liking to Reddit and began posting there. After three months of talks with Reddit in late 2011, Wong was offered the position of CEO, an offer which he claims friends met with \"uproarious laughter\". In 2012, when asked about various controversial Reddit communities, Wong said that the site should provide a platform to objectionable content, saying \"We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it.\"", "id": "8055363" }, { "contents": "Yoo Ah-in\n\n\nfront of more than ten thousand spectators. Yoo said in his speech, “I shamefully did not know much about Jeju 4.3. I did not know what to call it, nor why we were not supposed to know about it […] After learning about Jeju 4.3, I realized that it’s a moment in history we all should never forget, and that we must continue to talk about and to make the issue current.” And, “I could not imagine how the perpetrators could continue to go on with", "id": "3314364" }, { "contents": "Christopher Slowe\n\n\nto develop. Immediately upon graduating, in what has been considered a startling departure from expectations, he left academia to co-found reddit, a social news website where users can post links to content on the web. Other users may then vote the posted links up or down, causing them to appear more or less prominently on the reddit home page. Of this change in direction, Slowe explained that \"(my) career path may have veered away from the original degree, but that's the nice thing about start", "id": "3110906" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\n1.8 billion valuation, with Advance Publications remaining the majority stakeholder. In February 2019, a $300 million funding round led by Tencent brought the company's valuation to $3 billion. Reddit is a website comprising user-generated content—including photos, videos, links, and text-based posts—and discussions of this content in what is essentially a bulletin board system. The name \"Reddit\" is a play-on-words with the phrase \"read it\", i.e., \"I read it on Reddit", "id": "1077334" }, { "contents": "Godzilla: Final Wars\n\n\nstrong. So in my Godzilla, you know, less dialogue and more action. That’s more fun than watching people discuss what we should do about Godzilla. As a Godzilla fan I want to see Godzilla punching and kicking, beating up all the other monsters instead of somebody talking again, you know, discussing the operation. That's what I wanted to do is to revive that, but not in the same way, I have to update. This is the updated version of '70s, crazy, monster movies", "id": "13142861" }, { "contents": "Duty Now for the Future\n\n\nguitar can only do what a guitar does. It's like only one tiny piece of a synthesizer. On this album, we did much more with the guitars, too. Sometimes you don't know that they're guitars.\" However, more recently, Casale has been critical of the sound of the album, particularly in a Reddit chat on June, 25th, 2013. \"I love the songs but I loathe Ken Scott's production. He 'de-balled' us.\" The American 12\" album", "id": "16621998" }, { "contents": "Stuart Firestein\n\n\nthan building on what we do know. When asked why he wrote the book, Firestein replied, \"I came to the realization at some point several years ago that these kids [his students] must actually think we know all there is to know about neuroscience. And that's the difference. That's not what we think in the lab. What we think in the lab is, we don't know bupkis. So I thought, well, we should be talking about what we don't know, not what", "id": "18728477" }, { "contents": "Kentucky Avenue\n\n\nwas. I just knew it took him longer to get to the bus stop than me ... Sometimes I think kids know more than anybody. I rode a train once to Santa Barbara with this kid and it almost seemed like he lived a life somewhere before he was born and he brought what he knew with him into this world and so ... it's what you don't know that's usually more interesting. Things you wonder about, things you have yet to make up your mind about. There's more to deal", "id": "14726940" }, { "contents": "The Day We Fight Back\n\n\nI'm not going to explore this idea.' I don't want anyone thinking about that. It upsets me very much and is not the kind of free society I think we should be living in. As February 11 drew to a close, \"The New York Times\" posted a blog titled \"The Day the Internet Didn't Fight Back,\" reporting that \"the protest on Tuesday barely registered. Wikipedia did not participate. Reddit ... added an inconspicuous banner to its homepage. Sites like Tumblr, Mozilla and", "id": "610791" }, { "contents": "2010 United Kingdom general election debates\n\n\nthe public, in a mass way, for the first time. I think he'll be rightly pleased with his performance. I think at the end of the day... when all the dust settles, when people start sort of examining what are the policies, I don't think people know much about Liberal policies, and I think they do know more about our policies”. He said he had \"enjoyed\" the debate, adding: \"I think it's part of the debate we should have in Britain.", "id": "15685298" }, { "contents": "R/The Donald\n\n\nMarch 2019, users of r/The_Donald posted messages to the subreddit that justified the shooting and violence against Muslims. When asked for comment, a Reddit spokesperson stated that Reddit had strengthened its hate speech and violence policies over the last several years. When asked about users from r/The_Donald posting in the r/newzealand subreddit after the attack, the moderators of r/newzealand noted that the users often employ dog-whistle verbiage, making it difficult to discern which content posted should have action taken against it. Members of", "id": "6515099" }, { "contents": "Inertia Creeps\n\n\nrelationship that Robert del Naja had, which at the time had just ended: I already had a lot of the lyrics written before. It was just about a relationship I had been going through. It's about being in a situation but knowing you should be out of it but you're too fucking lazy or weak to leave. And you're dishonest to yourself and dishonest to the other person. You're betraying them and the whole scene feels like it's closing in on you, d'ya-know-what-", "id": "7209609" }, { "contents": "TJ Kirk\n\n\nbeing an author. Kirk began posting videos on YouTube in November 2006. In 2007, Kirk posted a video which included a warning about the mental instability of 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen, who would later perpetrate the Jokela school shooting. In 2012, Kirk was widely criticized for incendiary comments made on Reddit before he deleted his account. In their argument about trigger warnings, Kirk repeatedly stated that one of the participants, a self-described rape victim, should be raped again. Science blogger PZ Myers condemned these", "id": "19080726" }, { "contents": "Stretch (rapper)\n\n\ndeteriorated after he learned that Stretch was still doing shows with The Notorious B.I.G. even though he had accused the rapper of being involved in his shooting. In a jailhouse interview with \"VIBE Magazine\", Tupac insinuated Stretch, an imposing figure at 6'8\", should have done more to help him and was surprisingly out of harm's way: \"I was, like, 'What should I do?' I’m thinking Stretch is going to fight; he was towering over those niggas. From what I know about the", "id": "13829649" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\nsummer, so it acted mostly as a \"validation of what we were thinking about attempting\". In a message to the Reddit community, Colbert later added, \"I have no doubt that your efforts to organize and the joy you clearly brought to your part of the story contributed greatly to the turnout and success.\" In May 2014 Reddit was blocked in Indonesia on the grounds that it hosts content that includes nudity. In June 2015 Reddit was blocked in China for possibly as long as a few weeks. On April", "id": "1077383" }, { "contents": "Jaimie Warren\n\n\npublications. The Huffington Post commented on her exhibition “The WOAHS of Female Tragedy II”: “We don't know what we love most about Jaimie Warren: her knack for puns, her obsession with \"Toddlers & Tiaras\" or her endless devotion to Roseanne Barr…Warren, like a Reddit-crazed Cindy Sherman, inserts her self-portraits into the best and most bizarre memes, channeling everything from Picasso's \"Demoiselles\" to the celebrity spoof, \"Lasagna Del Rey.\" For her second solo exhibition at", "id": "16466945" }, { "contents": "Jason Grimshaw\n\n\nafter the Joinery exploded. In February 2012, Thomas said he wants \"fun\" times for Jason after the departure of Rosie. In an interview with \"Lorraine\" about what could be next for Jason, Thomas commented: \"I know the direction it's going. I'm not allowed to say too much about it, but I know that they're putting me with [different] people and I don't know what's going to happen there. But that should be exciting for him. I just want Jason", "id": "17182868" }, { "contents": "Alfred Taylor Howard\n\n\ndays, Alfred wondered about what his life-work should be. So he made this a matter for prayer. During the summer before his senior year, while working on his father's farm, he chose a certain empty stall in the barn as his \"quiet place\" for daily intercession. Later he wrote, \"\"I do not know when in my life I ever prayed more earnestly for definite guidance.\"\" In his handwritten memoirs, found after his death, he tells of the outcome of his prayer", "id": "10606724" }, { "contents": "Joe J. Plumeri\n\n\nI certainly didn't know anything about London. And I didn't know if my act would fly in London, to be honest with you.\" But the more he examined it the more appealing it became, and Weill advised him that he should definitely take the position. Plumeri assumed the post of Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Willis on October 15, 2000. He replaced John Reeve, who retired, and became the company's first non-British CEO and first non-insurance industry CEO. The staid,", "id": "2955049" }, { "contents": "It's Good\n\n\nI can’t ever be upset about someone’s reaction. I’m not going to say I don’t know what would happen before I even say [something on record]. I do know what will happen. I’m aware of it. But it is what it is.\" Jadakiss has distanced himself from all conflict as well and commented that he isn't involved on any attack on any rap artist. Slant commented on the alleged attack by saying that the track \"generated more buzz than any other track on Tha", "id": "14315273" }, { "contents": "Henry Fonda\n\n\ndon't know, I stand there, I think about my wife, Afdera, I don't know.\" The writer Al Aronowitz, while working on a profile of Jane Fonda for \"The Saturday Evening Post\" in the 1960s, asked Henry Fonda about method acting: \"I can't articulate about the Method\", he told me, \"because I never studied it. I don't mean to suggest that I have any feelings one way or the other about it...I don't know what the Method", "id": "2303249" }, { "contents": "Gimme What I Don't Know (I Want)\n\n\n, In a review of \"The 20/20 Experience - 2 of 2\", Mesfin Fekadu of \"The Huffington Post\" stated that the album starts on the wrong note by using \"Gimme What I Don't Know (I Want)\" as its opener. Idolator's Carl Williott wrote that the song is a \"clunky jungle-as-sex metaphor\" that should have been erased when Bruno Mars's 2013 single \"Gorilla\" was released. Opposite, Melinda Newman of HitFix gave the song a grade A while describing", "id": "19417360" }, { "contents": "Mickey Miller\n\n\nthat giving Mickey a family was not the producers' original plan for the character, but he was pleased when he was told of the development one year prior to their introduction: \"Before, I was in and out all the time. I didn't really know where I stood as an actor. Now that the family are here, I feel like Mickey's a more regular character. I'm really happy about it [...] I didn't know exactly what they'd be like until about three or four months", "id": "20915564" }, { "contents": "Jackie Collins\n\n\n, he says, she went to them \"more as an observer than participant\", using them as part of her \"research.\" \"Write about what you know\", Collins said at a writer's conference. \"I love what I do. I fall in love with my characters. They become me, and I become them.\" Collins died on 19 September 2015, of breast cancer, two weeks before her 78th birthday. She had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer more than six years before", "id": "17983760" }, { "contents": "Le Chat Bleu\n\n\nwe had all these great people involved, you know, and we thought we had something great. I came back to America, and my label at that time said, “Well, we think we should put it on the shelf for a while.” This was right before Christmas for God's sake when you know people are going to be buying stuff, so I asked them what the problem was. They said they had never heard anything like it before and didn't know what to do with it. We", "id": "2477384" }, { "contents": "Matt Corby\n\n\nwanted to know how the brain functions, partly because of his experiences with depression and anxiety. \"People have said I have depression before, especially when I was younger,\" he offers. \"People were like, you should really go see someone. But I just thought, no, I'm pretty sure the human brain is capable of so much more than what I'm being told I'm capable of. When people say you need help it's like, do I? With what? And if you could", "id": "1744359" }, { "contents": "Paying for It\n\n\nHe said, \"I wanted the material to be there for anyone who wanted a bit of background or to know what I thought about a particular subject in more depth.\" Brown is a libertarian and ran as the Libertarian Party of Canada candidate for the Trinity-Spadina riding in the Canadian federal elections of 2008 and 2011. Brown takes the position throughout the book and its lengthy appendix that prostitution should be decriminalized, and as a libertarian insists the sex trade should not be regulated by the government. The book was on", "id": "3200134" }, { "contents": "Michael Curtiz\n\n\n, and \"King Creole\". Curtiz always invested the time necessary to prepare all aspects of a film before shooting. \"As far as I am concerned,\" he said, \"the chief work in directing a film is in preparing a story for the screen ... Nothing is as important ... A director can be likened to the field general of an army. He should know more clearly than anyone else what is coming, what to expect ... I believe this as a sound working plan.\" By putting time into", "id": "6950266" }, { "contents": "Klub Sceptyków Polskich\n\n\nand was applauded by scientific communities. They considered the fact that methods such as the Rorschach test are used in Polish courts to very dangerous, because they could lead to false accusations and false exonerations. Dariusz Doliński commented: \"I know that conclusions about human personality, based on what is seen in the ink blots, can make a huge impression on lay people. But people who are educated in psychology, should be aware that virtually no one knows what the test measures – if it measures anything more than the originality of", "id": "1522217" }, { "contents": "Pissy Pamper\n\n\nfirst made my Spotify account to post songs that aren’t already on Spotify. Before the song came out there was a snippet on YouTube and it sounded like it would be a hit if it was released. A couple weeks later the song got leaked and I posted it to my channel not thinking about how big it would get.\" After Kambo shared the link to his upload on Reddit, along with Carti's performance of his verse during his set at the 2019 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, the unofficial upload", "id": "15235891" }, { "contents": "Heart Hypnotic\n\n\n\" Goodrem has said that the song is about music itself. \"Heart Hypnotic is about loving music. It's about, 'I don't know what this is, I don't know what this melody is, but I know I love it, I'm hypnotised by the beat.' There wasn't another layer, and that's unusual for me. ...It's more just [about] celebrating new music and a new phase of feeling very free in music - and me sharing my fun side a lot", "id": "7881740" }, { "contents": "Wilhelm Reich\n\n\nthen 13: I am in Lewisburg. I am calm, certain in my thoughts, and doing mathematics most of the time. I am kind of \"above things\", fully aware of what is up. Do not worry too much about me, though anything might happen. I know, Pete, that you are strong and decent. At first I thought that you should \"not\" visit me here. I do not know. With the world in turmoil I now feel that a boy your age should experience", "id": "20123209" }, { "contents": "Say You Will (Fleetwood Mac song)\n\n\nto dance, everything will be great.\" Then I had to think about what to make the verses about. So I went back over all my relationships with people and think of different ways that I have felt when I wanted basically to burst into song and sing that chorus (laughs). Give me one more chance. That’s what came out of it. It’s funny because, we just did an interview the day before yesterday, and I don’t think any of the band knows that that was the", "id": "11124073" }, { "contents": "Racial views of Donald Trump\n\n\nand I know what I said,\" while also asserting \"It's not where you come from that matters, it's what you're willing to do once you get here.\" Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said that the meeting participants had told him about Trump making those remarks before the account went public. Conservative columnist Erick Erickson said Trump had privately bragged to friends about making the remarks, thinking \"it would play well with the base.\" \"The Washington Post\" quoted Trump's aides as", "id": "21859827" }, { "contents": "Madea\n\n\nwere meant as entertainment and should not be taken so seriously. Stated Perry, \"I am sick of him talking about me. I am sick of him saying, 'This is a coon, this is a buffoon.' I am sick of him talking about black people going to see movies. This is what he said: 'You vote by what you see'—as if black people don't know what they want to see. I am sick of him. He talked about Whoopi, he talked about Oprah, he", "id": "20192142" }, { "contents": "Joseph Lombardo\n\n\nthe poker machines, extorcinate loans, gambling and what ever else the indictment says,\" the letter read. \"About the 18 murders in the indictment, I want you to know that I was not privy before the murders, during the murders, and after the murders, and to this present writing to you.\" Lombardo also told Zagel in the letter, \"I am not a violent man in anyway shape or form. I do not own or have any weapons of any kind. if the F.B.I. should find", "id": "11177175" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\n.\" , there are approximately 330 million Reddit users, called \"redditors\". The site's content is divided into categories or communities known on-site as \"subreddits\", of which there are more than 138,000 active communities. As a network of communities, Reddit's core content consists of posts from its users. Users can comment on others' posts to continue the conversation. A key feature to Reddit is that users can cast positive or negative votes, called upvotes and downvotes, for each post and comment on", "id": "1077335" }, { "contents": "Jazz (design)\n\n\nproof that she created the design, although she wrote on Reddit in 2015: Ekiss denied that she took the design. International Paper, which purchased Imperial Bondware, was unable to find the design in its company archives. Miller said, \"I feel frustrated. I know in my heart this thing came straight from my head. […] I am not doing this because I want the money. I want credit for what I designed. This is my work.\" The Jazz design is considered an icon of 1990s", "id": "20003176" }, { "contents": "Blackout (Britney Spears album)\n\n\nwanted the song to be the first single of her upcoming album, tentatively titled \"The Original Doll\", and hoped to release it \"probably before summertime [2005], or maybe a little sooner than that.\" In January 2005, Spears posted another letter on her website, saying, I think I should rephrase myself from my previous letters when I was talking about taking a 'break'. What I meant was I am taking a break from being told what to do. ... It's cool when you", "id": "16129920" }, { "contents": "Marthinus Versfeld\n\n\nplayfulness that increasingly characterise his work in the later decades, could be construed as the appropriation of the fundamental uncertainty at the centre of his thought. Hence he could open his 1971 inaugural lecture as follows: “I must confess at once that I do not know what philosophy is. This sometimes embarrasses me before the innocence of students, but not before those who have come to realise that the things by which we live are the things about which we know least. We do not know what life is, or what knowing", "id": "12749367" }, { "contents": "Danielle Steel\n\n\nshe has an idea for a story her first step is to make notes, which are mostly about the characters. She told the \"New York Times\" in 2018: \"I make notes for a while before I start work on the outline. The notes are usually more about the characters. I need to know the characters really well before I start — who they are, how they think, how they feel, what has happened to them, how they grew up.\" Steel has written all of her novels", "id": "15860259" }, { "contents": "Allie Brosh\n\n\nactive on Reddit and likes it because it was the place where her first posts got popular. She says she tends to be a recluse and her work as a writer tends to encourage this behaviour. With her history of having long periods of being inactive online, her fans have shown concern and speculate about her health. On this, she said, \"I have been trying to make myself be more responsible. There’s a part of me that wishes that I could sort of disappear and fade back into the mists when", "id": "8399795" }, { "contents": "ADE 651\n\n\nphysical inspections of vehicles. Major-General Jihad al-Jabiri of the Interior Ministry's General Directorate for Combating Explosives has defended the device: \"Whether it's magic or scientific, what I care about is detecting bombs. I don't care what they say. I know more about bombs than the Americans do. In fact, I know more about bombs than anyone in the world.\" He told a press conference that the ADE 651 has detected \"hundreds of roadside bombs and car bombs\" and any deficiencies were", "id": "3646417" }, { "contents": "Ezra Pound\n\n\nseeds for \"The Cantos\". He wrote in 1913, in \"How I Began\": I resolved that at thirty I would know more about poetry than any man living ... that I would know what was accounted poetry everywhere, what part of poetry was 'indestructible', what part could \"not be lost\" by translation and—scarcely less important—what effects were obtainable in \"one\" language only and were utterly incapable of being translated.In this search I learned more or less of nine foreign languages", "id": "354627" }, { "contents": "Tad Martin and Dixie Cooney\n\n\nrumor was a report from Fox News Channel stating that McClain's outspokenness led to ABC executives firing McClain. McClain responded on her blog: \"Who is this guy from Fox news and what does he know?\" She stated that her blog entries were always approved by ABC executives before they were posted to the Internet. \"I was talking about the character of Brooke when I said 'life is not fair,' [..] not Julia getting let go.\" Giving insight into what actually happened behind the scenes,", "id": "4055870" }, { "contents": "Small Mauritian flying fox\n\n\nput in here what little I know about rougettes. One never sees them flying by day. They live communally in the large hollows of rotten trees, in numbers sometimes exceeding four hundred. They only leave in the evening as darkness falls and return before dawn. One is assured, and it is taken in this island for granted, that, however many individuals make up one of these associations, there is but a single male. I have not been able to verify this fact. I should only say that these sedentary", "id": "2887738" }, { "contents": "Lose the Boss\n\n\n. Ignacio tells him, then wishes him luck. Outside, Sofia tells Betty that she's wasting her life at \"MODE\": She should come and work for her. Betty doesn't know what to say. She goes inside and tells Daniel he should talk to Sofia before she leaves. In the snow, he tells her that he comes from a very messed up family and asks for one more chance before he bungles a Spanish declaration of love, although he messes up and says 'I love my camera'", "id": "10431894" }, { "contents": "Disciples of Confucius\n\n\nin that show. These two things assaulted each other in my breast. I could not determine which to prefer, and so I wore that look of distress. But now the lessons of our Master have penetrated deeply into my mind. My progress also has been helped by the example of you my fellow disciples. I now know what I should follow and what I should avoid, and all the pomp of power is no more to me than the dust of the ground. It is on this account that I have that", "id": "21434868" }, { "contents": "Linda Harrison (actress)\n\n\nto capitalize on the original. Harrison's character eked out one word before she was shot to death, but nothing fresh was added.The budget was half that of \"Planet of the Apes\". Director Ted Post said, \"It moved basically as an entertainment piece, nothing more.\" Post wanted the script rewritten. \"I was very unhappy with the script, and I thought the script was far from what it should have been. The story was unclear, and didn't measure up.\" On his", "id": "9265359" }, { "contents": "React (media franchise)\n\n\ntheir own reactions and parodies of the enthusiastically corporate React World announcement video.\" The backlash led to a dramatic drop in subscribers, with upwards of 675,000 accounts collectively unsubscribing from the React and Fine Bros Entertainment channels as well as recent videos getting many dislikes in protest as of February 22, 2016. \"Mashable\" described that one Reddit post \"ignited a thread of haters, defenders and overall discussion about whether what Fine Brothers Entertainment is doing is fair.\" Ryan Morrison, a gamer, lawyer and Reddit user, declared", "id": "19294348" }, { "contents": "Under Armour\n\n\nto the events in Charlottesville, Virginia. In June 2018 a Facebook post and subsequent Reddit thread emerged stating that Under Armour clothing was flammable and resulted in severe burn injuries to a child. At present there has been no public statement from the company, and public debate seems to circle around the question of what is distinct about fireproof clothing, flammability, and risk of burn injury. This was found out to be false. Though no recall was issued, a 2018 study found that Under Armour's material was more likely to", "id": "5616167" }, { "contents": "Robo Story\n\n\nRobot Pasha, the green coloured military Robo was a skinny fool who was overly enthusiastic about the prospect of war, when the other Robos were hiding from the Wrigglers, he would jump up and shout \"Attack!\" before being muzzled and sat upon by the other Robos. Robot Moron would answer \"I don't know\" to any question he was asked, but on other occasions would philosophize, and when asked by the other Robos what he was talking about, would answer once more \"I don't know.", "id": "9033210" }, { "contents": "Dunnhumby\n\n\nthen-Chairman Lord MacLaurin, who said \"\"What scares me about this is that you know more about my customers after three months than I know after 30 years.\"\" Tesco originally bought a 53% stake in 2001 for a reported £30m, increasing this to 84% in 2006, before purchasing the rest of the shares. The company is led by global CEO Guillaume Bacuvier and employs more than 2,500 people in 30+ countries, selling information from a 40-terabyte database, to companies including Procter & Gamble", "id": "6636123" }, { "contents": "CHOPS\n\n\nwould not be good, but after they performed everybody was amazed of their talents. “I remember this one guy connected with a big label that said, ‘You know what ya should do? Wear karate suits and hit gongs, ya know what I mean? Stuff like that, stuff with yo culture.’ I was born in New Jersey man.” Chops also composed the original score for Ursula Liang's documentary \"9-Man (film)\" (2014), about a sport played by Chinese American men in", "id": "3824887" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\nadministrator who helped organize citizen-led interviews with famous people on the popular \"Ask me Anything\" subreddit. Organizers of the blackout also expressed resentment about the recent severance of the communication between Reddit and the moderators of subreddits. The blackout intensified on July 3 when former community manager David Croach gave an AMA about being fired. Before deleting his posts, he stated that Ellen Pao dismissed him with one year of health coverage when he had cancer and did not recover quickly enough. Following this, a petition to remove Pao", "id": "1077407" }, { "contents": "The X-Files: I Want to Believe\n\n\nand produced before the series had moved to Los Angeles, was an early idea—one that seemed right to both Chris Carter and David Duchovny. According to Duchovny, \"It all makes sense. You know, when Chris and I first talked about doing this movie, we kind of unconsciously both said, 'You know, I guess it should be in Vancouver, it really should be,' and it just felt like you know, almost superstitiously like the right thing to do.\" Filming in Vancouver also facilitated", "id": "18799428" }, { "contents": "Horrible Science\n\n\nalready but then I really like finding out more information. If I over-research then I don’t just have all the facts I need, I have a lot more – and that means I can really choose what I want to include. The thing about a Horrible Science book is that actually it is all about imagination. The more you know the more you want to know and the more you want to develop that.\" The response towards the series has been generally positive. Some reviews of the series website included", "id": "8031364" }, { "contents": "MetalSucks\n\n\nand its rich history. But aside from that, I don’t condone Rob’s personal ideals and agenda because I don’t know them. I can’t take responsibility for every person I take a photo with. Bolzer – We’re friends and we’ve toured several times. I don’t have to say much more myself about Okoi and Bolzer other than what Okoi says himself here: Eugenics – I have little knowledge and no interest in the subject. I made a comment about my countrymen not being suited to play", "id": "7181079" }, { "contents": "Something More (Secondhand Serenade song)\n\n\nwails about self-revelation and purpose in life: \"\"There must be something more. Do we know what we're fighting for?... I fooled everyone and now what will I become? I have to start this over... There must be something more. Do we know what we're fighting for?\"\", the hypnotic ballad reflects on learning how to forgive and move on from a shattered relationship. Something More has received mixed reviews from most of critics. Alex Vitoulis from : \"As Vesely", "id": "3976973" }, { "contents": "Ellen Pao\n\n\nand the most popular one reached 10,000 signatures in the days following the change. Some users began posting hateful comments and images about Pao on Reddit and other websites. Other complaints about the site focused on inadequate moderation tools and the fact that some posts critical of Ellen Pao's lawsuit had been deleted by moderators. Opposition increased on July 2 when large sections of Reddit were set to private to protest the dismissal of Victoria Taylor, Reddit's director of talent, known for co-ordinating the Ask Me Anything interviews. Expressing frustration", "id": "1295341" }, { "contents": "Fiducial inference\n\n\ninference\" had problems. Fisher wrote to George A. Barnard that he was \"not clear in the head\" about one problem on fiducial inference, and, also writing to Barnard, Fisher complained that his theory seemed to have only \"an asymptotic approach to intelligibility\". Later Fisher confessed that \"I don't understand yet what fiducial probability does. We shall have to live with it a long time before we know what it's doing for us. But it should not be ignored just because we don't yet have", "id": "11988786" }, { "contents": "Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 113\n\n\nto buy me a silver seal and to send it me with all speed. Take care that Onnophris buys me what Irene's mother told him. I told him that Syntrophus said that nothing more should be given to Amarantus on my account. Let me know what you have given him that I may settle accounts with him. Otherwise I and my son will come for this purpose. I had the large cheeses from Corbolon. I did not however want large ones, but small. Let me know of anything that you want", "id": "6244035" }, { "contents": "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic (EP)\n\n\nunpredictable\", and cautions listeners not to have a \"breakdown\". She also revealed she wanted the song to be the first single of her upcoming album, tentatively titled \"The Original Doll\" and hoped to release it \"probably before summertime [2005], or maybe a little sooner than that\". In January 2005, Spears posted another letter on her website, saying, I think I should rephrase myself from my previous letters when I was talking about taking a 'break'. What I meant was I", "id": "13219179" }, { "contents": "Like button\n\n\nnot “frozen”, though rarely it can be frozen for unknown reasons. Google has a like button called the +1 (Internet jargon for \"I like that\" or \"I agree\"), which was introduced in June 2011. In August 2011, the +1 button also became a share icon. On Reddit (a system of message boards), users can upvote and downvote posts (and comments on posts). The votes contribute to posters' and commenters' \"karma\" (Reddit's name for a", "id": "11565198" }, { "contents": "Dallas Police Department\n\n\nn't know. All I know is what he did was wrong. I mean, he stole a moment away from me that I can never get back. I'm really not the judge on what should happen to him. I think maybe his superiors and the Dallas police should handle what should happen to him.\" Officer Powell issued an apology to Moats. Police officials investigated Powell's actions; he was placed on administrative leave but later resigned from the department. After Moats' incident with Officer Powell, former Cowboy Zach", "id": "8822635" }, { "contents": "Orbital (band)\n\n\nthat Orbital's set reached a huge audience, in what is regarded as a pivotal moment. Speaking to The Guardian in 2013 about the gig, Paul Hartnoll commented: \"I didn't know how much of an impact it would have. Being young myself, I just thought, 'It's about time – of course we should have acid house at Glastonbury'. It used to annoy me. I just used to think it should be happening.\" In the same article Michael Eavis noted that the Orbital gig marked", "id": "21385444" }, { "contents": "Rogelio Salmona\n\n\n, 2007. \"I am just an architect. Nothing more. Or should I say: somebody who is trying to be one. Because becoming an architect is very difficult. You never know what part of what you do has any validity. Time tells it. Good architecture will become ruins. Bad architecture disappears. But for you to know it is a ruin, you have to wait a lot of time. I hope the [Del Parque] Towers not to be ruins today but one thousand years from now\"", "id": "15218276" }, { "contents": "David Nesenoff\n\n\nThe Washington press corps and the president and her boss at Hearst have found her fit. I don't go up to people and take their pulse before I ask question... I didn't fire her and I didn't hire her. I just asked her a question. And as she's been doing for 60 years, I let people know what she answered.\" Critics questioned why Nesenoff waited more than one week to post the interview and suggested that the timing was a political maneuver to divert media attention away from Israel", "id": "17954926" }, { "contents": "Tanzanian hip hop\n\n\n. “Florence Kasela, famous as Dataz is among few other hip hop female artists in Tanzania” are also joining the hip-hop movement in all over the country. Dataz states to her fellow “hip hop artists that they should not misinterpret hip-hop”. She said, “A big difficulty is that people consider hip hop as hooliganism but they actually don't know what it is. I think they should sit down and listen to tracks like Chemsha bongo and more and then comment about it.” Thus", "id": "3751481" }, { "contents": "The Golden Boat\n\n\nof mostly nonprofessional actors, who did not even know where his post-production money would come from, is not playing by U.S. rules. Yet in his standards this film's production was much more structured than his past works, for Ruiz stated that his American film was very organized. He compares it to his works in France, saying “I have shot scenes where I didn't know which actors were coming. I usually write the scene about one hour before the take.\" The film seems to break all standard", "id": "20544148" }, { "contents": "Nuh Ready Nuh Ready\n\n\noutside a very reserved and very like just off limits, you don't know what he is. You don't know what he's like. You just see an image and you hear a voice and you hear his writing in it and it's amazing, but you don't know what it's all about. I didn't really figure him out any more working with him. I just know that his pen and his voice and his delivery is, I think, among the best in the world.\" Upon", "id": "21967551" }, { "contents": "Commentary on Edward Snowden's disclosure\n\n\nabout the balance between privacy and security that the leaks had provoked: \"I am convinced the more the American people know exactly what it is we are doing in this balance between privacy and security, the more they know the more comfortable they will feel.\" In September 2013, Hayden stressed the indisputable legality of \"what the NSA is doing\" and called Snowden a \"troubled young man\", albeit \"morally arrogant to a tremendous degree\"; he also said about his prospects in Russia: \"I suspect he", "id": "5903507" }, { "contents": "The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get (The Vampire Diaries)\n\n\n, just like she knows about Alaric after trying to compel her. She warns Elena about the missing blood bags from the hospital but Elena wants to know how Jo knows and what she is. When Elena asks her if she is a witch, Jo does not answer and makes a deal with her to not ask her any questions about her if she does the same. Damon is at Elena's room when she decides to call him and asks him to meet but before they meet, Tripp captures him. Elena calls Alaric", "id": "10110906" }, { "contents": "Rudebox\n\n\nwas, I couldn't make another album like the ones I'd made, and this has just opened up a thousand other doors. What I am excited about now is making more music. I love all the stuff on the album, I love Rudebox, it's a favourite song of mine. I don't know what's gonna happen now, I'm excited about getting it out there, but I'm more excited about making more.\" The album is a mixture of covers and new tracks, in", "id": "907134" }, { "contents": "I know that I know nothing\n\n\nI do not know what virtue is; perhaps you knew before you contacted me, but now you are certainly like one who does not know.] (trans. G. M. A. Grube) Here, Socrates aims at the change of Meno's opinion, who was a firm believer in his own opinion and whose claim to knowledge Socrates had disproved. It is essentially the question that begins \"post-Socratic\" Western philosophy. Socrates begins all wisdom with wondering, thus one must begin with admitting one's ignorance. After", "id": "16866020" }, { "contents": "Salafi jihadism\n\n\nManagement of Savagery\", emphasized not so much winning the sympathy of the local Muslims but extreme violence, writing that: \"One who previously engaged in jihad knows that it is naught but violence, crudeness, terrorism, frightening [others] and massacring – I am talking about jihad and fighting, not about Islam and one should not confuse them.\" (Social-media posts from ISIS territory \"suggest that individual executions happen more or less continually, and mass executions every few weeks\", according journalist Graeme Wood.", "id": "9993702" }, { "contents": "Wings of Heaven\n\n\nkid and asked for money! I know these things happen all over the place but when it smacks you in the face you realise how crazy it all is. “I don’t want to come across in any song, though, as a pious twerp telling everyone what they should or shouldn’t be doing. Everybody knows that people shouldn’t starve to death, but what is a normal bloke, who works five days a week on normal wages with his own family to support, going to do about the situation?", "id": "14860790" }, { "contents": "Hiroshi Lockheimer\n\n\n, and specifically wireless devices. He called me up and said, ‘Hey, you know, we’re doing this thing at Google now, we got acquired. I can’t really tell you what we’re doing, but I think you’re really going to be excited about it. You should come talk to us'. Lockheimer joined Google's Android team in April 2006, 19 months before the public unveiling of Android 1.0. Lockheimer initially started as Android's executive director, and was promoted to vice president of", "id": "3749474" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\nDevelopment for the new site took more than a year. It was the result of an initiative by Huffman upon returning to Reddit, who said the site's outdated look deterred new users. The new site features a hamburger menu to help users navigate the site, different views, and new fonts to better inform redditors if they are clicking on a Reddit post or an external link. The goal was not only for Reddit to improve its appearance, but also to make it easier to accommodate a new generation of Reddit users.", "id": "1077361" }, { "contents": "Dick Slater\n\n\nI didn’t know what happened...I really don’t know what actually took place, other than I was ... I woke up in Intensive Care in the hospital. I had gone to the hospital by ambulance the night before ... \". On June 10, 2004, Slater was sentenced to one year of house arrest and two years of probation. He was also sentenced to keep away from Halbert and pay more than $18,000 restitution. Before coming to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, Slater was involved in an incident where", "id": "10769201" }, { "contents": "Joe Biden 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\nknow there's more to say, Campbell. I appreciate you asking me the question and I'm sorry I answered it. I know you're not supposed to answer questions, based on what I've heard.\" In his final debate before the Iowa Caucus, Biden participated in the December 13 forum sponsored by \"The Des Moines Register\". His most notable part came when asked to respond to allegations that he was \"uncomfortable\" speaking about race since making remarks earlier in the year when he referred to Barack Obama", "id": "18990896" }, { "contents": "Brian Wilson (album)\n\n\ntheir mind at the time. On the lyrics, Wilson said \"I like to write for young people, ‘cause they understand what I’m saying in my music, understand where I’m coming from. But, I think this album should appeal to people in their twenties, thirties and forties. ... I write more about ideas, now. Before, I wrote about tangible kinds of things; now, I’m writing about ideas, love songs again. I’m back to love songs: 'Melt Away'", "id": "16160332" }, { "contents": "Balkan Rhapsodies: 78 Measures of War\n\n\nknow what we do about war, and especially how we come to know and consume the pain and suffering of others. \"Balkan Rhapsodies\" is a beautiful and disturbing film, a film whose afterimage should provoke us to think about war and humanitarianism in a more sophisticated, and ultimately more compassionate way.\" \"Branka Bogdanov, Director of Film and Video, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston says,\" \"It's become a cliché that every documentary film/video tells a story, but what and whose story does", "id": "15500098" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Mitt Romney\n\n\nthe importance of getting married before having children.\" In the May 2007 South Carolina debate, Romney said he has always \"fought for abstinence education.\" Romney generally opposes federal financial aid for college and other post-secondary education. While campaigning for the presidency in 2012, he argued that students should not expect government handouts to fund their education. In response to a high school senior who had asked what kind of college tuition assistance Romney would seek to provide as president, Romney replied, \"I know that it would", "id": "11527203" }, { "contents": "Will Young\n\n\nin environmental issues and local campaigning, joining a group called the Eco Society. He passed his A-Levels the second time, earning A's in Politics and Ancient History, and a B in English. In 1998 Young began studying politics at the University of Exeter, choosing the subject because, \"I thought I should know more about what was going on in my country.\" His interest in performing arts continued, and he joined a theatre group called Footlights where he eventually landed the lead role of Curly in their", "id": "6964404" }, { "contents": "Queens of the Stone Age (album)\n\n\nn't like 'guys, remember the days', it was more like in the internet age this record should be able to get got, you know? I really like this band Cheap Trick, and they were doing shows where they were playing their first three records three nights in a row, and so we started talking about 'wow, OK, we'll never get a chance to re-release this thing, and what if we just focused on the first record? I dunno if that means we're going", "id": "728432" }, { "contents": "Siete Partidas\n\n\nexist between the various provisions were the result of the way the task of composition was organized, whereby each \"partida\" was written by a different person. Part I, Title I, Law xi: What the Law-Maker Should Be The law-maker should love God and keep Him before his eyes when he makes the laws, in order that they may be just and perfect. He should moreover love justice and the common benefit of all. He should be learned, in order to know how to distinguish right", "id": "21949352" }, { "contents": "John Paul Strain\n\n\nintricacies), that one painting may require more than three months to create. Strain participates in Civil War reenactments. \"I have been reenacting for many years. Currently, I am Captain of the 7th Texas Calvary. My unit has about 20 mounted cavalry men, and we participate in Civil War reenactments throughout the southwest. Working with men, horses, and equipment gives me insight into what life was like back in the 1860s. I know from experience how horse equipment should look when in use, or how a seasoned", "id": "4039348" }, { "contents": "Simon Weston\n\n\nFalklands. Weston was reported as saying, \"Sean Penn does not know what he is talking about and, frankly, he should shut up. His [Penn's] views are irrelevant and it only serves to fuel the fire of the Argentinians and get them more pumped up.\" In 2012, Weston decided to stand for the post of elected Police and Crime Commissioner for the South Wales Police. As part of the nomination process, he had to disclose the police caution he had received as a child and whether this", "id": "2201248" }, { "contents": "Nuevo tango\n\n\nthe teaching, I take total responsibility, and other colleagues should do so as well. I can't pass on what I have learned. I was crazy about creating, because I saw a new vein in the evolution of the movement. I threw myself into that, and I lost the way to be able to pass on the tango essence that I have very much inside. Because of this I feel that lately there are a lot of people who don't understand or know what the real essence of this dance is", "id": "12441272" }, { "contents": "Transparency (market)\n\n\nprice volatility is another concern. A high degree of market transparency can result in disintermediation due to the buyer's increased knowledge of supply pricing. There are two types of price transparency: 1) I know what price will be charged to me, and 2) I know what price will be charged to you. The two types of price transparency have different implications for differential pricing. A transparent market should also provide necessary information about quality and other product features, although quality can be exceedingly difficult to estimate for some goods,", "id": "1966245" }, { "contents": "Jack Ridley (pilot)\n\n\nus.\" \"Even before we flew the X-1, I talked to him at great length about ‘what are we getting into? You know, what's it mean? We're going to be fooling around out of my realm…and you may understand this stuff but I don't. What the hell are we getting into?' And Jack would patiently explain. And I had a great deal of confidence in him and, you know, if he said something, that, to me, was from the", "id": "13202907" }, { "contents": "Reddit\n\n\nReddit (, stylized in its logo as reddit) is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called \"subreddits\", which cover a variety of topics including news, science, movies, video games, music, books, fitness, food, and image-sharing. Submissions with more", "id": "1077331" }, { "contents": "Manjunath (film)\n\n\nreact the same way if your loved one is brutally killed for doing his duty?br It’s not a movie with an item song or love story or the one which audience normally expect. It’s poignant, isn’t it... an ordinary man fighting against corruption and getting brutally killed. I only wish and hope that more people should know of his real story, what he did, why, what he stood for, and get inspired by him. Let’s all start dreaming about a corruption free country. Don’t we", "id": "10938279" }, { "contents": "Zhu Youqian\n\n\nLi Shaoqi with 200 members of her household, and stated to him that while the Zhu household should be killed, the household servants should not, so at her request Li Shaoqi spared them, saving some 100 lives. Before she and her family members were to be killed, she also showed the iron certificate that Emperor Zhuangzong had bestowed on Zhu Youqian, stating sarcastically, \"This was what the Emperor had given. I am an illiterate woman, and I do not know what it says.\" Li Shaoqi felt ashamed", "id": "12105985" }, { "contents": "Inland Empire (film)\n\n\nDern admitted that she did not know what \"Inland Empire\" was about or the role she was playing, but hoped that seeing the film's premiere at the festival would help her \"learn more\". Justin Theroux has also stated that he \"couldn't possibly tell you what the film's about, and at this point I don't know that David Lynch could. It's become sort of a pastime—Laura [Dern] and I sit around on set trying to figure out what's going on.\"", "id": "653871" }, { "contents": "Did It Again (Kylie Minogue song)\n\n\nwere having a laugh at a lot of the different articles that were appearing at that time in different magazines and papers, and they were talking about 'Pop Kylie, Dance Kylie, Sex Kylie' and, you know, with every different release of a single they'd say 'What Kylie is it now?' and it was just becoming a joke. So he, Pedro, cunningly picked up on that and said we should make a video with all the different Kylies, which I was more happy about, because", "id": "17792711" }, { "contents": "Tad Williams\n\n\nhave to hide from your children, I mean there are people in America, probably here too, who own pigs as pets and they write lots of articles about pigs and how pigs feel and what pigs like (besides other pigs)… Off the top of my head, I could not tell you how much a full-grown, male farm pig should weigh. I knew ‘Big,’ but when you’re a writer, you want to sound like you know what you’re talking about, so I actually", "id": "1322470" } ]
Why is reverse-racism/reverse-sexism not the same as regular racism/sexism?
[{"answer": "Most people think of racism as synonymous with discrimination or prejudice based on race. This will match up with the definition you find in most dictionaries. Some Sociology-related courses in college define racism and sexism as a political or societal system designed to hold back disadvantaged groups so that the prevailing group will stay in power. With this definition of racism/sexism, black people and women cannot be racist or sexist in America because they are not the ones with the position of power. Your professor would probably agree that black people and women can be *prejudiced*, but is probably using a different definition of racism and sexism than the colloquial definition."}, {"answer": "In the academic sphere, racism and sexism usually refer to power, not individual cases. Reverse racism isn't a thing because the current power structure elevates whiteness above blackness. Any individual case where a black person discriminates or the system somehow rewards a black person over a white person (and it is perceived as unfair) is not an instance of racism because the systematic power in society is still in the hands of whiteness above blackness. Same with sexism. In the every-day meaning of sexism and racism, sure. People can be discriminatory and prejudiced in any direction. But academics aren't interested in the individual level. They're interested in the systematic, structural level of society, government policy and business."}, {"answer": "An important general point is that dictionaries give terse, simplistic definitions to help understand words in a general context, not a deep academic discussion. For example, if you go by the URL_0 definitions of recession and depression, you'd wind up thinking that the only difference is that depressions have increasing unemployment and recessions don't; that's a good way to fail economics. Trying to prove the professor is using the word racism incorrectly by reference to Webster is a losing approach. The dictionary isn't a social science reference book."}, {"answer": "There is no difference. In fact, it's the definition of \"equality.\" Everyone can be biased towards their own race/sex, and against others. Some just get called out more often"}, {"answer": "I think we are entering an interesting time though. I'm a 32 yr old white male. My office at a major corporation has been concerned with filling roles with minorities for a while now. I'm starting to look for a new job and I'm actually a bit nervous about getting my job if I compete against a minority. Obviously, growing up a white male in a middle / upper middle class family isn't a bad way to grow up. I'm not complaining. It's just that it's getting interesting.. On a related side note: There's a man named Edward Blum that is trying to roll back all civil rights laws. I'm sure he thinks of them as 'reverse racism'. He was the guy behind the Fisher v University of Texas where the girl didn't get into school because a minority was given preference."}, {"answer": " > why does my professor say racism against white people (reverse-racism) is not an actual thing? Because this serves to obfuscate the fact that they are racist against whites. They are heavily influenced by Marxism, and see interracial relations in the same way communists see the class conflict between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie: black people will be oppressed so long as whiteness exist; all whites are automatically racist. So it's either the Alt-Right's beloved white genocide, or constant bashing of whites into a submissive position. The problem with most modern Social Justice positions is that they believe two wrongs make a right. Ditto for third-wave feminism and its aim to deconstruct masculinity. See #killallmen."}, {"answer": "Reverse racism = no racism People of all races can be racist... its not reverse racism when minorities treat white different because they are white.. its just racism"}, {"answer": "The way it's been explained to me, and this has caused rifts among me and some friends, is that racism is a complex and wide-spanning systematic effort of the government, culture, and a general way of thinking. This I can agree with, I won't deny that the system has been rigged against minorities for decades. But what I consider to be racism is simply treating someone differently because of their race. I'm not talking like, buying SPF100 for your white friends, which is probably aside from genetic medical conditions the only context in which I believe race matters. I mean, if you look at someone and treat them differently than you would treat someone of a different this or that, it's unnecessary bias to be categorized accordingly (racism, sexism, -phobias). However, some of the more far left don't see it this way. Because the system was designed to cater to white people, especially people with more money, since other races and people with less money have less opportunities, the system disadvantages them and is therefore racist against them. Because of the system failing to prevent these challenges to the rich whites, this racism does not exist for them, prompting people to claim that you cannot be racist against white people. I find the logic a bit convoluted but stick with me. Let me use myself and my partner as examples. I'm Latina. My father was an immigrant, but my mother is white. Because of this, I look white and have never experienced someone stereotyping me based on what they see, so I safely say I have not experienced racism. Since I am still Hispanic, and my parents are suburbanites (middle class) I had opportunities a lot of people never did. I was well educated and was designated a National Hispanic Scholar because of this, and in turn received auto-admission to a lot of colleges and a full tuition scholarship. My partner, on the other hand, is a cis, straight, white male, from a lower tax bracket than me. The university I go to has a whopping 80% acceptance rate. Despite having average grades, because he was a poor, white male, he was not admitted. This of course begs the question, did the system favor me for being a minority and scorn him for being white? I will fully admit that I have led an easy life. I get the benefit of being Hispanic (scholarship, national recognition) without ever having any of the drawbacks of being exposed to racism. Doesn't seem fair, does it? I recognize that this particular case could very well be an exception to the rule but it's hard to base racism off of the system when the system changes who it favors depending on the situation. That's why I don't believe people when they say reverse racism doesn't exist. It may not be as enforced by society as racism towards minorities, but it is still treating someone poorly based on race. I think you can disagree on what to call it all day long, but the underlying message needs to be that IT IS A SHITTY THING TO DO."}, {"answer": "I think this is why travel and experiencing other cultures is important. Racism is everywhere, in every country and culture. You could study that for days...Bangkok Thais vs. Northeastern Thais has a real red state/blue state quality. If you want an uncommon topic for a paper, examine what it's like being a white person in some Sephardic parts of the world. You will find many examples where the system is rigged against those of white skin color. This is the norm in Asia."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "946928", "title": "Reverse sexism", "section": "Section::::History.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The concept of reverse sexism was first documented during the 1960s at the same time as the emergence of the women's liberation and feminist movements. A men's liberation movement was formed, led by psychologists who argued that femininity and masculinity were socially formed behaviors and not the result of genes. The men's liberation movement tried to balance the two ideas that men were responsible for oppressing women, but also being oppressed themselves by strict gender roles. In the mid-1970s, the movement began to focus on the oppression of men and less on the effects of sexism on women. This shift was influenced by author Warren Farrell, who wrote \"", "tion movement was formed, led by psychologists who argued that femininity and masculinity were socially formed behaviors and not the result of genes. The men's liberation movement tried to balance the two ideas that men were responsible for oppressing women, but also being oppressed themselves by strict gender roles. In the m"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Reverse sexism\n\n\nReverse sexism, in a broader sense, refers to sexism directed towards the dominant sex, and in a narrower sense to sexism against men. Reverse sexism has been compared by sociologists to reverse racism, and \"reverse ethnocentrism,\" in that both can be a response to affirmative action policies that are designed to combat institutionalized sexism and racism, and are a form of backlash, through which members of majority categories (\"e.g.\", men, whites, or Anglos) assert that they are being discriminated against. In more", "id": "5512810" }, { "contents": "Rock Against Sexism\n\n\nRock Against Sexism (RAS) was a political and cultural movement dedicated to challenging sexism in the rock music community, pop culture and in the world at large. It was primarily a part of the punk rock music and arts scene. RAS started in the UK in 1978, and by the mid-1980s also had a presence in North America. It was strongly inspired and influenced by Rock Against Racism and the two movements had many of the same participants. In the UK, it began amid controversy when a Rock Against Racism event", "id": "1106960" }, { "contents": "Reverse sexism\n\n\nmasculine role. In 2009, several academics made statements that indicate, or may indicate, a belief that reverse sexism did not exist. For example, in the preamble a study on internalised sexism, Steve Bearman, Neill Korobov and Avril Thorne stated that reverse sexism was not a \"meaningful phrase,\" because \"while individual women or women as a whole may enact prejudicial biases towards specific men or toward men as a group, this is done without the backing of a societal system of institutional power.\". The same", "id": "5512814" }, { "contents": "Ambivalent prejudice\n\n\nsexism. Example items from the ASI include: Below is a series of statements concerning men and women and their relationships in contemporary society that this study wrote for their subjects to evaluate. Benevolent sexism subset: Hostile sexism subset: Researchers use various other methods to measure different types of ambivalent prejudices. For example, the Modern Racism Scale measures aspects of ambivalent racism. Ambivalent sexism reflects the duality of hostility towards women and the tendency for women to be rated more positively than men in surveys. Hostile sexism impacts nontraditional women who threaten", "id": "11111436" }, { "contents": "National Organization for Men Against Sexism\n\n\ndebilitating restriction for heterosexual men. The enduring injustice of racism, which like sexism has long divided humankind into unequal and isolated groups, is of particular concern to us. Racism touches all of us and remains a primary source of inequality and oppression in our society. NOMAS is committed to examine and challenge racism in our organizations, our communities, and ourselves. We also acknowledge that many people are oppressed today because of their class, age, religion and physical condition. We believe that such injustices are vitally connected to sexism,", "id": "22058320" }, { "contents": "Reverse sexism\n\n\nrigid forms, this stance assumes that the historic imbalance in favor of men in the contemporary era is no longer applicable, or that women are now viewed as the superior gender or sex. The concept of reverse sexism has been popularized as part of a backlash against feminism, whose proponents tend to believe that the feminist movement has rearranged society as a whole in such a way that it now benefits women and oppresses men. The concept of reverse sexism was first documented during the 1960s at the same time as the emergence of the", "id": "5512811" }, { "contents": "Reverse sexism\n\n\nyear, two assistant professors, Özlem Sensoy and Robin DiAngelo, wrote in an open letter to their faculty that reverse sexism does not exist, because the word \"sexism\" refers to \"power relations that are historic and embedded, and these relations do not flip back and forth\" and because \"the same groups who have historically held systemic power in the US and Canada continue to do so.\" David Benatar's 2012 book, \"Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys\", expounded the theory that discrimination against", "id": "5512815" }, { "contents": "Gendered racism\n\n\nof their identity is being attacked. It may be impossible for an individual to assess whether discrimination is due to gender or race. Both of these constructs make up the individual's identity, and they intersect with one another. Because people have intersecting social identities, it is important to focus on how these identities shape an individual's experiences. The term gendered racism was originally coined by sociologist Philomena Essed, and refers to the simultaneous experience of both racism and sexism. According to Essed, racism and sexism \"intertwine and combine", "id": "13059069" }, { "contents": "Feminist movements and ideologies\n\n\nannual La Rivolta! conference in Boston. Black feminism argues that sexism, class oppression, and racism are inextricably bound together. Forms of feminism that strive to overcome sexism and class oppression but ignore race can discriminate against many people, including women, through racial bias. The National Black Feminist Organization (NBFO) was founded in 1973 by Florynce Kennedy, Margaret Sloan, and Doris Wright, and according to Wright it, \"more than any other organization in the century launched a frontal assault on sexism and racism\". The", "id": "5173512" }, { "contents": "Tyree Scott Freedom School\n\n\nwith legalized segregation, Tyree Scott Freedom School focuses on addressing the culture of institutional racism. Curriculum is based around the Undoing Racism principles of the People's Institute including: learning from history, sharing culture, developing leadership, maintaining accountability, networking, understanding power and gate keeping, and undoing internalized racial oppression. Participants analyze why people are poor, develop power analyses, define racism, learn principles of organizing, learn African American, Native American, Latino and Asian history, and discuss intersections of racism with sexism and heterosexism (", "id": "18881792" }, { "contents": "Guerrilla Girls\n\n\nposters throughout downtown Manhattan, particularly in the SoHo and East Village neighborhoods. Soon after, the group expanded their focus to include racism in the art world, attracting artists of color. They also took on projects outside of New York, enabling them to address sexism and racism nationally and internationally. Though the art world has remained the group's main focus, the Guerrilla Girls' agenda has included sexism and racism in films, mass and popular culture, and politics. Tokenism also represents a major group concern. During its first", "id": "13718086" }, { "contents": "Hortense Spillers\n\n\nstructure. The role reversal within black families—that the mother is the primary and present authority in the household and the fathers are absent, according to the report—deserves culpability for black familial \"deficiencies\". Spillers' work is a critique of sexism and racism in psychoanalysis of black feminism. Through naming typical stereotypes ascribed to black women, Spillers begins to refute the negative perceptions ascribed to the black family and black familial matriarchal structure asserted throughout the Moynihan Report. The report's relation between black men and black women leads", "id": "12581218" }, { "contents": "Young Communist League of Canada\n\n\nreverse the attacks and shift to a counter-offensive it is necessary that these struggles develop further and move beyond spontaneous protest towards an even broader united, militant and organized extra-parliamentary fightback with the labour movement at its core.\" Delegates discussed the capitalist economic crisis, imperialist intervention and war globally, environmental crisis and climate change, the intensification of the attack on organized labour, youth unemployment/underemployment and precarious work, poverty wages, ableism, xenophobia and racism, the ongoing genocidal attack on Indigenous peoples, sexism,", "id": "18090196" }, { "contents": "Black Panther Party\n\n\nPanthers to treat female Party members as equals, a drastic change from the idea of the female Panther as subordinate. That same year, Deputy Chairman Fred Hampton of the Illinois chapter conducted a meeting condemning sexism. After 1969, the Party considered sexism counter-revolutionary. The Black Panthers adopted a \"womanist\" ideology in consideration of the unique experiences of African-American women, affirming the belief that racism is more oppressive than sexism. Womanism was a mix of black nationalism and the vindication of women, putting race and community", "id": "8860102" }, { "contents": "Group of 88\n\n\nracism and sexism in the community, not to prejudge the case: \"We reject all attempts to try the case outside the courts, and stand firmly by the principle of the presumption of innocence\", and refused \"to retract the ad or apologize for it.\" The letter said that Duke fosters an \"atmosphere that allows sexism, racism, and sexual violence to be so prevalent on campus.\" A 2007 poll of Duke faculty showed that 82 percent were \"troubled by the actions by the Group of 88.", "id": "377610" }, { "contents": "Sexism\n\n\n15, 1968, in \"Vital Speeches of the Day\" (p. 6). In this speech she said in part: \"There is recognition abroad that we are in many ways a sexist country. Sexism is judging people by their sex when sex doesn't matter. Sexism is intended to rhyme with racism.\" Sexism may be defined as an ideology based on the belief that one sex is superior to another. It is discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping on the basis of gender, and is most often expressed", "id": "7420522" }, { "contents": "ABC No Rio\n\n\nset up to be devoid of the violence, homophobia, sexism, and machismo that took over the CBGB's matinees, and to this day follows a policy of booking only independent (i.e., non-major label) bands that do not in any way promote sexism, racism, homophobia, and so on. ABC No Rio is also one of the few places in New York City to host regular punk/hardcore shows that are all-ages. It is often considered the Gilman Street of the East Coast, having", "id": "12007098" }, { "contents": "Clara Stanton Jones\n\n\nJones asserted that the resolution did not conflict with the Library Bill of Rights, and instead promoted awareness by encouraging training and outreach programs in the libraries and library schools. In agreement with the Library Bill of Rights, she advocated for more enlightenment, not repression, to combat the effects of racism and sexism in library materials. Jones viewed the resolution as the framework, and not the final solution, for enabling librarians to confront issues that hampered \"human freedom\". \"The spirit of the \"Resolution on Racism and Sexism", "id": "18027144" }, { "contents": "Sexism in academia\n\n\nand identities are often overlooked through \"elite racism\", as coined by Allen, Epps, Guillory, Suh, and Bonous-Hammarth (2000). Because women of color in academia are sometimes minorities in regards to their colleagues as well as their students, it is suggested that they feel the aforementioned isolation, racism, and sexism from both groups. Women of color in academia are not only seemingly ostracized by their colleagues, but by their students as well. Women faculty of color reported having their authority questioned and challenged", "id": "1900504" }, { "contents": "Social dominance orientation\n\n\nand opposition to programs and policies that aim to promote equality (such as affirmative action, laws advocating equal rights for homosexuals, women in combat, etc.). There has been some debate within the psychology community on what the relation is between SDO and racism/sexism. One explanation suggests that opposition to programs that promote equality need not be based on racism or sexism but on a \"principled conservatism\", that is, a \"concern for equity, color-blindness, and genuine conservative values\". Some principled", "id": "20303693" }, { "contents": "Chicana feminism\n\n\nby Elizabeth Martinez, Martinez writes: \"She [La Chicana] is oppressed by the forces of racism, imperialism, and sexism. This can be said of all non-white women in the United States. Her oppression by the forces of racism and imperialism is similar to that endured by our men. Oppression by sexism, however, is hers alone.\" Women also sought out to battle the internalized struggles of self-hatred rooted in the colonization of their people. This included breaking the mujer buena/mujer mala", "id": "20538934" }, { "contents": "Third World Women's Alliance\n\n\nThe Third World Women's Alliance (TWWA) was a revolutionary socialist women-of-color organization active from 1968 to 1980 aimed at ending capitalism, racism, imperialism, and sexism. The TWWA was one of the earliest groups advocating an intersectional approach to women's oppression. The third World Women’s Alliance was a revolutionary socialist organization that’s goal was to end capitalism, racism, imperialism, and sexism. They were one of the first groups to understanding and advocate for intersectionality and understanding levels of privilege. The TWWA", "id": "15911450" }, { "contents": "Africana womanism\n\n\nAfricana women, children, and men. It focuses on race as the main importance for Africana women. Racism is seen to be priority over sexism and sexism is seen to derive from racism, classism, and economic prejudices. Some problems of Africana women, according to Hudson-Weems, include \"physical brutality, sexual harassment, and female subjugation in general perpetrated both within and outside the race\" and has to be solved in Africana communities collectively. While many think of Africana womanism as being similar to that of Black feminism", "id": "3021905" }, { "contents": "Crystal Marie Fleming\n\n\nbooks: \"Resurrecting Slavery: Racial Legacies and White Supremacy in France\" and \"How to Be Less Stupid About Race: On Racism, White Supremacy and the Racial Divide\". In September 2018, Fleming stirred a controversy in the aftermath of the 2018 US Open – Women's Singles final, where tennist Serena Williams had an altercation with umpire Carlos Ramos and accused him of sexism, sparking a global controversy over whether Serena Williams had been victim of sexism and racism in that match. On September 10, Chrystal Marie Fleming", "id": "12989337" }, { "contents": "Dorothy Roberts\n\n\nwho do not fit this mold. Roberts article goes on to outline a brief history of black mothers experience dating back to slavery, through the 19th-century \"Cult of Domesticity\", and into modern-day discourse surrounding poverty. Roberts concludes with a call to understand the interplay of racism, sexism, patriarchy, and how ending racism is a necessary step in the feminist fight to end sexism. In her piece \"Race and the New Reproduction,\" Dorothy E. Roberts outlines scientific developments regarding reproduction, more specifically focusing", "id": "1370001" }, { "contents": "Impostor syndrome\n\n\nA pattern in the research literature shows that women report experiencing impostor phenomenon more frequently than men. Women of color also often are afflicted with impostor syndrome in elite universities. Research stated that though men do experience doubt and lack of belonging in academia, being a woman and a person of color in the United States means being susceptible to encountering \"hideous forms of racism and sexism\". Therefore, these experiences of racism and sexism amplify the likelihood that women of color might experience impostor phenomenon. The intersection of race and gender for", "id": "14889516" }, { "contents": "Chelsea Clinton\n\n\ndoes so because \"I think it's important [for] all of us who feel like Mr. Trump's rhetoric of sexism and racism and Islamophobia and anti-immigrant hatred and stance has no place in our country.\" Later, at a September general election campaign stop in Arizona she further said, \"I never thought I would see in my lifetime the almost daily diet of hate speech coming out of Donald Trump ... that too often goes unanswered and unrepudiated by the Republicans. The racism, the sexism, the Islamophobia", "id": "20632433" }, { "contents": "Matrix of domination\n\n\nracism and sexism. This theory can also be applied to the antiracist movement, which rarely addresses the problem of sexism, even though it is thoroughly intertwined with the problem of racism. Feminism remains white, and antiracism remains male. In essence, any theory that tries to measure the extent and manner of oppression Black women face will be wholly incorrect without using intersectionality. Patricia Hill Collins wrote a book entitled \"Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment\", which articulated \"Black Feminist Thought\" in", "id": "7924009" }, { "contents": "Gloria E. Anzaldúa\n\n\n, because she believes that \"casting stones is not the solution\" and that racism and sexism do not come from only whites but also people of color. Throughout her life, the inner racism and sexism from her childhood would haunt her, as she often was asked to choose her loyalties, whether it be to women, to people of color, or to gays/lesbians. Her analogy to Shiva is well-fitted, as she decides to go against these conventions and enter her own world: Mundo Zurdo, which", "id": "8116994" }, { "contents": "Ain't I a Woman? (book)\n\n\nAin't I a Woman?: Black women and feminism is a 1981 book by bell hooks titled after Sojourner Truth's \"Ain't I a Woman?\" speech. Hooks examines the effect of racism and sexism on black women, the civil rights movement, and feminist movements from suffrage to the 1970s. She argues that the convergence of sexism and racism during slavery contributed to black women having the lowest status and worst conditions of any group in American society. White female abolitionists and suffragists were often more comfortable with black male", "id": "2599794" }, { "contents": "Symbolic racism\n\n\nsexism, anti-fat bias, and heterosexism. For example, Mingying Fu conducted an experiment in which symbolic racism was shown to influence attitudes toward outgroup members and racial policies. In addition, Fu found that symbolic racism was the strongest predictor of white as well as Asian and Latino opposition to affirmative action after controlling for biological racism and ideology. Fraser and Islam (2007) applied the concept of symbolic racism to the Aborigines and European Australians in Australia. In this context, the Australian version of the symbolic racism construct is", "id": "994457" }, { "contents": "Nellie Wong\n\n\nWong writes directly from her working life; she states \"A lot of my poems come from the workplace; that's where I've experienced a great deal of sexism and racism.\" Other themes include her family history and Asian American identity, about which she has said, \"I care about the roots of Asian American culture and how and why they came here [...] It's something every Asian family has experienced.\" Her poetry spans issues of feminism, the fight against racism, workplace injustice, and finding", "id": "22043045" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nidea of reverse racism later gained widespread use in debates and legal actions concerning affirmative action in the United States. The concept of \"reverse racism\" has been used by some white South Africans concerned about \"reverse apartheid\" following the end of white-supremacist rule. Accusations of reverse racism have been leveled particularly at government efforts to transform the demographics of South Africa's white-dominated civil service. Nelson Mandela in 1995 described \"racism in reverse\" when Black students demonstrated in favor of changing the racial makeup of staff at", "id": "6260259" }, { "contents": "Heterosexism\n\n\n1971 by gay rights activist, Craig Rodwell. Similar terms include \"heterocentrism\" and \"heterosexualism\". Although the well-established term \"heterosexism\" is often explained as a coinage modeled on \"sexism\", the derivation of its meaning points more to (1.) \"heterosex(ual)\" + \"-ism\" than (2.) \"hetero-\" + \"sexism\". In fact, the word \"heterosexualism\" has been used as an equivalent to sexism and racism. Given this lack of semantic transparency,", "id": "14802288" }, { "contents": "Gendered racism\n\n\nGendered racism is a form of oppression that occurs due to race and gender. It is perpetuated due to the prevalence of perceptions, stereotypes, and images of certain groups. Racism is defined as the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race. Racism functions as a way to distinguish races as inferior or superior to one another. Sexism is defined as prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination on the basis of sex. Gendered racism differs in that it pertains specifically to racial and ethnic understandings of", "id": "13059067" }, { "contents": "Sexual racism\n\n\nless positive attitudes about racial sexism. They also found that experiences of exclusion online due to race was correlated with more accepting views of multiculturalism and less accepting attitudes about sexual racism, regardless of racial identity. These findings suggest that being more aware of racism in general, due to experience or education, and racism's impact had an effect on racial preference such that it was seen as less desirable. As well as race-based sexual rejection, sexual racism also manifests in the form of the hypersexualisation of specific ethnic groups.", "id": "12602830" }, { "contents": "Matrix of domination\n\n\nthey face, feminism alienates women of color and lower class women by refusing to accept the way other forms of oppression feed into the sexism they face. Not only does feminism completely disregard the experiences of women of color, it also solidifies the connection between womanhood and whiteness when feminists speak for “all women”. (Crenshaw:154) Oppression cannot be detangled or separated easily in the same way identities cannot be separated easily. It is impossible to address the problem of sexism without addressing racism, as many women experience both", "id": "7924008" }, { "contents": "Sexism\n\n\nworkplace inequality. According to Fred R. Shapiro, the term \"sexism\" was most likely coined on November 18, 1965, by Pauline M. Leet during a \"Student-Faculty Forum\" at Franklin and Marshall College. Specifically, the word sexism appears in Leet's forum contribution \"Women and the Undergraduate\", and she defines it by comparing it to racism, stating in part (on page 3): \"When you argue ... that since fewer women write good poetry this justifies their total exclusion, you are taking", "id": "7420520" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nonly a minority of African Americans (29%) and Hispanics (38%) agreed. The critical race theorist David Theo Goldberg argues that the notion of reverse racism represents a denial of the historical and contemporary reality of racial discrimination, while the anthropologist Jane H. Hill writes that charges of reverse racism tend to deny the existence of white privilege and power in society. In \"Racism without Racists\", the sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva argues that white people's perceptions of reverse racism result from what he calls the new dominant", "id": "6260257" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nof whites, who remain the dominant group in the U.S. Claims of reverse racism tend to ignore such disparities in the exercise of power and authority, which scholars argue constitute an essential component of racism. Allegations of reverse racism by opponents of affirmative-action policies began to emerge prominently in the 1970s and have formed part of a racial backlash against social gains by people of colour. While the U.S. dominates the debate over the issue, the concept of reverse racism has been used internationally to some extent wherever white supremacy has diminished,", "id": "6260248" }, { "contents": "Missing white woman syndrome\n\n\nboth a marginalized racial group and a marginalized gender group. Crucially, though, black women have an “intersectional experience [that] is greater than the sum of racism and sexism.” In other words, like white women, black women are subject to sexism, but the form of that sexism differs for black women because of the compounding effects of racial discrimination; with missing white woman syndrome being a pertinent manifestation of this social phenomenon. Sociologists note that the tone of media coverage for black female victims differs markedly from coverage", "id": "18789159" }, { "contents": "Sexism\n\n\ntoward girls and women. It has been characterized as the \"hatred of women\" and \"entrenched prejudice against women\". Sociology has examined sexism as manifesting at both the individual and the institutional level. According to Schaefer, sexism is perpetuated by all major social institutions. Sociologists describe parallels among other ideological systems of oppression such as racism, which also operates at both the individual and institutional level. Early female sociologists Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Ida B. Wells, and Harriet Martineau described systems of gender inequality, but did not use", "id": "7420523" }, { "contents": "Hipster sexism\n\n\nname of Thinx is one prime example of this in that its one product was menstruation underwear, a product meant solely for women, yet according to \"reports across female focused media,\" employees that worked for this company were underpaid and offered only two weeks of maternity leave. Quart coined the term \"hipster sexism\" in 2012, partly as a comment on \"hipster racism\", a term coined by Carmen Van Kerckhove in circa 2007 which had been popularized earlier in 2012. She differentiated it from \"classic sexism\"", "id": "9891491" }, { "contents": "Racism in the LGBT community\n\n\nof racism, sexism, and homophobia. The first Latina lesbian organization was founded in Los Angeles in the early 1980s and the National Latino/a Lesbian & Gay Organization (LLEGÓ) was founded in 1987, with Latino/a LGBT people choosing to organize separately due to both racism in the LGBT community and homophobia in the straight Latino community. In 2006, Latino Americans staged a protest in The Castro, San Francisco, against anti-Latino racism in the LGBT community. The organization \"La Casa\" in East Los", "id": "21090286" }, { "contents": "Football Unites, Racism Divides\n\n\nwomen as a marginalised group in football and has sought to create women's initiatives, especially to appeal to those from ethnic minorities. Students at The University of Sheffield conducted a survey called ‘Crossing the Line’ which demonstrated the young girls are more likely to be put off from joining in football due to anxieties over sexism rather than racism or cultural factors. Therefore, FURD has run female-only coaching sessions and girls’ tournaments have been a regular feature at the annual Community Day at Bramall Lane. Small-sided tournaments", "id": "13064773" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nseen by scholars as an essential component of racism; in this view, individual beliefs and examples of favoring disadvantaged people do not constitute racism. In a widely reprinted article, legal scholar Stanley Fish wrote that \"'Reverse racism' is a cogent description of affirmative action only if one considers the cancer of racism to be morally and medically indistinguishable from the therapy we apply to it\". While there has been little empirical study on the subject of reverse racism, the few existing studies have found little evidence that white males,", "id": "6260251" }, { "contents": "Ijeoma Oluo\n\n\nsexism, racism, or classism by their favorite celebrities, without having to condemn or reject anyone as irredeemable, and that we ourselves generally share many of the same flaws we call out in others. She wrote in 2015 that, \"Being anti-racist doesn't mean that you are never racist, it means that you recognize and battle racism in yourself as hard as you battle it in others\", and she expanded on this general theme of honest dialog about uncomfortable truths in her 2018 book, writing that, \"", "id": "249744" }, { "contents": "Solidarity (Australia)\n\n\nof parliament is what brings change. Solidarity reject the idea that the USSR or China ever represented socialism, and agree with Tony Cliff's theory of 'state capitalism' which sees these societies as driven by the same dynamics as capitalism. Solidarity opposes nationalism, racism and all forms of homophobia and sexism. They stand for self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Solidarity claims to stand up for Muslims and Middle Eastern people against the rise in anti-Muslim racism they see as associated with the War on Terror.", "id": "6911839" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nReverse racism or reverse discrimination is the concept that affirmative action and similar color-conscious programs for redressing racial inequality are a form of anti-white racism. The concept is often associated with conservative social movements and the belief that social and economic gains by black people in the U.S. and elsewhere cause disadvantages for white people. Belief in reverse racism is widespread in the United States; however, there is little to no empirical evidence that white Americans suffer systemic discrimination. Racial and ethnic minorities generally lack the power to damage the interests", "id": "6260247" }, { "contents": "Women's Resource & Action Center\n\n\nof the knowledge they were obtaining. In the early 1980s, the Women Against Racism Committee (WAR) was formed as a branch of WRAC, and populated primarily by the members of WRAC, as well as other women in the Iowa City community. The original purpose of the organization was to critique the racism WRAC members perceived, and to raise awareness of the harmful effects of internalized racism. These actions evolved into the study of all forms of oppression, including sexism, disability-related discrimination, and homophobia, especially among", "id": "9084493" }, { "contents": "Ambivalent prejudice\n\n\nself-report measure composed of 22 items, 11 for each subscale: hostile sexism and benevolent sexism. The two subscales can be calculated separately, or they can be averaged together to get an overall measure of sexism. The assessment consist of a series of statements with which respondents indicate their level of agreement on a 6-point Likert scale in which 0 = disagree strongly and 5 = agree strongly. Certain items are reversed coded so that agreement with the statement indicates lower levels of sexism and disagreement with the statement indicates higher levels of", "id": "11111435" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nprograms' successes in doing this, conservative opponents claimed that such programs constituted a form of anti-white racism. This view was boosted by the Supreme Court's decision in \"Regents of the University of California v. Bakke\" (1978), which said that racial quotas for minority students were discriminatory toward white people. While not empirically supported, the belief in reverse racism is widespread in the United States. Whites' belief in reverse racism has steadily increased since the civil rights movement of the 1960s and has contributed to the", "id": "6260254" }, { "contents": "Feminism in the United States\n\n\ncombine their sex-based discrimination and their race-based discrimination. Crenshaw observed the verdict from this ruling and noticed that black women had to choose if their discrimination was either based on gender or race, but not both. She argued that Black women are discriminated against in ways that don't fit into society's standards of oppression of either \"racism\" or \"sexism,\" and that's why intersectionality was needed to identify this form of oppression. Crenshaw stated: \"The goal of this activity should be to facilitate", "id": "11826985" }, { "contents": "Feminism of the 99%\n\n\naccumulated intellectual legacy of feminist movements such as radical feminism, Marxist feminism, Black feminism and transnational/decolonial feminism, and asserts that gender oppression is not caused by a single factor, sexism. They insist that it is rather a multifaceted product of the intersections of sexism, racism, colonialism and capitalism. The demand for a Feminism of the 99% was published in Viewpoint Magazine on the 3@th of February 2017. It was made in response to the mass mobilisation of women seen in the 2017 Women’s March – a worldwide", "id": "11234462" }, { "contents": "Women in music\n\n\nfounded in the early decades of the 20th century, and women conductors led these groups. It is both interesting and ironic that something that is considered “universal”  has historically excluded women (with the exception of certain stereotypically defined roles) and more specifically women on color. This comments on the fact that the underrepresentation of women in conducting is seen as a sexism issue, but also an issue of racism as well. Women conductors continue to face sexism and gender discrimination in the early decades of the 21st century. In the", "id": "22080058" }, { "contents": "Cultural racism\n\n\n, which he believed concealed their underlying ideology and the existence of racial power relations. It would also include teaching students \"critical methodologies and approaches\" which would alert them to how different media reinforce existing forms of authority. Specifically, he urged teachers to provide their students with \"the analytical tools to challenge those representations that produce racism, sexism and colonialism through the legacy of ethnocentric discourses and practices\". More broadly, he urged leftist activists not to abandon identity politics in the face of U.S. cultural racism, but instead called", "id": "19855705" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nSouth African universities. Students denied Mandela's claim and argued that a great deal of ongoing actual racism persisted from apartheid. Mandela was later himself charged with reverse racism, during 1997 proceedings of the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission and for supporting the 1998 Employment Equity Bill. Mixed-race South Africans have also sometimes claimed to be victimized by reverse racism of the new government. Similar accusations have been leveled by Indian and Afrikaner groups, who feel that they have not been dominant historically but now suffer from discrimination by the government.", "id": "6260260" }, { "contents": "Feminism in New Zealand\n\n\nhistory and future. That is, mana wāhine, by necessity, takes into account sexism, racism, colonialism and class and overlaps with the political aspirations for self-determination. This is why mana wāhine is an important area of discourse. Mana wāhine allows for the provision of analysis unique to the position held by those lying in the intersections of Māori and women. The unique world-view of the Māori population is vital in the understanding of pre-colonial Māori society. Sources such as Māori society, both te ao", "id": "1352910" }, { "contents": "Structural violence\n\n\na common occurrence in society that they appear almost invisible. Despite this fact, sexism and racism have been the focus of intense cultural and political resistance for many decades. Significant reform has been accomplished, though the project remains incomplete. Paul Farmer notes that there are three reasons why structural violence is hard to see. 1. Suffering is exoticized--that is, when something/someone is distant or far away, individuals tend to not be affected by it. When suffering lacks proximity, it's easy to exoticise. 2", "id": "10000821" }, { "contents": "Feminism\n\n\nAngelou's \"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings\" was extremely influential, as it represented the specific racism and sexism experienced by black women growing up in the United States. In addition, many feminist movements have embraced poetry as a vehicle through which to communicate feminist ideas to public audiences through anthologies, poetry collections, and public readings. Women's music (or womyn's music or wimmin's music) is the music by women, for women, and about women. The genre emerged as a musical expression of the", "id": "10950318" }, { "contents": "Reproductive justice\n\n\n, showing that Black populations are not in decline. Abortion clinics are intentionally cited in low income neighborhoods to increase access, and economic disparities mean that many of these neighborhoods are predominantly Black. Dorothy Roberts, author of \"Killing the Black Body,\" says, \"“Black women’s wombs are not the main enemy of black children ... Racism and sexism and poverty are the main enemy of black children. [The billboard] doesn’t highlight the issues behind why women are having so many abortions, it just blames them", "id": "14230151" }, { "contents": "Feminist literature\n\n\nRuss' \"The Female Man\" (1970), Octavia Butler's \"Kindred\" (1979) and Margaret Atwood's \"Handmaid's Tale\" (1985). Feminist nonfiction has played an important role in voicing concerns about women's lived experiences. For example, Maya Angelou's \"I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings\" was extremely influential, as it represented the specific racism and sexism experienced by black women growing up in the United States. In addition, many feminist movements have embraced poetry as a vehicle through", "id": "18651577" }, { "contents": "Lost in language & sound\n\n\nlost in language & sound: or how i found my way to the arts: essays (2011) is a collection of 25 personal essays written by Ntozake Shange. Explored in the collection are topics such as racism, sexism, jazz, dance, and writing. The essays function as autobiography, music and literary criticism, and social critique. While some pieces were written specifically for the collection, many were written over the span of over 30 years. In February 2011, the essay \"why i had to dance//\"", "id": "21465422" }, { "contents": "Maria Cotera\n\n\none of the reasons that led her to come to Michigan to complete her postdoctorate research. Cotera was intrigued by the university's American Culture Program and explains how this related to her work. She describes her work as a mixture of historical and literary analysis, which is why she looked for a school that valued that kind of work. \"Chicana feminism is a form of critical thought and praxis that recognizes the intersectional nature of oppression. Chicana feminists are critical of racism, classism, sexism, colonialism, heterosexism, and see", "id": "2738720" }, { "contents": "Oppression\n\n\nfocus on issues that are common to such subtle oppression in several different contexts (such as racism, classism, and sexism) ... Analyzing what is involved in civilized oppression includes analyzing the kinds of mechanisms used, the power relations at work, the systems controlling perceptions and information, the kinds of harms inflicted on the victims, and the reasons why this oppression is so hard to see even by contributing agents. Research and theory development on social oppression has advanced apace since the 1980s with the publication of seminal books and articles,", "id": "5900957" }, { "contents": "Speciesism\n\n\nto how animals should be treated, Williams observed that it is only possible for humans to discuss that question. Williams observed that being a human being is often used as an argument against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex, whereas racism and sexism are seldom deployed to counter discrimination. Williams also argued in favour of speciesism (which he termed 'humanism'), arguing that \"Why are fancy properties which are grouped under the label of personhood \"morally relevant\" to issues of destroying a certain kind of animal,", "id": "9508479" }, { "contents": "Crystal Marie Fleming\n\n\nthat in his view one of the best opinion texts about the controversial US Open final was a text written by former tennist Martina Navrátilová in \"The New York Times\" issue of September 10, which stated that although sexism was a real problem in tennis, and that Serena Williams had been victim of sexism and racism in the past, there was no basis to attack Carlos Ramos of such in that match. Aguiar-Conraria stated that because Navrálitová was a great tennist and a woman, for Serena William's supporters \"it", "id": "12989341" }, { "contents": "Michele Wallace\n\n\nScholar\", titled \"The Black Sexism Debate\" (1979), was dedicated to discussing \"Black Macho\", along with Ntozake Shange's \"For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf\" (1975). This issue featured responses to Staples from prominent black scholars and activists including June Jordan, Maulana Karenga, and Audre Lorde. Opponents of \"Black Macho\" disputed the severity of sexism in the black community and the priority it should have in black liberation, citing racism as a more serious", "id": "17862220" }, { "contents": "The Broken Compass\n\n\nthe British Trades Union Congress's (TUC) alleged failure to support the Gdańsk shipyard workers challenging the Soviet-aligned government. Chapter 8, \"Racism, Sexism and Homophobia\", examines how the modern ideology of race and the term racist differ from the previous concept of \"racialism\", and how the sexual revolution represents \"seeking the existing order's permission to pursue pleasure at all costs\", which undermines Christian principles of marriage, and has its roots in events in 1968. In Chapter 9, \"Sexism is", "id": "21915316" }, { "contents": "Women in music\n\n\nnames, and portraying women as distrustful and cheaters.” \"Bro-Country\" may be influenced by historical aspects of Southern culture which have been associated with racism and sexism. Women in country music continue to face these issues, and often find no way to directly deal with them. Kacey Musgraves, a recording artist, describes her experience with sexism in country music by stating that if a label can't get your song off the ground, it's immediately blamed on your personality or the fact that you're female,", "id": "22080001" }, { "contents": "Caroline Bird (American author)\n\n\nthat we are in many ways a sexist country. Sexism is judging people by their sex when sex doesn't matter. Sexism is intended to rhyme with racism. Women are sexists as often as men.\" In 1977, Bird became an associate of the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press (WIFP). WIFP is an American nonprofit publishing organization. The organization works to increase communication between women and connect the public with forms of women-based media. Bird was a consultant to the National Commission on the Observance", "id": "3677427" }, { "contents": "Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism\n\n\nway race, class and gender intersect in their lives to create different responses. Looking at the black community as a monolith may prevent us from seeing that African American women are the targets of specific social welfare policies or that African American men are being disproportionately incarcerated. Both of these results stem from racism, but take on a gendered approach. In \"Black Sexual Politics\", Hill Collins proposes several ideas for black liberation, though the book is focused on getting individuals to find creative ways to challenge racism, sexism and homophobia", "id": "19776858" }, { "contents": "Feminism in South Korea\n\n\nman wearing a pink elephant body suit argued against reverse sexism, stating that the Disney movie \"Zootopia\" was a movie about reverse sexism. While he was booed out of the demonstration, men's rights groups took video footage of this incident and came up with the cry “stop violence against men.” Zootopia director Byron Howard has since publicly tweeted that Zootopia was never intended to promote hatred or \"used as a political statement in support of misogyny\" This incident triggered a nationwide debate on whether mental illness or deep-", "id": "19034182" }, { "contents": "Atheism\n\n\nThe atheist feminist movement has also become increasingly focused on fighting sexism and sexual harassment within the atheist movement itself. In August 2012, Jennifer McCreight (the organizer of Boobquake) founded a movement within atheism known as Atheism Plus, or A+, that \"applies skepticism to everything, including social issues like sexism, racism, politics, poverty, and crime\". In 2013 the first atheist monument on American government property was unveiled at the Bradford County Courthouse in Florida: a 1,500-pound granite bench and plinth inscribed with quotes by Thomas", "id": "10437700" }, { "contents": "Feminist art\n\n\nthe most influential museums of art only to find out that they barely exhibited women's art. With that came the birth of the Guerrilla Girls who devoted their time to fighting sexism and racism in the art world through the use of protest, posters, artwork and public speaking. Unlike the feminist art prior the 1980s, the Guerrilla Girls introduced a bolder more in-your-face identity and both captured attention and exposed sexism. Their posters aim to strip the role that women played in the art world prior to the feminist", "id": "12282726" }, { "contents": "Radical Women\n\n\ninsuring survival for an entire sex, we must simultaneously address ourselves to the social and material source of sexism: the capitalist form of production and distribution of products, characterized by intrinsic class, race, sex, and caste oppression. When we work for the revolutionary transformation of capitalism into a socialist society, we work for a world in which all people may enjoy the right of full humanity and freedom from poverty, war, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and repression. Radical Women calls for a multi", "id": "17157276" }, { "contents": "Sexism in the technology industry\n\n\nfor the firm, an incident occurred in which a male employee came to her hotel room and propositioned her. The firm neglected to recognize the behavior of this man as sexual harassment, even though other similar incidents about this individual had been reported. Gender-discrimination cases in the technology industry often concern not only gender, but race as well. Women of color are affected especially by gender-discrimination as they face two vectors of oppression: sexism and racism. It has been reported in a 2014 diversity report that women make", "id": "2078220" }, { "contents": "Neverwas (novel)\n\n\nConfederacy to examine issues such as racism, sexism, and xenophobia. Picking up three months after \"Amber House\" left off, Sarah and her family relocate from the Pacific Northwestern nation of Astoria to live at Amber House with her aunt Maggie. Unbeknownst to Sarah, her actions at the end of \"Amber House\" propelled her and her loved ones into an alternate reality: North America is a collection of separate nations — including the American Confederation of States, which still struggles with segregation and sexism — and Nazis control all", "id": "21018342" }, { "contents": "Black feminism\n\n\nbe accessible and legible to the Black communities that it was created for and also spoke about. Black women artists responded to racism and sexism within the art world and sexism within the Black Arts movement, how these women responded to oppression within formal institutional structures and how they might create new spaces for the appreciation of their work, and how greater amounts of autonomy and self-determination might be gained. Black lesbian feminism is a political identity and movement that incorporates perspectives, experiences, and politics around race, gender, class,", "id": "9388962" }, { "contents": "Speciesism\n\n\nsexism have taken into account the context of discrimination against humans. Peter Staudenmaier has argued that comparisons between speciesism and racism or sexism are trivializing: The central analogy to the civil rights movement and the women's movement is trivializing and ahistorical. Both of those social movements were initiated and driven by members of the dispossessed and excluded groups themselves, not by benevolent men or white people acting on their behalf. Both movements were built precisely around the idea of reclaiming and reasserting a shared humanity in the face of a society that had deprived", "id": "9508477" }, { "contents": "National Day of Mourning (United States protest)\n\n\nportrayed as people fleeing persecution and landing in empty land and establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with the local inhabitants, arrived in North America and claimed tribal land for their own. In doing so, as part of a commercial venture, introduced sexism, racism, anti-homosexual bigotry, jails, and the class system. The UAINE also questions why the \"First Thanksgiving\" is not associated with Virginia, the first colony to hold such a celebration. They argue the reason that national myth of Thanksgiving cannot be built around", "id": "10601906" }, { "contents": "Feminist theory\n\n\nyears, Black women were historically overlooked and disregarded in the study of crime and criminology; however, with a new focus on Black feminism that sparked in the 1980s, Black feminists began to contextualize their unique experiences and examine why the general status of Black women in the criminal justice system was lacking in female specific approaches. Potter explains that because Black women usually have \"limited access to adequate education and employment as consequences of racism, sexism, and classism\", they are often disadvantaged. This disadvantage materializes into \"poor responses", "id": "16838240" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nsuch as in post-apartheid South Africa. The concept of \"reverse racism\" in the United States is commonly associated with conservative opposition to color-conscious policies aimed at addressing racial inequality, such as affirmative action. Concerns that the advancement of African Americans might cause harm to White Americans date back as far as the Reconstruction Era in the context of debates over providing reparations for slavery. Claims of reverse racism in the early 21st century tend to rely on anecdotes of isolated instances, often based on third- or fourth-hand", "id": "6260249" }, { "contents": "Reverse racism\n\n\nin particular, are victimized by affirmative-action programs. The term \"reverse racism\" came into use as the struggle for African-American rights divided the white community. In 1966, Hosea Williams of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), publicly accused members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) of reverse racism in their efforts to exclude or expel white people from local government in Alabama to make room for black people. Williams argued the SNCC's intended \"all-black\" campaign in Alabama would drive", "id": "6260252" }, { "contents": "Michael Reich\n\n\nassembled their ideas and published a widely cited textbook on radical economics, \"The Capitalist System\". As the central thesis of the textbook’s first edition, the group: regarded capitalism as deeply implicated in the multiple oppressions that we saw around us: inequality, alienation, racism, sexism, imperialism, waste and irrationality. Reich contributed at least four articles to \"The Capitalist System\", including a reprinting of \"The Economics of Racism\". Upon the book's release, the \"Journal of Economic Issues\" published", "id": "2804448" }, { "contents": "Speciesism\n\n\ncertain, in consequence, to misapprehend their true obligations.\" Cohen writes that racism and sexism are wrong because there are no relevant differences between the sexes or races. Between people and animals, he argues, there are significant differences; his view is that animals do not qualify for Kantian personhood, and as such have no rights. Nel Noddings, the American feminist, has criticized Singer's concept of speciesism for being simplistic, and for failing to take into account the context of species preference, as concepts of racism and", "id": "9508476" }, { "contents": "Feminist geography\n\n\nand sexism are not simply bodily or identity-based; racism and sexism are also spatial acts and illustrate black women's geographic experiences and knowledges as they are made possible through domination.” Moreover, many feminist geographers have critiqued human geography for centering masculine knowledge emphasizing “objective” knowledge, arguing instead for the use of situated knowledge which understands both observation and analysis as being rooted in partial objectivity. Linda McDowell and Joanne P. Sharp, both foundational feminist geographers and scholars, describe the struggle of gaining recognition in academia, saying", "id": "12234095" }, { "contents": "Ageism\n\n\nsexual orientation (6%). Consistently, a study based on the European Social Survey found that whereas 35% of Europeans reported exposure ageism, only 25% reported exposure to sexism and as few as 17% reported exposure to racism. Ageism has significant effects in two particular sectors: employment and health care. Age discrimination has contributed to disparities in health between men and women. Reducing ageism and sexism would promote improved doctor-patient relationships and reduce ageist stereotypes in the healthcare industry. The concept of ageism was originally developed", "id": "16995504" }, { "contents": "Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War\n\n\nexperience with organizing protests and crafting effective antiwar rhetoric. These newfound skills combined with their dislike of sexism within the opposition movement caused many women to break away from the mainstream antiwar movement and create or join women's antiwar groups, such as Another Mother for Peace, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), and Women Strike for Peace (WSP), also known as Women For Peace. Female soldiers serving in Vietnam joined the movement to battle the war and sexism, racism, and the established military bureaucracy", "id": "4802552" }, { "contents": "Rock Against Racism\n\n\n, The Band, Alex Harvey, Gang of Four, Angelic Upstarts, Aswad, The Ruts, Crisis, UK Subs, Exodus and John Cooper Clarke. In April 1979 a sister organisation, Rock Against Sexism (RAS) was founded by a group of women concerned about sexism in the music industry. Lucy Toothpaste, from RAR became a lead organiser. Many RAR bands were involved and Kate Webb and others from RAR also helped organise some of RAS's concerts. Also In April, a demonstration organised by the Southall Youth", "id": "8467801" }, { "contents": "Racism in Turkey\n\n\na necessary condition to become a state employee. The Ministry of Education in Turkey adopted an educational curriculum with respect to the Armenians in 2002 which was widely condemned as racist and chauvinist. The curriculum contained textbooks that included phrases such as \"we crushed the Greeks\" and \"traitor to the nation.\" Thereafter, civic organizations, including the Turkish Academy of Sciences, published a study deploring all racism and sexism in textbooks. However, a report by the Minority Rights Group International (MRG) done in 2015 states that the", "id": "19781162" }, { "contents": "Triple oppression\n\n\nracism and sexism, racism tends to be primarily directed at subordinate group males (e.g. black men) and that the empirical evidence supports the idea that the worst outcomes are generally found in subordinate group males, not females as predicted by the double jeopardy hypothesis. Intersectionality is the sister of triple oppression while describing the various divisions of human beings. It is a deconstruction of categories such as race, class, and gender. \"Ain't I a woman,\" by Sojourner Truth, is associated with intersectionality due to the relationship", "id": "6266944" }, { "contents": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946)\n\n\n, and although Hunt was unable to discover why Ernestine spent 50 years behind bars, Hunt wrote that the reasons may have had more to do with racism and sexism than insanity. In 2005, Hunt released her memoir about her battle with cancer, \"Undefeated\". In 1990, Hunt published her first novel, \"Joy\", about a woman who grew up to join a singing group reminiscent of The Supremes before dying an early death. Set in a posh New York apartment in the course of one day in the", "id": "15617537" }, { "contents": "Economic discrimination\n\n\nonly a small portion of it is due to racism, but rather is due to what has been called a \"cynical realization that minorities are not always your best customers\". There are three main causes that most economic theorists agree are likely root causes. Racism, sexism, ageism, and dislike for another's religion, ethnicity or nationality have always been components of economic discrimination, much like all other forms of discrimination. Most discrimination in the US and Europe is claimed to be in terms of racial and ethnic discrimination—", "id": "19073714" }, { "contents": "International Socialists (Netherlands)\n\n\ntradition of people like Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg. It is anti-capitalist, anti-war and in general against \"all ideas that put people against people\", like racism, sexism and homophobia. Currently, the \"Internationale Socialisten\" are largely active in the anti-war and anti-racism movements, as well as in the resistance against the austerity measures of the rightwing minority government of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy of prime-minister Mark Rutte and the Christian Democratic Appeal,", "id": "2229291" }, { "contents": "Sistren Theatre Collective\n\n\na Male Leadership Development program, and a youth-centered Forum on Gang Violence. Much of the Collective's theatre work is rooted in their experiences as black Caribbean women, exploring the intersections between the patriarchal oppression of women, racism, and social class. Some of their most important thematic interests include: unemployment, domestic violence, alcoholism, harassment in the workplace, poverty and class oppression, racism, imperialism, sexism and women's social roles, and child-rearing and pregnancy. Many of the Collective's plays utilize", "id": "280215" }, { "contents": "Jen Sorensen\n\n\nfrom her local weekly newspaper \"The Austin Chronicle,\" her regular publications in \"The Nation, Ms. Magazine, Politico, MAD Magazine\", as well as her political cartoon, \"Slowpoke\". The Herblock Foundation judges felt that, \"Jen Sorensen’s strong portfolio addresses issues that were important to Herblock, such as gun control, racism, income inequality, healthcare, and sexism. Her style allows her to incorporate information which backs up the arguments she presents. Her art is engaging and her humor is sharp and", "id": "19872902" }, { "contents": "Constitution of South Africa\n\n\nrequired for it to pass. The Interim Constitution contained 34 constitutional principles with which the new constitution was required to comply. These included multi-party democracy with regular elections and universal adult suffrage, supremacy of the constitution over all other law, a quasi-federal system in place of centralised government, non-racism and non-sexism, the protection of \"all universally accepted fundamental rights, freedoms and civil liberties,\" equality before the law, the separation of powers with an impartial judiciary, provincial and local levels of", "id": "5283643" }, { "contents": "Adultism\n\n\nallies\", on their website. Adultism is used to describe the oppression of children and young people by adults, which is seen as having the same power dimension in the lives of young people as racism and sexism. It is treated as a generalization of paternalism, allowing for the broad force of adulthood beyond males, and may be witnessed in the infantalization of children and youth. Pedophobia (the fear of children) and ephebiphobia (the fear of youth) have been proposed as the antecedents to adultism. Gerontophobia, or", "id": "11728576" }, { "contents": "Double Jeopardy: To Be Black and Female\n\n\nand that an awareness of, and an end to the super-exploitation of Black workers, and women in particular, should be a priority in the fight against capitalism. The essay discusses economic oppression of black women from the perspective of racism. However, Beal did not analyze class oppression as an independent form of oppression. Although the economic oppression of black women was rooted in racism and sexism that historically constrained them to low wage jobs, black women face multiple oppressions that impede their liberation. The essay discusses how capitalist system", "id": "10036290" } ]
why can Dennis Rodman just hang out in North Korea all the time?
[{"answer": "Kim Jong-un is a huge fan of basketball. Dennis Rodman is there by invitation (and whatever crazy reasons he has personally). You wouldn't be killed there, though. They deny a lot of people entrance to their country arbitrarily, but if they did let you in, you'd just be watched at all times, most likely."}, {"answer": "Anyone can go to North Korea, including Americans with American passports. You just have to go in through Beijing. There's a ton of tour companys, such as Koryo Tours, who take Americans there almost constantly. If you can afford to get to Beijing and pay a tour company, you can go to North Korea."}, {"answer": "The Kim dynasty are huge fans of the Chicago Bulls"}, {"answer": "This is due to a VICE documentary in which their 'angle' to get into the country was to bring with them 3 All-star basketball players for a game - Kim Jong-Un is a massive fan of basketball. This allowed them unprecedented access to North Korea, and Kim Jong-Un actually unexpectedly turned up to the game and invited them all to a meal afterwards, at which Dennis Rodman befriended him. It's a bit of a grey area him hanging out with them... - On one level, which is fantastic, and why he's still doing it I assume, he's creating a good link between the west and the most isolated country in the world. Maybe his interactions with North Korea will help them see the light and not want to continue being insane? - On another level, by befriending Kim Jong-Un, is Dennis Rodman condoning North Korea's horrendous domestic and international policies? It's a difficult one, but I like to stick to the former, because it can't hurt to try, right? EDIT: Formatting and a few words!"}, {"answer": "The direct answer is because he is invited by the head of state in North Korea. The idea of this happening is absurd for most observers of North Korea. What we all believe is how tightly controlled NK is,and how people who visit are guided at all times. There are only a few approved haircuts, TV and radio are all governed by the state. So nobody is allowed to see what goes on in the real world. Now contrast this with Dennis Rodman, a controversial figure even in the US. Being invited by the head of NK to visit. The man does not have an approved haircut, he has metal parts on his face, he does not know any decorum as how to treat the head of state. Now if he was just allowed to meet secretly with the leader that would make more sense. But in fact they have large events where Rodman participates. NK has sent a baseball team to the US to train. Rodman has met quite a few NK people, and been seen by many thousands. The NK people (only some of them) now have to process that people can look like that, behave like that. Its a shocking experience I am sure. We should not underestimate the importance of these events. Rodman is an ambassador of sports sure, but also of American culture. What he is not is a directly political ambassador. I think it is awesome that these exchanges takes place. They are tiny microsteps, and even some not that small. that may give a glimpse of a slight softening up in North Korea. I am convinced it will take a lot of time, but I think there might be possibilities now."}, {"answer": "Kim Jong-Un is a huge fan of basketball and Rodman hosts basketball tournaments featuring former NBA players and Rodman became friends with Kim Jong-Un."}, {"answer": "VICE has a documentary about best Korea. They bribed their way in through China. It's kinda wierd how they are following a tour of madness once inside. URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I think the better question would be, \"Why can't Dennis Rodman just stay in North Korea?\""}, {"answer": "My personal theory is that Rodman and his lot are actually working for the CIA. (Not the first time US intelligence has recruited sports stars -- look up Moe Berg at some point.) Considering how little we know about Kim Jong Un's psychology -- and how much is riding on it -- even just one or two personal conversations could make a huge difference."}, {"answer": "I heard rumor that he really wanted Jordan but settled for Rodman when Pippen also declined."}, {"answer": "It's not a big deal. I am American and went to NK last year. Signed up for a tour, had a great time. Wish I had known more about the country before I visited, as a lot of this makes a lot more sense after having been there. What a wild place. Think of it. Millions of people with no internet, no idea of the outside world. It's like a veritable Truman Show. I was constantly watched. Constantly escorted. And I only saw what they wanted me to see. Any deviation required permissions from the \"head office.\""}, {"answer": "You actually can travel to the DRPK as a tourist, there are companies that arrange it (well, I think it's actually one company, state controlled, that operates through china). Depends on where you have citizenship, and you do take the risk that today is the day they decide to kidnap all the tourists in the country and hold them hostage. But it is possible to go on 'guided' tours. Rodman as others say is there by invitation, and, importantly, US government rules on travelling to the DPRK are bad, but not as bad as they could be. You're not going to end up in jail for having spent money there while travelling."}, {"answer": "The Kims have always been known to have harems of Women chosen for their beauty plucked for their families for the use by the state. These women are used to entertain members of state as well as their guests. Rodman is well renowned for his drug use, partying, and sexual deviancy. Who knows what really was happening over there, but I am sure he was partying his ass off."}, {"answer": "First let's dispel a couple myths. * American's can enter North Korea on tour groups during certain times of the year. * You will not be arrested simply for being an American in North Korea * If invited by a government official you may travel to North Korea at any time. In Rodman's case he's invited by Kim Jong Un because the DPRK's leader is a big basketball fan, in particular the Chicago Bull's championship team (Jordan, Rodman, Pippen). Other notable people have traveled to North Korea under invitation such as Google's Eric Schmitt. While not everyone is approved anyone can apply to go on a tour in North Korea. The country doesn't usually turn down visitors unless your a member of the US government or a member of the media. Cellphones and computers are usually confiscated, and you travel with a state appointed tour guide and \"minder\". You don't have someone with a machine gun following you everywhere. You are put in a state run hotel for foreign visitors and the prices for things are rather high compared to what other's in the country pay (still cheap by 1st world standards) and everything is paid for in Euros."}, {"answer": "My friend recently went there with Dennis Rodman and the basketball players that were just there. She said that pretty much anyone can go there as long as they aren't causing problems and speaking out against the government. She also talked about how her and her father received a lot of negative attention towards the whole thing and people saying that they support Kim Jong Un. But she explained it like this, North Korea wants to be isolated for a reason, and by people ignoring them, they are getting what they want. In order for there to be change, we have to show them in a positive way that we are good people and that may spark people to change. It really opened my eyes."}, {"answer": "Gotta love your government when it lets you travel to North Korea but not Cuba."}, {"answer": "You might go there and show respect but as Gadhi said \"when the law is not respectable, i dont respect the law.\" I wont be going any time soon"}, {"answer": "Because the Korean people see him as fool and a court jester who they laugh at for their own entertainment."}, {"answer": "Min Jong-Il and Kim Jong-Un both love basketball. VICE, a news outlet of sorts convinced some basketball players to go to North Korea as a friendly gesture endorsed by the US government. Dennis rodman is the united states unofficial ambassador to the hermit kingdom. You can watch the documentary from the visit on HBO or watch a clip of it [here]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "Yeah - he could have just checked himself into one of the North Korean 'Re-hab Clinics' - I hear they have a lot of them, like camps...some people like them so much, they *never leave*..."}, {"answer": "I read this as \"Why DOESN'T Dennis Rodman...\", which seems like a more pertinent question."}, {"answer": "ELI5: Why can't Dennis Rodman hang out in North Korea ALL the time?"}, {"answer": "Because it is not illegal to travel to N.K., just not advised"}, {"answer": "If you think the reason Rodman gets special priviledge is simply because Kim Jong-un is a big basketball fan and they are \"buddies\" then you are being naive. While this may be true, Kim Jong-un is using Rodman as a political tool to undermine President Obama and America. It makes Obama look weak in that Kim will grant a foolish figure like Rodman more influence on his country than the leader of the free world. For example, he would deny Obama's request for the release of captured reporters but would do it for his basketball buddy. It also furthers the narrative that Kim is a unstable and crazy leader with some nukes which gives him even more power. I know North Korea is a joke but don't oversimplify it."}, {"answer": "Even North Korea isn't crazy enough to hurt foreign citizens who have a permission to be there. It would cause a huge diplomatic incident and after that nobody would go there again (foreign diplomats, doctors, entertainers etc). So it's in North Korea's best interest that their guests remain safe and well-treated. If you entered North Korea illegally or clearly broke laws while in there you might have a harder time, but even so your government and North Korea would probably work together to resolve the issue and let you go."}, {"answer": "I'd like to think that Rodman has a secret agenda: after all the booze and drugs and laughs and tears, after Jong-un trusts him as a friend, he will casually start to push human rights. \"Hey bro. You know we're buddies right? So don't take this the wrong way. That girl we were wrecking last night? She says here village is starving. Maybe we should do something to help?\" Yeah, nevermind."}, {"answer": "Watch the HBO series Vice Guide. It's there second time going to N. Korea undercover. They went with Dennis Rodman and some of the Harlem Globetrotters as somewhat of a diplomatic mission, at least from the Basketball players POV. Vice was there for gonzo journalism"}, {"answer": "Off topic, but my dad has a funny theory that Dennis Rodman is actually a CIA operative who is reporting back any intel he can to the US. It's kinda out there and probably not what's going on, but goddamn would that be awesome."}, {"answer": "Actually you can find the real reason [here]( URL_0 ) media coverage from western civilization is not allowed. they basically used the knowledge that Jong-un is a basketball nut and used rodman as a key to get media coverage"}, {"answer": "Dear Mods- if you have to remove this many posts complaining about the quality of this question, you might want to look at the post itself? This is garbage."}, {"answer": "It's perfectly legal. It's not like he's trying to do something crazy like go to Cuba."}, {"answer": "Because the leader of North Korea is a fan of his."}, {"answer": "The bigger question needs to be asked..why hasn't Dennis Rodmans US passport been revoked? He is obviously doing damage to our interests over there. I am the furthest person from being a conspiracy theorist, and I actually have a history degree..but I have this feeling that Dennis Rodman is actually working for the CIA over there to gather intell from within the country about the leadership apparatus of North Korea. Publically, they make it seem like he is rogue and they work off his alcohol issues to make it seem plausible. Thoughts?"}, {"answer": "I think the better question is why don't we see if they'll keep him. Maybe they'd trade us back some journalists or some of those concentration camp prisoners. Does Kim Jong Un like any other $ellebrities? What could we get for Kimye? If we gave him Miley Vyrus would he shut down the nuclear program? Let's give him the entire cast of the Jersey Shore as a show of good faith."}, {"answer": "I'm still waiting an answer from the State Department (I know, good luck with that) on how he is able to obtain a passport to travel with having child support arrears. Anyone know his magic around this one? Best I could find is currently $219,000 in arrears."}, {"answer": "Lots of people go to North Korea. A few of my friends have been and had a lovely time. I don't know why you think it would get you killed. He's also the guest of Kim Jon Un, so he's probably not suspected of spying."}, {"answer": "Because he's doing some part time work for the govt. Who better to spy on NK than a cocaine fueled crazy man? He's got government agent written all over him... Literally - it's a tattoo on his left arm."}, {"answer": "North Korea makes some money by running tours, although they are very controlled and filled with propaganda. They start in China. This video of vice going in should answer a lot of questions about this: URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I feel like dennis rodman is the real world equivalent to the episode of 30 rock where tracy jordan is kim jung ill's best friend and they made movies about how great he is"}, {"answer": "Because Dennis Rodman is too much of a fool to realize that he's being played by Kim Jong-un to act as a propaganda machine for North Korea and communism."}, {"answer": "Anyone can hang out in NK... its as simple as filling out a form and answering a few questions and showing some ID... stop watching so much news."}, {"answer": "Why is this any different from what happened with Jane Fonda and Vietnam? Why is Dennis Rodman not facing the same public recourse?"}, {"answer": "My grandma who lives in Boca Raton says that rodman hangs out at the local IHOP all the time. Yeah I'm contributing!"}, {"answer": "to fuck the korean hoes plus kim jong-un wants to be an nba player so its like a mutual thing"}, {"answer": "Americans are allowed in North Korea. Your activities in the country are very limited and supervised but you *can* go."}, {"answer": "There is an amazing documentary done by Vice magazine on NK. I would highly recommend watching it. [Youtube!]( URL_0 )"}, {"answer": "im just waiting for dennis rodman to screw something up in north korea that will get him executed for something."}, {"answer": "Kim Jong-un had his uncle executed because he was a drunken womaniser. But he's ok with Dennis Rodman?"}, {"answer": "Because he needed to go to rehab for alcohol abuse and those dont exist in N Korea."}, {"answer": "I bet he gets girls for his liking, drugs, more girls, booze and more girls."}, {"answer": "I bet Dennis Rodman has stated to Kim Jong-Un that he's sympathetic to communist ideals."}, {"answer": " try exercising your religious freedoms in North Korea! You're in for a surprise..."}, {"answer": "Let us take you to the most mysterious country in the world... URL_0 "}, {"answer": "I think the more appropriate question is why can't he just stay there?"}, {"answer": "Because nobody else wants to bother with that turkey!"}, {"answer": "Kim Jong-un likes basketball, and Dennis Rodman likes attention."}, {"answer": "He's too retarded to be of much harm"}, {"answer": "He just checked into rehab today...that explains it."}, {"answer": "Dennis Rodman and dear leader jr. are hommies."}, {"answer": "because he is a spy. im not kidding."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21256", "title": "History of North Korea", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["The history of North Korea began at the end of World War II in 1945. The surrender of Japan led to the division of Korea at the 38th parallel, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south. The Soviet Union and the United States failed to agree on a way to unify the country, and in 1948 they established two separate governments the Soviet-aligned Democratic People's Republic of Kore", "The history of North Korea began at the end of World War II in 1945. The surrender of Japan led to the division of Korea at the 38th parallel, with the Soviet Union occupying the north, and the United States occupying the south. The Soviet Union and the United States failed to agree on a way to unify the country, and in 1948 they established two separate governments the Soviet-aligned Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Western-aligned Republic of Korea each claiming to be the legitimate government of all of Korea."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "39234437", "title": "Kenneth Bae", "section": "Section::::Reactions.:Dennis Rodman.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 29, "end_paragraph_id": 29, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["send Robert R. King to North Korea. On May 7, 2013, after reading an article from \"The Seattle Times\", former professional basketball player Dennis Rodman sent out a tweet asking his \"friend\" Kim Jong-un to do him \"a solid\" and release Bae. On May 10, Rodman promised that he would go to North Korea on August 1 to rescue Bae. Rodman criticized United States President Barack Obama, saying, \"We got a black president [who] can't even go talk to [Jong-un] ... O", "send Robert R. King to North Korea. On May 7, 2013, after reading an article from \"The Seattle Times\", former professional basketball player Dennis Rodman sent out a tweet asking his \"friend\" Kim Jong-un to do him \"a solid\" and release Bae. On May 10, Rodman promised that he would go to North Korea on August 1 to rescue Bae. Rodman criticized United States President Barack Obama, saying, \"We got a black president [who] can't even go talk to [Jong-un] ... Obama can't do anything, I don't know why he won't go talk to him.\" Rodman did not go to North Korea in August, but did go in September 2013. While in Beijing, Rodman said he was visiting North Korea again to create a basketball league there and to fix American-North Korean relations. Rodman declined to discuss Bae. The same month, Rodman returned from China and lost his temper when he was asked questions about Bae, saying that Bae was not his responsibility."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nasking Kim to release American prisoner Kenneth Bae, who had been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in North Korea. Kim released Bae the following year. In July 2013, Rodman told \"Sports Illustrated\": \"My mission is to break the ice between hostile countries. Why it's been left to me to smooth things over, I don't know. Dennis Rodman, of all people. Keeping us safe is really not my job; it's the black guy's [Obama's] job. But I", "id": "3279632" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n. Rodman visited North Korea again in June 2018, stating \"I'm just happy to be a part of\" the 2018 North Korea–United States summit and \"because I think I deserve it. I think that I brought awareness to a lot of things around the world. And I think North Korea has given a lot of people this opportunity to do this conference now and I hope it is a success.\" \"The Washington Post\" raised the question of whether President Donald Trump sent Rodman on his 2017 visit", "id": "3279641" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nwas in a nonresponsive coma throughout much of his imprisonment in North Korea, died days after being returned to his family in the U.S. In an emotional interview with Michael Strahan of \"Good Morning America\", Rodman expressed sorrow for the death of Warmbier and said, \"I was just so happy to see the kid released. Later that day, that's when we found out he was ill. No one knew that.\" He added that he wished to give \"all the prayer and love\" to the Warmbier family", "id": "3279646" }, { "contents": "The Rodman World Tour\n\n\nThe Rodman World Tour was a television talk show hosted by NBA \"bad boy\" and some-time actor Dennis Rodman. It aired on MTV for its 1996 season and had 13 episodes. The show was noted for its odd-ball situations such as Rodman interviewing guests from his bed. Per the LA Times, \"The idea is for Rodman's van to roll into town and have the host hang out with a couple celebrities, the main purpose being to see how often Rodman can make them squirm.\" The", "id": "1938713" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Bae\n\n\nsend Robert R. King to North Korea. On May 7, 2013, after reading an article from \"The Seattle Times\", former professional basketball player Dennis Rodman sent out a tweet asking his \"friend\" Kim Jong-un to do him \"a solid\" and release Bae. On May 10, Rodman promised that he would go to North Korea on August 1 to rescue Bae. Rodman criticized United States President Barack Obama, saying, \"We got a black president [who] can't even go talk to", "id": "20636947" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nWarmbier, an American student held captive in North Korea for 17 months, was released to U.S. officials the same day as Rodman's visit to North Korea. Despite the timeline of the two events, the U.S. State Department, The White House, and Rodman all flatly denied any diplomatic connection or coordination between Rodman's visit and the U.S. government. The U.S. State Department said the release of Warmbier was negotiated and secured by high level U.S. diplomats including Joseph Yun, the State Department's special envoy on North Korea. Warmbier who", "id": "3279645" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nrant raised awareness of his case and that he wanted to personally thank him for his expedited release. The U.S. Department of the Treasury is reportedly investigating whether Rodman broke the law by bringing Kim Jong-un thousands of dollars in luxury gifts on his 2014 trip to North Korea. On June 13, 2017, Rodman returned to North Korea on what was initially described as a sports-related visit to the country. \"My purpose is to go over there and try to see if I can keep bringing sports to North Korea", "id": "3279637" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n, 2013, Rodman made a trip to North Korea with Vice Media correspondent Ryan Duffy to host basketball exhibitions. He met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Rodman and his travel party were the first Americans known to have met Kim. He later said Kim was \"a friend for life\" and suggested that President Barack Obama \"pick up the phone and call\" Kim since the two leaders were basketball fans. On May 7, after reading an article in \"The Seattle Times\", Rodman sent out a tweet", "id": "3279631" }, { "contents": "Matt Cooper (Irish journalist)\n\n\n, Cooper secretly accompanied Dennis Rodman to North Korea for Kim Jong-un's big birthday basketball game. His cover was blown when they were seen together on Sky News at an airport in Beijing. Today FM confirmed Cooper's presence in North Korea and that he would meet Kim Jong-un while there. A documentary was filmed based on Rodman's trip and the basketball game he organised versus North Korea; entitled \"Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in Pyongyang\", it received a cinematic release in July 2015 and featured narration", "id": "20217640" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nyou get your money back\", said Rodman. In July 2013, Rodman joined Premier Brands to launch and promote Bad Boy Vodka. Rodman's visits to North Korea were depicted in the 2015 documentary film \"Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in Pyongyang\". In 2017, Rodman was featured on the alternative R&B/hip-hop duo Mansionz self-titled album \"Mansionz\". He provides vocals on the single \"Dennis Rodman\" and uncredited vocals on \"i'm thinking about horses\". Rodman's first wife was", "id": "3279621" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nto negotiate the release of several American prisoners of North Korea or to open a back channel for diplomatic communications. The U.S. State Department, White House officials, and Rodman all denied any official government involvement in the visit. Rodman, who publicly endorsed Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, is a self-described longtime friend of the president and, as the article put it, \"Trump and Kim's only mutual acquaintance.\" \"The Washington Post\" article stated, \"Multiple people involved in unofficial talks with North Korea", "id": "3279642" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nand had contacted them and hoped to meet with them personally. Rodman's agent, Chris Volo, told ABC News that before they left for the 2017 trip, he had asked North Korean officials to release Warmbier as a symbol of good faith for any future sports-relations visits. \"I asked on behalf of Dennis for his release three times,\" Volo said. In December 2017, Columbia University professor of neurobiology Joseph Terwilliger, who has accompanied Rodman to North Korea, argued that \"While I don't suspect that", "id": "3279647" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nand encouraged Obama to reach out to Kim Jong-un. In December 2013, Rodman announced he would visit North Korea again. He also said he has plans to bring a number of former NBA players with him for an exhibition basketball tour. According to Rory Scott, a spokesman for the exhibitions' sponsoring organization, Rodman planned to visit December 18–21 and train the North Korean team in preparation for January games. The matchups were scheduled for January 8 (Kim Jong-un's birthday) and January 10, 2014.", "id": "3279634" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Bae\n\n\n[Jong-un] ... Obama can't do anything, I don't know why he won't go talk to him.\" Rodman did not go to North Korea in August, but did go in September 2013. While in Beijing, Rodman said he was visiting North Korea again to create a basketball league there and to fix American-North Korean relations. Rodman declined to discuss Bae. The same month, Rodman returned from China and lost his temper when he was asked questions about Bae, saying that Bae was", "id": "20636948" }, { "contents": "North Korea–United States relations\n\n\n2, 2013, Bae was convicted of \"hostile acts\" and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. The U.S. has called for his release but North Korea has rejected any possibility of allowing prominent Americans to visit the country to request his release. Dennis Rodman, who had previously visited North Korea and become friends with Kim Jong-un, tweeted a plea for Bae's release. Rodman has since said he will visit North Korea again in August and attempt to free Bae. On May 2, 2014, Pyongyang's", "id": "15863153" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nIncluded on the U.S. exhibition team were Kenny Anderson, Cliff Robinson, Vin Baker, Craig Hodges, Doug Christie, Sleepy Floyd, Charles D. Smith, and four streetballers. Rodman departed from Beijing on January 6. Organised by Paddy Power, among his entourage was the Irish media personality Matt Cooper, who had interviewed Rodman a number of times on radio. On January 7, 2014, in North Korea prior to the exhibition games, Rodman made comments during a CNN interview implying that Kenneth Bae was at fault for his imprisonment", "id": "3279635" }, { "contents": "Sport in North Korea\n\n\nJordan by Madeleine Albright in 1998. In December 2013, former American basketball professional Dennis Rodman visited North Korea to help train the national team after he developed a friendship with President Kim Jong-un during his first visit to the country in February 2013. Kim Jong-Un has met with the five-time NBA champion and Hall of Famer several times. Short track speed skating and figure skating are winter sports that North Korea performs well in. Performance in the Winter Olympics has however remained modest, which is described as \"", "id": "14200441" }, { "contents": "North Korea\n\n\nnational team represents the nation in international basketball competitions as well. In December 2013, former American basketball professional Dennis Rodman visited North Korea to help train the national team after he developed a friendship with Kim Jong-un. North Korea's first appearance in the Olympics came in 1964. The 1972 Olympics saw its summer games debut and five medals, including one gold. With the exception of the boycotted Los Angeles and Seoul Olympics, North Korean athletes have won medals in all summer games since then. Weightlifter Kim Un-guk", "id": "1439421" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n1987 book, \"\". Other gifts believed to be intended for the leader's daughter, included a \"Where's Waldo?\" book and a jigsaw puzzle of a mermaid. Rodman posted a video on Twitter that was recorded before he left for the visit, in which he and his agent describe the mission of the trip. \"He's going to try to bring peace between both nations,\" Rodman's agent Chris Volo said, referring to the strained relations between North Korea and the United States. Rodman added", "id": "3279639" }, { "contents": "North Korea national basketball team\n\n\nThe Democratic People's Republic of Korea national basketball team (recognized as DPR Korea by FIBA and known colloquially and in the media as North Korea) represents the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in international basketball and is controlled by the Amateur Basketball Association of DPR of Korea, the governing body for basketball in North Korea. In December 2013, former American basketball professional Dennis Rodman visited North Korea to help train the national team after he developed a friendship with President Kim Jong-un during his first visit to the country in February", "id": "17676349" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n, \"That's the main reason why we're going. We're trying to bring everything together. If not, at least we tried.\" Rodman further explained, \"We're trying to open doors between both countries. Just a little bit goes a long way.\" The visit was sponsored by the cryptocurrency company PotCoin. Rodman's \"hoops diplomacy\" inspired a 20th Century Fox comedy, \"Diplomats\". Tim Story and Peter Chernin are set to produce the film while Jonathan Abrams is reportedly writing the script", "id": "3279640" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nhe reinvented himself as a \"bad boy\" and became notorious for numerous controversial antics. He repeatedly dyed his hair in artificial colors, had many piercings and tattoos, and regularly disrupted games by clashing with opposing players and officials. He famously wore a wedding dress to promote his 1996 autobiography \"Bad As I Wanna Be\". Rodman pursued a high-profile affair with singer Madonna and was briefly married to actress Carmen Electra. Rodman also attracted international attention for his visits to North Korea and his subsequent befriending of North Korean", "id": "3279556" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nabuse. This came on the heels of a well-publicized trip to North Korea where his agent, Darren Prince, reported he had been drinking heavily and to an extent \"that none of us had seen before.\" On November 5, 1999, Rodman and his then-wife, Carmen Electra, were charged with misdemeanors after police were notified of a domestic disturbance. Each posted $2,500 in bail and were released with a temporary restraining order placed on them. In December 1999 Rodman was arrested for drunken driving and", "id": "3279626" }, { "contents": "Ri Sol-ju\n\n\nwas reported that Ri was visibly pregnant, although North Korean officials did not comment. In March 2013, former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman visited Kim Jong-un in North Korea and on his return told the British tabloid newspaper \"The Sun\" that Ri had given birth to a healthy daughter. Rodman told \"The Guardian\" in September 2013 that the couple's child, a girl, is named Ju-ae (). He said that Jong-un had \"a beautiful family\" and was a \"good", "id": "13799785" }, { "contents": "Joseph Terwilliger\n\n\nJoseph Douglas Terwilliger is an American geneticist and professor of neurobiology at the Columbia University Medical Center and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. In addition to his scientific research, he is known for accompanying retired basketball player Dennis Rodman on his visits to North Korea, where he has said that he serves as Rodman's translator. He began his involvement in Rodman's trips to the country after winning a basketball game with him at an auction. A tuba player, Terwilliger received his bachelor's degree from the Peabody Conservatory of Music.", "id": "3121480" }, { "contents": "Ryan Duffy (journalist)\n\n\nDennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters on a visit to North Korea, a move which garnered criticism from the diplomatic community and the journalistic world. Along with Rodman and the Globetrotters, Duffy competed in a basketball exhibition game against the North Korean national team. After meeting supreme leader Kim Jong-un, Duffy observed that \"the leader was 'socially awkward' and didn't make eye contact when shaking hands\". However, Duffy also praised Kim's dinner as an \"epic feast\", with sushi and smoked turkey.", "id": "13265147" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nOlajuwon would have a hard time asserting himself versus Robinson and Rodman, who had both been voted into the NBA All-Defensive Teams. However, neither Robinson nor Rodman, who had disrupted a playoff game against the Lakers by sitting down on the court, could stop Olajuwon, who averaged 35.3 points against the elite defensive Spurs frontcourt, and helped eliminate the Spurs in six games. Rodman admitted his frequent transgressions, but asserted that he lived his own life and thus a more honest life than most other people: I just", "id": "3279585" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nRodman said: On the court, me and Michael are pretty calm and we can handle conversation. But as far as our lives go, I think he is moving in one direction and I'm going in the other. I mean, he's goin' north, I'm goin' south. And then you've got Scottie Pippen right in the middle. He's sort of the equator. Although struggling with calf problems early in the season, Rodman grabbed 20 or more rebounds 11 times and had his first triple-double", "id": "3279589" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nsay that the Trump administration has been making overtures toward the Kim regime, including trying to set up a secret back channel to the North Korean leader using 'an associate of Trump's' rather than the usual lineup of North Korea experts and former officials who talk to Pyongyang's representatives.\" When asked if he had spoken with Trump about the visit, Rodman replied, \"Well, I'm pretty sure he's pretty much happy with the fact that I'm over here trying to accomplish something that we both need.", "id": "3279643" }, { "contents": "Carmen Electra\n\n\nto the numbing emotional pain of having lost both her mother and sister: I was just going through the motions. I was completely numb. At the time, I was dating Dennis Rodman. He was such a fun person to be around, and we went out every night. I remember thinking, this is my out. I'm just going to have fun, and I'm not going to worry about anything. Right after my mom and sister died, I flew to Las Vegas and Dennis and I got married", "id": "15627209" }, { "contents": "Dennis Johnson\n\n\nleft and passed it to a sprinting Johnson, who converted a difficult layup with 1 second left in the game. This play caused Celtics broadcaster Johnny Most to shout out one of his most famous calls: According to Johnson this was his favorite play of all-time. Games 6 and 7 also featured a feud, this time between Pistons forward Dennis Rodman and Johnson. In Game 6, which the Pistons won, Rodman taunted Johnson in the closing seconds by waving his right hand over his head. When the Celtics took", "id": "14896185" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nthis same visit Shirley also met Rodman's two children for the first time. On January 10, 2010, on the same day that \"Celebrity Rehab\" premiered, Rodman was removed from an Orange County, California restaurant for disruptive behavior. In March 2012, Rodman's financial advisor said, \"In all honesty, Dennis, although a very sweet person, is an alcoholic. His sickness impacts his ability to get work.\" On January 15, 2014, Rodman again entered a rehabilitation facility to seek treatment for alcohol", "id": "3279625" }, { "contents": "Kim Yo-jong\n\n\nwould help explain changes in the way state policies are depicted in the media, as well as differences in reporting. Thae Yong-ho, a North Korean defector and former diplomat, said in 2017 that Kim Yo-jong organised all major public events in North Korea. Kim Yo-jong was said to have encouraged her brother to present an image of a \"man of the people\" with, for example, rides on fairground attractions and his friendship with the basketball star Dennis Rodman. In January 2017, she was", "id": "16009437" }, { "contents": "Tourism in North Korea\n\n\nKoryo Tours (known for its North Korean-related films such as \"Comrade Kim Goes Flying\" and strong history in the region); Uri Tours (known for its role in Dennis Rodman's and Eric Schmidt's trips to North Korea); Lupine Travel (a UK-based budget travel agency known for its DPRK Amateur Golf Open); Tongil Tours (with a focus on college tours and special delegations); Juche Travel Services (a UK-based company); and KTG (known for their small sized", "id": "11539040" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n\"Dennis, get anything you want.\" No charges had been filed at the time of reporting. On July 24, 2015, Rodman publicly endorsed Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. That same month, Rodman sent out an endorsement tweet, stating, \"Donald Trump has been a great friend for many years. We don't need another politician, we need a businessman like Mr. Trump! Trump 2016.\" Rodman and then U.S. Presidential hopeful Trump had previously appeared together on \"Celebrity Apprentice\". On February 26", "id": "3279630" }, { "contents": "Michael Spavor\n\n\n. In September 2013, Spavor facilitated the second visit of Dennis Rodman to North Korea and became one of the few Westerners to have met Kim while in Wonsan. He later organized Rodman's 2014 visit. Spavor has been involved in the financial development of Wonsan, which is a high priority for Kim Jong-un, with a total of $150 million. In January 2016, Spavor and Paektu Cultural Exchange sought a European Order for Payment against the betting company Paddy Power for failing to fulfill their contractual obligations after they pulled", "id": "22069225" }, { "contents": "Cliff Robinson (basketball, born 1966)\n\n\nidentity was revealed, he did not attempt to cover it up. After a tribe swap, Trish Hegarty revealed her strong distaste for Robinson and convinced fellow tribemate Tony Vlachos to vote with her to eliminate him. He was the fifth contestant of the season to be voted out, finishing in 14th place, while Vlachos went on to win the season and Hwang was the runner-up. In 2014, Robinson was named to a team assembled by Dennis Rodman as part of his \"basketball diplomacy\" effort in North Korea with", "id": "5592297" }, { "contents": "Charles Smith (basketball, born 1965)\n\n\nreturned to school to work on his Masters in management, finishing up at Seton Hall University. Smith was once a regional representative for the NBA Players Association. In 2008, Smith became the executive director of the National Basketball Retired Players Association (NBRPA). Smith started a transition assistance program to help retired players pursue new careers. Smith left the NBRPA in 2010 and later helped establish the Pro Basketball Alumni Association. Smith traveled to North Korea in January 2014 with Dennis Rodman to further Rodman's \"Basketball Diplomacy\" effort with", "id": "4255426" }, { "contents": "List of career achievements by Dennis Rodman\n\n\nThis page details the career achievements of American basketball player Dennis Rodman. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Class of 2011 5-time NBA Champion: 1989, 1990, 1996, 1997, 1998 2-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year: 1990, 1991 IBM Award: 1992 8-time NBA All-Defensive Selection 2-time All-NBA Third Team: 1992, 1995 2-time NBA All-Star: 1990, 1992 Ranked #48 on the 2009 revision of SLAM Magazine's Top 50 Players of All-time Michigan Sports Hall of Fame Class of", "id": "21115736" }, { "contents": "Michael C. Moynihan\n\n\nwith conspiracy nuts.\" Moynihan criticized the propensity of many media commentators to predict the democratic reform of North Korea, Cuba, and other dictatorships and questioned \"the mindless deification of Pete Seeger,\" who, he claims, \"never really did abandon the dream of Communism.\" Moynihan has described Dennis Rodman as \"his generation's dull-witted John Reed,\" criticized U.S. Congressmen who soft-pedaled Russia's jailing of Pussy Riot members, complained about what he views as the excessive sniffing out of political incorrectness in", "id": "14476849" }, { "contents": "2018 North Korea–United States Singapore Summit\n\n\non Monday evening. They visited the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay, the Jubilee Bridge, and the Marina Bay Sands integrated resorts. They were accompanied by Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan and Minister for Education Ong Ye Kung, the same ministers who welcomed him at Changi Airport the previous day. Retired U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman, who made a number of visits to North Korea to promote sports and developed a personal relationship with Chairman Kim over several years, announced that he would be in Singapore during the", "id": "3911256" }, { "contents": "Doug Christie\n\n\nhave his surgically repaired left ankle examined by his personal physician. In seven games with the Dallas Mavericks, Christie averaged 3.7 points and 2.0 assists. In January 2007, Christie attempted a comeback when he signed a 10-day contract with the Los Angeles Clippers. After the All-Star break, Christie, on his second 10-day contract, decided to part ways with the team. In 2014, Christie was named to a team assembled by Dennis Rodman as part of his \"basketball diplomacy\" effort in North Korea with the job of", "id": "15786978" }, { "contents": "Shin Dong-hyuk\n\n\nholiday, I visit them. I think of them as good parents and I try to be a good son.\" In December 2013, Shin wrote an open letter in the \"Washington Post\" to American basketball star Dennis Rodman who visited North Korea a number of times as a self-avowed \"friend for life\" of Kim Jong-un. On June 30, 2017 Shin Dong-hyuk became a father. His wife Leeann gave birth to Lucas Yohan Shin. In 2012, when the United Nations Working Group", "id": "4570714" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nDennis Keith Rodman (born May 13, 1961) is an American retired professional basketball player who played for the Detroit Pistons, San Antonio Spurs, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, and Dallas Mavericks in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was nicknamed \"The Worm\" and is famous for his fierce defensive and rebounding abilities. Rodman played at the small forward position in his early years before becoming a power forward. He earned NBA All-Defensive First Team honors seven times and won the NBA Defensive Player of", "id": "3279554" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nthere to miss ... I just look at it like this: Some man brought me into this world. That doesn't mean I have a father\". (He would not meet his father again until 2012.) Rodman and his two sisters, Debra and Kim, grew up in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, at the time one of the most impoverished areas of the city. Rodman was so attached to his mother that he refused to move when she sent him to a nursery when he was four years old", "id": "3279560" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nKarl to say: \"As you evaluate the series, Dennis Rodman won two basketball games. We controlled Dennis Rodman for four games. But Game 2 and tonight, he was the reason they were successful.\" His two games with 11 offensive rebounds each tied the NBA Finals record of Elvin Hayes. In the 1996–1997 NBA season, Rodman won his sixth rebounding title in a row with 16.7 boards per game, along with 5.7 points per game, but failed to rank another All-Defensive Team call-up. However", "id": "3279592" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nFebruary 1993, Rodman was found asleep in his car with a loaded rifle. Four years later in his biography \"As Bad As I Wanna Be\", he confessed having thought about suicide and described that night as an epiphany: \"I decided that instead [of killing myself] I was gonna kill the impostor that was leading Dennis Rodman to a place he didn't want to go ... So I just said, 'I'm going to live my life the way I want to live it and be happy doing", "id": "3279579" }, { "contents": "Vin Baker\n\n\nJune 3, 2011, Baker was hired as an assistant high school boys basketball coach at St. Bernard School in Uncasville, Connecticut. In 2014, Baker was named to a team assembled by Dennis Rodman as part of his \"basketball diplomacy\" effort in North Korea; the team was assembled to play an exhibition game against the North Korean Senior National Team to celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong-un. As of December 2015, Baker was managing a Starbucks location in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. Baker later became Fox Sports Milwaukee", "id": "16679156" }, { "contents": "Kenny Anderson (basketball)\n\n\nhis contract. In 2014, Anderson was named to a team assembled by Dennis Rodman as part of his \"basketball diplomacy\" effort in North Korea with the job of playing an exhibition match against the North Korean Senior National Team to celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong-Un. In 2015, Anderson appeared in Dwayne Johnson's reality TV show \"Wake Up Call\". In 2017, Anderson appeared in \"Mr. Chibbs\", directed by Jill Campbell. This documentary tracked Anderson's life post basketball as he came to terms", "id": "8154175" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Bae\n\n\nnot his responsibility. On January 7, 2014, while in North Korea, Rodman was asked if he would raise the issue of Kenneth Bae during a CNN interview. He became agitated and said, \"Kenneth Bae did one thing ... If you understand what Kenneth Bae did. Do you understand what he did in this country? No, no, no, you tell me, you tell me. Why is he held captive here in this country, why? ... I would love to speak on this.\" The", "id": "20636949" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n. They swept the Washington Bullets and soundly beat the Atlanta Hawks in five games, but bowed out in seven matches against the archrival Boston Celtics in what was called one of the physically and mentally toughest series ever. Rodman feuded with Celtics guard Dennis Johnson and taunted Johnson in the closing seconds when he waved his right hand over his own head. When the Celtics took Game Seven, Johnson went back at Rodman in the last moments of the game and mimicked his taunting gesture. After the loss, Rodman made headlines by directly", "id": "3279568" }, { "contents": "Craig Hodges\n\n\nassembled by Dennis Rodman as part of his \"basketball diplomacy\" effort in North Korea with the job of playing an exhibition match against the North Korean Senior National Team to celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong-Un. He failed to actually make it into the country as his flight from Canada to Beijing was delayed, causing him to miss the connecting flight to Pyonyang and prompting the Chinese government to send him immediately back to Canada. Hodges' personal life included a well-publicized incident in 1991 when his estranged wife doused him", "id": "2199262" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nmatch at Road Wild which Rodman lost. On July 30, 2000, Rodman competed on the i-Generation Superstars of Wrestling Rodman Down Under pay-per-view event. He fought against i-Generation Champion Curt Hennig in an Australian Outback match; Hennig won the match by disqualification. Following the match, Rodman refrained from wrestling at the top level and retired. Rodman came out of retirement to appear as a contestant on \"Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling\", broadcast on CMT. Rodman was the winner of", "id": "3279613" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n'll tell you this: If I don't finish in the top three for the next Nobel Peace Prize, something's seriously wrong.\" On September 3, 2013, Rodman flew to Pyongyang for another meeting with Kim Jong-un. Rodman said that Kim has a daughter named Kim Ju-ae, and that he is a \"great dad\". Rodman also noted that he planned to train the North Korean national basketball team. Rodman stated that he is \"trying to open Obama's and everyone's minds\"", "id": "3279633" }, { "contents": "Let's Go (Philippine TV series)\n\n\nMaria). Dennis can relate to girls, that's why he's close to Junniper (Eda Nolan), the shy “promdi” girl who's as nice as Charie (Charee Pineda), the “sweetilicous” babe of the group. Charie can easily tame resident bullie Badjie (Badjie Mortiz), who is feared by everyone, even star athlete Bob (Joem Bascon). The jock, who's not so lucky with the girls, hangs out with the shrewd and “alaskador” Zap (Kontin Roque", "id": "11270699" }, { "contents": "Ryan Duffy (journalist)\n\n\nRyan Duffy is a journalist and correspondent best known for his work with Vice Media, including accompanying Dennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters on a visit to North Korea in 2013. Duffy began his career at Vice as an intern while studying journalism at New York University. In 2012, Duffy appeared on Forbes' \"30 under 30\" list. In 2015, he started a series of short documentary reports with \"The Huffington Post\" titled \"Now What with Ryan Duffy\". In 2013, as a Vice journalist Duffy accompanied", "id": "13265146" }, { "contents": "Vice Media\n\n\na half-hour newsmagazine known as \"Vice\", with Bill Maher as executive producer. The initial season saw international coverage for the season one finale that had Vice play an exhibition basketball game in North Korea with Dennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters. The show was renewed for a second season, which aired in 2014 and won an Emmy award for Outstanding Informational Series or Special. The show was picked up for two more 14-episode seasons by HBO in May 2014, which aired in 2015 and 2016. The program is currently", "id": "5691745" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n. The remarks were widely reported in other media outlets and provoked a storm of criticism. Two days later, Rodman apologized for his comments, saying that he had been drinking and under pressure. He added that he \"should know better than to make political statements\". Some members of the U.S. Congress, the NBA and human rights groups suggested that Rodman had become a public relations stunt for the North Korean government. On May 2, 2016, Kenneth Bae credited Rodman with his early release. He said that Rodman's", "id": "3279636" }, { "contents": "1991–92 Detroit Pistons season\n\n\nJoe Dumars and Dennis Rodman were all selected for the 1992 NBA All-Star Game. Despite leading the league with an incredible 18.7 rebounds per game, Rodman fell short of his quest for a third straight Defensive Player of The Year award. Throughout the season, speculation that it was Chuck Daly's last season as coach of the Pistons lingered in the media, intensifying as the season went out and well into the playoffs. As the was fading, they were eliminated in five games in the first round of the playoffs by", "id": "6931510" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nRodman was a three-time NAIA All-American and led the NAIA in rebounding twice (1985, 1986). In three seasons there (1983–1986), he averaged 25.7 points and 15.7 rebounds, led the NAIA in rebounding twice and registered a .637 field goal percentage. At the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament, a pre-draft camp for NBA hopefuls, he won Most Valuable Player honors and caught the attention of the Detroit Pistons. During college Rodman worked at a summer youth basketball camp, where he befriended camper Bryne Rich", "id": "3279564" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nranked No. 48 on the 2009 revision of \"SLAM Magazine\"s Top 50 Players of All-Time. Metta World Peace played one year with the 91 jersey number in homage to Rodman, who he described as a player who he liked \"on the court as a hustler, not when he kicked the cameraman.\" After getting suspended for the rest of the 1996–1997 NBA season, Rodman took up his hobby of professional wrestling seriously and appeared on the edition of March 10 of \"Monday Nitro\" with his friend Hollywood Hulk", "id": "3279610" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n\" Rodman publicly presented a copy of Trump's book, \"The Art of the Deal\" to North Korean officials, as a personal gift for Kim Jong Un. In a Twitter video posted by Rodman, his agent Chris Volo said, \"He's the only person on the planet that has the uniqueness, the unbelievable privilege of being friends with President Trump and Marshal Kim Jong Un.\" Rodman went on to say in the video that he wanted to bring peace and \"open doors between both countries.\" Otto", "id": "3279644" }, { "contents": "The Interview\n\n\nThey were pleased when former NBA star Dennis Rodman visited North Korea, as it reinforced their belief that the premise of the film was realistic. In March 2013, it was announced that Rogen and Goldberg would direct a comedy film for Columbia Pictures in which Rogen would star alongside James Franco, with Franco playing a talk-show host and Rogen playing his producer. Rogen and Goldberg were on board to produce along with James Weaver through Point Grey Pictures, while Columbia was said to finance the $30 million budgeted film. Lizzy", "id": "18950722" }, { "contents": "Kenneth Bae\n\n\nnext day, Bae's sister said of Rodman's comments, \"There is no diplomacy, only games, and at my brother's expense.\" Rodman apologized for his comments about Kenneth Bae on January 9, 2014, saying he had been drinking and was stressed when he made the remarks. Kenneth Bae would later credit Dennis Rodman with his early release, saying that Rodman's rant raised awareness of his case and that he wished to personally thank him. Bae was released by North Korean authorities on Saturday, November 8", "id": "20636950" }, { "contents": "PotCoin\n\n\nthis Potcoin began its move to the POSV algorithm. Over the next few weeks, there were some issues with the network getting up to speed. Many cryptocurrency exchanges also froze their Potcoin wallets waiting to see what would happen. Within a few weeks, the network began to get up to speed and when exchanges were notified they began to unfreeze their wallets allowing normal transactions to resume. On June 13, 2017, PotCoin sponsored Ex-NBA Star Dennis Rodman's fifth trip to North Korea. They also sponsored his June 2018", "id": "14229462" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n8.7 rebounds and starting in 32 of 82 regular season games. The Pistons fought their way into the 1988 NBA Finals, and took a 3–2 lead, but lost in seven games against the Los Angeles Lakers. In Game Six, the Pistons were down by one point with eight seconds to go; Dumars missed a shot, and Rodman just fell short of an offensive rebound and a putback which could have won the title. In Game Seven, L.A. led by 15 points in the fourth quarter, but Rodman's defense helped", "id": "3279570" }, { "contents": "The Apprentice (American season 8)\n\n\nThe Celebrity Apprentice 2 (also known as The Apprentice 8) is the eighth installment of the reality game show, \"Celebrity Apprentice\". It premiered on March 1, 2009. \"The Celebrity Apprentice 2\" aired for two hours on Sundays at 9:00 Eastern time. Joan Rivers was the winner, while Annie Duke was the runner-up. Brande Roderick, Dennis Rodman, and Claudia Jordan all returned for All-Star Celebrity Apprentice. Roderick, Rodman, and Jordan placed 7th, 9th, and 11th, respectively,", "id": "16694519" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\naccusing Celtics star Larry Bird of being overrated because he was white: \"Larry Bird is overrated in a lot of areas. ... Why does he get so much publicity? Because he's white. You never hear about a black player being the greatest\". Although teammate Thomas supported him, he endured harsh criticism, but avoided being called a racist because, according to him, his own girlfriend Anicka \"Annie\" Bakes was white. In the following 1987–1988 season, Rodman steadily improved his stats, averaging 11.6 points and", "id": "3279569" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n, who was shy and withdrawn due to a hunting accident in which he mistakenly shot and killed his best friend. The two became almost inseparable and formed a close bond. Rich invited Rodman to his rural Oklahoma home; at first, Rodman was not well-received by the Riches because he was black. But the Riches were so grateful to him for bringing their son out of his shell that they were able to set aside their prejudices. Although Rodman had severe family and personal issues himself, he \"adopted\" the", "id": "3279565" }, { "contents": "2015 Axalta \"We Paint Winners\" 400\n\n\n. So, that’s what it’s all about, team communication and working hard together as a group.” “Yeah, I was just disappointed that we didn’t have great speed,” Brad Keselowski said after qualifying seventh. “I’m not really sure why, but that’s just part of it.” Only seven drivers posted a time in the final round after Denny Hamlin spun out in turn 1. The session was stopped with 39 seconds remaining. Because no one would be able to make it around", "id": "718521" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nthe world\" but adds \"enigmatic and individualistic, Rodman has caught the public eye for his ever-changing hair color, tattoos and, unorthodox lifestyle\". On the hardwood, he was recognized as one of the most successful defensive players ever, winning the NBA championship five times in six NBA Finals appearances (1989, 1990, 1996–1998; only loss 1988), being crowned NBA Defensive Player of the Year twice (1990–1991) and making seven NBA All-Defensive First Teams (1989–1993, 1995–1996) and NBA All", "id": "3279608" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nAnnie Bakes, with whom he had a daughter named Alexis (born 1988). They divorced in the early 1990s. Rodman married model Carmen Electra in November 1998 at the Little Chapel of the Flowers in Las Vegas, Nevada. Electra filed for divorce in April 1999. In 1999 Rodman met Michelle Moyer, with whom he had a son, Dennis Junior (D.J., born 2000) and a daughter, Trinity (born 2001). Moyer and Rodman married in 2003 on his 42nd birthday. Michelle Rodman filed for divorce", "id": "3279622" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nof 13 before his arrival, but went just 4–9 until he was waived by the Mavericks. He played 12 games, received six technical fouls, was ejected twice, and served a one-game suspension. He alienated the franchise with his erratic behavior until he was waived again. Rodman averaged 14.3 rebounds per game, above his career average of 13.1, but he was otherwise disinterested and did not provide leadership to a team trying to qualify for their first playoffs in 10 years. Dallas guard Steve Nash commented that Rodman \"", "id": "3279599" }, { "contents": "Grandaddy\n\n\n, now are you guys going to get out there and tour in support of it?' ... I'm hoping for this dream scenario where I can make Grandaddy records every so often and not have all this messy stuff that goes along with it. I already did that and it's just not appealing to me any more.\" From 2014 to 2015 Lytle produced the album \"Why Are You OK\" by Band of Horses, to which he contributed material; this collaboration also produced the single \"Hang an Ornament\"", "id": "9783909" }, { "contents": "Technical foul\n\n\nRasheed Wallace holds the record for the most technical fouls received during one season in the NBA. In the 2000–01 season, he received 41 technical fouls in 80 regular season and postseason games played. Wallace also holds the all-time mark for most technical fouls by a player in a career with 317, a record previously held by Dennis Rodman. There have been a few instances in the NBA when a team's entire bench has either been injured or fouled out, and one of the five remaining eligible players fouls out,", "id": "12031498" }, { "contents": "Rob Kaman\n\n\nNetherlands, this time against another great Dutch champion Rick V.D. Vathorst. Kaman knocked him out in the 2nd round and showed the Dutch crowd that after all these years he was still the best. At the end of that year Nikko Toshogu Press produced 8 videotapes on Muay Thai training with Rob Kaman and one videotape with highlights and knock outs of his career. Rob also played in two movies with Jean-Claude Van Damme, \"Maximum Risk\" and \"Double Team\" with Dennis Rodman and Mickey Rourke. After that he", "id": "3168212" }, { "contents": "Superteams in the National Basketball Association\n\n\nteam and their dominance on the league, such as the 2007-2012 Celtics and the most famous being the 1995-1998 Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman. After the 2009-2010 season had concluded, LeBron James was in Free Agency and had free choice to choose which team he would play for next. He had just come off one of his highest-accumulating statistic production of his career, had been voted an All-Star 6 times and had won back-to-back MVP", "id": "7323476" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\non \"Celebrity Apprentice\". He raised $20,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and was the sixth contestant eliminated, on April 7, 2013. In March 2013, Rodman arrived at the Vatican City during voting in the papal conclave for the selection of a new pope. The trip was organized by an Irish gambling company. \"I'm just promoting this website. It's a gambling website, and it's about people who are going to bet on the new pope, and if he's black,", "id": "3279620" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nscoring 9.8 points per game, and making his first All-NBA Team. His 1,530 rebounds (the most since Wilt Chamberlain's 1,572 in the 1971–1972 season) have never been surpassed since then; the best mark not set by Rodman is by Kevin Willis, who grabbed 1,258 boards that same season. Willis lamented that Rodman had an advantage in winning the rebounding title with his lack of offensive responsibilities. In a March 1992 game, Rodman totaled a career high 34 rebounds. However, the aging Pistons were eliminated by the", "id": "3279577" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nleader Kim Jong-un in 2013. In addition to being a retired professional basketball player, Rodman is a retired part-time professional wrestler and actor. He was a member of the nWo and fought alongside Hulk Hogan at two Bash at the Beach events. In professional wrestling, Rodman was the first ever winner of the Celebrity Championship Wrestling tournament. He had his own TV show, \"The Rodman World Tour\", and had lead roles in the action films \"Double Team\" (1997) and \"Simon Sez", "id": "3279557" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nthe Utah Jazz in the 1998 NBA Finals, Rodman and Malone squared off again, this time in a tag team match at the July 1998 Bash at the Beach event. He fought alongside Hulk Hogan, and Malone tagged along with Diamond Dallas Page. In a poorly received match, the two power forwards exchanged \"rudimentary headlocks, slams and clotheslines\" for 23 minutes. Rodman bested Malone again as he and Hogan picked up the win. Rodman returned to WCW in 1999 and feuded with Randy Savage. This culminated in a", "id": "3279612" }, { "contents": "Mike Posner\n\n\nwas a collaboration with rapper Spark Master Tape titled \"Stfu\". Mansionz is currently signed to Island Records and has released three singles, \"Stfu\" (featuring Spark Master Tape), \"Rich White Girls\", and \"Dennis Rodman\" (featuring Dennis Rodman). The duo's self-titled debut full-length album was released on March 24, 2017 and featured appearances from Soren Bryce, G-Eazy, Cyhi The Prynce, Snooze God, Spark Master Tape, and Dennis Rodman. Mike Posner was", "id": "12780096" }, { "contents": "Bubba Wells\n\n\nthen-Mavericks coach Don Nelson employed a desperate tactic to limit the Bulls' offense. He inserted Wells into the game with the express purpose of fouling power forward Dennis Rodman, a notoriously poor free throw shooter, away from the ball. The plan failed, however, when Rodman hit 9-of-12 free throws and Chicago went on to win the game 111–105. Wells fouled out late in the third quarter after registering his sixth personal foul in a total of three minutes' playing time. This strategy of intentionally fouling a bad free", "id": "2778056" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nperennial All-Star center David Robinson, with a supporting cast of forwards Dale Ellis, Willie Anderson and guard Vinny Del Negro. On the hardwood, Rodman now was played as a power forward and won his third straight rebounding title, averaging 17.3 boards per game, along with another All-Defensive Team call-up. Living up to his promise of killing the \"shy imposter\" and \"being himself\" instead, Rodman began to show first signs of unconventional behavior: before the first game, he shaved his hair", "id": "3279581" }, { "contents": "Kim Jong-un\n\n\nface, body shape, and personality\". He said Jong-un was a big fan of The Beatles and Jean-Claude Van Damme. On 26 February 2013, Kim Jong‑un met Dennis Rodman, which led many reporters to speculate that Rodman was the first American that Kim had met. Rodman described his trip to Kim Jong-un's private island: \"It's like Hawaii or Ibiza, but he's the only one that lives there.\" During Dennis Rodman's trip, \"Vice\" magazine correspondent Ryan", "id": "15356796" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nit.' At that moment I tamed [sic] my whole life around. I killed the person I didn't want to be.\" The book was later adapted for a TV movie \"Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story\". Although he had three years and $11.8 million remaining on his contract, Rodman demanded a trade. On October 1, 1993, the Pistons dealt him to the San Antonio Spurs. In the 1993–1994 NBA season, Rodman joined a Spurs team which was built around", "id": "3279580" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\ninvolve some physical labor activities. On November 21, 2016, Rodman was charged with causing a hit and run accident, lying to police, and driving without a license following an incident on Interstate 5 near Santa Ana, California, in July. In May 2019, the \"Los Angeles Times\" reported that Newport Beach yoga studio owner Ali Shah accused Rodman of helping steal over $3,500 worth of items from the studio's reception area, including a 400-pound decorative geode. Rodman disputed the account, claiming the owner told him", "id": "3279629" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\n. According to Rodman, his mom was more interested in his two sisters, who were both considered more talented than he was in basketball, and made him a laughing stock whenever he tagged along with them. He felt generally \"overwhelmed\" by the all-female household. Debra and Kim would go on to become All-Americans at Louisiana Tech and Stephen F. Austin, respectively. Debra won two national titles with the Lady Techsters. While attending South Oak Cliff High School, Rodman was a gym class student of future", "id": "3279561" }, { "contents": "Gary Blair\n\n\nRodman, Dennis Rodman's sisters. Blair used to play ping pong with Dennis. After winning the first state championship, he was offered the head baseball job he had been waiting for, but he turned it down to remain coaching the women's teams. In October 1980, Blair was offered an assistant coaching job at Louisiana Tech by then-head coach Sonja Hogg. At the time of the offer, Blair was making an annual salary of $22,000. The Louisiana Tech position paid $22,500 and also provided a six", "id": "6947812" }, { "contents": "Isiah Thomas\n\n\nto you guys.\" In 1987, Thomas was asked if he agreed with Dennis Rodman's comments on Larry Bird, and reinforced that if Bird were black he \"would be just another good guy\" instead of being portrayed as the league's best player. Thomas later said he was joking and just supporting his teammate. In the Eastern Conference Finals of the 1991 NBA Playoffs, the two-time defending champion Detroit Pistons faced the Jordan-led Chicago Bulls in the playoffs for the fourth consecutive season. The Pistons had", "id": "6771200" }, { "contents": "Synthetic setae\n\n\nwhy the gecko's feet can generate extraordinary adhesion force to different kinds of surfaces. The combined effect of millions of spatulae provides an adhesive force many times greater than the gecko needs to hang from a ceiling by one foot. The surprisingly large forces generated by the gecko's toes raised the question of how geckos manage to lift their feet so quickly – in just 15 milliseconds – with no measurable detachment forces. Kellar Autumn and his research group found out the \" 'Lift-off mechanism' \" of the gecko's feet", "id": "3663452" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nRodman and the Spurs did not survive the first round of the 1994 NBA Playoffs and bowed out against the Utah Jazz in four games. In the following 1994–1995 NBA season, Rodman clashed with the Spurs front office. He was suspended for the first three games, took a leave of absence on November 11, and was suspended again on December 7. He finally returned on December 10 after missing 19 games. After joining the team, he suffered a shoulder separation in a motorcycle accident, limiting his season to 49 games.", "id": "3279583" }, { "contents": "Superteams in the National Basketball Association\n\n\nJordan (9-time All-Star, 3-time MVP, 3-time Finals MVP and 8-time All-NBA) and Scottie Pippen (4-time All-Star and All-NBA) who was then joined by Dennis Rodman (2-time All-Star and All-NBA) from the San Antonio Spurs. The trio would then go onto win 3-straight finals and set the then-record for most regular season wins at 72-10. The Philadelphia 76ers could also boast a 'Superteam' before their current roster was put together. In 1982", "id": "7323512" }, { "contents": "Jamie Farr\n\n\nis titled \"Just Farr Fun\". After his role in the 1955 film \"Blackboard Jungle\", he entered the United States Army for two years, serving overseas in Japan and Korea. His service in Korea was after the hostilities had ended. In his \"M*A*S*H\" role as Max Klinger, he can be seen wearing his actual U.S. Army-issued dog tags. The park in Toledo where Farr used to hang out when he was younger was renamed \"Jamie Farr Park\" in his honor on July 5,", "id": "7095437" }, { "contents": "Dennis the Wild Bull\n\n\nDennis the Wild Bull is a children's book co-written by NBA Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman and Dustin Warburton and illustrated by Dan Monroe. It is written in rhyme with many color illustrations. The story is about a bull named Dennis who is captured for the rodeo, but escapes back into the wild. He befriends a couple of other bulls at the rodeo, a Mexican and a White, and takes them with him when he returns to his family. Rodman described the book as showing that it is \"OK", "id": "325017" }, { "contents": "Masada Iosefa\n\n\na lot of guys and all they knew was crime. I just blended in with them and got caught up with it a bit. I was just hanging out on the streets. Doing the wrong thing. It is a pretty rough place and the kids just hang out and get into trouble. Not massive trouble but it can go that way. I was caught up with it. I was really close to getting locked away for a while.\" In 2008, Iosefa made his NRL debut for the Penrith Panthers.", "id": "1090076" }, { "contents": "Rodman (CDP), New York\n\n\nRodman is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in the town of Rodman, Jefferson County, New York, United States. As of the 2010 census, the CDP population was 153, out of 1,176 in the entire town of Rodman. The hamlet of Rodman is in southern Jefferson County in the western part of the town of Rodman. It is in the valley of Sandy Creek, a direct tributary of Lake Ontario, and sits just southwest (downstream) of the creek's confluence with Gulf Stream.", "id": "12729773" }, { "contents": "Carmen Electra\n\n\nwas absent due to complications following child birth. In August 1998, Electra's mother died of brain cancer, and two weeks later, her older sister, Debbie, died of a heart attack. During this time, Electra had been dating NBA star Dennis Rodman. She and Rodman wed in November 1998 at Little Chapel of the Flowers in Las Vegas, Nevada. Nine days later, Rodman filed for annulment, claiming he was of \"unsound mind\" when the pair wed. Electra explained, \"It's", "id": "15627207" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\nthe Bulls on January 21, 1999, before the start of the lockout-shortened 1998–99 NBA season. With his sister acting as his agent at the time, Rodman joined the Los Angeles Lakers, for a pro-rated salary for the remainder of the 1998–1999 season. With the Lakers he only played in 23 games and was released. In the 1999–2000 NBA season, the then-38-year-old power forward was signed by the Dallas Mavericks, meaning that Rodman returned to the place where he grew up. Dallas had won 10", "id": "3279598" }, { "contents": "Dennis Rodman\n\n\ndriving without a valid license. In July 2000, Rodman pleaded guilty to both charges and was ordered to pay $2,000 in fines and was required to attend a three-month treatment program. He was arrested in 2002 for interfering with police investigating a code violation at a restaurant he owned; the charges were eventually dropped. After settling down in Newport Beach, California, the police appeared over 70 times at his home because of loud parties. In early 2003, Rodman was arrested and charged with domestic violence at his home", "id": "3279627" } ]
How come in the United States stores post their prices before tax?
[{"answer": "In the US, there isnt a general VAT, the taxes is different from state to state even city to city and as far down as different insitutions in those cities. It is easier for the retaliers to just put the price minus tax on the lables, as it would be the same nationwide, but the tax would then be applied at the cashier. Also there is an incentive to post prices without tax in the US because it \"helps keep the prices low\". compared to the retailers that do write the taxes on the price tag. If the retailers dont have to put the price + tax on the price tag, there isnt any reason for them to do it."}, {"answer": "If items are pre-labeled, it's likely because sales taxes vary in amount \u2014 many states allow local communities/cities (or counties) to add on to state sales tax rate."}, {"answer": "Taxes vary state by state, county by county and sometimes even town by town. Focusing on the pre-tax price makes things quite a bit simpler for many businesses who operate in multiple jurisdictions."}, {"answer": "because every state, city and municipality has different sales taxes on items. They calculate it at the register rather than beforehand."}, {"answer": "The tax is not applied to each individual item being purchased, it is for the sum of the price of all items purchased. Also not all items are taxed. I don't know about other states, but in Texas, food in grocery stores is not taxed. So you could go to Wal-Mart and buy milk, bread, and Madden 2016 and only pay tax for the $59.99 of the game and not the amount for the milk and bread. Now if buy the game and a pair of pants that cost $10.00, you will pay tax for $69.99."}, {"answer": "There isn't a regulation requiring prices to include sales tax (except fuel). Posting the higher, tax included, price will put customers off."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "504897", "title": "Coupon", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In marketing, a coupon is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product. Customarily, coupons are issued by manufacturers of consumer packaged goods or by retailers, to be used in retail stores as a part of sales promotions. They are often widely distributed through mail, coupon envelopes, magazines, newspapers, the Internet (social media, email newsletter), directly from the retailer, and mobile devices such as cell phones. Since only price conscious consumers are likely to spend the time to claim the savings, coupons function as a form of price discrimination, enabling retailers to offer a lower price only to those consumers who would otherwise go elsewhere. In addition, coupons can also be targeted selectively to regional markets in which price competition is great.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "In marketing, a coupon is a ticket or document that can be redeemed for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product. Customarily, coupons are issued by manufacturers of consumer packaged goods or by retailers, to be used in retail stores as a part of sales promotions. They are often widely distributed through mail, coupon envelopes, magazines, newspapers, the Internet (social media, email newsletter), directly from the retailer, and mobile devices such as cell phones. Since only price conscious consumers are likely to spend the time to claim the savings, coupons function as a form of price discrimination, enabling retailers to offer a lower price only to those consumers who would otherwise go elsewhere. In addition, coupons can also be targeted selectively to regional markets in which price competition is great."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19792942", "title": "Americans", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Americans are nationals and citizens of the United States of America. Although nationals and citizens make up the majority of Americans, some dual citizens, expatriates, and permanent residents may also claim American nationality. The United States is home to people of many different ethnic origins. As a result, American culture and law does not equate nationality with race or ethnicity, but with citizenship and permanent allegiance.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Americans are nationals and citizens of the United States of America. Although nationals and citizens make up the majority of Americans, some dual citizens, expatriates, and permanent residents may also claim American nationality. The United States is home to people of many different ethnic origins. As a result, American culture and law does not equate nationality with race or ethnicity, but with citizenship and permanent allegiance."]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2502077", "title": "Sales taxes in the United States", "section": "Section::::By jurisdiction.:Indiana.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 123, "end_paragraph_id": 123, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Indiana has a 7% state sales tax. The tax rate was raised from 6% on April 1, 2008, to offset the loss of revenue from the statewide property tax reform, which is expected to significantly lower property taxes. Previous to this it was 5 percent from 1983-2002. It was 6 percent from 2002-2008. The rate currently stands at 7 percent. Untaxed retail items include medications, water, ice and unprepared, raw staple foods or fruit juices. Many localities, inclusive of either counties or cities, in the state of Indiana also have a sales tax on restaurant food and beverages consumed in the restaurant or purchased to go. Revenues are usually used for economic development and tourism projects. This additional tax rate may be 1% or 2% or other amounts depending on the county in which the business is located. For example, in Marion County,\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "Indiana has a 7% state sales tax. The tax rate was raised from 6% on April 1, 2008, to offset the loss of revenue from the statewide property tax reform, which is expected to significantly lower property taxes. Previous to this it was 5 percent from 1983-2002. It was 6 percent from 2002-2008. The rate currently stands at 7 percent. Untaxed retail items include medications, water, ice and unprepared, raw staple foods or fruit juices. Many localities, inclusive of either counties or cities, in the state of Indiana also have a sales tax on restaurant food and beverages consumed in the restaurant or purchased to go. Revenues are usually used for economic development and tourism projects. This additional tax rate may be 1% or 2% or other amounts depending on the county in which the business is located. For example, in Marion County,", "Indiana has a 7% state sales tax. The tax rate was raised from 6% on April 1, 2008, to offset the loss of revenue from the statewide property tax reform, which is expected to significantly lower property taxes. Previous to this it was 5 percent from 1983-2002. It was 6 percent from 2002-2008. The rate currently stands at 7 percent. Untaxed retail items include medications, water, ice and unprepared, raw staple foods or fruit juices. Many localities, inclusive of either counties or cities, in the state of Indiana also have a sales tax on restaurant food and beverages consumed in the restaurant or purchased to go. Revenues are usually used for economic development and tourism projects. This additional tax rate may be 1% or 2% or other amounts depending on the county in which the business is located."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Nokia N9\n\n\nin the United States. Other reports indicated that the device will not be available in other markets such as Japan, Canada and Germany. Nokia posted on the official blog in the last week of September 2011 that N9 phones are heading to the stores. The initial retail price was announced to be around €480 (16GB) and €560 (64GB) before applicable taxes or subsidies. In Germany, devices imported from Switzerland are available online from Amazon and German Cyberport GmbH. In January 2012, they were also made", "id": "11985382" }, { "contents": "Filling station\n\n\nselling higher-margin food products in their convenience stores. Even with oil market fluctuations, prices for gasoline in the United States are among the lowest in the industrialized world; this is principally due to lower taxes. While the sales price of gasoline in Europe is more than twice that in the United States, the price of gas excluding taxes is nearly identical in the two areas. Some Canadians and Mexicans in communities close to the U.S. border drive into the United States to purchase cheaper gasoline. Due to heavy fluctuations of gasoline", "id": "15490562" }, { "contents": "Student financial aid (United States)\n\n\nand Margaret McNamara Education Grants (MMEG). Each organization has its own application process and eligibility criteria detailed on respective websites. Post-secondary institutions post a Cost of Attendance or Price of Attendance, also known as a \"sticker price.\" However, that price is not how much an institution will cost an individual student. To make higher education costs more transparent before a student actually applies to college, federal law requires all post-secondary institutions receiving Title IV funds (federal funds for student aid) to post net", "id": "15412719" }, { "contents": "Tax policy and economic inequality in the United States\n\n\nTax policy and economic inequality in the United States discusses how tax policy affects the distribution of income and wealth in the United States. Income inequality can be measured before- and after-tax; this article focuses on the after-tax aspects. Income tax rates applied to various income levels and tax expenditures (i.e., deductions, exemptions, and preferential rates that modify the outcome of the rate structure) primarily drive how market results are redistributed to impact the after-tax inequality. After-tax inequality has risen in the United", "id": "1615322" }, { "contents": "Sales taxes in the United States\n\n\nResidents of Canada and U.S. states or possessions having a sales tax of less than 3%, e.g., Oregon, Alaska, and Alberta are exempt from sales tax on purchases of tangible personal property for use outside the state. Stores at the border will inquire about residency, and exempt qualified purchasers from the tax. A seller of a house or real estate pays excise taxes on the full sale price. The amount varies by county. In King and Snohomish counties, it is up to 1.78%. For example, selling", "id": "20247066" }, { "contents": "Post–World War II economic expansion\n\n\nalso used (for instance, the price of restaurant meals was capped). In the post-war period, progressive taxation persisted. Inheritance taxes also had an effect. Rationing in the United Kingdom lasted until 1954. Allied war bonds matured during the post-war years, transferring cash from governments to private households. In Japan, progressive tax rates were imposed during the Allied occupation, at rates that roughly matched those in the United States at that time. High marginal tax rates for the wealthiest 1% were in place", "id": "1464573" }, { "contents": "Filling station\n\n\non large signs outside the stations. Some locations have laws requiring such signage. In Canada and the United States, federal, state or provincial, and local sales taxes are usually included in the price, although tax details are often posted at the pump and some stations may provide details on sales receipts. Gas taxes are often ring-fenced (dedicated) to fund transportation projects such as the maintenance of existing roads and the construction of new ones. In the United States, the states of California and Hawaii typically have the", "id": "15490559" }, { "contents": "Fuel taxes in the United States\n\n\nnineteen states and District of Columbia have fuel taxes with rates that vary alongside changes in the price of fuel, the inflation rate, vehicle fuel-economy, or other factors The table below includes state and local taxes and fees. The American Petroleum Institute uses a weighted average of local taxes by population of each municipality to come up with an average tax for the entire state. Similarly, the national average is weighted by volume of fuel sold in each state. Because many of the states with the highest taxes also have higher", "id": "6856534" }, { "contents": "Land value tax\n\n\nvalue tax creates an incentive to convert these sites to more intensive private uses or into public purposes. The selling price of a good that is fixed in supply, such as land, decreases if it is taxed. By contrast, the price of manufactured goods can rise in response to increased taxes, because the higher price reduces the number of units that are made. The price increase is how the maker passes along some part of the tax to consumers. However, if the revenue from LVT is used to reduce other taxes", "id": "13604363" }, { "contents": "Coupon\n\n\nto collect and use coupons are more price sensitive than those who do not. Therefore, the posted price paid by price-insensitive buyers can be increased, while using coupon discounts to maintain the price for price-sensitive buyers (who would not buy at a higher price). Grocery coupons come in two major types: store coupons and manufacturer's coupons. Store coupons are coupon-based discounts offered for a particular item or group of items. The issuing store will accept its own \"store coupons\", but some", "id": "20472383" }, { "contents": "Beer in the United States\n\n\n. This system gives the states more control over alcohol sales than before because now market participants at each of the three steps need state license to do business. Under the three-tier system taxes could be levied at three levels of the beer distribution process. Breweries pay a federal excise tax. Distributors are taxed by the states (usually on a per volume basis), and then retailers have to pay a sales tax. While this adds much to the price of beer, it was believed higher beer prices would lead to", "id": "17694607" }, { "contents": "Excise tax in the United States\n\n\nstate or local taxing agency. Often some excise taxes are collected by the federal government and then remitted to the states on a partially matching basis to pay for particular items like interstate highway construction, airport construction or bridge repairs. Excise taxes are usually waived or refunded on goods being exported, so as to encourage exports. Smugglers and other tax evaders will often seek to obtain items at a point at which they are not taxed or taxed much lower and then later sell or use them at a price lower than the post-", "id": "20223023" }, { "contents": "Lindahl tax\n\n\nis a state of economic equilibrium under a Lindahl tax as well as a method for finding the optimum level for the supply of public goods or services that happens when the total per-unit price paid by each individual equals the total per-unit cost of the public good. It can be shown that an equilibrium exists for different environments. Therefore, the Lindahl equilibrium describes how efficiency can be sustained in an economy with personalised prices. Leif Johansen gave the complete interpretation of the concept of \"Lindahl equilibrium\", which assumes", "id": "18218875" }, { "contents": "Infibeam\n\n\n-books on its web store which readers can access from the reader to purchase e-books. Infibeam followed the Pi2 with an Android tablet called Phi. Though the company had posted healthy profits after taxes in the previous two financial years, the company posted a net profit after tax of less than 1.2 crores in FS 2016-17. However this did not prevent its share price from continuing to soar up in 2017 and 2018 as stock analysts continued to forecast high share prices. Finally, on 29 September 2018, the", "id": "17453103" }, { "contents": "Filling station\n\n\nprice in the United States, some gas stations offer their customers the option to buy and store gas for future uses, such as the service provided by First Fuel Bank. In order to save money, some consumers in Canada and the United States inform each other about low and high prices through the use of gasoline price websites. Such websites allow users to share prices advertised at filling stations with each other by posting them to a central server. Consumers then may check the prices listed in their geographic area in order to select", "id": "15490563" }, { "contents": "Alliance Boots\n\n\ncompany was accused of making the move for tax purposes, as Switzerland had more favourable tax regime than the United Kingdom, and in January 2011, protests were held by the UK Uncut group at a number of Boots stores, including its flagship London store, which was closed down by protestors. The group's headquarters, listed as being on Baarerstrasse in Zug, were revealed to be a post office box within the town's post office. Alliance Boots itself stated that its Swiss headquarters reflected the international nature of its wider group", "id": "1187700" }, { "contents": "American Stores\n\n\nPrice Club sued American Stores over name infringement shortly before the grand opening of the stores. The stores were swiftly renamed \"Food Advantage\" the night before grand openings, with the word \"Price\" marked out with a thick ink marker on every label, tag and sign in the store. In the coming months these stores were branded as \"Food/Price Advantage\" and finally as Super Saver Food. Super Saver Food was a familiar brand which had been used in the 1970s and early 1980s by Acme for their discount", "id": "8839610" }, { "contents": "Transparent Airfares Act of 2014\n\n\na public domain source.\" H.R. 4156 would require the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) to promulgate a rule related to how prices for certain types of air transportation are advertised. Under current policies, DOT requires that advertised prices for air travel reflect the total price per passenger to be paid by customers, including government-imposed taxes and fees. Under H.R. 4156, sellers of air transportation could instead advertise base airfares, provided that advertisements also disclose the amount of additional government-imposed taxes and fees that customers would", "id": "12152456" }, { "contents": "Lexington, Oklahoma\n\n\nand signed the treaty of Camp Holmes, pledging peace and friendship among themselves and the United States. Later, Auguste P. Chouteau established a trading post here and renamed the place Camp Mason. Jesse Chisholm operated a store here. The area of Lexington was in the Unassigned Lands, and the town was planned before the Land Rush of 1889. The town was named after Lexington, Kentucky. The post office was established in 1890. The first incorporation of Lexington in 1890 was dissolved after political infighting and a dispute over high taxes", "id": "7135509" }, { "contents": "Prescription drug prices in the United States\n\n\nsimilar to how the United States purchases medications for military personnel, but on a much wider scale. Gail Wilensky, former director of Medicare and Medicaid, said that because most other countries' governments set prices and the U.S. does not, the United States is effectively subsidizing drug development for other countries. She believes if the United States started setting prices, it would disproportionately impact new drug development. She predicted that the tradeoff if prices were set too low, would be fewer new treatments coming to market in about a decade (", "id": "1687468" }, { "contents": "Tax\n\n\nthe tax, the buyer pays a total of $1.20, or $0.20 more than he did before the $0.50 tax was imposed. In this example, the buyer has paid $0.20 of the $0.50 tax (in the form of a post-tax price) and the seller has paid the remaining $0.30 (in the form of a lower pre-tax price). The purpose of taxation is to provide for government spending without inflation. The provision of public goods such as roads and other infrastructure,", "id": "11509978" }, { "contents": "Rua 25 de Março\n\n\n\"Oriental Mall\") and the most famous Galeria Pagé (\"Pagé Gallery\") and at the streets you can find a lot of stores with a miscellaneous kind of products, including tennis shoes, toys, packaging, jewelry, bags, and stationery. Most of these stores sells only in bulk and low prices, so many stores owners from far districts or other cities come to this place to buy goods for resale. Also end user consumer can buy goods, but at higher prices. Brazil taxes on electronics are", "id": "21245138" }, { "contents": "Resale price maintenance\n\n\nPSKS, Inc.\", . This marked a dramatic shift on how attorneys and enforcement agencies address the legality of contractual minimum prices and essentially allowed the reestablishment of resale price maintenance in the United States in most (but not all) commercial situations. During the Great Depression in the 1930s, a large number of U.S. states began passing fair trade laws that authorized resale price maintenance. These laws were intended to protect independent retailers from the price-cutting competition of large chain stores. Since these laws allowed vertical price fixing, they", "id": "2482986" }, { "contents": "Optimal tax\n\n\nshifted, which raises the consumer prices to match the tax increase. His study coincides with the original hypothesis that retail sales taxes are fully shifted to retail prices. Donald Bruce, William Fox, and M. H. Tuttle also discuss tax revenues through sales tax in their article \"Tax Base Elasticities: A Multi-State Analysis of Long-Run and Short-Run Dynamics\". In this article, they look at how personal state revenues and sales tax bases elasticities change for the short and long term in an attempt to determine", "id": "7401283" }, { "contents": "Sales taxes in the United States\n\n\ntaxes paid in other states on the purchased goods against use tax in the taxpayer's state. The amount subject to sales tax is generally the net sales price. Such price is generally after any applicable discounts. Some states exempt a portion of sales or purchase price from tax for some classes of goods. No state imposes sales tax on all types of goods. State laws vary widely as to what goods are subject to tax. Food for preparation and consumption in the home is often not taxable, nor are prescription medications.", "id": "20246933" }, { "contents": "Posted oil price\n\n\nThe posted price of oil was the price that oil companies offered to purchase oil from oil-producing governments. This price was set by the oil companies and used to calculate the share of oil revenues that oil producing countries would receive. Between 1957 and 1972, the posted price was greater than the market price of crude oil. Between 1961 and 1970 the market price hovered between $1.30 and $1.50 per barrel, while the posted price was a constant $1.80. Before Standard Oil was broken up by the United States", "id": "18533321" }, { "contents": "Battlefield Earth (novel)\n\n\nof 50,000 hardback copies). Local Churches of Scientology and individual Scientologists were reportedly also urged to buy copies of the book. Bookstore chains including Waldenbooks cited examples of Scientologists repeatedly coming into stores and buying armfuls of the book at a time. Several bookstores reported that shipments of the book arrived with the store's own price tags already affixed to them, even before they were unpacked from the shipping boxes, suggesting that copies were being recycled. According to Miller, Scientologists throughout the United States were instructed to go out and buy", "id": "9747215" }, { "contents": "Operation Smokescreen\n\n\nLorick, of the Charlotte ATF. ATF officials informed Fromme that cigarette trafficking was likely an attempt to sell the merchandise for as much as twice the price in states such as Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania - which had considerably higher taxes on tobacco. North Carolina's tax on cigarettes was five cents, whereas it was seventy-five cents in Michigan at the time. The Hezbollah cell was selling the cigarettes through \"front store\" operations, and to local convenience stores in Dearborn, Michigan, with a price difference", "id": "22097496" }, { "contents": "Community post office\n\n\nA community post office (CPO) is a facility of the United States Postal Service located in and operated by a non-postal facility, such as a store. Also known by other terms, such as \"contract postal unit\", or \"contract station\", such a facility is a post office selling postal products and services at prices identical to those of a regular post office. In exchange for staffing the post office with its own employees, the owner of the facility is paid by the Postal Service in proportion", "id": "14284740" }, { "contents": "Super Saver Foods\n\n\nprototype store in Escondido, California. Price Club sued American Stores over name infringement shortly before the grand openings. The stores were swiftly rebranded \"Food Advantage\" the night before Grand Openings, with the word \"Price\" marked out with a thick ink marker on every label, tag and sign in the store. A scaled down warehouse store, \"Food Advantage\" featured no bakery or deli, with its concept modeled in a similar fashion to Food 4 Less stores. In the coming months, American Stores would rebrand these", "id": "4421845" }, { "contents": "Gender-based price discrimination in the United States\n\n\nConsumption taxes on certain products but not others have also been viewed a form of gender-based price disparity. For example, in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom, tampons are often subjected to a consumption tax, while related products such as condoms, lubricant, and several other medical items are exempt from the tax. Opponents of the enforcement of laws against gender-based pricing make two arguments. They suggest that courts should dismiss cases involving gender-based pricing because the injury to the plaintiff is so", "id": "15686204" }, { "contents": "Price tag\n\n\n(e.g. individuals vs. organizations that might be expected to buy in bulk or have better creditworthiness). For example, the 1936 Robinson–Patman Act outlaws this practice in the United States. Many price tags also bear the name of the store. Before the late 19th century, in most cases, retail goods did not have a fixed price, and each customer would be expected to haggle with the store clerk. The Quakers, who found it immoral for different customers to pay different prices (now known as price discrimination)", "id": "17194112" }, { "contents": "William C. Price\n\n\nWilliam Cecil Price (1816–1901) was a United States lawyer and judge who was active in the proslavery faction of the Missouri Democratic Party from the 1840s on, and who served as Treasurer of the United States from 1860 to 1861. William C. Price was born in Russell County, Virginia in 1816. He was double cousin of Sterling Price. A farmer, William Price moved to Greene County, Missouri in 1836. He then attended Knoxville College before returning to Missouri to work as a teacher and store clerk and to read law", "id": "15706852" }, { "contents": "Hunger in the United States\n\n\nlow-income neighborhoods by offering a reduction in land or building taxes for a certain period of time and providing grants, loans, and tax exemption for infrastructure costs. Such policies may be limited by the oligopolistic nature of supermarkets, in which a few large supermarket chains maintain the large majority of market share and exercise considerable influence over retail locations and prices. If it is unfeasible to implement policies aimed at grocery store construction in low-income neighborhoods, local and state governments can instead invest in transportation infrastructure. This would provide", "id": "21758020" }, { "contents": "Global marketing\n\n\noverall business plan. Pricing can also be used as a demarcation, to differentiate and enhance the image of a product. Price will always vary from market to market. Refers to the point of sale. How the product is distributed is influenced by how the competition is being offered to the target market. With Coca-Cola, not all cultures use vending machines. In the United States, beverages are sold by the pallet via warehouse stores. In India, this is not an option. Placement decisions are also affected by", "id": "2155551" }, { "contents": "Windfall profits tax\n\n\nincrease in oil prices brought about by the OPEC oil embargo. According to the Congressional Research Service, the Act's title was a misnomer. \"Despite its name, the crude oil windfall profit tax... was not a tax on profits. It was an excise tax... imposed on the difference between the market price of oil, which was technically referred to as the removal price, and a statutory 1979 base price that was adjusted quarterly for inflation and state severance taxes.\" The 96th United States Congress was motivated to enact", "id": "11763077" }, { "contents": "Chevrolet Volt\n\n\n200,000 vehicles in the U.S. Several states also have additional incentives or rebates available for plug-in electric vehicles for qualifying buyers. The 2011 Volt price including all available regular production and premium options is , including destination charges and before tax credits or any subsidies. For the 2012 model year the price of the Volt with all available options is before tax credits or any subsidies available. , General Motors combined sales of plug-in electric vehicles in the U.S. totaled almost 197,000 units and are expected to pass 200,000 early in 2019.", "id": "21253955" }, { "contents": "Optimal tax\n\n\nin a second article called \"Retail Price Reactions To Changes in State and Local Sales Taxes\" tests the premise that sales taxes on the state and local level are fully shifted to the consumers. He examines clothing prices before and after World War II. He recognizes that monetary policy is important to determine the response of nominal prices under a national sales tax and points to possible differences in taxes applied at the local level as to taxes applied at a national level. Poterba finds evidence reinforcing the idea that sales taxes are fully forward", "id": "7401282" }, { "contents": "Gasoline and diesel usage and pricing\n\n\ncontributor to gasoline prices at around 12%. In the United States, both state and federal taxes apply to gasoline. In addition, other taxes may be placed on gas including applicable state sales taxes, gross receipts taxes, oil inspection fees, underground storage tank fees and other miscellaneous environmental fees. Distribution and marketing makes up the remaining 5%. The price of transporting crude oil to a refinery then gasoline to a point of distribution is passed on to the consumer. In addition the price to market the fuel brand is", "id": "20555473" }, { "contents": "Blue laws in the United States\n\n\nremain the same throughout the state (county sales tax may cause the price to differ slightly). As of April 2015, 157 of the 603 Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores are open from noon to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays. Beer may only be purchased from a restaurant, bar, licensed beer store, or distributor. Six and twelve packs, along with individual bottles such as 40-ounce or 24-ounce beers, may only be purchased at bars, restaurants, and licensed retailers. For larger quantities one must go to a beverage", "id": "4941655" }, { "contents": "United States biofuel policies\n\n\nare in place requiring a series of reports assessing how ethanol production may be impacting the farm economy, environment, and consumer food prices (Section 15322). Studies include: Title XV includes a number of trade and tax provisions including a tax credit of $1.01 per gallon for fuel blenders using certain cellulosic feedstocks. Also included is an amendment to the ethanol blender tax credit for general ethanol, reducing the tax credit from $0.51 to $0.45 per gallon (Section 15331). Finally, Title XV extends ethanol import tariff", "id": "8425602" }, { "contents": "Oregon Tax Court\n\n\nThe Oregon Tax Court is a state court in the U.S. state of Oregon, which has jurisdiction in questions of law that regard state tax laws. Examples of matters that would come before this court include income taxes, corporate excise taxes, property taxes, timber taxes, cigarette taxes, local budget law, and property tax limitations. The purpose of the court is parallel to that of the United States Tax Court. Taxpayers and tax authorities can take advantage of a court that is familiar with taxation issues. Oregon Tax Court cases", "id": "15836028" }, { "contents": "Cigarette\n\n\nSeptember 2007. Some police departments in the United States occasionally send an underaged teenager into a store where cigarettes are sold, and have the teen attempt to purchase cigarettes, with their own or no ID. If the vendor then completes the sale, the store is issued a fine. Similar enforcement practices are regularly performed by Trading Standards officers in the UK, Israel, and the Republic of Ireland. Cigarettes are taxed both to reduce use, especially among youth, and to raise revenue.Higher prices for cigarettes discourage smoking.", "id": "17530628" }, { "contents": "Citizens' Climate Lobby\n\n\npricing mechanisms, a border adjustment would be enacted. Similar to the Montreal Protocol, goods coming from countries without a carbon price would be subjected to a fee at the border. Goods leaving the US for sale in a country without a carbon price would be reimbursed that fee at the border. In addition, all existing subsidies of fossil fuels, including tax credits, would be phased out over the 5 years following enactment. On September 1, 2016 California State Legislature passed a measure that urges the United States Congress to enact", "id": "18469950" }, { "contents": "Goods and services tax (Canada)\n\n\nwith a Value Added Tax legislate that posted prices include the tax; thus, consumers are vaguely aware of it but \"what they see is what they pay\". Canada cannot do this because jurisdiction over most advertising and price-posting is in the domain of the provinces under the Constitution Act, 1867. The provinces have chosen not to require prices to include the GST, similar to their provincial sales taxes. As a result, virtually all prices (except for fuel pump prices, taxi meters and a few other", "id": "6435571" }, { "contents": "Sales taxes in the United States\n\n\nthe highest meals tax in the United States at 12.8%. Consumers are taxed on every \"eligible food item.\" For example, fresh local produce sold at farmers' markets and at grocery stores, as well as basic, unprepared cold grocery foods (including candy, bottled water, and soda), are taxed 2.5% (1.5% state tax and 1% local tax). Cities and counties may also charge an additional \"Food and Beverage Tax\" on restaurant meals and prepared food sold at grocery stores (", "id": "20247060" }, { "contents": "Canteen Stores Department (India)\n\n\nsteadily being expanded to include GREF, NCC Units at Group HQ level, TA units, CDA's staff, Indian Ordnance Factories, Embarkation HQs, civilians paid from defence estimates, civilians paid out of civil estimates, and Paramilitary forces under operational/administrative control of the Army civilian government employees. Generally, these goods are procured by CSD in bulk, and sold at concessional rates (without taxes), compared with retail prices. CSD prices are low as the goods sold are exempt from taxes. A huge profit is earned", "id": "9278607" }, { "contents": "Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board\n\n\n10,000 sq ft rule are granted for any former state or contract store that has chosen to remain open under private ownership, and for establishments that are in a \"trade area\" where no building exists that meets the 10,000 sq ft requirement. The WSLCB has not yet defined \"trade area\". Under the state-run system, the shelf price included all taxes. Under the private system, as implemented by 1183, all spirits are to be taxed at 20.5% on the shelf price in addition to a flat spirits", "id": "8883629" }, { "contents": "Weyco Group\n\n\nAmerica: wholesale and retail. The business entails mid-priced leather dress shoes; synthetic and leather casual footwear; outdoor boots, shoes, and sandals. Its wholesale customers are footwear, department, and specialty stores primarily in the United States and Canada. , it had 16 company-owned retail stores in the United States in addition to an internet business. For 2014, the company posted overall net sales of $320.5 million of which $243.4 million came from wholesale in North America and $23.3 million from North American", "id": "2622189" }, { "contents": "Rate of return\n\n\nafter a large increase in the share price in the late 1990s and early 2000s were ignorant of how significant the impact of income/capital gain taxes was on their fund \"gross\" returns. That is, they had little idea how significant the difference could be between \"gross\" returns (returns before federal taxes) and \"net\" returns (after-tax returns). In reaction to this apparent investor ignorance, and perhaps for other reasons, the SEC made further rule-making to require mutual funds to publish", "id": "21650983" }, { "contents": "Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board\n\n\nMilton Shapp, efforts have existed to abolish the Board and privatize liquor sales in Pennsylvania. Critics of the Board argue that the commonwealth would generate significant income by selling state liquor stores to private entities while continuing to reap millions in annual sales taxes from alcohol sales and liquor tax revenues. Further, it has been cited that customers could benefit from lower prices, longer hours and wider selection at privately run liquor stores. In addition, privatizing liquor sales would allow the commonwealth to recoup taxes from sales in neighboring states such as New", "id": "11890544" }, { "contents": "Alcohol laws of Pennsylvania\n\n\nlater than restaurants, until 3:00 am. The distributor license applies to establishments selling larger quantities of beer, generally cases and kegs. Pennsylvania is an alcoholic beverage control state. Spirits are to be sold only in the state owned Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores, which also sell wine, but not beer. Prices are generally the same throughout the state, but state stores may offer special discounts and sales, and county sales tax may cause the price to differ slightly. People under the age of 21 are allowed to enter", "id": "2648909" }, { "contents": "Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board\n\n\nstate was the sole distributor of all spirits, uniform pricing was set so that the price of any given product was the same from store to store no matter how rural or populated the area was. Historically, off-premises Sunday sales of spirits were banned, and all liquor stores were closed. Consumers still had the option of purchasing beer or wine from grocery stores or on-premises spirits from bars and restaurants. In 2005, the state began allowing off-premises spirits sales in select stores on Sundays from 12pm", "id": "8883627" }, { "contents": "Effect of taxes and subsidies on price\n\n\nTaxes and subsidies change the price of goods and, as a result, the quantity consumed. There is a difference between an Ad valorem tax and a specific tax or subsidy in the way how it is applied on the price of the good. The final effect stays similar though. In the end levying a tax moves the market to a new equilibrium where the price of a good paid by buyers increases and the price received by sellers decreases. The incidence of a tax does not depend on whether the buyers or sellers are", "id": "3192679" }, { "contents": "Western New York\n\n\nexempt from state excise taxes on gasoline and tobacco products, which allows native-owned convenience stores to provide lower prices than their non-native counterparts. Gasoline tax advantages were most pronounced in the 1990s, when low overall gas prices made the tax advantage far more noticeable. In the 1990s and 2000s, a mail-order tobacco industry thrived on Seneca reservations, an industry that has mostly been cut off since then. Increasing regulations now prohibit Senecas from receiving or selling name-brand cigarettes without taxes, sending tobacco products by", "id": "6196392" }, { "contents": "Pink tax\n\n\nthis in the tampon and sanitary napkin market. These are products that women absolutely must buy, so they can be priced as high as a marketer would want and they would still sell their entire product. To marketers, women are less price elastic, meaning they care less about the price of a product or service. In the United States, there is no specialized tax on tampons. In states where sales taxes are collected, tampons are taxed in much the same way as most other non-exempt items (such as", "id": "14826213" }, { "contents": "Posted oil price\n\n\n$1.19) and the US tax on oil ($0.11 per barrel), the posted price in Kuwait would be $1.87 per barrel. By the 1950s, fixed royalty payments had been replaced by 50-50 profit sharing arrangements following the 1950 ARAMCO deal. The posted price, sometimes also called the published price, is not the price that is actually received by oil producing governments. This price, historically set by the oil companies and later by OPEC, is used to calculate the taxes and royalties that will be", "id": "18533324" }, { "contents": "2000s energy crisis\n\n\nagain in April 2008, there was talk of protests and roadblocks if the tax issue was not addressed. On 1 April 2008, a 25 yen per liter fuel tax in Japan was allowed to lapse temporarily. This method of softening price shocks is even less viable to countries with much lower gas taxes, such as the United States. Locally decreasing fuel tax can decrease fuel prices, but globally prices are set by supply and demand, and therefore fuel tax decreases may have no effect on fuel prices, and fuel tax increases", "id": "19180949" }, { "contents": "Organizing for America\n\n\nand advocate on key policy issues such as gun control and immigration, train future leaders and devote attention to local issues throughout the United States. Organizing for America is composed of 50 different state organizations, united by a single national umbrella. The states have a high level of autonomy when it comes to deciding how to execute tasks given by the national office, but most major programs are ultimately delegated by the National directors. Under the federal tax code 501(c)(4) the group will have tax-exempt status as long as it is", "id": "6190639" }, { "contents": "Excise tax in the United States\n\n\nExcise tax in the United States is an indirect tax on listed items. Excise taxes can be and are made by federal, state and local governments and are not uniform throughout the United States. Some excise taxes are collected from the producer or retailer and not paid directly by the consumer, and as such often remain \"hidden\" in the price of a product or service, rather than being listed separately. Federal excise taxes raised $98.3 billion in fiscal year 2015 or 3% of total federal tax revenue. Excise taxes", "id": "20222992" }, { "contents": "Unit price\n\n\nsold in more or less than the single unit. The \"unit price\" tells you the cost per pound, quart, or other unit of weight or volume of a food package. It is usually posted on the shelf below the food. The shelf tag shows the total price (item price) and price per unit (unit price) for the food item. Research suggests that unit price information in supermarkets can lead shoppers to save around 17-18% when they are educated on how to use it, but", "id": "21595158" }, { "contents": "2011 Minnesota state government shutdown\n\n\nrevenue during the shutdown. The Minnesota State Lottery did not sell tickets during the shutdown, which meant the state could have lost about $1.25 million in revenue daily. Minnesota stopped selling tax stamps for cigarettes, which must be affixed to each pack before sale. The \"Star Tribune\" reported that cigarette sales would come to a halt by mid-August if no more tax stamps were issued. The state also stopped issuing liquor purchasing cards, which businesses need in order to purchase liquor from wholesalers. Many stores, bars", "id": "21094911" }, { "contents": "Cost of Living Allowance (U.S. Military)\n\n\nspecific country. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service calculates the cost of living in a particular area by using two surveys: the Living Pattern Survey and a Retail Price Schedule. The Living Pattern Survey indicates how much service members purchase at on post facilities, and how much they spend off post at local stores. The survey produces an average for a specific area. For example, in a specific area the survey may show that members buy half of their products on post, and half on the local economy. This is only", "id": "7880674" }, { "contents": "Nordic model\n\n\naverage reduction of 18.7 p.p. Compared to the United States, which has a poverty level pre-tax of 28.3% and post-tax of 17.4% for a reduction of 10.9 p.p., the effects of tax and transfers on poverty in all the Nordic countries are substantially bigger. However, in comparison to France (27 p.p. reduction) and Germany (24.2 p.p. reduction) the taxes and transfers in the Nordic countries are smaller on average. When it comes to gender equality, it can be said that", "id": "6207998" }, { "contents": "Variety store\n\n\nare two ways variety stores make a profit: Variety stores with single price points buy products to fit those price points (while making a profit) that are: Not all variety stores are \"single price-point\" stores, even if their names imply it. For example, in the United States, Dollar General and Family Dollar sell items at more or less than a dollar. Some stores also sell goods priced at multiples of the named price and, conversely, multiple items for the price. The discrepancy with the", "id": "2857852" }, { "contents": "Cigarette taxes in the United States\n\n\nand an average of 14 percent among lower-income smokers nationally. While the price of cigarettes has continuously increased since 1965, the percentage of that price going towards taxes is now half of what it was then. As of 2011, Phillip Morris lists total government revenue, including federal, state, local, and sales taxes, as 55% of the estimated retail price of a pack of cigarettes in the US. According to data from the World Health Organization on cigarette taxes around the world, the US is ranked 36th", "id": "14506540" }, { "contents": "Sales taxes in the United States\n\n\nA Motor Fuel Transportation Infrastructure Assessment fee is also added to the gas tax rate. Retail sales of spirituous liquors have been subject to the 6% general sales tax since July 1, 2009. Prices set by the Vermont Liquor Control Board include the state's 25% gross receipts tax on the sale of liquor and fortified wines, while beer and wine prices reflect the 55 cent per gallon excise tax paid by bottlers or wholesalers. Virginia has a sales tax rate of 5.30% (4.3% state tax and 1% local", "id": "20247058" }, { "contents": "Andrew Feinberg\n\n\nanother \"Washington Post\" article noted how he aggressively questioned White House OMB Director Mick Mulvaney over plans to restrict the Earned Income Tax Credit to families with parents who are in the United States legally, even if undocumented/illegal immigrants have American citizen children and pay enough taxes to be eligible for the EITC. The exchange was noted by Dana Milbank of the \"Washington Post\". In an interview with Brian Stelter of CNN, Feinberg noted that another source of tension with Sputnik's management was their insistence on pre-approving", "id": "6047024" }, { "contents": "Nationalization of oil supplies\n\n\nVenezuela. Even with increased oil prices, the companies still held a dominant position over Venezuela. The posted price of oil was originally the determinant factor of the taxes that oil companies had to pay. This concept was beneficial to the oil companies because they were the ones who controlled the posted prices. Companies could increase the actual price of oil without changing the posted price, thus avoiding an increase in taxes paid to the producing country. Oil-producing countries did not realize that the companies were adjusting oil prices until the cost", "id": "19378775" }, { "contents": "Preparer Tax Identification Number\n\n\n, informing them of the rule changes and urging them to obtain a new or renewed PTIN before preparing tax returns in 2011. However, the agency does not know how many of those 1 million PTIN holders are still active tax return preparers. Nor, does the agency know how many total tax return preparers there are in the United States. It estimates the number at 900,000 to 1.2 million. Return preparers who fail to obtain and use PTINs could face penalties. The IRS announced in November 2010 that it would not put the", "id": "9550792" }, { "contents": "Cigarette taxes in the United States\n\n\nrevenue. According to Nobel Prize–winning economist Gary Becker, who has studied the long-run price elasticity of cigarettes, the tax increase as a result of the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act increases the price of cigarettes 13.3% which ultimately means a 10.6% decrease in unit sales. The National Tax Foundation calculates these numbers to determine a predicted $1 billion loss for states. Another argument against this bill claims it to be regressive, holding that the tax increase unfairly targets the poor because according to the Centers", "id": "14506534" }, { "contents": "Taxation in the United States\n\n\nof tax to the state. States are prohibited from requiring out of state sellers to collect tax unless the seller has some minimal connection with the state. Excise taxes may be imposed on the sales price of goods or on a per unit or other basis, in theory to discourage consumption of the taxed goods or services. Excise tax may be required to be paid by the manufacturer at wholesale sale, or may be collected from the customer at retail sale. Excise taxes are imposed at the federal and state levels on a variety", "id": "11862560" }, { "contents": "Because of You...\n\n\n... that same month. The fragrance was created by Sparks in early January 2010 and it was released, packaged in a pink tinted bottle, in the United States on October 6, 2010. It was exclusively released at Dots Department Stores at a special introductory price of $9.50 for the first month of its launch, before being released in stores around the country such as Target and going up to the regular price of $14.95 on November 1, 2010. According to Sparks' official perfume website, Because of You..", "id": "11985683" }, { "contents": "Vegetable oils as alternative energy\n\n\nnumber of types of vegetable oil have doubled in price. The rise in vegetable oil prices is largely attributed to biofuel demand. Much of the fuel price at the pump is due to fuel tax. If you buy vegetable oil at the grocery store it does not have such high taxes. So at times people have bought vegetable oil at the store for their cars because it was cheaper. They did this in spite of the fact that packaging by the gallon adds to the cost and it was illegal to use in a car", "id": "6728768" }, { "contents": "Quail, Texas\n\n\nQuail is a rural small town and census-designated place in Collingsworth County, Texas, United States. The population was 19 at the 2010 census, down from 33 at the 2000 census. The town has a post office, a general store, a small hotel and an income tax service. Quail is located in west-central Collingsworth County at (34.918915, -100.386829), along Texas State Highway 203. It is northwest of Wellington, the county seat, and east of Hedley. According to the United States Census", "id": "10147663" }, { "contents": "Fuel tax\n\n\n) on top of the retail price \"and\" the excise taxes. The first U.S. state to enact a gas tax was Oregon in 1919. The states of Colorado, North Dakota, and New Mexico followed shortly thereafter. By 1929, all existing 48 states had enacted some sort of gas tax. Today, fuel taxes in the United States vary by state. The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon (4.86 ¢/L) and 24.4 cents per gallon (6.45 ¢/L) for diesel fuel.", "id": "4608469" }, { "contents": "San Juancito, Honduras\n\n\n, Washington Valentine, soon took over his father's post and became the figurehead of the corporation, as well as the human manifestation of all that it represented to the local population. At the onset of operations, the Honduran government provided the company with generous financial incentives, operating with essentially no tax burdens, shipping gold and silver to the US, but by 1895 the company suffered setbacks from declining silver prices, significant tax burdens and acute labor shortages. The company imported heavy machinery from the United States and was granted timber", "id": "4743436" }, { "contents": "Straus Clothing\n\n\nlater, and Adolph died in 1908. Meanwhile, Adolph Sternberg's wife Anna encouraged her niece Frederecka (Rickie)'s husband Morris G. Straus to open a clothing business in Casselton, 40 miles away, in 1897. This was also a \"one-price\" store, with prices posted for each item. In 1903, M. G. Straus recruited his cousin Herman Stern from Germany to come to Casselton and assist with the running of the Straus clothing store (although he was likely also looking for a suitable bachelor to marry", "id": "21193990" }, { "contents": "Product lining\n\n\nlow price to entice customers, with only limited supplies. Customers will come into the store looking for the advertised product and find out is out of stock or doesn't even exist, and afterward be encouraged to purchase a comparable, higher-priced product that is available in store. Similar to Bait pricing, retailers use leader pricing to entice customers to come into the stores by advertising items, the loss leaders, at a low price. When they arrive at the stores aiming for the promoted products, they often end up", "id": "8628116" }, { "contents": "Peak oil\n\n\npast, sudden increases in the price of oil have led to economic recessions, such as the 1973 and 1979 energy crises. The effect the increased price of oil has on an economy is known as a price shock. In many European countries, which have high taxes on fuels, such price shocks could potentially be mitigated somewhat by temporarily or permanently suspending the taxes as fuel costs rise. This method of softening price shocks is less useful in countries with much lower gas taxes, such as the United States. A baseline scenario", "id": "11971129" }, { "contents": "Somersville, Ohio\n\n\nSomersville (sometimes spelled Summersville) is an unincorporated community in York Township, Union County, Ohio, United States. It is located at , at the intersection of Ohio State Routes 31 and 47. The community of Somersville was laid in 1834 by Thomas Price and William Somers. The Bokes Creek Post Office was established April 26, 1850, with Amon S. Davis as postmaster. The post office was discontinued on June 30, 1904. As of 1877, the town contained two grocery stores, a blacksmith shop, a shoe", "id": "17931072" }, { "contents": "TJ Maxx\n\n\nTJ Maxx is an American department store chain, selling at prices generally lower than other major similar stores. It has more than 1,000 stores in the United States, making it one of the largest clothing retailers in the country. The company is part of the TJX Companies, which also owns HomeGoods/HomeSense, and \"off-price\" retail chains Sierra in the United States, Marshalls in the US and Canada, and Winners in Canada. Under the name TK Maxx, its parent company TJX operates stores throughout the United", "id": "16691165" }, { "contents": "Political positions of John Delaney\n\n\ndiversion of prescription opioids. Delaney also proposes fueling funding for programs by establishing a new block grant for states funded by a two-cent tax on morphine milligram equivalents in prescription pain pills. Delaney proposes fueling funding for programs related to opioid recovery by establishing a new block grant for states funded by a two-cent tax on morphine milligram equivalents in prescription pain pills. In order to lower prices for prescription drugs, Delaney has proposed implementing a 100% excise tax on the price difference between prices paid by United States patients and", "id": "14206330" }, { "contents": "Tax\n\n\ndemanded vary with price (the \"elasticities\" of supply and demand), a tax can be absorbed by the seller (in the form of lower pre-tax prices), or by the buyer (in the form of higher post-tax prices). If the elasticity of supply is low, more of the tax will be paid by the supplier. If the elasticity of demand is low, more will be paid by the customer; and, contrariwise for the cases where those elasticities are high. If the", "id": "11509975" }, { "contents": "Tax incidence\n\n\nthe tax) is that the tax incidence or tax burden does not depend on where the revenue is collected, but on the price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply. As a general policy matter, the tax incidence should not violate the principles of a desirable tax system, especially fairness and transparency. The theory of tax incidence has a number of practical results. For example, United States Social Security payroll taxes are paid half by the employee and half by the employer. However, some economists think that the worker", "id": "2238731" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Herman Cain\n\n\nan add-on tax that increases the price of goods and services, this is a replacement tax. It replaces taxes that are already embedded in selling prices. By replacing higher marginal rates in the production process with lower marginal rates, marginal production costs actually decline, which will lead to prices being the same or lower, not higher. Cain has criticized social welfare programs in the United States, stating that, \"Programs today are designed to make people more dependent rather than less dependent.\" Cain identifies as pro-", "id": "15676631" }, { "contents": "Gasoline\n\n\nbut gasoline prices are posted with taxes included. Taxes are added by federal, state, and local governments. As of 2009, the federal tax is 18.4¢ per gallon for gasoline and 24.4¢ per gallon for diesel (excluding red diesel). Among individual states, the highest gasoline tax rates, including the federal taxes as of October 2018, are found in Pennsylvania (77.1¢/gal), California (73.93¢/gal), and Washington (67.8¢/gal). About 9 percent of all gasoline sold in the U.S. in May 2009 was premium grade", "id": "4150822" }, { "contents": "Service Merchandise\n\n\n, the CEO, was attracted to Wilson's stores to gain a stronger foothold in the Sunbelt states. Several of these Wilson's locations included an off-priced apparel department of about . Service Merchandise also had other wholly owned subsidiaries featuring retail stores such as Zim's Jewelers, HomeOwners Warehouse (later called Mr. HOW Warehouse), The Lingerie Store, and The Toy Store. Service Merchandise was a prominent sponsor of \"Wheel of Fortune\". The retailer also provided some of the prizes on \"The Price Is Right\"", "id": "19542782" }, { "contents": "History of agriculture in the United States\n\n\nwheat. Santon (2010) explains how the AAA programs set wheat prices in the U.S. after 1933, and the Canadians established a wheat board to do the same there. The Canadian government required prairie farmers to deliver all their grain to the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), a single-selling-desk agency that supplanted private wheat marketing in western Canada. Meanwhile, the United States government subsidized farm incomes with domestic-use taxes and import tariffs, but otherwise preserved private wheat marketing. In the colonial era, small", "id": "12556081" }, { "contents": "United States v. Apple Inc.\n\n\nits App Store for distribution of e-books. This let Publishers control the price of the e-books with Apple receiving a 30% commission. Apple also set up price tiers for different books. Apple also included a MFN clause in their contract with the Publishers which allowed for Apple to sell e-book at its competitors' lowest price. Amazon learned about the coming deals between the Publishers and Apple on January 18, 2010. In response, Amazon appealed directly to authors and encouraged disintermediation, the act of reducing", "id": "4335548" }, { "contents": "United States Tax Court\n\n\nterm of art, and is \"not necessarily\" equal to the amount of unpaid tax (although it usually is). The deficiency is generally the excess of the amount the IRS contends is the correct tax over the amount the taxpayer showed on the return—in both cases, without regard to how much has actually been paid. Upon issuance of the statutory notice of deficiency (after IRS determination of the tax amount, but before the formal IRS assessment of the tax), the taxpayer generally has 90 days to file", "id": "17172112" }, { "contents": "Effect of taxes and subsidies on price\n\n\nnew market price will be the price received by producers. The end result is that the lower price that consumers pay and the higher price that producers receive will be the same, regardless of how the subsidy is administered. Depending on the price elasticities of demand and supply, who bears more of the tax or who receives more of the subsidy may differ. Where the supply curve is less elastic than the demand curve, producers bear more of the tax and receive more of the subsidy than consumers as the difference between the price", "id": "3192692" }, { "contents": "Point Roberts, Washington\n\n\nbe to the United States. If the American Boundary Commission was reluctant, Prevost was instructed to offer \"some equivalent compensation by a slight alteration of the Line of Boundary on the Mainland\". It is not known how the U.S. commissioner responded, but Point Roberts became part of the United States. During the 1858 Fraser gold rush, prospectors from Victoria, BC who were attempting to avoid tax collection briefly settled Point Roberts. Their settlement was called Robert's Town and consisted of six wooden buildings, including a store and saloon", "id": "21913993" }, { "contents": "Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution\n\n\nstates, while opposition was strongest in the northeastern states. Supporters of the income tax believed that it would be a much better method of gathering revenue than tariffs, which were the primary source of revenue at the time. From well before 1894, Democrats, Progressives, Populists and other left-oriented parties argued that tariffs disproportionately affected the poor, interfered with prices, were unpredictable, and were an intrinsically limited source of revenue. The South and the West tended to support income taxes because their residents were generally less prosperous,", "id": "13051970" }, { "contents": "Income tax in the United States\n\n\nchanges to the [[United States Consumer Price Index|CPI]] and publishes the new rates as \"[[Rate schedule (federal income tax)|Tax Rate Schedules]]\". , 68.8% of Federal individual tax receipts including payroll taxes, were paid by the top 20% of taxpayers by income group. This accounts for the fact that a tax cut tends to \"benefit the rich\" since they are the ones paying most of the taxes. [[File:U.S. Federal Income Tax Rates.png|alt=|thumb|300x300px|Marginal and effective federal income tax rates", "id": "2290199" }, { "contents": "Dave L. Pearce\n\n\nseek the agriculture commissioner's post. The agriculture commissioner's office regulates the growing, harvesting, inspection, and sale of crops and livestock. It inspects the calibration of the pumps at gasoline stations and scales in grocery stores. The department ascertains that automatic price-readers in stores match up with the posted prices on products. Agriculture commissioners in other states perform these same essential functions as well. The tall bespectacled Pearce wore a large white hat to depict himself as one of the \"good guys.\" He \"looked the", "id": "1032575" }, { "contents": "Excise tax in the United States\n\n\ntax price in their jurisdiction. For similar items, excise duties are the same for imported and domestically produced goods; if the tax is different, then there is an explicit or implicit customs duty or tariff. An unusual example of a state \"excise\" tax is found in the State of Hawaii. In lieu of a sales tax, the State of Hawaii imposes a tax called a General Excise Tax, or GET, on all business activity in the State. The GET is charged at a rate of 4% for", "id": "20223024" }, { "contents": "Taxation in the United States\n\n\nbeen made. There is no federal sales or use tax in the United States. All but five states impose sales and use taxes on retail sale, lease and rental of many goods, as well as some services. Many cities, counties, transit authorities and special purpose districts impose an additional local sales or use tax. Sales and use tax is calculated as the purchase price times the appropriate tax rate. Tax rates vary widely by jurisdiction from less than 1% to over 10%. Sales tax is collected by the", "id": "11862557" }, { "contents": "Slurpee\n\n\nsemi-annually since 2016. Slurpee fans could come in and enjoy any size cup, that fit through the cutout hole, for only $1.49 the first 2 years. This promotion occurred again on 19–20 August 2016 in honor of the Slurpee's 50th anniversary. It returned on 19–20 May 2017, but the price was $1.50 plus tax, and returned once more on 18–19 August. On November 7, 2015, 7-Eleven stores in the USA celebrated the giving season with Name Your Own Price Day for Small Slurpee drinks.", "id": "4616157" }, { "contents": "Tax status of Scientology in the United States\n\n\nreviewing court would likely come to the same conclusion as the Supreme Court and disallow the deductions. However, there appears to be little likelihood of the issue coming before a court as taxpayers do not have standing to challenge the regulation. Since the Church of Scientology gained tax exemption in 1993, there have been a number of high-profile calls for the IRS to review and potentially revoke the exemption. The calls have generally focused on the question of whether the church is operating for legitimate tax-exempt purposes. In 2011,", "id": "9971785" } ]
Sunlight takes 8 minutes yo get to Earth but in the perspective of light how long would it take to get to Earth?
[{"answer": "If light could experience time, it would seem instantaneous. Time would not pass at all once you reach 100% of c. However, it would arrive here to see that we aged 8 minutes and 8 minutes of time relative to us Earth-dwellers has passed. Basically, at the speed of light, time is meaningless, as it's all based off of the speed of light."}, {"answer": "Photons do not *have* a perspective. It's a weird side effect of Special Relativity. When we speak about observers going at high speeds seeing strange shit, we always talk about massive (i.e. with mass, not per se a lot of it) objects. Massive objects can *never* have a speed of c or greater, and we can always look from their perspective - the reference frame in which the object is stationary, and everything else moving. With light this is impossible. Photons have a mass of exactly 0 and therefore must always be travelling at c (note: see below). This means we *cannot* look at their reference frame, because that would require thinking in a frame where the photon is not moving. However, photons must always be moving at c in all reference frames, so such a frame cannot exist. Therefore photons do not have a perspective. Note: You might be wondering about media like water in which the speed of light is lower than c. I'll let someone else explain that, I've never had a \"feel\" for it."}, {"answer": "As I understand it, since photons don't experience time, the moments of their creation and destruction are the same."}, {"answer": "Time doesn't exist at the speed of light. Nor does space, really. The entire universe is \"compressed\" into an infinetly small point which takes you an infinity to traverse as time doesn't really pass from your point of view. Everything is compressed and frozen"}, {"answer": "Something traveling very incredibly close to the speed of light from Earth's perspective would experience less and less time. There is no lower limit to the amount of time that they would experience, except for the fact that they would experience some time. If they experienced no time passing at all, then at a single point in time, they would be in multiple places. ie: t=0 you are at point A, t=0 you are at point B, at t=0, where are you? As you approach the speed of light from another observer's perspective, the time you experience relative to them decreases (if you were to go and meet up with the observer, where the observer doesn't go accelerating off in the interim) But since you can't reach the speed of light, you can't really say what happens if you get there, because getting there doesn't really make sense. Ultimately what reaching the speed of light would mean, would be that you stopped moving. Because moving would mean traveling some distance over time, and time would no longer exist. It would mean that this mass would be everywhere at once, which can't even make sense because matter is composite and it has forces that don't really make sense. For instance, matter gets held together by forces that act on it over time, gravity pulls mass together over time, electromagnetism attracts or repels based on charge over time, but that relies on some timeline. If you're at A then at B, these forces affect you at your configuration at A, and then affect you at your configuration at B. But if you're at point A and point B without some progression of time, so there's no A then B, then what? Does A experience any of these forces at all? Do forces from you at B affect you while you're at A? It ultimately doesn't make any sense at all. Now if it's a photon it does make sense, because it plays by different rules. It doesn't interact with near as much, it is allowed to act like it's in multiple places at once, and when you think it is everywhere on its path at once, some of the experiments like the dual slit experiment or the quantum eraser experiment make intuitive sense. But then you have to stop kind of thinking of light traveling at a speed at all. It definitely has a direction, but it propagates without time, and the fact that we see it travel in time is more because we see it travel through space and we experience time. It's like asking how the volume of a cube drawn on paper is. It doesn't really make sense. It definitely looks like a cube when we look at it, so why can't we get a volume? Say we have a cube made out of clay, we know the volume of the cube and we can flatten it so that it looks the same shape as its outline we drew on the paper. We know that the volume stays the same when we flatten it. When we flatten it it seems like it gets closer to the height of the cube on the paper (0). We keep flattening it trying to get it closer and closer to the height of its outline. We ultimately get it to the point where it's a 1 molecule high film over the paper, but still that's taller than the space indicated by the outline, so we even imagine what would happen if we could keep flattening it out even thinner, and the flattened cube starts to have an area that reaches infinity. But this doesn't tell us anything about the volume of the 2d projection indicated by the outline. It's not because we don't know how to flatten a cube well enough to figure it out. It's because while a 2d projection might resemble what a 3d object looks like to our eyes, it simply doesn't have a volume. So light doesn't have a speed, because light doesn't exist in the dimension of time. It looks to us like it exists in time, just like it looks to us that a drawing of a cube is 3 dimensional, but like the way that the angles on a paper give us the perception of depth, intervals in space give us a perception of time. This is why spacetime is spacetime and not space and time. Since light doesn't experience time, it doesn't take an instant, because that would mean that there was some experience of time. It's like saying a square is an incredibly shallow cube. It's not a cube, it's a square, it doesn't have that dimension. You can't squash a cube into the shape of a square."}, {"answer": "Alright, plenty of good physics answers but I'll try for a more simplified answer. Imagine you are sitting in a big box with no windows. You have no way to tell what time it was. You're sitting still, in a box, with no way of knowing what the outside looks like or how much time is passing. If the box were really softly picked up and moved, you might not even notice you were moving at all. If you zoned out for a bit, you might not notice that much time was passing. That's kind of like a photon as it \"moves\" between two places. It doesn't really experience time or distance, at the beginning and end of it's journey the photon is still pretty much exactly the same."}, {"answer": "Light experiences the universe instantaneously. Basically, time and space are the same thing. If you move slower, you move through time faster. If you move faster, you move through time slower. If you move at the speed of light, time appears stopped to you. If you move at true zero speed, space appears stopped. As you accelerate, time appears to turn into space."}, {"answer": "For photons the clock never ticks. From their perspective, the very instant they are emitted, they get absorbed, even if they had to travel through the entire universe to get to their destination."}, {"answer": "It's instant for the light. The light doesn't even feel like it's moving. I've worked though the equations before from a particular perspective. It turns out, basically, that all energy travels at c all the time. Some of that travel might be in space. You know mass-energy equivalence, Einstein's famous E=mc^2 equation. The expanded form is E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2, where p is momentum. Anyway, if you work through things hard enough (and you need other bits, like the Lorentz factor), if you assume that four-dimensional speed is always c, and you assume some nonzero spatial speed v, and work out what the speed in time will be, you'll come out with the same difference in \"time experienced\" as the time dilation equations describe. Simply put, a mass at rest in space is travelling through time at c. A mass travelling through space is aging slower. It is borrowing some speed from its time direction. From the perspective of the moving mass, the rest of the universe ages faster, but the mass can't detect its own slowdown in time, because it never moves relative to itself, of course. This is the concept of \"time dilation\". The concept where you age slower because you move in space. Light travels at c through space. Therefore, it cannot be experiencing any time. It never ages, never decays. There is also a concept called \"length contraction\", that goes along with time dilation when travelling at relativistic speeds. What this says is that from the perspective of the thing that's moving, the distance between where it is and where it's going shrinks, by the same factor by which its rate of aging is cut. Length contraction only applies in the direction of travel. So, to a photon, the four-dimensional universe that we know is compressed into 2. It loses the experience of time, and it loses the entire direction in which it is \"travelling\". To its left and right, and above and below it, all else is as big and vast as you or I know. But of course, a photon could not know that, because there is no time (from the photon's perspective) for information to get to the photon in a way that it could learn about the universe around it."}, {"answer": "Vsauce did an awesome episode related to this! [Link]( URL_0 )"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "17939", "title": "Light", "section": "Section::::Speed of light.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 15, "end_paragraph_id": 15, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Different physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light throughout history. Galileo attempted to measure the speed of light in the seventeenth century. An early experiment to measure the speed of light was conducted by Ole R\u00f8mer, a Danish physicist, in 1676. Using a telescope, R\u00f8mer observed the motions of Jupiter and one of its moons, Io. Noting discrepancies in the apparent period of Io's orbit, he calculated that light takes about 22 minutes to traverse the diameter of Earth's orbit. However, its size was not known at that time. If R\u00f8mer had known the diameter of the Earth's orbit, he would have calculated a speed of 227,000,000\u00a0m/s.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer", "er observed the motions of Jupiter and one of its moons, Io. Noting discrepancies in the apparent period of Io's orbit, he calculated that light takes about 22 minutes to traverse the diameter of Earth's orbit. However, its size was not known at that time. If R\u00f8mer had known the diameter of the Earth's orbit, he would have calculated a speed of"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sun\n\n\n. At this average distance, light travels from the Sun's horizon to Earth's horizon in about 8 minutes and 19 seconds, while light from the closest points of the Sun and Earth takes about two seconds less. The energy of this sunlight supports almost all life on Earth by photosynthesis, and drives Earth's climate and weather. The Sun does not have a definite boundary, but its density decreases exponentially with increasing height above the photosphere. For the purpose of measurement, however, the Sun's radius is considered to", "id": "6977609" }, { "contents": "Our Mr. Sun\n\n\nbeginning of the end of worshiping the Sun as algebra and the astrolabe were used to study the heavens. Dr. Research explains that the Sun is 93 million miles away and its light takes 8 minutes to reach the earth. Light from the next closest star, Alpha Centauri, takes more than 4 years to get to us at a speed greater than 186,000 miles per second. The sun weighs the same as 330,000 earths and is 95% hydrogen and helium gas and not solid. The Sun is compressed by gravity so tightly that", "id": "16385116" }, { "contents": "Grow light\n\n\naround the sun. During half of the year the north pole is tilted towards sun so the northern hemisphere gets nearly direct sunlight and the southern hemisphere gets oblique sunlight that must travel through more atmosphere before it reaches the Earth's surface. In the other half of the year, this is reversed. Although the color spectrum of visible light that the sun emits does not change, the quantity (more during the summer and less in winter) and quality of light reaching the Earth's surface do. Some supplemental LED grow lights", "id": "5155503" }, { "contents": "Speed of light\n\n\nof the Earth's velocity around the Sun, which with the known length of a year can be converted to the time needed to travel from the Sun to the Earth. In 1729, Bradley used this method to derive that light travelled 10,210 times faster than the Earth in its orbit (the modern figure is 10,066 times faster) or, equivalently, that it would take light 8 minutes 12 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth. An astronomical unit (AU) is approximately the average distance between the Earth and", "id": "9202554" }, { "contents": "Aberration (astronomy)\n\n\nof the Sun along the ecliptic (which is from west to east, as seen from Earth). The deflection thus makes the Sun appear to be behind (or retarded) from its rest-frame position on the ecliptic by a position or angle formula_22. This deflection may equivalently be described as a light-time effect due to motion of the Earth during the 8.3 minutes that it takes light to travel from the Sun to Earth. This is possible since the transit time of sunlight is short relative to the orbital period", "id": "2388257" }, { "contents": "Speed of light\n\n\nappear to propagate instantaneously, but for long distances and very sensitive measurements, their finite speed has noticeable effects. In communicating with distant space probes, it can take minutes to hours for a message to get from Earth to the spacecraft, or vice versa. The light seen from stars left them many years ago, allowing the study of the history of the universe by looking at distant objects. The finite speed of light also limits the theoretical maximum speed of computers, since information must be sent within the computer from chip to", "id": "9202503" }, { "contents": "Spherical Earth\n\n\nthe Sun to rise and set at different times in different places, and different locations get different amounts of sunlight each day. In order to explain day and night, time zones, and the seasons, some flat Earth theorists propose that the Sun does not emit light in all directions, but acts more like a spotlight, only illuminating part of the flat Earth at a time. This theory is not consistent with observation; at sunrise and sunset, a spotlight Sun would be up in the sky at least a little bit", "id": "8488355" }, { "contents": "Orientation (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)\n\n\n, Daisy heads off to find Mack and Yo-Yo, and Coulson stays behind to get information out of Deke. Daisy frees Mack and the two set out to save Yo-Yo. Gradually, all of them come to realise that the monolith didn't take them into space, but to a future where the Earth has been destroyed, and the outpost is all that remains of humanity. Mack finds a message on the postcard reading \"Working on it - Fitz\". May and Simmons return to the outpost,", "id": "10676571" }, { "contents": "Climate of Titan\n\n\nwith respect to its orbit is zero. This means that the direction of incoming sunlight is driven almost entirely by Titan's day-night cycle and Saturn's year cycle. The day cycle on Titan lasts 15.9 Earth days, which is how long it takes Titan to orbit Saturn. Titan is tidally locked, so the same part of Titan always faces Saturn, and there is no separate \"month\" cycle. Seasonal change is driven by Saturn's year: it takes Saturn about 29.5 Earth years to orbit the sun,", "id": "6474787" }, { "contents": "K2-148b\n\n\non its surface. It receives about 48 times more sunlight than Earth gets from the Sun. K2-148b has a tight orbit around its host star. It only takes about 4.4 Earth days for the planet to complete one full orbit around its star, with a semi-major axis of 0.0454 AU. For comparison, the innermost planet in our Solar System, Mercury, takes 88 days to orbit at a distance of 0.38 AU. The eccentricity and inclination of K2-148b's orbit are currently unknown. K2-", "id": "1906480" }, { "contents": "Saturn's hexagon\n\n\nhexagon discovery was made by the Voyager mission in 1981, and it was revisited in 2006 by NASA's Cassini mission. Cassini was only able to take thermal infrared images of the hexagon until it passed into sunlight in January 2009. Cassini was also able to take a video of the hexagonal weather pattern while traveling at the same speed as the planet, therefore recording only the movement of the hexagon. After its discovery, and after it came back into the sunlight, amateur astronomers managed to get images showing the hexagon from Earth", "id": "13500838" }, { "contents": "Speed of light\n\n\n). Newton queried whether Rømer's eclipse shadows were coloured; hearing that they were not, he concluded the different colours travelled at the same speed. In 1729, James Bradley discovered stellar aberration. From this effect he determined that light must travel 10,210 times faster than the Earth in its orbit (the modern figure is 10,066 times faster) or, equivalently, that it would take light 8 minutes 12 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth. In the 19th century Hippolyte Fizeau developed a method to determine the speed", "id": "9202577" }, { "contents": "Spherical Earth\n\n\nwinter. Places north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle get no sunlight for at least one day a year, and get 24-hour sunlight for at least one day a year. Both the poles experience sunlight for 6 months and darkness for 6 months, at opposite times. The movement of daylight between the northern and southern hemispheres happens because of the axial tilt of the Earth. The imaginary line around which the Earth spins, which goes between the North Pole and South Pole, is tilted about 23° from", "id": "8488364" }, { "contents": "Rømer's determination of the speed of light\n\n\nthose 42½ hours, the Earth has moved farther away from Jupiter by the distance LK: this, according to Rømer, is 210 times the Earth's diameter. If light travelled at a speed of one Earth-diameter per second, it would take 3½ minutes to travel the distance LK. And if the period of Io's orbit around Jupiter were taken as the time difference between the emergence at L and the emergence at K, the value would be 3½ minutes longer than the true value. Rømer then applies the same", "id": "2452769" }, { "contents": "Kepler-452b\n\n\nKepler-452b has not been proven to exist and must still be considered a candidate. It is the first potentially rocky super-Earth planet discovered orbiting within the habitable zone of a star very similar to the Sun. The planet is about 1,400 light-years away from the Solar System. At the speed of the \"New Horizons\" spacecraft, about , it would take approximately 26 million years to get there. Kepler-452b has a probable mass five times that of Earth, and its surface gravity is twice Earth's, though calculations", "id": "9548184" }, { "contents": "Solar phenomena\n\n\nstars, is a main-sequence star, and thus generates its energy via fusing hydrogen into helium. In its core, the Sun fuses about 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second. The Earth's mean distance from the Sun is approximately , though the distance varies as the Earth moves from perihelion in January to aphelion in July. At this average distance, light travels from the Sun to Earth in about 8 minutes, 19 seconds. The energy of this sunlight supports almost all life on Earth by photosynthesis, and", "id": "12883973" }, { "contents": "Terminator (solar)\n\n\nterrain. The lunar terminator (or tilt) illusion is an optical illusion arising from the erroneous expectation of an observer on Earth that the direction of sunlight illuminating the Moon (i.e. a line perpendicular to the terminator) should correspond with the position of the Sun, but does not appear to do so. The cause of the illusion is simply the observer not taking into account that the observed slope of a light ray will change across the sky because of the lack of visual clues to establish 3D perspective. Examination of a terminator", "id": "5990823" }, { "contents": "Sunlight\n\n\n\"sunshine duration\" to mean the cumulative time during which an area receives direct irradiance from the Sun of at least 120 watts per square meter. Other sources indicate an \"Average over the entire earth\" of \"164 Watts per square meter over a 24 hour day\". The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has both positive and negative health effects, as it is both a requisite for vitamin D synthesis and a mutagen. Sunlight takes about 8.3 minutes to reach Earth from the surface of the Sun. A photon starting at the", "id": "8286594" }, { "contents": "Armageddon (Guy Sebastian album)\n\n\n, but it's actually about not taking love for granted, and living like tomorrow is the last day on earth\". \"Get Along\" deals with the damage inflicted by religious, racial and cultural intolerance, asking why the world can't just get along. It is a stripped back track with minimal instrumental accompaniment. Sebastian explained why he wrote the song, \"It sends your brain into overload when you are expecting your first child. It definitely makes you take a step back and try to gain some perspective on", "id": "4485269" }, { "contents": "Star Comes to Earth\n\n\nschool. After Star's parents bribe the principal of the high school to get her enrolled in the school, the principal assigns a student, Marco Diaz (Adam McArthur), to give Star a tour of the school. Marco complains to Star of how boring his life is, and how he wishes something exciting would happen, but after Star summons a monster and explains who she is to him, he runs away in fear. When he gets home, his parents reveal that they will be taking care of Star and", "id": "15132517" }, { "contents": "Larry Kramer\n\n\nto fight AIDS. He began by having two-thirds of the room stand up, and told them they would be dead in five years. Kramer reiterated the points introduced in his essay \"1,112 and Counting\": \"If my speech tonight doesn't scare the shit out of you, we're in real trouble. If what you're hearing doesn't rouse you to anger, fury, rage, and action, gay men will have no future here on earth. How long does it take before you get angry", "id": "14718310" }, { "contents": "Melanoma\n\n\ngreater sunscreen to the hands before using a UV nail lamp. The body uses UV light to generate vitamin D so there is a need to balance getting enough sunlight to maintain healthy vitamin D levels and reducing the risk of melanoma; it takes around a half hour of sunlight for the body to generate its vitamin D for the day and this is about the same amount of time it takes for fair-skinned people to get a sunburn. Exposure to sunlight can be intermittent instead of all at one time. Sunscreen appears to", "id": "16355392" }, { "contents": "Fictional location\n\n\nnovels often also provide sections which provide documentation of various aspects of the environment of the fiction, including languages, character lists, cultures and, of course, locations. In an online article on writing Dawn Arkin writes about the importance of location to the author's art: Maps are an immediate necessity for some works, as they do not take place on our Earth. Writers need working maps to keep straight at a glance whether the castle is north or south of the river, and how long it takes to get between", "id": "20568528" }, { "contents": "Climate engineering\n\n\n. Solar radiation management (SRM) techniques would seek to reduce sunlight absorbed (ultra-violet, near infra-red and visible). This would be achieved by deflecting sunlight away from the Earth, or by increasing the reflectivity (albedo) of the atmosphere or the Earth's surface. These methods would not reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, and thus would not seek to address problems such as the ocean acidification caused by CO. In general, solar radiation management projects presently appear to be able to take effect", "id": "19825464" }, { "contents": "Mark 2\n\n\nare forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins ...\" He says to the man \"...get up, take your mat and go home.\" (8-11). According to Raymond E. Brown, it may have been easier to tell the man something than to demand he get up and walk. Jesus chooses to prove his ability to forgive sins, with a demonstration", "id": "20770839" }, { "contents": "Journey of Apollo 15 to the Moon\n\n\nevent of day 4 was lunar orbit insertion (LOI). Occurring behind the Moon, out of contact with the Earth, this engine burn put the spacecraft into orbit around the Moon. It was the first test of the new procedures for using both SPS during a long burn. Loss of signal (LOS) was at 78 hours, 23 minutes and 31 seconds GET as the spacecraft went behind the Moon as seen from the Earth. This was about 8 minutes before LOI. As with all the LOI performed during Project", "id": "6759726" }, { "contents": "Isaac Asimov's Robot City: Refuge\n\n\nthe Earth people and how they live. They begin seeing similarities in Earth and Spacer culture and begin to accept that aspects of Earth's culture even exceed that of Spacer culture. Areil's disease has finally climaxed. Her lack of appetite, fatigue, and lack of concentration are worse than ever. Upon their return to the apartment, R. David immediately notices her health as drastically changed and urges that it take her to the hospital due to its First Law obligation. They submit to the notion they will not get off Earth", "id": "3555917" }, { "contents": "Rømer's determination of the speed of light\n\n\nfor light to travel a distance equal to \"a\", the radius of Earth's orbit. Rømer had about thirty observations of eclipses of Io from 1671–73 that he used to find the value which fitted best: eleven minutes. With that value, he could calculate the extra time it would take light to reach Earth from Jupiter in November 1676 compared to August 1676: about ten minutes. Rømer's explanation of the difference between predicted and observed timings of Io's eclipses was widely, but far from universally, accepted.", "id": "2452779" }, { "contents": "Alliance Rising\n\n\nhave the coordinates and is dependent on \"Galway\"'s navigator to get the ship to Earth. It becomes clear that Cruz wants to be the one to arrive at Earth with the coordinates and take the credit. There is nothing anyone at Alpha can do as they receive a message from control that \"Galway\" has jumped into hyperspace on its way to Earth. A reviewer of \"Alliance Rising\" in \"Publishers Weekly\" stated that the authors focus on the characters in the story and how they cope with challenges,", "id": "9505458" }, { "contents": "Floyd Bennett Field\n\n\nterminal at Newark. However, La Guardia persisted in lobbying for Floyd Bennett Field. He had the New York City Police Department calculate how long it would take, in clear weather, to go from Penn Station to each airport and then back to Penn Station. The NYPD found that it only took 24 minutes to get to or from Newark, but that the same trip to Floyd Bennett Field took 38 minutes. \"The New York Times\" determined that it would take five to ten minutes more to go from Midtown Manhattan", "id": "13466019" }, { "contents": "Sunlight\n\n\ncenter of the Sun and changing direction every time it encounters a charged particle would take between 10,000 and 170,000 years to get to the surface. Sunlight is a key factor in photosynthesis, the process used by plants and other autotrophic organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be used to synthesize carbohydrates and to fuel the organisms' activities. Researchers can measure the intensity of sunlight using a sunshine recorder, pyranometer, or pyrheliometer. To calculate the amount of sunlight reaching the ground, both", "id": "8286595" }, { "contents": "Solar eclipse of April 8, 2024\n\n\nA total solar eclipse will take place at the Moon’s ascending node of the orbit on Monday, April 8, 2024, visible across North America. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the", "id": "2912737" }, { "contents": "Runaway (Kanye West song)\n\n\nrecorded quite a few songs. He had the record already and was like, 'Yo, I want you on this record.' A lot of stuff from him comes from conversation. He'll talk to you and get a feel for your perspective and your outlook on shit. And later, he'll be like, 'Yo, I want you on this. I got a record that that perspective would fit on.' That's how he operates. [...] You will find yourself explaining yourself, and", "id": "19020224" }, { "contents": "Job History\n\n\nnews of their own when the baby nearly dies of a fever because of the long distance it takes to get to the hospital. One point of view could be that human error causes many natural processes to go wrong. The constant pollution of the Earth results in then depletion of then Earth's ozone layer similar to Leeland's decision to feed then baby alcohol so that it would stop crying. There is another news report stating then unfortunate incident of a cult killing their members by influencing them to drink poisonous Kool-Aid.", "id": "1301829" }, { "contents": "The Big Green Help\n\n\nThe Big Green Help was a reality television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The program shows how kids can find a way to take care of the Earth. The show premiered on Nickelodeon on April 22, 2008, on the same day as Earth Day. The show focuses on how the world can be a better place to live by recycling and reusing recyclables. Kids can get information about the show and/or sign up to participate at the show's website. In addition, kids can upload and send in their videos on how", "id": "15988805" }, { "contents": "Teeth Dreams\n\n\nwe need to get a record out and go on tour.’ Going into this, everybody realized that it was going to take as long as it takes.\" The nine-minute 'Oaks', Kubler explained, \"came out of my total obsession with Radiohead's 'Exit Music (For a Film)'. It was inspired by how well they do that kind of very cinematic thing.\" The release of \"Teeth Dreams\" was announced on January 8, 2014, with guitarist Tad Kubler stating:", "id": "21018705" }, { "contents": "Louis Wu\n\n\nNessus, and a catlike Kzin called Speaker-to-Animals) and Teela Brown, a human female supposedly bred for luck. Unfortunately, the group crash-lands on the Ringworld, a huge structure 3,000,000 times the area of Earth. When Louis comes up with an ingenious way to get them home, he is rewarded by the Puppeteers with the \"Quantum II Hyperdrive,\" capable of moving a spaceship one light-year in 1.25 minutes. The Long Shot is given to the government of Earth for improvement and development", "id": "425997" }, { "contents": "Faust (manga)\n\n\nhim that he can not take the soul of Heinrich Faust, God's favorite human at the time, to Hell. Sure of his ability, Mephisto agrees to God's wager and heads down to Earth to get Faust away from righteous pursuits so that he can take his soul. On Earth, Faust has hit a roadblock in his studies. He believes that no matter how hard he studies, he won't be able to reach his goals. Before him, Mephisto appears as a black furred, white eared and tailed", "id": "563817" }, { "contents": "Protogalaxy\n\n\nionised by radiation from a star. Protogalaxies can theoretically still be seen today, as the light from the farthest reaches of the universe takes a very long time to reach Earth, in some places long enough that we see them at the stage where they are populated by protogalaxies. There have been many attempts to find protogalaxies with telescopes over the last 30 years because of the value of such a discovery in confirming how galaxies form, but the sheer distance any light would have to travel for it to be old enough to come", "id": "2689881" }, { "contents": "Paramphistomum cervi\n\n\nsnail tissue the miracidia lost their cilia within 12 hours and get transformed into sporocysts (~53 x 93 µ). By 11th day they develop up to 8 rediae, which are rapidly liberated. After 10 days the rediae mature and each contains 15-30 cercariae. The cercariae are released to grow further which may take about 13 days. Mature cercariae are characterised by two eyespots and a long slender tail. They are stimulated by light through the sensory eyespots in sunlight and leave the snail. They swim about in water until", "id": "12581614" }, { "contents": "Speed of light\n\n\nnot be aware of it until at least five minutes later, and possibly up to twenty minutes later; it would then take a further five to twenty minutes for instructions to travel from Earth to Mars. NASA must wait several hours for information from a probe orbiting Jupiter, and if it needs to correct a navigation error, the fix will not arrive at the spacecraft for an equal amount of time, creating a risk of the correction not arriving in time. Receiving light and other signals from distant astronomical sources can even take", "id": "9202543" }, { "contents": "Kepler-442b\n\n\nis 11% that of the Sun. The star's apparent magnitude, or how bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 14.97. Therefore, it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye. Kepler-442b orbits its host star with an orbital period of 112.3 days and an orbital radius of about 0.4 times that of Earth's (a little larger than the distance of Mercury from the Sun, which is about 0.38 AU). It receives about 70% of the sunlight that Earth receives from the Sun.", "id": "17429117" }, { "contents": "Green Lantern: Earth One\n\n\nare caught by the Bolovax Homeguard, whose General orders Hal to taken into custody, due to their dangerous actions. It is still too late, as the Manhunters, who have been tracking Hal and Kilowog, attack his lab, and then the Homeguard to get to them. Hal tries to fight, but with Kilowog almost getting killed, he takes him and flees. Kilowog is upset, as leaving a fight is seen as cowardice. As Hal tries to figure out how to get back, he gets an idea to", "id": "5654528" }, { "contents": "Federalist No. 8\n\n\nface a major loss. Hamilton's finishing statement in Federalist 8 stated that if we were to protect the Union, we'd face years of enjoyment and live stress free as long as States work in harmony to guard each other. Taking the World Wars into perspective demonstrates the extent to which the Federalist Paper reaches to. Words spoken have never been truer, and it's proven beyond the World Wars to the current generation. The global war on terrorism is a great example of how states or countries must work together to get", "id": "11094887" }, { "contents": "Voyager 2\n\n\nSun as Pluto, and far beyond the perihelion of 90377 Sedna, but not yet beyond the outer limits of the orbit of the dwarf planet Eris. On September 9, 2012, \"Voyager 2\" was from the Earth and from the Sun; and traveling at (relative to the Sun) and traveling outward at about 3.256 AU per year. Sunlight takes 13.73 hours to get to \"Voyager 2\". The brightness of the Sun from the spacecraft is magnitude -16.7. \"Voyager 2\" is heading in the direction", "id": "14364615" }, { "contents": "Gravity\n\n\nseem to prove that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light. This means that if the Sun suddenly disappeared, the Earth would keep orbiting it normally for 8 minutes, which is the time light takes to travel that distance. The team's findings were released in the Chinese Science Bulletin in February 2013. In October 2017, the LIGO and Virgo detectors received gravitational wave signals within 2 seconds of gamma ray satellites and optical telescopes seeing signals from the same direction. This confirmed that the speed of gravitational waves", "id": "17824501" }, { "contents": "Healing the paralytic at Capernaum\n\n\n, 'Get up, take your mat and walk'? But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins …\" He says to the man \"...get up, take your mat and go home.\" (8-11). Mark's Gospel states that this event took place in Capernaum. In Matthew's Gospel, it took place in \"his own town\" which he had reached by crossing the Sea of Galilee, while Luke's Gospel does not specify where", "id": "878249" }, { "contents": "Buster Bayliss\n\n\nplant himself and the original gardener was eaten by him long ago. He tells them how he came to earth on a meteor and lived with the gardener to find out how humans ate plants as food. This scared the plant and it planned to take over the world where plants can have freedom. Buster tries to play the trumpet on him but the plant had slowly grown to fight back small amounts of music. Soon Polly who had come to save Buster gets eaten by the plant and angered by this Buster puts a song", "id": "22050748" }, { "contents": "Planetshine\n\n\nlight preferentially toward the Sun and also Earth, which is in almost the same direction. As viewed from Earth, the full Moon therefore appears brighter than it would if it scattered light uniformly in all directions. Similarly, near new moon, sunlight that has been backscattered from Earth toward the Sun and also the Moon, which is in almost the same direction, and then backscattered again from the Moon toward Earth appears much brighter, as viewed from Earth, than it would without the retroreflective effects. The retroreflection is produced by", "id": "18124277" }, { "contents": "Lagrange point colonization\n\n\nLagrange point colonization is the colonization of the five equilibrium points in the orbit of a planet or its primary moon, called Lagrangian points. The most obvious such points for colonization are those in the Earth–Moon and in the Sun–Earth systems. Although it would generally take days or weeks to reach the latter with current technology, it would be possible to generate energy from sunlight at them nearly continuously since they would, due to their considerable distance from Earth, be shaded from the Sun only seldom and then only shortly", "id": "15574516" }, { "contents": "Add to the Beauty\n\n\na closing theme to represent the new person whom its main character had become through a difficult process of growth and experience. \"To The Moon\" is a short (barely a minute and a half long) track bearing the central message of leaving this earth, getting away from all of its nonsense and taking the church to the moon. \"Kingdom Comes,\" a highlight track, she walks through different ways that the body of Christ can reach out and be \"a little stone... a little mortar\" in building", "id": "2828230" }, { "contents": "Krasnikov tube\n\n\ntimelike curve, which would violate causality. For example, suppose that a tube is built connecting Earth to a star 3000 light years away. The astronauts are travelling at relativistic velocities, so that the journey through this Tube I only takes 1.5 years from their perspective. Then the astronauts lay down tube II rather than travelling back in tube I, the first tube they produced. In another 1.5 years of ship time they will arrive back on Earth, but at a time 6000 years in the future of their departure. But", "id": "4947737" }, { "contents": "Flying Lotus\n\n\nand I am so glad to talk to you about it. I feel like it was such a big deal for me personally. [Odd Future] started playing me some of The OF Tape Vol. 2. I asked them, 'Yo, Hodgy, how long did it take you to record this shit? How long did it take you to write this song?' 'Aw, my nigga, it took me like 15 minutes.’ 15 minutes? Are you fucking serious? I was like, '", "id": "22061893" }, { "contents": "Planetshine\n\n\nfew nights after a new moon, during the (waxing or waning) crescent phase. When the lunar phase is new as viewed from Earth, Earth would appear nearly fully sunlit from the Moon. Sunlight is reflected from Earth to the night side of the Moon. The night side appears to glow faintly, and the entire disk of the Moon is dimly illuminated. Leonardo da Vinci explained the phenomenon in the early 16th century when he realized that both Earth and the Moon reflect sunlight at the same time. Light is reflected", "id": "18124273" }, { "contents": "Afterglow\n\n\n. After sunset, alpenglow is an afterglow caused by the illumination of atmospheric particles by sunlight as it gets refracted and scattered through the Earth's atmosphere. The high-energy and high-frequency light is scattered out the most, while the remaining low-energy and -frequency light reaches the observer on the horizon at twilight. The backscattering of this light further turns it pinkish to reddish. This period of time is referred to as blue hour and is widely treasured by photographers and painters, as it offers breathtaking views. The", "id": "2898537" }, { "contents": "Orbital effects on climate\n\n\nEarth's climate is in fact, largely dependent on various solar effects/circumstances. Perhaps one of the most apparent factors contributing to Earth climate change is the angle at which the earth is tilted. This is the angle at which Earth's axis of rotation is from the vertical, also known as Earth's obliquity. Earth's current tilt angle is approximately 23.5 degrees. The axial tilt angle affects climate largely by determining which parts of the earth get more sunlight during different stages of the year. This is the primary cause", "id": "8926668" }, { "contents": "OKEANOS\n\n\nreentry capsule. The lander would be discarded after the sample transfer. GAP-2 and EXZIT are instruments for astronomical observations, and are not intended to be used for studying Trojan asteroids. The two would conduct opportunistic surveys that would take advantage of the mission's trajectory. For GAP-2, the maximum 5.2 AU distance from Earth makes it possible to locate the position of Gamma-ray bursts with high precision by pairing it with terrestrial observatories. For EXZIT, as zodiacal light gets significantly weak beyond the asteroid belt, it enables the telescope", "id": "15748034" }, { "contents": "Twin paradox\n\n\nthe ship is assumed to attain full speed in a negligible time upon departure (even though it would actually take close to a year accelerating at 1 \"g\" to get up to speed). Similarly, at the end of the outgoing trip, the change in direction needed to start the return trip is assumed to occur in a negligible time. The parties will observe the situation as follows: The Earth-based mission control reasons about the journey this way: the round trip will take in Earth time (\"i.e.", "id": "12804923" }, { "contents": "When Aliens Attack\n\n\n8, a thousand light-years away and a thousand years later. Incensed that they do not get to see the end of the episode, the Omicronians launch an invasion fleet. Back on Earth during the year 3000, the off-duty Planet Express crew decides to take a trip to Monument Beach for Labor Day, where most of the world's monuments have stood since the 27th century (thanks to the activities of New New York's super villain governor), when the Omicronians begin to invade, destroying them all", "id": "15943774" }, { "contents": "Sun\n\n\ndistance of one astronomical unit (AU) from the Sun (that is, on or near Earth). Sunlight on the surface of Earth is attenuated by Earth's atmosphere, so that less power arrives at the surface (closer to ) in clear conditions when the Sun is near the zenith. Sunlight at the top of Earth's atmosphere is composed (by total energy) of about 50% infrared light, 40% visible light, and 10% ultraviolet light. The atmosphere in particular filters out over 70% of", "id": "6977612" }, { "contents": "Apollo 8\n\n\nfigure out the right numbers, using the thrusters to get the stars Rigel and Sirius aligned, and another 15 minutes to enter the corrected data into the computer. Sixteen months later, during the Apollo 13 mission, Lovell would have to perform a similar manual realignment under more critical conditions after the module's IMU had to be turned off to conserve energy. The cruise back to Earth was mostly a time for the crew to relax and monitor the spacecraft. As long as the trajectory specialists had calculated everything correctly, the spacecraft", "id": "29380" }, { "contents": "Transit of minor planets\n\n\nA transit of a minor planet takes place when a minor planet passes directly between an observer and another heavenly body, obscuring a small part of that body's disc. From the perspective of observers on Earth, transits of the Sun and Moon by minor planets are very rare, as the minor planets orbiting between the Earth and those bodies are few and very small. Transits of the Sun would be more visible from the outer planets. Transits should be distinguished from occultations, in which the minor planet entirely blocks out the light", "id": "21004411" }, { "contents": "Earth's shadow\n\n\nphenomenon from the afterglow, which appears in the geometrically opposite part of the sky. When the Sun is near the horizon around sunset or sunrise, the sunlight appears reddish. This is because the light rays are penetrating an especially thick layer of the atmosphere, which works as a filter, scattering all but the longer (redder) wavelengths. From the observer's perspective, the red sunlight directly illuminates small particles in the lower atmosphere in the sky opposite of the Sun. The red light is backscattered to the observer, which", "id": "3720382" }, { "contents": "Ecliptic\n\n\nthe apparent position of the Sun takes one year to make a complete circuit of the ecliptic. With slightly more than 365 days in one year, the Sun moves a little less than 1° eastward every day. This small difference in the Sun's position against the stars causes any particular spot on Earth's surface to catch up with (and stand directly north or south of) the Sun about four minutes later each day than it would if Earth would not orbit; a day on Earth is therefore 24 hours long rather", "id": "9276700" }, { "contents": "Lunar eclipse\n\n\nEarth, and the Moon, they are very different in their interactions. The Moon does not completely darken as it passes through the umbra because of the refraction of sunlight by Earth's atmosphere into the shadow cone; if Earth had no atmosphere, the Moon would be completely dark during the eclipse. The reddish coloration arises because sunlight reaching the Moon must pass through a long and dense layer of Earth's atmosphere, where it is scattered. Shorter wavelengths are more likely to be scattered by the air molecules and small particles;", "id": "18665555" }, { "contents": "The Plot to Overthrow Christmas\n\n\nis then chosen by lottery as the assassin. After a bit of fuss about how to get to Earth and to find Santa, Nero ascends to Earth with a gun in Act II and makes the arduous trek to Santa's domicile in the North Pole. Santa invites him in, well aware of Nero's sinister purpose. Santa tells Nero that the Devil cares nothing about Nero, and is only using him to acquire as large an earthly empire as possible. Nero briefly succumbs to this logic, but then takes Santa's", "id": "10315219" }, { "contents": "Growing Up in the Universe\n\n\ntakes four steps in front of his desk, going back to 4000 BCE. Pointing to a portrait of Homo habilis, he states that to go back to the time of habilis, he would have to walk about two kilometers. He has audience members hold up portraits of other human ancestors, telling them how far he would have to walk to get back to the time of each one. By imagining what an advanced alien species would think of humans if they were to arrive on Earth, Dawkins suggests that their science would", "id": "15449002" }, { "contents": "Speed of light\n\n\nlight 22 minutes to cross the diameter of Earth's orbit. Christiaan Huygens combined this estimate with an estimate for the diameter of the Earth's orbit to obtain an estimate of speed of light of , 26% lower than the actual value. In his 1704 book \"Opticks\", Isaac Newton reported Rømer's calculations of the finite speed of light and gave a value of \"seven or eight minutes\" for the time taken for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth (the modern value is 8 minutes 19 seconds", "id": "9202576" }, { "contents": "Planetshine\n\n\nfrom Earth to the Moon and back to Earth as earthshine. Earthshine is used to help determine the current albedo of Earth. The data are used to analyze global cloud cover, a climate factor. Oceans reflect the least amount of light, roughly 10%. Land reflects 10–25% of sunlight, and clouds reflect around 50%. Thus, the part of Earth where it is daytime and from where the Moon is visible determines how bright the earthshine on the Moon appears at any given time. Studies of earthshine can be", "id": "18124274" }, { "contents": "Exploration of Io\n\n\nHuygens used Rømer's estimate of 22 minutes for light to traverse the diameter of the Earth's orbit to calculate that light traveled 220,000 km/s, 26% less than the modern value. Using Ole Rømer's data and a modern value for the astronomical unit, his measurement that light takes 16.44 minutes to travel the distance of the diameter of Earth's orbit was only 2% greater than the modern-day value, though this was not calculated at the time. In 1809, again making use of observations of Io", "id": "10898174" }, { "contents": "Beta Pictoris b\n\n\nor 112% of that found in the Sun. Its luminosity () is 8.7 times that of the Sun. The star's apparent magnitude, or how bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 3. Therefore, it can be seen with the naked eye. Beta Pictoris b orbits its host star every 21 years at a distance of 9.2 AU (about the same as Saturn's distance, which is about 9.55 AU). It receives 11% of the amount of sunlight that Earth does from the Sun.", "id": "9973739" }, { "contents": "Tide\n\n\nbecause wave propagation across the ocean has a natural period of the same order of magnitude as the rotation period: if there were no land masses, it would take about 30 hours for a long wavelength surface wave to propagate along the Equator halfway around the Earth (by comparison, the Earth's lithosphere has a natural period of about 57 minutes). Earth tides, which raise and lower the bottom of the ocean, and the tide's own gravitational self attraction are both significant and further complicate the ocean's response to tidal", "id": "12052966" }, { "contents": "Breakthrough Initiatives\n\n\nsail spacecraft fleet capable of making the journey to Alpha Centauri at 20% the speed of light (60,000 km/s or 215 million km/h) taking about 20 years to get there, and about 4 years to notify Earth of a successful arrival. The interstellar journey may include a flyby of \"Proxima Centauri b\", an Earth-sized exoplanet that is in the habitable zone of its host star in the Alpha Centauri system. From a distance of 1 Astronomical Unit (150 million kilometers or 93 million miles", "id": "9149362" }, { "contents": "Earth's energy budget\n\n\nchanges that cause temperatures to rise or fall, disrupting the energy balance. Natural climate forcings include changes in the Sun's brightness, Milankovitch cycles (small variations in the shape of Earth's orbit and its axis of rotation that occur over thousands of years) and volcanic eruptions that inject light-reflecting particles as high as the stratosphere. Man-made forcings include particle pollution (aerosols) that absorb and reflect incoming sunlight; deforestation, which changes how the surface reflects and absorbs sunlight; and the rising concentration of atmospheric carbon", "id": "5254666" }, { "contents": "Wilson's storm petrel\n\n\nmay however sometimes take 3–8 cm long fish in the family Myctophidae. At 40 g on average, it is the smallest warm-blooded animal that breeds in the Antarctic region. It nests in colonies close to the sea in rock crevices or small burrows in soft earth and lays a single white egg. Like most petrels, its walking ability is limited to a short shuffle to the burrow. In the Antarctic, nests may sometimes get snowed over leading to destruction of the nest or chicks. This storm petrel is strictly nocturnal", "id": "12266705" }, { "contents": "List of Lilo & Stitch characters\n\n\n. He even tries to backstab Hämsterviel in a few episodes, most notably in \"Finder\" when Gantu gains an opportunity to be rehired to the Galactic Armada when Hämsterviel escapes to Earth, but in a reflection of how he was fired in the first film, he does not get his old job back after failing to capture Hämsterviel and accidentally kidnapping another innocent person (Mertle) in the process. In \"Leroy & Stitch\", he takes a relatively small spacecraft (leaving 625 stranded on Earth), breaks Hämsterviel out", "id": "13965799" }, { "contents": "Elsewhere for 8 Minutes\n\n\nElsewhere for 8 Minutes is the debut album by Australian band Something for Kate. It was released in 1997 on Murmur. The name is a reference to the time it takes light travelling from the sun to reach planet earth. The band recorded the album at York St Studios in Auckland, New Zealand with producer Brian Paulson, whose previous credits included Wilco, Slint and Son Volt. Frontman Paul Dempsey said the band chose to record overseas to avoid being interrupted. \"And it was cost-effective as well,\" he", "id": "10429772" }, { "contents": "Kepler-62c\n\n\nof the solar amount. Its luminosity () is 21% that of the Sun. The star's apparent magnitude, or how bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 13.65. Therefore, it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye. Kepler-62c orbits its host star with an orbital period of 12 days at a distance of about 0.092 AU (compared to the distance of Mercury from the Sun, which is about 0.38 AU). It receives about 25 times more sunlight than Earth does from the Sun", "id": "18943595" }, { "contents": "Fictitious force\n\n\nof the other fictitious forces are weak compared to most typical forces in everyday life, but they can be detected under careful conditions. For example, Léon Foucault used his Foucault pendulum to show that a Coriolis force results from the Earth's rotation. If the Earth were to rotate twenty times faster (making each day only ~72 minutes long), people could easily get the impression that such fictitious forces were pulling on them, as on a spinning carousel; people in temperate and tropical latitudes would, in fact, need to", "id": "3808237" }, { "contents": "Escape from Astigar's Lair\n\n\nenough that the characters do not have time to sit and wonder how to resolve something, they must get in there and \"do\" it. In this respect, play simulates real happenings in such a situation. How much time would you want to take to figure out how to get rid of a water weird if you had used up half of your sixty minutes to get to that messy situation in the first place? It is suggested that the DM use a timing system, for it is with this that the module", "id": "7459472" }, { "contents": "Spherical Earth\n\n\nEarth rotates at at 80° north or south, and at the equator. Because the Earth is spherical, long-distance travel sometimes requires heading in different directions than one would head on a flat Earth. For example, consider an airplane that travels in a straight line, takes a 90-degree right turn, travels another , takes another 90-degree right turn, and travels a third time. On a flat Earth, the aircraft would have travelled along three sides of a square, and arrive at a spot about from where it", "id": "8488375" }, { "contents": "Darwin (spacecraft)\n\n\nwould not cancel out, as the planets are offset slightly from the star's position. This would allow planets to be detected, despite the much brighter signal from the star. For planet detection, the telescopes would operate in an imaging mode. The detection of an Earth-like planet would require about 10 hours of observation in total, spread out over several months. A 2002 design which would have used 1.5 metre mirrors was expected to take about 100 hours to get a spectrum of a possibly Earth-like planet.", "id": "18655696" }, { "contents": "Doctor Light (Arthur Light)\n\n\nto his family as a final gift if he doesn't get out. It is later revealed that Atomica, who is from the alternate universe of Earth-3, is responsible for Doctor Light's death. Doctor Light's body unleashes energy that destroys Washington DC's A.R.G.U.S. headquarters and exposes the A.R.G.U.S. Agents to it. Etta Candy is approached by an energy manifestation of Dr. Light. Doctor Light appears in Los Angeles and is found by the Crimson Men. The Crimson Men take Dr. Light to their secret location, and promise to make", "id": "16073930" }, { "contents": "Super Bowl XLVI halftime show\n\n\nmight expect her to give all her luvin', provide a ray of light and be in vogue with her music\". Before the show, Madonna expressed concern about the physical and time constraints of the event. \"I have eight minutes to set up my stage, 12 minutes to put on the greatest show on Earth, and I have seven minutes to take it down. So, that football field is clean for the second half of the game\", she said. \"How do you do that? This", "id": "5085553" }, { "contents": "Little Fluffy Gigolo Pelu\n\n\nA candid and naive cotton-ball like alien Pelu leaves his home world, the all female planet Kotobuki, and travels to Earth to find love and to have a child. However, Earth women view him as an entertaining pet. He drifts in and out of their lives, solving their problems in an attempt to woo the women of Earth. Junko Mizuno initially had a general outline of the story but did not know how long it would take. She wrote down the storyboards for the first three to four chapters and", "id": "6580029" }, { "contents": "Faster-than-light\n\n\nmeasured by a clock on Earth). The value obtained by dividing the distance traveled, as determined in the Earth's frame, by the time taken, measured by the traveller's clock, is known as a proper speed or a proper velocity. There is no limit on the value of a proper speed as a proper speed does not represent a speed measured in a single inertial frame. A light signal that left the Earth at the same time as the traveller would always get to the destination before the traveller. Since", "id": "11263056" }, { "contents": "Rømer's determination of the speed of light\n\n\nRømer's determination of the speed of light was the demonstration in 1676 that light has a finite speed and so does not travel instantaneously. The discovery is usually attributed to Danish astronomer Ole Rømer (1644–1710), who was working at the Royal Observatory in Paris at the time. By timing the eclipses of the Jupiter moon Io, Rømer estimated that light would take about 22 minutes to travel a distance equal to the diameter of Earth's orbit around the Sun. This would give light a velocity of about 220,000 kilometres per second", "id": "2452753" }, { "contents": "Stefan–Boltzmann law\n\n\n, which is higher than the 255 K effective temperature, and even higher than the 279 K temperature that a black body would have. In the above discussion, we have assumed that the whole surface of the earth is at one temperature. Another interesting question is to ask what the temperature of a blackbody surface on the earth would be assuming that it reaches equilibrium with the sunlight falling on it. This of course depends on the angle of the sun on the surface and on how much air the sunlight has gone through.", "id": "8183808" }, { "contents": "Living Space\n\n\nEarths as the solution, and Alec Mishnoff, who worries about something he only hints at to others. Both agree to visit Clarence's Earth to check out the mysterious sounds. With a seismograph they determine that the rumbles are due to some kind of surface activity, not deep earthquakes. To get a location, someone will have to leave the force field and set up a second seismograph. Mishnoff, with his own agenda, sets out in a protective suit into the carbon dioxide atmosphere. It does not take him long", "id": "8614327" }, { "contents": "Kepler-62b\n\n\nhow bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 13.65. Therefore, it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye. Kepler-62b orbits its host star with an orbital period of 5 days at a distance of about 0.05 AU (compared to same distance as Mercury from the Sun, which is about 0.38 AU). It receives 70 times as much sunlight than Earth does from the Sun. In 2009, NASA's Kepler spacecraft was completing observing stars on its photometer, the instrument it uses to detect transit events", "id": "19087480" }, { "contents": "K2-33b\n\n\nThe star's apparent magnitude, or how bright it appears from Earth's perspective, is 14.3. Therefore, it is too dim to be seen with the naked eye. K2-33b orbits its host star with an orbital period of 5.424 days at a distance of 0.049 AU (compared to the distance of Mercury from the Sun, which is about 0.38 AU). The planet likely receives about 125 times as much sunlight that Earth does from the Sun. The planet is best known for its remarkably young age, which", "id": "2657440" }, { "contents": "Experimental Geodetic Payload\n\n\nwhen the sun's reflection from one of the satellite's mirrors crosses an observer's position on the earth. Due to the satellite's rotation, and the changing geometry as the satellite moves along its orbit, EGP produces several of these flashes per second. EGP can take up to 18 minutes to cross the sky. EGP's flashes are visible in binoculars if the observer is on the nighttime side of the planet, and the satellite is in sunlight while its orbital trajectory takes it above the observer's horizon. These conditions", "id": "18359696" }, { "contents": "Transposition, docking, and extraction\n\n\nsteps: The astronauts were in no hurry to complete this maneuver, which nominally took about an hour. It would take longer if problems were encountered; for instance, Stuart Roosa had trouble getting the capture latches to engage for docking on Apollo 14, and the procedure took two hours and eighteen minutes. Transposition and docking was performed on all Apollo missions which carried both the CSM and the LM, from Apollo 9 onward. Transposition and a mock LM-docking approach was first simulated on the Earth-orbiting Apollo 7 flight", "id": "15811374" }, { "contents": "Pizzazz\n\n\nand is among Rushen's biggest hits. With this album Patrice drew on such influences as Earth, Wind & Fire, Minnie Riperton, Stevie Wonder, and the Emotions. Rushen was able get the R&B lover's attention with songs such as the funky opener \"Let the Music Take Me,\" the soulful ballad \"Settle for My Love,\" and the perky \"Keepin' Faith in Love.\" Pizzazz received plenty of attacks from jazz critics accused Rushen as a traitor, but from an R&B/Pop perspective,", "id": "18461464" }, { "contents": "TRAPPIST-1d\n\n\nThe size of TRAPPIST-1 and the close orbit of TRAPPIST-1d around it means that the star as seen from the planet appears 5.5 times as large as the Sun from the Earth. While a planet at TRAPPIST-1d's distance from our Sun would be a scorched world, the low luminosity of TRAPPIST-1 means that the planet gets only 1.043 times the sunlight that Earth receives, placing it within the inner part of the conservative habitable zone. The planet orbits an (M-type) ultracool dwarf star named TRAPPIST-1. The star has a mass", "id": "15290459" }, { "contents": "History of geophysics\n\n\nthe magnetic poles of the Earth have reversed several times, allowing researchers to get an idea of the surface conditions of the planet at that time. The cause of the magnetic poles being reversed is unknown, and the intervals of change vary and do not show a consistent interval. It is believed that the reversal is correlated to the Earth's mantle, although exactly how is still debated. Distortions to the Earth's magnetic field cause the phenomenon Aurora Borealis, commonly called the Northern Lights. The magnetic field stores energy given by", "id": "13864468" }, { "contents": "Elsewhere (Zevin novel)\n\n\nis in Elsewhere can make contact with someone on Earth. Liz's first attempt to reach Earth is unsuccessful. She gets caught by her grandmother right before she enters the water. The second attempt, however, is successful. She is able to reach out to her brother but is caught by Owen, whom she met on the island. Liz returns to her grandmother and is forced to get an 'advocate,' meet with an adviser, and get something similar to a job to take up her time and hopefully relieve", "id": "16657449" }, { "contents": "Johnny Quick\n\n\nspeed he couldn't control it and collapsed. The Crime Syndicate were then imprisoned by Green Lantern in the vibratory barriers between Earth-1 and Earth-2. Once they were released by time-traveling villain Per Degaton to help him change history and take over Earth-2, though they tried to overthrow him. They tried to get him, but he revealed he had made sure he and his Time Machine would vibrate at a different speed to them, meaning they couldn't touch him. They told him who they were, and he decided to", "id": "9117195" }, { "contents": "Sunlight\n\n\nSunlight is a portion of the electromagnetic radiation given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light. On Earth, sunlight is filtered through Earth's atmosphere, and is obvious as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When the direct solar radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and radiant heat. When it is blocked by clouds or reflects off other objects, it is experienced as diffused light. The World Meteorological Organization uses the term", "id": "8286593" }, { "contents": "Green Campus Initiative (UCT)\n\n\nwell as learn about projects that they might like to get involved in. During February, Green Bowls Day starts off the 'green' year for many residence students at UCT. Held at Mowbray Bowling Club for the first time in 2010, it was a considered a great success by all who partook. Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become", "id": "17848410" } ]
How exactly does a bank account work?
[{"answer": "You give your bank your money. They put it in the vault and keep track of how much they have from you. They will from time to time lend your money to other people for mortgages or student loans. Because they can use your money for other things, they will pay you a small percentage on a monthly basis. This is called interest. At any time you can go to the bank and ask for some of your money (making a Withdrawal) or give them more money (making a Deposit.) People keep money in banks because it's secure, it's more convenient than carrying a lot of cash, and once you get a job, you can get your employer to put your salary directly in the bank account so that you don't have to cash a cheque every two weeks."}, {"answer": "[Khan Academy]( URL_0 and Money) has a great series on the basics of banking."}, {"answer": "The money you give allows the bank to give it to other people who need money in the form of loans or to invest the money in some other way to make profit. As someone who has a bank account, you get to leave money with the bank for safekeeping or enjoy the benefits of using a debit card so you do not have to carry around cash or so you can buy things from places where cash is not accepted."}, {"answer": "Banks take your money and keep it safe for you. At any time, you can go to your bank, or use a debit card, to withdraw some or all of your money. Usually, banks also pay you for your money by giving you interest. Years ago, that was it. Today, it's a little more complicated. Banks also charge you fees for using your accounts in different ways, and they offer several different kinds of accounts - some are designed to be used frequently, others for saving. Some let you write personal cheques, others don't. Some are online only! All of them offer some sort of interest rate, though. So how can a bank afford to pay you interest? The bank lends 90% of your money to other people, and charges them _more_ interest than they pay you. Assuming most people pay them back, they earn much more money than they need (and they lend it out again). There are two ways banks can fail. One way is for banks to lend a lot of money to people who don't pay it back. Too many bad loans and the bank will have money problems. The second way is for too many people to withdraw their money at the same time - called a \"run on the banks\". Remember when I said the banks lend 90% of your money to other people? They do that with everyone's accounts. That means that if a LOT of people started asking for their money, the banks wouldn't actually have the money on hand, and people would lose confidence in the bank. That's bad."}, {"answer": "I've always heard that 9X% of money is now in electronic form, not physical cash, and most exchanges of money take place electronically too. So I've always wondered who accounts for this? If one bank says they're sending $1000 to another bank, how is it accounted for that the first bank had the money, and the second bank is soon to have it? Is there a third party entity that monitors all bank transactions and keeps track of how much 'electronic' money banks have? I guess I just don't see what's to stop banks or other financial institutions from exchanging money they don't really have if it's all just numbers on a computer. Even if all of this electronic money is backed by physical tender, how is it transferred? If I, from my bank, write a check, and a friend cashes it at his bank, how does the cash actually 'get there.'"}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "465334", "title": "Financial accounting", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions related to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public use. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies,", "Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions related to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public use. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "486777", "title": "Bank fraud", "section": "Section::::Types of bank fraud.:Accounting fraud.:Demand draft fraud.:Remotely created check fraud.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 8, "end_paragraph_id": 8, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["an account. The draft is cashed at the payable branch. The fraud is discovered only when the bank's head office does the branch-wise reconciliation, which normally take six months, by which time the money is gone. Remotely created checks are orders of payment created by the payee and authorized by the customer remotely, using a telephone or the internet by providing the required information including the MICR code from a valid check. They do not bear the signatures of the customers like ordinary cheques. Instead, they bear a legend statement \"Authorized by Drawer\". This type of instrument is usually used by credit card companies, utility companies, or telemarketers. The lack of signature makes them susceptible to fraud. The fraud is considered Demand Draft fraud in the US.", "an account. The draft is cashed at the payable branch. The fraud is discovered only when the bank's head office does the branch-wise reconciliation, which normally take six months, by which time the money is gone. Remotely created checks are orders of payment created by the payee and authorized by the customer remotely, using a telephone or the internet by providing the required information including the MICR code from a valid check. They do not bear the signatures of the customers like ordinary cheques. Instead, they bear a legend statement \"Authorized by Drawer\". This type of instrument is usually used by credit card companies, utility companies, or telemarketers. The lack of signature makes them susceptible to fraud. The fraud is considered Demand Draft fraud in the US.\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19360669", "title": "Bank", "section": "Section::::Capital and risk.\n", "start_paragraph_id": 76, "end_paragraph_id": 76, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["ave been faced with pressure from fintechs, new and additional business models have been suggested such as freemium, monetization of data, white-labelling of banking and payment applications, or the cross-selling of complementory products. Banks face a number of risks in order to conduct their business, and how well these risks are managed and understo", "have been faced with pressure from fintechs, new and additional business models have been suggested such as freemium, monetization of data, white-labelling of banking and payment applications, or the cross-selling of complementory products. Banks face a number of risks in order to conduct their business, and how well these risks are managed and understood is a key driver behind profitability, and how much capital a bank is required to hold. Bank capital consists principally of equity, retained earnings and subordinated debt. After the 2007-2009\rhighlight sentence(s) containing evidence, not only the answer"]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Crossing of cheques\n\n\nto (the payee), or even by the bank that the cheque is being paid into. Generally-crossed cheques can only be paid into a bank account, so that the beneficiary can be traced. A crossed cheque on its own does not affect the negotiability of the instrument. Adding a crossing to a cheque increases its security in that it cannot be cashed at a bank counter but must be paid into an account in exactly the same name as that which appears on the ‘payee’ line of the cheque", "id": "20174406" }, { "contents": "Modern Monetary Theory\n\n\ncentral bank, and deposits this money into private bank accounts (and hence into the commercial banking system). This money adds to the total deposits in the commercial bank sector. Taxation works exactly in reverse; private bank accounts are debited, and hence deposits in the commercial banking sector fall. In the United States, a portion of tax receipts are deposited in the treasury operating account, and a portion in commercial banks' designated Treasury Tax and Loan accounts. Virtually all central banks set an interest rate target, and conduct", "id": "1737748" }, { "contents": "Bank fraud\n\n\nguarantee. If an account does not specifically say \"Small Business Account\", then it must be assumed that standard business account liability applies. Even if the account says \"Small Business Account\", one must check with their bank to determine how much liability the bank assumes for that account. Banks have the option of performing fraud detection either in real time or once every 24 hours. If a bank puts the liability of the small business account onto the customer, then it should be assumed that fraud detection is done once", "id": "15902385" }, { "contents": "Metaphysics\n\n\nof what, exactly, it means for something to be identical to itself, or — more controversially — to something else. Issues of identity arise in the context of time: what does it mean for something to be itself across two moments in time? How do we account for this? Another question of identity arises when we ask what our criteria ought to be for determining identity? And how does the reality of identity interface with linguistic expressions? The metaphysical positions one takes on identity have far-reaching implications on issues", "id": "19256044" }, { "contents": "Cheque\n\n\ncheque verification services that track how people manage their checking accounts. Banks use the agencies to screen checking account applicants. Those with low debit scores are denied checking accounts because a bank can not afford an account to be overdrawn. In the United Kingdom, in common with other items such as Direct Debits or standing orders, dishonoured cheques can be reported on a customer's credit file, although not individually and this does not happen universally amongst banks. Dishonoured payments from current accounts can be marked in the same manner as missed payments", "id": "7166098" }, { "contents": "Wall Street reform\n\n\nto a number of major corporate and accounting scandals including those affecting Enron and WorldCom. As of May 2010, both the House and Senate bills had been passed, but the differences between the bills were to be worked out in United States congressional conference committee. Differences which must be resolved include: whether the new consumer protection agency would be independent (Senate) or part of the Federal Reserve; whether to require banks to issue credit derivatives in separately capitalized affiliates (Senate); how exactly the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC", "id": "3336010" }, { "contents": "Mutual credit\n\n\nalso limited to the degree to which the account holder is trusted to spend back to zero. In mainstream economics high bank balances are rewarded (with interest), but the celebrated members of mutual credit systems are both earning and spending. Mutual credit governance all stems from a single question, how much each member can be trusted. With no trust, there is no credit and therefore no transactions. But too much trust may be abused by members who are less serious about closing their accounts on zero - exactly the same as", "id": "15523601" }, { "contents": "Universal Payment Identification Code\n\n\nA Universal Payment Identification Code (UPIC) is an identifier (or banking address) for a bank account in the United States used to receive electronic credit payments. A UPIC acts exactly like a US bank account number and protects sensitive banking information. The actual bank account number, including the bank's ABA routing transit number, are masked by the UPIC. Only credit transactions to an account can be initiated with a UPIC. All direct debits are blocked, which should mitigate unauthorized transactions to an account. Other benefits of UPICs", "id": "16801797" }, { "contents": "Al-Aqsa Foundation\n\n\nfor the religious, cultural and social needs of the poor and needy Palestinians living within the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon and Jordan.” The foundation claims to be working only with “bona fide organizations that are duly registered with the appropriate local authorities.” Al-Aqsa Foundation maintains that its work with charitable organizations and Zakaah committees is “subject to a strict funding agreement and complete accountability and transparency on how and where the money is spent.” Al-Aqsa foundation does not acknowledge its association with Hamas or other", "id": "7043923" }, { "contents": "Enigma (2001 film)\n\n\nit does not quite explain exactly how decryption works (how could it?), it at least gives us a good idea of how decrypters work, and we understand how crucial Bletchley was—so crucial its existence was kept a secret for 30 years.' On the other end, Owen Gleiberman of \"Entertainment Weekly\" was far less impressed, saying, 'The legend of how the British cracked the almighty Enigma must have sounded, on paper, like a nifty mathematical thriller—a historic WarGames set at the formative", "id": "3509004" }, { "contents": "Carbon accounting\n\n\nfor carbon-related decision-making. However, social scientific studies of accounting challenge this hope, pointing to the socially constructed character of carbon conversion factors or of the accountants' work practice which cannot implement abstract accounting schemes into reality. While natural sciences claim to know and measure carbon, for organisations it is usually easier to employ forms of carbon accounting to represent carbon. The trustworthiness of accounts of carbon emissions can easily be contested. Thus, how well carbon accounting represents carbon is difficult to exactly know. Science and", "id": "10152437" }, { "contents": "Stu Ungar\n\n\na bank or checking account. \"You mean I can't go there at midnight and get my money out?\", he asked (this was before the advent of ATMs). \"That's ridiculous.\" Madeline noted that Ungar had no concept of how a bank account even worked since he paid for everything in cash. According to her, Ungar believed that if you had a bank account and wrote a check, the check would be honored; not understanding that you need to take cash to the bank and", "id": "5778159" }, { "contents": "MT202 COV\n\n\n. The MT202 COV is needed because of correspondent banking networks and the complexity of international funds movements. Thus, an MT103 instruction is sent directly from the originator's bank to the beneficiary's bank instructing an account credit. The MT202 COV instruction then works across the correspondent banking network, instructing funds to movement across intermediate banks. The MT202 is the original standard message format. It does not contain both the origination and destination FI/account information. Thus, the intermediary banks who are moving money across the banking network cannot", "id": "14061073" }, { "contents": "Trading strategy index\n\n\nKaupthing (the now nationalized Icelandic bank) Landsbanki (the now nationalized Icelandic bank) Pension funds in Germany and Netherlands such as NAEV and Shell Metro Lisbon Bancaja of Spain A number of major investment banks have dedicated strategy index teams or are looking to establish one. These desks usually work under the exotic derivatives umbrella at each bank. As a result, it is difficult to establish exactly how much strategy index trading generates at each bank. Deutsche Bank is generally considered the leader in this business, with Barclays, RBS, Lehman", "id": "17153416" }, { "contents": "Titus Andronicus\n\n\nworked by \"bringing into play our sense of reality in terms of detail and literal time structure.\" He argued that when presented realistically, the play simply doesn't work, as it raises too many practical question, such as why does Lavinia not bleed to death, why does Marcus not take her to the hospital immediately, why does Tamora not notice that the pie tastes unusual, exactly how do both Martius and Quintus manage to fall into a hole? Freedman argued that \"if one wants to create a fresh emotional", "id": "14228815" }, { "contents": "Interactive voice response\n\n\nprompt does not communicate a set of valid responses (e.g. \"How can I help you?\"). In both cases, the goal is to glean a valid spoken response from the user. The key difference is that with directed dialogue, the user is more likely to speak an option exactly as was communicated by the prompt (e.g. \"account balance\"). With an open-ended prompt, however, the user is likely to include extraneous words or phrases (e.g. \"I was just looking at my bill", "id": "2141363" }, { "contents": "Punisher\n\n\nNash Ryu Jujutsu, Ninjutsu, Shorin-ryu Karate and Systema. Both Nick Fury and Tony Stark have commented on how extraordinarily high his pain tolerance is. He does not take painkillers, as he feels that their benefit of dulling pain is not worth the side effects of drowsiness and slowed reflexes. He maintains multiple safehouses and vehicles around the greater New York City area as well as multiple forged identities and bank accounts (most of the funds and equipment aiding him in his work being taken from the criminals he hunts).", "id": "11999239" }, { "contents": "Michael Hudson (economist)\n\n\nthere was capital flight\". Among other important tasks that Hudson performed in Chase Manhattan were an analysis of the balance of payments of the American oil industry and the tracking of dirty money that settled in the banks of Switzerland. According to Hudson, this work has given him invaluable experience in understanding how banks and the financial sector work as well as understanding how banking accounting and real life correlate. It was during the study of oil companies' flows (the study was funded by Chase Manhattan and Socony Oil Company) that Hudson", "id": "17047340" }, { "contents": "Cayuga duck\n\n\nmention of the name \"Cayuga Black Duck\", that the writer has found, is in 1853, when T. B. Miner wrote he obtained birds from Dr. Eban Wight. How Dr. Wight came by his birds is not stated; he says: \"This variety of duck has been bred by Mr. J. S. Clarke, of Cayuga County, N.Y., for near twenty years [which does not exactly correspond with John S. Clarke’s account.], and is undoubtedly a cross between some wild variety, and the domestic duck", "id": "14200238" }, { "contents": "Upromise\n\n\nor simply request a check for their earnings, though the program does encourage users to earn and save for college. A member can shop directly through the Upromise site and earn up to 5% cash back. The rebates, which vary depending on the purchase and partnership, automatically post to the member’s Upromise account. If a member wants to dine at a participating restaurant, an online search tool keeps updated lists of participating restaurants and details exactly how much they will earn. Upromise members’ family and friends can also register", "id": "21135508" }, { "contents": "East wind\n\n\nWind\" (serialized beginning in 1868 and published in book form in 1871), on the other hand, the East Wind is described as more mischievous than strictly evil; the North Wind comments, \"...[O]ne does not exactly know how much to believe of what she says, for she is very naughty sometimes...\" Much in the same way, the East Wind symbolizes change in P. L. Travers' \"Mary Poppins\" series (published 1934–1988). Mary Poppins arrives at the Banks' house carried by the", "id": "3764567" }, { "contents": "Pomorišje\n\n\nPomorišje (Serbian Cyrillic: Поморишје) is a historical geographical region on the banks of the river Mureş that in the past has had a sizable ethnic Serb population. The region is mostly divided between Romania and Hungary, with small part of it in northern Serbia. Today, a Serb minority is present in parts of the region that are part of Romania and Hungary. Pomorišje does not have exactly defined geographical borders and term generally defines areas near the river Mureș. Different definitions would provide different views of how far from the Mureș", "id": "8949241" }, { "contents": "China Development Bank\n\n\n40 percent of the country's GDP. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) The Governors of the bank report to a Board of Supervisors, who are accountable to the central government. There are four vice governors and two assistant governors. At the end of 2004, CDB had about 3,500 employees. About 1,000 of CDB's employees work at the Beijing Headquarters, with the rest in 35 mainland branches; including a representative office in Tibet and a branch in Hong Kong. The bank does not take private savings, so it does", "id": "12376788" }, { "contents": "Self (programming language)\n\n\nFor example, suppose an object is defined called \"bank account\", that is used in a simple bookkeeping application. Usually, this object would be created with the methods inside, perhaps \"deposit\" and \"withdraw\", and any data slots needed by them. This is a prototype, which is only special in the way it is used since it also happens to be a fully functional bank account. Making a clone of this object for \"Bob's account\" will create a new object which starts out exactly", "id": "14853398" }, { "contents": "Brobdingnag\n\n\nextent as the present-day Washington, and his description of the voyage puts it at a six-week voyage from the Moluccas. Swift was highly sceptical about the reliability of travel writings and the unlikely geographic descriptions parody many unreliable travel books published at the time which Percy Adams describes as \"travel lies\". Unlike his account of Lilliput, Gulliver does not say exactly how big the people of Brobdingnag are save a nine-year-old girl Glumdalclitch who teaches him the language and stands \"not above 40 feet tall", "id": "19021950" }, { "contents": "Elisabeth of the Palatinate\n\n\nDescartes that our senses are evidence that the soul does move the body and the body moves the soul, but that this interaction does not teach us anything about how this happens. In Elisabeth's correspondence with Descartes, we can see that Elisabeth assumes that Descartes does have an account of how the soul and body interact and asks for clarification on how the soul does this. In fact, Descartes did not have an exact account of how this happens, but merely assumed the soul had this capability. This particular correspondence between Descartes", "id": "20823601" }, { "contents": "Banker's right to combine accounts\n\n\nterm loan account which is not due for repayment until some future time. In practice, most loan agreements will usually give the bank a contractual right to set-off in any event. Although there is one case which argues to the contrary, the orthodox position is that the bank does not need to give the customer notice prior to exercising a right to combine accounts. If the bank does not exercise a right to combine accounts prior to a company going into insolvent liquidation, then insolvency set-off will operate automatically,", "id": "18410821" }, { "contents": "Anarchy, State, and Utopia\n\n\n\"\"Quickly\", you find an angle from which everything appears to fit perfectly and take a snapshot, at a fast shutter speed before something else bulges out too noticeably.\" After a trip to the darkroom for touching up, \"[a]ll that remains is to publish the photograph as a representation of exactly how things are, and to note how nothing fits properly into any other shape.\" So how does Nozick's work differ from this form of activity? He believed that what he said was correct, but", "id": "12678728" }, { "contents": "Exposure at default\n\n\nIRB) calculation of EAD is guided by the regulators, under the advanced approach (A-IRB) banks enjoy greater flexibility on how they calculate EAD. Under F-IRB, EAD is calculated taking account of the underlying asset, forward valuation, facility type and commitment details. This value does not take account of guarantees, collateral or security (i.e. ignores Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques with the exception of on-balance sheet netting where the effect of netting is included in Exposure At Default). For on-balance sheet", "id": "7043527" }, { "contents": "Field hunter\n\n\nlevel. Although the fences in a show hunter course are usually \"natural\" poles and standards, as opposed to the brightly colored fences seen in show jumping, the show hunter course does not include rock walls, ditches, or banks that might be seen in the hunt field. The British working hunter is not required to jump obstacles exactly like those met in the hunting field, although a water tray is sometimes used to simulate a ditch, and natural dips in the ground, banks etc. are often incorporated into the", "id": "12337551" }, { "contents": "Chicago Community Trust\n\n\nof the Trust was written by Frank D. Loomis, an early leader of the Trust. It covers the Trust and its development during 1915–1962. However, this account does not criticize the Trust or the motives of any of its trustees. Loomis later wrote a more detailed piece on the development of community foundations, after his retirement from the Trust. In this piece, Loomis mentioned how he thinks banks shouldn't be handling non-profit organizations as it points to their greedier motives, and raised the question: \"A bank", "id": "18934114" }, { "contents": "Marlies Krämer\n\n\ncouncil of Sulzbach. In the 1990s when her ID Card needed to be extended she was not willing to accept this identity document, which addressed her as Inhaber (in German a male title indicating the holder of the card) instead of Inhaberin (the female form of the title). In 2018 she went to court (Federal Court of Justice or BGH) with the savings bank Sparkasse over how to address a bank account holder properly. Krämer shared the opinion that she does not want to be addressed as a Kunde,", "id": "725471" }, { "contents": "Banking agent\n\n\n” In many cases, rather than asking the agent to come up with the cash deposit, the financial institution will extend the store a credit line. The size of the credit line is normally not standardized, but adapted individually to each agent depending on its size, the expected volume of transactions and how long the agent has already been working with the bank. This is how the credit line will be used during each transaction: In case the agent’s credit line had reached its limits, and the agent’s bank account", "id": "20752955" }, { "contents": "Flextime\n\n\nfor employee, which in turns leads to increase in productivity for the employer or organisation. Organisations hoping to adopt this form of working pattern for its employee should conduct research on how flexible working pattern can be successfully conducted, thus avoiding some of the expenses and pitfalls existing research has linked to flexible working practices. Flexible working time accounts is also known as deposited working-time accounts or work bank account system. It is derived from the German Federal Labor Government's reform program, which was passed by the German Federal Government on", "id": "18738534" }, { "contents": "\n\n\nenforced. The website also includes a message forum and a bulletin board where scambaiters can post messages to communicate with each other. New scambaiters can request to be assigned a \"mentor\" to assist them in learning how to bait. The 419eater community also engages in the activity of identifying and removing fake banks and other websites created by the scammers from the Internet, as well as shutting down bank accounts used by scammers in the process of their illegal scamming activities. It does this in cooperation with Artists Against 419, which hosts", "id": "9441843" }, { "contents": "Ablabius (historian)\n\n\nAblabius (lived around 4th-5th-century AD) was a historian of the Goths. Who Ablabius was and exactly how he lived is not known. Since Jordanes relies on his work when writing Getica, he must have lived some time in the 6th-century AD or even the 5th-century AD. It has been suggested that the work of Ablabius was the first written history of the Goths, and that this formed the basis of a more detailed account written by Cassiodorus. It is likely that Jordanes used the work of", "id": "20961482" }, { "contents": "Nostro and vostro accounts\n\n\n). The \"nostro\" account is a way of keeping track of how much of the bank’s money is being held by the other bank. This is similar to an individual keeping a detailed record of every payment in and out of his or her bank account so that she/he knows the balance at any point in time. In normal usage: For these accounts, the domestic bank is acting like a custodian or managing the accounts of a foreign counterpart. These accounts are utilized for facilitating the settlements of forex", "id": "12184850" }, { "contents": "Invariance principle (linguistics)\n\n\nIn cognitive linguistics, the invariance principle is a simple attempt to explain similarities and differences between how an idea is understood in \"ordinary\" usage, and how it is understood when used as a conceptual metaphor. Kövecses (2002: 102) provides the following examples based on the semantics of the English verb \"to give\": Based on the metaphor we get: However, the metaphor does not work in exactly the same way in each case, as seen in: The invariance principle offers the hypothesis that metaphor only maps", "id": "16828440" }, { "contents": "Characters of Dragon Age: Inquisition\n\n\nleft the company. BioWare wanted returning characters to make sense, and had to ask questions like \"How did they grow? How did they change in the intervening years?\" Gaider noted that \"what we find in \"Inquisition\" is a Cassandra who's realizing the world doesn't work like she believed it does\", saying that she is walking a path of doubt. In contrast to \"II\", Raison commented that the Cassandra in \"Inquisition\" has a more human, if \"not exactly softer\"", "id": "5420599" }, { "contents": "Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax\n\n\nmorning (9 May), Chamberlain met with Halifax and Churchill in the Cabinet Room. Churchill's own account of these events, published eight years later in \"The Gathering Storm\", the first volume of his \"The Second World War\", does not tally exactly with contemporary accounts such as Halifax's own diary and Alexander Cadogan's record of his conversations with Halifax, or accounts given by Chamberlain or by the Chief Whip David Margesson (whose presence at the meeting Churchill does not mention). Churchill described a battle", "id": "5864176" }, { "contents": "Sharon Lechter\n\n\nPresident Bush in his remarks. “We want people to understand basic financial concepts, and how credit cards work and how credit scores affect you, how you can benefit from a savings account or a bank account. That's what we want. And this group of citizens has taken the lead, and I thank them.”\" Members of the council include; A committed philanthropist, Lechter also gives back to world communities as both a volunteer and benefactor. Her dedication to her principles, ideas and convictions has landed her", "id": "7313759" }, { "contents": "Bank account\n\n\nbank account are reported to the customer on a bank statement and the balance of the accounts at any point in time is the financial position of the customer with the institution. The laws of each and every country specify the manner in which accounts may be opened and operated. They may specify who may open an account, for example, how the signatories can identify themselves, deposit, withdrawal limits among other specifications. The minimum age for opening a bank account is 18 years old in most countries. However, in some countries", "id": "10954810" }, { "contents": "Charlie Harper (Two and a Half Men)\n\n\nplayboy persona, Charlie can be remarkably naïve about everyday matters. In \"Last Chance to See Those Tattoos,\" Alan observes that Charlie does not really understand how the Internet works. In \"I Can't Afford Hyenas,\" Charlie is shown to have no understanding of how to care for his own living expenses because he entrusts an accountant with managing his cash flow and paying the bills, but the accountant is actually swindling him. When his accountant is arrested, Charlie is not even aware of a problem until he receives", "id": "3558187" }, { "contents": "Symbol grounding problem\n\n\nin the overall brain, likely including specific long-term memory areas). Thus, Searle's not perceiving any meaning in his head alone when simulating the work of a computer, does not imply lack of meaning in the overall system, and thus in the actual computer system passing an advanced Turing test. How does Searle know that there is no meaning going on in his head when he is executing such a Turing-test-passing program? Exactly the same way he knows whether there is or is not meaning going", "id": "21771458" }, { "contents": "Nostro and vostro accounts\n\n\nto keep records of how much money is being kept by one bank on behalf of the other. In order to distinguish between the two sets of records of the same balance and set of transactions, banks refer to the accounts as \"nostro\" and \"vostro\". Speaking from the point of view of the bank whose money is being held at another bank: A \"vostro\" account is a record of money held by a bank or owed to a bank by a third party (an individual, company or bank", "id": "12184849" }, { "contents": "Francesco Sassetti\n\n\nnostro ministro\"). Among other things, Sassetti is vital to studies of the Medici bank because of some surviving documents kept by him: his \"secret account book\" or \"libro segreto\", is a private set of account books that Sassetti meticulously kept between 1462 and 1472. They are invaluable for their full and honest statements of Sassetti's finances and for the light they shed on the internal workings of the bank when he was the general manager. They also are interesting in showing how Sassetti made liberal use of", "id": "20383319" }, { "contents": "New Zealand bank account number\n\n\n, a leading zero is added to pad the suffix to three digits; i.e. BBbbbb-AAAAAAA-SS becomes BBbbbb-AAAAAAA-0SS. This format allows customers to have a single account number with differing suffixes for multiple accounts of differing types. This does not include credit card and loan products. Bank accounts are prefixed with six digits, two indicating the bank and four which indicate the branch. The table below shows which banks are allocated which bank prefix. A current list of branches as their associated bank/branch numbers is available", "id": "13439473" }, { "contents": "Glen Canyon Dam\n\n\n1969, as much as leaked into the reservoir banks each year. Conversely, some of this \"bank storage\" flows back into the reservoir as springs and seeps when Lake Powell is low. Exactly how much of this water has potential to return to the reservoir, and how much \"disappears\" into the ground, is subject to debate. The Bureau of Reclamation projected that once Lake Powell filled, the total bank storage would stabilize at approximately , and henceforth would fluctuate depending on water levels in the reservoir. The actual", "id": "407650" }, { "contents": "Debits and credits\n\n\nmoney to the depositor. Thus, when the customer deposits money into the account, the bank credits the account (increases the bank's liability). At the same time, the bank adds the money to its own cash holdings account. Since the latter account is an Asset, the increase is a debit. But the customer typically does not see this side of the transaction. On the other hand, when a utility customer pays a bill or the utility corrects an overcharge, the customer's account is credited. This", "id": "691843" }, { "contents": "James Steen (journalist)\n\n\nhigh-street banks routinely abandoned confidential information inside bin-bags deposited on the street, rather than shredding it. \"How your secrets are left on the street\", blazed the cover line, and a seven-page report detailed exactly what was found in bags left outside a handful of London banks. Among the journalists who worked on the magazine during Steen's editorship were Jerry Hayes who covered politics, Dominic Midgley who was the deputy editor, John McVicar who wrote about crime, Nick Foulkes (luxury goods),", "id": "5318677" }, { "contents": "Venmo\n\n\n. They can link their bank accounts, debit cards, or credit cards, to their Venmo account, alternatively users can order a Venmo MasterCard and pay through it. Paying with a bank account or debit card is free, but payments via credit card have a 3% fee for each transaction. If a user does not have enough funds in the account when making a transaction, it will automatically withdraw the necessary funds from the registered bank account or card. When users first create an account, total transactions cannot exceed", "id": "16653152" }, { "contents": "Chlodio\n\n\nsettled by the Salians. It requires \"\"Thoringorum\"\" (genitive case) to be an error for something like \"\"Tungrorum\"\", but this matches Gregory's previous mention in the same passage of how the Franks had earlier settled on the banks of the Rhine and then moved into \"\"Thoringia\"\" on the left side of the Rhine. This does not match the medieval and modern \"Thuringia\" which is far inland from the Rhine. Gregory wrote: According to this account, he held power", "id": "21003699" }, { "contents": "Municipal Bank of Rosario\n\n\nthe municipal Counseling Commission passed a bill (on 1 February 1895) dictating an \"Organic Charter of the Municipal Bank of Loans and Savings Accounts\". The bank opened exactly one year later. The seat of the bank was moved in 1905. Its name was changed to its present form on 14 May 1940 by a municipal bill. Its location was moved again, and for the last time so far, in 1986. In 2006, after some political controversy, the bank was capitalized by the municipality in order to comply", "id": "15934669" }, { "contents": "2018 Swiss sovereign-money initiative\n\n\nrepeatedly on what he sees as the \"foolishness\" of such notions. The Icelandic proposal, with exactly the same as the Swiss initiative, cited \"the [private] banks' ability to create credit\" as the reason that Iceland's banking system went overboard. Critics responded, this is not the case at all. The Central Bank of Iceland \"must\" provide banks with reserves \"as needed\" so that the central bank does not lose control of interest rates and a liquidity crisis between banks is not triggered.", "id": "8802074" }, { "contents": "Idriss Déby\n\n\nChad-Cameroon oil output after receiving \"crumbs\" from foreign companies running the industry. He said Chevron and Petronas were refusing to pay taxes totalling $486.2 million. Chad passed a World Bank-backed oil revenues law that required most of its oil revenue to be allocated to health, education and infrastructure projects. The World Bank had previously frozen an oil revenue account in a dispute over how Chad spent its oil profits. Déby rejected those claims, arguing that the country does not receive nearly enough royalties to make meaningful change", "id": "18819068" }, { "contents": "Foley v Hill\n\n\nFoley v Hill (1848) 2 HLC 28, 9 ER 1002 is a judicial decision of the House of Lords in relation to the fundamental nature of a bank account. Together with \"Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corporation\" [1921] 3 KB 110 it forms part of the foundational cases relating to English banking law and the nature of a bank's relationship with its customer in relation to the account. The case decided that a banker does not hold the sums in a bank account on trust for its customer. Instead the", "id": "21059290" }, { "contents": "Meribah\n\n\nElohist account, and regard as the parallel of the Jahwist's account of the naming of \"Massah\" after the testing of Yahweh by the Israelites. In the account in the Book of Numbers, but not the account in the Book of Exodus, after the water is produced, Yahweh tells Moses and Aaron that they did not trust him sufficiently to honour him, and as a consequence both Moses and Aaron would die before entering Canaan. It is unclear what, exactly, merited their punishment, though the text does make", "id": "7366782" }, { "contents": "Transaction account\n\n\nsubject to ad hoc reviews). Although an overdraft facility may be authorised, technically the money is repayable on demand by the bank. In reality this is a rare occurrence as the overdrafts are profitable for the bank and expensive for the customer. In the United States, some consumer reporting agencies such as ChexSystems, Early Warning Services, and TeleCheck track how people manage their checking accounts. Banks use the agencies to screen checking account applicants. Those with low debit scores are denied checking accounts because a bank cannot afford an", "id": "8191307" }, { "contents": "Forge (comics)\n\n\n; and operate, modify and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it. Forge's superhuman talent for invention does not mean that he is of a superhuman intellect, even a genius at invention must for the most part consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the invention and then the design of the invention itself through a series of logical steps. In Forge's case, however, many of these logical steps are worked out by his subconscious mind. Hence, Forge himself might not be entirely aware of exactly how he figured", "id": "10095404" }, { "contents": "De Broglie–Bohm theory\n\n\n-than-light effect of changing the orientation of the apparatus. An analysis of exactly what kind of nonlocality is present and how it is compatible with relativity can be found in Maudlin. Note that in Bell's work, and in more detail in Maudlin's work, it is shown that the nonlocality does not allow signaling at speeds faster than light. Bohm's formulation of de Broglie–Bohm theory in terms of a classically looking version has the merits that the emergence of classical behavior seems to follow immediately for any situation", "id": "10212803" }, { "contents": "Carolina Wren Press\n\n\nwarm, funny conference; I remember that we all broke up laughing when I described our new van project and told the assembled editors and writers that we’d all get to know each other better if we ate and slept together. There was also a woman there urging us to learn accounting so we could turn our liabilities into assets. I can’t say that I ever learned exactly how this worked, though I did learn how to keep books. But Paul revealed his own economic approach to book publishing when he claimed it", "id": "1805282" }, { "contents": "Wolverine (character)\n\n\nhe has the appearance, conditioning, health, and vitality of a man in his physical prime. While seemingly ageless, it is unknown exactly how greatly his healing factor extends his life expectancy. Although his body heals, the healing factor does not suppress the pain he endures while injured. Wolverine also admits to feeling phantom pains for weeks or months after healing from his injuries. He does not enjoy being hurt and sometimes has to work himself up for situations where extreme pain is certain. Wolverine, on occasion, has deliberately", "id": "8517444" }, { "contents": "Barings Bank\n\n\nbusinesses they are trying to control. The next requirement is this: Hooray for that! I wonder how businesses in this country manage in their generality to continue without that qualification. The third requirement is: Tut, tut! We are now treating the real elementum of the whole art and science of management, and it needs to be repeated here. The report continues: Hooray for that! These are matters of plain, ordinary common sense. One does not need to be an accountant or a management consultant to be aware", "id": "20814914" }, { "contents": "Thierry Claveyrolat\n\n\n, the guys who had never had enough. Seven nights a week. Fifty-two weeks of the year. But there was no turning back. He would make it work. It was sink or swim. The lottery win couldn't have come at a better time. He sold a share of the business, used his winnings to plug the black hole in his bank account and determined to make a fresh start. But, within a year, the problems were exactly as before. A bouncer was hired, and", "id": "1436094" }, { "contents": "Sort code\n\n\nSpring Gardens, Manchester. Clearing banks can act for other banks, so looking up a bank by sort code in this list does not always mean the account is actually handled by that bank, e.g. the sort code 08-32-00 HMRC VAT is not a Co-operative Bank account but a Barclays account, as is 08-32-10 for National Insurance. The cheque clearing system in Great Britain is currently managed by the Cheque and Credit Clearing Company. In 1991 the Committee of London and Scottish Bankers,", "id": "6139028" }, { "contents": "Islamic banking and finance\n\n\n\" and essentially stop lending to even the biggest and most stable borrowers or even other banks — is exactly the time when credit expansion and \"flooding\" the economy with liquidity is needed to prevent widespread business bankruptcy and unemployment. Banking makes up most of the Islamic finance industry. Banking products are often classified in one of three broad categories, two of which are \"investment accounts\": Originally these modes were intended by Islamic banking advocates to be \"interim\" measures, or to be used for situations where participatory financing was", "id": "15975056" }, { "contents": "Royal Bank of Canada\n\n\n. RBC replied that compliance with such laws does not represent an endorsement by the bank and on January 17, clarified its position on the application of the U.S. laws, specifying that \"with some exceptions\" it does open accounts for dual citizens of the sanctioned countries. There have also been reports that the bank has closed the accounts of some Iranian-Canadian citizens. Environmental groups have criticized RBC's financing of oil sands bitumen extraction and expansion, cumulatively issuing \"more than $2.3 billion in loans and financing more than $", "id": "21252577" }, { "contents": "Customer lifetime value\n\n\na simpler model assuming an infinite economic life (i.e., formula_9 ) : Note: No CLV methodology has been independently audited by the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) according to MMAP (Marketing Metric Audit Protocol). Customer lifetime value has intuitive appeal as a marketing concept, because in theory it represents exactly how much each customer is worth in monetary terms, and therefore exactly how much a marketing department should be willing to spend to acquire each customer, especially in direct response marketing. Lifetime value is typically used to judge", "id": "14985250" }, { "contents": "FTC v. Actavis, Inc.\n\n\nperiod has to be somehow taken into account. Even harder to decide is whether the payment is justified. How does one factor in probability of establishing liability? How does one determine what damages would probably be? \"In short, the Court may have created a theoretically beautiful lawsuit model that cannot work in practice.\" Morrison proposes a court's determination that the public interest is served by the settlement and an antitrust immunity if the court approves it. He concludes, \"While a court-approval procedure would not be", "id": "8842681" }, { "contents": "Rosario, Santa Fe\n\n\nproliferation of \"centers of usury\" that exploited those in need of credit, especially the poor (something not addressed by the profile of the Provincial Bank of Santa Fe, which granted loans only to demonstrably solvent persons). Acting on this, the municipal Counseling Commission passed a bill (on 1 February 1895) dictating an \"Organic Charter of the Municipal Bank of Loans and Savings Accounts;\" the bank opened exactly one year later. The seat of the bank was moved in 1905. Its name was changed to its", "id": "17088064" }, { "contents": "Open market operation\n\n\nto maintain the short-term interest rate. It does this by increasing the supply of base money: it goes to the open market to buy a financial asset, such as government bonds. To pay for these assets, new central bank money is generated in the seller's loro account, increasing the total amount of base money in the economy. Conversely, if the central bank sells these assets in the open market, the base money is reduced. Technically, the process works because the central bank has the authority to", "id": "19654491" }, { "contents": "VugaPay\n\n\nhave a VugaPay balance that is used for their transactions. They can link their mobile money, bitcoin, PayPal bank accounts, debit cards, or credit cards to their VugaPay account. Paying with mobile money is free, but credit cards, bitcoin, PayPal and Bank accounts have a 3% fee for each transaction. If a user does not have enough funds on VugaPay itself when making a transaction, it will automatically withdraw the supplemental funds from the registered mobile money, bank account or card. VugaPay was founded by two", "id": "20497442" }, { "contents": "International Bank Account Number\n\n\ni.e. bank, branch, routing codes, and account number) were confusing for some users. This often led to necessary routing information being missing from payments. Routing information as specified by ISO 9362 (also known as Business Identifier Codes (BIC code), SWIFT ID or SWIFT code, and SWIFT-BIC) does not require a specific format for the transaction so the identification of accounts and transaction types is left to agreements of the transaction partners. It also does not contain check digits, so errors of transcription were not", "id": "15322654" }, { "contents": "Nostro and vostro accounts\n\n\nsame account is the \"vostro\" account. Now, FNBA sells AUD1,000,000 to \"C\" (a counterparty who has an AUD account with FNBA, and a USD account with CMB) for a net consideration of USD2,000,000. FNBA will make the following entries in its own accounting system: Over at CMB, they record the following transaction: If C does not have an account directly with FNBA's corresponding bank, the funds may be transferred within the banking system of country B by cheque or some form of electronic funds transfer", "id": "12184856" }, { "contents": "Waterfall model\n\n\nmodel can be suited to projects where requirements and scope are fixed, the product itself is firm and stable, and the technology is clearly understood. Clients may not know exactly what their requirements are before they see working software and so change their requirements, leading to redesign, redevelopment, and retesting, and increased costs. Designers may not be aware of future difficulties when designing a new software product or feature, in which case it is better to revise the design than persist in a design that does not account for any newly", "id": "15105082" }, { "contents": "Letter of Pêro Vaz de Caminha\n\n\ndocuments like it was his style of writing. Whilst writing this letter, Caminha was not trying to create a literary work but trying to report exactly what he found; it was a detailed commentary on the \"customs, religion and physical characteristics of native people.\" It is devoid of hyperbole and does not use excessive metaphors to validate descriptions. He states things for what they are, not for what he thinks they represent. Other early accounts of the New World emphasized on the idea of prosperity and use adjectives and hyperbole", "id": "16428819" }, { "contents": "Pipe rolls\n\n\nthe Norman rolls were started about the same time as the English, but due to lack of survival of the earlier Norman rolls, it is unclear exactly when they did start. An Irish Exchequer produced Irish Pipe rolls, and much like the English Pipe rolls, the earliest surviving Irish Pipe roll, that of 1212, does not appear to be the first produced. The \"Dialogus de Scaccario\" or \"Dialogue concerning the Exchequer\", written in about 1178, details the workings of the Exchequer and gives an early account", "id": "6436530" }, { "contents": "Debits and credits\n\n\na company provides a service to a customer who does not pay immediately, the company records an increase in assets, Accounts Receivable with a debit entry, and an increase in Revenue, with a credit entry. When the company receives the cash from the customer, two accounts again change on the company side, the cash account is debited (increased) and the Accounts Receivable account is now decreased (credited). When the cash is deposited to the bank account, two things also change, on the bank side: the", "id": "691831" }, { "contents": "Pillow Talk (TV series)\n\n\nPillow Talk (simplified Chinese: 再见单人床) is a Singaporean Chinese drama which will be telecast on Singapore's free-to-air channel, MediaCorp Channel 8. It stars Joanne Peh , Pierre Png , Thomas Ong , Michelle Chia & Jacelyn Tay of this series. This drama serial was retelecast on every weekday except Thursday & Friday at 3.30 pm. How exactly are men different from women? How exactly does being in love differ from being married? A couple tied the knot because they yearned to wed. The bride", "id": "21009006" }, { "contents": "Musical analysis\n\n\nMusical analysis is the study of musical structure in either compositions or performances . It, \"is the means of answering directly the question 'How does it work?'\" . The method employed to answer this question, and indeed exactly what is meant by the question, differs from analyst to analyst, and according to the purpose of the analysis. According to Ian , \"its emergence as an approach and method can be traced back to the 1750s. However it existed as a scholarly tool, albeit an auxiliary one,", "id": "910947" }, { "contents": "Taylor, Bean & Whitaker\n\n\nnot detecting a massive fraud scheme that brought down Taylor, Bean & Whitaker and helped trigger the 2009 collapse of Colonial Bank, a Montgomery, Alabama bank with $25 billion in assets, one of the biggest U.S. bank collapses during the Great Recession. The closely watched case could lead to billions of dollars in damages, depending on how a jury answers a fundamental question in accounting: How much responsibility do auditors have for catching fraud? PricewaterhouseCoopers has maintained in court documents that its responsibility is to follow accounting principles — which might", "id": "8151615" }, { "contents": "Accountability\n\n\njournalism projects of their choice. To train people to conduct these kinds of investigations, Charles Lewis has proposed \"the creation of a new multidisciplinary academic field called Accountability Studies. ... [S]tudents from widely different academic backgrounds are excited about the prospect of learning exactly how to investigate those in power and hold them accountable.\" Accountability standards have been set up, and organizations can voluntarily commit to them. Standards apply in particular to the non-profit world and to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Accountability standards include:", "id": "2086740" }, { "contents": "Resource-oriented architecture\n\n\nsatisfactory. What the mortgage broker needs is a more \"objective\" argument that would reassure the issuer that the party asking for the mortgage does indeed have enough money for the down payment. But how is the issuer to go about obtaining the more objective proof? Certainly not by going directly into the applicant's safety vault and counting the money deposited there. Instead, the issuer is simply expecting to receive a \"representation\" of that person's balance in his bank account. That \"representation\" projects a sufficient illusion of", "id": "18480241" }, { "contents": "Family law in British Columbia\n\n\nabout how the relationship will be managed (who will pay the bills, will there be a joint bank account or a joint credit card, or who will do what parts of the housework), but most often they talk about what will happen if the relationship ends. These agreements are usually meant to stop a couple from fighting after a relationship ends by setting out who will get what right from the start. \"The law does not require that a couple make a cohabitation agreement or a marriage agreement when they start to", "id": "3139996" }, { "contents": "Whiskey (Jana Kramer song)\n\n\n.\" Kramer told the Boot in an interview, “… [the song] says, 'The burn, the sting and the high. I should have just called him whiskey, because that's exactly what he does to me.' I love it. It's a little bit darker, which is nice and a little more rockin' once it gets into the chorus.\" Mizell continued on of how the lyrics got to Kramer “We wrote it several years ago, and she was working with Jana at", "id": "21687006" }, { "contents": "Backflush accounting\n\n\nmachine without being able to report that quantity exactly; - the operator has omitted to assign a new handling unit to the workplace or has assigned the false handling unit. Such errors can be avoided if the system has a good data validation. For example, the machine does not start processing the job until all handling units required for that job are assigned to the work place or machine. It is very important to design the interface between the MES and the MRP\\ERP properly: the reporting of the consumed quantities has to be processed", "id": "20271747" }, { "contents": "Enron scandal\n\n\nshort Enron's stock. In February 2001, Chief Accounting Officer Rick Causey told budget managers: \"From an accounting standpoint, this will be our easiest year ever. We've got 2001 in the bag.\" On March 5, Bethany McLean's \"Fortune\" article \"Is Enron Overpriced?\" questioned how Enron could maintain its high stock value, which was trading at 55 times its earnings. She argued that analysts and investors did not know exactly how Enron was earning its income. McLean was first drawn to the", "id": "14796318" }, { "contents": "CORENA\n\n\nestablished to act as a focal point for the community desire to participate in such a scheme. CORENA was incorporated on 22 April 2013. The lack of an apostrophe in the official title of the organisation stems from the requirement that the name of a financial institution account needs to exactly match the name of an organisation as it appears in its incorporation documents. Furthermore, the account name input fields of financial institutions don't accept the apostrophe as a valid character, causing deposits to bounce if the entered name does not match the account", "id": "6893164" }, { "contents": "Overdraft\n\n\nbank may choose to cover overdrawn items at their discretion and charge an overdraft fee, the amount of which may or may not be disclosed. As opposed to traditional ad hoc coverage, this decision to pay or not pay overdrawn items is automated and based on objective criteria such as the customer's average balance, the overdraft history of the account, the number of accounts the customer holds with the bank, and the length of time those accounts have been open. However, the bank does not promise to pay the overdraft even", "id": "9097992" }, { "contents": "Biological naturalism\n\n\nmachine, and we might build an artificial machine that was conscious; just as the heart is a machine, and we have built artificial hearts. Because we do not know exactly how the brain does it we are not yet in a position to know how to do it artificially.\" (Biological Naturalism, 2004) Searle denies Cartesian dualism, the idea that the mind is a separate kind of substance to the body, as this contradicts our entire understanding of physics, and unlike Descartes, he does not bring God into", "id": "3644993" }, { "contents": "Dallas (2012 TV series)\n\n\nstated that the new show is \"exactly the same [as the old show], but it's 2012. We consider this year 14 of the show. It's exactly as if [viewers] forgot which channel we were on.\" The new series is a continuation of the old series following a 20-year break, during which the characters and their relationships continued unseen until today when the new series begins. It does not take the events of the reunion TV movies \"\" or \"\" into account. Instead,", "id": "8557603" }, { "contents": "Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund\n\n\nis compulsory for those banks which hold license for cash transactions and opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals (35 member banks of the total 38); according to the legislation as effective, the Fund does not guarantee deposits in Islamic banks. The scope of coverage are bank accounts of individuals and individual entrepreneurs of all types with resident banks in the Republic of Kazakhstan in any currency; maximum coverage limit is 5 million Kazakhstan tenge. There have been three major cases of bank failures and reimbursing depositors in Kazakhstan in 2002,", "id": "2370201" }, { "contents": "Banking in Switzerland\n\n\ntwice in parliament. The FATCA requires Swiss banks to disclose non-identifying U.S. client information annually to the Internal Revenue Service. The agreement does not guarantee the semi-automatic information transfers, which remain at the discretion of Swiss government authorities. If a client does not consent to having their information shared with the IRS, Swiss law prohibits the disclosure. If a client does consent, Swiss banks send the IRS tax-related information about the account holder but are prohibited from disclosing identities pursuant to Article 47 of the Banking Law", "id": "9126434" }, { "contents": "Bank state branch\n\n\nA Bank State Branch (often referred to as \"BSB\") is the name used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier. The BSB is normally used in association with the account number system used by each financial institution. The structure of the BSB + account number does not permit for account numbers to be transferable between financial institutions. While similar in structure, the New Zealand and Australian systems are only used in domestic transactions and are incompatible with each other. For international transfers, a SWIFT code", "id": "1779137" }, { "contents": "Imogen Holst\n\n\nat Dartington who later worked with Holst at Aldeburgh, said of her approach: \"She knew exactly how, and when, to push her victims in at the deep end, and she knew, also, that although they would flounder and splash about at first, it wouldn't be long before ... they would be swimming easily while she beamed approval from the bank\". In the conducive atmosphere of Dartington Holst resumed serious composition, largely abandoned during the hectic CEMA years. In 1943 she completed a \"Serenade\" for", "id": "13543954" }, { "contents": "National Youth Service scandal\n\n\nasked by Waiguru to open bank accounts at Family Bank's KTDA Plaza branch. In her affidavit, she said that Waiguru was involved in all levels of the scam and that they were advised by the director of the Banking Fraud Department, Joseph Mugwanja. She details how most of the money she received as payment for work done ended up being given to people she described as 'suspicious'. For instance, at one point she was asked to give Ksh. 20 million to a Mohammed which, she was told, was", "id": "3552831" }, { "contents": "XBRL GL\n\n\nthe banks, but for accounting to have, making automatic matching possible with accounting. However an international standard file format for bank account statements would make huge benefits in developing internet banking pages with new features benefitting the bank customers. Especially if integration with a standard invoice (receipt) format would be included. XBRL GL is also without an additional use instruction set, not tight/clear enough in of its file format, still making it very uncertain, in how to use XBRL GL. That a reading party would actually understand", "id": "17301060" }, { "contents": "Offshore bank\n\n\non penalty of perjury, any foreign bank accounts—which may or may not be numbered bank accounts—they may have. Although offshore banks may decide not to report income to other tax authorities and have no legal obligation to do so, as they are protected by bank secrecy, this does not make the non-declaration of the income by the taxpayer or the evasion of the tax on that income legal. Following the 9/11 attacks, there have been many calls to increase regulation on international finance, in particular concerning offshore", "id": "7520054" }, { "contents": "Economics\n\n\nIf Women Counted\" \"showed exactly how the unpaid work traditionally done by women has been made invisible within national accounting systems\" and \"issued a wake-up call to issues of ecological sustainability.\" Bjørnholt and McKay argue that the financial crisis of 2007–08 and the response to it revealed a crisis of ideas in mainstream economics and within the economics profession, and call for a reshaping of both the economy, economic theory and the economics profession. They argue that such a reshaping should include new advances within feminist economics that take", "id": "9155251" }, { "contents": "Ethical banking\n\n\n, such as who they loan to or invest in, will have on society and the environment. In applying external ethics, one looks at how the products of banks can be used unethically, for example how borrowers use the money that is lent out by the bank. Banks are often reluctant to broaden the scope of their external ethical policies because of the significant nature of the changes. However, by incorporating ethics that account for societal costs in their practices, banks may improve their reputation. Ethical banking is a relatively new", "id": "5240162" } ]
Why do very high resolution images/videos look "sharper" than reality ?
[{"answer": "Reality is moving all the time. Your eyes can only handle so much resolution and your brain can only process so much at once, but with a high res picture you have a frozen image that you can study up close, so it looks razor sharp."}, {"answer": "Or its possible that you are near sighted like i was as a kid. Even normal 90's tv looked amazing compared to real life because it was all in focus if you stand the right distance from it."}, {"answer": "i'll just add in: why do 60FPS Videos look more fluid than real life?"}, {"answer": "Usually because everything's in focus, IRL your brain cuts out a ton of the signal from your eyes. If you had a way of making the image take up your entire field of vision it'd probably be less noticeable"}, {"answer": "It's has to do with HDR (High Dynamic Range), also known as Contrast (between pixels / colors). Those picture have an higher contrast compared to reality. Yes, that 4k landscape video actually is not that colorful in real life."}, {"answer": "A lot of pictures and landscapes use a technique called High Dynamic range, where they combine several photos shot at different exposures to captures different details, then combine all these photos, only taking the parts that are properly exposed. For instance weve all been blinded by the sun and unable to see an object, well a digital camera can focus and take a clear photo of the sun but the object is not properly exposed and looks terrible, or it can focus and take a clear photo of the object but the sun isn't expose properly. Using Photoshop, you could combine these two images and get a single photo where the object and sun are properly exposed even tho we could never really see it like that in real life."}, {"answer": "Pick up your phone, put it one foot away from your face and stare at the screen. You can see the phone perfectly fine but all the stuff behind it looks blurry unless you purposely stare at it. This occurs because the eyes will focus on whatever you are paying more attention to. In a movie, the entire picture looks sharp which isn't what would happen if you were there in person."}, {"answer": "The image processing electronics actually *do* adjust the image to give things sharper contrast (especially at the edges) compared to real life. You're not mistaken."}, {"answer": "Digital images have a range of detail greater than the eye can observe. The traditional gray scale used in traditional photography has a 14 steps the eye can perceive individually. A digital gradation involved in high resolution images on the other hand has so many values the eye cannot perceive as individual steps."}, {"provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "509527", "title": "Perspective distortion (photography)", "section": "Section::::Abstract.", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "meta": {"evidence_span": ["In photography and cinematography, perspective distortion is a warping or transformation of an object and its surrounding area that differs significantly from what the object would look like with a normal focal length, due to the relative scale of nearby and distant features. Perspective distortion is determined by the relative distances at which the image is captured and viewed, and is due to the angle of view of the image (as captured) being either wider or narrower than the angle of view at which the image is viewed, hence the apparent relative distances differing from what is expected.", "In photography and cinematography, perspective distortion is a warping or transformation of an object and its surrounding area that differs significantly from what the object would look like with a normal focal length, due to the relative scale of nearby and distant features. Perspective distortion is determined by the relative distances at which the image is captured and viewed, and is due to the angle of view of the image (as captured) being either wider or narrower than the angle of view at which the image is viewed, hence the apparent relative distances differing from what is expected. Related to this concept is axial magnification -- the perceived depth of objects at a given magnification."]}}]}]
[ { "contents": "Scanimate\n\n\nPAL format video) rather than the 24 frames per second that film uses; the colors are much brighter and more saturated; and the images have a very \"electronic\" look that results from the direct manipulation of video signals through which the Scanimate produces the images. A special high-resolution (around 800 lines) monochrome camera records high-contrast artwork. The image is then displayed on a high-resolution screen. Unlike a normal monitor, its deflection signals are passed through a special analog computer that enables the operator", "id": "2615180" }, { "contents": "Scream & Shout\n\n\nher physique is looking undeniably good\" on the video, and that Spears \"is looking to be in a much, much healthier place than she was the last time she tried to sound all cockney. So she gets a pass in our book.\" Sadao Turner of said that the video looked like a Sharper Image Catalog coming to life in a nightclub, and T. Kyle of MTV Buzzworthy wrote that \"Scream & Shout' is pure fire, and Britney's parts in the video are ... very cool and amazing", "id": "11569647" }, { "contents": "SECAM\n\n\nlogical to reduce the vertical color resolution. A similar paradox applies to the vertical resolution in television in general: reducing the bandwidth of the video signal will preserve the vertical resolution, even if the image loses sharpness and is smudged in the horizontal direction. Hence, video could be sharper vertically than horizontally. Additionally, transmitting an image with too much vertical detail will cause annoying flicker on television screens, as small details will only appear on a single line (in one of the two interlaced fields), and hence be refreshed", "id": "9202182" }, { "contents": "Very Large Telescope\n\n\n, which correct for the effects of atmospheric turbulence, providing images almost as sharp as if the telescope were in space. In the near-infrared, the adaptive optics images of the VLT are up to three times sharper than those of the Hubble Space Telescope, and the spectroscopic resolution is many times better than Hubble. The VLTs are noted for their high level of observing efficiency and automation. The 8.2 m-diameter telescopes are housed in compact, thermally controlled buildings, which rotate synchronously with the telescopes. This design minimises", "id": "18704236" }, { "contents": "Acoustic microscopy\n\n\nby the transducers of acoustic microscopes range from a low of 10 MHz (rarely, 5 MHz) to a high of 400 MHz or more. Across this spectrum of frequencies there is a trade-off of penetration and resolution. Ultrasound at low frequencies such as 10 MHz penetrates deeper into materials than ultrasound at higher frequencies, but the spatial resolution of the acoustic image is less. On the other hand, ultrasound at very high frequencies do not penetrate deeply, but provide acoustic images having very high resolution. The frequency chosen", "id": "7107984" }, { "contents": "Image Constraint Token\n\n\nContent Protection (HDCP) system, available on some devices which support DVI and HDMI video connections. If any components in the display chain do not support HDCP (such as a display connected to the player through analog connections like component, composite or S-Video) and the ICT flag is enabled, the player automatically reduces the high-definition video to the resolution of 960x540 pixels before outputting it. Hence, while higher resolution than that of a standard DVD, the resulting video signal is no longer truly high-definition", "id": "19334713" }, { "contents": "High-definition video\n\n\nHigh-definition video is video of higher resolution and quality than standard-definition. While there is no standardized meaning for \"high-definition\", generally any video image with considerably more than 480 vertical lines (North America) or 576 vertical lines (Europe) is considered high-definition. 480 scan lines is generally the minimum even though the majority of systems greatly exceed that. Images of standard resolution captured at rates faster than normal (60 frames/second North America, 50 fps Europe), by a high", "id": "14289597" }, { "contents": "Optical transfer function\n\n\nspecial digital processing which cuts off high frequencies above the Nyquist rate to avoid aliasing whilst maintaining a reasonably flat MTF up to that frequency. This approach was first taken in the 1970s when flying spot scanners, and later CCD line scanners, were developed which sampled more pixels than were needed and then downconverted, which is why movies have always looked sharper on television than other material shot with a video camera. The only theoretically correct way to interpolate or downconvert is by use of a steep low-pass spatial filter, realized by", "id": "13509526" }, { "contents": "Laptop\n\n\na higher resolution display allows more items to fit onscreen at a time, improving the user's ability to multitask, although at the higher resolutions on smaller screens, the resolution may only serve to display sharper graphics and text rather than increasing the usable area. Since the introduction of the MacBook Pro with Retina display in 2012, there has been an increase in the availability of very-high-resolution (1920×1080 and higher) displays, even in relatively small systems, and in typical 15-inch screens resolutions as high as 3200×1800 are", "id": "20236146" }, { "contents": "Monochrome monitor\n\n\nLotus 1-2-3. This was much higher resolution than the alternative IBM Color Graphics Adapter 320×200 pixel, or 640×200 pixel graphic standard. It could also run most programs written for the CGA card's standard graphics modes. Monochrome monitors continued to be used, even after the introduction of higher resolution color IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapter and Video Graphics Array standards in the late 1980s, for dual-monitor applications. Pixel for pixel, the monochrome monitors produce sharper text and images than color CRT monitors. This is because a", "id": "15608252" }, { "contents": "Diwata-2\n\n\nfunction is meant for disaster relief operations. The satellite will also carry Spaceborne Multispectral Imager (SMI) with liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) for environmental monitoring, and a high precision telescope (HPT) for rapid post-disaster assessment. Compared to Diwata-1 which hosted wide and middle field cameras, Diwata-2 will host enhanced resolution cameras. The SMI, is equipped with an upgraded enhanced spatial resolution camera allowing the satellite to produced sharper images than the Diwata-1. It will also have a deployable solar panels to power the satellite's", "id": "10705832" }, { "contents": "Iriver Story\n\n\nsports a high-definition display but falls short on ergonomics.\" \"Engadget's\" reviewer commented that the device \"looks downright ancient\" and has \"relatively limited functionality\". \"Cnet's\" reviewer observed that its high-resolution display \"does provide for added detail in images and slightly sharper text\" but concluded that \"it's tough to recommend over its identically priced competitors, which offer touch screens and 3G.\" \"PC World\"'s reviewer found herself \"frustrated by the Story HD's cheap design,", "id": "15855631" }, { "contents": "Digital camera back\n\n\na high-quality drum scanner is required. This can be used to create a much larger very high resolution computer file than is feasible with a single-shot digital back, and quality is high, though it has been argued that the resolution is not much better than a digitally photographed image. A detailed comparison in 2006 by a professional photographer of drum-scanned 10×12.5 cm (4×5″) images and digital 39-megapixel images on a medium-format camera found resolution very similar, with the scanned images slightly better. Color accuracy", "id": "14537823" }, { "contents": "Microscope image processing\n\n\nvery high resolution cameras are employed to gain as much direct information as possible. Cryogenic cooling is also common, to minimise noise. Often digital cameras used for this application provide pixel intensity data to a resolution of 12-16 bits, much higher than is used in consumer imaging products. Ironically, in recent years, much effort has been put into acquiring data at video rates, or higher (25-30 frames per second or higher). What was once easy with off-the-shelf video cameras now requires", "id": "1365363" }, { "contents": "Augmented reality\n\n\npreferred the VRD images to the cathode-ray tube (CRT) or paper images and thought they were better and brighter and were able to see equal or better resolution levels. The Keratoconus patients could all resolve smaller lines in several line tests using the VDR as opposed to their own correction. They also found the VDR images to be easier to view and sharper. As a result of these several tests, virtual retinal display is considered safe technology. Virtual retinal display creates images that can be seen in ambient daylight and ambient", "id": "5143529" }, { "contents": "Homomorphic filtering\n\n\n. All figures are produced by using Matlab. According to the figures one to four, we can see that how homomorphic filtering is used for correcting non-uniform illumination in image, and the image become clearer than the original image. On the other hand, if we apply high pass filter to homomorphic filtered image, the edges of the images become sharper and the other areas become dimmer. This result is as similar as just doing high pass filter only to the original image. Homomorphic filtering is used in the log-", "id": "6474333" }, { "contents": "Hercules Graphics Card\n\n\npixel-addressable graphics of any sort, offered a high-quality 80×25 character mode, having a relatively high pixel-resolution of 720×350 (character box size 9×14), that could be used on a monochrome monitor (originally, specifically the IBM 5151 Personal Computer Display). Due to a continuous single-color phosphor, a digital connection with separate video and sync, and a signal format making no compromises for compatibility with lower resolution (e.g. composite NTSC) displays, monochrome monitors were sharper than CGA color. The MDPA", "id": "15175655" }, { "contents": "Professional video camera\n\n\nblock directly behind the lens. This prism block (a trichroic assembly comprising two dichroic prisms) separates the image into the three primary colors, red, green, and blue, directing each color into a separate charge-coupled device (CCD) or Active pixel sensor (CMOS image sensor) mounted to the face of each prism. Some high-end consumer cameras also do this, producing a higher-resolution image, with better color fidelity than is normally possible with just a single video pickup. In both single sensor", "id": "10526794" }, { "contents": "PDF\n\n\nplugin for Acrobat 3.0), or any other types of embedded contents that can be handled using plug-ins. PDF 1.6 supports interactive 3D documents embedded in the PDF – 3D drawings can be embedded using U3D or PRC and various other data formats. Two PDF files that look similar on a computer screen may be of very different sizes. For example, a high resolution raster image takes more space than a low resolution one. Typically higher resolution is needed for printing documents than for displaying them on screen. Other things that", "id": "4463702" }, { "contents": "Neutron imaging\n\n\nplate and offered better resolution than is possible with an external conversion material. Image plates offer a process that is very similar to film imaging, but the image is recorded on a reusable image plate that is read and cleared after imaging. These systems only produce still images (static). Using a conversion screen and an x-ray image plate, comparable exposure times are required to produce an image with lower resolution than film imaging. Image plates with imbedded conversion material produce better images than external conversion, but currently do not", "id": "6582253" }, { "contents": "Broadband networks\n\n\nby images and the use of high-resolution graphics terminals provided a more natural and informative mode of human interaction than do voice and data alone. Video teleconferencing enhances group interaction at a distance. High-definition entertainment video improves the quality of pictures, but requires much higher transmission rates. These new data transmission requirements may require new transmission means other than the present overcrowded radio spectrum. A modern telecommunications network (such as the broadband network) must provide all these different services (\"multi-services\") to the user", "id": "19280087" }, { "contents": "Office camera\n\n\noffice cameras have least one high-resolution camera, which can be used in an \"aerial\" position to shoot video or still image pictures of documents or objects. In order to capture images with enough clarity, such cameras are expected to have high resolution, normally more than 2 megapixels at the minimum, and ideally produce distortion-free images for documents, even when the document contains fonts under 7-point size. A secondary camera, which captures video horizontally to include the presenter(s) of the document or the audience of a", "id": "1202848" }, { "contents": "Technology of television\n\n\n, the number of vertical lines and the frame rate are directly proportional to the bandwidth of the signal transmitted. A typical resolution of 720×480 or 720x576 means that the television display has 720 pixels across and 480 or 576 pixels on the vertical axis. The higher the resolution on a specified display the sharper the image. Contrast ratio is a measurement of the range between the lightest and darkest points on the screen. The higher the contrast ratio, the better looking picture there is in terms of richness, deepness, and shadow detail", "id": "18583350" }, { "contents": "Pixar Image Computer\n\n\nwith a very early RAID model, a high performance bus, a hardware image decompression card, 4 processors (called Chaps or channel processors), very large memory cards (VME sized card full of memory), high resolutions video cards with 10-bit DACs which were programmable for a variety of frame rates and resolutions, and finally an overlay board which ran NeWS, and the 9 slot chassis. A full-up system was quite expensive, as the 3 GiB RAID was $300,000 alone. At this time in history most", "id": "7517729" }, { "contents": "Trespasser (video game)\n\n\nobjects in software and the terrain in hardware, but most objects were bump mapped so the speed advantages of hardware acceleration were negated. \"Trespasser\" used many textures for its mip levels and image cache, more than the most highly lauded gaming card of the time, the Voodoo2, could handle, and the game used the lower resolution textures in hardware mode instead of the high resolution ones available in software mode. This resulted in the game running faster and in some ways looking better in software mode, while running in hardware", "id": "15641731" }, { "contents": "Progressive scan\n\n\ninterlaced image in the center to the full quality of the progressive image shown in the top left. Note: Because the refresh rate has been slowed down by a factor of three, and the resolution is less than half a resolution of a typical interlaced video, the flicker in the simulated interlaced portions and also the visibility of the black lines in these examples are exaggerated. Also, the images above are based on what it would look like on a monitor that does not support interlaced scan, such as a PC monitor or", "id": "17115077" }, { "contents": "Scanning probe microscopy\n\n\nSPMs. Most importantly the probe must have a very sharp apex. The apex of the probe defines the resolution of the microscope, the sharper the probe the better the resolution. For atomic resolution imaging the probe must be terminated by a single atom. For many cantilever based SPMs (e.g. AFM and MFM), the entire cantilever and integrated probe are fabricated by acid [etching], usually from silicon nitride. Conducting probes, needed for STM and SCM among others, are usually constructed from platinum/iridium wire for ambient", "id": "19258846" }, { "contents": "Display resolution\n\n\nrepresentative of computer users in general. When a computer display resolution is set higher than the physical screen resolution (\"native resolution\"), some video drivers make the virtual screen scrollable over the physical screen thus realizing a two dimensional virtual desktop with its viewport. Most LCD manufacturers do make note of the panel's native resolution as working in a non-native resolution on LCDs will result in a poorer image, due to dropping of pixels to make the image fit (when using DVI) or insufficient sampling of the analog", "id": "19141797" }, { "contents": "Foveated imaging\n\n\ntypes of image compression are applied and therefore can result in a multiplicative reduction. Foveated sensors are multiresolution hardware devices that allow image data to be collected with higher resolution concentrated at a fixation point. An advantage to using foveated sensor hardware is that the image collection and encoding can occur much faster than in a system that post-processes a high resolution image in software. Foveated imaging has been used to simulate visual fields with arbitrary spatial resolution. For example, one may present video containing a blurred region representing a scotoma. By", "id": "15352350" }, { "contents": "Home cinema\n\n\ndo not have to commute to a video rental store as was common in the 1980s and 1990s (nevertheless, some movie enthusiasts buy DVD or Blu-ray discs of their favourite content). Today, a home cinema system typically uses a large projected image from a video projector or a large flat-screen high-resolution HDTV system, a movie or other video content on a DVD or high-resolution Blu-ray disc, which is played on a DVD player or Blu-ray player, with the audio augmented", "id": "13978291" }, { "contents": "Hyperrealism (visual arts)\n\n\nof something which never really existed.\" As such, Hyperrealists create a false reality, a convincing illusion based on a simulation of reality, the digital photograph. Hyperreal paintings and sculptures are an outgrowth of extremely high-resolution images produced by digital cameras and displayed on computers. As Photorealism emulated analog photography, Hyperrealism uses digital imagery and expands on it to create a new sense of reality. Hyperrealistic paintings and sculptures confront the viewer with the illusion of manipulated high-resolution images, though more meticulous. The Hyperrealist style focuses", "id": "5795671" }, { "contents": "High-definition video\n\n\nartifacts. The Wii can also output 576i in PAL regions. Visually, native 1080p produces a sharper and clearer picture compared to upscaled 1080p. Though only a handful of games available have the native resolution of 1080p, all games on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 can be upscaled up to this resolution. Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 games are labeled with the output resolution on the back of their packaging, although on Xbox 360 this indicates the resolution it will upscale to, not the native resolution of the game. Generally,", "id": "14289619" }, { "contents": "Magnetic resonance microscopy\n\n\nMagnetic resonance microscopy (MRM, µMRI) is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at a microscopic level down to the scale of microns. The first definition of MRM was MRI having voxel resolutions of better than 100 µm³. Magnetic resonance microscopy refers to very high resolution MRI imaging (down to nanometer scale, in some cases comparable with histopathology). The term MR microscopy is most widely used by the High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging department at Duke University, headed by Dr. G. Allan Johnson, and the National High Magnetic Field Lab group", "id": "76789" }, { "contents": "Mipmap\n\n\nIn computer graphics, mipmaps (also MIP maps) or pyramids are pre-calculated, optimized sequences of images, each of which is a progressively lower resolution representation of the same image. The height and width of each image, or level, in the mipmap is a power of two smaller than the previous level. Mipmaps do not have to be square. They are intended to increase rendering speed and reduce aliasing artifacts. A high-resolution mipmap image is used for high-density samples, such as for objects close", "id": "4532219" }, { "contents": "Lisa Wray\n\n\nWray takes her original to a color trade shop where an operator scans it at high resolution, duplicates it as necessary, and assembles the work according to her plan. Why not do the work on a desktop system? At the physical size (20x24 inches) and high resolution Wray's after, small systems bog down. \"I've tried a lower-end system, but it can't handle the detail, and I could have a cup of coffee while waiting for the image to move,\" she says.", "id": "16243635" }, { "contents": "Generative adversarial network\n\n\na clearer and sharper 2D texture image magnitudes higher in quality than the original, while fully retaining the original's level of details, colors, etc. Known examples of extensive GAN usage include Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Resident Evil REmake HD Remaster, and Max Payne. Concerns have been raised about the potential use of GAN-based human image synthesis for sinister purposes, e.g., to produce fake and/or incriminating photographs and videos. GANs can be used to generate unique, realistic profile photos of people who do not", "id": "10214453" }, { "contents": "Lucky imaging\n\n\nexcellent resolution with visible light. The lucky imaging system averages the images taken during the excellent periods to produce a final image with much higher resolution than is possible with a conventional long-exposure AO camera. This technique is applicable to getting very high resolution images of only relatively small astronomical objects, up to 10 arcseconds in diameter, as it is limited by the precision of the atmospheric turbulence correction. It also requires a relatively bright 14th-magnitude star in the field of view on which to guide. Being above the atmosphere", "id": "8941806" }, { "contents": "Hyperspectral imaging\n\n\nUltraspectral' could be reserved for interferometer type imaging sensors with a very fine spectral resolution. These sensors often have (but not necessarily) a low spatial resolution of several pixels only, a restriction imposed by the high data rate. Hyperspectral remote sensing is used in a wide array of applications. Although originally developed for mining and geology (the ability of hyperspectral imaging to identify various minerals makes it ideal for the mining and oil industries, where it can be used to look for ore and oil), it has now spread", "id": "6521218" }, { "contents": "High-definition video\n\n\nthrough a lens (for example, on a projector). In many cases, the resolution can be reduced down to 1/6 of the original negative's resolution (or worse). Note that resolution values for 70 mm film are higher than those listed above. A number of online video streaming/on demand and digital download services offer HD video, among them YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Amazon Video On Demand, Netflix Watch Instantly, and others. Due to heavy compression, the image detail produced by these formats are", "id": "14289616" }, { "contents": "Canon EOS RT\n\n\nper second rate of the pellicle mirror-equipped 1N RS. The EOS-1v with PB-E2 power booster (2000 release) and the EOS-1D Mark III are capable of sustaining 10 frames per second burst rates without the use of a pellicle mirror. Finally, the pellicle mirror also degrades lens resolution. Early tests performed by Modern Photography magazine showed that Canon film cameras with conventional mirrors produce sharper images than Canon cameras with a pellicle mirror. Nevertheless, Sony has implemented a very similar technology on its current digital interchangeable-lens DSLR", "id": "10138910" }, { "contents": "Monocular\n\n\nother considerations are major factors influencing the choice of magnification and objective lens diameter. Although very high numerical magnification sounds impressive on paper, in reality, for a pocket monocular it is rarely a good choice because of the very narrow field of view, poor image brightness and great difficulty in keeping the image still when hand holding. Most serious users will eventually come to realise why 8× or 10× are so popular, as they represent possibly the best compromise and are the magnifications most commonly adopted in the very highest quality field monoculars (", "id": "20996705" }, { "contents": "Perfect Dark (2010 video game)\n\n\nreceived new textures, characters and weapons were recreated, and skyboxes were rebuilt. Lobb explained that \"things are large and blocky because that's what [\"Perfect Dark\"] looks like\", meaning that the sharper textures and higher resolution simply make the game look clearer. He also observed that, as character and weapon models were remodeled from their original low hundreds polygon count to polygons in the thousands, he was worried about them looking awkward in the low-poly geometry level design. According to him, \"it", "id": "8775491" }, { "contents": "The Witness (2016 video game)\n\n\nallows players to compose shots to be rendered in ultra-high resolutions or for 3D and virtual reality devices. Following Sony's announcement of the PlayStation 4 Pro, Blow said they would patch the game for that console to support 4k resolution without sacrificing framerate. Blow is also working to support devices with high dynamic range (HDR) for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro. The Xbox One version of the game was released on September 13, 2016. Blow said in August 2016 that they were looking into porting the game", "id": "14273914" }, { "contents": "Component video\n\n\ninformation. This is generally an inferior sync method, as this often causes checkerboards to appear on an image, but the image quality is still much sharper than standalone composite video. Sync on luma is much similar to sync on composite, but uses the Y signal from S-Video instead of a composite video signal. This is sometimes used on SCART, since both composite video and S-Video luma ride along the same pins. This generally does not suffer from the same checkerboard issue as sync on composite, and is", "id": "4165668" }, { "contents": "Raspberry Pi\n\n\nup to 2048×1152, may work or even 3840×2160 at 15 Hz (too low a frame rate for convincing video). Note also that allowing the highest resolutions does not imply that the GPU can decode video formats at these resolutions; in fact, the Pis are known to not work reliably for H.265 (at those high resolutions), commonly used for very high resolutions (however, most common formats up to Full HD do work). Although the Raspberry Pi 3 does not have H.265 decoding hardware, the CPU is more", "id": "8276304" }, { "contents": "Scanning helium microscopy\n\n\nX-rays have a much smaller wavelength than visible light, and therefore can achieve superior resolutions when compared to optical techniques. Projection X-ray imaging is conventionally used in medical applications, but high resolution imaging is achieved through scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM). By focussing the X-rays to a small point and rastering across a sample, a very high resolution can be obtained with light. The small wavelength of X-rays comes at the expense of a high energy, meaning that X-rays", "id": "16080932" }, { "contents": "Virtual reality\n\n\ncameras, that have the ability to record 360 interactive photography, although at low-resolutions or in highly-compressed formats for online streaming of 360 video. In contrast, photogrammetry is increasingly used to combine several high-resolution photographs for the creation of detailed 3D objects and environments in VR applications. To create a feeling of immersion, special output devices are needed to display virtual worlds. Well-known formats include head-mounted displays or the CAVE. In order to convey a spatial impression, two images are generated and", "id": "14215552" }, { "contents": "Hot Spot (cricket)\n\n\nplayer referral. For the 2012 season BBG Sport introduced a new generation of HOT Spot using the very high performance SLX-Hawk thermal imaging cameras provided by UK based Selex ES. These cameras provided sharper images with improved sensitivity and much less motion blur than earlier HOT Spot technologies. As a result, the latest HOT Spot system is able to detect much finer edge nicks than in previous seasons, essentially ending all earlier doubts about the capability of the technology. Following the success of this updated HOT Spot system, BBG Sport and", "id": "9065298" }, { "contents": "Caerus\n\n\nSikyon. The following epigram by Poseidippos was carved on the statue: \"Who and whence was the sculptor? From Sikyon. And his name? Lysippos. And who are you? Time who subdues all things. Why do you stand on tip-toe? I am ever running. And why you have a pair of wings on your feet? I fly with the wind. And why do you hold a razor in your right hand? As a sign to men that I am sharper than any sharp edge. And", "id": "2096428" }, { "contents": "InVisage Technologies\n\n\nplaces a layer of semiconducting crystals - called quantum dots - on top of the chip, which allows the chip to absorb more light, place more pixels in a smaller space, and create sharper images. Using quantum dots is more efficient at capturing light than traditional silicon-based image sensor chips (capturing 90-95% of the light that hits it), giving the sensors higher sensitivity in low light as well as higher resolution. And while traditional image sensors read an image from top to bottom (which can create", "id": "14360719" }, { "contents": "Coherent diffraction imaging\n\n\nIn one published report a double walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) was imaged using nano area electron diffraction (NAED) with atomic resolution. In principle, electron diffraction imaging should yield a higher resolution image because the wavelength of electrons can be much smaller than photons without going to very high energies. Electrons also have much weaker penetration so they are more surface sensitive than X-rays. However, typically electron beams are more damaging than x-rays so this technique may be limited to inorganic materials. In Zuo’s approach,", "id": "19846279" }, { "contents": "Super-resolution imaging\n\n\n. Multiple-frame SR uses the sub-pixel shifts between multiple low resolution images of the same scene. It creates an improved resolution image fusing information from all low resolution images, and the created higher resolution images are better descriptions of the scene. Single-frame SR methods attempt to magnify the image without introducing blur. These methods use other parts of the low resolution images, or other unrelated images, to \"guess\" what the high-resolution image should look like. Algorithms can also be divided by their domain", "id": "21270677" }, { "contents": "Videotelephony\n\n\ntransmission speeds. The lower the transmission/reception bandwidth, the lower the data transfer rate, resulting in a progressively limited and poorer image quality (i.e. lower resolution and/or frame rate). Data transfer rates and live video image quality are related, but are also subject to other factors such as data compression techniques. Some early videophones employed very low data transmission rates with a resulting poor video quality. \"Broadband bandwidth\" is often called \"\"high-speed\"\", because it usually has a high rate of data", "id": "4394110" }, { "contents": "Acutance\n\n\nIn photography, the term \"acutance\" describes a subjective perception of sharpness that is related to the edge contrast of an image. Acutance is related to the amplitude of the derivative of brightness with respect to space. Due to the nature of the human visual system, an image with higher acutance appears sharper even though an increase in acutance does not increase real resolution. Historically, acutance was enhanced chemically during development of a negative (high acutance developers), or by optical means in printing (unsharp masking). In digital", "id": "8080432" }, { "contents": "Field (video)\n\n\nor interpolated to recreate the information that would have been contained in the discarded field. Since each field contains only half of the information of a full frame, however, deinterlaced images do not have the resolution of a full frame. In order to increase the resolution of video images, therefore, new schemes have been created that capture full-frame images for each frame. Video composed of such frames is called progressive scan video. Video shot with a standard video camera format such as S-VHS or Mini-DV is", "id": "9317684" }, { "contents": "Automatic picture transmission\n\n\nas Video A and Video B. All this data is transmitted as a horizontal scan line. A complete line is 2080 pixels long, with each image using 909 pixels and the remainder going to the telemetry and synchronization. Lines are transmitted at 2 per second, which equates to a 4160 words per second, or 4160 baud. On NOAA POES system satellites, the two images are 4 km / pixel smoothed 8-bit images derived from two channels of the advanced very-high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) sensor. The images are", "id": "3001684" }, { "contents": "The Godfather (2006 video game)\n\n\nit doesn't feel as rewarding or \"realistic\" as EA would have liked. Really, it just feels like you're \"suggesting\" what should happen and then hoping it does.\" He was also critical of the graphics; \"its visuals are simply poor for a next-generation title. Other than the high-definition output, it doesn't look like anything has been noticeably changed. Texture resolution is pretty bad, some of the effects are very last-gen and it really does look like you're", "id": "14280135" }, { "contents": "Diffraction topography\n\n\ngeometry, and intrinsic diffraction effects. First, the spatial resolution of an image can obviously not be better than the grain size (in the case of film) or the pixel size (in the case of digital detectors) with which it was recorded. This is the reason why topography requires high-resolution X-ray films or CCD cameras with the smallest pixel sizes available today. Secondly, resolution can be additionally blurred by a geometric projection effect. If one point of the sample is a \"hole\" in an", "id": "14239914" }, { "contents": "High-resolution high-definition\n\n\nHRHD (high-resolution high-definition) (also HR, HRHDTV, or HR.HDTV) is an initialism referring to an image resolution derived from high-definition video, often seen as part of the filename of TV shows shared on the Internet. HRHD is an unofficial standard of encoding video, meaning that the video signal was ripped directly from a HDTV broadcast, then downsampled to approximately 960 × 540, and usually encoded with Xvid. While the horizontal resolution of 960 remains constant the vertical resolution can fluctuate up to 5", "id": "3042732" }, { "contents": "Phase-contrast X-ray imaging\n\n\nusually in the range of a few micrometers, which can only be conveniently resolved by a very high resolution detector in combination with a very intense illumination ( a source providing a very high flux) and hence limits the field of view significantly . This is the reason why a second grating, typically an absorption grating, is placed at a fractional Talbot length to analyze the interference pattern. The analyzer grating does normally have the same period as the interference fringes and thus transforms local fringe position into signal intensity variation on the detector,", "id": "9913905" }, { "contents": "High Efficiency Video Coding\n\n\nwas 61.63% for PSNR and 43.10% for MOS. A PSNR based HEVC performance comparison for still image compression was done in April 2013 by Nokia. HEVC has a larger performance improvement for higher resolution images than lower resolution images and a larger performance improvement for lower bit rates than higher bit rates. For lossy compression to get the same PSNR as HEVC took on average 1.4× more bits with JPEG 2000, 1.6× more bits with JPEG-XR, and 2.3× more bits with JPEG. A compression efficiency study of HEVC, JPEG", "id": "5000844" }, { "contents": "Preclinical SPECT\n\n\nimaged animals (a mouse is about 3000 times smaller than a human measured by weight and volume), it is essential to have a high spatial resolution and detection efficiency for the preclinical scanner. Looking at spatial resolution first, if we want to see the same level of details relatively to e.g. the size of the organs in a mouse as we can see in a human, the spatial resolution of clinical SPECT needs to be improved by a factor of ∛3000≈15 or higher. Such an obstacle forced scientists to look for a new", "id": "22095118" }, { "contents": "TeamIndus\n\n\nis still looking for funding in order to continue development and secure a launch vehicle for sometime in 2019. In 2011, Axiom Research Labs registered a competing team at the Google Lunar X Prize under the name TeamIndus. The Google Lunar X Prize was a competition announced in 2007 that was open to privately funded ventures aimed at inspiring the development of low-cost robotic lunar exploration. The competing craft were required to travel more than on the lunar surface and transmit high-resolution video and images once there. TeamIndus registered for the", "id": "5843178" }, { "contents": "Optical transfer function\n\n\neven 8k video for the cinema, we can expect to see the best pictures on HDTV only from movies or material shot at the higher standard. However much we raise the number of pixels used in cameras, this will always remain true in absence of a perfect optical spatial filter. Similarly, a 5-megapixel image obtained from a 5-megapixel still camera can never be sharper than a 5-megapixel image obtained after down-conversion from an equal quality 10-megapixel still camera. Because of the problem of maintaining a high contrast MTF, broadcasters like the", "id": "13509528" }, { "contents": "John Ranard\n\n\nspecific in detail but always open to interpretation. The documentary photograph deals more in myth than reality. The image that is important when looking at a photograph is the second image, conjured up in the viewers [sic] mind-memory. Only the documentary photograph has this power because the photographic illustration is not believed. In a documentary photograph we know it happened because the photograph proves it and we feel the pain. This explains why Hollywood can't approach the horror of Viet Nam that the news photographs taken in the streets", "id": "4497424" }, { "contents": "Graphics display resolution\n\n\nor Quarter VGA is more appropriate to use. QVGA resolution is also used in digital video recording equipment as a low-resolution mode requiring less data storage capacity than higher resolutions, typically in still digital cameras with video recording capability, and some mobile phones. Each frame is an image of 320240 pixels. QVGA video is typically recorded at 15 or 30 frames per second. QVGA mode describes the size of an image in pixels, commonly called the resolution; numerous video file formats support this resolution. While QVGA is a \"", "id": "10244023" }, { "contents": "Mars Orbiter Mission\n\n\nPioneer Award in the science and engineering category. NSS said the award was given as the Indian agency successfully executed a Mars mission in its first attempt; and the spacecraft is in an elliptical orbit with a high apoapsis where, with its high resolution camera, it is taking full-disk colour imagery of Mars. Very few full disk images have ever been taken in the past, mostly on approach to the planet, as most imaging is done looking straight down in mapping mode. These images will aid planetary scientists. An", "id": "15886128" }, { "contents": "Color quantization\n\n\na clustering problem, in that the colors of nearby pixels in the original image also affect the color of a pixel. See sample images. In the early days of PCs, it was common for video adapters to support only 2, 4, 16, or (eventually) 256 colors due to video memory limitations; they preferred to dedicate the video memory to having more pixels (higher resolution) rather than more colors. Color quantization helped to justify this tradeoff by making it possible to display many high color images in 16-", "id": "16737475" }, { "contents": "Pixel\n\n\n: Computers can use pixels to display an image, often an abstract image that represents a GUI. The resolution of this image is called the display resolution and is determined by the video card of the computer. LCD monitors also use pixels to display an image, and have a native resolution. Each pixel is made up of triads, with the number of these triads determining the native resolution. On some CRT monitors, the beam sweep rate may be fixed, resulting in a fixed native resolution. Most CRT monitors do not", "id": "4151079" }, { "contents": "High Resolution Coronal Imager\n\n\nAstrophysical Observatory and L-3Com/Tinsley Laboratories of Richmond, California. Dr. Jonathan Cirtain, from MSFL said: \"These mirrors were to be the finest pieces of glass ever fabricated for solar astrophysics.\" The imaging system was designed by Apogee Imaging Systems with a resolution of 0.1 arcsec/pixel (14 times higher resolution than the Solar Dynamics Observatory). It was based on a customized version of the E2V CCD203 from Lockheed Martin, which is a very large 4 channel back illuminated 4,000 × 4,000 pixel charge-coupled device (", "id": "13365608" }, { "contents": "Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging perfusion\n\n\nis very sensitive to the rhythm of the heart and scans of patients with atrial fibrillation, bigeminy or trigeminy will sometimes be of low quality and may not be interpretable. Due to the high contrast between the blood pool and the myocardium it is common to get what looks like a thin subendocardial area of ischaemia called the Gibbs artifact, this however, is less common with newer technology allowing higher resolution imaging. In patients who have had a previous myocardial infarction or previous coronary artery bypass surgery, the images may be very difficult to", "id": "6041437" }, { "contents": "High-definition television\n\n\nthan either analog television or regular DVD. The technical standards for broadcasting HDTV also handle the 16:9 aspect ratio images without using letterboxing or anamorphic stretching, thus increasing the effective image resolution. A very high-resolution source may require more bandwidth than available in order to be transmitted without loss of fidelity. The lossy compression that is used in all digital HDTV storage and transmission systems will distort the received picture, when compared to the uncompressed source. ATSC and DVB define the following frame rates for use with the various broadcast standards:", "id": "10800690" }, { "contents": "Laser ablation electrospray ionization\n\n\ncurves permit the absolute quantitation of targeted biomolecules. This technique need very little or no sample preparation and it has high sensitivity. This ionization technique do not need any external matrix. So the spatial resolution is not compromised by matrix crystal and that's why it has so high spatial resolution. This ionization technique can be carried out in natural and uneven biological surface. Finally, as laser ablation and electronspray ionization works independently one can manipulate them independently to get better resolution. LAESI is a relatively new technique for those sample which contain", "id": "12636027" }, { "contents": "Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X\n\n\n\" uses a new high resolution image program and GeoEye's commercial Earth-imaging Ikonos satellite system. The \"H.A.W.X\" development team worked closely with GeoEye so that satellite images could be used in the game's nineteen-level environment; \"High-resolution satellite imaging is moving from the black world of intelligence to the white world of commerce, and \"Tom Clancy's HAWX\" will bring that reality to gamers\", said GeoEye VP, Mark Brender. \"H.A.W.X\" has received mixed to positive reviews. The satellite", "id": "16900635" }, { "contents": "High-definition television\n\n\nHigh-definition television (HDTV) is a television system providing an image resolution that is of substantially higher resolution than that of standard-definition television. This can be either analog or digital. HDTV is the current standard video format used in most broadcasts: terrestrial broadcast television, cable television, satellite television, Blu-rays, and streaming video. HDTV may be transmitted in various formats: The letter \"p\" here stands for progressive scan, while \"i\" indicates interlaced. When transmitted at two megapixels per frame", "id": "10800653" }, { "contents": "RPM Racing\n\n\nwas programmed almost exclusively by Allen Adham with graphics supplied by Interplay and in-house 3D modellers. \"RPM\" was one of the first SNES games developed in 'High Resolution Graphics Mode' which allowed for sharper detail but fewer colors. While the higher resolution gave finer detail, it also severely limited the number of colors and amount of unique graphics that could be displayed from the SNES video memory. Due to this, the sequel to \"RPM\", \"Rock N' Roll Racing\", was developed in the", "id": "19096804" }, { "contents": "Ambarella Inc.\n\n\n, drones, and wearable cameras. Ambarella consumer processors prioritize high-resolution image processing, video compression, low-power operation, and computer vision features such as smart video editing, target-of-interest tracking, and augmented reality. Industrial and Robotics Ambarella computer vision processors are designed to enable a variety of intelligent robotics applications, including automated guided vehicles (AGVs), consumer robots, and industrial/machine vision solutions. Key features of interest include low-latency computer vision performance, neural network processing, stereovision capabilities", "id": "2102255" }, { "contents": "AN/APG-76\n\n\n, and it can also be configured as a side-looking radar. The side-looking version of AN/APG-76 played a very important role in the development of AN/APY-3 radar for Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS in providing the foundation of know-hows for the development of the more advanced AN/APY-3. AN/APY-3 provides high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with moving target indicator (MTI) overlays to enable the operator to pick out targets in the images that were moving above some speed", "id": "14931112" }, { "contents": "Lohner Carlson\n\n\na series of high resolution video panels and provide a poetic and elegant glance at seemingly normal scenes. Yet they succeed in unframing our structured visual perception of reality and moving us out of that perception box, if we look closely enough embracing a meditative patience.“ \"Artnews\" magazine commented that Lohner and Carlson were \"able to produce extremely meditative scenes, often using the blandest subject matter, such as a flock of geese or sheep aimlessly milling about in high-definition and high-key color.\" It further said", "id": "6600568" }, { "contents": "Dirrty\n\n\nand dancing while being sprayed with water in a room. It features several sexual fetishes, from mud wrestling to muscle worshipping. The video generated controversy over Aguilera's new public image which eliminated her previous bubblegum pop singer and \"girl next door\" image. When Aguilera's collaborator Linda Perry first saw the video, she asked Aguilera: \"Are you high? This is annoying. Why are you doing this?\" Protests also occurred in Thailand over Thai-language posters in the video that translate to \"Thailand's Sex", "id": "15214631" }, { "contents": "Digital camera back\n\n\nthe incremental cost of taking huge numbers of exposures was nil, while each 10×12.5 cm (4×5″) photograph cost over US$3. Both the scanned and the 39-megapixel images were noticeably better than images with a 22-megapixel back. An actual flatbed image scanner can be used as a camera back if fast operation and short exposures are not required. Another alternative is to take multiple smaller pictures and then stitch them together via image stitching. In this way very high-resolution images can be produced from a low-resolution sensor. This", "id": "14537825" }, { "contents": "The Politics of Reality\n\n\npeople who belong to a certain group, and effect their subordination to another group (individually to individuals of the other group, and as a group, to that group). She uses the analogy of a bird cage to explain why many people do not see oppression: If you look very closely at just one wire in the cage, you cannot see the other wires. If your conception of what is before you is determined by this myopic focus, you could look at that one wire, up and down the", "id": "7419342" }, { "contents": "Detective quantum efficiency\n\n\nobjects than is limiting spatial resolution (LSR) - the parameter traditionally used to determine how small an object one can visualize. Even if a digital system has very high LSR, it can't take advantage of the resolution if it has low DQE, which prevents the detection of very small objects. A study comparing film/screen and digital imaging demonstrates that a digital system with high DQE can improve one's ability to detect small, low-contrast objects – even though the digital system may have substantially lower Limiting Spatial Resolution", "id": "16945278" }, { "contents": "QFX\n\n\nvideo. Early versions of QFX had no brushes; the program was used for image processing and color correction, rather than image creation, providing basic filters (blur, noise, glow etc.) that were a collection of MS-DOS programs that could be run from the command line and included in batch files. This functionality continued with all Targa and Vista versions of the program, and allowed operation on images with a resolution far greater than the graphics display device. Later Windows releases introduced an internal scripting facility that pre", "id": "10968460" }, { "contents": "Zoom lens\n\n\ntelevision cameras. As of 2009, photographic zoom lenses beyond about 3× cannot generally produce imaging quality on par with prime lenses. Constant fast aperture zooms (usually 2.8 or 2.0) are typically restricted to this zoom range. Quality degradation is less perceptible when recording moving images at low resolution, which is why professional video and TV lenses are able to feature high zoom ratios. Digital photography can also accommodate algorithms that compensate for optical flaws, both within in-camera processors and post-production software. Some photographic zoom lenses", "id": "2285779" }, { "contents": "Image fusion\n\n\nsatellite provides high resolution (10m pixel) panchromatic data. While the LANDSAT TM satellite provides low resolution (30m pixel) multispectral images. Image fusion attempts to merge these images and produce a single high resolution multispectral image. The standard merging methods of image fusion are based on Red-Green-Blue (RGB) to Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS) transformation. The usual steps involved in satellite image fusion are as follows: An explanation of how to do Pan-sharpening in Photoshop. For other applications", "id": "21473315" }, { "contents": "Satori Paint\n\n\nor Painter. Completed layers or entire files can then be rendered as discrete bitmap files at almost any chosen resolution, and the rendered bitmap files can then be referenced by Satori for further editing. This process allows the user to work with multi-layered, very high resolution images with very little demand on system RAM or processor workload. Although Satori was developed primarily for photographic, film and video post-processing, its customisable brush engine has made it equally applicable to digital artists in the fields of matte painting, illustration and", "id": "11270568" }, { "contents": "Pixel-art scaling algorithms\n\n\nPixel-art scaling algorithms are graphical filters that are often used in video game emulators to enhance hand-drawn 2D pixel art graphics. The re-scaling of pixel art is a specialist sub-field of image rescaling. As pixel-art graphics are usually in very low resolutions, they rely on careful placing of individual pixels, often with a limited palette of colors. This results in graphics that rely on a high amount of stylized visual cues to define complex shapes with very little resolution, down to individual pixels.", "id": "938937" }, { "contents": "Velociraptor in popular culture\n\n\nHenry Wu (portrayed by BD Wong) have been filling gaps in the dinosaur genome with the DNA of other animals, they made the film series' dinosaurs such as the \"Velociraptors\" and \"Dilophosaurus\" look and even behave very differently than their predecessors, therefore explains why they do not have feathers since all genetic-engineered dinosaurs are not pure. Since the release of Crichton's \"Jurassic Park\", \"Velociraptor\" and its relatives are encountered in numerous toy lines, animated films, video games, television series", "id": "14016539" }, { "contents": "Sheet film\n\n\nhas approximately fifty six times the surface area of a standard 35mm image. As compared to megapixels, when taking the LP/mm resolution of 8x10 Velvia the resolution is up to a value of 5,285 megapixels. In theory, the \"enlargability\" of such an image is proportionately great although the very high image quality of small format lenses sometimes allows somewhat greater magnifications than some large format lenses. However, this is not always the case. Sheet film can be enlarged to poster, or even billboard, size with acceptable", "id": "17943142" }, { "contents": "Rodinal\n\n\nat edges. Very dilute Rodinal (1 part to 100 or more) is often used to maximise this effect. Rodinal is not a fine-grain developer, and often is said to be best used with film of low and medium sensitivity, with inherently finer grain than high-speed films, or with larger film sizes. However, for purposes attaining sharp grain, which Rodinal delivers well and leads to a perception of an overall sharper image, this can be perceived as being an aesthetic asset. A well-known", "id": "4884641" }, { "contents": "Display resolution\n\n\nhas square pixels, but an array of 1024 × 768 on a 16:9 display has oblong pixels. An example of pixel shape affecting \"resolution\" or perceived sharpness: displaying more information in a smaller area using a higher resolution makes the image much clearer or \"sharper\". However, most recent screen technologies are fixed at a certain resolution; making the resolution lower on these kinds of screens will greatly decrease sharpness, as an interpolation process is used to \"fix\" the non-native resolution input into the display's", "id": "19141791" }, { "contents": "Christopher Nolan\n\n\nresults in less manipulation of the filmed image and higher film resolution. Seeking to maintain high resolution from an analogue workflow, Nolan has at times edited and created release prints for his films optically rather than though digital processes, on occasion even editing sequences from his films from the original camera negative. When digital processes are used, Nolan will use high resolution telecine based on a photochemical film print, striving to maintain a \"film look\". Nolan uses multi-camera for stunts and single-camera for all the dramatic action", "id": "11030969" }, { "contents": "Quill (satellite)\n\n\nwithin coming image swaths for similar measurements. Processed-image measurements showed that the synthetic aperture succeeded in producing resolution finer than 15 feet (5 meters) in the along-track direction, and occasionally half of that, the least possible with Quill's 5-meter-long side-looking real antenna. Slant-range resolution was limited by the length of the transmitted pulses, and ground-range resolution was further limited by image foreshortening due to the obliquity of the images, the latter being about 5 times coarser than the along", "id": "16746114" }, { "contents": "Interlaced video\n\n\nvertical resolution until playback proceeds. The other option is to capture a full frame (both fields) upon pressing the pause button right before actually stopping the tape, and then repetitively reproduce it from a frame buffer. The latter method can produce a sharper image but some degree of deinterlacing would mostly be required to gain notable visual benefit. While the former method will produce horizontal artifacts towards the top and bottom of the picture due to the heads being unable to traverse exactly the same path along the tape surface as when recording on", "id": "11477865" }, { "contents": "Mars Global Surveyor\n\n\nhigh resolution images (usually 1.5 to 12 m per pixel) and red and blue wide angle pictures for context (240 m per pixel) and daily global imaging (7.5 km per pixel). MOC returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years, from September 1997 and November 2006. A high resolution image from MOC covers a distance of either 1.5 or 3.1 km long. Often, a picture will be smaller than this because it has been cut to just show a certain feature. These high resolution images", "id": "8566408" }, { "contents": "Ian McDowall\n\n\n2006, he helped develop a very wide field of view, stereoscopic, head-mounted display called the Wide5 to be used in the virtual reality field. The Wide5 weighs less than 1 kg and displays a stereo image over a field of view ~150° horizontally, ~88° vertical with a dynamic resolution that has been hardware resampled from an input signal resolution of 1600x1200 at 60 Hz; the display costs around US$32,500 Other projects include development of fast frame rate projectors; light field displays; fast camera capture systems; and", "id": "6672827" }, { "contents": "Molecular imaging\n\n\nincluding live-cell microscopy, Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)-microscopy, STimulated Emission Depletion (STED)-nanoscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) as here images of molecules are the readout. There are many different modalities that can be used for noninvasive molecular imaging. Each have their different strengths and weaknesses and some are more adept at imaging multiple targets than others. MRI has the advantages of having very high spatial resolution and is very adept at morphological imaging and functional imaging. MRI does have several disadvantages though. First, MRI has a", "id": "811184" }, { "contents": "Bleed Like Me World Tour\n\n\nwas notable for using very little light, matching the intro-tape of \"Hurt\" and the band's \"Queer\" to give a soft and gentle but ominous feel to the proceedings. The band's stage backdrop featured a low-resolution LED curtain supported by four 40\" high-resolution plasma TV screens. Some of the footage was manipulated from the hardware's media server, while some content was provided by music video director Sophie Muller for specific songs, including close-ups of Manson's eyes for \"Why", "id": "19870578" }, { "contents": "Diffraction-limited system\n\n\ndetector. Various near-field techniques that operate less than ≈1 wavelength of light away from the image plane can obtain substantially higher resolution. These techniques exploit the fact that the evanescent field contains information beyond the diffraction limit which can be used to construct very high resolution images, in principle beating the diffraction limit by a factor proportional to how well a specific imaging system can detect the near-field signal. For scattered light imaging, instruments such as near-field scanning optical microscopes peripherally resemble an atomic force microscope. The data", "id": "9200408" } ]